11 11 V 11 FALL Dirm II wanssus mixt Una. ~ r..., WX. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal FL. fmrr, P 4 Melange Poplin!, Poplin Stripes aid Plaids, slit Warp Poplins, Merino Shawls, Male Flannels, Deasy Coantry_Flannels, reentry Blankets, 'drily Blankets, &Varlets, Bs/moral and Heap Skirts, Addrt Fronts,llandkereblefa, ke,;•te,„ AN ATTRAOTrirE STOOK, WM. SEMPLE'S, IBS 182 Federal 81., illeg'y, City. Ka • IlirrAME 8 o.4 g rain „in gm 2715115"ra11rh & CARIEIII. am 19 111911 Wm% Sioci of Fria' Goods, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. lrilvr Alm aaa Cloak TILLICIIIIIB3. .•eporTelauslair as d Bonet RLBBOIIII. litiVstll.l at.@Layie►aa .1105111.12. Ilitestuatiars. otankt.s. • • Baniala•• la LaHlitr 11•211DDISICal2n. :The aur ”01.QPI PLITINOOO3II3ZT.,. KAM 'LAMS • WATLer&LLIS. saw atf wafts isramts sad 012.017 LARS. •••• = FAIDIANDIA JET AND DOGWOOD tweili The ."11ter Shirt,, ,, Illiszerrrozecleros, T 3.61111. Axe ocooloto 1100 of WALL £XD WIIIT/ZO nvzinzaannrrs t nuivraßse w. ki.v.jost Oposksd a choice Ilia of Jimmy rfriteles and alstions, wo Witt to BUTIM3 of. AISSZIIN Antofoor lot or those topenarstado Ids' bursae &kids sal fifth; lan &MUM & CARLISLE, =sp. so . .spirk: b . sereinmye. 1867. - FILL AND WET ;11 MOND ARRIVAL AT 70 , AND 80 MARKET STEM • TiL TAT =MOM, ever . / millith aid Qua. 11=1 reL4ll.ll. eeurpeolor—Setlns•Blite. Lew dyke Boils Trinabswi iha Seat and Siierolar 111 4oue. 113 1 1 1‘011)211.124, of evu7 deport:diem. %.6.61:11, You Point, Applique mid Valeacla thelsebod sad Plata.. 4 . II DZINCELIZre. Lem Badooldered,liem • /141110 do WOSE. • lee emertuteut. 111 dues awn of too. 71:11::=D NINA. - /.3.111721.1X17. a 1 RD cents. • 1iPZ1•1114.47 al ran mad Platte MVP 13 HOSIERY - AND GLOVES ! .1.111a5% Miaow sad Calldrra's ifadsrinse. Maud lan and lirsass Z1P11111111.101.11. la lasts. lacosts. Climalass. amass. Ileont as. /las smostalsat of Parfet Boots, Put Km. ram reel... ltstattels, Om.' Leather Travel an URN A Sail lfas Wad's Paisbklag Bloods. traarslelns sad Drawn; 2kaysllag Mau. Waits. Bows. 71ss, darts. esrpiaders, As. Volans, Hoop ISSIns, tlabaorsl Salmi In I fl 1111 IF 111913 “11111,11 loranuar. ADD ItICCOXIL. 1101131, CLYDE & CO. -,y067 RECEIVED, 3.1 L MEMO & UO'S, Mi'it.TS7 Market Street. • Itarlren rnalAu . , com es raglan . °Wain 2 .10...T.1y5t Oozes: Resew . Meths, PeDlin Itertua; var.' Du Maw. 3 ..tbe••M - 7risekllsilass. Blum losbaslsen 1/Arit Inprene: Mack Mertaan Blast Alpmkets. MM.t masts-, laatialla Lenten. BM.* Pspal. Him Mott Owlet Jam. Itlack Celdmll Alatudra .P.Plh.; •!D • LABAL ISTOCIX Or NEW DRESS GOODS, van caitAr hoard Morisco tor st Co, eased or SLIs. .Mach minus tat $1.41, ebony st 111. a. MI 111 f ilkades andvery Slag good& ' Moot sad Colored Alpacas, Cron 716 Pa Yerd sat marrents. •... '.son JPZIIIN GOOD". AT BEMSON t IMMO% NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, Wi Ire MAI leprA•Us og, FA.1 4 1, GOODS , lopz.ar t. we binds 11111111S01114 HECKEIL satre7 • • or .k I .X7O OW' 800 019. CA/IIIecCaNDLES/1 & CO., wawa. aura c 0..) WMULUALZ DILIEZ2I2I 111 FOlllO5 AID DOMESTIC orrolion 1110 .14 ROOD graze% Tairelheue anon DlsFmull Ow. . earresuusis. Pa. HOTELS. CONNOTED .OS THII MOM! PLO. ST. JAMES HOTEL; Net, 485 & 207 Liberty Ofeems sae Union Dern, rttaaavine Fa. MIES - I. Proprietor. ilds Imes fa welt Wilt and leuzzr anIi:2II 6 ,II : 7 WI E VIZILV42 pula• Zs sears --,x,:...a===l. amul&Au."l4_,°7l:4l4ll IN 4 at Vie &Wriest notice itoil reasembie • LAWBENCB HOTEL lOS MIS soitorx43l !Lan., N; Cori Etna it Canal Sta., irtillitt7llllll4 JOINBON - Proprietor . ,timMEZ=ourt,“szatfti *ad 09.11 DRUOG GEORGE A. KELLY, Wholesale Druggist, 87 Woe& Arest. KIPPeclUe Cue et. Clurup4e2,l alvanmiof sma .. latu tatt i zi. ). Aalt num. outhig HENRY G, HALE, Ifferob.ant Tailor, Coe. Pilau and Ht. Clair Streets, .r.koo tokokalooso renal 010 en:Wo men aad MO Daollo fa v Snot als slOok of FALL AND WINTER GOODS / Imp 2.7coar Ocbaskiplete. FALL STOCK D 7 Bow, South's and Children,' CLOTHING, STcowoc , 3Fte poky:4las 133 r CB 1Y do LPG", ===ml p a tt i tztFlLlVAL OF 50311REEN I E. HOUSTON & CO'S. eesttrAznl tl'3.7igi U. ,°142416 " 1T ' R No. /el rirntar..worch.m.,.n arLwarltta la CI.021:13. Elio rcuounble .4 to nit the Um... ICE OREM:IL EATING. Acr wuxuarsomrs DINING ROOMS, 86 Market St, cietwsta eseona nna Rum stmt..) • prrzseunaa, Pa. Zus Masa la f ads tanalshed arlsb evcrabblast constitataa • Last clan Ulla" liana. The abaiscat 'mental:lg the market affords will be served as at all boars of tbe day ar LAMM' J. EL WILL WINN, Proiorletor. o'44is lalibert mutat price rad 11,1,11 klub Of INlX•Onatile AMMO 1019:•73 RUNUOCIL emEnns ;;;Mt DAY A r r a u SC ms f ... 1 11.101z a ?Aunts, am, ICE MiZA.iti toNrisCrioNAß CAXIZI, I , It At 0. i.ran plea wad as URI Malan Ito aa, ln, a"CrIAXII7.I XIX° EZTEMIL. Ao. IA DILVUND, auegte.y. torneme ;EllikZini:i COEILTERA . House anti Sign Painters, Its. 100 1111 ART lITSELV, Pittabursb, SLAM OAUDB done 43 ° . ' ;reler: 4 C"4"rlL) W.ll6.solnaxn. it. maws. ROWLAND h BABBIB .HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, OILLINIII3 AND DLAMAAA, lla OA DIAMOND, ALLEIIIIIONT. DALOLOININO done IA the lot lailsor. J. S. HAMILTON, Jr., Home and Sign Painter, sm.. us Twain erraarr. /Mamas% Graining, Glazing and Gfiding 1117.1.1 LT IXEC7I3SED. kuccri riurra, VALUNIBLIIN imacs. zaunEnce, ITIEWX , WILNr, WEITZ LIAD. ZINC. ••••+-1, UM 610 HUTCHINSON s HEPBURN, • 0 wum eirALVEII3 A.24D euuntail, Is. ell PIMA% AVE3IIM, IPfleabtursa. All amnia" autl vimmtty .Steamed to - 1867 ENOVAL. JOHN V. CLULEY, House and Sign Painter . lasi removes to 134 SJITSTITZELD ST, Pittsburgh. SI. ansm7 Ossodu, the cid stem& ylaOrraS.Thais ISIOCOWAB it:TA DUBE. SIGN AND ONNANKFLAL PAINT. SU AND GlW:inml AND GLOWS& aw 11 .141 • etThaminad. alleghears Coapperstal clots made to order. Orders respectfully eallaltad Lad prateptly ..- .mated. Nixed ratats, Pristdow Ulm and patty usastaarty as baud. arkitmal •. s~ a: :~l ~:v:: waarroonen, • Carpenter and Builder, aro. as rEasan.vasu. urzas. PA. Jobang 4o•to visa meatus. anodlspaleh. AU ardor* Opt)pro atuaded Lo, ar,4 satlgtottioa ivarrsALe4. Aofl9.4lator7 C. Tani-- ...... ......... TOUT r. yOEST agnomens, House Carpenters and 8411dess. ataoilfirtrft'VxmdiTiLT"Vi ez.zz tIII=MiiiMM CIRPENTESS ANDjeit BUILDERS. ' oltrut. ?alma Sbrja2l.l . tizip e rjama a wen: rye a a lbe lematirlas u pulps, of Cons. hs ua la mon D. Al** 0206, O. H.IP.AL.PER, douse Bid Met ail Carpenter. • VURi r of 81658 , 5 ALIST nut Dl7 , NW &oat wltbirxr IioIUSE lIVILDE6B AND CARPENTERS. al BU to ILDING AND U FA= prooto;.l7 attend -111111261=031 & AVM - =Mt 17 acklthlald ttroot, PIANO& ORGAiiS - &03., 011 . 1 . 7414 . 2111 .X 101 . 1 !1LMIALIL.W.L.IMIrmaa ItirAKE & BDEMER, Immo-tars to 17•JULLINA • Silt No. 12 Bt. Clair St., Pittsburgh =1:1 I:%etalors, Organs,, 41.1.11Caskeal Geo& gamn/IT. Avasta tar Llta 04M:quell 7171.1 1 / 1 10 111 Y, Nam Yark., mad ISCIEWILLOSIS OD. Med Sepals, PIABOIL Alm. EMMY & 00..11 • TOTTA.GE... D. I IL W. =MPS 011.. aass, saITILTO/411 PATELT 0 MVO. Mae belt 1111113 etrmaa 41011 n and DU. gal Strlza. aDranavbalm. artnte TrN &HEM ITHRIVALLPJ) Pl. f i tms b o . ls 6 l m be= lazit . b . u.ostm ; woo imager issa .7 alba. He w gook "Or ed. Z. saki Ulm tha, tutor) sake.. : • aeeswrra minis. a rum mina. Agent ter Katbe.• Flamm_ If ahlem Bros. a vatu.ssidPriace•eAataanaUo mem,. • vii•JA ...dzilloll OMAN & BRIG No. ea fit. Clair Street. Ilan now a alO a votellost nook of Iltact aria Sato and Caps, imamAT TUX VAST LOAXAT PiTOS: . NEW FALL GOODS, resr BZCZI7I.IO, AT 112('CORD & CO.'S acra.:xua. liltracmel Terf lute stost of HATS, CAPS AND 11711 S, All au aa• at) a for Um FALL SALM milts, a 4 TEL WWL3TFUICZL. = sem * UP,,7,1Tk*:01.1:, A :zz BiEIttgIANTEP LIVELY AND SAL:t STABLE. it ICH OLSON. PROPMETOIL 111111, ICI AND 145 MUDD OMNI% 10Dixmdta Manhaata.ll•l•6 SWIM CAZZISIta. M. du 41n. do , Malay was4aSSIOA JO sums. sad Ws a EOM. • wand. IrSiaZaa ISOSUlLasso........asmos. =mom. NOULARD.4 Livers cad s - zie Stables; izeziors arrassz ODPIMM nt,ilJunrMa Zaf:ln:mkt DOD% PITTSBURGH. _arrutzewr is=ra rt n ifi6. ru."thur MPS at /WITT. MYSlrit TZEI COURTS tioartar gosslow•—Jeggs laterPOlL Tbla Coact met Tuesday morning, at tan o'clock. The following btmlneaa wan dis posed of ratibmx. - The tory in the easier the Commonwealth vs. Jolla C. Graham, Indicted tartlet lamer of beef trona the Diamond Marker now.. returned a verdtet Of minty. recommending the prisoner to the mercy of tie Court. bentenne defetTed. itcirecier iiiiressn or. 'George kedgers, charged with plakieg tee Docket of Robert It. keelare. of Washington meaty, Ina street ear, on the: th OIL , of a poeltst book containing slur doUats. was orottagont of prism: :Or trial. Fin out Ina plea of - guilty, and was sentenced to four -rears Imprisonment In the Peuttentlarr• mescal. awn sarrear. Daniel Donahoe we tried Upon= indict- IMAM tor semen an d battery, on oath Of James Drains. of Laterencentle. it sp pmtred that the prosecutor was knocked now° and kicked nu other violetina med upon him. The jurycOrtylstea, Sad Dona• hue with eenteand SO pay a See Of twenty doll ars. thlett i f l o r a m Db o e k ch an w d b e t tor, na ft M inn ir FrannieKetterle, allegedto hire been nom mined on the night t.to 12th of Septets. her. The information In- the case, made before Alderm. (or Juatme) Arent. bt the Batenth ward,Allegheny city. (tate ltesarre township.) rand as tonnes, “That William Dlbacher and Chnatopher Zang did commit an assault and - battery upon thu p.m, of deponent byeatehlng hype throat and vi , t2nr . b:o . : , Ptvzfrgth,:ratgva 'At alt night, and this morning, (Sept. 13th) tonna deponent went to the opring th at WU. hem Dandier followed him and Salt hint _with a brick, and ant LT.Sed his arc at de. ponent." Pettelle unified (through am baron/rent) that about twelve o'clock Ia the night he was awakened b Dthaeher end others and went out la hie y I pant: and nun to • place where there wits lParty diluting age beer; ama 0 0nrersatton ab ou t ettlool=l,Za butler protooting &gaunt tieing taxed for free schools while the Cathode school was batten fault *as also found with the pron. tuber, DA:ether saying that he had paid the ermcg Una. /Luton° Went home; and to the tooraingbo was billed Oat or Ills house. Whitener mynah "yen you've got total.," and as notterie was returning from.' the Spring with Mankato( water, Dlnacher throa t , and knocked then 'lend him by th e throat, andhim down with &atone. Trighlre4i•VariV, rattle TA'II,IP,II-;1 Coenaat that of entity. Defendant Teas sentenced to Pay aline of twenty-five dollars and coots. Ina surety Cane, to wince the tome Per- Des tretehoncorned,Dlbacher woo ordered to ply the Costa seunavaren Llelnar IRO saal-nrlo.. • JAW]) Wolnal sras rirrahthea Upon an in dictment Oa:Vet film With collll7lf ttlligan YlVhaveinta-rtat.,-T.l4,sur noon "4COnatoitted pa Zonday.t unalOtb, CM Spring Garden row; AllewtteskY SUS. The testimmiy offered Itir the Preetecntlfm Wes to the e ff e c t, then Fehr was gowned down by the defendant. and the latter streedma t him tete samb tl ad a had fallen. DM ey d Fehr Wilde he wa agarmg from his Inuries mid that ne had been eon- Rued tb La u de dr eve or six weekst that during • portion of that time he Cu moon. MMus, and was unable to speak from para- 1 lynx ot the tongue , resulung from Informs to the lime of the brain. , For the the it was attempted to heshown that the mann was committed upon t o while the defend. ant was endeavoring to rescue a litUe boy whom he wan InaltreaLing.. The defeat..., however, was a failure, and the- main pan of the evidence was amply aa to the chorea. ter of the delondimt for peace. Connect for deronee proposed to with draw the pica of not as and enter that of entity of aimple assault and batiery,but the defendant refused to Clow this to be done. Alter oommltation with his counsel, dateodnin agreed to plead as dented. but the Court Insisted the ease sanest go to the tliej Jury.ury. A verdict of guiltyed. was returned by Dorate - epts7 Ittudoese. During the meth of September fifty t h e In Ilsokrupiny were tiled In the Mice CI: S.C. McCandless, Esq., clan of the U. 8. District Court. Of this number seems of the petitions 'were from • the Twelfth Congressional Metric.; fire from the Thir teenth. five from the Fourteenh. four from twelveenteenth, term front nineghteenth, he. The ifiriateenth, from the Twentieth, 515 trom -rho Twenty.mecond, nod two from the TlM:l4 , 4o=th. The whole numbe ofpetitions Sled stare the act Went Into o per ation b one hundred and etzty-am. Cowmen Mean—lodge Mellon. The Atm divorce case continued on trial jou rn yut.ment.r., ~ and was aoL concluded at ad- A ■ad wee—i'inefol Appeebenalens— Wife nod children lasandad. • We learned yesterday of a eircumeunum oft moat heart rending nature, the facts of which, In no far as we were able to ascertain • them, are as follow!: Mrs. Murray. wife of Louis Murray, a rest ident of Wylie althea, this city, has, for • emnsber of years been eubJeet to fits of tem porary insanity. mooed, It was thought, from a eavere attack of fever. When later. Ing under these periodical aberrations the became ungovernable, and evinced a desire to destroy herself, at well ea tO take the Ille of others. About two years slime the malady came neon her suddenly. Whole . there was no person in the house except herself arid one of her children,. little boy about three yen of age, whom she killed by beating his brain. out with seeker, after which she left the home and ran through the lateens meter mad, omit arreated by the polio,. Hex imbued hearths of her oondlUOu returned to the boom, when he wax met. by a some shoeiting . b , eyond de. .I=9:lli7rl:tri tir=toajeltrY heeds of his own mother, then sitting in otie corner of the room, guarded by a L. lineman, who could scarcely pretest her from taking her own bloom wild was her freely. She was at once sent to a• insane hospital where she remained until a few weeks Mace. when she was discharged and returned moiler home. it was presumed to • sound Mate Of mixed. She had evinced no ohms of insanity whatever for over • year, and her husband, who of allother* had Most reason to tear, mimed to watch her and tremble at tee re collection of the it, and bed been lulled Into the belief that the etre was • permanent one. monologr of wep tee So Mit home ha the and tO work as uSual,"lelling his wile end two little children, *girl and boy Wed mot*. I steely seven and two years, n are hovel. Hinging taken his dinner with him be aid not return until evening, when he found the house dorertiek but thinning pertimps Ms wile and cbildren were visitlnga hoe% gave himself so concern until an ho. bad passed,when, becoming enesay,he went in search of them, hot on anteing tee the place where he expected to find them was Informed that they had not been ' there that day. /le cautioned to search during the night, and op to the present time, but has felled to lied nay moo of either wife or children. Air. Mummy is a man of about fortydre years of LPN Dot the aßony and terrible 'suspense of the last few days appears to have added •at lest tenyeare to childie. He fears teat she has taken the ren to the river and after drowning them, has taken her own life. He was unable to give description of the clothing or personal appearance rat either wife br children, as be awake the koltiteh Language very onpazionuy, bolo' en Malten. Any Inf 4 rmatlOntbat will lead to the dimmers of the missing ortes ; thankftilly reeived, and may be lei ft at t he Mayor.. onion. ,• Death air Capandatrek. We deeply regret toer, of _the death Of Captain 8. Wateon Dl which sad event transpirod , on Sunday - Instott Hermetical. Terns. Captain black wes the only soh of tue late disthignlshed Colonel Samuel . W.' Black, who dial at the heal of his regiment at the-very commencement or the seven days battle before Richmond. He served je the regular army for the past three years and though quite young when be en tered the 1114r71.4 had ever Witcher/ad his appoLutments with credit to him. sell and to the approval of Ids caldera While stationed at Fort Hamilton, Detroit. Hatotiri. Tama, gentH social qualitiesend lestl hod endeared hum to*large circle of friends. gntere• Raper& -following le the mullet,. report of letters collected sad .deLlvercd during the month of September: CAA la. oELIya.T. - Mall Letter Delivery 72,50 Drop Letter Delivery 6,94 a raver Delivery 27,121 COLIMmos YAM Tie {TRIM 110 W. Mall Letters 211.277 p Dro apersp totters ;712 1,492 Tbroagboat the brialneaa portion of the Oily rive collections and deliverlea aro matte daU.V. • Om Mlle Dlguley.—yesterilly.. et the Court house, profession alalal gentle man, Laving burin.= with no&Barney_ at Um time engaged in Court. sent for elm. Arriring In response to the stimMoul, the Ingot 'inut , " mad... J .—, what do you want wlth met" With Insulted dlgelblloulfed In . d. his countenos, an an eye like Mao. -the elhclal mud, "Test's not toy name, sir; my name Is !dr.—. and VII baTe you un derstand, sir, must be so addressed /. 2llls wee ea r In the poss.:nee of Vale a Slumber of persons. Becoming from his M MO.rO•O "set Nog." the seat Sr indi vidual replied ..191mt do sou mean, sir," adding a tureatof Violate* for the Windt °Cored, as he concaved It Lobe. The edi ctal was aboutlo commuuicatehls bosom. but felled In this as the gentleman sent for abruptly departed, uttering !amber. re• marks indicative of his feelings.. /40 1 / 1 1.11 at a serious nature, we are lIMIUMds will 11.. unit from the occo trance. ar Mlle Dere pork,-.Thu largest return over made by any anladtlater on the Cats sane Pumoturet frelluay , was that:trade tdr . John Towell,on Thureday, doting the raft. andreurnee Mee In cub and one hundred fifty tickets. From bra returns be meet have earned 1.469 Panungese. Mr In exceeds the next Inmost return eleven dollar. can scarcely be summed of "knocking dorm." • Poleomeo.—Two littletarya, one of them of officer Item, of Allegheny atty. and the n ther named Stenger, were Poilonen hy eating May apple plant Pviles, Mop log in the vlelatity of Mutelten, no Sunday. for a time their lives were - dew paired of, but we are al►d to learn they are The refuse of Constable James Dell, of the riftlt ward, !Mows - that there are stet, MO drinking holises la that ward. now teeny Of them have llommes trail, does the wpiablie neeemitys require Mend It so, great la the °lineally Mine firth ward. HayNarkse—Onsbunaredand slattern loads of bay were weighed at thelltlamond &Ales. Allegheny, blarney afternoon and yesterday rnrrnoon—taa unusually lags .nnatbar. The price ranged from dnan e, sweaty dollars per too. Alas&e.-4.1. ea eerie hour ou Tuesday tumult , Lames burst fort& from the meal• daring ruin' of Gamey & Coss. melt house, on Pena street, eau tug an alarm of are. They were promptly stdutued. • Flossier - Robbette.—huaday afternoon. last • saddle int 4 bridle Were stolen from the stable of Itarr.Dnrreoney,Waehlzigtan etreet, r, Seshollyt ,TlO 'afttalle- hare act drAdditionig Local natters on First Page. Pll.l,B4Sit(itl, ki,AZETTE : WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2. ts 67. EM=m NOTICES. Grim IMILNHILL & Co, BOILER MAKERS •FD SHEET IRON WORKERS Nos. 20; 22, 21 and 26 Penn. K. • Harlan nested a large fl - d end toinlshod It !nth the most approvito =Massy, 'rain fro- wad to maanacinre eras - ) description or Both. cr. in the t. And irarratird ernal to sX/ Ma4s,X , iha eoutj. . tr . ... t.tnoi , s. 'Rinsch- Me. En Bads. Blum Plpas...Loconintive tots. ers. Condmisars. Salt Pans. Tanks. On Stills, Amtatrlrs, Battling Pau. Boller hon. Ilrlogns. How pans, mid sole maantastaram of BEM auffmt P.O.PENT BO BeosirtarlLlXXV dons on the Morten mho. lediesl arnmummuroi-7-60UE *AD gim6fltO WedRMM eT ineu.eteneni sillittleexpiense. link or nonimone edeeelaell Ie In dimner, no lacOneenteneo and. no erre:mar, LI pietssot heti awl oder, totniedielo hilts no‘lOn. Iren trine itti Inturtoos properties. gartliEGlELL—lre ere. tinable ~,,,ohir;:tl.l2l,4lthe antennae testttnahlnln Mitt LIE a: et W to Jet rtn, h tO rvg.iwilunP,...-- Anta7.......D.. aren. Rollick, It Baer. laphaht.,l ... Prof, .N. Y. PG Y. 0.... hi la.,_tuatan. • Itlata aa. ll .l%,R.dwlar Buil. M. 0.. Y. tlratal._lll - /.4. - M. Y.. tte Lowenthal, M.D., g.y. 2. Cr" . " c .olo t. hs , m lL . .o 3, N t. l F l blu r . 1 Stelon4r4 Y ti Onnalaw,a Louts 11:"4.Ni Party ../J., anyeklrtmlayAr. Y '• nadri D.,Jenwhir,a,.. ; N D., N. Y. o . tale, M.la, Y. • • !Sheaths. M.D. N. Y. 12 . 4 : 14 0.!' , 1T h l,t`,TILVigAN% 111 g' 41 `i 1 . 7 . 7 41-!''''i t l,?:,.m*Dl).,lrßNtrat x Frrsglai.' =AI! , k 01.12.T.1% Nan, MID., tn.Brltalo.l Wescott,./LL. ,• N. Y. Hart, /CIA. N. Y. I Wentiott. Ellabli Whim. M.D.. Law %ark, et . SYONHOLZ, Pole Ascot. Oil Llbarty 5he11. ,. /I.lno fo A. r_ ea o ,y YR. It/LITMAN, Alla. g re2kma itYun. tr.:, : I a; • I IL flot E t 4. '' M Wß O X ilertiliCro t iPtgAt o " Ictae, t s ....dates of .e prostrate gland., d.on t , e bladder, ediealus, meet Or k dart de oslta, and slid:sexed. og the bidden., kidney ad decadent dwellings, glag gingesnaga , IfirraLCl. ear. degarwr FIELNIMOLDV .IEI77CIJEILI7 Ii a certain core for diseases Of Um IL)NZYS h ORA.VEY. DOW% Y. L0d.':111,4111L&DD011.111(..11:Kf1if.i1617,kr.... • . ufil'sitr otegAse, • Medei aricialfAh Ok phh o r g g yyitatoyer tofu. origluaUse, 113111 no mat . HOW LONG BILNDING. Mourn et boa& arra]. require. Om as. cit dlaralle. If so troataatut La • ratualsool to. eOO/IV. or Oa xaoity_may eon. our flesh aea sapporaya from Ikea. mimeo, and HE•4213 AND HAPPINESS, IMO that or Po.tatity. A , Pe•Es •P•• PM•Pt E.• of • rellable n may. • • HILLYBOLLPS =team lILICIII3, Establlsbed sperards of IS years. Peepaied 7.llll2.ffnoiti. benzoate, Fes Breakaway, Etta , Tort.• and 'loi *ousts tOth talladelools, pe, Dole Cy as lantlsis. •' worr IgrITTALMBOLIVei O.oot ti744 . Di.,...g. D ,4 TRAcr. r ro tl T o it=xna car.ir<4 Blo.M° Sold t,,e=r4a."7..!4 az14.g.1.Z1 • IBTel /in' MIME FOR TOE UL nairtnEe rs.l.e♦ “rtfabeladualm. Cere...l Pllmles`• .IVlgles ntoestlng Cerro... • Pimhoes , s "rue. 11looming Verna.. -- Mahn', • "Meat Blooming Comm.' rholos% ••:flirb! Clewing Cerc••.- A molt eneaSta, &Lee.. end Tr. R... P.O.= 11.1.101 from the rule end braatlfal Down hog re Welk It tabs it• aetu llabellAlund _7 by PIL&LON & MON, blew York. IMITABLE OF COCITYEBFEITS. 'JAE FOR vsfAtors—TAre- OTIMA lay"1110BIMION, ILEA ar. CO., . p! ft e es vt td-.:SqlrioSox. Mown, .Mora.sisso WASHINGTON' VORIS, itadotscutrus . of Bost sad ststloSSe7 Urine% Mut Ludo.. MW lisselsorr. demn raslttsi. Caaussa rao an daserlatioas: WI Tasksisd atllh . Bolter sad Jabot Iron WOOL • Winn M. SM memo Vass sad dalthiold airacests ISt G171.A.612.$ PATIENT ( . 5. JIXTOIL too Pedloto bolter!. isal:ort 11Gr' WitELINIEWI.W.4 EITBA CC trim. si b w os o L a e n ti d v a vl . g* Le t ltr.::_. Z: . LV 'T"""'u.T "4"rloo. essaltr oevlept3 4:1; f. grLaJus cirr.mon COPPER MILE SIREL7IIO WORK& PAP.II, MACURDY 14 CO" Xsautiepira anesuatair i lfrulai . s;:zlnlt olpper. miLgt 2Alirtetworter. ri.e/Vils /MAU, P:atc 'art% Iron, Wln z T • ontr a . liam ' w %zrir..""ll4 ritlilargo i. r ttr.,..l ordarie Of Q.DD.T Cat pusal, arrlim}l:4l•l. IarTHE 611.0111 , OF NUN IN llT*EZlTiTlL—Thenfore tlr -ien►o~ Atha de14111.14.4 Aunt , " ItaattaJate BOLD'S Y 2TIACt. 11'• I'D :14 ill 1, u. lla7 •AD SOWIt . OII . X! CT HUWARIP 11400LATIO. , Plpok . g. eon 7 , 112.* IMP. as tu• CIPLAIS OP POLTPUD sad Ills 'ZIELION.S... APPS.II and ptificAPlZll 7ft h 4 l ltz A isgaig 7 ll b ilreit% meat, YU1,11‘... Satin saall4 letttm_ll:PMlP.b,efrfif Pulffiinti a rral r aidli. 1.1 tisilelpti rz OrIIWIFEEIBLED AND DELI. ON }u`a. r ot,tflggllgA 14 . .°' tttrlT:; lota sad euergellcsae enable roe to Weep , 11(1,111., --pgreasturnlNG PE SC-41AILL sad Inuits* 13tumnr .` Brtmul4repEn srtoEs, Tn., Ina %vas tsksaa Was ait Sawa willow tlaa. UPI Ws a, • WA. Z. SCHNIUSIZ, We. Si raw et.. ritraassan. =1 "T&rE NO MOON ONPLEA .0 Ji;rraacr accatr Asp UMW?. no "- Waal. 00111111111 r argil= cy A. SCOTT, - DENTIST, tie' prxr EMCEE.? ealdholl • • iTITHIIIIII6tI. ti•••• . , • ~ • o TIMM II 001;11 u pleaeu t r t , morto sun . • • . free frau ail leleflous properlles.aad ifillfarlififf,lllllll: 1 1 .11"1:40. ""`"° " SPIRO CIL . biUss i 321mAer Ilvcacr. ecilarwr OLD, OIUGMAL. TEA STORE FRESH ARRIVAL. OF gronng 11 710 n. •. 014 Minn, punprarder Eng. BrZakbuill, douchong, Oolong. Old Country Black, And Japan 1 3V AL IEO, ay. or TIM MN! QttLI&IY. No. 20 Fifth Street TEAS ! TEAS! Of au. Moo inut quality, at a., IL X1=1,33.49. Grimm Tza. Moo To Ben• ram. thwi • ............-.......... LID Extra .wwwwwww 1.10 SLAM Ti &w . Congo.. If.x. tins Xoss nerd Zed Ilreakfams...— w w.p, kllgb pmenartm dowww I.to 1 .40 Uneolored Japan, ary_pleaunClavorw—wr.fla Japan. rein[ lik ef air,trar...--w Le" N ,E *.INU e a. I -• re.evi th . above any a n can sot jest hat kind of Tea they Went. and have tr:pat Otis nay sionousy. ma for try any o tea c0,,,p.atc,,, who now carf7 a al len low raw, andir i golan moseys twosy coma per, Wad ts the Oman tatas. pas ad eau antra• Pa WOWS ala an% A. ELAN, tsa 7414 u. eo, ♦naenr HAZARD POWDER; T AM NOW PREPALIED TO wilUn&&&& mist nottu, all orders for Imp Or Cutsann nwpFa. ordors loti it or out try moll to MY OW% Nos. ns aaa vra iranzau. enuirr, stmar MY. Po., orb 106 SECOND =T=OOT, Pittottorik. rl4. 11 111_rooalre mow Ntodpon. . Auirratrit H. 1L LONG iec CO., VISVE9 of PIIRB HITE BURNING OIL Brand-"LTICEPER." OlNce, NO.: Duqueme Way, PllTl9Blllittiki, PA. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSfON 111EliCitt%3 I= Petrolelim lind Ite Proditeto, PITTSEUROD OFFICE. , -Ualzepa I. l atiVag " 7.7 " at Duque :ant Way tad Itwta atzt,t. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-IAI Walnut 011 WORKS, 13Eti=1 Eureka Carbon Oi =I Sperm Lubricaling CREMIC,U LINSEED OIL, Yf EoleeW Ikalet.L% Crud; Ref led altd, LUbricatir44 flak; Lard; Speina,' Whale Cud blett 0. 0. NOBLE,gt, It 9 trwin ninety iurrmuntai mima El nt -, N(.1 & KING, 0111IBI9P DBBntlA3ifi AeD BROM 11, penvietun and Its Products. • Dalzell's Block, Duquesne Way, Pi. =M %MARINO. KIUC it CO.. 121 VVlOrirt TEIE pr.TRoLIA S LUE LVAD: =I taleceart d oal, And for saleO T. ra; / 77.1C( if co., T WOEKB, , , x. ear. %lathe: Sit., o.t? rrrraufnct,li. rt. EAOI.Fi OIL ri . OLLILF, Xua arix:eorkoercsl.ll‘.. 1 1AlGi7TRg & ANDERSON. Heilman anal Denlnes In PET - ROLE - UM. 017/cB, B/L:OND DOOR ST. /ND TAIQUTANE WAY. =CU BREWER,' BURKE & COMIISSION MERCUANTS, AdETSTITI)I2 THE Nitride. Globe Zo Liberty OH Works ..ti a t l'ill=t74°4l% ""%!,1,1: \V sari XVELI.• S°4l° (AL woma; wurrunun. Stanntaeters and ➢ate tor Nei se lends lor L U11R1C.17.1. 61 OILS No. 1 ET. CLAM STSZZT: TIOFTWRI. lIIIREW A 00. IN TOE ORPLEINIP Con= OF ALLLltift NV COW NTY....la4s matter the tottatooNotto tent, aoota.oa, lan or a 11... ben Toon!.lot •Ileginor entity. Veneta. hot Joao Tn.. lOC. t A l anteo ß tr a l s et s VN;rtV d :rnite&l ' got , oittby no lintel•op. Wife. fortnell Jetta •n ervtlatt Arlan • 54 Vnnilt 1. hi. vtfo. tbroter , y Prongs V. ROatect onotet Bean W 11.1.1 Seste t eta Mtn Yon ion., a ottoorebtlet of toOtt Jon [own, dictiosod, lay e ottlinll to alt Ulna hoe.. 'IC.; hoo 14 le oorsoon •rti honey o tt ei ttni so laniet dos ortll 6.tlatl of lb. attn. tooottotool Lwelt or pselltin valintln as tat tannin la llnlien Doran*, • Os flunk, Ois 1001 it! d Oeiber. 1167; st tosis:s. kr, to saill../Elyita among rtlare=a4fllttm i 1to1e& a,. 6: - .91c1i leleeQ . plue ,o¢ scar asteadlfroll 15100 SAMITZG 1 , 1.11t.1rr. Fin , M. EMMA./ "71 . 1C11. V, Mr. ♦ hi 4w 'VJETTEREI OF ADAILLNISTILIL - TRIM aviße bien_irrwatml to tho %o de tj "sof township, nail toriaty:wit we so nit Mir trod to nlit tau.* wit , mike turmoil without dear. at that* bovlorr rialtos red n . the ma wilt lirsmit :brat f3r ...from, itasentow . I.la. .Loww,aiiw ECUTORN NOTICE.— Lel. legbeay tea' Lte of L11a• LI:: ' fa ta trail& ra Its" tonne pa,sairan. 604 tho. o.ola dolma will Tenn- PAST/OM:4.r 6apSoap!GoodSo)! NATRONA unlin SAPONIFIER ill 2 Ch. a lh, far Mu Hari goat TWELVE FORMS OF SOFT SOAP FOR ONE CERT.. Every Family can Um their owt. ALL VARIETIES OF SOAP Ma•lty . Elba@ as CaO . Cattim. .1 Is a new Concentrated Lye, Tor netting Boar‘ittat discovered In ottriomexp, nt Tax Awn° and la componal mainly of Alumloot* of Sods, which, whoa mixed with TISFA CBE FAT, produce! tbs ' BEST DETERSIVE SOAP Lt TIM WOULD. 1 Bor. will make 175 lbe. good Soft Soap, I r Its mulvalast h eap of nazi Soap, riatmil..d 1 7 ali imtgrae...4 Orovare La the 'Craned stales. sw , w,vis mama wrra :Asir a0r....0 , Dealers ear, ebtalx le wheleule taus. 'mar soatatalit. 41 Imixat, at Ilaml 41seeturq at the rehelesaLe Drawee areal'. Dem/Wets to an the lawns lad elites at tba Vatted Matas, =MORD PMERTON, A , A , lreak - r_ZZ=I COOK STOVES. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast MI well n• new Move in the Ileum,. & CO., Ali unman. emirs% ING IntV and ra.for I •I 4. PAILLOA STOVIA HALT GRA'flt /110.1i111 rm. IPZEIN cdoluso wines& GEOINIEMEM4II4 CAM ,M4II4IFACTURER, lad ileaarl i Tata An?a , niurrs. ‘ 7 4 l = MtratCrAir 'AM NOB 5A.1,1,-. - -- FOE PALE—The beat Farm in Islrnall to afeerMorennal oonngi 74? tel R f f. 4 r 7172 2 1 .7 huhd.Zbow;,,,. rt ogl no.. . o onsa. a podllar: Creme tank bus, hum ifILL toe "' . e ,ce !kn. :V4 471:7 1 ' thr feM lO . Is et 1•TO ' N111.V. le /000 ,11 watered: about . MO acres olemd. - the re salt:der In good wait[ oak tanner. TEL won en, IS offered r.• Dew ants of OM dollars pqr rome . s... fammtlatell , actLtlftn atl i in b /C?=ts t ho '4 4 , X=: trntilt. oa road. about Machu% m 0 anes from Me Inty. The lescrucurßic me a cao.hum brick emua with ge'lleTtti rge•l b. .o .1 0,1 Z 6 V Ab o ncante o of the nu:t a nnins. of I , lso*o. Sebools and ruts .33 303,33313 :2a Z.V•lf ie•Vigtpl3l - 3%. " 431ti1r " et i gietifrugirlulf= =7 " . T:3l P32 . ft lz i ri. b : ll° 3g3V3V4 . 7 Irene home. mils nee rooalsg . Name Eby, o SSMaratto ' h i n. b ifoOdVre. new "nd rev i f . TRg 'it:lllr argratlTAfr Artigtnnt n 't hral . graß cts . ll s rga aulaolicld v.fisoTilreZtrillgger=tlDi Urea. of Weld , tt e l l u er nmnim t h4gli . Vegon, 1 1 11naug4a Ob?.. tame dwalat I.lolu roCcleSi elf,lMettle Zgis fortt. rliforan ' tall B!! taken In reuonsble terms. Om reverie Also.aVinr or arser i ft In yeah towashiss TrAt11471,74,'.14,7.1741,""'" 74". and Other limne, derelline bonus. 1 01333333 Earle. the chime issory..Wlth attune Imam, Vsi h eTr b ongff 7 Vt7eur d irtu= r° fLu 'LA era .r.s, ebtre,.....1 eatue :VIII/I n n ' tur 041 ' XL:a r risbiff n ge 0 . 4 1a..8= dallmtedi MusD. cest of Tlltaburgin and tame .6017 , R.ra. acre Is .et4l d hw yth co The ) ...Also. one club, beet fume In 'lona( torehlp, hls k gg a lighr Dag_.,„„a"art 0 I :1 a ir intro L I contabang los scree -.... Mean:dud an Sr Ho. homing. ruTdos In good. Miner. Tee Ins proton:math Oro two Mame dwellings. contelalas ottnl Sind Cacti gra Jr II are. Id b 313 teet. nad other twat in trnll Inge. Ed geed order. flu mu or onmerd etusle• verte. tles or Milt; four lan heat of cool, (now Um,/ under all Mcleod. Wan Mdusaanos of Wantons. It la a semi thralls/ neythnorhomt, convenient to aura.: ectunda Was, La. Mann 1 ma an t:hoaxed to sell very low ano on :Pod term. M.N. Yam of Moores tolgatillll4 C a rtnfr. 1 r.., engem ILne of Me manta a% a logoTolarirraherVa.rditr= but bum. *Mud Warty bolting apple to AO. Thu, property will be cold enema Ale.. e 0 urns 11l Derry Sownshlp, Westmore land 000057, 13., 011 tin Poor milea 0113141111. Mlle. and three miles of two nation. On the re. IL If. ens Improvements ere. a new Mau d rf; n a ref f . _itre n and a; 4 4 ' o ° ; ftt maw /team bolting moths. and all mo l esoeum ussrea sod vhong oronerd of inflt trees. Tune vhole 0 .114 uudeslald with sal foot Sean of oid. now Opens& ud an sbundance of time. Moue- This Dropeniy will be sold veui low. I' applied for soon: lot bulbar partlatamoagears of A. U. 20WM11,, atm geia kstate 6r.:14 IC4 taarth ils. 2,000,000 Aga CllOlO LANDS 11011 SAIL DT TAIL Eaton Milo Railway Co" mitirar ttivirnoit, Lilts elan!' tee Mat nt tbtlx t 024. tt BEOO to 8601 It i tr Atre, on a CREDIT VT FIVE TEAM /or Trirtlenlarv, seam te.. addreu sons r. Disviaztrx, 1.6a4 Comalulatlet. Toyekt,LOWll Or. CHAZ. B. iLtitetbaa, sees, et. Lonu. itufaut. COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE, AT HAILEINOOD STATION, . tae riltabornh • Coast italltoad. wlthla Iva misuses , Walt of Xs Italian, Imo iligeyolFtWIts"Vol."411111: letolitig: Ind about sX sena a doable two miry Witt Oneida, veldt beet t uddlal. ll : ll XVws room.; 11 oll.res , ;l:At wows: soot ruoPTZA assolsoass Abode Inc a. ,. lions of ' Qs atolotot iteallans in too ...Xi la on Wait inteief, besixf. Coaostandlav an axtended slow over • twonitsal and nob tout., sod of X* X 00000 bell riven southern samara, sad soil Of nrf beet IllOrVillsa r. tom t• of Mae IX. eta De, or XXIII Pgalb vs . :V.l=l.4or senile " * - "r" WASHL'IGTON CO. 'PAWL POO SIZE--A Inn of WO .em: of wh/tO 00 la neared, tadtharewaludat ouvarad Ono whit* oak Umber- Whaled In Wen Plod tay towanit, Wanlan.. own), Pa.. Gann Halll of Won Alesnader, or a alt. non atenowe. I. cannon to Charon. and noon.. an ea It two IC; ann.. 111.1/ noble not nail ann.{ as orchard a elan tan of Va.:llirrt%PrOth.. " IZZECI 33 21V4.".211W. Woks, la btoelps YQ Neal ULU.. ♦mib BelldLoc Youth etnet. 1:1111E TIM DAT AMMO, ti.7 . 5. t 7tu, no buds. etpail!Catitte ,l clot' 1.4 lbeL jorpr D. BAILEY & 81104 STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AI, ALICTIONIXRIN • An prepared to RI Altaic.. nooks, BOW; ongl i a:l tlads of toomiue•, N.a4 Itatu. How b• Uoota e 1 .oa yiul Maim. 17 rotUoulaf •t 4•Yo• ;WO. so Otfulofore. afl "10:1:2Wilsittr, " riff alleofhol. OMNI. WO IV Pi' o CHEAP FRAME HOMES IP CA.FLIMALEs39. In MarLohester. .r , ==.lllV;llll:NTZ.Pgra 4 . bob.] low. uNalsx. ur STEEL & WILSON, Sr*Mtn aai Leal Mato Aims, ~ 1"o. 6l lltnitU wt Ann. marl FINE DWELLING IN BEIVICK. LET.—The eebeeribar le im. 330. !MM. • wlll woe Dave 'way ler eele.La atte brick Imo. ? u r er. bal t t V. e. parlor. bele. ' faah d. room. Mtge more rt= lame eloene. go nrlers. mate root. tug* -league.. lug tab., gas Wpm lreeeh ae. Oroese Om noel beeattrttl lathe esileretnte wise tat to petty are Melted to one sae exult. ll,Zry7Vea, minntn welt from Q•eter ' jyttlehr.te thkelcileirtile P. 0. FonLot Ott atrum of .11habottan mad' &du. als... rular ruses", 7411 ..7. Lot t• I .7Htit ,n .w in k tams, oconalalair room good WI. w im proved. Holm tad Let oaftetlell, awe Bl4.rttl Allagageny Caty, _Lot At 7 pm Henri Isolllallit •14 ha MOM Safl MUM vallati Alm, simnel mull Moues lad lOU 1.3 gel 4 ball.. Ingalls of - Esaftr. lest Cluj itsackulte FOR ULM OR WM, CIIMAIL: A l • IliarounarCa , 270451erl Dino Co. VIS Omit hannoro.• 11111112 . 110 Matsu itad .110411 . 7 d rod ro , l for coltleation, • so, sow = .I, IMM O. Also. • CaknoniegOttirt; thoprxaid pawns. • • aurtatrportionlarrherours • WIJICLIOIIIWAlti). o;‘iiatraral=l... = • pAnattrvon- SALZ, In Mama. :,!•„ 1411 ....k l O. ibbrbeibbe obsatt, ra Rear nl i salutt , a_ Atari au t . fro= nal, Castl. &arm atm% NI Isrigobblhvirleitilri p bug% Mao low will Wet rams. • good Mobgtiordi7.7 p4 l .l:ll, ° :,! b :l; ' 4ll.i food wy ratez lb! Coor. x ,W . l . ll z bb , . 7 1, a:re, by Mean N.. DI ifeb•Peilifg.u....ll"gr.l.7• A CAPITAL OPPORTUNITY glar-"4 4 ".4LlZlntiMngre Ys. Aso illdaaa o. UP woods of tofu of fem. of loam to ma. Toros IS. apply $3 w. rOIIILYT Olt Llberio nook riubmit, 2.vaue NALE OF Tit'MTV , BVILDISO LOTS.- Warn* I A 1... dar.a Plan. In Tonpotanorallli, Oa Oa 4U4 of September. - Tonna raaaonablo. and MAIO. naa4a knows. on dar of Ws. - • • Also, a threontory Pram • now, la good re.. Mar. in Lama Wu. alt slunk. On Slats Moat, Wear Um O. P. thrall. tor fanner particle.. lovas. of 1.1. HITS. *oil oSO Beal Cats. Ageat. Manalald. Rouen AND LOT FOR SAL euenE, aliutted at earner of Dunes. .41 Solo Ilatabtrib. Lot 24 feet by ItO lbet, wt. me o l t dltlli T . ? Y o z i wo i roo . se, two atones trout s ; :'' bydrabt watgua telt I nTA.Piail).'' D. allls k IN di 4.4).. I :Fourth .owed. 4 iev;lll:tei=l l l.3=izi DON'T BE DECKIVED Br il lirgitiklfr 11411" fat =Luau. onantuted rornx. War ex t lo r a 11 , 1 cow.: nenateedge BISZIT Dira. 31PIrtis mitre's*. 6111011E11 b. BAILER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK snrcH Sowing Maohines Us TWO II COT tor 7attS7 aaa atu‘ratt.lta Partxotta wu Rad re tant at Jiro. 106 Pints Street GET NONE MIT A GROVER itz 888 = retooethoooBl. Doati fa 11100•11•54105 NO. 106 11111 . 11 HT,. above id SHOE. 11.1111NESS & CARRIAGE laionidsc• Ma now BIM 11 .1 Mil JACIIR Nam bityhtit alsevolgas. It 4 tat but ler tbab "e. 1""1 20),/03 Irma erzzrz • above Itostildleld.. enzri THE GuoirEH BAH= . • SEWING MACHINE pionoyoolo of Itookaa Mom goo a %Ro us Twat sinus% awn, butasiat = HART, CAUGRET & CAL / Banke and Brokers, CORNER THIRD ARO STREETS PIIIMIIBITABIL PA.. 1301X1E103018 HUT d (10,1 111.1111 A Exchange, Cohn, Coupons, 4 k.a warn*. lums'°ll:, bthi ST BONDS. GOVERMIIg ON LONDON. asnrill I=lsMl N. ROUEN & SONS, So. WI 'Market Street, nrissvms. u. pu•irund..ta &mar. ChsCocsiona tome es ell the orinetrat volute of the United Mateo .1 Cluu4si. . Stocks, Bolds and Other Securities . . . BOUGHS ABD BOLD OI OCOUCOR9IOI. - rortjoolu attostloy Data to too rurGbANC deg 11111• 1174 ISt fig,cturities, mpiasis mien:2:lot U. B. inurrinoArt* OF DiDELSZMIZZO. axon Orders aid Vooclersooecio. or collected. pEOPLJCIP SA.VINCr BANE, OF PITTS/MUGU. Capital, - 11100,000. aniaB. to. 80 =MI Presldestt...... LlarD. ....71ILLIAM MUM t HI 101131118 L "leo Priptlasat"... 8e111e . 117 Ittnicror, :71L'aV WILL ITALi s * f 2.2. Mud an or PTIOX ?NAT DA7B; Wigan= St ~.a s Am VW BAAL _iris area, muse. Itutaiasil:hirl af Mgr nu= stseetvied. fro= Ow. Dense ruraid. • DEpoatfil nibja et se 43•••11K. Irlfatoyd later•ort. • I 111:15Ct11737 DULY. AT CPCLOO/ Presildelit-411031P80N .VELL. Vicefresident--L NIMHALL, P Ms= stOctboldases we Janke Ali.. 7 ral. Ead?or tifthrlZttill kr.„l V E. P. ktirmaar. ALLEGHENY SAVINGS BANK, • ALLEGII/ZNY, Cb510102.11.21.1.C1L Iza. 31.184111. BIOCILHOLDEB2 nrornntrema - LIU= LNrporlts receDvd sml Viper Menem . . 1101.1101 dd ttm. deposit.. PaDlealsr Memos ff .. 7a c ts ructurb and Rrcrnd. • Do . 5.1!1.6TW.day. G. sratiani. J. T. ineetaiu. A. Auruy.! Trutt iernan, war.gumum ram_ D. Octaves. DMIN W. LiDLZ l :Crsahtsr AL . r"ddatTli /NBI7RELNUE. A LIS:GHENT INSIIMANCE CO. OP rt7711a11R613.-09141e, No. XS MU street Dank Blast Lts. Usury ualan 411/ Mx* &ad Mufti. .1.02[21V63. vPrgrr47.l.4. u. Ihmetarv. • . lAN. 04..1 • itCtODI Joist Iran. Jr. Capt. Wm. lora, .D.lp D. litoOora. L. PatulDwitl. 'a.44ICM loalaacia. Velma a tmana• Lan. Deo. D. MeOrnr. U _______ ENIIIIIITLYANIA' CRSVRANICIE COJETAXT. • - ' ___' - - - . OF PITFIOUION, FA. anew la Nita *gawk aim. ilimk. ZUs VallarjoalOoti. oullvoroo seam ItM, W raqtll. Prosidoil. fre n gairtirc, r". l4l..., . UMW ALILLIIRIIT iloostlary. ~ 7, regz,•=-.. R i a g...: ,c2 benri aa , Fr% op i Wog, John 001100. Jos. . Home.. A. anuaor, Honor *wool. mar,. parcavamr • - AGMBrEtt LOl3ll 22 rim. ,NODOANCE COMPANY. er.P,HILADELPIILI. x isonin lad tit Catmint= NT - - ra"dalsel agsr* itrele;i4 es W.lls Tglw..o.,ragteeteD • GARIWZII COFFIN. Agent, man." aorta Got. Irbtrd Si Wood I.m WEErnmar' Effs MANCE CO, or ariarta, pre.61.1. e L .4 . 1 uar . +Xuatri riVe i relnatita. E t.- of Ara +Mra 1===.4677a1744 art de atalatarnitZt "" have aa*.td. Ala o boiraprotaostoo Wag anua dams to 001 1 • 21110 . tattralay. Alazaadar Upon, • ardrln Api . L.l da irYt 1 , . • .ylitIMSl4 • TIT 11:11FA, mall'. MEM. =trial LRCM. Peorstart. pEOPLEM nannua cr. co. onios. N. a. ocui. Ivo= alum irrra rn * 1110•• 00111:1P•Irl, TA.II3:NG mar. Am], !onus sums. '•••• .211.../9•• r .s h Shad& Lau .suati! cniu - O 1.11L.4 1.0 ATT.JO ATT. Vialrsubtout. W. I. SAM) OCTAL IN.Worf• Beal Ai% • Folc.tia .1.1:4tw:7e}zio);I:11 Dr. N. IW. BATES. VETEBRIBY HIROO& • aml Sable. la of lama Itoload Vtgann . Um =Ter/ .d Solo 11 Lablos of W 111414 Alleiluny; Ts. Waltham-11 Pale Alta Bt.. a.m." Ward. - Hams alultrelly treated ter dandle Us ilaAcy and eatlettedtre re sort'dttaral lltrarar rrinVAT e " ilirerarg_ ll i'L;4: i gt Lindsay A Co., Coat l e arte i. Omer atettet. Alta- VT: Dr. ea*. Hewitt . Federal street. Al -. afee Mali r( y 74: 1 „"t1 masa. , etreet. Aueeeemy; molds pun., Marebanu. La Federal street, allude. parettray. We rebu at lm/ I g a l= r. Watcheetater. lel Fe IMPORTANT 'NOTICE. TO OTINZILS Or IVOIIBZO. bvg tire to Infornte frleada aad artikirsa _fiat thelted b alrATLeettAilll CITA Steak otilesal• seas ad of the . at Carla /Sala. Tatra street. Ma add Luta Ilona , takm In ad skillfully Mated, at a ammo thug. Horns of any Legato. alms. ay adatitta. but easy attention pale to Mina at the *lnterim A U. DOCI9k)WLIITiII Way.. tod CUBS AU. LlNAlkillT,asensall by all ta Df/stelasl Vattlary Ootief.at Sara% wall can au Wm. Wad or dadaist Galls, dote battle vad - 1. - gian«.lvlhgsLl.u. Slat =ears prolaptly attended ta. Rama. the dr. ak Carla Maga. main . crratto Ckalda llotaL ' lean • plan F. P. DIUMy. • VETERNAIY Wan MO lIME MEV Tbutatal for Lb. tarots nava . rl " r r.Os arl r ' l psi2 / 1 17 s orz TAD Z al ,tea toner o L.AlatijiteginCi2; t~oalso. a ver allnah_aer.Q, Oblo street aa4 imm. ...man salke latter aza miasma, az the tomer lama. jpeatu,staaattos RIM 10 SalrLZetru L T.,_'' " 24 1_,fir# 1 lumen. ,o4l:ar atVor tris: 110.Ver„.traulOad total, rol,wringioatio• Jotra Zlrtam..trb:YD..la. 61e14VP LITHOGRAPHERS. • NcirANIN IMO • SMAU use:E7l. AI crams• g r aintitthz .. .. WIZ? Ur n TUN eor 31T/e2A. 011% /1.4.4 - Porti, =Ur. INTriLi-,7N0. No.. irtr- raritu: a:rritti 0 111 .4 * . A. . 1 . 1 WFF' Lb. 11111:12111'111M, Aral. Busta ir. . ;Esztetra......limfasadliprq .PROMEMONAL: 910 _ Ationiesr-at-Law. Oft% 71 swim? T rinabanilL =ffM a==fft A. A. CAMERON. Attorney -at-Law, No. SS Fifth &tree!. R . BIDDLE nonzirre. • Attorney -at-Law. OMiIN aw vs Gmurr ITR r. tx.llol. EIISTACE B. MORROW' ALDR.RMAN. Ex-081aq Justice et the News, AND taws luau:meal*. ri Naomi. inits. Pithni, h. frttd e= littrll ' ittt Inas proassdasas and dispatch. APIS A. mum, JVS7ICE OP TWO PPOCE, Conveyaneer. Bad /WM sad lanunnea Arm, CARSON ISTItEgt, Let Iffnatagazat. ooUedUn of Beata poltette4 and oromn.l7 attendedna • otre:110 WELLLUI a RAIIMER, Mann OP MB !PPM CuITVLYAMI7Zw. da 11/FrOON torkti al". ovally *Dow Ito tb =Vac.; Ooo p th Pituborsh. Outlaw on rooptly otiondod to. .4. :MI DANIEL ArcELEAL, M. IL, PRACTICING PHYI3ICIANt Wise ezdldea., No. 160 Grant St, sear HIM Jen ('OO.ll. COCHILIF, Attorney and Oonneellor-at-Law. tnnoe—rtlLTUMS LAW BIT/LI.II.NG, Aw 1110 6.8119 , STILLAT. norms of Youth, Plttoblb. An /WU badness nutria:no o his oars will m ann main: attention. anuszli J . S. FEBGIISON, Attorney-at-Law, so. n imam sraiuurr, boom 71.005. Pion. Wye: 11. cCOUM I Cs, ..*.etc•rzseranwreteXamblvtr. ST Grant Street. M=M w . 4. LFAVIDi A'l7O*lllEY AT I.AW, NO,IIEI Diamond Street, !Wm/ 7IPX1181:18GH. PA. j o nNw•PDE I636 ATicritaxi• AT LAW oulast` d 4 ni stow= imur.z* nada 2.2:22amm 226 ct. AT(ol6lrit I6WISELLOII AT !A* Na 69 'arena G*ani 131rA+3% _ PITTISIMIMIL, PAL • TOBIN A.I4IIMIL asstimmanerazor_. instil:sof th.vreVes Aav roues munvnuts. Oft*, Mt Flfitt et, oppaves Cathedral, SMMEM WiLwll Ailfaa r • NO . rialt AVD asuatiarre V i ogi "ACl} Butler anti Craver Mee • 'n".. Ot l =hetitrire ri " •P, _pg ." CI; pre 0001100 aokemelorttliveat of au mhos • .. 0 42pee of the Peeen "l" aed tletary jA 0700000. Vltict,.. JOHN. C. NIcCOBIBS, MENET MD COlilailla /IT LIW, No. 87 Fifth Street, gra ir = „ l..... sad Amour Pay 1:01 1 1-1:31;feNeYA:1141 9 4 4 Wel V. Arwooa..monwr /01115.4. lt•cusnunt ATWOOD & MTIFFIBT, BUSS FOUIDUS, @TEAM AND DAB ETITIEDI, Con et 3N. sad Liberty Streets, t. ..m.Care.lW Ilieteiet &tug ella Dad t o the tuba/ sa ba/ out e menz . et i titaantes, eteambeata. Botha* Meats for I. th Cameron tt Cat STEAM P MUMS BLOWER ENGINE& • • . • • lisysitspertor sest.tagissonstsil sad Inrery oat Is grams..stins I:salon. escestastls /as asstd. MI:1M WM Co BILWOILID. spArmaa 4 /GLAMOR!), . I. IIIILALCMI , O4IIIa Plinnben and Bas Fitters, ". St., IfLY 'm Ap a th as, wen warts, iQI / 4 d prorrod 1101k16611. ayirltrowit _v. to oasz! RUILya, laWest arytry work. , Arals. Fro .J T., ••e 1 • VO . JOHN R. COOPER # CO., BRASS • .FOUNDERS, atomun and Gas Fitters,- aumukame. et mum *an 32L POSY. of every , desartptioat .4amses to GAS TOIL= LTD 111111.1 W at On Maas. Cuter of Pike and Waist Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. mum. ti . 14 ." !1 " .; t . 4: r. " PLUMBERS, DIN IND STRIII FffriffiS, Bar odile Pomo, all kw. at B. .l Ala ANL taiwzrawszwxlauLs44, Dira. Qao Glead.e. Milne& Lai ULU and Mutant Ili.) • JILLZGRIIIIT ORM PA, Hearn Stied ay wlth Was awl Water at Mat WIWI/ EDUCATIONAL 11 00 4 PllZL.Titiaro. 'MN nil' az rincrairp." lat.M=A:= DALY MVS3Lki, ottobaritl Wl=46 A. Y. kIaYHITZET, Address 0. B. Woodworth di . Bony imookesur Chenitcal works, 1a tll , fU t HI Me bed eocae i.Y..0 7 / 1 01, .1111ifEtroe4Way6~agpr .S . , h 111. 1 .431 tun it; 3.E7g 01 . :!nal lira F•7l la ri4e 5 car igatit • •LIIIIS. Mil m • : f g p nag •crOsysz pH 'ovirz /mama amt. seignwea kwozipockhl • M ANHOOD; HOW LIMIT I wew BM tyre es •uvoler.e.Wilti n gV 4"4 l, , ,e "al" Iltogn% Tritr guco o d kar e ;pu i vi r. i gitirsidrbjeatalloi h eit " l6o44 rhE Self•Abook /to.. 84111'. J• an, sAMIIw acthor tho ores boot. Ks. •'— Boars aTiousaad. of Strew,. mkot saw ■ mo w,, awls., ........ to say kW.," Vert Wa. gst. 0111q.11ot Dlloo %au: wiimutv BARRAN, PUMP MAKER, 4r,inri ' et,,=Tr.%filf;.°4.== :‘,1141L,-A•leittp4wTon*U"b4Znin". l't riktM.y , .4, Wads at m B4 e otßopy" aap a t a h et m a a r u z l w tre t t .t:, ,,.."..- 3, " Birdur w irWas Asa elt 14 2 . 421011514 Ata a 7 Ip C OL tar Wtaus.4ll%ll742:jet tlaal "4 V1D 4 4. 4 4 ,, Fm•ckf . _MEffhiCcr . . . ... 1111111/11:88 AL CLOTHES WIIIN. zgaa.. 4...t,Wrtagelauli e" , ...0 , 04g0=0rfa4a " "..I.l4.lr.VitaiAlaVIMAT . . ". ACADEMY - OF MUDIC. • AMMO TWO ItIUTI alit DE LA OltiNGI-BRIEILL IfAX.IrriLAMOSCRIta• tbe 11ax IS that he heeneerede4 In tta= ea • for the twos •CtlissainarZ u. el liter t- of lean lqtan rl4. Atilan, flats ale rsteribligh Anna De Latnuo• ar'1117;;1,713: gired re&t Grand aIMTZ, two nd Operate iwpalmnillieres, - • Rossiiti's oßarber of 11016. 0 Donizeffil The valliehl• embers at tlindislt Wad me *lntroit Sonar. Signor Brignoli, llu Men ge , llllll% gt :L ank 111.• VI • teach, who tell al. canna Site tavern artiste la Valk/en tal• Ceathiaationi .IctiOß 11ARSA.thellabsalS$2110*. SIGINOR LOCATELLI. Pala[ aIGRUR 1i17.111, the Fam . .4 AIM% ingrj ec L= . and C•tinewherol l, lllll =Cllr=+r , sudir eZlrr yellery 60 0111tAl. the s H. of eery. 4 .teetu will r 11413 nt 16. V atrtel, • II 4.111. Prie • aI:3V %.041111•Vev at -. NEVirgr +TER.& nu!U.S. Wm MiiDtibi. Laa T. it Hui..... ... M .. ... N ...—itage II it OM akin of lb. lanumely ilyget sza mi. now Ltossl dtcyey ha dooS •04 aiming*, 4111144. Nobody's Daughter; Or, TEM ZALL.A.I7 moms OF WAZTAFOI, Istapaming Um mONIMP• •t IN nyenme Company. Ai- sox °Nee *pea to.d.Ylar.o.l.funti Mr. *OWLS' BOOTIVII esippmeri. eeauel,. l.f NouLf; Cetotwr Ttb. 6 • ITTBIEURGH THEATIIIak I in M na ß(Waftesday.) . YZllo, °Ogre •. r:LZ4lafrl.l d 1 1ty 14.1.711= THE NAOMI BAIL OP SHE WOlll4 Griffin is Christy's Muth& Z 17.117.110. win be pe.wl N. arribic CROOK r t tt =AIM molar. in ineits• sad destall f 'k arsedtry lataltabeass •pasi , Mt. area alstas, II nor /11M ANIMES 01/011 TR mo r 'BUTEN. : Issibrebeen el ibeersea everttl .m ae tenbaevkad Weigle ••• lateb bAlli bet sou& IL IgWe rMi IITITTi... VA* iuDIN A tbe vreades• of Ile Mae Ceilime Tb e Grub! pcbablbablen Is • newel, ceßrwrs. oniciAnstugs. • EV Ci f.i DrCALLI73I BRO.THERB, No. s'l Fifth M./ ANN NOW iSCILIVZIS TZIP PALM STYLES CARPETINGS, Oil Cloths, &a BORDERED CRUMB EILDIRd. Heavy and extra wide TEM. ma and DROGGETS. by Om lard. A very lame assortment of low priced INGRAINII.rdi superior RAG and COTT ■ CARPETS. ' N'CALLUBV BROTHERS, 51 Fifth Street. let's= sad Wood lIIIILIINS IN MEWS ! JUNE, 1867. WE HAVE JEW OP'NEED A NEW STOCK, Would al meal •wetla Wel 111 li. Y mule& we oiler a& a Reduction of 20 F Cat, =1 ALL-WOOL trifsimm SO Crate Per Wall; BRUM3EI2 OARPZI az cents Per varii. Red, White sad aliesked IItdRINF tv 116 that Per Tart. WHITE hEATTINGV To SS Cuts par Tar& NSW MI JPIUMIL Norrtnau! Lem cumin LIN to 1110-sainal pJa PO W 111110,1111.1 A mamma OF FIFTY PIA WM 11111111 P AI . & gOLJAM. 71and 7$ Fifa West sad ZoMIZIoa. iIIICOIO.IINdr. CARPETS. TOGETHER 111211 E RR RIM 7 1 .yArgiges=Vas1= tvf . ratt 1.00 mu Um MU*. in In. LOW PRICED ALL WOOL INGRAM. rrvhrv, L.. 175 " I " N " . OLIVER in'O.LINTOCIE CODIPAITT. TA Jr' ir.rzs asirsimiarat Ll. mck ...... Tr. r. sasorm. J. .8 41 11981V10N., Mammas lo Jamas cautiaia mixoy.r.Tritsas ire LOG PUMPS. van km. of vomut ft 4. = les• ea Um abartanaellteL 1.. CLAI I. ON CITY IBX.ILT WOW. Cao• 0. CLARK 01.00• of iMn7 d=aAl 11 1 X. 0 .0411AW .144.14=4,.. CS.d***/ 2011 9