El ,t,..Tkriar tm a z , MD BROM, 118 Wad 8t nece oorner of Filth. Gsviniattemit Securities, filold, Silver, And Couponi, tknitin ud sold as nbann term. Drat[ Pond Of an the 011001941 elides entamoe. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Bankers, 0017/er F•ilrt& & Wood Streets, strr Amis'''. ALL KINDS or gaVERISIMMIT sEomenzs. Mi Onweett•TrUpg tut° the VIGO! 540 G GOLD Doan or /SR, •ll other leeluilaff all sale. of r.al•., ••• of 1111/../40`4 of lYq 1 . 2 . Y or MK f-m•. Or /em, .nd aomoo•ul hismin Note. TO HOLDERS OF 7-80% klathyrimada modal •Fratromu. Mtin Zasy Glacacar sib Cho*, Otiroormpondeets, wean praearm.topentvart 141:ps tato &Oft of IBM Beads Os 11631111 Datver7. IRA 'B. NeVAY & 'CO., -ors. 034/511,r;e01:111T8 LlDUlllThnuo era. lits burit Gayth FINANCE AND TRADE Omni 09770 Plentemtat Gaserge, Mornay, /Waterston 9, 1307 The New Took stock gunnies. • today, u reseind by Mr. P. E. Mertz. won es fellows: (Yolk lOW Elghty.ame bonds, 111 X; rive • Twenties. ien. 1123%1 Fly. Twenties, 11164 10 X1 • /UT TWentles. 1344 110%; Oaamgs, 001134; Siren Thirties, lint Ten Prottew. SOX:, Sinks—.)47l3 Itaitroad, MIX; Olefletf.in: Pntsbnigh, n; Mugu end Must Laud, loft Obloogo and Northwestern. 4.13 1 ohisegoand Northwestern preferred. 130 X: Font Mere. italinedJasX; Michigan Southern 00 %; New Tut Oentrel, 1013%; Neutral, 1112,Xt Western Tone Teleinnh “X; Ohio and' Mistramppl Certificate., 27%. Xining sheen -43 uTdoe, 7,241 Oregor7.ooo; (awls Nut, 1,416; Smith Iv Parsernee, 0,110; Q.insinur. 27X. Merchants 'Union Express Os., MX. Gold award Lt. 144 and outei heavy par- 1 chases, west up to 144. x, hot aloud stu•.p. m. 01.142%. The'ise brought out a lugs number of speulutors for • rise, but the majority any bellui in a farther Use, yet, Obey are very Usti, aloes the mimes la not a do. to th et. fect . of the President'i sucuseety proclamation, trot the huge salie of gold old - ' short Mills, to 14134-Oeverament earl:tense :are a little I lower 64,4, 'though the Marini' was very Mown at the. opealnig. /taltioaC•hurp were .4w* li the morning: but • cmotetiou yield. d' in Ow tgbentoon, Newton oif the board; abut. dais. of money keeps up prises. Mining then. sr., • little off tuday,but needy in the arer. Age. Lots! 'tette are olferinget coneemions. The follairieg • statement eillbite tins bool.' ;luso( the Pittsburgh Oaring, Hutu, - for the week ending Saturday, September 7th t - , ' • Exchange.: Balances. -uleagra 02 gst,4ll Os 271f01l 27 Si.= es :a Trilry 11:2::: l '" . " N7,sitS 44 • ' 64.11841 Totals 10.702,473 09 *430.031 56 monist New Took quotations ressised trr James T. &sdy e. tr. 8.410 r, 1331........ " o ....... .. .. ............. ......... August UP... July 740 e. thuliour VW. SilOvid..., ver GITO ter!, —The debt statement, whin we hare pub tithed, 11, ytgb as extremely eatlefectory. The Mort data ohllcatione, whin are moat liable to eanie embarrasamenti to the Tres. may, are rapidly disappearing, 66 millions hav ing been paid Oa daring the mouth. Of the creessbacka four tailllons here been eneelliel, aid the cora-.bearing debt has been tocressed MI millions. The Goverment gold la the .Tratuntry boo fallan fromns millions to 66 nat. Sons, enulbratec the etatement ilia not Ohio the 0111t0M11 receipt.. had been sold daring the math. bet neared Mlllfeeimeam from thobsl nee reported August let, The currency het. nee he. bran Wand from lb millions to (7 million; and the probability In that a farther reduction mill take yin. A. to the eoln hal ..nee It ir not tecerded as probable that farther sal. will at present take place to any onside. able amount, for the Wane beton/lac to the conroment In only 66 mtihoo. , ant the pay ones- during the nest four mouths will amount to ar millions. while the customs, re. oolpts 'en mareely exceed In million. Of the refitleturof eon patine:Ma above referred to the September Interest on the 10400 will re. , quire 5t,760,0c0; the November Warmth= the 4.20.1121,266,000; the Yummy Interest oa var ious, hone 11 5 0,030.013?; sad the tedemptLon the bends Of nor ir,0c0,030; Snide. these nuns the payments toßesels on &anent; of the pub nano of ilissita, will amonat to 1tr,3 0 6000/ nd the diplomat* CopoodittLOO Or the IrOVelan•ot to neo,coo, tiring a total 0r.5 66 .6:64103 to be paid tn. the. four menthe aspiring to January, —The New Tait Jiver of fiettielay nos : The troubles le two national' haute an dimmed. Nu the enspeaded tnettlutlorts are too emelt for their Insolvmer to *Urea be/ e Peclet at tic.: ,The action •ef the • Ommrtroller of the Currency It Mooing up the Brooklyn bank on mammal's deadens, la Us reserve, le highly "Ba-.lho of sm. t the banks in Int.Vl cod et tier t. ta 'm central ethics Um one of the n ort h Ismartant • miewoards of the nattocal banktgieyelenteed them lisetitutlom most be' coal ed rr, pry futlyertth thalami:dreamt, of the bow Li The appointment yeitterday of a receiver for the defaulting bank la &salami is an Mirocast. Lion to all overemnsanded banks throughout the ooluttry, and 11 any of them are Milan neut on that. reserve they el/1 do well to heed the waratna pmd to replentak thatz reserves of /a gal tender without delay. By the excision of . the weak, rotten pule of our nettoal banking. system cad In the Matron. promp t!tude with which that exelMon a done-.whlle the open,- Lon l• posalble lc. Safe—while moms' Is cur tad no trouble threatens, we gala almost the o.lrin.uair 11•110.21 hope for at prment that that, arse= obeli be found add staple _and sinew In the Spasm anal panics and dam . Mal revulalom of the future. To be Wong than oar beaky must make tkammives streog The Mot beams known to the otortimartlal etrelee K OM eity ymterday that the first Netionat Hanka Manton, New York had lost • taste amount by Its president. The coax , cteriniewas that last night about 1111,000 of the beak , . pspear wan thrown out to this CM. To-day we have teamed the following Mots about the' ease, It appear. that Mr. ass- Trona, the president of the beak; was In debted to the trunnion to the amount et nine/. mem absety.tero thouland dollar, kin 1t... brooch has plamil all of his property to the hand. of the &newts of the bank. He had twos. a wood character, and trleadacan =ezn tau be bee lon any mosey by ape. I It Is supposed that he an hare gradually 110.41 beyout Ids inoome, and time beams indebted to the bosh. Thaw:dam m artial... the Institution have promptly made amaze. mmta to redeem their outstanding paper, and thin esernlng all of their note. held against the bank to Ude city waft redeemed. The bank Is leAz te el but the stook will probably he wo,. w by this detahmtioe. nazrsoLzoniumrocr threloY on reit Prbrerviei Gion.TA t Mornay, /September I. area. 01/.17Dr,-The =abet eraa .gala POPO se. 'We .lb./y. the sates la the aggrefmt. bat( WT. than them or Saturday, the decline at Antwerp to the 'County notwUbsthodlog. Tb 11 Pereeptthle Pallothe• exerted by the unfavorable character of - the lotelgn ethical, Wee oar spot thl. be which there was not a atn- - gth tratathUcts. awl It la probable that • We eolith not bath been effected balm methadone bedlam* birth Poe the later lacathe, these wen • eery good demand at about last teeth's minas, made 00 1630 k-the balk et the oaths wen for Itareb and Ap111,1149, at thane tiguth The repoital sales were 100001 A a 8 th• year. other— . 123 'Monk sag A prU,lsta,othog - 77 ow - : 0. • • " • " Noe , • ° •' ° .. ipso •0 • 0 • 0 ..... 13 Res tt • • . " ion Ann or Nev00d....... p. r. ton all Ist; feller P. t. 3000 said - - . low v nal/1 Disombor—seller 10/40 110 i, vEnalth's Perry" spot /2s 813:11:(1M3—put lec/Ine In Antwerp caused Ahs tosskin to OP6O very Woggithly this 111024 ing s baton th• day woto op k 11111. backer 441- i* ...1344. provall, sag upon the whole, than. gnu • fat? .1.13. of basfoots, though it • :iglght deelloit; oonspir•2l -with fistusdars prlces. • Prlvato advice. Mon PhiladOpht• Ate Litho day, reportat. for feeling, mid theta . thit I..e.e•Fp - lit. declfnid toll loran woe int ottognied, um It Is po.slll. that It win ofiglnattut forte. ion. purpose that the fig . siat rojport wia goiten up for ea //muds, —Ott one was s obull"000 Oh.. 41//. • 0 t..v 0 Tbi repottad ask. today was As fohows: Inglets . Stu lush for Sept. sad Oct 340 3200 Smtontlwr— boys 134+ . 100 0: . 6110 pliont li o ght straw, to wh. also • - •01 SAT.:DAT .2217.1. bblO acototobor—boyar 17)0 • 1117111 , 161.41." VT 11. V. • Lanny Oti Work.. 410 Ms nl., to Brewer: Surto it Pt.llo4htlobl7. Mirk 81191•47. fio .40 to P. Welt Ok Seol..P24lll4optdo. j&j. Zany Jr.= do do , to F. A. Dilworth • ' mmaraq ogilaKhte b lb. 171.41:0tth (WOW] Lentortta;Sept. e.—eadaa or andbda To. omen at WIMP% /up at 4107. leal Ett 771:ar = • ta_wage not quo. U:ar= r 414170.15 forNik r Me red and white. .uorrt. at x NI aj rgo old shelled tad Wane tot ear In tat i zirs=ta balk. Kees rook at. na /Ml clear eldae at MiX oti lgareorallaine atentpaked. Lard In Mown are Anna. Conlon aIININIRP. , FIVILII/VOO. Raw mast, at PO= JAMES DALZELL & SON, 69 and To Water Street, LARD OIL ktAIMFAOTURRID3, Lad dealers In CIIIIIII. LIIIIIIICATMO3 and CALSEUN tIM. We beet "‘". e.l l TC 7 t r ite l iarne.l 4'l2 e2 " Fi l r.' '' t 4: Oar No. Lar4 Oil m • Lubricator cannot be crehiletL. Carbonk Lubricating and Chndard brands oru co. tsatJ r on hut& Merchants and mean oetorere Will Sad 11 to their Interrci to hies us a all before ordering Lard fro. the eet. felt: rrrtatuseet awLiters. WM. Os In Prrrestraew Murree, 2dosoiv, September V, lair. The geocrs,l markets were_ ezetedlugly doll to-dan the eperattose to the leading ammo& lthrS beteg very light, lead we have not a es. els round lot sale to' report. So tar as values lero sousersed, however, there are uo elosagee worthy of 'pedal notice, though, as • merel thheY;the teadeney, for the troehelag, le up. 9RA Ibi—Wbeat La name and In damson, and prime Penns and 'ChM Red Sella readily at 1y,b5€3,2,5,." Rye Is doll and low., owing to decline td Philadelphia; we nom quota at }gloat $1,20 lam week. Oati scarce and arm but unchanged; nuotalloM may be fairly given at meta:, on track, Rad 68611.)e, It store. Bar ley is La demand, and good to pi:km*3l , ring la sellintat from slaaat.o. FLOOR—The market is steady with a .00thace4 fair local demand, and prices are well ;maintained. We conifnue to quote It 111.4:0,50 for Spring Whent; 11,63 for liViuter Wheat; and 0141 , 14 for fancy brands. .;Ryfr Ylour la ninny in More, it 17,1568. PROVISIONS—Bacon ie dna, wjth ..n. tinned. fair Jobbing demand, and prices are well matinalned—tre for Shoulders; lac fry Ribbed and 170 for Clear Sides, and 214ergidc for Sugar Cured. Hams. Dud Is Pm but dull at In Sexes and 11Xolte In kegs. mesa Pork Is quiet rod unchanged at 124/MN per barrel. GREEN APPLES—Continue eery dull, with a Ripply largely 111 enacts of the demand. Sales In • regular war at MPS Per bhl. SWEET POTATOES—SaIes of Martetta'e at 114.50gge per phi, and Jamey* at ge. SllTTEitbatinues steady for prime fresh. while common packet Is dull and unsaleable. Sault salsa of the former at 1401/e. SEEDS—Timothy Seed 1. In good demand and we awl report Bales at 11 2 .5002,76—m05uy at the outude Brum. Flaxseed may be quoted at 12,40. Notbing doing In Moreno° CHEESE—The market I. Tan sad a MU, dull tut nnettiagnl--aalea at 12.501150, accord. tog to quality. EGOS—Prime fresh pecked •Eirge may be Quoted elm at lso and araree—sales reported but week at 30e. . ' ILAY-14 quiet but unchanged—may be quo te. area to Ile parley. • OlL—Lard 011 la firm. mul,wo continue to Lire Mc for No. 2, Mel 110,05 for No.l, as the manufacturer. prima. • • PE/ 1 0 1 IES:—ContInue . to meet with a good demand, and we ego report regular Wee at $ 2 d-,50 per box, aa to timidity. law Task Prod.:we Marko& IRV Tolrgrthh th..Plttsbarsh Gazette.] Nair Tour, September P.—Cotton a Rhode easier:sales Of MO balm at MOBIt(c for told. dllng upland. Piouri receipt. 15,700 bar rels; the market IS 200300 better; in low groom thero Is more doing: sales of 1,440 barrel. at 57,30656.50 for superfine, State and western%l . Aosol2.7s lor extra western; 8 11 ,75 6111.35 oat.. P. If. 041110014,50 for new St. Louis, and $l5 for very chains do. Cali fornia more steutlyt sales of 1,400 ...km end barrels at $11,M0L3,50. Bye loor $. 73 07,10. A1t1113.1321.:=L71.1.1rVic IT,etTariti more score; sales of 116,000 bush at 62.12 M for N 0.3 Chicago; g;l6 for No. 2 do; 1. 2,1066 2,12 for N 0.3 do to arrive; 1.2.13 for winter red 1111eot; for...white California; 01,40 for amber State and MichiganiV.,33lsl2.4o for amber sou th ern; gl,lO for whits Genesee, and V.,51M2,52 for white Michigan. Rya Armor; eales 4,503 bunt, waste= at 111.3612 1.67.6. "Barmy quiet. Malt dull; sales of 2,010 bash at 61,56. Coro; receipts 157.241 bash; tbe market Is 3M415 higher, and In tire Speculative demtho; sales of 156,060 bush at 411.9)01,M4 for new mixed western; 31.1501.191.0 r unsound. Oats; reoelpts 111, OM; Ic better; sales 07,000 bus at MOM for maw Southero; 70073 c for new Ohio; 550 for old Wooten:, Stock In Warehouse—Wbeat, 1511,532 bee; earn, 115,430 bus; oats, 133,737 bus; bye NM boo; barley, 9.576 bow; malt. (1.51 ti s; pea. 151,661 bum. !Mee notalnel. COl5. rituot., but firm. bilkers shade Amer; Sales 1100 Wads at 115,;01155 for Cuba, and 1161 Mic for Porto 6.100. Molasses quiet. Hops un -5/1=414. Petroleum steady at 15 , 4 for alan crud% and BliMitic for reflood lo bond. Pork dram. sales 0,550 lab!. at 1:“:4111L4.F.,5 for new 1/1.1 closing at 1.4,73 Mehl 081.504 10000; 54 , 03 for oldi 1M0:V.0,50 for prime. and 1114,00 lot prime mos.. Beef dem; Isles 160 8524 at previous prices . tool hams nomi nal. Bacon steady, but colet,• sates 3,0/0 11. log cured longfilb bulk at 1114. c. Cut Meats firmer; sales 1.70 pkg. at 12018. M for thou]. den, and 1501. for hams. Lard firmer; 14,J0s 1= tibia at 12(.11Mc. Butter Mead, at 11051 a tor 0810. Choose quiet at stro,s,.. freights to Liverpool doll and droopmg. Larsar—Ploor 010.00 feirly active and 10 az. better. Whoat firmer, witli moderato export and fair speculative demand. Eye aready 111_4:101.3.5 for new lemons. 4./ets rmor at 70= c orrew Chicago and Onto. Corn dull at $1.4101,70 for common (0 Pyrime new mixed western. Pork armor; salsa of 1000 bbin mess at *24.00 caeh and regular. Beet quiet and unchanged. Cut meats firm with limited transaction. • Bacon yalet and arm. twrd steady for Mir to p.qmo stoma, and lega for kettle ran dered. • • 11134 114 , 111,1 • / , 11144 1:1 1 / Ic4l • 1174 .. 144 allorthuatt Market. Yelntenh to the Flusanten lioaetki4 lthicursaet. 6optomber9.—Flour la In fair demand and at tell prima: Family, IMO 310,50. Wheat la firm fr.,13 forlro I. errn Is In (Sr damiusil and the market to firmer. mining at SLAM. Gala arm at cue, and to/der...kw higher price, at the cloth. Itye L unchangedthd 'lathy at 111.3. bar. tel la firth, no prime to choice fall are In demand at $1,14 , 41,30. Cotton .1011 and ;Fri tan.are nikulnaL Whisker la contraily hold eta/41613: In bond: be. there 5.,/ boon 110 Woo at better that $O.Ol. ProvieiOns were buoyant and unsettled. Meth pork le held at $33; aides of 1900 lobla, made nt this rats. bd Unity days; eatdd hate been nought to te r limited extant at 1134,7 a cash. Cut maids aro generally bold at 1.1415 e. nod noggoffering nem at therm rates, be the views of beware or the of orders. There was notnlng don* In Bt. whitharaa hold at lac for shoulders; L71.40117N0 for clear rib. nod 18M10 1 3e for clear rd waa thdike, with sales at the Instil, rates. La at at Lin.. /Jams.° In batterroaringl dernthd y at lth 21411th for inkier enroll. Batter and Cheese are firth and the Athills . is light. I.ltheed till la 11011 at $1,153 the decline in New York I:tutu:nod thipments to this inarkot which had boon destined for New York. INN firm at ittk.! f' , 4111: - J:Lr.,l%lNr ear l Clold its buying.' Chicago aortae. :Br Taternaie to tee I . l.aberst Omit. Cowan°, Sept. P —Weather—Woody • and tool. Fkturospring extra active and Zane. nbfber. Wbes, active; N0..1 241140 wad No. 3 5 0 drerl4/.2342/.e2X for No. I arm 1,1,7c0 41,744 for No. 2. Waater Wheal, ontet and drat; 42,10 for No. 1 received. Corn tweet, 41,2,3•, early . males at an advance of ictft for 1 No. and 114:444 for No. 2 bat annentlp. receded to 41,04 for Ho. Land 41,0 1;4 1,02 for No Laboring ureknlar at 4 1,04 514 1 . 4 . far No. I. Oats firmer; laltee higher, cinema steadyy. 00 4440!4e. 3LPe Ur. higher: 61,1 0 01.12 for XO.l and 411,004j1,10,4 for No. 2. Barley , 4o. V• ll 74t,tt e f VoVelo N n . : !a lot. llltir at rst elau brunt. ofenesa pork bold at =4,72 Gszo,oo. Lard liocroot•—io,oor Okla. Cour, .1.24C0 oa ts, rrkeat, 141,0 a) boa. Dorn and 74,040 bra tiblieeteete-4132) bible. flour. MAW boa ob.; 144,5t0 by, Gorr, and 43,000 but. oat. Prelgata firmer and more active: 7 , 422 c for pima sad 0 070 for corn to Noralo. • • AIM Tent Dry aloftls =arise. [By Telegraph I. the Plumlnuch ( WWI./ You, depternixr tt—Dry goods age Carly liztivf and orate stead,y for all ata.ple mortar—print Clothe ant bold trod, of no 17.4 for 64. Ensure standard al:meting, aro steady at IV for beat make, and 11001 second., la 17.. Prints arc 177 good teasst re and Pa a f lS allLp;C a S El o bao n 4s and AO:mi. If °annals, It for Amoskeag; POW/ 2734, and Damson. 11;4. Delalass are In steady renown at 104 for neat make., sad .=.4 for Sprague'. Poperill and Corset Jean, are .11losrat 17 , 4. and Amosksag at 16%. Glasgow Cinemas al 1gl7; Latleaster dp, at. m. .Atnoskeag and Peperill DWI, le; Laeonla,• dO. 11% Paper Catataies, 1414. Hamilton Droern Cotton Ylannale, 173.ji Nantakeag bleashed. 40. 21. Iftullns are a mwe buoyant' and held at M. 4. Fine Wool. of novel designs are wanted at fair PoOr. Adyles mall low. Grad styles, talstares, and Importal Dress goods, Minted at goal poles.. • Sl. Loots iltarlant. Mr Tele-Rare to tbe Yttiontran flaxen.] 9v, Loom, July 9.—Tointroo Active and steady at full priors- hemp unchanged. Cotten notbtror doing, 91our—Cholce and Taney brAnda firm out lower ermine dull; flu perfine-eGOLOU, Extra s7,73fifil, Double do. 1873010,77 , A. Treble do, e11e11,23, Choice and kantlrefit(atte. Wheet firmer; 11,150 1,3) for prime to fancy White, k1,0502,e) for ~.1144, 41,5501.78 for fair to choice Spring. Corn firm for Yellow; Inactive for White; quotations range from 41, 0 501.12. Oats =w aken_ god . ea jififfifilo. DSO.) rinetonged. at lit,liaLl,ti m for prune eerie, 11,..., 4, eL et ISO for Spring. Yrovlsome buoy aaL Hsu P.m ex. Cason—libooldere, 750; Clear I3lata, IF,Eo. Lard firmer; for choice kettle rendered In tier... wnteky-othing tranpiren. Iteooint— Fleur, 9,777 Obis; Wheat,l4377 aaakei torn, 7.933 bush; Oats. 4,467 bulb; Eye, 37, been; Barley, 2,377 took, redelleMirstMeit. CR/Tele/mob to tb.Pl tto berßO Ussettal Toter.. 2 012tember9.—Plor—nde• or rod wheat aurae at 31941). .ITheat—welte, No.l amber, and No. 3 spring . , 20 better; sale! of whits Michigan et 42.30; Amber 2.0 f Amber, U ," 1k1;P.74"1 2. I t4c4li. .14 . 10 ...abah at2l m i; N 0.2 WM; Michlaan 11,0r01,02. Oats lobe:, at 070 fey No. I salt/No for N 0.2; salsa of No. I for ail Sootomner at fee. Rye lc better, at 11.10 for No. I. and for N 0.2. Earley el" for No.l. Lake Preittato den and nominal; 7c on wheat to Oswego; 40 on wheat and 3!,‘,c on corn by steam to Buffalo. Receipt. for the past weelt-2,0/0 bbls flour, 50. be - trheat, 80,130 be corn, 69,193 bedsit, 2.940 be rye, be barier. Shlpmno ts -27,215 bids Corsi, moan, bo wheat, 2 . 1.407 corn, 'Ate be oats, ell be ry. du Clevela(OTnd Merke. Teiezrap4 th• Plummet °suede.) Cravetaav, ammonite,. 9.-1100 r market firm and tosettangrati . XX_ rad winter m 0,210 2tC..l.X7l'obriaTriPiX 41451 r 2 bet bey...and Raters Sr. avert Anil trans. entinhe are light; No.; rod welter held at 4sad3. 44Y7, e t1;e % 14 0 2 ,1 2 . Corn firm I mixed. teas orodtt fo r NO.linatik(rein more. Rye quies hot firm held at SIX fOr No.l barley steady and unchanged at tocolll,ol 4 fo r 2/ 0 - 2 State, $1,0501.10 for No.). Petroleum tat Very firm; standard white 23222 k, In . - Market. olgraggosph totba rittsbarga 00, 410.1 ' lftvoratrita; ;Oortataber 7—rlota .01 no- UT*: City double ostra lo haol4 rto otroota7,; d0.4 1 ,1147r0t oatll4 0,17. %last tatlrat atal.l7 lor No. 1117 for No. , Oata Llltm at 1 8 0 Per bo• for NO. h 470 for JNn. 1.- - ORM Army at 41,01 for No, 1. Paden* am firm at no to ittowoi IN to Onrogo Reont a hts; 2,090 MO, lloar. On. Wit's:: 7 tna.:: OM& 3 M an. prom Blalamentas bbla 41,00) olta11: tylmati Ike:SOL flail& AV ba. Qom, Financial Natters in New York, Sold Closedat 142%0143!4. • I B TTMetralin to the Mitebemb rimette.l .Nsw YORK, September 7, /W. Noisr AnD oor.D. /i oon , •toady at Op per rent on call loans. Sterling nniet at Dyfiln, gold. for drat Maas Mlle. moro aotmo and armee, oponing It 3 advancing to 144 i, and closlo It I133(a1131 y. GOV 1.110•31,15 Toss attire and s stook, moiler; Coupons of 'Si, 111%; do of '63, do of , 64, OPN, do of 1 / 0 ):: do sew, 1 , 1oN; do of '67, iUt'4; 10400 s, &upon. 7.SPB, andJUly.lo73i, Stooks, exile la the Qar. lere behv7, bat doled flrmer, reeovertrig from the lotreet pohat. Lindeou wax coneaderably higher, The following were the . 16LOinea drerdetows At LSO r. It: Center,, 16048; Cumberland, diem; Well., Fart' d Company, Iddi?reeli,l 84.7‘, America., lorAt dalagte SSG; tufted u.ee, east !dereLudas Tinforl.rtKra; Qu'Orono."' Pirra:; gnSell 0 34; do ;derma, Meedit Pao go Marl..la.o 14134; Atlultle Meal, Ill.X0112: 'Seern Uglon Telelrraph, 1 4401.6%; New Tork ceutral, 105 41.6.14.• trio , or3:oeB3i: truth, ceadlne, lorTiellor;lo car [Meares, rd%, Wabash, 1 4E4 4 3t. Paul. 47 , 4 i IllehdranCeurrel, te kedge n Boutheie, ed.. 7,084.34; linnets Central, 4d)..401dr,6,11.11444 burgh, 841,666;; Toledo, 1 22,4012 e; finer Jougg; Northwestern, 46?407 44qlala; Non stern preferred, 705,fandit Pero Wazoo. PRIMLY BANC STASSMZST. Leans, .25U,31,5C4; Increase V.,21.01,59P. Sp C10,117,3CLC19, Increase V196,.124. 4...lreulatle . W,M,17; decrease 4 , 056. 1./epocte, 1 195 121,1l4; Increase 14,259.11/7, Legal Tender ac9,c57,415; Increase, 41,724,1t7i. Y 121.0 d8.L.8 Opened loner, but cloned active and firmer —Orono:7 ell; Corytionl2lol2l; Rock Moan. UPI tic; Ramon KO; Ed ae tilt 515; Mid. 5 , 00`2%; Quart 11111 Ice; Davidson t=41:10; Eldorado 3100315; Brnith & rarnilee .11); Sell•Anderief 111.1.5,• tinitt.d Itates Pocroletint 30)Q370; !Jonathon' nat. 80 1 1, 41. 4 1V67 Receipts, $21.095,97i; payments, balance, *II s ,C 0,617. Raw York Cattle heart Lily Telegraph to the PI ttaborsh hal New roar, September o.—Bc better grades In light supply. aiYd wan generally and deinuid Iml prides; low, grades freely offeral and tench lower; abort , all the offering', which comprieed 2100 head, were disposed of. Extras 1C14017c; prime 15I , gff Mc; drat quality lael3N;e; Lair to good letyleXci ordinary 11Q3155c , and inferior Sp Itic. Sheep quiet and Needy, and,• moder ate supply and rah. demand. Lambs scarce and an good demand and higher; extra sheep Oiglec; prime ff,,12 , 5) , (e; inferior to Coalman 4Q5c; eXtra lambs SlsfjOct inferior 1.; good 5 1 .4080. 'The hog - market ruled steady up to Thursday. when bolder. were compelled to submit to the reduction; since then the demand is slow and the prices favored the buyer to-day, Iran the offering. large; SO car loaff. were disposed of with diffloulty, at g7C17,30 for corn fed. Receipt. —GAM beeves, M,3.12 sheep and' lambs. 22,5 M hogs. =EI=!! • • • (BY Telegraph to the Mttsbergh liamotte.l Br)trath, September 0.--itratek 1a etoro— Wheat 81,990 bosh; corn 10,000 bushy oat. 74,000 bosh; rye 10,002 bosh; barley 12,010; buckwheat 10,000 bosh. Necelyt*Wheat lei= bosh; nura 131,000 bash; oats 172,020 Ouch; rye 15.000bueb; barlery 21,0100 bash:goer 11,000 barrels. Chlpmenta—Wheat 0(0 busk; corn 54.000 butt; Oath 103,000 bosh; aye 01,000 bosh, Flour firm; double extra loth. elm $11,50; red ;rioter indium $11; whl. Southern illibma kW.. Wheat attire not higher; Well or 11000, hush white Michigan at $2,9004fi1t 24000 bush No. 1 Milwaukee at ( 2 . 0 311.4.0 buett No. 1 Cht-age AMA; 7,000 birth X. 3 Chicago at $1,90; Mine bush No. 2 do at alai. Ind 1.5.00 e bush do to arrive.; $1.03, Corn active and 1 0better; sales or 1,11:0 bosh No. 2 western at SI,M and 14,000 o at 81,1001,11, closing with buyer. bolding off. Oats eltdet and lc higher; melee nrtaxo western at sft. pan 1.0 arrive. Mess Pork gi.4.50. Lard 13 , 5014 c. Freights; 12,"1ic for coma to New York. E==E2Ml By Telegraph to the Mubarak Gaulle. I Octaana, Sept. 9,—Cotton market etuipended and no elides; prices nominal and ruling downward; receipts, at htda. Sugar-11Mo 2401113i2.1311 in market; [nib , fair, 15.3gc. idolaaeoe—market bare. Flour quiet and firmer; SCIPernIICI 04=41E0 5 E4 Coon 0 0111 Mixed White and T N). allow Oath dull at 700. Hay dell and drooping; prime Western 210. Pork In demand at Si;. Bacon aetuhile and settee; Shouldent, 1.514 c; Clear hides; Ilili3nlc; &mar C orer Ham[. =Mc. Mold athiell. Sterling SIS tlthiXe. Now York Exchangoli promlutn. • Rammer. Market. thy Telegraph te the russeargh Ossetia.] Psi's - moss, Sept. s.—flour is quad asa steady. Wheat aria and very scarce: Vital to prime at gL350r2.60; most recounts are in bad condltlon. Coot at 01.1201,15 for white, and ;11,11)01= for petiole. Oats at 60Walc. lipe f t • 1 Ol= Provisions very awn and active and Is advancing. Bacon shoulders at 11iie; rib otdes at Intiginitc; clear rah sides at Inc ham. unchanged, Hulk manta are in request, bat no Isles are reported; shoulders at ISe; rib Odes at 13'%c. Park 1/4611e, at 1114,134213 las western. Lard steady at 1.1,401113gc. ' Clinsispa Marls ea ST Telegraph to tee Pluabarsis Ossetia.] Osareiso, Sop :excitor ii.—rossr satire with a partial ulirso. of 54.1 e; Woe of 1,1110 Obis at gift 12,50. Wheat Arm mid quiet; sales of 7.5.10 Otis No. C01...K0 sPrtall at , V— galst. Oata soars. aissl tiomthal. Canal irelatita le trouser. Lake imports—rue) tins wheat, NOW boo cams. (Waal export.- 414 bis/s Flour, 4,700 bus woes; 4,SUO bias corn, MAO ben oala. =l==ll fl 7 Tekgraphro t h e Illtobargla tlsrety,R DerialT. September active sad prices firmer. at ii lai/Jafor mperior. and sad $1004110,73 (Or single extras. Wile.: sours sad buoyant, clowns arm at IRA: for fro. 1 while. Receipt. of 'MO bbis fitcar sad 10,070 tub 'rhea. Mfflaptas Muses. [irTclegr•Dh tOih•entabaat Quetta] bepL 9.--Cattou Dier.se, Floor— racer lee 47 f 5a- Corn—whole tzture at $1,13 0,94 Oals7DaTes. Hay Povkr.tia "St). Rime mac. Geocro--ahoul,3ol, 13144 c; &Ides .15.211 , 4 e. Lard Wia, Coteoe earelag very • slOiriy. etticoiat Cattle, Market. BY 'relegrald. to tea ?Monarch gazette-I Cancan*, nent.9.—Beet cattle moderately •Csire sad ancenng llog a settee; P.4:01 era (Or the beet. nheep Quiet and use changed. Receopta or nen hogs. Philadelphia Cattle Placket. tip Wears:Al M the Plusbarsh Ossetia.] Pitsaccianna. Sept. 9.--Catt.le very dad sad lower; saint of aero Lead at 19:4atik. Cheep dill aid lower; sal.. of tt9s bud at 4 41.5y„e. Hoge la 1119 demand; adze of ;go at 00017,75. PlMladolplna Market. (NT TelegraiBl to tae Littiobazga liaaene.) PartansLauta, aapL 9.—Flour dull and weak. VKLuar.dull; fah- to good red $Z 112,15. Corn dal: yellow Southern 114254314 U. °atm dull. LIKPDXIIII AT ILAILKOAD. Lr...mer• Arno PiTTSIIIMIE September o—lto plates copper, O Ca Him. CM; I car Mon are, ideKrilcur, Po A Veil (lt 02 h ; * : b dodo, 'rA ug n r iddoo do, 027.7 Bend Iron co,i OUs }mail tiarier,o DbL L I Arbockisa A Cot 7 care sums, J L 0. Kn.; ear Mark, J B Lyon a Co; It Oa rep, Markle, 11141 main Co; II do oat., 7do 1170. W inAgh.ll cask one, Daimon a Fawcett; Ido do Otto .111111n7eri• bbl. oil, Fry . A Seotti 1 od d Ina bee., rthrleer, Spenser Co; 100 ter plis. Farrell A Co; 48 alts o mits, IL 8 L‘11012,218.m, Hopper Co: Ido do, Lemoo Weisel 7 bbis rye. Ido flaxseed, T lllltehel/ ;2 kgf butter, South a All.; 100 bbls ldealts z a td z eon . rice I d j o . d i o , ; 111, 7 41 , 1/10 bbla IL JP Wan; lar . oo 41 r a M4II, melte; Id eke rye, 1R &foot& it do '.. mon, Jere. Olean; I bbl &Poles, W a Kirkpatrick & Co; do pea/Me& Vs...order i Shepard, 00 vac. corn, 110 de 0et5,21•13.• AoJemli bbl.rep, 10 do apples, Netter A An:atm.; 17 do do, I, H Volgt Co; fa do do, 2do potatoes, 2 liege better, Closets. Baiter; 43 eke oats, 4 bola nee, Bead a Metreer ,ibbl dour, Ido potato., do pears, J Hobert. • Proreotmon, llocrmerre& limorasiaTl September IS-4 blde3pbamo.lorue rillerioni bble Door, Jobn rortertiald; 10 eke rye, 07 do oats, Jae Dombigton; 1 box totem., Striver, Speurser♦ Co; 11 obis ow, At W 11.01 a; 7 cam stares. Merkle A Ea; 100 s bbla dour owner; 4 coddles tabimee, Gordaer &Woe; 10 0.0 name, EII Myers A Coil to beer,' pkg. hams, JP Is Co; 11 bal. cotton, Alt Uhllde A 00; T 1 eke flak , US do eor9, do rye, 81 to barley. Als/lanry A Llomis 211 do do F Shields; 12 do mita, Bricker (Jo; 7 bide ' apples, l ore, & Co; bdle pelts, L Herlbruneri 81 ells burley, Beiway & 00111.; 200 dodo, klesnor & limper; Y 0 d. do 2 Wainwright A go; 11 do rye, 1/ do b oo y. J Dorringtorsi 10 bell etarek, Otrirdiler k florledge; 41 eke barley, Smi th co; al bills feLloes, 10 do ,batty Id MOWllloney A Co ;worn:rasa. FOiT Wayasa (Jmosao IL N., September cat mtilleed• It Boa;tom lumber, A D Atnene;lo bbl. apples, Yolgt Coif oars balk meat, 10 but boats, F Sellers 11. 00; SO bhle whisky. L. lioseabermst,• t 6 elder J Exam W mriar mactloes, Swa m...oolst bbls ham. E S Mortis; la do alco hol; 10 On spirits. J S Mane eases putty, T 11 Neils A CO; 10 tnbaceo. Atwel, , Le. A (Jo; 20 do do, Mesas A lloala WO bbls dour, 1111.1. .77 k 00l flefl FISS Isad, B Faintest.* & On; oars trod ore. Fibusoberxer A Blair, 0 sks barley, Z Walawrlibt St Co;. sacs scrap scrap into, Alullios & Maloneyi 10 db. brooms, Means a 00112.13115 oil able, Brower, Barka a Co; bbl oyes, II Riddle; 105 bbls 150ur, Seib. myer & Tog Xmas; 146 begs wheat, 0 Pioym bblS sip, Thos 511tchell. 51,4,103 r, tieptembet 9-1 <or Wave.. Body. A Itoberisootl2l be. flaxseed. Id Suydam; 334 00 do, Ewer & limalliwot I bo tot sea°, A W Jana/moo' 0 dos washboanto, Jos °Weldon; Dbl. •apples, Jl3 BMA.; 42 bits e0ra,12.5 do osts. MillerM.K.ley ;I bblswiu 131 , 01.. per A Nu; ilos brocmir, 8 °yam& do do, 0 .14yent 5 Dble top, A Carson; 2 ease. tobacco, 70 do soap, BM* a Motleys 4M: bides. Aasliromstager A Sus; 24 dos brooms, IS do ants has, I Li utchlosoo; XX btu*. Atowart L.gooholects ii. bldg., A 1104 stew. PITIVIMIUM AND 001 11LLITILL1 B. R., September 7-7 bdlo abort Iron. Moorhead Oed 2 bdl. leetber.J ti hulr; 2 do do, Thomait Wake Wheet , W Rookie; de de do, Uorpaae a Stoneman ilea 0011 e rope. Adieu, Donated A Co. 173 bdle sheet Doe. W P Armstroa 1 2 ki ll 2 "di°'" io L af ' .1 ei b =ett I Do; 1,7 1. 0.4.....dmit• (fcq Me eemeot. 011 Leech; le do d . J ()argot 40 eke kair, Id De aaaaa (a to o t et peflupe, Parke A tio.. AL/19[27T Vacter RAILAOI.O Sept./other 9-1 ear bark, W klaoeo. A Bon; I venetian N rj Rt er 100. S ear:llra brlek,Johastostaaylor Do; 2 de de., Tedt Ref a St tio;111 bee nitrate Ws, Coltman &A FAwardst 91 aka oat., It do rye Keil I Ultehin; Ibe butier.s Murdock; W Li Kirkpatriek bo o lig ; 4 o. bu . t ut ter . , janklu. MLNTIF.dOI'IMERS UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, !IL lOU T!N. VaaufaetZn. of 0001 LING NlTOlrjrikaßelird, OBATCd. ricmbrun.'lLlMEl sad WI kinds of go LLi WAHL, UAW WIILILL and all kiwis of 11•01 l IN Mil' OAST/NUS, car aer or WAIN'S andlniillll/18111131WCTIS. loot of lath lareet az tension, rltUburgek. Yr CENTRAL I FOUBRY AID DOLL WOD/al. ' 060 Pen.= BOLLNAN, BOYD & BA Lllr Glitu AN . M.ll ClanDp. doll MIH. ft. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: I.I'U.ESDAY, SEPTEMBER - 10, 1867 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORIB. FULTON, ICEMAN At CO., I=!2!CM OAK' UM, An v TWINES, u mq mitt. Warehom44., 114 45 115 Water.lsl. Unit or /and 11;t Clreulu. RIVER NEWS The 'Yankton Duitorata say. the Viola Belle played • sharp tuck on the Sheriff at that plum. A. Ilea band oomylalned against the Captain toe ill.treatment, and the Captain nod boat *ere detained. the Shedd remained on homy] all night. Toward morning he stepped off for • few moments, Ravin • friend to charge. The friend wee forcibly ejected and the boat pot out, The Dubuque Herald state that ergot's lions are on toot for the consolidation nt the Atlantic. Allasiaelppi and Northwestern taboo Packet tompaciee into a grand line from Saint Pant to New ()thane, passengers to change boat. at St. Louie. Upon this the Madison Journal ”yet unto would he a grand scheme, and we don't know of any man who 'could better carry it on aucceufully than Capt. Davidson, who would control the line* In the Cutult, Aloud of Ohio tmnety, In. Mena, ,Jury hedge the ruling of the judge s in case to recover wharfage, decided that where the public have used property bordaring WMn navigable aims, uch as the Ohio riser, for twenty years or more, truth the canasta of the: owners, for nay for porpom, that colatis• Mites • dedication to the public for that We ' and Um award was given to the defendants. eo hiker Rouyn—We mentioned Come days ei the fact of a new route from Choral to New Orleans baying been opened through the enterprise of the manager. of the St. Louie std Keokuk and the A. at M. S. S. Co.ts. commotion with the following from the Quincy Reraid will he read with interest: Sleety ear loadsof malt arrived yeateedaY Ruin Chicago fortit. Lou% via the river, mat leg its ail about eighteen thousand barrel. roe ceived from tlhicagoat this point within the last week. It demonstrates the fact that this route is co...dared by. Chicago shippers • very good one, and vastly superior to the Alton I route. By thla route freight le landed directly at the wharf to Se. Louts, t h e. avoiding. the inconterdence of handling it at East St. Louis and crania/ever on .the ferries; and, besides, the freight by the river unme le tended to St. Louie in neater sty /e st Just as quirk. The ateamers finery Johnny. and Lucy Bergman trZirgi. dln "'in% v ting t re eq . i f. ' „Txt: tents) , with full goes of “Itl—Quincy . me, did, gnome gin. . Sr, Loon% September o.—The movements of the crops along the upper rivers, •cuthward, hare scarce begun yen All the hosts naming shore do not bring all that °Sera A move. mesa is on foot to operate w a nusaber of boats between thl• port and Ne Orleans, outside of the Atlantic hoe, been:tales with the John Sit. gout, T. L. McGill. and Stonewall—the two latter having come to the wharf yesterday, and the Kilgour Is now loading to leave io-mo r. row. There ere Maiden°. of the rates being tow during this moment. as at lent three sepe rate Intestate are in the held. The Only Chance arrived at Benton, August mth, wit •ll her freight. She le the only boat that has made two trips to Benton, this year, front Saint Louis. = I. 0.c.) as o[ I The Cincinnati Gwent, of Saturday, asp: rhea alt liing arrived yeatenlay from Lom vill after an absetwe of two week. We Mud loog account:. of her performsnces in the Lou isville papers, all of which go to chow that the Interested people of Louisville am needy to pronounce her a comae. Mr. Sting will re turn to LOW:mile shortly, for th• purpo oe of putting petroleum furnaces In the etearocre Morning Star and Taresao. We extract the following item. from the Loulerfilo Democrat: Captain Crawford, V. h.special :agent for the Treasury Department, has been to the city for several day. His head is about •level" on the lookedveafaty valve question. No boat le compelled to use more th e ca one valve lad It may ho chosen by the!engurear. Capt. hermit, the inventor of th e petroleum burners, taught music In title city a law seen ago. Louisville Is coming out. Serous and 3im Oriole are Loulsvllileum .•• • • . Capt. Lockhart ledcap a tive to the Hymeneal alter. • few days ago, aof Louie ville's head sen:acid daughters. Ile, with his fair linde, has gone one tour to the East. We wish the happy oollP:OilIT. and • long Warm of happiness the St. Paul Press mankell this extraordinary statement. which we %Mak ta too long by M ales: The nver ma report tbe trip Paul to Mullah a one hundred mile.lo ng er than It was • tew weeks ago. the steamers be ing compelled to follow more closely the meld channel of the river. Too 1 , 4 • 104". op T•E 3111 11 110171..,—Tbil EMS. •tlle Jcornof says thewreckers are still at work on the billsourt, and Sr. duly recover tog enatetblog of value. A few day. a g o they recovered the kitchen range complete, exespt the top, for which they have berm fishlike and hunting. Thewck II tow picked pretty leat, end the work of breaking op twill soon bests. The Sletaphle .4tirrowhe, of the Oh, ea.: tilihrough Ude commends' dark.. which ft at ea long blind over Memphis • faint glim mering of light has . hut appeared. General Lloyd, of the Lou:walla and Nashville HMl road, who le. by the way, otte of the grit rail. road men of the Southwenternotightry. an. rived In the city yesterday, for th e 'Lupoao of onOrestleg nor people In the twestabtishatent a n esting or daily Ilea of ...mere be. Oran tide city and New Orleaha, to nut la ...Ron with the Memphis .4 ',uterine R•ilroad. We are authented to say that tio these roads a very mittenai reduction will ho made on tOrmigh freights from New Orleans, while the packets of this line will carry freights at • prim that will tender St. Lo contortion Manage impounds. the manor at pre.. le merely la an embryo mate, weeniest the wall. and eaeoutagemeht of out mynah. tile mimmunity.' pee.. whine 41 . • mew lionnub the Arn to eater the trade, are the Itichnumd, tostiotaudediry that Mettler aad thorough eleamboateasa, Slot beat; the I. thane by hhibrotheir, Robe Neal, and tu•lieeter Ames, by res. lite.. The fit. tools th.r...tat, of Friday. says: Capt. Itarob tint haa brought tha boo ara, .ter packet Sl r o a skgala to Cho :eve. and 0111 load Lot for Omaha, fearing to-morrow area. COMMEIBS'N N. IrtgaLS r...-.__l. A. aintiii NI . STEELS N. SON. 11RALL8I IJI • - _ FLOUR, FEED. Glt.il.r t And Pnoettrea arnently. Mo. 43 01110 3TBILF.T. near Rasa Cars.naor. ALL/4116NT CITY. FL YOUNG & WHOLESALE HEALERS AND Commission Merchants in FLOUR, PEE* AND PROM DENERALLY -555 Penn St. P7rIIIIIPIPLIH. PA. • Bab= CO.. COILINISSION MEICRISIS, MaWITS PUY ' Ma Pacific, &lobo k Liberty Oil Works, A.Plosiamr. ow add. tat 11471K4 Llto. Ctrl. or 0.14.1 Palma., Tads Mc alloram m 4 salaramt 0t thnMa Nl.l Lammemitta. and Waretmase. Cara sr at Lamm. Way aa4 klmooal Mean. rltUitogrini. IE7 NAM ROBERT KNOX, Jr., coantusalos • • ■ .- • FLOLS, GRAIN AN6 fIIODUC4 . 01Woo. 111.3.LIBLIZTT. Pittsburgh. wuozams Aar) 1 :7 11. C . : 10 ID 3E3 .IFt. 896 Perin Street. TIP.= ..TCALLILL OOKESSION Flour, Grain, I , oedS g NW Feed. 1nT310.1,349 raIir4TT PITTIMIP.M. PA. AtAX. I. W. & ANDEII, COMNSlll6lolllAllirchants i gT42,21 1 , 3 1erg a u14117 .Ig.rElllso Stn.. cistilmtreb. 166 VETZEIt & ALIMSTRONG, nniniso ill onion mem fOr lb. ualiol Flour, 0W.,, ,0 MlOll.ll. Dried Iran; au , l halm y, No. 111 Hann innwl,Nanar of 1111!, NeOuriO, Pa. Ilan. KNOX.. LIM It KNOX & NOW, Comnduloa klittett A.NTllaad Daslan /.1.017/1. (MAIM, MILL rtILD tad PISODUCJI 1 614 •211- 4 ; N. m Lni.osa. orpouto 'ottiLtau, Ali. ;nevi 0217. - -iN ?an. 0 D Commln llax°llkATAtilTaran egqiigvalimgrigmg . LITTLE. BAIRD & PATTON. . 1 . 1 . 7 .tri 1, 14.1"4",1r 4 1 1 °. Plati. * Uarbon an 4 Lard 14, Plana aeon tel.., i ggildlTin ti g!Katttbn%th Ptratir" P. nallcana..4. a. ligrnan......W3f.A ataTICIL DETINEIt & DELOS" (Successon aura:n:44, o.7igtltgVgg Waßk4 l ll=Zh . "l4.itra." %I 1 * 10IIN B. OARFINLINCommeaIs- Utria r =r3:::grU:g..7ltt tat. Lard Mk. Puma, Flour, ran, Put an 4 Paul Aattas. and Ms pried Praia, sad Pro duce nentan l l.4oo. Mann 111 Iron M. 4 Plttabnenb. TDDLEAto. 188 Liberty Bt., i L i .= ? Tp do. Oonda y la•lonbloroba o t. sa d 11 Produce, (howl. VpAttyg u ma d ubi:trr. Nag, Wm:ma aor awa.o. 20,121 Z. LIOOSOLIEDWAID BOOls..leir. E. ROOM JOHN/I. BOLTON & DROL, CeigiOxlS TO 2041 2. HOORN A CO.. WW1 sol• Unman & as Coooninlos Monshanto, oor. ILT at thrithiltid and Watorstroota, • ' SCIIGNIANJER /A LANG, Whole. L. , U. doal.rs therocertev. 71m, Braley pm, me do 'Proligslon_ L a Chou% Salk OW.. 011, Ar.:111 sad In Woad litreet, Misr I . l 4.ttragtrog; rittsbandli. ZS. ' wawa strattls. A.- WALLLUS SUIPTON WALLACE, 11 , hob). sale GROOM! AND rEODUCT MALLS% Elo.lll SIM Wen. Plltsbsrib, I.llnlll " or e Thfill a nWrlgn. " ll7 4 I THE •ASSENSHENTEI for the Gradow. Porlsit lattOorbing or • • errztaffEmp. hrom WYOb to fl* d, ere sow ready CO at -0011.004 *ad 0111 resua In outlook Waal Markel Aaciatas. artiU T1101411341.Y. Seat 10. Ur, wlres Um 0111 So shoed 10ths CUT Treas. VarYUlOe trrr 01111.1oU01. . H. a. 'we! col Kassala. Mµ=*Dl CORDAGE, Central Pacific RAILRO I=l THE WESTERN HALF or THE Great National Trunk Line Aerose the ConUnent, BsteH constructed with the LID LIII) 131JPIlle VISION Or THE D 1 , 1 isTATICIs OtIVICRN MINT, to destlued to be one of the MOST twe Tolman? AltD 2Attle•. thltl.Boarte IN 21K1 WOULD, u It Is the sole Del co: communication between the rodeo Cout and the drool Interior Bubb end the Principal Portien of the Nein Stem Line Between the do Oceans. The present We/tern tenninos Is at eseramentos on the navigable - Water. of the Pacific. but ft will el LIM MOT a extend from hen MO CISCO LOWS. the rkheet and ...Populous parts of Cattier. eta. Nevada and Utah. contlitnone to all the treat Mining Se/sloes at the Par West. The Company are authorised to Continue their line eastward until It shall meet and senneetwlth the roads now heildlng cast of the Roe y Mountain Tangle. Assuming that they will build an. control half the entire distance between Ban niacin° and the litirsourtßiver, as now seems .robable, the United States will have Invested 1 • the comple tion of 800 wiles 1 151 P.31th. 0 00, eat the aver age rale of $30.050 per who. no , Including in &Winne grant of 10400.000 a.n. of ithe Public Lands. By becominga 101. t Inverter In the naviddcent enterprlac. awl waving Its Brit Hen In (nor of the Met Mortgage Bond holders, ellig UlUtrant. Uonanstswr, ix la , inniT. TOM CoddinaaaTlOW or Parfait, CandiarlaTS, and ha. ruefully feuded their Interests against all ordinary uintlaguteles. The Central runic Railroad enjoys all the privueges, grants, and substillilis eonfoned by lb. Acts of Congress upon the other Parts of the through line, and has, In addition several special. exelivralvo advantogos applica ble only to the Western Ralf. I. The Company has reeetved from the State nod chief cities of Cadforels. 'aceidence Is .weep, credit. and valuable "Toner:V. sm. over 0440.00) la aOl.l. In addition to theft. betmet of the dereormsnt subsidy. 11. 7. needed and cuatiket port af de eon ti Isas been successfully mare...with le tee Brat MO In • fee creeks the Loek MI be eompleted entirety across the e. lervades, atter whet proem@ to halt be Will be easy and rep.. 11l I lsh Thes e lOC. Its b o ats, es to n lona of thla road etch. enamel mem, Inde. ..dent.) Of the east thrsonta Marne which mom pave over It. The gross ease lac for tee mouths of June and July. upon the IN Iles Mon open for endue". wore uynoare of.l7,Ovrin,gold: of ahleh four-Anne were net atable.. IV. It min ha ow e cenntaddon. b. , M. / betide Its e lucrative local traffic. the aide mh. of du.. Madams Which Is among Ile Stators minced°. and that branches. • V. The road Iles Wholly In territory yielding the peanitnia metal., dad lLe reoneurr are m/a Isanl la co.. it. rater for tra.portsUoti aro eery adran4neona, Wes more tuan three times ihom of read. lei n ant of It the radio a/peration allienree Ir. th an gRr cent. of the teroetroraleenr. Vi. Inconsequence - of the aid It melees from the General °over...,, from the *tate of Ca/Iterate. and from sonalclnaleorradnatOna. the annual Intermit redrgatlons which. the ge ' VlrDeVeZnatTo3r . a ' n ' :ltrrae7; r f shoat 73 miles. In Inte, mere three elm. the maenad l Wee. thaaflttim lobe te amed in Mal W. IL , 0.4 . n more Mao, mom thrm toe dm.. I Interest oo the entire am.. of Fleet Norf.. Ben. 1041e4 dompasty run W. pea the first ISO unlit. The Company offer for we. tbrositti no, their First Mortgage Thirty Year, Six per cent. Coupon Bode, Pelee'pal and 'stages& parable Is Geld Cala. la New Iva city. > • n are In matt ot 111,4 , 3 tack WM...anneal gold co. rd .l4 =nora d ed . gelT i lL ' lL ' ;:t " AL ` s7,l7%:l added, in emenci, at which rate they Veld 'cute lllee percent. open the investment These Bonds. anthortsed by Act of C0n.... an Ina. only as toe work - are... and to toe same amount only the ya. reamed by the Government: and represe lash rans. the dettllnt upon • .mpletad equipped, and aro. entree rain.. la sslllha have be. Invested bosom:teat so Nadi., stock ....lat... do. m n* O t r i t o ktoglta ' n , which t treqn:tVu ; r o7l o l.rg. ...rs. bon. watch caa be Inued upon It. p itu ntilfraTe " ; l` A r tiWt l 4l:l. '" e P ollegV,e =ad. otter th e Pon. Contraet Latent Catlin. eta. aut horl t an,tl enfortnes coutrects to pay gold. be I,at/a. nanke similar wt.- secant 0, 7 rt.... la Mahn where no suck leattnati. eats.. la flat. the beritatZ;ll , als stotivati• NOS., OV Tilts Coats : L a o " ; Vilt.;4'ci Wad o o :icirr moue, taa. Ia [ad t eta uf Una country and So rope..d adtl, watt.. daunt. be coserly nes. our. nad •Icalt la tern. , er, at rates sonerlany In .•auce of the pr.ce •hlch they are now onered. Marla( carefully Inecatnrated the ' , nun.. progress Sod prf,sp,b of the 9 , •n d the seas. annoyat or tn.. , Cympatty, adatrs, we cordlany rec.:emend Ult. bones to Trainees. Pane... I a stltu tlotot and others.. an me Inentl rattan& reneanntlnforas perlbauat wdletlacat. COMM Or OTWICI? MIMS Into Central PaeElle rrasT MORTJAGE BONDS Now ileaLlse tor the Holders about TWELVE PER €EI T. IDTAIITAGE4 WITH THE SAYE LITE OF INTEUST. • rw . 1 * , rr Danki mod of • lion ft.:tit-411re rumptdent:araltyprniroutrsnbe.. obtalnled, and NI DISK & HATCH„ Bukrn sa4 balers is cerement !tzarina. ut Esiseisl kttsts d the C P. L L No. 5 Nassau Street, N. Y. N. loods _of Of Tftll6,ll! Vomits.. ;VP: 1 1. g10 . r1 4 . 4 i0 .I=g . ror•Vo 4 7.= ot 010 Lem,. son:ol.mo.tooorT TO GLASS ICIMIEFACTOBEIK TiM r, I74DERBIONED having ;:i= „4 .11.11e sole Ass.] for MO WO of UM COPLEY- POT CLAY. Are now prepared la rarebit It le Itny nethathth " "*" Tee d" " k""111:1:-'7"2:=1:,* • better Article tor pots that may la the anthithie eh earth, encased seer*. stead er/ nth swaths!. the As pot. and awe bullet se lea* a• elleat mid rea ...ills. We will famish reeelpth for the proportion of ine aileron of th is Clap to moulded la Tn. Olaf Ile seethed aad moulded la lamps fo r dalleiry. • • DITIIIILIDWIL t 110111. 1011 Pitt Math Worth, Wurdnetoe Phial:numb. Ira. VIE PEOPLE'S TEA STORE, Wilson & Underwood. CROICE FARM GIOCERIM ZAII.I'LITNtIf..I°-""`""""4"' No. 15 eolith West It Istiesond, ALLEMIIIINT Call maklett .1. neck Awl prim.. ap.7.10.11, 10 OIL BEIFLIIEUEL THOS. S. CALHOUN CIALIFLIPZMTZUR, N. 161 Lama Rtreet, Anegbeny City itsnutsetam of r CPT deaorlytt*. " 010 " 0 1 4 OUNDXNUINU and WATIA TANKS. Droved ff ., - b43l,te vnurtiitrxr,run, end itribtl i nfor T A of (Mt clam, dot. fr it= oti Um moat tmoon•Wo tortat mid al t }OAST CLASS LOOKING muse AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. 3. LYONS, • No. 110 Wood st., kittibtuth, _ba_l7l sad inamihtetares to order. Qui TIMT U; IYJKTBAi y rT IPVIE r e " Pi r i . IIIII__m w(" L ' hix . D ire,4 r and lICTUIIX 4 rW.AMarik amrsisa, Condos. Bond. and Button., Console, Tripod and Brutal Tannin of exquisite deslirn and workmanship. 5 1 , 11 , M111i5l Alin NEUILDLNiI amulet% lx the - JAMES B. JONES, • DADA* Dr Scrap Iron, Light Iron CAST AND NiNCIVOUT LUDS• WS.CM3?* Oboe Vers. Andermes Israel and She A I.tb."ll3L.Nr. WEST COMMON BL&GIIINE ir)3TOPtIt WORys, BortAiicst thunor of az yMao=l gc . owz o s Oen nal. OLIM-WAILKO. IlittCWlLlirXkireU'larn HEAL AND , TOILIS OTC) ma, ... " ;,.. C " w irmie qu sown.. PALMS, 4t4i josErn wiwase, Collecting Agent, lEoo st tko Heard . of Trade Arens, ptTTnßuxim. PA. t.'ist!f 4;:',11:4.11:J!""°1143' PULEbIso 0 J o t o ' o : 4k r e g n !li PI it I 71 je too ,ale i t FnUrril. ow BaIIOMAILIR • LAIIIO. • ifs end Wned street MAIVNOTITA.RCH A6ENcTe7 Dozer. 401 h, Pe.421 .144 a; 114 • tut d i Vllureti la .11 tltrrnb. e°“4°l" to thrICVMOIXTAfIre. •..--11Lost. .I• 1•• D' = E fx.sr /F Er• - Cincinnall 8. .4. — "ikcelebrted !taw." h,l-Junt:g isssh was )em; r s suis pIAT TENNI= w -ma "irom il" jr1411.1" suaiiimtrie MEDICAL. rsio 1:1 qv , * ;is 0 (041 It vroeld take a Mae a lifetime to read the to Ise. that hire Imie¢ written a pon:11th; Latport- ant antljtetome Me% .amo were to attempt It ha.rotad make hbasalf worse bl and dig Wort he got half through. The M.P. taw ofthe disease are, backlngeimitwenate." rottha of mottor or Per, bolo 10 ono or both ebilltheee, batatex 111 the Dame of the bud. And wuu of the fee 4 exhausting del 01 lift orwesla. Pectic fever, wasting of Doh go. meranne. eormetlein expectoration of blood. Tana an the 11•11410111.111 ltd 111111D1,01121. eppvaht not only to the obeerrthexbystolth, Int to the patient's friends. There are. however, more Important smnpUmer Ulan these, which are °My msablanalfast by annuttation ind perbusztali terms whichniaan, In • nodleal s.tute, thump. Ina and Matsulng and they are employed out trardly In order to necerteln tenet terming on In side of the uvity of the chest. The elm of symptoms elicited Lu Mats Wei are almost surely den:moan. Um tron sad exact con4lUon of to r.P1.1. , 7 °rm. • 'De tfliet ausealtator tam not tall In assert/drams *bather the Lungs are malty naturally or not. Ilene. It p the but method of examining tha lan .. Thalr Wahl condition once diacovered, the appropriate treatment 1a more rapidly atMead at, and eni) diseased pan man edmplalaly ander the badu me of appeoprlate newel.. We have long ben of the otant. that communaloo or deny or waning of the bullly ditungth. wu dept., ant on . d sprayed state of the blood, which car- dee, in Its coarse, tdibeeeeloue sower, Sod de- Dolts It. In the hlogs. or elsewhere to the body, , not so catcall or stole to deporlted lo the Wad- der, • awet particle of which attracts ether panicles. no (Alt becomes of such offense to the natural thneflana as to being on Inflammatory utlon. 'title& action, Lt It COrad. would GAZI7 It ant of the system, and which could have been WLLJ dons In the hennaing of men dlOsaso. D. KLIVILWIS ericur b L eon. pleb and. whet co In the forming elves of gag dlusasa. It sots on Um Tern, principle. wo Gave naiad above,. by enabling the weern■ ar carrying off organs to do a double share of work Waste And reps art Sully ,omprettendnd U the wom oat material be cenied off, ena eararior matariLl kproper coaraeter, 'WO tat be health and rue, the contrary ofJtetne 4 t4-egos. In moo, ego. of loootooptlp Web aura become .attied. Ur. Kr?..,'. Peet. nl Brno tails to ultbpu[hlt will do itc.ll Is :linty all. He prepares • medicine called L 121161 CIIIII or PUL3IIO;4II.IC =MBA TIVa. Which tY • vest tonic, sad nreagtaen. • d restotos the putt to ►e reacwed. while II dtmol•e• nnd carries oat from tO. 0)47 Mom 70.k1e0 or won oat or ausneova Matter, erbleb only tend to etoror destroy It, by hinder ing the rener g ¢nterlal being depOrlted 11 Prot. plate. PULYOS,LBY etnIbIIIIPTION. 11.11SULTLNO 111k111. rusuliax, automata. of *Gorge lord, cannot., of Zia 14 liampson Nu - eel; Alleckenr CIL, I took • violent attuk of oletsrlay. Ie Mai MS, artJal 4/1 mi ,Wlth • coaik lasting all gnm IN !SIM, SWAT MT tat! tat {ndnt, zderaktidug my health. D.t.i 'men I had serrual tphy.lelans of te• blichest pal.uaala Me Uif• Alcer I had varitelly re carer d from silo pleurisy. I aus advised la re lab tb• *mazy. wblch I 414, and vb. tbar• • called insdocter, vtlao to , d me 1.1% 1.41 wu *Santa& and that if montetblad •en MA dote •• a 1 ...amid ale of CONSUMPTION. I num, Mon from Wig tina n.tirabolit, Om Middle of J... my sad Lang disuse gradattly ibwlllt•Cds. Sad 2 1 1.7 47. .0 anst deoptlrlaz of elnr [eltlii R.f. 13tal. stAte of despoodenoT. .04 toowloi %O. Mon, belle/ of the inearablllte of Coesseth.l4. karts, bearil of elins =ads b 7 Di Sirall, Yd Ms W , ♦rtteemeut In llze nllrsDapars, 1 wee teatueed in Oceober lost bull ea the Dec fora 014 ofilee. 170 Penn MeV, and had pas ex unbsemy utirs 'lLl:kills `•LUYU iiIOUNDO, told to 1.0 .. upper obe of WY left loot wee 7117 muck dimmed. Vet be tbottebe bleb gebal ea, sad the persevere/a Is the use of kliebeelleise, I reale get .21. At the Mee lull. of Ur Keyway pules was ever one hundred sad Meeti ty beats In • entnite. and I wag genanitli MY. Inlet. and had 6 coach Went thd menthe the Doctor.. treatment In October, whet •reelge, broken eautltatlon, end contlauell II genitally wall Wt present Dam. The Doctor , . medletnes kalthelnne from the very Math, and! maid gredeally feel myeelf ' , Meg Wenger, and my coach and expeettentlon lemewlen. 1 Imre gained greatly In Reel. thd coulder toy eltwell; all tM rant/nc of my Intl[ ktheethed, ad my Rene., bthith te In ethyl wag goal. •Il ote ealatlye•thil trlthd• know of the adrutied etthe of my diem. and 16 ontroordlnart meow ery. One Of the medletne• gives me by Dr. IkeYme wee • medlethe galled LUNO CULL, whlah 1 waken eotheroUth with the other treat VAAL 01010/ 701 D grgrentthOrt, Itaretb W, 11/7. ANOTHXZ CURE OF CONSUMPTION IRAT/011NT •o• /Mx G. WIGII/M., or =BTU onto. ALLIIIOII.A.IT COUIRT. • . I was dlathaszed fr om Me United BMWs army 'January, Leh on wilt/ant of a wound a tha WWI. Dom a MCa and a &wow which the NM bratelan. prinovaved CONBCY TRION. Ibe I wept...V..l tell away to strength as Scab ad was enable to do militant.- IlhowDym - tar my return from Oh. ante. I made apollealiou to •bhyDelan of am' nalthbOnhoOd WI. anal wards, to another In Ylttabo rib of kith mPato mon. whom man.4l. I ailed taltlitolly for Om month. wltimat Say bandit whatever. bat nth .r imw worm, and wmted I. Sash as atrength every day. M 2 2121mh hlO4 'My Mawr took ma to DOCTOR allYB/02,'Itt 120 Tenn mreal. 'whom till la snub euwa t ll22 mla• had. bean highly • bole. of sad put melt node. bla Imatmeah he Dom e examln 4 sly tents very emlloolll I •Illa bia LUND BO RD, mid told am that my aft limp wh. badly Massed at Dm ImPee part, Ott lf I was careful thought be could aura m. by tollowlantd. dl action. cloudy. which 1 41- - won that day la i. I eradnally improved 1113. 44e De. Land V* lelam from the ant maul comeamteo4 to tal Mem, mot my 4444141 health ha. Improved, aa4 erlyi elmat.'wbere It was cook ' m away. and where It pala.4 ma, Om Noose. Mil and swoop and free from pal. 1 cae no.' do a full day's work, and take great pLeasarein 4 11 /1.4 my leatlooll7 to faro, of Dr. Nome. trutonsitaad madlelnew. JO U. Wrasuat. pm..., Am um. 1 . 7. Tunis 0.1.1 i. • A ease of dm years` etaading cared by This ASTSCIIIPEMIIItAIs bY/lUrt Da. Karomm—My wife ban been allot. with aeonglkand 4101.1ty of breathing ftr Ark xf•tx. Ya.t. wbbb . I. several Tenn back, hadgrad aallylasreass4 In violet.. The complaint by been hereditary, and eh. had been treated by eavered phyMaimm wittloat a. relief. In thin state of bar ease I pnwared soma of roar rittl• TWILL COUUkt ISTEUT: I boaelt the hos limb • SAY cent bottle, which xellty. her Teri Mao. I then' ea/led and got a doll. bottle, wtdoh.red bar salmi, , .4 she boa now U. trace of the former disaMm s except weak.. would 01. Mats LW. need the teettialua my. 11 to a cola .41Coosh. The mediarae car.me by taking one dot. len.era my col. Wl.an aa with the madklito, and yea arc et tlberty M. a...MU pm deelm to do so. • r=l WK. MUM,' Alltinua. ilfth Ward. Oar son, Jslas ralnTin. some three rears at age was &Meeat t meamentlen the bums, whlah he wee dlethmeed from oh. . o was axamlnellby r error IMIMMene. who MI maned that he tom Ma with Me disease. We brembt him to Dr. kI:THEIt, 110 Wood Aram; (new tad Peen etswea.) who, atter sounding by lanns, eonsameed to treat blew and oared Ills, mead tot well. Ye la now well and has been ea for the Out three Iran. (Mum *Meted in lite maser ma Moms* be cured. . Jtuat . Aim Traptratestllle. SW, lib, Palmy.. . I% HEUER'S PECTORAL SIRUP E MI KEYSER'S LUIIO CURE. • -1 Oen be bl 4 MALI GUAM 11113:010131 noir. 140 WOOD ISIIIIT.. Couldtenon re0z0.11210.1 Lug exembudioas, tie nom NTAZIRT, teem 1044.44111 r. M..!LNITFA BEilleiN IRON WORKS. JONES 8c LAUGHLIN'S, ownroL.onraras a, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar i mow, Sheet and Plate Iron Bridge Irma ingLennd T Iron; Gaard Long Coal Screen Iron; T *With 10 fts, SO Its. to the yard Trani Italts,punehedsuad tat. sunk Boller, Midge and Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car wneek and Axles; Street Car wheels and Aries; Cord-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting Patent Cold Rolled Piston Bads; Bower and Reaper Bars. WAxtutousx vs.) ern= 120 Water and 158 Front SI& BRANCH BOOM N.. • s.. SHEFFIELD STEEL MU SING , NifseK &co VA7rOTACrtataxi 01 BEST REFINED CAST STEEL OWisl IL .? LU OCII6OI. Of MOM 11M...111114.Y. CUSCI7I4.I. OLIO AND CiOdt CPT SAW PLATES. XLLIMO AVID 11311X1-XLI.LP2IO RAILWAY SPRINGS, Can Spring /Mei, Caul and Gorman Plow Steel, PLOW WINOO •17D MOWS.II NAM: SPRINGS, ARLES AND STEEL TIRE, 1 821' US° 1.3111 Dr. 1 t TA Er 0110 W-assn. La.. •a.. Wareham% S Water SI., PlUrr'sb, .011hk4 ATLeta WORK% MORTOJr STERE2. Ninth Wand,. Pittsburg% TIIOIILI2 N. BULLED, President. Tube We,L an vacate the Latest and moat 00arpleta establiehmear la Um Watt, add are an. prepared to ferrdert • . . Englnator Every Dentlptlon, Boller; 011 Tanta, • Sheet Iron wort, Railroad Caatinty , rialtos Mill Casting., Ragtime Castings, Matidue Castings, General Caxtit4il. ORDREU3 SOLICITED, arakt TO MOINE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. The 41.nrest as.onalent of GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Siova, Of Las VICUY XX= QUALITY, Tor sale mar Lon^ PRICES, Br BISSELL & CO., 1= NA sss r.ntrerr sr. JOHN RONEY, UCLA FOIII9IIIIY, Careen 81419a1 Ward, near A. ILI Iif I XVTICI4II32I OP Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, 114141511 Isd;11 Cartim gem*, a " li l i ttnA K n'til P r ATU=. t gr; •1nC21.13. Jt24 OMAR& BOILER WOILIUL MORROW, BiIINIIRL & CO, --••• • • •• Steam Italktra, Oil nulls, Allitiktko. Tanks. Salt Rum, Gasometers. Wrought Iron Bridges, Skeet tren Wait, .6c.0. COL LIBERTY AND SECOND BTB., PITTSBURGH, P 4. IMPAIRING GORR Paubtrn.T.. MAR BM FORT PITT FOUNDRY. mums I[NAP Nankin . • ORDNANCE • A. 161 ALL ILIMI Or HXAPTEL7NIEHL atuankna paM 111) MILL •Ad 11XSOUTIL ,ALtgrezir t lr y gi beat insals will always al= dAD u cemft aoar ma ...t6ok, In an coostailmed tad., chr o It t"r r . u rigA an flusalitg NAIL =rats :t ' teZh ROBERT LEA, leAufvrAcrinkaa Or STEAM REINES AND EMLEBBI Freight Roisters AND DOCTOA ENGINES, •'Ouwp of W deaulliterns Duda So arta Cornerlzrt mad Ferry Iltre•ts, rn•rraysoa. I MITI" WORKS. . • hioLRA3I tts SLATIM, No, 83 Liberty Bt., opposite Fourth, 1111 POPA0114111111 OP CLIME' ffi&flS' RanWAIIE , Lor z.di zmia rtg - -h.- 4. "?. ihavaz-iltills7 that. ; 1 .1% . 14 -h n. 4•,=.. B•4lMana • nub Wilerbta. ie.. a. I 1111ADLa VAX.OI I .II-.....1. L ILIAZD3 AETNA. STOVE !dl7olElii& , • A. lIRADLEy & CO, 11141 . 111 4 12 111.11,07 rout, et . Cook, Parlor and Beating Stores, 'Amn which aret. 1 L 41 ZURILISA 17,2?itutIrIA.. 12111.111171WL(1. cor.,k stoves.) Also mostottotore GRATE X, GTE IMONTS, lope. Mee W•rebon., eon. of 15 .4.1.4 We. 41 nrwls. 1 . 43.4144.. sorrow m EC A- EL IIDWAL.I-t 3E- B. WOLF, JR., i1h30., Jaardware CUEI6I7. AT. Dew T i tneder t v Irt Mont 3114116.11.11 3c..resOnsene. Corner Liberty AMR. Clair Stay 3Pittarillavirmai. BLACK DIAMOND : 1 1 14=10111Ca litriCiaMerag. rrarterumin. Pie • raiz, num/ER Ca, • • munar.t.... mart QUALITY szsixese cuurrimair— WN TT , v. andOvaeooo. or all eteeN;Troe, m ! "41 m""*4 " u'u"a " =tad Team. No. rand aed ......./0ri0rAL3.14.....m. z. 3.1'=3. --7 ALLLEY STCVVE W 01113.13. V . .. • thati"j dl Nl l%uTfo lt eL l ini k ftrfeek'op- . Mu l t. ' MU kari ! ZOSir Vik n u. l l4 which tr. th.nlobtatrol Alleobolty and nowt. r O "UkI Mato a; also, Um Aoroarla and Into& [Or oolkl _wood., sad Do roorlrall•4 or Of maDll4. for ood: al.. Arebre, Vir:4l K.".."""g "*" era 11. 'Ana' v, aao►a ---,vamp P. Jest= JARED N. BRUSH & EON, .NA.M77. WV:WU Or Steam Bailers, 011 81111 s, Tanks, Sheet. IA a Works, 61 Penn $l, - Pittsburgh, Pa. .uitre4 PITTSBIIIIO/1 IRON WORKS. J. PAINTiER 111 SONS. Iron, Dubket. Tub mad Tnink HOOFS LND lIEDIETA, WWI rivegiansiase ituti;tlll:Xviiii:4:4;x:ll GRAFF, BYERS & CO, auxurAoTramus or Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON, wttiu tH63 ill cis, stem win, at ALz.iiscii, OIL WELL TUBINO Office, No. 98 Water Stree PITTSBURGH, PA. .=:•n NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND P. 1190 IVCIOI4.Titi.A, Corner - Carroll arid Sum Streets, Moth Ward, PITTSEVRGII, PA. ‘71i7111/E. ISI3Utr7[23BE, Nenctracrroant or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AEfD WATER, WORKS a gs yl n na=tzt=“l= Pll% tel Dry ment of 61110.1 CAME 7011 QL ID VIM 60111.1 .1,7V4:.741'1.1:1r1:117.i?1.2M.V2'6' FORT PITT NILO, STILL ADD TER wcomnas. CARROLL. 4r. SNYDER. ==l TIIISULAJZ, Dotrinx-rturb, TUBULAR "IILILDOS A CITLINDEN. STEAM BOLLIZZA. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKB, CHDANY2B,I34..ILECEOIOI AND ASH riles SETTLING PANS, Euvr PANS AND CON DE/181018, STEAPIPES, GABONZTZAP, AND . IDON DALDOES, PTIPON DOOMS AND COAL BRUTES. . 021 se andWorica soraor illizrl mutt Liberty Street.% Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. • elrOnlows .ratio thaabows Wm& will be onminly •ttinded le. • tati7:lBll VIEaStIVIIII4 IRON LB . 111. WORKS LEWIS, BAILEY, ILZELL & co. mAmmtioTtissiso, R, BOILER, SHEET .4A.243:1 g r..a.l%raEr."l4.C)lN . NAILS .AND NAIL HODS. OFFICE LED WAY.THOI3I3Z, Nos. 64,66 & 66 Andeison St. Three mow. Northof Head tic. Which, AZI,EtiIIENY CITY. MOM KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, K1n1A070.116410/ Beet Clemson, Refined Charcoal Ant Juniata Bloom Iron. 1.611(.111•NT BAB. SOUND& 5 617 6 / 1 1117.0• /1006. SAND. T aaa AtitiLX. IRON. BOILER 6L•Tsund 1616167. IRON. 6 6 / 9 .1611 and .6.1.66 63.116' CTLLNDZIttsuItIOAZD 06 7136611108. 11141.1. 6 , RAMIS. W) and 16 lbs. to the MO. WILOUGLIT (713•1118 and BMX.= to twat. RAI Ll ti l ti l l nnet r . 664 Canatarwst. sod 861.668. uP " ltirtrlreletTlr.ge,, e r Pat !L'iJ,;l 4 : j 06166, tte , oll7 lbw Worts. Elturarth. an.,664 KEY STI 'ONR IRON WORKS. HITTCHiSON73LASS & CO., ltaaataatarva 4# the !Mutat alsea Round, Squaro, Flat and Horse-Bboo Bar Iron,' Hoop and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan IrOny Meet Iron, ac,, Work,. ZITS TOWNSHIP, aa lloapaga.bala rtve.r. 0r.441•114 Warebonaa: No, 146 Water St. mut :m.lms 1/.80, soul. INntrwritxm. worms. 4 HUGH. N. BOLE & CO., UMDERS, • - Engine Builders and • Machinists, Make to order Marine and Lead liteam Engines, °roll slur. 'remitted to ere eatlrraellon. Castings, of over, derezlptloa. Torah to order. JOets.eyri.gOrr, Sup`t....l.. Hot... Foreman. " WaV d ! ! :ourjj ' ; DIOL . /rl=l4 l = • PITTSBURGH, PA: pinrrouvutin STEEL %V Of4l 23, ANDirescim, COOIL 121 70C=0811.T010/1111. SUTD•.OCIII ley : onset-awe ot the hettatdaed Chet the I Meg M V= Era=t Reaping and. Mowing alachin alarm rLowwiaGe, SPEnuirs.m.x I UM camovirss. Ma. Cut t COOUIIOII Pimp di !Spring stogy Odm-Corisar of Pint tad &roams., 11......b0Ts Ike Umossilitaia Upon. 11.47:0 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SERE. °Tries zra wkismons. No. 29 Wood Street /61.lactare wad %up tointaittli oalwat Thimble, Eikein Pipe . Boxeai WAG. 42,1417481, .MOl-liitrOnaElAlL Asid amino reperallr- aWarg BLA NC F Butler Street, Ninth. Ward;l OPPOSITE rpnos 1a irmi+3, z . prwieuzacriacpsa. Bolling Mill and Bridge , CasUngr, 8188 RIM AM PHI PUS, Machinery. anti ()acting. ienerally. tlrlen promptly and carefully easottoo. 0/LO/43.1.6 BAAZONABLIt. EBBERT & X&OHLEVD. OttB:l2L, ; • MINT s 'tug WOW MILLER, BUIE a PARKIN, BEST QUALITY STEEL, Warirmated Soma t u7lr. .1.• dot. either Imported or or Do mortis Monstraetors.• eractu. arrirrnoN PAID TO MINS MIXT LAW DIA IiTSZL... OiMoo, 38 Wood Street, IN 2 °9111 :0 FUQUESIVE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. ILAILITAN, ItAind & CO.. Iron, Nails, Swags, Azleik mum Burro awn A.8ri10n.,11., 7'7 ilirtfAters PITTSBIIIIGH. SaTIP:In EVEBBAH.:PBE9TOHIt CO,, PiGtrarz. lELOINT WCOELECIS, gexistk. oura • IRON CITY,MILILS. ROGEEIIBFaROEFEIM:), chareeed, I Ratio" Pelham& 111/33333im =RC ()MCI INDiTAZAZIODS/4 NO. XI mM: azacTl 9ags SMOKY HILL RION PACIFIC RAILViTAY, EASTERN DIV I ISION. PR E ELL IT IMM: i a II 'T 72T1 pants In COLOBADO, BrEvADL CALIFOUNIA. ICTAII. =! NEW 311EX(CO. 11121.110, =EI Two tratos leave State Lin. and L aaaa iVrOrth daily. itioneleye exempted.) on tn. ordeal of train. of Pads% luneee..l from et. Lonla. and ifalinlbel ant 0). Jo liatiread from quince, cone nen lane ii Lawrence. Topeka and Watneao with Stones for all points In Sanest. At end attract wort of Ellsworth with the 111:1TElt 4TATSS EXPltran CtinfrANT's DAILY LINZ OF OVERLAND MAIL AND incriussa ()Male tip-run DENVER. SALT LAKE, AND ALL, MINTS 'IN THE TSERITORITI, and witS HAN DEEsoN,S LINX OE COACHES fur /oat Union, Beat•. rote. Taos. Albadnernae.Easta Ea, and aII:W.IMA In Arn:sea and New Sleek,. With the recent addlttous of rolling stock and equipment, and the arrangementa mods with,. eponsible Overland Transportation Mots from Ito western terminus, this road now anal no.. quailed faellitles;for the tsitissalsalon of tra/dltt to the Tar West. - 'llama for gale at - nil the principal onion. In the tinitefhtatia . triol Caandas. .• ' be sar.. and AtK.FOR TICRWIR vu TRA S.IIOICY RILL ROUTE, UNION rACIY/0 RAILWAY. EAiTRoN 11/VISION. A. AND /lON, - °metal Savezlnteadent. J. It. WEBBTESL. Allentown Railroad Line. NEW, ALL RAIL, FAST FREIGHT UM, =I Boston, Few York and Pittsburgh, Tia . guTiding, Mean ad /ern City, Without Change of Cars NE t W 1541.2°.17,2 - 41:913uatl Tr ospon. 100 ~Co the Apt ;dlP` l tr', Act a* of the H. 3. (Amt. ' . 1 14, 5t.41:11. FM' 1 4 3 . 1 111 5 1 . Ltaslineikat. the ottlee of the Lie Boston Oalee, 77 WASHINGTON IT JOHN 1% Agen t, 001ce, Foot or LIBERTY sr.. MMTI NreMpRIII PENNSYLVANIA f,•7:4.,TrPETlflVganla on liallrosid will arrive at i lli4 o 2 ;t, tri . Fr . o . mai t o r Aderal Altnurt Dor:4. Like MIVA Daraar.lrg. 1 Freeport 240.18:10.1.8, 111 pot No.l 1: • • .....10:10 Witarpb•ellio 11140 nbarpe'R No Expresa.• ;;T . 200 VAC 17.1 r0 . Elements 2:10 YIN d:Sta r.w. Freeport No. 2 8:115 0.111 blennernm'eAc ltierher. Sharps., Not. 77200.11 - Theve trains Tra i tly except bander. Church lsere. Anrchany Janet. ecery /cheap at 7:40A. at.. recent/1g Allegheny Clt) at Cltr .t 1 . ;,t3 ‘ ...ht . e .' l It 11 0 ,,A.14engty at 2r. Commutation Al l -1 2 00 We ht pee . ... LZA: Y AZI , ".`g— A 7 ll7ilitVe.?:,ll: 111:',4"1".1 ehsrpshors, and goo° only on the (Wu atoll. 71.84.V7`05.1.1'117,140111: On tletet2. area and 0:30 p. ma. maks dir ect carmen:won AL Free port with Walter's Lint of aliases for Beller and H.nahatown 0D1fg . t. 1 117.01:41AL b <1,1 2. 7. t b 0 " M A "jy. 8 212 10. Flashes/h. and at the megroh as aileit2 ' i4 . ;•l 7 c:rthar In aunty . JAMBS LEY/A6, Asent, IGderal Street Depot. mlrmiTt rlnTk r %Trr:,it ' gr i fj%: " Itor Al/parch, and than ' Lucre responsibility I. (152 etaratir i t: DoLLAts , value.lal beer 7 , 1' the ow2o:a7ooloasitvate4 IS S spl trout. Ylltraittl 11. WILLIAM, Gil . General don't. Altoona. FA pENNSYLVAuN EAILIWAD. CENTRAL On mid after JITNN 9i and depart (rota the 1 WashMitlI.111•111 Mill Trila — V :...1:1111 • m Tat 1:60 s m Wail's No. . t.MI 7 0. Cincl r naml eila • m am A b ll 11'41417;g. !!: Wall'. No . . 4 . 4, rawa Wall, No. L. 7:91 p m Altoona Ammo • 6 •Enitmat rI 1 •0 11 1delPra re Walr.• eLt etas Sm. TE:gl747,t- jlttr4l;ll.lflt n ttftT0 1 A11 ,13 ;11M11:1;11/;:.m . .ail 0121• I Vh 9l .:C h ahlif riligiranTi the Altorleeamn gr„.llll°lr' 11VAL°:.'1.1,0,"01;1c71."376,,Y1t Mother trills zeept retiday o . I.'""l''thr"4'9TlV/Ilgighut. w ill The Pmmtsrleull• Nmiroutt Company will ainicie4styrggi ezeepar wesilng liollara la value. A t°,40.1: , lna that ...ant value. vlll be at the Mara! e owner, aale.a 1) 1 5I. o E. " 4i l ifiltitt Wm 04 linimrlav••••• .11tooww. I.lalC - 4 Dap at... as folloull: DaZ/1311.. IX: I Mall CIO a a Vali a h0..2...);40 IN v iptala . .tl K i t..ll/13 • a John.lowieAtt. AVZII° . WWitr.::: I'l4 Pan Line. 10120 p ao MTTSBUNII, COLUMBUS CINCINNATI R. R., PAN HADLB ROUTE. . CHANGE Or TINS. —On sad Ms. 3IINDAT. • union Depots, ; 11 ROIN/11 TRAINS. Arrive ....... 10:53 A. Y. - P. m. , at Sunday a`rals lAants atldd P. M.. &MY ing 131 CU'th"" .A.CtI.ni e M ° . , I7.a.4 . IMN F AAINS. Lest,. l e st. mad A ASS r. st. SKS D.Y. Vg74lteintit ritytTV'tscliNt _The 1.31) .1. sc. Trait leases dolls. Sued., sad tts . st o la6x s =,. VistivArgitrigoLwatil ar 011155 LINE * S. c frNo V:west calis betsr b ees Pllntstand o•l4,ra ' d Ig d pstglp.i7 torsor . 1'441 &AI lag. Rest. When RaratuslagTlCkets Dn SAD sad /SMOG am se at Abe MtSBURGII. COMBO & CIEONATI I. I t . Vnion Depot,.(xonth aide.) `. 111. D. RIOTTIERSPAUGII. Tie Is en AR... 3i,r6;"ii!'kki.(elrtt.V.TZkAVelf.7'!! 1867. WAWA 1867.1 farctlx arrti r irt leave at the Etatort Depot, al "" 412:: shi.R.A;: V.' r 11 . 4 1 14 o ,,,rfs - Vb E fvi Z Mt 2.1411.:. ) iTi 1_73;2 o 9131c .i too) al pottort hoes allotiotly. ' Amos t i ft . .ATif " 4 . 2 .4 LPs'otra ta'' N. •"." A? gezl 11:40'..iw•dggt. SA AI Eocluw, , a No 7 (Wile 1001 i 5 Lettolato N. :WI 4:50 PM L" ..4d.', 2 1 E41,;Z: o'l iet2OM.tola ' .10;r0o ' •• .0.1: at o•to p• tn. Clamp Fa. ittral3.l Ols ca• pm...loaves dr.ly IC,. arttrel . 1 11, a Y. IL MYIES. (1..4. Titian La ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL. Et/AD. ctRAEGX OS TERM. Ertl On and after T11131132/1.1 . , Jalv 1104 Uwe, eri'l leave and arrive Ell etaonrele Lew; 4022120/11.e (3.04 streate. 4 0110 . 00: , dirrint• ............ few A. 34 iinei r.W .. . ..... —.."... 0.0. 1000,„ ar. aola:oo44loammoiTillon I.OOT. X. 11:20•.12.• yokla orX• TOL. X. 743 a. 44. 1100023 &Ada Worts Seeomi. 020 r. N. 20 T. m 4 lialton Accommodation,— . 10.101. n..12:,01, X. 0.30 . Ctrave Train, Rom and 10204 I:00T. a. 40:110A. .2.00 N o rth make:: clove ravetion p i ; Pr 6 4 :" ani 1 1 1:"'11 1 11 ;n. :i''brrroll::A74 /1-17a..xnar;141lmre.tam. oiTTSBURtin AND CONNFLUI laniaßil apring Arrangamont. - THURSDAY, If&SCR PTOO, The tndes onll loses obe one lYs Dom:, ea._ at Moil tor Moots, as follows: 1111 .nt..PntelPs10 Icßscera.. 11,;.eit_L.Irtees Aceinemoria 1; . n r. It. .1:10 N. Nl= '"•••"" kir":l4 :le luta..? Camel Tenn to Inul Iton Wen r.tt. 11/0111. Per Tickets .DPI/u/ • - t OrDEAT DEVOLUTION IN T 4 FUI te % ISALY O Nge 1 431 PAN ZA e o:iy wa : .Nutftr rgt :bbeeee. , ae VraWarhl ' O "' rIld.11.gloV:P1112.. Ins letter. bleb may be a Correct Idea PI ° me quality of Lisle Wlaet lqui.Losa.rma, Uo Crt."giit'imme 4 It., Ate pNuaro In uylna tba m . at onus place . Ilan .13Arxhilootrailba ante lt .4 try oar Cantoam Cbalmpairme. • momon BOUCHKII 110.. De) aL 21. ir • pAJVAITE DlSMusEfi. 02ce-1151.% r7Lß.N.lslll=l.,lloU:n*Drlia To o t:. me:f:11 &sauce of • pitgia astnia' ears trttmen. AnelletrlVe/17:4 all other Cauca ettae denital ord.. =411.40 Cure +warranted or money rettaded: WE . - , ZILL KEEP ON_ - RAND IG+lni. BOA DRAM Ala E Xl.iatEo .41 PPINInl B ia r ie Dinitninta WANKrir Rei t % VW tIM• 311112 4jl /0 1 =:119 -. • ;“. OUTS IVASHINCITON. lerrrsismun.
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