TEE DAILY GAZETTE rU, svitir . mamma sammia.)-. . ' REAM 41c. COy • 7 .raNinauar v. 7. vovavc.. • KUM •.. _ . enrsFa, 4}AzzTrz sumuusa. AIM $6 rirrn OUZEL 4164 Reptikas hpa d Vain husylual OPFlcau PAPER OP prrreinnum LIID ALLEGRO/ mr. LARGO? OHLAPAST ud scar YAM= Itlt cusitzkoiAL ?Arra Ls Um ems. Tux' Ca Tao DAUM: a anti. p u t p.kr O. *44l,ree , s, .• • SARRON, pittAntrgij Gairits CONVERSION , OP DEMOCRATS. There was a time in thla oeuntry when 14word democracy was need: 41 Pend' eid terldiobsgiin Its primitive - ander - ptcqulate simalfitation. The word ern ployed 10 designate the thing, corres ponded to the nature of the thing itself. Pore long ,while this has not been so. Dettiociltcy; instead of implying Gov ' eriintent by all file people or they trho liter ind 'uphold each Gc;vernment, has --come to mean Government fotutdee on eaete,,rank, complexion and what not. lior4o leading Democrats, in their pri. rite. meditations and axial frankness, confine themselves to expressing a desire 'for the exclusion of the blacks from par- "ticipatiou h public affair& Nothing in - ,, ltuaiocoteriSit , thosi to hear prim:anent .4kuleoentit list the freedom Ot primate Intaro?arse,!expreea the wish that whit they call "the low Irish," could be de , ,ban'esd4rOM political rights. We have .4tOnierseivilth many who did not atop *. - Amea Were, but Weft on, paring down, • iattilsto`wOre Was left In their theory ''.orDemoctrsoy than can be fouid in the s s itiittish iv:sunnily. Of course they would not make• public proclamation of Slum TiOWS, for that would . loosen their hold upon the chuineodOnotineed., Irtionerhacntspl, the, lettercarritten feCteldelment,MMAi.liowlos Times, atillaithalrfq,by, Mr. Rosstrz, foaled :.l tit : Ilemoriats = u Mr. Horan° 8.171101:111 and /11'. FILICSANDO W9OD did nothealhtte to say to hlnxixt prese:eee 01 :4;4211140 . 4 , i11tiCh, ' 141 we hen el - :reedy ,anirwl... This was , the itch the , Nentbunt Democrats caught from.thela SkittietTOCliclites. "It is a loglcal di the same theory that shuts the blacks outeda the pee of polities' immunitlen . • - , , or Bawl C u itikui,..ieceatly made a deliverance of ,4 ' , the 'sew 'light ptiO Li in- hint in these ""wends; The StAdes arocomnctent to 'confer citizenaltip . on the . -negro, and I think it is the part of wisdom that such action should be taken by the Southern States. We have recognized the feeedo . nt of. the ,blacks, and have prided this Tact beyond all proWbility.sf doubt; dental or recall. Let as xecogni. in the eamefrank man. nex, and ea -fully,. their political rights also. For, myself -I. confess that lam perfectly willing to bee a Constitution adopted by our Bute conferring the elec tive franchise op the negro, on precisely - the macho terns as it is to be exercised by . the white man." yllderollows ttip irievltahle few years ago Democratic orators went about with well thumbed and dog-eared giblai baymovii•thit slayer" was a be nigtiimd.9liod•orditined . instltiation, de ; t,irttakto_thernasteraand benevolent to the Oswalt...May have ceased that am , plciitnent. lirdene and =nen the old • ADZRm. gilibilqs . and .4 cherished; fust as tlpsdlotruni Mowry was retatped In the iiiialrlxte'of isiicletratnong the cone trireeit, WhO were tnown to the speech of Italy ea pagans, *inn" their - 'pieces of residence, long. afterli seised - lo be Olp. Barred In the maropalls'of Alia other Now the democrstic 'ion= of. exact :- stiaii's' fluda ieit in decrying - ' negro 7143,recreatimi is not destined , tolasti Ike 'a few years or months something may sil l ,bedone at It; but no dog ter baying tbe indon was ever able to vit it. into his maw or frighten it away. 4 "Whatever bitehea there may be In the movement, the blacks will aid matelrvibi Viittlie - same conditions as white men, and • the democratic leaden .11131 'abate:filar Juicy Piell ooo trioneo 1°1?•te44494 ears as to Plooso . ; 111 9 other • edit of freemen: Btaires 'there ete four zonlioutioreafranchhied blaulti:' Eight hundred thousand ballots, to be won, or bits!, or . divided,. exhale odors enough to i.:- .. meniaire tram deinocratle"nostrils the of teneluattlirria emitted by eighthundred thousand black skina • Beltmterest will '-;•itieckllly lawn' the 'democrats good Man ners towards .the Mack race, of which they are now totally destitute. Ma. EaurrT, the Republican candi date for Site Senator, is a practical me chanic. Re served( a regular appren tiCeship; worked as a jeurneyman; and lanoweiga, ;psi supciintending his busbient is s bobk mid job printer. Hie habits, asaociatlonsatudincts andapripa tide; have always been with those who Ira engaged in manual labor. Mr. BIM; the Workingmen's candi date for' State Senator, is not a laboring mania any such serum, or in any sense in which tke Trade Unions employ that phrase. He lea profesiional man, who makes a iiiellhood by his learning.' We take it for granted that he Is nova mem ber of arty. Trade Union, and cannot be emcept in a Plokwicklan way. We do not Rutin:de thisannparison to &mune Mr. Boor. We put all honor upon genuine work of whatever kind it may be; but wo do not see with what conalateorcy -he is brought forward as specially entitled to represent the Trade Hrtions,.whlie a life-long worker, such aa Mr. Eantrrr isrejected. Tux Rim . Hama= Jontsson, will take his Mud departure from this tilt: this morning, bearing with him not (oily the benedictions of his late church . taut people, but of thousands of others who have learned to love him for his no ble finalities and generous labors. CM !Wards,' evening last some of tie , Toung men who have been under his lidtdstrfrpresented him, as a slight tea timonlal of their regard. forty-dye Tel - untes'of historical works, embiscingseuf an Promeett, Motley, 'Fronde, Oludyla and Biam-oft. ix the. Cincinnati Congressional Dia- CO'lot the 'gambit= candidate for Con grow. Richard , Smith, who hoe boen a worker all his dayi. , The Trade Thrionl aro wrorforthrg his competitor, ,Clentral S. F. Carry; who never did. • Asy's work at anfinatural employment, in Ma we, This is Making a bald farce of the idea of {corking men standing by ettat'othee. Tog Piaddent 1111120111aM that herbal' giotkd dlimocratic ',t:ilutemba tba 0 00 . *net soon be held ea an endorsement 0411 a policy,. and proiced accordingly. It ka Well enough for him to wait for tioputar approval, for he needs it bed 'enough; but ho will weary in waiting, -1 9 11C 111 ./.9 tip o A rekings'lvinss. - ' Tmn Prevnleuce, - ot &chum is Louis'. • • eas tie* he stems...to(' by the necessity the electiOi until the Wired], fitteen thcitusuld of thus 'betsig confined to their Itsises. • will the women think of this, .thactSatinekniof an oditotial in the Now York Gar.dle, on the test, " Let us hare Pinny Women"? " Tilts country has mo.gratatbr want at the present limo than that, of plump girls and plump women. rat' us base them plump and healthy, whether they know anything or not, We can their children what they don't know, incewm l 7: byall means let. us have blooming, solid wonten. The Fa _ cLfic p rail:cad a o not half as important t6ag- the this u - gregaust voirda f pois of cou Its ntry WoMen.th e The Somali sax of Amerioa.ought to Walsh sat Wait half as much again' as It does posr,r • , • . \, \ . 4...,, . . . . -A lkli ts sift, ~, _ • _•:t.•..:._. :, :: , ..,--„ , a4moßft,;-....178 -__ ..- - . . -t - i-ktalzi.P. - .. :- . . --)11 1 / 1 ,;,..i.,-, . 11 - A,,,,-..\ .._ ---,.; -- „,, . . .. • . .-.-..-.„. -.-„..... 1 ---,,,-4.1- ..,...._ - -y.....-.4 it t- : . ~.. ~..k . v o. _ ~ 1 5i_____4_,.... 5 *,.... f .-.,:,.,..„:„,.,_ r c,, __ wiL fr--........ r4 ..... 7 :,;,,...„.....„..... g .-__ ~...._:„.,. ...a...,, i ,,,„: ..........„......... 0,... ;.,.. 1 . ir , „._ , . , 1 -_-______ __-,......-__ • .• . . . , . . . _ VOLUME 220 1I = Barron GAZETTE a Gilmore and ever consistent friend of Trades Unions, a member of one of them, and a work ingman le all my sympathies and attach. meats, I have camitilly and with deep 'anxiety watched I and considered each step In the inception and development of the Labor Reforms Party. -I am not a politician—not as officeholder or fifties —ln short,• only linteiested in political mattersas &native American citizen who loves hiecountry. Ido not consider the Republican, Party- imma c ulate, but bo ilers it has been guilty of! alas of orals sion and commission; yet I regard the Republican Party is the instrument in Divine hindi of saving my own native land.from diarimtion, and possibly from destruction, and hence I love the Repub lic= Party its faults. Any new Party to win me from Its ranks most possess all its virtues and be reft only of its faults : . . Now, how Is it with the new party? That most °flint pirtlClPAnti kat , WPM' Jailors regard it as an honest, earnest effort for the- cdevatien of The working classes, Ism convinced; but I am equal ly confident that there lea hidden agettcy of the roost subtle and 'dangerous char acter so skillfhlly hidden as to be on peresAved by the sass of the Tarty—an agency which seeks to use the honed, purehearted workingmen for the further ing_ of schemes from which - (if not so well concealed) they would turn with loathing 'and disgnst. Those who have studied the political history of this - conntry during all its past must hate realized that the fo.called Democratic party , has ever phown the craft and subtlety of the father of Iles Muer. By .means of its ,wondrone canning, more wonderful than witch- craft, It has frequently used some of the. purest •and most upright and loyal of citizens in attaining its infamous aims and feathering its fell designs. 'TO understand the modus oirerandi by which men who loathe and even bate the so-called Democritic party, have been led to give it Indirect aid end sup port, we need go no further back in bia-' tory than the Presidential campaign, of lipo. No max tan be so • blind as tO ay at this:day that the said party fully (though unsuccemfelly, thank God) tuasti the third. party as a means 'of ra dii:Eng the vote for Lincoln and Hamlin. I lay unsuccessfUlly, because the redac tion was not anfliclent to prevent their 'eliction, end thus the design of the scheme failed. I do not claim that .all who voted (or• Bell and Everett would have voted for Lincoln and Hamlin; if left - to choose between them and Breath ridge and Lane; bat all candid men must acknowledge that not one In ten of the entire number could have been indu ced, snider any conceivable circumstances, to esittheir ballots directly for the Demo. calk nominee. Had It been cossiblo to ..asmvince the well-meaning of the Bell and Everett men that every vote for their favorites was encouragement and indirect support of the Democrats, a vast malorlty of them would have helped to swell the glorious majority for Lincoln and Hamlin. I was ' at that time a member of th e Native American Party, but could not follow my party into even negative support of the Democratic as pirtr ighty. Subsequent events proved that I w . Now; it has been charged that: the or ganization of a Third Petty at this time is a Copperhead mancenver to break up or cripple the Republican party. To this clutrgoteveral replies hive been at tempted le, the organ of the, Labor Re form, but these replies only prove • that, while most of the supporters of this 'Third Party are honest and conicientions in 'believing otherwise; the charge is true. A goose Ogg brings Roth e. goose; even if hatched under a ben; so this par es la a Copperhead offspring though hnuat men have been aiding in its Incubation. Flrst, The organ tells us that the Dem ocratic party, through its organ, the Port, Is violent in denouncing the new Part/ . Of counsel For the Democratic party openly to favor the new party would be strangling the Infant to its very - cradle. The aforesaid Democratic cunning will not permit it to make Such a blunder as to avow its relationship. The organ most not get so 'vexed at the Pod, for the Peet ottlysseeks to advance - the new Party, and rails at it only the mote ef fectually to 'blind the Republican work ingmen Into its sapoort. Sneed—The Advocate tells us that nine of the thirteen candidates nomi nated by the Labor Reform party have been Reintblicana • 'Of course; to cut the Republican votes, would It be in accordance with the can ning alluded to, to offer palpable Demo cratic bait? The Democratic party Is altogether too cute to permit the little Innocent to' strangle itself In Ten at tempts to swallow a Democratic ticket. flow many Republicans could have been Induced to vote a Democratic ticket even under the assumed name of "Labor Re- , form Ticket?" The conning of the Democratic party is equally seen IA the selection of three or fear Democrats as autdidates, not to catch-. Democratic rotes, divere not wanted)bat the bet, ter to workingmen into the be that the movement is really what it seems, and antagonistic thboth the old are told tharthe great ma jority of the members of the new Party have been Republicans; that the Chair man and a majority' of the 'officers and members of the late Convention were Republicans.. Of course! This only shows how skillfully the Democratic Party works. The design is to ..weaken the-RepubUtan Party, -not the 'Democratic, and , to do this the recruits in the now Party must mainly be taken from the 'fanner. Megan. Editors, Mime, in conclusion, 'repeat that I feel assured that many;of the members of the neworty, and even some of its candidates are kcmest in call ing it the " Labor Reform Party." Ido not believe the editor of the organ to be of this number. •He is evidently in the secret; Re is not slow in showing jut what it. Hie whole puny artillery awns to be levelled at the Republican party, and his aim is clear to draw sup port from thi Republican party and to keep the Democratic party. mnbroken; For proof, we need but refer to his ef torts to prove that the Labor party is controlled by Republicans. If he wished to win votes for his ticket from the Dem • otratic party, he would hardly make so prominent-the tact that nine of the thir teen candidates thereon Dave been Re publicans. .L. 31: Vie Extra. Botulty ;WasldrigtOn correspondent of the Ifeveltork Iferaid gives to that Journal, Nun official sources, soma Tellable in tern-Awn with regard to the soldiers' extra bo_lted 7. lie staid that from the , Ist of January, 1867, - up to the 16th of the Pretext month, there have been re ceived and recorded at the Paymaster Gemerare bake-801,039 a:mitt:Wens for additional bounty, of which 33,101 re main unrecorded ; but these, it is said, will be recorded by the middle of next month. . All .'applithrdono received by the Paymaster General prior to April 1, 1867, will have been referred and wait ing evidence from the Second Auditor's office 1:y the let ofOctobar. Applications for the additional bounty, in obedience to the requirement/of the law after hay tag been examined and recor ded 'in the Pay Department, have to be referred to the Second Auditor for the military Ida ' tory of the dab:manta as it Appears on the ' master rolls in that of The Becouo Auditor has furnished to the Pay De partment each returns at the rate of from twelve thousand to fifteen thousand per month, but seventy six thousand appli cations are dill in the Second Auditor's oilice awaiting the proper evidence to secure their settlement by the, Pay De. partment. The division of referred claims of the Pay Departmamt, which la entrusted with the settlement of claims for this bounty, has paid them as rapidly as claims have been received from th-,, Second Auditor's °Woe. This division has, dew the Ist of Janturry, 1807, re. Jetted 7,346 applicatletirs,stnd settled the 1 1 claims of 87,863 applicants. Its die bursements /Waite earth, dite in the payment of these claims amount to K. 883 304:. This labor has been woni dud at the cost to the Governmeht, uding.expenser of every thwarter, the .pay . -of officers. and clerks, rent of bnilftssi , of eighty-two aats..for 1118111DITIOi '9411'n141"! MIDNIGHT. WASHINGTON CITY, By le legraPb to the Plttsbnroh Elosatta7l Wasorspros. 80D5121;19t7. rat oscetten rouxisAurtnisys t is. • The business which'oectorted tiattetten 'thm of Sir. 'Frederick Dritee' just' before leaving Wasnington Was that neletthe to the Claims of the. United iitsteg INptinst tintatAlritain, owing to rebel deli:Motions and cinestione growing out of the Fenian movements, Involving . the condition .of prisoners In the . .bands :Of Her, liejesnrs GPVerioltwlL HOTOILB TO 1.1“/...•41OT CT Tae EDIMIASS. The Nary Department has neeelved lengthy dispatch from Admiral Farrairot, giving an scaiiini of tkiiilitc iinhe Huai= Iran clad fleet Vroog 8115nosal ty. his equagron on the .30th of August. West honors were .hald ode *heels and mincers. The gush= signal order of the day con. tams under the signal flag the tusenption, both in the English and linstlan language: 'Let os remember the.gittriona example of Fivragut and his followers at Nes. orlems and Montle." In the evening every vessel in the Rosman- squadron was brightly lila mtnatea.-Yarrarutanspeerted the litinlan fleet next day. On the afternoon of the Lt of septesober, amidst mimes end tsbearing Ihma , b o Ul squadrons,. he tailed. for Steel. hoolm. whore he Wised. en 0110 ;51 Of Soik tember. 1•11611111% .1101[ Tns 1.11 t.. narentat. Late Assietint Secretary of the 'lo7 Fox has presented, through the atateiDe .rtment, to the library of the fitalthsoutan inethate, *learnable. W 021.1130114 of boob* given him by the Emperor during hie visit to Russia. Some are extremely valuable. Only %few personally presented to Kr. fox by the Emperor axe retained by him, under authority of a Congressional remilntion. The donation embraces ono hundred and alny.nlne yolnmes. • , non. oilsthron Thequatibirnaster Esnexathsoinhinkii oratalninl a r Of trio aOld 51ko dl ed lode Of the ArneagrastUninn. Intetd , onal Cemeteries at Chattanooga, !item, Eden and EnoxvlEe. - TIM LAI. 017... : Commiesloner Prima, of the General Land (Mice, has received the Anal returns of the enrver of the firma and Little Osage Ludt= lands, ceded: ,in trust to the United I,icauii, lying 640 . 0; the dirliarusse mar: 81.40 P The Caop at war Dila reached Anna** yastartlat. • INDIAN 'BAUD! DISIISIL acuity II pronoutree. the - charms of tlrti:ll=ns,st l atedtrave been t Mast With by John W. nOtittl, to be maliciously false! In the corruponden. published between. Judge Kinney and Acting hinnnt Couttute , , sinner 14a,thelatter.fully mantel= Kinney, and say. no funds hate been planed m his hands, or those of other specie! COMM!. stoners, for the numbs.° of geode or pro. sent. for the Indians. TITZ JOUR PaRTISVS Daps,. , • Theis baa bees ns denims to she two of Gen. hits John :Porter;wboas, atilt reader osilalderimou by the R =s4 : . General, 111 oonneetlon Ricb objections:PM Gen. P.P.. who considers himself a party m the cue. • TALLOW /7.0140014. ♦dlspatch toile War Department. Dine Dry Tortuga.. my. id►Jor Stone arrived. Dom Fort Jefereon and leyery sick. Dr. Smithson and late Col. it. P. Smith. of Wash. lantern, dial on Wedneeday. Limit. Orr dled on the hith. Sickness Is not aisettpg at rartimmiwt , rn 'Tine Si lrr. Gene. Sherld., Hancock gindlEapin. mid Hon. W. E. Pnbinson bad an Intervleer eriM the President today. SIIIMIRDAX AID SICIELIN 11IILINADT.D. Generale SherlJan and Sickles we're s. • Waded tc!alskS and:made maxims in Sliense. ' •- ' • CALIFORNIA :NY Teleavaim so Me gfitenerils Ossetic.) Saz*Anculoo September A Itc7. AtmPAn . „ or lisly , ,xeinlVgaici AND 1,6.1101- 11011.11-12TZUBT OONCIULNINO ALASKA. Arrived yesterday: The steamship Ma ramerito, front ,Panarns, with passenger* Fnsreallewhlch lettNew Terlypialgie Ist Ittit: Amnon the passenger. are hesitant mil W. 8. Dodge, Veltedes Revenue Collector for Alaska, who mils on the John L. Stevens In a few days [with • detachment of %mope for the ter territory. Several itmerious families altio•go on the Stevens. Mach attention Is being paid to Alaska by enterprbilegelitsens of ban Yrs/a. warmest ADVICISS. ' The Sacramento'• Brings front 'lean:lMO McLean advlces to the Mth nit. - •Joares had directed that Ortega should remain In prison until Congress meets Is November. CIVATEA.T. PACITIC 11•31....0ArA VLOO‘IIII.IS. , The Central Pacific Railroad is graded to the Nevada lice, arid the. workmen_ have 'Mined further East.. t ~• • : SAS Faaacteco , Sept. 23.—. Gen. Rousseau goes to Sitka this went In the Omlppee, In &WWI of the John L. Stevens. 0.. .Ten. C. •Devis tsC. on um latter,witis *detachment of troops. A Ilr• on Clay and Mare/Ants' timed, On retorday night, destroylken mid storm. 'Loss. ril, es Mostly 'small frame buildings. Firer have been very nu. merene lately and are am - nested to omen. Maxim. resulting from over tenuous.. The first earthquake aback felt.lis twelve months was noticed last evening. It was dialect that slight. a The construction of the it. wall of granite on Brooklyn Bock lemudation, for the protection of the harbor of San gran.. Macro. Le now fatUrlbiy the direction of the State Comma/donee It will extend along the whole olty front,. The Mexican onset news by the Hemamen. to le uniaPortant. Thirty vesselsarrived at Oda port In the last twenty-four boon, mostly coasters. Large eupplies of ROWS are nowstoing to the interior, partly for Nevada, Idaho and Montana. The dem►ad duties far last week we three hundred and atzteen. thousand dot -IwgeV tenders ire Annie all 1ei7034t, CINCINNATI. I =1 Cense. thy Tclertayh tone ?Mehl:men tinette.) Czaclanrs,SefLl3- , The fall; mesUng at the 'Buckeye Club" Cosine Cpeomt to-day with an attendance or nearly ten thotuntbd nanyle. Toe first race, Buckeye Ellskrs, three year olds, mile beats, wu won by semen's Fannie Cheatham, MMus the last two hears. Tlme , -Itt9 and 141. The 14nt beat waswon by Alexander's Newry. Time, lo the second race. Burnet Hone manes slboo, three mile heats, for all was, Itawolver, IA Hard, tlstursimantDukrf deans and 'Extra, etnted 31111C,rlori ;to two straight, Mate. Thniin and SAS. Lan caster wee lathed la tike drat heat and war' Inthdrawn. 10 the second heat Date. Of Orleans was second, Revolver third, and Le Paul fourth. , CAISTAIL6, 2 kly Telecrlob to In. rlttzborgb !Mutt& 3 Grasso, Sept. 22.—The stesmstilp Partici an, from Liverpool on the 12th, armed to ma thrrernor General arid funny Vat °s eem, the Vice fLoyel residence at .Ottawa early in October. , ' Toathrro, September I:l.—The re . poit. pre- Jruncial to the credit of the Commercial Bank are mitre', unfounded; Canaille., 'Ukrof at an banks at par. • " BOSTON I=l • • • wavers.' (Br Telegraph Inaba Plt Gale igh Oisettal llourroa, September , 111. The renewing gentlemen act am pall berer. at theftlneral of btr grenerfele Brune tOZlttorroarr! BnUock,'Monaleuilliarthinfr; Frenehlflatilt. ter, Senator Sumner, A. J. Pratt, of the Slate Department, Hon. 'meet Hooper. Igenr9 W. Longfellow, ItlrJtarctS.llstyard, and Mayor Soreroes." Tbe Motto= 1100ae will be cloaca Irma ten o'clock Ull ono, Tire 313 . 11143.3 Tri4, Mew Mork. CUT Telegrapb tette rittlhargh Tao', N. Y., Sept. 23 —About one mllliOn feet of lumber were deatroyod Cut night ln Um yard of J. R. freeman Co., West Troy, valued at 430,0:0; maurnnoa light. TWO boos. belonglog to Mr. Porter, 081.12130,a1 113^ were burned. flee, Bbuldsna •1 Ptuladeippi. morrow. LB? Telegraph to the l'lttaborek wi r ll h e h ew a ehl nietp n t. : 0 72 n 1 •Wn . evaz an resat rblisdelplaa ptt oixo'cloek r.ar. Preis &rations ace snaking for lale reception._ Ravings Dank Dabbed 1147eIrgo soh to sae I'ldabor.b rrarlati.) POOll4Ol , 6,4,1.U—rh0 aaTisa. Babk lo Earrray.: rtelage was robbed on List4/11119 olgbt of °Jere* or twelve tbourand dollar 111r00r.7 000 04diatends, The rogues aro not pet takeb.. . , lriewasals/ Bsaloter Dead, jewspti to ace l'ltzsounti UnasLW.] mormsuia, •PepteNber.2ll,4lol3. Mud E. Conn'. R.glster or the United SWAMI Treasury. alai si,ilavarhl:l, nem.l4.2p. ahlre,astorday wham. Clear We was au =:MI2 (By Tategnmitethe Nttobtagli GigAu.] PIITLADSLTHIA, Sept. M.—ln the match to day, between tJA Attarttloe. brocadtm sad the Attilettril at tote City, the hau n t woo. Beare, twaniT 44 14 , 414. 01, ekes- Byes% Ys the Eels CestaL [IIY Tategraett to the Mtlibalia9itettel. • dram. Sept. (3—A break hes cawalmed II the Erie canal 01111 , 0 n• mile. West et Yeltobellle. It iallatdrettl TnadabY idoststat to Um PlitOlbSithaltt•ai lostrtssuis. Wt. U.—Tb• rty= IS stiblob• err 'sub tbestrllve. lbsbas or SSW la tbs. PITTSBURGH, TUES DAY, SEPTEMBER, -, 24, 1867 • Lattkiii Wreili r rlfldelPSl. Union . LAWS•wilMibe Istiposeemeni of 110.5 ••/ 1 • (041,e#1,34pruitutee PlUabnc6l.olsett..2 -Our Mende bore - '!worlang watousii lud 4. 1 !4 1100 7.17# 11 P.-IPV.krAPLI° 2 , 41*- ' gatisfaattOn with the lasi Ockst,,but nosh; jog that sertinikiieeeitireWienu re. sun, Tbagrreat FaStousi . lams At a reeegiineetilik it the Union Lear.° et VU l l.cdtithe - Vllnvini 'WIRY - r mlu t icn was adopted i r',4,eired ieg,iTiett the Sole Venn Of litrepedpie apainSPthe *Thintplinis ' sinedy of the ebiet trere= " 2 '.4 3fredtan 'r -•-, That •Rh is view to the exercise of the .PentiPie Mildnuoinifilst, ad Mouse ot An. resentativee havelarigat to mnstiglite :the conduct of all poplin officers under the iroi , ernment, and in nub a ease, run man or nissurenuors reasurnan t =ndMie Elw . ts untie House In pumnit Mt: is •ob• 'noshes themoeliseeret of: he aantive depart:neut.—Jinn E. Patti ~., That the abuse at pot 'centered ithet the President may be as crintinaL at :the itiltinetteleaofikereg i whine hadt t lion teen granted, and would itistify the Return of Represents:nen in vothig,lte id 2 Pintetw' inant.-i.ratur 'Bdrhortirs; '' • .. That a wanton restored ot via:thick:is Om 'i.retri re 11 7 a the tim e Vii=mer of ig moral from his own high trust a n d ..—Mene • : Tble, bold' *Mind . Won OP , thef, Palo Lan.° on the—subien of Impeachment gives general satiilactlon,andima strength. nod the Republican party. Men feel Mac tbe only safe coursers to go forward—int : tags darityte. , wl i t g Men utalut Intimpt, ori - Mriart is to be prevented.. 1 This grave business must be entaredupon calmly and solemnly, and without swaddle Vienna , of hasltelladi Or rtellegnif, no all Are ' avorthrgninis l e g ra i lidi l leg% through their representatives Is Cu bell and bitter thing to themselves. The raters of the Boutltnarneig aux see their oast; hut Andrew Tqlnlion ,anel, ithatooperlthad'ad• viziers seem isegavalorgollern toot, and ; re• quire a lesson for tbeirown especial beset. Let them have It. ,‘ltho meantime the `people have a neat Wert tceddi !Lanai is to Ming out /among null basspprict ef the rint. It well not do tO shut melee to tire fact that the country c Ism areas rth that we have a man at the =hesit% a governmente r icke t d nit Vet W ri ellisVadoc h riL Either he moat be taught that be M not supreme; or wommitn osoternitoyl4l.l up all pre unmans (teem( whim peons. I=3 ' emote Yellow river 11 1 / a ckbstrn„ who hair.: thread to the tinittid suqac from Clott4W unanetim ' Azdieulaslon, far con sPllllo7 to murder their comrades by sand. log Infected clouting to them during the 1.111...741111114MM10N trll=be ire doles zr the "hills Legation, since the death of Sly Frederick Bruce. *IU es perfeetned..by-Fraachs.Adausecthe first Wiiftestiant. SllCAttlagb -Gonsriumwd eot at present appoint • successor. • —lt t understood that Gen, Mower *lll tibotocohitheolitotiohip m 141tidithe, taw kis tint lithert• fu Novembir:ditifitb rho yellow fever. It Ls also understood' that 'Qom. 4 nost Nerlsweeithlthe President that aIY the Southern elections *hall take pt.oe on the seine day, though both are of opin ion that they have no control over the may tt.botoir ldv *athrolvto the -Wang& Coonetallets.• ,•, • 0,1,1 —Corresponderoce from Mexico to &vim. ,tlet2th CtlitcahltttlireitalitioLlishill hin had arrived at the City of Mexico, Ind roar notehtlarlhosdlaf tbetiffnehlittirotaied Adrotrel Tegetnotrs way, there ire, ecorr probability .that the of vroold be delbeethe to the envoy of the dtuftrten Imperial .I..totons. adopted at the iltetno: . !.I?ttiE .. - Genisfrvei4w_ meeting at Blade.- burgeen Saitithay,latidgintrowJebusonior blegmtriothon and purity regarding canon streetton4 applauding In the highest degree histamine:lln removing Stanton, who wasan open and avowed enemy of reoCaultruCtion, JW and mposed to all Constitutional those inAteoe rirtie ltb 7 e n rM do mainge theirs; who h n grossly abused their powers; —E. C. Elliotte, Merchant.' Union Ex eitarips of the pain,' tel.l4g Yeeitreel am:which iefe Alhatiy stoMoT Wight, /a Weenie together_24th a'°../ Infm. , qltelirilmood..4 MOO. —The statement that flticJohn Porter h. beea appowed Shparlpiebiliet rle m e Asi r Stiltroact fru. Co ne= ••. ._.,.,,;jp;~rk~tipsie.;~ , ;. *laths i n=rout ~..e IteSTA OO .O 9 ,• fbT . , . Telerrovti.l.etutaterkh jaetcy . _lP.tfrhbeVir,af. • west ing of Coutiella to-day the oily taz rates wore divest oasdolllir ligra ft,dtfy eeitson oneluedred dollar. Last yearl rote ale four dollars cal fete hundred, hut-autos wide We mama:tent or Oreperty.. boa -beta *zet at the actual value. The total asitesamiat ata fiefdafal;4loo. ~• • . CUBA. t • Ens dettrtabitri It.tvArty September Pl:—Captats General Mumma la marred skk w - a ll 7. i i r m o s =op 6 :4; 1 4FL 43Andawitiamed GENERAL NEWS. j —The project of o new Congregationiii religlons,weekly In Newhaven has bon "..d°Rl4. —Vote. with the modem Demo6rtitle party, and you, vote for the septiltdion ccf-tha, lacaland del*. -- ... .hiiebptvoAi.baniitfgreleptinted. more to than over was sown In the State at any RlVViallil 11414.11011,.. . Pactitnir Ad. terildii= liutiAN is thy latest unattecessful dodge at Boston, to elude the vigilanee',.'conitabcdary seizures. B. 414 liertry Morgan, of Auburn, N. Y. Ifasti bunt a paxaonago fabled orsto,ooogbe the pastor of Bact church...Atte:Maws attend. ' —Dr. Holland fruseribes hie new poem," ae follows; t . „l -dedicate kathrina, the work bribeband, to Elit abeth, the wife of mr :boort} tialetßriavnerlialimithm the yield of galrb,4is , a lnt ho Pacific atria arm Territories. t $70,000,000, and & of i silver Istthieviiths,fitle,oll,ooo. .11 — as reoelved a letter from .11.1:r. Stasi:may permitting the, aof hia name in the list of coniribti: , ±421. 15 # 8 4.00..r. , • —Dr. Mudd, one - of the asemalnation conmplraton, has .bccome post- adrgeon 0=4' 01 41 : i f/ . i rria; 15 et , sr* _ —Among., the "IpArttlio manulie tuteral , 61 5 .15taliti qie-aiiticild that th e Ftperell Cotton Mills made loaf year'a rof.423s , SEln . nd" tbaleteepa ).!!.p.lls —Other frauds oaths revenue are re ported itrßoston and at. Buffalo, 'As lat prment amdnctedt onrAaveramettV.ap pears 40 be" toads available chiefly FOL. i nir P °6 "rg f ! hell4 i- ' ''( The wheat receipt' last week tiseminted aser one hundred .thotutead :bushels a diy, fifty per dent: more *law far the same petiod. lest yesr. —The late heasymitta lu the South-; west have quickened the exerthunisf the army worm, and the planters are In 'a Mateo? despair, Many are' turning attention tokaytitaking, —The wife 'of,Benittor' Who Maly submitted to a palatal and delicate gurgles' Operation-Au the removal of a cancettill not, doing well. add, hotels of ber recovery are entertained. . 11Int Malaga retakes of the new crop et:rived* iktappi pendny, the alai) that:ought 'them haylniphail a Isar .run twenty-elghl, ,eeblo raLslns rarely reach - - voiintrt Afore October. —The Toledo Blade expressos theoplo: lon that Hoe. E. It, Woohburne, Is aldetabbr , tropedologl the: lep4Tptiption witkcieepilea Grantl.builMW to •ble oonversatlon la on:memory and bogs Washburne to denial. • —Pont cilliEtlAu t ly e laL u x t wigs are eatab batted or the bene fit ofer7aFaepositora. 'They have lemon in extatence four years, and at the clone of MO held In de it, Including uccrutd 11 40Teet, 4 e4o,cuArmai &kr. i". 11.0 —According to tho Galveston Bat!Jelin otthe 10th, the toyer luul.uearlypslmust od the Thaterisit , amortho dndigent chums, and in sprmding among the higher. The News says the etroets are lively. with the number of convalescents. . . extratortfinery stegnettort of Pet-, "animate toporterlltria. 4 - v18441111 that tho recent ca artlat Em'perer . .Napolaaa ed aorin- Alitictl, — litid are Interpreted o Inilicate " 451 .9 n g. 4 "P t 'Ykff A° °t. Lba —Ort cht,that. the Chßego. pis about to clump eilltore antl propnetens:— that. Itrtibehati ticeriotto- of the *dhoti , of u 'o , P l Sturw,to to be the editAr or the N^ 4 lead that , Sr. Storey: te *bout to eontrolltng luU3roat Pt' the Now :York irprkt, : P a The Now crstld_ nfl that during thecae& twelve or fourteen years it has agent from 140,601 . 1656000 9r.epeq_al telegraphic deeoetchavatal u' lrA'Z'VePttlea r tkigu re r r it J uly tOr e 27 p t :: dergalehee from Europe over the 'eotble. • • ECOND PIER FOUR."O'K.,A. M. = FROM mworizi tßy iikleynkOi to the ' l • lttypisroil iYalette• . • zsiatjutn: ftiIIUIAL OP _A POLICIPICAS. dePtilmbei a.—Trio &beret. oyixdleqtriab Brett, *dm kali killed by the ribbOlt Birldedwtook plaie tddeyi eibd khe attended - ill eYdlteirs. 'Arrest' continue or parties Implicated In %ballot. ; r , PI.ASCIIC; r.! rz rEl•AflUnn Kam. Pmus. September Sttlito annual Parte =P / & ce "F 4 4 4 g cb"rt cOurri sthostianissoloihiiistruhca and the exeltement great. The great nu* of the day was Far the Grana`Prtre at Pans,- won by Patnetea;.^ - .AVINGII4I=O7AT au= xor* 6Sd k , . i.4; • Or - • • • Lamm, September 93—Latar advice. from hlo Mato that Mc allied forces had made no further &damson One their mama 'rsuli-- , Fom,lif,Mridlebalora the 'Plinianatail — ferttdcatiodi at ' — tfardalta. Wm. Mitre to In command of the combland Brazilian and .ILe antlno arpana. . MiM FLoactiteaptitatste tr:Garibatal Lli made Ida appliarff . tf . e astipzo t rlrtimPal '' ' • nasyv esis umew Youiniene. NEW Y 0.... SePtendhlElVvtbedi wee heavy vale In New Ftensiland this Mauer . noon and to•vdelltatall abjeltnen 'are" down. No later commercial nein reeelepd than, sent to tnairstederepajiti;""' iiirBlll2/11;1111k tteiciutiunim. iONDOV, September, 94 11.031 Untted States &ads, 7.4(t-Illtriol9, Ira; Erte. 4114. . Sturej a r .; nelemmed eek.• 9 m ortr,mw. • irrear=3eptember 111.—Noms.—Cotton bee IVtltkere. 00 1 8 rn bee A 4,4,2,4304 to 42ay Beet to laced. WOW. totte. - trzii [l!:l . 'elmirls. yth.:11t:3=117.0..Taz.n.17. ,The recall:meat slap BOOMS Ot U. 01,01 tar LS OMNI tblirslilliztOutt to 41.140:0:-:. Mr ANT° AND Arne* DMA°. Carson W. Clark, a wall /lawn actor tiled soddenly id 'heart Moamar. on 'Corday. . Horton.' edlter 41If the Dos Beak. Sled today of concoction Of the lungs. ssenrcirorlosi Airsirrassoar. -I Colnied clUsentert New task' all43broolt lyn celebrated the annivoriary of the =in clpatlon Proclamation today. There was grand parsde of colored 'troops sod loyal '4l4l".=e.Ysi .t",:„. call or c roe* 3' The examination of thetwe of Callitiott anti others, charged with "taring defrauded r wb f.tir=ut org e =he WACO. worth amnio mnrlvxmar. Irsai.mnaw I -4=3=l t tlre=e=lo u n , have their seised proWsoetl In bond Pon fholilehlhe ounple ty to abide the lune of the prOmonUm: e,tmeno , -atriy: seooycheo,.lle, melee ••• • The money reported loot by the Ater, chants Caton Tenresellas bun rear2ated. at le mkt Um , tneeilanywr ivhd :materna the money la Insane. Thin morning be wrote note to the asset or the;Company. desiring an Interview. The !omelette.' him at his hotel laboring under groat exeliamem% oI tMZZolti lle W i oltrtt: money taken. whack nal4 tee be only infthana,p,al.tania.tatintotiat. Samna/ lancheltaer, oioprlotar of . hat •nd. pp store, arrested on • change of set- UnIC SO .tni• predade. nhot hisnettit through the heart In the nation haul.. ‘. , ,..... rarc01tit or a CI...TYING nur. C4ii citiginiz Wi ttr °' a Pralsdolpron, nave tailed for jlo,torth GEORGIA:. ISternest as einivag Oat Jeep Ordere-.: ..' , Weillresipolsdeeleuri •.11eleteos'_g*dips , illiessweasesl Geieselil tepe—ThesSetstge , litagnessed IS IldaSlis awl Declines ID' Ttlanmania Ws Plttsauntil Gums/ AttegirriVllegLlSSlneigai needs of the Superior Coors write. to General Pope that hecannot curry oat the recent jury enviers; the tune being in violation of the laie of Georgia and State and Pedomil ConeUto tleigis.litoggi AMY nialintrithig registre• deli la entirety optional and not compd. tory, sad beause a man who may be other. I lo rettor j lt i diy b i algul=.l " le *ening on • Jury. e tentegal - Pays ;replies Shag theilllntary 'ltaligive him the right to ant Ulna any taw I of the Stara which comas to amllles with the military .„ bill,, QM.* itftrittOO and. ' fiftygler• wirenbpnied by virtue of the power, I rooted lb him - by Cantatas - I• ne arnaldnzi the Jury orders.. necessary to the extols tlpp of .thssnoonatructlon runs, India I:4- Waged law tlOn. ti e In _the aLas t uusier provtded . in th e Unnatltu queu en' I Presented to the Supreme Courestl tau dan that tritninal has decided it had on iutitdiotion. ' the further consideration of that question ' ny . the eutarininata mtiltarYpr imilittild ON. mos isacarvely stioilmobt.' General Pope I ...eluded by zintl.trlng Judge HADOSO to CU.. ry out hi. orders. .11sidgsBaese, in same:MP bates goes over slender ktOttld St at first,' arriving at the orol39lop e% U/10S that be man% =dorm to Ono. mda but nail cottUtana Pis Cluttes Oral" office as as .haretofore until ScoltiblosX ' Gen:Popethen tequelitell Judge neaten, tea**, whloh he/steam% rode. but sonsid tda , letters • - ea - positive . proldettieh • teat tetanal naleisi pawl?, - e=itapabileern. 0 , 313 Mina 'ttlii..rOttrenn of I t l , atratll4l;l%ll34C. pic avow la .7t3, of amain near OW.. _.- • : • :8 la litateltliegsi a elision itOfiltS Ara to be • anatentratal at Atlanta. :an it troops were removed Iraqi itoreto.day. •ir SAINT .LOUIS _ . IngingaVili ek lint troe ..' L mum rreigsta. (By Telegraph to the elttabeteh smite.] • ariliotneqleptetebet 124.—I0'the stallion race co.isv, over the trotting park Donne, between ;Will' Pedsr//01..Temple,ratchen, Bt. Foul and Clleord, for 100 dollars, beet 3 In 5, Atrltererd 4,,nze the .241, - ad: Sid oth twatetn slog 2,19, and 2,35. 11101 Temple wok the let and 4th heats In 2=34 sad rOn .110e1nesilly,• Brown George, Ina me nu, mace .111 trot again it Ilene rat calm (0 ratchet, to the Saddle torstpUrile otene Fbigis ge e ; iglas i airVero W . Id , Lac iak ed bn g,: - day as follows: Floor, potatoes..2.o.. whisky aler , per barreli oorn .sitenata GO Ambeetese Azar. hay and heavy 'freight CO cents; light do. $l,OO per 100 15s. Barge rates art, /0 Fonts on door, .&b , on pork, mite per auk for 1001 W lower than the above wtee per steamers, . _ TAa river. Is stlll faiths/ bete - with lass Ib4"4 rAr t° t l o 7 K % eO 4 lta P l A c itT" " " thaw peat 1 hatritter.l 111% awl a half fan. Thu Inman Is ragtag 111411[171sta%. Joseph, but 114 noSsalliolent to uznirlna navigation. 'Reatbar elan aaa getting warm again. • ,*MW WgaMtNa. Yellow Fewer gleoree—The Epldensfe -e Rot Aboclaw. , t Egitetegiiph to kb: ll ttteartb birdie.] New Oncit s Bept. —According to the- I =leal;ANtolssOrhya the ntitAlittrict tibia yellow fever (Sinn 'lts coln menoonsent to beturd ay morning was 1,114, the dentate during tbe..twenty4our boors endlng Sunday morning were slrtylelse, and for the twenty-tour hours ending bmorning, find.adrien And IselAut.9-elehti eta/ the n McAteer tbs. AnY lleo days ounce the epldentlo began., • SOUTHAZIEEMICA., - ' • ei Taloristai to me rlttsbuzsb Gasattte 'fI.IO.LL as 4a.+ 0 1 , 05 8 .70 4 —Dabs from , Veaeseula to the BOA Lave no,.fiea;l'istaterarlOalcon bad =bed at thetardiaL now..Forldri,/dinistib b Senor .7aelato. Pre:talent batierroz, of•Voipmela, arrived at Bogota on ahead that • V2X I WkIMA. ,:• • • 9.• Allre6 liamte.) • Septiszeber 921.—Gonanil Ileld hes mimed: atl4tlat =lst to.tbat of General WWI:, thU *elf extios notraro turod VVVSepartglloatti; • . Ir• How, /Over. IhS roriltiap tliteilshipkietbeEtttsborSDEbbeette.l Years.. Yoko; September St.—Ttie Ilmtett SUM" statanrrYnowarrynxt hots Peneseola watt the yellow fervor ea board. At eel em,storiractwer.,:lawor th e . w Mak of-Telleirreeet. - Thera Of Pim err= ; n.sitsc!Unsaidinto Iteves}. I din r" . 02.,Tignin0 . 11, VI • sun. .43failiza.ltn;.Sepi.,14-lElon. Thaddeus, 814yezis Imp gusakaa mina Liam. mhos m satardar. In2l ivmoat.am nl. HU' WWI hope be Irill.tetala anal surtn In tinnltO Man* AM pnbilo Alnllnnfr I MEE CITY AND SUBURBAN. rouarif. PAGE.—Thijnitiod WWI 11104 rat/. bio Zoo, Oil and Pint:two JOON! /Nat/ sass by any paper in the arc wag bio.cr on our /burgh Ikon , . THE STATE FAIR. The Opening Te-disy—Prepersett ewe= et Governer ilegury—A Few Neies Abewil D( 0, • • 'TUG morning Gelman deloekthe annual State Fair wlll be opened under the ansfii nas ei the State erieultnrui Boeietr at the banditti and romantic Iron city Park, 4 fllleblectinininelently located on the line of the Citizens Painiengsr. Railway, ndpicent to theteringii of Lairrerunning. For sev eral weeks Rat a large Rime of evergreen have , bwen Olniflorld In lirringlige and pm earingthe ground', and to-day the'visitern will Mid eyeriftadng Pettier order.. We 'ere armed - by srentlenten . who . have been In attesulanceit the inaJoritY of Stale Taireleld In this eOtirity. that the - display en the pert Of Tennsylvarda am Elena - And akeSiUgi Lti Pobit , of bunt), order. and Ron ere] safeimmCkitatlons. The various depart ments, and they are quite numerous, cave been ettarranged and mustmeted as to en sure the proper displity of goods, articles 'of merellanglbe, traits, vegetables, flowers, grains,Lagroulttirsi Implements, novel In. ventirma, machinery. Inner wares. house lornialung goods, and the thousand end and cue articles which will beglazed on ex. Whitton. The grounds yesterday 'present ed a very lively - appearance, hundreds of persons being engegal In fitting up the quarters allotted =cm for exhibition our. pews. We are not preplima te-Asty to • give any extended notice of the sOmetlom at the Talr, or dwells length on the displays already but under way by many of our en terprising badness men, arras, audintso. gerereiniarniers and gardeners, but in oar next Isrtiepropmc to lay before our read. else 1111LegoOrt Of all that U worth seeing. WIITTION'Or GOV. ax.:_av ins zaallaney, Gor. John W.Orstry, wlll arrive at the Unlon.Depot thyz••=1:110011. at half peat onteokdoek, where be be ICAmmthf renctred 001.•. A. P,lddla Sot. ortsiChairman or e the.COntsoltlteam. Mon: Altar rthantre of thesecocotte mes..the Governer will be Menai fn : b arge of General James S. Neaten who wllleWort bite to the grounds, to Order that he, may Dartiolpste la the Inaugural OtlreMonlee which are to take plane at thrtatt'clook. It 12 18 ef t pl t, ed :m tliat B oy, to It rw :ce. i t lre L g ez e: perrAClpata theta:masa to bo aecOrded tha Chief alreentive of the Nam It basa -1 membered Mut' the IN:Yraeldd ;la D0a1:.11t. JOU TraltrObaratdOti latelala :width all INVerele may freely Miter loco. as they will , :r a re , Ming respect to a worthy awe c resnonbta of the Face .als= Cce latenaltilli. And wearlhodY should be present to take part to them. A browband of many `perthrocers kw been seamed :and win not only be In atteodanoe to-day,bat will be present daring the con. tinware of the Fair. • • c Amos ores trostaan. • • The prevarattohi ^ togging by this. the Steil tottOnisill college of the. West, are on n omit of magnilicennt emu, thrWit.' of eyatytbing tmdertakaa by Atte lOU strake and 'tiro institution. We shall be greatly disappointed 11 the pros ollit,eibibitiOn'of goof. Ccerley's skill e. s penman doe. not exceed an_ yttung ever before offerefito the llnblla. Me admitted superiority mar . other penmen is so great that no writer outside of this city has .eryst dated to 001121:440 oath 'him on Ws own groand, while at home any one waste. erg it an abundant honor to be considerea Kr, W..n. Whitehead. the fobbed artist in plain mid colored photography, whose. reams, at,No.lb Fifth etreet, are wall known to all art connoisseurs, will be represented to "artiste' thillu:with • flee collection Of spernmena Yesterday he was engaged in tutefully arranging the. admirably tocated quarters assigned bran; and we were per. milted to examine the magnificent works of art whicti.wilt be spread out for the ex al:deaden of those who visit the Fair. There are several fell hie eme portraits of weltarnown Wizens. which cannot fad to prove attractive, and will unCloubtedly add materially to the high reputation en joyed by Whitehead,. gallery. While Jut praise lavished .on these bigot 3r, nnu r eal porWefts, the wisher must nos. fait vi sham iy examine the plainer specimens on ex htbition, which will compare favorably with - Loy Miten by. the mist Oistingolehmi artiste cribs jot:marry. - We will, howeVer, tate omaslon again to refer to the Migultl eent.disphty. and to the meanwhile 12 . 111 rt .Otis readers will not fell to pagNr. White head,. department a visit, and reande suf ficiently Img to. examine closely every .190:31.1164111 7 - - ' ( 7.11 oricivzisixo'saimrsA. No breech of laborsaving machinery has Ogee htrletto.agreetor Mateo( perfection Mile that of gewhig maChinee. Thergreat variety: of werk.smi the amount that can be amompllplial by a Drat class moulage Is 'kiztiwit'u by On.titae, ' woeild • eetively be believed One not baying leen in One:ration. Of the teeny drat Man mathem chines tow in general nee none stand higher in the imuniation of the public than the new Weed 'Sewing 'gentiles. • It inmseases sev eral advantages over all others which re commend themselves to intelligent and Mows observing zoorsoom to which fact mainly meat we attribute Ile &MM. pope. rarity. 41 will de • greater renew of work than 101, other Inikalnek now bee, and. villa° %Men In hills Mum and with less la bar to the Operator than most of Ile compe titors. It poroemes an advantage in [he wer el ••selfddjusting menthe; Which ran. dere It more simple and easy of operation. and for this lemon persons learn to operate it more readily, and with lea. trouble, than they do those oonstractod on a different principle. Tee weed.: magas has beau' the se over ten years, during Which time It has reedenelentirethtlaithijon wherever Slims been tested, and in no hutment has it over been exchanged fora machine of a different . . Manufacture, .Thls oteatdne tree Oa extubltlon ►t the PerLer/Ixbeetttob,:end oat el eighty-two represented It wee ol►tmed to he the beet. • . air. H. Ling, No. 1111 Grant street, le the general eavet zor the sale or this madder., and persona eal/Ina en Wm 1011 Sind him e'entteraanly, secommodathir eta ready to Imre= an/ Intern:m=lx deitred la con- neatest with melee. so aelLinsai. , will be found ea exelbliaork at theaetr. • ineriag,rase." The National Pipe World, of the Ninth 1nr 4 0. 1 4 be elifegentsid by .4. i'arif tine display of water, gee end steam pipes. The imeoitains- are, Ireakareur, sad - embrace neatly allot the styles of pipes mannfactui, Wet this greet faltatiry s Irani the bilge main oonductor down to the smallest gas or steam pipe. This foundry is one of the largest in the acnintry, and perhaps we 4=1 7 ,P 4,ltr,re,t tetlnvmer: very large ettare of public patronage. The I p er o f rete=gi Z4ll possess. , lay worthy the collegian. Persons. deur • arenta to. exa da asar satne the piachinery pet will tinti them on M- • • "Sim alimony etta!OpUoill Goods arm Who.. to Pontotoc Dttnaestb. the Santee Deaner ot. tho Arm of Donsenth • Itselett;t-ho not. nlar fashionable Jewelers: and ..eptioinns, 66Flfth street. has Jest returned from thate+l4rn enSeil with ono 'or - the tetielt and Most carefully selected Mock of general TeltrUe4.o goods Beer =tent "' ex/Arlene. In the business; Mr. D. know' 'tearithitt Mid of geode emit the Plttaburgh trade, and consequently now opens a full assortment• ot rich Jewelry, supe rior In style and _Qualm tiwing to the t luxe addition neoeatly • mule to the "hitherto - oommodlout salesroom; the Ann have Row *mole faelutles for the tritnutetlon of a much lumvased trade, and Present sore inducements to immure a full el:tweet the rabbis patronage. The stock Is varied and contains the richest and coat. nett jewelry a* well am the plainer and more bumble Mierriptione. Those desirous :I=ll.l l'=" motels% for the wear of ladies and gantla. bum, diamond pins and rings, garnet meta; set prcolotia stonea viola gold wedding: nags. heavy and bobs gold chains ; broach es. Seals, charms, and every article usually ,kehtla the Maw, of grst . clan establish ment. et the character. The stock of teat and rdetadailver Ware for table ornementatlon and tuse Is very /arge, embracing all the az. tilde. familiar-. to. housekeepers.. A full w supply. of fancy goods will likewise be found, hole. the dirploy of ideal for par lore; Wining room.. kltobena, elemben, oilleca; banks, and donating towns ls ex ceedingly dna • Having pEoullar total tiee ler , own/Lasing the; latter, greet borestna. may' 110"i'maillP, ralPeett4.• In d o t ea • Anumleeri etches which ItesanrEl. unseath d beaten, hove so km( sold bare, they Stare perfected anungement* to offer the equally desirable United. Matte Watch Obteranyis goods, a .°0411, 4 %1 l'ATA,; l ll4 l ,Mlgapg,l - The firm make a spade-14 of musical boas, sun keep dmutoutly co hand a large of the finest instrumental ;mi. ported 0010 the country. They extant to addltiOn to their saeortment, a /•tledeaUsl Velem. box, welch will be valued at eine thciusault dollars end be capable of executing, Incredibly - style,: no lea tan tiurtFieleht popular and Mediate operatic Aire. ' lir the optical department, which M i t.%.l. M . trillTat i ft e tialr t digg enter 7 11piletiteleif 10 ell sight*, eye gleam, Opera oud Rus in{Marnify Klemm, amt . ..miming peculiar to perticuler Ible. The pages biracial/out the entire house are rely reasonable, and we bespeak for the en =ag firm an Marais& of the custom en, liberally bestowed them. The 'store le new one Of the finest of the Mimeo , ter the city and the stock =not be soi -1 pegged anywh ere, .„ .1 • • r ~ iir Nether has &Welter tetideaoy to build up the imputation at a mercantile establish. tat= thahtslnlass and hooesty On the pert of the employosS and proprietor,; and We know ot tuf Ann la the city who Ailey • the sonddeuolorhbepublic to l greater extent itettrieter:Pidtper co„ add r a ry ' rVoOoWds dealers , b M l ara In boota ce , sshoos, •eavra rieTw Of Mme articl k a e l noi which d ey son at the most seasonable' tonna • "I'be • hook Yd elm branch of this ostahlliffnuene la Dietlealuly worthy of Itattaatioaotparsu deshtlaa anything Inthat Alm, us t -efnapylsos onset lambast a n seattaieats Aver - offered la this eitf,artileh bele& solo. et, littoattintgeosteatealy.•lo%. Goole at any daserlinloa =twee althelst sin aure.to. repeat. seal tele, We arenas.; aalaillatetatthe es Mullane third*: PRICE - THREE CENTS To Path Vialtors-11. Carpet alleure esß„Wert* Vlattliag. the Moose of NeCol •sm Mveshere, No. 51 MID Striset Pew badness men in this neighborhood (. /.7 * higher reputation at hone and abroad for the superior qoallty of the goods kept for Bale by them, sad the liberality of their price., than Items. McCallum Broth. era We SI Fifth street, wholuale and retell 000100 litumPate oil cloths, No. They 00 . copy one of the largest, most complete, commodious and liesutiful warehouses to the city, and strangers attending the Fair are especially directed to make Dixie.* ob. servations of It. exterior as well as Interior while making their tours of obserration through the qty. Messrs. McCallum Broth” are heveiong and suocemfolly been engaged In this particular line of bustnem, and to. day centrel a large and liberal Mare of Patronage, which 1 not only drawn from 41 Darts of Western Pennsylvania, but from the important , town, cafes and ell/ages in Ohio,'West Virginia, Indiana and o th er State. contiguous to our owa. The secret of the pOpolarin of the house is found in a datsbell,• they are always up to ti the times with the nantity and quality of their mock, and compete in prima wi th th e Importing homes of the eastern eltlea, Deal ers who boy to sell again are mire to find at McCallum haductements for their patronage which cannot be excelled, either bore at home, or abroad In more pretentious mar. kens. The Arm carry en immense stock, ihich Is being continually strengthened by, mported°ns fresh from the foreign mar tem and home manufacturers. Contented with merely nominel profits. and preferring to =Materna sales at fair price. rather then small sales at exorbitant rata, their system of doing bminess will common dealt to the reader. We reeenuy had the pleasure of looking through th e well Otto mtablish mmt, and wore shown the n styles of carpets which will be to &twee during the present fall and coming winter The stock Is very large and has been mlec a with un usual good care and/oddment. Itsmbrmes rich Velvet Brussels carpets of • most in tricate and tinlone designs a d fashions, carpetes palilts i e. Mattinger Ingrain .. mats, oil mrpets, hen • m, mos •me 'stair qu covers, oil Moths. and nn crows other gooier peculiar to' that pull• elm line of trade. The prices are reason' Ole and In. Mind Detail customers 0111 du • no trouble . In selecting something toinit N •Iztratits, no matter how fastidious they ma• be in their nations. The suortment of m remand mats is very line, and soma of t em are as. rare specimens of mechanical a as could well be Imagined, oil clo he the firm transacts a large business and make that brooch of the Dade a epecialty. They.have ample room for seeping the widest oil cloths as well as the largest ■ • of this description of goods We oho reed many now pollens width have barn Introduced and will De certain to charm tit. ladles. But It Was not oar intardlon to wri Mend ed notleet of Ude palatial thd • stocked carpet warehouse as meet Of or readers are suthclently aciquatated wi It Its many attrarthnis and advantages. We simply 'desired to direct the at =Lion of visitors to the lair to • oomin trial empo um in which we of rittab It centre a large degree of pride. If th wot to cake apunitiose hi the line wer o not n hal- Otte to bespeak for the firm' a ell share of their patronage, vouching at lb • Same time for the courtesy, fur dealing a d Integrity Of the proprie s and the • • lie met tit tentiVe conduct Of the gentle • ly clerks, who Sr. constanVy In attend •ce to show thestore and goOde to all who • • choose ,to favor the establishment,wit • • call. De. member the place—the mash cent iron trout four story building, No.ll yuct, street. Reduction of Bs The Western Union Telegra h Company have always dealt generonsly Ith the has. these community of this cIl , and Lava tram time to time entered in such liberal arrangements as might oond to the gee- . . , eral. convenience and benellt of oar mer chants. Dot recently we anummeed their liberal plan of commercial eorresnondence whereby orders and Important letters might be transmitted to trade centres at very cheap special rates. In connection with that NYSTAIIII, which works like a charm, the em- Meet Superintendent, T. IL A. David, of the Pittsburgh Office now rmithunces th at the tariff fromakittstiurgh to Cloolmmti Is re tinned to forty cents for ten words, and three cent, for each additional word, to New York forty-five crate Horde, taf`e l orl td r m- WY maks tilt, arrangement because they be/lave it will prove advantasreoue to the badman community and doubtleas the In creased too or the will hilly ke up for the great roinetion.' =l3l • runaway occurred yesterday after noon which created 'gall* an exalt*. meet on Fifth Street, until It was ascertain .' that no one was seriously injured. John Snyder, sidto .- rifinflee in - the-Diamond, was driviir a tun.. 14 - imbed to a light lragast' along Smithfield Street, when the horse took fright at something and ran ' down Fifth street at a rapid rata, new he came to the corner of the Pest littildlng, when In at tempt/Jig totuen Into ea alley the wagon collided with the corner of the home and was capsized, throwing ont ' the driver, who, It is -wee stufloiently with “bensine" to escape - one Inju ry. was slightly bre about the face, eat received a small onto , the head, but not sufficiently tojurionsto" 'tier" him. The horse becamedousched from the vehicle .and ran down the - alloy. eo•• • distance before he waticanght. The wage was badly Hardware and Calla One of the, mostaatenthre ensortmenta of hardware and et offered in this city, will be to astabliehment - of James Bowel duet. lir. li.has recently ft rooms In connection with hlt e where dealorsean fill the & In ••; Ina few minutes wlttiont the m , attending the range g mar of es thereby saving both time and la .; try merchant.. wall and a large ' of hardware, milieu. mech.!. I grins, rides, revolvers, fishing fact ererything ;male. kern In hardware store, at penes an which cannot fall to glee ruts! , tamed to the establishment is = whe y s; all ar in ttts , Lei t rim hal 00taplete tlery. ever ad at the 136 Wood no .ample 011 . 001:03. .• MUM= trouble asortment sho is, and In on ffrat-claaar terms etion I man e efa. war lug !. the abort- Ugh*'tor the .111111 o! . • • • ' Now that winter II epprosehluir, and with It the long evenlogi, willehriltrs the nap Of ampW:k 'light ne c essary, it a matter of Importance to inrsons not f ored with gee light to know what is the best light and where they oan procure it mine most rea. seeable terms..: For the Information of persons. interested, we would state that carbon oil makes the boat, cheapest, and 'meet destrable arttflebil light now In use. excerpt ka• light, and •ormatry dealers • will always And • the beet article of 01l and a splendid 11143•021.01.111 t of lamps, at the estate. ligament of - George COrttel. IOILIInfattIITOr and wholesale dealer in Carbon Mr sad lampa. No. 60 Stalthaeld street, this 'Pity. Mr. E. 'also attends to - the repairing of /metw.and worker that description entrust. 64 to nieces,' will be done promptly and Inn watlsfactory 'Manner. • =TEM= Dr. E. S. Aborn, of this Oily, while enjoy. toga drive hit oCtiOttry neat at Eeet arty. - lest evening, met with a painful and shared fatal . 'aoiddint. • Tho - Doctor actor glowing ht. grourds wag about returning to the oity.and whitndrivlng down to the Man road 01,i:torsos took fright. tooling about • tulle at a wild rata of speed, throwing thei :Doctor Doti aenonaly injuring Oh left thigh andbroast. Ms carriage wag rainy mashed. Though tollnfolly hurt tho Doctor be able to attend to boelnet• es usual 10.40 y, ThoDoetOr returns MS change to Kr. tired; 17 for his gladden in sanding ban to the city bads oarriggs. • - Rata. • The 'well.known HXdronieter likaulleoturw of this city. Ma opened . a nom at No. 10i Smithfield street, whore ho Intend. to keep on hand *full and • complete assortment of Barometers, Thermometers, and Hydro; meters. all of, which he montiftemres, and from a long experience In this branch of buttocks he Is satisfied that he can glee pen feet satisfaction to ail who may be In want of the aboye articles. Ha has also on hand a largo assortment of Specumes, combining all of the /me improconMnia, which he will dispose o lower rsteany other 'house In a b l e.city. Giro pima call. Fie, member the No..l2ll3mlthaeld street, ilk 'Spooled Notice to tee Public.' Orrice ram= & Artatrno Totcasarni Coeracr of the United Staten. nrrae oxen., September 21, MU. Tho rates to Pew York peresner for Mae: sages over the 'betide "nsid Atlantic" Tole staph Company of tin United eest es, from Pittsburgh to New York, will be for ten' awe& forty-decennia, and three yenta for emu sedillanel word. and llsti. forty cents for ten words, three Cents for emu addltlona ward. - • (UOZOR H. Timumox seise Math; . f a ,Wo would Inform persona visiting tiP, State Fair that Dir.Jsznes it0bb010.891.14 tat etree4lnsba of thelAnilinfl m the win shoo trade of this city, hue on bun lexae and faahlonable stook of booth. oh .n4l Wks* lnlloll Oirigs to the public at 98 very re e theatna latlce2 . atrwllltie remora. bored that the maortment found here Is not from ithatern auction houses but Mu been *elected direct, from mannfsotaren who dentin OP AMlelea m Tt111)rovo sorcloo+ . thleeehd Oman:J. - Call In ulnae° for runt,- thelron ailecwoottrumpv, orbriciel ea latest and m ist aponteed a Klee an 1.- ..tie... ter sale at reduced rate. by T. T. practical pit:ober, esu. an d Warn etter.2io. let Wool Meet Special attention teaortegivinve artmmtttl, •••• . , MHO . ; V1 1 4 (71.111P7* ner of Penn and at. Clair etroe t .. will heresumed. an .2icoaday, September&oto. commenctnx early, student. can complete& fall mune dmlog the fall and Ly MIOUPtIg invantngs Jnewspapern tunre dazed In the ienomi dannes. oz the' manner. tnouttin.. I , v un ; grateful fa, the we Ilan! of ret,.,1332 nethit.T. *dye omens Aro cawing In4l =la mere Mealy. we eei.: let them , xme. tl One sn4 Anna have-ankinknionli Quin /am onnuistlon In th e Einalrrlm • . •II NAM' Salitselir CI is 1.40 ninth vurd the win common as, nut MOWS] 1nr,t414, noth Inst., under the ansarefoxi M I; ilebatitinsdrt4d,k o ry, Y. mtin Getty.. t. • I : I ,! MI ===! Oraas Ilouse.—Notwlthstanding there were several, places of aremement open last night, the °penthouse drew‘a vary -re• spectable benae. The "Streets of . New York" was the attraction, and it was very credibly rendered. To-night and during the remainder of the week we are promised "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which will doubtless draw full homeactlid we are cm:lndent that all Mho witness it will Do pleased with the entertainment, as • the plete is It popular one, and:the•excellent company triad° It Insoo. T tl ess:ma—Griffin 6 elltirintre Minstrels were well patronised it the old Theatre last night. The troupe Is an excellent one, end fully deeerve the reputation they have attained.. Theywill remain in the city for • brief season, during, which time now at tractions. tu their line, will. De presented d nightly. •Statincos Wedneadays and Bathe. lissome Siatt.---The Panetta& of the Life or Lincoln was exhibited at Masonic hall last night to • large and appreciative audience. The paintings show the work of • master hand, and are faithful refireeenth time of historical facts, and.vlewa of them cannot tail to prove Interesting to au ap preciative mind- The exhibition will be eoutinue4 during the week. • Tats Vemartari.—New and Wrai th& bills will be presented at the Venetic. Theatre donna the present week. Was Lila La Rue is °teeming very popular, and continues to draw large audience.. .The Clark Brothers are still there, and are by no means the Duetof the attractions. The Varieties will doubtless do a thriving busi ness during the Fair. Reptibllcan inemillaga.—The Republi cans of the T(retwerd, Allegheny, will meet M.-night (Tuesday,) at half past, seven o'clock', to Organics for the carepalgn. Turn mit, Republicans Of the Banner. Ward. There will also be a meeting In Teniper;. at Dorrisigton'a comer ,• Oa Wednesday evening., • • . • There will be a grand rally of the Be. Cublirmns on Wednesday evening in kids city. end on Thursday evening In Ans- TMen- ;um , Chanel. A. Grow and 'edge hompson will certainly be present, and it Is expected that ex• Gov. Curtin will be hero: There should be a general turn-out to hear thaw tilstlngulabea gentlemen. . We would Invite The attention of ca itallsts seeking advantageous lnrestmee In reed estate to the very desirable proper by on Fourth street, offered for We by the People's National Bent. ' , This le one of the yang bolt locations In the My, and the bilk haying secured aIIIZO on Wood street for trielr new booking Loons, wish to dia. poll& Of these lota and will Wickman it sp. pllcation be =Walloon. See advertiSemant la another column. 4 - rs• • W. sell Dry Goods both a, wholesale and Mail, and are, 'as a consequence. en abled to keep a larger and much better as serted stook. to Sell cheaper,. and Ore the 1300de • In more socommodattek quantltten than ezoltudve jobbing houses.' Befall =D aher:us pre invited to aranducour meek. Plostetellee on Matithistosi.-‘Thls Molehills piece theechardam, which .pre• mutt to the ey Wondrous Satilrealelata nun MismOroarm of the solar system, la on exhibition this day at the Board of Trade Ball,Pio. 148 Wood street- Doors open from 94. m. tlll Mimi . IMO] 2 LIB 6p; ni.; • 7 till 0 p. m, Admission SS mum; children =der If years 1808048.. ae.4:11 Headers from the country' oho will te fa attendance at the State Fair will not fori get to call in and examine the floe assort. meet of lamps, chandelier., pumps of an descriptions and general goods In the all, noun ana•watei•fltting business, at the well known establishment of T. 2'. Swans, N 0.166 Wood street. •••• JR tato rai r.—We invite the attention of visitors to the/air to the advertisement of Kacrum •At Carlisle, 2'o. 19 Filth street: They balmiest received • splendid stock of neW goods, which toot' offer at lois 'on ce. to cash buyers. • • • 44.• T. T. Ewen*. 163 Wood street, nraetleel ands - team litter and plumber, ap de to the axesnstlon of all orders either tothe oltY or nadurry.in the beet style or work- , raaashlp and most ream:pante prices: c•oo • Nye Ler. Throat Su. CatD, eaves , . and Catarrh. , ces sfully ri. sten by Dr. Abort, 134 Smlthflent street., .A. book by nutll DO cants. ' TIM • .1 Cold Sparkling Sala Water it J. 2. flaruple , s Drug Store, no. SS Yealenll street', AlleubsaY. • . Cold fiparlllLow tea. Ram, st Samp Drag Stole. No. SS Tednrra stox .4.11.0,010.1 Y. CVAddit/ional Local Ness* on Third Page. • ancroludng intinigratkin fro. Germany to the United Stunk 3a - , ted for, by foreign journalists,'ea from the fear of the new Band, nadao particularly of Prussia, that a Nast it - crease In the army will be, , t. carry out the ambitious project of Coo t Bismarck. ...As it to, -every' able ball man in Prussia must begin life with certain amount, of military service. .• preening conscription would almost ruin the peasantry . , no well as the skilled artti sans In the cities and towns of Prussia., Hence, the strong-Bon - of the tide of im-1 migration to this country, —The Franklin (roulaiana) ,Planterie Bonner of the 7th contains the following Interesting paragraph In a leader detail ing the. miltieementa to . immigrants "There are three million of acres of til lable lands In Attakapas and St. Landry, which can be bought twoordingtoquality and quantity, or location, at - from $1 to $lO per arse. • We know Dr good sugar' lands that can be bought for $lO an etre; n few miles from navigation.^• .• —The Detroit 'Post learns- upon .geod authority that arrangements hare been' made with hir..l. Edgar Thompson, the Napoleon of: ho Pennsylvania ,railways, that will secure thb early completion of the railroad between Si. Paul and Supe rior, at the western and of Lake Superi or. A strong force to at work on the western end ofthe fine, which hat been graded for somo time, mad it Ls under etood that the resadwill be oompleted In about two years. • - • r —The Chicago Times says with wicked wit:. "In Earner the Wiens are' on a strike. So - is one of them in this coupt . . . ry.”. • SHANNON—tin Sabbathmlike. ept. ILLOGIS. HANNA. latent d ge eunnter n. 11% T. d Y• N. Shan , oh, nett Tweets. Therese ral tellt take poise Strout the tealdezen or her parents, see etilll, .beet. on TWIS. (Tea. day) leanstoo; .t'lo Ireton& .! The SVltuda of the [amity are Melted to attend. • irckaatn.A% oriar,sencisipt..*.r.aji, of dl. convected to the scut}, ,et • It mains. nu mouth sae Cr Nt. epee. ••• ' • .ElRFaablent.o. ltelStee please ceprt) i.• ki!W:11 1 A AV MI It) N WWI AL AIKEN. lIIINDERTAILL2' 1613 ltneth .tract s kitubirp., CUITIIIS or alifatbz CIL/MM. OLOVB I 3. evf ;rrArr. Qcsulation,a/farawil Soznlatior Hoods 'thratahed. BoOnuovened danard Writ. Neva.. • C: laeoleas, T'acnzas :5444 cab It. r.. 64. • . - J e . Q. )31.006E114 CriDERT 4 2.: EAR AND ElLBALXD.R.,aucetasor ta td !ate Baxaual 8. 'Dodgem No.9D UAW three doCkts..Dota B 41.14; Al.lozhany tAty. • Nil tan, Iknamooll. Mammy. Walattt.d stoat =tat:lon 'Cate.. at pm lowan reds; tad , yrleaa, Ramat open at all hanra;dar .10 Wald Hearse mat Canlace. raraltheal al ahar: 114.ue, sad on iliagarrasaaabla term. . • .. EDWARD CZABRILECRI,... DVlTAltril—' (Ake. NI 44 Oiehl Allartausy. 101,110', amproad &V! ul.l , I.lot 1., with t comDlatq GAcILOf apt.j.(tr.lott. X OoO4 Rralehed at laOrlif at •64/41100. brim. Bala and Livery Aubka, car naa of 7ti ft WAD YIDDLS M . 0.112711.. t!arrtigca. Sunnettcs. II.406; 00, E c., STEWART, UndealtiAar, l costar of MORTON andPZNN Mtn ColTus of oil kind.; Mar. .co Carlino fan:att.,' rin to. .finnan itoMr. CEMETEIIII(2IfAUBLE wonns 7A. J. ILLEZIAI7I . 4 at the Cemetery sate, Li;riflery-111% 'oesaits.wrAL44.nsi. Aryl) irrupts' wonxs: erroica ., RutaiL OtSB, YV4ILRAI:I4.I) W&T U 192007. 1I „, drivel 4) , „ Ks „,, 22z0 hae , tzra.ad.....z fluvAtFo. 4-44 0 ,014 , 1 r Cottollol4 fittstinigly r I.l.u.t.vuerserazimr. ititrttalb Ll*/ A-111908 LSD MAIISOLIA 1613tVICITffe• to ammo. • THE V V 4131 a.. • ate: Two sornuirfl.' !Malin:meat Awn sartriamAY. stet.i.itniuk/Vag TS.lll+l4llll. lIM.IIII q lataakotlx< roadlas tuner. liatsithy, L " t " 11 :111:".01,14'*" w *e T t tr. .. 4 6 . furilly; taa alien 6a4 eteu retiLlt• 0,% , Kyle& 11.uort.s Q t %teeny, 1.0 Armor. Men:Aunt a)o.td b. . • Wllacrt, • • --ace use can , of csc.% to the 1XT.. 0 . gettift Ity the club. 41141 t iall to d.bl OM b. Mi 44. say time, at club rat o. E= paper. be on* .at sower Mid anis' 7 . 1 •sat, as es Imo • Webas•••l AMOS saellals bulbs bra one mall • reek. by D. Ltyrest. NCO* Oidenii or tit IleraimulLetlabs. utligy tombs as oarriale . . . ' rirrvisumea, runt& N - MW /WIMITISEffigIiTI3. DUNSEATH HASLETT I JEWELERS AND OPTICIAN'S, Hay. put opened a lase aad wall Wasted •toot of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JE WELEIT, SPEOTACLEII, B4RO3IEIT'ERS, And all kinds of INEEKIMOSIEIIIIII, OPTICAL bodes. No. 56 FIFTH Er. THE BEST MEALS In the city AICeIMICIND AT THE HERBEIT . ORDINARY. its 'FouirilifflTlEMET,: etair Yar kK • Bo( els]. atteatios Data to Ladt“. Bonk .1 or OoPl.r. 110. - Dann.. 1100. JAMES SCOTT ' awoursaus To so ainrrox • scam) TEXCLA.manxill FINE WAMIES, MOOD • JEWELRY. stimiFn.r.i.men WARE, ETC. susa zaimuntArr., rLrrantriseis, WatMP.ch PutNoaks sad NW atteat Je tl wery.aa dna to Tpa; na es. = !wood In lea Ilion ' two =totes. at tit, HERBST ORDINARY, • , M==M REMOVED AND-NEW GOODS. 11.‘13311T11. - .. Merchant Tailor. . Has romovol to N. OR WYLIO ervicorr, eor. .erer rtsest. whore Rs of stow nods. • plla Ott flew add a st•dolso swot of T.LLL cLorns. CASSIafEHRZ. -• • VISTINdfI ANH OVROCOATUROR. Piftdolk VW Osvaldo to Order In tau most - nye, Tt.Z:i.;YArig°74ll=.74,l7,?!4:A .111 fe sold tot serf fossonal.l.• term,. • • D. afro . Metenalit Tailor, 9f WY LIZ el OREL cos, of ledaral. OYSTERS, .. . TEX TINELaT VI THE .01T T, Zan k to Ladles zat , ecanemem, Mt], ItrMOST ORDEN ateT, 64 Iroartb •t Miti MOMS AND LOW PMMISI SMITIISON,ffiM &10., AT THE MUTH EMPORTOI, 55 & 57 FIFTH 13173ZET. Art Offerhig fireai Bargains BOOTS; SHOES, GAITERS. BALMORAMS, CAIIPETS, • . DOMESTIC DINE GOODD, BLA.NHETS, FLANNELS, HOOli, SKIRTS, Pocket andlable Cutlery, NOTIONS. far Persons whlclng to par. Usage win do orebt' to examine one of the bestsimortmenpi free offered, and - 1, AT THE itriyEST MEE andlarrurnittiri! . poo4s . AT. AttC4lol, ay. 7 -- ThundAi- WEDDINGS AND PARTIES, Ilsteaty mien oe t, and Weddl,g ICltym4.Pladek . to Order, ;!, .44/OaBOllC-010001N41414 . • . . No. 04 Youth new. FOR ..041.E-1% IFIANDSONOC BUILDING larb;411001. gdniato on Growing IA DMIBIB.I4IoinIng she hand.lrate nnintsee ar .CoLH. Nennotonnti, ey are 140 BM* 4pl, Oleic. for cowry resninatnnyi ezzutaLbe upnßad, Ir.vdreof Uwe eid Inantnne*Bilmi". EVENING ROLLSisn4 agscurr g 1 4p IMMZR_ ORDINARY. es Yd 611211 - FOR , SALlEThitt aaß.Rr►M.rr.M.Tß&aa ISTONT SW= Dr NALLI9OIIOIIIA,. altasto . A.: 411 'lamest .Iry ' l, This house Is olthatad T . owe or aloe Itthadroanal 'Ai rtlithloligl4 • as/ XOW reau tor OM ..navproperizr Lim 11, worth at aDoolloa *Om awrtlagoa.. Vow hoer: alts IIIIIIITTLTLY; Meal iatiati(ith $ Dthoraloi *Oral: aim/ arras[: T ab. BEST_ BROILLXD STRAUS Qt. IN TUZ &VIVI • EIiZRESI ' ORTlntAit* Dil54l'CL9Bll4lO;, Prutteal Forage Rues/am CO% PEN WAYNE SU • . i faughorier a rut:multi iroilitr R9WKIMPIL7RISLIME- , ilkod Rao, yaidiagrOkAllet' , mauls: 011.11EWASIG M ANNA"