• • - . .m..... , _ DA.IGY GAZETTE. asamtk smut Itoestem. , trosiooti Illairinm.) ...1141 . --___ ' ' ‘ . ' ,ige VYA.I3 .1,1!S .------....-._ .- , ... , .,p/p/ ; , --- ?„----.,.178 MAN, REED & co, , - • - *- - -,--• •Ellitit , ,- ~,--G am '_ • - - c,3•132-I..eveckr., ~.-::_'•• • - .- - ---✓- . , 'lE*4l• , "r• ..r.i.v........................wetaerrera. • • ..., Nl* , .•. 'f i .: r : C • J ..;" .. -: -: ''.*' /Nai % -- ....1 - .....,........L' 4, . ' • El:m.1:mo Ttanairm. 1 7 . , iV :. I' .. -, , ' i t - WtA -'sr g .:'' ' ' r - gs ' -"-“, 16' . . - ' ~.. . . Larrra BUILDINU. ..,.: -- i I --- ,: . 4 4°. .I , .p . .e . . , ,;....q.d . .11 _ -._ , Wl4,4l=altp ....... \. -...„.,-, _.,. ... ....., . ~.... -,, r . MI6 Mt PIPTII 111111.11=1". 7 I 1 1 - -__,;lZ. - - - .1-it:. ;, I- -el , k .. _., . . 1 I . 1 . j . -I II 11---.- - ,,ixeeZt,-.-1. - -=‘,,r - - ~- ,' . p- .:'' -..., -v„,-, , I :Ai . 4 - , • - „ i 1 , ' of, - - P , .=•_ . ,,,2,,,.,,g' ''... . I rn ‘ , licii[ hper el Vadat htuillub. ' • - I 1 1 , ( • • ' ..• ) ) .7— '-- -:_ - _ - :: - - - .„ , t1.,, • _ - ''.... ~- , 9 f . ,,,...7... ----.-......,....------- .-- -----, -_-.... ' ~..,"175:.4 - ,,- . \ , i niza or rrrnsuzaa LID r ..1 ..--, -s, 1 : - .:-- -- '" -- -Tit-*--f,17 --- . - ZE: --- ' r -fin ' 1 :::- . 1"7/ 1 ' ...A- - - ___,....... a , --- 77,A, '- laDaltE3l' cur. "ma awe.- / / THE. ruzusi Or PENIVILit T.::. Plurally T. ram . Iles. Si ' nfii3 CIFT/qUI iLL aite S s S u r u T a str J eu TEILF Leith Hall Tabsenb DTT .11daress,,, AZETII6, ' TTfTss Mem pmno„ C.l.ll:s:4.),trgill Gkett, Evnire flre llin prospects of Judge Wilisaitdc..thm grow more brilliant, - and from all idetione of tho State we learn that the - betrublicsna are coming up rr.aufally to ti'e work, and promise in no hesitnting twit:dela do-their full duty at thehallot boat .So .far as the canvass has 'progressed there 'has not been one single word - 'nil troth uttered by the nereocrahe punkahs which was calcula ted to i turpair the chances .of our candi data.: Inlthe absence of any positive arguinent, Some L f 4 the opposition papers have resorted to wardly and malicious falsehOodit 'ageet' Judge Williams, all of which, bows r, have been promptly • met and feinted d the masses set upon a proper Amin o thought. The western section elf the to can be' relied upon to dolts share-of dpty, and, froni present I Ln aproarsucel, , wiVve our candidate such a majorities' ea ' at fail to secure 'hilt • electicin."-• Tha ,caniptilga has opened in ' earnest, and the 1: 1 . -al people are becom e/ nig-aware of the eat importancewhich will'he, attached to - a. Union victory in PeniO.Ar!nia, and will do all in their Power to accomplish' that 'end: On Theasday i evening next , a grand mass meetiffe will lie he Lint the Monongaiela Llouse square,: and-a full trimoat of Re . , publican, voter*. ia. earnestly . invited. Ableti sp eaker ' s - tskers will be there, and it is ex pected:that a good tild-fashioned =den thushistic 'Allegheny -county meeting 1 111 1 ;lig X 14.1.: . Let no city Toter fail to tie in attendance: - 1..... ' TIMX . the intermit Revenue Depart. went, at least so Solis iclates to the cal k:elicit:if ihe tax oti distilled and tfor „mental, liquors, isimidalons)y managed, is a fact of wide notoriety, The Govern.: .ment does not get a tenth Part of the • =comet:cora these articles to which It is entitled under thelaws.:Soinething like a hundred millions — hi dollars go into son"itigaretS Wrongfully,' *large ;fart of t,ki k stealing is done. In the city of Nesr)terk, hod it is hard to understand . howlitetgame can go'-on month after. month unless the Revenue Officers are partycfrlnisoilti it. The President al lege% .thle. immense leak as one reason for threateriliag to sukpend CoMmissioner Rollins. Secretary McCulloch says Rol lirus.hrthitihe guilty. man ; hut between the Secretary and Commissioner - the real offenders ought to have been-ferreted out longago. -Thelong-continued existence of these frauds is II disgrace to the tior- Tax New York, Herold; which is no. torions 'for manufacturing sensation hoaxes, pretends to hams inowledge of a contemplated meeting: of the loyal Gov - erupts,. in view of the gravity of the na tional situatioi. Thom GOT,IIIOIII are all 'rear:ridable pereonv,' and, - have the same right to meet and confer, on any subject whatever, as any other equal ratio - her of cttmens. The-general impres . eon Is &M . they , can _safely he counted „ , . on, in say cmcrgencrof public affairs, o do . .arillity obeli or can legally, with _ . . ont.proconcert or arrangement. , zonern fundthes ns with a toll report . oe the great aquatic race be tween Brown and Bandit for the cheer Of America, whiCh took place yesterday, morning at Newburg. The *timed spores' of the 'country have long beaugs. below pq the estimation „of the ertieriy portion of the :commtinity, andthe moms of rowdyism .and disor der attendantupon the recent race will not eleventh& pretended .champions in TrneDoniocrittle papers throughout the country are sending op wild cheers over their:Meant victory ia. California: They lustrp beenrie - smuscd . of tote to any tri "unrph that they know not - where to stop in !heir exultntions. Tne victory in the Gold State- can by no means be re garded as the success of any principle of thisvictrinr,. bur r is simply attributable to the , apatiry..and disorganization of the opPoiate Party- ' • EISTOBYTCIXIrdI a got! Mir con= testa initween - ate Riceative and Leg's lathredepartmenta of, government; but not,:enim In Whichlhe' Znecutice bag as amid larger pr e r o gatives ' Or manifested a atEraCa „ .. _ riogant: and Imperious lensper, thiamin that now progressing between the Prerdientand Congress of • the United . , Thsourrasiton , in 'Virginia 'has, been coropletedi-and the official. figures show a preponderance of thirteen thousand six hundred. and 'sixty-seven whiten. The total rmatber of voters registerad Is two . hundred and sixteen thounarui six hull • deed and fortpsavert: • Tali impreealon gains strength at Washhigien that the. Amnesty . Prods. station does not restore the . right of suffrage to those rebels who aro depriv. ed o; it i , t! lt,would be strange if th . 11 : 1 " pr the President could nu y a plain lair. TorFRIT Ims re•considereo her scold acme& tri the propored Joint Commission °Mimi:7 into the• Weirs of Candle, as prendied `by' several or' the leading powers of Europe. She has decided to tolerate no Intervention from outsiders. VALLUT ATAIELIiOAD A Wilk meeting of the friends of the Monongahela Valley- Ihtil.txnd in this countjwlll be - held- if the Town Hall, .Dlintana knare, Bliminghsm, this morning si'ten . ' • - , ansntheiinfittence of tllO uncer tain". condition of stilts at Washington, gold has been forced up to the New York tW 101. - librewd . Dunn elm ihisdict Mit ttwill tonch 150 before another month. . „lialtnts. "int has not ishandoned hie in. tentions on Rome. .110 else' out ihat the executico? 0f . ,14e 'plan . of action has ottiy heen'treferred, eta that t; eoon be curled into effect. .Tats gratglikkaaeotteeement le made that the debt of Ildieoauxkonwoalth has latedotoxing the Past year, ccn• bly 0 Itr oda aad a halt williona of dolliaL noesiJie.liis been coueolldstad wlth BOpipfh . hz eporaler vote on the aubJect. Tam tridof Banta. Anne has been or dAPA.So proceed. '-Teti;riiliginit ^who ben been on 21 .4'.10u: to. Niagara. Pclls, trPOrt 4 that Porteii - or tl cliotelg; after a most nesidlonit It.bor ior a eerie,' of years, bare Buoiceitted in 'newmpllaltlng, to 'them a 1 .9r7. desirable thing. They van now, almcifbanyttthem, take a [teary trunk On thair shoulders, give it a twirl. over theatinaVand. bring It. duwn SO that the comet will Mike the tiled door rat melt &O men Malt ',eat invariably burst the leak. The baggage cannot go no with, oaf K strap, and - this is furnished by the accommodating porter for the modest Alit!, nom of Ca It being worth . cents. ThlLSlngara .!!tile porters have been at work at. this for , many ream, and tits gratifying to lawn thuri heir Industry has at length boon to well rewarded. bli:1 fuse cud atnaohltie to Veit the nutober of people that enter a atmet oar or a pablla hall That kuooka "Itoothing dogra". to the head.. VOLUME FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. THE GREAT BOIT NE. Fail. Day and Smooth Wider. COLLISION AT THE t TAHEBOAT. Brown Knocks a Hole in . Haraiit's Shell. BOVA 5018 OVIIIIIICOUIS—MtIem:SSste. Hamill Claims a Foul. SCENE OF INTE,NSEEXCITEMEIit Contmdictory Statements----The Jadgea Disagree, REFEREE CHIA THE RACE TO HAMILL. UROWWS JGDGEff . 'APPEAL. =1 NS" rOsr, September 9,1997. . The great boat rule took. Plane at New berg title morning. Air calm :water emooth. Plea, hoosetOpa 3MM:eta Mai every. avail able pond crowded with men, women ma children: A httle before ill o'clock the atakeboatvrae mast a point two 'mho and. a-half op the river, from a pohtt off Wash- Ingtoniron Worts, where had been placed. the judges' boat, the course thee laying for over a mile along the river front of the city. The r rellmlntries were completed by . the -selection of Henry linen, of New Haven, and Hubert O. Eiliott,of Plttaburgh, Judges on the part of Hamill, and Charlas Elliott and John Cretan, of New Tack, in theissidi relation to Brown. Stephen Hobert., of hew Tork, was previonslychoste referee. Brown and Hanoi were boat promptly in pceitlon, in good conalilon, at The referee care the signal to startand they went off in fine styla Hamill leading, and haring the Ontskie of,the mnu. This re- Caton was kept, for nearly a mile. when •Erown gained on him and passed him, making a gap of a length or two. which, however, was: kept but a abort &Mance, when ItamUl again took the lead keepins It to the stake-boat, which he reached In nineteen minute., and where occurred • collision claimed by both to hare been cans• ad by Me fault of the other. Accounts are agreed that when. Sunlit came abreast the stakekest he was about three boat lengths ahead, krowe, however, gaining ripen him with lightning like ra pldity. Hamill was now making the tern of the stake boat, with Evoirn on the Monde, and on the instant the bow of the latter , s boat want crashing through the cockle shell in whict.the_fortner was. seated. Drown , s boat struck limatil's rituall at a right angle. driving a p bole through. it about afoot abaft the mickit. - - Brown quickly bitched water, extricated his best, and nutting the stakeboat came ea down the course, arriving at the Judges , boat at 7:56, making the floe =llea m forty minutes and tilt .ii second. ' Hamill rwas taken on board the stake boat and ease down to the City. as reports reread, a acme of intense en. eltement ensued. and the headquarters of the referee Were berelged bents. lmmetue . .. . .. , . . nemlll appeared on the balcony of the L'eltal Mates Hotel, and cantos the atten tion of the people, seta: ..Yrlends : Yee over no bete; I ate all road." The judges thd referee repaired to a pd. vote parlor and wont Into an examination of the evidence. EimallPa Judaea Claimed the race on the plea tent Brown intention ally fouled their man, while Brown's judg es ea vociferously claimed for a verdict, al. lacing that Hamill forced • colllaiun by Stopping In Brown's course. The fallowing extractlaom the wridthce will than how differently the ..ledges In the at►to boat, looked at the affair: Elliott, Judge for Brown, says ea.:med. lieturned Ors: and wax oroaamld• tr, the trmk, •Dwantls , • tog for Brown to como and fool Brown's boat attack floe feet the Meru on the port able. Komi,Judge for Hareill.all4 Hamill. was three lengths .bead. They were turning trout. Zest to West., When Hamill was turning, •Brown gave some tremendous puns watch scut him into LiamilPs boat be-. fore the latter could get out of the way. It ' was an evident foul on the part of Brown. Other witnesses were examined, with the same redraft. flow they saw It, seemed to depend upon whether they were Brown or Hamill men. tze / Mr. Roberts thejedges then proceed ed to the ny and called attention. When all was quiet: and Mr. Roberts was about to /peak, at Mee nt his aide broke in with—..elentlinamti •ae a friend of Mr. Brown, I say do not give up your money. we elmil appeal ' (Cheer, and groans were given resonse.) - • Wh-n ln sile p nce was again obtained, Mr. Roberts madirthe following announcement: Pealleturaving heard the testimony given' by the judges on both sides, who have failed to egree,.it tials became my duty to decide as to the winner of the race. as kr. Hamill was ahead when be eeamenoed to turn the stake boat, he had, bythe rules of bon racing, the right of the track. hr. .Brown should have gone Outside of him. Therefore, I dread° that Hamill won VIC . Loud cries of "Brown,. "Brown.” 'Brown." .4‘ speech from Brown," fol lowed this announcement. but he did not respond, end the erdwd quietly diapered.. - Brown's judges have put in Am appeal from the decision. but to what. higher au thority they do not state. YELLOW FEVER . AT DRY TORTUGAS. nurses and Physicians Sent For OR DISIIPI GILD BT SOU RUH lOU 111111 The Post Doctors ail Sick CUBA . CABLE conrcETED: Ely Tslegfarth to the rituteugh Omens. Klee What, Popbember t.—The fever Is raging at Yort Jefferson, Dry Teruo... The steamer. Allianite has beeaseat here for doe. tors and nurse., by order of Wept-Andrews, District Commander, who Iteilett Tortogag. Yesterday the 00V0 tomcat telegmbhila to sand physicians. home Mkt the 'Mums° is yellow fever. ‘ ,,t `ere that It Is the brcak bone Eater. The Past Doctors are all dorm the shors.end of the Golf Cable frocO lley West to Thuds Hon has been finals; laid and commumeatton between the United. etrkfee and Cuba perfected. .• PM CUBA CABLE NONlean Ageless Tim ltessalos -of AlsotleselltasrAettog uotteol Geocrol °gimbal/am *OMOE her the gremen.• Betilos and IfieLeos Goverstoseeme— Armed or Mr. Plonite—The come of . tents AMOS, to lrrotiord—tlise Var. dosed—tleseral Waimea 50os, Lao. Mr Tetanal. to Mc Pltt tbargb lissatt.) Naar Tour, September o.—Tbo • iffrultga . Cobs cable dlapatelti. dated IllaYaus. oth Rays: Vars Cncadatosare to September and noon 14e . capital to August "Mtn. The reported aritralaaTers Cent of Ilazlnalle lanes body Is contradicted, It la also con . tradtotod that Ole body wY attlttlalatl. Commander roe, of the gunboat Ternary, by request-of the Austrian commander, Claimed the body of time Emperor, and 010 related bee beau listened to. • • ' Acting Consul Ottontiourg. In the absence of the Preach, %tektite and Italian Comte. is Latina for tboue governmente. .11r. Plumb baa arrived at Metclect. • The Unman, tititernment bas ordered tbeceee of cant. Anna to proceed. • . . All Generale condemned to dealt at Quer..l atom Includlng CastLUO, bare been par. doned. U, lepers) °Waren, on the inn tat., mu Jentantied by court martial to be Shot Oa Wednesday. Tian sentence was Carried CUL on the l'bercele be lifirsicealocbsysalues the remota suttees of the American Jetal.ler. Preeldsat Juarez has decreed =an• cation of Mexican people for the punios• of eleettna a President, when he will ro the rioter lay published an 'at mint of the t illag if Inaeretero. Ile snake to establish the f art that Its fall War het the. yeeult 01 treennet7. - () neg.'.ce ewu entitling the action Of . Coneresa • Too oxiety the Sisters ot Charity his been abolished, and another under thea• tronestet of the nubile established. P The ilhaanahuagold dells hese heon,l a kt. WO supplies or munition' war hare been torerardect Item Chibus-. to yepei the Immunised 0 111bustese. • iellew Fever a. Raw Orlran. tßy TslarmPn M tna ritunomu NW" Oammitg, Bent. g Mmihs tff gnaw/ War. ettett. , Yaltarday.arere 24 Total for tweMploun coding toornotg, enmag thin morning, at. Tlie•Brioaskil L Ohio. Teeirraph m WI rittablitgh klarctte.l Chtoursaol, haPtagaber 10 . — Thh dthhiht mamma. nuabauld. TIMICCO oats tram too Uterine tomato( *ors' sad other latch:tope 000mme oozy 0.1aoolotoilla& FROM CUBA AND bOCTII AMERICA. CDT SelZgrap,h w ice rittatnir,ll Gazette.] Tarr trarMArrtna R ronza 0100—oem rant 70/: V 1• L LTlcnie ot. .2,io= Havana States that tie resolution in Porto Ricci la fornodable; that tho soldterewre Joining tbo people; that artillery base lett guar-. taro to the Capitol and zone into the noon: tryi tont I.:ay:sin Geusral: liaroblete 'bad • hid nt . hi:gulf •or IL:kit • that . revolutlatt atmlit Is to bo sent In the steamer , to New York to telt:amyl:lo 4t. r,ico; nakpit dim to place D.:teas:fat their need. . arc anst es or . # ll tslOs.be;tli.-. Adrieea from 011111 elate that tieri..Coiii; Vetted States k3scrotary or Legation at-Sars tbsgo, Sled of dleasse Sontrastail.lii:SOUlts. ortsprtmons during the rebellion. lie was betted with military Mora._ Ott. nOvEr I:Fros,,xp To tALtro. General llovey hat- returneiCto Callao' front Valparaiso. Where ho: bad been on a simple violt to General Kilpatrick, and no : 111 plolnatiOntia.lon ' • '• • • • ~ .attrineins.as eitoCaa... Slight shocks of an earthquake wore felt at Valparaiso on tbetdAtit of toe eth I A Ittmettaott Mrstocatin. 41.:prIrate letter, dated Earniullle, Anil . tit and, earrt.trat'ou tlaalAtc Ia66TT,, a• ostty,of armed men, sixty in allmbet,' cense tn . a boat and murdered. [be. Governor of this Wend. The remainder ot 'the antlontlas succeeded la making Abell. escape. tt -pile , Tong.. rsdaal,:ir . Thu steamn Chien, from New 'rock, Kr.' rived at.Panams Win, la, fifty.-nine teed a riMt days vasantel-She wOnlaSall to a tort daye for San Frandisco... • ." ' I.:nsar IIkeZALID. :• NimmintutilOmmienta Vera lOtnuron Wr enn/I arrested 1w revolutionists at Panama.. roveallog deell 7Wd coueoltaty cmer thrOw the Government. • ' IVISTCIMANCL AT 0C.1.17111[....L. Spuse rovoluLlcio diet tie liacelt Of !small prooortrone are roportea (rota Quatetneln an 4 one or tto deathh. The tiorernment troOps wore In pursuit of the leader.. zrtora NEW YORK :E1 799 , !1rtarbl0 of toting doh atte nation is relation - to the paring of Wood .treat with the Miriam> pavement. moultaro present: Mauro. Arai:oar:mit, Carlo. Crawford; Gallaher. Atetlerth,=. Kilian, Morrow, White, Meander, dent. tAn it requires Woman rneMbein trreaneti. utu ► quorum, and there being but nine present, no buignees was transacted.. . • • Surety et tke Perteek—Albrat Hatter.d l'red: . Beckman, i•raddeate of 'the ..sle , n,. want teed a quarrel 'mammy. deMetrweice Seekuum threatened to whip Better. TMs bele( e Crave offence. Satter *pestered be fore Alderman Taylor end ramie Worms, Moo arratest Beekman for curet/ of the peace. • A - warrant' was issued. Beekman arrested and held fora hearted , The better 1/117 to eilttle cans of this kind would - be Loins the .paittes equally ant Odd° the wets between them. • Reid far abwri.—James Millet wee er mined oo a charge or •eaesult cod battery, NreltMid by Daniel Y'Llovero." before ea rmas Main, and after a !rearing was herb:tin the erun of Ave hundred dollars for his appearance at Court. The Dartlea ride to Lawrenceville, and it eppears bed e. quarrel, which &tally came to .blorre, when WOnvern was kora:lkea doirn "Apl -bad y . Temparasthe defilagol , the - Allegheny Temperance League meets telt esetunt the neterbeee • rrisostaissic (Rey. J.Ye. IdUllaa'al Ohara. ..adereuce .11.1' be made brifthboULlttte. Sth, sad , the BAY. Julul . W3thilbth Tbe !MMUS the= o the league will be present. e. Thralls from w 11411M0,--Abont inks &moo, Last mooing, ellss uolen Bradley, daughter of Samuel nrrolley. of Eobtmon mrtmc, Allegheny. was thrown from l home while riding sour Perryamlle, andmeorely Injured: She fen with her heed against a Mono from *baobab* reoleve.la snare rot about/two Inches la length across tho tap of We head. , PAM war plao.llM a carrlage and wormed to Ter home. Doctors Walter cold Ilarlsp were scrammed and attended to nor lojurlea, weletirthootlb centre and verde/. are not considered Of • anger°. oharaeter. • Peraesel . .—lir. C. A: TanceY, the Mt*. lowa manager Of the Nitteemel N.efortnllo- cattonal Aluottation. of New. Albany, led., le now fn this Oily, In cOlnelinY , wlth C.PL. h. wall, oi the .7reedoCeli TIMM gentlemen. wennder/Land, WILI re main two or three th UN for Me P. , poet of making known the present (=M ilan of the AIISOCIAt2OII, and to form an arm- Mary anione the publlo aptrited colored cititen. of .Plttaborgb. Their oredentlale end referenow are of the ' , MI highest char. toner, and we wish them anomie fn ear etentannftr. ' - Cold Mpaiklltim Sono Wetter es I. T. seennieniMeng Mom Mo. MI lotlandetrool, Allegheny. • Test Patronise Large Moree under the Imyrrieston• that YOU set things oh 3 u 3 Per , 2111. e le a nnetrge, as you crgt 11nd at go. 119 Federal street, rho rollowlng -articles as cheep as at ulynOrtee eltner city. 81 3, ned Salmon, Meted Oysters sad Orange Mar. nualade, Lobsters,l3piessi Oysters, Fresh Gore Opoors,ol.tre 031, Croft , and /V.A. well's fluor. Pickles and. finstaro, • Moen roon and Walnut Oatirp,Frent, Pine Apples, Ulnae. °lnger, Tamarinds, berntnes, French knstsrd, Finest - Bordeaux Prunes, Baum Condensed .11110., Extraci of Beal, Chocolates, - eery Mar, 'Cream Urinous, Cream a:iodise, Mixed glandlee,Xnall, an, to. . 0.1131,3000, gto.lll Federal stread,Allegrienr• . . ill Eli 11.1. gialldlog Lots al Ass. lion.—ln Oakland township, (acarof tyllne) on lietorday. September 14tn. at . 334 o'c/Ook, r. K.. precisely, on tbo promises, will be sold ono hundred and eleven varlona sized Bending Lots, near the renblenoes °f DT . . n tiasza, WIZ. 11. !Smith awl oe. Donley, .Elkia, on the beautiful knoll J overlooking Penney - 174n e and Contra somata, and within a fess stops of the passenger =re on both thole, thoroughfares. Son advertise ment of Smithson, Palmer & Co.' Goods na Iteaeoriable Prima—Kr. James Robb, No. ee Marisa street, one of the pioneers in the boot and aboe trade of refsdity, has on.b.d a Large and fashiona ble stock of boom, sboesand gaiters which be offers tothepubileatvery reasonable prime. It will be remembered that the assortment found bare Is not from Eastern auction houses but has been aelected direct from manufacturers who deal In such articles as will puree serviceable and durable. Call In sedge,' for yeureelvea. fipeClal opening—New Feu Wade.— 'rneedsy, September 1000, and during the week, some of the choicest dress goods ever shown in this city. Assortment large and varied, In plain, strips, plaid, obese, heavy and beautiful, can be soon on the west coamr, of Market and Fourth streets, at tim`dner's only ranee' of business, 10- nether wi:ti the Cheapest stock of general dommtle god.da ia the Mid , , Gaines s EPINWAST. • Widmket atreet, corner of Fourth, ',eat We ull kary Goods both' ea wholesale and retail; and are, u a cretaeGkerkw• en. abled so kehp a larger sad much Water as. ecrtedostecir. to eoI cheaper. and goe the roods la more accommodating quantities than auluivejobbing houses. Retail mer chant. are Invited to examine oar Stock. J. W. Baum X • • te Market street. Wye, War, Timor*, Loac, ompoo, and Cuts r.S.; wet:distally . treated by DborA, IAI lifinablold stave. A took b 7 anal 60 coats. • SY. • oda ■pvau.t w.s.r. as .7. Y. esnishe's Dm Store, Ko. SS let:tarsi street, Allegheny. Mill Ootawes 11/1.14, a arlena.d article. —.old at, low miss at nemlura DroS atom. No al, Market stmt. Whet Seat Il ialjo for the lout money. at Flemtne.l Drug f!tore, No. M Market meet. Ea. to mentos.. Druz ate., lin. 84 Mutat atreet,for Sponges.. —A. few days ago, in A nuapotia , a girl, aged about nine years, • In company with her brother; aged about five years, and a colored child, about nix years, were playing. together when It was propOsed to play doctor. ' The - little del actingdector put her two patients in going to a drawer, - which was uactaity. kek;ed, but happened thendiabo open; into procui:d a aU box, in which there - were two opitni2 pills, containing each it.gmin and rt-half, and - one qUirdue pill. She gave to her brother one opium pill, cad to the colored child the opium And quinine pill., which they 'both - do cilely took. It was discovered about en hour afterward, and the , d ,octor In' reali wcuffed in and administered emetics, hich produced the dralred effect, and the little ones were aeon out of &Lugar. The members of the Chicago Typo graphical Union have lately purchased a plat l of ground at Rose Hill Cemetery for nuriapurimses. The plat is centrally located, large, and when laid out will correspond In beauty and taste of destmt with the most attractive In the Ce metery. Tim resident members of the Valve bare entered into the matter with their accus tomed zeal, and the completion lof the work will reflect the utmot credit upon the proverbial: generosity of the Chicago printers. It is the design of the Craft to erect a imitable monument as soon as the neyesaary funds caube raiSed.l London letter contain the fellow ug: .1 mentioned long ago that the American Legation In this city ban been transferred to ono small room In a cam mon lodging-house in One of the most disreputable streets of the West End. It is there still, end the lust time I called there the door was opened to me by a dirty woman, with en equally dirty ba by in her arms, which was actually en gaged in , extracting nourishment from the paternal fount. lem told that this is not an uncommonoccurrence.".l Auguirha, Ga., on Sundaafter- ' noon, a negro boy followed hie father, who went Into a nelghberla house for the purpose of procuring some matches. On a table, In the corner of a room, stood a tumbler, with a strong solution or potash, which was used.in cleaning windows. The little boy drank a portion of thie, which root, 'however, was not dlsocrend for nom°, time after. Ile antlered in nmely dunng the night, and was re leased from ell pain In the morning. • —The. Priucio of Wales seems to be get ting ahead pretty fast on the &Towns arerai which he so openly affects. The lest-piece of unpleasant news about Mai comes from the 3fabilte, at Paris, where his rowdyism drew forth a• rebuke from one of the festive damsels who disport themielves in the can-can. The extreme Democrats of England could desire no inote'cirective ally In their efforts to dis pel the popular illusion or that divinity that doeth hedge about a King, lhormon settlement Is likated tu Minnesota, at Battle Lake, which In calk ed the moat charming place in the State. It consists of eighteen fernlike. They occupy a [hemmed acres of well fenced and well cultivated 'hind. They are din- Ciples of Jo. Smith, and do not permit polygamy. • The settlement In quiet and Induatridus. . • • , lam' Additional Local sews ou Third Page. I= CIELIVTOD.IIO. Moodier Sephoott tter talPrhatiorta. amothter of Jtath Mm.• :bra. aged la years end 10 =oath., The faeerst wtil Mee place from N• rooldeom of Tor pmettto, MT Medford curl.' PltL hereh, TO. DaT, et 7 oteloot p. m. bleeds at holly Ste Molted to Mead. NEW ADVEETISEXENTS. AI.ELAIIueri,IINDEIITAILEU, 185 Fourth street. rltUadna. 00/7139 at all Endo; Call . = OLOVni, sad dyers dmalptios de' ham/ Wand O.& ioxn..oddnad dr,. and attat. Ream and Carrhedi faraithed. amorwasataa—Rdi. Darld Ave. D. D., Rev; M. W. raI•COMIS. 0.D.. Tada.adZalai. Iq., /a. 40011. Miler. 800.. T G.' RODGERS lINDEB.T.A. •• • Kai AND lIDINALALS. innxelever to Doi laN lifamott X. Maim. N.' NO Units Atria, Or. doors Dom lime,. Allogbany oty. udlla Butomott. lIDAogtAT. Wabtatancl Soso mood INMAN= Camas. ai tAN /Owen richt, 11.1nui oven at 211 hoax* day and Aljlst. Boma sad CO.Aliza haalsbed aM !Mors NOWA and ea wouresuntatla Was. . EDWARD CZAHNIECKI, lIN. Moo. ‘44 OS10,11111.1Tr• Ah • , Mswallo, litootorood sad *Um Cat. go., with cootiget. Ina* of funeral .t.ursheds; goods of Ockds.d fnralthat at obortott natio. 01 lowest Delcu. !010 aul Limy Stables. ion see of Mum .61i/Imi:iv Drawn% Carytays, taroatita.' 7 1 .siries:Baddl• limas; to,: Ikt., "P, STETattr, triidertaker i cone+ WAN* sad =EX SillitTe. Mutt Ward. 13•Elno of atl kliktU. Beam wra Oarramin tarilsbed au the elkortert 'testa, CEMETERY MARBLEIVORRS. —L. J. lILSIBAUH, at the Cerstell (at Latrraatelttlfa oss.unurrli.llllllSLE AND. WOrtitit . 11111211. owe, wainuarrza traxilysoor. BOAIRPEM • •.•;•;•L argo4ODING AND eamtclATISE hW DAS of IFIZX suybe eitatieN tSir lin TUT laxly TS Fount 81+1411. WY THE MMKLY GAZME: surname. • witnamsawr /um saximaky. & taro Moak asilatalts TEUIST4I/3: OW. tOMS pitattatlas mats,: uuditax. laasita. laaaat =Meats, Wort Ilima by Salami& jun .- .ajamatot Matta. Maus tor tb. ..1:17. Ud r itlaWS tad .110. i asteMile did sad Oaamantiil Marks& Swot. W a., papa ta Oa airy. No lamer, Mmattala Menstkaat atioald be willed U. mats row talaCwaiX , T.tWalTia ' Nagle of 145- Chiba of • —...-- 1..8. ' —And am at raper to tl. para. "Milt al , tat dab. AddlUoas b alata esat to =Pia at 107 thaa. at clot rata. NOTA2 to Basscrussas.—ls ongoing year It 4 nrs MaSIT 'flu& ednirsi Toe Inas, as we Una • Arolomeas said• Ibr =Oen laving f•t aa•m•Il lona. Maio•/ by-Draft. X 110•104 Mawr Orderli or laßeiclacrellattArsoury b•wt .4 ear.rUk. tea. e•a . . DENSEITII I 111SMITT, Jewelers and Optician, NO. % FIFTH STREET. • eoanretnee et ti. public potzanagi kith aria w generewly .weeded Um time et Ms *sere 1 Co.. aed Hulett • 0 . e.. 1. nepealtollf moVened. 00.041 JAMES SCOTT, oscromaaps To Jo/arras a siluiva srmus.x.azire. azra EINE WATCH, CLOCIKS! JEWELRY.' SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC. sra.x.raliirrr PrriSBUSOK aitsatlsS am as tspa;idir Watch's. Moeda asd teset7. REMOVED 00 ADW GOODS. H.‘SMITH. Merohaixt Tailor. • Hu rest ovel to No. g NVYLIX IrriSZCZ. nor of leans! *Met. whea • Ns NMI'S. bls ssir sad ext wive stiVit of PAIL OLUTH& 06511111101.X 8 . ' vlartoros Amu 0Vi.‘00....13t108,.. %Mic se, • h Will bo =do to arta Ix the moOt 14. d7l man Ise comple. sss^tuaisn bZW- T LEWIN'S 081 tillintiti (YAWN 011 of iShisis will 1M .old on Tory rmosal•le urns. M;SMI - 01* - HT.INDAMD AID ELEVDD ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS, In Oakland Township, AT AUCTION. Cs 11/11 . 1111DLY. dept. 14.0. St . 2, 1 4 Old." I;',A7 ELM:Via 771-TA Alfa: MG LOT& Masts la o:kiandlosar as. Ma the rerldaa a Dr. arra. Wm, H. dm.. ana Jolla Data% Mq", a nd Ur batIMI.OI.I. Ovarlooklag Yen asylvall and Della arta.% tar the Yasilatt.r Carr bottt to Hare Thas lota Sr. partalarly all ratted for lyr".. rata realdesta-tla nalghbarbood le grod-the. Malloy elasta-the arta. drresslaso. 111 may of the lots Is to be flood good ball.. awn. TO. 1 lota ere all adapted for goal/ anal*. ad la bah. a lags. tad are of tou all tartar raa 111 tatted at this Sale. Tertar-Ustalftbasts. Ware to owe, too ad thr a learn. with tatarat, 0.00004 by *Oa at arta.. • Plan of rots may be Sea at the of". .111. Std.. Ole Dotal% Yak. Ig Watt a Ma 0.0 1 . of Year% adaraa c 0 . ,. loaadry. Water Moe% or at . 0/11.1T86C21, PALltEit d CO , P. A.tataart. • 83 ad al nab street. BOOTS AND NOES, 13CPMCZNISSWICO DRY GOODS, C:JAIL.I:IX°3II7C'ISI, AND NOTIONS, 41, buaa-auiartineist !apace groat, at less than linolce Pit. ces, to aloes consijament, at SMON, MEER & CO.'S YAIROTII 55 & 57 FIFTH STREET, ICLUILIIII'OIII !!►O a. IL—Wurnlture and Hoilis e. hold Goo - ds_at Aoopion every Thursday. EittIMWON, LUKER sk 009 4!Lisoticoassers, Nos. so & bl Fifth Street. SALE-12 'HANDSOME BUILDING L075,40:061, LLnaW es Grieaubuir sarapite. ullollalag tha lutsds4nolt resldeaa. Col. H. NeCallluisla.. Slaw an th. meg 4edr. , aplolot.fereematr/ nel4Bask. la Latrruifilrllll . for Ilse flews; 144 want beAmmelli.l4 LAW. . 1.1111:ITMLY, 100 l lgtei4 sad luaonsaan Aseami F°4 sLLE—Thig hame.m• and very distrabliTlLll/.12¢0112' BRIM . D =Me SWUM. sltu*So He. II Nos.& strum, Muse lank. ThU house Is saUstad oa cum or Om handsoulosl streets 222 VUtseargb. ••• ikon:sale Styr U adll worth Um Muslim. IS itono soul• 11 • OW limn. !gra. •ea crrr ur, aam Bosh al Unmans* Sisals. B•Usistssol. isarAsElsens., ulna, Lawrosoullls. - • How= FOR, &us ; AT Howard% -Livery Stable, Haar RUNT, isai losalasae. EDW. Cht. NORM my ckslit to iAT*7 Crtrtrot. thathen. Ilmigos baulk; wad awn as DIM CLOSI & CO, Practical Fianna. Iptilifiwtinirs COL PENN AND WADE Wile. MUM FIMIIMMILE 80IIttaliff. D. R. MADE -OP2OEL, . , s~i max s mac L. 1.1) , ' •. e L wi 17111WWILT TOPA. 0111 ell 4. 11 4 'moan+ masanonakela Hama CHAIM= 110122glaTCAN, rismniAL irr.; audievutarr . (rolrtl dearabove Mu Ware I Table fallery fiti r lardAllne- t a b gri =. l oar goal& . • Altar H. B, Sealer of Weights and Rem's/ - , .iiihl3lol2llTH MUM* ' . , stunts, TApety owe' Tun Anat. itndere promptly nuandel W. ialla:ale . iteuir,s, Rua, 414 co; _ Anchor Cites US* FR6111114 * 144 : 0 011111 entuvr. =lron a usurer , - MICRON AND XA611102.1k 11•1113116 iirETTIG .uts4s DLiwi Q. Choice .Wines and Liquors,' so. 111. S. pt. OLIO sr. Imo xlmcnisk: