FM r_blEtit.rtiaikrrz, 'MIRBIIO 11, `uB .Wood St., near corner of Fifth. illoYernment Securities, Gold, Silver, And Coupons, ht and sold 4. Ilberal terms, PratAl .old I the Torlacloal MU. of INtrooe. TO HOLDERS OF 14013. - nails& ma. l arrin an WAIL fany , lon . OorankmassU. wean prranod W °wren I.}'! In:of•rrs of 120. - ' Condo on Hand for Deironrr. IRA B. •• IieVAV . & CO., ¬ :.eII 7 O7ISTS 'arITILEMD BT2. .CONYERSION .01 1 7-30'S. sresuow P.:Med te !Meer. the . SEROND AND THIRD SERIES 1-50's /h7O TOE Nfilr,lol7 5-20 Gold coupon Bads, JAMS I% BRADY & CO., Nen it Glummest Egui is earner Fourth ec. l l - 00.1 Streeil• Vje EittibutO (54:ittit FINANCE AND TRADE Mich op rya PlTr•lVaaa Q•l.Trl. w - - Uctobor 1, WO. —Antonia differ as to .the sweat of the eineymarket. The burn having eatenlve sentry toestectlons generally report a very toes markat;whUita the ether quarters there Anon to he a purist abatement of the pees. •ore rioted • day or two ago. The interior book' are Very generally rhawieg Unto their neeterepoedents hero for legal tenders, to pre. paratlon fur the quarterly etatentsatt and al though the amounts called for . are net Inehold• uatl um, yet the eggrogste It coosiderable. ThreChiesgo banks appear to hays leached the ;bolt of their ability to aceommodate the grate modul, and an disported to enforce direct par. ?OW. as bp the et for any further grain that • hay be riqutrad. The demand of 'county for hems the western crops cannot he considered •• having reached' its Melt. The amount of ':erattrio eorne forward unurrnally larger/be pitoei .f breadatrilfr are Tarr hlthquid the lamenn rotntmalin indar gun elnetunteneei Priesiforward their produce with tAi ntntoht ‘ hearetheb,rni hiCiealmedupon...The Gowen; slat to thinking upon Its depeiltoireo lathe '"pest; and the otters are genially nap:Masi to Azdrallatipmathe banks of Hew Took city S. UMW *ski New Turk nets: trenoreivriitollower. . • .16 10 4, III; e.liferAner. ISt, 1111;" Ise% lee9frrtionsol.. leAl9s, 91134; 1-10, Cleveland a Plitsburgh B. IL. Aterohluits Union Express Western Union ; Telegraph .ST4 Erie PittoburghEoct Wayne 11: Chicago If. 11.. - ":"Ple a k • heeerleris tlentsal. .I.lren4 idleoludpir 13etiirates • ' Michiganl6:4 Senate:li ' • • Owed°. gnome 10111 1 CO • fothpiellver —The failoirinf etterks were cold Toeoday aeeeng, October 10,6 n second floor of Com• o4treinl,lisleelksains,loB Smithdold street: * tiltizeoe National Bulk ' —I3 to Erratum:Fre en To Sack of Pittsburgh.-- sg 00 s , yhe Cincinnati °mune. of klantianotaT. Th. Midi movement. of the west are aoiotb. log 1 large mount of enriencT. No leas than .41,00A81 are repotted to hare beet, drawn from New York tor this purpose Poe* Aligns, Ist, over 80,810,000 of which eras sent oat dm. log die past' weelr - Ondess half a osPlioa omit South to Milts the movement-0f *once. for • tido latter purpOse there tri not •Clkely to be a very heavy demand for • mOO2l to some, but the drain to the weer will oontinue, which will doubtlese Mee ourrenerkt 7 per soot. in New . York. The Societal . ) of the TreesuiT wIl. douttlese supply tbe market with curreocy so ho le ..sole, by the 'moths. of Sores jadsior from his past volley It o.mot probsble teat he will relieve the mar bet by straw.' himself of the power to 1000, per sent. mrtaftestes to take up ilk fifteen m twenty. mllhens of compound Interest notes Met due ()Mob. nth. Prising tMm or it gyeeobackawill fa contraeUng the ,ttosoner IA that extent In the sided of • the 0 -,waseort when money is moat needed. To be "ferewarned to to be armed. sad mit do sot toP ifilmie.earrery *Mow results will follow it ''Ztth ' rl=l7 . liii:: ' wW d" s t gfli r ate h .l l ,l::,l:7. Enjeg the mutton month.. • The demaa4 for memory winthausi satin, nor MVO or. Ono at &fro per oast. for Int else. /IA the open market p.tme mereanuP paper perms etas par east. Same pall loan , an home made st MO per cent. —tEosinir IfiwYork captains* melted - /me , T. Brady h Co.: U. PASlxis, IMII • “ Foos, 1166 ' - 0 . •-• Wine 0 Consols Tunef-Ses IttlyfJlis Use. ClompoMidoe 10M. t c•, Sheet ' • • •— the CMlesgo.Prlhuse, or Monday: The s , e'‘Oireep alerket Wet ekes today, and ic sone violaters It woo repo .ted bardming on ..,... r triggeney. The ehipsiehte or eurrehey to the tartar were gaits though not on so e=renlini° a. r are g 'a utti s od elves " P7ftre U r n e l witishces wine r:l ° .ielved Run St. Vatic where the dowsed tor New York fonds is to ems* of supply,several or th• stitutse were °b awl to telegraph to New in York. lo Is - whet isigests there gra. sothieg new. •LlThe Philadelphia Press tote: The broker. Y. calling the attention or the Investing Ps , Ile to the sui - Jeet of the Cain entan of the sec. ,esr,gesdand third gen. of Seven Thirties, 11, ii.4pg•Went. sad. It is Wale:ed. prospective ptlea 0 1 geht readers delay in conversioa naprolita , le. Mn her 4wst. In gold ealoonr• 10 more Mac 7 n.lO antrenel. white gold sells for no, thug -Withat average of the holder a iwevad g mi oldles. as PLOW TlOl will gels SHIA Deletegly onehair worst. by le•alental. easnersion. • Jai.sonsay camrL,s amimrt. Orgiggt ow ma rTTSILSIMIA • . • TvggoAT, Gototor 1807. Thom wag ► geggasiably light guiplg Of go lEEE s.,liel onside this meek, .Web mee owing Male- to the het that the flobow drovers were esp. teriattimdance. it being a holiday Mita, ftions:as rday'irpott "whist, Seeenimg to their peculiar weed, they ar• obliged to abetalo feba eli.,sePrialt fesPloymente. It is binted to models' Ouarteni, beinetir; , that wbLLe IhrY wen not on bend tbentsgisea, that some or 11113110014;sabetttates -to Ore pewit the, bosr• - "lvir3Odoebtful, to sidethibieet, and betide., smatter et as emseequenai to outsiders: ./Le Ire have 426.0 teaseled, them wee • ',my . smell number of eittle oa sale, but Um eupply, smenrthelos, sppeared to be Pretty welt op to .. 4. s * .Yit6etgestuisall 'bleb spouted to be metric/ell as to supplying tbelrants of the retail (mile, and pekes ruled about tbe lam. a. lest ihistit Li Mailing .nettle may bonen- tad at 1 to and tram that down to 4 num, *4lEl=l 4 , tl . ty m ..t i lba . abaenaof the do or aatoatton, acd notwithataalog Duna war • *hart snooty, no advance was eatabltshad. neR,46 Mafia** could lean. was soi +tremor 611(1•111 that dilution . . The whole number of 4o,gile mold 414 not snob exeval On hundred ugd, of will& we glee the following: - gdms...gpaagla retailed SS lead of Venanan grafi pain. at 11 to 7. Stds is wrathtog re. ra n g.hie—eattle Wain from the oil region. CMVo A n i =la tby..4llvmtirnVith h e% torn trar °map in this market. Co. WMI.4 41 head of shad ~, Mira% 0A to T. nardiee k aren a shoed *.tri::-Nur.T.14e...." b." "a e '"" °°. pt. periter retsulatto• head Wasklngtne ,rafta ate to liand V. Hartman 44 head from oasis lecarity at saws price. in addition ta the above. we were 1.0. M. to gewhieolam at Om followlagi Fimieernal e'" A i D ' tokt L N e a lie ar & k W at•nft C.orrk slier ua 14X111. That ermagalit atoll supple Df Blimp mid Lusts. tlus wsek, and withitaimprevement the demand, the market was dull. its *ldle prlee.a eompsred with last week, have ifitdergons no gtotablo Miran. Sheep mold at 11.44mMia ROM, far far to astral mid Lamb. /4Am:tag. SW Per hood, sewirdlint&o,Vo th Ili sad ioadition. XeAllikerk Co. report haring retailed 110, heldof gawp and Lambe at 01.40 per head for ~ ....she ;rate; arid M. to 114 X. per head to the • ltynd Otranto, IS hand Sheep, wtithing I 41.10 e, to Patterson, at 40. 11002. The market for iht• rast of stock to Mare as tin, sail as the whiter appsomhes, the marked willimmore, and pardeularly La this the tne fa regard to Mai ram( truNk. Emerick al Co. • ...ropart harlot Mailed about 100 kes4 at 03.4 to • 'en era eke maim grin bought 11 had from Om , • , 44 4 oad 9 hitad frem Samosa at TA. 1 , : ,- lot TOME Dry Moelset. Vsleghshli to the Pittsburgh @matt.] -Dam Toga. ObtOber L.—The Dry Good.' market:remains -.islet. and the prima of hgribtui Styles 0( 00Wha. Maui= 000 lager 4.lam:dreading to actlve trade. All stand. ,Sled krooDsMosilogs are offered at a de - --.alkan Otto a'Dard. The Dadtark Read sad -- 111saDo J. - ars mates at um. Waillnittak -r,,-.ll.l.llelmid mulles are reduced Is price to , WIC. Detainee' Me 10 Tor yard beer, and ;, ` '!Uolsys - DO. Mats steady'at 14 for American. 11% ' for kroold• •" lad 954 tot 'Atlantic. Portland Caret:yips ,- are ..chug fa. 034. Der and seperlor of -01.sabird moNb, piled Maisel!. Matek goading TM' flue. atoms 99. Ticks a beteg tatrodomW among the trade at 19 1 per Tame. ~ .11091 WOOD OPIMP. CliOrsio_lfforlfor._ yaosispa wine Pittabanthdaastte4 . • Cag"°. rt i et t re r sl/ W an g s Tar d ykla a irt : —.2erusgrirroaa _Wheat .sotte ace: }Ore - 4-4.c . ..adiN tr y unsyvai for Ma 1 and 01.8121 1 . 311 for. .• Ace& Corn fatten at liniousy4 loy e at ,-alsdaladel,ol Cro Xo.S. Oata closed stads. • _ •istytage; Rae steady and Irm al 81,18 • - 40. 1 Sod a 1.12 for N 0.2. for $ erchn ',end " 41,1d01,14 for'lfe. goo cow u stsTheft . Lard ISW•11 l uip , pmeidnts-1 1 0 1. DOM doer, 14,20 bat ' IM bOa oath Itil c l74lCba• weesh _ Una= ;'7 . 61 2 2W/D 2 12 0 0 0 003 . r. XI 2 %1 jasZ, $416,10 tor wtmat uposlrego. JAS MI IZELL ISt SON, 69 and 10 Water Street, LARD OIL RANDFACTUREDB, /Lad dealers la oftl/02. L118151C1A.21.2t9 and CAIL/SON OLT.X. b ß t e wneaat o n or niter LWaardn 0 ¢ I¢p.l oLe to sell .! 10. as Cincianall or Vide. rates. Orx s Lard ml a Lubricator asanot be *Stalled. Met Creec Lr.brteatlng and 'standard brands of , C = u.,7= Ira= their Interest to (lye es a canna °. orderina• Lam La Olt from the West. feta: rarrsi4nizt. Orr= rex Prmsnonair *mown, j Trranner, Chneber 1, Mr. The mere markets moon no new ohm. Una.. worthrof special mutat*. The de mand for most of the. leading commodities to toadied mainly to eurrplylng The Immediate wants of thine:al trade, aid whale there Is 'a fair volume of troentess in the aneregeto, the trensona, tongenetelthing,are of b un important ohluseter, and pities here end.. Roe. little or no change. GRAlN—Wheat to erne* .ad ha deemed, 4.1 prime Red any be quoted at MUNN" and prlaukWhite et. 12,15001.45. RI. bee tali farther adeemeed, and we new quota at SIAJCe 145. Batley bee declined eattaderably la the West, but I. this market prices are main tained, with este. at eteeigit,so. Corn le firm but quiet:we booth:ye to quote et $1,2801,10. Oats firm and higher; we yew quote at 1£1101730, oa track, and 73075. In stun. PLO un —le quiet but steady with a ronUn nod tar local demand, nod prices are main tained but unchanged.. We continue to quote at 310010,60 for thwitut Wheat; 411011A0 for Winter Wheat; and 1111014 for fancy brand. Rye Flour Uncharged at ti. pa • PROVISIONS—Bacon ls quiet and unchan ged at valid for Ribbed madOlear Sldeasgto foe Plata Sugar Oared Rams. and Sae for Ono• ranted do. Lard la limn at lan, and hie. Pork ditto at IA SEEDS—There la a etude demand for Elam toed at eked, while Timothy 'Seed Is In good eopely and dull, .4 more lota used% falrlg be quoted above 111.76. Clovemed L nentleat at IL CHEESE—Is gnu and tehdlog upward: we wow gnats at WAS; the latter !Wire for Goshen. . , BUrTEFL—PrItne fresh puked Mittel., In emul psekage., I. senior et . 2n61106, and nrinki Fresh Soil at LOOS —4:01.1 and unthitogitt at =a for fresh poked—tho supply to folly up to Um dot mend. APPLES—steady, with regular tales In were, at $3 to Imo, per Dural, awarding to _ quality. LIALY—Ie quiet and unehanged—atag be bang • quoted at µWA wr to qaanty. • . • OlL;—Latil Oil is Arm but naehlwigod DOI for No. 1. and 11,10 for Ito. I._ POT/LIVES—New Jung — Sweets am balm sold at $1.1066 per barrel. I PITISBIISHII rxritozmnixAssaar -them?WePrreantrienfla.a.rvaa Tessnaa, Wolter 1,.1te0 t IMUDE—Tite math. wan Leal* but _vary tom today; lad; noivittutilidlng, theiete hot ilhle dolatipitess aro well insistained. We continuato quota at 11 telZ o forspot olii Me to 1234 e fOr all 1417, seller'.; option, and 13 to la* for Wit delivery, boyMla optioo4but • Ankle sal.miportad,looo bidden spot, at 'Chi Oink ed lipsitoPll , 1. .1 , 11117 hadrl mlulaLed.and with but little proapeat at prey, eat ofa bulk did; hold,us ars coop atifflutleir views, and, an a i.e./ Wog; refuseio make coneestion. in order io erect sale. Parfotare dellesrP, the' Markel shell wouldsloutd.leu tie difficult to tract War. Ina above:quotatioin. - .Prlveti telegrams from 011 'oltrreport the, market HIM at SON do. livned free on board cute. '. REFlNED—Thu.mukst was•,,tohatibusbly lulled to-day, under thillikluenenOf advises Horn Philiotelphla ,rephrti.-thakthe parties endesensidg to brinks about S. "corner' , would doubtless bosinuesaful, sad„ as • consequence, Spot oh bas ago. advancal. We an report sales of 100 bbl. for immediate datum-4°ld early in the day—at Met 0000 do, later in. the day, at Hattie° for all °ldaho., buyer's option, at 37e, and 1000 WI for allihe year, NW, buy er,. optics, on private tams—supposed to ho Less than VW It was rumored today that the Pittatursh operator, now. in Philadelphia, and to whom allusion was made. Out hat rePort, her after ...mai vary 'atratriette succe.ded in gaining his point/ sad that. for. the time being, he to master of the situation and h. the Philadelphia market under his thumb. The move:Dant boo beau a gigantic one, and it t mild to cm of final and complete 11U.5.111, he will hays made both himself and friend, rich. ott arr.= my know anorizarn nsPor. Hutchinson 011 tlo.„ 161 bat maned to I. Wilco:, Philadelphia. /1. D. Zeller. lel do do to Waxing, Rine m Ca., Philadelphia: Brooka Balleetles t 00., US do do to W.O. Ward.. Philadelphia B.hi. Long Va,loll do do to Waring, luau a . Philadelphia. Durum, Halm. t Uo, U do do, to W. P. Lo. 4. a Bro. Phtlade:phia. Otellhig C 0. ., at do do, to Tack. Bro Phltadelphta Buoys( Olt Works, 111 do do to W. P. Lo gan a Bro.. Philadalphia. 501117110 1 1 / I .IIT ST 5. T.l. 2. Clark& Sumner. 111 Obis redo. to P. Wright t Sous, Philadelphia. 7. T. Stoshdale. 110 do do to W.P. Lot... Philadelphia. Lactate a Prow. Ott do des Pialadelptda Nat. Het. Co.. 2.0 do do to W. 0. Ward., Philadelphia. Idbertv OU Worit 730 do do to Brayer. 7. Barka la 00., RM. phis. 0. Wirkpatriek, us do do to Waring, Line k. 00., Philadelphia - 110; IUS TAO. 118 , 1488. 1.17.18 Hew Torn ProdUes ($7 Televenete the Pittsburgh bustle 3 New Tome, October 1.-00 ton rather heavy, sales 1800 bales at Me for redeening nplende. Floe. recelpte 17,273 0131. i opened 1000 e, better, but clawed MOLL sae bolder* were more disoored to realize; sal. 11.000 13915. at omens for covetable state and eetare, $1001133 tor extra western. $10.15 [ 00.00 for retina hoop Ohl. and 211016 for St. Lon.. California $3,11.6;00040 0930 5% 111.60012.E0. Bye Plettr; .ales 450 bbl. let 116.3.11111.10. Whisky quiet and unchanged. Wheat; receipts 1,390 olds; opened 1030 net ter,. butolosed mil s e; saleso were men, disposed to realise; MOM Dub at 92.0 for N 0.2 entice, to amt., $O.lO for No 1. to arrive, 2222 tor setae southern. and 112,23 for welts Illehlean. Bre mete active Lad anntsalea 00.000 nub, dated, to anise, at 01.0016234 for western, and 41,33 tor stave. Bexley lowa{ Wes 7,00 bush •N 0.2 Chicago at $340. Barley Malt dell. Corn armee: receipt. 71000 Onset salsa 1.201 bash mired wattern. In etore, at VAIL $1,31 for ao /Mat, and SIM for white motbene. OW 1.1130 lowert sales 77010 a n d 10373. , for - 0010 and tallnago, on BPOL to Wise. Wee notelnal. 1010 Coffee La good demand and steady, other. Quiet and onobanlial. Burnt In fair roman sales lb) Ithdie at 11%01131n. Kamats in lair regnest and enamred. Hops rot. at 40000. l'atrOlSMlSdallat 140' forornaeand Pala94o for refined bonded. Pork Arden sal. JAW Ohio 0 sn,ssimos for mess, taming at MX, relrel.r. ta 3 0 0 13 1 for prime; moan. old and new, I 0 797 2,01.;1eat montb, 77,31105 it year:37,031 1 bole Beer steed2l. oo 00 halal .00.01t ein stack, al pings; last month, 1110, betel Wt ye5r,13645 nnis. Beef llama dull. Simon quiettssni• 1.9 boxes Inng Meer at ;lye Cot Meeta stead. isles 00 )I,lm h e mp . ;013 fniatooldefa, sad 180410 tor Lard armee; We. 1.110 Mae ar.l4olo,lelinialt 10.0 • void sit 143401ee Baiter firmer, at 130270 ter Ohio' Lamers quiet and Meads, at 100 160. PI al gb ta to I.Av. I ; . 3 .000 norm by steamer et Latzer, P. loqi• elated doll &on 50 leo lower on' commen an( medium gnomes. Wheat 0 dell and H arebeldam more .2300. to mall., with Wesel 2 Spring et gr 03.111, Led Ne 1 8011011 st 04,29111 2). Il ls elated 10117 settee and Gem at e1h101,32. Ow closed doll gad hear 7 0 , 270 7 1 0 10 r Cbloairo and Ohio Corn 15j . 0301 and smear 111,10010. for Oared Western. Port 1. arm with 000 0.01 barrels mess at 1121e5 erase cash end rem/W. alreleg arm with 'buyers at 11390013,90 regular. Beet Ls aetn• 'ltal. Cut "Nee. ere - neamial , . . staidly with a morlertte demand. Lard, 114012%is for tar to prime steam, and 34340 /Soler flottle ronderecl. Oleal,mosit 'Karma thy Mtwara to the ght.bsviS yaret.s.l Curctincril. Oct. t—lflour In good dartand and prices 230 hlgneri Nasally. 01,1141140. Wheat scarce; farmers .0 not selling be cause of the impossibility tting Ds the full crop. Owlog to the 1000101 Mice. ant higher, closing at ASS for No.l Bed and ASO far No. 1. Coro Orme,. at WOO for No. L Vote la good demand. at CCM for No.l }lye iolivanster to OA, Barley 00. elsangod and arts. , 1:Ottoo 4011100144 1100 0 ISOMc. and norntusl , Taboos° In aptly., demand{ the sibs were us hhds lugs at 130 loc. medium leaf ISOM. and good to dna. leaf 5.54335. Whisky don and vicar la bond nahlual. There is a good 0000.0 for-fore onprivate terms. Mess Fork' unchanged; small salts st 014 There is more demand for Bulk IL {cad flacon' leading to • Amer feeling op Monett Of holders; sales "of el.ooopounds or war shooiderf at Ile. but Do roma mold be bought it Oda naLl firmly at TOM; Raeonlildes in difolandt Maas ot 160 htulls lawn for clear Of:moan° Maas saw. :Lard Arm but uulet.stl.l/46 3,, Cheese emit Western Reserve 143f4 Loaner Ron 110100 NO. Lototoes dub at 113011.2•00 ia. 4 145 1, 2 •11 n m erdEl id ira c ifla seed to demand I ==! Uil Tetryrspb tests ntt.bargh lassatta.) LOUs,OetOber I,4"Obaceo milet arse unchanged. Cotton entirely nowLnalownll I ' .4=faLtaggr.l. v5t 2 =1.42,1 d,otes, ysuary 'breads lurid slums On Vierrst fall suprfine, et e.trZer S'At dnublo do, 010(11034, mania, 111_ chola. sod Caney, C.A0013,r0. Meat stlll.d Maher. Wilita, SSOirtNi real 4r120014,4 SPrinfr $1,030e. corn &al. g 1.060 I.ltl Ota Miff and Muth. or or. ono g.nep essay. St 11,1 rn0 801.20. dull and d je more rooping. • Mg, $11.00014.715. Lbseurs.abOUlders. 100146(1 elder sIsT A 17% 11= 1 . wy157. 4 ..V . 17°' n At a rX n ar i s isfe o l.:; Obole.e. Mackey nattralg nominal. .11a oalpm—Flour. SAM Dbi.s Toads. 1,6411 asekei 0ata.771 1 . 10 . 1 1 Ora, MS tniato rumbas Tna weather 11 Maar, dOy and little warmer, „ ' • E cur Telegraph to tbn Pitteburgn Venetia.) • Lorarttirk, October L—nalio of 12 hisda Tobacco at MI rates, 16,1011116,25. Flour ad. enticed relo on cbcdoe grants. wane, $U Corn, onouso le bulk, .0/411; oar In bulk, 11.10. 0111.,1101e0 for bulk.. Yens Park. 911; Itsoon; shoulder., 204. 3 1: clear 11100 ribbed anlpe, 17540; clear Oda.. 1. a. Lard.ln , prime liattla ruiadare ittitatay nominal at Ino In bond. Cotton. now, 100. .• aseane *arks'. ' • [sr Telegraph to the rittobarse lisselke.) • amralls, September.2l.—Sokor lull mom note for Lir redoing{ sales for the week o MOO Dozes of elaysd, sod whiteLlio.s so 10X ea reels{ brOwo No. It to 11, Mil reeds{ auflakNes Mr.. Jo. 11 1 7 roar. Itaseoeede wen. with ' unabsogeO. litolseese doll and ithout Obsess. • . - Rinibisupkui Sew lie; ti t T.iumph to ui PIUSIO.O liliattt4.3 • rins4Deassin. Dauber L—Petrolesm ex attedn eteadard wenet *WA WINOS maw miluof SPCA tele red's% NA .utts glad Lee n Call:ore% PAO. Rye elife. Core 1 fur dement inn side for mseell Western. onne stasid7. Financial Natter; la New York, 6010 =alma at pil9(r . . (By SWIM* to Um Pitutperth - ease tn.) MMSMIZ! Moon , 1€ mote settee and firm as tiler cent for Walnut& Elterlin,o is dull at 'WA CIOW for avid lirstelass bills. Gold Is with out any deeded ollanim Ooordo/3 advancing t0r143;4, and cloalnit 1.7,10 Fitoeim are dell and drooplor. Cddponz 111; do Tzt, fly; 0 o 109; uo '05;109%; de 107 W; do VT, 10.`14; Too-Portia% ;tit SOrezo- Thirties, /0 • •• Opened unsattlAd and lower. but stsse„ quantly utvanced and closed strong. Tne follow/antra= the cannot , 41:10TAT11.6 At S,IAT. Canton, STAMM; Cruaberland; gaAgide; (Er:nress,Lss44;Amertaaa, 67; Adatna,l i Vratrants Calm, 211(t ,it Mariposa. n7Ay Atlantic, 1126115 gt astern Onion Telegranth 365(e 3654. New York Central. .10.91(01118% Ens 660ary,: Hudson, 1170149; Reading, 101.4 101041 Ohio Caniticaten.. n 34017;, St. Pa 4d%. St. Paul inwiarrad,, , 6 04; Central, 105 , ,./.0109; Michigan bouthern, (ISM: 11.11nola Central, .L.Vl)ll2lltpittabuegh. 7911171b4; Toledo, .124 i; Rock bland. IWO loN; Nertkureatorn. 42 ,141 43 X; Northwest ern preferred, 66.:0663Ld Port Wayne, 1000 MK: illigunkt l /WI; Taunus.. Slam, 61. - • • . Are doll. Grrcor9. MINX; El Dorado, 30; Itociro Mountain, 75; Beneendert,r. 10010,511; llor7d00,105; .Edgo 11114/4530423; Smita arid ramie% MCI; 90att. 1110.1501111100. • anp:rassevar a:caters. The receints at the nab:Treasury to..lay were 61.06.5,753; petements, ssosent bat ante. lill2,3lSpik. The Express Companies took 11,325,03055 t currency west yesterday. BMW* tarter. (Be Telegraph setae Pittshe,t, tissetv•l Barest., October I.—ltecelflia—Wboat, 43,600 busbelmcorn. :WO bashes. oats. eit. OM) bit/heist barley, 11.000_ bushels; flour. 7,600 barrels. Iliiipmenta—Srbest, 141,000 timbale; corn. 69,000 Mull:mist oats, 0800 beabels. Flour N firmer, and white west ern has advanced, with sales of 100 barrels amber western at 11m726 barnslaeltystrottrid merino at 010,25; white western at $12012.10; 200 bsrrela city ground seblv, at 4130/3.30. Bye dour Is qucted at 117,72. Wheat; Mere to beta moderate le quirt. wim see. 0 3 MON buabela No 2 Chicago goring and No I • Mil waukee Club at S2,OA 5.00 bushels No 2 CM cago anr lug at 92,01. Corn; buyers generally are holding off, with sales of 130,000 bushels w Mere mired 5141.14010: (late dull. west, ern he fr uttered at 60c to arrive, with sales on the apet at 62160. Rye 11 quietat 41 ,23 for No I western. Barley Is quiet end lower. with sales of 9,000 bushels NO 2 western at $1.22, and 110,0 M bnaliela Canada at 01,90, Bart to arrive. !less Pork; small lots are selling ...Am. Lan), 121,4 e for prime. Hlghorbies are dull. • • New Orllama Market. cu e Teorrsph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Now Oistustwo.OetObor I.—CottOtt swop lag; Wog of 100 bales low WOO st 16340; modpig, 01100; eXtiortli; 106 Dalai. tu gs! to noratha/17 unchanged. 3ffolasuen. Cuba, Is quoted: el 10. Dot Rid. Floor le firm; enuectlne at•l/10= gige •-410/; choice, 613,C14116P-' COwit Itt 0041 YOUOW gad whit. Wren, 81.40; white. ULM Oats Ie 061106 60¢ Per hp. Pork to better: th 1001321.15 Per bbl. Rambla ainlce; nhoulaere gat 155 in per lb. Lard Is Amu In keen. 100 pee lb. sterling exelrallgn 158; New York sight, ;443% r pro. =M!=M .ClaY_Tasersos so axe rittsbarts slasitssa. - .14msrstmils, 1flotu• MATS; Cll9 doubly tutra $9.75.10,Z;..untry do. 111 8 .12.4 No so l 0 1 u 1,1 r 3 5 14 . S O SO t ff s 9 ,odoe. omsuaneM P lO Ifl,ool N 01.9 0. Cora stoutly; 41,03 for No. 1 pod 41,01 lb, No. Frolgtits quint; wheat To nodal° 11*, $Ol to Ossmro So.. Itooolots-30/0 *LW OW bus. sr bra; 10.000 bus-obis sad 1,400 Oyu corn. Shiptunot.-1 . .100 Obis dour, 8,500 Dns.irhost. 0 03. 0 ..- cum. 11== CM•lrPlecrene ao the alteeezezet to , matte.l °swam OotOber I.—Tiour active and ed. ?armlet sales of 2.300 bats Ne.,l Spring at 111.1, double extra SIC' Wheatlirrn andla good demand; sale- of 11.0 m bee. Corn arm with sales ofl,llo bee. Darky quiet and nointonliw lower. Lake tmports—so,ooo bus heat, 11,000 bus barley. Omni export,- 2,600 bbla doer, 45.033 pus wheat. 41 Oln bus barley. - =l= . . . Cgs Telarata t‘tini riaanaran daretuo Hatirintiaa, Oa a 1. —Flour stranger. Wheat mares; red aßoartm. corn Inners white $1,514€11,17. Oats firm. Provisions ateady and In fair consumptive. demand. Ihns Ft1T.3,541. Lard 141.0. thean—shoildern Wh l / 1 4 4ei rib side, Tnialttioi clear rte stiles • ; Dgephti %%%%% rut To PlSTAbialib klKettol 'Ampammtmul.-cmw.a.moo.namli. Corn scarce Ana selling In Store sc 111.0). ny $:3030: Oats We. Pore' V/ per bill Ilaecti—ebonlders 1501534 e; clear Ades lop 1034,. Lard lee. • Chleatto Cetile Market. ter TeJerome to the Plasters,. thtikatt..; • C. 10.10. October I.—Beet Cottle doll and unclmgod. Hogs steady et $8,70011,t0 for good smooth; rettelpts,3,ooo. =UP t,taintakte axe Plerstantrla Rell.3onta Oerober 1.-1 ear iron orr, 107ett d Carmhey; do de r Lloyd A &MIMI I do do, ch.r. Bennett & tlo; 1 do do, /cowls, Ultrar 0 19311liger tobbls angles, 11 Rea )r; t 0 bins dab, 'W COM , . & Col 11 do do, 11 llawortb; 13 do apples, taxer ra Armatronste water drawers, 0 well pumps, Weldee Kelly; 3 bee dry gowla, 3 W LIrlog• !moor 10 lof Dbl. tobacco, 7 kb* do, Wrill Wil son, 1 ease saw., llobbard It Oro; kg bundle. broom haudloa, McElroy • Go. 1 mu atone, .1 1. Is Knox; le orator Plow, H 11 . 00111 nm 100 do do, Bailey, Farrell fa 130; 1 oar kegs, .1 .1 Bro der; 45 bal. oil, Wanly Wilson; 1 do do, IM !tailor°. ear oata, W Brown; 4 do do,S 111 Floyd a; Clorll do sprats. W Kilkpatlsk tlot 100 01l bbls. Hutchinson, 1 oar ffrO brink. C KraPlil Nephew, t boo mile, I klammet a ork;4s aka oat., W Merk; 10 btla 11, Floltarton; 10 dna brooms, .1 lintatdriloni I ear bailey, Symwer 00 lOU 10 . Ken ledya EottiloPl 34 oat., Head_ Ittetayar; ear roata,l do Polley, Uttabooalt, McCrarill Cott & alts oats, al Dailey; bbla apples. Two Uo; to do door. 13 do _potatoes, no its o u ts, TO janolnatre balm F Welaenbergar & Co° C. oats, 3 H. Him, ZS mock. hazily, Careen. Darlington J 3 Cot tit bbla oil. T . . Parszonatt,Coirtgannik Cmartrinit B. it., October 1.-121 aka barley, 'Snow3ltelm, 31.1110 r & Cot 40 aka oats, X te do rye, PI do corn, Stur geon Beat 111 do es, 40 do rye, 14 do barley, se do 0cr0.4 do potatoes, kiltehook, /11cervery a Cot 10 Was apples, 1 do lard. One& Reiter: 12200200.,W & D Binekant 7 beds do. J A 00100011; 1O 004410. tobacco. w sks oat., 24 do rye, 22 bbla apples, W Itaoklnt 2 awes to. b.., 8 Dliwort h A Co: 0 tqw. ay DS. worth. Porter • Co; 4 eases tobeeeo, 71, P Wed. 401;2 khda do. F 31aul: 9 pkg. do.T Black. burst XI caddies lobate CI Beset 10 banal. Dwhilky, P Uetty; Gil hides, X belong.; a bales cotton, AI! 001140 & Coy 100 Obit Sour, Shontaker a Lang:l ear corn. Ustip • Shepard: 110 •4 3 bwle7. Smith •Coi St do 40.42 duct. root. •pples,Sleactor Darwin aka potatoes, I Doroingtoollo bbla apples, Graft' a Salter; I. Bend • X.. 311.1 3 33 221 "b 3Oll l. 3, rye. lt.tweil a Son;S lOW barley. Mellen.' • Hood. 1 ear morn, Othipbell. a Mow.; IV bo. Bricker 1 . 1 1 efo " o - ale . 13, 0 11 ' 3 0 j:is 7t do oo barley, J Ganewlehi 20 pkod tO O OICO, Dilworth & co; IX buelt rye, It Coif t eons, 1I ow lumber. I (1111espte k MI Culp t Shepard. PrrnIIIII2ON.YO/99 WATT'S. Omelet/ MIL, 00100.01-a can PIC Iron, Betwr a Caughel; Ido do, Everson, Preston a Co. a do do. Jaa Woods t Soo; I do do, Slalalitt Col 100.9 Iron ow, dd itoreatone,. Shattioent. • Blairt I ear &Inked, 4 B Floyd a Obi to Ms lour, J 03.1ser • Co; 1111 4o do. 499 aka 40. owners I car erlilieed. Bricker a Co; lb bele hanr,11.03.. patriot &Herron; I au corn, I) Wailawri I ate .urn 31 P Adams & Bro; ear Oatd, 19 she 01.14, Kea a Ilitcharti 4 DOW vinegar II Ger wle, bb ,,, IPP.a. Volgt a 1101 ari oil Xis, Lewls, Bailer a Dar.ellla aka rap. Plttaborgh Paper ON 110 MI. paper. 0' Jul.. Cute.l.evrlkOlivat a aka rage. Ka ollough. Bollth & Got 29 bes ammo, Win Cooper; 24 do 40,8 E ar.. k Co; 30 pkgs wood an, ILlckpatalse. Bro & Cot r 0 bola Atom 81.1444: 71 aka wool, W Barker Jr; lb boxes e 2 010, W Gtonaley; kb do do, Arbuekles • Co: 60 do do, Ilaworett. reDanald & 001 to do dn. amine, Perrira Cot Sid big WlndOw glue, Omuta & 081.0 bbla Culp& Shepard; 111 doe brooms, IL Robison& tlo 112 on Wraps, llooveler ik Cot elta oat. t bbl boo cumut , Newcomer, 000 a C o . Atlatonswe VAiIR RXII.aO•9O October I keg. Atli. Mart., Briche,l it Co; 1 asre D. Iron, 31181410 0 . Sorter a Col I do do, Eeersow, Preston, & Co; I on marsh Iron, La. woo., Ott Uo; 21 pkg. pr..duce, 0 Small; 14 ells oat. D 19011sor; 'a Imo butter, II do odd*, W (loblens: t bon tallow. Watt a W Drool 4 obla rage, 1 bw butter, Jl.l Showakeru td o eggs, Dead • Xelsgsr: 1 bbl butter.. It 81.9.4.- I la & Coi el nos* potature, .1 Jankina. ALLZOICINT ossmos, October I—t hole wool. Bradlsy k Soo; I sot Sian Lot & Dm; Ito .We Ones. Stew or% G Lusgsaheim; LS ski sat., II 516(3alsdi 6 dos brooms, Moos t tho; II dog do washbowls, sstaisper • Soo; 7 kegs muter. Pt Wdlli I eon wheal, Kennedy • Bi'dl d do t . .Mdtia. dPodg. Chollsot a co; I ear lime, (Illinois • Mil.. Slays. Bal. k d01:5;15.62 can /14kellasik ISAMU ' Prressumart Awn oomrsciairisa FL IL, gept•moss kgs suts. Lends,' Odsst PODltp.i I oar pig distal, Id M Wistsrahmal aka coda, Moos s MOMS.; it sits 'shoot, 26 do .era, 75 diroats, Illtdbsook. kfillsssil Ss CO; 17 bbt. poigtoas, USileatlisii; 12 Ws cement, SI 11 Leek; F. parsdr,. Mulls, Masan Co; S bomb; dour, A 4 lin.. VORSALE"; PLANING MILL WD BOX FACTORY. 766..1011%11PR15T. PLANINd WILL. aim. ted corn.. 11161716 lad Botha nnel. ma 1166 at A 111111? Ahem, mortl.4. Moth Ward, of. fared rd. n , e, ta.ether.with O. Xsabinm `,.?,e,:trilf,b l biNAVulf:(2l47l"icTle 01:13 , 611, Old 01101• CUT a. UP MUT 66Wd 111. of NUI4) 1111/1611160 Al" two vslastde HUB= 16.1 table NrStraan tut Eatlim 3.Wil'iteirmrtiQUian:brr,lo 50'' W. 4" thcs Y. 11167. BOAIpd AND' 1.11 Arse Egicr nvusitont. s.esi 'gar ocll.ll PINE, • , 164 vstletT of outer .anderl6l: • • " • Nell !rinnr,lll"l4Z7r:griptrnVll;Vg term:. Opt vua .41 udro b now Sot 61111, and In who. ctrea, • . • '"; rou Army To TUNA*" 5. MILLER, • L mita a gas / Woks, Marton at.;. ]data ward a. conraEssElf - - . . BUNGS. ARMSTRONG, BRO. & 00., • lisaoklgetwers wad Wboleg4 immr, - MACHINE CUT CORKS, pow, laps, Irish Moss, Pitch, soma. ittwouass, N. MI aa Tidal Ni.. Plitsbarits. S Be g 0141.17 - BROM • BO N DS, STOOKS. A.ND - REAL =STATE, Apollo BatNig, reolirth Street LIM ifteLiad all Walla at Math knight sad owl as consumil act tampion ersta aad 1014. 7i D PlllBBlll#lll ROPE WOE& FULTON, coiramli a CO., = CORDAGE, 4 1s/tit - trill, tea, TWIN E.% rmy Aar,lima.. 114 c 11a Watae I= RIIUD:pNEWS One hundred and Ifty-eight bales of now 110lt00 were received at Atemphia On Friday, and coming in freely. The Mesmer VirginLa Is hard aground at Horn take, ten miles below Sterayhle, In • bad pontion. The meanies J." G. Totten. which has 'been for eome week. peat engaged In the Upper XI. duiPPI In removing wreek• Lad nags, re turned to 3t. Louie on Shand ex night, after • very more...fa eampaign,and next day started down the Myer. At latest adelota tho Norman was aground on titutarneetoarsi bar, and the Ad. Lyon and N. W. Cuey at the hewn of Roumania I.stest advice. front St. Joseph are to the etYret that the Mesetat river was stationary at. that point. The Isabella passed tip on the 2 h.h for Ostehs end the Deer lorodge tar Fort Buford. The Antelope and'R. P. Converse p need up at the Seth, and the Den Johnson tree expeeted that night. A letter from New Orbtane dated the =ld 111- stud. annonnen the death, in that alt), of the prevailing epldriala, of William Nolaa arld thigh Davie, two well .knewn mates In the trade between at. Louie and New Orleat. . .• The New Orleans Crasamil. of Wedneadal. has the following t °opt. John W. Tobin. sentlemsn well known, as oommmider of the favorite steamers Vialtstaurg and H. A. Homo. yer, conbuted yesterday; one hundred dot. ler• to Ohs Howard Aentelation for the relief of the slot of the shy. Ouch genereattr epeake well that the hears of 41m giver le in the right place. In alluding to the eat/lesion on the steatites Minot. at St. Louis the other day. the Dana trig, of that city. gap: ' The Illinois came out to 1866. She wee built at Wheeling. The holler whiela exploded wee 'made by the Methre. Sweeney, • well. known Ann of Wheeling, who furniehed, we believe, her entire =Gybing:7 and Douse.. Our 'gado. May remeintrer' the explosionof the Mager boiler of the steamer St. Mary.. at New Orig....perhaps el. months ago. The troller was also put tip by the Sweeneya, end the no. plonton of yestedny and It. results, go far tut tts effects on boiler and ntentthitht, were' si. moat Wm:Meal wit h that of the St. Marys at New Ode... Sixth.. °elucidates, Indeed. A captalAst Itemphis has been fined by the city for bringley • pauper to the city. The ethUiln, unfortunately had forgotten to mirth thd thereby ingwvid the reek. Memphis advlyes say= °Shoal. and .and• barn the thoinnulattng intim A and 001 nthkets ply ing thgt stream ore Very asreful• to Avoid heavy - cargoes. White giver is still th nigabie to August dregithlf thew and • half feet. The Bella Memples•reports the river worth thou ever known between Sea port tine thilro. At Phillips' four and • half feet scant le all t hat eon be found. At Het Inland, above thaw, five feet is tea ported:. • • .-; The Legal Tender yea to have lefiNeir Al. bony for St. Louie last evening. The New Albany Commerefal The. met enough - of Me river hat to *Nord lleme .ffLtleM. for a "fiver Nlalume.” The river le tallish is the response made to fail Inquiries at to the depth ofthe water. On the bars between Louisville and Henderson (roe, twentr.eight to thirty the.s is the depth. and hairtgstme euesdloglidtglault and ha:anion. No boats ere running resulwly except the paekste, and they have lately been missing their eon.a tiers atelier than mate them. - Dultlessthe A.ritanCr ON rue ritvest.—On the Met trip of the steamer Dobuquelfrom Bt. Lords toL• Croats there her pass- ' setyplattunathile eltp.t Orman 144/and ewe 1 bhildrida, gale; to Winona to meet her how ; and. Ler two little girls were placing on the host for a short time, when nee of them was taken sick with diseuelncident to the summer seasn and died the next day. The ladles on I - Q. h o st did all la their bower for the little sufferer, but without avail. Fi, Wauey, the noble hearted stewed of the twat, mileited rundefroes the riassengerkoureh.ed n brad some metalle burial ea. at the landing, and in it the little tort. woe plated on a barge, and with the remain. of her derlieg, the heart. •trieken woman went on to matt her husb.d. Two days after the poor ernman'e other child eleitened end died,,,aud again did the faithful steward furnish • eoffla The Comte. demitle4 by . must have been heart-rending, the weeptog women sat en the boat weeping and watching the little tom. on the barge as the ete.mrr plowed the waters, starting it affrhcbt cc the tridulous must. of the whistles at them tall. her. Irma the double feast of grief she was gleleg wag to. Sod how many there are each night watching and weeping than, somewhere, as death breaks upon the ideated dreams of a stotherhelove.-84 Louts Dispatch. The Memphis Am.! say. Llaptato Jae. BUsell, wee fOrmarly commanded • steam boat In these waters, and reoestly ran the Morton to the rooanthlos, hat eaglets:ad as • bankrupt la st. Loath Ma tow not been • sue. row Ina fthandat war: A. friend of ours, who holds • stales eyeing Elwell for use, re oelred • roamers natl.e using that the esp. tato , . assets ...IMO, and the anoint of debt named sa.grz 6 s. The New Orleans Ooranowerot 21uktiro to re. spon•lble for the following: A good story le told at Abe salt... , of • belle upon on, or_ the butts which eros• the lake. she had arlwn In the morning and had emautlimed diesslag—ln the ladles caMni course, °Warring the door to be partially pea,she mutate:lMO rub all her tome to * close it, suppoalcg It to be open and shut on the Inner sloe It weal.% the (revere*. how• ever end her astonishment may be Imagined at &riding herself running bull trey down the =MA 0•01 n tale crowd Or centiernen before she could !Otte her speed. aIIt3CRIOUS TO WHEAT 6ROWERS. EIIREK4 ANIDIONLiTED BONE Super-Phosphate of Uwe. =1 THE ILLEOHENT FERTILIZER CO., ::WA alp a: CA 11 PBELL, GEM= Mire, 353 Prna Ittsbwr,D. Pa. Tn. boat Fartr lan. la au, sad mattataaad . 11 b... [lna It ttlal, to be V. sta.tatd tot ratalaa lat. crops of con. motolum, le. WI ban, Dahl Whoa torarat.lloaa C.CIIIIIIIIOII • pallusSte ep•talntpg 10{errit.nt mad • v•al,:e ataiesmists at Sala it. otbples trlalob .111 be tent tree La say leading r a toed mtdress .L.l.Ctrillzria_rr.l%. 170 =2l ►ENN 1.1 333 3bf. Cr V 44. .T.s. Et=== LEMKE! & FREW, No.' 81 Market St., (Comm or pccos errraßUrkul. m at r on prerired iglimne:nt• UI Saddles, Harness, Trunkisi Lad' all artleles la their llna hethilly le% fa liteeeethee IIEIE. B. Sealer of Weights and Steuart& Se. 6107111T11 Chest sad Tan "Mess. intim* prennrity as:Waded 3lialliON . r . .lllCl l AGENCY.- 11 3 b”r4 reittesanis •• Cloni do.l . O •• 11111vdrelt. Marra. Mit1(7.13f . .r0 1 .13. nits • I G-AZEli_ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, I Y:I4:f3;II:4:I;AITt.K4:I,A D Presentation Enterprise OM ==l A WONDERFUL SUCCESS. CAPITAL, TICKETS AND P2IIES INC ItICAIM Fieox $1,287,148 TO 51,500,000, Making this the most Stupendous and Successful 'PresentsUs' scheme ever Inaugurated in the World t K eg; Anent/ Days received orders for over ose etherl a r ag, l nr ft? the Orden a suponthe the demand. have &rite.. to Inman us tickets fr0m1.2. 7 ,- lit t I.looOn. the CommlLte tOpotnted at the tree Chinn; have deeded bantling@ the Price. at Ike THIRD AND LIST CONCERT, =I IRVING 11A.1.14, NEW YOU crrf. Thursday, October 24th, 1807. TICHRTO, OAR DOLLAR RUM, k PRIZE WITH EVFaT TICKET. PROSPEC rus. ainker of ate leading Banters and Met. Ciente th of Jew Tory In consideration of the arm. thee.* welch tots anen dad =say of the Chasithate gresettailth 'Wothemmata of theyay„ b ale tb l erselve%lnto cel , ri: riri est vo i la ch. w etterr:fslr' stVgatai fo, profit, thiel @ger premier adysstage• to Crest U.irththen then th y yet peewit.; and wid th tag the death loom peetiv ithitAnate nen besieges be 1., *hail be (n o from Manse Caere ft 'petite fester. ,alas have ace:eta:Ned meal often. nnuirprithe. TO telt end they have etheletted•the ilea Of tickets eon the sestets/leg of the mime to Clark. wenn , . Co.. stainers lead Mugge., No. C Broadway, New Tots, we. will Secrete retie re la theleensiody trill the day of the Orand It.. esthetics Asterialinsmate than they will be handed over th a Committee selected by the e ale. cc to make automat Ust thetrllention e• theta, A refinance to the mitaber ' th ',meant& and let pato of thatrlbtolon'etven wilt ee-vleth Oven the .meat theptlcel of latgreat sidethtiores which will theme to all who ,mete pewee the ethernet.: and the Commerelsl and Ilethclat standtag o' the Vointhos, sod the Neothere red ga th er* the reo w Id , they boy, oreth • sailcloth (earthly of the f• tree. wad Impartiaelty WWI :Litt everything In thnnee ma with it will be thninthed. and that toe t ee Neut.of U.S., bolder. will • moot .they watched over thd euanied. in feint It is elm OA ore th e Mater? , to _0,4... evert Mather, Nos for toe mulos.l a. hose. - shell per. thee. • Came. ante. scrupulously to scold ear sad therytetag which could Is Umellthlert deo give thirteen the profits widen th e thirsty th ee. awe to all who Unrest. LIST OF PRIZES. I=2 oaa GlSh Wt. uw caatt prls• at . .. • eai al.. at ' . aan la.= Two eininprim at .......... ......... 10.K0 - "MO Tarts cash prams at ' I. lia.tat F .th Owl prises at. ...... .—.....— .... 12. Fla. watt prlsea at......... 3,03 10.0.0 "tight Stith a at 6.000 CAW roartimw ma% Waits .Li MI VTO twisty Cant prizes at ccit 6, aini awn Pei. as. 101 Tony a wan prises at a la 4.660 roccaty.ll we winlthaca at.... -- as 11. th the le mania and font cans petaea . a ;a Una liandra awl Ott, nub taloa a 3.0166 trtin !cadre, and lieventri Os cab 10 I,th . Win. at ' Two weans ease vanes a . 6 I.M. 164 Casa Fates, annalittn, to.. ' 1.10,116 =0 • Stalewsr• Brand sl.-..41AC0 6111.7 . •.1..11.1g.• 137724 rms» al. 1.76 • 11.1.0 Tiesent Iray's 0n... 1 ISOM OS.. YO I• • 7 Wu MO. Me1.1.7.k. at. 1. LA. 7%.2. =ZEMIC2 Is WI. ler & W , l eon ea , . cut beselss Maclean MSS 41/.171 104 Weever a VI Ileos bait tan Ise.l eet %Wsts as LIS 11.0:0 111 Wee veer At Wsa W. Weis • Ilastans• . 18.X6 211 Blesses' tab. sass Imolai *a elf's. KS— . . Ish Starers` lalf ' cams lesettslC , l. ILOM eats. at ra ILK@ 110 Myst est psis setrilie Ms.:llse. SS U.S. el= troll Ws . Mammal . a 1... ..... ....SM.: O Irma) 190111 set. 11.lamonns al INO 27.010 IS DI•oso. (Ammar 019 u at CO 11.1/0 29 Dlasso au Cl RlNes 5i........ C. IMAM 13 tkl.kottal k hater 1 , 195 s at 00 11.20 31 Dllsooko Cluotar 03990 .1 CS .Cl k Lotskr.uod Outs, VLSI at. IA S.M. GOI.D WACCIIM 14 11.44 1 11 old Watebell st • 4/.3 1 $ 1 3 14 24 ma` 11414 WateNs 11.460 13 News* 4,34 Wat.he• IN 7.720 040111 1 Gold W4t41141 It 111 11,411 LN11.4 1 INNeoed NI 14 CANN.— TM 14E1 - 14 1.4413 1 10014 Watches at 111 IL 13 N 1.141..' 0414 Walebss it • 40 1 1 33 1 14 latelles• 41644 N.......... 11.311 ==l Aparlani.allur Watch., .. . ... —gm KW) IS amoral. 41.4ar Watablu at....... U 1.171 ISO Amerlcsa Wa.n. as az 411 4.240 la Data< bad ..ever !liver v. sattat. at V text 141 03 , 1h...5r rimer Watches av - 1 = •4 s 46 Wa u * s, .a a t t ed ...... m t o Lu w a Total of PlUta —*LIMON TD. Meter, aid Mere 44444 11141 time gospel 'ma given et levies 7.11 .00. Yee Clewed bran umlaut etri• Wee l^gest fete. both of then gravies • true new. Tee tr , rx:.% ,,,j rzlz!v l re , 1 v. .. 1 , z -- 0314 500.31 0. Of Ls oithel:ahig= en Sod etereesate to exemiltle the register of =a m e= t i tll: f eeerraar .se.. t L frdd Cibelesllprsea the ZOOS 010113 _ II rams moo mac_ let. Mete are bet few realatatahazeold. These within, to be altothlee watt mama 1.8 other at att..' fa. l ha elltributlon of brim peened/ tale sera*. the teak of October, lilt ADO* book. wall bs:wee itleeadtataly the eel. of tem wt hetet, foe the par nglat , ali. bang ...gum by tat 11011113.111te0, It [a Itapottaut that.. Micelle MGM§ ethers at pia Tory earner. humotha, • „ Tickets, OM DOLLATI Bien. lot .01 st the Bank.lll.l Root NV 0""liK• WittlarlZll •MSi k, BrauloaT. , Tort. or astir, fallen noupta rum Otoo* for pia. CO, num cm CLUB *AT. Crab A P.l7bleinuai Crab of flee in Mae beam sarea mb, ad naiad f• see moepror We ma. 'al be Alla ed .drabla WE WILL SEND, 4 $llO 4 1 ZIA:. ?Wart& 1110 11 onlot • that ovary robocribor . o mane may b. registered, seed Os P. V. adduce. It tows, coorktr. oad Bute In toll. - .. Ywq by Oran. DOllt ogle* order. •osprvro, lb restryrrod letters MT 00 0010 00 oar rut. • AllommWuMumWbois&W.c 4 W CLUE, WEBSTER a co., 69 Broadway, N.Y. •Z WEsisirs2vMl: efWe i mat Seoul Woltals WEDNESDAY, I OCTOBER 2. 1867: DR. a. SARGENT'S FiffiLY MEDICINES. DR. JOHN SARCENT'S • Anti-Dylpeptio and Liver Pills, CLETAIN CUBE YOU Lime Complaints Dpftedia• 131 1 . m. attack.. Jaundice. ale *lend-AS... Colds. Catiosness. SC. • THE EXTRAORDINARY AND then D- dammed ter my A3/4Tl•DYaPlCr .rrrli•ntl't'e t elt 7r:ruta i ctit . k" Alf= lung. may be more hyns.. ared would mu ...her of the.. graven/64*th. mama. irrt r tsp.? ' 2l T 11!el? ergg TIC AND age wes PaLa There are nO other rm. Yet compounded whic rs given anah pales:Ca aallarteti re. uor R e any other do meet the ntatisementa or Um honeehoed ea do trams. I 1 cannot. el Cour., enumerate the theyee for vadat theu flu. are beneficial, but'. cathartic Is peommary, they will effect • speedy aner perms.. mer e. They remove from the biota el. to humor, 'ride are always the cause at the diaeleet oPee them ".eirterY ..... empty eta° th e bowels; they give a healebv valon teethe liver. eanoliew it to throw "Elul corrept humor, they promote to, aecretleu tale. aid domed.. PurilY Me Waal and wig, in • abort time, reams the body too. arra of eonad bea'th. . . . DY917.101 /1. le-1h distressin ed gtalcy—s o to r !.; M glb. Wma b. De mnal gmrtome et meleb are a:1[0110w. is yarn or nn e.sineas even pressure below the stenonn or hr.sel. bone. Dow timers attended with at urervetatien brash or heart-borna a elrposlPon to Ilashcs of 0. at preudlng from the stomach. Ir. stantle Ciren4tlag throe,. the whole SM..; lose of imenzafT; • mist.... oecertate spnetltc; great eenresston olds. lee 10101 ie rho l 7l wearinees sad great saltirete7 It Is seldom lhst all the .bore rempteene are Mend In the same hellcat at elm time; as, of them, therefore. Ls .suede.. lotheaslon of She presence of sue disease gad teed of this medl - 1310136tre AliTl-DY9PEP'IO AYeD LiVitit PILLS. OtTlfr fall laming this Meets, when titan waddle. to the dlreetlons. .Lt.e.r.. • ie. of Um soapy eertlgenles l nee'd gleeu shell a form as 1 boo. or 0l he eatlef .e.orYl Oat all UM GertliC4l4• I could pub Ise .1.1 to: lesphe halt the. COntklellea that vile Ltal .111 ere. FR !Id DR. JORY nunan: LOPLTAItsIe. Tulatatibt. Co., 0.- On. .1. SanoPir—Deur Wirt 1 r. urn "marmot:ool sties nos Is tenp Livea evorlieovith your AP. my Ind Ma; they them so fa. In my drug stem asp then Ping them In my prac tice abo, mllll the Opteopequenetr. 1 dud them th- man Paden% of toy Stile I Pve ever urea. I have hues (momently Pim/Lobed et the I.rge amount of bile prsoved ter so small • quantity of [leen. 1 repent yen %pent me • trent ppely latosotatil I have been `hietlme .10/IN of. D. tMI en TILL; t/RlO.-1/11. SmiOncr-1 write moue. you to send me a box of poor Anti -I.o.peptle mall. I bare on been able to gl. tseto atop 1 .aft allesheny• I cannot do w I boot Item; Ihey have sone Ina to meet more sod than any oilier meAlelne I ever nst I tlinTen i eTtqer fn ' t i e o rrl n ra ' alt. r lam lore they mill pliant_ If Alamo. Fop cemwitlete te the above Plitt yeiGgi z evizcifMr : Room FOrerk. OPT= CO:, PA., FebrnaryD, Illse —Dn. opowiT—Den lilt: After y at ollerhor for flea yens Into vet Comphaint, teoceil wD ad Pepe, arid teyb.g poet al remedies.' 1 Oat Indueee to try your pd welch tellend me Immedfs'ely.and I take Wrenn to MOM mending them to eufferlng from those 1. ma plants. Very trul ail y, yours. D. LS MORLEY. ReC.LSTIM. CA... 1561.—D5. tlAnOirr—t eon elder tin IGP my lira to th e tee four path. r erne 1 be tenon them / was kolas' down very Ps, physimatt had dote all be word, journd 1 s'lll got worm: but Pen I tamp to mike Inn Settee. and !Peep n ed o f tel dotter. lam now se -Mr+ year, of LKER. age. ARRALIAM WA Till le to pent", that 1 novenae Dr. Sargent's ' LieeeYWa In say faintly for Ma lam two seam, and 100514.0 ahem the bastmedlclue kn IN • or of. ht. DIVNT. New 214gbtos. Ps.. July 1.1M7. Illt. PARMINT'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ANL/ LW AR Pit Id pm be had of all Draggl.ta—both Apar plated an• pinta. Be stirs and nil for Ur. bargpt's Ann-Dyspeptic estl Laver PhD, sad take so other. OR. SARGENT'S a ClOl7 CA. 313. • 1111r3r 3EL T 7 An old Pre yr snort for Um comdats taro of CO U 0714. COLDS. INFLCSSSA. CROUP. Z lPlPAT Y Ptcttgt rn liinVilit A. Daly,. lc BRONCHITIS, NIOEIS . 1 1W1NW1T.113.2.511, - OF Tea LORDS TBSOAT AND OligS.T. • • 1/11 Mlllll/tfiT'9 COUGH SYRUP contalta nothing. thinetoC.. let east he taken by Ind =Mies , mhos. with otrfeet safety. It dose not dry op • amen as most et Me quart PM...- 11one do Mad are bon - IModbm the colony. bet loesehe the obleata from themono.. surf. , of the Bramental tubes. and atslsfa Ita extnetem- Moe. at ths sense time an•plen tbe marls sad Oernse 0110.1 n from the andl vvta lt, Lai/A/1041'h 000•11tIT0UF Is of Inca). eatable bentdf I t Mbamlag Cone.. mbloled It Ie • ,e•rminutse, ens Gishy effecting Its rad ical Ohre: And for Cr Dives It Is ,ho most tamest and k e n Reco r d rnnet oft cnyeed —oast dose tng 1 1 dtrroduns often savior the lite °IMO elttd. eons by Mt Unseats Lad Dealers In Meths, Huy • bottle and stye It a frit. JOHN SIHGENV6 • Diuretic or Back-ache PUY, . F0R . 1.L1.• DIIIKABIS OF TILL ; KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. Thesa Pills have ...been before the hob:le In lea. neighborhood tor Innen of flilray two p.m donut onion time hay have ones erol. Puny synestfol In the fennel an. core lir ev own. encased troublesome dine..., bkl Minn borne the skillof the beat Pbyslcino. This fact Is wed waged by tilt number of won derful cares they hare effected. some of long Ono., nee of Only and lb. anent re- I anent et inn mho have enpuleaced me bend- Itcleft. of tb• medicine. Imp.. me to PO, ne It more Enteral. onftl , by giving It n mach 1 wider etrealotha. Banning that. than Is no I 'oiner mental. poblinn for Inn complain. hat can be carrin to every Mann door without she aid era phyaleina t and 11 I. a ern known feet treat then sre tboosnade min are elfin' too isr mann from orb,. enable to proms... ald of one who will beef service to tbano Tbe disease common. ear ed Ban... Me. and to which wen Pills sni reenliany Is tumid tonlnt la the net or Intro. toe itifort. ono ann.. redentary.~ i. can. by obatrortiomi ds Inflammation of the Magna , ureter; bladder. end 1. blown Of • dm pvali.d yule la the non of the nmethan extends ins run ne t hrfrin. to the abdomen or a Moil, bran.snlableg pas. .21411.1114 from the OiCE down kn. I. we r extra tatty of the vista 4. don. to the'lener pen of toe nigh Onset Al* lenity I. xperlenbed la voiding t h e note, sod many raison *filleted ntte tole troublesome **naiad. ...OW. to 41101.111•teleateznet.: war. whoa stooping. bare denim , in mneming as en. pontos. lining nameronoppor. Man in in for. learner testing the vittee efficacy of this men Ins and with the advice of those alus nen egremeneed the 'Land enacts of 11:.:1 Ih r ::=l; l l=alnlirsicral ' r ' l b n ' e Pror eantheates intillak are from tale laimedO ata nelibbernon, and en be We nn to at • time: 4=032 WEETM to to introm ton that I tows very moan adi elms lib violent nolo to tea act, ad . 111,011. 410.1 . 1 T In •olding Olin.. was memo mended by Mr. McClintock to take tome of your . /Morale gins. which I did. ad ono 15-Iftmy cored. ad I Sae not tel l ay Mlle complaint MIRCLaoe, b....waft. lamina COcarig , JOHIOWTZWAIt f. —kir: I Mee to Inform Yon 0.41 alleys I owe ray life entirely to tale. tete of Wha t ."' "V r, t )" ! tog warmed tra ad on4atkott Mag. woott . oar bostwoo walled to tea aad was told by goo gist I boa lee gravel. I tat Sao Ant dam a Lo."0,Vgigli.111:t:11::tg tenet. my 41.1.20111. i. MAIM agr/ BOAT. fignoali—l was for a long lime ablated wt. what I Motels to I. rboomalent la toan back. that woen otooprd down I coud moral, riga 91Y. f arm. I was salma t ZIL UTI.I2: 11 1 mint away . sr others. wbe b e fcao the same ben., J. WlLkln.noun. ditOWINIZOITitaI 81a—t wee fora len, time aillitied with spelt In ely oath.wet advt.., of Mr. Moulton to try deer 1111/. he gave lie vans Which e Az, pletele cort a.. 1 hero ate., obtained two halos. and gate them. others oar town with toe imam/affect, and If fon itao cheesed tee Übe for theta 1 woe id have ti.ld It eheetfa ll LLW/t) /Anna, 011100 eta—l bete Wee entitled With the onsplaint datetl , ed to bu m .., tot tho Last deo t dealer otitto I have tried everetidne t l eiteitt 11011.7 of with°. eldett. Ulll.ll at ith yo -- ewe. 1 pave ae. %flea half • latz. ead More to .nUoite tatted them. es' t feel bolt noarth en lamas fell tor font • • tam SSA I he So d.ut: the neat boa will tare me. J. WILLER, Aizainnurr. istr.:-TeW...raito troubled 'Mb back ache for Ant or bye attn. to that at twat ceald not Atom,or down without pals. t ...aka._ of • boa or Tour plot, welch troap . atel) Core d me. thd l bars Deo at Prltet 0.• ttaTalaes. Id. sorlot. oosadtaUy 'command them nth. ort PIT= cal4aeriNN. .1114.sancrf. - • Ua I take Ulla oopottarityite stint that (tar llteretta Fibs me th . went tate to al, mealtime for the boat Sew 1 ercelattwiltt. I am toulidently romusaited thoin from espoUto Cll.ll. • ALM waehl e NTOCAt rtrreacralit. . . Prim 60 toots pop bor. told by all GEORGE A. KELLY, SOLE PROPRIETOR, WHOLESALE DRUCCIST, 3, Wood street, Pittsburgh. sem Dm BURKE & BARNES, Fire Proof Balaniader Safe, 1101! W% gill WM 11111111 nm 8111, IRON WINDOW SIIUTTER NANUFAMIIERS, 1.A91c 181,Third et., Bailie. Wood and dolt/ old. Mesa the lettere adallazal reeememedattes et Me the woof enelnlee of ear ufee Inaturoen Parr: Mama OW an, ••• lfeangstown w , nsellt. teaf. Num. Peas • Jitinses, Maier,* Pe. (11.yLati111—We shin yea, to-day, by nil read, a We of year male, ft. • his relntre• The ebb went through the dlszetann fin the on tamed ban on tle bib of eat last, tanning ov non and warehouse, and we are end to m• torn you thAt the popery taken out of the safe nner the frown set earned la the least. WI did not eappon any nlty aspeetally null • idea could ycesnly stand snett • In. sad when we dlseonred the paters CI ente and sound, we wen egneably dts•pponted.. We artli glee Yoe be order for • lane stn. ode Iwad we get tab new Icon. • Tray you., forell W. l A. J. PACKARD. MYERS, ROPPER & CO. t.tmeiessota to E. R BULOEB. AWL raauaeoraussn or FURNITURE Of Every. Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FCHNITUM Se. 41 Smithfield Street lAhlltusoetasat of Tittsbinth Ytaana Slued rtraltus eoutsztly on M aILORZOT C. A. 1.1121....1111t. a. 11011 , 11....1/11. S. MUT IKArrtrFAcTurizrw GRAFF, BYFIS & CO., .IL&IIITFAtTCRERS OP Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON', MOT TIMM) tU813183 /!..X.a£2o, OIL WELL TUBING, Oftlee,, No. 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. wev:em NATIONAL FOUNDRY I: O MJE Corner Carroll and Smallness Streen, Ninth Ward, Plmu'i tu;itll, F% ESNEX I rray 11E51:172LCrUITOPX Or - Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS &ND WATER WORKS 11.21 t Of • Stliti in CP.3 Sini3 eltZgni:MV,l:i:ll2ll°:',2`BiAAST4l3!"- PORT' PTT 2 1,' ILifil, AND TINK VVOIL;3,IKig CAZIELGUL ea. SIWYDELt, ferartAtrO=.3 or TUBULAR, imumr4LurD, -TOMAS MEMO' G OTLIEDEESTRAM BOILMLS, GIUSTI= ABB Olt 'ELMO, CM3iNEYS,BRXECIIINDAND ASIL PANE SETTLING PANS, SALT PAM AND CON DENSERS, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND MO BRIDGES, . PRISON DOORS AND COAL &BUTZ& IlateguadWorUnearaarleaaoaid.7 Wed. !More eat! Ltbarty letreate. Pittiburgh, 'Pennsylvania. 11194irdess mita ths above i&L-esa 4111 be 'Ortattatt7 atteaded ta. 007:10 v]Esu - vrus IRON AND NAIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. NU7ACTUR4II.O Or BAR, BOILER, SHEET r i i reakinCrib. r3EILCIsIV • NAILS AND NAIL RODE , . urncE AtiD WAILE1101:13i, Not. 64, 66 & 68 Anderson Bt. Three moues Nail of Hand Bridoe, A.LLFAZHEPIY CITY. 4,13:t14 HERSLNOTON IRON WOVE.. LLOYD dr, Best Comeau, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. ER6OII.A.RT RAY, ROUND • WORM UWE HOOP. HARD. T and ANGLE. IRON • 80/LAB ELAT/Eind 1602 1 • ROWER .4 Mrll.ll HEIM CYLINDER and 011ARD OK MAUER 16021. 6116.1.1.1. HALLS. IK and 16 lb. to owned. WllOl2 0111 . 0 HAI aa4/0611703 for same. FLAT 11•11.6 Pon.. an 4 Coruttannak. COAL SCREEN 11106. zfir reho us e arm, - Wa and Mete at the Works. 1311.1=- 00011 et , . la MAL vatlea of not stmt.) ad- Wining tee(lll7 O. Wetter Pletabureb. IIII21:14 {YSTONB IRON WORKS. HIITCHISONSLABS & CO., Mardnctarcerof Um Ca!rarest Ms. 9 RIALIId, uaro, Plat awl „arse-gbdo Bs; Iron, Mop and tand Iron, Beikr-Plate, Tank Pr' Sall-Paa Iron, .• Sheri Iron, de,, de., dr.. Worts, rive TOWNB/31P, *a Uunoxyanal) dlr.. ULU. and Watch..., N - 9. 146 Water St. m/971,41 NDUSTRIAL WORKS IND. M. BOLE & CO., FOU.YDEIIB, Engine 'hinders end Machinists, mu. to ordne Marine And Laid AM= Entine., pr.o warranted to ttoa rathrActlon. Catalogs, of ergy stersanytton, made io ogler loose NaneON, ga5t1t....A.33, BOLA. Poreasa Xastalae glop, Cos. Cohn Alley A Davao Way. rowan, Noe. 43 also ell Third street. y.ielrea ' PIIITSBUWWW., PA.. • - pmrsuuson STEEL WORKS, 4.'L COOL. 4 . 4 r = Nuelvrturets co . tti a bea% valued Out Ms 4. uuy ,rttr Prt 1,4111117, Ceapleg .ane. !Kevin; nachlti ?arc, rTxtw,rilMk.m, FirAllAlx, ALI 171f0.1.13.Ar0t, Clot L C4M/901:1 flolgtt A=7llnr, VlSCO—Corss: 1/rst sad E., f.TMU. ].•.abut. Sus lioncasshea itdoSa. BERLIN FOUN RY. PRICE & SEIB. Urns an Wiauaomag. . No. 29 Wood 'Street 111111Mtsalttre .6 %KT caudal:Ali on b. Thimble, Skein it Pips Boxes, WECION BOX 1 ) 09 19' ) arrrims. kula.ow W Aadcastlngs EssasslO. IRONY SLANG FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, arrears mum; IKON rillad XPIR"VIDP3I377I.I.<3Ir3ME. Mill Hifi aid Bridge - Castings. MIRE RIM OD PRE UM, and paanAgs taaarall7. ON•m promptly sad o•eetnuy o:•ont•4: CHASOLO B.Y.ABONABLZ. EICIDEIIT 4IIIAOELIND. ooll:126.. °RESENT STEEL WORK& MLLE% Ban & PARKIN. BEST OAHU CAST STEEL Warrested 111.mai M Any kat. 1411. Imports/or o Do. Nanutacturc. TO: OMIT AND UIS tyrer.L. Oftloo. BS Wood Sh•oot, 12i CT. CIIA.I.IXB 110 TEL 71:1ILDING. - PrrtSIIMIOLI. Juae 1. W. WORWYW.../.. a Wllx:Wrri.v ILLLIZ OMAR& BOILER WOEMS. MORROW, BARIRILL 8 CO., Stoats Boners, Oa Stllia, Agitators, Tanks. Salt Pans, Gasometers, ' Wrought Iron Bridges, Montana Work. Av.., Are., COL LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURG. ,• P 4. HIPAIRLRO DONY. PROMPTLY. .1740,1 ROBERT LEA, SILO - paws 41 . 1111 NUM Freight ELeisters Mal. DOCTOR NEIGTHRB. iroogst op of all dostotottou made to oiler CloO4or of Flirt sad rolo7 Illtiooto; PlZTaltEriad. PAL. eravasosom; JPA. =a ~-~ ~ , l -Thy ~t :~:~ : ~: MEND IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGULINS, 3E.X.i ^ riniZei"Cr..TECA-Nr. ICINLIPACIVIMI MUM AB CLUB Gar, lloop,Sheel and rlals Iron Or!Age Iron; Aarlr and T from Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T 8ai1416 b. 20 lbe. to the yarel Trani Flans ,punchetland ooutt. to malt • lloiler,Bridge and Tsuak UtTetS Cut Nails and Spikes; ship and Boat Spikes? • Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Cart and Bolts; Railroad Car Wueels and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit t:2r Wheels and Aides; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Coldßolled Piston Ralf; Rower and Reaper Vars. WAYEHOIT62 ♦Y.) OPTION. &SD 120 Warr and 103 Front saarroit Nos. 22,23 and 28 River St., 1el:G13 CIIIOAOO, NEW. IMBUE HUM Lindsay, Sterrit Bawer, Manufaoturen dr - Lnportero of H A RDWAREy CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, IM71:1172:10, OD@ PtIOATO Below Onion Depot, PITTBi3ITEGH.. FP A mu for 7.1a1t136 , 113 , BOLLES. SHEFFIELD'STEELIVOIME SING El l MEEK & 00 turc7Acruzzaa Of BEST BEILVED CAST STEEL . ea M, Fla BD Galin. OF AllBlil, Ulla, Mull!. CITMELLII, 0179 JatDeIIO,ICIII 'SAW PLATES. szarzlo L 141) Ilral-ZZLIZTIO RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast eartsto Cast rata Censan Plow gaol, • MOW VaNO ez:n 1:0'77.r.n iii . SPRINGS, RILES AND STEEL TIE, 81 801-212. v Mz,i102,1ff..37e&v.. 61;i4: g'nrehottse., f Water St., rittsegs 1.61k4 • ATLAS WOIZZI2, C? 1 , 3 re 0 d se.nniv 3 . faral hard, Pittsinirgb. T110.3.AS RI. DULLER, President. TO. Werke are Alois the tereot ace mat complete ertabllshmeat tlt tba Wet ',end are now Prepared to turalmb ETery Dencripilon Ek , rie.rx, On Tank, I= riellroad Castings, Isollingulll Castings. engine Cans - Sings. Itsenlna Castings, General C 241141. ORDERS SOLICITED, JOHN RONEY, HULA FOTINDRY; Carson 6t., 9ib it ard, near A.V. n. ➢ Hammer Dies. Steel Moulds, lalrs3llll ui46 Cathy gen*. .uf4 B L I AL"I'.I K P - Tat'.ll .- 4:llt.fiT; azetnaeo. 3,24 Zr. ?OR T P 17.7 FOIT/TDRY CU4RL!S TSNAJ 3 ZIEPHEWB o`22.2loNA.Mairi AND ALI. ISINLIti VJ Ft/ANT CASTINtir. 3 Prodad attention pabl o ItULLINEI LSLL 'Woo.. BLAST lIACHERNIZT sod RCTUIVIR. p~eaalet aI:PALOS attended to presoptly, drp heretotosv the best !Warta], OM arAltrt arllg-dloaad al ear old stook, Ira are prepared, wart 02W AND llcraolirAD psttents, eoestrocted under the saperelslom oflie, Zoe One, to faralell NAIL MACHINE:B at shark Um 001;11 SUQUESNE IRON Min STEEL WORKS ITAILDTAN, BERET & CO.. tron, L.rdo P LGUQ.U. HMI WAraatour,..l. .3717at0r rrrs'EERIGL•. 47auxuar-. 7. VAZIKLIM......S. S. ituvli AETNA itTOVE.WORKS. BIWYLEV . fir. , kienneserant wrerr nr•.etr ti Cook, Parlor and Heating Stone, .atra the win brstogt =ASA& TillirtV tad TALLAILLN (Cell Stoma YU- M.A.V6 ^Yr? ZRA.2i, awl Muirsingry mow Cloak .lawn.) 1130 112inabonaze • . • CRATES, GRATZ VILOSCII3 gr.... Ofl4* lid 'ff I,olc*o. cora, of 15econ4 sail Wa 4 sliFol.. Tittsturrh. Ilvtialse• a 1• ll neoffa Irtivet. • l237rtil BLACK DIL1S!,3:11 SAW QUALITY itxriwir) • I.laara, act vr all elan. Wu. Laud ..v 07al to sty I..vart..4'cr Laululasatliralak o . Min seen wankel... Ita le Ina MI rb,.. ..d avw...—roux Alssra L. WIZor. VALLEY STOVE WOODS. • U!!!!! C.LLVV, PiI'ICEE•& CO. one. and areeeme, 301 Lfilt.UTY bT.:OIT. Doane bmlthOold. manutaceom everymallet, of adulate, vrentAnt it HEATING ITOthe, ammo which are Me celebrated Allegheny and blvaltor Gnat Cookies Storm elm. Ina Autocrat end seetivel lin coal or Immt. end ten waive/led OM of tba Imotra for vood; also, Althea. bliatee, iaadere, beam tfety s , no s i ss o, so d Hollow Ware velmellr.• • • •• /LUDIC. ISOM ..... D. DAtlira JARED M. BRUMB SON, ", • Steam Boilers. 011 Stills, Tants, Sheet Iron Works, Ise. 61 Penn SL, Pittsburgh, Pa .1104 CENTRAL FOUNDRY '4WD KOLL WORKS. . 8130 I...szaza.- IrDt.rieert. BOLLMAN, BOYD& BAGALEY. OWII lintlx. 11111 Culler, Pali • Lathe.. ap. THOS. CARLIN. num Tin roomy en mufti villa.: /I.ltDtte7r7 ETIMILT 2 ALIM i ar7rf Vitbkrtritratial, eta WallAK AN L Litt Wit& titar..l3 aza, watt, make to Aka istEAM 1/4111.1411,1 ratZt Own. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER SONS. Iron Bonnet, Tab, and Trunk, HOOl 3 B AND SHEETS, .14,4 m n". nA EVRIISON, PRESTON& CO • eavrrrerr, nix/4 rukcrx WCVELECS, ilru•houn.l.loa. lama IQ TIM*, 07perite lionouslim Holm. Patabara. h.. a.34:6/1 wa:rracritatanoir IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERI3 & BURZEDIBLD- .Xamactures of llaillitedeCtiarooallaastata Poltslied 11111171011 MT MISLCZIXA. C57 . 11117+W.i1k, art% 2(0.,50)144X SMOKY MU ROUTE IMON PACIFIC EASTERN DIVISION. TOM SHORTEST AND MOST BCL1•BLl SOCITX Ma the Sort to all Jahtts In COLORADO, • NEVADA. Two tralas lea's State lAtio Lad Leorsatrarta daily, (Sunday. earepted4 oa Dm arilral of Data. of Putas )taßres4 ham. Pl.' Loafs. and flaaal`xl and 9L Ja Rginwt from Ch0t , ....- mwig at Lowrance. Topolto and Wontoro with Sum for all Dolan In Kalif., 'At rad of bark west or Elloworth with the UNITED STATES Ir.E.PRE a ,S ctaxrducirm DAILY USE OP OVERLAND NAIL AND LIPRILMI COACH ES TOR DENVER ; BALT. .LAILE, A.NO ALL POINT[ 12( TILE TASIIITOVITIA and with 8A$01[1:3020A THVIVE .KLT LINT UT COACHES for Aron Valor, .Brata Tate, Albritaletoila ra tad all volala la Anzosa out Draw Koilea • , uluith• nieer .ViAta tun. roitrait Oft% coalmen:, and the arrsafesenta mad. with re. er.oariblei °racked' Tratsporiation. Una. book Its western laminas, this road ROW often nna. onallad facilities: or, thi daduradrolOil Ot.trolatif to the Tar Weal. Tickets for ...tie at ell the prtnettialoilleei In the Unltut States end Oahe4ae. ' , Ma sere end stative TIOEDDI YU: TON IYONX [DILL !DOME.' :17SION. VAOI7IO DAUM/LT. lASV..DtN /Oft THE OIL . REGIONS. AN EXPRESS TRACIN i.ava rt ITDDQLfIH 14. " ALtaconwir at. - LW CAPTLE at.:. etnNELIGTINII AT JAMASTOWN wrnt JABIFATOWN 1713,10ELTA Mayan dime eenavetloa for • 011. C@7 Pa Th e th P I S T h H a U r L iLinatoi ItehCORHY,A• go=rh ri .:AVl:= 4 ::ol#l7l;ll • • r== i l i ttorinslea Pawner - a:Apo, Ticket Otte* la kl.t.tuegh. and at tht otpot ""'"Y jN .' e AMY. General Tielet Mint. 0..11. Aathhant Oar Nl7+ 114 ILLYISTACTIIII.2III or ~ M73I.ZW,V7CTrZiar.....rd•ZATI / 2 1.1.T2.5111:W., Y.A. 14=W...terve, • • ===cm RAILROAD.% RA3ZI7iTAY, CALWORNIA, IMILII, LI/ILONA, wAssnweter. NSW *LAIC°, IDAHO, =! A. ANDM6SOm, a,arail Sup,flutenallmt. a. X. WZIISILTit. He Bed. rndsht. and Tlotat Lunt. BPORTANTTO PASSENGEBR =l3 • ■ RAILROAD, smyths it PBANALLti at 2,33 WESTERN RAILLUOAD.— , O2 niter JUNII_9(O, Int 7, 55555 KG/ TIWO• on tl Wooten. ronnorylrants and dews from the rc4ll. iOtDl follotna AMUR 1 g At 14 '"F" Xo. =4l ° l Ln.. o oolt o. ld .l EP l;:D*aint: B o 7VoIVA info o.Le 'll 04.10.0. F tliogiqfi' S MT: - • T A OO Olnorch • Trnln team Clantlany J4nOO. rigt1V1:1. 7 : 4 ',1=4 0 ,1`44,1 1113g:13 Oltv le.o P. 11. LIP: •41100 ddlennsoky Janet no: AS t. a. Comnanaaon Monett—For ale In packages 0 ToClitY,_ between Alledbeny City. Chested 14CIT . S. I:ennott, Pine Croon. If.tnn sat &scram.. androod only on the 50 * OOO nod. ping nt [Station. oocelhod on anins. Tee Mans Immo/ on. . 048:00 Witl U , Vilroler,Zellt." 3- Bstles and kiannalunovra Through d'lclda • (Moe, no i loThilkd I PENNSYLVANIA toe. ler.l Street Sall:Nose ,t,. Depot, 13213: EtTO dutoe.llng rtsb of i.lup punrs, P ILLILYO/ C= Wur dip.. sblzuT, a 0 m WWl . * a... _ W's Pa. L.. 0 .51 m !blinds le.atris Eelault Ar. Sae es W's na ffinel.r• A0.10:10 • m Joliette...loX, Iter p W. ls. Loons! 1:50 rn ,Wall .0 No. C m .: ;If; m i rat pm Aon Amiss Wall's No. f. ;AIM p wain tantgronl troth . MSS f. The Mum Triana i~a ll' l Woll.s Manor' Ili iluadaf at 901 a. ea, lattsburgh a. in. Erituratn_t leas latto arab at 11A0fo and grave St w 4114 S4tlenat D.lll. sClaebutabl EsDreso been WIT. AU ottar trains dolly ezOopb a 447. • • ' /Caere: and tall Altooso Aaron.- Inedatl _..nd Emig t Trsla • az TO Gaily. I.ltio eismurrs re. ante daily sue r' pt lleatar. Ail etber trilns daUT xellyt for fartlarr Inrozzu 011 1111 D IT to • . W. SIACKWITAL AA. S. Ste renarrlvbras Company will straw, any rag for tarn exespbfer eraarbta opeorr. and Leaf to tr rensonsibellr Se Use Hand red Do ll ar* Inn,. AU liogrote • voto4l - Wu aalsentJa es tor bo at lb* tart of tca owner, tuaerA p ta i k c e na %T W A m i tre , Omen! Sune ...Anna Altana/6%. trrrauraii, COLUMBA & CINCINNATI R. • PAN 11AI . , • • or 17.118 .‘Oa onion4ln; Le trw. . leave wad ereafet Onion Depot tram • 9'L a. time: Leave LOS a. • SAO a. Y. Lb Irelee 10151, 11:4. It. 1014 tw Beaday Trate :clew. et 7.412 r. *rum, tw Ciaeladatt at 10:tOme tearldhe • ACIALVIIIIJD SION TitAttal. Leave.. 4 110 a. et. lit A. et. 1.4 e r e et, kW P. ra, Se nye. 15=1 A.ll, $ • a. deur. et. Charah Tanta leant udder at =le/. Y. the s a me event ve e: is, 7 s.,:u:LD t 4.IIItAL O/ 0711[8 1.11:114-• tErtio quad, dr t ywtween Plitsb=lll as,4 OrtratTultga '4gtriA:4l%. DIV% west. WlLea muclusleg Tteisets sac and Sod tam Mee or she C 01111441 .I..CLICIEGUI. It I. Union Deputy - Csolith . :1114&) EL D. 1 1 407LIZILIIPAMOTI, Ttolset Agent TOrkEtriFthirlZlL7.ol:WkEtotar"". 1867. 1867: THE FITT/IEII7IW /I VT. 'WATTS"! a Offlol. Ge!t. IL. Asia CLlVAtLANDarirranusun B. It. ' Volpe arrtTe sad lee at the Caton pawls a. follows: 81 ' S. 41 1 :fa%Vili:. ISTlr e* Cl.ttirlic / eS Rl2: iNi."g.:g1,1::::1:111:1: hleago WI.. eat • • sc; CI. W . JCL ssitt T. in A S i lbl i tsle i!•3 p I/events= Aileees.T7 .t.rstve . 1 . 1 1•461.0.. N. Dr . = aw. m Btl•te 1.2.11:a1a isletallallf • COI• •es IN, Ilsltt • •• 11.11 . •• Met ascii Walls•Ule ''• Id* •at Itoebester .. 1:20 m,llevr Castle " leSe •sa W•le 2•1 ~' p Leetalsle •• 1.1.0 e •Ss Leetedsle A z l 4:5.11; •• •• DUI N. RV= •• aslXlp aN. Detest •• ton N. Er 1n 1010 p et Leelelle ttle pet Leetsdale •. 10:Wm 231 i Massy/ agrwas P T% T. ii - ans.Senentl 2lakel AS t ALigtIIIIETIC VALLEY EVIL. clumor. or TIME. tra tea, after TB Urt.D.LT,J•Iy Ilthy ThB7, ltats nul tem and only* at rittsborp • tOrSt: Vito •Cd1.1..4 J, tOTIOInt MU rrortaa ri int tatxtUanom.6f P Sozond koda Hilton Accent: eta - 111634 txpres• Vor Cn cur. Han I)3Clty and 1, 13FrrSUb. Vitae. U. • Sirj kr. TIMM, t:t " 7'" Wen h I.^-ukri gas r. Y.. 9 Yocum. • • '' la. ~,•thla.,•o .. • rt: . I.'• ."244,Tirfaas kap, ,•. • . , Yuri e u d=at t, .--_ 1 au 7 , 1321 , 4 . \ • 1..• riour, Davi. , gre.An To AZID room LIVERPOOL 3 QUEENSTOWNei•Ii.nd EiMEETEM Tat :INBILAN UNE El 11eg a EMT V/p : i i)II.T,ErXR y wpm. Itt s A d from usa Pune. 1,90.1,•1 era, nvianAx, mr.; Ir.salnalre Aint Pan464gars, . lizint snits?, Adm. Zsviass 061406. (211 EAT IRE I VOLITTION IN `ke O a. —PLUM 04.1.17t111N1e alma aaeareviree as tf Lle.e la Prausa, from pars Cafforela sad taklne tha alaatkotAatpor• "aTIVAIMe4 .114.11.-' quaggatirax.v4;:oridtra lTwg.eir • 11121 .4m.TH1A. o:2sll " hig. jk =iti_Opiteftils: Haw Mr.7ll7au UulUlawanateareatie taka *lame* Ts Saying ti duoak w e t emeneut 'WINS we /lave . we - Mali St OnOOPLIMin Mann billet Ewa. lratehl ma i - J. It. XING/MET lb Ole" nott;l4 VO N iS tI K I . ~ jpmltni..'3l. U 0 NI