The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 03, 1867, Image 1

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    THE" DAllar -GAZEm
rozza wz , * mi t loure:
chows Vie;!
Fano& sarstris suaisss.
■M. Si LID as swraz irrautzr.
411114". hpirssa hpg of Tidos holt lois
i , ans or mom= on
~.warnmammar. 8,11%.70.12X1LT
, • EN= OF =I DAUM
Zirf s atari=.l; t 74o7,ll ar k
Adlitaire. CesIcTIM
• rrrnisnies. rynxA.
nArittsburpt Gairitt
The loyal Total of the Conunonwealth
ask no higher tribute to the worth and
clunkoter of; Judge :Williams than the
fblitrwing neat' compliment paid him by
the , only daily Democratic paper of
Withal Pennsylvania the day following
Ma noroblithni. It add: ,
congestion of the Ron. Baty
W..lSRastas as a candkiste for dtedge of
the Rupreme Court pis, a TOM on Re
was the be tan named before t he Re
ptant= Conveetiom; and posses/allege!
• endears' quellilltaions for the respell.
aINI pmtion tc which ha has been nom
. =Ms&, eetididatea, ~ pekt, parties hare now present,
'.'istAisk rtant duty
f e rn' i
, ',llsg dial:Urged
by the
:tIA . The campaign
riW, l l MW t :berOunducted.igayntepsrsonal
ll ie s hierif;lindskeldisd-Upenthl . l vac!.
Itheitif their° great pettlea.• /cM,is as
•.toews..lnisancsispicious aims of
and Ran wimpy consentiats
••• - arefortatiste . in - the selection of
141Witoricadidatelf, there rill be 'a
mop mitt the deplorable corruption at
the' seat of government under a new
hattorn.--Pittairsph Post, brUSI4 Xigh.
The Pia, - in referring to • the elan.
141 *a 211di of Alm:A.' vu &land to
AlWe have nothie 'to take beck or
acidity. Of Judge ' private or
legal reputation we halo nothing but
'wards of .pridae; and however It may
not mate pugnacious and heady politt
dun, we cannot bring °umbra to view
h ersatial , astuults u either WlllO ar pa-
. Utel- Ckrrron; Caor •of the present
Mtkm. nOW Wresting, is estimated at
2 ,250.000. bales. The &o Isiand variety,
owing to miens came, Wm =mutt to
en almost insignificant traction of this
ameuut, that materially ditniehhing the
-- arllctigete value.
A. feeling of despondency is said,,to
Prnwilisznong the planters. • 'llls feet.
Mg arises not from any iiimbt sa to the
nitheate efficiency of the negro ea a free
laborer,- la Mtherr.from the contempla
iiewof .the - Atomic strides which . But
Indian cottoe...bas made of late yeWs
tioraids the mastery of the marketstif
tllctrerld. ; The planters iay that Mit
terialt of a competition between the
,Itraericaa. growec and the East India
producer 'cannot, 'in the long run, be
otherwise than disastrons to the former.
comparison -of
the costWf JiDorot the Present time with
that iatthe ppt - Formerly, tbe main-
Moirite :Ora idate Omit fromikhO $l6O
annton. eervimis of the
Maris iaborer Minuet belad for less than
four or five-fold that amount.. The
wages of an . efficient fleld-hand (exclu
sive of his support) are now, et
_a mode
rate estimate, itl to ill a month, of its
equivalent in a share of the product.
Masi Fester than the
;rag Malt s by - the Rill India cultivator,
. at a gold 'valuation.
`Th n Richmond Whig is becoming mt.
Bible. It Mates that a volume of imad
gtation-Rromlite Northern engin is now
ennching Virginia, and adds:
tosettbe new settlers: ltindirs
itUd , ftwe sicusty reward:km and Tran
quility by: going through reconstruction
"man sestUut delay or &Hurt. ante, we
nay at once begin to reap the benefits of
an 'manna emigration, with. all the
srapital v O sbß , ;:otesprise,.._.sixd idivelop
autntthistilita—adcOnspany • we
mine an opposite policy s nger
In insbutnaety in poverty,we aknes sand
Tint Is truth so oindietut that men
Itirtheidld net allow - yes.
slon and prejudice to close their eyes.
Let the southern people accept the con.
gee lona gin,' and the thtlort will be
fallymitaind, with all the , t3tates ran:s
melted! in .ths, two. Houses, .before the
;loss titt,Hte next session, of . Congress.
- ( 13znirs r kept in cages are apt to be
' troubled by paritaltea. When they droop
this Ia often the clue; and the disturb.
ere maybe, disammid clinging to the
percluttAnd rood of lone, like red
rust. Take the bird out, roll a piece of
paper like a large lamplighter, dip the
- 'end in alcohol, light Maud nsaathe blase
ckwe along nide: everiiiirtil the cage,
twlldtpap Mid turning it, that no part
Init'escipe the trial by fre. If all are
- burned the remedy is complete; but
bird should 'be duly Watched, and if a
new coat of curt appears, give the cage
weber bottle maiming; If caged bode
could 'have acme to a pan of dam or
mind tt would add much, to their health
aM calitiVrt.::A ban mai tolineit
butt to rid herself ot'paiwatei.
/A WM good old flares la pima* a
glrliihdowroid a.llttle prOpartg—a hot
or • 'Milting .boat—wa• thereby legally
•ethoriud to pick on a husband Ibr
hanalf. If abe wished to eomrdeace he
..11rilogdi (hunt for a husband) she
would hanguo her blue' apron 'in front
our other house, and poet her
-pelt teldnd Ilte young am of the
trllige• wad, then,reis by the blue
*con, one by one In a long procession,
and dressed up in their beet Sunday
clothes. As soon u the right one ap
i' pared, the girl would - rush out, throw
her skarn around ha sietk, and within
- three weehethere I wedding. .
'-' , Wiesiir ham* 'end Mamie are old.
hiddamed,.and a palm 'him lammed a
wooden watch. Be curled one of them
lato a jewider`i Morita 'Nieman, (Idate.,)
asked to me some gold watches. selected
one salMerat4lso;bade - the clerk put it
Ip, aid lifter the pecks,* was handed to
. 1 4uakeld13,it'Onlka.cinititento step out
• L an Oat .htutt_ *au Oa. clerk
erlatdiko imckege and Amnia the wood.
egiriikiiiiitea of the one he hid eold.
The ealti&itsnufictumr,kreome sleight
Miami, bad made the exchange..
* ylpeldenee ,(R L) .7ouruat le
insrt , d Ina oantre•nney with the Tres- .
taes Of Brown Unteeralty, 'who; ,It Is
*surged, areinallugh *Baptist College;
whereas It was outlawed and supported
Originally by four sects,erho claim equal
Asian in its ossuagement. , -
Tax IMmideat'r Policy has warmed
the rebels into life to rich an eateirt
Wert Virginia sato mil for military rep.
pmairm..Timt is the tAmdmicy of bit
Zr I 1404 potable that the reports
coneerskir Pus Nary lard militia are fee-,
prepared with gas, *Odor • bad quality.
Wit next National Republican Con.
unties will be held at Chicago. The
thee notaineinteed; ildeteranted.
Sianas, albs bassneflond
bbi win attar sowing the nods
of iticoni - with an annaring band.
/NM rigielpticlwkaat, seine lake pato
now amount to &boat 300,000 bushels
dia, l 79•'; - r-P, • .
.111:11essirw•rui or Bowes Iltolou.
Ifflv Tolosesola foul* ettnoorey Gnaw/
Pao•rozoci; Oct —Twouty-tx6 Moo.
mad dollars worth of Govan:mum% bond,
wore Mousoool from UN seableth
Out of the First Hai wool Book today.
8 tondo. to Tht• UMW* blood.
1 ,1 5,33•P50b is• rituawa th.nte
ssonDass, oat. t—Gitat.• Bborldso boa
scooptal • moolotoar tovitattoti to vixtt
rrovlOosoo, sad 112J110.1411_104 tori. rite .
—Deaths in Neer Irosia bug. week 437,
--Three Inches °tamer fell at Nelson,
N. IL, at Sunday. •
—The population of Colombes, Ohio,
is estimated et 27,1A1L '
—The foreign vote in .N - err VorkOity
80, 4 10 C• the native; MAO.
—Ono of the bat, Manglers of MS Ver
mont Leiislitaiii Whighsln2o pounds.
—Every town Is required by the pm
bltgtoly liquor law of-Maine to keep • '
liquor agency.,
—The yellow fever at New Orleans is
wonderfully fond among ,children from
four to ten years of age,'
—Tho bridge at Columhi c. Pa, burn
ed to prevent the Conf eratin from
crossing in 1303 , Is being rebuilt.
—A decision has been rendered In Chl-
ago against the;ham of the widow of
Stephen A. Douglas to hot dower.
—Kirby Smith iateachinga high ichoel
in Tennessee, under the atrepieen of the
Southern Episcopal Theologmal 'Univer
Providence paper has a colored
correspondent In . Paris. A great mem
olthe Parts letters are very highly "oor
—Boston is about to y
wring "an Lou.
penny" b ut of the' boot=tolacks and
ntrastx‘ye, making them take out
—Cambridge,. Elam, has caught the
annexation fever, and wants to become a
spoke in the hub, as well an
and Dorchester.
—The Democrats say there are no ne
groes in heaven.. We don't believe any
member of that party will ever find out
about it, for sure.
—Tho langedlari Murdoth has an
nounoed his intention to retire front • the
stage alter this +waton, and engage in
teaching elecntion.
—.The streets of Cairo, lU., are being
filled to grade by Fox, Howard & Co..
Ware filling In anal the rate of Kg
000 yards per day.
—The citizen/ of Sprlzipleld, 111., are
called upon• to subscribe 415,000, if they
want to see a third story upon the new
United Statea Court Hones and Postollice
—A. census of the State of lowa has
been taken lately, which reportethe pop
ulation to be 898,101, an increase of wore
than 145,000 in two years, or fully twort-
—New 'Orleans in en are
down withyallow favor, from tho
.Piosyttnc, ono from, the XS; due the
Crescent, one Iron the Tian* and bee
from the Rejnabliecou ; . -
—"A pelican In the wilderness" 'was
seen on tho binder °Moose Lake,
secs •ccitintni.Albux., and after being
wounded,' was next day captured alive.
It stood six feet high. •
—The widow of Slumlord, the Custom
Rouse °Meer who was executed by But
ler at New Chicane during the early tpaarrtt
of the war, will mon brig cult ag ainst
B. F. B. for $/00,001
• —Rev. George T. Wilhams, who was
suspected of picking a lady's pocket in
York a few months ago, has been
depOsed from the ministry by the I. Pro.
ttatant Episcopal Church InVirglnla.
An old man named Pidllp
end ninety-four years, was run over and
killed In Use depot at Columbus, lest
Saturday night, as the P:45 train from
anchungl man backing out of the depot.
—A convict, who - was sent to Aunty..
lln for bunting a safe, has made a draft
of a model ofa safewhlch he bellevos thief
pool, and has sent It to one of bin victhns
as a oom on lbr the injury which
be bad aced. .
—Archbishop McCloskey, ilia said has
called for volunteers among' the priests
In New York, to prooeed at once to New
Orleans to take the places of the clergy
who are either worn out or are down
with the yellow *MOT.
B. H. Cornwell, ex-Auditor and
Chairman of the Damocratio Central
Committee, of Virgo county, Indiana
has been arrested by an ofneer of the se:
cret revenue eervioe, for making fraud
ulent tneoma returns.
zdlitary strength of Francis and
beeAllles In • North Generate- rocalsts,
inall, of 4000 oaken, and.1,1D1,241 sold
iers. Of these, 11,334 °Meer., 497,573
soldiers, and battterier amounting to 1,..%4
rns, are at present in active service.
The others are on garrison duty or in
the racemes.
—ln Illinois the assessed value of tee
1847, three small coma
;P I : Mfo
Sl=49Bg omitted, to e1P31,51§1,018, of
,135 is pemonal propetty,
ta1,72:42.11 mlirced property, and
166.730 real estate. The -three mantles,
it is rapeseed, will melt the easeeeed val
ue to $500,000,000.
—European meteorologlata are, pre
dicting an early and hard .orinter this
year, tor the reason that the birds of
passage have begun their migrations
southwards at least a month earlier than
usual. Storks, wild ducks and other
birds, are reported to be naming south
nt wards over France and Belgium to large
—Nicholas Hyman, of Buffalo, ' the
natural guardian of Anna Hyman, a
little girl of tentive. years, sue Ellen
Burk, wife of William Burk, for wilfully
cutting off two largo black curls from the
said Anna's bead and converting the
mum to ber own nee. The snit fain the
Supreme 2 Court, and the damages are laid
—A statue to David Tenter", the paint
er, boa jOat been Irmugurated at Ant
—There ere at the present lime more
than 640,090,003 of taxes In arrears in
—Mixing, a village near Vienna, has
bees chug= as a retreat by the er..KLog
George, of Hanover
—A child lost Its llfe In -.llfinchoster
through a needle, which had got among
Ita clothing, piercing its heart.
"—The King of Sweden is tall and
swarthy, has a long black beard, 'oval
faceoloquillrie nose, bright eye and abort
• —At the great alumni ball•flght bald
at Cadiz, last month, twenty-five horses,
numerous bulls and &man or two wets
volcaniceraptiou of violent char
order was seen on the night of the 30th of
August off Ingolshotill, In the Arctic re
—A divorce is hinted at botareen the
Princess Alice off:lease, Victoria's daugh
ter and her husband, whole said to ill•
-Ttitr Sultan has decorated an Ila
keeper of Coblesta with the order of
M e
edildlb rooch., and has given hie wife a Taloa,
• The Jon of the poet CO3lll2tX .Del
avgnie, godson of the Emperor Napa'
ken. IS in custody, ln Bricisela, on a
triple charge of swindling.
The 'Merge of the 10th hut. says that
the Sultan has granted the English Gor
en:anent permiselon to enlist volunteers
for the Ahyooinlan expedition.
—The French annor.plated squadron
13 still on the station at. Corsica, where It
isoonstantly maneuvering and experi
menting with the new artillery,
—Ernes's . is steadily Increasing her
Privy. Two iron-clad frigates are just
about to be added to her Sect; one has
beep bp lit 13 London , the other at Toulon.
—lt la rumored in Madrid that, owing
to the disttutauscee in the North, tho
oamouchement" of tier Meicety, the
Queen, hes been unnvoldably postpotted.
—Masked figures are becoming the
rage in. Paris. They bare a meshed
fighter 'Li the athletic arena,mneked
horseman at the Cbewln .Ely Zen, and a
maaked swimmer.
—Thetratentluttlms of the firo-nrms
In theltallen army has boon commenced
at Tashi.. 'The Government baa decided
that the Benaglierieball be thefint pro
vided with needle-gems.
—The Button has sent_to. Paris three
more hones for the Pamperer, in-addition
to those already presented. These last
are =tato be finer animals than those
constituting the find gift.
—After solemn and "deliberPte 'discus.
dm, the burgomasters of the towns of
the Bavarian palatinate, decided to give
the Ring s hogshead of wine and a gold
en goblet as awedding present.
—At Port Mb:WM Brews,. a Trench'
company arent torment Itiligently smelt
ing down the old scoria' slag and refuse
fromthe ancient lead mines, andextract
big as much no thirty tons of metal a
—The min of _horseflesh, As well as
that of mules and asses, for human food,
haviunt been regulated at Lyons , Franco;
not Wayne County, by a decree of the
Prefect, published m the journals of that
—The Frani/Mean gradually evacu
ating Luxemburg. On the 2d Instant
two battalions of Infantry and a detach
ment of Geld arniterylatit the place and
there still remains one battalio n,under
—Tranoe ties Jest lost ono of her nota
bles ' His name , was Decurnfe, and be
died In prison a few days ago at the vod
old age of ninety-two, forty-five of which
have been spent Mcontinement. There
.are few offimets In the penal Code which
/*UM, had not committed.:.... ..
Gen 'Prim Expelled from Belgium'
Rumored Plight of the Pope
from Rome.
Tie Death of E4Trederioir Bruce
Br Telepsn'to the Plusbotgo Gazette. 1
Orr rug ereamsa.
gammas. Oct. I.—Gem. Prim, the SP..
I . lll V 3 Taltaloidat.has been expelled, eon
Belgium, where be teed taken garage. .:
trn ti.
ttialla tY an Cr.amie: •
mouracz,Oet.l.—lt la ram:mei:ill:Lit then
will Now Immediate change In tla Italian
Cabloat.aacttbat Gan.Cialtlint will take the
Place Of liatasol, at the bead of the Govern.
11 = 1 01: 1 11DISTUILlA10. AT TITSZAO,
Flossie*. October 1-24tesdne.—Intelli.
seance hi received of quire a serious revolu.
tlonary demonstration by menus of Gar
!bat& at Vlterba yeeterday. The laiondle,
Ratchet, however. annonneo the outbreak
quelled sad the city tram:pal.
ante ItOllol4-TIA POTS AAM TO /AT. 71110
Lesrow, Oct. 2—.Vottn--No farther tele
gremsrilatlve, to the recent distorbanoss
to Italy hare Ines . resolved. Yrantune,
unity wild rumor. are afloat. It Is oald
• seritms revolt had broken out at Itimi,
sad the reps Wes obliged to fly to (.Ivltta,
Yecohla for *arta/.
The sezpa-otontaU joainsi
Florence, says Roma will soon heknig to'
Italy, and that without a broken treaty.
Z .112222 D. -
/Allolti OP A GLASGOW 1 / 1 121.
ei teatime, Oet. 2.—Bachanan a. Co.. G ll=
1214417 messed ha the Amon= trade,
tt?PPed today.: Ustelltlee sot ascertained.
Lemnos, October S.—Admiral Fa:vague, of
the American Navy, arrived' in tide-city
yesterday. lie ta rectdred with marked
DosToa. October canto dlepatelttrom
Vagla Dickens, to Ticknor k
!Snips, detl
oltaly announcers that he wilt come toads
country to give wearies of resultant arra
leg in November and oammenctng lIU temb
legs the grit meek to December. •
Wll4l MIX Eltri•O/L
rams,: Octooei I.—Zonsfacr..-There., is
much di tract la political aadibtaactal cir
cles here. . .
Rooter, the Preach 7ortlign Pearetai7,
tgrallette, the name Secret ary,and Neva,
ltallaa Milner to Irseacc, loft to-day for
Banns. to *outer with the Emperor.
7/140.cut 'Omni 0010.0 TO rims. ,
TioNsu, October I.—Zons(ng.—tt la op_
boomed today that the Emperor Yrsbele
demob wtU Tiett Parte 01 Use 20th
. Beau., October 2.-Berning 7 The Xertb
Gerrewa Pertlament bee Aiw tee ite4 tax
Ai two Outer* pet headred ponodi.
Fere:roar. October I.—Eareteg.-201re-
Twenty bonds 75%. •
oat. deeptea
to 94;a. An:anima secorttleo heavy; and
drooplor,owingtormu•recolptot uota:l4ms
from New York. following aro the
opentog rotes: EM /Y; (antral 773{;
FiyaTkeoties ALlehtle *
Great lam-
• .
. . .
Livnuroot., Ott. 3.4-Notua...oetue, ittAnket
ppm, enter gad etnady, 'with a provable
duy's Wet of Len tnoteautt . balet. Prices
are unaltered. ' •
♦azwaar, Oct. 1 , -.L'enting.—PetrOetz
closed Arm at 541.ifrapea. •
The. Jasmatea Coetrovetey—Deepl
tree ever the neetoessi er tee
teem. ate Freaerleit tirade-Arne
eleasoltesikw Woe Coevoeetle* el
Abe /reeve, Cleataboeo—Ceeeet
meretes larealair to 401ple0allit
ray teletreph t. the littablazte - ttlatttej
. NSW rose, ` tta Beetle
brings En gilt& payer's of the Est.
- •
The GOTIMOC Eyre enetreTerer appear.
• 045 entirely 01114 DIV
An American officer, Capt. EdennoniMgh,
has made affidavit that &onion had MiteSed
Into negotiations , idyll him for the pentium
of an armed whip and mueltlons
The death of Mr Frederick 11rnee: Was
renewed with teenage of deep regret Ila
England, and the .papers all contain warm
eulogies to hie mernom •
It Ls poaltlvety armounown too the
Chambers mil be wirevoked the middle
Of November, to vole on the bill Ining the
military contingent Or Me, end 'also one
relating to the org4lsinion of the army.
The new b reenact caw the Prom, n
Rawer u be
lieved, will Ulm• be, passed at' tha
modem. •
.A. report is prevalimt that the Spanteb
squadron of Ade:tarn - tines wee to be ride
forced this winter an , Ithe benibardmensof
Callao undertaken. , •
The papers nontalb detaulO of the Man
chester riot, but no eddlttowial Lieu of in
The followme is Coast Bismarekts Clam.
leer to th e diolomatieugen of Pi webs: I.
/treat, dpi 7. have alreectir open.
anidated to you the declarations which
have been sent to as by • the impend Ana.
wan skaamment and by the French Im
perial Government, peon the elmililcsaCe
Ada eharaCter of the Warsaw et lialsburre.
and which .we could not but receive with
satisfaction. Lt waa Mt be foreseen that it
would be difficult to horsuade public opin
ion that an event like the interview of two
powerful tanarelis.considerlng the Dement
eltation of European eohtim, had no sal
ons meaning and wart have no imperial{
neat. The remora Mecham; with a ea.
tam shbetazion and en appearance of as.
t bentleity. relative fe remmutiorie of ape
haw kind, which had Dean . ropeeed
agreed to at Balaban': we calmilatal
to damned& the uncertainty as to th e object.
of the Interview. It. Is. therefore, with the
greater imetsfectlon that we Dave toned In
tine dattlan mid Trench statements the
assurance that the TIM Of the Emperor
haat/eon wade* to R sentiment which we
honor, and la leach• we pertielpate„ and
that the Interview Of the two aorareigne
tetanal the character of tta origin. 10.
cording to three explanatlrme the mania
WM. of Germany were the Melo of the
conversation at Belzberg, in the manner In
which the gat rumors led ns to sup-,
fro.. This fact to particularly fortunate
seeing that the reception which these
rumen, met with In all Germany,
ehowod once more.i bow lendippottable
to tne Garman National entiment is the
idea of Palen the development or the
alfalfa Of the tierroan nation Dot ander tho
tut= r of a tcr a rbro u Zment 4 ra servo ,
national haeremsof Germany dentad.
Prom the anthologies Impinged oa
eaves the teak of directing the meant of
V . ll natemal development of Germany lIIM
a bed where It can produce not adisturbing
lino or frontal hinance. We have avow ,
lie all tea could prechillata the natterod
movement, aud have might to appease and
not tomtit'. Them efforts we replete to
here sail be cement& with suocces,Stferagn
powers will avoid whit equal 'cam every
ttang which can lead t Gorman intoole to
believe Main Is the se piet of forage aim
ieation; wonid legitimately excite
its anuments of dignity and national n•
dependence. We motet, thenwith mach
satisfaction. In the enema and the pea.
ful development of oneateria agars • the
formal denial of all prelate of interval.
lion la the Internal analr• of Geentany.
The governments of /Muth thirmisar them-,
scares bear wane., for ns that we have M
etazoan from all at:slept. to exercise a
moral prewar. over their dechdons, nod
that We hare ren' unreserve
abandoned, by the w treaty of the nt dly
of h
July, the lever which the Islamism of the
TestaTein offers In that respect. We shall
ooc depart from this altitude in the future:
The LiOrth German ConfedeesUon will
eagenty co-operate to satiety the roopire.
mate Which the Bentham Governments
rney experleoce Ln the ',dearer to extend
gij oniso/Niate the nations, relations be
tween the death and the North of Gereuteli
bat w . abaft invariably leave to the free de
ebb= Of our foothern: German allea the
teak.. at. deterliattlaig : the hems which
this Mahal lartsimb anothh
We have far er motives for per
sisting with calmness in this attitude, a
that we see in the relations turista' by the
terms of treaties between the North and
gambol Gerlneri7, ea the 1.01311.11 of Wares.
I.lons of ittlanoe which we have ooncludedi
and of the reform of the Tetrarch; a pure
hams In law and Li fact' for. the lo depend.
enterinevautat af tha national Worms
of ierrolut People..
trial for Arson at Illnaltalnpton:
LO7 1110004 Se Lkal 1 . 11.01a82 (W.VA)
Elassanrros, Oor. s.—Tbs Dan ot Dr.
?belay J. Gardair sail Dr J. Adwant Tun
nerobazged oath .x.e, In Millis testa
us mats ta•Drut• aniZint t0 20,4 s DM
mesio44 ta4417.
i •~~ `r }
(Hy Telegrapher, the lett.barsh Elasette.l
, 1 71 0 011=Imv.r.
mbeserienitcomiti.K '
General Grant has leaned another re
trenchment order, in which theories of the
commuted rattan, wlstalt ;Oit :Shit tteiettal
TOM", been one dollar, 4,4tighoheetcp,flfgy
cents. The commutation for quarters.
which was formerly eighteen dollars oar
laonth, U no* 44%414 td dint. [Whets. Ihts
stroke og cconolkyittAthegky and al.
lowsnoe of ' detarbed eoldiere or, duty in
WtothlegtOrt to twenty4oar • dollar. per
agokiestrow reran
The following memorandum was
other tuned from the Adjutant Getterall other.
"To tort:44lSo flak al"..Vidlow Saler, odktre
neW absent trots their tomelluals, -watch
are serving In the sth Military Dletrkt. are
authortsed to Tomato absent until farther I
notlee fronsthls oftbse,"..;
sone essoosisit.
H. ILI.. Iltatter le to M'StellingtOn sifter a
Perk:ahead tae treekleatiouseencleded to
great It, es the applio•Uon liMoThigly bank.
ed. One of the endorsers. le Wllttam is.
' L L •
7 were gertcolat cosemenot. ' 7-
' The Nahanni Iteguhtlean Ezettitive Com
mittee hireitiVes. MAMA A egOwz !game° as the
pl en ume for Ili er • 661111bilater Con
• TIOONI 101 41211 . 17401104.
Oleibtopety erthi MIL Inrolarylolt 1014
eilhallarfor ithilereet Virginia. ..It is
report.] to the War Department that reb
elssad the. 0902O6thLtelll to that section
are `greatly hamming Unionists.
...h .
eshst ten ssantrn-:
J. Franciste Cyti, Republic... Mate
for delegate to Conneaut from New Masico,
has. besn , eleeted.. •23nClotent ,Ltemuladent
enteettnOWitster hied been ttueo
Change the reportedteanit. " ' •
corrsos Co °annexe.
The yitsetagEto. lechllliettp/iolstein and
Letteriburg, by 'lambent or Prussian closed
I Mall., 1e ItOIONNI to the same rates as to
• • • • " . ...Ittit r _e6 L
The Dr.. Ciiirfoi* -- .
soon to be put MIMI oparati.i For
••Injelpitttedy. '
/t. Is represented that serrktng operations
hare been. OtoCOMOROIO44 in the mines neg.
leaded danng the variants that the mediate'
of gold at this mint are on the Increase, not
entr frendonaldiees. an Korth Carolina, but
from contiguous states.
I ...900 ,, massaix, .44.104. .
A seem of pure mithrsolte osal, over thirty
feet Sa dsdath, tan Mem discovered in Itu.
men Amuses, and 1.50.4 fors mile near a
good be t. rbor,lltalclinti; "Mel timber ar!:.
ehleilan '
404040 WA1J0101744 140.4,3044.
It has been determined, that_ Mt applies.
11005 1005050151 meldrildea.Pl noon
banded 144/440044 lationtenali beset.
eifirmed and determined fa the oftlee ot the
secretary of the Teton:fry, liettwi of the
OM. of tOtettlailiarBo44.
I rtiltlAt
The ree4detLy Internal revenue to-day
i% 5 el,
LAM:44bI rAniantt RAILWAY.
The Commissioner General of the Land
Moo has submitted to the Leans Sterna
rl of the Interior, for approyal, the fourth
list of lands louring to the Central Pantile
RWrtett',COmeltityi.namountlne tO
mint . Re' \to TOO sisSioix /1111151111.
Senor Romero, Mexican Moister was the
renloleak lOU wreak:S.4ot am-aunt. runner
from prominent eft/sera of New Took. Ile
xem=r1 , 71rd.A1.97,..--419gt
Important setelomi ol t_hp,t7olneu i nt l ates to
aldinfi n tbe ttlemph of Bepublfean 'Govern.
relagrape thirfwebonali u•srue I.
' - "Xar Thar., Detober ;IBC.
,TbnenrainSl-, „ OS, 111 Contra renlllo,-Rall.
etedlor • Berdeniher were gral,siti re gold,
and the oyeniting iiipeiser43lls.7o9, leaving
• net grodanes l4l ,glL , lTlJlllratiTettlt , the
traekopen for Duelneu . thoottlatalt of
the Sierra Neradfa.
.attle 'nlanth
tntnY-eFdmtie. will be added th' die run-
Mao Dertuna eralett will Doing it harlv LOCO
Um Sall. Lotleablain,Aeld materially odd to
TDOSA•OI2[III3 , Volllolltloo AID/0112.7 or
gaeleed Ilemabaniterwed et appeal to Me
ponds for suerlptlosle plateof the !.
were by gra/Ole aster la7reer Or en
leans, de.
,4743 inn mesper:
, inmor xiburrik4fobtraiirivom p
lmated the splendid library of Het. Pr.
liaWkall to the New. Tort Historical Soc
qty. It inpabers font Hiawatha volu b
.• dors isriirojapeai
Letteisi tbe Beetle , etielle ee•
States bonds to rather a despondingH fid.ed
The/ glee detalls 'bribe excitement pro.
dosed to turepe by the saitatioa here of
tholiedstentlef heads utiegattendarosites,
and alty the project on slowed an the drat
step Pidrards tSpc4l tf0a. ,., : .. •
.TlVlT.ll=yllll° — . cool
, relax lallava dere ltecktema.
66Mnat nbiiteiyar liatiellthifealcihjor
Genemi antler, and it numbard gentleman
floraridlnm..lll he Dement at the teem
non of tienegal" 50eilttan et the Utah
League Club tomorrow. ileums! Slettae
glee enneoldt ietbeareonit‘
Tticalnapla =at WU won by Ms Z. beat
tclion,wiTtkolut itrll.7
triad adakill. Tau old anal‘liOnand
onewianth, w woo by MOMS and Edina.
halm, boat:lna Bonnie Boma and Saran Li;
alma= Ver 11 woo the
time 14.4( 5 .
ward 000100 two DM. host rase. beating
Connolly and AldVaaran;thana,t4 atalitay..
Connolly wan liaeond In both belt
Mahon Begley and. AlexnaderT. Btewatt
were among tiv.nwenitera on board ids
Boom, whletl sarMet• here to•day.
• z Mumamadra saga.
The building on the corner of Cedar end
croedway,owned by the American Express
Company, which cod, CM" Ithe been solo
for erioAn•
. ,
..../PlClR*?#4l;;Sgareestaare Laer.
gaela :cm/awn aria wife ars at present,
in the oonatry hoemeez Jadge Plerreeoint,
on the Madsen dyer.
Cs , Te.P.PO - to tPo postoralk,asksotto.l
Yellow reiroolonersomtioLtballelfool
Board MlZloulo—lfolorao of Um
/Jettlam. .
Nwr ,(ItaziENtla Vet<lberlicba:yeattor
toeselhterithr this OSllSltLittailitihrh
ending this warning were ilfty.fonr.
le,tbe enee„_Cd { he. ol d and now school
hoarde.Jedo DepUnnae 1* Madded 'that
the new board was appointed when no wa
umezleted. td'he atm -natant was sat
ettentraterneltddeesterintrforal the
u No appeal-will be taken.
Maw Clarmanat Mather I—The Repuhtt.:
ton bierSCUCJII MHO , MUIR. parishes,- lan
-elndlen When.. Metal( • tdial WA. dr lir.
881, sod majority reentered eaters of mu,
In emery parish heard troakthe rnalertty at
0008 Ons registered.yoedt at 40 auppeaed:
that nearly twerp One or tee,r eutauttaie:
thdrty-stx partattea wit/ swell th e 11100alty',
• roalture-MA Itse• Aar Affairs..
(sr rtiegrark 11,“
' HAVANA. AVM; Moll!
Aoiolt 00j
asse.s poiniomwsuiti Tha
Ilan II intultrotatila• *Wises was
tivortny .ACPoei arirrine• the
ernsuenswoUhiffied• lb umpire the Alorggy
and anereetnallyartorslyzad: prOduCts'
Paws Amerce am vaunt neve been weltn,
for faded! strum June. Tim currency boo
[Wen tO percent. ntecounr.
The Mate reir—Large Number et td
trlee—Urest Mock Dumbly. •
tar TelernDe to the nuabonch ti.atta.
: Taal& flarmUots fe—The
Oki 10iivi!vt§f.iirOo.hOilan***,
Orman! weak. The attend wsee'tilarge. and
It le estimated Vine were twenty thousand
ea the grenade The number of
entries of etock, alone erb larger than the'
satire runitieversseitssanew pka year. Sl.l
nano In y, the net.' .111 NS a sobs plate sue.
CF r B.O.
Prohibiter, Orders& Prevent Courts
—Dar Iterreaergier ite be aimpaukl.
Illy irrierripti tette lettsbargn 'tissetuir
B..C.aCist.2.--(loo. Canby ham
leaned an ordor prohibiting all Provost
Couto trim tsar:WAS Parbeintion *Ter
any me MOOSylaspytkill to land. or In any
came Whale ttlit Matto Aeolians gift
Gam Canes:so . signiged hie .hiten
-1.1011 tO tho order of Sian, illok ire
easing bar •throng ut Vie hisooliii
killiutry District.
NEN , / .0.6211/ 4 8111,1141.
D.z.,:ge Prase „Inset tor 11.000.
(ilv!rateirraat `Ow' ritkiaafthAllaasiiti) ,
rorreatoirri..7l4 ,U....oatobar 20-A prize
agbt betwainiZlOcki Magti,"ot /Taw York
ana We, litooke; far eleall •
atille.carao 04 tab 00110 Ca a mitt). aNWOC ,
lalaad. OM Of the Pas of, bow, um nu et
anoarat" atria. Moore won tee 'fight 711
t.wati-eve rownda, luting one hour 0104
four urinal:vs ••• • • •
Se_ Tea* Demme%MA Mate Convect
. .
(111 . 1 StrattititilliskItuitiesViiiitastSta;','
Ooseteer-I..idasur deleplde
the Detnocnitic !Kate Cenr.flon b to held
to-morrow bairn artilnelle .Gaeirnor her.
Mow WUlpreelaa The hlaltorta 'Oat
chleflY nn Ilnan&e.l.gun tax qnastletes. Al
the tinket, thelginferil dlerlaltloa 1810
select new natnell.
.. T
Emitore,4. 4 nrrinagan•
tilt Tweets* tbe tuurtm, dawn.)
. tuaraocia.ofta—Tb s Kojalt IriakPlabg
Of Um BMA otNew Yogle.aua their mutual
tanalsvaio-damo4 etrrtaaomcenw 0f.1711
SHOW 011101,
FOUR o'ol-00k. A. M.
• '
He Refuses to Consider Pend
lug. iittir (taints.
lithe Will of l'irovidene , yand De
slre•of taw People, Ile Wall be a
Cautlldale. . • •
THE KO AlllO ..41.TEEN11;93111P
(lir -Tv' cAr..O to .ta Yot.b.ratt tionetteel ..
e' + Pesetas wee claim., - - •
elaw Tons, throatier 2.-. The Pott's ePeciad
says General Grant postlivoly refutes to
have itty thuta to .1, with the tthoettled
ashes now honors the WU Delhattheal,
which were pending when became Into the
moon awn Tut rnnothentiv.
General. tight. In a coavenettion a few
days shire with too RepubltnanConeresa
mth, In replying to direct eittGans* to
the Preoldottoy,thla that It I{ e .. aid
td Ed the will Of ProVidance,tkurt the dotted
of tbe American pemplo, that the should be
['resident, he would not feet a ilbeirty,to
el ,
resist the Ono nor dtfthnirolatoth other. ,
lusts. 00050104
-The troeident has meat, a I octet= In the
case of a Me- Gibbs. who ores , r i e lasted in
July for Governor or Idaho r Wiry, bun
not confirmed by the Senate: It s ones there
was already an incumbent +Moth °Mae, in
the portha Of a liirelitllarfl. ~•', • - _l'; 7 . i'
, t
After referring' the ease td - 111 Attorney
btu:meal and timerrlna telipleeMiClo, the
Preeldeni her - decided not . tf remove him
end apposat.Glithe• + 1.::
-- --.-- ---r --1
~ — ,—.....—t, f
T . 11;
ilt.aeorretty Tesaltleatlmee7
JE es re st -~
le r te l i 4l t—botee-
oe. Deaths. al.Alitur a. - -
(07 ?Matruh tetits th . ....he.... .V...,..
Oak tamtrulth, OeteiCe 2. lloodlulu
dates to eelltetuber /WI bafthereetrtailved. I
The Leglolature hat tech Tenll mot,: for
Septonda r 1,1„ to consider tim reciprocity
treaty with the United strike.. it Cannel
he yeertalned whether mei notion Woe
1 barn token. as the pnuteckeettdoed being
olds to August Mei. •
The Government native) entrees
1 the treaty. It want. the 4411thend reap
umlativoe of the Gorornmen meatus. Gm
t mallet°at dcet[oax of the trillion,nod MI-
'Mos the Leaisintura to tar rho 'treaty on
the ishla The article cedtheisathhave ono I
puldlehed with the fen 8 00 orent tea
knowledge of the IflatejE, and thu
Government to • el...Mr, 0001 010 for
I It. ,utter ermine that the elim paper,
tt::L e h of l''sTi'ne g to se ~,,. Th*rtt Vfl
approprint4 to lltruncelree the ftwwf.h.r.
kingdom, tt says thenigh•• statenT th te
bit tone. yet they recant n tthelttot 1.10
Mtallidtiketntts deems on t pan of.
AnSoritaall tbemudyinto Guth B.lttleAtitte•
Qom he transterrto to th The writer
ears the,cl,l+ la anti reel von of 'tl-p
peopthinttie Legislate - rpm Int thetare
medal tother to ant eider pthe for the
Voteterat bthenit, the • between
thertworiminitnenta. bitt or t 1 the
threat.. to wise the horern . to atiut
de. IrmfOr Chlfunttth Orgr flak, hem ,
hatneolut. wild Li to ,tea • e ini nO.l
who too the henna +dab the wain., there
le good reagent to beisat e the 11110 upon
the treaty with +bateau.
le de Tbapretallind until • • este le
very strong 1.1 farce of MAO. 'he
King had returned from It ha nod apt '.
The eh p Corodem o trorn /lot arrived at
Gonadal. September 0. and It. C. Wylie,
from Bremen. on Pilo List. -•
tar - refetrare ste eimeeimi
Sr. Loose, Odteber 2.—two reeve tool!
pica orktbe. Laniede:Vpunn, to-dgyf tie
arstisee was mile tri4ts, Tree for an, rare.
three hundred debars, In winch Grata. 'and
' , nositekteee, T I.';flarreltht Ibek jettiend
and E. A. smith's 'lien 'erne, mere eon,:
petbees. (jayna nee the reed' ,wc;
straight boats, in 1.46); and 1.4 N. .
Tee :mond eyen nee tor de einem II te e
manepethal ;ter three year etd4., !dr alanb
to tan. men rautteelan, Muepe fludter:
dna Walter. bandy burne-a,.llatt .'balms.
enanscr, Ilantagenee, ILITIh4 .11,7tu
bra. Indraritar. benllebu %Id Terialo,
em were entered. and J gather, tie lA%
ceerneu, aan Planteeepet +darnel: :be
dna brat dal Webby. rieuatiat.4 •by biz
no.ll43l.ltlttilecoml. Walkts Ultra, : be
.fourth. adi. The •evond best
gr. woe by. Ziantaseardi Nattle• *fern!.
leaner third, Cenatet entbdrann. 1' tee,
3.47;4. Nettle pusbcd th e wunwr. elotely
the met beau • • • • -
ilaadlasta. 0000 eat...oast. nth/Memel MI
iftellar or allagath—gnimlowalooe
aVieveotloo—truilalsoll le il9g7,
Chi Teteirseh to the Litt/Malan Uwette./
blithite.of Indluoa , addreeted au au., -
lalline•Of blacks Ode evening. Ito Uhl, e
stroke ea mill Of Lho party who had the po
Cr, when •ho Said Ina anothern at es
would barn been to the 1.1a10n../ano a - " if
C o ver ttlAgrthObillkathalenzagle. a d
-they e would get in until they din.
heathen& Johnson, sr guilty, wonld
Impeached., and; ewes with the aid or d
Maryinnil 'Rebel Within, which was firm! ix,
mould On powiertose to Lin anything.' T
Ma Or ts
the North were ready at the tali_
the drum to quell him and his militia. are
peedic tett 10,100 in Ohio for t heßepubita Las.
Line. Alex. linthe and a cciored maxi ONO°
nominated ley the Ilemablicane of AIM.
merle yesterday far tho Convention. LOtt
night :Dog werOgithallollt alit by MO op.
Wheat and Visor enanlitifen.Collf -
flit )tonic . Tramactiosts.
S Ur Telegraph to tb2 rll.l.bur,kju.ezt,
.v.o4.l...Temrefeo4. 0et.1.-•Whesi ehlyne
for the quarter etlil In it September 13th, we a
one ml/non forte hum4re4 , 3n4 ateety4 a
thousand roar handfed end forty•four • •
y„,..," o,ot ; .„p...4 i1.,c,.. 3 v,,,rt,, A ,.• t.,
iti.inoUizi,;6*lietimit, oriniti-eight-rdsuel ,
[My four of w Web were !Or Europe, Si. 0
Jermart !stover thoe• milliard Mot • he f
nickeled' wheat have b.,. shipped, yniu I
et am Auld'. thron.luester rtailion, ,PI r
shlpMenta for the ream Turned were rot
hundred tai thlrtrdlz amassed then ha -
ared •rput forty-etvetf.berrele, vklaed
orer two solnlonand it halt dollara. Twout •
four varier, are now chartered pod dood l e
wheat, fourteen of *hulk ere fur Zoe .
The eeriest .pare of tim Casts ler .of Pb
'Beek of thnifornte , thewa treashannoe: fer
the feared' over elzty•two millinqs. - '.. 1
.. .
111<fil. !lExpo•ted 431•11
- ~ pasgolb Amorteer Toleinwph (Amp
1.47. Av.
kis, ie.:A:graph to ma ylitMaich tirwritml
2a Tam; Ootobeit...—A Valpsimba le
jqr or . flepanabor &I, mum She appeanwe
at Mos syssasku *ass is ~ .stspeotot. boa
Imatar pram:led..
Ir. Lima rettor or Rept:mixt,. kith . ; tiarb
flptaltaramerlum SaicaYautt r , em k , nny h
Pea: itaarded ezelgela, rrxht for OILY
eaut. 4411:101r• une. stosg tho
Tem:me R, Eldridge, - Lb° ilseollso
Leer, and i :weird et Utz :
Oleo on the ere ed., and ells boried .rrlth tpn
honors Of n /trigEtlior tiesersi. ,
Rawson letter says ft Colonel of the
etpleli' arrnY boort olseod on Idol for
abduertnicg tees negro eel • eonslre In him
to /tater 7 :• • , •
, •
" ...rgkfNESB4lll.
tailegloa Awning& 311Firly• Fieetied2
• Itis.Vlll6 61111n..r. Irterns..l-4111,ee
.11rIeld• to 3111Vitnry Torte nild
,i6giiiikiat4 tothollttabatill Otntelteil -
ItunvapOotl4-4:haar i fglor liarrlenn
Nu; ilccilnp4 to Arrant the inJunollna
old: oa the'illd city'
Thls afternoon COL •ar 'necktown, th. a
trolipaar oneulty, eerier omens of
General Cooper, dennunled of *Aver Breen
Veaataa at Antpot oak o end hhe
ulaae;otithtlalt fawn etltoulkteit to
witirtw, force; 4 yolrahleaf teen,*
Moyer,. Ran DILL,AZI poemotelon,. large
Crowd tree 001100[04 on the peMloagettee;
eon oh seraomern elven for Brown as he left
the °thee; ; No elites of a rfot wore 'hewn,
Pellet for ate " •
(Br Ttl.mpla clio 141,010...V-zotte.i
Oottitter V 2S , Tberrn barn
Dean two days. route.. OR the Stet tlief
I,,fr Tetra Were .nat Ictotel p,sll lo Betoa
410 qn Opelika, alla 4000 UtlinstlaciPka, , all
for the 11.70111/SOtion. -
ataaasfjO t t ri 2. 1
I l l: it :AC! A "
w a ry
few azoxfpclans fOT ttolGooyention,
tatbanco Mutterer nu Octirtml.
[By Telemark toyll 1 . 111,11:atell egs , r44:ll ,
Totzoe, Oct. 2..-The' followthr.. iNgvm e
ware wooto4 Directors, of the Toledo stna
WatiLah-frestant•AVlV! Company :at the
mlookl elpotlon held to-day : d. "Zook"), L.
ii r ,..4--Whi4.4.J.,11. /Czar. Geo.
Ceeil, 1 . B. J33.1/1., ',J. at. in
w. , 'KUIII4, T. ;801.1.111 . ,
'Sark, J. 4.Efilirataystila, J..,Ptio lop, Jima.
SOILIII/6. Vf• barn, 1 . 1:4941cy.K.. 4, - Citturin;
. ! 1 . ,.7 .. 21:11ftf0n0 . f l Of.
YOOJtTIi P 2, 011-21teftai+1 and moat rata
-6,641..Y• Oil and Product market gavot*
[firm cle any pisper to OW city, spat blibiod.
ots our Yburth :page.
,Cottwortelltto llnfevetlost"- The
1... - Complained Of—
"tpplotiors of conaolent. 14 4:= 14 ,t
4 foe State
No minate*—ltinalatior of atm 040-
oeratla Ticket •Viwallowed."
• Tho delegates elected, at the primary
sumningaort natuillaylast, tithe . Coyper-
Jolineohitos,” nurse/int to a cell signed by
the entire .. Brotid and Butter Iletionlawef
;Allogiiny county, resembled In Colman
et ten, oclook . yesterday morning,Ll
.the Diced &tart trosideto tlati number of
fourteen, ostonsthly.fOr themutorne of nom.
tenting a eaeldfditte fel . State Beitater,
roMly for the Ilerleele f"1".
niutionell.teslntudy O&M& it'ithe Demo
envie Convention, held in this county, and
which were voted down, endorsing the kol
ciaK Ake 1,101107. Andr aw Janie., th e
or , scut 'unworthy Incumbent of the White
The Converitlo'n was 'calletl to order, and
en motion at Gen.. L. , U.' Williams. A. G.
Lleydvois elected. cuti i rt i nen. The orition.
todieu , gas-. then Co eted by selecting
NrsrA.El,l4l.•;,l.!na riefi , V.ll: l 4ltr.3 ,
Blessrs. F. B. ll opinson. J. O'Brien, David
F. Blood and A.Tearson as Beam tarifa:
cue CALL
„ .
The loilcreing call for Dm horWeinutui was
then read hr ono of the becretaries, at the
regumtof the chairman:. .
!' Thu undersigned citizen. of 'Allegheny
favor of Conservative mortared
wee...tree, nod tholormediatereconctliatton
of all the titated of the. Colon ; the semis.
slon of them alt to the Inherent rights of
the constitution; lo favor of Civil in yyaadd
of Military Government; onpOsed to
Sairragu and monopoles, of Alt kinds; _
in favor ot Rust sluice Andrewlebohtba
Chia B.:endive of - tha Nation, In bin do.
fence or t no ConstitUtion and the law,—ett
request that all porsoiss In invor of the.forsic
gotnit.Mtenut.. :meet and sloe., MO
aeletaters citen election district, On
Saturday evening, the t.t. day or Septem.
I.m at the Drill hoar and plata, ns meet In
County Convention, on Wednesday,the 2d
day of. llotoher, to nominate a (VIM.
Tlitket,,ior take •achotber measanesas meg
lerdOelleerneecnerT." ' • '-'"
Thu 10110.rmg call for the recent Demo
crane counlY
T coeveritiornandso read:
ett the . macre.* *Mem,
and otney - o who favor the re.
a, of
tlall Rime* ceder the temsti wlll meet
-^^, for bolding delegate.
meetieP.teseatuble Y. , nerow: irtle -1 4 1 tet
lowesanhe, el= teems' and dire
une in toe otherdistrletettOtri eve teserett
o'clook..and meet twodeloaalset from, gun
district to meet. to County lanivention on
licalislat - .Atomst 21st, at eleven o'clock,
et toe Collet ileum, to Islamic nomination
Pernocatio Ticket for the Barmen of oil
men woo Prefer is see the government ad
mirk:stmts.!. by ; wale
erases event Ceellellett.
Ttie Untanned, In ad./C . 41021Y' 000ooneer;
vativa mauler,stated that the Contreatlen
wee a emservalVe one; that It had been
ended for stene.reatbre lailirpree, and that
ltermserralve Men ben been Welted to
jute with them. Tbt:t It Yeryelyed tenser.
lause men to earn the menus; t/nat they
I the ormseryatlveo were opposed to hp.
VIVA! t th o :Py. lh l t gl e tt=ri e lil the'
:pa ' :
them by a nut teal Cohen.% bet were un
wlll`ng TO tsay ttle , Meath expenditures of
the hot,lltekt. They were eroneereatleat, and
that wan the rooted upon *hitt. th e Oen
ve ntlen flood/After some fortherrentarks,
in 4 . IIIOtCOILICaItaLI9OI the mum fea
ture. be ernottneed that the..Colanntloo
weeready3o prOored to bestams. = •
'The crodeotfole of tfo:000tof irate the
.ahmiftor, vhelyivapinareattuu. fatty -o•
dtstrloot were reorraented.
• •
It appeared that the state of the Ittlegator
treat - the Is o ttleceets et. the Filth were
Imo the nooon4 preotnet of the fourth
wares dileghetry. Were dattait24l. - • •
Un monon ot Divehi J ernes Stewart,
.01tilittY0 00 eteuentlelo. - oonstettog Or
Detw-Jetee. bteelm. Demge
01 10. riot. W. W. ittalintead, aad ILObert
ttegeo, wee appetuted .the •111.17 e
attar hrter' alhtenell the obaseliftte re.
Ward. laver of admilltrult Jobe Gray. is A.. D. Condo sad 11. Xdonld. trout the
Fifth eitz.l, mid le fairer of, AL r. Want had
W. W.l3,teway. from the, /second preetnet.
of the 'Fourth ward; 611da6 Fart oldr.
Ow:D.lmb mak. or.. •
rending the rote on ttioeodtion of the
rstiurt,hlr.r. retheratoah •of Imam.
ce-shulagnsanantss front the Tgurtti ward, d
' CintV , rnt l a ' gs i ltett= " tn b e es
lapeitp sleeted, ash did not hash id ODDOss
tome, of having hies say, and iatttred, com
niattthis of "rag taw." -•
19th Islattdas taken Itud:_th s i repcdt
followotion, the Chntrthan appointed the
lamaslcum cat havolsittonc
IS. 11l floury Ingram, .11.P.daw-
Mt==il wp.
.aiina Of 'nem% Is tma boar, retttruhd
tahusted throng h their Clastrmed We fol
lowing resolratons,
liesetowl; That ft Is" Übe dittirof all who
dram; re . .o.t the nsurrai ions of Canteen
neftlata Mersben D r f rat heillaut, etantatie
and ;iron all mor and cOesparatUroly en.
int Portent ontelderetunia, matte ender one
hannerlitaketteid'esmelegi. tense. until
the roomier tirdestrritori. oar liberties pre
an.l the Cason restored.
That hand.ln nonatnat log eon
.,ntitme,ll.o frond. In badness persons,
vettalo the binding forro or an agreement;
that partietpantsin oonirentlearand
eld nal members Of pntlttoat partlea, are not
homotto support. the Amnion of *nett loti-•
weritufna Mx , lade oniniodesi When Shell
eetion or noininations ware promoted
through frandulantor carroptprastlese..
Hess. red, That 1110 late Domoorstie
vontion. by ite disregard of tee right. and
will of the party nod of the majority
inatnly regritiented 0.0 thetficareotiOn,
earned a rebuke from earnest anti honest
Democrats, as online from "all others who
favor the relituratlon - of the etaterrunder
the Conalltutom ' and that e repudiate
fne art ion of the Convention I n Its
Lion MI 01014 henatse. I w Ito ocediannopieht ,
I .of the seen/talons nation/I , lg the removal
of win 111. Stanton, and other patriotic
eela thoPresiduett rot to Mien other lr
regutaistes as were cna legitimate fruits in
tint prorem Inaugurated to nominate the
joseinel, That In moiling this rebuke, Ire
devlgti to Include not only the prime mover
et thee Muth the Imm:de:filmier
that Convention. rapecially tbooe.growing
out of t h ontlul,
nomination ot Jury Commue
clocort bg i t,that
_deem tfuespedient
Moretti nenlymegeknOW in Illselleld p
slieed t the liadicals epee
as of their
ea Making, any nuttier than tO thusneo.
mend .a cendtdate ler the, Mete Senate in
whom “liernocratto voters, and all" other,
woo favor the rosiorathoi of,the etates
nolor the tleusrdollon. •
nog all men who prefer sae the devern
merit minalialotored by whitecitisons have
ounthlenee, and Can 00nlUttlently , SUnpott.
Reached, That we oteadfutly adhere tO
the erinciolte of 01 , 11
Go lan , lorrernt estat.
ta e by the foundete of the n. and
tze prractit . Counlet of
warps- ,
lion with .cocoututlecal -le
Wise, upright and fearless ludie.l the '
greet. ettlwavk .of yO.lllOO 1 / b erfy- aW
"What . , ,
~ J tmeiret, That we do not veneer le the
op Winn•.• That th n
e eona
Polte Court elsould be
/ hscinOith the itleal ind ty,w
and that any party Which would an trualnOrince
soch a. potuntplite OT any. candidate who
wouldhoooent In ran noon Suer( it platform,
dont - SOS rebuke end defeat. ..
to Perelertf; Vara Wo hare eltery coisedeifee
rho legal ebillty,expertenoe," integrity,
antique and capacity of non, (leo. Share
woott,eafallilate for Sopten3o CoUrt of tile
Stat....and that we recommend him to the
hearty oUpport Of lawshO "desire the
14- the tirowthe'teals of
' the ConstitutlON mint - clde remeraltlan. of
t be right Wall. 'chattier In the reslorityor
=learns. •
fteretrot That wo tender to Andrew John
, anti anti t fpa o paltanbenti of leOlapOsats Mid
Cosiseirratl tea to Limittes. She resisted the
eecioartuaents of the. Iledical• upon the
gteeldentlal preregatbrea &with° rights of
the Clasen., , and who defied them "In tee ' ,
mendlin attrranoe s and (brat. Of Impeach.
Ge and
rt o ther outrage", oar thanks , and
Otte mppo t• . : r .
lionthod, lea theleagnageof CharteelluM.
!net%) y That a goirtirottnint Wanda:lea milt,
ter power, ot hvteeltmerlglil le
ordere. Minuet be a Peptiblienct ntre Wilmer rtif tor.
ornment.eceinding too reuturement of
thy- C:onat nuilue, mat that Ile
w ...Inlay. not Oleler L0.14 1 1=1:.,
Ow; bat aloe to that essential principle of
oar flerera men t, which, in the language of',
vetabllekite the nupremacy.of the
fired urn r the milinesrantbinity."
Resolved, That' the trtuipentiou Of - Edwin
id. nWilma was demanded. and h ondersoll
fdl min OLIO SthhOs {teapot and detect a 1
.P.Y, Mid that Le Ode and the ec nein - pent re-
moist of the , SteU/Ler7 cOnetnallelers anti
nourpars, the President of the United :Judea
tuts takesthogret etcy to re•estatillett t o th/
supremacy of the 01111.0V00 the Winery se.
chingy. ,, and lajuitiftlxl . by rite itisatdreen.
I . :enclitic... of those. who Jove national.'
unity and roopeot Individual tights.
°R aUm d Pr ot d e
nt w sn a t g n o e b he d G
C e n.
docile tar she power to remit penalttes and
geta it IDOnatitto
tion 'shooed Congrere githel HA authority.
Ito ctendlly tileeocumanauce:e'reePtell sod
long continued preocriollona of represents;
Uwe scaremonger. and that all men of eenoe
am agrhonl that Valvereal.Amnesty Ought
to ho preChOletod sooner or. later.. Mad"
o aperture Of the Isle amnesty promises.
lion of the prmideet. .11101, mashies a lug.
Mem of once rebellions /3UL tOW penitent
'Wizens, to testicle notate. whereof they
elm by o futtire life er ro rormi. obliterate
and atone for , the and - eine of the
Besotted. That unanimity fa the Emma.
the salmons of the nettoo la estential to the
re.deration of the Union, and to the over.
throw.6l.ltadlealastoremany, end that we
trust that the harmontaln gm the subordi
nates. with Ms views of the executive heed.
and with theadshee' of majority of the
WV, viii beecoomplishell at the earnest
Uwe crewel. con prectinible, • • •
Beiolonf. That I_ et bould he 'the piney e 4
Catlin,s to hate but one kind of ennenoy,
alike for the ealtlier who slaked Want° fti
the Beryl. of Ms nouhtry,' the meetisele
null laborer. -MO./amen mid the mOnew
tendert that intoratt 'Mould be - stopped up.
n .hmehrdopeatted for the, aleentatioll of
therbankeend Minh ottitermenetuNteadom,ed
as will ensure the epeedy redemption at the
'National, Loan la.the Imo currency
wench Is nes ocuntected.
0 AO', fprniODOX.--4}.11.4..0505ti0
J.Weiveir, Jr.; move M 1 thescielittim af the
xasolstlonsiut resa. Ile said he' abborsett
the yosouttisss -entire. Ils" wee Sig gams,
itepablicsa as tbw MIS !A the oeuaty, but
be eeald not tallow tn. laiol. pelf
numbers were far, but we Sr. 11. Spay',
bandit frilefeWellei..MMOuvy/all abb there
wait Leonidas Owe, sad they Tao
stem ob. true sad tried men. Re bad said
to Tom Williams wino lassloNse
Let An
ty, sad drei.
be ( Johnsog,That: would spilt Us
parthe "pewter) for one would
note° with Id= He beffeved that .andrew
Johnson erase good man; he Was following
In the footsteps of the great and ttradOrtal
Lincoltiorho Cu a good, true, loyal and
oonsctenttoes. awn. •.[Tne chairman was
slightly agitate:l thtt tomnrk.l.lle had
loop ern Lincoln In Mined fishers wag-.
This vu too moat for the cen3eaveUve"
serves of the presiding Oftloe4 and h o "..
Quested the oeaker to confine Ws remarks
to the resolutions under conelderation.
Mr. Weaver remarked that he wonld ~ say
no mote," and quietly took his seat.
AL vote was then taken on the resolution.
and tgey wire &Witted.
atiiitiarthe "Oa enraged.
General *Snide fel:nark.' that ACM'S ,
leg to the provolone of one of the resole.
hone the oply nomination to be roade was
for State Senator, and he mofedtoproeeed
to that bnameta.
On =otton;llorgeee Jame. SaLoburr, of
Dlrsenngbarn, ItSe noNnated fog the office
of State Senator by secaettlon.
Ott motion the entire Demacratio county
Oaks; with the inception of State Senator,
was planed in nomination, It Delhi{ the only
one, as 1114netal 1 0 /llllatus. declared,' which
Wu in en:martian to Radicalism.
••On motlom the, Ilhatrinen appointed the
tollowinir Coulmlttee on tortespond.or,
re. 6O. hi re. .6.. O. Lloyd, N. P. Sawyer, Cornel
ius Charles Rryarm,Andrew Scott.
R . .P. Lanissiou.R.ll. Roach, Dr. Um
N . ay..% General Thoreau Al Rowley, Too.
H. Bath nn, Henri A. Weavers r..D../&er
en, D. H. Wililants,lerdlnand . Yoke, eo.
Smith; D . O. Lambert , Daniel Wertz, , Joseph
Leanly TN. aciwart, N. -W. Wani John
The . Mammittee tent. meet thls -morn
ing. at' tea WeLoelt, at the .ISt. Chula.
Rotel. -
On MotieM, the Centro:ration. thee ed
PerlleS Hems,:
NLcboIM Maya, charged With asswah rind
battery tyilb latent tonmarrat rape, on Oath
of lin. Water., of the ' , ling, veal', tee par.
ti.chncci 01 which we published of Yonder.
A acla hearth* before Alderman Irwin, yee
eerday, and in default Of 113,003 ball wed' coin.
Mitten for trig.
Jamea Smith, charged onnath of G. Nolan
With the iarrany era watch. after • hearing
bcrom the Maser yeirthrday, wu committed
for trial In default of IWO ball. it le alleged
that Smith what to te the house or the Otos.
center and aaked thing th eat. and
while It was beteg Dro7Xt for him retook
the watch from the matt '1 and tett the
Felon EMI, charred on mall of Ids wife,
..11ary . Eey,• with desertton and aban
donment, bad a amine before Alderman
L tVa i tL Y ZllteTlillg i fa7 l ll:lfltf "O l t:
b 11! avresniniA Corm
HodYoorbett.eberealt Mite of Thomas
with emelt and battery ,bad &Vine be
tore Alderman Strain,yeaterdaY, , and In
'default:of rare hundred Chelan bath ere.
34 committed to jell to answer tea charge at
Ull7ll/1. TO FAT TOLL.
• Hr. Bmitik litteite. awl taken be.
tors Jam*, J. 8. Bmitt4 of Chalet town.
ably, yeaterday. charged with ercarh2g the
t h t=it b9:o3..cidrinn. gsyleg tell,
Ms la was committed Wr:rs, not
able to my far what. lane he was commit.
tad, as tha committm soothere ylabb rays
“dre dam^ and 10 5Olll "dia
chargad by due process calm:,
41 .mnflah Coo Par 4pound befoniAlder ' :
Man .If4aln testertfay. and made Informix.
Una its . lt . Lttella Evans, Ayr surety of tha
pesos, alletant that spa tr9B4 fadOcent
gnagn toward bun. R. 711.11% VAS Isinad.
Margaret. Carr made infortnatlon before
Ibis mama inaglatzato, aantrat Mn. Den
teams, ( or enretr of Ms peace, atielnt
that tat defendant threatened her life _ and
rand Indecent AZT eftbefiolnlnit I.guage
lawful her. A warrant Was Leaned.
illeheelltrannon made information Defers
Alderman Yobleaters. yesterday, charging
Illehael Conk and JObtl Jones With the
hammy of Celt He alleges that they, the
defendants, and klineelf boarded et the
mate 'hen/MU Cark's Zif¢e, mei that they
took his carpet sack. which contained his
clothing led ipOcknt beet. in which was
tbe lateltbft of money named, and carried It
away.- The defendant+. were. arrested and
healer a bearing. •
ditana 0 . 2fe1l made Information before
Aldermen touch yeateilley. eirelest limes
CrConney, charging him with. Epilog
money feed hie pa:keel:in amid not sae
boo math; The parties :made In Lawrenoe
Tllle andlare been working togctS, for
for a Deering. Urns past- O'Connor was committed
Ittiob geheirifeldt, oho rush,. on Sloth
tires; clime IP 118 Mayor`, ogles Tnovilay
errentrig and requested the arrest of lames
Itiller.artto be .441 em in lua Ponta getting
Ws every olleardarly warmer. „ (Moen Alp
era cant to the place and tonna the man,
as bad beep said, Mims Ina manner not
consistent +with good coder. ladles , sras Sr.
rated and looted np. Yeeterday morning.
at the hearing, tt corned out mat Nelsen
and Miller *soupy same donee.
Moieties . Molar np emirs. Miller 'came
holies drunk, and'cent into Ur. gotten
feldtle part of the house. where ii, com
menced acting le • •0317 disorderly manner.
Mr: W. °Meredith* out, and tens immedl
aptly made the object of the inniegi abuse.
At the conclusion of the hearing the pato- -
ner eras committed Mr ten day.. Before
going to,latl he. had a hearing on 'a. com
plaint for nutty •of the peace, by his
wife, who alleges Mat he la in ttio habit of
abusing her on all orenalons and - that he
threatened to kill her. On tide charge he
was rackneasined,tolatt banal& Wadi • •
'Ann Berk made In before
dermas Mellastera yestenlay, efleflrlee
Mary Quinn with agaravated aesaalt end
She Wag. that the defendant at•
tack 4 her with paring etones .4 Struck
her a net.. 1 Mare, • dlelooatine her
shoulder .d °there!. eerrerely Injuring
her. The sone. warn &treated and held
for • hearing.'
Frederick Staten line yesterday appeared
belcao..l.ldofroals Thomas, of tile. Meath ' 'Ward. and'ebarged rrook Menne withal.
sent and battery. Tao proweutor alleges
that Um dedeurtent awl a quarrel with him,
and some hard words passed between thorn,
when the Oefteadant stroolr bins In the la..
(Meow pattern muted up put a 'Mop to
farther Ml:acuity. Sternan wee held to ball
for Court.._ ,L r
Hate Morgan, a resident of Pitt township,
al4Wereel before Alderman Thomaw Sealer.
day. and prefersed a chargeof assault sod
battery against Frederick Shltennee. The
PrOgeoutzlz alleges that the defendant
wsmewbat abused hoe and toot Improper
liberties. A bearing Was had whlolrre.ult
ed to the defendant being held to ball to
sewer at colart.
Mrlw■ Colitis's alLa7-0111E44 11161,1,
Acanfing array Of *abide nettnet De
muted IssL eMing, on Grant street, near
Seventh, in which ;Allier ninnies W.:folds,
of Ble day :teliteelL Wan severely ent in the
abdomen. The facts,.. far as we have been
Will to obtain them,. are es follows
Thomas Scanlon, of Lawrenceville; was in
the house of Michael Coliard, at the corner
Of Buriath sad Giant streets; dnink luta
dlsordelly, from which he came out oo the
street, when he wee amosted by °Dicer ice.
ble, who was miming at , the tune, 'and re.
quested to keep quiet. which he refused to
The Wither then arrested him and but,
the lbnpiverse on him,end wits endeavoring
'to take ll= to the locketp, wnen , f:anion
drew it Imlfe and stabbed ram in the lower
part el the abdomen. The °Meer did not
release Ott e bent ' in
him for soma minutes afterward.
Becoming , weak from.- the < loss of
blood - Wad the severe pato, be to the
pavement in state of exhaustion, when
Bothnia waa 'shelved to quietly' walk away,
notwithstanding there were nearly* hen-
Mod people Manding around al the time.
Alderman gottasters heliring of the *Mar,
in company with rue of his °Moen went
and arrested the man and - committed blue
LO Mil on charge Of feloolous assault and '
battery, ••
aar Second taken W his boarding
house, otreet near Grant, where
be was attended -by a physictan.' leis
'injury -U_ said to be of a vary serious
clutracter,ne the wound bleeding was Inter
Narrow Escape.
Wednesday . warning George Wheheir,
briatemaii ole the Johristmen Acconisooda
Mon train. had a mime' escape tram death
Ttte train stopped at Hawing's station, nee:
Wont tinder the train to adjust
°neer the patent maks,. The elaila of the
brake gave war, and the rod, flying back,
stck Mr. W. an um head; cu
tat Nesbit/he* bled alarmingttling
y'. Tbefright.
/bred man had presenew or flint! enough tO
cram out team his rertions pocltlon Pet
before Um train marled. and was pieced In
the tessera ear. in which he came to the
ilad be been stunned, or had ho not
had Dis wits enough need him LO came out
as epeedily as posatble trom under the ea;
be would cortabely have been killed, for no
one hnoir of lits being Under the train,
Fahehtiteni inad Alusentettles the Moat
Rearesal wad lesseeestad Method. fen
Treettec littareh end -- Dleeetea of
the M Meese...
Nova.—Dr.Abom devotee' attiecdal - Knee.
tton to the treatmesa of all Massless Mel
tient to the gye, Ear. Head, Throat and or.
mms of Metalled.. MU protemlonally at
nu, rooms, So. Mt Amlthileid. etsset, Iron
. L 6
Last Winter was attacked filth a eelsre
mgdoshieh settled on My lung,. yft caugb
nu Very 413treselng and omit:aline. 11. t
thirty rounds In weight. • • temaoli and
liver afigi - Were alarmingly dereneml• 1,00 .
"T• GraohY. pastor Of the . Youriti thalteel
Presbyterian Ohnich.tOok ine to pr. atm.,
of Rh ISt licalthEeld street, under Whose
$lllllllll treatment I am gaining My former
health rallldty, Intian three omits I Dare
gained five pounds. • • scan. Mama
63 Morrison street.
Subs 6eatorea...l applied to Dr.,abon.
al N 0.1.14 floatlifteld street. 4.0 teens eee.
wilß•pstrilal din 6111! Of toy loft 0 1e. home
*ataird7 deli:ived of Its vet. Today the
dleesasl. entirelyeated sod too sling re•
stored. I consider the Doctor one of the
apt fkillatt aye eureeoue In the trotted
States. lastreatneson le so fond sod elmost
141 4P01. 11 3 , encoonfol. Jona rage..
, ' :face allgoo street, Ntstah taut:
Mites to etannistriera...ln mother col.
smut win be fmnin the actirestimonent of Use
V i ta a ,e4a°,:=;',4°.gri
attention. -It la reference to the oaring
or - Wood and mu, streets with thertioolson
Pareatent. Eta advertise* ter ' 'sealed pro.
=ale t erhlell . 7lti be receved until the -/th
F] ===
The Grand Jlll7 flnintled its inborn yeater:
day after haying been In geasion twenty
one dam and lounging anon four hundred
and Iffy ISitle. .134gfore the JIXTT was din.
moisiod. Jed& Marren eorapilusented the
body forfors having goolghed ay re great an
-amount of brigineag to so :bort a time. The
.I'l2o A.Ae no caictal presonme.; but
adopted the following
112.1517 Fer 2101.11110,11. •
Tho Grand Jary of the moiety of Ail.
ebony, Impermanent for the , ~.aptemoor
terml9o7, baring visited the Dlxtuoht
llatio itrespltal, and' the Western Honed of
efuge, thoroughly examined the rearm.
tire rrnmolsee, and instituted searanal ecru
tiny Into .the connitlon and .1 31 0nagMent
thereof, Math 10 tho following representa
tion •
• _ _
The Dtthiont Itommlial. under the direct
eopervlelmi of Dr. Reef and his able and
gentlemanly assistant,. Df. Grayson. Is a
model of neatness, order and eVellence.
Solidus dlmculty f 6 wiperleaced by them,
from tho,facttliat the melding le altogether
in aden fia , o fo the number of patient. com
mitted to teat. custody and treatment, bet
th , e will be remenrebly relieved by the corn..
Pletlon of one of the wines which will soon
ne ready for occupancy, tnociah It clamor be
eltocettier overcome until notn attire
be fetched and nen. Considering the Ms
advantage, we feel that wo cannot expresS
In too strong tame our appreciatbm of the
admirable manner In ' , Web the thatltatlon
le conduCted.or eat forth too eta:natty Its
clatme Open the generous consideration Of
the people oft hie coramcntwealth.
The Hondo of Refuge. nd•n. the Superb.
tendency. of /t. N. Avery. Eat.alte Peter
A. Painter as degletant, and Mum litele Me-
COyons Matron. In Mader Ll:kepi:et natket and
wholesome discipline. 86113PYLIOnlita neat In
all Its apartment", and attire appliances of
TATE= training: intellectual education
end moral culture are directed with' Uhl
earnentnom to the reformation of the
inmates, and fitting them to re-enter ect- ,
chat as mond and honorable member.
thoroot. Nor can we omit in thin nonage.
tine, to tutor particularly to the Inetrur.
tlon Imported .In the wird mimic. from
se toe most proficient, a nand has been
oraard sod, wham performance. are of a
creditable character. and threes Mal:l3On
whO.C.s 4 AOO teCreatlon, not only to shoes di.
rect.)" .PlYer ire , bra, to all the member* of
the hootehold. .
Resoired. That the Creed Inquest desire
to, extend to John W. Ridden, gig., assist
, ant District Attorney. their wiirtsestressiks
for his efficiency In preparing and present,
lug for their notion the ctimtual businese of
'the late terms and we farther desire toes) ,
that his efficiency Is only equaled by els
cow - tear to cash individual member of the
Inquest during their inning.
Retnived, Teat the thanks of this Jury are
due and are hereby tendered to General
Goor g c 5!.
Casa, the able and efficient Presl.
dentf the Pittsbdrgh. Fort Wayne and
Ce lean° I/allergy Coffireary, ter hb klednees
In furnishing a special tar if Wog , our late
veitt to Dimoont JdostataL
Wa, G. piney, . . gobs
Semi. Lindsay, . Wm.ltea. , •
gig %TT . gi:e7tr Z
Jake lilt!. lion. Cochran. Jr..
XcLeitd,' noe. Oropemhelmor.
Edward ICelly. to fr. Console; .
John Cooper, , Gee. 1f..7/trwers.
Hugh Lee,
Jirsaixes, lerffifienr.
Tee Orea.t.—The Academy of Mule Irma
I Illiedlact evening by a fashionable and tip•
preolative alfdtence to see and bear.; "the
Barber ofgeville," Doehml , s great mein OP.
era: The acting wee of the*ery_toest. type.
The pantomime of Diadems La Grange
is even superior' to her singing. Sun
that' of • exceeding sometimes. She
folly sustained her reputation as a
mealud, and there Is In her tam
and manner en appearance of simplicity
and purity quite nt variance with the gm
-rally 'received idea of entitle singers. We
should my Mos is a perstin of kind taut and
pure life; and this opera Is such an *Arance
one the comic concert. which degrade the
public tact., that time *lto render it, as 11
was rendered last evening, may be reward
ed na teschers of morals as well as music.
Toe parts of gismo tied Dr. Bartels were
partieularly well sustained, and altogether
the entedtsunment was n - rare treat to the
lovers of doe music; an.l those Who esiby a I
Mush. The parts of Bertha and Florello
won omitted; but the audience were do
lighted and did not appear to regret their
Tee Orate Honse.—Notwitheiluetrm she
feat that Miss Ida lernon , Waa
throw up her eugagement et the (Mere
Route, on account Of the tuitorttende bon.
dent, of whiollSreiturf the psrthitilarffirm.
tetchy. the - grand sansattnial drama.
"Nobody, Vittlithter. e iu which she Was to
appear during the erect, is being produced
with marked effect, Miss Virginia Howard
playing the rifle for which Miss Vernon wee
mud, and wl.hont reflecting- upon Miss
Vernon to the lame, we think the parts are
anstaload fully se well nail she had comets.
ed. The plea le Well 01.91 throughout, and
the llinaze upll of tee different ohmmeters
is good, and the perm, general/y, are well
anetainaL - Mark gates place the detective
to perfection. and Mr. Hann ea Capt. Ca.
bleetene„fs uhannelled. It should be men
to •PPreethied, end from the success
has met with, we preemie. that most of 'our
city readers" who hive eta. Already been
thee, will avail Memoiroe of the privilege
of so dome during the time it la On toe
boards. /Moth wed posltively be here nett
week, and persona flair/ex cents during his
engagement would do well WWI upon Mr.
Conklin the gentlemanly treasurer at the
°pore House and secure them. Mr. U. is
always at Idiom., and will be found' 009:-
teae, and obliging Wall wherever him with
call. '
Too Tireless—TM • old Thecae I. still
oecn pled by Grano and enrlsly's minstrels,.
and ii being nightly fined with the mirth.
Wang portion of our poetilatioll, who leave
It only with • imare to hare the .'those" re
pelted. Few minstrel communal have Wet
with the success in Pittsburgh, that has at tended tirtfiln end Clinsty , .; ai.fact which
mast be attributsel to their impala taiga.
and gentiemmly demeanor on the stage.
learentertainmente are free from the low
vulgarisms and obscene mannas that natal,
ly enaracterise minstrel troupes. and their
music, Ilk. toeir Intim and witticism., is
mmerolly now, and of an encellent charm.
ter. - Their nintormances u
throughout Ls
Pleasing to the eye end ear, Lad nothing
transpires alculeted to offend the tutu of
the most Lfestidloue, delicate or refined..
Tee Ceporirr Ar IhrotemeLn.—Tbe CO..
eat, on Tuesday evening lest, for the hone ,
At of the Union:4oMM ficheol at Benefield,
under the management of 'Professor Law ,
ton. !masted by -s number •Mainateur.vo•
cabals front the city. was a oleuant affair
and a pectmtary success. Too music me,
holed ter the Coesalen embrace:Misnames.
trios and solos, among them NosarVin 010.
;la, whieh was very well rendered and
elicited deserved praise from the and lerim.
Altogether t o . performance was nitrite.
Vous. and will long beremembereil by thaw
who had the gocal Manna to Morena., At
the .rioncluslon of the Concert, the party
were Invited tethereeldenneel Hr. Davison.
where • princely began was spread out for
all who wished to oartake. is not n ev er
say to Sep that insure was done Mr. Davi.
son's hospitality. as the appearance of the
table* lea Mort time showed It. May we
Orton visit Benefield on such ea:estate.
Tglintrine.—Sneb n• variety or novelties
were never before presented in this isiW. or
5 .7 CUM ls rise th side of the big Lamb
pond as have been vitbleseed st the Vane.
ties Theatre this Season. Messrs. Witham.
sad JoUtrebb appear to be determined on
rnonnintg liatiethe In their line that Is
brought out, regarniuse ot trouble cent
ral:me, null we are pleased to know that the
enterprise bonnet been unranitinemsed. Bo
.far - toe lemma • am been a vary socossefol
one. and sinner mob excellent management
it matt continue to Doha'•
beafrable Inivato ResSelessbe swig
Groono, on Western escape,ngen%
city, at auction, on lionday, October 71.1 t.
two otrdoel-,.. 3[. Lot ninety feet front, as
tending al indwell Wont 278 eat. bein
corner lot. ong
Also, VACAUC lot f adloining g
the snore; fronting of feet on the
avenue. extending book 277 feet to a lute
rootllllllllot.. See advertisement •of Smit h. son, Palmer and Co., in auction rolonin. •
pumps mud WoodettTetttneg—We
nave neglected ttennOlote to call panne
tenon to, the odvertleement of Reset a &
TSslers Itabltuon. eueceeeors toJee. Charles,
wheee establndoneitt Iv at the miter GC
Thlrd and Weet, streets,'
, tllOghen City.
They xnanutactorn • impactor : pottot7
wooden tuning and log pemyre. and we are
glad to know they ere tiliendy extenetsely
patrOolsed. - •
A mAyee Opportnnlay le now °demi to
Iturehaae, , at mat thoesplendld Sn
eer .Tea. and WIND new cow
ff O e u r r i n re g e n d t
Z r a ful n treet n. Wewo y d a re .
era to call t aw oxtut their
Intend In a dale to move Into their new
'torn, witla an entire new stock; It
Alloelwely Commadloara—Ro omitted
toilettes ate laot of
oloottoo, on Mon
day, Of Capt. CasPof Gan; h..arOothhar o
the Common Coonoll or Allegheny City
from the Thtrit ward, vice C. C. Swath. re•
maned. Capt. Wane has heretofore repro
seated th.nurn ward in COnnetht, and WILI
MI attentive member. •
Dry bleeds al Wtsleaaist—We Invite
thepartletner attention at buyers ,tt sm o u,
dto Oar complete ateelm or 0110, Dress
ome and all - Waft of Fancy and ittaPta
~d ts. the tact th ante non at, the
lowest Eastern prices and geode tO sun
.r. N. Boots% & co
F.reha"". a 0 Unmet street. .
carpota —We take Wean,* to amt`
the attention of oar readers, to the card of
Meant Ilovara, Rove d Co-, It another
caluran. They have a very One neck of
curate on hand, and are revolving lb.
latrat 010100 00 fan at they:are prOaccoas
whilst thetvPrieee will be found tomtit the
• torulturd—tre Lorne the eteottcat of
mar roadere to the nerd of Jostph Myer
ton.loamottket oolcann. Thn Is &h old .
tahhilled hoe., and is loth Intoent for the
ezetnent quality of footnote they MUM.
Valuable City Property ►t Anetion,
140. m.tD ►no tel Fourth street, ion Thane
Out , . latt. 10th ►t ID. us, Sae adverCsomant
of Smithson,: Palmas & In Auction
• be, Ear, Irbreasi obese NI &
oesae, sad Camila exemesafully, treated.
by.Drkbonsil3lllmttalleal street. A took
by malted cents.: Tea •
0,44 snaiplju k ir Isolla fu, J. T.
Biumple , slDattg Start. Fa. 88 federal "treat,
• ' •
• Far Mato- tEgocki psylog rout ' on Qui
Gurris will be sold to an energetiO
ePPIy totlay et Gazarra COtiattag loam.
Tito zoraalnl.,
• tare. Moot. otoltalatag 211:011fiCIONO
OWNS of Istenstlfsz mate =SOL TlNltOlft
UldEua Eattortlaa, Wort NMI 17 TAP.
14.11. valsoktdo Reath." IfoitOf Null 11.
Z. 137. WI 111.1trt mud man tollsaio Mew
Co dd
asaseteial MArtot aa . Zoyogrio [Ma le
aa7P Pet to. .47. No latter, *ooliale •
Ifachsatstkonli .'" '.11".11 it.
•rmaxim ClAsernot
xxxifis )Oa
cf f
Cita uti.
of 1 4 8 .
-- Aod oao em of NW. t* du p Q g*".3
aD lbo dub. AOUDAD. to data eta ..-•lolAt,
.1 U.., %%dab MU. • ' !!
XOTtco 7e Oftscamono.—.ll. =daft/ rJor
Pepe,. be net Lai 4.04111 —•
..e, ...e twee a Wedarellet MIMS a ff " 114.
embers Wine Mt ass mans 'mike .. _.• _
SIP Kerney by Dna. lizzorees, MieNS 1:lb
or ha Beestancl Letters, an lanai ay ipaz
A . deireees, -. QAXAM2I4 . „
—Tho flooring trail of Bond .• toit, stab%
miles north - of llonennes, on the Ens*.
cult onrt Crawfordsville railrOnd, to Cleat,
was destroyed by Oro en Toentay. An tins
memo, quantity of wheat erne borne& Una
—A flu at Loudon. Ohio. on .11Loadet,Ile.
strop:a Tobwat's warehouse, the Dnowaithe
°Mee, Thomas A Broa..g bo toeari n . and Ca&d.....1
boot and tro store, betwaort
and forty thousand hollow InzerldltTO
about orke•half. . •
j t use.
—A 'petition hoe been Lied with -
Shawl:lore. In New york, slaking Mei UN
areteento, ElPase A Paaltio liattrowel thew
0a,p011.0 to co Into banlimptey.
Thmis c
s: rat =se relative total*
bankrupt? to the part Of t
under the et* law., .
. .. .. . ~
—The seta of the &mho( thellereWll
. .
~., .E rpr ., at, fitrownaville,Nelhhium.
wae robbed of nbent :Moen tac...,...,.......
lan. One NltOkagr, of :wo theireaset ,
hundred efolfars woe dropPlel by MO
hers and recovered. , .. .
—The Crow indinnereran :111*
pease Commtemonero. eh Yeti l_erehhie It*
Noirumber. . i ,• .
—One thonenad Imande bullion vaii gip
Gently !hipped from (told 131142feeedi.4.•
- • Teltow Never nt Worley:ea:
toy to the Yittaeurse eurtu...ll
o ,, tl—Acaoitrits trout TOM.
gas. report Lieutumults Gordon azWl goy
brisk! very low with yellow fererortisib
boye_s of recovery.... 1:
Lad!faille Banker. /Insp.:sad '
[By Telegman IA ten Pitisttran.easatia.]
Lei:myna., Oct ittiCia...
bankers, anal:waled payment.' They sum
Mule an assignment of thine
clo to inewhlr. moms Moro. XN_
Market street, for all (lemmas Pataat Ane•
icines s rattle loweat rates,. .
a. to irt.oitos . . nark No All
Uarket great, roe. zellabl• itomaylps
Cold tiliolldloic Soda Winder ].ft.
Sun p brag atene, zd reasulsnelle..
- •
Vauntltalics Wasar It Avesodafaaara
Dia/Se/crawl all arciste of the MIMI& 1*
sale by all 4J "
ALnar.e. , OD. Toe.dajmeraii4Oetebetlft,
Hrs. MA.P.T.4.... olio of thoo , S• .4booo. 11 . IPS
tOtttlear of her Cep.
The :enema will Win plliee. Cris Lie failia
residence, So. ire .I.lbar IT,
arztantorN: Semler. Cittoolt.
'f •
ond... at - halt
o'clock, AMY 1.:136t.....t. rma vat{ datoilttirM
W. and Nergeret McKee, aewl Pa% 711/16
are - _
The taa MI aril( tat pima nem riolliessi
of her parse te,2110:3 Ws* Avenue.
on Tem,. 005 Hint.. at IlteNtielt a. S., Veltilew
Mad to Alltithany Cm:foamy.). Tbeteiewle
far fly are respeetfelly invited Westland..
"•-•• Ho. Ir. Youth stroot tittatrarglN
e07.1117;13 - of an !LT.:II:CM-PIA SLOT/AN
yrerr deotrintlaa .r hawsl larVoNsiliodllOP
tarer.bol..floordropened &load Mott. Haifa
sod yd torotthm.
- I=2l9rms—' Darla Eat. D. Dt...
W. ascot..., D.D.: =loam .11 - ottg.
cat, If Mlllan tot.
Aral üßApnat. ~Awe mail
late tuno±t Y.. Oser., , rge. sirli Oslo saw"
tbree dart from - Hewer. Allorbray OttY.
Bltroodel. IdatoSray..Wattat And MOO.
wood Inatte4on Vaasa. Att - le !eat sedeiM
MUM. Rotas almost sU boor/. /11 , 70zel EMS
Hoarse and Camaro, fonklabod ao short ItolllB
so sot nrukodablo term.
EDWARD • CZAR/11E0M 4 1 15.
Drirvuom. - Vets. 1144 01110.pfflaei
/Wigton. atdallls, Lkagewscd sad oast ow.
Ina, with n templets doa of bawd naslataidat
rood. so lunch cod fraldsacd as Mena . load
10.101VOSI off., We sad Moser!tablas. OW
Harouthes. Doitidoo. l 3 C. lisndS•t=a
ooroor of MORTON sad Plant STUMM
Moth oataa or all kssaa. - Mane rodli
Carr!. or foratahrO om too oforbootoolloo.
UFMTER F !NUBBLE 11/0111a.
. .
- -A. IliklittAlJlL, •t the elsateterf VAS
'Le*r^lae:llli, Pa.: °IMMO tiTALIAAJABAN
iCAeleB, WAIia.NTED WAT&Ie rims..
J074310fi1l Aid Optiaistiss
86 mrszmrsce
esticoavints TO aosmeasr•• scor*.r',.
. T .
Ern.vor-rimeivir WALT
Alf unimurz eve.;
111010 TED LID -116 W. 60091.
• •
Merchant Tailor.
Hu um wed to Fe:.. WYLI/M.IEIM wow
Otref FUHrs.l mut. Ulm Ito IN Huai.
tog OH nor and utt•lnive met of • -•
CLOTH 3. oAnellaldEna.
Whleb mlit luau.) to order to tbo ouot.
rp1f,16,0 reemnaess MS/
will be <old on Irm-r Tall. 01.1•140 tenni • •
sis [Tn. literobaut
No. 04 MUM?. one. of nand.
FOR SALE=I2' 11,1011111.11111
LOTB, pzllo. attaatio Dn thoolualarg
inmate. utlolatoe We tuadsimonk naltleilil4ll
Col. 11..1ollough. Them its Of soildoollft
.bie tot.. rui cnuttundelsaintiatetwrellergie
for Elnei *lei.; U., num be ozoofleit; •
Senn esuar.
&MEM or. uaLL • eaturgium,
u Zama saul Insanasa Yob%
um \
tortme Crir Iltannuix wenytiallitalli
root= PAVING Or WOOD Villl2l.'beia
WATlrit To '7111711, ted. 711.1111 mow
WITH facoLeow rAnnieveronll OS I.
calved AT TIIIII OFFLOR, West:Nartirt BUM
Brtol.l<nsto. can 1, ,, t rem atttiti Mani. -• •
- • 14; J.
CUT trabost.
AT AL-011017.-in, TRIATADAY..OO)NV
VI :h. an IC, rtmntqas.lrn Assaf., tAarnal , ..•
trolls end.~elß.bl. Popery. ILM et p, .1
lea la.a
gab ..earl tytic bandin g . on
een,allmir tar•
fo nt,. a :nt . 1 % '4l Vrageraltd 42 44
nerd ..DWI OT Atasam aloolo ll l*drarL.
igra d veriiat. ICU frcil ova' .t4l toot 4.11.
m 7F t z. "yl ... t.AllAAlang At fro ,
Tem. ann. aT
alirrudox, rei.xxit a c 0...
FOR NALV.—That handiness
arid mg desfrabreTHßZE WORT aato=
DIV ELLING ISDIDIL e ; aliases Dee 311,194imik
men. !lasi erst e This Deena D.
eel et cli&banasowitel Minna to Plielbergeh
aid new rents ter We. This geopentg ls we
,wonli ill &written of. Mow seeking &
hoists; Dille riIIOTSZULT e NW kaUlilik&
Immense Agent.. nutter Mini& sieneDelkgage
ts nee Lawrenceville: -. ; -; ;
C140SB,&: CO.."'
Practical Pa:allure Nalltifttaunts
CPii. didli Al; • WAYNE sn,
"foams FOR MALI Jur
liiowni:ri Livery siiible t
nun! MU. sem "arvam'a Itospa.
f"twil"g• 1.141M=7,t...14.641t
gvutt~.s x ni o acu.,
An Lor 6uei NWB, Pitablivi,
la Axason lOU MAMMA&
m:wares n aunt,. •