it rum n. mum . monieEtlifir ttratlevwf3 nnetuut E sm. . - When the El ng of Pruala wu mbar lag plena' for putting himself at the head of the morenunt_for the consoilda . . Gen of, Germany he found it necessary pro p ths Liberal element. :Vida . walnut...Vali to his. liking, bat 'as he - . could ittain lUs`erici in isistitliitifiy, be • . adopted mar of lhommuntlal `features of a Milly:.Sillfgellet*Te•YrrVetrunast. - Duriag Um Wan tint folkeemils'ereedi infebigid 'the,!'ettihririt"rit' the Puna • ismaL .itikeenihit`cessitioii of 'histilities .., ha alipassed the nation - by conteraing his unsrpitiolli, preidfiiillie - ritideisltter itt uttr:',..* a fl'extegtuation, and premiss bag to mno mare. It hu, nevorthie: less,. been evident_. ever. . duce that hid tePsPeis Ind that or his counsellors,- war _ despotic; that the prehension of LibaSal-:, ism was. nov, - real,''bat ' a l tnntaie:4 and would, bulaid aside,wheuever the design, , . , of it:should be eccomplished,"..Providud the dispositioa of the' maski itt thevd. pie at tikii, tiostiobtaa tot make a re. • . tarn to iriloisiits to!haul. --; ing &Si ll y'. '- l::. ',,,, ...''',... ms. , . , The Emperor- 4 -Austria, notWitit eta_ illbsit.hlelNSuitedinitttobility, seems • at last to comprehend tha 'Macre and , extent or the sidvatitiget reaped by his Swatlati4olisl;'.,lfirttelh' i 'Pretended sealOnrlmpou, Inetitetiona . The iLtat ilidinalloit a. tbli wasi•Nidahtel . in the • dpirtet.', laming freedom -of worship, .. wideltwii Maud tiPen• 11l inauguration, l— all Xing of a1212Z1FT.,,11 4, howerex. lean not specially significant. For many • agsaik-hu been .. the Juba ot. the Ana tpan..Emneross, when borne down by • taiefieMlMpa, to make centurions to the .. ' ikla.rfaler populations ;to conroko the • Lfeekirlialiad‘Bohemien Parliaments ; • to be meweed, with due solemnities as ' Vie In - thole coin:arias, making public • litt maintain' the ancient Mettler 1 •• fla;•lint u soon as the tide turned, I °NAM, sun of prosparity dewned, net Ova forgotten their vows, abollahed the relintatita, failed to remember that they were only constitutional monarchy • fit limas treasuries, and have ruled over 'keit - . Si VMperors of Ansfria, treating them to most, it not in "ail particulars, iiipetivit*iofthat empire. - Liberty of 'worship emitted to , follow is • necessary evastarteca or his diminished power in felikani... Last ireek, - Irmiever, he 1 advanced further, calling into . his Cabi- 1 net Itr.`liininet 'and' 'Dr. Grsinen, two eNisil moat toissidituais and able of the • There cut bs no mistaking what this , ..., . - . . "wine in Austria: „lit England, inyesra ' past', the elevation by the Government . ' of estaltient and powerful nalcals, lax-1 plied that they had been bought bytitlas and pectionm bad heem allied in interest „---- and • mete With the aristocracy to strip them of power with. As people; or to make, ' thiough . senaltiy •or ambition, their taleata . subsidiary to Privilege and proscription.-- In Germany, 'as matters stand, a Uremia conclnalon to the only , one allowable. The Emperor of Au `trig has presaing need of the sympathy and upped9f, the Liberals. He mutt hive it, or mon, in the Progress 'Of sienna he must cease to be Emperor or even King. Rather than give op the whole; be makes' a virtue of necessity and renounces' red. He malt combat hi. opponent with his own weapons. It 23 - more than probable that if he *mold gigi his end; by regaining prestige, and with , it substantial poiter in Germany, ha would revoke- his concessions and _a•etal.ll%U. akatobitbani 4 ndt2t all its tradi tions,abould the time arrive when wit a.nesogusdon , promised to be success. :Tillthen 'he will etcop la hoe of conquering' .: • . . . , • But it not be forgotten that dnr-.. i ingGis pressi , C,kentru7r . ar . vast intallec, trtitnichina"initianprostreased thrnighout Germany. Shut oat by the repression of the Tattoo.. governments from the do- .mils it tiltica,t4 aerie number . :or ' thinkers Mere invaded the retain of theology. The peculiar mental charac- ' . teristic. ot mew ell theme man. has been doubt. With emprising calmness and audacity they have questioned and denied 'O6 most Venerable rimier ind„doctrines AtiCiime". Mute Adoiri. trout intlimity. Is would be absurd to .suppose: that this mental habit had not broken over the Partition wall between the emleriaatial or thetbrnto and give emptier or polities]. When • babl t-q,-iFaul*. bait Onto es itiesithill pearlsi (iu i particular sub. ject,Aiviu assert its . supremacy when 1 other braes. , are brought under review.. .71 . 141. e. Opptart .I.ltipkarsi Dave not been permitted to publicly express their thoughts 'and contusions on political prob.:mil they" have not. bean idle in this realm, also, they havequestioned votunte araa . helped Mout by the same and.'-ersi.. greater istiModimonta. But he discussedall. polarintheology, proutelesdelethe Most aridecioas °pie-, Sons' with atierce LT. ibiolutely mar venom. Vire Effect ot.liiii eighty, odd years ot mental toil was* political rev eletion, in 'which the old -fomtdations -were Men** Mit:ire.; The Rutile, Lettres de Cachet, and . hundredi more of the abominations of the Middle Ages . waredemollshed.: A stem era dawned on. PranceL nor are all the legitimate fruits of that Revolution yet ripe and fit idlst/shared.. .- • .... . - i In llkerearmer Garman cabalist gives token .of :producing- unit valuable re-. suits through political Ameliorations. Its crowned heeds feel' tie new necessity Thalia l'alit on them,' and are o:untrained to emulate etch other in large =mum a .>„*.f WfurßL t 71,4 # en• ••.;.14 0 P1e r 11 4 " /lON, have turbodiesel' pitch of gen . Cal ellightenzoseu r :hat ' , whatever con ' ees*ne they wrench trout their mime, thsy mill be able to maintain unto the 18tirand span le 18411, during the darkest hours of the dell war, the Se 'publicans of Pennirylnida' Slowed an fiSrri . to: *Weep:. oyer them to such a degree u to throw the Legisle_ tore into the tends'ef the Democrat; Sum enabling them tweed 2d.r.,Docka law to the United States. Senate In place of Hr. Wilmot. - The disaster to the Yto• SAllean muse, experienced last Week in California, has enkindled hopes In the minds of the Democrats here that they . /ary. be , able to carry Hr. itharmecod over aft. Williams; and time ware a majority .on the bench Of the Supreme . Court: Soca a malt would be of meal , jelophle,dairtage to the general interests of the nation ; for it would inspire the whirls dtolojal and -semi-disloyal ale manta with bdeadiess expectations, and lead to most MANI/ complications. It fa,lthatefeni, of the utmost:importance that the Depublkans, of. Permaylrania, whir 'One aricOrd, betake themselres to theiask4of me phireethig their arrange 'Mete 'alto arc= s. full Tote, whlch misab► . . ~.:Aulying.g. F oßogol IQ facet a monument to ,thn „mammy. or Prosideit 4soozar, the " pi that' Idly ; hi Iti Iwo of , AtOtlpc =do_ :Mu ;londlah annult upon the great martyr: . 4 11, there Atlanta oatzlets mist pretty :biabrlpLkon tee abets ftwaions pas; Jet.. imgm*the following POILICLD or THE DOBE3 • CEILLIITISD BYTS' BLOOD , - . inoraoira PiTEI92I. WE. pit *y /undo.* buUela wAiiivfielafigAr • Zit7,3X174 • - _T • . OrDYVEZ ONE ViD i lfa.M . , nap EE6OODOZED TN MY zaz EL4D r EEVILDEJLEE ELOOMEDO rATITERS, .„ - • !nil* arellidnialutktri. 0tatt0a,....• ~ • ,5.4:„. • .44,e,%,t.17/ ; Tux Port endeavor' to mate It appear that some of the Mepublioin friends of Got. Cowan think that nator CAN-1 snow exercised whatever Influence be could to procure the note tion of Maj. for State Senator. , +lt is the policy of the st to stir tip .strife to our ranks where er posaible i ant? It fancies that it can d le elndlV b ie . reviving last winter's tight t i Malted States Senatorihip; In this, however, it Is Mistaken TIM. -Republicana of * mum* _ - wits too muchgoini seirse to be led Off from the support of their ticket by any side Israel raised or suggested by their enemies * _ . ._ , _ ~ The—latelienatorial - Coiteit -ii:thi county was ant Song:War decided upon any snob lintels' that anggested by the Poir:--Nittitrehtsuor- nor utrern, fild anything 'whatever ,to do with it. , Etrui . y of Opt% CURTIN'S warmest friends 1 tinePOrled the 'itomination . of ' Mr. Bit-. 1 naps,. whilst7some of. Gen. CattunoN!.s j ' M ends ---- supported Mr. Ennuis. ' l'his . *hole question was decided open focal grounds' and upon considerations I .personal-onlY to the two csiedidatea &glow stopped to inquire bow either of the candidates felt Upon the United Kates Senatorial struggle of last winter. ' We are satisfied, moreover, that great 1 injustice id &MS to Mr. ERRITT When I be Is classified as being this or that nun's I Oalll. Dunn' g a political career of near ly thirty years he has maintained his personal integrity intact, and no than ' living has power or Influence suMcient to swerve kim one babes breadth froin what he thinks or believes to. be right. Ho Can imiy emiamticani tbat he is no man's man; that he is wedded to no man's for tunes; and that he will follow no man's toad. He will go to Marrisborg free from all personal embarrassment' arid ,uncettered by alliances of any kind; and hie peat life is a sufficient token that he holds his personal integrity superior to every possible Claim of personal friend ship. 3 ~~ . 8~ IWe can say without Insulation whet we happen to know, that - lir. .Erratarr stands upon the same terms of personal Intimacy with Gov. Curran as with Gen. Cescanon; that he hopes to main tain the moat fnendly relationi With the many public men of tha Sista with whom he is .acquainted; that he cabman/ the principles and alms of the Republican party u superior to all mere personal considerations, and that he will eland by the welfare of hie State . and County with firmness and fidelity, no natter who or what may oppose.' Re trust, therefore, that no Republi. can will suffer himself to be led away by these attempts of the enemy to intro. duce personal feuds Into the canvass. This battle is to be fought out upon ths vital .National and State questions at issue, and miens them slue, and no other element should be permitted to enter in. The Larl Basra • Noeloty—tesall Al- Imadaasee at tie TWan44h...0.0 An- . . . In 1833 an association wan formed in Cincionati; which was denominated the "Last Man's Society." It was COlnpoßed of seven young men, engaged in 'rations pursuits, and was organized when the cholera watt prevailing for ilia first time in this country.- These young men were drawn together by • common tie of friendahip and brotherhood and were impelled - to their action, at the time, on account of, the . ..dangers which were be lieved to surround them. It was agreed, among other things, that the annivetaary of the organ'zation should be sacredly observed aklong as any of them lived, or until one of them weskit alone, when he was required for once, at least, to observe Its return. The anniversary observance was to coasist, la part, of a repast, to be provided by one of the members, each taking his turn, the selection to be made by casting lots. All who could }lo so were bound . to be present at the andirpreary festival, even if it involved conaiderable sacrifice. In the celebration of the the anniver sary the table was always to be spread for seven, the full utunberof the society,:, In'ease of the absen from death or otherunfavorableceases, the plates were to' remain unturned, while tie vacant chair .was to bean Its . For dye years not a death oemoved among the members. AS the Math an niversary the fast .unturned plate and the' lint. MUM chair were in their places, occasioned by the death of one of the members. This death occurred on the :16th of Jane, 1837 - the second death took place in Novert&r following; the third - on the 18th of October, 1612. the fourth, ICovember 15, 1847; the filth, January 6, 1613; and the the sixth, zmip tun 2 d ! 1857. Oa MO tweety-tirstannivemary out two of the members were present; and when the twenty.second arrived the - last tie had been sundered, and the "last man" was left alone to midi the sacred obliga tion he had assumed.- With ell un turned plates tind six vacant chairs around the table, be was left in solitude and allenco to celebrate the last annlver tory sac the association. All but himself had been summoned to that "bourne front whence no traveler returns." lie still lives, and has has survived LIR com panions for ten year& ge is a promi nent member,of one of the leading pro fessions, is at present In the enjoyment of excellent health, and candidate upon the Demoaratic ticket for an Important office in Hamilton county. ttlallts Las wo pretrets—s western • Isesaeas. Quite an excites:nest was crested in Nina, De Kalb county, 1111noia, by the announcement et an early hour on Fri day morning that a little girl, aged &bent three years, daughter of a farmer, had wandered from home' during the morn ing of Thursday, and had not been found, though diligent acarch had been made by her father and his neighbors all through Thursday eyerang and night. loon sa the distressing fact was made known, prompted. by that. tounanity which is characteristic of the srreaullearted West •ern man, nearly- one hundred earnest hearts volunteered to prosecute tke search. At an early boar in the day they bad gathered at the point where tie little one was last sale. Ths plan of search WAS arranged -by Perming s line with a space between the men of about five yards, and thus sweep the prairie from aide to side. Hour after boar passed In this labor of mercy, and, though the day was fearfully hot, and the deep prairie grass sometimes imps'. aible, these noble mantabored on, deter mined to Ur! the little wanderer if yet allve, and relieve the awful anxiety of the distracted parade. Occasional traces • Of the little creature were found. Onee the masks of its little bare feet (it was hematites anti shoeless) were percepti ble in the edge of a cornfield, bat it pen etrated only a shottAlltaooe• It is supposed that night was coming on When it reached the cornfield, mad the heavy shadows intim thick corn had . terrors for the little one which drove it hick to the prairie again. Now and then smirks on the hairy prairie gnu Were 1 1 discernible, where, possibly exhausted and . wholly OTereOlne, it would fall and tie lentil rest and the cool grass would revive it, and then sir it would mote to repeat time alternate these efforts, which probably before the rising other inn would- have released it s pi r itfrom the in:faring clay, and its wanderings ended in a heavenly sleep. ---- -Tradas.Unionaln England, Bina, the exposure of the Sheffield outrage., b a , &lion Into IN disrepute which It will take lopg Societies to overcome, and now Friendly' Societies 111001/k likewise in des urzLfrei=o.g popular odi h um showing ird how ahamefully some , of thee, adsoefa ttoru§ aro mismanaged, and how, nndor he pretence of motile' benefit, they work gross toluene , to a class of persona who can ltl zffibrd to suffer pocaniary lass. One society, out, of an Income of 412,5,- 00Cl a yoar, spent 145,834 in the expenses of management In other cases the ex pense' for the payment of collectors and other f , unctionaries, and similar charges, amount to no lest than half the receipts. Ono association wes mentioned which numbers 8,037 members, and received In premiums from the working clauses X 1,761, and actually spent iriadminlatrs- Von X 1,125, or nearly two-thh•ds of its Income.. That Is to say, the laborer vel:, 'contribatos a dollar to the funds of a aocietymanagrd in this extravagant way ac tufty puts by for . future use not a dollar. but only. tartly cent% Whetter any of.the numerous benefit pooled*, In the United Slaters are conducted in this Wickedly prodigal fashion we do tot snow butt would be worth while for f those interested to inquire. They should 1130 strictly bound to make full and !re : octant publication of their financial con dltion, under such supervision as will insure an honest and, intelligible report. Such extravagance as Lord•Lichileld in stances la • no bettor than, rtibbery.—Xcw • - Henry 'Wendt, Rho unmitigated iillain urbovV,thittesu. littla __girls, itututtesof th e Orphan ' s 110,FILS tlermatttown, Pa, has Jam beeb gen. unload to zufventeen yeah . hard labor In. EISEEM mrws A number of mastodon bones have been exhumed near Ua, Ohi o. Th Wu bone found weighed nearly 40 ihis. e and measured lel inches in length. —/t ham been independently discovered by three several astronomers that a new crater has appeared In the moon, and an old one filled up by the eruption from IL - -Jeff. Darin has taken his daughter from her COCI rent school. lie was afraid Oho would turn Catholic, and Jefferson, as everybody _knows, Is opposed. to ali mannenuf iteceasion.' r. —Art' elder at a roils_ _el' spine _forty Teartago, said to the late Miss Salzwick, 'Oh, It see the very devil in those eyeso.. "Sir," replied the authoress, "he must ba, then, your own reflection in them." of, prodigies are frequently heard of, but few eoprodiglotiens young lady mentioned.. by a.. - .Nestern - paper, .who can play two piece% upon the piano, whistlea third and sing a fourth, all at the same time. i-David...Dudley Plaid.. sails -for Europe to take part In an International Law Congsia which ha himself proposed last year, In which It it intended to take measures for. the Ibratation of a male of International Law. —One of of the Janet:meta troupe in Port land fella distance of fifteen feet, and struck open an inshestaa' Chair, while performing in that city, _He was render-. ed insensible, but hi:mut . ed Ids perform ance In a few minutes. —Base ball talk in certain States is Raab:tic as fall. of slang as 'the P. lt. "Debsy.cutters," "aky-scrape "mut. tine, ,, ,re., have :become atcltmataL "Gobbled the. huckleberry" is the last version ~ of taking it on the 41v." —Bev. Mr. Cnyley, of New York, hoe been after sermon material at tho Sara toga gambling saloon& Re found what he was after, _but spinier' to have been morn intereste d than shocked. Ito pro. poses a aeries of 811/1110139 on the history of faro. —lt is announced that Charles Reside and Dion Boncicault are writing In con junction a novel for the Atinntio Monthly for which they are to receive a larger sum than has vet been paid by en Amer lean periodical to any anther except Mr. Dickens • —lleroy'a will . is Jura published. Ire leaves the reclaimed "Cruiser" to his brother, with the injunctiOn that the horse is not to he sold nor exhibited for money, nor taken away from .the Cabin which the testator built for him. Useful legacy that. • ' - It is thoughttlist Sala, who has once before occupied the postilion, will sue need Jennings as American' correspond eat of tlin London Tunes. George is so imaginative that ho might easily, write We letters from tiaLs, country, without classing the ocean. — Excavations are going on at Lille. bonne, Frame at which valuable -arch zoological dheiovarias are biting made, A ftsgment of a mirror hAs been found foliated with a thin eheet . of pare lead, proving that the Gallo-Romans practiced the art of plating glass. —Gov. Chamberlain of Maine, It is mild, has sent en earnest request to the Government that Admiral Fru - ragut r who is now in the Meiliteranean, may be in structed to send a United States ship to transport thesuffsiing Jaffa, colonists to their old homeln Maine. —The friends of Fred Douglass, *hose name had been mentioned in connection. with Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, Smartt/at he would not under any eireumehmoe• ueeept the office un der Mr. Johnson. Douglass Is anxious for the retention of Mr. Howard. —Th• Impe of France is generally dislik ri aled family deetrha Napoleon to regardedtt the evil getnne of the house of /fa berg. The Empress Eliz abeth tried hard to avoid an Introduc lion to Eugenie, bin the latter insisted._ ell In a very polity way, of course, on both aides. —During last yeas the postal order er.. tern paid all the expenses, and left • surplus tn the hands of the Government. It to estimated that thebusinessamounts to $10,000,000. During the present year four hundred more postal offices will be thousandperation, making a total of one two hundred and thirty-live. —Enormous amoun S i be ri a . Ivory aro'bronglit from New In some cases entire mammoths have been die ! covered, preserved In Ice whlch . not only have do skin and hair ft in perfeg lion, but the gushy po ons also Dugs and wild beast. have 'eaten them with avidity, though they moat have bean frozen to death thousands of years ago. —General GriMn, now commander of the Fifth litllltary District. asked and received permission to tlx the .heatiquer ters of Dtrict temporarily at Gal. retton,owing to the fact that lethal but ' ono 'tett °Mier fit for duty, that hie stir- goons are all sick, and that to proceed to New Orleans under theee circamstancea, would seem almost like deserting Isla post In the face of the enemy. The Chicago Post has • column of "Tea-Tabla !'alit —listen to In "A man ' died in New York the other day of rd. I low fever—A child In Mitinemotli has no bones in its leas—a. Bostonian walked off the porters of his Louie' while asleep, dislocating bleankle, breaking hie leg, end otherwise injuring himself." What delightful subjects for the tea.tablo—the reader. of. the /bat must have the night mare horribly. - - - —The Internal Department has recelsed information of grave im po Revenuert In dm r_varding certain alleged henry frauds whlnky revenue In • 2;ew York and Brooklyn, which pp among others, flee Internal Iterenuo Collectors. Th...2.retrop litataßoard, al ter Inventigating the matter, has [OTIOSE.- ed the Department tointerfore judiMally, which suggeatlon will probably secure the early arrest and trial of the 'inspected ofildrda. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE reg ulates and toms the ISlceas e tt. COWS DlOpardlS Can Lo a soreralea remedy tot AL disease. alba stossath alid bowels. Coa's I)Topepda Cute surto levee sad no.. Let those aelleted oollit Chia atsl•47 sr! LL coo. pporeloia Cora ems lestantassonsly. I sad 7ov do lot bay, to wale weak to zee it. afoot. . . Lloo.s Dymersla tiara is the Rea test oPPotlw urn. karma: It not war mates the aoliontito r bat cubit. yos to dim! yoer Mod. • • Coe , I.Dyspepola Core to rocamsooodeol by aii tbV looottosphyolttaav, • Cos's Dysoopata Can is as layslasbls [dead to afl lobo ate west. deotlitatvel sad la a Lew note of !maul - 4tcd• Agent tm Att....4 'Wan?. /011ZPII 11,11DXSQ, Dennis*, Se. id leutet Stmt. .A.RE YO BLIOB Meltltedes Of both easU. I e. will flint MU tltn la the afire:mitre I for. next to llsonte l rs of Iha stsatasb, Herr rosselslats ere puttees the aidt prosaism% Of all tetanal elsessee. Its Meal vita/rat are a yallotrlsb Cage It the Wales of the vas. sspailatly noir the Irthsr ammo. ea oo.sop or lalebtly mud"' Jewett:re right Olds, bale larmses tee tkootEer • Wide.. Sles Istordsolter. loaned,. mental de11a.... a.... lark Lot eveatlta end Irredelarity of tae . bowels. Whoever iseogoltos shit dlssnotth a. ayelylea to Ids owe easdltaro, lasy begat* cot , tats that rears Ms exists le hts bloodied les. padres Utmost. els T:mots Irma Is exesdlset for aL health. sod that Els Itrer re,ulres toelse sae regular-lag. On of sat oselst airs of AtOISTIIITZE'd lIITTL/te Ss to sates host snob eel:seem y this. Its town talariplirosses the /leer Prom IN. Wryer. and Its aparLsot eteatsat genUy re/tarts theta. testlani canal of the seenallens cause uses upon an 11l110:1611 ..... ply of nstere's in.hatatc. Use Le. Pelages of MMus Malt will Ind It the btu sategnare egstast the attants to ethleh the/ • are cossUtetterastly huallapritd; nett .hmaq csestatty stole all too °Maley Weakens sham. taaato. • • • cum or rziern.A. • Di. Xmas i T. Inlic to thank . Sot for Tear irtmlomes and .mediae assigemult of mr air 7 ease, fgrt wlllrig loaned to unroll yap some time la Smeltery lan. Too will reantaber that I had • complicatioa of thwaus. lutkh luny elided to • Unitas Ninth. 'Utah Itiol tout outlaw! to 'get aka*" fa Kohut et • harassing ociagh, which Items trued might ietnnoa mr I kaew test the lapel. 122 di . itt ttcsttnoe 01s. WAN Ilke mane was hr • ruttish *mutat. . whist, monerefos at all, wool 4 a Morally throw the Cause *you the ling. or emus other Vital erten, en snout of the nodes neat or the 'ewe god the itemeettaty !UM to • dieettame which 1 woo coostralaed to balers woos ilk,. torr PrOTlSteni Or Saws Ist grind or roma mor bid eoedures Is the cram. I reel ourerUr catiolhot tact leer method of Immtmeat. Dui- Ire, to the system, and leeat appilettlege to the Ertsioulteri. moat coms It uniting , coed, without uhing, which I lot it 414. tad 1 am tiny/ to retort moult wall ly our/ Pustular. with Kumar sad better health thana hive bad for roars. 1 w eld 5100.40 that the &police moor um sada woos *lama .d Mit me • hew man, with all the 'natal.. an vlhor Or rirtermi health, • Touts. orogen/in • Dr. horror's coasoliatloh oome Sio. thi Peas street, hue e enttle P. m. . w AD VEIITIEIF"'" wihr, _ma.raa• A, tarsi AISIV=, rt •• Adam— otiflwyu.d apin g , ix ll . rt . UV Q.Lif 1L272. mut 1 r4= oW th. United wilt nom aPi cz nus. I ........ . 12-41 , ..11. ajjriarollrEt 2' it ATE PEWS. we V= 7 lti t lL VATl.lairl7AW . !mita ; sua an 't14.11%t A"a tin",r mo;iiilatturuitzt:va diellmtate FaZen SALMON. in 1 and 2 , lb. orb: flub Im beer, In and 1 lb. tams; Chnti Be L'n,*t0tan,11.6.1,7,:474,5"4,Pn.rn` Im re Slacklinmes, anullann, Ulan . on. wnr: 444. r•PLIS tree liitn% " arb" 4 A "'"", PIRAZOVII TWA MUM ]►Li►mnnd, ?I/L .1141 y nvelal calk, floods diUrnre4 Ens. mut WE WILL KEEP ON 113EAISD PM. av+ et Ind a WagON oAllt WI/301,34010, Mir 2115. ..1 Lratati.V:ooll:lli A.G.% PITTBBIJRGH DAILY G Fon s sax, • An Old 'Established Ong Stare,' eltusted In a rood lordoor, red.dolor •• jrrai mall rod orerennoon trod,- Vor limbs} rat. Pr. tleolars addre” P.O Eta 479. Pltisbarrk. relol3l. DIBROLVTION.,—The Co-Part ,===.':o3l:TaXel'eg b`"""' tae Naas a CLAB.3C, rlm.F.saolrod ea tile CA last., by mama CLANK MaasOold, Lleahei 7 C 4,.. P a•. &PL)q 7aar„ sTELliAmgoorutatiaLEN, sTfromIUL.. XELEVIE" IIMA! - 1A;12,;: tto ie'eCrltifiFli gAr:r f °,s': I% str sts, Plttasr s h. - faJ 89:11VJEWASDAirOg.Erifre- Ak" the pasture acid of the undersigned. on lan Taireer tAtht;II:LIIWITIMD (RM. ere feere old end giving Intik; es:rooted to be rivet Ley one g i tthelhforroetton or her, or a...tutor the ale . vtll recta's the abore re ward. T. W. 51:14.W. ealltnt Eitter's YNe, hileehenr Co.. Pe. FOa u tAl... ,!.-Tir?GO ACRES OF. T : 7 : lll7 :Fet7 '4lff o rti ; PhVg`f,l', 4 ?7,z,.„,l, , Af l ear►h:fg:l2.! ar ,l7 A4l2.ll!"p"'", , kreal=r4 ° yr. ABED No. X/ PHI tk nrseL SO9EAIifD LOT FOR SALE.— DwePlis Y0tfg, 4:=71.4111 112 4114SatlIT In xabil :a with mottledambwat . e a :rzltgow%?:tTg,grtg;l "u oP Lmob. no- 4 ga 7l . l ovawallr j Zug tiv of JAgEo vve.1.19 STORE STAND FOR RENT. I . Ere o g a =phg - OZ.T.S 4t OTAPID of Wlillato notolo. be rented otiViorgolbbfiTOV fi.4:ll7.`.=,VZidl,l,l,l7"'°`"" Iwa , Commended • littoingOtfee'd,Ovn"tit:lld IbTortnllbPimt wboletaltbas /rola btossit. 1$ p " d , iltri d a to Do y not . saloo Of Lao blond or ' Ll "' be h o n tiol Lo h ! _ll,4lo,stlon eellrfte et Feet oupoNrs .GUNPOWDER . . • reV.:l,ll7l2:%7lrirearTiblinTaft DD i fittort anQ transpOrt than w.nrOco tea. er:os' inning ren In grneraloso by die purdln . and Mer r=nrenZ IL% 'MI. 'VA 7°"" no other' ..ayry.desarlytton nr _Peon . ING, 311111ING ripylairNattiort:Flpgtirtiltlll7l24! D. W. C. BLDWELL &. CO - 5111:11.3 Oar. Waller IL and Chen." A 11•7. Two srouy BRICK DWELLtriG, WILL HE SOLD CHEAP. • On n.lale4tlon to STEEL -41t WILSON, Broken nd Real lento Anon. No. el, flatlthlktel Strut. WRITE, OEII & CO., QUZ yeas ADMIEILZI2GIr RAVE JO ST UPLKED.• LIULGE APPORTIERT or NEW DRESS GOODS, Which they Offer at Low Prices. HAZARD POWDER • lAM NOW PREPAINED TO aural! i 1114 at rho of rtart boil., oil Orden for large or RUM'S .CELEBRATED POWDER. oriars kg at or seat by mall to say sto Nos. 1711. asd 172 IFEDZItAg. ISTECIST, ry, Oozy City, Pa.. or to 108 SECOND iriltiZT, P2ttsbargh. Pa.. lelll raeelr annmps *MOM.. • ARTHUR KIRK. AT EATON'S. OPSSILD T/1111 DAT Hamburg Edginia, ' r Cambric Bands Tyclutd Skirtings, FlaculaLawny, Alt 17 numt stars: AMERICA* WATCHES. • A arzamolo stmt. or Fine Gidd and Eilver Watches, FINE COLD JEWELRY, suorzawAsr. atoara t er 2 r=t 1. ."411. 1 2.1 - 7,'.112:11 w'w rootittat poorincty misootte to, a NTLBO , PH. Ito. 84 rounix wraztr. Two Coon sltwnw Matti Hwert., 411:444.Wir NOTICE to THE HOLDERS OF BOUNTY BONDS, Issuisi by tn. . liebeet Beam et tbe First Ward, city et AlleibtitY. 'rottfirs 1071188 .71olido rottoborod its tol!ows " LitTeit9alfl AritVM for ITO! at rodeos= 24 12•7 WM w a s to boorlBtot liont Ws Oslo. r 54,14 21 . U. RICHNIT, eoerotar7. . 1111 7 Nears SOUL; .8.7. he Highest Market Price PAID ZVI VIIVERNEYST SCUMS& GOLD, SILVER, IMOD /ID COMM .137110 J. Jr. STARR A. CO, Bankers., • Oor. * WOOD LTD TB/ED MUM= ansTD:wir GOBBLAY BOWL, SHIRT DLISTFACTORERS 27 Barclay at.tacar Church al. IDOMUIXT "rcrVa23. f....!s • Grgiaa Lida Ma on ILDP:I4IIIC.. WASHINGTON MILLS, iradlo3 direct, atir Pittahrgi &tato, W. W. ANDERSON', r. , 7I;r6MIVROZ OflJ.t. 1 , 1;1`,F4T`, 1 : A1g;4 1 %".51 , 7 1 :11:114'.. 6 4,17 6 gttl."'" anal SCHOOL HOOKA. klanTarreltil.)ll;" "E" ra"" . " 11 ' " O * " .u. bol at r 7"""I P , O dbd gAti n iread fr. W2lk. NT N. 'a Vil _ m t. li• REISMAN, A . H. ICIVOLISII a< C 0.4 .4b. Of Fourth Street. atmningtosuactorTnimmi. 02/11411 Clor/1C1 , 41 ..hri AJO. " Ite. V d jum "nor WANK HO QKb. BOO& /11M/Jtrel: nafsl_l, Ali tonna. A. lue stock or tlr.• hand[ 4,34 F. ARTOfI, , MICULNTOAL AND EMU/MEILING DR AFTSMAN, Inkce—Oei. Tlfth &Market St., V PURIM JoHN Pecs, urea 4' 4 ' Z O I LEZII AND PRAY Max,AL efillagrgoo s l litird,Pri'"u ww AIM% halvemsetn d GEORGE niavEnr, CAM MAINFACTUREI, duler ihrottuovintnal /Myna, .1117ADIMAL ISlTllltrroieerid, Gov Ire, 816 , 000 TO 1.0.1114 VX BOND AND YOATGALL • e'n"' caoicz nrunno mean's. A ton lArt..tOet O r . B 01" Geraniums, Verbenas, ac,, ILI bloom. st no Oakload Grosibooseo. JOll3 Y. & A . Npamout . omad ler • eagaleire... • ' r CLIOICE FARIIIa }tom, x...toa-raatacky Walt.lbw(nalr atop, to: sale at lowea. math!, Mu. at.. WlaajaCVS TX& /WM, No. It Mataaa4, tillaaarak. 'Anna *tab. goals aallvand fn. • au, 'WINDOW,.SHAIDEJI; all "ri°444.k"oreli gittiat:6lofl44; a*or forkwooglamtesaairopkby • 1 TWO 1101TDREJ THOUILLND Half SpanWl Segars, fut . :mined On eoellinlinfinft Vint nti, 0!d U Eight Dollars Bar Thousand. ROBERT FATEDDELI" cornet at MEITITFOLD s W&TER eta INCOICP'OIIATION NOTICE. • . sitrylleation lava lnalfilatba Court or COtarson rte. or Allegbtity. cozen an 7/ptembar 71b, Ihrh, at Ms. 4, Deeteatter'Tersu ISt; to grant I t barter of Inaorporation to the '71.77113- PILL): CZ at UTLEY 07 TUB EICOND Ogg. 16.&17 6 yAIoQBLICAI. LUTHXKUr CM:MOH. at Plttsbargh. Penni7trials." int a Matter *llt to granted at the neat I Useetaberj tarn of saalittonst, %mists a tabulate Cit. bt shiOant e..Uantlme ray tee suns should not be done. Atb...y far AO hilunts. h, Soot. 11. INT. .. • ORO. R. PLAT - 01.* Oa. i‘TOT/CE. —TA E IUND eitsralr LU .. std the 7 ,:v i l fr g ge t : lloly Inner= then. friend* ;k montne nnnt Into tlf•7 l thag ‘. '"""." F T ntrnet. nett to co' , l r er7 h th'it 1". • 8411Ing their basun e aleck or " "." JE 'VOL ST 1 - ; etc., dr C43BT . t2pot st ago? Waltbt., glint .W.:MoylifZ.Z.` *matt:We (tatter), t , .t0.:/...4- . 1 . 1 . tic .. eanoi, Keolm... fr,1111:41,,,...1anz, or. tor:Lbar tua 4 vt,A.1 ; =; „...,,, twa v....b.., Tp' ,; 113 <1 v ' I 0 g toontenl. eta. . duet, Aat c l.t. tint Of Otto Int ' , son.. 24 !......1.,, our now note with an ea el Po: etottoO,=,,,tgent ot oyntrt , Lot porta/Wog to Itztl- , al no. St. , V.ry tasOtatth.l. . REINER% INEYRAN & SEIDLE, No. •9 .1111111 Nett to Loot Mock. MO STEAK ro AND Ir . it - VERPODL QUEINITOWN, TWICE 1 ISZ6I. THE IN/L&N. LINTS rtalY-IM i ;tlaVgans7 U T 7 irr. : .7 1%.i41 . a Viaaa was*. aa APlar s tta Vaav a . Opn ny's. Ste.lastre Lint to Soot Csbtn rostoortoo, 114,17111 BTBRIT. prrnavEsal PAriat SACITS.Itod uomrAnr. KantActtuersvf PRINTIND AND WRAPPINDIAPERA minx& Nur., wrao DX31111;14, onto. / 11 8.161111n1 11114, Nim .111118IITWf. arrays Juno WA1AL6120174.8. No. 82 Third Btra2t, Pittsburgh, Ps. • Pniv!YB-101.91:rbillVithrMIT,. bks, sit.. Seceetaty, H. Matiazt. Jnhtl b. s:l:l4;“frialliTikt i l luft e griap.. Slick. JOILIC 805a.....3011N 1 MA 211 11.....101LA U. 2077/ PITTSBURG!! 1.713.1 P COURT. JOHN aos & No. 23 Wood St.. Plitsbargb i. Pa., - Xasaratittreti Or LAMPS, LAMP EASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC 1,V1.04,:,11:. Pertfarklaf to tb. TIM DIA Eta, TABLE WAVE.. WINDOW Wiams, sad or•Mblnet thA Man Line. .14-MIIZE 'VT r. iououxurr, . . . LOUGHHEY & FREW, 111 81112111pred N ' o. 31 Market St., Ipp (COINIA or BLOOEID,)FITTBOWOIO• tlniL of b./ MI areDanal to saalsolketaro all Saddles, Harness, Trunks, attain la lade ilae usually law, la o.taalt.laeuts. .Aldf Hit FANS TIM MILLS, MIS CIOS9 at EMI 8111 M/ HUM. 81111-a.snr nutter., AT 818 LIBERTY STREET, myrtuvuun, Or .1% tb• Work. InCOLRYHL2U . 01110. E2l=! MILL lITONEIt, b1"1EN0/ 81111 NrOT i V" the 10111 4 / a ?Low/ gVrrinl. e. LTIN (11,oTwn all nn nine" awl , quality , • IsTiAll EtitilNES 41,1)) MILT, 1110:419, 0A5T124415 A 24/) KILL. STU. 310 L133/117 STRLICr. W. W. WALL/Ca. sTEAtaI ICIAJIIIILE AftD MAR. IL VIED 81..Tg OKKII.—Za.rr variety al Algal's. mate alan.te• an Lana and kluge to ettabt. nteanUfal SLIM Mantle* at twisty test. Imlh.n then have our beet us , . In thla city. flu ix the Daly ram to Wane. Pantml asstaarltnta Slats C11.11;1. .10 ..41.,..1.11k.1ena afllnibla arena et.. at onort • it/le LI/I/Llttr ATItNitT: - • - • • • NY. Nr. WALLIKIE. • .rxrmirnort. Axe. Et DC. ‘att3intltdar ailas_vo.r Ficrovi.,-Ta• nrei Aritdttilkg POI.r21:". . tall liZta 00'011 lati.eo t4r .1.14 sa IL . d. a u. Vale rsuaaw. I TIE p , I, IGRICULTURIL SOCIETY. ►IIL BOLD ITS Elnitngy li PrITSBUAGE, Tuesday, September 2IN Wednesdays, September , 25th, Thursday, September 28th, Fridays September 27iti s 1867 sitisEn,°°'eg. ging. can al obta•ned upon; application Mere. • The Flityyt rooks' mast eldea PIONnAT XTENIPiIIi. :Pepe< mbar MC mama eptclal • ileterromen by tail Cemmitica. Tor hugger or r Ag2F .h t . ili , V; .111 itZ Itingr,to , 9k o nAist ri gi v e ga . : . • I EXHISITOII4,- mbo!droira *for. Olt, Vary (74 (18 PT4171.111.772 Me and. litaw will W farnithica-YREZ; all I other feed at Murcia. market ratm. pater /A 04:1 to e rtnitllo^e will 4ezN to. in cues be ea.• The opcnoti . Tuesday, Sept. 24th, - ai Noon, • em:le adeEtswlort. 23 tent.; lontiP." * 1 I.tett:. It fe rn membenhli eaten , .4 7 1 , 74 . ;!: . " 1 c;:rro:j k:o7f . ", 46.. 7 11 1 . . P 6 O.': Pre In lass lOU b SSW as soon as tot [kartss7 ,1t24;,::°511%.V.V;J:L2VP:11%.ra A. BOYD HAMILTON, Ores% A. B. LONGARER, fileoy. OM. of IltAte Arrietzltena• clay. 44«' MT. ausIASSP S pROPOSAISeThe Penneylva ala Huta Agricultural Society glit racer. PICPCSAIS !JR FRI MUGU? pfpnilim Within Ile enetoittn, si ri et. Dnrll., le?tl TWOO DOT, the 3d day et haptembox. UV, at the °G-e. Na. JO ht. elate stmt. tma:an • TELE Central Pacific RAILROAD; TILE WESTEUN /fear OY TIIE Great National Trunk L . . Relax eonetrneted' with the LID LED SUPER VISION U? THE UNITED IiTATES GOVERN DENT, Is destir.ed to be one or the liner 04 ritrirstre AND rahoents tun-noun pr amr. I want IN 441111 the sole link of notnienntentlon between the nelett Coast and the Grant Ifitertor antra, and the . . Prlzrelpal Portion of tae Nabs plena Lino Lie Preen fife two Oceans. Thep resentwesteen terminus's at 2 ' m ate, serel on the navigable waters or the Paden, tll will naltltmely ,itertol Inim San grannie= ernes the richest and west Nitta.. ports of Oaf ." Lin, Nevada and Utah. contlenio. to adt the greet /lining lieglesa of eta liar West. i The edniltner .re atitbolllttl to continue their line rut weed until It Wall Inert and eerineetellh the roads nnw belldlng eget or the Becky Moneta& rapeCS. ,74ros• .. 1 1.Zi!i•;.i-gi - ', : .5 1 , r. ` , lE:g. g -= f 4,- 4f.1.51.:.: 1 -, 1 4:7•-1 ..- ' , zl;g .`.. , 41.14 a dooming that they will braid and control hail the entire illnimee between Yin Franclagind the ishu,ssei utese, a. pow seems probable ; the Tithed hare Inverted lathe cumpia ticn or as mile. 6911,1102.04.10, Or at the aver. age ram of Sys, god per not hrela ding all ansolat• grunt of 1 0 ,000,00 d .erect Pattie Lands.' Sy teeming, %Obit harmer la 1 tie IN uallieent retell:nine. and u7.u.lag U. lint Ilea la rotor of the First Mortgage Bond. hoiden, en Glitfnaht- GOVlRrtglielt, 1.4. - r, "[VMS erra co-oransamon OP rtrr.rn canto/48n, and has carefully gualileil their Mimeos against sit ordinary =Misguides, .• The Control ?aside Railroad enjoy., ail the pelvtlegea, grata; and aubeldlim contorted by the Jct. of Congress vpmi the other parts filth, t hrough line , and has. la s4ditiou Pveral pecial, exclusive advasasiages applica ble only to the Westora Ralf. • • I. The Germ:mei hes rewired' from the State • and chlartilise or California, Rom Or Cone, credit. and catuat le jerUjoetty. tooth newts, cotooo in nolo, la Million to tbe brimat aril. OOP'. rh.rtigr.eXietg‘ ibA tai eta. In tn.. lett lid = s l u es. lew . ..teeth tee Ono, w•I , becompleted entirety term Me Late will he essy sad isle. progress to Call lIL The Ideal buslnew alele or thie read vVpr thine, It. complete 11...1 enreeve. Pvvvdeevly of the 'Mat tlsr.txti teat, Whleh man rue over It lthe Ja i . aerate. for the mow.. or Jena .dy. aeon the 114 Hee thee open toe burl vete. were wenearcl rcl vd o.l, in 14 bas :of wldelrfelclyt. we. ts. • V. It eau have go competaleh. but lervlcle Iva ono lerrotlve local *rattle, sps weele pl.. of Lennie* Durine. which share branches. asovne Its r-won. eclaneetleas and mete V. The toed Ilee wholly fa terrttoti teldtieg Wiedrasr t= et ft Ly ;gzatez:7l=l;*::.r.iltftw.r. fiM*.ef te Inv Maw 23 per era:. tar vat arrangraratalars. VI. it ',nett tepee of tae t ad It PeeeiVOS QOM nee tette: toe.= nen , team 'be auto of tae. •300.1 tntero.t Utter:lle. aft from nttlefraleorperattnea. arc called aana to Us T:n FE L :7ll l ', T .,"Z!irLt..' 7 ,74g A.T4 =WI tee ono.. t g•111:11.4I intayst ltaltlntee to he 03 yitIri X 141:= of .Parri Itertvete VOA.. Wad: Chostaal, transe spot fee first Itometke. The Copp-our offer for tate. thtoa[taae. theft Firit Mortgaga Thirty Year, Six per cent. Coupon .Bonde, • (11:1•AILL. VilierqtritlthMl'Lma eV: al lt,tte rub,. ittla ettol-aruntal gold cot* VsPetCgr::::=7:etrllrtf felt " tt ' or fol e 1:1 ayearl y dded, la cturracr. t Oblob eay UM Iltd se per cent, upon the 11/aveletansuL .Zl:l4lo.ll,4,,,,a.ligz:ilwart,khyrtet of Congress, ooi t:21; (raf. lora s awry tete!, e , aget wed ig! nettles rarea, In any. Dime been we ted Governmene et Widmer, mat ternerlpllene7doe nate:eta su:Ave caret:tn. ewe. sun eetnen Is worth IriOre than three times the alnowit of lint Mortaaa• bonds of ten can be likened upon Z`zalzt.V.V.l. t l . ffi tr c r.„ -"° , °•TBethel. nude n der at ebeeleclamt‘riat.l.l.anwoorth&lllb4l.l OIL. atithArlahs,•nd enforelr it !extracts to TAY Bold. II i t Vpi:tp. habit. •Itatl4, wooer I It leaLelallve menus. 11:1t4Stai" nitVeb,''s'n'snr-rtF;,"re'r TTIVATNehrenZr4""I d' olz , V l, t'uT , f , r2AfroPTl - s:,:"; .7v.V eL o ..ArgebtaT " ?,..i taw tr tins Neat,' and Pero,. and =ix47,1.',11.. rt1p: 4 7 2 ;47,111 "- T.7 . 4 In ad, ante of the Pelee at. len,ClM'aer""'nea nreurr 1I:M."110W lb. too:MOM pro, rook Ina pzo•ortoat °Cul a Menton go•nent or trot Cora • '"."4- " -- grofrool thogo btr:Vgliie4.3=e47, ro7:,.Bl:7F:•=a4u=2;:=":";;AZ=Vl: olfrtsion or (MEM Mumma Into Central 4Paellte FIRST IdORTIAGN BONDS Mow Realise tor the [folders shout TWELVE PEE CENT, ADVASTAGE, WITH THE MILE HATE OP TETE in T. rby we by all Banta awl Dnokeritemyi•ny ,L . ho abycytottYy ramptayy. wad Naps aut • tbsd, ALM by FIBS it • BATCH, haters ad talon i ;mimed Familia, and Mantis! Lanto of the C P. 8 B. Ca, No, 5 Nassau Street, N. Y. rai , 1 11 .;11 , ?::7 , gtt i oll: - 11,1%,1:11gua Me term. 004 eni:l7Vittlielitro34. THE AMERICAN HILL AND FOIRITAIN sums, Cony Cunt ui Brm Elm% Tut rte, F. BOSWORTH do 00., Prop'rot r. t u tgealt:ttrit.=2 k g,4:Zri are Immo,* IC ttttt tala Ito I r Mead. ottb tti fittra.WlN/LL0i1.41.:,./4/SIA LAI/LW/A A o mai Putt Balcony *moods am/ /Au., C"" "" 3 E 1,03 E1L18001E. - . TEALCHBEI os PIANO AND ORGAN, . I :l7. 4 r,r&rdliT s g , 1?:4111: 7 411;;;% , t.tro o n n t . .h t orelt/ me to i i t . Ter VtrlVltts Drinle 411:1t.t:4,.514. apply to Ilse, and sot el•Tolat Oteal .VAD.4h" i 7 01OCI00,ZZIVILnetiutt°1=:°Ill011E9411 trvo