ImOffilt/dfi 4. pueltridin of Air lady friends, is anlinown to u. If there is aiki Mini =nand for fur that they roars u:7/417 , tleDDEmmumamir, dreadfol day, in a land, when a man steps of the capitol, flag, floating shave, was in session.'- Be and had fied fronabon n.hunted and pursued, told him that the Cap • DM( 'and the -a" would afford, him e; for there the man and under the gar hen, then controlled I wan sold to Me high. 4 n that 'East Front, 4 at takes the oath of mnce, carded back to ' o toll his life away, :bout the right to pro . nide for hlic.ifiliimsn. od have Onto flowed Dagon which detaart- When Democracy n the election of ' to extend its in " .t plunged the bloodiest' war Is of Modern history; Mt its power tet' sell Wolff and protection • It had prophesied ass of men could no • would -(111 the land spine. Its i‘ower of Tjaztd there was only of - Washicgton. The tanclpation, first tried of Democratic realit y predictions, proved. fe- and the result wee Democracy applauded ugh it had originated sled on the first line it had thrown around lac it fell . back to Its is roar of one shook belched forth 'cries of I horrors all too bowl should Nmancipation rose". upon Soctbotro amen and e.bildrenatul ear natural protrotora edertle army. • Well, let loose, when, won• they stepped quietly alaces of - the natural - soldiers, in the Con . apt soundly, knowing and children were at ancipated dares, and ngemuty felled to get ustenco of the horrors unions in creating is racy then said "the d, it Is the memory of ar of It in the future; quiesceut;" but we or others, and they were t the breech. _Major a, a Democrat, Military :kansaa dirringthe war, tic the see of Mobile, o troops behaved ex ol the principal trouble hem from unnecessary . ed that ha waspatient, m kindness, generous ad no accotuat of atroci ' y thewhites and blacks, ..pon each other until . rata soldiers returned ery democrat trembles. rar of races, while the . us of the Regrows, the nd outrages (*maimed h Democratic presses Will for sensation sr td, every few days, has g, for the time whoa South, will be no long! , • themselves' from taking lack men for outrages white women. Woolf( ' sbellevethatits frismds, he chivalry—are roch say. permit their wins be outraged, with int . ruffian, be he white or men are so dremillal why did the chivalry . milks to Ileir amongst a d, while . they were • destroy the Constitution • anxious to rasa's' to Its here were no outrages to '„ men were In the •ek men at home is Bur lion to the tales now he democratic mess for trphses. The fact, that - be . Richmond Dispatch o testify to the success , and such menu goo. 1 good behaviour of e The °Meal rept) s . . mt two whites, for o e teed chub} , end aid fro Bureau, la sufficient re - slanders of the , I the democratic clock • ion The negro 4 - a. , • end to Democracy; fo , there would be no on nocrats could favorabl elven. . The 'negro der the heel of opp he rigid of learning of the God who r an audible Meyer e :-. sloe. By this, and t • of bia ancestor', he Is so lof humanity that e ' in look down upon h . ends show their sense I of the tenure by whl h ueulon of their high r telr frantic efforts to - rising to be their equ • if the negro shows a d nb, and democrats do n t , on his level, would It n ;ma to "come up higher " ;caplet aeWn below, gat P hey now, occupy? The tom at the top. ItemM 1- , I up to oocapy the d resent position, and ha a that Democrats should to a Qv vacate as they MIT b upWard. We had ahe d b olio tba plane; of Etna -- vyignh we could see t4t de of one blood sU nations dwell upon thelice of the re got up, and gladly wi• imocracy, following id r role to the higher planes ( Wan uhaffectel by any il / 4 natal) , through which t ad We ..would gladly, now, tend a hand to them, down , th t ig grope in the shadows i,prejndice. We would h o the Denim:mu to the o i - .•ng the right of every , ti t o sr, and o th er rights o en. tis ' is • plenty of room 'ln. sati—plemty of room' '... seed not stay down luwebelow . you, for c il • Ic y. d FrOird .1010(i• .1p l • in - inieh imminent tut ty them up h etr - :?' orot filiven to rte is the fro in their 1 teach t....em all men, but feel that they 1 ..,'.. t , ' . .7 r led saleroom to the urobaiiiity of his b.. as to outstrip is the tece for tidies' favors. s, gerutrally, are set very at• i true, yet me thick they tali too low ea esUmith Da ts aoudads that dem:Karate A dd itreferitegroes, If said air' a id iota; is^hatticad& ' They of 1 be left minus wine if nearnee wale to the Southern stews, the/ should brush up and go to school, Li the negroes will certainly Tote away down there in Dixie, in order to protect thenisehee and thegoTernment, 14 their balloter, u they coca did by their bayOneta MDITORI.!a. GIMITEPS Tin mania for button collecting seems to have extended all over the . country, and our exchanges from all parts men- tion sad Tondo . st.l%. 'We menet ex plate the meanings/ it, bat it Is merely the latest biinctiof .that Meals for ml- looting. things whlcit - clilldren have, in common with. magpies. (loins were once in fluthiOn; postage 'bumps had their day; shells,. pebbles, butterflies and bet, ties, hitUe an been none time or another the rash among children. Bat the moat hopeless teat of all was that Of a boy who had a collection of several hundred Mildness cards, of minus arms ; ho was afridd; he said, that he would not be able to get a complete set, but lie Intended to Ten city of Strasbourg, the Mecca of architects and gourmands, is to be font. tied. The engizeer and the artillerist ars to take the places of the professors of cookery, or to divide them with them. With what delights gormandizing col- (ter of lrrance must greet his order to flumbottrg I With what visions of pate di ibis eras his stomach will teem. Strasbourg has a reputation for her ca thedral, which !s cut Into the shade only by that of her goose-hver pastries. ' A PnirrnitArtna Tlemcen has ebol talked school readers for his upper dines and introduced newspapers In their stead.. This Is an excellent idea, as it will give the elder children. a chance to read and have explained to them the toplcsof Interest of the day. Care should be taken, however, in the free schools where this course is adopted, not to attempt to bring politics Into the Its-: ann. In private schools, of course the teacher could use his own judgment as to the expediency of such a course. Mn. Maslen sic has met with ■uoeeu In his latest onentle 'enterprise In New York. lie has new artists, so that the absence of Xis' Kellogg is more sor rowed over than felt, and he has pro duced heavy Standard works, almost to the exclusion of the light ones in which Miss Kellogg was so charming. The New York press speak in high terms, individually, of the artists, and of the troupe u s whole. A nATHIR cumotra MISTDICTION was made, recently, at the grand rwriew at Cheltenham, England, between married and single men. At the conclusion of thesieremony the Constnandarin-Chief, H. R. H., the Duke of Cambridge, or dared a pint of porter to be issued to each man, and an additional half pint to each married man. Whether their wires were officially supposed to be present, or the additional beer was °Eared as premium for marriage, our in formant does not say. Mn. Parra Coot= and a few more honest citizens are still waging war against the outsagous corruption of the city officials of New York. It would be well if they could nuke it a war of ex termination; but the enemy is very etrong, and like most animals when brought to bay, very ravage. Ay A meeting of the Mannfacturers' Association of Detroit, on Monday, It was resolved: "That a committee of dee be, appointed" .to correspond with gar net Associations in other cities, asking their co-operation in providing for the holding of a National Convention in some central city; during -the coming month of December, and Pittsburgh was suggested as the most favorable place. The resolution and the suggestion were both adopted. Tan Detroit Tribune has discovered a new use for Democratic yictorlea We quote : "An occasional Democratic triumph at the polls Is useful for historical pur poses. Such an event invariably our. recta the general public impression that • large number of men are dead and buried, inasmuch as they emerge from their hiding places and make speeches." The Triburu quotes General Frank Pierce as a case in point, and there - are many others equally ayarlsble. A DOT, six years old, fell into the , mud at Dock Street Wharf, Philadel phia, the Mher day, and although almost immediately pulled out, be was found to be quite dead, smothered by the mod. If the season had been as dry there, as here, the boy would probably have fall en tote the dust only and itill be alive We noticed, lately, that a prominent Philadelphia pbysician had been victim ized by an expert sneak-thief; since then several other physidans have fallen into the same trap, until yesterday, when one of the profession proved too sharp for the thief. and had him arrested. He proyes to be a• negro, and contwoes to towing been thisperpetrator of the other similar larcenies.' - 0111 AT BRITAIM now amtains thirty millions of people, an increase of two and ► half millions since 1852, and dur ing the time she has furnished - three millions of emigrants to this country, Australia, and other portions of the globe. During the last fifteen years Ireland has decreased her population nearly sight hundred thousand. A Law sure input teen decided in Albany, New York; which was . begun In 1827. It involved a right of dower, and if the widow has lived to get it she must have teen prang when it begin. A zmusriatz woman fell over a preci pice fifty feet high in the suburbs of Cm. dual!, into a deserted stone quarry, and her remains were found shockingly mangled. They were not identified. TKJI NeW York Berald hu dropped the names of James Gordon Bennett and Janke. I =373 Philadelphia Republicans propose to change the plan of noodnatiOg (=Weis to the "Crawford County Szatem," which takes a direct Tote of the party on ovary nomination. WAratawroar special to the Pitts burgh roil informs those who wish to know, that some one asked his Exceed. ing Mightiness, Andrew Johnson, of "his comae should the Radicals attempt to depose him before trial, he said, 'I will resist, sir, with all the powers which the 'Constitution furnishes for its own protection end presarsation.t Tbu was said with great warmth and earnest• ness„ It would be criminal, be said, not to resist an Wort on the part of Congress, to usurp or destroy the Rtecative De tainment, and he thought it well for the country to know his opinion and his purpose." • Before eloctlon, he toot frequent op. portanity to dauy the statement tlud, he would sewn to fora to redid Impeach ment, but 1M appcan to h►n recooeld• bred his possitioa &Amite "endonement" by the people.. General Bbeimen Is to be with him between the lOta end 17th, "la ample time for the Mecham of any dot), h 0 711 7 .7 responible, which may devolve on him." TIM Memphis Asedanehekays "the centatty can now breath more freely" when the elecUons hellcats a speedy re. tarn of "the tree mei of the Booth" to their old places In thellovernmeak Tics 041C‘CO:Trawns.atines la fin, of the repeal of the Cotton taz license. The ciao' cannot be sold udll the taz hyoid, and that it Is than kept o u t of pat iiiwgrtowAs seerpts the iambs*. tfon foritatted States Senator, made by the Deeitablit at Ilatlimconaty, Ohio Gay. XisowNLOW , liia lasset! &card aa• ac Wozisla iskjalikpitto Mum Senator. GENERAXr Nllir& -The New Turk hotels are fttl The Fifth Avenue has refused 200 applies- cations daily for the last six weeks, be- Cann of a lack of 200 M. —The Italians of Louisville cele brated the 375th anniversary of the dis covery' of America by Coiumbus, in grand style, on last Saturday. aon of Douglas Jerrold, the great I British 'humorist, is following the art of wood engraving in New Orleans. Re said to posses fine talents. —A large, muscular Irishman, in it Party crosalrig the Rocky Mountains, lately left hie companions to cease a grizzly. Be was afterwards found torn into ribbons and the bear lying dead a few yards distant pierced with six bul lets. —The largest turbine water-wheel ever made In America is being built for the Fairmount Water Works of Phila delphia. Ica diameter is ten feet three Inches; weight, Including the gearing, &c., about two hundred thousand pounde —A. young. Englishman of wealth and culture recently tell In love with a Kum In Omaha, 4aatu, and married her. nest day ate got drunk and turned somersaults .in the street. Johanna Taurus Is at a loss to know what to do under the circumstances. —"I raw a lady wrapped up in • shawl that she would not take AIX hun dred dollars far," said Smith to Jones. I can beat that all hollow," retorted Jona• •for I law • lady that was so wrapped up In her baby that she wouldn't have taken six hundred thou• rand dollars for It." —A. terrible tragedy occurred at Eaton, Ohlo onMondaystight. Daring a fight in French '. theta; between some members of the company and a party of loughs, a young lady named Campbell, a spectator. was shot dead by one of the latter party. The murderer was cap tured and is now in Jail. The shot u aimed at the ringtnaster. —A gond story Is told at thee: ea of a b.lle upon one of the is which cross Lake Erie. She had then In the morning and had commenced dressing—in the ladies' cabin, of course. Observing the door to be partially open, she nitragenst it with all her torce to close it, supposing it to open and shut on the inner side. It was jut the re-' verse, however, and ber astonishment may be Imaged at finding herself run. nisig half way down the male cabin I into a crowd of gentlemen before she could abate her speed. —The British Consul at Fernando Po writes to Dr. Rooker, of the Royal So ciety: "It may interest you to tear that the Cameroon Mountain is again in a state of active eruption. On the night of the 15th instant the lava seemed to rush with tremendous force out of the east side a few hundred feet from the top, then pour over in a grand cataract of Are and flow off east-southeast in a crooked fiery stream down the mountain side. The molten lava poured oat from sunset, when it was first seen, till after midnight, increasing in volume. Ciouda obscured the mountain next morning, but It has been seen burning thrice since. It is apparently quiet now. Tsere was no thunder for several • days preceding, but we had a gale of wind from the east northeast—an unusual direction—corn leg an hour before sunset on the 14th in. stunt, a tornado. in fact, without thun• der or rain, except a few drops." KENTUCKY ITEMS A rownox of the Presbyterian con. gregatlon of Lexington Du taken out an Ininocrion to prevent the pastor tiring the church. As WlLLtax Junsass was returning home-from Louisville, where he .had been to sell his crop 01 corn, he waeshot by some unknown parties and received severed buckhalis in his side, and Iles in a very critical condition. Goy. STMT.:MIR hu ordered Generals Wolford and Sneed to rate a military force and place It under the command of the Sheriff of Lebanon county, to gnu press any armed force that may oppose the e.tectulon of the civil law. A arose nos Muted Mazy McNairy went oat on a Miming excursion on Wednesday last, near. Henderson, and upon discharging his gun it bunt, when some fragments of iron penetrated his breast, causing his death in a short time. MMus. Jones. & Mimesis, of Hop. idnasille, fought a few I,ys ago, used firm= freelY, wounded each other se riously, and - Mr. Jones has died of his wounds, but •the .Conseroaties, which notes this little commence, .has not learned the came. . FrorturrOL Dore.—On Monday evening at h-lf.past al: o'clock I train ran over and horribly mangled a youog lady. The Louisville Democrat says: I•Stie was instantly killed, and as yet no one has recognised the unfortunate wo. man. She was neatly attired, and her form and features bore evidences of re. finement. What could have been her errand at that boar of the evening on the railroad track is an unfathomable mystery. Itmay be that a tale of crime will yet be evolvedfrom, the affair. She Was at medium Mature, small heed, fair skin and brown hair. Ste was dressed in • white and brown plaid gingham; wore a - chip. hat of white and black, trimmed with a black ribbon and blue stripes and ornamented with blue roses; bed on blue yell sod white apron; a dark woolen shawl with black centre and broad figured border, and lasting gaiters. On her hands were two small gold rings and one of jet. She wore a Dam of brown kid gloves. The de. calmed was probably eighteen years of age. CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! WILD use .!mast female setevet te IThaler., as thossettel pcseooolll seprepuett Coe it. Be ene. West espertesee 111 dem su . atid is be tee non testate esittleisr-tlist 10,16111 mi cured OOP Will care seals, as , 111.0,50115110 sum anti untried arUess, Weo as ULM &NU 1101.1- AttLit ARM= 11. 1. bee. When Use cbol• era visited ss on Mrs feritiee . 000=11001.. It Was tease St: mina Inds 84 FMOlll'llO4l. cre o =AA larnras W. the Dae, ud ...ere.ed W otbors; then tore tc rtual to re.ex 1444, It y. woold Dove Do ankle Us 4 7. 0. de7.o 00, Toe ehoo3d pen.. It to lkediCillflub of all others. Sold only la Pittsburg), at • JOSEPH FLEMING'S" DRUG STORE, Corner Dlcoand andMorket Street. attar. AN AUTUMN SUGGESTION. Neo. be keen Noe Wet IRO 7.•breir Mean. to LION: am the kenos beer. exbaute3 Ilk• laboltotte satire DI the beats of a. m.,. kolas to out alle Weep; tow. we tbe lublelatelvaottr melte Oa Mare met: NOW to the t ore tor a preparotorT Inane of the but Werinattagibedletste iu utsteare. no '4 WNW& brat 81TT21113. 7.wer and notoott to Ot Tense( tee eteetry.' Ocala., the pot doles. resit. 1.111 eel ..belt 1.. okaae or ON dtseesa wItIoN No. set pavan WO tottre Wert. It le wilt that It le ea for the Mae ) 1 ....41., uu uh•se.i.dr. , Nut tr. steles te tee& lon tr .31 ISITTSIIII o froril.ttele. Is woel4 be eafe to sa.• • co.. kr... Moe. nom Nees tee. teat y. war stre ma et •► Oboloto Abend earthet rd Ron Ye • Nerd., tor awr prOTI *VII 1 litheoltort *mild fake*..SlT. Ntrorotog to atom lose. Miter Um lets of -he vet:rt. kos or. n ip. 1 1 4,111 gee V l VATftrg • boa at • 111.1, So • Ma tettra against, 111•1•111.1. 8.1. , r. do ....lewd ell re• elkaleat roe teee 5e.11.0 to 1 lisna t• • Ta.slate . 0044 .1.4 1.00 • pr...t. .4 es. 110 of rotas sot ter.r. Tklor 14e tlong eeeetp eirot II tow owl, este sis ewe aerreee • Wet Wm. sod at oT •IT lk ler 111 Maus ate n. 01.1.014, sarer - .4 oat whole -on* idesaftslte 1111 pOOOlll /00 tbo beano WI. No Tot ewer* Sea. RUND EIIEISRESTORED. PhoesS towWh we Stalled KOSS ewes am et Chltellasa Veber. of Durex <lmlay. to now WHAM':? eosenhsol by Se appearance of Slar Cebu herself, The 1440 soiled is los. SST• lin la poem se those bra _W Ills andu sad roll la restarts( bar TO XXVII AND PM . . PaCT .11114 paths had bogs SS, ly similar tsar anstba. Ilse ens se Oltn4 that she could not dlstlasOlah . any °bleat se as to asses . eat . IMS It sm. The case la, resaleable, se burred. of woes Ills Oen deants4 to aster. softie darkares.. ea us I OnnesS that sue ls roues asd ultdalles• Wdn.. Ski wag dada. DOOTUS Instant for two sottba.,..l Wore ski selOO 4 ii klo Wesel her brother, elms T. /Aber, SIAS hops sire Islamised of hat .tat sulfas Sir suss. Per eau 1. well enema is 5. /dilator.. boodirlsar Se sides. and b•s bus IStaffled u au of asseerdlasu netsurf. :hetSastralsard, Mos at tba sue oflelei r, sedum sallies lestniont lo la Pm also l mt. 4. • • Otuusylsta Ptalsts. urea P. Mies, lesotberd Limb 1111AbleY. • • • • •1 • • Talcs • , Nolan 11100asist, Lottlal helm fur maks Y • DL lISTIESOI SIMS sad ClutleIILTA. tfUlt BOOMS, Si. 121 rislf StSlll,l4 eons" of pass alley, •• - • tzi AA:33111 • W.N.FORIUI4 awns W. Arhal SONS, imotimikerlaud 4 1 4 C pirstommilifttr PM GAM cow, riZr =rrtfebewl 174 thiliell awe FOll MAT .• LI ELEOLIIT PI SMUIED IDOL ogeond d l,ouA:un!. ter two Aligns o'Ftlfr• C 4or • Oils. nod aro Iran.... at Yo. ISS IS•YU I p 1 . 11104.14 - a 0174 4 aysnexe 13111 ICE MO. 1 PRIMO WHEAT, • AselTl.g . sad far wfuises, • • asS4berti arts = oCTIBER iB, 1867; PrITSRMIGH _DAIDLY_I9 . -AZMEi PRIDAI, • - NSW ADVERTDMILIKENTII, pOR SALE. All ELIOUIT NEW HOUSE, 70{ ruteromArrazir: 'Ugh • Wad. Pittsburgh; eight rooms sad altar; lul UN aid. ern Impr.nameats. 'Largo lat. ♦pDIF on THE PEClttsll4. FO!I sALE—Twenty Thomism-4 DOLLMIS naafi IeORTIMEM . ,/i03111311 ea wonhOaa H®dndTaoaa►ad Dollars. MI THU 01111c1L REFLNED SUGARS. darrdls Loralow's CIWIEI•n ad PVT, VEK.Z do Lw , ad BIM. X , CD .ÜBAlto Jost roroirod at for ale try it. bunion at re: atl, JOHN A. sursaaAw. own* 11,114•••••• .1141 ir•••• ••••• ••• A . STETTISR 8038 k CO". 1111CT101171211107 Steam Boilers, 00 SUlid, 'Tanks, Lad BREIT IRON WIWI, of ill iladL _ Lomat IL, fifth Ward. PittsblnlL HEADQUAILTEIRS,FOR ana Blkek or 'mita tarmeta, 3393. or 93333.. BISSELt & C 0.% . 33 , 11361 8a 93$ LIWEBIT WC. REMOVAL. GREAT SALE AT COATI My lam Ittoft of MUSIC Ot. Is offty.4 o , etraz I amor• II Dorlo. leaps Solo my stow bstlilsot. 130 NITHVIIi6D oetotoa PIRO .4 Ixth tavaos. and will olmooo or my pesatot Mak st lA. , or PRIOIM Jotl.lo 0.Z.111 , 11A1111, No. 111 nouhlolot Moot. J . StEA THOMPSON. ll=l LAKE, RIVER AND SEA FISH, BUTTEIS A1111:1 1 MO% . 211.. MI DiaSega liir opul .U 1 • s'emet .154a.d. ovg:tai iliTy COLLECTING AGENCY. SEATON & CO., Local Collecting Agents. smo. NAM Wcruixtls MBA.. P.O.SOX. 541. prrrezusun. EMI of all deseiptlolt. tak. fin tato:Mos. %Tx mat When BUM um sot solleyld. RARE CHANCE. BAKERY FOR SALE. A Kraal hakara. doing • barium of rem II to SI boreal of door a tralak• 4 altosted at - No. 40 Palo Alto St, Allegheny City, WILI b. sold es roassaabl toms. The above bat ars ts ash'' , a toad ov• nas s sod has theta - am*. • f Itotats a gouda as one taxa is Soar nasals. wal tt ia=4• " %stsatha Itt to th e °°°°°°' 00r psalmists eseptwo ahttio oclo. 31. • PHOZNII STEAIi BBSWERY. - I J. 110P1111111113...W11. =Mit SPENCER, WRAY & &h i KiLRT ;S. IND BRINES Ale, Porter szulprown Stout, nrrsuoics, 111. Immure. - OPENED THIS DEL ULU. 1.01112 LAC/8, 1 =CMEMEM HAINDERILOWNWS. vAmanuumsmanur New style /ANON OleeNolllll NOM F. 11. EATON'S, Is 117111 mesa: .34 SIEBERT'S NEW SHOE ROUSE, I 12=3:=3 • Iwo an 4 wen motuod sleek at LAD. GIZIN c•e mad tvOT ay. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Of eu ovragsake, jssiopoied at 1:1191 LIIII2IIIY 111TRILET, • l tudeal of watt. Jim RECErvco, AT ROBXSTS & BH:SRRATT'S 111110LIZAIX /4WD ZJITLEI... To, Copper u beet Ins Tiro ludotory, NU. ill MITILITILLD IT.. r, ITTBBUZCI II . • •"ttoov e o m otpAotlyn o . f l ,a lt/ s H u u t t .u s os d : Poser •qoarta coal Volt., rod lictrot, gr=n&i,waaiwifi t! ,• 3 a,lllli arr•tr•TtrO. I. mold's verettOO... irrolOtart. rtar I• me vetoer. •4•„ wet r MM.'s niturlr .s'l tout •• 000 13aroo. rub. Oomes. for ary•Nortir awl error or a. Oleo. •it .Ire .1,00 tatrnatt,st to lir matt attars of Ur... , Culottes. 011141 rim. wilier. (LAM 014 U. Mt • 111 , ye es.) ANDERSON ac WILSON, Merchant Tailors, •710 DIALS/XS 1N GENTS 1F11119111111961 411001914 19 nun KUM Neu Wilkell Jot r•Lorlyt4. as 'et to .rlatal &eat a , C4.taa. o.BaLakena. Yeettaa, Of er. - aat , ai• .ad liesilfaxaa.• .a maih.g Woad/. Ital. pnipar.a alote_ap h. laa., at Style. at ma. naaala pi tea. Gab SW sat as. . 4•11.0 , EUWER & LONG, DULA= Li DRY . 431.0401319, iertlt mutation t• OW, sal slat a War W. 1121111,3100? 1311.11. • LIMN Kdice • 11H•Viri b IL &ASV ' ''. a,PLOCIAIL A 1.% MI .locl et rTIONS. Prices km, St NO. 111 WHO aT., ALLESIIMIT, /oar /con 4u.t W Ulalsead. STAIR RODS, .• In Bronze, Fire tat and &lilt, 1170.1 i rWeal heMOM 14 OA lotry osts Ile 1.1 4.11..5eg 11 , ..• p's<4. ua ~ • Of .ptirqg •111 Ino Os adystmil in ea moust. ===E3 w. T. a J. kaaaisaav, Of DOAN II IrIIZIIT. Nem Ta t. /RP Lek t re.ase►a.s fttant. Ned by NEW DRESS GOODS, A LARGE 41111101MTBIENIT, FOR BALE AT VERY LOW PRICES ! BY WHITE, ORR & CO., 15 Fifth atm& FOR TIRE FALL TRADE. • none (Rig CLAMS, rtmearu.s nu. CLartle, "UM DOW Ott oboe, USW* In j, ej,tetru. /led t trot qu Hi. .P..) la every variety et ee ally eat atitter. Wea1..41.0 111. d retell Oaten la la to WO Urea.. I. ma ID WI 011/ owl Mail Iwo wt. a Amami same ham Wu. east at au pw SWIM teW z. • . rmtzs, Venal'inne e rs . • 0 mt. NOTICE TO lIAILSIOAD MAN. YORKS trINIY CAR BUILDYKS au. &nig . .yo toms acevatrol as mob.? for Mt WY Or u a trrarlfroa. ta• .sfaistaribe try Om Hall. boa //woosr Korb., Melr Jen.). tar *Mak Mt! a. 1.. t era., Ovally , of tirade *popsy vorrywlllll4lrood or Uus , y.saybotoatrl low ewer Cooysay IS rya Ulna, data .11 add arms oftrale ail favorably. %ayon yr °skald. il, ISAIAH plexir a CO. faun CAVANA•II a. a. sorsara, JO. C&VANABO & CO., 10.114 tamer nun • cuppws. 8ofl'o tloGl,) ?mat riullllll. ale Ail MI HUM ele sod. log 1""lor,MT‘Pooto. Posy%UoA .10, Wort tool. otos glob sumo, Wm coo. . 6.i lns sot pant. slop stteitton. elm to la els) and WOW/. .TnE viayssisAL imarnms ; a• FAI• A I i NNI Wreh I. imam, 1:. 7 :114,N1 tor ut • cloghs• trove,. alto. saw insda • • tt.. ofailail WM NV/ ...Ott .7.7? „ roe asttlll USU. , tthe ... " 1...1 . 7. 0 to•Aital• WU omit. non caw auk worm — it: la ' TX:ri• 0 / CEO. 0. CLARK & CO.. um .t.itwagrz t r=rta puis t S . ,T.ealobtkior 'Solna; triAtta l liVarst . 4ti ft" atq St. Z. "ISA . ... . . 4••••••••••• r.!. 110/11111101. TILE,/ & ROBE MION• 1.10.000/016 MAUI 0111.412.111.) Itaacrra7roun or And an kindo I PUMPS. LOG_ r.T .nv.v.auragralr GE011191.11/Wraff. CAM MAIIVACTUREI, ""`" n infirg&Vr a 7 1722 icaieezrz=ntrow• :I AviVIII', : tzi :4;11.1= Tne a =vast* . 2 LPIEST JEIRTA o B a LI r. S - mom B 2 BED • `r - GILISciORE Caseeeesurtalitcrozz h I MOS.) limilbetenr.lrkalasale and Hap Li Dealer Di M 323 • - TWINS'S, Valises, Carpet llags, &o. M=Miiiii ll*. 11011 . Woo. srsEsr, Plittsbusiti sucvnErrviux MLLE SEEMAIT. t ill Willi TIILIIIII-IH6IIIfIIIf .11 ay DUCTION OF TiILIKS. Hosr4leg. ilareastred Soon and light, T. , , e u r o.. sr oa of i tle w eno c e, s Washing. ear - -- • r GM. gam these terror a delta Aloe *Gig per U made f„,. the daughters of clergymen mg s'er. C. BTATT T. Boy J. a. 2511) A It Principal 1.. IL 35 ics:th'i , . • U. ..MASAMONA 71135. JACKSON & FREW, ldnabelafrif UlSollona , ET • Tatar.) M8NOT•01111113211 AND °WARS DI llamas!, Raddlery; Trucks, ite, nlan Leap on twad and tinned from Eastern martets alt the Isla oftsarns, MI.. and Improvasmau • • ,Illikett, lob, PAO IA Rove 1 0 . 11 6 . - At Chafe a ,ar Wararoom. M=Mi=il US MANSION HOU TETE EINDETESIGNEED bog senses to thenfelenettedr e - nle at It7l.l4ltrartrYir "AB'. 1 .11 rim 344 Liberty Street It to the be.t Street m be YLFeIoN ea, aleseeefurautert;tgerbarare4°.o4. t gegigg:uriltd b! . 1 4 42' EN" 04.1 id "Y co.s.ted wits thw He= e 11.11 for ourant. rake ihre or c annel. s Wi tte r kes lo bend he the day. week o t the without rent.. WAGNER A ZiESSLER, PITTPIIIIIIGR. IMIEII TEAS I TEAS! Of all Moos and Roan% at A 33 Xl4. 33C.' ULU TEA. • Priam Young D. Sum good • 1. 60 SLACK TZAS-Uolnr. ben Oct , wb Der In.& .4406 tralt. Tlllaigro.;rxar iininttoas Congo.. "U ""*" lrtr g .. - Coax. LSD JAPAN TC.1.19. trap:gond Tom Japan.. ve . ....t0r ..... . 1.40 ry Wawa -.-11.111 J... i Team, ti beatdo. T:13.111,00 lect t• • •• Id beat • • LID /ma the above any one tan beget jult tuba* ki& of Ted *by trait. and bate tbe , :int up Is any quantlrp4 aid foreranded by any the Me g atY pound ta tbe etet, besldte gottibu a emu. and Caul artiolalc ch wetly nits tker trim A. JURE. aN~eYII2 and 114 Ted4ral /M t ,. alicitmal. Jrt o^' Si 0008. C 52 MUMS HECKERT'S, NO. .0 rip= sTßzerr,i'l = FALL GOODS,' So lb& sttestass .1 Oat, • Meals .4 illGlAmer.. DENNISON & HECKERT. EXIZiWZI=II Thi Highest Market Price MID /OA BOVEMENT SEOURITIEL GOLD, SILVER, CCM all COINCII UMW Itllk J. F. STAB& CO&Hankers, Cot. WOOD AND TtanD slams. avows..? SCHOOL BOORS AT WHOLESALE. c.a., ow." t• uld laa c,ar ea Samba otoot of SUM HOU & STATIONERY UR 1? /OR rszcz Urn DARN, CLARKE & CO 03 WOOD 11/33121 . , ao. Distead 0103 anC rl ESTABLISHED I 1 1542. J. T. WRAY & BROS., TOCC%tNIOXS TO X. COXXOLLT STEM CRACKER BE Y, SD mad 31 /nem trrnerseu. ra. 0 A -AIitICAN -• Yews tountacturlog Co. •saw iutd Ter, doOrablo PINCER@ Itr orb to o rrf ie tr=ejapo id ole . , , ecooleoLkt. 1 3 w We eal. of Imo mi.% out IZros dint Net 111nrat:L th ltoT ICti .". 4ls h arrity. as pawn or two of Qom . foafeto es. be la - *l4Orgs Artze= im . 21.1 . r . 00tttlam two"! Si. lobes, • w i t 'be etx.. Xt.; ag tg1:711 r estrikst 7ii.. l' l Sltl tiles. em7:l FOR 11414. E. 820 ACRES Good Fanning Land In lowa. Tensruir. Q stale. T.. all 1414. Wilt "Wk. CAT Orevenv. tar pantialsas lalmln D. W. SOUTH, M= M=l C 371 ILICIIIIMII/1 CCM, JVID. penitiriii Strad. AMISS. 2M IIttDIM, RiWgo.°l"arlatilillt •61 lAA 6 AA! fotel al Er208112 " /021111 i tp. *Wed la I Ito form. A 0% of _41.• TIoN pmrtaallvm 4. .._ aloe% .414 A COAL !OURS FOR PALE. sayable or talialsof .en bustle's dully. la. studios Ismael abr. Mote boast. Pass. aloe. eas. male.. MS all tea eseeselOT @MM.& limns %attars is lasaudlstasperallalls are Maass *I veal. his l• 010 aMe MO yenta. blolosagabsla llama be told IN sad or pool term.. • Opel to W. A. tliballbl. Mal 'slate Pa, is IN Urut Hots. lel l EIIrEMLNGI CLASS FOR -DRAWING. • • • ARA...Mao will 100 oo T. or Ooto.or. Oebool or 13.4., thelaVO 11•041.. /Ina wit.. rtir L•ta.rot... 0.w00d.. ou.‘ all Ote tooth lowa .4 Wt. who to.. lorrtil.a to d 1L• Bat uto. I. rawl. it. .041:261. • ALit.scanrxv caorsirumaa• a. na • . ititto ATI Ntt reentwol *ewe°. MI pottloef of the Comity Work Mow. Plasm llitotibtt•nor •• •at oat% „„. _ . 114,1011/o,•rehlteel.. ■ WOW to b• wKW A Wt..% **weary •T lewd, eer• Owe Woad asttrotutA •Inwto_rtteablet•lt. ets71•111.oll• FY llottlit Ur . Skil bit/Pala. F.. AUTOS, 11zinfmnom. MID lITIGUNIMUNU DRAFTSMAN =I M===M ' MAXI An DOWEITIO 0111A72, g l atert is sa&PV l Wr i " tobeau WM. ea ism". ISA IMOD 111111MICT. r malt Cknaer Ups. litUnnth..... WEST COMMON SUESESVE w ..MMuma r ravin COMO id Krruv rßXD sp olL orr, AL E;w lVATlFA o. ral v R r +A..' .97,1ffir masuAATZ.rrileaki .8 15A0 TO LOAN, oir soul AMU . 40.• M. 2P.MirVirr, w talthll.lll Um& lasi Lis. a 4.1 - cams rAituir rwag, 414=1.1i=11111.72.T. unr maims XII& XAM - Tama*. gatta=trtbilei Lua.mll. ISPORTHI6I BONE. azraszismso 11211. SCHIIIIDt!'FRMAY, GERMAN REICH AND SPANISH WINES AND LIQUORS, US Pen Street, Pittsburgh, Chu. ILL PURMlDTbarang retained has Darn...,, and Parke" armainsuants man the folloirrela Ant e ass P. a ONtLLSR. &elm Chatapeime: Ile VT.I.KIZ l CO.• Ep•nray. Champahae. .1, ritri t aie • cOl. come end Zordasas. - CHAO. I.• MERLINS'. rota.. MORO elf ROOS, 0.413, • pia. gall too 1011100.,. A. Stela. A. •-I.ZTOnR CO., Crenanacto tipasaltal ost a 10011 e. RA•11 & soicup TORSOS@ C ...Scotch Ale. • slobs mart-mesa of PIJ AZ OLD RTZ e011staldl• o 0 hand. 1•0110 00110401.4 metre oafs with theater.. hove,. Tem LIQUORS. r•MI char... tot 00ls 0 , WILIOIOS art, Itassalsatioa quatrtf sad eettpUth.s of .oloTted. oetCrAil TOMBS! TOMS! TOBIES! 50,000 NO. 1 1 TO131:813, RECEIVED WEEKLY. I shelsoo,ooo Lancaster Itnlf Spanish Cigars, pt r sgriveu, welA we c Ira to the trade cheep C+a'Callad examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. & NV: JOIKINSON, So, 0 Federal Street, = PALL FASHION. IV. B. scilimm & co., 9AV7 NOW EIiDT THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ff Gdiei, Ileei lime, feis' sa C I ittiN BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, AT MODERATE PRICES! Ladles', Alb sea' and fidldren'a 193ECC)31119, Of all Owatatlon l a, 11 - ADX TO I.IBDIS, la lb AMAMI& No. 31 Fifth Street. ITEMTCI THY. BOULEVARD SKIRT, ===! 1 TWn. braldef sad RabeUlezed. &Ise, Real Tartar Cashmere nose, a/I Sol , 4rs Lai Oval Mn assortstat I. error uf. Alto. • 1•11....ent of Ladies' & Miues' Underwear, GEMS FURNISHES° GOODS SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Traveling and rine Shirts COLLIS/4, 71011, ISITSPEIIIIIIIII... 111110CrECAI, TWITS= WITH • BTIA 'DID STINK OP Ladle.' Dress Trimmings, I=l HOIITIY AND OLOYES, ETC. 0u ::1 !:t0 p. 44 . :,...r1. 11.11 r5 14 0 u 1 1 T = r A = WEI = C*II :I. : . T :: II .w ..0 AT. THE VERY LOWEST PRICES NUNN, GLYIIB & 78 AND 60 MARKET STREET CARTER'S NEW SHOE HOUSE 111 EIIIISIEU 111 Milli BOOT AND SHOE HOE No. 47 Fifth Street, 11=1 W ut. bbsaarbel lb bell BOUTS, 1511016 ea leAtTalta mt. b• am. Labs bait bpar elbse4 at asa etabb %ban la tale dab• lilaelbe a ball wad b ebbalate4. DANIEL CARTER. SWORD'S .11ELF.TEMPEACI6 STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, . 11111 , 11:1/AISTORLD BT . Till PITTSBURGH BBIOK MLOHINE BRICK RLIIIIVICTIBIBIG CO This Mathieu taw the• else•attest nos N. bask, (without he pries , •4l.• la.elllee ••• eass•ry tat •salt ats, vase. ham &ad tampers It • harasalsv, vamp la Mal antaldis brie. AMP sausah bs plCio4 l op slight lge la Ua uld s. , rb MO ilo , ry4 true Ze ol,r iitl ' Altlt asbt t& or • .sshem be tat. me a ds. to O als tol. r luce 1.000. to the •atu or :d; t iler gridstesl7lldlo la s tmtr. tor nreag.h sad patassaost sin la wattles latailas• OM lIIIIIVIT ST. Si MA= Bear the Uslsa SL B. Jtaevet, 0e51:24 PITTSBURGH. PA 13E1,10la" YAJELJD FOR SALE. THE ENDERSIONED will sell LW. •r On IL HALT OT a I.IIOK YARD. %. nay p,nou what., t• tom. he UM bulimia. Taa yard la atv. aattil W Om modern !away, ants. Law. non tea ritara. APORW. F. T. 0 ALLIUMCIST P. U. X. e.—lros• setd bmt Wow.. artiVet 10161111 SALMON. in laud !lib. ma, &m. 0.., 1.1 and 2 lb. eau:12.22 A 22221.222, Is lb. .222 L I { dre•l2 Care, Llas 111.211‘11,V22•222.1 21W12,121.22bentim, 1112290•Me5, eardisto. 421122 Oil, War riti,l27ll relrtrstig h :: "4 ""1"' - MAIMS TEL fAfT I : Utsmooel, rittabargb. Teti. anal. goats dallrered Mo. 101 l pawn slime & sox, )141119PACTC11.11 . 01 FURNITURE, 1114 ill IMMIX ITAZET. • =WI SKI [2IIIIILD Wt., PITTIMMUII puorEsson CASPENTEWO DANCING ACADEMY, po PHILO ALL, TO f Po to , the mention or n.. u.t. orjui_ _ ,,' manota••-wororulay and Ilanudar. at 2 Colook yto mhos 0 .1 1 4 7 .14.1 * Inst" kaVir• =M=I JAPANNING. mum •9D OINAIISPIAN . HT WILLIAM LLOYD, • at.. 111. Clair. Benet, PITITBI3IBII, PA, Mawr.' Tea Cullman ito4apaas.el equal to same* Omer , DIP Cal Tyclatril A4lll , olllrToa. a Parra • all. tilt. s. Ile. NOTICE TO lIACKEEE,4 • .lAvd for OfArtlitf*l6 Mots. up , othor tepl• LltigiValsaf * A•rr.r.r. " . %anti= &Alpo. pas beim I. a•leu by .11• GM of Pe oast al.• UM% strew, ..ah ty Arne, and say . vtslalls.l_l_qt tole padre viii ral, „, Duties UU ..71...141a0,41tta ea/ Clark of Comsattiort.. HOPE SPICE mum. BMWS. AZJIBMWIRT # 874010 W. th"c"`":llltea=engrfti ElVirriiil mi tTi a M* bikstiPait liftsl ,oas to °Nei rani Z e V 711 74=4' NEW ADVER TOTTEN & CO., lux yenta AI Min MUM FULTON FOUNDRY, PITTSBURGEf. Nice and Warehouse, 141 Wood Et. instulattcstion Liven to the znaaahottire of Rolling Mill and Blast Fur- nace Engines. tinnesern, Shears and Punches. Plata ChM and Soft Bolt., of any re quited nbielleial9,WlUTltited. and torn. ed to order. Nall Martinet, Ernest?. Pattern PrHock'. Hot Blast Pipes. Ife=== Castilla. AMIGO.' NUN IRAN. !Ideated. Totten's Patent Grooved ftlil Rolls, • Eqally N.M. , . fey RAZ IRON AND STEAL, mo endelslie for rends sod Names. We have ade th•se Bolls for Slntl.l Met. 1111.0. IS Ineo.lolll CI end IS Inch tea as. Werrerlir seed ther .ye elven treat eatisfsettos. end ere have the pie mitre of referring to Ate tolloNMS monies. 0771 Cs ovrirtAxsow HION CO., / •0.. Joie rfte. um Mr. Ude. C. ranee, Pidedendt. Pa -'U• BMA ,t • Sem aml • lore t tear foment • reeved chill la oar usee oast es. months. u.S and M.m or a terierle•qaattl7. Tbe trot asbhed des them er • monk, even airfare, and fre• Iram sea es, and 1 meek:Pr MIS . 11 101M , I Of Cleat muMentsse. making teller Ire, and of km Deese, Iv ....ram Of regehlag less dress trista. eatievzfroit, Snot. • rc, num , . 81 . 1 XL V.oo[l. .10rOltollOo. COOK Co., ill•VG0S6It110i all 3.)!.f . r .. p . ,17 . Taf ) Co reTC;;;Treollird - 1 7 1 - e t7a - tieetr. rirvutoboo. Wt. 7 Mt .1 Mr. Robt. Tottos—. , ••• clr:—The grooved rioted opus Which We procured tom. Thu about year elute bare ;pow... be • genres aueersa. Ro b Tere Is treat earth d•earing Over lla. and g iv! • • sots better Unruh to th e glpoll en. Iqacourldar ahem lual•Debaable. A Sour ND•ZrOLIN. CdOlr. a CO. ' slack Dieu.. ',ten WOnltu, p rdlt u :nrltsts a us.. • Nr. Rae. C. 2 , siten. ute7gr ' l 2 .r; to yr ur tutu., lu int di,. so lour new patent harld g use groovedd &nu C mb ,r s ent Rolle. wss he • to ••• thst ris e elrVlMe: lr. the tut petered made tor us. %twee node Kr. tintsid.dr laces ro•nde. and en: le as tohials, loch limb Op n oar Steel. could vo te . e bad wither...sot dui °Vilna) grooved isosl 7 0. 0 tl c tvrvh Ra ts eon rani Mete Ces•ll bolt bare to be annteed 1 n sne log 1•01, wallet the ad•aetee• gained wish your grooved I s lie le le, shot the wisons.sss,.. nue cd arounats help /nosy hard. tepa t l ied. el‘ sl r drifiareTlVe. crdrOVllgo j e t er bellev+ yolk hire Wood gr. point In 0104 40. ids • dr:weed 0011. au article Casa has ..nd Cron ded by the nuenettesutere of Bled aed Iroo, ape bin Upson tO isrCidute, an lirt:o • t eed ire teri ' lls " Prells ' aT•Plrrer.onweedled e. torero or oteed and Iron se oleo lour arorter Ltdil EOM Mal. itesveetlellyyourN YAW( etnerTklMit a On. We thiek we are Warren tee in twlerldit that they *l,l erentual'y tete the Ogre of Obit WAIN esprelellt for Conic& end Odour. all owners protiollyettenurd to . I= FOR FRAGRANT TEAS, CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES, ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street PIIEII SHIM BRIIWERY, Y(22EBIIGtIH. PA.. Berpt; Pd. UV; WE HAVETHIS DAY admitted MR. ROBERT LIDDELL • aaa Ira) <maths. the Brawl... wed I . IIMI4 S :IVIVAV Ones of .Ps nuts. A 'OE eV nes ie.Pet at ale Ware f *rah csm II'ILAT 0.1.. mai IN. slash, esepeostalsy calf .ht meentlau sf the retszat wale rapters t the tat* essa , to the la. pas &&&& Laths, all th• •rean • en Maas 11•Ple9, •114 plan the nests ~,,, of hat tag 41 (sae came etch. at a. it le , K • unite plasehtly reseraea. to sash ease cam, up all 014 aesi steams oar basses. CM aPaticps, Canino att.atlen to 081 oh ne. We Woolf re “ltat y Oslo • *outlast two of Um pecans.. .0 t.... 117 tolototrad on the Ira of arElfClll • ...ICA , . Bolus no d att.t. sod{ atm • POO 10 bittls et, ass by o cot la o. quality of Moll sad Bons la Us *l.• tos f or Al.o sod Parton Iry .Ylll so It , e• Moen,. Ritmo. •s sod =slate's Um to•D et tulsra coo,: lesc• a. joyo4 by til• la • Ilta. JOO. al e % co. BPabOOLB, 11.11Alra CO.. an,. lialltsT Buoy. e sei4.loo THE FORT PITT LUMBER CO. Capital, : PeNtemll.-sow. ==== = 71. TOR , r , TT TOM= rp. totvine por• Nam Wo TM017••to .) FOWL BO Nitta° TWIeNtII , 4):4IC umeulle4 taro la Irereyt Coax,. Pa.. and eren.... tber.- as • la , p, n4LLABa.IOW, a tr rrenartil f., !ap_ ilia . a! HaT rdi it • • En lUD, toner of limber OA Cookaulcattoas by mall salad be •d dmamd to . T. A. WAIGUT. Sweet wry hiIIikViIIDOICIRW, And Machinist's Tools • • WO Pt Si ALI-a - 1M 3 311 t •SI 330113 IS from lUp 31 ham Pryer. IV , titatl"" tern ttA.Ll443g RILeS;.. • • - PLA/1.0 M et Niti4;l44se. hat by 11at1rt aatt dual ol:411,W CUTT/40 tlit it. 1 Br lea 11l 4 T401510 IMO 1 OLUI CUTTING eCHINL.. • Repel Übe. rim far atalth Patue• sad TOW. 13r It Prellk_lNorka. Lles sad Taw. Rat Itueebou ilartanis, Italtonge. Catemett u 4 Meat 0.11, Drat., Otasip, a. . tilt a lat. rarlett el. melt soots. anal ste rtatilre4 la all Ilach'ect thou. The abuts Metal may cu be tuella auretlo4 at 1149 alatala• {Yorks.` , No. lea L•1500{ 40 0 at. Alla* hau OW. until In Nee.= 44 . , • tar la fonutloa try mall uarrea . • 1111:14111 WIG HTNAN. 0e , 41 . .dAT 441-Plawrzot, .1.. /I. it67:0401K BOYS' CLOTHING. Ur h 81uga Loge astiChßldelludani of Bow, NORTH% AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOR TAR /AI L /EASON. New stilt. axall tair pnas.. .Call sad szalalas, at No. 47 St. Clair Street. GRAY &LOGAINT .41 "Zan OALE,--We have for sale •• Waal good seaosel•band. Iron Turning Lathes. Itssomay adapts/ lot arming aslu. Ws OW UtitAboto ressokatha rates. irltip.Al , l2ql inttbru, " =lo3..: Ibehu 4"" " , ingslta at We INDUSTRIAL WORKS, panel Mat Allay A Doquime Two nuNonzo TnotreArin Half Spanish Segars, Jan matvad as coailaamaat, arill Da sold, aa • Eight Dollars Per Thousand, 110111 CRT F.IWEDDELL., Thine of elm PIXLn & 11rA.T11 eta JAM. scrap Iron, Light Iron, GAIT AXD WM:MOUT IRON. 111.420P.1111. abCh 15gR3;2?;;EM=1 WE . _MEL KEEP ON • HAND Wneursav e.k O l at u l, • . %121 41111 8 1Enne. 41" S• lIAIIIO d 411 1" Ull Th rg ra setstr r t "l3.. einlataff AV. POKNIMIIraIt PM • Jr. 41.13TTT1 VIZOLiSALI DNALX I 01 choice Wines and Liquors, NO. NI L N. C. ONION?. AND DINIOND alas Al , Nrbeav Olty. Pa. moirica TO COSTIKACTORIL— girworp rpornaA cy ict /ITV. Waving tatorgg""r Mtn ' ll.l rnro nn W: iunli ualuSllll 141.. jar. j MORS. 1+00T,.. ltasUmns. IarNOTIGE.—THE ANNUAL mirarralle of LOo Slookbo!ders of %Oa lINETISIII4 virrierun MUIR WIII be held st tho Claymeny's Wilco. 22. 121 »Own str.e2, niuk4tlptkl... TFICIZIDAT,NOVSIPIZA 7rll. um; At 12 o'clock X. !be toe Meetlon of 1 11 reCors. perrt•rr Aod Tro•snr, tor the e,.TOoe sae for etra Mbar Lostates lacy be brorebt Fehr. Mew 117 neer of lb e Beb l l3 , ,i n n i . Wri=e breeriere-inetr.oror:r._ EDO IarTHE UNION RE,PUBLit 'AN .IXLCUTII/11. 4,01111ITT•E of Phu. hurt`. 'ollmeet at the onio, or k. UnT/Tr.• 00.114 Fifth .tree, on 'TH ,31t1DAY ET [NINO, ucton.r tort Le; at '7 o'clek. The folloennk Recond WarO—T. w. ...Id Hersh. Tiord Trarl-11. Z. Appleton, TT" /3 1 . 1..P.T. reveal Vi , ri—Jitt. kteAeler. W... Th."' a nine erhell/wren, D. Beck. • n11....k n. 7;tta Illrotero J. el. liarkseen. "44 - 4:1 4 a Y ffler . 00.1430411 rm.suman, rote W d OrtICS.OO BUY trey Cu.. illitcs Op TiligscetTneT.. ' Pittsburgh. Pe.. .ngt. 21 . 1 ...• igrTIFIE BOARD OF DIRECT.. lls' r THIS 04111 4 /1.141" have guttered the Molar tleartee,T nlyteeng_s. , l o;29 , :f iyer cent., a.t.e.t1: 1 , 5 ,;!u'..,:. en end the mt. TIID,I 01 °sleen et tlansfeee af wiNis OW. I.A.NIE IS CO. Nut. 5750410 Pine st , eet to those - rect. nred at Nen Tort, and et at ef Stnltgler VI 55.0 ten... Steed at Pinaburge. Tbe transfer tools nut onset, the Mai inn., es San .1111 re • epee on the 10th of netAbg :Li i muuoo9. 0014 4. 8 net OarIOS PITTSIOOII R Co•NaLberbt It. B. t. 0., i fltttbaraboret. tn.. IRTNOTICE ot'ett 'TO STOCKHOLD tifte.— As hereby elven tbs. the &m N et Transfer Hook. of tee ratite, oft & 11.01116 Italiro d Comosar. will be eteete on Yttllt&e. tic latter sa&w.lll.o I , la vs Ve tt' alter tba Atonal alcutlea ntrtocktwlden, at CYUaY. Ihrettab•r Se. lath • oat • J.llO. 12. e.ele.Jr., [Vey. 01/11111 07 THB Tatparrt OTh O ,3 ■TANT• - 1i0.19 irwla street Prrriscrsau, Vet. ed, 1317. tarDIVED END No. 4. 'rho Hoard of Directors or tals.Corapany bay, t►U day accrued .a 'manor Drabs n ornn PEI car?, Poshla on awl after Ms lltta last at thtsoineu The trazafer Book. , Fdl ba closed trona the loth to the nt➢lnit.. Molnorro• =Ell Mr . STEVBENVILLE • FEMALE SEMINARY. Vrin , •rifees , on ovens Nov h. dedno So. of IS oar coot is mule form e dsoll• tees or elowyttion nod .oldie[.. For cete.onee oDetT to Lk, 0. 0. BIC A.l TY. p.O . • 001120-113 PA.B.TNERSHIP NOTICES. Bissau:mos OF PARTNBRINIP. .NOTICE DEREBY GIVEN s , that the Partnership berstotere azistine tratwren WIC H tritLP, and 110InnItT COOK . 4 1 , 11 , 71Pc:111" i iItZ.V.74:1, I III: rrat. The brininess or th * . late arm writ re rat tle bl *M. o • SINAFF, at Mb old stand, PO. 11l Linen) 41700. WK. U. lia•rry WO. H. 0 ItAft blebs. langht mit tee Inter tof LOUZ rCnU x. ❑ ...lee. th • rm.) uLICE C ACM. AM as lim ed.... et No• as Moen/ street, and fallen. contleuance et the liberal petrosteee beet... 4 au the otte arm. miatel9 DISSOLUTION OF P&RTSERSIDP. THE PAIITNEUSIIIIP. mar. TOOOSIL • .exl , leg betweenclatYPLl LOUtalliET earl LESS •OE Fltlele,under the Atm tame of L.U.CIIBIOC a /Net. wee deueave4 on the filth lest, Jlltlatrli LOUOFt. ILLY sold hls Interest 1e ten Bu dlew, Harness ADO f seek demo la.ut to W. IL Ist:K -ell.. .10c.t'll 1,9011 ftklf 1.1:1 NW. the beclacsa of the Old Plant the Store at the New rum; !iv. ICC Waea efot t. J Ou IS . IREW.rrIII LOtoillter. ^L IMMI . 1 0-PABTNESISHIP.—The un deralcad have las day fllCt Ina emend late oartoerably r, th e buiPose of asr.laa oa the maufa ars arr calor tiara ea, padal. r , Trouts; dorm aquas/a and Mora e a r. tart. ard can ba mad at the oar var. room WellaWrgr.eirc o ri. ' il:elnie7l:Warrr s , TI P IVO! a Wood street. ad Ware t^ey saga oe baby to see tba owl ys ad customers of th e o.d Ira rhea awe,. Diana ad aquae. laza, Th ilrer ha e.t.a ander madame and style of JAVY W2l ft /UMW. W. S. JACIEf. •LIOC KW. I WOULD CHEERFULLY MCC (OM glen to aa 7034 paMone and Om petals genteelly. the nom nem. my ,•noo•ssor• tem e a.m. - Jae:lead/ •Ite. grew. my In lane mamma, selags great:eat moramme. and ht. nme• partner. Jectenn, haying total. many jean en the/Army•., am* • msa of same ln ailmatters epaartemla, to Me ( - memory nod to aliment of sae har o f they en ay deread em • mi. Led ant ase e "anen all yoede la slolrllne. • wilt, as !Ivan( are. terry on she Earn or ••• , 51E and it ent.n.nd also Int,. dam to am he mete maammen • novekty la Me toms or a X•CtV r BUCKLE. al which I calmMt patentee.. e • 7ill3lPß LOUGHSIIIe. DISSOLUTIOIL, THE nun of SHRIVEL OPEN .. nmen• City A CO, by been dltsoteed by eautuet co JUSePtt U. ld I..tereat . to ahItUILL P.-rEUI.W.ra no wtu tite I:Valf:Eg'.llV.:l";'=l4",%: dere street: Th e batlness tem be coettaued at httallVitt &W. eta e rued. under true barer mud strte Jossei4 W : NPESCCUgR • JAYALM It. /11.1rIt viiie_tleljg Menthe tem of ISLIBIVITS.IPSIe. t h teheettotty recommeed the new arm -to fever at n a t . ! (riper W. the Viten eat..shy. I.ll . ll norh. October ) 0157. 'PEN°S2. - CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE ENDERSIGNED have this dasecoetstedthemsetratattar near Um Ina time ot S. P. istlaticr..* 04.. for lamp rocclog or la Wiwassie Greet.). Praise. and C matimaion Mammy, at os. :7 and Bata- Se field sP etc. We. aid cordlmly Calm •ea °r. cc.cse y tin enabrb of Mo e e old g drer a Al d r s e w a .n.o by n M comers. R Ma agorae 'welts/lon gl • a eat and.capita our Met bears perebabcg eleartiele. J Ud /EL p.aPatif al; rairCullida 'danON et. killaTtir. ritednatan. Octotddi, $123 000 e. r. EKRCOIII2I4 4. noirsToT. S. P. SIMIV & CO., Wholesale Grocers, =I TUE F/1111 OF NEWCOMER, & Cll. Is th.te day dtterslred =OW iriat. The butane.. of tae Arla , to aet r B•Te /tala bolt, at the e 1 .W 4 se. 5 9 5 Llbeety Anat. •11 p•rlailit 11001/110 are re• qa ore to Call eetUethor aecoasta. Those oaring claimer agalart the Am wilt please PO. M. th e= tot settletaent. • ' • • - TO OUS OLD OUTCOMES% noted. In= Um WLoliaale Sm.? YoUlusl broltilVO 01010 earitaLly nem mend our old Merida And naulise to the reed of U. P. aBHIV‘It• • .0.. and soUr.l. fae them totOlnualloo et therm Mena patrenve hare solute besumed RAT/MAN GUY, .01/161.8 04.1 r. DiBBOLDTIOII —The partner ship extstlos awl. the nun .d style of LAFFERTY & CO., Wes Dissolved on the lath day et September, 1867, Ry mutual cement. WREST MILLET reUrtnc • be buttes. SAL be settl.4 BY ROBERT LAB CO-PARTNERSHIP. pun- _ lINDEIBIGNED - NAVE clacrall into putestathip f.r th•P UIX.O of eimittfumact.< REFIRED PETROLEUM. 72114 1867, IgOltbt.?..ll,:te.i.;lnt"'"" Lafferty & Waring. O. ea2l[3l DISSOLUIIOII OF PARTNERSHIP. NoTiet Is HEREON. GIVEN that tee Ann at UMW ii 0 rrox 111110Lte TUN, Kunlun Polders and *Leninists. dal./ bottom at No.. Ws tens street. Wu dissolved en th& Ent 0 001004 by Mattel orassai. An per booths daises against laid dm POO.OOl teem. and Ilion ladebted will mate inimodises Poem ne to WS. nuwaurrux. t. &Interim& to tewo tb. tu.olmm (tee mul Arm WY. zuwaurrint. U. 51NG.1.420.1. October ilb. ,M 7 :• eetan HOOSI i. DOLE i CO.. InTfl 00-PAItTNIESIiIENOTIOE. me. ROBINSON is ass.. dated with msln the *talus- Wm, to 4,ite trim an /on. TOO baslotsso/11 titi co:Woe:44 as4l tha styli of . . At Os emir a Manilla& 217 Allorders totelve p-eulapt AlagatiAa tell b. execate WIWI &spas', B.JONES, GM= OF PARTNEU. 1.1 portarnblp beritotomixlat. Wit. J. alLatuat sa4 /MPH ,IRLII its 1 , 11 of .11.10111 wsedluolvol Dr mead ovum' go 10 . gm Jet Of WM.. lm!. Too 01 too late arm 4011 be settleo by WY. J. ■ U. fit No. lot Wood stmt' Parma lodobt .4 to sko trto wvl poy aim; .01 time Imola. wit Float amain Wm far actilanant. Tf.' J.ll LllOll, ASEPIi LlllOl.l/I. COO soul Maim, Nevets. glllealth'and. Wet la oats uth 'an M. WWI, .4w pmasir tient - Um POMP MAKER: reiraLl'irag rag. =6" EWA'. NEW FALL STOCK wrmzem E=Ml=E2 11==t EM=M Nos. 27 sad 40 Salltille ..CORNXIC O BECODiD PITTSBURGE DIISOLUTION. ROBERT LE77RETT ROBERT BRILET.• REST & IROWI SON, 70/ .417 V 67 TOZ= F. KIIBBIANN. %7 -itc I 1 .IiQ:: CARPETS! MNCit.. 411:171Fr A VERY LARGE STOCK OF EngHelfand American Brassie, RagUsk Tapestry, American TAMMY Breaths &alien Brous% American Drury% Metlaillen Driaggeta WO ate, moor of oar foods ati lotat nage. tioa tom bon aortae, Woes. DlOlrlia LIMO. Mono to thaw vito Oar to sell, sad to GOA M. Wools. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 'Fifth Street. ME=I 51 FIFTH STREET. 31'C.A.LL1731 BROTHERS =I THE FALL STYLES OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &o: CUVEIR CLOTHS; Wide FELT. , MG Is LIVICGGETS; TOILASES. IL superior article of j Table Coyerley; an extra quality or RAG CARPETS, LIST and TARE CARPETS. McCALLUM 51 Fifth Streit, Between Saltilleld aid Wild Ste. CARPE TOGETHER WITH 01011. NEW Arr.Al74?" Ilget have gemmed the largest sioek sow off mot In the Ug e, LOW PRICED • ALL WOOL :INGRAINS. 11% 1 1 . 1 T9l l l Z 9 ,MP__irr OCirsats_lo 131Let.!,9__ear MA O4~OR/ so "ZaLbErN".4. OLIVER ( M'CLINTOCK COMPANY wxwmilz awrzesuzir. BRUINS IN. CARPETS ! JUNE, 1867. WE HAVE MET OPENED A NEW STOo .:. 1 Bassat at neat —ctleallalta to tollm Ya7l6 oSer &Ss Reduction of 20 Per Cent., I___•.___. =I ALL•WOOL < ENGRAINS 46 Cents Per Yard. BRIMELS CatM, 25 Cents Per Tara. Red, Ridge and [Reeked ?Addeo) Te 86 Matte Per Yard. WHITE MATTINGS, To 85 Cents Per Ter & s.. alit bentyal patteasa 11017010113 LICE comma 115 g* I IIO — WMUI.IOI 110 tO,llllo—toelaa A Ramona" OF FIFTY PER CENT. lITRIAND & COLLINS. Rend 73 WIRE Street. liext DnoAlnr to Maitiod littsta.Chest= Rase POSIOZION 6•0311/11100r. arv.lllsa4Sea Blom COMA WAREHOUSE. • • • RICHARD BREED & CO.. no Wood Street. .8112112.A31A. JUID SU.YZI PLATEDT.I. MaITAP.Z. iII.TXLIM awl WILT CUP ea kaad. OPIaL SHlNtir e ralLlll, • Hlli A rtlff u Ayttv7 guarilall P aV LAGLIBR A MSZ LSE of all nalS ; fis to nit wboursale and mall true. 'W• TM Isaar ud i •atater n a , plots Ito& 81n127 oe ' s ' mad W. Um ale an la 11116 swarm .T.A.CII ME. gaCIvIVP,IS UNIVERSAL • WASHING .001120111111. -• , , . . . .... , as rarnsivr Nay Eser.uunon. i - • Awe .• ... msgoe ta sannelbetarials tala ealaable article for aletadDl p M.:TA .tilch ! I we bare th.alldelea VW era mallre ma damottaa. ' ' HOUSEKEEPERS, PLEASE TRY IT. _ • . 1 $ ataltp. eau tale &past yaoao u.... t o r,. bouts , bard labor on aft arara board, batOrgoa i. ra•ney, time oula MO. .. If. FINE MAIM'S I satvaluable, troarbs i t I cleans tam eaally aad, thew belsate y. 1- ' It lo Mod awful las ctUIVIIIII/50 "Worm i • Walatillite Matalba. la 11 IC ararrattma ~,, i oostala NO LIME, . ' . • . i . ether lab...lova vitals. Nor sal" by VW- i Vella and DatnitllaTa 'overall, sui . sate a ad Mall aloe, oft. and da"tarotant, Sta. 89 fr OURTEI STIIZE.T. . . wry 860 R. miz..alint a W. t THB AMERICAN HALL AND Fount ii GARDENS, Cans fan sai km "beet; Int kaiigia. BOSWORTH & rirop'Ts. TIM lamina sad pleasant mg.% banaf rrg=44l•44.tracrrelasaa" "lira amain wissa, •141.1. AM.% ...dcWan• C rtal t agent_ / VA 4 kim.a• day allialaa. M u mma Cars paw t 2. aaar . may tea lallataa. aastsan SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Übeitt Street, PITTEIBMIGH. PA. 1101EltralaLOADING DOUBLE smily.altoT rwel-- • ea a la. unftlitilit t►r %be,* Gmlit t Ot anal nilipOrtWa. divan pots atm at me b. s ta Zama% watch 1 an telltza at mak: ratTaanitttilitaiTair rPll 2 = rt. ". MUM BOWN, tan Wood rtnie. r=^J THE Psi= APPLE PIEEIL . M 1 earl b ttAiterg7 4 tri rIIIYWVAVOVV. VP =lens ."4,..11111 Ite '""*"1""" WWI 1110W74 XiirritlNlW 'hoodittivi. P.-11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers