THE MU =GLUM 1 . 1751411111 p =IST 1100a1Ra0 aturarn riesuraia) pErainiffO i iinb &to., Alwrcosariertcarm. t. r . AX 9:36111t.... JOSUE itra. g o ,tr,,,g . •••••••••••...—D r. oStekela Orsici; GAZSITS BUILDING% Iles. SO* SO NIFSSI STRLZT. /4 1 arag 411OESt1 toper ot Totem Pounfrotis °mow. P/PER. OP pirresom An LaßGesr. cIiZAPSELT as, REST FAMILY mad uo.lolEBctaL PAPRE fa 6M State. = T. , 3 amts. MeeZr byCarrlers. per week. _ 14 `t KIM StatoeZtM. WO • • &Sr". . soarnorsr, . mrsurnutt, Eitt,shro &Ott Tauciscr DOWN THE 11.1.40 tnneti g ate Igo:them Democrats elated by the recent , elections that al• 'ready they beo boldly,, to , justify the Rebellion. Geniis], • idritis hanged Npmeeno fse tesving_the Stars and , jeom the cupOli of the Ctudom House in New orients. Mug POLLMID hs published a journal put pinning Nalidieti7kept by Ms. Run-, TOeD, dating, tirodays of his offence, trial ardifeatti. the offence ch. csjepteßialli stated, justified and ap. pmsjelesi.. Rattan, as "one of ',m eows's adiocnieli," is stigniatiMd as a tyrin t.• Maiivorto was most defiant and bravadji II bit distiyalty. The journal Ltir*iatliertic. and very stagy, baying of a translation of some Tningriterali then the veritable journal of It woman under each circumstances; for -Instance, In describing rho Mau:rid, and ',hewing that she mu deeply smut: ble of the effect prodcaird upon the erec t:Mors, by her appearance there with her -clains, :when, bar . - secession frbmds Seared to speak to her, the chaplain of a litideineinmettanrgiment cams and offered Idnarm,,wilieliehe took, and, says the interesting widow, whose sorrow, are now to pm loyalty to shame : , •.ireir this I was ibinderred. Here are ism, _dr the. remarks that were made : 130 Mrs.' Rumford has renounced her secession principles, and is hand and RUM with the Federals; 'Mrs Rumford 'walked into the graveyard with a Yen kee miniatere tfte ought as be ashamed ofherseit" ,Ohl tithe= is aajthingtha. _onAdir',,earth, it is a slanderer. The earthAisa a snake foe its base, so VAMP° attiring no:wonder-there is so mash venom Mit:" Imagine a WOlllll3l whose husband has been banged going Item the grave to in dite so astute and philosophical nand mentk r;Tet, the entry- is dated cot the „slay oftloifineral, probably it was writ ten while the inmenolable *blow eat be. !bre a minor, to note the effect of her snoriraing r ould wonder If the"chaplain were manna It is too absurd to sun palm Hit the' two columns of sensation niiirtrientaty which -the Cincinnati Enquirer copies frog the Southern Opinion, cuubli over , have been written under' the' dreaMstanties represented ; but they are made the occasion of land. Jae Muumuu.- -The editor says "W are alad'tolivo the . priviler ege of offering the public a so,complote and truthfulaccount of a tragedy that thrill ed the 'world at the time of its 'amen- Tilisiutssitt: -Was there aver such cub 11$ heroism shown as by that brave When Northern editors bold sued men up as examples of "sublime heroism" on the , drat -show of. reaction- lir favor of Denim:racy, what might we expect if the Detzasexats gain the ascendancy In ;the . . Saporta the election the Republican State gantlet Committee offered a prize blunter to the county *Mat made the largest increase la the vote east for Mx. Williams -'trier that given General Geary. So fa sowe can judge Wayne county, away up in the north-eastern part of the State, is entitled to the prize. IC'sehowe an ' lacrosse of two hundred and fifty votes, which le, ratably to the whole vote, larger than the inannue of any other county. Let tez claims be weighed, wadi( foandjust, u we believe *nate. be; forward the banner as an ac knowledgment of her fidelity to princi ple. Whilerother cot:mites fell back in the fight, and permitted the Democracy to achieve a tribmph, Wayne held her . vend . end charged - with -increased vigor on the enemy. Incosowan named Miles belittle wife with Gut tongs on Tuesday morning, in andshortliaftetwarillattabbed a, mulatto named George Sigel, who bad twitted Lim on hie matrimonial infelici ties. After teeing that Sigel, who was but hall witted, was dead, he wsiked, Inaiin hand, to the station holm° and pre himself up. Tux Few York Rey Book says "the leaders of theßepublican party from 'Llimcdn down to the tall end of Its offic ial exigence, . deserved cracidelon a Idiom:ma times over for its one impious, fathomless and unpronounceable crime of "emancipation." Isr Florida the 'completed neutralism returns show a majority of stegroes reg . istered over whites. The official re port of the registry foots up 28,028, of - whom 10,861 are whites, and 15,204 blacks, a colored mijetity of 4,420. Gov. Swan's army paraded on the lath, acconilig to programme, and one seglipent wore the national =form, doubtless to same appearances. ' Tame Is a tatorertg,atrilto In Brook -10; and the papers aro got out by amo tear printers. - Tot Atlantan' import Imago gitiati tles of condensed meat to England- • ..BICI37dOND VA . Couteutttlett.-Peittlest Zughtemest —Petersburg itetalLso , • trerrenottsoh to th. 6arette4 • 'I44I'XOND. October 17.—The Congrea- Mona] Committee to investigate the af fairs of fonthern ltalizetuls have or. Thepolith:al excitement Is: on the in crease. The Conservativm are Working with much enery. and everphing Judi eaten that there Will bo an exelting: elec tion and a full vote poliod. The ticket • beetiod by 3inrinotinke Johnson will be voted for by the Conscriratives, but two tickets will be run, the Conservative moven:tent uniting with Um Reptbilean. A. Meeting of Conservatives last night In Peterabaru nominated Daniel May • • and J. R. Wllliantson for the C'onvon tion, In opposition to the Radical ticket. There ant a large assemblage, and numb enthusiasm prevalle(L• 7 ;130IIIII CAROLINA. I.,rs tiMleeltileavanglaso—Tiont fei . - - :ire Edenton ussmg. Mitegrahnto the Pittsburgh ussetts.) • Cobraginis, October 17.—1 n the /octet itteasien of the Bodied Convention, held Imre tosday. Mr. Epping, 'United States Jfiunhal, offered u eeriest:4 ir.odende res. • ointions, which -wore adopted. , ; giant/7, after speeches from :Mown, • 'Brown, Wright. and others, a nxbanisid- station was ordered and the resolutions defeated. Mr. Epping then withdrew ` • from too Convention. •i,ptrung.mgrote, Oct. 17.—Genend Canby Axed the 19th and "aith of November ' ea tho der for holding the election for Delegates to the Convention.. Gagtosznt's Soar, in a epeoch In Lon. don, said: "Rod It not been for the En glish people we would not have succeeded In the expedition of 1010. I might have had now to lament my flother, ond _I should not have been here, perhaps, to thank you, not only in his name, but in the name of all my countsYnien• (tthears) You hare ralsed a great land, I say it though I am en italian. , -a land that 'has hood a greet omelette Mak:OM • gnat. history In OM middle nee, and - have great history 1. um, tattoo, when it bee next onside the incubus that wriest upon it—the - Papacy. We were - fligartunam . to the choice of our King. 31 - y father in iffg) called him Ifrepatao ` tooMO: I do not know my father's • thoughts on the - sobjeot; hat Ido know that every Italian thinks my father made a mistake At that motneot. 'Findley lefferroMmt says 1 A n Old man, _• usunea Slater, 106 years of 14;s, -reading a couple =Lbw west of to wn, came in but Tuesday, and Ins tbr the Via= Pkg4/411 Cant 1611; • ' . . . . . .. . . l a .. : Ri m) ; --- . A iii . 31 ,c - --- • • : .... . . _ . . '' 'IV " \\ATIO u • I /78`' ~ . , . . • 3 . , ,\ „ ~ ,0 ,...., . , . . • . , Nilh• ... , . „..,,.,..5.,,.„ ~•;,_,..„..„-).,:,,„,,,,„._ _,,,,, ....._. . .._ __,,,.........,....„....,..„,,_,,,.- • ,i-,-..,,,,--,,•,.'77-' '''' ( . .. - . A, ? ) ( . 1 „.. . IF . . 4 . \- - .. t tit . VOLUME ' XTT FIRST EDITION. MIDNrGHT. WASHINGTON Telscraph to m• nuwui► lilarstic 1 W4s.inztarozr, October President Johnson and General Grant reviewed tb.dap, on the grounds south of the Executive Mansion. the I.2th reg- Mint of Infantry, with a portion of the fah Cavalry and Veteran Reserve Corps, at present on duty at the headquarters of the armies of the United States. Gen eral Grant r did not appear in uniform. The display was very flue, and quite a number of spectsora were present • THE YearLAND COMMITTEE.- The Judiciary CommUtetrappolntod lo inquire whether the State of Maryland had a Itspublican form of Govorament, to-day examined Mayor Chapman, of Baltimore) and Ropreatedndre Thorns; of Maryland. One of tho Onnmitteo says that they will ho engaged two weeks upon tbls subject., 110PFS or XISCOVEIIT• First Ass' Want Postmaster Skinner Is still prostrated; by a .aariaaa Illness. There Is now, however, a sllghtimprove =tent and rpm . are entertained of his DETAILED BY YELLOW PIWEIL At tenet' s tp f hundred and - thirty army officers, la''ashington and clamhere, are • awal • the subsidence of yellow L i st fiver before pomading to their posts:ln Texas. I • Til L 1001.511.1110 =ILK. . • General' eosin' is still - an object of marked atte Lion by prominent officers of the Goveinment. He will leave in a day or two for. New York, whenoo he will will for 'Ands. AND Mrnnfinrik. An old mob named Ilofftneyer and Lis wife were mOrdered reoently In their own house, flaw Blaneville, Jersey. The deed was perfornled with on axe. Tho per- • petrator a unknown. The murdered couple wore emu/Mend poor. • 'The Joint Congrestdonal Ottrunittee on Iletiatuchment aront - work investigating the affhlits.cif the Treasury and propose to Conti:m.lns labors -until It bee gone through *eery. Burosii of the Depart ment. Thd C,emmlttae expect to be able lo lay a lUD report befors Compress early in the Newham , • an AN D 2ItE Irdi OFFICE. • spec 1 Dem Washington to the Erenitty contradicts the senaatlonal dispatch te a Saxton paper; pretending to stale b' authority that Sherman wlll return front the West,. alter arranging the mill ' affairs, to,assume the duties of the W Mice. It toys no nomina tion is ye decided upon. and atttementa to the con • are merely sensational. MISTER FItO,IIIIIATTI. • Gen. ceder ' the newly appointed Charge ,illatts loom Hayti, wee re• celyed ati the State Department tn-Jay and Led hls credentials. NEW YORE. CDT 1 . 4•8171ta tba enisbereb easetia.l New TWIG, Oct. 17, Its 37- .TEWalte revs—BACE Alualesi cats. The Ark. race to-day at Jerome Park was .Kteky'S great. match .4 11 Wd: time. betting was onehundmd dol lars bt y against time... Buckeye was riddles by Charles LlUlefleld, and had four, horses, to accompany him at differentilwrints of the race. On the last half mW, the 'Weight be was, carrying told aped him, and he began to sensibly shorten ibis stride. The time wort by Kentucky was seven minutes and thirty one and three-fourth seconds, doing the four miles, when he was hacked to do it within seven minutes and twenty se conds. The limo of the first mile was 'La; two miles, IN.; three attire, &Mk Kentucky has two more attempts in which to run four miles in mCVell minutes and twenty seconds. In the eiveepidakes for three year olds, two miles, four home entered. Connelly won in 3:431, Mcirrissy three lengths be hind, Flora Mclver third, and "Yankee bat. The Steward's cup, three mile,. bad only two entries, Onward and Bed Dick. Onward was the favorite and - won by two lengths in nix minutes and three fourths of a second. The gelling ram, far two year olds, three-fourths of a mile, was won by WU eon's Bonny Bess, beating C,yloid, the Breckenridge (Mee and others• time !ital. 'The mile and a quarter dish was won by Number Three, batting Stonewall Jackson, Twinkle, Clara and Clarltia dm) 1b4.5. BETL7INED FILOX Kunorr- • The Bishops of the Episcopal Church, nmently at the Pan-anglican Council. at Lambeth, are beginning to return.- Among the pas...engem by the Persia to-day were Bishops Potter, lkniell and Wilmer, Boman ebtholic- Arch Bishop Spaßldlotr, and Rent. Dr. Sturris. Hon. Amon Kendall and Judge Woodward, of Pennsylvania, were alio" passengers. 17/XLORT niuraoan encurcr. A meeting of chives was held at Cooper institute, titt•night, in reference to the project for buildings Railroad ex clusively for freight, with a view of fitell itating and cheapening tranaportation. .Letter approving the project were read from the President of the Chamber of Commeros,rif Cincinnati; the President of the Board of Trade, or Cleveland. and 'others, Resolutions favoring the-propo sal system were unanimously adopted. DANK 'tonne - its ABRERTED. TwO of We alleged robbers of the Ber ridge (Melee.) Bank were arrested In Boman, yesterday, through discheures theyseade while quarrelling. rEsSarrims.ts KrNor. At a meeting of tho Old School Pres byterlan Synod of New York, to-day, a reatiintitm was. adopted expressing an earnest desire for the reunion of the two orttattittatioto , of the Church In the Coiled States. - .• arvirtic drrournaccr. "topper C. Van Vend hao boat ap pointed Judge of the Court of common Plea. of the city, rke Canto.", roiltmett HAVANA. EM;=ZiM Talayrnyk is W Pltitiftritleuatie.3 11AvA2iii, October lit —The new 04p hi/it General is expected berr ryry hourly. A largo number of Germ unent elk; dabs hero been arrealed here and sent under guard to Span, charged with be- Ing (vest - Minoru with Prim. wilt/desires to annex - Wm Island to the Tinned Mate, very dull. • Mexican adelias to the fith stem tint General Foicobedo ilbuipprOxes of the Constitutional Convomitoriit TheSoutli ern and Central States are all declining for Gen. Diaz for Prmideut. • A letter front Itio Mr , that many Punntrylvanla and New York mile ratite to Brazil have been swindled by specu lators, and arc them inn destitute condi- Son. • Advices from Vera Cruz state that the tele!. of General Santa Anna had resulted in a sentence of exile front Meximn territory for eightyears. In the State of I, era Cruz l'oriim Diaz Lad received a majority for President. Commander (loom IV. Young, corn- Mending the United States steamer Bun nell, died at Manmailla. • A revoltln the Penitentiary at South. go do Cuba was suppressed. Lutm ediately. PB:a.M)ELPHIA. . "reponse to Closioet qe =beam Teumok to lruneesraa Menite.] raiteDin.nitA, Oct. 17,44 X. Bat turs,Repablioan candidate' for Clerk of the Orphan's Court, Wm, Campbell; Re+ publican candidate for Iteglater of Willa, and Benjamin rirwiller,Republlaut can didata for City Commissioner, ore pre- Parting Papers neoessary to contest the election of Gen. Lomb (}en; Battier, and Mr.lslepry. • eiegilterste suieuese. tag latemoie te tagrattaaarea ti grata 1 %tic Iltrottieco, Ott. 17.—San Francis co polled 14,a0rivotes yeetartley,the Dem °crate carrying the. entire ticket by 1,400 majority. Hairnet from the interior shear decided Union Th. Alta claims the e/ection of Swett, Union. IA wruln,. and Corey. Union, p ro b a bl e . The vote le light throughout the Mate. Tellew Weser Ite New Orlltous. tgyTeturrepe woe Menus% Ilautta.] :NEW_ 0/MEANS; Oct' 17.—The yellow favcr InterzoOntoin the - put twenty-tog, .hourrWere thirty-One. Dimmest', October • IL—During tbe twenty four hours =ding= noon to•day. =sae were twanty=ght non coxes an d sine &ago fr o m isituw form . CONDENSED TIILEGRA2O3 —Gen. Grant and Admiral • Port 4 are shooting ducks In Maryland Three thocutond erellgrautH New York last week. Total, since Jan. nary last, two hundred thousand. . —Santa Anna writes toe friend In New York that he lust received assurances . from Soares that his llreshould be spared. —The Democratic dubs of New York are going to give General McClellan a fine reception on - his return from Europe next month: --Charles L. Raymond; a drover from Clayton, 111., wan &oozed and - robbed.of 55,000 in money, and some valuable papers, In the suburbs of .St..Louls, on Tuesday afternoon. —ln the Supreme Court of New York, on Wednesday, a verdict was rendered giving to the plaintiff 816,7115. In the case of Elisha Riggs vs. the Evansville and Dltnoia Railroad. —The ti ow York Battles interested ere hard at work making tap a ease to prove tho liability of the Gevernmont for the counterfeit soven.tldrtick The Govern , moot will resist the claim to the utmost: • —The forthcoming deport of the Com missioners of:Customs, it is add, will exhibit a very satisfactory result of the proVictive and detective service during the laat'ilstul year. Considerably over a mllllon - dollars have. bean added to the Treasury from the seizure and sale of smuggled goods, while - tho expenses of the system have been comparalively small. . —The Pmeldent has appointed Ifon. James Brooke, of New 'Nark, and Sam uel Mcßae, of Pentutylvfmin, Govern ment Directors of the trnion Pacific RaiDead. T e makes up the five direc tors on the part of the Government. The other three were appointed a few weeks ago. They. are Gee. -Ashman, of Masa., J.S.Rollina,of Mo., tad J. R. Williams, of Ind.. —At the charter election in Norwalk, Connecticut, on Tueedey, the Democrats elected their ticket. —Gen. Dennison testified before the in dict:47 Committee, that while Rton:leers of the Maryland :Militia were men who served in the rebellion, or eympathised with it, several regiments werecompoved of loyal men who could not be roiled upon for suy hostile deinottatvation against :WC - • • • `.—ThreePtilladelphia Republirans, who were defeated for county officers last week, have agreed to. jots iratue and eon- tend the election In the Second and Fourth warda, it add that nearly two thous and Illegal eaten were polled. and in the Sliteenth ward a large number of rebel refhgees, - temporarily eolonimi there, were allowed to yote after the thspeetor and judge had lawn beaten from the poll ing booth. thew things to proved. then will Judge Wlllianut be awarded the place on the Supreme Bench for R hich he was' nominated. „ . . —The prize 'fight yesterday morning, between Fltairendtt and Looney, near Clark Station, Lallans, thirty mllesfrout Chicago,Thewas wen by the former,' on e dam a &font blow by. Looney iu the nineteenth round. Thu light lasted forty. two intorite46' —Mist Elleu, daughter of Geo. IL Stu art, of Philadelphia, was married in gor geous style at St. Caura Church. in that city, on Wednesday, to,C. Stuart Patter- Kw: Eel., a young lawyer. Gen. Grant premixed to be present, tart was detained at AnnaWia, whence ho telegraphed his contputuWioas. —S. S. Coo states that neither Yellen dlgham nor - Pendleton . will be elected United Stairs Senator front Ohio. He says the Democratic gems hi the recent aleatory , ' were tn portions of the State where they atroyerixupoe.,, , a l r. and e t the opinion that I ourrunn. th e to for Governor, will' be eho *PM (rwing to• the eontinuatlon of the dl. turbanon In Itsily,,„ataLtho.grttspy76Lol French intervention, financial dente. ahni on the Boone i11e1,014.11, and . Torino The following Philadelphia dry I houses Luse suspended In: onus.. pieties of dull thins., PA in prices, and a tight money msrket: Edwin 11111, lla- Willies half a 'million; Owen Emu, ammo amount; J. B. Cituaelherty, one hundred thousand dollars; and several other smaller arms These parties will compromise nutters with their ernditors and ho allowed In pits, • I with their business. —GovertuF Goals, If ! fudge Shall wood in elected, it bi . :mpoint Eton. M. Russell Thayer. to.. the place made vacant lu the District Court by the resignation Of Sharserood. —The report that two companies of Montana mpitla bad toractl out robbers, Is denied. —Tba York Etpects sayircdukt private tuicims from Europe speak of 'war as Imminent end the purchaser of lard and dour by the French govern ment In this nutikrt tend to strengthen this belie!. • • —The aurenunent has mule n pewltl demand nn the bunkum forthe wibun lion of the eounuirteit Neven-Thl notes, lent they will earnest the malt r. Privue:cdtto mport. uneasy feeling In Tarns underthe uppro-. honsion ilia the French troops mill be sent to oisnipy Itorno. . • —S letter trim ex-Comtressitirm Ar nold, of t 7hirago, ameane in the enyinir that Contrress - ham . not done its duty; yet its should, at • its approaching isooorin, rolievo the Itimnbilit — from keit reproocit by voting to tho • family tif Lineoln such a sum its_ edurero the —The SL Louie Board of Trado, which aaa organtusl about a }-etti ago, was kir wally utaugurated at Polytochaln lltf Last nigh!, a large number of nuterbants and o tt er - rillzons being present: , An address was dent - end by Hon. - Henry T. Blow. —The Atlanta (Ga.) Rarity can nowmpaper, has CRIME —Moe. Iturbrldan, brother of General Stephen Ilarbrldge, woo killed the other day by a man named Mitchell. -Oo Satorday night a' seventeenyear old desperado: nadiedSpack•er, of Staten. J.; abut - they boys; danger ously, and it is feared, fatally injuring two of them. The gun was homily load ed with bird and duck allot. ',The other boy escaped uninjured. =Mel Mart& intirdernua ly assaulted, on Monday, Robert Smith, while the latter was mittMktn. his father's home. fry'lionth I.lutitin 17112 township; Westmoreland county. ' ree abuts from a revolver penetrated the body of Smith, who it in thought may senile. —A young Detroit girrjlited n youih of twenty-one, to whom rho was erepered; for the 001.1nm:us Of an admirer etthe riper ago of rd. The Voungster thereupon allot Ida rival ,• girt ban gone may, and the murderer will donbilew hang, making n plement and complete &non. —A very darinp'mbleiryomorred near ixatisorille shoed it o'clock lifmulay night. ioorge Mud hail some Mewls visiting him Mot night, when three men • in dis gams entered the house with pistols drawn, and demaucied the money, of the pad, yor their item So ourprined were the \fire men and one lady, that they at oneb surrendered to tlie daring highway men. While two of the robbers held the party at bey, the third one searched the house and found between VA) and frAx4 which they carried elf. On learlego the robbers quietly remarked to Mr. Minot, "We ore much obliged to yen, and will cell again." The hare boon made. known to thepolice, who are on the look, out for these daring robbers. —A Belgian pupor, l.a Meuse, says that a robbery took place at Choose, tin der singular circumstance& The pro prietor of the menagerie, at the fairlu that place, had Just soldhis collection of animals, and hod received lu part par went about ten Aboasand franca. 'llls sum wee deposited in a chest, which was filmed in the don itself. • Notwith standing the proximity of Ilona, robber -tigers, an elephant, etc. a bold entered and curried coif both the sheet and money. —JonatluinDrooks, of.fersey City, was found by a 'polleeman Monday morn lag on it stoop In Parole street, dead. The affirm took hold of the' 'man' nod shook him roughly, supposing him drunk. A bottle of laudanum baying been found in Ids bedroom at home,' IC supposed that he committed suicide, leaving his dorm to die in the etrcet. —France has just lost one of her no. tablet. Ills name was Decorate and be died In prison a few days art l it il l , good Old sgo of ninety-two years, ferty.fiye of whirls have been spent In confinement. There are few offense/du the penal code which Downie had not committed. • —No city fn the country km bean .0 Infested with 'robbers and burglars du-. ring tbe last twenty year as Spring. Geld, Clarke county, Pa. Vile whole community hen been kept, ln a state of alarm. The house of Jacob Bunn, tbe ;writ known Springfield • (lit) banker, was robbed of several tbormand dollars' worth of -valuables at noon on Friday PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY. : OCTOBER 18. 1867. 808 Mk THREE O'CLOCK A. M. IMPORTANT ROM MOPE. Tki ITALIAN' The Party of Action Obtain Further, &mess. GABIBILDIANS IBTRENOKED , ISk4E'a TE4II.ITORY. o,ig*ufq;:banishing--Con Reports. FRANCE DETERIIIIES TO INTERFERE ialiatt Govern/out Esproiaed. LOABO?i ~ T IMHS" ON TUE INMAN QMITION. Bold Poiiey Advised. UR 11 UR 11111101111 tuff LH 111E1 IMIIIIII Luatrtu Bishops and the Ceacerd at. OONTIIIIIO PE►LB AL►YX IN ENGLiND. The South American War. 117 Telegisph to tae Plttesargh Usual*/ TUB 31031.A.N, 40LSTUAN—TU1.1 Intri:l2ol , IN COUNCIL--RE 4 oLVTION TO ecrtn r sax. • Paans, Ostober . r. - . —A. IL- , 41131 before the departure of the 'Emperor from M imi., on his nature to Paris, he sum moned a general council of the Cabinet to meet him at St. Cloud, to consider thd condition of affairs hi Italy; mitt aleeliV, what action France would take le the matter. The council war held yester day, the Emperor pretddiag. Rini result of the deliberation was a resolution that Franco should intniediately interfere for the settlement of the Minim question, but without netiina any longer in con junction with the Italian government to • that. end: The I/couleur yesterday, in a leading elitarial, - reproaehed the Italian Cies era meat far 11011011 g the Imre of asthma., dish. arding the obligations. salemn treaties. and fostering a dangerous spirit Jf republicanism in Italy. The•Monitrar, in it:cisme this morning, asserts that the inhabitants or the City of Rome ind Papal Pros-Mora are loyal to the. Pope, and ottly . need assistants., to drive the Italian iniriderm from the soil. grr.rr ov sorrowen urrxr.vtz,nolt I= I=l PA RIK, 17.- .E.N.1141.g. —The Pale< dd. to,tllng . rontalna as editorial afgaluttbas lbe intarsuntion of Yuma: is nootasacy. to atma Italy from rowlti t Sou aud anandly. 11= Tho sporic in the Bank of Franc., de ermwvil 4,000,th10 fro Aiming the putt week. Reptis' ktal inllint end 114urne !mach glepre,v4l. lEM TEILUIt 0 li I' Funetlascr, October 17.—Tho twx from the gotala continuos favorable t dm ropy of action. Ttm paiiholdlaus }mon talum po :maw !don of dm Main or 7kierola, in tho Papa Stole., 'slims they haveennamelatslthrm .elveo. and ast:3l, the :arrival of other bands hi iticiviao their - mamba,. alittl elently to. eruablo thew to, make 3 farther azlvant, Siarnor Arca* one of the Depotlea of the italirin Parliament, 1. Commodar 16 Chief of the tnattrgent3 In ttuat quarter of the Boman territory. annnsvxoncunlio,..o,ismAcnNouv, Ft.tirantec, tkt. Abet 17.—Iteports ay. hourly rovirod of inktrmlatiet and fight. betwort-thfi thip4. - tiooptt and dlimit, but the atrounit are onntlicting, .skill is dialcult b, , tay which cido tuts laltlt Mixt /tot,ottlttl In We. , encoun ter,' EZZ=II AntmraF or ' 1111 or Till: rot:mins Ortolier 17.—n0 Emperor bror retorted to tbe OrMroxikof Attnistor., for their conaiderahon, an itddrise re ceived by 'Majesty from a congrega tion of 'lowan Catholic Bishops of the Atintrien .Emptre, recently assembled ham: The address; protests against - this adoption of a now Concordat, and strong ly tugs, the . Emperor not to make any revhdou In Um sacred treaty now entitle. BMW between Austria and Rome- In a communication to WO Ministerial Council, the Enipeiror reproves the Au triattlilehopi for adopting a paper so MAWS to create public eiciterneut,' at a tone when tranquility is niemnistry far the iiatenttlerior the country, and takers occaminit to remind them that the Em peror of Austria s Constitutional Prtnee, as troll as a trite nun of the Church. • „ 011tiM,C10 LAW TASIEb. Vtisrr A, Oct. 17. Evening. —The : Iteichstath to-day passed Ow °mantel-sae, under consideration 111noe the beginning of the protent ,seasion. This tortuntre makes legal numy new reforms Intro duced In the government or . the Etipire. Theannotumment of the roply Made by the Emperor to •tbs address of the EishopsOutvwd to tbe Cmwordet. woe TOCillrOd with prolonged cheering In Ow Rolcheratti. _ . I=3 TUE CRETAN 4DEW7/ON.-401NT mum TO TILE StiI.TAN TI:o31111.1011A AND . . _ Lon'neif Oct. re ported thoUthO Emporor Alexander, of Rastas, and King William, of rentsin, havo 111111 t 0 Joint note to tho Halton, oak !ng fain to . codo tho losiond of Combo to the ItinFdam orGreece4 • . =EI TUB TIMMS TiIEIZOMAIS CAISIITION . Lonntnr, Ott 17.--The Times contains long editorial about the Itoinan atten tion. sty* Primo Artirtister Itattezzi must order the national troppi to Rome, and anticipates tho arrival More of both the volunteers of Caribittli and the.reg ubu !rtrtTa of Fiance. The article eon. eludes by declaring that the boldest pot icy is best for Italy, and advising her to MAUI R01:11/10a then treat with France. cou'itaux, Tna .EnCAPED Leptis:or, Oot.l7.—Cortalnovideneo brut come into the hand& et the 3letropolinn police rtuthorltioa, lildllatig the 'll , sliet that col. Kelly, who woo rescued from the prisoners' van at Manchester, bas not left the country, but la now In the city, and the detective force iseetlyely engaged In endortvoring to discover his whore; abonts. TUE 711111471 ALAILK KIM vr. j• Lontion, October 17—..fivertinib—Nary rumors, somo absurd, are in circulation, and keep up the dim the r* bum The government, betray*, rather increases its precautions agaiost any dis turbance or outbmak,espodayy In Scot land. , MACE AND O . I3ALDWEAr 00,1 MT. The prize fight between , .1 . 447 Mace and O'Baldwin, which iiisiklisrienlAst to England by the su'restas been postponed and will conseieigienowhero on the French coast. . i:iennOTALTY Or coi. MADHID; Oetbbor abed' WIN declined ~ t he. Vlcereyallifed Cuba, and the appolntmenthag Tirr. An wiriepiti*. • -..--;:- I mmn Dispiadies . have Bach'', ' ' ved aorc,,, from the Spanish I.lxpeelltion the Ps cm; whicti state .that'Aili . ens of Chili has manifest : od is. iiiimoaute ila enter into negottatione fortiAltVestorstlela of pence with Spate. - . 7 4 1, '' ' 1 =TIAN* ADDItLt, OF CATIIOLIC*cors. . . Duntaa, October.. .17:--Itti Rot= Catholic Bishopa of trebled bre usual an address, denouncing in strong terms tho Protestant Church Establiiinent, the system of -National Schools, and the Fe " SOMA AllintitlCUl.tlitintl r• -- 11IIAZT4143,9DIncoliciihrao-4,turaz rea -1 A.,,„._ • usi,,,„„ Oct.l7.—The steamer irotiMici Janeiro bee arri - 'The last advice; received at . Rlo i Aro, front Parana, were 4:.411e, Vo move ment had been mode, and 4o prepara tions were making for an anal* by the land forces. The allies' i i 4r General Miller were lylog Idle the Para ‘ guayans, and the Argentine d Brazil ian deals wege hemmed in ,the guns of Lopez end compalledto !nimbi.' Live. The BmzUhms were y dis concerted with the conilue,4l - the war, end the peace party wasln WS ascendan cy in all the States barddriet on the Rlo do le Platte, , It was rtla - trtell that Gen, lir?' w.. dead. ABILIViIb SOUTILUUTON, Oct. 17.4•Mhs steam ship Bank, from New Yotii on ths. Ist inst., arrived liere to-day, aid alter load. lug Lohdon passengers, malisand (night sailed flit Brume. QUEITCVL:OIyrN, Oct. 17. 7 1h5r stoamahlp Java, from linston on the $ l, touched, , ._ and anbeeltieolly proceedild to Ller pool. niAsciat us ' VIAL Lon on, October 17. ine.—The weakly morn. of the .of England show the amount of speci the .vaults ea having doereaval ~,Ola/ sterling, dam u tdamthe last 'statement • made, • Oct. ht. Lanza amounts of a have been snipped from London to • a during the pasioreeic, end the e t .un eon lianas in that direction. . t ail Lontrov, OM. 17.—/.1.. .—Consols cloaedattn 9.let; Illinois tral77l; Erie 141: Atlantic end Grant 1 ern Voneol- Mated Bonds '2ll. • • ~ . . . . . l l a ailiroot.,Octobmr eumg.—rho Conon market rioted II Middling op. lands Old; middling Ori. Old; mkoi of 15,030 balm. Barley no , Corn Cs Pd. Whook Callfornix' Mato 170, rod Wooten'. lis 10.1. Usu. 60.45_d. - Pm, 6:10. Roof 1 . ..1. 6.1. Pork 710:4 Mown 4r.0. 6d. 4iiii Lord .1..7.0. Chen &is. n #0 ild for common sod kit . for ii um. Tallow loom 1:71 ' fr. ° l . Ti a l u atron is gljYfr'"r'ro m- ilord. . . ItMP:SEIMMiI . . • Awry: ear, Cl,inber Pe troleuni market croaker uml pricy de cllnlng; stindartl white M frame 54 ekm time, li:Cetabar V. N. Ilona" cluattl at 731. RIOT it BiLTIMORI. Shots Fired Du& g the Parade of a Colored &giant. A WHITE BOY KILLED tar Tonnispn in tin rittstiorali Vixen.; liaurnodiv, October 17.—A not na eboOt nine delock this evening. WWl° negra regiment r•nw_parudiog over the vunarr of Frenklni and llownrif twelve or ❑fteun ithinn WOrii firnl In the tercet, and Charted A. Ellermeyer, white, etzed eighteen, Woo Instantly killed. Mto muse of the riot is unicuoirn. For n short [lase gnat exelterneat prevailed, but A large polieeferne. which was soon on the greened, prevented further. ills ttlinatice. The dty is now quiet. ST. LOWS. U==49 Cadria—gzalows of Illowywasettisess. I PC Sairrodia to fati rtustaira Itosalad • Rr. 'nun, Oct. 17.—The North kW spurt Railroad Company. yyatorday *old nearly four millions of dollar,' outs bonds to Isom, 11. Frith and artociates. Severn heavy ranltaltetn of New York and Ht. touts aro couontud .with ?lx. Dub, and imam are now honored to Animas the mad. John J. Roc. Iltuttnn Ram Chart., It. Ltekluann and Joh. U. tkpelln Ito Into the dlroetory under tho tutus of.pur inano, and La Fox. of .St. Loula, has beidi clouted teinFontrf The bond, of the Company ontarronty.wron 11.114 a belt. man. • • Strict iittaturdllin 'haw tarn chtablialleti Ixlnw CUlro. l'honiantla of 'ample are mkt to no timing from Mount,la In nonanquenea of yol low forcr. Lana unmbem uf them harm strtved al and mussed throngb Cairo MAN4IOIIBXI BAO/1. . Weiror ors - Mait e• 'Sinn rive /Moo lablls. Jaen* Trots Tea all•s—The Mae altv•• Chef sad gals Mare. /meg. LOT Toilersim Uss.l.M3 theme, Odobor twee between James Griffin, peatestrion, and the noted trotter, Captain 7dagowan, for two thou• *and dollars, douesolT at Myrtle lark to-thy:. The horse wee to trot ten miles while the. man inn fl vo mliex. There erns a large crowd primed. Tho start took place at half-putt four. Troin the eommenertnent the horse began to gain on the twin, and from the com mencement of his fourth mile, when the hors. lasi made six and a half miles, flrlilin dropped down from exhaustind and gave in. This home finished Ids ten 'liiktra.' 'Griffin 'made his first nine In smond In 6:021, third in list Mao money Was lost on Grif fin, time. being the favorite from tun to eighty.' . CAL±FORNIA Th• Sleasiao—asietis• free• 1111•11 , 11 , Mee Veasillew-Naillinell SOT . 110.1 talc • . (Dr 'Memo ta Pitiabaralitiluatta.l SA rnarietem, October 17.—PatDid retnrial Dom twenty-ono conntlea give sprogue, • Democrat, 1100 .ninJartfy, and Fitzgerald, Democrat, Col 6. - 151praguo's (declaim la couceded; Fltmgerald's doubt, Judge Yield, of tho oiled ;Rates Cir cuit Court, to-day acutel:Nl Etten (lup in,' convicted of manslaughter, In lolling John IlOswell, amend mate of tho ship rearloss, to throo yyttnr.lmprlsontnont. The brig AdVanot coal from the Island of Sonahalten. who quality cor roman& with Cumberland. It is the Ina rev:dyed and is uald to befit consid credo quantity. INtelftss the asolzalloi. leseeetito toe 1141•Ipack iguana' ; OODENDIIIIO, N. Y., Oct. 17.—Ilan. T. C. Lturiburdt Rio Republican nominee f o r comptroller, who reacted home yea lefty from 'Europe, has declined the nomination, his constituents desiring m m r etain his at in Congress. c:r== cumlo(rapli to ISM tattitest mamma.) rnexenxt, Octobe 17.—The races commenced today: The Ontario make wen won by Joke. The United Service stake was WOO by lick the barber Grey. Hawk wo the trial in three straight heats. • • ===! Ptiumatek emu.) Loutsioux,Octobor 17.—Ithor about ott a stolid .atUl t with twenty-eight ha , •Oesi4c4lollvPilat• CITY AID 81111111110. TOtTETEUPAIRt.—.7IIse fiatiOsivi nog reties bto ifissey;Oß avid Padres Motet Reports Ow% by art, PtiPor to as edgy, KU be Good Davis/ Dab Wednesday afternoon a man named Harbaugh was robbed of his watch, vat ued at SGO, and some two dollars in change, under the following eircurnstat ces: Harbeugh, was, he, says, stopping at a• hotel . = Grant street, and after din ner he Went up to his room to indulge a few moments in "Tired Naturo'N Sweet !Restorer." The room was occupied by smother 'Person at the time. When Her binigh.nwoke, his watch and about two dollars, which' was in his vest pocket, werwrobtaing; his companion had also disappeared. Hartuntgh called at the Mayor's office and stated the above facts, whereupon the police force went forth to make, the. arrest of .the party . against whom Information had been made. Of- Cupplen and Higley had theesso in hand; and yesterday evening, through the honesty of 'a pawn broker, In the Fifth ward, found the watch, and. also a clue to the thief, who prayed to no Tom Smith. Last night they ascertained that Tom was iti Alleghon3-, and on going there found him an Federal street, stunr the Itallroad Station. Ho was taken In charge, and came quietly until about half way across the bridge, when ho made a desponde effort to escape, but it was "no gra" tho officers knew their man and had provided for emergencies. Ho was conveyed to the lockup, where he was searched, and a pawn ticket found labia packet for the watch that had boa:tett:On._ He will have • hearing to . 1= Perhaps there Is no obligation on pa rents so Important as the education of daughters. Out of the number of excel lent collages and academies claiming preference it is difficult to make choice. If we maybe permitted. to intrude our advice we unhesitatingly commend, in the highest terms, the Steubenville Fe- male Caine as en educational Institn tion worthy of centidence and encourage ment. has the advantage of location, being idinatednn ens of the prottlectand most fascinating spots on the Ohio river, In the quiet town of Steubenville. The college building is large • and admirably adapted for boarding school purposes; while the faculty of instruction embrams anamber ol highly successful and ex perienced educates. The terms of tuition have recently leen reduesd, es will be thserved by reference to the advertise ment in another column. A recent visit to the Seminary, during which we made an inspection Its various departments end classrooms, and anextuaination into its educational system, warrants us in commending th i s institution in no hes itating terms to those who are dmiroua that their daughters and wards shall mive liberal education and high ;moral training. The 'Principal, Rev. .1. M. Reed, A. IV., will furnish all neocamay Information to those who address him at Steubenville, Ohio. • Userlor of tag Alleffol elbfookoo John B. Wright and George W. Vat= ors, arrnited at the Union Depot, charged with paining merge rfeit money lu Johns town, were before U. S. Commissioner ..iteC.ancllesa yisterclay, for a hearing. 'They had been In Johnstown several days last week, but - left there on Saturday • night. As soon as their departure was known a telegram was sent to the office nt on duty at the Union Depot, giving a description of them and directing their arrest. As moan as the train ar rived at the depot the °Moors found their men In the sleeping roach and took them itraissalaz...,llLAthiocßitra lock.up 006 of them was observed to throw away a small roll. which was recovered and proved to be twenty-four ten dollar coon.. terfeit noms. The prisoners were sub . quentiv searched, and aeveral sums 01 [IIOIION fractional parts of ten d"llites. found - In their Bandon. The tovueell ware hold for trod. ane's retweiall= Ariap,h We aro indelitoil to our friend W. W: Wallwe. Emil:. for xeirral spechnon. o. tin now ahnoin universally arhiptc. Kane'. Po;rolcuin Soup, which hi eaten , lively nuttufactured by the Churnkssri Manulketurlng Company, whose Mlle° is loexted at No. 115 Fourth sue:et.. ;The . soap we have iftted and find it a a Very auparlor quality. aorompliatdrnr even morn than is reproaentrd. The Aromatic Petrokum Soap rivals. Colgate's finest, and la exceedingly effLarions ht euring oorta, cuts and wounds, while al • aim, inn soap it is withont an sisal. Its use will fitest cures of- Letter, akin diss•aw.s. and chapped hands, and will Inner the akin soft and smooth. Dealers who have. not yet Introduced this great , nap should grve It a trial. A Are occurred In Setyder'el llow, Allegheny city, on Wednesday morning, which deatroyed resent houses. 1 t min i:sated In' the bOuse of s colored man narated•Watthtngton, a two story frame, value/ al P3O, which was bums! to the ground. A two (*dry fmmohones belong. Ing to Mrs.busan Gallaher, seined at f7OO was also toLdly destroyed. There wee no Insurance *neither of the shore build- Ingo. The house of Joseph Apferruan. ► two story frame, on which taere wee P ,O Insunnice, wow also burned. There WWI 14:00 basutanos on the fUratture of Mr. Apfertnan, About one WO of which WWI .toted. The furniture In both the other blandlngs was all destroyed. It Is sup gl itzd to have been the work of en il3ooll. Irasat Aietolasa-mutaaat. A dlatrendog accident oocorred at the Standout Oil Works yesterday morning, which resulted In e o death or 'John Idc. CraCken, a resident of Sbargeburg. Tlie deemed wasemployed by the partim who were using the tank at the oil works mentioned, and having. covered It on Wednesday evening, wee lu the set of returning the corer no Thundoy morn ing, when be aocklentally fell In and was drowned, before weistance could reach him. The body was taken out and re moved. to sborpeburg, where Coroner Clawson bold en inquest upon It. The Jury ftmnd o verdict In acoordanee with the fuctsabove stated. Tho decease] was a myriad man, about' forty-eight years of aim and loaves a wife and several chil dren. Dloodisitoissol Clopirrosisbsp. Tlso attention of our readers is directed o Um ashicrtisomout of eUssolution of partnership of the Ilan of Loughroy Frow, Mr. Joaoph Loßglney-rottrlng, and sucoMuled by Mr. W. S. Jackson., Thu mum and atylo of tho new Mtn to Jackson .t Frow. 21to busineas of Man ufacturing aaddlory, Inu-netia, hone amitotic. and fUrnituro, trunks; valises, &a, will bo continued alto beautiful w ne ware room, No. 102 Wood street. We wish the now firm abu ndant succwot. Our blend Mr. Jacob A. Heating, who Wailong monocled with Mr. Junkman In the management of the Fourth street Livery eatablinhment, will be found with (ho firm In ebargo of the office.. 11 Ilepors 1)r. IdaCandieae, Phydelen t Um Board of Health, reports the follow lug interniente the ally of Plttahurgh from October 6th to October lath, 18117: .• Maio.. 10; Females, 0; White, 15; - Col, °red, 1; total. /D. .1 hiscaaus —Dlatum.of _Bruin, 2. Suicide, i 1 ; 00tiottroptloii,. - 4, :Chronic 'OestriUs, 1; Bilious Pawls , 1; Disease of Liver, 1; Louts Llti otitis 1; Typhoid Fever, 4; Anoltnin, 1; Pne orris, 1; Diptheris, 2. ' 0 the above th wore: Under, I.year, I; from 1 to 2,1; 2 to 5,2; 5 to 10; 3; 10 to 16,1; 20 to 30,5:- to 40, 4; 40 to 50,'2; 50 to 00, 1; CO to 70,1. Malls isebsolus. --The report of the Pittsburgh Central Board of Educatlon, for 1866, ahovrs the following; Teti number of . schools, 119. Number of PopilsEnrollOd — nales , 4,118; rondo% 3,90% total, 3,030. Thera were 130 toachers employod, at a cost of 171,1033,33; expended for frie1,'31;,244. 60 ; for building, $M,671.2 1 . Total cost of teaching, 11130,978./4. The - total amount of tax levied was $111,858.91; of which 3104,8.32.03 woro collected, from which it will be soon that the expenditures ex ceeded the !mount collected 340,301.11. Patera Aeitilent —llr. Gang° Sheaf for, an emploYee ln Jonas et - Laughlin's iron mill, Birmingham, met with lious accident yesterday afternoon In - working about thee machinery One of his hands was aught amino t , u'tiy embed ea to render amputation of ono Anger necessary. Doctors Anaholtand Remus or, of East Bizmirighani, attended • the 1111 1 man I" I .*MOrmed the ems . NEISMIOREOOD NEWS I=l From the. Greensburg Democrat: On Monday evening, the 7th instant, a man named Robert Smith, of South Hunting don township, was shot by a man named Martin. Smith was seated on the steps at his borne, when Martin approached him and asked for, a pencil, when he went Into the home, and writing some thing, chewed it to Smith, askinghim if that was his sentiment, and Smith an swering in the allirthative, Martin drown pistol and fired on Smith. Four shots were fired, three taking effect, one in the Jaw and the other two in the shoulder and arm. The wounds are serious and painful, but it Is thought will not prove total. Martin immediately mounted mole and fled. The difficulty originated about a young ITU' that both were pay ing attention to. Both are voung men. Smith was raised in South Huntingdon township, and Martin is from New ork, rind has been In this neighborhood about two years. Martin was pursued, but not captured at our last account. —On Friday night last David hell's -barn; in Suwickley townabip;Westmora . land county', was burned. Nearly all his grain and hay,. and farming implements, with tim exception ota wagon, werelost. Threo valuable homes, 01101 a' stallion worth five hundreddollara, were burned up. -The fire was diva:meted at about ten o'clock, and had then made much pro pram that the llamas could not be sub- . . . . clued. Mr. Bell's loss will roach about lour thousand dollars. 110 has an inaur- . _ :moo however, In the Sowickley Mutual Fire'lnsuranoe Company of one thou sanddollars. The fire was the work of milneendlary. Some year ago Mr. Bell had six hors. poisoned, four of which • —The Butler Democrat asps: The con tractor for putting up the now jail, has oompleted the steno work, and farther work will now be postponed until spring, except, probably the droning up of a few atone: This superstructure, when MUM oil, will certainly- bo nn honor to the county, although we think it would have been much more so, had the whole been: of atone. We never thought theta brick building looked massive enough for a jaiL It:looks too much like a private residence. However, meter in such mat, tent will differ, and we are not disposed to grumble. The Commizaioners deserve, great credit for the rare and-attention which they have bestowed on this mat ter, and we hope there may be no com jlaining by. the people. We need a 'good ail in this county, and it was time to erect one. —On Friday, the 11th instant, while some men were engagedin loading wool at the store Of Mr. Kennedy,ln Prospect, Butler county,lhey, let one of the sacks fall: and Mr. Kennedy's . . son, about twelve vows old, happening to be play ing obi:at the wagon, it fell on him, breaking his legend dislocating the cap of the knee. Tie Is doing as well as can bo expected. —The Ebensburg Alleghenian says: An old, demented man named Jno. Boo med, who was living with his niece in Susquehanna township,. disappeared from - horns some two weeks ago. Though diligently sought for, he was not found for several days, when ho was discovered in a thick woods' close by, nearly. exhausted. In anticipation of xleath, and follow ing the bent -of his :owed mind, Le had built a monument of stones several feet high, which he in tended as his mausoleum. —The Board of Trustees of the Agri eolturil College of reemsylvseda met at the office Of the State Agricultural Sod- etr, in Harris bu _ rg, on Thursday last, to (Jasmine on the on of the experi mental and model farms to be , selected In the man= and .western dirfsions of the State, required by btw bd . be estab lished. It wax decided to locate the east ern bum in the county of Cheater, pro vided that the eltirena - of that county, within thirty days trona the 10th of Octo ber hist, raise a sum - of rot -lose thin Ore thousand dollars towards the pur chase and stacking of the farm. The decision on the western farm woe pom p° ned in order to mike further evarni nation. —The Johnstown Water Company have resolved to Ineresi,e; their capital ,stock to 8140,000,..Mr. Morrell. in behalf or the Company, subseribing one-half Abe additional stock,' on Tr, Lowman guaranteeing the , suhseription $5,000 from parties in. Philad,tilphia,: leaving only $15,00C1 additional eit:oek. lobe taken by the oilmen,. • -4:/ti Monday of last weak, the Govern.. merit detectives 'seized lb - Homers' mid . . hank; in East Huntingdon Viol:ship, Weritniordand county. thirty-two bar rels orwhiskey. The tvidowotlir.Jacob Sberrick, deceased claims the whisky as belonging tO'her husband. Mr.Sherrlck committed suicide about two wean or so ago; and the Govenimant seized upon Ws distillery and a lot' of whisky on -hand. The claim of the Qovernmeut was compromised in some way. --Several nights Mum an attempt was made by burglars to water the storeroom of Shrum tlc Painter, In Greensburg. The thieves became alarmed and lest without accomplishing their objet. —On Saturday seaming last, George Thomas, of Penn Station, was struck by tho Fast Line, going ram, and instantly killed. Tim occident happened just in [want, and within a few feet of his house, —John :Smalley, of West Dotegal town- dap, Lancamor county, dropped down dead, Addle "'wading in Ids barnyard On Sunday morning, wi th out premonitory indispoatuon. kiewariaboutally )1,1111 uf age. —There Ia a man elected to the Penn frylvanla Legislaturo thls *lnter by the classical Immo of }Ullman, and another who rejoices to the euphonious appella tion of fiod-shalk. 10==3 °run& IluusE.—Mr. Frank. Mayo le •t present playing at the Opera House. Mr. M. is a yam* Man of decided talent, and is rapidly rising in his profession. Last night he appeared as the Young Huguenot In "Cadet La Pearlo,land we doubt If the piece was ever rendered bet ter. Ile Is becoming quite popular with the play-goers of Pittsb - urgh, and tlt• ronsequenee the house is always filled. 'Moue wishing to hear him should serum seats early. • TILLIIIILeB VaittartEs.--Nething Left undoco by tho managers of 'rrim bio'n Varieties to make it what ft pur ports to be, and whet it la lu truth, attest class Varieties Theatre. Wit and humor rule supreme, no hundreds can testify, who nightly pay tribute to this temple of Meal*. 'The entire company Is made up of stars. Go and nee them. OITY ITEMS galelr Resterattein to Ileslib For two years I had been painfully afllielod with a disease of the throat and tunas. Had lest my appetite; was vs*" much reduced in weight; constant pains through my chest; was very weak; life was but a'hurfien to rue; in 'Vain I had tried eleven phy = sicians; providentially, three weeks ago,- I met a gentleman who hail been rcatomd to leadth by the cull neat physician, lie. Afro, of IM Smith field street and I immediately applied to mm and Immediately myself under his trrat eut, and received relief und eontinued to.ain no rapidly until to-day lam entirely cured of all the pain In my chest, and the s' ugh and my ap petite perfectly restored, so that non- I eau eat and digest as much at ono meal as I could cat in three days for two yearn previous !t, Dr. Aborn•ii . koatment. ADAM KAUT, Coal Merchant, 800111 Fliblbergh. litargotns.—One of tho largest and finest stocks of watches, clocks, jewelry, and Miser worn ever. brought to this market, is now offered to the public nt reduced prices by Iteittemau, it Seidl°, at No. ea Fifth street They alter their goods at unusually low figures, In order to reduce their present large stock preparatory to moving into their new building.. Seizing gelato to lha Ean Cared,— Mr. Bohn Vetter, blacktanitb, Cherry alloy, next door to tho Monition Dome, mut a great attiforor, with 'noises in the can, when ho applied to Dr. Aborn, of No. 134 Smithfield• street, under whose treatment ho low been cured. la sad to see the arch of a beautiful mouth ruined by the decay of the teeth. Use Ward's fluid and- pow dered dentifrice, and acre the most ea presslv.e feature of the face. Sold whole sale and retail by Joseph Fleming, No. 84 Market street, and all druggists. Furst Furst at the extensive fur home of Wm. Fientinn, N' o. 13D Wood street, at lower prices ttuutht any other . how In the city. • The bud gare In tho c.lty_to buy your Wks' and Dam* furs Is 4 Wm: nom. ir ti o% 13 Wood iitreot. Vie' oily plata in thii Otl , ' to get a fine .01 O f tap Is 14 Wm. e; 14q 18Y ~~ NUMBER 241. TIM Wise Isparr slag II aura Nentra. saravalnil Allanday, On Pena iltrara, Few houses of Pittsburgh have bean more successful and prosperoui than that of Messrs. Schmidt t Friday,exten eive wine and liquor iMporters, N 0.409 Penn street. Established more than thirty-one years ago, by the father of the senior partner of the. present firm a it stands as a connecting link between the past and the present, and has. ever sus tained a high reputation, keeping pace with the growth and' importance of the city. On the secession of the present lima to the ownerahlp of the house, they realized the urgent necessity of coupe. flog With New York and Philadelphia for the vast trade' of the South and West,' in punilantign wines and ligarota. Pos. seeing already ample facilities for im porting, direct from the markets of 'Eu rope, many of the more important and popular brands of German, French and Spanish, wines,. they pushed their trade and soon found their efforts more than liberally seconded and cm:enraged in increased tales. Or dere came flowing in from the prtnct pal -western and southern cities, sod as rapidly as Importations could be drawn from bonded warehouses celee were ac complished. Through extrema caution and care that no wine or liquors should leave the house but the purest, t h e Im portations made by the house gained an almost national- reputation, and to our Inland city was soon directed a share or the patronage wtich had formerly flowed to seaport towns. Not long since we di rected the attention of our readers to the enormous stock of foreign wines and liquors which had then just arrived front Europe at the establiahment on Penn ;street. We did so at the time that our readers might form Just appreciation of the great wino Ulan springing lapin our city, but we had little idea that the ;pod ia.; stock of casks andpuncheons, which, for more than a square, lined the side. walks, would be disposed of to rap idly. The firm has just received another Importation, direct from Germany, France, Portugal and Spain, of choice wines, which is in quantity the largest stock ever receiv ' ed by any house outside of New York city. This Immense lot was selected by thesenior of the house, G. W. Schmidt, Er pe who has be e n i ti, the purchases with e view of supplying the market hero with only the choicest and purest favorite wines obtainable. Previous to his de. , for home Mr. Schmidt entered LiVeTrrangements • with. the following first clam house., securing the sole agen cy for the United States for their geode: F. Bumßler, Avize, champagne; De Yen ogee & Co., Epernay, champagne; J. flnier & Co., Cognac and Bordeaux; Charles Lambling;Cette; Morgan Broth ers, Cadiz., Spain; Erhard Schmidt, Neu enburg on the Rhein; ar. Geyger t Co., Cnenznach.-Sparkling Bock and Moselle; Bas & Co.'s English aim; Yours-. ger 6: Co.'s Scotch ales. Persons who have given the subject of vintage any at tention will perceive from this list that the Pittsburgh house of Schmidt it Fri dayropresents and corresponds with the most famous and favorite wino growers of Europe. It will be remembered that These are only new agencies taken bbyv the firm, they retaining all these pro -onaly held. 'The immense invoice hst received covers the brands of all the ouses noted and many other*. The prices to wholesale purchasers and &M -em are exceedingly, reasonable, more than underbidding those held by eastern Importers, so that in oldition to freight sieved in transportation, the patron can see that it is' to his advantage' to deal here. The firm supply the retail-trade with bottled-foreign wines, liquors and ales, of the purest quality, or put up in package; to it pure-balsam or they will make direct importation through land e.l warehouses. Moving had long per- Septa aequaintance with bothntembers of the firm, we cannnhesitatingly , com mend them to our :readers aa_na every respect worthy of patronage. Aital Torasoor att :Moor .t. oarooors DOorolue or Wooliroolo Pills. "frooos TowNstrui, • heaven Co., Ps., • Dctober 11, 15641. I cheerfully add irnY testimony to the, efficacy of Dr. Sargent's Diuretic or flack eche Pills.. I havii used them for the lesttwenty years, minflaa'`-ve alvrays" found immediate relief from pain i i the back arising from affection :of the kidneys. I am now over sl.Xty years of age, and have kept myself In good health by their ocaaional use. ;mire freqdently ad vLsetl the use of those:pills to my neigh bors complaining: et this' triable, and know of over tweiatyl rases triter° per manent cures hard been effected. • Azsgazfmrallcafttnow. For sale by all: driiggis — ts. 1 Price 50c per box. .i 1 1 0c1614 Tars? rant larAaarl rkia• so Bar =2l :Messrs. Gardner rt Stewart,' west cor nor of Market , L and Fourth streets, No. 0, have now open and for sale, at whole sole and retail, the largest stock In the city, In. all grades and qualities, which they propose to sell at lets prices than the same goods can be bought elsewhere, also showing a greater variety and en tirely new furs. All buyers of fors should remember this, and avail them selves of thin rare opportunity to make their purchases, They are also opening a large stock of now dry goods, most remarkably cheap. West corner Market and Fourth streets, No. Mt tws Genontn fi 6rswAtrr. • Will be 1111•1* las Mewl. a •.7 !Aber Uwe. ta zither My. Good Prunes, Raisins, Currents, Cit ron, Spices, Cross Blackwoll's rumpus Chow-Chow, Pickles; Mustards, Catnips, Sauces and (Nixes. Spiced and Pirated Oysters, Lobsters, Spiced Salmon, Mar malade Condensed Milk, Extract of Beof J ellies, Chocolates, Dates, Fresh and Preeerred Raspberries, Pine Apples, Plums, Peaches,Quinces, GeLstine, Ex tracts, Olive Oil, Syrups, Trunarinde, Fine Cream Bonbons, Good Mixed Can dies, Carameli, Cough Candy, Evorton Taffy, and all kinds of Nuts, at 112 Fed eral street, second. door north of First National Bank, Allegheny Cl q• . . Oot/2-21 conch .1424 VEX. £..d Lb* Testlnosy him U. of SIN maims ClWoos ef Antrim.. City. ALizarirxr, Oct. 14, 1E67. Mn. GlO. A. Kittarr.—Dear e'r -I haie been troubled for so= years with the complaint dencribed by your adver tisement of Dr. !Sargent's Diuretic or Backache Pills, end concluded to give them a-trial, and am glad to say they af forded me immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend them to any ono suffering from like symptoms, fooling confident they will do all you claim for them. - DAVID SMITII. For sale by all Druggists. Price 50 cents per box. 2T Nlawlkets. Elaaketv.lnsaalkete. White all wool blanket. 34,00 vrth /7,00. 4,50 " 8,00 11 6 It 66 6 . 00 It 9 , 00 •" ' 5,50 10.00 8,50 11,00 " " " 8.00 " 13,00 " 9,00 " 14,50 " " " " 11,00 " 18,50 . d. 12,00 17 , 00 • Largest stock,.2 cheapest goods ever seen in the two el 88, on went corner Market end Fon streets, No, ea TE's• GARDNER .08Tswaarr. • DI7 -Clods .t Wheleole.--We in vite the particular attention of buyers at wholostle to our oomplete stook of silks dress goods, and all kinds et fumy and staple goods, and to the Last that we sell at too lowest eastern prime, and out goods to milt purchasers. J. W. Ilsoskra & Co., 69 Market street. p a raendeg Good,-,The boots, shoes, gaiters, ,to., for men, ladiesand children, kept at 8$ Market stria; are made of the very beet 'armorial,' and sold as IoW as the lowest. All goods aro warranted to give aatisfactlon. If you ' , want some thing good, and at gold prices, call at Itobb's Shoo House, 89 market street. LYOI , IIO :Blume Surat VELVET von Coaate.—Boautiful goods, aubbutequal- Men in all widths, at !eau prima than can be found in the two chles, on west eon. nor of Market and Fourth streets. Tr& GAWANZTA & STSWA&T Valuable Vacant Lot aa IWend lqrset, near Market, at auction, on Saturday, October 28tb, at 3 o'clock P. M. Soo ad• Vertiaement in auction column. Smith lon, Palmer et Co., auctioneers.. van. , Els, Ear, Um's*, Ltpro, Carom Durraaan and CATAXIIE, ancoaeaddly treated by Dr. Aborn, 134 Smithlaid atreet. A book by nailso Lidice Furs et the New Yoh Het sad Fur "liddd.c rfflia-13tr CI! at lower, pips UAW et. n e* ch.n. the . Gnat, lbw T . DE - WEEKLY GAZETTE.- • TWO ZDITIONN • WI:ID/TEMA! An SATURDAY. A Imp sheet, costantrug iIIIITTE4UX COL UMNS or Interatting malty' natter, toclndteg lodine Edttorials, laws Next 07 Telogr.DD ate mg:, 'shuttle Beadle. Matter for the YorlY. • and SLEW =4 meet reliable Yhasselst cud Com merelal Motet Esparta eras by stay paw to the city. Net Farmer. Strettatito or sterr.hant should be ertlitual lt. Elise rearm IFT=I, OATiTT. Ruts Glebe of L. Lo. —And sae ropy of paper to the pumas ' , Ohm up the slab, Additions to elute ran be lode at any Ilan, at eltt6 rota. Norms TO licosscluuse.—ln ordetieg poor paper, be sure and spear,. 'Out Cattle. yea r Br as vs lame a Wednesday editiOU for sub- WE*. baring WO one snail a week. SirMantry by theft. Express, Roney Order.. or In lOtTio•Od Lquones, maybe sent at oar rll Addreas. OA T. OTTE. PITTSBUPOIL Pgett'S- • ' Auction! Anctton The second and last great sale of Lota In the beautiful tom,' of Hoboken will take place on Monday, October 21st, at 2 o'clock r. it.. We would adviso oil who desire securing good and coniforta. ble homes In this beautiful village, to attend this sale, as this will be the, last opportunity oared. We feel warranted in saying that • from the groat number of lots sold on the first day of .sale, sod by private sale since, that few, if any, will remain unsold after the 21st of October. Persons desiring to purchase one, two, three or• fire acre lots, will have en op porteeity given them ou the day aside. Terms one-fourth doh, balance in firs years. ALEX. LEOGATE, Auctioneer. Fuse trains leave at 11.53, A. st.-pre eiseay, Rom the depot of .the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, Allegheny city, Mopping at 'Bennetts, Pine - Creek and Sharpsburgb. For further particulars, enquire of SILL di SePirrEst.y, Real Penile and Insurance Avow, Lawrenceville, or ATKINSON, SILL t Co, Real Estate Agents, EMI Liberty. • oteeise. of the Eye —I cheerfully re commend D ,born to those afflicted with discaw.4 of the eve. VnAns. Riau, Of liailmew, Rehm dt. Co. . Desirable Beiddetice and Grounds ou the Second Bank, Fourth-ward, Alle gheny city, at auction, on Thursday 03.. tober 24th , ai..24.o'clock p.m. Sae adver tisement of Smithson, Palmer et Co. auctioneer.. A Bargain.-Into-day's 'paper, on the second page, Is offered.for sales fine brick house on Fulton. street. See adyertiae• moot for particulars. wadi! Mops' . Local Matters on Tigard and Fannin Pala a. :4.1 Aa:i. :4:4 ALEX. A IK EN, LINDERTAII No. PE Fourth Street, Pittsburgh. F. COFFINS. Matt Undo; CRAPES, OLUVEiI, and seen , description or Funeral Furnishing Goods furnished. Rooms open day and night. Roams and Carriages famished. • ' Ritannaocen—ltee, Darld Rem D. D.,lt re. L. R. Jr.nistis, D. E., Thomas Entot. Jacob H. Stiller. E • . G. SODGEUPs. UNDEUTA. KID AND EMBALMER. (meensaor o ton MU Manuel $.-Dodgers.) No. 79 Ohio Strait. three doors from Mars, Allsgbeng City. Ms, P.osewood, Mahogany, Walnut and 00110. wood Imitation Coblns. at the lowest rednowil prices. Dooms open at all honey, day and night. Deane sad Carriages (lavished on Mart notion and on most reasonable [arms. EDWARD CZLELVIECKI, ON, DEO:TAKER. Mice, fro. 244 Ohio Wok, Allegheny. Metallic Y osewoed and other Ens, with anootplete stock of Dinaral Furnish Lag Goods. on handutd furnished et shortest nothing. at lowest prices. Sale and Livery Stables, nat- Dtier of First and Diddle Streets. carriage.. aronehea, Daggles, Saddle Hon's', Are., Lo., for hire. CEMETERY MARBLE wonkr.s. —A. J. TIARBOUGIL at the Cc:eaten' three. tatereeeevtlle. P. ORNAMENTAL MARBLE arad STONE WORKS: SLONE BUM-AL CART A. warranted water proof. ' IAR . ALCRESI OF LAND. with one ood - Kt , double fettle bowie, cpylote_br:o . :tti .P.. - about IV acres. Butler tad litttatuttog Tru ss, •Ml. to our too VC , U kr • plkornus through the Tarp. - The above orbl be excbattred !Ur PthltothY thY.ra4J'"i'lu"n" is - . A I V . P iroVD & Real Estate 1131 , 11 th Strew- rlttsburgb CMS BUIMESS MEN. to our THREE LEGGED MICROSCOPE, 1111= Fos. DZIrEOTING 001311TERP UT MONEY.' • NVMati comes at a prim within the enact, of crony Cbu. Save money by minas at ouou eon rue, tntoue, team DUDISEASH&IIA.SLETT, 4swelere and Opticians, 86 imirormic liswramarr. OPPOSITE ILLSONIC gsmovgo AND NEW GOODS. '::H.! SMITH, • Mer Chant Tailor to' i.. Oh WTLIE STREET, erg, Orr neweact.. Street. where he Is [KM M.:MOS his aid erteeselre nowt of Wit t rt.VGATINON ...bleb ill' re mode to order lo tb• tam t_srnlge TrEMlPALMl l mormizvi . m,:= t lb! veld so very reaveneblv %ems. j 11. 1131ITIM. Iteichant No. 94 'WYLIE Ert.. ear. or Federal. roCrEt, A FIRST CLASS BESTDENOE. WE OFFER FOR DALE that " largo and coiantedloa, Double Brlck,,Hansion House, Stasi. Na dll WARITLNGTO2I STREET, Ally gins) CU}, soutalalng rbirtserttatd watt Slushed rams, beside. a lUttbes. pastry and Astsbed basement, all at Um Earn modem ogle and laterrimproramout, =naiad and 6.4aptod for terry marenlenco. • The Lot is 60 by 320 Feet, A good Stable on the back end. Scrotal earlettos of the eboicest Peach Trees, Grapes do other Fruit, tiara been eandbily selected and cultivated tart lanniun =MUT.. tortther with fancy ahcatr bum syderaatirally arranged Dear the lot. • hag beauty and rednentent throughout. SILL &SHOTTERLY, Beal =sate man Imae,ae• 641011.4 =I Or; JOKDI D. HAILLT i HAD OebbrBth. 1167. iy TrAT,E, Merchant Tailor, Cor. Penn and St. Clair Streets. td. footamsn FALL AND WINTER ' GOODS, 1474:\:a10c; Coskaiklato, WnueztEn 11 V. WS NZWI DND NOTTONEOLN EPODE.= DONN PO kaput. \ - wows PO DEB&NLY, NoNN Rlra MO PINNY VAt VAN= INPDOVNIUSNIR. CALL UM PCS TIM& ♦T N 0.27 FIFTH Raul. IELER,CLOSE & CO., lakl Furniture Manufacturers, . 4 ?Urin. IBEt.w& • • It Cottoa 4111s,S'itt3buirgh.. iermof E1T.4107t 103111711 t LISIUT I OZWIL . • . • MERMINI! Arai 11,6**1314if 1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers