The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 25, 1867, Image 4

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tilt Vittdrat kayttE
Thin! Day--Cloalala 14... k.•
trortifiXO agsmdic.
The State Christian A...elation ite•
. assembled in the First. Pretbytetian
Church, Wood street, nt nine o'clock
yesterday morning. Presided Miller in
tire chair.
. The session wag 4,p..,ned with reading
a portion of the Scriptures by the Preal
dent, after which Rev. Mr. Critchlow, of
New Brighton, offered np a prayer. The
remairthor portion of the gust hour al.
• spent In devotionnl exercises.
rnsegsslON. •
At ten o'clock the fisurth topic was
taken up, viz: The Church and Co
operative Astoeistions-What ere there "
1 . 110 m4 printery aim and obleasoriOsing
Men's Christian Associatione Their hest
inethods of operatn,ahlrtancs of
thad t to r -l.gegc, 4rerel....„.
sepoied. by Mr,
Moods-, of Chicago. •
Dr.htair. said be hod a question toted%
We had • met under the empires of the
• Young Mon'a Christian Association.
Have we done anything towards break
-log down the barriers bet ween the Chris
[tan denominations?. Rave we sinned in
singing "Conte to Jesus?" Have we
. sinned in making our prayer,. personal?
Thia pensonality seems to prevail in the
assembly - , and the question presenta R
ash; have we shined In to doing? He
. thought not, and argued at some length
on thin proposition. lie thringlat the
Young Menial Christian dissociation had
educated the churchtu theology, and he
outitendod that they were doing a good
work, and he bid them GosPspeed.
. hfr.Sheaf, of Cincinuatiosaid the Young
Men's Christian Association of that city
had done ahme good. They haul distrile
Med hundreds of thotohnaa of pages of
religions matter in the pais, hospitelx, In
the streets and alleys, in gambling and
drinking saloons and, nosier thebicasing
of God, these erorts mi the part of the
Adociation hat resulted in the mover--
- s elan of soulx. •He gave Borers' most af
!fecting incidental which route under hies
own observation, giving evidence ~i f the
good work whichwasbeingaceon . :pl . adted
by the Astociaticro. Ilealsegav!. pit .. o
of conducting the g Meg. 11
Meetings, and urged pastors to endeavor
to induce young men in their enngrega
t tions to enter into the work of Christ,
and to take part in the iiithlic sersieee.
Rev. Mr. Marshall was the next
speaker He said be was glad that
the topic under discussion had hien
' placed on the programme. •He had
studied the operations of the young
• men's noddies since their organization.
He bad feared that they would set them
wive. up as distinct organizations from
the church. He believed that 'f the nat
aociations were made co-operative with
the church; if they were conducted with
a view of awakening and aiding_ the
church, that God would bless them. If
ouch was their object, he would with
them God speed in their efforts; but if
otherwbe, he felt that ho putrid not give
them Ms approval.'
The einem - ideal then sung one verse of
the hymn commencing,-
Is Oa Us that Otos,- att.
A note Was read from a delegate re- I,
questing .Dr. Howard; of thin city, to
speak an the last clauses of the topic
antler discussion.
Rev. J. E. Carothers tithed to oak a
question before Dr. Howard commenced.
He desired to know whether the eastern
adopted by the Young lien's Christian
tawociatlons hid ever been tried in rural
district., or whether_ it was condors' to
. city districts. lle requaated Istr.:Sfortly,
of Chicago, to reply.
• The chairman announced that the quer
-'. lion would be answered , at half-past
eleven o'clock.
Dr. W. D. Howard then-tookthe stand
and proceed t o diseases the het clause
of the topic. e said ho bad a word to
selhetiintlainn fat
rtatoifont,haes a Y l o ao u v ' grin e ee n's
operation to the Churelt. Ha extorted
that if sit the Christhm Associations of
the country were like that of Pittsburgh
-were composed of the same materiel,
every ordained minister, hod every ear
nest member of the- Church of Christ,
would with them God speed. The Pitts
burgh Association woo doing a mighty
work; it was awakening the Church and
giving it such 'marring tip no woo needed.
Me invoked the braeslng of Cori on the
- • Young men of the land in fortberlng the
interest of their blessed Redeemer.
Rey. Dr. 'folder, of the Lutheran
-Slim. Ixtelitute, contended that the Youug
Men's Christian Associations were work
bag for the good of the 'church, and
thought they should receive the encour
u of a in i t l e Cwhtiit s h tl-a th s
op li e e
nt w na n o
the system, but he had come to the city.'
for the purpose of gaining knowledge, I
with& view of establishing moth an no.
• soclation in the village In which the The '
ological Seminairy. with which he was'
connected was located. Ile had wen
arid heard enough to convince hint that
t.h .. :; de ertem wee "IBUObI a one as was
Dr. lalittinger said there were only two
wavarin which • the Association. could
get. ontaide of the church. One was by
allessing the opinion, that they were a
distinct organization from the ,thureb, In
gain woendaney. Another way was by
the cliffeneme. of opinion cafiting to,
tureen the young men and the more eon
. servative member, of the church, in ac
somplishing the same end. He thought
• the church ahotild cultivate folionwhip
wiUt the yo men . The young men
always did the ast share of the work,
and they should allowed to do it as
the spirit of God moved them.
Z.'K. Burnell, of Milwaukee. raid he
was glad to hear such remarks from min
isterial brethren. The reason young
men had made mistakes wan because the
elder brethren had withheld mantel and
advice. He knew that the Christian As
sociation In Milwaukee was in sympathy
with the church, the name as the Pitts
burgh Association, and 'was accomplish- 1111NOLUTIOSA.
Ing a good work among the vices of that . The following
vt yn .o
.in .
were then
sung .: oa t he
submittedto the Convention and adois
hymn commencing
Rewired, That the Yottig , Men'as Chris.
.ela ths ersei or Christ. I &WT..% • than t.,,,,,,f,..k m °roe, united Siatm any
1143 f. Mr. Andrews, of oldo, thought British Precincts, be =mended by
there would be no danger of ouch !axle- , ha, c anyeat i on i „, aai a iiii , woo .,
ties ;jut the Young Men's Association du- Lord's Day. In November next, and the
perceding the church. The 'church had evenings of the week commencing on
the power to control them, and he was that day, for especial prayer for the out
in favor of taking all co-operative Win- pouring of the Holy Spirit on the meio
tic, in the embrace of the church that here of the young Men's Christian j,,,.
they might be made °freeload . aeciatlons of the world, and for tire In.
!ev. Mr. Laughlin, of Ohio, fetid he crossed efficacy of their 'erodes for the
bad ma appropriate puede of Scripture; salvation of yottog men.
to read, and read a portion of the l ooo nd, Mr. Moody led the Convention In
chapter ,?1* John, commencing nt the pmy e gr .
eighth Terse, Mn- . I .t urged that the The following resolution Wall then sub
-Church needed the cooperation of the 'Wood and unanimously adopted:
young men, and contended that there Ruolred, That the thinks of this Core
was no conflict with the Church In mum, be tendered to the 'editors and
Young afen's Jame:lotions. reporters of the public preen ter their
Mr. Lowle said he had been waiting ss a,,,,,e a l amnia. giving to the oadilin
to nee what had been done le Micdster- lull sad complete reports of all the die
. In; to the Jewish population. lie urged co/winos and pre:NAL:me of our Pea -
the Association to extend their labors to done to the Pennsylvania Central (with '
that clime, and tendered hie influence segae i a lt aa a ) t h e Ab i , ii h eav Valley, the
and his efforts in furthering , whatever. Pittsburgh ind connethoillo and tire ,
.merumres they might act on foot. - Pittsbargh,:thilambus' and Canekinith
The dismission was 'egmei.ded. by Del%ltailreada and the Monongahela steam-
Mr. M'Clelland. after which Rev. S. boats, for free returns to dclogatet; to
It Barnitz, of Wheeling, offered up a the Western 'Union Telegraph Company,
fervent prayer. . Mr. Darld,'Superintandent, at. 'Mi.
qua- riots. ' ' Snowden, Agent Aasociatad Prays, for
The Questing Drawer wroa then °Petted, free use of telegragh lines; to Mr. C. C.
and the following were propounded: Mellor for use of Cabinet fl.; to the
First-" How can we beat elicit the trugees of [belled Presfluitreta.
interest of the children ha Christian en• for use of building; to the Christinn pule .
terpriaer , Thin was answered by. Res; He of Pittsburgh for the hospitalities of
H. Thane Millar, who contended that their homes; and to the ministry and I
as ould be inttructed in the Young Merit Christian Ansociatlor, of
fundamental princtihsauf Christianity at Pittsburgh for calling this Convention.
the earliest possible age, in a manner • yoostha senvicke. • :
which would Interest their sympathy.
If this hero done children would be se- Rev. Mr. Boost raldreersel the Conven
tion for several minutiae, returning the
• curbd to the church, anal would grow up iiiankw or
et,fl„,[.., of plitedugh
earnest workent.
s cama d_on- aw s h a g cs a ya . ;,,, a; mu ... to the delegates from a distance.
young men-who come into the etty as 'Thu Chairman, Mr, Miller, then took
strangers-Into goad society nod - the the floor and spoke for some time in a
Chriatian Church?' What erect does feeling and elgemerat Boomer.
the want of attention on the part of our The Convenflan supg so the, cloning
patron, offleers, and private weatherise 4Ymn ,
our churches hare on strangers coming •
to dwelt!, andespodally on young men?"
These questions were answered try Mr.
Burnett, of Milwaukee. • -
Thin?..:-"Is not a conalant revival of re
ligion the privilege and the duty of the
claureM" Answered by Mr, ]toady, of
Chicago. Rev. Dr. Elliott, alto made re
marks on this qnextion. •
Foura.-"Where can be obtained : a
history of the Young Men's- Christian
ajeoriadm, sad its oramaltution and
other documentaaoquaintlng et with Its
workings:* Hew ll.ThacueMiller,Chair-
man, stated that a cheap publication of
thai kind had been bunted lay the Chris-,
Ilan Association of Cincinnati, and could
he procured by addressing Rev. L. Sheaf, '
Superintendent of the,CinennaU Auto
..1 , %1A and Sizth-;-"Iiro. Moody: !loin
Tour itagowledge of the Inborn of the
Young :fan's Christian Association
among the Roman Catholic+ lead to dm
hope of szlooter Among them?" "Cannot
such central orgiociration of the Young
Men's Christian Amiociation, as the one
in this city, do much 40 tstablish elmilar
oranninations In the surc.unding smaller
towns and vlllagetof :Savo Yonne Moo'.
Chrioftsti AMOCifttion4 boon trioik, end
- aro they. adapted to the work. or Christ In
rural distrieta and in country churches?'
-tnswered by 3lr. Moody, a cide.”.
ORDER 0r 111,170:4, •
Rev. Mr. Bequ'll, eluilrinan of the
Business Couttnittott, announced that
the afternoon session would convene at
half put. two. Ths &not half hour would
be ?pent la. devotional csarebes. AL
three o'clock the' discussion ou the but
topic would be opened by Boy, M. Mc
-Intyre. The lard half hour would he of
a farewell character.
The hymn commencing •
•7tut Jean bear Um Cron alone..
wan then Krung, and the congregation VOA
&imbued with prayer by the chairman,
Mr. Miller. •
The'..ootorention adjourned until hall
pant two o'clock.
Thedeenlloo4 exorcises of the after.
noon istmeitetwereopenett at hallneettero
'cloc, by staging the first reran of the
third hymn, 1 •. "
“ceee Thca Mud ofvrsry Pleimed, Ald.emanW. 0 /0,1112 hoe removed
Taaa aky beat to Nos Toy etelo••••hi
e office to No. all PtintOylvente Aye-
Which was followed by • short prayer. I lute, where tie livq•lfe =ugly w"ro.
Rev. Mr. Barth's,' of 'Wheeling, who
conducted the exercises, delivered
short address
r .:..kortiou of the Scrip
tures was next alter which the re
mainder of Mohair our allotted to de
rational exerchtea wan occupied try ,
alternate singing and Pray er.
The hour for taking 0p .,.
business of the Convention arriving, the
Presddeitt, Rev. If. Thane Miller, tank
the Chair, and the meeting WWI opened
w!th Prayer by Rev. Mr. Baker, of Al
toona, after which the hymn
3 " :e i etTrZiaagy.
us 'late t .lets."
woo aung by the eougreiratt6n.
The fifth and last topic for discussion
was then taken up, It read an follows:
V. The Co - opemtiveAaeOclatlorut. and
our country. What special demands do
the vastness of our territory, our rapidly
increasing population, and the character
of the numerous Immigrants, make
upon all Christians and Christian organ
isations in this land?
The discussion was to hive been open
ed by Rev. Mr. Mclntyre, of St. Louis;
but Rev. Dr. Blair, •of IlLainrvilleo In
diana wanly, Pa.,
to he heard
for a few minutes, as he wished to re
turn home. The request was granted,
and Mr. Blair entertained the Convention
for a_few minutes with a very appropri
ate and forcible address upon the subject
under consideration.
Rev. Mr. Ifelntsie then took the stand
and entertained the Convention for sev
eral minutes. Ile said there were over
twenty-two millions of people In the
United States, of a proper age to be With
, in the folds of the church, and out of
that vast number there were but about
fire millions of professing Christians,
leaving over seventeen millions outside
of the pale of the church and without a
hope in the Savior. There was material
which lout never vet been put urthe
' proper use, which he thought could be
' need to good advantege—he referred to.
Ih la t t i og ' r e tV rc as et t len b wor ness
th mo ra re ei thltd b' mo d u l ev e' ,
and it was the work of this clam of per
-1 sons that was needed Instead of the
I money.
Rev. Mr. Henry, of Neat Virginia,
next addressed the Convention. He said
that faith and prayer aloale,svould not
conquer the world, and was .sorry to say
that faith and prayer would not take a
soul to Heaven. That unless the Church
-1:311 et n G .! r in ' t7sd o e r d tCr d to d A d o, oho'e wouldwor l
fall far short of eccompllshlng the ends
for which she wasiutended. While they
are praying, they must go out and work,
or their prayers would be useless'
Rev. Mr. McClellan was next an
nounced and entertained the Convention
for full five minutes, the time allotted to
each speaker, Ina very forcible and in- 1
Wresting adress.
Rev. Dr. Marshall was the next speaker.
He said that this was the most extensive
territory on the face of the earth, and no
people enjoyed such large and extended
liberties as we did. The number of per
song emigrating to this country was very
large, and he feared that unless some ef
fort was made to eilnist.isnire tbenr, we'
wore in danger or lasing civil and relig
ions liberty,
Mr. Moody, of Chiesgo, next ad
dressed the Convention. He said that
christlantiv had been. defensive long
enough; tint it was time now that we
should go to -the way portals of hell to
rescue souls from destruction. Ile rela
ted several Incidents to Illustrate his pee
salon, andrecommended that theyshould
learn a Meson from the politicians, and.
do as they did—go out into the streets
and hunt up souls.
Mr. Burnell, of Milwaukee, sold that
helived in *German wurd,'and Unitise
hal a few American neighbors, but he
respected his German neighbors fully WS
much, If notmore, than he dldhls Amer- 1
Man neighbors. The Germans learned
their infidelity abroad, while the Ameri
cans learned It At home. lie thought
that when the American people would
stand up and work as honestlyend abb.
fully for the prinelplea of Chrustianityies
taught in this eounlrv,as the Germans
did infidelity, to which they had been
trained from youth up, it would be but
ashen time until they Ir nld reap arieh
harvest foam their la tm .
Rev. o.llr. Barnitz. of Wheeling, Was
8 4
the next speaker, He pied the. full
time allotted to ht In a fbrelble ad
dress. ,
Ilev. Mr. Zeigler next took the floor.
He believed Waco-operative movement,
and thought that such a step wonid anon
Christianize the world. Ile said the ne
eessity of oaths movement watt far more
apparent In the country district* than It
was In the city. He entertained the Con
vention for file remainder Of bin time
with some very Interesting statlstire
laling to the number of ministers and
lay Christians In the United States. He
hoped the day was not distant when
the Christian world would far
be free of all
the !MLA which now encumbered If, and
that the lovers of Christ would nil work
together for the gut cause of Christian
:Der. Dr. Jacobus seta that were a
number of ladies In the Convention who
desired to know,how they could work;
or what they meld do,' too, for the /111-
vanerrnent Chrbn's cane. He would
recommend them to go to the prisons;
the work houses, and by places, where
thensonts work to do, and .. whallever
their hands nd to do, let It be done
quickly." He t hen read a request from
a lady In the Convention inking for In
struction, from some of the deletrateN as
to bow they, the ladles of Pittsburgh,
could make themselves usethi in the
cause of Christ-
At the close of Dr. Jacobus' remarks,
the Chaim= requested him to I124i:0
brief prayer for this spectio object,
which was oemplied with.
ft time allotted to the discussion of
the topic hmink expired, the discussion
Was elosod.
Rev. MY. Swell thin reed a q_ueation,
asking If there was a Young Ladloa'
Christ/an Saooddwton la Pittsburgh? /f
not, should there not be one?
The question was answored by
- Mr Moody. Ile stated that be thought
no better work could come out of - this
Convention thanthe omen/ant/on of such
soelety. • ' •
`Blest be Me tie Ihlt 1.4145."
After which nee, Irr. %evil offerra the
cToying prayer, 'whorl the Convention ad
patmed afar die.-
Nt:w Ograa liovar.--nrch night of
the xnePP 6 rui eniPW•ment of Mr. 8. r.
Chantratt acid 8. T. Paraloe In the great
comody of -Sam.'”
Tame-K.7:a Vanterrra
rare lord bill La Roared Ebb. evening. .
Fani.:—• The 'Fall , se ht.:. Brithea'a
dmrdi nentlnttes in attract 'a lam et
tendonre. /Liman admirable plane tnam m i
a few hour. In innerent arnukemvni and
Thp captaq for the Miter's
ran. lsaplrlted.
THE Tars 171 - enrnru l'iteut will
give a grout venal eonrart t¢ City Fall
on Turaday evening next. • -
Mn... CAROLINE' MCCAnrality.' of l'idl
adelphia, atslsted by, a number of highly
cultivated pw.feasional vocalist; will
give two pawl coorwrts at the Aawkway
of Mode ' neat wee*.
Rix Ittez is Y:ettiklit next 'Week with
his gnat circus; 012 a farewell visit.
. Before Albelleaui IfgrY
Dwelt went heibre Aldornnm Thom"
yesterday, and charged Rachel Madam'
with winawit.{Ppoilog that alto ruled vile
and abaxive ungurgo toward her, and
rtstedi,t thiwatenodP gOlica hoe with
a bottle. Itaehol wale arraated and
he to 4411 pea further hearing.
Pkkrr4ritt--igur Moran, Artuded
on' Wednesda7 n for
John Newton' pollk Djeklng ono ot, haa`n wiring
MU . y a rming .o befOr i e t erty Ata.yor
uln slofault
of fibre iIUSIdP4.4OII4nI 441
BINVA-11106r1141d•numa Johm.7aa .
card/T. Mary Darchor eh arrd David
Jonas with blow. - It
_la PM* th at
Davld &animated • marnaitaarlth dapa•
wet while his theta,* waa,yetative..4
warrant Wu laintwt - •
Base 14la—a patch gape Will be
played *le ageenee. st Pelob Pleb,
,Illeglieny City between Abe Noway,
of OR City, and'lbe.Mbegbeey Club.
The .01
enim.„ 0.
1. hotly Cl.t ( ) , mail. hold a
11 -monthly meeting Tlmrkdav
t.12-lai. .
iota's Ilraiselh.
1 - moidmt MeaNr, Brown,
un., .I:dmlihh, Gurm, I Lille
rd. Myler, McCormick, Puce.
IC.. Patter,m, A. Smith, A.
to., Pre , idomt. .11e4rior. ,
14 of 111, previrm. mooting
1 d approved.
Darn er Dr
rich, Mottle
'eatterenn .
D., Smith, I
At ere revel
M itit pfeaeraCd a ealisiallfli•
t. Patrick Co., aAking Chti
c.3ttpon I No. 104 t which has
• •haul.
cation from
payment of
Wen lust or
,Accepted id referral to the Finance
Committee, • leiti power to act.
Mr. Brow i waited a petition from
property i old era, praying. for water
&ditties in Frai Win etrtiet. Referred to
the Water 'Coral riittee.
• •
Mr. Brownoffered the report of the
Committee on Streets in favor of the
;grading and pacing of Turner alley, and
P grading of 'Taggart street. _Cm.,
panying the report acs presented an or
dinance authorizing the game. Thr rn
port we.' accepted and the ordinance read
three times and pinned.
Mr. Brown presented the report of the
viewers on the opening of Union strwt
from its present vouchers' terrain. to
North venue, .hecrptett and ordered. to
be tiled.
Mr. Brown presented a coniumni, ittior.
from the City Regulator In reference to
the Canal Street eewer r It haring boon
found impossible to get men to under
take tne amensinent of damages.
A.effunpenvlng the comm 111 l itedion
was the deellnation al tw" eontmission
er4 appointed at the loot meeting, end
It resolution authorizing the a ppoillt
meat of n commission to make ItatiMile
tory arrangemente in regard to
mente. Accepted and vommimion ap
r. .Brown made som remarks In
re M ference to the difficulty e
in the matter,
and thought some Inquiry should hr
otede in regard to it.
Mr. English thought legislation should
be lied on the subject to enable tine sew
erage improvements to be made under a
general tax. He considered that; tine
sewn - mte of tine city KM; a benmit to the
whole city.
Mr. Myler offered a resolution author
izing payment of eertain moneys paint
nlnto thetreasury by the WeStern Plif/LI
sylvaula and Mt; Fort Wayne and Clam.
go MallrcaulCoMpanius to the central , -
tors of the Canal street sewer. Adopted.
C. C. norpeonenirred and referred to the
Committee on Streets. S C. adhered,
eiad•Mosses. Myler and Brown were ap
pointed a Committee Of Conference. c.
C. 11.nally concurred with S. C.
Mr. A. L. Smith presented n commu
nication from the Controller, recom
mending the reference to the Moan",
Committee of certain hills. The Con
troller also asks Instructions in regard to
the payment of the tire companie, re
cently organized by Councils. Accepted
-and referred I ) the Finance Committee
with power to t.
, • Mr. Irwin of bred a resolution author
izing the lay' a. of a water pipe on Ju
niata' street, miffing the 'water tax
thereon will n turn, twenty per rent, on
Me tovedtilen Adopted.
Mr. Drum °Owed a resolution &won
; tinning the eeniknontbly meeting.
lir.Brown o rated, as he. thought it
necessary at e stetson to have two
meetings per o nth,
eight-e i
Th moti on was lust figs retool six to
The . resolution pawed In C. C. at their
'Regions Inept' g instructing the West
ern Pannaylva la Railroad Company to
hart'a flagman tatiened at the ereaslng
i ,
of Syminon. anti South Canal .0 reel, leas takan np anal aetion of C. C. non
- ^orroi ' -
mncnrre, in.
w. - rofrered to
. .
lon motion the matte,
the (bmtillet, on Rail
Mr. 3tvlnt n
ing G. IN'tnne h
N 1.71101,1 ICI moo..
%ewer. ..tttost
,1 a resolution appoint-
1 and It It. Ray ollmts
tho etAl ermal qtrnet
iLTI:11 111'1:
Mt. err p Measn.. Ito,,
Cutler, , Dill, Ratites, llarpek,
' Klrkpairlek, , esrraw, Mean., Monl,
:McDonald, id
liked, Slagle,
RiddlVoegtly, WintWor, Zoller and ProNident,
The ininitica Of the preeloio. meeting
leer? read and a !opted.
Mr. Dill pnwented a petition front citi
zens of the Slxt i ward, ii.klng 11. r a tire
organization in ward. The petition
Mates that a' company lad been orga
nized, and :di that ite.,,aary is
the ai,panitn... Referred to the coin.
mitten on Fire Engine,. and 11... e, with
instnoliona to ri:port at next maniac.
NEwl .1.1.% )112,
Mr. Kirkpatrick otTemal a reartlution
Instructing the • Committee on .:as to
hive a piddle gas lamp plast on the
Corner of Bearer and ladlie ..treets,
the Second ward.
Referred to the Cont Ott , :a4,
with power to act., S. C. ison•eoneurred,
and referred to the co mmittee, Mr. Vorgtir Offered a resoluthia pro
riding for the I..reetion of a gn.
on the corner of i tke Street and rim
Referred lc
... rota OsamuMee en t,tat,„
Mr. lituvetio a ltnp the rner
of Franklin r—Al and on
Market streets, co and
on corner of Janlate and Market strtsets,
and on corner.tir 8e... and Jefferson
Similarly refereed with power to act.
In S. C. "power to act" stricken Out.
xxorirz-noviot nn•npvmr=wre...
Mr. Reed, fnint the Committee on
Englnch, presented the • report of • the
Commdttee reeentmending :thermions
in the Priem p engine honor, the
cost of said imp vement not to excemi
three hotruired an fifty dollars.
The report was pted and the rese,
lotion read three I knee ar.d fitudlypaseed. t
.11r. Dill offeredle resolution providing
for the laying of, a water pipe on Setig•
I wick street, front Juniata to 'Franklin
Road threettmes end passe& .
Select Connell` son -concurred anti L it' ,
ferred to Water Committee. *
.TREET C,tllivAT EXTI:Nszo.N.
11r. Meld preoented the report of the
Committee on St eveytt and faibrayN
Ogtether with an , rlistanco granting the
Pittsburgh, Alleg teny and Menehrster
Railway Company the right to extend
their railway along Ohio avenue from
the corner of Indwell street and said
avenue to Alleghtmy avenues and thence
down said Allegheny avenue to Western
avenue. ,The reprirt was.- emerged, and
the erdhumee Madame times entlpeastgl.
, •
Mr. Kirkpatrick presented a pethien
from Mew's. lohn Sterrett, I, W. Den.
and other citizens, of the Cksseel Ward,
asking, that water iplist be ,t fondest to
their property: -
Referred to Committee on 'Water.
, pcs - oriJ narostm
Mr. Dill hatt,suintai objections to make
in regard to the, pUbliention of the re
pute of the pros edinge f .touneile
lit: the newslispera lie ennead
ered that they went be no mama as
' full sir they &maid be. fie did not think
the papers should be paid for publishing
half' a enitimu when twirn the anortut
militia. be Made.
31. r. Me eU,suggndtxT dint Mr. Dill
have his speeches Ipublished, [Laugh.
3 r. lUD thought. the clerk ideal lit for-
Melt the papers with pill reports.
The Preindent stated that the repent as
mado by the reporters were antlefactory.
and be did net think it neeewure to take
any action la the mattes,. If Mr. flute
apeernee are not published no fell as he
wished ho sluth! IFTPII.I4 Ili 1110 reporters
In all matters net otherwise nut.,4l tll4•re
Wan a mutual emicurrea.o.
Pollee Ilan..
Aetna Seller made Information before
Alderman Taylor yeaterday uguinet Jobe
Digerman, charging hint with Icemen
and battery. 'She allsten that the do
fendaut committed en assault and I•etters
upon her daughter, n little girl of twelve
yearn of age, by, catching her by the erne
and tearing her clothing. The Refercined
wan arrested and hold far n hearing.
Mary L. t Shaw yesterday 'made info,-
inatloa before Alderman iile?lastent
equine( her Non, J, O. Shaw, charging
him with sesatiltand battery. A wnrnant
Wee Inuost.
Mary Heil node Information before
Aldergrtan Strain naterday waken
Henry neuter tar ateedult and battery.
A warrant was Leaned fortis wrest.
VALIP.Pn irry...*(lE,
Earliest Wessell yesterday appeared
before! Aldommk Strain, hut made In
formation against Jacob Batten, Charg•
log him with obtaining goods under
tithe pretence. The
.procoontor keeps a
grocery at hi Sixth street, and the de
fendant resides on Perm street in the
Fifth ward. A warrant was' issued PT
the arrest of the defendant.
1=1.0,471111 ov rEICRON.
Anna Seller veaterday appeared lAnfore
Alderman Taylor and wiodo Information
agalnit Jalin cluirglng him with
Indecently exikehta Pesoon prem.
enoe of her old dron. "A warrant wtfo 10‘.
mod for tho defendant, who wan ornmtot
and hold (or a hcarhig. • •
-,The Charles. 'Dickens 'fever has al
ready legun In Boston, and a story Is
told of on* enthusiastic 6ld %Bow who
wanted to entennbe for seventeen season
tickets to the Aurae of loadings, )tro-
Tided the prim viva not to be over 11,00
—The Portal:l3o4 ?Mune RAY. that a
4. earliintal/t" Democrat of that town was
beard to obwitee the other. day, that
Johnson wits a &Awl 'fool far appoint
ing that Niabyth it post ottioe, for *very
tette.. to done the Democratic
Dart 7 Prat WM OPO 800 d:"
RC .11R D BRO ' [ il
118 Wood St., near corner of !att.
t 4 oseriunent Securities,
Gold, Silver.
And Courpomuy
neatlit and sale on Liberal terms. Drafts sold .
la a principal ell/es or !rezone:
coxtuvuoN OF 7-30'S
Nl'. err pow prepared to Coeval thl
New 1867 6.20 Gold Coupon Bonds
Cornmeal Strain.
Corner roorth h Wood Stroeta.
f . A fiIeVAV &CO
Cor. Fourth and Smithfield Streets.
cent. to January' iat, and glee e
them t In J-ID oar.
11-20 ./TOXDS OF 1867,
hater eel IN 0014/ .t 0 per cant. from Um date.
IRA 11..NeVAT fe CO,
Ton rira'rrs,7,"o,7t.o t : ili G ht!firtr 1
Thy ad vmee of Malted Slates bonds In the
London and Frankton marketk hod a depra.
sher Indian., on Ma pew:dune on gold; wise
were made la lon OR 142%. The veer approach
of the psyme nt of gold coupons to the estekt
of twootPaLwittillione Is likely to depress quo
tations still further.
Boodttem ale 400ut stead/;with a Illbt boo-
Imam quotations favor a Moral:4d If It freshet
fur th• extottee Mitelft of money, an active
Investment would spring up that would likely
advance qtentatlom to former wins. The de.
mind for Immo:Lieu II coming from the le.
terier, and the OfoCell4ll of taro, produce is
likely to tm Minuted In lloverommt beads; a
return of comma; Item rho weet to the see
board towns would mate money cozy, and
111.1.0 • genera I else of all values of muinelo
The stock market In feverish, and thollgh
quotations ate nominally unehanged.7et no
oonsiderable amount a( uoy et oek could be sold
without breaking the market. There le a
oduked 'Arenas in all Lupins sleek.; Adams
was eatuldered dear acne not more Wan two
week. ago, and la now held below It. real gal.(
no though quotations hare advanced it per
Clothrs Now York yootaUono roselvol, py
Marto, vrero aa follows:
itglit )hill's, lit 4; IfaNte, 5500, 112151
SSW. 1 563 . WSW: Otatterde. 106/g1
1605.6; 00434%
Clevelead i Pittebtagh It. '
alerebute Union Express St
Wee.. Vahan Telegraph h 3
:hie I/. 11--..
Pittsburgh Pat Wayne ,Chicago IL g. 111
Nurthweetern Hallroad-emtneton 441%
Norhweetero-mfettred-.-. 60
New Tote Central.. 110).
Ohio nod:slthilMlPPl7o.4l/thattr
Mel? Southern. " x
00t 75
quicksilver...... ....... 1;)4
-the New York bank etetement lot lest
Muir 1. resettled with musk interest, The de.
paella have fallen y 5,011,753. taro/el. • Or.
e/Ine of 1279,54 la la.. of 5t151.75i 10 6 9 01 10 t
and of 51,766.04 la legal tenders. The speete
.6 legal tenders probably have for the most
put gone Into the sukTreamury, and as the
banks e5lll hold of deal.) money . 05 4 fbaa
nlne .d • half Unions la elves. of the lb pet
cent required by law, the decline has eaum
lees apprehenalon thaa way anlleipated.
-The Chicago Thou. of Wednesday; says:
At an early hour this morales meats the.
patenee Oar, received from 11.11.1 , uncut.
zing that tho Commercial Stank of Canad• had
suependtel, la conset..nce of oat being able to
meat • nio. vhe lustuntiaa wee one of the
otdeet lo the Canada. heater been ...Whitten
tame thirty years elm. ulted west..-
.woo. •U pala ni); wit h •• 'armee t o rd of MO,.
me. Some tea or twelve years ego It made
large loan to the Detrett d hitheaulter
U at the Inet.ce of toe Crest Western, at
Cue., but hum.... la2sllef, et
ity in the books, both the rulreeds shirked the
rev...ldly of the/Das, .red mane yea. of
liugaUn were communed. at a Put Upon..
In aeltutelnlnt.
w. company we.
.0 belte. that It was ouried before Mellott.
511,65 t01th Ithgthed. hut While th e beams of
the ease wee peadtag. a thoprowee was
agreed upot. betwun tee bank and the Great
...tern Lammas,. A great early looses,
scale of them qulte severe, trete entailed upon
the bank to the Inanetst emu, of IN; amt
t* then uer lone. hare
hrough s
opt. tiens been
Of Ohs three
Tag tame paper sloe rentarkez The recent
bmey (allures mons Ltu Liverpool sotto. '
houses ate beteg hallowed up by Stet eutpWat
on. The futon of the Royal Hank oil:let
erpool was telegraphed lay lan edglit's
dlspetche. The 11.6111t1es ate" estlmated et
£4000.,,. though It le thought that the eow
um will ho stile 10 reemse operations. It
bake es LI Taglenti Were abatittO CO latenyrk
another ate* sad Shot.: the cotton meth..
tooany further serious dull., It I. more
ikely that the Sures of Way. lea. will
tee re-enuted The h.ppselug of ea. • ease
ungeray would. very ininrlow to thls soya.
Ur, as lc would call for the return of the /sue
tutu,. It a 1... note held In Wall Streel.
rlllenlhoTo";elealtlittitall:Stigt:far *o*lo
eatUlgelrth'at"lip er,74, 4 8 7. 1 %
the vataden Stank rthe.han of Whielt
would c.a. 0 serious dersagement In, tam
values of produce Add the general trade of the
I *Snotty.
take the fallowing from the New Yeti,
Tribune of Wednesday:
The meteage of the and the in.
neat al the Secretary of the ?estuary,
there good teas.. to believe, will be very
pewit.* upoa the nee... yet. catty tuntep.
tton ut &peel* payment. All appeal. by la.
gettonlus fur • auspeaslen of the pre..
I small mon th ly eentteetion, Mt. Zgollulluth
discus.. and expreimu the c.tletfota that
the national cred it , eml the Pernatheat
, et people WM ta most beetthted by steadily
(oesethe toward specie. To fall nantaptlee bT
the Treentry there le on impediment boo the
746 emlee. which will hum Into km" boots
about se fast u they cad be print. aad ea.
oltanerd. Whea theme. ma or • that way. sod
th• Untied States human the only obllgati.
'upon the Tteasury uditemakte In gold (ewes on the flooded debt) Out floterm.ent ,
an re... and its elliten• mud follow. This.
l..rases terser to luolvut ethors...l to •
largo elate of poonle who have overt/ad., bat
to the labor of the conetty lola the Maui for
an era of proeputtly having ad parallel At the
c ove. With n.arreosy the epaltalent of geld.
aw and permanent nulls or pruperity wW
se opened. mere leads be etelivated , mote leo.
totletemebil shed. Mo. nanfil to
enonnurie Increase be made to real Mate in
the form of nets buittliage of all Mode With
labor and materials at their present high ot,
no ptud.t mac Int:wore* teal estate largely,
lay :lag erliegen:6l3.lms the P.
ple fac seesretumptiu will end levestments
Nude upon preseet valuu reduced fail oas
t:ant la Wes. The toottlitlon nf the latelnese
of the country ln al/ thitherto:6.4v Is lei. that
prompt ...optima .l. the th ettest sod mad
enora ewe teethe erne under which people
ate In
With a sound trunnity blui •
sue ell threat.. would usu..' teeth 64.
UM. end eattitlibee ;she the plate of thee. ,
kiting tmeettalnty as to the future.
Orme . s rex Planiternieri Clastrrin.
Teveraley, October U. Mel.
CIIUDE—Tbe market wax 1... active kicday
the Woe in the eiligreitem being only ebeta
onedourth u large u yestetdey, but pride
are artihout quotable ehange, notwitbstasdlog
there was but Um. done. We can ;sport a
sale of Mik bble, itko each fur December. Jas.
miry and Yebruary, at lt. . clpot ell ir held et
lee. with mime kw blYere at laXe. irliibe No.
'ember, weitmee optics, map be goofed at it
There s.eas to be no dlepoeltion Moltke, buy
or .11 for first water—poolbly that alms VD)
bbl. la still on the market, but of this we eati.
not speak itdrimoDy, not having heard mush
about it for sayers! deys past. We ark of the
agitated, however, that the party was holds
the ...tract hsa got Ma Idea. up a little, ao4
ham concluded that by holding he will be able
to MUIR o boar pUee.
BEFINZTI—Thers wan but a tingle open.
con In bonded oil to-day, at lout we had but
on. eepotted. 6W/ bbla to be dallvered durtag
the but half of November, at ate. Compared
with yesterday, M. mutat wu dmideilly
u alrlsh•l ohd prises ruled lower. Today We
was t I.• beat attar for aforataber, Waal 711a111•
day there wet* ealeard Safqfpcs. October re.
males unallansad at Via, We are spode sat of
an alter Amino beau sada to tell a "line"
from Incenber to Worth et sm, without Cod.
lola buyer. while lota yeetarday afternoon,
them rem a sale of woo bbls (or that dr/liver/
that liver. The rumor that Antwerp bad
advanced to al karma, proved fo be untrue,
say Wins th•aorreat quotation.
on. sof ?too on? rune aro queue. D• 002.
Johnaton • Payar,ll bale reflood to W. P.
L. 017: f i e 'h tly i l d oro li d h o ' to to W.l). Wardool Mal(
Beton lief. Co., MI do do to Tack, lire a (la..
, marling Oil Work., 41 do do, to W. KU,.
100, Philadelpfda.
Clarki o eoTter n.' 7 t7l:',:htt
.0. Y.
wh, 5... Yriltadelphla.
J. Meyer, OW do do to Wales, Was • Co . , rbllade/plita.
• tko, Phil
J.llmn adelphia. y ()II t/0., yla do do to Hamer, Burke
Forsyth Bro. • Ow, 140 40 du to Tut. liro.
• Co., Philadelphia.
Kirkpatrick It Co, 17r do do to Warta& Kies .
at Co,
kleUreety• Boatunont, 111 do do to W. p,
L Philadelphia..
awsett. Logan, ritockdale d Andaman, do
do to I r. , Y. boganpa Co., Philadelphia.
Meekeown 00, OT do do to W. 01. W atter+,
Look Merkel.
lis7 Ts rearaee to lea Pluebaral Ossetia.,
fer. Loma, Calabar :IL—Tobacco rather
, reddf, bat lelloae arm unchanged. Cotton
la)ge for Alkidnap. roar Tor/ aid% bnt
arm r Walt grad.* and do I add weak for
lower.. ioadtlee tra,
tiboleat. a.Famoy. lo 'L
$11,204;11,1 Meat %tit
ad n'd , r7. °acorn °bolo.' some of the prin.
elnal boy era are out of the market; prima
and choice Wblte t 9 11001,70 f .11110 Red, CIA
air; sprthE, sosei m. Corn quiet and
dlannod, at '411.1041.11 for Mixed and
Oats arm bit slow, at 150010. Bar.
Onn t 5t 0 .),Va1,33 'for prime to °twice. I
fi n r.2l, l 4l 3 g r iue . ltr o ltfUlarket
el/Ilona dOil lowe i r ' . Meat rorlrdecLed
to Mal. Ilacon—nboulderilltoi Clearaldea
lee. Lard list and no ludas: llogefinn,at
1 4 40/370. f aceapts—Floorl 4BlbbhWbeat a , Nll ,".3 ' l r i a y
olOodY andcoo
JAM 0U21:4 & SON,
69 and 909 tater Street,
We Warrant oeT' I Lazd On od.l to the
but Clolonatt. or . ➢tins broalo. and prow..
to WI da low Mllins:l at Oblesso rards.
Oar o Lard 011 o ;Abrams.. =mot to
Duck Creak Littattatits nal ataadlsaltraada
a! Carbon 141 eaastantly an band.
Marehaats asin anal faatarat. will ftad 11 ta
Utah . tatareat to give al a - call barons ordartag
Lard Oil froaltla West. , tea:
Om. of gas Freest...l Gamer., i
TRllitlimi. October 14, 1567. 4
' The anent marketicontinne .11, without
1 ,
little prospect at present of any ionnedla int-
Prirrement, and while them le • fair Yalu eof
business, ; the aggregate, the transiotut • in
the teal. articles are Mini/ Of an tin. m.
ant character, the demand Wog ' , MHO.]
stately to. suPPlTiell 1 ...." 10 . are*. The
Grain and Slone market continues dun and
week, with a droop'. Md... while Oro.
series and Provision. are quiet and on
alit:med. In other articles, there ire no
thanker worthy of special notice.
011&111—Wheat I. quiet but firm at former
5050100. be quote prime
Paws lied Ohio fled it 1.2.50 in drat, and
12,5451,60 in mond hands. Corn is very dull
05.1 weak; adas of strictly prime Yellow at
$1,25. Oet.eirnatt. wrth a fats demand and
only moderato anivala-65060, on track, 1412 4 store. Barley is dull but uncluiagedt we
can report sales of prime Spring, to drat
needs, at 51,50, and in; 'mond Mande, at 11,210
nom Ilya is dull; with a drooping. tandem ;
ides .1 11,6501.50. '
FLOUR—Ie dull and weak. but prices are
without quotable'. <huge. Spring Wheat
brands Maya quoted at d10p04210,76 to *IL
Winte ',nut brands are quoted at e1t,250
312.60, aed et $11,501/14,60. By. 'Flour,
Kende; The arrival. continue fair, mad the
supply Is fully up to the demand.
PROVISIONS Lamm le quiet and un
cheesed at 1450 for' Shoulders; 1701Ie for
Ribbed and Ulear Sides; PM for Nein Sugar
Cured Helm and Itulte for (leavened do.•
Lard may be quoted at atlie, and Mess Pork
-at 671.
SEEDs_.ylittseed. , le le demand it 112,4 e.
There ha demand for either Moyer or Tles•
°thy Seeds, and there is • large supply of the
litter In We metier,
BUTTER—Timm la • fair dnmand for Roil
Butter, and we cautious to 'quota at sbe for
Prime, and aro for shalom' Uommon packed is
Coll and nominally unalmagiaL
EClOS—Therala fair ,ilexoeud, and with
ladted nuireln, fresh. packed may be quoted
UHEESE—FIrst but uschasgett. Sales of
Limburg at Millis, and lioshsu at name.
1/snip's fslr, and supply fully sous' to tits do.
LAY—Ii gultii sad rtriabartited; rezular Wes
giott att.atr %wont, .t sinew ..t to., a.
fronting to quaff ty, ,
Of Ir—Lart.OUla atm Out unahaarad at No
for No. 2. and 11,16
,for No.l.
APPIXS-ooatiode to Anita racy freely,
with - a: supply , lamely to exegete of the de.
mead{ Wee et Mie,lo per bent!, for, good to
1 OTAT923—Peaett.Blowe are being eold
t $1,120111411 par Oise& NOW Justly Streets
re quoted at $4,11001.11 pet 1301.
Usrtca or rial'lrrsstruar GoserrOd
Tarectior. October 14, NO. I
week. and . wait • .lopply :ergely to cream of
the deniaad,.veliei.eamuesed with lam weak,
here tall further dunned. The onanty of the
Cattie. •• aieneefi thiag,wee about op to the
moat emaderdt but oldie to alraree report+
from the out, shippers leaned @ironer OD •
reduction, end refused to buy =Lieu sauces.
sloes wen made. rot example, good rat re.
tailing cattle..4dt m are, uratally ahlpped to
Plulaieh4ta. bagenoWered• 'to bur's/ tont • I
to ayfi—lant . werk the lame grade of cattle sold
at 7 toty.t: Stoat aaitla emulous exaradrely .
dolt and lowa, Asa vi now suot• at CS to ay ( rot felt to good, and Oyi for extra monk
@testa—the sam• grade of cattle • law tweets
mild readily at ey4 to ou. } That the market
was ao unusually hard • one thls mak, ►u
annaloprusly immiedett, and there L. so doubt
hat what the stoat' PrataMtdam at thaa...he
sold settle hero this
.week loot money, and
some athlete basins. it la but proper to re
knack, Loweear,Lhat the decline was more
marked on comma! ihl.ll good uttley for the
simple Pasant that the supply no relativey•
Maas, Lalhrts • Cu. mold 13 new 9tooktri
to Cow at 13ii SS to emit buyer, •t 4302 to
Alayoult Co. Et 15% 9fa Hayden at 0014 tO
C1i.0 , 115‘110 good nook oattio la E. Voter at
44,1 to Ptdooak at 44.191 to Dodo) , to 00. at
kit to .0 t 9119 volts to Ato.tnito at W.I.
It walla loambUtot. 3 1L3 ttlook. 9.0 d
atooketo. at 11,1141 17 to Vona= at 4,40, nod
01111 L
/1•33 e. it Taylor aold N bead to Sam 2 100,
&rumen/ ING,I3' 6Y4. IS basso. avaparlag
M. as 1 34 aToragtat itoo. to Mona s KUL!
37C: 3to Battik 03 ......a133 S. 33
(Anoka. alms to Nate arnatting . 'ION, a tl li
433 4 ti ttNNI.I r.. Yottog. ararastott
1100, at Nto If. Todd.' araraglog SIC, at
axt LI to .amaa, a 3 NNINtNa. N 3131 .3 . 0 Phi.
11 to or .11\ 00, 04114 IN, at km; 111 to kraut at 4,10;
. Iltiftty Co., s a b le( 171. at Cril
la Nam, .Ter aaln so, at 3.
OrNatial4 tliAtids soltl
Mods otgeod
toots stook Nate tor N. *l* It. Bonder.
at kla, aad I, for Nam' party. to Berry a Co.
at (WI la to Felker at 6)4; fa Lead to Latial• 1 '
at 634.
X. Johnston .old N. Cats 11 hes 4 of.entsmon
Ohio sumac» at 4; was to hlsooey • Co. 2at
`Jul Voter to Zug* .....shiat! Mahn. .t
Monts &Tatman to vol.. for ohlUlp. . M at
aki. Crowe. Emonsk a Co. RI at IN. Cup-
OW to Zook al at Os. looter to illostalman
hat .Slablng WA% at S. Darla to Boyar 11 at
kta. nod 1
12... at P.R. Mateo Ls Itatialllatat. aat ifit
Walla /lot hellma it at Hedges& Tay
to Ouch 3.3 Slum Ttautmaa to
Chaos /11 good eaula at T. smith • Talmage
nooses 11 at Campbell tollmolsbaket
tat latnab cattle. ma/shinell.,Olth aX. heath
o T a / a tage to ilsAtala 10 a 11.1..
t 4 .
llont to 31;ma a Hoak 111 totemo+ stocker,
at 4,70. I . letabor to Melva. ic—on
• n
veto. Oleklason tollaille. ai
to Ersoa•
Panorama to Boaaftilim 71 01.05.1.. Wert. to
L. Uothehllda 17 at 441 ratrall Maynas 13
ot 1. Lamb to Cut IS. weight/to Co.
at kb.
(OWL Lalletty a Co. to Mayo*. Co. I* at
4 3. ih.hoP to remedy fa at 4,13:
The •opply of Sheep was loos./ 4 , 11/at
thu traalt, but with Wmu report. float Qs
Out, awl bat few borers ta atteattattoe, the
market tau about as Mud aa anal, mad not
olthataatlto• the ttlialttl•had arttralm.pfloso
at• AO totter. W• now quoit, at'ltt" tof Os,
trot., for tomato& to prism, fat stattou Steep,
mad po•albl7 eat,a atlaht brio, V', or ores
tti goat..
06.3. St 'LaStstty Doll ISt Deal to Issrl at
11 , 2 3—unsultas; DS; 114 to Bantus at 334;23 to
." to rideata at ;as to lull
11.120. Y Tnyier Dow 220 6
to D•striaa 3JIV - ; ist "4.
C , tstad• Dt NI St it • abdtVLlVriatlt
:21727M :e *"'d
ayaram,, , t 34;67 ,.,, 14 ,.. t . 10 (.I)mmu 711r1121,
to same at
(1004 bought 124 LW tree T. 41. ....0
3 4 , 52 m ,ll 3 X1210 nue Warier. a•_22•2162 IT.
ti IC (rum Ceouse. Ez03121246 Lo. as 22.16
I tts emelt St Stout Ds We, &sawn/ 3 , 1, al t•S;
10 11,11 H 444111 Ta 410., ortmslog
~SDI ISO Inset hada , avetaglog er, at
Vs Hog mallet Nr aa also miry 4011 Wt
weak, 06,4 with /a.m.d arrival. nod a 41. ,
oitalahod dMtod , prima kart, &oboe* from
SG to 3 sent perwourbl, and r. cow quota at
1 to Ti!. pose, for fair to Nitro bottor arm.
ges. We preaumo MP Os poem* of • abort
•oro cop la the Watt le basins lts *Mud as
chalks :Omen to burry Hair Hop to man
Pt, aa.4 totbla, mato Ittso Pythias elm., may
M attributed Lb* larromual arrivals, •
IT. r. f Orz =1 . 7 ,
. K . 4 tram Itotdama at
llrfaViii 1 hoir to bead
Goa atte, ht AO from Morley at s; 16
from Thomas*. et Hp 11 Irmo sup st 7b14100
fruit at 1444 frool Crawford at 1,464
it from tibirk at 1.4 0 1 from 0f.844 7.58,
Oh hem 114.1111 11 111 i 10a from Humiliate at
6 701 10.1 from Lap at 1,10; 45 from Crawford •
Cameron .t 6,14. tiaisp4 In al/ 10 double
dialto on mustal•Maa.
(Hass 4 14fhrt: sold I head to Bowman at
14 10 to Oats at Si 41 tic Joao.' at 7.444 44 to
illseposer. Olhott 4 Co. at SAN 0 to Hobart at
••PitCo Ram M 44413 to almasnoor, (1111•11
o. at 4,41; IT to Orr at 63; 11 to Warmer at
6%1101 to Alledoit at 4,11,11 W
all to Smith 011^ sat o bisssesito, 0111ott
it co. at 43; Si to 1 . 14.44 t 6.141 /V 10 /14111.
Ira. at 03; 46 to lams ar CP; la to hang. at
x %l
to to at 0,40110 lo Othhh44 Oh at 7 4
16 to Halligan at 11; 101 to .riato OM to t o
dollar at 40; 66 to Dribbo • fJo, 119 i a to
(huh .4 0:41 10 INOIO 111 I,NII 61, to .am. at
Oil 4710/0/00 .1 41111110 04010 at 11 to
Manor al 1.71.
• Taller said 110 hood to /4••••116.4
011iot • Co. at 11451 Ts head to Plibloalr,
u srasnrs,'t al hilt th E. Youss•
hi as aeolut•
of 7; Ha to Mmassat ,r Chl l o t • Oa at 4,06;66
to °roan. Umiak h Co. at 41.51111 to MN 111
f,lllt ID swat at Lt.'
Ohahreht • On. bought 101 load from E. 4
graham at 4,60414 boa Holmes at 7,411160 from
at It 40 from Nahlon at 100 hol
Payn• al 741.
- Toledo Marital. •
(Ur Telegraph to the Pittsbargh Vaunt.]
TOLMI, OEtober 24.-Plonr market
receipts, WW Obis. When! i reoelple Win
'alms*. without material cherigef WWI
Anil, "aloe ankle Michigan at "MN
Michigan,. 11,611 No. 1 - red Wabash. 01.10 i
sahni or amber forties month 11; MM. 1170008
r1,1:00 bee; old latif4o better; new a
ebade lower, este. No. 1 Mahal, at 111,1Mit
A (0 . 2 Michigan, .1.1114, yob
low, 41,14; No. I new, 41.004. Oats a .made
better, receipts Men bus; cafes No. 1 at 10%0.
nye quiet; receipt*. NO hue, it,gi for No. 1,
hark, market dull' to:spinal 100 Intetiole to
anede-illorer, Sl.*
Cos, Mil. bag
Yrelghts-ho Oh cairn o On , wheat, 10 •
helot Joe on oorn to Oswego.
•-•• Miasma Atartkat.
tar Trltarapit to tali Pittsburgh Ossetia.)
Catuaao Oct. 61.-Toe weather la clear
aid is more activo at 10911 MS
°l`4'. 7'l l 7411`t
°lroned sltan and adrancad 1140IN0pr,
Ina dull at 91.00 for No. 9in &Coro. It,, Ic
quiet and lo higher. at 111.20901147
arid $1,1419 for No. 9. - Provisions are yeti
'lllll' Pork, volafflo.ock. Lard Id dtd/
tgrgi ittirtglet btrla a '4 =7 Val
bushels natl. and . haul cif bora
-Manta-11,40a barrel, 11061114,000 bush la
wheat, MSc* bushel. ocausl 10.610 a nd
oats. Yneigh faro drill at for wheat and
ho fur oats to Buffalo.
• law Voir* (Attie Market.
Inr Teleiirsph to the rittilinesh assails.]
Xl* 840 0 Oac 111.-14aerao—raoalota
weak land; Market Onli, bossy sant
lower' Moffat@ Oro enabled tool:M=00D.
toss lons Of 40 on the sada Monday, lishi
tho Ottani, is bettor. Shoop SaiI , LMSII
nal and hooey, with no stock willing over
1414 tor Shoop Sind caw roe Lambs. Swan*
Preiiei Wit anclisoithl, ram tor westarn.
Financial tatters in Row York.
Gala Comma at 142 N
EBY To!omph to the . rabbit...Olt G0te14.3
Ng, lOU. Oct. 21. 18111.
The money market la steady at 7 on call
loans• Starling Exchange U gulet " gs ia
gold sad Out alma DUI. 6010 Is lower,
oPnalad at 11..7 , „; deellnLng to 112%, and clon
ing at 1236 . Extnorte of wade to•dey were
•140,000. .
k3i bTOCKA
Are Without glOclded change; Coupons ' ,I,
Ii 1140111;;; 11ty.12112,i; (10 , 04.109 q t.
1003 i: 40 NiMILOVOICI9X;.. - 44 no W. /OGY___oo,l,34l
do , ta. xoaxolowil Iwo% 104(01M,St
Mara •
• • •
Railway maiket evened tinier, rubs.
l ankly off atrida, but recovered and closed.
trong. Canton, 4213 43;, Cumberland, 75004
Wells Express; 51%034%; American.
67; Attains, 01,44:67i United States, ofoenlit
Merchants UnlOn.'2734oVi gnickallrer. lad
Marloose, ;lief; Patine Mall, 1440143;
Atlantic Mall 117%0119, Western Union
Telegraph, 030474; Nair Irak Central. 1110
Erie, riflarrigi Hudson, riselesi need-
Leg, 90,4090%; Ohio Certitientee, 2:42514:
wehaidi, 40; St. Paul, 40; do. preforred, GU;
ldichlgan. Central, 10 8%0100; Michigan
southorn M 07734; Illinois Central, 13154
TOlndfl i 1004.01nn !Look
ir.ifin4ii Northwestern, 41300100 ; dO.
DrerrredtaiNGSS3iiFOrt 97310Siliii
Mb our! Tennessee GS.
amen imams.
Mining shares ero dull. Gregory le Arm
3,0e0,1,95. miler elawgoa slight.
8 171 1, 11.0r141 .. 1XC1L10n1.
The receipt. at the nub-Treasury, were
01...,612. ear/tents. $1,303,NC9. ticluire,
The Erpm”aya the failure of two heave
time engaged to the cotton' and tea and
hewn trade are reported this afternoon.
A t sz &
kla (
I;rivecToar off•NON.
reported that W. A. Vandertn
Schell and .1. li. Banker are to go
Erie , ltruotory, to take the place
Gorda and Lane.
I Neat York Produce llsorkel.
(By elerrabh to the Pittsburgh tisaaUa
Ngyr Foes, October 41.—Cotton./Bluer;
salmi boles at 19,4gr80 for rnidilllngao
- Flour; receipt. 11.251061 a; Irregular
mut nuaettled; Western landed, 101:150 lowort
eales of 17,800 bbis at aP.00128,9) for opts dine
Weatern and Btate 10,00012.75 for extra
Western; gi,750113,25 for 11. S. Ohio, sluige
16,00 for St. Louis; riosurnbeaw2 for West
ern and sWady . for State; California 41014
sake of 250 etioko at 1111,250111.50. Rye Flour;
pile. Of 250 bids at 87.0009.50. Whinges ,
quiet endeitatly. Wheat; reteinto,7,irn bui
opened heavy and olmen a shade drums
with a fair export demand; sales of 149,000
bu, at 02,1102,10 for Bo 11 epilog, $2,1702,22
for do, 11=2 , 02,1014 for No I do, 82,20
for Nor. I and 2 do nitged.s2.7o (or amber
State and Michigan, and - ISI,IO for white
BMW:ran. Ryeculler; sales of 7,500 MC
Western at $1,, , Z. Barley dull and Ilrooplagy
sales of 650 be Canada West, Dart ittSt.,iii
remainder on private tam. Barley. Absit
doll. Coro; receipts, 115.00 oat excital and
3040 better; Wee of g 112,000 bus at 111,414 e
1,15 for rolled Western In store and adiat,'
Mooted at a1i1501,11. Oats; recelpte, 4310;
Oats lc lower; ;tales of 01,000 bleb at fingiSle
for western, closing at 8:410)94o for Canada.
Pima firmer; sales of 11,000 bash at 51,50 in
bond Bice beorY, at 9O10;(0 for Carolina.
Coffee more actleet soles of 2,000 bush /Ito
on prlraie terms. /Sider fairly active; sales
Petroleumba at IttielWie. ltolattarn dull.
quiet; 140 for creole and 340111i5c
for refined bowled. hops quiet, at 40865 c.
Pork doll and 000,3; sales of 2750 bble at
$21,11011,,4 for tams, elOstnif at ti./.so , essin
1120020,15 for mime. thief hoary; sales in
65 bbls at firestorm prima. Beef Hams doll;
Wes at 8.9.50030,00. 00030 Inactive; .
of Cumberland Cut at 123 M. Cot /110.ta
quiet; eales of irniFeltsges at 11 i.5012)je for
shoulders. 15%1216 for Mans. Lard 11.'7
and lower; sale. bbla at LPSellijie for
small lute. Butter quiet, at WORM tor Otate.
Cheese dull, at 11010 e. Freights to Liver.
pool lower; sales or 32,0 i) bush wheat at
2isd per awl and lid par steamer:
Larne—Flour closed irregular and ua
settiedtshloplog brands or Uinta steady;
_medium and low - grades of western dull
and declining. Wheat steady. the decline -
In freights Myles sellers the tulrentegn:
3 spring 102,1303.131 No 2 do v09113,th 1 %0
sDring !SO. Rye dull at el.etril,Gl for
weetern. Oats dull at 63118034 e fur west.. tn.
Corn dull at 41.4201.44 fur good to prime
mixed "'u ,t tast, Pork entet and Meetly at
r), mutt end regular. tor ruses.
ree l4 lMl an unchanged. Cut Meats quiet
Lnod steady. Bacon quiet and uachanged.
ard hear - et 13!4121.1)(0 for Iralr to Drtrue
steam amiltetUe rendered.
claelNutau narkes.
tar Telegraph to the ?ittonmytt flmetts..l
Ilecntaars, Umber 21.—Flour doll bat
Prices ate oinctiangedi earns. 410.40910.751
samil?, $11.Z0()11.75; fancy, 11121113. Wood,
doll and prime mardnal at 112,53531,1.0 for No
I and No 1 tet.Corn homer and .prleus
higher; No 1 allied 11,454 elatingyoleti
ear. she. Oats la to anal demand and the
market drmenNo 1. Wei No onto Ilye
changed; / sl,la. Norio? doll and
prices drooping:la/I, sl,r.dol,G.t; opting at
rettle; Titg:
sales .of 101 Mau. Whiskey unchanged.
Hem path sold at 1121; lo a /honed: a ene of
inbto near AL*22.?.. sailors option for all
11 f D1.6000r. Bacon nochnteed; %bonder.,
clear rib sides. 171‘, woo near 17X
°Met Lard dull at Butter dal/ at ale
4garnesetltnet at inc." iltuseed 011 dull at
shymn.e. /logs are In good shipping do.
mactO at seesaw. grola. I.lola, ltglg buying.
Thdmoany market Isclooo.
now Tort Dry Goods Market.
Itiv linemen I. the .ffltuborirb Gazette I
br•w Year, Oct. 22—The dry scale mar.
ket coutinucapanlolre, but .ls more been re.
owe., and all goods that have been re.
4 coed to actual cent pries. hprag new prints
were am:WOW bra4ents Jo on a card.
namely to lie
off, and beforo
twelve o'clock one bonen .01.1 Wm. at
one , 1011110 y. ractde detainee were reduced
to 17 by fitewart & Co. The prices on de
are 22 , nand by aratlot the actual
con of of nil delalab at toe mill.. tell-boat
PaMeaararadta, la Ne. the rabbi move
uen tly come to • stand Corset Jeans at IS;
hautosear Patina lAN; Stella Laconia 134;
Bates 11012.. Floor grads of brown arta
bleached cottons alaoa little aepreimea;
ileynol4.l , . A A bleach.l.. 41.IItra. by the Case
at 11!4, and by the oleos at Ll;Dedbaut
bleaehe,l 1.1,4. Th. Great Yell. goods aro
to lower on all mattes.
Maggie* lalszngel.
It Telegraph to the rlltelarretk Benne.
Barra., °MW, IL—flour, la eteady.
Wont; e in (airdemand and lower, anti
vales ot 11.100 bushels No. II Mil orsakbe at or:::
1.7(0 bushels No. 1 do at111.0311;05, and TAM,
bushels Port Washttigton Club at $2.01.
Corn is quiet, with enamor 30MM bushels No,
o tt mitten et lILPO, closing at 01,114 Oats
quiet, with sake of 11,700 hustods Weston.
at 074 r, and 40,000 bushrli to arrive at G7e.
ltre Is unchanged. Barley Is unsettled and.
was offered at .1,.M.,11,33 tor Canada. Other
article* are linartaaaed:
bushels wheat; er,olo burbola torillloo,ol.o
bushels tette; 17,103 bushels barley, and 6,1101
barrels dour. abdomens-146,M0 bushels
wheal; .4.000 !Matters corn, 217, , XM basttols I
Oct.; 1.3.000 bv.hals barley, and POLO bushels
rya trelehtv are drum, es Ile for wheat, 510
for corn, and lk Mr oats to New Tort, .
_ .
Clevelama Market.
Car Telegraph
le Ms Iltuderth'assettr.,
CIA" sastra„ Oat. 4f.—Tbe floor market I.
need. steady sod onabanited. Doable Satre
test winter 1111..Z011.5e; double extra Amber
413,2.34213.4 d; treble earra white 014,30013,00
The Mama market to eery Selland nosetual;
e 2.0011.65 ler No.l red winter; 14,1501,30 for
No.: do; 111,0 for No. 1 Illleankto spring.
Cora dull atm tmetunged. at 5141011,13 ;or
No.l sorted. Oats itoady.ase arm. at pp
730 for No. 1 State Men state. lire gale,
and unchaed, and
at $1.10011,45 for
No. 1 state .a.l western frant'store. star sty
doll; No.l ls held at 01,2.301,35, and No. 2 at
11.1.502.23. The Petroleum market Is steady
yea Quin, 01 Itstere tor ttam,laoS white In
(Be Tel/amp/a to the rlttabauto oatatte./
lita. Oefmlia, Oct. U.—Cotton; priced
s taloa of MAO balm 100 ralddllo gm at
17y Umoipte of 1,713 balm. raporta
Yfall balm floor; boldore mked ZOt of rya
Ivauat, mire a 1110.50 far mpardney double
eutra 0.1Q11,20. - COM iamtaa nod la good
reamed. wilt. an upward tendon..white
41,,U oat. to fair Ylemidul rota
daily awes to Aunt, at 10311.001 small lots of
mem Totaillilg at 11915140. far ahouldera
sad 19019 1 .0 for Wear Lamt dnll and
dear. ..1i Prime in Manus 14%e. Gold
111,a%. morlam Exchange 60 M7l NOW
Tark 1.1 b; db. % premium.
Br Telerrenb to the Int Leann Uneette.l
Usweee, Ovtober 41.—Flour dull. at
ter lied Winter. Ilrboat ;I. bushel/
No. Y /atierenkee. elan. Corn le ewer./ edni
quiet. Barley nnellangral ; /0.40.) bushel.
Toronto, et elan, enol 9,001 Due? loft l(ope
on prltatio term. Pees lowers 7,010 bashela '
OM In Dotal. Can... [relent.
noclaangoil. Late Imports—MAO (mettle
Wheat;.lOW bushel. Vern; 40,1:0 bureete
Barley ; CO,OOO Nobel. Wye; &MI Dub rm.
Canal export...UM) imattais Wheat I gin
twellele Corn ; .21,100 bustiehe Barley MAW
timbale lOye 114,5 x) (menet. react.
pito - sok. llar keit.
18•7<toorople Witte rlmboruts Gonna./
Jdnuroutes. October :3.—bloor dull; ell) ,
double uxtra eI.MOIO.MI butr0_41 ,. ...N0014
country double oitra gekbbrK7u. Wheat
firm out $1,1.4 for No I. 'and :for No 2.
Olio Ad van uuct 10134 c, at MO for No sr.' Corn
nominal at $l.lO for No 2..fresabto dolly
wheat to 11orfolo oat (Moreau 150. Ile.
cams 0 blots floor. 182,00 U bosh orbrot,
bosh oats. MO Onlitt oorn. Shlproorno
oblo.l Itoor
Corn boob -wheal, LIAO
bllsh Ont., • • built
tiOr Tot•g• sr tome Plttsbaria (UMW.) •
Oittebst 24..-Parrqtum
steady _le 1 Araoe.4 ld b0n.1.34V,0
730. Floctr Very .14114 3 operelne, $7,7411 , ,t1,
"relent Liar-11E1111g, at tor Whito.and SOX
f Ofillronit. Omit I Inl.ll lower; mixed
weawn.41,4101,4:. Qat.anCl7Bo. Circoorina
and Provisions-omits unimportant.
ilirreleenolt to the Pitteborgh Guette-i
ocinber ti.—Flintr eery'dull.
Wocet Qoll glen declined tie; Wee of choice
red et 1 9.210.1 . C0rn dell; white 81,1001 41
for 0h1,11,1101,20 tar new, mad rale. CLOG
ftY Tehy M e b m T th ru e s
m ll4 th (U lget
• Anaaer, l•otober2i,—).laeves dull andt.ief
.Ikl lower; Melee of 1,600 heads% /019(0./to
eolpte of 4,200 Sheopeavy Wes of. DAP at
reeelOta of 9. 00 Lambe; heavy at Ur
06160- !logs, sale. of AM) head at eliaoy,es
rer-Wpte,lo,llo. pre/lend goys 100. ' •
l i
(fly Telrerehif - vana 44r
to the Pltlebereb oeeelle.l
'Lev arra, October el—sugar. No. 103 Is'
rZ d notirit g lr v,
Colt Bl ar e. Currency, lie Ws
count. • Ham are quoted tOday at 124 per
hundred wet •ht for doter Cured. 1 . • •
Lool•ylllo 'Mar
By Telegraph 'to 160 . 1 . 11u00r41, tamale.) ' -
Lotraymix.l Oat. 'lo. —Tobacco; 'Bleb of
7t bpdy. aV 44,13017,16. Wheat army:
44 , X1. Corn, 444110 d 41,10 and new. agy ,
.oabcoralAttgealit..s4o.lo4LOri Lkrq
mo t .
COtto4 10144. • -
Memplula . • . •
(HYTolegraph to On Ptltabutitt , Oiattte,l
Yam vsttTsar. Ott.
IlOttotp o ht1(X017o c,.ot.rceirolwgi ao atamp, Osta fcaxoo‘
lower ; ..542 9144" =lig
oleN Woe )1/ . 4 f:4111.. itO.
CMOS saner.
• the PlStebereh theette.•
44.—Iteet Cattle unite toot
for prime to extra choke/ .
Q las atastly- 06:38045 co
fllr Talent& '•
native, at 37
goad to 4lxtra
11 .W.ulturelbs but -
EU tliaWl i ,
.1- LI
w eIP.I
warebonee, 1.14 ,t 111 Water Sl&
Theta .le nothing new to note to regard to
the situation at this point. The weather eon
tlnues tint cool, azdthe prospecte for nn
early resumption of navigation ate not at all
encouraging. Entine:a la all departmente
languishing for want of a 7130, cepeelally man.
ufactuting Interezts, :as Pittsburgh cannot
compete with the east, while rail/loads Con
' thane to discriminate alpinist her. We are se.
cured that goods eon be lald down In St. Louis
and othee' points In the Welt, cheaper than
they tan be shipped from Pittsburgh, notwith.
mantling there hi • di esteems of many hundred
milosin favor of this Place.
We' ,understaud that come of our plough
manufacturing establishments are chipping
to New Orleans-and Galveston, (Tema) by
way of Philadelphia, 'but It man nearly
double as much ae It does to ship tram here by
There i.e movement at Evansville to extend
the Cairo and Evarwrille packet line to Colum-
bus, and pilot two boats per week to the
.Evansrillo and illemplds trade. - ".
Shiffs have been eubstlinted for the ferry
boats between Portland and igew Albany, en
account of low water.
The new steamer ,131smarck, now banding at
St. Louts, will be ready to load la about four
meek.. Thug steamer is an itomentie lantern.
The Zanesville Coons,. of Monday, con:alas
the following Items,. The ateamor J.H.
leapt. Westin. will tame tills city for Idcllon
nallasille, Berstly and. Mattetts, Wednesday
ototallig at 1 o'ctcon.
I , John W. Soot:. of Maysville,}Zenists/W. db.d
ha the Weston Dada, at Now Usleatts,na the .
me Cloclenatt ,PriQulrer, of Wednesday,
says Capteln Wm. Dean filbert, en bustnees
connected with the Arnett.. Captain Lam
has pit the Lerman - N0.2 In One order for
huge", and propene to place. her In the
himeheeter trade. Mr. Chattel Mathews, of
the Sliver Cloud No. 1, was la the ally y ester
dny. The Sliver (Bond has • laid up at Cairo.
The Antenna and Pins (Trope went on the
dock. ltateedap.
Among the fated death. o neambennien
at New Urleano announced, le t hat of Mr. Wm.
Carter, clerk of the J. 13, Palmer. Ile was
qulto well known here, heeler formerirerved
a. locoed clerk on several of the empha
Packet Comeauyla steamers. •
The Maysville packet Catatonia, I/ now en
the docks undergoing repairs. Capt. Prather
noll either Lava Leather boat la the treee, or
have the Columble out agate soon.
The :Jot Ile Mom, of Tuesday:rum. tin dit,
that our fellow.eltiren, formerly 1.11 charge of
Mikef the *weer, of the Pdsgeola, Captale
le belittled a nee boat as Nov Albany.
for the lighterthe benne. In the Flay, which
It said to combine many.linprolementa over
the tees ntrer hem; one Tory reinarklLOlS
batty of this malt being ghat Cie drawn /me
woter and rune faster the deeper allele laden.
Thle la certainly great step In tke science of
brat balding, nod will most wedoubtectly,
make the fortune of the welvickybuilane.
The New °Cues Commercial Bulletin, of
Saturtay, say.: The weatheiyenerday,
though warm In the sun, was. thanks to a she
nog ; troth - wholesome and agreeable.
The fey' r Continue., but Oath Cigna of abate.
meet, which give promise of la early dilap
pentanes. Thom who pent.. wk.....
groat here easy refer th e reectaee to their
onlindl/ eye," for ao fee has not been the
fainten glimmer of nick a blame; In this 10.
minty. We hope, however, to he able
thecicle It. adveet at no diatant day, a, clouds
goat low nom and then. tbreaterdng rain,
which will, of course, be tene t fod by a nipple;
and eager al, But little aws tranepired
on thelaadieg. . the orgy Mir anon there, and
that was II eery for the teens, was produced oy
the arelval of .the Magenta with MST hales of
contra, aid Lowelnia, laden Pertly with MT
barrels of dour. 113 lacks of one, end - 6T4 bu
rgle pork.
The Vrcksharg Bereld, of the hlin, nye:
Some cf our Molten. Lave netted the - plate
where the cut -cli Isrealnpated, and have re
porterl, in we learn. that there Is no Immediate
or Immtvent canner. It Is end.; bowery,
that the question a any one of time, - The his.
tory of tut ereet river le that all of Ice loeg
sad narrow teed. are sooner or latter ember.
teed by cutting or weenew away of the peed.
mule, me I/ Crown by Ili, nuntberleilli horre-/Loe
lekes and °obi riven' which lice Its margin,
and evidently fottiffir bed. '
A aunty enould heated, of We tootle above
the city, Adel a careful estimate of . the coot of
thenginy the wane el the river, to Indleated
In our homer striate. Teta plea would avoid
another evil now threatvelng v.. vim the
wander away of the' poles, all was does t ,
Orand Chat by which the whole form of - the
steam would be brought against - the landing I
thereby sweeping It away up' to the strat• of
rock whieh penally tlibitlllee erm city, and
leaving the city • !Mott a public leedieg, ex
cept at the water term:dot of the streets.
.0 Brannan Brome•ne—TLC riippLeg
Ilea of Ole city Is toneksde4.•ll comer to the
war . hem, men ealepere
the Illinois Con
lon. Nu ernes! was sent town the river er
arm the rivm yeeterdaYt mckhee Wan any eare
' furednied abippereat lumber ar grain on thle
aide. It le cyldent that the N. W. If. It Cone
pang, is unatile to handle the produce retracing
from Ohl.. locality. , Tee alevetor at &Melina
a eve snowed with grain arid the reed unable
to ate. coal', or load It Into cars as fast as
It amine. Au egret of the road was In tow.,
remolds) after Mkty men to go' to fielianeta
sod load freight ear.. Thle state of *Pelee
cannot last moth looter. Something must
glee Way. or litibeitelli Is ruined se - snapping
pool—OrrerAl. loth. • r
We take the following Alma from our latest
St. Louis exchanges,
(Not. Doom, of the wrecker Vialerwrittg.'
lasay. he has pullat tuags eooot s t eamy Oh.
stun In a manila to built aloe ats.
One snag along which he extracted was. at.
sorting to tits stateatar, largo entowli to far.
cilia. timber for so tut:re boat, an:l augiclent
fuel to run fur One tear.
The Northern Ilea towboat, Little Client at
tired vestrbisy Ito.. Zeokuk, having la two a
omit, i•Stll,l with the bullet. eaglets, Want
tear. °mat, a
m. rul fast a - swathing that was
worth taking from th e wreck of Ito nuns La
borite poste:. Burlington , whtsh our leaden
will Lessem:lot rook lteintaber a:lb.:sr Wa
bash. Every errata was end, to ratio the
heat. but pr at ing froltlen she was abut.
The boatman engaged lit the New Odes.
tends this eons, earl, had rather hard time
on% and • great number have been carried eft
by the praranute etwdeinte. The towboat lift.
other n etted at eels, allelertlan bee but
four ginal crew on tine
was left at Neer Oilemao with the baud.
yellow pl I.
ref, the Necoud engineer died below hiemphla
and a desk heed was on beard toe dying cue
ditto, when ehe resold
The balance of the trete wu loft brided at
various point. slate. ur Lod deserted. Th
lelleor I.ln a •owenitat crippled c.ulitton, e
her rudders end wheel, being bedly
She will ruatalnat Cairo a fete day. for re.
pairs before yntee•dtsw St. Louts. She ha.
W.O tons or Won and turptuttlne in buegge for
tide alit ,
1/12031211 D 2 EAILILOAZI.
raksancora n Ansel:mon,
°Weber 36-2 ple Iris , Nlnakk & 0,7 .10
Iron rue. MeXeleht. Porter. A Co; 261 eel. ap
-771044 elehork; ;7 do do. It Klee; to do do.
wHeltn; C hi lls ' oils, J Fry;cotton.
Kennedy. A, Coy Sei bbls apple& E
Thomas; 16 odia steel , Perk. Pro & Co. ex/0 0
lowber, etellasterm.loXo do do, W w 1116.
don &Co; 4.00 dodo, kt A Clarke alto; 0 ears
Iron or&Sootlberker Plsk; Ido do, Zne
Co; do do, knew, (lead& Ittillt 1 oar rya, It
Loden; aks pearls, 111 1 / 1 0,167e & mot; mu
le elm'
wen. lee .1 ohm. Om,
13..07 Col 11 okkasey tops II II Coking; 1
hole this; A Uolstalot 1 kg lard. A:Campe; too
eke corn, 21.1.10ze & Asia; its btls appke, A.
Woods; 36 Rl* oil, Brt wer, Curita A tkoies do ,
do, W 1101ttlebeon;43 ids, tdollishon; 63
1'47 app le., Ii 1110 , 114.; 181144 eyed & }at,
itibbla beano, Uratf a Malan PM ske
W 11 0.1 . 3.1; I car do; canon, Darling ,
7os & Co, 217 aka potalota, A A Ualll 121 bite
app.; YoW Co.
Pelsati n, Pow 3
Pr WAswkir. CIPU.I,O 0 RR;
October 21-1 tar hay. 1 car esen..l 2siglor: 11 Wlee et*: tboellbeneer Illelr; 30.5 51...,
Drsee, Walter &UN I ear brick, Park Bees;
tax atone, it Bracken; T roll. le atkee,(3 N 11011-
001 E le ml MA., Id P Adams; 1 ear plow
Wow, J O 111010017 I tar lire Map, Uleteldne
son Glass C0;27 bal. &Vt.,
Co;, 1 keg
apple but t e s, ;I
bx bneen,'Volat .0o; bbls
older, 6.20 appks, a Prawy; bets s
Alen,l W Clemons; I oaf :weak..., .1 11l EMI,p..
1011:20 do. brooms. IL Cobisoot 193 Wei. apples;
Lll Valet Co; Ito do do, Prenek & Col ow
aleioglts, 1 1 11trorth, Porter A 110; dl barley,
SO wan, 13 do potatoes 11 /We Jet 9 kegs
marl barley, Woe Ussiage; 60 basest, Pee A
Scott; 101 l bit. flour. U F Crossett.
res santrion,llokbaratra& Ornate: am R. IL.
October 11.-10 tsile per, Clem Pee...oolW
ate barley, SI do 0n. ., 111e11017.1 . llocds 11 :
gttrse, iti o r 0 1 0 a sit1:11:.
McNealy & flood; I ear berme, W J Meek; 1
do do,tlllmore, Straub & Co; t do rye, Wm
Illstebamo do luMber, J W Odello les sem
sage. .1 111Patker; 4 belts Pomp, Joko Pleekeei
7 sa
te. thers, It do apples, d peanut*. 1
Ma & 0o; 100 01.1se, /lertley, McKee A Col
a tam torn, 11 Knox A Son, hints totweeo. E
blegraw &Coils; hides, N 11011ktoll; L
ipp! .
onsgar, Alesaa Oa
Mews tilt do, .1 11 L.
tett; 10 do do, E 11 llo; 10 do do, dam
Oonow; 40 do do, 00 M tiortaleyi 1 oar tote,
Meter C.; ear items, 0 U &mak 1 eat
mem UMapoell A Brawn; I eeesteree, Haw
61.202410 r. VA,OO 114122010 002087 24,
eOr tkrif VT , 3 0 214 ' ,1111 ' : , 01 1 ,1;
Bdc Co; 127 hg. Om, 02 do rya. dap
101217 2:118 10 bars 1000, 20 kg@ natl.. NU.
Ito, 14140.11 i 00100 00 000: 10 do Me, Setott
0101:2 Odt• metal. J hroothaulp bdlB 21:17:
W It litrapatrlek a to.
14171.129/10K ATP 1431012 GLAVILLJI U.
04taber 20-1 bbl oil, 1111 l 87 8800
0:112 100:0, O N
1021[00371 Was 10710, 21 0 1 :10,D12100 4.1. 1
ono 000 b ar k . 'TO.% 12 rolls loath:
Arhoihrol di to.:
gl " M0.0 " 1.1
Amatonany NTATION. October 24 —llO bIA; '
flour:2o aka rye. Owen. k Kennedy; 0.5 ake bar::
i 0,14
Data.y, do oat.; Kennedy I Lathrop. ;
42 aka /t Knox a Sm. I
'll CO
GRAFF, BYES &co - 1187. legansis 1671
3 rrrrsnmott. rr. PrANNIt • cattcAao
W.. AND ct.XVOLAN n • OrmallAGO N. a.
Tram October AC:a.lsir , trzum win Imm frola
maa arrays at 11e Unto* amtmt. Mot+ Met YOU.
borstt, coy tbs.. as Ibltaant:
FlNgg'.l'3.7:: !219g:F_Zri - i• tf,: ti es
,ILFIe Yarl . ,_ Co •m' Jec....11:1S El
;s ' ; ' i: ft Ct17., L 2, 34..1 : 1: at '
°blear° Na... Ical am Vt. 4,aa • m
CI. a Was. rale *.ilrg. Cts pm
0 A. 2 % - %1 . ;:; .. 1E11; em tit. a Nrei:7: 11M
• /aty Attasbaar
N. Beta we. S:ra am, N. Btta 7 f •• •ak
14elittsla t. 10q3 am N. He ' ll
.: 1 CO am
ItoeAuter am
1 . 1111
I, A F .
0 7 :
14 ' • P N Br .. Noa ".• rat "
13:1:.: :ft fp m
:11,;statale rt:
Itcladtla tartsp 1101_ •
pos F ... crp.l4, Mlo.o4 .. m a lau.i
--- - tione;..l Tiato
WILNII7/114.119172iRa 07
Bar, Hoop and ,Sheet Iron,
'WROUGHT. 161,0 N,
111,10 lYi9llius,ma,iro n, to.
- 01 L wELL MIK
Office, P.o, 98 Street,
Corner Carron and Rosallatan
titreeis, Ninth Ward,
Cast Iron Bowl Pipe,
s Ltz nrxwavg i trajjartap=
Mat of
atfaVeiVtiViCa:=orleiMr d :
CanteeLL sc prVVIDEA
TUBULE.% toirer.. x•rr , taiY,„ TW? Ida
ammats, •
maw( mots ANDOOAI; Eitnivica.
1 • •
OMAsandWe ikloorasawiloaOta s lthhif
Short AAA Llborti Itsooso.
Pittsburgh, Peunsylve.nlia .
1 1 0 - o.bera teal to too Owe" address
will W'
tesi Conimou r Refined twos)
juniatti Bloo p La
1114 Et :1 - PaitivlATM - awl"
CY LINDICIt bad 0011a3 OISII/NOX/1 1 / I OR s '
n NALL T RAILS, sPs sad 1615 e. Sotto fralts
isEl HT CHAIRS anderOLE.B tor am&
VI.LT 7AlLZyuct Lad 009tarsan! .qoukr.
and YI.IRLS.
s gskitrUß fotiV. l .(
. a Works. ,rnista.eet) ad:Ratan,too:mo.
sticetgloßs 4 0/a Xs'a otii scoot
Mona :haulm of Ma best
IREFIVED CAST STEEL,, Plat and I..atrioa. ok all tlaxa: saw
A l tr:it . r io poo. York arta Shoat 8torl: Cost
ENSPISO Asp MotriNg. ,
Cast and Common Plow Ad
pri—Corner or r
Pqo . vs snore the Aloiloagatiata...
no ■. MlLt'... _.
pinverniur. wo
ro ri.rirrieris
Eugints Builders and
Mete to order Hume and Leadi
rd nteant Laaltiale
or cies, cremated to etre • defection.
Nee/lege, of ercrr de,..1,1107.14 too4a to order:
/Aida& air.LsOle, tOLS. booms
Machina 11007, Car: Potat . Aller n /Dageo La
War. rumple,. Dice. La wad Th street.'
PRIER a 81118,
t)i ma 'to SVJaursoalis.
i , ..4). 29 11'902 titre et •
Nanata,Lar• .4 Xs , * tonalutly =taut
Thinstl4, Arketn I - Pipt Roza !
xxrrLies LIULLO.W WIZ; . .
a. <*atthit.ine.rally. • ' . spiel&
moburzukric FOUNDRY;'
. ~
I dor tikisaot, Ninth Ward.
urrutitTE UNIUN =VS /14LL/1.,,
net Ann an 4 Br id ge Casino,
MILT Sitlia AN PIN so . rig
..1.4. ~.
..i..„, .d c.i....i.. g 1 t **** lair.
13 , 4 g
1 Uri Li-• proapil* sad coreigly ilcer.Sed.
V1ba,4210 SLIC.LbURLIII.k. • .
• • j " ' = WERT a MAGiaatak.
,41t PARKIN,
kixorwronats or' ' •'
tva,!,auf...l Equal le 'amp In Um Slur
• i'a'4""‘lstrSga,ge"°- -s'
41•CCUL ATT/EIVOII ?Am To nit 111111 Y '
• I. LAD WA Mara.
gaze, 88 Wood Street.
T1..f.e. 4 10117R" 1311
masa wows. .
MORROW ; HUI - RILL 4tat,'•i
Steno Bullet% • o . l ..ftlb;Agiti4prs, I
• %It nun, Gaßokkoterk,
Wrought limn Bridge*,
ehret Wok Work,
JP,I2FI^6II tat GJEF, •p 4.
LKE4ll4l.nun.T.La rup39•Ti.
• 111 •
Froidlit Holsters
11.1"01.1111.k: iascslialwas made to ordi;r
01.rlat u t Vlrat ry Stiout%
31 31713 1 W-41,..111E.
Ii WOW?, M., &COO, • .
Hard - smte Cutlery.
nuutt/not Into .1110.. Skeuit gni
Irtetab 1. utorn.. I
Corner Liberty and 81. Clair. Sta.,
atort•of HOW,. w ga
and all kind. ot InACIHNIAT CIAtCI24IB. cor.
I" 4 . l l 4 j al i g i ettr i er Ell ItANC : a
ttitigs l ait., 6T araukt.°3l..
OI1!l AND WAlRrnovini,
NO. 89 Third direst, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rank. Z 747.41 es'
Ale. O. irleritet_ 4".l'"L ""
Cub Laratad Vorraper. Sleek.
TWAT t.lrnn 1.1 .
F"." . " 4 "."'4 11 7 4 17 FrX o.
Ala 1 11 la 4 ?t. OW, inns
• t
‘ IyU:I,.ItOfIX3.
On 114 after OCTOBER MO, Ilar veil. Ender
arrive sod doper:. from the Uploa IRpot.oortor
"of Wseda*Oda and Lit...writs.. as foildos;
MralTs. PULES.
MEI I:10r
f, sy Repast!. 410 •
sass Mao...—. 1:50 m W ail's No. 1... 7.10 m
Wall'. No, COP sa XIII Train 8:20 ors
Minton N 0.2.. ?ma a m WsrPo No. 2... errO•
c 1er1a ,„ 11 . 4 .2 2110 t i.f......0 ; rea w
obastoron 2ro.larlot ro l Jobotto.a . ...o. p m
Phila. Express IR4 o W. 1 1 ,0 N 44.. RR; IS
No. p
Warr; NO. 4... p Wall'. No. 1... IN4 pet
Wall.. No. a... I:6e or Wall, No. 1— rsrfd p
Wall's No. S.. 7:01p rn Not Tad p
A42.lE.2f.LeTi WsIPS No. 7 ...Nr0r PIE
Val:4 m
— 474 . let a — asi
(111usch Tratsis haves Ws:I4EI6U/. an 01 at EISA m., tamtang Plttsbtirsh *I r
A tn. ItaramistE teases Pitscnupo 11.141.
and arm. aS WalPs Stag. a”:0s m•
*Cincinnati Exp../ leaped dally. atr
train/ dally except
lexprcsa midMa Alt.. Awn.
:natation and insigrant Train daily. tha.
cintatl Ernst. arrives dais Slon , tya
All otOrs szoopt tnuAtss.
• For""th" olm
The 1i5110.4 Company st . nal
nig Iffrigipanti . " '" VlTr(pinti
2 . yhamltoollara In Pal Battgago exrettd•
Int Mat taunt v .lces .at the Mt C 4
Ma Owner, eel c24a ir elt v. o3 ahle . eViithata t t..
General huherintavtant. Almon. Oa.
E PM / NY .. pr
• a R.I.11•11051.11, ai
&flaw JUNI:A:Ib, LW. SI
ranongir Trains on V
Wanorn Poansilv.4l.:J
raarpt rj w Yo 18:201.x.1
Pro I: 40a,
rig pl warl
016 N0.:4:150.1c flarmanit . ao O.Y.
Mall ll:OS o.y. Fret:art N 0..:
ilf.e.snarry•kAo r.-1. 41a1pri. No., 1,10
42,T rt7h73gr ""P 11? "3"" i .
da at 2.4: 1""'
oven-Bet • X. rescuing A. dso.oi
Oily II t!sa w. l 4.nrroor. leans Allboor
eltw at 1.7 . 1 r. sz..d arrlvo at Allewhen7 nwit
"jrzial"slatlon Tletati—Yor &Ala In pootogdae •
Item•!, Novae it, 1•Ina Creek itwa La
tilarpatlar. MI goal only on tha w wllno -
ping at Statlona oneclfle4 on natal..
trait. leanug Allow hour Clay at ihN!...
and ..1/0 *l7 Lars: 'rustication atOfrf , ai 6
rooaVo I to. o:je 1.4. of atop. fin 1114043
I Tamappa T llt.%t o °'"
P"""" lu
Brilo7 ef* l'lttsbafet, and a, We Dolo4
Sor fistltcr lAforronilon
Tae Winona l'ennglranla Hallooni will
.not •
d r42,.4 . 1,F a. .nt
j . jo e nith i o l oN. ' nnt, nol .. San at .117.11Wilal,
NY_ 11. WILL 1.11 .
nDeneral flan.l..Anoons,ra.•
P9ll HANDL ➢ Routk!
I.IIIANG W. OP MM.-4* attar 1101 t 11.*, ,
October 110.180,,bralos will Mato' agog timbre a g
..I D 3i Y IO T A A . .
Union Deo% ag follow% Pitlgtzgb,.lliaa:m. • ' 12:1So. •
Mixed War
.10a. n, • liar. kg...,
7.1 Lite .-. M U 7110 P. Y.
11171=',71`4:114:::' ,V 4
s:Aurr t Troth I aaaaa Wanda/ ...or. N. .• • •
m g 3 44 r 11 a".
ral a.
v agapindiathe gaoiil rif Au°m
of taoraLlNts.
.Weribo en...nava( ears be mfern Ping:oath
2 1 lplanilatt. gad butONN obsooo . to 81. Lola.
omu , Frtneval potuta Wu' 0.114
Wbea Illi
tba ttbarlig 'Sicked be earolod Ya.t WI G
Mack COLUBUE a Getman ks , *
Uttion Depot, (enuth
MOTiTERSPAUGH, Vote& Aglow a
Se t As.
aoaav DL
ksgl,t, ,
/11 t lee
00 Lod alter KM DA v ?Uelebtv nth. IID. the
s T~sc
tssiss YID leave Itte Delvet. tamer. or Waal
Ana water sums; as fo I y 4:
• pattloop Atpieep
Man to 0.00 Prom • or"
•. wr. •00 P. It. '
3 tap. 0. lota A. 0.. •
'Wen 1000 . ton .0010 P 00'0.. cla P. 00 lIP/60..
Pint 11,03000 w% ceous..llo:o 00. 011.0.0 -
Vraddoe•'• 04, 101 r:
bands? Church to 0071 4u".
a. "4"..
Wirerlt .. .
W. H. B POUT, PliA•ripte,
131. 1 / 1 1111X ar • TIMs
to asd atter THURSDAY, July LW ,
pullea awl surly. at Sitiobarsh amPRO.
soma: Slits aa,a Llaxal.sitseD. al follow.:
Aro ari . la:,
NiateiTeeZZ;:lallUn' rt: 1112 . 4 .:14
runt snas Warts UM a.m. D 04.14
Second Soda Works Accent.. 1,21 t. R.. 2HU at te„.
V.V40,61=Mr5iA.;...f.90.1. Mai, II;
audioelo.aNoth 1A10.11:.*
tl .
OUT. Mall SOMA coßztect3 wlrh Duke La from
IRS. 'de_, de
IP piing -Steel
:o:l''''' two
RAILWAY;`' : .
w arLIABIA BOOTY trots ;ha , Zaat to
Two trams Savo Mato LIP. and Leare•aoi Lt.
day, (liondays eseeptad,) on, the
artivLL 4.r
Ulll. of Yatitle Railroad treat' Fe tads, and
Hausittal and I. Jo Railroad Sea Qoiaco . cen• • '
steel:lag a tldorreheePropelta and WM.".
Sagan for MI polnia to SartaSs.")..At aikrtif trara
west Or Ellsworth with the UNITE!) STAIRS' -
i*D ALL roma IR :air mnolazetc./J,..,...
and witABANBSOZ7 TatHEX LIB ii .
OT COACHEI for Fort 110100. Dest , a FoA.
Taos. AlbTqueratte. kaatai•.• 1.4
.11.11zooa tad Nor 111.1io.
With tlateteat addition:, .4,4.1114.0. Y
o4alPaltat. artiojiiit ita° di
ommtim eaaaChrtattna Link, „ lM .
Trestrica tenralank tale rout atm otlFrirooe
loaned faellltlealf. ta a Izansoalarloit of &olds*.'
to tae Far West.
Tickets for tale at all the orlactpal o=ot.r
tha bolted et.. and
lid 'sore tad AkitrOu
SIIIOKT nit', ROUTE, ifS11)1( .. ?At - Niro.
lastiena ,, p!ix4pliao4ll7l:
J.X. wmearia.
Umei•no. TralAyi. *ad Ilan OCiftll.s'..;, "3
.• . ALLEunssr
&trivia{ a!, ?saw - star' moo p ar•
• - -7 - •
'-- int is sas
or Limo lo mu. 01 i /44.•
491! YOZVlttintretrit7i:
tbriaiatilWa:S aPssaartisys4 . ;' . :'
matt °Mae la l'lLts rough. sad az tab Papas
Alle4h"7 .l44l:vilgy,
- • H. 31c LS MX. A.Utam B. P't- •
LIVERPOOL a quErnamint, pelazia.
TPriCI a wiia
Du na 1:y7IIT
a ll I,lThr as gnl — n . "1 likMtr
ot "
many .4.1 Irle.A4 olana
uGia P 7 . Voon.:1'•
antellAill. Jr.,
/1.1.1 re Aga. to Book C•bla
• Ad.. Xspren Oboe. Attshursti.
rani aiitioas Erfg a stui l i , t•
c a frn 2= it: eut u r4 a a the 2111X7,
W T t h ei Ilk. allele IO I .Data uu lb. VOWCI
raVare'allta IS C. r 7 f , ! --/ ..1 06 44. tb ,
1 1;flirs ". ..794 r Catltor2s . ‘*-421".'4114"5- . 6
.eee Weaeare...4llel—• ee WM_
'Yuba& Ameneee US:mews have sea eee.N
g u ll et weepier. IS mew MU eft li i. nk' ZVI •
101 , 4,1,./ , 7.101
I:0C P. U. UPPO j..
R. RiXt).
dew.. . peva
wanatagyox t.:l
, ,GslaJ,
7.... 4 . 1 11:46 131 " '