The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 12, 1867, Image 1

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" • roman= zyzer xoolioo.
. I ProPrtasor
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• arnan, oAisrllc 81417.112. --
1224 24 Amp se rirra mum:.
Iter24 itilarttia Net Of 161212 re 1201251,
ornaur. PAPE?. OP Pla - usbUleEl liD
_viactrarr 3122 i FAMILY
ta4ooK2isolAi. P.arg2 to Um DWI.
544544 Os TICS DAXL.T:
farcrZ . 4 .6 .;;;;:i1 - 17.ra 11 1 " ".
11410oDso. b..,
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-8108441188 H, PRIMA.
pittrAntr g &a
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The loyal Totem of the Commonwealth
mile no higher tribute to the worth and
character of Judge Williams than the
following neat compliment paid him by
tLe only daily Democratic paper ol
Western Pennsylvarda the day following
his nomination. It said:
"The nomination of tho Hon. Henry
W. Williams as a candidate for Judge of
the Supreme Court is a good one. He
. the hest man named before the Re
.. publican Convention,' and pdsacsses legal
and moral qualifications for the respon
-Able peaition to Which hst has been nom
lasted.. -Both parties have now present-.
'oil their Candidate& Amimportant duty
has been 'faithfully discharged by the
respective conventions. The campaign
. way now be conducted wiihout personal
aspersions, and decided upon the princi
plesof the two great parties. This Is as
to. It Is an auspicious alga of
the tithes, and if the county conventions
'hits equally fortunate in the selection
legislative candidate& there will be a
stop put to the deplorable corruption at
the scat of .govirnment under a new
reign of honest men andeonsclentiorut
:leghilators.—Pitteburph Post, June 280.,
,`:1867. - •
"'.'-The Pod, in referring to the aboye,
on. the 29th of Angrud, was pleased to
• •"We ;wire. noihing to tate bent or
modify.- Of Judge Willlarus' prlyate or
legal reputation we have nothing but
words of praise, and howeyer It may
Milt Some pugnacious and heady pollti
elm* We cannot bring ourselyes to view.
Rsrvo4tUl 665111111 a as either who or pe-
ink . lifittaibrcaitEws coxv*s-
It was amusing to look ea the men
gathered ati the Workingmen's Coat
ilyention, yesterday, and see how com
pletely It had fallen into democratic
hands. The lobbies were thronged with
• democratic politicians; a large propar
tion,of the delegated were democrats;
and nearly all, those who took an Inter-
proaedingi Were man of that
'achobL Man with half an eye could
eta that the only:men who expected any
!melt:front the Convention were the
democratielesders. Poor felloWal They
-have been co long standulk out in the
' : 6oTd;iii& hive been waiting So longfor
something to turn up,. that they gladly
wedcome the slighteet movement that en
'Coirages tbh shadovi of a hope in their .
, breasts. , We trust that the few Repub.
liana In this third party movement will
`Sion see that the Sole object . of these
demoeratic schemes is to get u many
Rapriblicans as Posaible M throw away.
...their votes en a third-partylisket, whilst
they themselves vote' the democratic
-.S.Ttis Second Grand Fair of the Ile
cbsaira cud Agricultural Ailociations of
:`. , 4 lo4ldslare, gilt. COIXIMULCe at New Or
;:.:jatra;ou the 10th of next' November.
Oar,manufacturers should not lose sight
oftbe great advantages, which will Ito ,
core to them - through being represented
on the 00elliOn by a proper display of
their : products. The Fair will draw
thonsandi of visitors from all sections of
the South, and of the utmost int.
...portence that our city be represented in
Ole grand exhibition. The trade - of the
Southern States is fist drifting Into old
channels, and, if a little energy is die
: played in a properway by our manufao•
Units, Pittalmrgh may again receive the .
large patronage abe,enjoyed prior to the
rebellion: No better method of Intro.
timing our city to the attention of South
ern customers can be suggested than •
liberal : representation of our =near,
Auras at the forthcoming SW; and we
. 1 earnestly hope that our bulimia men
will not be slow to act on the suggee•
A FJW - WZIMI none, and election day
will be with no, and as the time ap
proaches more animation be thrown
into the campaign by theconteeting par
ties. RepubUcans ,113178 a great respaa-
Utility resting upon them. They must
lei to It that every district is canvassed,
'and that not a voter. will be absent front-
Os polls. , There le nothing to feu if a
MI Republican . Tote can be brought out,
and it:behooves all members of the party
to.bestir thezuselyea to that. cad. Let
'the work of canvassing conunence today.
Rah Republican may cementite himself
u'OMiundttee of one to awaken lds
to the danger of thy and the me
i:many-at being out to exercise their du
&Mk as citizens, on election day. The
western section of the dints promised I
largimajOrity, for 3udge Williams, and
- that pledgi can euilybe redeemed if
prompt and vigorous measures are im
mediately taken to bring out everynner
who will Mat his ballot with the Repub.
Tux .Dentocrabi are not without hope
of Bemiring an election of some of their
candidates Iry Allegheny 'wanly. The
Post las been quite anxbrus that a Labor
Bifornt ticket should be adopted and
that the Temperance 'lenient should put
fbrth a wit of =Mates.. -It safely
=dates that the Democrats will vote
square for their own ticket tad that third
and fourth parties might possibly star
cesd in breiking the solid ninks of the
Republicans suilicienfly to admit of the
disloyal minonty autdldatee passing in.
to:oillet Let the word go along the
, line that a trick of this' eharachr is in-
tanddl and out of the sagacity and wis•
dom Of the-ftenubllcane the enemy will
belated and Allegheny county eared
from the disgrace of electing .Democrats
Nor Tam.—One of the. speakers in
the Virorklngmen's Convention, fester
414, asserted that 3tr. Eanerr, as an
• employer, had defrtuded-the working
men in bin, employ, by rehiring to ps
them the wages fired by the Printers'
Union! The speaker possibly. believed
,thti, bat it la not true. Daring all of
Mr. Unties alarms: km with the °A-
urn as one of its owners, the printers
• aaployed nimat It were paid 1121.1 Union
prism, (es they arc low); aid the Job
Reining Ii
ke is now an
owner well known as a
z • °Mos t managed sielusirely biesins•
ere belonging: to the Printers'
axed peal fall Union prices.
,130 mach
for -that
Lwrnulteptiblicalui forget. the Grand
Hui Meeting tibia will bo held to
night at the Monongahela Bemis. Slo.
gent and able speakers will be in at-
Unclear* to address those present on the
important political questioni of the
bier, and it is to be hoped that they
will be vested byao large an audience
IS will strike terror into the hearts of
both wimp of thenpposition party. ,
—The fo ll owing ty. the reason why
shooting stars didn't appear when expro.
tad: .When the mologisialls tempera
. tars of the helicon is ouch as to cloriciso
the itoperient identation of the head
spinets analogy, the cohesion of timber=
=Habitue becomes surcharged with in
finttesimele, which me thereby virtually
deprived of their fissurist disquisitions.
This effected, a rapil change I,l ,praiuceri
In the thoratuouher of the gympasticus
fins poterium, which causes a winvaeular
In the hexagonal antipathes of tbe ter
enetrium ague of ceremonclar light,
which can only be eeea When It 1 +risi
ble." That's so.. •
. 0 4 ~. ,
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L'Br Telegrapl to u. .11ttsliirgh
ciloilta• wltze AT if.A.L.Ta.
MAIMILIAS, September IL—DimMtchei
recernel hate marafort that tae Maas ie
meals fearfully In Melts.. •
Twirl 112N11.111A aT Llal2a,
Losoor, tiehtember 11—It Isreportralthat
the /Lyndon Prime klUater. Baron Von
Bengt, has ginni to Barrna..
alowsar fraccirrall. '
Pram, Beptamber 11.—Dlepatches have
been reetlred here sanest:taint that Gari
baldi trlll depart forthwith for toe .110121 an
• •
• “1100 L co .mll or,
Vomaa, Sept. 11„—A. lane body Of SolOol
Teachers, ropiesentlaif nearly all aottlons
of the Emiaria are la 0800100 is thls ctty,
• rtoolotioa to favor of patltonlaft the
authorities for a aeparatiem of publlo
8010010 from the *harsh way passed yeStaz:
asi with great nuaalmilty. • '
1.11 nolo4.llTat 1.11:11-411.11.S. nit
Lends, Sayt.ll.—Errning.—Thls was the
great day et Ma •peternater meas. Vella , -
tend.. was Immense, and the interest la
the rams was alma; unprecedented.
The nanzdelyal stakes, yalned at tdrOorere
wen by Calytto; the Corponatlon plate, Tat
tled at £BO6, by IL 1., and the itradgato Park
maks try Lead
Tim St. Lad sex was the
_they acoadaa of In.
ua icaltaxasnt. Tie - Trsat . ialne 'of the
and Cho fact that the beat
homes of the year wire r. ..stored for the
race, made the St. Ledger of 1667 it least
equal to any of Its predecauots., The rut
was a sOlandld one, and • was wcai by
intlhorstaant. Hasson, who won the Der ,
by, was second, and Jolla§ third.
• ' PIION SUM LID .110XL&T. ,
Lemon, September 11—Emoing.—Ital/1-
IMee reached here from Siam, mating that
the son and belt to thelthas all= Is dead °
A talent= from Bombay, In static/pat=
of the, oierland Cis= RAW reports that
the embargo laid . upon - commerce to the
Island of /Mimosa, had been remand.
floorwereorr, Sept. IL—The steamer
Sammie arrived
ficesooo, Sept. ll.—The steiscirii.
draw. from Quebec, has arrived.
FtliANatal. AID 0111LEFAI . I.OIAL.
Loa... Sailer:War .112 P. sr.—Consols
911i515-9a wan at 72X; /Meals Csetla n;
crl. 77; Atlantic and (resat Western 111
no an nntararable trade sinarr,tr lanisr
and there is las doing., but no quotable Os-
Cline in prices. Breadstuff,' quiet and us.
LOX PDX. Sept- IL—Sawing—Consols WA;
040,1,727.0 Edo, 4.o4;ll.lineds 'Central, 77.
FLIti.IOIVIP, Sept. ll. Zeenteg.—llen-
Twenties, 70%.
LITZILTOOL. Sept. 11 —Banta, —Cotton
dosed bossy and }id lowary middling up.
lands, rigd; (Meats, . The Otter' mar
rests ate all nachangorl- _
Astrantan, iloptesatore IL—Paroles= de
clined:LOSS francs Os cantina&
Hl TekieSb.tothe rittt. Giants)
• Wass mores, September 11, UN
1,12101! LIST.
An. additional LW of Daman pesdoned
Virginia, Alabama and Georada,MiA oord'o•
of preparation at the. Ainorner General , .
°Moe. Theie imuabei aboitranto3,' *Web
make/ as aggregate of 0p.1040 of 13
pan:lons totes ith loft. .
(loath.. bays rionti Ai to wboLbef the
. .
ranauti proclenmattoneschadel Trout - par
don those who had a- brevet rank husker
than the Freda of Brigadier densual, and
also as to whether the Verla Scents to addi
tion to ministers and oototalsalonese In
clude those who went abroad to sell bonds
and °orlon. These autatirew will be docid
ed is the order of presentation.
ts Immlata roopoCrt
disarm In the Cobtnot. od alth pof
ough rumor.
tot is Feet continuo topromil.
Colonel It .T. dose, retire% bee beau or
dered to Harrodsburg, IT, to assume the
duties beretofore performed by •Brut.• Gel&
Eastman: Brevet atelor denerel L. A. Can
Is ordered to newt far duty as Command•
tog General of the Department. of Wasik
Its following persons hovel:sea apSolnt.
ed ermalning snrirsOrm of pension oglosm
Dr. George W. Nosall, at Warsaw. W:5.;
Dr. W. T. Parke, nos*. Ohio; Dr. Elwin
Ellis, Ontonagon, Men, Dr. • Dunes LADE.
MarshaltOwn. Iowa; Dr. Jams. L. Peat,
Tosonla, Dr. E. 11. iltsobens,
Osio; Dr. William E . Web, Kluccvaus, Pa.;
Dr. Orange, Posisroy. Ohio;
The Secretary of the Treasury today •
Issued the following notice: oTka nottos of
Dobler* of rentde of the. ,
State of M Jul aud, welled, win. edrttaeted tn
1E0) from the Department of the Isterior,
Is hereby extended, so as to embrace the
abstruted Wade of the States of North
Caro/Ins sad Tenuous*. The proof In re.
bates to time titie of holden of bonds must
be made =der oath awl .not mere "Veto-
Sy Telegraph to No Plttoborgb ilosotte.3
' , REIT 201 X. 51.171., 11, UM
31r. BonbUag. enema Cif JAW latihlcted
bridge over Zest Myer, Lisa made a reyart.
Be states the bridge irLtl tenalaste at.
Chatham alteare, 2few Tork. OMI near ltd
ton Terry. Brooklyn. The total length will
be SAMS feet. and the centre span will he lm
feet above high watermark. The total eon
of the structure Is estimated at 104 gr
.7 3 .4 i
and It will permit the • MagspOrtation •or
X 01.2 111131:1117. 711.1.171//.. • -
Another revenue freed has been dlseoi
tired te Itthattlyn, by wbleb the sotarunthrst
lost about elOptoo. Was nye kannrwl bar
rls. stuthceed so . be 11164 wish liquor In
bonded wareboxisse Hase and 6 lledwwlels
had beau amnion of th eir cousente.
L C.Thompson. keeper of one of the wave,
bowels was arrested and bold to bat in
♦ grand tiasante tdc-nto washed at Jones ,
Woods today. Itepresentattves were pros;
era tom all the principal Mimi at the anal.
try. Th. , dancing lasted wets! tours,
Brother Maid Carsewsl4 of (fanads. deny.'
wad • lactnre on ctwaity, and Mayor Hoff.
man yreaented the Biala sod Jewels to the
Eut•rn Stet Degree. •
oso•tartsr cCorriortow.
The AnertganPharrnsouttotl AssocdatlOn,
In session bare, elected John fdllsnart, of
New York. President In hL ■ddnss he
said Internal news was the princtoil
concern of leading own. Lod he hoped the
Arsoelatlca woad entre - at soon conclu
sions as would Isfluezos Congrats to reduce
the tax on foreign drnino, for - which no
Amerteall now can be staletantett. ••
Thi afternoon seaman was tleroteft to
heating the report of delocatesof the Am- .
soclatmi LO the Tarts Convention. :
' ♦ ralu mane me in a sae.
price fight near Mackensaek river. Ifew
Jersey, this morning, broke up ln a general
-melee. and one of the principals. named
ilteCormick , who seemedlikedp robe IrlFtar.
was beaten almesL to death. , "
'Selthe raver Destlen—llesreee themes
ter ilenletpal Toentlens.
CM , ?accrete to the Museenth ltheette.7
New . oaisaire, September thellre deaths
for the tweutptcer hen= them Wm mann.
Mg ware eththeevem•
la the Common Connell Mat sight, at an
Weal= for Aseittent lteeerders, one white
and three negroes Were chose& Several
other UlligrOOS wets CLOPS& for other ma.
hlelpal poidtlolo.
Breweries ..d IrerldthignAMlnniMed.
thy Telegraph to the FlitsMinh Gamma.)
Cantioo, September 11.—Twohyaea's..
0n (Adam Avenne, belongdele Venn..
. Hanson and Mailer Weeder ingoiher
with inns a w.iling 00 011 A Wel.. d.3 " C r l
by Lim Ma morning, Bassaala lees Ir
men thomand dollazeLifoelTees
thousand; Insured for thirty thousand. ••
AlPlnciMissal t• • "Taffroidalp.
Mr 'Zemmol. t she riticnarga fluette.l
Itorcrnowo, Septa:s.r IL—Geotral
field has mood an order detailing' Cci.'
B. Barnham, Judie Adrorat• of the United
awns ArmEto act saJodita of We Mort of
11 ...d 0 5n Tells remove, time tiaocantfE_far
an eleetion to fill the varano9 O . WS.ed
Or the death of Judge Lynne. •
Rag I 1p ArrIVIMIL
(IT T01ur666 b th.ritubarsettautt46 , l
TOE Tll2ll 11011t01, eeDesmber = /1' 720
I .4eta_P AdMllllll
from Bt.'Tluratas tke 6616 but, Sum
riviod. The MolloapII•la had 6661164 sad
the rimatocet. adlad 666 Aulungton.
Inig.o•• to Neelost -
CBTFektrokoi us !imbue. Quote.]
Boaroir, September 11.—Forgerles to the
mount Ot iikooo or ipt,ol3 ere alleged
against young man named Frederick
Hobbs. We Sn ttus %irk amt Isra bust:cuss;
197 IRMO street. . . •
187 Teleremak to the potohomit nzettol •
Ctooramoos, September I.l.—Tho 'mottles
Roo quite cool Oar, olSht. hthf Met Is
eopon.d lu eu,o, .p1•0•IL The UNIFOIOO3O.,
ter ohs floral& if Onion 021/140 Of tile
—.artalast batch of correspondence cou
beraing the Alabama claims has been
published. Lord Stanley, tn.. his alspatch
cececkftyltic, wltkie was handed to W.
!Weird by Blr Frederick Breoe, while the
two were ilettrog at Ankara dating.the
sumo er, =menus to arbitration. provided
two distinct tribbr.als be 'eettblishedi one
to decide the responsibility inottrreit by the'
British liorwouneut in depredation cern
witted by the rebel privateers. and. the
other to adjudicate neutral eltUtia On both
tides. To this Yr. &sword, In a dislistalt
dated Alain= /SW, Objet. no unasces
wiry, chanting that if there ehould be two
trtintualt they should be clothed with the
Mee powers.
—The arodernent In Brooklyn le co:mid,
arable over the alleged fraudulent opera.
Hone among highterrenue offlededs..Deputy
collector allen . luu published • card dacha
the,whole charge malicious,. but with
holding farther derelopesents on his own
if de of the onatrunmar cad km principal,
Mr. Calla:on, • returns . from Wastangton.
Dlsoatchee from Washington mate that the
geordary • of the Treasury doss nos feel
alabllfine4 .to eropend Celle= on the re,•
port of the Xstropolusa Board.' He has
directed all pavers in reference to the mat
ted in the poeserdem Of the Board to be sent
to him.
—An Omaha dispatch says • battalion of
four 'hundred soldiers arrived theta on See•
day, es, roase to the Plains. Beton leaving
they entered the kimatricariTionsfiar Cord ,
pours warehouse. drossootthewatchntan,
Ears In the heads of whisky tad wine ban
.rats. gut Ver, drank. md broke open canoed
fruit and oysters. TM subortimata Masers
eraßald to tome been as bed .attaiasa,
and the °Mond hat ao control Of them. '
—At the Deunintatle meal laintlnif
Unions Twin."' Welty Called to entity the
new ponatltntion of hiarylead, a very brae
audience was present. Spesehin wan mine
by cioinsrnor Swarm and others, and resole.
UM. adopted expressive of their devotion
to the Repliblican term of government, and
denunciatory of the constitution of 11%
sad eangrutulating California and In
tuns on the recent Demoentin viands&
Within the borders.
—Tho ably Invincible, of the California
tracts, took fire at, Near York at en , early
.hOttr.Yreariaadas, and was aretroyed— •The
^avast was valved at. trona MAUS to aillapte.,
American Pomelogleal Convention
assembled at St. Loth on IV ednesday.
l ent s Hauler v
wenl gr . ? ' a id% t th i; gd b erl IFS
Boron, delivered the annual addrees.
—The Cuba Coble Telegraph Ina opened
to UM' gmbllo on Wltartaaday. Congrands
tory rewlemospassedbetiveengemetar7B.
ward and the Captain General ot Cuba.
—Patten , s refrigerator nuaufactocy, and
several adlotniag buildings, I. Itothurl.
Mass.. were destroyed, by Ire yesterday
morning. •
—The Bangor (Me.) Ilmes Ikllll oesisiel to
oust for want of patronage. It died on
1 "/"..-• • - . •
—Senator . Owin emi - ankong the recent
passenger arrival. from California.
CDT Telegraph to the Ilttsearsu tissattst.
,ealessrow,./ept.ll.—Ree. J..P.' athaie,
Preddent of the lloitrard Aimee:lon at
Carpus Christi, died August n)th. Samuel
Adams, Assistant Surgeon U. S. A., died en
the Eh teat.. Thaw were ill:le-two deaths
from yellow fever hereon the eth, and ten
h ad . to k i p ttaid tottie eft/ hoepital to-day,
from the 'Wrenn° Cutter Delaware. The
• In La Granite wad Mar
Boyd Is played in a SLLouls Interter arse.
theatre. • •
—Breckinridge wants to come home.
—Cotton Is called,the icepteriess king,
—l'he tram are gray with dast to
—Lowell hos a volunn, of new poem
n press.
Louisa /4titabl!xth Is a widow -vAth a
—AU :adrfoes cottcrnpa43g . 4je tobacco
crop are had.
Yeterhary's picture gallery
sold ler SSW 000.
—GYMS W. Field 1.4p11210111,1y ul M
N4W Nambulsh. N. Y. •
—Corn , Oekeluosks, lowa, at
eight coma &bushel.
-The Appletorta are !idler to-`pope
larity on a 31uhlback.
• —The 'oratorio of Jenny Lind's bus
band is mild a &nom •
—.Hotel de florae," Is the flame of •
livery atabloist lev York.
—TIN; S. Ellbertali yield of lona
Ivory Is 40,600 pounds yearly.
r-elertnr.Bconero is to &Twain in. Waal.
intuin a 114 Mexican Minister.
—.A consuls of Dubuque gives 21
population, and $5,101,00 valuation.
--Tom Thumb I. fishing off Lang
In his yacht Charlee S. Stratton.
—lt ham beeii demonstrated in Chicago
that a comfortable house can be built for
Edwin Forrest edition of. Shahs.
pati6 Is adTertamod the 'New York
—New York- pays it. four gas-corn
ponies between four and are million
*—The "bones" or Cbiisty's minstrels
in London taut been litigating, and go
English Ciargea•Men has been
tined for starving * - .Hock of Cheep. A
poorallepherd,lie. -
--Peruvian Imllesreensider the pomm
el= of five Wes on the mato foot a peon-
Ilarity,of the male sex:
—There is an engreied topaz In the
T'arls Exposition upon which ,twenty
geari tt=r w ere. expended.
Unita la finally norliarairl by
a Washington correspondent as
The Rebels fund ;that ont long ago.
—lt was a happy phrase or soanobodS ,
to call the irtitinge of the brothers
vier the Itultrorka of 13ritlah literature. .
• —A youug Inman Dies; out her gas In
a room In a Ctdcego hotel, went to sleep,
awl her funeral took place the day utter.
—Three hundred AMOTiCIIV soldier.
en still °Mien In the Liberal andy of
Mexico. They complete of bad treat-
.-LBoma one In Driblbt hes been me
kings ebemtenfsu►lyets"of street rand
He round there was ►grsat deal of moist
nee in It.
--rfiamnelJack, of,Vinton, lowa, has a
call' that:breathes throngh atknible pair
of nostrils, one above the other—a Cloak
bfnature. ..
—Norwood Is the name of•sk now oil
lake on the Erie railroad near Patteneon, -
N. J. The unmet, bestowed In honor of
Etihu Burritt, the • "learned black..
'smith," is about taking pp his residence
'in his native place, New • Britian, (km
necticut, .._
, —A black "impedhnent" bas been dis
covered in Charleston. in the porton of
ono of the Itegistrars.. He was promptly
—General McCadlap has Jost.ranted
his house fbr another year -in Presdos,
and' astensi his - ohne= ALSelooltheso
for 1867,:68.
• .--.49lstops to pro:pay teloirrsph wilt be
sold t>t Franco on and . after. the tint of
Jannary,'lSSS. Not tibad exa mple that
for us to follow. ,
--plfteen gnarl; of ale per day anatoed
to moisten an Engltsh*orkman who re
cently drowned himself In a flt -of de
lirium tremens.. .- • .
In Englandllbeni ht - Sm a ilecrorum
in - the production orbidian' - !:)arn during
the plat len yeani;avtiraging .one bushel
to esen,lnhattltant. ' • • . •
—Piffled*lplrla has: 'onlered lta
imposing and aristocratic thoroughfare—
Broad street—to be pXyed experimentally
wttletliox lilooleorcpsrerneW.-
. .
DelaWaro man, who some years
cut up and roasted allegro, taldng
.the right hand home With hint= a tropy,
recently committed
'•;Tile . cotton eiteiptltars emit an odor
as of fresh honey, end =lf • destioy a
forty acre 'field ill lierentyLibiar•
the worms, not the atrial.
tikes two hour to wind rip the
English Parliament Clock. Tho dialsare
twenty-two feet diameter, and the
hour bell weighs fifteen tona...
-LA: men minraing- to "be the Son of
Gad, and predicting-that PrealdentJohn.
eon, bad only forty-fight hours to live,
wee arrested last week In Washington.
. — The Belgian Adorn= are so proud of
too badges given them by , tho,reception
oomniluse, that they have petitioned the
Engin have it considered a decoration.
—A Chicago Inicheloi;'wlici
boircling house, wants to know-"how
' kissing and bogging at the .fable may be
prevented" among recently married peo
—.lke cubist *tithe Backings Bank,
Howell, Mich., abeeronded the otherday,
leaving the bank 'funds minus $10,000,-
Bo 1e put, eightun.years old, and very
_Tv. Legislature of Tennessee will
meet in oMober, and the first important
duty will be to make choice of a senator
to represent that State In place of Judo
7 —The Lcgialatnr ?t . lowa
this winter, yrill elect a United Stara;
Sanshar,L to. snowed the Flan. J. W.
Grimes. bfr. Grimes le not to be a can
didate for -re-election.
—it newspaper moralist thinks the
fashionable p aro "fic
sources of Moe and c rime . Perh apsno;
certainly the Springs at Saratoga have
.cat sod a good deal ofPurgelb ,
—The Queen of England has over two
millions In gold; the Emperor of Franco
three millintun the .Qttairt of-Spain two
"mil ions mad aquarter; the.'.Guar,af,;Ea
Iles s-
Ida rs millions. Writy,ilaady J ohn
eon only twonty-fiv• thousand dollars.
But some alleles am dear st tto7 Prite.
Republican Stat. Conventicler—Speech
o Reary - beilaon—Sial• Oineer•
naininated-Tlie Teropercac• quer
Wosesenta; Slam, September 11.—The
liapubllcen State Convention assembled to-
day: Reery Wilson me elected President
La made a brief epecen, tlenounelng John
eon, an speaking eloquently of Stanton,
pail , Sickles and others who hue bean
aubJec to Executive vengeance or Inter.
Goy. unos wu then renominated,
with th Ithe present State O.
CO= at ollniOrt took phlCa on the
. .
Honor y24,3%1014 when t report wee •nePted
that It was inerpedlent to take action
either way on ant _Temperenee law . quee-'
• A mitt,. on Resolutions reported ' , a
aerie. whtch ',Ole adopted. One denimes
that prohleitine never having beer, made
• part or the policy of the Republican par
ty, it should not be taken up and consider
ed at Ude time. ,
Another condimne the President's ootise.
and pledgedsupport to Conroe,. evert to
the extent or his removal from office.
Terre Ilause,./Ilser end SI. Letsl.lllllll.
• genet Cataloged mere—Pebmelloglcall
C 4 Telegraph to Oro riti..bargh dasette.l
X.Trha September 11.—The lemma of
the Terre Matte, Alton and St. Lords Rail
road rutted lesioareday, toot fOrmal pow
session of the reed, and gloated the old oat
oars of the company for the ensuing year.
eirrealeeere BULBS.* represented in ,t he
Pornologloal Coaroution now sitting here.
NO brininess was Cm:meted today. other
than the. daticery Of. welcoming addresses
b . y Roily T,. Medd, of the /11120.01 Stets
laortionttnrai 1001017, and Mr. Spaulding,
the latter addresslng the grope growers es.
'rectally. .oearthreehtindred were present.
One of the features or. the exhibition of
Irma's some rears from a tree. In Dativere
Ilassechtestts. whirl was planted by John
Endicott, the Ant Clorentor of the Colony
• of ilassachusetts lay. The• tree Is ntp•
posed to hats bsen pleated • short. time
subsequently to the artlyab•of tiov. Rau
sett la MS. •
The fifth anuosl Coosa:Mon of the Xs
tlousl Telartaphls talon sass Lore to-day.
Uslsicates representing practical telegraph.
ors are pressoc from all parts of thercoon•
tr 7.
Iltavages am CorpusClifloll and Iils;11.
vootoo—Dosith of Um rrisidoat of
tie !toward Losoelnaloo—Nproodlog
to Interior Town..
The heehaws et Tiovtiages.
ler Wear, Septerriber IL—The steamer
Stateldeee &retinal Vote lon Jefferson, Tor
thee. Dr. Cormlek has k letter meting
that Mn. Stone, oommendent, and Meath.
Orr and Romer, end en the Wears ot ate
rort are down with yellow fever, as wall aa
marmot the omantand and pdarmers. Dr .
Sada, lost Sonoma,. died on the MA mat.
Ws. 513111111 s berAr. nedletdes: doctors
- .
=6 nurses are asked kn.. roe' Xatableas
will Wars at once for Tortugas • Ilb all pt.
villa- 'Satsuma*. - •Tbs yaUmr • larar—bas
aonewhat abated bars. •
Brateciereth, Mau., September
grand teternattonel four-esr al rowing
match, between the Want brothers, or New
berg, and the St. John., New Bromwich.
sreirotanne In the preeenoe of en
hamense .aireenthise• trowa•••ri part of
'the Vetted States and the Britten iv:relents.
The Bt. Johns craw having tne Melds et
three 'Menthe - pan fear o'clock In the Mier.
noon .the mordent given tog telr and equal
send MY The Wanda were the aninkinti in
getting to work, drew rapidly ahead. and
ae they passed th e one mile stake nut tea
todashead.. They • turned the bent st•ke•
tont three miles, forty ...cond. ahead, le•
creased their lout ell the way home, and
name in wlnnere of the race by one minute
ant forty•eteht escroada. The winning time
Inte thirty-nine minutes and tlrenip<4ol
seconds; that of tho'bt. Johns forty-one
minutes and siil.6oa unmade.
Saolona Mot as Palma Loot Zoltwan.
Soldier. and 41111zoaf—Ware, JILVIre
ab• Lat. Blot..
City Telegraph to the Materna Gazette.)
Qcsasc,. September IL —A larteua riot.
originating In a hens•Of m Mee, oeterryl
at Point, Lea I, on Mendel night, between
the 'Military and Melliass. The soldier.
atteeked two houses,
yinniiiegthe thriniss
io and destrong farnittire.
A mber orcirlllana we r e badly hurt. A
Yr. Talbsalt, of Point Levi. la sot expected
to live. Two Welts, R. reported allied
sad another mottailYwounded. Th e eat.
ears artist regiment ineneene4 In resuming
Yarn/gat, VAxce McGee
Penile:me an garnets letter today, ost the
Issoraltd.eleetlas riots, and calls ror
Saaoeagametandpromoc Justice to be lm•
woad upon the ringleeder. Re irsotodine
mob limit, so stoldemly developed. to rent
anlem,trat considers the riotlenald aoi have
ocearred bad not the dais eszoptome Sound
apologists. . '
Arrival Of Usti, 11111414 as Leorma
wortk—/LIE. Is Mtn Esti..mastloamy
' (17 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasetta.i
Laavanwoarie, Sept- hi.-Gen. Sheridan
al - rived here at Mae detach thin morning,
wicOrted bps. Committee of old soldiera
and ettizerus,.who Met him at the State line,
►moeg them Meyer ilaideman. Gem Ilinnt.
en-tiov. Carney, Vol. Moonlight, and other
prominent gentlemen. A salute was fired
on the arrival of the train, and a large non.
ammo of citizens removed the General with
loud cheers. Arriving at the Planter'.
limss, , where .. large: multitsule of people
nad - sesemblerl, the General appeared on
the balcony end in brief speech returned
then's.. for the hearty welcome received. -
After partatingof refreshments the General
and- patty. OrooMded to Fort Leavenworth.
♦ torneltilit proceselon, a formal welscome,
and banquet, were to have been glean to
the General Weight. but he detained the
ispalblkon Staub C.aveatioe—Meas
assiens—raymiust orSatlroul !bud
OPP.M.a• .
City Talegraelt to the SlttabOrib Gamow.]
eV, ran, Xi.? Septilabar 11.:-Tlie
publican State conveution today nowt-
anted 17-Z..Marhall ior thirrernor, ft. IL
Artnetrong for Lieutenant Governer, Col.
.Itoirercfor Secretary of State, EMU. Munch
for Treseurer, and E. E. Cornell for Attor
ney General. All the nominations were
made nuanimone.
Resolution. og the meal Itepubtlean ober.
setae Were mused; tmandom one opposing
payment of. htlnemota Itautoad Donde
by the btatet. •
MI Telegraph to tee Plitsbersa Oesetimi
Yitereal. WIC. September 11.—The Dem.
°matte State Convention today nominated
J. J. Tallmadso for Governor, U. L. Parts
for ',teatime= Governor. Emil Rothe for
Saireterlot Mate, Vretberby for At.
torney (Amend, Ole Rey for Trleon Corn
oilsairmer, Peter Romer Pontinn Lam . Mr
Ttearerer,l. G. Draper for Vorierlntendeet
of Penile inaltutione, and it. J. Harvey for
Beak Comptroller.
pros:toe of the Pais* Onseselesioners
~.smeereatlorts . Loaned, •
gay Telenre Ito rittebirthilamtte4
ewe. Ctrs, September 11.—The •Indlan
OommteMon manna Sere to-dry, all well.
Camelia "rare held with all the Mamma
Wide ow ler ae Fort Sally.. Indian Reim
TatiOnswere located on Big Cheyenne river,
and AS the mopta at tne IttObrant. .The
ttotosabolon wilt leave - at. Otloo for Omaha,
from tbenoe to Sort Lltranne, to Mali hoe-
c stem of Stood ralbraa,
(Iv Telagrasakto the Pluaeureh Semite.)
Bonier" September 11.—The Ahmed
ContenUou of the Greer of laced Scalene
met thismonains Delemdfous are la at
teadinee from Now York, Peeneylverae,
New „Taney, Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky,
Maryld end. the /Marfa o tloase
°swa an mi eSpastedte-olght, The f
that Klagare to-teorrow. The election
of eMeore willprobehly take pleat) On Frt.
Heavy atoms at aa•• aa stals—Densage
wad Lessee Idle by Llallitaiiirff.
tSy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossetic]
Behtember 11.—.5. heavy resa
stern prevaihtdallday.
_Oa. house was
Mask by ughtnings esdly daboir... 4
Yrs. C. Roche killed. The tract o the At
lantic and Niagara Ealtroad• wet washed
away near the depot. Traysl Is not inter.
Tte• 'tate role at • orrielawa—ll air
LB/TGerease to toe nun:mete Gannet,'
arommurrows Pe., September IC—The
ffesto Intereademu State felr opened trraer:
=Pt SMPMY of tort and Implements as-
Peed lutythtes star erluteseed In this *MP
MM. Itirty %rutting MTN, entered.
FOURTH' P.l.6B.—Thdf 4led and rno« ..
ba Money, ou and "Kau. manta ICM.t.
given by any paper ns 014 eV, sail/ bafoond
on our ^lot% Pogo.
Ottoman& or the Clue—O Tray or Coon•
siel—The' loillotilmot—The Eric:Waco
No Aroonlionil roe the Illeronoe—Aury
Shortly after elateab.elock. on Wednes
day,- the case of the Commonwealth vs.
Daniel of the' Dl.patch, 'lris taken
up fa the Court of Quarter session, before
dodge Sto ne. Toe aniortneemont that this
noted ease would be talc= up attrooted to
the Court room a latie nurnber of sports•
tore, among whom weft Malay rePremete
ttresof the Pres. of Mb; city, •
A brief resume of tha dotalls of the woe
may be htternottog. in Abrillest, It will be
Jaws D. a con.
motor, .of the .Beoond ward of this atty.
died In too Court of 'Common fleas it petl•
Coo fora 11,0000 from his was, an, the
ground of adultery with Daniel O'Aalll—
brotheMa•law of the yetitloner;by a mar-
Cage to Ireland with hie slater. ♦ day or
two before the. commencement of the Bolt
for 411 - 0000, Denlol wavmarried to
a young lady of Allegheny city, sod
NI the d4y the petition was Died was absent
from the city on a wedding tour. Tim ap.
intention for divorce was published, with
the current news of the day, in the various
city pavers, • and this publicity , Induced
Daniel CPNeIII, then in New Tort city, to
send home a lengthy illttemeat of atadapit,
for publication In the Dispatch. It contain.
a ilemlai.of the charge against him of
booing had criminal: intercourse with the
wife of J. h. (PNelll, his
purported to sine an amount of the rela
tions which had exhited between him
sad J. it. O'Neill and wife. The stale
meet, which is • claimed 'to be utterly
false and Mations, was sworn to before a
Notary Public. Immediately atter its pub.
Ileallou 3:13. tPNetli - lustituted a criminal
proetion against th welter for libel : and
the Gr wic .ndJ.T3'. at the June teriaiTettlliel
• tn. bilL • The case was put oter Until
the preempt great and its disposal will In
the source o relief to the parties to.
Aas...V or corium..
The following eottneet were enecured In
the case: - the I:rosimenton, Marshall
Swart t weld or, Rohr- M. Gibson (of Washteg•
ten county, and W. D. Moore, Esq_at for the
nerenee, yt. Biddle Hobert!, A. M. Brown,
John M. Klrapatrlck and W. C. 'Moreland,
Cage._ _ '
coats OPSOOO-7111112131023.11.1 ,
•e Jury eras obtained after oculaiderablo
chem./pug. and at bloat twelve o'clock
Mr. Moore opened the cam to the Jam no
first read the indictment, of widen the fol.
lowing IS anailetract I
That before the printing and publishing
01 the defamatory and malicious libel here
after mentioned, tO ertt 'Aprli .1110, 1541
Jame. B. O'Neill had made nutlet 00th and
Ned his libel end complaint for divorce
from his wife ,dihn Mary Ann O'Neill In the
Court of Coon Pleas, wherein. ,
Other things, the esl4 B. O'Neill charged.
and cchilaed that Ms-Said wife Mart*
Ann O'Nepillitt 11.4 commltted th e crlnie of
adultery with one Model O'Neill, on ter
tain days and Wore therein specified
and. set forth. The (Irani rand MY fnr
ther present that Mostel O'Neill. printer,
on the :oh of April, ISO, well knowing the
premises, but deTiner sod IntendiMr
menace and defame On aald James H.
O'Neill, and to Injure slid luminaire hint le
the minds ot the good people of the Gaul
-1120.1•••1111. and to sow It 14 bo bettered
that the raid James 11. O'Neill Mid hew I
guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury In the
matter of his bald ittrel and complaint far
divorce trout his wife, and thereby to pre.
vent the dna administrauon of Justice and
to depart the ealdJames O'Neill of the
beitelltOf itepart,ind investigation Of and
concerning the truth of the Chug., of adttl.
wry against kW •11e011.1 wilfullyand me
linonaly print and publish, and did cease
504 procure to be printed sad published a
certain scandalous, mallblobs, and cleteMa.
tart 111.1ei of .1 concerning the salt) James
11. O'Neill, end of nod deneertarle the said
°barge at adultery, erniali 0014 realitielacts
1114 cciallcieus Mei was Lea le contained,
among Other Stange, the fele., SeeedelOUft;
detataalemy elut libellee' words and, matter
follo►lnq,ot the said Junes 11. O'Neill, snit
Leoshame ot adeltery "As 1 (meaning
y the said liardel . O'Nelll, priater,l
Sznprobablythe person referred to (thereby
meaning and intending to repon the libel
and application for divorce to as eforeeald
made by the said James h. O'Neill) 1 take
the earlimt 'sPoortunlty to declare that
there le not oven the eltadow of foundation
for Ms eamplalut, ao lar a. I am tainturnat,
sad to pronottoc• his automata Win:city
mitaning and Intending the statement and
rarge ailikK ery Iltarsalel James D.
'IIEII, atiort4 nyder oath amines ba aald
ife, Mary AIM tstitalll, In hie LIM rtual
Uhl applhnatoss for divorce) a falochomi Co
nialtinani. rocions and Improbable Is It.
character, that noon• save a lunatic. or •
moundrel, double dyad in could
bare Cho temorlty to utter st,"
(thereby meaning and Intending that
Its, the aid •1110011 Lt. O'Neill.
WWl*. ratty of +Ural and corrupt par
,lory in Ms said comp And laint aildln ansofter libel Mr
vOreti as aforesaid.) part
cheroot. to tho tenor follow that is to
sty, ( meanlnk the .1.11 Jame. 11.
an ) knew and must know that I.l3.raya
hail aver.lon to Iter,lthereby =caning
and intentilnk tho sail Mary Ara. O'Neal).
wife of tho said Jame. 11,W:ion)) for
made an concealment of ht, sad whit It coo
be than of the meet bebetsh mallet be
.. •
complete accretion of Wad that prompts
him (theruny meening toe said Jima. It.
('Neill) to make: Mb <Marge seams: mu
(thereby asanthe the chute of ado/ Wel itY
the said Jame. 13. O'Neill against his said
wife, In his libel and complaint in divorce
atorniatil) new, Is somethind I cannot nis.
demand." And in another part thereof
to the tenor following, that is to sky, "I wil l'
here mention emotion tact to chow that the
wretch (thereby meaning mid intending .
the mid maw Wrythill) cannot and does
not hen ere the o which he subscrthem,
(thereby maiming and intending the libel
and ern/that/on lor divorce. to uafutataid
mule under oath by bins the said James
O'Neill.) And In another part thereof, to
the tenor following, that is to mar "When
the plaint which the applicatiOn-referred
to by the Leader (thereby meaning and in.
!annum the libel and en/dinetten for di
vorce of the aald Jame* B. O'Neil/ made es
aloremidd)ia thlsthe offmpring, was hatched,
I cannot say, but from some I wt. 001210.1131•
mated tome by arriced.lshotild infer Lima It
has been for some time under consideratina,
and as easelnily prepared as the dimes
eater. of the material of wblbh It is built
ill permit.. TO the greet damage of him
sath James /I. Otheill, contrary to the
feria of the act of tne General Aasloribly
conic case made and provided , and against
the peace and dignity of QS (Aaloonwealth
of I ennsylywina
. Attached to the information In Una case
Ie tb e iileget. libellous &Mite, ea published
In the Laaptdea, headed. The
Divorce Case—Sworn Statement by 1).
O'Neill—Card to the Penne." dated •41t.
Wiebedu Hotel. New York. Aprll ISSI."
alined .1). 0./.lelll and .swom to before
me thls ral day of •prll, A. D., IBM W.L.
Yost. Notary Public.. NeW Tmk Clty . and
Mr. Moore next mad tho soolloo of the
. . .
Vow.l Code ostler watola mdlotmoot
was framed... follow.:
"eta. IL If any • person shalt write,
Print, publish, or exhibit any manatees or
defamatory libel, tending elther to blaeken
the memory of one who le dead, or too rep
citation of one who le alive, and thereby
exposing him to Wale hatred, contemn
ridicule, shall -be entity of nuiedemeseoe,
and on °Deviator', be sentenced to pay a
One not exceeding one tbouesad dollars, or
undergo an imprisonment not szcooolng
twelve moat., or bOth, Or either, at MO One.
'oration of the COlart."
Mr. Moore said In conclusion that the
Jury were called upon to determine, Inn,
another tbare was • pabllOstion, as Mlatled,
and second, If there was I. publication,
whether it arse xlheliaoa •.The truth or fele.
By of t h e alleged libellous matter. could
not betaken into uonsiderstion under the
A. Mrst, the first witnees called. twi
lled that on April titth, he purchased a copy
of the Dlspareh, at the Diipaels office. from
e boy. Yager produced colatalning the
"sworn statement by D. O'Neill." The wet
pess stated on arose.exaseination that he
urchased the paper at the request of J. 11.
0 , 2re111, the prosecutor.
4.W. Reek, was called.
Mr. Roberts, for the deresso, suggested
that Metalling of Intuesees to prove pub.
licattou wee unnecessary. They would
mit the publication. ,
Mr. nwartswelder—Do you admit that
Dental °Mehl wrote the articlet
. . . _ .
e Rober adm its,t ' (after oonsultation)—Of
cours we that.
Mr. liwartswelder then promised to offer
the newspaper In evidence. wh such
Meru of the erticle referred it to as were
charged in the indictment ne Ilbellom.
Mr. Roberts objected. Theroseention
had emu At to plok out of a lo ca ng article
'mob portions no they Warned to be libel,
love, instead of setting forth the whole ar.
title comictly. as they ahead have done.
Judge Stowe sale teat If the °Neat=
urged was sustulued •
matter in e angle page of a volume could
not be made the .abject of indictment on
ions the whole volume was set outs The ob.
jection wail overruled .and the • paper ad;
ratted for the purpose stated. - •
Mr. Swartewelder protean./ to mark the
alleged libellous port/rm. of the article, but
w ere r eeding them he Offered m evidence
the - petition or libel filed by Jame. U. I
oiweni. the prolocutor, m the Common
Pleasjor a divorce from his wife.'
at. uobeeta objected. Although the pro ,
wont ion bad been al/owed to offer garbled
entracte from the article, before reading
thethe ,there proposed to offer a paper not 1.0.
levant to the cam .
Thel obJactlon WWI overruled, and th ey.-
per admitted, bet simply to show the feat
that an application for divorce was pendlnw
between the prosneutdr and his tetra. /t
was admitted as a Court retard.
Mr. Bwatr.welder then read from the artl.
ole the - Lamake the portions let forth In
the indletreent.
jowls?. B.ihreinzon. toing caned. w e nd ed.
L o a , the portions referred to. stun
be undenitood r .t...t0 J. ft. °Trani
this understas ng &rove from a perusal of
the 'theta anis
wffi Y. Hartsell was sworn, sad after
rending noukod portione of the article In
the Dtheeice, sad ho understood them to
refer. to J.ll. O'Neill, but formed this
premien teem haring pm - lowly cool the
whole article.
Tha COmmOnwsattiliere rested their Mae.
Mi. Brown asked that the evidenee of the, Masers. Robinson and thirteen.
bo exclued, for the reaeon thakthey hart
testited to their understanding Prom the
whole article, which had net been °Cared
and wee not in the case. •
Tbt. request, alter , brief argninent, wag
granted. ' ••
raolecirrion Reesman.
The prOseonttorl Um liked that tha ease
for the _prosecution be rooPabad to Order
tc 01.., the teaumaay excluded to be pre
noted la 1140002 Inky. TIM was Itrint.a.
Mr. Sarartssrelder proposed to offer the
suntepi4Xollll'l4{Mtel or Up Purpom) of
.bowleg thatih the pertiona of the article
net forth In the Indictment reforms° waa
internal to J.ll O'Neill. •
The defense objected. bet after some IC.
—^,ll, the Conn admitted whole sad
0.; -r •rcho -nose intended, the defenee to
?e :.,.. 4 7 utege k.Vf. b 1 be _
taken of the' offering of the
dime°. Under tide rating the teitlee:- " ..
excluded wax new edellitted.
Mr. Swan:welder then read the state
scent of the defendant, as published In the
I, ‘Wcunh, theinry. ater which the Prose
enuon easily rested their ease.. -
NO 01110111. '
After a rather. lengthened , coneultation,
Mr. II len meted they had a defense. and
Pref. ed to the °peeling counsel. to good
halls, o prote the troth Crt the allegation s
allege to be !Mello:Is.
Mr. wart...lda said tie had nO reply to
m .rul e ;Wa h e C e P e r k c l P XCll °' : proposition had
been nos In the eae C fu the Common
frealti vs. Kennedy, and rejected. Al.
thong the couneel might eons.; and tee
att., tbe made to prove the troth of the
Winged libel, still the Cohrt, lathe perform
.. of Ile duty, mould be compelled to
lroareet the jury to disregard such dittensen.
Counsel tot the defense did not deist. to
matte any argument to the jury, and were
..tilLog to submit the oat, under the charge
of the Court.
aslikaiS irOn Sal enoseatrloa.
Mr. Awartstwelder mule a brief speech
to the Jury, detailing connectedly the Mots
pertaining to the case. I. B. O'Neill, the
preset °tor. had tiled a petition fora divorce
from , setting forth the geotind te
hewith the defendant, Dante'
O'Neill. This he hod an undoubted right to
, iotindeal Miene hie lemmilan duty so to da,
If he believed the facts: By deltic this he
bad made no assault on the rietendarit. But
the nowspailets had patillshea the feet of
the filing of the petitiOn. the defendant at
the time being to New Tort, Where he eta.
ted he, first learned of the charge aghast
him; but in regard to the troth of this, Mr.
h. said he would leave It to the defendant
himself to say now. Yet *shad se sworn.
Defends at went On further Wray, that if
the prosecutor's wife, it, (the
presbncru and also that'
of the proeecutor's counsel, would ark-nowt
edge the truth of the statement In the peti
tion for ;Brom., he would acknowledge
himself the veriest ecoundrel alive, which
Blr.B. behaved him to be. Mr. 8. sold he
would leave to thei apposing counsel to gay
whether the defendant had availed himself
of the opportunity offered to hear toe state,
Merit Of - defendant's wife in the preeenc•
of counsel,
(sir. Brown intetrtipted the rims er, ohm-
Planing to the Court that he wag referring
to Matters onpersonal knottledge, all
whirl, wen not in the ease.)
Me. 8. said that of the libellous haters of
the article Written by the deliMdatit, there
Could be no question; that It RA.II nWelous
gas equally apparent—lt was as full of gan
rene as the author's body. True or faint,
the article was libellous, It • mail of
a nature that tended to a replete of
the peace, for Ind the defendant fallen into
Other hands than those of the prosecutor,
redress What have hems taken mit -of Me
hide. or by the taking of his life, for like
Judge atone charged the jury briefly and
impartlally. His Honor held, •Ithough
without any precedent to guide Mm, that a
party bed a. right to defend -Meiself.con
cerningrt proceeding in Court. There could
be no guostion that esteem peblicationir of
proceedings were likely to Mt Injury,
1d where • part saw auto defend
himse l f. denylug allegations, Or jtts
tgrlngeon't's=tke. he and " Vl
nicationS were to be considered ea privis
lodged; prOvided the petty did not go be.
hoed what migbt he resented its necesare
for his jusUlleetion or defense, he tut wnr
rarttably nocnalnif others. as le that eneet
he wee Ilene to inetetment, the ptenent
case, the jury. before they could convict,
mutt better& • that the defendant
I intended to amuse the prosecutor
of perjury In reletion to • proceeding ha
Court els. the application fora dlvorce
Irene hie wife-
The jury retired a 11111 a tWore three
o'clock, and had not agreed at WPM.-
relenotiery Covetampsloo,
Properly waking, and es It ...geed/Ally
understood, is a disease Of the sulatanoe of,
the lung., utd may either be In &latent Or
developed etet,..latonts when 'there ere
tiberelm in the lungs which have not lo
yet taken eapporatlve stolen, when there
Is no. nr very little, bough, and no epittlng
of matter of pne. In feet, matter will not
be raised until the tubercle beoomeit
damed, break'', and then the promote of rep.
potation goee et, and you have consump• I
lion Ina developed elate, or, to Other Word..
-true nulmonary bensiiseption conenrep
blot of the Mega there met be Clues. of
either the trachea, bronchm, larynx or
pharynx. lewhldh. Ibsen Organs throw
asexcesalve: Oneartliy. ,of mucous
pus Or starch Ilke substance, Ind
it is to this form of the diem.
eters named that the term consurep..
tiou has bee. riven- it has beau called
brourniel comumptlon, or Merida when
the bronchia alone effected, line _ it Ilke
wire is named trecbeal, or pa r ngetu eon•
retention, when the trachee or larynx are
erected. go mach for the descrlPtlna• Now
forth. owe. Each and every un• of thee, are curable, when taken In the
early stages—as curable as any other die
*Lees, and es fetal as any other, when al
lowed to roe for a long time, without a
rernedrt bet / am not sure that theyare
mom total than meet ether dtrodutes, when
merle other 41.1Cest• are allo•ed to take
their coerce. 1 have cored most of there
(mama hundreds of times, by my PECTO
RAL, Kraig", without any other remedy.
Ilundred• of !lying witnesses. In and
.round rittahurgh, hare s pree their':
taattnvany to the fact, and among them
an booze or the mutt reepoOtable
name, who It 1. not Itkely could be
1 2002 LI U ht. A E I . % =to I.
i t;
merely. lets more. Lt is a beating. sooth.
1.1, Meg mene; Infallible in the early
alarm and often coring in advanced stages
of fuer maladies. di have 61.440 hand rued
It in my Warier. tut • more than twenty
peers, end 1 have yet to dleCOrar a remedy
anderrlor to 11, 1n the early aligns of long
end broncbtal di•ease. In istlyettred eagle,
like everything else, it •Ornatintea fella in
weakened and
states of the
system, do not troll to Poore:ex Erect,
or any single comedy. I then try in meet
the conditions present; and If there be
•Iger of cortetitotlon enough MN/ hay.
confidence to believe will
I d ter
m. ebat Is meetly deemed an Incurable
disease, Hold at Ito arrexi armlet. DEL illy
bran ortiiiii fUlt /1.2..1.)L121-
AT/Cilfe, .11. PENN' ISTREET.
WO have hitherto at some length directed
the attention of our rell4lllll to the adalte,
anon practiced by nnscrepalous spice deal
ers and inthufthtuntra Wo.medo several
honorable roteeptione, and to-day will db.
root Attention to the pure articles which
are pm' up by the Hope Spicaktill, of this
city. which am Mix in •nocetend operation
under the Ownership of Messrs. Rinehart
sad Steve.. The peat objector the dim In
to supply the trade with nail pore sPircs,
so that the high reputation they Mini made
will remain untarulehed. - The mills are
t tllffeiV.7.ll°.;% d l:Wtl:lre It t r' l l 77at
coloring the building, which has been fitted
up expressly . a epic° min, your attention
1. at drat attracted by the cOmPl•Melevittlag
aPnaratus. which it contains, by num. of
which corn , spice or other articles can be
placed on the linit fioOr; transported to any
quarter of the building, and then, if re
quired, replaced. In the autest spot wheals
they were remered. There is, also, one of
the meet complete and effmtivocorn shal
lots we have ever seen, mad an - 110Parat011
for grinding corn and e n the bran.
The quality of the corn meal mom Aids
establishment has been...lranian) pro.
nounced unsurpassed, as a patent fan imp.
Mt., every particle of ahadffrom thee:nisi,
The machinery of the Instate lon Is arisen
by a dater Engl., of 13 Intl cylinder sad'
33 tech strolre,.. girl. g moot male power.
Theyhave likewise three let end. mast.
Ars, which have facilities fo wasting sev
ontynve bogs of oaten daily. The massive
sta. which grinds the corn 11l make one
hundred bushels of firet-cls meal every
day. Thu pepper, ginger, on stard and cin
namon mill., are each of tar capacity and
of a euperior deecription. The packing
iOachinds wilt put up I,n/0 pa keg. aspic.
per hour, clean and neat. T arm here all
kinds of spices, both whole and groutul, put
up lir neck.. ranging from 34 or. to 10 IN.,
which the public , may - rely ,upon es being
absolutely pure, no partial, of poisonous
matter being Introduced intb the spice, by
this home., We bespeak for the Rope Hills
a large Share of public patronage, and 0010..
mend the proprietor, to onr readens m lair
dealing and honorable business gentlemen.
else Charlotte Thomnpon,
The Operas Mom, which now baste of •
stock company equal to any othygorm dea
fen., is drawing fall houses, and the enter.
tainment .Mired Is of a high;order: bilis
Oharlott•Thompsoi, whets here, as well an
everywhere else, e. groat lfavorite with the
levers of the drama, has met with fell ea-
VI/Oreg.:mut during her engagement, which
le rapidly drawls!: to a Mee. dthe th e
flower of the histrlonio Pro/amine , aric
wßhin heraelf are More charins than belong
toanyother actress on thenmerican board..
Rare entire talents, which here been fully
developed by clues study and training, a
keen Neese of delleaen
sunmalesty, and a charming way of cam .
Mg audiences, sympathy wilt the char
acter the Itopereonatee, are the gins whims
lend such an attraetion to 311saThompeon.s
name. Last eveeing the appeared to mach
ealvantage in "Little Barefoot,"and to
night oho will impersonate Neill O'Connor,
le the neat and beautiful play of the "Irish
Heiress." Let no lever of the lenitimets
drama fall to attend the Opera UOllllO the
few remaining nights of bliss Charlotte
Tecrapson's engage
Tile Rally'
• grand mu' meting °Me Italinbliaans
wtl oe bald tonight as the •Alollo•il•Oela
Room agnate, an Utahled Street. Cot.
/Ousel Errett, lion. Thomu i. Marshall.
Hon. F. it. rennlinite, 6an. T. B. Collier,
11. C. Macirrell, Eat. end. Other able rpealr.
ere will to in attendance to addreas the
meeting. A. brut ban awl! dieter:fee unto
e• interval", sad the IrrlllyrOMMltal ime/2
as to enable ne to prooliae • emi, old hut,.
toned end enthusiastic gathering. ut.,,,,,,
devabliten attend, eu3,l aig pre ...WA
help on the came of Mlle= and drreft.
Ale elect corps of singer., under the di-
Hatton oi,Professor W. A. "Lawton, will
gives. of their highly. PoPelar conoluu
this 0V612/13X. et the Pint trktii.essall,t
Chrugh, corner of Third and "Arent tirade.
for the benefit of the school connected with
that church. Oneof Tetra celebrated 'Ab
lest Organs, together With • One Schumer
ker Piano bare rem ordered expreaely for
this emote.. and .rin he geed kW Snit
time taisOtTow Wed.
The. Geld/deb Illemicide—Terdlet of
The Joey-The Defendant Acenisted
end Diseaergen.
The Court having assembled at nine
o'clock Wedneeday, Judge Stowe dellsfered
hti.harge in the Goldrich homicide cue.'
::...74.f. Ile first referred to
reported Yee
vrmt guilt by cir
cumstantial evidmace, and next r. ll .rnd
the evidence adduced in the cage, partied
laxly that in relation to the relative pota
tion of the prisoner end the deceased at
the time of the firing of the fetal shot. His
Honor said the facts were for the Jury, end
he Would submit the cue without expres
sing any opinion. The law of homicide. as
applicable, was very clearly set forth. It
was the duty of the Merl. mid fin lionor,
not to actinic on 1100; and unsubstantial
rounds, het `
acquittinga time they would
be Justified In the delemdant. If
not folly satisdeu of his unlit.
The Jury retired at half-put nine o'clock.
and returned about one, for the inteposse of
having the Court read to them the evidence
ofJamu Idanliall. about which' there was
'tome difference of opinion.,
TbeJ ory again retired, and at a few min.
Mee before three o'clock. returned with a
verdict of "not grillty." The prisoner. Y.
r.wasthendUctarged by proela.
George horfrou, of alifElin towns-hie...a
Mandell for melting liquor to minors. /L
was testified that the defendant had a 010
'r le on ornear his premises an the Fourth
of July tut, at which km tarnished liquor
(lager beer.) to George Carnet, Ju.Boyer,
and John Stove, boy. under eighteen years
of age. The defense was that the 14[10r
wee gold without iloffman's knowledge and
against Itis consent Sod express commands,
and that ender the law, in Order to make
out the onus, it meat be shown that the
defendant bad knowledge of what is chug
el. or wilfully fishod the liquor to the
bois in disregard arn of the . law. The jury
found a ver.//et of guilty, and the defend
ant was Pat a fine of 'thirty
dollars and the Costs.
A fleanlisetinoas /gory.
The btOisennetiala Reliobifeon, Sam "Not
very long ago, the ycmng and beautiful elf*
of MI6 of our Citizens was called tenser anal
aceandt, leaving her husband disconsolate,
*ad, bereft..., she was buried In the adlseeet
cemetery, and the husband returned to his
dom.:AMA home—ba not to forget the
one. she wag preterit with him by day In
spirit and 1L his dreams at night. One Pe
culiarity of kis dreams, and one that haunt.
edhlm. being, repeated night after night.
waa this, that: the spirit of WS Wife tame to
his bedside and told him that, thd, naderto
Mid not removed front her fade the
adhere vicie of carndin or natikinwhich had
been used weever her face atter death, but
tinder...rowed dawn hercoMin lid 'titbit upon
beri that alisocold nothreathe in her P.M
but wan maroet on account ot the .1111.Pkm.
Ile tried td drive the dream away. bat It
bided with him by night and troubled him
, by day. tie sought the consolations of re
! D e ea d n ;
h h is p h as at o i tp w wkd
h t m nodes.
such mOrtrld fancy. it was the sagest of
his own petition before the Throne of
Crrace,but still the quilt camosnd told anew
the story of her sulfocation. in despair he
sought the undertaker. Mr, Dickey. who
told him Mist the napkin bad not been ro.
moved, no; unnO4 him to rocket the circum
stance, as It could not t,e riey possible an
noy.= us inanlinateelay. While the gen•
tientan frankly aeknowledged this, he could
not avoid the apperitton. and continual
Wens upon his mind began to tell nPOn hie
health. At length he determined to have
the body dleinterrect and visited
cmdertaker for that purpose Here he was
met with the same advice, and Pereenelmn,
and convinced once mere of his folly. an
Daunted mu returned to his home. That
night, more vivid than ever, more terribly
real than before, she came to hie bedside,
and npralded him for his want of alreetion,
and would got leave his until he promised
to removes the elude of all her suffering.
The nest alght,iwith a friend, be repaired
to the Seaton, whcr was prevailed upon to
aocompstiy themiamithere., by the Unlit of
the cold, - ronnanoooo. the body was tilted
from its semen hea;the contr. lid unscrew.
ect, and the - napkin removed .from the face
of the corpse.. That night she Mum to ala
bedside ones more, but for the last time.
Thanking him for his kirinele, elm Preserd
her cold'ilps to his cheek, and tame again
ao more. Render, dna la a croft atom can
you septas the mysteries of Preemie
The rildellet l ea Marder-'
e4.-The Mystery
SM Ilusetr
The heaver Argus says : Its the early part
of last week the Grand Tury,thera to awaken .
in Ms plass; Mend s tree bill •against
Thomas Buret, William Wike, John Stump,
Meath:glen Oordes sea it Parris, far
the marder,orOnlaa Middleton, Who was
killed at the mouth Of Brady's 1100,10 Bea.
re , countY. oo the niebtor the Itch of go
manlier, MM. •
an last Tuesdsy afternoon - they were
brought before the Coors for trial. and as it
to decided to try the pestles separately.
James Ferris only was planed In thboa
and impanneded try Mi s
The prosecution was conducted by T. J.
Liman, the Duaridt attorney, assisted by
Menem:Fetterman and Mee, sad the de
fence was matmeed Messrs. 3. B.
Wilson and 1. B. Ihltdrhette.
Wednesday morning the testimony in
the case began to be taken and
CM not close truth at Isoonten /elder. The
investigation wee a close one, and required
a great deal of paziemse oaths Pe or those
conductive it. after the teetimon rt y
was ell
taken, the eta was submitted without ar-
Cement. Tao Judge charged the jury lo on
address of about ma hour's length, after
which they retired to theme room, and In
about one hetur and a hatVeetteeted a Ver.
dint of guilty.. The - verdict... he
. liege, le gencrally approved by those who
were familiar with the case, sad who fol.
lowed Ste "Mow length aloes." Mr. Ferris
was then discharged_ and set at liberty.
The Other pent/he, to wits Barka WM.,
Stump and Gordon were also disc h arged
en their oma recognimece, Thus ends
other chapter in the Middleton Mender
Cane, end the Dahlia is now la as deep
illtkneell touching the Naltrd•rtno as before.
Attempiledi Assweettallela.
An attempt was made Toelday .eeening
about elev., o'clock, by some unknown
Params, to take the life of Mr. Miller, wbo
resides on Uranthant street, between Robin
son and Carnet. Allegheny. Sir. M. was
crosemg thebt. Clear strut bridge at the
time ebou mentioned, when behold some
tine following him at a Mid Dace. Ile
@oohed to one side to let the person pea.,
but lamed of *amnia strange
struck him, and oontlotedatrikhig at him
until Mr. M. knocked him deem, and ran
away. its returned to the toll honseatthie
end of the bridge and entered It. In tuber%
time afterward the stranger came after
biro and placing one hand Wine% the door,
and the other, In which he held a pletol,
the shoulder of the watchman at tile buldge,
who was emeding In the door, dellherittely
Mod at miller twice, the first shot hassle'
through lien hat, on the right able-of his
head, and the other taking effect in his left
hand, the tell entwine at the palm, sod
passing w ou ld -be the forearm where It lodg
ed. The o ussasin wu permitted
to make his escape,notwithstandintr be
was pointed out loan odleer, who wu pres
ent • few minutes after the 'booths', and
before the stranger bad left the ground.
We did net learn who the °Meer was, but
presume the searntunan at Me bridge could
tall, if any demand to know. Mr. Sillier Is
a river man and nes a wife and several
On Saturday last, says the Titusville
Herold, a boy of about ten years, eon of
key. A. Norman, or Pleasantville, met with
• terrible ambient, which soon after rCsalt.
led in his Smith. Itappears he was standing
near an oil well In process of drilling, and
placing his baud upon the rope of the bull
whoel, his Angers were drawn underneath.
With the other hand he attempted to lift
no the tops to relethe his angers, but the
hand was likewise caught, rind before the
workmen were alarmed and the engine
could bo reversed, the bore neck and breast
tare drawn beneath the rope and over upon
hy wheel. o rushing and etrthitilog him in
the most frightful manner. Ile woe extri
cated en soon an possible, and received eli
Meath', care, but died oo Sunday morning.
liemamption of Wort
The fitsabenylne Herald siss:W • art
glad to learn that the @OlllOO Mal W ill tOon
folly (mama work.' 10 in full
bier: It shwa permanent employment to
about OD laborer and mechasdos of all
elms., and disbars .» to th em on each pap
day an amount of money DO large that Ita
stoppage is sensibly telt throughout the
city. For throe time pest Company
hat been actively engaillel =Pairing their
machinery, works ana buildiage, aria i n
the meantime most of their hands were idle.
—Testerday, the repairs Nang. thdhilently
completed, work wall resumaillitidst largo
part of the force put cot again:
Melola Glenda toad.
iL w ir e 'nasally, et pods, whloh were
idolee front the store of C. A. Laeu,
1,,,.,,,nwt5ta, on the night of the Slit of
)Lsroh last, were found on the filth ultimo,
onnoonled muter the soil soeftbld of Kr.
William Bell, of that ;damn and on the Wilt
another lot of the gooos stolen from the
same store, and some goods stolen Isom the
taller shop of Robert tirant, Us Oneonta's.
were found toirelher near th e coal rdt
worked by Robins - ! Jenkins.. The geode
...rein good order and seemed well eared
The Meatiest Mew Aatee.—We hate
frequently heard Oilman men • end mean
actions; but the • very essence-of all
menstneu was the robbing Of it
aoldlerorho resides at. eharesherata at the
itallroed, Depot, on Federal street, Alletba•
"MOudeY• The soldier bad newt to
this ohy and drew hU pensloh, eteduatint
to Sal, which he ;lisped le hie rooked W ok .
and while waiting at the depot fur the Into.
the Docket book mud many v.v. -both te .
ken. Jrateph Williams, a resident ot listen
stmt. Thud ward, .111e5h0n7.... eft . ..Led
oa sesplolon, hut no eV dance ee adduced
at the hearing to warrant An d w etentloa anti
Elyor Morrison discharged him.
lionr7 Tasee.—The We
and Fitts.
mush pahroad pays to the atate ON s :
ycarly aggregate of silty thousand nollsxs
ht ?Ile way of elate, county, townahlp aad_
a:mac:4*Mo laze*. These are
state.two hundrd miles of tAnalr. la the and
the asscesment is at the tare of three Mills
oa the dollar. The company macs lia re
turn to the litate,and.theaountles predleate
theirs ,twective assessments on that return,
and ao also do the townships and corpora.
- mills= Taylei, saa
one Amaral sad lICTIM rem 010, sow
lino •lth hip oos4n-las JOhs Dolan. In
Bpo300•47W•11WIN Allaaoount7. Ohlo.
. .
On Saturday last Captain William •Con-
way, a well-known readmit of the city, net
with an accident which It is feared may re
cult fatally. Da was on a visit to some
relatives near ObtrlgsVllls, Green. county,
and while engaged in Dieting Poach.s fall
from a blab Gums, injurbighis spine to cock
an extent as to enuaaparini_ysis of tile tipper
sod lowar entrettritless The CaPtsin la •
large, henry Ivan, weighing upwards of two
hundred and thirty.dva worlds, and thu
;:act, In cornice DO= with the distance of his
au, no fence being CI morn than Ordinary
height, wl9 gado:lnt in some roesanre for
the serious nattitir of the injury mumbled.
De wise brought to hIS kW , . in the city, "le .
Pennsylvania avenue, last *Treeing. and Dr.
Donnelly called to sea him, Uti condition
b considered vary aritloal. ..
Tea P•trOnlie Lsrge Storer under'
tee Impression that you get thluss cheaper.
ips to a mistake, as yon will and at No. LIS
Federal street, the following articles as
cheap as at any novae in either city. Spiced
salmon, Pickled Oysters and Orange Mar
malscle, Lobsters. Spiced Oyster., Fresh
Core Oysters. Olive (AL Cross and Mack.
wain famous Pickles and Itustars, Mash
roost and Witinut Caturp, Fresh Pineapples,
Chinese Oinaer Tamarlsels; Sardines,
Franck ktusta.rd, F inest
nest Bortleamc Pruett*,
sauces, Condensed MLk, Astra , '" of Zest,
Chocolatee, aery fine, Cream Bonbons,
Cream Vatidles, Nixed Candies, Fats, ,
at. G. Ilsasse,
11(o.112 Federal leans Allegheny.
To Porton. .tboot to Build, Ot maid.
log.—Wo would draw the attention al oar
readers to the card of D. B. golfer, NO. if
First etreet. who keeps constantly on hand
the very best bridideof Hydranlie Cements,
Calcined Casting Hand ?leader, Enlimiel.
able Whits html, Fire Smell, Tile and Clay
Marble Dust glastering, Haft. Narble and
elate Mao Elea, Drain Pipe, and Chimney
Topa, Ilncanatic Tile, plain and inlaid of
every pattern. Co fa prepared to furnish
any of the thou, ortiolea In lorgo Or small
quantities.. - D. R. Longs,
187 lbat et. , opposlus lionotegatiela NOtme.
111 Eligible Helidfei gate all Asses
tion.—le Oakland torr.htp, (near city linet
on saturdey. September ISM. at I% n'eloa,
Y. M., precisely, on the premise% .111 be
sold one hp dared and eleven farlOns sited
Balding Lot, near the reedevara.of Dr.
Gricrem, Smith and JnO. Dunlap,
gam., on the beatitlfel knoll overlord:lag
PeentrylTanla and Centre avenue% and
within n few suspect the passenger ears on
both those thoroughfares. flee adrallsa
men& of Smithson, Palmer & Co. •
Goal■ as Seasonable • Prlees.-111r.
James Robb, (o. la Market street, out of
the pioneers In the boot tad ahem trade. at
this city. has on hand a lams and fashiona
ble steel of boots,abeeaand Qattara which he
offens tothe public at very reasetuhls prima.
It will to remembered that the userusomt
found here • Is ant from Suter. samba
houses but bat been selected direct Mak
MannfaCturen who deal to such articles aa
will prove ferlrleatbla ►na durattle. Call
in manse far yourselves. ' '
greet Spaniels Sheep riale.-41r. Rob
ert Terrine, the well known sheep raiser,
Patterson'. =ls, VresOlnatcm odonty,
will o ff er at mmHg, Sale at that plerch
Tuesday, September, ITIL tour hundred
Spsalsh Sheep. The stockroom from sprint
Jambe to four year olds. A choice &eine-two
of borb will ho offered at the same time In
lots to smut purchuors. Let none of our
!agricultural readers forget the Mariana
pints of sale, as bargains may be solidi.
- • '
Denterteilve Fire.—Let night, • few
minutes before twelve o'clock, the exten
sive clan Mork. or Adams it Co., In Dlr.
minglianr. were de.troyed by tire. Thelma
will prove quite heavy. We did not learn
whether there was nay Insurance, or how
the Ire origleated. Both the Bre compa
nies of Birmingham were On Land., as were
also several steamer. from this city and
the BON. Bose Company, of Allegheny.
Attempted Italettea—Between lye and
tie o'clock lest cycling, a negro emp loyed
as Fierninies drug more. comer of the DI.
mond,and Market streets, took a Quantity
of laudanum, It is not known where he
got itke drag, as he bad been about
to time before It was dlimyered that be
bad taken It. He was Ina Yap critical Don
=on bite isetotalit.
We eell Dry Gowan both as wholesale
and retail, and ere, as a orowerceess. em
eblod to keep *larger and much better eh
sorted store. toWell cleaner. and ere the
• goodi in more accommodating quantltles
than exclude* jobbing homsa. BAWL mar.
chants are Mrited exemble car stook, -
.1. W. lama Co.,
• na Market street.
Lois I Los. Lola I lola I—A L.ig , g 4 .l
Anctioneer will sell zeklay. Thu:Way,
at 10 oicirrill, twesil Mie Je.h . a • Ea.
cation on the P. F. W. t. C. R. 8., three
relies from town. fazes 50 by LW feet to lsf,
ann. • house of Ere rooms on one lot.
Terms liberal. ' The train at 10 o'clock from
Federal street will reach the sale .la time.
Mid Prorating Seas Water at
WarMl Dreg hetnit hin.)l9 YodelsLehner:
Allegheny. •
Cacao!Mallow Illooticif.—La East Bina-
Inaba., comer of Railroad .d Canon
streets, on Saturday evening, • cormolida
ties meeting wll be held, commencing at
wen o'clock.
Dr. Sterrett baring returned from a
European tour, te prepared to revues Ms
epeelalty—tbe Urentrueue Of the eye and
era. Besidorine, 217 Pena Meet
Sys, Ear, Timm LAWS, Chest IMP
oboes and Catarrh , lbacoesabaly trotted
by Dn'Abors,l3lllMitbleld at bet A book
by moll to cents. six •
'rho u.Lthreesita" published out •eosa-
DILICLICIaIOII yesterday, mini Iseeuously r.-
marked that It was rms. , •
Vold Sparkling Soda Wafer a% J. T.
Samples - Inns atom No. A redaral Moot,
The •llllbmq QV Comma& will meat
llradditloaal Local News Oa
Third Page.
I 17,1=1:1
Joseph /mica, of Nashville, had his
skull brokeawithahammer in the hands
of a negro who attempted to rob him,
about six teen months ago. At that time
the whole top of his skull had to be tak
en off, leaving his brains wi,thont any
covering, except a bat, which he nearly
always wore. Some two months ago be
quarreled with his rival, an old black
man, shoat a pretty mulatto girl. A
night or two after,- Auive entered his
rival's window with an open knife and
attempted to cut his throat, but failed,
and was subsequently' arrested =demo.
milted to jail for trial.
He bad long and beantifed hist k hair
which he permitted to cover his brain,
this causing Ludamation. The Jailor
had the locks cot off and hisliesd shaved,
as the attending pnysiclui had rrescrt.
bed, but not without using considerable
force. Arrica's head was frequently
•washed, which ceremony he invariably
resisted with all the feeble strength that
remained to him, and seemed perfectly
indifferent to the filth which collected'
around the brain.
During the early part of last , week a
physician removed two bones which
were presaing on the unfortunate man's
brain, and, on examination, found mag
gots festering therein. The physician
picked out the loathsome creatures, and
applied camphor to the affected part, for
the purpose of killlng, if possible, those
that might be left. lark& luta absolute
ly become a mere walking' automaton.
He appears to move without any purpose
whatever. The doctor expressed the
opinion Mat if he remained In jail he
would die in ten days. TheJailor rep
resented the prisoner's condition to the
judge who ordered his release. -
A wars. ATTLIWZD meeting of Iriak
servant girls was held last Bundsy
Troy, N. Y. -
.Their object was to pro
test against the appeal made by the
Fenian Congress in Cleveland for more
funds to carry on the war agalnstllreat
Britain to free Ireland. From the reso
lutions passed, we should - say that they
have learned wisdom trim mad exp
ence. The chambermaids resolved as
.1( irst. That they had no interest In
the capture of Canada; and mild not
see how it would benefit Ireland if it wee
amend. That they had given their
canting' for years and nothing came of
It but seamless military campaigns with
out prospective =WAIL
Third. That the money already .paid
was criminally diverted from its par-
Fourth. That they would contribute
no more until snored of arouse.'
The above contains the gist ot the
resolutions. „Coruddezing the elements
assembled, It la wonderful that every
thing passed off harmoniously. It is
proposed at a future meeting to adept in
address in answer to the one to be wit
out by the Fenian Congress now asseas;•
bled in Cleveland. -
A roar[ called the Blue and the Gray,
going the rounds of the rebel ami Con
servative preu, attempts Ito place upon
the same hive, it the memory of Amer
icans North and Booth, the dud traitors
and the murdered Union soldiers. For
is all very well, but suck staff
as this we curet stand. -
”Under the see ud the dew,
Welded for the pthesseet de7:—
Lore Teats
thus 1. the
True and lova An the
It might as well be asked of the widow
ed wife to weep over the grave-of her
husband's assassins as to ask • Union
soldier to have 'leers and
lore for the
the Gray." They are dead. Let them
be forgotten, but do not Walt the "Blue"
with praises for tie "Ow." ' -
wiminialiim Airs ammilaalr.
A. large Wok rinirrvizi on.
DIMS et ratamerlieur mass mailer, laMotai
Wang 11111oet01, IMO Nein Ivy Telogrig.
OA MALL, vassble Brallai Master ie.
Yually. and Mari •i<l moot rettaliCinssa.
.ba gookeralal JUANA Lien. OMNI WI
any Do., I. a.. atty. Ife farmer. XenWhitair
me.muat. rrlQ N 7441.1 i LL•
• • • pug "rummy sisarmi
g5t0maitg.f.........—.... — " "4 1 .°‘
DODO Of li
pat* of
—And ossoono tp p05.. 01 .1[ 011 .1[
70 Additions to *labs ass :4 10 . 4. "
say tbas, at ebtb moo.
TM= TO loascaboom—la ordatlTS 11"!
Ma* b TwO TOO TOTTUY what OdiblOa
tut, as or lonok • ITTObooTTT =On SOr " 1r
. = .11., loving Imt este awl • week. •
Jamaican by Dnlviarpow, Masa OTTTET.:
or to 1401TOulTILition. may b. roas TA WOTAN
• women.;
nThrri:r6oll, rgaa
Amono ran many experiments which
bear upon the Important problem of
cholera, its meartar weevil, Its essential
element of disease, area series of SIM.-
tigations lately made in Methane,
Australis, on the poison of the eyries de
zopsUo. The published 'comet of then
experiments show, how, when a pose*
is bitten by that deadly mate, - mole,
colts of living germinal matter arm
thrown into the blood, peistiffil... l . -
to coils, rapidly multiply, IX • few
boors, at the expense, apparently, of the
oxygen which the blood absorbs during
inspiration, become millions in number.
For it would appear that while the
grfrwth of the vegetable cell requires in
org.,l4l food and the liberation of oar.
gee, that :if the animal cell needs organ=
k food and,
the absorption of Mg",
Both food ind 07111 1 m are foisted be Mas
blood wblth, thus Zleprived •f lea great
1 element of combusthm, 5062 MIMS fa..
feign its functions, and in the patient
there rapidly ensues coldne.'n, sleepiness,
insensibility, alow breathing ' and Moth.
Many of the effects Of tote di. aahaal
poison are apparently allied to the effects
of the choleraic vine, aid What* the
attempts to combat this fearfully rapid
cellular multiplication in the (me cams,
may lead to some auscessitd antidote in '
the o th er, which la more dreadful be
arse MO7ll 01119.15101.
fllTTalegrata to Oa gittabseak gamatl44l
Lotrumtig, alagtonaber I.l.—The alvag fa
falling, wi th two WO Mae blabs* 11l the
110141.11 f—th. klektakt. SO XI
o'clock, Alts. LAMLE m. tdJIB&.I
/rotund firm the mildew,* "..t key basboad.
Janitli B. Moms, USLlwt ty Knot.
Sokatao. at IOU( o'clock. The Meads of
family as. reopoctfally lavltatt to Mead.
-Oa Tassaar s ...gopt., 11114 Itl7. at
/i that 2 Wendt l• NAST *Lem ablld
T. T. arm ordains O. Mg ha. Mina U rola
aad 21 /Of s.
•.12or sus bath gong down whils Itwsl•tdN ' r
- gamma trot the of Um Parlands
la laZtrolgi moot. Aliallmay Tim.daf.
I.2th Last., at 10 o'clock A. Y. Inland' of thal
fanny oral:tatted b aataaa. -
rm. p.m posed from a odd. olnarlaol earth
1,1 4 21 bass:. of Ile Naar cm Num •
aplflt too pars for W.+ 1t or atd and sarrard..
Geode. kind. loving an.: ltg.ottaaata, Inueest.
smileless .sea good. dm has 'load away. 41b
seal guttered for maim mg the odd - nal ag
death was Wag at4za4 on he met Iminr, 611
tamale pram a...Mu hem .0: 4
prate from Igar 1411- ft Was ootadoadial ea earth,
and [,1.204 bolbra the Tinto of GC* la that
pepsin' Of Moroni . , aad taldado or &tars
al... 2 au/ oaranklatts *lusted Ala ...amaa." Of
melt Is Om Klagdon ;if 2200.)
- - - - -
A Lf.IIC. MEILE. mirncreaunai,
yo. 2011 loartli Plirobosila. Pa,
cerium o f el buds: 01ArEll, GLOMS. mod
a.. r ivacc, el Pasant I*n...tad= Goods
0 n .r.i.k.0. goo.. oposol Sal dal WOt. lhousi
abd Carouses tosulaboeL,_ '
Bisaussonuso-lay. Don! tea.
N. W. Jacobus. D.D.. Thom: XurluS, Zao.. ^-
cab IL. =lab, Sao.
s" • 1/01. AND 1111. nem.PiNra•
lAt•r. N. Is 7111/070tame dams Ma Burr. *Raglan
ulits..ll.nrood. Managua. Walaut sad Som.
wood INIINtIoN OlAaa. AS*, limeri raauHl
prioNk • Sommers:lst 41 Noun, Any sad Algid..
Hum sad Qualm*. Diral•No4 as aloft solNeN
tad 00 mac muoNsbie Wm. • • •
RDWAIID czarcirizau,
DBB2LLBB. USN, 5.44 Lade &MUM&
alleatomm. *dale, Bassmemd said am 43.1. ,
Mu, wild a eeMadmis Rods et Samattarada
goad. ea Issad. elelearatslied at,,slostesd =ISO
at Invest oresaa. dela aad Id - ewe Stald.a. ece.
Isar at 71.5c2 ass BMWS MUT& Caniws,
Sarcomas.. .$111... wee HOr.N. 41114 .
for Wm.
E. 8. STEWART, Viniertaker,
Ninth Ward. Callus of all Irtada. W•ans as&
Varna:. faratrbsd .i Merlon mall.
—l. J. EAKIL&IIII. al dm Ilmetarr
Lawrsaorille, T 5. OSILLIMSTAI. MAAS=
AND aiy,al RORIE . mass smam.
• ,
Jewelers and Optima' s,
. ,
A 000llassAof ,rf pules polmoiro WA.
atom goompatto avaxtrod the fro. oI Dor
onto • 00., sal lisialOt • 00., fr soopoolfollY
*Welted. • .404141
4 14111E13 . 11C0'1T,
astroanamiTo roicorruit a boom",
srsza..'n R.. rrrrsauzioa.
ranx.L. 111. 2•11 W dw
Watsbes. Cloaks sal 71nrien.
Meroharit Tailor.
Hu remelted to We. II Wll.lll
mar of waferet on. alms lee la now meta—
las W aew sag emulsive met of
FALL I=o=ll4 0•1112111Milla.
• TUTLallif /aro virmaCOATiess.
Wide, Wull. made so atter la ihe '
will be 1 1d o ea very reaaosalgle le4s.
H. &WM, Meseta* Tailor.
No! 8a WTI.= =WIT, woe. of redaral.
Fon sALE—as H4oos9iem
DIIILDIeffIArIf,4I , OIII, 'Maga oa
Tarapiks, allotatag W baallame 7.14~ of
Col. EL Ithiorsra soodit dasb•
sbielota for mantry mideamodaLavraFslAnn
Or ibru Om. Mk pmt M *smile".
*MT; a pattrriXELY,
aw a.rr 4!.44
FOR 11.111.161-71 Lat luoidsome
arkd very dertrarde Stir= lITONT MOCK
.111011/112111 /MUNI. *lmmo Mo. 10 Ihmoork
street, Mature... TILe louse II situated of
ono of al treehrostrol etroorts noteloorpl.
'WI vermeil; for POLL T!•f. preparty b wry
wroth Um stunt too Of Male e 4.5111 1 Ple•
hem.. BILL •PH OITTULT. Uzi SOAP all
lan... ago.% Bauer sunk ascrakailbs.
ten.. LowrozeovtUo. • .•
noßsEs Fos sAin, AT
liewardNi Livery Stable,
roar 137312 Er. suit Naudisetali Um*.
=at 119 1 Miars 1 . VA. 4 4 1 4M1EU
=eV.' gel
HURL tLOSI 100..
"rattlesilhOultuni . •
au, rims no WM'NE srsi
no.. at 11315TITX11 eassatalta
JD. R. > 16..1:MClIgEt,
crimsgrarric MID 11:1"
Aa. S,
rEML "I44
`4 -UT
..bola maw.
Sir. saumpottEpl,
• Azzinamix r.
Mnriai kat awn DIA.4OLI
Glass, Chins Wart At Ta ( oiler!
est geoda. 1•11:a
H. 13. - YON
. •
Sealer of Wettlgo ao4lleaOsnoh
$.t.,. Liberty abt Ferry.
Orders bromWy atuadad t.. .Lela
HoutErJ, BELL & ODe
Author COM RIM* Ptlalblullit
liilVlcrtarsre otEMATT, =DIVE I MAIM)
It—The boa sad 4.17
wursated to An melon WU ea. • asul
71 7 11'4" . b 4701. "1" . 447g rk.. "7 r: