.:4;11E gatsin4o, oa,lifti Tuunsn&r, ouroncs si. ma? 131 P EA"IVIEST ANI)ItECOLUTION The Free continues to Bern th 6 pro plc of this actuary of D I °Milk or proh able resort to arnr by the partially detested :ince power. wider the lead ot Annuttar JOBNeo,N. lY Rh FnANE. !ILA to 6,;•elery of War, C w. Emma's militia. and the whole rebel army reoraathetd under the name or State militia, the Pros talks of danger, and many people, including %Wore and well•lnfornied WashinOn . correspondents, talk of coming :violence. The Democratic ... press teat — these warnings as willful 11 . fa dev,,D:rulgated by radicals, for' 'Pail! , yet admit that in cue Coi should attempt to suspend the . end, while on trial,, he will by force of arms.' They concede uastitutionsi rightof impeachment, i claim that sospension during trial, Zcinstitutional; and that therefore I old becalled upon to resist it with th,iforce at. his command. Wei an wally told that Gen. Sagniux. has d that " such an attempt would be arty reyeiutionary, " and should be dahod by the President with all the a within 'his' control ;" and that I s . Goitre hu expressed a similar opinion.' We have shown, in a former article, that the Constitution is extremely . . ewe, on this cputstlon of imfeachment, - and that It'is one on which men may honestly differ, but there can be no goes- T i m) ti that Congress is the judge- of its o. . action in the matter, subject to no - sibitt the Supreme Court,' end the Au tribunal of the voice of the people. In event is a .General, or the General 'of the Army, made thp -Court which is ta llTOltOtilice on the constitutionality r r tutconstitationality of a measure. - To offer their opinion as law is revolution - oty, as it is for Rut President to take the ground he has done; on this queition. •. Who bin made hint the Supremo Judge in his r ovnittioll ' - A mut charged with crimeis to be tried by the rules of law, and when theta is doubt of the right interpretation of ths ism, his judges are the persons to decide-all such questions "The, sole ; powerak..impeachmete vested in Con geese mut mean the right to deteOrdne 'oil !potions arignifunder it, For. the Pro - agent to-set up a claim to the right of 4Chtirig, authoritatively, the consti tutionality of any (potion, is. a misde- MaitoOr worthy of impeachment. It is 'a Item, noirpation of a power vested solely in Congreas. POI' this alone he abonld 'be impeached ; 'and if it is true that either of the. Generals named hat's done marathon express an opinion on the 'abject, ho has been guilty of usurps _tient, and for any expressed purpose at backing such opinion by force, et mild be cashiered and dismissed the service. We do mit, however; pine. implicit reliance . on gossip sent over the country from Washington' relative to public me'. It Is safest to receive such' gossip with the greatest distrust .. . No mime Is so honorable that It should, secure a man In assuming a prerogative vested in . Congress, and, in that alone. The worst fears of those who prophecy "deuce are fully sustained by this threat of resistance to the suspension of the President daring triaL It is openno ' Gee Gist Congress shall not exercise the sale power of impeachment, and that if It ehould attempt to be the judge of 'its own actions, it will be resisted bye force of arms. Can the sticklers for the Con ' ea - Mien cite t hat portion which war rants such resistance? Does not the power 'di try include the rules-which "hall2goiern the trial, subject only to . those of -written law ? and of that ism the Jdfige is the interpreter. • Whist s inan:lll charged with any mime and there is a reasonable doubt of his innocence, It it cemmou to imprison ar hold 'him to bail for appearance. . Tins for hats held guilty before lie is. - 'jproved to be -so; and. should Congress ' ' think best to suspend the President due lug trial they would be sustained in that 1 eatiras. by the common rules of juris prudence as well as by those of common SiMa and the' common practice of goy. enonenta. When a public officer is charged with any great breech of trust it is the common practice to suspend .11ini until the charge has been investi gated, and instead of removal after con vidion we have reinstatement after exoneration.- History teems with in stances of suspensions from office dun ' in/trial and Investigation of charges, add it clerk or 'other emploYee of any corporation who should • claim the right to collecttlie funds aid transact the buil , nest Of his employers after I•Grand :toy -had- brought In a presentment agebut Win for embenlement, would be regarded as somewhat out of his, mind. - Articles- of Hospeoclanent prepared by the Hounk-of Representatives and ire - sated to Senate,. ught to have as much force an a Grand Jury , presentment, and if the one impends from office- during MIA; why Aosta not other? '- : :TSB NSW ORLEANS RIOT. ' • judge Thomas, In his charge to the Grand moommends that the rioters of July, 1860, be brought to trial. Com menting on this the New, Orleans Re yubtieiga sap: , .'"The 'events of - that day althOttgh' a d4ram'to this city , and a lthough par ticimted 10. aid • directed by int police and other officials,' have never yet been examined by -any competent authority. The Congressional Committee sent here to asontain the truth to regard to them had no power to like steps toward the punishment of the guilty. That is the special business of the load authorities; and notwlthatanding the deter'whit! has unavoidably occurred in brit:iglus the matter beforethe civil tribunal, then. Is not a justeriTtied—man In this com mtmity who thinks that the guilty par ties are entitled to impunity_ i n speak. Mg of this delay we of coarse allude to the civil authorities, for it is well known that as examleation might hate been held promptly before military baboon] The fact that no such examioation ever took ,place is one of the mysteries of GeneraiSheridan's administration, and will always bs a blot on his fair Come." ThefOunservatives claim that the mat , , ins mat tar be' allowed t rest, and not amiss bitterness by a revival of the die cession of the July massacre. To this the Republican replies that more than one hundred persons were killed, and Pontelisiv must to guilty 'of murder, that justice requires that the murderers be lirOnght to punishment, ant) that no :true peace can be built by Ignoring flag ranttninten We agree with the Repub.. liconthat the munierers of Dostie, Loup, Henderson Horton Hurst, and - the oilier patriots,' whd fell ins the tint should be brought to condign punish , Tin Sew York Times 'peak' as fol. 10tH: ameerming the "forthcoming I" frial'of Jays. DATIA: "An ereharripa paper states that Jeff. Davis la to be tried next month. Unless 'we ere mistaken we have seem anew thins of that sort before. ills offence Waii committed, we believe, several yearsidnoe and consisted in taking up arms againklhe United Bustes,—ln haring to their enemies and giving them aid and comfort' It is generally suro• • paled that his counsel have managed to put 'cuff the trial from year to,lear, 110 that all those who could 'be' witnesses. .against him may die or becdme supers.. • muted. but those who remember the facts M e ths:Masi fend ahoy.' are itrovring fewer in numbeyavery yeard say that this is 'lot' the- cilie,—that` Darts bu been .sizions forts. trial from the be ginning; brat the Government • has never bees 'ready.' The rumor that be is to be tried no*, or ever, meets no credit. Tito witoesasa ars dead or. scattered,— ihe papers are lost; a n d •It is not at all afftsin,thet either the Judge or the jury would know Davis if they were to see 80, y. ~ o f New Ofln*, aftilifelitegiff end me* atteialat to , si poster, ki d none, wu Lit 11 / 4 .1 4 . 4 r .49 1 P1P,7 1 0,4 1 # / ° Yellow FASHION DIY cmut owr constr..4roNDL,rT. 'Nen - Yong. Or. ISC7. EDITORS GAZSTTS—.3;r S.-1 5.ye 3 can acme to be wore, ore OR verb 4.. C. the nos., end immediately under the brows. There has been some tail: oil 'aubstitut. ing a single orb, of ineteassd 1..7.3 and in the rCRITC of the brow; hot ,fier all our nehievessints Apt ed, the world moves alu elvraod the idea of a change In the numb,- 'it to be worn has not been favonay re ceived. notwithstanding its many ad. vantages; but the color is varied to suit the occasion, and lust now the prevent fag tint is,green..—e fine sea green.:Thi s shade can be Lest acquired in Baden Baden, by CM:dinned contemplation nr the delicious toilettes or the demi vuhde, bet may be obtained in Park, Saratoga, or on Broadway. Black, blue and grey are still worn hi the home circle, and are found very becoming in the nursery, at the family tea-table, and social even , mg gatherings. Noma maintain their position on the centre of the face. The 'Grecian or aquillie tit generally preferred, bet the !nubs hive held their places on very dearly pretty faces, in defiance or a most determined opposition, and, at present Writing, are looking up. A very pretty article of the Greeter' type iri: now fur nished by Goodyear, and it Is not im probable that, in time, all other varieties May disappear. l. ' I Lips are midway between the nose and ~tOtut of the chln; arid 'me a pale pink. he coral. variety us no longer tolerated, except to girls not yet come oat. Teeth .will be Somewhat larger, and of lilneisfi tint, to correspond with the com. pleglon, which Must be a dead white, and magenta red. Bars are-worM one on each aide of the head, with the hair all carried up so as to give them a 'peculiar appearance of I 'alertness. There is smile prospect of 'having them pointed, as the mistress of the Grind Duke of D— has a pet nib. bit, which yerimich admired in En- I ' rope= court circles. I, The hair is often worn of the natural dolor, and is dressed in a great variety 'of mtg.., some of them pretty and artis tic. The Bedlam style, which was ,threatened to some fashion announce. merits, a month past, has not yet appear ed. It was to consist an hotlines the hair tightly and permitting if to remain • 'Mill thoionghly crimped, then combing It not until each particular hair started out on a line of carves on Its own re. Sponshility, while floating ribbons stray ed amongst them like railroad lines run ding throneh a brush lands, The bacon. Sentence or this style has' doubtless pre iented its adoption; and. much is left to individual taste. Rolls and waterfalls, frizzes and curls, am all worn; but the hair Is always • combed back from the face, so as to expose the roots, a style Which is very trying, and should never be adopted by any but plump, rosy wo men. Carrying It up from the neck is promotive of neatnese, and, the fashion of dressing it high will be apt to remain in vogue for some time. , There is, thus far, nothing startlingly I,new in bonnets or hats, except a leghorn I with a broad circular curtain, giving one the idea of a bonnet of fortv years ago revelled. One Pietty and unique style IS of ielvet, in the fist form, on the top of the head, which has been common for a:year past, and trimmed with a scarf of crape, fastened at one side, crossing in folds to the other, and then' falling quiteover the shoulder. Both hats and bonnets' are, In form, much like those of last winter,l but are very much more trunmed. •. For. dreeses, waists and aletwes , :are still worn in street and carriage cos. Mines: The tight under mad loose over sleeve will by very prevalent, and ladies who have laid past falling sleeves of ten or six years aco, will find them in style next winter, while a now style of open - Sleeve or wing, falling freely from the 'shoulder to the knee, and rounded at the bottom, is graceful and much worn. Toe large llama and trailing street dresses threatened by late Paris &deices, end again brought up by the loose women of Baden' Baden, will probably hea=a;seully resisted. Should they be forced upon the bon ton, and false calves become necessary in consequence, an accomplished artist is prepared to for. outs an article that-will bawl when it is desirable to attract special attention. For full evening deem a nerrow band of the same - material as the dreas, a rib. bon of some pretty contrasting color ; gold corder 'wreath of flowers supplies the place of the Waist or 'sleeves There are some Pantanicil ohjectionelo this mode on the score of Indelien, exposure., but as shoulder's and busts or any desirable form, natural as Life, anti ell in one piece, can be furnished by our artists, under Goodyear's patent, it is not necessary for a lady to expose her person in adopting this mode. . For dress material, cloth will be much wain; brown, green or blue, with doable skirts and paletots. Ribbed, brocaded arid shotted silks are fait displacing the elaln'articled which have so long held 'sway. The changeable silks arc again appeating,_ ander a variety of name& Many of the new goods, both in silk and wool, are chined or speckled, and called tipre. In Paris, the steel hoopla carded for horsehair japans; and long dresses are never worn On the street, hot the short dress Is not so short as it was some time ago. The Fment& mantalet has appeared I on Broadway, and is very pretty. It I resemblea 'a circular cape at the back; looses sleeves, . like wings, with - light sleeves under, and a foint Ilke a Breton Jacket; and is a very comfortable and greenlet garment. .Boots are growing shorter, and sug gest that a change tie made In the fashion of amputation. • Formerly, when the rang, narrow French slipper was wore, It win desirable to have the little 'toe re. moved quite back to she instep; but the foot would be mach better adapted to the prevailing mode boots, by taking err all the toes straight aerosol above the tipper Joint of the great toe. Heels nre rising, sad one style beers a very pointed resemblance to a barrow tooth. Thera is one style of dress quite.unique and which promiees. to gain ground steadily, but slowly. It is termed Hie Pie'Sfospie, and extends to every article of feminine attire. It .origlnated with a few well-to-do Imam= men porches- Jog each' a homestead mail Laving the I 'deed snide to his wife, on condition that she should save a certain yearly portion of the purchase money out of her nine) personal expenses. This prospect of a home, which cannot be' taken tram her', by financial oriels, has indeced a number of ladles each to alttnre all that is most expensive In any new style, and to use many economies not glaringly apparent to casual observers. fewof the know. lag Ones recognize those Mcßee, whose inames have appearea on the' comity records' as owners of real estate, by the ;Yen , few and unimportant changee in their Costume. There are to be some nee openings soon, when I hope_ to keep your readers informed of scything noticeable in the world of fashion. Heim MAL Tun Bolles: (Tenn.) Butrette says: • “There is no excuse under heaven why the State of Tennessee should not be a producing State Instead of a consuming one. Her mountain are rich with min erals; she twinge° upon league of coal goble t broad rivers s perfect not of rail. nada, fine producing soils and the best of season 4 tiothwithstanding all this, if 110 want ton. 'of coal it mint come from Pittsburgh; if we want a bar of iron it mast come from Cincinnati; if we want- a Yard of lagging, It ZOOM Came from Louisville; if cos want a bar• rel of, flow ft mostto cue from SK L 01111." Thalgal preu • Olt Blatt; is labor.labor. , big to -induce the people to go to work, end make it a prododng Buosiatt toira „ duo migration to AL' I'ITTSBITRGII DAILY GAZETTE: TITURSDAY, -OCTOBER 24, IS6'7 GENERAL NEWS mnei 64/11,1', 'Pi p :t =TIME 1041. , r • Hr. , ' ri r..ti or , ho., Cr.,;'.t ,, •101 l In lor Irvin: ,• , i , .:4.1.) kvlwo rt (0:0 (11•• 10,4 rh. anti p.: nn 1110 111 rlollrult, Um W.. 11 a. 11, unp;e mos, motimstm, at pl..a,ttre. • , 110,1 t, W 111491 hving art iN tiald think :iti,lllpLlnv, or valortnitat, for tone., a chromatee scale to octaves, hirds and tenths. over the kev-btmrd with a rapidity „ ' h e'!: urea:-. tol-.1., ..ale to sound like the snap to a whit, was clearly 120X1,1. 'lt can also lie trade a., rr,xiuca the so n ic if ('Ur. six, eight or mom hands ern w r,, ritit oe, In MN; on hearing it, one wouLti think a most actaimplitanal artist or baud of artists NCFri , playing with the greatetd skill, taste and !Nirn:. LLg tech 1.14 with the greattan mathematic al accuracy. Its powers urn pet to one., Cif tunes, since it can always pertitrus ''at sight,“ without hesitation or merinos study, any musical composi tion, even the most difficult. --The New York World says: A po: culiar cone, which throws aid:molar light upon the morals of this city, and which - recalls the hlstoreand the sad Pico of the unhappy Prince - Don Carlos, was argued 'a few days ago, in the Sorrogate's C net. be u f k re e rh. u A h omnonr n a me S:rlggeaste a n G at ive of Cubs, diedln this City, real left his entimproperty to his widow, whom is, as a widower, had married only a tiny . ;AIM beforo his death. The children by Ins brat wife, all grownup 5011.., contest— ed the Validity of this mound marriage of their father, and on this occasion the following curious details were elicited. One - of Mesons of the &teemed was, be fore this second inarrkw, on very Intl amt-Norms with his father's wife, hail traveled with her in Pennsylvania, and they had lived lucre Gtr Sable time an Wall and wife. Nevertheless, the old Mat mart led this hotly after her return ndth his sou to this ci - tyland they Heed-- t oe hive a happy life—n goal mant7 years. Bit the guest extraorelinary part of the case is this; unlike the Hotspur Don Carlos, who tilt-mauled his father's life for the affront done to hint, oar mai -1 ern Spaniard waited 'very patiently for the death of his father; and Mar months alter this "accident," married—us his counsel said—out of respect to 'h.. Mem ' no . of . LIS father, his step mother. !Strange, bat true; The Surrogate hold the marriage goal nutter the loses of tht State. • ime of the latest. Inventions is burn It, roieno oil in gas pipes, with a the various tattle or ornamental fixture while the tight is incise m er than mi., ant it is Manned that the expume is one-thlt less. t lie all is contained In re,erVoill whielt may be near the burnere, or in MOM overhead, or in a cellar, or Oven in no outbuilding. If these reservoirs are lower than the burners, the oil is, eleva ted by a cheap force pump, and It can pass to the burners no faster than It Is used; hence expiation Is Imposeible. It li is been estimated that over 4,1100 lives have been (oat iu our country by the ex- Most in of letups. This method of light tog is well adapted to inteloll4 t 0111CeS, ellUtUlwr, lecture MOWN, MO In particu lar to machine ahope and fat:lark.. —A hugs field is open to intelligent women as telegraphers. In this pima:- :don at least Os pay and as much thilepondimee is found us in any oilier employment. There are shout thirty Whiners eugaged in thin work in title city; mainly by the American Telegraph Coin. piny. They are all of good social 'iota non, and generally wellvslucated. They e‘cupv asepturoas room in the building No. 143 Broadway, and hero entire charge of the city department. Nine teen women are here employed, with manager of their own 80. i, umd every part of the bosinesii la conducted by them. .Fligliteell Mot'. tfi10.U110..." SIM In operation. nod train eighteembuudnsl to two thousand niessages are sent daily. All the accounts are kept by the women, and eras the repair of the wires in under their charge.--N. Y. .Ereriow its). —The Denviir T.) Qarnte 003 01 IV. have beentoformed that* extensive c 0...! beds have tarn discovered eighte•o miles south ofCheyentse, - find that iXito.til erill3lo .2SelteMeitt prevails there In con sequence. it In said that tome exoelleiti specimens have been fontul, though we haw hot learned the dol.th of the pit front which that wore taken. Two per m* have expen'aed agreat ~1011.1,f on 'her in tanking a shaft, and thee proipase tor nistoug uonl lit n month. This will I,e n great thing for Cneveuria, an most .is meets greater titre-slice, and in the inter will connuatel almost any .price. —A g:rntletunn ,Wirral n en n reach railway with a cigar lit litsitand, at noticing n lady 11l the eoollntrithent, a wan about to put it up, tc hen she setr.ti anti threw it eat of tr.keWlnchrer,nunark , 14.• snookers; they metro toe I." At the .use moment a ilorrtu little oggpruttg . up Irian his feet et hint 11. , owed very re.tehoing„ do not ike doss, their annoy ZIP," IWlneal the shine. by the bank of the 'leek, and 'itched it after the cigar. SPEER'S PORI` GRAPE WINE. :rxmr's Platt tiIIAr.IVLNI , nrcen•e rcaz tiet•l'L 18 1?. Otegi Insdr. e..e. cttbl.. psi.. W 13,1 ri.e. , trra aba ear. • an. *e+s4.* asszitelari of uglts Wlnea sa4 Btasdluk. tat 611111..• t.e varT t ' , nut tate.. at rims' Ars Drag rattn: Itcdtefat I,tpct, I= (Ord nrtrt.l . 2.lll. Cult, COtin/i TWent, trtott of novo Totual" . ... 0.0.1 e,r.t* ot Ttry e,. 0.1 e...: • °SEIM FLEMING'S ()RUG STORE. ro. II Mar MYSTE3I'? UL DOWN === saes." of ratter tun (h.. doe/4 al olaroola. atoonlamlall'ar a tea tot of :b. proper =e.a. lart•orallett. Ibe reaalt Is *bat Is ea 11.1b1,1,70. /a o.bor word,. . tLLlafe aa.l palatal to,•es• of the pbetical foeet.., Cempsaled, gee, of alr•fle• of tyltll. regoa47 r raurtc ee ,Y.TT6R . 3 ClTrs. , 0. Wata,,, lb° tate of estsaarsiloa ban Data Ofo•abl. `a •aef a•l , e abr.:cal labor. 440000 a, sox 417 of eoloO. eepoottree or say ofbe, a.e.e lbw :Om .0 al agett of ebb grit* atem.ee.e will b• fount •qa•l 1 oroer.fla,4 ..•flal.a. As • nal. ratio.. atioa •aret al, karat less proettaz-J We boll', and tat •neril er e It la arcane.. .L. by ceo scaleal•atr Opt torah at ••• If LOS Wa'a a ro ea; least: tAbi bea.l,l, and over Pad:eat la Amster/cf. tat? world a1w.71, wheel ene•aed la soy work tWt 1. q aced [feat 1111a,r•r ! e • loa. eo eo.EUT 1, 1p . /11, c ::!! ' {VI ' N; O9 ,:• r;4 1 7“/3/7::.r /ti -5 .1..1 tb ant. Tor tboeal.l y 3ll,*M-014dln eaoPo • ee 4 , 01 . b.• nay bc a, o 'fret...as aufaen•rd haeltis. lettere las, le • Ore Ilepe.llloo ld • tly.ttae„.. • ...Jena, allt•orms, ter! mai be. I , a/le 4.1. e/ to am • sprella fur ola.a• abase la boa .t.ea BLEND EYES 'RESTORED. 27..a.5e towage', we alloglad some gger4 ago of chile:Das nib., or Qtr.' enanty. to now entire.) sonbinet.i by IDs era/Miran. cr Die. Planer tarsal), alto 10.407 called oil D. REY to parson. to taxa for ale 'sales sad *Oil la pettoelne tier TO ZIPTIII ..1) P6B - rlobtr bail Teen nesrly bilnd tor f.ormanitll. Satel/11.0 in 511n4 Diet lb. ettle ten dlattbeeleb gala tide; no ea ta ,nt trlttt It wet. The cue la remarkable, et none reds of e.ro.ltke een lta dooOted to reel!. entllna dark..., en the 'tame pretext the , travels root.. es4botbleg can be dote. She was nada DOCTOR ssTimve to:Want for two sn.thr. re d before she' erollet to riot thetteß her brother. nielon P. Pith., .101 hope. were eutortatted of her rear rettlett her torkt. nor e.r ll.wali Stows In Ow reirobot. h. 4 where she rtslees, and h •Le. regasil. al O. ot.xvaotdtnap recover, We. the anderelaned, know of the tore of lilts Flsher..4 bear . "Idler teatlrnoof to to. facts above elated. Tesukt. ]tiro. T. TRW., throttler./ Daebtar. Avenue, 4.llegbeck7. ZUnlnll SlCCannni. 1,013114 1/11 , 1111n, (nen ',etc..) I,n- XET6i6 I I3 lITY , Q6 Ann VOInnIATA TIDY W0U11n..N.,. in/ ra.oo STREET, tattle at Evan. oney. NEV? ADVERTISEMENTS WM. 131240.114.11 f, Jr n Ado Oxpres. Me, 34 MA ikralt, an autAortord A 041,1 ram. rbortitments for the (141ZBYTR , and fluotAor papers 01.1.04141 U4(Levi Maio nfr the. Chnntfna. JUST Li EUEIVED, Pry. LTCALMEIt CITE OS , DAWN FROM LONDON, LA.DOM' CAROM/1N tiLitIBLLDI, tett the I=l JACKETS, I= 14.1111111. AND 011111LIESIEWII SIUTINCJACKEIS. GRAY, POSEIEL & RUE /0/1:(131111 , 10, GOOD 9 Ne:iss rirtql?TrlZET. TEIOMPRON, • Who!erste and Thrtarirresle:t In 111 kinds or LAKE, RiVER AND SEA FISH - .. 111.0ililit AND 1t1003... ' ' ' so.. so - DI 0i210442 liarKed,rPiltstillifill. . tar w. h km) 'P.O anull 0 VOOOOlOO Ilitnld• 14•4$ y. risalsiG 000 CITY TIIi.DAY E 7 SI , O, on 29.1507. GRAND CONCERT, Eli Y fil IT; C iRcH (.11:1a. 1113ec ta.lcii• DitallM/e. ►.e-, the writll,lu: airr• 'tt mg. glallappat ea a , . r!S P.M, 75n.: pp p.; ~ . cee > y la, 1. ,4 " , . tem 4.Polkarr on , ap,p , the Ocur• ,• • , ae . e.l••rt. • cre4 et Inv cpatk. STR 4:1 MlAit AND COLT. ~~lance or the andtrelgned "21., .:sth lon & BAY MARE AND SPRING COLT Nl.r•Woosed to be aliti,t yetri old, tl,ree LIL- fra.i. The . tont ht. Mew , oont, regutoted eome prove • rnperly,,for orMorf•• 1.30 lot hco oroy, or t, aleurdlng • I OSEIP/L WILSON, Penn Tp...OXPohony Co.. Pa. EMS GEWS UNDERWEAB; 1= I= Zen:ITS IMIT G..CIDS = Just openia4 at F. 11. EA2I'CON'S 16 PIV II 111111.161. T. 0c24 NEW STYLES BISHARE AND GRECIAN SUITS, The T• west artas for the fall season, of BOYS .ALTS. GUAY & LOGr'AN, 410. 47 154. Clair i/treel, ann . ant.tcrina's Omen. Trret unable, octal:or inn, I.IIP. • VOTICII.—In the Court nil Quarto. evasion.. No. It Septem erg. 11$. WlttlhalSo OP WEBSPILLt Alt theme. Inttratteltellt take nOtee that the SYS.. u ant ol usunkee* and bene Cm aa tarillfled I.y lb, ICM ha. been Med to my Oho, bed lan le, be Kepette twat be p. 16 eitthln 01,1 ,ten Lb borate. to my ditty tactical I.‘b .c a-cordig le law. al, p.apeity be Organ nod Cloth! wee,. ha. been Root ed tar payment of a. Lao LADIES' FURS =Mil! HATS and CAPS. AS lo CORD & CO.T. 11= EN SEI:'..PII AB WA CRACKERS, 317 Liberty Street, I= VELVET 8 A LAKE& I=l E=l3l = sly:ra, Lr rsZo lv WHITE, ORR & CO 1112113:022 LAW HOOKS 2 LAW BOOKS atlosviso of lOS lo LItIiAIisPROPIDAHIX Is crepe..., ler 1,3 ler liver sr.% rf STAN DAM) LAW BOOKS. LEC..II, KLAN KS, STATIOZ:EIVI! KAY & . COMPANY, ea Wood kited, I= EISMINEI Tl;6 Mat,,ato:T Nala lITSPUREIs =@ Vliti.X:rairr. ;sir Aa r I.a. tier 0.1[1.1 color. AM. tC[ wril.l.l wtula tb.e, Lalr la this sold = =1 bole abet% fie rittstatp.: JUKE. It. CLIILICIt. • DALVlallar • ArelAVe:Tle:‘ m.lra 071.0 W JACKSON dc. FREW, Muammar* te. Lava :Mar • rat.. IMOTIMIZILS AIM/ PZALKIO3 tN arnew, Faddlery; Trunk!, dc:, .4 aril al" karat , a tam , 'd isaaart lane faa , aela the late pi nata.. ellas 5.4 tiapaor.ssaet• to s-. 1 lora its p.% I 'LW r sum IV itrer: 0134 X.T.c. 1013 17Grocxcll Ire ot. f,UE OLBPST ESTABLISHED :CHAINS. HQVIv Ylit MTV. W. 3. GILMORE, =n en,. to Uzugoax. /6 ssntarcetze:. Irbales.r sad Retail DesUr ls• TRUNKS, valises, Carpet Bags, ate. sir A t..xe 'Argotic.. tt LADIII4. AAIOI3- IL. always on bae4. 100 WOOD STUZIT, Pttlibarlb e,T. STEUBENVILLE FEMALE. SEMINARY. . RIM 1.14101 II4L oNN MIMI lib. Itto DU(.31 0 2. UV TINY,. ItosrTor, fonds/tut Hoots sod Llebt. T:UVIX=V;g: tem. dtt.o Voltof ID pole nt. t. to. , te (Jr the d.tailtt..r. of clergymen mad tf, O.IMOVI , T. t , .U. N.... 0. MI tft. A. /11.,t's rr , f. J U. WY YOKO, Y. • M. 0121111:1911ED Li 1942 J. T. WRAY & EROS., lIVCCitI.6OIIB TO X. COFMOLLT, MN CRAM BEEK - 29 and 31 Int en Street, YITIVISUAGII. PA. Iv 'VIII:. DISTRICT COIrD.T by TIM IINIT•10 STATE.% for the Weights 4104/, or roe Neerrapiee .hst. , or He MILK?' Ake.. •• N OW,. portable *4 WHITS a y 4.1. v• markt nee. to lens kebab,. .' Ta woman woo Cancun Tao 1,80.211.40 re ' .l74 tfa reit ' AVM, 131 1 0 ' liege asr.•••• et• WHITO. ~ U • A EWA. ftt (he CI 1 , the CO4 In, .oilo. fi n' at;;;:. " 111 - !1. t e . :en . alle . ei . olet '' l , ll7rll,l l ; ono.. ereel!. ea , vellum, be ape ereterho Court l'ar':.ll.4":gl " r4:e.4!: 7' .11/L 2 r:17 1' 7:1117 , 711.. •••losoa. La. MEM & SCIIWA&TZ, • _ . . Wbolesslosnlitatallblanufaclarera or Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, 0,1 11001 , 00 .10 0001IINO STOVES AND 11.1181/. nrILISIOILIAO 41AsUWA.rE. 11l 109811 JOB rash net 10 ODIR. nee o,i2att summon COAL. C. CHECRIF& CO., „ .. . . PiNV.I4 INVT .' rrtrl i rtArr na o o4n s2. ° • i Aj a 114 AUK. 4:010 ,a11 , •441 ,, 110t 1 1 t. 2 • i puss , or th.oqleevar..frovrjr,writ, wx ,.. „„,.... . eon.? „_._ r ..... l„. 4 7. Eva,',llur 4 P'f'.” -,. ! 9,„,, °Maar 104 1 4 11 = c elana i , NOTICE TOOPO CO‘TESACTOBE., +-• sit lAD PUSJ r. n•Vil 5ria b S7107:16 1: 1 11 0 41 ::I i iti :411711" ig 14Tn. - 11. J. /SWIM. - Vitt engineer _ JACOB WEAVER ',311.14.00., General Pateii Xgenci, M=M r 41713 DRY FRUIT-40 bags reaciles; • • 111 itsro f or ..to bi blas "LIP' °'" • 13AIA . DiONST al; WATHERS-30 bags to store; a. us. Yob try LULA LiOMIT •w. W ADVERTISE I•Wss. 61.CPL18.. H... LEDOI IRON CITY SPICE: IKLLS, ffM!=2== ,C. PPR" . erli!E. s'IP.4/ yr, orn-snd WRIT lan!. and LI" 0 E. ? ,' F"" on Iv it s-nd r4rossi; ••id d.T. to,. watt Ftritkler f Lilnt r ru W t rorird ran.. NIL lift In ern "v r I. to '" I...o.7l2lreet*smc.e. Iser.alat.r [be 44" STRICKLER St 151ORLRDGE' , • 0ci,,,4 r- • MARVIN'S CI44&I=3ELIME;et ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY 11E41' MOD 111 11113 111117. VirtIVI;ESALZ AND ILUFAIL 1 Libert NOT MY YOVM2III. oe/14-1- ourewils , OURT SALE. Be al Mee Of on Ore er Of the (*pliant* Coon t of Allegheny ondt r ften . d. gear. MIST /1 ‘ 1.7d :Tate d. wall :ajtoerri. ;4 1f halo. on the orlatultee, on 1"".. . Btet: rVV:rt*oeikr,"‘b.rl: TOO yogowtog" . desalbed Heal Rita., v-x. 'that certain lot orAirce of . ground sit.teLs the Itoregatiol 1.11 , !terry con gat the grout- -at the 01.4 01.119 feel weotwardle fropl the eOrnor of Me . adow medal; _thence ex ttudlng In front on mid Sidney SlTiket wett• warily twenty feet. and le length or or p. notch ulO Ir. pant let with Meadow meter. pre t serving the mune w loth turnoatont, ono hundred . sad twenty feet.,tb an matey is' feat wig", 1111111 Gil &id iot, IA erected • gnud Male Uwe' log goat, of Igor rooms ond kitchen. -A good Gel lar no r the whole' lieu... 'lmmediate pease.- Mon even on eon firmotio• of the lager a:I. e eVi n erecign o Of The nolo nee In two Cheat annual ind.matirl. wit la In terest- to no Irene. he bond and olooleeko. 0 -yetgan uIIN Undrlllan. 11.4/INRE/L.D EA CO.'S • PALIIIIIE PLOWER FINE,CIfT TOBACCO, J. I.I2 , LAVLE. etz, Yoltelto Tete oel-bratedglue-Cat Chewing TA/bites le perfectly pure. erlthaat any adnuature et true.: sub rene.a with which the ordinary Chewing Tobseito Ucostaralleated. . for onle Wholemec tut BAWL at CHAS. C. BAER'S, 8EN1 . % IV ' Dealer In esicck Etaff, Cigar% Pipes u& Emolig 'rebut*, 104.1VUOLI brItICET 0t.'2e1.1 FOR FRAORANT TEAS CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street NEW CHEAP GOODS CHOICE EMU. I= LIONS VELVETS strrEftiCat (SLACK I= = 1,(17q F:14T1t.? 4 , .tc. JOHN PORTER, el ■AMM= iIIERICIN TEA COMPANY, No. 2 St. Clair Stre NEW CROP FINE TEAS, NEW maw FINE TEAS. SELUNO AT NEW YORK PRICES! If Neal De.,l to UM , tnNM amertraire ma Co. LT. CLAM. !MULCT. “febn:rnl VITABLISIGIED IS3B. I=l C7r11.63, Hot and Cold Water, By aspaaltated tad pratalcal mamma. JOHN M. TATE, Plumber and Gas a , Mgr, 237 Liberty fitreeLPlttsburgh ; and 53 Federal Street, Allegheny. lIECRANIGY SAVINGS BANK. ro. 14 Smithfield Street, I=== DI /31.113 T mu) o Dlt MAWS& ♦•( 7'!QY CakilVlS Drnitili OHL DOLLAR DPW S.W. Deposits Ilierited Sallipret lo sleet. wittiest a• JAR= 111LiCHMORZ, Preiddeat. !RED, D. *no n wr J**LLH. LIOPALINS. Solicitor. Ja.111.1 HLIMMOWN 711• 11. !SO'l lll. • Ai.sx: ' 44111 D. Tr O• WILLILI MAIM.' W. W. 0000, 4W. A. %I. UCISLUI. VOVIIT WILT, • OsalC TAS 11C tCHIIVIS , ONI..N LE alkaa CO a } N 0.143 Vk end Ore. , * 1•11,10•Gtah. T" COMPANY ilia now 'pre. Pahad to e.trry Maxim 'relight aad v Nt;cl/1 143 Mara ha* a1,04/OCOOakia.*lri‘x!ta: ta: 4l h ' B Valrei 14 bral:thei. sad •t• t*lnogh *nu On. Bathe , with haa , aotao 4 tapattlt. ' lt l'- " "1? ` " Zg e4 :11:3 ' CU a. m. nna ;tad 51110 Ala at thlah.*** 3 11 a COMO. V it eettillAptly aateetar Ita Ilhea sad ehrtsta woh ta twain* to ... teach 40.07 Phaaata that Onion. :oath 11 tat , : LITTLE. At eat. JOSEPII MEIER fr. EON. FURNITURE, No. 4I imam onsitict I= V.:42 , 1433 retrua,u 5T rirraztrßun JAPANNING, rums *ND 01113111INT1L. BT' . WILLIAM LLOYD. No. 3 Bt. Clalr.Strost. T1TT33033111. Onoeeze Tea Osatntcni 11•4a3minad equal tO 1101 f. • matte REMOVAL. !MEAT SALE AT COIN Clftlitreo stock of MIISIOLL INBTRIMINTEI to °foto Aat s o t Its 1 . 12 . 4 . 0% , 124 . A 7 4:ro b gte ata Orilla ?treats mad , ollt olonoti ot vie r or PKlOlta " It NM Prom - " 4 " intiN K vi Mut P. 11 KU: No. lel ma itblold otrout, .EpasioilttaltirEnt . FOR Warm air Registers and Ventilator% Blatt of White seie.iiid. 090...0f Nand. It mosEa, & COM. Deni . I" No. 2.13 LINNBST Blf. WE .11/ELL SLEEP ON ELAND li pa r andaka n n cova l uivi ar " ANAL RI% tiVISTIT.rtra, , V FW Dll4vVirs a W•op wow. th• Pea,. tiatiNik 71itiV•n: roxstinerink • evi. A " . 7:IYEIS TTUIZU SONS & =1 eieen toilers, Olt 611110, .TlOloh Lad 1111{EIT 13911 WOll4 of an klldo. Masai 1111. Mill 111 IS. HII3IIIIiTZ & CO., No, 31 fifth Etre7it, gArE 'Eve 111F1( ETTED (Le most Lospl,te asgortment of LAUIEe. OZYT•S.'YI'YK. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. FALL A.SI/ WIN:FR W.A.I.IiINO Boor = Iliredeel A CHILDHEN •S atiOE.3. cstly made mud durable. ti F6s Tc••LAU E.• 124 BUrros BOOTS All of which an reldrtd AT ITHE LOWEST PRICES. • • - Call and examine the Mat quality and style or 'hem lu rittaburga. . N 0.31 Filth Street. St. IM=l TO IRON FOUNDERS. Ornev Roknn NrA,ll. COLIC sqIONEIIS. I CITY or LIT. LOUIS. 12etal., trif a LEM PROPOS •Ln. indorsed •Trowolu far Cast iron Water 'Pipe." •ad directed to tan Board of Water iminutistrionem.. (Aly e a rt. t Porrr ' l Fourth and Elm some. city of On. lords. Inf. fib . t WNLVE. WC:LOU& NiiON, OF MON. lioti. Tlin Writ DittiOr litiVEllll66., 1067. for forolsbing— 600 tons of SO-loch water pipe class A, 200 tens of 30-Inch water pipe class B. 80 tons of special castings en h c ' e d riT rt e l! i ti p e 1 ,711,M, tire court tto ea . corno.eted. atie OP. •od castled. to be deliversd, on or before toe drat day of Auaust. PC& pt en:cation, with form or ProttoSni iend enn• tract. cons. olvain.d on applicatlon at the gltiesr's raneeam above. U., stood nt of security required will be CO,CCO. T securities roust be resident fretholders of Themat, of Pt. . Maud re te roes to WWI' the right to reject all bits. stool.] they eoustder II for the tubrert ot tlie city to t heO. By order of Board. MEM JOAN 00111 JOHN ROTH & SON, Importers owl Wholms'a Dealer. la YOKEIUN AND DOILIDITIO WINES, BRODIE% GINS, RUMS wnieKcEs, &c., Bce, 807 X.rillbertar Btre cot, • OPPOhIIt evvnnicul3lllX.. flew tom, In thforst thetr bleed, and tbe WU! In rune rti {bat a nry 01"..e. their "tholes.; ag7s . ir at e . ' :irstreZon • sitV is it7st i g n r e, " •ratT e a m ....t.htt . sbed reputation JOHN Itcritit•ll . "athletes{ guar.:are f• ta ' a v dll ' l(VUr:' , TVlVtri 7 e t iTVo=t ** diZtrllt OLD OIBBIaII P I o Orden DR NO. IA 7 , DMOND. RID tin be mptlf ADAK dtd Jolly 11101'11 NON. C;Ma TOB1BS! TOBIBETO 50,000 NO, 1 TOBLES, Lancaster Half Spanish Mars., ~ a sa received. •Lleti we at, to the 1..44 tbaeo Ix mL. &Call and examine . before purchasing eiseurbere. , R. & W. JMINSON, PIM MX CM - WE DATETEUe DAT admitted MR, ROM' LIDDELL partz,. art will Cutts's tbsEleer!..l ,71:;t7. rm. tea K h / r to petite, st us offito sf O. WM WISII (A).. ad •• • osts testsetfal.e.ll attestltl• th• ut•••• roust. Gr the tato/us to the Us po,•es • es /setae all M. sats•.eleg • sett/pill amiss. satt U. the assurte of bet tieg •11 the amp, Puts Of S. ls'./.• teal (.11PIPIL 01 /Mattel. to outo • ta at cid ....Li on our ter.. 'OS SP•Nelffe JAS. WIC/. 1.. • • C•Mti •ttraVon 13144 abne, we 'testi re etwcttat• • sottMt ” e•stasw to ne••f S the p•tr• •••• SI bwelly •••wwl o• I trio } of w . K.,•*. heLIOR •••ar•d bystrict ittl• lrul I• O.itIMS, lea by mt••••••••stil/alt, of jell sat Hoos tt• bre•I•• at war Al•• ••..1 Purl., we will me It Im fiber's , .., sad va•Mtilsa tie I• 1.0 at m et- a, •••• • I•••• •Vt e•la • Imo. • aratiCitit. lle/LAT I CO JCf. JAC 111 9 1‘.4, kOsT. • 1105t.t, SHOE HOUSE BOOT AND NOB DOM ak n p °lB ebe.ed el see ether le - 1..e In tale cll.'? Ulre7ll; •• call end be eoellnetA. ANIEL CARTER. ' SALIDIVEL m. WICKEIIIIIIINA Aigant uto malt of Carswell. DonsgiumOse. Joe, WAD., I 000.11.„ 00000070. Ul asdother brands etfAstbzult.. TOOOl. 1000007004 ea 4 01100021... C. IL Cl snag PIO 00 N& .slomtala 0.4