1111.Y - EKO - , amralaiNg% N EW 04:MS • ,AT_POPULAIIi PRICES, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Bt., issuraszvrr orris, ?reach INerlsos, very clasp; Striped and Plaid Poplins; tielataes and Alpacas; Waterproof Cloth i at a low price (loth for Barques; Open Centre Btortui !bawls; Ladles' and Hisses' Shawls; Zepnjr Haft lards; Opera Finals; Plaid Flannels, eery cheap: Hob Roy Flannels: Grey Blaikeist Wile Blankets; Tlllullnga Gloves, Hoslely, &e. WHOLESALE !USD itirrark MS. SEMPLE'S, 182letteral Allen, City AMU TRADE, 1867 /PILROY, DICKSON & COMPANY. No. 54 Wood Street, IPITTSBIIIIGH, View Odor. Thol FALL SPOIDEC MEMO AND DRY GOODS, ssmr,2L.as3, AND NOTIONS, EV GREAT VAIRETL saeortowatt will he kept wow , !Bete latioli the aoswell. on& Cash ant Short Time Buyers are layttel to exavalae tie Week. ..,L a IeZZROT. =C=l=3 =2l= 1867. FALL " A pr- 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON &• COMPANY, 111803.13ALM SMALZMS 13S DRY GOODS, hip. 115 Woo4l Street, arrx.rsisstrza.cazr. 0717= •S MUM= IMIOMI DressGeeds, Plllll, GMtaus, Cheeks, Jeaas, Tweeds, Cloths, Casdaeres, fratilsets, F. t M. Caadneres, Rands, Okay% Skirts, White Goods, Blearbed and. Brm Boniestlat M 4 Itasand that: doutraar. Weals ANnOr tor Ltur ac i= m AlLLDbialed Y. New Tat, sad to rhil"LlNOlt. "WM. Mat MILT • 017. , 11 •V0TT•91. ,, sad 0.• i EL W. to •L1Q1t0•1” of mooo..ocioooi „ fooe. . rm.:TILTON , " TATUM eorzei. A IIILL LINZ OP Notions and email Goads, Barred Flannels, INZ AIM seErnkrot .11MILLTAKEILTCAravi ninon Rum pumas, Greenville Barred Flannel& COUNMY NAM= m ole itsistif on commission. st Hlll Moms a Fall,l4l.in all: Departimeats. = 2 . 7 I=n : i t saiS tostesta• own 115 ilbodt Street. J.II.IIIIIINOT, SHINN°, & CO. T..0.17151X0T...... W. T. TIZAWIrOIf. MICOOI & CIRLISINS, JO BY Lb Mred, A.Splemild Stock Fresh Goods, • • AT LAW PRICES FOR CARL DM* sad Cleat 1112110aNOS. ' _asps, Teiskstairws3 Souset WISSIONS; • Sesnsfire or •SIAIVISs and umlaut:. xxestetouam otaal Wads. SUlrdas la 1411111 H&ADILEBOILINVIL Int sew ..91.4)Y2 rlTaate 001•311 . ... ; liAut MAITS t werzera.u.s. lUM Aran num.+, =4 CIECULAAS, asw. • ANEW LOT or • FISMOIUBLE JET AND BOCWOEO JEWRRY. The 'Miter Shirt," TRAATTrnsTaAmorts. Tlem. Au. u...d TALL LAD emus ONDEEIBITIBT B & DRAWER/. ,wintrejononseet s dotes Uzi of . "WOW Airadi• and Motions. r w rar. CIV.WA n or v in 7on n g.grio= l Wee bow& Satckli EsTtrag yfi RIACRIIM & CARLISLE; iwco 1.0 N./nit istrows. .44 DRESS . GOODS, J. - BOLCOM & CO'S N. Harltst Woof. . . . . ronas ririsoc • . . MINCH msztiros4 • • - alr4ocad, ?Augur lass, • • • ,PZ.IA SLICK • *Ns stagM.vs L vcsw. cumin:ma • '' . . • Wail issriaeit of Orr" doimolf9S 01. DRY GOODS, • • • «au ossoStra•s Tao ' C• 1 • I I "ell C 4 11 S o ) •11rHULICALtal VILLA= Dt 401E1011 AID 001111ESTICO1TIN101116 Lk** wassassear. . ut sow Diaawall OA& - •sh . _ ! tannin& Z. -~SOHl7l'=TilLo~s. FAm'i!uxuE*- BOYA, Tenth's and Ckildian, CLOTHING, 350',/zry;xr Roomkolaaa GRAY & LOGAN, No. 47 at Clair Str444. TIMM ARRIVAL OF sunup' worm .t • E. HOUSTON & CO'S. trA l eU t. enttLOT T VM 2,WWW T , R II Fokillialilan BußyTaO • qp. No. INT 1117TECNI:, WM! a Mom al/ totosszim i rtlllos la MAT= W ilzm oes TorT resoonalas NM till Wm. IWO Xialk4ACl 2.1 :4 I 7.4:. NEW STOBE. H. H. HORBACH, CoMetioner, Fruit Stare a Bakery, lee Crew riml tai leas' Neely. It•. sro ONTIIIITELD 13121.1 T. bithrean Sneutata•d mom), SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBILI TIONB. PICI CA.D I3 IIIIIPAXI/16. Stet. Stralshebwltit the best 1011.086.014 001/17.mmAllall1L At Use lowest Mietsndo mWl in : r imy - QM:l%.2o.llVirmel, No. 16 /SIMEON°. AllegbeaT. p1:11;bic-i:rzi MA= LAMM COULTER & LABE; Howie andfilign Painters, Is. Ree animrr mums, rtusalinu (Opp.lta Cathedral.) °LAM DORM demo to order. W. B. ROWLAND. "WS. ROWLAND & • HOUSE ; AND SION PAINTERS, rw 111 DIAMOND. ALLINDIAINT. CALOTNIYING dam IN thebegt Amu/. J. H. HAMILTON, Jr., Hops! and Sign Painter, a.. Asa =pus irrAssr. • • Graining, Glazing and Gilding !LILY UZCDTZD, = p m mum, valainaca, rtrrnr, GIJJ2I, .1111:13FLIM TIJAPINTThur, mars HUTCHINSON& HEPBURN. mu- Oil - VUI ILIUM MUM SE MANS AND OLAZDZEIS. Zs. U mum MUM, Pittsburg'rb. AN nom try MAU windy al:laded to. REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULEY. House and Sign 'Painter. • Hamtorred to N.. Ml* ILNITNIIILD BT.. rittabwro, r... son:117 0914041141 the eld mad. =pm. oreolrox. ~coowsP ~ sarYncs °' •~". 8013138 lIaI AID OIUMErral PAINT -31118.1XD AID OLAZ LEH& r. 611,Nort1 aide of Diamond. Allegtonty. Oosonettilal and irtats dm made to order. Otto= rag —omfolly motioned sad pnargico.- vaned. Mboos,,Polata, irtudowtiLva sad tty zonstalttli or b.ad. stint it _ p): : 1:4:j :14 :4 9.,:S!ppy 91:4:4:1 WilL J. DICK. • ' Carpenter andlhulder, 1.0.19 I • I2MHYLVA3IA AVM, o atit4l. PrZTIMITEGIL, J.Abtu :,..1`412.:1=4:1. v .t. An aril,. prompt y'L attended to, and satisfaction warranted. ateliatiddaws ilEiMr=!=SA yOEST BBOTRIEBS, House Carpenters and Widens. • • 1.11 Mad. of Jobblas ad thilldlarptala Steedot to. Orders left at lao. 461. LLB aTailff, d. littabstrak. sad Yet ritaitte l Holoattlea also. /AWL rz -4 J. & S. FILIINCLES, . CARPI AND : Oestna. Ulm for Mrlia . I:=l4tore • ret4=f irrogrui,...l 245, ..,ptlersks. Ita-1441 id SU Minn N. Alletiety ath 12.111 $ M. Mr. 1P.A.1.:34.M. - lime Banter and Carpenter. I , . .. . n t te Ire JUigliiB.ll ALLEY .4 D ti ow arglaff 1 .4 Z.PIIIIIM des. Ida a 9 elumuch. jr, Holum BUILDERS AND CARPEKTERS. autt.rourii Awn =num sremiu 7 al to TORGISBOX it WE, man: 17 ratittklbad NIA.) BABB. 'NAZE dl BUI±IIL. - Itsimmosig to WAXILINE r masa No. flt. Clair St., Pitts I. lEna:mots, Organ E!RgE;iM IZN DVS • lINRIVALLE.D • •••••••• A.l , oB.—Tlaperms fa tow; ine•sost • • cent: Ow moot 5U8..% ibils !ma; Inn a • • slut* klikas taaa &ay etkar. blew start PM Zia sala at less thsavhcl iDtteu.. _ osmium% =MX. 43 Zak Bale /mat far Kaaba's Pisa., vanes Bros. Mai" sad Privd*. Alirtirmallo VMS.. 1111 i ae d :}4frivii:/c):1?),•11 Dr. N. W. BA.TES. 11111111111tY HTRQEO& • • os. rad InaMee Im 'maw af Zama natal sad aalcansag tie .1.1W7 ruld Sala roan of Mures Branum,. ..111111011P. MniMileMy. !la reo um DI.. Ikamad Ward. Beim. atillany treated for an mirabla Alb. iazg4 mina Red% , ararylmea. IMmermar= l lll. . CAM Itus. tal b Mvo %f D. Tiom.. - firant,. 04 Tv:WM 11. al; Wilma Branum I.*Try, sad Ana Ma . Anaasamy ; O. M. amain drum Doan, Ifedarel rum,. Aneab.sry: SOW, A &caw, MarcAaAta. VM loaenn M !O Y tn°. I‘....way. maw . = . ru . ufi rl Pa i= • W IMPORTANT IWTWE. TO 011171118 OF 1101161 i. • U nni blirirg ol. cat2:4 W-P tersk ta n ia= l":4l' bit" N s --3 IT EMIL rite nor fa al fro 11.1arlas . anat. 1111 .11 ,... L0ra0 one. 1 11 as WIWI) too at a ant* =La! ' babble.n"". 2" " " Ora owsurror LOQLI3rII a, LaTil oilman, tad OD WSU. um mi.zer. . aPPCI by a/1111 Srl i 14, r ai, rararltrOlal=aie Or 11, rata rrIU not talon, We bair fiku tmo Or ta boUrao at air otter. . trria... raw promatlyattratleo to, _Ooppimker Lb. t. Ottarlea mama. i . Tigar m . • cw44lm Alt• Ciun,i Haut. pIIOP. N. P. DUFFEY, a• • VETERDWIY SOWN M 3 BONE TRAINER. iltartrifil tar tke . =aar n taratobres racteMal. OM IVA acs at trio rormr onlberij c t 2aN s Ate a M laWraTaiver.,%.! Wlol l ►] 6 l s le]f 0". .0 b., : Ittit• seriatsaa. YIN. irlfEll= prbolear oe yen at W 4 reaugh rim et Zan Lam so 4 itimet! • naaa staU. .2b' -1:111V. tam/au/mums. SIXJAJaa 10702:11LT.... MAU RINGEBLIr & CLEIA. ,„ ancomere 10 OW. Olanaatia a u•di men= UTHIMAPHEIS P 11:1 di m ar irr gror i atiMlELE. g t ra t e ~4:1 5 ft. te, e z . Mr ' , WNW. ir 66 . CHAS. A. ROLLER, 14TROGRAISER% - Avow :limns TERfffir774ll QUA, SILL sad Li?• ads. at •31 Oyler TOBAO3O. CIGARS. &O. JOHN MECRAW; rer Of ITlOn=ad Main -TAN*, Snuff and Com.: 4 1areasahla r31: 414 11 29ILOS 0ta1 121 700. throve at Owed. reagaron 'wens& W: JENKINSON, Matetar:lliad. &WM hi , . Maim SPA .aargo all ,fie. • irsim tow • •••• f•AL LthdmlJ THE COUR quaalleeeeeeteas—.lwdge stows. Thle Court met Thursday at the usual hour. The following COMA Nrrf disposed of during the day: . , . NOT OyILTY, In the CARO of John J. S. It. Dresden. colored, haieted for procuring the amp front the knutty jell of a helm' Lucas, . confined for hone stealing,. the Jury found u Terdro of not guilty, de readout to poy the cow+. • OFFICER CONVICTED 09 LATLCENY James .Brown and C. EL Simmons. jointly' Indicted with' Levi Upton'thried and convicted yesterday) for the larceny of shoes from the Wore of Palmer An shuts At Co. -Market • street. were p l aced on trial. T liis aisle was rathera singular One, with reference to the defense set up. Upton was employed at the store, and on the evening of the 2 8th of July ULM. (Sunday) hewn therqdhwovered, ineorn pany with grown and Simmons, hand ling thegoods. They had the gas lighted, but upon being discovered, exlinguLthed the light. It was In eiddencethat Brown had been at the store od previousoocasions with Upton, at a late hour in the night, and that on Sunday, the Skit of July, Simmons had been at the atom two or three limas, and woe seen to carry away bundles. Drown, whp is a depuliced emstable, alleged he Was "putting up a Job.“.. He teas discovered in the art of ' trying on a pair of .tioots. and stated at the time he was arrested that ho Intended purchasing them. I • ; For the defense, John Brown, tavern keeper in Diamond alley, anti father of the defendant Dro wn, testified that Upton had boardedwlth lam, and owed I hint !matey. Subsfiquently, having 'ob tained employment. at: the store of Pal mer, Anshuta h Co.; he canto. to the tavern of witness, with slicing;xchlch ho gave in partial payment of his indebted nem. Witness said his auspicilm was ex cited that Upton did not cons honestly by the shoes ho has bringing to the howiti, and suggested to defendants to watch him. The host thing witness heard concerning the matter was the ar rest of his eon and Slmmon,, together with Upton. I The defense set up was that , although the clreurnstansa wore suspicion, and a "taking and carrying awayi bad been proven, the intention of defendants was not criminal, as they were acting with a view of exposing the dialimiestyof Upton, who they were led to believelauf boon for some Unto taking goods the store. The crier to -prove suc "Inten lion” on the part of the defendants, by their declarations, was objected to, it-1 the objection anateined, the Court hold ingthat it would be a dangerous Mid to establish, to allow parties charged with larceny opportunityto atone° themselves by representing that they ware acting as olitheni, did not intend to steal, and de signed to entrap some one else.. Such might have been the intention of the de fendants, and the jury would judge mu corning it front the evidence adduced. if thetlesign was as aided, the Court did not wish to hear of any more such kind of cases. It was a queer way for officers to discharge theirduties, to arias thieves. The cane went to the Jury, and after about an hour's deliberation a verdict of guilty was rendered. Sentence deferred, and the bailor defendants Increased from WO to I'l,ooo each. Mtn TMESES John Kelly, Michael Dunn and C. Ingram, boys, were placed on trial for stealing clothing from the store ofJames Clothier, corner of Fifth and. Liberty street, in August last The larceny wan committed during the absence of the proprietor at sapper, the store being en terei hr a duplicate key. A witness testilled e to haying seen the boys 'near the store under suspicious circumstanem that two sat on the steps, While the third went into the store, and a fourth stood on the opposite side of the street; that when the ono who 'went Into the store came out, a signal was giv6n, when the four went away in the sathe three lion. But thee() (those on trial) iisere ar rested. On the way to the tombi, Dunn, one of the defendants, dripped a key, which was picked op by officer Moon and found to Unlock the door of Mr. Clothier's store. The Jury !band a ver dict of guilty as to all of the defendants. Sentence deierred till to-morrow, ... UNDER Lnizny stAncE ACT. Finley Graham was indicted (under the Livery Stable Act) for misdemeanor In damaging a home end bum . hired front Roland T. White, of All egheny, to the extent of twenty dollars. fondant ob tained the horse and buggy to go to a fu • nerd, but. It appeared used them for an entirely different purpose, having driven to various places and in different directions. musing the damage com plained of. On triaL r l i ~ ~ Matrio& Ovast—iiiitim Mu; pass. TITCII.DAY. Oat, 17.—fn the ease of the Pittahnrah, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway Vs. C. N. Shaffer et. eL, thefurs rendered a venllet for defendants. • . . Ja.. Logan vs. W. S. Jackson. Action to recover for plmtering work, rlerrroinnt hariug dl,putod plaint-In. bill. Ver.ltrT for plaintiff for slo7,ir. Charles Knapp and C. IL Powden,. vs. J. Charles Dicke°, giernisliee of Charles Mertes. _Execution attachment Some MO in the heads of plaintiff is at tached to satisfy Judgments of tlie plain. tiffs. The money wee paid to plaintiff on on execution against Iderbits, at the suit of Morita Newark, and it is non_ tended that the Judgment was fraudn- BIM Following Is the trial list for this day It. Rees t 4 Arrnor. 12. Fawcett A: Co. vs. Lartabil. ' .• • • . 16. Kennelly t Wilson yx. Bixley. 19. Grtifn tik McClieren. 20. Miller ye. Simpson. Conway es. N. Pugh, et el. 2.5. Nttehell & Rowland U. Foanle. Gros i. Kennelly .t Bro., e. German s Co. ==! TIIVW3DAT, Oct- 17.—The case of Rota. linens Va. Bee. Hunter—action for slan der—reported yesterday, occupied the -entire ectittion. and was not cont.-lulled at adjournment. . Fallowing is the trial Dal tbr this day: 6. (January.) Caldweli ea. McLaugh lin and wife. Z. (Feb..? (Members re. 4oblinton. (April.l Inrin vs. Wilson et aL tApril.o National Reflningand Star. ngCo. veg. Haldeman,. • 2 (April.) Arnold va.ltovvellivk Co 12. May.) Baldwin vs. Elandowon. 13. (Mayo Shaffer va. Bong. 24. r May. DuquaanoCoal 011o.va. Puna phrey 41: 1:141d. (Mar.) Lamb va. Balton. • 37. (314.4 Thompson va. Rim rialop /talus. sritiar OF TILL rEser. 1161111 am Printyrnade Informagon yew ferday before Aldenzu . 3u Dtetta,terx, against Charles and Prank Miller and Andrea- Mangle for surety of the peas'. The paths match, nn Whirr street near the Point, and Pzinty allow* that they threatened to do him bodily Jaunt. Maggio Prints, at tinzaarno time' and place, tondo iniermatinn stpdtmt. gate- Mangle for aurety of -tho pewrn. h pears that thoPrintys campy hail, near where the defendants In the above eases rmirle, of which the defendants wish to get postanution, and are there fore subjecting the print:elders to all the petty annoyances imaginable for the purpose °relenting them out. Felling In this, they have attempted to frighten them away by threat,' Warr:wits weir homed. Anthony Laughertv me& information iestenia_y beforeAldirman Strain agalnnt Henry Godfrey, for surety of tha peace. The prosecutor aliens that the defend ant threatened to take his life. Godfrey wan arrested end held fern hearing, . • Mrs. Cart made information before the game Alderman, against Mr.. 'reddish, for surety of the peace. The putter, it appears, occupy homes, In Ina court eft llarrison etreet, and have it bake oven which Is coneldered na the common property of all the tenants in the court. It was about the use of the oven that the difficulty originated. 31M. Carr alleges that she wanted to use the bake oven, and that the defendant bad wood in Ig that whervothe attempted totemove the wood, elle (Mrs, Teddlnbi threatened strike her, Several witnesses were ex amined, the ace twain:4 at length by counsel, sod finally diendemil at the toot of the defendant. =EI? Gertrude Orb made intern:lath:az -bays Justice Lipp, of Ewa Birmingham, yen tenlay, gainer William IdeCullough, charging him with assault and battery. Stn. Orb, It appears, keeps a saloon In Barml 'wham, where drinks are served out to her thirsty cuatomem. alleges that McCullough owed her a email MB, and that be come Into her na iad. and asked her for another drink, when alto Informed him that he could not got any morothinks until Ito had set tled the old '.'acorn.",: This It appear,' ag gruyatad plm to a conelderable extent and, itt SW adages, be struck her with his dat and knocked her down. A war rant was lamed, the defendant arrested, and after a boating ho woo hold In the sum of throe hundred dollars far bin np petulance at Court. idlehael Morton "yeaterday appeared helot* Alderman Taylor and made In formation against- the conductor run car yfo. 9, Clt sena Passenger Railway, charging him with assault - and battery. fie alleges that the conductor throw him off dm ear becattsa be weta 'Timmy cmt." There is most probably another aide to this story; dud we think, from. the appeoranos of the man, that ha woe put oiffor having wary strong "prennon ' !tory „symptoms!' of Democracy about him, as ho had 'evidently swallowed amall ix:gallons of the “Spirit'. of that par ty. - A warrant was leaned for the con- Gnncxex nr:=mr. Joh:ICI:Brown, Clerk of quarter fica aione,yeaturday made Information before Alderman Strain, against Hugh Fiwat. rick, charginghimwith btrcenybybWlce: Fitzpatrick hi s jeweler, and theproeecti tor alleges that some Unto since he left a gold pen with the defendant Or thb pur pose of having it repaired, end:that now the defend:int:refined to returti',Ur C si OCTOBER is; IBM :-A:NnulNitT of the - Gt. A. R., No. 66, wq .I.narltnted at Manchester, Wednes day erverthlw:" by Diaries Commender Montootb. and thirty members were mmunid, and at an election for officers, Abram Patterson was elected Post Com mnndant. A detachment of over fifty members ware present, accompanied by the band attached LO Post N 0.36. The occasion was nu interesting one. Ad dressee were made by Gen,Pearson and Dames, Copt. J. P. O:lev.J oho G. Brown, Col. It, 1.. smith, J. 8. tdanr, John Kerr and other, , • '•Dtmp Lifter" Committed.—Netneey Patton. whose arrest, on a charge of - shop lifting." we noticed yesterday, bad o ta.adag last evening; and in default of the required bail. waa committed for trial. named Fradditional Local Natters on First Pala. - . SPECIAL NOT/OEF3. tarIVIL BARNHILL & BOILER MAILERS ♦au 41101:11T , MON WONSXIIB. ‘:;; . '19.4. 90, 20, 94 and 26 Penn St. ' 1 , shamed ISns Yen nrt o oks4 It 'Math* Wet enrolee ram bizarr. In an pre -0.45410 aukauSeetatelsers description of Roll. ars la the best hapset: antl warranted easel to aaT made la the actuary. Chbasen. Breech telt; Ints Bali. eta= Pipes. Looorsollse 8011. en. Cos/leasers, Mat Pan. Tasks. 011 SUM. 6 g1i5 ,0 4. BMW Pun. Boller Iron. !Wages, Segni PUS. sad sole seassfeateren Of BARN. RalotrArrars zoizauts. BatWxLe dole of the shortest satin. UMW " ASI cNei7oec ll re t A an ND el l c M aPteß c h or d Ia B In al t es t, , illtargt."t , :f%r ! ,4lg,l.. pleanat le e tad quer, leamedlatZie It LION, and Ma /111.1 1.2,1111101111PM.146111. safoorp it NrUCUIBOLIVB xsiacazircr D t cartitn cue for dlseenes the SlA LD l a o ltnalfir t fi a 4llll.VlLL, IfistrAll.l7 l l;ZlSare,.. 'Arid WI "refer the " tintllthllt ORGANS, Wlletture~atlaa to P os rom - whatever cense otinDaUng, ano no nut. ter of • ' . HOW WWI lITANDL6 O. Disagree of Mere arsine rennin • the hang' • dthrette.• no treatienut .utrott , ted Cohoeinp , ton or DIS•In. Mar etints. • 41r/ink W~Stood are sapporten from there Dunes, ash HEALTH AND HaPP/51.118. az* WS oil .. .Twee*Hy. dolmas epos prompt usa of • MIAOW smear. • 811.11BULD'S EXIBACIT 81101117. Establisked upwards of U ruin. Prepared b y • H. T. MILIXDOLD. Drasslst, 1)1 1 1 :0= 11 I ew 7/►1 Tor t ►4 . I t eta( ' a Pa. !kid lry Druratata. swam BOY TAB' , PETEOLIA BLUE LEAD; 108 012.11ZPrinum I Kassabotired oat, aid Or suer, a • 7'. IL orzria r co., PIONEER PAINT WORK& N.W.Cor. &I and !Maud Us, .me rirnuitlitini. PA. Mot Hteofatf Carnmi I Lime= TRATXD EXTRACT RIICIIII la th rest DI•TetIe..BILYROLTOI COWCZNIllieri • SARSAIW{ILL/116 the Unit II axl YU der. &bib we prepared warding to n ull s o. Paratiley sal Cbealstril. awl its tne can Sold by oroxilm net Isere. MIMI.) DM nuns role Tim nispirsucene lw..ti “Ntshi Shoodug CirriU. PlialanoN, •'Y:ifs 11:1/esattag Camas, PlazdeaN 1111.mbig COMM. -- Phulaa% ••Mien . 1111•••• lag Carom A teed =pall., *Mr" .a 1 4 1 - um. Perk... prtLled from OA ive sr.d bentLrig &woe fret .111...6 LL Wu. tte sama. llMULO7lik . lo7l,7l.prlrark: MILWAME OV COURtEMMMTS. A= TOR .PIALMNIITAKE NO OTitEi FOR RONNMETENTION OR PrOUNTLIOUreIt or IMO!. Irritottoll. lo w earrosima. or nco u rg , :=Lbo o lllzer. to eticatoo. snort or rut- kdo. ho o area.. or Om blodorr. Indene .Toft'arsAota"l ...allots. On tlizarico..o• PLAID Ix - MKT 1, Carr. Oolhator. rarROBINSON. sir & CO, Mom an se Somme*. Mums • Mar.zas.l WASHINGTON WOLK% rommiarass• lb.••••1111a.POtaliong Ibuisbetarers et Ikat Issattenary Masi Madlama. &W./WAL..I7. ea . . lag. 11.411.13.{. amass of an asarltluou:oll ?OARS andel/11N Ikea .ad non Dna Vora. Inneon.lia. 11 earner Vim and ennkfaid &dr far strain D's , r 1.1131. /N -UMB Ibr toadlaitannara. lainn tar nicueneoLum EXTRACT 3irctn7 gt... health dad ylior Mei trim s 4 tamed to Uld pal Id eturtt. auv.puded au/ alarm., Irrupt..., wtd U .11•MBer. hntabesour4 M. ...aut. Una.traltd. udispt , e Venom!. ueuvird IgrmaLiM um:Euen COPPER 11111141 SIREETINO WORit PAUL IteCTMD' Y ik CO.. Illaslavaas a Oatail i c . ll7 ad NO artrAlts i VS , ea .. " a " m . L. Utast" Ma, as. I --... ... a. Oaaaaty a bad Siam asata4 .1 ,M•is. racograteal=JlTX 12"ElGLORY Or MAN 111 le ST.KNOTtI...III...con w N... nmAxame -POOIL. ASZOILOUSZ OS ILSJICS 11 , 7WAID AIISUCLIVIIO , Ir wzrotont. rai l'atUM. sza.CILI/11 1.0417131)t. sad nu =Moat. ••11VIlae' tat '4 I MAX/tit WS lab Shiny In. alasal7-persrsea. sad mato la p ollmews to 111.1Igialat. wlt I sun anus of sater. Bent to .awes WY. ••••sler Or 4 . o.7l.ls.lleast=ki.. _ 4 OATS clurwrriCTlOßp. upp ,y S' • • azetaariocult. lives tew ariIOIIIILIMIEUNG NICIPIr•CAULL mul suatritio Iwo . . was-m a n BRozg. UP. feMNbl'l wows we. II run rrtutemekow t ar- TA ENO MORE iminpLEA,_ 11411117 oed QUAYS ltileUlß. *se espleoagoses4deerooesedteosee l ee. toe Hel ocliel.e LIT.= AVM: YD Rosa aroma= scorr, ,DENTIST, .ro..rtaxgr larnßer, I nrmaimien. tarsiztamiluovs FLVID EX. ArtizliMtMsn i . ,r az , 2u t r a di spoliate 1 / 1 lie allies. Ds Mlle IarSIANACIOD AND If 00TH: scum , lAireigolit "°' OrITATTERICD CONISIO: =Mr:MID by -Mutt4s LE. dr. rtaturup commumasia.A.Tava:i WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE ara Lerma Ron. comma; If73IICAL USN. TLISIAII id NAG. top foit • •A/ to kb limber maroo n iller it WUPIULtITIk go IP, 'IN .1 I *A II . 1 . • • that b 11 sad llPPllaexil t o dejeld INlff Vallls•t• agtar d . able as • as Aka I;2 ° mod .tc.. =mos. nediunTLll'.?"'" Tie.a.ronofWb must Watts sad sarlyall tat e•tltasai d aaasea many imprloclplad Pani .lM 3 47l==AT ' aintiel: spiny e_e•staau4 ta sall Mai Ga.!. of I,KA • r•illt c lar OAT feran, eT Zfl.m..4 Liu • ritual N7l, Waren , JOHN DU CAN'S SONS. NSW TURN. AGENTS von Tnim D. S. onafplerre rOLGATE COMB GERMAN CO ,;R:4O:VE SOAP kr = rtsal V 01 ISTAIPAIIi b. I W , N.a 11 1 0 .10[4., roe. ' salt 1 , 7 Woe tn. pwaswp It — YE . CYECMIEL, D. C=lEl azil7lllPll HncwropinslC •Tll nsu.. crx MID TILE, . WSITZ Lteli, OBINIVIT TOPA omca n e 24 Riretig_4lllBl.MnlENT. ay Iteaomisbela moue. Nie ; 13. $, LYON Bealer of Weights and Neasares, 1110.11TOIONTII M;¢% • Balm. Marty lutol Perry stmts. thArre toremthr att..lls4 b. sawn. OLIIIILES BEIZIENSTI3N, 1111 TILDICHIS 11111%, AIaiOHBA Ir. - Point door abm Diutond.l Glen, (bias Ware B Table t alien it it. elm. a PlU gl i tt;d. Orl b l r w m , CO? roods. ~: 07 - T) i 7 A eery large stock of Roses, Geraniums, Verbenas, 814, In blows, at the Oalland Ws. acne& sons L. 4 A. monsoon. .1.1 RI, • ramatnew. wyttfita4 JACOB WEAVER JR. C 0. ,& general Patent Igen,. -MIJ3 111. 177 4:34111 oiriwokipla anri, EMU OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon 0 Sperm Lubricating Oily) acianuAL4azzu OIL, Who Wale la Crude, Rained Latnicating LW,Wand B. 0. BIAOMkEINEY, Age= 19 Irwin anelto lITTELBLIZGE. . M. LONG & CO, Mil ELIO BLINN OIL Ihtuul—"LlTC/Flat." Met, N.. 2 ',wale Way, P TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MEBIMINTI, itod Petroleum and Itt nets, rrrnatimea 017/101—Thdadara ot Daytona sa4 India rtnet. PUTG Anzbriil/1017101-I.llll' Want A WARING & KING, Bum m MIMI II; Petroleum and its Product& Dalzellis Block, Name Way, pirrumion, P ADDS. 11111: . WARING. KING it CO.. istr wmantos.. WAIL. Egsma ow bon s, Zemocriretwo.iiiie. , WICPITIRAN &ANDERSON . Definers and Dealers in PETROLEUM 07/1122. 5111XliD mum, CORN= ILL? 0001 R. /MD DI:10111211111 WAY. ' BREWERt IHMUIE it, co,. COMMBSION BOCROMM ==l:=l PacUk, Globe Liberty Oil Works •Asterz =4 nat for Clzte Sad ilkludoll. Lis Mar 111•11 ' a" ra g =sig amml shiplunrCimis (Mat Lawman% sakil naseertit ..„Vekr.4%fth4=l:,..." stmt. c. .A: mcncw..w. s WH1T11212131. SOHO OIL HOBO* ruNetnn mad bavo Ayr sal. all MAU of L.U.B 111-IV4 Pia 40 OIL 11, 34. fir. 01411 ITINST. .inset CO. J:4_P BART, CAUGHEYA CO., Baden and Brokers, COINER THIIII A1111110011:STUITS rrensonsa. araol4llll=llM TO 11.11A../ILLIT 6 . 004 =ll7l Fachongo, Coln, Coupons, == GOVIEILIIREEPIT 11101fillft , /1111PCIIIIT 1,110111011 wine L ilf)Ml3 & SONS, No. 57 Market street, Araosits 11140114115 a rrs aikido W earrifth Whams, amok etmwrstadtel Dat•ts ol sau Map Kuno sot Ciaidas. - Ilteeti o lads sal Other Securities scumAND S O 0111 001111 1 / 1 111105. eir .tailar mummer lON ths intakami sit U. S. Seouritien s swift s vt.iaxe wrath V. cNICIIIO.4I4ex WIZTITICASI2I 13111=11111111. Oflas saillismaserstiould WIRIIII sLYI Bill, Jrb. OS Antra Aired. iniumorip 3.611145. lasorein Mae es .11.4.• Dolman& Lay - resohniot One Dinar A/7=W =WA .Is OMAN Allbenot DAMAN! Maw*, A CPALOCIA. rreeideas--Thenrsta Tice PresideaV—A.S. MARSULL. 11129 t ~' prrrenvaau BANK SON SAVINGS. tWormieljtbe DIVE SATINUS 1111171191101 64 Fourth Otrtet, Stoner 0101woolto gawk et IPlttalowrigli. atriw jult i f li rrou s sad ow on p eo•r Art, 'sumo AT tv't.ra 9;77 i s or ar Vs, • oiglrs,*.e. fOrnisksa Os Gaol T lts w ienalfos.' , * tsossTbsso Samos. ste 1021 Was ossose,s tom. 11 . 1 1rel i r♦sow, osrea. seas tr.r.zr.rt It% TV.,..t.trn: Illooser43 Ol Mittokoatouerou 010100 A. SMUT. . - rsco fasinDslTSl s. I.I.IIAZTIUS. PARE. is. oscartswf AEn Swislossas A. intor lidar42.‘thiconot, fifil l a 'jai " tti?Or ibt) a rz. - R0L1CW0111...... W. A A. N a naLLotoroar ALLr.unErnr SAVINGS BANK, ALLICOIMIT, IP& OriMd is azisa. wrocamosas EIDIVIDIT/LLY• MULL = siftr.giut ejgepatentil 17 ' a d ly : DI tt ft ila a k , • 1111 " . t. mum. nutual.wr. I -•ND BbOu : : : H . J. LANCE, Nos. , 1116 and 167 Third SUNDA DUB AND SCOWLIII, gm Goode Clem( er Dyed, e an " O .V.1 2 aad /AD I 4S I P ?mum @IMP L . o.filsouzive Dyeing and Scaring listablldiest, 1111111030 Amur% Emma wood LA4 taiths•wtto LILT! 2721C1M0V11 yMCr.i frnazwitais. oaunerft. M. assesamemit foe coastronthazatfte,!allaraddaVilita ado, troaa Literal .tedgi th.dtl7 bu tan Pawl fa alai <Alai tat eadottioa. ett4 taut be . 1 , 3 „Ktu gamy days trom tdfa data,' without fartbalaettahld. :arida.% 1 44• 110 . 1/11191. Feu lALE—Th• ben Finn In Polgtei ialorsollitZorthiendand Igo % musetoutli:far Bolvar elation. The lothrovethent. the a Ithge hood !V a lue, wi th ulj a z! :mom vg cellar; ca. to u le i l o r rentrd. Ihe * lnnedort Le Noll is a= . 7ndli well . ; about No acres aleared, the re. =ln. In goal what* ath Water. TOL p ...s la arse at toe low Dona of Ally of rop lors Per Pool:ohm hosoodlatel. Oleo. valuable Gordan con 0000, tamed la Talatheth toworbloVZ: hi raw 1 7 wa.. oa the Youghlogrotor Aver, and OW .6 itencten, 00 tee 0:233.00-111MUlt 8.331- road, • t Idsiatoon M ll es from Om 0110. The 11nre • Oro-11017 brine. bathe lth hall moths throoSh the bathe. with cellar. • o bora ao4 ar outor.ll4thss. of th beet Leann, of ell Tut/Alec • 'I4W4 Schools end RM. 0007 onmenient. ocathe n ill= "4 nld do to tail and • Venn or sera t o Peav trnrezety, 'l7d county =saw cleared and ob.. der Uvulas * IS acre , of horrnotta white oak and uscamel chg.-11.1.zbor. I IT= 0 .1 a• t-rou, " Mwzlll la good = 2l l -J;le ar orenara of Amami &nit, Thelon gnaw =re la tidabl Id= =Cane .zza Lever 58gmt• liollioanfleonsuW irdlreagrgUirloar P ic,7o4 three Woo won of tireenobarg, Tag , 1•. ellebry attested In a good n hors hood e i i= auo thdarlald with ODW The rum on urn lAillotheto towron6, tett= itrirtoa-turitailld!utall4." rZI . II jat 0 1g.... 110 pa1g5eng..1:::d4 4 4 ; trams rtarprOperly be *old ebony. o ~lso, b tut In Leaf =211 ' 40 VINT; uu. and time rauth a: ten, nratlona on the Pa. Er. IC. ito, improveraniu an, • are trams :rig" Imnisi ,a tui ri or Alta g ; , a f t Art tte4, o 2 bolts[ anilall the necessary 00100.0, arm • moth mama of choice Dalt trees. The *BON tract 1. cuadvilald with a ids foot vela of coal, now oporied, and as shundthoe of Um sloth. TWA properly wl/1 to sold My low, If aptdied for Nen. Tor Author panicannr awake of P. R. TOWER, 0011 PdaLT data Agent. 164 Youth 00. 2,000,000 ACRES 1101011 LINOS FOR SLR, Colon Pie Ulm Co., BATIVILII DITIMION. Was OM' thi Use of Mar road. it $l.OO to 11500 Per Acre Anion • ORXDIT OP 11 , 77 S TP.A.716. For' partleaLan, ae.dreu JOBB P. DETZUZLIX, Lane CaskalWiner. aronea•, Or. OHJUL A LAJLEOIIN, Neer. WASHINGTON CO. FAIIIII. POP lIALZ—a. boot of did norm of which WO Is aloyea. and in. onnalader. coveroCwlllt dm white oak Umber Ultnatod Wett.Plod- Ito grmAr=_Jrn: s i,... o 4, o 4 lianartown. anneal ant to cantono and oelloola. Boson It two tor Wan., new slarda Yd grain nutmeat an otesatol of eight wen of !ma aytta r siga=4 o l . ... Photo. = OIL 164 . DroUr tallsocis itul “17 - •wlo swims. ream rtnel. r HAVE THU DAY ASSOCLA.6 z!z • SID ma La _1,.....,, t41 11 1 2 2 C111 0. !CRT 11t, UN; JOHN D. VA L= & DRO., STOCK AMO REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AIDOTIoNEZNA, aa4 inlVolliti%ta ct ret tagan.tara, T aL l *Mar on tas pralatna or Particular a ßOW lte r Ulan pala. as arab:late, to Um sal=Saz.r . ,.. at grArl• Otamo. li 7012g111 iri=.""l444.ld:i .SITTII WARD PROPERTY. TWO ELEOiIIIT BRICK SWELLINGS; . Loesuil aS CALDWELL . AA4 RtXAT Fn. t got,ar •Alu• sautes L Aug nowt, Lot AAA b. IP To a adJcw lot too.. /ma P.P.. Lai 17.7 a. yr.11,1•1t1 sova•a. atl or ..f•PM , • a6aa•a. ala wtl lA.A.A.atut a LLI se .02 or re....Abia loam. apply to STEEL & WILSON. Bream, sad But Zidata Aseata 80. es szabiaa mut oes FOS SALE,-Lome and Lin on consay of lisalaansa and Adam. teat. .10/ oladdadsr ltabkray. Lot •. b 7 LOA fen. Hoar y Ranoad. . ooalaba/a4g. 1 roan. ud 1004 ban. et I prov Haab. sad Las oa akOneld. 'any ald•rall et.. Allogeely City. lot 1:1 by Al bet. Holm tram.. boatalay WI, era rams aad rood cellar; waser aad sac • dlisoaa. at masa malt Roasts aad Lola godol kOOOLI . avail aim. • Elam. idaY Onnan !um, itsartma r s . awittei LOU BALE OR @VIM CHEAP— ... • rim ta. teal 1111•140•4. amala. Wag_ .Bast lasproTt .262,tzelk atm sad good orcbaul: la .41 good for 44 •ImatJoa....kkio . vi pyre*. wlErlMrta Irteheap aid o:ls.so l at We Irma. AI.. • enmarte of gOed Imalldlas lot • 144.= t: r a u b .abut "aut. waRD. • ultimo stalot.• Whall thot Fathsdral. HOWIE AND LOT FOB saue, wmf2"Rilg:ratl l 4 tiTeriatel.,"ll". ‘l3:4°.= 47.111=r'=" tra lipiTsat.atat Da tb* 1,1 rru, foam!' :Sr 1.11,1,144.‘,"". ~:~a ; .~ ~; C~~.:~.tf a~: r:=,;9 DOMT DE DEVIATED 111 ft "ir ag Atp . N.,_ . tr us"V•n'_x% mok r •••A1t13....11br .rt. • Ta t 4)%1 ... % sa. map. _ 17: =to. 100 3et stembellt. arrow • " mar. emntse GROVER /I RAKER% ELASTIC STITCH AIN LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines An Tins 111:.r tor Family $.2 lialratictullea 114.11..... OW MI No Om .71b. 1O JWI Altroot. GZT BONE BVT . °ROVED, & BEMIS rot a Eallaay SIM U itliatie. patios! NO. 1911 IT., se .a la Li :4 4, 1 7 : awn a 3112 IL 131110 111211111 Mft aa rimr.a.nriar. Rune tot *sr tun i not l• XIX 104 ET2E3 TEC GUOVEEI • MILER . SEWING MACHINE la Ms trittuallitts et Ketualsa. ruse alai 11411.11N1111N RO 10* IIISA BMX?. mrttsm .1... PAM. AA 11(414 hoziki CONDUOTED 01 TSB MOMS PLAT. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Vow 4 OS & 401 Litwitt7 St, Oapeatitu pais Dive; sTxTantucea, JAMES Y. LiNia&R,-Preprietor. Tab Was Is .117 55111 tad sabradldta tot. Itshod, and ambealt at b all Um ashram's.... !at '. 8711 egny l oraittrai rig:Lat.= ..°l.TATll:g."':it 3 :a=l LT- Sart "V' O." V47::1311,t.:'4=1:1, 1.30= St ris swum ROMS sad haltl,loll, ntw . .1111.5,311 ST. LAMM 110THIL, lON WOK LUBOr7Wlf rzAzi N. E. On. Penn dc Oang enTiatraen, Pl. . JAMI • JOHNSON, ..Proprietor. ..2:4•MTE.,==t1,..111.t.1 ~•-•r4•_ - ~ .__ i• NEW FALL GOODS, ' . • J1111T . 161131111210, _ & CO.'S, wza. 181 Wood AA • TM large a!o,kot HATS, CAPS AND PUBS, 1.11 urns.. .was for the FALL SWAM wiling at TNA LOWER? Kilo/1" atm :4;v 4 1:4.1 0 MEt!LSARTIP LIT/FAY AND BALE STABLE. I. W. NICHOLSON. PROPRIETOR. zoo. 141 AND IS TI MM WREST, =3:l Biro. rir- NOXELL - 041.111141.6121, to" for Vail. WIWI" ?ad 10 PUMAS" sad we ob. of • • m lulu* ICISIZEZZan, . MOIIBLi111) 111.1TCHILL, Lllier) ; and Salo. Stablkes, aye Liszacer "razz% Oppoillarsairlimats !Mailed D•OoS. eTTspuncii. mns , "4=a,rt—uu4 - . . am,* MEM fLLEGKENT INSURANCEI: CO. straert ExaXlll4.l/ PITTISXIISGH.--oXlee, Xx. X/ !Mb lxiscris viralxst all lamb at 111.6 sag Karlar V MrAd,,,,„ C. C. was WEI. DE.s.v. 'alumna A 4 DruOTOlie • Jopa Dots. Jr. (DM WM. Dm. O. thrg MCMa. fe . .l . l. f r "'" ef etV 6 Harvey card% Hobert H . Leon. T. J. Heetarrea. D. seallers, muter riese. Geo. D. Hearew, pEIVIVSTLY4IIVIA visumiscx OF PITTSBURGH, PA. ossna, sz rum Street. 8.=. 1 g sacs loft 4 • Ethx62. l isscr. autararas mum 7zo.loarcv ZARB, r r atan, 11 - sitTRAWAVII=gr... . W IosLIDINY, Beer 7/. frAMT 4Ue Robert rata:, J. Jaccb Ps.ccer. 4. C. Moiner. INDEaraTir AGAINST LOSS BY TIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. • • PHILADELPHIA. oessoi 'and 437 CHIPATIEUT Men. 7134: • Marla,arls W. Haankor, ma d amM H. Lonla, WWI.; Dthia Hrorra, Sunoall*rol id, Ira. L.. Jacob B. Bad Xththrdp. Halo. Hung Ir. thuds. kirothe Z i a Bffefit , wm. a. mums. oor:otarr. J. GLAXIDNEU COVE' Ili. Agent. oarbilril North Wart eon 702001 • Wood rta. WESTERN INSURASICE • •• OF PrrYnIME.GII, . • .I.I.EX.LNDSZ .1111WIOS, rmatennt, WIG tucuszarriamm OM. Mkt. Me t h ISZLIk win mai Agent. OMNI, a: as water •ravt. lalmaig • mo. Virralt of Plze a lfarma MUM. • henna InsilintUansannaged by mlmetor who gm well known to the comanalty. and IMO to determined by twommaess ann to maintain the tharactex labia they hart am— ;,,veokaging ze b. nrin . g . MAkast protection 14 QOM 111213 aux. zilmia. 1/132070ki1. • =lst, Jr, Beta SLTlKimaa. Jams ktutater, 11,741:1411,'• . Klrkpattlek A n y i n 4e t r 11136 iLT • Smartart• pEOPLF2B INS 011110; N. s. COL W A HORN wm. rtdauris. " _ Capt. Ju. ' aular. Irsa. VGA Varna : . N. Y. Giltlfg" 6apSoap!CoodSo) NATRONA In=nrD SAPONIFIER Concentrated Lye. 2 eta. a lb. tor Muhl' Hari Sou, TWELVE POUNDS OP SOFT SOAP - Every Family can Make their Own SoalC- ALL VARIETIES OP SOAP. . (11s gutty Stade al; Cyrp . . la knee, Catertatzeted Lye, for making Soap, Jost djacoveled fa CIREISLAWD, isrnr. Accurso MLA and to coat . posed . inalaly of Alamtnate of &dB, trILkS, ahem Ward aids arm -INE PAT. produces the REST DETERSIVE SOAP 1 Box will mike 175 Ma good Bolt Bo*. les agulnlaot In superior Hard Soap. natated by al Dr¢RVb sad ailment =!=l ar TULL =CUM VITA /401 BOX. JO Desks. .. *SW* It washouts I suss: us], Pats/Ws( 45 law. at • . narral dllsessat. of Um , saww. Oro.. ina4 Druggist* la .It elm awes sat *Ulan stabs Oalast &Weft • COED FIENBUTON) amuma Assra, PlTTSltraik MEM C=a . Address U.S. Woodworth & Zon e . ' ,Itocharter Chemical Works,/ \., Mc 111, 11/ k 111 Mal Phut, / \ : eocauorrsir. 211 .'11 . . / v N. Y. 0 1 / 1 . 101... -/ . a . \ an ar.4...... - / t . i 7 t 2: - 6 •e' • ' Cl ft ,:, a 2 SIN \ • .siga :ZI . r t 0a1...t.g -,. • • .7. -at'' , w / - *II g t‘r•i/ 4 • \ I;:f4t l 4* tit. ; 11:73,..\\tir„..41:4'. ":1 1 : 1 Ctiti: gt \,..c F ...,,.. 0. -I g 4: ' e:I ill 5 - aro •g• l i ., ... . 9 P. , :4''/ • . z.nu . ~,,,.., \-,; 1 , . . , poesy. ta n.......t...111.1 N li . i t .I.4o4P4......*lispiatruts.u, , . .01111 kV/11017AI anz • L winft+1.101.r...14.1.4 ta 110.04 \ 1.12.4 Ap.ts, - f0irt.......11...in•0s ..1 Atangs In ..1.13.e...100 II; p0,......d.. Am 7 1....1 3 41 ! ,, L 1 •17.. MO ot ...et* H.... / so Wl mnpea siquompokas, PAPER MARV. IMITMLINtitIOMPA.VT, Ilmtaatarenot PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS obrarrult k/14" 511CUISZSITILLZ. 0170. /111611 YON KILL, NEW ZOLIGHTON. r 14.. 02 , 7101 E AMID WAHLIIOI7NE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • 0171=8—lpiiIIST rtsolest, • . • 42.0. , LtYlNu y Dunoyoeuk-hno Atwi B. p. Hon.., John I. Livlnoltan. JOhot)1. w itat ktf l orgiPlipow UK*. nonhool • • S . Bo /BRYAN, • 113101.131.11 BONDS, STO-OKB, AND REAL ESTATE, ApoHo Balding, Fourth Street. ...B .. 9)_,lpAtts a ' all Yanking 8e.% azd - 1._74.1174:11111,1191?"` `""*"""'°' tom n, errrssunsu amp COMPANY. JOHN ROM & No, 23 Wood No Pitlaburgb, Is. Limps, LIMP BisEt, CHIMNEY), LANTERNS, ER 4. ,11 . ,n, nu►tla loolstatos to the i r .ftitu n i:otittl i gt2 tirep°w NEW PAPER HANGINGS NOW mmigiTngek 13 OWT Tamm. AT No. 107 Dinirkei Wrest. Jos. A. ZUGMEIa l BaO. MACHOOD g HOW los?! now e►BtunfOt Jost pablishesl, !s o t oralod eallltcrPO. rrlooSlX PLAIT, !Lk I.P.P. C 2 Ahl . Naiteal Troltooesit Mg. tizA.r.-7,„7: I.... :"Tra u trdOl go ss os say and 1 / I tes /ItiAllk !Md.,/ "..P.lbtlaitsgres rii i : i net a a b strA4 Ma• o. o r oor os oso.• rept .44/ sow, troiTirs osi - s o .7 add‘'el mot oaldt. on rikokf WASHINGTON MILLS, Eigtei Strut var Eltekret 6r II Emig. W. W. ABDEBSON, lllssursatarsr 11ZZ'1740175 se/ OnOtTIIHI , E.sO,- Uri Isllnnis Is Aaissr eltid us w a rm a r= =414 MEM 1 .•: • - :: - ' 7 • I ONAL. • Joint miccuters, -- Jittorney-ab-Law. Ola.ll, 71 SBA= T. Plusbarets:l EUSTACE S. Imam) w, ALDERMAN. . Ex.Oftleio,Justice of the Peace, /LSD PuLIIE 1 1A.61z2R&Tt. 115.% k 72 Peurshuil AMIN &tun* h. wiEtu"°ll.2.l:.r2Oir`gi tigrtt th oLuotness ellsnatell Tars • j/s..doe A . AMMON, ClooMoooof.lical Estate aao Dinzanos oioot, OABBOF STSZYT, Zan Rizzoloans , . 00/leatlon of Eau, liolleltod Ina 07Miaptly Mended to. • • Mr3o WILLIAM. H. BARKER, JUBTUIE OP THE PR&OB, CONVZTANCIRI7. La. Oaten, 0/187021.11THY.1.T, nearly ninon. to Railway 0.0%. DMZ rlttobarill. Hennes.. trusted to his earl promptly atundad to. ICJ 17111 DANIEL BLOILE.A.L, BC 114, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. (IEO. 11 . COCB:S;4AI, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law 06lee—POL1UNW LLW BiIILDINEI, Na 60 061131. ETWIL2T, earner of l'onntk. Pltteh•eh. 11l lexal baslwro outruncn o tas ewe will re. give proatot %nen J. 8. rEnnoson, Attorney-at-Law, Itftown ILWI. Ilsox? /Loom ITBANCE CO. g . H. Bleconauca, MUD AND TEM Y2ll ODEIPANIF, 1:1 MARSHA Bum. OTOHL fr L.' ILboubi Charles .0,41. g: Jobs P. Kttristrlak. 1t5&8 ... . 11811. ramtars, enMeast. TATE. Inca Presideat. TrOVUON. OsIVI Am: • homy% atteatloo glacti to all Md. or lawn tosalatta. aprwali AL, LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Nc!, 93 Diamond Street, PITIPHORIAH. Pl. join w. summix, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OSPICIEs No. 325 'ovum STREET mum IL C. EfACHRELL4 /mono& 110UNSELLOA AT •LAW No. 69 Grant Street, ,! •PITPBHIIAQH, PA. GITSZI JOHL... STRAIN. 711.-TATZMINL 1! I VIL .M. 0133010, Justice of the PONCO AND POLIOII MAGLITULTZ. Mee, rn Film St. oppoaita Cathedral, • PITIPHIMBEI. PA. ' 1.4n05l orsn Inman:nue t IMP& 11=MIm,19:b1 tas WI.o . &Maim:dub. - . _ FOR ONE CENT .ILLLABI 11101'ARY .1 PUBLIC, JUBTICE ILTIIIII PILACL, Nifr ß i E nt L ffs.ll ' NZEZ.;,v(l,=::'"°' OPmtvg.tratr=ef . =,..a.gg: gr=l3:24 . 4 ,crrrledgmerrnal allut. - - JOHN C. Hc.COMBS. • ATTORNEY AND CINNIEUOR IT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street 4/7 - Pastrinn. Smalls", sad Arrears of Pal Of ostotir eolloaea. nothoso `a nit'ai:liaelireilzgJytivetejl L;•SROUD.IIxsO➢ lIVCA/11.7 TWOOD & IiPCIFFRBY. BRASS FOUNDERS, STEADS &SID GAS .FITTERS Corot did and Liberty Streets, above Carroll a !briar.. Ennakkaaaa. Latta sr Heavy Castilla• tunas aaa pr 14' aw. tl Tmld 'to the Paling opt sad amatlr . 11Joirtai. P.kaaboaU. liolhoir r i arlia4o4 . lll Es Agents for A. &Cameron & Co.'s STI4I-A-Nr-PUMPS Alto ' BLOWIER ENGINES. flew /Nana tare anaterlor advantages avelttai fDann, .pd entry one la warranted to give W. a m e m . Pa=rveonatantiv an hand. fla/SntiO .0. C. SPANGLB3 & BRADFORD, N.3llLgLcrimezt4%x. Plumbers and Gas Flttem, lilted ad 'with Matta. OAS sad 871•11Vaal:M.112mi aottnata. irdaTind ITerlft 7 s7l=t7AZ V"k. nu11:344 C00nt......4016 amt. JOHN H. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and GSA rittar; Wrinhosoroor of firrililArDßlZArlti WOUZ, of cmy dcarnotron: dealers' In OAS =- 21=1 &Mr 1•17111211 G, or an kLocr. Nruer.or Pike awl 'Walnut Streets, P ITTSBURC pa. Buienime&MlLLEll, • • PLUMBERS, • • GIS , AND' .8111111 :FITTERS • , Boar and Ms roam, all kind. of Be. atd Ala Str +12 , . tithlrgrar= W .l - c " : '" Na 2140 Cikact 8I oot e UtstlTcon Sal Lase and Cbestnui St..) • • • ALLEOZIENT lATY, PA. yFases Sited op with Oi prmenuneu NA.T10111.4.1, COAL di COBS" COMPANY aleteerk ut n ellppers dealers, Irbolem;le awl re -BEST FAMILY 00AL, NUT COAL AND SLACK TO. T. —Coner FOURTH AND TILT srucrra tittsb.ratti. • • All atel.r• dervvry ill, dry. or thlptuat knot -mert,4",17:11 4=PLIVI'dVir,4" BEST FAMILY GOAL A 11,67109 hand aid'aellvtred promptly Warder, AT LOWEST NUJ= BALM, BY OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Oa. WWI bad ~ t.ll. W. t C. &am ALUMINUM, (wry. Antaraetta told tarrilsiterl at the tamest rases. COAL! COALTI COAL!!! DURSO], STEWART & CO., MX; Telacrt,4 W.3r Ofdea to No. WI" : LIBERTY - STREET, 0.41417 OM Flour MOND FLOOR, Ar..ow 00.0 to Ihrmartk stood Tobvaosh.ny Lump,. HUT COAL OA !LAMM /Mho lowasl atukrket _ ra....49=1.6.9_1411...e.tra1L5a, Of .4dressid egiv. att.ntlecl • 01TZ:1223 cuABLEs p, 41111,,sTPoich . • TOIIO6IO.OIIEIY 6 °unman= 00.11, Ana Maintuturen of 0011411ilatai,suid Deigdpnanspia Ook• • 1.)//10* A.VDTAIID. eaSEFE.:43I o n t j y a. r rl n r gg . .4M i Art , . t „ . 117ett ad lltdenlitti at any at 11412 . atio., will reoalr IMnint attntlbs. . EIECOTOWIt NOTICE.— T ats 47. AIN I MMIT.Tait 471 We obleatew, Alleged** Pa— •aelag dada ntatM afatlf•aaaarafin•a, •r•an. In. doted to MI allot* are repot ud loaata IM . Umtata PaTeaatt. tan Un • waving allOw• will PY.411. tbe, vlthaafleate4 far pet. mown. MIZALlati, Eared tor. VolleatoWn. Oat a faal. CM, MIL lIHIMAS, Letters Testainem. hrrtio Oki caste of wittaAr FRZW WPfe.e&lititratt Alltlb reigria: trrterll n to...M.Hrtat4ll Mooned to mats )116ozed Ul. Dt elatausatast_ilkoAti , fi. rim!, r uva z cLat r'-- "' llr7wv, A. CAMERON. Attorney -at-Law, No. AS Fifth Street. IRDDLE ROBERTS. mey-at-Law. Offee, R 0.75 IRLIET aill. at atte.lon givesttO woes /.116.k. rispLoT. meianal HE PEACE, Ogles and Itealdalos. No. 150 Grant SI., near Mgt *PM MO. SO 1727 U RTZWILT. ICIPITI .tatvcrrazia3mint.itablir SI Grant Street.' M=MMI jrr .r 0.4 Ohio St.., = 'u ./ Water at abed COAL COKE. Bic ~.r~Q~, AXUBEMENTS. nirNEW OPERA ROUSE. Wit RSMMRSene - 7 . 7 7 K . i WH ac . .-Stp 7g6.14 . Beuel1: 114.1 /ISt elf 1. , c.: c - zet tSe 17.1,,i eS,tora lonng trageel.n, MR. FR A\s `2AiO.. ventrlAN,) EVIEN mr•v•tl. med e , nol II 434 3, um, .on. .. ' Cadet La Peatle. • Heart do tontro Xt. trruk Moo. •1V1T.0.11-9rind rqr r<r,rurm. T El E W. TII I tlf OLE'S TAMILTIES r. Ir:AWift,tl - ::.•" - __X , 41...1.1••nt of RII• Ifes.ttfal hey atltletA .n• 11,C f'l.Enwre... et u . ..11•11.' , ANN? I, ou" RE,r it. tens, tirn Mlle stAaTIN , I Co rrr klbutaxt• ID: or, T.. crc , s • 01' ..1.01.03 • ri KLIELANTt3. ........ A..6IIIJILL, ivr STEELEA incatEtts ur FLOUR, FERO. GINIIN, Atte Pro.Na co At nerAlly. No. P 01:111.) ArEISET., ev Kul Comm,'r4 ALLEUM 7 NT 1•ITy A . locyci & co., =I Commission Monsbnnta in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE CENRAL'S. No. 555 Penn St.. 1:29193a prrisnuness. Ph. BILEWMI, BIIaK & CO., EMISSION MEINALUIV Atl£:723 nal' Taft Pacific, Globe t. Liberty 012:Works, AzaplOlSlOftgo for Crofa .... I . l l4attatt Lb- Graz ezzlt advaoess made oo conatmaapta ot ..hoda or liotroot Itattoloorn. lards for storage nue ablprze at of Cisda 011 at Larranoevato. 011. land WA:0h...C0r0...0f thomeatte wfty aye Nanette:lr ctx eett l'ittsonrab. ROBERT KNOX,. Jr:„ C412121/19P1105 strasciutaiT, dad de‘lear FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODOCE, CHTee, 41.4 LIIMEITT ST.. Plita • L . J. niAlvicalliD, =1 436 3EI, Cl MIR fel, 896 Penn Street. • ,Illata NET:*. lIITCOILItit KEAL EGITCHART, - 001111ISSION NEBOMTS, . . Flour, Grain, Seeds, DIM Peed, &c. 31.0 LIBBRIT ETILTILT.. alrustO PITTBDUEG :ru A1t.111.16 yeIBANE Commiasion Jthechassta l Don Ur. ta • FLUITE. GELLUN RenerWi 1 , 11 WATML, f - above tIIDH l FIETZEJR. & AIIMISTBOA4, rOIMAIDLN ONIEE.6I MUM, for the gale of lloar. Orals, Ber.ollA=lßuttor, be.* JAVA 1/114:4 and Produce ge n tlellt cOraer of Stroh troburitha • 1.081, "MOS.. 11,30:C Fk. SON, CozunxissiOn 74:21.C1.1 ANI . S.d Dealers in FLOM]. CI:11r, HILL yZZ:I) sad MADVOlCgaaaral ly. 7. 1 131....1.41..0vr0a1te Oltlllsllollll§- xua7 ILI 7:117 an.c . l3-4A4Toup, Commis o ,up - LapttiVMll.ll%,,rtiVitt` Irarebtrass am vtl....oiks. e:ag , AtranVST. mom° rurxiened. 1 - .11 , 11L1.. , , BAIRD Sr. VltolsesloGrremrs. ConneUlnae tad Cesitre ta i'rredr.ce. Tloar,-14.5% , zeete, La Ceeben and rd 011, Izon e ,N Vateon Ilene eel ell PHU • man nee r. anyarr,....enc A NIIIO2I. pormEtt tr. Enos" (Successors aermer & Asder&ra.)Prhnlortlelh.a&us L. Tonal. Fruits, Nut* and &plus. 'Co./onion. W.i.P. l =i, ' lff , ;7ol,, S l : fitlltir 1'444 jOLUi D. cANrivuo, cosuints .aNlll=rUgr" 0. tni ! t . y. T. rk. liso xa ra acre nouzat:r. Noa. 14 . 4 and 11.1.11 . 91 t etrtth rat ccrr 12. 113.D.EDLF-',No. 1:491 Libetty Ft" Platt l•snn, Pa., Cotaratedon Cambay...a Yin oletalc Iltalaz In Country Paydays, Brocarlas an , / Insulontah ausaulutnyti. Carat advancad an Onnatncrt oats, and nald . for Paid.. tea. , all.. n= 402.1. 1.10.6.‘.. U. nave,. J OHN E. HOUSE & mum, Bap. CoiSOca To JOHN 1. lima a 00., WDDTh /1.1 GroecTs and Com... Xer.ants, coT au of .411...!4 .4 Utter (SMN. ado Sloan 61211,011. 11/A1.2.61. RHIPTON tr. WALT. Af if boll e- Z.ll=l°,l"74tAigiggli:F" D3deg',3' gCIIO.I2ARER 8 Lase, Whole- Sal/ Ucalcfla Ciraml. /Wit?, GI man. Pro: flue= ruU. - tansb AUCTION 8 ALES._ MUM.ITU V ttik,lLV•Vel: :° l . Alldfi. Oat. 91. at fR o••Inek. ne /old on aronnd door of ins 4 oonneredal nolo. II an.. WI rmltheel, *treat., Dr. 0. De- DU), CP 0 , 01.11.1 1.0 Ire,/ olanaly lan:sten ann. IY;'nVntr;.l'. :LOlTtnTe ' eat Lion, and ni.nrll , le e Homeand AVlOl.4 (l7Y:. =ff lZ-Tr: burfeen. no , er net rantdratioa s wilt Bonin., Inc o.nh•r. of chdleest Units, a nnarttr a-re of to Icon•ov•zono • I. an c.,111-01 and 'VIIIar• 000.nd .stun tory 110.01 1.100•10 o, o•atly nen, 1 , 01•1, , , In a ner•n rooms and a drr. +n10101.0144 tla r, heal.elon ts nandsdlnely Word as tngle. ell Ter Ido and .o.•ded by • Dtantlf•l elan • of • attra tleea. &Mil at.' WIT ton,tstre. pdh a•nend atotr for atom room. °°':°r menu The • ,un tan caul. Ir• survaase4 Dr any, for adnr• Blanca r and Istod. ci.t, In 0,1.0. 'lf dc• red adedlia,f tha mods, onntal clog. ID? ninflats. •I•avard, altroblr rl. notr g, c.. Wl.lll • CCe.• SO HOO 41.•ood avant, :1 1 t U lltr l iC.Vt r h s e - t411•1r4 h . 0" Torrn• of tsi. east; baba.. In, three tqaal annual pare:do:, with latter., n. 1, , ,•• 1.• L. nrul•nero. 'It.I.IIIAQI.E 11ESIDENE E;AND 441:0(IN , 1 , . ON T tot HE tuSD PllGlt.r. 'WAND, ..T.I.t.OHNSI" CrlTr. T. • rtober •440. at r):!, ''"• on th. .1110. sold lrott. 011 Nor.ht %anal ' etr.ot, beta.e.. 1e Wfeet t, tot am, • On 11410 r t ' ll.Zr o. l! l' l4,l;l!ral• l' 44. Mf..rd * ?T 114, T. Jr'.. f4r,,le own 0 611,11. taint, 1(1. 0, le .assi, Mahe 'the c 6, o,ooPa~tcro r, a b,.• KY. bat, with beet 1111.1,0 A r ace an. two rat it , ; vomtpdel,. 4`ho: boo, e. aaa - . l •••oolnultillagacettlot-t , • 1,1, prea•T tb• 14, . P u rl? ! .t. ones p..sa mrttlata Ono .pn 4, of 1106,..e. , a pa:O. , . 81 t.. 11104, plesiant. eany•nts , t Ut fort • Olt. if arm!. p.riltnted nit* volf.r. mad •• ta.61 , • .4.11111(.4 Ima`a.c.r to fan , eggs' anal,l.l acrd V.v.! a, ' .1 . .a.k.1181r. co 3, • att...}.. yALUACLX V.4C4ITT LOIN . OI SECOND STREET,' gT roacrxxesr/ Oa 1 .1 0 2 , 41. Y. r`e,otn. Otto'Cloat One Vein or , . b. ..l tn. e•ry valrele . •er ant ..•.t ortirottert. ran le n. 641nrtior neon f r e " r, e !. T e r OCC4r il a irb " . t'arrob.'ekh eo rope," le •1t nred n o del wlrn telebe t p Irao.ltn,, one writ be oebroo n bolt, or .00• dr•1.1.1 T,-.10(.• 0 .111113.ChiS.M. Teme — tree , ntra - oorb, briarw-• ln two tonal I t . ;:,;:r ad rg o rr r e , i , ...t . e ,; wit. Icne:tnt, neertnon nollitiSoll. mu...a t ic. A Pk. one • 03 and 14,14.:f1i:t74, Miler( ;DIVELLING: Iq . •I: onl• 14 , 115 k r, At. ItXtuarnuk• 11t1LIC. TIJ.NIItAY KVE.ItIo, • cto,eg 1. u t Wl - eR. I. aoln na Ere 114 flop tjpm. Incrol•I tit,. - 1 , 11 tott•Or_let •," order ttf St:l4lll , r nt Me. AIM ; p a derwneC, Ir• 1 ,4•1•4• I••• •n , twr • • .14 11.toonintlf4,174ja::, Inutt.!..4ll'll%X :Xl4? Ttltr "h Ist t: ' , 0 " 1 ptont.tl n 1.4 h et Mons ',be rrst.t, n ore or Jets. rort•no thino t. t t•codl titn.t. and d' o t bask hitt la I' gm' , to n et yr" 01' ow. 4 37. •ttbAni 114 ann•I•1, iptaund or , I•cr •• or n aft — Onalsalf natillt t belense can lea , WWI Intorno. A. IdeILWAINE. am :tow rr. I Ana Fl' PC* ELLIN4 11101ISIE NU Itt'IT.I3INO I.CTAIVI• AMMO, je!a = l9- ntlr7 h ::Ugr, * Tjr n gtl t Vgt& Y 'Dn.n of of I' n with tartaralrn r•angun unnontnlrner, env), aretttltin ern , ' u .. he tonne- 1 nt nun att udlng the &pt fa /t Wnr lort.uron. • bt; ll3.. t. 4 l;ei:ll ' l.l , :l•VlA C " tact um ultenstr,llo . lltdUrit lgrect, LZOCIATE,. Anettutenr. Goo. • well 1 ! • any Stave la the BISSELL CO, letivrmtvMekte.ulelZAALOtif3ll)l7ll E: ... C 7 8 .7 .L 4 Am CiaI.TRIDWN. —A MI • waurimt off.4y's /141:-Cattlid/es amEamatuniack toy : • t i i rt i rleng s 'i r . • . W . W 44, 4 !CIO% • , . EA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers