The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 01, 1867, Image 4

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ttrt liffsbutick
Inv Tolamp\ tea* PMovnre hazotts.3
Nsw Ter!n, October 31, 1867.
LoWEX‘s* rzerunn.l.
Charles Dickens will give eighty read
ings In the United State., commencing
ColleCtor Bailey to-asy directed the
seizure of S. N. Pike t Coe office,. No.
176 Front street, and their rectifying at
lablishment and bonded warehouse, in
West Fourteenth street. This firm is
sinoug the heaviest tranulacturars of
whisky in the United Stake. The amount
-Of pro to perty taken
great. possession of is sup.
posed be very
6 1 7snaktltrtrE EXTKNDEO.
• The Board of Health to-day — tweed a
, - proclamation announcing certain south
ern ports infected with renew favor, and
Wig. quarantine regulatione toil
2112 HAAR HALL oirAltrioNsEtr
Wu given to the Volorm, of Morrietans,
by the Judiciary Contutittoo of the N 4
ft.l Aim:wisdom
Contract. have been made tar the con
struction of the twenty-tiro miles of the
Boston, Hartford and I.`rießallroulfrom
Putnam to Williatztantle, Conn.
DMZ A. 7. PAWS. '
p Singleton A. Mercer, for twenty. years
at of the Farmers and Mechanic :I
Bank of Philadelphia, died at Paris on
the 14th inst., in his tifty-eoventh year.
• ' E narutte or HUMP aerates.
Bile* Hopkins, of Vermont, arrived
to steamer Minnesota, from Lir
'llOrsanana TO cam. maser.
Ospiain Deissy, who camped from
cheater, En landd,, wee serenaded by
e Fontana here toLMght- The promo
te his quarters at the Metropolitan
Mel numbered about four thousand.
was introduced by John Savage,
made few remarks in aeknowledg.
of the honor.
molt. D. W. VOORHaIi -
%WI among Abe speakers at the grand
niDemocratic t. mass meeting held here to
ablenslall te Aseastaale as asertase—
Melees trw= 01111111 g ANDOrielia
(ay uncyno .0 um Pittsburgh Claims
Haw. , Tenn October 31.—Panama
papers of the 23d Mat, received by the
steamer Henry Chaunoey, state that
Laic E. Stellbengh, an American, was
manned in Panama by three natives,
one of *tom shot him, but the wound
was not fatal .Tlie American Conan] de
manded the arrest of the assallanta and a
full investigation was ordered in sword
' ante therewith. The &rate was un
inat ly ion. a
premeditated attempt at, as
sass L
The Panama Legislature repealed the
resolution shifting a portion of the real
estate tax to commercial Uri.
. Central. American advices notice se
vere 'storms on the coast, heavy rains in
the interior, and the cholera disappear
_ yalparahso dates are to the 3d instant
'TM uncertainty as to the movements of
the Span bus ish fleet had depressing halo
aloe on iness.
The treaty of commerce between Peru
and Chill is virtually the inauguration of
free trade.
Bolivia la seeking to annul the guano
, contract at Meseellonere Islands.
.The revolt at Ana:masa, Peru, cen
time. Troops had been sent there, bat
Canso still remains to command and no
attack has yet been made upon him. •
The Ecuadorian Congress had an
with the Government, but it was
settled by the resignation of the Minister
of the Interior.
illeaust ontraft Debated' Oar tlat L.
alUara mad Orampoilea Se /trauma..
Raw Pitaxcesoo; Oct. 30.—. A. telegram
Rom Jacksonville, Oregon, Aides that
a military express had arrived from
FOrt. Klamorth, bringing news that Gam
Crook had been defeated October Gib,
neer Goose Lake:Valley, by the Pint and
Pitt River Indians. The fight lasted two
General Crook wan compelled to
with loss. Lieutenant Manigan
mid six men were killed and twenty
wounded. It is thought twenty Indians
were killed. It was difficult to *seer
tabitheir actual loss. • General Crook is
rammed. to be at the upper end of Goose
Valley awaiting relnffirecritents.
SAN Piukkuico, Oct. 'N.—Arizona ad
vice.' to Out. Lith state that Major Price's
command had a fight with the Honelupe
indium and killed seven. The LeSista
tura hay adjourned, and the member,
have returned home. Trains of emi
grants are arriving from Colorado to
New Mexico with large drove, of stock.
General Wright'. Corps of Engineers for
the SoutbernPacifio Miroad were daily
expiated at • Prescott. Indian outrage.
are constantly reported. One hundred
Mos of corn and three hundred head of
'stock were carried off from one county
and twenty lives lost.
Maw at the =Marl Tournament!.
tPvITI M the ruma anturstwo.
CtscnaltArt," Oct. 3L—The billiard
tournament closed this evening with a
brffibutigame between Coon and Foster.
to deelde the tie mode between thentilast
night. The game was won by Foster,
Joe sooting 1,002, egaburt Coon's 807.
Pewter takes the first • pried, a splendid
billiard table. 'Coon gets the second
efts, a lbw hmoired dollar watch, and
Davis has the third prize, a magnilloesi:
diamond ring. The playing throughout
has been witnessed by large and Inter
ested =idleness.
tb Tdagrapk to tho Pittsburgh osnass.3
Anavera,October 31.—The Republican
lan the =owing additional returns:
. Wilkes
Tenth= county—First day, 739 for Con,.
Cee oa. county— First day, 379 for
nnadi .
Pearce ocordyPiral day, 124 foi Con-
'0111464041111t to Um useurao
Btartio, October Ill.—District Attor
ney Dorahelmer, under Instructlom front
the , Department, bee corn
istemmta snit against W IL C
of Rocbeettm, late Collector m.
of the rwit
.aeltemeNand Ids bondsmen, as a de:
amilliter. amount claimed to be due
/a beeritt,ooo. '
SOU= oAzwuarat.
, Meal Orallnnis Pavan
tiVielnman to Ins llumaersa owns.]
. CtrAnrantver. ,OeL 11.—A Conservative
• Oenentlan, to take action In behalf of
the 'white population in the State, Let
ogled to meet In Columbia on the 6th of
ireeetynatint Inienessila;lisse.
CPI Mad.raeS Musbarst amnia)
...Aveinuadreet Cheyenne warriors arrived
''at the camp of the Peace Commissioners,
at Medicine Lodge Crock, on Sunday.
On Monday a council wan hold and a
tteatysigned, g. lying them the right to
hunt between the Arkansas and South
Platte riven while game Iseta. They
• want no remerrafJon, but desire to live
their 01•11 way, They acted very Inds.
uaudeatly and claimed that they alone
dad been lighting, The Commissioners
Arrived at Fart Harker today. • •
UM" Dena. Retaggy7.
n 0 .1,4011101111 0 UI• PIIN.O•ZgIi V!Mtge.]
er. Loma, October al.—While • mes
senger of the banking Douse of Tausedg,
app a Co" Was shipping a bag of
coin valued at Asir hundred dollars In
OOoOsirraan6qq; at the Merchants Union Ex
presso ice, thiSafternoon, hews. rudely
ladled from the coroner, and his money
snatched by a thief, who immediate
disappeared and has not yet boon found.
Weather menswe.
Jamestown, N. Y., cloudy and cold.
Ott City and Franklin; raining.
e.lhattlnnati, cloudy and damp.
indlanapoilx, closely and warm.
Hudsop, 0., two inches of snow; cloudy
tl i sgr u,
cloudy, damp and cold.
Philadelphia, cloudy, and look; like
Foci Monroe,Anow %wilt in tlas v 4
,412.1ty.thia moraitg.
no Imam* to WI PUIA b mutts.)
• Lomnizia, October 2.l.—ftirer
slowly sub "Undies 10 the cans; by the
—Edwin P. 'Whipple, in his mention
tars at Boston,.ea shoddy-."SheddY
gulitlett, shoddy generalship. shoddy lit
mature, shoddy ethics and shoddy esdig
ion'!-said that "the put bad furnished
w Ass inwerslit of the tirst-elsse—Alex
awkw,liannlbal„ Chess; Frederick and
Napoleon—and our war did not bring
cant the sixth." lie iroakinuatant and
'Sherman among the secoutwlau of
. ruwals, with Scipio, Folmar:ins
and Wellington, but pat s t with
• "theltrat and brunet nasal of
-4i Batton, early Thunder *morning,
sellni.dingrood tha=etare o f. Banker&
slaupinder, paint and oil duelers. Lo
: 1 1; 000 S .thau,409,090.
—The hfereeralturg Jowl -peal 83.7 A that
on Tuesday of last week, as Mr. Leonard
Divilbllas, residing near that place, was
.engaged in hauling wood, he was caught
by one of the wheels of the wagon, will=
passed over his leg between the knee
end thigh, crushing it inn horrible man
ner, and it is feared rendering amputa
tion necessary. The occident occurred
on the road loading from Afereemburg to
Clearßpring, and about seven miles front
his nektons.
--The Johnstown Democrat says
aro Informed that on Sunday night week
some miscreant stole ,e valuable mare
of Mr. Shuster's, who resides In Cambria
township, from the field, and shot the
poor beast So as to permanently cripple
It will be a great misfortune if the
scoundrel who committed this dastardly
deed long escapes the vengeance of the
law. ,
—The Franklin Repository says: 4.
painful and distressing accident occurred
at Sylvan, in this county, to John Zim
merman, son 'of Mr. John Zimmerman,
of that place, on Friday last, while en
gaged In ahelling corn. The shelter he
.came cloaked and running his hand In
to force the'com through, it was caught
by the teeth of the shelter and lacerated
In a horrible manner, end required the
shallot to be taken apart In order to ex
tricate the band. Medical attendance
being called, it wan found necessary to
amputate two of the fingers, and the
physicians fear thee may yet have to
amputate the entire hand.
—We clip from the Johnstown Dcmo
crab For several • days the mountains
surrounding the town bare been on fire,
presenting at night a beautiful appear
ance. The fences of some of the farmers
have been burned, and much fencinghtui
to be torn down to save It from the
lianas.; but beyond this no damage was
done. On Sunday night It commenced
to rain, and as the rain Ls still coming
down the the is no doubt completely ex
—We are informed that Ebensburg
narrowly °seeped destruction on Satur
day last. Afire broke out in the after
noon in a stable, at the west end of town,
which greatly endangered the foctudry_
and several dwelling houses in the neigh
borhood. Three stables, with their con
tents, were entirelyconsumed. The use
of the liquid 'from the vats of the lan
yard of Mr. Evans alone prevented a de
structive conflagration, as the supply of
water Isom gnve out. On the same 'af
ternoon the dwelling house of Mr. Wm.
Mille took Are from a tine, but a timely
ditoovery saved the property. On Fri
day s part of the roof of the Ebensburg
foundry, belonging to E. Glass, Esti., was
—The Ebensburg Alleghenian contains
the following obituary notice:
Drum—ln this place, on Tuesday even
ing, Mth instant, Demetrius Augustine
Conrad, aged about thirty-three years.
The deceased was born in Allegheny
township, Cambria county, and was well
known, not only here; but throughout
the entire western part of the State
He wasa veritable dwarf 'adze. Though
thirty-three years of age, he had attained
the height of onlvlorty inches, while his
weight was butifty pounds. His physi
cal parts were exquisitely proportioned
throughout 'But, though a mere atom
of humanity, he was no dwarf in intel
lect He was well educated and well
read, and could makespeechor write a
letter. His friends, Whose name is le
gion, for his metal qualities were such as
to endear him to everybody, will drop
a tour to the memory of "Little X."
—From-the Beaver Argil we learn the
particulars of a melancloolk aline which
occurred in Chippewa township, on last
Friday. and which resulted In the instant
death of a - young man of that; losallty.
He was out bunting on that day, and on
returning to his home, hod forgotten
whether his•grm wail loaded or unloaded.
Placing he foot upon the hammer he"
pushed it back, and then applying Ida
mouth to the mumle of the barrel arm
maenad blowing into It. It was loaded,
and his foot slipping, the luusitner came
down, discharging the gars, and rending
the contents through his head. We did
not learn the unfortunate young, man's
name, but incidentally heard that he wan
a nephew of Mr. Wm. Veon, of Chippe
wa township.
—An affray occurred at Uniontown,
Fayette county, on Saturday- night last,
in which a young man named John
Bunting, was stabbed and dangerously
wounded bye mate named John Hutch
lawn. It appears thatan old srrioige has
existed between Bunting and Hutchin
son, Andon thertight elated Hutchlusen,
while somewhat intoxicated. asnaulted
Bunting in front of the United States
Hotel, In Uniontown, stabbing him in
the abdomen with a large' knife. The
wounded mantras picked upend carded
Into Dr. Ewing's office, where his injbac
was attended to. He was atterwanissr&.
moved to his residence, where be is now
lying. The wound is a dangerous one,
and may probably prove &Mt Bunting
and lintehlmon 'are both residecits ot
—From the Heaver Argots we cm the
following: "A young man named (bear
Bradley. of Bridgewater, met mith a
accident on lestTnesday evening
while attending Dan Rices chow, h lio
cbeater. In passing tepidly, fra one
cameplace to another , be in con tactwith
a tightrope, which threw lam the
ground, the fall breaking Mika. between
the ankle and knee. A phygciati was
immediately called, who dressed the
broken limb. At accounts he wee
doing well. •
—Lt. John W. Hicks, of Blair minty,
died at Natchez. Wm., of cholera, ob the
22d last. He was a Lieutenant tit the
regular army.
—A young man named Howe fell from
the roof of a house In Gallitzin tir the
votuid, a dietance of forty-two fee.. on
..Monday of last week, but was lily
slightly hurt. .
—Surveys are making 11117[1. to
extending the Franklin Railwayfrom
Hag. entown, Rd., to WS
the Fon.nsylvania border, i r B X2 Puorn
pose of opening a direct coal [redo from
the latter to the former State.
—The 'Monongahela Repubiicen says:
On Monday Conell Swaney was serious
ly inland by the failing of slate in Rob
(mon Lt , Baraum's coal bang. His back
wax badly hurt, Ma collar bone broken,
and Nit am and hood badly cut,
—On reffotiay, says the Monongahcfn
Republican, a Child of John Sickles, aged
three years, had two of its Angers cut
oft; all but the skin, by a little brother
handling • fresh ground axe.
—The new county, Forest, has n tax
claim against 'Penang* Comity, that is
resisted. Tha Forest county exchequer
La low and county orders are Wow par.
—The neir church edifice in course of
erection, to. the United Presbyterian
denomination of Greenville, Pia; is al
ready under roof.
—The new bridge over thefins.quchaii
na at Harrisburg, . Pa.,la finished, and
was opened to travel nn Saturday, the
—Horace Greeley tine accepted an In
vitation to deliver aLsetare In Titnsville,
some time during the' month of Decem
ber. .
—The public aguarein2denter being
enclosed by a substantial and pretty
—A nal/rata= shinglolindory has tven
°rooted In Sprlngboro, Crawford county,
—Louisa Pyno fe singing in the British
_-Bannen la three wore and eleven and
worth,throe millions.
—Massacbusedis his twnt two lad. to
Gen. Robert .E. - Leo's college.
—The petition tor. Fenian Father Mc-
Mahon': release will be fortnisiod to the
—Wm. Anon Butler, author of "Noth
ing to Weer, Is reported to be aortb
. .
—Btallana Venda of Turkey le an AMU
woman, and trains up her son in the way
ho ebonld go.
•••• , Illot says the ladles should do the
utarketlng. Young ones are very apt to
be In the market. • •
—Fourteen Nevi Orleans editors hive
been sick with yellow fever this season,
but only one hats died. • • •
. --indent Brodie, of Edinburgh, inui
been oemmWlonedio complete the bud
of the Queen, which his brother Alexan,
derdlM and left unfinished.'
Is, the English author attributes
hls poverty to "heavy travelling expen
ses and insuftletency of Income." The
latter is often the cause of poverty.
—Logan is the name of the man of
giant intellect at Pittsburgh, who fasten
ed bristles to the tall era rat and. sold
the reconstructal animal for_ a squirrel.
—Prof. I.lebeg's artificial ' mother's
milk has beet/ insde the subject of a
warm discusitiou in QoarroLuty. It Is not
slated whether the mother or the Milk Id
Alckfuts toys thus In writing
forebituss, he shut himself up with
mcnath, dose And tight. A. you'
Jong r
kept up spine, but tho chimes 'ad
sobe 'lug.
--Walt bltraaa threatens the public
with oteliof his barbaric yaupo In reply
to the Shooting Niagara. nut &anthill'.
AMA of Carlyle will
taproot , . It Is to
appier in the December G
alaxy. '
—prof., Myer Wendell Holmes has'
taken up hia abode in identresl. He is
to wait there till bin . eartailiten Angel" :
appears from London. Ho does this pa
secure the English copyright.
—Mr. H. O. Jarrett has got into Uni
tas at Vienna ibr running ballet girls
from VA. ..Imperial Opera House. file
arrest wise ordered, but ho managed to
escape to Perla With hie filir dunes.
L.-I:smith Pasha is the only groat man
in turkey who baa married four ;rives.
In view of the arithmetic can allot' them
be ailed "better tudrear Ho had boner
have gum than four, in our Opinion.
, 7:Brheads young, remotsormoo,
Madded that i'marrylog for love Is
yy OW." He Minix the maul=
Bono In lbs moot Met/Mb* sad mold:
Ludlam manner. "Xerl3' and often,"
bolds motto. • •
Ega. R. in - lawrz,
118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth.
Government Securities .
Gold, Silver,
And Coupons,
Boeght sag said on Men! term.. Draft. tole
in CI she fninehint hale. of Enron..
We are now rented to convert ton
New 1887 6-20 Gold Coupon Bond&
Cowmen Becuitiet,
Corner Fourth & Wood Streets.
Can. Fourth and findtbdeld Strath.
siiVaTarli i nVire A TM l'o u g:
«of- sot. and give them to .a.e.bthge
5.20 ROADS OP 1 867,
1104rett IA GOLD 14 6 per teat. from the, date.
14) 1 ;r1:E•priciolFa4:c103P
Cretonne on Pyrresmann asserra,
Turstontr, October al. leer. (
Gold opened at 140%, advanced to 1405( and
closed at 14014 • The downward tendency was
arrested by war rumors and the probable
tatortmence of Prussia an the Italian queolloni
Waterston, cash gold ts gulte plenty, and freely
Droned to loan at anything better than the
currency eolith. The dlabursementa of gold on
moot/no Of Intarsst only amount' to Mx mil-
Ilona, and pestles who would not neeSpt 1440
144 a few days Ego. world now be content with
about 140.
Government bondlF are moderately &Wee
MI 'bars advanced, except tale and 10.405.
Whin , /oWar; dealers la these securities are
Just as active as la the gold sad stock e:•
abanietaad use cable Sispataha. and Weehlr.g.
ton *pedal news to influence the price of
. The Mak market la lower and dull, and even
Moue. find It dltgenit with all their cheep
borrowed money to euetato the market. The
agorae stock. are all lower. Adams hem de
annul e per nnt., and rderehuda'a Union Is
now . offered at MC agent. , SON • few dope
ago. 111hAng Clare. are dull and /ower. The
total money market le not any taller that It
was for the last three week.. and eonde of 'the
molt dettrahle stocks cannot be taken up,
though offered at low rate..
Chula' Now York quotatlctos pteelvect by
Ph. EL Alerts, were as fawn:
Gold, 140}i4 1881% 142; Gadd. MI, 1l2X;
1,44 . 1188,mit Oda. 1.,,
'Clsealauti 4 Pittsburgh R. E.......... IM
Merchants Union Express.... reg
Western truism Telegraph
Rae R. Et—.—.
Pittsburgh Ton Wayne k Chicago R. R. 3 1 3 i
Northweetem Itallroad—common....... 47%
New To
rt Central Met
9.P. b ? l " hi "-.-- . - -
Moo entl Meehotpot Cittanct:ce;
ahtente Southern
Ctriaris =
11 4
—Thanelel entre 10 London are dentor
nod ate . dahlia myriads a chronic
Phohal Pool=Lion, owing to the enornioue
tomes from the beery detline In email and
other produce. and the doubts eratertalned
to the ability of many dret•clat rims to eta
tea themselves. The peralyal6 of mercantile
Man re •Plmatar from the etavation In the
Lima. money market. whine =day to bog.
gins for employment on Call at 1 per mat. per
*mum, and 2per ant. pet anus for 6 months
1111 e. The Loudon Items, of -the 16= hatt act,
.The etoek exchange opened d esteriay
with eymptoma =men of pale!.
—The eandltlon of Oa Weals= National
bake, a &hosed by the .helmets complied
Item their•cpartmly reports riamiseil at the
*eke of the Comptroller of the ClllT•pelr,
NW to th. required stentlard, ad Itais la aim
the osm m .1014 the National beaks In
all other minima of the somary. The reserve.
speelSed by the set Of Congnme hays he= met
10 . 611 mum.
—Ti. Philadelphia Lodger, of Wedusday,
inlet We ferret to ' learn that the .attests
wool house in Ude guy, of Southwick. itheble
.t. CM., who a,. also hugely minuted to the
thud.. Wavier. glut. enerrodwg . lecktrd.Y.
Hay. outlays la tionneation with the futurr.
the arum depression of the staple on whiM
they were mainly engaged, an excudlogly uull
Mallet for months put, nod the meat fallto•
of Hord. Taylor. at New' York. are gleca as
among the at. of the .ulantity that hat overtaken th i s 74.2 g.
..uplift' 5.4 herete•
fore most eneeessful hums. It to understood
that every energy he busesened to mare off
this remit, but.... it seems, without avail
We have tot heard the scout or the astute
of the Ilablittlee. bat, from the oblvm
pathy eavireammt is Moir behalf, there Is mu.
to hope that the dammity may be Mid Lewd.'
tors. Tha stoppage of an enterprise like thetiv,
their peculiar mannfactureta studios at the
very head of their klad In the eotuatry, pat.
takes of • Bailout loss.
• —The Chien° Yrshrinr. of Wednesday. says;
The money market shows no awes of Mess.
(Son, and honoree/1, so. perelneol In preens.
log their claims for aeoeseOloGatlott. The 'do.
stud in mostly Trots grain denier., who are
herein favor of arise. bat es the stooks are
rapidly assumulating. than lea moire &Ors
on the past of some of the haute to lore chip.
menu. wish the slew of giVilit some weep
the naarkst. Shippers were Indorsed to pod.
sham today 'on tha prowl.* that Uwe Wit
drawn against carton would be dlesoonted,
and in some qesaters the oarless of that ideas
of paper were quite liberal. Inetnissa wee.
eastUe nasp pus at loped wet. ; but ontehlle
bleastabee are obliged to leek the street.
OritaL s47 . :xj . ll7 . rs o wa t z .
The market has again been ray doll gnu
lb. data of our Last upon. the lath but., and
with a oat, fah aupyly and • dlognished C..
* thud, parse, eentpued with lut vulg, U.
nodally for communal% god; by still Anther
deelineth Good-fat cattle ware .oars, and
nth u are tautly taken for recalling to the
.astern sarkats sold , Wlthbot much WA:sully
at kti 1.07, and extra. If than had been any to
market, would dougw have brought 754, or
coon 735. The tranaactiou, as will be sun by
Warne. to eaten, were cogitated mainly to
common eagle, for which raw ranged from
gi to 034.. and. sone mediumbondman egg.
brought from 11% too The imyresalon seems
to be gaining =meth among thou owed
Ids honors% that priers for all kinds of stock,
must go . lower, as the aupply of egg*
throughout the country La Lugar than woo
Pearali tUPPOSea. Uld bedew. feed Is snip,
and likely to behigh. which will foul • larger
'umber a.' swing than 1b... would of
who hay. been. 'We quota the following
Glass, Laren, • Co. 'W41711.11 to Mayon
13. at 4 ;te woo st 21 to Uwe 4,61;
21 to liadaw • Tapia at ft; 17 to Eastby at
1.0124 to Haulm. at 4341 al to wise at us;
. oust to Wrlrht3 Moors at 6%; 20 to alyara
t o Co. at WAG W soma at ILO for the /0411
o Duffey Uo. 00 WOW per head; 22 a Man•
at 4122 Saila to MoiltOls at •
lts4g.tiffylor is,l4 40 hamt
lameter to
Xiame for Johastoo , at 4:
tO for Shaw to Itiirsolag &boons at fyfi 2a Co.
Moto: to Karim at 434.; It Co. Houma to Can
4,114 Hilo. Moor. to • Balm at 0,20;
(or Lkrarty to Wright ft Woon, at 454; 11 to
Maio tbi it Co. at a; 21 for •ahbrook to
Wrisia Noma at 6.76; 1t [Or Math to Eon.
rand. Co. at 6.24;14 for Pauline to Myers at
Oita lila for Wittt,. ta "igsarqjo ate; 6tor
Ltoaaally to Mayas. at 11.
Smith at Talmage sold for 844041 to Torbert 05
4404 at /Min for William. to Cloflawa at 3N3
for Tilitta to Myera • Co. at 64 41or Year.
to YOMOW 111.4t5t it to tome at 11,83100 to tame
at &SO.
Loneattne to rhea 17 at 9.19; Corr to tiro
obi a SPotta /9 at NI Itatisooal 1 00. to
Thomas al at /I; Sloan., to Aletnals 111 at 04;
Kowa to Kaanleg • Spotte 41 at 3%; D3ll6lllLi
to Grunwald & Kahn as at a so.
Greenwald & Kohl sold for Monte to P.
lowan II head aketter. at 4%; llaalowood •
V& alga W. 7Jljadgee t 9 Welsh cattle at 14‘. LE.
1:1711. & 'Wiry la at 51 lihnemberit to Klemm
O4at . OH; Menu for W. gado, to Voter al
at %. .
Browning to Marks & Trautman Jeanne at
Of; hlaVorolek Krona • Haas la pretty
good cattle at 6,30; &tea to Deo moon n at lit.
Alwtorf to Mottar la at 1)4; /lobo to Roth.
eldlehrli at 4,10;' IlloOortatek to 11•31awood
Co. St at VW; Wriaht to Loenatona 14 head
Friend. to Xlll.l 11 hood gt WM. cattle.
weighing PASO, at 71 Kibler tallfatOl • Trams
man 10 balls at 9,46; klyarelo /dotter all TUT
common a . 4; 91100ataha• to Divot So hood
Morris to Mayosa * 00. 13 haad79;
Radrat & Taylor for Gotham to Todd 17 hood
Ika .rE westitOr, loPlik•!ceith . the my °A'
favors, idrineo [rook New VOIR. had • not
depressing treat on the Flog market lOW week
nod tads) , buyert*en uklugfor All further
iMitosslikitig. NH/ Tett UM M./ b. 4. 410
at y( to 'A. and Plailsetelphin Hoge sit 11,40154,
Pow, and throe may. be regazdad as the InC ,
teeinge of the • market—eboorint • awl.' of
•••• WA. sent par . PotinCoorliiive• 1,1111
tut week:, An pet. sons if hays
twee b tga saarkst, add. wad* BOP 701 0
town th•• they did last fall, it le not likely
the' meninx Lindsey., will aosount W yvny
Is this Oboe. AS Our provision Osiers
.are inclined to buying their ninnies in ate
01labtad00 a Co. bought 92 ttaa6 from auto
91 Laftallj a 4 1.061111 bum erattata at alibi
from Vow at 71 10 Into Naldta at 7119 a..
UoWur at,' 96 truat Taylor is Tamar at 436 t
' front Your at - 2 , 4; at. from J. Sarni, at Y. 96
from Your at 796141 boat Malta .461 90 (tom
„ Bums .4%96 boss Satr4 at 7166 Dom Fatly
at 7 let IS from Lamb at 7i 4a from Inland at 7I
rfallttiraff 91796, 11 Gam /1a
4* 147 7: 12
Para talloat at lillaitaal Mettlala at 7.
Wl*l*a Co. bought haul iron Alatrt at
CPI; MI (fob 'WWI 4.401 61 from 0010% at
try.g, igg from Ttlar“ Mss6l Itt hoot Jatutstan
at CU; 111. Owe Holm at •10$ to
2150 0
04 Com
9 sl“ 1 / 1 it= Monsa
at Mk 101 hem Kew. sik 0.1101 . to tr.
- - •
Themathat !sailboat,' has Loan restathabli
vital during the putt's*, the tratisastloos
la the astresats Ulu Stattlutilly light Prfas,
helmet. In sounqusuas of illodulabsd attls
walthlt aaythlag, a shads Armes, though
sot quotably Mahar; 'admit, had It sot butt
tor the material (galas Osantrala,thia•
Would Soul:oth= hiss bun h deaUsa, as the
retain atasksta Will surtax/ DO rood. We
quota at *Wet Pt Mt. lot MUM to rhust
69 andlrelviktemitr em i
And Osiers It CRUDE, LennUe l / 1 .1315E1 and
We u ser ss/et our So.! bun ULL equal to Ina
beet , Ilneleutett, or otter trennis, and
(tent Oxen Istbelestlns and standard breads
W inrrernnts °U .T, l '" out t n lY tneleg a rs a. ulll and U,
.111elr Interest to (eye ns • call baron ordering
Lord In!
tbe weet. fele: ,
fat mutton sheep—extra might Jura brought
•Y. or 454..
m, Lodert9 130, sold 9,5
to Barclay
a t axy 65 to Pancoost ot 9,40; sad 99 to Myer.
a Anil at I.
I)4lfrich 'bought MI loud*hoop srd Lambe
from Andrew. m IMO MGM k Thy.
!or, &rushing M SSA per hood; and 144
from eoliths. A 4 1 .4.1.4114 .bout 81,.11112,03 per
Rote aald 90 head tamp to Rawl, averaging
87. at iu.,•
prrranuntist masiumze.
Oannt to !eta Prz.r . 7 - orneura Gaeta; / -
Tanana!, Cetera 71, 1107. (
The moral metal/a preumt but little that
12 new or worthy of special mention.- This
weather being Inclement: had a tendency to re
tard out-door operation., which at beet,
have been tromewbat reetriated for several
day. past; but with an early reatuoptlon of
navigation, and the Indicetione are again fa
arable, business to all he satiate depart.
menu, will no doubt improve. In values,
there are no Obtl4lls of aity intartatme.
GRAlN—Wheat Is quiet and =cheered;
Bakal' 400 both No. I Spit= at Ift,2o l prlme
Red Winter may he quoted at 13,10 In tint
hands, and 42,65gegito in store. Oats quiet and.
uninsured at 13(14110 on track, and 811010 e In
.ton. Corn is la good tingly and very dull.
Barley It 'steady and in rale demand, with reg.
ular sales of Spring at ri,3o to first, and 01,35
11.004 band. Rye le Rem at MAMA.
FLOUR—There le • fair iciest demand for
Flour, but the inarkot neyenhelese, lea MC.
weak with • drooping tendency. We =Clans
to quote a11f10,50011 for Sprier Wheat, a 13,30
ats for Winter Wheat; and gliolsg4 for tansy
brands. Bye Fleur. 1114606 t.
PROVISIONS Baton it doll, nod a
the anon lenaaely over, the tranuctlona or •
Refit, and of an alutpettant character.
Stake, heaves, are pretty well reduced, ang
the old stock will doubtless be pretty well
cleared out before the nes comes in, Lard to
glinted at 144, and Mess Pork at 00444,00.
BUTTER—Ie dull. with a =only fully up to
the demand, and prime Roll cannot fairly be
quoted above earr. Common packed is in good
aupply and dull.
EGOS—Quiet and .ehanged—the arrival
are more liberal. We nonillion to quote e
OLIEESE—Ie eteedy and unehanged; gales et
Helm for Hamburg, and 19010 e for Goshen.
APPLES—There le no felling off, to the en
tive/a, and with • §:runty laurel/ In rue.. of
the demand, the market In very dull, though
mien Cr. unthanged at gt,5001,50 for good
to prime.
POTATOES—Peach Blom abets, rood Sul.
aud dull but unetkaagell at It per buabeL
Naw Jersey Sweet. quoted at s4;o3alt,So Pee
CIZANBERIt.ILS—Steady, with regular aalaa'
at *IC for °amnion; and $ll4/14 for aultlataad.
OlL—Lard Oft 1 dulet but RUM, at 020 for
.11106 for No. t.
rirnsavntut PETROLEUM • •
Orrezct Or no Prareacen Gaserva.
Ostom at, ISO. s•
CUITDE—The makes for Crude mu
dull tad uneettled, sad with • more favorable
prospect far so early resumption of navlkatten.
holden are more uncles, to manse, and pricer,
ruled • Okada lower. Wo sun report soles of
SCO bats, spot, at Ingetand there wu • rumored'
sale of IrOi Obis to be delivered on tint water,
at 10e. Spot oil to generally held at 150, alit
buyers at Otg to 1234 c, and we are .wall salt of
offers ter boy QM water at 10c, and osiers to
Cell at 104 to 114. The Walsall*. for an
early bulk rise Wive mars favorable co-day
than yesterday, although, is Yet. then Lm
certainty about U. According to mirage tele.
Loses there wee but tittle rain at Oil Oily to.
day,bot It wait cloudy and salt—Oil war quo.
tad nominally at p le per bbi, at that paint.
ILEFIIVEU—The market wu Neale my
gniat sad unsettled today, tti empathy with
crude. Last night and thin morning there
were sales of ecru tads spot oil In Philadilphla
at 10341 aim then, the muter b. Improved
somewhat.. the Utest dispatches quoted the
market Itnn at die fur spot oil. "November is
quoted at Or, while for Dreamber, thee seems
to be on laquiry. Lad. as a ermerquenot, there
Ls nothing del= toe that peanuts.. awash. In.
deed. there is but tittle *rut being made ter
sleet salsa kJ the majority of operatoreare
bushy engaged le sectilng up their old ea.
start., so aa to be ready to take • fresh start
with the Incoming month.
ortIBITTED ILL.? 710 g IrCGIVRISN awn.
Iluteldeqn Od Cr, lot biota ranee] to T.
Walcott, Philadelphia.
It. K. Long`s Ile, leg do do to kr. O. Wet•
des Phlladelphla.
Brooks, datiarstlne & Co., le do do te W.O.
Warders, Phhatrlpbl..
thutchleson Oil Co. 0 do heavies to W. lt.
Verdes, Philidelptits.
Noss Tern /Ramses aarass,
taLTst.sinmit to tee Pittsburg tisart.• 1
Nue Tows, INN. XL—Cotton a sada to.en
sales IWO bale. at Mlles for 5014411n0 nO.
lands Plaur—recelpts, 10,611*
tlre and 1011100 know{ sale. INN Lids at
112431.13 for superfine Mae and tenant,
10.841111.123 for extra
gi ioais. for
extra western, 21091120 for B. I L 0. 4110110
foist LOoliii California dull; nue. mw amoral
at 411.14515.121. Bye floor rtanaurral. Whs..
by Wheat—receipts, 211.10 beso-2
Oro toter; sales 14,060 bees a PAM= for
tar NO. 3 ePr1nt.112.2101.111 for N 0.2 do., /410
9121 for Na I do., VS.m for wade Gassees.
dye quiet ad Wavy; .ales 7,101 bush vest.
dollingt ALVA,. „aey am tor prime and
beavy (orcommunlaropieet ssis.
Vat babel. for tour rowed ntate„ VA for
...warn and inferior Canada western, $1.30
01.00 for choice Vonalavestan.
Vont—receipts, attria bulb—lllkin Meer,
annert sates of 111,000 busts at
11,7701,40 for wasters; mixed. and / L ee tor
Intertor de. Receipt* oars 32.513 but tae
market 1. aabade easier and more active;
sales or 110,012; Ms at (1011114140 for western:
quiet at 1 64e1 0 0 tor Ciirouna. Cot.
! in moderate nquelt and Stade. Uth
or kinds dell and drooping. masa dud
wad Leant Crate 1114.013140. Molusets—
prices favor bayera; eater at NO 0500 Cons
at 0 0100. Rood qua , . Petroleum quiet,
at la for crude; mo for refined in bored. ;
Pore bears . and /wren wiles of la Obi. !
90,17911 tor nom, clOainfr WI cash; 04,76
MN for prime. nu/ dullt ales of 0$ bbla
at previous prams. 11..! bans doll at 90
0.. acon quirt. Cut meat. quiet; 110 pkge
at 14211Nic dull ; abodery and 150110 for
barna Lard Oda 120 bids at 134111 W,
wall lot. at 12N,e. Butter dull, Cheese
dull and beavy. Predgbta toLleerpool doll.
UM la at 9d for wheat par all. and 111 per
steam, and 2.1 for own per all.
; Lanter....lflour Wooed nano) , and 1021150
lower au low grades. Wheat le lower with
&eery mooderate export demand. Itye - bi.
quiet at 11127t0r western. Oats Lade salsa
at a for Western. Comdr.'s at 112.7401 11
for primal:nixed western. Pork ts steady;
SOO bbis mesa at VV,96921,05 nab aml regm
Leaf dull sod ousettled. Got leas
aommauy unclmaged. bacon gala .1•110.
out ambled caste. Lard Steal at /340
nitps for prime to fair fain= and kettle Pus
[Br Telegraph to the Plusburia
Cuirel ATI, trotober 31:—Floor Is dull end
leiglaai lower sad the. demand la light.
Wheat is doll
droonlog, tinning itt *LSO
for No. I rad, and la for No. I epilog. torn
is doll at MOM 110 for No. I tolged, soft Ois
for ear. Oats twill and prloos are lower,
eJosing at atetgle for No. I. Bye la dell and
w as h e mo n derot P A e m ßu ler sun o cha f aed
antiolf, and al. 301d5 (or fall. Cotton Is
doll and noniktal at 110 for middling. To.
Dame is In good demand at fell price. with
males of 1:11 tloaahrittla at *3003 larJOw lug"
togood loaf; alao 'nixes of into Ned leaf
. I ..t or= lG ritilni t irgostli Irlittlt metre
demand, with salts at the close of I.loobbl{,
Iftuterally as re. Bacon laden arid Mominal
with sales of shoulder• at 11,tio, and e
Masa at 170. lard Wooed dull at. liltfc. cl
ter la for choice Bosh. Chown ate..
7 at 14;4013c. Bead Is unchanged and du ll .
I. dull at. 'ISOM for orimo Rltnotby.
°tattles' are dull at 111,1303.00 Per bagel. .
ApPles are dull at paj,.. MoS. are dlito
mend at Agra gross; rocelpts light. —
By Telegraph la the t Mebane Oaaettt.l
Br. Lamp. (Intoner 11.—Tobacco ateady•
ono unchanged. Cottony, and harapi noth-
In g mado puhllo.' rlour want. don and an
changed, double extra al9011,40; treble ex
tra .10,00; choke and (tan/ 4 11 01(,5 0 . Wheat
on *about rynotaban Bannon, prima to
moles whetstragalArli do. red•P.00,2,63{
nortna 0,92 MOS for falr to choice. Corn
Zortmov": sioquo for m 10.4, Vats
no. roger] at CO, /MOM, lb. /attar price
being for taunt. aartnYl 00010 a and loon/
sprout Mart* nod wanted( prna• to Chalon
11 ,, V0 1 - 33 1 fanny: 14,40. BPS %MI Aunl 4..
chned ale. .at 01,230483. cam= at
SUS. Provlntonall€ll7 dall.-../Sesa pork de
oilond to ItOteat,6o. Hatton doll and nond
o•l; nhnuldor• bald at CM elem . Edna 104
01Ia. Lard Ma tor Intake In 1.141111)111 , and
ken,. ilmot $1,2666,00. ilootttpta
-8,497 Pala. IrlottrOtell sacks arkeat, MO bon
corn, 4.104 boa; antaa. Oar bna. Parlay and
1,873 attain,. The treatner tap clear And
filo Tali/mob to the Plitrooreb o 0011.1
CUR sooeo, October /l.—Floor; Ott, aim
and otoodilomunt7 brands dull null heavy;
gloat •saelltOolottolft fleOll.OU for double
*Mar Sprl46olCor double elms red
limner; / 17 for 400010 , 11.:11 stalkers
LITZ' /ig. o I red to - 1711 1 4 W. t3,%705, d 1t i .
/do Stu; sales of IVO° bush No. I ahemm
tee sprlug A st lAn c lal w llllper t it the .
Volt of . Neoet i ber titers are ', 11444 6 41:
reported et. yl =Ott], St the out..
figure. Oslo /toady aod durrequest.
at ado tor /do. 1 dude. 'Rye Arm sad In latul
*rate request, Stal.4/ fOr No. 1 state and
western from store. Barley dell; No 1.1.31.
1,13;01.1VIAS: rstaWeuut steady awl
I , 24 ura d f, l4l3. taild . ard ..w hila Wad,
raw Youg,Ootober floods tear.
het generally duD..7et a few Wage MeV/
are doing a very- fair Duilneu at sta y
raves, If -we except tartaln style s of lie
Brown Cheating,. which are re lowert such
as Brent Falls J aid Balboa D area.,
ceiling at 113fd. Btaudard Sheeting, and
Brown Drilla are 12, better requatt for iya
port reor nit!. and, with reduced awake,i
would Dam priced hare touched the lowest
rates for the present` Printlog Mahe Of
brat mike. are bold Si 70, Dot hare been
sold the Willa ire stopple', et iboy.
are running as a lam „Delano. ate aritasily
moiling Ma loss allover yard bete. =a rot
In narks of the Wait they ate ceiling , mach
lower. Thlll Will Mat the milli Dia stand
ltoomblz tvY•t r ,
ttly'rettirtpt loth. Ottitturtil
otth 'hoiden armlom to matt Corn 11,10
01,18 tor 'Moto nage.oW Mrkt li
mets i zr sad .
14 4 1 i MO.
nosea ifioNottex.
teUte ritutmrgh
Nor Tau, Oct. 31, 010
Money easy, st 097 wheat. on call loan,
with the bulk of the badness at the Inside
rites: Sterlinut WM% >n gold or ant
- caw Mlle. Gold kmer,opeeloit at 140%, der
cliellog to MU, advancing to liTll and clos
ing al. i 4o 3f Wall.
Ornerninoirr docks strong; Coupons qn,.
11443113%; do , 62. 1:44,01153/4; dO_'_64.
10;1X; do 'H6, 3163L0 onew,
Low,: c..10,414044i Cumberland_ SIG
23 %; NO Epprese 81 08: American Gls;
Adams Gollad7l United testae 11554,_
_• Her-
Monate , Unfelt 230 NW•ft CMlnkallver Itortlp/a;
9094 i Pacific Alan 74.5kpla t
lantle Wmuirn Unket.TelegnPB Bl%
0331', Naw .Tork Central 112 3'011234, rip
irOgV O l ftTI alloat.76_l 2 3%
ratitelmi do preferred 63; miebirrau Central
low; tiontberulgteare3i; Illinois
Central 1100193$4; Pittsburgh 32S(dffl,
ledb 10461004: Hoek Mend Se
Northwestern 4234143; do protem4 65 1
Tort Wayne 97Cleft; knesourls 63X; err
mania , thine, •
Mititrue .BbareardulL Gregory
Gnarls Hill Mr fludill & Parade° Malrot
Hill 4r., Eldorado/00i
.Hooky Mountain Mt
Corydon V 1053.
- •
The receipts of th e Bab-Troup:my were.
atm: paymental9,lll (181; balm.* Ilk ,411
811.864. Iteoelnts for th e month 151,07037;
parneats 588.186.035.
7•11.17II.11. •
Theßrim... lays - a Baton failure Of A.
A. Kelt. a doh dealer In Comm.,,. RUSS;
repo, ted. His liabilities are reported to
be 6190,000, With aesets estimated at NUM.
A considerable portion Of ttllll Indebted.
nets Is supposed to bate sulenuat to
At Philadelphot the failure of the exten
sive wool house or Southwick. Shebel
Co., who are largely connected with \ the
Camden is announced.
• MIMI* Nark.t.
Teleriabh to the Plttsburn Onatts.)
Burette October 34-1 lour dull and b yr
en holding off. Wheat dulleavy aud
lower; sale* of 7.800 bus No. 1 SlLlsraukee at
Yost IeCOO bus No.l dO. at about 81318, and
gen bus Itannowao at 12,00. Corn von'
doll and knert One taro of No. Y. Western
was offered at 11,10, wittiont buyers. Oats
dull and unsettled, sales of 19j660 bus, to
arrive. at Ode., and 13,000 Ons do on spot at fee
6670 Ann at SUS for Western. Barley
settled; sales of 135 bus Canada at 66,66, gen.
orally lower, and OLIO for WeStOrAi nominal
at $1,25. Ili. Pork steady at 12400 for
heavy. Lard 140. 111gbartnesnorolual. 13. e.
eons—wheat. 00,660 boo; Corn, 22,1e8 be.;
oats, 71.08) bus; barley. kW bus; • flour, 7,030
bbls. Shipments—what, na,ooo bus; corn,
17,000 bus; oats, 19e010 bus; rye, 20,C00 bus.
Mahn; boats scarce and rates unchanged.
' Mums" Market.
city Telegraph to the Mud:arab Outdo
Catoano,Oot.2l.—Plonr doll and 2.10 lower;
6.9,50010,09 for trprlng'extra. Wheat dull, at
a declin lll e of Io on No. Ito oher
gradeet 13 0 1 . 0 0 for No. 1,21. - ,961,5 f or No,
2, closing at $1,275(01,89 for .210. 21,7001A1
tor N 0.2. Corn dull and 101140 tower; $1,040
01,16 f No.l, el 02 , 4011,04‘4 blocion dollar
at $1,030/,06% tor 0.4 In inure, Oata eaelart
closing at 5C2545( In atom Eye ypEnt
51.2701 M for No./, VA% a11.221f0r So 2 B.
ley unchanged. Mesa Pork data for
saw C 9.102 bo ob *neat., 511,u0u bosh tom WO basil Oct., 640
hogs. .Btuntannta , -0.000 bible doer, MOW
WWI" wheat, 95,000 Non Corn, 60030 bash
eau. Freight. •ottreigad steady.
. 'New Orleans
Bensespb to the Ptstabares Benne.)
Naar Varga ea, October th—yetten each.;
tales of SAO bale.; low middling 11411af4ai
bales, new crop. Sonar and
Balances are being rocelved g yellow Vent rt.
lanai sugar lest prune molasses 10. glove
firmer: superfine fiXt3; °baton $llOl5. Cora;
R market and bald at WO. Oats
doll al 93 413150. /Less Pork; rate. renamed
pc.joadly as ipaL Bacon; shoulders wall
ing at T ear Odes at 105‘e. Lard dull;du ll; tierces e• kegs ls4o. Gold 111. Sterling
dull atl New' York Bank Sight gu
Cinstmercnal !,404 dlsOnnat
Telesis Agesiaet;
CaTTelerrePh to tee Pittsburgh Ossetic.)
Totano, Oet. W.—Floor deli, receipt& 4,531
Wlteat—reeetptel.lllDlre. teectiveand
3to to lower; Wee amber at a 3.3063,01 for
the :rut half of Novemberi SUS Ka 3; red
Wisbuh Corn—recelpte KOMI be and
old I sod new I to Se lower; *Wee
No.l W•bashat 443521.1.1, No. I 11,1001.121
Illehigen SIX; tore C)lct bee rejected .iaso.
—reoulpie ',MO be and • shade lower;
. else No. Yet flee Ree—recelpte =a be aud
e lower { ualealCo. lat $1.34. liarity. be re.
cettes. Lake freight* Anil slid nominal. at
3}40 on gore Itaftelo. ••
. . mwrik.s.
isrl4 , •lnDt, u ritniftritt ilasette.l
Omeco, October 31 —lrloor le unchanged
sod 10 good demand. Wien& go sales,
11 . 4 1 0 Y Is tteceseded vttb Waco( prime SO
to Canada la $1.40. 11.13.4 1./0/ bushels I Mj
Hope end' Meador at 41, 11 . lty•
arc octet. Lake Imports—MVO) boobs'
' , wham; Idted begbes batboy; 11,400 beebels
10,1:410 boihelt lama& 1.010 boldd. 0011 , 1 04,7.
btu busbols barley t. 4 11 O,beet/e/e tTe, Idd
lalloraslit•• lllarks.. •
(07 Tolomat; lo UN Manuel Ilosalto.) '
11; Lora eau, October /I.—rlotir 401.110117
double aura. lia: 13 0 10 .0.400.OU7 Do, 1100
lia.ara ;mink. 10-00W19. Wheat van; No. t;
1146 , 4; :it, a, 11.01 (lota ISM at aoo for So.:.
torn Ot0;111 $lO3 for No. 1, and $l.ll for No. I
Irretabs dull. b• 1 Rawl{ .Pent 10 Botroka
7, a0; to Ito., floc:alma-1,7W 001.
Door; MOW
It P t a-1 boo cora( 1,0.0
ow; oorn. abltoaanta-12.OXIDOloElavr;115,ar,
bus oPeat.
Lesiavute /tiara... to Sae ituseent. asestil.l
• • •
Locolamas, Ott*bar al.—Totowa market
*Lewin sal.. at 44 bad* at 041071.50 for lose
aad loaf.. 'Wheat tista at 13,4001,00. Cora;
ohellad bait ak. Oats alway at 70.
balk. gloat . 44PC1Ined; attparana WI& Gat.
too 16%017. Meta Part doll sad nominal
at .21. Lard dull at la, llama; Shoulders
14a, clear Slated. Wt. •
gelltsnere Martog
illy.Telegreata to toe Mumma Oasette.l
nagratatae. Oetedtar 31..—ItIont very doll
non treat.. Weald A pelletal 5.100: tattoo to
ottotco red at Cl.edgtiM. gozo dull and de
clined Ile: peer white at 11C* , 11‘ Mt latter
for dm oldeettlee at al ,>spl.x. Ott.. tad
dawn U 301,1.100 toilotetel . Rye to doll..
Yocelaloge are Datawd neglected.
Yew York Colas Rorke".
:es Tito or oorl Sittotaryb Guns. I •
Aar room 'Oat:,tui owium 10g ,
Ybarulay—lleereo—rooolpto Opel mark."
Outland 30 /*oral quality better by folly
Uorirlta oslelllog or In • umo *ripply sod a
bettor demand. "beep yie bettor. Lomb.
le better'tß trio Woo, "be omit" woo moot.
or. Swine doll doll, user for corn boo.
=t ==l
Uty Telegraph to Ye rittOeralt (Yenta.)
'..i.T.liaii dieted:4r 111.—Cauloo roooloto for
to. wee. 4,40) head market arteueed ge
,ic.. closing dull at . Sheep lo good re.
ii.... , ;.. receipt. bearit_ealee - of
bead. 10 .1047,115. Hoge 1ew,75; reeelpts
13,600 Owl' axles MOD head.
• Plldlollelpiaa llaraet.
Mr To!sense to los ntubstso Omens. j
Tainanasamtn,Oetober ate—Petintease IS
Wank: float is 'IA deli ..P•rins S
OS ta. wheal deenntag, 1F1A902,55 tor
WI. OMR doll and • lawn; in Lain western
at. 51,30. Onte ChM at QOM.
.Chleoge Cattle Illaolooll • .
Tolegriro to UVltioltorsh Uttette 3
- Coloo.oo, Ort. 3L-134r0f Corti. tread', at
10. 150 08• Co for lair Rood rh , PPloit UM ,
less 00t.105, 010,7100 P for 'gm to o Woe.
Nam rniaelses Markel.
„By Tour.'Akio L4ll rim bush 4aaesm.l
• P. iron Co Oct. 30.—Irloar Eras, et
1,7,00 . !1. yrew,1.13,40,244 .. 1 10. 1 readers,
Hayman Zawies.
T•ligraigh i 5 vittsborgt Usaette:i
IIArASA.. October i1...-13vgar la unebasureil.
Kith Wee 1040.11 in 5 ma..
• 1111ruirrs' IaAILIIIOAD.
PrrossuaeasOostlMlln Cmounufs It. H.
Ottobar /11...40 belle cotton., Cotton MIII
00112 Mob tobareo,./ Gnu • Co; 1 tee au.
..// 10 . 1 2 1 12 •Mt ban feetu • Eon.,
I Doll ,SS bee sup, E. My.:. a COI
10 be ler4 oil, 25 axe osodloe, Jll DUrronla k
1o; 6OM tobeowa Sall,b Johnston, A Co;.
half butte totem, M w Euklor 111 roils
. 10 61.11 PePer, Kobus Carters; •I MOIRA
IS trots, I Mkt, Co; 26 pkir beau*. W
/I Xlskpetrfek Cola all berley,ll6 do rye,
VI/rube/1 Brown; 7 lip butter, 'Miller
Tutu; 67 bbla nudes, Wm Meld; 211 de 40. W
Jobows • Co; 1440 4p, W Oran 107 mak.
Wier. Elenenbidor allUst;os do do, Meenor
6 e/71/ do dry Ms/loom Mood; do do
016 . 410.1(.60 WM paper, Pllts Pew Cot3oo
bdrb .1 , 4* KOOO. ioni II Wee eettoo.
/100.., 11.1; & Cool are imedle• bluebell a
Modulo; 0 oars eitrOe. (3 IS 76 ebe ry.,
OS do barley, 70 do wheat, Memo Mereheod.
1 ., FORT WA TAMS 01 .0000
October 21-1 ea bran. flobulbsak a 1346011;
w. baddliblia ILA • Illtehent 1 de 00.6 /I
Vioa ; Co; 100 tads flour, J Dm;;200 do do,
J 0 Moor a Cot 7 Wm. Oulu, II etae; 20 dos
WWm bludorf; IS de do, E 11 Myers
Col o ur r aron, Zelaler; 66 bee oboe., Al.
buck A Uo; a bele otuier, J Smith; bp,
bee Crawford &Co; 61 Mu rig% Merbk.
UMW* a (Jo; MO bee ebonalt. Robl• Co.
60 do do, Ifurosta. Me Donald a (101 ateo do.
Illowton A Bro; IMI bole four. 011 Lamb; 140
bele r
apples, Verwordor a deepen!' too bbla
dou !Weary.: Voekemp; 10 bele older, do
Alel Mltabuti 1 mar Ilmordouo,
444 .41.11. 14 Col /60 MU apples, Uulp a
Eb.Pr i dl fur 1.41.• 1 .1 11 7 llourphlll, I cue
wbee grieheatt, .1±.4 0 d. 1.1
do Go W I KaMit d o .ll.4Maglas
t• Jon Pirnicitonll,44Ltoots
Ootdbar it.-4114 Moen ' iron. 1 oar mob. An.
drum. Cook A Om SW b/oome Moo. NUM*
OW 11l do do ,J Perter; 1 water dreWele.
We bton a Hour; belt , Nonage. Mau. C.lll 6000 ft lumber. W W 111gdou AL ON gam
do E IMO do do, KB Beme6ll 2 0001
Iron Zug A Co; t dodo,. W K Soesaberser
Colt de, Megolably Parlor 1 00
krirT 0. 10011 i do 01.1, AOu'Waik.l
jUor a lthltlorrie -do
0 , el tig n a:l4l,l*
a Ofinoi l do o b l . o 6 l3rttits; b..2., 1 11
111ddle1144o Mu, 100 40 .on. A WFelrbui
•11181.10 M
Wm dileOutehooor 110,,g0 40. a II
dig.wilwr"VAliWT 11. IL, Mt. JI—SCO kdd
'ant, Manta, Driaaall I Owl dl Mai n[ Ix 6 do
pods all, Br awar,Batka & Oa; nada da,Fisher
at /kali aard pld hos, NaHolzat Form /I 1:41-
91, ihs oats, lio da rle, w I ~
Brutesu II"
1111d1. Itliatawsit ear show, W l I at.'
swit.ll4 :'ZiF„ILTAZT,t,""Ii= 1 7,:rg1;
. : a t a hdiuti Ide {1.1., 7 , ddr a
Ma II aka tat., IdaCtillbugh; daaltd 600 17
mks •,.1 •vr Faliallyi - 0 Old Oil. MMUS
kr L. / 04 4 11 r 71 1 ,1 de awo, 7I do oats,
ilk °OM'S ant fakash* mum. owl.
-Astwamws avatrag. Oatotot 11.-1 asi
I .
xecuto.A. a st i Ids 40. a :67 kro..r 2 :
i'sv ii h
s • I 4 . 14 i....,,,,41%,:ati, ZIT,
tuu x 8.01 I_4o do, Nigra a poia ~,,
nr: s eelt . widga 1 D A
ritg li a l e,
v a mac 1 ear barley, AL" XOfiIWIWI Wu
damned. Id B Suydam.
...ww ,
lIERIRAII. Lenora Testamiu.
tore on the "tato of WELLSAII lases
os Om bl•awbto. Alloobooy musty, r..,
, - b.rum Mn olosled so the nodal ,
'IOM & on pone. Indebted so mold mats
, 'emoted TA inektredlatit KONA l/
thaw hsotho• doh.. lest WM eele , 1•11
rent . heeet ripe _ !Mites o ig' NM
lenthal het • : ': . ihehlther.
TWiltiES, orey
111r d ;droarm h 111 dr lid Wafar IL
Call ar mead lb/ OUVEIar,
CDT ?setae and Atlantla Telegraph LloaloasT.3
IiIOWNSTILLI: 011t0b•Z 71,4 MM alx sad
a half feet water to the chimed at this polat.
River has raised two and a hall feet within
WI plat twenty-fair hour., and la Mil rialitt
alowly.. Weather cloddy aoll ecood.,
The river_ rose about emit blob. at thie
point yesterday, and whits the metal mark
only shows fourteen. Inch. of water. It is
claimed bet there • are oiler two feet in the
channel on the South side of BrunoVe Wand.
Private advisee report a floe of twenty inch.
at Brownsville; also, two feet of a rtes le the
81.1mineLes. ' The weather continue. cloudy
and email., with - occasional .11ehe mower.
of rain, and the pitspect fore Immediate re
...ption of navigation are very favorable.
The Ledal.olll .01/314.13es frelxht
today, and Gain. saint uyd that he will leave
for Oinehmeti to-morrow. The Dela... I.
announced to- lean for Nashville ou.the drat
water. The Glendale and Armee'. will be
most the Ord barite not fox St. Louie.
Wm. IttofebY. who hes bras - untemell to
ten years Imprisonment by • military tom
mission, for burning Maintop' river boats do
rine the 'War, Was dashers. by Judge Killer.
of St. Louie, on the 17th, ea the amend that
each eosintissione arilinCenatttntional.
The Kaa•wh• telt com➢ue have brOushl ,
•alt for 114,eg0 damages ►plat the towboat
Neville. in th• Veiled Staten Dietriet Court.
The Neville took • barge • eoat•t►ing t•IL, at
Jeffersonville, In June lett.
Captain Sohn Hornollot of the stouter
Florence No. 2, died suddenly at SL Louts On
Monday night of cholera..
A company of ship carpenters from Neer AL
banyan about to open • ehip yard at Oinene.
bore, Kentucky.
We uteset the following Item from our
Oinoinnati exchengie of WedritadaY : •
There wee a onrinUmt of eteamboats ►t
Four• Milo yesterday morning. The towboat
Zebra. with three Nut berm, and the Roche.
ter, with two iron boats. ■ot Wound at that
point, and so blocked the ehamel that the
Tahleqush,l3amelle, Lannon No. 9, Argosy
►ad keener., bound down were unable to
pass without detention. Most of these boats,
however. attired In neuter depart lasi gimp
ing, but up to dug the Argot). Zebra and 110.
mater had not attired.
fitstzmo or on aosrletn.—A dispatch to
Captain hen. F. Davidson, of the Boatmen's ,
Insurance Uoinpany, dated Helena, eLtkansae,
Oetober b, 000 p. m., earn "Toe Jammu
Bona sunk Ms evening to sight feet water.
No Urea lost'. The Bowana woo a regular
packet between Dletaphts and that place. and
erne Male 'Ad here by the Kashyttle Packet
in="gla C o pt.
l eVei 4 114 4,1tt a d U W ‘ a. " l::
and t. thin city as follow. t .1
gage. City, kt.oool Flssinen's, VOW: Germ.
Ws, $1t00; UUlseoe'. ealtat Amettear 111,000;
Magnolia, 1120001 Buckeye Seats, YAM I Dacha.
MX; Boatmen's, 0.000. Total, 020,10 $. She
0111 be tithed.
Captain John Todd of the Silver Lake, err!.
red from Pittsburghgederdzy morning. It
wee Ms Munition, the pregnant, for . water
m, favourgh. rable, „la 00
„la the Silver
•Leke sh
A Loutrrille teleciere • to the
(AMMO, bidet dote of Tender, has Um Weir.
lag Item. .
The riser ha.risen I inehea, with MI lathes
In the otaal, am/ tart on the Portlaral liar.
Weather clear Aral wtadr. Ik. /Awe Oln,*
from new Orleans, • nab, with one Of her
aortell, loaded with railroad iron, at Island
Small Is VA. et Yaraall/e. Tennessee, hare
panhand the NWT lind for the mutat
packet between KOAIVIII• and Ohatteaoosa.
The steamer Norman took the pls. of the
adman, ',Web soak to White neer a short •
time dam The Palen/me, henna
ns mot A.lpha
leave 'ars enals afternoon .-for pe below.
The Tde Hoot paean/ Ihnra/Ps fIInIT at soon.
A SA Loots telecrwa, ruder dote of naiades . ,
won the .leer .Is etatleaam weather
aloud , Mad cool , with etreag frolleattens of
Laughlin, Gullet aid ths pile; et.
Osoar salt wateltanst ot the We.. Pam.
Scott, who so brutally waltwortsd p p. 1,0 on
the last trlp of that , boat ...port, were to
day trned ore, to Ma U. 8. aathorltlea, nod
held) thousand dollar hood.. appear
for exualoatlon.
The Rdb Ray tato he cloaked gad emnlianled
at St. Lout. The City of Allem end W. R. At.
Mar sty to be enlarged by the cattle( In two
sad spUeleg process. ' ,
Ll*of Mai Ott‘aa, him bought tha
St. Jamas to the Had don trod.
Ws laturo that tho Alta V.hati !mat aahl at
to panties to that plarnandLatasTllht
for about MM.
We learn that bllrlath pateat eiesai fire boa
late be pinked on the Emerald, ()apt. Shank'.
boat, at Cinetanati. Tata 15 • hes laveotion
latch lea beam totted, and to ls elfamed that
by 14 use oat•ltord the doily expuse of fuel
le saved and • vast tuna. of *Wn I. sited.
ml. htvention I. the Mabelitullon of dies
Woe, to be ailed with' water, end to he ea.
oeststd. of twat., the bollevi and the
Teo Louisville Cburiri.. of Tana%nr:
Th. Severn, on her dotes MO, broke la* p..
waso et her darter eallhatt ••• •• 3 • Mt...
east et Padnosh, detstalag het fifteen bowel
lan& nrpont. poly terestpreo lathes at (hoot
. . . „
Wit oho the following Items from our St.
Lool. embargo., of Wechteedsr
The dealt.. In tie Aver le not maddest to
S d t e e b t e a en er n a s t t t aton.d adh a th n. e e n age
of w ow wateern llw
any direction. Thera la awls Mx feet st she
eboal planet below. and went four Cut la the
Upper htleabalppt sad htlesourl, add. the Vi
lma. shOtit hlase4 mg. The thanes! at Peal
thee Du end en etrught with plenty of water.
hot point Plaba.t I. r. ported treoblmonw
leealltr. with uw. over flmi feet on the
Itheinem contemn to iscreaem with heary
reamer* la utuan from Memphis and ether
palate below A. the health of Nes Odes.
le Iteprovieg tolet. truth anticipated In
that direction. The tipper river p.n.s - am
Mast. dame all the v sum they can carry
oe tea mat., and ailed rte. comm.
Lemke prmaletnc.
Grant Marsh Wee • Ida Stethdale to
Nam Orleans earl:gent bathes. Um hes, that.-
OM en. op awls oft ics Viola Bede.
The Loolrellth .thomeel. te emponethie
the tallarteg t The litertmoart. le to be 01..1.
to the Vinksithre • .d Pies (Masse bode ea .
nee as Gene le sediletent water In the roll
to lthaele her to them arm the barn She le to
lean Ticheitttht trice • weir, *miry Tneaday
Lad eaturder.
- • • • •
The Wkeil/ag .intrfayerwarr, CL yosterJay,
aayan Last ~.otog
for dyer was halos Mow.
ly. Tao prewpos la • good, old
o rftoried
Wombat, but about rudabed. =dor
boatmen ware not to cheery fl ut e
as day
Cr two atom The New Nieto started' fot Par.
Iterabort yeatarday. but may not be atde to
teach tbs..
•ND el N .11N1SATI.—Ths Oat
Want, .
Coept. o. rats,.
MITI hats as a•ova ritILP LT, &bolsi or No
-1.111.4...4 4 o'clock p.
Tot freight or poseur tra ea
bow or.
soli t. D. C01.1.115 . GW . 0131i. A.°"'
Ttifzt , ttp u t r aintirej ! et to nn
=,:ilarttrarAtt: OLD Is.rWArit
No.- 344 LI erty . Street,
amtOVINIVerrotIPANr.I4° wggas
.t 7 too mas.terwtt Odra lb.
Pea. Tomcat's will And Oda besot an •sse :eat
ase 10 Stepp St Ltd will Da asookarledalad uy
43W:14J '4 4rthe . HOosa Is • eilskdlit Hall
for Coocarts.
room in or Clartls- warmest {Akers ro board by
W day. week or numb. With Or Idt/wort twrwm•
Iv iJi' I:1 i (IJIJ 11
emu Ann "sri inn lamb, Wt kith OA
F. BOtAWORTII 4 Prop're.
cut adaaaalt „ talcuit eaelwa•
pauy emu
, o b.:eh lob.thri,Ml annitti
anVelt Wtsfirc —ALIA Ltimuigd.
ILA . TARLad. aa.
• • basal Vt. Balcony . damtada avary s :laint.
day avastor. Binatadbadt Van pass t Goa.
every ten 010.tes. .32:011
NMI. 403 & 407 Liberty St,
Clinwite th• llnton Depot. PrriaIIIIIIIIII, Pa.
JAPIES . K. LANIHAN," Proprietor.
Thla brat is Rawly h t pt..] agmllal e t o al .
Lid 44 tbls • ten eoanaleat actual:alas ,
17p15.. on nemn tear tar r it e agrga
4 4 " _0 " plth ' itnotarte at all boars or Oa
aar t :a aught. 13.11. anirartles =naiad trlta
Own at tam abortc at sawn and rttlta.a4
WIC TLlE.straurziN rr u 4
N, B. Oor. Penn do Oust Eltt,
JAMES JOHNSON,. • Proprietor,
reu familia* bola thoreullly refitted and
newly . farstlotled throtklboli.
M the paella
/C ' 'T ERIC' DUIVritItT .or
' PitANIIITI.9•II/1. p. '
• t 'lust:mash. lb. Sub day of October; •. D.
UM Tito unfornft.ol horoty
11.1. opipinuan.t. 'IRA *maws of 4011 tr DOW
DON. of •grthlaf Olin tbeeodttlat•lla•
t►oq, Ind Stale . of Peonsytnals, vt/thla iatd
di.ed.t, who km - Woo •Oludted_ 4..141.aknpl
apoo hla own patltlaa. by the DWI 41, Conn .r
401111 M. Dinar. •suane*, I*Gnat atnet.
.t.r ablaskora:Anestarr agalasy.. Pa. aarlaa
WM. MM.* IA sadanlarid. 4 , 4orNma la*
sebum' to said *state ars leaalonad *flasks isq •
inalnite Taltatakaaol3lolllanag &alms win
mgaLaar .
szinati Alligrrt•
' •
9.M.Z.Z. 5. 231 7X10113/ . 3Mr•
Bar, Hoop, Sheet end Plate Iron
arldls Iron;
Angle and 11 irons
6gard Iron;
Coal Screen leen;
T RYfls, la & 30lbs. to the yard
Trews Italls,panehed and eons.
II ter sunk
Boiler, Bridge and Tank llivela
Cat Falls and Bailees;
Rita and Iloat Spikes;
Railroad Spikes;
Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts;
Railroad Car anteeli and Axles;
ttreet Car wheels and Axles;
Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles;
Patent Cold Rolled Shafting%
Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rodsl
Rower and Reaper Bar&
WLIULIIOeBr. ANA) win g& .
120 Water and 153 Front Sts:
BIU-NUlzt EtlUar,
rios. 22,21 and 28 River 84, •
Iel:els • • 01:110A00. ILL.
Lindsay, Sierrit & Ewer,
Manufacturers & Importers of
1217411.27 - xl.o,
One square Below Onion Depot,
IMP Avin. tbr 1%.11111A.1C5. SCILLIA.
KUM 11,0 LID WM el AB 61118,
Wm. Gaxrus., oars. aznenes ovl
imarric LHD sinmarsarno
,'east Spring Maa s
Casl awl Gorman Plow Stool,
maw WlliCe 4.1:D =WEB BAB&
movt-H4a.s. so.. ow.. N.
Wardown, litger IN M '%
tuNLI- •
E27'0.1 F9T12.E8 7 .
Math Ward, Pittsburgh.
TIIIONAS 17. tEln.lMllt,lorinident.
Then Werke ate a;natiar the Urgent sad sod
complete ettettlsheieat la the Weal, and are
"ow vs . :pane to ftrateh '
Maipesi or Every Desertptiaa,
Boilers, but Tan
Rtioct Irma Tort
ewtung aim Castings.
Engine Culla/pi.
llachlua Cagltypi
Genczal Casting*.
..opizas soucrzeD.
Csisim 84, 9th Ward, near LLB.%
Kammer Dies, Steel Moulds,
Lffinglati Isc alkativ gtxtilly.
JOEOLNkt WORE . power Ova:U.2.dt. ON
.IIaUNI and taNOnly Asa sat,LbelarlO
'Zona. . • Vat
/ Ric
• suird:Anlnmsa cr.
ILEAVV 011.41;i4rtit:
• .
SWILL attatalos pste I II S: ISLILL
itt.Azi? SIASTHISt sr.d IitiTOOTIL
biVIMPAIRS somled to pm:=l ;w,
olitralirtateirStr drat
if•TUM 4UpoNd Ira stook. aan
Pt*Pitted, Imo AND IscSPOPPD pattarts:
emostrastod tnatler•tho npersitim.ontr.' Ex.
i s
to toralstil4.llL MACHIN MI at (.14Ort ao.
Iran, NaUd, Springs, Arley .
• e1.01:1011. 611:IICt LTD LF, arm btit
Xerea. Y 7 `l7l2raatur iZtroot
- A. BRADLEY tk - CO, ,• •
• tut.A....wrar71•11.117.1
Cook, Parlor. and Biatiag. Stoves,
AM.( Vila
kitthe ocl armed spates
ltdr r Ir.o2MlDiehro4
Oceollt nova.) Also ...aufacture • •
USW me Warettoue, wear id &pond sO4
Wa Q multi. littatmrsh. tiktrisea .15Geopa
Iltroat. • • talaafis
amnormr.evaremmtzwasy •
aantacts„riziot • "
BLIT fatal:MT inurrnzo 01.71"13Tra:,
&van. riot and Otta.n. Ll Ow. War-
Md aquatic. tar ItayartetlOr acmes atoned la
Olau daranelsout, .16 ane n t Irel, and.
• fell
I.entesl Inttlm.
irm.......a050r azzad.—.As.
O am' Warwronw, 301 L MOM IT. op.
AVA 4 MlPlritfalieti ' efgaVg
db.% arw etlebratral A/logoll7 sad DU..
MOookbat 11Wwr: lb. Atatawa
ined tbr soal or WoOd. sad
alw of the impina - Wr ...d; Artbar-
Orates, fenders, oprar Hrwalwa
Hollow Wart troorallr, •
r 2 •D. 2111 EU
P. ••( jj:t k
Mew Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks,
Onset Iron Works, &c.
61 Pans* Bt., Pitisliturgh, Pa.
880 3Polial.lllllcreet..
MUI Ilona. WM Outlus. 801 l Lothoo. la
TEEtlos. OAR N,
101110111110 MUT MI noun VOW,
t ki %/ Am. poly
I % l Aiti
J. PAINTER & 801 M
. .
Iron;flabket.Tak and Trunk
• MM'MIR 11Rntf..pA
irtialVvvc• Et EL - e*.
ozawazt.:llll7,vevz- van
11114111mod,Oureashatalstailt -
119131:EI7+7I. 3CFLCitair.
Wenn AysWis oars. nth se Italtirtil
I, r:' W i-!i
Bar, Hoop _and Sheet Iron,
ILO 1 111111 71373 741ci5,61151 urn, tc,
Office, No. 98 Water Stree
Corner Carroll aid fixuallaaan
Streets,'lllatb Ward.
Vii73lX. Efair/"X'XX.
Cast Iron Bowl Pipe,
pipai ars all cant vantlnally Mita, in Dill
Saud maul y liJal LASGTIIII. Alan, a nal awn*
Mental •
11111111 Cane) HS illl dB UM Vent
1 Wonla.teoeell thwattinliork of 11.112.crtritand
eAts Gash WatU tomy nuke of RimPliTd.
Ttnal3LAll. notrais•rraraD, TUBULU,
muscat 00011 e AND COAL BOUTS&
°goo as sdWorkosiormargooossa. Tlelrst
Minn Wag Llborty
.Pittsburgh, Ponusylvania.
41prOnUrs saut Wipe !JXovo Wien orlll b
Du=o lf attended to. 5iA73,91
Best_ Commit, Relined Cbarcoa
Julliataßlooxa' Iron.
lacaua.uvr Rill. FAIRICD J eiglinalsoal
ORLI. T RAILB, Su and le Me. to to, Tau%
VIROURICr QHAI Rd and BMUS tut Same.,
MIT RAILS, Panelled and Canntuntrt:
Warehouse sod Or the Work.. GREER ,
OUGH ti2..1 contival.. of First street.) sd.:.
lorotos GA rats ass Works. Elrtsburvb. nalridt
(SUCCESVIMSTO 702418, Bon) 3 co..]
Tot KZ d tietagoi, or S teel;
Plates York aro% abut Cut Steel; Out
Oteel for
Cast andComiaan Plow 41.r.i.prlox Stec
Ortee—Corner of first and Pro, Street/, tw
ht. otte above the Itehonealtels
. • row.ripErts,
Engine Builder* andi
Make to order Yarlatta dL. nom En;lPos.
tlops mak vrarnacea to Ms tatlSOW4coa. •
Cos, of oval olotortptloo. taa4o to order.
JAWS/ ZiSa•POS. 50P`t...../Lo B. Bola. Tomato
Machine Stop. co r. Point dijoy Daqva is
War: Posadry. Noi. It and 64 svcal.
PRICK 5118,
usncli ND
. , N0.29•W00d Street
AlltattatUni MP keep cereasaally on hied
•Thisable, ElkeissAr Pipe Boxes,
w•eing aoxes,_Doct usurreosuoan
kkel zenerany. nuteye ,
Butler Street, Ninth Ward
orecwrz moors uxim
Rolling Mill mid Bridge Wank
. " !um EOM AID Pin
31...hb. 7 , @kat! Outings gums.l.l7.*
preakylly and etner.ll7 trec3Cll.
EBIOMIT ps4.(nw:nN
011ES= tam, WOUS
nalik it PLUM,
Wan~al.d law le laype unr
k " 'Dirltte ' 3 1 2 " 1=.1.117: *-
11./LILLL Arrsifla rarp TI) .
Office, 38 Wood Street,
la wt. cruoiLss ZOTIL .armanzre . . - '
Yerrermall, Josso lOtn. 12"1. ItLeCICI
It. W. NOE1101•.4111. D. Biala
(puma 110.10LEB, :114011.1111.
11011110 W, BA ?fall L & CO.;
Stearn Boller% 011 Aratori,
Tanta. Salt rasa. OldostetOrit • .• •
iieraaight .Baidwea -
Sleatlion Wort s •
de., de.,
.•- _ •
Freight Holsters
AND Doc Toll
1 1 r - canine, of Li dascrlptiqs . autde to *Mar
Comer or Vim sad Fon7 Utmty
B. WOW. IlL 4 &CO.,
DALLniut W
ar ciw as tti So Cutlery.
Ar• acm nftlll.lyr o laro•i 'Mon boarnot*
itLeas D aal
Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts.,
iposmum- f irisap...
•I.' I ; i; II: I ;
Witlfre 7 11 1 KILITMV i na
Vd`lrttily . i gmAtV4ll4,ls%
trafoII,NAT I AV ``""
TJE zo
."" a r. I
Ot Ile P
ha I
wt.. • Ulan
DaMeat 0 f nay
groiMa r .
igligl a Z%
theta, aed ea t
aatala, .111 be b
;0 GIVE BOTlCE'that
107 a. D. 141CMINDY,
It bAN th lmk th att. '" W " tici
: * o2.%b d tr i rthles; that tn.
atich babbrApt.9.3.llltroprlgi
L . IX:V.In Vropml7 br blm
eatd I.maitt.Trigcfre°l4l:
• dar or Dlt
ecember. A. D. la;
Tisoiun r, •
'e r: :I'M et
r e Iv
L cLoTnim
ud ma? WAVE , UMW .
"j ' n=frali kn t
rarro&g a/ °ADS..
pmvssu CENTRAL
HAILBOAD. arg i amp
On and attar 04 . 70 Bra 61n, ing. Trains 1.411
ILIT1V• and donut nroza the UnionUnpou corner
of W.JIIIIILUI Liberty nu.. I 0110•21
• , •
641 Thal 11:1 • uaTlMsred. 1.03 •II
I I:50 a W. 1 1 .6 NO. .. • a
wsiNo. o 4po • la= •t.
Velg a N i g. ;
Claclnnacl 9:10 • or W• 11.4 No. IL ...11:66 • at
Johnstown J.4.10:16. 01J0ba5t0........ Woo 6.
PULL Erpr•64 1/ 6 0p sa. Wa.11 , 4 NO. 4... 11:30; sa
V• 1 1 ,1 : No. L ./ P al 611:61..Ex.—.., 4:11
Zio. 16al!. No. L.. 4:60 pat
Wail's N. 6301, SliWaa's No. C.. 6J:60 si
W•11`. No. 6.. 7:03p al , ?us Lt.* laay
'Vika'. N. -10= a
and Enagasai •
train 16 .4 6 a
Tb•Olgtarli TrS1a.1•••• Ettattos Lora
tavg.tuna ar P
/E. lee,
sad trove . wall'a Mellon .1.03 p.
MatelelleU laarealelese. dell).' AU GUM
tr.. b.3"7.
Palluelarde arias. and the Alta .& Aettaae
modetl..d Trela erne. datAy. tn.
elaneu exert...ave. delliri
t7. Aohdtfe
Allother trete. dulytio except
Tor tartan latonatn epolT to
W. . HEW...ITH, Apat.
The Telnaleaut italreed lamp.) wul net
t.""or "31.1""'418%"e;leeerrefOlrfTw1711.1..1
arried tear ' • in nae.e.ll otreece eTowrae
usg tau am. It Va. wIU tae 04 ,
We owner, urtlesmim miarra7
tleterna Sopnrtn,Avulant,
v I.ILIIOAI3.— Up sx
after UN I_9o, 1., II
eateenger Traleu
Western 1
.4 dopultrom tae VIR!le
iOeAtqtY, we follow.,
A:lain:lad anive
end tltteit DeDOl.. All
/Aware. narAl32. .
=ItSPO .C .III/1 ' Ate
j5 ..P . . 1 1
Yell At; eau rreepott. 100. 1 stel ral
blartnersVe att Shure , No 2. 7:n Pelt
Above vet. run OLIO except panda).
Ins ebnreb Train UAW .Alliorben.y..lktalb
inrarrthafidar at 7:f0:. a/.4.reacnlt 4Rairal,
Cftl at ;.11 M, rlvegketrigaT
li Tor salittalagea
ftentx, between besy_Clty, aotaal
Meet, nerr 2, Bennelt, ne Crean Uto.,ee4
bbstoebael. =drool only-on tee trains seal.
041 : 1,11 :Ntrzmvszrylr . i . : I: re.
WRI,t• ' 4 •Jugiltt .- m - " L "
. 'r '!" B °!..n" B uhl'
9:" o:xitutAiir;mrr at
N9r4e,1410.04. and at Um De pot,
iTedlual Strom .. , spet.
'The IVelcura reonfnvaroa Railroad will DOI
Omen° oar riot for /leafage. except- for Wear.
tOgAmtel. anl,l.lllLl.2,l:jzoolttlb,r
eollog arpoontnn InaPoo . rni bo ngo
rift Sbe owner. Wan ay cpatla! pole
' ZdenewLlFl
comn. AllOone. ra.
1867. iiitgaggie 18671
w'MliziutriNWDAtr? 4 ran. fk.
Prom October mm. la 7. Hula.
well leen hole
and terns at the Union ehrros north aide. Pity.
burgh. city Slate•
ll i. a. vailawa:
RLaua - Alumni.
i greellaii: El ::'81*.,1 1 ,11'.G. EG 2 I
Ede II Yen. Xi Isla •to Mean Xx.... 10.1 as
01.41 n. htd. eater et NY en. rx• to
COlcado Mall.. era as thdc Cx * .1.-
3bli• =IT 141:77,..i . !,.! pa
Depart entreao —...... 2.21 o m (Ible. Ps. ...... e . p m
pylieellng X. 7.. 4.411 p mM. 4 .`3/111. XX 7. pea
Depart from Alleebany. •relre In •110.01 or
ghe l iglir A • 01 .1711 %N . . Er " AT e: '''
R. 0 1..t. 1 1:11:14:hkr. i t„,„: n i
W , le s MCare a:UP. Lady Uan en
.LMetals. AVII all P " 7 /, 111 , II
.:Z ud el d a : • : 1 13 Et
~1 11 ?I,l •;r= th ., : •,` 14 , 0
MSS p. m. into Ex- di a. m
ellen eV a nen d,
9 V ll % ''', . r iXl53. %enial Tan AlihTi.
()mums or Tnne.-4)o apd afterllosthAY.
October 71h. 1.757, =lns Will leave ..1 and., at
Upton Depot la talon, Plitaborgh time,
Nati Unreel, •PY.::::. •t 2 /5, Aaa ' L. Y.
Sliced W ay...... ........ .. "JO*. te. Ilor. N.
Feet Lin ........ .......... Ma A. X. 7no r. a.
Walker. eccomcdat'n ..11 , 10A, 51. ^:oa,. a.
Pau Xxpreee - 1.151.1, a. b ..S.• a.
Stembentll e Acesnad'n.. 11.53 r. a. Doi A. It.
a'llTdVf°•;:!..;;;trg;°,llm,-.,.a... a ati M.
Cloclonati at 10103 next maralng. * '.."
MondaE`Aft:r.tqlNg 7::4 7 dtt?" 1 7 . d.r..dt, sod
y excepted, erne!. In Glacten on • • t 10.011
e; ..ritomat."‘ "_u" AD u" u`
4111 - 150 or-weer caratxtweett ritteborth and
Clatlanilltl. snd bat 00 • • Otero to ht. land.
CUM, end the principal palate Wass and batte•
0 ta,13. 1 .11 2ackela tee pars sad Pad Qs
lintou Depot (south aide.)
N. D. 7 4 575111 E 11 / 5 1 1 AUPLI, Tie k e it agent
..11,.*Eur.,y . c....
_elk ... ValeetAn.lll7lll.
12 , L...... n1N._ .. _ . _,t,.... ca. ... .....
110A.13 • alimmivi
- OPIANOP OP.' lIMuo.,
Or. and atter THURSDAY, July 18 1 .b ik ri.
tram. Ina 14..sland skarn at ylaknolUb
earner Pita and Canal atresta. follow
• sir i o m.
g Accoviskonation 140 P. Ir. 9:30 A. kr,
TIM Was Works Aleerra.... 1440 A.M. 7.1 a. ra,
Wood Bona Works A cram.. :kW r. sr.
quite. Arcorrunadatlon 10.10. a. W. 12 MA.
bola, clikrigi_ Trak., I",,sea
sa.b. 1:0111. 11.100
Kamera Norio waken don erinneetlon k l, .boats; 1111. Hilo of rackets far Franklin lad
FAl,Elitik;,..Lasit=ihr..ounacta with p?.rAcp. !rota
1117 . u. ill, MC kTinit, kap;
* D4 tie Depot. toner Or Grass
. the
nut airy slaaals, as to.l ore
• Loam. 4.7114
Pittabund CO?.
Wall to sad from toloat`n. 7:CO .. CO :.
011nese •• •• 3otp.t. nto a.
Walt No.lgL Ao7turo:/.... 01.31 . X.."1:33 a. N.
Tlnt lang aaworlo •coOm..11:07 a. se. a:43a. 31.
0 00051•• , •• Y., IP Y.
isaaart.r.s •• CU le Me
onaday Chorea:Train to sod '• • •
f: ma West Newton... . ... 1:C0 a. 31. 10:00A. M.
/tor Ilalcat • apply to,
W. • • • ••
U. SPOUT. PtWealotoodept.: 00011
SMOKY KILL 11011 fit
TnE 81 1 1011TIEST AND 1110Si'
HILLIABIA 1 1 OUTEAroat the Zest to al
v0;.05e,24), ';'; •
Frtlit,, • '
i ' D•lr '
Tiro train. Ll as YC Lesaeaworin.
Oltiadays ...tell.), on the arrival of
tram. of pale Hallroonl atria On - Goals, and
Hannibal and St. Jo Balleitad firom Qatami. eon.
sew. at L.rinee, Topeka and Warne.° iota
stares far all paints in Ranataal At end of bank
wen of =worm ad. the UNITHIs STATXII
ix -Mtn COUPANT J DAILY 1.1.1i1t OP
AND AAA POLICES_ IN NEM ,Ttlintitnlll2l.
OP 00.111IIES for Ton Dane, meal , . Yon,
Taa, Altaquenue, vAAIA ta u and .llyolats la
With the nee.l addlthias of rattler Mae. am,
equipment, eite tea anstaemenie made with me
apowlble therlead Tiwimpartalskat Alan Inn
IN weatern termlnue,Ahli raidhow gene me.
quelled fectlitleaitar the treammisslou Inlshl
qua.o for ule at . all the prluchnl MUSS",
the bolted States ml 4.
Ise card and AWE TOR TIONEIII VIA rum
itu.4—iwtrzt. WON rActrie
RAILWAY: r4ansitl , l EIDnEIOII.
. .
• A. tf",PYRRON,
tlaainal liter.:len
Gamma Arralett an Ticket aunt
aILEAT mzvounnom IR Tam
VALIYONIA -11 114.11PAUSI. mule
C I E II I I rr V tr. Fars t istri ricat gitTa
TS* saTurraed froat4Atall atusalas
Wme Dul and Hasa mAtetter• Ito 'Stilt 1•14••••
,b• • oolsclS hi!" 01 t•
pa.lltfof~f6e(f Rine
.01••••=fu 0
li l / 4 111,16
Pltattnixt.LlON, I
..ststias. tommut ab.—Petakotest: man
lag giv. roar ltaltforsa•Oluusnagn•Albfrtomi
traft ta ke =rtairrVrr rf. " l4
/Mal •/••••91...• ft es oar bill of , 74! " TOM
Imi• • J. attcs4Lsirit
Mee-85U PADA ItiIIZAT, Agar M.&
I V: t... t Marta.. jfk.eitranr.e.dletainat.lttow.rtetyteattri:
fate treatment. ADD. renal Wealsme h rt .i n r
W other dlammen at We MUM Waal eat
Care •
marrantod Or meetly retondeti.
Oelee beers-7 to ID a. 31.• 1 1.1 n 120104
A raa MIMI Dl4 W.. waft nag ono.