HE DAIIY GLZEITE. Ei rvarzenza zirgr xissise, izaol7o4 PENNINIAN, REED & CO, I.2. colarliptcxriss. I. a. nannauar h• 0771 C; HUXTm BULLDLIG, • /MD $4 FIFTH wriasuar, :nag Impala !Art et %Wen anyhul' OETIMAL razia or prnsßusei ALLEGE: Ur orn, - - 141116611T,CIIKAIMar sad BUT PAAIMI out OWLILLUVIAL P4lllOl in 11.1 ts mat& Tame Or TIM ilattat Ih M t IV 1 IV% 0a " rt ... ra, ;IT _ 19'24' Mill 1 1 0D.01b.... DC rrrnsisinieu. Plum*. Cis rittsint* Gairtti A WORTHY CANDIDATE. The loyal voters of the Commonwealth ask no higher tribute to the worth and charsurter of Judge Williams than the following neat compliment paid him by 'Mir only 'daily Democratic paper Cl -Western Pennsylvania the day following his nomination. paid: "The nomiaation of tho Hon. Henry W. Williams u a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court Is a good one. .He was tho best man named before the Re publican Convention, and possesses legal _and moral qualifications 'for - the respon. able pcisition to which ho has been nom. hated. Both parties have now present ed their candidates. An important duty, has been faithfully discharged by the :respective conventions. The campaign may' ow bo conducted wifluret personal aspetrians, and decided upon the princi plea of the two great parties. This Is as it should- bo. it is.an auspicious list of :the times, and if the County conventiond t are equally fortunate in the selection of logislatrite candidates, -there will be . atop put to the dcplokble corruption at the scat of government under a new reign of honest men 'and'conecienUous legislatort.—.Pittsturgh, Post, June 281 h 1867. • - the • • et, in referiing be the above, .On the 29tit Of August, was plowed to yg ay We We nothing to take back or :modify. Of Judge 'Wilma' private or legal. reputation •we have nothing but :words of praise, . and however it may mat some pognacions and heady pain „dame, we cannot bring otmielvesto view .personal assault/ as either wise or GOWCEDE.I3. •-•••The World is urging the "Conserve ' .lives,'-' ll. . LJOhnioninungreleand Peace 1 -Democrats to vote for Judge SHAM. 11:00D; end says: i'Jadging from the tone of the Pena .2eimbig Td,...t o wo dkvik ar. fbr Chief-Justice, It being omtheded that ...lodge • Bbarswood is the superior, in „every respect, of his opponent." The ear of the 'World Is at fault, and vequires a toning fork. The tone of the press of Pennsylvania is two or : taves and a fifth above the pitch indi. • tested. The old trombone of DeMecracy `may concede equal qualifications of the two candidates; bat the bugle of Liberty is tuned to the key of loyalty. This is the first - qtudification for every citizen, • ; for every sovereign and servant of the "'Mite. In this vital qualification Judge Wl:maims is eminently superior to Ids opponent; aud in all other qualtfications fully his equal. Being equal in legal ability and moral worth the 'choice lies Ohtivreen one who stood with his calm . try's foes in the hour of her darkeid peril; and one who has ever kept step to the music of the. Union; between one wiose. election =le urged by the World, the sympathizer with the 'New. York riots; and one who has the honor of be -log opposed by that palladium of treason. Arnmsers have often been made in this country to establish a Thud Party; but failure has always been the result. What has been, will be; notby accident, but by inevitable consequence. 'All free States arc necessarily governed by par ties. They can be governed in no other manner. This affords room fur twopar. . ties, and no more.: These may.lie desig nated as—lat. The patty that , has the administration in its hands; and 2d. The party that desires to getpossesaion of the administration. Between these two all questions of policy , are debated and finally decided. If a Third Party springs up, it is necessarily temporary and powerleu. We say, necessarily, because no Instance can te adduced in which ► Third Party has come to any. thing. All results, whether largo or small, have been accomplished by one or other of the two parties., It is imposaible, morever, to - base a great national party on the requirements of a -single claim Class Imitation - is . 1 always objectionable, whether the class Si rated high or low. All laws ought to 4 le predicated on conceptions of ' the general welfare; and only a party hay; Each aims can so comraen&iteelf to the people as to become nationaL Thew are selterident truths in politics which receive fresh illustration In the . . Worldngmen's movement. The binds "f. too' narro w for general acceptance. There is only room for one class! to stand; and one class never yet made up nition and never will. The move ment is predestined to failure; and hence to damage rather than benefit than .In whose behalf it ostensibly conducted; Wurts the Eatillah •nd /maxima press give ne day by day column after ooltuan OIL ritualism and *adulation :" millinery, few .. have a paragraph on the stubborn fact that La the diocese of Loa . doi soo,ooq children ere withouteoluals. — ln Manchester sad Belford 49,000. 100,000 oat door pauper childrea La the kingdom aro totally uneducated. In '24 •:there was one day - sclotil for every 1,033 of population. In oat district there are 120 parishes without a school. More than ono•fourth of their . soldiers cannot read,.whlle the Chu/chaos aid states ' men are monag heaven and earth about the gowns of the bishops. If better dresses would make them better men they should have them by all means. • . , Tu rolkabktt (German) of pester .. du" denounces the whole Ttepubllcan ticket, anct calla upon its readers to de. feat it `Last winter thu paper tried to pus it pelf of as Republican, on onr Cliy.Coun tint failed, its friends being ion- . ;Rtutted with translations from its iol .tumis, showing its Copperhead charao :As soon as the election is . our, ite • msausgenuxill be around again, appeal ing for Republican support, and repro ,- tenting It ai a Republican paper. Let our Republican friends note. the fact, therefore, that it Ii now a Copperhead sheet, and treat it as such after election. Fox some days put the W4tahington specials - hare contained conflicting state meats respecting the cue of Mr. Jailer ' ion Davis. It is now w.mt-mlicially momuced that all those atonements are without • foundation. When a special ;,.. - :t , mopsespendent has nothing to say; and yet has a necessity I►id on him to ell a certain spice, he must draw on Ida agination for his facts; TonFresidentlissald to be desirous o denuncrstlc victory in Pennsylvania. No doubt or it; but bewill. not be grist Aid. Tits Republic's's bare the powet, And will keep tb • oorrespondeoce ladleates *tt, we aro tai be afflicted with another 1615011 of twaddle about Jefferson Darla To try or not to try, le to be the gars. Cnovros• of rebel', .dhfranchleed by Cazigiese sad the people, ere claiming the eight or euffraipe by Tinos or EL Jebnion'i Anzeity . Proefaintlos. • Tina Politic laligrer says' a common ~..,..)npasa fly always fits, on a wall,,wldilla „lead downward, fly with hi. bead ap : - ,• _ . -Th . . _ • gTABLIS f)\ --: ) 09( 11 • • t t 4 4 •71 Z - 1 .". . - . -,_ - • • VOLUME LXXXTT.--NO. 227 I=3 The World Ls moved, to altwo column leader, over the barbarous condition of Florida negroes. Theybelieve In witch craft and sorcery, have crude ideas of Christianity; ars imposed upon , by ped titan, and have no masters to teach them the better way t Alas 1 alas I one's heart aches at the account given of their ignorance and superstition; and. the question is, where are the lost masters, those ministering angels who should protect them from Yankee imposters, and fetish superstitions ? Have they all run away; and if so where Is the effect of their former teaching BLITT'S' was a great missionary institution. The !delve or Florida must be native born; for, of course, Southern men, gentlemen, would not violate the compromises of the Constitution, and this forbade any Importation for the past aftY•ttine ran. If, in this time, toe masters failed to give ihe - slaves correct Ideas of Christianity there' could be little hope they would ever succeed; and it was quite time they gave Up the attempt. If the colored people of Florida are as barbarous as the World represents, is it not time the Gov ernment, of which they are wards, if not citizens; should appoint them other teaahers. It is of the utmost importance to . the government.that the people should be intelligent, indtosttious, virtuous, and if the Freedmen of the Bouth • are as ignorant and idle and vicious as the :World repruents: leis the best possible argument in favor of changing their con dition.. If Slavery, after two hundred years of teaching, bail left thein barbarous it is time Freedom was appointed their Schoolmistreti. If, In two. centuries, she fails to teach thenethe A I 3 0 of Ci,. ill anon , la her predecessor 'has done,l let liar be dismissed; and the old Bch oo =in - reappointed. • MORE THAN YOU CAN CARRY We are all familiar with the expert meat of glviag a child a large -apple- In each hand, and offeriag his a. third. Mach Is very good, int all are more than he can carry. The Republican's of Sen ses appear to be le similar trouble. they . hare Recenstroction and Negro Suffrage on heed, and want to grasp Woman Sur, (rage and Temperance. All this may be necessary le the ultimate perfectiea of the human race; but would it act be well to do one thing at a time ? With Itecoastruction on hand, aid the large experiment of inducting the loyal ae- green of the-South late the Pill rights of citiemohlp, it might be prudent to see that expethaent well tried and settled beim ihmdeting en anything more. 'The entranchlslag of =grecs, In Pro loyal States,-can only be urged on the , general wrbaclples of Mumma rights ; but the en. friachiscument of this Southern negro be comes haperatirs In order to place those States in the hands of loyal men. Thou sands of Republicans see this necessity who do not think it advisable that the experiment shall be universal. Let as complete the work of Recenstruction, get those States restored mid secure against futon rebellion, and we can set tle other qiestiens mare at leisure. The pressing duty of the hour is unity amongst those alio axe in farce of plao jog the Southern States iiihe hands of their loyal eltlsenk-af rrittuairtiegar . r._ examents there which shall make treason odious and loyalty trie Drama re;Prisite citliCnship. This done,' we itirdi Wire time enough to reconstruct society at the North. - AT LONDON, (Ontario,) on the 24th nit., Thomas Francis shot at his wife, who fled. He then "attempted to shoot Me son and a girl living. in the family: After ho had cleared the house he laii down on the lemons and abet himself through the head, causing instant death. He and his wife bad been separated for seam time. He cane to see her and urge a reconciliation, and failing inthis, was prepared for a general massacre and snlaide; but only • succeeded in - the last part of his purpose. . 4STICRSON DAYII ix CANADA.—The Illicit report concerning this noted per son Moss that he is about taking ep his remdifice in Toronto. He has for some. months beeps resident of Montreal, and the idea lute become current that he was living likes retired monarch, courted by . the Canadians, and worshipped by those wk. tallowed his fortunes, and "left their coentry for their country's good." The truth Is, that 'Davis loss for some months occupied an inferior house in Mostreal, and his presence In that city toss matter of total indifference to• the majority or those who live there. That he le not suirmmded by any numerous - Cortege - may be readily gems, when we state that scareely a day passes over his head that he Is not a eon st the Bt. Law. rence Hotel, when his presence creates ne 'mare excitement than that of any other person who drops in to hear tke news and see what is going on. His de parture from Montreal will cause no re gret, and his presence in Toronto wilt create a nine day's Wk whine he will be dropped. Aaron Ban lived many years - after the publichad almost forgotten that such a man ever bed an eximence, and Jefferson Davis will no doubt follow in his'footateps:—Boston .finrnol, Sept. 28. PARAGRAPHS ..kditingaishod Bishop. within tho Wider of Ices. Engiand, on the occasion °taproot marriage, when his church was crowded and noisy, the mass being impatient ; and the gresterlTrtion stand peing upon the semis and beck , ofthe pews, ople, remembering that this Is God's house, be pleased toeiltdown on the floor put their ket on. tie seats?" ,The uproar that' followed these words was perfectly—fearful, and the unconscious Bishop feel back thin his cludr, feeling that he bad been grossly inaulted 1n hie own Cathedral. - - . • —ln the course of - the discussion, - which arose at the time when Dr. Bush nell's work "CI d In Christ" tire [appear "ed, a patriarthal castor in Connecticut proposed In one of the Associations a resolution in condemnation, "nave you read the book 7" inquired another. "No' I hive not, I and I den't want to, and don't mean to." "Then, my good fa ther," responded the Interrogator , i "your resolution hasn't any bottom to stand on." • Next day It was told to Dr. Bush nettWhat, father C; bad wad, and the doc,%. tor,:wlth a sly smile, replied: "Well, it don't nuke • stay difference, for !he wouldn't have understood It If be had." Bach of the controversy in out Church la of the same sort with this. - • --The late Dr. Jennie, having -Bacon- Untied his professional atntions upon a patient on recount of herdmproved con sent a amyl° of ducks to the mother. of the critivalmcing lady, accom panying Um present with the following ism t his scrap •fl, sttntd.!.l; io say Uzi midi I.dr is dui . sedell NU.; A regular d o ur is loader us WU. 'Add uweasne VVs lea t. bar a dimple or 9... a.. ;The lady addressod, - netumed thanks With gam: Yea. 'twat waltz, tray, mr 10.. 1 inus-.a cow@ or qs &ctn.! toloor Attu %Sews aotblng sallatlYaS 7e rats sex k for •••• s• ran' do.U.V agaa. —A clergyman who wag anon deliver• extempore lecture on the first chapters or Grabens, and endeavoring to answer the question, who. -tea Csin's witra,rbached tho following singular con• cimmon that (Idtt the eldest.bornof Adam must have married his own wife." no meant sister; bet the actual words were certainly the safest. —Another olerg7nitn a a u it mariled) undertaking to gtve out le notice or a meeting to be held otitis botuteOrbleh happened not to be th neltoryosald: gvichere Will be seryko at .tuv—our—at alehouse at the minister." -.- _on e re's only two ways or getting ems w i t ? momentum:it servants," sari Blostcr, ' dither scold 'ern well or lee 'em wolL One takes nerve, the other -takes rdtmay. rrogot more gmeA , Money, so / sooki 'eat" 7. FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. FROM CISIIINGTON CITY. LhT Telezrahh to the ytttaberth 6ezettc.l •WAsainProx, Ootc . rbor 1, IRV. • weorris coltotaxiso zaa ..r.croxertavevor 'Law. An opinion prrevalls orttnisively through. out the country that the reconstruction law of the Fortieth Catigress requiree a mai orite of all the registered voters in the southern Statee•to an:tartan the holding of ConeUtutionalConventiona which is er roneous. as the law reads as follows: If a majority of thereon.. given on that ones• lion shell be for a6Convorition. then such Convention shall e 'held as hereinafter prOVlded: Ont. If a majority of staid votes be against a Convention. then no ncle Con vention shall be held ender thi , ante Pro vided, that such Convention shall not be held notes° a majority of all such regis tered voters have voted on the question of hotting such Convention.. milater Jill. Davis. MI the statements heretofore published regarding the trial of Jed Davis have been mere surmises, and the Government' has not anteorlsed them, nor has It Made pub lic acv Intimation of what It Intends do ing. It Is semi-ollicially announced that the Government will ask for another delay when the trial comes on in November next. and that the counsel for the areneed wall then mate a motion to enter a wale prow int n j oZ d y/t U AIITZeh w e ligetr'llrryeth but will primed. 'rho motion to queen will be argued Roo decided probably Curia; th e early part ot the term. It le that to Attlit ney Genet.' Stant:wry to any, that although he by boon consulted regarding the mat. ter, and may have advised the proepeotive deleY. he cannot be held ecconotahle for the manner In which the case le oonducted. He compiled with District. attorny Chand. lees request for ILSBIBLIMOII La prosecuting. the trial by employing Ron. Wm. Seam se valstant counsel. consequently air. Chand ler is alone responsible. • . • - VIIAS TN It ratolDlpp WILL DO. • During a meat interview with an Old Tennessee friend. 114 purport of which has been retailed publicly, Mr. 'Johnson stated be would takehls thud stand against Cou• greys, by resist leg Its right, if it assumed it. to suspend him during the program of the imiweehluent trial , If be was impeached. Bolimey elf.. anon the threat. but It Is probable that the Itinq onpertnnity Monied the President to take Stand against Con goose op this subject. will be to 0.0 shill providing for a stomens,ort Ihum office of all public odlocas who maY have been Impeach ed, until they have been tried, wham will undoubtedly be introduced and passed ear. lyln tnanesslon. - • - 10.10 our 61,LTIMIST. 2116 Statement of the public debt for Sep- Winner VIII be tondo about Walummay. IL will elbow a reaumlon at Um debt. Dot not to the extent Oren la tbe Atigust. state ment. }lmbibe internal revenue and cus tom. maims fell calf in September. Dorm Fr the last eau of this month the returner.. Internal revenue have not averaged more ULM a gtuuter of million per day. 0110 AID rmorertorsata .I.IILCSIONL. to regard to too 0010 election, beta veto mad 0 taday by Republicans that they will carry that State by =.OOO majonty. and the eonstitutional •m y d went, . entrench is Lug the colored amt. by SAOO majority. These bets Rated ready - takers among Um Demo. ends, who pretend to Oe/lere teat they will parry Ohio by • small majority, or at least they hope to defeat the constitutional amendment. tireat. Mtereat la also ralt a the Peaagl• vahla election. Mr. Johnson hartmatarly desires to carry the Sarah:me State for the Democrats, as two neat, a result tie would Owe hU oPrmatt.too to Goatret• matalr. WASZINOTON. October 1101421 Alf YAM, letter was receival et the olllon of In dian _Abstr., maimed by the hesa Chiefs of In the Osage !neighs, nod enteel at Wage Mellon, teeth of Humes. at►uat their de- Ore to manna on frleadly terms irlth the United Slate* goventment tsars,. 1117011.21A.T10N. Too Storatary of Stain; at en re quest of the Dutch Minister, seat a circular to the Mayors of the principal alga% asking copies of all the lays. cicala lions and ordinances for the premarration Or riaprticoment of the sanitary condition 01 oar Mies. Thls o 4 all correlative In. formailoa U goalred by Oho rfotherlanda government. ilia laaLiwr-rt elm% DIV MOLT, The Counuittee appointed by the mem banter the bar last Ammer. to lestaturate the dlelleultr between counsellor Bradley and Joey. k letter. mist ou out of tne Bar rett trial. reported at an adjourned meet •Mß to day; The report quotes boot Meek atones commentaries to ebow.shat onnett. tote. a contempt, and declare. that Mr. Bradley should hate bad clipartnntly lot trlplanailors. Three J tullee are required to ad mat, and certainly one could not expel an attorney. The reportrecommends the ado). lion of a resolution declaring. the order of Judge Fisher analog Mr. needier. name from the roll Italians .041. A wound Mt. lotion noLborlses the Chairman to preeent the reportof the COOnillttos to the Coon- Someweeks ago other member. Of the bar paned resolutions sustaining Judge !Saber. . . orna tot SYS MVO OW 11515 TEI COST 071.1/1.11.4. The Secretary of the Tresontri, consider. log the act of Cookrees of Marais ad. 1917, mandatory, has this day Issued the follow ing: "Nonce L homey given that the Ae , simant'Treasurer at Neer York is prepared and has been instructed to lane three per cant. certificates, as authorised by the act of Congress, approved Mara 1387, in the denomination of a.".,OXi and 410,003 etch. to redemption of the compound interest notes maturing In October and December. neat. The lacroefl Interest on all notes presented for such redemption wilt be paid curremer.” TALAVIte AT 110111.0--AST XXXXX AT &Marta inerrie. • Washington. owls.: to the New York Pest Bay. the /eternal Revenue Bureau bas recetred information this morning from the office of the fifth District, Virginia. that eststi,tre frauds to distrlltnt whiskey hare been discovered at itlehmond. An effortto seize an establishment wee onset roman!, the officere hurler been met by • large body of men and forced to retire. Measures Iwo been taken to schpress the establishment, but flusher RSOlabloarlS The public debt ststement will be 'reedy to be issued to•monow_ -it will show 110 redaction in the total debt, The prinelpal change sines the last statement Is in gold In the Treasury, which stows en Increase over the amount held ill August. , • resume. Theprinting of the impeachment tut!. loony hot been suspended for she present, end will not be resumed till the week pre. vim,. to the ro•astembling of Congress. This is deemed necessary to prevent it De leg known before presentation LOGongress, the obligations of etertir inilXwed the etoploTees of the Government printing omen not beteg doomed seMeient to keep the testimony out of the hands of newsy.- per COrrelperlettle. axes. Dane Teske. It IS ender - W.l the trial of Jeff 'Danl. wan considered le tto Cabinet meeting to. day. Brevet Maier °moral James A. Bards°, Inspector General. btu been ordered to Fort Larned.Raneas, on special service. Brevet' haler tieteral Clark la Resigned to duty an Chief Comordesary, Dlvielon of Xlsocurs, at et Louts, relieving Brevet Brigadier Ben oral L. J. flair:tee,Nebo reports to ,General eibernitsti., Brevet Colonel J.' Mob. Taylor but born ordered to report General Bullock. W. r. Barry. Colonel Second Artillery, bee been relieved from I,3a' present • commend and ordered Wino Departtcent of Cattier nia. Brevet Colonel Four C. Elaine!, Corps or Zegineent, lass boon ISlUlgried to ditty at St./Amu, ..XT xvrsosur. SEZPVISLIOII( C0111.111T1011... A Member of the 'Maims/ ieputillesti EieCtltlV4 Committee eatstitat eorreepon. doom bas teen piece between many mem. bars of toe Cr=CO acee.re I atlve to the place of holding/be next /Cation./ .Conventlon- Chicago, Imbeespotis end Cincinnati, are the moot prominent Plena. aog■eoted. ii eeeme probable, that Chicago rat/ to Axed = The Nary Department wlll„lneOrporate a limited number of engineers Into the roma• ler service. Persona who have .erved not less than t *vinare it pring the rebelliOn eau mike application far examination, elating their age and forwarding letters Mom inendation. The hoard of _Xxszli)nation le ln session at Philadelphia. . - • - SEMTOISITOLIO. .11.110ter. Washington special sale it ported teat Steuart J.• Walter has been ten dered the Treasury portfolio by the Presi dent, and may be Wm.a the oMee Immediately attar the Pall eleotlona 1NT.111.11. SneaVL. • . , • Tlao noel)? te - /rum Internal Revenue! Ounce to-day erora.eien.ooo. Trin aineeeMite receipts:or eoptember were $111.0014000. . SHKRIDAN levltad to Allow, —Welts She Meek' Itzcbausii •04 troth hoont—Entbe• tttttte iteeeptlom Ie thrholtlya—nt tenet• ■ the llseee—Seeeptlon toe Ls- Oleo on rhgoaany. flsf Telestasla to the klttstairsh Gazette.] : Nsw You, 0et.1.....00y0rn0r Penton has Invited General Sherldim to Albany. Gen.liberidan Salted the Moak P.sobauso Board and sold room to.day and was en thusiastically reeedVed . . oulysequenpy 'had: a splendid reception In Brooklyn. Ile attends Patterson races •tamorrow. lia kolda a reoeptkra for ladles at Um Union League room on Thursday, and leaves on Thursday evening for If owyOrs, promwolog thanes to Baotou, CONNECTICUT Nevilaren t . li r o g e r. rsd h i z . lialres Nam. Telt/mg* to the Plttenanft, Danctu.) New HATO,._tit, October I.—The filth national fir Of the • Dos *Harm Korth is. iodation opene6tbla morning at Hamilton Dark. -Amery othee -was Ailed et early' boor, one hundred and thittDelnbt entries baring bean made. A len, entaber of MO pie were In attendance, end everything yawed off eatltfactOrtly. Dan Itlco won the verve of two hundred and ifth dollars for the frodett stalllonit time 17a, 31f, and 130. Den Awe, - Lney l led Old Pat arenatered for a n th race on . tmIdAD VIM 'MY ftllen wttn threaders tettfUng the day PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, "OCTOBER 2, 1867 NEW YORK. (By TelestiDh to the rtttaborxh Gazette 1 lisw,.Yota; October 1,1967. Onoior saint oDitougn. The Croton 'National Bank was eloied by thafßoyernment , Eseuttiner this. mormesh under anotioa4o.l2 of the banking laW, bar log failed to torodeem its circulating noteS in. lawful money on' demand. A receiver ; prebsbly be appointed tomiorrow. The eaultal or the book was 4200,000. a con. siderabln part of whietiappews to hayobeen lost. The circulation is .180,000. which, of mune, Isom:and and will be redeemed at the treasury with ponceelle of bonds placed at. Washinnon. - .: Tee deposits amount to wone 43:0,000.one.third. from emintry Aors, and will twobably sitho paid wrenitu. ally. The bank has no Wall street deposits, wed its failure has scarcely brodneed any effect. . •Lia Or GOISUNSiIIrT I[2slMi. - Eleven Government venal. were sold at auctico ~ ....inv: Its ship North Garonne, for pl,(slok etcarnore: lthode !shwa, COCO; Augusta, 1140.0001 . liusachusetts, $.10,0M; Pontiac, 117.000; Lech., 19.000. Conemagh, SAM; .. Tahoms. ogs,u,qp; _ &monk $10,000;Osesele, $16,000. . . . .. . I , ' arrserrat, wise Istrimmt. Robert flnYeattempted to murder hls with Broolrlyn last mein. She jumped from window, twenty-two feet to the _item:mid: d - Is probably . fatally injured. The man. as arrested... . ~ .. Sex Wail SALL CHAYPleihilth. : It appears.that toe Atlantic, have net given op the base bail championship. They requested a poldponereent Of the game, as three of their ulna were disabled; but the Athletics miusing, the /Manilas put muthe cane In the fele, with -Whom the Athletics reload Id play. SOILS& =PIANO. A boiler exploded with Writes force in the brewery of •Ehentill • eettet, at Newark., n Monday avaning, , by which two mm were killed A dwelling Doom edjoining woe leveled to the nromd. The Inmates Grasped with alight Injuries. • - 012INZT.111101. SCRIM, 1 dye 'lest nista burned Peter Sellser , s Cabinet !shop, Plashing avenue, Brooklyn, and three tenements. LOON $11,000; mostly Insured. - aarras . 1 Zarra . t. /1117111iXD. , • . Thomas Kellz: . bintally beat Ws wife • in Jersey City, t Mika. and kicked her down flys flights of entire. , /ler recovery is doobtfol.. Kelly wee arrested. • wow. disirrawafullremen'a row. occurred is Jersey My AIM 13111tIt. Club. .d • lotonits were tre e! need, Ana outer two persons ealwroly Injured... • Saunas 'wax-traria • • Mum. Ballott a Btu, Broadway. fiILTO been robbed by a ,book•keeper. to Um amount at form tbonsaad dollus. The thief bat oeen arrested. • soil IMAM.' .leraal whlsky.setzumr. Were male to. dan.thca.athli th e reetU'ying e , textlahmant of 'ratter Soots, John Weer, Brooklta. stearrsar or ill ruesstrar seam • The Daily Xrre bas • revert that the Pre s. ideet. bee Withered the Seeretarrstitp of the Treasury he Robert J. Waiter. and that he may be required to unites the duties im— mediately after the Tall eleotions. _ oelrliacelone aaak DIVALC.II.O!:, The bank defalcation ir, Oonecotiout is la Lime:Meld county, Bank of New Xliford. Ttie enabled., name la _Conklin, and tke fonds wore lost to stock soeculattona. 711[ u 11114:106[1.71, ,The stunt trall of-Ilbauszt Bran, In Brooklyn, wne compluely destroyed by are tale evening, In ew T eLnos s A . *93. k 03 1 01 ratmr4welli N g ho u se k 1“1 d 0InIng wuW e u ` 4o- etroyed. Lou. ISOM, Insured.' Geneva eborlilact Imo aectptot the ioTl tWou of Gontraor T.ton to. 'hilt Aituttry. PHILADELPHIA . Ovation to ReprtMan innd Mae /Departuv—ltopablleatt .thetsleout—Bar, linty wt Gersinus. town, 41‘.. tto. • :!cute ear epeeist COMllslo.dalll.. Yalthattatearn, Sept. itt, 11167. . Tholes:, him been a week - oVenottetnent, Pe/Weeny apeettbsg; we bare bad the two great martyrs Mreh the Men who have Met them eolith:al henna, for doing w tat they end the majority of the people enflamed t o tN thidr anty„ This ovation to Sheridan awn the night et Mt arelval, was unprece dented m the innate of the town. Otte old, vary old matt told me he remembered but two emulate when the excitement had seemed sepmeral sod the Nails', ask (Seth; thiTAMI was thiteeeptlon of the father of hte eOuntly.whert Philadelphia was seam. ly more than ► village. and the other was when the and town mourned wan the world over the pall of err test great Presldent. And 1.51• oration hasoontlatted ever store the !:tile omfatter not pat his toot off the ems nntd last riled. when th unmans of tith people mooned Mtn from to e the of Ms Meads In Germontown to the eare• for Newark. ' . The Mateo League LI onsa; thee temple of Bentaillain, by been mirgeously illunitna tod every night. nn4 tales mesa meetings. tremendous In their else end purport. hare thundered Mel? .ppnlVal of the wen it nia.• of Yeller, Plinth anal:lm7. and our other dtldingelthed mertYr Karat. Steele. lien. Sharman, In Ithitatthe of bin glees commas,. der, has made no prattle speeches. ex.ptlng • few words of thanks to the Slayer. on hie reception at Indepemirnee Mei L But Slos h,. has proclaimed Ina rte. and hatred of the spostsin. from the portthe of the League !louse. In • mat loud enough to sarele the deed Copperheace at their elution Llicatnut street. In my list letter 1 sell Met there teemed to Ite no excitement Over, lint corning slretton; but the arrival and stay of the great G enerale NM changed all of that, and the reeling among the Republicans le Pi ttman—may It Only last emit election day IS over. The reception given by the crowd at Ger mantown to Governor Geary shOweal, each things snit., bow they appreciated the Indignity coat on oar Governor by the Pres. Went Maid Governer Altana the Antietam .dedlentloo. Alter repeated calls the Gov. timar appeared, and,then for ten trdentee could not 'peak en account of the tremen dous applause which rose and swelled and falrly shook the houses near. and only died out gradually ....the velem , itiMed to about sad the gnu /Oat their p 'Mar to move. Then. although be .poke for an boor and a half, the crowd sat Mica, gracepthrig bap and kept Increasing all the time Evan Plttabrirgh count I't be more heartily rphis ra epubli s can in th e • welcome than been: You have probably beard of the ball storm villein visited a. teat Wedoestley. It was of abort duration but esoeedmg ly disantol34. 1111•11 , 11.1111 WWI bot.ee wan not one whole 1111410 of glees on their north ern el4Oll. mid about two home after the storm *as m a green bens. on Twelfth Street, whereof some eleven hundred ponce In . all there • 111111 not one unbroken. The starters are having their busy sewn with a retire:mica. and the treitoe of the man who cries "glass pudding!" 1. heard p 0 more In our streets. Some of the papers have estimated the tow In glue alone, at over twohundred thooll¢4 1143//an. . . , ♦ large number of Plitaborkb people aro here Milipeeniteal in the Tank ('Conner ca. which Wee UP eneteruay Oely W'ee Pont. pored until Mond ay.Tde eaaa proml.s fair ly, even In the event. oleo Intern penance men.. to take up a great deal of limo, and meanwhile bout parties protege, perfect faith lo the termination being ne they de- W. MASSAOHUSEiTTS Ilismoturtulle Intake tamtveittloos—Jeata golseey Adams Ilosednated for Gov. erder—Ateeolotfoda adopted. far ?dermal butes Pittsburgh ussetn,,t Wesearrse, OM. I.—rbe Ifeassehusetts , Deuteeratte State Convention mot today. About Ave hundred delegates were present. Henry G. Harker, of I:Ambridge, was Pres- Altar the organ:gallon various canttnilt , tees were appointed, ninth Ira...voted to naturists a candidate for Governor by bal. lot. After 'Molt the Convention took em cee, for dlnuier..: . Un ressaembling, altar an inf orm al a dual tote was tat.. resulting In the slam. Witten - 01 John - Quincy Mann tir Goy. smut, The nomination was roftelvott with mach onthualsaM, and submit:Runty made unanimous. Geo. AL 131eanss, of Chicopee, was•nomi. cued for Lieutenant Governor. ' The Committee eel . .. Gluttons submitted a report. which .was talented. The /Int resolution gams the doctrine of Mate rights; tlecond demands economy In the ad. ministration of the National Government; Third 40000011 es. Congressmen for passmg onconetttuttanal law.; Fourth esprit.es doubt of the N.:publics° a h tying sympathy for soldiers; 711th twee-Mims the doctrine that American citizen, when abroad shell net be .Bokt/et to arrest for word* - .poke, at home; this was received with shore from the Yermilte; Sixth boomlsee the ocoperathm of the Democrat* of llama chtisette to the uprising throughput the country; Seventh expresses alarm at the Increase of the State debt; Eighth endorsee the labor movements; Ninth declares that she Democratic party le 0pr,,,,..„1, 4 Woe Of Individual right., end enforeenlent of the laws through the, eitplonaito Of paid spies ea Infamous. The mahatma were severally and as a tßole adopted, the tmnveation giving ree hearty cheers. . . The Committee on Orel:fetal&le revoked two hundred and nineteen town. repro. noted by otne.hundred and sixty.three de/cotes. BOSTON. 'Arrest of • CoatiSeats Mao—Destrae the &Ire. therelegnstdi to the rittsteugh Gssette.l Boiron k Oot..l.—The ptohoe Dave arrested cOnfidettoe Operator named David K. • • SpraiguiJonat DU Operations Were pen. orally confined tojabiainlny jewelry to for ged letters and cheeks. Borrow. Oot. L.—Aare this morning as.. Strayed. thabuildings ocgargent,s wbarf, °mingled by tle Boston Linseed Ofecinsey, 'whose' loss. with the bilding uilding. Will resort poem); also bu occued by th Bay elate !War Banning Oom pi pany. Th e e letter establishment Is owned by Messer a Tlllatron. and omitained • large quantity of sugar and saleable machinery, the /Oss on which it estimated at 11150101. Tim losses are Meetly catered by insurance. , ' . MOBILE. itleettiniou tam Ibionretotleti Question. th 7 Toopota to 111 piettnow. °whs.) Moms, OotOber I.;—ltts eloatlon tlio Conrlntlso question ematriemeett to*llay, *nth therfollowlng 'mutts Mobile county. 750 blacksol Id/Um Mahn. ny, MO blacks; S whitss—totiJ, 3,oSoLsolts aunt/ ripe", The Wootton Is passing GUI • SECOND EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M. P i ROM EUROPE, By Teler mill TO tk PlLlTbargb O.:etta.] LIIGLAND. . TAX-ANGILIOAX ITDOD-iITUAZIItIO POrliT COND.IIIII[D, Lennox, Septemberah—The Pen-Anglican Synod tme minuted and tented an sddreu . 01 . 1 antn Ina Innallatto popery,and seeking to promote natty to the chetah. •• VAPOI.IIOI. AIM taliDON, /§ol4.3o.EVeltittg.—lt Ls reported on the' Continent that Naixneon ham Ad deo/wed a nOtetothe sovereigns of thetlouth German States on the subject of their Wa lloon with Prorate. and that na Ms note the Erinach Emperor ' attar calmly dismissing it* beat oircutar of the Prussian Cabinet. urging German =MY. sake the Southern potentiates tat/lodge themselves not tepee! the Meth andtherge their countries la the new confederation north. • M!M r•aacmarax POSITIONS. Lumovr, Bept.3o—The mall steamer from 810 Unlike) has linseed. She: brim , " the following news from tba sumo of war oath* -AM Parma: ~ Tim oottabined, land and naval forosa of the anted poirers had bombarded the Pars. Quays POldiloas at Curipattp and Hemel tai but with what success is not knows. The aoootuita of tliaattaok which , bad reactiod Rio Janeiro up tQ the time the steamer sad. od Were so coollictind that no dear/lie idea of tte runic 'could b. formed. • ' ECM GAJWIALDI asnrsis TO Sir. 111 VAXOI.I. nommen, hehtember 80.—CkarIWO* hu nolueon to eve the Itailan guerunent hie parole not to gime In boetllltles Wain thereon' Buten • • LISMIVED OLT. SotrasavroS, September W. - The steam• er Homan, friles.New York Ontbe 1810, ar rived today and exiled for Romeo. LtOstroot, September 30.-Tbe steamer lutrian, from Quebec, has arrived mat. • • , , AND COSIUMESCIAL. tar - x.oot, listoniter 80-.2fereffap.-The Cotton maraet -hes Doers very active through ftia dAy, but there li.as Deed no ad. :ranee in rakes of any kind. Anierlean eloaed Am at the following quotations: Middling uplands elicit ingtollng Orleans nu. Stook on ran& ruby 10M1 tales. Droad• stulf*-Arbeat bat advanced to 14s 81 per metal roc CalUorpla white. Com steady tes per quarter ler new mixed mentre. amentre. bd per 10 lb. tor =adorn and Canadian. Pau 44. en per cleaner for Ca nadian. Provialoas-Beed quiet, at 142 a Ed Tor extra prime raids per bOL • Port 718 for Prime city mesa. - llscon- 11s for Comber .1 cut and middles, Lard Me SI per cam. tor ..itordiran. Cbeeen Me per eat. for Amerman medium. Duda declined ls, at lia per nu% COntesou limb:, steady id Rs tor Wllulntton. Turpentine ad loner. aiming eitrle ed per OWL . Petroleum Spirit. le; re. fined to .s?.id per gallon. Tallow tle ed. Clo ver 50041410 for America: red. Limkev, I , •pteseber..ll%,-I.mlosp.-Bogsr clobed Zio ad. Lamsbed. Crude Calcutta, MIR Bd. Lleiteed LlLlnlea.l4 41. Yr halo 00, Ltuseed, OS!, Ste 10,1. [Loess., September Si—Commis aimed at 94 7.14. - irtm-Terotttee, 7214. lineal. Con. rts; Erie, 42; Atlantic Orem Western consolidated bonne,O. A srwear. September 23. Petrel...an chieedat Is MOT per 1.1 for atandard Feaserolvr, deptember S. bonds eloped at 723-10: Loewe. 0ct.f...../feat. ousels *posed at 04%. Amerman Amoral ars quoted: 240 a, leS; /Maeda Central. 77. ; Tale. Li. The above tiootatlonm are ale n winos.* refer ence to too coudtOono the Sew Turk nerve*.ogble'ssisices were resolved layearoot,October I—"sow.—The Cotton marten epeeist toady. but quieter than Yeetardar..Therlistati sheep.. quotations: libinitor Cpimde, dly.t. San dhog Chleans. lett tale to-dam estimated st 10,000 balsa Bess.latuffa Market arm nen uaelianged.. .I . ra - slalom and trainee un- Loma., Oct. I—Naern theta generally epee and without change. Arrow; Oa 1...-nease .-Tenioleum 1434 [rums her Md. foreland willtri TES TII F. The Pattersoo mn Slanging Ones oleappointeat at g Ilasele tor M. Ledeer—Laeleale re. Noma all St. Leona try Telegraph bloc gh easette, Pat - tames. 5.2., Oct- —The Patters= rams commenced to-day under the most flammable simples.... The attendance. was Isms.. The defeat of llnthless, by Donour cry. for Meet. Ledger, le grated meat con• nnerantaan ansOnn - Onea and lame amounts , The Prat I sweepstakes, eepatal. slueple Crr ev Time tr. =l:im TVs WoOnd for all age., rms. glys years. slob Das , For the this four imerlss;l coaroen 3 or gin, WO. a try Dela. amts. Va." wore thcrty. lux by De vt.bltea fl 4 ii7i7naiiii mum It wax . 1, .e... I:. It.. ECEME =MEI im in4lai. for all * for loCarty, tti. R. 'to Pa •4r. 0.0. Wu o.mW Utam Clitiatologa, John Skala lA , la. all or took tOo Ana mod iittt, in` try Matt tiitywasigt Gait, won the „orals race In 10.4 ant1.1:44(,. . OW, webond Yana, two mile !mato, froa for all, so3o, Um following horses emend, idiot *blob started: A. granklin named Vicaorina, Smith slanaort Mono B own, G. a...MaSay named ?gory Blanc. The moo was won by ranni. Brown in two straigbb baste; Um., LUX rola 11:46. The favorites ware slaughtered in both moat. SOUTH ANLERIOA. Kirin.' of Aopinfrall • lotion to tlenitevaaht Iltippreeee4— Pratte rime'elated Prtel aunt et Pent —4i•le • bleeeinere tt Chlit—ltterthe Dehymie ln. Abe Ceeeree• of reggaes, —C.x.rreelasat Expelled trout the Selaate.. ( Talegraptt btbr Plttabarith Quotti. ltaw Tone. Oat. I.—The steamer Llans7 Chauncey, stow Aintawalleuthe ICSO.briags elliyXo to Calfocala treasure, and but Ma now'. • General alsby Emltb, oL consul at Pan ama. tatted fur Elan Tomato° for the ben•fle of bb health. en attempt at raeolutin Onalemida wee suppressed. • The ea prop theta Ls expected to be very large. Advlooafrom Peru state tbM !nap Wita ',foetal ollerCociatttotionalreasident on An. EOM gees, and the Conaltuttou prOmol.' gated. An important discovery - of raid wail . • Walla northern (a c, . • Tee Errioadorl. Coupe bad ray - debate, rimming. In the gad of az. Preeldeut Game Morton f .133 the 'genet. Ile has lost the coon orever. A. ea taelet erpet Don Au so floras from the Sense holed. 11 was 'aimed •by the nal party that both were legally sleeted. FIRE AT - EA. ..teemer Item from If Orleana for pattladel pose. Horne —Passenger. . - Saved—Tore. of the C ow Lost. • e• Telegraph to The ?Inaba, Is flume.) . Now Yea., (Weber /.—T steamer nap'. den, arrived hero from Re Orleans via reonb on the 11th, report.: Ate a cu. of the isth. tilleortired $t vas I en are, aboot five miles distant. Dame lately hove for . Tor and forted her to be th steamer Vega, from Now Orleans, via 11 saes. for Ithaa-1 delphle. ommitent bee to render as-I sletance, sod after netting the pusengent aboard. sent word •to the ptatlr that we would Ile by untll tba fire meetings:Whet! or the eblp abandoned, w. el:Clatter occur.: red at 731.1. A 1.9 tealoolc nroaseded on our course. and, at 1033 eat -bar careen to port end suppote she souk All on board ere saved but tee. Inc who were burnt to death: Perry Short, second noels.' tart engineer; John o.otDonneD, eller, sod Thomas Crowley...le.., CANADA • rarliamocks to Afoot so the Gab of No. ember—arrival of • a , of Treat Tolobrit,y, at To. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Uteette.l Orrowa,. October I.—lt m officially an ...moan that Pull fitment will mese on the Oth of November. °ember. I.—The steamship Bl hernia/1 passed Farther Point this morning I ange., Blaimdel Oct., I.—The large Mercantile tiOneeef Beehanan, Rope a at "lan raarga.-01116n917 0 :.r 1 . 4 Lase Boitlisene 4Via, of llotitteel, we not affected. Tosorre. Oet.L—J. kt. Mason, of Trent celebrity, retained to tale etty, whereat m sald be will remain some time. - Gaye, Oot. large bkaik of Ewen en Alain street were destroyed by tin t yl,, morsdefil / 00 00.4 CO• CUBAN CABLE. (By nalarnPn to tae rlitilnunk ununl.l - it AAAAA , asoLIKL-Szobange is exualstur BUSSL iniOyant; . 11% teals for N 0.11%, lard. In U 010411,71% Potato panish es '• vesti,..Tlii S steamer atel engh Arrt ty-nntr nsina erom Uneno, With C a par ooa, ty et Clootlse, bas been quarantmed at CALIFORNIA. of . Disabled 11•10...Wireeds of the Devon.* cutter Sumbraet— Darkets. • • (Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easslte4 SAC Faagersso, Oct. L—The able NdWerd from New York, bas arrived, gar. tfally disabled by a. storm eff Cape Horn. During the gale tee rudder was telate4 off, leaving the . venal =manageable. Tee a hip lap fourteen home Ina helpless condi. then. • Large , quantitlea of waternhipped through a hole In tee .taro oc the vessel and tote hatch, which we. opened to secure the cargo. The amege to the cargo Is not de termined, h ot It la apprehended to be eon lid arable. The whaling bark. ben. Pike cleared for cruise to.day. taking inward a carrion 900 barrels of oil. The bare Bak Lorenz, for Liverpool,. with 11,03 sack. of wheat, 'cleared. The latest advlces from the wreck of the revenue cutter Shobrlck state that the machinery will be saved. It le thought If no severe storm ocean the boll will be floated In comparative good conattion. Good etilpping wheat 12.62. Flour 116.110117. The market Is firmer. Legal Tenders 71. Among the paseanger• to the Panama eteaMerresterday were Bolted States Son. Rtom Corbett and Williams. of Oregon, and epresentative Rigby, of California. TENNESSEE • few llssielpal (Meese of haehelll . Swims Is—The Isjarestos Yell lien. BT Trlerrapb to the Pl46.mith Ciasatu.l Oot. I.Tliere was n slight frost this morning. • The new Mayor and City Council- were installed Into ofilco toclay. S. F. Allen was elected President of the Board of elder. mom, and A. B. Shankland Preoldent of Crooned. .Jodo• M. H. linen administere6 the oatliof office. Chancellor lihrelsoll has zee de IMO renpo.se to the hetWon of the oily authorities for ea lajnocalon. .r• . • SAINT LOUIS. 1 Ike itabbery-80,000 dmitle - Zr• 'lamas sad dim Cl}) Telegraph to the Plllebargh ' Sy. Lome, October I.—The Itenor !loose of Heal., Weenie d Co, was entered bl Madan last eight, and the safe robbed of 'LC/Win rricely,• large quaatlty . t.f . lloti• ndd veldelde raper., too machos and • thataand - pan: valued at µAU , .3.3,0t0 In Goyernmentbonde were left behmd by the Ourglan. Advice* trout' lb* Neat may WAG rata . tram Tenn and New ataxia° are new not /acted at Altana% Kattaaa, on the Erato raelha Balittay awaiting purchasers. General Hancock has arrived here. lOWA, The Elate Vidr—Edlterial Oeseveattess. Illy T.Lamb to the Pit:Sabana Gasette,l Cuirree, lowa, Oct. I.—The fourteenth annual exhibition of rib lowa State ARTS eulibral Society COMMII2IO.I today. There is every proeoeet of a encoimend Fai r . Every department presentlia line abbeer. sure, and in same Morale the best display ever made in the West. . . The Edltortat Convention rnll be held On Therslay. Over one hundred represents., lives are gramma The opening &Infra' ell! be ththrered by OrrneralN. B. Baker, of Chews. ILLINOIS.' The Slate Jratsk—Display etilleeek .ad Illskelauery stub:mks Ptemodsal. thy Telegraph to the Yitteearce Oesette.)