11 il E 3 ill GOO 1 4 WAL 9 L 1 . 0- OE - .4iMEra , 111tANIGIERIS VIIIIITING b's ATE YAM will Mil al . _ : MRIIII & mars ay. 19 .INtiiVitriA Bp!said Stock . 4 ftesi Goods, AT LOW PRICES FOIL CASH. ; - /NW /how sal Cloak TEXlditurßb. swerriaalsr sel eoua.s bibirOnn. !:,.141w owe. or IbLOVIAI and .80bliZT. _.. -211 1sibilL.Obli IS, of ,-ASargbi.. la LINEN H• _ , STbr brw ••eLors FITTING costeurr. , . Mum a , ArsTrJuhttuktunc Brits. tinalasaaAirut but CIIICERAILI, anti J MEW LOS or ',AMBLE JET AND ;DOGWOOD x.wfurr. The “Star nee eseripoziete•44..,7lneom. ;'la seaptsa limb or 3W.1. LTD WINS= INDEasiiiirrs & DRAWERS. Ir. k.u. jut *pelmet • rDole• 11.4 Passcv 4rtielea • linel ~on*, raker I, :ggiVeltV z .,:" 2 1' a M w rnitink brag hp : • natal & cmumms, arc l / 4 . me .Ipitipki mos Ell "'-" -1867. IMII ALL AND WINTER GOODS. SZOOND 418111,TAL LT 78 AND 80 MAZIET STBRET. mictxrr mime; ariTrytaut &ad awe; !n u m TIMM B. areryeslor-eatSas &Wu. :Lama strlira Nagle Trimos. Einteaa. Sulk. 114mul. Xs* sad %mawlag Rllbois. • WIWIDNIUKS, of grtert deiariotta. • ' ildlo2ll. Zeal Polat. APPIAM and Tallman. - 1RIDZIL110111217:41.4 imbrolainnt.Hea Mam" aid Plata: OSUMI WONT. a flai sasonatasn. •.$1 item sms or than} TIICKID SAND. ,laciairr, al 1111 , Gnat mistral saa Winter styles - lOSEECRIt ..GLOVES !uoubr; Naa.lZatt Warm LLFHIS 00oDa, to bawls, lulu.. Cintatamilestaile, laar4 /M. ..•ataa sascrimaat at redierattaksa'ort K a y jdµ a+ ±N • arktetis)4 , lilkii.alastaariTatasi. Isom at. ;a hut Ilas fpat.• Tarataalag Goads. - litaelassalzt• sad Dmrsti, lerg*lbs y tt y *tan. Sawa, Iles, Itearaq , daspgdan . aut. looau, Harp Itlna..Jtaltaaral atLets. . • rya sun ei :lit= MUM. wawa:ma's:Ana iurra.u. , DICEDM, GLIDE 11-10. • T nEctivep p • .; J. L MEMO - 11 CO'S, - • No. $T Marke ' i Moat. • WM Warp Papa., Omani Popllan Otanaaa 5.,., Taint 00411 ! Mamma Moths. Polbf Martaia: ; Dag Cholas. Bandt:ma Clatac: Smelt Madam, Black lataataklaerl Bleat. Immo. Black Mailarai Abet Alpaca:ask, Mark UMW= Illasa ant Lanais. PIA replia Balm; ' Lack CaaN Jamtarllac4 Corded 347/01 . Blaraidna reams . ABB • LAllel. STOCK OP pi Fair DRES§ - GOODS, • TART izagkr. '" ; Irma\ Mariam far al abi.p at &WA • "nark Unlace fir 1114 Wm.! $i.U, nada, a./ nor man ammo. Ilaik eat Canna alßassaa. Qua ale. per'pard I.llunets. .lER GOODS. DBMIIBO3 Ji 111110ZRIV, NO. 21 FIFIN STEMET,I Ram airr isaiiMag oar OD S9I• lavl ta the Witte% el earl mottle sad eastemerh. , 4 •OEIIIIDI a NECKEIL EZ3ZAL:E= , CaIIiMLVICCONDILEU & CO, wuses. oat • co,) OrHOLDIAZO DICILLOSII lEDIMION Do. AND DOWOOD MESTIC OTILIZORTDOODS. 114 T. t oning bow Own Dlsarot .11.7. rrrnunnuni. COAL: COKE. &o. pnTsmousa NATIONAL 'OOAL 411 00113 COICPANY. M i to pm Wawa% vatasala sad is- SEST FAMILY COAL, NOT COAL AND SLACK 8 4=t1 gr-Conter forams AND TIT AU orders tor dVrayittle city. illpawat ITAX: w BEST FAMILY COAL Ahem ea hand immitUrleenter. zawitirr Licat uri*, sr. OSCAR r-lARINC & ; Or. !shay lirost`6ll. rs. v. Ulm. aLusnissir arr. 1= RM. IL 1114131T....1.........111111MN0 L a. !pima. WM. N. natrilyi dr CO,. • • • _ Gas Clxial Worksi wpw z rea.. leaming il1iLI:0/ 01:IP PIM • M n.. r Moak 11101 , = Ri p MUT, fitulwrga, BJUJI_ . ZS. r• • rtr stmistAlisr o V aldgmagt ."' 1041111 Vi — C.11.11 , 40w, All . Ton nenorArrAto4tstlenh NALIGA I' IO ' l Uli. ' • • .4 IarTAIMNO MOIRE lIMIPLEA. • amer sett I:ll4earit MUUMUU fskr plotsis. WWI dmatern. MR filial. WAsu. wws txrucr Immo up utriterzco Wass • Kt: IrWir tariOMETIIIII44 NEW.--CALL gad immune Um yaw . SILVER TIPPED 8110E84 .Ttry wlll wear swim 4long, Y Uwe wltibol lapt war I>7 WIS. IL . IN1711:11:113172, ' wylltssl • no. Z I 110.1 i affIELDIIIOLIVIN riLvin LX- TtleCT VIIONU le pleorea• la Wt. sod otedeeta hit. Into. • ow: - tn. &moot Injurious properties, sall sloe rartt,IIINCIM, SCOTT. DEN -1 1q1EIT, a're; 218 "'Edna:. STREET, iSbits 1113 .nrrezuratt. tar 7 ,11 1 7,MD AND NOUTU. ! ing's tx-rnAur 504 V: """° 7 " It ,:31:41- M" - BHATTERED COIVISITU 7- nicprovlD nial...SA Ourrnion OA SI TrAil NED_ ,PAT ZNI EITHISIMIEII LEATHER reams MW nofl, ma.iattitml M.N. , : on futrranafarrrr.. VI riARTLicy„ PBXLIIIB‘ CO. APati to[ Nl* Talk i'it" 413-um ;Pelting* 1 ,„ 4 1 1 .71:_ e r VitrlNtilnulitkAat wk.*. PAPER BIANII. tawrimpleirm:reum, !ii!aaar.tann et PRINTING AND WRAPPINO PAPERS MA rOM M 1161.. OTEUIII/MIE.III. OM; 1 1 / 1 19IITON tau.. IfIW IWOUTUI. CMOs AND WI.1111011001111• Nor. StThl i d Street * rilialMbtriki 01111013131-Jk ' 1= 3:llr.ge e Mo. O. H. Merrick. as Mei AMIN LOP Jura JAMES B. BONES, Iron,rAP Light Iroa, Nt.calersy oklo.-2. • wren - As/enes 111Lvort mid Ithisi Anambour Oltr , - " OW 0 . If; UT poN AINIZMWOIIIIIIII, • CEO. o. CLARK & CO. .1' Mt=" l =l:l7argrPolk 4 2 ,,Zioatlzior 313•111xm, r p .../arra i lt • 01 *wafts* .111 R. 41. LONG & CO., . 1 , 1 4,N DINIVIUVITLIS4 PUIIII WHIN BURNING OIL, Mee, Re. 2 Duquesne Wq, niTtemumen, PA. .TACK BROTHERS, . • comissum 1111Bdi3titts, • t meatus. tz: Pekoleum and Its Ptoducts je=tt li kinV 4ilrtrai::l42l: I°4 PHIL&DILYEILIt Orllat-UT VFW" .4 aptnce EMU WORA ==efl Eureka Carbon Oil, yak ClttAinirrit, "- - Sperm Lubricating 01:6 3 CZEBTIOAL mason OIL, Whofiuni• Dcalors lc Crude Reined and Lubricating . s;;;;; Lard, Sperm, Whale and , • PIO 011 a, •; . O. , • NOBLE, •41#1/2 Irwin Streets cm:=o UM WARIIsIG & KING, conasm atoms no salmon : Petroleum and Its . Products, natzeirg Mora, Moms *ay, ransauseam. Pa. T7111.1.1.M.41111.1. 4.1)13V.Z.Ux WARINC. KING Zd CO.. r==ar =RI r: IDY TUE BEST. PIETROLIA BLUE LIMB: = ICaantsciare4 oay aa4 for WO, T.. 11. irk rljf a co., PIONS V 2 r WORE M, • ti; 'w.Cor.lotu W2filarket Stk." . urrnsacisemi. rA.' re. wienTlae.--1341D5211031' EAGLEI 044 WO ' DAS, 55ab1:trX0210.11 , 17133.0,. WICHTION atAND4RSON. • moaners and Dealing In PET'ECOLEI7I6I. orricr, avian. 'lzmir. maxim NAM OPCii eT. AND DINITZENZ WLY. BREWED, BURKE & ivalmisitaNnureausrs, ♦e enter Pee Tea Patine, Globe h Liberty Oil Works blab tor Crude melte* serIOU. Lite t 1•11 eel... reeds se eenelmernis el Ul4344llerpeir f trolouni. Texts ter Amur red rtarment o rade ar leserreseeeS/1 . efree ettli Kara term cor.rof Duque.. 14nr) awl likemoct arta. Pmmueerrt. DriTIVA6 1.C.147TV1.,C. A. 1133,111 , ..W. L WACIALAILIA. SOHO OIL WORK.% • - Ilaaaraatara we ba” far aa:• all klada LUDRIC4 71,,X II OILS, Do. IST. CLAIR STRZET. 11171/IEI4. I[l4/161, VO. r 7.17•7: ms..7.:r7nrrysi iTalla'n, KM' = Ito. is se. Clair SI., rittsburgu DLIA,III IPittnogA, iarEga,ns, = • Areste tar the 06100%44 . lilLtD2o Zr. Fn.Tod,. uII.IIOIMI4IIOXIS Cu. rhmui.to", PLILMIL ; atq zerzr a .• D. •a. W. (x.y Lam% O. 41ANS, ..aru.rusit r•ricrt GUMS. The Wm Ilall"."4 Own" Viefa W Mw lay etne" s/vraws It" 1114. B VNIIIVALLED ANVIL —The a' arra% ta lan* t u Walt Oa wan •aloyast nalyead; . a nt staid n•. touter nala Say Macy. boy slat Ys•lna. tyfird. • /or sale lot lan WM beam 011A.111:01TS 1111.11.11.A1. !els Gnat. fee )(p.a. , ' P 1..% Na flue. tad relaee•s Matasail• sal DRUGG/5T5 GEORGE A. HELM, Wholesale Druggists ST flood SI rW. . 039pestia u. M. Coda Z trig.411.11 1 . 1 =1770.1710, 14 rtx RUE, .I.IY X STUVII, at. &VII? Ti :la * W t. = %WHIT 1•• 0P101.1.4.1 LEGAL • REECIUTORMI NOTICE.—Let. itimigAs Moth tottottat4 AttnoOrtor 0 00tOo. latalsit to Emoted to ttko vadarslooomi. All pot. sou todtVioi tO*owe Am oottlod %Wu watt so the. Wont estrus oriOl Itot• tlooo, pr d oplylisatesetlcaleg, for 0tt1.1.• o •= s . P•OO tHST TATTOO/MO, itakM•lt WAIL PATT SBOO N. - WHEREAS. Letters Testiness. serf ea I kte estatesf wILLULM /AM. late et Slalom tusraohla. 4,llqtbelty 40.111. 4a.,. eeesae4 hart, g .Mee $4,114•1140 1111 14144. elssetl. 01 venous to 4,l4eCa• 1114 e 511141 1 .1 imputed Le matt, twooltaili. 14ya0... Um, basil. Callus a4ll.let V Meal/ eetalle WERTEnx P,olusTimuyr or 41g . tiltglega ' A.I.a. i mg2 1 . ° , , .dei,lslgraa Ttnrri IVA ..ecf4l A. 4 AIM atWt. tArtirit. P. D1110.;11. F. SELLERS & CO., Pol{ll PACKEMS • mosonortorm of La A& NI. 32 11 CO 3C X.• • New: Steen, Beef and Tengitee wm De."roodY,lOroolitorr oalloadoi 3 Odoisoi,; , dodos diocar.Dared Moan; do; do *YOST" glair Do do do weelinlin DOOM rata Coml Bono dtbrobilind . Do do do SAN, Al teamed prices aad ateillWl4 quality, halo tlala elatowe .all be Mel lapplija with all araalee la Me rte. - dap:l tra • •14.1,411- - . 4.ItTp,WAL 11 B. w01e1P.,01.,-&00.- =C3 Hardware - 4g Cutlery. A " 1 " =IV ' f.radV slri muLarrarn . ..urmmticram; Corner Liberty and Ms gall SIL I i ss w•tttielska, Jet.. SXMEL m.WfiCKEBSOIMA Iron 13rolzer1 124 Sint Street; a;LM j ifro:takst.cramt." j.:ol.,4,aotbartruaiss.„ W'''' B l 4 ? l g m e' l P 3/ ”1 1, arMludi sat Mans— , II Fernald pon PALE—The •bnit Farm • In fn+ Fernald tonasble, Weenniesedre Win aYG.k ties ' eluill of talnln a Pe:ll:yews:de . U gell'll4sl=tse a o rlitrignertsrlret _ts a i a frame bank ban e :L.4IM wile , son o+ WVW; fT' erm nlropa l . A , e "r Orb Dearss alr:Vittleol bols, le Ali NO,ll MO Klll 16g:04. awl ta ell 'watered: about ZO acres cleared. he =Wader In good senile ask Umber. Tbla pay ens. to e. nent at tba .prles of ISM dollar• Der su roseesslon Immtdiattle. Alen, e Alreele lONA Fern, A.t ri TII• . e res. sltuatod Elisabeth b00r... 1. n)count) , 5.. , on the Youghlognegy Meerothd near Elrd.* nation, on the road, stout abode. nern fn. the Olt) , Tab linprovemento an a too•olory brick boon With sib Wit ruining thromit tba base With call.. • No. 1 barn and oth r onto. Alrogsace AZ the but rollteuof Art.. Oho A, emeds Led AIWA Cations Idea. to engage In eard•ulsit n =l do well to call and pan:bass unfair. ' • • /arm 0140 acres, M.A.A Wen /11.11. a county, Pa.. sent Mrood. . :rote the Una of the Penn nn. Ban. Tbo UnbrOVerneola two etory Demo house, Imp leo rooms lose Crams barn, 4A70. corn alb, curlace boo., a goodetoti• brines bo.n and wood hem. Borond—li twootory log house. n risme M. .% a Of story frame aiming tenet, Ind other out* bolldlaps. fanclrocA all *rood, ableteleaaa or Ihnetton• ootbashsco, load coal bat . ...t,5 . h . .t1 An... Co.:noon !A Charethen, KUM, ko. Imo onthorlsed to sail =A very Omaha. on carf • .. - -ellent retro onlb2SereAtif 26 7c7iisTronitTer . 110 .. 111 : 322 A . flan dwelling lmAtinUnnonts—a sew awe, damning oneWnina a rental! about MO = 27 ll t eslnte i rninittsttreA l! .VlV Do .000 on reasonable AMA. :OUT 17.1 Arty taken In hare enen.pe SN... • ' • Al.. situ or =sores. Fete tenengtfp,• , Itrgif.gtitt 92 ireireo or ArstottO,ohlteoak. R A " Ch t. %** l 4,l4 M' erqUa l ltil trer.:, ,„,i;•hrat.:rate Ham eive, la SA tenpins ore.; Tetlng orchard of trilled hulk ThelAnd le rolling: erorY Are Le was Ilmaslona son And cubs., Woo soy., moos mom Irttnln one hand , A , roda of the Penns. O. WM.; 12.1. oll•lhefterth Ad three miles or of: A.m. IWs m plow rt&llvely ..4l Ale e g ad 1:32 ° %; tiUateriwuo,ooTt.. W. l .l . Jet i eblig l _ k V i onsart • .1 row, Lai Lleertnoro Amos, Cd . nAllaing PA Aterobie**•.... mdse No. I (encl.. the rosidoe In • good theft.. Tits provent.ts ere two tram. M.Mus. undatlLAA tient room* *hob: • lugs bank be, 141 by 90 f. 1., sad other neeemary .tbutldbura• lA order. PIA Acre. of orchard of choir. AM , ties of Otis; leer toot Tea of etVit i tue‘ . 01;7 . 3.1 ittgal• 1 to church.. Abools, thorteed toe. eery low.o al WIMP_ Ai., a' um of AA. ISZnantni LOWnnlgn, Alleghen gonna/. uSkr_tha CAI UM littebtioh tiontielinula unartabl. moats are • 1.4 h0n5e.....1110....nrpt $0. TRuP nos rag Also. 40 soros In lierey pormatip, ho= land cone.. olthla Whin ki aud three miles of 0.n.0. out. eh. n_ It. tin. .9..einAto LS neg. gantne Lad ontballdlag; a. neer steam Wale.d gnat lean. Watt two • two cloths. lad all the 'lance Matures. hd t Tomas mbar , of aboleo Tba olt Una Is ',Seth. seltha alb of acal, pened, lull, so sae Itme stone. This peODAt y *at tal Ota !Ole. If -4 /St e =mr "" p4rtleolore en4slril ' ot - • man Seal !lists AUnat. 164 roartb Bt. 2,000 000 ' -AGEM CHOICB LINDS - 1101-..51L8 • BY THE Onion .Paciflo Baill►ar Co., zarnu4.Dlll3l.oll, tytag Oral luau or tut, u $ll.OO to 11509 Per 'Acre; Lad or • IOOLOIY 07 111111YOLISS. rot parttalari, maw, arromi Lard Mistorrao. lorers. Lowe Or, 011/111: LAXISO Grey; 41(1 Its. Loris. lerrrart. COIIIITRY HONE FOB tamp, AT HAILEWOOD STATION, U. u. flttoborzh • Commlloollte , withlo If. walk of the stotlos„ 41 twenty Steamy. V. trent tbe She revle *loom or Me lam Vol. Welles Met. oeutals, lag shoot 434 amts. • *al set for We. For term sena/ 1111..; r)11:73P1171r. - x.. a Mlle etteaL ir an sold before the Mb ef Cleteeer. , It will be sold at waren. oetmarsse Tviro CHEAP-FRAIIE pooling arco.ri. sash.k4t. •. In • Manchester. fear mesa Imoseb. Lou baby UP. 11 iegrel e'ell Ibe sew blayly. reverabli webbed, bad as bab low. • ' 121(11=11 ,p 7 STEEL & WILSON, De•kwas u 4 Mal MMUS Avon. ). A. ea Saaliallerstml. se.s6:Bl FOR SALE.—Elouse'aad Lot bl . er or Ilaabstiur K 414•11 M a ..nr meagger /.114 .tasatair WI, in room sad ewel *Wars Mow we guall .11eass.. TAW -aimed la lsaf .. strait' a a>, Steatii4 *Mx CUM. 1w.4 atumbeigia. ' VOIR 19141 LR OR RENT. WRAP— AZeitZgirrintgo; • StAtlost, itetttefies sada, sem in I taile . . ' 30144h iretZ euril i elat fee 914111" ... ,A1t i1 e:e . pv tr 4 4 • o 4hl•ll •ruttalth. SIAN, _OWN. intletiete. A • ember of :ON. Damn me Vlse m earge ti tn=w in , oppoelle the Cath•draL Dian FON - SALE, in Riago. k pherelehtth Lawns,. oe“ty. Ya.,_s•ar In. UV, Mlles (raft Jell" CepAo Mule frool t.. Taltralt4. Thu* rrat f irgrer ir=4l7l.lllt=me, " l " le• Wet. 12 o . y tee, other endommehierez or.lards et Soaring fruit tn.: • wets Asoi wa{arAt doe/. Wilt be age epee, by .pplylpg te, Wehtri •rie VI Heater ate:ll..Aligileiy. TCAPITAL 0 PPOIIITUNITT ra1.P.17:1=1• 1 4 u" .. uktis p eri .td eiNi natal tau Pail alma la goat iatattoa UN Otto of tilltdoloal 4, Po. p.n. •Po aasooltr.. warts of toot yelp' of It ma to tall Tont... ottanatodaunp. AplitY tfj %aortas ' otbibtri HALE . OF TIIIISITY • 111:11LDINO LOU. 10 Werl ln OW. 0 1 W Is Teotporsooasius, fp 4' . 0". .; r.gt4totr, Terms r es . osabio. oa s iolll . bo ads os, or .ale. sotto e sot:t . s t ara i s4r i ti . g l to t n d s • c•414,14ty. ' Witter portiesisks ROOS LOIN stliit Y tt n ,Mid. mointE .ittitti‘OT NOR SALE,' ci . sloosooll' at Goner Of DulistisCivOr LAO b 1 1.'i . .'11:1174°.• ; tool cellar; lags otor DND I ' WOW ter o trja i. a l a i , • • - I 1 Poorth musk to:AviiTtc IM 0-10 DON'T Hk3 DECLITZD 1111 f iku" 3 " nte" ""=Me _nor ItoN eor yen andisViaran• jodiroo, rt. volt. Vff4=4lClo MPLMO2, mitavoisoh '.A.rhum GRovEr4 & swum, Eu 3 TA#l7 41 AND PFA,Durof Saw i ng iii,vl)3ines tzpvirga fr. lrts Roo -Artx;fterut.' GET X OEM BET - Inabuy gut. u u mown.. MAO Ms Months Imost. Dean IWs*4 eM NO. 108 ►IITB BT.. above NI suo_AE £Bs & CARRIAGE %AMA . 1110a11111.11111*.11. .1 natal a 11131 It 1 11011,11 . _ , 'lt LI lit *Olt *MOM xO. errarr .nrumm • *bon Itintallitte TIM GROVER & BM= , IMMO* 'MACHIN of,P 21 #400 1 4 ~1 1 1 1! " aiirori . liiioTrystairar." •• , . 'AWN 0110201, I ATOTION BALEEL 10F!,:alf.. T. • 11SOWAGIS GROUNDS, • . in Idinn Ede il-141eily TUCIM• TENIII{O. Ost i ltb, SPe 1, W It ill be sold en second gait Coniniatelat nalie IDS einlthdeld s den, lien inatinfl. ut aatearbaliseat ts, Ltber , y towhead. en Pennsylvania onenpled be Edwarn eolaprlalng LS adea in paeaea, atter teat oenaniantal enitiration. with Ste, ~,,, leadlanfrom inapOndnallant .ainref ea with Peanittni laid out wa aa i Upliftl ann. of jorstl ireed. i alid ainplled tin anent inning ipelnas Phil Water. Ipe Mundell la very, connnoulone. and of llrgaat Modern wide b•ils and intud atateway, roam. ono nand d • lAA d most Wt. with heavy fiance eclat.. Marble manila, La a add also na 0711altpranee i g. t ar h " emintalainn aver, Centie, Onalort ion eoilvae Mane., and all lath Vaaieeder d 19 , 11 , era; Auden an 11 .41.21•111 ana langal.nentnrl or out Liberty rade.y. nee Alom yof water conned fn. eneloand resarenLe dm speto des corersolad it to she spoor Mel. 'b. onflontletoan are..e a taste:dew.% r .atolauou Sear alt entatanttaite entli of brick and stone, gnat:din-Lug Geed aoramodinua find welt Onlehed DM. 4 -.4 tinsan hoist in toe: nrsnb beala.,z7tne beam. fro coal 1,011•0 I "" rit flUlkIllgri71;1 214•Clti itaLlnetinetn elrim.c44l thee. leipiefen. MIMS Alo nii.l In ilia conliu7. . at A gN i nitlfit i d i ?r u niTtig , r 6-" dragg a tl e trit Vora reie.e7Pi:anlery'ol.'" na cr e ' t rapt,: Urge lad cr 'they:AZ lino ran t g rareVAV )4ff '1.17, nme.r...t.r. • Thoarleistusg at. al lie premise.. Santaesa al Ina anetlan teeing. • • of dales-Onedlord cash; b slants to Three odnalsornalprements, with totareat. .:ilea A. 11;11.in Auettunear. bigot - RA*3LE ;Pilli*ATll WEST .I)IMOS AND•OHULIND , by IrMona.; ALJ.11011111cTO0TT.•r • uUTlugt. stra 6100/IAY. 001416 rte. at t MUM I. Y., 11;741MY ' ylltV rffiZrzlri .ra 144% 1 : acmgiNttids Hoy Clay: The lot le Irani ea ;be wag, altertidlug aloud mistral Crest 7/1 . fest, bele/ center sat, Tue Unororemate Matt r ne g" .:traff s .1116 ttOrc.,...' !mum auricle toWcriceetl7 ultal 1... 41.0 Was., wlth teener/ Iln.gblut. lower part of II e. bollatng; gas: 6 , t and cold water La 10.07 room together atth all th e Madera 10 Mrfell i til l rUl . p l ll•lLTa i r t ;VittA . i ar:, l l ° ,l: blocmatleg. Ineocr eleeeta pan last o la ;ukase II awl colon. 1114 room. or the belldleg es. stuccoed and 1114010 cite laM7s_UntabeUelege .11 MIL. gem/tete. Tice Edge...being amis eacloml. are euvered WlOO Vat tViaM s turzalleAtrotrt A 1.50. at sass hon. wilt be 4.lllb.olastral. "WU. Lot adlotaing Ibevo. sad treating fert 1 Ol 1.1,r1 hitt 1. Meet. 'TSIIIIB-01c4talf cult bils.sea Is two equal :=1 0 1417 . r . 0tn . t..v1t1, Inteten,.encrild by bad 11.110Utte0S. PLUai 00.. A aet .8311 • . &I •C 7 71.11 D .treet. 62 LOTS! 62 LOTS! GREAT SALE OF KILL 6911 TE AT MOTION. " 00 MONDAY OatObar CA. at f &emit It. a., Vs No tripsoue.Aa 01 0014, tea vet, o=- 41/11.1VIRrora sae Mate of om i la/a 40V, Terry, tata , 4. TY ntr—Ar.l4r,-. i.. 1. Slaw of ay a,ta• Omsk. TY aalUa My. ata7 Yaoatattaa eloratea pesttlaa, Ms Troy taa rook* aaa don or the city. nod lo gold .1t=0 1. 7403d: b.borolest to UM 0111. r gaitroad.lll. itottort .beesolooo porno. of W au, bas lallolUe pakaaast Ado, belzgooly Manillas Tan1Y4.1.41.04,6444 'q two equal amyl Dameata...cared 111 .cad 110mon. anbotors Sow 11:11t/o 0.4 , 0rr 0 04 IL 'ilvousbecnswfil tom Coon Hem, corny C .auw rargir o=f i r O k tg l atrog . at tII R. AveinisAutut, 1.0.. P. r; DL... ) nd .11110,00 • 43CITZIBC11, PALMER 00., • DWELIANOIMEDIE AND uutlE LOTI Avcratarr. tir:Tialtmova atj, at 1 Wale. V. W., all slo premises, lisarthaa, 104.111 Oran awl 111 ItalWaad WWII,. WO Ow lowa aadtanirabla otranaa tramtlac feat b•MO Wvataload actsad• Winos ill Int. to a w a ll ey, as wtOth la anon*/ a alma aa4 canvas at two Oadad Rao. Ria=rettl r fit 1•39.411.1 saaallat; almo taloa aslant, sowo. 'Lay delay , mw , 10w../1 W. at:espied, old ry warred CO to avalamo la enema elty, balls .110. n • Caw attain. walk Ras can oft blanch wt. Hall. 4iKa. toss anowny macula cosommod Ike ..0 "embus daarlaa • Loma at their awn. Tanga at *Oa. Sainllaaog, raver CO., alma'''. Wu= 111 O• Mot. VALUABLE CITY PBOPERIT • Wt. ACC MIL —On THURSDAY.. ()arbor, Mb, outlet punts.. will Wr rola ',Art very Orr at ad ulltaloo Pr 09.10. Nu..., a... 4 at caulk strut noor Wood • Ou NU net illa• TA het deep ot !Wan 01..4 • &obis twoutory toter OrtOg. conulnlas two store Imo.. it an 4 IS on Ls trot Soon. ed • larre sot wall Ughtra bolt or Murton& tin mart! won yard try Ur Num. !kr:ALM= Oro,. Iro l i=ltot YU fret . hut . 054 ?tr.& deep, ea Irk). 1. Reglad Ono 1104 atm I run Orton OUldll4l, llontUty bout ar thortustargo ono Won. • 7n. rer o'ftl , tr propartnwilltake piano% two o•elaa.3. ovary It. in the way oto nomad. Tann SKITILSON. ro.txra • co., 6;apSoapl Goad Soal) aetaaae arm SAPONIFIER oClioantlated L 2 ft a th..pr Saab? Hard soap, TWELVE POUNDS OF - SOFT SOAP FOR ONE CENT. Even Tamely en Kilo) their Chra ALL ITARIEMS OF SOAP. ) es liailts as Mao a Cpl. es Cam. Is is new Caseentrated Lye, for making Bosp,Ost discovald In eaxMara,ar TEI ascna etty and Is composed mini? of AlMalaate at Sala, xe . bleb. mixed . Vim VAT. PrAUMI , . BEST DETERSIVE SOAP 'LEM Rot= Doz van ink. 175 I. food &oft Soap. er • Its opirsloat la tape:dor Had lap. Pa•alakd by Mal Zaaulat• sad Gnaw iho !allot Baba; „ . arra. ISMNII win Zan IKM. . . , Data. an *Mau makeleale saw , * •••a"•••taimana •• *as.., at • tomrs.t ameila...f the ..kolosaa Orman a 4 Omuta, to al the aaa aka eldee th• Volta litany CUPPORD , =BERTON, Gertesl Arsi, • =mum% pm. 0:11=211 LEA • fig iriestruNT . cranx,atsars.evr xx WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE BZOBBOBBID 1T mrraacip CONNOISSEURS MIDI CAL I JIAB at BAD. TO II 11IA TL 6,..m . .. . fiAB to Ids Brothel . maritite wortourrut, • .-ttim tut issi, LBA • AAA lODBOBBto 10. V:litTaut , . • MAY vAitorr 4:11: m. nalato.Be so welt at • moat 03. • the Atoot ' • • t ootoo•BAUCIA Uuti •riXio.29Co t0p1A0... , • The soma oftbla Bon dilklonto no/ coattlotoot baTior eausod m away m principledCox the no to tirtrot O e LI U notmocm;LLY ro sad IOLA: BlSlVlLrsooestoll to .ea tbst rosotost talialtrorMe WEAr"X MaaohotarsO AtgA. t Paa*lFo. Words. JOHN DIRWANPO • JON& Amy XXIX. AGIXLIXTX FOR TIM V. X c.oB.lB4rer • - Amesums WATCHES. A 'lrian= STOW= Find Goldand initein, FINE COLD JEWELRY -- BILYZAWAIII. moan. au, m i ttr.t prtour n amen=Avoa• primmuisunaid te, a • .WILIIOIIIII6 : se. 14 sal:4=g itaitir, Tyre Marl above Ilark.t West. -- TO 011oin •ILIJEWACTP-.... 1 13.:. I Tut ONDAIRSIDOMV.: bmin g stewed US A01t,1451107 411rAlki f Lae of Ike OOP IlliY ftr