The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 04, 1867, Image 1

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    TEE. DAILY .GAzmg
zieu=MOD ly 1‘01113111:11i,
littrium siairro4
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FIT now.
1 C VMS to Gag*
• Wownaw CANDIDATE. it
1 , ' no loyal Toter , Mina
; yak ao higher tributelo the worth and
character of Judge Williams than the
iWowing neat compliment Ladd him by
the only daily Delo' collie Mar 01
We Pennsylvautithi day ihlkerini
his nomination. '
he nomlistion of the Hon. Henry
W. !Miliaria as a candidate for Judge of
the Hupreme Court, Je a good one. He
; was the best man named before the Re
publlam Convention, andposseseaslegal
;and ; moral quilticatiorulfor the revolt
sibb pmdtion to which be has been nom.
,& gothostim have now present
. id their mndi An important duty
luiC Wen bittiftlly discharged by -the
anspective conventniug: <fle intaPelon
;may now be conducted without personal
;prams, and
greatdealkKirpolithe pritaci
of the two parties. Th11111;11
Auld be y is an suspicions Mau
; the:times, and if the onutty connutimm
are equally fortunate In the selection of
legftdann =Andrea, there will be w
put to the deplorable corruption at
seat of mummest under a. new
n Of honest men end conscientiaus
1 .
datont.7-PiltelonVOat, Alt/14
86 •
Pal, in rehiring to the Start
'ea the 8 9th of Angeitopritsßlcased
We have nothin g to take back or
;mollify. Of Judge ' private or
lege I reputation we have_ nothitur but
Mor de of praise, and however It may
Mut some pugnacious and heady polio-
Mu is, we cannot bring ourselves to view
rMild assaults,* Alther wise or po
w ,tt . r
I IM. J. EDWARDS Tunoon,was chiefly
!int traumata' in building :ilia =' - inebriste
b*k at= at Binghamton; -It' is a
orne of large . prointioas and con.
acted in the molit'sabiliatieniiimer.
The Ananctol concerns of the establish•
ems et were manaivisingularly. While
ill professmily a public Meditation;
Ireteiving aid from the State, sun reTe• from licenses for the sale of liquon,
flt *was surrerthelmelinelyjn -the bond,
of Dr. Takata, who conducted Its at-
Mr, about es he pleased, rendering crit 7 l
lasi account to nobody for moneys ie.
61, y•dor disbursed. The i . ?suran . .. poi
, ,pity on the property v t
ote wo • In his
4iwo name. ;.Some two three years
ago one of the wings was 'burnt down,
and a large amount of money obtained
ifrom different inserancermanpanLea.
'!was afterwards reported and believed
• pat Dr. Trauma., and his .usistaat, Dr.
Mamma 0. GARDXI3I, set the premises
eon fire, for the Rocas.. of recovering
;op= the pelicies.r 4 .lt is'athrizted that re.
electable persons employed about the
• Mose, overheard the whale - Plot talked
-: 'lover and arranged between time two
?ndividuols. The wing was afterwards
, ?attain. but serionorre lure been
• • Miteradned as to the mdication of
like moneys malised Wore the ineuronce
• . c compeole• nurse reports and surmises
Nattered such consisMoey,that the two
• 'doctors were not *oily' ttistaattod • from
their positions la the Asylum, but were
'lndicted for arson, in netting fire to the
;bidding.. Yesterday the telegraph an
- immaced that thelit* tutd conancoced..
, ,The case ho's eahitld Ekat interett at
. plinghomtoo fora conolderible period,
Mad doubtless the factortrill: apwlw
(clowd. iS
Tan President: among "his exudes,
'guru:gars of hie determination to resist
. !by force all movements on the part or
.• tOongresa for his impeachtnent. Con- ,
dderable number, of the Democratic
I)ournals applaud saw flog are planted
;to &mornings his pluck, and urge him
o remain steadfut to his avowed gar
, • 1 i Now, the right of impeachment is
clearly embodlt4 in tbm Constitution.'
, It is given to Congress in terms too plain
.': to admit of controversy. No power
conferred by that instrument is more
• definite and unmistakable.
*gape!' Is 'absolute and ecolugy°
...Judge as to when end for what therreg
, • dun stun be Eattaftehed end deposed.
For hint to threstenrealitance Is no bet
' ter or more sensible' than for any 'tom
' won offender to yonnyncte what terrible
:things he will dOIIII 614 die du; laver .
'grand jury shaltlntffe bill of Indictment
'ageing him, and the traverse Jut', shall
tad him guilty.
We never Wayethat -a'vulgar cultalt
stayed the dee Doane of pi:wading'
against him by thli tort of Magee ' We
suspect that Wei hoe in this "way
'quickened proWsnairs spinet th an.
1; selves, which igen otherwise ilaTtr ben'
tardy. Both Cho - President. - and his
friends win fad,• after a brief swan,
- that neither the Republican nignbera of
Congress nor the , ,ThygoWaggionie es
hind theta can be Matelot
or by attempts to put iny actierai of vial.
t Iwo whatever Litiy'eteennon.
LOl7l/ILEJ: • comb:l'MM* portion
of the registered white voters atutained
from taking paM in the .recent election.
1 Hence, some otthe 'conservatire organs
insist that they postatitutional Conran.
1 don will tropnviNst only. the colored els.
I MILL Those nripuul uadentend revy
1 hills of the theory of fns government
lor of practice under it. The legal voters
i of a State, in IminiSt in fact, represent
the entire population. Asitajarity of the
voles acitudly polled really represent
thetotal soveredintint the State. This
tyM true while Slavery existed, and all
Midwife:re excluded from particlpstion
I in governmeatmind it Is true now, irhile
some of ,the wilts' are excluded for
Icanon Wrist the ; an d, other
whites exclude themselves 'through'
chronic dp , contut, mertMed, pride 17
t latent cos.'
ammo Ten, the /adieu chief whir
L Rollin& to the whites, had an only
daughter, who . died Tear ego from ex
pure incident to Barge Before
Math she asked her father to „lierehter
grave made with the whites. 'a s cau l e d
5 Mr corpse a kasidistmte; and it Iles tru
tied at Fort Laremle.. COL.Maynsdku,
tureunandar of the Tort,' sayethe 'chief
mould never lumtheopilded the rental:Li
of his child to the care of any one but
theaswith whomhe Intended to be Mods
Oast J nt,iir. I lette? to
Lucy f3tone, says; - • •
"Be free to say from me that-! think
there will be op end to tie good that witl
come by womardsoffrage, on tire elect
ed on elections, on Ornament, and on
woman herself, hayassidthia la pub.
e we
and private *many . yearn / am
glad that an eftt la making in Kama
to accomplish in„ anal shall Moles waan
,the ele-nvo fOrachher ". shall to as fine to
women ma it is now to men. / think,
too, that this will be at an distant day."
/Tll CIIMTAiiii.ZIATIIZAL" that Xr.
&rwsrd and ids Set,- afterbstra cad
President Johnspih,.ahoulsi drop him;
but we do Sgt; OS/kr It ItapOltailt
Wherlisr thsy go- for Yr. Miss or any
body also. The one Republicans=
sad will inks; mid' 'slat s Prooddspilia
oitadidsts wlthourlbs# Nap. _
br New l'ork hist week them:
toothed their 1100: . disco:roots by the
large um of two alas talf otilllotis of
Ws" to tottOt the: laitidontl4 - of lop/
leader soteeJteld 1;j tftesi.
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1717 - V - TY ••••-... _ _ -
The gnoith of the capital invested to
r ailways in the United litthidont ex.
perienced a very great increase daring
the last fifteen - years:" in iem, this sap:
hal stood at 41284,165,818, wlille.ln 1985
It reached to 41445,478,1411, or .In. dollars,
at dye dollars to the'paund aterling, - jg o .:
127,890,71.5., The' ralirWay. 'revenue of
the kingdom Aisplaye the same tendency
to increase, for, in 1852; it unotudad
to only 1:15,710;654, against '1935,751,05.1
in 1880. Great Britain has some 14,0c0. 1
miles of railway perm:natal, against
about 88,00 C miles in the United Buttes.
But It la a noticeable feature that foreign
railways are now built very much cheap
er than thel. , Ware some years *Wee.
* Taw Democrats 'will become
reconciled .to Gemeral Sheridan and his
marches. They did not like him or his
ways in the Talley of the Shenandoah.
Wherite Was abormigniumbithey were
in bad humor with all he did. At New
Oltenia" he. gee theM great offence.
Noir;'his progress through the North,
and. the .receptions -accorded him by
Minims of his fellow-citizens, dli them
With' the greatest indignationi Well;
Bhaddancaa,.aribrd to let them growl;
fcir he has won a place in 'the hearts of
all loyal melt,
L ind iffilieldstory of the
conita.h.fca 411 tlfna ; irhtaht,niy wall
content the Within and best ambition,-
i'rirr - COnutil that in all cases luwhich
he has examined thchatuatioes sot per
sons who ..had Med thohrr! Lhe • tali
fotind adherhig to them alfegetable
gas similar to, if not Identical 'with, a
panmite pearlr to rice. ..111i-lielltrree
this explains the origin of cholii:a :lustre
countries. The first name, hiiitach the
was known to English Pbysi
alias Wai"the rice disetii47 Lad ash:mg
,11. 1833 Dr. Tyler sdahneti that It
Wits occasioned or kaptlip , in India by
eating of unsound rice.
culate :asittinients of ' th e:'pople
of Italy, and that King, Victer Ratan
eel, netwithetandinghae algid obiernnoe
of treaty stipulatlons, has failed to satisfy
the Emperor Napoleon.
.1t a war shall
iane front these coati:di/idiot's there is
&fair prospt7ct that it will isatOttio
The dispatches from Italy are meagre
and aisatisfictorp, dcriartlen beat=
the goyernment proTerda tit..disc-Mauro
of the whole troth.
A Parvara letter from New Orleans to
a friend in Detroit;.: dated Sept, 24th,
says that there were then ever eight
Outwead down with the yellow fever.
On aeptember 22d, there were 102 deaths;
on the '23d, 113, and on the 24th 112. All
the clerks In the Postolllci were del' or
Mad bill three. no-Mimes weretesart
ed, the storm closed and needy every
body that c Mid get away
. 114 . 20 from
Japan Saretrzers, of,
hal decided shat the lair 'passed by the
Legislature in lege, regatta* the , pay
ment of both. a State sada Comity tax u•
5. candition precedent to rotliur is Wl
aonstitutionaL Of course. It de.. The
Jan .f na g lt . orlha . 4 itllani..2 . .
voter a aluieme - gha patd ,
tw. 0 . ,Tenri'Precedhtg. Stat e - m ,'
county tty- Nothing can be plainer. ,
Tat canyass in Ohio is the most spir
ited one that bas occurred ILlnee 1840.
Every section of the State, except the
Western Uiserse, seems to be literally
on lira. Tie counties of thi . &seise
will tarnish their wellwarnekrinoint tf
they do not bestir secirdinitdtie
nitude of the oexitloc
'Tai dainocrsarue trodbled about the
war debt and tam. How would they
like Stargazes plan of oonfiseatang the
property at the men whoforted the war
upon vst and' so . llghten the 4axes of
those who were coMpelled to dila It out?
Pannornmaann laza lire' it
Washington invoking Pr midential skim
amble •them . to„dafeat W I.llhtma.
All the aid he a . nt give, or they get,
will nisi idkce to meet their vsithes:
!bar. World titylini
: the /ate linatville
tmables "litrownlow'i - Itabelllon=" It renemblii . lruldnetnies,
lion II helm light and niccinittil.
—lt is said that &wedding cersmonyi
monstly performed lc Isindonlaccording
to the ritttalhuic forma; occupied Mum
hours. This - Is longer. than the honey.
Moon sometixnes luta 'Taking the
charms of corutublal bliss ihtoMmontit,
It is - likely to be generally considered a
consumption of more time then II Is safe
to rfal.
— A ante Mt. in nestern 3fll
- committed oni c ide Jammer
to accelte the envy of a Parisian. Ile
blinself st est =shoot is .. V.lrginta
rail fence," an d mice %n - ossalelve as a
lever he raised dm fence, , put -his bead
tinder It, and caused his mock io be lin>.
ken by the falling-weight of fence dm
co — m mn e g s othn ea C ec i t n u canti
r h ß e
av fo . rth-
v. Brooklyn; Rev. Dr. Fulton, Bos
ton; Right Re Bishop Clark, of It,
-Prof. L L Youmans, Thoodore Tilton,
Fred Douglass, K. Shaw (Josh Bil
lings), Hon. Henry Wilson, lion. Hor
ace Greeley, John B, Bongo. •
. • •
—Ten? ratty Mecca of the late General
Phillip .Kearney are about to marry the
Hon. Megan, NeUesieynnd Pans,
Item= of the EngLish aristocracy. Each
of the young fatties. beehies otening Im.
manse estates In Heir" Jersey, to worth
$50,000 a year In her own right. •
&ward has purchased sev
eral bun acres °fluid near Webater
City, Hamilton cuunty„luara. .
—Ohmatahfcraer /helm has wrhton a Ist.
ter to a gentleman In ltew Tart, athtlag
that. b 7 law of Manama all =davits aro re•
Ilnal tram gawp duty.
—d. dispatch front Charleston slates Chet
U. ticlfarshal Goodie° "Macon reatocke tb
execution of tbe proems, of the 17. B. Court
stayed by General ackles.Order No. lueno
that (Amaral Canby bedlam:united alarms
Commandant at Yulmlegton not to runs`
fare with thitattento t.
—The Few 'York 'llitstic Washinaten roe-
Gat mays the FrasidenVe pcalUon on mon.
strucUon le plainly stated In the *WMe be
iffea•flouthatneso pardoned ander Maio,
oult amnesty oretnantatios: He tells them
be cannot realstration without rtru.
Illng the risk dt laiminatimant. Ite also
aim that shot proclamation of asanosty. U
r4M.ii t toi nm adt Ironic! focal& in dlarnid.
dackle,el oc.t.
a n Went reeloircm - 1 r lut i d = 1111
and U Geeleriere of that tarty bait o
1 . Mull to minor tbent.the_peopla wYI
dock to the en bon of the JuniciltrY_____. He
L4 , 41r , altri, • eff toUppfsilLUllla coon.
conceripaka mono Ia ihmitsia.
ttdiciftitio urtitutorcsleasius..) • e
.7in• Toxic, Oct;11.;-A EcaisinieUtemirm
Of ilawaxia. • ri=7 ea
Zcazi oirre=l dila: the Liu
botAriescalteti con Ms iter INDY UP
taksoreti%. vuonlacnitilo mu; the
maispktelLlMl Yellow /ever litiperls.
uprig.gokWl rituDannewtl463
Kamm. OCtObe L — MlreVartoi aboai
741110 w Amu , mina. bare an *mum,
graimilenik !here ere Lave been Ann few
,rulen Itere nnDuget. bin* treen New
!rya 811 [Attrost
. tism
Does* Destroyed sy
MT,Ws)! to the ritteteteth tteiettaj
.Iy, t.—a.
ss treathkio
(pi Tolagisayi ft Qs !Malaria a.m., •
Levan:LLD, OetoDar 1 , 440 ATE' L Stew.
11 4•lllMem . 1141.1 Werib 43 X/aatiell la the
The Revolt in Italy Serious.
Ilene bete ern Mr and France.
Fenian Prisonefs ' for Australia
Traprraph to lE, Pittablarsla I/ netts
OCT—rop. seriies sm.
- I , `Loacroa. October s.—The rebel; have
Takao 41.4tespeadeare. The Pripe'a soldier,
eat aid of Itoly. Troops were dented: - .The
reVatile sett:ma' Imbroollo between 'ltaly
and Treace serloria.
• Amaral% mow.. •
Lannon; " . October
from Italy iire . nterillig, A - dispatch *am
Florence tate atila evening says the oat.
brink agYllitalao le ban smelted. alas small
Metal of Otansmadalate,'ln'elaVtgo; hob been'
.eapbaled by the lbentams, who now have
fall IMagenalem of all the roads leadlng to
It. The , eambairster of the form of the
?copulas Baked the Italian government for
blatant abilatam. Usti refines to famish
any soldlis* Torre I. no longer room for
doubt that tOrraf'o4 1 11 110f101.S. 'Thafe.ore
uai'mmaellmahOnslOnsof the intaireption
ovrrienglg rant:lone between Italy and
. , .
• .11102• L D111.70E13 sztar—savol.
: • • •1111.1111.0.
lletireies. October-f.-The oftlabel att.
Patches bablnhed. tei4ay ass . elleutt bre•
data to none. but ecreffrso the regents that
• =Tett had broken out is. the papal Prot,
Woe of V/textex
Loewe, pet. - remise cowrie*
who have hitherto been confined to Aar
Ilvh and Well PO L, have taxa ZOlosd on
bairn treneoorte for Aostiella to verve Out
terms Of sentenoe.
Lornow, Oetobisr A—The mentbena of the
Masonic order bet nicht save • granAd
tier at Gravesend; to . the oftliers of Parra
eat's heirship, the Franklin, now Iytng 011
Hutt port, .
nnarrnot P1iV1.01,11171112
RarJ.ol.oetiMer —One hundred deputies
In the Bortli German Parliament, We even.
ingotigtteal n forma- Dental unmet an)
terringemenfor ittettrhatte of the long ea'
tabuibed marttlmhititrtiegee of those Ger.
MA SWIM Mullah border ne the Battle hes.
EAMMISZO:A.III,7IB .02.1M31r. '
Butte. October I.—The city of Hanentrh
e.reses to Mtn the Zolrereln.
rn PARAIWATAS aotrl s t.e n 1.121111,
Lcotomr, Oct. d ,- ,habaradvform from South
America are: recoaed: • They Moe no Ma
nge Lute w •. to the remit of the re
cant bombardment of the ParaamMao Mr.
tlehations, Minato that the Brannan and
Argontina name Were laetalt. burraffe oft
Humana, and the laittforese Of-the allied
DO were are .maktag no preparattem for
aosirre at stesszas morasses.
ruse, Octobra: i—the usinspapanor this
eity potent& letters end calms documents to
Pone that Louis Kossuth was engaged in
the nitrades• With agents' of the Russian
Govaronsare 180.
Alanazn, °toner L—Goneral Lora Jun
his roookred the etunitfalon of Canaan
General of Cabs, and wn.l hatnefflately tall
Ear llama;
.4.1.1011, October 4:—Tho steamer Atlaata,
from New York, bas arrived bare. •
LtvaarooL, Oat. 3.—Co' non opened rather
valet; eallmatelmlas lOgrie .
101; mlddlhur
onlands el: IX. Breadstalf =vast'
Maud quiet. Corn Ca Wheat 14.
for Calzfornla White. and Us ad for lifilwan.
leo rod. Harley I. bd. Oats 14 6d. 'Pea. Mr.
Pro:regatta...Poet Pork 714. Dawn 44.
Lard AIM. Clams de. Petrolatum ls tor
splztts, and 3310 for refined.
Lolsoi. Oct. I—Noon—Markets narhan
Lennon, Ciet 0.--Cosuml eteadri
ate{ 6.14 i .Amorleart meant.= bean nail
deldinlng an der the advances In Neer - York.
Salt elAg; LUlnois Central MO Ede (1141 Ate ,
lisnlo and Gnat Weston. =, •
LrnutrooL, OM. &—ilm m—ColtontnaeUre
anto d q
Bd uotaticele nnebango4.- Breadstrillf—
T/Pa Pr • °'"" Ver4l fr i ari t :, 1 4 to
Awrwaar,Oetotie r 2— Zerrring•—Paireletint
Y firmer. With We. of inamitra whits
franca Per /CO kilogramme.
CST Trasissph to the Pittroaurt Saurus'.
• r Ilatr.Toar.Oot. 4.1917.
asoarrunt son tatmor.
• About three hundred ladles nom Errs
seated to General Sheridan today. At the
close of the soneitlott. the (feria:M-101 tor
111rilIVAI Drain mos.
At the =Wines of the Alaideltl fable
Union, hilf/YeetarftY and t 0.11./, the old
ofhoers trete reAdeeted. Th. mew.. for
the year were 686.127, examaitoree, $54.111ta
Bibles received, eint,l9l, trowel and gamer.
Ilea. math The dlsenallone were elute in.
• •
sirs Os sca—irrocx bigwigs°. •
The bark Elias 13areu took Ore last night.
/he was amirlderably dammed •od
A considerable number of cattle and sheep
were drowned.. The vousl Is owne4 In
nerztioda and wee to tall t041a7 with a car.
re the hurdle race, General Wllliate• beat
Blackbird am" Tumult. 'kW the sweep.
Makes. two miles.. Viral/ Nat MorrlamY by
half au length. Time .The bursary
makes wen Wm by Mr. lbed.oolt, beatica
Sanford's Bock three lengths. Time 1:67X1
dlateace ate cello, Clement boa the Coo
solstice purse, =the beide, beating Jidda,
CM/mud) and O. Patrick. la 14$1, la/ 54. •
' Thotria a Maguire, one or Ma proprietors of
the Japanese troupe agiders, wu two.
tally. beaten last night by two men, who
tiled WWI, him of µad Uralic& One of
thew was arsenal.
1•114,0A1, ACCIDNIT nr ataisr.. - •
Two oar. were throw, trout the traok on
tee New Jersey news: t i la Jersey cats.
toslay, by a mall . 2i. talk candid onla
wheel. cau• log co e damage totbe
Oar* and road, but body wail Injured.' ; - ,
vionsta znitivonz ingcridcdr;
The election of Directors °tide Unica TB,'
ciao naurmei pooroossa. todnorisnr.
Marmon, Is believed to be mimed.
- •
I.II3ILICAS Stara 901111TT113.
The !tannage:an State Committee bold.
tag a onailon In the iteUgnatitan Jiang, in
Mit city, gt taaarting toeml arge tartan name
P 1 16.• •
Hard ley lavas ne Ist
eed—lrtel. Whisk; Slasseet cel:
amebae& . .
(ea Talesseph to tee rituemit Ossettel
• - rinba o ateatuo/td....l..—The Batman In:
spitotort. made a told on the uniteatised
whist, stills in the northern past or the
eitZellbe[ardlty last, and were driven off
mudspeople Ad the. vicinity.'they
seethe? raid. with an /assessed Agee
but tired worse than on Saturday. Lavin
several at their party badly wounded wi
brit** abd ple,ol shout . They nelson sever.
al etills, and were taking them orr In the
ear.. whe l e Jultellrewd amen and women
attacked them. reasserts] the copper vu.
eels, and drove off the Moeda Deputy U.
0. Xershal Schuyler received Nis serious
wounds. Thomas Law" lane of the rioters.
near*hot in tia• bead. The and occur
Part itiehladeld t which le madly In.
tunnel by the lowest Ow or Irish.
Deputy II tribal Schuyler bad his plata 1
taken Dont hint His weeede are not seri
ous, though he was beverelY teat.n about
the heed and arms. Deputy Mendel Gor.
don acted with greet - finery, when the
notate charged upon the inroltare oats
loaded with distill.ry apparatus, azni drove
the ...down boob :several .. Ulnae Worms.
etUla 'ad other trulterntle ware culled off
by the Motors, and hulaen in dirrerantuarte .
or the DetillorY.Diatrlat. It we Deere.
table for the officen to find the whereabouts
of the mulls.
Tall city pollee forge appeared op= the
Knead and !located the Menace to
.... mud." into the city. .Tba revenue
*Man did tha they could ender the
cintunelauort but beet
the love was too smut
mankthe raid badl posed. ea it m hetWeed .
1 ... T - l y ed 01241 deloek, end ooal a an
and Dish Do the coal wharves were all at
Maui awl ready for tleapillolale. •
Demserptle State Clateeraer
ll rrerehb
oyerfile grinfara—Tam mac
00..a a Hsu ' , Ans.—ave.:en Gov.
C Sy Telegraph to tag Pittahargh Guette.l.
&sutra, tiethheg B.—The Verriberahle
State CoitTentitai was, palled. to e&der„. by
&ammo J. Tilden, hthrifiated Mayor
HoiTtrikii, of trew York; as temporary PM-
IrkaCh mottrha was easrleA amidst
Mayor Magni= Made a ilpeeah,Malit,h4o.
Democratic victory/in Ifotennher, 'Minoan°.
ins the _radical party mid negro suffrage,
controverting the 'lowa of Senator Conklin
Ina the Benutillean Convention , armlibig
relftet law la 'unfai exc i s e pted
inn/. and denouncing th law as oat.
ens, oppreasive Mid
Baia t h e
regent to
ths National debt ho said" the Democretic-
Pliny Would pay every dollar, ba t on spirit
as well as letter of the bond, could
on)) bo paid when the government passed
Into the Minds of art cootie toleal,pinly, and
when the protein, channels bunion es tate! ,
LLoa we reduced. •--
. - A reclusion was adopted that the Tam.
many orgaalration toe regular one of
the Penn and giving Banta to its delegate..
Another recitation, recognising the riosart.
Hallparty as gonna Demoeran, and Miring
to delate. honorary ecats, was adopted,
With e narriendinent Intl thing the Merman
The groat tosetnlttees were appointed.
AS the afterneentresalon Horatio Seymour
wee chosen num President. In his
apnea on the onalrsUOinsinor- fl ep,
mom. midi
lin cannot, if we would, eseape from
confronting, the problems of the day.
•NeiClier hatlity,. honor nor patriotism will
Sager OS AO stand Sleuth or tactile° In the ,
dark hour of danger. We have pot down
rebellion. We are now struggling with
revolution. * The drat was sectional, the
heads roalversaL The nest sought to divide
our mammy, lint lams Datemenis to siestroy .
Ito •
Seymour Minded.. to the Mantes
against the Preattlent and ta DA s ligex , „ , ,
Hone st
other J et
Hone of Beprestanarres. /en ~
ate has pursued the policy of revoltitionary
Intensity. In Its, baudness It la striking
euleidat blow" egalusi Lt.:A{.44l.W°.
'lloo,.Colorado trestay tml the nalt,
et • People• In hew York. It
wee admitted merely to gate tee Votes
in the Mhaggle: With , the treentire.
gut •r act IS In view. Twenty Sena,
ton ate is
iitinaitted from ten Suites
lately lb belliod, rt,tuiLwa,,-,ttr
of white people, nor v.ela
catigetheybohl the Mows of a majority of
the Senator,, &aqua%lt Sent to Wmtilegtoo
DY their NO this revolution begun
Minuet ate ott W lip Ma logical just tad. It must '
not Will oh the meek' of the majority, of the
emertoau cople;t l l:24,Zro... but na r. : : ,
Grt eentilabanaretstes. SribuySoriftlelen•
Store not to beanie caret:lMOD. DOCetteti,
with your vast poems: YOu_r °Ministate's:
Is at war with impanel' litrrage
pertlitl rePlimentation. If yen: eta. tine°, goer . inurpation the country
now not be content WILK driving ytakhaa
within Constittitionel limits. It rosy go
farther and acting upon doctrines boo
other l s t' ye ar
e trails d
n manhood
ViiMhiveere=t7onairr, "Tdithor
any Willie 'lilies yen ntnyistaout. New
Iltikols?tiVsiort't tainNhio, n lows,
Minnesota and Michigan, with amajorinof
the people, all of which we now mrtaally
disfranchised in your body, tor they an,
controlled by the repreaentathres of a quer
ter 0 1 oar If our goirernereal-,
'ls to be' rester d, Will Are their tell Manta
• Governor Seymour devoted cinch 'el 01.
speseh to the dnanetal question. tie °epos.
ad - repudiattno. Do not, he Bald, the ri•
ports of the Secretary of thaTreasury thew
we, could swiftly wipe ant atir dent if oUr
theme we not dd to ar
doen. It Is uht It la evo retepodiatienparllsge
to force p our
legal tender open the bond hoidens. What
makes it mo The low endue! tee renetry.-,
Build that up, make year paper.. Rood as
gold, nod this question:C.l3nm come up. He
appealed to the bond holders, with whom
we are straggling, to keep faith, not to add
Ihreefoldliithem Darden. by aptiolding
policy wfuntLdistractl ter coutitn, ends..
Ben society strOrriplecou" Cloyentricint and oppresses labor..:. ..
Altar a:lndtng to. tie inurietair
drawn Iron the people fa um on alcohol,
One itionted and afty nallkatie of olden la
*Monti, 41.1204, among °facers of the
law,and violat
es of Of lan be'sald. give de
ban' Our eaminerae,teama.the tagaUon Of
the -North, shorten the Doan Of labor for
or' inecleenics t ratan the arlee Of. our ,
t ight give tie beta our ruloo. Let us .
tight for miehle rights, for freedom of
opution, for A bove es management of
Donna attains ni l, let us do belie
tor the salvation of the Union and may God
.defend the Oahu._ - 5
A Committee on Doeolatlons was appetint•
ed after which Bon. Jas. e. Thayer sod A.
t e , d m the
w Co . nventioa,
SAINT rAitris:
• -
to , • . . •
Cay Tal.grapit the seam ;
Ctletitresansar. '
Sr. rotia,OeL D—Tbree rane. took riaceitin
the L.:44a eogree ibis afternoon. and ex
cited a good deal of Interim. The drat
event WWI digh,for tWogge olds.
tree for all, forgive handrediSoligra.„'l twee
trot by lobo Davis' Lexington 1111 Y, Over A.
C. Yeanklbm's Lily. by 11111 Cheatham in /01.
Tbeeellood event ann. mDe Isealevase far
1114 to role, for a penman: of IMO; second
boos The eatries were Franklin's
Viola, Smith's Nellie Owynne. ?Aar
Me, Ale:solder% Jonesboro. and MAW. sor.
red gelding by Matt Davis, all of viands
Martini; l . .Toneeboro was the favorite by
large odds. The Drat beat was takers by
Jonesbore• by a length. Gwynao
1/Zola third, Shaw's gelding fontil4 - Missile
dletaneed; ulna, 1:1631:: •Mta Anti
.tb4rd beats were Won by , Owytine, beatbas
Jonesboro In the former by a neck, and
Shaw'. gelding in the latter by two length..
the latter bona wbantng the second tuba..
at.2.let but beat Jonesboro was eeverim ,
in. rise t lOlB tenti l eneaisft far
s Mr a i ofTrZ t Va a f al
atMay'a grez ; te:/ ' n ' ili by Mettle:ter Abel - 4.e ,
1/Xif Slistaals_.entrlet. 71111,1xlial://fts mon
eastlY by thernoke, In two straight bents,
Kroog :n liMMObld LOW
Pattenton, trainer lor - Joboaon a Doug
bula, we; toted doffs
tr. lay for la
IMMO/ tehanol totrardstli• calomel the
- •
• ktat.Uovass k.lSoell. mamba; at con.
pas. fraralk• . lairlakot tele Slate,
Oust bare We .14.011111.***+
nabs rale I.kfaravealeles
first that has fallen for several waeks.
TauMmu 6/4ri1661.r.7kMk.
. 416km/us Blissear—ltilwatsm Saltylees
MfWesta Meraums—OqulsMAM6
Mateo( Affi re ha„ .101stesus. • • •
Me7irtiiimhilatette,l • • '
Fwoooo, Oetoberl,—Theeilenalve
tatatierlgo4.Arool dressing - seatillshment
Of Ilidgley at Daub, was destroginfttygra
Let night. Lolls abou1.11100,0)1. ' •
• Farther Karabin admen state ,that the
Meg opened the legligatfrivaeseesbiy
poison on•Slepteretier - Tee - treaty web'
Mono VOW Ile
lath bra nearly meant.
J. 11. Delahigne, a prominent merchant of
Oen Praccdpoo.cOtantittadealetde 10.42117.
The Matt Franoteee" Imarrenoe Compel'
bee deal red • quarterly Allyirienti nt Soar .
and shalt per coax •
1 Floor arm, at ••40007, and Origon at
116,10. Wneat le firm at sllgegmati for routes,
14,, m 1 ToOdon.M. • .
.etrEsowa. 8414 15.... A memorial to Coeliac*
' , as prom ritoCl to the Teritorial Ascrimbl.
It politic. tor the prow r :Amcor the Govern y .
went agalnoothe Indians. It states the
damage to the peppy wM eoWfolt tuaroely
• =ad or footpath re the Territory le eats
for travel; not Oven 'Willem near, military
camp. are setture." Valois apeegy
team la /sneered. thee win have to abaa
don uto territory. it iaalte Con gros. to Oa.'
Molise to. Governer to raise a regiment of
volunteers In the Territory in the imrrios of
the United Metes, till the /helium are sob-
smiaivxOte ierairnS.
lieelpybelty .Trebly ramee4 by lb
Low•latare—/be Abbey
. ,
MY Tsleirsob tla the Pittsearib rie.l
Bag gitsectsco, October 2.—Dates frost
Honolulu state teat the reolproolty treaty
Saved the Honolulu Jesuit... Wee out &liked
of :11ententber, by • dote .- if( thirty-four
rbede are. The bill was Immediately
by 111. Majesty tholkiog. _ •
• - Tines' epaulet sem 'The irrement
lo the !tenderloin Islands for annexation to
tne VOISed State. was go strong that the
/Hag !iris obliged to ratify the rectum/CRY
Met] to itneli the eXcHettleni., „.
' frogrAtt.o. XiteaCuhe
Org.l.—The reOlPftelltY 100 0 1 7 between the
United 9tatea and Hamel. Isbutds passed
to linemiee Leetleleteto_ek c 10.3.1 et 60-
teembe,id erwileibeemastr What &ref
ePPrwee By the King.
Araßente., at sae ifeetlenc
ray Tsietranb tit lee rticoperencte.m..l._ _
eirroonans, Octoberill—lleitfilie ‘twO
days Mee been received from fifteen noun
flea ' The nistber. irtrethltertlitmitam fa.
CIAO, end the somber of Totes polled
a 4,300, being 3,100 morn than the required
scalority, •
OctdbarilThere were no deaths
from yel l ow 1111Yer tao.l.
The tollailvotek ofIMODUe noway le mho, or
whineone hundred and twelve are mattes,
and nearly all for the Convention.
. . ,
jams Bapaallokon Moollair as Potreo.
loans Catalan •
tas VaanaDk to Aka Flitatgre• Blketio.l
Pirrnoetrittlanna.M.Octionmen—Thi t ee
!snow a large SAM - settboataiMinnpublitimm
Ineette i nollue on bare the
I>aems erm - preirent - treat - all plata of
ttieinstonsosith torches sad 'canna at
nitrate. 'A onniter Of wan known epenetli
are praleoL
-- i4,; ::'..,mi.
Yellow IP•vrailslam= Howard
AO•01114111111111 Mina( ZI/1111:11agut m a
(iv Tal•Crapo to to Martina eautt.i.)
New Ciamutas, Oct.
Inte , 49nti fan twOl l 47 l .fOAR bears opiltaig
ftorsteigoiere 11u741::-.CI0IV8etras4
Asolxdattem sowires 6 aringadmistame to
own meted mallisiosverairthig um•
cans of rem SO eta*
LI sv,
r ffl
SUN in
Removal of, the Beietrios Of: the
Asitssination, piqtr slot!,
Conscience Stricken Patriot
(if92illgrave Vitae rittsbargatiasetta.) .
Waietasrroe, October 3, 1161.
porroa caOrairgn SL
The Statistical Dorian 11at1atatalib1.404-
100 Clop - .
.or Alabama, Georgia, ILlsallaip . l,l
and Florida at 939,033 bales.
Lona! TO ractiktrnaaltSOLDl , -.
Bonds and !inside latidi tine titian hued
to the Union Paoiflo Itallroml,earthe thlh
teentli smitten of thirty-flue a kan tirbleh
oompleteathereitil four bubo deny;
five Mittel from Omens.'
1 lacer dauaaa. ; . ~ r l ,•
Brevet Brigadier General Persyth, NOV
Of Um Teeth CaialrY, has bebtreeteribed
front duty a. Acting ittalsulat3issifeater of
too Fink Military District. COO ordered to
report to the commanding tioseral of the
Department of lIIMOneI, 4 Beentet • Major
General Wilt BOITOMit, Colonist Of the Tlit
Infantry, with. beediliartele Of that rem.
tent, to take' tn. poet at JeWereon Bar.
rob Tat e fir:fx <Mears . have torn moo,
toted out and tairioratdy dillebergedi Ifirst
Lleuumant C. S. Tayltie,liters{ Major Woo,
P 1 Brown Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A.
2fidAtititiC l
nolllit'ormie ontoTla tottigitavirie ma;
siorao—vaakenate• Or Form'
T.e.1.1% In aorafhifric r e Witti'attoiriej
receiver. at Witehligtonatmenid h7Grilteit,
itionre4i, notainatelant at; Poet, MIL
Ileeera Grant, de tart' of War, the bodies
lf the assimshiati n oonepiratora„ . and of
ienry Witt, the ArlderlemitlßOjelitd i Were
removeg fro m their arks's , . 'and re-bsterred
'lo - )(Won of the grounds. This
Temovidwairmlldereil necemery by the pro-Jt of ' enema
Mrintada.,,,The body of J. Wilke., , Booth
• was 'Miffed ”- what wee ae
Almam 1001 ' of • the P enitenti ar y buildi C ng. It was enclosed in an ammunition
box. Aft, toe knee was filled Op with
dirt the brick flooring was reols.d. The
herbal having omit accomplished, the win.
Wore were boarded upend the door • made
secure. Secretary -Btenten toting the key
with him. The key, ,waa kept at rho War
Departmeeb until four weeks ago, wean
tt was retorned, to the Arsenal Waters.
On. receipt of the order for um move]
of the booies, ineluding Booth's, en Tess.
OWArittirmers sere Ma k in`teem work, and
won aceomplistied ting from the
Maws. inhere Mentioned and Vent2Thall
' them to No.l warenouse, , when a' treaCti
wee dug a fewifeet from the -north
Ws trench the bailee were placed Ud'ilA
stormy had been enjoined, but tow pavans
ware aware that the removals had been
It would, seem from inn amount that the
Government does not MIAMI Waive up th e
hall. to the 'relatives. Tn. ,bodom of
ricout. Payne, Harald. attserodt, Win and
Um. Purratt -Were placed 1h a common
constancy; ark:erne rwrAtoe.
Toe following letter, received by • Collets
tdr of -Internal Selman, et the - .at,
been sent to the Internal Ilevenneoille*,
Frfend—Tbe enclosed filly datum to the
difference between the letter of the law as
boy lessiadelserlaterprets it,and ;beanie - It
Bribe law, as interoreted by my ewe ma
ture deliberations, anled• by an enliebtened
and tender compoinnes. Being destretes
emitter to blot roYeMmeients mar to fie.'
frond safely • gowareesant an mar own, 1
send you UM, toe pr o perty of Uncle dam,
as Internal ninths. I remain yours,
latimed.)- • Rteatt
count , 11.11111/.1. 01.00/19.
A orel mart martial le ordered to son
setts at Vielmburg for the of.Geasral
Yenta, onnposed of Generale
Mont. Watkins, Hager, Colonels
011t 11
lem iert. sad . : Cbanoter, mut Antritt Calepal
Gbodtellow.Judge Mlecoatew
Strueentre Dl•sweree Peat/elan& '
Dr toiesesoo so the rittstmeu Oesitto.l
. • At0x , ..." Oct. 2—Aparian4 raneemtre
toot Waco today heamenne:two,==.
octane. 11r. DivrthlintAVlCte
wet ht ht. ie.., whereupon bleak.* awed
him.. pas aZetr was caused by a threat
,by Mullet) to,, atentuee itiganiguti
tut. in tap profteatotial weer or pta 6.11-
gra , .Oct.: 2.—Ltettt.• bat. vrtedum.
Um new c ' oanosiclac WWI tOacit• fn (.*tacc,
arr.ll:e..l la the iltbernia:
RHODE 181;...U:it'D..
ti . 1
. . (By Trlegrali to taellusharak Uaaetae.) ~ ..
Paoritniecl, lincidellif.4.oo.ll.—Tlleas
.. .
[ tient c ad honorable Artillery_ Caripaby of
Almon. Major Lien.. ban , reramaoth
ler. .4 the '.l l iew.buryporl. Veteran ..-
'tillet7 Aamolatmo, railed Zara
nod haul a parade fa .Nacraeaseratli=:
Thr.Yore VIM arbantpust a u.rngr,
aod - *lll be - exitertslocKl at a clam bal.
ArlWa ...ay tratootrow.
• •
• leseld-b• Mairdirter" UMW barbaMle
Toren Oat to be ma Expr *as nob.
ay Tourapb urine Alitahurab riaitiar./ •
illoirow, October .1.-i'ran it E. lhairamir, of
Cincinnati, who dialiatittateit
hiela and LUG commit suicide, turns out to
have ix;.. tho iehber•f 4 114.tbeiriemi 44-
has from Um Merril. to LlAMpulitt arliaa.: la
Cincinnati, When the Mumehmetta 1113-
t hetngsMiroitgb."444 Wm be OW
• .
_ Order So:a. Abrogated.. L.
Eag-Teletengilite the rittabersh ti4•ll.
Irmergereg, Oetd Kw 11:•O01. Primly
metider or this pest. has newest% linantn•
tione from gieneral Canby - to-ea 'to -nd
longer oppoeo the enforoetnent o
res.. tram.the Uo 14 • 4 1 Aim" tCr.4t:
coort. y •
Airs, toa ifissbaad few Abegilina
Cdr relNoaDhie tM rittabsieb alssisis 1 •
licresio, October a.-Ilr. P. Dew., eg
New York, whose WIN r
here reeentii..
Dee bias halo for intl. it appearing ghat
her deaibreinita:llrom
_ , .... , . . .
, •
(M TslearnpA to iturritistmalli Elliott& I
ll•rair4, ilet. 3.—llgar active) atlas of box...LS reals for numbers II X
to 14rHarn.16017. , .: •
Yellow Vevar at Tortugas.
tit ?Oomph to the - PittsSorge hustle)
Kur Warr, October I.—The yellow fever
te raplardbulnlshlutr et Tortunfts. Only
reir cases ern ht the haerateln. Llelltensut
Gordon was burled tat the With ult. Ulan.
hebrlskle Is mover/AL •
dmww••wltler, Otosl'ooseo
orit - 747,41e:Wootern Akron°, • Albonen,
Oltr, at scar.. on Monday, October 7th. At
two o'clock, r. woLot ninety foot front, ex- -
tending Along Indwell street 171 foot, bolo(
• corner lot. Also,. - vacant lot adjoining
the above, !rooting slat . two het on the
bootue, ottendlog back 277 . feet s platy
street. San advertlamotat. O f flzultb•
um, Palmer and Co, ln anctlon column. •
11111.01essla Deithre are Mar.
lug orders for croaker@ Irons their,countm•
customers, we would adobe them to Can
nbd.oll tits mew.: WM , Bros., at No. 19
andel Irwin street...Who Ifesepared_ to
MI all orders on ehArgitOUct :cur 111•1211*
feature a eupexior article of sit the alfferont
varieties of maker % iirol Nsoult new to the
• thy (heads at Wholesaia—We Waite
the patio:War attention of buy." at aroma.
►te I 4 our oomplate monk, of Blllo,'lnosa
, j0., G00a ..4 f - 71: 7‘ 11 ,
r /r;
00. 7 .: : : :
j9ti F e ai tn ay :k.d .ati st..... d: : : t..i a t
(awls, and to.the hod that.
Hill at ttol
paroboate, , - ;'•,f,l pf,. Dooms • Cd., .
• y .- • •
--- -
Free ratetutslai to %tit groat lisle et
7.ota at litnerbvlitn,Maattay, Oat*'Der 7th,
at Ilbok. Cu, tat. the Lburs - llonie
overlbalf hoar. -Plum at -
63035311031, ?Arne&
65 and erritteretroet, •
Breen groods.—Tlll 'ffrelteld 113/16tr
•Ver offered h 3 011y001 :the most bows
!Olt Am ea tuetaeee4 * l O ll l I.ll..Pe!teet 1.1
atone, to 11 0: 1 •114 ' •
1 4ro.r,.stelqi . 4.1•014 fee
nee oll oakee:..ttena goOdli 'sublime qUall•
lo all w tOthi.4t Ufa pd.., Sham. Can
tnl found hi the two PION, 0 0 wen clnOr of
Mug.; an d Four th ecreiner— -
?Mr- • UABDlfila i Ismaar.
rimsble" h°d. war" m"."
be sold M. day . al Unarm for lag
Nola WlllBOl , it J. T.
PLINI Drdig atm*, No• Toderil Wee;
sums Pints:—,Boois et ,bwrt nuke*
will be tnTerwithia morning' neaul.fful new
d•rkls* at 11 yownirnann Nihau been
milih nr y ill% *aim, niflarnsti.•
I , vsairalii• Clitir Iftelforiji at . Anatlaxi,
No. 81,831 . r a es, raorth strost, on Vna
, Amltlukti l i 'i .. . 2 P t . a• C 0 2 : 10 1n . Auctlcat, lamb Omit=
Taw, and rrs. Bucceuttilly
Dr. A Orta
boraam gam.b.lollliteet..A. boot,.
:pad spamtb ut *Nu
Ilamplon Drag 1111 "wispy svparm t
•' ' '
-7 t t
0171.111 P AGL—T.haftWait and mod ntifo,
Prodnee parka!
given by any'perper thi city, Mt! btfmawA
oft our Arra Pam
lleaStsueln)lles7 Wmersil,.Alledeal L y..—
tipeeches of F. It drsinot. Thome. R.
./trumball and Reisman Errets,Zaq.
Ileielthetanding [lie threatening aspect
Of the 'weather last night,. large arid au-
AbudaStuiltiectingwas held In the Diemen.",
Allegheny City. Smith a 'Xoerge'a Band, of
Allegheiy, were I. attendwine, and atan
early hour to the evening bail collected to.
nth. , a Vast assemblage of people to bear
their excellent hind. The evening. as we
have already Intimated, was unpropitious,
yet the people of Allegheny aw.nue not
preyenied-by the rein from turning out,.
thaiedly.ilthwisk that they at least ire
awake to the imnortance of the . filluea
are so soon tO bedeOlded at the Dal
The meeting was orgadirfalty, the
Mon 0( leadalht Otticdti '
Petsident.liells 11. Brtmot.
' — nedr.Preslstents.—James Park, Jr., James
John Drown, Colonel
Genrllo , •thlm, Captain W. E. Stewart, Jno.
Meatus!, CMonel Casper Gans, August
'Mer, Hon. Wte.dietnts, W If.Purslante,
, PhlUn Pastre. Wm.tkltstnm
ienk.s. letpr
John Harper, and SaMuel Pollock, Eso.
• tleertutrfts.—../ames/anktrler, a. W. llcatn.
alas, C. C. Ilayle, J. S. Pearson,
Stubter.S. a. Walters, and John P. JennlnaL
• i Taal CLUI &NAL
Hr. LtrutiOtaaid tbk to
re& 46led
Wee hot strearadongh to be. heard. by,tbe
,vatt ilMenthke,lith ite he had bean malted
to enteide aerie the Meetingt; would not be
m itt.' piece , for in to Wtrupy k few nio.
manta of their ti meuntil the epeakere lam
were; =peel-I;4okt - addreve - the meeting
itteriktiorlow. .We Would not Intru de
- liti e d r iiratl i sr " lti fo :Mrst g ar o . f 7tra " zol '
figttni; beeo ' e girenl'acqtrfte.a; aka
qpestioria, that. were agitating the public,
mind. retie, we had bur/faith Stags
to elect on the elate t h icket eat he thought
tlhe impertatioe oetliat eflea was eutedleine
to caeca the otemUto take en Interest in the,
election, He knew both the minelidatea for
I tha aloe peroonallrl and knew Judge
etterairood to ho a martwell with yearn,
end not the mantwine poeltelmfbut knelt
conld not-L*Bldd et our candidate. Thu Aleut should bey sufficient to gelds the
Peopie le making up their Weds bone to
Yoke; bat there are A few more melon;
reasons than tau, why they ithouln Onto for
Henry W. teldlems. They alt knew-bow
in.omi:war...bath old and y.ting, when.
are: elected in an) position in the bewares
'n out, either National or mate, had groin. ' tiled thatoelon for the perm. of anoint
capital for the Democratic party, no matter
Wildthe positlon was Dither crecutive ,
petiole!, a: otherwise. lie - reMrred to MS
infamous poileyof Andy Johnson at length,
an hepect the people of Panneyleards
would not endorse it br the election of
Judge Eharswood next Ttesday. Alta*
which hebitrolueed
' atone. M.
He had honed to Meet large onmter of
the mall hero who had Ideate:led thenisailree
' with the Workingmen's party, se he wanted
to talk to them candidly, honestly, and eh.
cerely. They all remembered how fished
stood tip for the private soldier m the days ,
of the .hellion, wee .went Out mdo battle
without the peals of Denial to Ids name,
to Mat for the protection of hie own nod
hie neighborei property.' li e was sorry to
he that My of the men who were with
tom at that time bad WS the Hepelnicao
party and connected tberattelres with the
Labor Party. Ile would not epeak
men feather on ti e labor question. Si the men
wbo were present were not member, of
teat party—they were all with the Repribli.
eat party. He was studied there Were
co Democrats present, am to keep
them Duro It +add be neoleury to
have something to tax wits ' the water.
He knew the leaden of the Labor Party
were honest men and ner v e
ametrally bonsai but t h e y e wer em e decaval.
It wee n wicket the oppnalthsei tint It must '
fail. He was in lever of the protection of
labor, and wanted no better party than the
' publican hi whieb to do WU* for the
cause. He wanted AA better Party:. than
that termed the e nendeln pang^. he the' ,
Democrats of the South. The real not
time _to gag up they Loral Lewes. Le re
:erred to tint_Teutteriltiete Mira. There'
was en eerh thine. potting down • many
appetite ill let. es long u •man clammea
to ilk* whb.hey. it was Mid tarlilm, and be
one elm, Th. was • free onuntry. He did
hot drink lager beer. because ea did sot like
It. This great nauen eacrilleed Mar hen , .
deed thommud of her Oraireet nom to mare ,
the NM of the tioestry. Yee could not fonts '
the American people tote etch a mess..
Tile law may minuet trine. hert it area
4made 6 an : a talrlatlan. He would
gri..eretlllll. to. the, Hetuccraidd.:. party.
o ever hoard a Demsemt inc.
bank from hie party Co seem= of Wm
Perionet The greatorthlow weary streaks&
, the democratic puerto %h. comity was the
two dollar tax of erldsky.'Tbe epeaker petit
a high maims to the enema omelette. who
' had myna out to do butte for the won try 1n '
the hoer of danger. and mid that there was
too borne praise awarded to the lading
Mee of the country, and not immesh of me
West taken In the nitrate waist', whowma
the tree hero of Mower, and the laboring
man eel the trait hero of the cconaltde
war. - b ite referral to the amity Hakim et
ntf,L4 4;4l:4.ktri'ktrnitT,'"tf:::
battet. nmerrePtiter, ham working man.
Ile never gunned anybody. lie has not
changd a hates breadtb for treaty-eye piers. -lie had brut to Phdadelplala, and
hod intended to Addressthem.
lint ha totted that It was not neatesary. A
little Irish boy Lad beam , there ahead
et tom outill had at :the people all Owe.-
"Philo eheeldart had been 1 14.12 fir Lha Dad
! pls. The Philadelpelana hated Mtn valet
I allegbuty county would dot What effect
the Mae Issues would have on the Bernitel.
mmaerotty Halaid them that the 'lle
dium patty of Alice. any county were
no emit, 'There should he DO .hhtattlog be
tween the laboring man and the Mioltred..
ture batmentepubllcan Plitte,** tear COM.
men was to lidvithat th• leterests
of that mom. awl protect the government.
Ho wield Icy empyreal' In reward to the Ms
publican notelet.. hem was one or two
mite on tee Mika tha t he did not Mk mid
he would say to Ida town,. that if tbs.-
knew of a nimi she "ticket to aceatch
ChM but be sum and get • better man on
Ileum mac. Where would the/ dm/ hint'
H not think they could fled atria • mast
eve h rh m ee i d . tweet,
ta •few years atm Vas a
p o o h reare hay tn tenneetion. sad
cello bode man. Ile tame of elate sod'
aught school until be had athltnel hla pro.
lecalon. He read Inc it4Jena.. LetwlT.
abiaalthonali •Oenteerat'wetdd say that
Henry was the beet ledge to
the amt. of Peamplyania, and he-wanted
the people to vote for him. After mime:cm,
tier terearke commendatory of Judge Wit.
Imam, the speaker closed by intatithedalf
COLSrifett 'aid the greet emeltha tie be
t ' n ' l7 7 l=4 " .. 113 Q rrt_ y"trg
haProrfsd the govereitilent Incas ' um late
rebellion be trinmptiant. or *hand the Pea
ty who by every witand deed derma the war
lateral - for the overthrow of the goes .,
ttruteent, be aucatearelf .111ollaSed
the eneetton •at length in an able and
alter : whisk
t e em. "'
was en labor Menet - n:IZ Mber auMity in
the etate, - sed tf the Meet sou elected here
Fidel% was not a reasonable nippoeillo_
the Labor Duty would not be benefit-Sal be
11. They ',add aintable
and six g.apresen Mae Legteleturei
which was Hamlet Ilya largo inejorite •
and they could do nothing without the
alit of that party. While. the PeoPilt Of
thin aunty were agitating their la.
thou, whole 'piddle- mind. ontiode of
Aileabenyoomity was being thrown into.
area of tembuitinoy by the natlenal Waal,
which were of the moat vital _lmportance to
the government. Ile Rad not time to refer
TO the w ere schemes etche r democracy
which were being projected .fee the pun
pastier deatroying the credit of wereerilleb-
Otent. The people of tho elate . lime
teff to
t o
he e rpleof Allegheny cOlthty, and
I: T e o lie , Tpl f fllegt= cr i to i tilighe• mth.yorwly.idr.ndgiet
diaappolettal. Itopepllmneof Allegho
te? eur have always done their duty in Once
emergent'. us the present. The Imaliker
thanked the audience for them attention
and Mittil trum the Maud.. - •,- ,
. The Chalneen then prepOsedthree cheer.'
ler Her/dire Republican ticket, which wale
heartily responded to by the •Orowd,letilah
had not dialtulshed In numben, althotteb
ail bad been falling during the satire
time reminded Op the iveaken. The Meet.
lag adjourned.
foreminoa Inqueit. •
Ti,,' coroner!. jury Unpanoidled to lu:
quire. to the manner . And cattier Of the
death of Anthony Wizen, whe was *trod
• •
.141Lnc...wood Station, oil the Penntylvsnla
lietlrOad, Friday, 0, opt. ,the. 471 h, at..witlett
time two mon ware Instantly YUMA; airenb.
bled nt Deyordeon Grant 'Meet, yesteMay
morning, and cirtrntode4. their Itlyeettga.
t • obti. 'irk* Oro: wltnetom were exassfew
ed,..inciedlngt the engineer and dramas,
Magee° blamer And bra/MD*OOl the Man,
Dr..liamiltou If ho attended the de.
meted. Dr. Natant= • testi:dot that the
deemed bed etonatned compound fractures
of both logs and that.tharoft,pute of toe
right log. wire severed, and the Dint, to
Moab Injured et.' amputation Was per. ,
,fertned. The Injured Mart Mined to Mt
prove until Sitttd:K. when he simitt. grew,
I . l7;. " i'bV i eltd not mid nal trrhUr that
rhu train :Oat running at the tonal rata of
ittaTlai',l3l,lg; 3i1f:I=1111I'V.1
. =Win( It fmpoodbla ees but
same feet, Wye. the engin. Thejury re.
lemma:a yerdlet to' the teen' that the
licoe.stlvetna to Itie death en . Tufted.,
Se t e let, from leJoblen repaired. Om /Md..
ptber 27th, by being clench by the en.
Omf the Wain. Accommodation train,'
near IlomewoOd etatlon. on the renneybra.
nix Ballroatt. They also exOneratil the
7 tallroedtlompany,and the ampleyeaa brow
thease , Pli
tmed tO kora that :Las :Las Winne'
Itar ,:%•botaas W. Itebie, - wber-wu
by Scanlon, on Gnutt @treat,' Med:
ttadayemealne, are 000 of anon eardoM
momro aa they were at firm euppOwet to be.
He la itteneeel by Drs." itlfsit 'lnn Brash.
ear, ender whose treatment ha Is Smarm,
tog.: The woendralthonah a were and
.10 not of a fatal • eltarace.
N and l ife t . 00
DlrDper larill•411
sujiatop, the Injured. ban Noblea tO
be atom' la a few days. Mla a
mai so avabalftnea )Isaintsrigt
:4 =l i ma aood and efftolent
to Lis.
syssem o ssraz , aral be alrat tr ia by
to Lao saoh • mat is him. re. 47
- -
I.lllafiereied Miathytery of IP/StebstriM
Tits Prasitterry motto Austhatown, Ohio,
ell ednedelen the ed lust. Bev. J. 1. 1 ,101;
the Moderator, I occupied the Chair. The
opening sermon lwas preached by the Bey.
ThOseas.,toinatotofrocaL Cor.
Thalby. DeOrge &nett, LW., was appoint-
led attallernate to attend the tnieh ton-
I veruMpnef Ptesbylerlans, to behold in Ph ll
suleiphla on the eth of Moveteber, Prom •
limaisoffditrid that a general rule, adopt
ed as a presions;Mteating, la relation to tho
mock,nttlen• of calls, be published for the
ben=t of vacant congregetlons under the
tare of Ftestrytely. Otis a. follows: Any
minister Of the ?es/Istory may moderate
a call at any time when leen.] by any of
the vacancies under Its cafe to do to. A
'mu/ •PP.lntmeht,wia male for the meld.
oration of a rill In tlmi , mengregazlonie
Deer Creek, Bethel andkladlson.. goy. Jon.
Douglas, ma. appointed to MOtienste
a .. 1 . 1 ht these congregatlons, as soon at the
people shallsleally them readiness. _lt was
ordered that, the moderation be hold in the
attrooh at Deer Creek.:
The Bey. Kr. Marna, an Old &heel Core.
neater, beteg present, wee Invited to Wee
seat as a corresponding Member of the
• Preabytery, on metleniresolved to meet
m the t irst Church. Allegheny, ch the third
Thunder of November, atilo'alock,ho hear
the report of the delegates to nisi...ruby.
tart. Union Convertunn.
The clotirman . of.the Committee of Sop,
piles Wes' Instructed to give notice to the
vacancies ender the care of Presbytery that
they are required to peyAmon dollars • day
for supplie, accord the law of Rayed,
adopted et Detest meeting.
Toe Rev. John Doggies, D. D., then pro.
sentedthe following roper on the autrject of
Psalmody s ,
. Wgaaaaa , Thril Preihytery did, in the
.;:pr 18.53, le obedlence to the ceder of tian
realertiVSZar,ridgn and try the Rev. David
nnedy, •.niffle://7 Protbrterr , for
groat violet/03 of the “mtsj.ktheti order of
the Church in the nee Of heman tsalmody,
hotb before and after sermon, andy In the
Wale/toe of sundry, tosixtbers of :yea/ to
one of the Pretrbyterien cherche* of Chic./
ca. 1710 4 3eltelpalt. CAI /food thrd
bitYl 'gm weer ..amer finding him gull.
ty, Presbytery fbrinally • Stespentled.eald.
Rey. David Reamed, from the elite of the
Italy IMMO for using 'human coerpoet.
Don In the worship ot (Jodi Andtvhermoi
Synods./ Its meeting held in New York dor.
leg the presefit year MOM. did refuse to
visit Its/ edictal displeasure or di/tap/Iron.
clue, ik say Wey, on one of IteMeleben,
who 66.ited on its lam that : tut bad 5004
and would continue to use human corn peal.
Mon in the worship of (Md. and who; tom.
over. challengettayned to expel bier from
the Marsh, /I fp its judgment he MuLifio.
Imo/ he law. Therefore,
Jgrogred. That lellentabh aa the Rev. Da.
via Kennedy was mumendentifultrllliSap•
pre.b.6l3/1031ar misaPP/kWon of the /.0 In
such e ow, the sentence - of entbenslon
pronoundeP upon MM. beatid the same m
herein; revoked. •
Nkmierd; That Inastaboli as The nottonnt
Synodal, its last meellog gore
hie evidence that the use of human corn ,
position in the worship of .by
-formed Protbytertang fe not worthy, In Its '
Judgment, el./odic/al oensure.and at outs
dt aubject to be taken contd./nee of by
church nonce, whether supreme or anto,
!finale, all the mintstera sod members en
der theatre of this Presbytery shall ho at
lito exercise their dlosoltions. in the
.AUeaten Psalmody. In the worship of
Bev.John Alford, of Hew soooncled
Dr i .trgtel,ll:l=a Introducing the
paper Ms object tut to secure • definite
and lineidaleocal deliverance do Vexed
question. The worts of the chureh bad
•iodged* , the sal:dam too. long. No one
would quesUon the Mot that there was 41-
.versity of pritediee. He believed It would
be tome hemming in I.7lllstisne 11 their
practkellantionited with tnelt laws. There
should berm partiality no the matter. If
OEM man can claim It me • right and a pet.
' , limn. thy .00014 not all be allowed to do
Um ganef . If some nedeVe they are pre ,
seated from expyingthe privilege through
the In terpailtlen ar11.0.70 barrier, wit/ mot
remove', (het harrier I rr It to not Sinful to
ueebulnan COmptoittdb M the worship of
God (and tide le to be presumed lneeneneb
ee 00 Minleanee has Leen Irbyaty of
thooonduct of those who do), should
there be the semblance at a legal probibl•
goal All be warded was e o selotonn7.
Bee. Thames Jaantlen never 1016 more ID
sympathy with the moverof the paper time
be QM at prompt. klebelleved Dr. Doug
las - always aimed at consisteney. In one
.avocet Of the Mae be lilord. the document,
hot he weld not, vote foe it. If the dm
resolution hod been predicated on S. diger
ergo preamble be might vote for It, but in Its
nresent relation be amid tot Then es to
eles eecond•reeogtion, It wan nal competent
Ipabe Presto te tomes upon insensuch
as lo engem plated • che the ctrine.
of th e 'church. He didan g
not in
think do there
Mould always be a discrimination made
between a law of Chrism sae ek law of the
Thai.. Gee.Soott, D. D., use opoteed to
the paper. he Ma .Ix. opened too able a
door. If It vas adopted. they *bald 1100 n
be eakerrie Monad all lave reiatiny to alt.
tour onjurice, occasional bear/ra, 6.e., ant.
To Mat aihrtrentelt reform ot the matter
of lmOdy, they mould bees to look to
the gaiter schools. He believed In "pa.
stye Loletation.. De would =erase c pay.
she toleratani. toward. those who had
vinalrel the leer.
Dr. Douglas dld not .belLeve In "toter.
Don.. De did not oak toleration from any
Quarter to do what _la "right." The wont
toleration sounded •Oatigely In a Republic,
1f It to rlcht to sing human conspoellion
uie worship of Gal, no court of Varlet dare
prohibit hilt wrong, no eogrt ot Christ duo
exercise c rassly* toleraUon.. Presbytery
as perfectly competent to peat on the
paws. because Items predicated on the no-
Clint *Mei last meetrog of the Supreme
J Wester, of the Church reference to
the matter under discussion. Oyu.' virtu
ally declartel that discretion might be ono . .
cteed la the matter. Proabytery cannot go
far astray or run much risk In making a
formal. declaration of a similar character.
The paper eCiedempleted , to. doeirdisl
change that as not been. made construe
'y don of blood, arid notorl.
ously by S a ocinct of many Wl:dater. Wad
01 , 11:11t*GIN Le Only kited that they be one.
tut Dr. Scott *Da at:omitted by B ay. by
ston that the further consider.
WM Of Van matter be InditilaltelV. PoinPoo.
ed. Tate notion was carried by one of a
majority. Dr. Douglas Mak 3201110 e Mat ea
ld yroulet protest and appeal to bynol
order that the matter might no definite.
ly settled. Presbytery then adjourned.
• .Z•rla 11s—Rs
Veretablo ••• Naas Cessna* O•les.
rilgar• bp I•is Prop r.
rvtlohnust V.'2fiksbi, p. 31; (irktt Is Past.
cram'. • •
•it woe la Aka lnila city, that gay Worm
Polls, tko soot et, Ingot, aep reilnernanr,
and tn., hams 'or John ,Igforlsoy,ang 'the
Mark Crook.
Tanner bed I anal.-andar 0 bow o'o4
days ay Urthotne srankto 44 the rear guard
an a drove by the esti/69Y a tbourandhlllX
.ny western Peaturylvarry. I Inn th.rfoo
',fok. and on 'Mot/way Wog a's/WI ,The
namblln, Jamblln, tam In wiuton4 and
hetithagedis sad comthaal the aldawalka Alle4
git/min Men. Rle rlch. the Pretrrthe• /o*. the ' PrOnd..thil'Aniabla, Uth
sited. th•Tolithroli •• • .• .
• I gated /nth the winder ay s. drag attra.
at at gazer infertnulooki That look bed ,
innocence oath my rather Ufa.
What did 1 the • -
A card. • • •
• Valuta tsar "Barrett's Hair neetoratirel"
'with anlabthav • taxa ;Mb thin gray lei
afore nth; it. and th e mane man with heavy
hair ea black ea Poe 'r etally raven sty the
al(lirlf;mtlltr:e rritirWlti:l4.. . .
/; ;nth malt. My halt wog gray. I bought
4 gouda nod
the apptlad U. ea by dlreulona on
Writhlen . .
hams Czar . 11.
l" : 1°:rA ftl° lb IVu.2ni taT:4O7:. 1:::11111747: travb:: .:., woeat hnTh bl .4% lthry !a way --- aa a o D With her
2oliergur, l e ak t 1.
.v" 1410 1:111.411:,.4.4:::: tone.
.14 1 2 As Ws morn to lb: bus,'
• -.4l7battillgt boggiblet 4bere
them Keay grown young gybe, es
when 1n t o hOoore berme thou woodit and
won me 1 ; aty';—that
bneetbl. it 41 11 Ur , and *be gemeadid et
mm~~ Tl4a Ohildren 1 bed more a t VittrtVl4,l%,:tig.nt:°,oo"ll.l tl•
that Wig Unntteurgt - • • 7 ° 4
..tiolboml4 00.61 sod oho to we to Ito*
Migi,ilitikilliki,"lll7 looks it Moot, Irbil;
Il l riartµl,l77;l '76l'll .4 ' ,::. a ,t o l aar•
llaod L A: 1 1.1"---
NUlllt • WWI , and 101 i "m"
n innath Bhp "Mt
1 a foliaY
ootY tray bait beftthe
171 .
. 4 ., :; R :1 0 4, anew .rnad
nuitankorphofm. 5it1rC66'1.6.61
o o m itin— h. dor loofa . oati% olotlty6Onitadoiroi;
,1:11plviottono iltrattieekt I Your wookottoto
11 . : :Mk colt fa with Taakee
potv ,ttutt was but t Iran
Mi r ka OVITIItt and Juan". t f
lir Ts mot And to I pi ° 6
tndt 1,1111 s ma 4166 on
0 cum ea II yktinglutes? bu bSk t
!Old beim/ kin :tower tboom 10 satithest!"
ri r t tri bOOtk.r lino TOO faitikiktik
Ants.., Looker eloeneeel Uspoirva.
Following is there lmfor ttie .I.otierVer'
rieri la .theitteoy any for- Idle LOAM. of
geoiember. ea' Infandiad as by rastatiatar
lill(elry. The report eilitelte the'notober
e iltuare, ofkrin‘ 94,11 Oropletuirevolleued
d delivered 1014163014 Wards of thoolif,
*salvor,. •
1 . .
,I■l ea.: 24 - .4 Selad Onnd r lntal.
141% 41, 0 4, . Alna •
~464 ?.7;1 2 : 9
1..17,1;4: Xbil ' Of: . iI,Z 1.610 /../. 1
TOia7R. O,ll ' I,lrA . TOW A
I" 1"11
on. ,l, 1.110 II , 3.1.11 r• c u
tap. 7*::
_..... ..-
2..44... e, i — ji,ifs as: zed 1.8:7
bara**l aster
Oat ;, asin IWO,*
Pt. or t0:171741
vloa; The " an
a d
Idyl; Sira%s:l3o
; • °Moors en d niertv
telltale/It mackpzteenptthy
o %Tr rtfiVrgnl;l e tl a Itt
Just credit, In th *M.
Setnr t3eark In the
no COmpany.=
: b atedi th r i ry trood u eet ,
FL: "uVeDrlatlo
A We. lloiitargia, of Whlte township, in:
Marla county, had both boud.of his Nags
broken, nit last Monday, by a fall from a
tree. In the fall, Ur. H. was caught by his
itch In a fork of the limb. Of the tree with
=exegete stated.
Tne Indiana, Amodio. aiTir "Joseph
Gilbert. Esti. of,tiotder, presented ea with
tuber of the sweet potable epeefitic rased
byblenself,poun by.llfteen in cir which ungbeilthreeimder hotf ,
d?, and easuring . Mae
eumfereb... • •
' Tug same Journal ea., that during sev
eral nights put, some men or large boys, at
present 'unknown, have assaulted the died.
ring boa. of Mr. Joseph Kinneret, in Meet
indiatm,breaking le the win dows •nd bat
tering tee doors with geom., and also
stoning the femily and neighbors whenever
they showed themselves oubdoon. Mutt-
lar deprettatlonshave been practiced upon
' Mr. Motel tiodlirinis Tenure', doing a
email automat of damage,
Hoe. Thatithrt's Statue, Is recovering
from Ms recent severe Indisposition, and
there arc - strong IMP. of bin taking
part in the again of the na ti on, To the
few friends who were permitted to see him,
the last day or two, he took* freely on pub- 1
110 matters, and upraised most hopeful
peoepaara. being present at the meeting
of Congreatnext month.
Maaraisda, wife of D. O. Prince, Esq.. of
York, died suddenly at her. residence, In
Smith Beaver sir.; Tortir night both
Bhe retired to her bed ant. ten o'clock, er,
parentiy to the 'nil:incest. of her weal
health and wu Mond dead In the morning
She died same time during the night; eel.
gently without imin, and mast have been
suddenly milted allay, as nO one knew Of
her departure tintli , the light of the morn.
g revealed to the family the /owl they sus.
duara troiversoros, who stele the ewe
Wing from tho German Eeformed Church
of Coambenbutg, in November last, but
, who e.aped arid ems subsequently arrest.
In Hagerstown end *ant to the Peultentia-'
e 7 for robbery in that place, having served
out his time In that inautotioniwarl hand
. ed over to thineer Mouser, who went to fut.
Moore after him, and brought to Chambers
berg fdr trial at the next tents of court. ,
1 TIM Ithoone Tribune sacs:-yew persons
Imes soy concept.. of the extent of the
berryitrade, on the Weltdrn slope of the Al
illthent of berries shipped.
Since the Ist of July UM, front one station
-I.lllri-1e far beyond what we Imagined
would, be forwarded from all points.
' close imamate thews that there were ship.
pp ed from Lilly's station, of huckleber
ries 11,20 quarts, as as average.' fifteen
coati. oar quart. making $2,7 8 / 4 of raspber
ries the same number Of quarts at the earns
priori, I Making Sitiela of blackberries., UM)
(mane, at ark nverase of six and a ball ciente
Per making 11.1.019. M. Total number
of quarts 920900 i total receipts, 0,197h0.-
Add to thisthe amount of berries shipped
from 17 1 nriage, Wilmore and other, points,
and souse Idea may be formed Of the extent
and Taos of Ille t sde..
wee "Cranberry day" for Erie.
hays the/K.I.W Early In the , afternoon
lan* parties, provided with tents, Menk
e., piovisions, bathe., bags, end pillow
easeathegan to del the boats,. and by flee
o'clock lathe attemsoon ail the . sail boats
in the harbor were ln regulation to carry
...the thickening throng. , .These boats
1/0115 continually rumbas through the night
and until Lute In th e forenoces. pausing
frestatrowds of Cranberry etchers on the
,Peollasula From earlymorolog until eyen•
ingelong lines of men, women and children,
carrying liege bus men,
their beads, filed
alongithe winding patb to the beach. and
estimated that not less than one thou
people visited the "'Stone Chimney , . marsh,
and that at least four hundred bushels of
berries were carried off from IL Both •
yield has not been beard -of before, and
there yet remains enongh to reward patient
pickers for • day or two.
A:ilk - make, 15,., the trial of Nicholas Tan
Div - ender, for the murder of his son-indaw.
John 'howls., gam commenced on last
wecin.d..• Tog :hearing of evidence In
the case occupied the Urge of the Court tus-
Saterlay evening. The trial alofted a
great goal of Interest upon the part of the
priblial.d there wash mud attendant* of
people throughont. There was considera
ble digit:tatty in obtaining spiry, the babel
of seemity.two persons drawn by the Com.•
mlesioners and some staty.dre talesman
summoned from amens the bystanders be.
rentbroegis • whit before a jury was en
co red. Tbe case throughout wen - carefully
managed by the counsel on either tide. The
deign. of the epee was mainly based UpOlt
the plea of insanity. '
L Lamina bras. button was extracted from
the side of Mr. .1.1/La (isles, of D.certa .,
'KIN . lout week. He had been wttancled"
In front lot Petertharg by • while bail,
which street him to the night breast, enter.
ed hnt cent. end pulsing through • portion
of the Iting,ledged fn the MUMMA, of the
beck, from .which ft was removed. The
button wan earned cable Ow and hull mt.
novo& him- ever slams, bet he Idea
tin ou y foreign substance remained In the
' •
Tax • JOhnstown correspondent of the
Ebanaluirg Peeress states that the Iron era
In the bOlt around Johnstown I. about
played Otit.n Prom fifty to one hundred
men have been searching all the mountain•
in the neighborhood during the past three
ingi LITZ:22I ' T'; * J. f. ' 1,1 i rked ate fon e n t•
taunted, the oteupatlon of none aye hun
dred men, Its that Owe, will be gone.
r 111 brick work of- the United Presby
terian Chnretl at SciUer his- been flatehal,
end the remaining part of the work Is , pre.-
gresslng dathdemonly. It air , ady presents
appearanes, and when com
pleted. win be too handeomeat church, WI
/Sae in the town. We are glad to know that
tinder the anemone of Ite able and reepeeted
Poetic. the her. John antler, the impugn.
blot le In r most healthful and prosperous
hoewax Aswan Bram was arrested at Pit
a ea days ago on a warrant from Tio
neat. charging Mar - with ateitliag Ste in
coin and . par In greenbacks. fie wag taken
Tionesta for trial., •
. W Tamiday but, Jack. Youroci was con.
rioted at Tionesta of stealing a let of well
.tobing and a •skiff. lie Was- sentenced to
the Peratentiary for two years.
Persica! Kitl.L.T, a farmer of Liberty
township. jMcKean connty, committed mil- .
Md. by hanging, a few clays ago.. 'ramp°.
tar 7 insanity. was the canoe.
Lea*. Yi. flanga. of WalMeniXiini hu
'heenalected meter of the Lutheran cm
gregattres 114 Middletown. Prilderick' caul
17i aid. • • .
- Man /iLLsorn Lona? ?Ai been apnofnted
Poomtstren at Franknown.ll.l.lx amity,
In znane cif James &Wine/tan. nno b.. 1 ra-
Lonna luso, sorkLng on the new *►lh.
Inman county lan hid nle Donlon Tanned Of
WUrty-are Oollarn • • •
Og Saturday next,a prise date will take
pima between Wm. M.Daia nog In Cleve
land, and Charlie Gallagher, lately . a reef.
dent of cherveland, but at iprasen.. at Least,
domiciled In Detrott, It the coming bat
tle premises to bee close and determined
one, .s.eft not one of Moe. dunes which
hereof late diagraoed the ring modem, we
I deem It worth ' tbri while to mike
the . moo and the arrangententa
for the tight. Davie to now training let
Clevaland, under the skilfal and experien
ced Johnny lamkey, who will undoubtedly
bring him to Demerateh a. fit a. it posal
bib to acalachirtv In the short s am of tune
w blob be. been glare for Coining, and•will
second him, The fight will tidts Place In,
Cerra!, Dans, DORM, United Metes
Marshal, atrested Armlet:to Andrews, in
Ashtabula county, tor
[revenuealege:l Oct Of
putting htmself as a detective. for
the Twinge of swindling. Ile made several
maws believe his well arranged story of
eatamtgalooeft by the Coverag= to
detect revenue fraud., and a number ot
them "hooked on" loge hem mstteri h 7
paying him 616 and upwards. After being
arreeted he eternal them nets wore done
while laboring under • temporary abuts
&lon of, mind, and sod, minettmee, for two
weeks at a time, he would be deranged
every afternoon, but perfectly. 0100 111 tee
morning. Ile was held. ,
' Too-Ohio Wool (Dowers Assoolatiotiquis
dentafed to hang. of the, present tariff .as
passed; end tha mark et preeent flePressed
state of the wool ts' dee 'to elfkol-
We Importations of wool and woolen% be
fore Its pawage, rather than to any defect
In the MDT or lee tebroginent." • - '
Tee tileubstivifte fferearMaYst Mott of the
nein ham been thmetted In the county; The
yield of wheat to the acre hi light, but .of
loperlor quality. hate not quite an good an
last year, but murk heavier. beim have
purchased most of the crop at Ibrly owes:
Tee nited Hein baseAell'cilb of Clucni,
but. rlelted MteltbeaeUbs.tottlaytbltuAlde
Awakes. who had challenged them. They
were. sororlied to Zed their ottomans
.Wang black men. pad shoot/tat the OW-,
Isaac Wes a forgery, The Kett , . .10 not
Tam ;LULL DenwernMays of the Wleard
011 Men,Whoare now operating here, "their
oil owes every known , dtrease,•arl malls
fuPldly. The' purchaser., god therneelree
badly aold. a. It becomes selliog business
all trOttnil," a. •
• 'Tat bus Dare are over le Clerelend, and
.ttiC u alityern report, that he has silenced
yelp of eke" haednid cad. Neon min.
u t c m k. l . ll be shopper daring Die pext, three
bat of the mottoes . Im , the , Datiociatict
nethertne et Columbus .reed thee:
come to the welt. hoyes Dlew." "Down
•wlut the Mot... • . • • .. •
Ci.TAINDAN2OII, formerly ilollattOr .of
elevaland, last week thatoity, aced
Tan AAWratur Alm marrows of Mansfield.
Delo, had a game of nowt ball last weak.
The tomer of course woo, • •
Care. Uossfar If: (intr. of Cleveland. dled
at Vick*brag lan moms
DAN Mew IA at Mansfield with Oh otninst
Ton Akron Ames la now published dal.
A.Aelegurban elites en Penneyhaute
Elegant Alsoosten wad
At Atm.leta.—The beautiful end
valuable Rehm properly, on Penns tweets
t zrz . b . rarArtrnearzib,wlgritV.
gr ib": -. T.':':' , 4`4l""lttarztarou nd
lrltteberge. s The teleorLt Improvmenta,
heeetlint 'neve, and convenience to e cite. 0/
thte favorite lawny, Sr. toneenouledi and
tLILTATAt 4 'n'n%7 I 4
@IMO lon and at brionneg.
00511nd by any Thu
morel ate the meet complete an en d
elegant In
eetratg. 'Thla - property VIII be mkt
ant Tne talaTevenhlg, con theme:tend door
of atel/walne's Auction gnome, 106 Amite
geld. street. gee aumianatlvertbienteat far
watillialwar awn wirounat
• ••••••••• otototrag TailitTACL ouy
uaxe et literalism rostra simUse. lieligior
lasellog 7.41Mra10. bran lira bTramral
sad Matti Kraals - ratios korai tor ur.
'Nally, au Man Sall agog rats* Tuft
- salad Orasetrael, Marts% Isms ate* bg
007 Dam to tag city:- go lratar.ragtoragi
Msreltra grail be "likd It. .
- Mugs Tog Tim leaxeST imam:
Ones of ME.
-Jed era Or M viper to OEO Prara
ag tbs slab. ' &tattle. to deli au be
TO gracerra, ram*, Tra ,
P.C.T. b 0 lira 2 34 slwatr vist Ultra rig
Mt tens • 01110,
scribers Iteslag bet oas rail • IlieL •
sap- moalip by Draft. Zsielim. Memo anew
whfikrialersdlasurs. asibciat moan*
Expe.ttlosr Ifehrei•solle, Part. DMA,
• Aecridle IMl•Fftg aI•ekIIWWL
let — ii , ezei..lA WI - Leos, Go. Xis..
hb—llowe Mee ttne Co. ... .. methu.
lbh—Woed. B. ILC4 Silver Medial:9 ll h tb - -4 }l lll ' leabsu" Ila.BllVer
....Silver Meda.
na IL Howe Bronze
IMlb — t
tl4ilb. Co..liouereblb M.inaaao
11:- .,
...... .=IITIL
bled• of
Double .4 818118 .Thend
Chat r. thlteb Neehluee were 888181404
bat naked iD tbe awards.—Art Ammo&
n llstehesiee. Love yang efleml.
=id tare them Plantatum Bittern whim
they are etrierter 'from Wervousues Gem.
Cr.l Debility, laTetuan. U;asma.po Say Of
the thousand and one duntuee to which the
weaker sex to llahl6 . geeing restregees
perieneed the benefit of their use, extai4
the ataestsa tat OtitPrat. Irma s c .
me will chase Itsposhondrhsor num Minor
—give tone to the damaged nevem' amnia
gently stimulate languid seetertlonse-flte..
vas and ennui, an ger
op the wo rn constitution. d
rot. eachignally
nexuOE Ms
alt twee It Is n gentle stimulant and a re.
freshing oordtaL Millions of bottle:. are
sold daily tall over the world.
daii{btiti talil
title—reporter toCoknixt• asni : M. halt
Etwilmets.Stasktete, alsallete.
White ell weal blankets at• Lee worth • 7418
• ceo 1011
44 P. • P. 5.00 IA
tip f it,
. " "
11,00 °' tope
o - o
Lergetrt, stock, e:tid atm t roods ery
seen in the two Mins, w t.cornwemar.
kat and Fourth etreete. No. fit
Tn. • 1 .4411DX.J8 STZIVAIIT;
Sah a / a llele awl Ate=lsemle. Ike neele
Resiouel sod gaempfel gielgual far
IrsoeSlet (glare II Ana •• Diseniese
the air /homages,
Al ra...crzen 11) 1:114 oatetz. A7lO. 1.1/
• • " .
Nors.—Dr. Abom devotes, etrefdal L atta .
tine to the treatment of all damns lark.
dent to the Eye, Ear, Houk Throat and or.
eau of tee ebett. If ill be ProdetildnnE7
his rooms, So. fuEppltbfleld etteet, frOla to 4 . • POW
Wanted,. W e ateet—ltvarybolly , f 0 . tO
the great eat, of Leta et Illiaefsyll*Moo.
day, October Tla. at 9 WeleeJr. Yves mew.
Woo earn leave the Coon Roan aver: hilt
Plans at"
flalekyarri rev Awale.—Oa Mir larleamt
Dare to day will he Sound all ertrartlemellta.
renting for sale all Or one half of Lae • bell
locaten • end Ireproyed brickyard la file nblghborhood. /0 le a rare ohmage • LOMA*
goon investment, .and tunes iriabrart
engage In the Inmates dieting make early
Timed beteg the aeismnohmiffoi sum
of Life. It bettors* na to sae none bans
mussed sweet ankle, and winnow of IMMO
bettor than that made by James T. Wray •
Bros, at Connolly% old steed. Ilea Sl anq
It Irwin street, and marl by all
mae It
Hemel! fur 41L—Grest We or Lola
Mblersrllle, Monday, Onater 'at
o'clock. cars btu. the Corr) Roue ene7
halt hoar. Free exeunt!). Flew se
* • .:131trntox, PUT= t Ce..a..
Elaolkena—Elsr6r la selling Mich • below
awe= quaatlone la BIALIIkKI4 AMBIT WIG
also, heavy, all Wool, only OP L pa%
Mee, now la the ttme,•usd LtitkerS
the üboo, to buy your Dry Goode. ~ •
IIeOWITHEOZ—ii9LIO os - 11rodikelasy •
October Td, la Ilials city. 12r to in. a. bilemp,
man, at,the bit.* at its bride's MINT. XI.
JOSZPII XeCOT9IXO ld mi.. mania.
isceuTss:Jaus.-o.,ii i p
mater, Ootabir 141 W. !ZI the prisaitamig
Cbarilt. 1m I'Mpenacerillf. tfr th•lt••• ■taal .
;mania. Dr.4OA-1(115 C. PItWZII. of /UM
burp, aao MI,. BULH 811111MILL.111,, at
Temperaneetr:Cgr. .
tiIITd..9IIIfRIDAS.-0a Widaestry;
Oar K th. haVleaea of Um 1.1 . 1,140. pap
real., at Elbaildto Plano. D. J.W.LW=
of Teiperallerellle, 1.4 *lg. ANSI , 'Ne
RIDAN: ' •
Vredaloday, Oa.
toll./ 51, MD, at Br
Dkllfakt Iq tha'Ser.
J. Treece. aleufffir. 4.:1118BOIXT1S1, - of
Selo. Oaktaat toeralble.Allegbeaeweittf.ra.
ltd Yra .IILBT ZCD. of glataturSll..
BRIER.-( 1 a 2 awl Ity 't's. 00.1.223411;
14 k`taladelphl} JO. jolt even Nll2 MOLLS, 1 the
the .11140 a )1144 trat'odi Op* .
reeld.te, h Wen Musa.. Alleghsayoe
?moat, the 4th !att.; it 217]1.1.'She Mehl/
.4 Ilia 442t4 Drafo.6lo2 are ruptethaly
Tit4a to .stead.
—01:L Tared.. at 214fiist ttrelelit
;4 , 01 ; ta1 . 041 . 14.81 talitair t of
41.15 den. •
. the ftraeral 1,111 feta pleee trel: the 22.11111
of ler parssda, P'o. a Walla Am..
on FRIDAY, 4th Wt.. at 10 Vale. A. le.. he Wee
. 44 le Aneitheel Cameta7. The Meads OCAS
really are...L . OllY Ittalted attehd.
Wtaile.x.T—Thefeese eirohn2. October . *
C atteric. terant d.ititArtf De. J. WU.. '
hlhry 110CIhrg Wither,. aged 4 sheaths 11 .
Funeral B. rarlT itcounia. et 10 &abet,
E VALI qui al g i ng ki 4_llll
150. 106 Youlb meet. Iltiabara,
007 TIM of sit kinds; MAXIM 010174 lOU
every doorMsnlos of forseav Ihualaltlas
800 opme4 sad WOK . Hese.
Daszazarco—Div. David Derr. D. A. 11.%
IL. W. Jamb.; AD.., Statist Swim, Bob. Jai.
43b H. XIIIcr. .
RODGMBS. 1711110CUTAim
41/BALIA2II. Moon*? M
Isto Humid E. Badgers. No. SO. MU IMMO.
throe aeon from horror. Anstemy likP ,
igif ilosswood. lilobosssa. Walnas Gall MM.
Good Imiistloa U.Aah M Ms Mout MIMS
pilaw Booms opium all btmsi, /MY Sad WPM..
fissrm carthwea random cm Use% WOW •
sod os most removable toms. •
E, DR . 1311.
DEBT/UMW. Ofdai. 344 Oslo Maar*
lanaglo. Boomood aad *am Oaf.
Ens, with a coasalstaatook of [Moral tetalildal
good. as baad; anal faraLthad as aboaa ( 4.011110
at oen totem Oslo sad Limy dual/sow.
oar of lain ova atm= Ersatars. Oarrlalla.
ISarotteaos, Om*, N6CY lacosea. La« M. .
toe biro.
—A. J. lIANNADW, ul MgAIM pt. ,
Dam. waasAinso
&lulu alibi
SPY. GLASS 3381,
otos 04Cs BY
Jewelora aid Optional,
as a:3l4as is
(300CUROlt To aoemerros a SOOTtI
321321.4.. reir,
ZIG 3 7 v
,•1174 rtrytMatiln.
wltlnt i ZgrlrgiN!" " 1° ""
. • r.
- Merohant
wrras irr
ear of ree•rai Wen where be le Sow tom}
lehbLivravl a r c ti
Indeb erNire atatiteetdi rrlNemetrqk
41771Int4PAinieralito &TX raiVrirM
w t ia ea wa x wen rerv o re wet" ,
ell WT LEI ter. et reebm.l.
mumnra 1412,..mara. densto as ihroullmwe
Twaptlis. sMolsieg ilk• imp. me wawa a
c.. 11. Menallaysl. Timms EA Ma seal astr.
ablololOot enuitry nrSdnues la Lminsmigvi;ly
Sulam Ilan. am. !was be wow.
istour• littara
Su! Zstait wa 11/11U11144 Armitr,
FOR AikLire.ahilt haneiNiali
• .0 v.. dna:ool.TM= 111 . 0 . 111 r 11,1110 Z
/310 i,. 11(700i • slum* No. 10 170.0.00
11110./...' 4100 10.0 la atm.. as
00i et Ilka 11004..01 Is riums",,
.m 4 mw runs alar siie. TM* inorat/P
wortb ta. atuation of Rbm 0005Zdt I
base; SILL Sol I.ol*
4 00 . 0 .040.0,21.1qA.01.
to Laurreso.ll4.