The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 31, 1867, Image 4

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tritisint* itt
Tea* Ahmed icturissiden Association.
On last TiteadaY 'trailing, in a very
pleasant and spirited meeting of the As
sociation, it was deeitied unanimously to
make pommel application, 'at core, to
the benevolent public of Pittsburgh for
pecuniary ald. A number volunteered
their tertian and will call npodour cit.
bans, preeentiug cards and Books; signed
by the President, and bearthir, the adel of
the Association and the names, of the
collectors. We ask for theme cordial
and generous reception. nod one worthy
Of this noble muse. The easel:Wye com
mittee were dinietedlo prepare the fol
lowing card, stating do- circumstances
and needs of the - Association:
To OUR 241:11nEns AND FRlE:vas:
The object of our Association is to pro
mote the moral, social, Intellectual and
spiritual welfare of young men. We
seek to attain these ends by.furnishipg
good emplooment,good boardinghouses,
social meetings for prayer,' and an at
, tractire'resort for Intellectual itnyrove
tient and• social intercourse. V. e,wel
come ' with warm hearts and * hands
strangers, clerks and operatives into our
rooms and privileges, and by such inliti
ewes hope to make them more faithful
and valuable in their business relations
and employments, whilst. our members
who are engaged to this work are, by
throeennobllng activities; constantly
, elevated into the strength of an earnest,-
.honest Christian manhood. By thus ele
vating one class, we hope to benefit all
claims of the community:
• Our work, however, cannot he accent.
pllshod without the pecuniary es well as
mural-aid of -We people. .bur active
membership fee has been placed at 'the
small meta two dollars, so as to bring
It within the roach of all classes of young
men. Revenue fromtliisaource is there
fore smog small 'for meeting our-expen-
di ma for the equipment-of our rooms,
pa n rent, salaries of employees, ad
, 4 g, printing, charities and the '
current- expenses of the Associa
tio ;requiring at least an annual income
-Of t leas Mtn six thousand dollars.
Tci • pply the deficit,' and coed - our- pros-.
ant debt of eight hundred dollars, (pert
for expenses of the-. Christian Conven
tion) the collection at the recent anni
versary amounted to eighteen hundred
dollars. We, therefore; are constrained
to appeal for aid both to, our members
and friends. To our members, in the
confidantio that many •of them are able
- and willing to contribute more thin the
annual fee of two dollard To our
friends; assured that in view of the re
snit of our labors already, 'under God's
blesslng,..among the young men of our
elq., they will be glatf to extend a Illntral
help in placing us upon a permanent
boats of support.. We appeal -to thinking
btudness men and manufacturers, to am
-players and employed; in award, to ell.
classes; to asistaln by the pledge, if
..,, caltae,of an es antilli um e ow co ev n e tr r ibutlon, or
.'... . .• of
- Rancutiva Coicattrrnr.,
-: Y. lif C. A.
••••••II••• - lbw 11*•••••••—u U. A."
III•••1Ial- *twat*be lit•cus--Pras
yam s; • Ill•vembor
"G.-A.." of the Chronicle, ivho has had
ws much to do with the weather as' the
. statiainlabstattem for the pat few years ,
ind In whose jedgtnent we lane oonsid-
arable:. thith, mutes on the character-
idles of November a This
month Is the forestuidowidgerispproaelt
_ tug winter, as well In the order of time
main the dissolution or Milton. um beau
tiful and useful to min. ..4.11'1n nature
la now darkened and chilled bathe ,
tranceof death-like winter,. and. begins
' to assume the soinbre robes of the grave.
Like the lad effort of a departing soul to
gather up and manifest its waning pow
,: Nosember struggles to i give". us the
gentle warmth and mild beauty of the
e l lr u lt 3 auttimn, In the • season we call
Simmer. This usually pro
vans from the Id 'to the 11th of the
=oath, but In thighs-milt - 3' It haa not taken
its proper place since tell'- Ip the
Indian Summer, the sun at rising pro
mote a bled red rotor, the mornings and
eveniggs rare smoky,
.the nights are
pleasant , and cool, being regulated by the
'West, Nor:lured or East winds; and are
Anteceeded by beautiful soft sunshine
• days, while (nest oceurs in consecutive
.-er alternative days. • From ten o'clock a.
m. to M
to one o'clock p. .• the wind veers
tothe South or Southwest. There are
no blustering snow, rain or wind storms,
bat a steady calm prevails. About the
14th to the pilth the atmosphere is
- agi
fatedbyviolentwind and rain sGonns,
- the wind suddenly changes to the North
and Northwest. 'Mere are bard freezes
• ••• and .ferbito- , frarta - at night,: trim. p snow
grayer drab color the mud is bbr_k and
ekthe small ponds are skimmed
with Eze r and you may look for adorns'
• :within throe days after these indications.
-The. lad part' of the 'mouth Is uneven,
I, , raliz;duzer, and high wind storms, alter
, neting. , If there tire heavy rains in the
'At the month, 'saturating' the
• ••grouracwith order, the atmosphere may
• •. nettle 'into a doll cold, damp stale, .de
.. Salad itc electricity and attended by no
• • unwholesome malaria: • Typhoid amulet
and other,levers, Influenza and diph
. thesis - -are more than usually. fatal.
BUM 1300 the .month has shown,
peculiar ‘olinntotertotl64 front its; very
"..entrance; by rain, haw, mist.. white
....frosts,: and freezinge. with- alternate
_pleasant and rough' days:
The agitillion resulting from. the
minglingof"the winter and- fell adios
.: _Dhabi s edates emote - rapid candelas:Mon
~ot.vapor, and brings the storms which
givens high livers - in December; In a
' aserieiaof years the rivers higher In 105
slistabai than in any other month, often .
Ito twenty and twMty-tivo . feet,
isfter the - filltienth. After thedfle tilt of
November theme:rises from tag to tit
''teen feet; bur Bills about: fwice Ili ten
fatted to rise In ILEZth and it
ads lalrto tail to rine this year, to ftrr
~ atetol.boat the htootreertost: The user-
awe in six pelmet. eight rect. From 1857
,t0.1294.1twas nine feet. In ten yteni—
' 'VW ter InEntifidnding tad - dry, seems,
1854 andiron, the average was six and a
lealfreet. ,
, nada, aVewure of Ihe th ermometer iNoventhm• is 41 degrees.
proseßt Tall' storm 'Jena spent
but. inspendextThe large amount dr
• rain /oath and test chilled the, stenos--
'..flionnt-is the• Whul. hacked up ,from
. .-uortn:wwfd by North to. North-wwt co
ate storm mav reurn by'
.." Cd that -ti s t for Saturday. There is no t peak;
:',..blUty gra coil boat :rise In November,
bonspresent: indiesdlons. If there-is to
be; It pswbe determined by-Saturday.
... ;nut - A riso of ten or twelve feet may,
possibly pitme In November.
Ipteallsoa, 'r
, . .
The Brawdy family, It eppears, have n
Ukhilf -he Pollee . Courts, and It may be
„Allier: like the notoriety they:galn from
^digniteginimilearreparts. -- Yesterday
putosilett: say. *Wore In which — Mrs.
...Bawdy; tigetnad as the Leading character,
and itoolsyc we have her children, the
=ter and son, who appear as prose
and 'defendant In a surety of the
twice doe. ldatiha Itrawde made in
formation before Aidetman Taylor, yte•
today,, against her brother, Martin
Braurd,rartbreatezior violence, She, l'
r.laldes in Brownstown, and
roverr ines to eater belt for her mother's
-sPPea at ourt In the tare pub-
lished yesterda C y, mar In the ev we ening,
while abler mother! C Mime, she and the
=pa Lab a querel, when, an abe
the brother, by ibtfata and men
.=l;nor. =tto . .the at,.ing„ . and pai
ning to Imk liar.
warrant was Issued for bai rasa:.
Bush A: RMlth, yesterday, made; in,
formation before Alderman Strain,
agatoat .Fanny,Splazur, L Richard Eiplane
and Edivird lithatn, for 'meaty of the
peace. The tilty originated out ,, ri
Use meant disorderly house case, tried at
(Wart,. in which Farm' .Elphane was Ale
litadant. Warrants were tuned agalrun
Nes deka:dung, who have been arrested,
and who willbe required toexplahnitteir
conduct at Mart.
Jobe . Smith yeederday made Weimer-
Urn before Alderman Strain enabler
.ffiebardSplaine,Yannyilplaine, and Ed
ward. Ingraham, charging them with
assault and battery. Smith, It appears,
XX' It principal wlthems In the recent .
bayrelyhortsecase In which FarmySplaine
. weur defendant, and' after the dial was
4Vlar *lt defendant met him In Mil ten-
Lee= alley and gave Lira a beating for
g .pint Fanny. The particle
ware arrested, and alter a heading wore
held bef the enm of three hundred dollar.
each for their appearance at Court.
, .
Itlebiel J. - Fnakyesterday mode Infor
mation against Ziiith Young, tharging
'kin with obtaining_ good', under Wen
AidernutaTaylor, beforewhoni
iye Information w mode, limn'a
rant tor bitarreet. , - ..
"Ilka following was the state of the
weallbar yesterday at the places
Cleselandelearinic Ufa cool.
CincinnatColoudy and cool. •
Indianapolis, cloudy and cool. •
LoMaTI, clearinal cool.
Columba; cloudy and cool. ••
New York, cloudy and cool. , '
Oil My, cloudy and cool. Mhididphia, cloudy and owl; looks
lit. Louis, cloudy and cool.
• 'BMW° and Jai:nosh:Aril. N. Y., cloudy
and damp.-
. • .
'Auntutsu of enema wagon driven..
whesesisusdlngpleeeie on Federalstreet,
Allegheny, near tho railrosd depot,—
' witistberiewfully or not vre don't keibw—.
masy.beseertwhilewaltingtor the trains in'
groups on the sidewalk,' and sre often
Elmira uttering derisive or otherwise of.
,ilscudveseistarWs about ladhas or gentle.
aeau.whoam.eonstantly passing them.
Their beithhostem. at the shims* Is
000ntralesnUf the , oity codinsere,.which
the pollee should entrees .against them
'if misetadnekggell Mjs ned, of
Allegbear Coging7 Agelealtaral
The Allegheny County. Agriculture
Society ,__ hold a regular monthly meeting
,Wednesday; &Lieber 80th, at the omen of
*now. Phelps, Parke 6 Co., St. Cher
street. Present—Meters. Morton, Mur
dock, G. G. Icegley, Parke, Jamie Reed,
George Jentningil, Young, and
President Chess.
Jug: , Parke, from . the Committee on
Coll ems for the State Fair, made a re
port, which sae accepted and Committee
continued. -
On motion of Capt. Young. the Chair
impointed Mews. :Young; Chess. end
Parke a Committee to suggest canes of
partieemllling to serve) as members of
the Board of Managers for the ensuing
year, andmmortpreviorts to the Talmud
election in January. ..
The same Committee' was authorized
to draft a newCharterlbr the Society, to
be presented lathe next Legislature, and
also to take charge of the claims a the
Society atrainst the State and United
State.. Adjourned.
Forged Cheek.—Tbe telwraph informs
us that a roan named tt".Thompsort
was arms* in New York vaster:lay, for
presenting a check of E. O. Pike .4. Co.,
of Et. Louis, on the Amerkwn Exchange
National Bank of New York, for $ l l 2lB 50,
In favor Hof D. *H. Chambers, o Pitts
burgh, whose eon he claimed to be. It
was proved that young Chambers was
at homp when Thompson stated that be
had found thecheck on the street in Pitts
burgh, while It appears to have been
alterod - Dom • ...payable to order" to
co payable to bearer." Thompson was
Second Street, between the Birming
ham bridge and the point where the pav
ing ends, isjust now nothing more nor
lens than a oontinnous mutt hole. This
being the case thus early in the fell, it is
not bard to Imagine what will be its con
dition a. few weeks hence. The exist
ence of such it thoroughfare; :within the
city limits, is a disgrace to the corpora
tion. Whose fault la it. and why was the
street not paved as authorised by Coun
cils early the present year? 4t hi among
the things possible that diagansibility
will be incurred for, damages likely to
Choice Dry . Casida-A:t H. J. Lynch's
dry goods store, \O. 96 Market street,
foetid a'large - and carefully se
lected stock of choice seasonable dry
goods, embracing all ririctim of drew
goods, cloaking cloths, casidmeres, and
cloths for men and boy's wear, country
and - eastent - blankets, 'barred tiannefs
and housekeeper's goals. Mr. Lynch
manufactures to order cloaks and saoqua
in the best style of workmanship and
latest fashion. The prices prevailing
throughout the house are most reasona
The ling fall of lintrim,..The: , gast fall
of snow in Pittsburgh thin season occur
red last night between e*ht and nine
&Meek. It continued for half an hour
during which time sufficient mow fell
to have Completely, .povered"tho ground
had it uot been so wet from the recent
ralua, which canoed the mow to melt as
Acquitted . The jun* 'ln the case or
Alderman Lynch, Indicted In the Quar
ter Sessions Court for larceny by bailee,
yesterday morning returned• verdict of
I—Several prominent Southerner, In
Washington, have recently expressed to
the President their conviction that a
general. mutated: among the negroes is
'eminent. They say nearly every negro
matt in' the South is well armed, while
the whites are emost entirely without
'means of defence: The impeachment of
-the President is believed to be the time
determined upon for they rising. The
gentlemen strongly. urge upon the Pres
ident en increase in the military force
now distributed through the South.
,—Thaddeus Stevens, in a "conversa
tion" published in the Washington
I Chronicle, maintains that Congress has
full pciwer to regicide the elective fran
chise in all the Stites; that the framers
of the Constitution never intended that
one-half of the nation should he gov
erned by one act-of laws and the other
half by another set, conflicting on the
same subject. He is firm in declaring
that the Southern State must not incor
porate the principles of their constitu
tions contrary to the principles of life,
liberty and the pumat of happiness,
and maintains that the elective franchise
• Ise right obtained from the Constitution,
and not a privilege. The conversation
Is reported for the reason that. Mr. Ste
vens expects to be unable to speak when
Congress Is assembled. • .
—The storm at .New York, which conc
mental Monday ale*, did considerable
daniage in the city and throughout the
neighboring country. The cellars and
baaemente along the' river fronts were
inundate :b the Swollen tide li.Mmer
one chimneys, were toppled over by the
wind, and the ferry beats plying the
ndson and East riven experienced
great difficulty- in navigating the rivers
The water role to the sitting rooms in
some oftlie ferny boas* and inundated
others at Oa bridges. Asleep was cap
sized . off Hoboken, and one man wet ,
.drowned. A large bending was blown
down in Hackensack, New Jersey.
—The Supreme Court of the Matrix of
Columbia, yesterday, refused to grant a
'Writ ef orrolan anappeal from the lower
Court from a decidenimstalning the con
stitutionality of the 0011/iMakOn laws.
The decision covered several moos where
property has been confiscated for the life
estate Ia . the District. An effort will be
made to have the constitutionality of the
law tested in the United States Supreme
i4. - -Tlicrxiatement of t
he cation* debt
for :Covel . :ober let will probably allow
only diet.* 'alight reduction. The pay
ments from the Treasury on variousso
entails ratlike last bait of October have
been has . The coin balance will be
con increased, but it will at
once, beredueedagain try theFlve-tweutv
ititermt;dritich will be paid off on the
tint proximo. , ;
Rettipas from all the counties la the
State of Virginia, except two, of the re
pent elixMon„ show a total vote of 164,105.
Of this vote 104.340 were fore Conven
t**. Vaud h..' The majority
'for a Convention 45,109; tl),ssi nomoes
Wm, inde.Siagninst
Whitesris for and t.i,fris
ago. lost is conwentX
lasperlaut 1111~4 lalssifin 1110611.11
Qua meats., Semimehrsallo Mtwt
Taeirsoa b lb. Pbl4unel. o..itZa.
Nun - Dumont, Oct. 30.—At a meeting
of the Board of Health last nightnnat ,
'enduewe., sniper:dad. A motion, offered
by' Di. Varna Stone, that the - yellow
'fovea be declared 7)0 how epidemic,
was opposed and referred to the Com
mittee, on Heath. Dr. Stone said the
disease had 'Dan Ite &um° and was no
longer epidemic, although sporadic cases
will continue - for some time. In his
opinion It is perfectly Rae for strangers
to come Into the city. In his remarks
ha contended -that yellow fewer was not
contagious ender any eirmunstances.
Ma orHeath' has vetoed the ordinance
the &dale ift l nit rd o n i D e a f public ces
1.10" t, foro
the ground that the Ceunell made no
pfovfalon for any other administration
of the schools, leaving tham without di
rectors or Machete. The ordinance wan
pawed over the veto by the Board of As
sistant Aldermen. but Is not yet acted on
by the upper Board. .
There were only nine yellow fever In
Judge Vsnuaruntt, of the Sixth District
Court, has dechba to perpetuate the in
granted to e: School Bosni,
the Mayor tome presnulgat
leg the ordinance.
A nasolutlon offered In the Board
of Aldermen last night, requesting the
military authorities to remove the pre
sent Board was lea; tiro 'blacks' toUng
in fever : and four whites against It. ,
"The MigeMisi 'Republican says: We
nine' inlifirmed thatlifr. Johnson and Mr.
Moles attempted, Salt-Sunday evening,
to arrest. the notorious outlaws,. Fred.
Baker, of Howell county', and Min Eies
ton„ the murderer of Mr. Henry, of New
ton county. One-Informant states that
Johnson and Molm got in company with
Seaton and Baker Sunday morning, and
were with them all day. In the evening
they accompanied them to Mr. Hoobs%
on White river this county, whore they
were to pass the night. Shorn" crier
theirs:4lnd, Jobrustioand MolraOcjared
their object, and demanded a summder,
whereupon Baker and Sexton drew their
revolvers and commenced firing. Eight
or ten shotawere exchangedin the house,
kttai a general . stampede took place
Alttir, it Is thought.. camped .unhurt.
Sexton rnoeivAld JP. wound In the aide but
awing in the darkneen succeedea In
making Ids escape, lifono of the party
&het:wing tbo arrest lambast. 4exten
was menthe day alter the party latit,,tut
seemed deranged and in groat misery.
Rewards, were offered by. the Governor
foe the appreberudon of both these men.
Tbey 'repo desperate characters, and a
terror to the people in the ruction whore
they htiYo be.oa 0QW):114,4.
Paso Ims a sensation, in widob
Methodist mudirtor, by Um name otJ. t.
Braig, pliyo a most complonons part.
On Tuesday he was a. mated and brought
to tins plaoe, by Hr. Johnson, City Mar
shall of El Paso, to stand his trial upon a
=of sedndlon made against him
Ns IrtoCMlon, daughtor of Ow,
McClellan, of that Vac& The act la of
-11 kited Whams been eommltted while ho
was mills way to attend • =femme of
that denomlnatton, He WY taken from
• here to Liras° yesterday. The woman
is a dwarf, and gaffers from a deformity,
which makes taw case mom deplorable.
The aborgyirian den4e the charge, end
feels confident that bacon proveWsintio.
aer" Mileofbr•b o tula natalzaWl the
reputalion - of bidng one of the ineekeo
followers of Otaist. , llboald , the chugs
be stibutintlsted; Ire - bops to MO*e der.
leersedneerproperly dealt with by law.
ltoria noslPlA':...Offrober24th•
—The engine house of the Cumberland
VU Company, at White Oak. W. Va.,
mtught fire early last Friday morning,
ausl for a time the destruction of the
whole town, with a great deal of vol mo
ld.. property, was feared. Open tanks,
committing two thousand barrels ahem,
oil, were In the immediate vicinity and
were in imminent danger from sparks,
but by the good management of the per
sons present, thLs danger was averted.
The total amount of damage done may.
be summed up as follows: Nine hund
red barrels of 011, five thousand barrels
of tankage, two engines and engine
houses, and various derricks belonging
to the Cumberland Company.
—We clip the following from the
Greensburg Repubtican and Democrat:
On Saturday, the 19th last. Harry
Hltchman, aged about ten years, .n son of
Alex. B. Hitehman, Esq., of lit. Pleas
ant, was burned so badly that - death en
sued on the following Tuesday morning.
The circumstances of the accident are as
follows: Quite a numter of boys were
engaged at picking apples in the orchard
of a neighbor, and one of them purchas
ed a few cents worth of powder, and a
block of matches, for the purpose of lim
ing off a email cannon when they got
through with the apple picking. The
powder and matches were given to Har
ry to hold and he put both In the saute
pocket. lire boysbeganthrowin apples
at each other, when one unfortunately
struck Harry on the pocket, which Igni
ted the matches. The powder was also
Ignited almost on the Instant which caus
ed an explosion, with the result stated
—The Honesdale Herald Kays:—"Ors
Saturday night lost a heart-reeding aeri
dent occurred a short distance down the
canal, by Which a mother lost her life at
the hands of her sun. It seems that on
Saturday a young MOM named Ryder,
formerly employed as lock-tender at the
locks of this borough, borrowed a gun
intending to go out Molting the fallow
ing day. While cleaning the weapon,
and ignorant of the fact of Its being
loaded, it was accidentally discharged,
and the contents took effect in the limbs
of his. mother, completely stripping a
large portion of flesh from the bones of
both. She lingered in great agony until
Tuesday looming, when death put an
end to her sutferings."
—The Doylestown .Perium. D enwcrat
wishes Geary to tie impeached. The
Democrat thinks that Its party should
have u finger In the impeachment pie to
well as any other man. _ .
—A boy In Quackertown,Bucks coun
ty, Pa., was killed by a vicious mare
Mot week. The brute caught him by the
head; end by jerking dbilocatcd Ills
—Geo. Scheffer, of New Freedom.
York county Penna., committed suicide
on the 2iblitmt., by hanging himself in
his own saw mill.
county. Penna., is excessively
troubled with thieves; they seem to have
'robberies in York et the rate of three n
week, which is natter 2 . 33 t for se small a
—We clip the following from a
Wheeling paper: "A lad named Tobias
Singard, residing with his parents
on Garden street, met with n bad
accident Tuesday evening. lie woo car
rying potatoee from the garden to
a bin in the cellar. ills little
brother was aiding Idm in his labors.
Tobias had carried a basketful to the
head of the steps leading Into the collar,
when he sat down to. rest. ills little
brother, who had gone to the heap' in
the yard, picked up and threw
it at him , lied the missile, but
lost his balance, fat Mg over backwards
Into the cellar. lie struck his shoulder
and arm upon the steps, dislocating the
one and breaking the other. A surgeon
was called, who set the broken bones,
and the little follow is doing tinely.”
—A boy about twelve years of age, son
of Mr. Smith, residing on Detroit road,
West -Side, tookfather's gun and
' started towards the lake, recently, to
shoot ducks. When he got as far as the
barn, ho I saw an empty beat floating
along theehore, and being ansions to se
cure it. he ran into the barn to leave hia
E: d t. ' While setting into
load of, it a en bo t z in it g w ij a..;
woof °Mien arm, making a frightful
—The walls of the now Roman Catho
lio cathedral, of Parkersburg. W. Va.,
me already well above ground, and the
work Is going ahead bravely. The
steeple le to le two hundred feet high.
—Base ball accidtlani have been very
common aU through the summer, and
now, although the season is almost over.
we utter another. The catcher of the
Independent Base. Bel/ Club, of MIII
field, Ohio,. had his knee displaced
and was so! injured as to be moaned to
Ids bed for more than a week.
—The Cincinnati Enquirer Kay' , that is
man who takes life cheerfully t. a dan
gerous character.
—\ man was buried in Portsmouth,
N. IL, on Saturday. who hud kept his
grave stone and mean In his garret fur
twenty years. lie was ninety, yenta of
—Some ouo speaking ora highly orna
mented house, whose proprietor wit, uot.
particularly boapitable, said, "1 nhould
like to Roe a little leas gilding androorc
—Wonders ,'luster thickly at one place
on the Yellowstone RiVer. The water
falls over.a sixteen hundred feet. preci
pice into a small lake which oontains an
island covered with boiling springs.
—Rev. J. Rost, LLD., Professor nf
Cbeadatryand Geology- in Adrian (Mich.'.
College, ints,host accepted the l'residency
of North Illinois Univeralty, at Henry,
111., tendered to him a month aao, and
has been elected to the Chair of >Mimi
and Moral &Jenne in the sa.93e.
—The house of A. Robe:lion, a printer
of Junction City, took tire at noon, on
the and lost, and two children, aged
three years and six months, were burned
to death. Mr. Robertson pas absent
from the city', and his whit had gone out
shopping, leaving the children asleep on
on the bed.
—The Cincinnati Enquirer sava an un
known man was found suspended by the
neck to mum in a yard in South street
on Wednesday morning of last week.
lie had evidently boon dead several
hours, but whether ho had committcsi
suicide or was murdered it was impossi
ble to tell.
-4 Tido= dog gave sent to Ids spit;
againit a man be met on the street in I o
dlatutpolls, rtstently, by tilting him on
the leg. Instead of driving him away,
the man stool still and let him work.
Thei leg being a wooden-one, the biting
didn't hurt the man, anti it warmed to af
ford the dog the greatest satisfaction.
prdatSIILISJILX HOUTZ tom Q. 4.1 to a/
• la
cuuaronstA. , MAU.
• •
Two UAW lam am o Las. sad LoavanworU
atmitlima isimpiod.) oa Um arrival co
tralim of Tullio Railroad from at. Loolo. set
Mianlbal sad IL Jo Railroad from Waco. imp
sectiaS at LOMA... lODidia sad Maenad* Silt
ewe. for au mono la £54.51. At Old Of trod
iron of =swarth 5114 tb. TINITILD OTATat
A:wwax.x.ronris IN TIM 'smarms**
sod with ISAS - prwil l s TSI-Wi• /LT
01 COACH/3 No Fart 1:1419% Bast's rod.
Taos, 110040 asses, 5•310 Is. aa4 111 points le
1,1•01l1 sad New lloske.
With the resent additlassa rolliss sloct sae
scialpseent, ma the sivishommnits amis with th
iponsibis Orotund 2711411)01•11011, LIDOS ChM
IU W• 146111 tenalou, this rad Agsr Viers sae-
VOUS/ OitehisSlGH tr aNain at Might
to ths Fla VW. . •
TiskstA for Ws at. 1 1l TOlO/4W Sam Ih
the Ilaltol States-
Be tors mod 1311. TOR PICICHTI VIA Sall
Bea.* )m1.4 i.+64.llGtet Arent..
011&11610,TilIZ-01 9.1 . 14.nw mama.
?rLVAUsra n ictr:Vietut4eriger"'
jßntr.. .1.1112,
'''' - ---1:
Fast ix Lae
O ZI A 7 14
Aetasad . a.. 3:53. la.
Vona34l•• Asssoma , a.. at r. U. I2oa. Y.
ilgant l VVTtnl=l4. l'.. "A " a
C 7
l OhntekTraix ma... Omuta' at IMO,. U.
Tba Tails lavas dally, aad a , s e t
Mazda. rieoptool. aritalikfikt,O4O_Pptaultl6o,
OVOTITINIVtfI. " 41' ' "6 LN "V
alaw of oamitotwoon to
f:=7l/11221.01Oradipa tolgt . igoat and Banta
2 1 ,',14Mrautss T 14.1. b ns• aid U.
triidast De Daum osto
118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth.
Government Securities
Gold, Silver.
And Coupons,
Sought sad SOW 01, Ilberal tam. Draft. •old
. 544.5Ppt,pcit.1 Mks orison.
colfeasioN OF 7-30'S.
_-w. are now prepared to coloteri the
New 1837 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds.
Wen it t(lTellitnt Statlu4
Conker Fourth & Wood Rittestii.
Ilk._ B. MeVAV II CO.,
LID DIMS 8 GOMM 1181111118
Car. Fourth and Smithfield Streets.
oArtnifin. b Etir.7ll. f . i t j l eTt i A I N 4 1 0 ij uv
cant. to Jaaaaa7 ot. and a... them In tmelma g a
5-20 BOXIAS OF 186%
Interert 101 @OW at 0 pet cant. 0 , 00 i3O
l.;ffnos or yea PPITIMIntaII aaarrrs,
WnnuraDAY. October 30, 1647.
Gold opened at' HO, advanced be lalt4 and
;dosed at uOu. (huh Gold le Vats plenty-and
tour to den pet cent. per annum la paid for
camping ;mamma, over. European war 11161011
hare little Inihnaee on the market and speett.
mina look to the continued dlebuieements ol
the Tresteut7 ea the taut means to bang down
the market; the very tenon. 'limn a few
week, alo for the advance are how t.ught
out to bear the market.
Gold bond. remained emu to•dey without
any apparent adeamee, hut should quotation.
of our seautttlea be auetisheed to London, a
further advance may be looked for. A (rent
deal of Capital I. now Idle in email mute
that cannot othetwlse be employed profit•.
bly and without any risk, and be under cob•
tract. The °pontiff of naylitatlon would Isles
m a considerable ansOunt of money to be used
le temporary ins eatmonte, for which Govern.
meat seeutitlen *tiered the best and safest
►t present prices.
The meek mutat It atm and allibtly.higher
on the clique mock, but oklacellsueou. sham.
and lames artidocidedly lower, ands collapse
organ. a amulet of theist Ie expected soon.
The express there. are lower, and the old iota•
pants. with their watered .touts, come Ilk.
the - Adam. to the extent of =per cent, am
only mistalned by• few hula ;holder., *Ma
hues to keep up quotation. in order to enable
them to cell out. The loonl money matkat I.
prey thltit. and city ehmks are almost lineal.
nolo that conmasodul • premiums!. thontha
Clewing New York quotation§ reeefied try
Ph. 8. Monte, were aa follows:
0014. Mgt, feta. 11%.
1 , 114; 110 Mg: Cotaro1.1015(1 Webs
MA; 0-10. 06.
Cleveland Jr. Ylttetureh IL R. IVA
klerchante • 1.1.1 an Expreae t:
Western Unto. Telegraph Sat.
Ewa R. R... ..._
FotaWayne '
a Chlest. EL In
Northwester. Latiroa4,.-canatoon R.
Nortbweeem—pfeteneL....— tees
New Took (Notre!
Ohl* .4 tntealselppl Certllta•tes
1 44
111abletwt ttouthatn
UurTdem GO
Qutaafier 1161054
—The dry koala market at Now 'Twit owa•
Waked doting the earl? part of test week la
the rams doll and unsalastnetory condloo.
noted the previous week. and oa Wainseday
hdoeSotdomostlee net with • mold break
down. The rfasnelat Chroatale of that elte
earl :
unit was brought about by a wttender.
Kandla,/ bet weto two or three j obblog boost.,
aod attar • day's quit. astir. Outlasts the
attune refined to tweeds to the reduallon, sod
trade wat gabs at a !flood alit; but slate tat
sows hu t . useolled to the detiuto, and It bat
become (moral throagh the list of motto and
.prows goods. At this deeds. them Is • &too
antes to tate umds, sad with a belttr ottleity
II the interior titles there Isa general ballet
that goods are ...tow ot they will bit thtt
mom. At Ile tiro* a ste•dstr holing pre
vails with a fair bottom. to woolen and
fairlgo goods there Is tut little of Intertat to
twit. Trade Ittery quiet. the exhort dtemod
tar dwoostlet Quito UMW-
—Tbe conroralooof tho nv.4htra** lo
cotly gOial Utter laboo of lbw
sentoleaUss are j tat DOW rt..r toot. popular
naa osy other varlay of gold betel. boade.
.4 Use sal. of t h.• taro peheasmat *neaten
are saoderatay aria. TM Irmap daaaad for
our emirates Is doer very labs. itooorlan
already daroadog lb. probable ammeter
of the Sans.. of lb* 'noun..., amt. r.. port to Cour.. • Mauves of a rigor*.
aortae:a t 0... a nava to lards p.n..
*anent Onober mompottada bee. boat
allay at a pr..... fiadho _trout th en to
eachauge for thrwrort4eat. eertillasted Tbs.
thre.yemeate. eta he. at ...W. aut
.non vary platy. rfa UM. a. roPlar
supply Iref thealolsve with the halt. mould
woo. they hare moot for la, Mar raverra—
—Amen merebants I. 0.17.reU entapialat
1. of want or putehatera of goods a large bp
• destlen from Med,. and . - ftwat dibleralte to
meet.; diary payment. Notblog to pars.
neat woo( ecershasts estatid -His data ark ,
GI Mote blllatookk theft bovas a pt store real.,
and thole Mama and at** eapenisel. Th.. •
Latter recta. It lb& bash g(ante at watch Qs.
stood. mama war pli
ote were triads, and are
CettgAnat by dra.M upon .pital. and la too I
many rata ty Um proceeds of goads kiw to be
paid for. Parties with Id!. apUU are valUtat
to see what flcueraas do, sad Ont.. - ..fl
t 0... at lb. -ore.. ...rot baying aarthins
whether if stacks or goats. A. tkagreva antra
not deafly - Woe Wally. the pram* rinerrtala
by tamatraattal attars Pratt... te be grew.
beta. patios to taken by tiougnna—N.
—then kayo been na new•developutara.
the Xtehsals fronds - ..0. the erna ci the
ertielt,..• that.. isorratired mono., in :amen ,
from •asolif Or la. - ftlendk awl hen.
pos.,(ta balk lift the city pastillas. sofa.
*type have bran Mles to sem. bre arrest. hot
what. they are, Chalker !a the Mays of a re
ward for kis apprehonstrah or by pelt.[ anew
sarp detoetlye oa p. trask, pay to
m or two roll.. Ala sppaar.i. la es
math. that. only pers.* who eras no Ida
mold not ho mistaken to thaladleldash
whether tap is duarmered In C..% of A..trar
ha. It la ettrtala that his deantideolle• will Italy MOM. Ilia pat credo. was tally
am:eared to Imam. circles to4syi and the
Nat tr..p.tred that ha wan salty ol a foram
aras. Area year* 'lwo. .d that off loro or
three masaaloa. sin. that flaw he has rep.ted
bta former alma, whit.k was know. to several
parties to Ws ally some walla prior to tas
oeappe... on Saturday last. Oat reporter
14 lepoth. to 8. E. thateak eg R• 411111. In
at•ilog that he, would loft womb OMAN by :
bilehaarsoperaltf.. Thtyam la math b.w '
this, Old will not, we to. waned, abreet the
etali wrath-Mr. Mated bag
1.0 4 means har boa/fess 0.1.11.—C70c0r
Republican, bath. . • :
Orate. or vex Pr/ Oattervat
. Watrasseav, Lestbaer tea, INT. 5
CILULE—She all market la a good dual Ilk.
the areathay, - vary aanaltlve. thla =rain.
with the eon shlalat a hold*. ,00 /. era./. le
del r alma thlabaa that. for the time bele/.
at !mamba chums for a milk till had Paattdi
la the evardag, however. It again Couded OD.
mad baldric. thin, O. A. asps that the run 1.
act oyar—ottly. sweat*. Thera ware salts
in the garage of lama four thouaaad barrel.
at ❑a, to Oa dellvered 04 Int water, Si wall
at for all November. manta ooUoa. 5P41.0//
widen sad anuttled. sad may ha quoted gosh.
taut, at 151213,54-atoth light, aed aG fuss we
taa learn, so very orient dlapoaltloa
fasted to .01.
lIEFINED-The market for boadod oil wail
again doll and weak to•day, ant • sonsparrd
with yostardayogrnoes hare still 'fiarthor do
alined. Ws cit, report ado" of 1000 Obit for
Itorratbet, at gni tope do do at Wig and 2X4
do at Sim Spot oil la repotted SE hailing boon
mold to a nooablerabis egtant la ehtlaelelphia
today at Ile, Illyo and 42o—inaLaly. at slid.. it
war' thought that with the unproved aharactu
of the fotaign news, that the :market would
hare boon better to-day, bet ' unfortunately.
Instead of Wm, It Woe, tf anything, won..
O. D. Ton••. lb Mehl ntlood tot. A, DU
worth 0 Co, PhU•d•lphl•.
roroyth 80. lk Ca, GS do do to W. 0.
.. . _
Nat. lIAL Go, p 0 do do to 1101 lictildk, POC.
adelphla. ' .
Clark in Moamar, VII do do to j. r. La.
' • gati, ladelphia. •
Braun Phi at
& Co, Philadel Whhi a. im., Sol do do to Waring, Mug
Lockhart • Frew, 23 do do to W. O. Warden
W, htsekeown 4 Ito, 111 do de to' W. O.
Warde, Philadelphia.
hi McMahon i Co, GA do do to W. P. Log.,
Oth ilizrrien Hes 01011 .0410001111 nape.
llutabloson 011 Co, sal ni ' , qui to L.
Wilson. Philadelphia,
Brook , , Banana. 8 Co., PI do do to W. G.
Warden rbilmislohla.
Daman4 Williams io do. do to Warier,
Lora 00, ?Modals/11a.
stamb i l d t . 00, WO do do to W. P. Logan,
Ph lt. f 1. .. P Loo di Co, all do do to W. O. War.
den. Phil•detchla.
t i o
W PloCut Mt, ii do orbile to .1, Parsham
0 „PMI'S' phis. „
O. zokr, awl do do to W. P. Weimer, . Phila.
dais s. . ._,_ . ....i......_____„. .
. Brow TWrla tattle basalt.
Min Toss, Odober IL-Heel Oattlo-The
Dumber of tattle 00 sale tools; win .2,141 head.
ThaSeeelpta for the week were From the fol.
lowtos ,qtater NO Pi1t.t.0703 Nalituckg, toot
Obl,llllo{llllsoli, 11,230 Indian., %el TE,,,,,
215. "Thit Warhol. - WOW' was
and coy ail
wa sold. The trialill was seitarsli rai,,
WWI moms antra Ohio sod Kestosity. e ...
a bald market st Moak... and °When loot ,
none;.. The pies' we:wall follows: 1
Prime, par lb 11 . 01130
Nad.not. par lb ..-...., 19 01%e
Poor. POI ~ 10 OM
-iol;lm.s.:ra.:ar.ezibbirs:;.....o....l47;tralyrso:snr- 411;50ri"4.74.5.,ca.44
at tut J. Cansidal, 1$ f3 . 011.1 . i .. .‘
. 171 . 4i . t
fl o `lit'°irl,' 014 '5. ,(9 Moak eisiirlOw ism
Allesto i n iiritaley, 41 /Ulna% TX tot. who)e•
mow. at 410.0 par. ht 114.1, Intl
14 ..1 . * n 4
1'nni4ij514134,111.11110.. .
g' sit t irerio ere la &lull 4E191..0 tie; mar , .
Yet le ull. but. alisile 011111 111 b 1 . 1 ./ 1 11 1111.
11..01:11. Prime asap Mild's+ SOIX/Inows an.
its agar. and schemion to wadi= at 134,044 e,
Loathe sold at Mc for .stn. #44,0 7 . F. v on.
and MN; foraommon to wallow.
/1/.. ith 0 earn On the 111010 lot) It
r. w. sad plan /00W.. a ....._t,„,
il gominon
. total ksoMpte jo! LW. IrFif Pr?
ti;UMIO II6 P, mul SNP . - - •
69 awl' TO Water Street,
• ,
lea warms oat No. 1 Lard Ott *Mt to the
Get vllistortatiow other isranes. .4 Wog.w
to sell as low .INactedisti OT Chlatito rotas. I
Oar No S Lard 011 ea a Lubricator cannot tit
Date Crest Lr.britatiog .d stoodaollersetis
of Cuban 011 toustaollf ohlloll4.
Nerthoots Ana matt WWIn will 404 It to
11101 r Interest to glee os • tall Wore orterlag
Lard 011 from the Wen. ten:
Oryin on von Priverillson Caserta,
Tanso.e.i. Octobor INT.
The weather having again cleared op, will
'Probably pave a tendency to Infos*. little
more Ille Into the genera market...o4llcl have
been remarkably dull for worst days. The
prospect. for on early reouniptlon of navies -1
Mon no. not. we regret to state, as encouroging
as they wen on Monday Mid Tuesday, and
nothing would - contribute moo to loft= life
and animation Into bunions here like • rim
as there are many listatests auffertne for want
of cheep traneportatlon.
GRAIN—Thee Is a continual fair demand
for Wheat,ond prime Ned we eontLnue to voile
Mt pad la ant hands, mid 52,6601,6010et0t,
No. 1 ;In
Wheat le held at emmelmate..
Corn In In good supply and very doll but tm.
changed; we now quote at It 2001,25 for rolled
to prime Yellow; new crap to dull cod nominal
' at lb. Bitley le !steady and =tonged; sole of
IMO bush admit Sodas et VAL • Oats quiet
and oceheoded at f 166464 on track. and eBO7OO
In store. Soles of ay. at 61,04211.60.
FLOOR—Then are no now ehorseteristles
to the Flour market worthy of opeeim oetieek
We eon report mentor seas from More at 00,60
Olt for Spring ,Whoot. 1111,60e1a for Winter
Wheat; Lod $10315,60 for fancy brands. live
PHOVLSIONS flacon Ls dull , but
ehaoeed at lee for Shoulders; 170180 for
Ribbed and Clear Side.; 22e for Plain s
Cored Hams, and *WM for Convened d .
Lard may be quoted at Ile, and Dieu Po
at 1330.
BUTTER—Is dull with • sonde Ittencess
the demand, nod prices, If anything, are tan •
,lug downward. 61210117 Prime Roll cannot be
. quoted above 100.
10305--Undar the Influence of La creased at.
rivals aro hahlly lu) ana, though prices MY
uacbangal at Imes.
(MEESE—Ie steady and unchanged; miles at
twee for Hamburg, and ISOM. for Moshe.
APPLES-There 111 no falling off In the al.
rivals, a n d with a minds; largely in exam of
thy deemed, the market Is eery dun:though
prices me unchanged at Inkiool2,oo for fair to
prime, and M for choice, Ina retail wee.
POTATOES-44mM Blows mein good sup.
ply and dull but unahloged at it per bushel.
New Jersey Sweet. quoted at 11011,50 per Ohl..
ORANBERBIES—Steedy, with regular
at ill for Common. and 113011 for cultivated.
I:I4IIOOEIUY..S—The market for the past
weeklies; fawn quiet, and not as many geode
..fling as In September, the demaud being onto
far Immediate want. The donne.. it owing
Muttony. to the recent dry weather and low
wow.. With a good Meer we might expect a
lively trade. Sugars a» heavy end may be
grimed Id lower sum our tut report. The
moult Le light, but the deemed le also light.
Gene dull ant lower, “peeially for the me•
&run grade.. unchanged; syrup.
went. The following are the marker rates
flosera—Cholee.ll%.• prime, ee)Ogeort good
Ur; fair, Ile; oonnary, 11022,1 Jars; Mir;
Leguere. Tic
SCsaltx—Porto alto, choke, liga; good,tlyt.
fair, Mr; Cabs, etnatly prime, 1334 good.11X:
talc, SSW'S. H., 11411134*. Exalted—Standard
!lard. 17%4 A, 1134010%.; 13, 1154ai Extra U,
10; 0 Yellow. Ma.
21 —ll4ogopo, INGIOXes Corolla., IDS<
to It O. .
SgagnPo—Commoo, MO; good, Igo; prime, $l,O
9:301 chat* Opt, $1,001.10.
$101,7010. P.,111,1581,111, oo
!ong.l34llll.4o,Soootwag, 1100.00.
Br-CalLa Sonk—kagllob, 834, llosoootratod
Lye, 1130.
vetons—rippor.l.a; Alhiploe,3lo ; Custo,
Clara, 0/N.
Crime ow eta Prevent:mem Cia.aarra.
Inca. mac,. October 3.:4 UM
Thera a oety a analetao bumbleer la mac,.
lactared lroa sad wale, sae is le art likely
that there •.Pl be nay acaleral Improvement
well after therela a resumption at sarliaclea.
The can rata, are an foilevra :
000 ma Da aunt Ea/ 4%
Llera Sao 401
Heal Bad. A CI 6 34.
Hap sad LAOS Sad 1 5, 110
Rand ad Pgar•
4 ,To.
lisir Oral ad mu Band %
Bala Ina 0 %
Taak 1ra........_.
. Kim
Flat Willa eMn
T. NAN n, II sad ......... 65r.
Nate Beds
504:11ron, 10 to 1: It<
es to :4 4 714 .CI
611 " 4;044 ove.t 10. na. 3.0 extra.
- .
lad tc. Sed 1 , 411. - 91
7 71
al Das 7 9
ETV: 4 ._ .. 1 . " 4 .#5 BO 10 err 1 9
9 94 14...1.... I 70 7# 9 1919 07
14 .at 70 0 OD 01995....---- 700
9Ma M 1.... .. • 9 latit 191290. #TO
12919 itslll. et" Id, 997 IN. 000
91, KM
noteolorIts—o1,11,00;11,1. NM; 10d, 111,60,
17/, 114,50 i 0. IPA°.
Bonol11.—X•Inoh. loolo o f IX
lady 84,15 y lota. I X loth,
NOIII , -01,1Ki5; ceo; 1 IL
solrinucor-11* per keg , 1.4
Opts .4 upwards.
Item Work Predate Illarinet.
EBY Taissriela to to. Ploseargll oasetta.l
Ns* goat. Uctohei ill-Coma a shade
lowartsalee Of LIMO hales, at 1956 e tor add.
21.100 oplauds. /lour; recalls* IC= Lls;
Mattel 100100
,loarett Modarala hasten.
dousgr . ealesl44.o33 barrels; al 01,30411.45 for
orperflee State and wastorror $10,13013.30 for
D. H. 00100_1141116 for IL Loots; looindeu In
sales ware we baleen.. Mona drat balf of
December. at 1110.73; California doll and
.1 soapwort wares MO irks at 011200011.30. Aye
lion. 117.0413.13. Whisky quiet sad steady.
Wheat 1:0133 lowert falr MoLog al
the deellner rat:Mohr:CAM Mist salsa 13.400
boast CM; tor Po. 3 riorlag; .1.33101.13 for
00.0 40.4 0.3304.33 firs 2(o.1 dOr 03.3302.33
for red Catmlii: $3.01 for wrote California;
V= for prime to est" oboe:. *hue
; amber g, .4,37* are
Ivy Wes 7.00 b0a Wes rata tern • at. 01.101. Barley
saner. bat golet; Wes 7,30 Po:a State at
1.10) bu shw Weil e
Barle . y list% steady; sales
rust or
13401 bashes Canada at 01.1301.47.
Coro; receipts 100,153 bosh; laariretlo lower,
site ants o.ery moderate boaluers 40205;
label! of 0.002 blue, at 111.1001,41 for rotied
women*, Mostar at MAO. tea,. reeereda
130.4a1 tatabc inarget lino Wear sales of
04.C10b0011. 104:11010 for *eaterai taloa dull.
Coffers arsarly. Sonar quiet and easter;
Ws* of 730 kinds of Cuba at 11%4=
llolacou doll. Hops roan, at
Wool quiet andprlees *I tact decided
dhoop gales of IdIACO la, at 430100 f0r
omestic, theme. Leather; Hemlock sale
less motive and Unchanged. Coal quiet and
!Inchon/ed. Petroleum quiet. at 143.03 for
erode. and 3144 e for radioed 000ded. Port
doll; sales of 0.00 barrata at 141. 1 311/2143,
ewe, at 431..30 Mu/
,ttmo for
rtnr=anr.. .4 1 1 . 1 11 ". 1 d
ieef 01l a n d
heavy; Bales Iro barrels 'at prevren. prices.
Das! llama dolL lo g
es*t. Cot Seats
gltr.ll,3lernal 1700 r7for
nearly; salm of 073 barrels at 1,14a1g0. Dot
ter &Mott 34413 for nude. Cheese doll,
alllOlOO. greights la Liverpool a abode
01100 , } PAD boat% wheat at 10101 per salt.
and ltd per *Warner. •
twrzir—Flour axed dun, and Nitro
lower. Sllbmit bossy and drolialogi no 2
Norton OA 01.n.3,27 t No. 1 Spring, 49.221
Bound hoop Olio, steady, at WO for Wert
ern.Ustsolilst, St Do for Wooten. Corn
dull, at 415bit401.40 for Prime allied Mod
ern. Perk
I,OX. Ulna dol l . 1.0.10
WO cub and rrgolar. closingll..of
nominal. Cot Mesta quiet. Macon quiet
and ationly. Lord doll, at 131401.13; for fair
to brims steam and kettle rendarad.
. Citeinuri.Oct. 93.—rinur drill and pri.
ass ant:banal:44.c.lira $10,76411,241(. 00117
1111.71011,01). Wheat. doll and prices no•
!Muted; 00.1 spring $9.16; red winter Idea
Corn 1100100 for go. talked. Clam dull and
drooping at 664070. Bye doll: Wiles M. SIAS
01.10. Barley onalianned. Caftan dull end
prices nominal .1 170174 a for middling.
Tolimal. nnOhangedi .ales of 47 idula Lin
seed oil dull at Clover and tlin.
Othy Hied Unchanged and dull. Plan seed
doll sta. gloss pork dull at 410,50. Bacon
unchanged and norniudi !Moulder. 13srp
sod elm.' Old. 1734.. Lanl dull at. 12)4e for
the ben. Butter unchanged 51 000410. gags
980. Sugar dull; all grades dCall aoe lower. Co
anchuged at Vann llay dull at 41.420
nor ton on 50[11.1. Potatoes steady. at PO
3.23 per bid. apples In good demo d at MU
4,00 per Md. 11014 $t,414, 007101. The
MOney market ems mielinaged nod Mose.
1 1 0,,V1 4 :11°tZ,I!' :7;1
weelts were slaughtered lad Imolud 1001
sod Feeders were Wring $ lO . OO 0 . 1
and forward for hogs to be deilvered .arly
In the nano*, Sot none cre
me e for De.
camber delivery , and no prli were named..
The rates eked feeders were below
Mose of packers. weattier oohit the nnom
*ter at M.
OP. um!e ammo!,
far Tess mph to The rlffssgrilll ;
gr. Loton,'Clatooer demand
good at full priors. Cotton -4011 at 170 for
middling. Hemp, 41.7001,10 for ;Melee en.
dressed' wzoos,vo for 11renal. Floor 00101;
loe_r_ grades wires and wanted; superfine,
now,B l extra, 45,0008.75; do 610 extra,
treble extra, 412.504111 ,04; fame,
• 1 all faU. Wheat; c Moe fall
brand fa prices. and spring/5070 higherl
choice 0,71011,10) prima and chOlos
red. "WWI eerier, 112009,0fq prime
and choke. era oneltatreda b. 111 frM
mixed Western and yellow 1
.16, f0r
white. Oats ativanoal to
unchanged; 41,1501,.15 for epring,:and 41Z
for prime fall. nye declined Or; 41,555111,10.
Provislone dull. Mess Pork; 411,50. flacon;
rib sides. lign Clear sides, Min pain eotef
cured hams, Slot Cannansed do., 114 e. Here,
40 Hamlets—Flour, 4,010 MAN wheel,
10,3i8 eaelsei own, 1.255 bole oat., 751 tons•
5 . 4 .9. 4,W-hos; rye. , 0,161 bus, eoLtaa to/
the - emir, 1,03.1 balm ' weather dear. and
(Di Taiorntiti to the Pittsburgh titian' 1. •
Star Toss, October 30.—Dr7 itOodo mar.
ket continuos quiet and depreggsal,
though there is no change in staple cot
tons sun WI the leading 'makes of.
Printed Calitare in fair anti steady re cat,
at 1255 for COutteo,lll34 far Kamm= W, Ii
for Aut i or f ir cr laud Narbrog , i yat:l'am:r
til l er old .171eti,TIO'r " netr. and 1 ' 5% for
lagslatac_radarettire h i leoeuttinryri 104 fro s Or aft
=4,1041e0 ban i .! D
ra w thee , tanndflr Op, sod letoaneelgier
ly a Empir e Eta*. • •
0110/40, October al.-11aat Cattle Tam
dull at dagrlidatani for 11 0 . 4 Web° l °. tb 2 P.
pina Wanda.. am sumayatoppor l / 4 cp f eT
Pat to WON' romp, to.
Financial Mailers in New York.
By Telegraph to the ristsborge closet./
N* TOLL, Oct 90, /NM
Isom Lin GOLD.
Money a shade ehiler at 607 per cent. on
low.. with the bulk of the hominess at inside
rates. Sterling rather More steady at 909%
per cent. In gold on fleet claim Mlle. Gold
lower,openlng at 143%, doclhafng to 14Coad
closing at 140,7{„
Government Stooks a shade bettor, closing
strong.' Coupons .81111146112; do. '42 112'4
011231610. , e 4 loNOICO?4; do. 110011 z%;
do. new 107%0107,4; do. '071074010N, 10-10 s
Stocks were strong throughout the day.
Ceram, 430414; Cumberland, 50:1; gala - -
Over. ISX019; Mariposa, ndIVA rmarie
1.13 , 40146; Atl.tte do, 116 X; Western
b.lrAlgrie s asp;a7; o 2' . or r t . C i n t ra i ntk r u . ..&•;
ehNli; Ohio aitlflcal es. 2551‘125%; Wabash:
39 aeVer
nouthern, ,r,,OlW‘s Centre!, I°.3{(am Toledo, 1040104 W nook
07 Northwesten,
n B9do peferred,
9 6 2 4 ; o, w l; Tennesseye, 5; Mssouri.,
:Aram exAtes. •
Walls Express, 501 Adarni. 6434; American.
GT; United Atstas, • Merchants Union.ll
ON. There was a tali In Walls Express,
owing to rumors of opposition.
mama M1A11.9.
Mining share. gnieL; Corydon. 51: Greg
ory, 6,93: Smith & Farming, 3,830345; Edge
4,33.lSldorodo,l,6o;LscrOsse, 53; Quart.
Hai, 1,30; ItockY Mountain, 33.
Receipts sut.Tressoly, $183.19,1; Fay
Manta, 0,459,808{ baliuna 11113,727.2 M
It is reported the affairs of Itobr. L. TaY
lor ore in a more satisfactory • condition
[ballot nrst supposed. The gold disbarsc•
merits between the first of November and
ant of January will be ssoote, for interest
on 6 %Is and the Mexican loam. '
toe e riutn, to the Pittsburgh 00.11..1 '
I:mesa°, October 30.—Weather cloudy and
cool. Floor doll and steady. Wheat dull
and 4010 lower, at $1,8801,90 for No.l, $l,B
01,84 for No.:, closing at $1,850/.551.4 for No..
1 and 1.1,15.1 for No. 2. yarn doll and ions.
lower, at 11,0:01.03
lor No lfoor No.l
w and s lo l,oo
800 l
4at 0501440. Oya do % nd 1 0 lowe n a g
41,24 for No. 1 and $13401,25 for No.l. Bar.
ley 1020 loner, at $1.0501,0814 for N 0.,. 970
Wo for • repoted. Meal Pork $12.50021.00.
Irtrd 12%012%e. Ileselots-11,1100 bal. floor,
IMMO tots wheat, 51,101 hug corn. 70.000 boo
oats. Shipm.ts-800 bbla f10ur,121,000 bus
heat, 21,001 'boa , corn.' MAIO b. Oats.
Prelghte quiet at So on oats, Ga on , corn Rod
7140152 on wheat to 8011010.
CLiVaLAIrD. Oct. 10.—Sloor steady and
gnlnsat 60811,50 for ES mains: $llOl2
for SS red w town 415012,60 for XS amber.
and $14012 for 2-T-N. white city and country
brands. Wheat ls nominal at 62,0 for No.
42.002.20 for red winter. ma $2.1202.12
for N 0.2 do. Corn unchanged on the spot,
but market dull at $1,12; limes of N 0.3; city
dollvery $1,1101.12. Oats in fair demand
and firm at 890100 for No. 1 State from
store. Rye firm at $1,41 for No.l State and
western trom More. Barley dull at VMS
1.35 for No.l, and $1.1201.0 for No. No. 2.
Petroleum steady and firm - at 114290 for
ftandard whits !Mama, and 450 6 10 for do
97 Sateen ph to tbn Pittsbargh (larvae
biltirato, Oct.2o—Baneto..wheat gage
be, earn 5000 be, barley ILIOO be. floor MOO
tibia. Eittipmento—wheat 137 000 be, erre
95.5ei en, oats 61.1792 be, rye 15,020 be. Froightt
tirm and unceangeti. Finer quiet. %genet
winkle d at
ir co sales MAIO belle. 1 1111.
at $2,05; 15 000 t o Per ..zolo. at
$196;11,750 be Brag Chl.tite $9. Core dull
and lower; 90.2 western wasorrered at $l,lB,
without Inen.; now Tolriln la powinal at
51,15. Otte dell and lower; saira or 12,000 be
Si 657. Barley Quiet; Sales Of BM be (Ami
de at µ,4y(4, corns bolding ar. high no 0, 31
Other animas unchanged.
Il• Tee,.pb to • he Fluscarga 0 rate.]
°swum. Uetnber33.—Floursteady. Wheat
quiet. Com notalnaL Baxley firm and In
better demand SNCI bus up lake Canada at
11.33, and =AO , us" prime do at OM; ♦OOO
bus choice at 0.43. and 9030 bus buy Quin to
at ill y/ Esc unchanged; EOCO bus Canada
at at St In bond. Peas quiet. Canal freights
advutend lc on grain to New Tort; boor 57c.
wheat 11e, corn l5o; oats IIc; barley 11%c:
late Imports—Wheat 111 . 200 bash: barley
01 ero bush: rye. IDA* bush; Fossil/SOO bash.
Canal Exports—Flour Ett Istds, wheat 40.C0U
bush; corn 74 . 00 bush; barley 63,003 bash;
eats VAR boor.
tßr Iblaersna to the rlitllll9.llM °exits.)
Nair Orson., Out. XL—Cotton sweater
and unenaneedt sales or LSO. bales low mbh.
Wing at libliStiet receipt., I,=l bale.; en.
porta, a...bales. Sugar and roolauosnotntna
doing. Flour st a stand and no sales. Corn
easter and quoted at. 51.60 Oats deellnedee;
waell at tedielo. Pork pt. Bacon—ebonldera
lager clear sides, 110,40. Lard doll and on
e...used, Gold Bterlutir heavy at 11l
0156. New York krabange 14 pro Cent
CST Tsli.sraph t, vs* tisiet:e.)
/ourte M.—Floor receipts. 1.2.1
Able. 4slst. Wilma receipts; 2,seci
base Inactive, 604 to lower 2214.1 g.
Some, 14!4 for N 42; MU* Spruig. tor
ant bell son all of November. $2,12. Corn
receipts. =.02 bash old ; steady ;pew.' to ft
better g,l2 fo• new; cotplx
for pew; trJecterl. 11.542:750.. Oats. receipts,
7,500 bash t .teady t we. 01 No. 2 At
14.1 , 7 Mall, and no recatots. Late Frei ht.
mut i 2 , 40 0., corn to n0tru0...4 2 , 2
I =1
... ilaw.a.vsys. Ontober 10.—Ftrm dull asul
. 1 . 041941 T XX- 40 7 9‘9 31 135t wants? dtrige
•y;.x og Was 97. abet% lrresSlSZ, SI 91 tor
SO. IC 43 tor Nn. 2. Oen; declined 55,4131311
for No. 1.. Corn Sem, 11 13 for No. Lal 11 for
N 0.2. Yrelehotek; wheat to 41403414; 77,
to °laver. 11. Noce Ikea 43 , 0. Floor 69/0 bbla
i s
Oat. Wheat, ISM bnahel O. 100 bushel.
Corn—eh:lpotesi.. 4 St:wheel. /lon. 11Z,
OA 401. Wheat lOU to thole.
- • Antallan Martell.
IF Teleinwn to the 1 1 bush Illesette.3
NaLTl4lOa. Octo 30.—rlonr dull.
Wheat q stet- 01 4273 1.413 tor rood to ehOtto.
Coro weak; raised western 41.19431.33. Out
5h....1 ,1 0(0 5 , • Eye .10a1 Iwnsitas 0011.
,phit.eripois allimagea.
vo tt. Plitsherin atrr44.7
Plusses:sets. October St—Near dull;
northwestern extra 1110,b1011,5th fanny $l3O
14. Rye door 01,111:19,C3. Wheat QUI': real
*VOW" Itrel l .o o . Vats tnerec. It isrle7
11•119111211 BIT /11LAILKOJUD.
taLlVlll.arrn SOD rrmatraam RAILYEar,
Oetobes 10.4 ears pm loso, 121solsk • (101 2
mum copper, T N Bonet 2 eats sornalmeb.
week, Xstseeryd Co: g 024 test lumber, R S
Hammy, B rya n
do do,W W }Lido° Co, 4 Ism
Iton me, Bryan AI Cougboy tl do dk.Zikg Cos
11 do do. dbolinesomee l Blolm 2 em 0107 T, Rood
• XaMtiosik Ikl DOM potatoes. 12010 Woos, E
lisealstosit MO blooms Iwo, Park,Mto a CO, in
Oble retatomais do apples, le
me kegs. 3 J Ma:WO do Dewey. Culp •
ellrapahl; el bble ayplaa. retail &a Nooks I est
at.. Dodo. • tiro; 10 Obis Woos. 11 do avolee
Groff & Reiter: 1 oat mom. la, Polder: 411 k.
rye, 3 Wass; 1M sirs barley, Spencer. McKay;
lb obis 011, J T Glasm do do do, Wm Me.
Outshoots. •
lern•so lon. Fos, Weak, a
October //0-1 eat. wheat, J S Laa.l , • Co; 7 0.
bble mblaky. A Ulloyom3, .an Ilmestoon W
71 Sbemoomier BIM., 1 eat m 11114.4, rel..
Shoal MO kna, 3 Gimlomr; 1M bm
W J 14..1118 bola apples, Vold. Y Col Co 501.
kl , mhloser *llOll /m butler. T BNB.;
One elms., Arbuckle, II Co, II do do, Jame.
Cloneom 111 do au, Ol Chaplin; 411 sk•
Butte. Daimon a OoL rol•toos, T
Sealtb,G Obis tabmeo, F MK... aOM I met
eon., 11 SeGsalomh.ll„Mm broom., E B Math
ews; Id We ewer 0 kleof.t , do 40,10 40 op.
plim, Id Kea Jet, cars lumber, J
Prresso”•,tlotr Amos& Climes/ MK. H.,
Odober Po—Dabble apple., AI eke oats,lo btu h
wow 1 DOD apples. 9 do iltl.r.bluler A Penn;
Solbhi.tpp.e4 Volgt k Cott) do do, Ursa •
Halter ;I ear barlry. A Wound. Al Ws bar
ley, J ()savants 12 Obi. oboe, Deane.. A
/teapots:take we , ley. Ytaneohelm 111111ert
bolo pot•loas.11111818tonu II WO. 'DOW,. II
11051e4.0en; 10 tot lota, J Lippincott; ta
tobacco, W I.Joseefi halt bolts do, Carter,
IlloOlew &Col al hides, ti N Kontos; Obl•
AU...nettle V4ll,wr R., Ott. 00-4 obl•
ouger, 8 P Obrie et' &Co; 11 •at• talltleed, J W
SloP•Ool Its Obi. flow, Slawatt. A Laelea
hell:121100 do.lo, I ears nom H Knox at &mill
bee oats. 11 do a l 01 Well; 64 alt• batter. (I
0.0.0 000 eu •y, Graf, Ihnnett Co; 1
ear barle, 31 lieekelwatt. I ear lumber, Eln•
11010 A Cott do do. Fraelrr A Co; II bbla Op.
pleb, D Deese; DO bole Ilene. Stewart 111 Lane
ebbilatt roll. leathar.2l hides. AU relsolorr.
110 bee nollreed, Kennedy iv Lathed ;110 tads
rt les, Wrens Kennedy; 11 do do, John Ku.
Atraphsre 7.Char Katisome October go—
t eat metal. McKnight . Porter tio acO bele
011, FicPr Wog Ik on rye. W J Meek; 41
what. It T•
Keened/ • Eimi d
Bingham:l ear metal, J Moorhead' U bachola
potatoes, KIM, • Millar. •
LI UW4B C.W. J. 0. PA.",
Wlli I.ooa as aaaaa co YRIDLY, 0.10 of No
•0011km. at 4 .olook AO.
• "r
4'"4"* .itirMA P l u ti e..i . s ..,"" " i A gr ff .,,
.o' l • 4. D. 001.1.11 , 04 rr 004). 1-- ----
ot Cll
lir• go.
Opor-111531( MIX BTICIT, mu rimy
.T ti
wilia to not
.T ti ittlitY DIM SA
rel Ottrraalltit• W."4V"
Mats: ftirszattpt o
.;: d ..
i tt r a lleollMMrsall_to II . in,
. melM rstroat.
TW Jr s , is wry 'kW],
Ircreboacn, U 4 et Xi Water St
The weather partially cleared up on Tues.
day evening. and flare then up troth this
writing, there has been no rain; it clouded op
arrain•yeztertiar aftersoort. however, and lest
everting they: wall every Appearinee of morn
rain. As yet all the rain that hss fallen made
no Impression on the river at this point, the
water being some four or Arc Inches below the
battorn of the low water mark.
We copied a paragraph from a Cinch:anti
payer the other day stating that the Colutibie
had been or was about to be put on the dock
at that place for repairs. Such wow net the
cue. She is still running In the packet trade,
la in Ant rate condition, and tine not teem laid
no • single day since she has been nadir char.
Capt. W. J. Koontz, an old and well known
stcamboatman, but who for come years pint
has been maned In other Pumas, has con.
traded for a new boat for mountain trade.
Capt. J. T. Stockdale, who has already bout
went boats for the mountain' trade, has an
other one trader way.. This lost one, we under
stand, will be /a:ger than any of the former
bons built by Capt. Stoekdale.
A. will be • seen by cord, the Leasing le
advertised for Cineionati. Being of very light
draft, she can go through a reel, low. eine Of
water. cept. Richard Calhoun adverting the
Delaware for Nashville on the rat water.
Jo. %Eau. Smith, an old Mutat - lila and New
Canna clerk, died to Nan:Mlle a few days
elate. He carved In the Itiracan war, and
was formerly one of the proprietors of the
Boonville Garen,
The St. Louie Reputdierm, of Sunday, says
We Secret to announce that Captain. Henry
McPherson, of the steamer Senate Lewis. and
his father met with a severe and pail:aril, al
though it is to be hoped not .serious acablent.
It sentare thatthe two gentlemen were re
turning In'a buggy from Belle Fontaloe, and
when near the corner of Fourteeth street and
Can avenue the horse took bight and started
at a lull run. before the 'animal could be
checked the vehicle was thrown aga,nst some
obstruction and overturned, throwing the beg.
lain and hie father out with great violence.
Medical. asaistance was promptly at hand, and
due attention paid theuirreers, alter which
they wilt° removed to their residence.
Says the Cincinnati Gazaft of Tue.lir
the taco of W. J. Hoek against the Buckeye
State Icauranco Company, of OLneinnetl, was
n !Icarian la the Superior Court, of this city,
before Judge Fox and a Jury yesterday. Ceps.
Doak sues the 'Sockeye state lowans DM Com•
palsy for the Amount Insured by him In that
Company ra the atesmer Wt. Cloud, which wee
Piet In • January Wit by sirloins snug near
Plum Point. Vas 'Amount sued f ISSCOo.
The payment has been refused on the...Via:Ord
that the affluent of the boat aid not use proper
diligence to present the lowa The Watts:moor
of experts will b. Introduced to-day, to steer.
Cain whelber the secideat might have been
A at ester= potter sayer C. nod B. on ono of
their flatboat trips on the lower Ohio, when
the boat tied up for the night; on the Indiana
shore, thought they would vary their harti•
diet with a dish of mush and milk, their peva.
iter Acoordlogly they recormoiteted
the lulls, and moo eame across a email bones
to - the wood., ptesiced ever hy • blooming
Ltotisler lam of wine eighteen summers, tall
mad 'tactful as one of her native hooppoiee.
,They stated their emoted, and she, with true
I Lima.? IttotPitaitty, forthwith proceeded to
',preparethe dainty 'for the :Waren. She
'eata.ti the ingredients in a hose pot on the
fire, sad with la moth slick about tour feet
tong the set to work to stir the savory mesa.
A. the two vomit wee sat directly behind her;
*Mahlon the operation, B direried atten
, Ron ton mail hole in the walst of the young
lady?. Areas, and potation his finger within
about ao loch oft,. Unluckily, just then the
damsel ovule a sudden movemet beckward,
&ad t the linger ceme in contact with the bare
.kin. Tit. nuiltyjoker broke be the woods,
and emitted. The 1131Ufisted lass,braudishing
the huge mush stick, nil reeking with the
hasty pudding. dealt the longest, Junkies. O.
• ttemeodeue blow, laying him ant on the
floor—a net boatman indeed. Explanation or
apology was melee., and co. with hair, eyes
beerd and monatache all 'hipping with the
termite delicacy, he gathered himself op and
deputed for his floating domicil, a ambler and
a wiser man,
The Memphle Avothriche,of Friday, say.
Oa Thursday tight a rain set in. which lasted
during yesterday. and had not pealed at a late
hour let nicht. It was ...timpani./ with a
cold wind. which portends the near approach
of froectf not winter. theealth of our city
Is ma th Improved within pest two or threw
days, and the fever which his pteealled la ow
taming • tsll,l type. it certainly has not been
fetal at any woe, when it ill remembertai that
oat of from ha to SO cases a day repent
deaths have not averaged fire per day, don
some days have not eseeedall three. and tau
out of • poptilatlnti of 50.0t0. Captain Miller,
of the ern • of Levy k Miller, as well as hl.
brother Wm. Killer, clerk of the Jr.. Are, are
agnin argiand, after undeheolug • thorn rep a i r s.
slakeemi. and going on the deck. for
The J. L. Perry could oat sae enough to Justify
• trip to Vicksburg, so the dote not each the
The Vicksburg tferrtiti, of the Md. saysi The
yen owleser seems to ramiliest no disyoffiltion
to abate. A. the weather experiedted a
Abeam browning guile cool mid pit Onto( .
•ppearances of rain towards sins, we may
hav• frost soon. The impressioa has been
general that If we hat rain, frost would ensue
at once. We were informed by the oily stitch
that there were fire buries from yellow fere r
yeiterday, of which two were from the city
AM-Levi/ telegram. under date or Monday.
haw tbstolinwlas :• Capt. Si. (halt Thompson
late aline Ruth. has been sagged to go as tn.
areal Republic. The rectlyte of produceby
river last week were very Rood, but Steamboat
Ert(role twain to exhibit Aral, a fantod Cl!.
rim rivers, tbe chancel has been improved to
many plaice by the prem. of cutting continued O. abets.. of talt: is mrely felt In • continued
deck.e of the water. The iestber has ablated
to be warm and pleasant, tad staamboareare
belay more than ever delayed by fn. • Data
Able sad Silas Dwight hare booed. tbs Coun
tess for Ilakdit, for t h e bisraphls and Hide's
Rolat trade.
.1867. aillfili@EE 1867:
PriTsol3Boll 17 WAY/to CIIICAUCt B.
w.. Awn eg.r.vicr-awn APrriwwwiwk• P.O.
Picot October 2Olts, IStP, train. earth
leer. Poo
.24 Krim. es um cum a earth able PM..
burgh, flit line, Is talon:
• i
xitarle. • As WV.
F?::f.V.llei:: !I IT a4 4 ..1Pi - illi:gi
Kale A Tx,. Ex rale IX lralleitro' II a II
( C l ble4l l :NlV. irlilEtTlisc b,, Ui" Li.:. ; llii
iP a Wlrki LI. p is bilz b TEn•Lx ...a pIC
, /riltsgo Ex..— 2,7/1 a ia Chit. Ex.-- a a a
Wbeellad Zr.
lieveit bob bialys la Alb/meal •
ix. 111#•10 AO. td" ala .N. 1144.1 be 71X1 ale
Ilbsitiele•• • • • • 11111 a 114111...11e1a :: bad as
...batter " i ltra:3lo . .feir l' iTile "10:11 .0
erl• a C,* t4P:1 1 ... 2 4 4 . 1 . •2
: Se:l' 4.: nql.F. BMWs" I - 41p a
5, bile. i• 111125 psi Leetsdale " 4:91 as
1....t0da1e .. 10: 4 1pial • "
.., " Ida as
Val hales tliaxii Ex•, 1110.10. 0 1. bi• I -Lbw
blies WIT. Igr 1, aiiieie dear,
x.ll F. it. ktrz lee, fleberal Tlebot EV/.
•tla and atter iterttnrk (Ito, Ilt7. Tonic. Nlll
arrive sad depot from tha Vapot , eater
or Nasal noUnt and Ll bane it... Wit n.•1101r
A. 0111 7 .4.
Nell trate Lel aal INlty r..yrrae4.. tote 1 1
Van Line, INo ato all No. et= a t
A - w e: i l l :6 .. 1[ 0 o : :.I v ! , ,al l l , :er4ltt atm a
• C:neenqki,:el.l: :
t', l , - ;,1% ;
'7•HANl4l,l?!..l'rf:.:‘: 4PO
W•We No. St.. as , mitCeNta No, a.., elte en
Wail'. No. 11.. TN) p NI Past Li ar itte p
Alton Ascout all No. T.-10M
train te:33 p 011
sal l ar.ets, .7:7,1::°,1'.724 1 ;,214":111V2
. In. & a.eterntete le . aros i'lttal.areh n.... 111 p.
thel amen at Will*. button at INO to. ta..
•Clnetnnatl isyneee. tarns 14111 e. J.ll . Otte
trait. dilly eifeetiat 0004117. '
entlanelptita express and the I.lW•aea Snot,
sodetton add Images at 'train armee ttelly.aln
01 titO n ale flr,illll7l. tall ,°
Pot farther Inderz r atl z o . tt n eal i i v n Th
The Yonnaeleanle Rut toad (lonteay artll not
. " e r n rifo r ff ß ttgr a t:lß. " ::ltffe r , " tra:
RUUdrIY nottaraNs value. All b e erfteed
tai Met mount In 'Cele wilt be at the Nat of
' lO I"u"LIif,TAT, l l + .
l eo taHll
- Oatmeal Nanattataneent, 4.1t00. a. re.
Nv E . . STE UN PENNS L WAN $l.l
rusenger 11 UN
2ins oo the •
West2r2 1ent29192212 11211roaa 19111'22919s
1d 412221 Nom 01to 1 1 002921 Must 1).112°41111
0.51 WIT, GA 1111022:
2292. 1 11259221,
8210.1511•9 No t 9:252.N. 11692.1
frooport No. 1 115 2.12. 92E29021 No. 1 91022.1
txprt.. .......10:122.2. 5part30 1 224.1 110212,.
2±llsrNltllll No 2, It2l 2.11. Nzptat. 2:900.1
ItraV"*. 1
i/11:1 * . 11=ArrYNIN. 1.4 r.
1.12rmer99 , 12 At 7:109.2, 1 121•22.2 192 2. 7=1.1
• R'Zt=ill ' 2 " llJlt "P ill ' " .
2 . _ • 20029 Jll2OO
Ylr ' 7 22 9.62 ' Tartu at " 1 °"" 1 1 ' '3, 4° ' )
Oltf 21 IL/Jr:N..6114 292110 2
1 Z. 141 ;32 1 1 ‘ 1 3 7111g1 i
219:42 r. N.
rCD19.1111A14212 Ttelene—
tr ?VbeDTPeO
t ." "e ' ...VeVent"NitairCreia:
" , ,b alv=ri;:r.crg! w" stop
P; ree . .trateslernei Autrey City at
"" . 4 0 4 . f6° . .1VAT.11,1 404.Za1°10 Zru'il:
rr " tow.
iutd Mete:. aulegtut
" c' r Nun t to I to
J llt 3 °
• • Feder.. Btrezt
Tat Weiner,. Venneytelb .1417.V..x1
any sea I, egeOst,enctlit tot Wear
InzA.UOOOp7seeb. tbut revenelbillty
nn < c o
of tae owner, able" taken by epeeist cob.
ittIWA.RD WIL LthAß,
- 0711 ' lioneruenun,
AILIZIHENV . VALlialt asst
lh 121:1 after THUM:SD/a, July lath, 1217,
traina mulleave2ml2.ll . l32. at l'ltt•burgh knipOL:
roar PLte sad (.1.21 argot, follo7Lsw.
.... 3:23 r•
ginireraNt4 , %=.l, l 7. 1411: I:: ;;',;::
8een5413:21. Worts A<Coni.. 51222, K. 2:40 M.
Holton Acc0mc0011at10n.....10.01.2. H. 17130 1. Ili
Chatch Train, tram _
bOrand to Sods ortairr.;elgo:44t4Lo,ll34,,L.A..
gEor te Villl o ai n tf t1 . 4koll: to . Onallin as(
01101ty. 2120 4:41.4cu1int16121:113: packato ikon
.11110117 :mg Yancuit,.
1717 FlT.2(7l[Plonni. 2234
.ViLl. lI►II4IJAD. hir t igiNgig
• r JIGS Of
IA and•Nrr !MN PAY.October mfr. rho
trapro will Torre 'ha wool. saner nf Or."
and VI Moir Mom% or
POtrfrro4 PULO . nroA.
Wall to and from ILV.IVn.
Vorrorto;•aromod,o,.; I• r: M.. CAA. or:
/lint KorrooroOrr .. c . ° F" 1:01 1 1: Vit
=2 4 „„.; 1:1V P. M. lo I*, or.
Mond./ C hOV T 7 l 3 li* "'l4o r x WOO,.
farit;;L:,^o,a. • • • • N.
J. 8.. XING, Aunt.
W. OTOUT. 11.V411 , 11u 4 . 4 . • oau
O. , IA.JMV-%Ni_iu :4:4:1:1
JONES 8 mamas,
Glair hoop, d heel mud Piale Gros
Bridge Iron;
Angle and T Iron
Guard Iron;
Coal Screen Iron;
T naile,i6 5t 2ti lbs. to the Fart
Trani Da Ils,pun ehed and eons.
ter Sault •
Itoller,Bridge aed Tank Rlvetd
Cut nails and spike.;
Alsip and Boat Snipes'
Rairread Snlhes;
nallroad Fish Bars and Bolts;
Railroad Car wueels and Axles;
/Oren: Car wheels and dales;
Coal-Pit Car V/ boas and Aries;
Patent Cold
_Rolled Shafting;
Patent Cohlitell(ed Piston Rods;
Rower and Reaper Ears.
WlOallOuSt AN.) 077/014
120 Water and 15 Front Ern
Nos, 22, 21 and 25 - Elver 84,
Lindsay, Sterrit & Eimer,
filanfaoturera il; Importera of
One Equate Below Wow Depot,
Mr A efints for RuanLvss , SCILLZB.
N1A.79710701,111al 07
• • 4 ,
MUM MI OD KitiON, 0/ ill MIL
1117147. Cracacaa, inaci ANDC2OII3 OOT
• ILLEET/0 AND 111.1MYLLIFIrl. 0
cad steel,
Cass and Cormin. Plow Steel,
agilf,:eritinc.iio v ek a pra& u ros
- ta.d
Wareltone, 83 Water N g Pillsegh
4.1741,1 . •
4TLLS VFOrairt,' •
JEr Al .2" 0 BTIIEJE .
Rath Wird, Pittsburgh,
These Ws:Assam =ear the Lamest sad most
ear...piste ostebllshasent, la the Weill. eatl era
ems prepared tors:TPA
F.nenesof liteery Ilearriptlon,
Haler!, Cal
lateet. Leon Wolc.
wa tiros C n, •
tsotllnß feat . C
Maple Canna I ,
Innehlne C
General Cutlati.
Carsen Si,, 9th Ward near A. P.R. R.
k nAartaannisa OT
Haramer 'Dies, Steel Moulds,
Meg VI xi ifavtiaellaags
d'caTEN:ll7 "'" , lfirxratti.t.tugf;
TORT PrArt'Eromiamr,
11 D
ili , r a fg7m9 A ,V.Eitli " lii,
PLA S M ILiku n fIISSICT end STORM ' :
Rat Ursa minadee to promptly. • •
as heretofore atm bast materials will a S
ce me Si this FOillidST.
/inns dinosoit er oar 'old ltoeh.
mum; with Pale tXSZOTS.D patient..
onloorted roderthe npentilon or 111.
mor, to twain SAIL W.PCRILNIRI et inert ace
ac•av7ictrast. 01
Iron, Springs, Azle,
Puwaa. anus Ainz.z.enziout.
sar , r). 97 Wiatwor attroot.
41.1:13 •
a. imoot.if..., 14.1111.4101
mum, of
Cook; Parlor and beating Stoves,
moT which im are nta lbe Tr a • brited st rlit, wm A
000 k alms.) Elaataltotora
or.te vieranomm. uoracr Of bend sod
d moots. rattalantit. Entaloun 01 11 1 .01141
siwr .7l,4- rr • 1NTCZ1M1.23615...
rang, tutcyrnie
a -
. - ttemete• tlefere Cl -
emir QUSI4 lIWZIZD CAM trizat., 711 r. wed
hoporlo4 Del.aFoe. at .11 gm. Wu.
aac/d ooval to tor or monDotara.lll
tn. co. try.
WV. WWI. 2.4
0130, sad Warehouse, 3011.13E2n IT.. ~,-
VaTlV l VlLeifi:myreitvir o gry7 l !
hich aro till cclabraW.l Aucahow lad Monitor Coal CoottmE3lorea; also. the Autocrat and
Bantle& Coral or wood. arid the unrolled
Ow. of the tam fur wood; a/to,Ara.,
?an 4r.g°;:;,.ltv. ''"°•°•°)." "*" "°
unw v.
6¢11611...................11.1.1111R Zit=
pUBLED Zit MUM boll;
Bltins Boilers, Oil Stllls, Take,
Bbeel Iron Works, &e. •
GA ANstss at., Pittsburgh, Pa.
noix. maws.
saco zNoxiss 1121tramoit.
ChM BOIL, 11111 Cutlass, Roll !Atha. Ra.
rousts VAID rourasrallidal4l TOW,
P., man.arorer of AULIJNO MILL Levu
tn 3 nave on hand e inl
Danko to Wrier ACNOINBI. Of all dimes.
cworarAcTrazza car
Iron, nu bket, Tub and Trunk
I[ooaoF.MtEl6, l4 'AtalLe, Wri
ROGICREI & 8 :4 I.
agibilMisChar ooo 4. 3 ol4ll.lhalibei
0131117 *Fly N a ail lirANCernt
. ,
Office, No, 98 Water Street,
PIPE wc.mass,
Cc Inter Carroll and Smallmaa
Streets, Ninth Ward,
Cast Iron Bowl Pipe,
/4Plaal are all east watu..l4y laalUs t
a rxx? Zaa:UM • NµNµ a fall au..
61SEBA1101110101.0 Tifiß VMS.
FORT merry ,
W 4 OaiErLS:
11.11172%.7L - M 3 Cr/
orr4Zo.l* cm/am:4.'ls=ra. Bousua,
srioname PANS, SALT PANS AND 00N.
OlEto omdlli r orkosorstorioomail.
Short maLCI LlMorty 14Vrootm.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
grunters soot to tho above &Hisao mill bp
promptly attended te. te17:1118
.11.111:7ACTIMXIM OP
Rest. Common, Relined. Charcoal
Juniata Bloom Iron.
BOILER ria,T - nd 611KIIT 16/0.11.
0 YLDID RR and GUARD OR 111161211.11.5.
aItALL T RAMS, Rn and 16 lb. to GM Tan%
FLAT BAILS, Punched and Countannalk.
NA;La and 661316. • • • .
Warehouse and Office at the Works. EULICICht.
00011 contionatton of First stroektsol
!oining the My Was Works. Plttsbuistb. ako:l4
AIIDERSOI.I, 00011 & 00.,
Elam axioms of the best .
.!a . sere,Tlst log twssaa. Cat 'in.!! Its.
rL:r , for wr... root aad alust Meal, Cast
• .AYLES,'CIIIOO,O4II . 3,'&e..d.e.
. .
Cast and Common Plow A: Spring Steel.
Ofles—Vorner of Pint sal Emu attests. twa ,
blots above the lfonongabela Boaz.
o Zl:d
a. o. sots.
Engine Builders and tiaeblidsis.
Soto to otter Norlr4 *ad Land Motor Iltnatoot,
or all slzto. Immured le giro tultractloo.
Crottoto. of troy dotellaaao. mod" to order.
ILYab 14 ...*0ar, erVt....O. D. Batt. Tromso
bloat. atop, Car. O' lot Alley • Dove
won. Foundry, Sior. C &gait Third street.'
Orrin as ivaustcrani,
; • No. S 9 Waeill Street
Itraildacuus and keep eaaeiaaY7 antama
EtitiittaAkiir, /taxer,
' • WAGON IRMlCS t laCkli'lecemMeAlt
&ad culli. ) . l44l kr! •
Butler Street, Ninth Ward,
orroamc matm mos axLIA,
Honing NM and Bridge Casttage,
TUBB flfl 8 11111 tlti ➢YIi3,
ISaa4laary aid Oastlag ' s genailMly.
Wain rnacipur amretnlly nvms,ll
011412613 lITABONAIILE,' -
punfarr &TaAolu..wa).
MLLE% BAFSR & '10111331,
Warreated Squat to uaa fp eh . pl.
kat. AIM. Impulse - or f tr
Isisett• laanetfatte:
AND MN isTAHL. 44"
Office, 38 Wood• Street,
Letemela au. aims PM. It. la12:to
w. nocaow..a.u. nannans aunt
steam Bolters, 011 SUlla, Agf Wont.
Tanks. Salt Pans. Gawiantan, _
Wrought Iron Ilrldgew;
*beet Tron Work.
PiTrss elk 1911;
Freight Holsters
AND DOOTOR urpnrss.
arwungs of all alestript.Lona mat. t. oldp.
Cosa. of First and Perry liiieets,
liana rirristntee. pa.
FLA...Et 1:3)17V.A..1.1113E..
B. WOW. JR., &M i
r...1111as ,
Elarawa•fo & Ontl try.
.11 . • now INwetving largo a I .Ittatio I •oor MO.
Intlett lo extred t pctuentat
MILL.C2I2Cmimg ZnEr.Z.:C736l=.
Corner Liberty and 81. flair 813,,
x.latanewees-ax...7p a .
gr at u ralltiniara i htt i k ß a g
..906L,dP111K.4114 il2ilithlbea . A. a
ner or WAZIUN and l
Of TIRO sone, azimut.. rittAblrßh. Pa.
on OA SDIt daY of October. D on•
Warms na ISantrontoy,,,,
t zoo
FATATDP J. a. Kain t r a t,,
ofdagietonslrcity. thoetelet• of 311
s u U
Morro binnntotaninlatWigelnonibUir ry
F lyWag A r a t onTSlgrtflondti fr* ? .
e r le,, ,, atx • traelrer .7 moony lrytt
eredianrs of thi y aa t riortAL Mdalnlt of itsi
it a rz bta,na z kto n ainnoo „
rtArd Atrai . 74z,;
iciONLltle D•c•FwWiz. ziat
ratomas , ilizartza v.
/11 aralod.
imwtoritsim, CLOTHES
RLTLa uarv.l.. eW ta4
Df ,h lt rinavelwzale.