The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 29, 1867, Image 1

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Ciltranni Itictrrie.)
, Whnepricotores.
T. t a. .
.70111.111 ZING,
AK * M FIPTH wnower.
I- bpdaicoojorr of Veda' tesupuis.
=Emir MIR
. Ls * "° l '
Lt netecrthen. per year.f.7"k.µ..
e~Egittsbuto valet
The Valon Republican County Ereal
. TITO UORNRIttee, At a full meeting held
yesterday; - nnaidmonaly - recommended
ithe nomination of ereneral GRANT for
the Presidency. ; This is a falr indication
of the currant of public feeling - in th's
Frrrazontert, October2B, 1887. '
Harrow Gazer= The-leading mil.
*atrial In the Gastrin of Saturday last,_
under the Caption of "The Leghlature."
contented, among other statements, the
following : •-•
"Hitherto the friends of a Free Rao.
nod Law have been greatly embarrassed
and impeded by the obstinacy of the
Rouse Committee on Railroads. Ever
• the Speakers representing western coon
'ilea have constituted this. Committee so
'as to give a Free Railroad bill 'no chance
whatever. It is Just to infer that this
was the cotdition on Which the Speaker
' able was given *cm.. Their professions
• of zeal 'fbr the measure were competes.
• &Nell units*, Mier. they had so made
the committee as to serve the purposes
of Ha anemia."
:Permit ens to say one word to correct
thifittatement. so far as it may refer to
the lest Hiram of Representatives, over
- WhiCit I bad the honor of presiding. '
'lt ferny ride to say, without fear of
contradiction by any one who knoWs;
that the House . Representatives of
-1887 will compare favorably with any
previous season for its greet and faithful
:,lators in behalf of liberal railroad lager
' bakr. Instead of .the friends of a Free
Railroad Law having been greatly em
tamped: and - : impeded by the House
Committeeßailmade," let me ass=
you that they were greatly aided by the
Asians of the Committee. I beg- lease
further to sauce you that the last House
of _flepruentatives fully _maintained its
Mistilguishing character ea - the popular
branch. ...It obeyed the popular will. A
Tree. Itrilioad Law teas • matured and
- .paved • with gr eat Mutnieuty—not the
"Lksiss Lam" that lamed the Senate,
Ind the 'House refused to consider, but
the law; aimpie and pure, without the
crossing of a tar the dotting of an i, as
-la-spared by Senator Slgham—its ene
mies not dating mu to =lithe yeas and
nays en its final passage. Its failure m
the... Senate was not chargeable on the
The charge that the Speakers' repro.
*Pang western counties have consti
tuted the Railroad Committee, so as to
glue &Free Railroad Law no chance what-
Tfere" . ..alid that "it is just to infer that
this was the condition on which the
Speskerthip was giveri them, conveys an
'imputation against the last Home, as
w y eell as myself, that mana ngsn. be sustainedthrough
-aa the p the
Hoare of ths Free Railroad Bill above
• Waned to amply demonstrates. The
enemies of a Free Railroad Law" were
not my friendeduziog the bitter contest
' far . Speaker last winter. No railroad
question entered into thateenv&as. My
dection was the result of issmingrowirag
out of the contest for.l7ninSikates San
'ator, as every one then' ?'Harrisburg
well kncw, I wee the frienitof Supra
Cameron, auras : suck: was nominated
by the Itepatillesm caucus fert *maker.
end subsequently elected; so osier ques
tion havimg, is the' remotest degree, to
the ben army knowledge, any Influence
in determining the rote of a single tom
her. • Very respectfully yowl, etc.,
•. -Joint P. (11.aza. ..
, the t teiragna.
to which Col. Grass objects, our purpon
was to revive the past onit to guard the
future; and hence we selected general if
not ambiguous forms of expression. We
did soit have Ids case in our mind; bet
• did 'lnver an instance which accursed
previously, and to which we called
pointed attention at ther time, as oar
readers will remember. "
But, under the clicumstanca, we COS-
Mot refrain trim suggesting that : the
&lima& 'Committee of the House was
so constituted last winter that the friemos
of the Connellseille road found great
difficulty in getting the bill In its behalf
IT teen decided in .a Cincinnati
Ocent.tlist a man is not necessarily boned
to pay's debts. _
non..-Gleninnn £ Onow hai , par.
Clialed the Betio, Oil Check and Pithole
itifirced for $121,000. That mm is about
eras-tenth the original coat of the road:
larsass excitementwas felt recent]
in Antwerp. Ohio, on account of the at
tempt twice repeated of some democrat'
to tire the office of the Republican news-
PUWout Joins, Esq., bee been ap.
pointed by Gov. Geary Judge of the
Third - Judicial District, to supply the
vacancy occuloned by the resignatiols of
Judge Maynard.
Arun on the Royal Canadian blink, in
Torot!to, wu 'neonatally met the other
,day: ,Tbe bank was W confident in its
abilltliato Meet all demands, that it in,
duligokrita littlibravado by leaving Its
&acumen an hour longer than thin unaL
Gsmiguss, of Philadelphia have
lieooma very_ Indlinalastle offer the idea
- of anew theatre.. Onablimiredthonund
dollars Waimea Talsed,and a fine and
ornamental building is to be erected,
capable of holding • first:clue paying
A gam of thirtytour years of age shot
lad of sixteen, In Philadelphia, on
Friday, during ascuffe In which they
were engaged. The act was fired from
a puttal altaraulitith buck shot, which
made a *nail but, it is thought, not
. DICFNIA paper is congratu
lating tie people 'on the heavy decline
rin mate inihat Here we cannot,
however much we ebotild like to, offer
• any , Nth congretelstiole; nor do ap
pearances warrant to ID entertaining
any hopes reduction for some time.
; •IKesseva ;evidently lakes tits manta;
popularity very' much to heart. He feels
twenty that ho is so longer s demigod:
The last we hear from him Is that in a
letter he has attacked Deak and his par
accuaing them of treason, and elan _
withdrawing commnptuansly from" the
field AS a candidata for the representa
tion of the town on Zombor in the Hun
garian Diet. • -
des annual accident maned at
Adrian, Michigan, recently. An omnibus
fell of people win run away with by its
heroes and • kerosene lamp was non,
' settiag the omnibus on dre. All of the
-pat:Nagel* eacaped unhurt fromthis per
Ipatetin boallrevith the exception orals
womasi who was slightly bruhad. The
horses were not cptieted by the male,
'path:m i lt" their rear, but nut until cow
4,lateli: =hanged. The omnibus was
completely destroLod.
Wie hays all head a dad about whir'
kg_ and oil traudsitately, and ewect7
molter latowa that Hanna cigars can
. be bought at • less mice aametimer than
'the duty would amount to, but the Gov
ernment, not satisfied with haying all of
these frauds on its hue* has been feel
' ing around for more, and we now hear
t that the Dale silk rolli at Patterion, N.J.,
haftbeen attached by the authorities, the
owner being charged with defrauding
1:: the rrnottis out of $16,000; U we ads.
take not, these mills butte for some years
•• been laragisishing for want of an ade•
• pate - duty on foreign silks, and have
probably taken this method or protect.
. • IP
:• •
• „. 7-
MMNI(3 = T
Garibaldi Across the Roman
Apdimt thuabaldi.
Figbt Wltq, . ilie Police in Bone.
(By Wyo.Ph to Zittaptar(tiiimetigh)
amamitm:wMP. Tmr. somism.
Fltabrzcz, October 2i—Esening..4.'en.
Garibaldt, has crossed tho .Rotnan fron
tier, and Is now at the. head of &Ur
thousand men. •
TOMOS, OetoberVersone.—The
French fleet of ironlads, destined for
service iq Roman waters, left this port
under an Imperial order at nix o'clock
ads morning. The troops' which wore
designated to operate on the deferiCes of
the Holy See, on the sismalon of the first
Giaribaldian alarm, and which have been,
'tinciniped near the town since, are again
n motion, and are to embark and sail
for Papal territory immediately. The
authorities here are engaged in 'shipping
'war material on board of transport ves
sels with great activity. - .;
* Lotquots, Oct. 34.---31idafgh1—The fol
lowing dispatches wereyendired tonight:
Paria.—Saturday night—The fleet of
war downers left Toulon :Oda morning
under eiders •to proceed to Chita
Vecchia. The emixtrkation of troops on
board the transports at Toulon was coin
plated and a dispatch announcing their
departure for Italy was momentarily ex-
vicron sauumrEt's SOLDIEIM REFUSE
FLORENCE, Oct. M—Aliketting,The
soldiers of King Vfetor Emanuel refuse
to fight against OselbeldL • • ;
The cannot neticmal unity in the court
of the Ring's Government is gaining
ground. It la now considered certain
that a thorougbly radical ministry:will
be formed, whose policyaill be devoted
to making Rome the capital of Italy.
ROY.; October 03.—The Pope, in a let
ter to the Bishops , says the patrimony of
the Church is attacked by revolutionists,
and oaks thrt to tirdertoi the
. -
=air wzra 1 . 011161:40Alltakt; ,
'Duos ArrAclumlyrne lust .00:21:4
-70 3 poke-. InAlenvbinii4,4*9l47,o4
Ftiday,' met realstarke. They
It :with' the bayonet,- and filleen dart
bisidillans were killed and thlrty-six
wcomded. A tinarditY of arms and
bombs were captured.
New -Tonit, OctOber - /N
-eese's Constantinople letter itays: Tnr-
Itey'refuseil decidedly' the Russian de•
mend to oodo Candle to Greece. Russia,
the writer ease, Win "not, however, force
Turkey to war until Europe is bniyeittb.
its own affairs but the way Is nowitre%
pared, and If warcomes now this reject
ed advice will be , presented as Justifica
tion for it.
rEwasircu o i WED osicarscum.
.Do3roorr, ber 21.—tikeetho receipt
of telegraphic &hams from Now York,
5-are have advanced to 691. Otharioner
icon securities, Arm.
Pants, Oct; 33.--...Ebesing.—The feeling
on the Bourse Is better and mates are
stronger. - •
Franz - I-our, Oct. 21.1—Erening.—II. B.
bonds 741. . •
A:rewrite, Oct. 20—Etcaduer.—Petro
leum firmer; Maiden! white advanced
to 63t.
Nam , "Vona, October 20, INIT
Rev. Newman Hall preached Raw nen.
ireuns in this city, yeatididay, before
creirded audience! of hiur different de
nominations, Presbyterians, Reformed
patch, tongregstionalhda. and liptsco:
Nine distilleries, ac., were seized to
ds7. The Rat says an officer connected
with theolnternal Revenue service to
day visited sasmded warehouse at Nos.
4:15* and 457 Tenth avenue, which was
seized in April lAA and found that shoat
e,OOO gallons of whisky had ie
moved and replaced by water.: It to sup
fesed the bonds given at the time of the
seisms are ,worthlem If this to true,
the government will loses tax of 18,000.
ll'be illeetiam
Amman, October 23.—The Repolili
pins hold a Mass meeting to-night.
Mewl; Blodgett, — Ballock,
,Conley and
Beard, candidates for the Convention,
made spoischas endorsing the Atlanta
platform.. Stop. have been taken to pre
serve order during the election. The
freedmen are coming from the country
this evening to take, part in the election.
There are no opposing csuadidates, the
Conservatives havingcletermined to talc()
,part lu the election,
• , • , -
SAVANNAII,GA., October %;-;allie elee;.
tion for delegates to the Convention will
commence to-Morrerw and continuo three
days. • - •
fay TWOS h to tea. rlttalntralie•eatta 1
• hiltgleCts, 0ct.28. Taw! IMO seven
halevntemte from yellow fever for the last
twenty-form heirs ' to 6p. m. to-day.
Thetreather isVerYitexm."
The races on the 'Memphis comae have
been pestpclaed.
'New. OrmSags, , - October '..—There
Were ten deaths from yellow fever yes,
today and sixteen to-day. No frost yet.
Absentees are cautioned to remain away
a short time yet , '
blonmx ' October at.—There wore
twelve . interments from, yellow favor
during the past two days. Weather
cloudy and cold. Thom were heavy rains
yesterday. : -
&leastwise wreak a Teats. •
trrorsitarsetk uttst rinsaarst • utW.3
Cohost, 'N. H., October Some
vltlaln attempted on Saturday ovoning
"to throw the Northern Express train for
Boston from the track, at Thornton's
Ferry, on the Concord Ilailroad, bY.Plac
hag a piece of rail about Ihl inches long,
inserted in the frog at the snitch. For
innately the train stopped to leave a pair
Banger, and passed over the obstruction
at slow speed and no damage was done.
means* es 1411 a MGM /Atom,
L!7 Telegraph to Ihat lltesbergh Beulah. )
• • Saeo,M.P.:, Cietober C. Adam*,
mall agent betweep. Boston and Port
huul, was abet' at In ono of our atmots
teat night ball grazing his head and
renda•Mgblm insensible fors moment.
The ruffian then attacked him with the
butt of his pistol Inflicting sevens
wounds before being frightened away.
The would be murderer, and his reasons
for the attempt, are unknown.
Itlopeetedested in the Memory
of. MAO.
)111 . 169 OF IN 1111113 111 LOSS 011111.
CBI rowan& to tet,Pluousrot u stens) . "
Sim Omits-se, October =.—The Awl
pine 'has the following, advical,,Whith l
confirm previous aceolugs given of the
destructive effects of the fate storm upon
the Rio Grande; The hurricane Was the
most terrible in 'the memory of man.
On the frontier aporpenual lx,mbardrnent
for Yeats could hardly have done as
tench damage as happened from tido otio
night's storm. "Twentpala persons were
killed at Volanitirits and ten killed arci
one wounded at BrowniAilit. At Bra- ,
sox, so itti as knoivel titiilve persons
perished. Two 'schooners were blown
ashore, and only two bonsai loft standhu:
al Clarksville, sad' none at; Bagdad.
The lose of life in the latter pion is not
known; ninety ofzbe Inbatiltattlis escaped
by going on btdre. a vessel which rode
out the storm. The rest have per
ished. The negro soldlere and their °fil
mes, at 13171Z09.i are saidto Wive tided in
famously.. They not- only( refined all
assistance to struggling and Buffering.
families, bet retired tO A - Weltered pikt of
the Island, and tee taildiera la:darned the
next. &,y tO iob the wreekeff goals
under; the ruins -Of, • • ware
houses .and dwelllmpt. Hite of- th.m
was shot, and killed by a . citizen
who deb:idol' him-in robbing. Their of
utters, it is said, did nothing to cheek
the rtobillielong list of
damages'. at Ifidirnsville, we extract the
Mbgt Mu g& Kennedy'swarehoruse,
roof blown off; banding very badlvdam
aged; azaunty Laiurticruso and safl com
pletely. destroyed and prisoners all at
Wm.( Tho entire square surrounded by
Brown,Fourteentit. Lebec and kid sabeth
atreetr, was destroyed. itieluding
.ffeaotero, office and Mneonle HalL
The Citaikr, loss the - reef. off: The
residence of W. J. Stark, correspondent
of the Howl York Herold, was complete
ly destroyed; the Custom .House wall
was blown down: • the l'resbyteritm
church destroyed; PostotHeo- building
roof blown off; the hotel and elegant bil
liard saloon of Mr. Miller almost ruined;
their= building Of Wilkins, Hey &Co.
totally destroyed. Between Tenth and
Fleet streets seven brfek *dad four frame
houses were either tonilty destroyed or
so badly Injured as to to uninhabitable.
In Matamoros fifteen hundred bounce
and huts ; were blown down. The
greatest diatress and want prevails at all
paints, and , appeals hsve.been made for
relleL Ont of seven steamers only two
, tar Taterra total mtucanreoatatteo'
! Wasuntorox, Oct.
THE regrax musousas.
The Bridal Government decline tors Cole. *erten and Nagle from cus
tody, and have directed that their trials
take piece immediately . The State Do- I
pertinent directed the employment
of counsels or their defense.
rtm.muem. or THE rearm COA , T.
J. Rosa iron-no has returned from his
tour of the Pacilie coast,aad 'is irorking
on his offic ial report. The general condi
tion of the Mining interest is represented
as healthyend prosperous, and the de
velopment of, the Pacific elope, in res
•peet to other branches .of indu stll~try is
• • 404 " . ""ywkOrdnoviwir
pioductlon will not
raliVys . Gtora - the following:'
" • Alelll'ecitalilloit'dellers; Idaho,
!telt • Cunt* two millions; Col
ersda,,tiva !rnililontr, 'Nevada, nineteen
millions; California, twenty-11v° mil
lion; miecelisneons, five million dollars
—for present year. The iron works on
Williamette River,Onegon, are averaging
nine tons a day of a first-class quality of
iron. The wriest and" flour exports of
California will not fail far short of SlO,-
000,000, and the manufactures alone are
rep:minted W.:mount considerablymore
than Um gold product. Thu wineterep
this year trill asnotmt to SZI,000,000: I.le
there is whiling off in the gold product,
other branches of industry afford more
than. a cohigeibalfince.
The Commix:donor of Internal neve:
rum ham decided that the KIM:Ig, or offer
inkto ee ll ,ifilstMed spirits of t Ift.m than
two dollar, per wino gallon, does not
raise an proanmptkm In law that the
tax haa not been paid, because the midrito
may have been rectified and diluted.
not Intended by the recant cotton
regulation, aeries 3, No. 3, to require , per
mits and bilLs °finding for tho retacrval
of cotton from point to point within the
District where the =meta produced, and
in case of removal from Ruch district a
collector should not exact a foe of the tax
payer for nothing Ida cotton.; -
mt , ==tamii.
The report of MOM munterfelts. having
barn' - &smeared On eon - wound Interest
WWI, in New York, Is Incorrect. • They
are We same counterfeits discoverodoer
eml months slues, none hazing recently.
passed the Departments here. ' •
ce cceived by the Coneis:
atonal Commlttee;from Southern Statoa
which hale not yot hold clectione, Ludt"_
cateaLlin all of thorn the party In
favor of b a Convention will be
, General rope bas allowed thrixedays
for the 'election in eliteryda and _Florida,
because thee'veting there to to be done at
the county teats. This arrangement wee
made because the .4:lettered thought he
could protect the .colored men and pre
serve order hotter than It they voted at
the precincts es in:oUrbr litotes. ,'
In tim absence of necessary appropria
tions to pay for they tenttory of Alaska,
it is understood all pre-omptions In that
quarter are In violation of law, and thy,
military aghorlticis probably be in
structed to' romovo such anthers until tho
purchase ihall -be dually comiummated
by the payment of the money and Cho
Government have prescribed regulations'
for the same.
The atestivet of the quarterly reporta of
the National Banking Aarsciatione Amor
the resources to be, one thousabd four
hundred and ninety-live millions of doh ,
lara, Including over teqi millions of
specie. and nearly fifty...m.4m: MiUlons
compound Interest notes; rapltal stock,
four hundred and nineteen and a halt
surplus fond, faxtry.eLs. mlUlonv
and tyro-thirds, and individual profits
thirty.thrso and a half millorus
MSS'S" . mreics. DIISTNISS,
The reran:du/donor of. Patents will is
sue for dui week undingthe.sthproximo
three hundred and saved-new .patenta.
During thrrweek Live hundredand sixty,
two applicationa and eighty-two tatToota
have been flied. : .
I'mc3ioy OFFICE
The estimate of the oertao, of the
Penalon °dice for tho Mosel yuar endiplt
Juno 30th,1800: tielarica and contimgent
eApeumeN 4411,310: PoYmeotor Penuio o4 ,
740,. • T0ta1535,101,340. ;.
During Septomber last ono hundred
and filly-four Ihrma, aompriairm nine
Manama two htuidrod and forty , Zotte
amen, wore added to MO productive font&
of the Stato of . .minatomppl. 'antler itu:!,
. •
Eneridnry Sovrtud, lICCOLOpeIIIIO2 ,by
Vico Admtml Porte:. nt the Navy
Department this morning.
Surgeon J. D. Murphy Wed ,of yellow
lever at Poneneolo no the 2Gtb:
, - INTERNAL rinvzsvr,
The internal revenue. receipts to-day
were $714,01.99..
Isb lostaptlett at teritaad,
usy we/moats lbs flatboat atteat.)
poitymtn, Qat. 03:—General Sheridan
arrived at Portland, and was received by
*salute anti tinging of the Churrh bona.
t were at the atation
The city
to meet the party. Mayor Stevens wade
speech of welcome Uen. Sheridan res . ,
ponded. The party then proceeded in
carriages escorted by. a. procession, con—
sisting oPflfechanioalllues" "Army and
Navy Union," Sheridan Guards', and
a cavalcade. They marched through the
Principal streets, which weree - tilled by ao
Immense crowd, to the City Mall, where
Gen. Sheridan received the citizens wile
crowded to pay him compliments.
Additlatuil City and . Suburban on Thin!
and Fourth Pages. Also,Curther news
by Telegraph on Fourth Page.
Aetion et the Vision Simotive Com
mittee of Allegheny Pm soiy—The
Hero Of Many nettles Recommels.
4041 ter hemitietten.
A meeting of the Union Republican
Peoevitive 'Committee. of Allegheny
county nws held yestertbsy at the office
of C. C. Taylor, Esq.:and otter the (moo.
action of_ some unimportant business,
the following resolution was submitted
by. Wm: A. Herron; &et., and union
.nionslyLadoptoil ;
Resolved, That Allegheny eiiuntv has
full faith in the unitinching loyalty - Of the
hero °Calmly battles, the savior of our
'country, General - Ulyases & Grant. That
in him we recognize a leader worthy
. endorsement, and urge his election to
the r i t n fTV E Tr led
menOf Ipat4=atiVll to
Government. That in view of the situa
tion es now our iiPprehe
=a, iru *Awing tho movement In his
behalf bill:hi-In fissigitizto anti honora
ble principles' of the Union Itepublinin
party; baleen* that with hint at .tho
howl' there will be no more panics, no
farther hesitancies, and go iiebseless and
damaging parings difitrti, .init a steady
and prompt movement for the main
struotlon of the. Union on a- knits that
shallinomote the - ends of public justice,
ensure the tranquil ity °fell sections, hind
the different Stateatagetber agate In one
heart and one mind for the accomplish
ment of the great destilij: ilia awaits
the. Committe e then adjourned. ..
killisbergher Murdered.
Many of our citleeno will be. pained to
leam of the murder, in root Moot: of r dr .
Robelt taggs, formerly a reeldentof this
city, and brother of W. IL Tinos.
of the -Ninth ward, which Occurred at
Westport,'lllissouri, one - day, lard week.
The :hafonmation eoneerumg the -atr6ii
reaLi*isi lune, is ye* , ttnwitistectorr, as
few °Mho partienlav Are tarnished; It
appear"; however that Boggs was
assisting he II citizen In the_ arrest, of a
desperado nailed Straub, wheo be war
stabbed with a knife reptedie by the
unyielding priaouer. Ile tiled tile Ibi
lowing day. The deceased was about
thirty-nine years of age and left, Math.
new home In Wadport,a wife and tat:Oily
to mourn his untimely end, wee a
Ulmer by trade ditd had oatribliehed at
Westport n prosperritie and nuorweaful
Las Aspatatlimm
John O'Donnell, a boy alx yexrs . *lam ,
son of Mr. O'Donnell, of. Duquesne Bor.
ough, had his leg on seriously Injured on
Wednesday lost, at Cilrty's Run rolling
mill, that it had to bli amputated. lie
wax alttingon a coal car, which bad been
left ifn a switch, near. the mill, when -a
freight train on the Western Pennsylva
nia Railroad backed on the switch, strik
ing the car upon which be was, sitting
with such force na to throw him off. He
fell on the track In front of the wheelaof.
&freight= which =vied over hie , leg;
ermhing It in a frightful monner'be
tween the ankle and the knee. Dr.Her
run, sweated by a surgeon
fesuilaswrendwille, whose natne we did
not learn, performed the operation. , The
little fellow is recovering slowly.
Two IPrieenere In the Penitentiary,
named White and Doyle, wilt be taken
before the Supreme Court this forenoon. I
on a welt of habeas corpus. They are
from Erie county, and it appears were
sentenced by the Judge of that Wain, t
to four years and the,
mouths lutprlaon
thent for burglary whereas, were
convicted of larceny, the maximum
punishment for whictualbeire y -
%RiMisent, the Judge being led into
the error be an momenta entry In the
minute book which he had before him
at the time of pronouncing sentence.
The eentences, ea will be observed bythe
o eg i :eh n ere of , j e ' re s ter ti leT b elTiertus n 'd Pu ti t i ' e lbs p l k 'd ,
°nem will be sentenced by the Supreme
Court to-day In accordance with the tow.
They have born In the - Penitentiary, we
understand, for about leyear.
We call the attention of our readers to
theadNertirtement a Masers. Wight:man
dr Anderson tic another- column relative
to the loss of emtain bomb; and notes to
the amount of tnii,ooo.
They were loin some time yesterday
morning thorn the aide pocket, of a mem
ber of the firm, somewhere between
McClurg it Brother's: livery etabln on
Smithfield street, and lbo Citizen.* :VA
tonal Bank, corner Diamond alloy an 4
Wood Street, along Dianlaial alley. Fey
Went of the-bonds and note law been
stopped, and the papers are therefore of
no use to any poison who may and them.
It Is to be hoped that the finder will
promptly return them to Mews. Wight
man it Anderson, or their attornles,
Maws. S. W. S. Pursiaime, 110
Filth street.
'MissileCaffrey's Coneart.,To-tnortow
itlghtlfiss the vele
broiled contraltof a roin Philadelphia, will
favor our citizen* with one or tier grand
.weal concerts, 'assisted
,by wane of the
best Went in the country. Mho Mceaff
ray's repn(ation es • singer is so wall es
tablished here that it is useless for us to.
Bonk of It. Ticket/Casa be procared st
IloCa mush) store, end we would O
ld/lethal(' who desire good seats to go
and prom:math.= at once. as Miss Sto-
Garrey is never allowed to slog to nuy
bat crowded bonzes in Pittsburgh.
Grasid Conceft.-0 . ur readers will re.
'member the grand eoncert et City Halt
this evening, by. the Trinity i:hureli
Choli,whiCh comprises some of the best
minded talent in the city. - The - enter
tainment will consist of. secular music
from the mart popular - anthems,t which
will doubtless be rendered in an unser.
passable manner. -Posses desiring to
attend should - se - retire sfarte'ss tha repu
tatkgrof the Charts su ff icient 16 AillAhe
house te its utmost capacity.
Coltman Casallara---loluillarry, of Oil
City, yesterday appeared' before Alder
man Lynch and- made information
against R. R.'Logan and W. 11. Olney,
of Allegheny City, Charging them with
being eummcm gambler.. He 'alleges
that on the 10th instant they induced him
Into Smith's salopn, In the Fourth ward,
thin city, whore they "fleeced . ' him of
fifty dollars. They were arrested awl
hekl for &hearing.
Valuable Reatilnp—lnanother column
we publish the Ant uf series of letters
on scientific 'subjects from the pen eleur
gifted fellow-trowrusman, Dr.. 11, S. Ahern,
the well-known physician 'and surgtxm.
Thelm. Will amply mpay perusal, as
is . wfltton In' concise language, and In
alwri apace unfolds volumes of truths.
Tho remaining' Jotters promised.: will
appear in dun salmon In the zwrrn.
, A Child Pohoned.—A little child, four
ldars 'of op, ion' or Mx. O'Donnell, or
umicene borough, waspohioned on Sot
ayl r Ply cating_seermpsum. Dr. Marron,
Allegheny -pity, was summoned as
ti as it was discovered that tho child.
hied eaten the weed, but on Monday even-
Mg there were no hopes of Do rowicory .
The Alleged, Postonice Jobber. Robert
Ellack, an account of Whoso arrest was
given In yesterday's Gazette, wee taken
bolbro licCantilear,',lsers.; IU. s.
Commissioner yosterdny,
boozing. was rOxonslttedln of boil
for trial, at tbans.a:t form' of the United
t Lir i ;6elia' ii . :Xtevenua Tex n3Ordblv
Ana oa iOiet..Sibo paid by rctanarnetu
there imoducts and adonis near
due,' gind &nal& be attended th . withoid.
,delay, axle tq deigned, py Instructions,
;. impasntlin t 7 nn all. delinquents
_aqbe last day of this month.
Second Ward, AftonUen i--The Union
itopablicans of the Second ward will
old 4 very important mooting to•night
ttheir rooms, :Co. GO Smithfield street.
Eliery voter is earnestly requested to be
in attendartm, as the business to bo trenr
acted willintorest fat'
An Envied wee bold by Coroner (new
ton upon the body of Inlzaboth Nneacr,
whose sudden death, at hor father's
honso In Lawrenceville, to noticed y/.4.
today. -The awes of her doeth wee
futuul to bo,hearl, disease.,
gent to the'Hease of Refage.---Mayer.
Blocrlsou yeaterday committed .3tlehael
tilleudertz, a_hoy (lite= years of age„
to the lieuse of Itehtge, at the requist
.of his father, who. alleged .that he could
not govern Wm. . -
gear Xempany.—J. C.liarttn, of
Allegheny City, will orgeniro military
conzuty et the Soldiers Lime! llnnuis
IVO Reut advertising columns of
t ti
Gazwrxr, of o rat-olaas , dwell. g
tolupti to let In the Fourth ward;
Allegheny. , ,
The Seisms of filltYhae.
Since fiarvey, some twp hundred and
twenty years ago, attiiidittit world of
letters the beautiful and gespeidike doc
trine' of the circulation of blood, the eel
enra of medicine hag made 'rapid pro
trams to . words - perfeetforLo The lives de-
I voted to the Rudy of this all 'important
branch or zustaphysi4 veent; not arattili
vain; (dens formed, porlape, away down
I In-the darknese of anticittity„lrave been
formed in timely anizaiskii,fie establish
. ,
doctrines In pitynceraildollt - are :true as
truth itself. Tim tenni of medicine
Wad never more tho nattlY , zmtlarelood
thanat the present. day..:,Tino thennand
ills in which mortal t wa teachsph..
hero loon ' taken ' 1 141 0 pla
tension and subject ILO analysis,
anti facts born tint of theories have accu
mulated tonal' a rorranzjel of invaluable
knowledr to' - laiiidh 'adz" World 'hes
recourse in physical alitiefitnn. The rude
wood cuts of Ilioritlint slielehoig the untu
tored of his ago the artetlea, bones, and
respiratory organs of thhuman being,
stand In strange ono Anon with the
beautiful-Drains which pluitortiph
on the mind tin; minor 4tiond Conduit
Is tiniest nerve in 9 Of mortal
inturtit the metr of Dr. kl• S.'
Almon the - , wedr-kit physician end
surrao., n of our city wo interday whiled
away. our leisure r im a, manner by
no moans impeolltabi this gentle
man's laboratory the out of medi
cine might find vat study mom
practicalend, , broil than the dry
glaanlnge of bony ystmt works.
Hera we havothelates tificapplian
amused lateetirc oi ' t° Wathnew
ideas, and advance do otiormanino
unknown and,uuprectintd but rampant
tively fletrago. ,thebiltee the rcgu
lilted 'leilivic - battery. the delicate ni
-1 strumente or inhalation, and the stand'
ration instrument arktereby medicines In
the form of vapor are breathed into
°spry air pa4ago et the respiratory
organn. l tliW tflejligaitpde
t' of other
surgiral gliztte; rtes and
steel which ard 'mint An the successful
treatment of the manly dloolt" to which
human nosh is, hele-iDr. Abortee great
proftaslooal summit 'impends greatly on
his thor ugh knowledge of all the late
PtitielPl - or StualierograaVeloped, and,
nittreev . knisleintline true and when
to apply the propbe remedies. He en
-1 counters• dOLLOge riiirlessly whim judg
ment tells hint that will will assist in
tiro. cure. Aided y matt experience,
knowing the aim y of man, and
thoroughly convenient with all known
prinottden of the eelenoohe p.rofeases, Dr.
Aborn has already succeeded let estab
lishing „rr - MT a wide repute
' holt: 11 s high - fran tonal reputation
loan /OA I °thing his advent to the
city, eat is treatment af the diseases of
the eye. ar, throat and respirators' or
;eras has been snicked with singularly
certain success. Tiundreds of our boa
citizens ace adding their testimony to
his wo esig4doian, and have net
fornitha en Lti which- ho hue met
In the i melte ail fornurof disown.
Ems.' L boopom1; loosteroOto rm.,
Bishop Esher .r ili the chair. Thee/w
Aden °peas" withltburrisual devotional
quite e , rn - eller of the dracentes hav
ing left or ho e, end thaw, remaining
bran ions to beirrelieved, there was
LOW n alaszusinl-and business
proee mort —w ringdilt t,'
Rev. J G. 9Wet the Ohio tburci
en,. nal. , elected Superintendent of the
Or' "Sstitute locecd at Tittin, Ohio,
'LTlid _ w - 0, of the same
Agent. Rev. S.
. .
- -
ago, was elected
**Jaded In We
accepted, and ha
another election.
1 -editor of the
a elected.
ie. The nexption
Rev.r. Augen-
of Dr. Ssoit, of
Of the E.
Alm, to have an
petting a cirtler
churchea. The
Polo, T. G. Cia
tendered Wind(
have furniabed'
delegates or this
their roads.
fends of Pittsburgh,
hey shared during
nferanoo. A vote of
d by a unanttuons
Borretatise for their
'Mx. Henry Freese,'
fertile. use of
ran read sad ap-,
Convention ,ad
The S ern of
•ey. unagfurioun
young minteter,.
(bit_h lo was called on by other
Chili people to old to taking thin cent)
raged yr Mail out. of the. slrectk. (241.)
Physicle 'were &midi (Hey
. tat for cod
°Maned. NI.). The young man gay*
op bin r mto this poor creature for the'
;. i l t l' l o il irigt t e q r slur f ' On 'e n7.l lm h re c;
parents - ho removed ' her thenext morn
ing. •(5 i ' Tho young man 'acted the
part of umane ghtletlau man, anti the
o fedely 'mode known to
the P - .son, f Lire Seminary. (litho
Sha-re ned In thekuliding over night
by, the d ilon of the attending physi
cian. rill only odd that the rink of
being ce op:Pasted with such caue . e .. keeps
manyu, treitrtz.c.,..tam =l2 "
Convon on. lately held here, Ilan stir:
tip, -Imo g Christian men and. women,
some • I for reaching ouch abandoned
awe, sied thin tango woman ts likely to
receive i• ether obentiun from those who
neck to ire the lost .
M: W. J unstrs.
Temperance Meeting—The Allegheny
TetuiteMliat Lowe meets this evening,
in Molloy. 3. Pt. Clark'a church; corner
tkindtialry street and Stockton aro
nur. Addresece will be delivered bylli
alegatnr, lip., and others.
Fan t Furl! Ilhars2 Me Nkomo le Bijr
MMessrs.G & ardner Stitwart, •
aket etor
nor of Market and Fourth atreeta, No.
611, have now , open and for sale, at whole
sale and retail, the larg.est stook in the
city, in all grades and quillUes, which
they propose to sell at lea prime than
the same goods can be bought elsewhere.,
also showing a greeter 'variety and en
tirely now Mrs. 411 buyers of furs
should remember thilt, an& avail them
selves-or this rare opportunity to make
their purchases.
They are also opening a largo stock of
new. dry good,, most remarkably cheap.
West corner Market and Fourth streets,
No. ta
Beady . far a large . Trade,:—The im
provements in the well known, extensive
and admirably managed grooery and
produce hope, -of Messrs Kohen
Brother., .o. 09 Federal" irtreut,
ebony City, have been completed,and
the don ire. now prepared to keep pac
with. the rapid growth of their trade.
A: mock" chotoa fresh
.gireacrlue, tens
no d prolpep is kept constantly on hand
end retailed - or wholesaled-to patrons at
wary. lanieeintalle "-prices:. 4CoOtlng but
the prtmeet 'articles arelcopt:. - tn'abarre.
The retell patronage ofAllegliony, Pitts.
burg and surrounding '
Invited, whlie 'and
retell city donlent will find the stock
fully up to thaltrequiremetats,Prielutgea
are delivered to all par and carefully
ablppod.byrall arriver. -.Orders by mall
out molars prompt attention.
Inter taittentt.t.The diseases of the
mouth aro intermittent to their nature,
sinctshould not 430 neglected. 'illy wing
gpxr, . meth judo and datema.
fort'lrtil uvolded.-•It hardens the
outs, preserves the. teeth,lind leaves a
.weet, breath. Sold'wholailabiltid.retan
by JOSEPH FLEMlNG,'Ne.lrilitarket,
street, end . all druggist*. ' • .
GOOde it Wholesalti:-.46
vito tho particular attention of bum, at
wbolaavia to our complete stook or silks
d re . goditi, and all Unda of fancrand
staple good; and to the fact tluttmo aOll
at ihe - lowest eastern ^and out
pods toaultpurahasers. s„
S. W. Banana et Co.,
.3th'. beet idaceln either city to procure
puce sod hagrant tees of elflcuown Ori
ental qUalittes and' tuundrieltlbe old
established Tea Mart of Joseph' A. Rob.
leson.llo4oAll:litielsCit redo
.esa 611300, 41 0 dpelina I?!, the ,FuroPeau
-Ladles Fors.—At-the' Now Yotk bat
and fur bonne, No. 68 Bt. Glair If treet,
beefooes,'Hard Header, Ohlelltroes
from see Ear. Polyp he Soy, lA
lotob ffseWl. elfed Eyos, Inflamed
Iye.,7lEyor7 apeelto of bore. ltyoo owl
Ears, Oneessafially Treated WY Or. Hoy.
wedsauto to - which we alluded some
weds riga, of. Cbristiarm Fisher,} of Bea
ver county, Is now entirely oohfirmod
by the appearance of bliss ; Fisher her
self, who to-day called on Dr. KEYSER
in moon, to thatd4 him for his genius
lucid skill in. 'iatdorling her to ENTIRE
th.l , 7D PERFEM , SIGHT. Was 'Fisher
Lad been:; nearly blind for four inUntint.'
She was so blindlhat slie'eoldd not
tinguish may ;:titojdoit.b6 - tut to- iniko out
what it was. The cue to rernarkablii, os
liimdrtglaof caseelike hey's are doomed
to novenanding itarfaiess, ob the:Maury'
'priteitlhat thoro is no titre, and nothing
eon be done.'- She under Di. REY , .
SER'S - Aroataneut for two months,,aud
brother, Simon P. Fisher, slighl. hopes'
'Wore diitgittilnea of her over getting her
Sight. Her ,too to well known ire the
neighborhood where she rusitles,'sad liav
been regarded tes 0110 of ortrodrditutry
We, the uuderelinted, huow of the cure
et MieO Ftstor, and bN - tr wiling terti
ninny to the facet above noted. ,
Canitrrua l?tsitxx,
Stmox P. Fniaan, (Brother,)
Aaair. BRADLEY, j ,
I.l4llmvalkc6.littr, ,
(Ulf: ta :
..S.splereitter 17, 1667.
Dn. Karam:—Thin Is the list of names
thin I hays to your advent/lemon of the
once uljny vier, Radiations 'Fisher.
Thby were all willing- to prlt their nitrites
dawn and Were very much astonished -
see that you brought hei Sight An 'noon.
My mother sends her - thanks thanks ti,yoti,
she say. are on e' of the greatest.
men in the world." She trays if vrehad
not come across ,suna she ,believes: law
child 'would not Iss Hyin at Ude time.
We all join- in minding , nor love mad
respects V) you,
, ... ,S: . l'„, Fon Eir.,•NOrttiStiw' telly.
S. It. Brown, Liirie Mahar& -
Philip Friday, Tti le Mehard; -
Rachel Friday, T. r. Mahara. -
H. N. Teckle, Le Ii Allison,
A. 41.-Caroll, ' al y. J. Brosirn,.
E.W. Lievendorfer,a cA. Morton.
Wur.'.ltinkins, , ,1. '. Weller • •
Miclutel 'Urfa, M v. .r. Weber,
Jas. A. Fletning, N. V. 'limn,
C. S. Serittitium ' Ns cy M. Harrel,
'Susan Lerntruts, Elvini Heron;
Eliza {lode, - Mary H. Martins,
Wm. Allison, Win: -11. Morten,
1 Elias Lievenderfer, Ezi-a Haven,
J. Lievendnrfer, Jennie Wilson,
J. F. Chris. M. Wilson;
A. M. Linvendorfer, riry E. Wil , 3n,
T. L.Toudg, 'Mauyetten,
A. Gardner, Jennie,Za4.3l2;
G. Lievendnrfer, .Mtirttia IWJen.
J. F. 31 orrixon, James Patteii,
A:3l. Marriaotc" - Sado E. Doldri,
Robert Mabaed, Jenalo E. Mild.:
Cbriatlana Mahood, J. W. Dobt,g,
Isabella Dobbs; I. 'Dobbs,
h. Foulchoctscr. tn: R. Pence
.r. C. Flidter,
Wlllanam 1• iehor.
cher mother.
U. Fibber,
G. Futhar A
(her brother,'
The tax id3ore referred to w entire-
Iy,,csalse9, by t issecticinets to purify the
blootl f and It Is nitnesissiti by score.. of
persons who have known Altp Flatter' and
have a knowletige, her total remora
-1,4013 to health and the ieetivery of her
eight, as the accompanying letter of her
brothexacts forth. •
ROOMS, Su. 120 Penn street, curer
Evan's alley. 01 . 11, hnung from
Shiut tbelfigifilliiiii ay iron' en. ertfOb
Olfloos Clitlsono of Allestomy all.
ALLE.3I/ X) T, oet. 14 l 1..3157.
'Ms.—Dcar :
have been troubled for some !emu . with
the oomplaint descrilxid by your adver
tisement. of Dr. Sargent a Diuretio or
Backache Pills. and concluded to give
them a trial, rind ant glad to ear they af
forded me Immediate relief. I anornitly
recommend them to Inv 4one suffering
from like sytnploma,l feeling confident
they will do all you claim for thorn.
. Dario Stara. '
'For ado by all Druggists. Price SO
Cents per box. 4
Chiles]] wool blank eta 11-bOu artb 17,00.
4 ". ••5,00 " 9,00
"4,60. '' 10,00
41,5111' ,11,00
8.00 " '13,00
" 14,04
*O.OO "
" .
11,00 " 16,50
12,00 . 17,50
Largest stock, end nheitliest goods ewer
seen in the two cities, on west corner
31arket Fourth &emote... No. tw . ' •
Cell tied Examine the largo unit com
plete stock of Ladloe' and,3llatat' Fret,
at the extoradre fur horse of Win. Flem
ing, No. lie Wood street.
Memel,. said id Ml...cued.
—ll row not as MD tot. aoltoo ottete
4* a Wt. hat it would Sel. ,
munriolos aottelse the dead
• ot eke y eon toe tick' mut thh dept coed,
Ault reader 111. a thlng to be enjoyed.
We believe lltat there are millions of
livingeritticeses to this Met. Dyspopala.
Ls a horrictilinesse,lmt PlantallOn Bitters
will cure it. It is a most invigorating
tonic for weakness and mental despon
dence. Thos who nre " out of sorts"
should try-Plantutlon Bitters, mratt
dollghtful toilot
artlele--auperhm to Catalpa and at half
the prier. MT:T.ll.
Pantllles itlionld supply themselves
with the first claw, crackers-znanufac
' faireo . expressly for tableiuso by the pop
ular dim of‘Vray.t. Brothers, successors
to' Martin Vorniolly; Irwin. street, near
Penn. The crackers and biscuits mann,
facturevl .by, this firm are equal to the_
best' in - the country.' Dealers are sup=
plied. at. the most reasonable prices.
Give ihese gentlemen a call at their ox-
Lenitive and well managed bakery and be
convinced of the truth orour &exertions.
.'.littelfeed Trhunplauftli-Tho renowned
Need Sowing Machine, for width It. 11.
Long, No 112 Grant street, is agent, has
tarried oft all the First Prizes this year
at the' State .Falns. No defyiuty ono to
produoe as good ■ machine for family
sewing. It Is sosimplo that any one can
learn, and It never gels out of order.
Pricia tomtit all and within tho reach of
goanttdvg G00d.,-Tho boots, !Mom,
gaiters, dce., for mon, ladloaguidOildren,
kept at 89 Market street, are Made, of
the very-boot material, and sold Ms loing
as the 'piggy!. 411- goods aro. warraritect
to give satielhellou. If you mutt mato-
Wog good, dud at gold ;Mom mall at
Itobb'o Shoo House, Ki market atzetit.
Fresh. pare and aromatic ootrain con
otantly on band, .6:getber with a ilna
gook ofahorro teas, Sc., at the old
eatablished Tea Mart of Joseph E. Robin
ma Xo. 20 Fifth atreoL A trial andecan,
prison aquatics Masked. Prices moat
Trunks! Tronlisit Trunkellt—Remem
bar the got _*our Trunks. Val
ises, &c. is at Llehler'sTrunk ' E 013220,
Na. 104 , Woodatreet. He keeps the very
beß"ndisAur ,bteat in and
examine, Trs.
• EWeni, 1q0.41}6,W00d, strimt, at-
Lends promptly.aucl in the heet,meahan
feat style, to.sll ordersin the city or trona
tho ceuntry, for.plumbhig, gas er Acne
fittiog. Price§ voiy reamonable. Give'
him a
1"0 you want. n Islas
Traveling Bag, Valise nr Satchel, ;go to
Leader's faeMonabis Trunk House, No.
104 Wood street,eind you will And Say'
thing you can wish for in his Brie—cheap
and good. WO.
Country Orders solicited tor the erne
donut pumps and all mule in tho plumb
line; by T. Eurens, practical
plumber and 'km and edam litter, NO.
165 Wood Wort. -- ”'"
Eye, • Ear, Threat, . Limo, Cilium
IMmtama and CATARIM, enommdbily
treated by Dr. Aboro, 134 Smltlitield
street. A book by mail 50 cents.
%T.. Ewen; la Wood street, attends
to ialtkhnis of plumbing Work, gas and
steam =Ling, at the shortcut nonce and
upon the mostressonable terms. •••
.ChandellenNpendaniVramotn, globes,
and - lamp., Tor saki at e moat reasona
blo terms, at T. T. Evans', No. 165 Wood
°Gnmeriek=2l.or cheap, nick
cerios and ao,ll7ething good, 8010 Arthur .
Kirk's armory Store, Noe. 172 and 174
' Federal atreet, Allegheny. ew•
re r.
airy Mizs
Medicated Sailahaloes as • Mamell;
By Dr, E. B. Aber= ,126MMUS
street, Pittsbarill.
Soo The season is now upen no when,
despite every precaution, more or less of
our citizens are afflicte with diseases of
the throat, chest and, air gamma. p.
Sudden changes of our. climate; Illy Wl
tliated apartments, anti- an auxiospliiiii
filled with fate particles of matte 4 limas&
out from the hundreds of weakish* in:
our midst; "Millis season of the yeaenie
all apt to develop disease's of the thi*,'
and is speedy
,renitsly should bo sought
In order to prevent more serious cease!
quences. The most prevalent form of
ObIO/00 , of.the.Oto4slE!°?Pokl°. in an in
flammation Of them:mous membrane lin..
lug toe sir Pabes,,andwhen not attbnded
to. In time is as fa;alue contimasitleti,
This dhalase" frerittentfit has its origin in
Catarrh.*of 'Ott land arid' bossy which:,
and - trachea,' andi , lhaly•Jinvoliros
bronchial •.thires: .. , Theryhowdruportani
is it that the sufferer from catarrh should
seek hamedhad zollef,whichlts Mai
suradlyrocebteS istwoushltis
have made 'the dineeici • gpeclei j.
of the thradandlongstherelsnoramody ,
mrortmossatal as inhalation whedttropersi
ly practiced Shwa Its ,fast IntrOductiere
Into praised, 'wiener, and sitinare cont.!
Until to perfeht the aystam, ao that:ex..:
parlance& physlciana have no difficulty
in determining thopossibillty of a cure.
.colds in the bend are the mild
cr war pr,;,.....tarrh, which net untie-
VOMIT &It pertaitsto 1 . 4 . 1.te care of
ttrenzeelveettelcil they nxide , ....' ° Pl din A t t a
aheittfe adectlopi end reehnice.7 6
saunas allmentge ,in Merida 17.1
practice in this city, ddridat file bat yeer.l
have had tinder treatment . o•ter thir
teen hundred eases of catarrh and chests*.
- ttf the throatmost of them chronic--end
that Mytodrroof treatment by inhalation
and atongtatloh 110bewn - uniformly ono
ceiratil. the cettlfidates of the atacted
will attest. Many of theses , tees origins..
tod in what are termEd Yidight .colds,"
which, ha they been properly attended
to In their incipiency, Aped never have
btvonie chronic, and thereby jeopardiied
lite and caused great discomfort. •
I profidsb daring the coining
,seinter to
dismiss briefly throbgh your columns
the various .dh,msw of the throe; and
chart, in order than those Milian& in
the organisms may` determine their con
dition, and endeavor to point out, to.
theta the danger ofdelay in putties; their
cases in bands of; an experioncod physi
Truly urn E. S. ABOUV. M. D.
. Medical and Surgical. Rooms, Ifit
Smithfield street,. Pittsburgh. • •
October .Ith 196..
aureate csidurrit aid Dfildirgell e r tem
- Mr. Sohn Morrison, one of our late
worthy grand. Jurymen, makes the fol ,
lowing statement of his speedy recovery
from, a disease-of the head and chest
froni.Wilick be Ltd early perished:
I cheerfully Mike known to the pnblic
the speedy manner in which I have re,
covered from my critical stab.: of health
under the treatment of Dr. Ahem, No.
134 Smithfield street:- I Wareham!' afflict:.
ed for several years With catarrh of: the.
bead; Widell at Deet affected mytbroat;
and soon thereafter my Icings beam:tele , :
volved. And also this filthy braid 11X11* ,
mutation, gravitating,dpernstat !
bayed the functions of. my stomach.and
liver. I Was so tlyepeparysand. linos
no deranipsol. that - .l:ffiat,ll.l4let t 4+1113L
oat afforded - so little' nemailidakneattorlitt'
ay:stein; that I soonaotowie , ,ftiLii#94i,
reduced in tleeb...l3nooensonyrwi -
Life afferded,irottftwntenti What
enjoyment ran one, buiLwbo. is afflicted
snue X tame Latin. under the treat
ment of Di:Jabots:4 bililltren weekm, and .
the remarkable cagintei which has taken.
I Platcetarathe eh
tanniter hbff;of my.
_disease, Y, la
so ihort a tinge, oitt"c•N
.ppititti-b.:Pair464.664 n&edible
,l44u. • ••••
power; I have pined malty pounds in
weight and am still gaining, and am once mom on the road to Imalth, as the result
of his peculiar treatment
Jon ar: Ma um so e,
!2.55 Bedford street.
31. w ter 311w333 •1 l\3
" There are Many systems of medicine
by which we attempt to heal the human
body and make it fue of dinease, rat:w
hit; from the science of Allopathy down
to that of Hydropatlry. . How tar the y
have succeeded time has abundantly
shown, by the number of their Isthmus.
as well as by the number and nature of
their curia.
In the cum of Pulmonary disease, Dr.
Abom has stepped out of the old beaten
track, and adopted a spdem - so simple,
direct and natural, as to recommend
Heel( to all who aresufferlng with catarrh
and disosaeaf the lunga, of a character
defying cure by any of the old, methods
of treatment,
Although from childhood I have been
raised' and also went through a
mum and graduated as an Allo=r,
yet a strict love of what Is right and best
as well as personal henedt received by
the new system of atomization, teaches
me to bearanno testimony to lie merits
for the benerlt of %offering hunianity.
• " A . FALCON - MI, M. D.
Practical Apothecary, Lawrence's-111e,-
Hog. F. D. Kir:SEAN Attorney-ab.
law, a resident of Franklin. Pa., suffered
from defective hearing, bunting Mikes
In the head, and discharge from the ears,
for nearly twenty-five years, acknowl
edge. his recovery to the ekill of Dr.
Farther Homo Toollhoosy—Asotbor
Tdonwoololl Dom 11. Woo%W. LoW
Cashier of its Illongutows, W. V.,
Anilloool . got.
. ,
W. Wagnei, F.sq., Cashier of theMor
gantown, West Virginia, National Bank,
was for nearly five years painfully of
with a disease in his head produc
ing frequent copious dtseluirges from his
care, and which almost totally destroyed
his hearing. Ile was induced to place
himself undorlho. skillful treatment of
Dr. B. Aboen, (No. 134 Eitnithdeld
street; Pittsburgh, Pa.,) who ispeedlly
effected a permanent cure. Mr. Wagner
publicly acknowledged 1)r. Alma'e
great success under date of November,
1866, in which ho says: "I have no heels
tattoo in saying that under your trent
mord I have not only been relieved of
my intense suffering, but theta am per
manently and satisfactorily cured." The
following additional letter has Just-been
received from Mr. Wagner..
Moniasarreiters, W. VA., Juno 24th, 184.
Dr. E. 8. Aborn No. 194 bbiithfletdbrreet,
Pittsburgh, Po.: • •
DEsitSm:—lam very happy to inform
you that the treatment you gave me In.
November lost, with the medicine you
then gave me, arid afterwards sent to me
from Meadville, hes entirely cured my
head, end relieved me from deafness,
and all those unpleasant sensations
from which I suffered when I called at
your Mlle., and that my bearing Is per
fectly restored. When I was In
burgh a short liras since, and In conker-
nation with several friends, told them '
of my .visit to you in November last, and
the sueconeful treatment I 'received at
your bands. Many persona in my IM
mediateneighborhood who ta k e-noticed
the resteration of my hearing;' will no
doubt cell upon you. The gentleman
who was suffering with his eyes in this
place, about whom I wrote to you, went
to Pittsburgh shortly allot you left
there, and then went to Winston, In
'this State, 'inhere ho is now, engaged
Iq business.„ lain told that he host the
'ewe hie efeeethninland that recently
he' had the !eye ball taken out by some
I surgeon from Buffalo, who happened to
.bo at Weston. I regret. may much that
he - did not got to Pittsburgh before you
left them, ns my contidimse In your su
perior Ala gives me greatrumnrance that
you wouldhave saved lila eight. The
old gentleman' who Is suffering front
deafness has been to Pittsburgh since
you, laeftn d;re for th retg e
ted purpose of calling a l
had delnyed btu visit SO long. Isbe the ll do
myself the honor te Mil upon yo soon,
and personally, express to you the deep
gratitude. I feel towards you for the par,
mutant cum which you have effected tn.
my Moe. • Yours, vory truly,
• , .W. WAGXEZI.
In Wholesale' Boyer..—ldm. P 1 9 , "cl
to offer you - at m3i. now house, 104
Wood. Wed, superior lot of Trunks,
Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, do, lover
than any other houso in the oily. ilmist
.ufwaturn all my work, and can warrant
them to be Made of the very bestruatert
al. Remember tho number, IN Wood .
Tritt:H • JORErII
Lyoim , BLACK Saar Vet - lin-r Volt
Cuteint. - -Beautlful goods, Rubble:email-
Wes, In all widths, at leas prices then 0=
be tinted in the two cities, on west ear
ner °Market and Fourth Weiss.
-ess, . GARDNER a fireereirr
, . .
Hargaina.—lnLadies and lames farm
at the New Tor]. dal and fur house, No.
29L Clair afros!
K.! . . •
_0 (=mum,.
**.§i - ,.x,uHti* - z.','
:2 - ROM
, . .
f. Hon; w , e; 800
OF; . ,
Pluesitritlei Crawford - C. 4 Pt:
131 area,
-Patidial;th, Pa.
) I:initatBna -fiotne,flee years ago m;
eon .Willie,.commeneed allowing Brno,
tome: of catarrh pf thalando which eon.
tinned to inter wens untlllitia:syaten2
was WI debilitated as to pr6elada aft
eultiyment of thi. sports* childhood
or pu rune . any ordeal o f seady,or attend
I. school, end ai dam wee entireiy pros
trated '. ,1 0 1 ' ilogerioit fer."-*in?earicri,
for weeks togetber,With "constant man
ifestation of khetrynenkna at the disease.
shah a a constant hsektn& nostril-die.
Charm Bc.; irritatUnt of the throat, the.;
, nstwea. the natuti 4,0-
in:um and treetnioni of phYslciarw; WO.;
had fatted to affrird , rAllef until yOn were
applied to dofiOg .r.eP*o ollo *ei 4 ti4
at T# ll 4 l / 10 /eet, VP*. wito he began
to treprerre laturtediAdYnfta oatetonete
frig.i7:tttr, tnestaart,' and carthred to .
Ilopelire;' ll OUL.bow be - eoloYe l e good
state Faith:Spar,
the'lb :re ,, anda chti cod with
ati;diet With
dutlnterruption.dirdtted to
.makethte •I
rtebed to be ee4o9 - 5 1 that Lhasa? of wen
ReMeet•fullY yous, •
. •
E. S. ADORN, 1 Di
Operative limploa aid Ilysidai,
of the Chest,
and Chronic
,CASES is have
frau ae 13 f,
Sistigg wee
Was heal/
- 'Messes
- of tie Re
l~lerrC -
et Um Head,
Traddels, _
.1 stills_ Sid
ne Well witlilesasek
et the fait{ N
Ike 11Igialive
.NC" - -01:41ilblehl: St
MAW Onara Par 017103,
- -- Two macrnomm.
lase sboot. eratstalag THEITTACC 00L
two; er talenerttad resdlag udder. taaldand
lisdiset Edllatials. West Nora by Tabodrid , sad
'valuable Ilesdba g Natter for the natty.
sad frdlidt sad Most ralsbls limas' mad Cos
mental Dlatbseßaparts it by yy pspdtli
the MT. lio Pulsar. bleshuls or etereberd
Wald be althoet IL
exastarox TIM WILISZP
clubs Of ten . LLL
—sad sus ben of paper to ea Itatlber
de the <lO, Addlfloas teelsta sea be seam .0
sae ttrat, st slob Wes.
erdedsa re.
ST= So
Wen. be sere We spin*" *WI W ri l oe r"
meat, as sea Loma • Weteesday Nitw in
arisen baring bet.* ansll a week.
Mar Nosey 67 Dent, /sprees neas7
or In Fienstarsd Wins, say es seat et ....isn't.
Address. GA:lmm
" . 7 . ." No. 165 iOurth Street, Plttanargh, ?..
COPFINS, or all kinds; CIL I / 4 PM GLOVI23, and
ann . diserlptlon of raueral Yurnlsblng Oteds
ftualned. Boons open day sad nitkt BUM,
and Canine* f0r."1."
11wanzacsa—Her. David. NOM D. D.Ot ••
W. dsenbaa.•D. K.. liapina• Eirind. La.
Jacob D. Millar. rag, .
J •
XER ARM =BALMER. "(Anteenseer to the
leto namedE. ' Rodgers.) Re. 'Or mo
three doors from Beaver.' Allegheny City. Me
tattler- Rooevrood. Mahogany. Walnut and 130. , ,
wood teltatlon Coding, at the lowest reduced
indeed. Booms °pet( at MI hoar.; day and night.
Hearse and Cu" 1•11" ranabbea on abort settee
and on most reasonable terms.•
RD*" ARD CZU3ztr,calt, EN•
DECTAKEE. Oliacc, IGo.. pH Ohio litrwit.
illeaheny. Metallic. Rosewoodina etheir
Ina. with •einapletr. stock of rostra Tera.lablas
Goods, on hand sad tarnished at pentad noUta.
at boat prices.. Pale 'sad Livery Sitables, oar-
tier of Fleet sad Middle Streetal.. evriaine
A. J. 11 ARDIIIIOII. .1 the Om: Mary Goa,.
tawnrobevllle:Ta: OHNEXILNTAT.: MARBLY.
AtifITONE W 08.65; 13 ONE ntratis OASIS.
Anittaialtekv.t.. Woof. . '77, • t
;Cusp-isonlhit Morning; Oct.
nth, inannialin etrpol,OXeClttre •
Brother:l.foot/ atable,7ol:lB W.IIDS. too of
Fifty-81z Bunth,4vouai. aa2u, sod two of r2nj.
nine Hundred TOOL. eashOttni NOTI of The
Tbensand Dollars. Bonds ma 'Moto Mown by
ratreett, Logan. Rockdale • Co., to order of
Wightoten a Andetoon, sad note Onaottod by
VlShnoan • Andiropn. Mot person , oho roan&
the mom much oblige the sublereigned by
!Metes them at the otfteer of 9. A. • W. IV. PUB
-11.5 Fifth etreet, Plttalerlb
All pe”otf are hereby trained against tteitatto
ling the store note.:
pan BENT—In the 4th Ward,
A. Allegheny. ,vim' Bit= 11011911%ego
taming nine or tin moms; with all modern
:movements. Gat through the hove; la:tyros - ad
range, bat!, Datable mantles, Z. Inquire .t
►ode Weft*. • • •
F°B ItEIIT,A large llnd well
llgtrted 11001 f 'in m. ' Gazinin banding-
ISALg=-111$0 Aries'* GOOD
LAMP, m 100. - .Tetooe ow.
Good 11th. Taxes on Old . . Will trade for otty
pperty. Tor partliolari Itteulref:ot P. W.
Rea RALE-Eraititra -01 E
Mae Lox* BARGEE= HOWLE. fin — as be
HOWARD'S Ltrer7 5ta.14.6 irur.s.r,Ernzaurr.
noir the Monovnbelellenes.
S A,LE-11,5,4300.-EIGIVT
Allegheny City abed ner , &rd.:Ends. for Ws:
&aspire for , Goronunont &condos, Ilea
Worst& FILINCI.3. Controllarls
Oda., Alleghenj.
poi; SALE-A large.. OF
GROITS11). altruts4l Yeansirsta 10 , 2110
'Area tmihg tame trouts. larprosialants ars
ur good dtrellltrs. Pend. meet and tree
tory. edop le rear. Beep la , alitTdltterrY-flat
f•et; • good. reaneleaterloi Wt. WM be .od
eeparata If &aired. Esatatre at :to. Z1PL1..115
The ondershtned Will sell all or one-belt et
a Brick Yard, to any person wishing to ohne to
the tautness. • The yard Is wire. with all the rood
urnluiprenennente. Lease rum Wane... Mont.
Lord apply but them who mean bedew. An
dean Z. T. 0.. Allegheny P. 0.,.
FOR fiALR-146 Acres of Land,
with one doable [rune house. Soda/ ha.*
aluggoog meteor mall beat; It treflahla We
rner atones to fear toot Ten of coal, underlaying
anent 1p sent— Butler and Xlttanntalt
Ulke runs three:tab the !Inn. The above rritl be
oxeberiged for property to tite elty or ABotolog
tome. Apply to W.& BOYD t CO, Boa A.'
tate A4tenta. !to. Be FM Street. Pltteboogia. -
doloca bold.* of from i to 4.1 ,
barrels of floor a week, arid altnotad at Ito.
PALO ALT° firli2;Cf, Allogimuy. CRT. "'MO.
sold on reasonable Cerra. The above_bakery I•
doing a toed tautness, and boo the facilities of
doing a much Larger one than fa mar =hang-
Any person wishing to
mime In the balms
will end Alas ran opportunity. Ifor particulars
Inantre at the BilfillY.
Fos SALE.--Bottse and Lot au
,corner or Maabattan and Adams &tread.
. .
yell linproied. tlonse wad Lot onSheelald, near
Bidwell stmt. Allegheny Cu,. Lot= by DO
feet; boon frump. iontelds ball, dee roam sad
food cellar; Teeter and gen Also. =Tee= mall
Houma sad Lots In good loath.. lndelee of .1-
RIM( • CO.. - Seaver smelt, near. Cbeenete
PEOPERIT.—Tbe Executer of the Motets
enter Creaben, deeeteed. ..111 offer et Pabller
Ilea; on the preinlene: In Nobleetovnt, 00 the*
P. C. • C. R. It., twelve miles from Manure,
as THURSDAY, the, a IA day of December, the
5/11lultlE ProPerty,. vie: One tiro-dory fo
bou., contention dm roonts.d WWI lot U feat
Orli feet. Aleo, one two-story brlek Douse. coa
t...goer. Imams; let 50feet trylitioelth a good
'stable ou Duna... of the lot. A.lto.oue two
story tram° house, Mx rooms and cellar; lot 71 rej
VA feet. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. N.
Temms made known cm day of wee: IEITILEAUFE
CREAHAN, Executor.
Hoblestown, October 7th. 1.01
srz' sksoArhil atm" le awm
Jewsleis and Opticians,
as wzionmr.
ilkierehant TEikilor
Oor. Penn and St. Clair Streets,
Totes rut olosacre of toloyiolaields autumn
sad Um paNle to Oosofal ttiot EU stock of -
.- • .
*as' Draw C7c05x6;211.4140.
:W HEELIng 14
itAZITIACriIIaNG C0317;117
*Qs the Look Etltebnd ire tbsciburot,
Pion arid best.
. 140. ,
Efae removed to o. 95 IFTLIZ !MOM, .or
Air of Federal Meat, orbit* be I. sea ireeetrtas
blo sew sod extenstee Mock of , -
TALL CLOTlrtUnaßlinbUtltaS .
=ST U= and OVEItCO,I2I24Ie.
Intels 1011 bo buds to order . to (be moot oryllsb
manner. Alm a ea:moist* assortment of GIZA
will be sold on wry reasonable term..
No. fiti WI:LIS,ST.. tor. of rodorff.
Practical FaraitirreMaaaractarm4
Latest styles of VaitiCITITHE
forms, sou!. & ca,'
Amber tittollllllls, Fittsbenia.
XlMAtzetarets of ELTAVT, Mall= ikL/GIIT
11401101 t asul ILIONOLIA •
131111LICEIRIM hlp satrum