El PEE. BM IN BRIPLfi, 118 Woad at., WI earnei of Fifth. Goverlistient Securities, Gild, Silver, - • And Couponi, 1 3 , laallbt end sold ea liberal tarn.. Drafts sold on all the filarizal oldie of Lime. JAS.I. BRADY. & CO., Bankers, Corea reerth & Wood Streets, sui Axe um. am. KINDS or sou mm sEourras. Ms mow menrl.l.g tato Me UW 5-29 , 15 VOLD 110.111D . ,07 Mr, wu c'tb , intudc IMAntftd__•ll perlfs of 7-711••,_ ices,l Mdl.. cm.. or mt. Note ~' ' sao•. Or and Compound lummirt Note a. TO HOLDNEU3 Rattan lasa• wwcial arilutheawitta with Tay Vocalic.'" lib aCh., Oar twinenowidents. to an DianatM b tiara into F•Wirof 1/16. . • Sands es BMW for Dell-LT*Ol7 IRA B. McVAY & CO., latamar,..erat. amEturotrzTa Alrninerrennu an tiltburgt aft r 3 0711020 v era Arran:nos 'lgnores,/ ElAnramar. 6aptaton7 7. 1807 ff rho Nay Ton. stook quotation t.du7, received by bkr. P. Mutt, were.. follow Gold. 142% I:!orida, 11.1011 fl Tweatiek. 110. iltti; Fire Termite% 1154 101174; rill Twenties; LW, 111}6 S•M Osermle, 101}4;96V011Thiltit4.107%tgleN; Ten Fortiori, 14%. Pleats— Eria Italiroad, Moreland a Pittaburgh. FIX; Chicago cod Hock Island.lo4: , :sehlesse and rforthvrestern, 553 f; r:ltlesgo andfforthwestertdpreferred, Fort Wayne Ballinad.los%; lillabfgart Southern Ballroed, 1%; New York Central, 1055,i; r nemalng. thiNo Western Union Telegraph 4.1%; Ohio and Blissinippi .orelllentes, 17%. math, .ham—Corydon, 1,14; amom Ow; QuartsgBlll, MO; Smith h Pararnalee, 5,50; gulakellrer, - , —The rumon of a defalcation In the Tree. up Department by one of the clerks In the Currency Bureau an confirmed. The default. tag clerk hag to collect from the national bank. the ahem. for payment of med..' fees. The defalcation, homerer;te reported to be for •sum oomperatirely trifling, and It does nut touch any Treasury fund or the emulating ootat of =Mogul banks. Neither the bank. • • nor the a:emitters, to whom the money should htmebeel paidorill tome Loathing, as the do leleiiy will probably be made good by the friend. of the party in default, or if not, the Comptroller hlmoalf la naponeible. for may —The passage of a National Bankrupt law. It Is stated, has had a seinewhat different ef. feet mans the fortmes of merchants, and tr. dere who had failed than was aspested. It was supposed that as there woo known to be great numbers of people who could not go into Mal one bOOOOlO of their - usliquidated indebted. nese, that as • consequence them would be a 0 . 91/k of bankrupta to takaadiantagetif the new law. A New Fork paper .aye this has not Tel teen the came, though, uadoubtally, whenthe fall temns of the marts acimmenes there Wlll be a much larger number of bankrupts Out through the legal mill than was the ease thls stunrocr. Instead of malt:mad...a of theists' 'to free thernelvet from their obligallons being &Klima binkmp‘ the delinquent and unfortunate traders are o Settileg° with their eregiton. For one person who makes applica. ilon to the minds, there" are twenty who oil. vately come to -an undendthding with thole Mator. This ha. been done to so great an extent that throughout theconntry thousands .ofordeserchants will Iraenterbusinessettile fall and tenger. "The lase allows practically of throe modes of settlement: the voluatary and Involuntary benkrupetes of insolveat debtors, or As cempiMdse without legal proceedings, sad Ude is what Is now going on all over the' cbuntq• The effect cannot but be good. Hon &oda of mmiZetle men 0111.11.1.fi./ their into business, and thousands. of families will be relined from the Deaden of old debts. The law as feraterasa to have lei.. well: Claim New 'York quatztkacs mend by Jam. T. Brady a U.S. Sixes, 1881 .. . • lath ' 001.107 0 00.001. Auguet 744/1 June f...kin July 'lslas Dee. Compounds, Ung. Ilild 114 17 lON rat 0 Ileii —The Dotty BuilefthofPhiliblelphis, bine. tieing the recent funding and Imutdattag °per. siloae of the Tr... Depart/neat, uJs "It might he eald that the Seances of our Goventatent would he beat managed by the Swath.. the Trissury hartog uallotited por., not auldect to cheek by act of (looms. if secretary could be found with wisdom mal experienw al boundlesa as bla hutitorlty. Jiut wperfectly ' and jot mm are net. met ith. we ...Infant, both rulers and scandal oliners - with p.n. hedged In by ammereaoo legal markt.. Mt. hiceolloth did not . Indict...ate the form and etterentar of the obliga tions to balsam. for the Molted Stems leans, but wag obliged to accept theme they watt; and In the nousagenter,t of our flounces bra operations are under the law. and restriction. of Oongrees..and saki.. to Its approval at trmy sea.. With these feat. la mindose hink that "hie general Domna to fending the abort OOP/W.% sod aaliusthig hie disburse ments to the requirements of Moine. have lately been very sailrfactory. la tongue. a considerable amount of compound lateral notes fell doe, and he has bale.. the elev. of their withdraws, to serest extent by the heavy disbureemands from the Treseurf.in stew of issulog debt certificates, whack would Dare tern legal t.dere for the rnmpop oc book resent., and ne contract.a would have made. The result 06 th. uperaUooltlo amt.o• fy been MOLOWItt 10 keeping ...7 money market, letats are made oat ewer rates to day than • week ago, notwithetandlog the to.. weal. demand for currency at the Fad. Ia October another anusof eompound la th ery notes fails due, and the gaetloa rime, whether the debt nutleutes authorized by Cowes. will be Mimed to replace them. It is probable that they wilt be lace{, as the dc. sandfee money will. lerge at that lime for heel.. purpose., and the Secretary wlll take angry menns to avoid each a contrecti.. will bring stringency to the moo. , market, With ate attendant artist moreover, the bal.. In the Treararyat that time will probably not be . large that further heavy allebarsemeate mealshave be. madela dog.; will which tr" 'The general prtheiplee. upon the flame. ha. bean 1a... are lot y eommendable. • These principles sa. m them: To fund thort obligations in long bond., with Interest payable in gold. 2. A eon. tmetloa of tne tenbm not. as re w pld/7 a. the Mildness Interests of the amantry ill allow. 1 In the meantime to Thep each business of gold and Warren. on asoCand take ouch other precautions . will stye the Secretary control of hog weirs, end prevent his emberresemett by ally sudden movemeat at home or abroad. 31 bl .r. ethilloch is emitted to commendation for yielding hts pas.. opinions In some eassestothe judgment of Condomm and to the evident wants.' the country. He le an avowed , ematteetiontet, but has not always tired the privilege granted him of withdrawing four mil lions month of legal tenders. Ile be not dote that which many other public olThers In. amend with. great powers woe. hate done; ' formed a plan of utiou In his own toted, sad • 1a.... 7.5 420 bramblaney aa E. 14a 7.111 brew., E. k CU. 50 100 DMlti= 1. trillunk, J. Gallagher U. Total 2112 Total ilorripto last week 1.09 Total Receipts race Jamary OIL mterr. Naar nr .11.. V. It. 1. /.Ib.ity . cif Work., dro Mlle ref., to reviver, !Rake a On., Philertolphia. • Clark & Sumner, - .La do do to P. Wright .S. Song, Philadelphia Jag. Benny Jr.= do do, to P. A. - Dilworth UO, Plilladolptild , • Gin murrain , LikT 1.401( BOOM DIROT. otter, ging, bids relined to Staring, King h 00., Philadelphia. T.&. PeittS. at do ao to w. Warden, addlhW lonnean Weillairia, 10 du do to•Wmlliiii King & Co., Pt, iladriphi, Ballentlza Co, Sat do die to W. CI. Warden h Co.,Pidladolphin. J. hilligr.B7 - do do to W bride, Slog & CO., • = ler Worm* to the rittabarsh Gazette.: Creme - sem,' September 1..-klour nn annalul.. Wheat • OAPs armory So. 1 re.l 92,11. Corals better supply end dull. at 41,0 S -slo buyers st better max $l.. Oats quiet at Ml:far- Rye Cotton dull et 24e for =Mates. Whisk y sttsely V.V . Proriblons unsett. and .her ma rke t. ld es tbo stork was held out of the ma Mes. Pork sold to the extent of 1903 bbas at 11:443 eL24,Se-ehletly 'M. inside rata. lb It wee 100511 A y held At.. !, Bulk Yeats oo were not offered to any 'anent. Hhouldnia sold at 12110. and Sides at WA" but s l2443 and 15e were the rates se u era'y asked at the elem. held at 114 . 0 for Shoulders, Idido for Wes, and lee for Clear Sides. T here wore rders from the South for Clear Sides at o 171ist. llama are unchanged. lard held at tilial.lojaut we did not hear of any salon Chasm Iltril!.4g.. Butter Z(03,3 and eearee. Linseed Oil dud at 9IX. Flaxseed a;/5. Gold 142% buying. Exchange steady. /Lon ey market quiet and easy at F4lO per nat. - ET Telect.9ll to the'rltueu*SU 6.4tt. ilorr•no, So pneß3er 7.—E.cCo ptS—orAO•f, 75,000 boob; corn, =MD Ouch; out., 2 3 AM trtuttrr flcrar, 12,000 hOla. Oblomout•-orneat, 22,000 bulb,. corn, 21, 1 03 Ouch; oats, 41,43)0 boo; barley, 8,000 trastt. rrelobto 004 c for corn. Flour quiet 0310 arm at 2,7201040 for nPflon• %nest •ctlon lad. Ono; Wog WO] /man No. IC oo:up at 00 0 D , 1,020 nosh ffo 3 11111welke0 .1 tho came .gore, 40„00) brush No. 2 Lblcafro it,2ll..NCA o chligt °l b or:11::1 it ' 4l ' ,9s. ' f7C ,' rn " .1 NZ' 11 ttl a . In;„1 g,....,nk g and l 1 trr '''" of 63,040 b‘no2 .10 on 41.0k2.L.1 10,000 I boon do at 4143i1, clogne arm. ..1... , .. I nod • 20•210 Inst , er; Was 140,000 bush on or , ot son to arrive at Ma far tresterntal. n 3. 11 Orb onsh Arestera 00 spat 02 , t , clostng arm. Itys nmalna3 Intl grostorn nt. 0 0 422. Harley; none here. Mess tort Illlnor S O inr •on , y. L.(113%0110. • tasteago A filet. tar Telex - renal. tee rittelmran Buena 7 Cameo°. he pt. lour active yid Armor yid a Iyl4lo for sprtnir extras, wheat but Arnim; ealue Nu. spring at 411,75, but finheadeentlY neatened and reeedwt to 111,700 1 ,7114 and 41.71411,7154, g:g.::,,n774417 higher) 0 , 4 1.0 2 h;;;intral;ctoeinFt SI for No It WP.4 dal lOr So Uric lel , higher, at ,IPAU 49,41., Melo' Arm at tin nale flgaro. Ulu steady and unehuwed. Barley sheave and sok at a1,0rt01.05 for Not. Hess pOrk itm, at • "MAO asked,,V4.74•Mfernd. ..Lard firt,iSin 12, titnat. g rrtf ' orr.. bb g..v o h r 4 oats: MAltthenta-10,00 Mole Dour, 01.007 bu heat,ls4olXtbncorn"Are nII oat. rralglda Arm, ILL &Mon corn to Aural°. Milwaukee market. CU7Selerrs,6 to too rltt•Oursb 17nsett4.1 Matowsucas„ Boptembor 7.—rlour clty double, extra, IS,NOSIO; Coaotrrquiet; 61.00; o r ild/SB,Ol. W boat arm, at si,b, 01,00 for No I; $1,7401,76 for Not; 41, 57 for No. 3. (has firm, at 470 031001; 400 for No A. Vora a.laannia; 170 for Not. rreltbto qutetll.3 Buffalo, So, to lls, VP*, 0010 ail.nocelPta - I,*/ bi floor; Tr,0.0 buph wheat) I,o.lmitt oats; 3,407 bosh corn. Mar. Mont.-4,400 bills Sur; UM) bosh Wbott; 3,0001.4 h oats; 4.00 buab corn. ' • = CHI TeleArelok to ma nit/Margit umette.3 . ' Le1:0.n.0., September 7..—Sales or 11.3 bhda Tobacco let. S4OM,YS for LOC Mee to motile= Ica. Superfine river 47,00a1076 for NO.l city. 000 $lO for cottatrl Atilapat itl.lOO2•A for choke. born , 111.06 (Or shelled, OW for am 10 troll, Elate 0,..640 10 balk. • Mesa rock at. 14,1, bold IL iftl. .1.1ao0n; Shoulders clear bideo or peeked, 0 0 14000 caking lie more. taro, to Llerees, 13121 1 e.4e. COLN? itibleky 11a to • • (Pewee* Market. [By Teieveph to the rlttsburgri 0.01.1 oew ego. nemt7.—Flour antivo; eulve I;Nxt bbls nt 111.010,150 for N0..1 eprinir. Wbost o.l•ouoedt main 12,00 n bn No 2 Chluuto 0 00100 at 3,0'. ho No 2do at $1,141 VIM 00 amber wlntcreinsc l aut t2,m1,00u bu Amber .1 0 3 0 0 miaow at 5Z,15. Corn /Inn And ln tot sales bu 210 :1 .1/110001. 0t *l.lO Unt■ enlace and quiet. Luke Imports, 07,100 .halt.. Cann{ exports, 14,001 00 "mon; 15,400 bu com. = Telegesph to see glttMentd gazette:l • gaw Oet.r.are, Sept. 7.—Cotteu-9c,, 175 Wes, •nd • abode easier; low middling 9354 gg/.434. :geeetpis laal eel expOrtr,74l bales. bugs,. 110Ae.- Siolsofeegla nag grineetioper. V.e , "ie. torn deg egg ugeban gee. Chas doll; at Me. Park Weber. at..W.segg 27,5 e. • linonn—ehoulderir rigs( Clear aide% Mic, beans, unehange4.• .• Gold , 141%gilez ,mium.titerg 544:06. Apr Urges 911 TO. pre lin Financial-Matters to New York, Gold Muted at 112'30142N. EBY Telegraph to the Pitt bereft Gsselee.l. Sir Tour, September 7. ISC7 I,OIVIr ure GOLD. limey Is steady and unclaang.d• a 305 por amt. for call loans. ttorllUg is Inn at 10q41:11.10 for cold sod first thus Udli Gold °ported at 112 N, sold up to ILL Sod closed at 14r) , ;(11123 . TOO elrports of spools today trere Cierinat.lT Stocks are 3. eh de easier, elostog drm. Coo. frAT: . ? . / l iktit do 'O4 11; c.M 109 N do FOrtid., 054,57en-V1r1.1%,6716:r. ,WISCLT SASS STATE SINT. 'hie Ilank StSISEPOSt. on .11011tilly Inn 'balk , as there/1/10 of two and • half udlllons Ln leans, a million and a half In legal tender', gve million. In dements, .d hair a titlllkan specie. 1=133 StOeka opened heavy, Sot closed strong and higher. Canton, 45 Q 47%; Combat land, 34036; Welts, Fargo S. Co., WY; Amer ican,' 134 - Adams., 64)4t United Stites, 704; Merchants` triton. ?2,• QuickatlVer, FiNerni• liariposa, 1041211; Paeldellall,ll3.Xol43 , i; athunte, 111.).31112,4% Western Union 'Fed°. graph, 4.1.514.74; .New , York Central, 106%; brie, &M OM; lidd.o., 155.41312 ,1 4; I,, ndloge lo4ii; Onto Certldentes, 23% 11-2 S; St.Faul. OK% preterred,arq: Illentgan t'. ; . e .ka1it1,110y,01 . 1 . 13.4; Michigan doothern,el. , ,4 t, 17.1121_ , Xt d ti . lb i tzgl t a i 1044; Northwestern, MINN; profaned, P.44.1270)4; Fort Wayne, 10Z44010a. Aro lower Grenory 6331:1;610; Smnh & Por motto, 3300500; /Cocky llonntaint 133; Cory. don 13013133; Quart. Mit 105; Egioe 11111 Sloe 53); Eidorido 310; flarman9GD(►o73; Senean d 11,0n0;11.23. . 1103,4.P11 V. 1 . 97.11,111 Amount to 45,17V,Z•24; payment., 11,02,W1 [millrace 11114,214.60% Forragn imports tO r the week 45,404:76. EL. Loots Iltarket. TeDyson to the Plttabsreh Usrette.l Sr. Lome, Sept. 7.—TobStOO entire, at full prices,. Cotton dell, at for Lon 1111ddlln sr 'ferny feeling better, at f 2.9009,90 fur dressal. Fleur Inactive and freak; Sul.. µ4,f007.00; Extra, 47,5009,00; Double Extra, 99,0481,50; Treble tacos, Illuge01l,60; Chula and Fancy, 918,00013.01. Wheat, Leavy, and be !ekes; prints to Fancy White 0.121402,11; ditto lied, 112,191kkk , f SPrieß. *1.1:.01.0.. Corn tenter, ranging ront 4 1 . 05 gjl,or. Oct. Potent's. at 647E0. Ere fle d:urn, at $l-12421,13. Barley ottr.pr, it alma 1,14 for Spring. Drevlslons—rorther act ranes.l, ebd the market Inactive and 00401- led. Mess Perk. a25,71.2.1;09. Baoon— "o9lderS• 1411 113..(81 9 c . t Clear Sides, I 4 40. sugar Hired Hams. Lard- farm,. Ith mote Inquiry and light sopply or oho on; sales of choice kettle In tierce % at 11114 e ; kegs, Ise. Whisky doll, xi "LOS for Free. Receipts-Floor, ‘5113 blast Wheat, 9,019 sulks; Corn. G,CI bosh; Oats, 19,819 bush; 870. 103 bush; unriey, 1,111 bushels. Weather clear end cool. New York Dri Goods Starter. lalrewliqo to she Pltunetan tioseste.l Now Y oar, Sept. 7.—Ury goods klorke , aeUve and gotta firm for all staple, bat as usual towards the cless of the work the demand woe less onlonsted and the only changes of moment m Cotton goods are Bootee D. Brown Shoetings lob at It; Intll-. an Orchard A quoted at It; do 1' In brown, Ittiklf an eonlo 11 do, 15 , 6; LAWTOICIS C 1614 kfl. by the ideee and ease; Exeter ID , 1.1. H. and hennebeek 10 5 4. In blexehod sllne no Important change. are noticeable. To. earora, 2:1; Great Tolls 5, It Hamilton Tleks-2555 Whlttendon A. BITIPoo -44 % for Everett. Stdriing—lll442 !GI.; for Thorn dyke improved. Denims-15 for Empire Bute. Ginghoms-13 for Cameron; 131( for Clyde; 19N Glaskow;lo/ Lancaster% N. rep perrell. Cored .Tessts—lT% for all: Caro bees rehired to 11%. Pronto active and steady. I=! (Br Telesrsh to the PlUsentgla Gazette.] Cravatxxn,September 7.—Flour firm, and some 'trades better; double extra red winter $10,50(11 0,73; double extra Amber, 11.11510,gf2;,, htri,4,0011.122:1;,1.23, 00. t firm and a better dema Zero nd; le held et A:o , B= No. ltred winter 112,11 for NO. 2. Corn la a Rood speculative demand at 11. et fOr October delivery; held on the epot at SIM for No. 1 rulxed. Data Quiet and um no for No. I state from the cha storeßye quiet, arm and steady➢at cts for He. I. Barley steads and unchanged at 9001,00 for No. 5; State $1,0501,10 lot No. 1. Petroleum firm and better; Wee of 1.000 barrels of standard white a; in bond; Vilna Belt straw to white field at 10c free In trade lots: crude battery sales of WO Itsr rue Per barrel. Palladelpbts Market. ate Teleeraoh to the rlttabezah tiasztte.) SureteDee la trl,eo, September 71e- 13 Flour f ) ett Tami r s n P va Wre Fa ti red . ontne 9 n ago 1.75. Rye 6.1,15. Corn; +bite 111.420 1 4 1 . $1.1661, 7 7. °eta tUOt7c. Itess Pork $24,5.51.{11,75. Lard Chicago Cattle Market. ' LlZTatum& to tee Pittshergh Ussr..4 • , mos Go, dept. 7.-4.4.1( cattle dull, at 61,25 COL:the best shipping . Hogs active, at ' 418,133 tor Ghetto manta. Cheep dui", at 4,.t0 for wood mor,O. ' I=l (By Telerr”lf to the entsbaratt tiaso tee.' Thrraorr, September 4.—Flour Letlf• and firmer. choice superior ion.z. White ex tmlio lath lie advanced TO 1.1. , 50 4 , 27 ; No amber nominal at at.lifAlS. =l:=2l tNt relegr•Pb to the I,ll.bantb 0 azett..3 llntrate. dent. 7.-4)oiltrn quiet, plands PACIP.Sc. Pork scams awl farm; VS.WIN, SO . Uscoa eteady at 113X,019!43. Ocher Matillti usaialged. St& TialilLl3lllll. 4TAYIrLeIn AID PreTatentall oartoeoo.o. September 7.-10 bras Sto half bbl. 1101. &Omsk. lest Co; :2 bbls semi! 07.1, J Moorkesd; 113 Ske topper, Park, McCurdy &Co; 06 so Moog. ee, 6 h•Baken tear Bon are. Merles Vend Iron Ca; I do au, Zoe h Co; !do do. Irloid Brash; I do do. Leon& them fa 1 7 101 Ups; 7 b. hardware, I B Fisher; 60 bas etareh, £ Itemle. ton; 60 do do, Bentehart literenaoor tO maws topper, T Bowel 1 ear berley.llltabooth. moCreary kcm is aka rye, NV Melitso; at do oats. 31 UMW.; 113 do 110.9 do seed, McHenry 1 14.1•17 04 de A Woo.; I cash do. W Oahe; 2 ears stone, J Iledieleget )../re 'Ye 13 do 0.10. W Illnekarn! ol do rag& 0 P Mark. & Oot 11 do rem W l Meek; 13 ehlmeee tops. B II Mot um; ha. eneesm W 11,1reet3. do 40. 570,00. her & Lanall ear oat& 11 Knox at Set; I ear keet. J .1 Bender; / doeora.§tewart & Leone. Lamm 10610 apples. W S Llekpatrtela 1.8;1 eke rare, Tromb , & Al l e o o lOW eggs, g ' r u t tln!l i tu b r k , It's l rll 7o n:r . : o6 oNbta 1 1 0 4:::111, 7 1 Dickey 0o; do do, •It Robison & Cot tfit Ism flaxseed. Inrer & Backlit.; I 0 poap, Ja Medley; 111 tulle tryen 1 , 40011, 116 , stein; 1! empty 011 061& Aram. 011 Co. Tryllreellatt.VONlT WATIenA 01100.0 September 1.-14 bble floor..lSheyertlr Close. Anlenr/1 e. rad& Job. Wt. I Isp:•16 aka scrap& & Boor:len 3.1 600 atreem, A Rodelbelm; 66 bbla apples, Colt & 00;1 3 co, T Jeektost InE. tobacco,] Alma; 1 mar 1.17 . 1706. Union limo 31111 n JO ears Iron ord. I riboanberser &Blain 1 I . ..17 trod, OrMr. Bennett & CO; kb be, soap 1 it Iskperrick Mor ro, 6do dandles, It 'Vr tanklo! lo half :bbla W 11 e 0.4.7 8. Co; 10 au 40, eleiCay Breql3 phis barlwars, 11 Wolho Jt & Co;l.ake raga, 01041007 & Clark. 1 1610 err& W .151.1 & 1100;1 do en, Head & Motu.: COedrasheik 17 Mee barley, Sidierlageo• BWs ell, John I' irentr.;2 bales wooded Blood 17 Oren h. 0042%1 ska !Arley, Pler, Ilantels 00,1 ear strap 1000. sn 31n1110.;140 bbls tour, Gregg & 0100,1010 Mac 60 00 lend, B.ewell, Pears k Co; 100 bele fLoar,Tas tlentleer & Co; 100 do do,owder; lou do do, 0 B Ontd. - - Prttruniwur. tkith'brato 1 els =gam soi., September 7.-60 bga sup, D Otug a Cloo.. bso inhecoo. John, Otter ts, Cot 73 eke lutter. smith & co; :0 do da, 10 do corn. 7 LAIS MA Blctleary & Iloodi 43 do ow*, Backer 11o; 1 . 1;01 pears, 311 LAPpluott; 2d7 eMts, 0 do si. pies, Read k Meter a 1 43 oks oats, Ido beds', hteuor 10 lialoetolo da barley, Franashelna, 5111Ser & CO; 43 pigs iesd, 1.1 oRusty & On; ..3 aks vi e. 14 do wed.' Sturgeon k Bre; 120 do barley,Z Wainwright & lloiM do de, lehmeter.h t or s 1 ear Leodond oat Pittsburgh Dere. tor; 2 cars mare., Mill er * C110;48 beim, hemp. Fulto& llalletan re, 001 102 b ids low, Shama/us 6 Lug; 116 eke barley. Frederick Shield.; 45 do do, Smith k Co; 11 do oats, Campbell & Brown. 2111.46161411 T 7r441.111 . RAILROAD September T.—^3 bgs nitrate oroda. CaThoos 3. Edwards; At by oats. Suit /k Meal: bg do do, if d 0 lye, W Andaman; bg 03 ate. DI da2ors, Keil &Klub art; T pkgs eggs, Voir. & Co; 20 bag. 770. Me. Hemetal, It Woodstdcsi I KierLabsrk, W Plato. IsTS'on; I tor clay, S 21 Kier & Ob; 1 ear Metal, 31.1501011. Potter k Co; 11 bales wool; Died a Walker; 29 Wisest% J Patterson. ALLYN/OW . ITATIO7/i. September 7-3 ears 0 aaaa ed, Ewer lt, ilsallitna; 0 Udewhisky F &adman; 5 care wheat, It I' Reused, ,& tiro; 3 care Cluoind, 70 au d0..11 II Suydam; 1 'cm es stares,] hi Hemphill; 210 irks own, J 0 Robb; MO bbis Dour. ltsdinos. & Soo; 1 car staves, .1 Log.. 1 ear Ore May, klehey, Henan & Co; 1 em Time, JP/LK Knox; 10 dos brooms, J S R e V p "' lo7: l9. ' a7. ' l4l3 . • D buPt:r l , " B otrtir.l L' o 11 5 g t0 . 0 0. 15 . Co; 3 cars bark. W JohnstonilMl belle shut iron, W 7 Andstroag; 13 do do, H Stereneur TO bbls eemeat, 0 /11 Leech; 00 do do, Gay St Welsh: 0 ejc• herbs. 3 S Tismaya & Co. 10:4(44:11 , 117:14300:0 THE AMERICAN HALL LID FOUNTAIN GAIIDENO, Corner CUM ua Blen Effects, led Birmiegims. F. BOSWORTH & 00. i Fropirs. Tll2 btaallfal andl4eN:nl ; 4e , s , o p r l t:Ava tcn 11:71.11°,T,MA:Artaln thttr Mends with to ebe cost WlNlA..di.x.e. BELK., LIQUOILe CIOAKS, Jed'A'AdLdel, de. A tirade rent Blame) deredede every mime day roaster. Blreeleghem Cafe y..s tt.e to every Lew NOTICE . to THE HOLDERS OF 'BOUNTY BONDS, • /sane( hi the Scheel Beard of the rhos Word, City of Allegheny. rattles beltitne Ronde . bembeee4 as followl: 11. ten t . 1. 97.103; Are'bereby 1001. neat pte thew to b. r. 101R11/1.11. Esq.. ler redelept'ne , la they wlll pelse to NW tate:- tet stem to:Bente. By wet, ot tbe Pekoe! Boar , U. 1/1./11iK. THOS. CARLIN YOVIVII TIED !MAUI OD 1110110 SIP IM MITIDtrtUrT WTHT.ICT, CITT. :111311=2:7744:13YATAitNit L. l76 „o.pap m , al BAAL PAWN make Wisr aTZAII Nal& ..ibrthla. • O'''..,, Z 117: ' ,!IP!, 0F fIiPTEII - VITATCA'Airi'd.. 4I `'W . M I7I2 pulwi.e. Alto, strut a latt.T ti nt o, ' ,l "l t i" oltootelly.flutvayltg .4 roppaii - ....nit. tsp. Sur ItttllO, At., apply 1,,,, .t. c.iDtalt- F. *smog. tel:al77 earner Itlfthaad Mara. Wee ____ ta. F' LIMOS, MECHANICAL AND ZNIMMUINti DR.AFTSMAN time—car. Fifth 01,71.i:k.t UEOUGE BEATE CANDY MANUFACTURE Ad dn.*r Ir a iregtn . 2U/25. l 14,v6.?,:e.i.treir..--gr • uravoomplai... ciArritWHlN - U ICR—Tb• best' and • oat, W dDP r teat la warranted an era perfect rallefartturn Cat 111 them baler. tin rahartatt lantana*. , SAW.. Dthe WO *Odd. /dr Aaj . Lary glig ai ,„ .07 ...eves ~.vi IMO. " PlTTi3i3llfiell DAILY 14-ititht MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1861 PffrBBIIRGH HOPI WORKS. FULTON, BOE.ITINAN i CO., tcre the bad CORDA.GE, OAKVIE, 121 D TWIMES,II seat nigh Waretwase. 114 t ILS Wateroy spa :TM Ea==S! RIVER NEWS. The Lotikellle and Groan Elver Packet Company has contracted for • new first class boat for that trade, the hull to be conetructed by T. S. Nadal 11. Son, and to have capacity for satrying top man freight, and power to make her as fest as anything In that trade. A resolution was Introduced Into the Louts. rifle Chamber of Commerce. Wedneeday, de. staring that the members of that body with. patronize and business ItilUT ..„ “,,opanle. that hare agreed totaken ke i m ights shipped under the new bill of la ,nr.g,rc.ntly adopted by the eteamboatmen of that place. The Nashrtile Casette, of Tuesday, says: it was rumored, severed day. ago, that Alea. Mathes. a hish.esteemed young man, well booms on thesis:et, had died reoently at Gal veston. Teas. We are glad to learn that theta no truth in the report. Captain Henry W. Smith, Sts7erintandent of the a Alenipttis and at. Louts Paeket Company, An Captain Ben. Johnson, both distinguished rivermen of Sr. Louts, are at present la the city, endeavoring to make erimagetodzits with the Nuns:l4e sod Northwestern Railroad, and to perfect reliable conneethine at the other end of the road. We wish them success. ' At Evansville, Thursday, the Mayor and(ilt7 Council, with the Eoelocet,sf the ludOln•P. Ile Works, Air. Canotashaw, made eosat cu ller. The chief object was to awertaln the probability of the 001.11' oar Ow mouth of (trona river to fiends:soon, of which there to pot ?be alighwat posalbillty, al bill y of opthlng toe Bic Bayou shore andop. po te. to the mouth of Green dyer, order to w h away the Darla front ;Atha eity,whlsh Is not genert,y deemed feastble. A mod dam above the k of the DlMeouri , anJ a little dredslng, w I do the work. AL Calro, , Thursday, while Isonchinc the steamer nat. E. L.,“ from the Mound City Marine , {Vocksotwo cradles under her how stopped, while the remainder went oo late the Clap, leasing the boat too bee Poeittota . she Is badly twitted. Ile' bow le sun looms Ste tsone out of the water. Every effort wee beteg made to get has ott. • Lopotentw, September 6.—The river le falb Inc quits rapidly. It loss fallen biotin Melee &able the part twenty•fenr hour. There are now hese than three feet elx Inches In the ere nal by the mark, and 'scant four feet on Port. land bar. 'Reports from the Lower • Ohio es! there IN .sans four feet over the bara and the aver eta aml. The Leon?. No. 2 pulsed up early title moraine. Eater business le Ito pronne. Loris, September s—Navigation in daily becomiogThe Lady Pike hos been cent to the tortoi se MASA Alter •gronod. leg hard above La Grose. Tee Minnesota I. down to lees then three feet, and the Mohler has been withdrawn. There are lour and • half hence to Keokuk, and eteadilp going down. There are roven and • half feet to OM.. The Imella and gulden arrived arrived from the motintathe yesterday. The tatters p.m manger receipts for the round trip amount to over 00,000. 'the following ten boat. are yet to arrive: Oaliatino Elehmotol, Toro Steven., Imperial, Zephyr, (Mattel* Lent Chance, -liitner, Mountaineer Only Chance Deer, Ledge. St. Johns. Mary McDonald. Captains blithe and /Belmont last night opened the Laeledo, • new and elm gent hotel. The Memphis and Lorilmilla Railroad le breaking Into thisriver Manisa of the Ohio, no they are carrying ootton through to Louth. Mlle at SI per toile. Not long slim we made mention of the new hydrthitc propeller so nuthessfolly tried by the DrllMh Admiralty the last few month:. at Lon don. UM now stated that • British naval of Seer left Boston, on Wendesday, In the Java who propoies to cetera to New York early le In command of • Meanly without paddle, mercer or coal. in other word% he Snead. to croY the Allantle in • steamship fitted with ardthulla propellers; using petroleum : an fuel. The Cincinnati Enquirer; of Frid s y,thy• Mr. George L.Joheneton resolved • dispatah yesterday evening from New Orlemm thavey- Inn the "A news of the death of hi. brother, .1 ...W. Johnson. of yellow 'foyer. which ....id Di that eity 'Maunder muting. The de ceased was formerly • eisamboatalerk oo the Obto Zino:, and was eepeedally well known In the titacinnall and Madman trade, In widebthe ran for • considerable time. Ifs MY • young' man of Cue promthe, and hi. death will be deeply regretted by ail who knew him. Mr. Thomas S. Royse. agent of the Dean Line 'toilet llompthy, was yesterday married to Mies Schaller. • daughter of one of our well known Metaalite. The bothpy pair left Diet Melt us a tour through the 'East. ,~.. TINIS IS TO IGITE :NOTICE that oa the Sd day of PrTtabwtb. rt. L , • L , g:. • Warranito Bankruptcy . .. houted 0 1 050 . 1 Lb. ESTATE OF DANIEL Y. ht'PRERSON, 'PI the Itotaugh of Lawrenceville. In the anent) of Alleabeny, and Mt*. of Patuarrlvantn, who ht. den adjudged a baabr opt on blt own pelt -1100, tJjat the Payment of any debt. and dellroW TT of any property belong Leg to each Paean pt. to ltfm or for We use, god tb• tranaler of any property hp him are forbtddan by law: that inverting of lb* creelltora of the mad bankrupt, prove there debts. and bo .000010 nee ay. uso Asargnewa of hit gatate, will be heel at a Con oanleart<7, to be bolden at 0.., 93 Diamond street.. the • City et Plfttbargh. boron CL,. 00et10700. oeolle, an the 11310 day of Etentatatmr..b.• D. MC. at 10 o , eluei a. It. THOM. A. E.OWI.ICY. BRICE MUCK I TUE MOVERS 'ALLEY BRICK COMPANY =ZEES= 3E3 3E:t 40 g, IP.ll.°P.` Var.], corner el TAO an/ 1 It Fol;ils aad new David Sine••• S. Y. uraiNicor. Aswan. THE PITTSBURG U Stun Brick Manufacturing Co to 11S? MD Ina Milt Wnt k a ,Adjuertst to tno ettl 1.111.3. ever the Peoples' Netleael Bank of rlntettree, rernee of mum Ada/ le WU Ob. leSee Elton from re to h - R. n ICHISON, ProwWWW. W. W. lIICII GH1,11.1.D. Vt. rrssidtst sad Trsaserst. STE/11.11 PCI AND 1130Y1 LIVERPOOL k QUEENSTOWN, bean& TIVIC.IS A ViTCla THE INDIAN LINE • 114T0111)A —ZI - 7.RY NVXD -01'..Y.1.Va1l —tarrying 0. It. Mitta. Ilaketa iolt to and 'ram tralattil. nugiana. Maotlaail, tier many ittio Praia, App y at tto caairaaro oftee. NIX; SIAM Jr.. Exciative A gent to iti na Cabin Catalitrarra, 1.4 ttrrit nmr.T.T, 'Adams expert. trsfica. rittaborah. Pa. TWIT IIEt2EIVED, AT ty ROBERTS & EI/MUUM'S WitOLLIALE ANt , NJCTAIL fir, him B}erei Ina tire lutfulary, su. es arretinzw, IT., rtrrnaUson. w per e rrr ' extleZ kna r Z.'irr ,r..ars. mew. Mkt.. .rater Coale...llW L.A. dere, awl fo II that of 11 o , faent alil og Good.. NKni ' lr:r t vn - a: F rUtlfr "" l ' , l ll::4 4 . pa.thass. An. IdrAnva.L. Grich DRILLS, FANfING MILLS, PBIIIII,I CZOSI csl TOOD salmi 11C11317, llltri►W Clam:no res. AT 819 LIBERTY STREET, E=! = kiLENCH BURK MILL PTONESt nisrott sUILIt B.IIOT • MACIDNIC6. the beet WhoAt cleaner •A 4 Hstkvrbest I.olex.th D.C. PIOLVANLJC /LOW{ AND rim, vi1..1.4. slibamber.:lnti WOW , e!TP:4II. ENNINIth AND BM LEllkl. N ISLI 1111.1.11SUNB. CASTIMIS AND NULL If Ull- /N lf at ID LIttEliTY THEE T. 1r,14% WALLACE.. • STEAM •MARICILE APiID MAR. W —Every variety of Weenie and att.. Mantles on band and made to order. Itenealfol noon alant:ee at twenty pe coat. lees than tag have seer' bees mold in Ibis r el 1,. Title la elle unllrplata In Weslern Tanta loa ere ell. an.* an wane. All Wade or IlieUld iota dune at short nodes. ' • • WO L181.1171' STltErr. W. W. WALL/Mr. PITTeal/nelle. Ann. M. ler. anne:eell.d/l► GOUBLAY BROS., . SHIRT MAJUFACTUREUS 27 Barr!ay SC, near Church St.. . BCIMTVIT -irearaxs. X. H.—Prke Lut neat on appllestlon. avt:dl2 H. ENGLISH & CO., ' AU. SIS Fourth Sired, retiMil4cP. l'alege-ii WWI, 1,!=a 1 ;,„1. 1 .T. 1 "°`'` o f MORTON'S. ALLET.—We, the molortlirord, Vlorroro ODPolotr ,l to urea Amex" ono b..ordir for the opoo loot of Wit, Toto•o Ifroood word, Allegheny, from 111 prrseul. termlooog.M . ZOtlrrp x ojt It :Uri( p. ra. . 0 to MEI ft. do. hilt Of 00°"°°4" O f . f jOilrf ALFer()N, JlOgl oll . 4 B. relY MOHAN. rT 12121 UNION•BTBEET.--We.. the un. lit:signed, appointed Vilma. to Mew ai ant. damages soil hempen. tor orieolon At OStimMT, from Its presoat sonuiern terminate to PlortnAlranblelllLirsal lOU rg.4 l l! l .47. l ll=A‘. A ' , .iluou bar appulnitaellt. 81.411, • '' Satan elltsllo.ll. antl.•eM dIIHW CONN MORAY I=M2 friiLDAI,E ts,VIM'WERY. All beetneas the VOW Int". Or M" . "4 of date anterior to 111.1tdr •yttlL, UAL and remaining ineetlial, will be :itt74 . led to at my rieloe,.lbo: llg itIWLV . 1; lerf c 4".. JOHN ditaftLlt. BE J ' AiLT= ta I BELTING S—Leath ludr.`iittZthrib""Vait«sit. mvir . araz d sod lopricpt. Lace " 1 1 :rM .L1A179. :II WI 21 M. ear meth • CONISIESN IMGMCSAPTS. PLtridBING. GAS IPITTD7G. bit STEELE & SOi. . 1 D1L3L31115 lit FLOUR, FEED, alitallf, 410.. %grimily. Po. 03 OLIIO MEET, ''''''..3.l.l.3olllLlCT CM. Po- lING Ss. CO.. WIIOLiaLIS MILLS= larl Commission Merchanta in PEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn St., prrrssußau. PA. 103,EW121 BIIBICE & Co., CODLIBSSION WINTS rou 'WA !oak, Globe 4. Liberty 011 Worke, emylo dtonwo for Made and Ileflood 011. 1.115- Oral Cab advanoor mad. on oonoLannionta of Orada or Ildneed riarolosam. TAM, for alarm. and oblyrodut of Orrolo Olt at Lawroneorllla. Olneeruld Wargo,. Corncr 011/rancono WOO and Hancock ores:. tabstCh. =Man ROBERT KNOX, Jr., CONIIII6SiOI !KERMA/ST. And dealer FLOOR. GRAM AND PRODVCE, puree. 413 ILIIINJITY N T .. Pitilabanth L . J. PLANCBAUD, • ~WtiULBLLS AND BLTAIL -IS, 396 Roma Street = =3=l KEEL Es. 111';CHAUT, OONICBSIoId MOH/INT/3, AND Flour; Grain, heeds, M4ll Fred, ae. • sfv 1101.7.7 arrocirr, • PITTLIBUBUE. PAL valitttS L. . Art... BANE IG ArEII, Commission Xerchanlal Dr.len 211 /War; 0512/ati=ld 197.01/17C7,1 IVTLSI, +M. kinatt , U l 4 • tn.., Plttstatort6 leb tll FETZEU &Aid STRONG, • 101191103117 010088111 DICED % for tb•sole the 0 ~,,11 2 . ,1'A17;,,J111 1 1'.1. ~,V.?. ;.T.',!'" -"T M. CD "wir ALL. • T SIXIANDIII 11011.11EY & FREW, ~~ _t==3 Mate removed to 31 Market St.; " iszcobzu.) rtrusinum. • Are prtime4 Ire wahreAre all IMI (00 • Where kt of Sadd Ana WI Areclos es, e uenss, Trunks, id lg se their 1100 6000117 001 4 1 . 11 001.0b1101iineol.. RYAN, 131 BO Apollo Building, Fourth Woe Bank, I mirky ce akd Waltlntl Banda, and iIl kladi of Mocktilknaithl .41 qI. a• comigs , 0. kort ... a• South& and paid. DUEL Iron 13roker4 Airut fatibe We at Oonlynll, losegibUxe. Labelle, DLLOCAItIOIS• Winds otAlatusetts, Youel. 1 1 7 4 121 . Cat0 011pragat's C. B. (gamt L'IU COEMSEIIII6III4 alld orders r.R...t 1 . 11 7 wlt 11.141. 017/CZ or orri 1[11011.151111 • 150VrIlTft, r/211111011011. btP , " "a . . 1 TEM ASSESSMENTS' tot* the Parini 1.14 Curl•lug of sax..ntr errimarErr . Pre. Wolie to Dartford. are now-re s d7 for az awiatUris. and will remain • Inerslo Dike. Was Merkel Balloted. until TilllfieULT. Dept. 11l le7. when illay will Da placed In Mil qty Treu env. Dace for indleatlon. ' U. J. SOUR/4 ealw77 Wry lerifinew. WEST COMMON ELICIIEVE STONX WONKO, NoMIMS 001121: Of " m i l lat a 274.7i73: trsiVir I.llt ViAtn.. s 24t'illars Iva %17W ilrtatu , 2la , . , 4lfflgL.• 46 r u rPrOgPU/ am - 21.10.Mit tEC=I Bu'" KLE a auLLER, PLUMBERS, S 9ND STEAM PITT! 1 S; .Beet snit Ate Pedapa, all lands at 4t r eerAnd de . Beth Fe b.. Stl3o. Ohio street, [Bared East Lana nod Chestnut BUJ H ALLEGENY CITY. fitted up with Gat and Watertgir.art OUee. 010. C. JA.0.1441.1V0ZD, SPANGLEEt. & Eitt.Wo2.l); wolst.a.cnexchas., Plumbers and Gas Fitters, 11" o. •7 Ohio Se., 80.. liltedup with WALTZ.% ti-A5 and STIAII by cal . ..fenced workmen.. Turtle...m..o.i riven co cuirutr7 work.. Lath and •La. PUlrrs. etyle. , • myna* Joni Y. moren....aos. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitters, llannfootororf of YUKfli AND 8111.1111 WOES of .m..la.cryscl.a.x. Plumhara, Gaa and Steam Fitters I= 7E.X.r.rIS3EIZTXIJM - 73C, X..4m,. All order. by Intl eyeentaa eatlefactortly and yrotaptly attomaell to.' A fall Ilan of Balk Tub; re Parapa k Water Cloaetr, Illnka, Obanlelle. erraanty, arid Gas bbad. Ida sole at Ito most rebaorlable Pr ,rrilera from coattry patrons by Mall Praia/il ly &lnar.] to. lima Hare of retry &merit/UM,. COAL COKE, Fko pirreßloll6ll FATIb AL COAL & COKE COMPANT ahlprere and dealer., ertielnale . and re tall. Salts BEST FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL AND MA ffiEfa, P ce Tnr+l—Corner A. IFOUII.III AND THY le.. 9,4.11 fur t1W1,•17 inn elty. or onlyment wcst, will awn' prompt and Inunallato men thm. A. 214:1.11 MILL. nnparinundent. BEST FAMILY COAL A.braln on land ainneteltnredVolnit.ll/00.n.n. AT LOS'ESST 11-E° tATES, SY 08C.&11 F. LAffild & CO., Car. Ettiut! Elm! vi_?. It W. it/C. Sulu /mucous:l,Y MT. Alstbrzclte Coal taroisb.l al the lowu.t MIIMSMMNI WM. M. CLAINEY, & Gas Co - al Work 4, Tsw sAldrsas, DOS. 307. Tltta 4Vllalti n t " . ° ll 7 sYlt, 7 ;l.cor. teary rlttAbur,. • Ui Utley zr it to; VOlTlVlrr , ..y r .ireCt r fia 4 .l • ' l 7 ct . n . LT!. Meta* y ly• Plast.argl. A evraer . .A., derwe rAre I. V. Y. W. V. IL. ontera le 1.1%11-It, Or Om i&to.flo pti6e. • 11l revelve mown& alwaUpa. la1:611. COALS COMM - COAL!!! DICK3O3I, STEWART & ITVIOVVI their I. , cosle No, 561 LIBERTY STREET, (I eIeCON r Luta, Axe tow pr.ie red to eurtael geed Yoattlo.ttLV LIMP, NUT COAL OIL SLAVA. Attie Invest "stet RIM. • • to a rertgt o a ` l.r . `",”11%.7 tttle " rl Ter ' prielptle. .teeStioit 14 . 011 T PITT COAL COOPANT —.Tippers add dealott la Detector ratalit Idol eta,. Cat:, but Udal tad lbad.,_tvivent tee decant Oar,. rldtburgh reclues Bust Btu , ltd. earner Liberty Atte% sad %%rep *del , treat% and*. et...1.11T sod Meat 13 . 113., rittseart tt. Ordev. len at either the above Mama allt odelve tempts atteauct.: PootOttbrek AddM. 6e.687, rittfavek. i IL kl C M OCaASn ..z , .cs ter W iOn u n . . to.ry ..T. iAartabAT4l4 JJJ. IR.. T. t R L V m Jaw. an. J. J. tau.. rim, t'res's- I /.. IL. Y.suctan. 2441. • 8. 111.1.18 X, TrraMetr. : , 41. U. Midi ST .I! (0.. mii.arers. • ILIAPI ' TE ABLS 11. AIILM IL STIION, Dia= at I DOB110031:31" COLYELLOVIILLZ COAL •od Itoonnontretoof De•allrameirel Coke , orrict YAM,. • Conn, of Ilonse ad Morton; ant nod on 1.10- all and Ctruir Wan. Non sad, ad on Honda nowt. not. Pltatnan, Ps. ratoPla aon d riefootorsto mooned 'nth too best artirl• at (2.1 .tll4 lowan ant Oran ton St ay of Sal, Gina 7111 nod h. cmoot atusoul. , BE WERs AI Tras.&c: =2=MI O!ISDN, D. AILTINGTONdg 112.111 1 111, !WEEMS . . 44? lion; • SoOIZUL Enon a CO.. Pinaloozo - WO. N. ANDO 11, .11UoCtOoli • The atteettounf tDaostOsetil 411111,0 Ls Dattlettuly Izattcd!to ALES AND PORTER,' " • Mack, thrreghthecate_toJ eOectlda efidant reef darcatenste• Inattlegliacilltler and Hans tram the valeta Seat sad Weft. we eta Rear.dea-t0 be C oe and .7.lllfalneil to the trade. Oar LniIrIAALIC Lute. Id COI re.ern=nleaded particular..l,lga their ordrra an Lea_ GSM ad ohann th NM PRIM, .Mir SPE; EE3 rzm = UNION tlrPraAl.lliiriailr 'V. :l lA l ll zi3 O" np L ali kind. of Illll.lll.% ' ' ' ' AUK. Z!A ir it ' Villi.M.ll awl all kinds or IdAtal NElllt etussiti 4 m; var. .llet_of WARM[[( intylil (MINK writtrrd, p..ot of 71114 a treat. Oxteaul 2,11.1112111 . 1 ,1 , 1 , ,_.,. CENTRAL . I FOUNDRY MID D O I. WORM', . 000 Po - Iltlitecket. BOLLMAN, BOYD '& BAGALEY. How. ... 5111 l Cull.. non I.4 . thei. a.. 11 UI DS, STOOKS. BEAL ESTATE, MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward. UPPOSISS Int lON Iti!JSSIAILLS. W.X.Z.r/.3317110131.33C • Rolling Hill and Bridge Castings. . IMMO SITIO on Era nous, First Etres rr rNuCH x. !A 211selltnery and Caslbsgs fly promptly uld carefully 8.21rconOl• CLULUOXIS ILICIIN/N/031.71. . EIMEEM & etuadoo • EVOISON, PREBTONiIs CO., resx.rsrLr.a.n4 rIELON WCCEISS.&.4. figtla, L,V,r ligfAt IRON CITY MILLS. ROOM & BIIBOHNIEMA Selined4teumall,Jaalists4 rotund • 1111:CEDM 3LISLODT. Orricra AsylreiznOllWA.lso.iatatiAtKJlT et oas4il Vtliati - WW yorial lIIIRRILIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, anti Y. ausus.wrintaas Oz RICAN AND CLAIR Bar,Tioop, Sheet and Plate Iron midge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; • dails,l6 &SOO& to the yard ' Train Itallsoinnchedand coma ter sunk . Boiler, Midge and Tan k RivetS Cat Naas and Spikes; Ship and float Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Botts' Railroad Car ssneets and Axles; Street Car wheels and Axles; Ceal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold 'Rolled Piston Rads; Rower and Reaper Bars. • WA/4.4130MM ANJ 017102. 120 Water and. IN Front Sts. /MANCH motes, NOB. 2:2,24 anti :6 Slier 81., 0/110A04:4 UAL. E!=il:33 SHRYMILB STEEL WURIL SIIWER MICK & CO BEST.REFIARD CAST STEEL 311 UM, TIM ID KINK 01 MIILer. ccnovua amta awn cam Om SAW PLATES. ZLISITIO . •ND 111,111-7LLLIPTIO RAILWAY 'SPRINGS, • eclat Spring Mid, Cast and German Plow Steel, PiAl77 WINeS AND MOW= :um. SPRING% AXLES AND STEEL ME, VAX: OIWR-oast m:: a.. waresimse, 82 Water St., I?itisegh, / ATLAS WOlllllll, .7311FRT071 STK:NE 2 Ninth Tirard I Pittsburgh TIIOIIIA9ILMILLMEMertiIdent. Thais `Watts ere aim* the laraut ua Wilt amp! ate eitibllilment (.tie Wilt. W an twit priparei lo twain unganes Or ETrry Ditiatlool2, MEM , Millets, Ott Sheet Iroa Work, Oroad UAL: up', 19ollin` . Mill eisttnipr, Unglue Caltlogs. Machine Csattilp, . ORDERS SOLICITED. SOMA pro i Horst ntattiosus AND CONTRACTORS. The largert esrottmakt or GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking Itaiffes & Stoves . of uttrvist iwr QuiLarraor me as rzn-r-ion-. PRICES, Dr . BISSELL & CO; !MEI JOHN 11.01gWir, UEULL FOl3lO, Carson Bt.,9th Ward, near 9.11. .liarnmer Dies. Steel Moulds; tag ED ni ILicSn briny cnentlp Gen •lftll.l". . JO. R. W. 110.1.:11!../... Z. 8A1WW113.1....1.1.8. EL.". °MARA BOILER WORKS. monow, pAsymil, a co., , NAJIWy4CIINITIfi Os Beam Boilers, Otl BUB., Agitators, Tanks. Wit raw, Gasometers, W might iron Bridget' Sheet Iron Work, &e., COB. LIBERTY AND BUONO Rik, PiTTSit unair, P 4. xzrarsiNe DOSE TIPALPTLY. jyllttol liMil YOBT pll7 FOUNDRY, MUMS .1111 . namiwe VIC OILDNANCE, AND A:4.IIIMS or ESU' Gairprlrld,_ . _ . emtairerrUamol v v inr itrl.Fit n y a rrr W Ork,Tßlddrradde4 • 75. Ar haryintre_, no best lo‘torlral will QUIP brodrd stlluo rordadry. Immo Stroasi of on old Me 4 we aril wltb row oar tdroOrip tqllrirod. rodarrocrod uodor tio.kuporridlork or 'or. Ka- MOT. tarala NAIL X.l.l:lblriloirborr 1100. 1102:12 ROBERT LEA., YkliUrA.Clllllll/ Or • STEAM SNEERS AHD Freight Hoiste AND DOCTOR ENGWEEL sarcutukr. Gun corset et linnt %.1 If foivi taNec PLTYIBURCIA. Pt. I:mmry WORAL Ik=Lii a SLATOB, No. 8i Liberty 84, opposite Ilford!, . . CABINET DIALERS' RAREWAIIR. They wake • eisetelol Irce Bede wad TlTot cashew To !Wiese.] an Mot Ilsetyre; liwiletted wenlugsetisopeloh Txtedie atom Tabled. &a hey sloe manisbehatie wad halm COlLBl.Ul42llll.d.litosoOL•leb..art.t L.Ww. elif..eus'• Window duds Supporter, I]•Lessi.e Twientrie 111111011.. MAW . She. eese had Buts Litwin. nd-etase /110,10" 844 SW* WsLelsta. aw. Wm. 1 llley, ;WIRY, .116. wan KAY, DES wn Stout, = IMO °UNARY, GRAFF, BYERS & CO., Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, IRO WELDED MSS V 3 CAS. Hill. leis Le. ES=7MM 3111.1 AZT- .1/. 1/.11.•J. ATN.S. STOVE WORKS: :1 BRADLEY & CO. • Yuleada. arm Of ; • Cask, Pastor and fleeting stoves, nc wnlan vethe °CI F :a.. k alio .d TAL.71.4.1 Woven) PV. 'YAWL V ETLILLN. atttl Ntl/13121 (WOOO {7oukeWeu.) Also , • . GRATEM, GRATH PROM, Mee and Waroboaso odfoor of 141004 Sod you! Motif, Illudorsto littraool od eaeorol - =a ix - An.i)w.ziauE B. WOI.P. JB., &C 0.,/ Hardware it eatlery. A" A"' Rrlrriortert i 111.,e...wraln4rir x*.w.xcar.a. Center Liberty Ara Bt. Gale Sts, an.ttritru.rcb,z.46. BLACK DiLt2lol7o, . PE6T213:11.' 12174IIMMTIC" PT1T781771613. Pie rani, BIROTAIM at 00.,• . . saitutautunr• at Qt litrurtp I:m*l*mm 6quart. 71. arid Oet OD. Or .1 e 1.% sza. equal IQ .7 /124.1.4 or ir..infoolurell. 21;. ti * • /To. AO Da uirt .80.4 woe.. wt.! fell . Vv. 1WICIal• • ...MIR ALLanw.—.M. L. WM. VALLII STOVE weans. &L.LEN, 1111 , KEA Were and Wikr..oooe. 3UII. tl2 reAt b =l.BlWitirWaritg Er iWza„ '" agA whiatt are the plibiStd , l4l.o./ 1719 Tea: also. the illttlenn Mid rtenttnal for WC OT read, and Ilse statirsated t ar of Hollow yr ate reoerllT. =mbar. ram —.—.3nroita D. DAUM JAILED M. BBUSII & bON, Steam Boilers, 011 !Stills, Tanks, Sheet Irou Works, &a. 61 Pent% St., PiltsburithiPa. aeltyl. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. 4.4*4IINTER & SONS., ficf;h'Bnbiiet, A, fink ThUlk HOOPS ANDREI:Mk tame privasestormo N.AIiI7FACMI/MIS lIASUPAOTI3HEBB OP . WROUGHT IRON, ALMIJI3CI, OIL WELL TUBING Office, Pio. 98 Water Street PITTSBURGH, PA. ,74 NATIONAL FOUNDRY W401 7 ?,135, COrnor Carroll and Sivalnman Blroola, Math Ward, PIT'X'SBUEIGUI, PA. WMAL. ESSMiar'll, DULSOrtOTCBKR DP Cast Iron Bowl Pipes FOR GAS AND WATER. WORKS. c* . Agiusig s t o n . 1112 =eat of . cow re ca ao ma UZI r "'IMO moon)! ike Otter.l.llll Or thtliOrtAtend nts or tick Works to El make er .1154tra...5i.. FORT , BOILMI,VILL NB Ti NPOIaIKS. SIVVIDEr4 TGSGL .E.otaria:ruTro,TSJllOLLß ISITSIETAI CriatiI: . T.IIISTSAX WILES., OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CNISLIGESE, BEEZEILLNG ASH win NETTLING PANS, BEIM NAM AND CON 'STEAM PINES, GASGSSZTZES, AND LEON BLIDGICK , NELSON DOLEZIEIRCOAL MIME& 4tllaeersdWn - =ebra eriteebeid e Ttilril. Stuart pad Liberty Street. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 113TOrderi cent to lbe . aboTv vaidzins,vlll De y romp tlYttlen ell to. ' rah7:l6l VIEiSIETV.LUS IRON AND NAIL WORKS LEWIS, RIME!, DALZELL . & CO MA Nvy.to'r trazza 07 BAR, BOILER, SHEET rrANT33.x.ma.9 - ze NAILS AND NAIL PADS, urncr. &so wAstatoolis. Nos. 64, 66 tc' 6.3 iLuderson St. Three prawet North or Hattittc. 1114 d re, ALLEAMEN V ItoiS,l3l KliilliGTON MN , 'WORKS, LLOYD df. BLACK, Beet Common, Refined Marconi Juniata Bloara ILEBCHANT BAB. BOUND sEQUAKE =US MT. BAND. T sad ANOLZ TIWN. BOILED PLATgynd 6HZE2 IRON 11WWEII assdlta•2lLlt ELIZ ITTLINDAIS slid 017.1111/ 011111516611 11106. SY.SLL T 11.111.11. !Su .lid 16 lbsi , to the ssalli W 11066117 01161116 and BYIKII6 Ins PLAT Vanthed. and Coomlinseint. CURL siIIIRTN 11106. NAILS awl taI.H.SS. ta - arehanta sod Ones et ttte_otttZN. OU . H ST, IS coallanatlon or 1.';', ) ,1. '"" lolalaß taat:LLT liar Worts. rltttaurals."'aulliat KBYSTOND IKON WIMIIS. HIITCIIII3OI, - FiLASS & CO., 'Kusufsotuxors of the