TIE DAILY: GAZEITE rIENNIDIUMREIKD & Cat , . . SptlDY/Yui .411171 CM, GAZETTZ.MMDISO aos. sa "Amu as 17171( . wrairxr. • . lepiGm Pipe di lleMr! PenqiuM, PAPER OP ITATEMMIGLAIIID . ALLEGE:EMT - ,, taka s isysii, - cfreiria? awl Ural PAXIET lad OUKALEICI.A.LPArzam the ? %Vizi 01/ • tWar21 7 4 - 1 rd4 , 4P1'. '". ..1;a7 Troia J e "' Kul 50.4.2b.m. Aehlivoun. GATETIM„ ""- • = rirrirettsom !mina. Rittantilt &NE& . iI2POOLICAZIS read the letter of cmr i#4fati-at.itAdiit pt Withlngtpn; qathied i4l3t yoMiselvertd-$ duty before you of rolling up s remad.tnajor ity fn reurtaylrania. i Rwrontac/Ns of Pittsburgh! beat- in mind the rally to-night at Hare'iLioteL Ex•Ciov, Curtin, Governor , dfjiospa 41.. o larnsr,* 'and toozion. Ji R. "Cibipbelt are linnOititeed is Speakers. F_ wt . Itl6o44i(Ofashismed turn-pmt, worthy the cause and the reputation of this Republican stronghold. :: doaiteoic Qoii~airr : oa.- S'-'call ; ap• liyesterday's Diapateh and Re. piagie .fur 'a ,Tloaserratlyn" Conyeti-' -;'*u9s l . 1 41 0 1 1111 *o . 11 Johlula . ar count ta4iticke4. . Pr;rnar, ILIA Y I, ?,etleas ere.te be on Saturday next, 01:1114- " Lik- held 011' tent meet next weanesaai..", Thla we take Si; As W move-against Bents and Me County tleket„ the Demo crate County Convention having! ig • nofild .76lirlwit,,altogisther k „find -trued . 4 1 4 i0 Tseogida thaltepu62icJ It iL a!ery -pretty fight, as it stands; and as all the _ votes this now ticket will get will cOme tpr the Deraperacy, no pstrloticelti. ~fr , • . rt RSL sczi ga.=oao ; o maga' tot nwela. and crowed jest - after dari-mlitaking e bonfire for day ' bate two of a majority in the California Legislature, on joint ballottounk. this ecourps. a Re publican United itttitten Sehator. - --Thens ;me two 3 - 41 T4 blip F k candidates for Gov j errior;`Mill the coptierheadi - ILaiglit, is Ippoedors..asioniprity. The decrease Itritto ibtal nit; electicin, is 14038. Then the Democracy polled • - 40,5840 This year they polled but 240328, ' " srdetrilik'or OU.-• Tourt - year the Th 10 0 101: WO 0 4, 00 ; 7.ei4 g 0 05 - 1144i ; frbL2th° stay . 4 %a - halite , lladomact at tho.neit dealer'. Tas DEMIONII made st the ballo4boi, L'aiM• Per. rplato t?. !II*? candidate , -. ~t gmiislvegr areClfire4 to: con. • , 141.1 eripsanca.rSlic decisions mule; leach. Ida 'policies - are of yital . npO:rticnlX: Tin nien - of t4i Eoutn who tooh exion -ilia de/ixanti:e'er. the government, and the. establishment of another based primarily upon Slavery, were thoroughly, beaten on the battle field. They Made an appeal to the sr- :ildtryslent,pf Ali . enwerd s And the verdict Nettiridly they ire wink UP - Award roade by battle, and seek by enbtlety and mart to. , evade it- By the course of events--par . conduct of the Traident —the conclusion reached by the loyal Touts", is to bezerittwed,nt the election.' Thikelestionlis relied antiArta be de termined, whether the results of patriotic martial schiee r ements shall be reversed theL authority, and control shall be wrenched from the' men who won it by their prowess, in conformity -;• 4 46 mita:tic Bill be eivece-sirtie tolialtors —or whether the leaders of the revolt shall be :mule to take back seats until ~re*kaiillidon*all be perfected. ghat! ilfortherti ideas Oegovernmeet, order, r peace and fraternity, prevail? or shall • liottitiernideas of resimaaris.fit the laws, encnnragement or rankest disorder; re -3S-Xl'.kisisnioe of thelarts, and bloody revel's - tzon be established. Tan World says the 'Mormons moat tr. f . . e,'De ; crerljted with lertnderfolninleita: They have taken the Moat degraded rap. gr,,Gres Britain, the Welch miners and Eliglish iitiOrers, and have 44.traiRed thqn into . WWII-of thrift, otobrie ; , chtaratielir,laiiii 4 kind of ' intelligence. They have literally charg ed trlttleitlnto fa garden, and won an opulent State will appear in what but a 'l, few years since was a howling Wilder semi. For the present we ought to let I tha.Voptiousalone. -They are helping to populate a thlidgeettled section' with .„„herikworking nad,intelligently , directed - I _ Miners and laborers should feel vont tilirstsnted to.innaw that, so large a por tion of their smenhera may be improved by Bnioitim Touno's training. This diunpmatic estimate of inherent is in per fect liceidrig with OM Vir'typolicy of ' selling a class of workingmen, with 'work aninialst and the - defenders of 811- • .., sexy -may espouse the cause of its nitinabiter,flibijiiinlY ,. .''. • , • Nang ban bees favored by • TOO - • doctor, Zonave Jacob, who . proposes to . • • •,cutlxlll forme o/pera sLa bl magnetism. lOW l 000 i..; kofroolg.O. l 4. CFes were abundantly roved by certificates from 1 FLoels Mullaymesi of note-. Being celled joie Qethst trareyci :iekooked et his paient vid said, "Ws*, •beawse I say ' latest walk." The palsied limbs re . ); 4 ! , ,d to oPoy the order,. t l'imr. Jacob is - ,r ' 'prontnincienit impoltar. ' The 'many . whom he did not cure, and some who have omtbied• akW, haws given Votaki*ranci:.,Tko: falling Doe tor seeks-to be called In to sew the a ` imperial to test hiapoirei on the ii . •kpfge, Which, !MS so:log% de fled the skill j - of the whole college of physicians. - Lova, Batuiday, - ,the 3lst,.l7tobert thirlutt,;sged twenty .? one years, :abet' Jusepli 'tatPlant, aged = ' . fifty4lx, through the heart, on s 'street. InDettbti. Yee Plant -iris 'walking, at the Omi; 'With' ~ Bottatter, a voting £l3l to whom lie was to be married soon ' 1 , bras, also engaged to Garlutt. LS Plant's wife was but three, months . mut vir.h. the rating lover Owe,' this' girl ard'hht forukan lover drurds, Do the old lover Is desd, the:ring rmit i lsi jell,. the girl likely to' be asnother,itndimr.b Ismael of slits :- hautd,;lutd, the affair dilno:np rtench • 5 tattle furnishes columns 'of &caution for , th9 . gopd people of Detroit.' "- !ItAxis.”--Sonth - orn agricalta7 { Tltta are talking of thia phult :displace cotton. It leu brought (rim listpan.!: 6. Mr. Reeti has cultivated -)Mexico and sent a box of roots to l'lX* Orleans last . spring. These • hate been Iru rcha4d . and , plant ul by di gerent plant: eiiandprumiso :It resembles the i ecygFacos oot . tie; iiolds three crops %jeer the Golf Statolirrito; is more nerdy thiri.Ottort, and Is more_easily enkiya. , ted,,akike rootsresialn In the ground "Mid continue to gro w year after year. The fihmielsinblei eattim; bot is longer 1, 1 14 d olltrmger. It, is separated from .its woodyeoxering, like flax, by means of a 1NV.14.8 Bt vuAOS tit GREAT' alit stitesl'ilrat -Risme - it's new • bill pe.rmttiwOmen to rote, as he failed id "express the contrary, as by an ad of ..words importing the. nmsnitne • , pada shall be deemed and taken to in• eludes females, unless the contrary is en! acessly.provided." • , • Nit- 7 PaiOnes; Mn Al. D. Caldera , • ...and Kiev curie Caldwell wen !racial -from* carriage near EtOoneytile; I. • lira: Caldwell died or bet Nutias and stn I ,Mre. Palsies's rooorery is 'doubtful. The amideut ssu caused by a beeretittr . . k , ' S S - ,etp . • - , , , .....:e.... . • ~ + 4 ......, ~ ~ ~,, .. -- 1 ',.. , f 1 -7----__-_ --- , -,.-j'7 4'- ',_ -- f`-`4_)::7 •,, ,:-.‘...-- i 4. - .. 1...4.,,,,...„........i t --- - -- 0 . 1 _,,,,,, , .......0 .. . : .,,_ , ~ . .. .. , Jr I ---- --, ' .... We -IT '...-',. ''' '' -• :. -rr. ' ... • ......—____",-..--.."--,-- ...... _ ' ..i - ---- \ Ilr , ) , \ ..\ •\ . , :.- :: -... ;- ~ . . ..r,.., ~..-' 4..5 - 7`. , ~, :i., -- — ./ 14 '-- - =• ---- ;/ ! VOLUME INICIETL---NO. 2221 A putcauo paper says the sweet cars are "full of bed-bugs." As lt has never yet been ascestalaal how many people cen be put tato a street Car before it is Pll, we feelcarions to . have the psalms 'of the bedbugs that ride through:the sensational: city as dead heeds. Now many bed-bup.fdl a cart . To .add to this lavitfng account of this inotlere, nation, andAudisperembler MC= Cle, cm:notion, the New York ..Nreeing Pest "The ears on several of our own city lines are more or less infestedwith H and etch "mall deer," to the, great os gust and'aseuolf decent er rhecziooriiariim of some oNsar horse ears are , foul to a degree almost, Unbearebin. The Odor elven out by them is positively fetid,4nd they are sticky and slimy O the loufIL" Pleasant mode 'of gettliii home 'to din. star I We Join with tier, 2!•211 in%recktut menaink wooden or cane seats, and a throwing out of cushion& Tax World it COngratalOng Meagre. Beecher, Raymond. Griadey on their foresight intsichig conSenVive ground in ;dunce of the -Repribllam masses, and likens thenito the mountain peaks ythich first alight- thorny' oi the rising son of Democracy. Strangely . enough Doolittle is left out of this range of peaks, who tower aboro'tho prejudi ced people," people ignondrtel the "journalists with prejudice and igno rance for subscribers," sod "is poi:Mier preacher's ignorance and passion fer a congregation." Bureli Mr. Doolittle's name should appear on the roll of those Republicens who turned their b secs iipon_ the ignorant people, who thrashed! the life out of the &baton., and. the lied ortheirisiuriiihniceslupinthnuneekie ened people who Joined their couniry's eineMyin their country's hear of need. Ttor. Memphis Lager sap , "if John sonn sumach to carrying ottt the mem- Urea he 'Ws plainly intinisttes, removes the standing armies, the military occu- Pains," they are to have a nicotine re-establisldng "a republican fork of Daternmernt." Does the.: .tedgeri gap:, pose that men In this region forget that the Southern definition of that term dif fers, ntatisrially, front that given to!it by the men who have won,' at a cost of hun dreds of _thousands of litres and millions of trelaure, the tight to ;enforce; their Ideas, and win the sunlit:us or our bit- Defielda permit Jokuvon, and the bed, bllll, What' %tier tiotarid ger to re -esta es dled to destroy? • ' TEE 25th annual Fsii . of the 'Herki mer Cottaty,Agrienitural Society closed on the 19th, ens] the Utica Herald says the display in many departments ;was meager, the Interest behignhietly shears in stock and flowers. The organ grind ers and nngro minstrels did a good busi ness. The ladles displayed a variety of quilts and' carpets. Since quilts and carpets are so =eh easier made by ma% cldnerndo not !omen of this day bur den themielven with a labor belonging to a past age by continuing to make them In the old way? Gut. Summar( AND Tax triune A Bt. Louis dispatch of the. 21th says Gut General Sherman told the red man, "If you don't leave the made alone leakill you; and I will give you neither powder nor ball until you make peace," but next day he concluded to give them ammunition and Wait for 4b4 *Am Haw many homes haire been darkened by the shadow of death by the welddal 'policy or dailing out ammunition to how tile snips? .' LA7II discoveries show that Nashville. Temt.,'was the cite of a populous the long ages'gono by. A vast catacomb inirldch thousands of dead were enclosed in tombs of flat rock aruficially joined; has been. partially explored; these rs• mains it is thought must have t;een bated six or sem hundred years ago. 111 ST. S lot owner finding hi, taxes onerous drew a plan of * block of cheap houses, formed a compeny with a ISM TOSION • brick layer, a carpenter; a plasterer , and painter. They pet up the block and dinded it, so tku4 it was profitable Inyesunirti to each; anlii a permanent improvement to the city, Lwrruits mon Trails:um say that the bobble about discharging freedmen for voting tha Pubclll ticket is about: over. Farmers who discharged their hands were generally compelled to em. ploy Woe who had been !god by others for alike canoe, and in ft was but a change of hands.' .oTas 'Empress Edged& got a thorthret' drenching ins rain storm st Lille, and sugars 'from severe rheumatic pans. Nut much me in being an F.nipress if the honor cannot secure one the nee of a good umbuslia, and rubbers, In a rain. Hrs. John Smith seldom gets 'wet for want of them. TER yOSIDSWM Impale is in want of tots?. Ito:tear Monnierhaving been dismissed for incompetence. The pool tutor cell:T . 4Sr., in awhinlag,,lnelegant fetter, which hilly 3i:utilise remora), and 'renders his appointment a court A. trrussuszu, supposed to be Clireeee Brewster' .Ittusig himself ' :On'tlus limbof a figs:.l. BUBStd.dfaft , , 00 New York to thelmottut or $2,2 15e 00, and Ilse dollar In money In poei, and bad used ids 'kerchief u • rope. Tem Kentucky State Fair cloied Louisville on the 21st. The priiiciPer interest wu in the horses, sit thikigh• est premium on theu wee t2O; and it the closing hop • blue alum Wu awarded to the handsomest lady. Donti4.4 'emplane Elertden expplis .hleaselt. The Reba, atlVioeheeter, were in like =ruler, °traded, se they lIIIW more of plra tbiLII tiley orator. . inn 103442 1 . whilo gathering bits of coal on tikl . ! rang tmek in Harris 'baryons struck by tlie' engine of the ftiladelphirk• fast line, rind seriously in itifedr_94 1 / 1 4 gi!L Two Mick mea of Stithiltili. 0., guar, need' about a girl sad fought in the woods with axes. ,Orta split the head of the other so that healed, aid: is held ball in WO. Liars= OWL in West. Bead, - Piln t Strayed" away from 'Maw; and it: was eleven days before she was found, . and she wu then gnawing her Fora Willa to Cainlss BANDRLAIRII, the French poet, who translated aft of the poems of Zona Pox, into Preach, Ined of Optima re n i few dayi BinCel hospital .. • ' . So via, this year, 547,700 bins more of anthracite coal have. bean seat to market. Iron Pennsylvania than during the corresponding period last. year. EIIGNELL to Old to h&Te used bar ty. Awes= with Tictotts to prevent the pole= Mention of szy more of her tOolui of 11181 MIDNIGHT. MOM ED OPE. Rh toms l'ltUbargb Ilatatt..l ENULLND. = - . , Irnint tai nanit &mum.: . ;Armor, lletaiscabwr 3.4-4/14 skip, ostk o t the Ch4Case tes feet, sTryeal.l.o4 guy She bcat.4 tho Taping, which was ilia ogt•Olavlitit loth tit:la:fetal 'and Orylkl titer the departuie or2thi Lew; 11. reausamat To, atisailessill:taarltsceita. Loaner, September 21.—1 t Is 1, eoneiderspil quite probable that Partial meet will rbent. setille r in liCirepabei r . Ica Sgektuiri, aravu. It Is rumored that NeUy and Deasy sidled: from Llverpooi cm Atlantic stemma We the Uelte3 States..on Saturday. . - • Aspeolal Commission will eminaserobil inateSiehilategetotrrthe parties now le jell tliefebeis'ebairierat tikoMpert le thereat. AZILeSS ,or ALL.O.D itoraas. : ifairci:merut, Sept, 41.71.rresta of alleged itillbehniniede biro.. Lrfiraroet..l3eptossber 14..,T he ship W. bindata, Troth' fdt IlddebaY, was destroyed by are at. sea., The crow wervtaa Ishvell• • - • 'tkirsA'AiTtbziri Lesbos, Septetabt, 24.—Lateadviceafrom Chine have bosh received. The market for tea vv. quiet. The total amount exported this season totho . ..Vtho of -august haslbo,ooo - • - The New Market Ist of October noiatina commenced to-lay. Teo Great Eastern handleay was won by %%stoma; the handi cap sweepstakes was won Indian , SUM the eseed_ . I:elkere alisksr by ertm . .wim.,hy, XttePqotar4 I.L.IIOIvesCa.WIL. Alet*peeeptne tn , islkoet4ir4, ecoiak isdr.tilthe one Ilsonsand pOunds'swnepstOreiwiiSson atronan. . Losoos, 15eptowisar 21-0 r. Y. Ttye fol lowing ..11.patdiliss boon renelved: floaurck, September 24 t —Garrihakil Mae alettifilealakk4 L i*, 3u4takirorerninent. Ye eras taken Prisoner hlle cromstis the Raman irontler. .• • ILT2 I 2, Sept. =.—The Somas O.:mem . . meet is taking precautionary steps toinowd against an attaclf..from without or defhlfell - .ling 'Witt. the ,Stir. Alt the roitkeit uons nave been withdrawn from the out lying point. 2n the Provine. of Crvirts, , Vaentrin, Viterbo and VUletri, and eoneerw tasted 122./ asormd Rama. . actr Oro, Waif aar.nrarta thoeuridde,Sepf..24.—Tbe Gderietftleien sending troops to t h e frontiers of tho IhMann Territory. Diapatehee from name. state that many &maul have been made there of hardee sushieeted.lo earrisoWle.c4 Witt Garibaldi .1 his followers. lii •-•)1 . ' sellqcious Cris'-, , flteitEsigdptaliarSlS.lsziwted ttud suspicious craft, supposed to be • r. 1.0.. noel, Imo bell seen orsisisg otr the heett Item. 00111/14C7 ZILTIMIN 11.01,i AID 1.100141. An unfortunate cOnglet occurred lu th4 . l jt;eele of Lbanrielc yeetemlay between the, "wobbsina troops. •Tbe Jitter axed bayo nets and charged upon the crowd: Eight," ;oilstone are reported wounded and 601 man IW/ed.. The.toond.t of the troop. to cendeintiemi; I ..144:1101A. hamar. September 21.—The North Ger a:tin parelle, the reputed, erg= .!Of 'Mira. mite the South tiereteri kat& ' ire noir tree to Jobe the Confederation !of the Mirth and make Germany one natiOn. nraz onnocvne— , err sasmcin.. Bsszin;Septlnnbet 14-111.0 . rnsaLin Met wai dissolved yesterday. It will soap still. In Novem_loor, when is will IncicA: the deputies that have been annexed to 11IIa'4 . . „ Stems, heptereher 41...Ertnin0..., —.la the North German' revilement U. da y, claritit the debate on the address of the King of Prattle. Bismarck made • patriotic tad .10. =cant speech . * ~. /400nlared einost em phatic rnantiertiat If the tierniin , nation misted to unite there was no Dower strong enough to binder the onion, nor wee there aniptheeepaitip enough to 'mike the at tempt. r-4 - • J.v G • - • EtZE3 imouts u. rosio l,oo. MAIM°. Sept. 2L—Salutot7 Won. %bon/ tobe Introdneea In . the ed,ilnietra• floe of Porto Rico, are now under censliler atlon In the Cabinet. sad ■ law cerrilng Shen In isfroet will eon* be prorlgeton. RUMINIA: .:; szep42 . l 00 5 0r4.440 m.uascis. LOar*YiNSVtYo4qr 2.441 c the ituler;i• bYlLissiti' tut lretailAKVlDO proffer at no 11.00 outdo by tho Port*, and to now . soeldog t9bring .sbont an aIIfOACCO;S 4 . twixin Trioet. • • 17,7 -,4 'l r rtnoirrtioll or rt. - rierrst. e , Pszte. September 21:-1L retaino bee re• iihrriocl the poetticto of.. President; of the Credit Itoblier. • noon ssrr yea ZOYL '4 September - 14 -:.lfanting.-Troops have left. Year... for Some. Borrimmoy,Bapt.et.—Thellelte.litatia gunboat Bh►mrotkhY arrtine; off Comm. QomMtereerit,flemeMbeifi.-40 0 0 . 40- fir City of Balttmore. "Nee .tereqir FROM ICIWIPI6-1111F0F/4 111111 .. • Now Taxa, September 64, 1011. . • ° Olilowthoeo Moan AV onwolm. The n•Wirmilitts arrived Mogi Dorton to. night. The following is GaribahiPs speech at hit reception at Geneve: ...aids is mot the first . time I have tiful Th da: , melon to testify., ontinviwbo-the brave republican people of itolvot.in. In thin when Italy. my eountry, was unhappystud , =cued under. a (mega poke, frimile and sayielf Wens proem ibed rant., here on this sacred mil of Marty we sought and found an asylum , (Applause.) Tansy I esprem MY.theolot hemfor hi which this generens phOPle , gives . the Democracy of the en en re world. = the hittseic on i the j . l 4s. - tUtion ealled - ther Faref: -- trerloolred planer) Fa= you, e Caruso( thil Geneva moan. , so maritleent, who struck the° L -010mn. apa i tenne I fro ou It is bu t looter tlittlye 1 04 1emand, but to complete the work Of your forefather'', when we shall • give t he ° deal- blow'. to - - the' nunsato , lon° MOIL -perhaps - einilo at Garibaldi for craibilf to ' to , recommend eoneord., yet Lao advise it be -eoneard amour fewl.pinn 'on 215431,1M0 toil; momenta,. =nada antoet fr ee bt, ?Very" -mmatry. Tear oollebrd . %boredom. le of uniform] interest. Bat, If gout liberty is eve r ts. Iseeemd,rwe, 'deo freennerrof other countries, will coraN -and bring our riff* 101 Ise defeeee.', - (Charm) LOW imllea. Mink 101 l iron: MY Wart ter torr. esoollent roCoOtlOn. r 1 . erstrum RsrkLaLL . soye Londwo !cOrreiliontheni. the Sparkish GovernmentMita Je full career of reprices. resole. has published an gtancuty unlimited as arm ales= Of put • tlogan end- to the as 21arta6161 retoolleges of Ms Lieutenant, ar. ress the msted by the thocOoLod a nd skips them off to. Phdiplues or remando P.. Severn ' hundred or eight - hoodred prisoners have already been slipped from ° TIC Do Ow s pekCl CONOI.IIII ' AID TEM /WISC. 00111.11.11117. The Pull COrrarnOadanCe of pg htue gam: . Ism informed that the _. tioverummt. intimated to - the' G derti =thread= that. ir regardslace Con. *ran air meeting Of 'Coll ts arsinet France and as Mu-action o 1 that Centrality wlikdilattlaffliThditicre of the eiGtence of the Swiss Deffublie.' Thla a the. explana tion of the =ohms smut by Jules Fevre and Vither.W.Cerettp,oh. fof 1661:4orvattend . • • • ,F1.11•11.111L AND COD.IIIEIICI . . , Loewy September I{-6ernlng-Consols el 7111: U. S. Dm.; 1336 .111inuts Central, DX; Erie, 4156: No quotationaof American Securities -reacimd over • the Cable from New York to4lay, • Wirirearihoptokilhir thrfoeffinp-tire -Twenties:746C -.. • hommay, eeptember 64--/fcrublotiihtdO. - : '11,=4.01/1„.or IttEcos log-lf.ar ' kits unchanged; 'doll lOW laver; Sales s2looo. ' 0110.4=4 upisnds at W.fit Orleans Advicor 'from Mob, thaw aim usffavorable. .Dreadetuff• finer eh Whits Callforolet-wheat ISt and Id. Feu 460 6d. Com Cis. °Barley bad oats nu. thanipoll, Frovialpurniset dentin= t0.a1 . 1 TAM sidlanlied tO 1141 Pork 71s. lie 6d. Cheese tall; nce -Spirits cW'o. Wolin= advaselidlolldt rapper! 4 sorra-, fl.wila:11I111•1 1 d 1641 ta:Tslops9ll to Itko Titubsixt! siettea . .Nls.wAvzsi.Wl o .. B aPtala bel of with. furstenre mgartfaatillrx, : Corner Nuali and Vises stowl" ..I. l3 urnod alsta. Lou ;arty thousatlel.O.ollarte 2(0 , WEDNESDAY. izp, 1867. !!:o: 77 0 13 nAtarOtT . Te1eva40114441m,P14401;g14 40444k-1 , ;,4 0VA1419,4,4'44.44. Seotemtior 24, 484 - i., id • utima. • . . . , . . , lEgliiilariioitionsint - . .MN Pe Pisa: ,solo;Sreuleitaria3 o • ib":ifra 4s 7 ,2l t t panne of the AisiodlatlOnlth • s far. Ile nee acknoelegeil np° ilnallea• • e r!pzelvis cd. Mehl donatloics 14;4' 4 01 Ag- prlwilpo.l clues In the lioidn.r. , The':. ... • Sant pros: =tare twenty thousand do Icce per day. Applications froweLnty laecnles worn ran'. 'stored firds.i, til ininentyrh m every ckm aantel3ll4.* n n She: 4 7 4 .bfrL I ,- de a l " a "' onlhe Increase. From these ewe s win pp . 1 40914 . M.!Allititr: h 4 4 11 2. 1 ale from t....., 13214 • Or ti......... fr eVei, whemPflieartailill :1413oelattort In Nam, Orleans bale been extending It. .1d to ttre ,iareqtell Clissztip4 ttkogltl.e,„ ""'"" stscrr io 'Ns .14tV,Eloirlj." The Stepan% ynhllshed yestordey oer , laing, the ant tplepttoaetelpated .postponei the h, nalt wee limn, las not yet had any correspondents With th e military smathsawdert ooh :tie Mib• jut. Aeoording to the President, he soui filuAliraitt meueed,thstance iteSe. 'theta& twi tette, trot althOughatfiselleiMd toMme been known for eeVeral. ityeclien. Grana nas as yert, tato:400110os. the matter. and It blotted ouseeant , ol6-• fromthe War proertmant th et he will o r Mather , la she way of orderisisp or suggesting, but t will leave everything o theylumnip, ecconairrin=nt. Of the Otos. tion,/filr. Johnson wants postennemealF, will be compellal,lo Ord late erit on eoenaria r7= 4 : U 1 LI Upon recommendation of the indleat..llo-. man the Secretary of the Intoner hoed , rectal Chet the Rey for tee Onnjd. Ina paws, Seneca ud Wheal SW trans ferred from th e is Se perletendeeer h ea ~,. An Atchison telrygram . from 110n..11, Taylor, Commoner of Indian Affairs's , . rhirW , h‘f..rteftleat .0210 e TAU morwhiff,, date 4 OWl'SW.,ll.da,i Says: "Oar ommell with ther Allaf Mpg Illittth Moto wee per. featly" eattsfecterjr;74,hd the orreoetts:of , peace with the Indians are more flatterLeir than.l4:l„,,,, Thl b A o r.C .m hT, tr i = eriVirltro MUMS'. If the other Utees" 11' nOt. Welke peace. to - setlagene: there if the Govermmtht will fe re la h *Mot i rgrt". t, r. Terf?tent.zertt literfh?; l / 2 10foorte swam Iwo wee 00010 0* kno hii.bw raved' Our Count et Malaga writes that the apightsliGOngereesia nrered tho whole' of the Union" grates Its I with chiller/I and yeilow foyer, men 10 oentaltienro., l ll4, viieseleatriving, tram porta Oc,, the tTratefl ItiMMuet Vek . MwM ted , wart quaritatme. sr.romrosil torus raor laota.mvx Wainer to gollapl waffles to the Seeretaryof lltatethat triergle no , founds- Lion tor the rumor that seventy.flve ' Ilene had been left In Holland to descend-' enter' oiseAtafillAreff, 4 racers roe yrirtiiia rosy.. Tho following order has been issued , - UututithlearY Gettasat Of auhalstoneo t0ppir.1,140.44 , vedol 154 degree, leglifilainevrallyseattisSailosel fruftl; vegetables, de., for sale to the attain cope mending. Officers of companies are an. Itiort.sal...to, buy such supglles foe their t ds auhor. load to Molt the 1/11101:1114 of these Isles whenever abuse, of the ,Ftvjlege Imola FlysittSs siPlgeftligie. ( i • • "krillrld3l3oifidl 07 Irrrerifei...... The Retiring Board or Army °Meeto eibb bare..limion; to swims W khGanelPhh. 100 Immo tloll4, ',Mr dinner , 'by direcalon or Genera; Grant. The tellavong etneers ire detaliell as Members of the Ilettrnor Board to eonvemb leiblene Tarim , key, Gen. ook, Biltitesel:Gardnet: ..Yan,eatWy. tinny y. Gen. WOW, Ont.' Gen. W. .1. Sloan. Want, Cept..sanser., , • Eor.the weet,..encling, nt October .P.t ?AI pat. , 'etote 1.40 Mtn 'llonstd Yre.' th e Patent, 01:Dee. NNW YORK qr:reialliallijezh:rtssa rah w loan. 800. n 3 q l, koailuoticstAWr, 'iiev:if.oiArtrco s tyci,6t atfelib:ilbotasvd before the Upend Christian VMS* illat night. .' muter wenlllltralle'Perionn The new Worklnignieree Dome was open . Tor public impoction to-day. and wet must praised. 49 The excitement over the now Treasury K about bonded waranonsee, to subetdlow. belleved there wLII befall °coo petion !Wall able . thi onmPlat el* litia order. . wove paroll,Toe 11111111:111; , . 1=11.1414.4 r!,POrt.d • . Tai-tow 14,111 r. A dinta