11 El Ir. I ......._ ...... • 1. • TRADE, 1867 . HENEty W. s us, -- . . ~ .... • •Ccrnfectionery and Bakery, irEIROY I _ i Na. 100 11.111101.Y.LD irritirr. Dm... Meath lad tawny. .. . 1 aa,,, A mrs• orSTIVit PALOON attached. • . . . DICKSON ... COVANY. No. 54 Wood Street, P!ITTSBURGIi; WOW CIATe r Their El'AXa, 147ra OIE DONENTIO LSD FANOY DRY GOODS, ess.a.Vcrzas, AND INOTIONS, nr REAT VAMETT. wage &be ewe. out will be kept ems. wa Ilesees. sae Cash an Short Time Buyers bee to to examen the Stook: Lb. XeELbeer.; JAKiii Dickson. JOHN T. Ogrigwicl. 1867. PALL. TRADir- 1867 ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, witorazaz.x nrrissa rn DRY GOODS, Aro. 115 Wood Street t owrwieitittrarttwai. 017211 ay ItAIITZIIN Mc= Wren Goods, Frinis, Gingham; Oaks, Jeans, Tweeds, Cloths, Caiiimeres, satinets, F.it N. rassimeres. Flannels, Shawl% Skirts, White Goods, Shacked and Brown Domestics, ♦ 7IILL troi or Notions and bad" Goods, Barred Flannels, Of Zoom sail howl akaaalwars. • W 7. Ali MIZNIS ZOE 31.173CAXAMERAC.C1024r, FIUMIIIRT BABIED O, III.4IILIGVIS Greenville Barred Flannels. COUNTRY A ; A IiIIEMSI cgatzioly oicoseathalls.. at MW hloar. A Fill_ Line lA all Depirtileals. livitglie call sap examine our 1.16 W.od Strad. lIIIIIINOT, MORON a CO. " Tm,nEw BOULEVARD SKIRT rot LADIZS AND /DMA. La fle's...relste/ Mid Eat. Were& Also, Real Tartan Cashiers Hose, zita . N u dav n tut i . r ts• wit we ever Ladles' & lasses' Underwear, GIESTM 11:1101181/1AG GOODR; 21111111 AIM DIAWEIS, Traveling and Pine - Shirts, cosa.aas,rsa..IIIIIIMIDICIMP,` scacaraw, dela" ToesTitmlwrra A arZZIMID MOCK OP Ladies , Dress Trimmings, - • ,CV:ol.74.gebrAn6 RONNY AND OLOYE2, ETC. 4.36l"trre "ow rI AWD omprimm ... 4.. plie s iturgla r : and rzol. ua AT THE YEW LOWEST PRICE,. NM, CLUB & CO., SO MARKET STREIT. COIINTRY • ALAMMErg, J. lIL BISMIRD & WS. Large dse and best IIL'ANSETS In the 54, 4-4; 54 WHITE ELLNIVF:Le; RED AND YELLOW FLANNEL& OBEY AND COLORED FLA-NNELS GREY TWEED FLANNELS; SERRYIEG :ANNEIA; - WATERPROOF;CLOTHE; WIDE VEL9ZIB; Aii• lave OM MOMS Ot 0007JA. Nemait.,er tba - se Ltress mum. Lien & MINIS, itso Alvah Strad, A @OWN Wer t h of Fresh Conde; AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. rim aaha claa =Emma& lomeTiMatsimd TOmmit a/35°3114 Tar mrksof GLEAMS amt aow: iricracmass. sten UM& - Tarmeno MUTT' SUMIDIEZIMHZUM TM am "SLOTT TATUM Km nun • wArsrmus ma. ark. isramtuir.wce atuorma"am • .♦asw car as FaIRONABO- ET AND , BOOM lEWELAY. .11tar AMA" TiwAr. ALM complmo ot NALL ATV WITT= OIIDEBILIMITB /A - DIAALWEBS. ismoiaft Opined Wdubleo 11. or PINOCIF oartielea area "Hosea, wrsa..iiiihr to CLAM TOTEM m raw= •AsosambO_Ppg WON tavenor =We harmakr Addris d tan* ; mum it CARLOTA, SiTo. 711.2scia surpreart. it. ir a. Limi. ELM &.ER LONG, • tor Dityr , : - .44c•0p.05, Mii;iatioa la tier am Me! of /ALI W. ll =lo'lool' ' CIL IV% MAIMS • IBa tatetrikaCaz. • • /Use. •MI ...tot It altitiß. Prim looi, aiP. 41 *Ole 111T4 A LLINIPIII. Ir. nor doors tin of tse inisootd. C."ul2lo,valpil,fr too., WEULXIIALZ DIALZES Z roiiien AID DOMESTIC orragoos. DON WOOD Maim thira ►ow atm Mama alley, • 14 MM:ilea. 1% J. Knoint o ucza, A EM rmnut. the • • ' asstroximstratoraa White Lead and Color Works, "17a118 att a t t" liM3111[131 ' A 54 53 Won 411,7 or Is oil. oatwe, lima roux= eraser. /seff. X. 4. 480. 4511,_ 454. 401 V ea t ,5555 wets &Mt 49. II mud 53 es .1111531533 SQFDAY SCUOOL CELEBEIA. 'nos& name, uca= ?Airs% die.. Itralabri istab tbs but ICZ Can*, oosivonotuai n % Al the Mutt btios tenon A iras i gut — itales, a-CMS'S= 3FLXCJZZDZEPL Ita 16 DIAILOAD. Allig1.411• Wise • PAINTERS. ..,a :AWL COULTER & LANE, House 0 surd Sign Painte SLAM CANDO doss to rs, 10. 100 11.1171 Rasa:,Rasa:, Pittahmurrik CO :wane osetieftsw ador. Ir. s. iguana. RoWLIND & HARRIS, HOUU AND VON PAHITEIS, OBAINES3 AND GLAIIIIIS, a% S 4 4 narsozn. ALUMS:MIL ClALsnatnsG doss lo Ye b mania. J.-H. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, se. um ratan ersiiar, etta i s., 2 „ Graining, Waring and Gliding MUILY 7121aramD. ILLIZD PAM% VARtiIIIHZA, PPM, GLAM. BRUDELEO A TuarzsT 1 / 1 2. warn' L.SAD.• A. HUTCHINSON £ HEPBURN, RICA :ULM= PARTINI, - fIEALITEMI AND GLAXITBS. AO. 14 PF.MPA &PRAIA Mitsbainks. All artier, try mall nroatotly attooded to. REMOVAL, • JOHN F. CLULEY. Bowel IBMS Sign Pulsator, Hu re:nov.lU, No: .1 as aittranum err., ritunmrk ouripm7 Ovoodta the old 11111.1. aokonr avocnr•a- urns& MCCOWAX 801188 MS AID 0151111ZISLL PLUM 188. AID CHUM= AID 81481.111& ra earrorta ems at Diamoad,arisithat, Ocossuncial and las mule to dram . (Mid. pr SOU tell and_praaritl7 GS. ecatr."=Lar.s, Wthdoweisayind tty CARPENTERS. BUILDERS. J. DICE: Carpenter and Builder. NO. PLNNINII.VANIA ANN.. u2lVlTZvorrregr antit= "Ze .__ l4l.A. Job blas done milk .andd •ll ort)ns Taman Y •YieYel•d to. sad sau•detloa 'um:rangy Tom J. • . 2. LT. .......0. P. TCular. lo na yoraT BROTREMS, House Carpenters and 11011Cers. • • of Jo"ableir 681 8_81411.218, p attend. 4 Kt. Orders len at so. 489 1..1881,P1 rap p il ilett.• B 4B. MINN 15 ream. cr.. rya. sum -.ARCMs. J . & s. raericres, cuumus ABB BUILDER& Contradt's tat! tbr Ealldtaimprore_FrTaiz .4Jot.tdal. rakvavirarv".:." .%%..4.-. dos. us tit Mins It, inegial at!. 17:a44 Z. 13. IReIaIEADIZEEL, Henn, Builder and Carpenter. ...Ctisoelvvf Bleampf AWAIT sad DU. analstic 4cabok Ina ama in. ale dlsiMtt. Hovel: AND taw CARPENTIIRS. AND MMUS mammy aur PIINGIZIOS • MIMIC, !12 MaltidaLl stmt. COAL. 130111—C—acct:— FITTBBI7IIBR NATIONAL COAL & CORM COMPANY. Manx. gIaVX/1 and dealars. whaleols awl no uul. la tee BEST FARULY Cpl NUT COAL AND SLAM las sad [ W--Caner rOl7lllll A. 111) MIT eisivre, Eluaftro. ordm 'be thatvery ths_elty..a2Usseal wthersdrait and man. 9%.• .tuks. BEST FAMILY' COAL &tem oa we.da. AS lawn Kiu UTEB, n OSCAR 1 LIMN & haan ai P. It. IL / 11 XLIC/?gut CWT. tarseue Wel Malabo, st Übe lenot C 43ALI cou. O COALM STCWAR! & CO, MaTtNE moved thstr Via to • N.. On L 11113117 'STREET, ( Latdyetty.lllmlllllll ISICOOND FLOM An sow prep:mottle nrilabl. SO4 war. am COAL OS Z 411131. 4/ lowan ambit lees Zia orders a tf~ .. as Ono olla tlll vr MALtryng 1194mmit. GIL&RLEB AELNISTRONG, =WM IN rotramow E rr k ClONMaavimai COM, lad Maaarbessuin of • Clesi,glardli. mit likrudidesitsid CNN 017;Clt AND TA D. • Omer of pitiwr sad Arnim Ind {la d. MAO. aat7 MI OMNI, MUSA. N lath ward. ua OS Irranun"Zl rattar.twatvalat ban . r ai ls 0(.0441 or lAkt• at Inning:an Man. Orders left at woe theta. 0110.. E reelltvi IMMT4 manioa. PIANOS. ORGANS. 444 .CE/M111.11•Za• A:O.M /SW. MA* inn.MIZ BABB. DIM & BUVrillat, summon •• wautizax: • Dam. N 0.12 at. Clair it., Pittsburgh. =3 Plaaaomy COrgams, - Ltd Mufti& Goats ginsually. 111 1 1 1011Aillria tor Cis cosesise: - 11LED111 R. taw- Taft. sad SCHOILACII3I II CO. I ileaiataus, Ila3loll. • LYN =TIT 00.75 • VOTCLISIZ. ,, sad D. • H. A =tam od• adds. mina:mum rdazars ummut.. Milip ban !tabu sael emus Vlatla lad Gal. Ow Oman alimsenahao. &Ifni/ 1111111111.1111,ED alloc—mi st Isiah,: flu wad Oww• dr Tel; the wine% clam lolshad: .tend trg , e teem tM hay other. Nene stook Jeri re. Ner Me it leee Ohara:hem price. CaLlitorra EL17311., at Mk matt, &as Amu far Xambst , 6 Piano% P6lsea Ram Plum. and Prmesvi OrMS. asta y:4:4 ief.l:4l:iv:W Dr. N. W. BA.THES. verERIRART REHM. Oiled sad Stabled, to mint ltalantl Hotel and =vim Linn sad nate Ilanten et Wawa riaAmoss, Allarimem Pa. iad4sae•-10 Pat. Alto IL, Second Ward. litartelela r ili trotted Ita all arable di.. =me try_pnninin f. iaa Tlia p tp lata, in. 800 Harebsat amm4de T eL4l . l , tabelvdEnn ttl i lliirpr,_ l 4o . o.. N grnlig. " Bl. 4U t toreifea Emhart. /Wei and aid• Rae ad. tljlzbeditC&..7llelhalts.: Manna,. melamine, I.lhaderMitsert. *Leah. vin,ltEm . llll4=p . a1G,677.. • purity, • ' =MEI Wan ROSE TRAINER, %%Ammar sh• ,oinzmil=tzwiaa . 11=tiglea as IL aux.,. Virmrl7 4 =W:A ireraZE wil l s an srealand=ersaa s. i'mult i r b ir. !Imam assatx. 2 011 1. 4 . 17 ; .a. F.h...1 re Na. at Ivo exuh - tonr ad imut Jobs rut. ii.b...D.17.1 4 l ieskare ' L a1t1341 • czmi SEigateperviril a tllD ' . - 1141 C 0.,) • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS DAR L INVAVISP"IrI iu % I T dit Sttsirpra loiter ie. TA•AfII Thint rta ler* aux A. MILLER, r LITHOGRAMER, i„ ; ,rormu. Apollo ,Ehtildthli BILL lad Lir. IRREECH.LOADING 11)011111WE mama. NEM NON11.11:34 414 •Wm sportenni et UP &b.* Inat =. l :rigope, 10bI m :Mg 11 lenialt Z711 , 71:4 rraTor n ini==. JAMI3I/31111171, 176 W6Ol =EI TTIM COURTS 11 •Premis awn rrosee t tn. g . " T rimixDAY. October EL—Court met at the usual hour. FUll beneb present. Grier C. Orr, of. Kittanning, on matter' of E. S.Golden, EN.. and W. EGGiren,of Greensburg, on motion of Eon. IT. D. roeter were duly admitted and quail& al to practice in this Court. OPINIONS DELIVERED. The !Wowing opinbanit were dellv ored. Lir TlroMPsoNt J.-o'Lnughlta Jefferson Co. Judgment affirmed. adel Plannega Affirmed. n vs. Mechanics Bank; Phil- Dixon et al va. 6Wen et al; Franklin Co. Affirmed at appellants` costa. Bast to Hammond; Franklin Co. Ra vened and venire dc novo awarded. Gllkers adm'r vs. Gillen et id; Frank lin Co. Affirmed.. Bt. 5T60210, J.— . Wolf vs. Batchelder et a/Lrsvrford Co. Affirmed. Barrett &Camille vs:Bryant; Jefferson. Co. Aflinnoth By READ, J.--Com. vt. Fayette It Co.; Dm:IIMM Co.*versed. Lovering k Co. vs. Buck Mountain Coal Co. Certificate from nisi peius. Affirmed. co H ager vs. Per n a. R. R. Co.; Dauphin ty: Affirmed. Benedict vs. Sigler, adMln'r; Mifflin county. 111 mod. Elder et al to, The Commonwealth: Jtmlata county. Affirmed. Wilson et at vs. Rutherford; Dauphin oottnty. Affirmed at applicants' costs. Evans VV. county. Affirm Matson et al; Jefferson : • Snider Va-E.nierhmer; Crawford coun ty. Affirmed. By Atmew, . I .—Beegle vs. Wentz; Bedibral county. ,AlLlrmed. Affirmed.Greely et al vs. Thomas; Erie coaxal - . Thompson at al va..Arlatteg Canter cone e . ford tp. S. D.a. ZumbrM Frank lin county. Judg ment reversed and Judgment for defendants below In case ee& ' [Bvno.ito, J. was absont from the ar gument of the abovo named awes from Franklin, Dau 3111111 n, Juniata and decßedforlald counties, anphin, d took nopart In the ons.l CA2 , 121 AItOTIED Aurents vs. Porter: Indiune. Argu ment condoned by Weir for defendant In error rad d rbey White n ad iana. Rued by Weir for plaintiff In error, and by Clark and Stewart contra. Criswell re. Criswell- Indiana. Ar gued by Weir for plaintiff In error, and by Stewart, contra. Bowser's. Cravens*: Armstrong: Ar gued' by Phillips and Barclay for plain tiff in error, and by Golden and Boggs contra. oewtexasitipourrea. The Court atopolated Harden Ward. -crier, John sahe, tipstaff, and Stewart McKee, assistant, for the term. —,-- xraisas sem. Mertes 0e55e1.411.1.4111 SOCABSIIIIIIIS. • *lunar, Oct. 31.--Court mot at the usual hour, and proceeded with the O'Hara bankruptcy case. liotconcluded. In the matter of Wm. Henry re. Hugh Campbell. an d ruptc7. Jury called and ewers; verdict rendered for do. fondant. In the matter of T. Blair Moore vs. Joseph Cole In bankrupt_ey. Return day to rule toahow cause. mr. Cole de. nies the act of bankruptcy set ibrth, and on motion of his attorney, B. L. John ston, 'BK., the Court inted W. If. Gechler, isq., ammo oner to take to on ten days' n otice. • , In the matter of 8. A, W. Burns, bank rupts. Petition of Har l iste Blake to be , discharged as eitelguee, presented, and' Court granted the samai . I On motion of C01..T. H. Kerr, Gen.' Wm. McCandless anleome 11. Arm- 1 strong, Esq., both of P Lladelphle, were duly admitted as members of the bar of I this Court. - • --a— flame. Osetee—gstege WHilaasi. Trftrasnar October 31 —ln the cue of James Smith vs. Plttabt rgh, Columbus and Cincinnati R. R. Co.i the jury ren- i dared a verdict lbrs7g4 damage'. Motion 1 for a new triaL D. Fawcett A Co. vs. I. K. nehan. Verdict in favor of plain =star 915 Li 0.64 i full amount claimed. Thos. H. Gibson vs. w•Aforton.. Action on promissory °tee book no- count At., dated in I and 1859, del feuadant Needing the te of limits- Fe dons. N'erdiet in favor of pleintiff ter ii,509.90, subject to opin on of the Court on the question of law reserved. If the Court should be of opl that OA whole i or a portion of said elal la 'barred by the statute of limitatio then the Court have the power •to mod the verdict il y and enter)ridgment for each amount as the plaintiff Is In law entitled to recover, or to enter Judgment in 'aver of the de. fondant non otalonteresediPio. Head ,t Mellen, ea. A. 8. Rhians' ad ralaistristora Verdict fo . 9550. Robert Chola.= vs. dam .K.lrker. Action for damages for I rence with ferry privileges, at G on the 'Youghiogheny River.. Court order , ed a non snit, on the giound that the plaintiff had given no a cleat evidenoe to entitle him to UMW ids action, with Imre, d.c.. Robert Meths= Vt. m Fuller. Similar action. On trial. Following is the trial tPe this day. ah 453. G. A. 31widorf vs. . Ms Wicker am 66.71. B. O'Neill vs. 69. Berrolgh vs. 67. Henderson 41:rar, Simpson vv. Verner. 70. Foster it Co. vs. Pitts 71. Noble, Anglin it Co. ministratore. 72. Brown vv. Haigh. Criss name-4 liedlem. Tnritanar, October 3 In the coo of George Bingham Co. Alexander Bing, owner, and John S. drain, (dn. tractor, the Jury found a ve edict in favor of the plaintiffs Air 35M.44. Millirem at Bidwell v 4. Alexander Ring OE Co., Impleaded With John S. McKean, contractor. Verdict for plain tiffs for $416.00. Jenetteßosewell vs. Wfillan3limierrolL In divorce. Petition filed and subpiena awarded. R. Callymore, for use of John Miller for , W sJoo.hn 08. Bell. Verdict for plaintiff Mittieberger, Herzog it Bro. vs. Jacob I Frey ßates Verdict for plaint:J. Parker Ms for 11325.39. it Bell Co. Verdict In favor of .plainlißs for $186.67. Thompson, Bell .t Co. vs. H. H. Col lins. Verdict in favor of plaintiffs for $2178.77„ Following Is the trial list for this day: 1 18. Weleenbaugh vv. Nosier. 34. Brothers. Sellers, Canfield it Co. vs:Jackson • 85. Jackson Brothers vs. Sellers, Can field Co. - • 39. Bell vs. Western Transportation roadCompury. 30. hfoCready vs. Pennsylvania Rail -4 40. Allegheny county V.. P. it C. It P. Corrmiany. 41. Kleffe vs. McMartin. 42. Garrison le Fuller vs. Flatter. 49. Pennsylvania Salt Mannikin ring ••Compan vs. R. S. Smith it Cu. 4.5.1 V vs. Harsts. td O'NNll Illemarieeseemeno.,Jecter asenee, Tat:recur, Oct. 31.--Coottrt met at the tumal hour, ten o'clock. TRIAL ros useL—zsircorrarrr ouzo John Stewart was , placed on trial for on complaint of his wife. The prosecntrix resides is Birmingham, and ' has been, owing to domestic trouble, liv ingess tind aparter th e from her husband, doing busi n panctkai • tome sole trader. of the Court an . . The alleged libel consisted In the pub- Hendon eta printed paper, headed . John Stewart's sworn &dames:lW which pur ported to be a history of his wife and an aooount of his experience with her. Wet. 84:amen a merchant on Wood street, teetitlol that he had secured two. or three copies of the paper from the de fendant. James Brassily wai acquainted with tho defendant; had seen the publication, and being acquainted with the parties supposed several paragrapha to rofer to him Stewart; defendant told without that he interuled to publish the paper , end that he (witness) would know what Dim Stewart woo when ho (defendant) gave him Jwitness) a copy. Jacob R. Sfilfcr, Eoq., had aeon one o the papase pasted on • telegraph polo, at the corner of Fifthandihnithtleldstreets. —John McKee tastlned that the defend ant had given hina a copy of the publics. non. Mr..Hoerr, court interpreter, received a copy of the publication from the do. fondant, who said ho had circulated the ' , document" through various townships. Wm. Livingston ' of Lawronmville, brother of prosecutrix, testified that she was a widow in 1860, arid that the name of her seoondhusbandwasMitehelLjle bed seen tho publication and sup it' referred to Ms stator; several cop es were thrown about his premises. W. C. More/and, testified that shortly after the appearanee of the publi cation defendant met him In therotunda of the Court Mouse and said the publl• cation was Ado so lei es ho (witness) had been referred to, but it wan true so far ea Mrs. Stewart was concerned. P. 11. Collier, DEN counsel for the prosecution, proposed to offer the entire publication In ovidehos. The paragraph mentioned in the indictmen as refer ring to Mrs Stewart, was admitted and read to the Jury. - • For the defame, Margaret While testi fied that she was present at the marriage of Mr. and Stewart (defendant and prosecutrix) in 1860. Jame, Beek testified they had lived to. settler until within the het two or three I Yaa, Morrison, Esq., counsel Ibr do. tense, claimed that the same law which Geluded the wife from o:edifying a m huxband would apply in We ease and require the acquittal of the defen dant. Judge &owe, in charging the Jury, said the point raised WAN 'moor muclalsw P itniktrlteß DAILY GA44I4I7E:.:FRIDAY. NOVEMBER J. t 867, mg perishes.. The principle omon law seemed to indicate that a husband might libel his wife, and steal or barn her .property, or do anything that did not street her personal safety, and not be held answerable. HisHomor very much doubted whether the prosecution could be sustained wader an authority cited by defendant's counsel, viz Rex vs. March, Ryan ct Mciodylaßneerved Crown Hues, 183. "Where upon art indictment swaths. a woman for setting dre to the house of her husband, ft appeared she had lived separate from him for two years and had gone by her maiden 1 nunt 41:1 h that sh e clearly from the evidence that she had set fire to the house out of milts, to her husband, she having deelartd that she wishett to burn him ho the house: the held that she ought not to be convicted" But at the request of the counsel for the prose cution, His Honor said he would reserve the question, instructing the Jury pro forma that In considering the moo they should treatfthe prosecutrix but she were not the wife of defendant,as a thi rd Party and.crf no relation. The)ury attee a brief absence retaurned vetdia of guilty: Mr. Morrison moved Toren arrest ofjudgment. [ln slating the above caw we have designated tho wife as the prosecutrix. We should have stated that her daughter occupied that, relation; but this circum stance does not alter the position of the question raised.] • 1 EIELLMG TO niziorin.. Catharine Leceuird, Of Pohlman town. ship, was convicted on an indictment for willlng liquor to minors, and sentenced to pay a line of ten dollars and the coots. • attsroe'a POLICE 00 Taint:. of B. &aright, of the Mayor's pollee, *ere on trial on a ciuuge of atimult and battery, preferred by John Low, The Lint count in the indictment charged fortable= and detainer; but this stria th r ot p The assault and batter} , Was alleged to have been committed on the night of the 11 thofAuguat lest, the defendants, as policenten.gotngto the Ileum of thepros- • eoutor • and arresting him, with. out, as • claimed, proper authority. For the defense evidence was offered that [ them was disturbance in th e neighbor- hood, occasioned by the prosecutor and I his son quarreling,'iwatch" having been to be that Mr. • eafted. The facts of the also appeared Low's Son tatno home In the night, drunk, and began...quarreling • with ids father, who got out of bell; the non knocking the father down, a, [ daughter rushed out of the house and [ gave the alarm; the boy was arrested anti taken to the look-up; afterwards defend ' ants returned to Low's house, called him [ out of bed and said they wanted him to go to the Mayor's office and make an in ion:nation against his son; Low declined to go zj Zaald he would go in the morn ing; if one of the defendants, said "Fil be if you don't go;" they then took Low in custody and to Uao Mayor'a office, or look-up, whero &aright made [ an information againnt him for "diem derly conduct." and he was detained in the tombs until morning. Judge Stowe charged the Jury theta( [ the defendants went to the houseof Low, [ after the arrest of his non, and arrested [Low tbs. hammer stated, without a warrant, the arrest wait clearly illegal, and the defendants were guilty of as malt and battery. • The principle of lair I governing the case was (Archbold vol 1. p 100.) that "Constables may interfere to prevent an affray, in their presence, in the mane manner as aprivate person, and it is more particularly 'their duty to do so. 'Hat after the affray is over, they cannot, 'any none a pri vate person, apprehend the affrayers without warrant. And ' the same as to all breathes of . the pone or- any other ,miedemeanor, 'committed out of Tiller: Ills armor said It ;was time the authorities,' whose Madame It was to protect the poen; understood their duty in these matter*. If oecurrinem such an the one in hand were ea frequent as they brere alleged - to to, th e Court would en deavor, in Imposing penalties, Si far as possible to Instruct oftleers as to their proper dales. The jury itrund a verdict el guilty of assault and tottery. Sentence deferred tiljto-morrow. ADONAVAiED AXIACLT AND NATINDY. Stichaal Bogle won Indicted 'for sarault and baftery,nn °onto! Georgo Vollmer, and the aarumdafetidant and Prank If ogle, lbr **graveled astault and battery, on to of John B. Brown.. The ease*, hair ing fifteen out of the mime 'transaction, were tried_ together. Thu dlfticulty oc curred to Oakland township, on the .Zd or July last. at the i 'atiootfou fallery." Brown and Vollmer want partners In the tee buelnewi, andtheir *mind so the place was to collect:money, about width the trouble amaa. Tho ease wee - On trial at adjournment: -, filrAdditional Local !Letters en Tint tale.. - RrwlL aanaufm.L & co, BOILER MAKERS IRON WORKERS, :/!ci!k TO5• 4 !• 1 / 1 1 .ad se Psis Jots • EMU NM. rad sdel W =cm sue kiata7. as say Dr. mr. 44444.4. of P.- en Is The b. mai.. .4 warn.. 4.41 6.14.• ta 12. eavatr7. Cflarmen. 444 rtnA lob. leas Rom. Lammas.. 1.11. C 40444.11. 41$ Pow. Ittais. Oil MI. Agitaion. %Mae Pia" Solarizes. Unarm'. Soma rass. awl *ow anutaftslef 11W.. MISlltrATZVIT 11012W131*.. , .• &neon UM ebrumßi SOW. %Reel Af. : • mo AND } n • veeusylrn.st z i n:l . ailaitaar.. ...au i f .r Ws.!matzr.m an paapaarllex amesalyr • • Coil Oo ofla' ad law ran= FOR THE ULIDLERULIEF 10 . 3 . 10 . "Mibe litonntais Cerms.. 'bales III•ida Pbaki ., se , • " Men Parka% !•Nligir Ilaraska.erraa., • "K W " "...WI Pews., . A end amt1i5e..1161k144.04 Tregsras Pelts. paled book tb• nr• bonatent •01•1. la law Mt ram libsowto.4...gr kr- IMILALOPIrIik NM, Now York: [Walt& 01P .co:rmsts. IniALMIIS—TALII 110 OTECE. er. " • motarrortme a Uri Initat; ilisausbes. Ale•ratkni et tir Mulder. * n livm 41LT= 3.• prosiest. e•mi, no SU. a 4,. 5. 1111111...• 111.117•Ve,"" •. 06.31./ giraminoun 1 -.• zaricrOlity • .0,4e/toll ma tatti at tba SLV IRMril M a e a RVZ " 'Di9 r 3 T. "KdWertgaLalal /aw.alhe ri - r . ' 1 12111421 - 91et.t TO! Lo y 11 101311,11,111.111 . MIRO 01i01111LIall aigp siaj. Ws( • Kowunsvenzirou: - • 411=tr. wt reeTreeelni eabottiletet: Coornoploe ern..ln. - oar eons.tow ripe. MI /Mad b.! b•Platted treat time suanab. AND &MINUS. SO gasser Paserit7. espesd4 epos pemipt et • seltstals nose/. HISIJUSULDV =MATT lllCrall. Zataggslase Omit*, otl lean. ftsessed HZIOUVOLD. ". • 1114 graaselest, F•wyega, alsel - • Neste Mk shuesslests. Ps. Me by W Onsasigs. ' morel °MIS 1377" ALTlLltatr=gnmert glf= agpi ( 7 0•01027, .4 Le n tfurala " ! Itid . ormegl ' arIIOHIMION. DNA & COQ Moan• on as MOSINSON. MIMS • 11014•7•• WASHINGTON WOREB, mod MoULUl4l4,PitUbluar, IllaututPUsuct Bast aa4 Ilnalloup Item ulu% !Wu minus. YW Ilublaory, lu. Oulu. of aU Ourtutou; Ull Tuts lad BUM. EDW., sad nun Isu Wart. tuut Ba. y 8 emu rust aaa gamete/4a inc Uriantil an eirralUpli PAXIIII3 IN. noros for feedlnr botlem Asthrll t 11 — 7a 4 e k Th i g 1 ~ • • 6 • r leltC2lll et • • eutt■ 11 tea no mineet L. lira • epU I t • 7,- .. ..., Oa T 1 tX)IIitTITIITtIII.. of troth•tztly a t- ft Enamour. SZTJUOT BMW. It trill (tie tortslamll atierestle ttettßirt 004 eltablo you to Woo wal. see•NWP girl= HEALING POOL, ; •", AND NOUNS ON MAIM • • . . , ASSOCIATID• Nrprw.a, vox 11.13N0 10 AN, osa.tue CANER OP INLITUDy., na lb. ANN, INA Ainims aid plota4Ng h 2rjr, hoe. Afoot In OM Vi pazier =rez t ja ... , LTA pm. .. , Fr. , KLe• Ia"TARE 1110 NOIRE UHT , sue 11111.11.11' KINIEDISA tb, IMplaallant.d OILOITT•O4UNOM. Has. /I=lll7 JarD Rom kt: Mrs, arVLUCI ALAcorr, _ DENTIST, .re. 218 PArdr 6T X22' r=l larrapßozrom milli Ex ot Up plow* tainew4 maim la tea *etsee""l4,l!"4"stirir. - '-Tap - 42Loiert or NAM ; aN a.bur.ww3.llllr=smic= WT . 112111110010 ABM Wel/TH. M. ma. re . norMae4 *ma. IarEIUATTERED Crile TIMM IIisToILID bl 12111.4.7 .1100.1111. 11,41 a, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and' ,Broken, CORNER THIRD ARO WOOO STREETS nrinavaaa. teCO.CE2I6OIIB . TO KAM. HUT it 000 Exchange, F4ll, Couponi, .14 Paratalar ... litia&a .m. V w 610VERNMBEi11iT BOrliDti . , . arNileirr mums o.N;Anumil. N, HOLIES & SONS ELA.PgjEgjECISPEN • Na 57 Narket Street. rrnasuitulf. On.atltl Maven In Pea Tana. and Poneno. 0011entIon. made on all Ma Iniaataal 901010 of the United Inataiind Cituldna, . . Stocks, Beads sad Other. Securities Bocci= AID sou or optimums. zw.d. atlantic,. MIA to tn. n:angum and lacledlag U. IL SILO UP 111111; dd. do. 11660•1 O. a 11VLi10-40.. U. a. 01111.17710ATi1 U 1 INDZETILOALUI. Order. and VoeottereDdatta .ol.eted. • Mew WBSTUA> &AVMS BM, Me; ae RourtWilerired. CMCALNILTIONRAIL... • Du...4W rata ex T 6.. Depaurts. • Auy MU* revolved lbw= Oue D.U. upward. D•posUs rub)... t Climak, without DISOWNS DAILY, AS U IPODUTI. Fredde.nt74lloMP3ON BELL. PreSideat..4. M. Mika LL. DLUCTONS. umnriblLL. ier"Th atoetuatia woake rcairibi=4RZWA.: t t , Mary Lain On. D. O. Bldwall. M/...Mvc.„ pirrainnunt - • BANK FOR .111AVINCS, trossotlytho DMZ OWINGS maTrzunon 61 Fourth Street. .. H wyopswo. o..nia. WPFOLONWIN• MAIMED 1.11 MI wi r ifiraini x AihTiiTiVoL ihrita Dom Ohs tat to Noss:lobo, Ist. 7 141 Ile:tilt alki fral. : • Mitr . .4 " te., ' Ail:Wit:to 40.20 'PIS lam tle• !w00d..., oilers. tboosoboto otto loss vs Iloaltsq elte ovoonnity VD sea. :: 1 : 1,1 •. ,17 41 4° ..= 4 .1:%14..."74=. Ins latercat 1.1.4 ot nostotnias ooPototoNDot .13coaka-ci Of AtissaaastOTONS eItORVIL A. WNW , Om Osaltwoost . IN 11. FLOWN/M. ' 4 / 1 .11211 WK. IL. I • soCtstow olio szoosoya t D. I. /AMIN LW. • Pf: R /IVI T I;1 DM ' N I iIjeIFNOUnDC:I.% lall'ipallk . L s`' r 11VMATZ. - ItoLomoss.l. PA.YPI . ~.ab4nrNlP ALLEGILITRY SAVINGS BANK, axaseamaz laa 141.111113. WA/01EOLDEll sittvrounra LIIJU Dope.. .4 n. pm aut. an...M. a... ?mt..!. 4.4.166 4.4 . t0:44..... py.. slltte4 1714.6.=;:mfty O. 74.1.1 k, JOHN W. EMMA (14414.. Ls 1 - 0 Tit:ll.. 1 ;mit -i:1 EMn OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oil, rem atuassazzu Sperm Lubricating Oils, LINOXED OIL, Wheirahe Dodos la 1.41.1.; Lune.tbe 011 r. Wad, Ilim bk lirlialtr aril R. Q. MACIMSNEY, Agent. 19 Irwiilk 'Street, H. M. LONG & CO., 1LA.1977ACT1711.111 Or PDBB 111111 BURNING OIL. Brand—"LUCINZR." Mks, No. 2 Dolma, Way. TACK BROTHERS, per. MMWII, AL1134 . 1 handent and Its hamlet', rrrassollin orrwsk-ousur. swum m... of Deg Isaw• WSW 111 !Mt ottesi. PHILADWItskOFFION-I.IIIWaJsUM. WARING & ovum' incitin 111 genii al Petroleum and Its Products. Dinewe gi•CalsGlNlNee Wsy misuses. ra. rnnruscral• AuTilises WARING: KING lit CO.. 1111 Walnut St. !MU. 8117 PETROLIA SLUE LIFADi OIL kirisup . ituthausa oar/ m One T. .1/4 s EflONlffa T`1.71 , 72' aioaße; N.11.00r.al narkskste.; o.i. • . rrrnuntaaa. B AGLE WICHTMAN ik ANDERSON Itartivan and /Dealers In PETROLEUM °max, ammo szoinr, COM= RAM 0001 BT. LIM 1 717Q1711161111 War. Bikkreme, Wciesz & co. - COMMON MERCHANTS, AIM= POE Till ' PACUIet Gobs & Liberty 011 Werke - et.....ei.end..41 • on. üb ridmiutre=te ea. " 1 4 . 1 "ar:::::: l =4«44=,=A ns Nalsena ttallneh. Imams a. C. A. 1 :1111211..0. Zr. WIMpuiLD SOHO on. wawa, oaaotooan sad tomtit Na all au*. of. 17/3 ASA Cat "la costa, 1 CLAMS COO. . 1 1 11111101 CO. wizay STABLES; hi=tunaziTs , LIVERY " AND BALE STABLE, J. W. lioxoLsos.titllPlllETlll. mos. In .in us W seater, 191P0ed1•11410sate ' '8;8;5;4 ." - Min= win% ras. r u nhayssmsse pm* so poreafte Yt nl• at mum a mum, LIMY :4 1 14 Bair : &abler, usurer mum% omen, rnserinsu PITTSBURCH. nystuty, "jAcon WEAVZII iRIli CO4 '•1lfal Patent Agettei, maws, rtch. 1 r:. CLAM fit: =OE _E"11 PALE—The best Farm In Innold toreashlo. Westmoreland omit?. tioritalnlna the 2MI saes, &treated Ms Mlles south of the Penneylauds 1ta11..4 at IBolivar ninuoth The lanouvemente area lwav I .4.l.og i t i nse t: 4o ei.gx rod f wtth abr R=N o=dv;ttiTh!orr, the freeing le 01 No. 1• the mil Is good. and Wen Watered: AMU acres cleared. there an7tu good white oak timber. Tide prop offered at the low orlee of Chalon Per acre, Pommel. laurndlatoo. oar/o. • yeltabla Ch e s t Parta. coutahrlna Mr Mrea.oloted in overalls, Allegle. Mra r a , ...tar u lT74 ° 67.7 l l4laat read_ atmat nineteen milee Irma l r o efts. Ilia f mMormilents aft • • torwelary Iniek beam wltb L i t r .sat u rkta . ll =tameXpnLirari a zi: Mau,. at the test traits. of all varittlas. Bebords orlmge convimisat, !Weans Wishlng eu ha gardening would do wall to call and KirehMe41.1,117%,....,, bftraland utty. t L"47.14,111=7 : 6T," '' f , o ll 4 ir. 1 . 31 1 4'01:1 igni,T i lrA i lAsiz i, upA i t , tenant lila fenu"llinrervlrillit= w ßol itlibrimin• Doll eubl. With never failing rprings; w_linha one haadred rods of the Penne. Central watroed: ZS ms eut at Pittsburgh. aud three &lee :te ereemburr. This hum is Mgr VII nod 0 lituatea in • good me n uu. I . war acre • underlae with ea • ro h . a Seg. el'oneree 1131mneur towneollh tZZll,ralk arawn=. 'm &r.rg ana , a o l 4l o b g: f e.dtre . r . 4 ,, , rard l l: Irmo •a. TOM graTerty na told ebfat.F 1", Alm. 0 sexes In Derr7 tweeepjfb Wd03.01.- Mad-00m Pia. ithlw the y!ro 6101, Mils. and Wm mile•of two stallons on the PL Rana •wellies hoot 000 AtAtzalLo Z eil atz v o nut . of barn. two Md a era.. of eholg " tr e irlT7reT Tet; wholemeal...a underlaid with a els root rtill ol goal, sow opened. and an abundance of thaw etort4 Ale MUMS will he mid yen' low. it o Vig further pil . sticalars 0000100 of G. Et. TOWOOI aulrl Beal luau /rent. 164 Porsul at. 2,000,000 ACRE: HOICIi LANDS FOR SALE, 1.04.43 BY Slit talon - Pacific Railway Co., LKSTSC-N Lying Qom the Itaa of their - road. at SUDO to Ita 00 Per Acre And oa a OULDIT up 7/Va TWO. ►m partinlan. snapo. an:. Warm JOHN P. sucvssurx, 4131 .10owalSepaior. Toyta. kuu•A ionAii. C. LALICIROILI. nweY. j HAVE THIS DAT ASSOCIA. tiPTZIo4IIV. .1 CZ, In. MR, join D. & =a, STOCK ARO REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND •uanosasae. . .. • • LIO pnloarad to ociat. Luanda. ettols, Ards. nod all We of Pooprlslea, Itaak.r±la n 4. OM rtra.tare. ae... mar .. . ..! P "?.. itr, "Tre4 p.I. it Paratotars 10 th• We 0:Ral 4:m4U prlvo.l4 W . r. .._ _ . 114.15 a ofaral Small. la Ur. ens ‘47 .01.,..% 001.. L'sTULIKIII lITHXZT. WiILIMIXOTOII CO..IMM \ 10t4 I •W ir L u 2 k MI. IS " Ca 71 4 : et h 11l totra.ail... lauallaloa eosin), ft., 6 WM' 1011tt or West e Issasfa. sad Si MO/ Mn . alaaoram.cl to antral!. .4 Yt feils boama: so orshar It two log erildr . majrir t al puts.A. Le. I= O. 11114 23XVIE-16-7Xf. Sro . lsz faL Meek sad Waal Zatat., aoano noun's, roetta mew, TWO DRIED DWELLINGS, Om Llriir7 Strati'. tea, Wato, Ou et Um W{a lnt Da Wakt:O• 1=3332 watb.o.24tH.p. Ippiyi . STEEL Sr WILSON, Shaken sad SW teUq.• Aaetla, No. 48 i11a1p.3.8.4 Oxen. azi .ROR Ta LUX OR NOLITIN.CHEAP-•- .. m Carpeelorr•• emuet, on the Get- End ieltneed. Isentenales Eli wee: Ls me. imuf how. lites, reed ereheetrell ee4 seed fee eelf.tralle Ales, • elsrearj rem.. Is good teeellta'aad welt fee ervind. welsh 1.111 sell cheep sad ors mem.- gealt . tro. Lvt . sa . M) of etroi ba.U.134( OIL I Patina.. 'Eutterdef; lames of !". itgett EA eee:e.2 eveeelie tee A COAL weitarA FOR MALE , 44 -rapardeor eloalog .4 .eoOnaseslo dolly. tea Owns. teasel kaaefoolont Iteero. ono. eaeler, man all Coe a.oar) tstanel for • on o . .44 Irma:4 We woo miles, • Uwe. er• nom of *oaf. - kir ts Ow. of MI soot valuable worn... W eLoauerf•bela riven wW be 0014 tow *ad 05fr004. trams. 'Mr"- "?:f. • HOUSE MID LOT FOR GALE, ~ .1111:X171.1. i in, ex. bl:Mtrntalki apba ii r a'4lr:;"l Tirri.ttTg treat ; Ity4rulk wawa as La, rnd caw. up _I. 1. a • • 111/ W , I .011,, priliTz ( zlNFlAT6J:rirjri PLIf STEFAN, & BON. M. misuse or FLOM FRED. GR.412.3", NW MIMS 4.1011111.1.114 Ave noises metal/. No. is OILIU ALI4IIBINT A . VOMIT&& CO, mum: wag DiALltla LIND . Commiesiori Merchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn' St.. PIiTIMPIWIIi. PA. =I BREWER BURKS &ON COMINBIOII AraINTII PUY TILL tunic, Globe & Liberty OU Worius, jaW stamp iar Oriels sad /WINN Oil. Lit. eaa advaiono made *a _iwbeung....l. l of Cnkl.or renrolc. Tarts tar. MM.! ousa .blur4=d: gz:zrjr.lll..w saTineroselg ate .. Ithiftergh. g irlf Air rpm' 00101113810 N 1112.01(Ali TB, Flour, train. Seeds, Mill Feed, te. scizazzavr er a ser. 'MAIO IIITODI7IIOII. PA. mammy mrak, Jty AMOUR, 61141. r. Ledhtedice emaisamiler IBS LIII2IWIT Irrassr, rirrentraen ROBERT KNOB, Jr., ocumnatom itssostairr. Ala dealer In FLOG GRAIN AND PRODUCE, amo k OS LIMZETY ST.. Plitabourgb. BLANCHARD, WItOLIIALZ LAD lIITAIL CE- rt. CO CI 3E3 . 690 Penn Stmt. MALL &NM. WM= &-ANJEII, Vituousisaton Jfferchasslei Doom FLQW/LITAIIIII raormoll msnAi mi ghtt . wsKrta. abote damosna teS FETE & ARIMITIIOIIIG,, PRIME% dB Gomm IMICIWIN, mulivwg z: ezr, .11 , =.11,14intz. um:mu% wrwarim,pciiii. rt: • WM. ' .duir'DlNW 31:1101 it ANON /k.' 8011", Commdos • AIMEE Mll•ad Dealers IX /LOU& DU DD. MULL MD awl MOM must th Do. TV Dbuzumd, aprogs• /Wm. flu n.e mUI [IC 01i4r 4 ILU t it Wel ea bni v ien etomelua.d. nor.dmr.”oun . 0.1 LITTIJI - MUDD & PATTON, Wbolesai:W r irliftos Itsreluata, M orn la Lola. Voiyoz Crs, OM= _ _ sArTek 3 4s4P. nrnertal,l2 sea literma t nroot. Plttsotinfla. Ems:a. nrrsoa—mx. D. :moo. 8R03.. Tuccesion Wee tirroV. it JOHN 11.11/111M = ZUD Casa 21:PisM en. tau n 1141?:... n Z ftr/ 1 . 11,Z4 nG IMO 110113 line% RIDDLE,Ach 188 Liberty St,, rkur&gir:B:=lfre.Ml2 ser=gu urnac..4 u, • • JJOHN L HOONIA. Mid otkuWLfO7IEFAR.OI7I3•Oa. WON ". r rut faCIEDBILAIIER LANG, WWII.. . 4 +.ol.lsalars InOroeseles. Plals galls. Pro: c. in rtmakihrmarbon i Finsbartb. aoSsn/4 1011 f wassAcia NkWALLAC Whole. 81 1 11 n l moCNIS AND PNDDOoIi. D.NALIZNA, o. • • iNroot. rat %Nub. . tonal" CARPETS. OIL NEW FALL STOCJi CARPETS. IionLRLAND & COLLINS OFF/Fit TO CABE BOTTS. BARGAINS AT RETAIL. Nee, 71 and 78 Filth Street NEXT TO ONITW STATZEOVIITON HOUIE. .max 7LOOI. _! NEW FALL STOCK CARPETS 1 • Wits Lem:mm=os ALL WOOL INGRAM, WOOL DUTCH, LIST AND RAG, HALL AND STAIR,. COTTAGE AND REM?, ENGLISH AND 4.31741 . 1 CAN DRUGGETS, MEDALLION- DAUGGETS. Ii P rI AITItrItZ T VZL I MILIVIS b kr= Co toy to flu. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., • '2l 711TH STRZIET. oesimudeler UV weals a Ball'. ELVET CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, INGRAIN CARPETS, ■EW PATIERNS. 1141ri1iT212•4 u"'" of N° LITOICU ZEN OLIVER McCLINTOCK & COMPANY am se. sa Irma 07 ROOT. oi FIFTH STREET. , McCALLUM BROTHERS Have w bawl ID. TALL ETTLX/S of C 3 .A.3R.F O EMOS. OIL oLoalas,lir, OSUMI OLOTHIII WWII PILTING ♦HD DM:MUM 'MILLIS& • nporlar ariftle at 210114 On orbs; .ass. trait, of RAct OAErn% UV sad tiair tJA11 , 17 . 6. McCALLUM BROS., /11 TITER 1112111=. den • Itetirria autall.l4 Wit Wood 'Stmt. LNISUILeiIi OE. LLEGREN I INSURANCE Co A. ur rzTroutmali.—trisft. aa . Ill• Ti Aron EW Mari ZITO§ Maim all Made at Ars Ye Allaatu fra irre z t,tl-; Pe igiTi=r .41 - !al* Inota._ ...Ir El3Kin ruot.. w..,.. Jois D. weOwil. S. 7... lithaerwaz. O. 0. li . W. H. jt•trroes, Lan Mann . . letw. Darla. Iliwo. iM fleo. D. Warm. 41,1q11 INSUBANCI • • OF, MEM% PA. elle•On MD Strom% limb Ilifecis, alt. is • lizalizmry, mad !snares malts eves KIM efagot.M. • I. as M . 11. 4 i 0 14 a, ., mart • V ewslsnaal. .11144. 4:1) AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE ' COMPANY. or• PHILADELPHIA. 011ser 417 CELESIIIPX loar 11.tta. , • nramuysa. mvar k„,„ trat, i ca. V-7-' 7.77 7 . v . 0 = n20.. rr k. J. GIAIIDNIEIR COM% Agent. mateinn3 Scat% West ear. 211tet1 • Wood sta. VirtrrEßN Oratrkllllolo/.. President. wit. P. pin?. HOW66l,ll; A b i rrect , r4t. ...... - Miira t ;i4. s ut= nlout...veil kno t ! to en: liaorstel,ll itatraiVe %us 6:.7p..: muma d r t sgraz I” 011 10r01017L301 10 ..11 us.. mu.. sziuniays. 31...=Z. sThesta., r Aimader re„. , • -s.::: alio". ja'. ari.. V'• ihrta 34,1;" s„..___-' Mb W r. kirr . le . It 4 . 'tarn:Ar t . UT Plemnotar, pcopcips cuivoAscol co. °max. a. 3. acra. vow Awn insva its AlOlllll 001IPANI. • TUM.NO 1 / 1 01/1 MOD KAMY WIEXI. T r ot .t =ll:lntitt" erm., (sr le, Vg.l7ofite, Peti r egra . L awe • • yours. tiviviaill W. EURO= Out. JAL sutr. euvi art. ~ .a: - ~ : ~,~ .a: LANCX. draa 136 and I* Third Street, DYER AND BOOTIRRE, Straw Goode Cleaned or Dyed KID d GLOW= and LALDIX2I' PLIMILIetoas• ed or roll. C . G. WHIC=II , B PANCT DYOhl4 liad gaming Establisiseit, ido. 63 01 ALUM. e •Lotorosa Wood and ISsithilAUtiv& 000 retwrzettu t." ..iTrt 0051.14. pi •ont ..• mt.? turetv• mouth. . ovum, 1:4 1 :_VVJA: 1 4:1M;(0404;1 00-PARTNIBEIBIe NUTIOE, ma. a W. 1 3 01111111r8Off in Nino an. 4 watt. Om In Ine atenanunere ef elm ware, to date tress to Inst. The Inulnesil wD be col:S.l4ld miler Me style of maw a 11 0111/NOON At the oorser et Tklrd Tr, street4.4bere all order. tit mat!. pm:4E %Mutton awl Ds snouted willi alitka44.• au:r E=M vrrtra pt iT At:,-. 2 ,4 114111, vAilPeAlrdekg:l4:lili „ I . of nr2 Iv .Rune WEGIVAtkitoW A.- .7 • ..41,,,t11). eh. we ',kb. I g 7 . -Pitts — 8 . N. BRYAN, UOLIIII DI BONDS, iiriKkfts, AID Apollo Balla& ?Guth Streak Bank, Wuxies and X bads at Etatut botalit or it e ei n" "A assorippi imps au sala; • • - JOHN 21cCLAREZi, Attorney-at-Law. 71 ewer rr» rig*.bartb C ~DYcI Xll7 attreded b. Anzaosr Attorney -at-Law, No. 9$ Fifth Street. lIM R DIDDLE Hous.liTB. Attorney -at-Law. Ocoee, ae . 7o 6111UST STRLET, 4,114?„.44 Caution oven to talcs fa Baal EVSTACE B .,NoRROW, • . ALDERMAN. Ex.oMcio, Just ice of we :etre. cip, •IED PULICIE 164. l t. 1 isslu T imai butt, Pinkllll, itiltiferatt airs gamete.. sad dispatch .. meth ..limmuveor 00 .•.T.Cer, Ilsal btata and Insurance Agent, - - CANSON STRZET. Mast Stratnabun. 4.ativ or, Seats solilled and prom :: .17 WILLIAM EL BARKER . , I'OBTIOE OP THE P4OE, - 00111/NYANOZT4 se. Mee. CATIHON 67137 Cr. latarlT.2PPosl. DANIEL . IWO I•• r y ra, Hy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN VCSee tfE Iteildeact. No. 150 Grant 51,, near Hip. EI.IE6IIGOSON, AttOMO MEM NO.OO INTO ST&EXT, aIOOFD/100 . 14 IEOIS BOOM H . IL McCOIMICK, AlLtGorziorsr.a•tmiaavisv 87 Grant Street. bu tn Proaml atteniloa Eh. issa. •. LEWIS, ATTORNEY A.1 1 "Pt' , No, 03 Diamond Street, =MSS rrrreauxua. PA JOHN W. RIDDELL. ATTORNEY . AT * LAW, earicumf ao, >D rouaza arszisT QM prrrsausGli. rA. H . C. iIIACIAREL.L, ITTORNEYMIOUNSELLog AT [AI No 138 Grant Street, PITTSBITO6II4 PA. joliar NTRAIN. • .4%,..TaiNaZIORONTAAJmr. RE7olActo, Justice of :Me Peace &ND YOU= MA9ISTELAT36 Oat*, 112 VIM fit, appaalte Cattle:LW. PriThNUMGN. PA. Dna& BotaSx, Martingza, Aekrai.ts.litate.:4- Depolw.. and al/ Lunt Emlnes. 4.2c.tat 1111,11 orsontaesswldlsnatt.h. MILS “ y NIVILLIANI JANCEI6, NOTAM. anisail iT irrlCK Orr lir ra rc r, , Sayler d Palm watt. Liarran . nneal/A attnnyon gives% WM. paralyse and nal Mama, shot Collo/Mon of Ratan and In: Of gransfen and aetkoarlplayant, of all latn4r WY - IWILLIAx JLICCEr James af tla th,ce and Ilatary , j lb= JOHN O. NIFCONION MOONY AND COUNDEWNI AT LAW: Na.. 87 Fifth f 3. tree - t Stalth... &Mt.* Of P. , MPt l ll.lldecteril. . eolll.llll F i l f.'S:)gae7 CTAZl44linitatl auu .... B. XR1....11/. CAVAN ABU b. CO, Na lit LIBERTY STittT. luDvoak• Hare's anti,) . rumen riming eta cla mei IltfiltB •19 .**l Ilter Ity.f.mits; Peny., IStamt . pub sulk - . W. (Dm ZZ ' s b HO•lf:2,11 Arirepa.msox Imam= ATWOOD & MTIFFRBY, BRASS FOUNDIRS, • STEAM AND GAS ..17TTE118, Corot MI aid Liberty Streavi canvu a 15 .7 ,2 . e•• Put. Pant .Lat,...a 43.12,.... sp.a.l attnuos saw to th• &Wag out and mrshfotorlial!wles..ls4.,tboata, 30111.0 Moto for A. 8.411 m 't CO.'S !STEAM," P MIPS • - - • • BLOWER ENGINES. . neva Posed have sapnear . adid hares aver all 'Lam aad avel7 Oa• le mars. Tadao girt eau. eada,dia. omen. el, eh band.. reikale MIX .13,5PA50L111................4141.11/...011. SPANGLER di'II:IIADFORD !lumbers and Gas i. Fitters Mb. 47 Okti, SC, ==i2Ml _Aagmge &OM Igo wra, WLtXU, fitA;s .4 to e.utr~ k MIL gmtAia.t . uar v e, " 4l."l.+7lp. wor • ;pax a. 00011K8.....1041, JOHN IL COOPER & CO., • BRASH FOIJNDERS; Steam and GU Fitters, lasnatemr.. of nricrn AND NNAI 190,111 L, of .nry awnialmi; deem la cus TV* ►ND 17731210;Af W Idku; Comer of Pike aid WainotP4reets PITTSBURCH. PA arm= Address O. B. Woodworth di `Son, \ notheater Chentleil Works,/ NIL MOP i 115 &1615 81154 ' mocusinini,..ls. T. N. Y. orricz, M . . 11199*Tadway. , 0 a ° S . X a Egli ea .s''ii." t= 4 \ .it a. 7...t=4 .. . i ~;.03 : 4 ... PC Z l gtia, - e . gilei cl 4: Sii. m tp.-,. e.,,,, m . %if. P. '1D111•112,/ Illr0,141:1!. il l I,gli ~ !_!iliF:7-. Itz , g 73 \ \ ll4.lE itv .... ..ce= 2 \ . •inmux. ims al - .: •J g . punpom Ai5.a. 11 ..P. 1 3 1 U1 . e.' i ''' .49.4. P...i..11 ,, P Um • p.l, - . . birtri anruniza Rua. 61 M. 0./ J. l ...lP.Rll{_lnaaen : , 47:4 1 11,1. , 1111r.14=41.. ..., .n..4.5.P.4 V.n , ". O S4 ibu,o2i . 1101104.10 j. ktr4.lo/111)00/16,, - WINJITIMSO4 VoOki MOM - or. 'toast ea wan a. aaw stoinbilia eito- - • HiSSELL & CO AII3 LIMISTSTX 327.11. ttiiritiVar"2l;2."t.3l 3711" - rzni.arri, cutttiuslyiltn*.; ae. MANHOOD; HOW L 0117.4 . non' aal..llllllTibtiDt Jan veto: ohelea La . we. • rrlatt SIX CANT,- • -11, law co r aralw Trantanant aad - i , ..1e• Own •• %Truman. actalaal ;Creagan; Nan, itanka VirrilaTr_ tialtroaiMi Ifirri, -Alma. if, .1. u MILVSI..., gcsez,,ittLlllC ea5t.c....41:16.43'4.•••4' zia real • •I• orki Yon Office Box A C r=lll,: . #4 , 7 l ,PV , P , Sr- W.lO. WET COMMON:., ir ,..Favituked. t i nr grivr col Co?. at )ULU . awn. ' 151" jahe Vaar c;" ..11M,Il!"44'416:Atait' • • RE I ZWISTEII3I,• • . ALteanms 7 , womb egg Above Dlsmozdee Gas, Oda& Ware el'illlC.fatlery t_surnays, ratan. Nemeth:ter malted enseeregsai store on head. Call and examine .11M17231nM03 :"Jrriral Iraqi nll_7l GREAT SROW, •ND SCHOOL OF EDUCATED MIMI ° lv , : it! POISISMILT T/IBIZ OATS RED LION LOT. LY Tltl 01T2 CZ 112761W/014 Thatedar. Friday & Saturday. COT. S.YT. AND DOT.. IST AN 3/S. :;?. c n ,ll-,M. ) 2.11 " i nr4."l inatheri co.. MR..DAN RICE witl apuear r r the: LOTlirw-Pr4tf....5% legfore hi, 4,1 prep, plum: tritaM4 tatnur 4rrso4 4 a 4ra.r44 . tinuoc POPILF, . . 44 at" ; 01 .1 'D. riutiv. QS of thiCaillaa In hit vr:gt .na orl••114 0. rule •Jr. , TII. •//it ft Will. / 11 711OIIIIT. centred by the folk. Mug dintaiithibs4 411'::',V‘ .p 11 V . " MA 114 the =l"."'"' rel Rider sod yr, the: c"."l?'n ~ 1(z . ; ~.itOWb mad , .rjoiD.' umi e ti he e b:je7,rtlr gro.elt . t Calls:lst°pljbg:. 4. 4 uo . ti.' T i,7l4;ql l 2Etrir•SZlV." . , Equeasi.lianaier,ll4lll.liii:lthe.WlTP.."7 ' • Oa I , IT (MD tir NIGHT. itr. ItTelt ler' take jamell..re of Ilia 01,tleleteseada pumas to So • afatolitl3 eatable to Ina °OWL. w1;1 emmen.-• prodsqv The • leatola 10 Celipl. ChIl• 2 .4 7 oetcak Adm area and, RI. y0u5..23 ar. - •1! ...sorts bawl.. any claims Watt D N 111.11311...,. SHOW will hies. 2 ene a• . •me 11,ptrar et at th •.e treat ann.. .. ..e , d. ea P 4 . 3 `.3.4ee53. at 3 We... r. M. - EariNEW-OPABA AMULE. ..... WW. M. W. U•NS.IIO I= r irtte . I,,l:t;aeilt_ 17!;f ti• t•teited'eo an edlaa, Mr. -•- • YRIDir cVEN:4). 11 I Its 7: p oe l y th e rsan ettrlllconthtette 9 e7l m tingifoi:kbrauul th. guiliottdalnn • i;;; . Y o 1. SiThanfraa. Tli 6 17 , 1•1 1 / 1 11PO ' VfC171E. J.rn . Clip e-hentteue with the ~ ..woria. p ja. " 7- % P" '"" Toedle. Tki/s TODD , -.10: • • ker. Chaatrza Wasid 4.10 to Batetdayattenioeh e .. farcoNcEnt sextooir In Raiz ofNasiiilau !lease 71.01= & splendin collection or 11)NcS, !ARC'S, 11E3 Ott' ifc %VIET NIGHT. HT A courruraT COMPAIXT n 11,41 VirGRANDvopAL- MID INST II I3I4:MALAJOSIaERT, IX Al? 07,281/ /1111112EW , BEsurvazanir • 1110€1117. , • . . j' • • 02 ALLIGHICITY 00DX . • Monday, &owe tnber 4f ;1867, .: , ./.T aliment HA : T.okot.. IX —Tot tale at tle Mosta &ores. Grjle?:2l•E's . ventErm T.H. JaIYE6tIUN 1 1 .."".' • --- • • 41 `. °1 : 17 .1".1re6"1"g"Atf"lat,t'itl'11.1; O .Zr/sonet • pe510.1•,6 rag. T LIMIT lb. great teem lion Vein P•lorla., • • • *TOP TOe TIMMS_ - •Celuo•Sa•• 61.8 Jack ••••, er. T-e 'Tuts- ••r 11 ". 4/61.4.••.' orTNE M.A a QUEEN, (7.9.351"1.416.V1L. SPV. 319tIttiOlLi BIN Ira. 'of toodoa. •II be g lien I. MILL Lto.otbereetilly ear, •I 6 itretPlti/C Ma TIMeNIIIIV Zventor. Beiflilliar MAL 1.01:gal OrFAIR FOR THE .HENETTr OF 5111 MIDOTT•SCRIIRCII. Seventh want. PltiOurtlr.,l, pris EVERY EVYNINU. A SPL 0:1,11) - GOLD IIEADED CAINE will .aw dd:fo . t.ltdlbrteaUW L . toe hlibut SEWING JWIUNIsIEL DON'T IRE DECILIVED flciurtshlur Mat 'tannin id verthlemeats of At rica: .! 1 ./Itz.,i , tlrtml i .s.rzyg r loco , 27 1 =G4 *boys Matt:Meld; GIIOVER 11.411E111 , 11 ELASTIC STITCH AKD LOCK XTETCI4 Sewing NEanhines Axe 2.431.131,8TT10..4:1 Mansbatama pumose, Call au-cle Lb area. I GET NONE BUT • ;':-• GROVER 8c RAKER . Par' a Ilea/jay 'lt la 12111011..0enes: Itinerate De bort; Maul DIU toeslllo4l two YU. 100 till ST,. slam suo_t mammas & cannuen 10 atozaditee the 111111 .AI . URICIWINI . MY'VgrZf:r"h;.ri• u*11t , ...0"k4/ • los rl_pm Eff/111T, THE GROVER & BARER aEWINC MACHINE 1. IGO U114611117111G pI trectiailrs6-1 Mew flop Oad ''''ztua"" No lot rtrri kti9 ffAh';g z/,•111:1 Cheap Soap! Good) Soap! mane, warnam SAPONIFIER - 9 6 2*iiiratitt 'Lys, cts:a.D.ii , ii.iii:lo.isge. TWELVE RounDs OF SOFT $01) -FOR OBJI. CENT", zray Fa y oiii IlEab Wit Own ALL vAßistra 'ot SOAP. _ , C . :, . I . k. 11W713,F. 11 • 4 •4• 4 .4.: . Ct1ik . iii . • n new Om:WuAnd, Lyn or •-• , Abronreina esics SiOnD;nrTS ark to p.c4,9rid mApily. otriqwroau s o f 0.4.: width. whim.. .***lsok w . MU PAT, prAUCCM . .• • BEST DETERAIN't` SCiA.P Tint.cikau.D. 1 No: Will. tel*lyii.'iriO*lt its cqulvnient lit. smi,e;eibi#!ite &sp. RStalled DlMlWls4imillloftime to ltlu llnttaA Ratak ar rou, =iris wrri Deehkee mat ehtaliPhwtieteade' woe.. loch 411 11iikaa al s 11b.rel, Alleettaat, oe the ..ketoses, eatlettleetifthe COMY IMICBI, • . • ]rzrzistri.. •,C „, 1 C °l4l .0 1 04 co m i 0 A °Mimic / J o., Q Uo -.' . . ;q7`i?''llEBoAP 01r„ 14, 4 k -, Iten.V tl 4 6 ,,,,MPuxs,_ i •-• 1 d e'" U. drama, Ur ZI ifinit " .. eL re "" enltyy Irsdiutn Idactvii.Mhigt ettli"%gw. R. IN ANDERSON blowoctarrr of CORN MISAir," T241,00,A d OttOef' , RD •EAU. ovine Alltfergd to 'moor tern of Omit- V rink Wilda etlo t vg and Coro sholloa. Oa lalftßollot. El =ES