The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 16, 1867, Image 1

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    4 r ......-.---1
_THE Agfa 11/12M,
ni?u;nprat*Tray moseard.
Ilk=lin I:x6grrizo
onus. GAzirra BIIII.DTSG.
IturogLp4 cu PI d Welt " 11111 4.
OMOTAL reu dr.mnstmet
"?. :r rir aallnirtrife r u ar
a s . • • allll4 aware
&non New York bankers adhere to the
belle that tee orunterfeltlerra.thielea
wen gulgrag 4:to, tthg gortrEmsut plate*
to order to eamly addenda' through
tread Lathe 4tralag, try , Department. It
IS hardifikOblible that they are right in
such otoation.
Taulhntidsat utthorizes the pnWlca
. tion that bit Likdettpuilned to test the ccoi
stitutkinanty *fibs Tenure of Office
Law before the Supreme Court. He la
waist a iroccouor to Stanton, and hives
that tho Beats cusp refuse to ountirman
appointment, so that the nuttier will be
brought fielkielbs Supreme Court for
Denham:ink It looks es Husugh Hr. John.
eon has 'discosersil that in the auspendon
of Mr. Stanton he seta had precedent,
and one on which • ngresa may act in
suspending himself.
'l . 3 " o o l hur "" Obbri
this moraine, Ia s Melting. 'n in
,bp,ttreen the
volizatolent of Ciarlbaldl and:
trooph,l(Yerora. The land -
were de
, thatek, big* probable that the
POps irOrn . Remind 'lake ''ref
elte In amnia There: can be little
doubt bat Garibaldi Win tucce4d.
hlspreseag, endiresnaYantl.
elpate at an early, date the occupancy or
the Shi nier ,
'Prince- Si- doubtlere
• Preparing to interfere, as great aettrity
Pestle at Toulon.
/NITS L44:19/4 a , sea. captain, wee
hound oreirja 14.000, by Judge Hand ;
of Now OkfMits; to appear for trialgth
charge of frightful cruelty to twii"boya
on his ship, who had coma' aboard at
Liverpool and bid themsedas, to. get to
tbL coantry. ,The details .of the tor. tures ta which thi gond antleated the
poor, helplese - briya . is molting in the
extreme. He beat and tortured them
until they were all brolualland.blealleg,
than coiapelledthent to wash tkirmselves,
and ono another, la brine, and rub with
hard brushes and sand , paper. Months
• him elapsed and thty hate not yet
ivartenik thun'the °reefs of , his bar
urity. Bach 'diatoms; should 'be shot
op In solitary confinement for life, away
from all kin of their race. •
Mt bad the pleasure yesterday or re
.* pairings nail from &M. Petteagill, Zen,
*Moll :ktown wad .reepnnelnkn-ad.,
wartlalng seamy of S. X. Pettengill &
_ Co., New York. Re to stopping at the
• Monongabga- Irente., The atm A
which • he ''4e Min: senior 'member bite
long been engaged In the advertising
agency buntlines, and by strict honor; at; .
lenticm and pre, bare been ramarkablY
sartonarol, and hold the respect and coil.
Adeneeibt emery newspaper proprietor In
the United States and Canada&
Mrsaoint; during the war, a loyal
stage 'drive:Ape:edited in ' driving- kis
route. His friends, fearing for his life,
tried to frighten him. - His .homea won
near a graveyard. One played ghost,
when he w o nt. at ; ml dnight, to get them.
The 'ghoit Stalked reign:ltaly ierose his
path, all in white, saying " beware-!"
ylkoa,,7lreary," says Jelin. deliver.
tag a Matll4ek on the aide of the spook,
" Wok er . Zbia• oat ken this' time o'
night I Olt back in yer hole !"
GOT. 2WA WIT4O nniew 5,000 troOPs
in Bajtiasore, nn,thelatit, shin Coated
aratifitty;,the tiarteition of
tie. - One company was - Inroad admit
tance tuna it brought proof tbat all the
members bad sated under the stare asd
hares and they openly say that they in
tencl4n support Andrew Johima, and
brag; n rump" out of the capitol.
Tax Richmond Dispatel gins a nary
• favorable 'canna of the colored schools
of that shy, Ind'soya the "bobs amount
of money spent In this • charity by the
North la about $lOO,OOO. Eight thou
sand children have passed the mimary
departseet, and Om thomancl added to
the feidiag POpeclaticia.
,t ) •
Asossneause has been tined so often
that MAW Appease tempsa It
was twice killed at Butt Ban; once in
thi*S4o7lll ?eges; it the polls la PM,
and at 'O3, sad It Is
Idaparseotable It la Ite all the health.
for It iiceuttißing In
- Zzaitry moon baTo been killed Ude
wl .
bythilithijidpissolas, V,*
Ultima of ice:icing I 'poison,
uoi Wog producing cholas..
• —An" unexpected' tableau was given
theothar evening at the French Theatre
ItegarTArk, where Dina Lander was
pr-Mintelli-^ The audience ltd
In the habit of demanding a sepal:
Lion of the tables(' at She close or the
drum; but on the night In °amnion it
seas supposal the house bad emptied
emir Wi th out the •eneore. It seems it
had not,' however,
end the curtain rose
suddenly, discovering the queen of Eng
land restored to perfect hlth, siting up
ou hmenahlonstatkingglibly withEsses.
who 'bad survived his dempitatkuf and
was: standing L, them% very, complacently
with cigar in big mouth and a cotton
umbedlit, under. his. rm„ ~ " BurleMb,"
the. sable' mime minister, hail se:
of age bees, w
• :wig
and wa
odvg &likinHowardit' f g
lrile "L.
waltaing.with "Sir Francis Drake" 14 the
regnier_puffs of her (historic) husband's
eiges,„ The 'house ,
c burn into a At of
laughter; and the urtain fell again, to
the amusement of the audience and con
fusiosiotthe octets: — • - "
penx" . !annotmee the
death of two noted . personagos— rho old
est and the oldest executioner
is ito.. The 'former .indlvlduar waif
St yearsemf awe, 45 of which ho.bad panda
in Intson Ale openett":%ft
hvlgth,l37. personating Allershat
armhole% ho was the valet, and g
the French troops et Valenciennes.
Railroads and telegtmphs not then exist
ing the Imposture wits' not discovered
until* Impostor had rocciVed the hom
age °film Whole city. The deceased ex
ecutioner , died at N'ovon, and Ares 8,3
year? of ego. .lie NSIU3 formerlypublic
oxsontiOner Id the department of the
Otntate. Re' wee alto ambient execu
tioner at Paris et the period when Robes
pierre, Saint J o t i f i stf l a other member of
the e
old; and he'nod.mijilltomlyn torn npon o
nin th°
no gonm mragaendlEm t , the mart. .
no performed in the execution t ese
PutirMlita; 7 ' • '
in Sebant township, Dark* county,
oid e *, one daylaet Weft, some workmen
we re eirdriug a well, and hitting ma
dpertiemo twenty-ave het without and.
water, they begun to bore for it, Th e ,.
had worked through the earth about Of
kwe feet further, when the auger int 4 -.
denly sunk' into 's, hollow, ' whence he
sued a straw stream of gm, which made
so fond a noise that It could bo Maria
hundred end arty feet from the mouth of
.• the well. A man named Suranger," who
wee in the wall managing the auger, won
Und rendered. sertable, and
IcaMtli in
e the workmen were able to
mama Weft audlar
,eria remored with
hbolta attached tri roped. Foi more than
a day the gas continued to escape, and
crowds °famous people from the. sur
rodnding conotryllocked to theplace to
me it, and hear the wonderthi - Bounds
tuning Matsu%
—.The Marquis at State, who hue Join
returned to England from Iceland, 'aye
that on the 27th tit Ang.ust; when - hie .
yacht, wee about twohundred miles from
Mount, Heel, on his way home, Umbra's
d ix=rren board became suddenly
. end •It was then conjectured'
that there was, a volcanic eruption in
Montt Hack. On arriving ahortl3rafter;
wards at . North Pane, It was ascertained
that, the 'mall • etosmer, Rid& had left reellind later than the yacht, had brought
Intelligence of, an eruption •whleit Sad
been no terrible ln lie nature that the in
hatdianter al:taker*, living at a die.
tanoe of abo n t .IPII hundred miles front
Heel, were nearly suffocated by the
irolphurone flames from the vinano, •
_ '•. l -Or,
MI itlhoso to the littabarre &auk,. l
WAszriNorox, D.C., Oct.l3th, 1867.
viva-TA-EA-me FOR ssvnivrtnicrtini.
The following was leaned this morntalß
21-earicry. Deveroriesl, , bet. Ll—The
Department Is prepared to give Fir'is-
Twenty bonds of IWW to exchange for
Seven-Thirty Mites, the Welted to be
charged on the bonds and Allowed= the
notes op to the time of conversion. The
notes to be torwarded to the Assistant
Treasurer a Nev* ;Mirk, or to ,the be.
here, at the risk and expense
of the holders. The bonds to be leturned
et the risk end expense of the :Depui
lannt." 14Ignec]
hicComtion, Sec. Troassu-y.
tang or orrlcE Law noon tacconscet:
It le Said that the Preitident. has - scat .
for Genciillr:' P. Illelfofryillitaksithe
. ply of - The' troeldent
Nays that • MhoeYerOtliall- take tbliplaoe
• will:receive the appointment outright se '
I='a.of.War„ylee M. Stanton,
as it is the. purpose of 111r..1
Johnson to make an absolute removal of ,
Stanton under the law as It misted prior
to the passage of the Tenure of Office
det.;whichis held by the Administration
to be unconstitutionaL : opinion
Mr. Stanton concurred when tho Ultras
roue o. v h :to h !m d f P")=,° pg er-1
ren o i r eN C Z n. of Mnr.leasoga
tianten " s u vill be ac
complished manner bereimindi.
Mated. The President will simply send
his message M the' Senate • nominating I
A n
rte be Secretary of War, vice Stan ' I
to uimed. lity-thh. means It le
peeted; in COO the no tine be - rejected,
that possibly Stanton may . laimlbat he
shall be reinstated; but being out of the
office, hoWill be comlied to seek hia
legal remedy by inaritun or any other
mode, if there be my other, pointed out
by law. 'This will bring tho question as ,
to the comtitutionality of the Tenure of
OBoe AM before the Supremo Court for I
adjudication, and by Its decision the
right of Stanton to hold tho oMce will be
decided., Under the old, law the Exam
tive had power to suspend or remove,
and the suspension of Stanton was
adopted for the time &Ind, out °tabu)*
mat caution, and in order that the set
might also be within terms of the tenure
of office bill; but, in the' lint in
stance, it was the purpose of the PICBI
- to make 'en absolute removal of
Stanton sooner or later. •
publication of the above, in re•
tricot to the • 'removal^. 0f.31r. Stanton,
tho constitutionality of - thic tenure or
'Care law , to stated to' be authorized by
the Pietddent—En.)
Ai:Outing child of the Turkish
tor was to-day baptized atf3t.:3lattlialts
Church; in the itocurniaatholle faith, the
father arid serrate' friends being present
A.T ?Cy.. A. -
The Consulit porta -7
,th be err e Nab . , that the eho ti ler7heol tirofiettleomnt.
..o , Ragat tam. plitaborgh Gasotto.i
. . NI:W.I'OEIr, Oct 1 . 847.
The .atpresti ease: A.verylarge meet
ing of railroad managers say held to
day.. Nearly all the principal , :Western
roads and Great Trunk lines *em repro.
seated.. There was a long dlocutosion on
Various topics, and the feeling between
the East and the West is not of the moot
hinnonious character. It was informally
agreed to advance finigitte, but At time
not set, although the first 'of Ticirembor
wig generally colicurrell,fit. — Timtrunk
demindeci their pro nos of paasen
ger fares, but the western roads did not
agree to this; although their represen
-tatives were willing to yield the point in
regard to freights. We understand the
Prnidents of the Erie (Now York) and
' Pennsylvania Central roads hero deter:
mined to keep their pro reta shire out
of the money collected.
The .}6l/OWh4 astiatCh wee received
• .New Ortioni. Oct.
rove te Oa., New York: The epidemic
fa declining. Please notify all parties
making coll - atop. We have
enough ftmdsections
carry us through.
(Signed') J.. 7. Olt.troreu.,,
Secretary Howard Anaoefation.
The amount of Mice per cent. certifi
cates issued in exchange for compound
not fall , MO,OOO, and the • amount re ,
deemed =MO. The amount of three
cant. Latrtificatea issued thusfar is
"coiev*natox'or em-rzis . -Tutarrm:
. . . .
. .
The eoniernon of Seven-thirty
into Five-twenty bonds has onnune n nend
In earnest, and to-des over one million
were etuuNlod at the Sat.-Treamtv.
- •
A public meeting In favor of an Inter
national Cheap Frntght Railroad will be
held at Cooperlnstitute, 'Thursday even
ing.: •A.monglhe epeakers will by Gov.
Fletcher, of Anuouri, ex-Gov. Andrew.
of hfusaohusetts, and Josiah . Quincy, of
orteeistioxie VAJIE .8110E1.
- •
Commenced this afternoon. There .was
a very-attendance Tbe hurdle
rase, for ogee, one and throe-fourth
miles, over aix hurdles, was won by Jo•
hos, Tyco...Kit second, -Legator Lung" ,
Zara, Red Bird and N egrets nino run.
The latter fell and threw the rider heavi
ly. Tlnis,
The ha.W.,Str all ages, mile, was
won by mtreas. Local second.
Luther, Truilltts Climax, Earring and
Otptain Binomials° run. Captain Moore
name In heat, out was rated. out on a
charge of foul riding. Tima,'2l l 2 l .
The third race, for a premium of nix
hundred dollats, mile beats, Was closely .
contasted. Redwing sad Clem each
won a best. General bfollishon won two
beats and. the meet Time, 1:161: hat
hest. l:SE1.
In the fourth race,so eepstakes, for two
pear alto, Bonner beat Northumberland.nno
A rumor le,current this afternoon that
ono of the employees of u bank In the
Bowery bad abooontled with - $lOO,OOO,
though on , Inquiry nude at the laseltu
lion in question nn one knew anythtno
about the re
. ,
Judge' Sutherland, .of the Supreme
Court, to-day ordered peremptory
mandamus, et tho Inetnnee of gtoekhold
cm In the Pacific Drell Stenmildp Com
pany, reptlrlng them to •tethiblt tothent
much, Wolfs- an : they_ . . Arming . the
preuent idockholdern, •• •
• liini'negiitinition for the littito eiretion,
which commenced 10-dny, IN not
Leavy. Only 25,018 wrow.regictereil to
", `••• •• , • •
Osennliat ii. oms Ban,
tar Tann* to nu Fitunrira eastint3
Letnevrnix, October 15.—There :Wen'
two rams 471 , 81' the Woodlawn couno
day.- The attendance w as quite large.
Tho tint rice waa for the - Jockey • Club
Purse of 1000, three mile heals, tor' all
ages. Five horaca started, and;. the race
wan won by Lee Paul In two straight
heata. (hangman in necond andßrand 'a
chestnut env third.. In tho first beet the
time was rate.- .53e1. The amend, race,
for ink bean; was won by .Lowdon lb
two straight heats. Coinnerprort onne
lu seoond and Tom Porter third. Time
137 and 1:473.
Sag Tgampoisee
my Telegraph te the Pittsburgh Gamete./
Itteiratoznr, VA., Ott. 15.—The com
mittee of e Virginia and • Tennessee
liallrokl the.h returned from Washing
ton, and report a satisfac_ ryto Interview
with General Grant in relater, to mill
tnry prohibition.. The election for Presi
dent or the read will' be withdrawn.
The prohibition was not tanned by pc.
mica but was the result of the
falrure of the Railroad Companyto pay for
rolling dock pardoned of the Govern-
Slestriktaa its Item* Wen.
fel rsisgtesh y 1
,gba l'uunrush lama.] ---
,cyzrzwin. 0., October 15,-Gerstrel
Phil. Meriden pinned through this_og,
eu taiga Ibr Columbus and the , West tare
ensuing. - H. via met it the d got by an
etithuslastler , croved.- ifs thtmed them
.for tbs. weloonie,' mad irldie4efornar tae
'Was ben be Ina Off•
TIILEGILmna Etuxdiv".
—General Sherntan's I:Wulire to Wash
reinitioinait is
n now, =twits trlq . Y, 19
-The. Tehama flouring mills, at Te
. .
Junin, Cal.,, were destroyed by tits yeo•
—Samnal Barron, of Virginia, 5.1.4./lii
modore in the rebel navy, has boon ,par
donut by the President, on the rettom-
niendatn of Ger. Plerpolnt and Attor
ney General Stanberry. '
... • ,
—Warren M... Kip, tun employee. of red
- , ,
AilleHrUit tititirtt., bt.;.tit..New York,
has: been arrested for - enibersliiit; a lame
enfeeble" attire eoMpluly's funds: .• .
.r . ..ieitcral diallt kid; liii; &tilliern
Episcopal 31in istUs that he did not ;4V:it
a higher office, but ire -leered President
he wont() obey the will of the people a 8
lie had always dope. . ' ]
—At Easton,. d''reiblo, county, Ohio,
Mondat night, a dbiturbaneWoecurrod in.
Frenget .grectuti, tdurinx,yrktkci th e matt
nulled lillaiii Tlioidils hie d li t Hag.
Mask+, uthuthigitlts,,but tha bail struck
, a young lady Campbell, killing
her ll:Mandy. , ball passed. through.
''Z=Lrite adrires rin Montana say that
1 two 04 1 . 1 4unlui of nonnted_iddil la Uri-
Id. captain Mud, , had desetttri,' 'it la
, ottpifted. they inte id-depreciating on the
road betwren 3f Mahn .and Colorado.
000 thou.:said dull irs 'reward had been 1
oltereilftirtheianit re ofCreplaitilleighes: 1
—lt is asserted destine spurious &von-
ThirtY.Donits were manufactured inside
the Gotertitnent Treasury budding, by I
means . of &Trenton Impressions in lead I
oft the original plato. ~Ille Trtstsury De-
P arm , eat.n 1! .1 13f engaged il oeann-lALbatise?.mnforthepurfr4°o.
feitangtit; or e iroany w..otn-te
of Soven-Thirties. 'The De
partment hasleartred that several banks
threlighout the country have beerevic
remised by -the hyttothoentlon'of these
counterfeit bonds b unknown porno,
, .
—A leading Rad cal member of con
gress, from , Uansile Usetbi, a stiongadvo
cato of. impose ent, has aunollneed
himself in laver f General Grant for
President, and sayir Ito is mucdv to put
the most entire faith In hint. Tile DOI, il re Presien in nt lnuees
lected,l u V d thnam d ofJ oo A. Andrw
of latumehuttetittt, At, Very fr.] mint'
end place.
mentioned as a niou lit man for ti,
—At fluiTale..Alondav evening. tiett.
Sherlihnt WWI Cfithll4llsth:ll/S weleoined..
and made short sPeeell retttrnine•
thanks. • Ile WWI also presented by (Sd.
'Foy with a Fenian address of st eleone.,
to which.. he.. responded in, ordinary
phrase. Ile left for Niaga . rs Falls. and
returned to the the on Tuesday, leav
ing at noon for the West. '
• •
—The October Compounds of 106 ma •
tared en Tuesday. The origi n nal WWI,
was about sixteen Of
amount there was outstanding - on the
of September last- 1513,814,g.0. Since
that time the home hu been rapidly. ex-.
for three per tents: end It is be
...that but a very - mull timonnewill
ne presented for paymeaL The amount
of compounds due is December, was. nt
the dose of September, 518,618,1 M I. • •
—Gen. Grant has allowed nn extension
of time to several several Southern Rail.
road Coinpanies Inxillich to pap their in ,
debtedness to the government.
Papebent at Ceepsws ea State Beads
—antra nessles of the lestatatnir
;In 2yypaW M La - rutaviai iluat. 1
Sr. Lours, October 15.—ft !snow stated
that the Fund. Comtniasioners of thle
State hare ordered the cancers of al:
Bank of Coantnerce. York. to ap.,
ply the State ilandi now in their tomb
to the paymetnlort be;pest dneectupna
nn State Bonds. The balance io t o he
credit of the State in the Bank oreout.
melte ts °Ter - Oen and 11
and la.hasulliclent admit
- 4 1 4;7, Jetfereen City Meta my.% tan.
Fletcher wUI call an extra Se:Mit/11 of the
Mlanotui laldelatune about the let of 1,0-
, ,
R Is,aid that .t' plt
ern'esalist, ha v,
'made propoodtioret to take the Southwes
Patine Railroad no, the terms of Fr
wont's, eontratt, and hulk! d at onc e
Tide and other Important 'railroad inter,
este will furnish reason On the exit.
neenion. •
itintleir et isenp• lt . avvern•
Mr Tawas* ft Innalwrin nk.unt...l
BALTi:vonE, (Moller 15.—Gov. Swann
with hi. .4114.. to-ilny XClie,V(T.t the tin.
dirkion of the 3inryland Sationnt Guard,
Major tint. Bowernun retnmatulltur.
Them were in tiny . 0,0. blatllliOll.
rnvalry, tnu t•onipanics of
without gut. anti nine r.eginonL4 or il.-
fmtFtri.r. mm 1411,114: %bat , ter'.l.r tholvointi
Hoiorletas coneitte• Wan
illy Telegraph to the Plelstrettll tlesette.l
Sllllll enTl•Dekrealie;Ortoitali
Humphrey., the' notoriou. fonthleriCts
wan, arrested at Cincinnati, was to-day
committed to. pant defiant(' ..of $10.040
timid., to aunt& hie trial for forgery.
true =me le W. fi t Hoding. and holm
confined bißbr6HilaWarp: "ming :kbe
tar Suscrarat to talorturaa ossetts.l
len.-nnotarl.chldr*r Lls=Riveraboat
on a stand still, with twenty-six Lashes
re{ the PltiabirgtiNaly (..:ii
ST 10111.1/0”.....
Stoop to tne; lofty and learly On,
a Ile TT' u
° "t
ehow euitallirohb. In It. drldreirie.,
111th, rare pad 41,7141Isoldennota,,,
Bearing a Jpy ,
Gtre arlbitt raft. parity , .
Which ( gige: ll •l=l . e*, fattuit, l .
net In eta.e.
Ma tni Mho' "
Break op Its sleep;
C"" Taarttq:ffees '
Glow an ailleiradtatoossmalma.
Yloonta Ti tgroalrh Irse oawfbli dame..
To tie great alto.
sal !ilea my ialne teeth,:
An irortAttet Career.
A few days ago there died in tide City
a wanian'whose Ida hart 'been a atronge
admixture of - wile:ace and indigence.
Her name wse Them,. De Dioyer n na
tive of Montreal, Canada, and a dliwtand.
ant of a very old Slimily of that name.
She muerte fhb city atoms thirty yenra
ago, befog ante: time a yttrium lady, to
vbit some relatives living in the vichlitY
otPordancL- While here oho moved .o.
greet deal ft:Society, anctrriet. a num o[ l
! whom she became enatirrirod, and finally
eloped irrith him to Now OrtermA Every
inducement w atfbeld;or e . by her fri"d"
for , berptittlru, hid eh fumed to ibiten
to their counsahr..Thintobtlihoir conatom
solicitation % and fearingehry VrotildVinr".
tor bar,
miuoved, with. her poraMOur,
to Ruse an 'sten nth a bay of f inntinrsur,
and in time became vary wedittly;...ritif -
betrayer died itri p andaho waa shortly .
afterward " of her - property by
an unprincipi Ent Minn , and was
thrown upon the charity of the captain,
ofd ,frult schooner Pop pang, to the
Wae. Sho arrived W.:hew aticana
prct,i pennilese, but boa tines tom MP.
eoPoSAit . to the atuounthf VOW
-000, sum onntoolt
and 4 4144illtatt le ; Mt city at fhe - eit4 .
or tbo wollhios efin lived .4 . , abtol.
F:l7,"Tei:itu ded "'th6-7Crly4trtift
Monday evening last. liM
of Wm. H. Ondenionk, of Minh/meat,
Y. was entered,by - burglar at quite
late hoar. Ho was dmooTored by
o.'adaUghtee. wiasipappud w ith thi,Ur
trader in the dark, erwidnga noise which
amused the ;inmates. who mune to rho
rescue of the girl. Father mother and
daughim entered the contest, mad in the
antrum of the affray the whole partY, get-•
tang too tielar.the edge of the Main; trout
down headlong. In the fall the burglar
dapped two plitola—one a double barrel
and Other a lieu barrel—and made
his escape through the door. Mr. Onder
dtmluseised one of the resolvers, and
with great —prawn- ce of mind tired upon
the 'indult= -ludividUal, rand it As
thought, wounded him, although he has
as ) of eluded all efrorta made to arrest
"—.A. woman, bar name as Iles.
Gilbert elm Ith, has ng
been wanderitg about
the principal streets of Elisabeth, i. J,, .
equipped with a pack of cards AL , ,d Amos •
l i il=a; i i t t h a dear to tell
Wan insane. and had teamed • from the
asylum at Trenton. The poor .nreature
was apprehended by the proper , oftleera,
and again gimped In the Institution hem
whlch. atte had departed,'
tit . g
Gala ,
linothet , Addresa Prowl Garibaldi,
ve Puts ha lan P irlots la Rota
-1 .., %ie. 1: ... •
.AiLt. •
Tax nxMct;tro.lana•
Tyottinien; ipettiber JtoistinK.,
11)),' revolutionary bands which entered
the Pspal titale-ttit dittortakix;lnts on.ore .
raster') and southern f - ontknesfiseo ran:
eentratediii FritidtitincOmilert. tint into—
enthip of Menotti , Garlisildi, iu accont.
nn re the directions of Ids titther:
Tito reports dint Menotti had been ar
rested nn a proven tittlditif tbunds
t _
I.O t O FIT=-11 , ,PIRfoliNT4. "us.l
Pi.onssee, October 1 5- -grenitta,—Ex.-
citing news frofn iho SinithliaS„lnst Insst
rocetvett. A battlo fins born fbuttlat mar
Vomits, In tito;prorince ...Frosjouno,
betwortt lllOGorifalion voltiotts.r;.atiit
the l'ontitiest troops, In whirl tlto for-
Ter Iron; viototiops. • • - • - • •.•
!Strong -detachments of Papal Hewn,
- Wei° sent from knit, doting (ho tatter
, .
- part of tact week, to preeent it junction
of the balks In Froshiono with the partY ,
'under slienOttr, Wito - Wati
In that.rtrnetnee. They !erre unstoteetnh
anit4 - ereabllialto niOet thnothited
rupee onihe insurr:ntO wroleeltenotit
dapW - ,
O ernto tight took 'place outeddrithe
Theftwod Zottavest wee., hittitt
a i.
wcitmd - th 2 ; .• Gatibaidtair& - tatliv t .
kiUod and fifteen wounded. - No report
iiirleenoftho ntuiititni_et ptured on either
'The-mAtv :A»; t . .42¢1{, 4 e 4
oki Niakj. l 4,o4ol
. .
Rims, Oct. 15.—1 t. tint it
The mnditkai i gr!Un l . ll l4 ,l l4 Rome
whould beenran the.Popti 'mould
hive tlic city end take refaie to llaveria,
L&TLS urraLsaanicr..
coo 0,4914er
folioaing•Tintin' 414041 es 4 frbni
1 . 11.0 boon sverived to-uitcht,
ADD 121.1., "ROW
r l .itt 7 CUA - 101*r
GiriAalHNiar'ont mif unt)ther whin.
from Capreoa, in which he oarne•aly
on the Italian p 14.4 4. to UM. •
•• ".m.unextrroirsicoa NAZZUCt.
. •
thAl N, October 15--- Evening .—Niu.l
b hued ¢,ttimppleltoy isAgrhigh .•.
harts the Itallatiielfriotaqty'RcirOo4o ri
and procialin the republic..
. .
1 44 L A 6 . llol Ci ' l..triliark7;* 1 - 11 API;
tint Z!.o.ltOr TEICRITORTI
Item beileve (tint L.
.NLlrmorst,-•trlitti la iwirtilatinti on the
Npai frond,. hi. troop, t..
,114 19.4 i."!urt•','4l7"/
tritory, and 1..1ga...1y marc h
PAIIM dcoltdr,.l:,-.4l"enit4. tn•tlit
Itettlity_ prertill.t th tht:, Mays! Ar.enel at
• 5;1.. - ritAxpvix Oct 'ls.—The 'Sii/ 1 / 1 1,
.hips Efilnitnonlaiuullimmet t hunt No,
York, arrind !1:11, morning.
( ttl , "^"Tu ;•• 05tql?cr15.-_—Tho isie' ern=
ship citrornift4e.iii; rit.m tv.roes , 4*
rivedthis morning.- •
Al To Ocildol'lNl3".l7l,eBt.
Lat, fintlllo* - blur
I : r Af.459 14 4. IYlgfailf4l3klif;
t Liiwoosr; "(let. 5 inkt - - Consols
:cloned rather weak at 93i. American
Siecuiltlei .46041 111Ye.tfirall0;1.44.,
; Illinois Central 771; E r ie, 46 r. an.
Oollettlinent Consalklatod Bomb; 211.
FlLucKSonr, Oct. 1 . 6 --Evenikn—rnltelt
Staten Bonds quoted at 731.
Ltvr.nrook, Cotton
market cluswd ntmng, and a alight ad-
Vniloo nu all grades; middling uplands,
OS do Orleann, A¢, 15,000
Breadstuff's—Um market closed quiet ;
Com easier, closing atdecillle of tit!
thom 2 o'clock; ogoisilons anew mixed
sesdern, nt 49.4 3d..'SVltent steady= at 1.5 d
(or rat western,: and. 17d Sor. . E7illtornits
width. Oats .3n Wd. -]'oar Iw 24. Burkv
nominal, at to lid. Provisions—lleeclPs;:
Pork, 711; _Bann, 43 .9.1Ard055.1 cheese,
57n; Clover Semi, Ott' Prodneo—
Spirttn Ttirptartino tioellnOd tki sines two
o'clock P. at.: now anoicalat.Pol : Wain;
Ike'tid; medium, lls; Tallow, -45 a 3d; Po
troletwn, 211 for ' splrite, anti In, Od for
Lo3nOtr, Oct .'• 15 -1110101iiNff.'-- augur
steady, at 235. 6d." Other markets are on
OoL 154 , /Sivesing. —Petro,
ieum Market. wcakcr cloning
fraficii,llo oentligoa per' bbl fbr icluidard
New u•vernminat N. Worms.lo—Niter
Neu.. oat Colfree—PoVio Meal moat Rt.
for T•leßsob to Um illtabarith Gum.,
TLAVA2 I 4;OCt 15 , - ,4dV/Oed , friinn
eztteln totene,.l;lth nanouiteetbat;
IPIFC /1 7 4ndb NII I8n4 /h 11 4"4.
Ihnf n new revolt will `occur; and
nultittu hove been organised , to roebst M
imeo revolution 9. very sfropotovern•
pien e Z*,. formed. In Which 'tie-e
-ller POW/OD:EST 4 1 #4 , 4i
Of Forrig.Tl milt&
The follornA ionic duties lute° been
.m =e d es ;eon 6 111.01t c 121 ° 1 51. 6 0 . 0431x1r
2.0 4 suite:Pot 4hOlinaneee otttiat Llaitl
vein in it depliValgo state.:' rleitvivno in
4busidilt supply:7MSmkarner
Izona cotolliAbtfauttedrortiVrkpitibv:
Advice, report
pi , i.rjaiastas....khosttassaateva a
ltittliy744ir, ,
!% 1 144 0 lThi - Mar' l hverhi
Nfany - pawns - Java already left tome,
but tunny
,ethers wheitedtnade prep as:
dons to leave abandoned the idea
Twenty-four now tutsesand seven deaths
have been reported'-up to noon. The
fever Is of a mild, r
A tiro this morning in Bark Alloy
destroyed a: , titdetin; Brice ..t Co.'s
auction establillimeptogal damaged the
liquer-honaoi Lam
125000..ab0ut Juauted In the
l'hoenix; ' Aetna iitfdashington Cons.
hav A dispehlt from Vicksburg, says there
e. beenloilleaths in..the paid forkli,
oax.rearott, Oct. l6.—There were' only
two new wow. of.yellatrftwor yeaterday,
and only four Internontta during OM Nat
forty-eight Imam. - '
NEw OnLuazte, (Mt. 16.--Thent Wen"
thtrty.idno yellow fever, IntqouneB,
donne' the twenty font' H earn 'ending
S tonit , 4 l ;Oct.ll— , Thtwo Were two ;hi
tentioni • SrtAloar fawn; to-tiny.
.z •:)._ •
i l h r a !Pligl ch lu 'd , l a ' tt ' ! n 1 1 14 01 ) 62° Chair-
E 1
inan, stated tho ol!, " :I ? the mooting,
whmt they proceed Imidness. .
Thii drat {alto - tirralidned ' • was
Cil Ptah] C. II Surclahhar,whololdantlfied
with the coal interest in Tenango county.
After being inotins-14.4 Fondant* stated
that he, In rem .. ,
- with a Lumbar or
otheri, had ::ti ,reurtensika want
lands In VsSnango . qty. At Rio time
the purchase was ‘ the Sage Ron
-Railroad was being (ruined, which
mus chartered undue gonond railroad
• Ihwa!qt, tho,, • Stato. flat they wint to
work antrOpotiqd:th stns, but' wore
at - Ale -to , -wader rit on'account
l' the 'iates tir testa - charged on that
Railroad, whliih Is w completed. Re
also stared , Mat a n beret other coal
companies, In and rlhity had been
eoUlPelled to 105&11 oporatioho fin th -
'mine meson. . t ~
g thie:u1%.6:11.1:741-7. ei llNP :pl A t i': : :76l ?... llo'P'ir9 t il " D tt ritb ‘:" eel'ure ' i tli otr
the fttettbai :flour ..• •• concepts' from
• ilbletwei to Phltodel . • • Air one dollor
per barrel; of *hick ••••; . ; the Pennsyld
node Rating& • ..• ' . egoelved forty..
fottri tailittii!.o le, •
.• • eater from
i Pfites
l i i t u ai ltt w or 11l Wile l i t i .
te Yll 4 peptey ba ra rre n l i e .
thug making a - • s. •;. hietlen Id Meer
,oillYeatem'shlppani . • fhlxteen nods per
hand. He furtherikaled that. feed at
shipped from:C.llkm* to Philadelphia at
fifty cents per hundred pomade. of which
ihopre rata of ilierintrylionle Rail.'
read Company w ioeutyitere cello ,
while ehippersi f Pittsburgh wre
- charged- thirty ion .•,00r cintihundred
poemds foribei mankitAulltie. ••- The die.
crtibinotiom be itsfilVbad adirays been
gsdnet Pittsburgh Ititd-In falter es
tern shippers, andlOrinerly to a greater
extent' than . at. present. fle did. not
'huh* why the dlsmilatitantion woo made.
The capacity of the waidous Tullis In the
• JOG ' citie s. wite;ablearti,tarr4arrele pc; ,
• r. David Kirk seiai next examined in
-,,Ted t° the freights on. oLL - Ho tesol
that the Pennsylvania Railroad
, pariv . ohlirgtd the wile rates on refined
oil Amu Pine to: to.•Philtitta that
wen ithiranif pil Lefty. • itablhey
chartist flee •oeft , per tonal. -fire
isifined oil than they did for crude, w ee
the fortner Win the more desirablefrei gin,
and net so liable Mhos trout fire s They
chart greater. rake portant, for convey
ing oil than, any Atber .m 1111314, In the
eountrp - ..•: . They • civrop . foripseth - .vote
per one hundred' WON; •widelt•ill
nets mom than their regular Ta it* for
-fourth class freight, During ttosinouth
Or -lugost then; were g@,oo o barrels Oroii
Shipped over tie
_toed from Pittsburgh
to l'hiLadelpitta. "the emelt.); of the re
nningesmitllnit 1,000 berrelo
I'.' A:•1:111worth iti next i t 'ihdlefi and
, fully eorroboratecilbe statement of Mr.
' Kirk. • • , -
R. litiLotigtostiLtd . thst the PCTIIIVI
-List Railroad pony took-the risk
of tire on all ', hta , except' oil, ou
wbkh they ite per . hundnxi
pennalsoloni as Amnion-et , .and that
they imusparted nopen essiii,ilierchy
increasing. the risk from tire, and time
compellingehip pen tetanal/el, irhlch they
would not do If the oil watoarinisperted it
Oloinonen..;Onniso_siated' that the Rail
aulopqmospeafer, chatgetP. them for 3.10
pothuls per barrel, when they • only
weighed ato pounds. The when .
of '
his statement wee merely corroboratis e'
of what has already been given-
D. U. Digerten was next tolled and
.sworn, and Pally 'ecirroberated what had
been stated by those prevlenatp exam.
Tha Committee theft iidJaurned en tnoe
et, ten o'cloak this morning, when the In
. vewieetten will be continued.
agiatitir Alto, 'termer. - i-
Piitriii.4 Frh.twon wpi4rinformealm
~,ii•rd:42,?-1.,i30we Itliintan"MeMaitem,
Arainq Chrod Er ors, Metering him with
afeend 4 i Citind.ti!"*. . 1 1. 4 J* ll l o4
paddlers, and were formerly working in
the Genii. mill, fonn ahem Ever; it.
dlrOtiltrodOtop which be Vented Shan
ittm, woaiie ."09. Ow Evers came to his
house in Pipetown about twelve ...duel.
Monday-MO:re pulled Mini out or bat.
and beat him in a terrible manner. A
warrant VISA lamed tbe his arra.t.
PhiMettena --14pliper t ghter Thm
Berger. of Allegheny yorterday
wade Inform/Won beeero Mayor 3d re
eon. aigtinst. Thomas Tlckey, eharo, ng
him with • amenle adtr /*GMT. 'The
&thee of the proasontrhi katipei a bear
saloon-on Ronth Venal etmet, Allegheny,
and telt alleged thet defendant mitt
Into the oaiwm end • asked for a &Mkt
which was roVnied. him, libertinism he
went behind the hereatideinghttpnie,
amblx by the hair and atrnek her with
bin "lost. EA wan &needed and held to
ball fora bearing.' f
Michael r gown* proprietor of oho
Ward flints°, oorner of Grunt and gee- I
enithigt rainy ergi'vepptited,on :Monday
mteulng ItetinnwaVone cifyrbont struck
hrtnitithiliriicuttraind thWinthar with hia
tint. The ylglnt match heard the row,
*rooted '441 belligerent tialtora and
conveyed Menthe the lock-41, ln heretic,
geirinee wily for their appearance In We i
morning.- toward yenteriley morning
nude information aphid them before
Mayor MeCarth_y for assault etulbatterv,
and after wheeling they Wore held in tic.
eunt~af'ttile) each 'for their appearanee at
. _ Pratuei
• Arohiixilil McClelland Matto an infor
mation before. Warman Taylor yeater
dsiri etnwnhm ft. L. Ileishitain with per;
}aCz;The - proaecutOr allege" that the
pe ry wsue committed in ti igt=
fl Inathefora Alderman
warrant for ebb afroot of tho 'scented
Leviun Frederick regarday Mgujo
formation before Juifice Luke D. Pavia.'
eon, of tolfmdilp, g her
boob:mil, David Frederiek,tnesert-i
fog and abusing her, The Recg.. t i w as '
orroded, and niter a healing, in defaulb
orbarmi l iftte i ll to' cart. I
•, 4iii - ryorizty , HolAtErvablmeaux-pie l
Charier O'Donnell mule inforinntion
boforo Aidermim .11eMmteru yaitordav
against him brother, Edward O'Donnen,'
limnuretPig tho-Ponce, 'HP Allegtin that
the derendint &Mixed Mn mother, unit
thmatenod hmsccittor bodily
heht. for i bearing.
While the fuming wag gblng — mi,
Ohariaiblho,pronccotor, who woo con
ducting the take, became dinordorl v, and
although geguestod eeFcrnl.timen by the
Alderman litilteep'ciulet,"rhftwititt to (to
no, wad continued to anal an extent Unit
Vibiboaraco' acased Lo bn tk`sirttiorj afid
he wan vent to the lock-1m on it charge of
dlnorderly•conduct. •
Catheakia:Pavett. made "Information
beam ,AlderMaa, alumlat;
.marlin ettawthg Cbar/th !Elko with
,tgbef. Thu ffivreitor alleges that.
44fr.dgrre y and Malledously
[thew: Ale on some .3vhlcla she,
had" watthod and hung out' to dry. A
warrant was Issued. The ,partfor reside
on thermion stroct,ln the Eighth ward.
John Rloe niado au Inthrmafibu before
qr ~Catharine
Owens, for' Th e
prosecutor alleges ma - Abe delitudant
used abusive language towards her little
boy, called him names, threw a brick at
bun and threatened to. do kiwi. bodily
harm. A. heating was had and the de
fendant gave tall to answer at Court.
The pantos ieslde on Stevenson street,
in the Eighth word.
solo of new =starve,
We think we are safe In charging
the elecineimeed obi - blend 'Capt. Harry
Smithson, of. Smithson, Palmer do Co;
Auctionoem, with canning another
vance In real estate, if we may he per
muck! le judge-by • the extraordinary
high prime be has latelY been bringing
ender the hammer.: • Yesterday he sold
at auction to Air. John A. Xercher, the
nesidenceief rot J. W; Butler, on Siluir- I
roll /1111, for no lowa sum than i11i,500,
pro rty contained' about 5 mares,
I lie and theprioe was tinexpec.
°illy ht . .
,- _
Capt. bloom alsO sold: at the Name
time • a ll cottage, with two acres of
land n Wog the ftemiir place, to Air.
Millar! Banter. Jr., - teethe ambit tumor
_ who ra ly increase anti extend the
trade of the h use to which they succeed.
'We weto im reined with the truth of '
Mime miner a at finding, yesterday,
oar young cud indefatigable friend,
Mr. 3oneph Lieblef, In full
Mon of the extensive, well known
and popular trunk nuurafeeturing
, establishment, No. 1M Wood Street, In
' In the promietorabip of which he ban
succeeded John Bell, and more recently
Gilmore & Mader, the firm with which
he had been connected up till within a
lbw days pant. Mr. Llobler has lowly
earned his success and prosperity, as he
hub ever diligently applied himself to his
• inminesn and e Intently striven - for the
large share of patronage awarded. the
Wm with Which ho halt been con
nected. He enters into the Manu
facture of trunks, nat.:bola, ladies'
and gents' traveling bags, carpet
satchel; Se., with the determination of
anstaluing the high reputation of the
house, and or.increasing ,d,d extending
the tole. Ihrtwhigastile and retail trade
will dad at all Gees a large stock on
hands and es none but the Tory best
workmen are employed in maunfactur-
Jug the torten. articles, and as nothing
bnt the most nape - Her material. are used,
pnrebaiters can depend upon being well "
suited. We heartily winb Mr. laebler ,
success in his extensive trunk muntinte
taring establinliment, and not only Do-
meek for him a full *barn of trade, but
from long pedronaLnerinaititance earnest. ,
ly co mmend Pim to the patronage, of on s ;
readern. .
Agar... beta rirtele lb re re •1. sioolhos
iteaw N Dees.
item Tom. lierteuaber 271 b. by Wen.
W.. W. •worill. • .
We aft debtor end grateful to some
aitonytnoun source for • cop s of this
Most admirable address, which we have
rend with unusual iutoregt. It written
in a style elltinivti of high intellectual
culture, and Abounds with foots and
Lphilosophid re, getiona on many sub
, Jed. Thri origin and pimg.7." of °Ft'
cantina labof; the depenthunit on it, nt.
great measure of the well Ming bf the
nation: the rich troltsuriet of thew:lll, dee
.Moped only by labor; the assimilation
of labor to the creative (Mellon; the co
working and co-necessity of science and
art with labor; the geological and mete
roleabul 'phenomena. in their relation to
soils and agriculture; the disunities of
elinaatu and soil, And the adaptation of
manureo and melt. of cultivation to
these diversities; romparlsonn of ancient
With 1.1(1.111) cuatoma and methods, arc
among the themes most learnedly t rested
by the author In thin althea.; but he has
with equal reseals:ll expiated ouch other
fields as bear raintiouship_to his Bubjeet,
'such as the effect of agricultural pursuits
on the habits and customs of nations
upon the social structure of the lawn and
institutions among. nice. Heal*, maker
comparison between largo and small
landed °sink., anti between feudal or •
slave and free labor. Altogether, wd
dorm this production worthy of a Ctn. .;
clrmattts, and are surprised that the (len
mat, whom 'hitherto the country ham
known intlhonoredfor LIU aeltiereuueute I
in the field of Mars. should etallenge
equal eminence - amt prospect fur ion
f o lltrillUtfildill to Ibl:ramie:Murat titers
fore of our .sAintry. We regret that we
have net quay. in our paper for the eu
tire addresn.. • It Is • fit study, an well for
the :talisman as the 'Sauter.
Campbell , . Dialog neenale.
The niervlantit% loInR htultows In the
toeighhorhond of 11r. N. Campbell'. Ilno
MittlUtliltt atia
241 Litvert3: ntocet, horn tomson to eon-
• • •
gratulate themselves on the style
in which it . managed. Mr. Campbell
hen been in the tnrsinceo of catering to
the hungry for mom than -eleven years,
luta thoroughly understands •It lu every
department. lie has Just completed
great impthverturottc in his clean, cont.
13.14XLIUUN awl well ventilated ealoott, and
it will In point of general ex.
oellenee with any in the city. The tables
ore always well euppled With the sub
, !dentists of life and the deft -steles of the
season: Minds aro verve.' np at all hours I
In the been' style, white oysters of the
panics% quality are furnished either
stewed, fried or raw, an a moment'a no
tice. The bar is well supplied with the
beat and portal of Nunn. We khow
whereof we speak in onmuientling this
drat clam rtetaurant to the patronage of
our readers. •
the attention of our mutt:min directed
the adverti,lhotool ArtliTiolution of
Tartnerithip of the tirm of .r.ouon-6. ,!t•
Frew, :-Mr. 3reeph Lougtinny refiring,
and atll,loooslod by Mr. W. S. .Jackson.
'rho name min style or the nen. firm la
Jrielcian tr, Frew. Thu huhinm. of man-
ufanturim; 'saddlery, harness, horse
oqulpago and furniture, trunk., vallaes,
its., will be eentinood at the beautiful
floor woro room, No. IQ Wood ',treat
NVe wish the new firm abundant sue...veil.
Our friend' Mr.D. Heating, who
war long connected
the innitagemput of the Fourth ntrort
Livery 'establiehruent, will be found
with the firm In Charge of the'eflko.
- . Verawara n
Cairilner atairliati held an he:lndia,' on
the holly of 'laniard Mararen yesterday
everting. 'The demigod was 'engaged
In digging a trench for water pipe on
Iforton ',greet, and about: three o'clock
yesteniay 'waning, while In,Alio trench,
fell in an apoplectic lit, and died In
lifteetindoutea afterward, site wen Ink,
onto reititknce at the corner_ 0f...1.1b- ,
rrty and Morton ~troeta, where the In
quest wan held: Jury • found a ver
dict in imeortlance wilt the above facto.
The thrummed IMP a miwrind men, and
leaven a wlfe'und one
• hhop Utter .'sughe-..:4,hgwy._P g w og,
a resident of Fcoder's Alley, wan arrested
yesterday evening, eharged With shop
. Yesterday at ornmot 'she „went
'ralyde, oh into tiro trimming, store of llfeelrenn
l'elerket•street, and intalo'nev
oral email pumhames, for which sho paid,
and while they were being. done'llp she,
'was detested secreting a ,lair, of „hose
under her shawl. Au ofileine'wasealled
in and ,arrentcsl , her, after whieb her
hence was ne.nrehed, where a quantity of
fine lanes, hid gloves, and other articles
of value were found. She Was taken in
the Look-up, - and there retooling BWllititlg
•PernMai--.1. Bey., the
settler member of the iipa of 3. W. Bar
ker dt t a u ~lb sktelialt, dry; goods deal
ers of this 'city, ppld bs a ' visit
yeiltorday. - Werpmenme it • •
le generally
known that Mr. B.srker. holds Ids rmi. -
donee In New York city whore his time
is occupied in buying goal. for the house
here, thug enabling ft Weyer keep up
with the markets end changes In fash
ions and declines In prices. Mr. Barker
Is In excellent health and promisee In u
coppice yearn tenutkopur city his per
manent, home; • ' . •
Denote,tadlehd ,Coramlttea meets
this morning, nt ton o'clock, in Mattoon]
of filinle Evora; for,the purposo of tatt
ling tentimon_y_rolatlyo to tho working
anti numagament of railroads. Thiry will
Probably oonaltido their Inborn hero to
d2D'and Porigma having anything to lay
bazar°. them , a 1.14 4. Inman:int.
. -
Crackers ' •
ISlamas. —Thu best
crackers to be
obtained In the city iwo at
the bakery of Wray S. MiothersOhte.
and 3I Irwin street; M. Connolly's old
and favorably known steed. The whole=
rein and retail trade supplied at the most
rentionnblo priers. Give them a call.
Fele Marm•.—Thero were two alarms
of fire in Allegheny' City last night, he.
tween nano and eleven Weloelc, both of
which were false. We did not leant hem
or where thoy, originated. The tire do
lawtment were out.'
. .
Au Butter minima ma bo found
than Willson's Pala DysjiePala, Sour
Stomach, Costiveness and Worphl ,Tdmic
are Instantly relieved by theca. 'Ail tho
druggists In the LinitorlSeatoakeep thorn.
in our patios zeports_, 9 f zpstorday was
not Lewis , J. or Lut awnin
a ,„ et ,
P ( -1
ell t
' Plitsbergia fasigtere" Home.
ho Permitted to raise a voice in behalf of
a class of citizens whom 'WO seem to have
forgotten, since the storm of civil war
has ceased to hang menacing over ns.
' I' mean my old fellow-soldiers, crippled
and su ff ering from !wounds rocelYed
while struggling-for our beloved country.
What has become, .I may ask, of our
' institutions, which might to provide for
thosos - men whom the fortune of bottle
has rendered miserable and incapable of
self-support? Every day we see poor,
crippled soldiers crawling about in the
' most pitiful condition, their clothes tat
tered to pieces, half starved and subsist
ing upon alms, which public charity too
often declines, owing tithe fact that com
fortable homes have been providcsl for
"our wounded heroes!' .
But a few words will explain the mys
tery of thls ehocktog gnity. Atrorti
lug toots established role nt the Pitts
burgh Soldiers' Homo, the bearer of an
honerable disehaige, no matter whether
ho is crippled or 'not, ---- may be admitted
as un Inmate, and remain a member of
the institution as long as be behavei
•hinuielf. But the term "behove" ..has
been very elastic for some time past,
for I have seen the very best men ex
pelled from the estabilibment. for the
heist trifle. It seems that the caprice
of the: - "raters of the Home,"
more. than' humanity, has dictated
the rigorous ordeal. I hove still
present .to my memory the depar
ture of a yonng man who lost hie
leg at the. battle of Gettysburg. He
went to the Home in the beginning of
1866. Prompted by a sense of goneross
ity, he was the first to suggest the Idea,
when the &idlers' Monumental Fair
' pras prop:Cad, of having the Home rep a booth, where should be
xhibited the handiwork of th e "maimed
phoZcotrs" ' Thride who were at the 'Mon
umental Fair may haye seen hint stand
at the Soldiers' Home "table, where his
gentlemanly appearance gained for 'him
the sympathies of all who approached
him. He, too. :fell victim to the ridic
ulous rnle,:wittch makes a vagrant, or as
loafer, out of an honestman. We could
multiply the examples, for our streets
hove-bays become the very show. places
dr the sorrowful reCollections of our lsle
BM it is stated be the managers of the
Soldiers' home fiat those measures of
order required, and that in order to keep
peace within' they are eompelled to have
recourse Is them.
In reply: the most eommon offence la
drUnkenness, and I would nuggeat the
Idea of establishing the rule adopted
in Other Institutions of the kind. Of!
the Plandelphin Nat, Home, for I
Instal:et% where such of enders are Tut
in the guard house and kept.there for a
length of time more or lees long, acts.rd-
Mg to the character and deportment of
the !IndlviditaL If the ollimoe la of
more aggravating character. let the law
and the
! city Jail interfere, for I tamtot
think that awylsedy has the right to expel
another from his matt house, and this
the property ~d• the wound e d
2- Flft . it ti, Sky, 'that
large amounts
the people v"itl; IprvlF -, uns for
of money iawartia ..1
eta braves, hay., willecdd ,, foo. - f A!lira s .
ho awed for„Pet,publiely. In lie stroPtS I
as mere v*abontla, hat eolnfOrtablv and
worthily as men, to stleew care had been '
entrustod the todSittiori of the country.
It :natters verSlittle, unless they am eii
utlnals, What is the o ff ence: they are en
titled to this 'Lome, and nobody (Val de=
prior them of il twnett accorded them
for their pillantry by a grateful people.
A LATE So I.oi Ell.
Fell la a Ffi..--1,01141. lifttilaitt, an
upholsterer, while priming , inn lirant
street, between Sixth arid Seventh, fell
In a lit, striking the back parr of his
head on the curb atone, inflicting a geni
tl% wound. lie was picked up ne.ensi
bin, and carried into the Thinl iVued
'fikhool hottac, anda phveician sum
moned; wito attended to . his injurint,
after Which be era, taken to the lock-up,
where he ~till remains. If is Injoriet are
still 10 be of a very aeriotoi nature, but
it Ir thought With. proper one and atter.-
Um he still retatur.
fitariglary.—Some daring thieves
entered Steele's Hotel, i on . Mondaynight, and stole therefrom a trunk
left In M office locked and belging to
a stranger e
named W. It. Cale o . n halting
front Fentonvillo, °menace county,
Michigan. They carried it across the
street, bursted i 6 open and stole there
from a quantity of clothing , No suspi
cion is any permit for the
perpetration of this bold robbery.
•0 laqueat —We uthierstand the Cor
oner declined bolding an ingneat on the
body. nt . the child, reported by aorne-of
the city papers as being found at the old
Manchester ferry.ou Monday, torulder
log it
boxtmu whim vonsideration.
The ""' in it b, said to have
been found was made of. tin , and once
eentathed oysters.
Itesuove I to the U.
ley, enverely beaten by CAL . Black, In
Allegheny. on Monday, bas been manor
cdto PassavanCelloapitaL Her °until
lion Is still conaidered precarloue, and
farther .examinatiou by physicians re
vealed the tact that her skull Ives broken
In several place,
A thraertai—Duna Stanton was ar
rested near Withal:fall, on the lirourns,
vide road, Tuesday night, as a deserter
from Company C. 3ith United States In-
harry. and handed over to the proper
To ILlegbenians.—Arthur Kirk, Whole
sale and retail grocer, Nos. 172 - and
174 Federal street, has received one ofthe
best stocka of groceries over brought to
the city, which will be slid lower then at
any house in the city. • - wire
'New Yorls..l—tircat bargains e No
St. Clair sirrel, lu hal* caps anti la
A ?rot Stem
A writer In &hate Gossip says:
' 4 A near neighbor upon whose verari
to I can rely , recently opened a drain in
Rent, when ho made the Ibllowlng din
iTyerr--,At the mouth of the drain were
piaood two largo stones, in measurement
nearly two that aquaro and three inches
thickf the one at the top rested elowolv
upon tho ono beneath. - Tripoli - lifting it
front the lower atone, the skeletons of
five frogs were discovered; they were in
a circle in ;he centre of the some., quite
flat. UPon taking one of them sip and
holding It to the light, there was only a
thread-11kt, appearance of bones betweeif
tho dry flattened and fleshless nkinic
these skins were clear and beautifully
marked.. In thin state they wore merit
sevcral persons, and by each of them
Wo frogs were connittored to fro - dead;
bni.Achen - the water commenced to flow
over theta there won a slight gasping per
ceiv-ed in the throats of each, by degrees
tho bodies swelled, and life and motion
returned. Then, to the nurpriso of the
lA:holder., the frogs nprang up end ran
away., Into the drain. , Ilow did those
frogngeV beneath the atone that covered
tho lower one no closely? There was no
quo ter 'them to - enterer depart, and upon the nurfaCes there was not the
slightest' Indentation made by the frogn.
It WAR, supposed to be thirty yearn ago
that Inc Atom, were placed ever the
writes from Topeka, Kamm, describes
tbo great salt plains an the route of a
proposal railroad, from that place on foi
-1 lows: "On a direct line southwest from
Topeka; about 210 mike, you strike the
grad wonder of theWcat, the 'Balt
Plains. , 'The.° plains tire 100 miles in
length by 40 ratios in breadth, and are
one of the ruflositha of the age. " Tra.
'ming them you will occupy at lent
twelve - hours ordinary riding. over a level
plabieompletaly covered with salt In the
form of a crust, varying from one to two
inches thick, as white as this sheet of
paper before touched with ink, and of
sufficient strength to bear np, without
breaking or crumbling, tin ordinary
wagon load. Underneath this cruet, a
little below the earthen, there In a strata
of solid' rock salt, only aocessible •by
quarrying, prixiudng the finest speci
mens of crystalised salt I ever saw. The
supply is I m arfectly - lnexbaustiblu The
Atchison, Topeka and Santa F. Rail
road Will crams these salt tlelds very
nearly through their centre, and thus
give the roasFevery alternative section
in ado of upwards of forty miles.
The Indians here get their supply of salt,
and the Government hes frequently sent
treble thereto get salt supplies. A rail. ,
toed titer them could supply the world
with an +wild', of salt not surpassed In
quality by any the world evar produced,
and I need not say to what extent it
would afford business for a railmad, Ibr
of that any reasonable man con Judge
• "/ Doter Ssz rr."—Lord - Nelson eras
Undoubtedly the author .ot this slang
phrase. At the celebrated. battle or Co
ellght,bu Nelson, •
mho determined to
been called to a Moat of mmina ./ .
'lag Masai to cease hoettlitien. placed his
hand over his good eye, and p
to look with hla.blind one, slid "% Man,
Go a 'l4", and at odbe ordered a, brisk, r+,
newel of the engagement. . , • ,
Reduction to Prices
The Messrs. Barker et-Co., 50 Market
street, commenced yesterday to offer
their entire and truly magnificent stock
at greatly reduced prices. This thej
have determined upon, because of the
decline In the Eastern markets, and be
cause of their having 'undo some very
heavy purchases in the large Eastern
atietlon sales at about one-half the prices
' at which the regular jobbing trade Inas
been selling the same goods: The most
beautiful and expensive Silks, Moire
Antiques, Velvets, l'oplins. Velours
Reps, together with some un
other kinds of• medium and s low prima
Dress Gond,, Shawls, Cloaks, Table
Linens, Bed Linens, Bed guilts, Towels,
Toweling, Napkins, Doylies, some of '
Mout the- handsontest ever seen here,
and indeed, a full stock of dry goods,
complete in every department, will be
offered without reservation.
Wu quote a Am articles only, with
their prices, us they kayo been I:rlven• to
us, such as we presume are wellknowtr'
on, readers, to enable them In jtelmi
of how greatbargalun will be sold.
- Black Silks, 'price last week $1.50, to.
duced to $1.25.
Black Silks, price last week $1.25,
dnced to $l.OO.
Fancy /Bilks, price hut meek $1.50, re.
duced to $1.25
Fancy Silks, price tact Week $l.OO,
duced to 75c. •
Poplins, price last week $1.50, reduced
to $1.25.
Poplins, price last week $1.25, reduced
to $l.OO.
- •
Cashmere Pinkie , price taut week $1.50,
reduced to $l.OO.
Cashmere Plaids, pricela4t week $.1.12? ,
reduced to 75c.
Morino Plaids, price /list week 1.12 h•
reduced -to 50e. •
Silk Mixed Goods, price lakt week 75w.
reduced. to 50e.
Silk'llixed•Gcods', price last week 55
reduced to 573 c.
Coburg% price last week .50c, reduee
to 371 e.
A l pacas, prier last week redone,
Airateak priculust ".I) , e, reduced
40e. •
.Blankets, price last 'week 810.00,
diteed - toISULtan.. .
- - Blankets, price, lest
awed to p:ov. -
Blankets, pries, last o•sek minced
to $7.00.
Binukets, price last week. 07.00, re
duced to $5.00. •
Blankets; price list week, .1.5.00,'
dueed tO $4.00. •
Barred Flnnels, mine last week, 45,,,
reduced to 35c.
50e Gray Twilled Flannels, pries lastweek,
, reduced to
Gray Twilled Flininels.price last week,
117le reduced. to 30e. . . -
10 1 1 Sheeting Mq,ll , peke last week,
50c, reduced to 174,
104 Sheeting Altoolin, trioe lam week.
ISle and ISc, reduced to 121 e.
Ginghims, price last week, 'So, re
duced to 12ic. • • ••• ' • •
l'rinta, price last week; lSic, reduced
Three quotations ac we fume said.'are .
riven only to indleite hew goods
and we mature our read
wilt ens that these
their be clads' in
ntott emetnber
every 4n4e• onday ß List pod
the sale e comluenceo M,
that the ea:ldlest 01 , 1eu ,
t unity for selecting:
laditimial T 010161007 DI rover of
Dr. eeriest'. Diuretic or Duelntone
, 'Plile.
t*OCON PZAVEIt. Co., PA., t
- I. - October Ili
I cheerfully add my testimony to the
et:tient,- of-Dr. Sargent - Is 'Diuretic or Back
' ache Pitts, I have used them for the
lest twenty yew's; and ha re - always found
inlmediste relief front pain in tlio back
arising from affection of the kidneys. I
am now over sixty years of sae, and
have kept myself in good health by their'
occasional use. I have frequently ad
vised the use of these pills to my neigh
bors complaining of this trouble, and
know of over twenty causes where per
manent cures has, been effected.
Atxxxweinn McKinnon. -
For sale by all druggists. Price bile
per box. Oetipsi
Pars? Fn.! INtra! mall Whets se Nay
I Molars. Gardner st Stewart; west coc
ner of Market and Fourth streets, No.
as, hare now open and for sale, at whole..
sato and retail, the largest stock in the
city,. in all grades• and qualities, which
they propose to sell at leas prices than
the same goods ma bo bought elsewhere,
also showing a greater variety and en
tirely new furs. All buyers-of furs
should remember this,. and as-ail them
selves of this rare opportunity to snake
their purcbaies.
They are also opening a largo stock of
new dry goods, Most remarkably cheap.
West corner Market and Fourth streets,
No. 69.
wan be b.Ulkb.r
Heuw /o a '
ueer ~Yq,
Good Prunes, Raisins, Currents, tit
' ron, Spices, Cross &Blackwell's Fampus
Chow-Chow, Pickles, Mustarda,fatarips,
Sauces and Olives. • Spiced and Pickled
Oyster, Lobsters, Spiced Salmon, Mar
malade, Condemned Milk, •Extract Ot
lieet„_ . Jollies, Chocolates, Dates, Fresh
and Preierved Raspberries, Pine Apples,
Plums, Pesabea, Quinces,Gelatine Ex
tracts, Olive 011, Syrups, Tamarinds,
Fine Cream Bant . ams, Good Mixed Can
dice, Caramels, Cough Candy, Everton
Tattr, and all kinds of Nuts,.at 112 Fed
eral street, second door north of First
National Bank, Allegheny City. •
Octl2-0t Gannon BEAVEN.
Illomeweed Mansion and Grounds The
Pale.—A beautlfill emburban residence,
immediately omxialto Homewood Sta
tion, on the rennaylvania Railroad, will
be sold next' Tuesday evening at Men
u's/ma's Auction Room. The hourly cm
vcialenoe of accommodation tram's, and
the beautiful scenery in this direction
frPm one city, have made it the favorite
route for those seeking comfort and Oh.
puce in their homes. The maiithificent
improvements all along the Oakland and
Rant Liberty valleys, and beyond, ace
nut equalled by those In any other direc
tion. See • Idellwaioe's auction 'Adm..
thiernent of this handsotue property. .
. .
To Country IMP—Year atten
tion Is called to the wholesale and re
tail grocery store of Arthur liark,' Nos.
IT4 nod 174 Federal street, Allegheny.
Just the piece to buy your groceries.
3lr. Kirk has facilities fir buyingghat
enables him to will to retail merchants at
slower figure than any oilier house in
tho two cities. He
at all times all
kinds of groceries and be_ pleased
to have tr4rtlesadrand examine lads price
11.4 and the querns. of goods ket
hint. Remember his numbers, 7land
174Tederal street, Allegheny City. atw:'
th D r ee n t Wh w a o a dTh a o r n nob nds O f e d cei * t
and gentlemen flatter themselves that
they can deeelvo their friends by theme of
nature sth. te e tht inn 'never replace
in the Savo your teeth by
using 'Ward'. Mehl and Powdered Den
trillee. Sold wholesale and retail by
&worth - Fleming, So. ST Market street,
and by all druggisttt.
Dry. Geode' at Whole:lie—we in
vite thopartioular attention of buyers at
wholussio to our complete stock of alike
drams goods, and all kinds of fancy and
staple goods, and to the fact that we sell
er. the lowest t astern prices, and cut,
goods to suit purchasers.
. J. W. Bans= & C 0.,,
• 59 Market strpet.
To Falunlee,--Go to Arthur IClrlek
Grocery Store, leos, 172 and 174 Federal
street, Allegheny, and buy your Sager
for putting up &ult. Re has the largest,
hest and cheapest stock hi the city. , Call
and nee for yourselves, 4 yrw,,
. .
somethlak Pare.—The. Teem, Coffees;
Sagan, Sploot ke., sold et- Kirk's Gro
cery Stare,...ltoe. 172 and 174 Federal
street, Allegheny, are warranted to be
the were beat In the market. Call' and
get allikte
,- • , env*
the brea a th of
tlivon Who
u ln se
JWar dls
Fluid and powdered Dentlfrice. Sold
wholesale and rebut by Josarw Fmt
tuo, Xo. 84 Merle et street, and all drug-
GbriP Groceries:4'or cheap Gro
ceries and sornettdttg goal, go to Arthur
Kirk's Grocery' Store, Nos- 172 and 174
Federal street, Allegheny. MW
BM Ear, Throat, Ll7llO
DMELSES and 0AT4111.88. amixesarallY
treated by. Dr. .bony 134 Smithfield
street. A book by mall a! amts.
litag Mori. look to ritir Intoreviieby
buying your hug iuld cape at .t.ho Now
York Ilactif and locya% fur hou!te No.
,afes‘ - Yers,All. , the latest styles, of
hats caps suid lad' itsrlyrst the New'
York Store, , No.t2 St; Crisinstree.At
SiyO.LUITTUIti, ..
A lame sheet, nontatatag TIRTY4MX COL
UMNS at lotmeathannsatlair matter, Inclualmr
lemllmaEdltorlals, latest Maws by Salem& urn
ralMblo Mellen, Matter for elm Family.,
and fallert and moat tellable Fluancial smd Comr•
menial Market ROP2IIII riVta by'say pagr I.
the 51,y. No Farmer, Ifechanto er Sereb e nt
zee:d be .: -
Ylazul tat nix Wsicir wan-rm:
Slule Snaterlber µAL
eioesof •
CI OA of en 1.11
oue copy of paper to the parson antlang
op the dub, AdditlON• We"e e t a be.'" at
any Was, at Club mime.
NOTICa rd Scvaculazzi.—r* aftriAt
paper, ba suet sad woolly letall 41 , 11thnk-rm
nut, es ere Iseue • Rodoesday OM*
scribers lumina nal oat, mall a mock. •
161 . 310ney by Draft. ISM.. MonajOMMML
or In Moglstoren LaMar*, mayb...e.e.melst.
Addroam ". OAZ6TTM'e
A Pult,--The nest best to a good puff
in a newapopOr 13, , to putt a good cigar.
'L'o have our readers smoke good cigars,
it is uenessary to tell them where to gat.
them. 'The hihise of IL ,t Jenkhison,
e Vcileral street, Allegheny, is a
house you can !devote rely noon getting
what tie, represent their cigars to
beep a large assortment of
the ccrc Tinos[ tagara and •a
'Cot.% of rabies, Call in and examintfor
year move s , 'NO. G Federal street; at bpd •
of Stlapoo,ion
Fate Jewelry „hi now being :obi at re-
Snccd rate, at the well known and flab.
ionablo Jestelrr' house of Itelncraan.
:Sternal a Seidle, rifth etreoL
'11; firm arc desirous of disposing of
their tare: ~tacit of watch,, clocks, Jew
elry, .iilrer ware, natal
ware, orna
ments, and a full line of goint in their
way, preVitlllS to reinoving to their pala
tial now store, whieh swill coon thilah
ed. Thane deslrinir good jewejr, - at fair
prices should. rail.
Geod.—Tim lams. shoes,
goiters, &e, for men, ladles and children,
kept at en \lorket street, ore made or
the vary brat material, and mad al low
.9 the lowest. All goods aro warranted
to give sutisfaction. ,If you wont some
thing good, and at gold prices, call at
Enblr's -Shoe noose, 89 snorkel street:
- • •
Val cable Vacant Lot on Secand Street,
near 31arltet, at auction, .on Satimlay,
October at 3 o'clock.r. st.- See ad
vertisement in auction column. Smith
son, Palmr.r . ..CCo., auctioneers. WE,!.
Mr - Aaditionai JA xixi Netters
bn Third
- LILACS - I{,EITER.—Oti Tutoiday,Oetobel 15th.
15.27, at lip residence of tha bride*, parents, TlT
the tteet • Dm. floweret. S. BLACK' and
LADE It., datottatt of Dr. Irtn. C. /teller. e 110(
thit city. •
J'qn" R. - 'lll i t%T4 th e?'lsll;i4.l
oit r ill't!" . 11 4 4 CiEol4k yrrrEas
71:t fdaccal will take plate on .1V groslan
the' lath 111 , 1.. at nine o'clock: a.N. Rerrion It
at. Pauli Cathedral:it ! , Ij .4.
I . O C II I I REV.—fIn 'atone:llr rdatit.the nth In
-81,8!th wife of T. W.
The funeral will take idacceo-DAT, (Redact.,
417.'01: u'cloark.p. m. , Rom their reahltileas
corner of Chadwlek and thcalunt ittects,
abetter.. Th. friend, of the .faelllT arrant-11.A
NEW ..1)VEIEL'1181111rE
lid Fourth Street, Pittsburgh. • L..
COFFINS, of all hinds; CRAPES. GLOVES, 1
'cry dretript lon of Funeral :Furnlehlng GooLa
herntshed. ffloolos open day end night. Hem"
and Corm:gnu throtelsed. •
R eranuucre—Rer, fhtrld Kerr. D. D.,17. err.
M. W. &embus, D. K.,- ;7 llamas Ex/oh—Fos,:
jaeotli.Alider. Eed. •
fa. " ilffINE/M,
KElt AND EMBALMED., "tsieeei4or to the
iata Sarnael K. Rodger . ..l Oblo'.litaraM. .1.
three doors hunt Beaces. Allegheny : Cl,. 'XII-
Borewood. Mahatmas, IValnut and
wood Inaltattoa Cora.. at the loannt:millimalr.
prices. llaarna *Pen at all hoar.' day Lad Wit&
Meant and Carriage, fartalthed on abort natlea
and on mat remonaldels.rma.
.P *l' A atp Z LaNIEClic
7'l DEBT* ICES. OMee, OR Ohltrl3troot.
*Boston!, MstalltO. tto•earocal and other a of
0n5."116 *complete stock alumna Busatabindp - .
Boods, an hand and fulmlabed at shored:at ilageac •
la lowest prices. eau, and - liras : SUMP; doe..
nes of Shit and - Made., Biretta, • (Mmlatpah.,
Baronets. Boggle,, Saddle Hanel, dt. MN,
for Mrs.
env:l6:7E43v InOtetLc woußt.
.k. d .trAKBIIIIGI t this Cemetery 9.4.6
Lawtenrurille, Pa: 011NANESAIALAPALL
warranted water . prOof. .tt
FkumirrEss BIEN..
lu rte.. G f the foto of so may. counterfeit,
note. r. non . In prenlatlon. Tonenthentlon la coaled
to wa
Oct of the best thtnp iteitnientalf ; • -
FOR 9I.ST1701111i) 001INTITIMEIT moan':
'Which comes at-tprice n't tido the teach Of
one. Save inoney by esthete at cute and teas
chasing' one, hoe.
Jeweleia azi Qpticians, •
11,1110111) AND NEW EDIODD.. •
Q111T73( •
Merchant 'Tailor.
Uas remorse] to No. tlfl Wrl e tE STUTZ; car
of Federal Street, subsea be Se nor' nn , strni . .
I Me nets awl extbotive stock of •
I fr.*" ' Vr ,r )Thioran i nTYA , OATINGI,
Whleb will be L.. to ostler In the mostait
4-I,l .46:l A ViAritgiTutitoergl:tr.P.tadk
will be sold oa rel 7 reasonable terms.
It. SMITH. Yerchum Tailor, • .
ou Err., bor. of • .
• 14t• gad commedl..
Double Brick Blandon BorBN
Stmt. No. ni WAS/31561'0N !MEET, AEG,
ghang Mtn containing ttdritan larginni wsi
*natal comae. beide, Anthem. p.nt,i ay
nabbed basement. all or Uri ntoat online styli,
aad latest Impronments, &cranial aril ilaptol,
&ricrac,' concaolanca.
The Loths 00 by 820 Feet.
A good Stable oaths backend. sy
of the choicest
Peach Trees, Grapes is other Frait,
nave been cue - linty Mleeteel im inittratod ten
bearing mormiti, tairsiber !veldt flinty shrub.
b• 7. Tiennitleally arranged over Om tat, n
Mg beauty and refinement throoebont.
Rad Elamite mind leannace Ara
Or, SON% P. Matra' & V - RO
October ith.*Os7.
Merchant . tailor,
car. Penn and Pt. Clair Streets.
nt.. ~...e t,r arormaß . .
aW th . yeLli. Jo 6coet . l th.t M. nlork of~~
Is 'Cow - Closcsaple•be.
SEWING AND 11NT*0N21 . 01.13
nom , : SO ILUIPLZ.
/corm PO 1:111711.ADLIP.
X uNIF: wire No ■s3T vAt.
t!913L71 inrsorsusitip.
Ito. 27 FIFTH 1111121.14
Practical F u‘nitur, Manufacturers;
- -
Caen atTle. of FtraNnISEL eanasatly ee
HORSEeI FOR 841 s.
Ona ine large ILAT M-A51...-evs,years6l.2.
.llable Yoe fnialty barouthei- one tun
ilnuaght 11URar.. sad one 'MAR G. .ItOas
spline wagon ose. • ,•••.' •
mum wieo.pavd. H.«
aCIL3 EB,llEpr e
Ardor. Conon Mills, PityAsrgb.
limaohitureil ITICAUIIIXIMAL
. . asizomise Axe .