The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 31, 1867, Image 1

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PUBLunzo- - rtrtity moms&
-lomen Xxcauvra.)
Pitrantimr,REED & co,
• Nesol4 a 116 FIFTH 111 BELT.
iei leriliCia at Eaten Ppmlnais.
• rimau PAPECEt rirratrattir AID
• eizrarar CITY. •
?SST erst 4. ItSB7 .FAXILY
. tglgtilaiscal..P4P.EßtathriState.
Mainiebertli•Aernpett p wcck.. T 6
•ddrem • GAZICTTL
. • . P2IISD4IIGH, Pray.,
Pit Rittint* &a,
. ' No suiran what national complica
tions may , take place in Europe, France
and Austria will Join hands together.
The death of Maximilian appesrs to have
cemented the .Emperors of those two
nations together, and , the friendltinter
change of civilities between them seems
to . establish the aunestness of their
friendship.. France needs the support of
Austria, led Amin leans on France
for ,ntrangth and protection.. Neither
one _of them is as potent as of yore, and
both doubtless feel that tlthy must mite
way for moretrogressire nations, who
press forward ir occupy the high posi
tions they lave hitherfo Ailed._
. .
Arrives IN LtY bawl not materially
, changed., Geri di is at Monte Norio
with hid troop „undaunted_ and deter
• mined. Ile is no humor to giro up
his long iherlsb d designs at the bidding
aC Victor -Emit tie], while his, army
stands flushed •MI victory at the 'I'M
1111 M: otßome. The Italian army had
'cruised the 'fron er yesterday, and was
mszclung on the insurge.nta. The French
`fieot from Toulon had arrived at Civita
'Vecchia, while fresh troops were pre
4annito depart from the former place.
.In view of the present situation, with
the Italian. and 'Preach' Govermienla
arnica •laiidisat him, Garibaldi cannot
hope to anionmibili
: his undertaking, but
• if ther.complications growing out of the
Ronan question. remit in a Conference
IV the Europian Powell for settlement,
hin fond desire may be 'reallied.
: : .4rt4liacrattout gentleman ,' who boa
spent thei - laat seven years in Europe,
has Watched with great interest all
I , dirribripi - Sients relating to industrial pm
mink has tabbed this conclusion:
. ..Lostand hu got to do one of two
things-comb hack to protection or stop
, emigratioo. Every day satisfies toe that
this is so; and that if' she does not do it
the - days of her commercial greatneu
• are numbered, and she meet cease to be
what she now is, the drat manufactaring
country of the world. - I sent a slip to
. Mr. Will. lut Weet, Cut from the Doily
• . Neva, and copying. an article upon the
stagnation of the iron trade in. Scotland,
' showing that one of the mate causes for
thli was the Belgian competition, The
fact is, that since 'the Cobden treaty,
England is brought for the first time
dhwedyin Competition with thecheen
• labor of the continent.. The mixinfac
,•taterir hOpe to meet this by bringing
down the price of labor to a level with
that on thi.ooritteent; but as soon as she
Wes to depress it, the operatives, or
tech 'seen bag or borrow the means,
is this gentleman alone, English
manufacturers, In'numerous depart
'l,steitis, find it even now p‘ , ..dingly
Inuit to bear up under the competition
they experience; particulirly from
France and . Belgium. Bow long this
=Widen Of affairs will remain before
iii government will be constrained to
WI back openly upon the doctrine and
' pi : knee - Of Protecilon, it would be ILO.
Imam conjecturi; but It is easy to see
that result cannot be long delayed.
Stringent legislative measures to stop
emigration Is so fir distasteful to British
/dem and habits, that it will hardly be
resorted to. and the other alternative
Tax senooL =emus of Cincinnati has
just been iteinPleted SupPotlng thirty
throe pit. beid. 'of the population to be
'between the ages of five and twenty-one
years, thia would show an aggregate
poptibalon of 829,372. Taking the safer
estimate of two and a half persona to
each individual rated in the sehobl em
ote, the tett -number of Inhabitants
would be 27 457. In:1860' the popula
tion wee 106,044; and this would show
an berms in seven Pears of 113,956.
Tbs gazette adds: .
"A. very large per cottage of the peo
ple who do business in The city now re
ad/tin The numerous settlements which
have grown up outside QC the city limits,
'lncluding Covingtqn and Newport. In
cluding the two last named p4O. A and
the minty , townships, the populaUon
musthe fully 400,000 In 1800, the pop
aditicati of Hamilton county, including
Chleinnall. 'tins 210,000. It is now at
hist 350,000. -a •
Os - Binuraithe Bt. :Vincent German
Orphan Asylum of. at. Louis was burn
ed.. The Ali was eacied by.'a defective
flue, s ad, the hassle was rendered totally
unfit for tire. All Of the faralture was
sand. .one hundred and thirty-six
children were thrown on the hospitality
:: of the ntighbori by this casualty. The
loss is roughly estimated , it bettreen
eight thousand and ten thousand dollar.
Artorirs!s stranger MIS been robbed in
St. Louis. This time the victim is from
Inputs, and was robbed of but lofty
dollars, which , however, was ill La had.
St. Louis . ia getting rather an unenvis..
tole notoriety for this sort of thing.
Gov. BROWNLOW, of7eimetwee, makes
this excellent hit: . •
"Say to our brethren of New York,
WM, Arough the press, - found so much
fault with our style of conducting affairs
daring (he tart contest,
.that tee expect
them wallow by thcir triumph in Noeem.
twr that the manner 'in snatch they carry
on political campaigns is mush more deo
rise than ours, and that nothing short of
.4.. *Waal factory can possibly justify
them in our ' estimation for basing given
it* so much excellent advice during our
recent struggte:" .
Philadelphia North American
very,prope4ll demands an 12111=4/Uon
me° the causes of th . e Cholera which ap•
r ipitied on board* the- receiving ship Po.
*Mac atthat port', and raged with such
'violence •for a short time. It Is stated
that an °Mem of the Navy Yard, Capt.
DaCansp, wrote to the-Department pro
testing Ogollt thginie of this vessel, and
Prophesying di:ea/elf the vessel was - not
' cleaned before again populated. -..**
him - Peartx Cowan, of Greanabtarg,
eon of the late Senator, us said to be pre.
parings book for the Dress added, "A.
Dictionary of the ProTerbs and Pro.
verbal Phrates of the English Lan.
Sags." Mr. Cowan to a thoroughly ac•
conwilsbediuldhighly educated geidkr
roan, and iseminently , qualified for his
Two pertoni . :wero arrested on Bata-,
&rya hr Chicago for stealing $12,000
finen a :roan stopping at the Lindell
Home; in . St. Louis. Tier robbery was
committed some two years ago, but until
Saturday tha detectives were foiled in
Ahem attempts at ferreting out the thief.
The money is all gone, but the property
bought will nearly cover the loss.
Biwa on of tho Arc Of six Japanese
troupes frahis country bas "the °riga
.ul4lll Right." The poor boy was oleo
- ha Paris and was killed in Chicago. We
know of no one who, has a harder Or .
more varied Ufa than this üblottonstroy
meats to live. L •
Szust thouund &Am worth of
damage Wits recently done by Are to the
stock of Ftowlett's largo rattly, thuste on
the Toledo;'Wabash and Wawa Bill-
Tax lA:maw ,/ibeemimr..ls7i
.woila be !•stibllme Justice ba the bezel
madam of Base.llie for The
Veddett, bi the ,
-- , ".'
' ' SSIPAB Ii Igo i :: , ! . . •
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TTIUfTIi 1' "12.rpv3-..- . .
. .
More Vessel" from Toulon
• 'meat Between France
and Dalt,
Insurgents Active in the City
Carib'lel laps*llly halted
.111nnua /111 na ray RIBA
oarte e k tt Ordered to Disband
Via Forces.
Extraordinary Prooantiou Taken
Speeck If the Austrian Faperor to tto Illtubortik Vault&
. .
Pears, October 23.—Entsing.-4ernral
more French' dups of war left Toulon
during the day for Girlie Vecchia.
• The entire pram is loud in pralaes of
Nine Emanuel for his recent proclamt•
tion denouncing Garibaldi.
Late dispatches report that Garibaldi is
still holding his position near Bionstro•
nzrr oxrwanp PRANCE .
It Is reported that an agreement has
boon arrived at between Prance and
Italy, whereby the troops of the former
will attack the buntwos. The latter
are thereupon' expected to retreat from
the Papal territory boo the' dominion of ,
Ring Victor 'Emanuel,,where - they will
be quietly disarmed by the Italian
Roue, October 29—/Voom--It i, ,se
ported that Menabres, Prime Minister
td Italy, is pledged to accompany the
French troops to Borne.
Monstier has recently issued a note
explaining the intervention of Frazee In
the Italian question. He regards the
er.Teeil•tott as Juatihahle, the .Ibeeeason
that 160 satatefitistabt 'the Pope in
his lawred and thno-bonerrod rights.
A sense of honor , and duo re
gard for thee opinions of man
kind impelled the Government to this
coarse. Illonstler asserts the agency of
France will proceed no further than is
necessary to crush the armed rebellion
against. the Holy Father and free the
Potificial territory from the tread of hos
tile soldiers... Whim these_ objects are
accomplished the troops 'or France will
be withdrawn and a Conference of the
Great Powers of Europe called to settle
the Roman question.
tnt.r.osarat cun—nanorran nnrr.
FLORILVCE, October M.—Telegraphic
communication with Rome has suddenly
mused, the Instninnta . ; haring probably
cut the wires Owing to the serious
aspoct et political affairs the National
Diet will be called together at an early
zaTrar 271.031 1R.0Y.C.-0144131 511. EL LIS
' Penis, October' 29—Abeniag.—The
latent dispatches from Rome, before the
destruction of telegraphic communica
tion, are highly Important. ,The Maur
gents in the city were actively engaged,
Fad an ontbroak was ernmwt,ed. The sic
torten. troops of Garibaldi were only six
miles away, and organized for an attack
On the Eternal City. Ondni &ails were
being fixed In the streets by the party of
Action, who seemed to be impatiently
swatting the anise; of Garibaldi. The
p!ecantion of the authorities for tbei pre
nervation of order were apparently in
AllartivOs l THE kitiC/1 YLKET.
Dispatches frpixe Deena %Weltla =-
nature that. the French fleet had arrived
without accident. . Troops and muni
tions of war...were being landed. The
Pope was hourly expected,
FLORENCE; beL 'Mt—Ztvating.-11
le rumored that the Itightn troops have
permed the frontier.. No:Particular.
PAWS, Oct. 80 , - Nooo.--Oarthaldi is et
Monte 310.10. hie - n. 116 army has
(maned the frontier and the command
ing General has - commanded General
Geribaldt'fto dMann and disperse hie
Ftonancr., Oct. 28—Evenfsp---Depu
tleslilcotem iad Mosto are reported to
have been badly Wounded during the
. .
recent engagement
- eats or coroacn. LANDS.
The sales of church lands has been
commenced, and prombies to add largely
to the revenues of the Italian Govern-
POPE TO Lit Ask ROME WHEN vicron
PAM, Oct. le report
ed the Pope bre Informed the French
Government that when Ring .Victor
anturnel enters Rome he (the Popo) will
PASIN October 04—Ereatag.—AdCices
ClcliaVecohlasumounce the arrival th ere
of the fleet of tramipOrts and report that
the French troops bad disembarked and
are now occupylog Um City.
MORE 111,01. 10111T/iLY
Pints, October 31—Large .bodlea of
troop. have arrived In tbnvlcially of
Toulon' ready to embark for Italy, and
their numbers are nioreledulF
_xo Fttnntge zrzws.
Connor. October 30—Erenfng.--Ito
further dispatchoi ; have been received
from /tidy. •.Itfothlng is known as to the
future Courseof Garibaldi,
AMEX= OTA/ 1 / 1 1 AIDITIDLN . to DOD&
Oct. Z.—The monfelpellty of
Paris gave a mad bang - net to the Em
peror EtWooti and nivel* and Empe
ror Framte Joseph, at the Hotel de Ville,
which was splendidly necondedlor the
oemieloM The . Emperor nrninitna, In
eourie, • Made RA eloquent' and feeling
speech: Ile rot urged Shp*, to the Ein.,
paw and Emproes„ to the roorkl4Palt7
"at POI* igsd to the peopht of, Frrinne for
the - noble 'hospitality witlintlelf Bayne'
been received, and nolettinly. 'lnvoked
closer. amity-between the Emperora of
France and Austria. In this grand spec
tacle of International hospitality he be
held a new pledge of peace for Europe,
and a fresh guarantee for the progress of
the nations. His .speech was received
with profound emotions by ' the distin
guished company.
During the progress of the festival the
Hotel do Ville, which was brilliantly illu
minated, was surrounded by a vast a.
semblnge, who repeatedly cheered the
!Emperor. Francis Joseph and the 'Ern
poror Napoleon and • Empreas. When
the party, at the conclusion of the enter
tainment, passed through the crowd In
their earringes on their return.' to the
Tuileries, and the most enthticiaetie dem
onstrations were made by the people.
Pants, OcL Z. — Erening.--The Senate
lira! Legislative laxly will meet, an the
IStki of November.
t max.
* Pants, Oct; SO.:—.Mtentiasr.—Tho Fleapit.
ror Francis Joseph, on Ilia return to 'Vi
enna, will pay Bing William, of Prttaelli;
a vLsit at Berlin.
V. 101 1 ,091,. October ht-..Nope.—The
city is the scene of ib'onlan Ale. Be--
ports of mysterious proceedings among
the Irlaleinhabltalltenalliod th4ntLthol'i"
ties to take extraordinary precautions.-:
The armories of the volunteers end-gun
shops In theeity are gatirtled,":itiel the
pollee paleOls hive been donbliA.
' LONDON', Oct. M.—Digby Seymour, the
princlpel eounsel for the defense, has
made another application for the remov
al, to London, of the trial/ just commen
ced at Ifenchester, on the ground of the
hostility of pablic feeling ageing the so-
cusedin the latter city, but the govern
ment bas refused to grain the request
xarete ex ntrame.
Dran t ur, Oct. 90.-The trial of the pris ,
octets Indietedyesterdny will begin be
fore especial comtedssion on Thursday,
when the chalienglng of the jury will
. .
FENIAN rnoontats.
itiasctiseran, Oct.—Nam—The trial
of Allen is in prowset. Thema" against
hint and others is very strong. There is
much excitement in, the eity, end the
Court building is guarded by -troops.
Twenty.eix of the piisoners have been
indicted for murder. .
.11aXIMIISTER, October Ikt—Erealag.—
The Fenian trials have been adjourned
for the day. The city is perfectly 111:110t-
October 8.-A public din.
nerw•asgiventoFion, Benjaidn tYlanoit
yesterday. D'lmrsell, to . a complimen
tary Mast, madea characteristic speceb.
Hetave the history or the reform bill;
recounted the action of the different pe
nile:al parties in England in relation to
the subject, and closed with u strong ar,
goment In justification of the tory party
for their course in advocating and tri
umphantly carrying through Parliament
the representation of the people's bill.
Hie remarks were frequently Interrupted
by expressions of attention and approval,
and when he took his sent he was loudly
LONDON - DIME; Oct. .10,. Natm.—The
steamship. Nova Scotia. from Cinder,
has arrived bore.
itAvAnza. Azm
Osman-, October 22.—Prnasia .dectlnea
to receive ittyllZlA In the Zolvercin, on
the terms propmed by the Bowman
Rama, Oct 30—Erectiv..—The mixed
Commission recently sent to Candta by
the Sublime Porte, for a sett/ement of
the gricrrancea of hn Cretans, has re
turned without being- able to eITOet any
Pee Saamodmillasala.
CRY Telearapl to the Plttdnuitt Gantt.).
Ew 'Yoga, October 7.7.—The Bishop
,of Iowa; before leaving Engiked,,- ad.
diMsedi latier to the 'Bishop of toriden,
expressing the great plesanre his visit
to London baa given him, and Ida ap
preciatio n of tb,o kindness and hoepitel
ity received, on all sides, bat
declares'.be isdeeply grieved at
Me wide' spread of riteadlsm: In
touching and earnest words he ur
gently advises English - Churelunen
to cling to the simple doctribes of the
primitive Church of the ihigllatt Refer-
King.Williain, - of Prussia, had 'is mar
row escape with his life through an led
dent on theMurternbutg Railroad. - .The
Wain upset, but be was uninjured.
A Naples letter to the London Times'
dited October .10th, says; Two or three,
days since something like an attempt
was • meditated against toe life of the
Pope. ,- A man was arrested under tha
&denude of St. Peter's lit Wm snowiest the
Pope Vas abodt to gm not for is drive.
Re hurl a pistol concealed under his
clothes, but what his intentions were is
not as yet precisely known... ,
- •
Ltvaltroca., Oct. 30.—Ereneng.--Cotton
elessail dull and heavy under the unfa
vorable trade i• 03, la, at a decline of 1-111
on all descriptions; the Wen have been
about 10,000 hales Middling Upland* at
81; Orleans, O. Breadstuff - market closed
quiet and steady. Corn, Os. 3d.; Wheat
16e. 3d. torCall&ntia, and IM , 3d. ftir Red
Western. Barle3. ts. ad. Osta
pese, 6d. Beef has. advanced 2.. Cal.!
and dull; it is quoted eat 117..6d. Lard
declined .10., owl is naotal -at 4506 3d.
Pork 72.5. Cheese 725. Pro
duce—Rosin, On. for common Wilming
ton, and Ills, for medium to fine. Sugar
firm at 26a. Linseed 09s. 6d. Unmet'
Cakes ..£ll. Splrlta of 'Turpentine 27.."
Petroleum Is. M. for Spirits and Stand-
ard White. Olds quiet; £4O for White,
£ll5 torSpc_rm, 1140 101. for Linseed.
Asersvgar, Oct. 30.—evenOw.—Petro.
loam market heavy at .32 franca
Lottlion', Oct. 30.—Consula clieed 'a.
rPahl 0 9 L; Illiztoie central. 71% Erie
nuamvoirr , Ort. 30.—Five-Tyrentlim
PAHT.• OCt.. aith,
firmeri Ratite* a fraction higher.
Death eit Ex.firevetsee Andrew—A .
imams far soviets%
Inv Taieirsterta Me ritterarsh essiate3
Beerrorr,OctobAr:lo.l=46lm A. - Andover,:
Ex-Governor of 31assiichusetts, died .at
nix o'clock this evening. At nine last
evening he was at - his residence, In
Charles street, conversing with a friend;
tda.fainily being prevent. He bad pre
monitory loymptomg of ppoldea7c and
requested his family to leave nib room
which they did, under the aupponitltai
that he had private Ma'am* to treneani-
He then requested his friend to call on '
Dr. Derby, and subvequently Jr,. We
-1 Joanne! Cabot were In attendance. 110
' remained unconscious from the Unto of
the attack until his death.
A yours ma n lately employed us a
clerk In a Commerr„lal House, him
beau Beres, on auspicion of forging the,
name of the littq nAA ,cipacks amounting
to 10,000
g doll d ars, which ho peed in pna•
n 1101101; ol °Pitman/al/on.
The Thighla•enn.l.
ler Tcissrusa teas Pppiblugh
MICJIION13; O. 81—Gieri. Schofield,
In his official report explaining thu ap
portloruuent of delegates to the Conran
cion„ says the apportionment actually
made gives forty-seven delegates from
end fifty-el ht from &nark:tab/Ong col.
.. Power PHU Deemer/ye,
titiTalepsph to the rlttaborth uerette.3
CPCYX4U. we. 4 44 o 3o .—qtte
Ctsytilmips pills,
owned try FisofOrd R `iotunatat, were de
stroyed by tiro ttsenty
thousand dollsra,..lpsuracee, twelve
IhoUteutd dollars.
: vamp ..t_
Towraph to i4e-titiolantl4;4l&“4:7"
It.;.Uct:Y3o. r abe
tory .in inn auto. of 3neob.enantisie,
indicted for Me murder nifxhiper BMW,
ocititeMitn rit/tuteinindered yonder 0:
tour to - the Ord degreoi . !
SIC . OI 11111111
!Tolprotoo to too eitutougo ttatotto.l
3.V.ol4Nceros, 181:1,
The Secretary of the Treasury ho
Weed resulallpris for 'the Lending
polio warohoutco ocelevatom-undo
thaprOcislons of the act of July, isee
entitled an act further to preyent aumg
idiagand for other pu Tosco..
2feltlier Chief Jtultice Colion nor Judge
tiindinr*ood htive received any reply
from Davie counsel tolloblog his Onion
. thenlitiot VoiTmber. .
The refusal :of the Supreme Court of
thlsAtitrlct - yesterday to , grant a writer
,error tarsus appeal from a decision of a•
!Meer comt to the Supreme Conant tho'
United States, on the question touching
the constitutionality of-the Confiscation
Acta, was because of, gross Informality
In the writ itself.
• VNION C0MM11.19.46:
.It is - understood thin the Union
publican Cougravilonal Committonwill,
without any change in itigiresentoritant
mild; bo united. with ,the Itepublican
National Committee to dondtiet tho Pre
sidential contrialtm In the United States.
Totrtiii srMts ounisTax,coxvv.vrimir—
The Second Annual Contention of the
Young Meffs Christian Association or
blinybind and 'Metric& of Colombia met
to-day. ' Among the delegeterwere three
represeitting.the Colored Toting Men's
Aseociation of Washington. One, by a
vote 61 nineteen to ten, was added to the
lilt •of vice presidents. •Thiii created
Much - alseatiefection on the part of some.
whit* - delegates from. Maryland, who
earxweffy protested against the' - art
of the majority.s They wished to .
wed°, being opposed • to whites
and blacks mingling In the , same body.
The colored Vico President regretted that
the presence .of delegates of an essocia.
lion formed forchristian purpose; ehould
produce discord. Several white dele
gates, looking at Mao matterin a christian
light, said there could be no real cause
for aeriowe dissatisfaction. tiuo of the
objectors declared he bad been a Goofed
relate °Meer and could with eincerity
extend the right band of fellowship
to winced men, and to prove the truth
of hls utterance ho stepped ferwurd end
earnestlyshook the colored Vice Preai
dent by . the band, Nolwithetanding
this, he could not concede the propriety
of making a special provision where
by a colored person should he made
Vice - President. Others decleted
elmiltar newa, adding they were
the friends of the colored man. The
discussion was earnesten all aid., when •
white delegate, for sake of harmony.
offered a resolution requesting the mil
ored Vire President to withdraw from
that office.. The Convention, by a ma
of- two, refused to lay tbo resole-
Moo on the Labia, and by * majority of
-six refused to suspend the rules in order
to allow a vote on the resolution.
O : I 37IKIIVAMVP: ,0111IY AND WAVY Ir.,I10,1:
The Couremotive ..t.rmy. and Novi.
tirtion,.at Washington, bastssitednn ad
dress to al how:middy die sold iers
Ind , sailors sating, .forth
princiles Auld urging nominations for
olillea 11 every ease of men who have
been supporters of the 'late war for the
The alleged correspondence, between
Earl Russell and Lord Amber& la pro
notional s !max, it having beettgrodured
by the Nottinghampapers ma mere bn
lamina onlititteh Tbe Ppieddent
has never aeon Atabrioly, noels it l:no po
he has yet 'Pelted Wiudiangton.
ntnriarorzortno trot .
Among the viattors to Gen.. frmot to:
stay wan the Governor or Borneo. whoi.
?vpreamitod 'to - to an American named
.twilitiOAP.XLrOrtr.ltaibliry, Afanf,
- - -
[Br ALpya tome ritiabistirhosante.i
26m limn:, Oct. 30, 1,67
Building-AC biroadwey MIS darner,-
ed by Are this morning, the occupaner
Wring heavily, ins: A.. Blum & Co.. lin
porters, manneseturera of boaters .to.,
lose SISb,OR Perbee, Bite. 'a co., jot.-
bees, auks and woolens, be 614100 o; mud
Wog A /gases. $35,000; building Owned
by Gee. Pause!, of Perin lees lb .000; all
tally 'lnsured. • The origin or the nee is
unknown. -
Ynntow 171SVNU' 10 reset.
Yellow fever ie reported as prevailing
nu board 'the British simmer Corsica,
lately arrived from Stumm Two men
have died and others are still slob. For
some unexplained meson the weasel xiae
allowed to rums up from quatantina
Jersey City. She has throe been ordered
Fitly tnonaand tons of ficratit,m end
vrereeold it msetion to-day at tadiAt/Ili.:4;
per ton. The arammewhat iLigiql
er than lit month. p Mee thou n ,
deliverable at Waehlngton, :tow .Tenety,
broughtftLinl6o.37l. . ,
There. was a imagr this morning. MI
Wall street that a heavwdefolcation had
occurred in the °Mem of the Pacific Mu
tual Insurance Company, The Chet is
alin,ply, that the' President of . tpo Com.
paur ban reidgnedi . The mime for hie
risrlgtuttion lq Bald io be financial cm her
putement,' bit the. Put le 'avowed the
Campany.trill not he affected;
The bronrerrrtatun of Abreheer Lln
coin, Prospeet.park, Brooklyn, 1.
Santa Anne ha. been tried at Vera
Cmr and sentenced to death. lie has
petitioned the Supreme Stirentrrient for
tar ?Nerve te the re tree me thou..]
,SAVoIztAF, 01.104 fr okctlon
imed.•ati '1131011,,,411-day, Tho tote]
Yob* ei far al beard' from . , are 2,:i00.
Only one white man IrrAtxt toKlay, mak
_lag two xlnee Me election began. A new
"he'optated to-morrow by the
whites:a IsteerlY alt the voter; are for the
• ;
Pepe has'Ordered th to be kept
open until- ilaitirday evening, It having
been aseeitsined that the' time allotawl
not analeient to pettolt a full vote,
Commune, Oct. 30.—The mutt of two
days' eleetkurlit 1,11.7 votes, all for Cote
readout therris only 26 white iota.;
the number zwestered the county.
was 1,160 whites, 81,760 blacks;
AffAcox,. Oct. 60.—The election to * -dity
wan remarkably quiet. ICo Whites par
ticipated.. Faurteen.-hundrod and" six
teen votes - wore east—three whites.
AtionsvA, October . 3 0.—General l'ope
has tweed orders •to the Itegistratieu
Bawds 40 boo p the polls -opoi until
ilattirday, .Rotarlis (rent Dia First
and riesood Districts, Indicate that the
Convention -would _be defeated had not
the HMO been extended. It In now Ix , -
garded that the questlOn will he wirrled.
The city and county vote today was 830;
Bret two days, 2,616.
..I.,AoriAwrix, Oct.`llo::—Tho ate for tho
twoitsysis lox) only lune white* have
voted, '- *
atayync," Oct. 30.—Only ...tin votes
wziollod to-do, very few whites are
ATLAJP4A, (let, SO.-I.'hic total veto of
Atlantaand F,Oltim counties for twodays
1,810, - .. roku , lifthe at were for the
- Convention and the Union Reoonstrue•
- 040: •hatldaß silrllettiifollei;
By TolsiroSai So tho Plitoboroti Gazott.3
3forrirsonn, VTi,,lMober 3o.—uon
Shorldrln-hOd. o Ono- rOcOPliall to-tlny
lie ;O1 0-pigkt for Wow 'York.
(17 Samosllk to the Pittsburgh easette4
Jlonms, Ootober , 3o.—Thero worn but
.two futortnattta fruit!, yellow fevorin thin
-• . .
—_ Actirtudit J.• Evans, - author of Beulah,
at Iner..
eoon publtwas lish a Tohatirevith tho tttlo
Wu; ans' ua book,
aud . waeprinted ton 'T Ev
OSO Ethruo's celebretod phrase; 1 . toll NMI
bOro froal the taragao'
_Her :regent ; le
bard . inapkood the %publisher:. with tho'
hope thacherarstlingwilln!ne
wPro nitheologrOoepclort:..
.—Mtra Adelaide t3anborne, of LornYrl ..
Vt.; committed aldelde on Wednesda
morning, the 9th inet.;_by hanitlng t'
self in en out building. like t lie
Married etton; , but for loin° unknown
:ia t ioa.elleheatmeopposcd to *OOP
meet, and woo heard toe say :•!' ere
would'rbe* hmerarbeforotherc was a
. .
AddlllonaLCily• on Third
and Fourth Pages. silw,flirther news
b 3 Telegraph on Fourth Page.
Fall the Mune
The great sculling 'metal between
floury Coulter of lifamihester, and John
Nickell of Cold Spring, Now York, fora
purse of two thousand dollars, whloh
has for a tow weeks pail occupied the at
tention of the sportlngeommunity, came
on' yesterday, over the upper Mono&
gideila course. Tko,prellifilnary arrange
thews wore effected a irdishietci7
unmoor to all pistil*, FM When the time
for the race arrived, there WEIS none of
that hickeringanddismitlsfactlan between
contestant-4 and''theft iiltinda that has
heretofore attended buat racing at this
,and Mbar plaues.; , .
Tfifit*MtTliEb.' '
16 tivithstaiitlIng the unpropitious In-
Manion» of thaVkfilipr in elm morning,
before noon - them via [template alembic;
and old Sol shone out in all his brillian-
Tlioattfiotiplitifti dry and eledr,
and the temperature neither bao warm nor
too cold; while Mardi vas . warmly suf
ficient, breeze to MUM a ripple on the
water,Miuch listuereatea wave. .
. .
'rho Ilirrnlngharn and Pittsburgh sides
of the r i ve r erere—lihod with man and
bora, women and children, nil strnining
their netts MUM mph) , of curiosity to
catch a glimpse of the rival earstneb.
The thermometer 'of enthusiasm roghs.
-Wird in uo unmistakable manner that the
greed .nasJority.of thatipectatere -hoped
that victory. might rent no the Pittsburgh
contestant for trittratlc !Mums.; but there
were many who expe n sed the ;manger's
cause, ,andputap..thair. money on hie
chances' with'bolittLue gilds had cond.
dews_ Thousands of - dollars changed
hands on the mend, the batting appear.
lug (Mut the reryt beginning' to the turn:
log of the buoy to be lively on the
result, , More ... than three . handrail
- 'together 'With an imp
slog diaplay of dweller. on • dery
ehargent,'• were 'ranged on the south
.tuintenr the Monatigahele, said when
the mon istarnal, (lathed along the toed
groping up with' the 01,1 rant en in order to
Awn fah view tu r ni n g ~• The reck
less driring andto and out of
the vehleles, which were °fall aorta, from
theJitunty buck wagon and handsome
buggy and 'carriage, tri the rude call
wagon, supplied Ivan seam for the occa•
ion, was attended with eorsiderable
damage, nni.ll,l returned from the
ram wo otaerved scattered along the
wouPdde • frequent s cattered.
P em it s s u u
d s i l d ed t h " e en a m th a e ti r - i u nw " a ss On m athy largo, watomer
baby., was the bank to
lined with bunion twin"
Long beaus , the dine for' loaning,
crowd. of people on foot, on 'horsohaeg,
andinoverydeacrirdian of vehicles might
bo noon lin:Tying Miran' the course. on
excursion train 10 thriConnellsv silo de
pot at orteMck,ek - Andllt two the steamer
"Elooloe' and ferry boat lei the Browns
ellie'Sterfrin this point of interest, all
loaded to their Mutest capacity.
The steetnerandthis Chargers Valley ,
a forty boat, tesolliod the Martino, point
abght:diree °Week atnj anti, smd it, fa
•rorabin prisitleent„vw here they remained
p w o tt s a 'Uiffonm rare .se Dr!ar, eVery,arallable
u 'them Wg occupied.
Farther down pon
tbe river we i observed two
:be With-other entigs - tow.buthsPerbsim--
which were •Ntualty well filled with .llve
freight!" \o-t
The men were both apparently in good
**Within— , tlekiels as has prevloualy
beinPetatekalsteSidth the*lty on Sim
ilar Tnalia lag. istogiltler looking over the
oily for a short time, took up his guar.
ten Lear Ltiewliero he continued
Lae retateser, • adder: the ..dtrao.
Gun of • Mi. y, of New York.
Ile Lore evident* of having pinned
Giro is, -count; and did
1 0{143011 an'
auperituoua Math. IS weight win, LIU
pounds.. Coulter,. as soon as Ma race
was arranged, wot into training. and on
Tlintaday .1 but weeks moved hie haat
house to Glenwood, and took up his
quarfere there, where be remained
Frank Speer as Ma trainer. }Le Mu eon.
skierabisi advantage over , liteldel la stse,
his weight being 170 mantis.
Coldter'e boat
wan beautiful Spaniel, ,
trader shell, thirty , two fret in. length,
thirteen inches wile, weighing Ihrtytaix.
ipoundm, and teat ronatructed by Charles
t,l lllmt , or Green Long Inland.
}biked pulicti in a paper "Abell, thirty
four Poet in length, thirteen bathos wile,
and. it!dgpp ? g forty •
The .take =bent 'containing Warden.
William White, Iteterce, Chief of Polity
X‘ltlegi Sag{ Sedge for Ztiekell, and kir.%
Harrington, Judge fur Cocilter, was an
chored near the centre of the riveroppo
mite.llabormathe coal tipple. - The buoy
boat containing nth judgrat:ln addition to
its crew-was moored In the centre of the
rivet, below the tlopper•lVarke.
, :Wrth,
• Atthirky - twominattampastthree o'clock
Coulter; • dreatet in a white ehlrt and
scarlet tight., with green trunk,
emerged from lilt thsittouse. which war,
anchored a few hundred yard, ahoy. the
,4141.10 El l b and
'pulled hien - rely lirn terttuiraido
where, eiglir nil Mit, - - leer, "be was
joined by Nickell, who was dressed in a
pink shirt and smite tights, with a white
handkerchief tied around lils heath The
partica,Lhan took nvtitgit - „,positioug.
Nfekeil - hiving the Wilda. -Orin of the
Judo.. Hien informed them - that they
would abut al the word "go." Criulter I
aekod how be would give it, and propmcd
that It be "all ready, go," towhichNiokeil
assent d, At three o'clock and forty
minute, liumenni tras gl,pri, resdrf
gnat err: dqvhi.:the •
'7 .- Ver ' over its ,
surf c , Nlekell taking the load by Pow
ered Ifeet, but, t:oultor, br a few long,
rapid mid powerfril strok., clamed up
the Iliwance between them, continued to
Man iapon the Now Yorker - end finally
Maat'e>hftal+.trie pee. dralquartir of R
odic had been made.
nonantwo run ear. -
From tho,bund river at Jones A
- Laughlin's works to the - buoy boat, Cool ,
•r. f , r Inaintainod the advent. of Ifiekell,
and skipped his boat, right• lively over
the waler,,•plying .his beak stroke. with
klw lll .lalltl Prectalott;•44lrell appeared
I,e reserving his stren,Lojer the Immo
stretch, and" - lc tireTY; - hardly
holding ids own with ble oompoti or.
Whsn 'the ttro were within about two
hundred yards of tho buoy, Melted
apurled little, and with sown dozen',
livedystrokoto lesattori .tho distance hos
twoon - himself nerd ilemitar. - Tito Intteri
relaxed ids. efforts aoniowlutts' bracing
himself and his keit Mr' the tarn it the
buoy, and Illek lel loot none of hie apurt
ing homer. A bout a lomat' 441.11 hail .
I ,l libead, Omiter reicluid tho. 1144, and '
with abrupt turnebtsnight hi.
honk on the 1 4ne - stretch; kiting not a
moment'', time. kleklol'eltowool a lack
of iralphig in turning-_tho lmoy, and
swung - of In a elrele,abmo twenty' foot
below !be - buoy boat and towards dm
liirminghatit Olds. He 'eel-mod - to is
!lido confused qt• the - time lust 14 mik-
Ing Isla . turn, .Ot P for R. moment his
host. looked on thif water, slowly
k kk o,4ng forward. Witlr a vigorous
appl lonian of muscle to the °are and
putt bk. on extra Steam, 'Nickell regain.
cSlhimself, nnfrida boot .angrily doatted_
latfotyllil4 - Were. tired;
onlookers toned the -nee to
:stoical!, who appeared as Ittosh Gin the
start, and dipped his oars - merrily/
Whets nearly opposite the American'
Inin Works, both worn almost together;
oOulter hardly hating the lead.' Swots'
big all nt meet° regain; hie 'vigor ,
roc, straightened himself up,. and with
steady pull mon lilt lila nottipetitor twain
in the rear. Slowly and gradually Coul
ter Inereased.thethelkup-Vealtd the yaida
apartivapitikradra4tl multiplied.
kicked kept Up hie stroke with inereas.
ing fidelity ' and where - Coulter appealed
to barn theadvantago was in the longth
o h r avt i3 no i sn 'U r a
Lil4Re. rapidity. No"
prettier'rare, ur; qual
where the oontordeutta. appeared so oven-1
ly matched. •
'rum= lf
Aft•i'. 0 ) 0 9 1 PliltY,aednutert, which ap.
pefwed ligo so teeny hounit_the eager I
ortnediehloti timunribled b thinasands
along I the banks of-either nide, near - the
.tatting !mint, Litetterialtig of the conked- I
ante was flPaollnctal by elearenttig cheer s
ancl the :.unmrttui 'Agqinttn-,ol'. item
iWhiaille ,- whfahharlaterideneytobro estae
the itfx ftenfoht;!..Tlep hotting whichbai
'inns), writ heen'tWo totinsottClehlt st
' andeltillnttlintibetimemortalvelyoind
unittber' bf beta were Unmet onehun: i
I iinsd-tii Novel:44lv°. A few moments
later tho betting kdoppeklui the white
ado,ht and tad tights of Unißlttsbnigher
tihwentahle Sward lengths
ijkitglrtuNko kis oompouw, smattst u l
, nail senntrelnge/ Wianalatt !swags*: es
' they hohnid the kora, Which was crossed
:gcfalten, rally eight lengths ahead of
3fekoll, in forty-one .minutes and fifty
seconcbstrom the time of Muting.
So elided one of-the most interesting
and fairly contested races' ever pulled
090? -a Pittsburgh course. The time
made is not as good as that of some for--
mer races, but we'doubt whether it can'
he beaten over the same course.
After on Informal decision by the Judg
es in favor ofCoulter, be pulled leisure'y
up tho river toWard hie boat c ra ft and
Nickell tu rn ed the head of hiedown
the river and pulled for Hamill's boat
house, which had been towed up for the
occasion. The crowd quietly dispersed,
each taking hit way homewerd, appar
ently well satisfied, except a few who
had been so unfortunate us to risk their
money on the wrung man.
The. vast cof e course of people on- thee '
Elector at u beer a ft er cheer for the
victor, and o crowds which lined
either bank aught up ,the enthusiasm,
and the wildest excitement prevailed.
Nor was idekoll forgotten. Those -who
had watched tho race, and admired the
pluck and tenacity of the brave Nene
Yorker, could not but sympathize with
Wm and • make him feel that they
lighted t 4 pay him honor, and cheer.
wont up for the defeated in right good
earnest. Everybody now recognize in
Coulter a fitting companion for Hamill,
and mere than one person felt the par
donable pride Swelling in his bosom for
his native city, which has produced a
brace of champion oarsmen. We can
claim for our city the credit of produc
ing a Hamill and a Coulter, either of
whom Ls the peer of any oarsman in the
The Mansion Manse Moralelas
The Coroner's Jury, Impinneled io in.
vestigate the matter of the death of Jas.
A• Ifonighan, seas' . seinbledliat evening
at the Mayor's odic*, at half pint seven:
o'clock, when' the following addinonal,
testimony was taken
Dr. Rinstiton first dated tollie phyd:
clans present Me circumstances con
nected with the tame, describing the de-
abased and the condition ho was In whim
ho was called to see him, on'themorninig
preeeeding bbs death. It trim simply a
reiteration of his testimony before the
Jury which haa been heretofore pnb
hr. neer, /Mom—There la no doubt
In my mind that the deceased came
to Ida death from violent concussion of
tho brain. Men are often killed by that
amount of force which elledurbes the
action and motion. From Dr. liamihe
ion's statement I . have no-donbt that
deceased came to Ida ; death from the
received on Ibt7iid;of his haul
.1) r. Jester. Kerr, sworn—lt is probablt.
that a laceration of the- membranes of
the brain, as also the brain structure.
May be atteclud be a Soutusloil or a vio
lent stroke on We cranium, or.direetiv
apposite or nearly so to the part Injured;
A stroke ardaelently violent to afoot the
brain tissue would hart, left somoaontd-
AI. I woOld be alow to believe; itlber.
..a,. no direct evidence of a blow having
been received on the aide of the head in
this wee, that deceased hid neolved one,
or that if en it was Me cause of kis death.
Le. King, sworn—lt Is my - opinion that
• We Injury to the brain Was caused by the
blow received -on the frontal notinenoc.
I concur with Hr. Hamilton. from My .
reeding I would suppose that the injury
was retard from the blow received on
the front port of the head.
JbAs' Bonen, sworn-4 .think_it to
jewilde that the breaking - down of the
l,ratn tissue may have occurred from the
counter etriltke on the back of the head.
If it bed.ereurred from the stroke on the
front part of the head, I think theretrotthl
have been more effusion and probably
%inured bone.
7r. Robert M. Tiedle, ewurn—From
the testimony of Dr. Hamilton I ant in
clined to believe that the injury to the
brain one-earned hem the blow on the
frontal eminence. I have seen fracture
at the skull from a bider while the ester,.
•nallnjuty was very slight. - •
Dr. .4 MeMaAart, sworn—l think it a
mike:top awe, and warmly know how
to reconcile Me hugs, as stated, and I
doubt Mat a blow making so alight a von.
lesion of the skin, as that .add to have
boon received on the frontal eminence,
would affect the brain theme. fly. °plu
ton is from Vr. rte enton's evident that
We Hewn. widakeemsed Montan'. death
was the ampler blow. •
Dr. T. sworn—./ think
the breaking down of the brain tissue In
this twee ens mooed by the tiljay
ceived at the bank port of the head. A
.blow so violent on the front pert of th-,
of the heel es this is said to hove
been would most probable have.
fractured the scull, which Ia much thin
net at that point Man at the hack part of
Me head._
If. Pelleek, leirorn—l em of the
opinion that the man died from the fall
Which iptllrted the iftltu7 en the heck
part of the heid.
Jeeteeo. DnMewaß•,j atu clearly
of the opinion that the diaorgenlation Of
the brain MINI prMitliNd bythe fall upon
the head; that if the force applied to the
front tart of the heed had been sultelent
to dishinte the brain thou. It would
hare produced some Injury to the akin
er freetured the akull.
Dr, tr. 11. 1)..11y. aeon—ll4oliere that
the ittlitriaa httlitztiat cot thti ,layatiq I,m
aamod ay Wit ittrrechlow an the fmnt of
The jury being tuuti4o
-.4{ 1
verffhti arttaitt adjournanl uP° "
meet at tha Oleg; thk r - votZtt il kr i
at Plx ''cloak.
Why itheitld nqj everybody prefer
mirchaslng rudder Mil home made boots
to. the machinery ziavie and *Welled
together attlekte Mooed from - tbe East,
jet the lint Dlace a hoot Madam, home
ott of the bite Instetial, stick as will
stand. the, rim . , and tear to which sab.
Jetted. and 'la aimed together in a style
which ensures Ira holding together an
loos as the lestker lags. In the next
plat* a boot made at home Is made with
the mime care and_preclidon nit devoted to
a custom bccit a 3AUI. we have no Melte(
entering taiga iscusalan on a subject on
which' all should be equal* , well posted,
clinking only to Matti that the enterpris.
log boot and shoo dealers Messrs WM
tick & Jfartferd, No. lOC Market aerie,
corner of Filth, are the sole agents for Ike
hood itothorwtorod taotl
Wagoner. These boots am made for
wear and purchimirs can depend on
actting tho tull•worth of their InOnei In
pnee,2lllalng ORM,. Van are cold at very
renitortaltle prices and weearnsiatly advise
those Molting anything In the way of
neat fitting, well made and aubstantlar
boots to darer Akron. Wlltrlch k Mart'
fent with A mil. •
lama evening, about alx o'clock, Dr. ti.
ii..Abolui,yrblio returning In his ..buggy,
With two bonnet intached, rerun his
loan re•ldenc`e; tistawas Emit l.lborty and
Wilkinshurg, lacompnny with Ik. Barr,
of Penn street", tam with atnidern
frightful in lis maitre , but lortututte in
the remits. driving along Penn
.. •
Sylvania Avenue:id amity rapid rate,
(atilt was raining at the limn) Ilho home
ran Into a brick pile, near (be lbot of
MEh street, remising ated oompletely
domollahlur, the bum, and throwing
out titaisxmanta With great force. The
romes both fan and upon Malang thoir
eal startod• cdf at fell , speed.- ,dir.
Aporri escaped with a p_rottz . .. sevire
bnilso on the lelParm, but Dr. Parr we,
lora fortunate, . - having a • rib broken.
Brick piles aro 'dangelons obotructiona
on the streeta attar-night and we think
lumina should be hold - laspormiblo whore
no proalou 111 Utkon pp guard against
nooldonte f tbo kludjuat noted. •
Palatal Stealalatali,
acorge - ()raider, a ;wildcat of tho
Eighth Ward, mot with a very paluinino•
citiont yoatorday morning, by which the
may pmbably lame the use of his left
baud. Re was 'hooting rata near- his
dwelling with a revolver, end the door
of the house being open, lila wifereguost
ed him to close li, Mat the report of the
plstol might wake the (Mild which was
Weep. Ile waa holding the Pistol In big
right hand, the hammer draYfft hick
ready to lire, and in reaching to Move the
door be pulled Oa trigger and Sxplodod
the pistol. the ball with which It wee
loaded t ot tering the paint of Ida left hand,
running up Into the forearm abontfortror
live inches. where it lodged and' still
nmains. Dr. BL'Cook woo summoned,
but could not extract' the ball on nooonnt
of the arrollon Odudition of the'arm. The
wooed 4 A vory sever° ,011 e and the
Injured .man' Is .angering:much pain
from It.
-'llenry Painter,. ernsihnt 14 : lame*
oounty, hos hem, held tit #l,OOO ,by Al
derman Butler, Iniithearing on a elaige
of seductlatt,,raftetred , by IfianKiester,
daughter of James M. Kitster, residing
at Irwin's Btat.on: , .. Mho L. left her
horse sod coo 'to this city during'the
holding of the State Pt* in company it
aesztui,Atitit her -alingedinhdlieeri,telto
Her ft th itr settrelexl and advertised to
vatnavithaeadevrto &Aim her to return
home, and finally left the nutter JR • the
hands ot Akiennatrilutler."
,AD Imposltlow
• • •
Wo have on several occasions hereto
fore referred to the imposition practiced
by hac.kfuen on the traveling public,
who are necessitated to procure their ser
vices, and called the attention ofthe city
authorities' to 'the fact, not from any de
sire to ,rellecton those whose duties . .
quire thew to look into.the matter, but
ratherfor thopurpose ofmakingit known
to. them, that it might be prevented
.hereafter, and, thus protect strangers
front gross imposition. An ordi
nance was pasmst'by the City Councils
some since regulating the rates
to - bo charged, which limited the fare to
ntly cents for each passenger, • and
twenty-five ' cents• each • for trunks
inside' the • city '.boundaries. The or
dinance also .requires hnekmen to
have a printed copy of., the Mime
conspicuously posted In their vehicles.
Tlie ordinance i 111.9 been printed on cards
for that purpose, but hero the matter has
- been allowed to rest. We have examin
ed -a' number of hacks and so fai' hare
been unable to limit' single hackman, who
has , complied with the requirements of
the. ordinance. Wo do nut pretend to
say whose fault It is, Esteems) we do not
knowfbut we do know that scarcely a
day passes during which some stranger
Id not sivindled outofseveral dollars by
these thieving' hackman; Which Wobld
not be the - Case If the' requirements of
that ordinance were strictly enforceti,:As•
an evidence "of the • manner' in which
strangers are fleeced, we giro the follow
ing particular incident, which, by. the
way, Is ,only. one of many that occur
daily: •
. .
A gentleninn.from the west arrived at
the Union Depot Tuesday evening on
one of the western trainn, and desiring go to the Si, Lawrence hotel, which is
situated on Die corner of Canal and Penn
street/4, ho enquired its whereabouts,
and was informed by a hackman that It,
was in the. lower . part Of the city. He
took a carriage, and after, being hauled
around 'several squares was landed at the
St. Lawrence, and•chaiged the moderate
sum of, three dollars his 'tide. Ile
remonstrated, but was infornied that it
wins the tustotnary charge, whereupon
he pad it, and "'lucky" departed chuck.
Hng over his ''geod: Job." Thin, as we
before remarked, la not an isolated ease,
but only one of many ImposltiOna that
that are being rmacticed ovary day, and
which might be prevented by a proper
enforcement of the ordinance panned by
City Council,. to prevent it. We hope
the 'natter will be attended' to by those
whose province it is to enforce the lawn.
The ***** Lang St Walt.
Despite the ralu which unceasingly fell.
Last evening, there assembled a comfort
ably large and brilliant audience at the
Aelideroy of M nide, •to • . greet the . ever
popular fitynrite, Miss Caroline Mc.
Caffrey, of Philadelphia, and the proles
atonal ernste who assisted _in the Con.
cert ph - en under her auspices. The oc
casino; no fur as thane on the programme
were eel .. .evened, was' a grand Roca, ,
end the audience repmtedly gave eti
denee of sattsfactimx n mph:trona and un
restrained applause. Miss, hiceaffrey.
has wonderful power as a vomillat, and
marts- ways is vastly superior to any
centralioln the musical world. While
bright :and sparkling in merry, heart
maddening • executions, still her beat,
efforts are there in which she pours nut,.
in. deliciously ravishing sounds, the be
srailmeni of 3.Pignef r stricken heart, as
was evideneori in the mournful rendition
of tionizettl'a Heaven-bon! inspiration,
At MOM!. or .perimps more so to)
tits - sorrowful descriptive. song of
stortn,"-• 'by Iltillah. Min
lltden McCaffrey developeed a finely rid
tuned voice, ainder perfect con
trol, ascended the smile and grasped the
higher notes with wonderful ease and
grace. Madame itehrena • rendition of
rOift cfc _Concert woe brilliant, as was
alai, the beautifni ballad "The Way to,
Paradise." Mr. Theo. Habelmann, late
of the German Opera Tmope, apstamed
the high reputation be had previously
won Mr himself In this city, and 4.11.9 re
peatedly emend and applauded. Mr. J.
Realty,. the TOprOSOOUItiVO of our home
talent, a remarkably. clear-voiced basso,
renamed the ballad "In happy no-
',lents" In eery good style, but his seloc-
Una was Fs- no mrons calculated to din
play the hill depth: power and eultiva
lion of his rich voice. To-night the
seemed and last concert will take.plaee,
and we earnestly advise our readers not
(01.111 attending, If they can appreelate
the true coin in vocal motile. Seat* may
be secured at Mellor's music atm, hi
Wood street. - • -
Sluts, riars. at Iseult &Bee.
Ao. tar tr vassal Strout. An.-
The tight fall, of snot. 11 4ns lust
evening warns us that winter is op-
that •it is not too . early to
speak of the line stork of Lulim'llmt, of
every quality 'and variety, at the well
known and popular house of Pratt ,k
Benny, 107 Federal street, Allegheny
City. The sssorttnent emhraces way
latest styles and novelties fa the f
inufnc'onds, rinforincs, collars A r c., and
ix offered at • greatly decreas;sl prices
'from LliciSe prevailin.% last whiter. The
entire stock is inch From the Nest Tandem
of the East and guaranteed of superior
quality. The firm hare also on hand s
' very complete stook of men's end bow
hat:: and caps Of all styles, which tliey
otter of rensonableOnd ilulucing prices.
Persons In need of anything in their
tine will do Tint! at the store of
Mmar9; nut{ k Benny.
Rtes ,Livery Stahlera—Wo direct the
attention of our readers to the recently ,
establlnhot l'ennsvlvruila ANOUtia Liv
ely and -Salo Slat - ilea, Nos. 1330 and 140
reunsylrunin atenue, :dr. Wm. Ward,
proprietor. These ato among tbo bear
noticed 'and mom complete entahlish, I
manta at the character in the ettr, and
are eminently worthy of patronage, Tile I
Carriages, buggies and turnouts. genet
ally toe all new; handnotne and antes
dal. while du , Meek to suit .T..oethadd
which sus One might toki , pride to lido
Thu rotes the funerals very
four donut* a piece tor earrlagen and
the dollars fob brunt , . We 'commend
those stables to the atteinten of one Tend
ert, who may want to - hire, or enact, the
pnrchnse. or sale cite-mem
laud the Teeitemize frees Chas et the
Uldeet elites.... et Antitheft.? city.
Ma.; aso. A. KuLtuf.,:Decti. Sir; 1
hate been 'troubled for soma year. 'with
I the oomplalut descriOod by your adyer-
Mon:tent of Dr. Sargent'. Diuretic or
Itackftche lle,' and conchided to give
them a trial, and not glad to tuty they or
forded me Immediate relief. I elteerfidly
recututhetid them to anY ono • auffering
from like symptouut, fooling confident
they, still do all you claim for them. •
For out,, b 3. all' Opigglant. • Price _lO
mots per hex: ' • yr
Luna.' Iraro l / 4 Le4Sw Zan.
' The lakigotxtocktlithdeltyortilbstian
. .
Squirrel, liungarlan- Fitch, Mink Aril
Hutt:sic .IlaySiittle . for childreti 'Ana in
dica, mu seep at garibieritStew
art'a,-Weet eerneq...of Market and Fourth
stmts. These Fara are all entirely new,
and sue ler ludo very lirw, cheaper than
nt any house in this city. Also, huge
stork or new Dry Dead., cheep. •
orantat2w. ' 1
Moretti to told of 1n...m0n0,
tteas root no aeapas,a or as sofas
A. .t sals.bed etetainddo,
PLANTS, 10. Ike - ratan win not vette the dead,
trd d7rllfraTatiinti
We bellovo dug - there aro 'millions of
Ilvlog witnessou to thlu foot. Dyt.popsta
is a horrid tibtouso, but Plantation lilt - torn
8911 aura.. It. It, to a,nostinvlgorating
tonic for wenkneus and mental deapon
(loner. 'Tbooto Who 01.6' " out of 'sorts "
should try,l!laututton Illttorn , ,;S:11TIf
Magmata irkaler.—A dellght(s4 toilet
article -45111=14r to Ocappeauad at halt"
UM price. . • • ;:tlWasit
Just opened at W. B. Clapp 6: Co.N,
26 audi, Fifth street:
agoludn. Chtldten'aShoes, only ,
200) - Misses' " " St,Un
200" W9tuen:a " *1:44
Paraettdog rnant,—„Thw shoes,
gaiters, fir 'man, bort% and aTitldren
itePt a 89 Market attoct, are made of
the very bast - material, and fiord as 10*
as the toWeet, ,All .goods. 1413 Iramaned
to giv e eadataction. If von want same
thin rod, and at f oa prioex, .aall
lot , De. shoo Roilw sovir4so4treat..
„, th. iniihict4T you` aunt • met
'myelin Bag,' Valise or 'Boone', • go 'to
umbra fashltinabio, Trunk Homo, No.
104 Wood shoot, and you will find any
thing 31:41CAMIVilliffOrill litio::41oop
and good.
. . _
Trauksi Tralsite--itemem
,ber the flee. to! er' your' Trunks. 'Val,.
bset, Mn, , Is tit lathier 's .Trilok' Herps,
'Weed street. elfiCkeepa the se'
best nod ell the latest
s tylea:- Call to and
a hiiiii,77
AlPlll 2 4l4 . l4 ll ll:o4l,VlAntaiLit3iiii
bested -bt ° Abertf, - /34 titstreld
street. - '.A. - beek byitial-64 oeiro' .‘"
Hon. M. C. Beebe,
Vep,,wuitylWe, ftalKortl Co . 0 ,Ps.
Dr AWrap , 134 anithi. 2 a harea,
.:Dgest Slar-Some live years ago
son Willie commenced- shoring symp.
toms of catarrh of the head, whick eon.:
tinned 'to grow worse' until ldssystam,
WAS err ) debilitated sa to preclude an no.
live enjoyment albs eptiris'Of childhood
or pursue any system of study, or Attend
at eclinol and it dines Wi ' ut ) entirelypeos: I
tutted with lingering: feur7aeuredinut,
for weeks together, with& centaur man.:
'fanatic.' of theaymploms of the dhoti.
such as a constant hocking, nostril die.,
charge., *c.; ..Irritation ofthe throat, dtc.,
causing nausea: All - the turned )
awes awl treatment of physicians, eth.,
hod hided to afford reliettintil you were
eppliedth during' your Proneutional visit
at Titturrillelest winter, when he began
to Improve immedie.,.y. oortaltienc"
lug your treatment, and continued to I
iropive t . mull new Jar,„ enjoin:lD: tpto4l
state oi)ltealth, and le rade in pardaipatei
thalve sports of .childhood .with
soot, xotwallas pursue his strulles.with
our ittliiiisprion. have omitted to
make this antenna= - heretofore. •as
wished thzbeitattstied that the relief was'
BetipeetfallY YmIC
Pleasantville, P. October 1'437.
.;;.•..;f1.;.:.. - 4opil.: , ,'D'i l
operative liargeoa aid Physicist,
Head s '
of the Chest,
and Chronic
Leeo CO;.!+I.'D'EFMI) ;SfCITEW:ILE r em-
from Ike Ear.;
_ ' .al ile Vie,
et *8 Head;
Traci .
Idlsis roc
' Dimwits
- ,
S td
131 Imilltlidit" St.
• ?
..fttiV gee; t;/`
~: i.A.WirgeOrielMtlartaElVigx
Vilve.a taw fit.tagalw:,)
sw73 Tsrutno xoaxnfi
TWU curnoks. •
• •
• ITEDIZSDir LIM 8119:111DAY.
A I •bah. einttditlna TELLATS.SIX COL•
O A of IntaresOng readlie matter; Including
loading Editorial& Loam Net. by Totenfatalt And
NAL ralnalle Beading Matter for the Fatally,
and Palest and most tellable flnanelal And COm•
nieretal Market Reporta etrett by tay paper to
the etty. No Farmer. Neel:male or aterebant
stool.* be with IL
1331.01 FOE TEE trait, cannitt:
Sloe Pnbaeriber &Lift
Clubs of Ten ........ .......
-.-And one copy. of paper to the penon getting
tba clap Addition to elnba can bo muds At
any time, At Slob :Mee:
NOM - C. TO Stritimimanns.-111 ordertni'yonr
P.P.. b. man And spoollY "*. 7°.
want. as no Woe tr'Wettneaday edition for ant.
MANY, bating but one matt a meek.
air Mos t 7 Draft, raitmom Lonny eMt7
.or la Reg ey
litated Luton. may be mut at oar Mat.
Addnoss, rQ NETTE.
•- At Edgewoed Station-43u r rea d en „
are .referred to the advertisement of
Smithson, Palmer & Co., in our auction
column.' The solo of those desirable res
idences and building lots will commence
this day at two o'clock o. Of., on the
ptenlises. Parting wishing to attend Um
sale oan tako the 0:50 or 11:30 to. train,
thereby giving thorns:civet 'aufticient
time to muken satisfactory examination
of. the premises. ' •
To Vf/10 Boyra.—l tun prepared
to offer you at my new house. No. 104
Wood street, a superior lot or Trunks,
Valises, Carpet Bogs, Satchels, dm., lower
than any other house ln nod man
ufacture all rnr work, non warrant
them to be mode of the very bmtmaterl
al. Remember the number, 104. Wood.
street. •
Dry Goods at Wholesale —We !
rite tho particular attention of buyers at
wholesale to our complete stock of silks
dress goods, and all kinds of hinny and
staple goods, and to tho fact that we soil
at the lowest easteim prices, and out
goods to Ault purchasers.
J; W. Dans= Co.,
50 Market street.
ALix• 4ll lKEN,rzoinEvrAl ßEit ,
No. hid Fourth Stinct, Pttlaburh;
COPP7NB. of sit Undo: CUAPES. OLOVEY. and
Won . deocrlption or Fuutral Furnlshlng.Gooda
rwodshod. Rooms open day sod talght. Hoarse
ItOntasociEll—lter, David Iran. D. D.,TroV,
D. W. Jacobus, D. K.. dhomas Ewing. Fp.,
Jacob Esq.
D - 0 ROD 'GER N.
ER AND EMBALMED. Loseesiittor to the
late Sainte' 'N.. Bodeen..) N. Is Ohle Street,
three doontham Bearer, Allegbear
BosewOod, Mahogany, Walnat tout Doss.
'rood Imltatton Collins. at the" Utmost reduced
prices. Dome open at all boors, dayand night.
Maras and Carr/Agra • Ibbalabed on short notice
and on aced reasonable terms: - ' '
DM/2.68E1f.. OflOol.No.:S4A OAkl.ffishe4
Allegheny. hfcceille..hosessoo4 And other!, ot.
Aloe. with &complete stock of Amens! liediaishtlie
oods; 'on . headland fltroishid AC shortest' noiles,
at fewest price. We .41 kor
nes of erns and Allddlo Streets, ..9Rnsr.
geseoLos, Boggles. Saddle Hoz*, ! 0..
. . _
celit - rtity
A. UGH. lA•tr,EcrffoltiO
t • lIATiBB at Ili elikiiiri.F.itilk.
Lawrenceville. I's. ABIENTAL •
f.a sroxz WOltliS; BCOYE cenzs.
warranted Rater Mot
FAIL3IING 1..i.V11, 13 lows.' Tkrzot easy.
Good Taxes all pat& Wlll trade for city
pnverty. For Yorticalors ingot:a or D. W.
SOWIII:No. 33 Same[ 113141.
FOR ti .44:1- 7 -74 O. E 7. •A . E — . -DiCE
Inc tangly DAUM:WiIt HORSE, tort.
. 11 0WARD'13 !Avery. st.bie, Nu:est ATILEL4,
nair the If onaonbela Masa
.. .
F 0 n N A LE—tyloo,:--EIGIBT
' ABergben) CHI' ierets per cent-1%1nd,, for rale;
er_ereherite • for. Gorernment Seestrlues, upon
Xerorable terms. B. 8.Y.1t.t.NC15 Ber
, Centro,.
beret. Alicrelieui.
FOR RA large LOT ...Or
GliouND. - ..tuit.i au Peas etriet.l6'X'.lo
tba., three rrents.:' TraPlwrr,earste atir
• oaricoaa,dwaanx.. Pena a Vorp
tory @hop la rear. t‘hopla allity by P. q.dv.
Jan; a COOl raaratraeturlag alle. WIII .Oa sold
separate If drafted. Email. at iamor
FOR P ALE - ,1711101i.
Tat tuttlerallyaed artll ael/ all mr ceae•ltalf of
a Met Yrd, to per.o erlslat l y to <ague In
Vie bealstesa..- The 7ard Isnot, with all the mat
ern Innanthethenes. Lease num ten then . Nona
need apply but ltuaa mean boalacas !
ditty' E. T. c..:Allegb.y P.
,FOR„SALE-7414 &erg nli s
oue iloottla Some &num, 5pit:4.1141.3
iOOO tPrinit :wain twiai 'an boltdlngs new.
Zany aotesalotbar Pint retai' noil,tmderlaying
shout rid serts..4ltatlar and Xittnnalng Tarn
-4tltialln Minix% :be ?aria; Therabore will tat
witetiantail P. property Piths tli7.fadit,ii,iwni
towns- Apply to IF. P. Buy'D & co.; Matz.—
tate &nem.. No- BR Fifth Sienna; zittabargh,
FOR • RALE-1348.env:-.,A Vend
77 B
kery, doing a baslaeas of frola /12
barrel.. of gear week, watt elpLati r
.PP4 40
PALO AVM Sin Err, 111Lj,-wpi
koltkoa alalsoastde terms.- The albeempbakety
datask,good busies.. sad b.. wauti.
doing !Calash larger one than t• now running.
Agy tparawa wladsat sagagasla tba
11l krul Shia a rasa oppartaws g , gar parttaala es
latextri, at the BAKEItS,
FOB SALE.,--rliouse and Lot an
comer of IL".6llbattan..d Adams street.,
Ig•ix-/•••nenret E.llway. • Lot 4(l* 'rot«
blosadtratata tontalblog 7 rooms iad goodbara.
bolOWYtd. /loose and Lot On Sbegleld. aegw.
illdwalt Stem, Allegbeto Ctty. Lot bg
bet: !base frame. tootalos ham gra Omar, and
go/ad.:allot.; water and gas.. Alto, aerrrad small
Houses and Lots la good breattow iodriza or
1217811 lb CO., Beare, street, 'near Chereet,
FR 4 4 I. E.-=-EIRAErr4IIRRO
•.. LOTS.—We now offer on t.eidingly tosy
term it new lan . of largo d
desirable lots, be
tog .11 of that valuable rtroperty belonging to
Igo halts of L. O. r. Not., Ct.., - at the upper
Abdo! Sharpsborg, and near Goy...St./ow.
the West Peons Ilwilroad. A portion of liaise
lots front the railroad on thwart.. a. hlsdn.
Mott= the south- .The lots are to kin* reit..
with wide streets running through iW ttott..
property. The soli for gardening purposes em_
Sortie ...Sod, Utol for . bisoty , of fount. and
i.e... no too.. Par dowriptlrapt..d
&rater infornsztlm rail at SILL it
LT'S, RNLI Saute ttgruts. Law.
= =I
OF Al.Llfpg,
waozasems &Tip /11/MIL:
SPEC/AL JUIMAINI4 offorod to deslus
tromEATa & niktimme.
Jewelers and Optician",
CO swarm.= arrmizenzw.
orraarrs lusolnc mitt:.
Merchant Tailor
Cot. penn and Bt. MAL- Waiusitto
?lam snit pleunte at Lototnallin: 'Wsioiners
end the nablle in general that by%tont.
_ . -
,NViIE I E-Ta & V lll . 6 °N.
Irea - trrAcrtrn.ura - ameIN Y
Make Ike Lock BUtcb, and arc the elyaapest,
Nen wstt be.t. •
NEW 0000 s..
to No. 08 teYLIA STREET; oer-
Air of /Wend Street. oere be la now reselling
Ills nets end extesni,tre stone. of
be made to order tn. tbenbast atyleds:
sumer. Alan. • esonotete aseortnbMl or OXl,
11.131 EN'S IMLNISITING (MOM att ifyrbibb
TM be sold Teri. reasonable Wm,
IS6 lelll7ll. iliernhoul
os ST.. nor. oereSerai.
Lt&TMEI I ," elLosE & co,,
, ,
rrainedF undinreitanufactunrs,
• • •COR. PENN WAYNE ITS. f inii or runsrrun e wnst.uift
lio!inetraugiue s . co;
Aiithor Cotton Mills, ll•tsburitt;
muyary...opreArr. =mull &poi? )
ltualte:uxou.t. , •