The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 04, 1867, Image 4
'" .---- JAMES &LIAM& 80N, _ ~,481 INDIA() ' t 4 ' , i , 1 . d 9 and TO Water Street, . .._ ~.. _ ~..-Wocd St., near comer of Fifth. LARD OIL ISANUFACTUREBS, Governmenj seeitriti els ...d Adenstreist OSUMI, LITERLULTLISO sad OstinON Ott; .: We warrant oar Ile. 1 Lard MI WI tale the %Id; Silver . Sart , mite+ bras.. .4 9.17.00 0 'Clar ioi.ntlaireVelro==l3o ' __MCJo.Crftt LateleatTaX an .taadatra Waal.. at Ceram 011 toss taatl) on b.d. 1i.r.b.i...: .saav factarar• 0.110 010 loud It to Mods Interest to sly* es *call Went ordering 011 from the w re s t fm, • And Coupons, paasltt sad mO4 as lib..i tans. sejd .11 onnethal etles *rum. • ONVEBSION OF. 7-30't we an aow Imaarad ta COMM{ ECONO AID THIRD skitifs 7-30% ew 1887 540 Bold Fospon Bonds. JAMBS . T. libiDT 41 CD., • • Jahn ix &imam lead ixx er "'Garth Ss !Weed Streets. RA B. MeirAT . CO • 9 31345 klajaerak U) may cownitercam e , r. leerlrte and Sialthaeld Streets. , sig `r: ,° .% l °Z:VP:fo rr .V, rat. Ja-pary a -20 zw.cos OF 1867, sgr.tist HOLD m a ptr tir t. frt. teat data. IRA R. e 44 t W . . gittsinnti era -Eat FINANCE ANDTRADE treurtallit, ran Privations*Clutwpra, intaabey, Der.. IBM. A elt• Id Drumm at 14 1.5‘, - •Elveneed to 14.5 0 de ried to on the strength at am Improve. sent of Five Twenty ;pride :In London, but e 4bsrqueetly the retie mime.' to M, elm Lerner orders to v.iy tants. the true mute of the * rine and labor thder that the Goverrnmeol ertiVprevent • fiend rim by ceding the auvplut the rely. =peewees of the .Treasory ;ming the last two week. chows that thee/Lairds to Itle.lington wire well informed cm•the - Enropeee money Inakketa, and are Tully aware that from that genitor we had to fear Lmore than from all petty vittories In Fetineelverna 'or elsewhere. The movement. of foreietthenkeesto the At. Usti* Mlles duriar the lard three weeka have beOn tr. sell benne elitp to Europe to dmer, and have Unsold reedy at any me. mama: exch.:es. therefore, was a drag to the end mina& trim ' 511 to I per menthe . Mir the gold dthipplety points. amuse. low. etonpeclally Oantiots fled IIIITt• 'The stock seekel la exulted and higher no all the 11 , 241.1 114nes. Mlntng ramble art dallend lower. The melleum w• m:teased In June lam to ihri future preduenua of the Triumph fill Cum. Pee, fled the e 2prettatlon of Its mock, has helOo fully. J.... Meet. The stock. *kith was then fit at 110 ing Le Dow sought attAir nt Par. The tleArnof ildiertiam Ite (earth Mettler nimbly dividend of I per Ka t , retaining •considerable f • Troir und In the sary fOr imatlolonclms. . Closing New Toth quotations nettived by 111.' R. Mena, were ea doldct,fi. itt)g, 11OX, ISM WM, het . SOMslutle% C e v e e hlnas 001 0 .E m p h r eR. R .......... Ltl meet... Salon Integra.* ......... ...... Fietrourgh Fort Wayne a Ohicago It & 1064 Fort b Irestforn Brairoa6—corkmuk 41k, N0rth0re5ter0..0r0fe1i0d............:...... nue New York NiOnto end 7t ...... IPPlCertalludee. .. ... .. loe ret,,j et Southern oo . Site 1 40 • -Glee extract the following from the N.. Tor* iribuite, of W....telt The Perineum of tie fn aSury hes authorized the Sob-Tres. Mien et New York My'elve* Pm' sent, eetlla _atuto eachanye for. Ilmober ant Denembet snee r notes. Lod glteste payment of the lialaufest an the erneglitinde to b. made to mu mmy. The *termer" /!nerds the laws andat of mory.* a earmeolens mum. foe want of If. to P*7 Mt nattonal debt as It teeter.. If. teemed of oirstriplymgct•Lirtles and !mom • rote. totertat to the form of Pmillino4 be ked *mit bta *no.) to Pit 7 "MIK" "" forth, tv''...oction ofaimal leaden Which nay debas t : ins 'currency, be wood base shown • deeeatmegerd for therepreted emimagons he h. tit ads ever slum' h. took cilLeir *Vas.. *maim of .Ammthig Ma currency and ream. len specie payment*. Thee exchang_e' of a. aturtilre affema tbe banks as . fbilowre For *nab tooooot Gunspounos earreculeme they e. pt • eentll.te of which bah/ NM eau be itotuated arr legalreverve. If the whole fifty ettilione ere teed a reductioo of tweet./ mu 11... will he made to the legal tenders 'available lot hank ,tagplarposea. was empenelon of the Crotch National B ask was lamming. Mis metniair. 1l a salk,l solvers. astir in the (Ninth., Hogal• 110 r •••er 1. high credit. It has had several owners:4nd lemsy yawl ft. haleness through M Its nle of emelt eensequenes . yoga 7.1. feet (Min it emnooetretee, that Um beakbe of enter t! haunt', are lam .denterove degree 1.. * d en4ke irmied •peenlations stimulated byhk itme of Inedeentable pep. •money by lb. Treasury. TAMtememeive, failure a.. /Mat their manager.. MO. anateutterUlt them smarts* end Natal gala., are attles partners In ell:the railwey. petroleum. toppar , gold and 'Used bulb,. ay erhien the yob.. have be. dup.. It is too emammi r greet*ee with bank. to loan money Opfid. derittrethla of meek, of wblab the chief t ot Ilea to the feet th that ******* . 7 '*- I Pe'thg ePtualmera and boo.. _ Joe fay.mnst 'purpose. Bangs which' make money 11 emery log necks, wily =elm.. the toAlet, "aproulatere, ere not Safe depositories. eggnog** will dlacover when too late. -t • • Ilex Callender colts, Treasury'Depertment Is now to poessesildi of 'the • beak, whoel, /14 Villtlep are about poo.oto • ahletlf to city de positor*, who wllligemtrably Par. pull In MM. rho mock le undeveland to be wholly The honk made Its Met repot t AG Lemab trimulation leaner; Depoelts • '• ' • 570,1 M Specie "Ma Lege/ 131,41* —Uldatag New York , annotations mew. by Jamas T. Grady &110.t..1• V. 13. • g±Gy feet SM. /e6l "gi Gm.. II Ilea. IN* •*1 IgNi o ' 0 ; 104;:* -a 107. - 101 N 14 07 14" Commie Y••»1.774 Jong yeses July Tenn 1:4 Dar d Odin. gunuds, 16. M. ....... Gol lit 8 1.11ar.1 v. -- LUEZWEOCIAL *Aim . sr. (1771: r i - "rri:s t at i V.W."ma. MIT/11 - 11111 OP LITIMITOOTWIT. The shipments of steak OW dints( Qs Ism* ending ?etcher Ist„innmea.(ol,hms:,', .Pediadelphla Cali*teed. , -i43311 N. T. .II Philo "'" •• - 1,1 - - let 41. ff. Y. t( A11entetw0.....2150 11,34 110 Dettlatore 10 I 0 Way dtelloas I lett 010 1907 Totals hLwo• - Ism -- 7.127 Last IFNI@ Nal • Melt Idtett Tbe ettivals of estatenntre Saila OM 16 1 l week. eiedtaratelyakteddeg, though the top ply of Nt:t .moo edtflefirter nook Wee Nankin; ably 16 yaws. of tits dewsed.aad aafthlegt pine rated • abed* lower. Good let cattle' 1•71 , 11 . wiara ladifidewead.Nd would bays Ned Noddy at taindee price., Out than were but very few of ate klad In mullet. One or two emelt !mediae of fairish NUN sold at Ivo, 7 too!{.. VOSS. ant etti end MEW 'Ant of 111 Melee Nen °tirade.] retard fora drove of extra tttttt t tttt sheen. Thla atudtot be lakee as an Ulna of tki market, as the dee of the Uwe above termed to No set to be ens everywbere or testy d.7—the Odlitre be leg boaile to manse thole - Frt.., guns erns.. 01l.pedit. Kew Took, Yoe Node settle. tbe demand le only ooditiate. ent with trelledetted odivale',9olses see nistalead, Nagle@ (rows% te axe. treeordlad to yaaltty. fateNeteri Ghee. Mr. sad Other seldetegweeartleo Is the OMNI. pan of the -lawry are evidently well 011sd op by Ude time... tbe.ellpseata Gog here have Nee ler@ heavy Alr tie or thew. M=lM NMI. POI llitistoly for nowtsrovradhlk,lbst Plutlftk. lar mien, they 'hive plenty of posture lad good crepe debetelly. • I=3 Thera;was a firmer ',hog la the/Sheep rear. bet Ode week, end, soder the lama/nee of dl. inkagelmj erruratCgtrhang eiPeetally for fat i ghee% rated a MO. higher. For solemn • Sheep. the market iefehy:ite bard a. evirould thee' tett* ehlppite Mae of Leheep .rest pretty well mail elied lithe, eaa realise earmith to pay feed httle• and eon. of traseporlatu,.. This elee's of .hiepii Worth lion la the non. try alatiet .r.rmere„' that • hem and la. sooner Oat corni , o7 triads find Me ant the better. prime fat peep, Arguable fin Mettle' la the eeetera sualeisomy:be quoted at 4340 nod median at es nedivia Taller *old 71 load, shwa...rem. slag at Abs.. to 1.1014 at. 4341117 to Dental", ammo. At at& 111 ur 4W:repast. pretty OW. at 454; 11l twee 11 , 11aaa. quality:to Lleyd as at& err Mad to Pleatait at so average of Tittle latuabt. frost SEA Talmaae Mad, or Ile at 2547 IN ftettaleaketla amnia./ .7. at l •• VOX' 41 1 1,11.11, 1111•117111 C IL at 4411 1111111 C 11••• L...4farty, swarming la at Sabi ID how Xialiaa Taxlar, amaatog 41. at CUL J. Rail trouWlol . bead from Xlaot/Ul4, aurae:o4lK *PQM Irmo Oup*vaai ~way 44. at 4.11.2 Of Crow Amatll, •••tantelsa IR, at aturz:inrrinfirailiiiit bead, wing htarlailot. at 41472 bate to Aral & Xeyet, erefahlag ALA atiji. 4040. • The market qli pearl adlre alielaotaaarhat matte dialag the tally tan of to. emelt, Im t Tat.M.7 mad 7 0.1 1 7/ etider the inflame of faarmadanteala, there inut a tam hallag, awl while than was as otatatial cheap, the gotkoaay 1 araartltltaa. awatiad to be Gears. 'way. Rev IftlYl4 Nov able frog 4te 404e,aail PkiladalOstalleae brooght 7 to la. ournatatat 10ai7tat 77.4 from MI NH at 730 al from glee. at 7 la 1711(7ost alma Letlfat y at 11 - 119 Iron c Holemtat 4-eats 8e41141 from soots It aetly at Will from uo, at 7,404 tl Do, taapball at7.7lt XI from Toed & (Haas& as 7, 1 5 f 4; i 4 from Camelot. at 7,14 Beaaftaaol2oll4..i "LI . , . a Tallaf 1111411117aallio af• wont. I Gillett • 1/0.. rood Yakima:a etitl47 ) 44 - to plata47,llght k at 113;101 Wane MA 4144,N1 la tJII4L.O at O&M:* aNdsa&k, airy aaaa• moor at la t a=sold Mlnd tit 'Harem al Oran ' , Lafferty oak) hole to • Into, at TA& 01/111041 Oh 1111.11 to • • r.t o r. C o ,. 242;21 to Stoslo t Co. at 6551 65 to Hack at 614 j; Itt to Ha U51 52 15t0.114 12 do do at 15"117 to tromp; Minnick Co. M Jl7 to El mei* at Mu Ito ta t 54.4 40 . " Ise do .21,75;4 to Hush ft 4; 127 balm& 51 Sato Charlm It 11.61. T. r. Ort bought DI howl from Coulter u :007;gshIs T:traTTIltfrom t r b b ; = hi 431,. • Infederat ILL'. Of OTTLX— Hedgo• .1. Taylor aold 21i bead. Winton tolued, to Mooney 41; C 0.18.2 4;111 bead • Mad,. oats bum, lie orafron en, at 61 t 1 hood to M, att. sib. 626. &tag; lb to Todd, fined oro20 5 10 1M). rtt 41; tO IL A• Th tot 6 .1 .le, :A to aura boyar,o am t 2 pson.l 24 aranglog 671 off the to ot 1.1 dud is MOOney It CO. It 6—inlavly. and, tt katfOrt San. k TOM.. sold 2112404 uaaken io • Cron. Eton. at 454 ft to nuns at 4,90; Et .to Me am. tolled. at tie; 8 bead to Moyle. t Oa at to I to tufo at 1; to to mune 4q. • Swett t Mart.. bead Halt Southern OMO atta, otonglog 1160, Munk a Mooney Stu for themed be—ablpp Int. ottra to Note Tork— refuted • Olen t L. Marty vdd 66 hood to Me. it Co., velattlat Ini,m/1, 44 1.66 tr, tn. at 4.62.10 to Whlttbore, wet. tt of 48,200. at 591: to tattoo trtellet.o r.i.:lg i tt , T; " 4lVo h t b l)::;;ltolit. Welibmg ot 461:3, wm.. Ins 3120 to .at ro tu ltnolt.,. weighing tam: ot 4;12 to labbatrah, velehun 10.040, at 6.: . to Money, Welam 04100, at Mit to PM coat weighing 11,400, at 434; 40 to , at 1,10, Oreenval4 a Mahn sold 111 bead Melt nat. 61; 10 stockers to Muria I ToOtoet Rte, lON se 4 40; 7I to& IMODeo.overamogto.2. at 0.10. Hare 6 bead Ana D0..0 began. obi. toot the prenlion at Mate Faro.. sold. Orealentb to Mooney 21 bead in II; Breen. tog to Moooey 19 at 11116; ft Mem .old al bead to Grey t Hatlevoal My— veishe.ll4 too. ljospboll to Tutor 64 Patent at 4,61. Menton; 011.1 t, to Max. 34 at 4.10. Cron., Everitt 1, Co. to MOM. 41 at IN. litealeaaar. r Co:. to Pudoook ti Conttal. Montt. t Co. to 1 17:2 1 ;=;,11,1 7 .1.. to caftan rt bend 141,1.1 antic veliblat 2 1.670, ot 014. to 320Ardlo Itt bull, oft fdltemli to Mooney 0.4 at 44 to 004. Cllno to t. Roder 16 1.10.1 eattl• at GK. Pena. to teary a Co. 28 at 7 , 4,. Noel to Lan. 12 .0 0. Turner to McGarr.y al 01 0. 0... Evert. & 41.. to Stevan to hood nerd woofers at Hof.. to MoLIO4 01.61 - Kiev.. 11. at.. 1161... 11 at 4. Mt CAN 1444 to Shrlyer 40 atoellen, vela Mar 101,220. at 6. Calhoun to hoary It at 69.1. SwotOk to flornoblee 10 05 IX. HMIs. to Mayo. 17 be. at. ,Mg to 6. Todd to Mtnaeliroaa tot 4. Crouse, tonnes I. Om bold to.ol2l2obsnot. at 4: 20 to sate at 4Mt 24 to bane at 4,10 t 11 to Todd at 01 10 tO lull a Co. at 4,60;20 to Foram. 4t4., irrrnuitrama asagicris. Ornon Lwow. Protextraex axe:err; TavaaDoor. October S. 1 / 1 17. Mennen/ took to present ito nays ettWrae. f wfintim Worth/ of epoeial settee. While them le no excitement and no material law proValaaat to note in the desiana for any of the loading mnatodittee, prices, neurally speaking, are dem, for some anklet! tending OSA IN—Wheat le Am and scarce, nod good to tholes Red may he gmtild at at,t502.40. Oat, lea entire,' Boa peat. as Noel, male taint* Gam men' , zoned iota; sale of t ear at Ms, and mall Wee at Team. Settee( fear prime Yellow Om at SOO. Barley to ne aten/8d at 11.240 I , ld , and tk. same le true of Nye at einfltyl,St. Yale of . ISO beetle Batley. laptiratia tams. OROCESLES-4.1e our /Awl moort, ho. her. satin•, sad we net• • further dame:tale aom• Sugar. are detiderl7 higharomtcl with the .outlast steak fa the ooantry that there ly bean tor ten year., we may expert still hither rate. Doff*. I. fit prima and shale* .till b.l. enroll: SYMP. •re Yltry strong at eur quotatiou. Else doll aad neobsaged. Porto Moo !Schwa "ere firm. Below me VIM the edam at nrktlahneade , tre erlUisit C O7 / 7 ilSlO. choice, 9701 pilot% good, cSlde; telr.]fac routing, I.higiracl Logocyrs, 7 75491nge; Jowl. 9411)11s. SreAk—Prtkii . to choke Porto Aka, lkit; good, ;3.40;1%14 kmette; Eakuis Bolos, ski 1310; OubsOING uX..nd uX to 13,k. Its. tlatL—Stalukka hard, I%01110; lk; r.tro . C. ^ l6(ei..C. Y.llo. lag.. Sratrilk—Conston, Sktokt; good. 00; 41431,k; •trictly chalk, 61,00; White Dept, 1110. Biaz—llangoan, exalt*. Panto lima DU Lusts— MIA; wattling .7 Srione—Only". PO - pPoi; lit; Mineola, Ilk; i.lasale, Us; Nutmeg*, $1,20410; (Sam, tie. BrOnak Soda 1144 7401.4 t-as plan but am. La wtato &mood la eisinly Aorral,..ptisa aro vrell the ataiatained. We madam to quota . at WAR, t 0,73 for Spring Virtuosi; 1041411111,76 for motor wbpatt arid Walt for faasay brand.. flour nu chauroa u IL PS.OWLSIONS—Banos la quiet bat amid/ sod uneksaged. We continue to toots at 14)401110 topiskouldena IVA. for Ribbed nod -Clear Stilesi WM for Plalo Sugar Cured Elam, nod Sturm damned do. Lard cam.% fairly be quoted Moos Its, and free Poik arm at en, • SEEDS-Sals of 1 ear of Flaxseed, to an at Ilan. Timothy Bood to dad; salllag la • retail way at $1,71. C/areneed Is dot asd • combat at SLOW. BUTTES-.Than to a steady demand far prim to eboas fresh Batter, and Um market amyl* quoted Brat at Slane. . &M3-gloat sad rusahasisd at taearl for trash puked- • APPLES—An eoliths La pretty freely, and Prise are busty Ineletetteed. mgt.( Imo $ 1 Lo g 4 per Obt. BAY-Is pa4t met. ambsem4—stes Lom nxintry yikirom M $14020 per to.—rmMl7 #l6Oll. OLI fa Ono bat aatkassul. at Ow fat 21a. S. and 01,10 for Ka. I. EEKIiMM=I • .POTAXOES—Thers Is .steady deassad for prism Misr Joni Sweets at dkated Des bateeL rEmistniamitreraoixviticasm rs Denton Os yin lorrithaiteillantnea.t Tairtheoi. October 3. INC t 080 DZ—The market war/again moderately satin to-do, the, reported this. reaching over to thousand and .Prin., If thaththat a'ebthe higher. .The asks won: itOo bbl. ea .pot. gusgegand delivered ht took. at /Oki NM do do at 14 ittal lJl( 133 In bulk at 1314 .ad 100. packages to tie minuted. at Ise. We osier quota at 1310111. torapot 11013* to be delivered on Drat water, IMMO for ail . 11131,knyees option. sad MOW for name de -11.,71..11res opiLon. lIEFISZO—There was not • Maple trans.. , Lion In Ms market to-day, atiessi than wen wow reported, but theists • Doom telltagotaser. theirs', rd Drina are to Manned. ere quote at $34. tor Oetabeis as4due. for November; the for Dedemberfund .304034 for thethat throe months. Reliable advises from Philo, dolphin ante 'that tin bull party havnaot abandoned their sleben. of bringing about • onntero tido month, thougn they will not be able to sank* It on ths bib. tb. time It was (nasally mipothed It would be attempted: and ag a matter of then., It sonessful, spot 01l will go much hither: The Moak of tenant ell to Philthelphis la put down st Wasik thousand barman. with vessels elmnered for about lorry. four thousand banal. OIL sunnin nose PROS .litnthign lioteitimmo Ott 00, 2tt ,bbis ninth tO L. Wile., Philadelphia. H. M. Loa( t Uo., Mt do do to Path, Bro. 4, On- Misdealt/do. Pleasing A 00.,10. dodo, to L. WIAOZ., adalphlik. (7. rp, IGO do do. to Wilmlngten. Zola. 1•11.1. OIL IBRITTILII KART ST AG V. IL Rls Oat 00.. k I STKORtlphi.. COS bids ad, to Tack. Bro. Ptolode Lotam. ♦ T. =I de do. PDII/4/IWda. _ at. not 0,111 do do to A. 011v/Olth a co., 1•111.1alelpluo. • Cincinnati MarksS. Tify Telegnitie mute rillAbwelt iiesetia. I Cismunram, October a—flour firmer, but she demMid le not settee; Buell, 111,000 AN ranee ildl2ooose.. wheat so higher, DLitt no. 1 red p,oo.with the offering. Corn unchanged and firmer, no mixed, priee MOW. OMen Ito. 1 Mardi. fire ad moieeil t 0 el./5, and Minde:mend wan mind, Barley In Ilittoo de tio . e d od !t4 1 , 104 To. of MO Theta (Man iltilvhot Vri nominally unettantedi to l ddlleif 18 1401. c. gawky ingood demand for free, bat prior. are irregular; nei demand for teat In bond worthy of note. lona generally timer, with an - improved demand for all hail;gimlet. Clear &Won es advaimod mut ell to be h odanioneting MO hedei holder. asked WO (or clear rib and lane for ewer. We aid tot near of any sale. of bulk meats. indeed. Itim a- 1 1 001 much mow In this shape, nearly all the cut mama being In 'smoke or already ant ed. bacon Shoulders unarm be bought ender lila. Lare b aritA . atAe, but the demar v ir rith.L= till glAtiattlo t trip ' WO to demand at 0005 10 for relined, dot,' d. Gold 145 , 4, heel leg. It rslued hard (orlon, home In.. rilehr. /1, Commenced agaln at Voce to-day, goitre/try tumi three rt. zrid le mill relate, Barometer °se half an belt from nild.eight till noon b ut no again (.1110g. This rain ho. eselled en. o .llll " ,ititrerZrl;f o7 itZflisallrt get. • New Nock Dr/ sieeee Trade.' i 2fsst7 to the rittakerek Own* 31. . Oatabar —Th nrioneof pertain steles A of eol e ton`fak In tbe btles etreettberred tee demand for thew gooks to aorne extent, bat on the Whole bee not 1114.1 the tre.l6 mach. Le Wrern nave lost otablinenee to Um snelnten.o of prime. end bold or. solid petal tr •Oeollne In goons generanr,to lowerakoew with tee fell in we quote AUantle • Brown alma too trod Panuto •at lei 14... .041 1,4 Attantto V 110.1117 fildllll3lls arAg pp 11t nett. Print' of setae make red oewl to 10., 10100. 0000 aa winch now settee one York eelllbrat. 00 the 'abate the reacket zs 4011 end Yeti Dam.- • . "illlungslose [AI Teirgrech to to glitteberes fleggsgjo oar. Octob B.—Tleur &dive itad Ni lg ggler' c ge o tra s 4' bl. er exits •101710.80 t sins hi7 go PX01473t extra' iitii43/.25. arm eon edracrece egist4 el WA irm I. end 1, for Xs. C. 0.4 s adegoood eteig Yor so. 1. and 611 go tor No. I. Oom Me Mott gip fat No. I. bode -for Aim 'freights quiet; whilst to glWe; to Os. greyslkt georibte-1,100 bble. goon Ittbre bash. wheat' iSeCe bath. sets; 100 bars. coot. ghtpmeets.4.frO DM. Sono Wee gam VMS{ kbal beak. obis; kw DIM CO. Viands' Natters itßev ha. cola C1..,a es /43- ley Telegraph le üb• Mummers% gesette4 rev tong, Oct. S. I It ogre Aire eet.e... • Money active and grin et I leo giant fol l ipmt dull and heavy et loamy( gold for dot clan elle.. Gold decidedly timer, opening ail% declining to 44 lad cloelogat uX •OrewWlrelerrl. Governmeatikthcke ,VM lower: Cattprre rgeerxi' .411:n;,:u47t7m.,.-ret u...883i; u%. • Stock. unsettled under the news from Zu• roue and the tightness M ZOOM, Cloil 4 4£: c m banana. 296'91{,1 114etiolt 4 P ear4ANT:eldX4r1; 9aiskti,er, %Newt *vs; Pe , /kete/ 4034; AtUantlo Nall. nt tie rirlr="' °I " 7. 7 l 'i r ' Pb ' V; N. ' 120 X; I teadltit. I Lk a ateb r itts 6 Cttle M ' 9%; St, Paul, 4SX; uo. profaned, ISW; Ran Central, laSello9, Waltman Southern, el Otekt llllnola Central. lft:Sltii num. 'AP,79OID. Toledo, hoot jew,d, uegiol3o Not thwastern.• SMOckune re,.ed,fs,4; Fort Wayne, 1000too34; jusemil 10t341 Tennessee, new, 62,U. arm.; salials. Minim/shares are henry and lower; dre,lP 07,0 h Co Qaarts HUI. 1O; etumon. atouti Pamles, le0; L66,6060s 66; WsIIKWICBO44 Eldor.“10•1/83;qamentlia, rer. • • im==l • • • The retelete of the Sati-Trease7 . were 111511 Payments, ISTOSSIS; 1i107,171,116 The Assistant still blaring "eventhirty oat.. The peveienia 10401 In elodeo the amount of overhi.ofo,ooo to the Suite of hilieoun on account of *sr ellihut - - New York Prodeee Market. f By Teleeranti to the ritutmra tissetts.l Naw loaG OetOber 3.—Cottoti heat' at ko lower; sales of 1,4170 bales at 2154 e for middling uplands. Flour settee at MUM better; receipts Wert 14.149 barrels; sales of 10,020 barrels at 38.1330,83 for supearie. Mate and western. and 413,75 tor extra' western. 110,110431330 for Bound bona 4H.13016.0 for St. Louis, California reit ' Life soots and Dame's at $11,80013.30;Mboa of 413 barrels. RIO flour at 40 10 0 3 .00- SChuaey quiet and steady; Salta Mail bas te/a on private terms& Iteceipas—wheat ' 76,373 Umbels, active OM exched'at-alei matter; ewes of 101.700 bushals ~i12:4433.28 for N 0.3 spring, and 4231 for bloa: leering to arive, atglert,4o lor do. on tbe apot; 119.42. for No. 1 and II spring mixed; 42.40 for No.l Wring to arrival 43. 00 roe assa for amber Tennessee:ate for wane mailman, Bye deetdenly higher; bales of. 42 MI bullets part western at 0.5501,00 for abateand 51,33 for the , :leunalndes of Halt western on private terms.,Baley quiet. - Corm receipts 133.391 bushels. peened very drat- .and Mused • dull, deeltritng An 000 umbels; 11,19;1,73 for mixed western. in mores and amt.', reaelete 71,794 bushel. antis* and 1011 e bait Wes of 111,430 • boa at 11:437009 for Onto and 1./tilessro.laultidleg bm, all als month,. as Yins. Oahe Arm; salsa of /Fa bags Rio ' or. private terms. Mama very am; Wee of ISM hild• at Ml= Calla" p (1 . 1X111t3 , f O d = ittie for erode and Ito lox relined bonded. nod r ltop ggitasiasdale74.l%;77,l;tdVlT 4`23'".14; 3187 for prtme. Beef managed; aalee of bbls at previous prices. Beef Hams nominal. Baron steady; iillea of 100 Dorm c n e r tMsee e a ared 4loen a ehlmss was te l n 4 lmSOa d.o Cut Cut, 13.cemoer and January, af. 10 74. Cut Yeats quiet; Sales at 11u pkg. at Ittept/lo for bitoulddrs, INN 1830, for .Hause Lard homy; vales of Lab obis at 1131(01No. a mak let mid at 162. Bauer Inway e insn4 at Mare tor Ohio. Chees esteaddy, Freights• to Llverpitml moderately aative marl nrin, Soto bus wheat, at 854 e per sail per steamer. Lana h.—Flour elated quiet and firm par. ucelarly for mod I um:armies. Whamquiet and ann. at 40,314.1, 33 for No.letaa 'so tor' No.l spring. b o la UP arrive. Hre firmer; use of timo bushwestmst at gal oats Om. at 71141744 e for Chicago and Oslo. Com 'doll and ovary, at OLLIOI for WV./ 1 . artala mind *eater.. Pork . dull, with seHers of mpg* at 43.10. ea- b sod rewnihr. and buyers at 151,73. Beef nominal. Cut Aleut. smite end anat au4 la./14 morr. Band con modaratelv La quiat 11 34 Oli%o ior fair to prime Mee.. sad 14%. /74a tot kettle rendered. glattala MaritelL t y "'charity's to lks ...tuatara It arint...) Boreato. OM 3.—Y oar about Pio higher; tales of 1,100 Dbl. at *Helen for. Spring, 1111.30 for amber. Wheat—eeie• 'LBO bath No. 1 11.11aaalree early at at,loV,Yra No. Chicairo early at WIMS; la. hash da at 1PL0N7. , 017 eon; Mall littera.. to arrtv• at gala; Mato oath Chicago No,l at pate Ital to arrive, timing arta Vora Gail aau thi.ettledi salmi Me Oath Toledo aad Wee. tern at $1.14144311,13, acal.:18.1;00 mask No. I WooS(121., Clatilsk d,m. Oota acute", °toeing active at an advance of lc; aalo-1121,UX1 bash Wadi,' to arrive at 6.1 c; PS WO do. On spot. and 73.000 do. at R.! Bs • newton hem and 0 ....Yrt • ...Id Pay 41.40 for No. 1 Witaterra. lt. h o ague; od timineut./ad • 4 Oat a4t ttleolnstj sales aada par sample at Pork and Lem a valuer d. Met h abita t.. .11aogvd. lieoelpta—W beat. $0 bash; C 0,., !10.000 bo th : Oale.llUN/ brutt"BarlaY.. COP bosh; .ad IrhatragerC bale littiplayota —Wheat. 121 Galtutihr Corn. 711.uta; 0 sta. 102.000 bosh; Barley, VAC trash;oiob Bye,2aooo hood. 1111. Leeds ter Telegraph re tM eltolorth eamttal gr. Loins, October S.—Tabs.:co la. •ctlre. led /Ow and medium grades are advanced 35e. bat otki.r varies me unchanged: Cot/ ton at Ince for low middling._ „Nothing de. tug to Hemp. flour dull: Ont. bualtsilaa t. retelq embargo at 11 7 X42 1 .73: tot* at Dam; double extra at Illeeleatglat stele M. Wheat firmer art 4 batten writhe aWdGauh aa s e f fl i & W n i o. n 5 SIM. 1,111.' Oa dl and lower at• 0900155. S od Somali.* a t e 17.400 S for • prom, and 15.75 for prime e unchanged at Perelman, • Sit u.drmer bat tomatiottoma are hitt. lime Pork at. CCM. Hama; elsar sides at 17,4017301 &boulders St list plate Caine at IPA. Lard quiet and Arm at Lk fur cook% km Whisky nommal-tad so -151.5 4 .1.5. Ware ply dour 7,003 able; wheat 4.4 obi corn 1.131; omit Il.blet barter QUO: rill A.= bleta. Weather el.vdy sad cool with lridleStlOul of ram. Clovolasa 'Markel. Ow Telegraph to lie ['tinier. varetie 3 Ct.&Tunis, October 11.—Ploarb. are.. and better. el. Wee of double extra red win ter 41, 11/4140ll;73; double extra amber $11,5 012,7 b; trabie eittl , $ Me 13.14 country bruin are trrogular but arm. Went; tae market te y arm and better; No red liter - Is b old at pgs; No ado ai Pigatat, and No 1 Mil.aukee •print at MIMOSA con. opened doll and unnamed. bat Muni arm .4 unto bettefl NO ' , OM . edl la held at st.osoi m. tiata null and gut. with Pant Wes at (do for Not from bye In arm and nominal at alMiggl.ll3. 1 .1 ...Ws and; the market i. nominal. Petroleum; there la • arm reeling. put tee market la unebange4; etanard white. In bozo. la had at TOMfrei prin. lleht strairto whllootio,{lld lint Wt.... caw. cases,. maroon. far T./mope t 0 mo Mud/arab (mouth,/ Catcsao. October --Ueather clear mid M. Pour aatlee and 120130 Meter at 18,700'0,00 for opting extras. 'Mutt actUra 0 , OCe Matur e at 01.0701 A for No. 1. and vtra , rll 2 ::: ,., 3le4SPgUkilarsl.7 . 4 01,03 for No.l, mtd 01.01401.0414 for No. •2. Oat • active sad Ito b Inbar, at 500230140. aro ordure sad en blotter, at $1.2101.15 tor Nu. 1, and 01.2401,0 to No. 1 Baths active. $0 41.11401,13 fee No. S. Mess Pork Me. yard 1340011N0.. /Imo Ole settee and to Meer. Reoefou-10X0 01/18. four, 170.00 "bush. wheat, 73 SOO lush. d o or . bosh. oat'. Stdpmenta-0.030 tobts. MAN bole. srtreat. U, blue. 00.4 173,bush. Olda- Toledo alarlaell. (Dr Tokamak to taa Pittsburgh : Torac, (Weber 3.—floor Arcacyloalstfic-- &ISt 00 1.. W beat ye., Om sod solvanoluaj camel pea. 70a hotbeds g obtla amber' 70.. No / motto". and No sp 70 bettariaaka albablsau at IN,Td; *Mbar alleblgaa. 113/ffe tit. l l%!:fri Mr.t.if ° 4lB'Df•lll co", 140 Leman reeelpta..ll3ll oath; fluor Nol Wabash ac 01.1201,1 M No toblta ILIOt Xliehlgan. coset,o4. Oats 30 beUert rm. ompta t e a m males No. 1 at 630394 No 370. Bre tem./. 130 rao•lptas 0.13 for No 1. Bantry (tole reteaDtt,"l3l37 bull{ 111,11 for No IL lake fret' Ilta, Boon wheat and To oh corn lo on cora caul a Ou wheat to Buffalo. . • lawlawlllelarkse. Talaitraub to the rutabaga arauttal hogs to LOgravtaaa. October I.—Satua ware mad* .day of 91 hoed@ o Tabasco. .Taa from al as Oatnas...l tan crup, f arid prates baba arl or 1.091010 bu for Ulterior to to odlo tn. Ir/our la salon .0 for Soperdru. sod VIM tar Nn l. Wheat. 62.4.7. Corn la doll at alga for *ballad la Ocala- oa.ta, In balk. Mt. Ornoortes ate Lmrr. Ness Per 316.111 Oman uhf bet. with .1..0 of abouldera at 14;g1; cod clear aloes. newels*. Lard waa cot° to .101 . 11 . likal l 4o for gauge ran dom:4 Walaky la nominal at 9910 la hood. Cottra. /20. • • low Ordloans alailksl. • toy Tstsscardt to tie rutssurs6 Was. Bataan', Oak —Cotton cusp and unarms trosli sales of IM bales low mlddhoss at ll*ll6xel receipts of lit bales. noon tn.r stock we. small and the market firm, whit opyr.nt 1110761, dostds extra 621.60. Corn &mg saute 11+461'661mM ILO Ilat• Onnbanged. rack nontlasd at Irk/ 73027.60. Bacon, shoulder. 1201 alsar sides Its; mow eared barns waraectsros and In good »attest at 276. Lard arm; lio to tlarcts, and - No In kaars. (fold 10,441 Stardom 111.661 Now Tort Ezettanso H par cent pro. EBY T, trance to tb. rittobas 6 'Matta.) Oavramo,Oot. S.—Tlour active .od winter grad. adranoed No. .sta. MO totda at SO for Mo. I 0 9rtair; iOr red winter. Wheat opened arm and Glow* :nanntaalrr bitaarl Bala. 1,61:0 tot 10.1 111111•ankar club at 0.26, and KO au do at Pat' Corn 1•109091 gar ,11 106/140. ebaoP l awes 111.000. Da ladtana at. 0 loaner mud a; rev for CaoadLta. X 994 41114 nO Nuto. Lan. IsaPerrt• bariloa,l,lool"t ilX . ll4 4 oao7,faipOrtia. lll4s ba 1404 DMA door. JOAO wheat. 444 eimor.laskirt . '1 „ •1•4*411 to tut PlllOOOllO 05544..) • Hums° 41, Oct. 3.—Flow ram; 1441411.7 tt; Ig t ir;Tl 1!: T c aSS W I trzt a7l 1 a62. " .7. Corn 8t41 , 47 ould ntioluage4. trala sum, nvd quiet. Eye brut. rlollolob•rterang quiet, but for DIM pettt tbll 4 MVO . rkli.3olollllll ilbUtltOt. lte v to Um enterer-se errata • pir.wase,Oot.S.-Petrolsaak lean I 19.19•600 bele ,it at it*. none anal nerthweetera extra VIA, 1%4.. 4 duiii prime red OA xml a.bor eXAIX Ire ad sate, 'coo tna tera.-reixert ...tem SUL 011.11 ateataagee. Zrle7 wow New Nana Cellle Markel. tkr Neleerma. to Me Mubarak lileacte.) Now Soan.o7l.ll.—Tbe battle market. ra. Wpm am lamb. 1.310 beads quality low and prime ars leo below Monday; obolotet ma, down to II and ea. ebeeo—arrleelV lon and or lower, at 4141770. Lambe 7 Nose madam prfine7letrja; Mamba, Claes/reVelure Dearkein [try Tateetabe co the Pittaberea 4..7744 Cam:tact October s...llear Cattle more lien On. and sid bleier for afst, mita; at 17a70 . Or 70 far fair to good Mena flOsa settee at 0770 0047 for good to scrtra ardOe. 8110017701 • • • ' 111•0010* lfto Car Telaartob to the /gibbon) 018001 •••' _lllftftre, October. -.oettaa, 5,05 1 5 ,111.1.1. UST. IOW& Oats. 700. OM. Booms sbccatiereOSOLOcc olsma "Mb U l . l OO. Mr 51.11000. `~'f'~~~f7~i~~ P 91158131611 UPI Min FULTON, UUMAa co., Kanstictere Os in CORIDAGIB, °Aging, Lab TWINES, h mi - vsnoth Woreilmise, 121 •n 3 WM 114 an far ofttaiar. RIVER NEWEL . The weather lest Money Mt erasing, with • "that eptiohllng of rata eye the tedteattone were vory th.rable for more doting the 'debt. Wr harehed ...Mg worth/ of the RUM of rata toe• tevanl 0,0.. and If we Would (it eitonsh to ley the duet. theta would to eau. for being patele/, though mush par kik..u, riverens.Pible tronbl. eat. treat Motels.. partiZeleny ametig eteemboateien. we elip one Jemmies froth the thootshati Cbmarrend of Ofedneadey : • It boor Wand doty . to_ recant the death of It:ll.4B6'lrd in( Yritotl4:, day I l imt! Th. Pere wasted la b ' ssitientot point under the dint of liontA Pots.). Stan T. Hod. bather of Arthur Hint. a w a k e ere yesuirdey front Portamonth on the UsMalla.. sp Irolit• for Mtwara Lana. for the females oft. son. Captain Hord has indeed been very unfortunate. Br the exp.- Won of tbs Itilsonti be lent Wolfe .4 two' eons, blowy meant hiemelf.•About the e• tinui he loot Me *bother. Captain Jacob sowerd, blown up B less -W. B. pro d . lie mounts Mae o f, nother son, • pio. mhoa young mam Polish/ wste married In this city • kw months aloes. and WY .1.0.1 ematoplery loans ma...- J. Nelson S.wdles. owner of the Milt Item. Bum. the from Vrownevllle yesterday. Slid la at the Spume.. House lie has had • number of seplleaUone for charter, but we hear he dr. elm to tell hen • - The blond. of Capt. Jena F. Smith. clerk of the 1g0... psalm One Eagle. will Molt ton.en that he was attuned yesterdey with ye/low fiver. It wee only thee. Wont th at he followed to the ar e a b b pieta tittle dune. an Intstestins dant of te of age. lie had remitled ashomithis trip n to ohm eel attend to hie family, bat of whom were do with the fiver, hot he lamed( was the urn to talte It. EarniuvisOdetiontfey to the lug animate we hare nee, the opener of. mambo. pp,. I the mlwalppt a 5.. ., owned by New Otleass l• 701 down•t ebiht7l Phteinestl. claim Ins kindred:arid filly* bt tools two hundred Ltd is. ; PM:doll:1U one hundred and fifty.ntse and Letileentlildity.ate. The total val. of the property le validated at am 136,110vat0„ Marn., • liatanD. , -Doste t of of low water e IWthe tnimbernind. a great deal sonlwa meahleary has teas ~ ten on. end ..Ped to the North. Stx or eight thou.. donate Werth, at lam. hes berm dabs op is the nelabbothood of Pfaehrille alone. A Moat. fontrOmalte, 'Lots September 111, read. se follows. The wreOlog Memo' T.- derartiter betas 'amens.. the steamer Tomer • . day or two ago' mt dot het above vital an awntlent he..., however, •hish nand the Totem to eine several blob. MP-, . la these. as at dm. The wrecker. awe Wit at work Sal have great hope. of mud. • The et. LowitP•bere. of. Road.. Mum.* the arrival of the Tura. alibi; past.. • • We clip the following fro. the Louityill• oburfer of Tuesday t ' t/ept..ll.sienott, of the R. 0. Only; was Le the eity. yeaterdey. Hte. .loat hes 104 Up at Calm. hem which pawl be nordved *AL. push Otani. that , stte waa raithipplag her L - M Rub Churl. had given eurreaey to there. port,• grist:millet lo the or Athens , Ledger, that • row sad trig had o.urred eu the IL U. GM. calla awn.* Cdptale Aetterenbottlingare. ilhrets us weaned It. Irmo was et tee eon happosad. The pilots ware out In the river in • boat, &medley, and were I* Are • rim se a alleal gor the. boat to elan. When she guo Bred. the crew shouted uthe Wet carted. trlypteg her spar, bad probably that Agave rise Pr the rumor. .' • , .Daptesearifenerelent Anogiallos hold their regtat. meeting et the butts Um Beard tr•d• ZAoallyesterdsy moraine. Nothing of lime. • trahipbad it the sionlag berme the twallaigatlou of the me ould. on the bill of Ladles goestitus. adding B. U. Ls. to the the Board of Sonsl.l.llo, tub lattrustlo u to eater with Trade to aseartaln their what{hey drused. et exp.!. It was &tared le MI. meet!. M. Ma siesta. Eva Porter. from New Orblatte s bat arrived atedire with freight for this port. but ha.o to privilege of orshlppl..g, the freight rtmuaa oa the hoot ar.thdro. . • - Owlet to tIMMT•11111 lore stage of matee la the Ohio river It Is tapoadble for the Eire Porter to the Ohio with her Cargo, had possibly she CU ad mush trouble la ens.' tag thMilell 1111 DC light, though • very light draft best. 6ko ettoottatend much trouble .d daisy la worklog h. way up ever the beret. tweets ateseshle sod Mho, whore the river la be, width, bars etsretroubleatowe (has ever. before kW*. • The Res Corgi. Srpobitros sag of the rs mktg. for emopeater sagged ea the %gas permutes of nil. Uoder megrim. coosersted the solihteg .4 sage. of *atlas the awesome att4 eollesUoa of ilet tea, cad IM faunal of lb* Isles an, WS of ladled. appreved Seines bee IS ISM It In we. tho osey of all trastepos radon wespeoltre to famish Isadrehataly nil.r antral the salestot of Jaseeeleleg Mauls • .P 7 of their 4/.1411 Isactlfst 10 far ea re tails to aiy mug lautepoil.- by thulA A entree or Mosel ill gni. the sultlfed or wagtail welllaergn lb. oespery to the dtaa. Mary derredgel helms ',huh Dopy Loon the resolwooms The 11,,0 Ismedurgly milli} all the eases. CIO Um heetof loch useeportatloo no guilt aft Nee or seltrutal. ud thus glared penaltr tor the traamortahera of erreee by rash snag. sill be gram._ ay emy acmes am without persist. to do per beecobtalaed 'frost the Domeleahnes of Istar.l Mona as I . se. Isms October I.—. Rates of trete►t eiliaily gleamed oboe. 'stream ugly, The Melba tae se arm. It. wary at Ceragtelet, to be booboo. cad wide..., Igor has fUlack Zee adds Sere Was Setsday morales. Bealsest la garaged. The wharf uteremateg mew e d_ % tab Taelgereiptea Nene sing NW Org.. demotes fa lashes 0 .4 tel. b.» Nat: Th. Michele ...4 Shona. oestilese lamellar for IL Lower Ml. eledpia. The Berg lg. bM eestederpors.ileas haalyLartee 'amber big* no, be.. In p.m The y Pas sea espy des.. Um seek, .11Mea with lb& kbad.als. at Itaellage, trppu ittansaypi. • • • • karreame art •sumateari. Otle 4 ltassismors Ask Plassairsear Bonkom". 1 . -11 Iron, 11l blooms, Um baro;roo. Biskra A aito I ear amp steel. Boa wry. Weilo • 110:1.11 plows soppor. o BDewy & Oo;l ear Imo Ora I.P.ed • • Blwk;l do da. Bet.. • Catigheyo an de, joie. Lmoghirea I Gra Bywa k Co, TO..t lumber. AB Ewan a Co; lOa sate llank is Bros is ets . pearls, Dukridge 411, Deal U WU vole.. XeWadoso• • Oar bo lead. Doman a Hergeri Ma Woks". A • Baler, Marta kettIONO.A. Haan & Co, f kis baboose,ll P Weddell, can in. J .7 Bender; llama posehea re« I 4•C Oruk . Logan, Balky a, Osaka' dale, Lewis, Oiker a P o ll/pa I ca gray, Park Bros & Co, IKt Shea • Garrison • Cos bales' boobs. Wok Noble; bales Maas sere. B, MeUlellaad ; aka liauseist, B Suyda; I. roll. loather. Is dra san e o ar s . seraph w. Flee. sue a Soorfli sks akin* Vaapareler • Atorp. sort ea .h. Mn.;. Carson, Darltes • Co; M T.1.'!./4:ll,td:JsnraotsB,l"e yty ta I r .d e ay ' e7a Tett roll seed, J kink, oars foamy. attabooka Methoery • Co; IC aka e0n1.3 W. Magoon; 111 W 0ti..1 ellson ISO Oo: do, P Illerolabehlat do do. W.W ht4C04441000. /Prellsonnum.Yokr W enrol Chkoono Bat.. Mame, 1-41 Sas wines., • ne tmoto lest km!, W Mullin., 10 btu eendla, Thookar le dos IMMO% w 1110.1 . 171 boas berley. Seesaw • Metros; 1d... wrap. A Hoorker, 9 bbls pas. igeogala du Vonn • On, Ida elem. is4e U rrit T iarts ' Till 4:4 t.W.l"'n - Abair ; (1i !g a 1k. br : 47 ; 043 1. 11 , k ir.a. " ll, n' ir otolli 09 are aka, PlastrtAk • told Works; 07 ago oas, kbalenry • Roods 40 0.1. broom. hook. Wm Moied, ref oil ?MM. W Estleyl 7 kw ne Foseatt lab bbif tour .7 thin 111 Uoi 09 do E lalsolorest 100 dodo. C... nor • Timken otO do 49,1 Jeshlsoi pip load, Irahokiwelr •Ca 124 bro II Res ja kau begs booby, Chantaa. Dorllnaroo 1. : k Coral, Sae /our, Seglossyn Vosksap; ' do apple., Vol., & Co. • Autakaaars V•grei Itaigation October l oks oats, alsllsory• Hood; Aldo do" Stott & Gaol; bk. 0 Illtarklasi oar. par Egressoe, :Ponaka • Oet 771 Pb!. , falter & Bray" kira pig 1t,., idaratai , ". Pol -1 F., !ilk Uoi do brick, Johown. Tokor • Col 2,1.1.7 .7 Eko rat lakii le Mtge./a y O Ape ,1 IMI ealsowol aka doused, bile .Le a 1.,. aOn 000. seod, ado MU Elsodoreao ► Brut a Mrs osts. Moe • aro le do ON.", il • Goma tendif Oil beam, II esp, Ibo oblekens, Peartg vg, .0. rye. W w AA:I4MA] II boa potato., le Gallagher; ki rage mark/al.& Monello/tug House; X ears do, valisin own. D.; II boa; potato... lealtiok 1 am firs inh, Vows iron Milo. • Pmrsofilo Vognouros a Carorsinon 044114 t, tibia 110ar..1 Porterfield a Clel lr bone gotten. • B COuda & 0.;111 no lard. Jag .I :• l =4 ' , 4 elrs i e l arg7a4%7 7 ►at a ß ! h a i t:Tall Seta." do 100.44 Dorramloor al ars emte, Sahli • A Caul ear no, t Roos • Bon; 11.0 aloalm,J Li theme/ Meg Ore slay, T Cloak ono errOolp • hboperd; I Co mom. 0 0 Saab; I ads. ms, D erairmeg do do, Omen. blot • Wow., Ido do, I. Simpson, I eat - dwlr7. ITllotkoak. X.oooory • Oa AzAkesonv .reru n ".0i5e.1.4 ears liameed, Ewer & Itaaillest sada, eats, k Man& emus Antra Jobs Stott; bags earnmest, Musa a Aohnsea; est emy, al 0.1 17 be. bal.y, Osarwisho oar StA•44. J Lagoa, 17 Obit. Om tour. If Xs. Makers; 1. bale wool. Mn. W allay.; I our *bast, & Oa I do de, lenght & Donlan 7 hid., Lana A Wend; aid go hem Iwo. • sa b m d ?. Healtdoit • Tglehon“; I ears wheat, Ironoody a Bre; f ems mewl } Lonna, "alloy • Lanka do do, DPW", Mensal •OM I MOM khan • Donau. • YVVIVADAY• LID ClOwsnretainaa Caroler I—2 kits batter, X W rl lke osn, W 1100141 care akal.l9-IlOrtskar. abash; 0 rolls hollow:0 Azdanon; lit bdls thews W P Anoka's", win 4•41, Gay • & Wallah; I ear. shalt M,lo,ear, Iflohak • „IL'I DIMM. CLUB & CO., 'radical hiniihielirimuktaral FENN WAYNE $l3 rgniest fol.@ At Iti ittrzis seastaaur RO • • OR BALE, AT 111elvartys Livery 'Stable, rukk. Mommou... low. tlnrw avow.: mitAz i ge t a r F i t i u IV:km .4• ate" L N. nexcomannractunw of - mourn° . 0161111, 1:11 1 4114 41 , 141 r/Veir e d. 411 11: .wow&WM abud. Ta /114 woos 'raw. . *mar newtx:Pitiabina. rti I=Z:1 BELL & CO, Ander Cates BIM, Plttabargli, liainfttetmietHWl. NADI= • L. 1087 • • . - LIMOS AIM IILOSULIA. • M MMITXOIII AI. RAT/17/€1; Fliasll SALMON. in 1 and . IVA Imbstar.Mlgagallb•cal.a.l= maratm _ . 4 l :l4.B . hrkr..unia..4llr 14.". buttnitrAYJamaa, mot, FILMMUIt. rm. ' A ,vioaL wonan..roa 'SALE. !TM.% tie ribelyll4 4 la. ,i ni Aeri gat rirreglitert =Etta .1711:4:41."117.1k4"1"1= MWe er_eee I)A.tLi 1A2E1113: tlitiDAY OC'TCORER 4 jtAri I, I K . STEELE LOA. • • • DZALEII3 88/ - FLOM FEED; istimix, aeaT 184 reoduaa navally.l9 8. 98 081101188E8T. Zsat Caonnon, ALUM/HINT CITY. 1 . 8. A Nouns & co., woor.sur.s mw Commission Merchants in FLOUR, PEEP, =I ALTO PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn Bt., PITTOBIMiII. PAL Cll7l HMV= BURKE & CO., /091111188103 MINGANTS, /Loons sea ?ridge, Globe k Liberty OD Works, • • AUDIO Marisa Or Craft and :Snned M. LlO - dna ad•sama addle on aonalcinnanta ends or 14ened Pe tralown. 'lards Or along, and Carmen. of tirade Oil at, Lawrancrellid. Onada and Virazabona, Conanr ot .0110161210 Way lad/Janacek mood. Pluaburab. sandlada ROBERT KNOX, Jr. tVoiaussios smcosiors, FLOUR, CRioNi MD PRODUCE, 11335 e, 413 1.133474 3?.. Plltsiberain L. J. BLANCHARD, 11010/41ALL AND ASTAIL C FL CP' CI 31E1 FL 298 Penn Street. Allan KEIL ar..nficiliAnT, CIONESSION 103110HAMB, Flora, Crain, Boas, ifill 'Feed, U. 1149 Lazar: ten. Rmse.wer Prrn3innaBEt. PA /1:31:1 WILILRE- tr. Alt3EB, Commission Afei'chasets. Deans la Irwin'. eniur sad 111013134:116 general; de. in WA.Tan, above Shalthlsid FIETZEI & ABRINTEIONG, jOSTAIDISG 41111MOIEIMIN, Willid i triht:a3=4=Py, s rg u14 , 11 ; t Mood. oornor of PIM. rzleobarco. D KNOX& SON, CODIXIMWIOIII .14.• ImagoloONlNTOood Lkolora la /LOON. OWN. /au. kit= aad PRODITONtoosoI.. O. No. 09 Vw:toad. °Pp:mita , OW Ran, Ml* , gamy OM 1., low • Ver.. CRANSWOUgt COZWI3III. MON Ms ItaltiNiloPlo lO N , llLOomi Oaybe i ti y ollt/Il v ' SCILLY LION, URIC% 1.4 468 /41,/, rdre4l,=talt ••• • ••• • • • • BAIRD & PA TON, si2o whit, Carbon auel Lstd Oil, 1,014 1: • 4%+1.4141, S. iurnacr.—.... a. urnuall....•ll.' O. 0.2110101 REIMER & 131109.,_(82 _ccesson La 04yautr • • 0414.00.) wamailat•D•ooat s.lo 4" o4grr . n re... 4l r . r a V e lsol2 1r Oat aboye I ' Alt PittatZgla. wILIV -jODN B. CALNIFEELD,Commds. 110. and 7onr•ntilla Ilarataat sad Irbala• .111 daalar la Western ttuarwa Mae.. Bit- Ltar. Lard .. ,...ra 04 rk. ilsetra. n /loar kn lialt, rot 14 . 4 ee "O le( *Tr 101 TAM RMS. rim " 70. T. SIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty I 11-9.."1 P"?l,l7L"rtgirth”t,l. PUttoarell laaavitseuree. cam awn I. voacauwaau 111M12..1.1. IL non: JOUR L HOUSE / BROS" date. cksacoltalro Jo Stlr 1. 'Roma a co.. 191101 a sale Croontad Coiraolinglea Ilaraleata.. liner talttaleldand Wltes.disc.d. PillAbanr■ • ha .r..t4+10. PTON &WALIAC le bole. sale I.IItOCERti • PI 0 efLUDUCX DIALISL wo.w mvaust...c. v1.11.1113P/b. sCUOMAHER & LALNO, Whialm zr . a tareen.. Haar. eruct r Nag. US wail lit kecrehr.l... " === l l . Plttabarst P/4. IPOII,IIOI • Vit ki 4:4 11,121; Vikii lyre) 7.5,10;:pi Dr. N. W. BATES. VETERINSET !OR M% as 4 Wolk*no, DIANONS.•11•111111a . •• . /PS. ' - 1•••••••-12 11.10 Alto Si.. II•malW•441. Hamm al! fVtr Prated. itir R1A•1614 Vat=ll7p• '3 4= Fo ‘ nt rril•s. - n os ..:lead st.pri 71.0trurgb: LAssisay • co.. Croft 1. A ,tra ••••t. rbtly : Di. "Ao.n. Hwy:4.o F. demi ••••44, Al- Mirahrsier ♦ Hoar, V.A.,: sue., A:mrlk.nrs: Ilarciss:::, fe4.-rat lame. A.I/•■••• Uny •W tr. AtA1...A1:•6 talAral MOM IMPORTANT. xtrncte. - • TO einizza or norms. th so.a. b wn top.. to trtforcs Ids blood@ and 0.4 loom Wog itioa " yrd " VIST.C o tattLIVI 77 : 1 1,TA=.."VOLIP= %"'"' totea la .4 oklaratly oroasooloot • stodaros• am,. or ot any lahsellost dloeasoa orot &don tt00.4.1 ort7 gotittoo Ur al 'crifitit ALLiliNm&gil. as used br , '.lll:: 2 =a3.72 =OM:, Vl:l%n= 41,1%1."" tett ammo earn rem pay smutted U. Rostmoboo too ooldres• C Stoblto• TIMM irrusr. [full. att. clam. How. 1.0m34 paor.N. P. DUFFEY, • VITE mu T/ ;to TRIM Thaskitl for UM ps . M . eaattlmetefte• rliMrl72 eTA.§l.t " l“ the b et e litlr a ep pr. kNraill'IMMIZT.V4*.e: fly Strellt. owtweelt Ohio inn., .4 8144.44 Sven.. Veld at Um. ;attar ead ma 4•4. mem. Fla; tlpeclai attsnllCot VW% at :vutt. wzi,af nag let... raq oo Claw slat. Or wont/Lim. ra t er.l ntntl 3 t: .4 111 r WI rbtl):.7Ww.u.s.°' I Plttaslinaureks., XP". liria ''o CO. a. Fl 7 r P J. I.o4llMinr.. • • LOUGIRRY a FREW, • - Inv* iglatlVed 10 , No. 81.- Maiket woßmuorizooxua errrenisan. =poi nr• prima t• amptsomn. Saddles, / 4/ 1 / . es ll 3 Mini% • 4_124 MI atiteln thair untalli kinti 815,000 TO LOAN, • ON NOND AND MONTOADIL • no. oE6llb4ld MINK 4 "11.0 14Ista %Neigh • LO , Xattaelry Wkitt• Abut, (am anno,) *a4. sue as limo rsaaarli Mk sum: Tim wk. floods No. if Dimond, lrytubira free. 'AM ORDINANCE changing the . of Ifestlagthept i Wharf.. betsve JISCIDow e we N= awl matted 6d , Lid toknannead Cittres• Pattothdda. to doted dad Common CouselLatateroodiod.o.3 ft fa amok, etotefood odd imael.2 1, 1 ..$ 4,074,1 qr tL effete._ That the what( icor cf /oontotatalD• .. .ctootloce aloft:a:4ld at/derma eine.. ho .Th.dc4 ...Coe f.t at into the otter. at the o•at Ileeef Woos atyeatuatente on Welded D. to tie um Whdyy toe. at • Dhic , tee centre of the Menage Cada btlOgs. exllo - root. oho utat the mita be ratted those (3/ :h.' hhthoo Mao the present tette los, hit. 3. no the present to of LW tobaof aoteliaa IMO sate ooaferte to toe donee Or Nano ernes gto =Tare '. " es t 4 lgo a titarl 111%7 t traietrin into relaritqor W ra go 7;" C easeTlT: " hi " i n t. Orelained Mad Maled tato D . IttConeodot WOODY day of heptetoher. , D. Itia. ME tfo, ?am J id A .. o S f &Dui COualD. Attain: .I. throe. liattaaT Clack, pro of Soteot co.o. • THOMAS OTZIL, Prethieot of Dom.]. Council. • _Attest, Noon If ottotrfalt, O ct Clara of Cootthon Coated. AN 011DINANCE to change the tltl4l , e i r the Ogee •t uenevt,. lirryi.t •r. fae. .ftdentis r Ui Villa.. rltiateiroe. Lin • wed Caitlin. Colmaisaansidtat. end U ordolawo and enact46ll, 4.l4ority 41 th• ethte. abet the b.,. •Mule. another be L. ebantetall 11.1. teat nineteenths. &Isolator. the bet In an erdlethees wavelst sq. swath na ed. the eame be cheesed IC &coo:dumb vntb Una orals see, . I or pool. f ordl. nee tn e.t.a at the present tame. be . aa4 the acne la huebY•thothled lo hat as the sante threats thL "err' . • ....•jl. dq ned and asr 1.00 Into, a law In Cannella, "8. u"7llu'lgadt..T, • • President ofheleet Connell. Allen: J. Dunes, Barthr. Clerk, two we:. et B•ltet Cannon. Creaeen To f oo e on Oou a n ell AP"' 111 . 0 ,:reoc„mtg:t. Ca t. AN ORDINAIIICE.for the Re. Muer. Parlot of Wood inner: !mu Mittel to 711th - iliCcrOt. I. 21 11 enialsest au( ouretret 4.4sratcn and Claw. qf in &Weans! Cosssoon Council. aconOlat. Pittsbu rga U hawk" ordain., 0ut...1.46y aulltartly of UM saw, bat .v&o.1 Inc..t. trout Water to stftb ab.wives. be rs.paved, • sad that toe pets meat ba d Ps that known as the •• 21colcavi.. sad get &tr.% Comoul es LI Pereby.thorlsed 10 las Tile propo &As for the alma, and to award the contract tc:tb• lowest and that bidden a• I. W * 1;11 1 . 0 2 hTtl'ar•OrT'bs erolasry Part mall oral- race. confliction' with the Once& al to acaed of t u=s bor.a bl e iei i epe o le p So 1.1 a to e awns st eels th s*nz : r 4labi sod enacted lota &law to Councils, this MP day ottleptoarer. A. D.. ISC. J.kblEel UrAULEY, 2110.11 J. Pinsc.Trldra 001101 ' Ulo'dl. • Clerk, pretest Lot Beer. Goland:l. Prwtteat o?Comulfttl i kicll. !Or " "o'' Vlsrk To AN ORDINANCE iarching Dia= • .4 min , . mai the nese • sue of th e Dia mond Liniment/treat, . BecTiOn I. Be le ordained and matted by Pie trarl L Ltderas, ant Cata i r Pierettury4, G Mmes ordained It ' f.ree m=4l Me, mess, 7 bat oianni.nd imat tee vett side or tao rliniond .o Liberty met t, kennelled to about toirty,litli. (4 feet In width, and the Jen.. I. Craft, Jobe Wilton and name lefit Mann titn7 nli em by WiDoloted to *mem dem e.l" VII 17 ILI , c' rr, `:: pert con&etln pert t oral- g tr . ukt i tt: priagit %ibis oral ;MO7'l peiledl7: far a. 0 tat. acorn wL - engin ant, On:kilned and enacted into a Inw In OonanUe, alin oaf of nopteswer. A. D. nen. • JAM:S en ULDIf • Preeldent °lnden M Cona . di. 1 prelim, of Iteinct Connell. / n cc edent 014:Ito: 17oanh. *lnen. rk of Dosuroon Council. ♦twt: 3. Dew', ai.:►, •itelitt II"1.011 Il• .. •• ORDINANCE for the De. ratite at Shoo ~net. from Mart. t Street teamitathed daLTIon I. Be ft ordained ea indeled by Ins M.rer. A Wm.." and mums 91 Pitteurea, &Met east Common (AIVIIVIU asonntoled. en it Ist Moser ordained end cartel by stuteern/ Lk* ea ha • 1101.4 . .1, 110 w ...mat rreet emits fl IM p sect. sae lb. , - the psventent om atil be Ma. teems a. the .. .bionic. " ad the street Committee Is hereby asr to Melte Dr peal. for tr... 14 •&lid Seaward lb* ens..aot to the lamest sad sem 0 Oder as te ay dose Is the e. efts.. ordinary paymnts. !MC. /I That ler ereomete or pm. at entl see, reatisti. g wlth Me af this emirs nate at menses them. C o n anttha ssets. IS arta ssrerepaalsd w tares the wan MMus lila etate, Ord.tried and enattedlnto•lsorinConsiellatta NU day of nevi...inner U. ideArLitT. • Presideot•of Select ConnetL Allan; .1. linies,se gtmeg.T Cart, oro Lem , Select Could/. THOoIIAT 6ISL, President of C Id OMM. Connell. Atka. Stun lltiloirrne. tot Cleat of Common CsiunelL AN. 0110LNIACE Cis Um:list. Pavia* .4 corning oft.ani. bat Wain. 'renal`.. stern 3. altiorry sl.ey. JiarX C. lier•Vols t 0i . ..71=7 5 f ="1,1t: &root omit Can brotrilo azirrabtort and U Is boob airbistal and numbs by pia csaboorty of fkroosts. Teat tba orgai•tor aad .4 to barb, satituriard asitAir *cod to titer gut far stoolroola for tea irmlint. yawl's mod carboy ot o f street front roan ',not to Ma.b./yr al of sadist.; therm:coin tabsoir tsnt d Ire a• e ordlo. 'til nen rol ,, :tung at . t can. stand 3.0 3 .ktnartitatia.e. or gmr,oroidloratro . 3 . 21,313 3 of tills ordinance at lb prose.... 1.14 So and tn. aanir la nernb rir• paned eri far ao a t robosfibta: tblo o.diriaooa; Cronin. nod enacted into. Ivor in ..iontiello. Ills Mb day of bpiarobjr, •. besiblitTelitleet Coosal. /Womb J. Dusil.alo • •Mito.3. Chat. pro tent.. 1 Wort Conseil. 1 -3 tor. Yrroldsot of Comboa Coaxial. Anoint Utah tietuaran , • ' Wort of Common Conorll. old AN ORDINANCE lOthoirizlng l a n d or alter slsoct s hobo kaki n aaaaaa to asae oe, labor. I. id dr snag ard stag catalog by 1.4 labor. Alettram nod tirrseels ar Plitaborria en Gaol sag Caw." tboaetts evembied. sad it fa Oats" angotaad oak medal So taaaablertek of Der 1aa144.4 hat, tau Way taataass be aao is• *a aarval sate/v..4 mot alba/ea agre r.lao for prop sus for lama•sdlag Miller Matt , Don Muni a*.taaa t natal. awl to let a• Isms la Is* dtrocuat boot. *Minato* easearsaag•tnets. puma Saint 44. DWI aiso not coaoarals a argots, apyrowel ganully fail. • o .1 , Thal say oreltazollOr barter arilasoso oloallatta oltO Dm banana of call *Masa., at Useor.olast Duo, be gul boa nom Istoteatry r— ot/also/2 oohs/ aam eta aaan Itireetr late ord;10.01. thastnal told touts/1 tato a law In Cannot* *DMus alty °trap...Jab, •. D. Igsr. JAE. MoIDLCY. Prraldtat or Ibtlect Cooactl. *MU, J. Dingoao Maat43, Clark. pro Mar beleat l - ousttl. Tatty. OSLO!, . Drub' eat a Cotanak Cot/toll. Attest, Droll Idgkl•ags Dark or Cuomo& Onaliell. A N ORDINANCE opening Col . bait , nil rtmat, Croat Dtaa.4.lle Until {a qua- . ••01,01 U 0.10000 by 114 Mt... .414erwe tsd vfttrou N PUtalftro. 10 041 atut 00010 tbaJtoito 001001.. 5.4 it lo lonoty ..d.,..4 sod .00.1 01 , 0rt.004 50 onto. 1110 volviri 110.. t, fnnt utno.o.• 000 ••• 1.3.0 y 010000's/10. e• •01. 010 Is bono, do 0•••• own tor pubUt 0010 we oast to Um city. 0.1.1. 1%0 551 ..11•00 parl of ord. •sneo tootells• Uto panatool QUI 041. ustoo at the pro nto to tot 11.1. the stamo, to to=potues 010 tOo nom Ms.. tpl• th. 2004 ••• asseted MIA • 1••• It Coedit., UUs OU. day 0 Saptembor. •. D. YR. 4Airci hiliuicit. • Preoldsat 6aliett Mum: 1. OCNCAWIIMEIIrf, god, pro tem or ifeloot Council. HuAn ?wino us T of C omas Comma. Attest: Bra, blehturruu, Click of Common Coma'. 002 I; I:pi:Li; 0)1 AM.A LEAGUER!' INSURANCE CO. 07 PLITSIMIZOIL-4=s4 H 4 S , Wet SW Slw 11.1.110 *SUM m Stlo4l 70. asti Karim Slats. T 11/11.11? itift.l9lll 03. DOIL WT. 4,4 • • ' • rtirat.4 l 4 rth • r limbo Ham • the. n. /1101 pLjINSYAVANI.4I OF PIiTSSUMIN, PA. . • enema rumlteirt, caw' tuft. TM. is • Boas ...Nay Lolly= INa Frarittil i7 aisa, p. libtiktrik4tricr•o leg.'t HMI ll'llailtla . ttirual . ouncirlut ". 1 L ' Ic." 1 1"", 0 WU. 111 Q. ic . TA .h."71 . 0...1: J.Vo.t."*. . 4 J : t. 'r, immlmr. , . 01...v..„U". earmziT ,.., . A. AteliCti. , tvimi AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. MUSLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPIEIL *Meet 4153 awl 337 138.11171NVE 57.. Mat gr"....V.i&m. LTV ilAth • • Wars, W. iv, 'Ammo sues. lIMOESE, wm. 0. a l i i = A glAVleelledism. I. GARDNER COIN ET. Atilt,' itd"ssill North West ear. :SW Sr Wood Wi t l y rrEßN INSITHANIDE STRIMit rnaaiat. Wan ar Arip a Water Biro . Ilmte • Co.•• eml UMW .11 wars, Plttaberelk. _ Vire=trtlta " ° M I = wto are well to Um Wdd •=7; we de garao " Vo ylite 4" the h•rt r laoc ti32 evea ii a.oliolag lb* twos wrowastea to ellete DUN /.1. L. 07 mulaur iMin • -; . ki rlinzarCri. el.ernor7; pnopws INSURANCE CO. °arum*, a, WOOD amp /Ina UN • NAOMI ING/TrA•T, TAXING 1/11 AND YUMA MIL Yoha.fßritik. MAIL 11.1/pelll. 10114A4 2 7S rY A. 1. eAl grh• GOligoN. Gni A.I. PRIVATV ipIBEASE.I36 001.—i671f rig A rratir:lW: rattanzaz,....-r,gmzgu..,M asatmea.: Alt.•••••••-• YM MI alba , / diseau mata =Via La Thiwitatiel (Warn, atada. ry. inal . soatN r a . ....itit t ua tie ea DEUED FIRVITB. .• .. • • . , . .0 00 ebololi hatt rftiskisf US Whits " Z 6 lo Anie"l- ' ''' " - ..TutzUvai de ArbrusUmasi ' - - AU 110KOMAIUDIJA Lula. 311 Ma 1 r Mil 1186111• GRAFF, BYERS -& CO., MAXIT rACTOXLItiI or Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON BO ULM pll3 In C,16, 611 , 11,i1,M, tQ 'alaio~ OIL WELL TUBING Office, No, 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. NATIONAL FOIMDRY AND PIPE Corner Carroll and Suss Streets, Ninth Warraiji PITTSI9IIB6IE, PA. ';iiV r 3MC. IMMKITIEry EAByTAVVIMER. OP Cast Iron Bowl Pipe,- FOR GU AND WATER WOBIEB. . _ pa wall ead voriUsiin Plib Pt ThyU g jreWS tuna cIINGS 101,LAB Tam wont • / 'meld euacall tbe ettealloa Ebspethsteado eats ass Works toter mateot PORT liVnLi OILER, STILL' Wialarra§.. CARROLL( a WEBER, + &? -" oh =M AX, DOMILZYLSIXD, Itirstmes TULL= i OrLISDIMISTIAMBOLLEIrd, OIL BVELLB -41:11D'017.. TAKES, . CEIXRZIA naimmxpru AND Asa r4Ra, SETTLING rue, &um PAS AND CON- aizem Pums:tiAsoziritsa, ANDIRON . =sox Doom 44113 cio4 arcnia: 0116. ..eadW...k5ieuraer31.414.1.1r114116 Mbar& AMA tlbony littraeta, Pitti!th';nll„ Pei;insylvania. . , illrentars was to MB above MlLlzaaft will b. imusaptir Utanded 4.- • . lab :11S yamsrixv.Kus IRON AM MIL MOBiS LIM% lIIILETTOILVILL & CO NAND7AO7I77MI2I 07 BAR, BOILER, S HEE 1 1 1 .41.1\77M . C0N NAILS AND RAIL RODS. - UlKlPlOl•itiwasznotnss. Hoa. 64, 66 & 6S' Anderson 44. 24rra North of Handl% beds% ALLBAMENT CITY. .. • . KENSINGTON IRON WORK& LLOYD t-cieLacii , ilasnir . aphrefte Bea - .Common,. Atoned Oiniant juniata.Bloomiron.' szaomairr AATLj.BOBith h 6 S3Lkhh l •• it H ATIU ttaTBR BACA • • • 0 lISNIBIK we it [nisi.. on maim wa, ' shALL ota 14 MA to WO MIL WitUtiOLIT CBAILI4 tut AP/XIS SW WM& MAT ratterre4l tad Ormattrwurt., BB Ittotit • ' • BAILS 4 A tIeISIIIA - • • • • at he Vertu. waiver -0 ;Ira (nLitratteltorlinstStrall4lA. Watts Me Ott tho Warts. littero nth. autcll MIMI! IRON WO ' S. innuatoos,Tilass * co., ilssullotlrer. of the dlffeincslgi.l Hound, Square, Flat arid • Horse-Shoe liar Iron, Hoop and Said Iron, HoHer-Plate, Tank and • Sall-Fan Iron, Sheol Iron, &e,,&e., &C. Work , ITXT Towminr, on ItOskostgantia they. 0111.. ud Warthosm.: zr.lef:N?.. 146 Wat,er St. ,pID,VATRUL WOW. HUGH. N. BOLE & CO., . • . rotwimears, Engine Randers and glaehhitsis, ma. to order Mariam aad Land I9t. Stttaoa. o ts lislalmarattoatOWMooaulattoWnt. Coatings. ot totO7 dtattptloo, mad* to or.lsr. JAMS 3164014 Baum,' Maellao &moth Cm, Polak Alley • D0d.0.0 War. imam Nos. Id and di Tatra Mask ,• prrrusuaels, P. • • • piTTssiortert FITEEL WOBIL 8, AIIIDILES COl.. t 4.1. awn:mons.= JuNxi. isoni 'a) ^o taasssassm tta b.:rause CaSt . c=s : ' Plat sad Ossuct, of. stmt. tat IC.UfaiHash tort sad Shoat Cast Iheal. CY Heaping ault Mowing Mathis. Tamar, irzowwnnagagaiklui Cast t. Cotasson klasgs iiBprl:4 Stasi, Oflco—Uoroof Of !Int-sod 130.sotroM. lam.. above 4. liosongabals Lunn. • ooff:OW , BERLIN FOUNDRY PRICE & 0111C01 lAD VrAiraosra; No. 29 iVood Ettreot mammasesare sad keep 00aotaallf Olt ham Thimble, &&•in & Pip* Baru, ArAtel i t6l3oXB 7ao lleant v o= llAl Alid amuses merally. WOWIT WASP FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, er.Po427i lIxIORIBai wiz& ranr3cm.amr.. Selling Mill end Bridge 'Canino. • iM 21r6 BHA Xleablskiery end adz g.el.relly Urdu . * promptly apele.nrefollY •XOCI:Od. 01/AZ/A3E3 ELIAMIMAII !C, ELLUF A III" h ITlMUlt9f4ral4 ORESMT W0.,134 . wriuncouna PM" . . MAIMMILLIna 01 , , BIST UAW!. CAS! STUL . 741 2!- 17mALA....yeArigenai cQm 153110e i 88 Wood Street, P 44,l TinaleAteLl .utn/a) .. UL-6b,. 11. 21.01.0 W auTh----u, BUMS 4yIWELIL .110ILEIS 11110198li. IMMO* BAUflfly &Co . 11 0 1. 071LCICarn WPM BOUM, 011 Stlllx, iigitoits„ 'rant. Sat Pans, Giutustaro, Wrought Iron Blidirell, Ilhostlrou work. • ea. Arc. CO& MUTT iAND SECOND 81%, .rirrsia VR 61,11. P 4. =mince worn rnourn.y. some ROBERT LEA; ITEM ENEMA AID BOUM Freight Hoisters • AND' DOCTOR EMMA • ciai. innsilika 311 San rirrasnez, PA. siesta.. in CAN IRON WORK JONES & LATIELINS 3rx.rJrassicrxacimaim. ADERICA.N AND CLAIM flair , Hoop, Sheet and Plata Iron ltddge Iron; . • Angle and T Iron: . • - • Guard Iron; . SCFIII4IIIII Iron; • Tttails,l6 b. 20 ma. to the said Tau= Ilabadiunched and Goana ter sunk , Ilaller,llridge sold Tank ItlvetB Cat Rails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes:- Itailrorul !hakes; Ina4lra owl nib Bari and path - Railroad ear wneels and Sahel Street Car wheels and Azle* Ccal-Plt Car Wheels and Axles; Patent - Cold Rolled martin= - PareneColdlielled riston Hods; !dower and Seaver Bars. icurenouns Kew on/ . • 120 Water and 168 Front fits, Bum= nom'. Nes. 22,24 anti WI Hirer fit., 14:a4 0140100. BW ILIRDWARE RODSB 146dsly, Sterrit & Enwer, Ntumfooturen tic Importera of HARDWARE CUTLERY , • &ci., :31 yourn4ntin, Mro72:ko, One Nene, 1190*,, , tden Depot, . Z 4 zenunrackri. . Amsa.a.zAia,4wois , soave& ifiRIZI1111))1 Mtn N: MINK 4":00 MISTMETINTa CAST STREW i*,ito Min6l II& MX I aistiai#3,,,,,,ttramiL ammiosolossoof PLATES. 111KI-ELLIMO TIOCITAWAY SPRINGS, 6prinii suer, and &Finn Plow Steel, WlTaiii AND NOW= BA 88. OM*, Ail in Om TIRE, fficria,x..situvrujio47.E 'l4fl x. YO 104 Mair.B.33. Warebotwe, 83 Water St., Multi,,ki • Almss vv.onics., ORTfidr firltala • fiLtß Rant Pittsbarglit Tutiaraszt.thusail;President: ; name Worts an asmaur null "en aexhpirts ettabilepent Is Um Wane lad us iIom'IMPE.II4 tofantag awns" Delernatra, mne#, on sloe:it;ik , Cuthiliwy ORDkagl 1501aarat0; 10111111 _ -443Ent - 11 , 0NEIro' that FOClDEt'''' CaneAStOth Ward, vest /LULL Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, El* El Ea liCumgam* Jonnusit.vroir ansadoel to. Or. I nr • FORT PITT FOUNDRY. gums or ' X11111N101.17111111 EILE.AirY OULDNAINCE, a t iadf,x, Linvis or 83,11.17 0 =i61a m Wiribs=l=VAt " ''' , azpita ..a.LparmiT witt . ELTUICLIS. All lnioftv, Um leaMkti vll2 MIMI ,1 it inks YOUSIOT: . ua mut: new ,¢. .4, itr lrup ZS;torzath FAIL Tr 51 N 2 : .. l l b r h sa a an ao•pa ROQUE:NE IRON AND STEEL WORKS, RAEX 00., .itial7PArtniss 1:17 ThOil. Aran% Springs, sues, rwvsa , game 71.111i1111, eel WAMMECrOVI .. . Mreb• Ir 7 Pirrtimrstati. A. STOVE _WOBAIL A..13.1311.DL1T di . CO. , • Itasofiatan &a • t ip Cook; Parlor sad &aline kolas, Azaßsag width WWI XLIZZIUL rar tiwts-1 %Po , Oook stems.) Alma '44 GRATES, CilltATE 1,8 01rra; ' at& OM. and initelloti.M. 4eraar et Woad sad Wo.letessu. ntubsrgb. Nam.*** 5 ....114 BL4LFE, " " ' • 49M2132:1=4 VrriCkriattr4/15,, ga raBUIL9r, r/4,, rams, ipprixtm-e ' - • lilaatioctorais " HISS 4217.1LL15T AW N= OSHS ITEM. Diat cal Octagon, of all me. Wu -1111.1 mgllDpotted or liainiol•3l2l4 11 Moe ono oaratto.nac. AO. adul VlLlrtesa, fad Nee. atm.. irittanmrim • sem.,. —max At.pora.a. I.lEl9th VALLEY STOVE 8 . 1 . , LEN. 1 1 1 1'KE5 225 43 IPrvvonse, ab i at "' la . " ell Id 011 1111.4111.. eThAtr of ini .V d .iumL OII. 4IIREATIII..._ _CI DSO same Wen an Ito ea/ minted Tam... YAM War of um IlkapigNa u ttl; 4. 1411 ma titr4 WareVnaralbr. JIIIED ItL MUSH 41 NM,' suanniczmumear filiaa'Befters, 011 Stills, Tub, Meet Iron Warks, Eze. at Penes Be., Pittesurghl CENTRAL` FOUNDRY • sow. wonttn, • 131 3 1 9r1.03a51 intro ot. BOLUWI, BOYD a BACILLI, cratirsem. rUi,trutt.4 eon us . THOS. CARLIN. tows inu Tenni Le mum mu, uNDITHET erstrr Al t.,y ksa rx r _ cifis Virar:PLAN. '417.1V$ Mon. PITTSBUROIIIIION WOW4' J. PAINTER & 80NR. WAVOTAMIMI OW Iron, antiltiet. Tub and i leu m,' Hoop! A= =g m 11•1111.10 .atiON; PlitiTONdi 00,, rwrxerznamze ' MCVI Y . W 4I O I .I4.ISaiI. 11 = 11 ."Zt h gr u " .4 *P°ll MILLI. IR ON C Tr somas tflitt ihilbse4_4l:lllunnenehm udateila • 7:11400 4 iiih;Trimiuwas osisro.asitaxaiiii U. 11.6 SMOKY HILL ROUTE IMO BCH RAILWAY, EASTERN DIVISION. „2. l4 7 A uLtai liiHOWl_lC___Wr_ LW 301-1--Irr ...yr.:. MN Qs Lain to SU omoinAllo, NEVADA, oairrensta. VTAU; I!===l waswire76l. aixlF4 : ),;. ?: mum,. =2 Two train% . leavaata to Lisa: lie Lilavarryorta arr. (Bladaya aseoptoi.) Orkcal of train* of PKIIIO hailroad from .b 2. Loa* ag4 Hannibal and .31.. Jo Ballnad from Quincy. am. ...wig at Lamson.. Toyota and Wilma* arlia SAM for aHpatatafa itansaa. At, and el track orest_of =swank oritb the CISTIMO WZATLII. Srpaltall COMPANY'S DAILY LINT OP 'l3ll/IHpAND PAIL AND 1..73PH15S COACT. DENVER, SALT. LAKE, AND ALL POINTE HI THE TIREITORITE: wed with ELNDEB3O.M.E TILI-WE • SLY LINE o. coicaas fir tart Arabi. Ent' Ea% ElbEclumi. l / 4 0firta P. maul., IN Axis... and Nsw /Lexica • remat 1-odttloa.orrolller steak Seel atitilimeitti Mid the eiteettmentAl made with Ise. IDOMOblek Orattand tiworiortettee Liam am tie weateie teimlnem t Is mud now often mu. mulled dellitlegabr the timilmitaits of ROOM, to the Far Weal. . - ?lasts to aale at all Ma pritiolp.looso.• 411 the batted Slates and Cozad... - Be am alzd ASK 102 TICKATII VIA TB SPORT RILL WAITE, lIRION RAILWAY. ZASTRAR .11. ANDERSON. Ganstal r. a. waxerrau.' =n==l HIP OII TSIR 10RASpargisits• - AN L EXPItEIgi LIAM P/ rTaittlltOH at -' 11.00.11., ALLIABINT at, 0,10 o. • aBW. 01217'Llt ah • • eu-.4481. Ar. '• • ._ • 0 0 151/SierLSO AT JAM :MOWN WITH JAWEBToWN.4 FAA 3 IFLIF RAIT,ROAR, .1 at TILAYSIeLIi et 1713 S tint- Waled thrive onneetton for OIL CITY; Intutdr..ll,PlTllutat. terottitEle. CO SUT,te I This /a the Short Ltne to the 011 wob. giouP, awl tee our one reenter so 'depress i'P r rt to 'through. mut alto Paton.. clump. altkre ft rant Pini.e j rt ... .olmo" .. • Vltket mot to Yhtstiogh see as um Depot la . t 'Ali...o7ol:%tta7j/2;141181.,:.enTa1111:111Velp.V." WESTERN ItAILE.2I.D . ilter 3Crel 9111. In -0a ; Wan Veneerer Frei n r. n er . reasurrlerA. itterWr. no totem . liboreetVgbiTheelo.m. . zonoas Freeport No.l Sae r.ti. Freeport 114.1 M. Linen .......19:10 A.m. eterpb.eNol LS oat taurpe , g N on Me rat. Etpreve.— • MO 7.N1 Freeport o. 4= rat. Herakern.e re COO en Fn. T apott No. 9 0 :05 r.ll Mrree.e g3O ran a esprff . Nl.4. /Mi e n 11.1.P.'inwlmli Jana. VNIM.Iso ~r4VPVAIX °twat la)r. asui entre et Illeetemy Jena et AS Y. m. Commetatlon Tlearete—lror sale le baskaires V. may, between ells r beer rgtretran street. Buys. bleenetr, tan mbe ra ll mezlovggge :r tthrg.. ye Entre WWI Arlsobeny oiy as gnome . grezt '4r-oz...MiroTml,..r.tnatur • clfloteshotemb . OrclDtace,eAb e. Ticket. to may be porenatel eedBat ttertaaTr= ether 11.3uteEp rerterel Meet tr Tbe Wonoon Pe L ana i t NOV Wine en HU Pa Zlegratre. except for wear. 0105 ofa~ alsonat protErnm. trallro.4 will arrive , lal Pipet. All • • . CEN*RAL ) i2MUI?""' adregNini rfty_rapron.N.. s•es• W. , . No. 1... , NllO •ClootoPtiArSt: 1TZ....4/ i ..1. 4 11 • a. Wall't No. 4..."4.11111- 611MT - zr.:::l4. wawa na : Aft mid altar - .117P1C ei "mai - .WPM, - ham Om" I 141 . Liberty kl 'haft ..., .1 a m ; Kitwya4 :Tic hse • m ausnowa .14.10110 • ' trams lint ni L ii :1111, Del,. WO no in WWI Stlt. Ers no 9 Al W toon WII a T:O3 p m &soma an 4 train Scilgianit • ...... The °barn Trains In tUrralgee in, rase .44_111rivio VILIITIrat ETSne lo ero"tazglim= ne u allin tro p ljor . rn,. All mbar y ens Tar Widen lani trafthimlvaigoi Tho matml,M2la itaa mums aay Mu pmsum ft I. •=c . rt'fr Mr Mat amount TalTi Oa ovum. anima tat ea Fftamal %n .15.D0r ! mAI . . . ••• Piro letattea.u..lrfitinz leaves g p. . All Mit and thcAltooss Train wrive daily. _tn. daUr exeept 31Londay. W/113. AZtt• e triSte rise. eIF I%4K i t:4 l m i n:see. Mat+lltobnev PITTIEWR6II. MUNE= &. . PAN ILCIDLR 11011 TE. l l .11.11 mu • 611:444:k Pr 4.44 " " 1119.9 • " tHOuI2. MAUL% *- 1:m.4.1G • -NASA. . te/ 9 .4 9 94. ••-• Arrive 1 4 4 9 .4. V. 9:4 , r. V. 104:9 r. [fulmar! Snug Mary 91.7.10 r. sumac Clacinnati m tir:as next m0r 919 1,_ • " .41.L.C4.91DIUDOLTZUN TRAII4I9. Lam.. CIO 41.. V. LEOS,. t....1:62. a.. lIRIL V. Anise. Sal A. 44. MIS Y. 1:43 244 Otnareh 17•1•Jarroa MUsdAY u /241,r• i T" ondrastatd.. T T:4l.l h rr tninel `ni cßTztii• ••• 1:434.91,1Vrai1:73‘• V.9i_‘#l X4rZio EllaUr• or cars wellreala an& a2V .Vellt d 4lo:ol2 d rg. S t& 17vritt • * _ ea ht.mueerkket• be muot tidos Plyrnaa, COM -‘ll4llllAn llstioApDe Ciawth „ side.) es • • N. . x voireriskrits.4!...l d/ D 41%9M 1867. • - 18674 Alti c axtraiati Li the Vitali D•0411t ." . *Gap EXt. firo i ill ••• ar ..... sz taloa a :' warafikint: idy"i"ii:"-iii: -' vel-prx.l4l : l:'' t A nn . r4 - VIZ - a .. 1 _E•rtn •• IA ail .' • eurrille . •• POS an aits . ll4 ' il k :: 112 :17 rrtzia L,.. . ..13.eial •Xlskft As 4 . O 0 1/: AIM% 3g, mu = Ron TM loon gl t e:Tan ti aro r riatrY . rw 14,181 ,2.11111 Imiltial• *Ma Vial Boaerter; l 3 W , LatNeas'acaap a Legitadal• ift.• Cm v. ' a...1` ~4:,.am Pun. ?f,.?j" :l rikaa. . . • • ALLEEmorY VALLEY RAIL. auLD. AMWENINI ' • Maxim •or Oa as 4 after SlatraaTMT ,1 Jo!, 1I thou Val larta aad Entaborgb Varna rrito and Osaaaproaca, as followir ... " . Loam. /Pretty ..Ito A. X. • co r. ay ....... Sal r. 104 0 A. Ns Woo euntaceommolattoo r. Y. I.Vag. X. • ' axoa e Net=txt'. Naito. Acoovavolottoa. ..10.03 4. X. =DA. ay • toadar Chorea This, Avai sad so lb 2:COP: t. VON A.x. kayo= Norte nate. don coaa.atton Xao '• • IVA Of 4 . 112=1 4 011 . • STU U. lora nalnlarlit. Rom. FITTSI3OI/011 MID COIINFLILS ' 43 ' sr p ri rtgAZlADOMlCak - - , AffrasmAi;mArc l ric tvAlla 1:A?":1-.°11":„ 141 l Ute.h7ll trafinatma. In& f tint ., • •• 142 Jim A. ly rim /I‘.6,segil,n4P• rarei t w lei r • tbi f POT 11 4,2” . , Pat.* , fr , 2 4. la ,imar-I I ; rtr..u(BlllPl3. grzakti -pc) ABU tritons tritirooL•i.lettisnivrti, ,/rihAd• • rwum A Irszl. THE, IN MAN LINE; trik t y.,=z7A . ,:frimirzrm - arsi,=..trAt alzigr; ma, morsaAii, uw. m . Armstos , mmirruu mml , • Ad.......A7L ... :.'-• 7 7 , 'IP, elive 111.11:3L1LItIrt tNr THOR — ...' -rtilm cuurou tra a o r Za a ar..._: .., _ a=ta.a.44.41.7rim..c0r Duro - -• •-• Weald sin las - iguntune at ' ;.'" .. rW • ._••• Hold &meta le *wallow uLACkijentr, t f, ,, 7!" 14 ,, ~t 4t,;-:- . " ‘lk"I'll ..VV,I-;,'!:.' ra-upali=ff!=tin 0 7 „ a*., ;:, -7; .ii i : , --.1, YLINGBLXT • , t - : , ..4 : :i i i . Ronal %mesa a uu., ill a 'rts Ns T