The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 26, 1867, Image 1

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mit.l3HzD rviRT 3101UrING
Cavitzum *xcullD.)
Z . z . rt;n;Kri,,eltcora.
T. r mg,.,.........
.JOllllll XING,
uutlni. r. yen,M
balms lopiliais
.?q& of Valero tooffifnlio.
. .
3 cents.
RiVr . ensler Carrien, per week.. LS .•
Lall llntosalbers. Per
• ddrew. GAziornr..
PlTTfißtrleoll. Perar'L.
EAlt Vittsinkro GaAs
Tax Lancaster Nereid hoistathe alma
'of 13Icateral 'Grant for Preiddent in 1841.
The gallant soldier is being prettied on'
all aides to accept 'the nomination, and
the loyal masses patiently await his de
: colon.
Vorias are being made with fabulous
rapidity hilfew. York city, by the Dem
ocratic Committee on Naturalization.
Seventy-live hundred forelgneie have
been metamorphosed into American cit•
Meru, of the Demociatic persuasion,
Within the peat taw days.
Am wu conyicted Last Wednesday,
in a Philadelphia court, on a clone of
assuilt andlattery on a lady. The as•
snit Wu novel. 'From the top of it
house he cast the reflection of the son in
the Oyu of the lady with a piece of look
tug glees. The Jury very properly deci
ded it a crime commttted after dun reflec•
Tips cams Duran:arm improve - To:
day we have the decided satisfaction of
.astonenting the Fenian nrothisrhood
from thi murder of one Dr. O'Donnell,
who was tilled' several woad' ego in
London. The wretch who. did the kill
!ails nide Ilageidge, (my defure,
asAhere are fsw of that name in the town
of London,) and had no certificate of
siumtberehip with the F. .80 tar as
tie information goes, it is lucid wad sat
'steady, and we congratulate the Asscv
dated Dress on having' in their service
Witch learned and discriminating foreign
agents. They appear to ham just what
the Atuirlffan puns want in the way of
Deropcnut news.
Ton European &genie( the Associated
Press is a geninu bu given us
frequent oectudons to speak in terms of
nalooLlonent of ids performanchs; but
yeatenlay he absolutely %repassed him
self. In a sort of testacy he announced:
that "the news is glorious for the cause
, of Italy. The Government hoe deemed
' hest dapples)! it Orr the present."
Now if this fellow was certain enough
of the nature of any news whatever to
feel that it was glorious, he could have
given some account of its scope. If the
thrseeneneet had the news - exclusively,
andleW fit to' supPreee it, how could he
determine it was glorious? L it not
time 'somebody- other Than a natural
reek/wed took tbi place of title chap?
Bows of the 'Mutant pepera are full ocl
a sentimental account of an interview
between Panty Wright, a murderess,
and hez, brother, a. respectable young
man bf Poughkeepsie. Minute details
oi'her,aiytnge and doings; and of tho
'state of her nerves, are aleogivan. This
sort of - thing is wrong; the notoriety of
ahamer makes murderers. In Saxony,
where the number of 'suicides le ewe,
authorities state that the Pee
petratarz are mostly servant girls, who
....Mike way with themselves for scareely
any cause, merely_ because their mindi
are worked upto It by reading the
dame poor wretch's death
in the newspapers.. " Only the notoriety
Ilaliket "Oka weak minds, and Our bore•
hie reality of crime and panisnment is re
cognized by them only when it is too late.
An enbaustive account ut probe* news.
sary for a newspaper when a crime is
committed, but Anne Jeakinlsme of the
jail are re , volting, debasing and unnecer
NAIMVILIS. is haying a disagreeable
municipal contest. The late Captatn of
the, Night Police refused to .recogilue
Alden, the new Mayor, and persisted in
acting u . t.lLottgh he himself were still
In Pautuulcm of his old office. Thls led
to his arrest, and on Tuesday, u he wan
• leaving the courtroom, after having
paid a heavy fine, he met the Mayor on
the landing ot , the stairway end began
at once to pound him on the face. -PO
' ilea:were near, however, and rescued the
Mayor alter
_.a pretty severe fight with
alma Mends or the assailant, and the
Valiant Captain was arrested and again
released on ;10,000 ball.
_ Clorra a seniaticm has been made in
Boston bye school teacher beating a girl
. .
over the shoniders for misconduct in
schooL The modest sufferer exhibited
her hndeed beck before a meeting of the'
City Councils, and when requested, by
the school commissioners to retest the
show for their benefit, cheerfelly con
sented: In ell probability Attie teacher, a
PAK girl, will be dismissal and her oc
cupation taken from her forever, so that
the bold little girl may complacently
think herself a Martyr:
RAEITORD, Conn., hula/gee Itself on
Thursday in a gorgeous reception to
(laaetil Shdridan, an ovation such as
has rarely, if ever, been offered' by Hera
ford before. Even though General Sher
idan feels and appreciates these honors
which have met hheat every station ha
tween Missouri and Maine he .must be
just s little, fatigued and bored, attar a
while, if they continue. ,
Tee Rev. Mr. Owens, who has been
untiring in his. devotion to the sick and
dying all through the plague ledge in
Gaireetcm, and who hse won the love
and respect of every one in the town,
her at length. naccumbedi-Mid L sop.
posed to be dying of the !ever. Mr.
glens' is a. brother of General Joshua
'Owens, of t!hiladelptthe.
A. New Yeoman has invented a little
attachment to a carriage by which, in
case the Nunes run away, the races may
be Ixamed, and the frightened animals
may run as bard as they please, while
the "Mete will be left behind in safety.-
The device Is said to be so simple that it
is a marvel that it was not previously
/ 11( hUCAGOi recently, a man who bad
been enjoying a little too much, liquid
hanke* fell inio an 'unfinished . sewer,
.witere he wan found by s -policeman,
singing that he wanted to be an angel.
The - Justice before whom be was brought
lined him fire dollars for being drank,
and six for damaging the sewer.
Tan St. Louis Gas Company, which
ahnt of the gas from Si. Georges Church,
in that chi, bud Sunday has come one In
a cud otapology, in which it thrusts all
of the blame on some unnamed clerk.
What -would corporation' do without
some clerk or underling aa a snipe goat?
ON Wednesday a destructive fire took
place ! In Milwaukee. eeneuming the
Tires Star Kills, one thotmand barrels
of lbw ankles thousand bushels of
wheat. The ion Is estimated. at 4 150 ,-
000. A boynamed Miter was burned
to death.
.Tas Gin= Emigrant Fair, gotten
.ap by the Teutonic residua., of Chicago,
closed on Wadaesday night with a bell,
said to have been a regular old father
land sort of affair. The fair hashean, se
It deemed, an eminent norms.
—The Chemical Works of Davison,
Lymtngton lc Co., at Spring Gawks; a
sObnrb of Baltimore, were dettroyed
by Bre yesterday morning. The Um was
acchientaL The lone is estimated at from
SAM to $.100.000. - • • "
~ . .
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(137 Ttaa(tsph to the rittlbatills mama.)
WAsamaroN - , October O. 1M
-• • •
Tito following dispatch has been re
eeived at the Interior Departnient
Ilfaicixe Creek Loek7e Odcher 21.
A treaty of pea ad ce iota been made with p the
Camanchlkt the KIONEAN, and the ros
pect is good of making a treaty with the
Cheyennes, Arapahoes and Apache..
[SlShedl A. J. H. Warm.
,_ The correspondence between Admiral
Farragnt and Minister , Yeaman, at Co
penhagen, Ls received. The ibrmer
thanks the latter for Lis attentions, end
the latter congratulatat the Government
and people of the United States for the
very favorable impression which has
been made in Northern Europe by Fer
mat's cruise In the Hanle abd saJacient
waters. Our naval science has been il
lustrated, oar political inatitullons hon
ored, and nodally and politically AmerP
cons have acquired increased considera
Gov Ward, of N. .t.,was to-day engaged
alba War Department on badness for
'Ma State; which' has claims against the,
Government on-account of money ad
vanced and expended tbr military pur
poses during the late War.
The return of the Philedelphla Venice
to the Comptroller of the Carreugy shows
they haVe reserves of $ 1 9,000;000, bet
$3.000,e00 in excess ()Idle amount requir
ed by law.
• sAdiicoe 'Warner Lincoln,
nent_by the Treasury Department from
San rranciscolo Alaska, report her at
Sitka, and that she would be ready to
aail on the MX of August for Ovalaelm.
Little had bema learned in the short
time that had elapsed since their arrival
Latham martens, but the officers expressed
themselvea already satiated that there
sources Hof the country in timber and
fisheries are not overrated.
Several weeks egg Secretary McCul
loch received Dom an smanymoussonree
a package postmarked 'Urbana, 0.,
containing $19.000, the larger portion of
which was in 740 bonds. The money
was placed to the credit of the conscience
hind. Recently is letai- was received
from a 0350 in Wisconsin claiming that
ho sent the money to be converted into
other securities, such as the Secretary
might think proper to send, and gave as
his reasonfor forwardlngno communica
tion signature that hawses very sick atthe
time and not able to write; The officera
of the Treasury are of the opinion the
letter is' from some party who saw the
publiciation thatill9,ooo had been received
and thinks he can claim tho same.
Miami' Ward, who is now he lava
That at the recent meeting in Now York
of tho Executive Sub-Committee of the
National Union Beisublican Committee
there was some conversation as to the
beatplace for holding the next Convert
tionYor The nomination of candidates for
the Presidency and Vice Presidency, and
ChicagoiSt. Louts and New York were
mentioned, but no action was taken by
the Sub-Committee, so the determine.:
Lion of that question belongs to the full
Copuisittee, which is to assemble here in
December. •
ccisrstrrrEE ON
. •
The_ Sub-Committee on Judiciary,
charged with the investliation of pliblic
affairs in 3faryland and Delaware, will
adjourn on Monday next to November
when the investigation will be
resumed. .
R. T. Merrick is about bringing suite
before the Court hero for the restoration
of the property..sold under the corals...
Goo-act, in the name of Dr. Cornelius
Boyle and Colonel H. B. Tyler, and in
case of an adverse decision the cases will
be taken to the Bapreine Court of the
United States. Mr. Merrick has brought
a mintliar suit in reference to the prop
erty of Daniel Ratcliffe, in Franklin
row, which was argued some month'
since and compromised. General Caleb
Coshing is also the attorney for Dr. Gar
net and other parties.
It to Mated that on Wednesday three
Counterfeit tiftydollar compound Inter.
at notes, issued under an act of Febru
ofary, 1532, were dis
iste covered In the office
the Regr of the Treasury, and yes
terday two more, they having pruned
through the Redemption Division of the
First Auditor's and Second Comptroller's
otticerwithout being detected,. Similar
notes, to a small extent, were in circuit
Ron about fifteen months *go.
• NEW -Y . •
BY Teeo . ol , to Um ruubiullik Guam.]
NEw Yomr, October 25, PC
Seven thousand five hundred nett:wall
nations have taken place recently under
the etuppicee Of the Democratic CoOimit
tee, and five hundred under thymie of the
Republican Committee.
John - McCabe Was arrested,
charged with anuon__, in setting Are to hle
premise", on . .. hest Twenty...Elghtis
atreet,.and attempting to hum up hie
two ponce children. McCabe woe in
toxicated and the children • ware yard
by Ins wile, whom he bad put out of the
room. The house war little damaged.
The Cbmmercial Adaertser says the
failure of Robert L. Taylor, shipping
merchant.' Is, one of the results 'of the
protracted stringency In discounts. Al
though the house has long stood in all
credit, yet it has found It impossiblo to
procure discounts to meet its Maturing
obligations. 'Mr. Taylor, we understand,
Is largely oommitted by endorsements of
H. VI: Hubbell, shipping and commis
sion merchant, who has also fatted.
Both parties have made assignments.
The liabilities of Taylor are said to
amount to about g 1,000,000, Including the
endonseme l Aot Hubbell's paper, Con
sidensb rise in felt atTaylorhaving
lli .
estagnment, ea hie wealth In
to largely exceed his reported
ish ladi, named Roscmfalt, from
, lost five of her children yes
. tumble Jersey
to Cit fitiM the The no
! m.
;•• znaprriort WARRANT.
St. Lou!'
lima re
of extradition was granted
of Frank Sullivan for shoot-
Foot on the British ship Marfa,
log E.
'at am
'WS** for His Bea Moths. I.
/ Mow Elssnp•liss• Von
(ply Tole •
rid= wl i
and pa
for visit
will re..
and • . 1
apb to tba rlttabargb Banes.)
onn, October 25.--4eneral Sho-
I spend today bore in IL private
• d leave for Boston to-morrow.
Caldwell, Adjutant General of
nd General. Wells, Adjutant • f Vermont, visited him,
acted arrangements with him
ng those States. Tho General
• aln in Roston over Sunday,,
on Monday for Augusta,
g through .Salem, ..New-
I and Portsmouth. At Au
• • will be a reception
of the State. - The General
to Portland on Monday even
o • grand ball will begiven on
' • City of Portland. On Tam
il go to Concord, N. 11., whore
the guest of lion. °aglow
remaining over night. On
ho will proccei. to Mont
, on thattlay attend a reception
of the State. In the evening
Gond an officers' reunion of
f Vermont. Prom Montpelier
New York by way of Rutland
rata th
on the
will rein
lug, wbe
behalf of
day hew
he will
miler, en
on WWI'
ho will
10 gor% tr
end Troy,
afros, I
/17 T
attire he
.able I
with whi .
,~a Nouilily with - Wallies
mr risrearmo—
,. Korner.
vs to tee Plumbers* OwletUhl
Lux, October 25.—The Legi*-
roactod a law makingit pun
!r common carriers to make
on on account of race or
. places negrocs on an=
• on the Tennessee
ore hav e e acce pted an In
. make a trip ont , Ky.,
CZ. P. • osier has entered a — suit for.
H. 730 'thousand dollars against E.
H. P. Douglas, who shothim last
The trial of B. H. Payne, ft , reurder
commences to-morrow in the Criminal
Court» lie Is author of the pamphlet og
the negro, attempting to prove that hp la
a beast and has no soul.
—The nevenpapers orris, oil reglovn aro
many of thorn complidnins of the V hat
of n hurdy gnrdy nnd hurthortno
Ontion. . „
—floe. .1. W. Maynard ; 't na!dent
Judge of the third Judicial District, has
1 resigned, to take edbetion the• Bth Deb:.
her, 1867. Ills serves:sir gum
.not yet
been appointed. • • .
.—Zane ills, Ohl% la to have a ruce
neat week between three ' ludlati and
, tinio. Five miles Ju 2: minnats le what
the Indiana undertake. In niece or this
sort the scythe bearer generally . carilaw
,the prize hour glass nit In triumph. • •
—The Waynesbrirg Republican says;
The coal digigori Of the "banks," below
town; were on a strlke week for three
cents per bushel, two '
atici• a-halt being
theprice pl}l4 ;for; mining. We know
nothing of the ir grievance, or whether
the partial have arranged it lunicably.
It has had the tendency to raise the price
awed, • - -
—The dwelild . g, house of Mr. James
Heidell, of Bopewoll ton - twills, Wish:
Ington county, was totally destroyed by
tiro on Moidas' Morning of bat week:.
About eight o'clock names wore A6t r=
ered jaudne . frosnAla plateeseseet.
adbff *is by the family and
neighboni, Mod ewlckly assembled to
eilthfC4 ll l6them,. but -incraln. All the
ranch of the family Were eaied exoept
some bedateada, kc., with a faw
other ankles. The building Ilar_a
fra me, valued at about 114300, Nal Maur-
-43 n Priday. night Mat Daild Bella
WM, in Sewiolday_torw•-"'
/mid °°' 'lltiiiibrall hb
pain andhay, and lithredngketplettnents,
with the Weeitkti. diit - iagga, Were lost.
Thttle tieltialilti horses, one a stallion,
Wean live hundred dollars, brumes!
up. The Ar i z disco .at about
ten o'clock, d had- then made such
that. flames could- not be
1 3 u r Nife7. Mr. Bailie lotd. *ilk Mach
about Mt tbobeinid doUam . e has;
en histwanoe, botrarer, in the Sewickley
Mutual dire Insuranoe Com pa ny of one
thousand dollars. The fire wombs work
of an incendiary. Some yews ago Mr.
Bell had six' hones pOlhoiied t four of
which died.
—Ternona Rep Seer hoe the following :
The new furnace near Edge Mil, on the
Pennsylvnida RaUroad, has been com
menced. Among the Iron ore &soarer
les recently Made filar its ete, wan one
on a small Lead of eight or ten acres, the
sale of which was Gnu negotiated on a
koala of about 11125 per cure. The own-
Ens were an aged ample, and the vrlfe in
leg:noel a claim for II silk .dress, which
caused an estoppel to the - proceeding::
Meanwhile, however,ttiodlscovery of ore
upon the tract was noised about, and pow
.bids were madetia the lend; finally; of
fer' makers: becerolng...kmporttusate, the
"old lady - , edmoniabeir by the competition
for the land, resolved upon a public sale
of it, when It was knocked down for ten
thousand dollars! On further exploration
It was found to contain a most valuable
depcelt of ore, and it la held by its pre.
ere owners to be worth more than a quar
ter mMion of
—The Easton Free Press ' says: On
Sunday morning last, Sarah, daughter of
George Kern, who resides In the vicinity
of Slatington, left her home without giv
ing any notice of her intentions or dead
mien, and. was Pot heard Ikons nor seen
by anr artier relations, idtherlgh dili
gent search was made for her from Sun
day noon until late after night. Monday
morning the search was renewed and her
lifeless body - was tband is the water in a
slate parry, near the Slatington bridge.
Ills supposed ttuston Sion:day last, while
la Anent:op, the deoeaaed wan married
to a wan lov the name of tern, and for
some reason, unknown, commixed the
rash act.
• •--The .Wayneaburg Republican eye:S
A few of our exchampte aro remarking
the scarcity Of grime In their' mnpactlye
lomditiet. We rt'ud a broad invitation
to their bereavedairortamen to corny herr.
Every species of loather and fur abound.
Scull:refs—Me fact is, they are becoming
mtterttealve, , saney—they can hardly be
ornt the houses; and if von ;hoot
aim, they pelt you with hickory
Our • bunters tote tired Of the
-,Clew days ago, irblle some persons
were burning brush In nottsaing's woods,
northwest of Batter the fire eminent
eated to the dry grass and loaves, and
spread with great rapidity; extending .
:from the woo& to the adjacent meadows,
which,. cowing to their parched twndltton,
wore greatly damaged, Including the lose
of a large amount of valuable fence be
ehittgin4to Ni co rans th ;Rotiudtw u t . lt.f h h- e
fire wee subdued on Sureulay.
—Tho Butler PreS4 says: The atone
wink of the basementof this new jail has
been completed, and .farther work his
been !suspended until nest spring. The
work thus far Is most babel/lath' and
elogant,•and is highly creditable to Mr.
Kennedy, the enterprising contractor.
—On 4lunday o . gr. Oeorge Weber, of
the firm of Wolter .4c,TrOst . mma,:Of nat
ter, whlie attending to bia usual business
to the store, was suddenly struck with
apoplexy, which, fora time, threatened
to prove anal. Prompt medical aid tram
rendered, and :We 'tussled to learn that
he le now In a fair way to recovery.
Suicide of • runt.llloi •
Corosionilli of
I. Klootloo-48001l
soillon of Oolorodo Moor, Ado . .
COrllOiroolitotlo rittreeonibioduk I
SAN FBANCIACO, October 25. A Mar
Im Ctiapelle, ■ capttallet- and reel
agnate dealer, committed suicide .on
the lUth hurt-, by Jumping hum the Oak
land ferry boat. Ile Wag tt
realdent of Sen. Francisco, and mut
much respected.
• I' he ship Favorite cleared for Now York
to-day with a, valued at one hun
dred and slaty-three thousand. dollars.
It Includes three hundred torts of, dour
and- eta hundred a n d, fortytmis of, wheat:-
The Herald of the Morning, for? ew York,
hat alreadytme thestrissul tens of wheat
engaged. The vessels for New York and
England demand full rates.
Median returns from thirty-Mar acme
tics 'make the success of bpragne,
Fitzgerald, democrats, certain.
The committee on the practicability :of
the navigation of Colorado River, have
made a favorable report, and the Chant
her of Commerce urge ImMedlate ac
The iirtsde ship U. S. Parkins, with two
hundred burzebs, end sixteen *hundred
mind* of bone, ham arrived from Fox
(NY TOOMPOPO to fittPlittbniik tOttioltoj
XZW - Onmtatity. October
Erambnr g steamship Barariaarzived . in;
tho river to-day, on the first esperlinim=
tai trip looking to the establishment of
a permanent line between New Orleans
and Homburg.
The Crescent states that a private letter
from Corpus Christi, gives intelligence
that the towns of Brazos Banthigo and
Brownsville, Texan, and the oily of Mat
einems and the village altagthid, Most
co; were extensively damaged, by the
same storm which reonitly devantattsi
The stormier Pioneer°. which left Bra
zos for this port on the 29th ult., and
hoe not eine° been heard front, it is
considered certain went down with•
on board. • •
Tvelstraph to Me alttotntra thaattv•J
Wu.ittearrox, Oct. 2.s.—The whites are
taking more interest In the approaching
election etneO the reaultOt thq electloalri
Virghtlx has been made known. Flee
days more are allowed for nprbaratlon.
Yellow Fem. Minato
Mr h to tho ettubere. naseste-t
Mantra, Oct. 25.—Thero erne but one
Interment from yellow favor tottoy. •
.Ifnmrnm, Oct. 25.—Tbero were nye In.
termente from yellow ferer tblet Mier-
I.4„ww OtthEsere, 'Oct. 2 - 4—There wero
■evanteen yellow lover intormenta dur=
fags tbo twenty4our hours endhig this
gar Wan* te Turatorria usiotte.3
rurinnizrati., October 25. Three
deaths from choler! beve occurred on
the Beu,ssacus, &nee yesterday afternoon.
:—Ttuver win on the Royal
Chnedlsui atank;- et Toronto, yesterday ,
continuing with matiailtitiottl emu.
The call for gold . being Proin b elY re.
eponded to,- th e en deKIL
—The Convention to 'revise the Oeheli
tution of Loulab= will .bevolteokedteh.
the 18th proxlme.
As Ontbreak in Rome.
alatito:lntlitacn BLOWN up.
No On Killed and the Demonetrit
don Suppreesed.
kATLE- 41' AIM
Inperialbit irefeated ►y Rebate.
Cll,llll, Itt.Pllll IV 111(11 1111111 ?111+,
rlt . lsbet!irti quetto.l
LoattoN tit4A-tiffitittcreepa' • tiles from
Rollie &tate that the Party of ACtion at
tempted an insurrection ou tuosday.,. A,
mine wilaylaced under the barrack* at
the PiaprilfLouaecaand ut a given 'signal
woe fired. The attempt tr. a derided
&Mira. tots Mogi° lift was loaf:-
many 'parent§ were Injured. cud the
building war bacUywhattered. The gen
eral end:meal; W4l, quickly repreased and
the city : erg beemne quiet.
nisitinawnts TaE °mint:,
writ' Mutant:Twit.
FLOIXIME, October Z.—General Gari
baldi hi again heard from. Without
IMrditlF : the prohibition of the Italian
auttiordies;le left `Pallgno and pushed
on manuals the smith. At the last ac
counts helm* arrived at Mal, a town in
the southern diatriet , of Umbria, not the
from the Papal frontier, and within
forty-two milm of lime.
wnw oArtrxer ovvreer.
General Nius Maxis has noorpted
position in the new Cabinet. as Minister
of Marine.
Lonnon,.9cloher Z. Additional ad
vilwa from Rome acknowledge the Gail
baldLana have no all retired from. the
territory of the Church, but- reprceoni
that the Poulitkall-lzoops recently had nu
mannintar with thareannant of the Maur
gent hands,. In.which they had been nue
PARIS" Oct, xamption of the'
Emperor of Austria Perla h.
moat cordial and gratifying. lie vialt la
popular with the Parisian., and whers .
ever he appears In public he meets tilitjt
onthualestfe revision!, from the pantile.
A profound feeling of evmpathy for the
brother iiifthe.tmfartaugite Maximilian.
heighteni the respect and eeteem with
which the Emperor la 'awarded h 1 all.
. 1111,GLASID.
LONDON, October23.—About two weeke
a o a ;qr. O'Donnell Ica. Allot in,ilitht
city under drennisutneel which led to
the belief that the outrage wax perpetro.
ted by,the. Tenho.; i but the pollee coo
we:lndio tracing th crime . to a Pwr.ww
named Magridge, who, when ciatnlneth
acknowledged hie guilt and wa. found
to bare no connection with shy Fenian
BATTLE-131117.111.LL1NT7 IrEATEN
Lon DOW, October 25.—Intelligence
heenrecetred !mu China that a great
battle was fought betseeenthe'rebel army
of Ins - salon and the Tartar form of the
Emperor of China. The Imperialinta,
were defeated. Tho battle took plat,
srittthi thirty: inilea of Pekitt;' and that
city Was in great dangerief falling km,
the hands of theret!ela.
ticksoorr; Oct: 25.—Tbo otoomoklp
Hibernia, from Now York, tufo arrived.
Quassorcrws, Oet., arn—The oteemship
. froixrNew York, Lea arrived hero.
'muumuu. AND 001MILLICIALL.
• Livartroot, October M..-atton busy
' It the - sales will reach V4OOO bole, ;
middling uplands t4./d; •Orleana
Breattatalie firm tame advanced to 41'
2d.forarldfo Avhrat to Ittt
rdoltarestern to lb 3d; peas to u.2e barley
and - oata without change.. Provision,.
unchanged. Tallow advanced to +bed:
14 " 0, .; Oct; n. x.3cotiama
Five-Twenty hoods aul; Illinola cmntati
fikErie 451. •
FRANK - ma.; 2 P. L—Ffve-Twentlex
741. - •
LOXDON. Oa:21-11e markets nr. nn.
AICTWEUrit 0at..25e- Plltroleum it
frntirs for standeid *Mtn `'
sir male. LB
Itesihthas mad , Marti AMA's:Mesa
lutle• Aitidliall Mamma ZWed.. s
Cltf TAIARADA to ito ransbenta twastmi_
11.tvAtta, October 25.,Advittes front
I 7,lowiatat,the state that Governor
hiabieratmmined . on aseount of
Dlegnl' shown to emigranta
from boutiuma Matoo r In. giving them
crown , aimotis 'made by him
have,beau irtinallOd by the British Gov
ernment; and Ylimen Lan don appointed
suarmor as Governor of Honduras.;
An arrival from Elityti brings 'Mehl
ro%-thity i117111. 111 e ° lld aWd oOl t ed t . he'
Ilaysien army assaulted' the stronghold
of tho rebels near the frontier or St- Do.
mingo on the 10th and the next day,ear
rlsd plane with the bayonet. ,Thti
revolutionists iled into dt..f14012,,F0:'
Tbe Harlem Governmehthasaiitoo vim=
Ad a proclamation - suspending' the state
of siege.
Adair's, totho rith inst. recolvod from
Mexico atato that Don Benito Juarez Is
elected President of the Republic be
yond doubt, and Serdo de Tejada Presl
dunt. of the Supreme Court..
prisoner. remaining in.
the hands of the Government have boon
disposed of .aa Nifty-two sen
tenced to various terms of imprisonment,
In most PACs quite brief, and two hun
drod have been released.
Goo. Trovino how boon hoffl e di y di s
, Otohod to the Taxan frontier.
-rtt. - .
nerican Minleteiriumb hadian au
dience with Juarez, at which ho pto.
slanted hie credentials, and wits received
u tho accredited anileisudor of the
Unites! BUdiu • •
The eondltlonand Ivherenbonts of Gen
eral Marquez, and other noted Imperials
4tei *pm the Government onsets are
linkhosim: • Generale Gon
zal Ortega and 'Patton() have been put
lint.rehme to answer /Mielet ques
tione:on the ground- that they do not
recognize the legality of the existing goy.
inseenrity of traveling in Mexico was
inercaslng. The beet men in the rural
pollee force have been discharged.'
By Totcrovo to too mamma U.8.U..3
ctircitissri Oct. 25.—1 e the billienl
tournaneent ix:4lB'y Foster won'the first
gismo, beating Day* score 300 to 50; res.
ter's lalglitot run' 'lntent averetto 21}.
The second giune am between Mien.
and Adcerinan, and was won by the for,
tiler. Ackerman mairJrutonly Mt . Rivers'
avers 17. -. In Filin4Arttior
fourth inuntc . between 4111 Vennetb:
lea wsu.srenity Coon; Fanneuleurnak
lag eutlFlas.srinner'ssontrage24. Choete
w....lbrtlastainnetn the evening Ina elms
buietair with Parker, the latter - soaring
,"AU the games as usual were 800
Coollnontlo• of& ouipaie '' ''''' M.
Acal■ le Mimi tip a Cm.
elation. .
The Jury leniimaistdbY Coroner Clete'.
eon to ingttirbliltstAateatittri Of ate death
ter'James Mentlitatil at the Hanlon
House, Tuesday isturning,, met at the,
Mayor's cabal last evening and continui•
al the Investigation.' The death, it will
be remembered, Is'alleged to have been'
caused by a blow it:Meted by Lawrence
Purcell, Inn quarrel between his} and
deceased on Monday night. The fol.
/owing addltlubal evidence wag elicited:
. Je?ib. Mark, sworn.-844 .Monahan
alid Farcell In the evening between 'NIX
and eaten o'clock; ka-h=tof the house;
didn't, eel) them Wic ti =ther; saw Mon
ahan when ho was, ,up. gates; ;law
his thee etwonid th IdoW followed
him, and noticed eeteral portions .stand-
Mg at the door.of a mom; helped to
carry him, Ina .dareful manner; he
did not hal , nor t hurt; fill I noticed'
wee s emend on hbe face.
.. . ... . .
John Black, aw n . ' —Was with Mona
han in the aiterit loft him In perfect
health, arid did him till the next
day,. whoa he was
Anna Parcel!, a rn—Am a niece of
Mr. Purcell; board a the Stimalon Houso;
RAW uncle at halfilast eleved o'clock,
before going to hod; shut the door 'of bin
room outside; riegti h obout six. o'clock;
went again to see le; was washing
hituselt; tho- door not been mien the
bastallai t.,
whole night, Mare . was but One
key; bad looked the oor 'because - uncle
roe threatened by on Manahan
had nailed him bad and I feared a
new foss; had often nt the door, whorl
i ,
I knew uncle had min e ; they had al;
ways been on very tartan till stout
it yehr "ago: tie* totatryli between
uncle and Monahan e night of the fuss
and happened to through . the Inc
Mom when I heard nahan talk about
me,' and add to Monahan to quit mike*
.40aPfrw .---4‘ . 4 :.
....,, ~,,, . D., L,..,_,,...,....,1.
curve to my orlitai Mt ilea Monahan, but i
withdrew the inforniation afterwards.
Said Monahan had tbrnetene,t to shoot
him; dump: know that they were on.bad I
terms before, only - that they didn't epeak
together. I •
' •
John Barry; se
hie bed, before the tow, heard Purcell .
say that he would kid Monahan If be
wouhl not leave lilm rindible niece. elowl..
Saw Pnn.ell go to hisiown room beIIIOND
one and two o'clock in the morning.' He
was alone. I .•• ~f
A number of other persona, connect ed
with the Mataioh Llwave exam
ined; butnnthlng trait or ww., ,
material. wee
Thu Jury, after; deilberatlog for ho n..
!i MO, WI ed to emits to a eonoluolun, the
malmity, however, expresollm thole be-
Ile( that the waitestusetl
by Purcell. The Jury cdjornmed to meet
to•day at bp, M. .
Imi riserlsL
i 'W.in7erdr. .l; ..1 t3i li tn i ghlin accepted
the nomination or the Sberiffolty, as
one of the stand hearers of the "Bread
and Butterlir'' e," utter hiding, as a
' Pull"Pssed *Pit etrir labeled; for the
nomination of 3 r. 'S; SPClnitty. - by the
Convention of d tepid* of that party,
wile .accuseti nk of. ineenslatency,
et d'etil hien ith &aid who sacrifice
principle with, tto hope of gain. In
- n I
this view ho was, With, a fitting rep
resentative of the eitneditlon Poirity.inlhe
fall of IWO- g. theamvam the ar
gument was
,ailladdet' Mr. Gl r
drat rif ..eleeted , IL ea *lawfully
,sti MfltitetifVtia Itti, birnoktutionat
provieinty that -o 'CroultPnot ! be
held by the same rsonTor two sue de:.".
sive terms, or rat or be !elected fort two
terms within a . aids years. This
ism urged again t Mr Cluley in -the
A.'• ' • in co of Sherf:fleas
eamed by the dent of 31r. harry Woode,
in 1.9t1, and undo anpointment from the
Governor Mr. Cie v tilled the Mlle* un
til the acemaion o 001. J. U. Stewart; in
,Pftember, 1183 , A. od of shout three
'ipentbs.':' He. sr ,retabarid '' as Deputy
during! Col: -St 's -man, teat fail
wtmelected Sheri by a majority of sev
ewttumaand, and now dhcbarging the
duties of the o But a little over
three tweed of yearn having Inter
vened since hie f nner term of three
monlitui„ the eialett Set Mr. Mc.
Laughlin that be 1 holding the office in
contravention of he law. Pending his
nomination, like a prudent man, Mr.
Cluley nought I 1 advice in the matter
and concluded Yernaln a candidate.
Following hie nomination the oppwition
determined to bore the legal question
mewed upon, as klao did Mr. Cluley, by
eminent lawyer., and an "opinion" was
given. It was head that If Mr. Woods
had served out his full term, and nopree
ent stood in Mr. fluter': shoe., he would
Ito clearly eligible. fleece, Mr. Cluley,
hotted Nerved a portion of Mr. Wwdre
term, was mho eligible, Cob 8 ewart
having tilled the Intervening term of
three 'years. Tide oonolusiou, It wan
thought, put all donbta at real.. Not WO,
however. Mr. McLaughlin, *onto time of the aleraion, anti after Mr. Cluley
inel been oommlasioned by the Governor,
commenced promodlngs in the .ComnuM
Plena with a viewed' muting Me.Cluloy
from the ottico 'Which the people decided
Mr. Mel.. was on the wrong side of
politic. 'to be ;allowed to swum% but
whiab he hoped to obtain, dmpito their
wishes, through the constitutional tech.
nicallty referred to. The proceeding,
excited no particular interred, and were.
finally so quietly set addethatthe news
papers even made no stoic of the Chet.
Anti here, ! too, wo thought the matter
finally dropped. The sacrifice he had
Made,- however, 'was too great for Mr.
McLaughlin not to exhaust all efforts, If
not to ecouro for himself, at least to de
prive Mr. Cluley of theenioyment of the
emoluments of the Shertra office. Ac
.irdlngly, on behalf. of Mr. McLaugh
lin, as counted, . Genera/ It. Biddle
Roberts appeared In the Supreme Court '
peaterday and obtained it tale on Sherill
Cluterto show tams, way &Nan of gun
garrotted. should - not Lome ttflrimilro by '
what authority he held Ms time*, return
able on the gth 'proximo. The fateof
this perhaps we should not'unticipate„
but wo have no fear that Mr. Cluley will J
not cOntinne to 'faithfully dischargethe '
- dirties of Sheriff for his full term of
throe - pales,. ...Prerridenee s' ; permitting.
Not . Ailliminsea et Nei eel Labor.
-., Art,itteldent: olts . xtramb.yisiterday
Wood stree t which created considerable
amuse • m
ent among those who witnessesd
lty tuid wo. think taught lesson that.
many.mfgLt:piobt:;by`: The, eireum
stance was as Mallows: A gentleman.
who midis on Sixth street, purebasod
trunk en Wood street ,- between Fourth
nod Fifth, and while ongairing for some
ono to take it home for NM, wealthy
merchaut coma along and otrered to take
it. The pnrehaser said be would give
hint a dollar if hu Would, and *Shoot
July further ado about it , tho Merchant
procured a wheelbsrrow; . put the.trunk
odit„'woeied It )14111 . 0, apdynceired ids
A number er pensons wore prommt•
-who, if they , Imptova-thb 'billion taught
by the &trait orould be able tensest their
nanduarterly bills more 'p y.
ight become neeful memixassofepodety.
The inn who is ashamed of honest labor
N n curse to•the community In which he
I lowr. There le a oortaln.arnounl. cd bon
net work to do, - and the inure bands thorn
are to. do . It, the Mqre 'wily IN the task
accomplished. •
Dr. A. O. McCandless, - ,Fliyedchus to
the Marti of
,Hoaltb, reports the
Intennonts, with the pulses of death, .
froin October lath to October 20th, 1867:
Tbo tauten of death were: Remittent
Fever, 1; Debility, I; Apoplexy, I; Con
per; I; Gastrin Fever, I; Consumption, 2;
Typhoid Fever, 2; Unknown, 1; Stettin
gras, 2; Meeaemne , I; Cholera Infen-
The sties of the above were: Under 1
year, 1; from bto /O. 2; from al to 30,1;
from .4040 60, 2; from 60 to 70, 1; from be
Of Mono there wore: Malos,d; Poo:taloa,
S. White, 14; Colorbd, none. Total, 14.
High Entlansuaint.—ELsevehore we
publish a very Important certificate of
Dr..Aborn's true ;worth and ability tis a
physician and surgeon, from thd pen of
Bon. hi. C. Beebe, formerly member of
Congrossfrom thishltate. Endorsement
in such earnest language from so emi
nent a mune willcarry will 'it much
weight in tblaintelligrat otunnannity.
• Beal Estate ilislea.;:yeate r d s y smith.
sou, Painter et Co., Auctioneers, sold the
realdence of Walter Bryant, on North
Canal street; Allegheny City, for 614,000.
Also. tour sores, with a small house, at
Hazelwood, Station,'Conneilerille Rail
road, for 1111,400:.
Aniline n
question whethe
" 3 8 40 system.
• Ritr-Executive cam-
Utter- conalderatlan. the
.r to call npon'the
18861 Obr
gther city ollic!ste. - h3
e cr, or to retorts 7.hri
Letter from Hon: - ":13. Washburn°,
Member of Congress, and Chairman of
Abe Gam tree on Ways and 'Means:
Patus;'July 10, ]Situ.
"Mr. S 18R - ea—Dear Sir:—Perraltmo
'to avail yself of this oacasion .to COD
data yon upon your, eminent inc.
3n obtaining the First of We Gold
°dull( awarded. to Pianos at the Inter
' tional Exposition M. this city.
It is mere gratifying to every Arnold
no-Mum, as it seems to be undorstood
„by ypur neyrsystm of piano =M-
I ti you hareplaced the United States at
,t .9 head lof this industry for the entire
mid. .1 E. 13. 'Wssantinrri..
74soliimous Stinway pianos can bo
• tid ern Xleber e & Bros': svareraoms,
122 WoodPdreet, Pittsburgh, who retail
and wholrlo them at factory prices.
National Banye , ' •
Abannt *of Quarterly_ Roper* ~f No' *lona
Bosky of Os City of rsuaborolt, at made to
Gnapt-Nlor or e Carroult. Oottion . lth.
LIMN and pia:ounce * 2. 2 EGAn I ci
U. Y. Bands deposited to groans
eirocastum 747,00:10o
U. V., Bond} aud litouritiotdo
tallitad to soon co Depot Ito rt... 00,000 co
Q. 8. Banat and SoOttrities on
band mo,mo co
OtherBWeitt. bonds mlNon,
4,387 or
Dna: it rota Notional Books 1,811,4t0 78
Doe-front Other • meta sod
Banton. 8.1
Dawns. !tonic, (18.470
Other Mod Anat.,
Fonntora as 4 motors.,
Current ElOontes
Ghee. wrol4her . couth item
iltils pc.d ollis
w e i :l3•Atk s :
evr 168:7 33.5. .00 .
o r'
Bills or °the Bank'
SPeele.. 00.
1.100 ' '' • . • ... ..• 66,156
, . .
tX,112,0:1•1) 111
Capital Stock.....
surplus itind.............
Undivided ?Tics
Ginn:dating N ten O utstanding; -
National . 6.876.442 00
' State " 176.42 in
Indjyldetal 7ipOelt• • 7,981,Cg1l 11l
I.4.KDeDOIII ..... ' -. . ... 1173,1171) 57
lir - .- ' - iitl
... .I " -......._
mining • -
Du. toother Dank. and Bankers 1711/45 15
The ainmegateof ilreniatioaand deposits
'is abaci. !Moab millions, for which,' reserve
of twenty•livel per cent. 1 recalftd—bohig
about three millions shifts bondrod thou•
sand dollars. Toe above staterneist exhibits
an egiregatervre. of over are mime,
or more , this thirty-Ihr. Per mewls. of
circulation deposits, consisting of
OheMle. Ms* Leaders,. compound missed
notes end bialshoes Ole from approved so
deeming. anums.
Tile above statement is oorrect,
Mile( Dlruloo or RePOrte. Ofnce Comp
troller of Careney.
- - - -
Sleeting sestid Hubert Republican Hosea
tire Committee. . .
This chiumktee met yesterday pursu
ant to native e. the Mike iILA, M. Brown,
Emt., So. ill c riftli street; T. W. Davis,'
Chairman . nr- km., end A. B. Steven
eon, SocretoryUnra tem. .
On motion, roceeded to cell the nerves
of the Connitseas follows:
Find Ward, .:. C. alott mid Andrea ,
Miller,. Second ward,lT. W. Davis, M.
ward House; Ikiird ward, Alexander In
tends, George Clam; /fourth ward, Wm.
IL Brown, Jan es McAuley; nail wardr
It. J. Meninvar , 11. Beek: Sixth warttik
31. Brown, Jo. °ph Hartman; Seventh
Pliatd, John WandleSs. Charles Behest:
Eighth word, ( John Hamilton; .1. 31a
seldom.; :lint ward, Jqhn B. Wily, T.
W. Welsh; Ti nth ;ward, flavid Sires,'
John T. Brown; I,awrenceville. Find And
I Second wards, John W. Riddell, Jacob
-Widertight, A. -nderson. John Chtsbett,
1 Jr.: Collins township, IL W. Thomas,
Igionael Crawfartli Liberty township,
Thomas B. Hertilltou, 'Joseph Dilworte ;
',Peebles townehln, A. B. Stevenson, .1 B.
Beale; Oakland township, boo Jones,
'John Gloria; Pin . township, John Barri
sem, Jacob Glaser. ..
• :Mar en Interebenge of wienlinent from
.Lbe members priesent i it warakfnught pro
lent to • seljearn 'ln Teeliergy eventne i
next; *tier the Cuitunitterwlnte called
on-to decide ea .to time, plane, and man
ner for holding! primary meetings pre
paratory to the election for Mayor.
1 , . W. Davie I wee elected permanent
.Chairman, and plicumnder Illlands Sec-
retaky. ~ . ~ •
Ifrsolved, That the Committee adjourn
to meet at the °Bice of A. M. Brown on
Tuesday evening the" 2thh of ,October,
when the attendance .of every mem
ber In urgently requested.
An interesting match game of base
ball was played ymteiday nfternopn at
Union Park. - Allegheny, between the
. 4 bierteca" of Oil City and the
"Allegheny" of Allegheny Me. The
I.nime was eloscly contested and the play
ing on . both aides 'excellent. The
."Ailegheny — as natal carne.eff eictorl
.wish n aurae Or 34(0 ir2. Yestotelay
evenlng the "Senora" hive were enter
tained by the Allegheny club at J. K.
Browns restaurant, Allegheny, where a
slot exedient repeat wasprepared In
style not to be excelled. The oc.awdott
sorsa pieasantone, and the good feeling
which prevailed wee only equaled by the.
good supper.
7 hreatening.—Vnrions. tievlivii have
boon resorted to to shut out snow,. rain
wind, and dirt. List applied to doom and
windows, though partially suoixamful, Ls
offensive to the eye and given trouble in
opening and shutting- windows and
doors; wood and rubber moulding nailed•
.orgtuna on . theiloor and window Trainee
is 'scarcely better lisL 'These and
all other Mummy, ugly appliances must
soon be driven out of tow by the general
adoption of the neat and otibetiyo Patent
Inykublo.Wevither Strip. No .unprgiu,
diced. person can tall on. examination to
pronminee It not only superior to all
others, but 'actually perfect.. It min be
applied to doors or windows of any also
or shone. Chief . agency No. 11 Smith
field strmit, - second story. .
••••• •
' , data-fat altenn veuto witnoseed in
the lilrmlnghaan Market early ;vegan.
day morning. Mint - Gated ox sudden
ly appeared and stormed through the
place ut a fearful rate, causing the great
est terror and excitement. A Mr. Clouse,
stonemason, wag knocked' down, and
had an arm broken, &leo Mrs. Israel,
quite an old lady:who wan meriountv in-
Jorml. After leaving the Market 'rouse
the animal pulsed up Denman—street to
Wesltiugtoo, . where another woman,
whoa. name we dld not learn, was nut
over, but not aerlouely hurt,
Coatidance likseze,.-4 chap with more
'cheek than conscience has been success
fully 'victimizing our . Merchants by
pleading poverty, and selling at great
eectilice. valuable oil PekalCOl which he
carries with him. Th. price asked at
dist ht very heavy, but he drops to suit
purchasers as t ids wants are so pressing.
The philanthropic merchant generally
discovers that he has, bean victimized
by paying, double the value for the
works,o( art, We . have heardof this
fellow's 'OperatiOns In different parts of
Um city, end advise our readers to be MI
their guard. ' ' • .
Cot: Jeho-U.Aktrwart, State Military
Agent at Washington, hen' resigned.
blentenant Colonel AVillltun; (look,
the Atedstaut Military Agent.' ha. been
promoted - to Prtheipal Agent; and 'Col:
Josoph 11. Copeland, of Allegheny coun
t'', has been appointed to eueesed Col.
eook as Assistant Again, -
preltea.—billoa Ward, twitter, re
siding in tho vicinity of the Point, had
one of hla logs broken. In two places,
above and below the Ana:, last evening.
The ncoldent was ocandoned: by the heel
of his boot having caught on the wheel
Of tho'nut as he was in the act of gutting
out,tastudnk hint to fall.
Gone Crazy,—Mrs. liannah Dawson, a
lady nbont forty•flve years of ago, Amid
ingln Allegheny city and laboring
der a mental aberration, AV,. brought,
yesterday, to thu blayor'n race, whore
nhe will romalit,until, handed over totho
pper aiitlioritles. • ' •
tfAg.totentieolaner Appointed—n. D.
amble, who for eotne limo Lae credita
bly tilled the position of Clerk of thu U.
9. Circuit Court, wneyesterday appoint
,ed United thetas Commiutioner, , by
"Sent to the none of Rallsgr,--John
Thompson, a boy eleven years old,
charged by Ids father with vicious con
duct, before Alderman Owaton, Was yes
terday sent to the Boum of. Refuge.
, The weather "yeattmlav wtuC k wery
pleasant, hitt toward* midnight it - grew
quite cold. Persons fr o m and
protecting themselves cblds
foyers by wearing proper clothing.
late Sonja Min Morgan concerted In
the slander suit In the Markt. Court, on
Thursday, *ll3 not. Capt. 13enj. W. Id,
gap; wall known In the city. .
Iftie tlinirrient Allroad linos /emoting
from the city Are ,having an. inimenso
freight patronage at this
The layisit'of the Nicolsop poement
•carlVtiod surty!Ly,..tio palmed foivard
All the late bookaat PittOCk'S.
TailLoseniat teem Hof; II O. Beses, of
Dr. Aber., No. 1;34 antthfieldstritt Pitt,
- • burgh, Pa., St..—Some tire years ago,,my
son Willie commenced showing Bympi
Moos 'of catarrh of the hoed, which - con.'
Untied to mow worse, until his syatOm
was- so debilitatedus to preclude an ac.
tive enjoyment of the sports of childhood
or pursue any sys t e m of study, or attend
at school, and at times was entirely pros
trated with lingering fever—some times,
for weeks together, with a constant man
ifestation of the symptoms of the disease.
such' constant hacking, nostriLdia
charges, he., causing nausea. All the
usual appliances and treatment of physi
cian., etc., had failed to afford relief until
you were applied to during your prefer,
atonal visit at Titusville lust winter, when
he bemn to improve until nowhe enjoys
a good state oftealth, anti la able to par
' ticipate in the active sports of childhood
'with rest, as well as pursue his studios
without interruption. I' have emitted td
make this statement heretofore, as I
wished Icite satirised that the relief was
peripaneat..: . DEEDS.' •
Plcumuliiille, Ps., 0ct.720867.
New Mies sad grime - !lb.'.
' Mr. Stewart Mizell has opened a very
fine stock of belies' mid gentlemen's
shots, boots and gaiters, at 67 Centre
avenue, to which we are desirous of di
reeling- the attention of 'ear readers: The
goods have all been' manufaCtured at
homo, out of the beat of =aerial, and in
the best
_t style of.werkenatuship, and can .
indisposed of at. prices which defy the
nimpeilthfie of down tewn'llealers, as
Dalzell to under: : light:expenses and
rent, and gives ' thodo . adnitnages to his
purchasers. going a thorough and prac
tical mechanic himself, he manufactures
Any article of foot covering, at the short
est notice on the most favorable terona,.
and guarinteett in every cane. to render
satisfaction both in quality of workman
ship and liberality of prfce. Repairing
is neatly out promptly done. flaying
personal tusinaltaanee. with Mr. Rainer
we can confidently commend him to the
patronage of our reader. as an honora
ble and fair dealing business gentleman
in every,way worthy . ..n=6onm and a
fair sbare of public :trade. Remember
the pIaCCL.No. 67 Centro avenue.
4 WOO* 00
: 4 4 tif
SW Is Testimony from (Ms of Me
Ones; Clasen. of Atleglmny
Antr.outxr, Oct. 14, DM:
Mu. ltaci. A.. Knr.tzr.—Dear .Sire I
illlVo been troubled for Immo yenta with
the complairit your advert
[icemen[ of . Dr. Sargent a Diuretic or
Backache Piths, and concluded to give
them a . trial, and am glad to any they at
forded me immediate relief. I cheerfully
recommend them to any. one. eufferin
from like symptom., feeling sonfident
they will do all you claim far them.
Yor solo by alt Druggists., Price - 60
cents per box. ' '
To the Editors , uJ U. Pittsburgh Gasubte,
F o r birwardtrof ten Sean I have hour
„im a m w i t h
~ ;,;:_fneas and an offensive'
I discharge from my attra,2l" result ufsri .
'attack of meaales when a be;...1 have
been under the treatment of rir.
of 1.11 Smithfield street, for about live
weeks, and have received I loclded bene
fit. Ms treatment famlld and eilleacians.
,Ileapeetfully, .1. At. Idwrz
Lowell, Ohio.
• Waukee.. el.ikNi , Ili:15 11111 •• .
Whlte all wool blankets 114,00 wth
1111 •• • .
4,e0 0,110
o,of/ .. 9,00
". • !`t• .., ikaa 10,00
114 41 6_50 4 11,00
. O S:00 " . 1 / a ,OO
" 0,00 " 14,50
""" " 10,00 " i 5,00
'•.. 11,00 " 10,60
12,00 " 17,60
Lovett etock,and choepest goods ever
seen to the two cities, onwad. corner
Market and Fourth etreete, No. 00 •
11 . 0 . GAISDNER ttSTEPiAIitT.
ow. Dime. Swede. .
Best De Leine% reduced from 115and2Ile
Slna s Coburghe reduced from 25c.
Tic reduced from Mc.
wideii Sheeting Ittlalhl,
Kentucky Joins reduced from 2.5 c.
Canton Flannel rodutied from 25e.
Shirting Checks reduced 25 and %.c.
T. W. BARKER it. Co.,
59 Market. street. WA of bls wooed. •
' . .11 woo sod. deep oo sroU, or ...Ode
AO d rellt.elll 4 Mild do."
Barrns will Wants* lb. dad,
th.y curs U. slot.
se ob. dabtos.oll,
sad nod.. Mb Wog so be ..Joy.d.
' We believe that there are millions of
living witnesses to this 'feet. • Dyspepsia
is a horrid dLsosse,butPiantation Bitters
will mire R. It is a most invigorating
tonics for weakness and mental despon
dency. mote who- aro " out of sorts "
'should try Plantation - Bitters, - lgt:TH
- . pagDolle Witter.—A., delightful toilet
articlo—imperior to Vologno and at half
the price. . arrrru.
Dry Goode at lahalceale,-..w0
rite tho .rtlettlar attention of buyers at
wholmule to our complete *dock of allks
dress goods, and all kind, of fancy and
staple goods, and to the fact that- we sell
at the lowest °extent prices,. and out
goods to suit purchasers.-
J. W. Dimwits & 0n.,.
• 69 Market street.
It la a Joy to have O clean mouth and
fragrant breath. -which all am have by
using Wants Fluid and Powdered Den
tifrice. • A dolly moor It strengthens the
gums and preeerves the tooth. Sold
wholesale and retell by Joseph. Fleming,
No. 84 Market street, and all druggists.
The Great Bare Oda After/Mon at Oak
land Parh.—Magoester Coldwater BB
Ir and Brown George, wlthreaning mate
The contest, between these oalebrater
horses emu& air this afternoon. Ram t .
eoramence at 2 r. N.
T. T... Ewen% No. 105 Wood street,
tends promptly and In the boat mechan
ical style, to sU ordershi the city or from
the taluntry, for plumbing, gen or steam Prices eery reasonable. Cave
• Distrab"e Residences awl Sites • tar
Cauatry Remes at Edgewooti Station,
Pennsylvania Railroad, at auction, on
Thursday, October3lat, at o'clock p. m.
Soo advertisementof Smithson, Palmer
d Co., Auctioneers. . •
Onantt7 Ordetw whetted fbr the uree
don of pumps and allwork lu thoplumb.
log line, by T, T, Ewens, pmethmt
plumber .na was nod steam Otter, No.
if,;, Wood Street. • • .`"
All the delicacies! of tho aetwon,to
gether with the subehudiala or the Wutr
ket, daily served 'up to the' guests of
iloitchelmor'n popular Continental eta
loon, r4l. !greet, next door to the Post-
dee the Advertisement of LW. J .
Egan, the well known and popular
ookseller and Math:nor, Sixth street,
near Smithfield street, Pentons In need
of anything in his lino should rail.
...A Foul iavedl.Tvrp Peiteratnied. , .
1 -1 0 rom 30 to 50 per cent coal may , be
saved in boating at house by the use of
the l'atent Invisible Weather Strip. 114.
Smithfield strtot, second story.. -
Tae beet place • Lu tho city to pi e
chafing that 'of tempting fresh oyatens
cooked to order la at Holtaheimer'a Inn
ing Rooms, Fifth Arcot, next door to the
Postollico. . .
T. T. Ewens, 13G Wood street, attends
o all kinds of plumbing work, gas and
-team fitting, at. the shortest notice and
ipon the most reasonable tornie 4.°
The cholera* . table wines and viands in
the city can ho found at Holtahalmor'e
Continental Saloon, Firth tame, next
door to the Poen:dike.'
Chaisitellers, pendants, braekets,globes,
and lamps, for sale at the moat reason.
bin terms, at T..T. Ewene, N 0.165 Wood
Dendelall -Orlin* I . OOC4VVI daily at
lioltabeltnor's popular Cctutinentla . Din"
ingltoozne.FLlThotroot, next door to the
Poototllce. "1-
Itvenbedy takes meals at Ifoltabet
Fifth street, next door to the PoetoMee.
Elise Bala—Tho only osoortment of
bolo ball goods In the Fay
The Cineinn. , l Chnelliereial received
daily at 71 p. m., at. Pittock'tt.
liirper's a nil a 32 111t40 _ ilea
prei'y —Thektilabti 6tlitt.Pek ; ll.
ds'imOtbi PittoOk'tiblialaih
Wallets arittock's.
' Ainatien Rate or lets.
1 . By spirant! request, en affionnbral sale
of.those desirable lots will be bed In
"Hoboken,". on Saturday, On. 26th,
when another new plan of lots will be
offered. The terms in the sale or these
lots are so examdingly, liberal, that a
comfortable hornets lwought within the
roach of all—n6-theith in cash and the
balance in live yam
Free trains will leave the Depot of the
Western Penturylvenla ,Rallroad,
stony City at 9:ositird•ll a. to., stopping
at Rennett l e, Pine Creelc, -Shartisburg
and Roes Stations; returning ut 3:45 p.m.
A free' dinner and a good one, will be
wird up on the ocanion, by our friend
Hervey dicauire, of Fifth street.
ALEx. Lueciers, Auctioneer.
Stit &: Szturrklux,
Real Estate Agents and Managers,
Fors! Fars! Fare! sad Where to Bey
-.Messrs. Gardner at Stewart, west coo-,
nor Of Market and Fourth- streets, So.
69, have no* open and for Sale, at whole
sale and retail; the largest stock in the
614 . T.; in. all grades and qualities, which
,propose to 011 qt loss prices than
the samegoo.*n be bontlit elsewhere,
alsonhdwing a gretater.tariety and en
tirely, , ,buyore of ftu-s
shouldremember ale, and avail them
selves of this ram - opportunity to make
their purchaicts. .
They are also oitUt.ijrgt a large stock or
item dry 'goods, moat remarkably cheap.
Wart erirrner Market and Fourth streets,
Oar MO Geode. •
Prints rodirced from 1936
Strighams reduced from 20c.
Bleached Shirting Mus!ins reduced
from lee.
Cublear-hod bluallus reduced from leis.
Canton Flannels reducod from Pic
and 21:1c.• ' • •
. Shirting Check. reduced from 20c.
reducedlicking =and
Market street.
Jost irw York halve
for house, Sel. 55Stirelalt idieet. a lage
and complatelatoekof Ladles', and Mises'
toWbsleoale Eloyero.—l am prepared
to offer you at my now house,:. o. 104
Wood street, a superior lot of Trunks,
Valises, Carpet 13sks, Satchels, 6:e. , lower
than any other house In the city. Item
ufecture all my work, and ran warrant
them to be made of the verrbest materi
aL Remember the number, 104 Wood
=ram Jossru Ltmsean.
Dilatable Fite for a Pitrate Residence,
on Ohio avenue, Alleghenig;Cite, at AUL ,
Ron. On Saturday, Oetiaber Nth, at' 2
o'clock p. in., on the larenilarsi, , will - be
bold tha large and hanitiomelyaltuated
vacant lot of ground, frontinici. ,, feet on
Ohio avenue, neig...Clurafers. street, ex
tending .iptek 2h9.Seet tiLliagheti to Locuat
street, and arlJoining_groperty of Jona
than Oallaber. Partleidgai adctrtise.,
naent of' Smithion,'Pailidaei'dc.Co., in an
other. column..
The:Mee to. bup your Ladies' end
Altherise Sera lest the extensive Par bonito
ttpti! , sp.Fletning,;tio.l39 Wood street.
. ,
ilk".ettLlFlL CF O4I -/he..,bonns,
ters,,do.:, for mon, ladlhammengdrea:
kept !at ffr Market street, are made of
e6y bait roaterial," and sold as low
thei,,zeat. - All goods are warrlutted
to g h... ~s t lidc4ton. If you want some
thing 'good, azarai"old pr,ces, mil at
Robb's Slice House,. Bnlllarket street.
Dt7 Goods and Gld Prlces.=-That tti
- •
prime before the war. Soo our ptioes.
J. N. ke.nweat & Co.,
• . ~5A Market street.
Latera' Vary= ZOll
'Cloacks-Beantlfal goods subhmequat.
allerldtha, at lama prima than can
be found I nrldthe ,
the. two cities, on west cor
ler of Market and Fourth atreota.
Trsaksi Trunksii Treokillt--Remern
ber the place to get your" Trunks. Val
ises, fie., Is at Llebler's Trask House,
No. lei Wood street. He keeps the very
best and all the latest etyles. Call In and
examine. " TTN.
Bargains in Ladies' fare, at the New
York bat mid far store, No. ,52 St. Clair
Shawls tiheap.—ror ladies and misses;
beautiful all wool Long Shawl forSs.oo.
• • J. NV. P.Asiras & Co.,
59 Market street.
VaMaine Llty , m pri
vate residences, on Pro perty Ridge ites
tartlet, for
gheny City, at auction, on Saturday, Nn'..
vember 2d, at 2v, M. See advertiaernent
orSmithson, Palmer ch Co., Auctioneers,
55 and 57 Fifth street. •
Eye, Ear, Throat, Lunn, CIIFET
Dranuuta and CaTaman, succesafully
treated by Dr. .i.born, 194 Smlthneld
.treat' - Aoolc by mall 50 come.
To the Ladlea.if you want a Nico
Traveling Bag, Vallee or Satchel, go to
Wider's ftahlonable Trunk House, No.
104 Wooded:est, and you will find any
thing you can Irish for in his lino—cheap
and good. , Tra.
Go to MIL Iftesslers, No. 139 Wood
street, for bargidnevio Ladles' fors.
Dream GOrldl.—Great reduction in the
TrliooB of DreSS Grads at
J. W. BARREN. d:-Co.'s,
tirAdditional Local Matters
on Third and Fourth Pasts.
HARTMAN—BLUME—At the reildeuta oc the
bride. mother, by the ReftrUnd Dr. 'toward:
on Thursday oveulog. October :A 16C, THEO
DORE 0. 111,11TMAN. of Allegheny City, to
Jile.NIE aunts, Of Plttsbutgb.
log, October 24, bylter, J. e. Stevenson, D. D..
Me.?. H. COURSIN, Of McKeesport, Pa.. and
Mlss LOW M. 31011851111 Z. dctlatsr Or nob.'n
Tottrythe. Esq., of Callfrontls, Pa. • '
• lIIITHDOCH — HOORIDCAD.—Ttturaday mora
lug. 14th loam„ by the Bev. D. H, Iltddle, D. D.
JAX B. ADDIDODEI.n.. D., of Oswego,' X
T., to JI.N.NIC6 A.., daughter of 800. J. X
/Warhead. of Ma atty.
WIIALET.-0a Friday =wrath:. October ISM
eC, JESISIK ALMA, infant daagbrer of J. B
d Lama Whaley. . .
Yenend from the menden.. other patent., ea
for recut and Pine streets, ran moxecixo
IlAktlllEDY.—On Friday morning, ogt„akock
at a o'clock', JAII6S lo tam
:In year or Ida age. .
Funeral on Savanna AMAMI° Mth
at 1 , 4 u • Gack. from the residence of his parents.
corner of Carton and Craig sta., lllrminghaln..
CLE.LAND.—On Tnoaday .moraing. Oct. kid:
merA MARGARET 0., alto Of WO3. ind.llo.
Tuners! Iv -11i0anOtr, (Sunday.) at a o•Gock
to.. limn the reeleente or her husband. In
elhalerelllei The friends °Cahn family are lullted
to attend.'
No. Ls Aibritt Street. intid .. lo
COFFINS; *ran kinds . ; CRAPES. GLOVIA
ever(riescriptlen of runeral Fanrishing Goody
(mashed. Demi open day .d atria. Demo,
add Carriages thrashed.
licrsalsdae—ller. David Seri, D. D.. 17. ay.
M. W. (scrims, D. S.. Thomas Ewing,
Jacob 21. Mlada
J G. 5110DGERN.
•-I AND LINALMETA (ancebwor to the .
ate tunnel NwNferr.t No. 9 Delo Illseet.
three dant.= Dearer. Allegany CD/. Ale-
Wile. Drawnnd• Walat and R. 0..
wood Imitation C0*.,l at the lowest reduced
price. Rooms open at all boas, day aad taint.
Nara and Daringoe rnraldied on abort meta
ad on mart resalable terms -'
powARD. czanNueciii
LLESTAILICIt. Oflice...No. 'Ai '061: Street,
Allegheny. • !Catalan,' Insane.; said other Ver
non, with acomplete stock of reneral Yurniiinnt
rionds, on band end fornienneent ibOrtest notice,
at' loweet prices.' Bale and Livery Stanton cor
ner or firer and BUddle Carriage..
ileronehee. }NlZiec ac.• Ron.. a.,
'-' J. IIA311111:1011; at tin Cesmterr Oats,
FOR RC NT .- -d Mae and weu
ApaT tsaloolll . Vbe . 4= oo l trawling.
Is6tateuts sad stl:o4ll , 3ltsionncitol l y, , at
83348:1 4 1 Siti.Mt 4,17 , 11 4 . resint 114.
P~,., T 'r-~r ~c;Zr
wruct , -Thp.:
nod bitisrittnre UM once, 'Okay an bur:"
THE vhlk[4 - ( 11Tzmm
IIirEDIEBDA* LID 11111711D/Y.
A ° *blot. centellthiiTHlßTY-SIX COL,
LIMNS or tolerant., reading matter. InelndWe
leactiss Editorials, latest News by Teleprapb sad .
Mall. valued° beadles Matter for the
and fallen and most rolls/ale Flummlal and CM,
Menial Market Report. p r "" e
the city. No Fanner. Mechanic or Merchant
ahndd be without h.
' Tilolll /Or. TUC R. 1., obUTTZ:
Slagle Subscriber
Clubs of Flee—••-- ....... 1.36.
Clot. et 1 ca... .............. .......
—And ono copy or paper to the per.
up the data .Adifidous to Maid Ott be tad* sa
atm Cate, sr daub rsAas.
Sion. TO Solucarrutsfl.-'l. *anima Toes
Mart be mum and, specify Mind edit you
want. to we tome a Wednesday Olden for seb
scribers !wins but ebb mall • we4k.
airmose7 by Thad, X.P.rem. Moumf Ouddre s
or In Resibiersid Letters. may be sent at oor AIL
• Address. MAZETTWei
Gentian Wotnan. aged Shaky' Tea.. (know
lug French and English.lloedueedu chlidree. oe
dassistant In housework, or lu a store. Ad
ress A. C.. Wilco of the GALLI, r. Illtsbargh.
gvntleinao of
experience and nosiness rinaliticetfost
',acid like to connect b tinsel( With A laundry, to
solsnefut are a staple article for which there Is
..1 , 1 demand. Address CASTMOS, at Silk
WANTEU-20 000 A ; GENTS.--
A temple tent fkaa• with tonna, for m 7 owe
to cicargl3 dally, In three hours. Itnaincsta en
tirely now, light and desirable. Coo trot done at
home or traveling. by both male and female,
No itift enterer!te or hotelme. W. IL
TES, 3,41 Brom:lslay, New York. •
HOUSE, No, tin Fulton .creel. SUM
Went, PlttiGorich, eight rooms and cellar; all
the , metteret 'lmprovetnento.. Large let Apply
TAIMING la lowa. ea.y.
Good Taxeaall paid. Will trade laielti
promrly. aartlcalara latialn. Of ➢. F.
ROU7II. No. A .llarket areal.
tine fatally BARMIER]: 'HORSE. for We , at'
meta the llonirstrahelallottee.
Fon • BALE--.A. large LOT or
GROUND. situated on Penn •trlet. teratllo
reel. burnt three front.. Itnjroecment• ars
.one good dwellings on Penn street Rad • tw•-
torf shop In rear. Shop Is _slaty by fort7•dv
feet, good snanurneturing site. Will be sofa
separate If &stud. findutre at No. no PENN
—Goat stock or HORSES. BUGGIES, BA
IIOUCII BS. Must be .old, as present owner has
other business requiring his attention. Located
on Water street. near . Federal:Allegheny City.
For Mahar particulars inquire of Wiry TAM T.
PAUL, corner. Anderson and Isabella Weeds..
FOrl RALF3—itnicm. • YARD.—
The underilgned will 'sell all or one-halt or
• . 13,1, a Yard. to any hereon whiting to alga/eta .
the liminess. The yard le new, with all,the mod ,
era IMiiroiemen rims tenteao, None
need apply bet those who Mein health,. AO,
dress E. T. C.. Allegheny P. O.
.IZOR SALE-146 Acres of Land,
with one double frame house. sprlag boom.
and good awing; email barn: all building. new.
Emu zee.. to form fait rein or coal, undertapint"
about MO sere.. flutter and Kittanning Tont
pike roe. tbraegh the farm. The above will ha
exchanged for property. in the city orartiolnlng
town.. Apply to .W. B. BOYD k CO., Keel L.
tate Agents, No. led FLU Street. Pltaburgh.
Bakery, doing a .baslness of from In to ID
barrels of Dour a week, nod. situated et No. BS
PALO, ALTO STREET, Allegheny Clty, wilt be
sold on reasonable test.. Tile' above bakery to
doings good business, end bas the feetittlenot
doing a mutt, larger one theals now runnitig.
Any person wishing to engage In the boaineas
god this a rare opportunity. Yer nArtlehinrn
Inquire et the BAKERY.
FINK SALLE.---gotwe and Lot ou.
"." coiner of 3lnnhattan and A.lnmn street.
near I.ll3•C•ger Railway. Lot by 117 feet.
/Longs frame. containing 7 firms .d good ball,
Bell improved. House and ri,t on Sheflfel4. near
Bidwell street. Allegheny City. Lot - 43 by 19
feet: house frame. contains lull. floe Moms and
good cellar: water and gv. Also, several mall.
Houses and Lot. 10 good location. Hclinlre of J
-1111511 F. CO.. Bearer street, near Cho...
FOl4 SALE. •
WE °mita TOIL 11614 tkat
Dciuble Brick ,Illansion.Home.
gheny CIK. containing thirteen lama and .an
finished rooms, besides a klteban, pantry Yd
dabbed basement. all of the moat modern era
and imam Improvestanta, massaged and rtaplW
for every comentenee.
The Lot Is 60 by 320 Feet,
A. good Stable es the bask area. Ikaltral wtetler
. of Os clol sett
Peach Trees, Grapes & other Fruit,
are helm carefully selected and oultivated
bearing maturity, together with (ahoy Aro
atitairatlcally arranged over ins lot, a
tig beauty and relltrameut through.'
neat Faust. WI Ilwxessce
Or, "MN D. O.IIIXY tr, MILO.
Jewelers and Optioians,c,
ae 31P1N"r353. 111111T3FiZ13111W.
Merchant TailOr
Cor. Penn and 134 Clair Rivets,
Takes gnat plasma of Informing his eadasass•
and th e palate In general 112.01 s stock at
SPECIAL NO 7 7CE.—In ',Plc o[-
essay de.irtnir to be Instructed La
the set of machine toeing, (who' ere not own.n
of mxhine.) o ' TUC WHEEL= ,IWIL
SOIe.•' we have mole arranirethenisatherevy ws
are enabled to invite any such to one roe... No,
gfylfth•lr,t, where they lOU be thoroughlyl n .
stowed octillion charge. To those who are con.
templatlng malting a purchase, or wish to obtida
Idtaatle.. this will be • most farorablevidnor
omit). Our ...tomer, are, earnestly requested
leare Immediate notice, whenever Instrnetton
- may he desired, at we have. large Pattie of com
petent and obliging teachers, whale strokes out
be had ...often sa neces.arf.
• W)
avaarzu a co.
liar removed to No. 914 NITLir. STREET. go , -
nee of Federal Street, where he hi now meet. rt.,
PI. new esol extensive stock of -
• •
MFALL C1.0111n.,
Which will be mode
Wtyto order lb the :fast_ l." styllah .
l, MTN ° , VaEt b
'will be sold on very reasonable terms.
4 L. 811trilt, merchant Tefer ,
.11. OS WTLTZ ST., ear. st'll.lesal;
Tr ek avet7411.31 . 700n, •t o'clock, itt
onus aim Gs 'rib at.
Practical Faratiara Manufacturer%
bu t tn rtras of /13101Tnnue offlutain i y
Anchor Cotton Milts, Pittsburgh.
wautaetar:r.n4ez67Y MEDISTX At LIGHT
Mill AND iiA17113141.
, clast9iez..i par vriee . i., at its -;
64 YOUTH Mt am Kukla.