= - 4:~ ".. itip Rift* Gait* CITY AND SUBURBAN. Cantnetted far trisli.--John B. Wright sod Geoige W. Waters, who were arrest 'ed Banda, morninx on a charge of `shoving' counterfeit moiler had a boating yesterdst , before Unlind States COmMistioner MiCandless. Lerida , frdm Johnstown wore present, and upon' examination identified the prisoners as the parties who bad passed counterfeit 410 bills upon them, and pre sented the bills. The parties waived a further hearing, arid In dehult of bail Were committed for triaL • sag liroken.—George English, a little . hoy., who rcoldes with his parents In the • t h en toy s in company with some other boys playing. on the lack of the Alleteny, yesterday. ? iron tol a large w hale, - put"Pl It ou fg(' kttle. and ng upon it, the plank fell Q the kettle upon Eugllah's leg, causing compound fracture put below the knee jaint,- H was eonveyed to his eur hme where th e fracture womb:iced by a Lecture —Prof. W. D. Henklo, of Ohio will deliver lecture before the EduCational Association of IVestern PepusYlvaula, fiatudsv, nt 10 o'clock A. x., In the hall of the Fourth ward School House, Pittsburgh. Prof. Hhis lecture will doubtless prove interesting to the friends of education.- Crashed to U•ath.-Tnesday evening, Alleniting, while engaged In tearing down .1.110 old Pluto Creek church, near Nowrozast, In this county, was cashed bidesat tip tho wall falling upon him. The-de7l Mares a member of • the otnUich, d higy pected in the corn xnunityw ere ho resided. lobbied fu Wherllng.—Mr. Alexander Riiied,of Parkersburg . , who hod been staymg at Wheeling for a for days, eras St there on 'Wednesday night, at the fiptigg noose, of 11,fite, the iinenef bang taken from Ms pantaloons pocket, In the 'nom In which ho wits sleet-Mir. rand Dreweed.—Yesterdsy afternoon a child, about four years or ago, while playing near Bellefontalno street, Law renceville, fell Into a pool of water and .was drowned. We were unable to learn the name. :NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 11:112 , . Alliance correspondent says Cum In a while we ore called. upon to mourn the loss of a brother =idler. We performed the same painful duty today. Air= Whitacre, late of the 16th lode-- pinata:a Battery, was mortally wounded on the Oth Inst., at- Atwistr, on the local freight train. The accident was one of , that Mild in which there cannot properly bs any. Ilame attached to arty one. Vail ftmend was conducted by embers of Biefi'Grand Army of dle m Repablie." Folly, 6,000 people were present. The oallin. was taken Into the Disciple's Church, where Rev. A. Il..Way deliver ed =address of some length. warniug *am to be prepared for the change which Prune :ssalta Cleveland Herald says:. A let" Dom Stark county, In explalninghow the DeniPemcy carried that county, says: I "In Mark County every man wee visited, whether he could vote or not-" Repub• Boons would do well to take a leaf tram she Democratio book In this particular. If • man does not vete, he may infiu - mice the vote of another man. In future; : Live no stone unturned. -s-A. little. girl of als: years, daughter of st,Nr. David Atkinson, lost her life at the hottepof a relative, acme four or five robe back of Bridgeport, Ohl% by a singular fidelity. It seems that it wagon was standing in front of .he house, no sloping ground. and issdbeen "chocked" or prop- Vt.to keepaboutng down the In playing the wagon, the prop was knocked out and the wagon um down the tin The child was knocked down and run over, a wheel passi b ng overthe neck, just at the bars of ttni rain, killing her instantly. StIRSIIPic Abu sTATIAIICAL. - —Thorsen& Academy of Sciences has lately reeeived from. Richter two sPeci melts of the new metal called indium. Stay-are prismsebout four inches long; aide section Is that of a trapezium, with a height of half an inch, and with bases . respectively half an inch andthroo quar ters of In inch in breadth. A. scientific paper remarks that sul phate of zinc or white vitriol may be ratiffrateither ac'r or dt irore lving a ti orn w i u rtill ba y , lteZ;Peor blends. %lob by brign;clgc duringtb; progress, becomes in a great measure aonverted Into a sulphate of the oxyde. When the former method M employed-- as it generally Is on a small sade and In the laoratorp.-a compound precipitate la obtained contelning traces of indium. M. Richer is the drat who hasmucceed ed la hoisting this metal. It ia . gnus to cadmium, but is certainly anew metal. The spectrum of indium is. die tlngalshod by a brilliant go ras • odor; and other propertie.s some what amble those of tin, to which i cadmium also bears, a resemblance, but le rather harder. ..The two specimens are of exceeding purity. and M. Richer esti• mateietheir botal value atmore thtuttlirce thousand eight hundred dollars. • —A. workman employed in a Corwell_ cut clock Lietory has invented. time - piece which ice. iy appetrimos,like along thermometer, without, the bulb of mer cosy at the bottom. It has a glass tube aboutthmeseighths of an Inch in diem ; ter, and the length of the thermometer like trams; tide tube is amazed to the Bonn by two bands, through which the tube eaally slides. melds of the tube is another and smaller glass tabe, at ea.cb, end .of which Is a portion of memory and a scrap of blotting paper. or other absorbent material, for the purpose of tabsorblug any damp which might find I its way into the tube. About an hack and a half from each end of the inner tube is a small throat, - through which the mercury has to pass. On se e side of the glass tube are the di ' visiCos of time. The mercury in the top end of the tube is placed oppaelta the proper time, and it descends to the bob loth of the tube exactly asthe time lapses. When the mercury has reached the bot tom of the tube, the frame can be turned and the mercury set to the seam time on the other aide; and so the time may be eontinually Indicated. It le a sort of "Sorllew! a hour O m ' ' —A very erroneous idea is indulged in• ' •by many people. in relation -to the ?arra city In the world; many confi dently assert that London is farsuperior,_ both In else sad the number t h ets 111- ' babitanta..• But such is not case. Jeddo, the Capital 4.1 Japan, is, without eseeption, the largest and most popu lous city In the world. It contains the • vast riumberof 1,500,000 dwelliag, and apoo,oce of human souls. Many of the streets see 19 Japaneseries .In length, wtueb la equivalent to =.English miles: I The commerce of ioddo far exceeds that - of any ither city in the world, and the season the meat h constantly white with mils of ships. Tbelr vessels sail to . the- anthem portion of . she Empire, ~ w here they are laden with rice, tea, see ' cOsl, to woo, silk, cotton, and tropical fruits, all of which can Chad ready mar. keen the north, and then return, freak,- tad with oorn, salt, isinglass, and. earl , =a Other produeta which nave a market to the south. Ptrelnallott or TUC EAllll3.—ln the Ent volume Of Dr. Behm's “Gteogrsph.. tall Anneal,' lately published at. G oths, there Is an Interesting article on the pop. • anti= Oftbe earth. This was estimated by Baschleg in 1787 at 1,000;000,000, by label and Stein La 1800 at 0,000.000,0 39 , b7.lfarsobelmenn in 1833 at 872,000,000. • by Dietetic:l In 1058 at 1.20.00,U.000, and by /Seib tole% at ixo,ooom nr. Bohm estimates Bat 1,95000,000. thus dlstrlii ate& Europe • 281,000,t00; Arlo. `00.•, 000,000; Athenian and Polynesia, 3,0•50 • :000; Africa. 108X4 000 : and America 74.- , .A 00,003. At the same time acknowl • apes that it is inmcwsible to arrive at ' anything more -than On approximate notion of the population In LIM sed All - 101. *bare behrg no census or other saturate meant of ascertaining the num. her of Inhabitants in those continents. —lt Is announced that to such wonder. - fat extent bas the engraving of teat ob. Jots for microscopes been carried, that a', Prussian artist has engraved limo upon glue so clear toged er that upwards of, • . edghty thousand would go In the apace I _of an Inch. Several aeries of these linos • ' were engraved upon one clip of glass.' Sy than the defining power or any ob. Jecbglass could be ascertained. Ls teat ,objects they are equal to, and even rival ; - many sutural objects which have hither. • to non employed for thin purpos;. The dedicate .11nes are not more than the one onebundreth-thousandtb part elan inch —David Forbes, F. R. S., baa commo n/Wed to the Chemical Sore the results of his analysis of 'specimens of blister • steal, which will be examined with In. • • tenet because analyses of such steel are • a fi re and 'edam found In chemical • , works. The per. cent. results are as fol lows: trots, tream carbon. 00 tublocd. emit grapidtle carbon, 0.102; mange nem, 0.120; silicon, 0.030; eulphar, 0.001. No tram of phosphorus was toned, - al thourrigemrch was mole tea it by several different :cathode. • new American Invention is a dining said bUllard table In one, 'They oar be made of say style . or she, and . . idiom the tope ale on, 11,07100 k like very handsomely carved dining tables. Xestoovin ßy tops, a billiard table le pre • seated, and . by the tinning of a lever screw st {Wind, the whole sorfam of the tableaus as nalibrntly raised lwred . •to a Weal° ingt4N 3 laYera. T b.table is BM ea Mien, noway, andcomplet• as WY other,, sad teas %agar Lai . —A woman in Detroit his boon arm" o& tor ornaigling Unit' her stockingd r2nt, . . rth Carolina tha women carol Dana In their itookings.—Balcigh Pro- gn u._ N°Wng sroaderral. The ladles of Fer. sphe carry calves In their st9clLiags--. es - ient And one of oar ladles merles her WIZ in hers.—Beau °smote reiat. The ladies. In this esstion, who sympa thize with Andy Janson in his fight with the Radicals. carry V.toes in them, 'which are very seldom passed over their heads.— rinorsines San. All the women down our way carry splendid elegies (legs) in their stockings. —fienhicky Fars. The ladies bete all carry 'eels (heels) in theirh stocklngs.—St..To Vindicator. Down this way some at them not only carry calves in their stockings, but they also carry bran to fatten them.—Mexico Messenger. - • We do not know what the ladlei of this section carry in their stockings, but we do know that theycarry rats and mice In their hair.—Mambersburp (Pa .) Repos-dory. —Bererawskl, who attempted to eases- I elnate the Czar, has just arrived at Tou lon, and been assigned hls place among the mass of hardened criminals who are ,usually collected at this French penal establishment. As soon as he arrived, be was clad in the red Vest common to all galley slaves, with the green cap worn only by these condemned for life. He was the first of the gang to which he was attached called upon to receive the chain of infamy, which be Is also condemned to wear lawny.. The larger ring to . iced around the ankle, to which a henry chain Ls riveted by a smith. I lie, with a number of other criminal ;1, will embark In a few days for the French Botany Bay, New Caledonia. 1 —The recent diucovery of a laze de posit of animal and ;belt marl in Prince George's county. Maryland, turns out, upon ,arefut analysis, to be of greater value aut a fertllizerthan any other marls. In fact, it Is asserted by competent judges to equal the best grades of guano, and very extensive p reparations aro being rapidly perfected by the owners br the property, the Maryland Marino; Marl Compeer of Washington, to commence trade In thearticle. The romaine or ire manse sea turtle and other leviathan-a of the deep have been exhumed, an well as vast quantities of shells of is hitherto rare audcompamt/velyunknovrnspeciee: —The Pacific Railway Director:, it is reported, have resolved to use petroleum as a Mel for their lormnotives. The coal discoveries reported on the line or that road may bo exaggerated; but area it correct. it will require Umo to work them Properly, and a ,ettlercent oYthe Indian troubles, ao that •mining nperationa will be safe. It la represented that one loop motive can carry sufficient' petroleum, without infringing on the room news wiry for freight and plasongers, to keep up steam for a run of a thousaud.miles. Beatootruso in the Paragnaian war does not seem to be any more successful m a means of gaining information of the r A d enemy's movements than it wa daring our war. It is recorded that in the Brazilian army a balloon has a sev eral ascensions without any . t -what aer. Eseti time the balloon ascended Marshal Lopez. the . Paraguayan cora noinder, made a great fire, which covered his camp with. a cloud of smoke, and thus prevented the Allies from seeing what passed there. —At Sebastopol, the English burial grounds of soldiers that fell daring the Crimean war extend over narty wilds of country, and are one hundred and forty in number,-but are falling into decay. The graveyards axe wild to be ao overrun with weeds and brambles that many iambs are no longer visible. They are under the superintendence of tho British Consul at Bench, and there is a general demand in the British papers thut they shall be better taken cure of. —Levi SPllman Ives, formerly the Protestant Episcopal Bishop of N'onil Carolina, and an emincl t philanthropist, died at his residence, near I , iew York. on Sunday, aged 71. Bishop Ives was tome years ago converted to the Catholic faith. when Ma ministry in the Episcopal Church ceased• At the time of Ms death be W. President of the "Society . for .the Protection of Destitute Catholic Chil dren," in Now York. —lt is represented that the liberated Russian sere, ail over the kingdom are making good use of their liberty, stud rapidly chief; in the scale of htunan ex istenee. The masters, though at first diesatiefied with the Imperial Ukase, are becoming , oonvinbisi of its justice and wisdom, and master and slave now live together upon harmonious terms, as freemen. _ The yesidenee of Mr. J. Smith. Mr. S New ark, was visited by burgiars on Thurs. day night T . hy ;Mined MOM to the bedroom in wh e irls mith wig deep- tog, and niter thoroughly ransacking carried hi. pantaloons Into the rea.ryard, and after takingout u large tam snin money, left wnthere. NEVit thIMPII% : . (X)o-tetf,14417:791.74;71Silte; trii11.0711.40.71,1:1;0r eon , . P. tow Ppe'letc by . tpth Isale , gl""" % . ..lrOlgarrEC,. Bireal/P. API. pc OM TO WHEAT GROWERS. EBBEILI AIifiIONLVIED BUSK SuperThosptiate of Lime. MIANIIIPLCTUSE.I) 87 THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER CO., SEIVARD & cs.urnimr, 1 : L. ate, Of Penn fit., l'lttabergh, Tim Va W ae l& lMtat .a tarrasnfi t P f Wa rat m the slam:tact Oar raising tam amps at Moat. BM f a g Oats. roltoloo, aa. We 0.14. ;maniac° far gratuttaas iitelitatiaa IMELOOttleonttOttr tototosOes Spa Iromitro ststeseuli Ot tnu It O. tiltsir. teatime( Wal pm ol ita• to an pflottOS ot thelf ocArria. ROPM & CO., , e...aetaioss L Z.. Y 301.91.11. Artat. ILLSOBACTXIIIIi36 Of FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL OD OFFICE FIRATITHL 10. *Smithfield Street, ENTRILIBUINIE, • Ark till sleortanut of DLL* burnt• liusbor in wren ru.termattnreatainanif on tann LOW/GBT 011111 rs. . - wiraza.•-wx. 66*OnInto :..11111116 WILT eldat:•118 08011116,4 CM ISIELATIATO TO sicr i tiZ A . riritwoZAVAnNidad tos Mod . god rannotos Coedactir ne/Wf PWW_Of Oen, rt Urged worWwww - TW Teat. n. tenon dr 4.6.4 1.0 •tl• • Cola baron Os di sae of the &Werra.■ e! w• etty, or toterferlnd with. IR -1 ‘ l r tllifel,t l ..:" l :l;olriOrglralglLWA t V l _ l , ...te•• V /LIU. Ts•cOzpb: ohs I tr , Inc. toss Slower swat . ..tn. Inc. I bat owr qtrs. wto 0211 be Total rt Orin ff . .7021.1" IVI/11•15 , 10 • P ..r•trt‘wo_. by toed not Was aosa ere nor ow. odor donor,. WO ■desaylt o I pepovit enrol be cereal tads shad adz 411 * hero 3. That oarytton roy , ne o ler or weer ao..gtny to W eYoe room Wet MO, and tw Is•pift• II• 7 1••4 1, 1 , 1•0 k•WI Wm Yoruba coo• ro nitre to do so, ball be two not lene to 44 ts ar wore than torynty•tve doll o, &IV b e ee~lltaret4 Ili amill:dt. der the yr...WIWI ',Attn.; of ,V o gi,l,,Z ItOoll be entitbro to towhee theme doona d. 1-epteOrnaf Sane aW.d4WWWlrewory or the M grdattme pent flatted Into f taw 101 t the late AnI""""4 : 1 1Zi:1 1 UltragTatIll. AA'S"' b a lien= i fir;OL en in innktodel damson ' ea I. 4, 4 1 . 11 2 1,V.W' l jeinir‘o ed.P.ll. c o A ramiun BUNGS. ABESTOONG, BRO. & CO lEmbalm. talWbolual• Pula:sin MACHINE CUT CONKS, Au . Tape, Irbil' Mos* Mai &WM TRIMILMSS, w.. &an ise. & W Third St.. PIM)OWL JOHN PECK, OUIWIENTAL HAM WORatn AID PIIVIIYI<ti. 9$ ►oartl•wntioto tow Cm Wood. Plitaba r n: ettrin.. lITL I FYI . 9 Oink= %WU* T rad DO0711 " Cook Wto - glivoanto Ism B MWS* Sod irtratliouDl .1?z• tow. , 000loor The sasolot in . Sop 1,41 wiry dull today. sad wttli sway ' tad &nand and ilbural so. rlrals.prioessulidest id bstudied &startups Compared with lust Wildt..howster, odt,u hate soda:pas to Iguotalds shuns. milled from 6so WA lot Km leek Sop. sad 1 to it VIBE lICREMISII . E. or • saw glinj; .., 11•6iroo 5 Tskyles sold Sil hoot o l llso . ' - -.— . ... . Mots It Ito. at at Si tO 0 tdif aOo as Os aims. w 1 la all pstattags aullosialsujus. .1141. let to 80 "" 4007 " 1"""" 4'14 AlOttante, t • ~,,,,- , en le Weamer,Othret lb 0•. - .10)0 IQ to E. In , suss= maim. Idmith at IX . ' • Mass a u.sfildts sold TI kart to Qolaii to 1 Ms ' 16 11";1••1 • •••• /Um' as •Aloitss Salsa to 701/108.4 BAWL & 111101 TB, .ditam:mmrtmecowin. I'VT(MINAM . MirmWl4° PS; [I; itakierz. MIERID 800 us wool St., near camel of Mi. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, • And Conpons, • • Sonsta and sold oa liberal was. Wand sold in all tlnk D<7anlatl dtla. of Marons. comustoN OF 7-30'S. tee are acne prepared to convert the SECOND MID THIRD SERIES T-ao's LIMO VIZ New 1867 640 Gold Coupon Bends. JAMBS T. BRUT d► CO, • kaki it foutsat Satthiel. Corner Fourth & Wood Stroeta. IBA B. Keil! & CO., sae:waxers. LID DlllllO 111 COMM? BMIIIII3, Car. Folirth aed Baletlield Straits. tVlAn ,b al 8 47 a f , JwaLey astouvl slim Man la 5 2O BOXDO or isal, 0144M111111 GOLD at 615.0 aN. /Ma th" d " ° ' lOLA IL llelr Cr a OD. FINANCE AND TRADE. Corm on rya rroiroseillearrrs, TIIIJaaDAT. (WOW 17, Gel• I Gold opened to the Art0410E1;01 tho oPelr ot • the boarlost hot gredullp ed. UMW As Malmo proceeded to ugh, and alased strong. Thus Ss ► I►r{• shod lot►rat outsta.M.l. vat& than to ►t prae•t 60 vcapect a avaing asisw 1 4 4 • 44 0 . 1 " 41 / 4 or the able dtspatsass asswina • h.‘7 nos' b bonds and 4:annals, Win poxchsawi • ere mods. It Is J unt two weeks slaw., that tt'.=MM=3 from dtaturbed otaftdattee to our national b. aunties by the Gamut beta holders It wu als• ettolra that yowl. nOl . O time Was required to 4444 earn thate sffsatleg lettstfesa .anew rttle. Uwe fte the Dashed Sums. The molt of the Ist. eleoUon has rowed that au.plcdone and era aunt be prepared to redone mom or [ Una of our bohda bald Th. dethlas of . • . ear son:rates is Europe has also aerostat their quotattoss I. kNew York. ands destine took puss afro= o% ptreaat.• Th. stook market is famish, tad all but 011400 soaks are yerl . dull and lower; area New York Cantina, Etta sad 04 Northwest. em shares could so Mayer tm systalsed. Fart Wayse Is ealsw par. and Attains stocky EMSZIMEiI CI .Log Now York pilotikleas ma: NW bj Pk. B. 11lorlsorark as lanolin: , Gold, 141eXtrell's. NW' 1.10.'4981. 111,4; MU, 1.0 IM %; L, 103)a Akaamals.lClSM; 111141 s, Wosi; T-s;. 1.4%. Cl•veland PlUabimitt B. B. Ulf morattonta Nolan Exproos ........ —...• %titers allot • Plu•pargh rod Warn* i Ut•••Ito E. ••• NONSlnnt•ri RaUe•ab-0131.141....... • 46)S CfOrth•re•l4lll—ptatin.• Naar Tata Itgas BOOaUnutia•t ... .. 1114 Ue a and t Mush t app Cuiaais 1116 on Q.dadti kith " fie .1(110,7 6 16 quielualver —.— —The 'Mutter Department will disburse, oo the first of the latmentog =Mob; about twenty wren otillicots In gold, as Interest cm -Five ['twenty bands. This le the Tamest atom= of etwele that has eyer been paid for may half rem'. lutes-eat. Piwattly a gamier or a MIA ollt to due oa bongs held sbroadi but with the rates at which ferelta mtehmege hot 101017 rayed none a this gold is Dtell to go out a um country. A good deal of it will undoubtedly be reinvested Eire. in more of our newithies, Mid ea mush of 11 as is not will be turned into enteltoga. The eccomulaOos of gold in the, freseury la matotaisted at scat a swat Oyu.. and Ls so micatintly losomaing to volume. that ores to itew of the dieboreemeitu to be swig, the Secretory of the Tressary to enabled to .ell about his aWdoun reoelpts. mot thug rot- Jags the present, 00 the *whet. Ms Wes, however, have bisii Mote for the iftepose Of obtalniag 06066667 than for offeetiot at. Mt pointy quotation,. The Wawa/ November totem:et will turniett a goodTuipply of epecle for serviste. : —The east mid wagers road. mat tif Mew. et the &Wend dais, are now eel oylog a eteh harvest of business. end have boot to lugs re. wipes aloes the. middle of August. We las three roads as examplea—the Chicago, Bar , /loran, and iltdael, tn. Manage, Anaa, and St. Loam ona the °Memo sod Nock 'shad. ibe ills le new esentna se the este of 11 e 00 pet nat.& OW Upon ita napitali arm wand at of the rate of 1141112 per .ant. par imam. 110 dlvflood Wog the omoi as the Nock 'alma. le - , par cent. s year to omit The Rock lelsod is now undo/ at the armee rate of 20 ver cent. The net earning o of ea nod Tate tho vow of le per east. for ths teat Slb soothe of -.moot gaol vat of the eamPoo7. mhrtl _ _ September Inn alllno. The late:Text arid Inn ' chance ling pili oat et lb. es:nen of the lest Ulna swaths el this tern. The floe per can. coati Widen! and three per ma, Minna 00101,00 to nun. wows Pao node Waren the den el July sad Satt, of LSesagethett seal gladly after th. (Oat of tha , am Lhasa's* fanalla tp lOU oa the trails of the Ilan et Au. --The TrasseuT ot noahlenum. aad the Vol. tad Wean Asslnaat Trams. at ltenleora, en peeping! to aesspt Sinn Vann. of the Jam or July Was to gin manna, for the Ina Tarantino( lam or, tt pretested, the Me tgrentlas of Pa% narglen latenit woo the bond. ft m July I to date of naveraloa, at 1 • • coat la earraary, sad enemy' the sowed Wend on the Innen Thirties. —The Padhatalptila Ledger, of Weehanday, ma: Ths large dry goods house, la the shy, of Jag Undone' de M., steppe.. Mona en Saturday Las. The ern. It to understand, have an ansasnasat with than franten 11/1400 to. aide:ono., ea anon. 11 anoint to, non.wlel probably eanUaaa talatagas. L . Amon fate. de. 'opened Pestanip—• L law dry goods bOtlhe, 0. 5.0.. t area. A. la 100 other Milan 00:04014. =nod tee input. yes 0. a tugs amend ea maroon of - untamed osmium xxvir-"Tovic mammy Clwriaa ay 'hi Pertalrosaa GataTent Tagagnag, lbetobar 17, 1007. i 00170.0. The Luau., lbw bs eattl• wan 10191 7 Wm tut week, bat the market yap a moth bardw one nowenhataadlag. Us arriraia VW* lin. wally largeould with • distatehad demand for etoekenb-whiat hat has =a nal. fastw• °Me !Whet , 17w sown woaths past—.oloo of Utekaselnat Innitra hating withdrawn. Dew. for 1111. pattlaWar wadi of WSW wiled lower Own law soak. fang 1.11 i Kat bar (000001. Prima In Oniilre 110100000.10 is gaol ?Wei maw: gad 01 halted .apply.widow 1 wane gaunt, gwag Waning steam suitable Loin tailing In the waters . marbp7. gold ruddy at ) 101 1 IMAM 107 Word I to 710. and ona 100044 Woes of very nies Deaden lii. Stothwa. l add be % g e to e d b ig y . lWa aos o o n all t t o y U aa m t o w on le d a l . i b o e n rd . w Th a a t trona iafalltrd lapwinga port 71 its wt. tor We week: badges a Tag lor odd 10 Wad atneken to Goltent at 4,11.1 al Dead MAN Mad to Abysm •Om st 4,0. I c ed wad ae o n . e to Todd at 4 010 k W dwe weerlabel 11074 w Www, rei PO; 17 tilted ammo tdorhata, 11710nent7110.in was 1(07.1. at 49(1 a 1 O.W adze Wad to Miller, st 0,91 h If bze Weft eint 1;%::41.41'1,01mcr riff.l% 08i •AI *irg sums; 1144 at Ti 19 head to radish( Woe* sums. at 09;49 had good war& ataew, awrae ' lr g a :41.'11.'994y =ld 19 head of wanton awaken to rt.thgast at 4yit CI twad to ktow a thaw ford al 000 par bawd 9 41104 11.4 9 *wet at 4100 par had ISS had or gaud strOpro fur 40.0410404, Jo ZOO, at 0,00 14 had e.o.m. awaken Pa Idowees,is Woodward, at 4.44{ II Dead tot Anderana, tt . tdaLtdie. l at dial W bead e..l*ool.3oll.VerettiL itn + l.l4 "loo EldI T : 17 ; tiAttaddr at CBI; 9 had to alma rev am at 0 79017 bead tor Waimea to Ileadaraort, at 41 IS 04441 tor 117501 it Sceady, to Slaw, at 149,1 brad for IluldWa 10 /9•Atola al 5 • Orrenwala a East sold 129 head good 'wag 010000. demigod 1000 fat 19. llor.w. ~9 Hew der & Co. at 091 71 bea d V oooloo o i.an l a. .131g11114° 41 1% 11,1 , F.k.. to Todd, 40 bad of 1,2k...tem it 350 1 hiOl i lO r "lAdliTtogrltlfilgiitigt Ali ." , " V 2.,40¢11.60 Walls b Prima 0 0 Mural 0 re. twww. at %lotto 0 xtra fat botioth at Orow4 one SU towtut Fitenatulda at IX. Yowl wr atdd il higel of MOW wale to /tali h LW. •) 0 Abwroe 1010 61 , 7 , 71 4179 bawl 11 4. 61 90 Gil thi Crud to Todd, 99i+.°1"X" "7114019 to U i re u 7 Tarr. 19 1104.1.4 1 4 7:. 4 . 4 ii „ . WO. a d t1776 67 brldigal. Polly to atedienbete ' 0 er.211 bowl at I i 8601•39t1 to Wallow.. want. lidwg tO Um duld4l9 at e9i. Ciare lirattstiVot 0 41 017 a t. 3 0. a' b*ad a 1 mu, good Ist tattle, waltbwg.ll 9 . l7ll . ol Ef deu,bea to AtiOrlaht, IS 9101 at a%, Sttatuutt I to huotheelubwindnd w o l ku• .1 " r. at '''' don to Itoth SI het4 or Apish aattJe, wthibiall I WAN at las. 1 ~ iJato Wait te Timer. 115 hull eteekergealloW Nbw. to H 0414 1 44, 14 bead of !atria ahhudait Ot i alt. Vain, rt:t r.p., 1r it :A": 164. Catoybeh to Otani... head ' ett a Wob sat to Drvathand,to had Wotan at 16 rah 741 to Wentead at gig Fleming to cameo st 64. Hoeal 90 kt am p: CO. he a d ead good Oo' dersou Ur n, lv 61 lot ..,u, its 1 , 4. Woldas to Wayne, 11 hood Dollo ~,, 48 , owed.* to Lamle., zi at 6% No aslant to Nanderardb a head at etc Hun,. tomrossoll liaa 01 goo D ata.. datum ... 4.4 ' 1 .10okert •• ' • "1717141,11.0•44 bawl iinaktra 4S 3 is to S aIL 3. b arsrla to rib. if . ba:r at a aaa wa Is &sines, Leal of tau . warn: ISM% ssMets,i. $.274 at 440, iiam far PISMO' to saiiwis. 2a he►o ►e ett. ilat;alaikil Si aniarta.ti{.4o wan ... to j otiiii r ot 1 ) 454 It., to aid:fir Em- • : e : 'LILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1867 JAMS DALZELL & SON, 69 awl NO Water . Streit, ' LOU OIL MANOTAINTOMEA ' CUMB Asa dell Ort = 01741. J. COMM iansp:usnts We warm* ow 70.1 Lard 01.0 ml. to the best .rtze attune Mat e = propos to sell se low Wawa or t• Mob Our Newer 441 et Lalnteelor teams to acello3. r as gIEVo a L + 5 t og os r " t a l I 13 bnad noir twatest. to rinma•eaaroaore wawa: Lord OH Irons tho - Woct. • • fmt: (Mitt & Co; at Vdi t 4 for Taylor to Koldoller at 6dt LI for Ittahlto dtatrk at 490 t 24 ler C.fO7r to ami ti p o s 00, .e coin [az DiaCorkle to Halllgars • Co. as 6.8114 02 lot Taylor to elanekara at WI 4110 for- BM. to 018011 • Co. at 11,10.41 for Wolf to P+deak at dam in for Ooelttefl.to Pidaoak at OP; IT for gidak to Pottlrar at VOL T. P cm booths 111 head from BlDget sis hoffo4; lot from ()mina at /VIM from Campbell at 11,2421 fromPalne • Oa at ;Noll from Emerlek & Co. at 454; In from Porter at 0,74,10 from Graham at LW Imhoff & Mager bought from Smith at 2d0;110 from OM* er at T 331 II from Beane at Min (rata Fr , end at TA II from/Learn. at demise from Stott & Seely (man) at 111 at from lieodenton at T)f 311 from 8.11 a s.dy 6—frktm/1411 from Thomaa at nil 41 trota maul at 1)0100 from Grahams as TMk Salppad 4 doable auk* of Primo Chlarldo HOP—ooto/h1 lei there. mm Tbsre M ire improvement to note In the Sheep market, nor la it likely that there will he until the arrivals fall off materially. The receipts tau week were not num:only lane. but the demand wee hardly' ru pto the standard, and with tudayorable rezone from Pluladel• phis, buyer., mutually, Imre asking ter Coro cession& The very bat Sheep mold at from 414 , to 434. while common sad Marko soli darn Osman. The (Oilman* is a panial re , pott of the utast f : -. , • ,•: , , Hedge. la ?sitar 11l liaatt to Pratt, tweaking 11 'at aye; 107 teed ream Slap. not very fat, otI416; 98 hood to Prdroalr. averaging M. at 2,10; Li 9to Svolgltttr mash* 8 4 01 4 . 001111 to Maack, averaging es . toommoota* at heat MO to came. alteration 71, at Vol NO to same. outraging IT, 05 139; IT Shoop sad Liatbo to iam.. syertglot 711, at IS C II to tame, 9Versl. nn 70. at 219;91 bead to some, stentzlnig SO, 05 91199 flood en•op to Mayor. I Co., arttoglot n 90, OOO 50 FL Detteleh, nvertang 1 1 at ' k ki w i Llord,:averastne le, ot 2,611„ . lota I Ltfferty cold 19/I hood Co. Stahl to PI e, (vary common) at II59; tat for Cate to 115 14 atliK; EU 1100 Stattl to Rao', 9,919919 g 79 at 1%1011 10 Dllle,r at 3H-13 ,T $0 fo. PII Mot a; 0)4; 3 37 for Dougherty to Polemic a!, - • z 4 Rawls bought 141 • had," 000101012 i, from floater, trafghloa rip). at 1: 171 Imot South ard. overman 11. at 114;414 good Shoop from O. Robloana, avorag 11, .t 45(;444; 82 from (H A. Ottli 1 11=1:00 h a peg r . frontrurry et I. itettitat bowltt tomf, aretnitts 101. 11m, at a. I= Oyster. of gate Prrre.nan Garpred roasu. tletoar O . UV. • The general market. are q. but attar, ad while there la • fair voltam of henaes l the aggregate, thu incaution as • general thug are of ea unimportant aharatar, ant prima bare undergone no *hag* multhhl'el steels' natio. DRAlN—Wheat la Una sad to good - dasuud and blither; we have salsa of adze realm lied repotted at. 111,03. Oath 1. Mead! but ambits, ged;aals of a sass, to to east, at V,lO. Era 1. ars, at 1t,110,Z1,53. ' Batley to allots weak, but n in Innwsol ....Ott... to 000 " prime Spate; at 111,30 to ant toads, and VAIN 1,10 in rola lit.. Oats la stoelara to demand ' but Amer as Cerro ea trash, aO4 Vbi 4 .tote. FLol:llt , ,Tbare la • coat sued - Yale, local demos, sat *W ethe ' itatitat la, 1111.14, 'ists an irlthimt quotable slum. We co. Lunn to quote at S11.15011:4 . foe SPHog Wheat{ forZirlater Wheat, sad 513014.50 lot faun tuthda• Bye no= quoted PROVISIONS —Swot le An but un ob•sdod at Whelk tor Shoulder.; ITOIk for Bibbed ead Clear Plant We tot nolo Sager Oared liales, sad f 102130 tor Caursaeod do. Lard may he quoted 'at 114Millkh mufi Men Pork at OhbOlpfS. • • APPLES—The miner Is well !applied, deed, la pretty well glutted. wd. aa • eoaes queues, prig.' ate tooling &onward. We cos quote at 102(114 par bid. for Um to prim. BUlTEft—le la better @apply pod rather doll aboagb unottaegedt ere eoculaue to quota et Idea& for hub Daokod. and adiitate for prim* So1L• EGOS—The demand Is fah eat with WY mounts snivels, fresh peeked hay be quoted Ihnt et Mkt CIIZETE—Ta arm, with a stsady &amid awl an Ha :span regular matt• at Itelot U eardlaS to pa.lity. HAY—I. Heady but uattoutptd—salaa Iron aourdry .400.11 St OHM pa too, avaardial to guilty. OlL—Lard CO la arta, with riardar salts awratarterer• at He for 2, aadil.tt tar Mat. . -POrLTO6S—Nor J.ciay+Blttat.' art Palat kola la • mutat way at OS per MIL. 0,793/3•31.31 , 1. 1 114 , f , ./. l q 3. F, 01/1011 a Yam P1T5.1711.0 • theism, Ilanava October 17, Ise. • • 011IIDE—Tbe market le quiet_ nod a Mlle dull, especially for ream deliveries, bet prises wn seabally web/eyed—es lave but a eirs. siesta fa report, tell tbetuand barelleforeli the, smash option, at 1.134. Spa other abide the supply a Leta end Wu steadily radueed: ts still bald at tie, wit* eaten at 1534/i:S4 per lam a N understand, here about te ty. Eve thoossad barna in teak. wadi le laid at teal sad el prasat, fella ell that we a& learn, &thee tare wilt bay It. With tle toresplate of what is in the baane of relleas,this le about all the °Ulises is in this maiket a& tales* lbws la a bulk re., altd the, tobi tear soon:it is probable . that Deputy also& Maned to will get ,Spelt polo.. ,Au already mantled, there is little& tois*Olrtfoll - for ward deliveries, width is quite natural at tau particular &ace of the year. REFlNED—Theetathel for bad& oil was Mae ".07,0" leder. Ueda thateilesseeef the unfavorable theatre of the &ilea nom &rt. tarp, and prase for , early deliveries ase a abed, lower. We set report sake of leo bias ° l a easte 94 .b i a epb nke se p l i n tar e a esaber 2 for sad Danaber a WO, and We, IMO each for De. amber, Jaariary. Teener, wad Xarels at 07u The pear& impauthe ben is that prime will not dell& very moth Until Mere is • panes• ton of narlertiott, and Ma math reeireeleull. no tatter vast muse the foal& Mabel! am mesa; mai yam oraargall =POT. Go, LT .I,Wa ts6ot4 to L. r•mg Is 4 o 4 4 10 W-344Wafilea Pauaapea. . . J.. MU . . if do do JO Irwin. ;Mt 1tr.04 Pialatelota tirocks lightnliss &Co., le to do to W. P. az =Tamp "ma IT a. Br um a Warta, ta tairatasa to Mutat. Itiat corbilsa Oe.. PhilneslDatt. , X•t. Etat! ptd• P . dit • do to F.... uorutlf. - oi Dthronit a aro , do do to .0 Dation]. Oa. ItUltittlptila. • P . toTtrti Ben. • • 00., tilde 40 so r. A. Du mont I Oa, Philadalptd• X—li•ttesek • Ca,* ao a* to W silos. =NI * Vo,PatakaPpaa• ' - ° Vim/t i lt . ** do do to trattitg, tc.aus a 11. droo., tdo do do a Waal, KIAS ;= ;"i'4 : .14 4"4l" tgl •L BlTtaat7l 4-61:te. l Ilc=..3.;ri ,44 iia bae 1011?; 001.5 of IMltales. a 140 Mr mats dlinguplamts. 0011 =Mots M.= bats retale:martsk l 71 ow =Um ved - 1011103 km= sales of 3.100 S i barrls, at firGl.lo fur mow elL.o..4l,oolfOrr"sh. aM.IgIIVI. llour =lest; rboulpts lark. sales = tlitro dut Id= e r zr m u7.343 3 ne.511 bgbt mailiett ' make lind 31 low= orkate eat= amount s I n linit•Or, able, itltb malarial isflrstton -In limits; or 2 mai h.lb, L e. VA PT.'S. 3 soda a t 1f r3Ol~ tor fro:lido Pitt 01.11101.11 tar RO. Wr u legmtf:gr i /rhtrlattate; sales of 7= blab a.. stern 01 P. 111110, mareety so ilmst mom of MOM What. 111.33 01k3 Cada= West, SIM fcrr best, bam. Contromelota 77,4133, market (1011 and and to lowan sales 011 1 :001mtb, giom. t o tatted. =atria In mare Ws; =AP* At SIM alidat. ' OLGO for oldishtts Southern.. Oaptremnots, tu7,14114 less active and mammy so Omni sales of 13,00 bus at 1923M30 for Weaudn. Bice doll; Carolum-3 ado. Coffee fgt&C":23lega b iltt!` P iirixe , I:l,lssactscAllebb ttabadatcrlite.'llr tidal= firm , atlleTr erode an c alo f a r Mlle= bonded. Pork meetly; solo, MUM qn. at $11101322.37 - for mess. oloslng at 13.1. M 01.0 tea ,111,91eva,10 tor prime. Beef qulsk sties at 113 bids at orpidons PllOOl. It llama palmy sales of tibia Western at Ito. Ilmon steady. Cut Bests 40111 .0.101 ,{1776 itvt,ify.2%„ll,l:rxpd - urgtm , boll at IP olilf Numb tidos at 1414 e. 'nutter in uonet amused at 10013 a for MAW. Cheese steady no 110163. 11.1013 as, tr3?7,21,.;1g;111194:0 15'4:40"1, ! ! •,. 4 1 1 . 012 , ' 44 . 1 -411./.—P°:7);.l) end 100133 101111. Woest =IL hes and 101571 310. 8 0,18 333.kb Su. 3 M... 1,141 31.1.. I strong al. PM mitdtrattamr3, o 4 - Fil . ol.7o;:_°"&f:i doll sad heavy at .01441.41 for geg.t4 to orkng =lnd western. Pork dfoldedly humeri aof Itr.o bol o. r.150027,111f In matt anoreffular;alOsturgn arab:oft rex • Beet.quiek and • bean. BM Meats nominal. Bacon nomlnally unonansed. kitZlirm4l rkTite'renner. r far - 00 Wt.. = . 1111. _illeplase. Totteraort to ,lso IdttsbereCdeutto4 it. logo, October 17.—Tobecoo native and low grader nigher. Uolton quiet, se I.IXB lee fur Wed mop ]leaf very Ilnas th ou* cod We, beef blebere.soperdoe. VAC ex. tre. • , fp litSPlZ4Frible do., voodoo. whet Amy 70 fat .htiMitreOatocle fur red; sprlott de WV& corgor, but Inactive:. tknignii.tstateurm.. :pr id e..., arm. 1,131-active, A tar oholc * v ar "' i tgativ i Vi runanb.,togs oarx iimenunit rim Bumoi .tA ider t tatt i er erre& a VW, plain hum 10 Lord very as* uaahaeseL, Receipts— , flour,./.05.1bb1a, wheat, Cu banes, ecru, ou bus, onto, yeoo btu; rye,v :_,P.91 boo. le cab* eleet'lel7 arm. Tlitatilrerh nt DinPleriUttrdihurealweauskue•t Ih7 i • New Toex.Petheerri:—Dry Goole—Tears Ina fear btunnesedotng, idtbeard: the et ethi seri repellare lithect material chantre.The .Vottoil IRMA go aro tedliCod tall4CoiTulearOtS Mew otheout osil th g res l % De l L l a N_ no a d t u l le k dcolth e u Rs ,_re but, Woolens are Woe no odd prated* lode, et low cutest etlieelmay hum aiyles. Barn* Osestusereside selllncleru s tea _ture . Clibiapre Caine Itasimil. Cat T 014,11411 La tbe ellsavalk gentle.) chnassee INC 17.41• e t. Galls 40=1 =IQ Wroargrer, *MATO lot cloloe. Bec•lptio-7/036,01111. Mudd Natters ira New York. ea, 1.40 f. • EBYlogript to the nn.wa 0 0 6 " , ./ an You as. IT, 1E67 . .. ut 7..9strutegtdeow4tlreuroPervet•flarorn‘unnt ' Outs bills. Gold firmer. opealug et le, ad vancing to 1.44%. sad olOslairel. 04.%..1 OOTZMWMIXT. tioramment stooks s sha d ylo w e r u , e d u o d .I.irleaPiid d0.V,1:94, '1 {pelf 0 01 .0 010 41 dr. , 07. ies=r i ortlos, Ila treou•Thir lies, 101X1 t 4 1 05 .1 PA .• • , 1110 , 716,.. • ' Stocks ~,,,,,sod us per. cont. lower, but ereequ.ensotly lutimpc.rovogerer.dclit, ,ose2wreieleValsii " Pr " l.6 ' eM V A'"ric l ."="t= 64(.0641au1tai I.l=7Arroess. y . , ~... 991 Qulokellx.r,/ ~0 1r — s e , utlardl IriXelll7%; '4Utercsnracciii-TeligrAntp.3:4o3ls4; New York Coutod.flgell M UON,%44 g tr III1deno,11701ES: ewalulru. .s • i . 0 CorGtudes, 9p,41126141 St. Paul, 44Y,. do. pro. ferred. ' sstp, atentsau Central; . - 1 . 01elle; !nt h . 4r; Plitsabhue7l; tat 3 4 1 1 ° du ro t i Mk lloot Island. et,G 43 _sl new. :51iGiefG Preferred, 11714069; ors Wevne, 99140e1x, NEMO SNAILS. The Sololog market ts dull and wrier. ere r Edge 111.11,40 Greseg. eeo4 Bestth andiarrolse.s3o; Gre7d.u. aGni letuteell. 195; Eldorado. IJD;i7Oltod sums retroteuso, MO -Bp.,7lllWlolnr ,11a.1,111. The receipts st the rieb•Tressnrc re-der r.re sihirelert . 2 . 079 ./ 3 / 1 ire l• (nalAti 6 • ll IST TetiMuch wths Pittsburgh Ussett.] theorsithr. Out. 17.-41mM very dull but VSTr e rft tin Lill p..= lretilf'd g 1,41 63. Core d ell end print Waghnedy lower:No. 1 mixed 111,03 k ear Oa th m tale deemed staffs for Do rlaex . 1. Bandy dui uod ol doder lane race firm at $1,40. vOOOO dull: middling leo. whisky unchanged. Neu Port dell at at. B,Lthri un aQ ehauged; Moulders can Do bought trutont et. 140. and sides at 17}0004c. Lard dull at He. Butter 10130 louro the simply bele g.betier: fir6lc 1:413M. Chum , dull at 110100. 1.1.4:1ed Olt dull egrap,lll. Erolm dull: at 1.113 61, for notow er. Coffee stood steal. I.7Xl P air or fur to good Mo. Tobacco in good Ae rated end the higher grades bedsf advano. ed 9030 per mmodi sates 05 at 6128,'M for Mira antra for comon to noe l er. sod 610031.0 r tor hue do .. ' The wr very warm. Thermometer le 76 deg. Gold 14 4 eeYleff, closing firm with not much gold offeriaff. : • Ent Idasraph to the Pitiabargli dasstui.] Birriat.o. October 17.—Plour dull; sales of 1000 bins white Canada and. 13.610 obis City Boring at Flo o rn Western baton at INIQ 11,110. Spa nominal When , . doll at 14.15 for • No. 1 Mlivraultee find 52,11 for No 1 Cliksago. Oran dull and 'lowan sales or MON bus Western at 111:0, and closing weaker.. Oats - 'qulot; sales of Y lnng - smokes. to arrive, at 7554 n. Brel 11,00 for Weston , . Peas bald as alp for Canadian In toad. :Pork nominal at goad for halm mew. lard dull at lti4n Mato wine! nominal Iteoends—dheat,l4. o o o bins; eon., 55.000 buss oats. 1000 boa; baley, ladir bus; ' rye; 5 Oda rye dour, 5.000. MOP. manta—ntour. 1,110 tails; *neat, 000 boa; 11,000 bus; oats. I 00,500; barley, - 10,00 bus; rye. %Now. • • . • • .• . ammo simmes.• carer legraph to ths PlUsse . gb Ossetia) Osnaoo, Oct boor 17.—Yloor flrro wan a steady demand; Wee 3000 bolt at all for No. 1 spring. $l3 for red stutter, $1371 for white, and $14,33 for &MIAS CILTI4 Wheat{ sales otiose oh! Canada at $3,031:3,tel amber State $2,73t No 1 Nllltranton 19.01%. Corn *meet ode. 8000 book No. I Ludlum. to sr- Imre. at Oats drory smell 'ales at 7Se for Ohio. Earley held at 41340 let , for Csle• anion. which Is .Dar e s the Thsta a of buyers. By Karoo and gu& Peas held VAS for ehobse.• Latel y, Dash *Mat. 113000 boon bezley, 16,E00 bush rye. 17 WWI Inas. C=lll Snorts-4W flonr, "AO hub corn, WOO bosh oats, 6030 blob Des. Xslogics llarlieL taw Ttlogisaa is tar Intistrargb Gadatlal Totten. Oat.l7.—hoar—reeal oti. lAD bbts —.alai lii white vitae at VSPOI do. rod. *MIL Wbeat—ninelpla. SACO onab—oaarket doll; white quiet sod •noohantedt amber lo awl spring tyia *mall Weil white alleb ar. C." amber , 42 b1122./3. No. I rod Walsall VIAND.; tonna trI10; Wei =OOO tor the mouth atl2.oVoil4. Coto—tto.ddid, 01 boab—atarket To lowed; isles N0..1 Watmati .1.131111.111 Wabash $l,llO 12121,1114....51.0% Leta lo lowan allam No. I at 60062. celpta, 37D bitati—aboltaaaredi wiles at *VI for NO. L. ,Barlov—rooalpta, MD %mad—quiet; 111.33 tor No 1.. Lake Irelatda Am. OOM =Coral& Oswego. and moso Butrxlo. aisoN, mute'. tltJ lotrakti to Os Plastronlt Worm.; Ctuckoo. Oct. A—Weather clostely mod warm. Flour tar? dull. Ik hook heavy_ and Selo 100 or for No. 1. and . 11.6400 for No Sr wlew at 1 1, 9001,96( tor. No. lotod $1,1001,101 for N 0.4, cloa lol7 .oall at dm loaldo Corn Midland kifikao. f..ower, $1.064111.07 for No. It 110706 r No. with 0011000 No. 3at %PIA; In atom. Oars elated dull. at MON*. Ilyod and 96.10 lootur, at for N0...1t $1..5901,10 tiz No. S. Roney Wive and 10110 Manor.' 0% 11.120 LAX for No. I. Moo Pork nominal. 001Pki,1c0O Wk. doPr, MAO bu 0000 001 Iktoctrw /.Ik. o oo Ork ova. • solpmento—l7.oo 3 hbls {Laureled.= 00 or heat, 910.0 00 oOrtt. 'AU . *sq. .Freights Ora sod ”lo /11100.4.1.41110 Market. (By Telegraph to the Plu.bargh ussetat.) MALLOY. Geteber 12.-0: 9 1 to the Short. dee holden ves advance.' 34 o Itve weLeja, tad are arm. pts PAO head, mostly ors tab r Quality at tale. yesterday a ef o or a at . e to w dddlng M sad IBiibl or good teen:ea Shoop era le Uret reetelt, at OM far fareglor to good , to tar ext.. 'tad 61.501311 CO for lambs. Iterstpto COM. Hogs; Wes 000 at 41,POtgli the 0tr ,. . 1 * al are for beet extra booty 0000 fed 111.1110ta1 nteelptslo, , X o hood. law. Orleans Zsabel. . galearese to Oa Plumnaret emus. i Fry Maxus. OW 'lt—Cotton Ira. very grmilOW addalinga Flour; Mb- Sr grafts AM but tarter grades declining; treble extra 111LOO. Oars grin with au up ward tandaseiy; bit* 11L,061.40 and yellow $l.O. Oats ilk. Pork dull sr. IX= Moon; shoulder, 165.011.5i01 slow W.. /WA - "I C I' dull and lower; prune beg I.FXO. wad $1,441 Sterling gachalign, A No.I clear SSU.O on New York tight %ss% ger Mut premlunt. ILoalsllol6 narkoll. INT Salerno io thol.ltubank Owns.; • Looltyyd.S. 009obbr 11,-Tobsoco; balm of 71-6605, si•01.50012.0): Ono= Am IMO, 16e. Floor woad,' sopa:too 42,m. 'W Oast quiet. at WILAO.:.Oat• to balk lam Coral sealed 111,10 wiry sack.; new ear ale It bulk; N 0 IMO. • Mau ; Fork doll. at 0=70423 cO. Lord ISlio• DICCe doll; .booldoro Mio; Clear ables • ■aw Tart avails Market, talv TIIII.IIIIIII to Ne ritiSbargh (116.4 1 .0 • Maw IroaX:OCLOtair ZUPPI7 at cattle amounted to vac bead. Prttne cat la sail at an advance 01 3(0. and poor stook bring la et an Advance. Salta vero made as alga as 103{M17510.' Snoop awl Idanbtt tan envoi, la Ana and tba marked l anti ae BlOnttco rata. 1111/100 are 0011 at 78 =I Ley T.dogma to the PlUstergo Datintazi, °gobs! 17.—r200r Ana makt more *cave. Wheat, Imo etta lima active; *ante* Noti 91.9602,93. lkina pellet; Iffblto . 11,1401,4 k yellow -111,4401,46. I:lnfer►Alpo tor good to 0001. , .. Sty. dolt 41.4.4z0w.t.t. .?,01,4104,1CAthiMg.l. 1:!= • • • Tellip nip to tiss.tts.3 . Pvtzamttnw Oototrir 17 —Pathan= ninon oracle Ins floor la ...Ivo *ma steady. W whin. ualifil rots 42131r0d Panossi , sou $2,4002,93. Rio 111SwOLTS. miSsel vertern WA. Olits IsilMo: Mn/al . naminaL Provision. noromaL W Fraser** ' (By 2.lgnyi te,lMPltisbargb Oar twk4 11.4 ra.actim, October pespoe,, oft srifht froir T fi h rs . t_tU "" t!; . 'eager varebasiog, P ciamed f atikay, Legal Tenden.7og. iteellaM • toiT•leiiphut um Mumma. 0..;544.1 Manus.. Cgtobet 17--Cotton 61 1014.0. Corn at. IrcenL Ray At SUVA Oats at BO Port *1 *170n,60. B aeon, 1111011111011141 115 01 0 , 11 q elms WO .s wo - -44 , 4 4'14 atme. moo 114•111IIDAIL 1.4.38 . 22.130 0000471111911 11,40 , 1068. Cletator Oars 184 ltd. OS bare 1102. NM. teki Colima plf lies, Loooite Colton!, IS boo loud* re. , Whitmore, Wolf, Dada Co, o do do, /oa Lowa, 1919 tom Imoram ; ICI dBA Mo do,ork; OW bloom. into. !atm Mombasa Pork, tiro k Co, 1 cos Ina; ore, Groin Demon t 09,4 do do, Llaid '161511;014 dodo. Bison A 064;1..7;240 do, .1 *Motor a 0401 .100 do, Joon /4•9lll4Lialli u 7 do oven ,Coo, Pastor AO; I ;10 kmo, J 8.0.1 • 111. k. rle• boleopn wolor 08.1611 11 Nola 16 opekm,S bar do. IffoWatissieS. Nolo & On 40 Wm them, J 00111001 lot monewore, J It Ss • Eh. Y co,m udamreNT“ 1•'„,"1,; 'sroStViirg'l4ll:7l4l ° lll627 l . 9 ...k. Ithisborm 6 Salo apples.. Banoml, era barley. Oorooo, Dielloslow•• Co; 1, do doe Nproca Metes ;t bblo oppN., T O Jenkins; Se do *WWI. V Lvort 20 do dat 7111111. U A Showiest sko aoroj Idetimia .11 Arjer;ll77 Obla 10 do do, J (NW; 61 do do, It Ali. miii . 2l W Broi co 1 Oat g; do, ill do craw. J • 'lir 34 do 141101,1 Ad timothy seed, W .1 Met; 13 ails apples, 4 11175.01, . Ton aqua; CulOowo LB, Valbtot 11-4901 fez; Umtata Wenn 60 Ars lord. F BMWs • 00;00.11110` Wm Sousser Is C; V Otds alder, II -do do. 11 Bel Jr; 29 bblii *pg. CAW* VroirS ;WI Ski IMO. Worths 18 I 00,30 boo otwoor, Math. .Idhootos 11; Col 09 d 0 do. Arbuckle. t Oa; les bbl. oppleo. L UVolot ()NIS° bar don, Ildaltor & Ow I WEI lord. 8 8 Mont.; 1. ear aro cloy, 13bonstrerser A 11 oln 0 de a:doom 11 Doworltt, at In lord, Sellen L 1 1 0 l 16'004 apyleo, Pt Hamar. • _ 10 do do. Ull lot Vrosomll do staolsOrliololaU Illlaort; Ido do, Gal Walsbt 4 dodo, Clomp! et Crows; 22 lolls Slam, CS N Urgrelorn I row stows, Mutts t blerloto, I do sienna Iltoin WI oil ibis MI, Loeltott 0 'row; 100 Sala Sou you la Ittlaborli roo do do, liorronb, McCraw old Bon tao do Oh lOrapotrie2. • llama; wo do do. Sholookor 4.444114 Mao cotton. Ald Childs • Coy 92 do' do. Kaattolt,•Childo • 00. Prwrososos.iloramistrok CtrOnrooTi N. H., Catorwr 17—$0 bush barley, 8 811011 11; Co; 100 bbleflour, Illmmoker ).Holt 100 do do, Won Wilms ,Itto do do, assert I oar Norm, Goo Saboltleld, I do do, II U Metal 100 do, Crewe/ Burke 004 S Qom moo, W J Nefkll;7 63 k/ :Pl .6 22 l l l . 4 voArrivilm , :m : L Nig.v.,VL: loy, 3 Gleasollahl OS tolls apDlO2, Ballet • Tn. :en 5 linto buttor, War it Senor, 32 eta bar my, di do oats, Irmaeoliels, A 4ulfti 41.4 oats, idessose t liarof," AILiOULST VALOIT Si R.. Oa. 17-421 ' !lour. Koos • Orr; 134 bal. 011. Flehoe k BM, boo. 11 gaol& Anna hoot. Shuman :Dz. gage, J Nitwits pkas dldeo,S. A Roo. , makon :tote pototon. Knot • bloLSOtt‘ito ' 4/ 4 . 111 Ellobort, 31 do do. W .1 4 1Wlas Ou oral Elomplt, I do 11141wom &Cie,' We. wool. Full 11 0 oir " lot I bs Mans JIM Caldwell; al Yu firo, W 111360. nail 12 00. ' _ lITATIOL POOO7 117.47 4111, I Ocel7, 0 11110.033 7 1•12 *Wm J Herbal; s IT.:lltelittlldai l E:ggarb ntAVAWMItttIZ,Var & Gaol I Ma I. WWI • Wawa; 11W bagi AsSowd. Ewa • liamt••• 71 bri tut taw- W Width. Premoss Ain 00107117.1111717.11 Q170b47 11-11 sum; .1 biron Inu V i efilartWi th nrs i at 1173 3L 110 * gem W r• 17 1 4 MI:•""ce 41: talk -b.117114 PITISBIRGH BOP' WOM. num tofimki a co., Itazablitri the bort. COIIDAGE, TWFWES,is men ISM,. 111FarOmmih" Ili • US 111121ie to biretrenar, winas PER NEWS. .rll I=3 , - There ls as <Menge to note lathe lilt:Mien at this point. The weather otattlirriAO Clear and plenum, and the proipeeti for a rielt Ism to be about La dlitant as ever. . The St. Lodi. Dirpareh, of Tused•TOMlSt Captain EL LTA, Is sald to be gong wed". to• morrow rack The event to said to be booked at • wiz,* chetah near the tonere( Fifth and Pine street. Capt. Sam. 'Stadion and many others are ertpecteLito be there. Mons or Tiu.tow Frves.—We are sorry to, leers that er.a.r 341. a, • well.kgeow. Mearnbeat clerk, but for some months plat en- 1 gaged at the headquarters of General Ord. la 1 yuksourg, hag been taken with . the fever which Is now preyalling with such ferocity In the various Southern eltles.-8/. Louie Re. , poet/am' The New Orleans ayseent him the partial. Lars of Mauritian of the steamers LW* Oak, at that point. It mays : , 1 411 the head, left the ,reamer la charge of the boat watchman, who kept • lookout "for tard.',' A lamp was left horning at the en. Creole end of the aft cabin, one table near the door Medina to the rear of the ladle.' cabin. The flames broke out about four o'olook to the , morning, and a high wind blowing at the time, goon, weed forward, until the whole upper works and cabin ware deetrojed. It la con. lectured that the high wind must have blown 'lre t he V: Ist ' p h , e wan a Pitt or minuet I P ; t¢' the boat. Ste woe built - at Perlueab, and Sea lately engaged to the Fad Myer trade. She wan owned by Contain Elthard England one Fag., and Is pertly hommed." tre.The Wabrah !Jerold says • raft paned down faleete . rippl th e other day which covered i t • sores ol surface—the largest ever run wn the near. ' The Gutsy Gluten, a new steamer, was latteethol last week at Burlington. aid pro , alms to be ~ light draught and teat enamor. The Abele Carlota a beautiful little ekte wheeler,' n now mining on the ClMppew• river. The ,- ___ particulars COlNerong the slnklos of Liter are as follows: When about Mlles miles this Ws of BraWitartllo the allidcdo ataartatett that the &causal wan extremely shallow, which rendered saYlgittion somewhat moutons, but having on • vary Itght cargo, coneuting mostly of awn and a few Mos. he deemed it advisable to plush his way through. Shortly attar to o'clock, however, she no against ► nag tt tow ash+, below Lafayette sod took. kir. Brady, a deck hand who was Ott bead at the time, stain that the pa...n iter. wets MI wed by mum of lifeboats, and the swarms sou lair to her tat. • hoary storm occurred on the gulf tout soda; the mouth al the Minlestppl Meet a few days ago, :teaming property to UM ILISKAUIt. of 1110:0$00 at CititIVIMIMII. The Southwest Belief lighthouse WILE nowll destrolud bY the onto. The keeper woe brought off by Captain Austin. cf steamer Tartar. • Tea .1. C. Illsokford, meoently bought by Captain Ei. L. Leo. who tumide to run het In the New Utica.. and Bed Meer trade, has made her appearance et the St. Louts wharfs sad commenced reselling freight fur New Oct • E. M. Ulster Ls pilot of the Vetted States too- tow ateataer Northwest. and I. row enduver. log to take Ids beet 120 the upper deka... Os the Mb ult., the boat wee as Little Sock. She had *eat totteldersel• time to Isprovlag the thermal of the Whits river ent-ofr. The New Orlean. Timer, of Thunder, ears The weather wee gait* ibt end gentsl yester day, and the thermometer Ineneted about eighty degrees about' Waloct. We would snob raster at this nom colder weather, for shelonewhala benefit of the anseellsoefed.who are ' - be ••leed With the Leeralling -re liable to a. eeleeo -_._ . &Manna We noticed earlyyesterday morn. me that a heavy due had fallen during be ieight,and would esutlom our 0111201112 and more especially new emu% egalam enpomee tberaselvee at night without suitable warm clothing, The loulevllle D 011400,11, of Toeeday. says !Cesrly all the pilote...lteastboat and towboat —who have been ..on the town' , dorlag the lone dull teens, are At deem the river cm boats as passengers,keeping themselves paled as to the *hamlet and change. of the Veer. - There baSbeen a [roar many changes nude in the coonw, or ehannal. otitis Ohio raver dun hag the past three or four month/4.4U te well *sough the Wont are keeping themselves (OUT Wormed of etleosn changes. A Cairo teligrant. under data of Taming, to the Citnelnnatl eminent.," got. The Paducah packet wee the onl y =teal how or to th e Ohio to4lay. She as light. The Wombna packet hroo.ht►Cowdofprs aou dubs from the yellow finer at Ilemptda They lepers learlog tour latutdred others at Humboall. boned for ell pert. of tba Halted diatea. Flee tam:wand an reported to here lett Dimmable Muter the put two days. Haar. amine has teen establudied by the Hallo en tborttles, at Island No. l, to-day. The rivet fell we Inches. Weather clear. Mercury at alabty degrees. The Diampida Avalanche, of the 13tb, nye: The allele of the at. DL harems report • Ceuta at VlskSbusz op accoleat or Yellow helm. It is raring Is that 0117 to a [mini bleat. The emblem demise or Copt. am of the hma Humphreys la Cos. coremlaahm lambent., Howard's llow.la tree blatua that can not easily be Ailed. We home IVY EVIIIISTUM• Olana. sae w eak, as be intention to leave for home but but be ne.mred bla Osperture, anfortwootsli. end was taken sick. HU ill ness would not else trey before the bat medh end attention. sod we eta compelled enlar g ed sae Me death. lie was a gentlemen of views, a tholocith bas Mess• man, and his de. owe will be regretted try • terse Wets' of Meads onl uqualutaneem, both Dere and at Evaesellte, whsre he had 'endeared Mallet by Ile annerotta qualities mar mote kirk ratan wOmb dulls[ abed the man of character trout the common level. aln tee torte} LAM Tolurson to the Pittalniscla Quota./ Mo.wavors, Ootobsr 17.—flour doll and Inerari cltp n0tib1e.59.751r0,43; country do, etShlrrloret Extra, 1.1,7VV. weep unsettled nod loner; UP for No. 1; $1.1311% for No S. finedeady' 3:30 for No.t. COro bag de to 11,02 for No 4. I' relents Am and Molnar) orient to II nthlo, to o .weVail• BOOM pm-131.0:0 bush *best; 7,1p3 blurt oatai 1.500 Wash corn. Shitimenta-41 1 440 btd flour; 117,0a0 bulls wheat; SO burn ous. o.cii I:6)Di Ott ;# Zeilt:ll 23itttisornazwil. I;ii;WE 10 OIL =NNW. • THOS. S. CALHOUN' le. litti Yawl Street, Atlegbany Cll7, llamatacturei of gym demIIPIII. o 1 OBODI OIL. CONDXSAING and WATTS • TANKS. AIIITA.TOIES Ma most imarowed tem. IRON TAMIL BOTTOM 13 and TOM. and gl kinds or work or ULU gun. dote for Wangs ea the slog ragging* tams and al the goring og.. TO GLASS MANIFAL - TIIREIIB. Tip pIiiIDEIISIGIVED w azaithe .1.A5...T tor the Wool tke COPLEY POT vevi t CLAY.r Annw pa t n rd ualsn h ltl i 4. 111a17 B't:o•=lllcrx %dyedatsuchpopotonsaslentmraa ••better . an tol• for ooLe than any In the merest. we baying wand an armors Meal of /rLe =Ulm ler Nic o Pot. %EOM Matteis litsq stekt and o n monies. e will furnish pia tat tee proportion oleos =Atm**, 101 s 0 SO wean. parateologi , Too WIT Vetted •ad ostmldiml /a lumps tor OtillE_:. DITZIWU Y• R s MoD. rat rtitims.w.t& nun • Wasetnitos 81. Pittatrarlibi sum a. DWI) =AWN DONISTLZT GniENWOOD rOMIST. MIRO IS4, BONNET. Jobbing and Disdain Castinp, far s pVitrilL sPivirstVel= Mt era every purposa, sa.aa to otter. alio Liberty sirtet, • lAodesny of Mosta 11,OUd4ut.) CCIZI HAZARD POWDER. lAlfalsbMst notice. I P A. MR or . LIZIRDI CELEBRATED POWDER. AZ crash ton at or root b 7, Mon toms itoro, sosatill asul 114 7 WZILILL STRUM, jai. ow city. r... or to us si.CONDITILEZT, ritialwah. Pa" .1.11 metro PrOMDS ARTHUR KIRK. saset3 SAMUEL M. IVICILESSEIMA Iron /Broker, 124 First Street, mat tot the sal. of I.losseklaca% Antadue. 14aciuutoy. manna, inriaos, sad atharbruasorlatbrults. Tout. ushiray Cote sad 011guall O. B. U►.xo.t Ple. 42411MOUtaiil rarriattally sore. Met talWria GRAFF, BYERS & ILABRWAOTURZWI OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, titin fauna ata,smi.inna, to. al.zamics, OE WELL nßse, o®e% No. 98 Water Street, PITTEIBUIIGH. PA. szeisala NATIONAL FOUNDRY PIPE Corner Carroll and SalaMaas Streets, Ninth Ward, PiTTSBIORGH, WAX. eakr.x.rii; ABRPACIIIIIIP.M OP Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WOBRE Y' papas us WI easSruslcUis Ms., In Ds7 Una of d LS PUT Lantern& Alm...rail moon- Meat of gum me ne. Ga in lila iota JillniVt`o2.l,V,`,2=49i'taglll2"- FORT PITT BOILS, STILL In TAN Ii WOIELIES. • ILL & SNYDEU, SITHOLA.V. IXIDULN4LITED, TUTIDLikB 11:63.1t0Z. r CYLINDUELOTNAU zonssa, OIL 15112,18 AND Olt TANN% CNININZIMBILINCHING AND ABB PANS SIITTLING PAN BALT PANS AND CON- DEN SERB, STILE PIPES, cusoarramws, AHD LEOS BUDGES, MOON DOORS AND DOLL SHIITES. 0111••analiireslateracr1. 0 .d.W IL I . "4 . Mere sad Llberty Strods. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 4111.0sdan swam Me above Maras wilt be mit7:lsl rEBSINGTON IRON W 033123. L4,4IYD & BLACK', Best Common, Refined Chareoa Juniata,Bloomlron.' ataaaaa.m . MLR. WHIRR a dOGIARWIRLYI HOOT, 13•51 D ,T sae ANULE 1101uHRTLATGjad elf Err WOG. HOWL'S sag RIORPLaIII&RS OTLIYDIAtand GUARD UR MG= Hum, W ir RAGA, go sag US tbs. to ths yogi . WROUGHT CHAIRS and eIPIKICtI tee *OWN FLAT RAILS, Panelled sad - Ootatterealik. GOAL SOBILEN IRON. NAILS sad BMUS. Woehease sad Oalee at the O o. w orts. e . G REEN : O e U la ß bea„lscGasWoaromrftTeesrsaret)W .11.101.XLS0N. wouas. HUGH. H. .BOLE & CO. • POIDMILOBS, Engine Minders and •• Machinists, to order fleece d Lead Suva 1[0.412.eig of slue, wen:sated to roe eagle:Letter , Ceetdote. of every deeeription. node to order. Ja1123 5113.e0,. eavt....a. B. ROM roma. Beetle. Boo?. Co, Point Alley I.De/Vega Wag Yeasetry, 800. 02 wee CI TUrd street. PITTSBOI6OII. PA. 112:v121 pzTTSBITROS STEEL WOIMS, ILDBESOIO, co., aroucasamanyoxis. /taw a C6',11 41aWeturint Van an T. .4 a all anal, WI ttoe, Fort .11 *et can Mod. Cu Mal gaping ant Blowing listebti rLow=uitiaa, cut t cow■ 11losigts • Sprtog Wad, OflOD—Oososs oS Inns son BM! IItIMIA W00.. 0y own ciao Sooosusabols Stone. *ah BERLIN FOUNDRY. PIM ornca ■DRassnoorr, No. 29 Wood 9troot Illasataciare wad teey oonsiantly 144.1 Thimble, Skein S' Pip, *ores ermazuo L Lu ti ldr w lf v t i 9ntiLlt Lad autlngs Fentrely.. . I aratry. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward. orroism umoi Isom guls, 3PIT'T/11331:17aLei•=. Rolling NM and Bridge Casthiss. e1ni111.11111133 111) tIN DUB, it.akdaly mad Castl ilgs ges . erally. ___L Urdu. prointly asticarilaUs amnia& taILILORS Eunnwr & ni&csium. CTEZ BEMENT STEIWORKI mum, Bilk a 11111117 i, UST QUALM CUT STEEL. Warrimted rig Inal Sr stam la' lb* liar bet. &Ulm Impanted - er or De. mettle ilsaszntar.. 111"1iLL arr fingerrii o ° P iz ULM Moe, 88 Wood Street, IN T. mum= UOTU. stramore. rirtIMMICIL .11.314 11t .1147. WSW* • MI Z. IC 2134.11 onEu.sA BOILIPit WORBJ3. MORROW, BAUNRILL & steam Bonen,. on suus; AgiftUr% Tents. Salt Pons. Mummeterso Wrought Inn Midges, 'Mattison Wort, dite, COB. LIBERTY CM RECORD M., PITTSBURGH , Pa. 1111..itirRe VONE MuItIPTET. 114:in ROBERT LEA, ■aaususvaasoa TRAM BONES AND IRMO Freight Holsters AND NOOTOR ENGINES. igroutlags c.(su descriptions made to meta earner at rrs* 4i4dl Tarry St:seta. PITPHBUSIGH.* PA. rnm B. WOLF, 413 4 &CO., Hardware & Cutlery. Ara tow mane tun, =lva stxx% - • • 7PNILICUILIIII. Comer Liberty and tit. Gar fits., 3Pllttobruariska.ll3.o. UNION ENTERPRISE WINERY WM. M. JOUNEITON. llVrAtliff WRYER aliblivin valsa,9:26.tpam.te- Nll67.l,Tzweraoiega.'"ir'''' pRIVATE DIDEASEEL osierssu num bTUIT. ru"&" Tor me moo or au obeuo• or • prrjr, la Dia too to foot dolroe_luz" r l,......d VO=Moifte TOM , onr,'" " proVoollos. Coto In:rootedStouVlr o Ptalrd • to Sp. II o ,liw , ion roosteed. ACO bop.. er ., do , do, •• Much. 1. TR 144 1 9a IYIIW Mr. lilt. Tun .. —aGaM ra t ukT - Aizrarmi.,„ , "4..6 CMS UNA =3 BRIOIN MON WOW. JONES 81 IBMS, - 3F.X . ll . raii 3. C ri:& ‘ ;l44l3r, MANIR.IM,UMI or AMMAN AND CLAIR BarMoop, Sheet End Plate trim Rridge Iron; Angle and ♦ irons Guard irons Coal SCreen Iron; T Ra 111,16 & AO lbs. to the Yard Train Batts,pluschedand Coda. ter sunk Bollor,Bridge and TienkithretS Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spiker; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts% RallroadCar wueeltand Antes; Street Car wheels and Ailos; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Skustantli Patent Colditolless Piston Rods; glowar and Reaper Bars. WAGSMOMor. Alto orris. 120 Water and 153 Frost Ste. SEARCH HOWE. INos. 22,24 sad 25 Biter 81., ;swab CHICAGO. ILL. NEW' IIiRDWIRE NEM Lindsay, Sterrit & Manufaoturers & Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., 331 LIBERTY STREET, Oar. Warps:Le. One lquare Detour Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. itaf Amt. for PAIBJ3kIi6S , 5041.211. HERM& STEEL ENV NIECE 8z CO BIM MOM MT fanti Kum hp L 801.03. or al CM KII4n - XPLAY. Cr111:74.1d. VANS AltD WINS MIT SAW PLATES lidanie IND BiILVICLLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, cars Spring Stud, Cast and Sereso Plow Steel, mow WINCId AND %LOW= nose. BrIILVES, AXLES AXE STEEL TIRE, w o nt Inv licar&s. t wom ic to Warehouse, SU Water St., Palest% ATLAS .isronroze STASI! 2 . Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. DllLLER,Prestdent. nese Worts are amour Ms lama mad mad template estaltaluarst lath' Witt. wad . MI nor arwae4ti raraisn ETCry Daserlptban Bonen, 011 Tank', t==l Sheet Iron Work, Brood Caßlop, Bolling Mill Cu op, Cngine CUCnp. . Illothlne Camino; General Caplgo. . ORDERS SOLICITED. xeStaVAI JOHN RONEY, BEL( FOUNDRY, Carson 92„8t6 Ward, near A. 14 It. IL • Hamiaer Dies, Steel Sotdds, • yew 18l I!1 Lege Cutings generally. JOBBING 'WORK O. dm KO cited .x caretaUX uud tatitteCteetil execute.. 3.14 riar, FORT PM 1201119:13Y. MEM nu Heißl4( • KaarrAinunsu cs HEiVY ORDNAACE AND aiz. RINDS or rucc2;;Omoal i . i. SeareL4=2.rkLlAßL..„Y end utcmaav leSeAllia attended to p Am heretofore the eras ts will el , re7l 11=ratlg . 00r ae lows. t. IrtVa Ireer LICPROVSD COastro<l.l ander tbe .uperrlatan Oirlt NUT. Sotorelth MAOIIIhIL4 et abort op. skolh,• iiiquEsNE IRON ARO STEEL WORKS. MAILMAN, gAH>IK 4 Iran, Halle, Springs, Axles, • YLOUGE. 112111.35 AID A. B. STEEL, AO, WA/MD.II/U. Wlta. 77 ILFB'wto3 flittraet. vrrTanunGs. CIEADIXT.... Or. VAME3. , ...../a I. ligm.Att ferepa WORKS, A. BRADLEY dt ca of : Cook, Parlor and • floating 'Stores, Among wr i n the ado .unNte4.2lllMarl ( Cwt ono aareaWopi .0 toe.) Alzo.aancr GRATES, GRATE 111.011115, um. ilk& Wand:msg. cam. of 11•031.1 and !And stmts. PutabastA. Malmo*, oatteermad 1•12a61 BLAVIL DRiIOND 11Mq:ECEM WCOMION6 !ARK,Uri= 411 co.. & Qum.= ° w a ay ar ilduars, pus and wat mu. d equal to day ffiDor os 4 t. tae country. Odis• m. &Id IrSISIMM tits I. vv lanotlillllll.. tad an. P h ID .11ati v. Wic00.......t0tt0r Al.Lnor-,..D05. L. *'W. ALLEY STOVE WORM. . . ALLEN, 'AMEN gi-00.. Otice sad Warortoosn. ns LISIMT IST, OZ. wan. =DAMAO. manntooturo evev i V . of UMW. rAat.oll A kirdermu wl.O mo os 'Flat aro Um coloterstoa Allogbeay •31.1 onitot Mal Cooking fltovait *Do, Um Axiom!. sail bealtool tot cool of wood. tea Do sarlyalleal Vane of the Dosolto. tot wood; al" Argos, ilt.uo. tondors. Onto , istAloa. Dog Moo tad Rollo. Won touorollY - MUM M. D. MIA. JA.4IOID Me BRUSH & SON, 11411:11111217IIIII CP Stem Boilers, Oil Mgt Totes Sheol Iron Works , oit SL, PiftsbuirgA,Pa. CENTRAL 'FUMY AND MIA. WoIAIIS. .880 • 4 N 4011.33. lißte.o% I BOLLMAI, BOYS t BAGALBY; min aons.aurt outinn, Hall Latta. TIEEOB. 0.A.111+.11•1%, 101731 ins) Hon 6.lllliatu 'EA legilr.l7,4lll.ll.ffigingl.934l Letbt"Ar4 - VITA YAWNG% „„I".W.buelapn i b. 7 and PITTSBINIII IRON iIiOUS J. PAINTER & SANS. Win, Bubket.Tub..sui ruing • HOOPS AND SHEETS, EVERSON. PRESTON* CO., rxxxamp r a,nd . IRON' W 4O )VErt-S • Y0nwM4.,,A=114.7411-. IR CAT 111. ON: : I , 41 . j1, 1111,111 P I: MON PRIM RAILWAY, EASTERN DIVISION. SHORTEST AND MOST itnallitaa =UTZ from Um tam to fa Palma In OOLOS►Do. awriur. auxrearas, trzAK. wAauxmarcia. ARIZONA. ;NEW REXIVO. IDLIIO, =3 Two trains lean Batts Lime slid IstaiinzwOrib WT. fliloitt.Y. ...bawls) no Ow arrival at trains of Tana. Nattrowi flow AL Loafs. and Hannibal and St. Jo Batman front lannorr, eon mating st Lawrence. Tapas and Wainer) Writ Maya for all points in Hanwia. At end of melt west of Humana with tea STATEN IXPHI.SB OOMPASIT i II DAILY LITZ OP ormArry, BEAU. AHD XXPILIBII COACH . as roa DENVER4 - 6ALT LA= i AND ALL VOINVII IN SIM Txunrecorao. and with eANDZILSONIS THI-WIL • KLT UNA Or COLUMN Per late Unto% Beare Nord. , Ssos, Altnaqueraaa, Suds le, and. ell pa nte la Arinasts end New Netlea. - • With the recent idattlons or mates Mach end equipment, end the sr:siemens* nada tette te• 'spreaslble Wetland Treneportatlon Lie ei ham Ite western tennlntak tlde road ocm,adere ano• duelled fullitlegfir the trensatletloit at Irelght to the Ter vi'ut., i .. ItateU fee Bale alt the principal °OW In the belted Sums d Canadv. -He ease and AS VON TICEITS VIA Tan LIMIT HILL UT/Ii UNION rActrzo NALLIWAY. ZAS .IHYDIIOII. • ' 121011118011. ogling empartuteadans. _ j. E. WZIIISTY.II* a.a... Tr* it and Tlntv;t iatnt. IMPORTANT TO PASSENGERS 7011 TEL OIL REGIONS. • EX.PRESS TRAIN' Leaves PITTSBURGH at 6.1X11. X ALLSGUIPIT 6.101. X BZW OASTLII at ...—.11:1161 X 11 CONNZOTENG AT JANABTOWN wFra J&M:ESTIMN & FILANXLIN • SAILE,O&D, TBANBLIN 213111) timTalvre76l.4l, IrA r .ll3lrW:c l inV," we Sheet 14ike to U. 0.1 lit 'PAN it .Vg= :a n Tirltrac i p c fe ' luts .11. .tharark.oe issaT lMDot Ticket OM. rl.l.4margh..snd at we i r/epos la ""I'"l'2,TcAr a O. A.r jgarkgg" rerdES pracriumv. •••• lIAILEOAD. Oa manta Of:STONES Irma ma amass Nom si of Wisatanana sad Liao , Amara. Nan Trans..—R..-- Ile • raM Villa in ID Wal , • ld o, ONO • m Bliaton N 0.1.. TM • m WaiNs No. 5... SOO • m Inasal 1110 • m ormatons &rpm? 14t21. 'lra m Rt:;ig S. 5: Z .1. 9 .. 4.4 awl =gars= . IS•ra st Me CUM. Trams Wave WalPs Station reser .„ 11tosnagAt.s i t=eastMa s ta ra t Lae arrtra stl4l.l.alltstimatintio.m. •Clocitmart =pram les. n da.117. nin trains dilly aroma IMMO. m=digits &arms sad Ms Altaol• Ancona, cin sad gmfgraat Mtn army datly. ctn.. simmtt Xrprese a ff irm, dalIT exurpt 11.0inia Ai o th er trains etas'' , exesot Drattay. fOr MOMS tit W . to W. H. AZUKWILITI. MGM. .The Pendrirlrarde mind Oamosar so, assiz=vagortazs. szesLL t i s r s= Flnaared rxenere tasstml. HOMO ar.d . lap taut amount In valas will Ds at 14.4 pg tae ointer. unless Satan la metal. contract. IrDW.I.RD H. WII.s.A YS. . General Bmperlutattarrt. Sher.. ra. 1867. • PITISBUSB_NI A _VT. W.a_lN a • CHIOAMO B. Nr.. AND (May ataNN • P.l.k. B. A. Bass oMober Ca. DR, Ufa, will Issasa sas I. was Nam 14m4u4.14412121 side. rat. aria. :aria.. as folasll ' ' . M IMaloagolts i... INS • is pilaf° ix.... La a a taarmatl la. 24 . 12 am ,Clssaanti Nat MIS • . ileiVr.kfiNt:Zl2=l:•vggint cbi. e "" . "11".., - :41:71f.'tt1. - _ : g ZIP MI L LI 0,. • nr...1r4 .... mom Ma i Ya ...Maim M a= E....* Cl. I N At i..., Jl:jj .... \ N. Beta A7MI - Ia m f r ifil:tl Ar t ?It a m 1.... 1V 4. •• rat: t.ius , .;.‘„ .. tat: , • I= s. as Nem Culls •• VMS sma ten Cu` . la. p m LosetAdats • ..1.1 IA aB. Laa.* Lea Ms pm •. 1:a pm N. B ra .. 242 4 912 N. Beton ••• 214 1p 4. N. Br U. .. Ma spalLealaale .••MS p la amaNs •r M.N. ••. • •• 7:13 . p 11.5 L.A. Charts . 11- 4 11ralthrigao• ; 1 1 , 1 , !.r.,E.-iihrzge. Nam. Tata!St.S., r", - War BAILSOLD. rERN —On sitar JUNU Alta. UM, 1 , 14014az_ Y On the Weems ronntrasin •artive and depart Mem Um gegaral Btratt What, All peal follow: • • Alln Shammies rio 1 (Maar. Mar-- —...:514.a lreepotillo, I CU aaa. Mahan 3[o. 1 3 ...It Prams olo3l l aharpb`a No I U LAI U ff ilmern.o7:l 8:60 :41 Wlrr .... int: nr,r o 4 :IV Abase tram ma dally ante9 l atradaT. * The Meath Train leaves ~ 4 11Menin t ant. ClTty " aretVrig. " ltteran7 Imam Allagten; Ulm at Iharr. at. and matte at Allegheny Jens at OT. Oolematatlpa Tickets —7or eel, lalathilea Twenty tartan_en .A.Uln&eny_OUN cheetah} t, nem% Bearant, mne Mar, Ann . .irlarythurg. andirami only an 100 UV. amp. ••;etil . •=ions eyeerld i argsksM. and aMan. sa. make direct noTin C l= t at #jyfe w . port nun Walter!. Wm of inset. IVO Banat and Bannabataara OteTrrtair ta " %"'l,lllVV``.. 4 . _ of ." BIEN glataberh. and at Um Depot, ALa.. " ter innbu Information stpj , Federal BtreeM*l. The Westin Ire acm. ammo any 111 t .except far Wm.. lag Apparel. and Unix reepenalbUlty van apnea= DM/AM Utaillos. All bairko exesedlngUlle unman% la mtlaramUl Do at Ina rise of the On tar. nal•al Mg. 07 3000101 me. "*" 1111 1 / 3 10 - 13. 1711 41.eral Ban% Altoona. gra.- maußmt, cowman a =Nun R. R. ro Hang BOWL (.113LINGE Or TUCIL—Ora awl altar IroNDAy. October TM, Ira, awns vrlll arrive as, Union Dapat as =lons rtusburgh tthee e C. ialT• Azzal. Marten 2:4 , af. L., 32.11 a.... 1,11 Va.t mrx ' tlt<aDen . ll~. . Aecom4•4.. 4;.14 r. R. 44 a. K. 110D09•10'. 44.14.3...9 4. W. M.' 15404.1.44 4494 IMMO r. 441414( mar... ..44901141.4.4.4 .ands at ISM?. R. 'e CO 4. a. Tn. Ip9ao 4447 . , 1.11.7 .4 111.4. ilittpted. Z 1719111/ 0t. , 444 , 414 lb* nate avesant, TM HOURS 12t ADVAIRIE OF MEMO LIN - • ' • iflio alums of contwitovollirfttOlVl Otnelasatl..d but ONlo otaor • so 15‘ Mb% sad Um ottletpal 'masa v.1'811.324 Ut• wen. When urokaalsg • Zioltoti b. mesa Mut Um. °Moo of PUTOOltil, iaiuur t CBCI3IIII I. 1. III:don - Depot, •Oriratti' Fr. moprocaseavonalguLfars S'odliftrikara l ; nicZt • prriBIIIIIOIII4SIICOMIELLS LLISAILIAMIIIiimagEw dui an tag oy T/1116 On sod alterlNll)l y . Datoberllto. raa7. itte VOA, 1•11116.0 M. Depot. toner Of 4fm4. VliOtOf euseu..afv.l Ye ' . Pbl.lantryM Plltrir.rea. to .41 from Untalt . n. 7w..r. , •• aigiro..loos/a.x. Wisilawfas Arrotrod , ... I. nrst Ka. osport at.. 4.4. A. it , P.OUrn r. H. .1 r. Eraddre...a .. 4:Mr. K. 144.3 r. ' l7 .. r a n g s firtpirto 4 . 3 :7 4l . 4 r. 11.10104. at: J. 8. Y 1216. Agri. IC U. SWIM Po • arlyten4est. . • g.r. A. u")) LLEGHENT VA-LLEY IL•110. •• . Irmo after THI:IIISDALT,_Jat7 1311 44 /1A Irmo lown sad arrln at rltUbdtxsi Garza Pao sad Canal Meets. %a rM:!M!!!!!MElittlt:W.= 31211..14 lams. as. Xll.2.2llMlLACcOxiuno•Mlop 1= P. M. 11104.14 IPIM Ban Wart/ A4tota.... VOA. -VIA. X • Ilecand dads Works r. . w. regzaa wore& —..... 1:01r. - /t. avann. North Waal alma aorta= 1/.. boning milk of nackata tar ' Welt/. Ilan liontlaconancialria Inloalrana= Wetly and Franklin. 7117 nl.llllClllilxlt. neat. STEAu roAND mon LIVERPOOL AI QUEENSTOWN, Ireland. TWICE WWI. • THE INELAN L LME s iallinTlT ilksl TM DAT— rrnt Win. N o” amnn _lnlud ► nalTaa4la man one WY.. uata.- W*. smonAir, Jr.. irolaatva Agana to Zook Cabin rusita, +Liam *rains . . iltutl T ' inb.ila. =ll=l . l aIiMAT REVOLIPTIWI IN TIM Warta i tiengtraMMS, L . T A tag= t r .. irjewavami= tee Tb. Ctleig= o smog coal Lbe attestars Wise Itealare awl BOW EMprra tbe Mies. Ins latter viliblb_piay be • =real tem of th Walt, et Wiz wine. feCet~saL * f .Inah 80= . 11.. 4 1i . 2 . 1 2 . 1017:741 1 ; 11_0!tevet9 :11.sze Ibuabde etuti etellirkeer i e t en. oat. iistrmumm..i. 11 t. 011.1 linfilei l il l. loas S c Ut0a 1 934141110w.:111.a.: erty u. fo zeirr. . trk.x.: s No.l—:ui Walla .1;401 1: •Clnnt Lx..t1.3 a as Wain, alu No. IL ..i ll paQ • at Jobsrt.a.m .- Aa.. a.W . P la Wall , . No. 4... Mal; al eta1a.1x...... Isl/31, Wall.. Na 15,... CM L WIRIPs No. 11 — ... . 4:0 , pie raat Lin.. . 703 Dta W.11•611 . 0.7....74:150 p NI ZMMEICI EIMMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers