The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 07, 1867, Image 1

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• " n " IVEIy
lc CA)
I ft . cnprietaris,
ilaantA X
- -.• 3417iia-7. %tr.
• 041Xlirmi
aft. 04 Aim pa rarrif
I hpliUtia Nu -el Vestal renomik
urn au. risme. or :nriternien:Ar D
4. - tilmol . rsor .icarat PALM&
PAYSX la MI alate. "
Tama as vas =MI
17.17.17irs -31r+ is e tr i.
Adams; :
C i le 'RittblErgi etaytte
• 'woßrar cIarDrDATE.
• 11bMlojal Otero of the Conunanwedth
'erne higher tribute to Ihe worth and
'ailacter of Judge Willis= than the
following neat compllment raid him by
tl4, etnly daily Democratic paper. of
'ittriteutt Penirtylvenhs tie day fdloiving
his nomination. It old:
'The nomburtion of the Hazi Henry
_WI Williams as cautdidate for Judge of
the ElsrprinutfCohrt is a good`one. He
tu, bent. man.named,. before the He
-gab/8= Octitvention,„ and legal
and moral qualification' or the respon
sible position to which he lut o beennom
ins*d- lioth . partioe have now present
a tide cardinates. Am important duty
has faithfully discharged ty the
,crepectivpmmventiena. The campaign
may now be conducted Mittbout personal'
orPecienl„Crul decided, uponlha Orin - -
plea of the two great parties. This is as
iribbuld be.; it la au auspicious [sign of
the times, and if the wunty conventions
are ey fortunate la the select:len of
iegialature_ candldatet, there 'still be a
stop put to the deplorable corruption at ,
the teat of government under a new
`reign of honest men and conseidemon s
legidatora—PdteessrAJNier, sigrk
':;;Tse;•xa, to refuting to tho abotot.
'on the 29th of August, WU Veiled to
ewe have noll/In_g to take back .or
Inedlfy. • Or Sagge Williams' private or
legal reproatkin kayo nothing but
words of pralaei and bowerver it may
antglOme mow:lona and heady pont -
01 Fara puma bring =salvos to too
aeiaaltsnia either wkie or Yo-
nusttros throughout the minty
Pill lay us under obllgatlotus by. sending
Aar itriegtog' us the returns from, their
respecti►e 'wards, boroughs
_or tors
ships, as early coiTuesoist night salve
-; r 0 i.A.110111iD OF FORTY 11WIll till{
COZU4riMIS ,ultated by heated discus.
iiienstrowineout of the question of Sla
very. Various settlements were made,
each of which was ratnitad as filial But
the controversy wiaj,not determjned
Evel7Pe, !it scheme. of najinlamont only
mulektcalsoutermnis.; tuttil at length a
44 war broke out, which became
'that itbonsantedfilaveey entirely.
:Why did AlLizevirras -efforts. atnettle
meat prove abortive?. &CUM they
Weriqineid en. compromises. I Eiteli Nide
felt it was cheated, and resolved' te ob•
bin amends, and so the strife went 'on.
Absolute justice moreover, clamored for
eetiefeetlon; ind would not tleslet till it
got It. .
t ell. this living
traiis of tans theieare those Who insist
that the residue of the controversy shall
be settled deceltfully 7 by another com
promiseA—rathet Van according to the
demands of intrinsic justice and the
naked requiretnenta of the public safety.
The thing Is impossible. There is only
one way out of the existing trouble, and
Oak 'Outdate In going 'square throu gh on
fundamental principles. All temporiz
ingsannend in diasppointment, u has
been experienced often. Let no now.
hit aaadtlantatnt that :shall rennin,' be
cause bounded In cooky.
AT Tit New York Democratic State
Convention, held last week, 31r.. Hone
, no tinibrni; *hi) piekdia titer its de
liberation!, sounded the keynote of the
peaky upon' which 'the' - Democrats will
conduct the approaching presidential
canagicillispropoidtion , is to saiethe
entire interest of the national debt by
calling lII' the,hondLe an 4 Wrung legal
tender notes instead. Thla he conceives
to baestresuarigh previdedthe iota can
brifeViethe valatiof gold: Thetis the
rab. • So fir the notes have been no
where itear Dar, =alit, additional issue
would not help their CM. Of course,
this !rennin the breaking up of the Na.,
tiP 2 l4„ i; 4 4 , Lng siltem• •
Perhaiie, however; his idea is to can
al the bonds by paying them spin legal
tender note; and then getting sufficient
Judges of* path= of hir, 13811UIWOOD,
to the - legal tenders uncotuttiitt.
tional and void. That would make short
work both of taxation and the national
Astor the five Jddges of the lip
itnAilistonit or Pennsylvania have (lea
ded the Legal Tender Act to be coned
tutionaL!eThe other tvio haw( tdecided
li is net. 3lr. Slum:wood has recorded
libtjidgstutitt with this Minority. If
ho--shall: •be elected to the Supreme
Bench the decision of the court, Which
&Ives stability to monetary affairs in this
Commonwealth may be speedily_ revers-
Tote for Mr. Williams. •
'MAU =ARP , .ALGIO the Democrats of
Perutsylyanla assembled in tate Con
resition;,and asserted "that the war as
waged by the goyernaseat for the sup.
prised= of the rebellion, was a failure. ,,
Bier once they hare been laboring to
mate that Jed/fluent . *good.' • Even now
they are andcartning to give - public
affair such *turn that all the sacnfices
of blood and treastuo
,incurtell by. loyal
saw shall come to naught.
Ali MAN who WWI to place the Goy
irriiiinif la the hands of the party who deetiery it, for fear the party
'al eta le shall give . ignorant and de.
graded negroes" an equal chance with
himself ut .the me of life, must bare a
very., Opinion of his own abili
ties. If he fears that these moral and in
-10111*h:ill cripples will distance himoin.,
itietray s nie to a tale, he mast:
feel himself not very swift of foot
Drritneemcn wart : the reticle prayed
ferstoil'ingsnore than for democratic six-,
genet the northent election's Northern
denaWnits were snxionely , yearning for
rebelyknethteon the hattiellelde - of tla
South.' .-Both were condemned to 'disap
pointment. ~ N ow they are united In de
siring the election of Mr. elharswood k
and through 'like motive's Defeated In
she they hope to regain what they
lost at the ballot-bon.
Twig/mod issue Is between the Pred-,
dent add emigres' - the nutter of tsconstruction. Every Itepubli:
can ought ao to tote uto dtrowlda whale
weight is. favor of Congress. In that
wayphlr out *the ••pent controversy - in
is this pads% be so closed out as to pro
wioai the inds of.i motto: and secure llber
ty twill who ought to enjoy It.
Troildststoonaeto ?AUX demonstrated
all A414E1116 war dint 'tires entlt Lobe
trusted withtheccutlinct pnbllo affairs.
Ca 4 P°,.zae 4 . wbo aluit4 at Ate defeat
of Union ; . armies be safely trusted wits
the great .work of reconstructing the
Union. , 4 .
/r . .Taz flepablicaus ware a fail Tole.
*ad staind avast tho frauds coatempla•
they will , Will a
aiaaaFieariag iictory. Bee to it forth
14110isat airrinicemente aro outdo to
hag oat all thavotara.
. .
TrmDaseacsam charge theßeterbli-
Cana wit extravagance in the admhus-
Of. ‘ affalin' of
against thin aneusation stands the feet
that during the last year the State debt
win reduced hi *aunt it 41,79044.L0.
-, - , , ~ - , TABLr- --, / Auk -gt : • . . -
, 5
'4 . : ' -'-:_, ,_ '
,'• '...
p_t / 72,, : , ? , , ,
. ,
-4......e . : --- ,..,..„,:,..„ ..... __.' 7 . \ . 7 ,_...,, y7 , - ..„,.,• , c,',.'„ '_ •
1. .-. , , ' ; ''‘tk . , • ' '‘.•" 4"4, -,, r ' :'';'
_,,,, v s .•.. , .1, , i ,k /.-
:=.•-- -- -- ,- --_ -- T,.- - 42 t ,.- ft , ame _ _ ,•,...,- ~',i , -a-, -- ' - ii - tt_ ..„.1,. 3 ,4"--:, — 77- - -_, • :
a,l rtt
,- --1
M.tlirlrigrllirnrffllpplMlMli...lll..mumm.... *
err Aim VOTE OP 1860.
We give below the vote Allegheny,
county at the Governor'aelection In 11368,!
for convenience in anciparing ihe - yote of
tho election which takes place to-mor-
Go vEwroaSunuarE
1866, SUDOE,
First ward ureou •
Th ward
Fourth ward.
Fifth ward; lst p...
Filth ward, 2d p...
Sixth ward. Ist p.
Sixth ward, 2d p...
lilatecith.Ward - -
Eighth ward..
Ninthwird. ... . .
Tenth ward:::.....
First ward.
Third w ard , 2d Third ,2d p.... 1
Fodrthw w ard ardl4 - 1
Fourth ward, - al'p,;
Filth .....
Seventh ward
Ihrmingiuun, tat p.
Birmingh aocksm, 24 p.
liellvue...'. ... E.. Li
Doqueeme...... .. •
Elisabeth • . •
Emit Birmingham...
Lawrenceville, latp
Manchester... . .. ..
Mt. Washington. ..
liP.ilbesport ..... .
Monongahela . .
South Pittsburgh. .
Sew rp ickley—
mn • •
'Weet.Ettlaburgh.:. •
.138 . 14*112. ... . ..
471 317
507 1117
/83 7
4C4 217
.33., 211
390 342
SIX 448
sn 310
6 42 m ,
.Z/G 2EB
831 309
ato iso
695 2Z6
2)1 194
276 172
3471 2a)
47 113
• 1314 41
04 348
41 43
312 244
509' 305
171 79
312 14
61 68
270 343
184 170
104 32
191. 148
143 38
Conine. ast praCh; . c . t.
Minns, 24 precinct
Crescent. ....... I
Chanter 5......:....
East Deer...... ....
Franklin...• • . • •
Fin .
dley. • .
Lower St. Clair,
Liberty ......
North 151:yet to:.
Ohio- ..... ", ,
Pashtos • ••, . ; ...
I Pitt
Rlchland..—i. • '
I Scott. -
South Payette."...
p i t i p c e ai r . St„Eitr„, .
Vensalliair- 7*
Won Deer.—
„ •
• ,
VOT 145
45 47
08 40'
114 110'
125 47
153 224
104 04
55 72
103 14.-
108 54
109 59
/86 152
347 41*
1,1131 r
339 310
1 - 1.93
172 G 9
125 86
41= =,
170 52
212 80
304 334
79 46
187 141
151 81
157 49
270 130
87 81
163 - 68
85 71
160 80
307 2_13
154 n
416. 135
455 1 12795
Genry'. m9lorltJ._.
ocoulicito if the election to be
held in this State tomorrow, the New
York rialtos says : ~ •
"Henry W.:Williams is the,regular
and honored nominee of the Republican
party, and ele ctio n. rdenUy hope mid
work for his Why? Because
he is a true,.loyal, alde, tlioroughlyqual
tiled mart; benne 'he is the unanimous
choice of tbi petty, and therefore repro•
nuts thelaremaresidal policy tad the
local issues forwhich we humbly . labor.
Of his titans there can be no question
not born of malice He is in the prima
of life, with mental faculties , is fell vig
or; be has had sixteen jean experience
upon the bench; he hashiad an antutually
thorough judicial edacation and train
mhe has been one of the ableit and
Most successful Lulus in tee State:'his
breadth of information In the studies of
i tti: p i e flo , fession is meet extraordmary,
not only to common ques-
tions ol g
UM courts, but the
running lino all
the special isquiries likely to come be.
fore the bench that he ought so soon to
adore... Hie character for uprightness,
Integrity, and high morality is beyond
question. Ha has the respect, cond.
dance; and esteem of all who know him.
His decisions and relines during the six.
teen years he has been noon the bench
have commanded very general tunnies
cenceLand even ,when appealed from
they han been in a large majority of
ewe affirmed, often with very marked
exprestionsof approval from the court
sieve, which has frequently been satis
fied to affirm the judgment solely for the
reasons exorcised by the judge below."
• Every word of this splendid eulogy it
true. , Kr. WiLmetts is eminently fitted
for the place foi which be has been nom.
Mated. 'This election Will exert "a large
and favorable influence upon the come
of natientil affairs. His defeat would
certainly ageravate all existing compli
cations and cast the shadow of doubt
crier the future .
.' Thus inspired and ad
monished, the' Republicans ought tO•
morrow to do their whole duty. •
Con,' Ironton in his luipublished
ter.from Europe says: •
"There • was not -a spot I viatica in
England which did not recall my natilm
State, Pennsylvania, either in the:tames,
the manners, or the religion of the peo- , I
pie. A. thousand things heretofore tuna,
countable, happening in every mama
city; and almost at erery.household "at
home," have been explained during my
obeerrationt- - After• paining out of the
door the yeoman; our guide, who knew
that we were Americans, discovering
that we came from Pennsylvania, re
minded us that William Penn, the form
der of our Commonwealth, was born in
1044; near ToWer En, within a court
adjoining London wall. The empire
which he planted in the prime otitis has
not yet completed the second century of
its szistance,-and yet there is not a die.
trictln Europe in which the substantial
arta are more successfully.cultlvated, the
bleuings of - dvilization more equally
diffused, and the happiness and liberty
of men so completely secured,"
'l'areitute been no possible danger to
the Republicans" muse in Pennsylvania,
except the apathy of itsfriend,. That
Bourne of danger has dleappenred from
the mind, of all but companttively a few.
Lot thug tardy ones be well aroused.
Confident of a victory, we want it to be
not ;only telling but conclusive. Lot
every man work u if be lull apprehend
ed difilmlty, , and u though oneness de.
peuded on his ladividuat efforts, and on
Tuesday night ample recompense will be
heralded over the telezraphie wires.
Goy. Banton, of New York, in
aPeech heroin the Democratic State Con:
're"... Was very 'were on President
Joamolt's revenue officers, whom be
accused of defiending the government
oat of one Mindred and fifty millions of
dorms annually. But he did not say a
word abouthls other political friends, in
rhiladdigas, who have been running
Onb hundiad4Wls, hi. contravention of
lost;'alad mobbed tbe officers who under
took tootop the ililhit twinfacture.
Tawas is reason to apprehent
nuinoctial storm maybe in progress on
the daTor the election. Let no Republi
can stay away front the polls on that ac.
cl 47 P
E ; 5
The Italian Insurrection
Public Sleeting at Turin.
, ,
Fenian" Scare " in Lenden
By Talegraott to Use Blttsbut•Eß Bakelite.
DADD.L. swore narer.em.
LONDON, OSDOiNDSD,,Vigege,•AD !Peewee,
hasjust Mom retetuved from Florence, an
nouncing that the insurgent troops, bold,
leg a strong pi:union near Rattnesen, ri
textmeria, were Mt/irked by the Papal
form. A abort, ahem fight resulted In the'
defeat Mahe attacking ,party,. mho were'
obliged: tObastily withdraw. The lodes are
not stated. The enact of this victory IS
very inspiriting to the partyof action. •
reetto Waimea Sr Teem.
A public meeting of the friends of hart..
habit 'was held at Turin yesterday. Rem-
Intim:tare , marches were made by runny die=
Unertilehell persona The enthusiasm was
nehoundaL A meeting Milts Mummies is
contemplmion In other citlee of Italy.
Though • pi sonar at Caprera, Garibaldi
has Issued a stirring address to his fellow.,
ere, which LS published to-day. -Re, recline'
a; length the grievances of Italy. and. Mita
PP, cortnerymen to retinae them now: Re'
elMeale strongly to their patriotism and
urges all h Wenn, to march forthwith to.
tiptoe or Asmara. *amen OVI'MAX. -•
' Lamson. October s.—Late yesterday atter
noon adlrlees were received by the authori
ties to the etect that an attack be. Penises
on one of the armorlm In this city might
Pa Kneen:to doting thenight. Government
troops were accernalagly posted at the dll
- armories, and other precautionary
ether also which prevented the
threatened outbreak.
• - • saca.a," a co.'s 7.M.tral •
Onssoo.r, Ostober S—Ncenlatr.—dt L r •
ixeted that Buchanan it Co., of this city
recently armoonoed as having faded, will
be fatly able to pay all indebtedness.
- WAS Arrl/.11.311110115.
Loaner, October s —.6:ornhip.—Tbd Stand..;
aml,nr traa CITY; In a /caning article tta•
morning, rapine general arming of France
Is s=etting apprehensions at ► winter cam
'axe/cc/As. amp CO9l/111.11CIALL.
LimarOot.„ Octeber s.—Thla being boli
don there Is no business doing in market.
Mout its 9d for white California and 13a 104
for red Western.' .Intsrler; .5a 34 for Anserl.
can.. Oats; is 7C for Canadian. Pau 466 for
American. Deaf Mt 80. Pork; 71afor city'
Sleprime r Bacon, sts for middle., Lana:
64 for nterlcan. .Cheene; .V.a for mau
dlin/ American. Tallow 45.5. Petro/ettuai .
134 for artisan, L htfd Tor relined..
Loonnsr, October ll.—ltarket unction gad.
. Aorwaar, October a—Petroleum 61lAT.
Lonnog, October 5-4 r. AL.—Commis, nth;
7/30. liunou Central, 170 4 ; OA;
Atlantic and ureat Weatern,2l%.
Fnanarrear, October 5.-.49:41/2144.
thy Telegraph to the gitiatergleilawkese.,/ •-•
New Year" Oct. 1,196 T.
reit so xxxxxx rano roman.
The. snonetaly in/ea amr ll to hale
ceased for the moment. and the optoton
generally prandial that there will be more
we end MAlLtallellB next , week. ; ~; •
The deaths - In New York for the week:
wire 'four hundred' and soientsui..
Among them was llre.a.vonla Yenta Brooke.'
the names, who died On Friday craning.*
death tram yellow fever 11, reported at.
Whiskey eelearea continue. One owner,
however,M jubilant over the.releme or
:Mar thOnseact gmions or valt. wore
Seised a snort lame Enos.
anoTaxe 'norm.
Andrew Weber, another ytetirn of the
stabbing affray In Wllltatnaburg on Thurs
day night, died but evening. Lawronoe
Erhardt, the assassin. has been held to
awalt the action Of the grand ,Ituy. •
/MAN mut - rue—err sons rtridir
• 0281111 111 StXTIC.. .
. •
The aim says: A prominent member of
the /sultan organization a Congressmen.
was present at the reeen ' t sale of govern
ment vessels at the navy yard, arooklYn,
and became a purchaser of one reantur,
...Id to be admirably adapted to blockade
running. Two mummers, one of which an.
men minutely' to the description of the
roanielona craft reported by cable, left tide
port some seven Weeks since. From one of
the vessels Misreported meseagealmve been
received in this city. From the other meth
log has been nomad since she parted nom
pony With her consort, tier destination
eras the north coast of Scotland.
eOLLINOI 07 arrange Tames.
A merlo it occurred on the Pan
sylvanht N o rthern Central liacroad at MiL
lersburm on Prlray morning. The yp and
down ex - preas trains collided injuring the
locomotives and scattering bagarkste in
evet7 direttlAlL A oolorsd Coy front Har
risburg was killed and a few passengera re.
calved sliarbt contusions. -
YOKO 00 •1[111111111 . YatfLS Nom,.
Ten Government eteatners were offered at
auction at 'M116,101[4114 Tegt.rab.Y. The
zuhwew brought SUMO. the Genesee 104.-
44:0, the tango 410.000; the others were with
A WASAbIirLOA special sacs au . 1117011 RIII
too made warrendtha national yank
rid to Meath. • Secretary of the Treasury
Comptroller of Curreacy the right to
call for a bank statement for a ny Wet ur.
MAIM% A.mouvra.
Tbo stnaniahlp City of llooton. from LlT
erpool on the nth oh., ported hnnilY {look
at las F.
the night.
Oho will be up in the moron of
Firm— Pianist - Kill Bariseel— Ulm
ti College Sara Pired by aerial.
lory —Preparations, to ltoceliro
Ma e
My To/rail tO Pltioheilli 010,11 o.) .
BoeprOw, October lire broke ant' thin
morning at No. 3 Federal street, in the
planlng mill of alderman "Itch, yrnieh de
atroyed that building and badly damaged
them adjoining. Alderman F/Mh la an Ax
illillil builder, employing. come two hun
dred hands. and woo prirddpal Owner tit
lureuilding. Ulm loee le ide.Cro. meetly fre
. The lemma' of other owner. and oo
meanie am about IMMO' The buildings
were weal and mainly occupied as work
A large barn In andbory. owned by
the Llarrard Collegeccupied Mater=
barn by Mr. Motley. Wee burned thin more.
log with elghty•three valuable ainported
hDeep, anr-seroo Altlerny tow. - two
orms .d a great enantny of hay ' . The
drn wee the work of 1.111.411011/7.
elliteDAll Recapture •exiXolllll3llll.
PreiaretiOtleare ocaneleted ,or a grand
rice on to Geo. eher o Monday. Ha
will received at. Sev 11 11 1Bottum, Der.
cheater, and escorted by the Itorteary
gorse ( bards through Roxbury to the city
line. where Mayor Nortirom. for the city
government, wilt a tends welcome. A. pre.
cession, composed of tho ohicers of the city
government and a large number of the
military will escort Me General through
the prineleal etteete to the Revere Ileum.
Governor Bullock willestablish his head.
quarters al the same hotel,and orlicial visits
1.11 be exchanged. The members of the
City government will entsunmently be pre.
eented, as al. the National, State and GUY
ofecers, Board of Trade, military add other
oremmatiora. A grand serenade will 1*
glean la Motivating, and the Army of the
Republic, 0111 parade to a torch light pro.
catalpa. The Genera leaves on Theellay
methf es for Altemy. stopping an hoar
each at Worcester and bprMgdeld. - •
Boeven.October 13 —There to every Lea:
cation that a granel popularwelcome will
be =tendon to General ehirldan tomor
row, in which the people general y par
ticipeto. • The ranks and many by
hones will be olosed, and the school child
ren will have a ponds). The military .1 ta
ploy will probably exceed anything of the
kind *Ter seen 10 /kitten.
Loring Of the, Corner Moos et the
Soldiers' illenement— Dielaternseet
of Deana IS Other illhteeterles. •
131 Tedograph to tte Ilattrarth dasetta.l
roan. mengoa, Oet..6.—The laying or
the corner • atone of the monument to too
created in tbeiloidlentliattonal Cemetery
instated On Hampton Creek, took pteco t.pq
afternoen to the ptesentre of a large emu.
ewe. The monument. wllpeont, wean
tilted; gape,
The Cemetery, at Yorktown, nett "smaller.
ones In the vicinity of Entrolk, Norfolk and
Portamouth are being rapidly broken up
and the ballet reinterred In'tbe Hampton
Ceillater7, ' , kWh , when finally completed,
WIlleon;aln fliDol4lo,ooo Ladles'
IBY 211<trapti
Lanisva 00.5.-lUver statioisan wfUt
ZS InchedUm °anal. • - • • •
. .
. w rmerld• AWlrur iloreing ow tai. ' IEO
also Otpaaeoleatos to use Oboes,* of
alaY Doweiral misname—latest Intermit,
U sekeereanit Deo Ceeneell so Do
Dalatta Dowouwoor.
thy Telegraph to the Pliteberglitimettal
itr..L0.73. 'October 6.—The ' Indian Peace
Co numissioaereleft here ltd. afternoon for
Port Harker.. ...general Augur, who .
been ap i mEllted on this COnimission, during
will Join the 'witty
Triettatmer "Oily etiaece„. from 'on l
n; Montana, arrival at Dwell. •on
lrhlnf.utellt, with three millions la tree. ,
ore owl two Itondrot passenger*.
ZhIIiCHISMIIIIIII4I4I/1111•0•20 horses from
the Northwestern her coanorf: near rat
Beford, and killed three men. •
The latest Information received • from en.;
iritavikrzo., asse"mh%l.4":ll=
,Lodge Crest, where he meninx ail - asset or
hatage.. to of the followlost purport: “Ll.-
.le gobet: :Idealletne. Arrow,. ...Bull Beare'
"Tall Dallyand "Elmo florse,.•'Vhlefe of
the enrely dog. stddlare; hall/Pfeenstid
.0 2t i ati *rule:heel ttigege
- Lath, ano atrlveiL U. brazil:4d'
.touomeDetothe.Coonell, ow/ emu
we he'
had been out on the List raid Mar he weal&
make; :Little Row tout about, two hundred'
WIUMI.IIIITILb*Ist And bad retornsd front
connalttine depredation:l on the re:treed.
Er. itirrilliyantit- telegregMa Mutt Bp;
man lime bad been 1n t0... him sea Went
!T.Proml.lhg to be preaeut at the, cone,
A...flapa * Mla ;ass reeelie6 resunoof frtim
lev.. Jammu, dated Fort . Laramle, sitentrig:
that Iron Shell, a Brolerrlionnyeed come
terothat plane with all hta people. He LiLLVI
'since left, bet-ho Droollool to be blot les
time for the mount Lo be held K Laseraio
Not a - word bar been heard from hall
Cloud, and Mere are •no assurances that
thle hostile chief will 001/36 1 / 2 to the council:
Sixth - authveboneenct three hundred and
ten ordeal of publte lama were entered an
Um Deemer Lana Otnee trEopteteber.
• gitenslue preparations were ranting for
holding an agrimilteml bar at Denver ably
week. .
Laelode. Owturse Itacee.•;.• Base Mali
glaikekt—Lintablt gliklialmall /Mfrs.
thy Tesegraek to the Yttranar - gb omens.]
By. LOgni, OetOber ectottutiod
race from yesterday= the Lteiedo Course
'today, awl Won tha las; beat and the racM
Wecarenr was declared cllataneed, not hay-
Log Wan a heat In the Mee. The Oral regui
Mr event, of the day was mile heats, tree
for all horses that hale not man - Money at:
thin meeting, purse threnbundred dollars:
Toe following. Norte thn entykrs, all of
whlsh . acute,' awl elms - by Main
Davis, kleKey's grey felt by knalnosr,'Tur
nes 6 Johnson's Chlearnauss. and lent. 1h
bent Natty. Chlossuanga woo she meta
twommught heata—ilmeOdt,ltti. I
The sound event was • three mile beats ,
pursAW. The entries wenn nhaw's Jint
Natter The
Wary Wynn. Uolfeen's
Fannie Brown, and Johnson Driggle's
Duke of Orleans, all of ',Mon came to the{
wore. Duke was the nworlte In the pools.,
The Bra heat was won by Duke, Walker
seoond, Wynn third, tannin last—time, S:S/.
The seanw heat was won by mazy Wynn:
ToDuke •e6O/141. Weaker third—time, 0:11‘.4.:
e tblrd beat wee taken by Wynn easily—
tinte.k.3l%. •
• Ina baseball match to-der, between' tb the
MUM:tax:Kt Wont , Clubs of tills city, log . th,
ehainplOnablp of 111swurl, She Munn wan— ,
worn, II twentx,two. On Thursday nest
the Unions aloe will play NOMMit a plelmat
nine from ga Louis. whew James /feßrttle,
the celebreted latches of the Athletic' club,
of Palladelphla, who is now In Ude city.
" 141,11 1 7 =VfbrInfrit' Q uIol., who
failed/m . O*AM days ago, Washout three.
hundred ano Instr. - llva thousand dollars;
assets about'four hundred . and aLtlysieven
itaravaa =emote—lllezleau Lwll-'
iremee—Pluserral Ceresmriales anvil Alt
*WM Kairlaw.
CB/ TeiNimes* the Pittsburgh owns.,
LYI October 11..:-Exchange
ad; Gold: .10ng., , :g. Sager quiet and nu
changed. 'Preetsionenncbanged.
Dates received vote the City of Meziori
to the teeth timo, sad from Tara Crux to
the Inst.. states The funeral ceremo
nies over the fallen heroes and a grand
ttary review were to lean place at Vera
Crux on toe ley 94 ended of October.
Itaferd Gerrit's was. made Governor and
Military Commander Of the State of Puebla .
on the Slat ult.- 1
Mr. Otteritarg heel arrived there from
Havana, Oct. ef.—A.lata arrival from Vera
Cruz brlnforan follonlng neon:
Father AMU* hat been consecrated.
Melia, wife of Santa Anta, ha; petitioned
Pres e t ro t Jew*. for the mica/Cot her hos.'
band without trial: -
Baron Vim Mags. rtlim Ambassador,.
Ins returned to the cit at Ilentoo.
Gen. Favor, has been appointed Governor •
of Tamaullupus, and Gen. Antal= has beta
made Governor Of 011onsJooto. -
The p ro perty of bat coop.
rated as reported, but he has been fined
fifty tliOnland dollars.
eleven booms In the Ci oMe oed
by Alroonto, Swann,t y
811 f
Iclo, Cxico,uteler wn ia,•
Ufftro. and others, tare been onneseated by
the overament. and erUI hosoLd atenetton.
Zga ,
Or/4==VA 1 a1;1. 414. "P " e
• •
FrlsoFVett—Ciallag.t.or Ire. Davie. : ,
Chi "Amino to Um glitinnigh lissatio.l
Denton.. Ytch. ,
.oetober ft—Gallagher and
Dada fought. t4t•irlily, - at Fighting Wand,
somen :Elea from hem. Danis vrOn in forty
nee rounde, knocking Gallagher out of
time.. The tailor tuutthe bait of the fight
till the lett round. .
WO•thar C 01.13 and liAinftlf.
Di 2. .. 1, 4riPh to le. Itrtstowah easettal •
8 AAAAA se, Oet. s—The weather to oold
and rattly. I. Western Georgia 'vary
ItiOOtenhaavT rains are Wag reported. •
SAVANAII, Gs.. Oct. 6.— AL bearr freshet
at Llve Oak has washed away the track Ol
tdi.AUentle and Galt L 6110064 la several
places. The train doe this morning bee not
yet nrrlved.
NEW 01i14iyoT8
Deanne flrom Toll,*
((y 'iskerf.olk so the risubaratt eamfoOl ,
NSA Ossusig, Oot. )ollOvr fever
deaths for the twenty-roar hours ending
Ude Sierran( Were flity•rdrie.
Death of • Selacoonles Plestoor..
1 CST rolVinink la the Ilitstergh liarstie 3
Xu.wavegg, Om: 5 —Kurt. C. illraier;
onoof letscoemin•s noblest ploneers, and for
many years President at the Northwestern
Telegraph Company, died at Kenosha, at
one P. m.. U.- a / 7 .0f typhoid fever.
t'Ff ,
shwebrisim; nblisits4o •
A writer ht. the New Orleans.Dette sayer
1 do: not. with to .poll a pretty Menton.
but the rent truth 'lO that Dixie Is an 1001.
Norttisen negro refrain, ak common
to the writer as the leap-poets in New
York - city; severity 'op iieventy-liVe . yearn
ago. It woo one of the every day Alit:noon.
or boys at ttme In all their Otit-doOr
tpOrta. £ o 4noose overheard of Diziel
land being other than Manhattan Libutd.
until recently p when It web enoneensty
erteinnsel to refer to the Sleuth from tta mon
n action emo t edetic negro allegor When'
slavery lO New York; o neDl
icaned a large. treat of land on /Cuthattim
sland, and a large number of slaves. The
increase of gloves and the ithWeibee of oho.
Senthileitt. Wailed op. emigrattoo
of the slaves 'to more tlenroggis and
secure were th u s end the neva*
who• were • thus sent Mr naturally leaked
back to shear old home where they had'.
lived I. : clover, with testing., of regret, as
'they could not 'merles tusy place like
1 4 1 i fre..; ftrze i rune. ronyistorie
comfort and material I lispploofra every
deserlptlon.- In those den negro singing
and trunetrelsy were in their toLstoy, and
any subject that 00014 be 'wrougt -
was te •
ballad WWI eagerlypleked This e
cue With L 1.2141 11 Originated ill New
York, and assumed the proportions of a
song there: in Its travel* It Ea* been en.
larged. and has gathered mom It ha*
pledged up a note here mid a note there. •
chorus, has been added to it, and from an
indbitinct chant of two or three notes It
has become an elaborate melody. But the
Inch their it is not • holmium arng cninlet
be rubbed out. Tim fallacy Is eo paler
to the contrary, that 1 have. thus been at
Caine teetotal** real Miry/ of it ‘ , -
214 °pia ellawse. - •
There in en opal trisithi - raging to Parts
Jost now: It not idelpty t raublon, It Is stjaperitlttoo. Itgiew elitofs very Ora
nary eirestritanee: .a..../toesnts counteee.
bed a nettle lontr r whir having to depart on
long - jottra . Sy, lett her sea memento, ts
set or Whoa. be had, been - absent
month, the lady opened nor casket mad
.fond that the. opala• had changed their
color.° They had grown very pale. 2 hat,
daysoe 'hoard of her lererls Mesas.- teen
Clays latter she toned on consallingher
el oracle. that the opals...nth, therety dust
and powder. The moth <Mahler ah Carel.
Opp bordered with 11 4 0 /..thea her
that her - 10Yer woe dead. Efface then Ino
thableaable present from a gentleman to a,
lady in an Opal. Teen' "Ulu who are be,
trotted settept or nothing else ' , Ma'
their steamed husbande, Ann every thee
the Men are absent their sweethearts you'.
stelt opals to eon it thcryare Mae or
tree, or well. • -
The wlso Ines - of Paris fled that white
thin Opel mania Is on the fair sox It wodld
ho ethleth .to expostulate or to try to ex
plata salutes and efforts. "The opals cruet.
bled and he dust° , 13 the staggering answer
to reasoning. Pl:m.ooore our' readers le
vest LOOthrgely opala, ll owlne
r: le
worth consldenstlon. Toros's.%
and pte out In Certain rosette:le
• tatt thet d 2b2 llg i At l tre t i n Ui" em °7-
knowledge of th e heal th <mlool3oo of these
who offoron the:l, ,
It would be well be user.
them. Acid damp
Into cab:dilated 501ag?.. "4 D J . 714 .11 1 r tkul
- -
Mamma," naltillttle Alice , ' l / 4 10 yo
bow gato hod q uick? iThy4,
Just" put ontffoot' In the crib rhea ' say
'Tate• gi.od *CM Zikyltarright to n
_ _ .
ova siciiatTil* IN' EURBIT
l eat
Natik nsel ALM
9 ON
. ;
. . .
far Telegraph le thePirergheisettal
i • 7 , 'Li:: ..- . ' . Was t 02.0 . 4, 4t , !. 1 W.
lilillfin ;. 1117,..
„ incOlritte .... ll . rrllk-i
Tire tenor or alkefflefild dafrestiailonfrom .
Eureka Is to the effect!** recent griabaltut
cui nthem.
oat brOPernilearal
and perils& bobrile - With& thillerVilitrial
with the greatestindu fi ty, and with Orini
siderable effect, lade -priMatmyg Mir natiOrM
al credit; that limit Stator hoods have
halm very cons ar4:. totilmay,througlic
those inffeseersamt. alitshisrliekt and
that flames tel ' ' tgintrexted the
Minos; alacrity ir atheemiliating report. mincerning our Mardsces. bearing the
worn oonstruotlens, lute even as 'Mind
rimer ham found Its way into Eureee.
mat ...hs . mined. minetheralne' eredettes.
wet ,thle fie teem at ..bands
al Miampaul tW tile -Otte Tres.
'nth .In .greentacke of cold. To
these statements mud - Moo an oftletal re.
ply has been Itirrilabeiattth p rat ticallY, an
expremlon on this 'se ect is mieleas, as no
ens can reasonabl y ,I t tbsttirell With 11
moderato degree of th e paper
currently or the UM ertee l" Wloilion a
Pet with geed long the time thsige/d.
•maring eocurities of the United Suttee
shall be presented for
_payment, the ant
Late or kin Mods haring yet about four
teen years to ton. Therefore, Ills Masted
.that the preterit dismitetort,lts to whether .
the prment bond. are tremble In gold oe
not, leads tone Ptheilantde good, ,
. . saacrionaf. conaither rathrthe. -7, -'
-The Pruning Serum of the Treasury' bei
partment fa minting fractlottal currency to
' the event or one hundred thoniand me
lan daily, that emeount..beteg_neertead7 to
maims the defaced . - Msnoy• internale. far
redMPtion. 1 i, :., : ~ • l .-,', .
ritnatretreti undue eonirrelatt.
Boise of thane...aperient are worm In their
thatements coriecitilalf Aliening 1 : 44 '
sumberryis Opinion' 'in the Philanelphia
habeas cus cam. The truth Is he hel
that the Court, had authierlity . to WWII the d
writ, and to Compel a return, aed the pro.
duction of tho Daly of Manly. to conform
ity Mtn thts, the , aseretary of the NOM'
ham revolted nes former orthir, and Lamm.
tea Commander gelfildge to pFo.lo?ek
Germry boron the gnat, • .• ' .
ceraither YSTTIL . ' •
The ..National ininanOp leaned -tor the
wet:afro. the PrLatlng Italian amounted'
efs:4looreent on; plThOmiredrel.l4l4d
sthstroged; =pact meth:esal - Beak notes
ithossitr i ritO /eternal itesenue receipt,-
WM, i for Segal year, to Oats% felgthest
, . '
General Sherman arrived this mothlng In
response to a telegram' tram the President,
ea ol earths the day he°ailed on-the greet
dantantiGenerel titit4t. •
assiama istathitha..
Senor Romero yesterday . took leave or
the President and subsequilatly . allied at .
the State 'pepartreeati to Present' Senor
'3lsnochal. !themes . , Og Legation ae ehsrgo
a' affairs of the Itepubile.
cßm JUNE
Speed' Is Respthe tea Welcome
at Columbus, Ohio
COLIM11:14 0., OetObar 1.-km. LP. Chase
arrived here last nigh& sad wits ebthmtbm
tically received by the eitlsons. He made
tea !Wetting spoteht ,
' isWiteettif fat y.rf 2m tome floral. d 011.., tad
possible, for 1 thOrlgh re
t. ldad
bound to
avoid a/lout:11M demonstration*. La.the pp.
silica Wkieb / OCCUPY,
a am .not at Men,'
to take an active part tn pollircal canvas.
1 hare lay opinion.. however, to a mac,
sad an a citizen, and It would be mere adect •
tattoo, lf, on an mouton like this, I shoeld •
•refrahr from llama, that I abide In the ,
faith and cherish the 'sympathies yon
ban so often beard me mew.
I am net, as you knee , it man
Wen 10. abeam.. my vote, thew.,
Tooelay n at .. will te lithlt2l for the mue•
dictates of the great party,•whoesi proud
distllactlon le that It demands equal rights
main e t r a e in t ing . telo4o all
t h se e e pnu od c
n e Cot
. whole Ittehroll life, and my whole yubilo
• conduct, pledge to. to this, arid /rejoice is
the bellef that um noble people, whom it
hat Doan my.prlde to earn in dam not long
ham, will on its one hand intently mime
their sato:Hen tO w 7 Vitilatlen Of riatkratir
contracts, and on the other generously
tatend thp right of eddrage - to air men to
ts at present unjusUy ewe&
With these few words, and thanktng yetl
te1.112 sad agate for the kindness et roar
welemon tonight. and for the kindness
with which you have followed me ever unite
1 entered public Ilfs, you will bow ssiimit,
me LO bid you good ntght.— •
Aendaellene ter tee
Mlfe T., caavezat
'Hutt Da
4 ' 4 " 1 ". 1 .1 Irak
(ny Ti4earsphie the rittabarsh eassue.l
.'itiowitenn, 'October 4.—lt underilXooll
that the adored voter( here hare agreed to
inn three whites askig two blanks tor toe
Convention: Messrs. iltostdonteasoll Ward.
well ere the two whites most prominently
A. anoUtAIOA.II aggro meeting in Henry
miaow nominated cf. L.llwann Mr the ton_
vendee, throwing out an ex.Vederai Colo
oel; islirarari a Ipydtdgle , lor the ligeniag.
H. AI. the Mei.
.der of her. husband, has been smateneed to
maven years in the Petutentlary..
The trial of Davis will oertainly take
place ballovettilier. Counsel on hoth aldu
are ready: its V expected to arrive here
about the kith ortietober.-
mouth• • . • .
distilleries 500001 aletapOnd /sat
turned out sweaty thousaad gallons
of trialskey, India in July hut they only db.
tilled An, thousand gallons.
/ 1 014 11110 1irodL-ArTrart• lfadw
Srlegneu to the /It treurgh Quante.) "
riluausarata, Oct o.—Ttla , AtolUta of the.
Flrcalltatricti twin/ recedvatt lutorucatton
that a mixt, 4ant wan .10 take place *ear
tab City Oda momma, repalred to ttni /Cu
minty and found attumper of mini totanapd
to preparnap &ring. Tninsturd Wok alarm
and started on • run but tie polloo panned
log stitWooded IA capturing - tleatity-oes pan.
tout amt . Meted theta up for • Marin. ad
but 200 01001.3d0d to prOOUrlidt MU, and
Indurate/kind; The prlnolpale Sr* •UPPO•ed
to Aare manned trlut the crowd, Irtnculran
too far od for the police to roach.
The . ZiOetten—tentisetter Caroled*
Veneer smor armdm.
(Br Teiastwoh b Me !Malaria Ws-tette-3
MOITOOMIIT. 0.1.0011 r 'o.—Retunurfroal
thirty-four conetion, about one-half the
State, aro recelved. the CeuvenUon ban
more thatt POO: Mee. oTar,lbe,,rpgrOreo
Ontober —There were three
deaths from yellow reverearlng the twenty
four boom ending this arming. -
•eemaaaddl llfrowned—Hatel 'ad
ltvsH6ee laandiags mania.
(U? Teletad*ta tU. Plasbarda !turas.).
kirm.roits, Oct • s.—Russel rata;
1 43444 doddeatady drowned
- . • •
. - rno ,Bureett House 11.124 five arlhereng
buildigs, ware burned on lxiday. Lows
ton thoenand noklars.
••• ,
eteamUamt Ella 'Ember
(Br2... s pp , s 4 Eltliftring Omuku46/ • •
Lptusviizs, October L—The steamer Ella
Yab..a f oin Eaulayille for IleutUrioa,
luillciniar'Canisillnown yesterday. Tba
b. ntaafmt VIVO ,aura was Insured
to Loos - rllieofilees. She Can to ntlaed.Wa .
Mate tram Tellow 0000 In
elsebetem, •
Cal Telompli to tho - Pittnargh
Snin.nAtor - 000bOt • .4abil
vulv a , a , man scoot forty yam. Of ago,
aeodw a n
fromMym' o
iloo,lo ooer
'mtoapa tyo ßon Sol* arriVS bet. .
jipieslitea erAssera.
DIY relemon et the Plitabsrah
Oetobern—Dr. Thom.
$.1.. Cl.llllll . Winne° with Dr. Ed wail,
Turner, foi theihishrikts anytime
is this any', niter War dal.. trial has been spitulittid, This also dears Turner.
Heather Reperta.
ter telaerge to tlie.rlttabicle lilizetts.l • -• •
Cumu..lT9s, October 111,-The weather
cOol Coo 12: setoff. • •
fiA,42llr/A 0 0 4 bin. nsaT7 Ziff
Piorlda gig/. cOnttallea." • , • .
. .
ceseaseCali.loiltawbuis. --
-nr.rol•vapatoub. Altabugheastcl. .
latioAg o. o:4.6 . — Beatea;tlequlet..slll4o .
00.4040 r ilaq sc , oticlde slapping atipi .
4041 a34l.ll.gett.
, .
VOMITS PA 6lll .—Thafidica and mod rain.
W. 1 ,0016 olums prat.. Marko* ./top
dean by aft papn , in Um tar, *WU beflhod
an our Awn% itin:
lacento ter Rale. -
A pool, anisette .man ean bay a goo d
paying' route on she °exam.. Apply at
the , Garen= • Comma- Room to-4w,
Geeselidaftem illieeetteg ;Me Mules*
A very respectable Meeting Or the friends
cif Cammilidatlca Was Midst SteWartstown,
Studer township. on Saturday evening.
The . meeting eras ca/led. for both Meads
aninmpaleita Of thhitimateure, but Meeh
a:Mete faking to put Men appearance,
was a •Onealitgal etraii; About. balipast ,
seven Wettest a oonsiderlible number of '
I Demists ballad assembled Olipaeite the
; .principal hotel in the Milaire. en Maud..
ile.% Was erected by calling 'Martin LntUer
to the chair, Safi eleetitigCol. J. A: Daubs I
B4Werd Elahenliub , John M. Lloyd and Geo,
11.21Chililus. P w re: re lde . rits, and the report- I
Dare 'settle press titscretarle•
apprOpriate re.
marke meted tbe object of the meeting.
lie said that it bad beet celled for the pm-
dat pos ion, It e of diem:usin
Order gaa the Manias or
ft PeoPle bn
hand keels both its advent the agee ano might dined
vantage., sad invited my person Ipreeent 'who had.anytliteg. to Leah en the eeeleets
either someeon, to take the stead. After
waltleir tlnie, amino . one responding
to the invitati c al• teamed dames]: Cooper,
Moine:llgal coneVertief Ml=
Mr C t elirt forth ' the n " Sowed
E the
a . I
alas in • (air and impartial manster.l
Lie said that when the matter was first
spatula of he via sot th rimer of It: but
ePOn giving It dhe ormilderntlon
00 .9•Lial to Mirage Ma views, as
an man m ust do who comb:are Is in.
ilimentai manner. lie referral 'to the
Powers essaferral by the charter, and said
they were no higher than those delegated
to and now beteg exercieed by the city an
' thoritios or Allegheny; but if there was'
pa l Meng_ with the charter It could
be eorrected. He spoke of a document
wash bed been eircumted by the opprearon
of the measure, settle' forth remonnwhy
the poor - men ehottld not vote for which '
paper Ism Poled - by a number of persona,
all of Whore were wealthy men. Among
them was General Robin.% where rule..
headed Me VA.: The docantenerefened to
used Sine agtinst soasolidatlen
t foollsir extravagances of the' City 'of
Pittstrargh In her railroad mbecriptione to
which:the speaker replied, that me would
like to have seen General 'Manson when
he sighed his name to that piper en he had
been more Inhaled ea beh.alf of the AM.'
roads and done more roger Meetly into the
eliesmlty, Man any man mimes ,
The tameura, be id Was O pp osed. .
Cosily by. drortes in the great hire of M
owry, to which we belayed. Men who
become wealthy without any exertions or
shd .1.60 otdected aim/ilex
am everything that wee ea/mimed to pro
mpt. the great warms cd 00tenattetty;
and the evils referred to by these men as
the legitimate results of ooneollnation.
bad no foundation la troth, and were tee
creations of their own tentelnatlon. In
Warrior/ to the advanta ges to derived.
he mote of the free br idge., and said that
It bad been defloltely asartaltual that
thrberretrthe or the , toll. Imitated at Me
bridges on the Allegheny river came from
the North sideof the river. The ponce
regulations 'meld be more moront the
interest. Of education sollwanCedi the
emelt. would have Me advardalloe or the
Mgt Scheel. which they never meld have
meal etemaidated t 4 . tee City ef Phu.
burgh: Ile said- elitfluenee of the city
would be greatly pleased abroad, both In
a commerpertcial y
ould and paitical point or view;
Mist . pro wbe ineree in
seer' - some farther remark mill s
speaker closed.
Zen. It Bralot, Eel. Alleghenyti Ity,
was Utah relied upon and addreasel the
meeting In • very able manner. The en
glamente of • Mr. IX ware 'mousy in fever or
conselidatlon, and. of nob a forcible Char
sr:Kariba& it would' be • difficult matter to
raraw them. Me regret that wo were m
ains tq Obtain • full repo of hie arr.
manta, as they were iateremlag am mell es
At the close of Yr. Brunet , . remarks
Thema. Steel, lim e was called, and enter.
Mined the meeting with a short address In
favor of the measure.
Colonel Cooper then meted if there were
any Of the 0 eats of the measure pre.-
eel he h they wouldtake the stand end
slats ofor th bJectionampurp tale os meeting had
been catted. e eof esarm
and helmeted to bear what the other side
had to say. Lie was elreany pretty w ell
cOnylneed, but wad to be n
vatted If the prOper arguments could be'
predawn: Mr. Sawyer was loudly called
tor but =ad rooma•
' , Tao meeting Cam edlete - - '
aea aged Mre —Pleletnaggia
Saturday afternoon. *boat Mar o'clock.
tbereocourresi a flight on the stepeof the
Old Theatre, Fifth street, the particulars of
far, as we could learn them, are
these: ft appears that two men, (whose
names we did notascertain.) who had cher ,
. ,
lobed la feud thr some time past, and bed
probably berm tithe reprehensible habit of
l'nourishlng theft' - wrath to keep ft warm,"
met th trona of the theatre... Being some.what tinder the Minim:es of liquor, It Ls not
L a
t • all amp:Jill, the Old quarrel should be
imseWed. They Doran:shoed bytalkine, and
beret. ntannrently, men of few words, soon
mane to mows.' They clinched, and am of
' themenes thrown with much Agee ea
as beck upon the 01000 of the theatre, but as
he fell he olenodtde antilaretibd around the
'leek, and held Min Mose, so that 11. wan im
poundal for the m• 0 on [Op to "purdell".
the one beneath, orem If be had been saidm
*l. wideh did not appear to be Miscue.
m. troth, the uppermost man, from the
Fbeginnimr. mane
ted a Slew:Mien to
avoid a quarrel. Soon a large crowd wee
collected around the combatants, which
attracted the attention of Mr. Smythe, one
of the managere of the troupe of minstrels
,at present performing to the Theatre. Mr.
eaSmythe, rushing into the crowd, endeavOr.
to eepamte the men, and 001. being lob
medletely mooessful excitedly called out
' if there were no policemen present to ar.
rest the lighting rem .Nram•appeartng, he
called 011110 1..leelgel, polies". 81.1Zr:et I
• shies en. of those non-üblquitotte 1041.
riduals made his .appearance., M. Small" , 1
'PDC:Wed to be very Much eroded, maim a
purnyi air....taulah considering teal, the 1
elaterhariCe Wee beliff enacted oh the steps
Orlin building' in w MI ha was Oleg Mud.
bus, and Mat it might to Ismael) inferred
the minstrel man were isencernoi in the'
alfalr. finding all his enrorte to separate
the men nuavallinir, sod after WM Calling
loudly two or three Moeller the
8. made the following anaem remark:
0 1 mall to rain far the Police—Ws is
we Munn. and no Other city." The gght kras
terminated through the interference of the
bystanders. No arrests.
A Breivery Seined Se a Dieullery.
On Yriday and katerilnyof: lan week •
retherpeculherMie Of alleged Welt whisky
diatilllog. vrae..heard befete w,. D. ID.CEM
Eeq.,'Atalatant Ualted States Plettict
buoy. The Eagle Brewery. alihitted In the
KWh Wiwi. wan edged, Cat the miormatgeo
. .
orGearn• Rinser. Berenno inirpootor, that
In addition to the production of malt
liquor the peutlell - mauler the enablieb-•
Irawn were engaged in dlatllling .whlsky.
tltbirePrrti TinOTl -I :l= were fir fta ,
lag whisky. The Ilbet. trim mated Aimee
Wright, the alleged ohne? or - lame of the
f. brewery tr eo tibedef defense
pnrien 74 , l2 ., I t
claimed to ho the responsible party. Aeon_ ! alderahlg. number ,et .witimeeen were en.
' arnined,' hopoir the question of coupon
' lability, and .tie elugular feature
,was developed that Wright, Ohldee,
one Linens, and the Minds employed,
el {0(.4 aj ,. boMeli,. no one seeming
to have exclude° impervlsloo.... The
handl tentlfied the y Were Paid OY them:rt ,
butcoold not nooses Who Airman ed the funds,
whether Wright, O'Brien, /Isom., or the
clerk ntmeolf. It Irma alto Amsted that the
mittinfactrite of whisky bad been engaged'
In With a vine to relieve ewe brewery front
etieuratiranw.eatmed try we beer bullion,
hiving proved a toeing one. When Ude
wee accomplished It wet intended to fella.
quidi the, 'Whiff Wawa and owning the
Brewery =Lin. mare '
to tea t scale.
But. intention wan not the auttleat el In
entry. The quatione to be determined
ware s whether *May na4 been inanufaCtur•
ed. wthout ontaidnume with the revenue
law, and It se„trho Wee leWentelele for the
bilActicni. "wile Aril w
an pretty " maw
factorily - demonstrated, and in order to
have 'the latter appear mire clearly the
head/weal further ;Aim:treed • WI Wed
Paliceitall—• retinae,
The rottennes's Ball.. eakaannoed to take
Phan rodeY weenier was s complete Sed
um. , katunher °treasons who had lama
edliL the lIIIIaIrr/10 stilted Wilkins man'
it the aPPolgito4 ham% Lott 101tead end-.
leg It brilllantir Illeennated, and a sway
and fatten" throng pe attendance, as had
teem promised, all was gleam and darkness.
It Ia alleged . by come of the irentleMell
whose names aPpeared co the notate that
the &rata ass projected leftism eanse/Ung.
MOM. ao6 MK the PaIS sitar. lama ign.l
whetted !elegem., time been a mem rO4
toctets he polio, fates, after telling q 41.9;1tjte of
flaosethed .WitkAhrifinceede.
appears. however, that these person.% aff
damned In erol eat um assisted In
Leg ticketkPaitthe
adthe -Panned' wiorth
tkaalikage raa tweed ever to Irwin' bat
settha was done with the retoslndea we ere
It Ia further alleged thatlrelnallitleasea
'lteriteelks aletart to the imam% of one
Bd. oulattaaltiq and two of Ws fells. WO
oeratmlibe Wan of Rot dollen ugh. Sharp
praettotr "
litrisiir (misguided..
TlmpuzpeDe4 by the Coroner to. mresrl.
gate the MrcumstenteS ....Attrading .
/chalet Of the ehrwept Dreakam,
at tee ,Unton Depot 'rider ere:Mfg, met
at the )(spore othee Sartutlay evening.
I t he3; .c irx . thzt l the det h tt eru the malt
reerees were not comeemblo. het reeom:
mended, es • matter or ratety,D ll est tae nel.l
meg ,company pet on muet ea the
stone wtlt Along Drumm , street.
Teeaporome• aleottego—Ttre Alleyway
.Temperance Lew. meets Rai evening, in
Ves lianana lwiltreet Baptist Chute and b.
Invitee all Pospainee orazzezeDeue fa tee.
neDibtanlicealoperD; tt*eltleana
to. De' pteleatt•
Me eils, M.
rsD om . Dale M.114,v, Theateas,
or TaremzeAtaitnerz.l. 4, DAM ot
AlDerbutro Zee edftwelfte VW be lel ,
Ilyeileg lath rood alayai. -
Pelle* Stemma.
Altionre An MATTWIT,
111 .4 - MCCOT made information before Al
den:eau Taylor, Saturday, against Edward
O'Connor, charging him with =malt and
'battery. The prosecutor resides at No. lei
Ducan. street, Ninth ward. He alleges
that he Was In a tavern In the Fifth ward,
where3an met the defendant, who, without
cause or provocation, struck him with his
ad and 'Crocked him down. O'Connor
was united and liter a hearing held to
bail in the sate of dye hundred dollars for
his &Marina , at Court. .
Os xeliVes
Dr,7janies P. Alcorn, of Allegheny alt.Y ,
mad. informatlon before Alderman Taylor,
Saturday against John Biomes, charring
him.withithe larceny of a revolver mined
at tan dollar,. Breams was arrested and
held for a hearing.
Somilerllne, of the Fifth ward,
appeared before the same temrlatrate on
Lee same day, and nude Information
against Loveloy Matter, John Brown and
John Barns, atharging them with the lay.
Deny of a black cloth mat, valued at teen
[prise dollar.. The putt= were wrested
and held for a haring.
William Shuttle, at the same time and
place, made inflormathan ma
against Jobe
Brown and John Darns, charglngthom with
the larceny of a sitter watch. Held fora
heisting. . •
D. N. Watt also made inforotatio= g ru:
John Brown, charting tam with °
caddy of tobacco from the Pennsylvania
Batirn.ltkarupsay, 'rained at $l7. Nal/trot
a hearing.
Wiliam &underline charge• Jno. Berne
with stealing • piece of caanmere,valued
IS +O. field for • bearing.
Unmet L. Conaell made information
against the same defendant,. charging
salth larmay, in watch he alleges that'
ollars. stole •
Held f o rvesa om
bearing him,
.maned at
The above arrests were brought about by.
• •well known Cletemivo °Meer conn
with the Pennsylvania Railr Com
oad pa ected ny,
who MA for the last three Months the
eue Ida undivided &Mutton. Th g e ave
unmerited with the case are as follows: Pon
several month, •. hand of thane have
been committing d
Pennghsnla ,2 2* =.
Maeda sod estrateUral portions of their
oatenta, end In some Instances carryall'
wh package; of goods. it waserldent
from the nature of the "- thefts, that
some of the employees of the nere
eOnscatal wi th th e tresSantlan. but all ef
fort. to Ulan Out the guiltyy on.y or oortroo
appeared lobe fruitless. The detective to
whom we have referredwag requested
to take the cue ha hand, and if
possitne trace out • the whole bud. Ills
unthing 'form, after over three mon th .
mutant labor, have been crowned
with Success, and a regularly
iced hand of deaverate and lawlese
men, who hue for months met Infested
the city, plundering ud.biling
crintinadely, have been trapped, and will
doubtless soon be placed caber* they iB
notth Once an !opportunity of Interfering
wi property of otnera first
step was to disuver the parties eur-
CCZlir " I.N ItTP owe w ere
ter he tootthe eau In hood, but then his
labor had only ememenoed, se the object
ha r bor secure the entire gang. Re followed
the clue he hid obtained, and as time pro
=aviation" eeenmelateci against
who was s. brfaasman on rail.
road, and tt lemma evident that there Mere
number of others connected with him;
bet to &waver who they were for • tame
bathed his wits. He was not discouraged,
however, wad deafly uemesded in obtaining.
as he says, unallataintde evidence of guilt
against all the above named startles charged
with larceny, He had found malt of the an.
tales with 'stitch the ee above named
are cha r ged with Stealing, and traced the
larceny to them. Namara had been
tuned and placed in the Duda of an ettlors
for enteetatiu, when Chief of Pollee Soot;
who is always on the lookout for stuiplclous
individuals, ...too the parties on rasp'.
where them maned In the lock-up,
they ` at present
other par Um Th
connected with the ABM/. ese
have not yet been arrested.
Itherie Boorg—Ths week will be a met
orabte one thou= imusement lovers, a. Gat
Croat tragedian, lid Orin BOOtb, will appear
at. the Opera house six 'voodoo in Armes.
•100. That Ito will be accorded a reception
worthy his eminent abllttle• we have no
gentatlon In prodloting, as no when else
in the country le rare oaths more theme.
area. Mr. Rooth% appearance • here after
the lapse of • hung term of piths, with his.
trlonia reputation a. bright • and brillitht
as of yore, will be made the Or:canton of a
grand theatrical rotten, in which all will
participate, uthorder to pay tribute to one
of the brighten of stars be the Am.
rican stage. The Opera Bore hag been
placed In good order, the scenery improved
and the gargend arm:magma or the stage
remodel/ad. so that the rendition of *bakes
pearthlgthatestplays by shed istmgulthed
interpte witithm nothlng In the emin
ence u re te r nranagenthot of-tide favorite
place of anuisercent. The box mem willgoe
Open to day, fine
wo urgthily advise 'our
reader. to hoe no time In sothring
as the rush certainly be great. Let no
person mhos the opportunity of attenotrog
the Opera Mouse during Mr. Booth , . -en.
Vsnormes Tthsvaa—The attractions at
the. Variation are as moat no ever. and from
the number of pomace wno attend them
nigntly, Weer/dant th at the erthblislontent
le mod acted in • manner which gives gen
eral satisfaction. New axe tormented
every night, and will be during the meson.
Thethex—GrUbilli Cloristy's Minstrel.,
who have bust concluded a ”:17 outoceesful
engagement at the Old Theatre, hitho been
ladnoort to remain two Ltlghtli /orogen This
evening Mr. Geo. Perciral takes a benefit,
We the proceeds of to-morrow evening will
be cantrlbut d to Mr. George Christy. A
111rtir programme will be presented each
A Well Managed Moose.
Among the place, of pleasant resort
this nedghborhood there are none more de
eereedlY popular than the famous croon
min Garden,. In East Birmingham- it
(sulky approached by Maclean and comfort.
able oars of the Birmingham
railway. passing every few tulnutes. The
wgnetere our genial friend. Freak BoIS
worth and Joseph Evan., know wall how to
Cater to the 'emits of the hungry sad W
m-17. and. is host.. have already attained an
enviable reputaUon among tho many who
-visit the 4. lfOntitain Gordon," Qysters are
meal Ps all hours to the very bet style,
and the purest sad- bast (orals,. and
dominant Imes and honors, together with
temptlng lager beer. ales and cigars Will
always be lound at the bar. The best of
meter la alw
In tbls ays =Untamed, and n t 7 where
for - ; l uae spot =Tarr a l .:ll 6 er 0 ffe tan
..fountain (iardenc a call, and partake or
the hoapltality of the escnxatble sod court..
011 J proprietary.
• : 'feticide by lameging.
Coroner Clawson, yastardaY, held an In
onset at Spring Garden Run, &math warn,
Allegheny city.= the body of , a German
named George d Elatanidt, aged fifty-two
year, who committed anionic, by hanging
himself in the garret of nib dwelling. It
appear* that ho had boon In bad health far
eome time, and during the aheence of his
wife on en errand to &drug store, for
sine, be procured* piece of bon cord. with
which he proceeded to the loft of the home,
and attaching one and to a nail Ina rafter,
Plithed the other about /de neck in a noose;
and sunny himself of eheir on ethical he
bible alleniting the rope. When die.
coma id by hie wile, on her return, he was
alon nit d"d illie T t ' :cletClit i tterithir
Ira. a machinist by tend* and no canoe is
known for Mg suicide, otherthao the fact of
hle illness. •
Apothem. tow Hose Itherthite.
. When rotor:dug from the Ire naturdaY
the' horse - Attached to the Indolent.
dense Hone Carriage took fright, near the
eorner of Chatham end Wylie streets, mid
ran Stormiest • lamp post which was broken
and,square off, And the Rote carriage totally
ished.. John Price, a one armed man,
member of the conthintl,' w ho wt. an
the carriage at the time Mine accident,
was ttithwis off with 110411 throe its to en
sorely Injure him about the head and face.
He received • deep mama the forehead, and
1',1% altrgliggg:-.4,:pawnlitti
gaea . ..rarely Injured. but wes thought
t i aerionely. Captain Nelson Woods, who
was driving the horse, was thrown oh the
&whim: at the drag store at the corner, and
fell through lott, sidewale, witherit ths
tuning Berinjury.
• Leeel Inspectors' Eepert.
The Vatted States Local inspector. of
"team venial. at thls port hare preheated
tbelr quarterly report. During the c logs
tar endlnr Swamp= 40th they Inipeetect
eighteen gammen of as aggregate tonnage
Of ZOO SI. Licensees wire Issued to forty.
Vilt h rliote thl thrir,rtzt.lgotlitters—of
finny-all renewals ' . and of earlaeer;
la ,.
animal and n1111).4.6 renewal.. Darla,
the quarter ahem wt. a° •losi nth Or
property 10 this elution.' D1U4212 the eggs
there were Inspoeted ohohilogyeaudgmy.
an Maniere ol all etanee, With a total of
SihtllSi g i i m ?.l l . lt h to txtz =re low
eo e ne at thts gort.
no tut shows a large nambhr of Tema g t
rzleb,=.ll: generally to 1006
,00adltIon for
Ortreery num Sad fOthipin
Who WM bread sod embers 1a ootmeetton
with their baslacas t WOOlq .dtt.'well to call
or mod their Orderti to .11.8. T. Wray 4
Iliac No. II Irwin street, ai they `ems 7
meowed to Alt all orders at thelowest pos.
able rates. They ord ers
all the dif
.lferent hied/ ot crackers and biscuit now in
.11ho,urzeby4t4ntizwoif • superior otiaUty.
.d m.a. ALT coned btl'ATe
Aor tour in the umarhet. Permena ratICLI4
of the city can rely oa utluttbC Melt 9: -
dere 01/ed promptly addeorreu7 t 7
Log them Ut thia noun, IL L
Whey-Tiro iota—This Day, • •
( Acrobat. rua, at two ealork, r. w., .on the
P re Misva. Intl beard 4 the very handsome
/y summed and damnable property adjoin.
leg Tort Merton—near Wilearevllle.
• The property cantata Of Martz/Awe hits,.
lard eat In venous edam nem the 01111014.7
bulldlnglOt tto tbo.o ef an &We each. -
[ 42%1=41r:it zakTinlativorilize coniel of
hour, to =lvey persons to atid%rrna thie
C ale.
free of charge. - "lltelt.heon, Palmer &
W 0 ltmintatt Soda Water at i. - T.
awarle' Mete. ho. St ?Waal Weer, 1
The canspelgu—Ke•Lber ti Allegb•=7.
The Republicans of the Third ward, Alle
gheny city, held a large and enthuslutio
meeting, at Gent's tavern, corner of Se.
and street and guile:le, Saturday night.
The attendance was minimally large, ex
..edths the expectations of every one, and
the greatest swims/anti peruded the east
assenchly, while the meet
railed. perfect order pre.
The meethcg was ortranlud by the alto-
Lion of the following otncenh
.PrerLdent —John A. Myler.
Vice Prvsfdents.—Col. George Gent. Fred.
Laitg,tudrlir Setdder; Wm. u. Stub* ILob
art Henderson, E. P. laulhater, C. Gelb,
C W; 3. P°r. r Iggvar, Veriritt.,
Wm. Seandont. and rePortert the pre"-
Forcible and eloquent speeches were de
livered bill. Y. Mueller, T. IL htanhalt.
W. C. Moreland, gags, and Ron. Thomas J.
highest, to which the impending lidroas
were thoroughly and flirty dlsettased, and
the Importance of their final adjustment at
the approaching elections urged upon the
people, alter which the meeuog adjourned.
1‘.11111.0 Ay wycoss's.
One of the largest meeting, held in this
county, outside of the city, derma' Me
ant campaign, took place at Wycoff's Con.
Unental Hotel, near Waneeeld , w S•tlirdlay
The meetlno was organised by calling
Hersey Robb, East., to the chair, and as.
pointing aldney Howland and John. Fisher
a Kerr,Joh Esq.. lion. Thos. 'toward
and Major J. F. Slagle addressed the meet.
starrise AT erszaaw's
The 'Republicans. of kanntall township
bold • large and" erttbastaatla meeting at
Warren's tavern, at twororoloek Saturday
afternoon. General 4.. L. Pearson and Mai
A. 11.1 frown were the speakers on the or.
maim; and from the attentive manner In
which the speechee were listened • to
throughout and the applause they elicited,
Is evident that they were folly appreci
mange ST easx.sists &moor. noise.
One of the most Interesting meatless of
the campaign VIM held at Graham's School
House, Pine township, Saturday evening.
The number of enters In attendanee wee
Tani /arra. end the oecselcu was enllrenod
by the preemies. of • large number of ladles.
The matting_was addressed by W. 8. Pure!.
mace, Esq., H.
Browtr, and Gee.
A. L. C. Bankroll, Eeq" A. U.
a linabeade Lave Year WlvenVe
and Lei,e them ni.litation Bitters when
they are 'offering from Nervousness, Oen.
oral DobW t 9, Psintnees. Spasms, or any of
the thousand and one diseases to which the
weaker max is liable. /laving yourselves ex
perleamd the henegt of their use. extend
the stassine to Others. This luvaloable to.
me will obese Hypochondria or "the Blume
—give tone to the damagol nervints system.
—gently etimulate hingula seeretiOna—dis;
pall vapors and moo!, and generally band
np the worn 001211LIISICIOLI. FOr each emend
all nem it Ise gentle attendant and a re.
freshing oortilat Million. of bottles are
sold dally all aver the world.
Unle—anyerhar to Coteau, and at halt the
obalatloa mad Azondowlea lb. 1100
Rational and anooeuted Alendood for
TreaSlog llmfarre and Dlseaame of
lb. alr Passage.,
rAAPLICRO ET DR. AlOlll.ll, AT DO, 224
Nore.—Dr.Aborri devotes esr.ecial Innen.
Lion to the treatment of all diseases Inci
dent to the Eye, Ear, Head, Throat and or.
gans of the
Will be professionally at
hie rooms, 1114 Sadthiledd street, front 9
D• 1111111•10 PIITALP . Neel eeeee
Grosads etil Western ALVAN Mk Alleges.-
say a .7. at Azle 11 eas.—Thla day, Mondry ,
001.7 th. at 2 O'clock preelaely, On the prem
ises. will be sold the realdenoe of Joebun
Rhodos, E.g. The lot Is 90 feet from on the
asenue, extending along Bidwell atavet 270
feet, being • corner lot. An elagtht Jomod
era ry
to , hawing all the tomcat'.
matte ent lg. find class dwelling
Also, at the same time, the adfotathil hit will
be dlapooed of, rroettna 92 fan o& th e awe
treetnue, ea - tending back 271 feet to, a' 60 feet
s. Ses advertisement of Matti:mon
Palmer 2lla, Auctioneer%fd and
elven. b 7 Eyfth
The Fall Semilea Of Pennariranta Col
lets. et blettyabory, Pennsylvania, opened
lent week with an addition or forty-fin
new andante, being the lamina emblazon of
new stlnlenta slate the orw.laatkk, of the
Lamination. The oollogeria widely known,
to one of the boat of its claim in the conntrr,
and bids fair to hare a proaperona future.
All the professors are present, and the
new year Main =Wantonly.
/K—The llerrrowts Cat eretsaws ifolost
on axpelosa Comma/.
has made arrangements txpreso axon..a gooCompanyd
aver the Cleveland and rattabrugh Hal l
road slag branch... and after this date will
receive goods for Cleveland and all inter_
mediate wham, aad he a few dais will ex.
tend us oparauons to Wheeling am Bew
- .
Valuable ClogArneperig as Asuettoa.
—tru Thursday , October leth, at o'clock,
r. ou the premises, will be sold time.,"
rer7 desirable lota Of ground, being soa,
81,83 and id Fourth Ertel. hoe advart46-
meat la axial= column. Balltherre.—Fal•
mer k Co., Atte uoneera
aaaosaa Ware, Allegtheny.— The Repub.
Maus of the Second ward. AgT, are
requested to meet at the to o Scol House of
same ward, this evening, for the purpose of
completing their arrangements for the
election on Toesday. Thls is • meeting
L of
imapode rtanou, 004 shonld be generally at.
• •
.11t Be le lse Cheeweey!. y. the
prospectuse lt
of tee l Rea New roaanm, to
our present llckma bell, and the remark ls true
se soplled to e
tha 4deservedly
popuhar weekly. t
111. Is ri chln contents,
respects ftl72llnetra tad, and complete to nit
„ ! •
Dry Goode se Wleole‘lm—we !Invite
Dm particular attention of buyers at *hole.
aa e to our complete stocks of Bilks; Dross
Goons and all of
of Fancy and sMida
(fools, and Ou the fact that lan aell . at the
loom Yaatern prima and out good. to tun
overman. J. W. Dome a Co..
• 59 Yorke; street.
leer,neltette at tae Continental Dining
goons, Mittree. next door to the Poet
cane, has constantly on hand the best Anna
ply of large and, temPllng °Peen. ~hicb.
are aervW up in the blatant etyle of Me
cltlinaryart. Give tam a call. •• • •
'llesesenterr Para—The /ay; Co:mi..,
S ugu 'Vhllttfa , Vldr:t " Tilr4
itheoy. are warranted to to the Teljbaat
Ma market. Carl and set MM. nat. VW.
Sky, T. 11 I ari 5...•
Pb Was Inns. Hal hator--i?ths:EPlijind
Mr. Charon. lan eTanlnr -B. B. neat Dam J. 'La!, • 13 .7.„_ n.llalr.
Conn offle.lnt.ed In
1./114th% N• ..p .-- abllna l. :7 3 rlll - bold meat
en..7 end In fro 54""
.ur. at of the Postolnne In Ws
.I.enteng 144 • • 1110
all the delleacies of the Boum heap be
obtained daily, at hours, at the potddar
ntinental Dibleg Itoome, Firth street,
neat door to the Foetal:hoe. Prices very
.. • • •
resp Tito Steller Boum Wire Ear oe •la
onding to the alarm of are Baur:tar
alga; ran into a brick pile. oe Smithfield
stmt. bat fortunately emaalneil no male-
Mal damage. • •
Eye, Ear. Tbroat.• Lnv7 , c, DN.
mos, nod Corarrik, Soccoratully treater
by Dr. Abork, emithilola atreet. A book
by malt fa okras - rra • •
Movramel Valuable fo,
ov:rO WerictesTLloPhlerra tho
tleverford, D.:Llama° C 0.11.72 2t.
lajor Wtlltm Frew and family re.
turned tram their extensive tear thrtri!li
to vrel u
garotteorne on t hem atard e noaym. evonlng. WO nin glad
The Pewee or Bedford street, Loin Say
enth street to the city line. will be oompie
tad this month. It !sone of the flout streets
twain to the ca) , • ' '
• lane and spirited p. ia g consolidation was held Mtn "i"
Satardayere.lng. Ibwlrc'of
mien. Honig', the greatest enter living.
the Opt /tonna ntet , ve. tat e.gegement Men
U evening at
• •
06/d Neandhex dads Water AL J. T.
Benaghen y. hsh. UtUg /tore, No. 1/9 /Waal is/er.
Alle •
The Luger ' neer balls on Trot, Uni co4 '
nue to do • reed business on Sunday.
' replay. *man&
Oat: Re. re7.lgt et. Peers stheArel s br the
Me. loather Malley, Mr. leleet.CL lIYLF
ctrl Ylse both of nth
My. No emu.'
IcDZflr f r u O lfkriyi, i _ . at tiIOS..IOh ia.c
"L t as m
ti atvi s T oseal t eL Vs sW C.
doges, stoner of goSiff ss 004 WV.i. Mute.
owtoossmo f luesifsy) taos2ll - 4, •
!rater.ts*. art% c r . ~,, The
.daeolgslitlSS:es of tSs :sonny Ora off!
_ .
(With Oat, ionww We recerd the de ath'of Mr.
D. McDevitt, who expired' aver aloes
Wove. at his tem.leatt to the hie th" a
late bones tatordar night. The deceased war
one of oar most worthr :iad proinlitag vacate
du... rad his cieath sill prove • heave blow
to • large circle or s Meade sad admirer& Ile
evaa the p ielmi or e Alaitay.atialltlee of head bad
heart whit& endeared blot ee.en with Wham he
came in tooted titter la hump.. eeeth4
lie wet eh* or the broDetors and I nodan of
that prateewertiy latiltatioa, the Potato Cane.,
led while la
health earl strtetth
lebored sealettely for IN prolemit7 thersthr slut
DLlow.beliale alight hi draw., treat' tee
heaate et itiltieuty to , a source et mental sad
moral ltemveakeet., we. Seem". 0.41-
able anti good, raNlil daat, hied sad forairlai,
mid wetreetere WI ha he. received the rewead
Of a itre rlriai to preparmieb to roost a iterestel
6 od. lila that:rat wilt take. Plitta telt"T"r
etoralex at blue o'clock.)
iFemoral W. l lProceed Dom No. Ile Fire t streati
notheT.) eioatruro. at Ogee!.
at:Ualt/Ve hor4lnblraTtrieliSererlit
Olen egedei ?eau; 4 , 7 .•,„ ••
/antral treim thiramdtace of her een,le,latr,,
litowart; 'at TalsoO street. 'raze
Madero Lewbatroos, ate o'clock. The Illeade
Wilh• tinily are respeedrally lavited N shell.
THE IwilvarerN,A•o44l
111111111NSDAT /11131 samummay.
• Urge tabsat, *catguts,' 7111721741C1L
01011 at talarbrilia mesa mum, ladaatba
lbaataa idlbartabh Wen Now by bblayrays .
sad Malt. yalsabla Audis Yaws bar It,.
Talatty, sad Idiot abet meet Walt* lma.
dal am* Cloameralat Yates '.oar bY
aay yam, to tha any. Itsrme. X•alkaala at
Ilabbaat 0.0.1* a.luo.i It.
Tann Tea two Tram. OATiorroo
Nobs *ot 1.40.
7 A. 4 ' , To too) or Tatar to yortoo Tenho,
UT dab. 414ott000s to Yobs Goa be abet at
Name To Ottiototosaa.—la onlorlie soar
totad Rotate otatoollstso sra
mot, u inns • Wolloosdoi Zdttloa Ihor sob .•
stenort MTh( Oaf casual emit.
Iftr Yaw by Date. Illoorast, moo amok
or to SOPOSon4Lottors. Tulin Nat so owl&
rzrzszintee. rum.
No. 166 Paula Wool. PlUsioxigs. py
00711201 at ailkhado: OSUMI, GLOVI2I. owl
ovary demorDolom lhoorol 11661.1 Dur Goal,
fornidted. /loom oosiooldoyalol 61,11. Mono
sad Cairlosoo larolsbo6.,
It arwacms—Door. David 8 , 177. D. D.. .e.o.
Y. Jacob.. D.D.. p 00.6116116,650.. 46 ,
ant at.
js " G. RODGER!! 1111VDERTA.•
• ENE AND KMEALAH, oneeosoor MLe
late nunott Z._ BeNoduzs. No. Unto 514.4. -
QUO doors tom Bauer, AllosbuY W. 44.
Hounood. lUtoganY. Wannt nad Bow
wood !natalbn Cadlna , ailao lousl riduioll
PM.. Won. °Dena all bum du and Eau,
Hum and Curtsies torEnbod awn notio4
ud on men eruonabio Unroso.
DLISTAKICR. thaes. 1144 qua Intl%
Alltebtty. Yatatue , ilassrad sad slaw OW.
ga., "ma a aampleta stook at hairs( am/ tad
gaods or hind, and tatalsba !fat attontUUD ot IAF.
/owat =tau.. We rod Llivrlttliblisjotal,
aerof llart.,..DMlDDLZßlllinli,
BarouGhea, Bugles, Iladdlls Hama% to.. at..
tat We.
VA•0> 4 )01:44.41:4 . 1m4,t.
—A. 3. lIARBASIU. .t the efeteetere Pt.
Aim num woluni; max ztraukt,
h nto ost
tbe the Mot tuatfactuers tIU
PERISCOPIC ait.,tes,
Jewelers and Opticians;
ess armarawsts sawswinnara..
Merchant tailor,
Car. Penn and Bt. Clair Streets,
mTadketu p sgreUleasare .. of WW2. " 1 2411 all• 101.
Ott gemetsl that kl P.. of "
Tat 35.7"croer Ockrix
66 dr 57 FIETIE STMT..
Are Offering Great Wida/
B AL )I (!ILUSc,
Pocket and Table Cutlery,
fir Persons Wishing to pito.
abase Will do well to eannelnwe
one of the beet assortments seer
olfeied, and
tar - Furniture and Btonseboad
Goods AT ArCTIO3I own?,
zozsuiyigum rar
• air !articular attasUon Oyes to 'roam.
Watches. Want. aud JIII,I,OIPW.
ItEloyED SAD Niw
H. salnizi.
800 removed So No. Nil WNLIIC ocib•
aar or Vaa , ral Aram. wawa tat 1. arsw nod,.
12 / 7 4 1WatlaV~ EY r
Watch N. ta
7kll4Rrer. Ir. • maggots
o. ilaatitaelnet bah
13.14=1/LtalatilategliOlte, allafwatVa.
Aa aslan= ailittir""
a m mug% Lank ads. aau..aaw
Turapiks, adywalas Oaadmmun torkmat
ON. B..llleoumith. A.n. simian essir.
ago ma Am vnaumtubm."
ter Sat vIeW4 ai4 =mot be drAsen.i.,
Toros au] ,
/wain, of
151 LL
Vold r•et,u4 lad haulm* Amts.
14 1 0 1 i 7 1LILLE- 1 1"ha . t handsom'
Yd very desirable TEMA 1120/Ir SWIM ; .
DyrILLINIP Hover., ut...t. N. 1 Pe•ef•fe
beit, Intinelgh; TWA beak L a1100r.44
,01 , 41 Or Ike bandeaus& streets ta-Pit
es tsboysk;
t Pow reale for d5l. - This property 1p
root*. tea Q* stellateoa et the.* seettei •, Si..
holes: iffLL lIISMITfiILf. Beet • Zellete as
laserssootiyeete. Better street, atm Balsertet;;;;
tang LAT/TeataTlLlt.
Pradlealittraltare leanufactinenr
COS. ?EVl' 4' VASE ST%
..w.tirtpti of ru 4. ITUAIS entiaaitt
0 ~): ): I
I " noWard% LlTery. Stalkleo,'
MST MiAm tflar Itoaeasthils.noi.k
Oa. HOENt. ,•1 7‘rwitle to ditivet irtlE
iteare It lasamottis. ama sped 44,0,ip
frj!-atr" Mtltta;=.l"-',..16.1..
110L*RT-----2-c-i-----2ELL a co,
Alchor tette. Mils, ritWP.2)ll4,,
. .
Kamantniin atICIAV Y. =mom wawa!
4 /111LIMININ AM, !Marne* -