The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 27, 1867, Image 4

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ritbk 4 Otaptte
.Ntiterday the Greatat Day.
twenty Thousand. ,V4tople in
TOVlliVitl ill V Arlail II HOMO
Meader, the third of intimate Pair. vtth
the elifals of lta 11120Cen. The weather was
all Asa istrabi .be dashed,. <Mar and cool,
bat the disoorofort preducid by the duet,
#ltheit writ blown to Moods along the high-
Ismia sad everywhere on the. exhibition
zr 0 da,walTerl Greet. Ike effectal trains
of the Central Eallresd, mid the annierom
mre ofthe sums Railway Company, failed
implying Modesde transportation for
- the ontimering of tho masses. Whilit Mary
enthrall 'crag dist/seem to , the tato:tads,. n
,Tarr lane camber availed themselves of
the moommodatton afforded by hackman
and . those who tothrovised conveyances for
ft,nocenston. By noon the umber of people
ea the ground was estimated at from fifteen
to twpaty thousand, wed one can well ba -
- .menthe the !Mena presented.
The race track Wes. during the greater
part or the der a principal point Of at
. traction. and the large ampitneatre was
r.rOmled.witti those woo preferred viewing
perfOrtniwith the greatest degree of comfort the
mees of te contending horses.
Matting iipeelally no h teworthy occurred in
this way. the track not being In good-con
dlttOn toe tests of speed.
Shortly litter' noon the appearanee of pertnteadent A. 0017 with hie liouse of
Refuge hoYe attracted much attention.
r . They _mammal through the ground. to tee
_ railings of their own brass band zed [belittle
'Mlle's seemed to enJoy their 01210 ama
zingly. The members of the press cheer
._ - fully gave Op the betiding set apart for
their convenience to therisiting boys for a
• brief space of time In orter to allow them
to partake et their rationa After wain
they departed for their llama
The Pair M all respects Is regarded as
complete SIMON. alas the best and most
sedisfiletory ever net or the Stale Society.
"' - hem' move highly mg:menthe, leaving
a consideraDie burgle after defraying the
Mlle expense !evolved In preparing the
• nVontlnen our special notices of eallb
iicrs dna their produetlons:
' w,rairsuran. O. asst. rensiorostsg,
Loa hastr , lflth a dtsplay or &litotes In bie
varied line er," bush:lots, Ms efforts Wog
•Cllreelo4 to the relief of enlisting
children. Among tito celebrated reatedt.
• offered by blot Is Ids went ootopotion for
.. the ogre or ehabtra Infantine, ea prevalent
- • a 0 the mama. eras= Or the year It le de
nominated the ellothor.s Comfort.* and in
.addlLlOte to the epronally of beset ease.
• Alons,lt'ls also blelmsfl tO ho eery all.-
eines ror tore or nosh eyes, burns and
4t Mr. I. else, tosnalactirres a an ,
pa•lor arUele of oosimeroJal Ink. for which
no hie Nl* Place of business
°nausea street, East 131.01[ml:ism, 'stern
he else =lin on. Nees Agency.
sr, I. paprefusao, , 7o WITT% *TAW:
Thom beautiful pictures displayed by W.
• EL Whitehead, in Artiste' Nall, continua
the Oentro of attract/on, and draw %wirer.
• al commendation from the ladles who con
stantly crowd Nat damn - Mont of the hair.
AdmirationLs divided In . saponifying, with
the different features of the photographic
art surdidtml, some passing by osrelessiy
... what otter. regard as being specially merle
and thus all tastes are answered
Tua`linealmens ahown, while demonstratng
Ins . state of oadoctlan which •Mr. h i t c•
head too arrived at In the art of photo.
..•• grabliy,... do not as fairly indicate tits high
marls ae arristois a visit to Ids Well
konww elvt Wow eetwellellied gallery. at No.
'XI 02 nh.moc, narlumtloicanlY would, und
titerainroWowt•loo Nl woo deVre to 1,0
. . .
,foriberconvinovdo( the superiority of the
wring. h. Mahan..? to give him n
call. For [milln.., artutic
and durability his work Cannot he exce . led
In Pittaborgn. lie enlarges small tadirtnes
produces on paintings, water colors sho
%loan ink picture.", °Weide views and fami
ly groom/Ik. aaaaaa of And aff , d
persons, man pludegrapbe or Me alas, god
whatever other style is now In vogue In
rLa photognaphgn 31n6
eirTgg It'CLta? ZCg Z COJJ OP can.
Nothing oonld be more beinating and a,
trzteure r ban the meunilleent exhibition at
pet., ea Vlotlls, Rugs, dn.. mule by that
enter, mg and wall known Aron, Oliver
itarAin:Oek d Co., No. 7 Fifth street, ell
who ante: "DOmestle cannot tall w
wea the anon tinbotindest ado:drubw to tbo ;
aettationentozentents of their most attrac. I
tlve annals or hatuabOld furrilehmomt.
Them elegantCarPete. at they hank 4/4.,
by side, embrace the latest design& In pat.
tantalum solar., etieMiseltin the most perfect
of Its peculiar eityle, from Ins largimedat.
Haw for saloons and parlor, to the small Ilit•
now for beidwookm, henries. Om, sod fro,u
the striking and brilltaiM colon thts.6
ousts beautiful by the tratOtly of mmy
abodes exquisite to, *of
. Alltrds inagultioaat display Sivas, bow
ever, but a litrer Wes Of Um Moak Vhloh our
enterprising fri.nde ere Just opening at
' their waserooms, b Fifth erne:. Splendto
Wilt o'e Velvets, lirMetall and Tapestry
Brussels, bewilder the mind by their pro
.inetott and brilliancy of color and urea ,
variety of style and Vattern.
And Their trateenee stock at Three Ply,
Extra ingrains, Low r Nast l earel o e. // , m•
limp and cottage :Carpe:" China I
Cocoa BO.T•1 0 V., OB Cloths, wiaoo •
stunts. BOrderod 7014 001 Dragnets, Sc.,
to notempassed In variety of quality, and
Pottorti , and we astute one readers that
these Reedit cattnot be nudism!' In Nee.
. York or Philadelphia for lees than they are
offered, by Weans. Oliver licellittock A en.,
'who Int enacted to sell at each prices by
the large contrasts which they hove every
season with the 10100rild and Domestic
'AltleeTte T1Z0T00143,111. •
TAe rulwroen DrefitoblY aimed an hour
at Um Art Usliery before the mstralactst
tits - puke of one
specimem of • phototoraphe
made by Mir well henna artist, B. L.
Dobbs,. whew* Taller, it located at No. o
fit." Clair street. The ohotoirreplis on
bition ware salected =edam .froot lit
large colleettas Ohne wort whieh main a.
• el hays not Deer 005100 op with an/ sot•
01.1 Mt" fa'
V:7-i_tl:lll 9 , 3"°.4t2nnt. 7'
- I
Mon ody marvel Is nw alit. ould have weu
Obtained so Mae ln an atmospherewhien 1.
proverbially heavy and dark. Bat .110
Dobbs therousbly understands the an..
uses the heeet quality of testramenta ann
beet of ebonite/1s and materials. and es a
• natural eonsegnenee. to hie Pieter. +1 , 0. ,
man the famous shadow minters of W ash
-105100, Boston,, Philadelphia sod
- Took. .The collection ar. the Tar embracer
. stYree and dmiges which are ta ro/fON
' frOnt the emote and neat album rest ph.).
operant ofm to too full life aim cabinet por.
trait. The mute excellenos
ektemititeit the lot and all - deterysdly 1
ogee woman praxes from Moos who es
amine them. The superiority of the oil
delmaalhlietoirmAll NoPparent at a alane , .,
oven to Maas who are pot ert oodeolse
, !Whate -14111 crayon 1005004 portraits Ltd urs.
done in water mbar, end India 101 .
Sr. remarkable for theW smoothness sec
gdenty to the subject. Those of oar now
ere who desire baying correct. besuutoi Artistic pbotograobi, plain or coore
4Ke Warred to Str. Daste• cutlery,
au‘Situotto Os core Orstuot oW7 of tb.•
city bet tlterrlso tbo State.
, irroyou A TILIOX 1121I:taa ItAattlas.
The uOlversal renown of the Wheeler ,t
WllseD be wins llechtne, with button hold
. etrsehmena, sem Despoiled or taken
.; off et plealark, Is Weed ppon pure meet. '
" for instants, wltneestrie 0 itedlSplay of work
..exscated by ILK the nenta' ntetri. oa
. frit. around.. The setae Of perfection Lee
been resobed In Us coastrocition—abe
eat degree of expellee ce bareiy endue. ,
•- Weeharacher Of the Work It performs, and
eke ramps of sealer that it erW 40. embra.
eine as it does fabrics of every Wed end
quaky, entitles Lt to the world wide eta
. I:act4eris It has obtained, and which Curse
ogaised by the Jury et the Paris room-
Steo. who ...warded Marra Wheeler /I W -
110 a h ,lillasstli'rlZe, the First Gold
. eal,trver CO less than clipity•two different
dytenetitor t . for Wm dormer, endorsemona
who etre taken the trouble to exam
lee the various Machines, tooW that there
such %Wine a* She Sea eeek4X inechths ,
end the 13331.1111210t1a verdict of the most sm.
• Malec / edge. Staudt to the Wheeler /I,Wg.
'sax ;risenlne that WstladtiOn, for it Nee
WM:ll7a %Via= goo ds
d olr :
Pleeldne Lelfseff. end It ...Tel Its owner
ertuf systematic and union:mule. /Wel lir
The Western *rents tee Ilemes. Slum.
' .ner& Clo.. 5f0.17 Fifth 'shops wes•
Seem Tall yleltors are cordially Invited.
'Wheeler Wilson's tooth at the Fair will
: he found near .Welmtstle
, • -rue ring eraser saisolutta
sottlam..namer Lt Co.. rodwithitand
tog gas: many ottler attraction. in the city,
eonagoltaist man the holding of the Stabs
'rain' has been levered - with very lance
'andienesa Crowds being drawn there by
the very run them:entente offered topar.
chute of the Large and varied sleek of
' goads exposed [Cr gale In their megnificene Tide AMA* he. heedine,laCPV
alehrated throngnOnt a Jorge Donlon of
eta swesetry,
t o e
frees weindetatlgable
• eatererlaa of toe Preptlabsra In keeping
p with the eye, and In oreseating to the
paella 00041 at prices surprisingiy jaw.
Dole( badness ape. the principle of law,
• - wider and amen mohts, lo the secret. of the
dinabees K swum., rainar s Co,, and
• • etteetessaleed In this . ..ay Is .alt the more
s:. deeming front , the fact that the
Nrk;P r 2Vi n ntddlY benefices.).
arna a varied character.
' 'While theta trade in beets oho 'oboes, la e.
math fest:nab and their stock of these arils
gale to but an adjunct. Peon
their counter. an 4 genres are d d Isy inye ail
aorta of home fern:AMA, arti c les, In the
grey of dry Liebods. espicifidg adopted to
the partienier Eamon at 0100,and ve Irmo
• awes pat tnaution th at la the partie.,
of .blanacts customer. can be well
' wetted. nib., wilt not permit Se to eau
- userete here the varied mend men: of arti.:
Olen , fOr safe at the gusporlum, bac re
•partisalarly urge upon strangers
'present at the raft to attend the evening
wales et 8e5.,14 and 17 Frith meet. feeling
gssgrtd they will be advantaged thereby.
4. llp u t " be ; w o e , y th o e f ir ew m af ... l f on. rul , ta ai a l u n d r. the m tr k it
•an azateeltaLM Ja'netlY. apples the
riorld Twit, groaned opportuoity for a...-
defiers au !Anvers bp we for • ttemsoirot
drrralbos boas totheultural
Una 'The axhlDlUon ',oo¢lptioti quite a
varlets , . and' flidn - far Yetplag ario
,Irlde rem." tea 10041 f thla 11,19 eopya a.
horticulturists. We' bare alwaru . of t , e
tood baba dbiplayadAti.arrabalba th at
PortlOn of the Pair gtvands downed IP'
;oral ulaplar, - would again t*.d fair
• visitors that credit for thug ls d uoto the
alum. it 1114:. • Thaw csatleduen are pro.
pared to M. 0..: crape visas of all the
idluripel readout wall/ whloh may be
t na g l i vtlauleord.l•4zYabrllfit flartford
al awatibaa!VltryttaoAnbatiVlV4
plant. or all the box varlet-ht ischrtlfull
the Cetus do l lar f10.70a. Trletephe
I iroGaroireV: fiOCClWiltetberdr2lrltO!
mac, and of raspboritm tba 11100:1M,
la.* Cab. Allty orate and altruerr
depot.ltO Marta; Meet 0. box No. trf.
Yittabarlb. P.
• pai an .1,104 aottia.- I
rerbahe rd/ Itanufacture -
den:T.llr otteapla. • blab'
the taticnotlon of the co you
than tbe d Yaltnanaa
are on oxtdbluou in tbe pra,tlL".
Thty bare long eulerau a re pt,b
as to warrant Lbea.t alabalaa th arch
the standard Scales crib,. wont). .7 1 ,1 " 4".;.!
mare thou tuneataladlyewapoted midi 4 ,11
others for popular Adam,
woreffinmrMy fa raw fa the roulpra--
am hare darer Sat [mita objects -
1 10
7 :li te ctil7! tblqLll77l)l!.' 'fltr'lll4o3tat:tl4":lli2r:ol
err e 104 bertha. lu 'noble of %ZIT.
WC are Om eadablia man ufsetured, af
moat taper= and sebtfauttol
• zarblatta Pad not burdened •
446 "- • ad laastri.ern •
Choy inn la. "
Yom.' •
. •••
•, I
4010 R aII‘ZOIN 00,47..rgy
Shli grit taste one or the finest. alsplam
In Doina`stio Uall of tbelr trroduetione of
any that we 'enconatered on the eroded',,
• and 4 fair idea la afforded of the many lm-.
provemests ertriet,trave hemmed° In It to.
mime in the litir of Cooking and tenure
arrangements. The heusekeeper, none
mare easnat araialostion.' mutt be eon..
Mooed that this breccia or Fur...burgh. ulna.
• Mamma has kept well lab, It it is Cot to
noynnee of Improvement to otiose trlattile.
The eablbilien of the cattails atom, Works
anew given tine est althea meat of 11 it.
U. t on,—neregartimi emoutially sole/nett.
"t‘n,, as morfalr,and the firm cannot other.
" - arum than map substantial benefit tinsel)).
Visitors, however. would .do well to call at
the warebosuie andsalairreour,Fre.SSl Liberty
.treat, whim 4111 bei lined to contain the
gnat essortmeat at atom, Mr nil a Menses,
mod where gureasartscilltyla afforded tor ex.
amination [NM cool 4 reasonably. be reflect.
:et an lye creed at the Pair. hut, to streak
more partleulariy, the firm nava on amnia,
• mon the IWO gig -door Franks in stove, so
eossireatod os. Loin 0/ Mosta ofoOlo cborao.
nen" are - Mae two sixes tie Mem ir
.2,mtair carver tiordtrug More, lidin end
„myna, the eztenairm top. la isnot
bll'aOrria4 balls, Walla, Mai. better than
sew:AV:cosi We are assured. by those erne
nzia,Ml,444. Mae 4 , 44:hus compared their
fu of cook stores sold 14
Th.. 10.1. :14 see In Mrs Me ,
tefreir.Miet trannuf,,-:znien. -ids..
son 000 k Imo* and noir; burner,
oda ard wisuffw Lot* exuajame ton.
:of limmitimia4l
thel.lo eredied msg. moutairon
Ve feir ry
ojA olel tot tto ito Is
lin n fir MO )Fee af•
„ .• .
ulaodeln 'Hall ?Afire. which 1. extenelwely
adopted in Western PennsylriutiL Eastern
Ottioand Airsat Viraistla. it peesessee the
best features of a drat elass hall heater end
Is a dee ornament ma dwelling. We saw,
litie.'"COrel.” a rers beautifnl sad com
plete prior stove which Is enjoying a Large
.ale; and, also, Henderson'. Patent Hosting
Furnace for, burning •31% and bituminous
coal. something entirely new. It Is
made on a new prineiple whereby the
smoke or volatile combustible hi all con
lamed' PerfeCtlT. uniformly and clearly.
pleued with the dbmlar.
and we tope no 'visitor to literals Will
to arareine It. -
can anon azotio Lhasa-Ka
None of the several seethe machine, or,
exhibition at the Fair yetteni, w ,... teri
more attention than the Weed intuntbses
exhibited by Mahar It. H. Long. the
Indefatigable agent in this 'City for the
Weed company. It dOubtleas will be re
membered that thla mantine attracted
mach attention at the Paris Exhibitlon,and
serried away high honors, Many of the
=mintiest:inv. demeastrateel their superi
ority In active mie La this
ledge neighof their
adaDtehillW tO ell kinds ot sewing Itivo
It the highest recommendation. 'lt Is
simple ill its conatinactiopp. and will hut
through the bard ...Wet a lifetime. Of
late the derromet for the Weed hewing
Meadea hes been very greet, and the
eXteiseito manufactory of the Company has
been kept running to Its fullest capaelty.
The ]labile le more Or lee. Interested to the'
various sewing machine. competing with
each other for tevor,and we Invite close
inspection of the Weed Instruments now
oft exhilaition at the lair. The office of the
agent Isat No. lit Grant street. whore a
fell stock of the machines is kept on hand
for rale at very reuonable priors. Major
Long will be In attends.. most of the
time at his booth at the Fair, and will
explain the adventues and peculiarities
Of the Weed machine to all who call, and
wilt receive orders for their delivery In any
hart of the State or county. Do not fall to
visit him,' and notice parileutarly the
magnincent show ease containing neatly
mead"' specimens of wort performed by
the Weed, of which the lady portion of the
Vilifiers are Mod in their praise,
and on
theethereide • row of splendidly finished
machines, whin ere really a sight worth
seeing. The enemy suet finish cannot
pouirdy to surpassed by any machine In
the world.
A place has been sot apart adjoining hie
charily,' Hall, for 'the exhibinon of water
Fnd an pipe manufactured lathe "National
oundry and One ripe Works. of William
Smith. located in the Hunts Ward, earner
of Carroll and Muslim., Streets, tale city.
Thee, works have lately, by the application
of Important patents, become widely cote.
Mated for the superiority and °tinniness Of
the pipe prodsiced, and the specimens exhi.
lilted attract considerable attentiou. By
the cintrodnation of patents Mr. Smith Is
enabled to manufacture all hinds of pipe
wan the greaten facility, from two to eta
teen inches radiometer, cotton well .Im,
Mod for water end gas as any produced
elsewhere. Besides eoppi , ..g Pitt.
burgh and , nilegheny clty during
the past year with au .ggrogate Of !wet
_Mrs of pipa lie has also aupPiled Clore-
COlutabts, Sagami., Kelm:nes"
Bloom:damn, mid thirty or forty other
Stamm, Ile has also entered into a contract
to evenly the city of Chicago with Ore hen:
area tons of pipe for Um new water works.
altboasti the capacity of his work. la fifty
too. daily, it has Donn Mond impossible to
*apply the rapidly increasing contract.,
endue coder Virility thousand feet received
this woek was vaulted. The establishment
311 one of the largest lathe kind to the coon.
try and a credit to oar city. & new patent
for moulding pipe by machinery has recent
ly been granted and will be Introdured at
once. kir. Smith desires to enlarge Ma
already Onbanstre "on Cs, and it about to
erect an &denten 'MOM, when completed,
will giro employment m a large tooter
mechanics and laborer.
atresseatin arm. troggi.
Anderson, Cook Co., the nroprietors of
this esiablishme*t.„—one of the larsmt in
point of capacity In the country,—have on
exhibition the meet superior quality of
steel. In bars, and. manufactured Into tonic
and implement. Artiong other articles to
too bolt saw, forty.two !LTC long, to winch
we have already alluded i also, most superb
buggy eprines.alarm bells. pen holy., the
mt delicate and highly finished surgical
instruments, watch springs, together with
* variety of fine °lottery, all made of the
steel moduced by the works referred te,
affording men satiefaCtory proof of Um
rapid anvanceMent made In this locality
In the manufacture of steel. A few years
ago we were almost cannily dependent
upon Europe for this material. out the
spirit Of enterprise has revolted In • new
order of things. The Pittoburch Steel
Works of AndeniOn. Cook & Co, wlli
others In this londny, new furnish, in
large mount*, the steal formerly drawn
from Englund, nod pet. too, of even better
quality. Our eitisent, tty.refore. ettould
View with more than an ; tonneau degree
of pleasure the tmgible evident° of im
provement anown by Ileum. Anderson,
(look .t Co. They am large ly , eoXitgctl In
the mans Of hone nay take and
fork teeth, including . rotiodcovai and
Coleman's patented gated teeth, believed
to he the strongest yet Invented, trod else
best refined rast,steel, Common plow and
spring steel, spring i n short, an
manner of steel aeapted to any known
purpose. No one visiting the Pair should
malt to examine their prodnetiOns.
an easy and graceful pensmur, one who
eau write a tali tiewinit end Intelligibly
hand, has a future which cannot be ever.
evtiMatel. 11. Is sore ]cadre munerative
sitnatton 2n any at the g mercantile
tonnes, and hyalites, Is the urofnmer of a
science welch wilt prove great blessing
w tam. There are many systems adopte I
for the tuition or the young men In ibis
Important branch of education, and none
are more worthy of praise awl endorsement
than that tanght by Professor W. attar.
tor, Principal of the well known oShae,
Commercial College,. St. Clair et rent. We
were prorent yesteriley while he woo eV.-
netted opealmana of bit writing for the ad
miring visitor, and sun lend hearty tent
:nutty to ills akin as an &TUG, Ile writes
with a fan aim movemeet. eau Yasent.,
the most brilliant arid faultiest, lettera with
a alerts znotrumeut, whine be max. With
groat rapidity. Tuts system ha teaches to
tile pupi., and with sorb aCtCeed teat be
alreadyj natty anima unity et the
h tt
pa men of the elty,wkos have taugt in.
hi:college. Parent. hart/1711 LOC.,
CM and prepare for Can
[ltem CO nominee° where they will rewire
/ better training than at ettaffer.s. V Ist•
tors ex ghe lair should not fail to examine
his apechness. and +Hama Professor detai
-1 rut's executions witi,
Al!saleu toe, weenie,
To this haul rehab! IshMent, Ms largest
merchants Oar mill In the reentry we must
again refer. Tire proprietors Hews. Jones
& Leughlurs, as re have a/ready stated.
es. the recitative right Lorne nate,
tor rolling Iroz and stem fn a cold state,
which. proccsa celebrated to their wink,
The IMLertanee of this Improvement,
althea:gig probate eehteleutir pnaren t
from the opocimons exhibited la ilactilners
Hal., to yy its extenwve
throughout the Hutted States and Enrol.s'.
The cold rolled material is well adirtaec, to
stratiing, piston rods, and mower and
nerves gager Oars. 11 re poWlaeed by the
use of pews.. Culled peonlbuly constructed .
machinery, by whine cold Iron can be rot.
I6d and drawn into 'ear of the thane!.
ordinarily given to hOt iron Op collets. To.
erect of MIA proceed le to coMpreiy and
peed, to. the fibres of the metal I,t
tomb an extent. as to greatly increase Its
strength: hardness. adsctletty, to.. a. ha.
been abundantly shown 14 ruperimental
testa Mario , by.eminent engineers of
the rlnitell elates and Gout Brittle.
Soother Ve.19.7p66t advantage or this pro
ems Jetted It also sant:aces a highly polish.
ed and perfectly smooth, bright, surface.
sod thrlatme the bar or rod as straight tel
tree as If turner in a lathe or planed. Tito
•11.0110.06 i matrufainurers of reining sea
mowing atansines has very naturally been
directed to 1121 J sod rolled material a,
adapted to Cutter sad o.rer hers• giving
them greater itrength and more rigs , Ivy
and elytleittr. and /onto & Latughltirs, t.n
meet the requirenr.ta of the trade, barn
engaged In tea manufacture of the tools, s. ,
to speak, for reaping andaeowlng machines
%gamey state, as Indicating the anpresuit ion
of the prairie-aliens of toe American Work,
, Mac diming the put year she proprtetors
have resniabed to customer" narly my
temeres or w.e,tr potent cold ro iled rimer
bare, requtred loins eadulaetare of reaping
and orOging mischtnes.
The sucliesic• and superiority of the
California Wine Couthenrs wines use been
pretty generally established In MU notes
oorhood, Led see were right glad to rtotior,
pnotorday. the glue Maple, of codified
ee. found In Domestic Mal. A. pace
latity of thew domestic wince la their
arity, while La flarer they are far superior
to most piths farrow foreign whim. The
displair lJ to pitargeolgir. A. hi. flatlet , .
smolt for the 00VpaDY, pi attendance at
the Pair. lie can be fOunn as the Colon
Depot , Until/. err 11 onceLoat a.signed
of. tbe Fair. The of the' companY le
located at Yo .1.13 Liberty street, New York;
• fact whichatiould be rememeered Ey per
oobs ationootemplete ordering any of tee
superior Wind, out this way. Dealers
*head not hesitater.° tiliuSofforeign n ur n
In • great measure for the more proatable
and pororhomo manufacturers of the Call
forilla Company. Too,. odor the follotrtnir,
aol ggaranum them pure; Hoeg, Sherry.
Swept, 45 lice. Ilitt•catel. Port. dry tad
p;rpot, gal op ly recommendeil for
chuttli -447 Wine bitters. an ex.
Gallant too ; Claret, Campht, 'sparkling
Chain parte, still Champagne and bpulz!r..t.
• amities minndo better [beam ago altud
of Ogg wfooS.
ggprolgalle, Clrrltay. /LO.
Junes Boom, ig Wood street.' oonlects
one of the largest arid Wet appointed hard•
are and cutlery Atentbl/shanicts ht West.
era Pernisyrysna, accommodating tnry
large trade. Annuity, lo Order to keep
pace wattlaerea/Ing busioe•r,
ha has made very manna! Improvement.
to ble estatdishment. Me luny of p,owl,t•
lea addltrousi sales MOWN. and his Waco or
banana la this regard may now beano to
be complete. Ulm Wilvalilagott Limn
Seottreg Wit( • eiontribote greatly in
Lae Coonatence of cenintrlT Merchant.
Jr. making tip their orders, m W. sating of
time and this fasillty with which they eau
mate selection. of ornate, dcslred. it wlli
be borne to mind that Mr. Bona In largely
!sligLnll;a,.tar surifolmrge.of.riticiwol,
and zolet; have seen:ell Tor nim
• hint reptlinnOP. Zito Pince 01.000 le
..ta c iopuy image 41 00.11 no. neronriping
everyWrriele In the way of
Lary, glm arms, in fact everything 01g„,
,nbre,ey wh
eel 000 would espoot to Und in
abllstiment of 11101.1x4. /41r
rillitbre should not ount. If they deslio
an thing La , his Itelt,4o gs%/07 ter. flown
*nue/4511,AS Ro. pri Wood Meet.
.0. y, ALLIOTT k 0 ON.
life time and seldom or nevem net • • •
der. The tradesmen who hay e them in me
Can riMer. instly Do anon lied of false
746te r "1 : 1 1P , 74gg ' =..4 " Af,r,ttiv; ' .
alm t rueettitmva.7r,g 7 ..r.rx. -
M.rt., in preference to oil other. In
the measuremen:. of er,eals. Another .
la especially ndi' or hot. , and that
la the Suteber's male, which shonld be gen
erally adopted by our seradars of steaks
and mutton chop, It Is peculiarly adapted
for that pc rho., and If moco generally w ed
there wool,. 00 Inn complaint on the score
of light a - rigida. The nails. .re
tored hr Messrs. Fairbanks, Mo d CO .
et, 110. OM, tact too corner Of Wood and
Second etr ts. Let no ilaltor tall to me
the milehrated Mau - henna reales, and if de.
Moos of becoming rUrehMer. nT nor of the
styles exhiblt. they ean leave their orders
with the
In attendance, Or call
at t.o city om c o of the Company.
Readers will doubtless stare in astonish
ment at the above caption, and yOtthere
ore exhibition at Mechanics Hall &vernal.
Ole machine to accomplish all that Is repre
sented, vim the milking of.milive by weenie
ery. It 10 practical. Thera La no humbug
about h e at it patron:rue the work as -well as
machinery secompliatielLanythlug which
might bo slowly rtonoisierith the hand. By -
Pa use one matt Can sucoesisfeily Attend to
the milking of extensive deltict of, from
reventy to an hundred caws. It' can be
arranged to milk any nuniber int the
same time, and to milk Mein ellbotriallY,
all teat is required I. to drive the cows Into
the stall, abut the steno:biome and adjust
the natter., and the work fa accomplisnod s '
even better than buil. hand. ' Call and ma
the h ,,,,ghi h s and be astisfivid that the labor'
of the dairy Is almost completely obviated
by the introduction Of thin . groat mechani
cal t s riumfdt. Full Information will be given
by Nit. Otis P. Honda, Secretary Orion Ilv
itrant to How Milking Macaws, comp eh y,
Broadway, Now York. This no con No to
ha the most novel and attractive ex l'ilturn
on the ground, and is very wottleY a ' , Wu
DO not fall tO rail and set it.
M.Mrett Onnltrr Mara Mort a.
There loon exhibition In Healing • Hail
a speelmati.of luvabiablo Plaster 'ement
Reeling. which possesses many Stir wage..
It is Roompoeitlon of elate end coal r, wag
It is light, plastic and eertitinlY 'are Proofs
while it 1s Mies.% namable and eaally an.
plied it his rendered satiedaeon
over , ld
ver tried and when properly undondood
will he very generally adopted. it costa
much lean than &Pocket or gravel rooting,
anJ is very easily repaired Inert It /unseat
Merger, which prove, from experience to
henry seldom. The s o
of too name material, so Chet. the exterior
Covering anti conduits from a bonito may be
fire proof, and the use-of wood totally ob
viated.. Insurange chnipanlea hare. shoe.n
a preference la taking pellicles on buildings
protected by this great rooting material,
and we Halt property owners will atra It
Cain attention.. The cement is exhibited by
Dr..): U, William., 'who. teas to at N0...951
Penn street. lie is prepared to furnish all
Information pat the Mot On all Mimi
buildings at ve ry etsonabl e Was. •
Lonauxer t Anew
Theso gentlemen,whose esteblishment is
locatial at No. 'lo'2 Wood ativer, make a
pinta Adeceaulos' , Haar Which - le highly
oredltthlato dineenterlitiln, It Innillie
tiou'of elabontely • wrought specimens of
nddlee, harness, trunk.ose and belting..
The Union an very• do e, and earns a
great den Of attention. They are substan
tially made, and so constructed as to secure
ease and safety to the rider. The ladiedo
saddles ere very handninnond are specially
worthy of notice. while the bridles, carriage
and wagon barons ere as eno eoecimene
of workmenehip 00 00 hays ever notice.,.
The illoplay of stinks is crow One, and em
braces all styles, from the Inge family or
Sirstoga Uinta down to the oommooeat
little bandwatchel or valise. Toe dem also
make a fine en:Million of beautiful horse
linfikets, wialeh will prove very attractive
to those desiring to purehan such art:lnca
The 05000 of Longhrey &Frew stands de.
served' y bigs, nod-heir sort bears the lat.
press or superiority. Visitors in attendnee
at tte Fair should so careful to beano+, due
attention on their stock, and If in seed of
any of the articles blunts line. they should
call as the ettablistiment, ief Wood etrote.
where will he found a very large sod well
belting f saddles. Danes., trunks,
boss and and ell other articles pe
colter to the trade.
Loran of the weed In any shape cannot
hot have bona t It:opted by Ina display 01.1.
J. AlbPite, and Ire obsetyed many express•
uns their approbation by pnrenasing no W.
ground, Mr. A. embracing the Inmost..
nitylodrlve•hrlsk retell business. Among
his stock aro coma of the finest !Inscriptions
of clue. menefanteted, 00 all kbato
and prices, and la respect to quality, Lb;
entire elleolaY Cannot no renalled by any
sbolesanserratall manufacturer In sheeny.
Ills booth Is fitted Op hand tamely. Cheetah,
able taste being appleyed la the general
arraneeaamt, sad %bare Ls no extilbitioe at
the Pair more deecrytog of patronage. Ills
helmets, establishment, and also his retail
lane, is at N 0.408 Penn atone, Ltlol . o Canal,
olives • complete stock of manufactured
eco, together with leaf, is constantly
kept on bawl. ' •
This Biel Is exhibited by Mr. William
Bingham. by grey at wirertliang to a most
...wetlyl way this feet that he hm establish
ed to tilts city, et Matti Penn street, an
agency for the Sale Of the article, which Is
beCOMIng gradually introdumd into this
codimunlty. and Med' for honsehold and
Mute other yurpoies In preference to Onto
ruinous gnat. ilas cannot be manufactured
from it with any decree of tierces*. and for
some other purposes It Is not so well adap
led mbitntninons cosh bet for ordinary
beating purposes, or family me, Its imps
riortty mid not Dr questioned, particularly
In the matter of swore and soot, the eb
-501:100 of which is a most Int r ortant. consid
eration oy bousekeeogra Ito general In
' %mktg.:Um depends entirely neon the guns.
lionnicest, end it inrolsZ ed at aeheeper, or
eves at as cheap a rate as we get the bitu
minous material, Sir. Magneto's agency will
prove a profitable one generally..
F. :1:111=1
In Domestic gall till bo freed On extant
tlen •needinens of a great labor sod time
user. in the 'Tay of • wiping end 0e5....-
IZS C l F e 7 n d s7 l ; 7 : l ::::OnrlVll . l "Ur' . d li . etirr,
Atineher Co Tat powder is manor...
lured by a formnin w blob is an strict t hee,
ment titil count chemical prlociploo, and
wilt nutting soromplish all that
soothe. pars be used mitt, astooleialog
effect in tubing clotbosi scouring patois,
cleaning cutlery, or Shyer Were, end rent
the same taxes vary &Ambito and erg..
clove tolled article- It is for valor by all
whole...lotted retail flatus, and coot, but
S!jlf re etas apacknge. It is chnp coough
Olt pont, Ao.-
Mr. 13. 11. Leggy. of tlitrid 34 Ohio eV...4
Allegheny elly, ern exhltiltian n .w
g. pipe or tubing err.., to slitotr w,
epeetegy direct the atteurion of Lb./ till-
Wog the nit, and al.° a leilin dog of many
•uperier uniltips Ina display to in Me
ch.:de Mal, and attracts nu.nal atton
mon. There are al .0 on exhibition *large
assortna et of oil LOMA. for the menet.-
tom of which this arm hare loowenjoved a
high and enviable reputation. Tne work,
of Yr. Lucky are among thelargeet, meet
czt4nelve cod beet cochleae . ] lat tielgh•
borhoal, and enjoy* N i l *hare: of hob.
ontrouarg. Vlsitoat el fair 09.1
fail to call tad examine the articles on rz
hibition, end tf flerlt me of procuring any
In the line, ,florild favor their cu...
Ibihr7rht In Allegheny with eynrckaatng
Monies. Lockhart & Co.. the nimmufaettr
Tern, have on exhibition Munson`, COOP.'
tabular .spiral nangel Ilyhtelnif . rod. re
garded as the most complete protection
against lightning ever invented. lie great
~oridectleig power arises Mainly from the
tact that copper la the bolt metal conductor
of electricity known, except silver, being
eight tames kreater than Iron. The tubular
shapeof therm pi v es the gthateat ettungth.
making It more than equal to a solid coppek
ro I three Inches in oircninferenelp, while
the cat is meturlallyiesa,ned. The soltill
Shaped rod has a Enna. two and a halftimes
greater than the common Iron rod, and am
the gto . face of a conductor ls only used by
electricity, the phporkltitY• 9f Lockhart 4
Co.`, teanuirmturo will be , Once perceived,
The matter of cost, too, itgroat ...nem.
mendation for their rodi mice or it is
only thirt, cents per loot, prof three dollars
for each top, this reasonable alma 'unablibg
Persons of entail meads to have cermet pro.
[action for their dwollinea or other Muhl.
Inge. The mtablistiment of Items. Leek.
or, i Co. Is on Duquesne Way, below the
Land street bridge, In Dill ally. .
xcui Tnapßply of Tlll J.lll.
. .
in =ter ri ne sum that popular Matte
lion, the iron City College. the highest horn
era in their power to bestow, Mutt be not
, tltrytng to the enterprising man.-
WConeg no *foams f Drill. to
t r .Veltl tens who ao thoroughly Octetanil
tee sovreclate inert... r gat Dee
he college failed to meat the WlDentatteas
of Its friend. or showed an an in ling ems to
antimlt It. merit., to the test of tee most
ngitl behlic ecruttny. On the contrary. it
it well ado*O. 1,7•1 Ws end courts the
bmot loarehleg ignopefleldi, by competent
uslneet men, with ethersitollar
Mons. The splendid system 01 poinuoni
Galati business teaming by made it noted..
Innis powder'slits unsinere men avery
where, as tuna. be es Went to every One who
has witnessed the !Monist manifestedat
of or lima
rale. . pat
rriani 'a e
widen now In, god for k toe time
past has been the moat extent's@ of any
initiates oollege la the conet.y. will doubt.
less to materially augmented by this
tlenal tea . 'Many Ile already admit 4
. ,
Then ls no labor ao °Shaw:lag to the
wives and daughters of our country friends
as eau:ulna. Too old iestilened ' , dash. tar.
mattes about as good • princlpla for churn
igg better as • any set Invented, but the
great ob;estlon to it heretofore his bees on
acoonat of ttia tantalum. foram required to
operate It. ICI. so bead pa the wires and
daughters of our ranters that lateyhreglad
to discard It for almost any emitter . method.
But Clip objectlidi has it last been over.
come. In Por.,enlo Halt a churn La axial).
Iled wino, has already vistaed *revolution
is Lilo agricultural dlstrleul of the rountrn'sod which, When fully understood, VIM bit
genarolly adopted. It is, pldiosophloally
ouslarred. ?milting Anntet than the Old
dash chem. but the power la given in
acother manadeand g.l/ the labor la oltyl•
atad, aro radar t 4 L. Y/opeol,t patent
az ILIUM by gletari.
Thomas Il...tilnalistu Co., who are life
Knouts and mannisetarers lor ttils nail.-
horhond. These churns are WOrked by La
hdludahle duke., Ott whicb • shOrt Leger IA
•tigebtal tee; Ist the band, there bring
a. Steal spring attoalie,l. which furnishes
nearly ali the regnirea poem, it ls ohesp,'
durable and ran no worked hy ahrtu tan
gi ' s n "t l l. , e n : 3 ;l=le! t g o gi l :s n " ve " :
bloc Of the uar,
Tho Pittshurah 'Nursery soil Oakland
(...iophouee Jo favorauly known than par,
uon'o Who UZZ , /over. aud admirers of Gol4
wen beautliul :lowers. In Floral tout the
firm lareprtneuted by i sorsa end liburel.
gloplAr from till trottiot.p, gor.:org
'"'". Which eXouuttionlY attractive. Thu
ernortizent of heel thy touog tree., rt.. ),
for totting Out, evergreens, 'Arab+, 011101
g od eruepare l le very gee, and austalne . the
J. 4 /I. n. r 1 4 . litiY4r. Wi ener ,.
re gin in the anneal pritreeptiottoo hue
' ur
will rem,' prompt ottentrUll, sea Pt r4lp
p unkin/
true. and lithrobbory ore
punkin/ 'astir° against atel•
'loot. Wei cannot too etrOagPrieoUrineed
tliteitrAg PP the pitremage of our Fender..
Jr. W. *., n is s is i,„ • - :
We cannot: fat tbe oDpeete e i t y ~s of
agate referring to-the eahlEdttcn of tbls
4. ‘,„" " sey " fl '.. A lt . st e " ll 'r ls ' lC
onou t rrrff eoo M by tbi l eklanineent a.sldy of
Mar o Wertee. Erg% ihe 701 knees es.
tsbUsbment of hfr. W. W. Wallace. seam
1 -14
tuyl Sri Ideetty street. 'The &sr tiittr!hony
-, . ' • -"Mar nnTed eirenlarmsrbie man.
"" . '''''''..4 matrev .01 detain and work-
Lel, atilatif,, -,d, slid unperson visit.
tosneblp, bus ty .., •
,„„! 1, ingptV,ll, ther e ' U 4 t h e ril'Y 4i 'l ,* t""o..ya, , bls there'
it is " WV • wart o " ..ii - i.a Si rin er ,
are a 'panel Springer. - gait . V. . G . .
Wahl pod awl Watch Aii Oul g 1
00118t/oelitti or the beet•And" o " °/°.. 8 " - 1
yang airy wentlekbeertfully eirridelzed,..
11214 iMitatitAlll ettl'Onelitn inhibies. , ore
10 so on argentite. iSsiwisitimigli.Lted
the display at Artlitlisil. b 7 PILOWS ofi
ezhngthin vernal stmetteentio.fars, ono of
waist le an eXqUill 11l bine Of btrakoepsflo.
executed bs , Me. Ware rtneeltio hen son ,
elztam rears or are Theen s tn els on ,
rear del Yr. Wallto . OM vi es .1' the
still and , taste- Isblett . tie e utntalt in-
T.lecina bite at, webrto 91 , 114' Yaile" 17'
western coutiMi;fitaili mle .team
marblesfOrkeWert of "Philadelphia and east
of. inomnsti. Daring thn resmy years
Virice Ms'. eambilaned- himself tot
business in this city be has done meet to
foster a taste for the usantifal, and the no •
memos erbiermes of Ids et 111 which orna.
meat our own sod. neighboring cemeteries
sve contributed mnehlo his teDuistloo•
remains d miring to
any article in
the marble line can lent,ea their orders at
toe grounds: or at warerooms, on Liter
sYltrees.aad map r d
MAPS itecinivi jolt
and - compesteeatistattlom ' • •
err noose—wltuaa warts.
No cum can dispute the factof the worthi•
ness pride. Mani Semple: es a represen.
:Lure of 'he rittaburgh mercantile corn.
namity. Ills eery large eetehihtment—lSO
and IBA Federal street. Allegheay pity-7s a
•stionameacle o e energyargiblUeratestlailli.
lieut.:out, and a striking Instance Of the
fact that tree .merit will always find Its
term. Fair stilton shOuld not fall to eat
brae. th e opportunity to examine the man.
houseetock of with.
ll 'which his
Is st all times - ke pt Wesupplied,
remixing :to the tangible proof Dreeetned,
thatrooßls et wholesale. can be ndrehaocd
here with quite as groat facility and advent.
Cage a* in asetern metropolitan Pi•Oes. In
the retail way the establishment Al
Smote also offers taro Inducement% to
atrafigert tote thay‘concledo to purchase
during their stay, and appropca in this res.
ocelots also in tho ,cseenf enuntry mer
onausta;laihnamplestegals inatore
suitable In the tall season, which id Jest
upon ea
• •
Tax notes or Seisatitivi
egnlabens 01 . 40 Laarrterr.
Martha general eargegragg ofliesera.
McCallum d Brothers, proprle re of the
Palatlal Warerooms, No. Filth street,
was yesterday admired by thousands Who
pressed their slay Its.Domestie Mall, to see
the prettiest articles of Boor covering they
hadever seen. We again desire to inform
our reader., lammed - ale the city eepreClal4,-
thatithe Lirthibitling of ghle firm Anise not
giro the visitor any fair idea of the' large'
and judiciously selected stock which
is to be found In the wareroorus ol
the flrm.. Dealers should 'make .tg point
to *Writhe rembdabseont. ea they will ills,
cover that they cannot only Make as good'
selections. but Can purchase to much
better advantage thine nt lerger
home en gaged 1n the trine In the
e.t.a tropolitan cities. Retell pat-
Mao whit he able to metre camels
out Of a very rich areortment. of °emelt of
alideseriptiong. at idtriesillngly Ve 'Seeable
prices. Alma/MA..lly are received fresh to
carpets or carpets lest Introduced from En•
rope. or fresh from home maunfacturers,
thus teephrg the born ailtrlli,V4 UP to and In
advithee of the canal/G*ln styles. The stools
of rngr, mats, matting., stair rode. and
goods peculiar to the line of trade, is like
wise large and' fresh, while the quantity
and quality or oit dabs of every deicing..
[lon and character cannot tur W ii.trasseil by
any house In the countrw. e again urge
a visit to the booth of Metall trt 8 Bros.
A 01..9 OP 000 D OLD AL.
_agile, of good old ale - warm. the blood
and quickens the Mato.' le la the tsmamma
which. w.Peu moderately oiled, contribute*
largeiy too health- and strengthens the
conentutrom Of late years the brewing of
Ole has received much study and attention
In this ...Ur, a...* a mastit, these who
buowt.s ns ameriams sloe Ofd b e best In
the world. True, • remnant el the papal
levity of this ramoua old Englishbed Scotch
ales still remake', and many are lotted. who
elm with pertinsaity to the belief that our
country In eta' behind those eountnei
the production of excellent ales. IL IS a
Drawl Mistake to .0 11002130, for right here,
Is this city ot mann (maturing Importance. la
Crewed ale tit attletlee thew rld 2n competi-
It.. The limner at the Fair pertiap• har
eiresdv antielpstol that we meen to speak
of t hellisplay made la Floret Gall by WOse
well-known brewers, Messrs. Spencer a
PrOrrletors of the Ptcontz Brewery
of this otty. They exhibit a choice lot otol,t
Ales. fresh alert. Burnet ales. and what we
'might IDIPPOPetIy, aett yet properly. term
the wino Of ale, allbeugh the trade mark
styles it dve Iran old nook TeeterdaY
in company thejudgee we were erforti•
ed the privilege Of seeing tne•verious neat
barrels and half barrels tapped, Alt...order
net tha content. might tm tested, The
universal opinion of the splendid character
of tee glee was elven d everybody re
peated the prat. h igh ari tell Is daily awarded
the Phenols ales In all parts of the country,
Tne brewery I. one of the most enrollee
in the coontry and is 00000010 on the tenet
orderly nod eynentatio - geery pack
age Of ale either fresh or nook which leave.
the brewery le cartain.of beteg up to the
quality repreeented, and Swift a , lO to the
11.1 h reputatlonof the brewers:. Prom long
nespollamosto with tele Arm i.e.*an lsatedy
command them to the IlettOnage of the, bo
since. nommen! ty at lame, as they are
Dtthna.Caristol, lair Coaling .dllOnorablo
gentleman Irt o llolo,lrapalatlrst reliance
Watna situ,"
Tills romantic spot has been • great at
tract!. to visitors ctn. the Falr opened,
aud by very ceservedly received full
and ;Ahem! prelse. It is part of the despise
of Mr, 4. the email /malt Slog of
America s as baba/ been Justly termed, sod
was ...doted by oh. StOleatt tont patriotic
fellow citizen' Gen. Jam. a. Healey. The
garden 13 very benttilati told Is ktgoly
creditable to the tats and - liberality of the
The ii:splay of potatoea and vegetables
Mono In Keoz /Pal, from the gardvias of
Mr. KW*: la very floe, and *bows what. .aY
b Torodbred on'tne 'rteb roll or Westcro
Itr. Knox haa nib on exhibition a. very
Liege comber of garelett , a. 4 peaens
which are elferml lament: Menem, the
comic are Of the host Omen varieties of
vegetable% sad plants, .• -- • . • ,
Mr. of grapes le thalamus.
and Quest no easeever icon at 1107. Yen . —
State or efliinty, embracing all the famous
old and new vulatiee. Omer, for Men
flies be left at MU booth or at the etore. 137
-Liberty strut. and pectin,. envy rely oil
receiving what, they order safely byezpreu.
and nmrooem, It .171 Oars •ad that It to
Perhaps on agricultural unplament luaa
trier attadeed each Nerittombla potortbly In
IC Otirsti.• period of time after tulturoduc•
man In this mute. as Inn World Mower
d Vesper,
gnoZ 7A2 edlolnde
[avant the " ralr. therms One Cl the Itapp ,
=Cuts Which rendered graltedielaCtlon at
the late iri.d or mowers On the
@oath fide or the county. Ita ilome to of
aolld turn and a single turd Thu Jour ,
aids, abatis and
ire so stringed that
they cannot change thetrrelattre penttions.
The gear, which arc all cut out of aelht
lon TM with the reatdat , ty ,aad preemie:A
of clockwork. The machine te snot dem.
Lae In onarepterand opad•lo lead . gaga rstlo. Tha celebad 4011P:un rage cah
be e
ver,attah looki n
gn I t CPO Pt theOcot
rakers °gem& lath!. country. Let oar
at ri entrant friends . ran. Inige wit; call and
se. this vont Unittetannt, • • •
lir. liana bat an enlieee variety of agel.
cultural Implement& - on **ignition tor
which Mime decided. advantage; are el gat
tulle claimed. At , his lame-and come:o
dic. betiding and wary r0i1:14,41y Liberty
street, will be toned' an endless dlipitie of
neldt . alurgen Ohl nowhoia art3ni.s, to.
gethre with Ueda 'Once atisahbere, eneds
and everylitleg pertaining to the Batelle
agricultural loasinf
Mr. G. Parral, at fin. 10 Malth geld atreet.
lid moon; the piOneera in the Imo hn.t•
esa,mbleti hu beannto ao Inipartall, orb.
leg oat of the adaptation of coal oil mu a
means of light. an 4 bag kept p.m alto
,pobbo fail is to thlahegard, natur.
ally teat mg In the bnilding ep of a very
large • /Lt. blikaatabllshruant house.
atepera.or otberl rablirtni them. will fled
Vi " ealstl ' olgtffit= t:M o pV " togir e l
OILY. COmprlslng every on uf ,tarnp mann.
fauturea. nialrallog 1410 InVentiOna
Jamming. olio
abstained 11W highest
reputation as to salety,_ WSW. of the
blutiamt consideration. TOormably under.
idandleig Obi Intelnere. having the anima.
101. lariro, .Drattleal experlenee, throe
favoring' blni'ielth their patronage • may
lapohobtait sbi. g too van of 100110 ODS oil.
rogluetione are not en arbll.ltlon at the
Pi hot atranrera In Lbe oily should not
fail.. 1( they Madre .ythluk In his one, to
tall at his More. No. 71 Smithfield street.
Messrs. Pler.l).nals t Co, proprietor. of
the wan Led favorably known old Oregon
arewery..whlort boa goer Mara very
high roprtytlon for the par ty and *emir
lance Off It. ate.. are rop este Inilotal
with a number of upoeinice s o their
brewing. The ales browen . by OW atm are
fell of life, and have from time to time re.
entreii the testlmordal• of prat..
Their hail:nett 'le vety;all , 4l.o4olll, Imre
hat throughout our own sad owitlanotre
data, of the country. Parity. strength and
life are the hinfOrtarit it Wahl. of te Ore
gon ale, an d either In lichee. or h ealth
win wove very palatable Invigorating.
L'amlllpode.(lring puha.s lif this fem..
ale, either froth oratimilne utii stook, Oen
hare barrels' or half ..barrels delivered It
their reatilepoes. brimming; Order; at the
ogore of the brewery. Stevenson street.
F.lghth ward. To the trade an man teseld
telt Arm. an 4 r bespeak for them a largo
&hereof public, patronage.
Fair attenaanaigalrlikg to pi,roti.4o any
thing In the /Um of hate. oats. and ready.
nude nlOttilair, sh otdd not fall to at
leadtog house In this branch of trod, In
Weetern Tonnlylvattla. We 'refer Dutton
tarty to the, eatatillshmont of S.D.Uamaley,
SW Liberty street saw Waynil.'. Std. 130M41
Is exec 11 known lo r, ro ready nude
shalt, this meat, has wade
repoistion. • Doing a ratite llothisist, kr-Llt.
notiotifolly kenos I.lp his stoontd most ton
dagiad, which at ttila Gorgon Ss moony tnislr: That *tortoni:ilia stern II an that
(mold bo desired. salted to all .tastas. as on
styla of varmints and goalltY or
to t e for pion and :Fs. 'The lawn also oho
otaaea all other' oleo VW:Mining to a
clothing store, all the greatest{ Moldy.
A. might ha_ natartUr'lnierrod. this
m ati Inn wont to now enjoying shriek trade
front tile
thalunar of airliners to Win Male
Fair, to t vlitali :the proprietor lied
W.I. amnia Preparations; and heron u
reaping the rawasi..l dna Loaners" and close
application to Molnar.. For quality or.
Roods awl teammate. :Mama Oilstones. oi
ls.. snap - tor Indueernontg. yalr visitors
Trolly a. dlstana• will exeroloy e ye
umpiring' thOttutillroe • litln
we assure thorn toe/ he pone r monad
than at Rinitalers.•
arox34 Otte..
Donteetteltall will ha found a - numbed.
I".l=T;r:34fop to of
ltactiesnay.dio. 1904 Wale Aspic the Olt
aro the famous .Cureloi fall Works raring.
and Will be tooth on trial' to no very hum;
rlorarttcles. , The hibtleiltlng O 11 now to
very general rm. and Imola eve tt
ry Instance
glean .nabounde4 satisfaction. Tho Mom.
lasting of glees a clearand brilllant
arol snot explode. as It Is warranted to
stand Illogic UHL lip 'to /S 3 degrees. This
roggirt ' il ' i n o o s=l e o r si i iirot a o ;GI :10.71!
dont' attending tho We of hernias all of itts
Inferior character.' •
AioMßAYiikt AID 01X1414.1irOax.
• In crinneattnn with tha'abovo Kr. Mantic.
hay also uxblltels• inn- collection o r L b.
Bureau valuta and colon,. Which are rapidly
irrorms in Palle Ityor. 4tie. paint. aye
of a alaperlor Ilttl, &SO Kt nadir. pli,tnit
will Mend severe ekposurn fat a number of
I' ear. Thu Calera are' brilliant and mar,
wellonaly handsome. inirPamilhou any we
have mmen for a long thug nest. Th.., tutor.
outol should eta at the °Vico of Meson:lna.
iv. at N 0.19 St. Maly •atreet,here • they
*give o,l:Fettled o.ll,nyeessary I nformation.
40y , of res4ollK.ArisiOns' tO know
tho steno( the Central Alarm et cm,
Court nom., anummeturon et rho pioneer
foundry no mx. And. Voltoo, neve bat
Ortretne thomittunlath halloo exhibion
b7l.Dst nun re Me ague Mr KU. reit. it Al.
tp surveying Its Imtnepoproportions,ang
Diking into eneetderation Its greet sleight,
mempiy It D 7 two end' you have the
spit—or the weight stet glee of the big bell
halted 6.0 h to toil. , hours awl •to
strike alarms Ira/ Mot entage 'Pup. Tilts
foundry to the boot known In the country,
maeafsatpree ring nog from Hales.
to Oeorgle. 'Ste gelitm, MOP of the pros.
unprogrio . aomoood.
bouovo.iooA/rusulioppe t !
of the Alleghenies, kn th g
iglrleWarNtl=indgirAte Idyl at
thOrOu v
leguyle n a n log. • * Tho,tresens mane-sr
g tlertads
Uhl Dulness In All.
• •
details, sad swtllnot permit
leave-hts estsollshreent an ise• I t o...perfect
and ...tubs:dory In ell .reepents. we. Fol.
ton furnishes ell kinds of 0011.112 castings at
.be shortest notlee, of the best quellty tad
.1 the lowest rates.
The monster bell at the rait - Isand
tomal, and as be beard ••(rut dia.
dance. 'at la for the North &Tonne Chttreb,
Vie Gerreil A OASES er..WIWO YaC Ea.
It would be unjust to pus by In emee
this machine. the merits of whirl yre so
faithmly represented by the agent, Ilr.
A. k _Cludortny. Isms, thut.twenty Tem.
,go the first Sewing machine wealevented
and betroduce4. yet at the present date tele
AmeriCan invention It in extensive- use In
,everychillsed eountis on the globe, a n d
.ninatentes of the Cetera g worn, cspeetehr
In the United 13tatu and Europe. ts made
by the sewing machine. As a natural re
sult.every.good pool is counterfeited, and
Imitatlonsrare attempted, to !be Made of
every saleable Invention. •But of too
scores of machines Mali:Wag - the pat
rouge of the public. Some for ose.
.10.131eforsowtber,IIeendarltY adeantage,
tee rani:dation of tne Greyer i Esier gee.
log Machine hot never sulferedba the least.
Ifs tree lap:Weed by its Inds*. end a sex
tet machine, like Its works,
Grover &Bakers will compare. favorably
with any other in existence, Is plainly
Indicated bYthe' every mime rapidly in
oressingdemand epee the manufacturers,
agents. Tome of our lady readers ho
wish to view tee inetruteent engaged t o Its
charming fleeoMplisbilleni. can do Bo by
ateinintrlOSO Kr. Utiatomey'shooth :at th e
Fair, or calling at Ills establishment, 80.
105 Elite street... ,
Thin well known Fifth street Arm In the
carpet trade, are well up their etOck for
public reqtnretriente, having id score do
mm ploelountlty, all styles of carp flags and
a cloths, or other articles in e Hoene
furnishing wen pertaining to air line,
including all the latest
b o t h
of the
richest and rarest fabrics both of ! home and
foreign pronnetioni DR WWI SS the
eheapeet article manufactured., No car
pet house in _the. West enjoys higher
standing, and their business has an.
Slimed very large proportions, solely duo
to indefatigable energy undivided atten
d'pod miumgernentt those of our
readers Who design pursbusing anything
In the line hi goods kept by. Afer., C. &
should favor teem, resting assured that ite
regard& primes 442 S quality of article
;esteem!, ryprideutations made by tale
Arm, may he plleitly relied noon. Their
number Is 73 Fifth street..
' filter.' Farrell a Co., the well known
itiactteal Plumbers, gat and steam litters,
No. Id 7 Smithfield weed, are represented In
igeehinery Ilall, by specimen. of turned
lead pipe, block tin. sheet tin, rdutobene
materials, wash mantle, and a patent porta.
bin force pump. The display to creditable
enough. bat elves no idea Of the capaoity
anti extent •6 toe manufacturing 01 the
tuna. They are very extensively engaged
in the manufaeture of block tin and sheet
lead and lead pipes, and supply a jar.o
share of the demand for , this part of the
State. Their prodoetions add ma.
unliy to -the tommerctal statistics
of th dl e atty. They deal in mineral plumbing
bnd gas end steara fitting materials , and
are a meet' reasonable schedule of prices.
We :take pleasure in commendmg the firm
of Batley Yarnell Co. to the patronage of
nut read ers, and to all strangers Interested
in their trade who may bola the eity dude g
the coutinnettemot the Mile. In their ware•room. vial he found a vary large and coin
plots stock of malarial*, which will prove
attractive to purchasers.
"Agatn, in sauntering through Donseetlo
Hall, we encountered the aroma arising
f rote the soaps exhibited hg Moms. Deed
Johnston and lingered for - a while m ad
miring this varlegeted specimens of the
finest qualities behibited by this firm. Of
the mperiOrity of the soap manulactured
by lt, &J. them can be no doubt, and. In
thou demonstrating the fact wisdom Is ex
enalsed. More protentlotts eetablishment.
cannot but lose in . their licit of
enterprise, nod will learn that a
trade long establisher, Is not secure
for this ream° elone. to the manufacture
of cusp, an In other things, there Ilea been
very great ilriprOVOMent. and Reed * John
ston unquestionably have manned the nigh.
est pointer advancement, as Indicated by
their exhibition. They show all desiorip-
Mogan= that devoted to the moat cons.
mon too tip to the delicate toilet 'Miele,
manufactured at their establiatiment, cor
ner Of Libertyendlialdwin streets,
Ih Inemestio Llall will be observed • very
Ilheral display Of patent stores, noires and
(Mee not grate fronts from the marehothio
of Weems Groff. Guns ft Co., Nos In ana
MI Liberty street. All of the articles will
prove well rth
worthy examination, mote es
-000141/1 aline winter Is pelting In,
and soma preparations tei Meet Its mild
blasts meet be made. Among the rumen
no selatnltlon we ',noticed th e popular Roe.
ton 000010 oven range and Venda portable
range. The former lies been for some time
extensPan nee, and 4 epok - nn of very
highly by UMw who have thoroughly con
vinced themogres of as superiorly by fair
g i :ttl4 I:pr .
Portable Range, to meaty Mgt commends.
ttOrk and pmaesece Mau not
ice d ecal:an
ties. Among the Meru we not the cal.
etrated Catmints coOketolm. for coal mill,
which are of various aloes and are claimed
,ribs gnat fuel saver. and to be otherwise
'superior; the Peerless +tare, for wood, malt
able for use In pine' a Where taxis scarlet
the Victor nesting mount, mitt tone Mile
tor and abut Pon druid; the Laundry
stove. All of thew, are worthy attention
and pow.. separate and distinct meats
from each other. The usortnicat of One
grates is every fine and embreces Well.
man's patent low down grate and
oCher Patten. makes. !feasts. Graff,
Bogus Co.. are Menlo agents In ibis
city for the popular Morning Glory k'urnsine
and Monitor Furnace, The latter la estoeL
ally adapted tor heating ctairetes, sehuls,
taps und lugs publloor al l hens.. At
the irsurooms of Mtn firm will be found an
Immense stich of stoves, raced, gram..
furnaces, and a mend aseortrunt of Mu.
dry manufactures, which t* disposed
of at rusonable prices, to those who
hey to *oil again or retail patrons; . •
• Mr. James ltexter bee eharge Of the dis
hier mane In Domeetle Dell of tbe Natrona
defined sap - miner. or Cmietiocrated Lys,
which is urantifectured by the great Poon•
sylvaal• SAD elunolitotorlng Company.
'About this concentrated Lyn wo deities to
concentrate truth, so that no reader will
rotomn Iniganranee of Its great advantage.;
or.; orarpeAller thing ref the cite racier In
me.. One libiglo eon not make to,. boo
al red and .rerity-ave pounds of cool wrap
ernof peruse fat, which housewiveswho do hot pnurtlce ellonoury permit.
to go in waste. 'We bare tied it
with nuebled m eue own family
nun know whereof we speak sexton that
Its tailotlitotertell doubt claim for It one
ball the merit to which It Is entitled. The
Win wrap awh i le et 10 Of ti b a rry, sup rior sin tiny, Dm herd soap I.
mina! 10 Pm enret deterelve soap
[oontactured anywhere. Wilt, a Aug of
beespOulder anti a kettle tonaltt s child
tenears cod rail make semi ln every
reopen t 0 the Lint' mile soap. Vlsitore
at We Wee nlll mitre with us to
tills selection atttr Witnessing bow
so ryr Annie no gwenod• will.
the Sapobifier. • TOO - -enentstor mum
facture an article of 111 Catch Son s .t i gy ettnr
1 0 Id a's ofrClZTit-
W•detilre, however, of ,reef simcirtl %Wear
Don to their DI Curb Ssoit, to the menu.
Departs of +bleb mach time god ethical=
hes been damned. the 10.011 hoist the pen.
woolen Of an arthrlg which bus Mt aupwlor.
Thor also Matethe meortfacture of *tide a
speetalty, anti can furnish the pored onalb
Pr of sulphuric, ormiatic, or nitric acid.
Clifford Pemberton. EDI 10 the Demerit
Agent for the notopany In Pittabtargh,
whom till wholesale Indere should be ad
Of tbe vet y flrat el*:e hardware...a...Nish.
meets to ton thy. ho ono to &blot a more
flotrlobleg hu•luyes than that of I.ltl.llty.
Sterett t Itttortr, 1t47 Llbtrtv toett, trole-
Oidtgrefs sad - impotence Of hard +art, tot
tery. SC. They *err On tted.... felt tetort
meor or toner's coil teetbertlo's stole. •uell.
I** tare, saw, ampere. etc of Itoe betcoal-
O.y, which they Sell two the moat reforma
ble terms. Farmers and elbow, to neat of
hardware of any deserlptloo mill fled title
aralottoti eetabtlahottot..
Prat:lllo4ra at the
- vri — rosistsinsiGimr.
White Licari and Cofer Works,
Itzpara:torere at
wurtz i. 411) DID LILAII, • -
Lad virswircit AK en
01 . 7 to
oate4, Igo: a 7 VOURTU
413 D 432 . 4 4.1(1 •
arz.?,<111;.., .44 i 9 elf 46 1 .i. 4
14`gbcpy " 5t,114.17
Fence Manufacturing VA
A peer Neel 'mei desirable eADellbli Alr Det-
Acte J 111141,11101. 011101I•ry
.. It not efrered Itto Lite tpelcce (Sr be.
low tbe toe of Ison ry. erd *bout Ike dare
rpeetafena of U. ont.. een be al
No. 1. ii•oll.l3r Illy.
itl'aUtLITI:Til,Vl7l re'n'el'....lnry;,lT:-
aetf that 111# ha eiscapest mo.t besol.llal
fence now meek.
411t11xu, iIkatUAWCUN'
rop 43rolrer,
124 First Street,
rxr.rnatraun. pa..
t. 4 14.14 of ()grant%
' 10nt4.112, .gmwor.
uu.o.n, hr...4.locanthro . clte. Trott.-
tu.r.y Vote 4.41 0111.1=.1.• /i,
„ e '" ina ” .4 . " 1;1 . TroAiti4VlP
tehlt .TALE.-ife have tor sate
tor: ex: good Acoovol.buid
,Turning Lathes.
Alto, ;MrlclOrrkt, =lnch
"th. m".".
legelee AA lha 1 . .411 . ?1,11114L WOMKE.
4161111.t1 soix, a CO.,
Voraer Polnl Lllt7. Lft;i446A. 1 go
1.2(te , 4
Sv,f:ffIVIMAD'.:7D 4 Z,IfrithPAT
161:1,7 . 1A6 HOSE,
ej , .. I4n A erAIASLIA IT.. B.
40,' , Aie n:A gar Nni Tuti.P.alArer 110
van Elk el ti g.
11 , 1; 1 1[4 . 174 14% , 1
.00110.. w,
411 EAT nzvoLtlzim IN THE
uanu 1.114.14:t)11NU. I,l6utrettlalln, ,ad, trinanMltAtfirlica p aV=.
tad etiSMPIIII.• •
The andendaned " total
tall the IdUltddon
Wine Dealers and "total Known; to tne
tnt tedtar,-wtach may ba a aorta?t tau of
/Inlader Qear rilma . • •• -
• wai rlitiLlT,rma. pat. f
bon /Us niu In. Feed. WI
stall .1 .1 clivlssvoll,_ce ow Igc Toon
• Z. ths T 011...
PH. la.-11DialarEZ,
118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth.
Government Securities,
Gold, Silver,
And Coupons,
Sought aodrold.o3llLeral tem& Mgte add
all the art adv.! elate* of Inlet*.
nwoul unaiimanda wits •
Chcocaso Clcs“
Jr, anTagoondonts. We ors DMusd le oonnti
lot° f,20 , . of 1..., •
113109.11. 00 Maui tom netIINAPS. •
(BA B. McVAV & CO.,
, laztialmerrati
00 . 1111 4 11 6 .£0178,Til AND 31111MIMILD 8T8•
we are now oio won to convert the
New 1867 6:20 Gold Coupon Bonds
Palen in Pennant Sean iu.
Corner Fourth & Wood Streets.
Orman nor Tie neg. - name Game..
Ternasoav, September 30, OWL t
Gold was weak to-day, and aloied at 14354.
being at one Ume as low am M. Favorable
Political newel. having Its effect on gold, And
for the premot, everything L calculated to de.
Preet the market atilt further. - The Govern.
meat is a liberal miller, bid no further amounts
have been gold since tat cram Government
seeurltle(are very doll and drooping for Mlle,'
of 1011,11356 and 1807, also 7 40e, have all
dccimed about Re% per mat.
The stook market's nictitating verymuch; at
' opening of the market quotations wore from 3
to a% per mot. higher than yesterday, but at
the close the Advance was toilet again, the mar
ket aiming weak with a declining teodeooy,
except some ellque Omit. Oorydea U dime?,
Qoarts - 11111adruiced 10 cents, and the bal.
sere of the lilt remain. newly unchanged.
The money market Is beam:meg closet ai the
time for the quarterly statement of the Na.
t lonnlltschs approaches. and one per mutt. pee
month le readily paid for good buslmes paper
on smelt and short mortirmica,
Mr s P. 11. Mean' closing N. York goodr
norm worm a. follow.,
Cole, 111561 19111% 110%04M, teed, 003%;
1664, leg; dellS, 10011 Canards, 16TX; 10.404,
84 34 i 7-10, 114,14016•5 j.
Cleicland m Pittgbiargh 164
Merchant. Vole Lapses. ' 16
Mestere Valois Telegraph 68 34
Erin It. E
gitteburgh Lott Wayne • Chicago
Northwettern Eallroad—commoa
Northerestero—preferred....— 41
Now York Central
Ohio acid 6ll.Welyyl Eatifleates 264
—The New York ally bank statement le
more unfavorable them IN expected, sad &re
appoints theta who have tried to believe the
advanced rates entedal. The Tribune taps
It Is evident that the city bank., and falect
the cotton banking interest of the coot:die, wirl
be able for some Unto to obtain toll rotes for
all the money they can spare to more the
*rope. The United States Treasury le not Et •
mmitiou to come to the relief of borroweit if
such a policy thould be desired. It bee foods
eaough on depadt with the National bank.
sad In the Sub-tremery to meet maturing cosi
inlithdt, nod Co pay Its debts ea they tuatara.
The city bank. have no remedy for the drain of
cutreney to move the crops, but to cancel their
call loth. to Bpeouletore, and employ 00.1, cap-
Pal in commercial channeht.
' , Speaking of the moral killing of unmelness
In Walt street, the Journal of Centmeror *s
cribes the not to the of the Tress.
try Imputmeat with the operaUom of desen
and spsculators la the turkey and add.: "ham
lag some rmaoa to suppose that the recant ad.
ranee In gold seta they main of a crombinatiocr
among mrtala operatem, the fietretary tithe
Treasury omatramd moveacial to thwart It
If ponible. Very omeiderable miss of geld
from the Treasury were made with a view to
effect this moult, and /lee Twenties were mkt
at the swam Unto to countered the "Itduence of
the adranee in that dlreetion. This, with the
demand for mover to remit to the writ, has
produced gotta a pressure here. and alarmed
thou. who had no cotnectioa with the told
movsatent, but whoseintarmta were imperiled
►y tide Intonate. of the toreranicat In the
Street fleances..
—lllsLas Now 'fork liostittlosuGreeelved bl
, fun. itazdy 5 Ga. ,
cr . s. Sot. n 551 .
" ban, 1 "' " 164. lel
4 " • UM.. . . ......... l .................. ull
I, ie.......-.—............. ..... .... 107%
" 15400,
. Conon
lunitslis 1
NI, 7-30
O 1
On. Compounds, 1 , 61..
. ,i 4
,L 1 _..
titer • •• •-••••
--It see= albs anlabaolute iceposaibllity to
get a true report of tragrowing mpg of tha
erwt. DUdee the two month. prior to the
barrestag of the what crop of the clarets
eayear 'report. from ail warier, of the west an.
red 1. peosalaing the /Meg yield ear
known. The peeps forthwith htilaitate4 Itself
WWI the prospect or chap ltreatletunl; and,
into S. pnees of lam, which had been mat-
Ulna a a vary high lan for ante time.
went Sam materially at the annonneementuf
the aboadat eattes henna, But now that
the crop la gathered, it falls far below the ea
gala. elte9 ten that the puhla had me 'cloaca
tn. The Ulna on, though by no mane great
weenlee to j eally apporitenelona of esareity,has
hut the enact of cheating the aticipata de
ll. La prase awl poet paling the era of these
bread. There is probably on mesa of prevent
leg thee* false reports. When thecrop le
abort the loss la eagnated, end whoa it is
to the gala I. magallied; Ito that the public
mut phllaophleally console itself with th e
old adage, the middle I. Way,. &ad ro.
asta report. et rrowing crepe with Cereal
grata of allowance.
Orsma I , eaa Preasaaaan Galan:,
• Tnuasnai. aeptambet EL 1847.
Mims:lM OP:Ltrairtmem EAST .
• The shipments al staak Sao dEHAL the week
Natal. Sep taabeillath. ware we Inflows:
' c
Philadelphia CalMSa. M a l S 6 seP• NE4
N. Y. •la Phil& NT 1$ 617
N. T. Tla Allentown....3lll 30.4 n 744
Way BtatloN ......... eel 1179
LW wink.
15,e07 5,C16
A 441
.. U,900 11,133
Then was a material hallnd et in the ant.
vale of cattle, asmpared with last week, but
the heeerthelees, was fully up to the
&mad, and with unfaeorablo ednees doom
the out, the market ruled dull, and; If eel.
Wag, prim' were lower, espeelldly toe eo,pe
so* cad. inferior eagle. Priam fat nttle, as
hse ben the eseo fist some weeks put, wens
801 'swY Pldelr. but the tergehlaPply of coos
moa etockletlPpled the indoor good eattls, and,
u h general thwy, buyers .eked tot onuses.
gloe, and eons of them famed to take hold
untses they .do so at. . nolootlos, We
coallnue to Quote stock cattle 'at lo to 001
mediate tweloattle at tattles good do at Tel
prime at I}l to e..' ' 'lead earn n Ogle 830.
One dome of tetra Seethes& Ohlo itten
brotteht 00, but so bras. we could learn, thlS
wu the only solo Move 8 cents, and It GU
hardly,be taken ea Ali etiterton of the ql1.1.•
TO arrivals of Sheep were eonelderably
larger than those of WS week, and with am
faeorable tideless from the west, and but new
buyers to attendanee, the marget-wet
though Prime hare undergone larle or no
'thin* :pm Tory but fat mutton Sharp did
noteontleasd above 434 O'63C-with • stogie
eneePtlon of one intro tinnily 'blab told at a
filiation above 6. da will be eec. by semen,.
to the roport of Wee, that:mina! the u..a
tioni were between 1 to Sleets, .siS some eery
107.100 drove. 101401414 below the inelde nuo,
Moos. We quote the following take:
Hodges • Taylor *old 116 'mai Lambe, avers
Oaths to pound*, to %fault, et 1,46 per poised;
111 head Sheep, Sraraglog MI, common, to fie.
mr at 1 1(1174 head to Blomellinito at 11,15 per
J. howl botaitti 710 head fahlab. etteep from
Glee. a Lafferty, averaging 10 lb% at 11.1,1%7 por
eon 1116 heed from Jones, nvorsglag sf , ,retty
common, at about 3,00. • •
n organ; gold Plefea about Mo head, aver-g
-lee te-lba, no IX. Smith Talmag• .0 10 me
bud Sheep to Loyd at 3,60, avenging tu lb.;
100,107 atookere to Myers 11 per
Glees k Lafferty sold 60 - tteC4 to Lord et
1,10110 hese to Rawl ate; MO bead to Lard at
Vali tan Irsie glIg! " • .I ' to
444 at
Teen -
..,an erne stela a alb ?alum of toadier to
the hog minket, the seles,th the antegato,
being about al to the must staadaid /*Pont
of *embed, though, tt 4 .1004 Ulltitirhilow
lest reesk.ja ideas. New 7(otk Hop cold ell
the w*lrlt,buta t to 70, assotdiks to listelltc bad
Condition. Phlladelptola bacon paid fr0t07340
to qo, eAd oas sutra diem or Southern Ohlo,
Hogs, ayeraglag. over the pounds, th e beet
drove that has been to thin msikot thin eea•
son, brought e,40, an outside prim any there.
fore, cannot be teen coon lades Cl tan Sego
ket.• We quote the (otlowtscritles
• Hedges Vapihr lidatet ommou to
bleessuset, Olden k Co., at M. Smith k rat.
mace soot IS head to seats burets, seenglar
ImaoEk Moser towtbt bead from Stott
• flitel , &ranging no, at 11%2 81 Boil Allen
lon, ay Wog tao, at .TX2 Ito from glue, al ,
amen 500 8 tp 55 (row Scatty *lrony.,
150, 511401111 tom Wallah, aeorimlalt o, it
54at from Adams, at . pragnit 180, al 6 101411frola
. dokoslos, areragthig CD, at 11 07 (ma .&d.
(;04 averaging 125, at 1,181 51 fmac w.
Blackwood, IveraBl.ll tlO at M 11a
O; from
terotTerilllor /IA at 10 , from Voter, ;
la( 5.10, it 7,102 from Wawa, areragto:_f
5 1 7,10 2 at, from Bealas, aviffulti r aio.
' rein: ala 3 / 4 8711111: f rail,
Glass ft Itaffatty coed 0 bead tdilaUlgsa
14101 44 - to taa* at It 51110 allabratt t. 40;
to Llama. at 11,7011ta to Plareetu 5,15; OS to 5...•
Jobastok at • Mai ka 10 Yaw at NI 41 to
tdeasengsd MUM al Co. a 1 tt• ta
Scott YAMS OM 1311*itioilo.
of oho inceatbliauthgra 15110 AV
1/ . 11;111,
iltroirrort cars or 04 , rgir.
./tOdireiTailorroldOO somalaton I sasoa
/Igsbolfire aod slats, arorseri7Oofto Tod 4
. .
. .
•JititliS DWELL &SO Ni
60 and 70 Water Otrate,t,
Lad dealors . l:: VELUM LIMBIC/ZING and
We warrant oar No. t Lard CM Odual to the
tact ••troilatl, or oiler brand., and P.N.
to ,tdl 10 low to Cloclr.r.4ll or Crlrooo rotas.
Car 2 , 0 t Lard 011 aro. Lubrlootor outtoot to
" ge:P r.
. Cro,, L:rrtatti7R Rod nordord brands .
Of Carbon(hi ”nastattl y bona ,
llurchonto an Indoo foctor. r: 1,111 ttad it to
their toterrot to el., .s • cid telore Ordering
Lard Oil flora tilt War.. felt,'
Ip4; 18 heal to Mann, bar ;antlers ay'
MAC 021., at 4,70; 23 to Bead. arengto..Bls!
4,96; 01 heed acm4 Ichid I.r Batas 4.05; al la
-1.0 Pldsoek,'aretsgtog 1000, good encl. ens:,
at bt 410 bola to Bans, same ktudoet 4;a to name
2 . 7 . 4 " 4,0;;; head good stockers to Pte..,
ta 6,60:4 go Martla reZ74 g t r e ° ,,
at at Mg had, same to lame, " at :A; 1 b;
Reed at 450 1 to Whitmore at 4 , A; 14 t o
arerestlni /420. at OM.
Smincle Talmage sold 94 head to Voter,
Ulna Welt steers. at 6;1 to Todd at at It do
to nma. at4;l6 to Doff"; it Co.. same kitid..;
4;4 to rota.) at 614 i bt Elathaway,
cattle avenging 1100, at 6510;17 to J. Lewis. •
Bhade . better, at 634, 40 to Voter, stock
at 4,75; 14.8 to way buyer...loo Wad at ”ttle,
at 6/5; 16 to Corbett a Co. at 6,2 b—prime mock
en; 4 to Biller It 2; 61 to non at. 6.45; 63 to
Corbett at 4;40 Totes at 654110 to Maybes
ra tlo, at Cco; 'X to Rathweray at 4,40.
31eneoger, Gillett ff. 430. bought 21 head es•
tra Southern
at sten.. annals% 1150, from
Scott & WWI. at 8,60 45 good KA ,tuakr cat
tle, from At Wormg, averaging 120 0 . at
Ulan 0.9231 ;whim; coo:unbutton: 49 "ead
scalawag. to toga, at 8;6; 90 bead same high,
to Mayne. CO. at 4; II to Orlapmao, light
02.,.taken clt 4 %1. 24 to Wen at 4%; 14
Mayon a Co. et 4.40; to nme, h i ed. 2. to
html. mash etoeker., at 4;21 to hled. con
*ad talks., at 655;40 to A. E. Black at 5%—; IA
tin 21 to Abbott .15, R 7
2 o R. S. ffhlllips at
4.0.410 to 30111:151eArdle a 6%; 87 to Abbott at
ineAlltstes gold 21 bead sootmott stock to
DIeAHIe at 4 H. Orteoteald .6. Kahn 57 head to
Overt.)Deer a Co , welshing 54,750. ony. t.
Lone & Hem to Byers 74 at 4y., idsynes to
Rothchild. 23 0%134 Keys to Werke d Tsar.'
matt 42 head at 6. .171,Itytere to Nesbitt 17 head,
Rood estlle. welshing 21,615, at 7. Downey to
t.oslek 23 at 54 , .
Irwin to Bladse k Berry et 141.1 of stackers
at 9; agato to some, 99 at 6. Streets: to Plate
19 common at 44.. Borst to Everson GO At 6.
Hanks to Mooney & Clo. 70 at 1656. Ilotrard to
Pierce 19 at 136. Hoist to Polite ft Long
neeker 65 st 6. Hadddo to Moan 20 Lead it
5,80. .
. .
Thrasher to Zte/tolle 71 head bulls at 5.14.
Gridley to Shlsler 21 at 4.36. rilsoks to Thomp
son 17 fattish tattle at 0.20, ;Voullee k Wetnte
31 at 5; blotter to ltathawar 10 at 4.60. eanamt
to Marks etTesorman 15 050.55. Meer. to !St
eatite; 10 at 6.
. • •
Oreenwsid & Kahn eald--for' Morris to Ben
der lop airfoil .took at &;o. same to moo 27
at SM. McGraw to itsmho 18. t 5,75. Graham
to Phillip., 0.7 at 5.L0. Harmers. to Phillips
23 at 6,52; Clark to Mooney d 110.20 pretty good
cattle at O.
Oseros on vans rrersattnon Getarrn,
rectum/T o September 21, 1857. ;
The State Fate -was the greet centre or at
traetlett tokai, and, as ••• seneral thing, bush
near was neglected, and looked upon sea roe.
ondary matter. This bang the ease, there erne
little or nothing done In the general market.,
except ha. regular eraY,atol. ae a consequent..
ard have but fey round lot operations to re.
Port. • .
GRAlN—Wheat le cutlet sad uncharged—
may be quoted at $ 2 im far prickle Red, sad 82,56
(or Pilate White. ' Bari.y le atilt quoted at
81,234,1,13 for Opus& oath a fair damned. Oat.
Marco and llun;aalo 0(1 car at 4.5<-4 la all sales
beaters at (40/100. Cora 1. quoted at 61:24D
aceordloy to quality. tire to In demand
at stmauo.
FLOUR—There to no Improvement to note
In the drrosnd, and white the market Is doll,
before ere unchanged-110.N' to $10;60 for
Sluing Wheat; 8111311,60 ler Winter 'Meet;
and .ISfyte for fancy brand. Lye flour It
quoted at N.
PROVISIONS—Hocon is - steady hot un
&hanged eh 15a for Shoulders; l7(pilla for lilt.
hod and Clear Sides; 42e for Plain Sugar Cured
liamM and =a (or Can”ssed do. Lord V gem
at and Ideas Pork $25.
SEEDS—Flatowed le •in good demand - at
Timothy Send cannot rattly be quoted
05,5 5 2 , 03 05.55. or ronad lois. No demand
for 'Clover. •
BITTITU—There is • continued good de
mand for prime to choice Butter, with Pale. ro
portol to-day at gliikUfh No detumol toy cam
mon packed. •
EGOS—Quiet sad unchaugul at 210/22e for
freak packed.
APPLES—Ara selllag at :ram Val p bbl
as to quality.
Itay—ls Irma vtontry wares. at $l5
artO per ton.
(MEESE—Is steadr, trlttra rood demand—
replier Jobbing sales at tie for ' comma,
Western Reserve, and Nellie for liataborgard
OlL—Lard Oil Is Urns but unchanged at W
fot No. 2, and 110.0 for No.l. .Thesa we th.
manufacturers' wires—Jobbers, of course, al•
won Chine • slight • advance over ,thae
POW. rOES—Thers to sloaditlemarul for
New 3.r.ey Sweets at $ per Dbl..
. .
Canoe OP Till Pm - machos flantrrs,
Tarr/noes', September MS, UV. f
CRUDE—The great mejority of our oil Nan
wore absent from duty today,the most of
them, we presume. being out at the lair. So
far sa bemiring was concerned, It marls but lit
tie difference wbere they were, az there was
/Dila or nothing done, atul we do not suppose
that it would here been • diffetten providing
they had been at their pests. Tbere did not
'appear to be anp disposition manifested to
either buy or sell, and while the market was
dell and stagnant, prices here, hare undergone
anquotableshmige. Wo beve but asingle eat*
to report, two thousand barrel., arc spot, at
(We. Spot ell may be fairly opeted at 1541
Hi:; oil ran at viler , * option, all
atiflaVi, be: ,t' option, and 1:01234o Prat
EVINED—Throe was out a eolaars opera-
Ma In bonded oil today , efletat there were,
00 0 0
reported, end • the matiket Ruled Teri
quiet, with Writes from NeW.
Tort. ,pot oil to day was gulled,that
market at alLatro, against Opic L "l id
abowlos a alightilatillne. October mar Le QUO.'
to the abiecee of ulea, at 14;;Iti 5 bay ce. wai motored, that te.estuna had
been :veered athing • "refossia" for the lilt
three tr_tothe, at tilts. It would aeon. from
this'dhai the laic wooths are holding up,While dellroty la lower. There were no
<atilt dlepatehteto.dar. as that we here oath
ids from a., op later tt se ST edoralt.S. Ohio
It Woo quoted at fa franca. • .
OIL elitriLD Z 6112 flex 1117(11411r, 1 / 1 1701,
Rutthinaers 011 Co., Ito bbla relined to I.
Wilcox, Philadelphia
B. IL Lnng d tie:, 92 do do to Waring, Slog
•Inn. Philadelphia. •
P. Wettentie 114 do do to Waring, Ring
Union Bela 00,130 do do to Warier. Xing &
00., Philadelphia.
Johowtoo 1 Patned.l do do, to W. P. Logan
e. Ere., Philadelphia
P I.
hillier, l
a b do do to Wartng, King la 0..,
hill i er,
P. Nelson At Co. SO do dojo Waring. King
fdo., Philade/phia.
Brooke, Balluatined ‘ Co.. la do do le W. G.
Wa rr, 60 Philadelphia.
J. • llobart So Ittbileattng on to E. E.
flea ed., Philadelphia
Mew York Praetors; 11111tatet.
Talsarsph fo the Pitsburshtlasette 3 • ,
Naw 'font, September ea.—Cotton dull,
and drooLdegl sale* bates at for;
telddllng upimids. Floors receipts MOO
bbl!; dull and droOping; sales. 0,910 .bbl. at'
17,71138.10 for superfine. State and western,
sesooliklio for extra Western. 42,7001720 for
round hone Ohto. and $l9OlO for at. Leull.l
Cantors ut. quiet; soles of 210 sesta and tibia
at.11012,6e. Sides of ' 270 bids /ire l'lonr , l
at *0.3100.12. Whisky quietest' unohanged. , l
Wheat; receipts, 103,547 but; Spring a ahado•
firmer nod winter 2030 caster; sales of.
1.23.000 bus at W.. 190042 tor No. 2 serber.ll2.2+,
10? rery choice do, $2,30 for .No. 1 toreng,ll
1140 for old Chicago Sprang. 12.60 for amber,
alletsgart,lP,Pp4 for extra choice white do.,
and $2.02 for choice white Caltlbrolet live ,
quiet; Wes of 1020 b Is • Western' at. 4.1,4 V
'Barley tit:aloud domping; sales of SOW Mel
2 0.2 Chicano It SLIO. 21alt quiet; Wet of
1,070 bus at SIX Conn receipts, 31.471 bus;
lets 103170 and le lowest wiles of 0,000 but'
at 111.1001,53 for mixed treaters, closing at
111,31124.771 for prime parcels nrioat, and 11.27
01.= tor unsound. _Oats; reCelpts.
actlve and firmer; antes of 1tt,0 , 30 bus at 71CS
In'. itL, o ,itl.ngir 9 7,TY,n,Zg o t;. 7 d 9 g.
tarot of ISO Wide at lICIM For Cube and 11.4 e
for rorto Etc°. tiolasses dell. 'fops quiet
at previous priCeo. l i strolenno ,,, qedur. at
PrteiggrriVl:it=l 350 for
Itt_e a ti
of &Me bbls at 123.A7?..1,0 for meet, mommg
11t mito 11056 , and fat Wilti,by prima.
001 Ares lam of 17.5 Obis tit previous
Prices. beef llama nominal. Bacon steady.
Cut Ideate
sales of XV phis. at 115(0
Ito for Shoulders, nod 11140182 for 11,,,
Lard mostly; salesof I,o7Elbhm at 133 , 4014%c.
utter 110th at 1.541Wn for Ohio. Cheese
dine; 00 100150 . Trelents to Liverpool quiet
and unction sea; 10,000 bus 013003 at Wt.
• LaresT.—Flour closed ' and, some
lower for modium end *Maroon; light
'a.m. ...quiet. end steady. Wheat 70 02.
ties and vett firm at * 3,9009.05 for 2;
PA IV 11. 0 i,11. 1 4 4," t
Welre per on, for Ch seep° and ObW.. Corn
Is lower and doll at 4101:11„11 Its good to
prima mixed w.sters. xeorktasteatir ; sates
of 4500 at qZ,117,4022.00 cash and ma-
Welsall at IlAidlitliAo3 and 110 market
taot. WTI Is nominally • pu tt. ngd, Cot
stoat. • are quiet and Mu Item% la
nommal, Lard m steady -et lit1(111%0 per
lb, for fair to prin. steamed{ 14e1e5io
for kettlO rendered.
. ,
Saw York, ing tioons nankin..
(He 'r parson to the Pittsburgh Otrette.l,
Saw Teak. Sept. 24.—Tho dry Fonda Mir
; ket remains a llttle onieti• although. few
largo Jobbon are tranetailog a good buOle:
i nese ot n attlity well jitistablexLprioatt. The
bolter tio A7srag,. both . fornlru and.
atele or eine of mode not required. fortin.- •
mediate wants moot with indifferent ealot,
atunpre table pricesto all. ;Whits, in graM
nein Rod eetie:lage, eoutbane to omit quick
and wall at ittir mate. Printing clothe sad
well at Oren rirdate. - Detainee e, otr nadir
without mach
Wane nun. Gingham
aro o :inalair MIS prices; lOW grades bring,
poor prince. illettched muslina are slowly,'
anti popular makes keep clean •up at Pat I
frice*. On few. brown eheetiugu one
ibbing hone° has mound their prima eery
ow—below the • regular- pricee,.. slot Tito
fpm.„ 4411,53 eborrolartelloary
goodsy gouda a re or ° r°C e+ %04 6. 4 ""`
closed out at a mark decline below octet.
eon: Pennsylvania inner as aintottokr
weights titlyaxda to tho pound, cello as low
as 14,5(0g the boat makes command 1 7012 X....
with dmonesption" Lawrentio 0, Which
are rollemerea lowYlca
ur Telegraph fang Olinbutott floxottiol
Common, Hoptembor W.-Weather demi
and onol. Flour tfull' td. 1 17, 3 7.!0/D•rd prk -
.Dring WOOkt coition r... 0d t : t
higtfor.nroOl,tol.l!,r3enQ 043ius
."!^.. • • (Ally Ottcst-NO1.01!Q1,05
Abu 0,00401,0 N for X 0 . 41. Oita lont.lloUVll,'
Waling at 13 50:03)464 qntdvavil
olisaffsd Barley ia lobo% olosktu kt 1411
tor !L. Rev tong oolng In. PrOvilliOna.
ROVOIOte , -I.l l °lo bbistiourt 120,003 bur. wheat{
WACO bus COM; 113,000001 _watt . t,OOO bop.
abitebtik-0,g,0 bblsflourplon bozwinatt
4o,m tu o bus cortitol,olo bungs: 110110btollts
Ootlrai {Ste tot Ws:ft for twos:a 70 (.q .
Itheloto antralo;'
Financial_Matters New Ink,
Co) , a Closed at 1413(
(By Telegraph to the ritttheret ReutteJ
Niter 'Feis t heht. 24131 Z.
Tna money citation Is aptly(' and firmer
at .7 ver oat. Ibr call /earls. Stealing la
qolat at 10N0100%. for gold, first class bills.
Gold la a trill., lower, opailidg 1 433.4. dea ,
alining to linii'aad cloatnir at 10%.
Stocks are S. ehade easter. Coupons htl,
110%; dn NO, RSV do , 6 6 MN: dO '65. 109%;
do 1111111 15.0, / ,, N; do , G 7, 107%; Ten•Yer•
Ales. %Xi Seven-Thirties. 106%. The sole.
of gold to•do.7eirwregeted shoes one million,
and the' Department isaleo nee -
T wenty bonds, while ten parchases of Ser.
en-Th I rty notee bee been etopped by lower
ion the pries. - - The tiovernment now am-
Voleeeveral brokers, end the sales of min
ftee pis
ere Irger than is 'generally supposed.
q 2
modems tod a y were e 1 9 6 ,00 0.
making a total; or sioakooo lotto . Mr this
week. The Express Companies yosterdaY
xit ng • toook moaned in carrenoy to the Wear, teak-
r te or - ei,M 0 . 0 .0 for the Mot thrOO
Idays of the week.' •
Stocks olNried active at tall prlco,, Wlth a
enfteo neat. - etairp decline. but closed among
and with all improving tendency. Canton,
43e44: Cumberland, 24/4432; Well* Express.
5 .40E30 American Express, MiaGO; Adam.
Exprese,lll3.4; Iternhania Eaton Express, 24;
Quickailver, 2i' e - Mariposa. SiSOIPi Pa .
W e
MaU. 138%401T434;1mtic, 1110_112i
Wentern Union Telearank,
.2201.12}4t . 14 . 44
„Zeck Central, 107%010N; Erie , 42 ‘4 02 3a!
Mudeon, 1270122; St. Paul. 40(142; do. prtt.
Ee3; Michigan C0ntra1.109%44110; Michigan
.44 .dimm.ifili:033. Minims Central. ELOPE,
Pittsburgh, ..5..0340; Toledo, IMigellE/i Erick
loiSailleb4: Northwestern. 41014Qii
do. pref., C.Sostl4; Pon Wayne, 1,013401u1N.
, •
ursmo Matti:
Alining 'ham leggy-, llarmon 975; 'Sell
tendert.= 10; Urszory US; Smith I Parvalto
190; Now. York 1008105; Grinnell 2; 4„; okra
11111 150; Eldorkdo 365; Corploalls.
The receipts of thn Sob-Treeenry were:
stool.s.32;payments 47,131,4e4; Delano. SIM-
'INV Telegraph to the Pitteberga use.ti,..,
' - eliesserall, September 33.—Flonr In goal
demand and the market lima at fell rates;
extra 49.7319110;3, nna family 10,73011,U
Wheat goitre and unchanged Lewes of No. 2
winter ara-',M and No.l at g: M. Corn closed
dull' and net saleable at better than $l,Oll for
No. tome corn Is selling In the de Id over
in Kentucky at 75 to son Per bushel. Oats
quiet end rather Weer at the close; No.l
tai.:. Bye firm at 411-13. 1110107 tmcf.mic
ed. Colton doll and prices lower and nom
inal; Middling ie offered at Wadley • lot of
120 bales goal grade low middling sold at
191 Whiskey dull.and prices era nominal
and hardly any demand exceptlng for free.
Provision tinchtmged and' not Moth de,
mend for any artistes, Mat holders .are not
pressing sales, the stook being so email they
feel that the demand most Imp ro ve. soon.
1 :
Lard sold at 13%c and in In lair emend
but there Is not much prime city to bad
at MU rate.' Boone held at H. 10, 17 and
11340. No tamale the siarket. Bat rand
Cheese steady and in good demand. , Pots.
toes firm at 13,1413.50 per barrel. GrOcerles
firm and. In lair daunted. Gold, 143% and
143 buying, , •
Maracas., Benton :arse W.—The norm
market Is fired, nag tee demand Is good for
high grad.; and If the advance In wheat is
sustained; higher figures may be ImmedN
ately looked tor. It is now held at 1110400
MIN for double extfa red winter; 411,50e1l
SUP for double extra amber; 1111931213,0)
her don tle extra white; Country brands
Irregular. Wheat is very firm and betli
No. 1. red winter le held at 2,12 per be; N
2,00; at $2,2.122,e3; No.l, white.lo.o66—t,o3.
Corn Is dull:and stroady, bat Slam; No. I,
mixed IS gIIT3iNn. a u .. Wt.
moderate demand and scarcely so firm;
sales at GM per be, from store, but closed
weaker.• Bye /squint and steady at $1,220
51,50 per Mt. for No; 1. Barley is firm at
$1,9]e11,22 for Ito. 1 State; 111.35071,40 fer 240.
1 ()emu's, N 0.2, State, la Irregular. Petro
leum' Is steady and firm; we can make no
change in the figures; standard white In
bond, 15 held at tedjlse per gat. for prime
light straw to white; free Ls 4/04Se.
Ley Telere*pb to It. rlttzbur,l2 tlautte.3
Sr. Lome, Sept. 76.—Tobacm notice, nod
loge and common lout toPrancod tic) other
paalities oncuanned. eattent and Damp
hottdog doing. Flour, receipts, 3,643 Obit;
olders firm. but matket inactive t choice
Superfine a 7201 extra, 1e,011311,73; Double
E5tra,a9,60010,70; Treble Extra, al l.topploa;
Fancy, $13.10014,00. Wheat nrin, and not
Barre; White Fall 01,5502.47'; Hod do.
r2,:x02,0. the !MU. for Fancy White. Oats
doll and declining, opening at 650685, and.
Moiling at GleCk. .13arloT groat, at SIM fur
choice SOrtnn t 41.8001.90 for Fall. i i r nx
mere sail., at 81.7001,13. FroMehLOO
dui/. Fort nominally tinetitmgad.,. eon
Mooning. at 10,4 e for Clear tildes. and :Le
for Sugar Cored flame. Wide key—no Wee.
aoll very few buyer, at g 2,00. Lard—nothing
doing. Iteeelote—Wheat, Wit Imekol COM.
P.,eSS tomb.; Odi.. 7, 0 6 Omit i Eye, Ca butt ;
Ltarley, 1,165 bosh. Weather Clear and very
tai .
ea . raph 1.4 il eize
ttahartit tt.e)
Totem, 0., September 26.-710nr; receipts
0(4,00 barrels, with sale. of white wheat at
411,25. Wheat; rtcelpu, of 12,620 Mahe%
with sales of whitest 1.41, and Amber } , le
batter; spring, ta dolt.. with vales of white
hilchig. at a2:1Da1.,41.4t amber Illchlmtn,
*2,33; No 2 apnea. 111,65, salmi of amber at
r... 71 for the first half and r..„1114 for the haat
tualf of October. Coro; receipts of 21,33(1
...lel the market. la le on Vfabaah.d 2c
on Michigan lower with sales of NO 5 Wak-,
hash at OI,CSYSOIIO , X, and Ilichlatn3l,ll9l
Onto; malinger 4.3 W mting= the market is
is lower. with sales of No 1 at We._ Rya; re•
ceipu of I,OMO ...Ws, with rale. of Not at
4145. Barley, receipts or I.= bashes at
.1,31 for NO 1. Lake freighta;7c on corn and
Soon wheat to Oswego. 31(.0 on corn and , 40
on wheat by etc= toilet:N.lo.
LlCrial.o. Sent . 26.—necelptn-:.191,050 bush
wheat; com 110.000 bo, oats 170,C00 be. r . y•
V,OXI Du, barley. SACO be. sour 11C00 barrels.
shipments—Wheat 115.0:000; corn ed,lloo troy
oats Arm be; , barley 70,000 be. Freights
strorow 150 on wheat, 15e 0a corn. end SNAS
10e ow oats to New Tort. Flour unchanged
and In rood demand; western spring $0,758
10,50. Wheat firmer 43 for white; BS tau
zne $2.60; sales of 14,W0 he No. Chicago
poring at 81,98. Ilya dull at ill.= Bartel,
—a cargo of western was offered DX
wlthOut buyers. Corn dell and bavereand
sellers apart: sales of WOO nu No.: western'
51 6417. Oats opened dull and closed more
active; sties of 1100 bo western as Me. end
In the afternoon 60,000 be do, to arrive, at 64
Cell4c. Stews. Forr, Lard .and Hirt:mime
• . leeei Orleans arkot.
LB , . 2c.larraph to Magni...a ran Bustle.]'.
Now Oittaassi• Sept.' .—Cotton outer;
-sales 130 bales low middling at We; receipts
40 balm. Flour. quiet. bat arm: enPorlitos.
010.003 choice- wars, 413,04013,10. Vora 10
good demand.. isith •an tapartird tendeney;
adlie, aye. Oats worm li. 80a. Pork quiet.
bat 110.4.4 120.1541 - 27.03. Guam retalllog at
11 , 4f0r shoulderalol.23 for clear oides;and
VI tor sugar cared hams. • Lard dran li!‘o
O , o for tierce, tiold, 41.. Sterling. , 860
W.-Now Yorkeight Erobango, !kp routine:D.
.311liensaYee Slarigo
littmourcor., Soot. to.—flour qtalet 'and
dull; City .XX. 09,50010,00; Cotuttry , do.. 22 7
PtO E : V ' ji.trfTirt 1 ' 97%1 r ie WO
No. 2. Corn quiet 81,04%01.05f0r No. 1,
61034 for No. 2: Frttob tar groat, Whr*t to
Nordic.. 'No: to 09.1.0r0.1340., Borolpto-.
2 , ( o3bblsTlour.llo,o2ltotsllNtheat,7,lCol2ll2o
Oats, NO bush Coro. Stdpmento , -4,0X Otto
floor. 28.000 toot, Wheat, ON WWI 'Awn.
i Louisville Market.
City Tetearipb to the Pltllberek 41arette.r.
Lemavlua, September .a.—Salem 73 Wide
tobacco, Anner,,t 54,10/124,2S Fleur null.
at 47.7% eneararte,elL Wheat. 4 , 2,5 D, Corn
Itt,Lta ear. balk. 111 W. Oats,' Me.
balk. mess perk. bo. . Cotton, %tic.. Ba.
ften--obentders, 1150; clear sides, 1,33.4 e,
perked, Lard tlerseet.A3s4CC WntakeY In
bond, ne.
Ness Torts tbsttle Egarket. •
rtillblogreelt Ss dui Pittsburgh class Us 7 ,
Nag TORZ. Sept. P3.—T hoe d poly of Beeves
is large, exceeding tt" shelter, lUld
or very relied county. The mutat has
depress.] • Intl quarter or s cent since
Monday. Sheep end tombs bettor; tto :114h
for Sheep and eabs for Lambs: w the banes OS 0 8 43. and A!% 0 4 . 1 V1, •
cal Telt/ROI to tha 1.111.101117111 tiatatte.i
r•ILLDILTISIA, Sep. 2e.—Floct• dnU and
Mk. Wheat dull. cora buoyant and
higher for nuxed Data Pro•
Malone unchanged. Barley—males of 1000 Ow
No. 2 Western at 130“1$1..POUCCUUl dulli
refined 1130.
. • " Baltimore m
lne.Tettetaph to tn. rittettnin tl nalte.l
Bannon,. Sept. ile.—Fion. lets &so.
wheatt heavy nod declined 10. Corn EMIL
One lower at engin, .reovialcma quint
lair Suntborn demand for Bacon, but prices
aro lean firm Red nominally unthanited•
" Nikaptk
(Mr Tolegraptt to the pitt.b4irtithintio.l
Ilizartna,fterpt:%.tatti)2l%42.32.. Corn
41,15421;33. Oati, 72473 a. Ilay .24ft,400.
ri:4* raeTnltc!t:gt tor. -0.
CDleap. Cattle tooth.[.
487T41.4r.A4 la tta riatsburab Ow.tet ,
Co %AM.*. leardemboises —Deer Cottle dully
43,113404150 for 101 r to good abioptu,,,, 11000
adtto. at 4 0 ,8000,1 A) for good to boat grade..
IMPORTS Il'3 ma. o
t , LIT=.4OI, awo YryTabottod rtattadash
.5100114 YA-204 Woocc. Irea, At4Yetion
Cot Ohms feet lumber, Yr ere Iticdoo 3 Co; 1 Ai
mdse,., U;3 do tobacco. 1 , U blogeocisi 7
do do, R d'allos, 1 case dry g00d..., Hoene
a co 'AD kat Iv :o.r, 7114.181.1 car 7t00e.3
ittiox; 4 bbl. ate, 11 fichaddty I oar bp, .T 3
Bandar; 17 bdia boor., T Mt< A. 11...; do WOo.
I chotywy 3 093 ot, T blltcbelly 103
800 dbitta,Abcomalter A La{ .1 ba rle yt!,
do u•moen, at Brown; 1 0do tar.
Ston'olikll'lc4339l 117,1."'J W
lethytcl,4o.l4 bola or.d, 1.4 m, Cjmneer
810301 q, Der. batley,ll aka do, l i do boot. ,
wliataik..aloOrw,y.Lot 41 00. ;00 7 . J
bleatcy.l2 do lA. 11 111.14041 Al do IT.. 3 Gl.noy,
r t ni a ,tPr; 1 1 =W:a at
e, 78414,41 do oal. 3 3. W ralliory LS do emaa
afelleney4 Mode 93 do do, AteastorA narPet
6 bet. vatitoe., Ido *oh SO do &Do." w.c.,
tort. Ido 8 1 :7 ,1 1 23 bt4 •PA IBI I Gnirk
ivninwitaxatare warnh atucumop.x.
gg4 = 2,4 % , Wlingr " 4 "4° A.Arr2,l4
%make Damnansnur boo Menne, S 01... t
00,10..3 AMA 3 1. 415.11 . Col td Was
mood. Meta Woe .2 den ants"! Utah` Coe
0 .5.14.....004k00 tllatity*Ozespeaabea,
n0;4.17003 bbta pett1.,1,17 eb - elentts 13 hop
sbl. a1c..70. Abodes Co; 100 Mil. J
rear; Salm ticaskiss, Aajator Brom 3 bbls no.
IC Smith' IMbahl 70000 0137, D Chestnut
Ua l aV' "v“ , 4 W24,o ltAodi 5$ 0.114 Abb.
134011. DAtxtbl; bbl.
b ll d o s r a apo tp lt l es o , M laolrtd .
e D s
e D I l a a o & b s a o C n k B e l l
1 r; .4 4 p 44
i l .A.Vty l WOOrtel.l Wood
ugagth.Joboattu Coe m 3O au la
, rle
PrzereVeltarj" 4 8°4 ; • 1 " 1
f:r a le L s u sl . er t e t t x t:Pp . „;, 1 , 1 2 1 4 i t. 3 . 41:
1171:17.1th!". tt! t ° 4".l'l=t
tk+..,"t:M o 4r a lrr jah S•Pteraber as-40
— lnfman, tds ap.dos. Az"dtgaillt.L.
81.3hclalnanypeta,,,T Trololl37Bbga
1:114,1 aks eon s 7163 Atir,l 4.' l 'Nu i 00 4 4 1 5, DI%
I melst, m ll3 bah Anne IShe 311313 Xralaar„teitl.,.4,
.4 % Itaira iato„ lofttrorita
Nor. beda Jag
um" Te.
0 11 w.u., RograM Co; 1 do tl
400 ; t 4040. Milieus Estop,
• •
TWILL E% is eteq teas,.
Warebouse, 114 US Vita" 41.
0.11 oraon4 for Ctrenlz,
Kr. Junta B. Teener, a well-known Bolos.
Louie werlateer, idled or ehotern °a board the
Welter B. Dune. on the Yid Lust. He won
ken Wok While on duty on the Labelle, wee
ttinarerrad to the Dense to be intim beak to
St. Lon% but only lived about no hour ellen
Captains John Presto, John Shute, and
mood C. Hooker, died "in New' Orlaanibun
week of yellow fever.• All were well.known
%lila toil 13110(14 tinge it the <Unable
Mines In Illinois, are out on a strike. The Si.
Louts , Regtehtfoon suppose. °they are alter
leaswork and more pay.
At last aeiounte, the Eris Porter had art!.
red. at Cairo from New - Orleans, but mast,,no.
able to get any forther,'on anoint of low
water. It isPosalble that am may. return to
New Oriole from that point. •
The Ida WOO agen.d 4 Oa reads Wend
Ber On Friday tart,ind the 0. Gray wee
having trou his at the same plane..
The Loans - tile, Board„ Of :Trade :refuse to
adopt the new bill nilsdbapoind ark =entombs
not to ship under the new style of 0111.
Advice. to the net say she Itilesourt HT.*
eotinuee to rise slowly at St. Joseph, an 4 the
Le n xington was hare aground oppoette than
Wetted the (Mb:ogler IteMlin the Memphis
Avalcutche,of Bendel: , •
The new ownen of the Mary Sien• - plasied
hharp trick on rune pi the creditors of that
ost, we learn. She Was turned over to her
late purchaser yesterday. While puttee wens
cern.' out au &nutmeat for her op town, •
r u , 0.001 aloagaide, took tor.ln tow and oar
neither to the Arkansas short, whine she le
out of&hajurisilictlon of„Tenousee. -
The tog K. Muir eiplodul her boiler at
Part Iluilun on the 19th, totally destroying
the boat and inamatly kliling Captniu"uovert
Prlattoo and the mate, Eliot Prtdaeon, and
engineer ilremptoa, and two firemen and
k, name not ncertaincd. Five others badly
• The Only Chem • - strived at Port Canon On
theintt, with a fat toad. •'
S. Loma, Septetaber al.—The United Stela
Savings Institution ha. geld to Dan Alde,llart
Able, and others, Lim old Johownel/I• peps, eta
Sliver Ware, Fatale Harker, Lou,., Leonora.
South Alabama and EL Bun:wear mama 03,000.
Several tributaries of the 'Upper 2111.alsslppi
h ero ilson alight', The water Is ell falling.
ere, with Eve or .13. few. ear:ously 11
threelm, and • little Imorovenient to (Afro;
acd a half feet In Keolrulr.' The /Woola
la atatlonary at twtoty•two lathes,And four
fee. on the Lower Allwoncl B ate 01
r i.
(rarebit° all Solute below &drum:4 I WWII.) ,
Advice. from the Upper Minoan me only 30
=ahem of water between rhos:tooth. YelJoW•
emu cad Fon Benson, ,. • .
we alp the following !terms from t e Churn.
nett Enquirer or Wedneeder:
' The 11. M. 0511.11 chink./ hand,' a gg.
dare ago, the purchaser being Capt. Bum,
too. The term. have not transpired.. The
Daatto andemoths thorough repelts, atellehen
o,oo,:eteo rapt. prapoiThe
to Intro
duce her In lose one of the /over rade. 'S
haa been ennsing ea a pinta betwea Pest.
mouth.d Big
A now lineof , boat. In the fluhs
being talked of, to be mpoa dot t
Colorable and America. .•
Th..enger ha. withdrawn fr
like cod the Spray Sae been chart.
her 'Waco,
I, trul.
• Curial*
()apt. Seott,.formerly of the Argo
ore Pittsburgh yesterday. •
Captatn Frank Davidaon loft for
nieht, by mil t to loots Atter ' the
•(the Barth. , • '
The administrator of the -eats.
Bradley, Crammed, sol 4 the. eta
ream . en
Monday, to Vitotelne 8.
Thomas Onetley sod Henry
of John
et LIM.
The melt are the knot attraction
A. wellhnow pilot, it is said, won a
and on .Extra , en Monday.%
The Zdailite Am:elation held anottur t h e
yeaterday 'herring, to further aonalder the bill
which feta tayedopan Congress for odoption
ate water. Their aselone will be eatinced
froltidat today nein they - get Ihriesti with
the .objet.
Too haven't any boat. lald op at Loolatlie,
have yont - EareasilleYouninf. • -
Yee A feel If you coo: "dry upo
then the locks a tho canal and lave tha bed
of the ever below here at dry so won eve every
bandeneve boat gets aground In
the O between here and Ylttnalh.
hopeon do tato atulf an old elan lo the
. 1120Uth" of the can a l and it IsnYt lona before
we ^salsa le:" off and let has . allosi..-Lonte
slag Democrat.
The same piper Oleo gots off. the following , :
Quits a number of . plata went down on the
Norman yeeterdsy to look at
the ilea. The/
have bees dotage:Wang a lock allay wurmiib
they will hove to lean the r iver. OVeZatain.
Capt. Pink Warble went slay to - take
• , Iteein” . . • . •
tat now.
x llama-
Emil Mums. Coitausas 2 Cmr:Maimilt b. Z.
'September 10-3 d bdls .elve.. 12 do 6.6 trap!.
whltenora Wolfs a Co; 10 bz.sterob t Suiak•
ler k Co; ll'essea tobsoe., W Ii Jollesll6s imels
tr' a...:1::..}1,m2,74-.4ar.tlttl;
apples, GraCM'ltelter: 82 ...oak 3 may -
too; 23 Om posehes, II W Rankle: ID Obla kr.
pl.; i do eem., Graff & Cook: 61 y.
5b1.0.6 de dodo, liiteheook. 21. ramp _ d 00;
1 ear do, Campbell It Broom: 3 d do. W BM&
Mum 1 car eon,. Id Steel dr. bon; 1 um ITN W 3
Meek; 170 bbl. dour; D ...11..; calm Worm&
3 Altera T Co: 3 env eon., W .T• Meek; MS bmo
:1100"311pBtor:. rai.-.1.1ezz0!.4.-...L1
cm; 26 do do, 63 B Seller.; 21do o ..731 , .Drat
60 do do. Klrkpaulok i C0:36 d A ti Llttl.,
Baird & pat lon:so do do,J D . a 44;
26 do do. Krox a .9
Orr. ', •• '.. l 1-.
SuperThosphate of Lime.
Office, 866 Pan 81, 1111516 ri b ., Pa.
tan"""T"tZr. %Altll,l*.Ml:dtg
tkltTa r ril'll.9:lLlt:AATA
tot gratuitous zifratloa pamvlalet nootabilog
Int.. mid • amble statemsats lan /Mr
.llllsor. apples or tdel,wl.4 •en-t ITN to MT,
lendlu .6 the:r allarent. •
I~ltLobvrt;Ty' :'~:~„
'G CO.
13 -AJFI - 130WA.3.t E.
- WO .L.7', Zgle)'=o.l)
EtardWare'a (0111derire
Irrl3lBol• = ll 2l2l,lr rit°4
- 2-zz..zirmfasa,„
,Coresr Liberty and St. Mar? 8125.,
bat or Catiqa 'MIL S Plitsi?rgh,
*A. I &cur ere g: dAUSIMI jjLam?,
" 4.I MMINram 5
01:11 UTED
169 prozau, sr.; niaxanit-•
tioust!;aeorabort pk.uroad. l
.fathlia Ware & Tablifetlety
At LtaTISReN Xvery thing! rtrieLred
till lin Nu non, cmimad. Vall'alul aa.mlne
car tooda.