TEE GAZETTE. xrisr : igiurisc. dk9mus Izmursiml PERMIAN', REIM & • T. T. R0111T0N....... Idlton. 0171 CL. GAZIETTI. 1117ILDING, Nes, sa at sit tees stance. -Wag liqdraa Apr et Osten husittait. OPITOTAL ?APBS OP PITTAEMIM AID . LLLEGialit solar. vorAPsszena SAT? FAMILY .4 cnnumitazo.t. PAPSE fa lA. /Wag. nu DAttra nth Suborn 7. , •••-•-• • OM • OA WITTE. • YITTSBIIIIMI. ?XXX , A. tqle littrattJ Gainite iv "scull of the mooting journals," In statinethe case of Anna Fitzpatrick, had •bettn as h usgenerous" so the Commercial alleges,_ they would have approached the Mendacity of that journal, in its assault upon them. In amerting that its con temporaries were 'emitted by * "01111- pions desire to injuie a worthy gentle. man,- whose only fault wan his connec tion with a one instittdiCn whose falth.ditiers from that which they have eePoPed," tt ga dirloitcY to an un prorw. and tent:loud calumny; It struck at the al character of gen tlemen of its o pr Cession, in a vile and indecent manner; and under cir cumstance/P.441a furnish no apology or excuse. Tax news from Italy is very exciting this mornlig. Garibaldi is thundering at the gates of Rome with a victorious army fresh from Monte Rotunda, where thsy achieved a brilliant . triumph. The pope, for greater security, has abandon ed the Vatican and taken refuge in• the Castle of Bt. Angelo. Victor Emanuel luta epokem In a royal proclamation; de. flouncing Garibaldi and endorsing the policy of Prance regarding the situation. At Tolon, where Franck naval forces are stationed, great *Minty prevail*, and nests were about departing for theacene of action. In an encyclical letter, ad dressed to the Prelates of Europe, the Pope acquaints them with his fears of the success of the insurgents, and con seqtrent destructions! his temporal pow er. We do not see how aid can mach Rome in time to be of service to the Pa . Pa trooper, u the Impetuous . Garibaldi, with his enthualartic followers, will posh forward into tne Eternal city before 'anything can transpire to check their on ward march. CaXILLMCiOIIi news is the Wilton now, that is when there Is any news at all. The band item of contradiction wee that received yesterday, concerning the new British . Minister. In the same day we bear that Mr. Thornton, 0. 8., Las most positively been appointed as FROM= to the late Sir Frederick Bruce; and, In another place, that it has been decided to appoint no one for a few wadi yet. Of 'course, we don't believe both, but then it is so pleasant not to be forced to choose for one's self. A ladle tin of ilea, suck as a Bavarian Journal publishes, would be,a good thingin-tbis - =tars, and Wasbinggra would be an excellent piece for it to have Its head. eptartura A, summit of much importance to dentists was decided yesterday in the United Butes Circuit Court in sesekm at liew,Tork. The dentists throughout the country have been infringing on the Goodyear Rubber Company's patent, by using, without permission, bard rubber for dental purposes. • • Tiii Republicans of the city bate re turned to the delegate method of nomi nating municipal officers; discarding the Crawford county system after brief ex perience in its workings. GEC Jacr. Catancaarr, the delagate elect kom Dakota, wu formerly a citizen of Crawford coaaty, I ==== (Charles P. Upham, of Mass, has writ ten a history of the witchcraft delusion. It occupies two octavo volumes, of over one thousand pages each, and is illustra ted by maps, photographs, autograph or wood cute of houses connected with the tragic event* of which the beginning is thus described: "In the winter of a circle of young girls met frequently at Mr. Par ris' house, ostensibly to practice psalm singing, but their principal occupation wasfertune telling and the various arts of necromancy, magic and ventriloquism, in which they had instruction of two ne meagunlndian eervants, whom Mr. Parris t with him from theSpordshWest India Islands, where he was engaged In trade. One of these girls was a daugh ter of Mr. Parris, nine yens of age. An - other wad Ann Putnam, twelve wean of age. The ages of the other girls rutted from eleven to eighteen years. They crept Into holes and under benches, threw theresensoon thefloor,vrent into spasms, and uttered strange outcries. , .These p ro- d in r iwere rlly T , gna as thet-le became" adep ts the gan to attract the attention of the neighbors, and gave exhibitions of their new accomplishments. Prom day to day they learned sew tricka, The oil huge doctor was called in, who, with Mr. Parris, concluded that the girls were 'ander an evil hand.' The community was excited, and flocked to see their strange actions. Witch books were in Mr. Parris' house, and the girlsprobably learnedhow witches inEngland behaved. The Weis were now euestior.ed as to who had bewitched them. They named Set ' rah Good, a poor wretched outcast, and Pltuba, one of the Indian servants. Whether they named these persons un der instructions cannot be ascertained. The time was not yet come for striking at higher game. The local magistrates Inquired into the matte!, and held a pub lie examination of the twb persons ac cused.- In ell them trials the guilt of the accused was mourned, and these simple people were plied with such questions as these by the magistrates: 'Sash Good, why do you hurt these children ?"I do not hurt them; I acorn it.' 'Whom do employ, moo, to do it?' 'I employ no one. Tide children then go into con 'Sarah Good, do you see what you have done? Why do you not tell , na the truth ?"I do not torment them.' 'Bow came they thus tormented?' "What dd 2 know.' After many Inquiries of this kind the wretched woman ands that her only refuge is in accusing some one else ; then she says that. Sarah Osburn has bewitched her. The wirls also re member that Sarah Osborn had bewitch ed them. Osbune was arrested and brought in. She was asked:'W.tat evil spirit .e haveyou familiarity with?' ..Nons.' Mace von made no contract with the 'No: I never saw the devil in my life,' The 'afflicted children' look upon berandgo into culvulsimas. 'Why do you hurt these children?' do not hurt timer.' 'Wt.em do you employ. then?': 'I employ nobody. I do not ' know that the devil goes about in my likeness to do any hurt. Sarah Osborn was committed and Ti tuba was brought tn. The same gum liens were asked and the same scene en 'lett& 'Who Is It that hurts these cloth dunl" *The devil, for aught I know.' 'DIA you ever see the devil?' 'The devil emote to me and bid me serve him.' 'Whom have you teen?' 'your women sometimes hurt these children.' 'Goody Osborn and Sarah Gad; I do not know who the others were.' She then confess ed she tormented the children, and made some strange revelations The devil, the rid, appeared in black clothes Isom:- times, and sometimes In a bugs coot of another missy. She was asked how eke , went to witch meetings, and replied, 'We ride upon sticks, Good and Osborn be hind me.' 'Do you go through the tree* or over theta?' We see nothing, but are there presently.' Thia woman was toe servant of Mr. Parris, and the instructor of the '.filleted children' in their hellish arta. John Indian, the other servant, -appeared as an accuser In a later stage of ' proceeding.. "'Me deluaion was now under full _headway. The next victim was the wife of Giles Covey, a devout matron eighty ymers of age, who spent most of her time in prayer. • Her examination was a same for the pencil of an artist. The usual questions were put to her. She denied the I:gallons, and askingleave to go to • pray er. knellth a e presence of the court ffervut. supplication. When she had concluded the magistrate said: "We did not send for you to go to prayer; but tell me why you hurt thew?' tom an itnocest permit. I never had to do with witchcraft shim I was born. I am a gospel woman.' t The girls go Into fits, and declare that Goody Co," is pinching them, and are not restored enl they touch the person of the accused. These proceedings were enacted at every . trial The pions woman reworded the whole thing as a delusion, and to the q uestion, 'Do you not. see these children complain of your replied; 'The Lord open ,the eyes of the magistrates and the minister. Sbe was bong Septembit 169."" _ 2l & , - -, sserlißitlS 7, , D lei It - --\ . 1 v ii ,\\ A 1 1 1 0 4..0. 1711; , _ :-.:, ' .. , , . y. % -,._ - 1 7- , ;--- • NI. . 1 ---- . - 21'4:.: '''' l '' 'l . -111111.i.;" '''''''• 11111111111 " 1 ., .7.. /.. L ‘..... 4 3...;;; ;-----. " - .17,7. - . 4%? : k tr' , .-,:. 1 1 ) t tt 1111 ..1) , , ‹ , :-- 7.4.-_-- -= 1 - _ • r-lr'l e-='.--H I W I -- .. 1 - , - = _.•••- ■a.: -.?•••••":4.--:= , , ~-, i liJa': • . . 1,--„-=-• .....,•:-•-•-. . _ tit L-1 .., -----____,_ -------- - ---___-/- - --......-........-----3------ ----, -------- - VOLUME LXXXTI. FIST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. TIIR ITALLIN ► IVOLETION. Hlgbly Exciting Intelligence. BERME BLTIIIS HEMMED. Cabinet Reconstruction Fail! QIIIBiLDI'S naiz arnmiTED AT 10,000 to 12,000 NMI Young Men of Italy Swarming to. Join WILD RUMORS CIRCIILATID G. Action of. France Declared Not Aggressive. • (ft TsMini* to Llt• Plitsbuigtt Cissetted trim* nownia NEAR noii!—rxEr.ta.tTtoze FOR ANOTII.F.II lIIIaISINO Rots, Oct.:Z.—There bee been fight ing to-day, halt a mile from the city. Great excitement prevails within the walla. The revolutionists are making preps rations fora second uprising. A procla- Marlon has been issued to prohibit as semblages of over four persons together at the inure time. All persona are to retire within their hookas, and the shops are to be closed when the signal of alarm is given: =! News has been Deceived here that one thousand Garibaldisum attacked Viterbo yesterday, setting tire to one of thegates. They were repulsed with heavy loss in men and Material. .It Is said that their leader was the Deputy Acerbt, and that he was killed. t. CITIZENS ARMED. ' The citizens of Rome, Including snarly of the aristocracy., have been armed and patrol the streets. Fr-onsvcx, Oct. W.—Naics Mot been received here that a desperata bottle was fought near Monte Rotunda on Friday. Garibaldi won the victory With four bat tailiona. He - put to flight and pursued the Papal forcee, taking one hundred Prlsoners and three gurat Many were killed and wounded on both aides. =2 General Cialdini has been unable lo complete the formation of a new minis try, and has abandoned the effort. Both General Retard and General Durando ..!re trying to reconstruct the Cabinet DEMONSTRATION AT TL'EIN Triirtt, October Wu—There was a great popular demonstration in thls city yes terday afternoon in favor of making Rome the capital of the. nation, and an address to the Ring of Italy to that effect was adopted. GAILIBAS.Deci FORCE 10,000 TO 12.000. Rams, October .W.—Garibaldi's force Is Sold to be from ten to twelve thousand strong. All the Papal troops hare been concentrated before_ Rome with orders to act . upon the deflmidlre.. The hoops that sailed from Tordon will reach Civitta Vecchia this afternoon. TWO seams. Foratir—uAßnumin SE 'Two battles have been fought between the volunteers under Garibaldi.. The first took place at Monte Rotundo, the second was fought further. south, at Ter rote. In both these engagement., which were of a desperate character,lhe invad ers were victorious, and General Gari baldi has now arrived before Rome with ten thousand men under his command. MWAILICISCI OCBR:11113 rtioarrats- . FLoramme., October 2L—The young men of Italy are swarming over the Papal frontier to Join Garibaldi. There is a report" that Garibaldi received a check at Monte Rotundo from the Papal troopeoviko were suddenly reinforced. I=3 ACTION OF FRANTZ ROT AGGRESSIVE, PARIS, October 27.—The .3.lbeiteur of to-day says that tho fleet at Toidon had been kept back at the request of the King of Italy, but It has now galled for the Italian coast, because no Cabinet ha■ been formed at Florence, and because Garibaldi is menacing the city of Rome. The action of France l declared not ag gressive.. Both Italy andTrimee are In terested in the promervation of order and the vindication of thelaw. TheMonitcur home that the entente eordtale between .. the two nation will not be disturbed. Egrosrnoietzatstmsummes' murgorr. A banquet was given yesterday by the foreign members of the Imperial Com , mission of the "Exposition Universalis' to the Frence members: M. Moeller, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was present and made an Important and significant speech. He allnded•directly to the pre sent crisis in the Italian peninsula, and said be hoped Italy would not, under the influence of bad passions, be led to en.' gage in a war with France,• but that she would emerge fredu this great national trial prirified and a friend of order. 14 - /LD #ll3/1014 YBOAt ITALY PARIS, Oct. 27—Eoening.—The wildest rumors in regard to Italy are circulating here. , It la reported that the Italian Crown Prince has put himself at the Lead of an army to resist the French. Another rumor Nays that King Victor F.mannel will abandon hie crown. gee= AT VINGMMILA PA.IIIIII, October :IL—The races at Pin cennei took place yeeterday. The Em peror Francis Joseph Was present and accorded the Imperial stand. The grand prize was won by Polygon. The prize of Paris was taken by the same. The Madhya preminmwas won by :demist. In the steeple . chaise Magenta wee the winner. =l7 ILETCitIq Or RTSO WILLIAM TO DEULLN— LPXOND MALIAN:IMT SESSION CLOELD. Beaux, Sunday, Oct. in.—The King of Prussia has returned from tour through the South German Stater. The second session of the Parliament of the North German Confederation was closed yesterday by the Ring In person, who, inn speech, congratulated the mem• hers on the succoreof thoir labors and the thvorablo progress which hail been made towards the complete unity of the father. _ ?ISAMU. AND COMILISZCIAL. - LONDON, October 7S—Noon.—Console 841-10; nre.Twentlee, G 9 11-16; Wm* Central, 781; Fzio, 461. • Ltrvnenotm, Oct. 28.—IsToors.--Cotton opens quiet and tmckuinged: sales esti. mated at 10,000 balm middling • uplands Orleans 94d.. 'Breadatuffe easier. Corn declined fld; new mixed 'Western 49s 3d. Peas 6d lower; Catmllan 51elkL Losfooss, October :94-2 r. es.—Coinsola. 945.10. American accusitimacthin 0- M 4 IV le-16; Illinois; Central, 781; Er 41 4 .46 if PAsus, Oct. 8--19bon—Tho Bowser le Amager. Realer advancing. • LivearooL, 0ct.:95-2 r. prices unchanged, but the market is quietsuudeasier. Breadatuffe—no change. Provialonn--Purk Is higher; prune city MESS 7.%. Lard continues to decline; American, 53e 3d. Beet unchanged te L Liss Produce—Tallow firmer; Ameri ca.% 455, Petroleum stronger , standard whitc... l 4 Id. Asramats Oct. 38.—Petroleum firm; ;standard white, 531: - ' . Yellow rover Al .711,w Oridoosts. 2sl4l7sPit to the illtobartli Ostettiol NEW OLEArge, October Ml.—Eleven deaths from yellow , fever occurred to day, among them Lieutenant George Lee, Acting Aludatant Adjutant General Fifth Mllitary District. -WASEaNGTON, Orr Talevssh tis the Pittabllrgh balsas ; WAsnon3inn. Oct. 1867. RANK nksonrs. Ahstraet of the quarterly reports of Na tional Banks of the But States, bet Ist: Readirent. overdrafts ... . . ~,,, U. Bonds deposited to °Wire circulation 330,135,150 00 U. S. Bonds and securi ties deposited to secure deposits 4; 4 ,211.450 00 C. S. Bonds and swirl- • $609,038,449 57 ties on hands Other !stocks, boi;,r. and 41.7.i,150 bo . . mortgages.... 21.875,403 02 Due from national banks 95,103,219 91 Pus from other banks and bankers.... ....... . 8,340,072 46 Banking house other real estate, furniture end P.:tures 20,359,840 34 Current expen5e5........5,295,738 33 Premiums 2,749,753 78 Cheeks and other cash items... . 134,399,589 58 Bills of Natio nal Banks 11,534603 00 Bills of other Banks 333,209 00 Spade .... ..... 1u,2183 851 12 Practional Currency, ' ney,Le gal Tender Notes.... Compound lot. Notes 1011,411,537 S 3 51,500,45 u 00 CM 81.495,031,128 E 4 EMITS Capital Stock Surplus Fund ... Undivided Frotita Circulating notes out standing ' 1.14,461,110 BU Do do doatat 4,002.153 00 Individual Depo s ita ::47,104,567 413 U. S. Depoelts 23,078,815 71 U. S. Disbursing Officers. 4,037,264 trl Due to National Hanka.. .01008,78 S ui Due other banks and 3 410,638,415 00 . 30,028,817 67 . 33,331,706 43 19,41 ,914 31 81,495,1K11,1 84 ECM OEM. ODANT AND A SOUTHERN EDITOR. The agent of the Associated Press L 3 authorized by Dr. Sam. Bard, editor of the Atlanta Daily New Era, to state that the publication of a repor ted convene twean Gen. Grant and himself was to tally unauthorized by him, and is erre. aeons in 'several particulars. A prize tight took place to-day between Thomas Kelly, of Philadelphia, and Bill Parkinson, of Pottavillo, at Acipla Creek. Fourteen rounds wore fought in thirty-one minutes, when a foul was al lowed for Kelly, to whom the -victory was awarded. The second round is rep resented to have been very severe both contestants being thickly covered with. blood. The right of Kelly to the stakes will be contested, as he was carried from the field before the decision on the claim of foul was given by the referee who is said tobave been intimidated. Kelly was shoeblegly battered while his opponent was comparatively slightly injured. comasmon lIIIADLEI'S C:ASE. The Supremo Court of the District has ordered that Joseph H. Bradley, sonar, show canoe why he be not punished for contempt of this Court, in bin offensive conduct toward Judge Pieher during the Surratt trial, and Ihrther, that he continue suspended from practioo an the dispoattion of thin order. &DMUS. 111.011 THAD. STEVEN, The Chronicle will to-morrow contain an elaborate address from Thaildesis Stevens, expressing his views on public affairs. Gen. Grant we attending to duty atthe War Department to day. RICHMOND The Mantles Prefeet-Queelles u lime Bellime Se SIN Ceemesteeek-eles. webefield tin Illesellereedle elesalenitt Wader Weave-elle Ad dries. AMC.. Ammabtage. tar Telsetnis to the flttil.M.ll 111.2tWA 1 IfEw YOBS, October 29, 1867.—the Herald's Richmond special says: Gen- General Schofield has replied to the pro- ' test of Its'iGLinicr, to the effect that' he will be cot= nuartlaltsl whim Mr. Gilmer furnishes tho speNticatlon to the ilTrlegalitl P orthe election will be referred tothe Convention.. Ilia rumor ed the solution of General Scholleld's ac tion in the late election is to be found in that that he is candidate for toiled States Senator from Virga' Sever mote citizens have been order ed to leave Richmond by the Negroes' Vigilance Committee, for speaking dia -1 respectfully of Hunnicutt and his party. Armed negroea have been kept on gnarl in front of his office by Hunnicutt, who prevent any one from pausing ou the sidewalk. Hunnicutt addrwised n large crowd of negruee in the Capitol enclosure this evenlne alluded to certain threata to and said, wilinatleace. Don't you know, my fellow-eltirens, that when the assassin's bullet pease. my brain, or his dagger tonches my ha.; more than one white man will fall upon that day'r The assemblage responded "yel," "yes." GEN. SHERIDAN =I ===:l9 Acomers, Ma., August W.—General Sheridan lead party left Portland at sev en o'clock this morning for thls city, and arrived at half post Mts. A. ft.. Along the rontethe hearticet ;Malting" were ex tended the GeneraL An elegsmt banquet with given, the Governor presiding, after which Geo. Sheridan returned to Portland. MrIiPTION AT tOMX/Ith-.DULO,PPOE.T- I= Clmeord, Oct. 7J.—Gen. Sheridan ar rived to-night. He was welcomed by Mayor Abbott, escorted to the State House and addroained by W-. L. le In liehalf of the Committee. A general me lee maned, and the General wax rushed tothetexidence of Hon. Oludow &ann. where in e abort speose.b be thanked the crowd and retired. Great indignation wax manifelited at the failure of the Gen eral to' arrive during the day, as ar ranged. There was a line military and civic .dinplay thin afternoon, notwildo ataudingthe rain and non-arrival of the General. He ta. to be serenaded this evening, and leaves for Vermont to morrow morning, • . WEST INDIES - • Dentrsellive Henlealls•—•••tees • rem. /Jae, lashes Br Televaoh to therlitstrugh Beaetu..3 ll.t.vaara, Oct. ~—Advices from Porto . Rico to the 16th have been received. A severe hurricane was experienced in that Island on the 111th inst., during which a number of coasting vessels were loon and other seriously damaged. The rivers were overflowed, causing inunda tions at various points and considerable damage to property. Intelligence from Jamaica 'tales In structions had been received ftorn Eng. land aphid the line of steamers propos ed to be establiahedbetweendamaiceand New °fiesta. The Governor, at the re quest of a number of Southerners who with to see the ilne esteddlahed, will write to England to nee if be cannot ob tain a reversal of the decision: . . . . . The latest advices from Hayti state that noinave had issued a proclamation announcing his success in the recent fighting there. In Ban Domingo u money crisis pre vails, commerce Is prostrated, and the government without moan, 66fiab v ,14:01 Tallow /ever liseambe.t Ronan' Saairitoa mad Munk ' 1217alerropti to lb* rlisatnugh Oaanwi.l Mmieins, OcL . 29.—The interments from yellow foyer to-day wore nine. The weather W 11.4 dear and am!, with . a slight frost this morning. The IfernphLs White river packet Rowena was sunk last evening, opposite Helena, by striking a snap. She can't be raised. like Is owned by John it. Paris, Commander, and valued at forty thousand dollars; insured for twenty thonsimd dollars at Cincinnati offices. ilecllleaf In Consentlent. I it Teternier to lb. Pltt•bargb U.ett.7 WATEROUnO, Oct. 29. On the noon tip "on the Nmogatuck Road wan 1 lig Imhoff a bridge, nenr tillecity, a atle of the engine broke, Um treetle work gave way and the baggage car and tender fell twelve feet. 3: 0„ Raney, Dfeasengerof Adams Exprean Company. odstelned' brinsee, but no babes were broken. Conductor Beers nnd a few others were. slightly brunet!. 'None nf .e passengers were seriously Injured. - *eras Nolaitoaslaloa. ter latearata to .tss mown eaaetie [Avatars, Y. Oat. Z.—Rey. Dr. Thtwley. of the Firat.Praby tartan Cita rob, lett for Washington yesterday, where tut tit to receive Inatractlona from the Gov. ornment and icamediatoly prooeod on • highly Important smut mission to a for. elga country. lie was appointed by Bee. tary Seward, owl will be absent about f ur months. PITTSBURGH,. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1867. EON 11001, THREE O'CLOCK A. M THE VERY , LATEST. Particulars of the Battle at Rate Rotondo. OABIBALII LEADS HIS TROOPS. Insurgents Oimpletely hooesafal. ODUANCE TO THE OUTER FORTI FICITIONB OF kOME. Great Agitation in the City POPE RETIRES TROIA THE VACTICAN Takes garage's Castle et St, angel.. NEN ITALIAN CABINET RIBBED Viotor - Emanuel Proclaims Against Garibaldi. APPROVEB OF THB FRENCH TOLICY Encyolical-Addreas from the Pope. =1 I=d2 REPVLSED. Roar, October . i.t,t--Seturday I,veninv. .—Yeaterday a bunk of Gartbaldians, who had just creased the frontier, attacked Bagnoras and were repulsed by the gar rison. Garibaldi Is Nall before Montt, Rotunda, with fonitollye thou. Sand men. The place Is defended by two companies of Antibes , legion and about one hula died Papal troops under General Darmea, who haie restated the assaults. One thousand soldiers left here to-day to reinforce the garrison. , rnr.rAnatioro. AT TOULON. Tour o\, Oct. 27.--Orders were Issued for every txtait of the force intended for Ronie to embark at mace. Ten thousand troops arrived from Africa. The nortli ern fleet la expected. There is great ac tivity ami excitement in town. The first fleet is waiting outaide the harbor for fire aeccond, Which leaves to-night. 11A:PO=0N1N COCNINI,--A 'HATCH et. utmons. .ataln.A Oet 28.—There le great excite. niairon fittaßouree end in the atty. Napoleon prealdedaf Hat Connell ant. ma to-day. The rumor thatptil Kiog of Inde bad abdicated ladenlel ; • It is said the aryVadion at Cherbourg had orders to leave for Italy. • Report also pays thatilaribabil is near Rome with a large force. The Petrie say* there are rumors at Florence that the King to about to Irene a proclamation to the army, that he pin.. ma Prim. Humbert at their bead to de fend the right of monarchy. ..-fotonizri7e, October If c—Obibibni; lad Itatarsi have declined to enter tlie 001- =I Bands of tharibaldians continue to ems, the frontier. Letters from Borne, deed Friday, eay the bands of Garibaldians near the city have fallen back. but the great pody,of them are only fifteen miles off. There is no truffle to or from, the telegraph is still cat, and Rome la iso lated from the world. = Ftconsirog, October .—Particulare are received of the engagement atMonto Rotunda. , They represent the fighting a abetltude on both sides. At one time daring the day, when retnforoemtmts for the ,Papal troops arrived upon the field, the ,lasue appeared doubtibi; but at the end of the conflict General Cfaribaldl, who led hie brave volunteers Ln percent, was. romp' etely suoceensfuL He -Mum &lately followed np h 1 victory, and the deftaated soldiers of the Pope, who fell back on. Rome, were vigorotudy pursued. At latest accounts from the South. Garibaldi, with all his army, estimated at ten to twelve thousand, hid advanced to the outer fortiftmdions of Genie. GREAT AGITATION IN LLOXV-TIIE POPk RETIBILB PROF : THE VATICAN. tO3DOi, MONDAY, A. N.= Advitwa from Rothe state that great agitation pre- Intilealleithip the dty. The anthoritim were haurly - expecting an attack front tie Garitiaightzut, limited with their re cent victory. • The Pope had retired from the V ah em and nought refuge within :the Carat° of St. Angelo. new eninmerr ionmsb—oennumut us NOITIFED BY YICTOB ISKAJIBEL. Prcing. - 4ca, Monday. morning, Oct. —Gen. Illenabrea has suootieded In form ing a new cabinet. . A Royal proclamation tuta been lamed, signed 'by Ring Victor Ernintel, de pouncing Garibaldi, and.declating the policy of France meant the approval of the Italian Government. . ENCYCLICAL A °BRIX, PROM 111 E POPE. TO 'TILE BISHOP'S. • Famet,'Octobar - 03.—The Poite'lPlPed an encyclical eddrats to the Bishops throughout Europe. He calla altention to the gret'aporile by which ho is sur rounded, and in pathetic terms deplores the nuiny. dangers - which: IRTIHRO the temporal power and threaten : the inde pendence of the Holy See.' rue rancLasiaris or VICTOR MAN EL. Farm:son, i. boo ili--.Nbon—The botance of the royal :ed yesterday: The y :saying the country ir. lie declares that Franco end her would be Li:spot:- cos the tiaribadlons right to make war, 1 , waive of the King, I.as of Europe , must : o disturber. of public raised against tluihead furch Is not this. III: urge, Ms to 'return to I exhorts thci people to ... and Ereserve Me na -1 concledes 'by.promis , i quility Is restored, 1, will mottle up Roman following Ix the a Proclamation . . King 00112MERIMS is in, groat dan: a • war . against probable allies Bible. HO donou for tuftwpfng the which is the pr Ho know the nal know that he is ' order and the flag! of the Catholic q oomsnana the their allegiance an sustain their Kin , tfonal honor, and ing that when t Italy, with 'Fran. gneettork e la until Spain in any notion of the '• favor of the Pope. nruLy of ,e A—Geeral Lee red tho omca ore:intent has' rcoonaklarod tho ded to accept. Tto will mail steauner,fne.lla- MADRID, Octo haOdocided to Jo Catbol LC powors =2M Manerp, Oetn nundl, Who (leek .1 General at Cuba matter and conch! leave by tiler neXt. IMO OV A—:.Ttio • Ateamehi I • • • York arrived t0.4.10y. Oct, . 1 l'orlore, room. Ne sue Amu*. Pittabaryth GustVlA !..V.-;-Tieftrialat!Thont: his brothers, William Missouri. In - the nit Court, for ataxtug Linoleum, terminaieO was !anted guilty bat acquitted. °thermos oter arc before the .111111.sluir Irmuka Clll Toteceoph to I ST. Louts, . as G. Heneld an and John. of Lo .1 United States Cl l , traudulmt bran d Tho Ittr.l4tAtiers we of a similar chi Court for trial. cftt LM OMAN. Additiotial City and Suburban on and Fourth Page.. Alga, further new! by Telegraph on Fourth Page. • POLITICAL .--- A Gan for Wars— Tie Ward First in she Ilellll—Tiros . Action 'Of the Coolasy IM•0181•11 'Oessialtl4De Ea ea—A Grans club Osignabisa . —Chi. win. Phillips' Pat• Perwillia for oonyreoil by InioXylehaz. .1. The Iteprblic.ans of the BeriattitAinird appear to lake the lead In palatial rnope meats, and arnalways fbund orgaillsed' and ready for duty at tl e ballot hpx. Last evenings large an entilasirte mooting of the eft Aka w lied altint rooms of the Republican club, .2( 60 . . _ Smithfield street, for She purpose _ or ganizing a Grant Club.. Mr.. Th . ad Steel was called on to preside, and . P. l ' Houston was deximintoti at . se i The Chairman briefly dated itiS thectt: . , , of the meeting, after which the following 1 monition was offered by the Bertjettiry. and unanimously adopted: I ' Itraolred, That we, the Republtsitoof the Second ward, lit public mee t rut= ',nailed, heartily • endorse - did on of 4,1 the County Union Executive Coitunlttee in urging the tazminetiort of General U.S. Grant as the standard bearer of the party ,In the approaching Presidential election; and that we proceed to organize a Club, named in honor of thegtesiahleftsn; to I advocate his nonilnation, mad *labor maloualy for his election should the party in the exercise. of Its wisdern and judgment choose him to lead Use loyal gions to victory idthe cotitiod. Of Met Pending the passage of the abotm fere lotion .spirited addressee in 4ogy, of 0 teneral Grunt Were made by ( Gook, Dr. Biddle Arthurs, Capt. J. M. tinter, fanest Black. W. N. Ogle " T. 11. Phelps, and others. The election of permanent o twee then proceeded with, the mee ' mak va log cholee of the following go enzeit to serve in the positions design • Pres ident, Thomas Steel. Esq.; Presi dents. Capt. W. B. Cook, beorgeWilson, C. M. Gormley, William Woods Dr. 3. C. Matters; Secretaries, Thom. R.'Phelps, Thos. S. Bigelow, T. P. Uotestem Treas urer. T. T. Ewing; Executive Commit tee, W. .I . C. Ogden, T. W. Davis, Captain James \ lek, Cayt..l. M. „Heater, M. S. Xing, .1. 'S: M. liming, JaMezelilsek.' W. M. Hersh, Crosby Gray, Dr. Riddle Br. th ors, J. McDonald C10111.1 , ..1114 Col. Wm. Phillips, Col. J. L. Slenta,. if. W. Belt.- heover, Samuel Young, 8 - & Kennedy, -John Paul. J. D. Bailey, Tholtias Bailey, Edward House, Alexander .Alken and W. C. Curry.- - - The following rwrolutlori wit offered and adopted: Resole...At, That theßepublicans of each election district in Allegheny county be requested to fall into the liee under ,Lhe banner of Grant, and organize elliist similar to our own; and we recom mend that when inch clubs have been formed in one-third of said astride a Countyp. Grant Club, composed of the Preedderffs and one delegate from each of the various dal:cod:all be Organited. A resolution instructing/he Executive Committee to report a fultplan of orgase Dation for the club at tie next meeting, was passed. Mr...Tamen Black offered the following, which wen nnanimougy - edopteth flashed, That we urge on the citizens of the Twenty-first Congressional Dis trict thy nomination of Colonel Wllliern Phillips, of the Second ward, Pittsburgh, an successor. to .1. K. Moorhead In the National Assembly. We-recognize in Colonel Phillips a true exponent o the principles of the Union Republican r ty, and knowiden to bea gentleman du hrwspialiffied to represent in Co our manufecturi m ng district id to iaPate in this padre. or our country. Tlinineennittnen inijounkod. , . . . . =I Mrs. Barbera Brawdy, the proprietress. or an 'Cnramous 'den an Liberty ',boat which ifiv_igstostr through the city pdpers, still'eorittnues to prosper in hor infamous bindle:Pp, it appears, notwithstanding the eßribince of the police. anti the frequent es - praised intention •of the authorities , to Urea; it up. But a short time :dike she was be fore Ifis lionor the Mayor, charged wilth keeping hawamuse,and, we believi, ww4 held to I for tier appearance at Court. This 11 the Mayor could du In thenutter. Butsome ono gee mdst be at fault, as we have not yet notleed In the Court proceedings tury account of hex trial. The charactexa this woman, add the reputation of the house she koeps, haves,' frequently been published, that every body must be familiar with It, add it Is therefore =elan to spoilt of It he e • In a general manner; but to there is Ways more or less interest attached o particulars concocted with such cha • tare, we will relate an incident which is alleged to have taken' place at the I.- iquitom establishment kept by this "virago," Monday evening, from whlel 'ur :readers can form some idea of her manner of orinductlng business, while it Will also serve to teach stringers the ina, propriety of taking lodging's at what *- termed "chimp boarding houses,' unless they know the reputation of .the bowies at which they atop. I I Monday evening two men. Mr. MO- Intyre and Mr. Andean, hone, few Brighton; arrived In' th e city, and , at the Union Depot Inquired for a "cheap boarding house." The impiry was :beard by one of that clam of man with whom our city to cursed to a' considerable extent at present, who are too len. to work, and too poor to live without it, and con impel:l4y 'wort to any memo. of obtain ing a living, without labor., It app.ara he was a living, for .fr, iltawde , e house, to . which he conducted Ithem. Shortly after their arrival they discover ed the character of the place, and -e. Mired to leave it, but upon eignlfying their Intention to do an, the door wax loeked acid n demand of five dollars each made upon them. They refused to (sim ply with the demand, when the door of an adjoining room was opened and half a dozen "rougha," armed with knives and plotola, confronted them and enforced the payment of the money, when they were allowed to depart. I litr..iinerion yenterdzy .mornlng !op. peered before Alderman MeNfastera and elated the mite,' when a warrant was leaned for Mrs. Drawdy on a Marge: of keeping a bawdy home, upon which she Was arrested, and after a hearing held In live hundred dollars bull fur her appear ance at Contd. : Anderson and Mclntyre are both res. liectable, hard working - moo , and were led into the "trap," which IR elwaysopim for the uninitiated, In the manner above ended. We rather think Mrs. D..will be 'brought before the Court this time, as the prow:cub:trims no •desire to effect a compromise. Ill' - motives for prosecu ting wore not for the purpose of extort ing =Fury, or even" receiving his own, but to bring the offender to justice. I =! Farmers, dealers and others engaged in the treansaotkin of businalis connected With the buying and stiffing of produce, hops, tobacco, highwl noa , , t e r , gen eximilenee Much difficulty in ob taining corresponding !loosen In the mut ropolltan market.. WS have had host iles* knowledge of the old established • • house inNew York of Messrs. FL P. Bel- lard 8..C0., - No. I 3 Winhington street, • which Is strictly a produce eommiislon ffira, and ono we take pleasure in Te -Icome:Muffing to our random. The honer has unequaled fitellition for the disposal of all kinds of produce and make liberal advances to their patrons. Their busi ness Is managed in a careful and eystemstlemanner, and the internals of consignors are carefully watched I and guarded, and in every C 11513 prompt re turns are made.- Consignments of eggs, pork, beefy flour, grain, benne, beeswax, dried and green fruits, !weds, and all kinds of country proffifce to respectfully solicited. We &weak for Menem. Bal lard ,b Co a full share of the consign ments directed (Min this city' to the Now work market, and earnestly commend the members of the Ilrm an honorable and fair dealing business gentlemen. Painful inJory—ltenry Evans, while engaged at work. at the pipe works of o m. r ,„ Evans, Dolma d: Co., corner of First and Market etreet, yesterday . morning,kad his hand seriously injured by being caught in .thm-Cog wheels et woloo- to the "planer" crushing the hones and laoerating it severely.. lie was taken to the office of a physichm, where Ids injuries were attendedafter which be .was removed to biz rat to, her% residence, in South Pittsburgh: Bela a eon of one of the membere of the Arm. The Convert of the of Trinity . Church lust night took place al an nounced. City Hall- was very nearly filled with an appreciative audience; con solutions among which was ;the Market Howe Mission' School. Want of apace deprives:us of the •plesmrs pf amore *Todd notice, but we'mdat. mention the exqandte 'wan the gem of Otte programme, ailittle Mseter 'Frederick was the star afaong the performers, although there were sev eral others almost equally noticeable. TZEI CITY ELECTIONS Itoiling of Ilia 0117 Exectutlie Cos -I.lllll4.—Tlis Delegate Ilssten2 Adopt •4l. The City Republican Executive Com mittee met last evening in the office. of A. Xl. Drawn, Esq., on Fifth street, for the purpose of Making arrangements for the selection of candidates for the Offices of • Mayor, Controller, Treasurer and Mgt. Attorney, to be voted for at the election In December. 'rho Committee was,palled,toprder by Mr. Thomas W. Divta, the Chairman, and the roll being. galled, twenty-nine members answered to their names. On motion of Mr. House, It wasresolv ed that we primary meetings be held In the various wards on Saturday afternoon, November leth, between the bourn of three and six o'clock. the Nominating Convention to meet in the Council Cham-' berg on Monday. NovemberiStlt. The oimilition as to whether the Craw ford county or delegate syntem should be adoptedi wan discussed at some length, the iepreinnitattven from the new dis tricts strongly favoring the latter plan. A rote Wingtaken, resulted in the choice of the • delegate nystem— twenty-three mernbarsrocerded their votes in its favor. Mr. Sims moved that two-delegaten be eluded from esrb district, and that the election be by ballot. Adopted. - .After some discussion it was dmided that the primary meetings be held at the usual places of election, except to the osini lithe Third and Sixth ward,. The Third ward voterlwill Meet In the Court House, end both preciputs of the Sixth ward at the School House. Theltei*limn Judges and Inspectore of the mesons wards were requened to conduct tho election, and power granted • them to rift vaeannleas Tho meeting thtql titiJourn 4 4 to meet nt the mll of the Chairman. em== Acaiu:vv of .MVSIC.-311 1 / 4 * Caroline McCaffrey, 'assisted ify a number of dist class performers, will favor us with one of her excellent concerts nt the Scale: my of Musk to-night. Miss McCaffrey In the best contralto singer In the United States, and the lovers of good music should not fail to hear her. The artle of reserved seats nt Mellor's will continue to-day, and persons desiring malts should call early, if they wish to be acfs,mmo dated. OPE11).1101:151t,—The inimitable Chan fmu, who rue so favorable received at fi t , Opera douse last week, Its "Sam,' has been r.-engaged by Manager Can ning, fur the present week. Unappeased last night In the characters of LoriLlitin dreary and his briather Sam. tea large and fashionable audience, who were high ly delighted with his manner of render ing the piece, and espreased their admi ration by tattling him In ffont of the curtain several times. The piece trill be repeated to-night. V•IIIETI ES TIIEATILE.—The patrons of the Varieties are having. a rich treat this week, In the war of local dramas, which are prepared and rendered in a very crtslitable manner. The usual as sortment of fun is on the bills to-night. The versatility of the performances at this institution is one of its principal features, and the present managers hare the energy and enterprise to carry the principle out. . Dan Rwa.—Dan nice'. Circus ' now :exhibiting on the south aide of theriver, will pay us a visit on Thursday, and will remain until Saturday night, which will be the closing exhibition of the season. Dan is 'the acknowledged "Prince of Clcovu.,! . and always gives his patron-4 the worth of their money. Everybody should see his trained animals. Vexations. Numerous complaints come to us of the trulnaof the Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, oulhe Federal and Sandusky street crossings. It is complalnoil .Issittlly, that In two in "n ,yestertlity. long trains stretching fbate west side of Federal street be. youd the oust side of Sandusky street, one of them for ale or eight minutm, the other for more p than ten mlnutte, were detained at these crosaings; that Mut dreds of citizens on foot and In carriage. were detained on either side, with no al. 4 . ternative streetor alloy by vitae to get around the otattruction. Such nnovan oes ahoulel hotbepermitted to or. Any necessity that mtght be urged Id but go to prove that thetrack on' w Ith such nec-ty IC plead should be wholly- re moved.- Federal street isSte too crowded cad buoy a thorunghfs to tol -1 crate the Railroad at all. if tit annoy ances are to be repeated. _We feel aura. however,ihat the higher 'authorities of -the Company neither know, or would lapprove of them, and we confidently ook to them for a prompt remedy of the evil. The Bea. Illreektth Ilumeesee pet patsy et Alloskeo, Clay. Elsewhere we publish the business card of the staunch and reliable - Den. Franklin Insurancd Company of .I.lle gheny. It Is organizedwitli liberal capi tal, and In point ofloieurity offers as much attraction ea any other corporation of the character in the Commonwealth. The affairs of the company are carefully and economically managiNd, and the In terests of the assured guarded and pro tected with vigilance and caution. The ' 'Hoard of Directors and officers of the in lunation numbersome of the most res. rr n" cite, • "Zorn liberal mcoe'n l ll7l f etore'rc.?a bi rr 'eafelibe reposed. The office of the tom pan., Is located in the Franklin Raving Rank building. No. 43 Ohio 'street, where the Secretary, Mr. George, R. Riddle, will be pleased to impart-further infor mation regarding. the. Institution. We carneellreommend the °Ben. Franklin" to all those who contemplate insuring their property. . . imparias' Savisaue Destines. The Commissioner or Internal Here on ue has Issued the following Important deciniora—Corrugated sheet. iron is not taxable as a manufacture under Section Ott, if the value is not increased by cor rugation more than fiveperbent, neither mu corrugated domestic shoat iron be taxed on its, Increased value under Sec tion 94, for there In no excise tax upon sheet Iron; and it is only upon -the in creased value of "manuhicturcalarticles, goods, wares .or merchandiae on. which an excise or impost duty has been laid, and which are not. specially provided for" that the tax Is impased. Parnaces finished and ready to be put up are taxa ble under the general provisions of .Soo , Sou 90, at the rate of eve per lent- upon their entire value, but the actual expense 1 of setting them for tow, forum' no part of their taxable value. AINIVAIMIMIPPONBOUktai Assoefotses. The three hundred end fiftieth areal vounary of the commencement of the Re formation, will be celebrated by the Ger man Lodges of the American rotestant AsSoclatlon, at the. Evangelical t. Paul's church, of Allegheny eity, on hunsday evening • next, October 31st. e breth ren of Solana - us Adolphus 7 . go N 0.33, coo requested to moot la the r hall in Birmingham, at els o'clock, x., pre -cisely, to march in process! .11 under commend of Chief Marshal J... Ruck riegel, to the lodge-room of Lu . or Lodge No. 8, Pittsburgh, which will , eta them, and take up the different iodg:. in Alle gheny on their way to St. Pa PA Rev. C. 1 . 1 eiterahmulen end F. C. ppi Esq. will be the orators of the OVelli . g. Good TeinitarsElectlen • 011leErs. • At a meeting of Abo • Lincoln Lodge, -No. =, I. O. of G. T., held on. Monday evening last, at their Hell In Etna, the following officers wore elected to nerve for the enan - Ing torrikri. W.. C. T. J. 0. Hunter; W. V. T. Chu% H. iformantelu; W. S. Mina Magg ie. Dayht: W. A.S. Sam uel H. Satter; T., John Moreland: W. F. S., Mist: Rebroma reenter ; W. I. 0., William H. Hunter; W. 0. 0., Jacob , Gill; W. 111., J. C. Hunter; \V. 0. M. Mottle Taylor; W. It. H. S.; JIM; Fannie Moore; W. L. 11.25., Mien Jennie Conlon W. C. John 8. Smith; I'. W. C. John M. Yrthrea.. Tim regular moot ing of Ate Linroln Lodge nro held on Monday evening:, The Continual Barking of defendant's dog was one of the elements in a “disor derly house case” tried in the Quarter Sessions yesterday. A German 'rani:m.3 , 0X put on the stand and asked 'Ulm had hmrd the dog barking, and whether'e was annoyed thereby, to which ho re plied, "I bear de dog, - but mono under ethand him." The dog was an .Enelish The Homicide Cam, Commonwealth VI. Elanlne }Modell, will probably be taken up in the Oyer and Termtuer day.. Randall in charged with the met der of Louts Iletzel, in the Third ward, ..A.llegheny, - on the night of the Bth of Auguet lam, by atabbinglani in the neck with a'pair of paper hanger' eciasora. "floe. Jeremiah P. Black wee among the attend/Late et the Supreme Court yes terday. 1= The boat race, whit* will take place to -dap between Coulterrind Mekeil, over the upper Monongahela•.Eonr*, between two and tour o'clock, recreating consid erable excitement among the ndmlren or the sport. Coulter, we hellovd f is. the favorite, the odds being two to one. Both men are quartered near the coarse. Coulter ha e been there since Thursday, and :tickle itent up Monday morning. They are said to be in good audition for the work, and if the weather' is pleasant and favorable the race will be one off the most interesting ever- pulled at Pitts burgh.. As a matter of course ournative pride compels us to wish the Pitts burgher success, but we wafuld have him obteln it fairly and honorably. "May the beet man win." We have every reason to believe from the 'character of the con testants that the race will be conducted fairly; so theta repetitionof the disgrace ful seenes enacted at the races between llamill and Brawn, both here and at eed Newburg, n not be anticipated. . • The Coroners Juni In the Monahan- Purcell homicide case will make anoth er attempt to agree upon Is verdict, this this evening, at the Mayor'snlfice. Cider Justice Woodward sirrived, yet larday, and took his place on tha Su premo Bench. We ore Indebted to W.A. Glldertfenny for the October cumber of Blackwood 'o Mzgasine. CITY ITEMS kloods for tne.WoolOor. The Oil a rain has left the istmonphore damp, cold and chilly. Too much pru dent," cannot be exercised in the selection of wearing materials at the blending of Summer into Autumn and Autumn Into Winter, At William SeMplo's dry goods store, and It 2 Federal street, Allegheny, will be found a very large :usl superior stock of dress goods of heavy material suitable for the season, which are offend at as reasonable prices as'prevall in the leading jobbing houses of lhe. root. A very line stock of barred and twilled flannels, fancy knit shawls, see:Mugs, hoods sad general Lines of fur nishing goods, hosiery and notions will likewise lee found et this esUsblishment. Dealers who bey to Sell again and retail purchasers should favor Mr.. Semple's house with a call. 'Woolson, Olronsmtro. Those of our renders who loVe venison, and i'Vbo don't? will do well to call at the Continental Heetiturant, Fifth street, to dey,where they will find the indefatigan ble Holtrheimer prepared to serve some of the moat delightful venison steaks, In the most approved manner and in the highest style of art. • He hes a niecerup. ply on band and families or others who wam venison, at a reasonable price, will do well to see him. Ile commenced yesterday to receive the celebrated Cove waters, which are admitted to be far ahead of any other oyster. ever brought to Pittsburgh, and no matter what style you may want them in, be Clan accom modate you. He has also a line lot of partridges, pheasants, .tc., which he aervee up In a style that cannot be Bur wased. Try lioltsheimer to-daY and If be can't give you wanethlng to akie the potato we really don't knotyptere you cd look for it. ham! Fara 1 rarsl aad Wham, to nay • Thema. kiesars. derdner Stewart, waist cor ner of Market and Fourth streets, No. 69, have Mow open and for sale, at whole sale and retail, the largest stock in the city, in ell grades and qualities, which they propose to sell at less prices than the same goods can be bought elsewhere, also showing a greater Teddy and en tirely new Mtn. All buyers of. furs should remember this, and avail them selves iiifthls rare opportunity to make their purchases. , They are also Qpeninda huge stork of new dry goods, most remarkably cheap. West corner Market and Fourth stile — ts, Twe GAILDICEPt It STEWART. Seel the ..ems7Settaw Ihm et the Oiliest Misses gle ALLEGICENT, Oct. 14, 1867. hitt. Geo. A. Kat.LXY.—.Drar Sir: I have been troubled the wine years with the complaint described by your edver tteernent' of Dr. Sargent's Diuretic or Ittic . .kache Pins, and concluded to give' there a trial, and am glad to say they af forded me Immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend them to any one suffering from like eymptoms, feeling confident they will do ell you claim for them. DAVID BKITII. For sale by all Druggists. Price be cents per box. rP aunt Opened at the New York Hat and Fur Store, No. 32 SL Clair tared, a large stook of ladies' flue. • To Country lairchants.__your ~inist lon is caned to the wholesale and rec tall-grocori Feederf Arthur Kirk, Nos. and ; 1,4 al street, ,Allegheny, Jest the i place to buy your groceries. Mr.'Hirk has facilities for buying that enables him to sell to retail merchants at a lower figure than any other house In the two cities. He keeps at all times all kinds of groceries, and ,will-be pleased to have parties call and examine his price list, and the quality of goods kept by him.. Remember hie numbers, 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny City. stir:* geadere will 'tear iiSisnind that the entire stock of tine Jewelry in the store of ReLneman, Meyran & tiled's, ho. Zi Fifth street, is offered at greatly reduced rates, preparatory -to occupying their 11014• and magnificent store. Gold and silver watches, Jewelry of all descrip tions, clock', silver ware, ornamental ar ticles, and every thing in their line is offered at very reasonable prices. Blankets! and Quilbse—Cholee country blankets, blue blankets, grey blankets, coverlets and quilt. in largo variety, at the dry goods store- of Wftliain Semple, lit,. MO and 182 Federal street, Alla-. gheny City. The attention of wholesale and retail patrons is respectfally direc ted towards their stock and the reasona bleness of the prism prevailing, Dry Goods at Wholesale.—We in vite the partioular attention of buyers_ at wholesale to our complete stock of silks dross goods, and all kinds of Piney and staple goods, and to the fact that we sell at the lowest iDistern prices, and oat gocids to suit parchment. T. W. Bann= it • S 9 Market street. rometblog Gmal..—The booby shoes, gaiters, &c, for men, ladles and children, kept at 89 Market etreet, &remade of the very Last material, and sOld.sa low as the lowest.. All geode are warranted to give eatiallactlon. If von want some thing good, and at gold prices, call at Robb'a Shoe House, na market street Call and examine the large stook or Ladies and hilwew furs at the New York lint and Fur House, No. 52 St. Clair street. • Dyspepsia, in its worst forms, Nervous and Milieus Headache, a.ud other die. OSEM arising from derangement of the stomach and boweli, ore speedily cured by DX WILSON'S PILLS. Every druggist throbgbont the .land keeps them. To Allegheolans.—Arthur Kirk, whole sale and ratan grocer, Noe. 172 and 174 Eedoral tared, has received one of the host stocks of groceries over brought to the city, which will bo sold lower than at soy home in the city. I store To Yam!.itek—Cha to Arthur Kirk's Orooery9tore, - Nos. 172. and 174 Federal atroot, Allegheny, and bay your Sugar for putting up fruit. He has the largest, hest and cheapest stock In! the city. Call and sea for yet:usable% , my. Go To Wm. Fleming, No. 139 Wood street, for bargains in Indite end Ml.oe Itemettdrag Pare:—The- 'Nut, Coffees, Snafus, Spices, dm., sold at Kirk's Gro cery titer% reml72,ind 174 Federal etroet, Allegheny, aie 'warranted. to be the very beat in the market.' Call and gat o prim hat. - xw* At Edgetrood ritatton.—On Thursday, Oct, 31st, at 2 'p. tn, on , the 'premises, country residences sad building" lota at stint/on: See advertisement et Smithson, Palmer & Co, auctioneers. • New- Goode ore being constantly re ceived at tho wholesale and retail dry geode house of William &ripple, Noe. 160 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny City. Eye, Ear, Throat, Lima, Casey MaZABEIS and CATARMI, OtlaMddhlly treated by Dr. Alamo, 134 Smithfield ,treat` A book by mail 50 mute. Tire Bargains in Ladles and Mimes Fars at the extensive far hottae of Wm. Flem ing, No. 1W Wood street. Gondkaftan Water is a certain ants for Diabetes and alt diseases of the kid= neys. Fort ale by all druggists. .wsr. .t. NUMBER 25 I . CHRONIC CATARRH CTITFILICID. T IC S T.rlittONLA.l.4 CCM Hon. M. C. Eteetie s • Pleatsitville, Crawbril fe d Ps Dr. Aborts, No. 134 @mitlyie/d Street, Pittsburgh, Pb. .Dawn SIR ..bO/1:10 five years ago my aim Willie, commenced showing symp toms of ciiiarrh of the bead, which con tinued to grow worse until hls system was so debilitated as to preclude en ne of childhood alba wee ve eidoymen or pafrsae any system uilltud7,Or attend atMttool, and at times was entirely pros tiMod wit.h lingering fevai—sonietimes, for week' together, with a emustant mum- Mutation of the symptoms of the Moans such as a constant hacking, nostril dis- charges, am; irritation ofthiv throat, causing nausea. - All the rumal appli ances and treatment of physicians, etc.,, had failed to afford relief until you were applied to during yorkprofesaional visit at Titusville laid wirinsi, when he began to improve immediately attar oomme bag your treatment, and confirmed .to improve, until now he enjoys • good state othealth, and is able to participate in the active sparse of childhood with zest, aa well 'se pursue his studies with out interruption. t lusZe omitted make this statement' IterstofOre, as I wished to be maligned that the relief was permanent. ' ' Respectfully yours, M. O. BEEBE. Plessitutville, Ps., October 2411867. C .tD. ~ J • I E. S. ABORN, CONSULTING AND ": Operative Bergen sad Pbyoklaa, FOR DIMEABEB OF TILE BM OE Head, Tbtoat, IMEE3 Organs.. of the Chest, and Chronic Diseases Generally, ESPECIALLY SUCH CASES aa have been CO:RIMER= nicuRABLE, em bracing' Designs, Discharge Mm Die Dort, 4 Bushig aid Naglaglielses Diseases of tie - Bia (alma of the Head, Lar3l l / 1 1114 Twilit's, • - Bronekhlt, • Mos sod Ciwanieden, ae well 11111!Iseans llielleiwt ktEDIOAL AND ROOM No. 134 S'Odthi 1111a1LT OPPOBrn POR PITTSBORGH I me *Eat! Gam • marimba AID 811971D/T. , A lams AM. metal:Was THERIT.BIi 00L DAMS a bitatmUsg taattlag inaltar, Inallaaalt WAWA Itlltadalta twat News by Tereireeph Cad wataide• Needing Ileum ter the ratatl7. mat Matt tank Moat nasals Plaatletal and Cam atirgal Markel Report. IWatt M ...ay payer fa the city. No Tamer, *at:l.mb Mercbalit AMU tog trithaat It. • MAXI 701THA toraltaar Gramm GlVenivo n . ber ' 01.10. 121. Club. of Task ................... —An ~ lop, of paper to the perms setting up the eine. Addltban Se Club, atm . be saw el say Ma, at clap rat.. Now. fkmaczamAz—ls eretuin paper. be .an wad wally idol OttSce 7.0 was • WoOloWilay bavisig bat pas =sit • week. Sir Kelsey by Dr.ft. ispritsg. Itowff *MEM Iblibriered Letters, may be mse at duer.lll. Adolswa. GAZETTE, • riSTBBMIGII, MARRIED iticaLE—wznirs..—On Tuesday. October D. at' the residence of the bride's parent.. by the IL McKim/try. sedated hY the De , J. D. Walklashaw, 31e. GEO. G. 111CMIE ned Kiss unsTER L. WEIMER, only daughter of Feline, all of West Newton. Pa. LANG—YOUNG—On Temaday evening. Oct: Ilth, at the residence of the brlde's parent , . by the Re, Mr. Laird, Mr. WM. T. LANG and Ylsa MAGGIE YOUNG. danghter of 0. T Young, EGO., all of this city. 'No cards.' • UNDERTAK ALEX. AIX ENOUNDERTAKEB, To. lea Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,. No. COPTINS, orall kinds; CRAPES. CLOVIS, and everr description of rowed rurnisninit Good. furnished. Rooms operMay and nigitel Hears* and Carriages nanalened. . Iteriboacta—Ras, liar 41 Rerr, D. D.,1f.a0 h. A. Jacobus, D. K. Thomas 'Ewing, Esq. Jacob 11. Millar. Esq. j - TISDERTI, `" • KEE AND Earn.u.sum, 'Cul...veer bathe 1,1 4 gig...! E. Rodgers.) No. 9 Ohio Street, threedoors from Bealgt, Allegheny City. Me tallir, Rosewood. Mahogany, Wilma and Row wood ludtallon Comm, at the lowest reduced Arlie. Routes open at all hours, day and nigtd. Hearse and Carildges eltruLtbed on abort nodded and on most rougmableltextus. .s • •r' EDWARD CZ 11.0AtIECKI, Vt. DERMA...ER. Office, No. 244 Ohio Strait, Ausinenr. kintalle.,Honerrood And' ottga,l of an., with a complete stock of funeral Fun:Ashton Goods, on hand and farntsbednt shortist =Gee, at lowest priors. Salo and' Unary Staldos,kOr 'nor of first and Kiddie Streets , Cayrtagas, ilaroasbea. Buggies, Saddle Gorses, de...de.. (orbit, CEMETERY MARBLE WORKS. ' - 'A. 3. ILLERBIIOLL 0 M. Ono , OOT OM*. LawomeertHE PE ORNAMENTAL MARBLE mull STONE WOMB; brosz BURIAL OASES, varataall.inter proof. LOST LOST—Miinday Morning, Oct. tath, on siiitthned street, near McClurg • Brother's Liters' Stable, FOUR BONDS. two oC Flfty.alz tlendred Dollar. each. yd two tit nine Hundred Dollar. eseb. vita OTE of Flea Thousand Dollars.' Bond. end Note drawn by Fawcett, Logan, Stoekdale Co., to. Order or Wlghtman • Anderson, and note endorsed by Wightman i Anderied. The person who found lb. sarne Bomb oblige the undersigned bs• • • —• • Waving them at the aillee of 9.. A. & W. 9. I'lja VIANCE, Na WS Fifth street. Patatatrgb. . All persona vi hereby warned agahtst negotta fug the above vote. WIGHTXANttr. FOR SALE FOII SALE-320 ACRE% GOOD FANNING ISND, io losrs.. Ten* essy. coo titu. Tarosalt Wad. - WIN Wade for dFF property. For partlontors Inquire . of 'D. W. SOUTH. No. =Market street. - • • FOB SALE—HOUSE/I.—ONE LARGE RAY VICALGHT HOME: one Sue holly BAROUCHE HORSE., for sals'at. HOWARD'S Livery Stable,,llßST STREW, star IMtlanuagabols Boom ' von S • LE—SB,4O6.—EIGUT THOUSAND SIVE BUNGS= 1,01.4 A Allegheny Cltu seven Mr cent. Bonds, for' or oscbmue tbr Government Securities, favorable terms. R. B. FRANCIS, Centro.. Mice, Allegheny. FOR BALE-A large LOT OF GROITND. sitosied on Penn 'Asset. tOtzitts Tent, haring Done fronts. itoprovennrata ars =timid dwellings on Penn street and a Ws— jeer shop in re.t. Knott is siniTRY fortl•grr feet; a good nianoraotaring site. :Will ho Mld separate. if desired. Zoquirs st,No. y PZIN STREET., FoR PALE—BRICK The anderstined will small or one-half of Brick Tart, to any person wishing to mime ha the halves,. The yard le new, with all the mod re Improvements. .Lesse owns tonna.. Hens need apply bat those wbo mean boob:lass. AA dress E. T. C.. Allegheny P. O. pm SALE-146 Acres of Land, with on" . double fruine house, spring houses and good *Oink; mall barn: all traldinge nev. Laxf rows to tour foot rein errant, underlaying sberuktinseren. Sutler and Sittsitsdng Tarts, pike rams through the ikrrn. The stare win be. exclunged for ppelsurti in the city or edloininC towns. Apply to W. S. POl - 11.CC0., ibtal lEer. tate Agents, No. ON Fif h Street. Pittsburgh, Fob BALLE—BAKERY.—d good Bakery, doing , business at ham Z t 0 .41 barrels of tour a week, and situated at no. OP PALO ALTO STREET. Allegheny City. will be sold on reasonable terms. - The above bakery is doing, good 134tness, and has the Lunn,ee of doing much larger one than is now, mining. Any person wiehingeto engage iL the Widnes* win And Olga rare opportunity. For particulars 'moire at thi BAIZRY. ' ' FOR SALE.—Bouse and Lot ow darner of Manhattan and Adams stints.. near Passenger Hallway. Lot 44 by WI fast. fosse frame, dostalnlAg7 rooms and food hall, **lllmprored. -pons and Lot maShethold. near Bidwell street. Alleibedl Cltl. Lot 9 by on test; bousirermse. Mambas hall, Ass rooms mid goartellan 'flier and gat, Alm, several small BMWs and 1.44 s la good lomdlon; inquire of T Barn a CO., Beater straet. near Cier.O. , Idairleatar. • • SPECTACLE& ' ' OP ALL KINDS, WEILOUISLA.I.I /LAD Marais,. 6PECiiL BARGAIN affdad t . ga ewers. xu,ILETT, Jewelerß and Optidana, 3PMEIMMX ArritZl3ll77. oprostrz EMIONIC HALL HERBY G. BALE. Merchant Tailor Cer. Pepe and M. Clair Streets, Take. put pleasure of Ininnalas hi. outman, sad thdpaldie to dirderal that bit Met of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Taw WHEELER & 1 1WILSON muarrecitrarso conrurr =e2ll= Make the Lock Stitch, and we the cheapest elm Peet and beet. = REBIOVED AND NEW Gporrs. H. SMITEE.' affez-casamait Twit 4,c • Has removal lo No. US irnaZ Sfixenr. ;ewe of 7.lmi sum. wiere be la now reoelYie . ne bin new end extenatee Meet of . • • TALL pLam u cissnocess, al 'ad OVESCOATINGII4 Mach will be mule to order le tee mut styibn manna. Also. • complete omortment 0121- TLItItEll . 5 lITTRZIL3III.2I6 GOODS. allot *Platt will bowl& on very reommablo terms- ' - H. sawn, Dierchsa Taw, ire. vs WTLX3 ofv.d.a. IarNOTICE., tAttOlt l'aCurrollAttA , Vl Cth . LT!. • Odlee,No. thl Walnut pima...tithe, October isetzez., The Interest 4th. oftratiilgerlphe Leserniworth Amatof,r , T. Athe rae l lArtrai.reeeltrela of tie Coi pon"i' • therefor at CO itaiklej More of DAlt NET MORGAIN , a xx=...x.lnwh ;fort: on Bed •Aft,' LIU! ~,■ r Linge3live ppavates. IarFAID FOR THE •ISEIMIT . or ET. DRIDGET`SCEMECIL Serena w•rAJDOG.GVL *open IGVEBY DVENTGLL A 'erst2. - Dru GOLD !LEADED CARE Irll.l pe alrazded to the,EtUtarreeelvlng thibt/A•G u mbei of rota. . . an CLOSE a, co. Farnitare itaialhebKm. C 016,0111 & WAIIE - • Latest Apse o imam's' emotasa: 111 St. ROUSES, BELIE. i CO., iicher, cotton MO S, iliblriesb. sunt.daren oturavr, ICEDMILLSIGICe ANCHOR and MAGNOLIA. PA ansinixon AND amnia