El littsin* &Ott OVIOILTZ 111. VW Tam brncub coriror the State, com plete, shows %CAA for liittrassts, and 103,026 for ensnawoon, which glveg 0,6 latter a majority of 1,202. The decrease in the Ilepnbliaus tote, as compared with that cut for Omar, in 4.13,450; the Democratic decreaW onto Omura to . te is 22,070; total falling o in State vote 62,020. The decrease in the DelMbliclut , majority of Allegheny county, alone, elected Eliszawooto: Had the ume tote been glean Wuzuns here as was award ed GUM, he would have been elected by a :majority of one hundred and eeventy: lee. TSB FALIAOO LEAVE... • Xarthung in the Carrie/LS precession of Springs, and Sommers, and Autumns, and Winters, which carries with it, to the regions of the great unknOwn. all the living creatures that witness itaphenom• ens, has Cone another Autumn. Our mountains sit in crimson and gold, and many-tinted, gorgeous Imes, like giant boquets in the centre of the great table which nature spreads,. as the gala feast, at the close of her year's labor in prowl- ding food Other family. The little hills have dropped their emeiald and reflect -only the colorsof thiclosinn day. Bich I leaf, in preparing fbr Its fall, has put on Ansel, or russet robes. The ?Lamy has donned his gold, the Osk his crimson or brown, the Butnacb her scarlet, the 'Ma ple her dappled splendor, and await the breath of command "earth to earth, and dustto &mil" Do iliese molots teach the glory of Immortality, the noisomeness of physical decay, or both? The leaf bas dons its work; and spin will it ap pear in new combinations of leaf, or Slower, or freit-tln te fibre of the tough o a t, or juicy pulpf h the luscious peach. Unless it dish cannot rise again, in new organisation, to perform the new work appointed for it by The (heat Disposer. Is not, therefore, decay and death, and fa' nee life, inseparably carmen ed? Io 0 world where there is no leaf, no spray, but Is appointed to another life, to a roc cession of hue, pow, could the soaker sum drift away to(rioilAnguese and end, , lass night? Where are throe who have sat where we sit, and watched the leaves which have preceeded,these on their Mato to dust and bloomio the darkness of death, nudity ammo:rod; and the light of the early morning on the top of the swaying From the opposite wall, in "counter fit presentment," the milt, brown syee of nknakt Manrilookdown upon • A little while ago.. he Ind! td a fancies ti prose and verse, for the • lug public of, our smoky nit?. 0 , its humor, and gentle nature, it seldom his pen inflicted a wound; t mien a. greaCwrong called forr. a re• •f, it became a Damascus blade. • heti is li. hL RIDDLE, the &mom p • . olgratalat, Who, for- so many y so large a spine in the Win ranks of Pittsburgh? and his burley • poneat 11mDLs, of 010 Atenkon,•who aided the battle axe of political war ns like a Takata Ilighlazd chief? lIXDIZT, the iffsble and Untiring, who t sent the ...Chronicle on its mission • • h our it Beta„ Piaxsori,' who sled in his rifler, on the corner of liar • km and the Thamond, second floor, to "The Sprit of Liberty," and, a his vi nen , cats tenacity, - clung to pri Pies through fair 'weather and al? Cuevas P. Eames, "the Iron 7klePoegle4'id. w h o , °n,nut. from g m ou tbe t the fo c rg hlm e e o s f o ll r of Dime ans dollars. dollars and dixoto. wapty pockaVa the wont of mimeo,^ ho stood by Liberty when her Mends are few, and the- Workingman When own trotaWas cast for and against himself! icst here ate the'reld er si a' gan the st " manta whtrmicinia'Mtheyt is and labored, exhorted and eounted • Ths Returns?" Those are among the eves that litre fallen,- while many of Its Mill binning to the tree; and , .I', many madder at the foot. al 1 t VOA which was the veritableortion life' I f those who are gone, what p 'Ohs dust? What has risen into sew forms;illnw ranch of till, how much of good, has spiting, or Me. prieg, from these - Wien' leaves, thost urea With Which ao many of us, lutat bees more or , Icesconnected? ' The web= an d ths_Piidey'ttut haste and in- I ennalderMenasi, the manly earnestness, j the devotion. M:pdtmiple, the aril and ,ilis good, mast all - take new faint', mast . ill be as seed-!own, of which-the crop _will noutleti %liberalred by this-genet , stam and those who 'Atm yet to come. What have we bean - gatherinit in oar . lives? Have We'. nilidi . coulbtnntiont ' which shall stourith the t irtues or vibe of theme Who shall succeed us, sad to whom our lives shall be, as the - kerne . on yore gone by, We to Mose which are sow or shall be her Miter 7' Do we real- issthat we heart:trail time ? that even it there were no personal finniOrtality . within us, we exlstldrarver id thermal' Of our actions? Raw Is the time to' gather wisdom of "the ear and yellow s Imf„" to look-tact ward to what we owe c to those who hairs gams befope,ind for ward as our obligitloas to thc*lwbo elsalljellowus la the funeral march 'which cariten all onward to the grave., ' ZELIQlOOB,i~`'hL LlBl6dfE Wage has the Top:nation of being • place where the marriage tie Is little respected and msy be easily severed' However me this may he in regard te the "loose tharicters" that flea show is soder, - and, tup so numerous In that pnead-upuiry, Used/sego Is illibunded, " in ao,faras the religious communpl. concerned. A3l denossuratioos exe en demoting to impreis the community° the escrednap. of the nmrriage relation. Bccesti7 the *Episcopal Viovention of that Diocese took - Sedan on the( matter, and pointed out mans that ehmild be sunployed to - ammo& the' marriage cere- Rum with sift peril; and tend to cor root the views .of the ritaiXes on the subject. Tie . Ib3nle: Biver (DO Con. !Meth of the X. E. Chnich, of which Claicago is e part of its territory, bad the question of Divorce before them, to consider the report of a special commit tee—framed' In , response to memodats presented to that body—which took the grimed naiad divorcefor any calm es. Sept for th e 'crime d aduktry. The report urges all good people to unite in petitioning the Legislature of the State to amend the laws of divorce so as to establish the above rsltoapl piinciple, and prohibit marriage to the party guilty of adultery; as _Weil-ee to any and all patties who ; apply- for divorce on any other ground than adultery. The Con . farina wentfriliber than the mere nu , venoms of its own territory; by direct. iti deleetes to the General Confer. sacs, which holds its Qeadreatital Be,. don out Hay s . in Chicago, the law Making body of the Church. to endeavor to fibula the Insertion In the Discipline of sasriplicitstatement of the deckles of the Halle - on this • subject; second, of * tole excluding from the Chrirth all per . me who apply for the annulling of the . .,msorkide relation on Other than scrip instil ground r of.wilnitery; third, of a , sole prohlbithm the ministers of the IL IC Church from perforMine the marriage Care eixla when, either' of the patties sucking ,wmtviori have been divorced, for other .cartse,„-thab adultery, ,Tima person still iivieg. Action Such is Gls Xplecopel Orammtion sad the Methodist Dostereuce isa move in the right diree. tine, tad the right source to suatiguraie such umeemeut. Let the pee,. pre tas educated O. to the Scripture standard. of the marriage tie, and Gum sitsprinclpied legislators inn be forced to conform our State laws to the laws of God; u roweled In the Bible, eud thee revoke the power of oar County Courts to annul The 11l commotion going on'in themepal nrcb, according to the 15 b re/re between the nigh and Low Cimrci - rties, ritunithe and anti , liftman", and e itruggle in the Ludt *ran Church, Mean the Symbolists and And-Symbol , to gal.:lithe ascendancy and establish eir orth oxy, is evident ly not en by is tinders as wellae they thick. • havelbundby callow*' tog with the presentatives of. the - dif-; f a un parties, that, Whilitliere qtthations are prominent and difeenulible OA' the i renioe by metal public, thin a mel t Made of aide issue 'and focal trmibles era mixed up with the' great questing. Journals of Other denominations fre qnently are wide off the mark in their opinions df these questions, anti reach unwarranteble conclusions, Perhaps the only service the =mimes' of oth er denominaticrns eccomplirh in the great contest going on in these bodies will be to Inflame the advocates of the respective parties to greater zeal and at flinty, ail bring the Wanes to an earlier solution, 'than If the press of these de nominations were let alone to settle the quesnonast their leisure: • Questions of great importance are now Whig discussed by the press of the Metlexl Episcopal Church, and indeed form time, in dew of the session of the Ge eral Conference next May. Promio rat among these questioner le lay rep elms. All the oftleialpapers, except, thane two; ,thvor the Introduc tion of es lay element. in isome form or other d - we believe, the different on official pen are favorable tothis re form. ore recently other questions have loomed up, such as the moditiottion of the o lice of presiding elder, arrant. log BO scope' visitations, from being general, into districts for e given term of years. Closely connected with the latter, is tbe manner of their eupport. Heretofore; and at prerent, their Wa des are; find by a committee of mhda• tars, where they respectively reside, and then the pay. draw upon the Book, Concern for the pay. In 1866 a trifle over forty thoeisaistl deli= was paid for the salaries and traveling expenses of the Bishops. Thiasnm is taken - out of the pron.* of the Book Concern. Preelous to 16:313 each Annual Conference raised caner'. buttons withits their respective bounds for their support. The advocates of re. form propose, that the proportionate amount necessary for their support be derided among the different Annual Conferences,and then let the profits of the Book Goliath be wholly devoted to cheapening the publications of the 'Con cern, and thereby enable It to compete with other publishing hones, or rather sell at lower raters than. others. The re-union of • the Old and New. School Presbyterian Churches, on the basis of the terms submitted by the Joint Committee of the General Assent sly of these bodice. according to . the tote thus far in the Old School Presby • eerier, will not be consummated this year. The vote so for as we hareheard, for tumor re•nnion,is as follows: Chilli. cothe, White Water, New Albany, Ice dianspolls, Marion, Findlay—O. Against --Potomac, Winnebago, 'Long Island, Sangamon,Port. Wayne, Desectothes, Crawfordsßle,.Peoria, Schuyler. Beav er, West, Letington, St. Paul, Luzern, -13. There Is last cause for alarm in the Protestant denominations at the pres ent drift of things, that a schelarlymin . hazy, taken as a whole, is working away feed ths unadiaterly masses of the peo , pis. We favor mlnlaterial culture in the highest degree, bat there sliouldhm also. dated with it the idea, In its, broadest form, that their work is equally acne. ressan among the poor and itinerant as the rich and educated. Prof. Phelps' address to the late mho; cleas of Ando. ver, has the right ring in it, and is worthy of being scattered broadcast. the Professor argues that, rather than the theory of ministerial culture, as he had tried to cepreseet to them, should result in drilling. asunder the pulpit and the Mier orders of society, he would a bandon the whole of it. Ile would I !rep It as he would a vim. Ile thinks A preacher had better work - in the dark with noshing bat mother wit, a quicken- ed conscietm a end .a linen Bible 401 teach him what to do earl bow to do it, then to vault into tin : aerial ministry 12 which only the upper classes shall know in care anything do:maim. Better, he I urges, go and talk the Gospel, in the l I Cornish dialect, to thole miners who told" the witnesare thumoned - by the I committee of the English Parliament that they hat "never heard of Mister JestiiThrist in these mines," than do I aheWoriofthe Bishop of louden. Vihat'l is needed is to maks the ministry teach the Repeat, The great problem of lilt to ear educated ministry should be to truthel ;hew culture a poterr instead of a luxury. , tee Lipe hereafter" to chronicle fewer ails and - =opener" an the ground, of teary and social conifer; more beans. their usefulness may bs increased ides. eettive of temc?ral,or sootalirenclitif. The Watchman and Reflector ( Bap. .ist) id reply to the inquiry of a corms. pondant in regard to retraptiani says, while it does not assume to *cask' ex Cathedra, that It would be governed by he following general ride, which it chinks, on the one hand conforms seal drawly toe sefeerenserratithi, and, on the other, to the n.quirements of truth, falthfulaeu and chanty. Itedeguize the traptimn a when duly admihistered, of all svatigalical denominations, and ignore entirely that of the nnevangelleal, how. aver administered. The independent is limbed on all sides i"ry the religious and secular press, for Its assumption of being a "religicwis jour nal." The Trameript of the "Bub," added by a Unitarian, speakibg of the - -.dittor Of the Iddlendent nranohecbre dint hs oubliettes a "religious. PsPer." says he makes a alJeawake newspaper, out the less he says shoot its "religion" the better. This cutting remark pro. voses the following from the. Chelition Union: Better drop the musk,. Cinder I and cease to be a laughing stock of the world, and the shame al the Church. Thti - laat lame of the tenth in 'paths to brother Tatou, is rather More religions than usual; Perhapalwoak of owe bat amortneneed In his heart and we shall have a more evangelical type of !dyad hersafter. Bidet the sealed of Moi Miami Bap. tist Jumaciation, in Clncinneb, an illus. ' widen of the wet the black board in Sabbath Schools, wee given. Baring a discussion of tbe matter, one of the speakers went so far eite angoral. that its- would be a good . thing if min i sters oonldoverosme the diknity , of their (M. 'Won, and nao the black beard in their pulpits; on which to place the leading points of their discoursci, so - the coogre. gallon could folrow.thsir chain of rm. . We have hero:arts a *yet the "Pro. ceedings of the Twelfth Anneal all of the Young Men's Clubelin Ass sedation* of the United States and lirl ; l dab Prodam, held at Maatreal, June 1867," a well arranged and 'Landsmen prieted Sophie? of 1 , 53 large octavo papa It is an exceedingly inkrosamig publication, the record of the proceed. lop being enlivened by many tali* and . vPiritotirriott od , tiremOo, given verbatim. Thrißritish Proviwres Ind most ot the States of thin Union were represented, somv of them very lareely--New York including the city, having mat 477 dela , gads Bewalar reports were entered 1 eicall the records of the Contention from one hundred' end tarty-two „Young Men's Christian Associations lea the United States and the British Provhseea, a large majority of them being in the thrmer. In addition to these, there I, an appendix glides the names, hastens and Beciebuies of moral fuladfsdi of similar associations In Omit Britain and Ireland, the Asiatic, Airman and insrdar colonies of that Empire, and on the con• tinent ofitmope. Tbeinnhiplluticutof these associations throughout the world is marled and hope ht feattire of our times, for they . cannoffail it, - have:powerful Influence for good, and in counteracting the evil influences now aonctive and potent in all large centres of population. Next week, u has been fully announced, our city Is to be favored wiM 'mutation of the same kind—not-so general u that held at Montreal In June, but suinciently so to bring among us a large- body of !warm:hearted, energetic, Christian men.,. . Let the hospitality, the co•operation, and tbe fraternal sympathies of our people be 1 , Each as to cause these brethren; when they return to their homes, to earrymith than pleasant memories or Plttabnrgh, and sphits strengthened for good works. The Universe, a Boman Catholle paper. of Philadelphia; anhoweees that burnt ter it will be published eemi•weekly In stead of weekly as heretofore. This is an evidence of prosperity which we are glad to see. The amnia of a religions paper, if It be a good one, is always to be desired, no matter what denomina• tion it may remnant. • • tar FIRST . .CONGIREGiTION adoCIPLU. atonic oall..nsor of fourth .d I.lberLy catnap o. Toortb. — 0.. W. IS. litto.T. konot. tent. imams soon.' ifal..to sato. •0•111111 rro7. Oftearlf Wednfodoo "'estop. -moor. and 11 Slasla• out. Idestatted with say .o.lplos =AIMS. 11. a or. al.. I.ltoo _-011canre Blau Is to edit • new PiPer t arcunal • PERSONAI.. - iu South Carolina. —ltra. Henry Wood. the novelle', Is about to publish a new sum, clulstested "A Life's Secret" —An Oyster supper was the Immediate muse of the death of the Cuban thiptaln General Hansen. . —The Topper testimonial Is to be a silver tea urn. la milk and water jog would hate been more appropriate. timid Beecher Stowe's new novel will not be published until spring, it is to be called "Old Town Folks." —lion. W. P. Bald win, of Dettult, wa* severely injured by jumping from his carelap, with which his horses were running away. . —Frank P. Blair, Jr., lastill the most prominent candidate for the War Da. rartment pottfolio, and it is said he will shortly be appointed: —Professor 'Thomaston, of Queen's College, Galway, will soot' publish "Solis &Mel; or, Proverbial 712400 s of the Athenian Drams." —Blacark ha ordered a government translation of a book about bloabv's extensive*, for the encturegnment of guerrillas in.the Prussian armi. —Berger, the great Fiend' billiard player, his been beaten by another Freachmao. The game was our thou sand points, and lasted two evenings. —lfasby'a new book, entitled "Elko* from %tweak," is in prase by • Boston house. Nut tarnishes the illastrauona Of "Smitten' Round the Clittle," twen ty thousand copies were sold. —& New York letter says: 'lt is sta ted on what seems good anth rity, that Charles Sumner and wife hare private ly agreed to separate. Kra fibmner has gone to Europe, and will Tenntld there for the next three years. —Joseph Dion, billiard champion of &merles, has challenged Johnt`Robertv, the English champion, to an play three games, English , French d American, for ten thousand dollars imgol I each; and the chemplonshiP of the world. . —Mr. Plumb, an himericai, and three companions, killed nine hnedred trout at Locheamkeed, Scotland, In about ten hours—more than one every .hree min utes to each rod; and a total of two hun dred and twenty five ash to each of the tour anglers. —lsaac N. Parker, a Seneca Indian, brother of Colonel' Ely fiParker, of Gem Orient's uff, has been appointed a Second Lieutenant in the P. lle was lately conductor to one of the Lake Superior railroads, ha his present ad dress is not known. —Madame Parer TOM was torn ins Edinburg, Scotland, in 1839. Her father tea • decayed Wallachia' count, ranted Eurplion Parepa. /le used to teach music for a living in London, sad while there married • alba Sexuin, ~.relative of ?Award Begulu, the &stela operatio • - - —Dr. 'Meyer, the celebrated' pianist, who Is creating each • furore to New Yotk, L charsammed critic-I'l)ton nal ss "s little, dandyish, ezmW l ? genial, good Wand,- siesclous s men, who trips about thel stage a cricket, bows like, . s Turks:drop and plays like s lion. —Prof. James If. I:topple, of Yale Cgllege, is sharply reviewed by the Pall Moll Gazette, in s notice of his "Old England; its Scenery, Art and People." Toe Gazette says: "A Professor in Yale College sbould be more csreful than to blunder about the very commonest his torical (set; even 'with the aid of Mar- Ira • • CIIIOLEILI CHOLIETIAI WILL. Mahon erases edreet et Madera. a* thesebtml penes atilt* uprepenel U. Sa ntee en at, aspartame 624 42266 .22r41.44 to be tw mast cielata abga.,ure.gbat!elleti ba• est.! Care 246112. at 124 , 4 i memo. a ae. sad a. Mee ankle. Inuto anUILD abLc ARTICLZ cao be bad.j Wass tin nun. cravkl...d In of tee Items oeakuool, n blase by • apa knee nua lB3l l OHO JILIIII/4 Was It. bee, sad ispreebted Ia Others. *Bre. N. at elas.4l to moon nags lt tau Iroald tan as ankle th yoa caa'ine , adi 70. . 1 1 0 . 14 par 661226 IS 14 04 12.641.2212.0 6f 511 Otberl. I . 6014 bail to Pittattenb. at , 08EPfl FLENINGI3 DRUG STORE COMM in 1114014 sad Yates. Sweet. etrlttr. AN •LTAISINISUBVII IIIIIO % , Nom. so Seen bog snob ilia nerdospolaile I:boluses to i lee , Imo It she bones b Ay, .1111114444 I lit etas. I a l t. men u, esa e A g.a. a aaarr !salts 1014111a/4 SION Ws. ere tee le claw ot *tots a meet. Ilk ts la a onsets NOW I. lay t 04 far o gresalstary Wert* et the beet anti Mao, medialna la gelatine. • • lisP .I . l . Lts SW 4 ISTI.MaeII, a:Tr/W. j . r.lfrr and owlets resoesot. a al/ pastier the ...tetra. Qat. leo; VW peo glue eaten, Will Rat Alan Tag, /abet She d protasb es p . ro ens Da: rode. tea tittle Weal: stn well that It tow. for thaiiiio 4. 1 (4'.. 4 0'40. 7' It !bah ert:1 7. .14 " :141 11 gIIrP.S.":"I'S 4 in ." 161. 14 would no ref, r• reo-• • g sa on. ss;er . ,374:41 1 11,t01 i .:tin . .. I. .t i e s :a 11,0 to. t 2 kr am p.1...0r limo. Spat 4..4 S• y lanaror.t 1/0441,1410 lia SIT. 4,444 aa•Ortlng,l o- 411 1 4 41. ► do.t. o. not see tera of he a ohm... Tbant Sos ui rrar 0. ea 4s [s. Nn • Is match Sl4 at at ....roes aos eoti•te , o..e ... 0 Ono log •• io so a .s 1 off ft onoptel, s. egos sus • a owl e. a or* sets o 444141a414341arta. 11• Is r 44 at .Inal.as Savo a snag, .44 got te•vekoooao* le. mold IWO sae s, Sae lb • Sanaa.' • ye .otete - 04414 sod lip. Ilpf OM, St 11, .1.111 . 11,11 , 1 t se4 "Ira low .... sp. re ao. or Woe stra ter. S. ArlS. 1..1.. ulna 1 fir:l rgisa• lan% 5:;,...na I. rgI?4 , V.W . ; US cgs /so a 0155 010. 4 1. Mtn* , and most e hotf oots ausesatoee ea prapssatloe• 1011 121405 a , 111014411410011t0 am.. EMS RESTORED. bOcato to villa wAik lama week. , MN • hitaos Illsber. of ntlllll/ COMM. emirs? eogirmed 'try tb• *mammon* of atlas new tenter, who 10-day taped on Dn. SLY- Vlllla person. mama Min for nta Maim nag mid In rubel* DM TO =VAL &ND Pia- VIVI' Mai. 111:a Plate had, been aeatly Mind faittneamatts, tna amen bang list alta could acidlatlagalan my 0000$110 u tetwatle oat abet It ens: TM cam u remittals. go hominids or immolate amo ore doomed m timer• eodteur dorlutrotr Ant Um Om.y pretext that men to rorrormoarl sandpit mu tio doom tho , mom ao4r7 DUOTult LTA OsWit mamma for too wombs; sad: Indent Mot appitod to ttm Utrosoll her brother. nom. P. YMbrm hoped tram inumtatood of bar ova matins bar dint. Hot ow I• lotorro lo itolgotor tiood boon hero db. maim. •MO Mt. mitrard a one of extrearalearyneeterP We, Ds. aedresleard, Metter. awl bear alllteg Solloway ..ao See feels •OOVO •""4. 13mUetwa . ham. IlDeo• P. ltanlaaffiotavA ( Anna DIADISe. ' To, LT Maxus, plabsay. biceAsszr. loiDeA 'Mau, leer Ds. ILTISCIVe (I,llot eatt'l.lolletTLAUL* TIUN ?ROOMS, 1%. Lie PleaD erszsr, MUIR Of X.N.fi 1;1:4,Tif.1141:4;1001,:i3:4:44,11,11 silrezum, Jr. Sliksisi 54 imasenissAsssi is mass .s.,msfer SitSpiTikasid g ab i abir werssOleul VW MOO MSS sis• ue .1 4 15141 , ...113, 4 2 0 FgrU5T 6E FOREIGN, WOOLENS, For Wall s aWll . latax Wear, I/141.mm sow saw list,Dessard riatr.ns roe TROESEEI*,_ lilportto 4itir.te Vltifelbuisl. to pz.4•? • ea. VERY LOWEST MARKET PIIC ClLit POSSE ding, Merchant Tailor, w.. WI Intik It., MUMMb Mai PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZthEi „SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. v•t~a~asN:l'l~tHa<'~w: sTaLLt---ON•N OW 1301711 101 Tali CH OSAL: navios.—TharimS the MOM the Yu *y ..fiersoos7lll.l. tiwBVICE will commencist7 ck 1. s. FIRSTIBAIPTIST animus. —dicey ;eclat Via 6W CH roarth Mat, Wawa 8= 1 2 6 raft HrIZOW..t W raw.. . JAMES H. DICIC . iiatinath racial at:o'clock., F. S. Hirwitw. ITS cordially Invited. Iarrp r EACIUNG EVERY al owr u ad./ion% Avenue and ECM/ ..... 4 1,1 L4h..7 ChT, He.. C. H..li, ra.IIIDr. ate tn.• ISdats rte habbat6SCHOOL nt cecina' A H. and Ig D. m.• • tar UNIVERP AUNT CBUIRCU, A. MiniAucrag.t.D.tham, rvyir alla . 1)/tY 10)fi W n .Sawa at 9A. a. All ate people art Ls vl to wan sad tuna. • •• • tra,l* tartalar , 'llt fallout ”ls. la.rje• traireila..l= COOtt tw • la- PLINU lOTU Uman Iaist•IVLITMCoIIAVI,A* L. FAV.l77WOrarg g iß r O t lmal i lt . Valock. Tim nvelia• awl • IiELEBIOVR.--' 7 EIII FllligT OligIST...• CHURCH. Alletht. .4 3 7. .113. se. 4' SUN t •ad lgootramery &tete. eteschlog luAavnitow, fl a .1 • keg of F.raa 0t.p11.1 Ober•b. .Ittabp , gb s- to b• Jtisl.ll ZINO. lbw Niter Of the U9l3.l3yeehey 19.1331 t tr. 9 L. W. Molt.. Nued•e• NORMAL INSTITUTE. ♦ 4rW CLANS !tit(' BL 101LIOLD ON siocir IL To eouplito a canna to tn. Normal min.. = MI Dem., wliatteglo Jolti nes elnis slotlA pencan , tll..l . Le4t. Immmilaitly. • • rarDAIL RICE , * reps:urge L vic.rcors.s• 191.11NoTLVe. Niat.—DON. MOW.% 45611• T 40 W a aa..11 litlto.Nal UOL aDthirentt) eratioALS has Ode toUto. see regales dart a eteetal reliance I to eaal POWs+ taustotLeVe hoot. 111•10 WM, ildllalito WWI( 1••••114.11Wk•l• sod e • Melts • Woof femme heath. heel.* au. motes , . IfQ , WIT'•• eauebet.le, had the moot anoahltithr •cholsers of the •51. fatallat " re ' . Itrt n b l '"" ' ara!ite.9lC ' e ‘ ...;Vo ‘ CretTrVVaMlrirtr.l= rr'fltra tnllLOlN*lalr. ella as pea. inracitat•to haa. tri.a IX ...MM. J.. the L ' a l l ' i.r.tr , g Aar!! • .1L.4 r .ark • Pe' sold litao. ri• 1r O. slut Of ell abash.c ponies. alormet hookeys. eta. • WILL. 550101 r AS NiWOLISTIA, W vt , t f:11.18.7; - VentititeL h •r:iri% 4 . s .itti Batorreia October:s 0 sod hie, mitt.. .am? of 2Settr.aa • • caoet.mtb Ma.gt.... . 111.4ar 11tt Ate. Z asti WassesdaT, Oct. XII: AND 1.103 upr. CCCCC sostur, O e e t TtlVl)•T . r l e D b T a`aLalele.DAl. ela ups ve t awl 7 e•eleet 7 , 11. Arlaelaelos 67 eeirra (1011111vn Irvior ulna Jean, at exam. I rMeul • - • IS termer. - Fri, male well b eteelyed vlitVe+vg rem elm Vote vell•lelaility-mtles ts• 14,0. to v.,. ?Wail lar VoY govel wale. eve. ay./leo. .4 Pleat! or .1.117.“1 eve.. •derese. PI. tar seoera monv....t.vile , ho b o. ven. vf Se 2 rival soy pelves hae , lN ' a ' vied aullelver leo stet. ra . oo, et.. .Yr mu flosbiteet. vat wawa too* Arlevoldwe abov• I vela 2141,14 211.U.11111.0. 12 • OMIT ..01.1,..14 , 11 • 1111.17TICI. •• Tratatal....ll, t a tuba Plat VIA I • IVOTICE.-In the newt. al I*. ?Atm. 111110/011.11.1 Or will. / 1 . 1 1.9 Otto: a tat maxi wit. .ate Menial Ito/ •a. gamest al elmatsalo. as boo st• lb allied ay % te hi Coat am ban ttmd asy olive. awl as la m :5* as/mammas.* ailed De p•ldgrltll.• AI .1' '4l.)m .raa. all oaW. It Wit. ma may duly to twa • maa • coral.. to laW. p teeny bateau Wallet Me Cantle ate. eta low 1.11 asaWalle tat palleallt stet, VALUABLE WORMS On the English Language. Nand'. LrC'ana as tiolt•gl;alLaamagyfhal. lfccarf. 401.1 ant•i/a of lfm Lasifo•go. 113- oa ttof ;Ws Ifaells6. Ism, of fly Lt's of $.04.• UMW& tigykt C 1.1;; cf. roP... Cr.... Lamasatta. to lavas , a !Parana.% of the Ste. Testaafit. am and oce.nd stria, 11 - g. Vs The•ara• ar tutus • Marla. 10. Crag. • Ilsall•StWtoosass. , 0.1 - Gr.ociVo csallsb focoLyme. 'l.-71. Moult la 7 - LAY • Oolle/NT. ;ea CI II Waoa !I . 1.1157411 • DaValcif._ MVBLPIAN • • =EEO= = =I WHITE, ORR & CO., rirni arussi o 19: REVEN T LAW PIIIIILICA ? ado•b..mt. bur• %wan Isla and ParylUsdas, .en sad ...tad Casa. Cants in. lam I,aw of Tnest...••• and linit.a3 • vie • • • Wed vs V. Law*? *Clan], •im •4111.5. lletta•43 as I awed' 131 ilk IVallatata anral• . 0 . 0 . Murata ins Tim Low of Pons 3 Tort - Amts.& •so•• on •anientl arta tilitton• at..or ie.nat.... , It, daa, view at palm as aloadiad. aim gni awn... oda taas• Ca r ogu e*rmid%o th• aw loaf danatadp 1/Likr & COMPANT. laLlALtijp 41 Wawa neon. STORE DUAE Piro, OS ' t*►f For Sewerage. • alDlpa le the at alba etwar laddlzia ro i Inv Or drain pompom 20.000 PEW IM:1321113 BAILEY, PARIMLL CO., Fa IS7 Badddield Met. A. r=l TfirtiVlTTlE : AllltT iac° W. J. GILMORE, alweg..er to litiarOU l 11.11370 Ilfanataptrer, Wlalusts sit Bet,tl P.. la - TRUNKS, valises, Carpet Bags, &o. Tam a cr &Wt. IMlKortlata. LA MM , 111/1T0a • lfran busd. N.. ROO ROOD 1111■EIT, Plitsbersli. cos .64 STICIVRENVILLE !MALL SENOWIT. • till 1111 1141 !MIMI 4111. TIVZtVAIV:TII.4.O.OO.4. O ! per at: ...IN fur Out •.41.••• of .1"0 , 444 " 4 "1 D , pe r r. r r. Bram twr. 3 . L.A. 111T•O;11. • M.' 041140 J• 1121 CAVANA•111..............1 1 . LIMOS. JD. C iIrANAOU & CO., 10.111 LIBBILT trrzszt. .(Opposlts Hares Bowl.) ntnit, tionzu, sis UPI Ilttil Al. avi lets halo. ar4"..0.1 1 / 4 =1" , "" the.t Ltat, MIA • Ws.h Plana. Uts Hats •e. Instr.% .u4'poriValsr attuatraa Rlnt tt tootist.o tt,y •124 toantti• itenovAL. OREAT SALE AT COST! .11Eslarge stont,of WIIIIIO4I.IIIISTRUM pm' Irurfaltv", tat t„ .at..tim rtnr wa•lxtli •1e..412. and *lll.l.pCin I my prvatut Stook at VENT ICI tI rettnra. = JTaoneeN, Wttolento sod . WWI Desk" tilt that of LAKE, RIVER - AED BEA FISH, - sorrzs Asp ZOO% as. SIS koop oyez is* to Wee* on Soto/04y 11:r4 A. VTDST/LER. awls &cu., I====il Stun goners, 011 81111 s, Tanks, #24 Baia MON WOII2C. of WI WA,. lomat IS, rim. Ward, rigisibeilib• iIICADQVAIITEMIB won 1 . 1 Ara ilrilegis . ers aid Yeatllatsn, IlUel or 111144armal:Oolizsro oA brawl. at • vassisia. - a con. Ao. Sas LI sT. ptorcy wo • ks,Ali,aVlLe. LIMIVIF.D, SA Cythnb add sudTAUB. I AL - palm W'6 O'd Maud IltdelOng Kurt AA MYTH 11111011/. .Isa ADIES' Art ~1[111ILDSIE•1 / 1 RUB S A •. sgifArg d AAsul 4 l WHlr s MIMI^ rtilf.L/0 NS (114 rtsad yob (sit spF,N, milli lid. string trzwary • AND , . CHILDREWS Nitri)lerAtTiwz:lacs'"' Cb PUSIASV ,141111tAit/'Diktat Mom • M 9. , 91 rirTillvan•RT. 144.1hkit:Llill CU 9"l eat itusov, *9* golmv 884 gam, V.V. sad Munk Al PKILLAN , II Old 11.san , toeklat Nalt• 719 IA Man Bram. TAT IT I ;TRY IT I I: -- - Tar. xassitom Iwo urroris gala COMIIIIID. • 'Wrong im ban la thelr orient eel*, aids the awl - whoa tb. lair Is 13,1 A sat! Is beautiful trr. , • Rule Arai, tsr Pittsburgh: JAME, $. CIARIL. - 01061015 r. ics • itib street acaw.ar:. KIRI li scuivAulz, . R." 11 "'! t "lr " or Tla, Copper and sheet,lrou Ware, Ana D;nlars to cnnitire • 9401'6 AND MAMA 'DAN DODAD MAILDWAAS. 1011I1t AN) ItII TM 111111 MIL no e in NEW FALL STOOK CARPETS. INFMMS.IID & COLLINS OF/111$ 20 CASH .110YULS BARGAINS AT RETAIL, Stes.ll and TS FLtth Street, NMI` TO TINT= 'TATO COTTON 1101/1Z 11.1:CCSD 16001 r==;2 REVEBITEI LPIT OP APPUCA. .flutu, u, liquor*. Air of I* the ()Uri' a tubes na. , ala o. Ombra.. tio **b ut viormottliolalt. torero. wereny tut.:•rarb Jaairai Koarard, taw. no. a d. clttsOuriti, ••••••r, tavern V grant. ratty • Le •I I.orta. &arm A MI arm , r Ina tavola amr•pb,..resqlom tare. 0. w ig !ar.. rotrhagti. I.r..irrati:iero7 . 7* * e ti, W • stri t la gat74lL. Joao. La.• ato *ard • Plate au , a. vylahy Kerr. t•Terll..4ta artni, rims. erg, Jule taatamster, mop, ea* ritulber/h, uelelaaprder, man 0 o ward, Yrt rburgb., S. Ka Im lam ru. Ilt.• Ward. I IttaMm• tIl hra. Ilegre. • A um• rtb ward. rituborgli. llograMa. hnrm. Mk ward. Yott..Arltla Log. kroreamem tarot, Mb ward. rillatmsh. rm.. Ladle.. Jr., tortsOa orral,lltrail•ft. Leta roomy. e. bon.. al. Irani, POW:OAL N. mammy, Mbar giroda. itl3 ward. l'itoMmgh. D Almarimllurbar. o geo.O.7tbood.elttab It. y. Hut,. tater. Mb ••... eht:bur 11. Arrelnekk IlAr a...a. Mb irard..ltt.b . gba Sao:VI Tvraer tarcrm OA Iliad, rittaborlr • Hata Vaasa, Wean. I trraMl. • Agbasq. .I..rba hada.. at. bon.. Ward. •A•gbellf. 0. Wm. Vac • ode. e. boo, h w Al littirista'a=°Z!.7.: Vr..14!.?;: .••17 I lint*. bar of birch, mom. Phil o Dermal. oven, oar. of tilriciabra. air. 01, admen. toe . bor. f C nalugu . s. J ILsoss, torero, br. or Wait Kra .o August al•Tos.,..na, .r. or •elte a 1 1, • *ells , boos, Our. or Lawn Vll, MmlsMiltabal•mrr.lST a, tplarr • l. Hu. y. l Nerhara taratilo. Joao.. blues. fol. tavern, nio . barna... step L0..0,10 ILL •. elrghaeoe, o•lcaadi towable. alsr. a, Yoga re. tsar, Lo -sr *1•11laT O. Ooncad mid, Mania b,•••• Loar*r 13t• Ltlata Tp a. be, tailor ,e. a. flatus MI • Ord. a Tat Mane Hoard all: it for brorlog &born trollatioa. on Wattage eltillf to lOU/ de! of a, agar I.l7.o • CAark 41. 'MORA alselr. oe Davi. ' SPECIAL MTENTION. lorded Silk Poplins. Real Irish Poplins. Poplin Alpace a Superior Black Silks. Dress Goods. French felines. J. V. 11L►uLt, Om taliali AT THE WHIST MARKET PE JOHN PORTER, el xisuraer arraarr MECIN TEA COMPANY. No. 2 13t .Stre NEW MUT FINE TEAS nw ammo raiz Tus, SELMA AT NEW YOU PRICES putssainada Wend ft Mtge cr. 44.141C1C.11.1 TEA CO., I , s. • IT. GLAIR smart axiom* • Errasusaisp CLUUIIIII FISTED yr VIM 4041.61, Hot and' Cold , _Water, &Cs, Ey expuirieel of ynttbal wertator JOHN M. TATE, Preember /nue sum outer, 07 Liberty Slreet,Fitlebargb; sad 0 Federal terse; Allegkely. I-=l:=7l SIEBERT'S NEW 818 ROUSE Sails of ate Ifeent • • Noes . .b%2 of L.aniir QM re 111414.011t0.411 . . Boots, !hoes and Gaiters, Of 02r own W. Piii, o l7 lloo " sax unalrx IIcele• k vides a •s• SCHOOL BOORS AT WHOLESALE. Coratry TlegOra ar• te sad azzah la. %me • • Masan stoe of 10011 100 U 4 STATIOIIO =l= FORSALE.. TUE lINDIDISIGNICIP will sell ALI. 0r,021 IC HALT VP A, 1111102. YARD to u 7 pm. orblilsi to gavials Um bulaius. Ilk•Tard le sew. Tirtsk 11• Steam homy. J. T.W RAY & BROS., m ra t i:6r s """°7"' -DAVIE, CLARKE & CO.. 03 WOOD ISTEILIT, eon Dtmesd anal oat. 16149. 111001101$01314:1N , VONSOI4.T. Tiltil OHM 'MI Y, 99 and 31 Dunn ,*[reds ernrawaann. Fa. ICEIEZZIM JACKSO i N'& FREW' • Caoitonoty to LOS it Oltro,) N0.119/ADIDANSII AND DLL= IN Ilarter, Truk it., iwz.v.v.trua 4...Ltignzaluva Nakdo.w. Ltgcri !Aire. /It 00010 WaroroOla. RIME - STAIR RODS , In: Bronze, Fin Gill aid Barer. WWI /stint riksiesrag. vtleh *await tMI Tod gr...ll.itanultlrddit" " r===l33 W. Ti intiumszay.„ es nuesearrsert, seie:lo l .• Ord u At:Ztr alliaus r'"4ll.Altd Fon BALE. • - 320 ACRES Good Farming Louth' . lowa, Tams eau. Goa] MIL,. ialse 0•14. *l3l ilia. lordly pnwert,s. . , • Tor Isq.hll9f • '• • D.V7.I3OTIVEC , I ME! I rliz w g , t , r4 ,. 2s . mum_ . 74, 1 1 11 V, /WI I P 911, HAT "stki• AS OMUTA WASOIN gra' a li VgrariT roagerrew • no. 'GOOD NEWS. CHEAP MEAD IN DEAN TIMER. Moire Aar lIPAIIIYe IMIT.W. TM urged M MM. 100 !MMIL .' au U ' W. MAI MI W 41.1% !IlOws NA" MILMATT ADvxivrogignorra BOOMUI AT HALT"MICE : Totnay. 86201 . 4 of tin 111001.1. g"" Deo Vs Poetical Worts. 11..ite C. motet. Wort% . Seroc`a Complete Weeks. D• Modern alritialt Lisaytits: • • . • Mann aS4 Mien% aschiteetere. • The Amelia,' Malin. °reeler. Tell4 • enclave& atala. 0 Tole. Quart°. Belem, Dietimilne tithe Nate. Vaned state. Diemmsenorr. • Al a 61.11112.11 Mennen mid L. tin illetionnuT• Antkmmer Peson'a Suelletleal Cleeloeen nun Latin y Lexicon. Tri Inenueganit Ocean and lenglisk au4 Lent - 41. • !Fleet Lite of Clizirt. Otto edged. nrksitentili Lan Utetineary. , reallit .1,441:1%. , 011bIt eranUen. Teo.. ' the Ltletalirt. a Tole. &Wei/ • In. . , 5,000 TILOBIES TO SELECT FROM. Lti t "kJhb"*. :ZaWir.Zrigt% lab an Argoltc OZIEJ: ar, BeAs. • istanaurr. of priT07i.84003.14 of all iM Ina. Mad aff• M V U altil blau, Cnosaer !bad., So. (MU •aandas Um anat. enema/riots faCetred for all the Measly lasi and inmocoa Papas, as Pabilaterr Me. 1==9123 ALL TIM LAME Ha; slues and Illustrated Papers Can always be [mud at tike BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT, !!!!!=;:r2 JOHN D. EGAN. NE • GOODS i NEW GOODS! AT 60 OTATAr ONE CASE ENGLISH !SERI:IOE9, I= AT 03 iSITTL ONE CASE ENGLISH MEBINOES 1.4 Yards Wlts AT 73 OMIT% ONE CASE FRENCH MEIUNOES. ♦T 73 azalf. ONE CASE FRENCH MERLNCES BLACK ALPACCAS, BLA.CII: ALPACCAS. POPLIN PLAIDS, POPLIN PLAIDS. BARRED COUNTRY FLANNELS. BARRED COUNTRY FLARNELS. WHITE BLA-I4H,ET6, WHITE BLANKETS PRINTS, GINGLIAIIS, TIMINGS; TABLE LINENS. CASSIAIERF-.44 CLOAKING CLOTH WATERPROOF CLOTH, Vic.. ►t lowan anittst mien. WhoWala sal 'Mall. ERWIN McCHINELL kit% las rzomu. errarar rirEl PITTBIIOII.6II IMPORTING MESE. 10111AWILIED It SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, WM AND LIMA 409 Pen Met, Pittsburgh: Cur um. turnturr 1..14 canned Rea la rope. ha* 0•10.• with smalmss.,partwated oreasp menu. with tbe tollograg Aral us 1.10 WILLER. 4•124.1.102414 1 01•• 1/ • 1 . 11•1•0114 • Co.. 1tp.0•17. •a•wWw 0 ••• tir• _ . .t U r ' 3l ' llli:lr .l ! Yd J