THEDAILY GRIME ruic :Viii mums% ~mra Mumma.) imminuokavagio &co., .•. rV o l;DriAirecreis, A 4. nnercu..—. -*A 4, Lx x= am Eineituanx . ' . Dryna. cur:Ariz ZIIELMNO. Noir N AND Sit Firm ATIALT. Ilan 4WD* hper of Veda Peamtniis. aNnua. um OP ?mune! An grarenTit Adkardis, eaxerrx, .n1T5131111,4111. mum, Gaistts ',..'#S,II7ORTHY CANDIDATE,. The !oili voters c?ttita Commonwealth trlbutc to , tho worth and aortic:kr' of ~ TtadgC Williams than the ►ing lilac compliment paid him by %La only doily Democratic paper of IttallOtin.Pettasylvanla the dayfollowing taus nontimition. It said: "The Domination of the Hon. Henry W. Williams as a candidate for Judge of Ike Supreme Court is a-good one. He -.sneaks beat man named before the Re= psbikan Gonvention, and possessealegal • and wont qualifications for the respost- Ole position to which he has been nom ' UAW Both parties have now present 'ad their Candidates. - An important duty ,bas been faithfully discharged by the • niqiectin - a:lnvention. The campaign iway- nfiqr be conducted without persona! aspertans, and deeded upon the pies of the two great pubes. This is as silt should be. It is an suspicions sign of the and ifthe county Um:mentions to. y tbrteeete in the selection of alive candidates, there will be atop Marto the deplorable corruption at the seat of government under a new es=honest men and conscientious rs:—Piffsbitrei Pod, Tune t3fh, TM PM, in referring to the Om, `rod the tot Mitt:Let. Ina pleased to vWe have nothing to tato back, or modltr, Of, Judge Nilllicans' private or legal - rein:nation we have nothing but words" at and holm* ft may . 10 4. 90826 Puitttacioes and heady pollti : riana, ire cannot bring ourselves to view tumults as either wise or po. ins °alien some „troth in the assortionahaa General Grant lourno de .- Infiniti; be'elevated to the highest position of the peoPle: Ain triends,:air,l they , are found wheroyar tos4; eenid do \ Urn no worse • . Seellifellaart by miglathis a c ceptance of Ytit Presidential nomination. His pre. 7:issitiliOsitlon.:lB highly honorable, and SICIOrtg as he remains on this .41.21,1 f, and . in lie will.always race's° *rage dan. his greatness from • .1010114 people. Should he be honored ihe higher title of President, his °WS record as a soldier might, through One *near error, fade away, sad the aiready - *ritten page of history , which wiilliand down his name to posteritg as 1 , 111 brow end patriot may be an blotted and soiled that those who follow us cannot perdelin 'the' great - .soltidox' as we new tlikrirare , bilm AB . 1 sealer. Grant is turierosellyadisured and honored; as a President 'slid 'Politician it might be tee nutroni of panties demonstrates . - 1614 - 1 i always 11312ChierrOCCI to hake an . .Jl,‘4.6str.n*nttion for which no party is ly aid folly responsible—rnach u thil which- now exists at Washington. i..,•Vadie such an Administration some ex. ;- nun maniere -to hold important "places; but a much larger. proportion cruntoon of llut worthless huge:m -u-4a open both patties—the mans camp. fotlowdn, whose, predoidnant impalas • is forpluider—osutrire so worm them 'x oqtres, Into-positrons of consequenc e . ttlittL:ttztilstitt,: to '"a large 'degree, the enormous frauds that notortousl,y exist . P_i .thekßg . . nu DePurtot. /est now were is a commotion in New. 'York eassonipthirtex otheTere, *Welt mom. ben of the Cabinet era said to be in thst shall Crop} to be the helTeitigation" may be imotbered until i Congresehmel Committee shall 60t Ogthe trail, Trhitit may they prone too cold to be followed. damns lit Woonwann; not withstanding the dcollustion put in for • /411.1 1 190akgriiiictit s tiort-nominated by the Democrats for Congress In the , (Luzerne and Basque . itanna,) In place of Mr. Dennhon, de ceased. Den well known to the people commonwealth as a gentleman of snore than common abilities and attain .inantkof inittlemtabed personal champ -- isr, and of extreme political *pinions, ikrn in'Pennsylvania; he is of Per New England parentage, which - weltoldid be mono to his discredit, or to Utqt otAdspmgenitots,thotigh some of hie Democcaticanociata seem to regard a - 1,4 = - Noirgaglatid brlgitt La:an tutpordcms ' „Nv r i• Taw President expmsses hia deter *Litton to have certain laws brought bilbn Ids' Supreme - Court, in order that liwir''pousthartionality may be tested • :aid powers defined. He 'farther liMiateciuc itf • case• the decisions Übtilned *USA* in rani, declare said lawa null and, Told. , Does he not know ' nit by the Supreme Court, Sikh as Vend* would imam' any fill a;','":4likatkiihiltim unnecessary/ lint until Iknut stall' decide againit the laws fie dhdikes, he - and all others will ban to obey'- oil takes the consequetkes, whether much or little. f;!! Tii Judiciefelzition will be hod to G i allfitmii nest 'month. 'The result of , Sia,thdidwlllshow *heard' the recent ' .deleat or the Republican candidate for 'tiozeirun was due to his bid political dander or to a radical change in the 'T"-losistinieusti of the people. Well informed citizens of than _ State predicts Republi. cen majority of twenty tEuxissild. /1.24 lIOW announced from Washing ten that the President does not intend in Ainray to Wafers with" the registra ., *it tkt, .cp.ti in the 'Biatea ; rail'- , „lasi government. - Thus may bathe fact, let therresident has elan so many tstromets hi has beei - carelhl not: to r • 4" Goan tbstat irtll be judicious not to pat too math oinitidenee in this one. s,s2;l l l3ll.tirotris mow Muni ars better. Vha n casjortti, so kr as the rettuns Uwe been received, foot up between ten and ;:ihr s tiri thin4ds• With towns ,t o bent iildch gave rno:o than th at for as Jut yea. Both branches of the Legis litttrifszndicktesur ROzablicin. True PaIIIIDiNT Hi menu/nil:illy necont• phone remit, the driving of gold u hat:tgiuts ttisii It has touched me-norne time part, end, of coune, cm ..fNneepondfriglj. adiniteing 'the prim of .1240 FiCOSilideS of life. • P.7nTing 43foir.i . :_'Iiicixa - Vlxtr.tests, who t',7llPla be-eikFarIPROT 41 E4 rapidly recour jai from bge . pTestratien, hie many tadmtxrs berer and elsewhere, will be .-13:44 POILIiiT'S Pompon Letters, re. ' ;:visod.icats,n . birged, will seen be issued : . 111 - Wei corm 14 T. B. Peterson & Broth- Zbinsbutg" Altigheitan pays: .I' ls Errett will make az: atten ,,,Areladestriesta sad capable Senatoi." - by were fleet made in London a negro from Spain in the reign of qUeen.AWY., Ile ctled' without impart ing the tlocret of his art. 'rho art wears earned In 1561 Elias Grows° drat taught the Euglleh to make needles, but the art was again lost for nearly a can- Aar', when. it was ngain recovered by :t.Cheistopber..Grecnbig, who , settled at lial.:Tendon,' Ilucklugamahire. na lanai:tow chiefly. zu /lad. dltck, In Woreottershlre, fiatheraage. 'Derbyshire, and In' and near klxtutng. ,--,..,-- l '-'MI • -•";tA"11',; L -41 .0.178% -,---. -7,( 1 - N - ''''.. •.% , . ' 'tkt, ,- . 1 - „•• - -.-' zaii .. " 11 - I) -, - ~.= *,),..' ‘:?; itt s ' t- ••- :SO 7 ., -- • - 1 t iAri cb i . ~ .„ .:.; .:,-b i , ' , "* 7 ,,,11 . , 4 „, pl . 1 I 1 i ~ \ , • -- 7- - *. ---- - 44 Afet- - ,•,-; - 1 7 .,, , ,,, :,-- - 1 . 1 - -----'=—-- -- .4.--;,•rArlr'-';•..1:-,-,-;,nC,- VOLUME TiXXICIT.- , - NQ. 211. FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. FROM EUROPE. ' (By Telegraph to as Plttiantrgb Ueaetle,l .Tua cEErA, qtnesnos. X.IITZALTIT MGM" lam, /Wm, A.E, that • 31117•17. - Loin' os,Sopt.l.l.—Aillopatotattlaktbent atatoo that Great Bilinto ant rtaaos had soot aloluttlOte ti Gime*, urging the goy. =mans at Athens to iamb:kir= hostllt• Uos with the Bantam Porto, and to maw. neiltintity• L tle coo= Que. Ma RADICAL CONSIDEIIL ' =num DIBCCIISIOI.-IFITHIMAWAL Cr 1)11X , GIZSTA. September Is,-71, a Dadicaltron imess, which test bare en the Igh Instant, Is ntlt Is sassiest The Droceedsngs attract ranch attention. Daring the sitting this Egerates a sharp attack wee made upou the Socialists of the United States, which gars nie to anszaltod alscarslan. Skslo ill foe lag was created, and Delors Cie close or She see ion may stsatbetw Withdrew Dan the ENGLAND., . 1111 reitikTza tACH. Loam" Ooptember 11.—Tba Dont:taster nom whns sole largely attended today. Tie Bedard mhos were won by Verdant. The Cleveland hantlioap was Won bp Inn , . Ma Tea won the CorpOratton: plate. The stand plate handicap was awarded to 80¢606 Away, the nandlcap ,sweepatehes to Whole Warren, Sad the Illyeeles plats to Wise Sarah. DAV/ . Or =GLIB ZITO 01/1. The returns of the Bank or liangisnd ;how the amount of bullion hes lueresseo three hundred thostund pounds 'lane the Nth. arms. 1.100100/I.QIIA.WSIXIL - - - Yanuq Beet f2:—Tit Governor . ot MIS; ores has issued congas tea establishing • rigorous oluirantin• at Port IL•aion, Balearic' Islands, for all ressela arrhinirtrom porta In the Milted Manta or West indica. Ei=l32 O. a. was MASSA AT 00IIIITAXMOPTAL lissassbuse,l September 144,...h. telerrera from Conetaatinople umbrinces the arrt7el of the IL B. stalest* . 11Retars. PINANI37rat AZD tointractim, Lamm, heptember 1t../freerrefr.—Crorsols closed strodp at St ark MVP wentles, WU; Lientral.l 131 43. Prnicsonp. be l96 ptember ls, 113—Ewing.—U.. Bones. fiX,. LoraliPoor., September IS—sMalag,—Ccd. ton—The prices are ;id lower on Ameriain descriptions. but the market closed Urn et the decline, with sales of M Millen Uplands and Orlons at alto.' The aides to. day amounted to 13.031 baler. ilreadatrars Closed steady. U0rn.361111 for new Want Western. Wheat. 13s 64 far. Calltorala white. BMW. Wets and rase arennehang. ed. Provisions—Beef, Ma Parr, les per barrel. Lard, 7161,1. Cheese, els 6d. Bacon, Ms 64 for Cumberland Cut Middles. Pro. duce—Spirit of Tarpantlee ate ed closing We 6.1. Petroleum, lad far riptrits, and Is rid for Befleed. ANTI/ZIP, .eptembar L. - 12k.ntn.9.—The Petroleum market 1. strcaug es; standard Irlateh, ea francs 50centlmes. FROM WASHINGTON, SeleCnlga to Um Elnalmen fassatt.6l .WAsarscuror. BeptiodberA,lll67. nlXtrir yrrai .er tkIfIZOIJ-Gila.? no- 0:ctl The NSW Pepartment has received • re port Pettis Captain Zionee F. Armstrong, coffimandlag the Pensacola Nary yard, dated the nth Snit. die fears, od atecuat of the prerelease of Teal,* !ewer, that the vac Cal suspension of *ark ai the Navy Yard will add td the distreu and Offering al reedY tabling in the ' , Mum ant 'or the yard; yet, rlth the heads of departments 'andtaanyelerka slakAnd no responllolll pee eons to oversee theernployees, it "Meld be decidedly • loss to , the geVerilinent .100 00 with - the t h e • Sly er bad appealed tO the Iselehtortne eltles fOr aad phynedesta nurse* and = 0 ..7. to welch they nobly responded,' Mobile sending SLOW. • hosyttal has been established etch the feadireselred. From the eta to the Seth of hermit there were two hundred and twenty-two ouei of lever and twaatraleht deaths. Slate than there le aerreeerd. The Citizens lel tae Wesel Reserve are rslaing mane, by enbserthtPui to amid./ Ptlyelalane mid maraca, and to obtain mootednes awl food turtle dte. Capt. Armstrong Ma given th em th ews of I building In the pOoesalOn Of the Gaserp.. ment farm hogyltal for the treatment of the sick, and they hope to obtains addlUonalald from the semi, worm. As eitisens of Pate *scats ;hay can obtain ne aid from the Ifreedtasea Purees; although many of the poor whites and freedmen us residing on Them halm been tweagy-cete deaths mat. aide tamt =um in the yards. Many cane now exist sad new can art • and them are so physician, ontaft the yard to attend the Moat &hough it is havol. the C 0... adagios 'am soon obtain them. . - - mextrush uscaprirwo Orstc2la. A clrouber wee Issued this wombs' from the Wer Departmsrnt, elazthit that orders lad been pent to nwretting and other dis bursing Whams. to melte weekly reports of the seturantof public funds In thetrenstodr, and same sue. fends ware dowelled; RA. parte are to be made by melt The use of the Possible.telegraph will be reduced as much a. Arturraw twerraer Inteimarcer. • 1 There will probably be • Puma Sam. Mums of the Dipbcmatto ttarpseA Arden= next wank. 21710 prospect Is that Germ! Prof the Cabinet. atecon +nu iscalteperry the esident. DISTIIII7IIOII OP TOP AMITY . 2100IAlIA -SIOz. Orders sere Weed today from all the Executive : Departments for distributing the arisaest7 proclaim Sinn to In olecisis. Ln.../ILIS EnOl2. 'nu rwport that Minima /obar& E. Iwo pawed through grasbingtons day . or two sioftore,hts way to Om Nortll,ls without foustiou.• Virgitals Springs ou Friday to Lazlngton. • • • • FROM writ Ipr Sebes. Corpus rialer lAs fat ''Asweessy PreeLsmalles De. elrantals et Newspaper OLIN is • • CRY.TigelemPh Me Ili rlitithsrel OnottA3 Xionms, floptember 13,,,8C0ne . weals stool W. A. =dim of LeasAl% who Wu arrested by the military for wituolthig u eX-rfolOn soldier. on a thargli 017101atinl by parole wen taken tO laaiMilm and has Ritmo been sent back is be tried by the Wil iam pThlap lied Mernlng Attorney Gaunt Wel. Lae a ILO Attorney n,of Tinn Mettee - Gourt. far a dg writ T o rlg f. Mama co p ee o w n Llentenant W. G. Gem% 00infoahMoll the postal Menage, for me body at Um prim; our. under Wm reeved proolamatkm. writ was granted and placed 10, the bands gpol7t . 4=firsua, Who /Ws thls Soma time stone the adios Of the rule newepaper, at Camden, Argun., was des troyed by midterm Led on by Major Eleroe. ColOnel Gilbert, co mm ending tee Muk wrote a note to Geneva 1.114, An which he, said lee ommues of tbe plus, directed riaMmet. uremia of the Demote, may be so. doled, but Gerannl Ord. and the gainer,. term detailed to enable him to oorlofm dukes, are 1:101 0017011141 of the people of Arkenees. bet rather tiutr insetere, and it le felt to be • great puma 01 Impertionee far neweupere In TAU 51111341 to 001010001 whoa the satlltary molar any a113111.11,831M1 whatever. • . . • General Ord, in reply, says I 'Your lett , of the ISM ult., In which you attempt ;away the act of a party of solnier• who, owned by an °Mar, forcibly entered soul zen,S house and destroyed_ Ms property incased. rosi will be leased to why this act was not presented by you. se Post Cominander, and If Ito requirements of tne thirtynmsocrui articles of war have been complied with. Your assertion that the military force* are not the *meats of the people of Arkansas. Oat lather their masters, is =put both to the people sad the annum and tuilosnatied la the laws, ana laws arc Pyrite .beedt of the poem. The , assumptiOn that a party of %Pointers could, at their oWn option,fOrrlblydestroy a citizen's rty, Comm Ol. • grolll vieditkal Of ftre ' rubllCl {wane, Woeld not be tolerated under • ft apOleOn. THE MAINE ELECTION. ltelainea fps 111111'141 , 12Ai '410 6.' easaanberlala 10.1111/{ sodas. *SAW Las Tear—Lesidiaare Lez.ol7/1". TeWalsh to Rs Pittsbettt Ometiel Amiss's, Ms., emit. 12.—OtheMI manna fmn two htuldred Suitt Sistreight cities, towns and plentatious. give Crhainber.islii 4 "slti. and Pillsbury 31.7 M; The ame taints lest year stood: Mambas's/a akalk and Pillsbury SIJM. Thera are two rinndred and nineteen towns yet lobe Wird Inn:4 which lash year Imre - MaMberiain .14711, Pillsbmw MALT. The Democrats/WM ear tied York. Linooln, KnoT and 'ArilirtOok counties by very small inalositirs.'whlah willire thentseeen Senators to avant= Iletebtmena. The House will , be FROM NEW YORK. • By Stigma to tim rut.p.rolhutts.] Nsw roar, Bersrtonabor 111, IE7. *liar= 11011111010. ' The steamer Cambria from lls.mbarg, Sept. Jai, arrived tO-day." . TH2 2220112111 23D TIM 20232 OF 221222. The Drafters sad &Town . ars .} V fl . measures to anzteati tb• action the of Realm to terao•lng t2lOll . tar . Ilona. Mon /fOrtleiti *mat. In Tslsm& to Um PittAnnzt emetic] Lovtivists.Baptembes 12.—Altrot wlth lacks@ La Qs canal. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY AIL Ills been repeatedly stated that the dispatch dated .3.31111531 3 , from Gen. Gran): totietserai sales, .Limb was prirdad ihtt 'Cawley tam completed the eorrespotedittioe. This la mot the we. There ate one or two other brief dishttaes. and a letter 'lrvin Veber/it tired to Gtuseval titetles,dlted august t•th, onion, Deng understood total Titivate. he has not. inibilabed, tamper, Grua intended Ills authorisation to cover everything. la this letter General Grant totuuttuds tit* IrthilOm of General 81v.ittesi deputation of and Directors or the Yemen and Mama Rath:nen Pant or Brooklyn. cOnslsting ef liana it Beach. preakigne, arid% t, hidden, 8. Beard, and othere,are to Washington city endeavoring to waters the bank toita noinagen oil the ground that It is a public benefit, mud they of. fer as Dieu:ton to imamate. infiebtenneaa to the hank of certain rims aniounting to ender the tar to soaDond the proceedings after they are ono* liegun,Fd applicatien of these parties hl• n ausnanded, renfilag a legal opinion Oft isttoint. • elf enter eetrrasbOndenere Yalatire to the Clalmi Oren Great Britain to toads onhlbb Anima CM. aft Sends to Ilthisisrlflitfis setereary of Maims of citizens of the ttlilltel States for dsantel rams Befifahern Otted Oun from 14 1% ind ht name ha Lord Seth , /if . ormed that the settlement at me • , sss WM becomumgentlykoSeessary to the reestablishment of entlrely friendly relations between the United MINI. and Great Brltabs. The bostlle twine of the latter country daring the rebellion le con trasted wtth the artion of the United States Gomm= mit toward the banlan,lnysalon of .Gaped* On the following srecdst uThe se bare numerous BMWs wariLte elveOtticsas against the - Dotted States prettleAlls lowed and tolerated by Mee ltelastY's moment, notarithstandieg reauxnatranmS s tnd webaye wren eletillar tonlawfal attempts on this ecestarragainst Great nrjeat. us]. lowed end defeated by the Closet nno we promos; .list of the Bostfathent of the United Stabil e • • - - . —Dereleolletelta of the • Internal means frauds DS Brooklyn ern taller A tlogible idtape, end lire So Bride tit their nullifica tion; It it said, al Area to tmplicatticertaln metalperen? the Washleatou Callnet, ',these leletltit,7ll at present concealed. 'lto Dn. °ea:tines in the Revenue PaCed over three altered trends It odd to have been sena olsoratbrtnyaddle of the members ofteriag to rodeo tin account of them, nod Mr. Rol. a , presence at one time wee le farther arm. of an Inrestlgation of 'flu subjeec. ..—lterernt al the ei.,Znion In Mains, trout One hlin,Yred and forty-reven Scions,- about thread:lla of the State, Soot up: .Gbatubev. MIA, Pillitmry, tf.,OSS. eame titres last Year ere Chamber:Mu SIVI, and ill. buoy Z1e33, , showing* tole from tee Repub. Man snatortjy.ef last year of 10,051. The re. =Loin% re tea wilt probably mance last Yearft atajority, about 17,c01,• leaving a majority for Chamberlain of from 10,000 to Well. • - • —A Leavenworth tbetilla lays Tea Indiana fired into a passenger train its mile. wed. Of roll Marie?. bad planed Use on the track, which were boo; removed- by the pilot or the locomotive, hen' about thirty-live Indiana thee up Prom • ravine and fantod a volley Into the met. lento:a Injuring thy one. A band of ChoTennee caudated three , men and one woman at "Mom Lebnltes," on Little Ar. takaaa flyer, •few days 'lnce, and et boy namwellalone was Barred to the tame way Mat Ilatarda y wart oI Port i acter Creek. humteem zallot• —Tae 71.thuse's special up . : The Prad dent. will keep ;inlet new 1111 after the fall elections.. Ito Cahhnet ohtanteols ehll Utter revtlll Wei the ranstsylvahla, Ohio %ea 'fork Oblations. .1! le proem , lo that t • rmident well aniretat to the District (kw mandates that elections at. the Sonthishbold all take plate on the mute day. BORDER STATE CONVENTION !. OtsUattleast Celor—Orrantiaties —Letter heal Sepal., Sumner— Resolutions. lef Talamesk le the Pittabbreb Gazette.) Sapleinber AMC: The Denier State Republican (Mtivention assembled at Trout Street Theatre to-day. Delegate. were primal Irma 'Telecom, Tennessee, Missouri. Kentucky, District Of • Ccdetrubla and Maryland.. There was motifs. Unction of race or color. A temporary or. awisrUne wu effected, with MOO. Lewes Tbrimplac, Of Delzwere, la tbe.enalr.. A Onomenteseori ItesOlutbsem wee arcotnt ed, se follow. /lon. 3. 3. ere:mall, of Mary. land; Ron. M. R. antler, Tenneseee; ,R.l. Tan Monek . .kymferts zaumorarr. .4%7"A ; aria Lit horn. Wart Vlrkinia; W. /1. D. Brown4lary. land; Anthouringems, Delayer& Tim follow pornment ofileers were elected: Preen cot, Ito, Horace Maynard. Vice Presidenus Roo- R. T. Vantions, Ile.; 0,1.1. H. Clendenning, It ; 11.: a. Butler: Tenn.; nes. • Dalai Watkins, Tenn; Hon. J. A. Cryssycli, Md.; Geo. A. Cook. Std.; Hermes Robinson. Delaware; Ruben Delaware; Samuel amy ware; DairldGeaborn, West Va. se ; It...GallsDela.,, her, Wort Tat R._ T. Johnson, District of Coliontda; A. P. Clark, District of Col umbia. • E?EMME= Letters from white and colored distioY, rolahed poUtledaris went read among them Ole from Senator Yawner, to Loris, after stating In friabillty to be present, ite• stye: vCdogreas will l lest% undone what it Ought to do U it falls to provide prompt -1 y for the establishment,. of Must rights,. wnether poUtkal or civil, everywhere throughout the traion. Tail Is a solemn ant! which cannot Ins shirked or postponed The Idea Is intolerable that un der any pretenston of State rims, noble can sot up • political oligarchy wittiln Its borders. and then call itself • republican government. I belleve with all my so that such seaverntristit molt he rejected as ul, Woonsistent t.tehihe requirement& et the Declaration of Independence." . Resolutions were w.opted as follows: That It la Gas duty. of Congress to protect UM tonal vette! rights cif all loyal Atnern sate Clatailat. wtthout zsgard complarlon, and guarantee a republican form of gov ernment LO all Swum; urging t. 0.1- areas to bravely aid 144 thoroughly adopt meilearee rapania fat thaestanileto meat of pesos and prone:fly throughout the land, and suggesting the presents,- tion to Slat for..thesdoption si Cons 'Motional amendment, providing that 50 Slate shall disfrancluse - eitt. ZOO become of - Papa or color; an ed approving the reconstruction Main fes of Congress; maßinir for the reinstatement of Stanton; applauding the military *or gies...Prudence and firtonese of Grant, and expressing the belief that tis Praeldent should be impeached and removed. ' • A mass meeting, niberetivenUy held, en dorsed the action of thstionvenUon. Aleedgessa So Two Tans/ - (07 Telegraph to the rttubarth Otwote.l LhotOW.4:l2sooSepteetter 12.—A Potato exeunt= Teton:der from. Pot 10 tow, on the steamer Great, when starting !rows 1210 1.51.04, taught two 'ooze women, Pate Ooldlos and Nary Glenn, to the coil of toe &tem teltlet Ogre lee from.Ml, Tim/ realele Were. 01114 t O• sad Hies Iskpares By. (Ey Teenage to tee Pittsburgh tissetll..l AttilTrki• via.. anPretnitier If.i.;•The Con tinued heavy reins hays been very din► irons to the cotton.' It'ls estimated tbat Oneothirrl Or the =Ore base been destroyed. laniOrte [rah rite • Phintattotts, state tee InA treoludel bays rallied tbo crops, llattrimill £. 14 .th Vora Qantas. •tErillogespli to tbslittstrulth kissete..) wujmurres, N. Q.,. September 12.—Tbe sae thee, gongmete, oe the Micah:Van sad WeWeel B.ll.llroad, ;ram of the track, near ,Btheleect ro. „Wail agent, named Siortugar. anti sae exprel4 Magoon k•ir, id Goodwin,- were aayerely INorn4. No priaraer t v are hers. C . 11.. :B !ct Dwl Illnnier as ISrovldenes. shoats hassle. MI Telegraph toe. rlttabnrib Onectie.) Paomminec. R. 4 - 'September 11.—Thm Cerang, Joeepb a. W. Canno, moonily if cotton brOlrat In BOatOn, leen Clean Baum. min W. Alerleb, a rporting Man, at a berme near this ray. where (Amebae boon Ilvlon -.rite alewife et Ahlr Mb. Caroni Bale tam. 011 up.- . • Lire In chiestro. er Telannet to a.* Pitumirse Uuette.) Caseaeo, September It—The begiblin 165 to 161 Nortb Wells street, owned b 4 tar L. Newberry, were destroyed by Ore to. 4ay. Loos µVW. Tim buildings wens co. emde4 by retell dealers, whom/ loans will not exceed SIAM Cuailibuintledest Nosulnalf us. tee Telerfildi te the Plifebergb Canto tritimerenni. Ps., Beptember•l2.-lion. Wt. ILIP-0690 ROA Mllllnatad for Con gress Urdu, by tbo noputillenn County Convention, to tilt toe. unexpired terse of Oboxles Dennison. deceased. • iterlelt Time is/ a galling Vessel. C al , "ralgrapii la the Plusbargb ussstis ) • • lIII7PAiLta Saptambor 11,—Tbe schooner issue Perms arrived Ibis mornlog from C;hlCSlrrl, Instirue .sho qulckest ran ores laS4O D 7 a Monate venot,throa days. /1111 holm and thirty Winn Ma. • • - Cbsepwl witta Xlebblux 'the amt. TIT Telierob to ma Sletelnuen Munn., ' Mtn You, September 12.L'arnellos Van Sloe, ponsinaster et slue; Long Mend, boa been Mallon trial On Charge or rotations WO Mg.. I= tpy Toleeraph to My Plushordb warns. 1 Lornayirs" September. —A firs this tanrnlns. on Third otroot. between Grron ordl Jetterson. dammed property to the &mann of P.ooolgnannu7 moored. . . SOW *nl Dammed. ' WI ToUallak to Quetta, - mania. anbin• It—The-'Woo nun Raw Alvonl a Co.. In the 'anat. Cave WU WWII. clestMbd bY the .)*Dow rerest,ll4l.lll.lll 2ll • ll, 9rtenite , (ay Telegraph *tthe Mirbaron Nem Oxlxexi;Septtlitber It—there bete six heath. teem yellow fever Inslde the /set twenty-toter bows eitdlax Ibis morning, - Ilheleeffo efl OcO IPle. [ss 'relays:A to tee rittsbarsklfts•UAT • Sire.Tost. eirtitember , Szanno, btbrebeoPer of the et. II lehobbe 1:01b114011 eatable I,aq:deft by aboottbs fare= P.ITTSRGH. PRIDAY, SEP , SECIIII OHIO, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. oItANT THE PIUMDEINCY. Me its GM at Pol dent ate, " &ialled W e rra 1 :11: ere; eat *ewers. • • . . ter . Die P thatella:ire kiirktUal Nsw „Troia, September l2.—The WaAtniCkaliettai atm of Gen. Grant's rag rat etas a , conversation he oa4 with the General a fee dart ago, wherein the Genera ferearkpd, concretes the talk of making him Presider, Grit be would not be Proshrdnt of . the United States, If uPPortnnititit'ere Offered; that tie was no • Plithhtlent that :het . hated Pt:tittles; that Mr fir as rip Edition and Trainor' were concerned. be tbtleght he ought to be iris fled with wrillcrj•f Vire he already erloyedt thatkOhlhligtha ear of Presigega would. rear Maresca can fort and draw Mai into dorms and -tartan:mit - gfirlftleit Iblit an the General et the Army he had all the wore he could do, and time enough to enjoy the comfort :Of hie tetlll,7 and homei anti that he, as & soldier, heh gained friends enough In the • truatry'Asithatit now seeking a place where ho should. gain n&more. but probably lees theatrarlrem be tied greed. FROM lizENtidOrry loilturieraittlia of Ltoot. laolreisor as.. • vesoon a AZUllllll6oYelriliant• 14. flaY,Tcri to the rlitsbersh damitial . . , 04 cutter. nor illeYhtlildil wee tooiiy,irsiltigAnqed Bow. Atiter of Lentn'ety VICe John L. Ilelm, eiainnonlie Plies) in the Senate Chamber at trap'esdra Aftet, Prayer ilahop, Smith, of gniseen al Ciereen , O.Eith'..l.7. Swath, 'Mayor of Prank fort,oo the part of the citizens. made addrees, of trelo . ome_to ,the Governor. The Insodutel - was thee! Atter re ferring .1n elott.ont terms to the political Governorf the tate Governor Helm, Acting Stevenson proceeds as follows. I cordially approve nod lolly endorse every ' principle enunciated itt.he ,admirtible ad dem of the astinesitedltei:vinsi Wlll. by God'. bleaSßig, set re elll7 .oesvor to maintain them during my adellni. :retied of the government. TOo oath. .whlch I. am about. In your presence to take, exacts of me strict obe. , Ilence to the Comititutkm,of the United States and the Columniation .of lientnWY. Both Cotertittutdre Ir*. oda/Beeil lb per. petuato the rlghtio orctVit. liberty and free representollve government - . The premises, oV bred sere Intended te preserve sod , . es fandionenttd guatantees of treedetni the liberty elroges. the freedom of tint, „prep!, the rights .of madame. Cf property'. of palleth arid of reStlintion, the purity of elections, and the implicit obedience of the represen tative to Sherrill of tits ecgistitsirote. Sumo end farly.Othharsedt es=rOuto to their letter nett spirit, colltalons between Welland and State sorer: meets are 011049 he polat• Ste. They out never occur. so long as each government-. restrains Itself edible the respoctive orbits prescribed by the trstuentearl, It Is Ohly when one government overleaps the barriers' erected for Its tmtraint that danger can anise. To all demands and exactions of the Federal government within the Sphere , Of Its:coastal:atoned jan.or. affpport xe.r. alsrs la% rei rty and oheerfolobethen ay ee. on Whets within the 1101. its of tbe Cossmonstestltla her reserved rlghtemostberenstetel, end wlll,sthtle I act as her. Chief. Mamstrate elegy* Obeid. my an:Jousters shall always he to uphold, protect and tile Con stitution of the State front ass defend ault from. yltlappt or dancer within. and pa Web. Shot tr.b Litre are faitn lolly tlettetel and. obeyed. My earnest desire shall • ever ht to advance the welfare and • happiness of awn"- somber Of . the Commonwealth, -.Sae. =Meth arlltiTeetre'ili.reg this spirit pon,aed invoicing tbeblessing of Alrulghtv God, the sore prep of all Who pat their trust In 11152. fora., honor, peso, and proenerity of Kentucky.: Toes:man of oifloe, a. union Governor: wee then administered by ElOn- 11 . J. Peters: CIAO fJ ['taxa. The entire heremonteserere core) In the etmost rood order. There was neither pertstle Aormattle. mom -cinAßLEsTori: • • rizeilinsot Pordoood-• Roza no. Aszetbee oraaroo..postace to tattoo suu.r. taw Selegion tithe eittahatee Ossetts.l Ceases:grow. B. U.. 12,— f 1 ar Cirr'bei pardoned a Freedman, named MiirbOlia.entletctvi Of murdering his step daughter. 00 condition that he loaves the Stale for Are yenns. .the case of. Jedin4ankins. _freedman. emeneirl. „unman" of yotio4 - Brom. ford. during Jona. Ma,three times rt. spited by .G itches, a noUncatton has betas served em the heu - iff. by General Cutby. stating that be has fully examined th•eseei and Wm Were all/ no Mt :farther terferenee military; • „ii*avy gales. which MITI, Jost comma. hod • At.s wtrom effect on colunt. In many elle tilt/eV Is report.] the yield vlll be haven• od a tetra to ono-half. . . f:sitniatea prepared hereof the total crap of postpu foot up oue million nine hundred and marentylluntrand Wes. 'CABINET MATTERS MWEE2!E3MI Mr ?Cerny% to 11. titzefl.l I{r roan. ttrptembor AVreerre special train Washanutos- aura the , Yreat• dent to-day• dented -emplttwally that he contemplated any change le the berutoi Treasury. • • The teaririepeolal *aye hare authority for raying that Gofers] Itertte, while here. urged Ailment (trans to retniu the War OZ.. ems LI the rreeldeat attempted to remove hos- and_ erpoint another to the Phu.. - • THE RRIPP RACE. to Doe s Not twos Og-Ramtli Pala 1:1123111 , 113, Teeereab to the Pittatotrib ttasttte.3 Pa t tabetreta, tleatelater . IL—. ho pra t:K.l,a beat Meat' Itrbleebarr.%today, Old, 1101 poem, Itarettl'e boat wan discovered to be Kt moth unlike Myers. that Hamill did net tato b be ought to tab van to neva., aittl utave.ta re pain UM /921,04 Bank Ilobbrr7-610,000 a Gri4mboeks v. to. Deem r LOY TdeliniPti./ the I.ll464ryrti GasettCl lkwres, Sept. I.l.—Tbe Inas 11111 NatWaal toilt t i 11744i1... m it, LT4' Al= eon talutng U. S.seetultins belonging to prl partles. The Cutter was knoeseil Tito Cosi oaf tolds The changes o f ebm.eto incident. to this eemonot,..the year ere We with Olseaxes of the Afirosi and liwil,' , lllab win end so wahine: remedy to Dr. Keyeer's hie “Yeetoral Syrup," costing only 7 cents bOttk.' - list.. Dr. Keysat'fi Factoral Syrup will cure Dnrurtatir.. ed. rri Eerier' , Pectoral tiptop will cure Bleeding Lance. Dr. Herteria Pectoral flprup,eillt clue ilibooptni ‘olll[ll. etli. Dr. KriseraPecl oral byrup will ears Cold - Inaba Head. bat. Dr. Ileyaer's Pool Oral Syrup will curo tt recent Cnugp In half 1407.. • en: Dr, Ittorser , e Pectoral Syrup will ro- Ilcvo Conan* of long duratlcot. 76.1)C. Kaito roojoilifelln.P will cure Lars-nit , Us. • h. K.lrni's Pectoral Syrup will pal- Mato goneemptlon.. . me. Lr. lieyonVe Pcotomi flyrnp will ono Inlinenzi. E81!1=1 . . /2tb. Dr. Kayser'. rectoral Syrup 1s Kad at mart Dcwtetorecomdat th,proprunnes, Ana. 144.1,sweet. DK. ICE CON SULTING AND E5A.11151.21(i OFTICH, 140 VEI4II EITIEET. • leheßightitt . The strength °tithe,' pacti can be materially aafiMiMted 13 +4,5 lin- KEYBEIVB SHOULDER IlitAt.4lwhich, although they have hitherto • nrlvW real ; have been lately I unmoved, ho an to , meet every Indication needed In the me ot snob an . imnhinco. Tim Doctor'. braces not a nise °and give man pdmeneasto M i r e chest and doge, but, by No (Ming add to a man's noneral health, anti 600110.1110nU1 to hie ability for usefulness, for health all. tea tliSge• powerao be wenn. We know of no. tIITIMLIOII, of modem times which ban tione morsto mad oft comma mien and add to hm. eactaimea end ionmerity men DR. KEYSER'S SHOULDER iIitACCS. yr lees Indeed It be the unrivalled. PECTORAL SYRUP, prepared and cold by Lim tor so many years. The Doctor's medicine. are of Despaired, whh Lb& meant Science and MOIL and ocitht, and do,' meet the approval ortn. community. Wood innwrt. Peon KETSEIP3 CONSIMTAT/ON El./0318, lm =1 A tOredara.aloCtl a MID named Joan roktn or Tskin, tranarrladi and having relative, In this off , mut drotitA U steamboat raull clip no Carroll, at n St. Lord NA s. fle way et Illaherman of tut et. Loots, was In a muff with* coy, and rowed under the guard of M0h0.% tbr tho purpose of fishing, The anglncor blow off *Gram, which struck Pekin C. tho nook, badly scalding 'biro; and heJtinaped Into the water to save btroull from betfor gadded- to death, and woo drowned The bodywas found and thn Coroner holed an Inquest, . - - Y: de on the No n b Common. 'Allegheny, ees Lee/gate, AMU0111,07.-Wlll Neil on Saturday afternoon tiomicrcOo.3 at 2 tYclook, the emend sixty mot lot Tenor tho Thoolegic.l seminary on North avenue, North Common. Thle le titimitstionably the linelt tßeltrit 101 In the City of Allegheny, to %inch the epecial at. .teatlon of all in guest ot • drat clam Mulls directed. The Dreeent and nineleentlye hue LroTadesille ttnn Ilandoemei madames ad. tank Will render Mtn a minified= bull& Sin. A Grant ww !Mang ClOfirCd• • . 'CITY kill sustatuks. • FOURTH ieet.:-Thefutlestand mod re ici-I bto Money, Maw, Produeo Markel Reporter Own by cerir It CU dim WU balound OM our Iburilb Pm. • THE OAMPAIGN. Wurh Oonithooecre Bangor Word —Largo and Fottiosimitlo Tleortrot of Ropokoliton. - VolOrt:olotiel given oh the hiswict—Elo Espressos Mo. NC If au the lialltood question-10 In Paver of If goo Solfroaa Law and will Fight rot that gloesaro—bpocob goo of newmPontunton, K &Oa Taylor. The old Second Ward, which never flinch es from ardinitul political work, and which bas long been .liiatly regarded pis the ban • mei district of the Republicans, led off - las eight with the drat grand rally of the cam Deign in this city. Although the meson Mid been arrangedOuly a few days proyi ens to the time of being held, and bad bce inadequately adrertleed, still there assem bled in the If onougabola Iforise ocean I suMelently large and euth uainstie gather • Rig of oltisansteigive ample assurance that the Republican mama are booming ally* ...e t to the import= , eigineet.LIICLIYO Work, and to the d - of apathy. - The Second and did not con Mite all the voter! In attendance, WI Mtn repreeentatikes f t irom every secti of the City and Iron, some of Um tie hborinir Wronging, who wore drawn to th eating by the anaemia,- mast Mat it wo be addressed by Ont. popular candidat for State Senate, Colonel Rimed Rrrett, and other able gentlemen. ==6E2l . . ~ ~ - After the meeting tad sesennen largo pro. Pont..., errftroary plookum op " 0 in..' ?t3flittra t ad ,extermlnA hear 4. the full it atre&d.f.ztry t.. 0 following aware, who won) =Wolofe• ly eleoted. . . .54 Prerfrlnst. J• F. Beeler, 7, - Vier Pr-calm% Menem o ho Molltonald Ctweerml rtillera , Lyea... hot, ff. Parisi Capt. Ilehrhoorer, John rani, u• E. To.eri Aaron k.loycL.,. .. Satre lar= e erltse si t i lrPrsa. : bu accepting 'obantnaltaslp iii Oa meeting Mr. Hee bneny ec , nowledged the sompltinent; d ostraluctsl to. the audienct ottr pp p terminate tor State I t Senator. Col. nn 11,.,/stratt. , The Uolonel was. r :eared w =) natal= them, end proceeded to the meeting. Ile said: • Those of ration, frleudi. who &threaders of the daily: paperaltind oho Ire not I) cannot Otll teheinithweeed With,the pain ful feet Mat tne uMetry Straeuelly firth. mg Into danger wait tasy demi Pe wrthir nail rein. Toes tierlretitenegi of the Preel. dent In endeavorliMlLO form his own wall upon the nation sailer, in utter defiance of ' toe law makhig power is. creatinga peril whichileteluff Oat Therrien:men of the pet. tile can at old, and puts tripmalks en Issue we aro compelled to mos. • 7- Thials no inanuDictured entlets” of the reditimart.get ap 00000110 =w ar pond . cal activity, but a Malan • garb., wMich is %lee on without Car-sgency, and Maims our attention Whether frown/ or no. The President skeane randution,“ Ben Wade 'eye, and that in the opinion of all clam observer*. of M. time. Shall he he permitted to te.VointitinUe the Govern. menu That Is Mita one great. absorbing .uneetton of the day t lcannot be shirked; totter. It be loot a answered. Shall we onetime our Repo form of govern. meet, er 'bill we permit Andrew Johnson to establish pp despOttettl,UPuri. the lone After • Inatritenanoll of that form Or goy. ernmmt for eighty years, and after lust coming out of a lour years' war to establish ite supremacy, that Menu an odd question to sak; yet o de as it ecoma, It la today the one gnat, atoothing queetlon for the pea pie to dent!.. - • • • , Whenlis. Johnson Wait 'winging al•dtind the circle.l.l year, Mr. naked a New 'York audience, •Do you want Andrew Johnson to be final" The plain meaning of to ettest/on a. a threat that if the he Ind not misdate Mr., Johnston at the polls and. Coupes*, isyrould usurp, the Movernment, ilatighed rat tit then, and regarded It as one of the Secostaryl In - annul thenshis Joke. They could not bring themscdves to look upon 10 as ha earn. est, or to co e lder serionaly anything so aPearent/yotamd. Tet erupts aro Maly tea/Ming Us that It tel no.. abletti, an IL maned. Remy nay web.: of the President assuming the goiters, if hot then,. of • Mew. The pee. elle would not Meath hint, and now we are WA/wring to Imam the eiternauva pre seated in Dlr. Sewardis tittestioc. lie bas already. usurped the lest - making power of the Uovernmen. aprogating to talmeelf power* be do g not - poss.*, defying and setting aside the pima provisions of the supreme law, of the land. and is lend of en =.l....a.mi.c4ira.tdrn the pommel and eel Weasel( as the Mr., latehmtdCd the erallibnt. The Prat staple this settemlor woe to stet tod ntanton, and Ma hotsbcd plain dellance Of It law of m te ooempi nni spec lallypaased to prevent IL co long no that letto.nended. lion hurled vsterno occupied the n War 0111 m. so Mpg it no InapOes doe to carry on the President . .. conspiracy. With blowier. there, kir. Johnson could •not re mOrenhcridan, nor handle the army to cult 510 Pnrlmeee, nor p r at Its t ho rn? . , (PI el the way while the con•phsty was fleening. So Sheridanwas turned out, contrary to a'l Isar; was needled off to the PLC.. sO as to be boycott immediate reach in clef of • conflict; sickle Dak o t ans red m e te regi ment m Montana, Of Other not thousands or mas from elvlllgationt Pope and Reward are won to follow; the greet men of the Moil. with /burntn at lie head, II soot Off towanis the Rocky rdcrentales to hunt fur Indians they canner. er Midland gradually every prominent and satire man m Weems - ts to 09 eons In the wee direttion„ to as ,10 beboyond possible retail in in time of ontethemy. These are all gunettabse steps In the tonspinury, each folloMee the other with raphlity, etowid a bold and detect:dn., . well . wicked very... (leant Is thus lute without an army. and without generals—powerless, as the President hope. to Tesler. or explode the raputly ripening plot. The men. not that Otani now °undo.- the War (Mae Goes not In:Mato Wielnat that theory lie was put there inertly to were egseeplefork and throw the people oil their guard. In dna time the Preanient wet find some pliant tool for Ito sucoessor, and tirmit will be ordered hack te haul quarter. only to find hlmthli powerleal to cape with the conspirator. What could ba de, If me...10n ohould arise for biotech. ...TOMS. with the ...Tend Its able eerier. ale thowards of mike await Ana what next! What Is calling all the Democratic pollUcia. to Washingiont What brings awl other rebel generals to the came render.. at the sante Unmet What mean. the tormation of the Maryland rebels Into reghtemite by the Boon, with nlghtlY and constantaractrity of moreinentl Whet con ell Dime things reel= but tnat a most tre.oriable Plot is held:anal getrewarnekts fo Vert unately for no thou temp cantos Ml he done In the no,, anti WO brushes fair notice of th e danger ahead. What, then, can we do to avert It? The tint thing for as to do is to detest Mr. J ohnsono. Democratic allies at the poll. The Doteoeratle peril Is hie only support, and DM thuvoglithe agency of that party, he bope, to atectopilah litienda Last year the Prettieent was baulked In Ms designs by Dm overwheiming defeat el the Demo . era. lathe fall elections. A Sheller defeat this year will baulk hue agnln, and hold Mat to check, at hetet Until Con grata mcottlt hat _anything that 'can -ho tortured Into. Democratic Slater/ In the October and No, somber election. will so embolden him atm Ada manner.. that Cong.. weuld tweet be permitted to meet again. Tn. rebel le , idervi.4 would bar tile war. and • new rebellion would stare Os In the face. Au overwhelming g Republican victory le ' thus one nly remy. lis fou. fellow oltfanne, o to U. IL The t - Mt or n y election ln Male shows thatertille ten thousand Repub. Desna stayed at bores only two thousand Dattiourais remained from voting. -Do not, tbeiefore, count on Democratic apathy 10 rtgggrzlliPtbrdt;glVA."":lTio'nrrmTaYi be DO outward Mans Of actirdY In their rank,; but that I. no Indication of apathy. Take ale canted that every democratic vow will o be polled: If you dental. them too must go to work, arid at Oct., Orgleisa• tines. energy and vigil.. can Remnant Isle everything, end tbsee you must hare. Tba attn. of impending danger ought to he a sufficient Mire tt lant to provoke natant, all these, bat enthusiasm, likowite; for with the life of the country in ebeolute every true prarlot should be cannelloni° in Da defense. While. - however, we give Ulla prominnt place to the National Auger, let us not toe. get that, there are State question. also In volatile our attention. Formula. among these is that of a Free flathead Law. Tn. Demon:ldle Convention which nominated Sh umwood, refused, tinder the lead of Jerry Illnek. the chief adviser of Andy Johnson, to adept the Free Railroad Law as a part of its platform. The Republioan Convention 'lade!. nominated. Judge Williams, on the eon trarv, ad ordedheortily a resolution In favor of lt, and made Ile an Orreutler PAM , Of our policy. And boot wisely, A free Railroad Law It ant ally. Merely for the Wutern part of the State, but tor thewhole ot It Every Where 11110 hoot the Commonwealth the temple have felt the cold, heavy Iron hand of rail. wwi n amosepoly and clamor to be relented :remit. Tool feel that the great remorse. of the State 0031001b0 developed without ft, .nor cam the wants of the now Isolated par.. tens of the State be Menet* provided• for. pguerryleanta Is known derisively , among the other Stator as ' , the blind whom / tier Rotuma wealth In - minerals and rich. nem In all the elements of lathrnal lay nee recogritheal and ackaowieditedi but she has suffered her eye. to be closed and her limbs to be bound, and has contentedly taken bee place as accond In the rank' of States when she might hue been first. The lime has at last emu* for hoping .that the scales ere telling front her eyes, and that she will soon shake off the booboo of monopoly, that has so Meg welitheci her now, The enactment of a Free Railroad Law wilt open the whole State to enterprlso and capital, and we .11511 then no longer be tortured with suing, as wa now dolly do, business driven front our doorsill:trough the entildity of rallmed computes. which do not seek to oblige burinse they have no 'cgimpoLitien to fear. lam aware that, !COMA have been made and are daily making to create • conyletion In your minds tliatl am noteincerely a Proc. Railroad roam Do not heed them. As an editor I have given the most earneat effort. of my Ilia to create and build up trio public sentiment on the railroad qUe*LIOu that noose thoroughly oretrails here; and after w an ing so long arid so eatoatiyto thin god, it would be strange Indeed it 1 maid Mhos sodderdy be metamorphosed Into a PeUrey leads Railroad man, and. be hunted down by the sentiment I have labored so hard to develop, as Acreon, when reeteraOr. phOSOdirito a fleer,was hooted to death by. 111$ 000 hounds.. Fortunately, the r a diu m , Bois have not the power. however they may h a ve s/0 will, to. work the metamorphosis la mo. I stand now where I have always blood, the arm, ancbangnix 0000he0t of nifroarazot.poi, Lad anotior , ,ima the earneth friend of e v e ry that will Promote the prosperity Of the . City, enemy. end the . - To return then, In accalculoa, to nau...l epics, lec me urge 111.0 , 11 ovary Atptibucin EMBER 13, 1867. ; bora the Impere tire duty of setivity end vigilance. Tbe danger of the country. to Which I have referred, a no fancied one, I monjured up to alarm you. tint a real one. that Is already staring you in the face. The. Amnesty Proclemation lately Maned was undoubtedly hitended to ..restore ell the late mllbel. topOWer,Lo give %MOM oontrol of the Southern States, to enable them in turn to disfranchise the loyal wen of those States, and to furnish him With sufficient" support in,. setting up despotic govern meat or lib own. Shall he succeed?' It Is for you to soy. Shall the teen who fought lus for four Years, rand the boy. ernment twain he elloned to „ob tain ascondimey and lota It -Orlon those who coin:mired them! Whatmy you 1 Thew It but one way to prevent it—rauy as one man to the ballot,bor on the second Tuesday of October. That privilege is yet left to no. It is one that tyrant. fear, and It may not be leftm long. Lot as use it, and use It well, while we have It. .If by haunt. Henn vlctOrtes In October and November we tan check this conspiracy until Congress, I pi nieete, all will bo well; bet rust steered that othlng will; and if we ca this, else wo nedoubtettly oan, n If weaccompl wishill, kith the use of energy and vigilance, we can congratulate ourselves with having averted from the Country a peril as fear ful as any atm has everyet encountered, Major firrett was listened to with the etrictest attention throbs hoot, and was Iretinently Interrupted by Ileartl applause. nos. it. a. reseinsista aimless. La / I '. l 4 4 .lettitattlfi ; , Viter of the bf. aa &tit =tinge • Miff r.reteettert to deliver at some length an otabo.ste and ergumentative addresai in whi hour .ably iscrmedthe great Isaima of thu—lbe Ants of Meigreig lieteestroe• Boni the course of Prealdeut Jamison, tr.h aspect of national affairs, the dm sett' Proclamation and the prospect. of Ito - pedal:Mat.. lie We ibliimed to Wittunitrir. et( attentltni, and lefts Most Lisior =ti ennuiton on his and esfe .:ta4fra laaal maq 1:1; 5 °V .7 _•,,b, j 7 j c" - A ta', jl ; member : of the Allegheny uourity ° r.i.ri no made a speech of much force, end admira bly micceeded his hearers Into , enthesiasol. Ile reviewed the National, State, and local political questions In a aearcoleg Manner; nod wooed up with glowing ulnae to the worth end crcenence of nor etindldfdes Mr the Semite Bench and State Waste. - W. rAelarrEol.. the Preside*: of the oem.mon,next.tooir the stand and ongelded the atterlehe Of the meeting with. aby mama.. Be held Wit We Reptiblican oar- , been mid are titiO friendly to 1 im te ' mk t sr :ratio ....7 7 , 3 sl; " ro: Mn elL u c tui:: ll- .s: l' ..i : h e od fi '*' Z 'l th ' p l ek b :W 44 . :l7 ,Eu kc ..„ %h el"'" :4o: ta n d a s7 th ilLl Zto t. make new lilt Lams on labor le riot now. All thtlet Nand torther till . the war, which has not yetbeen antrtedothall be brenglit to a close. The Itepublican pet" nest not be stuakeemi till IL (mall have folly 1.00121 , Wished Its miesion. The speaker nest and his attention to the President. and conowded IR. written Metric:been for ' , our Lag,our cause and had: [sevens," which were given with a will, after nfikrt the meeting *Operand. . The famous Great Weetern liras. 'Bead W. In attendance, and at Intervals db. coursed spirited patrintl4 atm.. ~ In concluding our report we feel that we hero Jest capable complain of the neglect ortrie Committee Of -ammonia:kW tag to provide accommodation what ever for the rePorters of the press. Taking notes on a embower, Is an easy matter, and f as it is Important tent the proceedings of 1111001 meeting. be laid before reader*. we tamk some amusement., for. the presto representatives Made Marione to all public cattle:loE, O'NEILLAPIEILL [motel 0114,11. Coorilesed of libel— ' ladletreees flendesi J. W. Pltteelt. of she Leader. (Shoubsef—Trial of J. i Pltioells and J. A.0'1 , 15141 on AO other laselemeot. todOlel. O'Neill, rreseeeier—Jory Clot. TUo Criminal Court mat Thursday more. lax at ten o'clock. Tho day's bialcon astollovnc eir!ZEE=IM:Itt3I Immediately after • the opening of the Court, the jery In the C 6600( the Com. monwealtia O'Neill. Indictment onth of . IL O'Neill, tried on Wedneslay.'retto - nea a verdict 'frailty as Indloted. The jou agreed upon their con. diet Wednesaay evening Ind separated ter tics night. • . "ma O.IIIIIILLVITOO4 AIN . = C.* Was the next called. This no the ono. canon of A loha R. llltteck4 proprietor Of the/se:der, be Dented of the D~A. tor noel, to yoblishlog ',tat comments the petal= Mal te the Carton= Pleas Court by Jamea tor • &Terms trees Ids wife, on the gruel:War aeoltcry with Daniel -O'Neill. The counsel engage 4 In the ante were the azure aa in that tried on tleY. titter pasttloas Luang reversed, slat For the prosseutson. Ithid le Roberta, A. It. Brash, f. C. !Merriest.% and dolma IL itirapattsok I cot toe cletanilt r.m.hcz • • tastaWar-it. ii. (0111000(00 IF•sedgettaa county) and D. Moore. Atter Quitter w ere Impannelled.that before being sythrn, Mr. (Hearn leaved to quash the trullettnehL flS4'ttle rostoo toot It cuss Mined nO laleireLloll that the teams Merg ed therein% was committal to Allegheny enunty, or Intl:11a the jon,dlcuon of the Court. Mr. Brown mined to amend the Indict. in.. , by •noPiring the°minion, Inerting the word., ^ ( 0 , 0/ et the conntatoresald in and with tin jortsdiettoil of t I.turt." Alter wander:nide argument by =gin. Giuson sod liiractiweltior for the motion to Attaab, and by Its. Brown fo the motion to &mead, Judge Blown nfaskra tha Utter and craned the Inner. The role Wooten by the ti`frnrs (in thennof the Commonwealth Ti. liennely) was not to allow any athhod main. which, not haring been made would hare been In arrest of judgment after verdict. - '1 ne inject matter of °minim., the jUrtadletlOO tit the Voert, would he no material ea to Jeatifynn&treat of Judgment atter trial, and bunco could net be made the autleet Of amendment before trial. svu, isinitia s.” —o'r Rua. va pit alai amp Thecae of Daniel tenni) vaJohn W. Pia tock having felled. rtuct . iot Attorney Taff canon up Ihntherth the sarlesof the O'Neill ilhel Commonwealth vs. James /1. and Jobe W. rtttoCk. Prtumothr Usnlal O'Nolll. lids elro areas out of the aconesttou of the wife of James 11. 41:Ne111 of haVtna COMEDItioII adultery with Dan. lel o:Neill,and throe:ill the public: ere Irk the Leader t ut whieti .Plttoek was the pro prietor) of a card sighed and Alleged to be Written Dv James It. O'Neill, in reply to floe of Daolel 0:1(e111, pub. Wined In the ThspotrA. Intended a• a de. 0.0 tO trot °bars to mod. ID the appileatimx Of James It, VlSeill for a divorce from Ms wife, and for the publication of abletf Dan. del 0:00111 has been convicted of 110:51. In order that a fuller malundandlng, If pos. 011:10, may he Manley:l of the COON or rather Mb., we rOpTOMICO the "rent" of James /1. tnticll/, the subleet of Indictment In the present ease. It is as follows: eV, nu Pcstac.—lielleving myself to be most toady wronged I have appealed to the tor redress; and heaths* 1 is avehlone so rather than violate 11 by trecomlnirjudge and a-teem/Mier myself, / nun gro.a,,. and scurninuely assailed In the yobbo print* by the wrote doe - .0.we1l known puddle libeler, whom life long .businos. has been that of crainimmung his fellow men for money. Of course, having chosen my remedy, to that I shall adhere, mil to that he must Submit. Knowing into, be basely attempts by mean. of his venal tm, long Inured to low abase and.vtalger vittiperation, to make and lamps penile opinion{ he Willett • Vane the law, but he , thinks pa can pervert It. To one accustomed LA ilk has been to teach bun very dirty =lkea no but follows la. natural InStillob when he Introduces into ha card matter neither true nor pertinent, and of aura character that one would think even he might blosiVio write. The fact that he rushes Into so minute and detailed • de 'tents bolero he to called to imswur ' or pat ln trial, to somewhat singular and silrpris eg, when he hitc.cit alleges that the only iniormation he has Is derived tram a tele gram received in New York, and ho writes In ignorance of the charge against him,” and yet a little alter tunterta that -my cenlieel informs Min that he rail not be permitted to take I any part In the MAO, tither ni vindication of my earn Chancier,. or otherwise,. the trail:Man.. or the conalsteney et - which I leave to the realer, lf lie did know before he loft Pittsburgh the nature of the pro ceedings about to be mainland, bin sudden mrriage Is au excellent comnieutary upon his a bouesty. lectern y, and hue comet or pro. lu thus wedding young girl In the Meat/ECG littliChiti to etch an eirpOetret If he did know, his defense lea wonderful an. smote m premonition, and taking time by tau for Week. Of the truth or propriety of 14 however, am 'law Is II JULIE.] bon:eater; to that I appeal and uut to the newspapers. If I old, homed, my Intireete knowledge of, LAW uulortunnw COLLCCUOII with, this man Mould enable me to paint lam 'a Monster of such hideous mien that Cebu hated needs but to be neut. , / bare written this mach roluatautly, and I will only say in ...In. slue that the anterview ho necks, by the re. suit of which he uayl he will abide, can, I have no doubt, be had upon referee co to ray lcounsel. O'Nattt.” P irtatilitOrr, April 23,1%7, Thejury having been elven, themes wee opened formally be ler. Mown, who fleet repeated eubstantially went. we have al ready stated in Jetted acing the cane ' ores referring to the rgW of hind, and thenread log the led Ant John Henry IftUrr, the first sr itness testified that In April last JOLII W, Pit-took we proprietor of tiro gondol , Loader, (Leader 'Lowther April huh, MO, rental:ling the alleged iltaillone article.) The paper uf las date was circulated anent the streets. tindersteod the article to refer to— ' Mr. Swartswelder inquired If the entire settle was ;offered in evidence as only about aro...third of it was muted in the in. Ointment! "XL Roberts did not eoppelothe Common. wealth wee to be compelled to elate what Uhl intended to prove. They propelled to gO on in order and develop their case. The portion of the oriole referred to In the indlettuatitthown witness, winch (having read NO he stated hounderetood to refer to Daniel O'Neill. thees.vraintried—Uould not say to whom It referred had I not read previoui publics, thins on the lame anliJeot. Leaving on; of view all previous knowledge of the case, I could not tell to whom the portion of the article dcalgnated referred to. Mr. Brown seta they offered 1n evident'e the card beaded "ro the Peddle,^ and also the article of which It was a portion, head. ed Vie "0 , N0111.0.N011l scandal," over a column In length in the Leader. Jean mania testified to having cur. clatued a copy of the Lender of Sunday, aprll ISIS, containing the alleged libel, which he underatOod referred to Daniel O Neill. - • - C . /J. Chayia testified that J. W. Plttock wee tho puollatior of tho Sunday Lecukm in April i witness was ln ties employ of Str. Putout. end Ma 0014 cop of taxa paper of Apell 2810. 2'. P. Atonsfen, of the tiAacrrs, tangled that ho believed J. W. Plttoeit was the pub. Usher or the innier to Aprll testi had. seen the article re:erred to, and untleretood it as referring to Daniel - - . -•-• • -- By lir. hwartaireldor—Wu that- article peblinbcd 111 tbs ether hall , ImPall prior to to paolicauon in the Leader! • EU.. Brown—We obect. 'TOO C.:mut—The objection Is wail taken. Amiga XaU. tostlo34 be nu to the employ at J. W. /Wash, publuilan Of the Loolar, in PRICE, THREE CENTS: April lea , . The articleetlfx..qo;d,„ln,,,,teng A p r i l late oApril heeded 00 the ' o 54 0tcl O'Neill. . It wm not tem p.!! ed for Piblicatin'a" tw U nder by Nallli hays pereontu-knowtaidaD of Jho fent. I never law the article in man riscr.;., Ilrown•now• road the article lo the , aeu l .le 13can- D1D ° 14.6 t 9 be resume of the pub n eat.. cencelna tt, Jar. awl...welder having a duphemo cope. the yelper, let 'AZ d cavern[—a„ I,lnr'eti". 3, c° s J4rosi. , ''' ,01,1 1..6 copy." the p e rint,f, sty. The Commonwealth rented their case. Me. on welder opened the case for do (ninon the p.tof.l. say log that the OM= would instroct the Jury that no evidan. hdd keen Offered against Jam. It. teNnill, the other defendant: The oefe.e. therefore, had be herrn*. down mate- Mt. ritrtmle +es tin% ptibluitid of the Lender, not the editor, and in his pain. tied been Ipubliabed a history of °the C.reill 80.d.1" from &erre. publicatid. In other papers, the editor of ton Lrndrr• pro. noting theme as It ett.l before the pub- Ile. and as It had been published other , papers', cod seas talked about on the etree ts, tor It had bebottre the eubject of general conversation in the city, VIVA perhaps tinn extended far tote the country. Mr.,,, as the publisher of the Leader, nod boon ac. tooted by no malice, and they would pro. pose to show that be i had refused to publish en article nbeerre at Daniel O'Neill the r 7=2/fs,re.cahled, tssailied QS = e re. th e h)12 .. 1 . 14tt0n he wee the Writing lip y. the frOartswelder-orricre to the Petah ea Ott Which B. been referred 14. Were therecleatkels abontauff Pine nutter In thn o er Olt3M'ef, . . Wrt tt-w aoD Mr. If MS .were affrre It on the roast:lon of mall.. lodge . atowe excluded the ovldimoo, far •irtrr az= tt.e.Wirri l otUr.f,L=l in the inute,on the question of malice, farth er than the fetal presumption arcing from 111pablleatItat Itself. la. Ehlartzwelder proposed to ask Mr. kilns, the wlthets„ whether there was not presented toll:. ock an antra& men:lave of Kr. Oelll, (prior to the missed mai lone pubUcactonj which wall refusal rolal. cation. Objection was sustained, on the seine groUnd 1737021 whtch the former offer wen overrnlad4 . . By_ Mr. Swartr welder, to witoess.—Did Mr. /Moak see the article alkgett 00 libel s beittra hafts biltattotil Brown—We Object. It Is iminstorial /fiddlier fp',r, ritonckeraw th e article or not. The bdit , -Ilye mustimunto the objection. It ha; been pedd chop a publisher or proton aloe Is responsible tot what tippearg in his b lit. eWartitwelder—tther are we focleAmd, if we are to kdi bet. up In thls way! Mr. Olbamt—l 0•03 ah azooptlous to the rule. If the pribludier ward in;ram^. he 00010 not, be held. responsible. It th e de fendant, istmeolt. had neanowledge 0/ the article prior tS gAblicatlolll. was Mita evidence to the frayat file question o. Sup Judge Stowe—There mast be ego tfonei bat 1L thti ease 1 must, insist upon overfill fnCthewartt onrer, SwoMer said {good humoredly) that . taarmaett as the Don ra lbad . ttroallaa out ail.the naderplaning, defe oe wer l d , rtalit i a d l i tr h /Mlll. was diew...ed Lola kite Btoil.hi to the jury; neaten/Su. Mr. Mcems, for s arfewee, began the er. Comant. aald that while 000 do. ent. Parana . , bad an equitable, triGidi (mum, IMP.= apled to the rouselence awl good sense of eve Mem, he was excluded from presenting It y a legal rower. which, altbooght lc might. be roper.p he consleitred , untast, maculated to fetter Um pms. and prevent sn elpoeltfon AT evil. Lie*sver, be maintained tOOt the fury were not only the lunge. of the evidence, fit Mad of the In, mad they would render 1001100 Ingly. Judge Stowe interruptal counsel, 'Log *bar be meant to say th at the /my veto th e d o or tile law except as they remised t trod the Coorti - - - Mr. Moore said he .dl4 not ,mean m ite e'll,* than that the Jury were to take thethe , MI Mid down by the Court, and was shout to malt himself 00 cinder. steed when interrupted. Me inquired whether the publisher or the Loder bay ing rre , thileir. Made' some pollination concerning tee =ter. would oot gad In making 'Emitter OettenttlOn,ll to the' eontext he purports to. tire a rletrorr Of We Pas In controversy? /Ms Komar Jodie Mown said th e only OoestlenwasSia er the article was libel lous.- if so, tee te.ovient, was guilty. Pre-' clout publications were of g If the article was hollered to 'be Übe/lone self. . Mr. Hoare said he bad at least the right tolled and comment upon the w!!ole ci li W lTott a ti7Pettl '7 4gLi c r. d . °l , - . right to comment nOOO the *ooth article. 1.01010 had been offered in Genie:m.o and arguerip e. eurthieg *high tended ta show that the orttele,the subject of ludictintrit, weenot Mr. Moore thou "the kallela soon dal' . throughout, commeering • open Mur• tie.... he gstagoessed. - Raving omeltzle4 fewliWiheeelnlntea'that'elaw.tatoe: nod effect we, Oat soar sato eirrade or kohl Daniel Op to public odlorti. It wee nothing more nor loss Cunt it repot, Heenan of the defense of D. O'Neil-1.9.t0n the charge of criminal 0 0 0 t, trttb wife of.f. 11,,0.Nei11, and that Porthur ohm.. the ed es smoer replyof J.B. 'Neill ode an attack epee h im br Panted o'.oolll. No candid man could otherwis did t o t ms the public:4loo 111 the Leader. It d o bold the prosecutor op to publ contempt. or ridicule muck leas was it calculated to tend to ;pre ach Of the peace, tbe etoond ca rnage In Spiel:hen,. lir. Moore spoke terms, qu llTtglanth i , ' lti b eVl.4 the defenw,. fte.loWai and spoke Stir tareni bilantaa. Re tanned that tbo article, viewed to canna:don with toe parties most oonoerned, was an libel logs. lio on• could believe that the cepa. cation o[ Detthd Oliedil lied Suffered by the puelithtion, or that ft wad pOssible led his character to be Injured. He was ha editor. and fifteen years exPerienth bad rendered ntm Moor e!essust such tumoral!: they. .1d hof annoy him, and be woold go ball for lco that be would not aildllnft anybody ou account of theft publications• ho .104 Pats. ed. .1. D. O'Neill daily On the streets for months, dace the publication. and no pro.- amnion for assault and battery bad been heard of: It west simply a right between two ben-blooded frisfueen, with which the rabid) had nothing to dd, Mtn th e mmuset ants should have been allowed to t.itta. It out thereseiree, going up or standingclown, as ane got - the better of the other.. What had Patera to do with wathing the dirty linen of Daniel O'Neill, and who wonl.l chargehlro with mulles in the poblicatiord Mr. Roberts, for the prosecution, tim ed tea argument In the case. Ile would be brief, Indulge In no offispetallOa, and would have more mama for the Conn and Jury than to make evidence to tem case. Mr. Moore had occupied three.quarters of an hour le commenting upon the article to the Leader, the very • subject matter of which lisA been edjurmed by the Court at libellous, (referring to the cam, previously tried) but which wail now urged in athow In g the The article refe to in th e Indefendant. dictment was libellous bey rre ond d all question, and there was on reason why the defendant ahOnld tiOt be convicted. No de fence had bees offered, etheoting a great deed of wind, to which ho (110 Roberts) had endeavored to mend the opposing counsel. Satmg which, Mr. R. oeoeluoad. dodge Stowe briefly chit:gild the fury. Re said, In anbstance, that if the jury be lieved the defendant, 91l tack, published the article, the subject of Indictmemt, they should convict. Against the other defend ant, Z. li. O'Neill, no evidence had been of. fared that he wrote the article, em charged, sad therefore be must be actodttal. O'clock, The Juwhen ry tired C o urt adjout a. rne af ter,L threere the C Extriordmary One of the most extraordinary cures, per haps, ever performed by any medicine, In that of alittle girl m this oily, who, after many years of suftertror la the most terrible wretchedness, ha. been restored to health by 4 .l)r.Keysees Bland Searcher." Most of Our eltiseniwho may be Interested In such eases, have already been .made acquainted witft the cane of Daniel A. Boyd, iii Liberty street, who ie living. active and intent. gent Elamite the powernod efficacy Of this medicine. The littlegirl trets,however, • core still more remarkable. Over thirty running sores covered her body; the boom were seen nailer the play of the measles , and dead pieces of bones were discharded with the humor which wee driven to the torrent, and by Dr. Reimers Mood Search er was completely eradicated from the srs tem. in ; purehaeins, look for the name of George LL Keyser over the top of the bot tle, without which reject it. Prepared and sold at DR. KEYSER% MEDICINE STORE, 140 Wood etree4crelee lm Penn street, cor ner Evans alley. ROM?. • Homo of roar Own. We know of no better opportunity at Orneat of so doing than will be presented at the great sale of one hundred and cloven eligible building lots In Daklend townehith near the tendencies of Dr. Germs, Wm. U. Bmith, and John Donlan. Enlit'en the Senn. Wel knoll overlookine Pennsylvania and Centre avenues, and within a few Step, or the posse° ger cars on both Mess thorough. fares. Those lets ere particularly well anted for privets residences; the neiglabOr. 'howl in good, the situation elevated, and the surface diversified. In point of location and also of lots, all con be milted at this rola . Teram—One hundred and tiny dollars cash, the Milano° in one, two, three and tour years. Plane may be men at the offices of U. Diddleilteberts,Th GranWseet, Hamra Anderson aCo.'s foundry, Water street, or Smithson, Palmer Co., 55 and 57 Fifth etreol. o Bale to-morrow, Bstnnlay, at 2!‘ o'clock pronsedy. Goode at Iterumnable Prlcee.-111,1 James Robb, No. BO Market street, one pr the pioneers in tbn boot anti oboe trade lit this city. bas on hand a largo and fasblon. ble Mock of boots,shoekand gaiters which he otters lathe public, strarvreaamiable lirtaml• It will be remembered that the 0 assortment found bore is not from Eastern amnion boners but bas been selected direct MID manufacturers who deal in such ankles as war Poare serviceable and datable. Call In Galilee for youreelves. 111 tifulble Betiding Lot. et Ant" tlon.—ln °slaw:o tcornmhip, (nmr city line) °n SalardaY.Beotember Inn. at Vs C. Y.. ureeimet, o the premise, will be mold one hundred and eleven 1121011. sited Building Lots, near the residence. of Dr. (laumam, Wm. U. Bolin and Jno. Dunlap, Esq.., on the beautiful knoll overlooktrig Pennmylvanla and Centre and within a few Mena of inn pass en g erhre on both three thoroughfare , Bee a4Tertlec, mot of SUlittllK., r&I.Or & Co. Greet spews Sheep lealle..—Ws n o b. ert. Terrines the well known sheep raiser, retilla, Washington wordy, 111 °au sept public aide at that place, on elnber, lour hundred Spaniel sheep. The itoekruna from spring tabus goer year olds. A choke Wootton of t o wlll be Offered at the mime time In lots to Ent puretuuters. none or Our lota reads forget the time and of• Wei 6 8 441T5.1.111 b 4 AMU!. WIN/. ettlitw e. DOUBLE SUICIDE Blau arid Wife LW by Poison ' Ad minteter.d by Their Owe Dona.— c„ fl iooria laboroli—Full Details of rhookleo Affair.. „s„ vet': remarkable and distreseln g affair marred at F 2. 1, AdhertY Thursday morn. ing, whereby two 1.0.Ws were: seat Into 1 eternity by , Alteie own hand.. The Partite to the horrible affair were Jacob WOll and his vivo lestedsderia, who resided with their son, Adele:. 'l , /e/I.IIW, Wo. 17 Tunnel street, this city. The deoettned glee raided In this clip for over thirty-two Yeare., 15,,. Wolf luta fora number of yeses put bah Mier log under mental therratioa, and has [telecast, wider treatment at Dirmont. Several Menthe eati she attempted to ant an end to her existence by .1 emplak Into Itee Monongahela river, but was felled in the attempt by some of her friends, who dithovered he fa time to rave her life. She tras then sent to moment, where the re loathed emit ' Monday, when eke was rought Lola no the rolicil.ton other has. habit. Although apperently".ll sauna mind when she left the Ads lam; the Malady re tented as soon . ebe rtni.ched heath. and s eNstiV m it l alcilinV ol t e o " pigg t /kV= kahiog her Own Ide. which ahti *emend times attempted. Wednesday nierninl she expreseed a desire to return to th e Asy dm, and co uldnot be persuaded out of IL rind , leg that else was determined Ito return, her., husband consented. and sheet sevenioteloa she, in company with her husband, 'starte for , the lonia of Mr.. George Fortune to get; a permit to the Asylum. Instead of going to Mr. gentlest's office they went to Zan Liberty, here-they arrived about four o'clock in the evening. Between roar and five O'clock the hatband called at the Union /louse for ten cents worth or whisky, which he patio a bottle he bad brought with him, re. mark!ee at the tine that he waegolsof to e elm7 a temperance trick,eand they would coon hear from him. Shortly after this he went to L. U. Casmer's dreg More and per. chased ten cents Worth, of arsenic. slating that. he wanted It to kilt eats, and register ing Menai:death saddenns bathe druggist's re -dater. Between Seven and eight o'clock In the evening . they rolled at the house of Mr: &the, where they made themselves known. They look • tinniest the pump. in theyard, and wore then Invited into the house. Mr. Well asked if they could remain for the night. When Airs. Rabe, who was tempo rarily absent, came home. she immediately recognized Mn. Well ea an old Wanda. mace, anti told her they could be accommo dated for the eight. Mr. Well complained of feeling tired and 111, and tanked to be enown to bed as then as possible. Mr. Well had vomited some after drinking at the pump, but by way ofexplanation, said water always made her sick. A cup of throng coffee was made !orate. but Mar aDkngtgw toh oer nhigree t M sips I. th at e e ' a s afamyw wed. disturbed by noises In the room mounded oo Mr. atol Mrs. Well, and [Mr. Babe ir m ak. i ot ot , ~,,,.: went dOWD stabs. While thee air. Well cam. down two or three tins., dltd went out to` de bump In toe yard. When lie,, couple . bet . "...._ t iti,let...Mr. Babe again retire:4nm shortly .:.".. or, e o'clock In the morniug bin watt rou - 4 .. ~ , y erica from Well aslring for Water. Mesa.: he wanted a pitcher-full, that he was Inithlua; ap. Mr. and Mrs. Babe both want to him, and Wok Ides come water. As aeon as be took ii drink He fell back apparently life. leiiei mud expired la a few moments aster fartiii. Fame al the neighbors, were seat ar, and Ift. Pater If. Perebment was also summoned; but before the latter arrived life was extlee. Mrs. Well was lyinfrat the back purl the bed, and gibe o that she .511 dead until h husb a nd d led, art from thd feet that her holy we, gape cad, It was supposed that she had ax. once Avers' bars before As eau se the physician eseretie made Imminent regard , to the symptmaff and at once annOenoed ! that It was a case of meal* poisoning, i which opinion. wag steam:l4.l.4d by the evidence add aced before the Cofinwer!siary. it Is not known at what time Mid tsVeble took the poison. but it must have been shortly ,perevlous to their arrival at BMWs. 7.Shay lead frequently exPrea• ed a determination to poison themselves, enable., Well stated that it art opportunity ever ot.ered they woold curry their design into execation, It appears, that he had read medicintriand that for • number of years past he kept bottom of all hinds in the home. Worn he Matted oat Wednes day, howevof, lie tens perfectly aloe, and no suspicion of his devises had beat:woos. ed. In Ms pockets were rand two repot, made from an oh! dress, with widen It is :eTv ' ergel C° lrmi n Veres h cre=g;: two years of agtf, sniffles:re a family of seven children, fear of leered it'st small. Coroner Clawson wan nettacd,of the oc currence Thursday morales, allo alter his cannoning &jury, the following ideittelony wae adduced: Mani. Mahe. sworn—Between seven'and eight o'clock last evening. taw a man and woman three along my poradhemoneboolr bade with me: I asked him what his name -.motile told die ft tr. WWI; then took them tintothe brat wed east. It was Mr. .fhb Well sad htt wife - they then twked for • drink of waist, fwent to get a shulti and when I returned fraud them a s theynimp drinking from . a copy hich waa tand/rig a a tatilenear by They the ear. into the kitchen eild poked if they mead remade ever night; told them to *sit until my wife came home. Be told meth had been taking his wife around the country for fresh air, nod that she wea sock. Airs. troll told me she bad tern to Dismat, [...the/ her h.t band had taken ter out, andshat slot watt sorry for It. When toy safe Coale home she recognised Mrs. WoIL the bad been en. anointed with her for many Years. My wife told said they could stay ovef Sight. Well said he was very tired, and filed to be ehown to bed. lie went to bed first, and Mrs Well remained down stairs Waco' bee. Well Wok the first drink of water she toceaMe nth and vomited. lir. Wollsald water etways Made her Met. Mrs. well took a letv mouttorful of coffee , an d then went to bed. 3 went to bed. bat the noise In the roma ocennied bYldr. Wail e•d his wife disturbed me. I Came down Malni, and while reading beard Mr. Well coming down several times; hC want to the lump acid got a time. drink each About. aye c in oeleek ttil morning 'lewd Idr. Well call several times fee. wife. She went to him, and he said he mental a pitcher of Water. that he was burning up. Lie tqok tone aup', and then fell over In the bed. I get Op and plated tdm to the bed, end then Seal for some neighbors. Mrs. Wall wet lying at the bet! part of the bed, and when we look. sal ether we fortud,that she was dead. I Sent for Dr. Pereirdest, Tien when be erne , ...I.!Mr. WOll was also Geed. Did not the say Poison In the posse s sion of the de... ed: . Dir. Well said, when he first hetes, that he was veil . Wed, and that ass thane - A , he would die soon. 1 • J os. • • • ..... Gassier, sworn—Am proprietor of the Union IloteL Yr. WOlt cease to my boo. , Yesterday afternoon, and purchascill-ten cents worth of whisky. Told him. he had Gutter drink at at once. lie said that he wanted it in a bottle} that he was going to playa temperance trick, and that I would hear from ham soon. . . L. C. Quinn, sworn—Seep a drug store on the Greensburg pike, East Liberty. Yea. terday afternoon, between two and four o'clock, Mr. Wolf, drocased,pnrelnasod an OtinCeof arsenic from me, Seep a register of sales of poison. Itionister produced and siguature of &Cr. Wolf Identified.) Ells was not 14111 elm at Motion. . Leopold 4. Wed. swern—The deceased are my father and mother; they both liven with me at No. 17 Tunnel, street, Pittsburgh. They left home between sin and seven o'moek Wednesday morning. gather told me be was going to Mr. Fortune to got a• permit to DLemont for mother. She wanted to go back. He appealed to be berreodY wane when he tailor left home. He worked for me. Ile was • byoccnba been thinking for tiurty years. tion. He Ilse Dr. P. D. Pelmet.., sworn-. Was called to see Mr. and Idrs.Woll about five o'clock In the morning. They both were dead. Mn. Woll heal evidently been dead for some time, bet Mr. Well bed been dead only a few mo ments. Prom Information obtained from Mr. and Hrs. Babe of the symptoms eighth. tied, 1 we* satisfied that death resulted fromarsenical poisonlom they bed Orb dente taken a largo dote. I have no doubt that death menited frOIII arsenical poison. The Jury returned verdicts to the effect that the ,the parties came to their death from the effect of arsenic adatinisteh ed by their own hands. • Tb• (*entry Nate. PriVate advions from a/Wonky, 9hlO, In form us that the modern Demosthence—"l. N."—tho Incorruptible patriot mil States. man, whom thrilling I oratory has mewl the annossippl to run up hill, and whore (carless deounclatlons of the snore of the say have. had the effect of . striking deaf, dumb and Mud the mewl. who aspire to the leadership of the masse,, will ..l i ft the van," "assume the pressure," and oroll for troth" at Altoona, in front of the Logan' House, at seven dolma, on the evening of the twentieth Instant I. N." will make a ten strike I The grand old mountain tope of the Alleghenies will shrink In dismay, and the glorious arbor day will pale MS no effectual Ore before him who compared to Demosthenes or Cicero, is as a million sons to a feeble rrish.light The deep valleys of Caning renn•ylvania will roai the moan. Min tops will roll; the broad, fertile fields will runt and even the yonng faros and coons will roll with dellivid when the le maculate and handsome N.'. "lifts the Tall" In front of the Logan Howe on the 9th I Wo"beve the nerve," and will await with breathless anataty, the thirtieth thousand advent of the never-dylng sage —"J. N." To be, or mot so be—ituatia thequestlema Whether to suffer with mental stoutish, !overfill lips, rm a i4drig vales, dy am om agonies. and nameless bodily suflertnifi or whether, with sudden dash, - Mese a brittle of PaarrraTion lirrrints, And, as Gunther awes., myeell todl (o . l= — lgsrEar7l:7o4:r4ait4Otis ify illeposltson troublesome—in hot, lie nerody bitted I was fast becoming Quitea holmium k'otir bottles now beneath My vest hove ouppeared, li l y ' food has reish. min d ppetite la keen, step elutiC, my brilliant, end Nine pounds, aviartopole, Is added to MY Weight. MAGNOLIA WArsit.A dellghtthl tenet sr ttele—ettharlor to Cologne sod ,at bolt th e price. mwerithe 'To Onpltallsts.-11 will be seen by ref. mance to our advertising columns that the Excelsior Iron Works will be offered at pub. Ito cube this everting at the Board of Trade Bmiten BollingA Oclook, Hinges consist of • Mil, with a rectory and eight acres of ground., on which are erented twenty-eight dwelling houses for hand& and One for manager. The works are In com plete running order, and to. Property gee. .rally in good repair. The property nt•Ito• ate! near Manchester. and being eligibly located [Wart'. river and railroul.paillAsomms superior facilities for manufacturing. The terms of sale are quite ressoriable, and cap. Ballets desiring to Invest would du well to give the Matter their attention, OHS in...ittinit soda Water at 3.T. liampires Drug .tor.. he. .13' Tedenalstreet, Allegheny. • • ,THE WEEKLY 'MEM 3DECIO3II. 1111MIIIMAT AND liailintAtT. • lam stmt. tleautatag 1110221 , 4112 COL. MINS of tiMnlittu roam( mtto. taaleaag IladhaS Ltltortals. blot arts IN Tow." sad WU. vatostzto Brea. *Wit tor . /Wall. old falot .al elm tattobes MVP au ma Mumma /.an arroza. cm. of ART p•DSZ tow clty. Jr/ SMI..t. /1613.••••CII Xercaut ttuntlel be irtglicat It. Potpros rus WIZELT saMPIPS Clute of "—Ana poppy of row to Po PPP Sy Lin Slab. •ddIUSY to dabs psi Os soft to. sq thttq at el.b Mae. cordettott Tomo MICR 10 paper, be sure aft Inman wIY •M"a ter vat, di ter tsar • Wet:Wade/ MOM 10r our scribers having tat cm awl a emir. 110/Kortey D 7 non, Enna Nada Orden; er MSWISTArd Lettentaar be Mt •searoblQ Addrewe; iIaiNTWA )11'61estile Westsper 6o =others.-I[ as fartnnatelY you have your °" With by nevass or releseanagemeste. take earls that your 4 emhters do not niter the was Penalty IseStr the esseseesuee.' foe to 4tit they brush shelf teeth regularly end Oar eeithly sash dototadr, and there bY you will lasers them eoo•A and eeryleeable seta Cl Wee as they live. none we !Nen Or^g wane bone at erbegesale , and ratall.aa4 are, al a ecteigarataw Wag to keep a Larger and moat better sorted rteert. to set! eaeaPer. roars to more areamtoodadag Qaaatttiea than exereatrelobbing houses. Iteilta Mara chants are Melted to exaralne our stalk. J. W. Daazsa a Co., 1 liarkat gine. g.T . o. nor, ?b..* rsrttp,: mall FAir...6,041 f Mo. by thalthloki MOO". A book lIPS • ea to Memos'. Dem sew.. let:ltt Market etroot. for Itrogo , a Vomitus. Web+ SW, the beet Worm MeSithiola use. • Go to Inemlnies toms •HN, for Bar nett% Standard Prep...mms of Ul land, othyper Wan way other Wants in tEa etty. a • Sold nodal Sposistinireoatiliballifioli; Sold ist the lowest rotas a Ileaddro Diva MTh No. St Market street. Cold dramanew Soda Water's?. J. T. somploh Dow atom No. SS ?Waal ateor. ..kileghtsr. The Sl'Wieser city Commie win meet to-night. AddlOonal Loral Newsom Third and F.mirlik Parer. MARPLIED ecorr—WALL. —On 1hni.0.14•..a.11. apt lith. by Bev. Renick I °baton'. p.p.. QMICT A. aCOTT a+4 JENILE. stea , d etbibtat et Jobb Wel. 1.1, both of thl. ott7;'. 11E= =2l Teems ea. rani, Lore, Her etrtae% blood le the put sett pm:W.IM Of her, oar friend. A. Mather test • tremens Out eel? tired A e rase trees ars. their 1,,,5:“.." = the rest. erbers the erillerer PL.nkr. MI loved one, geme. •Yld beeuWal Autumn leaves, Alone! Alone!. Where the devise at Itte na and Beneath the sloe: Where emulous amebae.. hit. Alone( tel% Oat. =I9 * MORLIA.N , —Oo Wadne dim mointng. 44 IT o'clock, .1k1r..13135LN 11011(1A.r. 7oneral from the resident. of boo hosbearl. Jam.. B. Amman, Its LIM& Cy oa Lamar imMuit&O, et 1014 celoct. The Mends of tto • f ., L :IIy are rroperthilly Milted to atigh f. , L ,,.7THOhti—Un Wedosed&y &testa& rep. teml m ten We ook o &Minn. W.. Mimi& cg,...12. and Sarah Limrthorm gime ID month.. The funeral win' take Om from the residence of Ws oareou, io. W Ileadaehi efroei. on rel. DAT. henterabef 11th, / 0 ...Koff. a. K. The Wends of the food), are n.NPfftiOK) , WIWI% attend. • 4111ER—"allisnel.7 morning. WT. ter.bst at Mali-part live aLlock. raidni .•. +MTh' Jril , sh -geut thisty-alabt ...att. and al.r. day& t=lll=!= Py: - .4 , ,//:1)1/N: 1 011::1A:;slit*1 A LEX. — AIRLE,NAINDERTAILVA, me Ywirw meet, ruuhargt, 0071L89 at satinitst MIPS% OWY111), Gaol even deaertplin/ losiersi Txtrelokfast Good* romans/ Room 0010 01g.7 sad =C . a.' NM. C• 41.464.14114406 • zurnmsatcus—Ss.. Dn.W wen, D. w, J0401:414. nwmSfivrinr, iscr, Jo; .1,11. 2111er. '.a. JG. RODGERS ITlVll7harle. . ass AND EMBA.LAII, raocotato/ to the tato Samoa E. BOUM.' No. SO MID I-boot. Ono aeon Rom Bearer. Allaelany Olty. 11. taulufloserood. liatossay. Wigan wad *Oa ' mood lalltatloa "Colltaa. at the !trout mance& {alma. Bo.= open at all bows, dal awl sled. 800% sad caws". funlabed oa @holt ;AIM • and= =ate maonable toms. . gprente CZAUMLCKI, oß •Dtt?ltxt.''M..fH-utua [raps. illeglaany. M.Wllo. Aftwoo.l awl Mo. Col lins, with a col:Meta Maw' fitoaral goods on bond. and fondotio el at obottoal sotto, at/wont orlm. tlala and LIM! =Wes: eoo.. nor of ruoraaa Ittnol.a emtollk Corelaata. Baronet., Boggle.. HMCo Homo; no.. am. tot elm • C. STEWASIT, Underlie:ll4er, earner of NORTON sad EBBS BTRECTI. S aul Wed. (kfilas of an nut.. Boum ova Cardszer fosnisbod on the shorted noclo..' CETIFM=IY d14.1113LE WORK& —A. J. ITABBAINL. at the CemalJrry Imammville, Fe. 011111.1JEZZTALMAJUILM ist, MSS WOEXII; erreas imam. cAers, IWATZX !ROM DUNSEITII A - lIASI TT, Jewelers' and Opticians, If% 56 ma STREET. A coatings:me of** TANIe Tstroasas cm." puroally awsrehol tba arms id Om, .euth &cp.. owl Haslet &Co.. to nonleMlllo JAMES COTT A 05170011 MM TO no:moron a ecurs4 333il.s.T.salit Imr FIN itATOBIS, WON JEWELRIP. SILIVIEB-PLATED WARE, infle. gra maisrr az. rrrThausaa Sitrarticalsi WIWI= WWI t ma. eta Wstohmeloduanajleamlry. RENOVED AND NIW GOODS. . H. Merchant Tailor. Hee O r to weer.S WirLlhr ho w, ewe aer or rettoral where he Si lle worr ier Me new eted ext metre ma or ' • ?ALL CLOTH& CA3ODIIIEX.B. VE.3713.18 uVICACO/LTiN Gra Mira will De made to order In the Ica s NlLee . iLECIENtiVOVENt tWerailo=l water sold on Tarr reasoratie Ursa B. eimn. Xershaut TWO; No. el WV= STAMM oar, offal. FOR BALE-12 HANDSOME 6111LD1210 urn, MUM, oltoo4o ii.".barg Toroptto, sOjetotaii the haodsono random"( OoL H. litoCalloosh. (nom A. tCe mottdaalr• abloloto toroomittrynablasooo la Loom:OM/Wit for too TWIN, ie„ cannot Do extolled. amain of • SILL It 1111131TIOALT. Seal [date luta R.raja Actata. =MEM FOR BALE—That handsome uid serf &Waal a THREE 1,2011 t DISIOS D15X1.1411011017111, situate O. 10 Peacoat rietet, Metered This Moose Is initiated On oth of the bandeothest streets In flusearal. sad noirrtatetor vovarii b worth the attention of then seeting a Wee home. mu, as autrrrinuar, r•thiess4 theannes Agents, natio street. nthe,Bellefon. taloa, Laws...eine. HOMES FOIL BALE, AT Howarips Llyery . mir.ble, annex. maim, rear liumnieti. th.• MESE. V. 7 MITE, yeti , set• run at lemsellve. On n good rag NAai Atrlionma atenttl =no 4.m.r.V! DIN Et; MSS iractical Mdtffe COL PEEPS no *Ow! STS .tra. rusNrross Ed - • RETZICISTEIN, 767 'moans'. alaldiall 1, Y. (Youth door stove latatronel.l Glass, China Ware & Table k aUery At 718TIn6at PRICIA Cverrtagna ranalann In • and eacad.a. Hors on band. Call sad anaaalara oar • • • tams B. .I...AriON, Sealer of Weights and ltleasair4 NOVISTEL lievrees Liberty aul lint strewth . Co en promptly atteadad to. DWeee ROMEO, BELL & CO., Anther Votes' 111105, PittaburQY, itanatacturen of MANY. IMAM a LIGHT i MICH= AND fIASIOLW ARO ita1e31131166