1: 1 .111. PL. NICEIELTZ, BARBI MP No: NI, 118 Wood St., near oorner of MIX Government Securities, Gold, Silver, • And Coupons, ietirkt end solAl A Ilheftl ley. Draft. 1;42 ea J 1 the orlaefint duos of Zeroes. T. BRADT & Co 3*inicers, Corner Fi;tir th & Wood Street., 'say A 36) siza..&t.t. KINDS 01. -govERNRENT SEOUBITIM Art ecovertug Ma Qs NZW 5-1114 GOLD HOND OP 1157. • An otioer Immo, !WIWIu au mutes of 7•upm, `m^f Nq. 1-10'. of ImOt. $40.0 of UM, F 7 ,0 of LI& avd Oosoonall Meer{ ?jot*. To HOLDREIB OF 7-80'8. Hr ties nsis spental arraigamut. MIX arery Ooolco itib Oar Cxn.DOliuu, we aro Dret4red to Coma% Lill tab &•Xei or isos. ikmds en masa ter tamers. IRA 8. 1 MAY & CO., . • 33/strilx.eris. crepa s roimi t AND lairraraix en. Ckt J,ittsintrgil GkEttP FINANCE AND TRADE. 0770 ....lheresuao s Otheres, , Iflllthe r 1 3 / 1 9trusber 12, tan ' awe NOW Ter* stalk quotations' today, sr )wired he Mr. P.E.Mama. were ea fellows Gold, 1449 C; Jelghty.ono toads, IWO Eve Tirestlew; 1.224 112%; Iflre Twenties, thee /NV nee Twentles, lied, 1 11,41 60 Douai y /Oli &TIM Mile% it,7; Tap Sloak.-; 5110 Railroad, to 14; thethland •. Plitehtlthh. WO Mirage and Hoek !stead, 1011,0 Mean and Northwthtern, i thileago end Northwestern preferred, riN/ WV°. IWlrdsdadeir Mahlon Southern wwwwthd, WC New York Oentral, 1065: • Resoled, rosX, I Western Voltm Telegraph 110. , , 4i Ohio eSd fdlesthelPPl Oertllleatee, 27x. pow. mg.. —condo., ' l 4Ol thretor7. deo; Quarts INA 1,701 Smith k Parainalee, Lia; Qulekthrer, leerehants troths Express Ow, IL Gobi aimed weak and lowa. at 14% after barley toothed 144%. Th. annul for • large it.. hare &yelled thenwelve. of ...arta./ tbst "old be .triad to advt.p the preinituat, but ewee not fully premed fora mad rise. Little probability. Delmer, estate of • material de. /dux and it Is ownieded by eu true friend. of thee etwornaent that Ito will be the Stull sum rata for all the yeweerbstber Caere.. will decide on Luipesebetwit or mt. at Its next eession. Bonds were etrong u toe con do. of the 'market, deatiniel from hi to % pet cent. after told sheered a downward ,tadeney. and arc week at Ike Moos, riptelally those of NM Ned the 6.yeu Thirties. The stock market opened oboe/ at higher into. Liao lb. orange of pm. • tantahl declined at coon, and dosed with • • • slight Improvement. Local stock. an dolly Uo notice some sale. of Colombia at oboat $8 per than. This Mock bought tip at pomeat, under. the Impression that them will be a to. permat.dirldrindi hut, od good Informat 'km, it le Mahood the Com pany can not declare abore 0-3 per gent. is likely the nest dividend la ONotror. Triumph pay. • dindood of a par mat. on blonder, sad - le quoted at about *2. Mang New York quotatioas received IN Yuma T. Brady • 00.. • IL S. Slue; IMIL ANA M II A It. 0 0 11161 Ig ‘ 1.117 10.0. " Uotmol. Let! • . August 14.• June 'bah. trni July fdlia Dee. Compounds, los e. Gold. Sliver 453; 110,4 —Th. prompt salsa of the tlomptroder et • the OurrencP to plioiag the National Bank. that fall to comply with the law la the hoods of melons cannot but have a got. afeet to the way of caution on the book; sod will etreogtlies nubile eanddent. to them. It thaw. that the authorities are keeping • mharp lock out. The Wore of the yammer and Oltilmitt Beak of Brooklyn will no doubt produce great .inoonrenieno • to Its &pashas.' They will be stublooly• doprlyed of their backlog factlitles. .red albs took kept me hand for the purpose. a:their business Botabe cinotiationlo fully ..teetirod, mad is as !safe now as that of nay other boaki and will probably cantinas to Nem:time aa freely.. MG. last matsmont of the bank be fObate a ••PProaloutely representing limb Present coottitior., they owe to other bank. and demeanor. litmooma, mid hare emote sp. ' Myatt" adequate to meet these obligaUona ,wltbaa reasonably short period. —The Chictio ilibwror says Thus far Mace lb. Bankrupt Act went Into sally. operation In this Mattlet, Mon ham..been one Notated sad twealy-lira application. by' puce.. to avail theomelyee of its knelt. In thirteen or Quo sum thocreditor• hare brought GM at lout court. astd the others are me cues at those who cook to relit.. themmlyes of debunk.... ba may aces pressing upon ahem •lo you. too, by, and 00.0. Y. them from geing business for theoeselyes. The lowa.. Cos of bankrept ann4 to the Cook mum) db. Mot Is email as compared with out of town de- Istridetotim Chletagobse of the whole number Duly Maty.ight repoeseldotlyes. A month bones, Moment hadleation. are radioed. that amber out be gull farther reduce...ga* • maw*? of .entry merobant. Doing known to be be lb* Ind of emPatlng eshminles. Line am. thou of Niedurituffro 1 Bro., of Wilmer , ls te promoted by two proceodbiew—two oista'of ere. through too Cour ditors Imola. plut. ded their elsinu to us p —.The Taunton Republkon • coy.: Iton. Oak. AM., of North Esagon, has ortotramed to Maki smarty the Whole of the remaining por tion of th. Colon Pacific .Ralisnad—some to hundred intim pesetas through the Rooky Mountain bottone—rettelying therefor rryer forty-tares millions of dollar.. This to be- Itiored to be the largest contract ever entered foto try os. man. It pleats nis.."Antes at the head a theralirosd et-n of the Dmit ri. the wparsUous ef ad George Law tow -1.• lemigulacant oacepared with tht. 'Mantle Irannostimt. • IMRE £80177 PLVISOLSVM. Knout Tonnes: I fled the following ; errors>a sty agoras of the 12th intent: • Tb• exports to Zurope and the • Xeditarrmoan from Jan. tat to Lug altb, 1837, Mould bare • bean Yids would redoes the ur olus MO Ob. • rop h ea e nd J •nerlea M,n 633,102 .1 alto cotimated the Kock. on • hand Jan. Ist, IBM in Europe. =o,ooo • - - The ettuaata generally accepted by the trade was 100,003 bbla., as all shit principal markets were. very Wain stock, that I Might not be ecomed of solder cranicarnp stock,. I preferred 03 Sive the Tarr, out. Ede Ileums. Zr MAO bbla, was th e correct stocks atOnt date, tree the consumption of groups f0r11316 Is reduced to &AM bbhi and the mrphigfan. lit, ISM, Mei - eased to .1,732,607 001 a. I bear my estimate. no de" notifonet ass "peek of Mon and Ymess &gone th rown tnife th atv—poisibly th ey lac...Lt./N.7 Me (mai, but I M. lints they are nearly eorrect, an 4 that time will show they are, otherwise they would • never have appeared la mint. • word es to the. after ending moque tton, Willey. four or are gentlemen went to the 011 region to eivertda for them - salve. about the product. They returned repent:m.lZ untied. 'beeline° barrel-00.ee them • said 9,000 1 tamale. ha the sam Meath end week two othergentlemen went • together, end brought Mok. One of teem. Iva .to 5.120 berrohn the other • 7,45 e barrel.; both are moat milable roe. bye their intermits were opposite, and they saw with dlfferent eyes, T. other /*attorney hare given me their One wee between LIM to like harre/m the other mys not &barrel leas Lb. UM The letter remarked vlbe production is fully up to any time Um year.. • Tbeitereoh wham esttroattoi I took for m waltuatee, of the 12th rim been employe d the laid sly months to eacermln, by clone Mumma obeetwetiOn the lents as near ae immible, relating 10 MOLluellon—new de. weloptemte lOW Menke, Mit, wipe out all re. Dints they are mewled that we thellue to disbolleve all, and tern to the remits ee shown by the entinves Lhlsl yeer to date. and that the intalueing remelt. are /tke s • Man lobo rooftree his interest ourner his way el from Unto to Mae sod deomice • • h is in the bank. pen all hie little bills me , allot) yell owes nothing. Ills tank hat. once. keep on incresolog. Bo with the Oil Bagtens of Porternivmia. They hem tiled all Order* at high son low mime sou the helmet, in Task has bees 'and le liter.... Thereforel believe that the reellits to date, • Imo year 'how, Inn. WNW ettipmente from the 011 Itekkete than in the ame period US , 76 rolreoo[l.ll larger stock than ever before, and the only poindbie conclusion I cm arrive at Is, that the averageperiod (*ogee. Mon immeds that of th e same of • I beard some my why publish swam a statement if you do believe it, it willonlyln. Jere the trade! This I deny, havebetore me • olnialsr, -- loscied in A a. Mart, from tido city. It is berniufally writt les en, the ••60yr My could nbe • More soductive. f el t macro=n the macro.= le ot posi tive!? made a dede that erill be leneY. wagon Ung to 401,010 the w f 03.023 barrel* refixed oil, before the let January. MCI. lamor says lt woe printed m English, Fromm and Oernian. Ind widely scattered through gm ' rope aryl this country. She teotat was Wifely luireimen orders for beco•conannip: Uoll,Mul a cement:lent advance in price • here. also *hoist Os time it would neutral. its arrive abroad, an &drones there. Whet will be the result &these otatenim la lf .we allow them tames/woad oboontadiatect, sad MM.* do &dunes us that future months Can be gold at 4.0 to fee—it mil be a rapid. • tlon orlon MIL" The relicer here, to beep St.Ms refinery in operation most buy mule at prima, and not daring to bold, sells . fttnrist,i• (not beteg able to Dell ospot" at profit), in October or liovember . every body finds th em la plenty of oil and •'al/ the . worldand the rest of mankind,. *me td Nirdoed....Priere tumble so that the eager 0m am foor to six dollars per barrel. sad ••• Mt f our l il t of contractuig part(... one Or two fall. end we nave the oil ori hand tO 0011 at • ICrni of more than ell Mal made Oaths whole four months bashires.mo= while with a Madness condue4 to the actual Wards Of Ole gaggl leg sad home trade, the prams would be more steady and reliable end any gralpernlva 4111rarences far Mee. CLIBOX. • COMM* Mette•filarkee. VerTellerreee y thrtUutmen weeny.) Ca memo, September 7f,-Deer Gum dell - _etYgo.9Grorralrtomd a/4min, fin.. settee aod Itypeo bleW,_ ee.r .6 4 1 , 6 7. food smooth. BMWS= sad JAN IS D4LZELL & SON, • 69 and lo water Street, LARD WI, MANIII'ACITIMEBB, Aid dealer. to 0/19011. L 01 1810•21410 aad CARBON 0116., We 'tunas oar 80./ Lard 0// Waal la the but Olaciasati. atbar 1 .1.24z.._ pm.. a sall aa low ar. Clnalasall ar Coterie ma. Our Na t Lad ou a* • La talablar Nagai to aaaallod. Wet Croak LabritaLlair a}4 glaadarel brawls or !garb= Oil co. taatay aa num. - morehasto sad mama i setannaWlll tad It to Moir Interest tO give .110.411 mare M:MU 1..m1 011 from the qui. • 17ITTIIBURCIII' WITS. Ors/cn on rev ~. ~'" , , GA ...... , Printal. Beide:2kb r 11, 1117. i• The general marketewere no Ylll wir• t.. tl e. day, end • reaction Is doubUeu near at nand. Prirate tehterents trout New ork reported Flour euy and Grain lower, \ anti lets more than protteblt that the telegraph will 0011[ the unt• nun from (Waage to-night. Mute are no ether ebusettrutles worthy another, with the exceptive, as already .4.4 that 1 " b.' merlon 10110tH gaining servant!, that • rut. Una 10 at hand, and prim Will 11!t 1 e 410111.. . GRAIN—Whet la itrta and In limited de- Matta; prints Amu. And Ohio lied may NI quo ted :at 12,25422,30. Otte dm but onehangedl .anise reported. on trek at 1171111 e, sod So In store. It,. ll to demand, and sells without dlllieulty at *IX. Corn le wares and firm. and , orbits Yellow may be quoted at 111,1001,70, ' Barley to ceiling at Sill for good Spring. PROVISIONS—Baum °outlaw's Um but net quotably higher—we *potions to quote at too for Shoulderu Ile for Ribbed, and 11e for Clear Sides, and 21 11 11 a 10 eSeInr Otu.d Rust L Lard to quoted drat at lie for prime nettle res. dared In it.,,... Mee Pcirk I. quiet but held Scaly At 121,00. ' FLOUR—Is quiet but steadj sad unahansed We continue' to quote at ateeto,lo for Series wheat, and altett.to for Winter Wheat breads. The deemed continues Hight, tedag m striated MAW entirely to eappljtar the wants of the retail trade. Ilya now Is eelbag at IL SEEDS—Thu. 1e a good deemed for Flan• seed, sad prices hate advanced; we are tog. oltant et • ;ale of ono car load of choke west. ern at 02,62, but p,60 le all that sin to °Malawi for codlnary Seed. Timothy Seel Is waling to nor* la small lot* at $1,70N3. No demand for Oloverseed. • EGGS—There to a good . demand, and piling firth packed hare adrailand to 22a. RUTTER—Strictly pliza• fresh Rutter La aurae and la • deat.d, And would WI raattlly at ninon Common • Butter lath taxi nappy and dull. • OlL—Lard OLI ban ad vaneual with Lardoand wa sow quote No. 2 at arenle, and No. I at *Lm. Doom' fair and market Erin. GREEN APPLES— Continua dal/. 'with a sappy aonaldarably la exam of the did; cue. at 14117 , par LIAY—Is quiet and Ira au...117 walloas at EMI, par ton. PE &CLIES—BoId today at from n 07,53 • per bar, apoordlag to quality. rrnrantrsen prritotwos mums Omar cog roe PereillierSall Ourera, gamer, September la, Inf. CRUDE—The market wu quiet but • today, and while the males la the oggrege,te were light, price, are pretty Weil malntabsed, though enthont quotable chug. We canl W Port es of KO Dbl. ant water, at 13s; seller'. option, tintll Deeecober Ist, at Mei Km Loy water le 1837, at lt, and ad bbl. .*Smlth , • Petrie^ on spot, at 11. There may hare been other Wet, but the above went all we hod n. ported. Spot oil isnot In vary active request, though there ls no urgency en the part of held .n to realise, as they feelinetty .moguls. that they will get their pica as the Moak Le hobos steadily reduced, and the prospects for • balk rise are by no means flutoring. got Manila acid April, 1606 there went no sales reported to-day and in the abeenee of which era condom to sire to;g1 ea the nominal price. REFINED—The market for bonded MI was dull .ad a little weak during the greater put of the day, but after the reception of the Ant werp dispatch. quoting at 121 g true., a better feeling prevailed, and an advance would hare had to be paid lets In the evening. The sale. reported wens: four lots of 600 each for Sep tooter, payers orate., at AU; 181,3 for October. same option, at .13c, and 1003 for some month and option, at 3.334 e. , OIL alrillra9 Lire Or A. V. IL 1. • Dilweith A Bro.. Ste bbl. refined to P. A. Dilworth a Bro., Pniladelphhi. Wormer, /Keen k. Oa , oltdo do to Tock,Bro. & Co.. Philadelphia Moutcheimer. Koehler & Co., 100 do do to Werth& Ring k Co., Philadelphia. Pugiltidrl7l;l:. Co., lar " " W. O. War Nat. lief. 00.. 60 do do to P. A. Dilworth & Co., Philadelphia W. 11117ra , st 01,60 do do to W. G. War. ' 4 7Ocitart do do, Pliihidelphla. Wiehtinah Asideroa, /4 do do, Weise. & thirtle, Philadelphia. • Lime." Oil C0..11111 do do to Brewer, Berke & co., Philadelphia. ott, sorrow, us? 11011 slialaelea puma EL Lone 4 CO O tibia refined, to W whit. Eau & Co. Philadelphia. Retell.. Oil Cilia 1 08 de do to Philadelphia Union Ref. & St. Co. L do do, to W.P. Lo gan lino. Philadelphia. T. K. Petty, 61 do do to W. 0. Warden, Phil. adelphla Sterling Oil Ref. Ca. /163 do do to Waring. King & (14, Philadelphia • Empire Oil Works, Ile dodo to C. W. Kona Philadelphia. • edeluphist. mbo, & Co., boo do do to L. IN Plata EVETSIMMOM METAL AND LOO IWLMET-WEEMET BETIEW. Oemos'orr ems Prrresaugis 636.ssues, • Fmarr. /September Its 11117. The market • for metal him alai. been quiet sad a little dell We week, though the Wu la the higrletet•an-lair than those ot last ereek.ud 43 huger. have lama hold Log or for Roue Um. put, It la thought that the demand improre within, short time, and la that tweet, • slidit &drums la prime Is eel ImPre• oeble. The follomlog Wee Rua reported : ASTELCITZ. tom Iluacaltuati gorge.. ...... 340 40... Ruh 40 No. 43 60- rub ICO No.ll 42 00- eesh 60 Gus Forge 43 4-4 Isoa Grey Tormextra....—. 44 ee- Gash so .• No. Foundry 46 63-4moe BrITIPSOCS 00• L 1.1[0.1.11 Lati 0. 1.1101 OEM. at tons Mahout/1f Talley, Gray r.• 41 ea—d Lin 32 low/trade. Co . is 100 " . ray. t. ** no ray rf,r 34.•.. 001 too ...I.l:.":a"—rry Forge- °3-° la 'art - 1. 43 M-4 Roe Open Gr commouey For 411 RI- sash . ge ' 60 0 Mixture, with au. ore-. ,12 000-4 clue 11X/ Rat ore, ualsture foltnsu7, 411 411 • trxxxooei. titans Clhareoel Tome.... • .....1344 00-4 rue 03 00-sea 60 " chola MI 04- mope 60 • eludes 13 4M-4mm COLL MO to= Tottedotheep 1erge....1134 40-4 saw stoma. 10 tome Wsahlagloo .... . . 06- cum Nelll Teri( Produce Market, Cm Telegraph ton. II manure; amen.] and Now Tome, dentlning; September 13.—Cotton heavy dung O7) Wes at MOO* for add. tipland• Flour opened Ann arm mooed doll lad Lightly ha baYem'favort Colons 41717: nelln an d bag. ;at 0131 5 / 7 9.16 for mperflne State and western; P. 0 ,011.30 foe xtra. western; igtemniZ for if. 0.; MOO 111,60 foe nese Bt. Louie; savant thousand tamed. of extra State are reported sold oa forwent delmem at ZOO; callfornm emetg Iron bbl sks and bb;. at 011r1113,70. Ere Plane 400 • 1 4 3 ; 30 07.70. Maim ;Inlet and on. I changed. "neat dull end sligh24 3 o buy. ere favon reoelpts GOMM Wes busk, et AIL I 3 Sae Sd A •Peleg 10 arrive; 03.23 do on Tat 104 3 172.00 far Amber State; IMMO es for :grairegustla e4nttrt2; ere seism of notal bosh western at 1.113:01.0054. Barkry quiet. Malt dull; Wes of 2.ton bush at about 01.1.1. Corn; meelPt• 00 .011 Muhl (013211:10121 Elyee lower cod lees satire; Pale:see MOM bush, at $11601,11 for nese mired wooer a. and $1.1801,17 Mr unsound. (tatm receipts 75.937 bash; the market is without for new valet 01 =MO bush. at CO 630 for new Onto and Chicago and MOON. to erne. Elm &tit. Coffee/Inlet and Arm Sugar Arm; stales of 60, Wads Cuba at 11012 e. Molasses dun. Petroleum i n st 141 a for crude and 31033 e for maned bond. Lops ;Inlet and unchanged. Pork arm o r; 001 ine:4111tne et 111:7.1.1guelWorroll4 1 1 3 4000140 e for prime. and $34 [mold prime mess. Ileer Amer; .0100 of 111 barrels at presto. price. lleef dull. Sawn veleta sales of Lem lbe , bang me at 13* , . gitirend a man tot of Stratford at 140110.000 /es It 4roltama4 IMie; MAW lb. rough Melee It Int 0130 for ::::afirersiSatlntt 174/211481rekig ham. lard firmer, side. or 200 barrels at 1 . 7 40131 e. Maine dull. Sutter Ann at 11113 Me for Ohio. Ghee., in good demand at 00 syin Peen/ht. to Liverpool decidedly nrini or, 00,000 bulb "bear and COO per stemeer at od—now held st 71734. Loose, a r. 0 .-71(mr elCood doll and a I Mae lower on medium grade. Wheat to dull and dtwooingl the large odeeeer, jo mean feengbl• bas • 110 Dons010s et hot on tee marker. Mye Is steady 0t s 400440 tor western. Osts are active at tbeht;o; ;or ne r , chime° sad 0010 to arriv, ad 070 on the spot. Corn Is dull and de e elmin d g; the ed. Intiell In freights of 10;1734 hae a dern m . log InlntenoetneW mixed smsnern. $l.lO. in store, end $1.19 afloat. Pork is Anner at ens $ 1 1 1.1= 0 ;trt& ' fa r t r Vtltlt u t Cut melts celled aotire and Ann. Limon Je Orm with a fair Inquiry. Lard Is steady ut 174010/0 for tsar to prime Memo, and Win for nettle O.OIOOW. as. Leal. Market. Te'earsob to lb. Pleutotrob emelt.) a,. the nLoan g r Sept. It —Tobsooo sett.* and noonwrader bigber logo Xo4XlOand mull= leaf 66,5 0 07 — on, the 13 gA u tre , ., trg.:lll?..l7 6° Ria What. banal aria and a IIWo btaber, bat fell off maw the closet na/ot 14 OM. 2.13 for ebolea m r bite{ ed,t1413,0 for Orions tO fano/ tall M 5 001414 tor spring. Can drat, at 'LWOW' for yellow and Whit& pals better, at otecte. It ye buoyant and Miner, V 11 4 0 ,0 11.,1%.0z1 ain, at l a toz m e Dort Daoort—ebo nlelonilriaLVAq olear i Yon ndex ten. linear eared barns ts3e Lard blotter, at Italino for eboloe tlnrce and a. Whitt') doll ata7Qr,7Srre.El te eept—tbtda dear. inn bo r heat, n 293 be oats, 70 7 COa so l nie. or clear sad cold. oy,n.h: rn* tta Markel., r 27 telealspb to "da Oa Pibarga Quetta Uo.Wcoo, September li—breathe 3r had owl, witha 'lab 1 rain tau clear u mond. or. /lourroadarataly &calve; Spring aurae ism M. Wheat gales ancl Selfless atlllXOl for PM 1. wa'01.76 for Ka 14 kola lea? V. , ..'" ) " , algerVa`l l / 1 1',EZM.,LLN°.1 blabem $ 1 . 171 0 1 .02% lor No. Line ' lmma for NO.I .oOto as higher, at blealafse. al °Meg 2. Barl steady . a $1 seA rN° ' :1111411161::31. Ilisnolecard,SiDs4 '°'... it. PDX steady at 1121.2077.0 ad aufga thr z t , gita.higralprilroor•gre Lug ; bp......5aa. bus. Shipments-41.0M Db lour, Kok - 6,, wheat. VIZI bus corm 101,50 bus oat& Itsiltbsa isim actlys aa4 lumbangea. alai Matins to New York, skainamt as 144%. rzYTalimph se taa Pluabarzl ewtte.l ; Nay Yam Septaimber IS, 1117 Xacri , L modstately • Potwe at Ws per out. Eltartinx stead,' .t 91f.44i.th gold, for thin class bills. Vold 11 lower; opeoung ari l s3L; claming at 144%. - - • Government stook.; are • Made Itritery Ocenfon• 477 '81.111%; do. Ma. 11414; do. •61, I CehLdo.•6s.lll; do. new.lo7g; en. Ten•Yorldes, 093 i; beren-Tatrua. 107. aroma ^ Steck. lover and wr i tt r i t Canton dlallet. Breton Water Power I Cutaberiand WOW erchanS;ts Americ an l7alon Wt Quicks i lver Express. Adamse M . 27 ?CtriEums% Preferred Ililank Pacific 1430 western Union Telegraph 42; New Tork Con MM. 10M4,• 51.1.' 6 E4400950 EindsOn 12 1 2 1 1 11muling101301102; omo tiartltteated . ; lit. Paul 47; Preferred ON; pemmican fice ern lilt Mleblemt Cenikra liNellB2se; Illinois Central H 1540123; Pittsburghll 0514 Toledo 121040179, Rhone island 103.34. 1037 1 North Western UM; Preferred Pk Flirt Wayne 100502106%. .. 1111Irti• 11E•11.1111. . . Mnint abaft. steady; Edge Ittll Mom 11101..T1M1/InlY alsoiarts: The sale , Yreas any reeelpta mere: 012,1 M payment...SAAßSt; balance, .117.17,74.4 liarlsmaili Ear . Telegrsph to the Pittsburgh agates.] Corourastr, neptemberl3..—Tlour arm but prices unchanged; family 010,01010.75. Wheat steady and quiet; holders eked 60,r0 for 270.1 rod, and 99,300u60 for white Corn doll at fi1.050/,M. Oats dull at 800510 with not much demand. Bye &mat g 1.15, and the demand good. Barley in good demand nod prima ism die It onward; ealem or No. Ito t h at .. 141 It 01,4001,50. Cotton dull .0 pewee nom teal at Vic tor middlings. Whis key final lin in bond. Meg pork grin; holders generally making 925,1 a but buyer. offering. $11.15001t,75; market Mooing arm. Bull meats and bacon onchumed and firm at full pride.; clear rib shim sold at 17X1; clear lief(ll93o. lard firmer and Reamed) I held at Ito towards the claim. with but Mlle ggged at that price. Butter firm at Mlle. igs 170. Coffee arm at %amnia Sole firmer and m good demand. -Linseed oil steady at VAS. Gold Moiled dull at 91,40(0 buying . The money market was gums and Coady at /1610 per lent. Dello laraea. tar Telegraph to the phone rah dasatte.l Brevet°, September I.3.—Beeelpts:•wheat gl,ooobushi corn. 150,00 bug,' 'Oat& MAO bosh; rye, /8.000 Mato flour, 90,0:0 bb a; bar. ley, {O,llOO bush. Shipments—flour. Otlgi wheat, law bosh; ooze, 60,0133 huh; oats, 31,10 bot barley . 59,00:1 bush, • Freights MO es to New York. /leer steady and on ohanged. Wheat dull and droopingi'No. hChicago $49301.116. Corn declined le, bet thie lest fireg; tales 40,1 g) bash at 91.411f0r No western. Oats sdranced sales MAO bush at 070691. Bye i tales 8.000 both Pio I weetern at 111,115. Barley held et elAcyn. Other articles tinehanged. • Clevelame Market. EBT Sete/mph to Me Plttaborghtissette.) eta-mum, September, 13.—rlottr Arm Mad nochaneed; sales doub le entered win. ter at $1473911,M; double aura amber at a1t.7501140t triple aura at laloolt.oo. Wheat dull and nomtnally losers Wee No. 1 red winter at eat. 161,52. fora -dell and lower; No.l mixed from store =oral at. 111.11. Vasa d.O and nominal at WOW. (Or No I Btate. Bye held at 6 1 .2101.93 tor No. 1 from store. Barley 10 raiz de mand for prime; N a r mor 1 001.15; No. I. liboOsL, tre leum;frollatt Pr/Otm anollusemai held at Llo for standud white, and 17Q 1 / 6 3 for prime /hat Straw to white. New York Dry Itioesle kbarkef. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh gazette.) Neer Yam September 13.—The dry goods beldame lu all denartmente of the trade Is I 4;l=4l4=lre and but Alight change In prtoeet um Medford Brown lineation are reduced to i 334.• Amoakeag_atimAY Ve; Cabot A, hike; Nassau Et, may Peopertul P., /Noy limas Palls C.lliXei Lyman 1417*, &Mee de Chambre, beet make, In detainee, mot =atm. u are (illog tfatT Ticks ral ' gad I= al knell. steady and In good demand. Fum mookme In novelties wanted at good prime. Saga Icarus add .steady, whit good Inquiry. • deer Orteane./farkag. tar tellpeph to the Pittsburgh emit.] New Otaxass, Soptember IL—Cotton eiders maid, of Sea bales low middlings at 2, 350Z1350• Itomlpts of Um week 740 Wee. Exports, LAM balm; stock on hand, 1e,710 balm him firm; genera*. ge,1 , 001,73; E-E, 000. Corm mixed 01,16; whits SOO. eau %WM. Mesa pork don and 000 lower. Bacon; etioale menet clear Wm Ekt.t sugar cored hament Lord; Priam in Menses 114 e. Held e 1,44501,1,4456. Storting ISSOMI4. New York Exchenge 34 per cent premium. Louisville Market. (ny Ttatntra to the ettubacca Oasette.) Locum:a-a. September market of lei harabauls Tobacco; the market le steekly el SIGS for lap; commas to medlars Mel. COM; cutting teat. 11 27 . 23 0.13 , bright evaP• v b re . ..ra, lowleAnt Irimurtbillsce In 01:L1148703So. „Barque. SI, for balk. Itle Coffee, 1:3014e. Yeas Pork , 111. Rome, shoulders. 110; clear rib Oda; MO; char aldose, lexe; moor ham.. 2250 for packed: Lard. in ttereee. Cotton, Rate. Law Whisky is bond, itiVieltAL Ragusa". ILarket. toy Telegraph to the OlUebargh Peseta., DALToIOI.Ih Sept. U.—Coffee nominal. Floor dull. iiibeac in good ouiroly. beery and declined ac; RAO. abidfrOl l smicerm. Oataajgprha. rOl/10013. bidet end dna. Ragron—legliNe. for i l l OooklOn. 1714617*. for Rlto for Clear Rib. Rams firmer; Plain lagliaci Ohre? Conti Western . . ,• a,4r— MIA Meats *nitre and nisei Rib Mom. lac; !Moab:m.l.s4e; Clear Rib, 1430. Lard blither; Western, Ityco. algae Pork unchanged-. .111111floaltao liaratot, tO7 Tales=Da to tha littabaraa tioaute.) litswarazz, September 13.—Floor ready. at 0.73.10,2* for city clonal& °mai .009,25 for country' do. f ort 10015 for extra. Wheat Acura 00141 No. /, sad 0,72 tor NO. 1. Oota ar• rtc.l.9. 17 0 for No. 1. sod Via for No.l. Corn scar. at. sl,or for N. I. and al for No. 1. rreigitta arc dna, 110 to Buffalo; 170 to Oswego. ILecalpta—doer GAO; shut& 11.04X10; oats VON cora 1,000 bus. ahlotooota—fiooraNOWNri , Clcot SACO; ottla Mama. Ph/lalletpleta al Telegraph to me Plttabargh Ossetia.] Plasbatrta. September Lt—Petroleum tuella% tubbed 311e6 Flow quiet .me et •m 27 elth melee , of SAO bble Spring extras et lide. Wheat quiet end Needy; Wee of SAW bus reel et ble l 42.Se end 3.00 e bus Call :orate et sus. itre b u g et at 111.60. Corn Kamm sale. of le bug et 11,33 for Mesa Wmtern. Oars buoyant et 71.. groveiless advancing. Whaley emateal. Itemplas Marks/. My Tele/milli 14 tte PUtabrrib liamitic I Mamma. saptember 1 / 1 .-ooctaa sad nominal at .124pzie.. cons—meow wen. av,lool.vi Oats, C ion.lterjr. Br lot r) per C° X. r Bum =ads irs6lolCor - Weer awatooeun. Laird ls J214Q11 .. Omega, Market t TeLepaph to the elttabargetliaseUe. Os Imo°, Beet I]—Plow. active wed MAUI/. Wheat steady; mice I 00) be Jia.i =weak. letea. Corn wares and quiet.' Imports-. 13,0thrba wheat, 14,30) ba corn. Cana/ aa, porta. bolt nOvr . TAO be trheat , “PO b. 001111. 30•11rwlit litartsaL thy 701egnahto te• Manors!, ameba 3 Deraokr, *apt 3 / 4 -1101: steady, at aUsld 011.10 tot tholes white. Wheat—supertore 0011 and bossy, eloslngat elya for Ho 1 white an tee spot. sad all for sal soot weak. Itsailkeso bob dotal 10,100 ha wheat. 11•38011 Ill WlLJlLliaaa. I wavaLern aso Irrorsotriax 11.01.maaa, Septumleer 12-1 MI Woos. 2kW bbila pply ffigapply • 00; IS bantams ry= white Soh. J D Oravotti do II do Sols, I kftumoll a Ilitelraws Marna Mon, WOK. loom Wolfs a 0o . ; ears pis 1.0., Noon* a Ins len W W Itat r on; lon 014 100 0 , J Rosman eat Iron ore d Bina; Ido do. lenrla, Ollvin loot ..k. brolua eon, •turboxy a 00; 1 alder vll , Whin, goo a Coo& ins ban, 1 be. Ina, l poota,J P Xeoleri bbl boom itromtreing a 001 16 boxes nano, Pabbasake, Mons A lsoi I be &Jamison , A • Pahantook. goo a Oos 10 b. emote. W lap; 11 bales Leann. Cbssout as 0o; 10 boa tibia Bab , W °Doper a 05{ 2 hone; 1 milky, 1 bonen, It D V.. Voorhis' I hone,. 1 sulky. 1 banns, A M leJtosey 1 H oar bisrler Spann Weltapsl2 obalro, ammer is Dating; 111 do Redor Lmmao too;WI onker ,I B rn dao; d eH, lubn m ek O. ann, Crony 0e; Ss bblo ell, 0 8 aelloralael 421 U. barig. tnrsoa. Da.lloltesss a csa eoelsl..l Daub I bx oboes, W Bebasert a; sr by Inseed J W?bombs; 1 bbl arm Atwell. In. a 1,30; 1 ear Ma, •.aderson, (Jook a Co. bbls apples. Mogi 5 bans broom eon, /1 Meallsliaas IS boa Ilaxond„llesithola Lobp ill by m1111..d Setinolbsok as 8000145 boa shone, Reiter; Woks oats, if do awn, M.loo._.Orada Jeri Si bid. onions, o 1 a. bunt. a...h.. de a g s firdt • , 80ar .0 1 11va,v.1, W tdevatobsoos 50 boo abesas,ishossaxer m Ling. 00 40 de, goes a Orr; 10 Woo rpo lour, Lladoss Jr & 00111 oks rose. Markle, son • 00, do Prb, kb 1 1141121 Lieb4ls 211 aka buns. W R Garrard; I ear papa. Gomm, as Ularki 11 Wm Our, Wm /Woosa Oats 1 bbl. fl.rimr, a Koons bbls isehlally, 8 Sambas ' ono own, Hubbard. Bros • 041;1 ear kegs, ./ J aader. PITTIMIINI.1 , 01“ Warns °MOAK. September 13.-9 ears awn. N J Xesk; 1 do do X Steel Soo; 2 eons wheat, J 5 Llenett , Coll ear barley. Galway /2 Collin.; 100 barrels tiour,B Lindsay Jr a Co; We do do. Snowshoe &Leggin eke tam Markle, Dickson ♦ Co; 1 ear barley, Pier I Daniels; 1 do do, Canoe, , UselLegton • Co; XI 01l Brewee, kne. Uo; peg tobasoo. BMA et Patton; 7 eases cement, elose7are; I ear wee Iron. whine , xeloney; e hne Klass, A eithanbi bele glue. 0 Feld; SO ...Mei amnia., fiumeer • 1:o; led tee beam, le 041/en • Col 20 bble ayplb.o be. o. .k... Valet , Cole bsee seed, Ritipstriek • Herroal &bele ;mph% Tu 411131111111; ear 1204 do limestone, Show baser .. a. Blunt eOl me, Rltkpslttelt, i Cot 7 dos brooms, J A Ranshaw;77o . tsm 71 do rio t W J Bleak; 1 Itd SW, 1.1•11160131.. nos h Got el pkgi note, Lewis, Oliver t Phil. bee; bbl ow. 1 pall batter. W .151 M Bt. • Colmarrod illendormYlß.L. Saptarobor ear earn, W J rdrukr 11000081 barley, ra do oars, If do rya, Wearier k Bar r; 0 1 ;%14arlay, fro tanks oar., Kellaary ".• 4 i1m:74±47 War lore Iro d f at • pule, Elltebdook. rt . ri.:7l. *81:1111017;.1.111,V.I. akao:tz,74.o4d,lo:7lreiP ** if t l Frailly; ado do, teas bottar,.4 taWieed, huller 1 W Raskin; Arida. butter, duo als Beal Ohl* seed, dhipkra a wallacei ea mks barter' 20 do wham. blallaary k Hoed; re Ulla auks, xata Jr; sa bee timothy seed. lerapatzlak k U a,o; la aka oeta, J Cook' to do, Kaorrada • Lathrop; do potato., miyh a ii, (Jain barn totron, Minn, Bali CO 00 bola flour, 01n102. ALLoetralr2 VALLIOT ILimaoka tioptambar lk— , 6 page butter sod Oopriaad al aka rya. B laraworri al do do, P Lana, do Beet a Gum) pap butter. J Seta, Ido do,P kt Kirm CollM alas all. Jo* Gollsibar; shoop jo Janata 1 du. moral. Porrar •UN ha t ,. rdo mi., J ulaadurt OD banal. dolt. Taoism Mirabelli! do spa, Nog butter gtzt Trrlf k i g t:Ortlat d , N e. j*" 4040. 1 idalLatil do do! War Elmo; a h lra, Wide k Wu. • , Luminary arknom Septenthar — fpp ' d0 W 22742 4 t,02 . 1 1 1_ .110147:fe ear's Karina haring, El Undid do do, L L Maki( do do, Lobes • Brut 2 do do,r filaoudirrill pall. button B SO oftrill? sky Oar. WY; al do oats. J 0 Robb; 43k3 addar, it a • (lama; 1 oar barley, Bunk • 0001 id , lumbar klaCurdy a bloOloolarif aka chime, IlJaanry Jr; ai aka dour.J bbl. do, 71100, a 004.,. wood: 22 Wu tea, Owl.. a Willaddy... Prrreatraei era Oommizayuill Z. 8.,' notarrair la.-1 est gr i tl Bkoduillar • lam I r v t1it . 1114,77 - 4. w d. 1 BarlurJr k ON 190 lai WWI. WWI - Woefully a 'Ool Anon ;MAI call WA% G Bro. Pirriii3llllGrt DAILY GAZiTTEi SATITRDAY, SEPT EittsElt 14, Mei PITIBIIIIII6III 10P1 WOMES. FULTON, 'Daum a es, Mau!lkons tba bra CIPRDAGE I , . TWlliEt9,is wry midp, liggraftemi h 114 a 115 111Wor sL lan Or Dead lar Menlo!. - sore RIVER NEWS. icurr. W. coaw,y, mold mad wilthamen eteemboanan, dud at hi. ratlines la Ohio city Yestenlay from Wailes maned a fur dart maee by faillog Item a tar ea winkle . Wai setspd la picking. plums. Copt. Conway wu • Nosongahela rinr 711ot, lad was at one time emoted to that malty es the ?Me. lush gad Brownerille pullet Cldellaa.- The Dantios .2totri, of Toady, las Ile followtagl The re Brut L le tusk at th e fi rst at abo Wanair. en lays with her •fdra four feet under water, awl her bow out as to aa ho doctor atgkior man ♦ole snap Was the emu of her atinap. Ohs sea be easily tabled. Tram Chit mu W Bortionsten Dana runt Company will bore on By. peanut to make a daily antral and departure, fleetly of lit: Peal On Nottitern Bella hays been added- The Phil. Shantou is withdraws, and sou up etre min pineal the City of lila Paul, to roe between.prinose and Bt. Peel. }Lams. Dos. Bunt foam.—The Piths tank champion cannot Eitualli, u doomed to bad 1126114 Ol LH le the double viatite of mie =goulidenee. The boat, scull nee benne" Ira and Hamill at ;Newburg, oa the nal eon, hu remand in soother &pusad row, Brown harlot no foal of Bamill to tuning the stake boat. 'Leann was the lnt to tan the buoy, scathe referee decided the nee la by favor, daunts the fact net Brun tame through to the foal, the 04011, giant ay at ne PM. The reuse wu hal:Mein GUY. SUS. woo half the rum, sad the Judges should so decl e a r t l aii . td . asp•4lnt Tot let vial to ran Um let th em insert a 0 01:14 1 :flat • wboeru Bala the other la the rate shall be donateder nand. Brown witlessly the better oars itettod Yankee often - ton . up to may took We ivy the followist from the &nail ». port of the Buyeriateodent of the Clananall Magna of Bowman • - - ------ n • A Munn dulls. Is noticed In tinting trade Oda year. The total annals of acumen for the Last year were hog 2363, &dant MAO the pmriou year. There wee aa lampn I. the trade between chic plan sad New Ortesem sad Plttahugh, .Oat f at als . l% o Ar In slut with other plum, boater. The total arrivals w Orleans were sad the departure. to that port 117, embed 110 solvate and 132 departure. the previous year. When we city th an has been an lamed* la the Ant trusportatice, speak of tt la the gangue, as th en bee bon ea blouse la the Now Orleans trade, whbb was soneetheat upon the large demand when sainted epos the &nth for food dunes the each year. Sr. LOUIS, September four awl a half feet water to Keokuk,* Lune oa the Lower Rapids, I 3 lathe. In the Mace, awl onen. The nosament In the Keokuk tads' Wino Jasper and the on line te being reamed.' The Anna le loading for Cloolneatt The Wised Punt Company ban Bled armada of &mangle. Son with the Suntan ante State of /111aols. The tutu! nook ofthe company Is MOO* and Its otput le tat span e p San of demurs on the bilstistippl era atid its trlbutarlat. Dastm or (larger& Moine, ax Otn BOAT. max. -The doubt of this wellthamorab= width neared at Idahoan La Ude elh. pad rennerelly known wan early boor yeeterdaT. ly tna boata la the baron ran thee lade down to half mast. Oept. J. W.ltolsad was, le leta mate of the S t. Lends and 7f ew.Orloans , Mesmer Selipee, commanded .7. W. Cloeloo afterward he was man of the Aateersi-ndlt eat of the J. M. Whith-he the Xemithim and Slew Orleans trade. lianas settled down *whin with big family la 7demphis, le thee took the position of mete oe the Oen Oehler. Othtate Oulu. We ken leformauom to the I cant that he gram mate of the Jobe Slmmamds. In the themphle sad New Mamas nub, sad Coda. of the U. D. ?Luna, manta( between d Memphis aad tricks/marg. The war bane, end uring a pothole of the wallet, amu no- mead. of the Vistatith . tatattlad between s Almaphie and naltabla UN and NU. During the war, or a on fter lb Own he wig St. Lou* end slaw that event widely known u eommaader of the Graham, mad afterward of the Adam Jambe la the Memphis and. hit.. Lula trade. may add I that he liras mate of the old time We steamer ILls. spurt, to the fit. Loeb end New Orleans than. In wee sonsigend at that Use the best rule In the trade. Bowyer that may be, the bet will not to deeded 1 hat throultoot his maser 1 he wee ea namable, uptight man. earremabie I la WS betting, obi baaaa 41ast tto w Jab , y ail. We mutt /In= his mama mentemed bet with newt. Ws wife Is • aster of Careela I. It. Wein. of the Pius Boy. The deemed, busty for his family. wee_ Proemend 4.; • ••• litue property...4ft taut. of The Olosbnati Genets.of Tharldey, oat The Onlambla get evened at the foot el Pet Win yaeardey, and did mot get la US Ina bat d*pated many of time. Tiers was dlsplayad at eft meet se the boat& at the wharf, oat of re_speet la tee cry of Capt. Wm. MeLeta. daegpou ens • on th e :Oolomble. atts W. net aer="j"kle death oatil bar She adorned home on the Oelnadda anda) aftnerea.. Psalm? Congeal. Tama.-The ifertnri• cm taloa Packet Campeau. en lanai • UAL trouble with th 4 Oaaaly thdanbaddatra at tattatisartftbotio Sena hoe Ord to Gup. eight ludred theasud dollars to whiala the of the Oompaag duntre-end the armee ante Mu the mm. totes take enPreee ugninthe• O. em 7 swot W hen bees prepual 10 moat ~ all nee sum ea We So the .Aau mays u s ed s e ra .'W . Packet Company us be hers it would be Oa fair to suppose that the Worthen Lb* las Pull bond ne Oompan of tandloa y should alio Mau Ile nue et gii:i7E" I'm- I. `&. PORK PACKERS, Alla XXlLUldlittm.ll Of LgRD CO IMa I New Bacon. Beef asd Tomo Win b. nods oahreryou llooday. MUM, Miles Iliormeond B&W Do do do Do do do Do do 4o 12 =racisi Atli INrod Dads aboo/dom Do do do 81444 rttlarireu r05=44 " 1_47 .3"'" =tti 444 onsoko la u. ravruo.• raw. eltUrali TO (iLIBB NUCEACITUIS. TEM lIIIIDERSIGNZD basing salebrased oft.m4w Nis Ague, fee w mss: as COPLEY POT CLAY. Ate spy prepared W. Weiss It la Le those wi/aftg So prom:NUL eaperfo= Ilinlas Mega run. ea. et tits els, we We ass need el nob oropyrsksss es we be/lost amass It boner artlels ter vote slum .7 la Sitwfwiwkek Ise eagles secansl •Veraffll _Masa 411( loolsUss gel Misulewee leselet3l Moe: awl Ise wanes. lee wltl eta ilss IweeewSiera lb. alstase Me . 2 persons pereloseleg, Tao may Le awaited la Mope Sellvery. Illaitanma 1101. . gime lf meth IMO Vestibules at.. 1.111•INSLL rs. COM VEIESSED BUNGS. ALEMBTRONG, IMO. 41 CO., litawarmws Ifteissek Dobbin ta MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plop, - Taps, Mg Mos, Hick /10111. Ilea. 1 •UM lime II Iron Broker, • /24 Plnt Street, : rmiramais. Pa. gym{ ftor ViDemn. ovum imgv irlibetA Lia 0UPh4.1.41 g ... ' “ LIZIM IM V aag aim nspiettoz:V. I;: LEITRIM DIUMING AND MDR Kanzistar•d as No. ill IlieraruLD Ir.. 17 ELARTP/14 razetps a co. Assam INN*, T.n ,Athr O.; ' cknin melting. RIM SALLE,.\.zwe have for sale soma good sesotßlgual Iron Turning Lathes. , q,--arrgrait TA% nevr„at Wages ithia•igh "Zh:q.aottikt /11DUSTIIIL Wuiii N r .110911 SOLI • 00.. OMNI rotas Atter Hllnss rlitub•sk, Pi l : "B oiroo n or PAlP . . 1 WY. FRINTINO Ali WRAFFINS FAPENSI CILUMN MILL, Mo. MUMall MILL, aiw IHUGOTO/, '-emus Ass wAszimosi. No. 81 1 11drd Mot, Pillaborik Fa. lii rlianaaujokil LOrtassloi. +Om no. 1.% O. H. 1117144, Milk SW Parer wawa EL MAC) TT AL S. 1070611111. LIAMIDaII my. LOIJOHELBY & FREW, • Elrays rammed lo No. 81 Market Bt. wonicra Or OLCOXIMPITTINtriIOW 2 loads o Whom f&layus pnporod to okaautiotaso Saddles, Harness, Trnn&s, 104 W ollolto to tour-Utz WOW km lo utablishowals. won , CONIIMONI MIALOHINE • ISTONI Not•nriss COMP OE Wu °mum ...mum. mtrx LIIIVALTILII • roli)4ziiP.' 414 (4,;(1 ti •11114 fats a =a • 11Alltwo UP road tlal train Leo Oat live b.. mita' 1111a1ftefpnad It • l a 4 Inwl to •ttwaDt. .11 he wall inks Llama loom 1 1 11 1 nrdt/I. sad Ili 1a16“ M het tat! Wwil. TM nap = ntfom eit natter wle gm. Me em or both h.SI. MEUMei bargee u IM Imes sad wisest IN Mt. miamilag dee el Wait meta. Mills Mer. wtlme etleU ii nom on W mai snort ignitions, itip.n.t. ■otaay Lno obooritag *Md.% ht t the Oottsath trloads. SlOoto moo toroottoat symptom COY Woo. wklob W ooly outs lualtion by soooaltottoo W po r iotaolot. Mein ortlslg ma% h ti milled tow*, Yugo. to/ mkt UsWatig sod Ilort oa lonolayott oronlly oda to mon, what ' tni Bolo: 0, Me of rho snotty . ot Ito 'taut.; no atiroo of SMPIOM Waited la Ws WU an shasst demea.tre.le the Ins ead cue& eentltlia of tb loss:stenteroas. • Serf Mrs weraltator ess seeml ssoartsisliirsamsss tam Luso Sr, swan silvan? et sot Amin Is tag best aataaa a/ malatii ki I. Setae colnall3es oasi disetrrar.4 • the limfropriase lassialast Is amn rapidly ii . ll , oel at, mud area Ca3imio part men emastaly smiler nab nowites,, W. UN ken WI WIN inplalaa Sae manmplica e. any, or injUag of lbe stivngto. was depold Gat 011.101 . 41114 st.ie seas uaa .tick Hai. Ls Its larna. tabosakau aiattar. uriel a 00•11•18 V the luta. et *button la SU Way, 1.• a. Waal or Ma* L drpoollad 1.1,•144- 4•4 • mill putt*, of wklk •••••• *Um ganglia. la* Itlaaerat mask •dreon lathe aatarN feastl••• •• le brag ea tabasaszer, mu% Imo astka. It n e 3•141. would cam Is oaf *[the 'Mtn, •adl 38308 Iwo/ ti•TiTbeel win darts Se drat w slob disown. Dr. wire's , ' MICTOILLL DritllP is a Mi. Ono WI pallet an la Ike Imolai stage of lug dlnus. It este ea rvr petimpl. .re am new warm by ...tun wt wumagM wins to 441 a &milli orw.rk Will. W twat, inn *WV isowthindsd if I e wont int asfenst be . eird4 oe, &ad astride =liana o roper elUndtddt, tee mare Moab odd um, tdo itoarrart *tattoo 44.-46. II many 1...• et doarostrilo uldelt lune Immo orstiod. Dr. Norm % tort mond MU loam Mena LI trlll do good la warty on. Rd grepuro w roodluso WWI LUHO CVIJ or 2111.11.011L1T karma*. TTVZ. Wiled Is gross km* God streogrooor W miens Yr dart so to ravotrod. while It a Imam mil nhs est Rea tbe libity lb Pllilellos et wen en a abbreasesa bridal slay beta er 4rnn 11. sr sue - log Ike teen I malarial Wag dopedlied pogo plan. ' • rolarcnuar cossmarnoar. azistmeruis• • SWIM !SACRIST. 0171120. MnoeatK4NMl Porl,.esgplates, af X u slums amt. •iWMO Olut Wok • •Islast lair* et sissiian . 11 11+11. /KbWkdlMflll• 5510 tuna' W as. Win 1,11101 swam liplaiktau ft u 4 Maud nopaiatile ta*llll7. An do /ha partlally sow ban tba phnulay. I van blatant to ea ILL .111111: did. 824 *Ma Uwe - - - =LIN la a ' aserw..m WA no ay loft lasi tai abated. Asa Mat it iimmitag Inn sal dam ma I week) itis 007111:17!1101. I Lanz- sa a nyva Uds ttr NIA atoms the moms et tam. •7 . wattl iladl laza 'Caw. CadaW7 pests( versa. awl 1 maker in* W. &seal. NM 411.1141 Mm fe elle Villa( .11111. Lii OM Mass et Anspariawr. uoal lagiellas Ye %Hai et Oa Imaratality WO•aaampnaa. as li atlas Mal of Gam made IT Da. Mini& aM sodas kto Vaaarnapta. I we. latmedis Oulaber hat M WI am Le ,Sar 4 W s._. TM INtsa meet. W lia4 u. miss wq sap Mil Ids . Ll7/40 BOUND." it leklaell arm Os nia MO teas vory sulk timer& InitM timali sit\ gnat can mol las ponmataaas la IN us et Ida Viadl/tak I anslt t 4 arall. at las Use I tallat ea R. ROM wry paha vs. water • giant oat Mt wara. ta • Waal% WI I .21 inaaratty pra► taste .w Mt as omit Weal mag tat. I ma. aeurt Lbe tasrlot'attaslattal la Omit t. antli • tatiala. WI steaUlanaa. sea OW 1.11.4111 IMAM) UM W laraarat tIMS. Tao Dosser. ttalnktaa ballot No ban law van slam 144 omit inataany la l wont MUNI •IMaart. sat tip riots rd expiestambra lawaratag. I bays alined malty la Sub, mad mutt. aty. Wane; an Ye tannag a la 7 1•14 bat saw 4. •17 titian! boana la la rem groaL alt av wattr...4 Mania alum et alul ulna* Mao rap &mom U. on ;smart:Man mama aty. One at las matttlart gt••• as 57 Da. UM/ Via • sever WWI Lain MIL Mika I Wan ta seaman:lea ta• Inbar kraal Masi 1 1 1 10alla OVID fampapta. Ul4. airman Doti or coasnurnort sumorair or nee 'num'. 5 tuna csasse. Aza.asaxn oovirrt I waa dlulargol bum Ile MUNI Munn army /••••.7. •• ameba of • Yuma aOa M. Rya • Ann. NW • dime anda• Wenn banana pay. C0 7 511Y711017. Iha • Imerlbal emag• sad Rd mmy? ataaink al Sul sad yam U* le M martalag. Shortly u Mr In the Ann. I mule spleen. 1•• pirequi stay unmanned amyl. aria yule, la aa•Onr ta Mumma It RIS• Man. Rau anyme nuedlas I and 1115111 any for Ivo auathe Innen sal Wulf Ilkalater. bat ma w Vim UPON. mat mialat tut Ilsall••• chasm inlay dar. la A , " MR so muting mot ea el DOCTOR RITI/11. atlia •tre.t. YU. 1.111 la mrsh urn Ilk• Was bad Mom Ilynds Pans mi lual pat maysint wider WA v. I. Dun exaalsall or mar. my *Mb bli Ll7lO bump, W sad a UM 'Mug Ina batty tuesesi 11 fu arr. MI. let It Pala Wahl fa lbounkt bah assal ma no taLlanns• dlivattna Canty, anklak I 41. 1.0.11 4•7 la lane I vsdaally lepanad Nu dam Dr. Rasura isallatar ter sle I maihnop•4 se mks Sam. aal 1•711alallY InYla tatimerra, INN mmal glien...buy la in. mak •M awn sad mbar* IS Patind a.. //la 7 •Yu DAAmy sad gm Dun Wu Y. au. Me • DA alldia wank sad taly van Inman la enlell Wi la lam a/ Dr. lima% inalmasassaa sadaaass. Jou G. Mum. ANTI up. wt. 71"4 a ogre u la nun* stadia and bb 1111111111 tiOTOILL !TRIM Irunsbar—My info bus boss alllnal Eli • radium' dually of Marna lir la or dm aus. salsa kw Milli years %eabad aryl . uldy Lamm la slams. Tur °seminar In ' boas hunlllsra as had hos broad br mama Omahas Esau say . rein& Is an Man' haf ass I bastarod sons of boa rzo• ?ORAL 001708 OMIT. I bait rho firs Ibis agar an nail.. mina Mr rod in nay near 1 Ihn WM sal go a 4slJu bona, sula and her starlit Sill Al He sow so emu of itu dlass:r. neat rraddrom ulna annals she LM as sedans ay II • sad ad Oa/a Tin nallalso and no by haft 0 •111101116 I IIijMNIO •110‘.....__••8•6• so •1111 labllallik lad Mae 11 ablla Ills If as dales So do is U. WILKIN, suu Wait& Our sea, JAos rat RIZ. .1102111 three rears rt. sorlra MOM artlli esamonpUes et the Imp, tor MUM. be was dlerbined he We arm. He was examlamt try lbw army phraldtar. %dm CI mimed OWN Min 41. ma tha disease. We Montt Mate Dr. maul', ze Wood Wrest. 4". ?dad s n are) Ere, Min muting hr. tour. eea aeaea M treat Ms. mid and its mud satrap. Mt IA ewwwell mid dmamaee Me We put arm yams. Mori iafleled 151/Se mum ma litewbe turd. KAU Ail rgtrize, ....!.Inurnnk MA ims. PECTOLIL STROP LUIIII CUM cula %kid se vi emu: mammal swum IN WOOD STMT. Cloannstldril 11•0110101 Lio num 01W?.Dosmaaglirt4 BITEBILLE & eis n snot Frriq s, at' %%trawl kljtur jar . m a i lima Tab., Se. moo. SUMO. Ohio (Bahnex tut Lam awl Clhastaitt I aluminum aim. Pai Nou. 1004 ip Gas sal Want 'inert Erupt. MUM* each Main/0111:4 'MANGUM RUMBA z-m.svrxvas. Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Ci=i .Ab. 47 Ohio Si., ox,rhousirr CITY Girlliad up with AVLE. Qllll as 4 lby arperlanced wOrliten. Particular atlattUnket _vil . to pelt", Welt b era aad 41.16 if Wu.writ style. IsITUCHI JOHN Y. C0011211...J0N. ELUL JOHNM 60PElt a co., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fittsrs, lUaolootp•ro of 1.071:17 ANDIZAIS WOll, of Wert dosealptSoo; fa GA S /Ix rtnass &ND 1 . 17111#13. of on Moos. Corner of Pike ud Waked Streets, le PITTSBURGH. PA. ylia2o P. L. ATWOOD..3TIfIKAN satms..l . . ITWOOD & . BRASS POMMELS, Bynum AND GAB. FITTERS Con or 3rd and Liberty Streets, Atm nw n wr to order. tlyeelal !mentos paid to tit. falai oat .a4Jwis npatriog., an. Of Oil Soloonol, atoSallools. &o /gents for A. B.Caneron & Co.'s ISTE4A2 .P MAPS 1.10- BLOWER ENGINES. ram Puna simarle.d•OUP.M.al alm, as 4 anuy an is varranimli to=W IWI... Pus= onsuunts on bud. Wilma - rM prITIMIUMUII NATIONAL COAL I4 . COKE COMPANY. Kum,moiler' MI degas, violatak sal iv• laU, tam BEST FAMILY 00AL, NUT COAL AND KA= Ogee sad Yard Corm 70178711 AND TIM BT All="f i b t r " Ziiillithe city. or oldp6eat "ILTesCrin a"VA,I a:lr BEST FAMILY COAL Al=n kaacsadWitm,ut P./AMY ki order, AT LOWER KAU= WA BY OSCAR P. LAWN it CO., • Cw.kinky and oni 11.1. I I 'Om te=a: Aaut.racuii Oest tand.V.ll as lacknrest rate& eau • 114 0 1 .1 11 11C01061.11. WM. M. CLAM, CO., • Gas Coal Wokka, . karatiatirrylloWirg es £D Wipe 14T, illintnirgi. " ' W ellikka g rnlbrimps4 non Towbars& I,,MILIpak ipalas,Laraw Inrt, 1..1.64 k Libra, ReirialaderekUlLMlX To Meeks alcotrul, rine and comer.la. /11 DA= TZ'araZi.. " E MOTs prompt attealJap. COALI DICIBOII, 81111111 & CO, Hsilag removed tintLy 014. No. 667 LIBERTY marrET, fiabary City Irkiall MOND t 1.0011: Lee now impend So Janda n+.l LIIIIUN VT ORAL OS &LACM. Auks Wrest maxim . = artu cedar. left MIN. Übe SW. .rui at.l4 l =l: MUMMY, FORTFORT PITT COIL L covrasir mod dtt i on 11, Aar . "“tc.`4lrtanktibanrilart.u. tal. ele , oontoLa.ilmrt mon ma. V pillabarin , .. ° Th=jelili •Ithir. of ilik• above au WM melts prompt 0441•154. _ resB4o.olo Allerees .z A /NO, Ilusiersi. 4 I : tiAls...airtz , .M . Zezzarcg., Vazna I i i . B h r. ...,ff., a. J. eu.T.:T=1.14...::ip z u ! x. OWN W. 111, et.aairr a p. fir. lal V. ' Cluiet H. amatirrsoare, =ALI CI roverwoAin 6 amintavtua Ituatuumulf Oul.llluk sod Denulffilnutuy 0//nClt AND i• 11). Como Clada )10 I tih r x .0 Kenai N 1n=1117.L17/. ithalt, Tti lad runies sad 110a•Aanus • mulled WM Um n Wul3O.lO of 00al ar DU* AM. !mut eui Vidgms bat •s ally et Omar ollom %111 native prolavt atura -i~.t-a~ - :yy:~: 1TT11817111211 BREWZRY. CARSON, DARLINGTON & 00., =AA warm m to num SSIMIIBOO MIIIOII■II 4_01111,1131•11111M 111 M. A. ANDiallall. mamma IL aUsatleseflia outman* Llishni Saab 141 parliallitty ranted la Mt • ALED AND PORTER. WU*. ihmehtheouvfalnelorttas etlitaltema ear areinstys naltlyr taallll3.• aR4I Slope &on DWthe yards is=rll.47 aa =wails, AVALALN 68.0 tea klainommenii.4 "403 Nntii atalnr. gnu slaw 14 =4:.1.40,,,:urr UM+ orl i rsz kl. amymike a& CU= at PaitTany sad Idea Oh wow. PIIOIIIII STBAN mania: 11 . 1.0 SPENCER & M If&sP e MUM BM BRIM 'II Ale, Porter arLdErown Stout, PITTSBF/Rell, rai MANIIIPA • I : UNION NM= POEM was. I. 301121111T0N. ElYE:F: t 7l ;e7sll77 ei ~7,3 4ev a Moat etteaslee, . Pa. CENTRAL +FOUNDRY AID soar . woRRIN 800 IN:Dzias 'BOLLINAN, BOYD BAGALEY, 011 U 8011. Mill 011 8t1llft. ROll LitilON 110. `1 1 1:19S. nun RIDiOOII6IIIDMaI VOW. A l4n a ra gt:PaitiVANgs, C Arz pllar I.:VAIITInUMOLten COAT, 4 - 111. kt.heitixokalaultat /643/419E10N taak lloettl allillailttglatla . of lA= 210114, • H. WOLF, JR., &Mt DRUMM X Hardware dig Cutlery. An , low 1 . 041,1 .8 lunar .suou New ma +Maa 1 . 0.1,4111. DWI= Id r • - • N r itiC l 2llllll4. Bonier Liberty aid Bt. (liar Bt& P.M inteerineavile. PA. = PAPER HANGINGS, row szazinio, is euar vazirrr. ►T Na 107N/ft:het Strom j 0& R. 111701108 t Ina us OCROONZAKER 808 rrepnitce, of We : Frrzysistritamic White Lead and CO/Or VOA; MEM Maaabetamill Asa Wagon oft aria Aso% x.. 07 roma tinnizrz. lALlZUrlietidtti s ireudaliiit IMMININ ;MON" ORLI JONES & LINEA OLLlll774UX•ix:wil OP ABIRRICAN AND CLAIR gar t gcop, Sheet and Maoism Bridge iron; Aims aad Huai Guard Irani • Coal Scream Iron* - T SalL , ie & 20110. to the toad Tram Balthputtotoaland Guam. - tar sunk Beller,Brillia Bad Tank linen Cut Nails and/p l / l e l l Skip and Beat Spam; Railroad s; _Oplke Rallroad Fish Bars and Deltiq Railroad Car wittels and Balsa Street Car wheels and Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Dolled Ilballinal Patent Cold Dolled Piston Dods{ Slower and Reaper Dam wAszacruss ALI 017103. • 120 Waier mid 158 Frill BY, MAXON nous'. Nos. 2421 sad 24 liver BL, ;thou 01310411iK16 NEW. lIIRDWIRE HOUSE Lindsay, Sierrit & Maanfaotarers di Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &en 337 unary STREET, Cer..1217., One Fours Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. Mr Anus tbr FAIRBANKS• Dena& HEMS STEEL MIS. Me : 4 RIME &CO arAJIEFLOTOZW MI OEM GM IIiTUL Ann, no An Kum is um 1.336. YOLIM orsanaa. aura =Dos= on SAW PLATES. 'warn° Aso mina-aurrio RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cad /prim; Steak Cad and Gonna Plow. Nee nay, wawa AND NOWill we: SPRINGS, LILES ARD STEEL TIRE, TE ; a l liV10 1 181 . 3 Warehouse, 81 Water St., Merle. eueme Arum Imams, Arianrom STAMM 2. Shia Ward, Plitsbana, • THOMAS N. IMILLIIIII, Preahhat Then Worts ere amour 1 2 .7531114 •Id 1.104 .1111110 t• elteilamslat. La Um Wen. aod aew pnwperal to awake • Eaettaalorieftry Da. Boners, OU Tasks, SUM Ina Wort, nanroel Csathip, 1 Bongs; Casnsip. Booms Canby. Shafts Castle" Gomm Cseto4ll, 0ts•1M2118 SOLICTFAD.' sofi TO ROWE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Ta• Wort aluertse.t. . GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking linos 6c Stoves, Ut us MIT BLOT QUALITY. to ado IA ree r LOW' PRIMA. Dr BISSELL & CO., ..Narrt• N. 113* uilunT JOHN RONEY, UECLL FOCIDit Canes Bt., WAN, nu &T.D. it* Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, hag ED sal ladis Csap fp n l i ttrars ".:13.1,.r.1% IIIMIZOIP.4•11. 8A 1112 =1...L15. =An CritallA 12011.41311 1110 MILS. . 10110 W, BASH a co., NAIIIIIPAOTOWS OP . Item Baas, Oa MU. Agitate% Talk& Malt PM; Cl_aseastara. 11 1 Froigbt tiros iisnagei, alma= work. 0014 LIBERTY M a l:aft 818., pirrsaratais; isranuito DON. PiIuNZTLT. ac ZOO' PUTromnozz OH um 111711111111 IfAtltrAmmi. HEAVY ofturomm, ! Sin = ZIP k. • %111 fibrin il i rdutha 9..10M Aiingn'to""Lvamtsw.""" grerestradv_tte.ramm u.a.h .---- ROBERT LEA, 11 . AAVPJL01 . 17M OP TEAM BUMS AND.. 111 3: . Freight ...Holsters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. iirosa... •11 din , 4105113 Mils Is new Omer et Pins sad Parry ttrMtti lai.tel PIPPIPOICIN. PA. 11. /LUGS A. BRADLEY lk Mall Of Cook. Parlor and Beat* Blom Tem ~ ,, , ,m a n tuat „ . b ..4 nom NANA ktillft/LX Md-darajiWg'°. cook dendiki Aide mantiatare WiAnga. GATE Elms, age. Watialuhwrarrunrinlorra 7 iwmt 44 onmt. BLACH DIMOND -winrciezetircommung, rrn = utrite n. ea. max, Erwin r leastesatarers re I.IIIT latf JUSIT satntrft.ll•4l)=4.l=,Zt """'"1"• 4.1 nine. Ha valia .wlu l rwro 4Onl ire n r a tirnill. ote Mrind & An wenua.t• nadttTranum"raararra.*;:M W . 1 74 Star IWO . Atritik .44 =D /1111201 t. jamas __ D. IM VSEI & 150,111, Meal 11•1104 011 NOI4 lamb, Skeet Ina Works, au ei Penn BS, PUtsbur" Pa. num PITTSBEGI IRON WORK J. PAINTER Ik SONE: =twist, Tub HOOFS AND SNICEM, OusOla mnneasiour . GAFF, BIERS & J!/131 . c . IDYAIMM= or Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, 1101 !rum maim a 180.1.0% eis.~o OIL WELL TUBING, Mee, No. 98 water Street, PPITHRTHCM. PA. NATIONAL FOUNDRY _'IPA W4O3R,EIES, Caraer Carroll and Swallow Streets, Math Ward, PIT'ISBIIRGH, PA. 17V3111. 113.1)d.1111.12E, 1 1 WIXE1117711A1311 07 Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAB AND WHIM wow Plpsd all out Vortlft47La lama aid ris marnammoi. a,. mu mat of ma cum nine in nm ma wcoldel auognal tie sltaattsun etllmmlataad alto of Els. Walls Wily seta PORT PITT BOILS , STILL AND WCCELIKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, ILIZIMACInung ar n ll3 nn .2l r X iCxTißt/rOSaOrsDZnSaIrMOIL OULU AOM TARMm DnOroILLLiIsM 033:00131TII, IlLooomrp AND ABE rase Drarassa. IMILING-Pl.llO. BAIT PANS AND Cox- OTIXIIPTMOS, Quonniziaza, AND nom IMMIX DO9ES AND OOLL 0111ssaadiVe rks•arasrEimmil.19ileg. MYR% a,41 Z,llberty • Pittabtmay .Pentuglrani& • allpOrlan Mal te as Maya adlromi .131 los promptly snapped U. • mtehtil IRON AND IN WORKS Lmns, auLETTikuna, a co, , =l:,a. OP BAR, BOILER, SHEET PaeLitg. IRON BAILBANDNAIL ROM MT= AND Willi:ROUX*. No.. U. 66 & 68 Anderson 84 Tim ovum rata of Hud Ks. EMIR% ALLEAmEAT 17CIM KENOINOTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD BLACK, Beg CoLim Reaped Mama! Juniataßlciom Iron. /11211murillAL, SOUND • SWAIM UlOll Loc i w rz l i z tt w aa y m . EOl/11111 and AWL& Baia M WDO a m ea e ns . =me adol i M CILMO I= Ma. UGT (Ms aw ElPlb e M /AT ilffitairatel aid Clossiarmk. JI C IP •314 EriSte. latuasoo93l2., c&i7tiTiatillritu74.aki"eira lU=LSON7(: - MiWit * CO” llaata:mmr. of las =mat Ms • land, Sdnuo, nal and ItoneaThoo Bar Iron, Ina aid Band Iron, Boner-Plate, Tank and Mall-Pan - bon, abetlron,ae.,"&r. Wad; TOWNelitt. as anteagalmes Myr. Mr awl Waibm. .U . 9 4 146 Water Bt. JZWG: provemiiir, CO., HUGH . L BOLE & CO CO., SSW acilder~ and mufti" order Mania aid Lust 1446 tubs.. el Widow, *Sem, nausea se MT. sailstscUoa. Ciatlags s des.l,— Lies. sum So arJsa. ems Naltaasr, 11. Bata, PM/. _Maelds• Sboss Vor. Point 111 • Daqsa War. •.•• , 117. NH. nano SlTlard Etltlt. - razastritaa. purirsavaiin STEEL Wuaa►a, 411111)11101111101, COOL. 11l CO, JOS= NOTZIBI 0(49 EVA'Us 1nic113.4 =CM AZ Reaping ast illostas Nada" RIZ& riguilmirgymmalt I LW! 08.1 &ammo* rl,gh S Spites Weak, user-omar het t 17 . r .. nnew raw. BERLIN FOUNDRY PIIYCE & SIMS, olmrs liaszNotra, 29 Wood Meet nansinam sad lu mp....a.aurs■lmadi • Thfinkie, Mein I Pip. Boxes, warma l l t ne t irmwar t ai a tr ir w r _ iwitcro w m a....u 7 R R. Butler 'Stmt. I Ninth Ward orrommi usiox,lacqg Ka4.l. 31111 MT 1 'RA 3 3411.01.23. aRIiRORI sad 'Aldo Wham 113111 BUM HD NH MA namhts•ry sad Chtsthni• je..natT• Onles map* WI imitair mcuN. amuses. arracwsks. 13111ERT & MaCILLEND. aelltalo CUlD3o2ft' WORK& =Luz sari a 1112811‘, um MUTT CAST um, eracuz Aormytwarinnt, tu n oco, 88 Wood Street gr sirmg. olirar . 11:1IIMIZNN INIQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORM muurear, wog a CO• 11•111)n=1 . 21{Xle • Iron. Napo. Blrringo, noun. matt aim tirizez,ao. valances'. Wm. 77 ..vtrano. aches. 6 7 1 4 18 04: Mama co, • .v . s.rattrzpviaz dt litolN msc. of. IRON CITY MILLI. MOM a mracurisLA isarcsruip,momr.. WAii wn.aa.auaaarn SNORT SELL ROUTS ! ON RCN RAILWAY, EASTERN DIVISiON. Tim SHORTEST AND I MOST "Hata a ar.LISaLli WEITZ Dia ail aka a la coLoirago, anrcfaxii, cautrointta, wAsaultairea. NNW assay% ONZGON. • • Soo trabit Iwo elate oao Lowroamotta COondlin oseAptod.). ea tae althY.M tralas at Pulls Baltroad from et. Loath sal - HAsalbal and at. Jo 24120•4 from QUM, op. neettas at Laorroaco. Topeka otti W. 1 114111•11111 Mates foe W papal In Sarital. At end •1 Ifs* lout of lalooona .111 taa .ONTIAL grams NUN= OuIIPANTI ' DJALY • LINZ or OVZSLAND NALL AND 'XVI= COMM /LS DENVER, SALT LANA AND ALL mums ar TEI SZINEMiImw sad with SANDLILHON.BI.II-1174XLrLLNI UP COMM= tar Tort Dabs. !Wadi fut, Taos, Albuquerque. Nuts Ps, sad ail Wlab tll Adlaoaa Aid Sew beitad.: With ihs ream additions of darns' Mit aid saddOwasi, sad the sadsagsdpsata *ads With Ito. sPdadlids Owsdissd ilanspirtudsh Llast Its werlani tedmtiaa , MD_ ,D , Od ditydd Us. dulled thallltiesdta r cntanawass 12041 - la Um YR Wen. I • Tut *war we .4 an tbs pitastaid *am ia es.vptat etau”nd Csauldis. A hi., And MIX FUR TIMM VIA TIN MOST HILL .1101ITI, VBION -YACILTIO RAILWAY, =BMW DIVISION. : A. ANDriIION. Wawa! Stpubitinogn. S. X. WNIIIIIMW. _______eesgrs /nista Y. 11.4.4 Aseet.- WESTERN PENNSYLVAINIL awittrth, ""th :"WißOMMl ressanger wralite as tite Wester& renasylvaala jtaillead IMP mime gad Otani:Ma Ter gran Snags nag tag Gag. se follows: asostralo 1 IMe as. nen. al"..ifeLla. lite ir M I SITe t shWrille - S, lag IMP.= 21"4" 9a e:af 14.7,17AM1r, neneereshi /Le 7110P.K. Maws/sari /boa tralaa,nineng arnie neat. The Oarth wrela leavee.Apm.....zwaaat, Cl.l"sa."ll:ll47."3l."nettna'taiea •1171 Mg at it r. X. ad arras a Alleaser s= r Oommalantre Ttekete-Tor ale le peetege• MTgag ii benne. Allcnly c elti. ir „ ettn um tad good e " .yrea I.lall flat piga t t=as waged mi %lasts. " awrit asb s. olatexßhilt:2:o!..l= nd lrsanoint ..11usroish Tletess o lt r ybe tigiia "I'. for Ate alit, seAl 17 ' 4 DepOt. JAMTIVIMLS. at. The genera reaareala f w. taLtrire sw w aea. Una Hmita = Dohheas rage. All m, exceeding OW angst Ls vale ‘l4ll. bei ea MI rus of the wag; Seam Lass Wanda eaa• tract. ZI)..wwWAS:Dwg..I.IITh."....LUJIBA. pEIiNEITLY ZAILMOAD. ~>l ;Il aIIAPEN .01 , ran. 79l i ttL 1 zazr . i . a :ir 17 . W•odtbaton aad Liberty 11•1.. lb .11•1111 •ft Dap. 41.1 1 : •HI Past 1.111•..... I:as • gra% ai a : ti Wats ", th•EU ' : '" i• Cluelazati kx. 9:10 • m No. 11...31:30 • tP•• "'N g./ • : PTTLIMet. 1111 trim. -r..::141. ;sr,: ww4, 1 ,4 1 :7 1 :1111 . and /salaam • train Da The Muth Trata• larva WarDantatlas 4WWS Buds al *OUT.. PHWI• • UWWW , sn. oars, pltts • • anC arm.. at WY tiatlo. t 7 D. S. ZinotusaLl al pt•all dr/ 11 1 1 57:= Zttui ittoau Amos. mdablost Gad Jamgrant %Isla Qt. etattall Intro. arri•• gaily except Noatlay rot Nut • All Inbar teal. datl7 •••••T• - - or Loion•stlos atmoly to • W. H. B.Walirrnt. *flat. 'The Patuul•ut• natio:ALl Ooturg :111 Ir•.p•ani„••• ".7.111•12P="11.1117 to egnadmlt ' .. torah. • Int teat amount la 'alba rill tins al tb• yaw, Wats :skew ardil eztiftel. ItrAtoadAt 1lta•••,-71. tfrittUßal, COMO a gunman R. N. PAN HAIM 2011 1 11 CHANGE osmotic-Co GA4 aoreaNDAri r&A . 1 1 .1 %1 I=IN =es= es as IHROITUU 7 1 / 1 125. • ' Lava Lai A.. x. 2:111a. N. nil P. X. Ant,. MU N. 144, r. War. X BeollaVrrall. jeana P. X.. areirlog ILA cu"th" "PutWaralroMPlt a xim UM... Mil A. X. X. r. P.Y. A.M., It= x. 9:31A. INS r... CUP. X. Callarch 'Mt% lealms Muds? .4 WM/. X. X1,13111.41.1.. .. 1 V 4 ritti1titr.11:1 " ragarn ix t x u 4 ADvAxa o . l l . lra b l'VZl:M" Da tat PQM Watt axitl Bomb. ealzmucamin TUDtil to sari sad flat as MU • Main 01011111 I. 1; Union Depot, (south aide.) FL D. Itimplarjun.A l7ol3 ,Thkoit *gum Gejim.Thket real. IP *EOM /867 1867.1 415 .4 1 / 2 , E u ai r tiriltalmi N. - - Thal. urn* WI 414. T• al ;be ind.a DIM; ma 14.11.ra: =era. win). 1 SIWAZ.111;;; g PiT IV: lllle a ran. z tiara a m vi r aa l ,. ..loo,la ali =t• p a." V... : gl.4lArtre;l ..,... 1:10 • se OUT ~. LP p la iii._l,llVi.i.t i . M: at. ii... -1:11: „„*„ Ar a = o' 4 , wt i . 2ri. ll , 2m zi• E r"' At'ir2 ;: I re; Ai li l a - 1. !"'" “ /1:4/1•al lallntlla :: /MI • S Roebextei •• I Oa ow (hulls •• U. 1015111 IP/et NOW. f 110 p lloggeas . ::.• sift . rititr A ll" ill I : Lariat ' .' 1 21:1 Clip 1M ts •• kill pla Umtata* $ MN, in • • •• :Arzt _;:ii p. a. Crldalkiroi- iirrimi s. la. lII.m _ it • ionM_ .2* 11..x._ A LICEGIIMIT VALLEY. RAIL. L .. , /WAD, • MUM! OP' TIMM aa4 after 21313111D.LY,_.7.1) Zraitrtra=lanna "taria"Vbal"..; E__ •• Cm r. Orataoas works icon. Pala. " as Rada Warts Azomr .aaaaa cm. joadaullaa.. at tad la apia Irerita.,;,.., 1.04 t...... - mfLartb autos