El II THE DAILY cingrm. MUM= 1 1 / 1 1MI MOUINU.' - OhmWrs Ninerm) rimlwri&N, HEED & co., 6 Z.vcrvirlebtossi. inas. T. T. 1.4 0011T0Z..............i;1a:;u Iton. OnICS. 1111.7.13 Ti BULLDIEU. Illem St AND SI VIRTU wrararr. • ts4l4 tepiliol hpim if ireitent ,EPP . AO4I. PAPER OP PITTABITBEE AND MGAIVoUtITA.PBST MOSSO BIZIT IP . AILILY Lai. PAZ= I. • =Mt OP TAM DAILY: " 1471- 1 41.°°. inmainu3 g, ms.. CITE cßittslntigjj Gass Nn= year a President must be e'en ,ted, and that.will settle thd whole mat ter of reconstruction. Until this shall ddie, allside issues are out of race, , betzuse prams to the great mid' which 'ought to be kept'steadilv in view. • We 6 not speak thns of "side homes" bpr, way of contempt. There are many points in the Workingmen's movement which enlist our warmest sympathies; as we. have not - failed- to - demanatrate henitofore; Ind dial' 'still 'farther attest hereafter. , For the Temperance cause ,and the men concerned therein we cher ish the highest respect Probably few Of those men have labored longer or more sealotisli than ourselves In that came, orare less disposed to relinquish it: But - the nation Is in a condition of peculiar peril. We feel that'all loyal inem , ,hcagever they maydiffer about other thinge, o u ght to stand together until the paramount question of the reran. sttintiOnOttite ',Union shall be settled. Let na spit save the republic for liberty 'hod jestiee, and take all other questions .10.chidt run. •Yearionis TZARS put the northern democrats have been sorely perplexed to get enough of their own number elec t‘d to. Cougress to prOduce any elect =Stipa the: deliberations. Now they are aetot afraid that from those States which Ttinneilfsent democrats almost earls. *yeti, time black loyalists may be pre 'furred instead. If we were shut_ up to ihe Suisse* of selecting between these two im..41". members of Congress, we • should.certainly take the latter. But thethithat derends not upon no, but upon thentere of the respective districts. If '* blank man can set a majority of the voters in a district, in quite a number of _the States his chance is first rate; but it •bat selappr.ned that while black men have: been. eligible •to membership of Congress from several of the States, for many years just, not one of therit bun obtained the distinction. The constitu• cache have At prefened them. We do not see.intlications of a change in this particular. . „ . Titi London Saturday Bedew says England will need to import nine Akan of quarters at 'wheat this year. Minos is importing; and no extra crop iiiiny,part.of Europe mays Hungary and - tha /taut, South,lbussia, Poland and .Tisrkey have average crops; Poland tint Boleti:an Poor; in Algeria is a refl ..= and In Egypt' plenty, The Review :estimates the crop In America as. good, :but says "there was no stock of old grain - left, and as the North will shortly have -to supply the South, we do not estimate iduti Ametica will ba able to spare more . thart. the average of her exports to Eu ropa". is about time the North were =done mipplying . the South.' With the finest soil and climate on the continent, after two years of ream; the people of that region should be, rattily .to supply their tneribread stuff, if riot to export f MMi! - Oniwfoid ltstnet, it a Jaime ordecided *ability, but a politician without 117 . maul/Lb(' pp pubuity outride of his pirty. Reilitaa formerly a Whig, afterwards an. ilhitalib; then 'a - Republican, and by wine angular freak of politic was con awned to "Demociner," .lu:cording to the modern definition of the tena , - _Tun DJI , XOCILITS Persistently rapte-_ snit Clonaress acting outside the Con . • stiattion in the matter of reconstruction. : Congress is the lawial judge of its own pewee; at lout until the Supreme Court luss ruatied its opinion. No law passed • Mimi" tins, so far, been set made filyalie Judiciary. oAnions of the At. .4tteney , Getteral, manufactured to .k.resi -;;;Iflitial order, count for floating. fins Beading Gazette, edited by .Con *venom Gets:, eays that Sheridan's tic `,..4tr7 over Fatly is the Shenandoah "was the twist nhigraceint ride of modern times:: This shows that the Demo .esatio antipathy -to .Bheridart.4l4. not grow onliptllla conductitlTess,Griesns, but durini the war. 'TheAlnifthlfluilie cause he triumphed over the public ene- Tan side-shows or local dissensions are not waned Republicane, In the. third Senate district Mr. - Bonham ... better chance of election Nita id) , Republican before hlai eier had.. la the fourteenth districi Mr. Wingard will eetiainly be;iketed, making a Republi• tax gain. All that is needful for a most brfillent general tesalt is for the Repnb• lionuttokeep steadily to the work. Az active demand exists in earions parts of Earope_for bread/tuffs from this country, in nonseonance of the failure of crops there. This will prevent prices falling here u low as RAS anticipated. Indeed, it seems probable that prices ..will not touch octet much lower than that idle attained. • . . ~:TIVOURIIO3I of the old "Wilmot dls. trim are engaged in amicable struggle •1016 e which shall win the banner offered by the - State ,Committee to the cotuity making the largest relative gain. Do the western counties consent to be courded out of-thla commendable effort'? ,-3V. inn& not. .;13Sticiturrunrr if tho Republicans had .-reioninslitedittocteinnteofthedentoetuts to 'Overt thelinlon there would here beat no nationel dobt. Itisnot so much the debt. therefore, the democrats ero mitd about; iiither failure . of the scheme • !het 'Oeade the incurring of the debt - ne- True !loccnocratlc" Sudo Convention of P/011311.111101Ted:ill favor of the per petali unloh of the States, and the civil and poWgi. 'quitlltk Of all the citizens of the Stati.,, , ,:rbat is following the ad wice of,tbe l em loth World, to "court tho netio • • Tan; ranzaanfsta Aiipt about the casino I.O.taxelf.A.lf thy Tamale they imagist:l4od 1266 Ihrnidant to appoint to Ileyonna siiiice did, not fteld millions Hof dolhira a yeaohkatii*ea would BOPII bo reduced. York,' at CO'aierai,on;isiscribed OA their banner, . "itattonal r s Reconstruction ihrough'Ubeiiy azd lintoe; State repose „ Mans& Intetpity and ersittpmy." That has t.los ringof true mete: . Usta might days more , remain for work before the election. Mich ought yst dohi is So. organislug wards and taw hips as to being out the fall Republican strength. Frlendisi let not the oppittudti ba loft• • ..Mrsa fintraeOrgifialui, while tending 'Ai vett in;tlati :Vail* of the Hollldaya biajoi. .Efardd bid . bar hand caught and three. tdrit 'oft . She la the only dr sdilWortirr• • ' mother. • - • the- Mr UMW% ot 43s . xorgia the defei •, ends , iiiatlidate . -for Congresa, nazigirrilihThtligniti, whoia .itwo. ,TAB nq LLS,IfeL,7 ‘, , I..j.LiOrt., 14. 71 .k,i, 1 _ "Th ...,-, , -- , --... -,.., - , :'= W•\''-‘' ' •-,".:'. -^ tt , 10) ' -s. - --,& * e , ' . >.:';:--kftc-' W_,,,,_71.i 1 , Al '.:- 'l '' • ‘-'," ± _,.• tbg-..c_ixxpt„ ,:.. ... ,..,, CEr e f " .- , 4 111 ) _,_ _,,,,.:._;„._...,..„,.....__________ - I _ fr___,___,...__________,,..,„,...______ . . , VOLUME LXXXII . NO. 224 Br 7mt New Orleans Picayune of the V.lth inst.- we learn there were no less' than letell thousand cases of yellow fe ver under treatment in that city, sedges extending Into the Louisiana parishes. It is lasted that many persons are actu ally dying from fright at the first symp tom before medical treatment can reach there. In texas, the fever was almost universal along the coast and In the in teller; in Corpus Christi there had been one hundred and twenty-seven deaths up to the 7th inst.; at La Grange, `every house was filled with sickness and death." Tux Albany Eeeniag Journal rebukes the disposition manifested by some of the Republican members or the Consti tutiotuff Convention . , to evade manhood suffrage. It asks: "With what degree of assurance can we amend that the Southern States shall extend the ballot to the negro, While at the same time we refuse it onrselyest . This Is precisely the point we recently, urged. Thom who do not cheernallyperformwhat they demand of others, expose themselves to contempt and defeat. Orre. reason assigned for the arrest . .of Garibaldi is that by the treaty between Victor Emanuel and Napoleon, the former late maintain the temporal pow er of the Pope. On this condition The French troops were withdrawn from Rome. Upon the issue of GaribaldPe proclamation a French force was ordered to hold itself in readiness to embark at Toulon, and Emanuel anccumbed to the threat. Tax Democracy raise srmn a hue and cry about negro suffrage that one is led to suppose them ignorant of the factthat formerly negroes voted in all the origi nal thirteen States except North Caro lina;:lhat Washington and Jefferson toted with negroes; that the election has been turned'on more than one Southern Congressional district by emancipating negroes in order to get their votes. A quanrsn of a rulllion of Union men were slaughtered by the rebels, the dem ocrats sympathizing with them, and en couraging them In the bloody work. Now, these democrats ask Union men to help them into power, that they may reconstruct the republic according to their ideas. - The thought of such a con cession is enough to disturb the repose of the patriot martyrs. . Tan Raffnnan's Journal mp. "Pres. ident Johntort will soon issue a prods merlon pardoning the Union soldiers for participating In the war,l against the rebels." Not a bit of it, lialtamen. That is a crime the President will tarter . pardon. hanTru Guns, of DanceasTille, Pa., wu shot in 'the right Ithesst-beforePe teraburg. Recently he felt something front, his tide. It was extracted, and proved to be a large brass button which had been driven In by amunde ball. Ernair TOTE given to a Democratic candidate, is tut endorsement of the President's Policy. Every rOte - with held from a Republican candidate by ... yinainniffreMilltrinADMßsants a half 'endorsement of that Policy. oter the State' the Republicans are .srekixot up to the necessity of e roue: lOg =sprit', as the only 3nemus of pm. seuttrikqohnson, DCMOCOLCy & CO. from sn'attempt to resist the authority - of Con gress by force of arms. _ PnrunammtrA . 'boasts that she will overtop A.lleglieny in Jts maicuity for Mr. Wliadame. Republicans of Alle gheny I you are forwarned. Look well to your Lunde that you may not lose them. . , Wint.tan Huarran Jumped on a ear to ride about:ft* yards, near Hollidayr burgh, and jumping off, fell and died in an hour from concnulonuf thabrain. Tzs New York Constitutional Con ventton hasadiaarned to November 12th. An attempt was made to get the •acatioa extended into next year, but it felled. - - UP THE ALLEGHENY (Spacial Our monde.* rlttsterra , ti r asette.l •'• • • •ariunoriara. eitenderr The eardrantion of the Western Penesyl- vams Ridlroad Man:mated a new era In ibis section of Allegheny county. For many Years the only Dublin conveyance to the city was the canal paint, reontrlng his mold beers. and ernaldirons more. end an equal length of tlme'to return', thus leaving but Utile opportunity for the dans• dams of business. The conetrection of the A.llegbeny Tilley FAilded Waugh& re lief to those residing 9n the' same side of the river, but the dinkralty. of ercealeirei ail times, and ospedelly during the late Ant/ma and early Spring.''as a serious dzawbeck to tilde melding , Ori the right busk of the Alleghenye IraPpny for the dwellers along tbo beantllnt arrant there are now two made, one on either side, well finished and equipped. and affording dun. dant facilities for trade and travel. And trade sad travel have received. N • ew new life re by boots Infused Into the inhabitant. along their lines. Property hue doubled and trebled in odd, and le being rarddly purchased by new enniere—dme of it for occupancy del sond for epecuLition. Yuma are being repailyeut op . Ilide email least° accommodate meet:mules sutd labor er.. who are securing permanent house. at comparatively low into- plea Or from flee totem scree to ;secrerunedadellso wealthy, who are contemplating the enne iron of palatial madame, surreeeded ample grounds. Dead. village. are helot gelvanleed Into Me, and new villages are sprlaglng ap. Among the Labels Spring. dale; stateein Mlles out from Plttaberah, on the. Weitern Pounsylvatile Railroad. V. bd. besettfel locaslem, on meetly eloplog r:Z4adereling to the rashlents • charm, is at tee Swq_rettroada, the Alleghe. ay Blear and its bins wlth • largo duset or cleared lend, glesining each season arum and gold, varied with red and purple Unitas. Whatever may be add of the smoke and soot of Pituburgb, no Nay 1p the t rulen la sunoooded by More' pie tenuous or beautiful scenery. Time and the band of Art will ran cover the valleys and elopes and bilts with beautiful homes and Charted and schools, and make tne nebula et Pittsburgh the equal of those of any city oe the Continent. 'a Say trainabler amount canaca. Dote truce m these reflections., Items of unerest In riewelseher readers are not anon• dent here, and we stall therefore ohronicle but one or two. :Sabbath, the am hut.' was the day edlt.ert for the dedication of the new Me t' EpLecopal Church to .this place. see odttloe is a small strimture, plop sag tent, and WM a seating capacity of :newly these hundred. It will meet the want:: of the community, until tooted:et nerrabers and wealth. now rapidly pouring along the t hce,usge/gre, shall demand larger and more Imposing home of worship. The dedhsatory San Was were condtuned L C. Penning. Prittlaeilt of the Pate-, burgh Femme College, who presehtel more. Leg nod dieting us large and. attentive Min regal/One. Theagli the least rigid eamo. Loy wee Observed In dm erection of the diumb, the society bona wean nurnericellY istits=slOgitiffeuar rumworeilmargr old:Wiest/Do. Thee amount wes fatty pro- I loy ; Tided der , and aleiliy ace War Of It pod In cash. The in Marne oongragatme are also erectlng a church, which will be ready for ,XoeValley early In the winter. A 000 e AND ?AIM ear Irony.;' : A somewhat. singular Incident ceenneed here some time ago. An honest Teuton kid ; managed to lay away eighteen gold i and • smaller deseatit. In oilier. The mote ay um placed In • fin box. the lid seeded with a none. and the whole stowed Mud In I a crevice in the eellar wal/. .An ooeselanal visit peg Indle- to the celiac to ascertain whether the 'deposit. were sale. Tye pres ence of thetas Fattened him that all was right. After some Wattle however, he de , sired to feast hie Met PIM ti sltotof tea ehrteM. but Imagine hs sieleiLl to rind that the lid had been moved and i sYrAy rod delid taken. The mystery vu €f I br ludids that Let diver into up • ed. Oda inepectiOn yeyealed the fad that there were iderat-turowo; made by , leading Irmo the MIX in several direction,. Aa the silver renealad m the box, ho Tarred that the ram had Winn his gold. - pink and abovid vim procured, end n mg orousseareb began fertile hidden trasimre. YoIIOWIAO Add the burrows arbleh led to &Pant undo , lbe fitnit , Ids dUi• geed wee rewarded by finding a. liege aest.llned with'. hie etegn.Mm gold dollars; sad filled with young rata, itrenge falba: May_itileMi lon may relit weed of its. trethredent. Tour isorremmeneut Ireald eniiesttheproprietyMbestewing a govum., meat apppeiteed* .on those rats. More FIRST EDITION, MIDNIGHT. WASHINGTON ST retest - soh to the Dlttaburitt tierette.] WAmanterrOtr. September . 2l, 1867. warns" . Womcocz AID rsa miroariali . Secretary arentleeh yieinialWated an or. der forbteding the clerics In the Treasury Departzuwit from fernlahlnu Information to persons connected with the oubllopreas, unleu by were:dation of the SCcrotary; oL his Asilstants and Chief of Thireitedo "a no. Litton of the rule .objects, the offender to dishonorable diarniseal.,' • Dx#El,o)..Or aaxaoxoxna James Ferguson. assistant Astronomer at the Untied states Naval Observatory, died to. day. DaAili / ROK ir....Low 7.11.. . A dispatch from (Maim' Mower et • Re* Orleans, ensOnneos the aeeth by yellOw ye. very eaten:Mr. of Llentehant Wing, of the 4th Cavalry. The other. Orrieere are doing The recelpte front Customs for the wean ending cm the 01st were elasegTO. The Treaters'''s not In the strelghtenen condi. Mtn represented to some quarters, and therefore to not obliged to resort to large nate* of gold . to meet Its Itutnedlate mows• Attlee. Teo Non Orleans 74mrs, received tsenlabt. says It bee excellent mesons for believing that Gob. Month wilt not marten with the programme laid out. I Gen. Btosrinao. • NEW YORK UT Tslarrubb tune Pittsburgh Duette 1 Ns. Your. September 'V, 1W Too pollee yesterday 'arrestod Start, butchers for alsoghtortirr animals between Forty-second and Foity-olglith...strests, nosr that:firth River, wltheot pormits from the Boart of Health. elm. meet sertniunen. Genet.] nisei was serenaded at Morriss:la last nigght, where be Las recently taken up wren or elener Wool, or rutr.umtrzu.t:, Bishop Woodiest retureed front Serape, wu werrelymelred by the itoman Cacho. Ms of Patbidet plata, yesterasy. TXo7l4llloit /X XXL.LiVrt XOSTITAL. ' Wm. A. Gotland, late Burgeon General of the array. nee been appointed a Protease? in Bellevue Hospital. AXIII3IOIXXXIX 7011 irecarrioa, A. meeting was held at the armory' Of tho Lint regiment. last evening, for we our. pose of making arrangements for the re. caption of lien. Sheridan. Pertntaslan was granted to the colored leaguers and oceans. asuomto turnout. Mr. Mesh. o.llawklne wall made Gtand Itarehal. , . caomaa svitt'aS orisairrrim. ' The cholera is stilt virulent at cinematic°. Plve deaths nave occurred, and fifteen are still In the hosplial,come of whom will not recover. me saw rosier* arociawrrs. - It Is reported that the teethe° ,Inerehente hare reeolved to suspend business until the Secretary of the Treasury so order* the regrgatlorts that they wit l not, as alleged. destroy their trade. The Secretary of the . Tothen.7 telegraphed to Collector Shook that such portions of the new resrulathns as require the Immodest., reborn - 11er of bonded warehouses aro suspended for the rennet. 202 0112 Ail SILIV/11.131 . ♦'r QVAJWITIM4 .At a meettaa of Use Booed of lissalte.Tio , terday, Dr. Maras stated that the disease proyalant atacmg the 0•211.0%.10 the nosed. al stdp at the lemur quarantine ts almost unknown to aim. lOOksol ilkO cholera, but 00 Joyeattgatlon proyed. .omettdas else. lle halved la doely mfectlou. asst It bore does resemblance 'Wide Black Typhus of lreland. lionstor. Nortoo. of Indfaxis, is 14 NSW York. is nix imr +utter. Glos. radial'. of "Iflo waif. sildrelised • [Wpm:Moan =toting. at Patterecm, E, J., o• Toteday e•solog. CANADA. Dwane lea h Prtseall Murder Case.- All . Far Polompers eallswris of Saw Olosse .C9llllaell. eked .le—The /1•11.0.-11611111 an Ilr•We *lhalleu.“6-4 , lll4matfVe 41. nrell 'as Ottawa—W.l.lPM :A11,1101“1- Telerx.pbc..o ins rdtsbargh Dssides.l ; Kmorroir, Itept.e.ll;a'r D..-Tho quest In the Driscoll murder cue clesed to-day. dll four or the prisoners were committed for trlal..; „ , , . Toe parr compl imented the 4 - frierteen °Meer TortheconnWyshow.YrtheCane dliu autborttiss,' L asid their •Igilinee parearne the prisoners, end who delivered them urr without:the form awl archers usual In case. of extrediticr2. Orraws., Beeson:miler t7.—lt le reported that lion. John Rote is to be &wager or the House of Commons. sod non n. J, Hilliard txxneren, President or the Senate.' At the regatta Tester - des, the two mills, mall ince, for the en ere plonsedp of coogoto, wee won by 'Mbar° Tenting. of Toronto. He- ban -issued a .clkallisage Uarallt ar Brown, for Live hundred dollars, single senile, distance, piece and tame to be ar ranged. NOWIVIA.L. &pieta.' ttt—The Executive Corm= held a meeting at Ottawa today. It is understood the , ch ref =Mena to come before the Haase of Comments will be an indensolty bill. Intact:olonm' railway. Mai cry request, transfer of local public works to provincial oontrol, equeltration of tariff. nd the ado:0411ton or Northwest British Columbia and Von...urns, to the Colon. • 8.7.00/T. m the emplo, or aloorlte 43mlin - forwarder. , „bt.,.abiroanded. atter wmallsimr severil so:entail.* Sad 'Aetna 'sae IMO.XlfrOccipl i agAteti. : • The :Gran& r.,7 ;11=4 of ,found:tons brit, stgainstarhes tonere been concern= the sheaf= • dill turbences. CALIFORNIA Raylcsillone of lbw Tolorwre Xlieraf—ek NW -Mrsarelsee Depandire!oirWmwmilWror Illitata, de. LET TelerrAph to tEI rlttscitmla xezeue.7 • • • SAN FIA.IICI6OO, September 27.—At a meet ingot merchants to Consider the navigation of the Colorado river, flute were prodaced prore thee 000111142:Ctieraekr1.&1 . .dain city tp Colville, of i Ammirett miles atanre the mouth of Um river. for four cents pRt potted, and transported thence to Salt Lalfe al good Drente. Ttio passanapein he made at all sensoue Of the yeFirete ten to AN teen days. It is pro to antecrlee fifty thoesanclOollate to nile anew steamer to run In connection with one oiroarty In the river. Great interest is enticed In the . The Panama steanier whleh"raga on the Seth, will hart in tontwenty stamp and quarts mills from a' thtuadry us this city, for am ine al Wings Mountain, North. Carolina. A Oro at Sacramentoleat night destroyed the Waverly Hotel. The boarder, and land lord only . enr-afted by leaping front the win . . dors. Wheat is imuommetl at 11,04/2,15. Legal Tenders unchanged. sailed: United Stat.a war steamer Undo „pea, forsiths, with fieneral Rowan and staff, mid atmgassiest Liombetaslonefil for the trampler of Anwlia...AffitYnduttle shirts Chas A. Farwell and 'Charger, - NOW Tore'. Thatcher, Ifszonn, Boston; U ncle, Cardiff. Cleared Orton, Liverpool. Anituriess rioard'or Foreign Xleslamp —Election or OUleero., . . ray Talearseato the.iiit34!,•rsa t etawital. norp.u.oi tiosiferolotti -,TOilitaarloso Board 'or Yareliin fdbrelOna nrif seasionlitO• day and elected too following officers far ton ensuing seat: President-hark Holy' klos, D. D. Ilea Pres idenc-llon.. B. Dodge, Prudential LionillaiLter..-Chulos mtorldard.lfeberalah. AolaintaD. D.. Anfull• o.llcos C. Thallipson,r ..110r. William T. maws. treater O. t.iridltijj...4lon. Ellihedg Ilitrtly, Hubert Child. Wry. Albert Barna., IL Booth, 13. D.. Abner King man, Zan. , James M. Gordon. Halos Ander son, 11. D. Corre.porlding Socraark.-11.61. George W. Wood. D.ll. 0011 Naihmitei .0. Clark. D. D. nawo , dbir 54 4' retars-Hay. Jobe 0. Means. Treasurer flangdon rt. Wood. Auditor-Mooot L. 81.101 and Joseph H. Roper. ' • Two of the prinelold churches worn tilled with large. anal ennet j.odilgat • to Pow the addressee Borrat.n, September 27.-Tba Anierlean , Board of Foreign Missions, after, 0. abort sesstnn um morning; adjourned. . . . . The Use.; el car Tsiscracti to tite Yttubliarts Usiette.l Claces - nam, Sept. P.7,11,itr0 Afars,. taro races at tha buckeye Club Conroe to-day. The fast, Ohio stake, for three years old, two mile heats,CHM 4913411,41 dollars' en. trance. itradeclared set JannarY.Sddlnafdt SCOL.let. lb...clan to eild . OW, nloodl. 14th sixteen eatries, brit only two horse. started —Lhiford, sorrel Oily, by Ltzington • Seliterts, and the rannle Cheatham This hitter won both heats; thee 11l . nl3dt. IS the amend retry handicap; for all'atielt, parse WO, two and a half sells club, Matt, rpfriteer and Calsidealik were the coo test noes: pee run was son by made, caipeeet a ocentne in iir..Onti; 1.16113 aas4,4. pro, Weidner and Xrana. fay -Taunt& te tbs Ciseiriarr, Septette's.. 07.—Thaeather oresunnee dry. but nes ht the t w wain , - store was down to 4S cieerres. but It 'ls n0W.73.• The repertaregard tag the cart' Imd rwa ,„,, crop' as eras -more Cisentnalles. ruiners are selling off tittle stock as tar a. possible. Water Is very 000000 end In miter placesioattle hare to be driven a Imnone. Mt to stator. , landorr-are not - leading 044x0 nay anent torah° winter markets, and notrlldra9l4:3llll be made but for early Xsitlmore desotarratto X . Domination. ll7 (By 76166rap . a to she rvisborgli LlALTurOlne.Seplulabeiff,Mtio Deranorato in inoservotivo CanvaKam byre Urgent.' moans. ADDlDialeti Xoters T. 'Emits for major.. . • : • •1 4 tow New Oeleatii tVf.Tuesniotl rotas littstaret ..:4rourcus.s, Sepicsabbr causal are °pawpaw's.otally towards mg Nut. jrl vertni laver taw Orleans. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1867. MOND EMIN, FOUR O'O - j.:ook. A. M. FROM EUROPE City Telegraph to the 'Zittsbargh Game.) .. • ( ITALY. 1 ' -- ' ' ,..1i1104 Aviri liiiieclur our. iointiroir, Sept Ste L:Serlooiriots have bro k onfuclidirua sLv:ty tilisafrom Venice, an limed , bands are parading the streets c oring tor a revolution. Those bands kw y cemposed of G artbald lan_v el rs yr o badkeen compe ll ed tons. from 'th 'Bann . iroatidi - by the Italian troops. , - , fllg:LlA es naltuatnt'oattro you. .NT Sept. 33..-Croords of men assent pled In sereeta. yesterday sod 'pithy cried tor - the ielnaie ' of - Garibaldi. 'Borne violate:inwas done but no one ,inparnek , ._ 11,1AORDpk#RY .RfSTOE or. 27Asipacirr Eiostanna,fcgt,-Z7,-Pailisana of Girth 1- 11 ire o .oatltig tutnalta In nations gaits of Italy foittla purpose b[ obtaining the re lame 'of. their ;loader. if le iniKnied the King Icabout to bunk iptoolainatloca call ing ai entraordniary mosalon of • Parlia ment. 131333X21 /MB Or 1.1.43 17.1101.11. Desch, tlept. 27.—Feara ore entertained that the Teemna here, emboldened bp the semen of the mob at blanehester, will mete a eltallar attempt to reams Capt. Morlerty, who la now iniderrolng cement:. of I:cement. The Government Is taking all netaauliT 'pretentious . amilnet snob an at, tempt. . „ rateogase elor ro agotazo. Forty of the Fenton - eearlolls, who 'have hitherto been'lmprisoned •to Irish jails, have been sent to Portland, England, tor taro keeping, • ' OCZOOAT BUT TO TOO 114118 COON?. Loanon, Sept. 47.—Owtng to a revort that • •uPPoled gentan vetoed bad bean wet oft the County of terry, the tiovernment has diapqatted =a neither of gunboats to guard the soutttern and; gotten:Vl:oast of /rebind. OVAZ resaa , e aanlestartoe IIIrrtIMAR3I. Meas.:mall - Sept. Tr.—Melees Qom Cot. stantlnople state that' Oh= Pasha has witlftawh hie To.iirastion, itelvelll ream= at Cartes, the capital of Caudle: Curtail the Sublime Porte desire tamale ruts= hie cone: - rrerikattaL aril) COttatlitillAL. Livaaroot., September 2:7.—Cotton bear,. but anchanired; sales 1040 MUma middling uplands at kiy,d, and Orleans at U. The 'Brokers , filmdom reporta the Sales of the week at 86,1100 bale., of:which M.= were for export, and 20,00 for epeenlatlon. The Stock now in port la 811,009 bales. of which ina,OCO Is American. Flour timer fur Cali fornia. Wheat advanced Ila Corn no. .banged at We for new minx' western. Pro visions—Lard advanced 04, and selling at Ala for Amerkan. Prod nce—hrd rit aof Tar. localism ad lower and whited at 001. Amer. lout Tallow 34 better, belling at Ohs Al for Amelia.. -•- -• • Lognon. Sentember V.—Markets un changed. Comas 01746, 721310; /I_llaoloa Gemini 74 Erin & .meTbraatepee Lleet/aa Iltsgar r ileice fatten 4alatool.-DispateA from Goa. Slraps-,Letter from ■afar; To Wm. Thamoks-plate As. Chorales to Ma 11111811.1■0411. the Yeleareph to the eftureentheasette.7 rfaseviLla, 6apt.17,1t87. Matteis have quieted moth today. Loot night Gen. Thomas maw a dispatch from Gen. Grail tialmig , , the inaltnrY cannot in - Wade nee of io defeat the eiech hoot.Otatem reference to the Laws of the State and ordering hits not to prevent it • begot State form from ecteentinghla order. • tiessvol , -tit to Itasca Brown. rellottoday Wrote _to Gee Thom. stating that be had not cemented to resistance to the law, nor dedred to defeat, the Basouthre of the State to his arena to enforce the Law. He had designed, IS not prevented try armed olate.% to bold a stria fly /twat election t oa ;errantly poses. fill tanner, and In accordance with the city charier. tie, requested lierterel Thomas to Inform Lam whether he (accusal Ilan, rd It ha day, under the order of (easel rstot, to uphold General Innper, corn mender of the State 111111 b., his threat. lined deteresdrathan to prevent the election 'tinder the charter, adding that to that ease be had no choice left hot to hold to toe en. 'Shanty Of the United Sato% with ....poet- Yid sad emphatic proteel elleinet , the cane , and deplorablemistate. General Thom., to reply, !stated twit prope interpretation of . irenenti Gnat% order to to sustain the State authorities 10 the execution or their orderi, ft not talon his province to decide the question of the legality= Illegality Or the ethetlon ordered try the city authoritthe..lSenetal Thome vabsequently lathed an order tor the distro• lawn of internam . fora% cavalry end In. hiatry,to And Lhe St ar emetoners of rag latratton Ando! tha aUthOrltles to• morrow In holding the election. The oolii4 of Aldermen met poi evening and withdrew the odireire apppolnied by it to hold the election. EMEtE',M=i . . . 7 COMM alltilitar -tiormerrAtlyi•liiii also wittidrawri. Vile Hares rhaliteld to Alarm, • NOV./lens Radical, I.nd Stovel, an old cll.!. reit, alao • RadlcaL. Aldan will be elected. • Thrißepatilicauts are bighlyelasal with the tune or arwata, while. the oriiinaltlon arc tom aptiattlitAilt daprewti Taw. election will be quiet and yitaastaL ~,•41LINT LOUIS. " 'Nagler . -.ldapiOnionall. Rooting. •1 sueSattaa• adding Asa*. onauoa—aL. LavilvAlallaaltatir.l and R.•h.nleal, ,Addnal .1011.-111/nola • fey 'Pelegra, L eso the wittatergh !mate.] ei.toesa.Selneinter '3l!—Anontl cOolock, Illinois, lyleg at the levee, 'exploded, tear ing away a portion of the cabin of the boat and aevendy , Weenialreg tone 610r - hada The boiler waahlown across the levee. TDe Tall meeting of the beclada booing Assailant , * well ootninroce Monday next, headers from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee. alaleara, , lowa and 11. loud ere. on the ground. with a lager n tow ter oi.ruarses Mao ever.beforo assembled on any coarse in this country. Fifty-Mx. novice are entered for the race en Yonder. The drat rate will be a two Mlle flashover eight heinflectoor loot blob. Toe seventh annual fair of the St. Laois Aterialtural awl Mechanical Asksolation will commence October 7111, and promises to bathe largest eveztleld Mew 'EatrieD stock. au noun.° ral pt.:4 mix, machinery and textile fabrics hartebeest made from nearly all the western litatasiand many line horse. and ontAWltn bellwelreret'Pele.eugland. Taal , nomaDtais nut* open al on Monday east Qoincy, where .1.41,11 preparellotm total:wen made and Meanest. grOmthe in,..chneountry hnve been provinoo poneop,onaliimn:! Those grovels belong . t o mornings:us of •trullicy, - wild hate ',pent nearly a hundred thotuad dollars in per. menses leetnellgreentie oh Mown, ASELTELCII z IliStirOinialeZZW e r g " . Sem ottoirdi r Vito annros . PlOO ArrOPSOs NoodasSPos .Sor the Prostdelikai —sawn& geo Moron Ms ao1o4silf1411011111•101 . .coaresor-- . Iseportoot. Doran...o+lo . 515. Pos. irg4= s iglintl Te Leval* U. the ,Plasburtb (Wm.) Hrw Torr. September 47,1807.- Advlcon tram Marko city .tp lfrrpforobor loth, Bay: Vim Adsolnii TagEnpff.nniso, Lemma to roman M AhatrL - ~rbettor no rooolind tiro romaum of Mazlmlllian or SOL. , . • Potful° Dila inalptad. Ma nomination for Yresionneyi end bid aaltretnta irons or ganising for th e campaign. blexlco City loiters of September eth say efforts are being made by Admiral Togo 'aloft 00 ileenrottnir Übe my of 'Father Fisher,' Yailtalltail4.oonfeaeor. The .Yather luithartzed by Illaxitin HIM to pubilen all his correspondence with Napoleon and Ilszalne dur4ilta Intervention. It. Is maid ho re. leaves/ . irre " &trPri4 l :aitoftre= l 3 • • documents. It le cocsldered more than probable that * Marques M cOO coaled the city. krinpris Satin Balm tslivlng In (inertia/V., 'where her titianond Is serving out SIC seven • . • ' NEW ORLEANS, ' Tim Mootlon—Bottarom trona IhrO. 101.trioto—Illeort7 all VOto for Me r 4 reii , gtstiia to tbe rlttillargh Clazitta.l New Oatearra, Sept. 21.—The Republiet" hoe tog teterne, .Itip vote. omit , today to . the Arit.s .. oSetriLrlad . third hannialpel ijl W' uutliof tine arty.' In the ant diet dct there tore %go votes cast In the second 2,21, and In the thlrd 1.0/I total, MOD. Nearly all the votes tent fOr the CohTerlflOil• The euplteir of-eurillosted YOsets-.11, 2 tetra Mb - Mots Is 24.0 N. The Republican expresser apprehensten unites the vote Is heavier lb. I ..ffllrsr.thae,thes proposition for s thoilvtitaoulag regiarirr Of r s egistered velars to vote, or the election . fall • fleOVlSaltebat. if flo e. . tgyTolograff to the l'lttuftrib Uisetta,l - Nesseyowe„Beytomber. 17.—Gen.. Han- Whir vblltea hie mother. mkt blitbabiee to sley, IWO eetrabralally tebelyed by the chi eyenlne. by wee eereVl o bi l lirtentbaeb;VAAMlAttril speed!. to which the Ueborel reepOudel. PreOoroUooa for MherldOm OS MO= (17 talatraph to the rittityarab Gasatta.l daptembrx 77.—General Shed W dark mil be racetrack with atria and U uFlX9PsPril W 41$ WOW two to-mOrroM, PHILADELPHIA. idieridedes levee et the Valois lodine itonse—Heneral listareck Tendered the Hospitalities of the CHTnoti • raomme—Cetuterfelters Ikereeted -823,000 Finiebedaed 8100,000 Valle. 'abed Nome Seised—Mates, P/M•110111, Ink, ac.. Mew Ceptored,immenee Itepoblicau .and. soldiers' Kestlag —Welcome to Shari Bleflee— Bpeeeh of Generill Sickle& PmenseriereS, Bait. 2L—Gen. Sheridan held a levee this noon et the Union Learnt ;loose, and received thenantele of the menu hereof tee I..eestne And their friends. A lakke v atreerd witnessed hi. entrance to the Hall, and the cheering was eathtmisatic. Among the visitors Were the orphan boys of deceased eoldiers pont Lincoln institute. TOOL, commander made a neat speech wet. coming Sheridan to the city. He replied, thanking them for the pleasure ot seeing them. The bop, gave Alai three cheeni. A Committee of Councils waited on General Hancock, tendering title the hospitalities o the city. He was also invited On a banquet at the League House, but *e declined both. Patl.AnctrelA. September 07.—Dr. M. Y. Carman, Nat. Kenney, and' Rise Caroline Heron Were arrested lint night, ent a charge of manufacturing counterfeit Dank notes. The oMcer also seared 425,000 Mitered notes and Weep° - unfinished notes. They also captured the Mate. for printing notes on thu Fourth National Bank of New York city, and Arty mat tractional currency, ivir. de. to arrest ofwitnthe Garman p It in Sacertamed Since that the be dada contrect to supply notes on' the TIM National Bank of this eitlf• to be executed nest week. Garman Is ituPnosel to be the man who drat timed counterfeit fractional currency. , TboparUes WBl here a hearing before the United States Oommiesioner metHataly. At an imaienre Republican and Soldier.. meeting to-night, resolutions favoring the imposehmont of President Johnson ware adopted. AMT adjournment the Dreceselort formed and marched to UnlentLeagne Hall, where Gent Wm itherld anima dickies were received . . . . with prOlonged corers. General Wagner addressed them m tertosof welcome, say log the Army of the iteptiOlid would follow them.lo .their efforts to .reoonstruet the South: on the basis of the will of toe loyal men, expressed in the. , Acts df Congress. In response ton call, Lien. Sickle, made a speech. thanking Ms oeshorsdes for the wel-. come end strongly urging the carrying out of the reconstrootiOtt measuresof Congress, Nosing with an appealto those !soldiers who aro spared not to ' - leave undone the work ,thole Mind brothers Old not Ilse to help them do. '. ; General Sheridan made a short speech of thank . HAVANA, Taiionil of Captain thaseral MatIZSII“.• AOTIOOII flea Eaxls-eaxtalltaa!t Boat'—Otterenrg ODININE Home. ter TeMOO teibe Plus/awe tierette.l , September 17—Trat fatten' of Captain General Ilanzarkp took place [Mr moraine. pie piceemlart started at &Lt. pot seven Tor tbe. Cubeard, irbere • val. emn requiem mass was ;celebrated by the new Mahon, of Cuba 111 e remains will lie In state until the SOW. epee they ale be shipped to Spain. • The yiWeimion wet Very 4.1 long and Imposing. . . - We hero advises from City Of Mexico to the 15th, and Vera f. to the Wei. The diligence tram the tab been robbed. (Warta Quito Baron, tia celebrated En glish hanker, died In Tablpi ya on sheet& The body of liestroillan been brought to the city of Maxie. The Berno bon tercet bad triumphed, entering Monterey on the to wt. entering UtteWhorg. late Amer) Minister. has obtained. pamporta for me, with Ms family and Itr. Wake. Th archives of the nation are lath in charge Consul Crlpos. IK .ICll%lunge. • • laivett• 1 - • [rector herrett five tiarrele of hlgh •• • • with forged The , Teen officers Oo •toaut ive e• Othez ior. • -a v Nt t on I. • or With blue nelson tar Tele grab bibs PllOd comae* Sept. 27.—1 e Lodap soloed .n*114 , 41,81 eines believed to be etard Inepeetora bratals. Tlte bate for tome days =woo sebum, to defraud the Gr Madrp are looked for. Three ilk_ t By Telegraph ul the 11N hasatte.l Moen., Sept. 17.—ttio*agrees w he eommitted the outrage M . & Weer, were boor Wear. Au Imen crowd woo le fittentlanoe, bet there to !al/hence. tly Telegraph to nit Pittahe Gault*, LOetarttla, September Weer darken, err with IA thebee la the meal. =:=l Tl4.l4sl..tatle.Uar. oatliessamAlLiks ths or rittabcagb sia --- afiriortaandlng barisitt. , • first Want—Wand Tatumme. VA Mercy street. • . Second Ward—Alu. Alken t ile Taart.h at. I . Third We 4-L: 14 - 14ydfil. Owns alley. nigh stress fourth Tr P.ltmlaipenCel Penn it. nab Ward—Jr . ..ph Trade, al rite street. bleth Ward—Mtillam Shoreine Alderman Makes aim. W.Yile St.. nest WaOlhlro. Seventh Ward—Cant. Wre.YoV.lllller at. ' . l3tght Ward—elludittan liltme,Ann Strigst, Dohs Schaal nen.. Ninth Ward—ltdarman Junto Itertri.922 Pena Stiroat.. Teak W2rl-4 D. £2262,126616610re, Sixth tree. teabPay City-Ttret. 922211-8122666 8a1f0r11..26 for11..26 12.626eca street. tsgii=il=UZl _ Third Wotid-11.11“. 15 BOY. , th'. o 4- Yourtitatd—Jalcues .4inthatiii...33 Yobln • rk strait. li tinsizams—Chpier Ba.y, ..,Oarson and • East. B=ttatiobn'ti'aiiitett,Whar. Unk /treat. ..Laortwee-Bthet Ward-Win. larteey, Butler, Deer A l Alem stmet: Becoud Wartl4-. &twilit% Berlasua,. ButlerF new Cheetuut. street. • . Trneersuoevllle-Teosuas (Bersliber -Btettbeav We rite. wag Walnut strata. Marieberster-ileX. .bleiltrour, Chanters meet, neer Ottlo itessite. - - West rltteburitt-Utrete. Bain,. Beer Yul Bus,„_FerrY• - • 1,-46kutrealia: . ' fotr,Vgbutilrf-Jr alußes*lnt, eon Meer. Doqn,l4s—Wm.bleCotu!:oll,Butliir Plank 13.twiiinarigh:-.7. 0. Comat.coi.. MeNacuport—Jos.. Evans. toot.` , = °POOL With reform:toe to the approiietuteg visit of rho great artist Madamo Lu Genova who ninAtapant an WsdnitscuitniO'rtusrsday next, in oonjunction with the slivery-toned ,tttor,elg. and. other Oztlite, at the 'noekler . ny ot'Yveto, lee alp 1.141080.1.2 from the :few York Hernid:' . hes beenernanoPee4 ntr.gsaWas that Medame Anna de La Grange embarked on the Met or Avenel. at Brest, for this cur. The musical -public werenethirespris end delighted: Negotiation. which pars e seen vending tor months were, of course. eon eluded; and Mr. at= Strakolob. Is Pao forte. nate mu:letter Tam has Secured MIL brilliant fp/Jester. she willeoonneduipeer to charm to int career day*, and ail &lunar Brigooll, the sweetestoof umbra As to veggie of the new operatic company, no done; thus is a rich More of operas, concerts =iteratedw to les nreweatedeer paten. enleynteeL lded. erne La oranges to the Most powerful brie name to this comity. She never Mull ,POinted her audience—eho newer failed to . gretillr their Latta Therough in .10.1 she attempted. there yes no role In her most aktuaniverepereans to Whict sae did.not do full Justice. Bocce her greet value in the Ttlit: 1! tolgtalcrXlitro&,76"4;' Meus was wettreatkra 'and druid sal iblii - ene was crowned KB Wlthael a ideal at the Ibmpertal Court Opera of Breen, landedeuld loaded with pewee et monad, and made-the ...star smong the stored In crane. We . The announce, m.mt„ of her le-appearance here will be re., carved with eathnstaker,eunt ere wllVdraw %round twersathe teste.beauty and culture ef tan met - repotted • - era requested to state dm& stalk ten = "7 .l l Vgi4fa i ff. '''',^r",*?adAY aeet,prpw 1144f4t.. lifflPink - tor thet Gerhart Qig' the first phme Ln tholLt . oCChemh Orisne. ileeM6,Vell some expetieno•- catty ether Marina liendfiPs4 we seed mu , that the.ctubut 6 Netelhesh organ prilw lu Our pomhsitom Tar shrpasses tn , :!allow, variety siliff power of tone. any ?thee Metro. 'C. Altar rtethy. tibcreb, Now Ibightte.. I Teel estlalled %bet the (lather" ()man wo nowDe is en Instrameac or.zonch moth bower and .thosolcy than the due we bed betorco" Moron 4 unmatoi mate. - - 8. 11..Yeass7 H, glebe lc Dra, l 4 Wood street,' urb,ere the loth IMMO teethe*" celebra ted ellmtcnithe Muth sad Pail*" Urge= . Lenoir fro" li on. E. M. itraillbmitt, Mootboe e[ Co . ograsil, and °batman of the Commltteeon Weya , rirs 4;4491 8,1 7 ( Ma. Seentirwr—Dear atee , Parattl.ma to exit Anytelf Of Mitt maul= 'to oD. b yOnt elnltielit NUMMI, 113 too,Bg the pet of that:told Medebieitatded to Moot tbelotetentlepatMa,poettbn Ia Ole 111 a more triaUfylng tO ovary Jueenein Mixon, as It seems to be understood Uit by' your PIM er !tempt rlittlVlallkintaati MY. pbuned Unita] States at the head of toil tad natty Pot tee nettle mot ht. Id, B. MAIMIIIIII. 'These. famons dtehteat pi.... •e „,, be f oun d Li, tete eibr .01 Klaber Boot.. WILIetC/Onla, YZI Woad Street, *b.) map sw24 wbolowe tubal at *Lary p+ . lol, . , . - .8111 mi Aut.,' • • . vr0.3r01143. Worm' penume• vialblud Abe State Faly that Mr. Jame" Robb, No. 10 May. kr4' smut, dolt `.O! Llurplouratts in the loot 4,srp 1049 of t ook,. Lo o n baud a - We atablabieba Abate Of booty. shoes verywhich Us (One to - tbo public" at reasonable priory. • Id Will be temera. berodl.bat the nalortinetit rotted bent Is not tram Eastern auction haulm but Am Wm selected direr from sosnatainarrere vb.) cleat It such articles ea Will prove serriel. able and durable. Calk I 1 !Adobe for your- • • -tepealsl Mertes,—Ai•;Aboiu . mty bo con* salted profgasioivilly latglrai room.. No, 'Wield street, dully, °inept Staid eye, ti mil 4 vx.to 4 v, s,• /Into. convenience Ottlsos• wl3O Ale 'en. , tiered daring taa emit, kiln boors On twee). will in prolonged malls 4.. .• , . . Tam aeon Oasablasillatit Aft Aln T.Lums, A.? HLIOIJD SALL TO•111917. D PC. AODT M L gRIATF4.XPWrA' A' CITY in "IVIIIMBIN. THE STATE FAIR. On our Fourth Page will be found. the conclusion of the State Fair. THE. CAMPAIGN, Ideenag la the Math Ward—The CU, lased Awakened—able apieeehee. A spirited and enthrulleatio meeting was held to the Ninth ward, last 'weal:mat the corner of haldwin and • Senallman etreeta. A large Stand had been erected on the vs, cant lot at the corner named, from which a magnificent American flag floated, and was well lighted with oil An excel lent martial band wag' in attendance,. and added to the general emthoslasm with the thrilling notes of the fife and drum. There were between. fifteen hundred and two thousand persona present, and the moat 'perfect order prevailed. • The meeting was 'organized by the election of the following °Moms: President—ll. C. Jffackrell. - - - triesPresidents—A. J. Cochran, T. W. "Welsh and Samna Ekerethries—William Johnson and the re• potter► of the press. Mr. bankroll, theckalrinan, In a brief bat eloquent address, thanked the meethur ror the honor conferred on him, and after stating the object of th e meeting, Intro. dtmed General Moorhead's reimirks were to substance u follow.: Us thanked the President far the nattering introduction belted given him In saying that he was • Identified with their Intermits:. They ought to know whether snob ...the case or not, u he bad been In this country long Um.. Lie acme to this meeting much against his will, but since he hod come he would have to talk awhile toils old friends, not to tell Minn what their only was, end ore. them to do It, for thatwoula be useless; lt WSIII only iseceseary to take up the elec. Goa returns of tee Ninth ward and see the VLSI _it majorities they rolled up. Increasing hem year, after year, to satiety any one bat they always knew their duty mid did t welL Ile was going to talk to them 6while.ruth knew be would touch a chord of sympathy In the heart* of some of them. for it was imponible for such a vast crowd T'hopr people were :i " Oritlnt74:r had u ffe7:l the Ims of frier:me in the terrible war through which we bad lately passed. The speaker referred at length to the diMenitica we trod to enoounter sup. pressing the rebellion. and said that oath the °mem:destine proclareation eras homed, am effort. were not attended with success, but from that moment forward, we were crowned with yielory on all aides, until General Lee handed hls sword to General Grant at Appomattox Ocerrt Goose. Tam should have Menthe end of It nut It au not. That w as and good ma Abra ham Lincolu, was stricken down by the hand of en assassin, end then what follow mit Why, Andrew Johnson, who, by Yoor Mum= mine, tea made Viol Pretident of the United State., and by the an of J. Wilke* itooth,-was •macle President, le now attempting to make himself dictator. TM traitor ?resident, sustained and sop ported by the rebels, hue determined to break Up MN government; Congress him been In his way, and be cannot do anything until they are out of it, and for that reason, if he hes any enoonraguntht, he Will close the doors of Congress, end this le why it was important to go to the election. • amal? Republican, or whit wu more, a Derrextratie majority woald encourage him no that be would announce himself as dicta tor, the morning after the election. We bun also local reasons. far polling a large vote, amour csodinate for flopreme Judge, Henry W. WlLtamff,, wee a good team but sable from thin thrlinteresta of the omintry demanded it, as upon the result of the else. time in Pennaylrants may rest the welfare of this =Moowerntd the Repoblkimis who voted th e voritingtmen , s Makin to vote for Judge Williams, for them was no doubt but what tae Democrats of %bat platy would vote for Stanwood. He had been a wort h:mm.2:nd knew what bard wort team had inn hfa education from the ground up i l i tzal Ulm it from the stump, and be hed that the way to support the worth: mine of thleonnotry was be voting the 17.0p11011eart ticket. He had belonged to the Democratic luny at one time, but had beep read out of it, by public resolution, on ail tent of Ina tariff procilvitise Re pad •high meat to the Republican candidates for As suably. and especially to Major Denisom He uld that after Lee country bad become settled it tea time enough to take up those tide UPMed. After thanking the sodium he retired. The nut weaker Introduced was 54=12=MEM ...:There would be a greettroangyettna oxen the-second =or thee:et time assert their elfin+. Mes. by walbrirsongto ints polls, the It won lutportant that thegibould take the . arm atop in the right dlrectlon, and be felt sans that by cast*" their totes with the NePohlioni Part?, which had Reed the country from demstionion. they woold wow matt. record they would never sshamed of. li e din not know what to ay for thee old. men of the party—"tho le dyed= VG wooln—lbr there eras no ho ,for Inenirthey wore not within the reach o pe f salvation.-Tde :record of the democratin, party during the war was not a good one. They threatened daring the campaign of nithat if 'neared elect Abraham Lincoln the South. that to to say. the eoutnern end" , of the u dernoontio_ prany, would break p the government. Whalprophets they Imre I They did attempt to break 11 up, and had 11 not Coen for the great ftepubllcan party, they , would have been suodesaful. The detnoentio party of - the North, .1- though afraid,. to , openly tike• rep arm, asabut the government, did all to their hewer to old it. enemies, , teetered otomenly itshttog us they attempt. I ea todo if lathe dart through the pullets. or, and there struekthe semi. terrible blows, hn lut h ds n o of t de e m go e v n er ti n a m en W end r , 1a favor of the rebel& They Mentioned brigades of moldier. by the *ahem e.t.a: strati* at the oarsmen or thews:our when the salvation of the governmeet depended noon It. The , oPPOsed by their decision thetas., of Congress for raiothg an army. ffev,Trum h tf l uillVJ gteteof i...thithoottheit the p:yment of loral bounties to - vaeraitek and only for Judge Agnew, Wheel we had placed upon the Hu proms Horeb, to the plans of /PWrY. at -would navel:WM monosneed pnconstitn tiooal by nhe a s Court. Johnson, since thetrar, has pardoned the t abets who Attempted to- dtatroy ran! Weer.- meat and out them on(*o an equal foot ing with. • yoo, who ohs .to austath it. Omens* antlelpeted thls infamous act and pawed lowa providing for it.whlch the usurper' 100050 n and Lim themocralei Paw onmounos usconatinetional, Ind it, oomo before the judiciary atid yen can jade., what the demolon erooll he with such meat Woodwarel or hbereenecel om the bench. Yon need pot be shrprfeed' at an thlngAndrode John.** does.. Ito - said two years ago that Congress wag an Hiegel WAY. and ti 11 believed now by many of the treat man jet the 0041etrY that de.ertit Wenn% to clam the door, of honoree*, end ploingeor Into a elm/ war mores terrible than the one we hare just pissed through: The true PO, I ley of tio6llooeooineed. is ter loyal men to settle its diElleentles and recenstriact Thla Le no time for etch home.. We MUM all stood shoulder together In 'upholding the prlnedplee of the Uepobilrell u through the coming =meet, as we dtra =peering the glorious Cold flag through the late rebellion. Wheeze) - The next apelike: called to the stead Was • /OIIN K. XIIIII:rATRICZ, .• WO 0.11 Ltt. 141rnyntrielVs raninsks In unbalance: . Re said that bia appearance among the clelsens of the Ninth ward had beocane kind of annual infliction as year after yearkhe kindoess ceS Os Tier:Tie to Inviting him amens tbeni 'was full) :appreciated. Lie was a r orking mho ; wielle they worked with theft bands In ens mills k 0 worked with Ids brains m his office, and not a man at the msettogwould return more tired thalkits would., fin delloled Lite reuehdrelked 01 ~T iogs lento and :pronouneed it . .an infamous libel on :the entente book, and': should Ps blotted out I but it could not be', GObilkirmiding. the Lebec Reform !Asko!: There would be no other working men at tin Lealeleture but the delegation from Allegheny county. if It was elestfil, and they could dotroahing 1 het the proper way Pilinpelle tbeoleUyoe Vas tope:awe pledgee item the :candidates - to 'hare etlopplsrra Paned as Liesy desired, ati4 Into tbakettier,, :as It was • a good. thins to Ise with the strong party: ..leidge , litearstro had deoldea that ahe preseacilaagrosawaa uncourtitutinual, and that every bet DOOM by It was al u dad letter on , the natal& The ato•tker refetiad to the ' whe ne thither :1.e..... to Oa Path theoris e! tee oppoaing mandato, fOr the Soweto* bench, contrasting one with the other. and orgisa th em to vote tor Judge. er intern, Alter some farther remarks • the amnia Gth 'th eiril, and the meoling sitionrood to meet itt e laths on the Growth Tuesday of Go ientelii—ikirit Wass* alkiitieily: tatalsksaesis. • , Of tbe many well conducted boXinem es. tablightnentanr our alder Mtn nOneatands More dellismidlyilgh in the es. ttmetim Of the pabliethan the popular ielrelry altaidishment of Yr. T. R. lyqiitei% zio. m sedorgl .. etroet. The Mlifefiraliki prOptletor hnejnet returned from a per obalbi visit In iliWEint WlthOrie Of the . . guestutopia of good jewelry. watches, olobko. sliver and plated wares, mantel or- P arla mitx and Optlwil goods. 'rho display or tan an 4 plain jewelry cannot be excelled AY any house in either city. and embraces all the latest and meat fashionable styles. We had the pleasure yesterday of mania ing the goo eplinimens of ladles , and gents , Jewelry, and while greatly pleased OM ita neatness aid superior quality, we wore leg. Preered with the rateoneblemithor the pd. am which prevail turoughftt the entire Moot% lit.ilagearnaltesa specialty of la igtealand itsatiamme. gold and silver watch.. or Voiroliat andernericaa manufactunl. ids new stock in this lice la pilcultaly vsortny attention, numbering some or the most =awns* end megglicrimt asitebee; as well as beautiful and elleite Ilmelplecei for /*dim Oder. As Kr, Maga is a practical and akillnd Initortmaket, is' Manufactures nilinium number of sold watches himself orrery impostor county, winch neve capped tan. exiit bottom. itnd are arrepemeated. 'Thews are Luanne tlma-keepera, and. any Dorgampuiri bole 060 cal ei th er Darr~ tbts., or Ma rl t taanuhtothre. The 110 Cir OrMe7 Roves for usosnd(orenmeutis'y hullolousiy Wetted and cannot Intl or MallitactAry; 10310 f 414 111141111../04t0( r and"Mumma Wear ware Is eh ly 1 boo plitleMlG 'the Inal i nengi peke of * ftrelf"tO 'a tro l ti ,r pureheas M aTyC! thing in that line. Oa i lrMe ad ad Iflames t e a t & Crfine o aitfri ' aind l o . l374ab kllbgr wom, wwweasin, whose goods Tall prove in AM an that le feffroselifea if tittle or sale. Aln Lots an Fort Mineenk near mu m & add , ,at amnion. See advertise=" - I" - at Inntwon, Pinner n, On, auction PRICE " THREE CENTS. Tlie,,Arress of “Bslblis. Arnold. 1.1 our amount of the arrest of the alleged Sproul! murderer, °Sall:Mao Arnold, we did injustice to the ancient and faithful officer. McCready, of the Mayor's pollee, to whom le due modal the credit of the DePortent Arrest The facts of the case are as Miami: Some time ago it became known that Arnold had returned to thin city, but before Ids precise whereaboute could be ascertain• ed be had again left for distant parts. Dur ing his nbsenth he was at Clactunati. In. dinuarolls and other western cities. Three days ago he again returned to the city, and the Mayor and his police have been on the alert. On Ttiunday eveging their exer tions were rewarded. ChM( Scott hsd dis posed th e officers of the force In the neigh borhoodof the Fair, to which neighborhood Arnold was known to have goes, and had given each epeelfied•dlrections. At about five o'clock Tnursdey afternoon, officer Mc• crethly, of the Mayor's police, discovered Arnold, emerging trona • beer aloof:, In Lawrenceville, in company with Enoch Howell, a nprofessionaLe The officer at once notified officers Moon and Dressler, and they secured their into without much trouble; Mr. McCready walking up behind him and pinioning his aims m nil sides. Arnold made some resistance, seizing the officer by the throat with one hand and at tempting to draw a weamin with the other. Be was overpowered, however, end eubmit tad. In his pocket was found au opened dirt knife, with • long and -very chirp blade. The prisoner eel locked rip until about seven o'clock, when a carriage was procured to core, him to Wealth:mow At that time Chief Scott and other officers en tered the cell mid handcuffed and shackled him, against which he protested and re elated, pronouncing the whole proceeding as outrage. liefore the narty had left the watchborise, Themes Whittaker ' having heard of Arnold'. arrest, came id and pre. seated himself before the prisoner. Arnold shook his mthscled hands at Ids vielter, and told, in a val. that shook with Whittaker "I have not say to you, Tom Whittaker, only I havesbrother %live and free and you are now alive: , Whittaker replied...you turned op.", ednibbs. , requested stew minutes" converslition with Whittaker. but refused to kresak to him in the presence of a third party. lie then re quested Whittaker to go mit with sone mes sage*, but the latter was detained by order of the Mayor, until after Arnold had been taken away. The primmer was taken by officers McCready, Moon and Dreamier to Waindogton on Thursday evening. The of ficers mentioned deserve great creditor the affair, as. do allot Scott and Ws other ctin. cars; who have worked unwearledly for the arrest of the suspected man. . . it to P.trYspinerally trederstood, with what degree of truth we are not prepared to eay that u Dlr. Whittaker. who w i per fectly innocent of the murder, has informa tion In his posseselonwhiati will weigh heav ily against the prisoner. and possibly ensure his conviction. We have information in our pommel= which, If It can be relied upon. and we have no reason to doubt it. tends 10 unravel the Sproul! murder mystery, now ped In eticti deep darkness, and to b ur ringto light the t r ee murderers. ( , A Scalene Costing Altair. On Thursday afternoon lir. "red. Hell. stein, a• butcher, receding On dnring Garden run, in Reserve township, sinned the Fair grounds, and while there hitched his bone, which was attached to a buggy, to a poet, and absented himself for a few minutes. During his absence it appears that • young man named William McGuire toot posses. Moe, and with the intention ot taking • ride, was &bout driving off whenillells apreared, and • • fight emend between th e rties, in which menders quite • number of by particiteted. the melee It In alleged that McGuire pulled from his pocket a dirk knife, the blade of which he plunged into heilstada4 left cede, Inflicting a dangerous though not necessarily fatal wound. The perpetrator of the outrage, who resides near Lawrenceville, escaped The mithMice of the pollee, and up to the present writing hue not been apprehended. although the emcee, have been actlrelv The wound rptitVii n tefrt' r e c tVsgu or ieTt . ol ' r i t . . E one loch In width by two and • half inches m depth. sad although tenons will, it is presumed, if • properly attended to. not prove fetal. 4. brother or the injured man. Theodore ilenstelo, appeared before Mayor Morrison, Mf Alleabeny, and mean oath charging cGuire with aggravated assault and battery, and warrants were placed In the hands of the pollee for his arrest. =! Wei bare pleasure in atreatinn the aiten lion of our readers to the card In another column beaded •"Co.partnerahm liotlce.4 of the formation of a new Irm In the manu facturing Mashies., under the style of Best & Robinson, who have associated them selves for the Vurpose of carrying. on -the manufacture of :lint Glassware, at the MI , ner of Third and Try streets. • Yr. Best has long been identified with the asumataaturieg Interest-la thin Mt .. .and Art Isarakerstim wtm our swarthy 'llOl4 . atenretto. fellow citizen. Col. Wm. Phi/Bps, carried on the above easiness for many years. lir. Phillips retired two years ago and Kr. Beat, antll now, .• conducted the business on OW own sat. Mr. Boldnaon Monne:led here some years anal le well sad favorably known In this am/mutiny. , She new firm Stan. umber very , favorable auspices, with mole means and a full de sire to...tit the support and ncourage. meat of tho friends and patrons Of the late firms and the public generally. We have no doubt whatever of their success. The marks aro extensive and nom , in fall oporallon. and Li arm are prepared So ex ecute ocdani, to any extent tom evory. des cription of glassware, including lamps, chimneys, ,44., Lleolensant Colonels by Breoret. Gen. Grant hsawledu a few days ten'der ed a high compliment to twit Of oar young townsmen, that le gratlfying to their friends, and s. well merited ackoowledg mum et valuable services, in ordering the rank of brevet Liautenatit Colonel to be conferred on Lieutenants George Bitable, and Fred. L. Atwood, of the well known "lbmOtfm'e battery." From With primates they worked their way gradually cm to Lantenuits. and, the war over neither sought or expected any farther reZogultion of their carrion, which all who were in the command knew were gallant end faithful. We congratulate them cm their appoint . Tho Weekingsan Comity Warder. The °Mous who oaeresol William, alias %nibs , ' Arnold, to Washington county, re tm-nol to the MU ' , Morass, having Mind. ed over their prisoner to Um care at Wier- Iff Smith. The prisoner avoided, using anything with regard to the Sproul' Murder, during the trip. and the Matters avoided any reference to IL Mayor Wean, thy was mare of the presence of Arnold In the city for several den prior to Om up. tem, and laid tae. plans which eventuated In his arrest. The where bons of Towle, another of the alleged murderers, is said to he tea flit711:1 an adjoining State. - Delha II:Macho& tom the Mosinee' educatkin of youth sod Toon men rests. on its MO reputation RuMed IVO= SOll2lll merit, and does not eiseAs Matesgua . notoriety.--its system ls one of the best la pee in America, and many of our shrewdest business matt trace back allot their success to Its careful train ing. - Strangers in thealty humid not fah peons it a vb.% tad learning its great in to those bt•lttlf SOUP to educate that they may be thud for the active duties of life. The beauttfol college bulldlng, which la one of „the most complete ,In Lbe Otalltarr. Is located= 1/10 streeti below t. - , • Wound Drowned—Coroner's Inneesi —lnformation-reached.Che. City ye s terday =MINI. that Inited, rof *dead man had been PonndinTiee Creek, abouttlaree miles above the city. Co the aimed, of the Caro. ner, pidernisn ,Leifer, of , •the Male ward, bold Itiqoast. when a verd ic t ef `lotted drownodowast renlated. gU,io Defonmed to have been an old loan by the name of Ilyrne, who formerly kept a fruit stand at the junction of Market and. Fifth streets, and lc; supposed ':to have - balsa late the stream while stooping down to take &drink - rienigeronely lejeured.-akbeatteoielook loot night an tualuanwo, wan. whale stand tug on a atone wan [Wu the Gran Elevator,- Liberty Pawl, accidentally fell to the = t d ix i=allt r rr i g atTrie , ,l feet, and 4,111. Wet: lie i eraVlDßllZllita'aigu n aggii; the neighborhood apuarid to recognize him. lila lojory, which is supposed to be a 12re:wwwgmoltgzgivoLri, lathe neighborhoo4, ll•ettag at ahraadoeit.—Theio wu • &le turn out al liraddookl Yield on Thom. dae nteelt /ant, it the Replitilleall Plentin for the time and place. ithe echool bonne was well Ailed. with a quiet and .attuttve untie/ma and the peopielndeeedwith noel , lutenist to eneliebee .from. Judge Shannon, C. 01.1tobb, Ewt , and - .1114, Iteasell-Errett, our candidate for stet. The able $ peech. ea of these gentlemm hrodneed • most ex. cellar's effect. and we have no doubt Brad ask,. Ell glees good aoccomt of Itself . at the October elution. In Search el • 11•11•Olos.—We call at tontion. to an adloortleatnont In today" Gestlio In reference to the Spliftlag away of A gld seed ststedis Tears front be r home at Irwin" itAtiOn. ' She Is supoosed tote In tno city, son any one who OAR contribute to the roller of nor anxious patents PSI bo Cows good serricot which WLI bo duly no. knowiplipttl. • , • • • Pore Mrrib Carolina Tar, In barrels; . half barrels and tens, can be had at Slim ier, drug store, No. B 4 Market street, at lowest ratan also, Turpentine, Rosin, Cilia and Varnlshea -Rohn miter that tha 10 e aenulne Southern aril*, anti BM hab a dclieaser o ur Niernhtg . than elawhoro 10 the city. Amoebas Falai Aealdeat—A root ol the name of Thomas Reams was mstiodts , killed on tbe Te—dssficakia Railroad. oso , Brintooki elation, oti Thored*g aft. , "". by bolus red over by it naming into. Tee rlittt r tT a lfit e at%: a = rom a nees,enn gs erred olosa to - 111 &mother Puma ACeldllol.—A WW2 111 , 110114 ha. trAnwpired. wait Wiled . tb6 llegeny:Talley 11411 , 04J:4 Pear eats niabt Or tern ago. 1414erman Ulna, Of the Math. er ord. " -tor earalatal death Or aeotde°s 7Y .10.1" c" .=The ,8ec0n(11.0.4 (An,- gpny Qua publlcitair.lll hold • meet ,thitoe,••th re, at Lee CO , Houee.for tzke plums* o Aft ther repleung tool. arliazdsation. ll attOndarieti Naesirtur. . • II Amos litot....lCeitlet's lriltant ‘ Rett and Tana HAT and Block Snala the looda.t , h dinuaj At I the Buda 7nir. rannera p,ldtd.: g. Ellkilk !Par Cid 'i11i4.1 101 .11 10 in :We stylai, ms y , pa rotund 11.1.19norge W. Counnbally, oderal. strindAlltediny,aln , Owen tbiadarnen L'. Terrible beetdent ea the Peausrl reale Central lialireea—Tee ace Allied and a Tetra Fatally Injured. It becomes Ow uslanoboly duty to an nounoe that an accident occurred on the Pennsylvania Rellroad, ehort durance from this clty,!on lrlday morning, by width two fellow , beings were ushered Into, the presence of their Maker, without it moment's warning, and a third was fatally injured. The Mete attending the unforto nate catastrophe are as follows, to far as they were developed at the :lumen When the Wall Station accommodation train, which was ace here at OM ti x. reached • curve between Homewood and Wilklosburg, on its Brat trip west, it 11201 a freight train on the other tract. A dense fog prevailed at the time,ao dense indeed, that the engineer, uptin one of the trains avers that he could not see three feet Abiord of his engine. By the glare of the are from the furnace of the locomotive, the east. beer,Frederlek Yeah, saw an Object roll down the •embankment, and immediately whistled "down brakes," as the same time reversing the engine. The %rain was stop ped and a man was found - fastened by his clothing tome of ,the bolts of toe-cow catcher. The unfortunate m a c had ooth his legs eat olr, although he pram still alive, nod was immediately removed to Pus. rants Hospital, whore his injuries were dressed anti his sufferings mitigated as much as possible. hie hopes of his recov ery are entertained. • As n oon ea ice train .topped, Mr. L. T. Hal. lentine ran back some disunt.to signal any approaching Mein, and round two men on toe aloe of the track, one dead, and the other Just expiring. The bailee were removed to the =on of, W. If. Dev Ore, Undertaker, on. Grant street, where Inquests were field by Aldermen McMaster* and Butler. Several witness.e were examined, who [satin. to the facts attendant noon the 'occummee, In substance aa we have given them. Thu jury returned verdicts of ...tridental death,” and exonerated the attaches of the Com pany from all blame. The matte. arc Bohemian.,l and- were . In the employ of the sons of Judge • Mellon, near Mud Liberty. It le alleged that they belonged to party of newly arrived oral. grants. who, a few weeks ago, mond through till. city on their way to a Uttle meat In the vicinity of Cedar Rapids, Mich. Fr. The three unfortunates were left behind for want of Mad. to convey them further, and occulned a shed attached to McVay and Walker d Cosa. foundry. They are supposed to no father and sons, and their name, could not be escertalowl, they being unable to Speak the Entrant language. The remains of toe deceased were decently Interred at the expense 01 the county. mind El es Restored. The case to which we alluded soma weeks ago, of Christina Fisher, of Deaver county, is now entirely confirmed by the appear ance of Mine Fisher hermit; who to-day owed' on DOCTOR KEYSER. In person, tr. thank him for his Rennie and alil . in ge• storing her To: ENTIRE AND PREFECT SIGHT. Miss Fisher had been nearly blind for Mar months. She was ea blind that She could not dieting - nigh any object. no id to makii out what it was. The case In remark. able, as hundreds of cases like hers ire doomed to never-ending darkness, on the 1 flimsy Pretedt than there Is no erne, and nothing can be done, She was under DOG TOR KEYSER'S treatment for two nulutbat and bolero she applied to him ;trough her bfother, Simon P. Fisher, slight hones were entertained of her - ever getting her sigLt. Der case la 'well known -In the neighborhood. where she resides, and has been regarded as • one of eatiliOrdiniry recovery. We, the nntiersigned, know of the ante of Miss Fisher. sod bear willing testimony to the feats above aimed , Silcox P. F aust , (Bother,) Apets Baeemtri, Taylor Avenue:Allegheny Itairm• Iteeestmr . ,_ 'Loma* Yuma; (bar niece.) September 27. IBM . . The on w e above referred to' as entirely nand by medicines. to cleanse and Porlfe the blood. It lo in lids way that hndreds of nen of dlnesee aaptpp cured, by enriching the blood, and enabling - the system to re. pair lon and Whin Mr.... • - The Auals(ptio system punned by Doctor geyser, is alMosteertain to moat cases to tbe rearattve prooess of Nature to work, and p by driving out then/ blood and depraved humors, end supplyin mos t th now blood and new material, a any Curable chronic Wenn may be cured. LR ES.ThEIPfI OlfrICE AND CONSUL TAIION NOON% tin PENN STREET. nor oar of Emote alley. . E"E=2=3 • De.-J. W. Snres,ltesuient Headland for Pnitgesury Mgr •Chteuto 'Dississw. Di Penn street, Pituaargh.Pit., offers tO In vends 100 advantages derived from six. teen ,ogee r:costa= (and endways) int.- thki to a:linateet tangs of afamiilla, and an medium etnerasang many tJammand Dr. Bike.' system of treatment omelets In Suenizz. roe asea cam ies Ilastentat lamas !MT ADAPTS. ro Pre Cuss. Neither depending on any singte retnedy..howeier minable, nor treating every case amordin( to some angle Idea oroTneory.'l nsw mold. lies patient. have the Putetit of soery new discovery and theory of vain. His =WINO reeouroess include Memo size DMA, 1.4110111, 11011 Or Vars. Asti op ATOMS. Ftmns, together with the most efficient cleansing 004 town medtchtel .4 Heel le me.rues of still great. value. D. STILES , sosolially compd... all Pultesanary agMtions, awl other Chrmic diseseas that may produce or easompeny Lung Diseases, vie: COnanal MUM. NUM./ Catarrh, Chronic Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Catarrh" Bronchi tis. Plestle and Sceondary. Bronchitis, Bps. motto ASMIZI., Scrofula and allOlOO4 and skin diseased, Hyssop... LIT.. Complents, lleort Diseases. Allsdnuteof ten talon, Pancreas and 810neys, Chronic) Diarrhea, Costlvertem, Pda, Rtistromktue, Nettralgia awl remelt, Complaints. • • Dr. Sykes refers by Perm:Mt. 'to the fol. low gualeman who have knowledge at his mode of treatment 11 Hoy. S. H. Nesbitt,.. D., Editor Pittaburgli ChrtsUan geloscate; Hon. W. 0. McCar th y, Mayor of Pittsburgh) Hey. Thomas Sproul', 0.0..01 ' • prof. J. ft. Hurd; Allegheny Mike hoar. s. a. to 7. is.. lio elii „ ar r ge tor cOnialtatian. a . Speetel Opening of Or.Y SiinonSw The miterPrininlidil gOOde Arta Of Kenna liardo et d g tewart,GS *ark.' street, corner of Fourth. make All announcement Is, our advertlaing columns of a special Opening and we of a large new along Of dry goods. The enumeration or articles Is found In the advertisement, nod embrace ,' ell the seasonable le• of dress cools, and other :gig: c =Lo d z the to:: e i.. /.l=a:i blankets, which it. claimed are offered at 'the cheapest prices which have prevailed hare for many years , d. large - Mock of quills. coverlets, Pant .uars, msedina:hti, la also offereff.at very cheap price,. wi l lt tali to read the advertisement. 'ltbe' found In the sixth column of our simnel page. mu grit advertise nothing bat what they can Ilse oP isied !all persons desiring bargain. should favor them with si call during the present apecial sale. ." , Caught le th e AEL—lfroquant corn 'oblate have been made watt reward to the conduct ot the rooKle, who. on, pleasant, ereaihile.• conifreauto on oer .-leading tnmuabl.w, and annoy ousere-by. Last night,. young lady was.brutally *aerated on Bralthtlald street, by a fellow named James ebra, and othee,r O'Mara, who hen properly to 'arcuated the and very 'arrested him, and locked hhu In' the tombs, where he will hare time to repent Of his rudecondant. • . The shoo& • ttollola Peneeradan Atm Mv.nee., TO - elder, AT klesorm flails • • hug delltaerste • opiates, 'awe careful experiment, is that although other Sewing IleelneeCreep settee greater pretension.. the Horan d well degernsli he - Onus° Prize, the 1101,1 Ittedal, awarded to Bowleg Mee/dues 'ea the - Perla agratoelhon.• 'Our readers will not, forget when they eau bey It; ?IN 4 Bt, Clair Street: ' 7. n X gne—Taenwa da i so n n a laonwlt nbe held itc.tonsTtiw (Salability) evening, at the Rooms. i n Phial street. Her. T. EL Gulick will bagman , and *fidgets the meeting. In view of the approaching Chriettan Coo vontlon, awl the annual election of Diztow tort, let taste be AMU attithilanntal inch' berm. , Go Rear Niardoesi nzalta BISILIZIAII4I Thin' 4„,D 1 1 41111A.ZA . lik101111., AlLA•osto Dry Gitsid• as•Wbetranifs.—lre thoDertioniar attention of burn= et .rnoln• slid to our annotate owns of ellen. Dress Goma awl all hands of Yana and Motile Qoods, anti . to the !sot tsar we rail at the lowest Exetern pries* and Out anode to Snit PTV/ dare.... W.trittretit'r%t.. Election for Cense MAO. ur north ward Allegheny readers Wiwi & bear lq mind the Wit that • member of trop ran Council to to bo elected an Monday nen t, tp .Place of P. B.a. Italhauber, CIO realigned in coneentrence of baring fecnortidfrOmtlte Keening Clamtee.—The regular evening ...line of the/SOX CITY COLLAGE, tmr; nor orPenn and St. char &trivia. trtil he med .IclorldaY, September egib. commencing early etudeate can oomplete • Tull course during the fall and winter by attending evenings only, . tt see. Tlines4. Lao% Caiet Db. " L ... rad Catersb. tiseeessraUs treated by Dr ' Aborn, 134 Smlthrteld street. • Asix.g.k by mail SO east.. : Vint Vold Sparkling Soda' Waist...at illedboar. kooplVe Drag ikon, ho. Paden' strut, • Ground Vamlly Millrace T/111 177.1 NOON SO nucutio liAz3.; ' Wit Cold SparlUoo Soda lister at J. T. S alps%auat Btons, No. 38 ?Wend street, didodsolfay. • Stale Fair and other Local New. on Fourth Page. . =I ROl l / 1 11..Dolikura milt• (ILLlN4:Y;w4aJonii'Llor 'lr.rfY wt. (B•llardaTj arntaNDOS, t Itt LwE:nzgairade efununa. 'mar 3.„ , wit. a notate oramtrabiltslynoralar• papers.' Alt titgernaTanttliligis=rs' silom.an ',motto' 700 WON ot taxeral will be THE WEEKLY 121/aMI': Two inrisO wi~lfa: arsanAir aim Raz__ - • we......1m41ata s THOISSALL et tiatanntu fpollag uudAt. Menthe Llutimg Idltartals, latest Wows by Telal.T. lan, valuable liskaditat Xatlst tor tb. aad Mon sa4 stoa. Markt Wp y y a lt s b, nny yap. la U. city. flo Tanairt. )I,o.sak tt Menatuat em,a4 M wllbOilt 11. roams as Ina Inas= elaryysA a li a 1: nts of ad ens espy et raper le Ibe pence sew 0. op Me ebb. Adell4mo So dabs csa to mote al 5071200. LI dal Was. NoTio2 SO oefgaongus.-12 =Sates yaw paw, be megn sad nosily *MA 0011100 74 wool, as ore Mae a Wed... Say /10111010) gob. sariber• Wins bat ase awt 010416, mg- Mow by Draft, txpren, *OOO7 Win; Of to Begisseria Leuers. me, seat al eti.rbot Address. summing. PITZSISITheR, TWA: , 1 •#.1 !Iv:01 . 1 a A LEX. AIRES. UNDERTAILEH, Na' Ina /earth Woes. PlTloborgt. r.„ 00171N8 of all ttodo:011. 1 / 1 0). ()Lova, ma over) 4caarlptlon of ristoral furalibbuteoodo Itrolat , ed. Boom °mod d 0.7 anolatobt. Boons .4 Caryl... forolobed. - 84tronzamo—Donr. D. 14 Sim D. D.,. N. W. Jscotats. D.D., 'nom. swam, Z. 4., Jr 041 s B. Miller. G. ItIiDGERE, ' ITNIIPESTA. • XXX AM:I oneeerser to tee late Ismael 8.. -Itedeora. No. fil9 Üble Street. three doors from Beater. A-Utak:may Ceti. X. nosawdod, %Tabora:2y. Walnut an/ nose. wood ladtailOn Collins. at the lowest radutel DM.. Rooms opals at &about% dal and Wilt. Hume and Csittaisaa for9lzhed oat aort settee &ad 011 moat reasonable Wu. 'EDWARD • CZATINIZOiIIo UN. DZIMAKER. Usc., 944 Own,la% illegnony. 1149•190. Eotavoo4 and othel'ea flun. with • oomnfOto stock of Amoral torah:MX goods on hind, sad forstsb4o at lowest ortoos. 8010 na•l'Llmittlabloi, car, nor of /11111 . 411DXIDDLX RStii2l. (Agoincon lomnohon. Bottle% Baeldlo Etaioos, 8/4, far E C. STEWAUT. Undertaker, eon., of MORTON sad riff A 8111111711. • Nint4 Mu& OMaa of all kinds. Homo aid Carr..es ftratabod on the abortailt aorioN CrOTETERY PILIRIBLE J. HASSAIIH.. at *a fesAtAry gratA I.• — •Jegvioe, P 4 OBNAWINTAG AtIEDZI AND rruzcs won's; STUNS Brim. OVID% WARRANTS° WATift PSOON. STRANGERS, 13333:03 SPECTACLES DIINSE.A.TH HiLSIBEIIurPS, No. 56 FIFIME Opposite Masonic Ball, GREAT BARGAINS ICED LOW PRICES! SMITHSON, PALM & CO., AT TUE MIIIOIII'IIROM, 55 & 57 ITF7Et WREST. Are Offering Greet Bargains BOOTS, IN SHOES, IN (GAITERS. BALDIMUMi, CIi3PETS, DOMESTIC DM GOODS, BLANKETS, PLANNEIS, HOOP SHIRT 4, Pocket and Table Cutlery, NOTIONS. 12ir Persons v.thhibol CD Pon. chase will 0:e well to sactuabse one or the:esst moans's:dieser offere‘and 1 ' AT ME LO VAT kilolo. ; , 111 r Furniture and Itoluokek . 4 Goods AT ATCTION On'!orrall Thursday. • • ' HERBST ORDWUY. groakfast Dinner `and ',l3appers, OYSTERS AND lOE OREA.II, MALL. itie Drat axe Altaikar• = /sltcul to Um city C. 6 to etul at: . „ lavitoill 14LDINARyi id Fourth St:real; near Iffirket. 10111011W/LIO raw WAD& H. SMITE: Merohant • H "'" rn. at". 9KLGIL tredisti.. ter. egtl7474alll < nr.. temlio 11. now mot,. " 4 ' l . CLOTOTesUItYIeZ/Z ' V tat?, de ANI. °Vs AOCATin "rnek 41 be Wang to order In il• *GO thle NteeCt •leo • eomohne se vow:rent %Toni " To "L T ''''L WI: " 80. NM STU werclant * TZLOY. No. O 9 WY LIN EMMET. cor. JABSES SCOTT, mocuszeroa TO alt 1 iLNISTUR a SCUTT, azosiwizr.,4lual., azar rutt; .WATORES, =KR , JEWELR auxxit.ipLaTED Wigs ATe, 1114 =MUTT WC, 21 . 171Ettriukg . Pen.Jeslar - aiLit Wasebes.Cllo..l4 nod Jorcry. ••• BALE—LI • 81:112.011§10 LOTS. az* Mita. .;Atig ianaua adjotainir. tN haidowe radit•Fie of isot. XeCuUraili. *son US 'gas awet dee. . Web lei. fat tOra,a7ssatiasess Lawrisoritu. for finv.swirs, muuft be szeasd. • sawn et : - • alta. a euerniar4, 4 Irasi Rau* dalburiaagi 44,111tAr FOR 11.1M.V=Thr.4, ‘ia I* " 'h 4l em. lo . 7 :llmm wog: 'ILION D ZLLll4ruottr A , da,4 v.; is Smoot 414.4. num US 4 1111•104 Al *r il. ktynotosst aLicea 3t Pitubarily dog 141!-,,,i ta Thu, ptoporty Is me 7"tr.• 414011 ea of thus , Booddel lam. BILL t SEUTTABLY. Bog Seteldi ma 1 . 00 . 4 . Amt.. Balluirtnnt: 5441141411140. is. Lawn . 12
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