Wr_cimx‘Wwigwei errALTis rALrm 51,74, I=l & As. so rum serest, 'I Splendid - Stock of Fresh Goods, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH, Sow Dna sadi Cloak 1 . 211016 n. Maw ?Mu11.% nye Nonni 81810811. - Alm nets of eumcs ass 11051118 Y. ILIIIIROLMILLItti, of CI : . Luricar HAINDKESCRIZ lik• wow • •EILONit TITTING COIZZI.“ FAQ marls a Wil.TialraLlik ksw style. iivaidailla&WLAl an 6 cisol7/A23. CECCEMEI fASNIONABLE JET AND DOGWOOD JEWELRY. The "Star Thire, 9l as.taripozzcleorost, Pleas. AM a emplata Ills Sr PALL AND WINTII lONDEILSHIRTS & DRAWlinea. hOooloSt opened o eholeo lire of Asses, airlieles and Xotionst N 01.141 ono wet, to CASH ItUITIOS at murmur; raltaa oe tam Wei %mail6akirL ni free* lap auxins a CAMEL% arcs., 1b Mrigna. stneet. 1867. - * " * FILL AND WINTER GOODS. EILOOND AZILIYAL AT 781 AND 80 • 1118.18 ET STREET, VitVP= 213133N11, every Wieliik widows. rutlyzimine. lor-estins Anna. - .34 8P5 , 137a5s P.ll. cltsilig• end Buttons. Beal. 110nati. Nest sad tranalne Itabons. 131BSOIDEBIE3. of miry dusartptton. - LA/314 Beal Point. Applique sae Paleness. ISSOIDLIBINIiita. Lace s 10abroleerett,liess illitebee and Main. • 114X1111131 WOKE. amoral:am. NI des. Mors ot altos* TI:IOXXD /SAND. 1311WECOLVT. at 113 mita of 7ail sad winter styles la 11013:1111t Y AND - GLOVES I Ladlul. Mims' aad Callartal. tradamear. RamaZCatl and licaymi,Zll.B2ll Ilkaalarlamsaa 1171realaziaaalaaa. &Wit. lik" SIM aisostmat bt !WU, abets, Part rot. Wu, teems , a.taelt. Usu.. Leather Traial, tog /INMAN.. • • . . • • Dad Mega terniablair Geiras. thaterebble awl Drawers. Smells' 101ras. Volta* Dams Iles. Scarfs, Itupeadars. callowtaoy Skins. Salome! Skins. 1 /0 U 33 AI 111311111 131111111): • iiiiiikoleas Aso . • ECM, CLYDE - & CO. rAIaiIdeOANDLESI & U.sb• =ma, Carr. C 46.7 ,W8U.1.2111.11 DRUMM FOREIIIII /JID DOMESTIC MITIOIAIL MOAK WOO* !MM. marl law atom =meal atiff. • • PCITIFBInta E. =MWM' TAILOR& HENRY G. RATA:, Merohant Tailor, tkor.: Pain mad a. Car Stream, zmirwistigraf. g. • ot s ntif I =l: t imatza L FALL AND WINTER 'GOODS, po'itroor acrznialortir. FA4AI.: STOCK Tails, Tonns aad tLidid.rests CLOTHING, meow Ziteratidmilskii GRAY do _ Aw a It. cusp swam ToM k tuarram or convizx I. HOUSTON & CO'S. WaaSaimaa. litonsamat TVG% sa4 C,eal•rs l t • ttritialUthr al v anik 15/11 41 ;liatr, • , • atilniair="lWM ft "'"" rm. Ivry I. mu, . WM:NG MACHINE& Dean ELI DECILIIIM HT MdMrtitt. tit riet z attl i = i A r k ROI: • AAA • 1 1 =7 .. arch.. acics arum rerimit. arrma GRaVIFA num= KUM MCK AU LOCK MOH !Sewing Bido'tines Az.____usigam ta t r i ra,...alli.gaftuu 1116 ISIVe Street Gcr MOM 11131' - .11" '' Cr&ding& & RUCK& • tier l'iidaar ow. It Is rsllasle, waist lir rallinfik• ben. Dean WI to Windom 217‘ lOS nrra irT,, sane Id SHA se IIAHNLBLtfiAB.IIIIOI winkllllll It HAM . alft 1 0 1 1101111•1•Mkts. 111 Oa bed tant,b sis. rot ea. as so. aos orris many urnais , al*ars - • GROTE& & HUMS :SEWING MACHI NE !Mai run III" In'sas " unary. SO 101 Mint woo.. 11:14 :41.1.1:}4:ter T,e):{6.1:1 D*. N. W. BATES. illnint<T MOON. ogle Iltaltlm to rat_ of twos% Iteibl as 4 w u.. p. oto sumo of I lWasmni latalllONO. ALUMIINCF. Pla. . , . Masseasse-si PAU /WO lg. Ekt.nd "Wattl• Hams atallolly mated for al CaraLS 41. 4 •• ; ' , ""±"'""us f TaNinuiTh....., 0114, " 41 1 71. 14 1=ke t Ti ri0•13=11. iredsigatt s t . ALtilstaard i. 112.10.rar a l .„' orenarMill gnuM , ' lite•= . l=D . . m agi= pttpwrAnrr NOTICE. ' * its Oinmni or trossial.: DleaMbap as latanal4a trtiradi th. fa has rauscmod s tiftv."ll-Torza, „ J .= .67.,ra,:gen= ailaMasil. bat averriLktionraid te e WM al W a u of erlaglail"ll,72= e. 214 Islam Us co rm, re asadgattlas, ta. .I.ammatirrl Z Erm. Vrrk 7 .gles maim TrD IrraliEr. manta in. mutw sow. pao . r.. Po npramy, • MIMI 81:1EI5E4 WI lORSE 711/11191. J rsol ialt D. 11•11VIIIMIMItoftraffl ZZ IN I ABL a at 'OA CO 14 '''' =Mfg IMAMININT. I.1;T.: 7.....42.MMVA."frii11.M er.......*".. N ti r z .v.j . ... m .- r :L ni mr. 'Mc& altalstaace al alfirdrrt”.ll.l)% mibi.eau: Llblitir 24 1 :0 ° A)= I ilre la MIL, .4, ellaallat i or mammas. Ws s ‘ .l . lCrin, AIDA Are Ellhall, dalla . M.D" D. la. Talisa. .$•34t.71. DYPZIA'ABD - 15001MEEB Jr. • 'Alter. Neer litS sad 1117 Third Street, DYER; AND 8001731101, etrOr ‘ , 441411 Mani •or Dye& QNJI= Aid 7LDlSll..l7l.thuads.; 0 61.1111CHEIVII • PrOing and "Whig 84111 "analt •Ift, 61 11111411031rD ALUM EM Wood sal Nattrir r ag hp , AT! gratuase= vr•sts. Amin " !Wu". 108 G. &o. DINING ROOMS, - au &mega it" tastwees You eat Turd amts.] prminnsa.u. re Taa Mesa to ainey ternisha with *bantam that basetttatea len du.. Zettew erbium. The etioleest et erreerthen taaautaiattorns will be NeebtDDCl been alb. del be bight. LADII2P Dt7flDe BOO,lttl, awed floor. J. H. WILLUMSON, Proprietor. /Writ. hulked market petee Died Wall Medi at saludeebae game. JAMES B. YOUNGSON, • N0..21,0 Wylie Street, hob:nasal thous wbo an In "rut e t . ..a i gu , lita Uzi tot he .pa... BAREST AND IMPECTIONKILI • At tot. =yamflo..% Pre strZl.l3 a woos, of iptoottios citiallut a r m ie t t ittivawrat.i.mt e ttootsoo roo to ;aaimmasa CUL aid &MM. '''''‘de• aa-rattou. Basin amino Nadi gml2ll2L NEW SEE CREAM. SALOON. 1111PCUIRE. Iry rIZT% Af Ohlthtiddlea rAuttirtouts, sum doatortoxsar. 411141ntas tansta Wattle. asprllut &on Mae* nad.rwassbla term& Ilema SDIMLY SCUOOL CELEBBA nom PICNICS, M= WITCO. ea. Cssalszoltststs Ins bast . 1011 007:11senoNA At th e iiriutpmeuggiaMlt47 atrzsreras xssouvracrs xo, IC 1)111103ND, stlitesssl• PIU3I=EU3. wascsr ...... Lass. COULTER & Rouse and Sign Painten t no. zoo GIZA= mania, nitabarigth BLABS SANDS dame to ANS. RovirLAND & HArtine, NSUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. • ftHAIKUI3 iirp eLaspr4is, le. 114710113E01D, iLLIJMILINT CALCIIMI2IISO dope is thabat'vanamr• J. K. HAMILTON, 4., House and Sign Paintu,. no: iss Timm friar. rummers% Graining, Gluing aid Gilding: worm. XIXID YAM% manors% rum, VW" Batmen, nnularrnuz, warns ISM ELM to. jraws HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN, 11131, HMI LD mum tmu 1111/I.IOM JI.ND Et Wants& Kai NI PEIVPA AT=1)11, Mittibursb. Allaracriby mall wenatttly wtteaded REMOIELL. ' JOHN F. CLULEY. acmes and 84in Painter, E2C=MM2II ErrDlll. Hommt. mum 011AKEISTAL ma. =MAD MUMS LID MLLES& Dlassad.lllegbcp. Orden mrpolgaToM =Art:al sz:. mated. ammo Paints, Wiadow eland and ruts pOILIILIaIts b.& Almada pj.l:4 : i t :14 p :11:pt! A e):-v:izi rues, carperiter and Builder. A 0.112 PENfiarIMANLA WM. rITIMAUSGO. Jobb OUPOr..Aitt nataess sakdOlstall. All MAAAAT •SteAtliAl te. sad 2AACoo •AO•Octlen Insr• r... '''''''''' yozsT 'BROTHER% Reuse Carpenters and Sanders. ktads or Jobbing sad Bullase_prejay steeed.4 to. Orden left K as 449 laellairi MUM' rittalmigt. and Ss I'iIARL IST.. llumnfled. 170. , NAXCICIZ. .11 • & FBANCIES, •• CARPEMKRB AND 81111:4168. Irsas =.4.osrtaken /Or oularivaka Bandinetem• Pros% " Ar ra gh ll Is 114 of Sp Um St Eli* all, h. Z. 1L House Seder and Carpenter. ineeenr w aliat HAELIE;IIALLEY sad DI). .earjegair and Unalila' jam vtiptat- 11010 SE BUILDERS AND • CARPENTERS. BU ILDING LIED p MU= roaDUS Id SO ruaassos a ance, aus. - stmt. PTMM EIA.TS I HATS ! EMU & BYRNE, 8re.5.2 St. Clair etrost. Nays sew en band as azaallaat ran% et later, mum Hata and Caps, AT THZ 1/167 LOWS= NUM! NEW FALL GOODS, JUBA MIMS% AT 311'CORD.& CO.'S, =co. .182 wood MI6 • my WO. OA* of HATS, CM'S AND FIN* Arm. wr ores Dot **TALL BALZA 4ALLIAS UTH LOVA/32'MM. ooS 4 ~,• ~:t .camaluit.s..intaaaatzw..w.i.arrnass BABB. -Kinn Swum= te INLIFILLESIA,ZAILB. Mau St. Clair lit, Pittsburgh. SZAZIaI LI Pianos, Organs, Lad Nadas! Goods reasrally. 'atrtioliaat.t.tarta. Oalabratid 1171.1D1R1 ItTrArilr Tan. tad GOECOXACIXII a 00. ranawnia. PIANO& Alses ZaTILY & CO.s3 •VOTZASIE," sad I). a H. W. Q14T87 "ANSSIOA.I , . CUM aseTILTONIS PAZINT 6012.8.11. U. ban lianas asil Gum= Malta aad Eltl• tar Strives atwatam Pans. •17tre1 111313 , 11 1719111VALLED um. leaner to an e rottmr. ma pat re *Oval. /as .10 at lop this balmy Mee. 071•.1t OTIR atvYa. a rim 101. lent for. Mabel. rivet. Hams Arm Plum. sad Ihrteco.a, Latattntis orraas. sat LITHOGRAPHERS. NAT/Afer EMMY., _ CU= gCIIGEIILY ,& CLEM asocemors Urea. P. eavabala A ON./ TM ICTIMAJITASM*ItTAIIII4 rA3. WASTUt• MUM. KO DI tuumu Cards. Lo "tter Enda, LaVio. - ap e Gi r - a=1"1:14 CB • LITHOGRAMEX 10.50 amnia IT.. Apalla _SLONIMPATTN NOTII2I, BILL aad LIT Irtadiamaa. 414. aaaa la all stria _TOBACCO, OIG - JOHN MEGRAW, , Man/um ra et irarcirapb PAW -Totakouo, Snuff and Cigars, 4Pie myr ,AV:Z3juh"...n4l EICEWOR WOMBS. & IN: JENKINBON• MAsafatarerniad dissuan TOMO; Srmtr , lalpsn, Pipes, sje„ . Noa ZZDZZAL IT.. AttainiST. 0 opliejele)t;yl 4;1 GEORGE A. KELLY, Wholesale Druggists. Sr- NW& Arid. on7G4la Claim ROGI.I 11 1 ,444147 4,.. C IAIIWO Z lEZ 7 Glorr GC Dr. mEt i mm Altra awe. Co Wit* Gap* rho ManesALi aa t• . sery Questiosi De. fa the pouter Sessions est Saturdss Judge Stows delivered the opinion of the lArdrt err the questLan raised as tothe con sutationality or the Act at Assembly sub unit the Mee' of Assistant Marla itt tioneY. argued a short time since, en se appeal by District AttornaY Dult Don the taxation or tratAlitti of the costs in a ureter' Case its accordance with the Jets to the Assistant District Attorney.. yellow. ins Is the opinion; ge, theCOne_tflidionality of the ....menet, taller which the Assistant harlot Attorney holds Ida cars can be raised In rids proceeding. con am elerill o' 4 ozainion that the act' Is cruthritntional, An invented In, this tdeatlon been softly discefted to Conner 1 the eitY,_.of Any Tdtk Sthford% Sup. Cc teppry pt.) that it a'ould savor of &Zoete %eh td add anything by way of nrint . Melt to what Ls there said. Both reason Odd authority compel me to concur In the COnOlusiOns Mere armed M. to the l en e e' eXteett,th wit: 7 That • constitntional vldieer holds t%a timers Mdernactent of lentils e COnIXM only so fat as the constitution rinsteritics, and the power which made the constitution may control such Mincer% at Wee. ore. regpl ie ardl d ess of sappeeed tined rights, and im raver of the lemur bent. central:M. ellsting in That purlro onieers are merely agents. elected or appointed, to'wrier= tra certain political doee ha th a ministion the governme n nt, and h a ve no proprietar y Interest to their oricea, nor anyproperty th the prospectiro compensationhtticher/ Menace. whether it be to the shape ot wa x , Orfeee. • That When the legislativeiciiiirrinates the ctnes or pemoribus 031.11111.111MMU the officer such compessatton as deemert fit, it rosy Wet theM at DICIBUtIf. it may inerelnleell • Chltaeliwitboutentunctairthe Oollipemation. or It may diminish the Oom pensation without lessenimr the d =lea, and to cascil where the °Meer receives rims It may abonsh some, reduce otters, or tits away eland substitute salary or nothing. In short. the right of an officer to the amolumeiats of his Onden Is bold subject to any moditicatrona the Legislators .y .llt to prescribe, not prohibited by the Cori ciliation. e. still later caw, Butler at at. vs. the State of Permaylvuoletiolloward, 402) de cided by the Blot:ems Court of the trotted Mateo, an & writ of error to the finureme omit of this State. was lield m accordance with the urea principles. That an appointment to arielloe by the th ezati Lis of with was to be en bald Mr l ng on pO4l with a COIPPOSI. eatton of lit per day, does not amount to a contract bv tho State thee to employ sod Par the 0L for during the year, me slaw whinti repeals the former redond removes the Miner and Mang. Um of co mpe te :lotion does not impair the obUfattereof routract, and is coustltutionaLw In dedmaring the opinion of the Court that case Daniel, J., add : °ln every perfect or competent government there melt exist a - general power to enact or to repeal tyre and to create and change or discontinue the Meats designate:l,oy thorn laws. 800 h a powa b is o d in y c pdmhsi an t tb o r t late p adof o th n individuals of the community. es It is upon the ground clone of the an ormsututionality of the act beano retorted to that this appeal le based en behalf of the District AttormY, It Mast therefore be ansinsny County Teaentua• associ ation. The drat meeting. of thrs , Andel...M an for the new Khoo! year Web neld lut day, m the belt br the Western University. Prot. L.B. Eaton was called to the chair. and Prof. John Morrow acted 12 Secretary. - Prayer was (Awed by Prof. Joie.. On motion, ProfeasoseA. Pleitt,l3eorge N. Munro and J. r. Welymonde were appoin ted to represent Mb Association in the Tradel Assembly of Allegheny county. On mottos of Professor Burst, the thanks of the Aithelation weirs tendered to the Faculty of the Western t nistaidty for the gee of their beghtthel Pali for the =eighths of tne Asecehlalkm. • rmt. IL P. Eaton, or Plinadahada, then read nen moon tube, "Tim Departed,. The 'Philosopher' Posies,^ and a paper on Conversational Pleasantry. Professor Ea ton has devoted many years to elocution. ary ita, and has sneceedea admirably in appslair the true meaning of en va rious anthem Prof. et.B.Buriock, LIS° of Philadelphia. recited "Band hilltler,* and "The Lags. Goads," to the greet denght of the intePl gent &alliance. Profetsor Merdstk. has a BBL musical volt*, and Els performance. nadiente that he to a Mlell trained and tier. ough elosulOnlst. Both gentlemen were tendered a vote of thanks. - A whited disausslon ensued on the gees. Lion, ' , Should the Clessles be taught to our Web echocdl and Academicel" Prof. J.- B. Ayres took the enlems- Um and asterted that the study of the Musics served so an excellent dieelbline for the mend. The English an. guano was made up largely froustheLetin and Greek, uld a know/edee of these lan guage* enabled us much better to under st•nd onr own. Pre!: Hails admitted the eroPrisdr of th e chunks Delfts taught in trolyerst es and College, bet contended that a Share nigh English education could be obtained without •knowledge of the dunes. The tune could be moth more proalol7 Oren In other breaches of knowledge. la Sep. part of this aasestloe, he referred to the opinions of Horace Greeley and Professor Fraser, of the Pennsylranta Agricultural College. Prof.lfTlyttoonds thought the 'itntly of the elsalce would be of but Dale hanefit in the practical detles of life. We had *nth to learn and bac tittle time to do It In. The greater attention should then be given to that which la the most important. Soot Blush.= etrongir advocated the elaattles. The study of the languages tended greatly tostrengthen the Wad and the en. emote of translating.theolylng se it doge, the selection of words to indtcate different shades of meaning, Imparted • wonderful faetuty In the use of the Suglhut language. The meeting was large and earaeet, and the Jtheontation. If suatatued, as It )Would be,Dy all our leachers, mil aid =eh to advancing the interest of oar Subtle Schools. The Sewers end Miteless PavementUt — The Wood street newer, the cola:Utica of which has, for several weeks. impeded two , el, trade, and badness generally on that thoroughfare, has at last been mein-toted to Filth street, where it will intersect with • surer Mt that street running from Fifth 1.0 Market street Notwithstanding the com pletion of tbe sewer, Wood street La not yet tree from obstructions to travel and -there Is aro telling when It will be. The Moots.= pavement question Is still being agitated and remains unsettled. A number of PM. eon/ as the stree want the *lads= . rave meat, while a camber of others oppose it. and mad Connell* decide whether or not It shall be put down, the street will have to remain in SW present twelese *audition. Common Council passed a resoled= mom time Mom. releuve to the matter, bat It was contended In Select Council that It ed an ordinaries, to pave • weed. This le the ease, we belles*, when .*vest is to be paved, hat It cert rela ainty do. not mini. an ontimmine to a pavement on W Street, where It his Oven displaced. -If ood It requires an online:ice to lay the Monson pavement,it cenahaly will require one tO replace the cobble stones that have - Mem removed for the portions of cOO - toe sewer, and if that 1. U. , case It worll4 redolre so ordinance to relay any tobble stone ou 711th, St Clair, or any other etrect, whichrosy be displaced by &cadent or otherwise. The ordinuce to rave Wood , street yea passed somber of year. Mote, and the question M with l i what shall it be paved' A question that may be decided by routed= as well as an ordinance. : The uwer rm Teta SUL programing rapid ly. A WV* nom bttr of hands have beam employed, and the work lanetog extended , from Wood street to both Smithfield , , and Market at the same time and it is the Intention to complete ts would` the present week if possible. Thle would be * good time for the huh.d men ot 111th street, who have e 0 long been annoyed with the nines and rattle Of Table!es over the cobble stones, to make a strike for the Nicola.. pavement on that thoroughfare. 11 le more needed there Men at any caber pOint in the fltlaitl7.lt7Tfit " barter sewer an teas street Will be a great prevenient, and relieve pedestrians from sleet annoyance in the way Of mud lad' I=s b r 2:0-V/ n O g lil o d t sntrllTh'nth tar improvement. atrmtartuum &stun Letter* reammlog unealle casuals Postofflee, Birittembey le Lilt. lad far at as r 211, 11187. Ad.... t r .. ilfull Lecludik 111 Me It We'rutosh tl ol Armstrong 7 !Wise Josepb ItenDa• tub U 1 J Loorblin 't 11.11'Jue ' Joon Mune iutro DO% Dump Job. Jos. Henry J 1,11 limrs Wm 1I bem= sn.Jer, els.° Larrlstf ‘ °4d !boa= a Bacot; UoDerk 1 DusuEoglroWk als jEobJOhn II II Cl•try Thommillorpm Jobs llllmota ar. Camell Ji.e. I.orgm. Junts Sala Zit Ounim, Ji kb Unthaws Tbuir .eproat Ww, Veda iremr J0b.,111.4. c1an1..4 , 0h W llouicil 11, , Id VD, Warr saDort Gum D IMambo J•eab , Dem.. .Josh loonier Joct•tt Wmurfleo 0 Ikl lema .tobell floury Wllams 1V m W A. (DAD Like tery T W Witne JosW.. U . /11.0er Many 1W Wilms Low. lic.ht• John D,ltlattkors 4otka Woo Ding J W Deitrok•U W iitursma W J L. la. 118,41•21. roaDrantu. glsva—Tbe oldest building on iloyd's roll was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The Pre broke out about twelve o'clock, and Wore Use lire department could reach the scene of conflagration the flames bed made such rapid progress as to render their efforts to estinsumb them !initiate. The bones being Aimee and lng structure nothieg remained at it but this muelve e tm . ammaay. The buttons math a. ma bare elated, about the firm erected in that y, and was built for a Inland armee many years ago. It was formerly known as the ..Datclinimi's Llama.. We were nimble to ascertain how the are originated. normoTttior arreatea—George Sorer. elan:gag to be a resident of gam Liberty. brawl:m.le is said. rotates to Lafayette, dlank vat orreetsal at Enon Valley. on • charge of horse stealing. and after• bear. in before Justice blcCorocau, weal commit. ted to all at New Castle. Pa to await bit triaL -- The circumstances ',Met lead to bit street were es tollow.: A bursa woo stolen on Thursday trona tbo stable of. Mr. Itobert 14:111)ps.01 Seven Mlle and on NM. day Bo rer ottared for sale, at Petersburg. Otto, atone an swerlog the desomption of tbo one stoical. thee be was followed and arrested*. abOre stated. glamorise. isle of Ocoee—dodge Bien nett celled attention bo the following role of Coors, on Saturday, and directed the Pro thonotarii to Post • 0011 of ft in 1111,ot/toes ewhence role to show name why judgment anoUld not be entered for want ofenfnelent arlidaeit oj defense Is wrantec3, the rilainufr ibbit cense written notice thereof to. be seined on the defendant or las ettorneli 000 deg proof of the 10rlice thereof to he yam - ths Protlionatorre ofdoe at least deo days Wore maid nail is oaten for Argo. MOM." itt .a rwri a.,..opelniv H. Mania who was =Mitten to $Bll on Triaay, by junk. Lipp, of Dinsubartarly for debt , the tact* of which were pubs:wad buSasurdare tut,. of the eavirrs. was nSeatad Saturday morn. C. Morrison, counsel (Co Adam, bumble the tualtar before the Goan. when Judge Sterrett ordered that Adam. be db.. charred immediataly, and said that the Justice bad to authority to commas to nob s MN. • Sae operatic for s on.. of lass leased H Vow trollonlo-A naiad Inset. =sot the Allegheny Based of (oo) Cats troll.= wlll.b held tomorrow (Tuesday) griming. at City inalldlnlri A 11.10447. Fir Additional Local Motecre on Fin* Paco Prnsgramin DAILY GAZETTE,: MOND EM=d. NOTICES. armL assaratm & co., BOILER MASERS SHEET MN WORKERS. Nos. 20;22. 94 VTb Ptnsla Pt. IMMO* manna s Ws. v./ end ihendatted .thh th . most gyprOTed 1an.12017. .11 SIG Dre• pared to msnanomare every d m NTlption of Soll ars bi thtiut moaner., mat to thr 1..4. I. en aintrv. Cidinniiis. Breech- Vire lads. Sttit.l9 PlOO5. Locomotive Boil ers, Cenci...lM Salt Pail, Tanks, Cu MU. isluktort. nettling P.& Sonar Imn i . Brtages, emarus.2l24sato4Natann •r•POILIIN. IitLLII.PASI‘Mk MEI.WL. gaDiinnr done on the shortest notion. Mimi tarRELIRBOLIER EXTRACT SUCHII AND TISPROVED NOSE WASH cues sestet and delicate disorder. la ON their stases, MlMl...masa. Mlle.:v . ll°o.Lnp la dist. 00 1003ntren16090 od no carassars. It is pleasant in ten, oat 0 40; itninedlot• IA Its sotto., and MI Dom all Inln dos. aro settles. seatararl IigrEITGELL—We are minable tettiehltah all th• aldehyde teauseal•l• ',Web have beettbeetavra; atota O ra•n tiaLT EXTI4IIT • letaftelateet herfolvea ellth matt tlealato aPe ha..ee of acme of the Pydelanr Dr•ebribtu( Ulla snot Health:, Avery, X.D.. Rerna. tHolliet, X D. 1ita.1.1,1 B :11r:.. 11 ,•,%•.;Tt11.°k• Binniatik X.D.,ll.dwing MIL Si6o., of. Y. Broato X U.. N.Y. Lowenthal, 14D.. P.Y. Bub. N.D., tataym*Loanda, X U., N T. Cton, Nip., Itadain,linitabau, . Y. Cater. D., N.Y. ilitu..l,l N.D.. N. N. Y. CC •LL•bi. Y.' nodarer, Y cloba/Cu X .,Rembarg•lßaleatort, X ~.,i ron.. °A. M.D ya t• • 11.1., N.Y. Com ri r i " 1717 4 :11717a ' r 8::11.1 7, .c" , 111:';,71. b a.11:, 7 11. Y. • Crane, m.o Prof .I