The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 23, 1867, Image 1

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4111Trag Po.pdlleaa Paper al' Str.deri Implpaia,
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- ,•• LIROINT, CMILAPIPT alld OMIT raMit 1
,MA CUAYSBC/J.L ?Arta. la um ost< ;
•- • • • Mull OP TIPP DAY . ' ,
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- 'The loyal voters of the ComMonwealth
, Usk no higher tribtife: to the Worth and
character of Judge Williams than the
followlng neat compliment raid him by
She only daily Democratic paper ol
Western Pennsylvania the day following
Lis nomination. it eaiJ:
"The nomination ,of the Hon. Henry
W. Williams as a candidate for Judge of
• . the Supreme Court is a good one. He
was the best man named before the Re•
publican Convention, and posseaseslegal
and moral qualifications for the respon
sible position to which he Dan teen nom- I
•._lasted. diotli parties have now present.
"art their candidates. An important duty
• liva been' ihithfully discharged by tie i
respective conventions. The autpsign
may now conducted without 14-mono/I
' ... furporaion4, el decided upon the princi•
.., plea of the o gieat parties., 'This le as
"it should be. It is an auspicious sien of
' the times, and if the county conventions
`;arc equally fortunate in the selection of
. :leiriaterve candiJatio, 'there will be a
. stop put to- the deplon_ble corruption at
the neat of government under a new
rulma of honest men' and conscientious
. logialators.—.Pittoburgh Pear, June 2131. i.,
Tiu . !, Ref, referring to the above,
03 the 29th of 4.tigoet, vvu plecusod to
"140 have nothing to tahe back or
--modify: Of Judge Wilma' private er
• legarrepsdatlon -we have nothing, but
words of prawn , and hOwover tatt y !len in
t See pugnacious and heady polity-.
. *iv, we cannot bring ourselves to view
c ol - assaults art- either wire or pe.
The Aegusta (Ga.) &Vine!, of the
15itt litstenti cOntainsa-letter to - General
A. , Wilton; written by Atr. IL R.
rtarr, - fiten which we take a specitnen:
"The queation :le, _Are not the Radl
vials usurpers of the Government! - - and
Are they not wielding its oust machinery
in entire disrespect of tho' Ccnstitution
and of all laws, and running it simply
as anartyrmaelins? Another question
then follows, Would, wary upon -that
• ra r i t uTertr ea n n o. wa op7galil l o he n - g 4' t v h% " ti t i a e t ga lit l l ,
unjust and ruinous-ewe:l:meats of a mad,
fanaturifinnto is not disloyalty to the
. ..!;;;Agood deal was written and publish
ed, at the South, In eubstantially this
nunis vain. befOra . the population was
Indrieed to take up arms The
germinal Idea is that the -I)erno
natio: party are Ilia people, and
the Democratic platform, last adopted,
.the l Oonstitution; that to dissent from
that Platform is to contemn the Consti
tution, and to - oppose that party to be
guilty of thedce pest IUeIYISIII. The ar-
rogance with which this assumption was
maintained was without a pirallel, and
„led, the Democrata on till they , were
ready totmake war upon the govern
ment rather than yield up the adminis
trationof aSsirs.
The extract above is not the%iily indi
cation that has fallen under oar obser
• wation of at determination among Demo
crats, Soinh and North, to ,go ,baek to
!Ida intolerable End malignant egotism.
Goiernmenta are administered by
'parties, and are so for " party machines."
The cdrelnistered the
,Uovernment of the United States tin an
tinliriAcen period of thirty yeara, and
made - it as mar.plete a "party machine".
as ever existed. The Whole thine was
managed, by Denie'criggLin.accordarice
with Mereocratie Weis. If inch a con
dition of nilnire justifies a resort to erne,
the Republicans, after ittO, had ample
• cause for plunging the country into war.
.They did not hold to this doctrine then.
They will not tolerate it now. It any
one of the revolted, States shall show a
dispoiitiOn to assert this doctrine, and to
practice accordingly - , it will be retained
=dee military government until it shall
reach a jester conception of the situl-
Tan DIXOC/L&T6 are driven to despe
- ration. They played their cares too
.early, lathe campaign and hold not a
idugle trump. In their Weakness they
. for help and are rushing into the
armor President Johnson for support.
Only:. s few weeks ago several of the
county cdnventions of the opposition re
fused to endorse Mr. Johnson,. and ig
nored hint with as muck independence
•as could be shown by the Radicals.
They were too lad. -TO remedy
`Shalt "error a horde fif politiellus whose
bloarchills In prospect of another 'de
feat,lare 'now whining on the stool of re
pentance at the feet of the President,
`lmploring hint to forgive them their tress
puma, and to fare Pennsylvania from
11te Radicals by hie patronage.' Make .a
note of it Republicans. The enemy is
demoralized, and by closing up your
Tasks and bearing down on him in
sie a solid mass, pollcai disaster
of the most positive character awaits
A GOOD *snit Of the Southern people,
among them persons of decided eminence,
taiterisitte with' the 'President 'as to the
'tendedei of den. Sickles's . course. They
are constrained. to applaud what was
done, and to-deplore the 'action of the
President.- This is not the only portico.-
lsr in 'Which Mai:leafed Southe.n men
soon-End occasion to confess that
OM Republican plan is the best one for.
'Skein and the whole country.
'LITTLE Prisp SBEIIIDAW 18 a ItTrker.
No man in the army ever discharged hls
dntiei moro faithfully, or worked more
zealously. He wife always at his poet
and toiled. Incessantly, and through
&Warted drudging accomplished mauy
of his moot brilliant exploits. During
'the Pset twenty years he was not absent
*Pax duty more then once, and then
!Ittly . for twenty days.
Tax pulon League, of PhlladelphLa,
by its intelligence., illwrellty end energy
has mule Itself a power for good In tide
State.. Ate meetieg of he member,
held on Wednesday, It was
lasoloect, That we do most especially
and earnestly sextennend the election of
Henry W. William.. of Pittebergh, to
the bench of the dupseme cemet 4 as g
learned and at wmplier.ed jurist, ands a
truly upright and loyal Fiasco..
Tax rebels in biarylemd are aiming
and drilling for a new rebellion under
the traitor, Johnson. At the October
election remember that. every vole east
against the Union ticket will be an ad
ditional incentive to Andrew Johnson
to carry out his - purpose of over.throrr.
lag the will of the people by force of
'--Tax Republlcarut of she district spat-
Posed et Carbon and Monroe counties
hark nominated Major .. Wm. K. IRtyl
. land ler Representative.
Rums P. Mr—mxzw Is the Republi
can candidate for Aseembly . In Wayne
sadArrconnilea. . • •
Two On Tuns Etepnbllcan 'journals of
this State. It recently recommended
thenisasination of Mr. Curtin for Vice
Preablisa. As many Imre expressed a
-ImifreaCe for Mr. Grow. Either will
dlnbut 811Prelmiladge Ant, •
On tho 7th of October - an.Ezmndon
party, in etoudat 'of ono hundred and
ility editors, will start trout Chleago for .
Noma', oneetteut to Itto gone thine
;weeks on the round UV.
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VOLUME LUUA.---No. 219
ss.Te eetg9 to 11;3 P11133.3'13 Ussell3.
Ftoanlica Sept. M.... Gen. Garibaldi ha,
1 , 4004 a attrring Eddies,. announcing that
the time he., now come for them to nem
throw the tyranny or the Pope, restore
anion to Italy, and give the Eternal City it,
SIICLAIL napremacy as the capital of the
Proe amatiou ho also boon promulget• by Victor SULllllsel warning all Italians
aßalaaC Jetting pm to aiding or abetting
the rosolutlotimy movement agalmt Rome.
whim le denounced M a crime agatnat the
lawa of Italy nod nation... The prOolama
ton concludes with a threat that tee (tor-
Cratneut will not fall to Veit with rigorous
punishment all persoue found engaged in
illegal hostilltlea agamst the Papal author
or C130.1t LARDS.
Lose., Septerneer,=—A dlspatelt from
T.nate states the :Pope has pal:Maly de
_the proposer! rates of Church lands
to Itaiy, and declared the decree of the
Italian Government to that effect null and
cormesseme, Sept. 2l,—The Called States
I:tin:Mean Eguldron„ Admiral turnip:a, is
still lying in this harbor. A superb enter
tainment was given yesterday, at tna Ural
Palace, In honor of Admiral Famaglit and
Amerieen Mk:dater Taman, by the rings
of Denmark and Greece. Speeches of wel
come to theellithignisherlguestn were made_
by both Sererenots ina responded to Ina
filling manner.. King -George, of Greece.
In his remarks, alluded to the action of the
Amaricon Cangreas In references to Cretan
strait-4 and expretsed grateful acknowledg•
Mint for the sympathy shown by that body
for the Buffeting Christians of the Island of
Crate, In the - reaolutions passed at the re•
cent session. The greateit &Jew:4Mo to.
rude the United. 81.11M08 was Inhibited by
nil present, among "whom were the most
noted men of the kingdom. -
Coro AAAAA September 'O. Strong
doubt., are entertained here osier.
tars of the *swedes of the Danish Cabinet in
its negotiations with Ponta far theLretro•
cession of the Dasdati protect of Sehleawig,
Dent .m. September OL—Arrest. of eospcc•
tea reeled eminarlee continue in this city.
Tbe latest ie that of James Walton. era
poeed to be :rem .the Untied States, an
agent of the Fenian Brotherboal. lio boa
Oren imprisoned and will soon be examined
on a obarge of trauma. •
01111.11 ANT. •
• ante WILLIAX 001211 011 r ♦ Tenn.
Calms, September . 11:—The North Ger
man Parliament has agreed to a bill for the
abolishment of the Consulate In New York,
and an appointment will enortly be made.
Iting Wtvtam bag determined upon ■ tour
through Smith Germany, and will, during
thejourner, visit the iovereto3 of Bava
ria; Wurturribrmg and Baden.
- LONDON, Sept. _.—Tux regular eenlon of
the Penqinglician Synod commences this
week at the areti•Eplscepal palace at Lain.
both. It to Utldarlto , o4l that the reporters Of
tho newspaper press will net be permitted
to be present at me deliberation. of the
. .
... . .
—' - 1588 CCIBLVEMPATRED.. , .....
Ilsawna Coareirr.September, 2L—The 1800
.ii/aullo Cable was repaired yestardai ,. , en
der direction of 51r Samuel Canning, and Is
now In gdod working order.
813plaMbei 22.--The Oman
ship Penneylranta, Captain Lewis. from
New . York on the 7th but, arrived today,
and salted for larerpool. Too eteamehip
Manhattan. Captain Williams. from :few
York on the 11th Salt, also arrived today
0..1 Proorgatett to LlverpooL • -
Loam., September 21, 6 r. 24—Console
stronger, at.. 91 Inlet Ftre•Trrenttes, 73141
loote Centre), 77; Erie, 44; Atlantic a Great
We:dom . /7g.
Feeble/Mar, September 21, 3 r . 14-17. 0.
Boucle, 7814.
September 11, 9 r, is —Cotton
quiet termini:lout the day; Diddling UP.
lands, 3%; do. Orlon., 8%; sales 12403 bale.
Breadaturs—Corn deelloed 32; sales at 41s
61 for mined Western: Otter articles en
..aired. Harker closed firm. Pr.:mist°ns
loregular during ills day. Roe( closed Els
wer; !Mtn priale me.. 1424 . Atller•can
Lard advanced &I, closing at Gs 60. Pork
ncady at 714. Bacon 42s 61. Cbeene, 314.
Produce—Refined Pet roleum advanced 344,
eloStng at Is 110; spirits neatly at Bd.
Loanos, September 21, 9 r. cbange
On markets.
Fxsvcroar.Scpt. 41-U.B. bond •re quo
lAA min% tor Woe tat 1132.
Toe War la Paragaar—Town •trao
.tleaed and Destroyed Dr P
:ter rel•Fnph totes Pittsburgh gazette 7
New . nazi, September 21.7pa0 Jaserlo
advices to the nit of Angtust give a report
that San Sonata bad been' destroyed and
abandoned by the Paraguayans, and the
Mlles were In the rear of Ltuninita.
General -Nitro bad taken empress. corn -
mend, sonereedlng Starquis Geste., and
a disagreement Is repotted between them.
The • tort at Commit's has been taken by
the allies.
Advice. from' Guatemala, report some
revolutlooary alstitrbatices of email pro
portions. The armlet. continues ravaging
in certam Oletrlel.. Nicaragua an 4 Costa
Ulm ere quiet and progreseing favorably.
The Trans-Continental Itallroad proje
wee again attracting attention. A. retire
sentative.of the house of Keith f Co., tion
tractot s for the Section between Lemon and
Poen ars. arrirod at ban Jose. A party of en•
gineers were expected from 'lke w York to
Join In carrying out a complete survey.
Keith d Co. express a highly favorable
°Pinion of the practicability of the Pro
jected road from Punta Tronas to thO Cool
tat. The Government and,. people , are
strongly In' favor ot It, *ad hope the
Americans who have It in <Merge will beat
Englleh railway projector* In Moo-
Met. •
Loan n
Senren In Ludo—
itnult Pos—.lno le t.r Remolot o ion In
Hey ti—ltortible Destitution.
tar 'Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossette.l
II Sept- Havana
patltl has Scented a loan in London. The
administration aro deliberating en the el-
PedieneY Or tricreneing the rat
an f Interest
allowed by Banco Espanol ['ago eight per
cent. •
Sugar firmer at 11 realm for Itiml2.
, ArtsiCeli from Jamaica to the 121 - test.
btal.o that Mennen per arrived In *On ter.
Bay. Commerce area :sweated. Weather
gond and crops promising.
.Ibri au Prince, Sept. 6.-501 nave has sub
mined to the Chambers an order ...Mine ,
foreigners against any public expression of
resordloir the political artatra of
the country. Another =relation was Ines
!table. The moat - Parable dellitutlob pre
sent, and robberies areperpetrsted almost
with impunity. ,IraiiineernirsunJYre...
breasts else Es/Web ulsiatlsPed wtID
the Treaty Blade wilt& the Lobe*
hottee—Yearfol Bove' b 7 Leprosy.
CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh bersttel
haw Toni, Sept.St.—A epeclal tram San
Francisco . says. The Trench and English
.tfinfetere la Sandwich Islands earn at the
'treaty with the (Jutted States, and ire cha
grined el tee adrantaaes lure to accrue to
the United States.
Lchna7 was mettles fearful harm 'moms
the n stlves. The Victim are unustered h 7
hundred. A. separate tract of land has
been devoted to the sole 0000 t the comma.
nay of levers. .Only One fOrellper. G..'
man, had Veen attached..
Teflon roes,. bweesoewlo-Yks Dho
es I " 4 . l, Prowe, but or' ■ IMO
(My Tolegrepti 43 the Plttatnugh Ossetia)
Saw tniutene,Sept. 2L—Ttin interments
rom fever during the twentytont hours to
this morning' awe Nixie-tour.
The Picayune says the elitism:l Ii vide
spnisd, an the number of Cale, touch
urotter than in the. °shim'," or 1833, but
owing to the milder type the mortality Is
Inns Wellui ItartroYee.
flrrTelexiabb to the Pltueurgh Useetts.l
a o *Tel. girt. St.—The *orbs of the igobat
no „..
Letopsoy, to boreereet, were de
. strayed by lire th morning. The bell&
Inge covered pearly three mum of (teens.
The lose le estathated at 41400:=1. about Iwo.
:Fr 'referrer, ,O the iyu,burrh Oeseter•l
WASHINGITOS. eeptember il, Mr.
Tratteonel eterreney fecund for the week
from the Printing BIMWI fhti7,6tah spat
out from department+, 114.1,70 t, Metuchen
1.10,0 m) each to the. rnited State, deposito
ries at Clue:lnn:Ml and Chlefmre smop at
redeemed fleet:eyed. 1310.700; national beak
notea Iscieed. 110,1110.
The receipts or recto., from the , tit to
thc 14th inclesird emirs a2,042,021.
oak sher.mate ar THa wen harkkrencerr.
Demirel Sheridan erns at the War Depart
ment fretley, and had an interview with
St. Pierre Alto , .len sae visited bra ter
rible are last mgt.!. Tun hundred honors
Were oe.troyrd. With nearly all their eoo
tents. No live= lout. The leas has not been
Tile appoini,n,nt of a eolteetor of Inter
nal riot - unto fur the Third Dietrict of New
York. in nincoof linilleett, V 111 probekly ho
made next week. The Meet prof:Opera
rendidetee n O tlenbl•ale Boner. Mott hod
repro/tun srarriso OP LOT AL 00V21.088.
Governor Chamberlain; nr Maine, and
Senator Cameron, f Pounsylrania, have
arrived here. IL it rumored - that Cam
erords nal.lon is to idevall on Governors
Fenton aml Chamberlain to have the pro-
Dowd! Meeting or loyal 'Govornors take
place hero next reek. Governor Fenton
was to have none home to-night, but has
delared his departure until todriorrosn.
evening. It Is also stated it at Mr. Cameron,
Governor Fenton, Go :ornor Chnmberlain,
General SlCkieS. and General Shorldan will
chat General Grant to morrow In a holy.
There are moor rumors afloat as to what Is
srolntronoted the Johnson men ant esFeco
tails anraons.
rrnnertraau naxocuarto rotertetsalk
Pennsylvania Democratic politicians are
heroin great number•, Urging the President
to rave them all the min lawaltdo In Govern
ment patronage In tints Mal, This thee
demand in order to mute the State sere for
the Democracy in tile coming election. Thee
are worming Hits berm. A CoMmittOo has
O&M appointed tocialt all the Departments
ham, and make a Hat of clerks even Penn
ayleanta who will gp t•OMt hlul vote the
Demoenttle ticket. Those who refute will
be wenotteil,li and it they alimild apply for
leave to go boitu 'at the time of ntettthn
wilthout amine a pledge as rd how they will
roie,ettorts wilt bo Made to hare them di.-
moment Pieta their positions.
COC6S Or INQUIIIT 00010000.
General Sickles has made a fresh demand
for a Court of Inquiry lh hill ease, which, if
nOLlfraatest. be will turn to resign, inenter
to mate a repls to the charges in the rre4l
- proelametton.
Nt13111,C020.1, 5epttt4.0.72.1,61
iIV.A.IIHILT :Sm." srisa.
A I ❑epmeb received at the Tread•
ary.Departmeht,' if. ¢¢
canced that Mr Colby. - Register of the
Treamity. was eh3king vety rapidly.
000005 TO bitattinatt ASO ICWLES.
Provision:l Commander. of the Dentin
meat of the Potomac. Grand Army of the
Republic, Visaed the following Cirstdari
The presence In our oily, tit thromich dis
tinguished soldier. ertholaleColumanders
of Military Districts You. I and h. coming
amongst la Under Orel:Masteries* eslierilaten
at arouse our
Is au event bb overlooked by the c
lien soldiery, did which Ills believed will
be eagerly seized upon by Comradei toper
•theso champion* of the right all honor.
With a View to extend In an tinnatentatnnin,
rut unmistakable. manner nor hearty sym
pathy with and rOMintudittlen• of those
justly elteeMed Moors. Comrades will as.
-amble at nine Velook r. ta. on Monday.
September 231, in the .ooine of Poeta go. I
and P n Ninth Street. tbenc• o tander a
Complimentary ',enable, at their hotels, to
:Nisi. Gan. Phillip Sheridan and Prover Mal.
Gen. Daniel E. Sieldea, U. S. Army: -
00110 70 70112 M117.1C0.
General intake, Churtnart Or the Rouse
CommMee on Foreign Affairs, bait manned
n Invitatinn ot Senor Romero to accana-
Rt.:l,l'gVila= StntruldlOtltnal".Tllry
expect to leave on the 3th of October.
The full correspondence between Goy.
Orr, or South enroll., and Cieneral
Sickles, 17p012 the latter being lleewl front
the command of the Second I.lllttary 1)1s.
trlet, furntsbed tar Is
long. Interesting and mutually emapll.
Extreallaa of Hor Vaaaana Railroad
rraartster—r arltrowar lavorrallaa
War woremeote of Spain harriata.
W., 4e.
:3y Teleyrstat to the l'lttsba rah Goante.l
SAN FRANCosoo, 53pterabor 10.-11.0 Zha
karez correepontionto from Pyil=l lan
The extension of the Panama natiroad
learehlse le amfrmed ~'[h e bill passed the
Natlonel Convey., at &grata. august I.St
and waseicouel by the EleelatVa ale Milo. ,
log day. The general terms bare already
been announced. Twenty•llve dollars an
nual rental sees to lb State of Panama, in
of theced leg of the Island of
llllannerllto. and whatever lands may be re.
galena for improvements In connection
with the works. The ladrotel will now be
extended by a new wharf to the Island. ob
vert-bag Use neceselly for lighters and tate
Vulparauto data, to /Wawa left fnrnlah
no new lertloumpnce concerning ten war
wlth Spain. Ifothllle wan nerd of the
soant.b and Ito eXetternent at Val.
paralno bed nOwlttew. ;tot oontlnerclil La
urens mete nn-nttlerl..--
- - •
General Gook, United States Secretary of
Legation, diea at oanao, Aug ust tith,and
411 S balled with tla honors. llis
rsoi was contract,' in Southern prisons.
Tbe Waterer, 101 l Val estate, for Callao, on
the 13th ta July, wilts General Dotty on
The Nyack was <flaying to the north
A Might c. heck et an earthquake rns felt
at Valparaiso on the Bth.
War iirepenttions were going on in Perm
with energy.
President Pnne was much prniaod by the
people watt the pi
My. Orr rodorse• iho helium office,
laloo—Goo. 4,11011, Veallloood to
colannao to Pores gtratir Ku. ID.
Naw Tree, Sept. il-Governor Orr. of
South Carotins, his written • letter to Gen.
Sickles, since the latter ens relieved, In
which be choicest, deep regret at the tree.
Ideal , . mow, end undualleedly endorses
oil the menenre. of (Yen Sickles. adutinte•
traitor, end ...pettedly order Ma. le,
welch he says tom love the only means
by which the people of South Carolina tune
bean able to raise a crop this season.
The V1 , 040411' (11,3. at North Caroline
have petitioned General Canby , to contintut
In force order Zio. lib, in Order to save them
(ram twlonsF7. •.
The ireeltPs epochal Caps t The Govern.
mint has received ditrorrnittlde tbattinneral
Canby is tot interfering lawny way With the
erne...ea. tanned from the Yellers! Coilrta Ia
North Carotin, el though be has not stispen.
tied by any . special enter that - restore of
Gen. *Mobley , Order ?tn. 10, which prohibited
the enforcement of Judgment for debt. The
united States Marshal is serving the Writs
leaned by the United States illsirkt Court,
end sailing property under them, out the
prices are so inw lia the present conditlon
of berth Gamboa, .bat in one case. firm
whichonet at 0,090 In gold 'Wert the war,
brought at the Marshal's subs but see thou
sand dollars. The Judgment la this Mae
Cal bought by a Northern creditor, .
The Coming Election—Whit. cad Col
ored Wet.. is bels...ea Deparatolp—
Nominations Sad..
Env Tairstan c Intnitiarth tiautts• /
Rtenatose, litiptetriLer 21.—Gen. &beheld
hiss issued an ardor that the ballOtS of
white and colored voters, at the coming
dlection, be token srporately. In every
istrict of five hundredvoters, three per
sons shall assist this registering °Meer la
et-cc:ring votes, and whom there aro more
than five h modem), eix portion. shall assist,
all being previously eworn to impartially
dtecharge their duties, rend spi.t..l from
among the registered voters of the 41istrict.
The brat nomlantl.s by Republicans, for
the Mate Convenuon ' were made lathy in
mower uninty,being 190. JAMBS, late
Revenue Collector. and John 14 Crenshaw,
atiker. minister. The city politicians
are holding meetings to make nominations.
All the names so far mentioned are of vier
sone who have become residents anco the
Democratic Convention-Preparations
for tmampaign Listen Pear°
fr►le—Wemslo ontress•,2cosporance
and Monday Law. •
07 Telograph to toe Pittsburgh °tutu.)
Sr. LOOM, beptember tl.—The Democracy
of Kann. held a convention at Leaven•
worth list erect ~ snd adopted • 'pllttforin.
They have toade preparations for meeting
the Radicale on the stomp and proecontinn
Itigor°. ea mnalan R epubli c . start age.
Is claimed that the ca Part/ le
notch Split On the quentlon of eroffle sof
teropeninco and Sunday laws. The
tiermene 10111 hold n convention atTopeka,
on the Mb, to consider the latter questton,
and the State Temperance 9 nietY 111
meet at Ltwrcnce this week for the allemiti
parpomi of looking after the Gummi*.
Telleß Y Abating. from Wont of
Naterllo—lnterio. toaaa De•Olated
...Migrant. Prevenient tram Laatt-
Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossetia.)
GAiersves, Taal, Sept. 2l.—The apt.
demla .barrel hare, from exhaustion of
material, The nutriber or interments this
week was sistrnthe. The dismiss's dm•
°lasing the chief t 0... In the Intertor of
the State, -whither nurses have been dis
patched. The froward Association have M
imed an earnest ramonetninca against the
return of nnacelimated forameo to thin Mt,.
A s t
h Yi to ed
E ' L l f = itted to land.
Two TOMS Meet else' by s Yallseinss
Teteszada to tie rltiebertleiletmo
SepteMber IS—Leif. siglit a Pa
Somme named Well &bat ISM I/OMM mob
'named' SltsalmMODe and wan
auanlunt blm. Mitantly_ SSW'S =Pi.
mans. and nonndmg linni ll imr• "
thaught the iatter ell/ reoOfer. - The yOSZIS
Milt Sae tiIteSIMSOS.
DoInfo! of the Molina (Minell—Omni:
Otereoh of aa !Mormon—
. - •
eeeeee 1110 Cann
ell In Inastict. etc.
car Taiegrava to the Pittsburgh ilssetta.
St. loCia, September 2L—Omahn els
, patches say: Telegrams from the Indian
Council announce the deatration of Ocoee
with the trete and ogaialabanda of Sioux.
, Senator ilenderson and General Sharman
made speeches. Thr latter Bold : "If you
don't leave the roade atom, t will kill you,
and I will stiveyou neither. powder our ball
till you make peace." ...Pawnee Killer,"
Chief of the Cheyennes. left the coti bell in
diegusk The ix:910011 will meet agate at
North Platte on the lot of November. Am-
Mutiltioll will be elven topeacetel
The Montana Stud says, The Seventh Keg.
intent of Volunteers has returned to Camp
Meagher, having Winn to overtake the Tel.
!Deacon, Indians. This start again on the
9th ea en expedition against the Crowe, on
Sweetwater. There la no doubt of thalami.
tillty of the Crows, as they are eentinuelly,
cote initting , depredations. • • • •
(iteat fears are entertained for the safety
oI a 'cony of ernlgrants oa too road from
Fort Smith to 'Virginia City, ho they have
not been brava from for a long time, •
The Ind mos have notified the contractors
on the Kunnas Paclfic Itailtend that teat
road shall not be built beyond Fort Hays,
that they moan war to the knife. Great ex.
leitement prevails along the route, auel the
leaven, are leaving. Col. Shoemaker le at
ttie ender the track rallying the moo,
•1011111 a zusrwitiiK. •
The Zepubtiont's special from Omaha bee
Use following: 'The ticlunell at North Pia tte
reedited in nOthlng cObeltielvet The In
dians frankly stated the cause of the eon.
ble. General Sharman, on behalf of the
Commission, delivered an answer, which'
was plain, eharp and explicit if the
Indite. should hold Streaky lull. the
road mum be Malt. They most not Inter
fere with the government. ' lie supposed
~/th toad .__wiht Mid irPonaiy the Chevennes•
ionr years ago: he military poste and
matt Irtattestri - ra t • two years ago.
*crn. oot then considered a cause for
war. If the Indlaks Itatnersd they
will - rorelVe " edepefdntle. fit eon.
they=h llg i ctvi on tar Idea,
amle treaty
last epilog. • Pi title the Indians continue to .
. wrote wit therout trill not ho gilso up; but
If the 1041... right la th( good it will be
Riven up, or qessesatith then2Sar, 1.11.7
hoop Dein*. Powder and lead lament.= be
n'en them nntlt•deflolte treaty was, mde.
A railroad Into bad been Attacked. nen
were killed who had .no guns, but ware
Minting Ronda, sOme Of which
were to feed
the Indiana. A prom:within WM that,
submitWd for the Indians to accept hothee
on new reeervationli. mid they were gib
a n
Mato( November to answer Henn-
Counell Who held at North Platte. time they could bunt on the Republica*.
The General reprpsentinl thatwe were•
eteldlng Costly Paths, and they chold not
he stopped, no more than the stm and
moon in she East. They hardly 'think
hat they call nor here le:bat Ilthey make
up thin, minds. It will. Dome to the
plains thick. where there Ate - the
largest herd. of beffeloa, and kill you Alt
fie told the Indians that If they wants I to
go east and see for themeelves they would
be, deadheaded thronah. The chiefs re
sponded that they only asked ammunition,
which the Commindon finally concluded to
ShermanTomtorted, to meot at
Fort Ilimker. Gen. will come to
St. Loom era. Chicago.
:Ur Telegraph H the rib ti et..
Note Tong. Septereber, IST.
sans• 000 11.1110.1? *ACAT.D.
The order fcir the arrest of Collector of
Internal Iteifetote, JLtiel , waa vsoatet to
daly. When granted. the Judge was Pot
aware of his of 'position.
rialnirti/vel tuirrOss.
The Mayor atid Caminito of Cincinnati re.
tempt from Albany tale morning amt left
to-night for-Boston io spend Sunday, when
they wilt return here. Cot. O'Brien. of the
Little Mama Railroad, hen tendeted them
a trip to Europe.
There litre been four more deaths from
hotera Clove (ho c - m.O of the steamer
Iltnnernota. tad sixteen of her p 4. where
are now 111'0f ohnlers. It IS feareA that •
number more 0111 Me. The hip ken been
funkleaten and Mu arrived hp at the etcy.
0010010 COITMIOI/.--1141111000 107/0101.
The Colored Lewue of thisett), ma the
Excel: Mee COLtottts• of • 'Lion. colored
orzialseltlara,ll,4ll* stsur, aro ilvdttott_
vretyaratoru tor elk** Cootteatltet tly
raense nest mouth, srltit • •lossr to co-otter
ste milli Le 'Laicals to secure maohoal.
Mao colors.] people of thto otty wlll pd.
br►te Yummy as the nonlooturyof the pro•
molgatloo of the Emooolysttoo Proolamo
dolt of roosidant Lutoolo.
The Orand Lodreof Old eon•
elnded their imeOun 'to-day. The assets et
the Lodge are IMAM.
Thi. ILY•elllou—Defoaleal thadildate 11.-
1.0100 by amnion. thostli
of Parlions..l—liabeler
and Isobbery at ILlngsten.
itlyyslegrapt, to tati rituals ti b
Toil:vac% depletalior .21.—Archibeld Mo.
better, leadituf candideta of the Opposition
petty, defeated to Kohl, was yesterday TO
turned to the House of es.etubly by en.
other constituency. hr. Coto Outland, an.
seer of the Northern hallway, was el.
Orrovia, September tl.—The omc fal
(Amine today contains an tinier prorogu
ing the Parliament of the Dominion until
November. The Parliament et the Province
nf Quebec is prorogued. until the lit tint
Tlinclisiount on Amenlcan involece for
the ensuing week was It percent.
Imeesrew. Casana, September 7.2.—The
night walchana 01 Morton . * tileuilery wee
murdered last night. It iseeppegeo by tone
men who were observed Sorting around
the premise* daring the day. Eighteen
41112driPild illam,lnanly is American
Was by .the murderers, who made
their strip. le large iall boat, also stolen
for the pan:woe. Active efforts are Dolby
Made tat their ethett. •
Yell*. Fever * litalamora•—/sares
lalshara.a DI. beellaa,los et the
;BY Te , thrach to the Fitterearab °with, •
haw YOac, Sipt.:ll.--13peoisloolcspoud
*nee to the Ireirritd,trona itontereZ to Anil
21. t awl Lie, to Aug. d , remora that the
Ye/low fever had broken not lb the vicinity
of Metal:Elora. Strict ethavantanc bite boon
catabllehod at Brownsville on vethels from
Galreeton. • • •
• • .
Graft preparatlons 'WM. making for the
reception of r.seabetio at Monterey.
A latter of Juarez
_published, with-
Antietam Dia deolleatitny of the nonitiation
for the Prralid.oo7. cOnsentles to become
canclilate at the request of OPT,. lifsz, and
expressing Ms esteem for thittlui tail Stotts.
belt to T , pt ma Cowetttottemallty of
e Income Lew Law.
thy Tittermite to the glitsbarglitissetle I
Same, Loma, September 2:l.—Witham
4. Pritchett* Of this ally, has brought
milt In the Circuit Court against liar.
too Able, Muted Mateo Latemarlterrenue
Collector, for the recovery °tenon:du sum
obtained by the latter by seizure and db.
tretutof the forraer•e goods, tinder the In.
rome tan lam. The platneld Melina that tte
sill law is nacoustitutlemal, and 1t0418318 to
test the matter before the Courts. The can
will be transferred from the Circuit Court
ol the County to the United Metre District
Court, and will go to the United buttes On.
creme Court
• •
Over ehe lamaewe of Mr
Fres%stela Bruce, Ai
Teiegreve to Um Massage Osudie•l
Borrow, Septentber 21.—The funeral Der.
Thies Oser the renielna of fly Frederick .
Bruce 1011 be bold at Trinity Church Tues.
ley morning nt eleven o'clock. There will
be no procession. but nserything will be as
Prirete es poestble. After the tuners! the
remains will be conveyedon boom the
steamship to be taken to England.
- .
emperlama Re gale Ended.
fay te;te.Flttabaralk Om moth
Borrito, Sin:Umber 11,—The Important
soft of the Internal novenae flevenee De•
pertinent &manta Jamul Adam. A t:o., to.
baocantst., of LOW city, for an alleged at
tempt to clettand the government or 049,000
tax doe on tobacto meanie-00mA between
the years Mend Iteet. wroi ended by ver
dict In favor of defendan.,
•relral“ 011ehasers.
By Telegraph ao the illthborati tiazetts.)
New 'pose., September 21..—The steamers
Orem., from IthelbusptOn Cu th e /o th ,
sad Bellamy ham Louder., arrlre4 to•olah t.
FORTIS/. lioxraos, September 2.—The
United Sorter, ship Dale, from Portsmou th ,
ZugMad, has arrived.
niaseloggliter to the; gleeloud. Degree
CBI Telegraph to the Plttebergh Gazette..
flahaecea, bept. el.—William J. Eirtly.
billiard marker at 1/ aloe Loral. who 1011.4
.1. Theodore Joutts on the ISM of AugulK,
hm been mond • guilty of Manslaughter in
the 100000 degree.- .. •
• Freight Dalai
CB/ Telegraph to Me Mubarak Waren./
Elawrroan, Ct., gent. 11L—The freight
depot of the Hartford arid New York Steam.
boat Company wee burned this none. with
a large'
amount of freight. Lou over
µmoo. The bonding u partially Insured.
DT* to a Canal.
Td•traoh Lo the new:arse Gault.)
Semiramis, R. J., Siptatabar Sl.—John
eteatlba respectable farmer, Us arts, and
a Mlle egress), ware crowned la Um POl**
}raidUE4ißflWpeatDA WWI&
rotrnit PAGE:—Theisalkd and m oet "U.-
.Ste Money, 011 and rnictuat Market Reports
glom bp any reper thßia stns, Wft befosoul
on our frourta Htpa. .
Titer. Heerlen jobiiaaa'a Farewell
• .
- .
t ,, stei day. iurenoOnlert anthene.o of un
usual Ohnibers and cb►ras{er assembled in
thu Third Nesbitt . ..4 Church of this city,
to Iluten to the farmelia , diect.inie of too
Rev Mr. Johnson..hatae held the Vasco•
rate for the last fivelan; and now retires
Locum, thn health of his . wife requires a
remora] to a different knoutto.
Tba DiVl. 1/14,56115a *L9 invokdd by thl
Tilts was followed tri the reading of the
gist raIlln:11.s the dritilesson.
the arn.lx by 11111 . Ireajthen slang i
"w0r1.19. Etrere ell 13 aw:'
ply feat Ifs fkir tprigr,
La 1 d~ M~u~~r wl4Y4lsd •la•
h4N.t Lt I, Lole, totem."
Tho 17th ohnDtaiottio Gospel Wording
to 9i Sohn was then 'rt.] as the second
Prayed. was limn ollkkod by the Rey, Mr.
aparks..who was SOUt SUOU titled with the
The Pith itrnba weekhen attar 1•
' arl i :e l isl;lll:iri t si k r . st7 " . d 't
Y : sf a<tm to tr i sh . totod,
ectue to
"'The tail wee fatties from 'Acts of the
Apostirs, reth chaßter, la, 29, 27 and 29
And • ben thetiwore come to .film,
hn sale unto' them. reirnow,lrom the first
day I came Into Asia.after what manner I.
hare [ken with yea stall season.. '
''And now, behold,lgo honed in the ardrit
m Sernsn'en., not knowing the things
that shalt befall' e there.
"For 1 bare not shunned to declare Unto
you all the cOmasel of God.
And. Lac, brOttl24%, command you to
God. and to wordot his grace. whlea ta
able to build you he
and to wire you an
In beritanOu anion them shears canals
ln aeleetlng tiaelk , rds from the fare
lwell of toe great dpoetle to the 57,httreh of
phaene,ll wee nos egs to teatlon,to Asti.
lute •.mparlaowberWeen that Mutt - lona
servant ot Sod enellthweelf. Rut however
ho ;night fall helow the Arpartlo In Intellect.
eel at fie, 1.5 pa.a wiled thelnenCe. and le ar
ch.nt zeal; he 001.11el'OtIll .1 , he had not
elineued to declare the 'whole cc:mallet of
ilmOst his Son veinal o t
people called lulu Made dense of mourn
ing. In their gricfsle hod belped th em to
ofor their mitoses. orbs. dis terra of Ser.
vice had hem deaths. VI these'S
were Molts. including Elder Livingston.
Twenty were babes , snamhed from their
matters' arms.. Tintresidon,nbildren and
lin had Iron preYet.i at their norrtials and
other emulsions 0:101. Sunshine on *ell as
shaloos had been. (de loberitance of this
ample. 110 had Magid la Mete social reo.
notions, swelmvartile to prone - br arm:t
ale that religion' WM not gloomy sad ma
In Oonseignencevirkbe its traction of the
Ohioag is/Ineethree yenta of hie pastArato
the congregation hi al worshipped In public
hall. Under the dlsConragernent resetting
from this nocceany beinout straitly rtailetea
invitatrons to other arid leitmotiv, geld. ot
labor. , •
On ill hi:tenet tritest/one of thaday„aside
from those relating to fissional religion.
his exmistrallons bad been unequivocal and
decided. Daring the wax there Wesno
hinge Or loop to hang n donbt On as to the
rams. chrlattan duty regional.. En set
forth that the Bible was the great foltritain
ttissrty,Etpittllty and Fraternity, without
respect to condition, canto or color. In like
manner he had steadily noilntarned that
total abstinence fed= all IntosJcaling
drinks was set only fassontlal to too Safety
If each one, but wan dictated by that neon.
toe clarlso. expediency which forbids ru
tolng anything whereny a weaker One may
be made to fed. lir respect, moreover, to
eh rattan beeevoletoe, or the right use of
riches, he had beau constant Sn exhorts
lions to liberality. Above and beyond
this it had been his eneetant elm to give
his people all Gorni counsel couccraingsal
ration no d element!.
.ta a people you Dave W h enever to
hear me *peak there troth. you
have differed trout toe 0 Wu been to kind.
0000 and Charity. in this retterd, u to alt
thers, you have lin me notblug to wish to
too way of cousiderate regard. Even as to
• esttaiT, you. have.ln tbe whole,'irtven me
Mae yen attinedated.: atnre Dtb
mous than ILte, yeti bats rivet the retanro
unman at your a/tara.aad Loma to your
hearts. _
As to the resulti of this pastorate thereto
cannot set them fetth. God has Nested, us,
'red I Omsk tiles teem the tullnees of My
heart. The seemenons to membership have
..en: the drat year It, woad ear 42, third
oar 13, fourth year IA and u fifth year 114,
.naltlng a total of 240. Of these 43 were by
totter hy. profess:dee of flesh. The
average t• la for etch year. She dlautseats
during the Wrappers were 47 by letter and
h by death. mail an strilostaste oh 03 .
'Among 4Latit!eltin,at W. *nun tanzottF
In nmtrfttutlbni to Chrlistlast banaroletw.P.
tor ablecla outside Oils pertteular thatch,
the Inch:sae has town andsooragtog.
The nest year the sum of' ettdt was tedeedt
the second, 47,511101 the thin!. 1123401 the
towtttr,.4tl,4ls, 1112 Anti, 410,410; tualttnit
octal of 11=.1,76.
For th;ansport At the particular Church.
:he 'lncrease hae been *till thorn marked.
Durtui the rival . .t, the sow or 1111 Al hae
been raised; oommenthea with liablealhe
;fret year. ant ending with over PIMA the
poet ycar.
• Tote shows the 'um oran,illohntrlbutert
for church and hen•volent purpose, during
the past Ore rms. birlepanCent/y of pri
vate henetestions.
. . . .
- I now rommeretyou to Mod. - aist the stool
at hie orate, flee years of welting to.
gather With Jeans has bound as together
with IMO not eastle,to be dime/red. The
11..40.4 part of the psrtlng I. the fact that
fr. Year , Of my ministry base left some
ctemaserted. I commend son to Jesus.
May my Satins forylve me If I have an
Dres.o.i as not to commend htm to yea.
Me people! we may carer all meet to
gether on retrtnt but may we all . meet
In Deacon with thrilling notes of treas.
oon and glory.and not part for ever and
Tna rt,ocludlng Dreyer was offertel by the
teeter. 5n which, most louebtogly, he tom..
nemeltel them all to the protectlou sad hies-
Ang of Untl.
The EOM hymn mu mane:
. '•111.1t b. the tie flit bled.
tier b,”.• 1 • et-Istlas lore.
• Tr, 4 , -. lo.snlpsf stsiletal winds
is lil-lo that show.. , ., wu thou pthShOmaceil
la the erentag' MO ravened gentleman
careened( • farewell !arinon to the gnang
men Pt its congregation. The attendance
wait c :need taglg large. We quota Crum oar
report ne follow•:
•111,13. I will le blase mote pircloa
'ban in, gold. ...ea • men teas the jade •
...ate of .4.11,
Them wotde occur u p a prediction of the
Wiso thatsram to eon.on Ilanlontorits
'Moulton. and heaven-defying pride. The
haughtleres and arroh.ore of the Baby!..
Mao empire were to be bronght to nought
The might.T.obloses4 kingdom, that •lined
10,10 up acamst' the Alrolohrlf, woe tb Do
totrubh,d In rho dom. Amend Other effect*
1 bat 000111 follow thecoming of the flay of
on Lordrrlrb wrath ahLtflercesogendwoold
In, the. lon. of men . for nebylorps . ftefenee.
and would snout off and omtroy the men of
the city Alit s . Tenn to defend it
would no more rite and valuable than duo
sold. This Is the slgnlflcation of Um text,
'1 will make • Wall More mei.. o Lea h O n .
ifekli even a man than the gelelen wedge , of
upbtr.o Itrefers to the lon, that 010,1 de•
terminal to Miss °Poll BerTlOe In the de.
,tructlon of lot arena-hearing citizens, the
[mooned ainew of a nation's strength.
Dot there m another tense In winch. the
words may On maxi. There may be humeri.
nruy'tonitY woe, yet really no true mini
or • true-sans May be m rare sx to
no countal more pronto.. then line gold.
There may he physical forms of men, yet
few grand,royel uvula. And is not lamely
at such a lanai tradart •We do not wont for
men..lf we ninth's' count them. Bat rep
pnaa we welsh them—et:peon we put esti.
mate on their worth . of character—what
Mout Sinner the laricLan Integrity, coon of
Heiden probity and oprightnessonen who
acorn to make worse appear better realm,
Uhlmann/01w unlecoptablO, nnenerVahle;
Litn ar blare love of rectltmle and whose fear
God and ehost thirtst.likn tamper and
Chrlablike lives make it manifest that they
walk with G. , dally; snob men do not go in
multitudes. They are rare. Ton , am so toe
beet, their price is above entree. They are
wmth more than the noldan wedgesof
• Ophlr. They neat greater value than the
...elm" whom Mogen. searched the moats
of Athens for, brandied In Clotting.
Such men are not born.. They ere not the
',rodent of propttion Circumstance.. They
do nOLOOrna Into tho world to take the /cad
of affairs, by chance. They ore mode. God
noshes them. Or rather. under timl, they
MAIO thernselvot. They are bout up in
worth of character by that dtvluest of all
fOnnatlVO looms, the 1)1,100 001011. And
era this formative force is dented to
none, over, man may bo much a man. If fle
will. 004 will mate hint . wove preeleng
tile', g e e gold, by an much as He le allowed
to work In and by so Muni ea than
work It inwrought and ontetonitt by the
inari.a own self In hie life. -
it It wore 0001,11 that makes a man, then
eememightdeapitir, TO be clad In purple
and duo 11000, to fare aumpthoualy over/
day, to command luxuries, to he rich, la not
Risotto the =arty.. "The rem, ye bee s
e r w e ye with you said be who became poor
that men might DO tub with the riches of
God, Thank God, can take tioutented
lot with poverty. a ndetill have- true man
m g Li. place and power that
make mati. These are hot fooldeota
and neldenta. Worth may win them, hut
krone," and Orto items OlrOOMStarren more
[Leech A t hing c hicanery may be commanded.
try nola•by Chicanery. by fs n ed...., thr ee
that Is bought end mold In the arket—may
clothe with outward reenacts Iltyned give
sombiance of unintimely hot the man that.
Oil make.. Math precious than
a n,
th e'
will bear the unit of opportunity and the'
, Promote.? teltiPtettrinaud timed pr e ,d
truth and honesty that trim "to *peak with
God behind hint, .0 n la be onlY the arrow
In the bow Which the Almighty draws,.
that tries to live with eternity ter
lore him and In full slew of its
gnaud and ectleMn reaies& he need.
...hoer plans 000 powe lt r. Ha le • Man
wirb ee t them, beyond all price. And snob
manhood' It attainable by ns all.. hoar
character. bulidleg he. hot one arotrimer,
but he is within call of every builder. Ewer
gloom Janis aloud in the liirlenten t ball and
Pilate said note tb• people, "Behold Olin
man,. It tom Dna possible for all men to
take that model and to be Like Onto It.
It le mush men that we - -want, Brighten
needs them.- iteelety Teede them.. The
elturett nada thotti. TOO' veltrld `needs
them. It pi .etpeetally in oltatis Hite Ude
In swarming poPulatirme, whereunto tOttah
and jostle nth other, whore greas funnels
center and to Mere Is. at eUtinta that the
promote of this need Is most nriOntly feta
How le Gale need to be - met I' Herein thin
city,.wbete. are nth men to come from!
Out of what material is nett Inanbeed to
healtd• /TOHliall% MOM soteeisups
thole who 'than be men Ledeed. Trani Lb
muke or the young. inevitably. There 13 ho
other answer to these queittots. -
- •
The old and the mlddlegged are already
built. such no they are. they must largely
continuo to be. They are grown and grow
ing, rigid as to'proportion.and reach their
degree of =entrances, Thos , have worn
grooves andr ruts; and must move In them.
Even the resrenerating amen of Clod, potent
with the might of Omnipotence, cannot do
loran iinponlientold man what ft can do
for an Irripetliteneyoutly They are passing
away, too. the aged, the fixed. nod Utah.
lisbcd.tho already built np. Goa 51,1 the
Cbureh most. therefore look to the young
for the manhood teat Is more orecions than
gine gold. ',they 'cannot batra It. Hence,
my appeal this evening, _vanes. men, it to
you. bring the need of the I:numb and
of tholety bolero yeat—et aced that can be
met only by you, and I press you with tha
responstallity of meeting it. I charge you
to be God-made men and women. no yield
yourselves to the formative power of Gin
Sutra, and eo submit yourselves tone holy
dictation of tan unarrmit wisdom, as to be
posseemed with true nobility , and worth of
manhoOd. • •
L ; charge }nit thus, first, I;etauseel your
farthing atitobilifier and meows. They are
pliable and illrelplinable now, ready to take
mould and elutpe,And to be put to moot ef
fective sod. Thu will never be bettereondl-
Um:NI to build on ebaraotef than you are tO
- ix the time, trove?, to be male teen
of. Tun are net growl/ allfr. Ton have not
been so long la a rata* to snake It Impassible
to get octal it. Ton &rein the formative oti.
Hod, being daily fast toned into that which
elm!' constitute your worth, be It more Or
lase, in Abe time TO come. Physically,.
compared with the Fathers, yon are lithe of
frame, Arm of muscle, strangle endurance-
Emotionelly, yon ore ready to swell and
glow with entimirunn, to kindle a d barn
with high • creltument. Ideptally, you are
,fresh for tolls not yot, indeed, having the
breadth and tooter and grasp of the thor
tenthly rlitened Intellects; nor the matured
lodgment Imo dlscrimlnation *Meer: . but
baying great poritlbillty of growth and un
known motto re el latent and to-oc46re.
oped rower—while you are uhOrawiped by
settled and obJectiOnabie habits of thought
I Morally and epiritnally, you are being made.
, Under Got yeti are your own ertielears.
What von do now; how you make moire,
end *Mist for work and pat yourselves into
the field ea laborers for hummityie welters.
0 title is made fearfully important In View
of the endowment.% of your yordb. For we
know how It le. The. elastic, booms= Pi k%
tures, strongly emotional, capable of being
rotated to a glowing en thuslawn, capable of
being stirred end thrilled by an Idea, or a
truth. he a righteous come, bats kept the
world from stagnation and led the ten 01
tiedie hosts every great sonfact. And
such natures are citeracteristle of yorme
mon, trace aroused and united in behalf cf
any 'previous ant Imperiled interest, then '
look out—the *Olll mown. Affairs are no
longer eteguant. •
No great work Is ever posited tosticcesettal
completion wittiont MO pith and sinew and
rhaufninters of Mich natures. Look at our
late war. The etrangth nod flower of the '
nation were on the battle-110d between the
age, a ,Minteen and thlrty-five. .Thee
Were the saes called. monflidt the
stroug ones. rim Dbyeltiti ;- amen capable
at endtaing ands:Mrs, and lout - bred ardor
UP en org zer them and bony theta Wit When
brawny muscle and Pend. One* drlitch by
law wlowleg
_antturalaini of their. loyal
hearts, Cialoand th• old elir all Over with
victory.. t), you .woad be marshaled
thus under iihrlstis bitriner,lll WORld move
11.0 like unanimity end fidelity agallaid
On foes, Whet trophies might 'be Ton here
for4caus and who Holt
/Mirth wen, the Church nod Christ .need
wunj wit as meet as the country and liberty
ills. Tour agency le juin ae °mantle] In the
Chnich warfare as it wu In the civil. 'll
the government laid delleattens upon yea,
en does God. if the youth of the IMTEI DOH/
the brunt of the conflict with treason, they
..ought no lam to bear the brunt of the strife
With hat. and ete. The great proportion
of Chumh work must be done by son as
well u lac grist proportion of all other
wore. Special oh:Matto. are laid at your
floor, because of your naierel capabilities
and pawers.
charge yott With respol/310111ty,' eeoottd
iy, bemuse rf your open,' rig , orperfanitles. 10
lie young la to hold in out•• hand great nor
sibildlus, and that Opines., Toe will bear(
men regretting this and that no having
been done Or 10/1 eridOne la their part—
wishing their youth buck again that they
might wore the opportunity they let slip
Nrever. It • conteeslan of weakness..
They tannot command what they ones
could. They have toot power over some
tit mg. They are committed to • habit that
their ruefulness and d Wale their
mnhood. They are mostlded dlut poem-
Mi a nt cheoge. IMO they see flaws In the
work that they might remedy lithe) weld
have back their witatrol and lost oppOrtent•
tie. Tours are weU nigh all before yon.
Toe can forte golden characters. Ton can
/10 `olden walk. Tan can win golden
ere on can build op your characters
end make aura men or yourselves, as to be
in 'the eight of God end mart, more precis.
than rubies.
TT. inacthda: of tam katherw LA Made.
- Yount. le to be made. The onpartoultme of
the rather.° are: rum. Tome crowd and
throes shout your unfolding Hem Vlore
are Op 4:111:2,1 fur necfoltiete, which yon
need but miter Co Pet It beyond doubt that.
the world shall tie better ler your' /miring
lived In lc There are times mid JoilMatree
hitleti....atut.Slucti Int anise to be cure of
onoring (tad and - bliptait
The.. to work to be dodo Mire In Lai City
wilich Tot need bet do to lay up far your.
!oleo* great tree...llln heaven. Toe may
mate tour macho.] what you WILL . raw
Mitt. may hemline realities at year oil.
TIM). Special Obilgutorm era-laid at your
door bewail. of your OpentOS oPpOrtuul•
` that I ebargil 'you.; with restiohaitnlll7,
thirdly, twee.* ofisovr egleysway and as
serialise anti fellership of Orrin with such
other. Too bare the thoughts desires
sod purple. of young' men and women.
Too grillage to them. You ars owe with
them: You ems ...sand Mode prejottl.
con and appreciate their flews and Wept
yourself. to their tutee. YOU Wean a
cyudistlietic level. Ton are yottni. and
you kno• bow youth feels and whet youth
wasite, nod the way In which Tenth Inky be
best Ltd most socceselnlly Influenced..
The cid men hare ranted beyond this
They hare loot the sparkle and vivacity
sod freshness of riding manhood. They
are Strong; to 10 a steam casino. But tt
nennie stoats to dries It. Mang 'men hate
the aims[. The father. iv/menu:6e forget
bow they felt when they were boys. ' Tony
can glen mind inlet.. They can urge wiae
eoUnilel. They cati enrich society sad the
church with the precious ore of [bets
rirnttt co. They Can he of I titan meble Value,
snit they are. Wow to the church, or the
conittninity or the Nation that date tot Day
deference &net boner tO old ago. kW tile
hoary head L. • ...Mad( glory when faun , /
to the way of mimosas...
tied .
has m ade you to give and needs the
heaviest blow. in the great tattle of the
rigid all trip wrong. TheMth hat Cones
at tenor term; that belittles them and their
;entice,, that thinks he can Jo without
them. that judge. yoeth almost 'a crime,
sod rancho. wtutom will dle with the Where,
is sisthig.mod. They aro toe cyan( Onee.
wDo most take up the bees/eet crows, bear
the most grievous hardens, go into the eery
hottest of the fight.
Anil now, how shell this ethponsibillty be
met I • Theme.' of hoclety and of thechuece
to imperative and imminent for men. trod
made men. Who *hail hs more preoiCiel
woo floe gold; yen, than.. the golden wedge
or °prin.. Ouch men are made Of God.
under God, 1.1107 mate themselves. They
must come widely from the tura. ,of the
oung. Ton can bo nun men , all ol,yria
here before me to-nlght. And sonnet Ole.
cation. are laid Upon yon.benther tow
rwiurat repeetlitire and powers, now troth
and emenum with Toone Mei exeausir ay
your omning eyperiuniam the world. la ad
',mune you; ami beanies of thee otheoletien
and JrUotuAlt , p of feeltrig withiota ethseyou
oe apecistly etted bare.% and save those
f your (awn ago and your own youthful
I call noon yOtrtedtalitlit.hOneatlfto look
them obltgations in the rase. I peen you
with your great reemanstbillth, and bid yen
Meet it in Mete. et Gal. God work.
with Ten and an you, do YOU work with and
for God and mate youreelves men. ' • '' ; •
L. Be wise in your cempanienaltip. The to.
quell:We:lMo the Comrade, the oath &sea
tint" the Nemo friend—thews ate element.
of trementinthnewitelh Tilttrinw.
Martens of •astainableeentmdiction, there
is nothingao decisive In moldding the char.
solar :and; determining the dietitif hit a
young man for tale world and the next, al
the company be keepe. Ton do not nerd—
you at least who have been blessed With
goodhomes and faithful parents—yon do
001 nerd to b's rd hdethet the ePretie
and greesie vicious, who haunt their Infamy
hthe phblin ethane • and • glary •110 UMW
aMe. that thorn are bed men in every
community who estamin to be patterns' of
respectability. lteidre rho world,• at Mist,
they are never offeusively immoral. They
way boor fair talent., and of Matinesestand.
lug, and of polithed manner*. lint they
applaud to the echo • golpiOr a Jett at south.
thing .s.cred. They laugh at the young
nocnut tio talk. of virtue. The hOldthat
no mall does a good thing except for prOltt.
Their favorite maim th, Leath me/ Vitas
his price: 'And they smile I icredolously, If
they do not Ms., at the Purity of women,
Now, l care not who rho ye ori g man Is who
emit. and permits hitillellth fenestrate inlet
.elate a. that. has not the power to the
slid Its Influence. Ito will unconsciously
Imothe the pol.on,thd acme at last to doubt
whether the foundations of oil vlrtuti aro
.rant laitatri land. ' •
domino human conerlanoe, who la ever .
°mottling for vermin^ end flinging un
se:melon s .
is andulleineendea at
the virtuous. is to be etudionely avoided.
Ws breath la pollution. There tere
In him. • He who can
the mother wtio
born him by ever tainting the alr with the.
breath of bra
*oncoming woman, Is
one of 11.111 ambassadors, lent 10110 this
world with full credentials.
Bat there are those of other bad Ambits,
whose comnanionebtp le to he equally
avoidal. tin not Mum those (mealy pro
farm and beastly—yon will not ,tie tempted
to seet
he ee,. But those whom expletives
used t fashionable sort. who visit Wile
1 saloons of the !ocean reepeatebilicy, Arid
whole nee of the gambler's Mole Is haver
for anything more than amusement or a
capper. Young menove think you whom
in such company. You see these
have described occuying poultice in the
world, pooling amon g men and ' , omitted to
ebelal privilege without .thubnoto of con
demnation, and you think you are safe la
your tholes of them as assomates. I.
tell 'you you art not safe. Can you
touch pitch .and not be. defiled by 81
do with me to the lower haunts. That the
den of Infamy, and then the elms house,
the lunette uylom„ the prison. SWO " th e
bloated beastly sot, the - fleshed libertine,
the rotten carcass, the driveling idiot, tha
raving madmen, and the taker of Ala brut.-
a% blood! !Mores on acOree Of theta :whom lt:uatl l ytte•tt= e a v g 7 init e lle:t n th7
the duo of appetite to mesh oompany as a
warn yob of thonhrht, O how =MY Clerk',
and stridence and yoneg men of besinese,
have 1. known, even. in ray - Oriel ex-
Verience,who have . beets utterly and
forever ruined from Una - well 00000.
By the' laws of your being,yeeteg
Men, am well as by the appointment Of tint,
deetruotion le Inevitable .if you fellowship
with evil. A companion of fools • Shall be
Break off th e unholy alliance'
Tum-your Br e ak
WPM, snob - contracted
friondehips! the towers may be there gad
wetting music. and glittering attractions,
and Ray. arlinant 1441100174 aaaholatiOaa.
but 11 1 , Tatra a wa,y Um{ iseaatiai runt
ante.Tr, but the end thereof are the
S ' a " Jae b persona , far
com pantenen. ' %he the ' cleviVe most
active " I tiolt &fuse. Voiceless' yet
often mores ighty t any' rweech. , Per-
melons reading is often won; dengerone
tear, evil cotiversatton, bee.. reeding
ain tee weed unmolested. Lt.ks can be
rrled in the mc get, h trunks.
Din &Way In Clerk aud unfrequented flue 1 .
Id be figgered and read stetuthily and with
abbr.' door, bY Wont. Toting man, you
had better take the moot venomous viper
I your bosam,wad tacit newt° hare ohm, to
kal O h n eart, than
COoo ebe t M heO ir y d our ses ban
under mart 1'
k k.pea that
on co Poi ed
your body. The Debt will bend tee deadly
Tires thronali your eon!.
t cannot atop here to tell yon the books
that shoed/ pe TOM entopanionel but
whether yo u Melt. religion or not, le le of
basting inaneequenoti that *mid all the one.
Slated withvenom yea hold ammonnion,
Tour DIM* abOnld here an appointee ono
prominent and etmatant pluie. slag US
grew.. truth to your heart Make your
Cool fan to the word of God. Chu. it a s a
and 'azturg'aiit;', the soul to a rnallty
are realltied, end you believe. them to be
we, I aek you what yea are doing with Your
/Mao shall Go to U. Open It. Read newsy
017 of Your We. A.M., from Its divine no.
Obesity It
.111 00 more to make scene
man a ma In the tallest and Mat enlarged
sense than an y other book In 'the
It le V&A ack fothe the
tome, the conaol t dreat. , iffy Ms only bookfor
Mascot.. It will link I'On feat to Maim if
you make It your bosons farad. It may
make you a t mend of Jetta '
lint bad thoughts are an, had Y bed hooks
bad rasp for your coMpainonship. What
'you think. young men, tells far warily more
upon your character anddelitiny than What
you do. nA or. .11 be whet hie moet char
t.. reelhafe are: , Who then, I ask. we
What *neat i.ot
year etirtp, ate entertasolona le y inal In yooour thomrtht-Ilfe
heart el If they are uncle., then learn not
wbatyoer outward habits are, )oti are rot•
teeing eye> lbre of your morel' being.
Ton are thrrateg the gold Into ores , Instea,l.
of the drum. Into gold. /lad you tney be
'are Of ahte. If Satan can keep you where
you are, otiteardly under moral restraint,
yet 'lnwardly ihdaliont In venturesome
dreams sad tainted thrtuebta end currant.
lag tanotee, he .011 ask. more. You are Me,
leirektably as If the brand of ham
ware on your brow.. As leeeltably his as li
you were a/rcady duonted and Maulers!!
0, that I could ;serenade you to De w
yod oonspnolonshin, Break at oue of' you,
snaring yOnr Weekoe.s sad ay topttblea nod
ardent destres for reekenrable nod joy-glv.
Ing awsoolation. have felt. and I feel •11.0
van the Issenattng nature of danserous
Due o f ae has ato me
whom L trust Mee moe than 1 r a ms myl
God hos -given_ too.a friend In-Jeans, cud
vb. ho Is oonscionslyprement In my heart,
that best and trees: and
diet t ot
friend of
Boners, It Is a py like unto no other my
soul ever knew. L esmoommend him
all can no other. In 300 r oholce of wool
ales, then, ebooso .Issos Stost.
We regret oar limited space wl.ll not per.
mit us to pnblish the, remaining port= of
the able sermon, bit will woneltule with the
following elhortatiOni '
One more word god I Plop", .
Bear with
ma a few moments longer, tH . II, the last
tans I, may. ever address you.
It was under God that 000 did 00 Frost
and good a Work last winter. Hoe yen , '
machmery, therefore, multiply Vine &gen.
Mee =cod, call the roll of your yonos
men, errawella, Organise, organise for
work. t remember, the wisestsneasure.
sad the moat Intelligent schemes, and the
twat laid plans, will utterly 1.11 of making
Parr organintaatt irsoneews, iglus the..
sgenmee =el plass are penpavated and nil
these Sellelael inlreherged, and a/I these
measures, bale . ./d, and you yoorsels.,
01114 end and Inspired with 111 , .
Holy t me borrow an ilinstratlon
for this point. Enurrose we saw an array
Bitting down boron a allMt- fortress, a , ei
they told is they Intended to bathe 11 clown.
We might spa item bowl They asset us ta
a untnan Wl, Ina tber mornJ power
th " been% Nit Mr, than
hundred or belt a hundred Westin. • •11 all
the men ra the army were to throw Bowl
they the beat diselpilued strongest
army lo the world, that would make no lm.
preasida._They Bay no, bet long alPths
0111000. Welt , laws thereon. Do...rt. Ibel-
IL tae machine, and frothing More. Bat
look at the pofsaml r Won, there le ne
power in Matti, elaild may 01,111 n, *spa ,
row may pick It np. let tnis powerless
Powder and Obi powerless bW ere put info
taus powerlads cannon. Or rpm* of fire
mum!, it, and then, In 'Hatt wieriing or en
eyes Slat powder la a flash of Ilebtatng, and
'that cannon ball Ls a' thunuarbalt,
smiteala 1111 had beta wet from beasen
. _ .
kt. falt with our machine:l, Members of
lb. nuns Yen% Ateoclatton. htleY er .
dmtle. Whlle you thank .Gun
the t.
put e eltern nd take [manure for she future.
rentamber t it yoo would bare soy pins of
Year's ennOpea, any effort etc unien any
word made effectual, If you souk' have
tiotll arnth. mighty. forvemen Menet*
Ori•VO from their to e 1 H....young
men sneuthefffrom t hou sten of Satan, anti
mane to the church and the word. more
pre', rer.toua than gold. pray for th, Oubtion of
.1 Mtn/ Child Grtered Is Perfeel
-Vs niiltdfda? we !Ore ea upon Ls hat
dianthus,* • saint% WM Tltaair st 'nate
Vii who came te teUels,. 1n bet own limo
cent manner, bow - her eight had - been re
stared by ituat dlatlnguisbal unto. ant
, ph/an:Min th. Id. B. /there, ho. 11.1 S mit h geld
! Street. Ilex name she gese'ds as .Lotuse
Ithuok. sad Ms Wei us thee
de tab. resided at
. ,
WilLtirtne, opposite . the, 4.. she
had same tfm. NV bon attacked with that
dreadful and Itietheente dims" small pot,
which not oulydledatired bare fame bin 10-
tally destroyed tbe alebt of her right roe
and eerioully Impaired Distal' the left.. no
calamity can be Shoat.). d more terrible to
the march= hie ihrunettes 01 toesre an
ofelght—to have the Windows ot tbsoul
closed and darkanedjust maniacs when lase .
world Is ahatkored by no dark Monde, but
claming to the • ew outs ell la beauty now
try and (rendre, Little Lerma , . Monde
MiettlY Ampittlltied with ben ,andloarett •
life or bitternessand blank, called on Dr.
Aborts and placed ince under Ms treat meet_
The cave was dlfhoult, but the unequalled
skill SAO pa:action Senultrsil by UitS sa r.
[WWI W 23001 surgeons promoted him to
prowl.. • extra eanSllttle Lout., tot I us of
the tuldilintmeof that promise. She , could_
see, and t o
to delight tu cloates her
left eye to show us bow well she tonal see
with her right sma Otte timid tall colors,
tell linters. • toll objects, sod In short, be ,
sight was fully restored and she was h so
glad 1.0 talk about In ' Bat tore h el,
mot Of the plesteing epleodes whieb deny
gratify Dr, Ahern. He hes aecoupliseed
many earns Limit Macon:4So boa Gerom
widely eirtendedonnd he now enj..y• eo n
tie.' reputation hued on pure merit alone.
Little Louisa's . n certlacitte." tool by her
ewe Prettlint Deals worth • wore of at
ildseita &04 the knowledge Of haring re.
stored bar to complete sigh; to have re
deemed her from derlll3o., must prove a
meses of matey eallianotlon to Dr. Snore
Out one innaide • Ina piolesnOto cart ire.
Tinhorn eibibitioe It tbir Kier tiontiro
.oen. To-day there will be • match between
.., 310. " and '•Pilot" for • prase tom of four
tondre.igollars; also • running non single
Oreb of rme min. between n Nervy. John,.
..14.11 Man," "Jenal. Vann an.' ...Ulm.
for • ars - alum of MO blitidtred
&wen ty-Ave Lollar* ms nob quarter.
To-morrow toes will be • grand prole.
runs. for a prenstrunot fire tronetroo dollars.
for ',bleb lin Doted bones ni.trey
nag:mean "Yankee game` and "Gold Water'
Billy. will oompeta
We understand • prODoiltirm has been
ma de ato the BMus arrtentturat boolety,
wOlO.ll. 1.1 accepted. will earn= a 11101 01
lipped by the celebrated horses now at Oak.
lad Park for the benegt of ',triton at the
1.•61100S sontdentoocumat near toosonty
Stattea, on the Pittsburgh, /on Wayne ere
chlosio Hallway. on Saturday. resulting In
the death of H. S. Borsh t • rem dent of
cireenvtlle, Mercer ttoentyiPa.' Yr, IL was
Walking Oa the traidr.and tie train.
wtdoh Lesvos Ulla oily ea elzrrolnek. A. C .
streak blot sad knotted Ithaca The train
was stOpped sad. the injured Mao I put on
board Ana taken toZcehUter. lite Injuries.
althuturh einere, were 'not tatastothat snot
bug. Ile, however; . - eoutteued .10 glo w
I.or l / 1 1. and Anally expired about aeon. An
Inquest wilt De. holOtipOs the body to-day.
The deoeseed leaves • wire and one onus.
Lnat Ifamillaitthe madly quiet neigh.
1011100 d of the Illateorka wu seriously Wa
terbed by anima. Utensil= betlioen an
- Istarlated wife Sad • keen,, Wier assured
heel:mad. The quart apbwana butarakes
a drive cas bls own tunes Is *We
at bome tO same her anger trot& • seems)
of Vomr sbuldlos, fthe Madre web Mr him.
and on Ids return burled w , heavy aann
oxilllea UM. bowl. wlttablimmelted h i m In
tee savemana She catterwlee abased alm s
and used language ShOcklag to extreme.
A elleweweefurt easiest elfiat, between a
doctor end a collector, otwerrartr on Afaltb
field street. an Saturday afternoon. Th..
<reflector we. so Inceratiyable Ms °Muer,.
Os to rouse the Ire or the 011-box dfselPle.
end , 0,00 the quarrel. neat were bad ly
rated up before they were parted. , -
The Jadvoteate Emporia& stated, en Bat
urdey at ternoon, that Mr. Font, et the ninth
ward. hen Dean lustre:m.l4U in oti.
dlaterbanee it a Labor Eldora meeting lo
his eel ghborhood, Wrld elahh_Theeharge
te simply taloa Rh, ife wag thtray miles out
of the any that tnaht.,
, . . . .
'pa... Illeestag.-.The Worktehman'a
rty bald a MOM tneCtiElif et the comae or
Tlfth and Ssolthdald itreets, oo BALl:gotta'
qight. The atteadebbe was gotta large autt
at thee. octozdanthle atlettl•leato •••• WWI.
Heated. The melting. was coldresaed by
aevetst able 'mama , . , '. ~ . .
•Izlb Ward , ' Ragialtlloiaw alleoWwW.—
Oor Sixth ward itepnbllcan friend• .bola
net fall to attendthe meeting called for this
awning -th• :School Hoose'to perfect
.Ward • Committees, and other Imporlwit
bnilneut Lot there be • irrand turnout.
PlaTigatAoM-4favtgatlon on the
Bonne Myer bin Dom rdwomed. Me noun
NM. th 111313•11 ulna on BatorWay. and will
/save berpator morning ..d 0 ". 1 °.
formerly =inn oged by low want.,
for al/points on the line.
Irefft—A Urge lute enthseteetleintuis
tneetlng of the Repot , Mane of- Batman oas
beta on nue. nt. h. Hon. P. O. Shannon
A AA A. •X. Zeq.. Call Tared the
speed:tell of the COnallon.
6cm aii
TOW Imo ° ista at .34. Thema" EtileN
.1,111'0.91 g". 14 strim4.: attead.
b.% W. Inmost, Longo, Oben loos.
owlet sad Ce. mere*. Sueoesstally treated
1,7 Dr. &WM LII lloldiallkO 'Ocelot. A book
Teatiterounst from Pasta:
• We. the underslimed, tale pieume to ter
tlfying that we regard the Sisson
cabinet Orgttiee. Inatruteetsm whim all
desirable =proem:dente stet° be Knurl.
The Automatic .Swell especially appears to
us a remarkable manse, and far el:parlor
in its caPeoltp for varying the pesrerof Ume
to anything which has hitherto bete made.
We recciumend;then, mast especially these
Cabinet Organs, for' their excellent quali
ties: first for the rendering of all stored
music.' and also ai an ludispeusible auxil
iary of .the piano -forte in, the drawing-
(Slimed.) Enntrasin Barroire...
Professor of •heno ex Conservatory of
Stade, and Organist of the Church Of St.
Amstar Dolan%
Omentat of the Charon of St,. Vincent de
Pans, and Compos.r. Paris.
Soots., floontratua
trreanist of the Charon of St Plitliipe de
Boon, of the Canoe of .the Senate; etc.,
Cocenoeer and 0 rgenlet of the Church Of the
Illactfalane, PATIM.'
The Mason 1 lisnallu Cabinet 0M..,
long. celebrated In own our country, ann
nw yegerded In Lump. as the bat made
In o the world, are for sale In UM. etty by Mr..
C C. Mellor, M Wood street, the 8010Itgent
In tbla city Ann elslnicy.
FHO. flea a aln aay—Alleattive
aala—laenra ler all, at Fen Pall
mantes., II ear Ilanellela, saa sae raft
Lau YIC Mallreaa •
To-day, September 52d,, et .1150 o'clock
ig on the premises. will benold at 'atm-
Ma eighty-One letsof ground, in Olanilaid
out by the'rerrt Pitt Coal Company, at. the
Fart Pitt Station, near: IdaneSelA silvan
miles from Me oily , •
Ibsen lota Contain from anoint! to one
forneon, and are particular/7 well emitted
for private residences or gardening_ parpot
we—bring located on line of the railroad on
brantdol knoll overlooking the same.
The n,ighborlined in goods lamina= el•Va
led; surface divertined, and In point of
cation nod alto ot tour nil can be 'suited at
ibis sale, which will be positively nurempt.
cry nod with int any reserve wbatsenr.
Oars will Imre, the Union Depot at eleven
o'clock o. tr. Parties desiring to attend
will ne concerna to and from the sale free
o? charge. Flews can be had by calling on
emir neon. Palmer d: co., Auctioneer.; 55
sail 57 rush street.
Lotto. from -Ilea. a a Menhaden..
member of Conga..., sad eltalrmea
of 4,,ommitt.m an Ways sad 110111/M4
' 'PARIS, July 10.1811 T. ,
Mu. Srmawar—Dear iitirf—Permit me to
avail mYeelf of, Ole 000mfort ,to Congratu
late son upon your ambient euerms Won:.
caluler the lrirat of tile bold Mediae award
ed to Plano. at the luternatiostal
Liao ta t tde <My.
It le the mom grattfiltqf tO every ateert,
010 0111001,11411 11 memo to be tuuterskod
that by your now syttom of PittoOdonfulf,
you bay. 'placed the Ildtted Mateo at the
hood of UM Industry for the maim work].
E.' ll.' Wamstrama
neee':famons Stottavray .12lanot can be
totted In tole city at H. ;Leber I aro , .
.. - aZtrOMI:IIk 1= Wood street, who retail and
trooletale them at faatOry,pdoeL • .
Tto•Secretat7 , s Wilke Ot the atolls Per,
at Pu.lo St. Clair Street , :will close sield
oesta i alcn4y, see 1.111 oper ea tee grounds
at the Lawerocevele sittlesoe oe Tuesday'
1110raint; Where entries may he mule op to
79 welock W.
Paw policemen anti forte 'watchmen will
'be. in attendance in preserve Order, and a
tack-op has been erected on the around.
A fotuttalu has been constructed fronting .
ibe north entrance of ' r/Onti Mall. neat
which Is the President's tent.
. .
. . . ..
The entries el stock are quite large: the
.tables all being doled, 111.1%.1.• naming' or
manufactured articles are already od the
ground. among "'bleb is the stes.m a:diking
umerdne. .
. .
The well•known hydrometer Manufacturer
of tall atty. has opened a .tome at No. 121
dmithllald street; 'rhino he intends to hue
on hand a fell and complete LISOTLIMIIt of
H 4.1011380111. Therinometere. end liras.
meter.. all of which he manufactares, 'and
from a long emperien. to Ards branch of
hemlines he is subtle:l that he can aloe per
fect malefaction in all who may be In 'rant
of the above anions Ile has also on hand
a large assortment of hPeCUMIea.
all of the late Improvements. *blab he will
alarmse of at lower rates than any other
bonze In the city. Gibre him - Jr. all. Ho.
member the lio..l9lißmitnAcid street.
Speetal Naifee N Suetrallolle. •
C Of the llzilced !Raw.
Prrrszueek:gepteetber il. len
The rate. to Xew York hereafter tor meo.
'sages over the Parade nod Atlantic Tate
graph Comoanyof BMWs. from
Pittsburgh to New York, wltl fte for tea
Words forty-Ore coda and throe. cants for
elan astaltioamt word_ To Creosoted:lo,l.y
rents for •teu words, and' three cents for
each addltional .ord. .
lisoaois H.
Hon. Mims Deanna.. Fon. Thomas Met.
tom Bn. D. B. Kerr, P.D. Dm D. ZUBot,
Giorn,sw cm: As Too doom ha exhibition
or toy, rmsatollas public ~ .nellt.; I will
sh.rttftly coca hty with -your regent oh
To slay, nth loot, mad wash aucoswithe
day darlug the *Met, at IYO Whoa meet;
Your obadlest semmt, •
Hr. (;t isselleattet .has just Vs.
termed from the Tact with s large and sre/I
selected lot of earlety goods of every des.
orig..; which be tutted, to olilsr the trade
La vets small proat on the Itivelitosent.
.7.1 Zussettu tuts Imo consluerable
IT the notion nee wed fully Inman.
'tends the Whittle. la all Its details. Fie
nee made his. selections stet parcesaes too
that he me nWer a superior lot of goals at
eriene enusigerahly luster than th ose of ant
other house le the cltr.rt We 1.014 respect.
telly Vial. our [lianas and '10.1099
sare hlnz • call at 2(o. 9t Fllth "treat,.
Veld lipuklillog soda ' , Mater at T.
lismples Drag More, Ito. 1111 roderaltlier.
Goatlguana of groat medmel.lmo>r
" AtFolulrtooTor s . visa Ulan
Drake. Celebrated Plantation : Bitters was
Dover .titcoveren.' Be rolgnamentts it - for
tapepaia, for Llyng.liomplaint. for Xx
hauttion, for a Valli of Appetite, and for
MOM. Doporealon. • la •la an agreeable
stimulant, and Is equally adapted to young
ant old. Persona of seamanly habit.. Ilk,
eltwarytoen, lavyarsomeretisa la and delicate
ft males aro pargeolanY bandied by Ha
Malmo= • tt'araid. • delight3ta toilet—thPular to Cologne anti at half the
, .
To Insouti7 literebassta.— Toni atten
tion is called to the wholesale and retail
grocery snore of Arthur Klrt,igoa 179 Pod
174 Fedral street, y; lust the laoe
to buy l our grooerte Alleghe lir. en Kirk has p
%lee for baying that entaldre him to bell to
retail MlRlllonata at a lower !home than any
other bons. ln the two Wiles. . He keeps at
all times all kinds of grooarles, and will te
pleased to ham earths* toll and.exaninte
ma price !let and quality of goOde kept by
bull. • aernember tits antober, - 179 and 176
Federal street, AalhoriteitY cart ' lOW
111• Mess to lairelisininea.-41. all the
twice ►n glee that beee reined. by neglect could
he strung together; theriennild reach thrice
ronnil the world. There aitay have been
enme excuse for th le havoc In del* liana tit',
-.hen there ass' 00 alllOlOlll sisfcatierd
lseine, absolute decay In, existence. but
ee. , le no atiOletty for It - ncia. , ' , Fasoaisr
8..0001112, the world real:mead antiseptic
dentifrice, as oertairdy ;debate the teeth
against Coup, air oil - tinsveate. steel lireha
raidata. or water arrests the proarrse of
00.1. a 6 114•6110.311.b111
Jam. Robb, Ito.. 'Werke% meet., one aJ
the plenee.. the twww.a. Wipe trade d
ults atty. h. en band andlhabhaur
ble atook orbootaat.tle sod getter. which he
onere to the habitual verirre.heablaprlces.
IC wilt be remembered Chet the amearrueent
found here • le eta - from Eastern atm!oe
bobs. both. be. velem. direct - from
multifeeturen Who datl la mach ...Wises
win prove aervlcesble end. dor...
In sad.. rpr. portnelres;
.* .
. .
• Ice•weelet tne attentlOo nt • stellate seeking advaateterats Investments
; 41 real esate to the eery deeopeor
ty on Fou t rth Street'. slaved for lni o
ule pr Lf Lae
People's netlonat Bsidk:• , t`tier ...ear tag
ti'Ohsv• eso the • elts , arkt•lise
ennacured a moor, Wrisort street
for their new booking boom . Isiah • to dli.
Dole of these lore sod wt)l sell 00000
alkalies be 1111“16.013. See adverthieraeat
.1a gaotheS entomb. • • • •SI"..
Wa Isla air, Gown both s ar; wlltdreide
and rotatl, amt Are, a. • emetemteneei erce
ahledto keep • large r and mo th bettor aa.
sorted num to tel lMmper and ears MS
antals .la. more aeocoatmOdattne quantities
than =Andre jobbing. Boma. Beton boot.
Manta are Matted to examine our Moen.
J. W. Bum ON; .
• . Market street.
liesderf Dem Wee oonntry IMO will • be
to attendenee a lt b e State raft OW not for.
lento mil In and coo:nine the . 11ne • amen.
mentor I►mp, shendallers,-Dompe of ail
deserlpttons and general good. in Unveil.
steam and water 010100 Moine.% at the
wsllknown of T. T. , Zeena.
No. lea Wood wrest... . ••••
Iron sod Weed Pumps, ambrichair
the latest and nowt &cohered Styli% annd m l ll
Tenuous. for eau. at Wooed rates by T. T.
Ewe.. practical, y umber. gas and Oloatd
niter, No. it Wood street nyeolalattantiOn
Paid to order* from the tronntry. all work
arranted to g iv e lbs . WI heat • SaUshisrion
rla"..-Tbe. rlgnlar osmium of
the IRON CETI" COLLEGE. earner °lrene
e M n o d
day .Gm n e l embeo. 'tvblt
a m a ut tn•dc nt
early atrutenta eat °owlet* full coarse
during Ana iOU ant winter by ettesuaing
eyaologs only.
To •Ilwgheolerse —Arthur l!Clrk. whole.
sale and naiad Grow, /Woo 172 and 174 Ned•
mat meet. has received one of the beet
stock. of groceries ever brought so the Oikr.
that will be sow lower =out at mar hen. to
tha 01. • -
. -
To Tosolltoo.—Go to Arthur lark , . Oro.
41017 many tins 1p awl .174 Fedora Stair,
tO i tru i r " itrh a u b lif otTrTalMo a r d 1 .
ost Stook laths ono. gall And see for pour.
Owid e.s.ku.siaaa waft. as J. T.
vmarissai , •-•• siminaKr.
. • ,
L lois sbeet. evaluates TIIIINVNIZ qtly.
urn 47 lasareellse rosette metier, teetellesi
leeetee Xellerlals. lune News et Tasettipa
tad Nan. 'WW I * ii.etter Nuea ter tt .
Vstelty. sue Mast saw meit new*. xOOB.
seal ue essaakeNtag LAO
07 71742 to SU 0111. le boat. 1144041113
tercksat Mould be 010eeet 11.
pub* 1.11.
-LUG me eon 0r 7e7 84 to • IN* 7420046 OWN,
u7t048704, Jletiltions Ile elate 000 08 ewe se
ass Vas. secant. seise.
NON= To ealecnettall Carlates wee.
peplit, 00 MO 0.114 Me* witti Vag= - 1 . 4 4
Wart, My, WM 0 02.4041487 italtiasiNe raw
seriters Wine let 4N anti 0 Ma.
Alpo Moan 117 D+04242..004»0. &St 0744t1%
Cr hi Itiglnuedlevires. meleemet st ear INej
AMMO% Warn%
TheeOlee.ot the State *ericalterst se.
oleav Toestiremain at /to. 10 Bt. Char •treet
oein ecd teetatet.where oetrhe fas
made arid /Ito eertillest. °teamed. The
emon will remain epee Needs/ elreulleE
om it t.welreokdoelt. • • •
T T. TeeTes. 165 Wood strnet, *settees
atts sad Annuls east sod plemner, attends
in the Mlf.elltlotl Of ell orders either ta tbo
city or ciorltry.ll2 tae beet style of nnrk—
manyhip sad most reflected° pikes
Additional lembel and Tel.
egrepti 11•••• ee PearlDi Poug.•
tea Marti Merl. Mubarak.
ourallai or all Moist MOTU, 111.0irWir
cyan' bauriatarar et Maar. , Taralakins Goias
rarrdaked. Booms opened ilaa sea %UM. Num b
mid earalarea tarmakm. . ,
DAtlttl D., U
isoolms, 0.1).. Tblßwtaß . 8a0;..1%-
- •
11. 11111cr.
e'• Lan mon 5111/1/4.112$ facomMor to Um:
mos Smoot L Bladimm. no. II , !Ato .•stet.
Woo doors from B•41•1;ltalool CM. • ow
talk; Boveweett, Igaboraay. r pm
wood ItoHaulm WM.. at the Wrest mime.
prices, , Roma Oipoot 24 on boom In sal *MU
Roans sal Purtmteslttratemil Is /bon omtlim,
Yd an matt nmsooolgf• toffs. • • • -•
DEXTAEZV. .611fklo. YOO oortc. .ioevus.
olloginzy. llotaltfo, 1100o.00d awl ea-. COL •
las, *llO • comoieta OtoOY Of !Unseal CarabOia.
goop oat Lmad, sad toralsbod al Mon.% oolllfor.
at , mina. Mao . ond thsri /WM. for •
oor of 7nUrf 00 NIODIIS tgltoll. Clorfloeto.
flolosolm. Soak.. oa4Wl* Homo.
for bin.
ESTEWART. Undertaker.
• tom, of MILTON Yd ream ITPLICSIII.,
Slut* crud. 4:1•11a• of *ll Idadp. Roam $*
.Car'laces forstalmt ro• ta. dw.rre. engli•
—A. J. HARILIIII, at the !NM..? !Wee
LAD erftd4Z WOBltlf rrusig
CARre, WAII2.II.2FTSD wrezit
Jcweltrs and Opticians,
put **AIN • %up sad Irell Moroi
111411.1110 . atTgall.
Aaa all kto4li af wig Rataiipang
se wx.smrsk mrzezaivarr..
ostramosussupuionrrux imprz4 .
• NaiiiuLsaieNt. mer.
_ _
LaTirry Br.; errnatraell
/Jr Particular attaatlO*
illatclau. Manila ard result". .
Merchant Tailor.
it. Mrs ,Tet telt. 9at ATLI* Stab
Let. e'ere •wul .Iwwt. =b re be "a sar taculata
g hi. UeW itud , eit .I:Ultra ttadt OT •
'1.1.1. CLIME& C&oCLMteteei.
VIIST.III Milt tecarttaM.TlNat.
Cara =Jibe merte to eider to the aar= =l=
rttratill7l3llb . rtat
all be wades tent reasawa PT=
A. intern. Karsbast
rt• 'Wadi nItIR, i r. Mtk.UQ.
LOW mewl!
55 & 57 .MTEE STREET
Are Offering (Reel Ilargatns
Pocket and Table today,
?ltir Persons mashing to pot.
chow wilt do well to etostN
Ow% of the best tutortonthhietOr
lirTstrotsuro and- Dooseheid
Goods -AT AUCTION 01311" eveiT
,FOR , IltaLl6-32 11,11.11DataffiE
:stritaitre at.m.ea.aartea
WOCenkrairlisewes sestdridblff
OIL E. 114INIrml. Thum ant %bag:an elan
lot•foreasr.try ntmaaaeall Lawrinanfili
to 11•1"Tives, a sersat,lre extiell•A .•
Swain pf, cud, a awarrararx.
FOR • NALE-dtbst — bandying
and d'f•nr desired& THIII/F aTtnil DMZ
O. ILLLIde stiUbl..lian• be. 111, 0 asede
admit, 11th..11ta: Tale dolma Yetsauo OS
OSO Of 1M Madam:di anent, tn. PutOurina,
aad SOST•Sto . Itor On lab porno to Is
width Um idioms Klb 0, ...Aar • 0 ,,, •
tuna.. -ev.z..munrres•LY: we
bonne* dpat; latlrfwln, nannlianallbs.
Ws% lownrantnni• •
1101141116111,1F0R VALE, AT .
'Howard% Livery feeble
nen irmarr. aw sae mea He ire
• - .
Ms BOHM Tory goons to dflyot on I Jo ;
rortto,... Mr PIZ
10•. R . s. boost; sao , ao ootoothrstoo.
Practical ihositire
li tt ...!Y1 4 4• 4 -1 . 1 1° . 4 __
Amber Cates Mai fWVITP9