VI istm gittantt etai ©r Y AND BDBIJRB9N. . , , --....._ .. i Wanireel Dlereilmeeetten-111eeillet at L ike Seaels Awillelery lemezeitiwa ' ' TheSenatii.judieSeryCommiltee,Which convmaed - hem on Tuesday for the pun. .pose Of investigating - t ir . he orkingitef the different railroad lines of - the State, re assembled . Yesterday, at ten o'n.lock. Members present: Messrs. T. J. BI ham, TO. hfcConaughy, George B. fieheth and E. D.. Shumaker, Chairman. Absent: William A. Walla. The heart ce ng of testimony teuchilg the alleged dincrimination en the part of the Pininsylvania Railroad, was resm+l. ' halals Dickey wits the first witness I called in' the forenoon. •Re stated 130 had been engaged in the mereantilebted- ness for twenty-five years. Ho bad formed a business coneeelion in Nash- 1 . vile about twenty-two yaws ego! Ho I lad purchased a floor mill them,' and *hinted flour from Cincinnati to iliew York at Mt cent, per barrel. The Penn sylvania liallroatiCompany then charged %cents per Laurel from Pittsburgh : to New York. Thin was in 18a. :Such • diserintination, witness thought, had a • tendency to decrease the yaws of real - estate in Pitteburgh,, and also t o . - .deice. ' trade from the ells-. Mr. Dickey also -- testified that whoa freig ht was. abundant in the West, the nnitylvanto Hothead -.ant pany refused to take freight from' Pitts burgh, and that the employees At the company would interrogate dmymen as - to where the freightcame from, ordheth or it was Westerner Pittsburgh freight. .He bad himself tried toship a Fotofilour, which wee relaxed and aunt tack to hire several times. The Pennsylvania I Rail road company, fifteen mouton egoktrant ported freights from Philadelphth • to Al - llama, Ohio, .a oonsidemble distance west of the city, cheaper -than' they .would to Pittsburgh. hfr. D. stated that he had shipped from FLUE:eI elphi•to that point, and then shipped it Leek to this Ishcity atlas refire than he could have it ' tlitied di unes Sla rect. whinney was next called. - He wu engaged in the ollbusiness. He Mated that the Pennevlvathe Railroad Company discriminated between the ca l:jam of Pittsburgh. and other points. Be bad purchased a ticket from Oil City •to .Philadelphia, for twelve dollars end seventy cents, while the fare front Pita burgh toPhiladelphia waseleven dollars, end from Oil City to Pittsburgh five dol lars andforty cents. Tho distance from Pittsburgh to Olt City is one hundred sad fifty miles, making a diserlinination in favor of either place of three dollars and mventy cents. - B. Horgan, Esq., ma next examined. .Ha represented the oil trade. Ills state meat was chiefily corroborative of what _.bad Nett previously stated on the pees lion. He said that the discrimination =the Pittsburgh oil men by the Manta Railroad, or rather the ex orbitant lutes charged them for trans porting oil, was ruinous to the interests of Pittsburgh. • He staled the extent or the elk trade at this point; and said he thought that, in addition to the - other freights, It would afford - ample busbies for another road. idr. - Kirk, who was exinthe ed on Tnet day,.was ze•called, and statedthat at that time be - lad overlooked several points • *blot he wished to submit to tho cam • • mittee. • Darin' Hay and June the Painsylvarda Railroad charged for oil 111,70 per bare} to Philadelphia, which is equarto forty-eight cents per barrel for at* ,one hundred miles. Tho Allazthe mod Great Western toad aV.titat time were carrying the -same class' of freight front Cleveland to New Yerlefor $l,St, a • distance of 629m11ee, or twenty.stxcents per barrel for each 100 milea. At that dem the earn. company . deo - morried ell from Oil City to Cleveland for , forty-live cents nor barrel. making the Until charge for y/T utiles flag, which bribe Penn eylvanis Road via Pittsburgh, is distance • of OS miles, the coat was not less than a.,..a. making a difference ,egainst the Pittsburgh refiner of twenty-two cents while die letter road was 27S miles short er than the other - • ,Mr. Robert Hutchison was next exam ined. He had been in the Commission loudness in this city for a number of =• The Pennsylvitein Railroad embed always worked agalost the interest of Pittsburgh merchants, and be considered it a "fraud" on Pittsburgh. He spoke of the Pennsylvania Rail -mad Company in plain terms, end mid there were a number of merchants who would appear and state the tame that be did, but for the fear they entertained of "the powers that be." , Adjourned until half past two o'clock. - • : . 447E11:C00X stsoiOY. . ? The Committee assembled at half post r. two o'clock and proceeded with the ex :, = ' leaden. . -. , Mr. C. H. Armstrong was called and teetthed as follows: Ho is engaged in the mat business- Has one mine sixteen miles went of the city, Olathe Line of the Panhandle road, ego on the eminent:- villa road, twenty eight intim coat of the city, and ono on the Allegheny Valley road, twenty nine miles north of the city. Ho paid forty five cents per on on tfie Ale road, filly cents on the Con nallsville reed, and thirty cents on the Allegheny Yellery road. licvsornetlnice shipped on the Pennsylvania road from -Winton's Station, a distance of twelve sullen, for which they charged him forty 'Cents per ton, he furnishing the cars in ail cum The distance from bin mines VII the Connellsville ,road to Brirdon's , Station on the Pennsylvania road is six teen Althea, -over which his coal was shipped • for thirty eight cents per ton. In addition to the above Tata; charged -the Pennsylvania Railroad Company re fuses to pay for the cars they break, while the other companies do not.„? 1 Ills .• =amounted to about four thousand_ per month over all the roads. ' Mr.S.E.llexte,frons Philadelehl?pr,e -anted a man on which was Incheat , th e &Saran - 11nm of railroads rennin •• mt - and west, and foam which be establish the fact thetifour-tifths of the productef f ,:a 'ell the western MAWS could be placed n :the whiten at Pittsburgh chtlepur than thew amid be placed on thelake shone% . and that Vibe "ham" at Pittsburgh and . Philadelphia were removed,- they could be placed In Ptilladelphfa as cheep lie they could be placed on the lake shores. • Dar.-B. McElroy, worn-He bad been in the dry goods line for twenty year& . egrl on the Penne - vivant% railroad; no other way of getting grads. They now pay Slips:ix cents for tonics, • and severityeloo cents for boxes. SLIP - by. the Allentown line. We are coin. - palled to . ship by this Use in order to get our goods through promptly, There is no cartel. ty of getting then through I any other way. This llea has the excite I ' aim.right on the Pennsylvania Refire:id. Two years ago goods were 'hipped frail Philadelphia to Cincinnati cheaper thee we-could getetrefla to Pittsburgh. if et' bad soother line of Railroad through to . the east, it would prorabte the business ' interest of Pittsburgh.- The Allentown line la managed by Clark it Thaw. I Mr. James Park; Jr.. wee next called and examined as to thoseffect the dle- aiminotion of the Pennsylvania Roll. road Company Itad upon Pittsburgh. He stated that it was a self-evident fart that if there Wee a discrimination asthma Pittsburgh the buelneas lineman of the . city mnatauffer from it, and he thought that if wo had another line of milrood to . the East it would be on advantage, as .. there have been times when the capacity • 'of the Pennsylvania road was not mei somito carry the freight. • 1 A number of other witnesses were I " celled, whosiestatenoenta were in sub ,. Mania what bad already been advanced, after which the Committee adjourned. , NIMEGEBORHOOD NEWS. =MEM .Wheeling Inlatipencer ref % gent/UMW:011LO came down froin Washington, FL, Saturday, we learn that another robbery took.placo a ainhrt dhamme from that borough Friday Matt, the victim M46IE - case being Dr. Ale,•' 'Donctugh, an old citizen of want:lll3 l ;ton. /I appoint that the Doctor who has ro. windy removed to a locality tome ton mit s from thetown, resin town during the day and draw from bank $3OO, which he had on his person when be started for home. 6 short distance out of town be was assaulted by iwo or three romans, who dragged him from his horse and rimed his pockets. The holm got away during the acollb, so that the Doctor had to barrow a Mess to ride home. No clue had bow obtained to the identity of the —A lady parsed Miset Steggie Young bu been appointed' Postmistress st Fankstawn,EllaircOunty. An exchange remarkm "Who ways women wouldn't Tote and hold Mince, If they halo fair ••chance. And won't the yoruig men eir. i mitate around dud 'ere postolLee. We think the day is coming when we will have all postmistresses and no muster, 'mud wby should it not come? —Beanie Burr, a lad of fifleceyean. was • severely' injured white working with a thrashing machine in Com:tango; his arm was broken, and ono of the Lens " probated, pulling with It two muscles nearly five inches oat of the wound. ill; lam was also severely bruised. • .—Cworro W. Bryant was arrested in ;Pink, Pa., last week for forging Col. T. A. Bout!' name on some railroad , passes. had. also been en Krieg Ida debts with cheeks fa= n s • whim he hod noinoney. —Ur.. William Cadwallader, of Wash- Melon toaroablp, York county, aged 86 years, walked two miles the other day to poll a full Republican ticket. —Frederick BRUM a raid hand on the Chmberlaud Valley Railroad,wilthrown - MIT of a hand car, run over and badly la. Jared on Saturday a woek. Ilia Jaw and •leg were fractured, a horrible gash cut in his Dios and his person fearfay bruised _ , - movement , is on foot to.seenre tho liisiloontiOn of tint Western ponnyylvanto Mintsry Academy in tho vlcliitty of 1017 To oontrzbuto to this object, Mr. Bbnehord ProOnst-* to donato ten acres, of land on tho Meter Lunt, four and a half miles south, With wnter privi lege from thespring, and also $l,OOO stock la the WiltUng. PEG XL - Mmatrz, ENVIER IND BRO , H 118 Wood Et" near corner of riftb. Government Securitlei, Gold, Silver, And Compacts, lolls In sod sold oil 13Dan1 terms. Drifts told m the prinetn4cltlesof CONVERSION OF 7-30'S are oow immured to convert the NO AMC THIRD SERIES '-30'. CM " LIMO THE 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. JAB T. &;13.. )alas is Clianiest Ssosiges. er Fourth ac Wood //Irma/. IBA B. NeVAT 4 j 3Elearkix.erts. AI BUM 13 Cor. Fourth aed Smithfield Streit& I • 4X4SZlFlZt a tre'e O n t se j re.:it A Pllt u a 0011%. (0 4.1W7 to and era them to aact. t e tia2o BOXDS OF Asa% Intetrat IN GOLD at 0 per east. from that date. IRA R. IllelriLY FINANCE AND. TRADE Orsras as sm. PrewsstriorrOssai-fs, f - Wkosssasi. Weber IS. 1817. f Closing N. York quotations reeelred by Pb. t Mats, way o. follows: Chs . IS% Mk's: 1113‘; - 11-ali. 1510, WHO no, us; u....i., issXl 10414. INV 7-10 . Ikg. Mere a Pittsburgh IL R. IF ilet eras Union Express 23 Western Ilalott Telegraph —.... 14 4 Erie S. It— .104 Plueburgh Fort Wayne 0 Uhteago R.& MS. Mirth...tern Italtroatt— common Niirthwestern—prefereed -- tI 40.,. New York Central 0010 sod hilesiselpot Certinestaa --- 1 91' 6 alichigut Southern el% 12.T...12*...,. 77 Quirts 11111 lax • irreoty Quhlouteet --.... TIN —The Now York ZAtellng Pork of Tuesdey, UPI., The Cle/18151601 In the seves-thirtlee, except ai vomiter speculative purposes, Is al. meet eaten:Med. There appears to no doubt about there :bolos tonic:lea, and about the aciotuttbetturauucti !mailer than wee at Ent Bopp Deed. The report ha* been current that the govern ment bag made a tonne' demand an the per. *um from Whom the coontertella mete n deemed, requiring Meant or the money re ceived for therefrom the Treasury. Tide mi. mar In native. No stinh demand Yea 'been made ea yet. Several letervimn Due, however, token 'Tice between the •saistant Treasurer and the Oral to lotellet. There appear. to be sago doubt at present AB to what will be lone. The quest... leerily. are enlarge in with pe tit e arid congeal themselves ea eleeely with petite con User. and public credit, tent ute mound the vallo. peruses. making op the deal dorm of tbs corms of law, And It is chimed In mare to the aealegota reported 0.... le which enuoterfelt not. on Itself have bean preeentedre nod raid by • bank, the rulings end decisions such that -.the Treuury haw.' received and amen. the sounterfett notes to diepute, c.oot go back toprui the Instate. 11014er from whom tt got Meat bet can only hove recourse to the comteiletter. The prin ciple le an import.t oe.: and ebouid be ket• sled finally sod without delay. , - Som. mem is laid oh te. point made In le Villusten, US, where tele titled teat althea; o il Demme. rteelTea la forged paper lop. geed when there has been no negligee. la the party receiving le, yet the protasis 4013 not apply to • payment mad/ none fide to a beak of ill own sot. lll Natolges at IS 21. 4 14 4.141.0 541144*... /44 4.00 14 WIN , UN* NaNtwa 144 Nap IS WOW* 1 / 4 14 Walcbes 0//1 IN LUNN' bold Wale/NA Hi LAN MILT= WAIMILEII6 • Aare eau Ellier It urged.* liklmor Irma. U. O TAM , Y 0 • Merin* Kinn 41 L m Vretachod mMtve, Iv akes as 2/ SI no , glziv: La gatre .. l4b4la / 4W 4154144 rilat..l•l•o at =IL= ... elogeoxe Ills•hors. aa4 *ssaaaals• lint Wadi Comm Ins (Ina at Into/ Jelly Ith. The Ikeda Odd. %MMUS•ansa 4.1•11 t nuo too• %bd. Ond•I • dud 1110.1.“ Mammoth Owl was alls 4 •Ith NIA. rents:. o•Votr. " = " ta= 4:111. oil: =gra d 9: aaa Ugandan Is tonal.. tba rowans of V; Masts ass err toren: st Cant= Mt= iLto: so 111: alto Mgt es 7. • lIIIITIR It rams NS=sicim . • U 4 limas bet few lotalsbutataold. Those EAU., to be .andled vim tic.w.• amt. enter at 0a,.. N. 111 dlaullrotloa of slim VlLposttlWl sox. pleas ea too vith of 0114010. IMI. a by =IWO! 1t71141:? I 1011•• adon at 100 Tickets; 011$ DOLLAR UM • • w r i er i gust a uja , BMW our s of VAIL% m•nt by sail on relmapi or prig Ltd for Ntxr• voltlllo4 • ersOlu, TEIXO OE EMU IATEI. A.l panjpromatn • Clot all*. tor um rh...x.vatztlalharar= 1 WE WILL SE ND 4 ctib I O '+f 7Yatm' 1111 110fp la order that ovary aablerttraa's sun whi reglasivid. 1.0 the P.O. lidelnos, win km egonly. oa Btal• 11411. u r n tri t z d a=l“Zirla ardor, asham, pink al oaf ♦lloosftWdUea editrund to anx, mane a TINIVICIN AL CLOTHES WM. .... ess-xte beef sad oat? IM•ss• IJails ..”, tairinimkttcatiatlabetlea. Vali um . . . Pam rip•su. sit_ alantkas,tor,sale i Z a lai . imu = l , , t utu mamma muumuu.. I Wsm . 11 .! ,1 "...'^1.5,111rMV, ' Hu IMI • ell gnu be pnstern ass ••101 ••• 11111/1411 I& Watt mint. 82 Bresidway, N. Y. IiWnvACTIMERS. GRAFF. - BYERS -- & CO., • - I MAIIITFAOTOBORO OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, 7Ant,ouGHT IRON, IBAI 11110 flf66Blif 6iS Snit TWA It As.... Lia co, OIL WELL TUBING, Office, No, 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. mom= NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND / 3 .13'E worn s, Corner CArroll and Sinnlimns' Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURG!, PA. P SSMEXT3C3C, ZWIrIIMACTVESO OP Cast Iron Bowl Plpe, FOB OAS AND WATER riWtis iORK& Rpm , nre marginally is Dry tr . d i W127110' Lim VIC Also. ••all MEM COM POI GU in VIM MIL eltigraVAMVl t ytTaoritl e MZllr d. tabt.l • PORT PITT BOIL'. 1, STILL wt.m.iers. . • CLILIZOLL dz. SNYDEU, ILLTOPAC.3 OF TIRMILAit. DOUBLZYLUZD, TODDLAZ TIBLBOX.L CIIINDZIISTEAN BOLLZEE, 011. STILLS AND OIL TANTAI, • AND ASH !UM IDITTLING PA2413, BALIPAATA4I.IS(D COX DINGIOI.S. 157XAMRO, GADOECITYB3, A N D/803 IMIDG nusox DOORS AND 00AI, MUTER. Oftlimaadclirorks eon. willeaosad. %Ms& Inert vat Liberty Itroats. Pittatnirgh, Formsylsoartia, ii/Pentoirs was to M. stare salvos mill la atteatiat • . snladell KENSINGTON IRON WORKS, LLOYD ,t - MAIIIIVIMPAINJWI OP Best Common, Relined Charcoal Siarbialteauritalca at the lint S.B -01.1013 err. .14 coatteattloa or street.) sa laam, the ' Llts Gy Werke. plttslserb. anTs)l4 .1,11M11.1.1134011 N. 104 Z. INDUSTMAL WORKS. HUGH. N. BOLE & CO., Engine Builders • and machinists, Make to order Maxine 65 Land Steam Znamaaa. 01.001 es, warranted to etre eallafactlow. Cali-tads. of every aetcrlptwa. made to order. 'IA.= Mk...ok. B. Hots. roma& Meek'. keoP. C 0. ,, rolat Alley I Dageo War. Foundry. Nos. IC 500 61 TIIIed atreet. prrresusiazi, PA. pITTSZIURGE!IiTEEL rroaus,. 4.311)1123011, COD JIL k Cm. 11100CLZ0OMSTO3511. LOYD - 0 GO 1 t=rapag Cell. .611 . iisTia7 -lit, Fast sad taw. Cad 44.1, Oas A LL mr r : Reaping and Mewing Illtebin suss. ritAnter-szat, W. sada: Ma L Cast ;,11 Comm !Imp a, Spring 801111 ONOll—rcents or Pint tad flossratart, Olas•sabasot4. Itaaoantait Man. WINO BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & - Vivra s W•assrovez. N 0.29 Wood Street atmooutt .z 6 kToy Caal•tittl UT on ball Tattstipte, Skein Pipe Dazes, r " arr E IRVIVOrra 1 " A. 4 maaau MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, orroars triton INONICII4S, npranwnertrxtenact. • gelling Mill and Bridge Cestinp„ KINN MILS In ?DI 111113, sualanery ead Caitlagt g Mhet MOM', tad wenn" tssztle.t. 0/1426/111.11ZAZIONABLZ. Wad:l EMMET &BILACULLIND. OMER' STEEL WORD. . BILLER, alma G VAREIN, • 111.7111 , ACITILMI 01P BEST QVAISTY CAST STEEL. Wartahtege Ittk Spy ta the liar het, elthe Deportee - or et Do arscuil'Ajo:Trzigatil..z4Vinant - Moo, 88 Wood Street, Il ie=inalatt IW. 317 11. W. 110.1.101/...111. S. SAIDOWLL...rAB. 112.4111 onunA Boman WOMB. MORROW, BARNHILL & CO., IDDCIDICTCPI3IIII CD , IMAM ilolloro, on HUM, Allitators, Tanis, Bolt raw, Guntootonr, 'Monett Iron WoritMinim, "boot Iran Ore" COIL LIBERTY OD RECORD STB.I PITTSBURGEr, Pd. . SZPAIIIIERCI DOTS tRUWPTLX. IWhltt ROBERT LEA, MULIMACITUAIII Or MBE ENSINES AND BOILERS Freightllcdsters_ AND DOCTOR ENGINES, mromumpaWamlsloummistowda itnit &ad IFarr7 NN IMMO m7ata17710,11. PA. EILAELDW.A.II.IO.. a wothTaa, &co., =ALMS rs Hardware a; Cutlery. SUS IoW MAVIS: 1.0.1 dross le our stook I runs arena I SRS z rjais. Owner Liberty and St. Clair Ma o «ems Wittallausgh,,, UNION ENTERPRISE rounay JoumnroN: UN olk :IfflitrlZlAlLVAntilVetZ. pwrATE DUMIAMIL Oflce—sm PitaX rum, aw um. Mt trfol l ./cV d. r 11. Vitra= MIT= :11.4==4 Oars ma Of Mewl xleftadett._ r":492. - 2.PritNit 151::Mte. 180 ABC • > 1 11 Just rieesleed. • • eep tuna, t, resigwaal &mt . .14 _MO ••• ••• aliree•4lllo.• atalCa• Ear Wit taW la tab Wad. 67 the :isY ` i tea, 41.%tej : MIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LATTELINS 3ri4,, AMERICAN AND CLAD Bar, Boop i Sheet and Plate Iran Bridge Iron; Angle and T Irotat Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Bails,l6 £ 20 Ms. to the yard Tram Balts.ptuichedand eon*. ter in Boiler,Bridge and Tank Rived Cut ?SEUL; and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Rettroad Spilow; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car wneelsand&als4 Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Coldltolled Piston nods; dioluer and Reaper Bars. WLKIHOtrak ANA) ores. • 120 Water and 158 Front Sts, BEAN= EMS, . Fos. 22, 24 and 25 !liver f 1 4% 7.1:•1! CHICIAOO. NET HARDWIRE 11011S11. Lindsay, %frit' & Manufaotarers d; Importer' of HARDWARE, . CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, One Ware Below Union Depot, . PITTSBURGH. yr Axons fur PAIILBANEES , BOALLS. • SHEFFIELD STEEL VIGIL SEM I NICK 8 CO BIM REIM CAST MIL tom; cla ssii cams, 01 ALL RUM lam. MILT. Creatirz. 017. a AsDO2O4l SAW PLATES. ill:LETIO AND 1111M7 0 RAILWAY SPRI GS, Can /gyring 86d, Cast and German Pim Neel, MOW WING'S LAD YOlyit 131.1313. 8111130, ILTLES.AND REEL TIRE, 171,1 J U T . ralitar i tatlite k rat r ar CfallliNHAßß, Lc.. 44. Warehouse, 83 Water 13t., Pittsregh, ma% ri Krim worms, o B.TREJEI 7 . Ninth Ward, rittidnatik • iinonAßMßlLlMal„President. :acne Works are aminur TM Mena aud mad m 6 Oats attablfthmeat IA the Wut, sad Ina •Englatzof Dericrlidloa, • SaUsti!, 0217anter Biwa IrrA Wan, Railroad Cutings, Dolling kill casting.. Engine Castings. Machine Caranv, General Carting; ORDERS SOLICIT/Ip. %TOXIN RONEY, UCLA FOUNDRY, Carsonfit., 9ch Ward; near I, Y. B. S. Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, Lag Lll ul L4;10 ditisp genay, JOBBING WORK oroarAv attended ta. On. dos KOO.tal ua aYeivtt7 awl .WIUSWOMII 3.14 FORT PITT PC/TriIDRT: CHARM LEAF WHIM mAlraYAOrismn air ORDNANCE. - ••. . • Call ALL =MA O> FIMAVY CAISITIMIL arootal artenUon East to - SOLIDS° MILL losses- RLAAT ILUJIFINZIrf and ILIMIMIIL YTPiIUa anendod to proromtly. • • As hereto Os ban amscrban ID Cara! bussed at etas Marin Meowed oar old meek. Ira are prepared. wt. MAW Ana tursanzi mums, coorarar.ed. adder Oa aubworlrloo ot Yr Mb anus, td Walsh MAUL MAMlLalli3Aantrort Lava 2UQUESNERAIMAN IRON AND STEEL. WORKS BARE 81 Iron, Nair, Springs, Axles, annia arns.s.trisEr,so.. IM=E3 Me% liAira.tos Ettrrew4. ___• PITTOBLIEM . vxmas LUZ.= J ETNA STOVIEI weal B. BILLDLM ds CO. Ilteauttetuteetery rangy of Cook. Parlor and Healing Store% A.tcmg mtdelk emits ea" totaled 11717X&A• 1 . 1 , 017 U sad ILALNAII TALIB IL a L n : d l MU e4 L SLISLtI6 WV Goats V al TAN eze-cao tonn GRATER GRATE APRORTS, Rs.' • Ogee sad Warebensearster of swami .tai Wad Wad mash ettlaten /tra.nalie oaßee.e4 ' • fattens BLACK . 'DIAMOND anriztax.`OClNClaLlauz6 .M.rainn. rine". Bnornsat C H. rt • rummellinn ar Err QUAL= 111:11UntD war =Kn. Iquork Plat .41 Maros. of all atm. -War e:mid araqaaui soma impossett inialaczaalts 111112 e Mal sad mambo... Na le mad Ul SIM. mad Mooed atm.. Pllttemrs. ' tan Atialt—raa. re, Amish WALLETSTOVE WORE& • ALLEN SAME! & CO.. • omaa Wormrpsfs 301 LlZialEry BrxVitazinealtrinirigMZU whloh aro Um eetabratoa ameitheal sad Man. COW Cockle,/ Stover: •Wo, the Almeria aro* hauttnal tor coal or to ase tha wartn.llad War of the rewire. tor woOdr,_ tarot.. Valorem &war woir4nroaaaWM Hollow Ware wearallr. I lo• , I ' ===ell Steam Boners, 011 ;Stills, Talks, fittest Iron Works, Le. 431 Pants BA, Pildbus:gb, Pa. .414444 CENTRAL 'FOUNDRY X.o.vaxa ontio.t. HOLLMAN BOYD a BAGALIY: CIIIII llollt /1111 Cullan. Mil Lath... THOS. O:A.R.L.IN, HMI SD 110D111 eaD 111311111613, SkADMIST 5T12611 ALLE4)II NT pm . Vintm r Vta' Mt of all elatl.lB. tgetafririai fattiaTMtuAr k4lJd dons. PITTSBURGH MON.WORKL J. PAINTER .4 SONS. NAMLOnizato,lP iron Atabket.Tub andk HOOPS AND MUM EvitasoN, PREATORN 00.4, pearararz,PLEX24 IMICYNNVORErs. ILL - t b 2:lE" 4l Atargr. 1, 47 =St IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BITECEUMMISI, ii.a.mi.i==ftarstafte MiiiUi= Rsnawux SMOKY JILL -ROUTE! INION PACIFIC LAIGIWAY, EASTERN DIVISION. THE SHORTEST AND MOST BOOTY trom the lan to all COLORADO, azvezni. awrogaria, Irma, AJUIO2II, ' WASIMEGTO2. NEW azArco. mum r= Two testae leave Bute Liao .6 Lessaaworth thandseir excepted.) oaths antral at teal. of Puna listiroad bozo ht. Loots. sad Ets.lbst sad at. Jo Based from Q. 407. Mk. nesting s: Lawns.. Toasts sad teasteso watt Buses tor sa palate la Z 5.... At sad of trast west of =two. with the Mania, !MATZO 01P4340 COMPANY'S. DAILY L 133 OP ON - MILANI) XIII. Mitt IiSMIZOI 001.013. ICI FOB DENVER, SALT LASTS, AHD ALL POINTS TTREIIOIII/15, sad arlilL 8AINDA1000:0 TOI-WisELY7.la7 or L'OAORES foe Tort Valon, Banta Pon, Tad, Albuquerde, Santa la, and MI palott Ancona and Nod Mexico. With the recent Mations of rolling 1104-awl egolposent, and the =oatmeal. made with tw , sponslhle trverload Tratoortoiloa Live. thee Its western =Woos, this ioad aow' oftm one. gushed foollltles,Tor the trllll6Mitliiol, of Ireltal to Milo, West. Tickets for sale at all the Dilutive! olleartll the belted Mates and Castadse. IN .an and £7OR TICKXTS "VIA nil =MS BILL ILOTITIL UNIOA PACINCI 11.11JLWL7, VIATIVA DMISION. A. ANDLRAOSI, =I = s==Ml DIPOIITANT TO PASSENOIRS TOR TES OIL REGIONS. AN EXPRESS TRAIN Learn nrunuseat at- 91001. ' tt ALLEGE/NT at. .0.10 A. X NEW fIaiTLX at' x I.IOXXECTINCI AT ,Y.I.II6OTOWN WITH J'AILESTOWN. &MIMI MIN • 11,111LB.OAD;_ .11nlytax at 1142411 - LLN at At3ll p X • ou. crrr,.Pl TsoLlCoXiltlTHoLlt, tolft6N. CORor This I . sue short Llet• to the 0.1 X. 0.% =, TAW. .l. 7,. oiv i litt u kt: am Ittrit °c.fe_ketsDart tlV2ll . at k it i o r• nwimer Depot Tian Moe I . l.tatargh. rad at th• Depot la An*"'O7 INVOAXIr, Oxotal *la eaaratt G. H. Ilan TULL; Assistant 80p.t. arinflti _ . FuNtenz.veismcompritai. naLumu...D. in P I 0 61 1 I 4 w I 1111.1111. Lep.. MIK/ 411 . 11 W SS OU On an 6 Mee oirroro. m arrive nal deplk t Wuttlagy. ai 1.115, alux. Kan Lit. dV Uda • 111 MY% ..—. I a m m ak tri A:lomat:30o m • Mall' s o. ' gia a l ID 1114. R.:: Mgt wt. the Match Mara W4Pa BMW% Wan ilatidA=. 114 Maeda Pt Milani ital L arnim V4l.lntrara ll PlA, A 1 .% P. M.. . 131notanatt Emmen lean. " otauj.%ll Maas trains daily Lornranasy. • • • Ballsoololdanatt =pram utd tha Altoona Accom modation sad Msclarant Train ammo olly. Clt. Xmorcas arrives dalIT cmcent Mood/Mr. All oMoicommadstly ex antidan Par MUCtimotatormitloce pt. n poly_ to . W. EL 11.E138. Agent. The Patramhattla Ballroad 2 zr .0, mmato onlrttaa forßaggacto, cam ttor roars*. klawomnl. amd Ilasta Mono nos Witty to One - &Led Dollars In value. I Eammaa moved tom Muit =mot 10 valve will at rialmn mo comer, Liam, tal E oa by special contract. ' DWAD LI. WILL:2AM* Omezal anyrrotu ß ndAnt. A 1100,16 ar/rxr. ail 3.112 • a F51.1..21. L.. IVA La 4 80. Jobnetovnrio. LID lint , WalP• .No. L.. blop tit Nno. IVO p a ut Liao. • a 1iVa114.14c..1....tega1p Nil 1867. altiliglig 18671 47 . NiErili R. n .liaNtW i tllo , h. from °ember O to , W.:rata. min lane& arme as to ualon amp., north sZele b.Th. eizy tine. as Eallaw.: - • * EVam.ll7:. f;H:lf4=4*.Picz IT: : I tll l .l ' RI:LW il; • .20 a al PiliTermairlsia t: Ohle . 1•. idea mL . este ... • ZeSpas Cblelpli Ex..% ma am 1 :4 8 wed. • x • x ista p es wvi 5 ..,.....- rgc: ugmg.:..-,. :2 g: Wee, Mg a.r.... 4.10 pm 04 a 7 6:8:4 • es's M.apm ii. ' lrr y faNglsl7l N. 7111.4 1N1r..; . letettPaa ‘: Mae aet N. 7111 . 4 :: .5.48 is es Vaillester .. 11l p l ll raVa l sts ' 1 1 9 0112 :IN Cute 1:s1p as Leetadelo .11 le am Weedle Aces 2.13 p m .. •:: pge N. Ll4' ::". :Ai: War.' • :: 1 4 1 ' 3: Leeted —10. Up m '• •• 7 1.1 p 2,15 .M. Oblesiomal AWMPSI la 1:4 • 1a14: put . rel,h....s.ttANNuw, WEEITICIPV P 11/LILHOAD.Ois JUZUW, LW, le rumens= as oa Waste/ma Peammulymmum mad deparstramm Pod( ghat,' Cltr z tt follows: o RNIVBIELVANIA ie d we twattl.'2l Anuß DmArm. • dbarDabtclio I rytttAt. ........... 1t r 3= 14 ,..- ‘4 St r T "P litt 1 1/ 1 ..1O! " a baprt . .no 2, ttn.o. entrant.. .. two r . .rt Freeport/AO. 1M Pau rianzersoniAr.. alto POI H a m er. .. . AK. IteePortlt O.N liaraserWe 8 7:112 . .A. Matto No t. , 7a0 rat Anon. Val. run call axcepe nday. 7“,..igror elit a stj City ataxic a. 22. ./totorning. kronen Allattent City 8118108. w.swi wan at AIWRIM7JIII.OI. stag:mt., 414811-4 AB ago IsackageB o =ln 8 ' 81 1 ;71% ' AtiNge (789 ea. EtrlN Starpenread Road gnarl' , 1.1a842, tp. f r Oattat) eltiat sad 2:00 na. ako Mont eanneetres Prn ":6 e. part with Walker's tOsio Otagne tot Buttes and Haatubstorra Throotb Menete to my be p 11Sed Omen. Na Et Ostr Streat.lLVaturneartoo Bride pltrobaspit, rad at the DOPOt. twv a,„ aus rinattoutH i pa ß t ors.. Parae% Sbe Wortors Pe Tantana S Railro tav ad Was kasilzel• 4121 nit tbr Sept yor Wean itta pare'. and Lout O.I , IIII7NDIZA DOLLARS to val.. All baagairo exceodlng Ufa atoonot raus.Arlll as As 8188 risk or We ewer, Wag to by speml COX. tract. klll S.DWARD H. WILLIAM, tuaerst 11.% ra. Annum moan et - mown it; R. . , • . 'PO RANDLE RON% 1 . OlflatMX 07 MIMM. I -011 Sail SAM MIMMUIi. October MP, WC, mans Inn lowa Iwo als al Llaloa Depot an ROlows. I'lltabargh alma - L as. aVaITX. Mao I . mat.. Y. Wall Exam. Mixed 810 x. Mr. Y. Fa a Lie,.. .... lets a. K. 1110 T. X. Walker, Accosacdat,..ll'lo Y. 'DM e. lasi non.. ....... r. 1.114 a X. Mrsibea Acoolnd•n.. MS:. MX*. McDonald 's A xolnera.. 51.0 D. D. fila. Y. af=tllll2l:4lAsia C., "4"4 „Run znln i t =SSP. X. 850884..axed:did. ariteirrYntgligittradtl Um moo exesaug,loB LtISULIDI IX ADVAM It LSE Or littlMU Rt larlztiau"Vararalb."47:7lolreolla tdaDal! fall and 00088. .r.eAtrnasslits Ticket be ten sad Ile Us Man.' UM& 'mow L 10, Valois De 1, (south side.) • IN. D.lll PAlloBl.llaktot Apes sbriimtakratrwzza• pITTB Wiled El &ND CON N ELLS visas 1 1 / 1 1141alD. miligam. 011.42141111 OP Tilt% lln ve De leatna mall leave alto Depot, comer. pg. tlrant sat yeatarateeett. u ro.l , vnl Cira Nall Po and, ham me. Oo P. at, Vein:mtg. 1 22 Z. Pleat mites iteret...ll= 8 . 40, a . Pecop4 • ..10:5,1 P. M. = s at Y. ilef06001 • 11 .• 4,41 e. Y. CUP . Et . aanday ChalchTralsttO mt . • WH, Newton or,l7aeto .414 to s rota. 1: CO r.11C:11:1103.4: a . . ;RINO, •put:' . . I ALYll l , l : l r4r; 7FALLEit nem, CMINGIIII OP TIMM TIIUMIDAT .1 I ' Itibb . llo mum I' Itallant "" " U Stmts. as follows: ' Lame. Axioms. X. 11:11r. sr re 11.0 Las. .atr.loaraMlreola.. .13411P.14 Cblinsh 'halo, teals ' M IL' U4'B. X' .ar u g ht t AW l . ll M--rI.IION. a. *mu : WM:LMA PtatoVVlll sad v . 0 4.. 4 ~...dralkeots WILD paclots Qom HU. • . Str,AITRATMM. Pape. izyyz-7.1,44:31;n1 STEAM :SO AND MOM LIVERPOOL i QUEENSTOWN, Ireland. TWICS MAIA. THE alma; LINE / !Warr multi ii-nrktrA:f-lininty vntr, ziMsal tha a , U,.lll Ticket. eon ra d el ADITei 1i=7 1. ; Ink arrenan, isalulis Agin to Zook Cabin ado. inn.. ph i g: 722 k. 0,6 1 GMAT =VOLUTIONeA write 41rt ararrpaya r re ati , agratgirawa. rart Wis e Th K e wee Ru he H ow pdp K aren sheahem eall the Meath,* el . ilealetur j Thk.mitartia • wawa Waft gualt7eititOt •KlaiMicomm mum Co...wwiramint lajitiMloll . it trlVCsik laiteit==gtwl2. everued. We Mall atoms Ilhafte e enuatincler toteei c : l tittrw To 1 1 JAW • liP:o YOB •7/ r