TEE. DAILY .GAzmg zieu=MOD ly 1‘01113111:11i, littrium siairro4 NIIIEMILAI, RE ED ar. Co; z.z.„03 anus. Bit 517ILDLire. f IMO. MI Aim Os ...........-- num t , . Ilan 116611,1 hpor if %den hossyhial. . - ; rum PAPEII OP f ?mana AID =man cm , ..... as To DUSTS . 6 § - 7"......-.... e " male. b...."" .- r.:' 'ii l o. i . lukta.... . smarm . i FIT now. 1 C VMS to Gag* P • Wownaw CANDIDATE. it 1 , ' no loyal Toter , Mina _Commonwealth ; yak ao higher tributelo the worth and character of Judge Williams than the iWowing neat compliment Ladd him by the only daily Delo' collie Mar 01 We Pennsylvautithi day ihlkerini his nomination. ' he nomlistion of the Hon. Henry W. !Miliaria as a candidate for Judge of the Hupreme Court, Je a good one. He ; was the best man named before the Re publlam Convention, andposseseaslegal ;and ; moral quilticatiorulfor the revolt sibb pmdtion to which be has been nom. bate ,& gothostim have now present . id their mndi An important duty luiC Wen bittiftlly discharged by -the anspective conventniug: . ken by the falling-weight of fence dm bet. co — m mn e g s othn ea C ec i t n u canti tar r h ß e av fo . rth- Dr. Storrs, v. Brooklyn; Rev. Dr. Fulton, Bos ton; Right Re Bishop Clark, of It, -Prof. L L Youmans, Thoodore Tilton, Fred Douglass, K. Shaw (Josh Bil lings), Hon. Henry Wilson, lion. Hor ace Greeley, John B, Bongo. • . • • —Ten? ratty Mecca of the late General Phillip .Kearney are about to marry the Hon. Megan, NeUesieynnd Pans, Item= of the EngLish aristocracy. Each of the young fatties. beehies otening Im. manse estates In Heir" Jersey, to worth $50,000 a year In her own right. • . &ward has purchased sev eral bun acres °fluid near Webater City, Hamilton cuunty„luara. . TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. —Ohmatahfcraer /helm has wrhton a Ist. ter to a gentleman In ltew Tart, athtlag that. b 7 law of Manama all =davits aro re• Ilnal tram gawp duty. —d. dispatch front Charleston slates Chet U. ticlfarshal Goodie° "Macon reatocke tb execution of tbe proems, of the 17. B. Court stayed by General ackles.Order No. lueno that (Amaral Canby bedlam:united alarms Commandant at Yulmlegton not to runs` fare with thitattento t. —The Few 'York 'llitstic Washinaten roe- Gat mays the FrasidenVe pcalUon on mon. strucUon le plainly stated In the *WMe be iffea•flouthatneso pardoned ander Maio, oult amnesty oretnantatios: He tells them be cannot re.open realstration without rtru. Illng the risk dt laiminatimant. Ite also aim that shot proclamation of asanosty. U r4M.ii t toi nm adt Ironic! focal& in dlarnid. dackle,el oc.t. a n Went reeloircm - 1 r lut i d = 1111 and U Geeleriere of that tarty bait o 0, 1 . Mull to minor tbent.the_peopla wYI pop dock to the en bon of the JuniciltrY_____. He L4 , 41r , altri, • eff toUppfsilLUllla coon. conceripaka mono Ia ihmitsia. ttdiciftitio urtitutorcsleasius..) • e .7in• Toxic, Oct;11.;-A EcaisinieUtemirm teuMt. at Of ilawaxia. • ri=7 ea Zcazi oirre=l dila: the Liu botAriescalteti con Ms iter INDY UP taksoreti%. vuonlacnitilo mu; the ocoeulono4 tho maispktelLlMl Yellow /ever litiperls. uprig.gokWl rituDannewtl463 Kamm. OCtObe L — MlreVartoi aboai 741110 w Amu , mina. bare an *mum, graimilenik !here ere Lave been Ann few ,rulen Itere nnDuget. bin* treen New !rya 811 [Attrost . tism day Does* Destroyed sy MT,Ws)! to the ritteteteth tteiettaj Yessesoad,Ootobar .Iy, t.—a. ss treathkio iy4oe4Gosh.Gem=sil_L u=„kilAratZt (pi Tolagisayi ft Qs !Malaria a.m., • Levan:LLD, OetoDar 1 , 440 ATE' L Stew. 11 4•lllMem . 1141.1 Werib 43 X/aatiell la the oalaal. • FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. IMPORTANT FROM MON STARTLING ''RUMORS The Revolt in Italy Serious. GOVERNMENT REFUSES TUE POPE ASISIsTANOL apprearnsienstencerainglbe Ilene bete ern Mr and France. THE PARAGUAYAN WAR Fenian Prisonefs ' for Australia Traprraph to lE, Pittablarsla I/ netts OCT—rop. seriies sm. - I , `Loacroa. October s.—The rebel; have Takao 41.4tespeadeare. The Pripe'a soldier, eat aid of Itoly. Troops were dented: - .The reVatile sett:ma' Imbroollo between 'ltaly and Treace serloria. • Amaral% mow.. • Lannon; " . October from Italy iire . nterillig, A - dispatch *am Florence tate atila evening says the oat. brink agYllitalao le ban smelted. alas small Metal of Otansmadalate,'ln'elaVtgo; hob been' .eapbaled by the lbentams, who now have fall IMagenalem of all the roads leadlng to It. The , eambairster of the form of the ?copulas Baked the Italian government for blatant abilatam. Usti refines to famish any soldlis* Torre I. no longer room for doubt that tOrraf'o4 1 11 110f101.S. 'Thafe.ore uai'mmaellmahOnslOnsof the intaireption ovrrienglg rant:lone between Italy and . , . • .11102• L D111.70E13 sztar—savol. : • • •1111.1111.0. . lletireies. October-f.-The oftlabel att. Patches bablnhed. tei4ay ass . elleutt bre• data to none. but ecreffrso the regents that • =Tett had broken out is. the papal Prot, Woe of V/textex ENGLAND. • /MAGNI{ TON. GURU, AIDINAGII. Loewe, pet. - remise cowrie* who have hitherto been confined to Aar Ilvh and Well PO L, have taxa ZOlosd on bairn treneoorte for Aostiella to verve Out terms Of sentenoe. Lornow, Oetobisr A—The mentbena of the Masonic order bet nicht save • granAd tier at Gravesend; to . the oftliers of Parra eat's heirship, the Franklin, now Iytng 011 Hutt port, . =EI • nnarrnot P1iV1.01,11171112 RarJ.ol.oetiMer —One hundred deputies In the Bortli German Parliament, We even. ingotigtteal n forma- Dental unmet an) terringemenfor ittettrhatte of the long ea' tabuibed marttlmhititrtiegee of those Ger. MA SWIM Mullah border ne the Battle hes. EAMMISZO:A.III,7IB .02.1M31r. ' Butte. October I.—The city of Hanentrh e.reses to Mtn the Zolrereln. WAITER AMEMICA. . rn PARAIWATAS aotrl s t.e n 1.121111, Lcotomr, Oct. d ,- ,habaradvform from South America are: recoaed: • They Moe no Ma nge Lute w •. to the remit of the re cant bombardment of the ParaamMao Mr. tlehations, Minato that the Brannan and Argontina name Were laetalt. burraffe oft Humana, and the laittforese Of-the allied DO were are .maktag no preparattem for . . RII.JIMMY. aosirre at stesszas morasses. ruse, Octobra: i—the usinspapanor this eity potent& letters end calms documents to Pone that Louis Kossuth was engaged in the nitrades• With agents' of the Russian Govaronsare 180. CAPTIMI MP MIRA. Alanazn, °toner L—Goneral Lora Jun his roookred the etunitfalon of Canaan General of Cabs, and wn.l hatnefflately tall Ear llama; AINRIVED oV i. .4.1.1011, October 4:—Tho steamer Atlaata, from New York, bas arrived bare. • 11SAIIIISLaL Alllgt LtvaarooL, Oat. 3.—Co' non opened rather valet; eallmatelmlas lOgrie . 101; mlddlhur onlands el: IX. Breadstalf =vast' Maud quiet. Corn Ca Wheat 14. for Calzfornla White. and Us ad for lifilwan. leo rod. Harley I. bd. Oats 14 6d. 'Pea. Mr. Pro:regatta...Poet Pork 714. Dawn 44. Lard AIM. Clams de. Petrolatum ls tor splztts, and 3310 for refined. Lolsoi. Oct. I—Noon—Markets narhan gad. Lennon, Ciet 0.--Cosuml eteadri ate{ 6.14 i .Amorleart meant.= bean nail deldinlng an der the advances In Neer - York. Salt elAg; LUlnois Central MO Ede (1141 Ate , lisnlo and Gnat Weston. =, • LrnutrooL, OM. &—ilm m—ColtontnaeUre anto d q Bd uotaticele nnebango4.- Breadstrillf— T/Pa Pr • °'"" Ver4l fr i ari t :, 1 4 to • 34. Awrwaar,Oetotie r 2— Zerrring•—Paireletint Y firmer. With We. of inamitra whits franca Per /CO kilogramme. NEW YORK CITY. CST Trasissph to the Pittroaurt Saurus'. • r Ilatr.Toar.Oot. 4.1917. asoarrunt son tatmor. • About three hundred ladles nom Errs seated to General Sheridan today. At the close of the soneitlott. the (feria:M-101 tor 111rilIVAI Drain mos. At the =Wines of the Alaideltl fable Union, hilf/YeetarftY and t 0.11./, the old ofhoers trete reAdeeted. Th. mew.. for the year were 686.127, examaitoree, $54.111ta Bibles received, eint,l9l, trowel and gamer. Ilea. math The dlsenallone were elute in. • • sirs Os sca—irrocx bigwigs°. • The bark Elias 13areu took Ore last night. /he was amirlderably dammed •od A considerable number of cattle and sheep were drowned.. The vousl Is owne4 In nerztioda and wee to tall t041a7 with a car. LOO4lOOO 04 SS" 12==== re the hurdle race, General Wllliate• beat Blackbird am" Tumult. 'kW the sweep. Makes. two miles.. Viral/ Nat MorrlamY by half au length. Time .The bursary makes wen Wm by Mr. lbed.oolt, beatica Sanford's Bock three lengths. Time 1:67X1 dlateace ate cello, Clement boa the Coo - solstice purse, =the beide, beating Jidda, CM/mud) and O. Patrick. la 14$1, la/ 54. • = • ' Thotria a Maguire, one or Ma proprietors of the Japanese troupe agiders, wu two. tally. beaten last night by two men, who tiled WWI, him of µad Uralic& One of thew was arsenal. 1•114,0A1, ACCIDNIT nr ataisr.. - • • Two oar. were throw, trout the traok on tee New Jersey news: t i la Jersey cats. toslay, by a mall . 2i. talk candid onla wheel. cau• log co e damage totbe Oar* and road, but body wail Injured.' ; - , - vionsta znitivonz ingcridcdr; The election of Directors °tide Unica TB,' ciao naurmei pooroossa. todnorisnr. Marmon, Is believed to be mimed. - • I.II3ILICAS Stara 901111TT113. The !tannage:an State Committee bold. tag a onailon In the iteUgnatitan Jiang, in Mit city, gt taaarting toeml arge tartan name P 1 16.• • PRILADELPHUL Hard ley lavas ne Ist eed—lrtel. Whisk; Slasseet cel: amebae& . . (ea Talesseph to tee rituemit Ossettel • - rinba o ateatuo/td....l..—The Batman In: spitotort. made a told on the uniteatised whist, stills in the northern past or the eitZellbe[ardlty last, and were driven off mudspeople Ad the. vicinity. To.day'they seethe? raid. with an /assessed Agee but tired worse than on Saturday. Lavin several at their party badly wounded wi brit** abd ple,ol shout . They nelson sever. al etills, and were taking them orr In the ear.. whe l e Jultellrewd amen and women attacked them. reasserts] the copper vu. eels, and drove off the Moeda Deputy U. 0. Xershal Schuyler received Nis serious wounds. Thomas Law" lane of the rioters. near*hot in tia• bead. The and occur Part itiehladeld t which le madly In. tunnel by the lowest Ow or Irish. Deputy II tribal Schuyler bad his plata 1 taken Dont hint His weeede are not seri ous, though he was beverelY teat.n about the heed and arms. Deputy Mendel Gor. don acted with greet - finery, when the notate charged upon the inroltare oats loaded with distill.ry apparatus, azni drove the ...down boob :several .. Ulnae Worms. etUla 'ad other trulterntle ware culled off by the Motors, and hulaen in dirrerantuarte . or the DetillorY.Diatrlat. It we Deere. table for the officen to find the whereabouts of the mulls. Tall city pollee forge appeared op= the Knead and !located the Menace ....rs to .... mud." into the city. .Tba revenue *Man did tha they could ender the cintunelauort but beet the love was too smut mankthe raid badl posed. ea it m hetWeed . 1 ... T - l y ed 01241 deloek, end ooal a an and Dish Do the coal wharves were all at Maui awl ready for tleapillolale. • NEW YORB.STATB Demserptle State Clateeraer ll rrerehb oyerfile grinfara—Tam mac 00..a a Hsu ' , Ans.—ave.:en Gov. Men C Sy Telegraph to tag Pittahargh Guette.l. &sutra, tiethheg B.—The Verriberahle State CoitTentitai was, palled. to e&der„. by &ammo J. Tilden, hthrifiated Mayor HoiTtrikii, of trew York; as temporary PM- IrkaCh mottrha was easrleA amidst ehaeig.' Mayor Magni= Made a ilpeeah,Malit,h4o. Democratic victory/in Ifotennher, 'Minoan°. ins the _radical party mid negro suffrage, controverting the 'lowa of Senator Conklin Ina the Benutillean Convention , armlibig relftet law la 'unfai exc i s e pted inn/. and denouncing th law as oat. ens, oppreasive Mid Baia t h e regent to ths National debt ho said" the Democretic- Pliny Would pay every dollar, ba t on spirit as well as letter of the bond, could on)) bo paid when the government passed Into the Minds of art cootie toleal,pinly, and when the protein, channels bunion es tate! , LLoa we reduced. •-- . - A reclusion was adopted that the Tam. many orgaalration toe regular one of the Penn and giving Banta to its delegate.. Another recitation, recognising the riosart. Hallparty as gonna Demoeran, and Miring to delate. honorary ecats, was adopted, With e narriendinent Intl thing the Merman delegation. The groat tosetnlttees were appointed. AS the afterneentresalon Horatio Seymour wee chosen num President. In his apnea on the onalrsUOinsinor- fl ep, mom. midi lin cannot, if we would, eseape from confronting, the problems of the day. •NeiClier hatlity,. honor nor patriotism will Sager OS AO stand Sleuth or tactile° In the , dark hour of danger. We have pot down rebellion. We are now struggling with revolution. * The drat was sectional, the heads roalversaL The nest sought to divide our mammy, lint lams Datemenis to siestroy . Ito • Seymour Minded.. to the Mantes against the Preattlent and ta DA s ligex , „ , , Hone st of other J et Hone of Beprestanarres. /en ~ ate has pursued the policy of revoltitionary Intensity. In Its, baudness It la striking euleidat blow" egalusi Lt.:A{.44l.W°. 'lloo,.Colorado trestay tml the nalt, et • People• In hew York. It wee admitted merely to gate tee Votes in the Mhaggle: With , the treentire. gut •r act IS In view. Twenty Sena, ton ate is iitinaitted from ten Suites lately lb belliod, rt,tuiLwa,,-,ttr of white people, nor v.ela catigetheybohl the Mows of a majority of the Senator,, &aqua%lt Sent to Wmtilegtoo DY their NO this revolution begun Minuet ate ott W lip Ma logical just tad. It must ' not Will oh the meek' of the majority, of the emertoau cople;t l l:24,Zro... but na r. : : , Grt eentilabanaretstes. SribuySoriftlelen• Store not to beanie caret:lMOD. DOCetteti, with your vast poems: YOu_r °Ministate's: Is at war with impanel' litrrage pertlitl rePlimentation. If yen: eta. tine°, goer . inurpation the country now not be content WILK driving ytakhaa within Constittitionel limits. It rosy go farther and acting upon doctrines boo other l s t' ye ar e trails d n manhood ViiMhiveere=t7onairr, "Tdithor any Willie 'lilies yen ntnyistaout. New Iltikols?tiVsiort't tainNhio, n lows, Minnesota and Michigan, with amajorinof the people, all of which we now mrtaally disfranchised in your body, tor they an, controlled by the repreaentathres of a quer ter 0 1 oar If our goirernereal-, 'ls to be' rester d, Will Are their tell Manta • Governor Seymour devoted cinch 'el 01. speseh to the dnanetal question. tie °epos. ad - repudiattno. Do not, he Bald, the ri• ports of the Secretary of thaTreasury thew we, could swiftly wipe ant atir dent if oUr theme we not dd to ar doen. It Is uht It la evo retepodiatienparllsge to force p our legal tender open the bond hoidens. What makes it mo The low endue! tee renetry.-, Build that up, make year paper.. Rood as gold, nod this question:C.l3nm come up. He appealed to the bond holders, with whom we are straggling, to keep faith, not to add Ihreefoldliithem Darden. by aptiolding policy wfuntLdistractl ter coutitn, ends.. Ben society strOrriplecou" Cloyentricint and oppresses labor..:. .. Altar a:lndtng to. tie inurietair drawn Iron the people fa um on alcohol, One itionted and afty nallkatie of olden la *Monti, 41.1204, among °facers of the law,and violat es of Of lan be'sald. give de ban' Our eaminerae,teama.the tagaUon Of the -North, shorten the Doan Of labor for or' inecleenics t ratan the arlee Of. our , t ight give tie beta our ruloo. Let us . tight for miehle rights, for freedom of opution, for A bove es management of Donna attains ni l, let us do belie tor the salvation of the Union and may God .defend the Oahu._ - 5 A Committee on Doeolatlons was appetint• ed after which Bon. Jas. e. Thayer sod A. t e , d m the w Co . nventioa, • • SAINT rAitris: • - to , • . . • Cay Tal.grapit the seam ; Ctletitresansar. ' Sr. rotia,OeL D—Tbree rane. took riaceitin the L.:44a eogree ibis afternoon. and ex cited a good deal of Interim. The drat , event WWI digh,for tWogge olds. tree for all, forgive handrediSoligra.„'l twee trot by lobo Davis' Lexington 1111 Y, Over A. C. Yeanklbm's Lily. by 11111 Cheatham in /01. Tbeeellood event ann. mDe Isealevase far 1114 to role, for a penman: of IMO; second boos The eatries were Franklin's Viola, Smith's Nellie Owynne. ?Aar Me, Ale:solder% Jonesboro. and MAW. sor. red gelding by Matt Davis, all of viands Martini; l . .Toneeboro was the favorite by large odds. The Drat beat was takers by Jonesbore• by a length. Gwynao 1/Zola third, Shaw's gelding fontil4 - Missile dletaneed; ulna, 1:1631:: •Mta Anti .tb4rd beats were Won by , Owytine, beatbas Jonesboro In the former by a neck, and Shaw'. gelding in the latter by two length.. the latter bona wbantng the second tuba.. at.2.let but beat Jonesboro was eeverim , in. rise t lOlB tenti l eneaisft far s Mr a i ofTrZ t Va a f al atMay'a grez ; te:/ ' n ' ili by Mettle:ter Abel - 4.e , 1/Xif Slistaals_.entrlet. 71111,1xlial://fts mon eastlY by thernoke, In two straight bents, under Kroog :n liMMObld LOW Pattenton, trainer lor - Joboaon a Doug bula, we; toted doffs tr. lay for la IMMO/ tehanol totrardstli• calomel the alsoelatieti. - • • ktat.Uovass k.lSoell. mamba; at con. pas. fraralk• . lairlakot tele Slate, Oust bare We .14.011111.***+ nabs rale I.kfaravealeles first that has fallen for several waeks. TauMmu 6/4ri1661.r.7kMk. . 416km/us Blissear—ltilwatsm Saltylees MfWesta Meraums—OqulsMAM6 Mateo( Affi re ha„ .101stesus. • • • Me7irtiiimhilatette,l • • ' Fwoooo, Oetoberl,—Theeilenalve tatatierlgo4.Arool dressing - seatillshment Of Ilidgley at Daub, was destroginfttygra . Let night. Lolls abou1.11100,0)1. ' • • Farther Karabin admen state ,that the Meg opened the legligatfrivaeseesbiy poison on•Slepteretier - Tee - treaty web' [Stilled Mono VOW Ile lath bra nearly meant. - J. 11. Delahigne, a prominent merchant of Oen Praccdpoo.cOtantittadealetde 10.42117. The Matt Franoteee" Imarrenoe Compel' bee deal red • quarterly Allyirienti nt Soar . and shalt per coax • 1 Floor arm, at ••40007, and Origon at 116,10. Wneat le firm at sllgegmati for routes, 14,, m 1 ToOdon.M. • . .etrEsowa. 8414 15.... A memorial to Coeliac* ' , as prom ritoCl to the Teritorial Ascrimbl. It politic. tor the prow r :Amcor the Govern y . went agalnoothe Indians. It states the damage to the peppy wM eoWfolt tuaroely • =ad or footpath re the Territory le eats for travel; not Oven 'Willem near, military camp. are setture." Valois apeegy team la /sneered. thee win have to abaa don uto territory. it iaalte Con gros. to Oa.' Molise to. Governer to raise a regiment of volunteers In the Territory in the imrrios of the United Metes, till the /helium are sob- smiaivxOte ierairnS. lieelpybelty .Trebly ramee4 by lb Low•latare—/be Abbey . , MY Tsleirsob tla the Pittsearib rie.l Bag gitsectsco, October 2.—Dates frost Honolulu state teat the reolproolty treaty Saved the Honolulu Jesuit... Wee out &liked of :11ententber, by • dote .- if( thirty-four rbede are. The bill was Immediately by 111. Majesty tholkiog. _ • • - Tines' epaulet sem 'The irrement lo the !tenderloin Islands for annexation to tne VOISed State. was go strong that the /Hag !iris obliged to ratify the rectum/CRY Met] to itneli the eXcHettleni., „. ' frogrAtt.o. XiteaCuhe Org.l.—The reOlPftelltY 100 0 1 7 between the United 9tatea and Hamel. Isbutds passed to linemiee Leetleleteto_ek c 10.3.1 et 60- teembe,id erwileibeemastr What &ref ePPrwee By the King. Araßente., B.U.aw at sae ifeetlenc ray Tsietranb tit lee rticoperencte.m..l._ _ eirroonans, Octoberill—lleitfilie ‘twO days Mee been received from fifteen noun flea ' The nistber. irtrethltertlitmitam fa. CIAO, end the somber of Totes polled a 4,300, being 3,100 morn than the required scalority, • OctdbarilThere were no deaths from yel l ow 1111Yer tao.l. The tollailvotek ofIMODUe noway le mho, or whineone hundred and twelve are mattes, and nearly all for the Convention. OIL REGIONS.' . . , jams Bapaallokon Moollair as Potreo. loans Catalan • tas VaanaDk to Aka Flitatgre• Blketio.l Pirrnoetrittlanna.M.Octionmen—Thi t ee !snow a large SAM - settboataiMinnpublitimm Ineette i nollue on bare the I>aems erm - preirent - treat - all plata of ttieinstonsosith torches sad 'canna at nitrate. 'A onniter Of wan known epenetli are praleoL -- i4,i:Nv.tl; ::'..,mi. Yellow IP•vrailslam= Howard AO•01114111111111 Mina( ZI/1111:11agut m a landuss. (iv Tal•Crapo to to Martina eautt.i.) New Ciamutas, Oct. Inte , 49nti fan twOl l 47 l .fOAR bears opiltaig ftorsteigoiere 11u741::-.CI0IV8etras4 Asolxdattem sowires 6 aringadmistame to own meted mallisiosverairthig um• cans of rem SO eta* EMUI LI sv, r ffl SUN in FOUR O'CLOCK, . A.-,M FROM IVASHINGRON. Removal of, the Beietrios Of: the Asitssination, piqtr slot!, CONCERNING BOOTH'S BODY. Conscience Stricken Patriot (if92illgrave Vitae rittsbargatiasetta.) . Waietasrroe, October 3, 1161. porroa caOrairgn SL The Statistical Dorian 11at1atatalib1.404- 100 Clop - . .or Alabama, Georgia, ILlsallaip . l,l and Florida at 939,033 bales. Lona! TO ractiktrnaaltSOLDl , -. Bonds and !inside latidi tine titian hued to the Union Paoiflo Itallroml,earthe thlh teentli smitten of thirty-flue a kan tirbleh oompleteathereitil four bubo deny; five Mittel from Omens.' _ 1 lacer dauaaa. ; . ~ r l ,• Brevet Brigadier General Persyth, NOV Of Um Teeth CaialrY, has bebtreeteribed front duty a. Acting ittalsulat3issifeater of too Fink Military District. COO ordered to report to the commanding tioseral of the Department of lIIMOneI, 4 Beentet • Major General Wilt BOITOMit, Colonist Of the Tlit Infantry, with. beediliartele Of that rem. tent, to take' tn. poet at JeWereon Bar. rob Tat e fir:fx