The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 25, 1867, Image 1

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, . .
aos. sa "Amu as 17171( . wrairxr.
• .
lepiGm Pipe di lleMr! PenqiuM,
- ,, taka s isysii, - cfreiria? awl Ural PAXIET
lad OUKALEICI.A.LPArzam the
? %Vizi 01/
• tWar21 7 4 - 1 rd4 , 4P1'. '". ..1;a7 Troia J e "'
Kul 50.4.2b.m.
Aehlivoun. GATETIM„
""- • = rirrirettsom !mina.
Rittantilt &NE&
iI2POOLICAZIS read the letter of cmr
i#4fati-at.itAdiit pt Withlngtpn;
qathied i4l3t yoMiselvertd-$ duty
before you of rolling up s remad.tnajor
ity fn reurtaylrania. i
Rwrontac/Ns of Pittsburgh! beat- in
mind the rally to-night at Hare'iLioteL
Ex•Ciov, Curtin, Governor
, dfjiospa 41.. o larnsr,* 'and toozion. Ji R.
"Cibipbelt are linnOititeed is Speakers.
F_ wt .
Itl6o44i(Ofashismed turn-pmt,
worthy the cause and the reputation of
this Republican stronghold.
:: doaiteoic Qoii~airr : oa.- S'-'call
; ap•
liyesterday's Diapateh and Re.
piagie .fur 'a ,Tloaserratlyn" Conyeti-'
-;'*u9s l . 1 41 0 1 1111 *o . 11 Johlula . ar
ta4iticke4. .
Y I, ?,etleas ere.te be
on Saturday next, 01:1114-
" Lik- held 011' tent meet next weanesaai..",
Thla we take Si; As W move-against
Bents and Me County tleket„ the Demo
crate County Convention having! ig
• nofild .76lirlwit,,altogisther k „find -trued
. 4 1 4 i0 Tseogida thaltepu62icJ It iL a!ery
-pretty fight, as it stands; and as all the
_ votes this now ticket will get will cOme
tpr the Deraperacy, no pstrloticelti.
~fr ,
• . rt RSL sczi ga.=oao ; o
maga' tot nwela. and crowed jest
- after dari-mlitaking e bonfire for day
' bate two of a
majority in the California Legislature,
on joint ballottounk. this ecourps. a Re
publican United itttitten Sehator. - --Thens
;me two 3 - 41 T4 blip F k candidates for Gov
errior;`Mill the coptierheadi - ILaiglit, is
Ippoedors..asioniprity. The decrease
Itritto ibtal nit; electicin, is
14038. Then the Democracy polled
• - 40,5840 This year they polled but 240328,
' " srdetrilik'or OU.-• Tourt - year the
Th 10 0 101: WO 0 4, 00 ; 7.ei4 g 0 05 -
1144i ; frbL2th° stay
. 4 %a - halite , lladomact at tho.neit dealer'.
Tas DEMIONII made st the ballo4boi,
L'aiM• Per. rplato t?. !II*? candidate ,
-. ~t gmiislvegr areClfire4 to:
• , 141.1 eripsanca.rSlic decisions mule; leach.
Ida 'policies - are of yital
. npO:rticnlX: Tin nien - of t4i Eoutn who
tooh exion -ilia de/ixanti:e'er. the
government, and the. establishment of
another based primarily upon Slavery,
were thoroughly, beaten on the battle
field. They Made an appeal to the sr-
:ildtryslent,pf Ali . enwerd s And the verdict
Nettiridly they ire
wink UP - Award roade by
battle, and seek by enbtlety and mart to.
, evade it- By the course of events--par
. conduct of the Traident
—the conclusion reached by the loyal
Touts", is to bezerittwed,nt the election.'
Thikelestionlis relied antiArta be de
termined, whether the results of patriotic
martial schiee r ements shall be reversed
theL authority, and control
shall be wrenched from the' men who
won it by their prowess, in conformity
-;• 4 46 mita:tic Bill be eivece-sirtie tolialtors
—or whether the leaders of the revolt
shall be :mule to take back seats until
~re*kaiillidon*all be perfected. ghat!
ilfortherti ideas Oegovernmeet, order,
r peace and fraternity, prevail? or shall
• liottitiernideas of the laws,
encnnragement or rankest disorder; re
-3S-Xl'.kisisnioe of thelarts, and bloody revel's
- tzon be established.
Tan World says the 'Mormons moat
tr. f . . e,'De ; crerljted with lertnderfolninleita:
They have taken the Moat degraded rap.
gr,,Gres Britain, the Welch
miners and Eliglish iitiOrers, and have
44.traiRed thqn into . WWII-of thrift, otobrie
; , chtaratielir,laiiii 4 kind of
' intelligence. They have literally charg
ed trlttleitlnto fa garden, and won an
opulent State will appear in what but a
'l, few years since was a howling Wilder
semi. For the present we ought to let
I tha.Voptiousalone. -They are helping
to populate a thlidgeettled section' with
.„„herikworking nad,intelligently , directed
- I _
Miners and laborers should feel vont
tilirstsnted to.innaw that, so large a por
tion of their smenhera may be improved
by Bnioitim Touno's training. This
diunpmatic estimate of inherent is in per
fect liceidrig with OM Vir'typolicy of
' selling a class of workingmen, with
'work aninialst and the - defenders of 811-
• .., sexy -may espouse the cause of its
nitinabiter,flibijiiinlY ,. .''. • , •
Nang ban bees favored by • TOO
- • doctor, Zonave Jacob, who
. proposes to
. • • •,cutlxlll forme o/pera sLa bl magnetism.
lOW l 000 i..; kofroolg.O. l 4. CFes were
abundantly roved by certificates from
1 FLoels Mullaymesi of note-. Being celled
joie Qethst trareyci :iekooked et his
paient vid said, "Ws*, •beawse I say
' latest walk." The palsied limbs re
. );
4 ! , ,d to oPoy the order,. t l'imr. Jacob is
- ,r
' 'prontnincienit impoltar. ' The 'many
. whom he did not cure, and some who
have omtbied• akW, haws given
Votaki*ranci:.,Tko: falling Doe
tor seeks-to be called In to sew the
a `
imperial to test hiapoirei on the
ii . •kpfge, Which, !MS so:log% de fled the skill
j - of the whole college of physicians.
- Lova, Batuiday,
- ,the 3lst,.l7tobert thirlutt,;sged twenty
.? one years, :abet' Jusepli 'tatPlant, aged
= ' . fifty4lx, through the heart, on s 'street.
InDettbti. Yee Plant -iris 'walking, at
the Omi; 'With' ~ Bottatter, a voting
£l3l to whom lie was to be married soon
' 1 , bras, also engaged to Garlutt.
LS Plant's wife was but three, months .
mut vir.h. the rating lover
Owe,' this' girl ard'hht forukan
lover drurds, Do the old lover Is desd,
the:ring rmit i lsi jell,. the girl likely to'
be asnother,itndimr.b Ismael of slits
:- hautd,;lutd, the affair dilno:np rtench
• 5 tattle furnishes columns 'of &caution for
, th9 . gopd people of Detroit.'
"- !ItAxis.”--Sonth - orn agricalta7
{ Tltta are talking of thia phult
:displace cotton. It leu brought (rim
listpan.!: 6. Mr. Reeti has cultivated
-)Mexico and sent a box of roots to l'lX*
Orleans last . spring. These • hate been
Iru rcha4d . and , plant ul by di gerent plant:
eiiandprumiso :It resembles the
i ecygFacos oot . tie; iiolds three crops %jeer
the Golf Statolirrito; is more nerdy
thiri.Ottort, and Is more_easily enkiya.
, ted,,akike rootsresialn In the ground
"Mid continue to gro w year after year.
The fihmielsinblei eattim; bot is longer
1, 1 14 d olltrmger. It, is separated from .its
woodyeoxering, like flax, by means of a
1NV.14.8 Bt vuAOS tit GREAT' alit
stitesl'ilrat -Risme - it's new
• bill pe.rmttiwOmen to rote, as he failed
id "express the contrary, as by an ad of
..words importing the. nmsnitne
• , pada shall be deemed and taken to in•
eludes females, unless the contrary is en!
acessly.provided." • ,
• Nit- 7 PaiOnes; Mn Al. D. Caldera
, • ...and Kiev curie Caldwell wen !racial
-from* carriage near EtOoneytile; I.
• lira: Caldwell died or bet Nutias and
stn I ,Mre. Palsies's rooorery is 'doubtful.
The amideut ssu caused by a beeretittr
. .
k , ' S S - ,etp . •
- , ,
, .....:e.... . •
+ 4
......, ~ ~ ~,, .. -- 1 ',.. , f 1 -7----__-_ --- , -,.-j'7 4'- ',_ -- f`-`4_)::7 •,,
,:-.‘...-- i 4. - .. 1...4.,,,,...„........i t --- - -- 0 . 1 _,,,,,, , .......0 .. . : .,,_ , ~
. .. .. ,
Jr I ---- --, ' .... We -IT '...-',. '''
'' -•
:. -rr. ' ... • ......—____",-..--.."--,-- ...... _ ' ..i - ---- \ Ilr , ) , \
..\ •\
. , :.- :: -... ;- ~ . . ..r,.., ~..-' 4..5 - 7`. , ~, :i., -- — ./ 14 '-- - =• ---- ;/ !
A putcauo paper says the sweet cars
are "full of bed-bugs." As lt has never
yet been ascestalaal how many people
cen be put tato a street Car before it is
Pll, we feelcarions to . have the psalms
'of the bedbugs that ride through:the
sensational: city as dead heeds. Now
many bed-bup.fdl a cart . To .add to
this lavitfng account of this inotlere,
nation, andAudisperembler MC= Cle,
cm:notion, the New York ..Nreeing Pest
"The ears on several of our own city
lines are more or less infestedwith H
and etch "mall deer," to the, great os
gust and'aseuolf decent er
of some oNsar horse ears are , foul to a
degree almost, Unbearebin. The Odor
elven out by them is positively fetid,4nd
they are sticky and slimy O the loufIL"
Pleasant mode 'of gettliii home 'to din.
star I We Join with tier, 2!•211 in%recktut
menaink wooden or cane seats, and a
throwing out of cushion&
Tax World it COngratalOng Meagre.
Beecher, Raymond. Griadey
on their foresight intsichig conSenVive
ground in ;dunce of the -Repribllam
masses, and likens thenito the mountain
peaks ythich first alight- thorny' oi the
rising son of Democracy. Strangely .
enough Doolittle is left out of this range
of peaks, who tower aboro'tho prejudi
ced people," people ignondrtel the
"journalists with prejudice and igno
rance for subscribers," sod "is poi:Mier
preacher's ignorance and passion fer a
congregation." Bureli Mr. Doolittle's
name should appear on the roll of those
Republicens who turned their b secs iipon_
the ignorant people, who thrashed! the
life out of the &baton., and. the lied
ened people who Joined their couniry's
eineMyin their country's hear of need.
Ttor. Memphis Lager sap ,
"if John
sumach to carrying ottt the mem-
Urea he 'Ws plainly intinisttes, removes
the standing armies, the military occu-
Pains," they are to have a nicotine
re-establisldng "a republican fork of
Daternmernt." Does the.: .tedgeri gap:,
pose that men In this region forget that
the Southern definition of that term dif
fers, ntatisrially, front that given to!it by
the men who have won,' at a cost of hun
dreds of _thousands of litres and millions
of trelaure, the tight to ;enforce; their
Ideas, and win the sunlit:us or our bit-
Defielda permit Jokuvon, and the bed,
bllll, What' %tier tiotarid
ger to re -esta es
dled to destroy? • '
TEE 25th annual Fsii . of the 'Herki
mer Cottaty,Agrienitural Society closed
on the 19th, ens] the Utica Herald says
the display in many departments ;was
meager, the Interest behignhietly shears
in stock and flowers. The organ grind
ers and nngro minstrels did a good busi
ness. The ladles displayed a variety of
quilts and' carpets. Since quilts and
carpets are so =eh easier made by ma%
cldnerndo not !omen of this day bur
den themielven with a labor belonging
to a past age by continuing to make
them In the old way?
Gut. Summar( AND Tax triune
A Bt. Louis dispatch of the. 21th says
Gut General Sherman told the red man,
"If you don't leave the made alone
leakill you; and I will give you neither
powder nor ball until you make peace,"
but next day he concluded to give them
ammunition and Wait for 4b4 *Am
Haw many homes haire been darkened
by the shadow of death by the welddal
'policy or dailing out ammunition to how
tile snips? .'
LA7II discoveries show that Nashville.
Temt.,'was the cite of a populous
the long ages'gono by. A vast catacomb
inirldch thousands of dead were enclosed
in tombs of flat rock aruficially joined;
has been. partially explored; these rs•
mains it is thought must have t;een
bated six or sem hundred years ago.
111 ST. S lot owner finding hi,
taxes onerous drew a plan of * block of
cheap houses, formed a compeny with a
ISM TOSION • brick layer, a carpenter;
a plasterer , and painter. They pet up
the block and dinded it, so tku4 it was
profitable Inyesunirti to each; anlii a
permanent improvement to the city,
Lwrruits mon Trails:um say that
the bobble about discharging freedmen
for voting tha Pubclll ticket is about:
over. Farmers who discharged their
hands were generally compelled to em.
ploy Woe who had been !god by
others for alike canoe, and in ft was but
a change of hands.'
.oTas 'Empress Edged& got a thorthret'
drenching ins rain storm st Lille, and
sugars 'from severe rheumatic pans.
Nut much me in being an F.nipress if
the honor cannot secure one the nee of a
good umbuslia, and rubbers, In a rain.
Hrs. John Smith seldom gets 'wet for
want of them.
TER yOSIDSWM Impale is in want
of tots?. Ito:tear Monnierhaving been
dismissed for incompetence. The pool
tutor cell:T . 4Sr., in awhinlag,,lnelegant
fetter, which hilly 3i:utilise remora),
and 'renders his appointment a court
A. trrussuszu, supposed to be Clireeee
Brewster' .Ittusig himself '
:On'tlus limbof a figs:.l. BUBStd.dfaft , , 00
New York to thelmottut or $2,2 15e 00, and
Ilse dollar In money In poei, and
bad used ids 'kerchief u • rope.
Tem Kentucky State Fair cloied
Louisville on the 21st. The priiiciPer
interest wu in the horses, sit thikigh•
est premium on theu wee t2O; and it
the closing hop • blue alum Wu
awarded to the handsomest lady.
Donti4.4 'emplane
Elertden expplis .hleaselt.
The Reba, atlVioeheeter, were in like
=ruler, °traded, se they lIIIW more of
plra tbiLII tiley orator.
inn 103442 1 . whilo gathering bits
of coal on tikl . ! rang tmek in Harris
'baryons struck by tlie' engine of the
ftiladelphirk• fast line, rind seriously in
itifedr_94 1 / 1 4 gi!L
Two Mick mea of Stithiltili. 0., guar,
need' about a girl sad fought in the
woods with axes. ,Orta split the head of
the other so that healed, aid: is held
ball in WO.
Liars= OWL in West. Bead, - Piln t
Strayed" away from 'Maw; and it: was
eleven days before she was found, . and
she wu then gnawing her Fora Willa to
Cainlss BANDRLAIRII, the French
poet, who translated aft of the poems of
Zona Pox, into Preach, Ined
of Optima re n i few dayi BinCel
hospital .. • '
So via, this year, 547,700 bins more
of anthracite coal have. bean seat to
market. Iron Pennsylvania than during
the corresponding period last. year.
EIIGNELL to Old to h&Te used bar ty.
Awes= with Tictotts to prevent the pole=
Mention of szy more of her tOolui of
Rh toms l'ltUbargb Ilatatt..l
- . ,
Irnint tai nanit &mum.:
. ;Armor, lletaiscabwr 3.4-4/14 skip,
ostk o t the Ch4Case tes feet, sTryeal.l.o4 guy
She bcat.4 tho Taping, which was ilia
ogt•Olavlitit loth tit:la:fetal 'and Orylkl
titer the departuie or2thi Lew; 11.
reausamat To, atisailessill:taarltsceita.
Loaner, September 21.—1 t Is 1, eoneiderspil
quite probable that Partial meet will rbent.
setille r in liCirepabei r .
Ica Sgektuiri, aravu.
It Is rumored that NeUy and Deasy sidled:
from Llverpooi cm Atlantic stemma We
the Uelte3 States..on Saturday. .
- •
Aspeolal Commission will eminaserobil
inateSiehilategetotrrthe parties now le jell
tliefebeis'ebairierat tikoMpert le thereat.
AZILeSS ,or ALL.O.D itoraas. :
ifairci:merut, Sept, 41.71.rresta of alleged
itillbehniniede biro..
Lrfiraroet..l3eptossber 14..,T he ship W.
bindata, Troth' fdt IlddebaY,
was destroyed by are at. sea., The crow
wervtaa Ishvell• • - •
Lesbos, Septetabt, 24.—Lateadviceafrom
Chine have bosh received. The market for
tea vv. quiet. The total amount exported
this season totho . ..Vtho of -august haslbo,ooo
- • -
The New Market Ist of October noiatina
commenced to-lay. Teo Great Eastern
handleay was won by %%stoma; the handi
cap sweepstakes was won Indian , SUM
the eseed_
. I:elkere alisksr by ertm . .wim.,hy,
XttePqotar4 I.L.IIOIvesCa.WIL.
Alet*peeeptne tn ,
isdr.tilthe one
Ilsonsand pOunds'swnepstOreiwiiSson
atronan. .
Losoos, 15eptowisar 21-0 r. Y. Ttye fol
lowing ..11.patdiliss boon renelved:
floaurck, September 24 t —Garrihakil Mae
L i*, 3u4takirorerninent.
Ye eras taken Prisoner hlle cromstis the
Raman irontler. .• •
2, Sept. =.—The Somas O.:mem
. .
meet is taking precautionary steps toinowd
against an attaclf..from without or defhlfell
- .ling 'Witt. the ,Stir. Alt the roitkeit
uons nave been withdrawn from the out
lying point. 2n the Provine. of Crvirts, ,
Vaentrin, Viterbo and VUletri, and eoneerw
tasted 122./ asormd Rama. .
actr Oro, Waif aar.nrarta
thoeuridde,Sepf..24.—Tbe Gderietftleien
sending troops to t h e frontiers of tho IhMann
Territory. Diapatehee from name. state
that many &maul have been made there of
hardee sushieeted.lo earrisoWle.c4 Witt
Garibaldi .1 his followers.
lii •-•)1
. ' sellqcious Cris'-, ,
flteitEsigdptaliarSlS.lsziwted ttud
suspicious craft, supposed to be • r. 1.0..
noel, Imo bell seen orsisisg otr the heett
00111/14C7 ZILTIMIN 11.01,i AID 1.100141.
An unfortunate cOnglet occurred lu th4 . l
jt;eele of Lbanrielc yeetemlay between the,
"wobbsina troops. •Tbe Jitter axed bayo
nets and charged upon the crowd: Eight,"
;oilstone are reported wounded and 601
man IW/ed.. The.toond.t of the troop. to
I ..144:1101A.
hamar. September 21.—The North Ger
a:tin parelle, the reputed, erg= .!Of
'Mira. mite the South tiereteri kat& ' ire
noir tree to Jobe the Confederation !of the
Mirth and make Germany one natiOn.
nraz onnocvne— , err sasmcin..
Bsszin;Septlnnbet 14-111.0 . rnsaLin Met
wai dissolved yesterday. It will soap
still. In Novem_loor, when is will IncicA:
the deputies that have been annexed to
. . „
Stems, heptereher 41...Ertnin0..., —.la the
North German' revilement U. da y, claritit
the debate on the address of the King of
Prattle. Bismarck made • patriotic tad .10.
=cant speech . * ~. /400nlared einost em
phatic rnantiertiat If
the tierniin , nation
misted to unite there was no Dower strong
enough to binder the onion, nor wee there
aniptheeepaitip enough to 'mike the at
tempt. r-4 - • J.v G •
- •
imouts u. rosio l,oo.
MAIM°. Sept. 2L—Salutot7 Won.
%bon/ tobe Introdneea In . the ed,ilnietra•
floe of Porto Rico, are now under censliler
atlon In the Cabinet. sad ■ law cerrilng
Shen In isfroet will eon* be prorlgeton.
szep42 . l 00 5 0r4.440 m.uascis.
LOar*YiNSVtYo4qr 2.441 c the
ituler;i• bYlLissiti' tut lretailAKVlDO proffer
at no 11.00 outdo by tho Port*, and to
now . soeldog t9bring .sbont an aIIfOACCO;S 4 .
twixin Trioet. •
17,7 -,4
'l r rtnoirrtioll or rt. - rierrst. e ,
Pszte. September 21:-1L retaino bee re•
iihrriocl the poetticto of.. President; of the
Credit Itoblier.
• noon ssrr yea ZOYL '4
September - 14 -:.lfanting.-Troops
have left. Year... for Some.
gunboat Bh►mrotkhY arrtine; off Comm.
QomMtereerit,flemeMbeifi.-40 0 0 . 40-
fir City of Balttmore. "Nee .tereqir
FROM ICIWIPI6-1111F0F/4 111111 ..
• Now Taxa, September 64, 1011.
• ° Olilowthoeo Moan AV onwolm.
The n•Wirmilitts arrived Mogi Dorton to.
night. The following is GaribahiPs speech
at hit reception at Geneve:
...aids is mot the first . time I have tiful Th da: ,
melon to testify., ontinviwbo-the brave
republican people of In thin
when Italy. my eountry, was unhappystud ,
=cued under. a (mega poke,
frimile and sayielf Wens proem ibed
rant., here on this sacred mil of Marty we
sought and found an asylum , (Applause.)
Tansy I esprem MY.theolot hemfor hi
which this generens phOPle , gives .
the Democracy of the en en re world.
= the hittseic on i the j . l 4s. -
tUtion ealled - ther Faref: -- trerloolred
planer) Fa= you, e Caruso( thil Geneva
moan. , so maritleent, who struck the°
L -010mn. apa i tenne I fro ou It is
bu t looter tlittlye 1 04 1emand,
but to complete the work Of your
forefather'', when we shall • give
t he
° deal- blow'. to - - the' nunsato ,
lon° MOIL -perhaps - einilo at Garibaldi
craibilf to ' to , recommend eoneord.,
yet Lao advise it
-eoneard amour
fewl.pinn 'on 215431,1M0 toil; momenta,.
=nada antoet fr ee bt, ?Very"
-mmatry. Tear oollebrd .
%boredom. le of
uniform] interest. Bat, If gout liberty is
eve r ts.
Iseeemd,rwe, 'deo freennerrof other
countries, will coraN -and bring our riff*
101 Ise defeeee.', - (Charm) LOW
imllea. Mink 101 l iron: MY Wart ter torr.
esoollent roCoOtlOn. r 1 .
erstrum RsrkLaLL .
soye Londwo !cOrreiliontheni.
the Sparkish GovernmentMita
Je full
career of reprices. resole. has published
an gtancuty unlimited as arm ales= Of put •
tlogan end- to the as 21arta6161
retoolleges of Ms Lieutenant, ar.
ress the msted by the thocOoLod a nd
skips them off to. Phdiplues or remando
P.. Severn ' hundred or eight - hoodred
prisoners have already been slipped from
/WISC. 00111.11.11117.
The Pull COrrarnOadanCe of pg
htue gam: . Ism informed that the
tioverummt. intimated to - the' G derti
=thread= that. ir regardslace Con.
*ran air meeting Of 'Coll ts arsinet
France and as Mu-action o 1 that Centrality
wlikdilattlaffliThditicre of the eiGtence of
the Swiss Deffublie.' Thla a the. explana
tion of the =ohms smut by Jules Fevre and
Vither.W.Cerettp,oh. fof 1661:4orvattend
. • • •
,F1.11•11.111L AND COD.IIIEIICI .
. ,
Loewy September I{-6ernlng-Consols
el 7111: U. S. Dm.; 1336 .111inuts Central,
DX; Erie, 4156: No quotationaof American
Securities -reacimd over • the Cable from
New York to4lay, •
Wirirearihoptokilhir thrfoeffinp-tire
-Twenties:746C -.. •
hommay, eeptember 64--/fcrublotiihtdO. - :
'11,=4.01/1„.or IttEcos ' kits
'doll lOW laver; Sales s2looo. ' 0110.4=4 upisnds
at Orleans Advicor 'from Mob,
thaw aim usffavorable. .Dreadetuff• finer
eh Whits Callforolet-wheat ISt and Id.
Feu 460 6d. Com Cis. °Barley bad oats nu.
thanipoll, Frovialpurniset dentin= t0.a1 . 1
TAM sidlanlied tO 1141 Pork 71s.
lie 6d. Cheese tall; nce -Spirits cW'o.
Wolin= advaselidlolldt rapper! 4 sorra-,
fl.wila:11I111•1 1 d 1641
ta:Tslops9ll to Itko Titubsixt! siettea .
.Nls.wAvzsi.Wl o .. B aPtala bel of
with. furstenre mgartfaatillrx, : Corner
Nuali and Vises stowl" ..I. l3 urnod
alsta. Lou ;arty thousatlel.O.ollarte 2(0
, WEDNESDAY. izp, 1867.
!!:o: 77 0 13 nAtarOtT .
Te1eva40114441m,P14401;g14 40444k-1
, ;,4 0VA1419,4,4'44.44. Seotemtior 24, 484 - i.,
id • utima. •
. . . , . .
, lEgliiilariioitionsint - . .MN Pe Pisa:
,solo;Sreuleitaria3 o • ib":ifra 4s 7 ,2l t t
panne of the AisiodlatlOnlth • s far. Ile nee
acknoelegeil np° ilnallea• • e r!pzelvis cd.
Mehl donatloics 14;4' 4 01 Ag- prlwilpo.l
clues In the lioidn.r. , The':. ... • Sant pros:
=tare twenty thousand do Icce per day.
Applications froweLnty laecnles worn ran'.
'stored firds.i, til ininentyrh m every ckm
aantel3ll4.* n n She: 4 7 4 .bfrL I ,- de a l " a "'
onlhe Increase. From these ewe s win pp .
1 40914
. M.!Allititr: h 4 4 11 2.
1 ale from t....., 13214 • Or ti......... fr eVei,
whemPflieartailill :1413oelattort In Nam,
Orleans bale been extending It. .1d to ttre
,iareqtell Clissztip4 ttkogltl.e,„
stscrr io 'Ns .14tV,Eloirlj."
The Stepan% ynhllshed yestordey
oer , laing, the ant
tplepttoaetelpated .postponei
the h, nalt
limn, las not yet had any correspondents
With th e military smathsawdert ooh :tie Mib•
jut. Aeoording to the President, he soui
filuAliraitt meueed,thstance iteSe.
'theta& twi tette, trot althOughatfiselleiMd
toMme been known for eeVeral.
ityeclien. Grana nas as yert, tato:400110os.
the matter. and It blotted ouseeant , ol6-•
fromthe War proertmant th et he will
o r Mather , la she way of orderisisp
or suggesting,
but t
leave everything
o theylumnip,
ecconairrin=nt. Of the Otos.
tion,/filr. Johnson wants postennemealF,
will be compellal,lo Ord late
erit on
r7= 4 : U 1 LI
Upon recommendation of the indleat..llo-.
man the Secretary of the Intoner hoed ,
rectal Chet the Rey for tee Onnjd. Ina
paws, Seneca ud Wheal SW trans
ferred from th e is Se
perletendeeer h ea ~,.
An Atchison telrygram . from 110n..11,
Taylor, Commoner of Indian Affairs's , .
rhirW , h‘f..rteftleat .0210 e TAU morwhiff,,
date 4 OWl'SW.,ll.da,i Says: "Oar ommell
with ther Allaf Mpg Illittth Moto wee per.
featly" eattsfecterjr;74,hd the orreoetts:of ,
peace with the Indians are more flatterLeir
than.l4:l„,,,, Thl b A o r.C .m hT, tr i =
eriVirltro MUMS'. If the other Utees"
11' nOt. Welke peace. to - setlagene:
there if the Govermmtht will fe re la h *Mot
i rgrt". t, r. Terf?tent.zertt literfh?; l / 2 10foorte
swam Iwo wee 00010 0* kno raved'
Our Count et Malaga writes that the
apightsliGOngereesia nrered tho whole'
of the Union" grates Its I with chiller/I
and yeilow foyer, men 10 oentaltienro., l ll4,
viieseleatriving, tram porta Oc,, the tTratefl
ItiMMuet Vek . MwM ted , wart quaritatme.
sr.romrosil torus raor laota.mvx
Wainer to gollapl waffles to the
Seeretaryof lltatethat triergle no , founds-
Lion tor the rumor that seventy.flve '
Ilene had been left In Holland to descend-'
enter' oiseAtafillAreff, 4
racers roe yrirtiiia rosy..
Tho following order has been issued ,
UututithlearY Gettasat Of auhalstoneo
t0ppir.1,140.44 , vedol 154 degree,
leglifilainevrallyseattisSailosel fruftl;
vegetables, de., for sale to the attain cope
mending. Officers of companies are an., buy such supglles foe their
t ds auhor.
load to Molt the 1/11101:1114 of these Isles
whenever abuse, of the ,Ftvjlege Imola
FlysittSs siPlgeftligie. ( i •
• "krillrld3l3oifidl 07 Irrrerifei......
The Retiring Board or Army °Meeto eibb
bare..limion; to swims W khGanelPhh. 100
Immo tloll4, ',Mr dinner , 'by direcalon or
Genera; Grant. The tellavong etneers ire
detaliell as Members of the Ilettrnor Board
to eonvemb leiblene Tarim , key, Gen. ook,
Biltitesel:Gardnet: ..Yan,eatWy. tinny
Gen. WOW, Ont.' Gen. W. .1. Sloan. Want,
Cept..sanser., , •
Eor.the weet,..encling,
October .P.t ?AI pat.
, 'etote 1.40 Mtn 'llonstd Yre.' th e Patent,
qr:reialliallijezh:rtssa rah
w loan. 800. n 3 q l,
'iiev:if.oiArtrco s tyci,6t atfelib:ilbotasvd
before the Upend Christian VMS* illat
night. .'
muter wenlllltralle'Perionn
The new Worklnignieree Dome was open .
Tor public impoction to-day. and wet must praised.
The excitement over the now Treasury
K about bonded waranonsee, to
subetdlow. belleved there wLII befall
°coo petion !Wall able . thi onmPlat el* litia
order. .
wove paroll,Toe 11111111:111; , .
1=11.1414.4 r!,POrt.d
• .
Tai-tow 14,111 r.
A dinta<Ll from Key West mates the.*
low tetor on the Lr 7 Tortenaa hat atedtdeu
morn malignant TORO. It Is estimated that
taZWeirelfel= ll =ill ltTreci:.
the fever commenced lit ravasces.
..7110 New Toni Conatitutlonal Convention.
adlonthed to-day ant ll the second Tuesday l
In November. -
0111•Yr101111111 81LL1.11.15 YLTC8011 , 1: .
AJEnatreAttidenSaksatif Stto Wintroptonsall ,
billiard match between Dion .6 fiat= ss
flft.4l6D•Waft.ft.,.. UM 1014 foe ►match
1W lDb.
auantva 711“. •
An extensivelawOWetitiVf Ats evertni
near Use Intersection of ,tifantl..o 'menu
ortrfaltatnsf MS. planlaC awl
saw mtU of White, Bartel. I Co. Yunrcoen
buildings raw Gortfollstli. , ittenistnit a Pam
of about Mout- •
tlised . Base
Club Races rutting auk
(Br ddhebbaktlO tke, etttseuradtgataelle•l
Ctecurstayt, 0., September 14.—frbe grand
.11aattlea 1 i tournament bread . to,day at the
Meth drtkrtintarktiptioathiati. gene
L'anioneoe clubs IroWtiffratibb parts of
tale State are prevent, to take part In the
Pc.ttsbfinti)°,.X . 4 9 . 9, .. L. V .
Tice be a rased Yllbkoty Club, of McColl.
nellsedle, 0. played the duckoeClub of
Okla city W.cey;jap, rodurer. bell. 11. d wet
them, the wore tdatedlad—llickerY. 41,
llnckwy. IS. Theralkiten'Om throe to non
thousand plena d.,
724 EtaMblini Web met were well attend
teLl.krytay,,,Tbe first moo, handicap hurdle,
two taties:^pqrso live hundred dollare—touy
hundred to the drat horde SW ekloll‘rtdred
to the ereend—wm,frOrt by Alexander's,
Jonesboro; ttroe - sir • Iffitreler and Whale
bone red at oneeakkad warms, bet,t,i•ecoyer
old -throactrliffildas Drserter ca e InMe,
.210140044 race, mile beats for; all area.
puree four hundred del*, was very exult•
trki.l l our homes_ were entered:twat - eon,
.kketlerra .sadiron and Caleatdda
=in •te the reveal°. The Ont. beet
Waamos by, black, Watson ,secondi Caled.
au tblrd, and "kV Mahan fourth. Time kW.
The seportd.;beat was. won#.lllatilell„
Ya galedonla
berth.o The 14414. The lb rd tonlrAriqi
won by Mack, kilmahou s. 1 b
ClettKulla alallbed.':Slum..t . . r• .
y ns
4 ' ttiffle.t
Wilr af
Proper or Values awl awrieultea
e Te era
Products, dre.,,ltle Com
4anualsaniafe. Ilallef 4301,earap 41111..
OW Integrant , was Vitunurgn 43,*tte
• NO Faurnsao,BeDtglahlot.air — The
fttun . ty Corm:dale of Ras Vfalecleco hays.
simulated hear'. Cowles
ftnigr,f,ttipsnalxinte, lee Cotusts *nit Ridi.
hate Judge, 'stiff/if. LontlnctrelK for Polaco
Judge. The party. to .uoltun.j on those
notelnattoul., and In supper' at Mr. Currey
for Jilellettlif Abu auprecodlinurt, and Ite.
Swett :for .Supertatendeni 3nrltas
The Ludepennent ( man, ' , Welt. =fi t
Mr, Gorham, urge_ ,no °locum:, acid-li,ll
abotenandidetna. - • • • .;
The atatletlus of enuelyiulioigore through.
matte Slats *tow a material luerease to
• property , velum, • tatnroved ,nutd; and the
Amount. 33 f . sickenttop, s l prodbott, add
mahofaothf: A rr. Tendt o , rl7l3...i , ivintirty ndnds,
Wheat lAA Outage. - •
• Ondgratni one a re noel] OlChilitgbd ho
.tweenthe °overeat . General , of puos,ned
s tlovernoreteet ot•Cattfomta on.the.
, ,tattlishotent of tolegraplo communtostfOu
-...[between CaUlornla and Cuba. •
mu/tenni to Members fp of the I
• !nat Matters, io conventi tlion-Tobseeo Pati on - deldlers• and
yr. est r n
eleinborg Barnett,
rideg4l4,l6 1.110',1i10411/11110144tt1.1
.VS•r!sotemlia 34—uothil
Schofield has decided that too only resin.
'epee eligibility to: tnember
'afterward Weal the rebellion.
Delegates are arriving to the Soldiers , !
and Bailors , Convention, which moots tore
tuWr •
The me dMAtober3fonif
Petersburg. was burnt this morning. Leo,
two hundred 1041 fifty gun:send dollars.
ulamia ta t epoty.ttunpowi Oollars. .. • •
• ittegleenvn ,fthalt.,-,bbbuS rine rinedyed
delegstes to the Soldiers , and Banore,, coo.
ventlon,arnved to -night. A caucus :Le to
be held and a platform deterrelnekm,
Wan mohts _before the law; the
eati=e t tent of' etteatlom more eeeel
d faterta ' - of the do d qmrlal
unaresti -f
weVe.F9. I P.,
Talegreott to the Ittebers
Betoo4 r
/Nein cktr°'%Leo
azo is vary in.
• .tonzactiViirn plated
. • . • the Catstoo4howrouttott..
the tr. Ear ie...l.9tg;iir°tih.f.l
okria , fit:.*}
By notp.ob rttuiiorgh ‘1 •
intaintier' ni4;cmi. John
isom 414 tali WC** 4 ' •r '•
F,CI#Ft d'oLOOK. A. M
.• • .
kllkievent MI Gov. tiok End 11.
- ett—wendlatosNa Aebeme of kthilbill
lath national Debt; In Greostwthka
• i Valatlathrl. ; •,,, " :•.• ;', .- - : i
[Br TjqoartpA to Ow riettheni.fl,gisMin 1.
' -Otlfaklato',U.;Septedther .14.—tk0v. Cog .
's td 11..V.lekett ithoWlitelebillidgep .t,
,i(ig. meaUng hem twn t r .
t. Cox's: Weer'
. * . al degotel to:ea.:4lao'lltheme
of 'DM ,
' P . M'Pe liktlonil' debtisgreenbsean, mild la
. . .
knable'a'threaa and 'thlthonSlTO .M.the sob.
Art. neordivg peenbipedEVAild • pondi, be
eagather are alike iogonthieb tapas , Wollara.,
lA. wmmuagithurmofeLthrorgthdea thalnea
' 'Zi, mug alike valuable' In solar aa tbe
ryntsed:. The ortgekill • dealgn MO to
thane greenbelt,' Mateo' encode, Out Mr.
'Ckkie'sOcthosel pthvallefk Tithe et s and'
that In ease of th e Luna of green 'Mr
take. th e plane. or boligs. a dap Uon
Tmoreettonate totheinerathe of al Mk."
'Mut take place' and flagon(' tbleo large
an lone creating doubt, of the m tbm Of
.the government aver to redeem is cola,
:Would Uwe still hatter deprealati and
_ultimate wOrthleasneak". gat: Make the
aomeWbat novel : polar. OM war wlth tbe
fOrlnge governments tattoo people bold oar
bond• 'mad s o d pothlele esult.
_Xs Is
Mill erflathin la Warm] , aPP/kbaM by
an Immense audience. ,
'''''4";'l'°g"o"4, !MI, 'bkrb.W4rday
• • .
leli i s a ir•
i leverz flooricrem- T ms« I
gi=ittilOg e '
trIT l'elegnmaAa U. rielabstatk.Gaseta,)
.ZOll Setd,Ur—VA Intern Mods
ii ( OM TatiOW L ager, liOr, ttrentPLoOr boats - is • •
waging th month eigs, Were htl 4o .
,'Petters MOS tirjgraige, Tirsimotat• the,
•ntantwor of citisons remaining bi tATRII 1$
.. ..
' ' , AMY' itth .hundad . :yat the InterMents
! resohed twouty,four iii two day& The Ms.'
...Is proving fatal n nine cams Out Of .
Um. • Itsery bones Ls Iltlel with sickness and
loath, and whole families are swept away.
The d Meson is spreading in ;be country.
Ito yr:Melon, are to be found In town, and
1320 comers p.m.) 'will not venture In
With preguon.• On .UM 9th not' seen Meal
Wald 00 had to make
e i t ly mel for the sick.
famine., mimed. entire , Mores closed,
nownoPers ceased mini cation. 'Tim jail
hadLoral:emptied °T AM Intestm. who gal
la terror Min theatene Of desolation.
. .
Th. North Platte itixivell-11)eutradle
it ; Kra /4/PE!“11•A-910111p1. at °sulks.
Z ny Trissosett to dm rrndisirsh Queue.] ,
lir,Louts Sept. Y , he Nlghteenth . Ir.aa'.
heS L itelltieht,teli ro iilki. O. SOutdsY for
Port Larval topic t the Indian torozoht;
WU. .., ....,
CHAAllll:dbilittalii Ali, 12061 - 11141lOntr TV.
tor Is d.yles tto, ports of ./rrosperbtP
eats from the ownoy at North Inane. The
reporters affirm their statemeads sod say
restate Killer dtd Iteere She commit an
hatAted his terhead es a token or ~ .r. :0,
male away In Shins& Theyslio say U to be.
/lased es those whobest thole INC Todlan
character. that the ellen. 'CIO dI4 propress
Doane, made promisee only to gabs time sad
live fatal caeca of cholera arerepepOrtod
to Omaha yesterday.
. .. ... .
y&eenierelearly fee Weiewillhistll Eater-
• stes.-.lPreeeeelos.lllloUniemeles.
quer. Ate.
rey zeleg•eab to the ftnabarth
SOPtoMber SL—Very az
voietiolirterereetedie taw bethit for
tho reception of “intereftiberttlat to-me,
rater:oBW lbw - proceamen will oo
tbdt mtabert. Aniline/inset, tthtt
civet bodice. Arratieemeete ere pert...get ,
br the reeklenta alone the rotate for the ft.
lumatwau their elwellistafe w,err
leg: b oo q uib De given by weeny' l .o
eberldanwt eta Oostraentai col Thereday,
'at. one &cloak. The °Motel reeepUort %sere
tuat Independence • HMI. NM. , X.•
eiteruy tha boepttentles of the
I.bediellarfoleud two of the Bites.,
Mesa ef atll. Nregarlek /12111100—
reaeral Mt.. P. 14011133141.
(Br TilLlMpli la . (42llpbrlrith
w4qara4 14 0 , 104 -I .___ l t BOSPlR" nanti
;mit igalali lown4r verliti - rwasixt• or I
air rederloir ahareli.was quita
fun, Including the member. of the Brithat
hafittla tam Vivi 'Britain . Mutual Dement
a from Canada. Foreign Connie
Mayor aa4 City Cordial of Boatao, eau ,
roanywnatingohd a to etril and
palm* . life. Te e hb= 4, City churches
cleriag the Otwantdes , T 1:10 re 19•1116
weft deposited ander MO church tO await
the irrtl44 of the firtuah war Blamer Gar:
met. erdarad. from -Halifax to °Davey the
- body to Saipan& • •
gtogrmog d 7lloX• nes 11 . 7 t and Satetdo--
thy, Telmmo* totem rot.too diaitto.j ; ; ; • .•
Loam, Ontario. September 44.—A ruin
OgrOodlT;Morth*jtfaclo,,attorOp;oil to kfl
Idigualithilitithutine DM toed, Ile anor
wards shot blmeol; through too head tout
)11nd tostautlit.,f
•ToitoiOr ;3; SOptoiaber et.;—Arroasements
lire boots wade to provide 0 reoldeacithors
for Jotr."Dlutt; 'who Llmpacted nextweez.
Clan to Doggish the Rad Veal *naafis-.
[Hy Telegraph to !ate Plitaborit'isgottal. •
Batman, September 23.—A call, xiodby!
too boootod of the magi. InfluentW Ota
go:pa loko °enact . . will ee1... , lh.lhol
row,mitclep upon the people of the Btaterto
hole a mc.tfea and devise • Piea to deft at
If poatlble, the • : ]ll.llilleil organizations.
throughout the State: •
Su'rerspb. vs the Pittsburgh hush.,
Levsa; entling:ler :tt.Gen. alarm=
arrlyal from home to-day.
The `lndian .leete-Oeintelsgtoners will
nest meet at Fort Barker. Kens.; Oaf/bin
Sikh when the, Wal Strange
. fort .0000e11
with the Chore...
/Wealth' ggebewg' •
(By Talegraph to the I!lttsbarie Ossatta.l
Ta”aoi, Hopt. 9.4.—Tb0 Hordle need
/al mbyaW,aDr t ,b sVa mars
s. I T .4 M
lino=cand. nA
Ai n wte. was won by Dimon , ' Sleety Luther
,o T1m0414011,41:44514 •
Fire la Cti!ago.
ISlVgrfl?,!,Yitteantilt, rettal
tit stember 711.-4 tiro occurred
this afternoon It the southwest eon:Lorca"
etickaillflataciatitstrasta :Tl.lolosaur aro
confined to build:nipa and retail etellern.
and arnoontrro.43).cOny partially' Insured.
about Moon buildings were burned.
American Board of roriiiira
iroa a ry .ozo, do kttuncirgh Gamma
-MilurazoLaariiainer Z<.—Tice American
%bard - of - foreign 'Mission. commenced
their Mb annual meeting today.. Ilas an.
nuslaarmon.adolisaredbf_Rov , . Tilomp-
Pon.. or ace fork. Thertmanees ..omion
Wain. to-morrow. .•
radii...hat:llo Voiles* , plamapenoamaava
(11jIalegraral to ti.. 3 rittabnrin tiasettp.i,
PAILAIXacra Ea, Bapritll.—Ttte.olvllPAl
Collo we of "Ploonsylvatita bean+ , n.firt....
annual nation to•day. no clams are Call
partlonlavly 'in the mining and enak
pooring doparpnanta,
. 1 7 *jlli " )17CtZr , :; "")"11 21 U fget .I rnee
Quoted .nolegata -for- et
llongreas la. Now
Soria() by lova ilnuee entirely. The gold
mill at 1114 a Hawk woe burned lenterdlin
. , Deoth of lodge Born '"
guy Telegraph to tee TM,lletire U.:utter
.',Couroan, Sbotelabor
mut, ..114•Otatte Jpstiou Of :the .6uptemo
Court of. New H►mpaeua,*died t 0 41119 Of
oouuudipCou, aged tatty yearn. •
.• Vhiror her s
g,heSeteeeheb to the 1' Ile Quetta.)'
tewheFihci: Sept. hlvef heath:nary,
with V Walton In Lha Castel Lly moos.
tlrost , and brilliant Senator
m . crie . nget we, the drat men to detect
AmdralC-JoblaSiaTeil dintiltanneae, on the
of Marc, PO, the day of hiedls
'racelhl exhibition nt Ineugumtion..
.t ue Dougal,-hiruselfrweltly liquor, listen-
N I-for -Le , few' minutes to the WWII° bar
origne,undl..tritraing to ad Ardnent Senn.
.tor .Irito -eat near him, rolnerhed In a
litialcy Yalta. "I faty—you; when
I lit that:n . 47-70 11 thinir-z-dqn dnudr..7 .
- -
t, too "Dilsifrw , Persops who Wore itunaywh
yesterdayby the ust dat tha. "Fate
Grounder ° Wall he. eratlited .to losilln that
tholltaaaSees base made ample arises..
Inettia rooratag to mt. Os grounds
migedlOULLog - thahaqhfarits spelt,.
invire.the attention of
? igloo to Melatr to the advertisement ot
swum. Cirsliele,' Fo. U. tiftuti, . treed
pe, td !AY.... • ets
gye,'Dor."Tbraike , Lout, 01•0 1 'plr
eaves sad Ossarah. Elamerfully treated
by Dr. Abort. 1348a1tdab1d strebb. .6.,bear
0•110 liParlittes Watlti;gt
swnple's Drug More, HO. RI 71:41ardWilig,
Plimitell ea a:OOMA - 8•1137: day tbL
'reel(' It ly6 Wood ItTeetfroM9 W: 0.
avaPilla 1 7119, -
cold SpealatlairliMata.Waaat at J. T.
gimplaoaDrair nor% Xo.SII . redaral SIMI%
1'0171b11UPA04:-Theyuded and mod
andltlyird Market Report.
flibbn by pain . in Ose city, nal
on our Awl% RUM
State Fair Fourth Page.
A amass Wain" Waltlon of our paper
yesterday *was eel:masted before noon by
origin for lonalAirculatiort. and for special
datrlbutlott mall. We urine several
thousand additional Mph!" of thin OILVI
issua, hoping to keep pace , with;
damanft. This lininenae 'circulation will
yore beneaclal to pnr wirertl"lng potion',
Adminii Republican Relly—Large and
,Zetlinalestis Reeling at Inwrenee-
Ana of tb6 largest and most enthuslutia
Meetingslthu been our planers to wit,
nes. eisyheld last night at the career of
;13alletratillice and Duller streets, Lawrecce,
villa: 'obeisiodlous 'stand for Moil:ink,
ere had been. erected _at the corner
iiißMAßsatiollediatlODlShrllliantly ,
ed by large limps and •lidtarnk ina :long
before the boar appointed for the meeting
AYMIL number. otperamse had gathered ort
thigrband, end fOinitheirearust manor
plainly isdhstUdi that the apathy into
which the people throughout the greater
'Portion' of the State hue fallen had no
place in their hearts. It was a real Wet
fashlorted Bepublieut meeting, hiakly en-
LW:L.12413a; yet perfect order 'prevailed. At
hard put seven o'clock the meeting was ar
gardsed by tail lag Mr. John (Misled, r., to
the chair, D. Anderson Mae President
brit LaT.,Vanderholf, Secretary.
Tho President' stated the object of the'
meetiag,in •few, pointed remarks, at the
'close 01 'which Goners! Moorhead was called
to the stud, who spoke In ealatance as
, ,
ore. gooznate's
fie said this was the owning ef thii cam•
paint wad that be was hires ttnin a new
reboot hone. Or in other words, he was
oat of the harems. Why should be wino
bere•to tell the citizens ot Lawrenoenlle
what to dot They knew Welt duty es well
as he did. lie supposest• they all - knew
Andy Johnson. They knew that be had
boon elected Vice President by their votes,
and J. Wilkes Beath had mode him Preal.
dent and that we were now placed On the .
humilletng tscaltion et denouncing a man
venom we had placed in power 1.7 our own
liedid not !anodyne:lake a speech,
as there were other more able theakers pros.
en L and tame et them might think that old
ellackwater o win taking op too much time.
The only States °nicer we have to elect this
beiV er that of Supreme Juage. for which
!limey W. Williams ts the n•ididate; and a
better man tor the position could motto
toned; but there was • thrrible of being
made Lode/eat
outbids!: ef.hie peim with Judge Stun wood.
geod man litiesl course,.
tint bin record as tar back ai the dale
Calhoun was well known, and it ern not a
good one. Bohol endeavored during the
war to cripple th e Government by etrtking
a 'Wow at the currency when we most
needed money. /le (the theeket2 d.
bad boon
7a county • a.. long me. end
be d- •thonshli ' • the present comity
ticket the belt we have over bad In
the field. Errol. the candidate for State
detilth, wee the choice of, the p eople,
and be would ' support. him wlth a
will. The remainder of the ticket was also
the elsofeeot tin party, and for that restock
he 'Geld support it. /le was tab:thereon 1
• Workingmen's ticket. tie was a working
mom, and Intended to support • working
man's ticket; but he believed the Reined.
Poverty ice d alway• been a workingman'a
party. and be would Import tint ticket.
Tee Republican - party was the party that
Pprotected labor. The Eeptiblicans of too
ower Clone Of CCentren had penal lb
tariff bill that would have protected every.
laboring men in the oonntry. end It woe
fasted in the Senate, hewn sorry to sq by
.the Democrata and a few narrow-minded
liepubliethe. Ile was. In favor ,of •Tarld
that would keep out foreigentor, and had
bean lalsorinto that end for. • number of
Years. . With etch a tattf[LlllY thoit.pazseit
thro si the lOwer Bonn of
chest Congress last
o w we would have t ri country
lathe world In s few years. Tee' BePenh
can party wax the party that ennected the
intereate Of the laboring men of the coun
ts referred briefly to the reception of
Sheridan at toe Colon Depot, and to bin
brollant career ea • soW ler, and asked why
behad beenlnthea of oaltion
Sew Orleans; and allo t
hie p
to the stern, tie
yielding patriotism of Hoe. Edwin E.
Stanton, who bad also been dplaced II
the summer. Andre. , Jetbbson. Both Of theta,
-with • number of other true men, bad been
displaced becaine they Insisted upon doing
tient. and refused to thtmert the limpet
the country to • further the nefarious
echelon of. s traitor°. ganuttve. lie
thanked the audience 10? their attention.
sad nand from the stand/
- - •
Lessen en nui. any. tawnthes.
Bon. Gear
..p le
T. Lawrence. of Wash!Myths
county, w then Introduced, and spoke
subetentiall . th follows:
IleNseld at be had not come here for
the t,
err makin a• speech; that
be had not ads one doting the campaign;
but havinirmot one of his old friende dur
ing the daylveholatenned him of th is meet
ing, he it..' pted an ineltatiOil to attend It.
blamed to see so large •meeting.
and although we would.tal like to met mut
Prepare for the Preeldentlid contest, there
oe work to do now. Teo same men we
, on t the. battle•fleld ;In "St would
o T Mee
'wa . n ..he e mbiallt a n b c h y e rln.
h e fail.
Demo- ,
erotic party; they were now advocating
prMelplea that would destroy the party.
They were edvorating the issue of green.
Oates width two yeara ago they declared
mientutltatiorml. The • mime money that
Shorewood decided unconstltnlicesd. 'The
aliseiger .mairitattled.. that wherever was
toned a throttle:Er and' enlightened Cord. -
Lion would be bound to glee a Itspnbticon
Majority i .13. On the other . when
rum etioos prevailed then the DensOcrsoy
were ID the. othendthay. The 000 try was
to Mutest as mesh danger SLOW as It was
during the wax. COtorress wee OPAL Id erne
for tt,.. NO loyal men have 6D7 to find
With Congress. Mad it nOt boon for Andy
Johnsen, where .T. . Wilke. Booth made
President, the conotry would ha• is been
In la prosperous sad , settled °audition.
Be did net Como here to interfere in ,the lo
bal politics Of the county. Ile knew some
of the candidates; MIA known Errett for a
somber of years. kits mut a goal man; and
It wth the duty of every man In the portY
to supp,on. him. Re (the spether) had teen
in public Wafer ithootterelve years, and had
Mired . Sean a better body of Thee together
than the present Corigreel. It Was the duty
et the legible to support It. They could not
support Andy Johnson. , lie had . been op.
posed to impeachment during the lost see.
lm of Congress beamed he feared It might
nterfere rite themonetarr affairs of the
Wear/. hut hen_w Congress met again
they would Ini.p.M , IWO.. Me had been A
traitor to the uovernment and could no
gar Nitrated. After further reworks In
714 1 re g gr Mira VAC;mnr:ri li g
'cod himself and roWe.i. •
xuox A. sr. SIOWN. ....
It the close of lift. Lawrence's remarks
Major Brown was loudly called for by the
Firgrwran o if o Vigetl 'p l y y
upon the reco a of rthe el:undated for to.
fleeces Judge. Re would not admit that
Sharawoal was as sole • man ae
Williams, arid add that the morti s s
prove the Loceirectattan.of his peeltlen, Ye
slid roncratostepoiitioll awarded odge
ehersweed MAIM, In the time Of Calhoun,
and' said' that he was a milliner then .11
MDADDEOM.M6 spoke of the ninon.
sisteneyof the DesallaireeY who are now sop.
portieg amen who advocated the very prin.
ceplea.advocated by John C. Calhoun. and
for which Andrew-Jaekson threatened to
hang hien. Wersaretthat oulinuted armee
prevents the publicidlon of b in remarks in
full, a* 11, WILD OM Of his beat effort* and the
most able apeech we have heard during the
• Tnefitißi thanker Wu Mr. Beare!, duo
entertained the audience with an excellent
speech for smarty tb ravatiarteds of an hour.
In width ha discussed the paints as. Issue in
ere able and eloduent manner. At the Mose
of Mr. klackrelis remarksi the 4.rosiont,
InsroneN.. •
kk J. kr. um. seC. r • •
TlieSthutithke 818 itheaker, owing to
the Lithos@ at the none, were brie, but to
the point. Mr. K. is a tonne speaker. end
Veil naiad is the ;political history of the
The , meeting then adicarned , Wlth three
rename Mamie for the litato,aixi County
Not the least .Interesting texture of the
Meeting Wee the,sliireat 4Vestects. , Baud,
w blab .was in &menthol* end summed
the actuate wi th their excellsoot mule.
The Meeting, as we before remarked.. was
the thread. meeting at the kind en BITO
attended during the estapalgo. Theerowd
vas yarltmly entlllllLtea' at 14019 MO to
•thrett . • thooltatid person. The • esidst.
Pessesside endOriler/y manner In which the
meeting was conducted, retleatx great
credit ontheeitteensot Lawrenceville. We
did not observe a drunken or disorderly
mats on the ground, mid the speakers were
latthed to with m a r ke d attention.
Lin Our not page to-day will be foetal •
'Orb Ditereetlng article from Dr. KeYeri on
puhrionsfy ilideMes, WOOmpanted by tent:
moutals , Pram vulotia pertbo,. who' have
been snatched, ne It were, from the grave
by hut timatment., The Doctor. some time
ago, owing to the great demand for Oilier
teeS, relinquished the lottve management
of hie Cali esuddletimentati Wood alma to
hbi war, and late Muse deVotoil himself
closely to the legiUmata mules of bln po-
WfesmO on f , wh Wichit h e h
as M eve a y u mi e n
MI fM.el
proud. The Doctor one 'of the oldest,
marabou of the profeesketwe hexer.* In
this' etty, and 'we speak front • personal
knowledge of the blot wine we any that
theists not. among the entlre wallas) ;
tawny,• • Wooer or more active student.
sus thirst tor 'knowledge In his profession
learns that. hie =WO le over at wort per-
ns those theorla for the anre Of 0/41..
,In the Virpllostleri 011101 ch he is go
wecesaful, and heeieett le that %ewes wen
..where 'the patients have Wowe, elven
all hope he almost always eneceeds In Uf.
fording permanent ',relief. In Weasel of
the lean and ailments artelng from an lm.
MG rattle the blood lie ha. weary large
wooden*, NW such of our readeram
*Mateo in this way would (Inwell to y=t,
,srptieti beg been 00ettpxbig the time; IX the
Qtarter &dismal Cstirt, tlj:kbe of
lea Ira*, leall coreande4 yesterday. Anal
able argameatis by -40 e smabeel on both
em .ledge mains delivered - the Miami
gad the smee went tatt le
yorm pos f at tiro cOotoM
mpg weal 01011.1 . about six.
MtlileM":7 31211'. ay6. AMC terliet In ta
In detailing a history of the following
MI. we Joel warranted in doing.° from
the tact that it is out Of the common rim of`
each cues, and therefore warrants ns In I
making epeolalailmlon to It. It le that of
a young man in Allegheny. I
Jobs 'Meet), who, for more than six years,
hall been !Mimed with' a • disease which
threatened not only one of Me limbs but
even his lite. .
Intim ease of young Titsell 'no palms lied
been spared to eradicate from hie body the
disease which seemed to have Mktg , fast' '
hOld of his 'Made. • TOO whole tystem had
sunk under the fatal throbs of a diocese
which, tintll DK. ISEYBEIVP BLOOD
SEARCHER was used, was entirely 'sewn.
trolled and 'unmanageable. THE LEG OF
bone bid been scrad, bored, and nestle
out away, with the view to eradicate from
the gystens the cause ot leo much conflate-
Donal d isturbsooe. which loft barely hope
Of recovery. SIX yearn bad been wattled in I
the ap_plicatioe or fruitless remedies, and
when Doctor Keyser was called to see Mtn
In January lest he was barely able to stalk ,
so utter and complete was the prostration.
• The friends and neighbors of Jno. Titsell.
of 2(o. 4 Chestnut street, AlleabeltY CM'.
know well enough that wo nave not over.
Stated the cane. Ha wag there confined en
tirely totals room, with no prospect before
him bet to await the fatal Immo of hi. (Ifs
. sea. Palo and erneciatod. with every day
adding to the wer of the disease. ..
hope of recov er y, no wonder that the cure
of young Tittell Is regarded as one of ex.-
. treordinary mark, and worthy to be espeo
tally noted for the benefit of others. After
this extreme prostration ' young Titsell la
I again able to walk about everYwhere, after
• double henofoll of decayed bones had
been expelled from Um diseesed lea. Many
of these bones can be seen at Dr. Key
ser'soMea We have heretolore had occa-
Mon to record similar cases to the one now
under oonslderation, made by Dr. Keyser
and his great BLOOD SEAUCHEK, end the
duly muter of enrprise to tte is, that it Is
not used in all cases where the blood is die
ordered. or where ordinary outlets of Na
ture are obstructed, or in a torpid condi
tine. . •
The cure of the young man abOvere(erred
to was effected almost exclusively by Dlt.
the Doctor visited the 00.0 every two
weeks notil the patient, through the action
of the medicine, was able to Melt hie office.
11NTLI. 4 P. Id.
Dry 6004. 10 Allegbe■Y•
The attention of our reader. le directed
to the holiness cora of Messrs. bower .It,
Jong, lto.Blomo street, Allestieny, which
adman in another column. This arm have
succeeded, through careful management
and fair and honorable dealing, In building
up for theresdres a /Arlie trade I. 000 slater
city. ..gulch promises to grow with time.
They have jut added to the alreadt , lute
andlndielonsly selected stook of fall and
inter dry geode, a fresh. Invoice, which
emoraces all the fashion. styles and nov
elties which have appeared tbu. far en the
importers' shelves. flaring the
antage of reasonable. rent and moderate
expeueS, they are preparea to offer
very superior inducement. to purchasers,
aad in prove formidable competitors to
houses m the eats line of trade In eitner
city. Ladles desiring to make pnrchues
of fall and winter goods and material for
maderclothing will do well to favor this
arm with a call. Gentlemen will and a
very superior steak of cloths. cassimeres
and vesting on hand at ury reasonable
prices, end if they desire can leave their or
ders to have their clothing made at touch
lees than current prices, .0 the firm ba'l'e
made this a leading specialty of. their
trivia Alai line of tarnishing goods will
also be round in store. We take pleasure In
commencing these gentlemen to the
patronage of our readers, and bespeak for
them an incre aw a r d ede liberal share of
trade hitherto them.
Iron City College.
We ware not mistaken In sup p osing that
, the dismay about. to be made by this old
and succemsful business'Clollege would out
strip any of Its previous efforts, - So tar so.
paler Is Prof. cowiers workmanship to
thatorany Other Penman, that his old and
sternest opponents for the mastery have
snarly abaisdoned the contest as useless,
and given over the field to him. This was
doubtless their wisest course, for what was
thetas., in attempting to prolong the contest
where the odds was so great , And, what
further condone Prof. Cowley's stmeriorlty
over all other Pen Artists, fa the fact that
those who now attempt to compete with
him ao
r d k r i o v tehne r to than
t n h e e c i e ow ty n o
w f hi r e lalb.
nab never entered for exhibition a piece
which was not wholly and exclusively the
product of Maoism pen. Wo are happy to
be able to say, that the college, which is the
only Aroctuati business college in the city, Is
doing a fine business and Is heartily en
dorsed by the leading business men and
bankaalliortnis . •
amegmewor Tempe:saes Leanne.
The Allegheny Temperance Leanne -hold
Ito regular meeting last evening in the First
Methodist Church, East Common..
The President, Rev. P. Loom, called the
meeting to order, and prayer war offered
by Tiev. Mr: Crowther. The minntea of the
teat meeting were read end approved. The
President called nee. Pawn:awe M.Y. Eaton,
of Philadelphia. ICno read. with thrilling
effect, the poem entitled "Go feel as t have
:felt." The liar. Mr.
sed the gmCroweth er
tthee nP .iothree
astalnm t e e n ter ro e O n t ee C andidat e l for
County Comailseloner.. lir. Mathias Mo.
Gonnigle, the candidate for. County Com
mlationer, next eddreared the meeting on
the Impo rtance of electing a Comminsioner
who would not Wye license. The meeting
adjourned, after eloping the doxology Lod
beneillCtifill by Rev. V. Lucas.
The nest meeting will he held In Marrs.
hyterian Church. Market street, Blanches
ter, on Tuerday evening..
oratorio of ..Cbrist 00 Kt. Olivet."
Bathoven'ti ißundnraterio of "Christ on .
4.4hyote which has been to netive re;.
bearsal for thv put six weeks, will be diven
at the Academy of Wale on Thursday
cowing. 6 - irind- to he merit affliction to
the family of Miss -Line Scribe,' it was
.thought she would be prevented from taking
part to the Oratorio, but being a sacred.
concert and at the Imperil:ditty of many
friends, the family hero consented that she
should shag the part of "Seraph.. Mosso,.
Apfeibaum, Abel and: Brecht will sustain ,
the other principal characters, mud a grand
aborueof ono hundred of the Out vocalists
to the city, including the Humana and
?consign Societies,. We/ by a powerful or
cheatta will take part. The oratorio will
be given tinder the direction of Mr, Y. Peon.
ringer, late of Grover.* grand opus troupe,
and promise. to be tne grandest. affair of the
kind ever given in the city.
Rowpslam In the nab Ward.
Monday evening two men, Jotmny"
Walla. proprietor of • tavern la the Firth
ward, and Greco, attempted to Maim
• quarrel with • number of colored men,
who were engaged in gonstrueilng a build-
hag opposite the Grain BlOVeltOr. They
need language too obscene to be repeated,
and mpen being expostulated with by one of
the party they seised him and attempted to
throw ham into an adiseent cellar. A clti
gen who chanced to be ha the nelghborlieod
notified two policemen, who wore near at
heed, had they conducted Greco before the
Mayor. whO held him fora bearing,. Walls
made his escape. but was captured rester.
day afternoon, by officer Moon, and locked
up .until this morning, when lila taste will
ho adjudicated.. .
The Irtftla Sweet Emporium,.
By which Pittsbeaghers. at least, will un
derstsmi us as hawing reference to Smith.
son. a Co., Al and 67 rylfth street,
while not represented at. tha Fair, bays
prepared attractions at their own astablieb.
moat which cannot tail to be of actueral
benefit. Ea It known, then, to Fate attend.
not,, from abroad aa well as at home, that
I at, 8.. F. a Co.ns emporium theta is an end.
less assortment of all* &vital,. most gener
ally pnrobased, such as everything la the
bOOtand shoe lino,blankets and other house
famishing articles, and notama of every
sort. .140 one who attends the evening males
'at tile Itraporitun clan fall of .reaping 'mat.
advantage In some way. '
. . • .
• The contractors for the 711th street sourer
eansmeaced operations on ;bat thorough- .
ftreleeterdsr, hen. crewel ewer it accept
tor . • pedestrians • Is' obstructed between
'Weed and bmtadteld streeti.
Tao ',ewerfrom the weal eldo of. 'federal
a r t.', Allegheny, oppoalte the flttaletireni.
Port Wayne Chicago Peneeofer raumd
depot, and anukadlan so the bbeedd of Uni old
canal on the Mbar aide or the street, is be
leplto.haa, zorward and wUI bee completed6abineltbin woak.;.,Titolailiroeement
will coat some weventy.tior„ tbiciaand dol.
We. faiiread Company nae
sinned to pair terontpdve hundred
Period Army of the litepablle.—r.
Hon tooth, the .Districi. Grand Commander
01 the R., Pittatrttran Division, called
nron Governor Geary lag, evening, and ex
tended an Invltalion to Mu; to attend a
conventional all the Poeta of , the Divielon.
tonne held at Anello InOldinge. Fourth
woo, kittstrargb, tote evening, . Tee Gov.
Mier accepted ten Invitation and will 00
Preient: attendenco of tan
inembeiX/11 requested:-
*ethic. dmoriserly . .—A. man cAM ttsv e
tas usoM sa Jobe Ileurr,entered Moon:lee
of Anniston% Olettlot, Attorney Illddelt, on
Fourth street, yesterday afternoon, and
without -say appefont cameo. .... M I!
Attlee In very distroefol and dLoorder
to anner: Word - wan sent to the MaYor e
otnesandornoer CupplesarrestadJo hn . grao,
In• Oelatilt of the payment, of predollar
ACC. wed committed co All.for AT ° 447.!.
"'D Stust.—Coneteerebte exenement was
created on Wine sneer, u , n erma.nll , Mee.
sinned .by.t.he etworinirnt ne • ArloGroWV.
Clow, by ri•eitime• vatuan' cielpa tato ant.
mud .e bllagod la hare been ellseoveneL
Several neer, were Arad, alerrente women
Inn •ehllftee in tee nelabbOrbeort. ••,
nis,-Two of our mart expeefireee4
&weeted Woodmen man Seat. for a wokok
.f:= un dYl`.`"447: ll6 =:`. 3
dawarizicompa.k. -
ig.4oloo.6ll , lrOat'•treet. trotottoal
'fan and steam Mtn . 'Slumber, mu m .
to tlioassaattoo of all Int either Itt the
curds 000sit17.1n th e Mile 'Of work
tooostilp awl soma relMo!Wa. , prima ••••
The well-known Hydrometer Marlallettlier
of this city, has opened a store at No. lel
Smithfield etreet, where he intends to beep
Wit hand a full mill complete assortment of
Barometers, Thermometers, and Hydro-
Meters. all of which he manufactures, and
from a long experience in this branch of
braanell9 he is satisfied that he can give per.
feet satisfaction to all who may be in want
of the shore articles. He has also on band
a large assortment of Spectacle, combining
all of the late. Ms prove ments.whiett ha will
dispose of at lower rates:than any other
, house in the city. Give him a call. Be
-1 'member the No.. 10113mitnfleld street. et
Bo !Tear liordoella • arolTl 6.11.610A31 .
17.1 Di AND 8AR1... Iltroaur, AT MA.",
nat. T o- mazy. to•
- '
glycols' Neitice to She Public.
Canal PACIFIC fi ATLANTIS Toutortmm
rfe TANT
ne Ofll the United Statue.
leell.SeptembNr 1667.
The rates to New York hereitter fOr meet
nage. over the Paola° and atlantic Tele
graph Comp.} , of the United States, from
Pittsburgh to .New York, will be for ten
words forty-five cents, and three cents for
eacti additional word. To Cincinnati. forty
cents for Lee words,' and three cents for
each additional word.
We would Inform person. visiting the.
State Fair that 2.l.r.James Robb, No. fe) Mar
bet street, one of the pioneers in the boot
ruse aboetrade of this CitY. has On hand •
large and fashionable stock of boots, •hoee
veryrs which he offers wille public at
reasonable prices. Itbe remota.
bered that the assortment found betels not
from Zelatelll auction hove but has been
eelrcted direct front manufacturers who
deal in snob articles its will prove service
able and dtu-ardei Call In and see for your-
'rbe Great Combination or Art a rD
"Atm,. or ?Comma Hots Co-Moor. Dir.
DOon Are Tea Gam, Ccioritoo. : ao•
mr. Charles Zogemitb has that re
turned from the East with tt large-and well
selected lot of variety roods of every dee.
crlption, which no Intends to odor the trade
at a very small porno on the investment.
Zussmith hos ban considerable expe
rence in the notion 1100 o.nd folly ender.
stands the liminess In all its details. Ile
nas made his *elk:lions and.pornbaseeso
that be can afar a superior lot of geode at
prices considerably lower than these of any
other horse In the city. We would respect
fully Itdolso our friends and readers to
glee lan s Call at No. 24 Fllth street, up
stairs. , amt.*
a Gentleman of great medical know
ledge says that a more genial, wholesome
and effectual tonic, and appetiser than
Drake's Celebrated Plantation Bitters was
never dienovered. Ho recommend. It for
Dyspepsia, for Liver Complaint, for Ex
haustion, for a want of Appetite, and fOS
Mental Depression, It -Is en agreeable
stimulant, and is equally adapted ta your, g
and old.. Pe11.0115 of sedentary habits, like
clergymen, lawyer", merchants and delicate
females are particularly benefited by Its
• glAditota• WATZIF..-6 delightful toilet
grticle—ennerior to Cologne awl at kal i f , he
price. •
Eames to Celeste ****** all the
teeth have th at bee. tallied by teglect could
be atroag toworl d. gettier.ther would reach thrice
round the l'here ma have n
some excuse for thl havoc In d ays gone P b ee y,
when there wan no 6bllollltlr ..fefelMrd
against absolute decay 111 existence, but
there is no apology for it now. FuSOZAu T
30200035, the world renowned antiseptic
dentifrice, as certainly protects th teeth
against decay, as oil prevents steel froM
rusting, or water orresta the progress of
aro. BIM*
The Greet Llsmollo. o . ll rD
Mum.DOce, Toqgtosts, , r MASONIC BALL. •
We would Invite the att.:Alma of cap
nalists seektng advantageous Investments
In real estate to the wry desirable proper
ty on Fourth street. offered for sale by the
People's rational Bank. This Is oue of the
very best locations In the env, and too
bank baying secured a ede on Nowt' street
for their new banking house. wish to die•
pose of these lots and will sell camp if ap
plication be ms4osoon.. Sec advertisement
is another contemn. • . T,.•
Par. Ey. Whisky
Is an exceedingly diMmii. article to got at
• ,I.oll.tiltt yorlee. but when yen want it,
go to YLEISilin , B DRUG 'STI.MitE, No. in
Market street.. where you can rely Ca get
tint a better article for lees money than at
amy other plate in the city,—where yea can
also measure the ben Medicinal Li of
all blade. Remember the place-84 4 Market
We sell Dry Goode bOth as • wholutale
and retail, and are, vs & cOnsequenco. en.
&bled to Imp o larger and Mach batter Soh
Sorted stOCk . sell cheaper, and girl Ulu
wood . td soyammodating quantities,
than exelcultre jobbing houses to en
chant.s oretaytted to examine our Gent
J. W . ; "Bazar" a Ow,
• . ' tOMarket street,
To Whom II !Lay Coneers.—The
cational AsvordeMon of Western Pennsyl
vania will hold a Onsiness meeting on Sat
urday next, 90th inst., at Toted Want
School House, commencing at 10 n'olook. •
Szoaos S. LAMT,
It Chairman Executive Committee.
lees and Wood Pam" embracing all
the latent and most aportmed styles and , in
ventions, for sale at reduced rate. or T: T.
Emma. practical vutober, gas and stem
atter, N 0.185 Wood street. Special attention
paid to orders from the country. All work
warranted to give the' highest • satisfeetion
Evening Climpes.—The regular...waning
eesalone or thelllON CITY COLLEGE, nor.
her of Pam, and it. Clair stre43. will. be
revolted ent IdenditY. September Mit.
oommenelng early studente can Complete a
fell course during the fell and winter by
attending evenings ' it
Leaders from the oon ry who will be
in attendance sythe State fair will'not for
get to cl in and eremitic U line assort
ment of lal m amp., chandelier., 'pumps of all
descriptions and general good. In the 011,
steam and water fitting Onsillealt, at the
well knownestateehrtiont of T. T, Nw ens.
N 0.165 Wood street. ' • ••••
Pare Fresh Citrate of elagnesla,
Prepared every day, and sold at the Merest
Market street. Remember the pl.,
Dr. Wilson's pale are rapidly sayer-.
ending all other tam lip medicines. banshee
they are anylleable to so rho? common
eases. They never tail to rellave DTOP.EI ,
and °that dieeseee of the stomach and
bowels. Ali druggists seal them • • .
We perceive that the Howe sowing Aria.
the World
distanced all
now testing
the World's Fair at Paris, is now testing on
its golden honors, Pa gold medal, gold cross
and silver medal et No. 4 St. Clair street.
Call um 206 this wonaer 01 the age.
Gaud Family alat.ladas vsie
3001 .s 3.4.50m0
On Our Fourth Page will be
found this morning a Mil and
interesting account of two
opening of the State Fair. -
monzci.—Barry.—u. vat 6 ,. by tt ,
IL Earl, JAL - JOHN P. RIDDELL 'at& bilu
LIZZIE h. B /MTV, boat of tills
ongsov —rift Tuesday morning. t^uteaber
. 24th. ISM T110)1Ari v•lllitiff, to the Mtn jeer
of lOU et. '
The funeral wig Mite place THIS (Wednesday.)
eirtManoOn. at RN Welsch from hie late resi
dence. Careen street. Moath Plttlberith. The
'friends of the family are invited to attend. .
W :,h349L41)*V10
Tkl. IPS Fourth siren. Pit north; Pr.
COOP NO atAll kinds; ORAPEN, GLOVES. any
eien description et Funeral Dominica ttop.l.
tarnished. Roorzumpena.l7•44
and Carriages inzaished. •
MarnaCtS—ll.c... Daylel yto,
11. W. Sacoba., D.D.,ll,osazo ZWlnt.
°, was Awn suwALusw..... , .**!ou.'
Leta auntol . K. Ratters. Gic, 2D 'Alto
three door* ern, 11..,r,loSbenT Anti- 11.,
Wan. iLosornod, 'tanning:Y. ”.4
cowl Llaititloa she Jo n'ent . n..l - ';., ed
nneL, udsnie open at all hour, "Int and t
'lles,. and Csrrh.:ofarnlehed On abort n•alci
end on runt renLonebln Lena. 1
DRlrrAlinz. Oath. hxhari
BOW. 004 Mitt °ties 6..a1
MCe..rLu.aao pieta treat of third toshledna
geode ea hand, and famished at thanes: hallo.
al Unrest Pd..% Saha sod tarn Stabfah ear
net of Ifin9t.h.aDldx4l3LE rani...Tea‘haa. Chhgleo, hand:a Honig ae
the hire.
.144 1
. .
E.- C. S TE *V A"rn Itaide2 l - 11 r,
..of MORTON' .4 MINIS' 271t4.."4.
Nl4t6 Ward. .f4ns of all binds.' lleamo'ita
Car... furnish. on Oho shortest none,
J. 11ARliatrtl, se the beeesteev
Alen liTuNa Wull/Chi; SIVAS SIISTAL,
Wl 6 / 4 /1:77.13 WARNS moor..
liCat Pm:tut ganafaciuttr.
•M. PieoN I wATNE
k‘r t.tTlN 'et'lTU"
sum ITITZWZ, Ina Ate.vapitolik Ito
inHolm, wdry jrcutlei thlysl rill we
Isecioatir..t Um* 4.7l•lniewta.kt;
Dal to trot.. Oss Ivor MAXI, JP sail
Santa boartt sadold ox c•samimiten.
. . . , ~.. •
& Mere !Meek ommedeteg TEMITT-lICI - 001.
MINN et lavereausiereetddxmAttat• 10.101h1
luau Wiltortals.4test New. by Toble.tb •
sad Rail, yabubla Ikea. Waiter toe t.
Iyally.,Lia folk. sad meet reliable 15000•
eleleued Gommereial Meek°, E+11,..1. gt•r , 17 '
.y 7 Ymper In see etiy. No farmer. Meetemdeite
'llarchant eboold be .I.tboat It.
SIMMS .o 1 ncia bazyzy oyzybrlbi '
ch M' Vritil b. r::.—::::::::7:::::—:11:21: ,
()I. e. of Ten...............----.. , —....... 1.15.
—and one copy It yewr tO the yen. .atilt
up me ell. Iddleltam Si, data da be made at
. I
.14 tn., at elabllll44 '
tiCrricx 00 Nomeca39Ll&,ln °Malay yam : 1
~ to mu.' nod 1 , 10-117 'OINY .dinars Yea I 'L
, mdt. ee we tame a Wed.seedet Minim/ TOT .Nat . 1 '
salters tuning but oleo mall o week.,
1 liritorrey by Deitt, ftin..... *An ommi •
or is BeirburobaLbtlayy. buoboys=W;
addromr. • - • ,'isi
nrreinnten: Pena.
OPTICIANS, opened • !age .4 well naleated
tack of
Aid all kinds of THEIIMONETEIIII.
No. 56 FIFTH ST.
ao masa"! Et =or
Or Particular - attention Ora l! to nom n.
Watchts. Mortgage! Jaw.lrr.
H. SMITH. ' •
Merchant Tailor.
Ha. 4mared to No. tlB iVTLIXBI`eILICT. eon.
r.;;11.•;f4.7...d.rgi-ul?.17.1:: "" """"
FALL cr.orm. 0/estl4XltlZ.
Vida Wll4o made to order le the most 0 4 ettel
Titrti . 1 01711.' Nto fiTZgrall "a r t I. t i rMl
will be told on T.ll rearobalte tem..
Merchant Tailor.
No. 9a WYLIZ BMUEET. tor. or /edam/.
Breakfag, DID and Suppers;.
airnlil<l.lll fets4 HALT.. for LAD tell awl
f/X . e . TLYIIII.N. Attentive Walters: Itaterate
Pries. 'Visitors to the city especially Melte&
so can at ' •
64 Fourth Ftreet,.near *arket.
55 & 57 Ft Etlt swan.
Are Offering Great Bargains
Pocket and Table Putlery,
W Persons withlug to min))
chum will do well to catmint)
0110 ot t6ebestaaaortmentt ever
ottered, tutd -
carrut niture and Household
Goods ..AT AIICTION on every
Thunder. .
V.' E.- SCII TZ & CO•,
,F 414 Street,
1r°9.`::1,`,1 - :,,n;"'"'r.°: 1 " 1 “ woo ,
Fall and Whaler
WM& they byre Weete'd User Malt trade,
..4 fc,, , .e.tme... do robillty sad milt.
*I stylo ma not Po awriAned sa attl. 211a1r
Misses' aud Children's Rees
I( a. dTtirlbligWiLlZT2tit
alien to,
Call and Fannin° the 131 ouk.
ILLDIRU L0TA,..0. ALM/4n ellallSbelli
, . .
TR.Paa ullatalsz Oa hasulsone residuum et
Col. H. Ilegailoasb, . Tl!ase on ihe don deck.
able lota tor prtatry nalden*lnialrrateirMle;
log. It. 4taive, Rm. ean ' aet. 1 aitllst.
. 4i
. -
mad irAteo4 Pzsarines .14arres,'
OH ' HALE—That handsaws
• slid eery detlnibts Tlllfriirtelff BRICK
DI•XLIANG 110Tr0gi Vrosis. No. IS Bum*
street, ritlibissh. TN• basso Is slanted ea
ape or. oa , .bonosoant:itzestd
wit sow reit. J:or VOX Ti . properly 14
WOflh the AMAMI. if Mow 'SIM./ • ••••
ko SILL • SIIIMINLY, Yrl Lt•ie as
Uvulas, Afsals, Ma l. west, aes4gatl•lha.•
. 110LHIES, MLL 6,704 -
anchor Cation NU% Fitts
kinuhiteuers EAVI.1;01031 &MUNI)
Axis • A Aosolay
fr 1i
610 1 .417114 6 4 •