The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 10, 1867, Image 2
Q 150-, e 4 - iitbkat-h4miti mompip*m. Pgot.'LE.' If anyone factlaa been Daly proved 'sheik the - Alieri6an. 'people, it is that they are intialleutlY progreulve. The man or milli , who Would lead them must move or ewing- round the circle .or go back: , They will endure anything rather Riau Inactivity. They ask no rear, and will not be kept still. Let the path on which they are lead to right or wrong, to triumph %Slimmer, any must keep In Modem Let a 'conductor run &train on y? a awitcli, wait Ulf an hour. and then Inform his paseengers that they astir either watt two hoar,' longer or nos tim frisk-of collision with • train loin In the opposite direction before T!* b_ jog the next turn oat, and the I Probateity is • that they will vote three Wens to go On and take the 4sk.• The dulaCesin °going ahead" are ever pre. furred, by them,. to- the assurances of ratting 'all, and If hindered from going meth. ;right road they will go on.the This peculiarity 'was abundantly Inns.. tinted in their conduct of- the war. When the reverberation ot'the littmtari guns echoed OI'I gai land, they rose,i like • mounmln torrent,. to rush down and overtthebn rebellion. :Row easily, then, 4 :oald. the party in power , have . arca the rebellion tan Um Reif of Mimeo, without giving the rebels time to build a.-redoubt:or plant. an ,battle: But the pa rt y ln power was not a Party, -of motion.. With its honored and dm. am %presentative it planted itself scrota - the Ohumel of this torrent, built a dam; and made a little gate through which patriotism was permitted to dribble oat its waters at sock a rate that they were absorbed by the arid Sands of treason se they • lowed. When -Gem Fawner opened a alnice•way, there was a re. sewed rusb. Bat Kentucky was thrust Into the aperture, and the surging bil lews, swayed sad -circled, then swept Ahrongn crevices, and turned away into the dismal swamp of discussion about the constitutional tithes of traitors in arts to destroy the Constitution. Heti `‘they stagnated, and made • hatching ground Mr noisome reptiles not a fe*, and *Vial the air with pestilential vapori wide:alum poisoned the lifeof the nation with a bewildering doubt of the relative Vidal Of loyalty and treason. ' WLari Tairworr'• proclamation wall Issued the people of the North balled it 'with' a general acclaim. But three • 'promhtent papers, and one of these tlie Miasmal epvbliban , en_ tend any pro. even, but we, waited for Kentucky. Elbe V* behind inewitli• little petting and =axing would join the rank and file of loyal that*. Today: the - .'Cajon canes fearthe 'met Of this miserable mistake, this baiting between two opinions. The people acre: again reached the point Of enthusiasm . . which - ,lrtui damped mei tuned asio.4 by our . receding from Unit advance step. They were law 'Mini. Ihvy wished to lava their Goverment Onlbstittitionally.. Loyal mean latent. ready to work, many, of them in oppe. sition to the . private Indgment of their conductors, to convince the people thdt Kr. Luta:wee policy was beat, and, it . all events, that it was constitutional, and' Ihardtiwas, the Imperative - duty of all 14_,.4*41 )11w: We,..did sahibs hbi, but the OCCISIOII gave rise to so many arguments , sgains: emancipation, as la necessary result of rebellion, that it coat ea the liven tens of thousands to bring :it:neje:sit); of the people up to the point . trout which they bad been turned back, whtle hundreds of thousands, troubled tr.s the disasters thus ensured; came to ; . eiaciitdee 'the war and oppose °Teri. measure for carrying it on. When we.had been whipped into the measures necessary to whip the rebeli, and had lelpped them, they themselves were ready' to accept life on any term's, and abialtrind people were ready for total oistrartchisernent of every rebel, (or lire: and for the hanging or all the leadera 'Why they , ware not only ready, but de manded' these measurer,. After 3fr. "Li:scores death they clamorouslYealled for vengeance and to have treason made Zama' odiona ,Their impatience wan scareelyieatrabred, by Mr. ,Joasson's promtswa' until Congress met. With whit - bona and joy their meeting was ladled I Then, the people confidently expected prompt action. Treason was to be made Orial/S; traitors were to be wunialuad; and the fruits of our war were _to be gathered. To this Jost expectation ,Ovitiieas responded by halting; -besits tingi.blocking up and denting back the mortar enttmaiasm. Congreu would 's:got go 'forward. The people have wear , led of waiting for them to punish the 'then of our prisoners of war; for 'then to remove the traitor who dirgri, ola Our Presidential cline; Ladles -stet-_ tined blinself by making treason honor sada_ and .papiliable. Congress , would Lot sitoieoribeit ati snail'apsce. The people are tired of having the train of ,pripprossAitting. on a switch, awaiting aities of ANDAZW .lotutsok, and have voted to so ahead and rise a smash , t espek7 coming incollision whittles rev: elution threatened by a reorganized re, irittativoi. Doves ow THREE A. widow, Mrs. .Blankenship, Hying near Bowling Green, my., went to a zWn au . wish' taking with her her entire ' family, two little sous and a baby laugh. lei; renewed by' their dog. The' 40$ ran off a short distance Into the woodi, and,herpos barking . . furiously.. It wig thought lie - had treed some game, and with the mother's consent, the little fel .,lowa to sectire it. The game MOT ' ad to be ;large rattleimake.. They were too Will - to " - know the nature of-the avatar% And delighted by ha OW:4Z% opirg, the EMI* ran to pitch the prize, ar-44 4 7i414.r:rik gin him, brother.? The venomous reptile darted, and struck its Venomous fangs: again and again into the flesh of the glowing, eager child, and woundits terrible Nidt emit him. .....7oungerbrount ran to his rescue, find was also repeatedly bitten. Their . fitiilaaia bitodght the' Metier. When the arrived * elfieet boy was dead, and younger.6a 'ired but 164 enough to trltathad - hippeqed. The snake )tarl crawledoff, and alone in the woods, ;with the tectened and swollen carpets tirf her zwodiarlings, Abe mother, for a forget her infant down by" thirun: _ Foaramg to her she toned the corpse of beg baby girl in the wash - tub.. She bad ....Willed to it. and fallen in head foremost. Who found her,or Lott she found arsis tenor tv bring to her desolate home all that-wits left of her children is not told, bat the Bowling Green Democrat, which elves the account, says the poor mother is not quite bereft of reason, and that the Mat bee creased a prefonad eympatby in 1/m10:ale community. Ast iicionsAxT "U bits bead deeded ,by the United States District Court of Reorgia, confirming the put , charier inmate for Contederatemeney. Dean acid tda estate to You'd& in 11164 tior` Confederate money, and afterward tried to annul the sale cm ar whaler the nature of the consideration, but failed. Judo Erskine dismissed the bill sud attuned the purchase. The Olechtustl Gautto says: "Tbf can hu excited a great deal of Interest, and is, perhaps, the most importing pee to the Southern people decided elace the Cloie of tha was." .1 Taira.loyau Confenenos, at Its recent psalms In Cleveland, after a eplcji de bate, adopted a report in favor of woman .I•antfrage....Rev. Dr. Baker, of Newrork, "Teo long hare 1 placed_ woman fifile - list . Of Oolored men and Idiots. One of the best Judges In Israel wawa woman, and ln the days or the Apostles Mare wore tleimmeasea.“ GEWEELAVNEWS: - —California miners are ...Stang an diamonds. —A colony of English farmers to ex pected In Tennessee. —China has discovered petroleum. Unfortunate Chinamen, Iron, lead and alum have been recently discovered In Tennessee. —Rlatorl disdains botela anet.oecurdee • private rteddanee i• New Yea*: —The workman OLPiris are : del:ll4'4- Ln bread and threatening bullet& —Sixty million pounds or tea baysbeen eblpped from Chb,11,4,1, , thin aessoo.:- „, _Fin mn persons ars dallirtin over or knocked down It the street. of Paris. —Competition has placed the fare from New York to Albany, 150 miles, at fifty pinta —ln Vienna,' last year, - :the legitimate births were 12,843, and (be illegitimate . . —An Insane lignordeiier scca u i lylecamo...oM2l2Qlllld-or a „hand- —Sr. Stephen's ThinrituiCethelle in New York, his the pretty little In cam! pf 550,000. —A neat Tentirelng fashion fiord . Paris dirnektrtarnamented with death'e heeds ntiont the bottana..: ' - — The storms In Kgiatney have dam. nged the Sainte and other hedges about that %%arming lake. - /tiutror connects diorama of McClel lan:with the superintendency of the New yorkyentnd Ealimad. . . - • • A,Sotne Bangor haae-ballLata felted that Incoet them one -dollar each to In deo In the nationalgatution Sunday, -.The 'venerable Thomoa Ewing. of Ohlca %delivered of the opinion that's :qopperhead .• la a cross between a: traitor n4d-sspy." . An Illinoisan, who WU stabbed in the bank some twelve years alnee, re cently ocraghednp an inth , ittnl a halt of knife blade. —An eght foot alligator recently Made its deb= at West Batonßange. A crowd With &XVI, Teliarelit and - guns ourrom i d "ed bird, nod, after hard fight, kßled . —An Oman-grinder at Norwich, Conn., displays on the sides of .hla, Mate 'meat, neatlyltamaka divorce from Ida la a totter of dianitteal from a. church, anft•a reommneculatlon of charatiter. .--ScgrOp tillages are reivOrtlied far sale at Taunton, England, and in the adver tbSement is stated that "each of these _houses will give the franchise to the oc cupies', tinder the now reform bill." 1- --This Herald Minks that Itudihien ',and G. F. Train are much alike, "both Wog so far above ordinary unde,nstand lug as to be incomprehensible alike in silence and utterance." Train has got beyond budding and taken to blowing. . —The - leading Baptiat, Paper .of _Eng land declares that the mmtsters Unmet delights to- honor are the men of great physical' bulk—Abe fat Mtn, in other words. :Where then would poor little St. Paul have been among the English -I'he latest hymn of extraordmary popularity In England is entitled "Par edge."lt has quite equalled In general acceptation, the zarell-known "Jernsa leturt the Golden," and wilt soon be in trodtined in some of ttudoading churches halt& country. , —At the opening of the Parliament at Berlin there appeared In the reporters' gallery a female correspondent of the Sprinield Tour not, and Quincy Wing, end g e has con doned there triber piece, greatly to the surprise of all Germany. —ln London the mode of selecting the candidates for Lord Mayor is - eogiWomee curious. In theory all the Aldermen of the city who have Ailed the Milos of COM , it/ are eligible, but the enigma la to select (or Lord Mayor, - the Alderman next in official seniority to the actual ineumbeat. This saves an immense amount of trouble. —The Canadian Parliament, which Is ‘to assemble in November, is to charter, as soon as possible, a railload to connect Halifax with the IStailwrence river, and to provide for the construction Land com pletion - of the road with all practical speed. This duty laineolatfect in therm of the Briturti Parliament which created the Dominion of Caliads.' —The number of suicides In England, according to a report of the Registrar General, averages LaCKI annually, and va ries from 64 to 70 annually for each mill ion of the poptlatlon. Hanging is the death generally adopted by, suicides, more than two F ra n ce f them adopting this mode. In the annual rate le 110 per million : Of the population,; In Belgium, 46; Italy, 30; and Spain —The adulteration the Chi- nese before it is eblri of d tea la com plained of in foreign pavers. tto said to be the custonsef the Chinese to mix with their apringgrown tea the old and witherea leaves of the previous meson's yit6d, and' thin has been carried on tO so greet an extent that the ripeneis and richness of the Hamar of the tea are destroyed, and the price bi China la greatly depressed. —A eialpmester, whose vessel carried a cargo of cotton recently from New. Or lean. to Ltverpool.exhibiteckla ths lake, eity a box of inciter. matches, vvidch was accidentally dlsoovered In ar bale - don lon which wee bebm.placed on_ the ves sel at New Orleatus. - Wbetber ills match es were placed in the bats by accident or design, is not known, bat it is end that this is not the Brat time such a discovery hae been made. . --The Athens, (Tenn..) Repablionlaya that two men in that vicinity truth a bre around a now that they were attempting LO drlye, in order to force her to get up. eittlthe poor animal died under the tor ton. A day or two after this occurrence armor Sumo men had amnion to pans by Mescal° of tile cruelty, when his horse became frightened at the deadens'' threw rider, - .breaking hie, arm ant i. seri ously Injuring him °Literalist. —Australia Is progressing in wealth. andlhe , region ; rapidly of that In 1 the imports is in. tin A.ustrallanoolimin B6s teacher[ $1755,, 000,000 acalthe exports 11150.000,000. Within the last sixteen years, blew South Wales and Victoria .yielded $750,008,030 worth of gold, and New South Wain bus pro- diaced 5,000,000 tons of coal.. South Aus tralia ban ateo,within the last ten years, exported =,oott,ooo srprth Of copper. — A SPrOPocol rallwav' taonsolidetton of importance Is mentioned in the New York faammercial.ddrertiscr. That jour nal Sant the 'plan la to consolidate the New Seaei Central, Camden and Am. boy, andPanntrylvanta Central railroads, with West.rn connections and the Pa cific Railroad, an that by 1810 three years from the present time, tinceongefti can take the canal Jersey City. and go through without change to San Francis. co. The undertaking la certainly ono of great magnitude. —Tito population of the. earth to esti mated by a German statist at 1,360, 000,000. of whom 266,000,000 axe in En. rope, 796,000,000 in Asia, 3.660,000 in Aus tralia and Polynesia, 188,000 In Africa, and 74,600,000 in America. nu esti mats, it is acknowledged, la only an ap. proximation; for the statist admits that t is imposslidato arrive at anything like an sccuratestatoment of )be population of Ail/Land Africa, there being no cis anaor..othar ratans Of ascertaining the nmnberof inhabitants in those portions of the globs. • . —lna Peoria (DI.) Troaseript says: A single mud puddle had ooetthe city of Nods MASA and Vibe attorney's' fees, and bother of followingla suit up to the Supreme Court and boob be added, it will amount usat leasts thousand more. Seven thassand dollarafor mud-pud dle! Dow's that for high? Everybody knows that. Use . /Corrine: , suit, that bee dragged aiming for years here; how the city reconstructed its streets, and left a large mud-puddle before the door of Dr. Nevins' Water Cure establuihm.nt; bow the patients left. his institution, owing, be said, to - th e aforesaid mu d puddle. Hence the snit. ' —The defaulting cashier of the First National Bank In Now Milford, Conn, watt a deacon of the church, and 19.1 treasurer, altogether &very respectable man. He stole from the bank arid from town 06,000, but was adstsed andsJ• lOwed to make his escape, after turning over his property, about slb,ooo, to par tially cover .hts thefts. The Hartford Courant gets indignant endears: "There has not been a!reapectablo man' wit to Penitentiary these 'Moen yearn, though there have been doyen eases of grow. frauds, theft, and defalcations, to the damage of our hanks and Insurance companies, and several cases of forgery, by mm who eussd high in the own ennui, ty and in corns cases In the church.' PERSONAL. —A. bronze statue of Charlemagne to to be erected in Llep,' —Mara Is • 'lariat that Men* Butler was poisoned by Ids negrdba. —Rev Ur. Slum:wok cir Eng. tarot is on crLal for hahltnal dr unker ucco • IfiseShore who married Mr. How ard In. Washeardon, received $ 10 0,00) worth of bridal preening. . —Fernando Wood auk' be can take the steamer for Europe, and come back . the Mayor of New York. —Master Coker, the once celebrated boy — soprano, ball yterday to remade Zogbutd. v oic e hne oomp/etely • Thomas A. Jenckes, the anthor oft e—Hon. Bankrupt hall, la one of the Bret eoplloanto under it for relief from Indebt. bfortort Pato has been roalected wine President of a Bible Baton. which la probably Maapreealbly gratifying to his creditors. -. —Elias fown, Jr, was ''cured" by a clairvoyant, but itopmdently • caught cold and brouttlit on a new and. -fatal attack of hie disarm. lase Pattie Dahlgren, a slater of Ad. Mind Dahlgren, is soon to be married to a New York gentleman- nted Bead, who has an bloom cf IKoo mi o per antturu. —Loud Bionghana has just. puma hie birthday—but whether In tua ei g h t , eighth or hls eighty-ninth he. hit:malt does not know. 'Be 'still, notaltut all by coastal powers. Vft.le CTeits: , The rdttor of the Albany Knickerbocker is In Europe, and sends the following account of the general employment of females: The women, by the way, do nearly, all the trading in Ireland. At. our hotel a woman shows yon to your room, you pay your bill to a woman, and you are politely bowed out of the house by the housekeeper. It is rare to findraftnall store in Cork where a female is not seat behind the minter. We are told that tile' same thing' prevallallrougbout all the British provinces. The reason glvim for employing them Is that their follies are not only lead numerous, but much lower.price& Females may sport fifty dollar mantles, but they never go =fifty dollar "bustet'l Females. never vend' a whole w.ek's 'wager, on billiard table. Girls never "put the party through," kick up a row and get dragged to the station house. Fast horse! they avoid, mid roam. fables arid- &Ma Who ever saw a female hanging round a gambling table, or betting her last five dollars that she can toll where the "Itttlt - after the sum wen shut, rambling up Ilroadway,"ensingtimuder t " and break ing things? WhOcvarsaW a respectable girl knocking over dry goods boxes and standing "M. IVe" on their heads? No onep rind yot. respectable young men do these things_ nightly. When was a fe male clerk ever arrested fot having a 'hmspicions character" locked up In the store with her after midnight? In view of all thee* faces, is It any wonder that themerchanta on this aide run to female clerks? . X,ondoa at Matt. A writer in. nuclei t'a Magazine , for September,' gives the following deserlp- tion of the view of London he obtained by a balloon ascent at night: i t 'London; in its colon an 'Magnitude, In the whelk, .of Its 'Metre ;tan. gran deur, I. to be men .ohly .fro Abe air.. I bate floated slowly over. t the evening closed in, and watched, 'ill rename, the lighting et the limpet: tZt egpvi he in that?! Not dothlu partic iy striking. :it yen only terrify , yo , Ina victual lamplighter from your , window: But Rh a different thing when the subtle flame blunts along; visible in Its glitter- Ingeoils for ;mile! of atreeta, and clasp lug the while rely in its folds likes car. pent of fire. In the parks and' on the bridges, on square and street,. out In the betiding wildernessesthat circle London, 'on see the lights . awaking. ;lazily, I remember, we dented that night over the city, with scarcely a breath of air Mums dio balloon; and then, thing'of the dead calm, we tried fora breeze by going up throughthe clouds. It.weill . Jong. Wren then, belbre we moved very briskly; but, when we dropped a little to reoonnoltre,. behold, London! We were obviotudy a few miles away from It; but there It was; and'ar‘ earlienus had ewe the swift gas rooting from street to street., eo now, all united In one mighty glare, the vigils light. of the wonderbil city hunk upon eyes that had been peering a moment before through Me gray folds ot.lts aloud IPsetwasUc Conveyance. The success of the last . pneumatie un dertaking In London, by which the mails and small parcels are shot from point to point with, great rapidity end at little met, has is:Maned the people of Se* YOOL to.oonaider the expecilencY. of edoptkig It. A company has, however, bean Mem ed In New. Jersey, which le about to ov ate an experimental lide between :New: ark an Jamey City., and so anticipate the Gotham:Mee. Their plan oontesmpMtsm a wooden tube three feet. In diameter; either elevated or resting on the ground; through: which ears will be driven at the rats of bob hundred miles an, un der an American patent... Tini.tubsi will cost about 1110,090 par mile. Should the undertaking work ai well In this coun try as It does In Europe, and accomplish the eXpectations of Its promoter!, it may very well be, that the invention will be applied in other cities and extended to other uses; in that compressed air will come to 'be a 'rival agent to • steam and heat and water power. We menses many advantagos, should the theory prove prem. Scaly advantageous and (amble. • A 'Pattie imam( is that of the bride mom that was to be, and who, having been shown some of his future sposa'e trousseau, asked how the long, white, heavy skirts In such piles were to be dis posal of. Wilsey are petticoats," answered the mother; "Alms pinion four of these unary dap." • "Upon my word," exclaimed Alice's . betrothed; "but whore'. the crincitnesf" ••Who wean crinolines now?" asked the tender lament, with disdain. "And what is the met of one of these frilled nionumentit" EfiENl2;ll=2 "And the washing?" • "Fhw franca , 'Tlease give my kind lore to Wm Alice, and say I can not afford to kiwi, a wife without a crichline?' — PORE LIQUORS, Pm Liston, • Pm Lams. Para Lissom. Pm User.. Lissom. Parart.tqaora. , Nor Asa:Waal !raven.. Tern aalttletal irvirerki. Came I nadir Pan Tbs. Ostaia Leer, latas. Sham Was, Maartra atlas. Barra lrlas, "Main llrlaa. Catarrhs arta. Para tualwa Catalftlll Wine. Pars Esparat eta. Pyre lambs Rash _ Pars •taatalea Ra a. Pars laps ra klray. Pure rya al MAT. Parana* W MILT. PM att • WIMP. AT JOSEPH Omar sr Om Maness sal Market sink•S. Cerear et Oa lklaaroalsa4 Alaska stmt. Ernsiatr. POISONIP. Tb. ]Obis .i 4 to lsereas rotas* WO ortacas Ulla peanuts* saibloto sgalot Pet•••• .144 11111 May Oat Se 4 4SUIS7 tattresmoSsa. sad ands 1. May Vann* WO* sae day PI 41,11Stya0 rota@ thaestalues. TOO an Isistolaa patios. almost as dolly. into* IMO tor et asibtak et Isklso of pneOlaess.. tbstaa •Unsa are la UM att. IS boa UM sUass. Nam Ls sarebooluitla Mos. as 11 stuiatlaas I. at Ibia Deism. otdosie too. otor lbs. moo uislah Ism_loss afoul lass bona • nor* tosskabl• out. 'to ar i o t at Isla PO ho. ailsa bit is. enema.. off Um onlmlsta tam illsost hap a•O ••• ea. salmon Imayav4 as sup!, Them ailataUso saurian a pso • 'Cos mimes *slit sissu la. pre glt.srersTrats":;•:.r."suugg_"/ Ira.= &mar. g ram so osomisa. • ' ae. Mop. suns qsamaily taeassa as as ot o suridaa6 - sasitashsast• Maltlainsetos oon thi.g s arsa—oth Uinta stislS sIIT track si• wy...,..5• .0.144055 t le malaria Wt •aus*lns tiara.. has atat 11s/aus. Ito out. Po la owlgerolo.a•••••110. sat to - .11 , - • from say Isar 41••••••m a l la Um dr latilot arras sale a tau Se Oats. am Islam SIM j4l ens 4.4 ousels at Um liMot usatessal ADO . 114 liaimaHlik , ty se surto. as a astraviurpnaporatiss ats stlnu testa bson• au es as. o ons. ass 4 Is mono poi • Om. • Onarll.l et Intl tartan, sit 0t1i.4 t=u . agst. • ••., • . • . 111.121f11 EWES IIESTOSIZO. Tbe cue to sr SIM es seeded wow *wee Woo . of Cb , Wiese ►OMW. or Buser musty. le see mailer maimed to Um seeserem • of WIN via= tenett wed te-On celled.. DI. Zit• Sista Maul. to that ktm HT Me seal* aso exill la maiming Ser . TO 1111T11/3 aro TIM IreCT SIGHT. Mee ►lber kb Mn basil base toe t •ar seethe. Sbo wee to WWI 6666 aM meld tat Cottetstat es► Mimi as le toast, eta mint It wet. Tbeemito to reaserebley es Madras of rem lies teen ere deemed be Meer. metros defames. ea the Saw pretest UM mere le norms, aM seeds/me Meese, was wader IDOOTOIt ILZTagell trutamit Ut two lessees, sae leave We apt4l•4 as ale idrsark Mr antler. flash P. Fuser.. Meet lopes sere setertalsed of Mr .ear. verbs lot elsel. Her emelt well Mews la Ms setsbber. hood wham Ws nettle. sad Me less mesoMl es °seal extresedlesry reemeer.. Wa the sedetalovoet. know of We eon Wines Slaw, and bow merles tselaresse ,So les ferta above Mated. • rave. r. mina. (Kroger.) - Alma Taylor &realm, Allegferf. LIAM XOCILINCIT. • . " Larti, MIES. -Ow Wee. I Da. 11T11211 Ulllpl . . 0011111111,T4 VOX BOOKS. 11... um PIMA triliarr.estpet I;i:4'a/A ill:4 344;4:4:•134 ill .1104 131216114.111; A tok ., Ana, roam Ampartiarnsents Mr 6 , 411121ram0 ouw, a afaaroold Gat 0,4141.M0ff sod LW , . . li a d a ctia oft!: " T FOREIGN WOOLFSB I For ran aod Whiter Wear, tidal's/ nue mew In Inqititltal Naomi for 1410171031{8. aZZLlTelligileg d alra e 41•11rslr valor manner, Iv Ms VEIT LOWIIT INIAMIET'IIICE. • GR4Y, rossißL& RHSE, lierohant Tailors, - No. es Flab ea, Pittoboroti. Qum/O/ CPU 11.4uwasa alb trollirtoos. Prtoolor•Clu. Val. a.l 1 4. 71:14 1 711 'C i i rtri l gt a 4 : l i i i s illi i it iP 4 D.p. .01 bows /Iso OF 1,6 /woos Com gitteli Oa too osit st.l Of o.ogooo/. oostit V lablio. aaa ty Wu., a a alloa or tots ergo, ortil . 47 . 40ci p ,,,,.. og to Timor R ot the 000 Clerk of Oosototttoo. 1.17.1r1ca CllTSAgtrar o Ord i r, NOTICE tuigemi -75 • V TM- f. .0114111 " 147 a, SW. 01.74111 TO LAIN-A' ,o_ll/"...1114ft :Nro. Cominvie .7. , %=kTr u N, grat "Or a 4.1 0 014/ irtquvu*., PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1867 ADVER tar'ILICIICANTILE LIERART LECTURIE4... TN ecTtput rorxrrnis meta &iris grg 01.! rpniswatioig==7.l! =YU moll the fehowlainpill _ liefsr, tataliaraaellutel,rtilnymnoae U.) tO tante • tons R. autraii, , DN. ROLLAND, RIMS DUNI naxgr s. r. waizeins. aro 'awes. • rh• Genoa Wee beet tera-to aletaemdu t i. With the •. et it orlatit ••••=lsWsraiell ease hie desrmtnetlea to appear berbohaelto. Kilo. or re•nite. ars tont:teat Of their ability to !crate him. 5 aeon Z Itketa trill lie tented lath Orteter. etW K atio..... ysait ee -opeoriaaLliitte-alLalto deelre”iweeear• ale calved la sentare, bathe Wetherell , the Om. mitten .4-hy.ltr. PalA,lsl4.44Wp ta , Vitireraltittut Men et tri eg , 404 1 7:117:: tlnt4l44i i /Hww /AL 8 !corr. f PD. V. . Jamtennasio ,0 0s4o.ffloccur. JO., 77' THE FORT;`,,,PITT • ..:, • --,:,,:,,-..!•,:.,-..':-..:..• L117;013,13;R:.j00. EMI C.puatf : .. :_5126 ; 000 *cr'etanr.-4. ai wiFTirr. Ilt• POR? riTT lallitnia'ff•-tutirfni par heads la rpm% 001111.1 • f P l IllomillVe /alp .. re4 pm a pymp taluankl tn ratra:Vgr; _ LAPS /WIZ EVII tin; merit 11264 lUegiery :OT CoonsualeatlosoS ):7 4.441,10. ad? Ammo to 11% • ' ' Yrrrestrasa, TX THE ORIPITMN9OOI.IIIT_OF accaaaeir cOtINTY; In' Mee lantWir or Sts estate A. LVAlis, assessed. Pities. 1011•11411.111.nrash p ollogoese wont,. pro.— as.• nvos.ll. To Ilion Pewee, Isie: se.deißelltalsto itconsos. mow. in. ..4 foT- SrY. '"" P `'N' lra ' 2l,V9 tll l.4., Its._,lt''#nd.r 0.4 116:si stra ,ordoi si.o.or.ts V. It.¢.; act 11,41. • Wtilisse Vend 4i Itllss Jose levens. oases ektid..asivelrlizaiNitd. 7 1r 4 0 . : " 1r r.i.:1•111114..11:r lapalalniol 'Mg oe2 to pommies !trios stove 4,20 l eartuosl 11 z k u 4 4rlo Is !•si• Ws, It ratil l aNth l e W pa THyp2'9.l44bLTMr:Y%"at a5...t00 o % d pa and.ln a ack masa. acid la proactraten• :WV.* law*: tbls 1.7.1 stump directs". as., at stitch Was L oop puce Tea 517 attgad If 70% Milt PtlfOtte MERagagE!a JOLT_ iMcMCD. 30.13,4 k M:IUUM,II wsoutsaLs /ND 111+' - fu &WI d , 1114.161 . so. in exiiii . nirax rr., - irrristrukett; metzmuntagr r if ii mam il ntrooott4f tar. i irs=l.s k i ariitAin ' lll 14Z1 4 alltbrigalmi sad °not , • • • Now. I. •S. Elm 'pond 'Agouties to Ili am mature ot Grown' Caslitlert. -r DORSI BILEAcIIED NEIMAN/. - Drowallii6ll64 Visions's. - Blaukits, Tor ante at taa lorait saill,lol . l . by WHITE, ORR &CO., LEAM. nouss Ann Lora AM , AtIOT/ON.- . POoktiVa- , OLL—ZIocro orrlL 50...d0s Um 'maim. **ADO •1!. nay M. • • I Or o . fliOal. WOO ol , ot silicone of Modals Moot ► Nod otob Looses• TOW I caol. aqiNa l . ollat fr. . s oa . - 1114,11• 1 : ire. t lb o lor.• l o owl •notos . own por ••• i f1.4ewnsoo.•000Oo . 1o11.4, ft r o .l' VroW•Tra_loo **" . __Lironlrith 0,1 ortelt% octet • ona * ooloog 21'07 . 10. O.Jla”liso ooze o a rs fma - loot aril. oxen...t•es tem.:ll4l.M P.M'. too, J. HIWOOOO. oA i r: . =t' WOOL - , 41 7 wmpersp notlis ea • via ElOcoo aro Wloooa SOLI loa, 1-10 sm. Um*. Toros coo. _ , • ocio ► A. WOOS &TM. Asettoioto.! Taiff""tririi jaw *.. * * l " l "T',. 4111DEBISON. &. Merchant Tailor% =I GENT'S Flp • Na WWI ISMIt NKr MINK 4.4 ....M. sir rin mid irtisa Rica it Cloth. Chtsalymmr, Yakuol, _Wyp tag ata . 4 ••• iu 1 . • • 01•40 ,:use:,.._ll; EUVVER & LONG ; =MI DRY GOODS, f i watg&niti. t.couscs akk )ass. w.xvirsoor c Otk, • 81 `fiMillithrxers. Ala; ♦ all otomi of ritta.llll%., Ma. 01110 al War ilakalllat of CM alikeast. MUS R MMI DRITOGIST o No:103 Filth Street; Flit:11111%h, • 4101 .0 14 P 1 4. 11 .1 CHIN Itllo Mill ON 111109. - .11==su SCHOOL BOONO '`Witotwatar. - L7.l,nturxrarmt.-n ""wa ictiaL-Umil innonar. tt*N ton taset'tarr. • •- • . . DAVIS; CLARKII 6 CO:, S 3 1300 S 333 Mg e 31131, r, os torte. 'B2O AcRES:, flood In Toss ir, 4 0111 - 94 LL iris D. NV 'SOUTH, 4.a.4 ,11111121AILVIT Esnicum„irdaato FOR SALE. 00 . poc. UNDEsuselnll) will 1 AIX ell ILVALIPII , 011 ERICETAUp; 4 , int 7 win , dibie to 411 8 0 0 tt butaits. The yild MI. OA Capron iriorcr.l4 stank, r. ALLININNIIT th 111. B.—Voluks!see 001 IM U 4.1. wke OM* hitness. ' offits OPZNIED THU DAT. lbe dew ilerrorllsh klrtj Colored Velvet Illebeite; . /el Bete, Piss aid Ear Diropoi Ja..o - .A.Tores, •R?H anuarr. FoR BALD. HORSES AND MULES. riit.lF `I 11}11•Mig TAW ...7.47.11ati IWLF.M" .411.43.1 f, Llvaty Ittsts,4„, onniallanijacty ant{ Citurcti avenue arsaiso• ochge , .4,001114.111. $15,000 TO m)" car *pip , • cc' a vatenterr,, • 'E. Mithasid Strut ant. .614. Gionion murex, CODY MAIRIFACTIIItiIt. ""`'''"lti'crailftra,ltr ameatizezr...r.ra.winr, L x. - - abowactures, of Ittirllfl urn Dotssiio ihaus; 1 1.2:1:cTe. t.... gisrart auk Owl. fl ~~~~~ =CI GOLD c! r Lula To* miss °rig& 4.1111 54=1,H110.04 kome , a ale um 1116.• Lid 11 4 'be Malt 14.4"Hrig***001. /4-I'.'/AtIV-4:4414-1- 2 -I , l+*-4 FALL dND IFINTBiI#°IIB* _ _ AT YARD :WtDE _ - CISM GOOD BLUME) 111M18. AT 26 (TITS 11Panfireyilesilld Flannels. CM, G AT 36 C OOD_.-PLAIDL FIARITIiar ) 41eb Poplin itilpea LadlisCaseilisses! spairls; Zephyr piitlfilisirls; , l shawihcbea N a hiertutking i WaterprooLciolb; ~fewAaod Fhwelru Itiller4141011100.01; ' • It 000114 act klatlin; ATTRANIVCSTOck, AT ,nmrials, Wholesale any Retail, WM . YAMS 180 and,lBB4ederalBtr iLLEOZIEJPY- virin MAgfiEILD &.- PRAIIIIE *LOITER PINE-CUT ,:TOBACCO This -Celebrated rine-Cut! Chely,l3lr, Tob acco . 11111 Is! peeteedY _ .suer eideelhane• et thoseoneee with Which th e ordliuuryi Chewing I'olllll3e° issteetsteei l . , 111.11110 01.11t111, C. IiA.ER los wawa Strad. CMITERS NEW Sl-10E HOUSE su annum us sum I BOOT;AND; IVOR HONK No. 47 Tifth• Street, V:Thnu•ilinta OuvrixArsi4 Whore It• rrperec - ar eel POUT& SHOKB sea Nl* row um. .411 , SO , 4:661042 0•1704•87 . 1011M1 lazakisdts.. Awe vie • 801 l Sad IN esssfasst, • •-•?' ':”DANing.•CARTER. FORFRAMINTTEIK 4 CROICE CORFU, PURE SPICES, 494 1 Pilif9AT's, N 0.243 Fifth f:trept. coons, MN PALL GOODS,t park Poplin kept; ' Perla Mid noplhos; Wilk!raillues; FreiitiL Nirritew; Liihsec ~WWl#erfor Black SIMS treni Veh'elis Donieffif GoWds; ike; AT IMO LOW pugs. JOHN PORTER _ 81/I . 4I=9IELICID iU Csouna errravvr wn • - • Rot 'amid Cold'Wniter; JOHN ]ll.. TILT.II, 'Phimeher anal iliss rater. SAT AlAnt/ Alninll. Pittsburgh ; and '63 FederAl Awes, -Allegheny. TEI COMPANY , No, 2 St. Clair titre ' NEW CII9P FINE TEAM, : ITIWIIA3I2O 1111S'IT.ASI "ELLIN. AT PIM TORK. 1 1 2101$1 sr,...ha lift:gateau alma se taro cool offNEMIC , 44 , re.a co.v, 4 arr. cLixi asset ...morn% tutu CUTAXLISI. CAYANAOIEI/16 CO 9 10.11,1 nun • • <Opposlie Hatel;) 1111111133,1111 ell AI. km:tzar, Illyer*au, inimips,•l4.l PgAr.: o 4{ pim killWatloZM; ATOM 4,5 p: r lATANNIN .itur azi6..oasamitaiii. WV/Zama LIAM a au 1 131141.11411•14 ro. Crowe Inatatoro 116,1soutoot Tot to arfr 0 3' mull ) I, r:'77,7T46.*T.11114 tenatliti gatroliwPw'Reu' ...., R .”—,ll eq., /MAMMA %MA LIM% • t. • • irairiki alai& •ciiim **nil eno0" '1.13 NVTA.uv ISIS rlZlsausivetf TOTTEN & CO., .131 . 10113 - 1118 int ECU num FULTEFOUBRY, Mu aid Warebovse, 1 , 11 Weed 84 Especial a:taatleapavan to taa ciatialliolurs of lolling MIII and Blast Fur 'lace Inglnea feriliestilo, Elton WA Puiletiels Plata ChM and Loft Balla, cf any re ••aired alrnenallM,warrantad. and tern Nachiaea, Ernest , sPitiern ?Mock% Hat tllae Y Ipea. —.HYR~R:C~iAAS! and_ W IpAo~r Heidi. • Totten's Patent Grooved QUI Eville•iikeible ter DAB InOW Ai OTICIt.. ospeelliq far rOtnans MI mow. We Wu umle Mite soils .tor 51521.5 ineb. amen. ht 11 trel ' eglirTn e t U rr l AVlgf . u ' rtior, i 7g7 tho Tatman of ,rforring to was tourrolog . tosia. Prrtei o, • • YIIIA , XEO y CO , AGM. C. !barn. Moo J e. Pa U.MC orb f l r W. Imo aids patrol' elm paws; *roma otall rolls to Mu ass fot ove tost. art reap se, Ana pnu nr rinuntry. The then to or. smooth. no, sorroce. end en. from r wale., and t conener Munn .5 rerporm of .nnunt adtrantune. mating teller Iron and of le IgeitArmil:tenc,affylufylAnyieuo4i GROIFIftIOI4 r rrereacrary STUL 14 ONJUI. . ANDO/150N, C OOOl . IlLsoofAcroreno of art Dederipidond Of -rood, Comer or Roar and first streets. PlTTeer2oll. Pert. T 116 T. Mr. _Roll. C. T o grooved chilled sods we're we procured from. you about Tgg': . 1 5 :1 " 4:4 9 =tr0r dtet.7rAvlngi WA=Vect::lrdl4:=4lt l "t_"""le ,, , , • Yo - k AfaIVION. COCA a co. • •-.• MACK 181. . ec 13N11 , 171114Z.5., ww•honotr. foot. 18, itiY. /Ir. hat C. 2hoent, Ptltatrotryit—awar gilt— I r a t l h ll to 7. 1 t Outcry lo relettun to your new tatrt gWed COW 8011. we Mo.@ to sag OW 4 ... 111 a numb le; i 11,1o. h. • emir :r7471: r0.;:4 'dhirxtrurtZ' 1.1 ■`"`":ll:l,l:ga.NTALVi: tr.r4,ll:Utt siirre U l an cry, our Meet as could not be had entattnaltha el •h ordbown groo hel.. MO lISTg la larelLN your gone ready for ots. la telly Q.-fourth tett. thaa 1 ott•mas when Wats Oadi kola have to lue 11T.V114 In the 011e lag lathe.' wall. Cl. advantage gained villitt You grooved 01111 goat ty ' that lbs whole tor t...the groove ts togrohnlyltard. repairing Ael r d ewt h or i tog2t=lr i =reand n ; M i l l igge b tf=ntrt iltrlitt="a e g 4.Sateveleg asstalwslaMy oftet..l anw jrUtVetgr wem I.: Age.. pleartn• la stattutne. ' LW.% or ball and_ Lea to glre your 4.4111 1;11111 Itollsttrtal. Heneetfaartara, think we are warrant. If, WWI. that =Sy %111 eventually east. o ace of Mt K 4114 segotelagly for hound, had Bove. ••:„,,, • all °then promptlyattandvd to - • MOM 011 WOlOll3, Mattfacinen Eureka Carbon Oil, TEM OZIABBATILD Sperm Lubricating Otis, CEDINCICAL LINSEED' OIL, Crude, Banned and neibeieatlng <Mx Itard. neon% Muds end Nue OWL , B. C. .11.A.CHESNEY, Agent.; 19 Irwin Street, oet.ser rltreatnnin, QUARTERLY STATEDIENT rirrnotiroa NATIONAL . saior or cox MLEOZ. kmeglgl4l%.r ***** . 4511 , 41 it **** ""* **** TOjp, With Iththiithr im ., 06 e i Tl it eAral.:radrt, N &UMW tad . Z'Stal Stoet • a20,t03 a trotlatlon ' 40.0 X, Cil ethos* . • ."'- ' SaCkm ID Due BMus sad Swam.— max 24,- ix A m gt. 11141. Ma unpaid. sparnt /and azd From. • ' flat a .1 banl . 4411117 tot 12.• foowtdairti • tray •b•Lirort of IE7 tbo Coaspintla of tia . • Carnal),, W. IL SCIIIIEIII & 'CO. ; 31 Fifth Street, firs sow!oors th• gaff, tote ones of FALIT4ND,WINTER BOOTS, " SHOES AND ',GAITERS, For Seats, Ladles, Boyo Monti. Thf trill ken. offered no mar pain. Alm.. VMS! Ellf%ll4oflA.llollSXKlff Ol OBILDREN'a • SHOES, 00 ViVl a. itf'arsnrk. 4 g:tr:;4lll7l.:l3. ft ; s ap. assirth sotr.ot. NtICIDCOEir. BOYS; CLOT TG. ilSfirre, I Litt* ui Caplet. Inotteet BOTV. Tann up . C 6 ILDIE3II CLOTHING OVA Tl l rlt.L lIESSON. few styles WI taw cenow.. 1,411 W elllllllllO. ••' • No. 47 St. gate Street.. - GRAY' SD LC. GAN. HOPE SPICE MILLS. - pllll/rt.. (NA. IrOVIXI: ':e sezrz.ri, thitaiisen f. isianictirsts tej paniers all 1111114 Of SIVIIJ It. A 1 , [1.1 11}1 Mg,: 2 14 tt 111% 10,5'111=O= *Ad .0 , 4111_11h pYd. JekaasUaig glow be 41 . 401 , 1 , WWI) , Flop win 11/1 tor lioani .M .7. MA:lllllrWir jo!Ern 14 " r, FURNITITRE s . ao. esan wrioure. In ounatuum mninison. Tyr AE lINIVERNAIL CLO'II7EB w atm rt, lb Oeg le heels snit the ppvg .•••"" ll ergeeZeTrafinl tit * : riantr. • etothee teem. elem. foyer mule ennyth saw. *4 I•tek un i oarre reom o tir t i r FiFt "". llol4. lt ttitr r ia a ' a "" • *eV - • hole watt fortlasoormitv. / 1 / I •III. I LEsIIMENSTEIRIF, . . . . sztraar.t. orr..4.rszcnixx r, . r hearth drarabova tilsamid.l Clibls Wiz. 8 Table atlery AI3I 31311 N Pa 201116 Atveryttlar npalted lu ny elms itcni inland. Call sad issa,ine oleic BEDDING PLANTS.. . war" lugs stock et ` Hoses, Geranljuss, Verbenas, Sie” Is blemi t at W 041liad Onmintonsosio. 40/I.WIL arinanocat. 14.14 fare eolith:wow. MEM R . P. GETTY, I=l atioloa •Wines and Liquors, acCigel N. Z. LW. OlflOsi. Alm Dia*ND Mtn AM./am! aim ra Cams; FAMILY' rukna, . lliai frd'ut Etat - tidy taw ...NI Mr Sal. at latrut eaaskst rates, at . . , ,11111.1110101.4E/1.1.41111r,. no. I.l43lansond Pat' b Terminal.. alaoaaasiivermi dos, Pm° ' O 'ENs. [,: • OP . AKIM Wrtz.z. Os 'saw. .1 T.Latlan .• 4 told aad hY sirerrsioxi. • • ; .rna. 'mamma BMUI & B &Mn, .dUA - um nrehrgritr.-hrgliftin • I 1.1. V il la T B ' LI. • I:I• in ls/ma Vomeiy, e = Masa mp, • QrAnTEnLy IMPORT 01,192 EXCIIASGL XAZIONAL BANK l'lTTlaCieCtf, October T. INST. Natea.d Dills Discoanted SIAM= 08 D. S. Bonds deposited tosecure Circulation 4 ..... ....$1,01)3110 • 11. B. Bonds deposited . to secure Dessaslts.. 15 0.1911.13-400d01:0 rid gp.le mil caber Lawful Money.: 33343 DT Nratieltal Canner ...... 14111 00 - cash-5tem,....{.........._ mum is— Ka/ ea Doe ligillanlra /o.lea 53 Real Zeta. ' 5.1.11 M 00 Saxe. end Saluileve 23 700 :I l- ------ Capital Stock 0051112 aD DI ki. TakTsloial -National Clisciation eO.( mm State 40 51, . 754 CO guldlvidual Deposits.-- lalqki ie tided Stades Popoisits.. 5u..11 in— 4.11. 3 3.5 it •to Bank. -: lob i 0.109 It 51.1 el I I certifo that the above la 190 abstract of tam 99=911 safe to too 'Crooptrodor of Cos. - • QUAAIPMMT. firATMIEST P ?j I-: ( .., d . r : ~,,i. NATIONAL ERNE LOUIS U. b. Bond. add &mania IMMO 00 Savona.. anal Tasee Uv w a 1 y DauLand Bantam. 36.350 a Taodat.. AI M& a.h. ea fan ether 171& . 17_ !Umtata.. & Cll.ll MM.' • 11 21, 17— 101.327 C etrVa l ta l: tlO B ll "'k • 11.01.744166 DI•11101.111 Unpaid lite.nt 0 • Contingent Yana and 0.040 auilty 1.4 the above • tateoont le Coval 'bet X B. surzwewd.r.. QIIARTERLY REPORT ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK. ..!rrrrnsF..aast.liert,lll7. I ''ANlgrre• Notts use Bllls•Dleconeted ... .... Beads nee Mot tasees.... ..... te,go United Cat. Mends Depothe4 to Be- • • enre Clreelatlera: CIAO 00 tede and cbcylemfel Money 190/ Di culatlng Mates of Nll.lonal Banta:. • 3 1010 a canting Notes of Bata Banta - to cash Itelns.elestleg house 13.eala,bo. et 194 t ztz . 111 . 11•1t• see ..... and Taco. 70111.11 • - Capaslßto. National Orenl4ll4. • Bute Clrettation Individual 3314144. s unpald Barpturrund .4 Kartna.. Duos to 8.. ao4 Butte. I certify -that the above is a true abstracter the statement Made to the Consist..Merof the Cunene), en. QIIARTERLY STATEMENT 01 26! - • • 1601 1 . 14 S 1 1 / 1 1111,11 USK 0t Pllllll/1611 • Not" and Ulm dlyeanntad...-. ...... 81114171 47 U. 8. SabarMo. at coat Iba.lba &Wig, laraltdra, do TM= m . !Legal Tewar New, cheeky. al SU 1. DI. by Balk and Dukes...... yag,lS Expenses an/ taxa. 1.11(8 castal !10ck......._..... D.. (.l spa Po rol n Prod . '" Dividends Dad " I eortlly that the shove Is • cornet abetrect from revert to the Chneetroller of the Cartettee: .0 , c1'5. - itn 7th. IN7. = QUARTERLY .STATEIIMa'• rum rAriorAi rasa or ninon:rams == Mitzi. and Discounts 17•Ibed. Mateo „' • 4M-71' 1 Due Don lisolts sod • 04...grI c =uder Now,— 60 C k iasi=unil "4' st , 117 i ft 88.0..... =mi I=l amine.% rud asa alu r* man teem we e atm. al. UOIDy stellar at tba Catreilev. """ k"" ott J. D. 5013L1..i. catalar. QUARTERLY STATERJERT .1.26 KILNIITACTUEERS , A • . • • . . aping . ic 'ek.,:eav g .m.s. v .. .c....6—, K m National Ban ClocoLotio ... n 4244.11 On . My Depoatters. .. ' MCI ta In. onaar Hank, ' akin Ma •,===...Y --.01-mc gateisad BMA Dleoletaloa ....... ....$ ;gain 64 ' Ituklag -11.132 le =4 Legal Tender to Nau a awl Cerrea male a ew gage a— la Leas ay ;Jen* 70 gait* tad ILtressee Lan Oareeaskeet gemlike leg acs so Ipgilaillg 44 The afore ..'M5t abstr ct Rue Qoart.crlit auLtx. scorr., ST.II7IIIIT BLOOD NATIONAL BANE • NoUs 4.4 lilt. Diuouttol . Utit . of • triatali Ilgstu Bonalts. • IP.Ces a) Cub Recant • ... .... . • .4.3 JIM full legal; ' • Lug • • ' 934104 Ca la pital Plata ijj CliaaUffla..••. Fla d 1.1.444 14 4,14001111440141 %NI 44 ,• Paia - Ygia o. Qicrmmsuur 'israiTmwm MHO NATIONAL BASK OT ALLIORENT. Loam mil Mammas. 47. /1. and Slomellam ~S 4,11 . 4 T o! D. Iltramks sad 13.k . <17; **** --':... ' .1:41. r 4 r a, o tamalapeol T :Voles ..... ... ' rms.* to otos otSolvem Este flanks . • 7,11111 DO mellows* emermos.. ... . . ..... . - Log 1 I n Tra" ,, ,J . .Mecto on **Mr /MOS. , SAW al *proses sad Taxes t _______l - A li - - Ptol Steck raid!, •••Skk• OD lakkdoal Depositors..lmiq , u, ,• r xte,=v------• .c . -ii- ea. 1i1V,VALT.17,,,..i ~ -rm. co eos co C.tingella !Dud ma ronka • :was k' . • . ~ • . . .1.Z04.47 ai . ar:Ang4l. i t r A;V:grtrfig a b it•Vk .1. P. PRILUP.P. CaOtter. QUARTERLY ISTATEREIYr OF TDE onlEar.2m NATIONAL ELIE. rznenuagar. olorYtra 7.1117. Notes and 8111,111scoonted $1.747.416 tr . U. S. Donis to wears arculaUe....• 114,04150 oug .... a. loAriLl'lto der Nakao 181.V.S a) mat ... ... ...;•1•• 111, so oll. co tzC. r: vsusTax,ether Bank.o,aaa .osoltaro.. I" 3:sma TZJULAZT:riIYGIWIIia " BMW. asid smog.... 4...0. 24 40.1 L 721311.11.121), Caoll4 Btock Nat&nal Ottccation.. ". ILltotelle $2 191.110 I drill', ISA Me &Dots te • tn. sbstirset tress lh. q ...t .tt Aston suds us lb* ttom.rollor of .; 'XL .1. X. //BADS. ir.;Cialtlar. 4 1=41314 WASHINGTON MILLS, %aft* litrut, ma WO erii Saga W. ANDERIMF , - Hasr4e.r. Of CONN Peri otiOrrgl) 1/14/0. Indus Wive fa 4r. 41174.4 or cher.. erala alai Meta 5a40.4 OW.. 01 issrlsoUte.• •• •• Minn 07 TEM WV um *MUT. Prrreurao.. uar. SONO. arDIVIDEND Mk 4. the Board of Dlioefors •r Ws Co m, ►.,. Ulf daf doctored a MONTHLY DiVIDEID Of FIVE 2111 Payable on and ater the 11th lett . at tee Mee The Treader Baas *lll tel elent teat, to itth to the IS* Le...J.', Utiles:lee. mem 011 , 1csOli 791:11 WM' HicxOtT t AIL asp 180 co.. BT.. VlTranClOn. rA. I lar -NOTICE.- THE NEAL BIC HOTilq. ° llt B .4l "- N9 ' o4 4 All Il.trA .rm ND bald at the Once. Or Lb* COMPann rim , - barna. on • t 12 okdock.teeen, tot the eleatioa of Stectoin tOr the en ear zed • tor . thersreseeetioe et Rteother b. tt, LS teut thee b boneatli Fete %he mentor. The pots mill be ones tors 11 - o'lleck M. to I ...rtiottastetat loots call be. closed tom the sth bt~h t ellb. • 1/14•5. B. SCCCES. boretetY• GrEITEL BEA:VILLE FEMALEIEMINART: • ?be Winter !eel!. twias.....Wovecober 41k. A dedoel.loo of liver rent. is xeele for the doalk. tare 0 , o'er/Men arn3 40t0101.• astotqtre 0091 Bev.:. Q. BIAIRT. p_D., LLD.. 4094. , • • • Hee. M. Mel% A, X.. Prtodpel. Or.Pro.r. I. L. R. IV XCICIII. A. IL oereltprie • P[zrmdaaS. oeseber 712, 11M7. 4....1.1 , q • OMR '.: . 5 DISSOVETTION. !pm IMEILIVEII, BAEN- A: oica - a , co: hu bean dissolved by warhal holm, :JOS &PH W. arrelOta Ow sold hLr lsgraest W ISANtIEL. P. HUEIVEH, who wILI ell clime to or km the Mho{ 3115:. VAS. ti.llolYra • CU.. at Nos. W eel Was held Meat. adnes. Ina he "W. do ohs prd. heeler del/We •hd•ltyrileTSX q. 1 ,7 ... • : - 71 • Lrierti vz !s, AA's -IL ho e , r I. aeet.H from tea arhi oinatrvim. ars*. Vie Ss uO., I cheerfully _retwarsheed th e hew 1= to eh.. Isrot.•l ore Matta. sad Oa =bile • . J'AU2. 4 W, •REKCIU4 • ' 'OO - PARTNERSH IP. ..... 1 1 1EIEVNIOCRS IGNEDInme I.; hay aseactsted teem.elna tagetlarardes th. laidTtwir S WlTlrati=y d rlrita n tratt: hasp et' dm yarrow. ga - ma.511 , ..bestqWea dm sadomer.of 0141014 arnd aria °Wen Set ohli. %ohms. we dye seorftMayttatiosi SOglea as • 15.12:417•120111 el=fViSrear 7• httahiligh. f.l49her 4 - U 1 -7 E=E3 .IAPITLITIZI. s. r. en strrst...4.:l-wc0xi0....!; it. aairs:or SP. Siff I .11 CO., Wholesale grocers, ROIL 27 and 72) Endildleld Bt, =ZI 'LIADILIfBB.' 1071 -..'.- 4831 , CO 154,495 fa 6.101 41 in,411,191 E. 3 • :. , DISSOLUTIQP.II.: • TuE Finn OF . lOCIIVCOMIZEI GUM I CM is this day Cram' BM of a.M, Th*Lbutatu t 4 • s. ww 40 AS slan EILTXIIII ott.tla assia, la. MB Liberty .t.,.. All pc:veastailatatl M Ta. qn...1 , 0 call an. soul. tlaalEarsociass. "than &myth; 0140010 1110011 1 / 1 0 the itylplll4 y!.s• prio !Nat tam lot rdetera°E' I:=2 =I . I TO OUR OLD CCIITODEIIII.. Haetvg rating frees- the•Wlielosste Wean filminess, we beg leave Se mos% coedltiulf Teem., :111114iTtlf.%°.11".&t= honslemos ef the very liberal manual tem i ugon begtowsigt epee eg • JO/J+ &VOL EZZEIII russoLorrios,—rtieS. Wittiter- , •••• slap extramt muter thpswea4 and erne of LA F:FERTY. Wei! Wissolvedon thel2th day; , of Bebtember,:llll6l mo.acou'ot. mum' teens: , he imanesar will be sealed I:7BOSILET IdLY -77./ttr. - • soszwr zArrEirr. - .1/031237 iterurr. ;CO-PARTNERSHIP. .• : TEE 113WIDElhilltINED • •PAYE eita , d Itito pultruselp twr antra"... et auabaturbar • • BEITIED PITIELEIIII. MT:Zinn= alltrillr' Tofekty i ..arng. Parriaz.±..P7r. en-ruscrwin, ostotersee. omits ; El= siono, oo mow to -405.2.47 43 93,60 ID C. 503 31 2.035 CO !MEE] I=2 =l= BEM:MEOW! IVMM as ORSOLUTION. OF PARTIIIMINIK NOTIOEI it. .111318kila that th. pa or BoWoorrtnr ®I LL TON. 100100 ilarldere Mselbastr, &fag rewtesee o We. ./b etteete ti tbeedrel we tee Ira lastaat, by eeitwel ameba. '-An 'aim Mete/ Wehrle Lulea wad Itypieral present. bum , and Ilbeee Welted entl reskilismellete Pedftrer to aowsurraig. Werbe to waterbed to War am beau= of the 'laid lb. Wx.mowsorrost, I= l 7 = 111 = .14 00-PLIGNIIIBHIP NOTIOE. MR. R.Rr.-Ripsuisex is lasso. alum wan, to Qattara= tit toot. no 'miasma - An 'bo contanOted tothithe styli • = PSMIXMiUt • OCtOber BEET a, nolizatolg, . At stm toner or Third aid Sri titan., 'Awn allorderumnil Iseelve.ppagyi ittWahonma examt.d wink dlivitah. ES:I:32 TELtICI TEAS! Of all Priam and Quality, at A. .136, I3R, 33.1'1E1. I=3 AHLIC3B - 724" 60 . 1 1-11, Goad " T 'Ziff-tAinicour, omumemal artliO /11rpra. 1 0: 1=at i: —.4111 , 1 trx<cacil Jstias; very 'gram{ itim......43,11 limet.T.rd IMMO ur Ax.r.seasxr. PA. th c4 l lll' - s• " : " " .6 •.. tirbps" mk ..• Cre . . 4 1 4 4 ,11 iMgrat u abgegrettra v ftJust Irtas any qa•atlty. IhnrittarbY Wall= =Mk allteliarßNALlMity on amen tr " =4attgrjktCll=iprt.VZMVad,. - CREAT.OPENiNC I ~MILLINERY 'GOODS, ON NONDAY - Ootilbii filth NV a. AFFELDER & CO.'S, Hw aa.Biarket Atreet, or 1414041• 14:141,11 irA_ Li.a au Mad. of. vavvre wor rWe ask ma azaminattain of glus, au. telt SIC znst stock aver opened ta ibtretty. sad urns tas= l =Zl P' r e t. ah:We 'ATELIMINaik 09454 Itailes J. N. I) 6.113j130X: ocrons.7„ wt. RIZIOUTIONS. gmA.rAmmanr... ... IINR1111) OM' & CO *,.....,........ -Mc , -.IWO •Wooer Orect. inV4tii i &Prii T gati r fAn: i , 14 " 2 1 a l :l47traleTß: •. . • OITA LIT mr.:.o. .. -II .i _7 l l.Bllofeyrr Clt . r;tlol us jati w tr V.l rutleWo op I liolgtos:iloo=iet . o Woet Worm Ih igf o ra`="4:l 7 6 si fa el Pam 1 TM: UNDERSIGNED' hawing I.:tented thelroleArtet7 rar the saw of COPLEY POT 'LAY. Darhierlil=eetge 11,92 . 1 f ri=lguettoreatedeilif , ,z,„atnm=t..v.:lTP esee and tessestft. , We sill teery pEoreloo of tee Thisme .014, Wee neeelas. The Way IV greesell ekeeteed .eael.r.etaleesy. - YOZiPitt West& • Mal eaeuenee 54. Pitheetrek. re. SAM CU 418.000 CO ti. 102 CO oe,s. 14,917 If 314 484 81 sCHOONNsicro. & soN white - lead-and Color Works, • wsrrsmsAo p wa, r . 'au On6laii'dq."*". rime — at imam ' "I"kamrsrertiiThittA WILLIAU atusaisa, =Ma=rl WE DE ESDAY, OCTOBEE Otb.lW. aostiza Uf nooitp. FiIT7'ffI3X7RGEL October Ob. 1147. =Nal ifoar.seinr rittabargt. Sept. SUL I=3 •lViaMl54 Y.d.nllt.,ailigimm SHEPI-lARDT _ . R 317 Liberty Street, P/TTABMIGH, PA. TO GLUM MIPPIaI . num. I EtTABLISIIIED EN rrespeleteritte the C'T~?v ~ 1 1NV4.77 °)Alir 1 0 lc lloirosa• FURNISHED. ROOM. - with boardted, 111.1. ystrate IXxX7 max and wife. 'Mtn IN xlessuttly located: add dtgr ended tedatudo, walk frost Reese: Adam. dad retextes. ha Old WOOL •'. earu-tz • Coot raiA 4=NO it•ikiiit:tzkri 51 FIFTH 'STREET. M'OALLUDI BROTHERS e►vc OS a►nu • THE FALL STYLES OF CARPETS, CLOTHS, Sco. I.3LOTW; Wide rem -IMG dr:DßupsitTs; Ton.artra, O superior article of Table piierlagi as ,extra qualitY of Rat CAUPSTSOLIaT and YARN 44 0. X!_ t3 ' McCALLTJM,. 8405., . . 151: Fifth - liitreet, Prima sad Wool Stec I 601 CA R-P' EVIL' :IVI MEILEIR WITH 01711 BMW tvmtvairlltWitaltrags • =0.74 9!.1101..e ma new 01:W1 114 0S, :LOW PRICED . ititamooL • • • • INGRAIN& - a i rjedlti V e W. =1 to otr In!"*"•01 OLIVER dr, , COMPAR'Ir iss* arnrikix Nprauicim. ANIEW FALL STOCK CARPETS! ricrowr SIERT LARGE STOCK OF -`English and American Bnessals t English Tapestry Brasses, Asserican Tapestry Beenelse linglishDruggets, American Drawls, !Medallion Droggets. We tier In., of our tu. rod .' . at =rofoco snout° sl i gioinglett soli, a nd to nig= BOYAR'', ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Street, oarnaaawr Raw a NM'S. BARGAINS IN CARPETS, Amr. 1 . 1.133 . 43.1=9. ALL-WOOL ILIGEtAIN% ZOOM= Mu ins 'Alm BRIIILISI CARIE7ETS, Gulf Inns wutata Clacked CHINA MATTINGS, OXIDIOXID TO SAN PIN X' D. . ,!A ileavy ihdoctloit Le' Late Pinata, liorMatia, 'et COWIIM, NOIL 71 and 73 1111311 treat. eat ti; tr. a am.. 11/11.2 eon cilia. sew *ad lOaar. arar Ham, glatirA Book loonk , WM . = sarwT. AUTUMN TRADE, 1887. WBLROY DIG *ON COMPOYe 54 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, Zficsw Ogres. Their FALL STOOK DOinnW Fain DRY GOODS' Acvsnr.„,s6 AND NOTIONS, GREAT VARIETY. ...111xsessatises aarlai webe. kept ens. Cash and Short Time Buyers ar.biviiss to szamlua . t.lhib Stalk. Itearsor. JAXES DIONJOS: roma Imams QWORIDI EIELIV.TEMPEIIIO6I STEAM POWER".. BRICK MACHINE, -ILIIIIIIIAOTLIEZD liTlll3l • , . . PITTWRIXII..I3B . DAMLO4IO3 SAD slum MANUMETVIIINGI CO. Tins liaellas tars the clef Abed ben the beak. blithest Ms mem alto, hy eoshlse no. *steamier .41,11, agar, 31!,11%,1:2111311Sitnipez iturprANY a l l '. p u aerep Witt egrlat lfee uses. Per <muss with the tweet. essta " , hart UM...a MOW tft• 11.1.11, thaw We US Utter Once teAre. Th. pqn.' of...Um dila by thls seohloe la trainee mete to St.luiter. ag . P!X). atemtpu6 . te the rates et nitt.skr r trrm C W . 4l noel: and l n iv. m ... . „.. beis gir a kTiTi k er4urars. ‘ 1045nui t tidti217. aa emu, , . en LI/WATT es. Id Sheen Barth., vnton B. a. Inset, subtle IITTEIII7IIBIT. r.. J. T. WRAY & BROS., 1100C22113085 TO X. 00211101.14, STEM CBIC i 11„'y . 22 and 21 Amami Jima, In, IPA. 1!!!!!fl psorzetion autpasTups DAWN ACADEMY , 31,a4 p ipre map ernierr.... op. D w n ; t ej t i au ._ " w tagetea u ta euV a a t u lua" .l Oarribt tlsMio arrlitrx. AMOS, , :lti9kutiau, saw incenociturs 4;;!TAFT.ISMAt.IisT. ====S