The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 25, 1867, Image 1

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rtnlraisniro rristi
-(ssimaro Exct.r=o. )
T. T.
' tailors;
[Wainer+ Manager+
- Qritcr. , ;.tzrrn; nmunNu
No% M. eon )IFTU ProTF.EICT.
lotolorlitg Net of Vesfere houtlitnis.
o rriorn. Patir, or rirreaußaa
.1.1.:0113T CIIRAPSII? emet BEST' 1"1.1fli
owl t , O/101.ER CI Al, P.Elt tot fAe
T 21015 Or TaWDAILT
SlOrie Ca
i tent B.
itel tterell Carrlerf. Twr week.. IS ••
1,11.1 Sab•eribt . per P.r.••••-•• • IMO
ddreu. * . • OA ZaTTE.
pittsblagij Gagne
A Tooon tyilinti lady writing to
Ptaziei'e Moraine her In:premien' of
America, lays of the blew York'
"Thelifaces are perfectiv charming. I
never could coma to America and return
unmarried if I were a man. Such sweet;
delicate, refined little faces,. and Bich
lovely dirk eyes." -
Of Americanawanersighesays: "Talk
of the French'. I never was amongst a
nation who were not beard in compari
son with those. Vou always get a civil,
amiable antWer. - They All do all.they
eau for , ion, and as to a lady, she is
perfect queen. -Old or ugly, gentle or
aimple,. -men leaie their - seats in the
street cams for them."
• This corresponds with ihe account
given by . one - of oar retarned tourists,
who rays he never saw so much rudo
nest as amongst Parisian gentlemen.
. Tbey:liolv very gracefully, but will 'los
, tie a lady oil the pavement and make no
apology; smoke in eating mama and sit
with their hats on.
' Gro.":4 l 7uallo, KENDAIL, Eng , one
et the orleintil . fennders of the Nei Or
leans Picayune, died on Monday, the Slat
test. „it 'ilia residence in Item comity,
Tetai. • He was born at Amherst, N. li,
ahottitheyittr 1810. In 1835 be went to
New 'Orleans; and satin after stated the
Pirogiiiiei.Lii Conjunction with the bite
P. A. Unladen, Bail In 1241 he Jolupd
the Barite POnxpitlition, and on his re-
turn pubilshed• an eccount of his suffer-
Ings.' He also joined the army during
the Mexican , war, and afterwards pnte
llshed an account bf it. In 1851 he gave
up all sense connection with the paper
and retired ;With' his wife to 'Tem,
where he engaged In agricultural pur
suits, although' still occasionally writing
for the I . "icagtosr, In which he ietalned
an interest. He !mei a wife and tour
children: . • .
Gay. GraNT reports that Gen. Pope
hai ordered that Captain Morris Schaff,
• teenniitading the United States Arsenal
at Mt. Vcrnon,-Alsbams, be tried upon
the charge of the murder of Frederick
B. Shepard, a 'citizen of that State. It
will be, recollected that Abe - homicide
grew out of acrimonious correspondence
between - -Schaff. and Shepard, which
ended in the- hitter challenging the for
mer to a duel. • Scud had Shepard ar
rested 'and brought within the arsenal,
and, it , is alleged, instantly shot him,
the ball taking effect littleneck; . Shop.
rad lingered some days and died. Mean
time Schaff was tried by. Court martial
for conduct unbecoming an officer, end
found guilty.' These proceeding' will
be annulled, and the trial for murder go
on. The Captain Schaff referred to
above was stationed in this city for
some time, and is well known to manY
Of out eitl , Pet . .
Tns-Philadelphla Councils are hold
ing under coniideration the proposed
plan di' donating the four Penn 'Squires'
' to the varioni pablie buildings. If this
plan could be carried out, and handsome
and uniform structures be provided for
the Library, Academy , ot.' Natural Sci
ence, Aca&my of Pine Arts, Historical
Society, etc., Philadelphia would have,
the &tett - public rxersareir 'Alherrall'
and one that; in value, would only come
, atter time of the richest capitals of the
. olor world. •
Devote the war it was, quite the thing
for military companies to visit similar
organizations in other cities. We no
tioathat the spirit Si being revived r and
a Doom :reglnient is at present being
feted in New YOrk. What bad become
of all of our old comnanies—the Du;
queen Grog; heroes of two wart, Jack
1. son Steen, City Guards, clef They seem
to have. 'died with' the war, although:
Many of their ancient members are to be
seen in the streets anyydif.
.$ • A CM noticeable change for the
better Lai taken ;dice in the state of the
health of ! New .Orleans.' Week before
• hie the- Cumber •of deaths by yellow
fever was ale, the largest number on any
1 One daybeing 04, on Wednesday. - feat
1 week the total was 1.81, a decrease Of 130
from the ;week 'previous The heavieit
day laisi Week was 'St At this rate of
improvement; _we shall soon be able to
congratulate that' city on its deliverance
Comnesnence excitement is felt In
. Philadelphia over the appeanince of n
disease, resembling Cholera,. on board
the receiving ship at tha, Navy 'Yard
there. Up to Wednesday fourteen
'•l' deaths Lad taken place, and many more
were expected. The over • crowding-of
' the Teruel with raw recruits is corral&
ered as tbeiremedlate cerise of the as-
ease. ":" !,-.-
Toe cholera has invaded the and
is laying Bwitztrkmd. It has
already captured Zurich, and the num
ber of its victims la very large. The
citizens of other parts and cantons have
with their welblociwn hatred of an in
vasion, resisted the coMmbn enemy with
great pernsierance and much success.
'l'nu Tribune esteems defeat in
a good cease more glorious than victory
in a bad one, rind _says the ReFublican
• Party is strong.enough to aloud up for
. the right, and if it were not, it would
gala no rtrength by standing up for the
USX, ScOritio holds that there is a
vast ditiatnce between - negro aid - rage
la Virginia and •ia Ohio; and that, the
welfare of the Sauth demands that tho
reconstractionpolicy of Congressshould
• A. NRIV•1:011A infant was thrown by Its
mother from. a fourth story window in
Philadelphia and was taken. up nitre
Jared. lie will be apt to live through
the measles.
A LerranNin For marker tells ors
herd or twenty thousuul bead of cattle
bound tut; Small favors are thankfully
received. • •
• r $81.1:10111L week passes which deco:Lot
record the death of a child frora falling
into song, vessel of water.
, . . ~.
• ' lb. Bu teVoted Jo frier of oco mom.
I ta..—oudorti, of Hoolesl veto.
tar Teleirtilpa to NA Mustard+ Oszette.)
Men worn, Oct. '24.--Itelticas received
' at/:en.. bkhodeld's headquarters show
' 4,onelosively that the' Btate has voted
' • in favorof it Convention. •It Is oleo (Pr
; min that the Convention will. be gad.leal
t Ly fifteen majority.
~ This city elected the following Radicals,
j after three days' , untent: liunnlenit,
.• I • Judgo Underwood, Morrisee, and two
' ',.. oulored men.' .
+ Tim fl bait did not reeolve siftywhlte
I votes In Mu city, nor did. the Conserve.
y‘ item; receive tiny colored votes.
!•••• The negroes who voted the Coruserves
I tine ticket. tebre again, chased front the
polls by a negro mob. • Hunnicutt end
I - ,on, who were arrested for tearing up
• ' Conservative tickets in Ithu laude of
• Drv e' il t rlscr 24 n ° , u w r6c erra r lits ' edlgen s t ‘ l. a v t. tr.-
'Liver Item.
(By Toletr•Plito the Iltlx.angb
LorlsVII.Ll4 Oct. " _l.-River rising
with fully tat Inetten In the gaunt; by the
DtEISPION Oet:21:--The 't•tier IIS falling
• ftlowly.
. _ .
; hi
FIRBT Engin.
illspalch front Ca!triunes awe.
?VI I , lll' I
Emmauk.3 Not Yet Pardoned.
tzTlr. etierthpa to the rinthenth thuall.; l
WASHINGTON-, October 24, 1E47.
The following important &Spatial rela
tive to ihe, trial_ of Sett Davis settles the
existing divide, es to Whether Chief
Justice Chaim still preside •
WaetaivroX, - 'Oct '...3d, • 15477.--Dear OureLLection,lthink.
It best that you advise the District At
tornev, Mr. Chandler, that willjoin
you In holding Court in Iticlinind, on
the 13th of November, if any important
Whine. Is to he transacted. Mr:Chand
ler,. I' think., shout,' notify the coup-
sel for Jefferson Davis of this; in
order that he may. appear entl
lake his trial, if he sees- At. As hislittli
was taken r his appearance en the'
fourth WeJnesday of November, he is
not; it is true, bound • to appear 'earlier;
butes it is not possible for inn- to be
present except during the that week of
the -tern]; • commenting on the fourth
Wednesday, becalm of the term of the
Supreme Court commencing on the fol
lowing Monday, it may be that. Mr.
Davis and his mussel will prefer the
trial to take
„place at the earlier pedal.
It IS udderatird that therwl , th tied' the
Chief Toittiiientay'be present."..
very truly,
S. 2.. CRANE.
ft 6
A gentlemen Just returned m Jou
don, 'Virginia, sews-this letter was coos-:
Wiley handed, be :fudge Thelerwoca, to
.1. Randolph Tucker, one of the counsel
of Mr. Davis. The letter took it copy of
it, but _can - give -no reply until :atter a
consultation with his
• -• •
entsrmso rtwu or vrtssimnr.
The Retrenchment. Committee having
refused to accept the report of S. M.
Clark, Chiefof the Prlntilig iturenii of
. • . .
the Treasurk Department, :In lien - of a
regular examitaillori of that - Bureau, Mr.
Clark has shown'adisnoakkin toltiterfer•
with the operations of the. Committee.
Mils neither willing to erabtrilt his books
and records for investigation,' nor giro
satisfactory answers to gisitions put to
him, and kis probable that in order to.
facilitate matters. Mr. Clark will .be sna
pended by the Secretary of the Treasury,
as it is learned the Corandttee hnee roc.
emmended it. The Committee began
this morning the examination of clerks
who servo under Clark. -
. -
A later dispatch states the-. Committee
nave requestedthe SecreltuTofthe Trees
uryto be provided with a copy of all
dasaments and reports heretofore 'sub
mitted try any otherCommitte%whether
appointed hyricaVreas or beestary,
ofthe Treasury. rhe papers asked for
will be duly furnittlml.
-''. run NAT/015AL NANA..
- - -
-The condition or the Welder:l Nation
al Bann, asahownby ahstraeteeomplled
front their qaarterly reports receleed at
the of °title Comptroller ofFeurresiev.
is up tei the required atandettd,
,atui tat
la alsolhe ono in ' egged to sties:led
Bunko in eli other Bedlam of the wuntry.
The reserves specified in the act of-Con
gress have been all casts; while
in nape I e aeutage le a eonsiderah)e
—6ollo"Terthefltectilnetneuts lot thi
663131117 . 1:E o:4 TILE ...41.114.5t:CA510N
Thai° trill be no meeting of-the Com
mittee to inquire into the asittsination
of President Lincoln until Gen. Butler's
atiltal, a fortnight hence.
. •
The ordnance Comraittee'rwhrn with
out a qiiortun today, only' Gen:
and,Senator Cameron being prevent.
Senator Dcalre la expected to-night, but
It is not - kin:own Wheilwr Gen;
,Logan will
The telegram of yesterday,ln regard to
Corona -Matmadakei, was premature.
Ills pardon was recommended by the
Attorney neneml, but the Pr.ldent leug
not signed it yet, nor Is It known that he
will. . .
Carpenters, painters and nphintaters
are busily engaged preparing tho Capitol
Vie the approaching session of consteefith
The Postattutter Generel invites. prtipo
pals for carrying the man. to• Greet
Britain under the new treaty.
.11114ee nt greit i laz u st l!artfora,
(jar reiwayli t4tlh,t;fittili,4
itatrrenn, Conn., October 24.—The
tc,optlon-. ..Genc;ral Sheridan
was 00161:4 111.0..Enast :Magnificent ever
stelfsi In the State. The cltimm generally
4oined In the welcome. and
luta dwellings were elemontly decorated.
!2t.lajoi- General flawleyind. Daniel Y. xy
' ler t.Orioa
was warmly greeted at the
ivslionsalOug'ills Railroad: ; On
ug at the depot at this city General
Hawley made The vwelegniing spire:.
About fifteen hundred soldiers were in
the pumeasiott: and- were reviewed by
General Sheridan. The General was re
ceived everywhere itt thiceity with the
utmost enthusiasm. At the - Allyn
Governor Buckingham intredutsid..him
to the crowd in n brief speech. •Ile .was
received with wild cheers and eVery ex.-_
presslon of welcome. iletaid:
i"Lodica and Grut/eutea—l sincerely
thank you for thievery hearty reception.
This Is the first opportonity I have hail
fer a long time re passing through New
- llnglami, and assure yen every step
have ulnae toas been made with
gratifbation." - • '
:The General then retired and went to
the State ]louse ton re u nion of the - First
ilmMectient Cavalry. formerly in his
ceMmand. He wmt t it ere received. with
19. oan.e s t weleome, fo which he re
sponded by atemring them that it seem
ed like of 4 times again. lie observed
they were - still bound together, 4nr when
they moved on.the rebels. Ho charged
theta to remain united and net as one
man, until the skits we:roue:me clear. By,
sit doing they would doubly deserve
M-atitude, first, fm having helped to save
the tuition .Imm the enemy - in the geld,
end second, for helping to cave it amid
t rArer ril 4e 9f fatra r- parade t im m il ti gni n. nd reception,
a dinner was given Gen. Sheridan at the
d hive ErOUSC. In the evening there was
al torchlight procesmon of the Grand
yof the Refildle, and a general 11-1
1 unlimtlen throaghout the eity, was
al grand affair and the crowd velbrichs
maim. Hen. S her idan' ride in the pro.
eitssion, end was entbusleigleally cheered.
lie will probably leave to n oon train
tit-morrow for Aug iota, Mane.'
- 1 • ina.lllllllard TOsiroMalool...
ttioTolorroon to the rlttabarrh Ustotto.)
l'umnerciat, October 13.—The drat .
ganiu of the billiard NA rnainent to-day
Waebeteen Vermuen
wel and Snyder,itral
r. _ .
rie the moot closely' eoadvde4 of any
game yet played. Scorm Y.ennli, lo,
000, Snyder:2.j% whiner's average ' , WI:
rtlic eAscond game wits betweeh.Choate
EA Smith, • Choate -Tieing Ihn Winner:
[Pari'Dania and Rivers played the third keine.
[Paris„ . 300. Itlveni, I.lto fourth
wan between Peltier and Parker,
the latter mining out nn the eleventh
,Inning, and averaging! 5-11. Tie fifth
game wee between Amerman, of Cinetw•
pail; and COOl3, of eking,. It toot won
by Coon. Score , 300 • -
IT* relate Oatrage—Tlie V/Itato at
(a•iolegraoh to the Litt.tburgll UM140.3
liArtritsncrur, Pa., October 21.—The
citizens aro ,
ntriell 'racked nt n a/cannily
outrage, committed last evening In the
upper part of the city; A girt eighteen
years of ago, while. returning brine at
an curly hour, was struck by some un
known person suit knocke 1 insensible,
and when found W6B terribly loreroted•
and 'outraged. Sho is still insensible,
and the villain is undetected.
flourina ulna' oi* ColUne A; Tan
ner, al-Albion, N. Y. trtro diatrnyed by
lie y-esterday morning. 3,oaw 4.40,000 h
Maimed for 0,00,1
from Mantreal show that
the Farladitut's robbery tame; of $ 35 , 000 ,
woa only . a pretended 111
hidden under , 11p.. The r
. r
--The Daniel Webster place, it Fittnk-
Iln,N. If., Wl. SOW et elution on
day. The heirs of the lani Itanti L.Tay
bought the building and hams Marto of
two 'hunared acres for tiftebn'thOwstint
• —Thu Everett Walla.) In Boston will
not' 1,0 dedlmiteal until next spring, owing
to prestther engagements of Governor
Andrew,: who will be pie orator,
—The discharges at Sprhigtlehl (Maas.)
-armory- have reduced, the number et
men employed to about aLr. hundred.
—David :l
K. Sprague one., forger, litho
lately eztenalve business
at Boston, has been sentenced FAX years
to the Otata.prlson. ,
—William and llenry . " Crockett, arrest
ed a abort limo ego, charged with killing
a acgroniMedaaraes 'Brooke Sin]
ly wounding his "wife, were tried at
Nashville; Tenn.,•yenteiday, and honer.'
ably' acquitted. They wore no where
near the place - of 'the Imurder when it
was committed.
—The nettle sheds attached to Ithoni
hAri co.'s disitilery, at' Dubuque,
lowa, were destroyedby Amon Wednes
day night. Loan from tuvilynto tlfteirit
thousand dollars, The property was in
the: hands of the Government . at the
time, having been ached by -Raven*,
—Tito extensive malt house Cif :John. d...•
;Weddle; at Albany. N. X., took firebug
evening. -.The flimrai genial:Malty anti , :
slued and only • a email portion of the
huilding-,,dpstroyed, - yet the ;lose Ls eirtd.
mated bn,verY heavy; mi;thiliAlooris.
were eavereirtvifli barieVandirualt: The.
damage Is fully coven:it - by intsuramio in
some twenty oonspanhia. : :.••• • -
—One hundred citizen. of Buffalo gave
. ,
isouplimentary dinner_ last night to
Brevet Alajor General Barry, command
ing the Northern fivintier. who hod been
:ordered to join. lit regiment In Califer:
I Ma. Ex-President . FlUtnore presided:-
-A man named Andrew Weatherwax,
salvos...A to have oommitted n murder
near Plattaburg, N. Y., in han Mtn
oil tip itt Mat plate.
fletieml W. B. Mum
at Notv York on IVednosilay from No-
. .
--Joseph W. Sperml, seemul • ulnae of
the shlp "AlarmMu, from Stuirranels/.0,
is held in New - York for ezmuiuntion,
eharged with the murder of a 'miler .
ed Andrew Quimby
• ....
—rho thwernor of NeW York has ap
pointed John Joy si,celal Connniadonor,
to co-operate whit enuncatmlatiere. from
Maryland and other States and the
Board of Manageni of .tntletani lento•
—The hone 'winch Col. Thomna H.
Benton rode : through the slexinan ,war
lately died ut New - London.
—An aggrnrate‘t olio of abortion kan
oeonrrnt to Provideuen, tt. I..;and, the
ugenl, Dr. ti. W. Itriggu, has b,en or
—lleorge peaticely, has made 1. datue
lion to Harvard Colleve of ~,nO,OOO, for
the 11•3tabliahment •of a museum and in
stitute of archolop - and ethnotrgy.,
—lron. :Joseph A. Pend, President of
the Aliarachusetta &mate, Iras welted
with sudden ilmisyesterdar. at Boston,
and um In a erttioal condition. •
—A titunber of small whisky. distil
leries were mired . in Noir York,-jester;
NMGHBORElooiiiarti . ln3
linrriebtirg paper nays '
almost incredible, nowerthelees it in
foot, that r unmber of wlla pigeons were
allot let ho capitol grounds, on 3.tonday.
iitla . contettrikA , C);ninend
spectre of the leathered tribe within the
corporation limirtonit we never before
Merl of them corning into the eery
or the city. General :red Will inne
is the "sport , ' whM, %aright tint linen
I.A..;'Sfetr stye: 'We
regret to learn that one day last week a
child belonging to Mr. Jacob Long, in
West l'ennaboro* township, was severely
bitten by it mad dog. The child, with a
number of other*, wee playing with the
dog at !belittle of the oreurrenee, and no
one intsperted the dog being mod until
too late. The dog dixoppiarod sometime.
after and lots not boon seen since. Since
the abOYenre 'learn that.. Ate. S..
Itreneionh was also bitten while attempt
ing to moue nut child from the rabid ere
loud. •
2 -We dip, from the wane paper the
fllmeing: Some ten or twelve ohyal.
CIRIIS met at the hotime-of -Mr. Benjamin
11 - Meier, Lo MJ Min townahip, - one flay
Ibis weer, io hold o eorteultittiM and
make observatious in the new of his eon..
a youth otnome twelve o r . fourteen years
of age who has born ußiet. , d In a moat re-,
merkehle way fearl or quite
pagm Ittuatii that he h y as, nnv any
liquid of any kind Into his stomach,since
last lumen - , that ho eats—nothing.. but
fruits and sugar, . end' sismetiMea foe
tunny davi, even fir weeks, rate nothing
at n/2. Ito bah not been co:dined to bed,
nor even to thethiouse; and not.'unite
thiently return to the town wlth differ
ent member,, of the family: _ Ills disease
lo of at nervens elairacter. immeilmes al.
lied to epilepticiits,but the medical fecal
! ty &Insider it uu entirely onornelons
- t -nr. lyayneshoro Itteiredsayn that on
ThilMiley I morning Inst a little the .
only llaugligor of. Mr. George Frick aged
Hind Aglit yearn; met with elmotit In
stant death under the following circum
stances: It eppnere she lel. playing in
comtanyy.,with other children neer the
connecting shaft between Mr. Prickle
Foundry-and the machine ehoja of
Moser,. (Neer, Price A: COI, when her
eh - ailing:wart caught IT 1110 isbnft, end
before Rho could'he rescued wee no hor
- tortmc far nil lair been commenced
m luulsvflie, Stark county, Ohio, nod
correspondent informs us with grata
pro , q , pets• •
—A little Incident oecurred on %Veiled.:
day morning in one of the corn of the
'Hartford and New Owen .Railroad,
which gave c gtatlfylng• proof of
deference paid by young men to the
wishes, of their ladies., and their reatll4
noes ti• supply a Want an noon as it
comes known. The car In question won
nearly. Mks], en lice dint are ept. to be in
thin tiny of travel. Its floor near the
doorwax covered with tobacco Juice, ea,
.aloe! cur doom are likely to be In thin
day when the use of .the vile WOK!
much pl oval's. At one of die Amy sta
tions a well dressed lady entered the car,
looked with unconcealed dhsgunt at the
pools of yellow nod slimy Juice on the
then raised her drool slightly and
'picked her way item.. The only vacant
allting In the car was on a neat occupied
by:a young mccc, who et once made room
tee he body by bin side. An noon as she
met seated, with a look of relief, 'min
gled With one of solicitude, the lady ask
ed-}gar eeetteete, "Do yon chew
ii•No, ma'am," wee the reply, "but
I tern get you a chow If you like.' •
The manufacturing .rporationts in
NtW England for the making of cotton
an woolen goods aro now.: doing badly,
0 ly those with the most approved ma
ch arty, or at work on fancy goats, are
their way. Wool Is now lower,
g din g01d,. , than before Mo. war ; and
ton to constantly declining, the depre
elation fulliug upon am manntactUrem In
tlio decline of KOViB anti the great.dal
Mice of the markets. It is doubtful if
niiv of tlso emnpatties in Nowburypori.
will &clam a dividend fins year,
r tin ',widen they haven man 3, ' ; bo
giyee exhlbltlonetin a huge tank latent&
gia sides and ailed with water, lie
sits on the bottom and e n -mot-leg-,,e dg r i me
111: SPeetaioll3; opens Ina mouth quite
41de cats drinks bottle of milk,
bate audibly, rmake. a pipe without
'net guishing all under water. Ilia
NetiS lISUAn oceup3r about half a min
ute, bat bele able to remain more than
&retinal° beneath the eurfaee.
--"A Distressed Mother" writes to the
Allentown trio Locateerot fur advice,
Which she geta—thusly: "The only way
cure your son of staying out gate
ghts,' Ls to break hie legs, or else get
the bt: VIM with to .do your
Yoe, the "hounework . .will he loee
t ea—richly—if° doubt!
--The (11lea6!t Journat pronouncoi
' - Robert T. one. 41bo
0 4 1 .; of On youpg pun it the
WPSL lie devotee nearly all biti it to
the beeineem of Ills profelaton and tri it
rosy studies.
orious News Suppressed.
illiniatry Yet Incomplete
11,01101 Mil aae F1193C2
Another Attempt on Rome Certain.
Napoleon Wants a Conference on
the Roman Question. .
By Telograrli tall* Blitabmrsh
othmous NEwii—:Dunatia iirrrnrap•En.
. .
FigiftE!mg: Okohtir 23: 1 -1f r. tt:L-Tho
Lane to-night ix irteriou% for qva ratr.e of
Ifaiy. The Gov trluletit luut del.Clll4l . it
1* to suppre,4 the detitilt, for the pro-
NDON, October 24 • - Atoraing.-
Itittehes from Floranee say it 'teal+ known
In that elty early last night thaF - Gelterat
Garibaldi had traverand Italy, anti had
eneeeccity 1 . , in., reaching . ; in -the
-Prnvitice arllirkias,_antl that his arrival
them was iliscovetvd. 51M11.4 forbidden
by the Italian authorltiax from, pro. tvd
bigany blither. Sitar• then‘abliiing has'
hoeil mato public oo is Itis,.tnnvoinents
or whereabouts.
reins, October the
eounto reenii - orl from 'ltaly bet - night,
the formation of the [taboo ainietry
*An 'Mromplote, it eonsequent , of the
heeitntion of .;‘.ll. Dlinanda to neoept the
portfolio of the interior: tendered him .
by General l'inldne. to the meantime
Itttlazzi WILY meting a. 4 Prime 31MISter.
The Emperor of Anatria ivrivad in
Paris last evening, and wag rtvvivisi at
the ndtivaa station by the Emperor 'Na
poleon, After, oachittiging eongratitlac
hams, the .Emperora entered the .ithes.
carriage and weredrlven to tlici Tuileries.
The MoSitear rapt this visit of the Lit
pante Francis Joaeph adds a nate pledge
of entity to the iamlial relaliona•cdah
lhhedt bctiveen -ttuitria and Frattre.
. , .
truopa wrbActi.were Kent to orol.mtk U thy
tr.p...iiition for the relief of lione.
are now viwtunprd arousvl TOlllOll.
INCIIFJOIC or isvr.tali.v.• .
ottatewnt et , the Bank of France,
publh . thed on the ll.tuxe, mport. un
of 4,tieu,eue trench in Lullfon dur
ing. the le't week.
Lo' um. October . . 24.—Tbe ofllcial re-
Innui of the Intuk. of EugLind xltorr that
'minim hue dretnitend A r4T5,40.0 *terlins:
during the week undln4 to,dn.y.
Ltv IWOoty October24.--TBeilireconvi
of the Rorer Bank of Liverpool yeeter
daY inncle nu nseese.rnent alive per nut.
on the ahem on atockholdere., An fX
&Urination .q the courlitiett Um bank
ahmts'lta not exneed
Lecayile y. 1 .111141, sterlinF. Jrbet.tlLreetent
arty the in,t(t.itio will '-aaesn- rta4ottie
EsSINENT AstiloNoXl:lt DEAD.
JANDoN, 'October 24.—Sir Jon. Smith,
an eminent: ',astronomer, and .One of the
/minders oid several times President :a
Royal Al.trmednienl SoeletY, died to
day at the ides/wed age of eighty yisirs.
insiA.3r Ai•TREIIILN;:ic)No
In conAr4lnern.corllntladloint a a wf.-
crer move meat in the erry ,of Cork,
.111 e
illll/101itie4k0111 a sharp Watch on. IL
Fenian.% and the pollee patrols hors Iss,
The'wtiviththettt his rt Rigel' the nititl
tion/ttf muneol
, .
the trials qt lactic,' Implicated Im`the
og4r., +nt ,tt:tnaltmter.
Inmuus ...5w:r1 4 44 0, I,sll'ky'
The, lotntlnn Tina" 10-Oav 1111,1 strong
o4latrinl oa the French latoiventlon. It
..aitoot bf
Visaed ti. - erliel in'Ttar2.- 111410'
gartype, and deolnroalta eIVr t will Ix ,
JitOrainl, na the elaribaltlian‘ tauKt . riat.
...gnets *ln and a eo.trprittoagaltuttitolll o
is inevitable.
Naror,ao* ; cm THE 11,0X.AN
lANDobi, Oct, 21. Errttitig.—lt in r
porled that the Emporne Nitrearon h.
rorfn(adod Ilie European ixavrra to unite
NS Int Fretnoe In a tensionab oc)ttforonbo for
the sollloment of tho'll'oman 4nioalion
and to liro , ,:ont a rocurterie f tlac mwnt
avelils Id ItOly.o ' '
I.IICiALIZING JI A i 011,1.0 EV.
• YIYINNA, ()MONT lieiehsnith
,the zawlar marriage bill,
whichall when the
mremeny Is performed by n 601 nag"
Ttly, Ny,W,
bent ti; o,Ctatiorta.—W bemoan llh bemoan
'Maths whli•li'Ur,liti , f'xiienthera - or Ott
Confederation have mit: 1 ,11111ml their I
tendon of adding pleir alguaturcu to t
uow postal treaty, erateltithathetwevn t
Confetleratiuu North and the I
. . .. 3 —,* . ...
waxsnerei . Alin coaaceniaa.
LONDON', Oetober 24-:-Fomaing. —cm,.
min elosed steady at pit: 5-2e's 69 5-16;
niillOiS I.7entrabit/1 Erie 4.. L s'
C. Fluorgroier, October 21—Mc—C.
S. bonds 74i. • . 1 . - -
-LtvEiumoi., October 2 I--Lboting—l'ot
ton closed vEltli an Imuntored firmness at
au tolvanCenf Id; middling uplands 8.7 d,
Orleans ed; sales of 20,000 Intim. Dread
stuffs active mull closed Idgber. rem ad
vanced to 48alklfoe neiv mix - ad Weelem.
Wheat; f'ulifornia wbltn :al higher, ties. .
Ing at Itku red Western floor at 14s. -Peas
advanced to do. Oats unchanged. Oar-
Icy nominal., -- Previa' ma- unchanged.
Cahoot dull at stls fel. Spirits Turpen
tine on. l'etrolcum 19 ; , 1 far spirits and
Is 541 for.rafincd. ,- • ,' .. -
Le:4ms, October - 2ltlcening.—Sugar
unelumgctl. Linseed Oil unaltered.
Anvwcur, October til—A'venlay.--pe
trolemn,filf elk.. - ,
NORTE 04.40.TAN4
Lleellou Prospects—The *hilts I
the eleJeihry El
• •
meta Stroup..
nr Ttleintott to the rltt.bault &mitt* 7
WILMINuTON, 'S. C., October 24.—0 -
position to the Convention le inereaelng,
but the majority Neill probably vote for
it. 'Very lbw negro delegates *lll - bo'
elected In this - State, the -whin...having a
majority of aleim twenty-live atm:mind.
The Clonmervativett *ill undoubtedly eon
trol the (only.
Teliew, rimer mMetu
3.lNtereis • October .1.4.--There were
three Interments. from Meer UV
tfte tiventytoux hpurs ezeileg et' epee
to-th.y, 'rho - weather is real,
.7.:1.1V ORLI:ANS, October 2.4.—Theru
weroutnetenn yeiinw tamer InttUrnenni
during the • twenty-Your hnunt ending
Illumining. •
oet. 24,,There wore two In
terments from yellow fever during the
Annlzertary Meeflnt Ofiht.TO,l2oll,
aen•. onri:ii~n ~iwef.~un:~
The amity erkdry meeting of tltd,r,Totirtg
Men's Christltui Association wea, lidd
lust evouLut at tholi First! Proshiitterilm
Church, Wooil street: At. an way Lour
the' evening the sPacibus fro 1t
titled to its utmost,sapacity,,tho ohtlot
being filled so that I t an Ittrisaisedhitt to
Vous through them. and at half-piuttOoTedi
O'clock, pie hour fur
exereisea, there 'wins ncuieoly 4.ittiak
room that W. not occupied. , •' - v • •''
, The exorcises were opanod by singing .
,tho hymn entitled .'!Coronation,"
trlilch w followed with prayer try Bev:
NV. A. ,flacon, City' 2diesionary of De
troit, after which few. 8. B. 13ernItz, of
hoolidg, reed' the. fifth arid • oar enth
chapters of the Gavel ecoording so St.
Alexander B. Riggs, neroordloglidarel
tory, read hie report for the paid yoir.
lir. Oliver Ilteellntook, Clutlrmati
the Association, then read do following:
idanstal import et alto Proalgent..
Lattettoid Onuitlneni—Lena than one year, out oftlao
the d no
nto Cbrist,but yet' feeling need
of the outman. bonds of irytopethe and
common MOUron for effort of - a Young
News improvement' Society. 'Martel:Ulm
movement, which soon grew out of Ada
hand', and nit length resulted, the Mr
minmatlon of - the Young YezV „christian
immolation. and thrOnlin Its bY mdl.
In his own converalOrt Into tea , lidtttraTt
strength of the Christian's hope ../...pu&o.
liver .clone 0500 step of Mir litoirrelis
evinces the illy ineordering, favor ma gut
dance. In the and meeting held - tor our '
Inn eduction to the Chrlatian . pnhllq dad's
spirit sent the shafts of coneletion thriregh
the moral liarnesa of two eonbi drawn thitn.
er by curielet7. • . - • -
minediately altegA, few ginegalist with
some of their pastors. Imp elled by the
earnest desire for the salvation of their fel.
lows, and lboaenaeof. their Wog, aplrlt0111:
needs, began theMaga-4W uslitin: et-heart
and petition at the Throne of Grace. While
see were yet speaking, the blessing bean.
to be poured out, in an lusswox Mat mimed.
ed even t lao expectattona of per, idraggest
faith. The Increasing attendance ' soon.
Compelled its removal laths largo audit.
dun, el the church, and although. Inbred.
lance 10 what neareed to n l tlkaAltvlatoltkelr•
oiling, In the many earest request. that
rattle to an from different parts of the,city,
ire losurturoted three Other prayer
(s e er wttings, with evident tokens of tuadivlne
v end pre.enoel Yet the Finn Street
meetinfisoontinned for. weeks, to Ail even
Wee, snit, %ha-multi
:trial:, daily lu rd lntication to Um ' God of
Our cup. though full. could 110101C.Mithin
all the blessings. Its overflowhigs Went , aeat
Into all rho etionalies. First ono, end Shen:
another, was bless! by *bore straniely,
:od In this world inseparably united
frults of the apirit , s presence. the' Christ
isnis - Joyfal words uid prayers-of faith
nut m lovraiend the sinner's savlogliOrrowast
rupeotatimi onto Igo. hundreds stood np
In confession of their fawner end of the
know nnuolt ,l Lifave Toe a
t l h :t e e n s of r t e h a r a i i w ookt Ie
reports' of wrcoeslims to thw wszloia
canrolies of Christ id ore that Worthen bean
gmwiterts of twelve Wllltlitrea—retlell We
rest win es eaved through the fai th Of
4 4.• st.
Mak yet, es on the day Of renter dit.thare
were/not smatirig those who mocked;
unktrasof rhitouleandsoodlogAn Menem.
paper. n In the parlor sad On the Areal.. dart.
del the works es human and not divine.
But; how manifestly this Meeting' seem.
dodos work and not ours. and hok confident
and assured we el once are of the genuine -I
ad dad realty of Its trunk and
of its iprectOnsrens ss a moan* of gnaw;
004” no think of its past hialcifl, of e.cet,
mul prayer &Mang the Christ
iana 01.00017 name, where Clarist..l..s.
Christ's of.sOuts
cross. tr.e'ravin, so
ailed hearts an In d d
months. as to tisee
..tpatle4l even the , aPPeersoce dlTleho'
tiiterness;" Of 000 cozen dein/wand strong.'
er th an ever before I. the (Below of the
chrl.tte.n broths:rhea]. end Of common to
teroid the great work of • Indultam apt
Chiba:* Meadows, *Math to-det blade tbs:
!tether the olteerent females of 4.11r15t%
utioreh Patsburght Of how touch more
earttest 'end anareenitire of Individual rye
pOnsiblltly Christian. hare -bibtoet at
Ito strunkerds, he by thidielphit kale
peon lifted froth the mire of the .fleet end
the brink of battlf nod eptirtioal destine.
don tuts the ntrenath end benlth and boll-
nese of e thirtaitian tnehhOsidt of the
reneg breams ho, at Of sower, bed
Trots berno I cit. his home in Ileollenas sate
'fermi to antstni rich. end theoe reoldswel the •
hanusoe of the naltzt, who hews to the .101
of: Zia now lora and the •Itnieetty ofhis eel
Ilse.chaise 0117 gave .0p us hrtatam,
iert the Muse of ht. lialsttillthiatahitOt , ; ,
with Ids Own ,Ilfishto mother, Wtere
brothers beyond the fee Of the 10.0 Of
4,.:hron, and the nee. that pstheth older ,
moth., • And or the noble company of
losing moo, wWO them tia a seam of their
stafainoes and awed O(e Ith•bour, gave theta
hearts end love JO fibrin, end ere neer a'
moot earnest end fell hthl bead of .worker.
for Christ; yet.. to the Wen .of their
churches wed the AthooletlON think no
beerinimol or tamporettire uptrdh no la
oe Or liaerlase too itthoting, to be enders
tone 10 Ills some.... later 011). end - the
Judirroont. Day alone will reveal how many
area of lore and faith havtliadtheytrun:
log toetteda heaven decided to that eheett
twat or prayer:" With • reildOS attend•
aura. t
of about one tooTufleal and
mochltt. alga GUI I Invites the cesevarorsad
bury*. entry elope Into Its gum retread, to
commune , at mid-day •at eternity end
heaven; at Cralst mud 'Meatier,.
Another wed precious outgrowth of this
uptrit. of prayer and theptin in our
nseadierrhip has hem hauirday Might
TOOPI; MOWN Prover 11.01140 K, DWI In the.
Assoesstion goading Boom. which, with
the Nest tles of Chrietlen love, has neon
inittiog together like David.. and louse
than% the young Christien hews of the
throaton, when 011107 have sought the
prayers at Cied's peopie. and drat grommet
Wear talth to the parapet:lg blood of Christ.
Tishah...xi:twit-1i this was the •
wruwr AITIFUYOON ♦ursa 11IiiitIO,
1101,1 In. the WiteLington etreet Lutheran
tanireh. Allegheny, far then whose employ
ments made attendance Upon tne.nean day,
',term meeting naprsetleabha
rusted 'br - Patna. eartieetilitirtelso Panne
indica with the special object of reaching
the oparemyee pt the cotton mills. Their
relined, that the Association should assume
the reijonsibility end charge of the Meet.
loge, prat Oteerfinly acceded in; the ladles
undettaktutf. &ain't the nenhOM Vialtine
mills. and .eitenn tnettaltane tq neld and
ommenatioe. At Bret many came and
'seemed deeply Interestal, hot a !senile Of
iseittraut with tile better decided ladles,
Whine kind hearts - had drawn them also
there, and Mit corm:immune of ',Can.'. p
elass,the oaicts of special miseleue ef
forte,notar ;away even the alit .shif•
site. Addy .snOtelthidaniling
reeractnts maw, fee whOod Men Of tea
our b.r bad longed and prayed for the
peewee in Of • the Grodetiapie 11090 and
atreefft and emisole.tion, bed blended this
meeting m the converson;we trust,of three,
'whose Cacao have coma within our knowl
edge in the deeper and more prentouslir.
noel ennerlestomi Of thoetewhosnetaine it
Ind in emu if arilakening of the'entrltihu
isle of the hoopitabto cornett' in which we
that, hp their pastor Lola ay, at their
next communion twantytwO were roomed
on professum of fidth In
• virittell Content In lint nieten ROLL/. •
Immediately after the ending of this!
meeting the name-workete' '
oatngN to the
condoet of seethed one, at the same hour,
among the diemen. Their with but
erreptfOne, levee been cheerfully
opened to el% suid , ,wo, IMAM always Agape
away 111thilieordiakrequest far en early re.
torn. And yet; Whom* that fanned band,
met and prlyea, throtigh . land' menthe
with filth undiustned naa seal uneheeked,
by ridicule, or self-dental, or summer heat,
it nes seemed as If the bleeping was to he
confin to their . untorots and Inward
Ilia ho t thanks be tied! "who hi the
awarder of theta wee diligently seek
.11 the recent crowded at tondentoupon
th e oppfleffs with the quiet, but eouletlr•
Nag premnee of the Ilely . .hpirlt, the ho-
anent melting Of beetle to leers, and one
saops earnest, angina. inquiry.owhatmust
tile to nil esvial,s lilt us with taehOpii:that
God hes groat tillage In store -lor oar Vice
nop . r i mo .t, whole energiee are everready,
and lithe often vended. for the surety ofOUr
1100100 and prone-MY.
); . , one iiimuctuinn,
nditOic eble
"I proport ion. eu ra 'im U c h ul °7 l C at h sl o p : 4 lu' l :tilrrelna l ' ° .l
co Maui lx Itunr. To matt
nod low/loOctuol d
'ran oo ts, W O 50 0 01InArtheir000ls1th
,TOE 400115 •
cow. neenpy .00 Fifth latent.. Thuile
bee° been pandow but not e,
gantly, dtted 00hi make 'an ntte a live and clamant Piece of evening resort.
These are open day and evening, and free
to all. and neve brim constantly fi lled, es.
peefally .f r ao t t;by those who have arire-
Mated and ordered their advantages. noir
bible. are "ceverod •wltn.all the leading
',crinolines and newspapers; but on need
'donation. of pictures end ornament/, .Mb
widen to add to these attranUons. Over
the entrance. and In etrango contrast and
hrival with. the More 'of tither nlele.
ewn., which, Within saguaro upon rift!'
drinking salon" our: bright lamp, with its
atreet, almod.Jestie as in their shining, for
theatres, -
gambling bells and
illuminated invitationstoallcomen,inands
out, night raLOX night, as a beacon of natal
I to the melees, Pension -driven throng. upon
that thoroughfare of Dill. Opening Into the
reading moat
0011. tIILOII
Witll Its exdolleut piano. Those roams at.
ford tecllltles olden W 0 ' , speedwell , woo to
manioc In the innonorstlon of fortnightly
noelables Or :minions, Int which wo b a re
already been tendered the services of the
best meta= sine Of thstrulwerdolronf to 1W
the say.
Vltzesnecnpre WOK.
Hl prgygg g .Zama trOUblg tae,. Its
.experieeee preemtad ,111310eaUee or also.
'gement .aAcei Ortrpresentetreditlon
gala Ihmeetaleuengte, we were linable re
u .b, i lt eate ut r t so l UZlti :
a.e tLe.a4n9 P 99 &b
MM 4sys. for
Which aso . Ur form " r aU
g: In.yoqa IDD •
(Orman nodllpipUedElo:doabo: . •
t ilde last named cpts. is to unite-IMb
I los Ono, }tom the foung
titald, siAterlos of lectures by Dr.
g LIAM, of the Wutaetilfoltaillty:
^ •
rtvisel LICTOM.
• fol aliment of w plefloo, unaerstood to
bovo boon toad* A tour organisation, the
Mord Undestoott, USW Wlotr. to Ono pub.
Ito lecttins• on selentlan sub am. Al th ough
they elicited ► yeti tons= ye sod tutor,
tot:slog Motto conalitlatr of two lOatstret
( .
25. 1867.
by Prof, B tier, of Tale Wiese, On Hooky
Mountain :and two by Prot; Roma
"'iugi. of ~,al;e wl f:•ofrntt°ctuasnultl e 70 .1
ligious • wrest which pervaded the
ebUrches, d other mules: the course
preyed u urceseul..
B.lolos Irrildellta Or TrrlaßOlLoll,
tabu statement of the Immortal
atzength old other stattsUos, of the tell{.
lons forcin th e proposed consolidated
city, Ma rectally been published by the AO.
:soolation. In time to be presented to the
: CluistianComentioNwhareeMeet Onalous
bete.gladdenoi and ortmattleant every
heart. lea preparation was undertaken
IMO; the desire of arraying, to ustabbotn
faits," before tbeChtistians of our so-mit
red Witty o) , Churches” th e metaled need
for ataxia' aortic= and sacrifices in the
same of the Master. it has been completed
through the exertions of our excellent R.
cording Secretary, assisted by Mr. John P.
Paxton, and ealreralof Oor IneMbenitilp.
In athlitioe to our obligations teethe gen.
axons donations of Our friends, which will
be expressed In the report. of the proper
00011eittO0e, our aelmowledgmenta are. at
'-this time, specially due to the
,paators of
Smelly, who tithe,on request, prepared sea
lama with special reference to the wants of
young men, and In every way, and with the
warmest xYfiebathY, have fostered our M-
I termite and amended our efforts to th en.
Mar and religious press, for their generous
appreolation of the necessity and catholici.
ty of Our mirk; and to' whom, next to the
rainiatrY. we on meth of our enemas and
support during the PIM year; to ll.v. Alex,
Clark, and the COSlgnmWork of the Fifth
street. Methodist Church. for the use or
their • building •by the Seceder Prayer
Meeting; and to our Recording secretary.
Mr. A. R. Riggs, for his fidelity and dere
lion, which at the first prompted retire
ment from kb profession to sesame the Su.
petlntendenm of our work. and witti which
he hammer since maenad and labored for
1 emery laterast of thelAmoolatten, hie to.
situation we have accepted with the deep.
l est regret, and now follow his entrance up.
' L eta a preparation for the Gospel ministry
' with earnestprilvers for the divine favor
and a large success In- leading souls to
Christ. ig •
To-nht we enter crisis new year, look.
legend upon widening and whitening har
vest fields,and hearten Increasing and mow
Importune calls for laborers sad help, in
.the onrioake misildri of saving and hea
r the.
Our gathering Is not for ourselves, but
fl o o r r sMt g i f e . t w o u rqb d n i ; n e " P AM%
Church. It is a preliminary sad .o.4ms
twe one, like that of pickets in advance of
the army; Like distal - John the Baptist, the
forerunner. crying, elteperit -ye, for the
Kingdom of Heaven is at hand: ,
I As 1,110 ministry will bear witness, the
Christian worker. in cm nedertsitloge
have not been diverted Prem. hut made
more earnest and effective In Matt duties
I to the choral, We therefore implore those
who have means to give De of theirsob.
stance—thaw who have the coin an d the
love of Christ. todim us of their Astaire.
Joie us thdhelp Mow we go forward- to
night; strong, for the innate. looking
s new Christ m our Leader, and to tae Spirit
iA our Help; rejoicing over the mit, in the
words of Israel's . tong of triumph over
Caossin—"Wo got net land In possesslos
by our own sword. neither did our own arm
cave us; but Thy To M. Mad. and Thine me,
and the light of Toy countenance, became
Thou hadst favor unto us; the Lard of
Ham IA with us, the God of Jamb h our
At the conclusion a the:raiding of th
report, the following hymn woo sung by
lie, If. Thane Miller, of einginnati, .
Aistrd by the entire congregation in di
chortoe ,
Shell we cm her st tbe river,
W here bright eeprel feet have trod
With its crystal tide forever
Flowing of the throne of God i
Yes, vrengatiserat tire M '
or. • •
The begotitul, the beautiful rivet.;
iistbar with the saints at the river
That. Paws by the throne of ilea.
' •
On the margin of the river,
Wuhing op its silver spray,
We 1011 walk and worahlp ever,
Antes happy, golden My.
'Yes, gather, an.
Ere war/web thiebititir
Lay we every burden down;
,ace our spirits will deliver,
And provide srobeend crown.
Tes, wellitotherdie t •
• • -
The Chatrivan then apologised for 'the
abvenee of Mr. ttnewsut; of Philadelphia,
and rend[ dintadel received from him
In explanation or hi* altaeutte •
To (Nicer AfTlirdook, President I', M. C.
Pittaborgh:—Detained: Mary- cold.
llt,pointed. " May God baptlaonllwith
I I. of renewed txnuteeration. _
Raul Epboalina thlrdwnd aUteenthlo
the end. '
- -
liurnell, of Milwaukee,
woo, introduced by pin Proof dent,
and itrifireaseff.tbe .A.owniatlrm at length,
recotutimmlizeg the people to eneounuto
the Aasoclation to the .Werb- tbe.f. iftve
The mincrog.tion "ling m
the hyn cont
••ft curia totem t 1,1•461
~Mr..NioNly, of Chicago, arldl the
gongreg ht ation tieing ea t*l and
forcible ugunicb , At the bl 3 Ter
marts he railed upon thc compountion
to contribute liberally to the Automation.
He raid therneedaii money; they could
not work effectually without it. Before
the collection woe taken up, Mer-Mr•
Miller Ming the .Iwantiful hymn, com
the congregation joining In the churns.
After the collodion hod been taken up
and the attlMerlptlona Conchulod, 'which
amounted to several thousand dollars,
the I' introduced neV. F 7. Thane
31111er, nt Gladrusati, who addrewod the
a,omblar. His remark% were full of
Pith and vigor and of a character calm':
bled to intoratt the Imme.ra, and drew
frequent met loutl. applause from the
Midland.. • '
Mr. /tomb', after.a romarld, ofler
ed the clmlng pmver, whlelrwo rollow
od by singing theltyrn conunetwihtt,.
oalttwase tut trientl; to dwelt..
After - which the audience, was, Olq
mb.tartylth the benediction.
litinrlell Zs 1011
tho ittudy of thoso L piai attempt Justt
tielttion for shirking a duty. Wo spoke
ymtertliiy of the annoyance atMosioned
by the non-calotrat ittithatealMPee
',gulling drivers of vehierea to keep den
foot apiit' in morbid ihrongli tho strands
of Ow dty, , Apy one must, to uouvinced
of tha of jort and utility of such an ordi
nance, ifinppreelittbai tbettiootyronleimw
billy experienced at street. ero. sxhiga
`from citizens having to submit to the In-
• iffereneo of teftl . 34 flap rrntpr4
option they oceneion by koopitig
nhteei (naked of preset - o . llg.
;proper illittnnos,..• ac }froyitiod, But
Ilk Honor, Mayor McCarthy. in his de
sire to onion*the lawns he duds it;
without Auk, Diver or affeCtion, - pinata a
"construction. e wpon the ordinance
which preyents him-enforcingi t r Such,
at least, our understanding. ~1.3 term
seagulls, or vehicles, hi med In to ordi
nance, and these are required to be kept
ten feet apart, The hones (or runic*
attached, Ills , , Htinar holds are
not taken into account, and lie
further maintains Arad ascer
tain (-woolly -IPA( touch apace a
horse '(or mule) occupies in drawing
vehicle, whether ton Soot, leaser more, Is
not a duty legitimately within his prov
ince. This. dieopstrttetlon" 'not haying
been deeldrsi erroneous by the fispreme
Court, the ordinance ht o dead letter un
der the fit-meat Municipal Dynasts': We
remember of" an energetic COmmon
Councilman, (he is yet a member,) a few
years since having had atitipW4 an unit=
nen* entitle!! iian.Ordinanee to prevent
%lee - alarms, providing, with portico
' that upon the. occasion of -fire'
alarms Should be given at lbs angina
houses byy mean as Or . bell, ' or in any
other muitner, , , Tinder: this ordinance
it woe thnt an . alarm of
' lire might be given by any body,
in any manner, and that the effect
of Itwas to increase rather than diminish
false alarms.-True, thie "conetruetion"
was based upon the letter of the enact
ment, for aslo thg sprit of it nothing
appeared outside of the title. In • Inca it
wen an unmeaning prtainelion, mouser
id nu purpose whatever,. Ho to the Mk ,
nide onlinnrWO We aro speaking
of, In the Judgment of Mayer
' lifer% trthy,. nsuirdless of tin different
opinions held by his prodocesitonii
dtivering a period or six or eight
years. 'We do not assume to, decide
whether the Mayor in Ids ltdogislon," 1.4
WrortH, tko propriety of
our questioning ES correctness we have
no more doubt thou wo have of the Im
propriety of his undertaking to. decide
upon the construction, ur effect, of
city onlinnmam. . int cots did
not, mamma thin prow nee, and weato not
aware of qur present Mayor having been
tested with suchjurisdicttort.' An td..
firer ; Is in the pay of the city, whose ape! .
plat duty it lain ationdsle legal 'matters,
and to whom the one-In lineation should
have been referred, if, In truth the May
or hesitates to enforce the ordinanee for
the reason stated. It Is isifieln that it is
not enforced, and it Is equally certain
that in this respect he is neglecting Ids
dutY. Under the circtunstaV a t we eini
prothise no immediate rektor the tit
!prince &iniittliiy dd(ytga .
iteofil*rti(9llll ol. W' upon our Ore e t s .
Valeableetty Property at *Malan —On
Monday Mum , et 3 oolook r. x., Mesas.
flaultbson, - Palmer k Co. will sell on the
urea:dem, that valuable lot of gnemtlon
Second street, near Market, haring. a
front of 04 feet, extending bark $0 feet,
at preaent occupied an a lumber yard.
Copitallete eeeklu . g,,lnvestiryint*: in pal
wale will find Ms an excellent oppor
tuldty to secure a piece of ground well
adapted /or tutelages. or manufacturing
purpoere. Terme, one-third lamely bap
aloe In two equal annual payments,wlth
interest, mound by' bond and mortgage.
About ten o'clock yesterday morning
twri ladies had their podeetit picked
while In the Diamond illarket.• Par logt
840 nod the other 010. In 'the Opera
.tionse, Wednesday night, ColOnel Sam.
Young, of the Clarion Bonner,. was re:
tiered or itlso. The thief did not know
the Colonel was n "newspaper min," for
they never trouble any of the fraternity
wh - en they know them and we would
not be at an surprised in hear of the 'fol.
low.returning the monew to the Bannrr
man. We- hope be will, the it might be
iototible . that d belonged to same one
elm , Editors seldom awry money of
their own pricarelessly and munch largo
quantities.. '
. There was held the corner
of Fifth and Suattilield streets, an man
air. prayer meeting, in which newly live
hundred persons participated.• The.ex
ercises Were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bur
nell, of Chicago., Eloquent and areal
live prayers were delivered, brief ad
dresses made, and hymns swig. the mul
titude joining In the singing with right
good will and earnestness. . All present
wore deeply impressed with the -novelty
of the worship, andconsidembloreligious
enthiwlnsui was manifested.
. .
Three Allegel Burglara, giving their
names as George Waters, William Cal
mus and William Mogro, were captured
by offieers Wrigley aM Guppies yester
day morning. They had been looked
'after for.some days, being suspected as
the individuals who committed a bur
glary at a gun Arlon' nn Wayne street.
On the person (NW - niers were found arti
cles+ identilitsl Oa among those stolen,
also the key of a toot chest.. The accuscsl
are held for a hearing:
Birthday Annlverssry.—Mr. William
lioltzheitner, prnprietor of the popular
Continental Dining Saloon, Fifth street,
last evening celebrated his twenty-fifth
birthbight. An.lifleent banquet was
spread out to his •rsonal friends, mem
bers of.the Great, Western
. Band and
representatives of the pmts.' The elixir
was viter blessant, and we earnestly wish
that.' '31;.• It. may live to celebrate lilt
hundred. birthday in an good style. •
. Reefirerod e —ThO'bioly of Jainee flood•
itTr.hO g r hin lr r n u dl em e rv v al W gl l tr,:rt. w o r d erove ' r ' :l
yos - tortlety.' loqueOt vox hold:
The ioqitoouy COneerniug the oxeol 7
lence",of the Wad Sewing lillehlite le
fltst meguumlating.
At the Pair at Locktmrt, Now York,
the Wimd.mrried o f the (inn 'prize niter
'Howe, •
Wbcrier as,
t; rover A:
& Gibbs.
ll:tying won the first four prizes at the
Illinois State Fair for the best Fondly
iiileehlrui and samples of work.
st Ports, Conneeti
cut, (inlnnibin county, New York,
iiuevens county,
,New.i - ork, New York,
stntehir, New 31anireditre State Fair.
and thirty County - Palm in' United
Stotecond wilt whervver Itis Witted for
The new Weed overcomes an. the
ves.attOmi of the loot twenty 'years. -
• The:mount sold 1n l'itts . burgiVima yi
;deity,' and the satisfaction it gives, istieit the demand..
Vas. a Knight abort noellle, make; a
tit,,.- alike on 'both sides, and • awes
thread from so.. in ap to • 150 alike on
:both olden.
Will Pa. over S.ea/Ilgai full 51N.42,1 with- I
out. brauking needle or thread:
It will new from the Jighicst tissue
toper to the beeriest cloth, or from toads
ding to lead; stitch, hem, foil, bind, cord,
braid; ruftlie, tuck, quilt, gather and sew
et thy' same time; and hem stitch.'
Will not porker nor draw in washing.
• perform greater range and variety
than any other one machine.
• Call and see the Champlon Setrlnglila
ehine .at It. It. Los:We,' ill grant street.
We invite personal examination.
The:Weed 1.4 bound to weed entail the
curved 'needles and fluid:hies that take
tile and. spells when you want them to
sew. :You have not to hold' the thread
whenNott comutenoe toeetv on the Weed.
. Ike:fp:reference whore in Ilse. As the
old saying is ' "ovary :me hoe his day,"
the Weed's has come at last, triumphant
Lviarn any ono to operate &no of charge,
you'doni want, a nutoldne.
Winter isapproaching, and our house-
koOPOri.will do preparing, for the chilly
breath of old Jack Feet' . 'They ::will!
purchase new _Moves. -to- warm- their
kitelictuTh,; and nets pans anti pota And
kettles to grace their salvo, If we are
'permitted to intrude mar advice we will
tell all making or intendlng t make
any mirth/I-WS in the tin or bowie-bard
ward line that our friend, I'. C. Duffer,
whose esiabliahrnent Is below the old
and tiate honored "Third Ward EAU.).
Grant street, near Welsite_,rr, has on
batul one of the very 'finest stocks in the
city. Je a practical Inechanic, and
special and careful attention to
his buslneaa In all its departments, has
sinavedcel in bnildimr...up a large patron
lure, which, we trod, vlll ho suitably N
ei-eased during the winter demand for
articles In his line. • lieu. stank•embracca
tine parlor and tarok row., &Navels,
teahts, pane, rots , kettles, and the hun
dreds of artiodes premier a to the flu and
sheet Iron business, All Jobs or con
tracts per work will be attended toby
Duffey In tho best-style of
ship. Having had l e n t Im.rennal ac
quaintance with hlm we are prepared. lb
commend him In the highest WITEL9 to
our readers no a gentleman emitiently
worthy unlimited patronage.
Ifet.ri,.. a. Itohen tal red
plad atroct, Allegheny City, daily rsvelve
fresh invnhaa ut cholee groceries from
tho East, and eonstantiv present their
customers with as tine selection. In their
lille 11.4 1-11.11 'l4 obtained eLsewhereln
either rity, Their primal era very- res.
aonable. Packages are delivered to arm
part of tither city or xurrounding
eluded for cuatoracra; without extra
vhatire, .Wholosale and 'retail purchasera
should favor them with a purchasing
visit, Stir no where ciao eon they deal to
Letter rolvantage.
Cold. Wtilqtr to setting in and persons
-cannot be toe cautious in the clothing
they wear. At William Semple!' dry
goods atom, ISO and lK • Federal street,
Allegheny city, will be found a large
atcstl: °nine ilannols hmvy and Hub
stantial plaid. dross tioodx and all atyleit
of heavy materials minable for the cold
weather we are ab ort to enter. !Mo. se.
'action to fine and the prima voryreason
able: Wholesale and retail patrons , tare
SisliedidlYdireated to the advertiamnont
Of the hoes°, whlvi appears In another
CI olco Eratkerc—Wholmi:u and re.
tail mirchasers . will Ism in mind that
Messrs. 'Wray Itnithers, Irwin street,
near l'enti;ltare made high reputation
forthe crackers, hiseults, manufac
tured by . them .at their old tettahlished
bakery. The prlixs are as reasonable as
elsewhere In the city, while the quality
must commend itself to all epicures.
We ask a fair trial for th e . cracker's of
the Messrs.. Wray& Brother..
• Jewelry at Itargabm;—lteaders will
bear -in mind Mut Masai° ofJoweiryi nt
redurrod rates, continues at tiro well
known establishment or Heineman,
Sty ran 29 street. Tim
stock Is largo and atindraidy assorted,
Rilli Hai firm Is auSinuo,to clove It old
previous ta taking town:salon or their
rem. atom. tall in and . kee. far yam--
Hazlewead Statlen.—This day, at 111
o'etook a. will be sold at anetlon the
very thwlmblo reakteneo and grounds of
the late Cu). W. Piper. Partles disthin,.,- ,
to attend tho sale can take the /1 Velma.
a. tn. train, and retuin at p. tn. See
advertlsentent .of Smithson, -.Palmer &
Cu„ and/mean% 5a and 07 Fifth street.
Cool Aldo Sheeting can be ollealtird
at -William Semphis dry gootbt estab
lishment, Nos.l.4tand 182 Federal street,
Allegheny Cily, at dgi tomato per Yard.
The very large steel: or goo& al thin
howo will be dio .tozod of et proportion
ately low .fisier. th (be *hole:ode and
All the Uea p r int. qm q ow being ao
pri.4l of nt I' l 'oll9 svVolv
AUogne per 'r , ; l
Ledlee are Inv fed cull and inks
Gatti Dark print.. ere sold et WilUtun'
Boutple'a, 180 and 182 Federal
!troth., Allegheny, at eleven cents mt.
yawl. •Ladies will make a, hole of this
Cali and 'gi,ixalset the large etnok,of
Lar rumnt.Nm. Fleirdng's, N0.,130
Wood street.
Go to the 'Sew York kat and fur hotuat
for bargains, at 10. 52 St. Choir street.
A lode AMR, egotoIadaeTUDIT4NVOOL.
MPS Of beeroottag reading Ratter. le:Rang
~.a.grzeoodols, Istooll Iwo Ivy Solograpie one
1611, Renißea Roodfax BUR. Re the hag,
=drollest isost reliable Ylassetal ma 011.1
martial Monet Reports fim beer paw to
the el, Xo lamer. 11Rehasio or Morel,.
••, • , sßeold Oa 'Mimi 11.
• man MIS= 111711ZIXIMMTIA
.ATtiofltt,ortbor .. .. ... . . .....
Au.alla# Salo . eV Leta
Bp sothit regimat, an adjourned safe
of tine. desirable lota will be bed. in
orfebekes4o on Eigiturday. oat. aub,
when another near,plan of lota will be
offered. The terms in the sale of those
lots aro' so , etdeelliiiey. Ilbend that a
comfortable homes brought wittall the
ranch of all—one-fearth in cash and the,
balance in fi'Ve years..
Free trains,wall leave the Depot .of the
Weetera Pennsylvania Rallioad,
gheny City, ak9:os and us. mjstopping
at Bennett's, Fine ; Creek, Sharpabnlg
and Ross Stations; `ritunilngatMsp,ln•
A free dinner and a good one, will be
served up on the OCValfrOe, by our - Mend
Harvey McGulre, of Fifth euset.; .
ALEX.LEGIOATE, Alletioneer. •
Sim &.Ellturruncv
Estate Agents :and.. Managers,
Os! Ilny‘o .Gooifs. .
Prints reduced from Ifie.
Ginghoms reduced from 20c.
Bleached Shirting Muslin+ redoctsl
from IS,
llnbleachal Muslim+ reduced fromlec.
Canton Flannels reduedd from lsic
and Wu
Shirting Checks' reduced from
Ticking reduced from leo and 18e.
i4l ilarket street.
Ladles , Fun.-Air immense.iltOCk - ot
Ladles' and Misses' fun, Ist the extensive
iur house of Win. Flumlug li - 0.139 Wood
Read Abe Testioooy fro= O. .1' Jai'
. Oldesi CllMseem of Allegrbas.7
biso. A. KEraxx.—Dcar Sir: I
havo been troublal for some, yearn with
the complaint described by your saver.
tiscmcnt of Dr. Etergenes Diuretic or
Backache PI ill, and concluded to give
them a trial, and nun gladlo aliytheraf
forded me Immediate relief. I cheerfully
moommond them tiirmy one faltering
from like symptouwjeeling•contisient
they will do all you claim for them. .
For sale by all • linsgpAst&-. Price: MI
mats per. box.
illsokess,leakes4, Blissitilio. •
White all wool blankets 04,00 wthf7,oo:
- " 4,30 "
. 10,00
0,60 " 10,00
• . 0,60 " /1,00
. 8.00 / . 6 Ivo
" " •• . .0,(6) 14,60
" th.6ooetf' !8,080,0
6 XI
" " t 17,60
latrgeat stook, and cheapest goods' morr
aean to the two cities, on West corner
Market and Fourth atreeta, No. GO
rra‘ , GARDNER 681`21. PART.
'Oar IMe. BWOL
Best De 'nines rodueed from 23 midair-
Single Coburglas reduced from 25c.
Ticking reduced from 33c.
3-4 wide Sheeting Muslin.
Kentucky Jeanie reduced from 23c.
Cancun Flannel reduced from inc.
Shirting Checks reduced 2.5 and Mc.
J. W. flasignn et Co.,
59 Market street. t.
A Large and Complete Stang on: Ladles'
at Wzrt. l'lntaing's, No
. .
Digital)le Site far a PriSate Residence,
on Ohio avenue, Allegheny City; at Auc
tion. On Saturday, October :Rib,' at:
o'clock p. in., on tiw premise., will be
cold the largo and handsomely situated
vatUnt lot of ground, frontingiti feet on
Ohio avenue, near Chartlers ,street v ex
tending back .V.) feet 6 inches to - . Locust
sireetoindadloihing property. of Jona
than Uallaher. Particulars in advertise
snout of Smithson, 'Palmer ,t.Co., in an
other column.
Dry Geed. • at Virholcrate.—Me. in
cite the particular attention of buyers at
wholesale to our complete dock armlike
dram gbods, and all kinds of fliaey and
staple goods, and to the tact that we sell
at the - lowest eastern Oriel's, and out
goods to suit purchasers. .
d. W. BARIUM &
•- 19 Market street.
Something Cood,--The booth l / 4
gaiters, kr—, for men, ladiesandolindron ,
kept at en Market Etreet, 'aro' made of
the yet"' best material, and• mold .e loan
as the lowest. All goods arevramanted
to give satlaketion. If you want some
thing good, and at gold prises, mil at'
Itoblies Shoo Rouse, .0) market aired;
Dry Goole and Old i e tteek--Ttuit iu
Flaw Wore the war, Yea our prim!.
J. W. Bettxxtt
"09 Unmet street.
inset Opened, a fall line of ladle& and
Mines' lung, at. the Now .York- bat. and
fur house,lso. 59 St. Clair street.
A Vert Desirable Caostry Hone. at
Hazelwood Station, Connel Roil ,
road, will be sad at auction, on Friday,
October 95th '.
,'. at 113 i o'clock , A. The
dedrable reoldence and grenade of the
late Colonel Wm. Plper. See advertise,
mentin ourauetion admen: 'Smithson;
Palmer dr, Co., Anetheteens. • ,•
The Toothbrush Is a great institution,
anti, in conned - Inn With' Ward's 'Fluid
and Pourderel Dentiliciceovill remove
tartar, harden the gurus and give spore
breath. Bohr wholmile anti retail by .
Joseph Fleming, .isco,'Bl Market • atreet,
anti all druniath .
Stiuivia Clutsip,Fer laditet sad m 1 es;
beautiful all wool Long Stairri for $3.00
J. W. BAmice.R
Muirket . street: •
lanmetacr. _Vtz.vEr • rqs
Ctonnt . i.—ltenntiral good*, anblhnocitill-
Hies, in nll widths, ollesspriow than onn
be found in tho two cities. on Awed: ear ,
nor otAfurket and Fourth lament.
'LTA. (lentntsn - a STSITABT
Eye, liar, Throat, Ltytta, 011:1012
treated by. Dr. .Abarn, 134 El=s
street. A book by mall 50 meta.
Dram Go x1..-.oreat red.tetion_ In ttus
prietta or Drew. Goods at,
J. W. BArtrErt
Hari'lna at the Near York bat audit&
bouso, No. 52 St. Clair street, In Ladl
tiondltiallen Water is . a - e (Tinto:
for Diabetes and all &teases of The kid
neys. For isle by IA dingglais,
uriddittonal Email Matters
on Third and reartiareets.
110.e--(lloMlt.—At the bride's tes,ltlatee,
oh WedoemdeT,Oetober IPC, bynise. S. 13..
brute., runs', otl3ddmtcr , ra:, ,
.4100 3101.1,11:. 0. eittlM/4extlioebeAteratt.
No card& '
`R~l~~_~~~~:`i[cT Li
A LEI.: Ala ESN traintaitaitEn,
tee Fourth Street, Plttsbnink, Ts.
COFFINS, of all kinds; CRAMS. CiLly‘its.nan
every description or Tuners] Turutnbin Used.
furnished. /looms otnids7 and - wsht,
.11surdS •
and Candadeitursdnised., r' ,
8. " . " 0 4 — R1M Dula st,:r. p.n.
M. Vorlam 1 . .4.
Lscob It.
-,1 G. 1 1 11OUGERS.
`" kltrit Min ICILDALMER. '99989 both.
bite Samuel X. Itoiken.) No. 9 Ohio 8994
threndoors from 19.'9. .A-119ht.r-CU1.2F1.-
Unto. 908.9n9d.12.1.0..T. Irak," and
•004 hultation Coinnu, at Me 109.94 n 4999
prlces. Rooms open at Al hours, dm and Wed.
9nlc.rriagei l'arnltned on 4hort none.
nuA on 99t re•n• terms. .'
DERTAXVIt. UM., No. us obb
Allcattenr. Metalllo. Hosetrood and other Ca
llas., with ocomplata stock of Naomi torataktai
Goods, onktaad and furnished at skortiat mottos,
et lowest Priem E4t10.. and LVIOI7. 5141:gt1, pcor
0. of first tad Middle Streets.
Ilarottchet, Boggles, Saddle Mortar , Ste:
A. J. RAERRUOII. H tM Camden' OM..
liroMoso oll o , Pe. ORNAMENTAL NAREILE
'warranted...ter • roof. ~
or T. unuiturscatrsoli s smanh
ward. l'lttsborib, lappou LYSOL LITESUAD.
to Awarded to the SAW* raor.htoff Iditroin.
112r 1 OTICIR 6 -. . , •
. - Amon PACOrsn ILSTIAMT CO— L.D. 1.-.
,_ , , • , . 001*0 Na. CI Welset 81,_
, - P Mat Xs Pliln., (WOWS Sistslin, .- -
Tbe Interes Bran c h.e TictJULortVall
.Lesteeworth or the U ..n swig=
rrarpsai i lsestens, Dirlsloo, due Korember
ari ' r l ii thi
. k rr q uir'' . in crt.
ie r ataar ra " Ithtte lhe rrt :
or, *0 sad r that del*.
Sera •-, .. t .l ;PALM= Trittiorer.,
rook • 8.1.11,3VL off the value la front or
Oyster Wpm, csa earner. of Peau and Caoal
had balder mites IS at pace, as they are lmnra.
******* ''
tab e(ilie
Clabi at
-And ow miry of paw . to Ur wan pitied
nit lie club. Addition. wallahs eau toir EMU at
nay tin% .tintr.
710 TICS Ilamscatzw.-.1. orintig yaw
pew; , bo sm• eatl - speistfy mind dad..
want. an Intlasus. Wedsanday oditidui pd.,
'bathos lavtig DU me mall • nat. •
_ _ _
Arioy bs t by Dan, Itxprees. Mow 1114
wenueeeed Letters. guy be mem xi OW OIL
.rvereauzua. Pixtes.
" SEIX. 'who tbotoothly underst”ds the'
manor or Move Portent. :Mere. HOT=
Pletab • b Poet
• • number of llrst-olos• FBAYBtiS mated
at vacant lot en Robinson street. MS, Yedail,
Allegheny Intr.
• •German Wm. aged Wet. 7n an.
In French .0.1 EN0...) to edneste
so; assistant In housework, or Ina store. Ad.
dress A. 4.. Othre or the daaette. Pittsbn
WANTED —4 g•lltlelnali
ospedenec and bosluess onalideabols
would /be to Purint bhasolf with a foundry, to
mandbeture a itapir article for width Medi b •
Rood demand. Address CAATINOB, at Twill,
• - A sample sent free with ternta, kr any on
to clear= dallyean three boort. Boston. ca
dryly new, light and destrabla. Can be done a
honor or traveling, by both male and tamale
NO gift !Akita= or humbug. W. IT. CHM=
IEB, BB Broadway, New York. •
FOS BENT—A large and well
lighted BOON la the COariTt tralldtai:
MOUSE. No.. 101 k IMUms street: .B1s2):
Ward, Pittsburgh; elght rooms sue tellsr;AU
lb. modernimproroments. Large lot. Apply
FADSID;C: LAND, lu lowa. Terms eery.
Good tin, Taxes all pale. Will Mee tbrelty
property. For partleulare inquire of D. W.
SOUTH, No. tt Market R t reel. -
ithe family RAIIOUCHE HORSE, for sae at.
near the ltonannahnla House.
FOR SALE—A large LOT. OF ~:fs
STIGEND, situated on Penn street, 106:1111 -
fect. havlng three Crow.. Improvement/I. eta
.our good dwellings on Penn sweet oind • two-!
'tory shop 'ln rote. Shop to linty by
feet; a good znaaufacaa:iasr be alit
,eparate . ir a•mied.' Y.wryln at No. 9 PENN' .
pool 441.1 E—LIVERY smuusz:
—Good s gels of HOWES, BUGGITB.LtI
ILOVCIFILS. Most te sold. se present eema. hos
other Post.. rermlttne 64 * attention. Locators
on *Mee street, near riacrat. mittens City.
Per fortbar prmtlenlare Inquiet, of WILLIAM T.
CAUL, corner, Anderton and Isabella lamp,
Allegheny City.
Fos ALE-113111C11. YAI/Dr•-•
The .derstgned will sell all oi one-hait of
a Bkek Tani, to nay person wishing to cam, In
the innings.. The yard Is new, with on the mod.
ern Itoprovestienta. I.taseraas Lel MIS.. -SOPS
need apply bat those wbo mesa busme n. A. -
thee. Z. T. 0.. Allegheny P. 0.
POll SALE-446 Acres or , Leoleit,
with ono double flame Doom, eptaxemer...,,
nd `fad •Prlogt swan bunt all enitibmi
Buy meters to four foot rota oleos!, talidrojaytaa
-*boot no Orate. Boller •and Blitiaolog Taro
pike resorthrolsk tbo farm. Thu "awn mei la
eietuaged for property to the elty or aalolalaz
town. Apply to W. S. BOYD a 00.. Bootie
tate raireela. No. PD Fifth Street, Mato."
volt, goodl
Bakery, doing a towline. og from hi to
bMwels of lour • week, sad elevated et. Ne l / 4 4D
PALO ALTO STREET. Allegheny City, will Or .
Bold on reasonable term... The above baltmy I•
doing a goon Mule..., and has theit.4.lll.lss of
doing a nmeli larger one than!. now
-tor inr•ot , ololos to eons. l 4 the Duthie.
will And Mae ram opyortunlty,Eorpartiesbus;'
Inquire at the BAKERY. •
FOR BALE.--lionse and Lot**
corner of hantsattan .o 4 Adam . agrwsta.
H.r liassenrsr Beltway.
.Lot 4t try lEt bet.
ouse framer eroittalnlng7 root. and prod hail,
well lesproved. . MM.< ond Lot onSbitEleld. nes
Bidwell street, Allegheny City. Lot St be 144.
Met: boom frame. - contains ball. Eva mane at
good cellar; seater... gay. Also, several swain
Boos and Lots In good location - , Instant 01.1i._
1217411 t CO, Beaver street, near Cationai,
Doable Mick MansLoa Theme.
_ • •
sum' atb. , otititalisine thlrtatn Wl* idnl nen
finished roosts, bealds• • kitchen s postrerandi
finished basement, idiot the most sander& cells,
and Idea improieiniOs, isresnaill soul ssitleities'
Toros iry convenience. •
The Lot 6160 by 320 reet;
A.good Stable ottlbe tusk at. kIsL ethiblice
of the cboltest '
BniPoB di °the! Frnit;.•
Urfa bean carefully selactelbarl eultlMl4
burial Maturity,. to/inlet . with fabay abr.
bcc7, sYstarmatbeally arranged *Tier CRC 1.1, 7 ..
tug beauty sad 'refLuesceut Ulmer,
&ma: zaut"ramee aprato.
or, sour D. issixarr s zwo
Cacti. Stit,
tEPECLU. B.Ultit\ INS offered to Oftttnt
Jewelers and Opticians,
.lEI ENBT , G o / KALE*
litarohaut Tailor, •
CAN pin :tied U. Clair Strieste,
WeL147.1=0:,`.111:17=1,7'' .., ••
x. lffeelocr . C'excLipleet
SPECIAL NOTlCrlie view - of
nmnf Der/One Molest to to tastraelod In'
the art of machine lowing, (oho ere oat mrftata
of machines.) on Tllil- IVETZLICIt
me have made anaasementv.Demh7 wa
are enWed to Invite nay each to oar room.. hi O,
Illth street, edam they will Da theronahlT fst
stracted without chsvo. To them who are eon,.
tomplattna mattes i purchase, or tetsh -
M.Mus. this will be • moot bow el:do own ,
toollY. Our customers are canivoftireneasted:
to leave Immediate notlecorbenerte Instruction:
may DO drafted, as we have a lona form of Com—
Detest end Wising eftmliere, vrhom mrsiees ms,
bthad as often as -
- • • • • Wit. nom= 4,, co,
r.movED AND
is - rw coons.
adorcata.7it Taisicar, .
flu remorad t. * IFFMIBT=ICI aor..
sea OF Federal !Weal, wear* ba b now nroareltog"
jo i naTilritr al=uvcoao ues, :
be raid au vary reasonable taro.
r N. Oa WTI.= BT.. ear..f Tiodarsi.,
Daum % - owm
COL PUN a wog'
lames not* of '1'137136mi
ll i r t . alir M*Br4A -"
- .
mas 4-1111 t.larers '"1411111 ormaxvrtn . ritiglit*
nrs Lunn
ANCIION awl asAttsurAL
sarroxiss WIMP HATlllie,