The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 05, 1867, Image 1

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mums= =zit monad.
aixarbaki •
eXttiram, REED & CO.,
'11144.A4 ' ,4a11 ' u Inv= ignarr.
nEuig Wl= hpr d fain timbals.
*mina mit cef rraimMit AD
rascrasit -
tralr.2 l bz
setimmoor t r ,
Cie MittoTargit Gail
- -
Iffehlryalabt !bouts thtveghout • the
Was #istdulay and but night baterftre d
flatetWil' vithlbe tedegtsphnUe
t _ -
• ......
loyid yoters of the Golzunonwealth
askiklkigaer tribes* tb the worth mid
character of Jadgeyyilliems than the
IWiowlciye !cOmpliMest-Pald him by
4, 1 14-Aslly ...Dramccatic paper of
Wade Pennvivaillithe day following
It sal:! I,
of the llon:lmitY
W. Williams u a candidate for Judge of
the Elapetuut Court is a good one. He
named before the Ito
gaiNfte.eaterftbint, indpossesses legal
for the =spec
' *ti tb which he has been nom
bl• 3.titties Nava now present
' c=
ad dim impottant duty
habibmg 7 1altafolly - diaghiugad , by the
relstectlveconventioes. The atmpalgn
ray new be conducted without personal
isspereiwisi and decided upon the print!.
plea Of the two grail parAes., , This Is as
it should be. It is an taspicidus dim of
the times and if ttte connty conventions
are rtunate LCI seloction
legisl equeily ature candidat fo es; Ahem wilrbe of a
anott tatt tobtba deplorable corraption at
the. WO wf',.goteraPnent under a new
of honest men and conscientious
IWalatma.—Pittiburgb Post, Jun. 2811,
g to' the
on the 119thelf-Angut, was pleased to
ipila r trit nothing to - take beck or
.PlONLudgo privide-nr,
niimmtion we lam nothing - bit
words of praise, Lad however It may ;
scut some pugnacioni and heady pan-
WI capon'. Wag ounielvos to:Am
Malts: as , either wise
Alta death of . Erma " Rows, the
invent:wt. of towing mschines;iamitairan. ,
oed havininteurrediailrooklyn, on
Tkttps4 tnight. The deceased has left
+.4lll4l:Weifirrention which will lice
'ObeeVor; eat it incortosent to his genius,
:iete neje:iota - and , badnitry.; He wan
boon la Spencer, Kass., In 1819, of poor
pertain He received a may education;
end developing a blabs for :machinery - ,
wselattrite4 theta& of- machinist. He
de ttlon'ektlY to tki inTe n.
12,11friOngiPPCIPle, receiving but
incentregelturnk utile lace of suo
TarlPTitj BCOUteds bob
. 2g
champr perpetual motion vs-
Prkdh-141CirTIAIL 1846, his genius
triatophied arid he received a patent on
kle . p,el anichtste. After" pears spent in
litlietioli,irir4lig out of infringements
on biaL.patentii ho. finally succeeded in
W 01144 bla rights. sod bond
tieli i the sole' liossesiot of at Invention
which not only berueltted‘ tolling thour
ands of the hymn-family, but likewise
brag* tehnkous wealth to his depleted
tcideit -Daring the was he enlittedsa
a illtilletnitt .w.lisassoltum4l 'regiment,.
inpliaral Ids .comtiry credit and
'llitrootiOn. The " soltter never lumi a
better friend, nor the army a better pri
vate soldier than the millionaire voltur
Tan Dot Oiling "if it is light oi con
. htittitional to. , 4ospend the President be
fore he is tried and' &Menlo! in' high
crimes and iondemeanors?" Thiamin
to as a very foolish question, and so we
will answer itchy asking another. If e
Okilectloof Intinul Eevenne aloiiT be
. indicted' by the proper grand jury for
applying to , his personal use_ public mo
neys entrusted to his keeping, ought the
President to suspend such Collector from
his of icialfanctions until .the muse 'ha l
'tea tried menus to us sane men can
give but one answer ,to tidainterzoga
IThe Mogan= of Mr.. Stanton by the
ireiddent was tomewbat analagons to
this. He did not like the manner in
which that gentlemen .adonsistered the
. affairs of the War Deponent, and sus
vended him from his tool itntil the Sen.
ate should hess an determine the m e tier.
'W.edeiitot plitoi‘ewitlivahlt reason the
54101dat: coophill* if- be shall be
served ways. served „the Bocratary o
War: . Thera is a homily adage, thi
-,rwlit 'is allattal for goose is moor for
DiuMimikrs labored from,the tint, and.
:•;aisiAllir6irMg . to the lag, to- have re
:4(iffala'm labial' ori pronounced ;Main.
010nUostal...fflusi clehried that we had
',Coliatitutionii - lime; to, web:m . ole
Jadgeßlack embalms:l%Mo prin.
Ple party and of gr. amain
in's administration, in a legal opinion.
Judlie Sharswood pronounced_ the
moliej; 'any. -011' the - war,
Illegal; and, to elect hlm, will be a long
step on;the, way toward repudiation of
r •paffpr4ind all the legislation of Con
gress &ulna the time the Southern States
have been unrepresented. Should this
somam:e be carried iho min and coign
' - ,,-,elpvot kola States would fully
Shat width, now reigna in - the
l o ok,
, :rMwralur in 'Llsileine lionnty;-be
'taeern Kr. Sete-him and , Judge Wood.
'firi-Ciongress, very 'plated.
Thit'Sudge-encitteld'Lbat all foreigners
sbodrAmmain twenty-one years. le this
c ountry before voting; end offered this
eels amendment to the Constitution of
,This fact is now. brought
• iirbirice sgaimg him with miners; and the
Olaplal*tualm.iluoting hisoldimembes
~411frallse Aosivaation with damaging
- _
- '4iiiboid pretense of tbeFort, to Indica
that' Jedga Williams loss
14igedi1norelf fo ?outran &chime atter
elmition is strangely at rarianca with
Its mideriemeast of his "legal and moral
Miklittedlems." 'gown man legally and
morally quailed for a Judgstitio wed
hatte! his declaims is scheme W moue
iiii etalfelectiM sA7 be blown to the
pelt,-bat we sheald best a lossto ender.
Sold Oct Priwdele.
.p •
o otegwuton of the Union, and do.
'•'`4,4olll°ldt"wlld not,
s p o h l. u n , o . od .g.tea. ,, min'tnte for
,rit ,
as by a tort of IntUnct.
liss! who were loyal all through the
nui • Ought We . to found htranhnont.
- • • insaktip.
Thinitersta of the City dl
1r00%44 by party tote,
:dated to extend awelcome to Gummi
Ilopatakula of &Am ten.
di r i frel449n°f that City to Aodratr
- .. .A. mon in AlasaniTrin, Vri, - ,alooapent
o legacy of a12.,000 in ono year, is now in ,
jell far Orating chickens. •
"--Chicarm has' been excited over the
V;till . gr c rirobbLug,of a woman ha Pal
„ .
~......_:____, .
Imia tior d pl .k.a. atform n o rm4 f a crow nm aert l2
—Sylvester Quilter; Ibr the murder of
George Finnan, was sentenced in Etine.
be'24-NeW Jersey, to be hang on theleth
of November.' ' - , -
—An elopement In high life tot recorded
lia Toronto. A wealthy and beautiful
young lady. a Menem the CanadlatiPoin•
=Vag General, ran alto Kingston with
a banker's son a fewelays aso and was
married them , She fledhunt - herfatherra
house -while sibrilliant hall was at its
belght. _
A relivel cult is now' before the Bu
Court of - Buffalo Ddr. Illohobur ,
Mtailed the wife Buffa lo
Bark, for
A i ming cat* bags black ewes
‘ 4;114:-Prorie asp that lba Braparor: of = Damages . tcl,ooo. , An - alter of
kitten did pot that ha would like to la expensive Phan it lighok ap•
meet 'VOW chi ln Paz* ,; , ' popisneees. ...,
, -
Prll *litho ro 4& bee for
young pan ,. in fletsnd9. dtr
: arra ~:pne spade, one boa, one saw end
mor balk, to be kept blight. and taken
idterlaste4 or to mit dernsnel."
Tacna .were two .serions, fstbnie of
osnsolsdeet. homes at St. Louis, on'
,Tlei liabilities of one of
. oiggkr4kut of lamb dr Quinlan—are re
-WACO. ".
_ .
JUJU Howet,Jt.;ideentar of eewipi
~..wroldri" died et,Brooklyn, New York,
may. night.
' '
•, _ .
--. „.- .. ..: - - - A5,.....,...1, 17 ,
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• _ _ .. , .
-=ISO xart Ilf van tin Own &Mu bas
stood. more consistently, for Total- A.b..
stinence from Intosiosting drinks;both
in theory arid reactloo,alanlir. . . ,
Onzersi. lfew men have: dorm more
or al much for Tempe:antis la t.e; In
the Tribune of the Id Instant he stye: .
' "We believe in Rephlicaniam ; we be
l eve in Total li,batinence from Intoxi
cae.sigarinks;' wd leileve In Temper
ance legialation; but there are good Re
publicans who believe neither in 'Total
Abitini= nor Iit:TP . 4I'MM /Wl'r
lion; arid they have u ranch right to act
on their convictiolts as we. -We do not
know which of the Rept:hit:an candi
dates for State eflices are Prohibition-
ists, nor that any arel wa shall not in- 1
quire, and - doll - vote tor all .if them
right heartily', and. would if we knew
them to be all adverse toneon all ques
tions relatietto Ilquerr. • Nre - "erten to
voter for the Repellent! -textdidates in
oar district for Alt:nate and Assembly,
I though then also should be anti-Pro,
hibittonifti;' 'We' know there arellte
publicans who. are not Prohibitionists:
and they shall hue no lueteause to catn.
of unfair treatment at our hands.
We hrartilyconeede their right to char
iot' and eaten theireonvictions; we askof
them nothing that we are not willing
reciprocate. We say frankly to them: no
Let need together as Repnbilo'ms - let
magneto di ff er as to Prohibition. We
respect year convictions; reenact - entre"
We surely ought not to be estranged on
this aide lune. Bat if. the Liquor-loving
and Liquor-wiling Republican!' shall see
tit to say to as, "Surrender or stien.your,l
convictions that. selling and' drinking . 1
Intoxicating Beverages are wrong. uriu
agree to act as though_ they were r ig ht,
or: e mill boltard defeattheßernib ean
party," we must answer, "Then. bolt I
We willnot bo enslaved, even to secure.,
*or; atamptrigz eat the
last remains - of Slavery. If your Re- 1
publicbete. - Is Continue/ on oar ikinkil• '
mity - to yourviews of the Liquor qua.
'Son, it must go", for 'we cannot buy your
adhesion by ...Uulflelne our ccmvietiona
of Right and Duty."
this is eminently sensible.. On this
teal' alone can the llepublicanorganize.
tion be" Maintained and a pokier ream-.
struction of the anion be secured. We
haverepentedly urged : this . view upon
the eonsiderstion of - the Temperance
noutiif this county, and writer. Regain
4d with increased' earnestnesi.' We do
'iot believe in driving men from the Re
:publican ranks, who agree with ns in
polities, but do' not concur in Prohibit.
_intoxicating beverages.'
—One thousand fresh Tri.buren are ox.
peeled in Arkansas.
—Whisky iss being shipped to' Mania
—lo Start for an otter Skill.
—There are twelve thouland five bun.
dna Freemasons in Missouri. - :
thousand men are steadily
at work upon the Pacific railroad.
—The handsomest women in the world
to on errhibition in a booth alParizi.
—England has rspent-two Million dol
lars op the ironclad .Northumberianel;
—The higher classes ixtJapan practice
polygamy, but it is not a general practice.
—The .English Life Boat Aleaciation
has aayed more than diatom thousand
riven :
„ .
—There are forty-eight stelmixate
ployed'nthe Hudson river at different
points. ,
The Mendelsohn Ctnintette club
oce...r the season at Brooklyn on Teen;
—The nfiretber of Presbytertanata On
cinnati iturreesed.from 1,100 to only I,LSO
from DISI to 1860 - .
—There iMiso church aorre7tiMsoditfou
for over refine millions of the people of
the Unitfid`States.
--tele said. ttrat a meeting ot ' mantes
has ben held In London,. preparatorl' to
a strike Par tdgber•
—The'f..nter Entieguintrei" * , didgood'
service at St. Altana. Vt., at fire which
broke out In a large foundry.
—The 'rebuilding of the Cnitchfield
I House, St Chattanooga, lately destroyed
by fire, has already commenced. "
.—The Afitens marble, se popular In
Clause for building purposes. a few
years since, to already crumbling.
—Nancy Cornelli n aged. eighteen, woo
horned to death - Linton township,.
Vigo county, • Indiana, by her clothes
taking fire, on Monday.
—No person whohas lost any or his
property by gambling within roar
mouths of his application, can receive
the benefits of the bankrupt law.
—The receipts o! what at Milwaukee
last week were hundred and tifty
mix thousand six hundred and tom
bushels: During the corresponding
week of ltud year they were three hued
redand torty-live thousand and sixty
dee bushels.
Grange and Mignon are at the
7elt- •
- i-Tostee; the Prerteli prl donna,
has already became a decided Lomita.
—Mr. Author fdatthesmi , translated- ,
the aongejust published from ths,"Duten
ees'of Gerolstein."
• ...Tem Baker In to write the music Ter
a new song to be printed in Mn.s Ler
dem:lair's new novel. •
.—ldedini,ltienew basso lase a higer,
louder voice than Antonucci, but has not
so pmulue andtnie a biota quality.
—New lance an warded., Nothing of
a. decided character good -for whlsfling
purposes has stmeeded the -"Marbet"
wait., which is about worn out -
—Pampa, besides being the leading
prirnadouna of the - opera season, at New
' York, will 'login a member of the gar
rison oratories and concerts during the
—About one-half . of the • best choir
singers in New York city are profession
la minstrels. Trained to a greet
lon; by the musical exigenoics tro=t
cork, they are usually good and effective
In church music. . '
—The Georgian Chinte--sung in unit --
eon--aren finding great favor in many
churches, though tenyear% ago they
wore almott unknown - in this country.
Congregations Mathew, but choir ' sing
ertrusually detest them. ''
• ' -• •
—The hiinnesota Historical Society,
has been making scientc observations
upon a paloologiest akulL The noddy
has ooncluded teat it Is a turtle shell.
The Homeopathic College of Peen
eylvania has determined to open Ito
doom to 'women, provided a sufficient
number offer to make it desirable to a
teat of its benefits.
—An• explosive - antitanee, whoSe
effects are somewhat like the of gen ,
powder, has been discovered oe France by
Fool. It is prepared by the action of
chlorate and of rdtrkte of potash on ordi
nary &Moor leinglass. •
—All the medical (*lieges of Nei,
York eity are .now holding their pre
liMinery courses of lectures, and the
present appearances Indicate that there
will be more medical students In that
city the coming winter than, over before.
—The phenomena which Jupiter pre.
seated oaths night of the 21st of August
was observed in Europe. Several es.
tronomers have already recorded the m
eans of their vigils, and amongst others,
the editor of the .detrononumt,Regieter,
who says theappearanee of the Av e
blackremarable., When the, Ave
black spotswereproJected on the line of
the belts, they gave one the Idea of "a
har Of printed rnitsio.",
The Italian Innirmetion.
U ,I 3 TATA,I,, wpm, p
nu T 1 1111 riiis etLi,
Poi"a oner ht 111stiniloi4.
Agology AotheAmpric.NNAva,
• listisad'or VtirlAsir:i
cEstati at coo -uvaifict
N,e7 Fenian, C°mT ltila93!lFO
oly Tilt insole Mart Merge Ithrefier
.„. • ~ r ste ththethouler Xttheloke .
Floes:ice, October 1--./hentsei.--The
eleholeshooY Plots tette mivizelkVV,
Who, sad await th e thtsols Or the rontilloni
.TAXTIOCLAMS or oesesthrses Stormorrel
Lessee., Oat. 4 --.llthouowtinc..plyttd#i
tan of um recent movements cr Geti:
bsidi have been rimerred trOen iwyt iritl4
la prison et Altheolibt.tleilbeldt r perstiti
ently tektite to eve his' Attila' not to
ensourelvt. ony hostile •onterDthee. MOO? . 1 4
the - Para Stalest - ilasowtMer• the 8k44
sotharettient,hophts to lOUS'. the - Pellath
a:tenement mooed by. Ma 'thee; here Or
doss too the thunder or the WOO= to Z4l
home at 'Onyress. without llathrtlng loon
The General 'wee ecoottltaall
taken to the Island, ohms ho mu Apparent,
ly set et liberty. Boon
altar hie arrival hs
suddenly dlssopearedrrom . thelsisss, and
succeeded Ls rtheidest the mate lands but
ht movements had bean ciretidlfestrated
end he was man threstelli hod clot lock to
Caprithe vltere 1.; int. 4.2.m.U , C,‘ , ".X
pool ot prisoner In ha own house.
• 113411./.IID. • • I
mamas orraalli consrmacc.
;.... 003 %9V..bnt.5tr4 : ! . " 4 '4s. 6l lert.
on that * pollcaccout run peen shot Iwo
killed In ItOnlintil• by some renlans. A p+
llocrnan was attacked and nouly tined in
dna rat aggrlgliglrialitnen last night.'
These events, in centsmtion with recent 00.
ourrances la 3tainliateriuilithalro, hare
Wen rise to runinciont a zuw . !Finn eiguni
I . l'intian oonagliary.
• - vs., vi-s.trortattot., ••••.
Loissa,ostooor a.—lt is slat Bic aiiig•
ius B. rut, Pmebt Smash MittCotst
franosorm ee "ippointod =Wiwi. to Ids
I.7attea Mite&
AtitrilD'ADD pliant Intr. , . LA1L14041,1:4
Thu r^ . "741.! • • tD fanstlitte W.; •ffatt•
or azyl Gtist Watt= Ital/toma
tuvreratuituot to this country— At • am+.
tag De tII• gaterury they tutde,g, regett,
whtatt was tarambly.reoeired Dad rim*
htittli !Westin:7 to theltdrlllll•den,
commies° , esenonio *newts: i
'ise's; OctOtairh::-The Itornais "Cabello'
Bishops of the esistran Empire hat met
In Coagress, see escarp; thArliPpellaicw
to any change in the Cestat4a ant rat.,
tithed between noineania
arouses so**Akan • =so — 5e.... •
Losooa, Maid* • The TnriO
ish GovOrlll9ent Du rode an apology to
tho American Arnhem... Tarot Constantints
Sde for the built offered to one or the roes-
MIMI attached to the Caned States Co*.
The Emperor of &Ala ti.igesosadlid et
the antdinto Porte tho cession Of the bland
of Candle to Cresco.
7154 qmiza. ott , WISE •Mt110.1..111CT114,
Loewe; October IL—Adlepatch from Alex.
000 . 4 . EMMA announce, thorn:ll4ot tlie
steamer Qcaker CRT; will, m Amerloin
excursion party on board. all well. Captain
Lholcan telegraphs TLAt SLe •Qualtar Clty
will levee° Alexandria ma the 7th lust.. and,
after touching at one or two points in the
litedltenworeux -Teach illtwalter before
Use 07th o.; Ootobdr, whoa ansvill 04 area
for home.
-_NIPW - )(ORA emialp,
D. eoooetle Pilate Cooreollow—eltonad
Dorn Desslow—aystepsin of litt sole.
—_111•114.-11DIDI 1 Olatoo , DU 0 %,
talereasinit se doiittaturgiaitsatio - P -
steers', N. Y., October 4.—The Demo
cratic. ConruniOn met WON lllO , Mi e ir d
passed rceolidloris pledging the Democrsey
to reclaim New York from misrule and ccir ,
ruption, as tho , first steprothe restonatiOn
of the Uniost - 'Coxisfictitithao Odifiket•
Dent; that the National 4-bt is a s
'lstratlmrntin.:trantie oo=cl asi7s
plleation. al the moaned, and ecmailty of
thistiont and chrreney for the benefit of
the people;
the efforts of the
flepublicia party,to retain the power It las
t usurped by establishing negro supremacy
thnSouth. by military puree, and die
itsumbisement of the whims, an an outrage
on Demometio principle., and no attempt
to VinCtsrmine and destroy the • Republic;
stigmatizing the refusal w !submit the...pos.
Dow of 'negro suffrage to OM people jts
cowardly evasion of the r .thet
Incapsoitt. corroolloo. legislative deg,
: 11•0•0011 and reveals. , dirretralization Is•
,pioofthst Iteputalcial ariltinespeble of
govemmg the oountry; calling on the god.
end Government to entomb the doctrine"
that Adopted citizens aro eatilltallo pro.:
Dation; opposing the 7...01110 LW and urg• -
'• Mg its repeal; and windingup' with thanes
to the soldiers and sailors.
nat A. n.,eotea. Ftr
hecrelarl of State. homer f
oDatehels; CorepirelleriYodga
Oswego; Tressialny been , ' IV llOstal..
of nog.; Atunuerr. General, DI. B. Cham•
plain, of Allegheny; BMW EMI lnper,Van R,
hjellmond of Wayne; State PrieCat tosiXo
- woman 60; , en, of
Brie; d al al Commis.
Dauer, John D. fa, 90rundaal "lodge Of
Court of Appeals, ldartp•erovit,klZ,Allb.
' C'tnarai
• LW. Seymour' made •the fy,wistOch,
and th e ConlentUM adjOurned.i. .• - 1
TE=CiW'Ea O :nUiPr,
•••12101 contracts • , evi
arid irtistnbost floutpantes for 1110 trazisynr:
fatten of maths throughout • the-hone ate
elegising satisfactorily Canted tett. •
-Amend prominent Republicans field Pe,
hp mud Mat. to ease the /louse 'teofeento. ,
ins President for Impeschmon I..he will be •
impended from °Vico during UM
-Tie rebel asiwapaparg, of_ iffergta tad ,.
Alabama Maude amnesia to the floothern
Indies not to' 001030' itittecnnlog w eleotP4O,
for s,l7tureentleu to Morgettigo Mateo
-11 , 1mattar, by ,Plenbilil •iteilars order, ,
PreetenCiistebelidfilltba llbstreansof
War Pepartmemt to elsrlub first. pose who
wernaranndadM servlde; seem,
me o . l *
dlershonombly disclunged; mid third, to
elating haling female& .. • - •
The Paymaster Generaf,litis tmde -
Mood, Ass =leaved aso Order frogd' the gee.
room , of War to redone the'clenost force id.
hts department.' life enta 00
ngled teas .od,'
four Incrand nags
by aimilsz recent orders. -
-A serious riot took plume In J effersem
City, Louisiana, en the day of the eta:1100.
It oommenoed Ina dispUtsbatufeen twilit°
and black man, and was followed by • eft.
oral:melee, 14 visieli lire arms were 110.17
used. Two whites and •foni nanedni wawa
118010541/ ireaaded: .The Watery Wets
called upon and emu quelled the riot.
...age. Bunter, who boatel= pa:done:l bt
the rreautant. says In 113 petition that no
proposes o direct himself to tic penults
ofatneate 11101 th at be submits to Ms
- a ono. of the United.
c end
meue t tee. power f Ina Gog ,
annaen eee =t
to establish its o potter In Cho lienth:
. Ha' Willecausel, Wagon:Katy 10 that Pol l er
with Ymocl peace and cententaseet
Peesintla lie nowise , the onecouity of
subudistoor nod eels intsortanee of
npoge.te yall Country. all WS that preil
. eat I.thooln did net doubt that Is• I Molten
l i rould do what tgemtiiials'i inAnA g =
%int 111,44,01aTm-Tri--ssed a Us, Mr ate
taps whew In lilipisoutkalift aunt bet: Ithe,
Igirress Robber,
Ur Tosoolsoo W tairittooorso oomit..l
Clocriu,si, October 4.lftio tive. , •sb=
.baoctaVd tee este th,AArf° XtiPi
Metpszor, on the Onto - ilkat ze ep
11•11rosC on sikuutlita • of
olooooorirf sal fiteds
the Cole be= 4stactted
.d Os money , zeraffirtd,
~,«. _,.
4ieTIEAR 9 InAt ° ce'
Gn, 649 . ~ .
T' liolq as W3BXPialo
i'4l XI Z 11,411 . —. -- bld 6:1, Va,
Inv TelegnDh to the Pittsburgt. 0 asette.l
New Yeas, Oct. 4, 1037.
A special to the Post, dated Washington,
Oct. 4th, gays, Humors of Cabinet changes
are "- th
ern .4
mincer itf the Cabinet, General 'Grua, anti
cipates being relieved from the deities of
position of Secretary. A tier at no distant
day. A:prominent °Plaid of the War De
partment stated today that the Genera
linn py ,helic i i=,ii„
. ItaLt
ever might be appointed to succeed him.
Col. Henry. American Consul at Quebec,
Canada. boo tendered his resignation, to
take effect immediately.
butil V e=nrcti Allittrilleium‘
War Department.
• iSOT 1.3101511[0, MI WAS Arllol.l‘. •
C0161:161 litesamOrO.thiPaY Commi.loot
:41VIMAITtrttf 7 =ZY
Of the Treasury to resign Ole eonneetion
with the Department, bas been forsiallyi
removed. An official letter to th at effect;
was sidiSVillalgelatirehielifterindtini It t 0
not definitely mown who will succeed;
14 " 9° 1 '. 'Itturrnita cscatrrs , •-, i
the 'lolll2l3ll.l2 l ltilidliraPidrellniSee k l
ending bebtetaber mite were at.dtkluS. ( I ,
tot...egos: AT COLTcs cams,. i
...T:Wirretsißilribaschena spturnuted-Cul-,
lector of Customs at.,CFllitiOangitkilm;
uatat, re, dema.0 . d . , ,, , , ..; 4 - „ ;:•• .7 :-, --.•--. i
Enairiter44Seefiairli.ll/laliallie abet
cra.yee maseinshadowspesswelsaire
..4frespesset Lae Llarensislasta Wean*
Lynda arnenuratanowinal, , IlLastras-;
:Laserewid . namisitabiAd . •Inar . ..P .A. ' I
b a y t v s i e e a n In ns.vtfbaeel nsetaoy
n ad
(By Teo. Mar InsearshUsssue.s.
Of. l ..
uma, Ma, WOO 4.—The report/
which hare bee d . cirestlatad at 'dnleycni
ponds in the West let atm. days, 'about
,140.Flio1h!apqeg 10 Ona city, !nye !Memel
a most irroislyemaliaeratid'elnirante r
Orem*, dtd Apt:way, hero td ,a mlll loan
*boat .V. o. *WeTa ago. • bat' It. culminated
eaxrdsr. ul, BtoG then, 'lied ; 110 20
, abstbm tinadity. Only two caw s wore
lyern. noon to•myt wad an abet . ..ben.
-IMat. return of the beaked.
billealth prdillttt la Mdal
atatemant toleorton, ittubb: abate sot
.average of lola Inan Wants tata dvalha pct
day shins the malady ao=nea, amt
TIIOOI. will IWIIO mica dean.° ir
the etty foie efallellacasa And that all dart•
nor has pulled.
Ear tileArrretriiro`-'i
and W a ashittaton, eVM&Ourh_ti this moßlpq.
Lou Pepe.
it 0(0
" thr ar.lo, The e i calo
nr,. l V.hfilefeTbefelT
*llOOO bare en
linedalf,.bant,ecptutue enprecerlentedly
nacisranyelanninerrinna indications an ,
that it van be the arrat fair ever hell to
the West. Two IrioalritooAl• have btuab an.
• wan Tram Ulan:m:l4 SOWS. Wlyr.
Two atinanwees,nablett Clo t JOOOOOO
and OW O Cia Crain, were totaray taten from
the c is 01 the: elncers late s t:data b, the
in li t l XellrodVilMM Plat iV are
raga '..t=r6v.{21.="11.!-
At. b e4b•l; Chmenallalet, •
Cow. , the Iha l
race was for the tirech'staket, Oar. ye.
olds, whine , hewer . Appeared in Tehlie
1 . 5" M fell. ItentaMrpn woe by
i =n i aTTA czar zNt i.t r 3 p. ,. g
• tor the Past, inehn
Trassllo4ll tante •beate,. Vs,. Mae., tor 0
uw.,,,,0wn-"ura ion
TlOra: dl route . t
woA 0000001
cantio In. eeonad.,neth third,'.,KNlJOhasun
faerth, ratricianifW, . heat wss
worthy naleame by two What.. anUt see
and, lia,le third, Prolongs lourtli.
Johnsoedleteneen4 Mee-turd beat was
I n t = . llllll4nlll , a g oVe ' briPfs ii!"ol",,gg
Warta ...ost. Wheni bfatoereb
alStallOO WOW, tali rider .tohlearatnenin by
la front et bleat •tba Jadity
=,::* neat. to Patzlotaa. and daalaryi
b.:natant:ear ,Stetn .Igaintly
thlid. It now bertha became too Muir for
another hess. the remainder of Lbw num
waizsgoaedtlit to-morrow. Time, 1,1411,
'lsl Oraer...Shanisom left here yeltenlay tor
[Sy Tele:rich to the PitteherFh li..riOOV.
ammo sli.== l,lll' nT ,
iiiiit It=tgligit7 tf I ` .
TheTtral=7.llf=e,,n Lot m thniti.
his collecte6,ooo,.tiwo_ rat th e rz 1en171 4
totragqINOWSMI "trm'
The /Staten. alai , •111.441cal Society hoe
o.4.erreriffeelltSe isa send two peysicirost
to Ne.F.F~-NiP4PASVck.
a ersoak wk., aster.
A murdeohns_4nty occurred last right
nt the corner 011,w6a manna and Yost
etreet. Tocollistalleold Itatamione Gross
' ..kclte%t. b li e i ntratsTVHtla . 1 . - : 7 -a°.
here , ernfe re Mil fatal. The.
teurtterarastelafreatalLAJ WI P.
"W 1 7 9 rit A Mint 9." ,
13;0 11g1 11 :reljt e lei T ' o C r i l l Araka: tr re 4
cendlog a WA, u ;lion torn ne • curve at
Yarnace etrellejlelesihebetilkeirk the track
and innaldnadniayirlr-4 leer nnmai'
Emma LOMA( yr YLILNY 14. Marni Pee
t Gangers rilichtit ~ , • _,,..... .
DUrittlartykS tr . i? ... ....•
1 Conklin, theAriblalting cashier of the
Rae liliforeabli ;wet listestied on Tom..
codlgittrithirstD7l,l,4l;h'phrtri Res
sent to Nua C Mfifera sheltie' oa he WOO
to be alsproed of,rtnit no &Maar baluc
u i n i d
.. p . t b. e , .. ~wilmret.
, a. '
1 '
is;a'1011 . 0 . sakskr searraraY.,O l, t2f''eri"YrtfteMii'A'.
rken iO ar I
bone[:' . MI
04110411). man: - : '
V11.A1011, wedil Vt. Thle den
viYOSteaTiteienbedre~ tr r atassiass
erns% and the rotes for call Inane rebate(
1 tif;'il rag,-,TaL,ATi„;elgratc.e.ti..! 1.
ed. This state or affairs is Drought stout
Ll2,JP ,° = l"L ete - Stri,„:fil-e% W e r b T h lrt a r.oi
currency to the...tenor 41 et le a bsor bing att
hept.mber. Tireosrest LIAM- the
nedorablo artarUnu the
fiffea l tireruth - tesettuiir in, 0 .:14 , 1
ernmn welsh/311W Cold te•dnr.' 9 FaT Aur
chases Of 7.34zotestutse been stoppol, , for
In currency balanyale,shY,
sub•TreestoTtirbeelln nianined by trump:ea
• cyan 1401110 Staitheasi ntizolikaii:J ,
reTheTbilohlni4onernen. Oa' the lOS.
Ay. plg: NWT, /110 /I ' o= C =
.6". ri31.9na1feii.4.41ggg,U.t2,"•.L.T,:r.r.,;
0., .sd. n...n.'inco.b.,..wiwiii.;
Onvrr-Ames.:lll4o4.thusertat , Solin , lo en
flossachnrarbli.jJ9, tett; 'l3raeyrell, hiese.h
idney ,1114 n, netlr, ,Xtalt; Wm. u,2liley,'
.New .• Toeki ,Jotua.. ,t. .ancy J r,...l.3)lTioloc
Sonia ~, , L corat .Johts• ' AllaY,
linsear WM.' . elh , ..ttleadosa , . klas
115 ag kV
-, ra... (l*te , C"I . j ' l . ... p h eltft eL. triclit S ni t irtirVio ' n '
ttotolT•ea.,..ho 05 , 4, 1 ,t - win .beotlV.
# .... qv' the rrestaein Or um ezdtpth
' "AIM" '1.700001.1111731 Al 1001..
, Etradyeeta,.loortee forlhatiohJectitho
neing Of petroleum ae fuel for lotentleetves,
were commenood at the depot ot..thatAutl
son niter liellronal today. • , ..,/)
...nail , 70011 annOrn.
toSvi. 111,4501p11.' arrlYred .
ji.aeber . EMIL On ; 1111ela .WiSisk*,
e.ins-Vbs. 0,11/1.1 , Oa 07
lW T.Settentt to the rot tae Weeny.. j 1. , • I
Tattehlsberti:Detohlist.-11nitett Stater
merged mintsker. with Lieutensa tit ragen
eytnenand of \ eighty:sly
:msrliteh 45,12.0411.3100 r. toy
to Pert stebrannd to, h. yeweteeleu
otiethwilneeryvtlflo, tow benteeleehlattics
mowed in reetstlng the ofnoars' Teetebiley,
The Istelittelt having their tatteteta Melee;
crterswed Ute. owners. trlW•lher•
that , . °Mars went not oletumed except by
(breath end sway 6. 7 Thelootit Is yet mit,
andover enithost4red. Wei* Oath rat
be b ne
irchen OP Wfore Man.
..V.1131./PACIFIC C AST.
iffassiliaas Ofialpse—faraaras
Wheat iloralcfly. WP
Üb M fuSL! .
Lay saisgraso to as
has l'assclisb6; flosober , 4:—Taa =basil
Ouslfre stalk LAW Vfack).• lfarfafff fsk7ske
4" fito od u AwAssisoSa; rlsosnts
""d t noasi t Arasit i rraai h neyne e u e r:
1000 sacks of sstssati sad Vaassuml,:fsy
Liverpool, wan . PRlMOOklatt laillitnaMreo
I " lati - fifEk=alket.
' Ilataltobatilatiasslao
, iiisiradrateWiteakibOf 4a.t_
firAJLIPMM AMS...Hl44W.gerntleFl
IC V..).11r 1
CITY OW gtllllllBo..
vic a tt ab - 44 1 ,
ple Moty, and .ftinhau Itratdat Evora
Oven by any paper sill Wound
on our lbsarth Relit
Qwarter ...........
Tide Court met atten o'clock Friday. The
I°l°.•-rilf k=trao,9ol ' . • •
tinanh,": •••
, The ease of John B. WILLI; lanotment
, nakramaanorunder the firt) , 64010. 1 1tt,
ft being alleged that hficatbakithaiitticfit
berm belonging to Dine Chalice, liver' ,
etable keeper In Allegheal over.
4tlving, wee resumed4W.
, 0444,4*.= Igo &tog** OA..
Vitn4 hue t. tlit jay r'oPOtt the
Lexelbilrty, under the etldenee which had
been elicited, of the death of the horse
having resulted fr9OLVer **arse than
that alter VA eltegin befog
entitles , in the matter. aeon U.
Let.. was private nsel for the Conenoa
weaqh. The Jury fo cou und Of 'tot
senes.weisn Assant. , &l l D skrTenV.
Michael lintOiri; i wol , - Placed on trill foe
committing ltd iititraithiSsaardS IMO hat.
tort' upon John .I , lacir, briegtze router
on the Pennell iewialLeUnieidiorrt be night
Of the it h of September Inst. The prose..
for was on his ernp to gpo P 0132010 Os Bluth
WOG; lend albhie . wmafogum.
ornittvah Ilit.tadmnArean,detenawA sad
two others anl,vamV er gi ' , 2 2:
anoreksi cants
altar ?fifth: " t ol d r • L ' Iretlratro7 " .
L ki.
*Wk. MO on Yoboted Os faro earth►•
Ell,k, et i ttiks , lers, leCetklptiklero,
rat "i '
i l iVirtasclboVi l
orougb of wrtztooirillit The WI
both defendant and pa:aerator, went th•
father to iietVe Weeletl, both bonsidentbly
fls a :f l 7:ol 4. l ilt4t=s - MA=
asking for anplbtrteuell p lc the bsfOO•
The deftness[ adultkleele PP4al 4l.
prosecutors saki bu woul o t arra u s abd
rn ' to ' rtiAgiittr i cr=r l l el7llll=
the oectsrronce, and armee.] hit deem°
t ersU b ell: r .73:NATVlVlTa lt str ol,
(about seventeen), and MO not know what
he woe doingTM' pig tweed a Dreamt , f
pony. Von Capri thought the defendant
had salute raphs."progrosel IP gObasi to . tho
1 brol,autl eeutesseadtftrate WeVealtendary
ear btu yr.R2L
' • .1' 1 rsiitraCiartinD . • ' , r .. ''
Charles UM sons aged fifteen yes., was ba
l l . := l es fo Z. b lltfirnlMTun d°:fatol
[ 1004:;pairlglarirzgaitrug, Jona,
nhea, olio. asui molting tonere% trrt :
r atr4trt. "'lt? l ore
Ui r ltr d o; '" l r alf
,;, ... 14 ... z ig. : .1•14t g t ..r o r i . 1
IM.oeetesella•lett konerist ALM kekrit 1
presents He raid he bad been for , by'
anntne,o.•ilettlig alallientiftgor, Mau
W I: eollnk, to enter the mom that 13e bast I
pereuaderl, and Coneental. 410 Wee
senteaced to the House of Ifettlia. MA the
Court expressed the hope test he would
tale adrantage of the opportunity to make
111018, - Ot illhafelf. , '- , ',c. . :.
Thom. 80010 wus,lndleted for assault an 4
busWrYtohOttb Of ...Art Mclntyre. It re
alleged that We defendants Cut tee 2 , ote
.ingetair.,whilostrlrtnic a cm - N.4ft Mt.
shear Irtsaft - qrsak Noss *titan II tial,poss4
cositar. Vontict not guilty( defendant to
Tne cry were dlicharg;A ' thtiA Oriahhal
riiiPM / P1 N..==a,T,, , itT3ll
~„ teetiltiolle4 011 Tuesday tub nate. Of
a durerenos sriaiti iorkgkikel on Mondays. ,
the Court ,Of Quer=, t'aulitof, tot weers
Judge gterreft load District - Attorney DoIIS
cotatins to Distitisis as sad- tlist pf, mos.
fault. and battery COMO.COLOZeOnetelith el.
Hatiocv Ishe District Attoilref. ~,
10.11 up the taro at, the rePueSl,ol O.
1 IluClokll. bey.. counsel for the =p a r, to
1 the,teatortlltattruaereOu the
1 Prewralesteet 4011001 . htererti Putted the
casette , trlalo:nd Streeted.L.W.2llPlersfewl4
PSOkellifteeeMl4 Ras dellenesntaskllTAA
and prwrecuts,the lillarlet Attorue7,harlet
deellood to 40 the isuneotleoelelettag
t rase
lotra herae
aWI that
ohe lls m e o e o hOl The cu ed w h shd,mad t
dtspowd of. It ir Prewar we ebottle I
say the action ot the Court wee
cutest on the troderetarnitos that the nue
had been Area in: Monday. Ur. MOT OW
used that Dealt wan the teak .
Yesterday the PLUS. Attorney ate the
fOlOOlOO mottos: , - ,
".totesuesarreslth vas TWA. Slulteult Wale
()Wert of Meaner Maslen* of Oho Pea., No.
erl, kept 157. Indlauseol ...twat and trat.
Awl now, to wit: Oct eth, Itr7. eothee
,Leet.,llrdatptr, [Matelet Attoroey for
40A17,6%4),,,";,711.,P,T=0 . 6trtri , ° - .%
trittliry tno &bore ea..
'Vhisteo—Thettrat whielt le: doketed to
the esze *ept.mher 00th. 1%7, I. • nulli
ty, lbw mono hawing bows ttrOUitit on and
tereftletert withont the -authority and
asandd the objection of the instelei Attor
theiOnneet for the defendant, and the
attorney - ...Anted to prOseente Mamie re
!erred to. In place of the Dsattiet Attorney,
rAria::lllllrp r Ulftitt 4 g " := l ;
eaterfeVetheno Mtn. , taatter bane Per -Z
tattling solely to the Court, analog outm of
representations made hy Mpteantrusel them
aelres;tedatotti otheattos of veracity he.
tweed them and the Inetriet Attorney, we
he that the publiating et cords
is 001 the empty Way todeterrolue the mat
-141,6 e erusetios, In • handsel t, et•tli
eti the'Llaftlet Attache, Imtrew,l to - try the
Holmes coos din Monday. If he did, and
then refused to,cail it up according to prom!
MIA= e,i ' AilteltgroVe rtITZ ` r Y 1220
District Attorney 114 or did not mobs such
rhArlarra ' lli PT ueOa
,tt.k...t. ea. against the 01010101 Attar.
ney 011000011 the newspaper. -
coremstoes Plea*—.lfstdre altoeite.`ll
pleAury owe of abler reefiliseqr,
al log divorce, atter being'otat allta"nrsda;
night, came tag Wart Tenterday sad Mated
that they were anitole to agree. Attila cop
sudtiatton by `-goes, tt , stte e , V ,4 taint the
liter 'Wight be dlschareedi.andtegy.erMt so=
cordingly disrelasedirom further consider
log the cam Wo Understand that noon the
MVO:1011ot tem voteel for granting the di.
4 'k IEI ttr Vref a r trug`'
• dei. ALVA
learit,) who held out to the fast.
In the case of Hanatter ve. Point, (reported
Yesterday), the Jury found a '1 erdict for tie
Court adjourned till Wedn'esiiar next.
r'"'; 4 - -MerpriblleMs nietisiss.
The kancdtticame M,Cere tpeemiliP held
a sCusittag laltekelre ithithokendy Creek,
larenight. A large and rempeetable mem.
Werke orthe UnforteOtens were pretest. M r.
James Dullriaits 'appOlnina iltnelMnan, tad
Mr. d. t..ltoetteidlleretati. Allis Wont seek
er Introdueed was Captain W. 6. Ford, can.
Alidnin rin . ,',:t.tiall.lii
,itahtuir, vho'deltkered
ailhatereettok speech, la vlueli he reelew
. .
~,,, i i. i o n j,,,Lperiovre movement and the To-
Mrstai,:igthe ii44tecups.* ail promii.
John It. Neff, Esq ; wee the next e neeker •
lin opoke on the National times of the
day and urged every anal lieDahlinan to
vote/4113 , 40 11.1111mnavon next Tneeday.
atm, it Intel:W.B'mM on the, able of
leritisy. w. •C. illOrMeJed; ted.'; delivered
'the Mollies speech. and ontortained' the
taunting al.langlhe na liana If any law was
re.tit i ; ° ti l li eIN,TV , I ‘ griSfo'Vga .
worklugmon making a separate party.,
If iluty would email liy the Republican par
-4 'grit% 0 VlVllttral.lll7l2 , l°..
cluanL 001053 , on indge Wlldeme. The
meettowirea tette intelrestenet thrOUgh.ta
IBACT LinnnTV• . .
Liet'Aloai 4fie'netebllekne of East
gorti i, ooll n larire,and entboCkstle ALMS
lAI 11n1litr011t4an biaMOVWII.IIIII3II.
At4{l. arell/I) . = delivered Ilthfeeere
Xhannoo knA y r whit, presented the
wool , lassusevt ILLLLbe.hone mi. , most , (Mende
anclenromentatkve way: no.tholoyelaneases
keelMilikel./ Ple3oldelftellAttsidaiart Bram
'Band win In anandanna - . .. • .
.ii gi'ail,..nis4l:eMr,.gliftli 1. 21 . 11, ill ' naiZyl a
iani jagenltilrOigiaDlDWltlf Wing MK' lan
nig G, and Iran adAreeTi R_Nleeennirer!
viTailktißLirAtUarivreL re
P r 4, e a g'enre to that
dm rim.
AIU. IV. ney t noide. Eig. nien X idd
Own Ofantnilelasm.
fle4lSed On INOMO/dOO.
C .lof Of Polloo Scott, yesterday afternoon,
► t ars./ • .o.plolon.r CliatibtAtif
*11,1,9r, Bondi 611111 Quinton, neat •
pasta alion oo LibertY Street, In the ritui
rZrettsWWfa°b".l7o4%o mind ottor
bop. *Meant, tiaras, and very
ltuor o p, bandhion a pair of pantaloons.
be Cala approached all three gam:Lk.
,batmerdli arrestsal , end
b brotight down,
l an dibiii=t t ai n g it i tif frairjl. broker soispootod twit Utley were
stolen. tioultor told bo tried to pswn them
Bari 1n Antimony gave them to him to
olra noosossionworo found. be
tides the pantaloona • lame bowlo-knifo, a
barolPlitUriarorrg badire and tome ball
wispy, anti three 1311911 &IC lonised tip.
ta aro now black ones, and sap one
any~Citag Orb a pair will flo well to call
thillsynria Wince.
K.simtlxvildarrksa., consist' taz thane
:law; ha 4 41.6 4 , ra&UWI ter a new an 4
in arms of ja4anii eaaa Of Alex
anaersalOtatli -..04471nind e
nd ,onninuaer, to
c".1:01404/°*.t:Ag. paoli lo too
Viduni,Slatoa 6nutt.... The Teasel". In .er , -
bort 01 -thalami= asp bawl =mug upon
.ttwhoietzustewvntatx: ic di' Waal la de.
(native tasotaaarging ana,clatanaana with'
Weardrael tee/naafi •an =Una Tnennoson
tor olanoa Apalut.. to Abe sani
O. y‘iuinnrj
assalori .6,,,a:
Valle Albeit &Wl:defraud,.befa '0
AMON PS ale Gana% 0111,164:4.
Fliii3OtetliJl' ilskiti'lys ' sk rtiviiiiitiiitul
: young-men litedine important pealtiOnli
et trust in mercantile houses oinntit ! too
eleetlir.tilexti their cemdilet.andaelkdern
amoefatioils. Wltiiiii but ctkettegee sea'
Joi44.l,:iii ire,Dara had. to Pertormthstalfis
iol'Auty. of recording the wreak an the
rockii't of; dissipsdlon and vice, of.' many.
promisitim yerang: men, Wheat, pathway
, seemed to lead td a bright futereof ssehil
-0 eischaiitir And &Mite:TUT• fn at evil hour
the footle' eletWkives way to the fele MO ! !
that Olio:respected Lfin Must ilkss beirteld
010 means; most drape well; mthitilhildpata
krOlowallsollashionsble ComPOrdons. and
i t
need IMP hill ahead df Those whoeire not,
ambitions for be title of right clever fel :
towel; Thla id ! a, If carried ant, must OM- .
ildnlY 'tad I -rain. Slim solaria go but
little Wel' td te'PelirtliC'"WYbk" and
Swift living .0 Oat 0 desire ~ for
1 mare rapid aceatatilltlon Of copeck.
The ~ oohed - falters and. dishoriestr
tc'••' WM ! , D1 'of the best of all polleles.
The clere plunges into the stream of dint-
Patten MO' wades oat deeper. end deeper,"
! till ha sinkS with a clan:tor Islsetmlii and
thelrreir=lrf.o•rlh2Lif ViTi;ol=lo2ingt:.
iggegAgatiVirsttiggsagypg 7,1 Z
hnsie= ..... 1,..
Nag:, ~..11d' 2. We have too Malian.
fLiZrl.fellwavat we have
wj:rr‘sl to -del.
ty l,
PT recce:Oleg from our Ui rtetlere ° the c a orate
VeP e fo ' igir : th wn f r a :w!".?!' '' r Mn"
Ing " irbill= ' lst VOlWA r l y n . p . ril t ott * St%
intsw 416611•6,107 , mUI. au coelokeeper
end cuuddeuttal c erk.. lie was apt, wilt.
!Waited coris/I ' inrilep for himself the
Counts dud -ez.lepiration Or ths firm 'by
'which be wan qaptoyetl, e.d of al owe
;with whom he dna Imam'. notables. quite
ra'''xic'eXtUrt.glayThiTigliot,tl' " I " , - al
•pru..).. '.eUtell ana drannirl kept
collapses' witributdovesien, ase.. eyed:Min
Ihe shade hiscaiatrea), and supports:deer in
.poyal , style. , lle • lavished his =nay hO
le:diking boy presents; sad oven Went so far
that troyls now set of loth In order
' that she might. tweed more attractive
t c c , ll4o , a 4 A ,r , 4 , u t aw . e f , .i d
b n ir 1 . 1
ramirtztvatini Trail%
cash. wf. ids. employers. noVerinsi Up hie
weak es bort be could.' Mow log' he had
been appropriating the cash of the firm is
lut in+Own.sad se 461161.,1111.111. he 0/16 dos
ulteld. Monty a moto Rm
r of wi:lecture He
60A soelflentall*disoorered, Iran tod ertroy
the Identity of - the ease wo will make no
allusion to the course &railed hY the mos
oleo:aro hose confider= he has
atuadd.''' 661111 ant TO[ ease IS o. 1., f n
n Wogrossws
tion of the evil, of rapid ilvirig.
IVcit Many stomas 'from the bones of the
Awn /Onto reserved. 10, in eti ealcualek
ItreV=ltztti." - :: , :anat
Norma mod.,tressurer.' ue bed been with
the Wm fed triode term of yesm and bad
enjoyed a high reputation tor honesty. fide ,
Ity, sobriety oil Moo &twitted to Situ..
! iris uniform emit Winddet bed rendered
yam an especial raver= the rm. Ent
was not proof 11616stwith
temptation.fie 1
leiiinto bed habits, became dissioated, kept
fiiil ebropeni. _”!'esteetekt Ms duty end was
.duchsored. fiesTriglisiw::kslo uttldr,tle
'oui apvitt Oa wereressins for several n... 71
slier thedilie MAW Awl:arm and during'
that time mowed from tostorters mate I
tampedandled yeth which- lie de.
ca arab. ,00 lvm heard trout.
The Arm will hardly pronecute, oil stiontil '
this meet the dye 01- MO wr/36640111 . lie
should make institution Lad be forgiven br
1.120161 he 11. wronged. iliegmer to say. he
made all the nosessary entriestor the
money received on um WOW/ of the firm,
bOt pocketed it,' i-, - ,
We be,ee .0 11 1 al seedier &0 ..
Or ' similar,
shortcomings on the natt of • clerk,
to r f, a , Li
i ti , ',mu er _ wri $0 g i ha t 4tr ia ii n tt;
ooticumrs. Will not Lot young men
posse in their career .04 is 01.6/6rlV
discover whither they themselves ate_ 4rlft
ilial ' .
pollee Items., _ I
/Saari:YoNa lisTrultri .
inlutUnion sada dnformadon antra
agalase her husbad, James Golan, chary
tog blutehth !emelt and bettery... She al.
. .
lagea Stud be As 'the habit of getting
drunk 'and 'analog hems m the "wee ems
Weser when, trerearyttung is not accord.
Mg to hit Ideas of protiriety, he alias her
goithadneettUiti, and on 'nomads) night
l'straik her `with ,hit of the eye, WV*.
!iiiirit7ahitliiiididefflnir fan to • stureeful
maneei lie h earing d and held in the
- corn of eiCe ftir a toelay.
Michael eletior YoeherdaY °mat. 1,001.,. "
tine before Alderman Strain arralasa Patrick
lirsuniXt.-churiettra hire with assault .0
battery. The•puties reside at Cork's /too.
trauntin is • cootramor on the rallrtrad at
,that pole; sod McCoy Is Rotting for tam.
tiltpute acme w them about. the
tredk,when Mamma bet struck the protectdor
lu the face with Ma fiat. A warrant as
sued fur hie arrest.
Carl KePP Made holerniaticos Were Joie
thb Ammon. of bast Iluminghami Teeter
against Marine Kapp fctreWar of the
peso° I
tolegi tht the osfsednut threat
ened do hum bodily a harm. 'Marko wu
*created and held for a hearing.
7neob WhlweaU, 1150.,ehimard i be.=
elderrnan Ileffamrs d made Meanly
mon modest William illestao, • latent
keeper at Troy Hid. claret.g kirk with ViO•
luting the Seeday liquor Isar by keeping his
bar open slier VolrelVo o'clock Saturday
--taht. The ilefendimi. ..,graa sawed and
tort hearing.
scan . or Tel rests.
- • -
Harmati err= N=Uonlesteta
#14 . 4 for surty of
pea'ea. a Mg=
ee resl.l6 lei Illnuteghae. and et le alleged
by the prosseutrtz that her heehaw] put
her one ot We Douro end tsaed threatening
Language toward her. A warrant mu le
-1 %nod for ;de arreet.,
a bearing took plane yesterday before Al
dernion atm. to the case of Margate[ Can
against glary Donato., for surety of the
Penn, whets the following facts were de
veloped It appears -that the nrosecutris
Mot a grandchild, w hint wae effMt.ct with
1110 IItOOLI. The mother of UM child inform.
rel LUG grandmother that core might bo
Elected by omeintog throe drone of blood
from a living blank cat wid adminiatering
the name to the child. Being w
hetter!. for the welfare of the little colorer,
aissinimothers mittallv are, she Mime
ly 'elarted ;le 'search of e , neck est.
alone' were woe rewselect i by the
discovery of a bmonitril black ersolmot
1 of um feline species to the dear of her
rt ni k r r. d o ;_9 ° N , i " Z ", l ll :r
~tenrain Mr . I.he cat..- e st y ra. Dowd:up at
JgreVaegert five 40110110 far tee oak whit%
I Mr.. Gem agreed to t battle oat veinier,
noticiog the. eagernees ea, tier customer,
end thinking he 'had an opportunity tO
nor beobeod name home.
Shortlyed oat
to ai
afterw er
ard the
Coe d made
wham, u• • Coesultation,
was Agresti between h self and wile that
the cat On worth ton dollars. Mn: C.
thought the price eshorbitant and reed
ck cat
pacrlite,-N which ie elan in *arab Of another
bla. ehe foetid. (We are not ino
formed R ham 0r.w14.4. she paid for It.) The
blood wait . ettracied snit administered to
the child and a cure elected, so 01.311 the
Irrastimat her.. alfs..P..beleg dieing:Plated
in the solo of her est. was 111111 grieved
over Iho matter, sod bearing for What Der
)wee the prosecutrt% wanted the en; made
It her- bolas*, the reatter,at
whenever , botortentile::afforderi, ,tantit
her by cellists hers switch.. lira C. be
came tired of Ws, and hence the informa
tion. The elise - dilithistincl noon pay
ment. of costa by vreis
theprosecutOr. That's all.
?Auk reaTegio Annitaliaarrt
William Deer Male information before
Alderman Thriume.. , YmtordeY. illorlt lllo
Jacob Miller with obtalniort money from
him under false repreemnattoes. hear also,
preferred ' V'charge • of'loloooy no bailee
against hillberitier, alleging that he obtained
Murtha a trobilar end had refused to
return it. - A hearas had and the cases
dlemlesed,there seemsng to be no criminal
Lineation ou the pert 01 the defendant.
acpidea Codurrld , 'OW Dtall.:
Station, on the Pitalluidle Railroad, on
Thursday morinieg,lat which we have Nice
able to gain the following particulars. The
conductor of the loml freight train corning
oast, between Soren and eight P'oloch
the mornirig wished to leave ti car on tae
siding at Bulger Mellor! and CO do se, the
car belog one of thatrolit. ones, It was ne..
cossarylto make it twitch: , Mr.
Israel Rambangli, the fireman, left the en
gine sail wait to shOw the britkrunian, who
It appeare was , a amen hand, ba s i n make
the bnOefiltartor "Out
loosen iron. too cars he missed his Madam]
ICS to the•treek, imniedlately-In frontal'
therrittn.Wnlekt runnina it.a rapt.' rate,
and wax gun over by saran' of thit cars,
which se crushed "the bones of one ;of hie
legs as to render amputation necessam.
As the elgoth car approached he reached
lip and genglit hold firths brake. rod. and
....dragged along until the train Mooned.
Tills action probably saved his life. Rowse
conveyed to Slant. near by. and•
clan of -the netghbothdod atoputitted the
intutafi lamb Wow' the knee. Mr. Rum.
ban& was. brought to the city Thtirsdag
ead. conveyed M c Co o k ome la the Ninth
ward, where Dr. hi atteriang aim.
Be Is now.dolag well, we are isformed. lie.
.has a mile and
Robert R. Davis. Esq. senior member
of Dirvis,Clarke /SCM.Vine of dor book ed.
tablishments in this City. hag mealy re
turned Mots p Dolman of several inonttis
Great Britain pod the Continent. Jle re.
auras with greatly improved health. Our.:
Mg. eta ,viso to Scoop* be perfected sr.
rangemetits for receiving foreign pnbliCa•
° rag,
_ L•r eidlid ack tanq
as • vibes unusually low Y P ' : , r Loa m y style of
doOda •
al.l. besides Misty lame. and
varied .tOOO of beaks
supply *OOlO extensive retail Mule, hems
opened rooms/ tho upper stories to fur
nish goods at Wholesalerates: The shelves'
and conntors are peeked folio( publioailOils
and stationery of all kinds. Their stoat of
Bildev sod Talitatiaattl. allay 10:1131 01
rapy grown to lemnense .prOrtions.
which is certainly Medi , meditab to the
voting aleditgasprialagtita Arab
gyms* Army or the lltemibt
*try ieterrittpg metals, et the mambersof
the UrstdAtmrafitelto Itepubll.3, of Alle.
it7pgra,:t. i sarreils.raf . tb - . ,
,tottr. /them new memben Were lattutet
Lta ift= C=Mtelmlstruite=
Maar Iliasteallit •Aritterti kraal
able sad itIMMAt MOIrMAGSwere ArMrered
hr dliturealsoesaberiAt 1149i.rati. and fa.
mildttleg terieUroont, ulatfrim. beei
rartaltrir tatermting of the kind ever
ribald adlid•Mt—COrolll•T'S I 1211110•4
About two oielock on Merida,' efunuoim
an accident occurred at the rolling IMP of
Xessal. Dilworth, Porter & Co., ' South
Pittsburgh, which resulted In the death of
iAe chief enwineer of the establishment ,
Ur. /teary frifftoeffel. Hr. O. bed ascended
the platform above. the by whied for,Lbe
puroose of oiling the counter slieftbl Mad ,
the shear. aro , blues. It /3 3.I3POSed
0 3 . 3 ./tlie reechlog around the shaft hie
shirt Indere canght on the nut screw. and
he WM thereto' draWn mmind the shalt and
throtigh the opening between it and the
'ldatiticrii which wits but about seven loch.
•es wide. , shortly afterwerds the. to:aka:nen
heard suet.° above, and lodideg up
sow the tutfortrutete mac esuring had
doWnwardil, rispenited by the feet amone
themsoldnery. Conrad (Halter rim rib to
waist gfr.Btoeffel, and the engine was'
mediately . stopped. Stoetrel, 33 we here
s i s ldi.aa.hangteg suspended by his feet,
srldeli Mtge eameld between the pulley on
"the shaft. and Lud Wm. which . 3nm:rotted
the end of the Matt. PctiffmS of Ms shirt
sleeve were found on the screw. and there
seems no other way of accounting for the
Pe wee Immediately cstrlcsted from the
maehintry fart Wain down, apparently
dead, but revi f ed. and wee conveyed to
his residence near the Mill, .wbere
hp died abcint as hour .atiterieseds.
IfiEnberts, (Tema licCoolc and Ed.
himbstaetter were Wed WI but
dor no assistance. Tae bead of the dotal ,
Memo non was frightfully Mashed, his
left shoulder destocated and. the boom
srintiered; the: whole inn ,mosbcd.
to, and the elicit, at the .low lacerated
ea that the viscera - Mire eat:owed: Coronae
Clawson held an inquest yoMerasy.
tellets a rertitot of accidental death was
rendere. The .dereessed was..ferty-nine
years of ewe; boil beau eteployed the
figehtiomet for 111124113 yeitra, and al.
rye bore an Trrehroanbatue character. Ile
ruses. mite end three children, who were
detteedent upon 'abet . 100 311ppOrt.
A Great limadee—itte Fifth .street
Sieber to be Torn VP and H•-ballt.
tefy tortemately the dimovery Irma made
yesterday, by Sir. lleyna, ot the erm of
Steineman,llleYran t sefdie.;eweterf, that
the Sewer on Filth Erect, between Wood
I and itarket Meet% a part of which lee
hebne!harattee, Jost Ihrvo• fed foe high
waccompliah ally good. the City Etude.
leer, Air. Moore, had given 'Ltd Roatractarg
iiistracrlons to rink the @ewer boars fob Imy ,
low the curb grads, tn, through aomb
body's f suit. the sewer was coobtrocted at •
' depth Of Cully nine lat. The cellars of the
houses proposed to he benefltW try the im-
ProlPment, Me all more than tiast depth ,
and Imitme, th e germ.. for drainage , *Md
nave proved a dead failure. The City Re.
ginear Yery Properly and promptly ordered
the work to be gone oyef 100 golaired at the
PMPer grade, • g
to °Veinal In-
Moulton. Tel will entail lima On the
contnotore n
it considerable delay In
the wort. tint it wad moil fortunate that
the great blunder wee dtaccacted berate the
entire , eewer wan constructed, wad the
Wort paved with the It loolsort bloom
lag over the work and undoing what bee
teen done t will be sulllcient punted:Bent to
the matraktert wlteoet censoring them for
the careless manner in which they per.
formed that portion of their wgrk.
Dead Body roithtld,
Thit deaA body of an Infant wtu found yen.
hardly irtothing tear .arid opyoelte
the Slat, by , two men, lindle crossing the
river In • skit, lying ou the tto
about eighteen niches Of wathr. - it was
taken out, sod Coroner thartion notified of
the dumovery. The . Coroner prOttooded to
the thirituril itnyinuelled a Jury to Inv:idl
est.. the clrouttiManeel Wending the
death. The bony wits that or C. whips fends
chil, and u fully develcrped. Irons an-
pettentintes d w
had teen to the water but a I
abort titoe..-,Tnere were no marks of
b n ,ev io
lenceviawle,Sr It ludib oown
the Monongsbela Wei, or
whether It had bean placed. in tne position
where It was found. These ras no doubt
whatever that tea onlidhadi Ued, but nil
death mastliare occurred very tom after
lin birth._ Thar, wan no asides. adouced
which woul4 ere any clue t. 13 the .parent of
the oaUdt The Nth rendered" , verdict of
death front IMMO unknownt
lionweilla Keene liniob•4l.
An extorotre !ditherp wen committed an
Tharsdair. =hie lit d twarding image on
Penn street, in the Path wad, kopt by )Stn.
Ward. A man repreesating that De was an
engineer, end that he had obtained employ
meat m the vicinity, came to the booth and
desired to Obtati 101041.120. Its was given
a room, and bathed, saying that he would
mend for hie Make in the morning. Tester.
day morning at, about heir peat six o'clocc
he went air.J.11.1 14 basuot eineebten scan.
After be Dad gone it was ascertained that
several Smiths Delanging to-the boarders
but been broken opals and riled, and Shot
an overcoat. belonging to ems of the
1ff133111.04 Of 1.111. A .3333.4 33531 50.0. 30 11 33 %/ 300
mime; wh ich end nineteen dollars 13.
slobi the pocket or the coat
The extensor the robbery is not - known.'
the owners at the thanks had gone to work
benne the depredetion wee discovered.
The police DEve barn notified, but them to
11111 e Chance 0.1 captating the thief with so
slight seine.
iseetdant of a miry distressing nature
mooned last arming, about Ore o'clock. nn
the Paw Media Railroad. mar the Union
Depot, 6711,1,10 h Willie Breaker., a tittle bay
abOnt ten years of age, was Instal:4ly Mlle&
The boy resided with his parent. on trutrry
street, In the rear of the. Groin Ele rater,
and Oren lbw time mentioned. had
climbed Into a box car which was Mending
on the Meek, near where he lived. Ile lad
been in the ear but slew moments when
engine tacked down the tract against the
ear and started it to morrow, which so
alarmed the toy that he attempted to Jump
out, when ke slipped , and fell on the rail
immolataly front Of the wheels, both or
Mee passed over Ida boay,entslaing tam to
death. Come. Clawson Wm nettled anti
steadietted slam. and: altar being sacra,
adjourned to meet at the Ilarees orrice at
mom oictoek tais ereateg, when the lima,.
ligation will be ecrecladed.
Oul4 Nobody's Daughter,.
which \ has been played at the Opera House
during the pluent week, will be presented
to-night for the loot lime. The piece 10 s
plead.. Ono, and has been eel:curably ren
dered should Wee this
loot and only opportunity of wltneasing it.
At the *althea this afternoon the "Streets
of New York" will be played, and Will
doubtless draw a good house.
Tuarait.—Cirldin b Christy'' , Illestrela
are playing to large audiensees'at the Old
Theatre. They bus been deservedly um-
°NUM dub...their MAY. And will deebtleu
ocnitinue to be 00 welds they remain with
us. They give 0 matiums this afternoon and
an eutertainnient this evening.
Tea Varturnica—The' attraction. at the
.Tarletim Theatre are cat the inereue.
Every night something 'stew 1M produced,
and everybody who goes tome Wan is well
glassed. . r •
Iw. DO Not Bros or Blow Dp
_Whakwetisof• Sold. hat dO isT tho 00.
WOll , l 800188 Dusktrio Ls • supdrior
oblito for Ong or ham work.
Now see wiiiittkoJudoss'ssy about. Pio
Wind: "Ls is superior =salmi for Coo or
hairy work, and does the work superior,
not U. donate 04 lilitteat degree of mcoet•
the aid; a n d to, "that every one hoe'
their . day." and the iires‘Va ties some at
nut. - It carried at Paris, Nov lisinrelehe,
Massachusetts., Connecticut, 1111nole. Penn•
arum's; IN Tim and will wherever ov e r.
teem:llM a prise. The New Weed .
comes &lithe vexations of the last twenty
}ninth machines.
, Call and see the Cheinyion of the -world,
at N 0.112 (Mat street.
• Mortuary Report. • •
The foneartng to the interments mthly
city fed the .wack oannereniaing on the DA
of fieptembor arid siding on thelltb:
ekli diseases were o,2 aa4o=oo; follows: Disease of
kide 010 1; pneeenoitha:
atilemlastien m
of atonmeh,
scarlet Woe, 14
_cholera itifiaanm,
8l lodF
serofelsa 1; dxsmse of
ones 1.
Of thmhoye Mind were: tinder year
! Gilt= 0 0610 tell lrom twenty to thirty.
10,11eom forty .04 • caw, 01 fyvini seventy to
eighty, 2; from eight: . to ninety, I; from
1 . 1 . 1 . 4 7 tO one hundred, 1.
Dates 41
49 061046d -4 1 i Tow if
femalcs...ol 14144.....131 •
hewed County Ott and geld.
The 01l excitement in Greene county has
found new Uniustue in recent , strike made
air the Ole Bobtail well, Which te !lOW wentd
ny the BliseinghaM Oil Company. The
well is now steadily prom:ming fifteen bar.
relit per day of superior oil. A few days ago
twO full tanks or oll.wure consumed. by fire
The gold snare nab twee gang it cod sider.
able depth and rich gold guests In limited
quantities Mks been obtained. The emit hi
guarded and the Operatlfels are kept from
the Duette. The excitement over the a..
Doted rich yield of gold quarts is yen
mat , and no !anti !nth! xteighlallhood can
. „
.Vturre lalle' , reotmtly. Path opened, at No.
lot /rUth etrothr• caw end beautiful drug
storeorldth will Pally supply • vent long
felt for • Ilrthaleu gad reliable egtablisik-,
emote th ealutractarlothetualithboT bc.d.
xpe star, tudy.stothed •ith fresh drugs,
res Ant medicinal , toilet *Aisles, perform,
, sad ell other Hues of words P..'" ?
the Ueda, and swoons desiring solrtillool
In th e ltha be fesorsoly_aealt
Phyglefaxis , preseriptious sr= be .. m "
POusded at ell hours Of careful esellexpo
, Jam ..
Toe rietor.
mr.•Sothe P. thu ti
g. mu t t teeuror p ell rop proPer
care la every cif/Wlo.lth of the store, and
we cheerfully commend 5110 to the Oaths-
Broth fitene a tt d es— itl A Illan o ted
On a certain street; Id a quiet neighbor
hood of the • Sixth ward, there stands •
ii=gg *Web 11 lint now it eotrroe. of consul.
amble &grata= to wetter. by daylight
and an object ot tezay Lei weak-nib - m.l
folks who pass that way by night. It la •
hiwited house. At .lust so
says Dame , Bceilipegnd • whole host of ea
mean= have him &teen from the
threshold 'by 'rape:natural ddMelistritiong
bear willing [astlenoey ftS to the character
of has bOOO so friquen Me domicil. It istll said v isited that thDPe ho
oldiesoutzing online; as to rot.
der it nnuteantable.` No human being
can stay ha' 111 tvithont having his roarer
made rattle with fright. and hie Ken har
rowed with sights whisk cannot be de.
scribed. After twelve oick,,clr, midnight,
the spirits appear, and antdor themselves,
to the horror of the occupants. bp :
on the window panes something- akin tet
"Limburg Allen,. Tramp Tramp,"
"John lino w its Body," s ell a host of other
new and poprear sirs. They likaseise
hammer on the doors . and floors.
rustle up and down stairs .
Mow oat
tights, .pull • Waits team
v Vs , k , and
perform other -mischievous un
orthy Ott dignity el genteel and w be"
haharedgenets. . Ore*, is Um story, but in
don't belheee et word of it, and hope none of
our readers helm is reported as
haunted.and no person will. live on bet
like all ghost stortes,ffriftedlo the 'Mit=
thele will, be foiled ao truth or foundation
for the terrible Kitten:Mute which so readily
gain belteiereaniong the wealemitided and
sopersthious. The. Sixth ward has its Bee
eetletli Wel win 'ft,Joy It until some strong.
minded • person oocuplent. • that house a
twelve month. and bmtshes the maweicome
visitors fromthe Other world. :In them:an.
wattle--tun ,imulkird _wilt go without his
quarterly rent; for hlrfloomed pile of prick
Winne? lirAppreweliEng..
pnrilee wtll
ho making ready for the operations of that
great pipe burster and loiter derange?. old
Jack Trost. end the sorylestS °Ea prmaLiCal
plomhersstli be called to .sea-all things In
readmits". We c.n . commend our readers
to T. T. kwens...ko. Waal street. 'who
attend*, in the 'ben style of workout:saint*,
to all yobs, large or wall, on to kds
ca.. groploying none but Me very best
mectusimos, mat glOlOl personal supervis
ion to nil work, the establishment enjoys a
WO reputation and La eve respect
of :patiOnage. Mr. Enr ol attends
to all manner of gas, at and water
fitting at very re aerninble Wes. Orders by
mall wilt receive prompt nttention and
workmen tar •dispatound any disown°
to execute warn. -At tne *iambi lshinent
be to
a toll steel . ot ehandellers. gobes,
pendants, renoctors. oil lamps. wash a t
bath tubs. basins, water closets, loon and
wood pumps., and a tall line of steam &tins
articled. BAnnelnliar the place, N 0.165 Rood
Mn— rom rAquer mAL
4o Tao "Motto.
eartitrthat had been sovarely afflicted
(Arils! MtllrillehuMlflt.tnirl4l.l=
Ilaaring. In UM doploratiln atate I was
providentially nduced to apoly to Dr.
Abseil, at ISt em i itatield meet. I to days
attar continermlng treatment,l am most
-1.11v7 ..knowleag. that have almost
moral/ wowed from every eym_pitom from
OhlOh /tiff to long entere d . my heating
also la almost ,s,ftreip restored to ita animal
.Ruled md
acutenesa es the trZlll SI ids
seteatitin Masts:Lent.
• firlivausow.
Blsokets, Bieoeiel
White ell wool planketiki
«« • «
1, idea, and
zees two cities, •
Ineglel "'MIA stmeHota:x
lOWA/Loa 'ad dioadasslos the lithe 1
lialleddl sad Itherethrol Method fest
Treaded; 0.110 XllOOOOO O 01
the Alt tethdded, ..
01170. 11 : 4 sr.
acrn,lit. /Oven dosotts otiteCtitt Attar.
Olen to the teestmeat a Sit diseasat tad
dent to the Lye, Zakr Itentl. Throat Tad or.
ftl:ting,"ft.'3i stillbill&Vre"rnig..l3.
Y. LO 4, P. 11.. , 00:tt
- .
• • • Strong. Irma the Dirratokhata
bridge to the point where the pactok
is to very had condition, mach torn up
and in rats, and when wetweather Ed.! to
cannot be callerwiee th an almos lvaesa
Me. The heard eideocaLk also Ina Win.
Idatea state, Cut, apprOachlak •clangerma
point.' OpOsiellationioriced this Portia. of
:Wend Iprzan. paned, dazing the oast/ Part
of the piny and the Otreet.toittoe will
realise Mat:.tUtake or atotision to no; hav
ing thellarkdOtilt when they anon to coda;
the ,COOl Of repairs when, mast become
wOrffm4 =lag awe WI.
• -
?few Shoe lloase,--lie ere Planned to
Inform oar readers: that a new ant exten
sive boot and shoe house to about to be
opened On :fifth street, at .No. 41, by Mr.
Daniel IhOler. The store Lob lzona• thor
oughly refitted Lad remOdelod, and hie
bees supplied with one of the' Criest atoclot
411nrtrr Draught toAlate. city. TOO piavtietar
has been lonk mud , favorably kuova in the
line of 10010000 la which he embarks, and
ill take great parts
tO Makable store ft
times an attractive place for cuatOrtierk
The opening taken place today. •
'falai AmSlant.
Sow ireedy cur*. .
istottott ton. Morn, at No. PI Smith
field ;trait. this Malang, October 3d, en-
Moly deur:red of ray hearing
la scry left
tar. ,fi 4 ire man n cu time he rotten. , "
WilfiOt cutting. probing. or any
peration. lie Oau =se con.
'natural o
slant prapMs for thigoantturiance of Me
gOOdwor/re. Art drerlovad yttlant.
I ..g3IMVIS anllnf
ogalliverTaluT /oda Watir it J. T.
einsDbes Mon. TONKFlllitrer,
TWO AD=ltt.
PI D&= ta7Q lime
• largo stoat cantatatu MIST.
.01155 of Intamtlas ruftlas suglon
Inltoohlls. Wow. lro •
and Ka. valuable XosAls. MO
lttidllh W
and Callan old mut nnlatit
plat sod Oossmos:111 Xszt.t nop.ou
p.par lo ins city. No 71us0,
Merchant 00116 b. Mar. U.
min 00111:11Wtstf:t M
Pt i gf l M b f: :::,==.:::s l4 "
Mob. of
—404 ono copy of I.Va " th. P en. '
op lb. Slob. aminobato Matra.. Ink
say Usu. st olst :Mak •
Narson sosoostm:Xt—fii atilt" low
Ooliet, De me and sum, .10 sittili• pus II •
Want. •11 WV tune !rummy, WWI Of sato •
...Mr. bating toil oz. mall •
AirtLonsy by Doan. les.vals. 'll.osof WNW
or ln 11.Motoes4LAttars. maybe Mt
dddra es ., if•XXIMS.-•
rrrreutrwint, r•• ca
PC 1111SE-11011/Lliere-bh 'Dune., *IMO*
Sue, october et the feshietme of the tehtell
otrents. Mr, DaTtawa. imam"
bs Itov. T. Win,allo4. THOMIB Co TU.
Lt E 861.1.11 t J. 111.011J17i6e. aim"-
ter ofJ. K. moreuge:739 . • • " •
LCC te—t:l3sllll.7.ol—On Thendey. 01d W 1
b. Vey. L. 1.. Coated, *Misled 01 Ikee.
I Ur. Wrlxle. captain itUhlhaT
. • •
311:4 MnIJ-:IC E. CUMIIIS6. -
ti , ertbasoine awl $ k,lUe.HDas
coo , '
it i.x.r.l- , ..:DVEGY-on Tbenttl. HMI* , .4
Ishet. W. Bessie, of Ude EMI:110A*
IT h< -
.d M. coWLIT,Iht
Atw0...1 ,
,tty, I.L. No tate, ,
W 111 PE:luml-SePltute-Pearstal' alikt•
October:, MT, ep M.S. Wm. Prtsten, Met AS*
delve Plante. WY. WHIPPED'S to
Ti! P. 11/UMW- • • "
• " O,ISO 141
" IVO " 16X
fie " 174 4
bepp. A st, gooaktfer
ul wad Water nar-,
65. •'t •
d.STswiLIT. •
i•INOIrj..-PIIISOUS in want of anYthielif
In the Jewelry lino should twor tolndOst
Mame: Itelnemsn, & Seale ere
now offering their entire etnek.eoonintittit
.latn4ll"ord'—g=?lfitirW.lbsciffd troth s top.
Also /moons mat cwt.—either plated or
Pore silver—all of which they will soil
cost prloes—os they wish to dose out their
Promo% stook. and , open their new room
with sn entire new stock of cools. Hemet.
her the Mu., No; Fifth street. It.
Nem Chaser —Tae Plisbiterions of the
beanufal of Beilaeld, adjoinieg
°Aimed. have commenced the foundatlOn
of a new eburchortech EU be antapisted
ere ',fluter seta in. The church building
will be a model of l archltectme, sod EU be
located on the noith aide of rerinsylearda
1.1313.1211, not of Oaklud. Tbe con grogittion
are' spirited end! liberal. enough to erect
such a building u will do credit to that
put ol our our, as will tab eller Tuesday
next. H •
Irina Jewelry : Pt now being told etre
duced rata at the well known and fashion
able jewelry bonne of Ittneman. Rey= ts
Penne, Zia 'A. Fifth street. Toe fist:oars Cle
sirens of diets:etas of their Marge stook of
ratellesollOCAL Jewelry, sneer ware, Plated
are, ornaments , a 'online of goods In
their way, paertoa to recurring Willett .
palatial new store, which will soon Do fin-
IVO.; Sl Th ol3l C. d e faa'kirrri'ttil%gc.c4itonsolewirelat"actill'ail.
Dry DoodaaM lebotesate.—WO invite
the oartloolar attention of burets at wrole.
sale to our complete ewers of Silks, Dross
Gams and all lauds of Fancy mot Mille
flood; awl to Me taut tot we sell at the
lowest Xastern ptloesand cat geode to salt
porcluisers. I J. W. BAWL t Co..
• d) Market street.
Cesgeelldatlet•—Tbere 'maybe be at
Stewartatown, Cats evening, • CX•wallia -
Con mettles, at which, among other.
en, Felix Itronot Ala Colonel James Y.
cooper lOU be present to addtros tour
ottlzene.meeting le not malitleal
any~more Min lso far as consolll.lon la
• Dededmalos.4Tee now,..Preebiberieb
house of worship et Woodb Ilan will be
dealt:owed to the mo rni n g f God to-marrow.
Prenoblos si te the et 104 o'cleee.
by the Hey. S., Wttsoo, D.D. Teere • ~ttl
also be preaching to the eitterwre V.,tbree
Holtsbeimes, at the Continental Dining
Rooms, FULL street. next door so she Pease
Whoa, has constant-1r oa band the beet sine
DC/ ot large end tempting oysters, which
ere :warren np In the highest otyla of the
culinary art. Give him a call. . •• • •
J., D. Egan, the .entorprietag arid
Crligor, With street,
ow Selltt,Ttso oolleatioa
odoica books, WA ay. which will be *Ol4 at
groat barfolino. • No . orbore else In tall 0117
Car,boo.o.PdreaMtOd Wapner adrastap!
Lions' Insek ' Velvets ihr;
Clwla..Be►etltal goods, sublime. Quill.
to vildtbsam less prices tnan esu
be found Mine two oaks, on West earner of
liarkot and Fouytb street..
' O►aesaa
. war . of
The-014 • toe .
Joeeph A. tlobtruroo, Ha 20 run, rtreer,
• high reoutattor , for Op 0.0gg,. 0 „V
ootteee, sugar% .plus. prices: .
bought there at eneh ressora
trial 115 all tharte settee..
D. of Philadel•
5". j"".". C
te ".". P.
1121.4 at St. Alb
"4111 the dellasetee of the mien may be
obtained daily, al all hoer, at the , papaw
Continental 111-klag Rooms Fifth :street,
rggag,to the Postofec;e. Priem very
, .
- CheleeTee• at *decline' SIM* he
cable anneeneed ela the taw.. t
ma be obtained at - the old estae
limbed tea mart. of Joseph A. Robinson, No:
207ltth street.
To a* ToXenia 1;lp —We nodeistaai Col;
Doff, Doolet Attorney, teteods Oates to
the supreme court too tattler of the oan
.ututionallty at the eat or Ataetably creel&
tag the oieloe et Assistant Distxlet Attoreel•
SDI*. SG.. Thiceet, Loess.. Clfebt Dts.
...ebe, and Cekteemb:Sucebsefttby, Mated
by. Dr. Abors,l3l Smithfield itreed. A boat
by mall CO mate. 1 des •..
New. tied Valuable Paseit Tease for
illate , Atopeilar •to anything of the Moe
over Offered. Address Lloyd notelets, Wee%
liatextotel, Delaware county, r eons. et
L The Court► have adjourned Jury Malt
Ufl Westnesclay tient, the day attar the eles-
. - - •
11ainniatie amitae et isiesseynten._ ••-•
Talegrob to tba rlttibitab Gasattad .
Elan: Oat. mm, eased Omni OM%
gun, from Bprinallap, yhe came tO ant
restyle= Sour, in nas nig, on yesteadm;
wss Musa dead in las bed, with ht. thinet
ent.,thls menaad. ' Hat/ 'mimed to UM .
emanated litdalde. BL =lily Made lat
wingaissOiew Jenny.
21111 f • I . 'ber O. ...Wm. MUM.
paaeralat lb otelonk.
O'ltittEN.-0" f Mrm.. at QM
Texas. tout...abet Mb, Mr. WM. ..1.111111T, '
a.tad Tot..
1010 of LimorneaMUla
etrIaMMIT. On Vrlctny eaan , mr. OM. 4tb.AS
Mt &clock, aan of Jame. Ma MAIM
11/000r, 0:11.1.4001020.0 00th TOl/ 0 0 1 / 1 1•10.
Yartber motto,' 111 2,01101 000 thisler
. A tysinewrasza.
-1 - 36 Deo' stv.i. imutwo. vs..
cucKno or ..ukinc.:cuAra. GWV1121.114
ere dee:inn-we ef Ififimet Tefelenuriffeelli
ferelAed..lteenseeveskod dame eel. Sepik
. e W. e s se egae.Bei. David too.
A $
Id. - rtonsirste.. tniumwriot
ILA: AND Z 1121.1.232. Moon 1•2111
tla h te Oortat It. Tialsen. Oa 29 0291100 1 . ,
troOors tout Doan. tallabenl2l4/t • 91/P
Itotorood. Mattoon. Watnasnd2•99.l
wood Ir.listion C I. tM the lewd xstavill
Mats, 'loam topaa at alt tudYa, day and 214C1114
Itaat..l and diurtaalliPtalatted ae Mara MAIO
off °a meet t'Oourin . •
Alltdh.Zor. 1266a11ft, Softwood sae. Wier aull.
11., with/. Clansit4l..toek of Mara SOSSASSI
soda , . of bawl, and torftfted u aboold" . ftfteb
loorft ortfts. haft add Idiom Iftlideft Oft
oft . of 111167 Mini» OIXTUIPID
lidroodwa,,Sodsfts. Saddle &MU. &Gm
—A. J. a#B,Batre, .t U. oautusemo
AND BTONN WonKs; ffroils NUM%
cists. WATTA Muff.
arFIBEIT 0001011Eliff
inn Punt 11. P. Menai, fien.sth 01
!Had. WIU 7.14.
harloll tr
nortlen In t hane notulmn , tov ,
PaTocek.:7:4.T 1 ." n kmirr •P7u.,.=
/min the Inst iiiiipeagaturits Iriar
Jewelera an3.Opti4=l4
ese amemier. gerriamlqirt.
1,2141‘X1ME51. =oar
sr* L 1131. 7 17: 11175 " / ""
Nloa, di.o to ma ra.
ear ~• i«v = '
Witieltier. Clot). ons
Merchant Tailor 4
g Zr.7,:g? Mgt=
1 1.1%*14a 1 = 111 e
wm,h Wii ttT:,..".4,llttlra"'sk
wan 0. •°"',V` WAIF: A=Tttr.fiar.
BUILDING WM 01.114 altailo =GMlslam
TornyGooktoialag Go. hoadrlßO MUGS.. el
COL MeCoLlosak. ?hilo dad.
Olelota Bu 000nta7 ro•••• •
fax 100 /to:. cannot be • •
Term <soy,
Enquire of ' BILL • Oslo . -
.ISe>listats and Wanes Asa,*
Fon. SALE--That handsaw,
.ad very &suable Slifllii.OTOST SSISK
Dee FLUNG 1101:fist, snorts Ito. 1 Siselidlt
arra; Prtteturet. Tali Aortae Ls Marta" is
one if the lllndSetnat rtreit• La Pittrteinlie
owl aow rtate for egia YDS Property SS*
worth thei arteirtoi of thou Odds% • piss
ham, • NM • ESITYISSLY, Real'Setae Mt
lairmsce A goat& 31114 , Meet. BIM Spdille, •
to ne. Lawrearertfle. ' -
iiim: Ow O;
FT!aci RV Furniture 01011[414m' n
coa. PENN Ar
Latta .STI4. at flr aulyt aamsaatti
HovVard , s Livery ISiiiitie,
111RIT errairr, "U liastusbelslirm.
Zllll.l/B.Lie navgj. e a gtret VIIAI
flaw trot. On atop In" Ilid*
Boneslowßones beurbt .1 sold as coragiubos.
irulhO itttee, gar PiitJar¢ Cnti 11316146
' - ABDE.BIIIOPro '•
, nt• oons 3121-L.
.441 vnoerso Immo. mist_ a 2
enter citzzouvazzam
R. 1'; GETTY,
arites.Bl.ll.B olailt iv •
Choice Wines and. Pqnogs,
FO. 55 N. L Car. LUMOIS
ai T. LaD DI
lmaasT Ci. Pa
.."..,„. Ntl e ur
PAM, fibutataoturer of
Wbontindo nnd rstall don/or In TOP&CCIO,
Ctßann. SICUTIt. rann,' &a. - DontnUJ• To
tsceo always on Mad. •
r , los wood
Comer Llbortr.lllttslniinh:'l46
or A'rrzw
Os cui.vat, wl to eu wILAYINVIII.I.4 OAS Ire•
, 107 aanams sTaiarr.
B4nR. 86 PIO B Vall
• • V'i
n. i n vc r ' ione *
S harnals 114111 1.,
;IV 11 : 1714
id9IPED6V ajapargy.y.
• • (Meth daor - all%
OW; China Ware & Table (sum
At FA/v . 7 . 611N ratoms &midland •
• on It C d .
vary Wee MO , Of
110SeSe GeIIIMUNIS, Verbena% &c,
iloceux, al Oa Oaklsaq
Joint P. 41.
geed Mr • eaulorr..
At.le iron Itrattsky Wilts .Vbaas:oser
Croy,) (Or !lalti tWirmintrkat nalwat
it 43.
14!L7pEs, BELL WC", ' •
•ensuor ; Cectennillbs s fitts
Autaxsasmiontsavy. assatras4aina
iutErtulai Aso SOLITINO.