The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 26, 1867, Image 1

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. Amu:Elmo iviar .11611irci‘
REED a. CO.,
Lt. inns.
- MIME.. • iatneas itzalhaers.
orrua. Gamma nou.oute,
J 1 . )
rats NI AND NI
lean &gam ka at Veden faints&
&Mid. ?Ana OF rrirestrzu AID
LAJMeirr cmicirzer
elbt ouximitcluu. raria" 4 TjaUlt
ta tbe
dA d .... w .—
:1211=7:,; , :r4 1- I ,7 raa
Add. --484th
11715111TEGH. FiNNA.
'4E litturAt Gaytte
Otraons. denring .coplei of the
Oanwraw. for distribution by mall or
otherwise, are requested to glee usnotice
before we go to press, of the number of
copies desired. For want of nth timely
'notice we have not been able for some
days wholly. to supply the Unusual de-
mand reselling no doubt from our full
rigiortiftOM day!! clay of the 'Sited at
`traction, of the State Fair now being
.`held near the city.
Suppose the people of Pennsylvania
should elect Judge SnsusWoon.' Would
It not be held as an endorsement of hie
eginion that - greenbacks are not , legal
'Wider? this' precedent before It
would not the Supreme Court, as now
conntituted, be llkety to- decide accord-
IlOw then Intim poor man, the
merchant, the manrifactitrari 'to pay'his
debts} 'The Mormanda - of men,' he this
State, who have homes partly paid for,
-would find it inconvenient, if net
poseihie, to complete their payments in
golit-',The9egitalists Who • hold the
Dilitiol'of-the - laboring muses; would
have it in their power to sweep, into
dieircoffere;iitle deeds instead of the
'ffieholtored greenbacks. •An inflated
taireficr id an evil !inoperable from the I
ipgantie'vrir forced upon naby the demo
chlte Parti,•'which out against
- tie ' eureitoy. , The debts Contracted
under that, system must be paid under it,
or finalitial-Thin ensues.' The 'rich are
mods richer. , The poor robbed.' It is
quixotic to talk of Judges hayingho po
litical opinions., Even they had none;
they are nornititited,cu supported as - the
representatives; political opinions.
Xhitfr,higeticmMr. dee:it'll an e ndorse-
Mint or repudiation of such opinions.
Judge 8/1.#1121 WOOD represents .discredit . ,
Maur tuitional currency. Judge'
luau' represents the • maintenance of
•Oiri nationaicreilk the unity of our na
tionallafth, and a steady perseverance in.
the course which brought national vic
tor), „after years of Open conflict with
tAit'claes of men' who ate now seeking
to subvert that victory by the election of
his opponent. - AS we are graddally and,
steadily recovering from the financial.
difficulties of the war, without aciash,or
crisis, let us keep quietly and`steadily ,
on, andiby, an ~orirwhelming- majority
for Anima who rePresAts 'this Polity,
Nrito - agttatort and stirrers up 9f Leone-,
arirevolutions,'"Pearei bo stilt"
r 'The St. Louis and Omaha papers are
-urging the building of this road, and the
_prospect is that it will be built with the
,celerity which marks the construatien of
the Great Central Pacific, Of Whick it
4.tlibe a branch,' and the tali is Ofiotn,
pled= in one year. • ThialinVitausoca.
ing Bt. Louis and Omaha gives Pitts,
burg the advantage of two routes to that
rr4setid'eenttetl - Witirthe Pon Wayne
-isifi Chicago, under • the superior man
agement which has characterized it for
the past, ten years, we here large ACLU
rties for competing with the manufac
tunics of Vey York and Re* *ngland
-bights trade of the Great West, and
• with our river and railroad eonuntinks
itibith With' St. Louis, t' road from that
.icant b . Omaha Would Moe no invaluable
advantages, in reaching and supplying the
wants of the working communities
which are rapidly displacing the prowl
ing savages on, those immense fields - of
mineral and agricultural wealth. It Is
expected that the comities on the line of
TAM road, will grade and make the road
bedieady for the iron, while St. Louis
and Omaha will supply :ails and rolling
stock. The ever active Pennsylvania
Central will not likely be quiescent in
.this work of extending the iron arms of
;the East, to embrace the Pacific; and
certainly Vttsburgere should not be
appthetic observers of such an important
opening of communications. This road
an Into double communication
with. bath Pacific routs, and makes Ban
- 2.Pritheisee about equally. distant via.
.•Ohicago and Omaha, or via. St... Louie
Omaha, - oraad St. Louis alone. ' •
The St. Louts troubled that
Radicalism is not yet driad,ruad says "it
is arailstate to consider .radicals, weak.
Thirk have the mime to fire the North
"ern heart and stir its blood to fever heat,
'and fearlessly they will use them. Ac
counts of riots, mobs, arsons, murders,
committed tithe South upon loyal men
Will flask inceirantig over the North."
'Would it not be a good plan for the
.themberits to stop the riots, moist, dc.,
as the very best plan of mopping the
' somata 6114 so weakening and finally
killing Ude
. peatilent , which
will tell tales out of ethool? Cut off the
. supply of . outrages and the accenziet
must cease. . .
THa Some Joursat gives fts, raiders I
4i g article on "Sexual Astumuletion,.!
in which It lays; "Ferrisle physicians '
are Multiplying; dal offices are filled by
women; occupations which have hither. :
to been considered exclusively mascu
line, are usurped by them; they become
painters and sculptors; they pop . Um
question, and institute proceedings for
divorce; they look forwud to the female
mlllenium of suffrage with an assurance
t aat wishes ii a foregone conclusion."
Tan ehohun still raged In Italy. A.
ecoresp7ident at Rome states that the
maladyiarries og those ititacked, ht, •
Teri abort time, and leaves theli corpsea
almost of a black color. In Albano the
&Okra La worse than over. It has bro.
ton out at Malta, and the Merchant 'co
asts hiuichtng at the nort refuse to corn-
Mnrdeate wlih the 1111011. disease
• La alas ragtag atNeheraa, irtgarala..
A gar explosive powder, -called Ifs,
lorylin, has recent* -been invented,
which L claimed to present numerous
advantages over; other 6151;112g Com
pomade,. Itneltbat tgnitesapontaneous.
ly or explodes under friction or permi
t. don ; '
end styes' of f neither deletelons
Raw nos blinding smoke. The hive*.
lora are two Austrians..
, .
0.- 'Tar. Tribune - says If Mr. Johnson is
ornate to withstand the entire North
with the aid of the Maryland militia he
is more of a fool than a knave: Would
the well organised end armed militia of
the States lately:in rebellion let lir.
Johnson and the Narylunders_ stand
atone in a struggle for Southern supro-
A- MID, ratinnnin in Montgomery,
Ala: representing nznetratx women
children, says the Ilnitexl.. States
Gerrernmer.t has ceased to ere them re
%leis; and they era lc:daring far the
mamsamdea of life.
terwort.six members of a base ball
ebblrete suds dangerouslyill, at Troy,
It Y., by dtinklng milk , into which two
stf.theolab bud pat (woe= on. •
-ycezia .Awn Born' Giontpa Fro
ticia to t: nadei
words' COD:paCt.
. .
• •
. •
I iv
•. .
. .
tir •
_ .a,
VOLUME Tx - XX7 - 1.-L-No. 222.
STARZA. •on.
Antletsm's sacred by the blood,
Of patriot hearts in crimson flood,
' • Poured forth with stainless flow.
Antistam's desecrated now 1
When Johnson makes his traitor bAr,
Aid Swami his puppet:show.
Brit 17, 1867. .
Taa Macon (Gii.) Tournal says Mr.
Johnson's 'Amnesty Proclamation is
"brufumfulmen."." The Mobile Adrer
iiiir Is far from pleaded, but says "We'll
not look a gift horse in themouth." The
Memphis B u t/din says:
"It having - taken 'President Johnson
two years and a Ulf to rise In this =at
tar of paw., from Colonel to Brigadier
Gemini, and Chore being ', three ' grades
still above Brigadier General, In about
1171611 and and a half more the terrible
gestation will have come to an end, and
Are shall all be pardoned by another gui
don' muter, whoever he may be."
Other Southern papers I gloo it trudg.:
log approval, and the President ku little
success to meeting the up'ectations "my
policy" retied in the defeated rehel& •
Frederick Donalaos Gives Ms Brother
and Fatally a Home. After Bond
age of Bore than half a Veatury.
The It Y. Indepandent editorially says:
Mr. Douglass resides at Rochester, in
a Republican district, which we hope to
so him representing in Congress.
Lately he has been perforating an act
of. brotherly affection, which we cannot
resist tbe temptation of chronicling— .
even at the risk of making public a por-'
lion of what was meant to be wholly a
private letter: .
"I have been;." he writes to the editor
of the independent, "keeping a kind of
hotel 'all =muter! My poor brother
Perry—after a bondage of fiftynixyears,
deeply marked by hardships and sor
rows of that hateful condition, and after
a separation from mq during forty years,
:as complete as if he had lived on an
other planet—came to me two months ago,
with his family of six, and took up his
abode with me. To him—dear old fellow!
—one who has 'carried me on his &bould
ers many a time,(lor he older than I,
though my hos's:ems to contradict it)—
one who defended me from the assaults
of bigger boys when I needed deezum—
I have been mainly devotingreyself, and
"Ihave now completed for him a
snug little cottage on my own grounds,
where my dear old slavery scarred and
long host brother may spend in peace,
with his family, the remainder of his
days Though no longer young, he is
no sluggard. Slavery got the best of
his life, but bets still strong andbopelaL
i mob his old meter could see lkimnow
—cheerful; helpful, and - "taking care of
himself." If slavery. warenot, Gaud. and
I did not in some sort Irish to forget his
terrible hardship, blighting curses and
shocking hotrorki would try and write
a Narrative of my brother Perry's
bondage. But let the old system go! I
would not call its guilty ghost from the
depth into which Its mimes Lava cast it.
I rim gladly from the darkness of. the
past bogie new and better diapenution
now daWaing."
We know not how others may Ix;
touchedby.thia narrative, but to us it is
deeply affecting.- lt is another proof
that truth is stranger thenfiction. It. is
poetic inetten rdarardingleope - deretred7
Frederick Douglass is s true, great and
noble man,-with a mind lit for a Senate,
and with a heart At for a child. When
hundreds of the prominent men of the
country are dead and forgotten, his
name will be remembered. And when
his life comes to be written, it will hard.
ly (*mains more beautiful and roman
tic chapter than - the pleasing. Amy
-which we have just borrowed from his
graphic pen. '
re)alo l3 l:VAli.aiVizO
—.lt Is announced by the Army and
Nary Journal that General George B.
McClellan will Ball for the United Staten
In the atesunablp Pend* name time In
November. The General is talllbe Swim
—lt is a singular fact that ladles who
know how to preserve anything else,
can't preserve their tempers. Yet ft may
easily be done on the self-nesting princi—
ple. It fs only to keep the month of the
vowel tightly closed.
—Thee drams of Norwood, founded
upon Mr. Beecber's Ledger story, was
produced at' a Buffalo theatre 'recently
and made s ccrm pieta failure. Somebody
will be dramatizing one of Beecher 's
sermons next.
—There isle be a novel celebration at
lay Pest, Vt., on the 28th. The f.rincl
prtl attraction will be the rolling of a
rock, estima ed to weigh one hundred
tons, dews a perpendicular descent of
one thousand feet.
—Thegrwishopper legions are reported
to be gradually moving across • the State
of lowa In most destructive style, and
are said to be within ten miles of Des
Moines. These plagues, the lomdpapent
.say. devastate a country worse than an
invading army. ... •
—On August 31st the London Tams
contained obituary notices of seven pee
'sons, whose united ages amounted to
536 years, giving an average of nearly
/33} years to each. The oldest was a lady
who lied reached SC years; the youngest,
a man v., years old..
The Cretan insurrection, as we
summed, has not been suppressed. The
Greeks say , it continues a' vigorously es
over; and, that not only is Greece giving
the Cretans important aid, but Russia is
also-on the point of openly assisting
thein. , •
—The disease of which Sir Frederick
Bruce died we suppose weal dlptherla.
He was well when be arrircd at Narra
gansett; but exposed himself to the chill
night alr, sitting on the rocksand watch
leg the em, alter being heated with ex
—ln Eugllah factories, during the half
jeer ending with the close or April last,
there were 2,3r4 accidents.. Forty-four of
these cases resulted Way. and more
than six hundred persons had fractured
ed.or else had th bare them amputa-
—(1=11. la on the rightlxack—ceonotay..
If he •"tights it out on that line" he will
receive the tludiks of the people. Notb
tog in no much needed just now In na
lanai affairs-as economy. Tarn out all
eine:lures, drones and other pantaltes,
and chop down the appropriations.
—The Ito,. James Fraser, in We report
to the English Government, on the corn
mon school system in the United States,
sage: "It lane flattery or exaggeration
to say that Americans, If not the moat
highly educated, are certainly the most
generally educated and Intelligent people
on the earth.
—The contest for (mato suffrage in
Kansas waxes warm. The opposition
declare that ''every scoffer at the marital
relation, and every advocate of the doc
trine of 'affinity' is a moat active suppor
ter of the cause." This is not very phi
losophical as an argument, but II Levu,'
for nnmenus ht. hsuds. '
—An old fellow living in the Interior
•of Vrastibrod county, Indiana. It is said,
who had been touch troubled by the noe
ternal depredations of the Goya, lately
. put polpon in some undone, which two
boy. "hooked" and partook ' of. Ono of
the boys died before reaching home, and
the otheris In a critical condition.
—The Texas Jhnplecute says: "'What
does, that roonn—Jiroplocutat . Jimple
cute is a compound word; derived (ram
JUnplo and cute. Jlmpis lea corruption
for eimple, and was originally applied to
sophomores or the 'wise fools' of collo•
am, but Is ol.soletz any where except In
—The fifty thousand . Allln breech
loaders ordered by the War Deptirtment
from the Springff old armory are nearly
completed,' and work Is slack. • The
monthly returns of .olllcers cameo coin'
mends have used the /Win gun are noon"
!mous in praise of itserilcleaep , and of
the accuracy and efficiency of its lire.
.. -- Notbing_could be better than the
speechof, a Mobile barber, whom a num
ber of ex-Itebels lately offered him 0 2 , 000
to ran for Congreau "flentlemen, If I
rill myself, I soil my people; "lf I sell
my people. 'eel' my children." If any
thing half an good was said at Anteitam
the other day, we shall be glad to record
• ' —The Chief Mabba, Who 19r six years
has been a scourge to the native tribes
on the West Coast of Africa, died re
cently. He wee a sniper, having kilted
the native king, and with fire and - sword
fenpulgiltedUis Mohammedan faith. It
computed that. no les than twentyY
thOusandhtiMan beings have beenkni a ‘,.
or to through Munition, or hays
.bi nc had end sold Into slavery by
this nirs.
The Arrest Ordered by Victor
. . ,
Garlbaldlan Volunteers' Midi
My Telegraph to the fittsbutirtidasetti.:
nuance, September al.—Gen. Garibaldi
was ariO.te,dl tO4tY near small: town
named likeyalvana, Ga.', by order of-Victor
EmanueL ills Intention and design@ were
made known to his aaherents, and conse
quently to the King's government in this
city, by thenireulation amtnigat the rave-
Intimate of follantmatOry eAdreaset, dated
from Arrego On the PM. The lame of tease
papers placed Victor gmanuel in a Ulm.
cult position. By the recent Convention
whh France, under winch the Trench
troops evacuated Rome, ho Is bound
to maintain the Papal territory free from
tillibuatering, coating from Maly. The
Xing replied to Garibaldi's addle.. by a
loyalnroclamatlaro, closulatedalio en Son.
day,ln which he denounced the Garlbaldian
movement, cautioned his subjects against
aldtng or taking part In it, and declared his
resolve to arrest and rigorously punish any
..of nix people who disobeyed him, as Walla!
others arrested on the soil of Italy, mos-
Led inerime against the law of natlikte: By
'limner this proclamation_ Garibaldi has
Teen arrested..
• • • -.
The 'Callen Cabinet, under the premier
ship of itattaxr.l, Is deuirmlned to,
Invest= of the Papal territory by ilaribat.
diens, or rail Aetton Men, and Mao to
TwelerTe from ytelatlen the articles of the
Convention of September 15th, with intim°,
and other treaties guaranteeing the Inter=
rity of the Papal domain. Gen. Garibaldi,
In personnels or his Plena against tinoW
was, on lint, at filulgsgile, margin
miles north West of Ancona.' Itere • the
General • was lamented by Italian
authority, and under and by virtue. of
the lames •proolamation in the name
of the • 110, to ratites his steps.
Garibaldi .ah --once refused,.anti wY
. .
irronedlately axwated by the otnoer* of tom
crown and coneeyed, &Her a anon delay,
to the Fortress of Aleszandra The Anna
am: war monitions foretell:el jar the me of
tins gleribaldine. atOopa wwe eelcon on the
frontier. The /tallito voluetwera 'who for-
• oil the Oaribalntim ranks were also niail•
irlsoners by agents of the king. intinis•
•xeltemenG prreails.
rArittwoort OW TWO SLOW?
noes, Sept. U.—The elty ls overly ez•
Iced. The l'apal troop., including Antlbe's
logkro, are on the alert everywhere. ~
rams, Sept. 21.—The city Is welted to a
.7 r f
oat degree by tbe publication piths
e.• of tiariboliiibiurraet.
AllaZXl4.llo OP Walt TtIRLL•
Touton, Boot. 24.—A number of ['Midi
transports and war ♦Meele are already as ,
eere, under orders of the Minister
[ t a b led,o ready for the dety of embarking
a fere. of InperMl troops to Maly.
t IST Telegraph to the flreshorge ilesettra). ,
Weearearor, September SS, 11107
LLzue nausea syrinarso.
Colonel John IL Graham, Amain/tut limp
liter of the-Treasery. wan YeeterdaY SP
pointed by the President Acting Beal/Ker.
than the snacesaor to Mr. Colby etiell W .
nrlDnidted. • , •
A dispateh received at the War Detiwt
meet from General Dower, at New tfrleane,
its General Graham mid thereat of the
oillgere .there slot with yellow fever, ea
twraiartawa VITO Case? NSO' Tee rleel,
,'GenerraLs Maim. eberiale and Hancock
had teterviews with Grant today. Gen.
Ilarmock and Fite John Porter had Mini
mice. with the President.
GALS 011•NYT 'free°. earthier,
An order from the War Department pro
aides for thetale of all army wagons ter.
lensing to the Qciarteruseeteea Olean.
meat. except these prescribed medical
slingd all ambulances except
Whr Docker pattortytheether with
the harness used therewith.
Tee Tar ON TOe•CCO. •
Sesame' committees of tobacco therletho-
turers, from a distance, walt,d on the Coro
misaloner of Internal Beseette to-day with
• view Of Othaionlif a modification Of tie
recent decision recarduag the tax on to
bacco.: •
Secretary Sewardclispatched • letter to
Consul Thurston, at Taranto, atatthit that
the Pr , aldernDe PrOClAolstiOff offers no
Immunity In the case Of Dr. Illacittarn,
lobo Ite• ender a charse of felony, in ol.."
ceasing and putting Into execution& plot to
disseminate Ooritagio•end pestUence In
Wa.shlngten and othur cities of the United
It la underateal the t 3 tate Department Is
ny no means despondent about, elite= log a
fair aettlement of Li. Alabama claims.
although it may ho hindered and delayed
by the death of the lamented Drum,
Latter front Sonsoor Itoward—TY
Tbreit of the Washington stlitions
gammase and lb. PritalOong
(lir Telegraph to to • riusourgh tlasEttet.
Dersorr. September 1:1,
The 211 bans of this mornioe Publish. no
ir!teresting letter, understood to be from
Senator Moward. /n referringto thethreats
of the Washington Union that Senator. who
bean declared their convictions hewn
hand shall not alt in Judgment upon Print.
dont Johnston, Itr. /toward says: It L. gen
erally understood that the Union In under
the patronage and control of Mr. Johnson
end his Immediate advisers, and that In
slew of the military preparations now go
!neon toMaryland and c&rhordarlitates,
threnTria - . bnrdiv tie regarded ~i
artily for Dunham be, but that the original
aroma of the President co attempt Tin
teen upon Congress haa become deepened
nd intensified under the malign Influent* I
,Irbls private adytsere.
Or. Iloward continues: Congress oil! de
their duty firmly mid regardless of these
revolutionary preparations. Let him be
sore of that and It. rests with the people
and the army to protect them In no doing.
It rebels ano rebel sympathisers bare not
pet enough Of strife and. blood, they aO, 10
my poor opinion, become easily satisfied by
stirring up Johnson to assault COngren• by
military riel.nee, and Indeed I am not Aare
that in the leng run, Shen a mad attempt
00010 U net, as leading to aIL4I and toadish
arse suppreesion of the rebellion, and of
rebellsm, by the mullsn punishment of
their fomenters, be a decided benefit to
the Government and the nation. There
must be a final aceision at nome time. Fen
• haps it 10 the elli of PrOVidenee that John.
tons madness shall buten IL
troboltl, total Vlottol Ittobt—TO• op
proboodad riatitalpol Zito*lon Duo
olt.7-or6or trout Y I wrong to
6ffl•BlIrla 116rttL.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsborsh Li see tts.
Jiastivittr, Tame, Sept. 23, 1967.'
rho natirspoper controversy, between
tasior Jades D. Weliar and Colonel .1. Al.
Cent Omltbs • .
azdrederal Oftlears. from Indi
ana, enliglasted thia morning In a.platol
tight in the billiard. room Of the Stacey
Adm. .Walker was the attacking party,
and reoelved three wounds, one throw&
Violet loom ono in the rhoniQcr and. the
other . It Is bricannot
•Urrt.. the
SmiteblglS it
nutairt. lit was arrested
tied balled In the sum of eight thouuntt
dollan p3VeTot i Tegt C a d w o d r e i r ptte t t h , e ir=l;
nelotottl' , by . thantts order to Thomas. If ,
.171•41 put properly. the of will be
Pdhaful , The ray authorities owl assured
that they will be permitted to hold the
'election as provided ny the charter, "Tim
/eadtag Ithdleals aro of the opinion
that Unmoral Themes .will 004•112 UM• to
bbehtetbe question( but act upon (inventor
Brawnlowte decision mid thee sustain the
franchise law. Probably both pintas Will
hold in election sad let the tiourta deter.
mine the question. Uencial Thome* is al,
tooted to.nlght. lentil (femoral Conner,
Commander of themil Itt a, will trodult with
him. The latter edocts to have NZ
hundred militia men hero on Saturday, one
Company from Jackson having. airendY ars
rived tour dtsbanded companies have
been recalled to service; bet with plenty of
fedora troops ender Thome., no collision
nod' be feared. The Mayor rim telegraphed
to Washington, asking that more &onto
Instructlona be given to Thome...,
7ne liiekeye Club Races aselselnes
Cu 7 Teleirspb to theS , lst.tnargb Oftntte•7
Conner ATI. September 25.-1 e the fleet
race at the Buckeye • Club.couree. todaY;
two mile dub for a purse of 4* . fir
alt apes, Alexander entered Bayswater
and Joint. Busher mitered MClraddelthi
obeatnut. melding by Star Davis. The race
'matron by Bays water; time. Latta
in the second race. for a purse of WO.
mite beats three In Are, free for all elect
Bostion. Liverpool, etanewall Jackson gra
CoarkLerproof started: Tbe ant bear.sou
won by /Stonewall; CoetlleripSOOf was see.
and,' Liverpool third, and BMWs fourth;
time,1;40.4. Tie Dimond heat was won by
Comiterproofi Liverpool was second, Stone•
wall third, and Boetton fourth; time, 1,1154.
The third best, yea won by ettainwell; COrin
terpert wu wooed, Heenan third, and LI,
erraol distanced; time 1d714 . The fourth
beat was won by Stonewal l{ - ColusterProof
second, Basil= third; time, ihO.
Lou'moral, Sept 10.—Tbe river hal t alias
-two inches, with noway -61x MOWN of Mita
) 13 fOO %NW
MY Telegraph to the Plltehorah gazette .1
coaptaz.Beptember 23—A. r.—Whoa It
me xtiown hears that o!wideadl had been
a .. ested and haprlsoned in the Fortress of
wan his partisans in this oity were
atly save:rated, and appeared In the
• roots rowds, and made turbulent dent
e • strut sof illuipathy fel their loader
•e *Matrons finally developed into
a riot, b the disturbance, though threat
ening, was mappressed be the prompt action
WI firmness d 1 the Government. All the
volunteers ofGaribaldi, who bad gathered
at Inatome points on the item►, frontier,
bevel:wen compelled to disperse and retire
by the Italian troops.
4.NOTIM .1001411:1110:1rson Tan m.o.
Victor Emanuel bee limed another proe;.
Lunation he which he eve tho faith of the
government pledged hi Ito treatise with
foreign powers exacted of It the painful
duty of arresting Garibaldi, tho anknowl.
edged leader of a movement M direct Irk.
Litton of these tleatlcS.
0111111 TO 13L.1.11 04111..01.
FLOBSTCIt. Septstdbor • 2t,—Noon.—lt is
said the itallan anvornmout has offer•O to
sand Gariballl to his bonne at Csonms. or
ratter° him oral! restraint, It ho give
ht. parole not to engage In !nether hostill.
Ilea against the Roman States.
Losoos, Sept..23.—The mutton of the Pan•
, anglican Synod. at Leader., eommenced
Yeaterday morning.. After patron and
:holy conmenntoo. lhahop Rhino:mum. et
Wino% preached the opening eermoo.
The remainder of the day eras occupied to
laying out Imeneal and arranctne general
roles for the dellberallon of the Synod.
MAN AMA= Of DOOM IL vain, Irs•ixo;
Losnow, Sept 95.—Rcerunp.—Inte1luis.401
received from Dover Valetta is of a nature
to taut to fears of a¢attack sottist place 01
restaris. Aron hare dam wit Open MUM
garrison. and promotions taken to prevent
any Bich mad attack.
ISSOTIaII TO MI SLID 11 D0C.11111211. ,
klaaczarna, Sept..23.—Spealsl Commis.
Corkers fm the trial of the rioters will meet
here In December.
Losnos. Sept. Zi.—Zreetsp....the New
Sachet rause continued to-dap. 'Knight of
the Vetter Iron the Few Market biennial,
and . leanly the handicap sweetastates.
Oren Gtindrar Iron the Weer Market St.
Loses. beating Trooedere add nipple. who
came In respectively second and Wed. .!,70
other horses reale tins rue. !
=lame or rrax.rezettastastio.
Paws, September Z.—The ilimitinsr and
.11)0er:tale of as offletal 'or setat-ofecltd,
character praLte the Societal and errorless
of the King or Stair, tw prarenttots.the last.
leas Invasion of - liorots.utel maintaining the
faith of ten frosty obilgatlon, wad say the
osnadact of the I4llsn Government to the
=attar affords etacithar strong guarsaiee
for the pugs of ffttrope.
LONDM September IS—Zbosind —tkmerde.
911-104 faefe, 71;labofa LchuaaJ, Sage.
INPAI Afterlife and fireas *eaten.
FILAZIMPOLT. September 23—Sromo.-1.7,
S. Bond.. war. ,
Ltalutrom, &obi:ashes Ut—thresing,-COC.
tea filifieeCtguilmitivalleatint of WI on
lands{ mfddrier upland. at 15‘df Orfaane at
ahPlt Wee of Lilo da PM henna S
mete aimed harry ba y' t
W ofthOut Omega tohaftd•
orkee. Cot n at 42a. Ca ll lorum wheat. at
13f 104. Provisions—Lard arm uUs P rat
for Americas. beef, PnrkApd flacon mead , /
at Opening gilinnalOOS. 'Petro/auto Sem
et ls far stunts, and lead for refintd.
Igamoa, Sept. Z.—liarketa unchanged.
Aargaar, Sept. 'XL—Petroleum at Mrs.
Arrival of ilmorallitaorlOora-rmilawal•
Carlo Proomaloo-Itollelm•
alao timaollimstsmot-Too amoral
airoottol MLA lnamoma attoorlog-
Dale. Lookmo some nrillitomily art
War Alio . =gran d y4e
TM formal Meoptim oat rb faraday.
rlrf Tekulwfs tO.l. rittabi rah aturste.l
PatLDiir.lA. Beta. 9h. LNG.
General Sheridan arrlved In a tporlal
train from naltbactae It au o'cloCk. Qe
was received by Mayor McMinn/tot at' um
depot, end while walling, in tit...reception
room for arrangements for the escort he
was introduced talihe members of the Select
and - Common Conti ill. There were no
formal epeocbee. The General was accom
panied from Washington by tiro of kla Wad
and Senator Cameron.
All bete g premed, Gen: Sheridan was
Conducted from the depot end tool a sent
M a beronebe with the Mayor and General
CankarOri, amidst tremendous timers from
the crown filling the streets. A salute was
also fired. The military aeon corisistad of
Um city trOops,liational Guard. Urey lie.
serve and the Fire Zonaves. Titer* was also
a large tarn Out ot tin lleptibiteart invLect.
elm, with tercnes.and twenty tire temp.
%dna with their spneratua, brought op the
Many dwellings alma hie rout* were 1110-
wattled, awl the Orden league Boa. wa•
brilliantly lit op. Oyer the central-deer
wY the name of Shorn:tan, and other nor•
lions of the front were decorated with stars
and insermlione of .Liberty.” ote.ttlog.
tone and utfalort,” all in gas Jets. Along
the pavement SOO% twenty. Crippled wt.
diem from the 601/lets , Home, were eta.
tinned, mad as the General pawed they let
off Ore works. lle was enlimslasueally
cheered aloes thereinto, end on approaching
the Coattnental noted the applarme became
deafening. The beroneha wet driven to the
side door of the hotel end an mamma
effected with little difilenlty.
Shortly after, the General aid the Mayor
made them appearance on the fermi balcony.
from w helms a view otthe proems son as it
pled along (ihrotnnt Street eras ontained.
The General was received with cheers trots
the firemen in the line and the spectators
filling the street; and time onetn2lloo 110111
the Porn pseles ell passed.
The tiencral" responded to the cheating
trim bows, and fin aGy bld to
ff croliplina
till, lingered good night, and retired..
There werenO speeches. The General
partook of a tanquet with the Mayor mad
City Connell. Senator 'Cameron wee ntso •
'goes& 15 lids was a revere entertainment
no reporters were in attendance. Tbe
formal reception by Mayor McMichael tattle
faze at noon to-morrow. at independent*
(yrnitairrzyls test. Plttfuarch Ueaetta.7
Bsw.Tost,flentotober . 2 3 ,1 15 7.
•. entree zatenorinasen.
The British brig saran, seised by the
.Itevantie ofacere.' his been. redeemed, the
Captain tithing signed the Piti*r, which
relieves the .Collector, or responsibility in
the case. The result of the investigation
eoes adverse was commut ed he Captain
n,.the offense by the chip.
' per. of the spirits, met not by himself' or
the owners of the vein.
TEA 11•111..-110.11 2/.0111-12.411S 0101.• II?,
Tha stakes involved in .the BemUl ted
Drown race, leasonsiting totter thematic
dollars, have been , given hp to liacelli,"
Brown's hackers having withdrawn their
VISORS All‘grrerk.
.Taltz Arians Dela Crain. one of a gang
Of foreign feirgersreosatlY Nitrating here
mot arrested here, charged' with fOrgerlea
to the amount of el 0,50) on the ethyl mant
bank, end committed, for trial. • ~
• 'lsms or Lennox
The monthly sale of Scranton coal took
owe to-day. geventy.sli thousand tons
were sold al et. taller that Move, MA
.4,75; steamboat, $9,7603,874.,
New TorreCilternlillteara , lingonelltlon. •
(By Telegraph to the Pittaborgh Omens 1
gyaaceas. September 113.—1 n life geoubll.
tan Stars Gonventfbn to-daY 800. Roane
Conkling trith Chalon permanent Provitle , M.
r„=t,i7,;? ° ;rinl b :. neriZti4 l B ' ernPon . ,
main:gen an Impartial trial of the fre e
dent, for priggenting reennetrOatiOnnd
I disturbing toe Nablus
_petiole, and hie di n.
placement If oingilotad. iienvral McKean,
of Saratoge nominated for Sectesturp
of MIL lAlvin T. linriburd i of St. Law
genet!, Cotoptnillef, and Theodore C. Setae.
of Meter, Tresgurer. • resolution erne of.
farad favoring the Impeachment of John
nie and referred. Judge Van Vaneoff, of
lite, area nominated for Attorney
atizz, e. rowan, of Onondalgua, Slats
Engineer, and pen. Jobe M. 11010058, o
Allegheny, canal gonigilealonar.•
- . •.
flews from Mr. Hisll,l the Arctic fix
Mr Trauma to the rltuberglitlasette.i
New Toni. ileptemner 23.—An arrival at
New Bedford from fludsonis Bay, brings
news from atr. Hall, th e Arial° explorer,
wholmes& Annul* , B.f, wherale has Xe
malired for about. two years. A year ego
last winter he made a journey to Pella Ilay,
&boot one hundred sad alitilty toilet , wintti.
]salliedy with six whlut
men who him from the whaling
ileet, be In ads CO proceed to' EUIX
linoVa land, and Id/10010ra home Lf possible
Demurmettve Hall ■term I.
[Br Talton& to the Plttebarsl
PIIILADII.I.IM, September SI—A Memel,.
Sous ball storm Ws aribret CaWie d MnC 4
“Mary In this elty.
Mumto; at Mr Prod Mielt Weal foal
Lir Telesrapl to the Mtuberrli naretir7, '
Barron. September IL—The MOW= of
err Preasnok Drupe were mut home M be
Itlbiner Wks. Tbe china took no era%
D ail, - . • . . .
Ileatat .liletteaseelew-Cley In
INaealeY—Pre cmputation.
eral Mtwara L.
(Br Telegraph to the Plltlibergh ensile, .7
Rivalvt;Sept.Z.—Otra.Manielle's Malawi
rraa tvahold fever. Thebtal7 waa embalmed
arld Is lying in main; Hum Itaimosailatras
eirorn m u Pinrlaltafal Captain GanaraL
Tim whole eltY to 1n Meander. HalfCie
We tired all earyestertlay, and . the
Or all-the umular tantainys 'ara at h t
anat. Siall Maralial,ltarnal Maw oem•
mallet the military rUertir• •
Maddens Stevens' , 110•111 h Rapidly
• -
thy Telegraph to the lettabergh Gazette n 7
tLiitoiatithi Mitt amieig
4eu*Stervona h ItheaDtdl9. ithPhwdhlt.
au4..11e till aorta 1111Alltavrorkos hig/e/xm,
at/action rovetaue axle itrianotal menace,
hoping to have theta' natty at the meettug
gieldlers mad Sailors' Canvas!lea all
[By Talersob to tn. Pitioeurgh Quetta.]
ntcomeran. fieltLilli•ClThe SOU:lien and
Molars , Ltootrintlosi- get taday.• Ono hen.
tired delegates wore-present from all sea
ttons of the State. Gapora111,11: WWl' was
chosen President. ••-• ' . • •
Dania! eretLeeklathe. gee Correplreaor.
rtl•Telegraphe thintisboret Magna.]
hire roar, Soptoutkg- tE—The
Icy Westin:metal Banl4 CYLILUtaIIs, ime or
tbo Lincoln • coaspirillOrs, Med ot yellow
fever oaths 23d irorthet.' of tne ervelpi
reran have been vehrjhuteultte to the 'ICY
at the Dry I'ortugsv.-1' • . .
[l6L•UkO4li Teenperaace Alliance
CUT T*ICREA tt theAttebvgb Omen.
llamas, September ~The annual meet
ing Mine Mainachnsatte State Temperance
alliance was he:II Mr. Wm. U.
Spanner nen elected President. It was
votad to ralaa.2o.oXl,lo &dream tha masa
Altar*Aaa~s Ntaltlaisare.
Li ne.
.Tinn i naV or rj a ll3. l, ';4l .. eniSgrl m d iv an:
dolpia, was moo from CZOICIOIL to Pres.
"Lefa floPot. Or 6. fAranalttoe of CI L I.V
llonnella and oinsana In ilarrlainla Mottos
down Balilmote Mee. -
Oraaa,—Wa have givady announced that
umame I>e la linage and Sig. 11ristioll
with a cotatanation ,
ad,otharatax• ere
two m 0001710.0 VW °Matt* IwPrawh.ta .
cane, to at► cII7. a7O we can -now .Infann
our readers teat therentlitiona of the most
:omit cotepointlem of "lbsealtd" and
"tionlrettl.—inv "Barber of Seville. end
"DM ritaquide," irlii 'take place - at the
~ . , .
Academy or himto,gn the evening. of tbo
2 Weal ar Octobet Yo singer that has
eier visited this calltra wee mete, Inglel
appreciated or left rit. with more general ro
gra. on the awe. or the People. than
liademe Antis Do •La oriake.. It 1. 'nose
right Tema slum UM soles was heard In the
Untied Stat.. and wear. confident she and
he greeted with thisameo enthusiasm that
se as everywhere Meted cm her former
Ksit. Th. .pring Mew. the mentor.
Ole year that this ondld artiste
in rapid mention b the folioed,: igri l'. ' ea
In all of whits , rate was considered Iran
vatted, 'ha • Partly Leaf, En PTV.
stanl, Norms, Glossal, Translate,
Lactaiso-31, Sem bata,the Prophet Se m.
IvlandJe, Lnermia.. Wm. Tell, Martha,
Lulea Wider, In itll Of which sue was coo
entered wi th out e - rel. While absent In
Europe, she Mau t".l Preen, where B be
wale mows. la /mperild Opera -11..4.1
was tumoral by ty with evidenees of
- the 'sheet error Mb In ilsoiriut wee ea
teemed =wised Ulm, and rank. as
a star at the V 9 Ighest marinade to
Paris, at the Operla 'cadres, sod as the
emelt.' favor lier.lialentre M 0 . ,.
le Lornlon, foe teal seasons. The people'.
favorite, the pushed Tenor Signor
Primed, has n gaged to eaglet in the
two representa , with Other =tic.
...Ili known lo f e. Se. adverttsement.
we hope tint peo will show their atinro—
Mallon of rtutabnatt hating been select.
for for th. lady appearance since hex
remelt, by crowd the Academy.
Orel Rom. is highly popular and
fashionable p of amusement was well
tliLalLUaa At tit a large grad delighted
- whamming Makers
/.slrfesur act drama, the "Streets at
New Venice. The Mom wee mill hot epee
the lucre end the various parts performed
to a style that eitclthel frequent rounds of
Item the auditory. To-reabt the
"Ticket of Leave von" will be prod Tic.%
n .90.999thrtit winch of IMO( Is Bujile
to crowd the LOOS..
Prterserneau Tireavaa—lt , Ist merest, ilea
emu" , fur us to mato toss's delliinted
LhrOug welonnned tirtlDl .g..Christrs 11.1.
.:rata Wit night, and the brief Urns we bad
:a spend In witnessing their delineations
of negro charnoteristid. wsrranis
tbet iney *sod many respect*
any troupe now trassling nitro win be a
change or programme nightly. and all who
desire to vase MS boor pleassoUT rod
i•rofnahly should not tat tire opportunity to
.1.4.11. Mena pasit'wttbout .being taken Ad
rootage of.
Pastarim Ts...ran—The fond of amts.
bent forablbed ttd. ta - vOrtia retort b
• • •• • • . • .• .
me •greet of fining the home to
The old, the young. the 'revenue the gray
usi always hod an eireeebte eatertelateent
~.Isee or amusement, to-night, fleethoveni
Grand Oratorio, "Ghost ort Mount Olivet,"
Mill be prednowl fns style eenuneneurate
with the worth of tale most
•thetlon. It will be given muter Um aka.
lam of ler. P. Peeltrie ger, formerly of Gro
ver's °mutt Opera Troupe.' ant-will doubt
less draw together as milt* a part of the
tulle loving conatututlty SA MIA ever mu
gregsbeil upon any Emilia measles le Our
1 11 1. A few peels remain areole, tieVete
tar whtell can be hal at Kleber • Pro's.
moelo store, Wood street.
Masonic Usat..—As os Um previous OW.-
. . . .
nye of the exhibition, of the
.enoraces of VIOLIN of Abintiam
Hull reds wended thou way to Knouts
Hall hut night. As snor e of art It cannot
be ea - culled, thlrfaet I that sonroslalto
nays wlusessed It once do not rest satlstled
antll they tee It a second tuna,ls as strong
an asides°. of 11e mull as a , work Of art,
at ones Interesting and Instrectlve, as yob
!tints be urged in behalf 01.07 strallar pre.
duotlott extant.
very dloomel person, who ramie cot
anything coreeptupon due reflection no to
the right nod wroug Of it,and awns boys
or .011. ofboyloo Impulse, bilt Only on Ids
Judgment, remarked to us timt he had upon
careful conelderation of lie policy, deter
mined to dpect lite Campy, hathinfW, to
mete their purchases egrinallely from
storekeeper. that advent.. their 'wares In
100 newsoapere.. The Manor,' assigned for
this, watch wo thing has metetning to it, to
that large bombers of purobsome Are led
by muting the adeernserstente to that ,claes
or stereo, and ill tette are th us led anieure
to he bettor Informed I. to quality and
prince tnmt those who do not read the pa- 1
Pere, and of a consequence the merchants
hose °ottoman, are Of the reading Olaaa
wlll pay no more fur his 00040 than be
noire. an Intelligent customer arm rellolif
pay; tt here. tpo storekeeper who makes
tome of -the-newspaper.,' seek.. none.
miotornerth 100 00oloot011.0 ouch pare.
-nage as elm Iroderieeil from a low aid so
quaintancea. friends, mull oncentailly
ottargo largerigratitga On Mit to 00ver
i1e.14011111. non one of th
tlenotertat want Of oritnrprise. Fie .fibre.
PlllllllO Ills stock once or twice a year,
all. 010 ZOOM entire comp:Altar will be
constantly In rocelpt of froth good. or the
There 1. surely
_utothething In It," and If
the merchant 0111 Wee& the titocitirtglaa
medium for advertng. we think he will
agree with our friend that there to • great
'Tided Ward, Allegtwor,lbeirengbly
Orgisolsed.—A meeting of the citizens sr.
hole on Tuesday evening. et the ofhee of
Jame* binlirletothleti sisalegiftliV attended
and Blunt Committees appointed to canal,"
the ward for the purpose ef having out alt
loter• on the day ei elentidtit ainl•
leoe were adopted pledging. the ward fee
the usual innJortty. The meeting WIPP...
141 to meet pm Friday evening, the Ytlh I[l.t,
at thu enhool ileum
J•raa ilellatan, President.
Eisectse. Secretary.
A Nosplelons Tressasisteo...-1. young
man named N. D. Council, was arrested by
the Motor's police yesterday upon • en•rge
of ottotriptlng to steal nowt Ain. hundred
sad Ally dollars In utoney,trom a trunk at
the bearding hous•Ofalni piltlner,onpoiroond
etteet , .. Ile attempted to Ironic the 00V•ted
Mena/ through the agency ot • lad by tbe
name ofJobn E. Morgan, who exposed his
plaits. Ile prntogul bls ectice Innocence
cod alleges that he tern. be able to setaUllett
It upon a hearlng tosday, .•
t orreetteit.—We stated yeaterdeY that •
dog worming to one Of om city ablermen
ha b
d een abet the eveninrevious on the
bigh*ar. ire ha g re p &Moe learned
( h o c the odors" referred dd not belong
to the eforeeald magistrate. l hat was' o ln.
furred au (rem the fact that the ehoOtine
WOO done In the immediate eteteity or Ills
eface, and that the animal eras ettallar to
the one owned by him. •
gj c ~A
nobbery oath., street CAM
ni ,t liate hoer trot night a man Iran
gee., his lame ea iv 1111aut 'McDowell, left
word at the lltayorle °Moe that white 01,1 t he
of the street eare,ott hle way from the lair
groendslo the elty, he wet fobbed Of C
t P r4liti b t ' i l lgrtlVll M tar W Tao g r , 0 1=1
log tie to who committed the theft,
the wk.. weld not reader blot 111417
twee In BIS ollefortutte. • •
ginned the Pa Excellent Gar.
Geary, ail
the county j an other
Npabhe testltotk I
me,yeeterday, n 00tehany
wise CloleY. • Pol. John U. Menem,
Bon. P. C. Shannon, Ben. James 8. Nealeit
fl ed ofterpronclnent citizens. The old
kienmo le be was famllhaly tanned by the.
b ra e, boys of the old Twelfth end Twentl
etr, Gem, enrolled tdalielt `Welly pleas..
ed etch the manner In wtdoll attalra Were
generally lacducted. •
T r
8 5 3' , t At AT i gsT 7 r. y t,
rormill'eue and sitar : Paging
e/us to the Pratuithir Andgre. visi
ted the Penitentiary, in Auegheny, lig
wan shown through the entire Duilithig,
ner which he visited the pair Gtrousge,.
Tba coaiptraes gas.—Tba jury la ta.
ktotatuThompsoa aoatpiraoy tararna3
a verdiat at rally. • motto= far 'neat of
Smialt sad resaaas tar s tanning, warn
me'. Thadefrailatithe eavaaal Claim that,
atm lab:4=U was allaattala
On our Fourth Page will be
found this morning a full and
Interesting account of the
Shute Fair.
Iloo r aolleal ie llloolgg at HayVo . ll ir ilo s f i t
l ateee—PHr 3,0 pea
00 to 10,000
People la Atioadaoso—lapeochea of
. flovermar Gomm. Stow gialualka S.
Geo., of Pensaylvaalo,andlL MOOk•
oft llafloawa. of flaryloael.
• .
The meetlug In front of Hare's lintel,
14bertyatreet. Mat algal" Was one .of the
latTeSteampaldwineetinga *WM liebt in the
pommy, and the enthusiasm exceeded any
thing witnessed cm=Whir occasion.
At an early hour to the miming' the people
begin to assemble, -gad at half Past, seven
o'clock. the hour appointed for the meet.
Mg, the stnimuwitht..kaqp...of,too not./
werio mass of men, and the weird
'continued to Increase until the =sating wu
organised, when there were at least five
thossana persons present. it was strand.
ed' for the apeakers to occupy the spec/one
bigamy. which was tastefully decorated
with flags, and Illuminated with dui lights
and Materna. The Great Weaters hod
had been engaged for the occasion. which
thej enlivened with their excellent mule.
dt seven mul a half o'clock William If. oir.
den called the meeting to order, and nomi
nated the following gentlemen so officers:
Pammearr—Hon. J. K. MOOrnand.
• • •
Van Peasirmarrs—Jamea Ream, Col. Wm.
Phillips, James Rood, John IL McCune,
Rtchanl Tuotapson, Jared M. Rresti.haraL
Barclay, Lewis Krlo3lBr, Thomas J. Time.
Son,Agriat bleramyar. John !altos, Taos.
Steel, J. 11. Peas, Pr. J. W. Nhaw, Dr.e,
Benham. W.J. Radcliff. Wm. Little, nor.
Kramer. W. R. Barter B. Stoller,
John. P. Pease, James Park John fillialeta
John H. Ilan.
ascaffrs.arsa—William Espy. J.S. Mcniroo,
James W. Mach:red, J. Willis Dalse/1 and
the iteptirtera of the 111412.
obAir in • brief ladies.. introduced
Mos. ClAccrerA A. Giov:
Puttee Cminies...Por four years your
country shook with the tread of armed
men; thred titmdred thousand brave hauls
founds home lathe grave, three hundred
Wiliest of treasure was expended, to save
the oountry floor destruction. • In ell Abr..
ham LlooMil was . nonelltullonally elected
President of the United States, and no
mother hart the news gone forth than - there
we. an appeal ftom the ballot box to the
cartridge box, by a portion of the people.
Todey we ensign thellemoemtle DerrYb.s.
fore the public. tarpubilo Opinloa,
charged with the eonsequence of this terri
ble war and as false to the country in her
time of need; false to every principle, of
Bepublteth Government. if yen turn
over the keeping of the Government tO
CO MU party. it Is destroyed for ever.
Sentember that although the , boom
of the cannon Is no longer heard
the • chub of small , arms is still re
bounding throughont the land. be the differ
ences oh! o pin ion which now (flatfeet the na ,
Lion, and threaten Its destruction. The
twee great oneattOne are to settle *tithe
ballot cox this no that were fought for and
datikled in the late rebellille. you neve
fought the battles of your mouthy, and It Is
you who have the ruche to say when those
Whom you here Opeeneteel shall be admit.
iced to the rights of Minus; you have al.
.reedy tendered them tams morerecoectia.
PM than reason dictate*. and they rofuerd
thorn. The malt. of Andrew Jotuasoo . s pot.
thy is the gee Orleans massacre, and the
Melia and dlmord that new exists through.
out the thiletry; he today mks you to re.
*tore the rebels to Miner without requiring
theft to etre evidence of baring repented
of their .10.. lustes4 of coming se did the
prodigal eon, In meekness end Intnan Male.
limy wine heck and shuttle their Usts under
- Ilacte tlam , frnows and say. "why the devil
don.. you kill the fatted caul` , Yellow Mu.
seas, you hale given the rebel a key to his
prima door, and told him to walk tomtit
if he . refuses. whom • fault Is . 11l
What do ran lane by lits Inflalleff to ae•
neat the terms you offered Wm exams.
hi s
ckl Why you Amply lose the benefit of
wtsdom In *misting yon to make law.
tor your worernmean—uottung else. The
GOirpertleatie are the Only imete, because
they lack vote. to help thine Into power,
and they are the only Mourner".
We tenet have Melt goveraments in the
Meath; and If the emits 'men refuse to so.
cent our terms and form irvernmehte for
d thentlerree, the black Toes will hale to
The War as . the result of slaver 7.
Southit ems bu w t a Just retrinotton on the
South for her Mee When you tendered
terms to them end they refused to swept
them, let them eta). out. The cabal de
pended en his Northern ally, the [tapper.
need, for succor, and After the Presidential
slocUon to 'Oa wheeler", no the weeklies*
i ii
of their devandenee, the Isla down their
arms and Wed OW me . Tney tried to
beat you In the dela bailed; th ey tried
it at the ballot box and f led. awl they are
now triton it la the J ebuy dad they
1(111411w fall there, We ant to such Emu
on the Supreme bench hour B. Taney.
If tree to yourselves, authoring - on the
graves of belt a million of the brave sot
dicta and eurromided by as many roars
weeping widows and prob.*, you den not
allow them orlatilpleor wroth so math
bloat was spilled to be torn hum you.
[Cheers.] .
901111002 aOlaw W. (Meat.
GoVernor Greerp sout next introduced to
the audleace. by Geo. If carehatt, and was
received with prolonged and deafening
Chem. ~ When th e enthusiastic , multitude
Were quieted, the Governor prooteded to
ednrese the muting subetantlally u fol.
lomat , ,
.2004. me
eu.n to 000
pectable • meeting. We have Met here to.
0 1 .11 , for toe Porno. of dance
no w and
t aging council on tee great Ganes now dis
turbing Um mi./ of the cittrans of thl.
great unman. Ton will PM.. 0. 11 . 4
upon to decide whether a bara, bad man,
who happen. to be at the head of the
Government or t Congrear, elected by
the loyal people of this na.
tion, aIWI make laws for you. Thie
bed man on he will be dictator or king,
10 daft... of VOngreel. end If he
persists In this ammo and attempts to
break down the government 1 tall you as
turn as you are men 1 will call on you as
citizen. of Teensy's... width hurling
this usurper from his seat It wan
In the progress of events tot the govern.
went of the United Stets to rain tat
proteot herself against her anemias.
there Were weft Yenusylmnia.who veld
that the government had no Ma. to raise
ermluel Glare were menibigh in position
the etate who amid not tind 1 place to the
oonsritution uhder which coerce
a elate' Judge Sharswooddeclared that the
gevernment had no tight to bane paper
wormy or mak it a .leo4 tender. A more
terrthle stroke could , not be manse
01.100; the country than the dectslort of
Judge littarawood had been carried out,
end from the. reference. 70111 can fee the
Importance attached to the election of •
Supreme Judge. The character, record
and reputation of Henry W. Williams le
onbleralatted. He Mande before you a loyal
men. (Chaami.) 1' hope 10 'awe rolled np
from good Old Allegheny county an to.
created majority from the whole regular ,
ly nominated tleget or the Republican
party; 1 .tend upon the platform upon
hick 1 wen elected, .0 0 mid to It
the platform upon which 11.17 W. WU.
Gams was nominated for gulden..
1 hope no side_issut. wad cozen up; 1 Have
heard of a Workinimeaki ticket, here.
1 bane boon . workkient., .4 know
whet It is to work. het. lam Mr my
country berore.lloli. eland 077 0 00 ticket
or you 01111000 you cannier. 1 don'tito
teed to tiro you tonight. • We have work
to dosed we must Qo The speaker de
tailed his eSperleooe. at the Antietam Cem
etery- dedlcatitm, and mild IL.t the .obits
of the dead 101410th of Pennsylvania were
oat teat occasion. The tiovernOr
eicused htineedh Stating that be had to
meat a Convention of the G. A. It s and
Ware ware othar.ableapeakcis woo woo.
Claim theirattentionfOr tatisue. Ile thanked
the/addl.. for :their- 01st attention, and
sp . c o a o -telegram roa h P a i t a e
Ip ol a, r ats
nounclug the snivel .4 reception at Oen.
Sheridan In that city. was handed him,
whir.. rend to the meet..
Pe tianittr eta, 00Pt. 98, hin•
..-Gor. John IP. Geurp, Hon House;
leusbuork—The reception of gallant Phil.
Sheridan bas been one. the goindesievar
• whops.. here. Soot an often
people has net been seen 11000 the morning
the mews'. Lee's surrender wen 0000000.
ed. The flag -waves from almost e.ery
housetop, Oro-works are vialtda .Iv all do
;cocoons, cannon an Marina, and Abe
.treete aro ahead. impaulble siong the
linear march: Reny hove., WO, are brit.
tinnily Illetriented, and the centre of the
[ shy orcionte a beautiful slsta, The pro
cession y
.4111 tit tulles in lengthtary, end wen corn
poled of fiuttm. Grand Arm of
the littoddic, Munialpal ,
'authorities and
eitiaans, an Immense crowd walking ea th e
' side walks -born the depot to the hotel,'
cheering they vatted.
The member. of the glorlOal Union
feeette Mt. been foremost in their snorts
and expenditures to make the eacepUnn
creditable, and hi.e sumeedea ssimirnbly.
Ana we CU...tied Ws. them ind onr
toyed guest. Their headquarters was one
Wire of
Sheridan, with Senator Cameron and the
Committee of City Councils. arrived 10 a
apecial main NM o'clock. He wee en
carted by the• eity memo, Orel amen.,
Nation. Cleard and elarge delegation er
Or me., onloprising twenty commutes
with apitaratust—ono by Republic., lnytn.
.0101.004 other orgithigatioes with torch
a._.l 'Go tallying at the Continental• Hotel,
Gem Beeridan, Mayor Mchtlektatei and Sen
ator Cater,., made their appearance
balcony and reviewed then nitelog PTO:
Melon and ware hall. won cheering,
which oontinued until the General finely .
bl 4 ble . aihtitbrisstle 'adinirers good night
and rettiroll. liospeeehes warn made, He .
Mentermined at private entertainment at
the Continental and 0111 he formally wet•
corned tomoraow at Independence 11011 by
Mayor •
Aber the Orrvernor had finished readier
the dispatch' trout Philadelphia, and thi
territ. anthesian. Weed.' It had Sub.
-ended, the littallmin iltreduced
It. llTOCherf nernows, Aim, •
Mathew' entertained the meeting tar
an hour and a halt with one or the ablest,
most eloquent, tortdble and Wang Speech*.
we base ever bed the pleasure or Patentee
to, NotsrlthataneWbr - the $OOlOOOl bad
beam steadier far long Woo. ha' wo
slummed them with his eloquence that not
swan left the_ putted. eau sta really be.
- there yet bed
i l t!P e sr=r " rattrattl to. addraaa .them.
We mama - eliseedlurly that the wall of
apace presents ea tram y 0111013; hie re
marks in tall. It would es 40124 yen.
unman !illation WMahe elitePels ot
as it ',own be Imm:wattle to embody the
beentY. Sorabeadittlt. in such.
uto conveys° the rawer any 1001 et his
wor=rru . i t Liver., ...lie will adds's* the
'At th:close c t irli a r!ilattie t t. ' "rercarlui tea
realistic stlitourrumi
Mehemetlre Fire I. OelllasTotrneelp
—Tereaty•Ftwo Timasana Dollars
Worth Of Property Dostroyed.
tan. Wednesday afternoon, about three
&Moot, fiTer r y destructive Ore °warred In
Collins township, nearly opposite Sharps.
burg, which resulted in the total destruc
tion of a nne mansion owned Ond aecnpled
by Kr. Twedded and many. It aninntre
that some of the attache., of the hotiSso
hold were engaged man outbuilding =ag
ing soap, whtm the fire from the forme& by
some unfortunate mishap„communicnted to
the contents of Meet the caldrons, and in a
few moments the entire apartment was en-
building, which, being a frame, was Won
destroyed, leaving no vestige of tee former
handsome strut:tura, SOLO s few burning
embers to mark the spot, Where het an hour
before It stood an ornament to the neigh
both ood. The oullulng contained a large
number of elegant painting. front the
tannic. Of our most mlebrated artiste, and
an extensive mineralogical slect the
loss of which irrepsrable and greatly to
be regretted. The Doctor Is extensively
engaged In the Ott trader, and many of the
specimens were from tho oil producing re
glens of thte and other States. ile esti
mates his loss at twenty.dve thousand got;
w e whether there was any trout's.* Or
not we did not learn.
Bold Attempt to Bob—A PMladelPhlat
Pieltpoeltet Cohabit In toe AM.
A gentleman mined U. 11.1PCIturo, nodd
ing In West Iliddletovrn, Washington 00Z11-
ty,viaLted the city' yesterday for the ear
l.. of attending the State. Fair, and on.
tared a ear it the
.grounds last evening,
about adz o'clock, on his return* to the city.
The cotiVeyanoe • being crowded' at the
time, he was compelled to stand, and had
been aboard bet a few minutes when he
felt eldnieirdit MOVeMent libout one of bin
pantaloon pockets. Putting - his hand to his
pocket, he found that of an individual''rho
stood newt to him, drawing therefrom a
luirtraonie which he soddenly dropp d on
the door. 'Mr. M. , Clare seized the follow
and held him until they arrived in the city,
when he handed him over to Cept..G
at the tomb.. Upon being teerched, four
ekeletto keys, recently made, and with the
wards Bled out, together with fifteen
/ars in money, were found on his person.
He aye his name se George Hedgers—an
mooned one doubtless—and stated that he
bailed rrom Plitladetphis, and had been In
the city tan dayarefusing to tell ha lolging
pima. He le mold hand at the .linuckingn
basiness. no doubt, and had he succeeded
this attempt, would have been the gain
er to the amorist of sixty dollar& the rum
. which the ometed book contented.
lioeMirr Rargegas's lgodleloos.
Yore than thirty 7.1 r. ego • Dr. Sargent
twined/leg store In Allegheny City. 'rho
Doctor was known and esteemed for his
great moral worth, and es tineaten .
Intim" but Judicious man of business.
The Doctor, knowing that most of the pro.
priatory medicines then in nee were corn
pounded from cheap and adulterated in
gredients, could not honestly engage in the
eale of seek. To obviate the difeettity and
to supply his customers with Isle and eel-
Meet remedies for all ordinary Ailments
adapted for general' nee in families, he
compounded tram pure Inredlentsearions
pills and syrups, and for [ some • years has
to increase his manufacture to
ntatina growing demand for his wadi-
CMOS, which were onnatantly gaining non,
war favor nail. without effort on his part,
the tome of theme preparations has extend
ed beyond hLs. expecutions or intentions.
The Doctor has grown old and weary of the
tax - On Oa time sad •trength, and wilting
to retire from so mock activity sod labor,
has .:isposed ot,his proprietorship to
beonre A. Kelly.. well known druggist of
this My—esteemed also tor his integrity
ass merchant amtb stall as a littarm kraut.
Ist. Mr. Folly Is young and anterPrlefugt
and In prepared to manufacture the
gent mediators on a Scale commet”urate
with , the growing demand fur them. The
•nterpilse is in good hands. sod will be
• • .
I`o o f prosecuted. and prove mune,.
Ulf, ltd more sboor. Lhasa medicine* MK,
Idr. Kelly's advertisement. In sachet ow.
Maori at tali lilt .well as our Mande
at horse are ajpeclaity directed to the tact
that the enterprising , and flahlooshle jaw ,
stars nod orottelaaei Mews. Duromath
tisalett4No SS fifth street, have Jett re
tetad ewe teratradattloa to umir stook
of dutiable goals peculiar to their line of
tilde. The purchasing has been made dl.
reel from the leading Importer. and work.
legjewelers, of the country, and the clock
will be foam] very attracttve. The Jewelry
department embraces rich, plain, elegant
and menlonable article/lot personal adorn.
meat, .lives ware. plated wares, gold heed,
ed cues. clocks, flue gold med silver watch
mule, boxes and other general goods.
The optical dipariment ir stocked with
best quality spectacle; eye illaumb open
&urea, microscopes. thermometers, ba
rometers! and all instruments for tertian
field.. The stock of barometen is very
large and mum range at prima utoeUh•
leglyloo, u that everybody should be In
pormeesion of one. Farmers cannot over
estimate a truthful indicator of the wea
ther, and bet • trifling investment at this
establishment...rill secure him such an In
examen& ea will soon prove true and faith.
ha in performing aocurstely Impor tant
duty. We urge on onr readers a . pnrchas.
Mg visit at the mtablishment of Donseatla
& Hulett.
lteetteig ua Allegheny. -
The Republicans of the Fifth ward, Alle
gheny, held &meeting at the peddle school .
house, corner of Fayette and Chartler.
atteets, Wednesday evening. it wan organ
teed by calling Joint Heath. Esq., to the
chair, end aPpointing ',leased,. Patterson.
hecretary. The chairman stated the
object of the meeting to be that or mord
union. The following commltteeewere au.
Finance--S. J. hay, J. A. 'teed and B. S.
U. Thompson.
Vigilance Committee-A. J. Ray, George
Parkin, W. Fitzsimons. Henry Palos Joe.
ateClelland, John Heath, J. A. Ebel: A R.
Deets, Aug, linentiller, S. J. Willa., Wm.
Janes elm
J. G. Herr and Alen. Patterson.
' The Vigilance Committee are reeneeted.
to meet at the School Lion., corner of Pay
ette an OLIVTIere litres% on Friday, the
RIM lost., at 7 '
o'clock. Ptinctiml attend
ance le Ocalred.
An accident of • serloris nature bappened
Hr. Evans Thomas, an employes of the
Pennsylvania Railroad ComlumiY. cm Tues
day evening, while he was returning from
the Ihdr. - He was • pamwmger on. car as of
the Gitmens , Passenger road, an.. as it we,
crowded, bed to stand en the outside plat
form. Aeu coming the other way struck
a carpet erica in - Ida bands and Jarred him
to the ground, and he fell with hi/night leg
under the wheels. He wen terribly Phoebe,*
end Ina dised out Ineenalbla Dr. [lm
am. was Wind, and dignovared:tbat the
leg was broken badly In two places near
the 'thigh. Ile set the limb succeufully;
and the man was conveyed to Mercy Hos
pital, where, at last accounts, be we, doing
Hr. The accident happened IA front of
air. Gardner's arn; store, In the Moth
ward. •
On Monday night last or at linearly hour
on Trtesdiry morning, a inink belonging to
a ydring 'man named Wm. dnitth, who
boarded at Mai Donn &Mal. Nom, In the
First ward, Allegheny, - had hie Wank bro.
ken open and thoronahly: raoraoked. It
commingle' besldea other articles of value a
surer watch valued at twentpdTe dollars
and some slaty dollars to money. third
were carried or: Immediately after the
discovery, a fellow boarder by the name of
Layton Graham disappeared, and has not
moot. berm heard of. reformation of the
theft wu lands before Mayor Morrison ann
warrants were leased for the arrest of the
wormed, whom it Is hoped will to brought
3: elate hour on Tuesday night, en °Meer
aril' wed lo this city from Johnstown, gem.
d ebnnty. lotting In allergia young pol
oman .named .Cleorge Tentifte. who Is
laboring under envore and lone Continued
Week of insanity. The unfortunate 10111-
vldtial formerly :welded In Allegheny City,
where he has Mende residing, soil kitten-
Peered suddenly last goring, from which
time no to his erriral here ag slated, not),
log could be heard of him. Ile serwod fr, tn.
fully with Oberman in tile °mental tek the
gas.e and gave no evldgrati of insanity up
La the time C.f Pia .Ilsobarge from the eer
clue. lie was placed in the tomb...nod wilt
be tranaftwrod to DLamont towlay. ; • .
.. •
Fatal Ace Meat as sueAU•alwiety
Pane intired-Aeiromer'•
An accident, which remelted WM, death
Man Intent child, occurred at the Alleghe
ny City Poor Farm on Tuesday Itch It ap
nea. that Annie ikliletrel, aim two years,
-wheel, Mende reale* doronga,
wee playing at one of th e entnumee to the
farm, the dawn! whleh had heed eareleaalY
left Improperly. secured. While thus en.
gaged the itatil dinned front Ita tender fa,-
t,,,inge, and falling am= the child, Injured
it to much an extent that it died soon after.
Cormier Clawsorrheki an triqueatyeaterdair,
when a verdict In accordance with the fact.
was rendered,
laminasVie Mira is , the Cry.
In order to nOcommodate stronger' tithe
city whine time Ii taken up during the dey
In visiting the Fir, J, W. Darker a Co., No,
en Market street, hese deolded to keep Maar
storsposn on Thursday and radny even.
legato:all nine o'clock at latent, whoa their
mammoth stock or Dry floods will no Offer
ed et paces to suit all.
Teti Is an opportunity oor • orrontry
Wends should embrace, whether they lash
to boy or net, to see one of Um finest etoroa
and hest otOoks of goods in the country.
Drr Goods as Wholesale.—We InGra
the pardeultut &Montfort °thwart at wttOle•
sale to our complete stooks or 611113, Dress
Goons and all - kinds of rangy and staple
goods, and to the lout Dud we sell at the
lowest Eastern prices and out goods to cult
• J. W. llsaaga d Co.
Derket street.
Vise Plods, of • breast pin, aOrertlmal
solos% Into-4W. Guars, wil t Ana is ad
vantsaismS to (Amply with to. manes%
missepleesslik—la if. east, for sale at
tea lowest rates, at I'llustare men
No. le Market street. •
add lieuTkifts J.
11.0_11typilpj jit
i Wok sampleft
CADV11116.1.Z.,1 .
more Aeons Consolidation
Ithsge.S. EDITORS:. The co elle or slug who en.
'betted the consolidation act through the last
Leinelnure, have crowned their labor of love toe
the benighted taxpayer. by Wei., a pamphlet
evidently Intended to threw such a good of 11ght
on this sum; enhy at as to estlegaish all further
otooilthon to It. Thb pamphlet elf"ea with as
array of tax tables wherein the city taxes are
pitted In e very favorthic tight. To lthcomulish
this, the tarfor City Ilan and the Leanne Ws
have been quietly ignored. It Is to be hoped
that the ax Col eel or will nets the same Coots.
to,. Those wise men Worm ea the•. Ineinotch
r the thly 11611 the 1011011th be tempos try, mot
Mit the built..., its. 0.1"1100 , y eolleete.t from
othreethrers. merchants and desires, It doe.
at MI street th e commaeltv et large. mot
Settee Omuta not be talon Into the the-mutt. The
','.=r."!bOnVrowl i il l orlgs'dTor P tZ:Flinl.ll
. .
_ .
to • y nothing of the other Improvessenti con.
tentotand. time none veld gnawer. nt the boil.
nets tax we can spat more
Z.l.tlAtrenitt . gen:PVirt;Crbullbr that peg
pose. bat ch whes we added every_ s w earol of. ns tax
to the pri of too merchandise sold. we
bored ender the belief that he consumer paid
this nape ho-loen Mx, And not m. all hongh i
may not appear ma al. lax me dot. _Another
p•lut worthy of notice la Ms pmplet. is th 6
favorable septet of the ty Baton Tax, In coot
perison wt. the .00001 taxes of some Of boo
rountry districts. But It Mould be berme in
mtnd that we hove been heretofore heavily taxed
for city school purposes. Thu we ye not Dot
scned of elegant, permanent aid 1136.021ol•
aeh.l in s, only nowt Snap. annual nens
to corm th icon. se tdo I n Me districts! In oinly
cams clew out houses are now. or have !Lk..
bons *meted. or am balncenWrged orotnawlw
Improved noniring wttolo in me mninis of
Our paillpblat. moat? • ternimmii Or inn
pupae W• do not attompt to en,. itownr.
that in some eases the school tax lasted Mr souse
of townehlps wools require very touch Oxpla
nation to satisfy the laxpat em. Talte, for in.
f o r gl9. Iv. :1 ll'
what purpose. If 001 to play Wilo
of the eon .4110011 in, wo are nestle to nate.
A. tax of id mills op tile ossened vamolloe o f
Una and o 01. re nit. stout te,PX: Oen/W.IMo
sohnot district. Is • ourtly out of dna, and boa
mme S2,CO) on cal. as their proportion Of the
liltTowothlP ch.! Vund. .. fine we has•
SAY!, to meet the explosses of • !single school
h e.
la good pel, and Lanni rat! on over,
am attenosoce 0r al out cm eehnlars. Tn 6
ter of th .s +helms naa some experience
In the mai:Laymen of public seheo.s. does not
ant.. to my that ilk COP would be tit ample Isl.
lowance to men all marmot canes.
fr"; wIY
ave M en esusulted. as far sown
o /men Lit tor • new school edifice or
Hon/ de nits/ At all events. It will be men
Wm the foregoing resets that. 'for ordinary
echoed pi:Moose,. s, tax of anon II souls wouid De
gaits ample fOr Oakland townlop.
OAKLAND TOern6/I.llr.
The Road to Health. '
The sweeping assertions of many persOns
are calculated only to awaken mirror's.. and
to nu the mind with doubt In regard to the
core of many, so considered, fatal Ottawas.
Not so with Dr. Keyser, whose arialotoimme
and ardent devirdOn to the profession of
manatee, has enabled him to surmount the
most difficult barriers its the 'way of that
science. MS Investigations into the nor
mal and dise.ed state of the longs have
enabled him, with almost unerring cer
tainty, Co prownostleete the probable ter
mthiation of those once fatal diseases. After
an experience of over twenty-Ave years,
nesrly twenty of it hi this air, he ought to
be entitled to at least tbat'eonetderstion
and confidence which' the labors of that
malty years would seem to insp.,. It
men will carefully look into the matter of
which wewrite, there
are ery few who
will not be ohm peneated tor all v the time oc
cupied in dolor Po. For weare entirely
satteded that there is no sinbject of greater
importance to sick men than the um ger or
a medicine which hi calculated to restore
health. It we speak the troth. it is worthy'
of all colundermuoa to any one le queat
of health, and that to do break the
truth, let any one try" the remedies
we have mule so premiums , and
wis need not blush far die retell If thine-
who have well read our articles. they will
and remedies spoken of that will apprOpri•
stale rash into their minds 'Shea th e cc
employment for their employment become.
neriessary Three•fourtas of the diseased
of the lungs and - their auxiliary or
gans, which be cared at. the one. ,of a
cough, is merely an onteide manitta
cation of an toward disease• by the - use at
ether tonna of
F almonary diseases could
be cerea. when not advanced to a total
etas. by the nee of DE. KEYSER'S LUNti
CURE, a remedy for conchs and lung' ' din
rustle of selitonic and tong standing type.
Let those interested take heal of this ad
vice, and make tbactiqulry of any one who
has ever osal these remedies, arid lodge or
them according to the evidence thns ob
tained. No two remedies were star oom
poonded, for the cure of lungdisesse. equal
to Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure, •and Dr. Key.
mr'e Femoral hymn,.
Sold by the glossa:Mien or single bottle.
at Dr. Keymr's Great Ridicule 13ep0t.140
Wood titre..
azimut.. s (n)NSULTATION ROOMS
for lung examination. and Ms' treatment
of obstinate disease. No. 1110 Penn street,
from. A. It 001114 P. 0. Dale.
Da. .1. Itesuient Specialist for
Pulnionary and other Chronic Diseases,
lel Pe an stmet, Pittsburgh, Pa., offers to In
vaDds the advantages 'derived 'from ads.
teen yaw,' mutant (and excletalve) atten
tion to • limited rang* of diseases, rod an
e.rperlance emblacing many thousand
Dr. Sykes' system of treatment consista
In Susanne roe not cue TIM ENXIIDIA.L.
Slurs Carr Ansi-rut° Sr. Cum Neither
depending on nay .ingle remedy,. however
valuable, nor treating every cue amoiding
to some .Ingle Muer urneory,” new ovoid.
/Ira patients bare the, benefit of every
new discovery and theory of value. Ilia
medical resources include Sfanicatentacia.
LATIONS t 110”1 Olt V.erea inn or Asexual,
(tome, together with the moat efficient
cleansing and loom medminal and
anfe matures of atilt greater value. Da.
SYKES , speciality comprise. all Pulmonary
affection., and other Chronic diseases that
mar produce or accompany Lung Diseases,
via Constonotion,Diassl Catarrh, Chronic
Sore Throat, Laryngitis. :Catarrh • Drouchl
tit, Plastic end Seetnittery Bronchlib, Spas.
motto Asthma, Scrofula and all blood and
akin disease.; Dyspepala, Liter COmplant..
ileart Discus/i t Affection. of the etageht
PeDereas and kidneys, Chronic Mantels,
Contiveness, Piles, Ettetunatiam, Neuralgia
and Pamela Complaints. .
Dr. - Sylres refers by perstassiOn to the fol
low gentlemen who have knowledge of his
mode of treatment !
Her. &EL Nesbitt., D. D.. Ed Dor Pittaburgh
Chrism:us Adocuim Bon. W. C. McCarthy,
Mayor of Pittalought BO .Thomas Sproull,
D. D. t.... and Prof. J. IL ewell. Allegheny
i fere haws, 9A. X.lO r. ac. Ito charge
1 fOr consultation. , Try.
B. BiLS. ;
Therwell-ktiOwn Elvin:maker Mianfaitmer
of thi City, has opened;. stare at lig. 191
Somithilelft Street, where lie Intends to keep
on hated a fell anti complete isiortment of
lim:inters, Thermometers. • isnd Hydro
meters, all of which he Manufacture% and
from a long experience tele Match of
begot.. hats motioned shot ho con give per
fect ootlifectlon to ell who may be 1.1 want
of the above articles. Be hoe also on hand
a large assortment of Spectacles. comblate
all of the late Improvements, which he will
mamas 'of at lower rater time ttal , other
house In the city. Give; hint • coll. it.
member the No. Smlthneldatrect.
We would inform parsons visiting the
Ststo.Fair that Mr. James - Robb, So. SO Mar
ket street, one of the yloneers ttrilso boot
arid ithotitrade of this city, bis on band a
large sad fashionable deck of boots. *b.»
and gaiters eldoktni °Odra W i llbe
.rery rewnstaeoprices. , itbantam.
bored that eh* aesorttneab found bare In oat
from r.astent auction houses bat has bees
!Ideated 4mi loom caanefacturars Who
dad In sad articles eawlL brave acrvice.
able and durable: hall ln and sae for your
The Gress CombloeMon or i•xt •
AT Ill•IMICIO HATS T. 30111. 1 .. • 1117
DOCH. an 1111012.? P•i(01.11. RD.
Elr. Charles Zusseoth tow Just re.
turned from the - Eau with large-end welt
selected lot of •arbsty Soudan! every dee
.r which he intends toot:ler the trent
at • ..emelt proOt on the Inrestrent.
.6.1 r. Zugemlttr has ben consioereble.
ftance In the notion line end, under.
Mends the brainless le 611 its details: tie
has mane Vail cumber..
that he can clT el euperlor lot of is OW* st
Prime 00Ortnelenly lower than Slime of env
caber house in the cite. We would rerexet.
I:2l l l. o Cat r aM.l4 s illth r rtg : nt •nT
staler. . limb*
ll* would laellethe attention of CID•
ttatl.ta.eealna advsntein/obn
lb real estate Lo the very dealraele •Probeb
eer7 best looatlon. , le Abe env, and. tee
Dann batlng scouted a albs on Wood street
tor tneleneer banking booze. • ale to at..
Paso of tbedelota and will 'ell cheap 11. so.
pllcatlon be mode soon, Sae advertlaement
In mother onemn. Tv,
Tba Great issoolts Paaoreena Asa
MOlllOOOll. TO-111.111%.1.1 . Pimento BALL. •
Torenlag Clasmee.—Tna regular evening
1105310de 01 theIRON CITY COLLSOP., cor
ner of Penn end at. Claret-beets. he
resumed on Monday. September SP.b..
commencing early students can complete •
ball rouse during the fell and wlnter 1.),7
attending evenings only. • • et
Ever Orme U. I.4ette Sevilla( NW.
chime received the world.* Prize of agola
medal' at the Path, Exhatition, we have ob.
served the growing °out:Mance of the pub
lic. le that wool:dna We know that as a
sewer ft 15 unturpittoeu, and advise our
Mewls to =liana tee It at No. 4 Elf, Clair
street, ,
as .a. Patin—We Mlt.:the attention of
eleltars to therein to the advertiannent at
Murata a Carnal., No. 18 Fifth street.
They have jut rneelvhd salandhl swan
of new goods. which they offer at low pri
ces to oath Dupers. • IL.
ale. Dar, %%rats , Laws, Obese Dts.
*sews, anal Catarrh. )3 areesstolly treated
by Dr. Abbrs. 134 Ebaltadald street. A book
by mall re sante. era
Navels, Beatles—Hone and' din 1d
.011.1190111.11014 01117 ottenp. et nemlure
Drng Karla No. ea Market street. •
Void Sparkling ...Au wine. is J. T.
rang Odd% 110. Di Iltdorolstrild,
Q. Beat JO Tadao!. liana Banatik,
Run A..'" •
.sg• .a • Bazie.R.4. Arrows,
T 0411011%
state Fair an YOUrtil rage.
saa tatedsta THIATT-011 OUL.
UW)10 lastataa "Wu utter. 1.11 , CD.
altotatt, Ivy Tolervrlt
aea K. 41. aJYda Inn . 1.14. • tor lb.
flail). ad fuller. tad eat Nl.4* 71.2.
rill A. Kate. Meant diva bp
any cater a Lae eta.' No Puma, Ilabarde qt
Vacant Noel& be viaTO
Matt WON Ton WOW, eaterrita
—.1.10.• copy ' , Mate
op the Lit, Manaus 10 Otto au ae , illitta at
Ur Uwe, u clab nal& •
Nona To nOlaClreilie.—la anlerlts 70. t
paper. it art WI. rowellt 010, WO" YOU
want, as we testa • Wedtmodtl IMO. *t 5010
earner. path/ Int at. atil • greet.
Mr 1100•7 by Drat, Yawata. Y.OOl Ordeqj
or la 1000.10.4 L•ttart, aatb tut it pa flea
**dram, _ • waist:A
r r. ZYM:r I : I MMr I"" I'
as No. 166 Fourth Meet, rlnstraula. pa.
Oorms of an Pada:CaLIPPI.• BLOM. na4
every thteerlptlas of Amaral eraraene.• goods
ttrroehe4. zoo.. opened dal.dulabl. Heinle
and carria,ree turatehre... • '
' liars.arecu—neY. David Nem D. D.. nee.
• EMI AND' ZXBALMO, faoC.s. 10 tka
late Banned I. ]totters.' SIP DlllO USW%
throe door. from BeaTe4Altagoany City, KM
lkosineoaft.ll.2.ollVirelied sal/1000.
wood ltoltalloa Camna,,antlia Wroft nein*
open at all Ensue, daY sad itlirbta
1.10011.0 and Cartismo tbentabad on sbartßaidel
and on moat reasonable Wain. • •
DOTTLISKII. 00.. Y9{ Osixo ghat.%
alle•hohr. Yotdl3e. liMwood and Othth Cof•
lot, with • eran Diet+ .4. of Ihttatal 00,016.1=
ooodt . hand.. 6 01.0.4 at hhartmt nothto
at low* wit.. • 0010 ald Limy Blabias. ow-
ter of lints? AID ItSoDui enexarri. • Oarritetk
'Dszotstes, Thuriles. BMdle 11.11!ia, a., a,.
for tart:
v.O. STEIP7ART, Undertaker,
cornet of 31011Teff and exam 111111111.
N lath Want. CVOs. of al kinds. Nam ran
C.rrlaro furnished on the thOititit
tr"IVI. 1111'1 "I'V"
—A. I. BAIIBAUD, at Ma Cornatary pY
Law.“ 1,111.,
ASD tlTulill WORKS: Mai suala.
A. 12.
No. 66 Fairf.H ST.,
Oppo4lie Masonic Man.
ire Offering Great Bargains
Pocket and Table Cutlery.
Cam' Person' wishing to por•
chase wul do wail to examine
one °tilt. lbestausortnients avow
offered, and .
tirPurniture aad Household
Goods AT AMMON on every
Thursday. •
Dreaktrist,- Diner and loppeni,
.IPV.V.V.`"AVTAt T IiZINI A L""" t
rac,... Via Una Mille city ekprelmily 11.1144
to Cali at
81 mnur is Illirtelt. n 1412 1. Market:.
Maiohant Tailor. ;
Hu ...owl! to Mo. 111.1 WY1.1%
mere. wssi.,lttcre be la stoctiN
tuu his nor sw , •x• Nut.. rock r.f a.,
. .
H e. 1:41...1111211E11. • •
V deTtNNS AN" soy
Weise will msde to order Is ses nest
ell] be said es vs, seesaw, is screw _
- Nair H. Mordant railer: ,
No. 9. WY Li c state:l . , ear. ce: dedersl..
,j AM 84,01 T.
(iv comasux TO JOHN , 4OII• isotrrr.)
1111.111Elt-PLATED WARE, ETI.
FOB SILLS—That haudimina.
sad wry Tlit SIP ISTO - llt 12101 L,
D lIILLIBG MM. titans Po.
wort * PtlaskorteL TILL Pftoo La slUlidetellV
Quo et tiro ludexPoti Mato Is illerberely!
one Poorrosta tor IMP Tblp property II 'ell
wort% tbo &truth,. of Shore *palm ILpawl:.
Pomo. BILL a inurrnaLT,3l4.l YAW, Oa
Immortal loots. MOW muh riaarpottoPoor.
tats.. Loorresooplilo. , • •
ihiwUeal Far:Oars lUisiih.divrra
Lean ml.a NU.. rillnl6 onsauol7,
11 , 0 PJES FOR
Howard "Livert. Waldo;
, i .
ni. maw,
c Ct 11A2 r u m
Mt to t.
trot: elysi nr,S ea *a
"7.. es miasma ad Col 'powwow