- VP -,- DAILYTGAZErrEi roBLV J . ilari. • lENNIAEAN Witati 4co ~ 04 - 4 =w44xxrpmumpa...• • •• = lysiik-1441641*411.*efi. .. , 4 1 49 1 / 3 2 Tart magtemramarnirecam BIN DaJM4.4-.. &ACirolf, s :T.t t PITTSBURGH. /MA: II GI 6.ttVitt l.-WM intl -2 I • t-Sapits, l• : . 01,, F.C4 1, TALTSAPIDWATE.. • il i attiltitilideonaccutorealtit aaketdldgketobttra . ,* . Metier/11i and chiArer eflOdge'lVillianni than the fo llOwlogiitat , contliituret paid hits Jiir. 114 ;tiaije.datly") . :!entocratio paper et Wei:tarn Piiii#vatds the day folicnti4 biiitt.laihiatron.- It *ad: "thti-nomizatitui, orthe 11011.:Italliy . W. Winlattut at a candidate for Judge of t i a the ISti" lie Coitrk..o . a - gaud lone, lie wad: beertetde isnied before th e Jte pub " " Torrentitin s ' and pelmet:era Legal an - qualifications ' for tbe'revon zi " MOIL hO:Which he . hai been nom. 6liottrpartiestave now pre:lent- ed thelrtra. o' kn. important. duty has Own resat/dotty Vlach by the renakfriteettrantiena. Themmpalin cciartiorbe tcmdacted ;tett/tout personal 48 1460011 E. aini.desided upon'the pried. plerer.thdtwoest puttee. Thin le as It !Wild be.: It is anii4piclOUS 11141:1 Of tiaßtimAtatl if the county warmth= attNitall' 3ticictorista . in the selection of legieleuore Widuildates; . therO :will ,he a ~ ep lto ;. t~d epior ablecouptionatthe. aet, stogi lalt to3.the deplorable compticat At the_ pod. of .gwroilnuent 'under a pew Mm.of dticaesa men-and conscientious ie t l S oo .7 -2 .NUOttriV-thr4,' Jima 28t74; Tim i the . aboes, orillhaf,gah . /tairtit, .Wak 'pleased to . MelotertrAhliietto: atodliM42(7. wage Wirliimat *hate ar legal .rapotatima we have nothing but words of praise, and howroVer mittY suit some pugnacious.. and heady politt claw, we cannot bring'ourselyes to eiew Mffillitnellatts 1141-znithmillWiltrotPC4 _ - - l i Marl.t4C.OfthsitY subject o pretty sharp discipline for fintitsgs faylk,:stitisttln.llepablicana Of Pennsylvania because they helki Judge EinanatitlPM,Usilaccoat Abe his politi cal affinities., ,That dlsqipline, *though for but rather i l l = a traudell coptiens.4 litanies:Qat "Ordinarily, ft would be i'matter of small conumeenes whether a RapabScan ore D'ap - timald 'Wits:teen td the benchof rho Supreme Court, but in the PoteWittstancet this Case. is dully lm.l ;drum. Judge !barmaid IS the stand- Itrd - beartT of htinuiple, and th at prin. citaritilmirealle foes of apeedyind - lust reconstruction. Hie triumph would be that, itigigus,,party winch oppceed. the vallaiesithili hitie Waned to-toe:v*lW Its natural results. His election would . be a Copperhia4taq,;„ rte, On the heepltedblianlmlarient we do not Ilse to be captious; but we clun.9,t. Itelpitraistiitier4iiieri r crifiliV•satrw Sal columns of our metropolitan 'coif.: USW* figalba44' ititatOd'.ll l published in New Mork; known as the "Tribune Almanao.f , c If they will only consult - itt4Wedim rfdadopqnfeindl. dates arid election returns in this Com monwealth, they,will avoid a reputatiois, for . ll aqui?) stupld,ibtunifeidtr, 4.ts < wMTillikaing nn air of nicest den miss. Last year in the LII74111:10 1 and Sasquelutnna Dlstelat, Hr. xxxisaairink- lan ' Mate for. Congress, but Mr. Isaacs • ...AniaittaittiVaX *qui - is'syssiialr*t,.l ter; hi:LT, of late, the Treurteseldom avoids tiltadflinf ad! 41 .rut ili losing its'aracter Vr - exactu - mti ':po litical knowledge. -- I 19 smiriaiwt to ustif his refusal to ihise- I fi e t6Yar U n.tt t r -c 7rOne rebel tier now pre _ movenumt tbil, Might tsM • " • trine the t rse, even idmittlog the statement to true. - z-Irter did. not disakt or. den4lisennsoquance-of wbatfiiVafw of uptilfillaksSiltsWtiSitt 014i6 f0:4:"'Tre. nada no *pt . griorit",}l4.4n If he hadlaow iqsaikstm&:*4.*Cn. ih.9I4IA I MtIY 3Ulfo Sint] the: ._ .. _ beiki.43. l 3. ,t.l.glf • annairr i ecgroi,sitat , Iy• with his Iflt,'ilia ii - eisOlior ' ;,It, ill in ili'fiffil.: 3 4`wili.L4 , 4%lii*ttPlle , fact be_ ll ftSP 9 l ll4 ;; l 9%oF lll 4 . , ...film- We do not bellireetrlteh. fnet ohm= - _ ~. i a llgetagnenciLt 'it oonennbing to mrtheozp. L ben} ...,. _ -% i:rinrening to Mai witlitignetailillitithattabiat - : It t tr ail t lite"' '''. t_ - iliat ....`err Ai - i O.4aiid. ied to deliwiaikdAlltie - butidieout /-/ina an.' L '.• r ., ilEiiti doWette into ik Rebel lion tras.itpe=eatie c ata4c7. :..I,n so going they yielded to. the .nat:deny of the Deuetatfe iirty.l ,T lAu 47414121 NOZtt*s - edJi4/34leiliza with th l eebellion woes DotooraltsAw thereto b 7 the &et:au of the -- .-- -- Ittitiotelliti beelitinie:: ! lo n ciiloathem would be no taisitioln. Lt there s had been no tiVitiat thei';ititeellion 'moil& not hive been put:Align. - - - -1_ , - '.• No, Irontient Reaciegati ire lent. tire cax Os sabof taxation. 1 '' ' ' .. . 4 ' °Azi tt i ,tP 9 , 4 . 4e4 °An c e 4 / 1 1 ' in tentions all Ro me, 'uric al:Lip ... rimer .: ekii" firiillid - en 4c6iiiviOrt:;'illl i Pzgrig**.o, di; idlbe city on rtes.. ' -: *San* as it bai been desimoded - for t,.. ...the long threstoiThiWrituttiVoUtbe Asti - lotlonlsts. It is not improbable that the ' .l 2P wi r ent win 4 ° P • l 3 li , l i nt .FPl4js4l iri m w W 43b tatiEo.443t tlta, .. "sitator. 1 Isige body of French troops effelitioitid ,,, et ''i",tailfrTad it itlVJolakißf conjectured Allsklliei-Nrill. be thrown towards Rome to dete4 4 the PPS* l it i At;Gifft• l o l ,l4 4 " r4f '!" seamsir s i hie griii,:tuilese; 12 - - i hots entlieteutty,etp4x - sit , t6pn sOth'ial I PlEclP.Pierietinnit .begins'lttfr-‘ool3lPre .. head that the bistil: et . 0tit!41,21, ,c l lO are 'acennUr coder an;jtblyOM ircillaior, to bisomdtbsideibeintbOetty.ocll4l44l: li t t saiLthat.kisibievile ilititimii&Ve ' kb: tbeco‘las- the- etemente - of a t -- 'Z. i 11 4 4411c' kttot ki rat r :. ~ .e it; Ls Tr` donee of elute on bin roil, tbEcl.hgt now amh ina WpW 4 gtiii etllttiltid . andeigettoriraizriii&a s y • noSposi . - I - 1 AlitasSitio 4triatisnissi of ;•ibi . Imtlre people, the notorious Dr. Mikis bon, the vlllatn_wbo r enthFrezot to fl trodnoesgevirelbiti.,,toVe-lttiO tbe . .lictrth d illiaatbeineStllbtock,baktotind'lstsdOn! Wirr tifs VP °°4, 4 4, l?? r lO4lll * . y td 'Weir:tit& F!e; where he will Istilike.eiardice,Tind vieholy • tat u4 -1 1a 1 ./M -1 .4 Prez- , w.h o , o fPattd. ' . , 481.41/Ndr 34) dontitlees latt, ;O diefb?iiFit Naar., iePlik" .3tkr" Zia of the ad; natitift*cuana'Or t 24 °Airs of Watt. SO Ulm " IT 41: eitobieriedby our Calegning I h AtiiiiCtuig. 14400 umatbill 1 - 0 14 ho Grow/ Lodge of Odd Fo)lo7if, of ' oyinnbe.,4ttlibi • , ~, Yorfiat yr* Jokt u sioor. 1 4 'A i l i * ta i' 141 : 6 E. Y ! Qr : - : ll, kr VII tiiki :amittialthollik - IP *di wildowittladtifoLdtissii.' d *.:l , , .: 7 - " ;'" r ''..: s - . 1 I ' . 1 1 ' ~i'l . ') , 7 I .! s I ir • .."'l . . • . i.a..2... - 4-1 , ::!... .. -..-..!..: . . •' i t - j‘....,..: 1 :/ • ..Z1 • ' 'A .. FIRST 1111TNI, MIDNIGHT. <VASHIAT'' GT . tIN . -CITY ilY,Treariee io Cr Pritatorara iliaatia4 • . • • laraszraora, sent: 5/. AtailiMmr. rearirramicm. The New York nem' special gays: - 18 an itidinellen of the Presid anVeletast WAIST on the altelatlMCOY itoonatractum i iMe a tiallaTditlldeglifetgactalf_tdielawat as reeaatts aaDragiarakia Cturrarsation with .mirtaht polithisis who callerstvon Olm . for the enzyme of urging biretta re -0 8•0 registration In the Smith: De Unformed them that hermul Mdo io wpaincd Inca: P u g • !MUM nth of impeachinentamid.if matted that• this reconstruction Imre confer 00 the Diattiat 11/11tasT Canonic:oer* sOle •••troi orer registration.. Ins onir iamer of apprrareuroa was. the meant stoma- Islanders ether they felled to egeoetertliti laws ha accordance with the views of their legal construction. He aatelttext that the Diatrict Commatidare aro acting I. under direct auttsiendr_of. Congress le the performances of a elnil may, and that If he shouldderupt to assume power as ' tnemesader In a -Chial to control Me time of rtglitscatior tuft, holding. elections,' They Would' have straight to ream torawiatthr olden, and they would riot be amenable to Minishment for military Insubordination If they did so. He elated that,tho recent promulgate:a of Me Anaiesty.lbnitataosi legally hoped that the en t here p tae eople ,tromp apprauLate II le that lien.- ./t.any of the pardonedinamer ocultinued.attadpt tre resister and are refused, the Courier are °panto utara. wed TA Wye= COurel the int.b.i levy Mallow them to register through the Courts. If they done' dreo, he concluded he fault of their disftanchise-Meet with donsiesi, es he claimed that ho had done antler turakfdlato restore , them tip their • -;; .ossumr.vartwammacmaario oily • * - th great OensetwattrejDertuthetle Mesh rtheuxur far Washroatcm sad the sorrocuut. LL g tham.ry lak Mary/and, Is celled, to be told at thadensbarg. m Saturday. twat- Itererdy Johnson; Jerry Mack, "gtoathoto, - err Blair, and other,. are announcod• to Vag 'theme Ann rin. ito hthr.' • ;It has thasteptreEt thaffPrightentjohnion. iternedietely enteennent to the remoras of griellnary Macon, gendereff the War °Moe to fienaral Methall and that the Mar was promptly wefthed be that gentleman. la thu oonneatlon. It be. Interesting to .Arnow that the efforts to - obtatu the aDPOInt, tame of Gemmel Moeda= hare not let begat abandcmed. although the premature gmbiguromeof for Greeley. • letter ;mom._ taauthug him he °Moe D a l tawlosl. th e Mtn. milt vet tritendea to be used onlyler the purpose of Ingnenehth the Senate when nodithatron was guar to It Mt megrim- .ats.t Perrino mann rasztrus. °amend. ant • =warm scanomyth - thee exparalltores of his disarmer= within Ita. spark,. hand. Yils has royeatly enthral the members of his mirth turn In all the public), Wo , odsy aro rta—sad tuhe nd head staffuarters—horses, Ina-, lass e ireatlamen always hum vary etranmspeth as whohava dmodotrth In matte's of =nun display aro. now mat , crd from Government transportatltrn fammlLY ma any private gentleman.- ~ • lial(kaaricia EicAttetirtbscalwatii an interview with Gen. greet. Gan. Mitre conk VIII leave Washington In lens. days . for an Loner, tart will rsoe• forwale •iree ;proma6 to Raw Ofieaas. ' • • -ram of issersok • The gigs Of ail the pukka truildthal are at half mass,. as• a token or respect to the MOrIK47 OtAlr laxicrick grove.- • , • -• I= _ . ; The Trosoary roolosso the Ist toot.; nom =Moms was al coloood tom morns! revonno, . I ,704000 1h . CCM noy. AsnOont of gold in no Trollops?, 11?3,697,00O; gold cortdlostOuldepl,oo3. • • - • D11 . 110_1,,DIS„ AN TIM CITY. General EMorY,lmi tesuod • elisular WI; Int ewer refkimental and • commuly oekers weerthe trustees Minutes Of guard findwat • recarrenee &the rowans:le .wod dummer goe pant.w mug, whialt resulted to two ustel of • uumworMed murder. fluty are ,tooromette all 3wreone selling Uquor So wddiersorader the moblidtory law of UM. • clorMeedices ict•murr 0 1 / I =llllll. filthrllMelmieud MAW Drool, ratme• axe befog made Owns (More:mow mul:Muml Seams °Memel mid Solemn% to be.beid *Mb* 9.511 Mat.. Letoara Use* been , AM-LhelLze. ULM% 1p211704a1t Couvmdlom : Aniurm. or Amsamei, , !Gatipisbeiutisi . sixtred eveattke . „ , • I'4 , MAX/48017TR Aruißice AND AUSTRALIA. • leveler -trees a /anal/—Panama Mallreoll. Samna aaaierm stem Gems Amiss entmereasealt lie- IMMMoma' loft *Me NassoMmaseellaeo germ MILL LO be IPirieem.Sienseenneue aatebeesee tembees and reenh. a IA gill& *ll e ' rOYANSMAPa to Me ZlMemsts . iMeedmi New Year., Sept. 20.—The steamer AM -00111/2.4151D AIMM , M I 4 bMade .000 • three hundred and tiny thomand dollars In Callltenta' treasma. Gan. ;Masa -Merl* eenser., Ile Want Mnem. Anima Eon. roam contract. exteMLlna InaelmrteratoMP NAME% dates exe.to theLltti. A. MUM nal toed. pebbabed at Panama from Y. Inn Bo.MM.Mte Yullstar to Colnaltdo, deastna the MIMPIMass that he endeavermsleaneal treaty anaemia; the Mikado to the United- . . Thu Paaaraslegtalatsme L to sellitteni. ilieracaltilig(rtanungsat irks ' !VII" recce.' nizad by the piertbsnit it a map •postlx!.ig , Motquerik Is *MI rrhaticr. 4" 1 "..# 4 "."8aii4= vu SONVIII• en ltaniz bll.= 14bsioa to Um Igor arnmt. _ ittaxgra wi been defeated 'AM Irairle*: Perodat peace noir rehrorticrahrboatibs • 41Pieria/Id, istswitibtosi itrAin rlebn cuss7,ll.l•l. somas on - the et a, where be wigs engaged to the ;postairnation ati f ri r j= "m =ligi sad sae bad. - 17 reassign latarrtaigeasb7 landiert' A =mimic= is the neighborhood of Ear pixbms vie llPPOreased and two Unfired . &mete =spa . . part7of ..Ithitaul ware resented to have - captured the seaport town or Tatar. cot and were telling oantrilmdont They are supposed tO be operailaw I : o 4Putethin with rewornissdass in the Interior. ... tr , , The MILWer China left Panama on the ith war Sanfiredamp. , BWA werelleare the Milian Progrews for the abolition 1 . - e d aaai4...b...we • Mil army. ire' peso ,141.311/21 ore ere was no 'Spaeth n of the reborn of the Spanish Peet A. terilatioeary sabeaswie Para wta tay premed. The Intention of the weep lards was to .. to .rado and prpeles Cats. seen President. Presto wee_ to be deciereci eintentleGanalPrestaset..=•Ganatltatialk wee tone patalatted this Math. Thews:sale nary days and _ The etecoarde hisyCOGI and a'arerl4lXn.rielt tas trotted Wattle tor the .rectillea Gar . 42111,, were iNvuttlaeri • Axpanuloo • Ampuit lit wA eetired'eta Ilinania. A sultrible i a .Was to be glean_ Prince Alfred:: try alstrboa were stress:log- over this sMcia of the late dards. 'Two' pilots and; three of their crews were drowned laws attempt to beard a anip,dortag Gen. r•ihee, ur taa new Lad entered on his dottas Malbenrost, licarisides on the New Zeeland oust had Gone Gernert* to We aatOrnet cdalaidi thou NEW yoßit ' . . . to! Feicpaos to too ri ttrtrcir laJ osetto.l . ; T9li.pptamWi4 • ' mom' sitcoosaa.s. - • Henry Heil ebb Y, IteCoietlelebsie been vlth Soar where. *fib 4 d t~R Otelgerf, "" 1 . The petneipuielirners , nr...tlya IChnlneky Eloartee alta0141:1111=4 were beforb 11:1141lOnetr Wb tor4lip," bbsxod by Cob lector Batley with' gefratintng the lie,essue, by carrying on She sisaltylot &Mena .1142. °einem" wing spurious braze., yaw,. hag /Inners without Impaction. an. Thole neves are O. U. Unborn, D. eteesmore,al... - 11.:Jiy le and T. J. Slnkluina. They were bald Natio Stan each. 10 turn - Sher hies polndlerved ; two snits against Calk/ePer nenoyeln Sbnanieuloy Court„ and be Intel& tunnel espeotlyely In /30,03)had4O.Inernel. , lam Naasls Welber .nt 41abubot ~ th* ItetropoUtsel: /km= of neyenow; Oyar h Il.leroltild - .A1h441, os vrailttiai -; ... r . , ThWitrtawal , xd of war Ndloretaiita , It tlath: rd today from LtOratka, gm et: ['Romig • North Amerloao arravad froth. ialoJaa , Anaust2.l, PA7III ihrpteroborT; WI Bt. Thomas lath. r.O, NT OI 4-inni.eing,iabe veers - being mete t 0 eeemate the beeping et ins Aga. eon river= The United -nimbi • egettlere . rena94=e Kuala are al.man,,,lLl • .. atoteltes Meal& r r r ' T fi ttateenle emerte lens . r teekt and o=rt the harle:2stV.l2l24trt Wettest/412m0 2: aterlatt WhOPIIIIM• Jabal tont O•klaue, ante IL -sad -Pasettle,. 111 • Wl^ stl-.1.1•12,5a11.,212Matf= 111.000 par , Dos t 00,,,, Mate hi' Ut00.102. Ter tbepost etakapne•e. tiro =De heats, Santee Vozusoily beet Dior thewEatn..2.42 sew, LUIS,- • - • .... •• • •• • osu '••• ' • The Otnad lodge Ott)de-Tellowe to.day ersoted leave 10 1.1mogrant/ Lodge, of rent. oylroolo.t.o boll their next annum meet , ne ec ristaimetki .iotanktl4 BUIS to `tsarina watTante • to unOrado ftaiappsiud, 21, line came /WM cuulArgazatenente In Col orado andllaistatut. appromd. ex greltinkthiriP3a=ri i ' I F.. Two; man . Ltme ruittimi—e tVotiri usitisi a m.o. arium' offettlat4itie• of tram= imluens said tiltir" ,Lsafta t iQi 1 ' Okort tratiA - , •,.. - 1 Ill.t.te --e.e.— r Ilsog-Iglasurbaf. ,Telestee ~.... 'abeam Trage.Y...n. Ikea elyeberObee'...... ,- sNP —Anita& elf the `.."'''t.W"..,rX , lle.ohossan, " .4 ray Teoisraph to the ratteharee II tt , "- Sty passed co.rePt. ie- - Mle t• 0 re Sena rrad .o denlea r th ee . a t , e7rti a tt . t# 4it e 1 sbandone4, On the ...twill Mater/kW the ,1/4, for It' construction fOrthWitft4iir some of it already reherthit\ 1 ' l '' .. TY,.. The tiawt T..g 1 . 4 u.t * . Ncernwi:ult, g•aa0u.110 , 37 malted 1. - seraral .orz.b l , aztoesobeing bald gOt erlikti trittrdarlapd bawled over to the Portursearldrittenle .4,t t " The Agamemnon Is undergolhirepairsin Teo Europeans died ' at Stoingbal f , hydrepluabla. All unmussind Odom, teingshot. . I‘, ib. ,The Hanlow Chamber of Comunaroap missed the project of =stetter Moon payments front the Chineee, but Shaun sett at as having a tendency to throw h as au Into th e headier until% therthents., " The opium bulk John Alleles wine al to the British Government for 117.600. to need es quarters for the water pollee atiHneg i The news from China and aapatai gen. aridly unimportant. The:Aetna China Ren ord glees an amend of the craned Of the !Shenandoah In swarth of habitable, port for an American establishment on tan wewt coasti of Japan. General .Yari Valkenland.. accompanied Commodore Goldabotoniti• ,The crune exteuded from July leth to the Seth: Nutneroor nieces were 'visited hay from threat* thirty-dve thousand inttab. Maas. The people Outwears SIMI , Tarr frieedlyi samcttroc. timid. What Wirt be the result of the expeoltion is !lasted, etheat that the point design. ,In the treaty was not adopted. I The foreige commerce hark MU cleared from Bah gyanolsoo toeley for ititlrtgl, ,ru b a cargo ottnalidleir material Brae olent...c I The overland mall taut night brought did. trona :taw York to engem Vnh. ITtie Bulletin has estriosa from I Chill that ,14 I. Whitmore end Harry Helga have • contemn with a French company for six reilllone of dollars to remove immense de. ria t't " n t ir4l l = 46!. " PI " 16,'- .r....,. to .7..6 , Att.iii 1. - 4 4 , ; Hate' .441:i ', Ted I gw a .TM. M I Uteller ' Tegoal, TR Menai' T•tierselgre The Pacific mall steamer Colorado ern.. ed from Yokel:mina and Hong Kong this morning, els days miner than wn• expec ted. Bhe found the (Meta Rice at leech. ma July 2 . 7t1n reached Hong Hoeg Auguat Mt had three deaths among the Chinese steerage passedgcrew retarronc, left Hong Hong surest !Mb, beached Yokolumnagnn, and left cc. the 21tb Par nate Tart. Brie , ~ beings three hundred and Maly-two Isis. Manners and eleven Mandrel and forty tons of merchandise. She bad molerate weigh. , 1 er and good health. Twenty-nine of the , pnescaffers were Japanese. two hundred anglerstydlin elliputty7llvelandsdror 1 he r CorreaStates steamer Bhubrlak Went Lahore on the Bth met, in s fog, thirty miles below Cope Meedocino. she was returelog from • trio to conveylight house anaterial, lr. isalatksowil Whether able Ilan [canard, • -• . • . • :The Yokoliorna Esratal reports frequent reurriers ot NU...Monad the existence of tench apprehension consequence. Bruises, Iwo arrested bp, the greats an. 'noel halide, of theJsoariese. The fats, of. Napetieeneras celebratedwtTokohOti= Presiteuk $ll forelpa 3 41/0.44,11R .1= Th ingi at Str . per p lent. BIIk le= e //mad rettres that theproposition to meal theltritlarizroops from Japeisuirs. wise. .Tbelr • preset:toe, prereasts violent. against foreigners. . A/RA[I[MM =INA. • ggn ig•gcnco, Egnt. 18.—The following ,lisiloggh,l/Wina,/gla•AshaWnalmi Anirgewg, .WoillSoinetsgAliggrogi plans ligitlOOlggbr• • der/nal carol, • The continued drought in China Is micri 'bedt b y the gn u- foreign , party at Ratio to be roposal of the Tang C. Tattion`to em • ploy foreign Instructors to itstrononty and mathematics. The &taperer reeeired nui rumens • •pepltiogg3.43 prohibit T Slier dn. 'vastoniSef , .- CUSlonall Erflce Ilmg. regent, is abused, and n o t hit rellicuatlom Which was not lc depted. One million tests are to be rats. 'est by taxation or levy to repair the army of North Celnit, , a, pasur.,un, eufferers from toe drouglitseg Oen*, id* hundred whoa from Shan/bye o Great ter. le still felt tromneW„rlolb/41! Teeth/151111s is erred , epee on the g.nallsti =shoat, One geed.. eels te that be shows bin gratitude by al. lowing scientific men lo examine the coal mines forty mites from Chefoo, which will OtelbahlY bead tottering Ibillraad la Chia*. Too • elalletereedell rebel* 'ln Tanawa early everything before them. They base 'teetered Omens. /emperor, • 'roe Polish glinlster returned from •• War of the ports. At matt. all he , found .freed r acer ther,Treal, Ar. Amoy.‘l4oty W slut per colt erns eh - 1,41 on tomtit, - geode n transit to the interiOr, while toe treaty wile.. only floe per weer, • The Boon Kong chamber of Commerce Me the revision of the treaty near;,gsair and' a' redection of thu duty' to' .13,4 Der emo... Moat 'Jae treaty In resised s ., all tha, power* etreco!nect' will foetal 'noel Imeink ratireadatunitoteotphs Wigged.. • The great tra fenre of the excitement home et alankellan & Cu s pated great. excitement at Ilaugkow among the native losers. A mob of eight:attacked the BrltliitSCOnilitt Ti a tn . tch.kkhlit ePart, ar and kicked bru ist4 Ml7O malptf. in port. The Chinese atteteptot to ' , lender the store. The Americans think the United States should bare • gunboat or, the Yangli Slang SWOOP, to protean the river, as large Inter , eras are at make. At ilangkow the Import, llnelleati steateers,for tile quarter ena. lag /nue 4th were ono mil/toe dollars. The 'leer *to were 61st allm a. and the *bunny hooded for miler. The; AM.lestl ilquadron now In Chnsaand Japan waters COIAOSOS of NIS veehObl, be. sides the supply ably. France Is wlia drawlnst-bur neat . frons - Vidnese waters, while England and the rafted States are Increasing their. 1111.1.71031 • VOrsl4.itsce... I'M. A . —Tim *um , . from fortpelght counties, partly offlelai. glee 41.304; Gorham, 21:010; Foy, I,me. Thssamarne of, vile, vote for tlongtimeansou bode Me rerrelitil.'lhins • dew oonatted only. It wl/1 not be incorn fully for several days, but It. Is certain only one Emma candl. date (Illeby) Li elected. TAW MOOS Makett.: ty lathe Senate to now posltivedy Imam, ta: be four, enemata to prevent it Sepeattre zealotry Ism, or division of the school fond, which Is favored by slum portion of the Democratic , portys , The advance Inlbsor Swetneocuto per barrel, [oakum 6bhllllo`;Zattnr..as.7soe.ls. Wheat $2.0 , 02,03 per owl; • dlepoomon to hold Is apparent among the formers,. loran bolo having been made In the t erop by f the avAlrt.4 . l=d zi rticlts=nt num. taw levlet Mr ?Jig 1.4' amtd7 or Wig: modem In Ireland, and thinks the pretest time not fay _Castle for Fenian objects. Tee hate Mal rtpreuratainleeta In /react/to toy tee moth of Anton were $847.M0 Treasure recelptsolorneottmonrore Arrived t *each Ta pita, erects trip for the Government Yens, 'Robin Good, New Tore, Ellen Seem. Ealtlmorn. -enearod IL. /noel T.IIIDo ).per ,pool, with - Over fifty thomancl lacks of wheat. flandwdett:l4anda daMs te. Aurora .24t11 abater tan Aotubly •10 exproased tivat• the Honolulu 'Senate will reline to ratify the ItectproonyTrenty. : A emirs Smormation vpp'preHurted at Amami - Dilatation only' by' a' display of force. Forty wore arrnetral and fined. Arizona adyloca to August UM moment tbelactWAmoretroublearome. Hoy. eradr , Wrdirai to UMleral • • Dowel wse orenclops. and MAIMS that bartllltlca In the Indian Proem= Dia. Hint are nemneelle formidable and Alarm. 'pg. Lnalb! Force tqP44.l:9nr. NEW' ORLEANS. —*tallow rover lotontoeslo. t•Tolen'OPO Soaortagn,oo tioutto.) sem_ az-chi:l...r h. tuned an order moil& to Mot of General Cant*. twtaudtat Cantenanenealmit-octien, *loan retuteen.nemstatleat to parole: The In Leman to from yellow fever tor the SWOP ty,lroor pm,. to. WO", mornlpg. wore • 1. ; e eßy Telerreph t, the Pm 'burgh Clas tte.l nnenOly.E4l4-1,0,"1115 4testa p Ontario ortivedlhoitik afterinfninght, making the :Liverpool! tin ten dem, sun six cure. rt. ronsht, three hnoctron pusene fr u S a . 1, 1 3,1 1 4,1 0,1P5tFA,. • In {b1,124441-41(04tAllsisrellf.gusghlii key establialimenit of the "c.ioCls9 aolutsi , rl DricalionXt t lirtinsitlitiiiiiisiOsis Task ..CSIT,I3OII Milky' bur rases Won Canal Suites Commissioner Waifs, Cros= „4 . lia ' isti ii " Trl l l °C a lrenrg. ilman °Stmts. IS is istl4 sintrbarhrof whiskey iirs subject - rot. fottnre. . _' • ;: floral irliching. When poor-Ifaximtllan was vet m-. j,eror off, Mesfeo Ito gave a mate dinner on era mention, in I.,Litib the anieand *fiver tabl° ware Which he brought with Ildni*hin :dimmer was put tutu ecrylee: Akt . present wenn . Mesicaus and no one; present woe of a lower ran k" than Gen eral ; yet it, was disc.. earedafter dinner that the puerile had cam 6treo with them to, stolen—a coosiderable proper &di or tho matt valuable articles of table ware.!lifrizatlff nothing, as ail who eat at tairdeltrafgesett to bo h S friends. This wea not.= atitoulablug Itteldeut at all: in liirrioni.OrAtr .3lexiceme. • nut whaawill' be said to a statement Made by it'd - Mutt Joanna about the notching to gueets at a recent high dinner', Lootlon to par vontthpro from appropriating tbe.glit. tering. tottiptations Olean the :tablet • It seems that at out of the _groat receptions to Euglautra.tlitodtisilie Mohammedan ameate„Arkern" reYai - peradttages were preeetir and where gold plate MIS profusely displayed, a number of the 'Waken Yam .were employed la at tamillig ;to the. tablet weed daeretreir la daigutaele.' 1 was not..tho Turks who Were l IPwatched, but the noblemen and aoatitnatito EingtataL course they west:Rot aware of the taut , ' at the time, but etre:l:hurl Journataisinks they muar,.teei lourkars"erbou theydaarn It We aseetild think they wirold—partiett. larly thosaral them: who filched • spoon or two—li any of them did each a EN= IM%MMIOMi .., ~, >RI SOIL 4.1 OUR oeLcick; A: M. FROICEIIROPE. aAsa • lturttester. , • iIiSCUED PRIM/P . 16R0 NOT FOIIIIIO Government Taken by N Surpiiee at -;•t he RIOT. PittittgAVW,IMVPYLK vf1,..a.aa_..1 s':a;c s Anon 'nut Ar IHE tlAt rck THE iIOVEMEIT% ,Disuuarek , s Note about the Satz- :po4 , Ctonterence •• • tilo w TstrethelAriliklilttsdnotia.tlasstte.l ; ISISPII.AMILIV 4 , PM/01MM sumi - i s e ' :Haw Year, Sept. :10,—A special par cable. edged Manchester thlo toorninr%s threes, thriat all MILLI. but the • Valiant in prevent tho escape or .7 Cif the mooed 1,441 7simit+4l9 l. ezlt • ite , latel riartairtheitialit len 4 ‘4 , 4 ,0 .na PrAidWem Lid ba Implicated la , .the rtotkethiiiksithAd;ainirlth their beds. it was reported uerly 11.10 morning that Kelley was recaptured, but it lacks cond. It lea matter odsraprisotiaditpaeourtnit mob dispersed and quiet an restored *Stir thirlicatarjellithallarKPlYariVlKlßett brukta thkpotbelvOylet.ifor prise. A throng tome 10 being mustered to prevent fur Wounded, hodi th rmuumettia matted. er - demoustmtlou. Oadied last night, , ls'ilpeAMfioeMblUil how many lives were loot Loth° array. Several persons badly lamed, and probably „ 4 011 mebi e • ta I.l4llllor*V tat than ained - or emoiementaW the pollee and prisoners. tag ,0 tI Bananas, Sept. re.—Everything is quiet he. - The .notere appear satisfied 04th LhelF •FitIMM .414 1 0 1 08 re Al,..athel. 00 •re Cllstorbanoss. - races or the re. pad prisoners, Kelley andDeasyi :Lacher's distmeaded. =dad i thought chatters Mutt mailed in escaping tropypte.pltfir Xtraluls , of the policeman killed yesterday was Brett. Arrests acinttha of note.. Amoog noire cu stod7ie4Aßl,Oateli kin. chirpld with murdering. Brett. TAB itheento ; ithiethathe 471i11 1...11.1M TULA 280•11. LO.DO. isszootabe tora. , ,4*. Paton freLt Itragtfeed repqrte Mat Rally 0.. fl DIM., TIMM* lh ttat r gtr tau eftentat.• bet the pollee felled to attelt them shut they heath ditappeara4,,j' is j A : 1111 C3ll limitary= AID ton aaramonia_cortimitantri Limon. naptenalmrti.;.thnintlttoriarik moonily adoirearmil ri.c.lrontrir note •to the diplomatic myrmaritatlyaliM . . regard to the eentenance of'Xioilecis end TrancisJoseple at nalebtoz. The document • bee Jost bwa Plitalenen4 Sad Drind" Dal subject of an edltorial diecuselon to the &masa and Continental noway:m[lore. Me. muck says ?molt Is_ sollaw. ;Da yerpresantsislidintabs; Viet:Abe eintterencaat ealsbnig ettould be reaartleil naalitsate of "plataxi Lr..i.witlico L ately elhatoes to the antottof the Grau,Statee. The Loader,: flanactete ',optexneett nartang47 a this note, renitcanag it me pantile and , r• • The trench, ore**. • nap. it afan.9 Xeieft:llair Una 21144-11124.11111 X 'nunu says, denotin. the Weenier, teoanee 1,14,10 tbn.r.iniene un, B7 ccnioidetalTinnOtte The tieity ofPratne,a omits all allusions to the obllzetton ender *Oa, iirTiVaaP,All/14: poralallebastpidit 130WalAPakiggalillgeOPeniall:,,, tti R:IMEI li . 1 jp.MatiteuVr6l 4 tij rid. *Die& • 'll e eye arena" Motormen% of the sow,unt of the Cma" 'l l iS elude li apporesi on the DOti rte ' . Tho operation* of the Credit Yobiler goer else • Powerful to ftrikalateek.iniflialry awn, la "ream. and anxiety to know left& ow- . '34' 4 1 4. 41°1 0 4. 4. 1 t ,411 , 41 n 4 44V10 ' • aim:nava ,raztaz stc...st • - . ' " I ."P tgvAbor 1 11 .—CODIsin ClOortoe, Sow Of the l• 4 l**Pellsosets Isbo **le thetr - NayotrotsJW etAllosotel last oISTIri Wet out OOPS flosetiketirli mos. thosahltes, join gusts lostts4 fa lonikonsee veritqlr., ,idibilitouldWiansit: Aliii`lo-ereeme Due sorrooolllos sf,,ttere he Is sckopoesd -JO riALLT Alcisaave• sitlit'AitaftMX WOR livirs'eottimilz.. • . • . • . . . Loose' SO.lllopropo..-actoosof th e IMO of ilatlbia.la y . : it* tovalatthati, Omierfoineosrflooio, are aboid. Icli rotiOrif4 tt 9ai4n~:hez►Di'll{M'yt_ " jib " " fl•Pon wpcti .tho long : ditine4 Itt°4 l ot bit , . Traigarcsix-carso colutsigaw.:'" 5,1 15P0P004g0tt5.0-.2.s4osPip.—Orttos crO: elroXISO4r JM 11,(00 loam IlitaltobistOse malice* too:Mint. Pirla4stobil *NOD s ale los! og' *UM W.4Jortg 410. M. for sew mixed Wolstoro.• Coliforals. Wilson las. 54. I{arlsl Ss. Ikl. UAW.. 76. Poo •Provlakoals... CDeeaei nai Ditetliac 44.1 Pork ~r 4 Cm. 114,1' floods, 'at.' Id. Prodooo- . , allo4y 441. altleterustobisoired." `... sitt Asorwsao . , fops. 10 .4435.riAnsusi a 'rsia.', Lou:sop. ISOPtoosberSO—Nnsiests.. , Csnwft, St 11-Ols PlvesTosot.Sos,..34‘, :Um.. VC, 77i line. 414., Ifaasturmr, optsszabOr Als—Thorobso.- tr. • '••••; . 40.4 . 04." , :: . ''.'.',': , 1 . ....:7:'.1::; . ..i .. . , r•i• or••• •• man,. *wills' Oesoliamilebesta• Xllllo*. U14 : 1 1 11 . i tt Ir f aIAINMPANUILY WS Veleirmati to'ituinmi=irlias.el;.:, • , "Mini* chih' iletlafist4t - Vort4i , liar. *mamma Ofre , Order!of blettpreg Pops directing as election tblsii held ti . Oliargls. earatnesethe oft tntorectras Seth bomber, to continue .1.0.ree.01131. ni.artilch,regenelett Voters may veinier •conventttm Oritgatill enoartnalooLltletr - far Ofilegatell fir Om: mention. in CMOs Majority Of the tors so decide, the Sanatorial districts, as estatrelliateriatre, are edontsity Mleselstation two, foe rat .. -- fvniseealdat of dna blutlthid and sixtymine delegates. The instructions are generall4the same as issued for the Comsat% fiebbe diutiet font Chinala, exploded her boiler. eightnnil naleS. below here yesterday. BM parsrao. , two white, and four colored; ill'orthrfm' employees On the boat, mare #1116.1,,,,Tn0 pessengert were all sated,' Mit , Shit boat i Fag total 10M. ,A.:11 I.l;tas nee , X ' At_ ,riftti .9 ,4l..M l p7r= 4 , G uards r 4lM4 a diglcuity 04th a negro working On Um bleu, w mingag., a in the Waning of the aggro in WIWI,: Next day (eanday) arretle•*olllll*eat to the Dowel° demand saitsfecalcip of tria l:aster. Severs] shots werilriblifitigisied. one of tbibtestfeesibtltsdffl, thOteber wounded. pr. Lancluter „fl y wounded and had p. horse ..itbiba • mt. LanCester and Mr. NUMMI . loft on Monday for St. Mary, when an arcked tilinl,rgfftlahrty pogrom. Seised thogi—litogisssr aniearwetay swim. mine the river, Lancaster was left in the hand. of Me tmegtOgibinnt it IS feared•they lulled him. 'W;I Attask so a Iltatirsoutz Whites Stilled sad' flie " AMltt Weumuteit.4lerdsrers Arrested sit Wert llariser—Onion Pantile Sidi - read. . • rIPPS rfit , $ ttaWrPi,l Path treat ?AV bk 'Atom sic 'to ?AV tractor, Marais mules above Fort Hsu, Was attacked by Indiana yesterday at none. it " t IPa ware ri 1 ,4 t of Ito wero kited and Aye mortally sounded, *lett Indians were Waled. Parker's body was ptereoo by Stu= Noce and arrow woun PrAs/ssssKft OfillettiaillnsPOSYSalpe and Shaw are untrue, but five wen of their outfit were killed on Monday. Two brothewassmasd - SaITIPA Wets TIPt . ad at 100 Itartertes - dsyi oboes! . 10 she murder of Frank Jobasoot oblesoo".".d a law daya ape, . Teo track et the tralon Pacific ItailrOad f7 4ll l=att n l4 l l " filly i "'Mb*" altar: IHrR C I V.TOIVII"tIith•:, 3 7ISO.7OI - IAMUE:7ta W tuber SKl...ll.lrer trafttrlirigra • 1-0 I.;••••%%. '7 ,i . 1 2:art . 4- tr -4 - *I -L • °", # .34 0 41! 11, SATURDAY: - SW' '414 . . . A C, , A ofb VF,F A,47' ... ; . .. i!'e ,. ..blp Detained.ot Qoametbre— 'Alp ekteeed - , ltellieWreVeer , i -1 1 11 . . 4011rie tO ON Oeieeedr,.: .EPTLTl , Weireteerivi . toleoreh riezeixe.3 - 4*llo9oVlfAtik/Drii'OgOto- troop. eidir-! eifay atom zeithea. , firith..the , 4. r:i:um. WlS4o:lditiktiaxtir qtugrin., 11 416°4. 64P a ° rt lmi,. ! ? fithida li c l. .iroia l „ll ,l, , — t2 , :;a 6 o 24 + .. ri+a".CeleliciPSAL. , left Ceaseir tor ia; )) i:;l ' 74= ` ; ' ,l3 . : , t7l2V= is ri e tr i ZiE4tocr ,:ender , Were!" ~.get. a tem her tb L-Tto c jii_ Ors' : ' Of -VW- m -) oisr-e4tok Of-Calsao ' here =7ot ITCPM/Itntv e ll 44 l.2l "4P. 11n . 0101,, to provide searnar posribie L.:: ,Thebosl i rri or the /lank mud to be to a r 0,.. ZNDIaIIT~;, Itneferem Itimpaim • : , .abrOielant ' I:ntent !Ammon** to Winne' nut . 11tr -: ece umeweVeseref,l4aolt rt 3 T Tolisr.ph Mtn! roolann trerette.l,' 1 1.° M.Awrt4A, bard. 20,W0Itc,crotrrlded re• ntutdet'a*Menti Co be buns as Ander. tiedreepited bj!tbe Cloture*. *ln tbe iecoutfw , eek to October. 'At Immense cored front all pans 4t the 'county wes'wethered at AteterMnA 3Ati teeing or batnd arton, ne , ImttdN o iutenae that It a rearm Wray, win be tatoe from nel and •e nett - Teem :rani mow opbt undlng theJall are blocked by the crowd, *Ak i.. l *lnPflidr 0.0•44leb14000 • temewerotre, bent, 40.—Tbe 'intention ricAndenow,boL. In reistril to to. ezemn thmen lelnoserhttelonwebeebsekaanthe crowd disputed Quietly.. , !•• • ' 111101414 ,, Ar ✓ W gr•Cliterewt 'stair boa I Adnalligetheirgori Tigre lelasnigaglonuf Phan—g wig MT Tele/vast/ate the Plttaltevgb Gentled ' !Rlcentnell, Sitied9o: 4 .ll.ttoftiei negro to. rjeg_gnee J o 4topcnid,, gpeatqlopeogrit deg l'Pragglifilifolietenighni 16e 4 Nbrt , Pirlostunneehn egret Cass ortrAtgoo rst ohs. ticket. parctiare4 AL New Tort, Tho ZITZVAIVAIVA"Aor=WIt: ? -d Gegr a fr°l7t a lt6M l l teii frbo - Pt' if 'dales is neleisTeiieevr biere tober. • , -VaNkItigAPM , VO-Xtoso 4=000.: ' !iseklee.l rttuorree ; ci*Ti0tc5 6 . 4 .;4 1 1 4 : 1 7.7-11 , 4. coucaltaut, Roey4! lowstsiiikr 4.stsvobd aft; r uds Oitii;oiti 4'4.0 As tip tit br ► Atitilkilir.onsrapv la,tbe on taxer: Plttletrauntr Vit* - saved: tre4 'axis stPtles:, 4 Mre won,: meinnit *seises, tio.va bakea• bull ail magma vato , diutiogod.Dy. *podia, Altt. , l Dor , mrtocalft- , ltZia,trie• &boas µ.20,10);.1 : - reata rseheilitht-Ireptbliese. 04.` 110144, o , 4 o lWAStlee-411theeldmot; tes Dir r .tthlmilATl?V!. Betaga.X. lteptember , S9l AZei !aft..ttaikettot MOM ILAthoelogr,l. led the anrlva Othth.ol" the BA:publican .part.- . s..ale.te. Ilereethece the recent, itadiald Cormration• btirantr. zed. ezetanantruthies, lialeseee - 21.004011:10.11140.1tiVols. Yuan Inn MA. a. 'lnataAtinet - ,resit - ether.thr ea • Stre Tito:Az no mosilithdiallet mak pthethutht Ossul bete 018a012,14 Can. • • prNcintNATL = • •rdtostaw,cpe tduaeciq thartt4.l' Cnrat..v r., &Wombat si.—liragboamik to ► teiestmitoiniUkoillaispr .A.sioesattonllN New r.ehlioule v - saststamis, lhet Cumber 41TUotnamonce donasAa sire .fie. iM tronstr, tee %mamma SitXteento.olle4 WobeCeVtleee from the et" utrestmilinibr the mete opleet. Yeas -' um, vrlllbyletea trueotheialy to early pat Dewlap. Sag lafala„, .etirLtrotu the "4 Kortbi l to r" n *auto: ,xn, shat Matilda Mita'tiOnflng thettOperations Sarge.elties, wet commonalty favor Una men. I ttir o. ll llkritiTnarkibirpetr o ..,d lf traLtArtiggai .oagitl4 . = L I. !'e kgg oil Wednesday nlgbt there were three' dwealoga onteadty gorgiora and raped Of eatimastaintot of arner. This 10tdattleo *Prat to ~. bee. perpetrated the;rt naloirarttino. Tau anenatiasou DeEnto ,tteet,osoirOonglool tel. Use alndeall Or .William U.. StinaluS, itaq , cattier of the aiontgotnert Diatlonal, Son. It is not a:oat Si what hour Or 41 5 brat Maw trance wan effected here, hi lib me La this noose wan dratutba or knew scything of the robbery - mall Wont 81X , O.eltok In tits nsornlng: Mr. N. nlion rising, (nand ' 14144100‘0,000: trpeo ensailttsUon ft was deco aced the house had beeneetered taconite the front door byte - taloa the ke* withatopars. • She planderlaare ronsial6:l 'o(matonllwasntaty. Of ofAveflyarrs ompeas to the tacos of moos Amts. in all asnoatina JO • 1108nelblag over 1120 Z Mr: Tudors , 11.1 , 1<0.. : cornet. of , Witiow Ma , Oak attest*. 'Wee 'also steered and rno ,, oer of about on gar neat twin. , Thqr 4 , 2oTattlea apfsotr to lute beta at. teateneo ot.iTuhlott S. ions, oa ember. of Sad. ad. Ufa-. Sr. is was :amused about three Velma" by motley ease Is his thatater. 'Us teasarkect - teat Waist:out Ma tat 10 e toOmZs esalluotng bus arose sod %natural Pgtt justnre of fmtaterw down the steps Mid oat et the tr''4 r aW' r L ' 4 ' 7.h b le ""°T:M'rrh e by 7,1g7.24P1rgw0, (bale d opesed . in .1031/111 . tanner ,bebto gaininge bleb adadttanm to Sr. Leataarl item. Tnay carried off gold onset, attld'attata and ore glanees. small 1113:00 , 1111 Or Mem% and Naga nibble. of J•welry, amounting .w ., 4130a1100115M0 tow ablak out walviE oartleo were not very entocesaltd. This I, , gl=oo ti nthe ons; i petw have not yet • lartol7oteetia . .C ' s=r le ft 8../peoteu who Way are. • Ten, merits t user tit , Yeddeute ,44•••••.". The malt of tag magortant ease or too 'Oconteoutivalth as , Meer log 4. .Mailft:llyituut Marts 'had Ihj*tdtar,ttiod at Water% , P,11.;* allbrt ,hrieffi ritreatiticed tips: The Vitueiride irreidd,:rateittitdilk • !_ t l l et - ilii,Cituldiniedet eed . by the ' artier; e NAI4 a'!" "al.lll =T. .7,X 9 ,11%,*:`. Witfr: stork or eons% nooarfook to '..rdar sharp nt " b.: ronfewrog lodgment to 0005 friends ohd - -honfetterathe to the amount of MOW, and e.t.a:strews therefor worn placed to thh roe ye Ws, the 41e4p*Mat inely pecked some $4 Sdrth .1 • •.••• wow,' =;i l ItiVieiTthWes• &Foal Otter the Sheriff tiad emersion% whet: ho. could And CO. JgarkirlAnsitierts st Thlinnte. the were returned atiltintr4M7Wzrit Itrnt mule tddrenr. 703fl i tiVt4 4 Xl 4X ; Z:=ll•':ibliteta r ti: try, theta. von caused the arrest and Mint, nant Antanglant„ their. ulat moon bite eh& tar tin rwiltimairtes. sop portod *a It , Faaby forgety Dyne, and ci eubordleillowllpet,eryeetutt Olt Wt. GU ning arel, tlarGßtitp expiallezer by Whish dishonesty *oaks to tdde Ita.gtait frato do section.. Tlie Mat. however. ratilltedla the '4 7* ( 6l:llVirls ' ibT=S r2 Ar irrlleatitOtlVilfnetaid 3atga._4l% ntrrlsOrdne.t tor onr nieetoS The I.e. de: y e n •LhAtZir i t i tgataata=te b l -Enprinoament. The ease prodneed seed deal of eseiteinent throughout tu u oil en. ivone. and the result- win be Warning to taMtillatraeathrOarn* ~ dt== Of beertittlerneritedride hot ... pn lag ea taro the reseblnery of the lits7th hiWdatt'? those who attempt to Ana oserosnatc jg,90 . 414_ orWe IS"F.R.rs-50..M0 stmscable4 at th e Opera tionee last even. to pay, tribute '4? Mlle 'O&Salitli lit her firreireYl benallt.'"rhe Diego , "selected for the oentslon was ' , stoop to julattuetrVtoftriuirbsl tilt Lit ' i l iatqlgb 4 F , A l44 ' Irrillar " Th a n will lie oresentod. arid frOsorbe ealt4terso. rolnot fill rt'itr'S'elger7n7VP?sprzfral 'bills, with Michael Earl for as &norm... , Talent.'. Vallttrhish rts.tlise'EllitA4 Roe. ' Calliarnhl — DiarnOtod, (hilted - 'loll, a T ~ t rir i ae b roll. In addition to /11140.4,a g4, 4 3:41; iv., other attrantioes, net the least of 014100 were ehormina allettuthill Yttattrititieoh, the Terris °matt, and M 0 Shark 'Brothers, who, as COMptentSlSSAlt.NoCrd /ate, hale nOeuPerrife. Trier should Au be germ and halal Ow fall 4 all/PT•WarA. • Ao•Dote oeslc —Beethoven's Brand lffnMeginitroingl4 tat* 4 e a ,o_ Y tt e o v n e r crettret"44l4'"er the 41- Z ktarcatz. .fiALL.—Ttle..paiparama n h p a e e Ille at Abrallalri lion at ataWillu Hell, nu Monday Imola . 4 .Tide se add to be one - Of the anent toorem- Ja paudefillenl eV!" liallseascettytherelb lie..,,,hboaaNtat te Or the theetctetetheti lee to Strth " e= .L eee m eee ar . d a uin degr o si '' ,At, /ecture, the auDatlaCatasal, roVir Iteuideelent 3 o Imam • inn 'dee Ottae. PrlrriltairaillltßATlte 2l9 u atlet von* li;:rigitigralZW:br"TP ooratasuctor /anal elratilllir. the 114 !Mir teoupeetepPtleetreeMe ofebbeee o fut. the lettn,Senrin, analb Rey ; Imre will &Jabots& prOVlDranat , , tql4e Min% elfere,-;,i, r r • rt,7rrir - the 1•1111.PIIrrWalgi tat.o. tug( thelthaPtmeeldsteleetheet jr= l4 •t 1 Mete , 0 0 , 14egeeW =Ls . ° • ,',•th.ta thy at rrr := ; ....', , ,:`..A.i. - -, .:?•: . i i ;-'.. i : :i.i..-i.i.i• - i,',. .__..._... ~......... -17 "ri 141114 ND 8111114101 Atitriz rimir.,:-,2?..64444mwoQks lejjfdriory, Otta!sti Pooduktlitiad, dlpotiff Vim; bi mt. ?yr if e1tr.648 3 —• , , THE STATE PATH f 'r -- . - ..i ',i . 1 r"' - i-. , -. -, •'4••4--2 i, -, :l'i. ": A. Platt 'to :he' Elroolleda-gineat m provenhitia-lort.• IreOpitranesta for the lisralng ou Meads,. , ~ testiel day- In sidnipiiPlitiodiile-teileer Prefilter:lp 'or tetrAcate agslerrilneal Aaso-, Boyd elictoif.' Irord litiwith o o. tee:..werrolie i,M , to ;rt.. -Pitrrarki. wherein the coterie ' hotrod w il l treililer: 'ire meet ilwrrarw ear wee,truweerrerbeet, se " 1 4 , 4.4 .tti . k * iricrild tiAbbli:Loillx.l ht.!! the sold piece. truder , ..rei , onnergldri o f 1. - 11.,1.4134p444 ,Esl4ol;msly..,,Spl*or di rr " .* NOia. i9 t ,r,...N 4 f4 6 4 4 4;',4 :. Id narrObing,) decretatT wt. tlioillrafeAlis.,' ncoltural MoOnatloo, , tteei-obaritea have been going onstatatslaij tgo roomed. are is - admirabirWifaplired'irolaite Madan of nob a gcradAmitiliarsod ascoonsomplaised as soy 44 rtrwirillow.../rowilriller,wrarigeower.• °unmoor mid This terew.to. =kw, the ne pal" eddltitaia and wltoraLloas, gal/neon s More of bothrwlillAse trsecoaary - tarareileir lEreiltltmeretmpertiltcotee , beau-'Waters es limennstroloced from tlio new ilia.m at oast °liter one, stioasanil, aqua.. ,and away new, befkupiptbare, -Won emoted. /{o ant amen Mee§ IS Ocea:addled. torrplilsbeatire Mr' th e Wionmmodation .of One tlioutood - petsone who way Wean nn Ao oPPortuntry Of..partiolgallog,ln. the smote:et tap Mg. The otaWatitot la MD, tiumtlally built, and presents. a.sory.p.d., some appearance., At the upper exide r tno IrOntle= e ir t ' Ound eso ltrACllleti at Os welt known Cairticulturali A5m.0f , 7.011%, smog ig,tians, rood/ nasals:l. ID illfßat whiling Abe work of compleung A oral aquarlion. 'Mita Wlll be a cool and 111-` ening retreat, end°. attn. tatlen'aUtati , Ore •ifelliusio. O(: the. , Falr., .Iy..ete.., • ennsfereesio .4 enre..exueriler-erel.twesirr.,- tlatert... fen, wiLdlst ..lta dorith,le come, tong or' lien A. 0:: Xn e. teary rot- tedie Ilstnabionakitintatot of m ' aad.ellesateg VOWS; add Yronn 'Tiortastut a ,' fountain Caoliele of egallnataissoUtl sown ' Vgesso one hatred .test •Yder io ho4 r =a ILl7lVal T rgil giirart i. Plaater. erbliaslebettOowited ontleclear arindreoll Itareamostbeaulifuleticat It Inflate:moo r.VZVIIV" PUO ~ .14Veraestee 4 NCe ts. been milted by the erection of a large .' tral wipe. and DOW. Oneonta ..A ,width Of Some forty lliet 6 y a depth of four hundred Piet Ma Mon'. platform to t h e centre of the broad held has been Canweed and Mill be devoted to she pormielatorAL %OW ball. Ira prmicyzas ere magatdoms. The i%mmod bean large. crewted7st ingt r lslia " =cal banding. wee alio been enlarged. The race .00nree ..11111 3 0414411rikrad.X1. Planed and son . ana t• now on of the Rat adapted In the conce rt kr. Knox. the ..klng of email rode VtArkgiat:PZ arpaneo-IL exhibit hie own.LaZzswelreens an& r au , t Of thelrct•=rieltaret i ttiding.` ca v e bunarettavicuselqrkir. s., g',a ..Lbus...• TVe Artistwi fl e att, pre!: =a/ r glMii=raliti p Improved uld enlarged. All' of the differ. rna bonds.** hAre.tmea ertoteeneed. and , look clean and hand•osno Tee Treasurer's i onl.matirovep insaratlMirplVilittat Yeantanola oil lido cLismsau immobile of I Use among, widen affords much better I - • vea leave Piewiertore,' witnolailY . IMMO Ps yeklelet ' - Tne *ark' Of getting' ready lee • Mir oestrlng • nezt Mord]. n'lll be olgorocoly armoured,: and li t iMMl g tiWit i s i tM e a raali . t r; Molinaro perfOrtned Darr wilt ann n ' ow:wow wile ewe word.. for ' , Pow tom, min laitertnt end Desollt We eantlistron-ta us Defiant. to enone . pn_liry bong repro waited olds. thole a; inanpleclarea. ustud Seesa by tb preoeseei Stio:Orlice . 1 4. 21YreeldelZipegs.tilalr street, Pr*, snag riaterdayonta lonlbltere watering far Ashltd;Son 'ad inlayobecrlett for 1110 awatrarablp.. 'the books w ill ow. an Watley wrioungv .4 coaatiewentty ton sash twill be pre iatip till that time. We cma Wifely promise oar readers a armed awe ll'alr.Pnoldlodala elements .40 , cioi Anterfare WWI the ar. ranstementa and Snot' thin all 'old on. deawir lobe Is aueedanew ...„ • eielielle berldribt. - , , . - A aartotio .11 parlor...Wawa ocetritot ;twat the oator daoctt.on - tli Tquitibaata. ' /untold:FodorOak atOrallot:or WAUIII:S Homier, a clerk at the %althea , deprt, lies crippled for life ,-* *6ll. 4 4iteddegrit Wit. .kiiishoiSh, and cries io iiit city naustir lino-- wall , ' Alamo:61410.0 lystc.. which ',VL44Ohattglia l / 4 041400K. A" a. lii. ol&o to stiiisted mine dietsboe below where the iir A ti I 'oars atop alitttaioister afoot: and toad of 1 *rottmo off the •trato Al the etst as by 4e=it2i =1 . 4 en .4n Xi ! - tiff Willa the train waa to mottos. maw ' meant he illPPed mad roll with hit tight • -tan on tee tres4.4llwhedielpb..in rroat of of th e •heeit - bi - feee bit - It. van, wtoah ' pasibcf, caner It.. asteriwg •tha.toot to the tetrekakigirli n airsEE l M Mit arliotwo4l 4 lroo t a a ^ 1 It to * groat worder that accidents of this ' kind an 4at more nototroto.tit. ligrod. i Wm . . spotititt Ito cy.thAttoPOl•litotika.' oo- 1 papaw tram InJory Oro more prover y the =.llll7l4aniquirel girlrglrti i Isteal Vieille!? li a smirk"? ries of ths . toto twat to got oft apt, on the tart at that polos etren La"tootion. , It fa atratototttat inA tf, t,OoOptoo soma will Jima W.11a...0t sopa PM bepectilify vherf .v,.,,.iiit.wy. totolotatO . of atm dazoort . o.attioutukt. at, .by 410130AttiVIOM lush asibe ossi.. A Menem, Join, rot Ai:mashie -lit ibis Wog:realm to. 1 .Igt4rWlotrtoopp penult rano toots RD ... ... 1 Wort: tetmeamieett. ' to Se* Tetileolltreektotirttithiery lindy • Woo etoltr,Ovir ei!d r** too notary DU TO entflttopt cd ma aerate*. SLOG UV* hawed tnyalue. Thera pan Do no Aonlit Wheight'uontleimi; on gottionitlitti . w. ble, eaptetWay Shen etuelolly managed. teeggeeerait *lnt =e _deeetde /eZeteiree , Inauguration of tge ALIIIIMMLY filtooettr end tboetalpo baalnettuventeh b be,owtod by c eahatll tiook•Oriipiia oarcatiirt6. she eel* of. Moth cult otetthlote, and OM- Inor ?scourge lb the eubsertotton wa les. tar. itee aeat la r ftd o rtaCar ... 2. sham re4relerartlina j a ra:ll%%er lately at the oflta. NO ..% goiters! etrcet, and seems the romatrilibt thannea, The built. toga of tneL4attroy taken beet. commageed to itteStattr.teUtl. Arlll—pftore• b a nd. onto.. adthtsona to that part or the atty. A tab loch well too ent eltleima ea AL./oho arebnitar ne freettleat, as 4 Kr. J. P. lomat 01 deotitte,,,r e catitrarkridnet eertslaly itatti.gtasieeleef th.flgeeratilthee r sof venom clestrbeg 'CO iteneele* loWdedii; Aratfret the toetb• ddTell , g **lre. Ileteerlth mthttettpo nettles and tolitfehoto bt UMW? Ammuemo ITA .elltpbttelWura6 Ur* AM 5 1 4• 0 of Allegheny cod the boroughs befbre out Miele& lb ttabelielt atiiitted - tl. tt:a,fiT? . , f .VE L 2 4: * rtt:eing Ward—Alex. Alken.tp gellttket• ,Tbll,l lettre—Johnitente.pegmeteareett neat Valli str.L °SUL SUMO n is • o.or Igartl—ertlltatatulgimArtlittlnat; VlT lVada t inigli tra r ara Mitt=tlattlinfilltg, 4141,natteet, tht mill Wgn3-elderttlan'Jittnce In peon bt~t~et.- Lionkie; tth , rertth stroot.xlearcisorry • - _ rise arum OHM lifftbAlo 13 , A6n51,' 8 1 .0 s+l; AA' haen'tathinnn pepoesiatt tq Z at linn[n- 5.40 ;SPel/914[1`41.04:4 ISsoMltlon &SW Itn3lnwily!n"lbeshs tfien '446llY,intAlt - 404.430 15P614, mat so thleßoelety edneet/ina =.31.3C21241,1Vg Movements Introduced by Amer can last aod wrOnweiltil Cal SZ‘noiPay, the coostremlon b %We, ,InsAroolen which. in 4166114411106 IN tut& [smothly ' lgl u n i Arn Orlf fang &I V" Zr:ai l [rettatt Matti" :A M.'" o t aa s t i o4OA2 Val 1 7 , There le a wholesale and recall a‘geasy tot. I=l rreaIiMISTIMINMgi. KlehMA 41,[94i , 1144, NOS soksialos a i ry eilennlielnonntiS4COnak tr.v a... • r '4l'll"VP ' LVl 'lVaiteVat,t4.llt a in v il lT • I = 4l oa l- . ,C 1.- ‘ . 0. ' -‘o- — l , !Jrclo w -p, .arvAmAlD4 , 44:pcfaeAtt oshoOO:Teu Tarptetip beurnto . &bet WI =AO Kfte OF till. alt, bad rat rat, rax„rar.zver.,'L.b.—Zt.,lgg r f.: n.itititiMoll4..rl4oll. : ittor atiquattittteue, ;a l tgi l atinU i lt !i • t i tre . r w tgllt d Zgkr "t. ;Tornotalleal Cemetery -oat Troy .111= " 4rl 'IA P ' .441 14 0:41 1 !Tt.; .t.'e -al to -., ti.'l` .. . A 1 - 10&&eittital.;:::To our tstornoid ittotiAtitte IMO, maw John' tt.. ate..n.le Allrritda. iof the malt' TOr 4 114.2a.brIlmittrtlerrio , costa tonotot Won Citizen. to the It tr37Nti&laburpsydatultattuaru'irttr4t;;;:. 0010 Cotcomatoo In ttor moot trateatt med. t1yr4,51F 1 44 7 ,14'0,== pi:R.. .!;,,,•• • ....,... •• - IA 1 4. i.l :its otlitiaitaa4aiaaiaii taacia: clogionitattot mit Mt `Olertility 419 01 rult, Carnet, : s atut,er ofut: VITO, ' AMI ottallTettattolto etoolL—/falla ara.t.,, win/ out tlto 116rnit tad Alotturnri tee owl oefoOrloft two= Of UMW/or WofT o -- iiir unforntrignorAt Wet La irpow' La oa - Ilan. ' 01, or tartlet utoy bays oultltOtMlT:lftllft% day and Tumidity 141404.14111.11.1.100t0- uy, as the etruotand in obit wmos - down. tier In. We artriqpeated le olittitthat thei r ' Der V,.r39 .4 !f'. el f.PrfrP,lty A:a i i :3 tot sapaataarovall to at tatp.Atadway at .....? • - atao.,.%* — .4 47 ,aaa zta,aaaat i nand At ,14eadere nom glecaarr haylll. as of Ornhbrn.• la:. t Illottotto at ibb Ift r .ru wstor. _ ~,....., • . ...._v i.a torasp ta wale at* t a Ina wort ~..a»,- r t alantatirar Tirana • mutual tumor dap. atisaaanert4 anta .tut --- a • t Az l Pma to; a n := P it=titrir V ft i ' t t st A rn e t t a rt t V " bra It . gr V ber A! tig r„ ... m", : ti. ,pf.,,,r44,Tat: , la tiv atotlt r uu .. la .., :itat. plimreserniatr: af . .:47 , aytoylL,..yoo . *O. . ! aantima imam r id griferaitanitaran cl iia r ...PM* r...,446 t - • ' - . . =I A. 111•171.1. arc iifiriar cue.. • ' Amanda. Ihrfall W la made formattewbefore 4 t l4errium Dinslason, .yeaterday,..sistrutt )LllJah Harker, chargin• him with *Ault mid bitter)r. The proiekratrik is resident -s orShritorallej;'and she alleges that tke floolantronse to hie; house and threatemed `tb.wilipkter beabanal and strace her with lira flst. s warrant Was immed far hi. lir- Lbsareati keckMais'areferfed a charms of um. Ult 'and battery amanst Jam. Lewis, yeealsotay,before Aldermen Lynch, • &help. legthat the defendant attacked and beat her mines stM Le la shameful menner. • Tim parties raids M. Um 'Tremont Roam, in tbe Diamond. The defendsatt wan satiated and hehi fors • Thos. anthrax , . ebargesi With boLemliting, =wamis , and • battery one-the Michael Doostam.. by.: cutting tam with •• ovate; at Yninketown the Me Inst:,waso oommitteiVto Yen , bk:Jet:Oise' /3arraw, , of tooth Potaboorhayeater!lay, for • ncerlog. of skit rakes; • • • i jammh J. Duvall made oath Wore Alden. mast'.l)=3m.sl4llll7, aiMlust ,Sltl Ha kart ot sti Of the peace. Lie whom that tbo • carms , to hie dwelling on ElprourAllewoad threatemit SO Whip Mut. ♦ warrna; wee leaned for , arrest of ThotaisiOrd, of , fOntb TILIMOrgh, Made .ftlarmatiotk teeter. :yesterdays Against Josmy tqn for Iriret7. •cir ibe'yeeee; - atlegtnft ' the Welled , tormumest to dotaltmlladtlytuiSill... A afar: nmStiesimead , for Shosamegtot ! . ( 11.11,10 1 %e0cCahri m igkeZ ti oatb rlit ' yeetardayL:tomanzity , iftsle panto. "rho Onlee.lotOdeits aooohlaO. Ltd the pre*, Matra &Man ;pat the. Aohmilant .throat: to killher. wirrnnikwar/itmed.- larastd:Jsu s lathe Valuta Sesslimagraordarater. I.233,the._graisCrlsej made Ilielollowlas • o lad now,v. Sept.4D, MI, AP Gnarl' ha lw; .come loto-004ft anal pepresoot that .0 Practice :Or /Ming. 4 . black null ! epos .allegeWeriminal eeirroao'La eroto-raraullp marled cm byr Itrattemabla partana,malet wad, Lemony - awl Urge somata or moony ~ tlaWri beim extorted. oral 'oLne tO, Oe - to. rared'brtbert• wbetWr• ft L lo! the' rorlooa or 1 r Want - .I ary CO ', pratrant/We t twalatmaat eitalast enetoehrtleasieltare' tigutlty of MA Prattaak'' . - ,'' .... 4' . Judge Stowe weadwanato rertiatkr fir 'Ala! Clam= alm matter,aad_ COO is 310014: le tormalps Puy at as/ogler iima ot . Xs eao oluolOb He beml a very draldol,aputten ao AA We preralearrOt Air oraetioeofobloek. multiloor.o../naboease of apneas Wien, ad rergal i trei ITZ2 lig!terll/O Of tie goei rot% bat to Au oft private elltiolto, the proceed. toff must be.lathe ordlaarr , way. by Atoa Milton talon. magt.CHte. ie'ertelaryollaweran, onethlak!ai= k d ' . 1 ,41 1: 4 C 2 In il;. ramp la to/Wm lael:Dreopatatest. or la. !AUT at/owe given, a partato Caway-banavi eapb. In wittra the perttes coneerarot In the paweetittoni uhder toe -nrarther Isearioaa expedient, .2atimalled -.., CO :aadlltaaate elapaeCt to hare Jorowleagoof -the otwaso- tetpr.tlie bpineiltad wbo were ittmatmed t o aoPear Wawa the 'lriaelotrata that lb: • Noutuumusmar um IMMO eoalO be mapped, iad ?ertApo - th e Solo . relorred. to. was 5 capped= tints way: BX.Paintlas thatairtgaL% ' 0 - him Woody sothool , the tut that V heor bellit:hesnahltl Awls at. rows : cartmaral. -1541 ondentaltd. tilt It 1$ fie: alined to proem!. with 1; nett tmtilibe ea& hot :111 outfraly Dom illettht -Waring: the Stteleimthaistatttas ectheoletts4sh &than Die hondost Ytette thotherefraithz ours= gL 6 Mtn ' t= "l erArreni TR= when the . stetieh oomooh towertitui teethed the - hethht ortwohntolretl adlittitheta:tte cant*, to o oh.or -sloths pill betaken:dot/a hod O Com° ccultiracted *ft 01 shuttle: algen ln Abe: art466cl. IthALASsilteetn. , Grum' to' the bitouthishOoeult at 6 /16161 . bldgp, 4666 T the beat thaw: SO the thoelet. or. swot; lutil and owls shotehlheithhhhe , totieu;entrto ethllttett totals Yr. Benatet, postal hlutalmoottothrsetorst 1 11•116611,0166 , tmtplkil tO 61kr , 66.66111.666664117 broks664 We atone yell to All/4May thin alletOsyll ego.' Theme 'committees- hsee tatdrientOt Imatallally: wish /the, 0160166310611.12 r /1.6 i .14 " 3 .6.rt . 6461 .6 holtehCer, 0017. to his uniZell ISt toilenhthlullt deediseeterdst lotirso too , butyl° ye vs talhinealhoo Ooneettllni tae Wok:mi pro, M.Ol , ° 9 :O F 4P0,, • riiia.a4aiii.qoa,a pram:* 'ai.d164,0:14a1 . Aizoit Imatonomir lavoine;. ! ne a..Jaaa; .90Vetzbeittl, Xt Utlrte:23lo W ,'Willne'Ll4AVelitaywtiettoul of taima:as außientiat ay the Tort yitt owslOwnwwly at Wen Pits Stamm, any Item v l t lte Mtn t e dn.2 g,roaa ouwhalf ane ternwpsrpoutirly welt witted Mt' ~ wome iturt=uttr. :W =cnrat . brlctit 0441,24.2 Tbe *WWI lewd: nlttlow 2112ti1l 1 , 40041 erauvasa. and I ialn .poun Aft locat.Son and also of 2,/1 CPA bet WWI MAW* 4441:, bleb • Ix volitive, paw Wipplmet•itatt Witham, any rams *Us. • lassamlllaeare the °wee Depeier Neese &cloaca. se. Parties deessiaaso stem: to roarayed Ur and itte•tarb late Ave et manes. • !lama caw las last • Or :callvor ea 7 e l ;Se4fle , Yala.pr-astb....NMeeeera•• •. . . , .• arced Linn bOlnad.:it:ToroOtiOxi to-welt, 'W":' d lad 7ormi It r.4 l ....oriikoiddromooreasoeting. Who Solosql,lcias .of Scotion,,wlll cod.trtikt!&ftrikiso flelow-oltrteas as the Important lloilo 0f,.t.b0 hoar.. The iillopoblicoos. Ot Liorrarmatillo - Ann hold • oroml rally on "toordor sousing oaxsoo tae &mond ward, of that borough. Goo. Polosuo.t.billor and Moorhead, and Moron. M. Brown, TrooLoa }toward. U. U. llockrell ond Joh. - U . : afar are *nomad See fropobtfeauts.trf fp ',nod - Intl told • ooDho olorgina 11441.8c1r00l Homo narriloo4sy 'wools& for. Me parixoe of orsooloios tho wool .00naorltrom and AU somas to Antra other bassoon soar DO noroororyin order that-lke full vow MOT bby Oroogrit an et tfo. fOrthooonos *locum. • lhassmOhter Tu•SlMelledi:' 1 14 ; 1 1Rohtitrih :Tellers: wider to. atomise! its Asorair. *kiiishing; ia One cdMamost dourlattlaT Inetitsitions to the city: Having INS:dme alluded :to nee . many advantages this school poetesses, and , to the eamil Met insteliei in •Mhteli It la ette rieetial.ire 'Minot rote: to themes present fartnier •ttisa to say It lan modisischooL The present term commenced% Week Mime. coder Vlore fammtue circumstances than soy madam newton Mime lts eimantesilon. leeteiltemoad Mai Mtn tit th e Met soultre or the Mum the nernbecof paptlelaattandanoe le noprecoCentedly lame,. and-ea a Treat many are expected 'denim the item two or Mom weal.. the 1103001 will be lsrAsc the cocaina_ y ear 11. It be neer Demi hereto. Po To- Stie, netirthit 411.01117 .104 Pan ee . veiling efforts of Dx- Pentium en behalf of tots. Institution Is mainly. due Its present The followlog is the report of Dr. A.G. iloGandlees, navel= of , Rio Hoard of 11.idtb;Or interments to this eft). tot Um erojnember 237,111; . • s. • .Ditena,ConstitOoton.3, Istiaotlittork of Binmach.llHttoorttisgtl,llNatoral apnea, It Ithentontim ftrsolegts, It Of tattary, Norton rovvrt tlbolara lotaatoseto It Drop- W i t 7 =a ( llegV,7 ° L ' ltittltt t 1 abO i rAILT I VVI t a.:gatI: o n naO , q, 46;111AOSO , nom 'mealy. .141 thirty.'! t .froltt , tttlety to to. ta r t ) . .Iyonn rs'at rt , Ve r it ' ty. Cr AtgtibrOnnr 4 111 M It npetT one,llll . o?rpt, I. / 1 44 1 761. .14-Zbi1gt1'....1112t41,••••• Vacipeeterr IFlNltors, • `Aliimeident Oman. yes.... cranial, at' lbw career 'ot Morey 'end Bmlllaeld streets, Cl trelarrpOdit - li hember of wen z!ela Vint The water pipe ier.tea .11 irsa ataaatoft rear the death Id winertlevettl men were at work, lelvel r pa., w a nnnloaded with non, etzlok them. wile aoao tem mato !meek IPta tbn Waned. Jertnnately no Contr. inJuredby the °eruct . .., and sr. tar Onnardarable labor thaborae atm. alter &oh the enema onside Quarters late whirl, he had been toupeotodly tweetpliatediwithWttlatindwaatalarst WAWA ,Ltd9zWet •FimiitS Apnea. 01Ycrpe rO il faili no tOalt and tlx"Weit"et4lo4 to 11Vatt. spices Sa ttmlipptia, VIM 110.1 a. *oodorllm.Ofa ice sallia lama lOale came adaltDratlOn , Staab pa Pet of locum! Capparoas.calied, was ' halt' cams. wheat. Weirdo , was bait omemealot brown oornewee,4le. Got scales baselines maw sly (man mese nails to Rae pure rad Dim cast spices recently supplied to t r .kt cewt t y.m e by the Mann. AtOrICILIO: waluv e tnelr nplottsl4l Mr own tamel y ,_ Ana }coal them earoMloca Bad pare: • , • foriositil lixt.pnifit**B eleittee Y. Monett. Y'rlpv.tera: giA: A. Anal Mai 8 CO. el. lobo tn. non.. Action to teeavar the atm of. Ilteeowith 'interest tram Novel:new 2d., me, for wieder u Dower book to the cue f J. P. Itoleltser, 04 tatolltsiVOS of Lon U° lo .= tt• Oelleintletatewn T ot 'e l4 l2 001; Oa lutY ono get the book panted. Tee 101 l toneet f4Ter...ot ttqoAkideLlN/OrlitY. amorint ebillneCl• " SeooQay''p n att ny an e AolMbsl.74 , l , 24 , 6 At; ammiCes Of tn. yellog Chmatim. Lit -soolathmortuatr b ee beim oupootted far 50M. weeks. wilt be rnsurnect Os 310011:ri /iVtlitin etrogitlf i r=" t ira l ooil o'clock. s --- I ineids and as Oretales 4tew. - lemon will carefell) Mole - Into the mat. tar Of which ;we write, More are Tory dew . Irk* Wine?. be COMPl93lllyld for all the thete occupied In doing so. Jar we 'on in.; Gray satlidir4 Met there 11 no subjeckel 'IMMOr inipartaisee tO the; alai, manzhca the proffer of a medicine entoinater2 to mo tors health. If we .speak the knith, It to worthy Of all oonalderanOn to soy' One In quest of hearth, and that We do speak the ituth,let any oes ter the Mistretta, whisk we Unmade 40 PV0601 , 1011t.. MA we nerd .not hlualt.for the malt. /I those. Wbra are well read our article., they will Mid rime:* dim spoken of that will rosproorlatatimmit taco their-minds krtierL.me ocalidon for melt employment - • becomes • nomegallf. Tersofburtlus of the climporreP SCUM Wags and their auttliair organ., Weld be cured at tarot:mem or • comb; sr:Non iskagrely an outetse mainfrotums, of an inward Oneriler 'AY the ono of • Dig" - ENV SUM. PaCtraitAL _Sew ;a tar. Womb of Pulmonary &some could bennand. when bet 1141%. tat estiltirtameidPf GMt use of KNISEIPS ,LUirG LIMP, a ;woo 007 for morns and ' Mho 'ftmemstrir Wr Minato and loodeunsalag tne..,Let Ogl it er 'Manaus' tate heart of earn* and make the Incinimrof araysete ;Who WA emir nom thmersurecuse, andjudge of Meat ess cording to the eridence - thns obtained. 'NO twomimedles were, eyes. rboestretnided, -I‘"' the more of lon ditenses, equal to DIL NETNEWS LUN G CUES-, ant tilkAgngrr, agent -PEC - XokAt. SUNUP, mold try the groan dozen Or emote borne, et thrtlkotten grentygornettre Mose, 110Mosti tosest, DEL Ng YSZIPti CONSULTING - 0117TCZ YOE 'LUNG ZAY;WATI6aBtANfI TfIE TfIEASSLENTANS.OBSTWATZ Clint/NW - DISZAANS, NO lto PUN' STREW/ from, a. le, troilL4 .r. , • • •••••-, -PrrtssalorAlltialbelx23,4lirl. , ... • eft. • Joh* Dexte,..DartDeins4aNzmopi with es In:W=lw= taut trolit. to ate - pall. Ito toad toboOla In gelottitt' of yinr nail; tells* arias tututratorot - tif autozotetrag the- solat stmt.= lf • would: respentrotty haunt you tas canoe It on pabun exhibition to co:moms fort taw days at your canes: "la" ' I~OO O .Wu Y adiW ==;== 'Mr. D. - It: Harr. • • • Prot./9bn S. Esssoer. ' Robert IVOO4II, ' Yaw .8. /1./Isehltt, . •8. r Jur. B.q„ • Ttrcrim Eitrlnt,LB694 . TD0910.1184n4 Mon . ; , non .isoruelf " • ' • • Itiv,lL.T. w D 4. O. al Loin, „ , w. aro. John 11. ' • • •Irs It. McVey. . • •. , • • ' Bsekotten.•- • - • - Groot Thurston, lag. • , olten411:'•111.11. E.; ; connol. " • Pro. • SOINDOI Kern " • c • • 11 48. W B n. D. #9..8t8.... Mai Wee*: TM Wade. Sayan, at Dry Goods rueemburthel22ll2o7 dlardier ..$ll dew 69002 at, 240 . ,TOll known Dm Gaols. 61.0920, an Os - w ait cot Market sad' roort4 stie,44e - o.Maiiiiii. Chudner 1211tawart. Thett Stott la attiiiir, ? istutaltni, JIM 24160.1121 . 02 was cady 0634 ma. Congo PIMA. 010Cti SO 006126 .' • -:..:' . g rl. • BaLld Strjps..Pop SI and 20 English 22 wino Claim eto2l -••-, •• ' . Masud 2102100 fialCtO. 02 mad— Mara Aloud, 216, SL, et add 7606162 L . - 161200640 hewn 61021120.4 par yaM,il • 'Ulm, cud, .120226.2001, 4.002J22, 76 02mta per t Allemadria.rdplfnar -.••' -... T • i• ,: • 1701202 cloth 26020101 • ra- Re nd a". 11 .;4 3, ‘ -1 ' 3. 4°" , ' !' i l i , i . I . • one cad ßlankets kets pl. , Ots auddadlikeld $2.626: • . ' .- '' '' .• -. • - • ' 3 " ". V"- 2414,1734 oiuTiN ouvw.u..TTl66:o2oeXTients.: .. ~ Tam nwresd welt and 06002012 4=0.4,620 .1102/dilatesr dt I/arm and .2.0 1 , 1011121. ,••• .. II ..- !'". - . (4 ,ARD 11 . 6 . A 8 .r." 1. • .. • - eft& lipavelhur Sada, Wiser Au.:J. lemAls4wog marl, 50 n .,34 Atderal !greet. Googei - . Proofm...4tE James Sam, Add. M.Marinbt•strooti,oas the pleceera a* the bcvt man lib** cram. fit IttlA=tia Oft tun** * sad !UM**. oot***.*****ll l / I .4frtdolitie carom co Um M won , ressollorgerpripts. will be resastab•re6 tact Sim dialKnriallukt • found bore tt. Non. from Eratern amicoloo bowels buttisr been laleGTAId direct 11.022 masmfmourroro rftm omott artiolis ma *ill ;norm oerrieemblir and . durable. Call . , . . , rt., was. ma oaliktiirdayaleparlabir teas, Mita Ilmoltatle IMpor/orm•Maad .r• MBA Mem. .Xou can Moot Lem my: Lose me dtarabldr ametammi ahosa, Qaßara„ Belpre. rag' domala ilat'Vrys=rMaloarthr a aVarammairgaL ABB Balmoral Bkeris, Salm Leaut Braman, aml; Notions ganeraHm , all. as • - maim • prima. Basomabor. No. 6e. and tEr. pyta.stnitios#l.... Palmer* Co. • • • ' W 0.1. 1 1.10 Mune Um altrattagust atalltunt advantageous loireeianiabi to real eStitia to ituaverraaalsole prow = ZurA="iti.°l2lAtrlnieVerb: r atrring l = a xeraran c. "Wod uni stitit e ter tuntrueisbauktaz, hrene,niti% oAla pose of thesis 10ta moo 1411 non ctum i Lofton bohiadasoon, ate ad Rev..Hetklea isammo, I/6 preach bin farewell carman to.bvreaeare. nation On Stent'SabOntb Ingmar:au* mtibii oranlng he will, daily= 4 samosa :croons mon; by request Of V* Tonne Man,* ro ans Van Aaeonlatdoo, la the l'Unc.Prolbrar.l.a Charon, on 'Wan street .. Oirolcus as TX o'clock. - pecan men: We Onedniatin, . . . NA lanolin Cllts7 Dtririas.—Perpos .d 6 irjrz =rbitairagzingirls..:Z.= Mortday _the . reauryamais. LW. read beteoeu .I.4nrranoeirille uns Sutton. The beauty, onutral - aa4 spPceanstalidYlna Wi th [he "clietyruuet , Pro Dar w oared am sale. .r .. :lllalliratziges samelseause aelit Orr Goes. both ai.irENijai -• SJ:I4 Asa , arig ows 091000416.114.= BOD "4.1 =Mt" 14111.4MIZUle .141.111.0•111 .021JUS U 3auterlian.rstaZ . J. W. BAJIIII3IIk a VA, •. • Mane era Let. V two, .Irts• tare; Hafts inaa Warm; at • Illact i t: t ar h ta• corner oi Lafterashaffofttells Isabsay Clty. oa 'fa otaliv, aainamalr , Ott tan atemtbal..t segV dcloalr•aZar. , sol. atlrertmeat Of. lilialtbaT, A•alawy‘a,Fa. ilartionaam. • rti.o mu. ta• many mammon. O n fagflrrx4ank,Mn . r i . Oninkaansznal oacnoc, tnaill•11 known to tab eamennolty generatlly ix t would norm; trona talittbaillakao: Of TtioOsattiteattaanalass.. La magtati:. Montan d Wax roma, rUlaatraeadtatt. door to tad Tod Oahe; =ay bb Matta an Ma della:Was of the season. aa=l at the gab- Mambas, an of Idea aro m a loan awls. atallaaa• coolostittbai • Tia sre.—lfoltehelirwir his sato' a! the Aces; shell oysters ever twoottheto this searZet, feet readily admitted hCr 1111 who hive reeenttr TlSlted the Coattnetitel liestaarsotyrfoe %oil IT Pilltit Maws% win door to the Post 07110 e. . The cable dispoteline or {ita ilettnall AO. nOlitibit a tall la the pre* teas. Embrace the appartealt7 txtlereill theatiriteitateen. tea mart. tle•la Mai Meet, to wain the eery heat• entitle at Manna Tenon. ele ninon" 7 115 ea... , F..-- eval le ioci'tiitraikaii foci; vas ioinii u the eel et t abitsbed_teheathet Of 4heepll A. lohihm. 24 h. 3:0 rem stmt. luttkum Ent. the purest extials bimetal heat lame most teucutabla ploy" wr.s. top u kae..bi.reatd•n ee &pa beaatiftain.o.4 oultds imams .v1114)4..0141 'as minim an the PrOtplain.4a Bagtamar 00h. at two &elect r. k Bea lidviptlsesnerni of Blidth• '•!, • . • 31144 1 111 111amalPiro:. Pistol A.aboak—On Thured•Y.S4.9"°b"l44 n " L.114 .' 7A4' 122 -at illaileato an auction /Idotos. SSW arrink 101111.0, Bei 'achrentsement. tegauntiom 001=1111. pattb... son. Palmet & t.ookaosiontem sailiv sta.*. vatVg i g•m es wpm. ampah , As *eau ft.to. Molnr. iSatardan • B .lKausba: Au a: la. aaa antrni A Marnateary. Bee a& .of Nwttbaonp . . rabusa A cchy, luotlonAms fully P 1.4 pcoos . .. li, Zan *Aoki lfniy — r. pf If if lid Id lirßaiff; LoltroWtzi,a.itli,l Lifihr,_,,,,..,1 a 6. Gm Mops awl Hsfade,Npfipt, CM2OI. and *Marra, raver Weishui, 004- to, 441494 W . 11 C 41 nbarth 74 zugultavri ,q: Taos lan naive* ,to ' ilivalf Pi." tram Me lapmfm. All Ilse 4M. , tai.n_. telt part of Zollepti A. Botibtstln; No. SO /MI Itrotli 0 :2: "t'.:"., . 7.1 t. - ;,'",.:. , r ?was it ltax et,iotaiiii', had Z 4 . 4 , 040.. *14,0t ' Z 41441,14144 =W alt' kinds or wri Myes, lip Hare 0 Cl/442,1. boos. 74 Iltati str : ait, - , . • . • - - I , .. •; IRre, sm, Tlarest, *aim (*or' ' s Ibis. 4 own, ems c•aspnoli. Illecoosalbity . arida% Dr. Arralif_a94* slim k!,,,,, . A CI ii ~.. ..------. ~,..,....,.. ,.... 4• El• 444 I,444 klat's Abner WWI* No. 84 Market street, for the bat qld Rye 'IMMO , to 4 / 1 4 . 41 1 , 704 /owes: Wow • aea Mrire i tlitritnniall"A" L "AMONIIIII4 fra . .stil es ausioNnt, " . Ode ilitillilktimelled4l httra ATW4920,...1 4.N.11! itrAal * ll *reatlaCalarf ttli - 'MEV= WM. 1111111119111 W A21111•1117ZMAY. 4140044 Iseanttlagg me m= cos. ..etsimmOtstreallagastbor. Imbibe %Wing, 7ditarlsif. LW waaa >7 ?Worst% NW SSW airbag ashait.lbßtsr far da. P.aUy. sag r.O sad moo MUM. Pisa.. dal sad 00w1.614 Mann Japans Eh. by UT Doe. L A W ap.a. Ma hsIDoT. Xecluale,t ■aaidat ddlald W witadatlf. • • ' aids irt•filis I=lllll2 ouvreso r ' ot of eas miry et met te w lia.l.llo4fte COOS OW 11441,4ati.ASWINS, ow sum, 'sahib Mr. :SOME 1.0 llowtatis @MOS rat 94.4 1 ....111 , . Opralkonist UMW los Via% •• lam • 11110aws7 Ipttaralbl: ea * surtlons•ante bat oe•andt ►ii..6't' ililPl~'WElts4lbass..llssors,•o4, elldifilas•loll..maamr/t.!4 ,•;=, .Lerkitstryon. Perm, =SE 7 1 , 1<ul Aso . I . l M•Mtd ifu.V4fr • Dmond • , ia rnS, aim T. atzweice.2 r. • IMS trbindiot wad? us : - 4 - 4 - 1.1 , ;)ili It: AIILEP.IO • " xo. iee Towill stiail. , rtUlergl4 CorTLVB of anuseitectiumeALVVSP.A" tram elesaalDUaa et rummy Ihinablexeoed. Booseuromii dilialhitallt. Heart.. k z d c.rrintem mip znasscr.s-B....immikKarr. g". .11. aserauu,..P.P ‘ ...Thanta lima: - • 'Jni Mamas. wieNyar to Ur IW elMiast 11L'aedsoth e.:1111 14•102 Il!tnun • ; O ws kirr .m . a PilaAn•gt..T • 1 11 0 , 61 W• Walnut sad blow: ',..oo4;lnglatkoni:o•llllv4 as Ow icallta maim!, War oPozi stall Ppm*, de. and UM, "9ur...414 Waal.. sir:up*: monumita ' •4au Ma tiNnsan Ma Um& • • • !grivaitiV,CzAnatritiOui OA.: 'owe.' its oak ' • sismod sow InSUties ' pionit! plumb:4a Mat at Ouqqa4 pulthatat 'Mg tuad. - Wairivisdlii *se =is **sot Wise Nisi sat * wes laver/ etztaisko. Iseslititasi hip ainrs Soffs , " : Banco,its. Kc.. mwAirr, underwier, rthait i ""1"42"1" ausaix wawa.. • ,1 1. W. MADAM s 4 1W coitus emu LED raiinra:totiettalulrbuialWi." c mar =Pm , NrYx l 4 ,31111 L4' cumis,;, warLwirip WATNI „ .• Jetteltits istingi.ikasions • !::; o w . ~:• sk4witurrsaii; Ana aulfiallist • ' , 43IIIIIIKONS. ne 3m3imixis sas n: JAMES -PKN)'r giOiXtßtrovw itailtrring , v , ll7llnakSalllXlL . itiatlMA %OM . . umma.pLanw: WARALIT4 • W*ad REMOVED ANDMWIIOOII. H. S Krim Merchant smo..ctcs.. ?. oarrt tt vmr T .. zt WitraiV,.....l,;:raelt of 7A.I.L V LOTI M Oa ri/ 12 4- xzerns -4 iliaaligati in Visas weeds , " ts thi mai< Ir.: yik TrallAlmt AtriVi UM= Kw a Ing34ln l 4= , p+l,rAkaams3o n an OikiAtogibiiit Tatisk." ' *mit silisre..ehi..wriaii yf AND L MIMS! Ern .1111 1 11SON-PILM - ALiltittOnCWOft D .:i. ..,. Mit 67 FIFTH . 681111: 4r: l ,!4•MigliregAM‘pg , sißrozs i . • 1.4 • a • 'IIIIII I II ORALS, L... i. , ' CAMPETV, >1 10 Fty *id • n o C OON DON b*" COON wNELE4/' PecksNW Tableßatiely N.0%'i0n . .& MEE MEE . . , - .lir Persons wiablite , 14,44u5. chammin thriven:to esesathe Meet-Abe bestiessertmultssur allrgered,,and., . ATTEEIDIVES r'PRACtit tlrrurritenreMut novae Wait ei••s watia-41t • RAMD*O9IIIe atritliziroicmyeM aratet44/ tNj 6" "tileitims mi. balms vtintioilt4 amid lie Pe.`i •••••' ,• • ••: • 'l 4 "Ptif ,)?1,•*• MU. ailinrMillfiLlre3 at inheitimilesurshis ' , ••11:$ L That, at kuumbO L'—urt &striae. ritatt dill& 1114 r Do =argil rwit.-Actage 1(4 LW w *daft 4494 71,11,1016.4.1.1 a. alt of ukik bamosomn raiew aidhioit mks 'lbr OM' *fitdirefiregitu to!' 14.131:Slok stitatlon, of lb Arari atil mow Nam- 11,4 41 11 1t1nT14114. U _014441}..„ . . leallE 111,1 10,;111A!..1 . 14 41.%. - . ,0t; ' , 4 4 1 0 0 44: • 43 31 Mitnaile% oftam trthian cu. y XlO. T:::., 1 !; 1 ,.. LAYK : ,ta X 1111111111,4,....,, ; : 094 • •_'"7. 4; gUbll,l/P46oolqz: s. • ,:griauggrawa lIC I ,T* 2 flyer agallaWit I WI ioNI =II ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers