DB M3MME . *tali& 111111 , 1711111111111.11 L UN? mom terniAciii NOMJEATIOIII6 yaga . mine or amain= emir: zwirai WARREN WILLULUM, if Anwirsmer fessms, IttltiiirtAFßEW, et sottamos rt. 01101141111 1 /0/01 . 410011usa. InLIMAIL a: Fut*, City. titedisr.sagarr. vv. spews s. 1100DIA , £u.uy , _ *Avis 2.. assist. - *l'4 °7. . • • rarizikigaulas SAMOA AL WALVIS , Alt, FY. S. It 1114.11121• TO N, Liberty Sp. • apoirrntoortiu A. Tareataa. wiguAkvicottop,sier. vea IL 1 1 4 1 rEiri 11,771: . Ante coMatimasksm ORA LiPt IPVIIIM, Manmester. Onit TwO arasso 'rentabi. in whirl werk ea be done to augment the splen dor Of • ' Repnblleen ' ttinmph. Lei sem. abllcan wir-op his fellow, that flier ma 'rejdies %limber; -. Tai stimeratie vietory of one Con la California, and the linpub• - - 4 .1. of one Mepresentatim ill No- M lesie the Home with 147, I as to 48-Danormita. _ _ lieu' gal) brisk% Iteptibll4 LIT eury,tfahirimati ronternber that Pftday nest, Elapiainber 27th, will be the hat day upon which be can be assessed. The eteotten will take place on Tramiel, October Bth, end the law requtres every voter to be awaited ten daya before that -Ton late accounts from Europe do to show that the crops then are below thi s &Tow. consequence,l prima kayo none ,n iup In all the condom:dad marketni In the 'Jolted' Bums the crops are nos Whit. warn . aipeotna.. Upon thresh; lug, the:atm:age wiener of hueluslit to the acre Proves to he quits low. ~ .iloottiii44o. 144, anima Bsenzwr Wne puma on thi As! 4 1 " P 04# eipoo, bro. AO Ilene= or IA °mina estiactlarL No' • partici* of ovidence has, tnen,or can be, adduced to sustain .this disparate. mint. He was nominated , Immo MI Coavention deemed him, to boa enitabls sun for the plc*. „ pa. Tome nfintdd heir in mind UM , deism the year, 'the ant of Gm. Geety'slarentthe thste,deht Me.heep re- dialtd,etsa, saißfon seven *Aessdred au etteft..cpstse thousand eta hundred and 'Yjifte ilaSsr ($1,194,641 O) Paither •temembes tkal sines" the' State has bean nada Re nubile's sule,-embreetag the,petiod and Ptah debt hu besre't;s' doted isently• or 'qnhe_teis ran Romeo! dollars. . Lbw; reinubber, that while tie . Stasi • iris' is' .tandr of.the Clutpathesd., Oa State debt wu each ;ear steadily in Swassect, until ,It run up to over fort; editions of dollars. These are facts Oki cannot M controverted. . Wait &apt tipu - Republi• isna of Penti , olnnia ia 'the current swam; camas frain_cointiss,iniWiticfs they have large ntaloalies, Therebeial Yo President, Goetunee .or members of O.ngreu to elect, the feeling, to nattusi• 7.tnjendeiid, among , Republicans, is 'such mantles, list it -hi not needhal to bring out Rudy ftai streagth. This I. true, so far as load candidates art mamma&gat to set !pent this idea y~q far narni4ei lithe csudittaie fot Ra *OW flt4 l -; HeioPt •taco l taai ufi iiblati e e ' ll ..!trlsto*' aureate. for snit:lent oranamnion to mach comities at. Aileghesy, Lsacaster, itntdford. The' fat casettes or we di - ranted 'Oti r the. general result. .:.That will nem do. Republicans watt are forewarned. Be dut 5iaa44140114044 :!., • AS thee lasi year the demoenti. were thit is the tat/ Mist they would dS feat Gee. GLIM nod elect Kr. Curacati i ttaa 44'440 1 WO Mited,el the caleu 'Valdes' , WALL:m:4.'oll2ll*in; ks: their guts Commutes, who stated h! haa canted .aviar irsid, , lt Koh& toe township to be cloii;l7 ettivissia and ken: The rani! rla sot rwis Aki thus 14Abnrinmila worth. .This year the democrat/ prorsu th! am. on mum tram the same "mom. The prophu In whom thrty,tmtla r kfalse one. It seemstiwairdbbanheihro angredsit vote will be lighter than It was last year, Nether gegigSlF4l,, S 9ni}l". cam' IS AU-divide show equally between As= Thq ttlaViCillOc.,‘. lo * Pi!" ! the tuts *Until* skt tlon of Mr. WIISfAI4II by a hmidsomt majority. 7 Tbs. Auger thai Esiorl , l lar; , tie will tat award or the ballot•box preys. Nlr-440 1 , stkriqr.: Tne arand jury visited this know Itneltatlon on. Saturday. At the request of tinalko ,Illdngty wwwuppolsd titj parts• inreffilitrorthASAMli• elegant keepttalities end the chtracteristic conr- Nlielintntant, !anon. L' 7 l:4 - felliliTliiiltittl'ihe ray bun the west wing has been erected, and wYi)itWOlffeedy foloreedpitlohtliat file expectellf tole contittered Id !covens bor. The east wing remains with only : . ',.fttoadaUoi 4E61 1- ,. wa11, this 'wink manse await 1 en appropriation by the Legislature ' - One I% Itirnill'„thetwie-, ,The rnzlith4erhlttlintrnethe i attole tan when completed will be 739 feet, or • elawstrring - the'aiglek - lhe dace of the *Mee will tat 1;000' feet.' , Df this, the ' enter boiteltew with - its twol prism* velem in all 805 feet, L ell that ts mein id and Pm:Mit& -Into ;Meant crowded • leo patients.. When theiseviirfnishitt '-be readyiLt November, the accommodi thinowillattlthe wholly inadequate for tins curative treatment of so - many pa titration Mete willthen ber but the sleep legrooms,. When we reflect fuel the lineal laareeat of patients Is about forty, The Imperative neeessitt -or prompt and Mend Deglalative aid, at:lndent to com plete demo, will be 'seen and_ felt. _The delegauon, Pent this county pirtieularly, should Irian DU loofa befetrelattnery, end lufbrm them - lieltes, ea they may easily do in a single ..day,orflairwlwledutya s ..representai tivelatt this behalf. • , The Asjinm le• st:moded of neatness. !vary equate lath of Aoor, stain, -walls andCelliaga Lit clean soap tad water can andistit '7 l /l. large bolldlog la being -:l ereited - hernitt the meth editor, on the • west olds, to be and . is Softer bettiee, Landry; Sc. The smaller one, &mad to be lasalliciestreed ailiplthed, will be re. moved.. Two Immense boilers, each sin., feet Ia diameter, with ten fats, an in the belleftlent story of this new building They wilt eventually supply the hot air sad hot water On Um flaletwo Hospital. PIM thence; else; will , be operated the :yrodAlltieg- sop-vans, designed to. rash all tke,ruoma In the vast stricture With Ourinnini or fresh We -will sot sumo thither &script lion of this noble Institution, destined to :be at the bine' time Montunent to the *us wig and; Windows of the alai. nu twycfp.>aaper it . 101 "*Ad. 10 the indlidninned vidullyaza . .foreoaan 04. ins pergitifitedidierstaityl4l44 and the Logislille of the Onnagkwidignin- ova •40ffic l'knLE • DIMOND 11131IsBITrt. Dr AI hart D. Elettantron. Dartford:•mericso Pub• Groparty. The author la an old lad well known newspaper m►n, and added to his fame by a volume entitled, "Fiel&Duneipt, and Enspe," in wbkh he narinted 'airy of hts adventures with the army, After tin war, he made a journey luau the Cantinas; and his obannsatinis and in dentions are esabodlestki thhttbock, It &es a hvsly picture of western men- nen and castomi, abounds In anecdotas, characteristic and droll stories, which show perhaps bitter, and certainly more than many - formal 'essay; what sort of meal tbwMf,lo lehoare L isying the foon- datieriurot set empire between the Greet Mfirsiffttriill*Matoast. It contains more thaw Iwo hundredlastrattoo., fethri'photompbfindvriginel sketcbcs aftlinpriirtes, diacirt!,, moliptains, tiTere, alms, cities, .ladisos. trappers, plor uteri, and groat natural cerin.htes. Ilmttnr Carrieltulrrr. By Ctowls. Mao. dint yaps, Ttek , or k field. ,Plitatuargt: Doris Clarke a Co. This is the secondvolume or the new dandschno edition or Dickens, which ====3 all thhders who hive reached middle life spere.iate. lit.:ic Hy Chariso Dick.. to.- eon: Voltam.* rum.; rltt.tiarsti: Li Clerks a tw. Leafier addidoe to the illustrated edi.. TIM PONTIO•L WORMS Ow lOU GCBRZI.SAI Wit Trial COMplitte Bostort: TlaknOr a IrlaUM. rittabulgt: Mute ace. For a period quite *owl the memory of most people pow 'helps, Mr. Whittler hu snag sad been: admired- Not 1:4).03ga of the bigllClt class, he Wu ■eeertheleu madelor bit:abet( s place fa Eaglishditerateua not !Italy to bn at :intact- Alwaye - pore in sestimon, chnata to exprestion, and animated by . . lOrailhe end ovetilowlitg goo inert, te eth:let; with the blibeet itspi rations of the Mt=ll=l wesrlt perpetually. re• D aaaaa ow xi Earn , An 111.101 fool hco.l. By L. ■ othl . o.rlr, •nthor of *Wart. Antotnettty , oh 11. and ht.; cond.. .Prenerlot tto. Groat and his Faintly." et.. Ott. Tnnolalnd from tb• German trf gautantta Or"ene. commute tes Cola w 0 ohms .ttb Dustrattonn Sea - Tore, D Appleton Lad R , ropnow, rte wan 1146 Broadway. P i t t snyith I Davis, Utak. _l4 0ta,13 Wood street Perhaps no publications of a similar character,' these times, have obtained mucks wide circulation and popularity as the Mulbschßimortcal Novels, bunion foam tke press of the. Apoletons. The parity of style, faithful delineation of troaracter, sad advarable weaving or hnt onkel feet; that. pervade this series, have tended to give them a heavy wel t:4oA by the reading public. This wed( le worthy of the enviable reputation this has attained.° It glows with M onett throughout, and the excellent inns. tMikuut only ours to Increase the inter. sat cif the reader. The beautiful open faced type end while paper also render it attractive in appearance sad ;dement to read, Those who have purchased the tonnes wrote atlas author need no Wadi to urge them to get this volume, and Miele litho ban not enjoyed the pleasure of reading any of the series will do :ern to get "The Daughter of an Em poria." those Two reti. A Novel. He "wads." anthor of .IdalLa," "Randolph ti , trd^n, * ttetrattu t "Coal t,eattateatortt. Qadr,“ ta ts rbtladolphl. J 8 VP- IdnoOtt. 30. Pp. W. Pittandraht Bertr7 Tire writings of this author are well known, sad liana been feycrably Te -1 aired by those fond of such racy, rol licking reading. This Story, graphically desentesycenes in Algeria, end was orig. .uslly written-for a military periodical it bas been heartily commended by mil , herr, men, and.is now tasted in its present form for their booed; and the; gentgal public. The volume , is full of 1 duitchi Incidents of military life, which tenders it quit* laterestiug to at classes of readers, and the abandon style dl the author Is of the most captivating tort.. This eutereciaing PUblishing house bevel artmghtont the Cook In nue style. Aar Mort • boon torevery vrtno. rr it A book for sooty wen. A co ot ramotoe to “Vrtr IhrI" By Or loorrr. soars.". TIES Dora' Ran. women'. nom. By sera Joke Todd. It U.. Balton: Lim sae moment. witisterse: liNtry . $lOOO. These publications are very appropri ately called "Tracts (or the People," on Wham subjects debt:study tressed "Why Not?" is the POI I Ramp to which the American Medial Association sear. ;411 * Ica modal, sod la issued by or. :el. of that body for general circulation. Dr, Blom' studs high in the , medical Profession, sod Is Vice Prealdent of the Americ.aci Medical Association. The work treats of cringes' alwrtion,• which his become so alatotheli. common. Ike subject Is &mimed in an there, ptions tile tone dad stdoddriy free from pedal u 7. The etruleum adduce i is Imanswer able. Truenumber 2, "is it 11" was written try request of many Phiticiatir and lady patients. It treats of darnel/dogs misting to tbe causation and preveoti oil of vulva forein of uterine disease. Among the topics discussed ate. Star nage as a Sanitary Measure; the Rights et the allabSll3; are them rights sawn ate, or reciprocal„ with duties; should erre instinet, or reason , be the role Rev. Dr. Todd, of Pittsfield, Mau., the Xlsbratad anther, tarnished the third sod 'Oortb of the series. Tne third ...der ogate la the Doves' Nest," is divided ; into two , puts. 1. 'Fashionable murder; 111 The cloud with dark lining. The loath ! , Woman's Might'," dfactieses the mpudity of the ,ssiemWornimen yphere; 'orbs% bar *rights" are; virus, voting, wages, abeam:dry of the country, and wain edmation. Three works deserve sad, doubtless, will bare a luge circu lation. iralesam extner Baran& Nowlin*: Bar r:4lle.t4:llthAtltstvi .1 6:4 Thetwo Jest pablicationa of this series "Celled to sdAciount," and "Caste." Nos, SW and 291, are novels of the higher order, =4 maintain the excellent chonicisc of duo orteasteo iorios. This class, of rending now-a-days Suds ready ode, and is quite popular with the mu ses,, , These numbers am written In Line style, both tit it regards to plot and lan. end run not to be compared with ,t 42 lower Pal of "yellow cover" pub ; POLITICAL SPICE. L-" Coming events east their shodneet beam" says the Datnocruls. - . Wonder i tbe prewar shadow Isn't • little too dark mr them. —The, neer military gairerMoi of - the C"..lthil, can bs and will be stout us usefulth the Habra cause, as..was Five cent national currency in calm. rerfelted ' In charleston, S. C. Just like the robs, they are always at some smell eminent ar-yrdisr. Hatiolt lost speaks of McClellan ee h.ving been "k one limo a candidate for the Presidency in the States of Ken tucky, New Jersey, - tani Ramysre." —The New York 7th, Regiment lum act a "noble exam an says the POet at ' that city.L Yew" P York -tidy; cud fact the whole country will ever Mtternia.r the itervices of that twalidnvlng the tear. —The Carunillans ate atiding that their pleu of having several duvet net nu oleo• dou.works badly, ca It alloomages bri • fiery and all kiwi. of. ittaaertalS with roue.. They are ratzlous to adopt the American system of having but a single day's poll. ./...Yter coming election in 'Massa/Mu. ilatta is to turn on local lowans, and oil none other.—BoirloS.Port. . . It Is wlatitti mat/whet thin.' For If the Republitzu couditlatew arc clacwd by a minced •roadrinty, the Peal slit ciattuvk Matlonal . victory.—garrford Pew. • —The..ibu'riabarg Artriat and Union "pitches into" theirs-rebel uaucral Long. street now: that ha has turned Radice!. While be was in annround of it tralwr draly.be lad-the fail sympathy und sup port...of the Patriot clad bolas, but now that• he bas mended of his tearful error that journal denounces him„ —Mr. Johnson said the other day that -tto wanted us to live in peewee the dead soldlera are doinget Antietam. The "grant Scihnion party . ' lice been living In paw' Like *Cited taut for tome time put, and thereat Democratic/ .par,y, if we do our-duty, will goon follow tie yx.- 1! ,3 44 8 . "' ~- - in- M oßtitril7 Os. Grey, 8 Caney, 211 IMF 7), Woodward, 3., in - delivering the .ohlas of the SuLram , Coart; - owes: • "me rearnedjudoi Han. Henry W; Wit-. LanaFaket slatutn iterreetiy. .sad/prt AiSrtarebadows somert, Mat Si OEM se better Mao dfamt _Afajedg. ment.aw eaglet:NM • frOwed fee on. 4140400." e) I d ENRST 'rho Brom:mile 071ppor, one of the very best or our country exchanges, pare a handootne tribute to 31r. BVIMPLL ER RETT. There la not only fart. but philoe opby, in what It etates. Reedit: "We hays known linsetli Erten intl. metely for the last tiventy rout- Oar Sceitteintance with him onnttlieneed' Wsidangton,'?..,where he pubSehed . in able. and spirited antralavorr Paper, called "73s Portia: o This Waist a per-; iod - when, go he an end slater" mart; more anti-slavery editor, was to give up all expectation of political offw, abandon all hope of money tuck ing, and to stem a current of opposition twit-let:My strong and oventtalming to have sopa led and silenced any moral or political adventurer who was not con. scions that his action was, based upon the great priaciplea of .inainalAroth smi jestice, and had the nerve and determi nation to "flcbt it out on thin' line." Rowell Errett „wasthat.. men, sod. • from the. , policy he... then maintained and advanced, with' hardly, the semblance of a party orgiMixation support him, withoetteven•the prospect of a party of any thing like 'formidable dimensions, based upon those principles, daring the period of an- ordinary life. time, or more then single individual out of a thousand i¢ sympatby with him, the whole country over, lie has never yet iwerved the width of • single hair. But we are not writing Mr. Errett's bi ography. We only say briefly and gen erally,' that in whatever position he ha. been plated, whettuat elleditor of a paper, clerk of the. Pennsylvania Senate, or ,Paymaster in the United States army, he has evermaintainedhisearly imbibed principles as a • politician, and his nit•-• bending integrity as an honest msn: Ac he never, remitted Mike 'for the sake of pecuniary train at the vacrtfice of moral or political pdricipies, so , belcfnsed to continue to Mike, ellen. inch motion. Ghee toes glade • costingeet nine.. his ceasing' to condemn what he conceived to be errors oil the . part of Ahem who possessed the power to remove him. lien is an instance in which is ex hibited a signal triumph of, tiruniesa and pattiodam over lutenist audelliat. • Hay. mg served the Ooscrument In the ca. pacts) , of Paymaster ,during the entire war, without the leiet. taint upon Ids honor and nonesty, or the slightest com. plaint from any quarter, of'tne, manner to welch he discharged the delicate -and responsible, denies 'of his 01Ede,' ho was still retained in that capacity alien the war was over until the matereative was presented hint, either to esp nue John.' sonism or give up his office. Si chOpe the latter, and this •new proof of Ills', honesty - and disregard of pecuniary tn. tereat when it conies in conflict with long cherished - and conscientiously elm- I tertained principles .and opinions, at• named the special 'attention of his ;arty, who, as proof of their appreciation of the escrifice he had mule for prinotple, placed him in nomination fir the State Senate. Now let iambi elected." —ln the triangular rico for-OOMMer stet superiority between Chicago ' St. Louts and Cincinnati; it Is renicedibat ChoStaisti is gradually , , falling behind. Hoe Journals admit • this, and aulgttna the canoe the new raliresd tiotabinatlons which are being made In tits West...St ta stated that the tendency is .towards • oonsolidatiou of the tprootissid. and wan railroad lines north ot the Potomac and Ohio, into two immense ontribuou I. no; ono thi• ' Italutllnk 'the:Nets . York pen. ire ;and the Erte,the liarletu and the Hudson! River. Rail ro ad; exteadino on each &Ideal' Lake Erie. across 51Iclugau to Chicle:Et and mouton) thegrest route* West Northwest and South. Thetither line, led by the rennsylennts Central Railroad, watt:oda _lsola central ionic., through Indiana and and own, 1 pews for the same Western trade. By Loth thew Hum Guidons I is preorMailc scolded, whilst trade la drawn t. both I through St. Louis and Chltsigit Tila veiling of the steamer Matra poll au, recently Anna to New York-har bor was accomplished by the use. racom. ;mooed Inc ho. buoys. Th. ape...rums cousbus of large begs of rubber cloth en• noted in a .notwork of ropes. About twenty of these buoy* were snitched, In au urauflated condition, to the boll of the veto'', which woe readily done by. a diver encased In a suit of anianarine armor. When the buoys are attic ted 'rubber lose connects diem with: an air pump driven by a derakeyone on hoard an sitendsra TO11.0 1 ; SIC .111 thug supplied to the buoy% and, as they are lodated, the elf tartrate compressed, and the sunken travails eleiated. —The aume of the "Black Ileath,". a mysterious discos* that noon ty allthaed the people of Ireland, it Is said,leui been dudsrenxL A's toed many cattle have beep dying rit • Gwen ormlaxi dietreed, known as - earbuncelmr toren anti In two or three instat cern the peep of she cattle has been eaten by ocher animals. The eruption and Ille eymptums are said to hate Oren revel's/1y like those °beers a ble In the human Thelma of- "Blank Death;' and ft it therefore supposed that the latter disease may hoe* been eager, deren by thy *sting to moat from wet male In estate of oarbUßCuinf fever. CtifILEBA erifwLERA t Wish' as corals sdre.t at Cludgoa. no tlos•tit:st powww. - 1110.5 sowiti.owd la tt. rooarlooci tea d.ne .toad b 14 We nor oortaln wocti to—tigat whlsla saa sand wanton scSaly as • • iwyer.V.ll.•••• ow• wad walosoa ortkid, moo as OLD All =LI. •Isl.ll •it rICLI. , tow •• Otd, W boa tiooliot aTawl•lt.d vn two &roar. wwwooko.O. ¬ Oreloodl•odo tot _" . rL. tai uremia wassclaz tVu lea 4.; .4 onpurielail at iitaiiCe. there• fort rite. St. U . VIM 14.114 brie tit snide 1.11 dill/ke4 yell amid WOW. it le the ...taw" erell ethele, b0:41.1% W 1.10•Aullt. JO EP PLEWEG'i DRUG ;TORE, n ries, V.,s. stna ,, g, .1 .. can e.g./ Jen: vr,,,, niAa ut 1.. 91i ri 1r ~... 9.1..9 9. rr tb,. t r , :s• p "' r ' " 9"..., '"'. ' ,V ..f,: ' = " lg " g . lT ` ; len f 411., .1 . .. d rt.. . 9... t...... , 1 ... 6; 9 .9 IT:: " SE. :• i ' go: .. "'4.l'.lli?' f 1:,."' . • • A litlxlit, t lri &ad 5; 4, Twit ti..., Ille,begy. TU E OLD, OHIO!, eIL • • .. . TE., .STORE.! 1= Touisi; Ilyson Congos, 'Unctions', Colonic. • 01 4 Country atack, ' • And Japan 311:11 . .A. - IS, ILL or Tus'uurr QUALITY. 20 Fifth Street. Ir=M AL .- GRI Ell = TW VlAelt bought P. r 9 A$PZa CUM.. W&UEUOUSE. . - RICED BREED & al LvEn inwrzy TA H ? A r i z t i tt a tif . and TAMA: OUT OPIN• TVA METE, ' VUINA DM? I:RMTTU, • INA TUIL7I 4 TIMIS. Sint : g y gt mt a s nia t iv .,, ou tato VA ll4M?) , 1.1: of tiflottotit to not e rliole.ale sad rat all trade. , Th laadat wan: t template tlocx or Crary hut la title Hut Ist Catt.allY• • Prices tad tem. the sane title tile tarter. ItTiaLlialTOlrro" • eon= FREEPORT BARRFB'FLANNELS. • Wean Astute tot tits sale of LUIS wt_t,imown 'QUER ON'S LARDED FLANIVELB We bow, We dant seeeptedthe Agency of lb. "ORLEIVNiLLE WOOLEN WILLS" W. Meter& sod ore prepared so 1,11 at =;iiiiMM=l • ke11161 , 24 VI LVE HA RILED VIANNELS, And COW:WILT istaNKErN. not rl.ocdn ire Si trelles erVe. the hreel.4 daredottenel In the met ka, gin to rlo.te.llr 5T1.5.:1;:5; 7, , A.trirr1 , : j. ct. ,%1 . t view,* elelaeto beyeee ' • Wl.ll/LEt 4141. DRY 0001 , 4 s•ii•xwr 115 Wood Butch Plttlbu.gb SCEICIOL .13001 i& - naderaytaied la prepared to ?entre ell t. ,pd, or ANHUI, OhS and tttelr acroe•pr.l. Fi ia ;Itletl; . O , •ATe . . euttlektite. for WaCkbe r erol. kl eat otters roesodr e t tfdd od .,!di,_ _ aodttarredl 'um Tiled at.. Meg etc: W. iilll,lllo3rtk W E ILL . KEE •N lIAND T sad mad to urd , r :11 MIAs of . . sorbs/ so 4 Dj/LII nAwrik. U" %ta ". nd a " VI I I v . 0g. , W01.. "DIKI " 2Y.y2 ho OaWl= 1011.111XTZII /MX NEW A.DVERTIY.EIZONTS, EZfIXTION I State Agricultural h'ocietv UNIVERSAL ... Lio I=2= .11.10pez R?..4, FRESH ARRIVAL OF tiAd ilyaon.• lower (ilunpowder, Eng.Ureakingf, I= AND PROYISI MPAN Y. JOll2l A c011&W, Preside 1. EL, Secretan J. P. MI Cosn.¢.7l. ereadi te. uki, Wishbig t. 7. Dater ' ' . sm 0.131, end St.. Allegheny EEE SIMCE.C.IPZILTEMILIZ3, No. 100 'Wood'MDrec t. lal4 St mill piles, ntrletliaa eqouni..lo. Age Pricy or, N n ANSON a. 1.0.. OPENING THE PRINSYLVANL4, will Ow: rA. , , I! T( lock on TUESDAY, SEPT. 24th, 4867, FOR IBS ,➢SISiiOS OF lISITHA C".`t , CY‘ZT. Gear Wl't arriveunett at a v r n g t as Mts., ..e z thee acaltur, . .J.•SIITR""CIi. .1 I.lii It i "...1 3 ,qIF. I I's t ",til i7ff, R. tiLLY -5451:111U5.. Th, co,otltt.:Z 1,11 4nett Lt 10011 No 43 • .1, •-•011.6 et Welo-tt r .to t tsE,tt) , S, Sett•i-ce . ., 2 •-C at halt-peal • 1,0,1 , 1 o ...b.., lu to • Depot at, he r. no mll v.t: it It upou Pr e.••i tat, to 63sernor Riad pee UN tiruun , c. ' 11, It., B•ti, TlTCran end ether' elvt. is”ti spirit • rr-nleatioutr. add Mach eq. , zee. a• rot, ..tre t 41, egcort wt.( le at tit i/t, , .t proloptiy upon the..rrlval of the tre , BUJ, IL•neral net/se Coin ... •:- of the ort end hand ore( throe-et of ty 51111:11,1 , -3,1104 .yr„ • KNI g •11.•Ilt rei.else ato r In it. P , h•ea.L rnIfILSCP of try. F thr• ron the I,llolltl 142.te.3 fo: 1,0 Iwngural....srerer. s. . •rn.rn, vl+l 1, ver . c.,. 'tor as.e NV. /Of nrra 15111X1M. above Ihaltklyid. Cl= GIIOVERAILUIX , SEWING WI4CHINIE unarm= itima sad 316316 Moue ow lkia=l.D. It a.. 6 to , nynt Eir ,; :iatz j°. ho.. A COAL WOBILVIPOR sitz.; 4,7 el% T . = AZ ' ' Zirt g itt l y• ft ". T:r . rrititled n irtrirella" . "4:l4 are VS acne et east.... Ms tor .0 Of UM =set 'Waikato warts on Ulf lietwagsitsti. *ran era be sole loveznizt a talsa. • . NV:l '7, ollt, esseette 06, 1 tegr..."04,74 ; curtne-ror neon ; Ta. re. °outer. IltaltMaelows. ae.cfati wholeiro d arl =lt Sae tifiZt•V Y ti Nana EMPOS. PM. ra WISP. Clair so 0. • AL P