THE DAILY G=. PVISLIPIIEED 117ERY MOII2MIG PENNilawir, REND & COy ..1051Art T. T. nernTON....... N. P. RUM. Enntere. Business Kamm. Onrin, GAZBITE BUILDING —New S 4 & M FIFTH RTILLET. [cadet; lielattu isier of Tishri Pecuylnaia. °maw; PAPER or nnosnaa Jam LLLIGEUF out RORST,_6IIEAPNar mad .R FliflLl Tod 00.MJWI LI. ',APBS fa ce t*e Mtge. . =l3= Awe., Coo , 2 oests. Deßrered leg - Caning. per _ IS Hall Seberlber*, Pk , IMO GaZiTTX. PITTSBURGH. POW... ittskutgij yttaitttt 1 4 1nr. Indiana are going to -solve the Indian question themselves. They pro• rinse doing u the ducks did: when four teen of them were put in a pen without food., Thirteen of them ate one, twelv • of thein ate another, and so on untillnit one wda left, which the owder found no difilintltYth disposing of. To what ex. tent they intend to carry out this plan we cannot decide, but they have already made a ginning. The drop Ventres, Sioux, • heyennes Crows and Arapa hoes ha Joined • tomes and Irdend to tutored" .t he Bladkfeet. If , _alter .„ this; they should conclude to wipe out Cuninches, and then the. Pl - Mu, and so on, we might 'shortly have so law 'left' that we could afford a hundred thousand dollars& head to finish the ex termination: , ' ' , •AtAlarlulLlk , daybafore yester ay ~,t o. the Sense troubles: , The testimo ny 4raleisvariea as mai WWI poaaMie,, itltlieugh "they all did agree that resulted, they could not be breug4C4-,vo:e unanimously on the 4ome mid the back, some the front, and some, the side of ;the' heed; . ;had received the mortal wound. If the man still breathed, and his life depend . ed, Ms the proper treatment being applied to the proper place, we fear that serious vies Might take place before the deo ' tore would agree.' Ito ford, -Coin., oa Sunday •ukoraing host, a the destroyed 'the Hots cepa' Church, Union - Hall building, Ind Keeleit'S stove store. It is - supposed to - hare originated from the femme in the church,. where a are hid been kindled for the first time this Se/150/1. The whole less is - estimated at from V 29,000 to 0q,c90, not, however, including the re• isha of the- lissom, - whose Lodge was loatted the upper story of Union Hall _ . . Tni New York Tratini has at differ ent•times:had twenty teen connected with, its! editorial stair, who hare since schieral celebrity in the literaty!world. .000DENSED TELEGRAMS - 4A -St. Louis .dispateh says: 'A - prl ' 'stiteletter from one of the. District Com . • = 'menders in. the South, states that since the reeeneelections at the 1 became ~ s videlilinoWn, the tsmdlti of affairs in MS District has undergone a complete change." The late -rebels are ''no longer ; disposed •to accept the situation,' They CMVthe elections in Pennasivania and as an endorsement of - the friends Kurd 'sympathizers of the lost . cause. These sentiments, the lettee says; are not confined to the more ignorant classes of Sontheni whites, but the moat intelligent • Wand 'respectable. Late slave owners . - openly assert their belief that in a year I or two slavery will be natured, or that • the Government will compensate the late masters fir their lmaes in this species of .. property. That this is no fanciful Idea. " the writer nays, may bo gathered from the fact that the late slaveholders all through bin district are Preparing lists at the slaves held by them at the breaking outof the rebellion, and are having them valued at mutant:rate. for Ides. —Dispatches front Medicine Lodge Creek , say that a treaty has been made wllk:thz.-Apachos, by . which they ecn. federate with the El owatt and Comanches and go on the same reservation. They . are to receive five thousand'dollars per annum, clothing, de. The Arrapahces will make a separate treaty, and together • with the - Armenes dissolve their termer connection with the Cheyennes on ae - - countof the hostile attitude of the latter to the , whites. All the tribes here ex cept the Cheyennes, held a Council on the 2611, and agreed to renew friendly relations with each other and return the stolen horses. • The Cheyerunst have not arrived yet, and some suspect hod mo tives on their part, while others think all - will come out right. They claimed they had not finlaked their medicine ceremc.- • Wee yet, and asked longer time. The Commisaioners had aireody waited thir teen days on this tribe, and had got tired. Theyseere to remain till Monday, the Mid nit., and thenleave If the Cheyennes . bad not arrived. . ~The Treasury Department have en deavored unsuccessfully to obtain one . •of the recent counterfeit seven-thirty bonda, for the purpose of photographing. All the efforts at Now York were fruit; leas although many of the prominent bankers there, .who held large amounts, deny' having any nn hand now. All epuriona bowls now in the hands of the Trusury officials are imperfect copies, thanames having been punched out. . —Join Moss and others have com menced action in the Supreme Court of • New York against the Union Pacific Railroad, Eastern Division, for an alleg ed breach , of contract, in which the amount of damages Is laid at about live . • mikibmsof dollars. A motion vrasmada a day or two ago by defendants' counsel to have the action dismissed for want of Jurisdiction. The motion„ after a pro ..trocted argument, was denied —A largo number of Southern, pond . clans are to moot in Wasnington about thelsthrof November to make a oombin ed effort to obtain concessions from Con ' grata for the relief of the South. --1 - lonnfeutt, Is' reported to base tom, the negnies in lite/mond, who.had been their employees, to ask for work again; and if them tefttsed, to oppty the leech to their dwellings. • —The statement of the Commissioners of Inunipation shows that during tbe • year ending October 30th, 1867, 2 .118,431 immigrants have arrived at. New . York: —Tha car snot carriage manufactory of • . • ' • Lease- 'Keith tit Son, at West Sandwich, Masa., was totally destroyed by tire Wednesday night. _ Loan8Is,000; insured for ' $12,1N9. • • E= the-PiesldOnt of the United of America. A In confotmitv with a recent custom, that may now lA, regarded as established _ on national consent and approval, I, An, drew Johnson, Prerident of the United Stites, do hereby reeonunendio My, fel-. low-citizen'that. Thneulay, the Mb day • of Itovember next, beset apart and ob .: • served throughout the Republic as a day of national - thanksgiving and praise to the Almighty tinier of , nations,With whom are dominion end fear, and who .makes peacoln UN high places. Resting and refraining from secular labor on that day, letwe reverently and devoutly give • thanks to our Heavenly Father for the mercies, and blessing's with which lie has crowned the now closing War; especially. let us remember that Ito {uncovered our land through all its extent with greatly needed aridvery' element harvests; that Ile has mused thduetry to .prosper, not- only In our fields, hut also In our • forests: lie has nennittel , us to • ply ships upon our lakes and rivers and • • upon the high seas, and at the mci time - to extend our Iron roads so far Into the • . secluded places of the continent . 'an to • '• guarantee speed , : overloud Inter • colas(' between the two oceans. Ile has inclined our hearts to turn away from domestic , contentions and commotion consequent upon a distracting and deso : lating civil war, alai to walk more and ' more in the ancients- war; of loyalty, conciliation, and brotherly love. Ile has blessed the peaceful efforts with which we have establlehed new and important commercial treaties with foreign nations, •• • whlle.we nationalhe Mine time strength ened our defence' and grimily enlatgod our national 'girders. While thus rendering the unanimous and ' heartfelt tribute of national praise and thanksgiving which taintn justly duo to Almighty God, let fail to "raptors • Ulm that the Divine protection and care •• which we 'have hitherto so undeservedly I and yefiso constantly enjoyed, may be • cotatinuoa to our country and our people _through all generations forever. • • In settee • whereof I have hereunto set riVe band and mused • the seal of the United States to be atllxed.• Done in the city of Washington, the 16th day of October, In the veer of our • , Lord one thousand eight gundred and sixty-eeven, and of the Independence' of the United Slides the ninety second. - Av.llre' Joressox. . • Dv the Presidebt. . - William IL Sewed, Secretary of State. • , . . , . ... . . , .. is'6 i.:. ITITTIRiIf 1° i •• ---. ' - .us 1- , ' _ilk. it:. - • . . i ~. •• , - • . - I /- AD 178' • ' ....-. ' . . -• \ .\ ;KW. ..,././... •-••'•-,.,,,.. .. •.•,;, .•i - r ' 4 7 - If./.: --- . i ' z . . /.• ' - ~ - .. . • 9 ' ''..--, — , -10 . :1 . .. . . Vitk , . _. .. . .... i .Ntr oz7 ,) f •. . , . ..... _ . t 1-, .. .... - t tt .... , Itlls - ---- ------- -- - -m: -- - - - 4 , --- ----- ,- - ... -......--------..—. ~- - - . , :.__J • _ . .. . , . 1 • ° irOLItNg UXIM. FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. TDB ITItliN REVOLUTION. Prussia will not Allow Traispe to Make War. AL tea. TEE rr -- DIBAFFEat 411[1. - • lAN - ClaribabifLargely Reinforoed by Deserters: • • 111 110/111 11 lIRI WWI COMO. liiiiitH 110D1.E011, DUIIIIS Imo ce",ora:, EM tlO ONiECEUAIef. Revolutionary dotivity in Rol* Ctir te the Pittauribllo6.3 PILUsszA WILL Igor ALLOW oars WAB. - Loicirr — October Globe of tilt evening says, Iniin`ixlitOrlit article, that although Primate lifettgaged to i rientralantse of policy on the state of theTßoman unestlon, Count Ilboxiarck, the Prettiler,bas given an. Sinitirintie to the Cabinet Conference that, howill not allow Prance to make war on Italy on account of the Papas tiomplicatlowi. ITALIAN rri.EAs os„VIE 31TVA:ficer. Frhasurcu, October Zt-21forairig.—The preen Is engaged - In an anxious 'discus akin of the national crisis and the poll cy of the Government - ; Themore moderate liberal journals ex press apprehensions of the action of thQ Cabinet towards the Garibaidlins, and 'the observance of tho September Ccinven thin- The Democratic papers are firm : their tipposittori to the course of the Ex ecntlie,- anti loud In their condemnation of fereign intervention in Home. • KniO'S There Is niiiiCh pciptdar disaffection. _ produce of the King's t that :it in s :met troops, beer' Premier Cal:dned EmstaneL Pam; be In the • pro m tie [Whin co olie Intend ed- to Molt the sphere of French salon to Chita Vecchia!, CVNICELIPTION FOR TIM FREBCit BATT• Tomos, °caber tei.--The Imperial conscription for gallons for the French Nary him been resumed !1!511) and in the other maritime quarters and districts of France. The railroadanre still engaged in bringing - In Unapt - 11. om different points to augment the Italio-Foman ex. azvouirflomars 11‘ atom' 'Boma, Oct. Z7.=—.EUming.—Tho "Rem- Niko:tory Zunfuis "OpfzeoPlll l 9 onPvn ln — Hi operations to etvolote . tho; advance wont Of th'eSationif cause by a popular movement Inside dm hitroad s rising agOthst the teniponil power of the Popo regarded as Innhunti. GrOar alarm exists, ass number of Orshilborobs have bean exploded "In Most/ixdi during last nlghtand to-day. WASHINGTON. Hy Telsitnai le tagaltlablvAS sailsK) WASELINGTON, Oct. 31; 1 ea. The postal treaty with the Nether lende . la oflicielly published. The eln lee rate of postage cm direct Commend ease from the. United Steles is likr. cents, and from the -- Netherlands ;forty centis into edict :1501:7. first rplrrtrrti satvarrictamorr. it la not' probable the investigation in to the affairs of the Printing Bureau aril be conalnded before the that of JAMMU TIII9 COUNTIIII/7111 . 7 30s. flouts of the detectivesOf Ilie:Tressury Department profess to hero information leading to the conclusion that only about $150,000 of the counterfeit 140 Upton Hero printed, sod these were divided - among three wafts to be put inte circulation. VISITOIIN. The White }louse wee thronged with visitont to-day, but very few Ist:cur ed interviews with the President. grerniwcremurr. Gen. Grant is about to lame an order reducingcg the clerical romp , of the irey astr nerals Ogler. 0RD.1,4110r OCIMMIITLF- Gen. Logan did not arrive this morn ing, consequently there waS no meeting orthe Ordnshoo Committee hereto-day. MAR PJLTARTXXST OIUMIC„ • An order has - been lasned - by the War Department; saying the praeDm which prevails of giving to soldiers, whose term of stsrvice la nearly- enDtritin& for the ,retrutlnder of that terna;ta dto be attended with wriousdetrltnent to the internale of the soldler,Whe le often de prived of arrears of psv for want of cer tificate of discharge. This practice will cLzmus Forty-nine clerks were to-da_y charged from the Paymasters' Depart' ment, to take effect from :Car. 13th, and np to that time are allowed leave of eh - sence. There to also a reductional' the number of clerks In the Quartermaster (tenures office and Treasury Depart— ment. I - I tCNCtiI.AI.I:R enA-Noic. theprW.p U. WaHack ham retired from the . of tho Evening Star, hiv o ing soldestablishmenat to eroaby Noyes., managing editor, and to aeveral other gentlemen. CONOTIMMXJLIf ILL. lion. EL . Marshall, of Illinois, ono of the JudlcisettCommittee, to confined at his hotel by Mum. - I= The receipts of Internal Hermes for October were $14.5001000. HIMON, THREE O'CLOtK A. M. TIIE Y: Y LATEST, Royal Army in Papal Territory OASIBILIII wiz HOB APONONTIATIO. OsoTT. VTR . to, Tan NONTS OTOCTosoI. lemedezt. Admletatmlor. Ensue tt.iitilinterald.gsp Illtrevaraid $ tsc) Y.7l 4 :ll %mr‘ Tatter;. * :=XL 6‘ ;:t .'" ..... " A t ed. MoCteleter-1 er sad Jae. m 7 lees Perd/.1 t Om Defence Iltest.....ll.llereJlepristsnost 3so _Waltman am ti. Master AMC M. Sumer.. John eteerers..—.. 2:10 Jam. Olarrams..loseey remises If irle....Jobst Firer 00 Conrad Omd.r..„ lA*O August Une5......C. Core and P. Cteb.. 5.0 Louise_ Meas.... stsry An Rees tee W. Mooltromerralarrlet 11000e00es7. 3.000 Barbera tiroes...Jotof Itseendorf 1,00 Peter 11nyd..... Memo Mueller CC Lad. Prlfe/ler....Casbartoe 'Welter.. 30 stoma Job mecte..C. ft lettermen. tel. MI Sao. S. MINA-John WUan 10.000 memoe el tedy....Ellee 10 0rad7....... 1000 Jac Ilammmt.....Willfem Hammett- Aao J. A. liatteetsan .C. Ilmoreock. Em... IMMO wlees otIoITIND To T1E,004T3 000000 Too • • MollTO DT oC•Too•N • TeNSON. Niacin°, Casper Nlthirm...lohn Glienelr en P1re:.......J0be M. sea /son tiro. lobs Iteoklnt...A . ...otter mid Jerealeget Fnenel• o....Wllltete Neely. Josiah r.sagtb..A...., P. Melte. Peter Cresesn,..Wlllorm Cesaaan. Jobe ettaffer.....ll. A. Berepeom G. 11. lieutftem...lllclasel Delmore, 000rm50r.,....T. J. Deeme. James lAwley, tAdtdey. gamer Kramer-7.Am floptin., Erg. Jobe Morro.....Prsele Duff Peter lireecope..Chrtstlee Kromer... Adam Yowls.- Atlas Voolll. . • ... Floury Baker ....Ann Baker. Calk. Domedlar../ak Clark and O. Wham.), ■.ovotabd* Preak7egm7 The Presbytery of Monongahela met I et Robinson's Rim Church, on the liith Matt A collection, in behalf of the Eighth Ward Mission, Pittahnrgb; xae ordered to be taken up Ito the congrega tions under the care of the Presbytery, on or before. the first Sabbath of Novem ber- Mee. Dr., Gluey terdered to the Presbytery. the Plietoial cluirge of the Fourth .Congregation, Pittsburgh, with the view of accepting an agency to dm , Seminary the endowment of the Theological I Seminary tn Allegheny City. rteig nation was laid on the table, and the constitutional stem In the ono ordered. It. G. Young applied to be taken under. the tare of the Preabytery as astudent of theoloi.7, and hisappn CHUM MIS referred to the Comtuittee on Examination. The second volume of the New Version of Perilnuewas considered and disposed of. The over ture .n in relation to cri.i=fa ofa e t Secretary of the Vni:e :tilt :lons, who than devote his whole tine to the work, was considered; and the, voto was follows: ayes 13, nays 7. Ah 11) section 0, chapter iv., In the Directery'or Woraltip, the overture on Instrumental - Music, was eoneldortsi, and the veto stood its follows: For re. Mining sniti.,tectien,.,ayet 7; tiglgia,.t re taining It, nit)" 8; not voting, 4. IL waa rescdvoti that any Member ,pf Prosby , tory, not - present nt this meeting, 'Abell have the opportunity, of recording his vote for or against the overture, any Unto between this and the time of the fleet ing of the next General Assembly. TAD next regular meeting at .Plosbyten• is to be held in thu Second Church,Pitts burgh, on the last 'Tuesday Dec ember. Lemiosi•a_llll.7ari. Almost- The Hoidlers' League and Library As sociation, or Allegtteny city, owing to the fact that the ilea on the vaunt flnll expires next. awing' and cannot be re flowed, have secured Quincy nail, loca ted ott Laoeck 'street, between Federal and lialkain . etreets, in the ,First ward, • Allegheny, and will take formal posses elan of it on Tuesday night._Theban Is ,titty-cight feet In widih.' Tb books and MAO und furniture of the LttorryAsso elatiou will bo removed from the room now occupied; to the new bail: The li brary cases will extend along the rear end of the ball a dintnuco of twelve feet. Ala meeting of the Manager. of the Lit erary A lation„on - Tuesday °years, it was agreed to sub.let, the hall to the • liaWthonio Literary Society, Poe, No. dr., of the Grand Army of the llepublia, and to the new ruilitary company - started by J. C. Martin,- for tho holding of usellngs. The Soldiers' League will bold theirmeet ings in the hall eSery Tuesday evening, The Mauagers appointed a- committee, consisting of Messrs. John B. Edger, Jo mph It. Oxley and A. C. • Pattersen, to procure subscriptions to the Amoclatlon. j,jumpojkorm Vl.llaate Mose 7 flap. MAI It will be-aeon by referring to our want column to-day , that.Colonelßearell offers to tho public a vu noble and noon ). p,stent, Ixt,whiCh allobisies' are epic.- laity thttircei~'d. WOlviro : ciamlned it =dolly—haring a thorough knowl edge of It-and can eay without hesltan cy that there is s fortune it for any'. one a State, city or county right. Atter, gulebasing ,tortitory there it a clear pront of 004)1111.11=1110. ' dollars and Arty omits on ereryeleven 'dollars and forty cants expended for working , New Crowing.-A new crawling la ha los put:dawn OW fit:Chair street at the Soria:Ledo of-Pcnn....This is =improve. snout much heedescand there areseveral other point* Whets crossings w o ol not be objectionable. - . =2 eled to In , thie of the met at the Mayor's offhW, yesterday, pursuant to adjournment, and after deliberating for a considerable time it became evident that they could not agree,ll9 four of them were firmly of the belief that the injury which catuiedhis death was' that impposed to have been inflicted alter he we& car ried np stairs, while the remaining two Were or a different opinion, and believed that death ensued from injuries received in the bar-room, no will appear by the verdict. They applied to ..fudge Stowe for advice in the matter, who decided that a verdict might be:rendered ex Ing the views of both parties, alter which they rendered the following: That the jury aro unable to a , four 'of the said jurors being of the opinion that the said Monaghan came to histath from the effects of an injury sustain on the forehead, In some manner to them unknown; and.that two of said Jurors aro of the opinion that,the decent Scam° to his death from the effects of injuries sustained by a fall on the bark of the head, said fall resulting from a blow of the fist administered by Lowrance Pur cell. The said Monaghan wee inland on the evening of the Motof October, and' died at the Mansion IlOuse, in the Tenth ward, Pittsburgh, on the morning of the =d of October: lEl= =I Thonaaa Flaherty yesterday made in formation before Alderman Humbert, against George Green, charging hlin with selling liquor on titunday, and to ridnors The defendant keeps a saloon on Water greet,' and the prosecutor resides on Point street. Green was arrested and held for a hearing. I= Patrick "Kearns made information be fore Alderman Aloidasters, against a stranger calling himself "Judge Leslie," for false pretence. The ..Judge pur ports to hall from minolo, and, as Pat rick alleges, has obtained from him car riage hire to the amount of thirty dol lars, which he renews to pay. A warrant was Issued Ibr his ariost. ABSAELT AND BATTERY. Anthony Smith yesterday appeared before Deputy . ldayor Olean)°, and made Information against JamesDonavan, T. Daily and 'Barney O'Donnell, charging them with assault and battery... The par ties were arrested, and alter a partial hearing committed to jail; where they will remain until lhe6th inet.,when they will have a farther hearing.' IMMIII Henry Welnakay yesterday appeared before Mayor Morrfson, - of Allegheny, and made information against William Stewart for larceny. Stewart was ar rested, and in default of- bail com mitted to Jail fora bearing, which will take place on Monday, the 4th inst. =l= Alexander, Robert arid David Crum rine, residents of the Second ward, Alle gheny, it appears, were slightly intoxi cated Wednesday evening, and became , • so boleterotts that Riopelle° were obliged to arrest them. They were in'?dcAllia ter's tavern, near the drove yard, acting in a disorderly manner. Outran South went In to see what wax wrong, when he was Immediately attacked by one of the party. Officer Woods happened to he., near at hand, and bearing the difficulty, entered and at once went to the rescue of his brother allege. Notwithstanding the odds of three to two the officers came oil victorious, not, however, without having received some injuries,. The offenders, were conveyed to the Mayor's office, where they leit security for their eppearance for a hearing. 'rfta.M•lk ~mar* Robbery. Deputy Marabal Gillespie, of Pitts burgh, appeared before Justice Dowling, in Now fork, yesterday afternoon, with a requisition for the transfer of Virin..A. Thompoos to the United S atm Court; on a charge of being one e i ll o gui di r of atst.. ',reaes, in this 'city, on the night o INlChsatl; acid stole a large quantity of lettere, among them a cheek on the American National llauk for drawn in fa • vpr Chambers. The Jun- Ore refuted to hand over the prisoner to the United Slate. until be was Arm tried on. charge of false impersonation. If an an indictment he found eroded him by the Grand Jury. . • .7th•Csmia: . • Col. Dan. Itlcs'a great show Is now ex. Whiting on the Red Lam lot, and will continue to do so afternoon and evening Until Saturday, when the closing ex hibition of the • Seaman will be given. The name of Dan Rice is NutScient pt any time to. ftll a canvass any place In Penn syltranix, and his stay In 1 lUsburgh will doubtless be a profitable one. It Is un necessary teems to enumerate the at. trastlona connected with the exhibition, almost any one of which are alone worth the price of admission. for any person who ham ever heard of Dan Rice knows that hemmer humbugs the people. Col. Dan la stopping at the Grant Rouse, Allegheny, where he will be glad to see 'his friends. I The attention of our readers in directed to the tine 'dock of Jewelry ofl r di at very raturonable prices at the well known and popular estabilehment of Mr. John Minch, Feaeral street. Allegheny City.. -The -clock embraces all the latest styles In vogue In the east, , end Is war ranted to prove In wear all that Is mere.. scatted at the lime of purchase. r. Mitsch is a practical working jeweler and watchmsker, .and attend. to the Insmillicturlng or anything 'ln his line it the shortest .notlee, or to repairing of any description. Watches are made and repaired In the bast etyle of workman ahlp. W e earnestly consmend thin house to the , patron age of our readers: = °Alcor hiulberron arrested a .man calling himself David Jones, last night between eleven and twelve o'clock..llo was charged with stealing nineteen dollars feern John Mertz, at the corner of Filth and. Union streets. Upon searching him sixteen dollars were found in one of his pockets, while in .another was found a purse containing 1Y25,15, a pair of knucklers, and a "handy. billy." The presumption itstbat he is a, prat:seem' Wet. Ile was dto the lock.stp, and will have a hawing this morning. . Wood !Weer, —The work of grading and preparing Wood street for the Moot son pavement is progressing rapidly. The' street Is graded from r to Fourth, and, if the weather is favorable, It will bo paved In a short-time. This will be cheering news to those doing bu. SiVICVIR on that street, which has boon In an unsettled condition all summer. We hope the paving of Fifth street will not be delayed any longer than Ic absolutely necessary. • A Needed lmprorement.—The Prae sylvania Railroad Company aro erecting a fence along the last aide of Grunt tave t itOtn tb s e e4anltTo w de aTa t id T ie h gottent ts la rapidly progressing toward rumple lion. This improvement is mach need ed at that point, as the railroad track is severer feet lower • than the side walk, with nothing Intervening to pre vent persons from stepping off in the night Um°. Initial-Paper.—We acknowledge the receipt of a package of beautiful initial letter paper and envelopes to suit from John W. Plttbak; opposite the postoftleo. This is the latest novelty In letter paper, and for ladles la juld the thing. It costa no more than ordinary firetquallty paper sad is neat, chaste and beautiful. Ilvery letter In• the alphabet 15 reMelonted In bfr.Pittock's stock.. Pardonßecommended.—lt is authori tatively stated that over 'Eve thousand persons have etgned a_ petition recom mending the pardon oriVillhun Johnson, of Altoona, convicted at the August term of the U. S. District Court of Belling counterfeit money. HIS Mends are ireepsvkahre e ff ort toitoeure hie-A fair prospect of sac- Charged with Marder.—Chlef of Pollou Scott yesterday made Information harem() the Mayor against 'Lawrence Purtoll— who is at preruderedined In the lock,uP —for the murder of James Monaghan, at the Mansion Mousey, on the 2111 t of October. The , accused will probably waive a hearing and apply to th e Court fir ball after lie is ooMn-AttaiL The New Intberanettureo—The brick work on the Luther= Church, on High itreetasragr"6" Isera soon Pieta& the fin u t )3ufidlngs tfi the city when- The New Water Pipe.—The work of laying the new water %a gn W oo d street is prsimssilis ' CITY ITEMS Where to Purehmee 'roar Groeerlem. The enterprising and goahendative gro. eery firm or Mes.sra. J. FiMen era, N 0.119 Feleralstreet, Allegheny city, announce n large and fresh invoice of choice groceries and teas, which will be offered to their numerous retail patrons. This house has long held n high position. In the estimation of the Shopping com munity, as it has made its positive rule to sell mulling but - the purest end beet lifroceilem and teas at the moat reasona ble prices. Their tens are very superior, being Selected settle great care, and from the original cargoes of the largest Importers of the eastern cities. The firm deliver.promptly all purchases to any part of either city. Call In and examine the stock, and gallery yours:airea that no where else cap teas,-groceries, produce and dour be procured, either wholesale or retail at better advantage. nevus This Day t Begins This Day 11 . Tho great sale of New Dress Goods at a reduction almost unheard of. Goods are all nes', bought at a sacrifice and will be sold as bargains. , Look and you will buy. Brims to suit everybody, frOm rents to M. Reduced in some instances fully one half. Bought very cheap and can afford to sell for one half the prioe asked for old Stocks of goods in the city. We intend to do it; come anti see for yourselves to the West corner of Market and Fourth streets, Gardnerf3tewar (observe the address) and call early and soon, as our prices may never be so low • • Fll GARDNER A STEIVAIIT. Rood am Toolloomy from also of lbs Oldest Chimes* of /Weirton, City. • . • ALt.v.airsitr, Oct. J 4, 1667. Ma. Gin. A. Kum-cr.—Dear have been troubled for some yearn with the complaint' described by yoUr adver tisement - of Dr. Etsrgent's Diuretic or Backache IRAs, and concluded to give them a trial, and am glad to say they af forded me Immediate relief. Icheerfully recommend them ninny one suffering front like symptoms, feeling confident they will do all you claim for them. DAVID. SMITH. • For sale by all DruggislA. Price 60 Cents per Vox. TY Ladles . Ears, at the New York Hat and Fur No. 52 St. Cleir Street, at lower price, that at awe other hones In the city. glaakeee. BWltet., Wankel.. Wk . Ito W wool bla nkets $4 4:50 00 wthll7 B, l o •• • 4 " , 5,00 " 9,00 " " 5,50 " 10,00 " 0,50 " 11,00 •• 4 ' 44 0.00 " 13,00 •• " 9,00 " 14,50 " " " " 10,00 " i 5,00 • " " " .41,00 10,50 " 111,00 " • 17,50 Largeststock, and ebeapeat goods ever seen In the two cities, on west corner Market and Fourth streeta,74o. 09 TER° GAItONER &ST.RWART. PreserveTheme*You willnever know the value el a good, natural sot of teeth until you have lost some of them. By agog Ward's Fluid and Powlere4 Den- Wince, you .an preserve ',your teeth, strengthen your gums and have • pure breath. Solt, wholemeal° and retell by Joseph Fleming, No. 84 Market street, and all clruggista. • Furs! Mars!! Pura I!!—At the New York .Het and House. No. H St. Clair street. Dry Goad. Ai Wholesale —We In cite the particular sttentlon of buyers at wholosole to our orimplete etoek of silks drewrgooda, and all kiwis of fumy and staple goods, and to the fact that we sell at the lowest: eastern prices, and ant goods to cult purchasers. - - J. W. 11,frorza d: CO, • • 59 Market atreeL . ?QM and.Caaalmere.—(lento fine silk and enSalinero hats nt William Fleming's first clam list and Cup Home No. 1.19 Wood treat. m:titbit. g Good.—The boots, oboes, otters; Sr., for men, honee and children, kept at 130 Market !Meet, am made of I ten= 3 . . to'give totiaractiolV if you want some thinit good, and' at gold prices, call at Ilobb's Shoe llousp, tuarktt atreet. Lross , 111.....1C . SILK Vzr.Vr Fon Cl.D . ARS.—lienutlnal goods, sublfrnequal- Mei, In all widths, at kris prices than be found in the two cities, on west ow ner of Market and Fourth streets. TES. OARDNER 2 SIIMART CaLl and Examine . the large and corn pinto cloc k of Ladies and 31Issea' furs, at Wet. 'Fleming, No. 139 Weed street. Jast'Opened at W. B. Clapp . S Co.'s Filth streett • • 300' pale Children's:Meet, ouly Sete 'WO • NI tunes " " $l,OO 200 Women's " " Eye. Ear, Throat, LIINO, CAI= DISFABES And CATARRII, ISUCCOfFaIIIIy treated by Dr. Aborn, 134 Smithtlold strOct. A book by mall 50 omit, Try.* Jewelry, of all descriptions,. ou hand and for Indent the lowest prices, fat the well-known and popular rooms of,Reln ennui,— Movran dt Slane, No. 27 Fifth strert.• • The •best plowo in Lilo oily to swore bamln . s in tlnit-etass jewelry is st the headquarters. of Iteinetnan, Itteyran S. Sloolle; 29 . Pifth street. • 'Clocks, watches and silverware of re durbil . prices-at ltelnernan, May= it Sledle's, No. 29 Fifth street. Constitution Water . Is n certain CUTS fttiDiabetes and all diseases of the kid tut:ye..For sale by alt I Irriggists. SWF. {mod Only Plain In thla city to buy . a {mod an of tura la at Wm. Fleming a, N 0.139 Wood street. Nets nth Lents Stristge. The St.. Louis Democrat says: "The comnaily have bean at workaday and nigth - efor the lost two weeks to complete theinootterdam, so as to be ableto build Up the foundation of their western abut ment pier ,before the freezing weather. They nte now tilling in the dam with .clay. and will be ready for pumping out thewater in three or fbar days. They have had two steam engines for the last fortnight at work pile-driving in the con struction of the dam, and this part of the Work la now complete. much difficulty has been met with in driving the piles, as tome of the numerous wrecks sunk within the punt twenty years occupy the filmier this pier. A diving-bell boat had to be employed to remove one of them laying on the surface of the bottom, and sometif the piles have had to be driven through the bottoms of two wrecks, lying several feet below the sand. The sand• and mud are about eight feet deep over the rock, and this will be all re moved when the dam is pumped out. An enormous steel chisel, socketed on the end of a pile, had to be driven through the wrecks to make a passage for the fdloh - While the latter required •to be strongly, shod with iron to insure their passage through the bottoms of these wreaks and the old castings, brick and the thousand and one things that go to compose aWerstera stearaboat. . . —A letter from Havana says: "Mrs. oqramon is on hoe way to Europe, ae mpauled by her. three children, the lest a bright looking boy with. great resemblance of hie father, also named Miguel, and , about eight years of age. and two daughters, Concepcion and Guadalupe, aged respectively seven and four years. The children are under the charge of Mme. Von Gorbode, a German lady possessed of high literary abilities. Mrs. Miramen In a very stylish looking Indy, of a prepossessing and command ing appeantnee, very slender, but wall shaped; and - uses eye gleam, making her look something like Grace Aguilar, the Philadelphia authoress. Virginia letter writer my. of ,Ica. by: 'inn - looks the lawyer overlies(' than the warrior. Dressed in careless, easy, Virginia style, with'whlie slouch bat, a Bost-stained,- hobdafl mat, milk and molasses colored tiants and vent, (the lat ter minus tyrant threalmtlans) a badly adjusted Sibiu front tooth, a figure of me. diem sloe, ' close shaven, sunburnt, youthful fees, slouched shoulders, quiet, taciturn, widen:toast/anvil la manner, it was Act quite eawf+to believe that he was the Individual whose name and . dare devliachlevnients figured in the papers almost daily during the war." 1139=2! I.IIIIISIIECY—LITTILL.-011Ildoodar, Cost. litb, 411, by the IL CU*. If r. AL A @T nAustmen, ot Allegheny COT, asd Mt. 11.10. WE .I t ITTBLL, of Pltubarzty cods. 7t*lxt as has wooed, ' T 7 t h grvitirblrei Two !warts no* bast as ass MILIALL7fLITTLZA - Oa Thursday avesimir, october:wl3,llC, at Homo. by /tar. Dr. Jo/1M A. F. D..At Xaw toXta. Luz= &mix, ot. tau sq.- ..suiAtusaim6 4 5..1 , 13114 . 1 14 M. 'm14.440,46. .11.11 , 111111 WI MIL -umUli MOM Oil L'. NUMBER 253. CHRONIC CATARRH Crt7I;LIELID. T E S TESIONI2II4 EEZI Hon. M. C. Beebe, Pleasantville, Crawford Co., Pa Dr. Aber*, No. 134 Sot& Meld &red, pOR R EXT , —OFINCES.—Tbe r" rooms nom occoplod by the Becietary of we Union itallread and .Tranzportation Company, No. no Firth street; cm 0. McClintock a C 0... Carpet More. fleas room ors thry-dasirabLe &maim; being lorated to Um caul. el best /106 and on Fifth street, non thing told with - the 'Nicola. payment. rendering them frw fromtram noise, atc. Front Mum crultalanierge Me- Proof vault. Possession. can be MI. on lb. 10. proximo. In.julro of OLIT=S MeCLIMTOGE co., forms street. or pursoie any system of study, or attend— at school, and xi times woo entirely: pros. • I ' FOB SAIAL Pittsburgh, .FU.. DEAR 810 , -SOLDO five yens ago my eon Willie commenced sluicing *rep tome of Wanh of the head; which coo- Unified to grow-worse 'until Ids system WWI so debilitated as to preclude an ac tive enjoyment of the 'Ports of childhood trated with lingering feventeoznetimes, for weeks together, with'a content man i fellation of the symptoms of the disease _such as a cot e tant hacking„ o atrtl die d:ems, itui irritation of the throat, musing' nausea All the Hanel appli ances and treatment of physiciana, eta. hadfailed to afford relief until you were applied to during your padesidorual visit at Titomille last winter, when be began to improve immediately after connitenc hag your treatment, and continued to improve, until now he enjoys a gad state of health, and to able to parthdpet:e in the active warts of childhood Witi zest, as well as purinie Ids studios with out interruption. I have omitted to make this statement heretofore, 'as I wished to be satisfied that the relief was permanent Respectfally pow., '3l. C. BEEBE. Plesartritvillo, Pe., October PA, OAR U. MEM E. S. ABORN, CONSULTING EEO Operative Barpoa aid rbyeldaa, FOR DISEASES OF THE EIVI I= .Throat, P ' T . I=M Organs of the Chest; and Ckwordc Diseases Generilly, .ESPECIALLY SIJC4. CAE= aa.bave been comaiDERED /#CITRABLE, em bracing - , . Deafness, Discharge frog tie Eye, Minim pid 'l3 h4f, lll 4lNoisag th• , . . !buses ill of Ow as. Mani et the lead, Laryngitis. , Trachlths, Ihroneolll4l *silos aid • Cossaaptioni as well mlllasiss of Ike lipiU7st,. - - 7 • - /PPP& ,ifift mama AHD SMIGIOA Roolwiss. No, VA Faithfidi Nina oThli!ntivey!mi, PITIgBORGO, ~(Vr';i2i i~ ' a a: • THE. WEEKL, Y GAZLITIP _norms" - inronaan Alobruubout. coololatag TUIRTVILZ 0 02 .• OMIT of lawontio lo oo ttolt Maliort.Oo. klallt 117 TIISVOk .0 4 Yulublo Boodlug Matt.if for tbo nadir. nod ballast sad most nalublo blasaelia sad OW Irlutotitiporti ituel by by p.p la the ulty. bleobsalo or', Mureboat sboald be without inug • Too= Iran* ooszrno 2.,V0 t b ' ti n' sr . .. r • 11 A Club. of los .. . .... IL -.154 oa• copy of pow to OW Weft 'MIN, 'TV lb . dulb. .4.44113a0s to ail!. lon be ludo au stryllso, at dab Mob. Norms to olibliag Your p.p.r. bo son ozol neat irkla 7. ' n Vail. SS tit.a.a Woduotto hiroalr minors boolog ems ow. malls *bet sirltemay b7Dntl. Zipllolll. *May Conlig 'orbs Rogrotonon Lotion, los, be sall al oarollot . dam.. • GAZIETTIio PC[lllBl2llOll, worn. WANTED;;POISCH/161131111--Ot • ! Rota, Corre43 . and City Mghta, for the most vislaabla and popular Patent trot Issued. adapt ed hip use to every bushmes mu. rays from SIM 0 µSO PER DAP. nosiness delightful. and an be understood Ls lea minute.: Address 4 .• 0 e.A2ELL, Plttaburgh, Pa. Call m room Nm 'X 1 . ohnla Law Building s =Diamond street. Pitt burgh, bettreeu T A. Y. and Or. Y. I, ANTED.--illwilicin Wanted. Ilit r • Iby a lirst•class Cassels COMM. to Wear ern sunsyleanla or Canters. Ohio. Dist of city raters.. Address A. D., Gantt:jai 0.1101. --- ' ITNDERT . 'CA: AILEX. pus 4IIBENi UNDERTAKER, No. Fourth Sundt, Pithbane , . En- CO !INS, of all lands; CICAPZI, GLOVID,•aad ellrt nn.dPllan q Ennernl .Inralablad On•d• 81 Inlted. Rams *pea day And night Sm. and Carrlages harndgmd. • • . '- • 11Mraucra—Rev, Dnyl.l Sair, D. D.,8 on, M. W. Jacob., D. L. 'Duman Eldag, Zen, J •I, 11. DEW, Esq. G. 110DGEIBK 11:11CDNIITA.• I' 'KEN AND =SALIM, Itosollesor to the lade Bonne" H. Dodgem.) No. a Mao buy.% three door. Dona Burro, Albedhenty Cly. Me. to a Doeewotel. Meboltelly, Wslasit and Sow naiad Imitation Cofilne, at the tweet reduced prices. Room epee at. l ell bone, day sad elem. mi.., and corefaind hirnblted ea short moon and on most reasonable tem., ROWARD DERT•KEn. Onion, 71'e. 244 able Innent. sleihco). !legating, Ilaomooa aid ether Ann with • ...plan, Moak arrows* Paralalac Gonda, en hand and fornlnned at, shOrtnat sonles s et; lowest prleli.. We sad Lim" Suet., me , ear of Vint and Ylddla Street. Cturimu. Biroathes. Bank+, Mal.. Haw., • a., &a, for him • , • CEMETERY MARRUS WORMS. lIARBSUGH. at tO. Osmt.7 Gist., Laweenessilte, P.. ORNAILZNTAL MAULS .i.terrosic wosse; aroas BURIAL CA9I2. ssassatodsrstsrProor. FOR BENT. rooOR PIALE.BIO ACDEIi GOOD FATI3IIINI LAND, In Imrs. Teri as ow. e title. Tavola peid.l Mil Ufa, llor city Oroperty. Yoe .partloolors *lstrß.,gor D. NI IL sotrnt. No. b Nseket'stroet. 011 t R•LE—HPRNEL-ssl3 LARGE BAY DRAMIT HOBAIXI ea ne., Wally BAROUCIIK HOWL, 'for ml HOWAUG'S Livery Stable: 11 1 / 4 1 , 11tEXST, .o:par, the hlosopiakela , . ' • 10 R . ,TROIMANP RITIMPXD DOLLARS ApFghelly Cltr my= per Pier. fla . ,rls. ter we, oi-,echange for Goreromerit. Seim:ltles, upoo forma teams. E. B. FRANCIS, Ocittiottar• . J pea , PALW--1. large LOT or i..OIIOIIND. altuatedon Pant - stmt WoMil fem. Paving Mee fr.= . homemade ars oar good dwellings= Pena street and • Me- My diop hi 'raw. =op le Of Paty-gew Met; • awd mussnistering WM. Wit be enl.l separate If desired. Zroptineet Np. MIN STILE eT.. - FOR PALE—WEIRCIL It/MD.— 1 , The underslipied will sell all orate-Ulf of a Brick Tudi to to, per.s alablarto taloa. I. the' bushman. .The yard la new, with all lb* sad et, r Improvements. Lease raw tea roam Mead need 'apply but Mao who mesa bailee... Ad dotL T. C.. Anaphors . P. IN • FOR SALE-146 'Acres of Land. ~ ith.* dinftaa frame Pease, prise lowilo and good opting: null bora; on banding. seer. Italy scam to four foot rent of coal. saderlaylag sbeilat Ile web Brtler and Entannlng Tem. runs threes:6 toe Mot. .Tbe about wen be colhongedl for property to the