The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 09, 1867, Image 1
THE DAILY GAZETTE p08!..111111.D ITMLY MOZNING cumixte xxisr," rtNNIXILLii, REED air. co:, xt..: : 22 , 11. , 0r arr CMg AZ/4'W. BUILDLSLI. nog. $4 Aizi - As ea Firm 'maxim 1114 * RePtiSash r i 1 Teiten,Peatijkla WEAL& PAM or -Prrnlnitllf ALM:94lff GM sA% - "Cgir.l.l%l w aLT i =orO ll TEI . y1 "14. Ilatleoroco,r., . . •11O•vv. " aildrearT .112 am, ..rrrTZEI7IIOI3, rxrwa. eArtfiftsintryiT GrEttE - SPAIN. PoDolaF reiolutione *meg the Celtic- Latin. rime of "unkind have not been , such: in times past as to inspire very a r . , gable exPectittlans in view of the present i; uprising In Spainagainst the existing government of DAJILLLA. - A viler per j-. lounge than that woman has not ruled , over any people In modern times; and I• • the fact that the Spaniards lutve suffered het 'WI lier adherents to oppien and disgrace than as long as she has Is evi dence In Itself of prefonnd national deg. „ That General. Plum is making some headway . , It the work of revolution, and that 1it. 4.1/is party aim at nothing . slier - rid' ti toted oVertlirow of the exist " lugger meat, ii generally conceded by all save the venal organs of the ire. petllod government; atid it is more than probable that Spain 'will not ream to be agitated until this hot remaining scion of the ola Bourbon stock Is swept from thethrone. lt, may take some time to do it; hut the signs are that one of those reveitrtioue which are said never to go bat* biotsgm in . that almost defunct aationajitp, • This will be . the palling down, the demolition. Th 6 next. will lie 4 more dielcult pahlobuildup. Are the Span - 1 lards r4df - for -- -in free governmeut t 00 4 11 6TIMY attstain - nne if they had It 1 are the . next , questiOns; Their kindred of idea - leo hive been trying it for "forty , .. , . yearsbut without alleiCll3; Mahan only . sunk from bad"to worse. Other offshoots from:the 'maim' old stock in • this hemi sphere . have .suceeeded but little better thsktthellethamm. ' We confess,therefore, that we Tookst the pending straggle with losit i ihdpe thtua if it, were put forth by some other people. Constitutions are - not Ale workor a day, but the growth of generations. Still it is necessary that the old dead fortis should be swept out . of the way before a free Constitution can even .. . begin to grow. For that reason genre glad to see this movement. It is eiklence guethere is tome life left; and let -us,hope that, under the influences ' new operating 5O powerfully throughout the world, even Spain may be raised up J tolife'end liberty. , Bat the schoolmate- • taints more to do in Spain than the sol dier, or even the statesman ; and the Bible must become well established be fore written CoViitntions can do the people, much...gocni. They need a moral revolutibia e'vert.;more than a political -10tilKSYLVAIVI.A. NOSIIINATIONIS. Titer Democrats of Mercer county have oltuatui s ted for Assembly, James Pierce, or Tilchory ; Treasurer, Wm. Buck, of GrecuT4le, who defeated a soldier corn petiMi, W. B. ' 3faguire, almost three to one ; CommissMaer,. Aaron Carmichael, of Worth; Auditor, George R. Graht, of. Mercer TOor Di eolor, J ames Me M Cormge: WOW Yenarm ; Jury Com missioner,.Wra. Drackentaidge, Of Fi nftair:: . • - ,• Mo . :Rein:him:ma of Clarion county haro . ,ntitutbated for Sheri a; W. P. Pio lay ;• Treasitrer, B. .11." Means ; County Comnderloner, David Itceliy ; Auditor, throe Edsrard P. Lerch ; Auditor, year, - .T: T. Coax; Jurre,onnisslorter T. B. Burns. • o[,: Carbon county, lane' nominated Daiid -Lorcu for ininunbly. • • Tho nepnbllcans of 8 , ...htr711r111" county bate aoimitated Cain. .Tronea R. Cleaver for State Beanie; Conrad F. Shindlo, of Tatioun;GrMth T. Jane; of St. Clair; and J..Leils, of Tremont, for 'rho Aciaocrats of Crawford county have nominated T. J. Lowry, for SMte Seitate; Dr. A. Logan and B. S. lIcAl- Esq., for. Amembly. This Mr. 'Lowry 'is brother to Mr. Morrow B. Lowry, .The latter carried. Crawford bookty, Some weeks air), after a severe contest., end conlequently. has the Con- ' fensea therefrom in the District Conven. ieni.."ther. primary elections in Erie comity were held on Saturday lea, with Whit remit has not yet been announced. 'Tlrpfe . pote4 end the Gazette of Erie boUi - oppoted him with great bitterness, iihrelle:Olserrsr advocated hie re.nom laattodi Itepailmam of the' Tirenty,finst Diattict hare nominated for Senators IL- gobinnon of..Tnniata, mad lisratel 21I'Vntey. or Huntingdon. -Thinitirain place of-Mr. Hall and Mr. . /Una, - apse terms are expiring. . aitarruni coLcurr. win:be found the Preiddent's general ananeety procla mation.- The' number or, persons ex. dadelisitt7 satati,- embraced hi three clamant !al. follows: 1. The . chief civil ` - ofilatra of the late.Gonfederate State; tactndtng 'Grtreinors, heads of depart tient& and foreign agents; the - railitary colenrs otannk illx:Tejirigaiiier General, and - itiittni - officers - abOve Captain. 2. Tbitsa Ifinfetreateri pawners of war as they etwoniti not have been treated. & •The codepirietoreregatnst ibe life of Lin t itain and 'persons arho are in civil; min :Airy or. naval confinement, or on bail, ;nanring" - otit sentcnee; or awaiting trial. 1 : Thereat:ler will observe that tree pardon :Ss ititertaixt to the - rebel masses, who. in iltioninion - nt 'the President, are "now ':WellamOgyellY 'disposed," .would be glad to conceal a didstince,which csonot. We (Incite • Itsjudgmeat of Mr. Wrx.maus to cor- Mborate crown; to show that In cad • asittng bin'. We aro not biassed by party predilections; but , lodge soberly and righteously. The Port quotee an old woman's opinion to the confounding of **ant to the demonstration that it is liiipable of a judgMent it can stand by, or which-its party ought to accept. In mt. way it thowi:that 'an oldlvonin, and that one a Itepubllcso, fa a safer • 9eader of *the Democracy than It le, In this coneln!ion algal have no <lnurel with our neighbor: Paor. IVerson, of the Michigan UM „wally, as a close observer of the starry firmament. .13ut recently he Incraght a a , Intluirto unknown planet into the notice t .,of,theastronotateal world, 'and \ h ad .1 , ;._named in. his” honon Be has ;oat found another liitidenphinet in close neighbor '.'„lntad to old Neptune„ and we enggest 4 :.that it bo. named ilia lanchigan," in honor of the Institution which boasts of ku4ed End watchful :and an astron-, ointrria the discostr. , • . Tax Irish police have . been decorated with medals ix acknowledgment of 'their praiseworthy eforbi in suppressing the recent spasmodic Fenian outbreak. The I oor fellows . Wholmre id wear the inn. r alaontOrro! Frill.subject themselves to mach dat iser. fthat Irelidbreaklng lltber ;i+~len4a¢dwLat was !Meade as a weed:wlu become t.dtrect: Duolehmcat. - Efit, Gummi has assumed command catmith Military District. In tratchini over and guarding the . lives inepropeity of 14a1 'citizens, thegal.. hint Sheridan proved a too seldom grifJ 'ln int tin President, and war Newton. - , 1w: ) I 1 ilpE . ' ..'"Z•g; -- - - : - -- . 3. - .:••• :„ .2 6 i - :i.'e-._:„- -78 1 I •1 I ; ____: fr ,:..i.,.,,„:.,‘ 6: : , t r : -,.• • ,\‘ Tjj, z A , i ' 1 i ; ! ---_,_,.??...._,---,_.---=.. - - , 40 7 ._ L A. , , ....,.,,..", ) --..., , ,,m ~. .vic ,----- _ • \ - 7.=__-_-_,-1..-_-_,-- , :• , -.... -- -,. = _ ~- k.,... ,:.., C -7.. :, ''''' ' ' ', '"'S; '*''''` "-.4,. $ , ( --_:,,,,._,--..-,—__•,7,....-____.__.••,,,_-„,_*,;.,._,_ _____;_—_ .... _;,_•.,,,,,..--,.• -__,. , . _ 6 _____,,,----,------;,-- ‘;‘,----,--- -- - - '' Li Ti' 'XXX TTxr ........_ ric . . MIST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. BY THE GULF CABLE Havatia Cigar -. 4airera' Strike GOVERNMI NT INTERFERENCE IN,BE . 'HALF OF THE EMPLOYERS. THE NEGRO 117PR/SHT e S [ o.f Telerlaph to the Pittsburgh Ossetia./ hi tennA, September 5.--Tbe eillstr.o.k.. ~ at this city are making earnest exidesc,om to (edema all among their fellow workmen to not unanimously nod declare themselees one Strike for the par they were receiving in the early part of toe year, before the new tar law went into force. The city an thoritlea take aides with the employein keeping the wages dawn to etareation n es, mil the Government has Issued an or er enjoining upon tee former nor. to take y Operatives, mule. provided with a cortiti. ni eat e , :re m the ponce' ward, admonishing' them that they will be held reeponalble for Wang in report every person demandin higher waste , to be dealt with. aclllterhe gr Of the public paten The esannetes of the sugar crop are &bent the same. last year's. There appears to b e a jgrge Increase of exports. Surer 13 enist and Inn. at S. reale tor No. /1. - . The money market 13 stringent. The object of the negro rising to Santiago De Cuba was to attack the Spaniards abd proclaim their freedom. Two morel:tepees were arrested on a canoe senate near tabgl, on oonfeamous of Ulosepreviomily &Meted; also a son of Senor Borne*, one of the prin. cleat offenders. It is reported from et. Thomas that there had been an nprGing of about three hun dred maroon, who canned 'considerabe die. order in the streets. They attacked the fort, bet were quickly repulsed, with five killed and Several wounded, About tiny of them bare been Imprisoned. The uprising is said to have been caused be some san. .uuTmens of ures decreed by the Governor and Bout!. ilealth. , . FROM NEW YORK. tilt' Telegraph to the Pluishereh Gesette.l Now Teal, September 7, 1597. •reswese same soaers. The etearners Ilerautnia, Virginia, Coiam bi. and Atlanta, from Europe, arrived to. day: The lateen dates" are to the 07th, Nothing important, addleloard to cable. new COO! ron•coo. A arm in this city has received the first hosrsheadof Whelk.° of the new crop, green la Ilan county, Hies tacky. • isostea arrx.oitoe. • The boiler Of the Bennie Print Works, et Lodi. Now Jersey. exploded yesterday, de stroying the bundle* and tainting deeper vote badly, not tidally. Loss, IS.A.UCO, • • nook TOADS At the beak trade sale, lit this city, the rrireallsed were about tweatpeigns per ent.hlaher than at laid sale, Reran, The dentin, for the week were five hund red and airty.two, slightly less than last week. DIATUStaeIIItIIM2I. ' The Ken tuck, Baurlxin Co.'. dlstrllery, on Vestry street, eentaintorr one thousand barre/t of whiskey. yr. &Wind 'lnnards./ for alleired vtoistion of the Internal tore. sentioaaare. Two thousaadroar tiriadre4 era flay-Cll.° immigrants arrived to-dap. • 115)0411.011.1•110314 nerartlog the losses of the Itret Na tional Beak of Kingston. It is slated the Preeldent, Yr. /Zubroack, was In arrears to the amount of 1131.0.0. It to tbllsbrbd be lived beyond his Income. and :has became ladebted to the bank. Ile hsa placed all Ns property In tbe bands Of the //tree:ors. The bank will pay all its ladebtodness, and is perfeCtlY eelynef; .tatarr argon. The latest ramor Iran Washington Is that Rerenly Johnson Is to same." Secretarf beware. ALLICOILDOCTIUGIIII.4 ASILITIM John rely and Archibald Inesillr hare heart arreated tooluspleion of being concern. ad in the outrage on the pereep of Kate to' nicantion, which malted fatally . . . .New Taxa, Sept. H,1.907. - anruatot, - The Mechanics sad Traders Sank, of Greenpolas, Loop .eland. locorporatee 12114.10/ tea late w.pensd payment }'antlers on account of the collapse of the and Queens National Bankol Mr tilLtarsborg. : of wee:* It was an °Cahoot, and In which Its d omits were made. TTT I.ot COLLZITIOIt aistearran. It Is reported that one of the Collector. at Internal Someone in this elty has Coat KrYO•ted. Tor Colllltalltalto lo whisky !mod. The cele=l . o ° o2 tro o tter;Lady Wood ruff, died it eopake last Sunday. FROM CANADA. The Reseal Election—Cartier =pelted to Moth Ileaseo—Metiewe 277..meelmeales altselsee by • Ageb—Tho Slaters ithased by the Heard. [by Teta-rape to the Pittsburgh U•zet4ll.3 TOZONTO, September 11.—A dispetch • from Montreal last evening to the Globe up; Cartier /s elected for both /louses by • ma jority of three hundred and dfty. . The ma jonty for McGee at the clone of the polls on two hundred and fifty seven. After the annonacement.• mob of about two hundred of the Dwells party arrived opposite Mechanics , Mall„, and tore dOIID the statement of the poll. A not then twin. manned ha ul, wer of stone. bei directed at the and the windows jo g the front were bro nen. There was • free ght the street. The mob was kept ont,'Of the hall where McGee was by revolver shots from the Inside at the entrance. The charged on the rioters and pot thaw to . • The Aleettesta—The Geverameut the Mederby—giglas Between Me 'genera YOU le/ob. CRT Telegraph to the Plttsburgh bustle.] Toarlirm Sei?t. 7.—Forty-tour elections to the louse ot t.ommons are complete& The Ontario Leaser clam. thlrty.nine a. sup porters of the government. Orrowe. Sept. 7.—At th e election for the CO of S ts to-day, a severs fight took place in Clarence. between the french and Irish. One bad a leg broken and a good many other. had broken heads. A Montreal dispatch Rivas the particulars WV:tern:it yesterday. About a dozen rioter. were captured by the soldiers and pollee. and wen only with =Scotty saved from the vengeance of. Ile enraged cdttherix, who threatened to lynch them. o oe poilamas killed, atone thirty batons caaualtles, and halls dozen gun shot welled.. are re ported*. Uses= of toe Injuries sue tam eel by vend, Inju citizens. r About a dozen are reported se ed. - I . Mowasar., September 7.—No further die tenni/lee took pce law night after the at tank on IfeCandre house. Yoffie ismil dew* was guarded by ;Debate° dunes the Blechwilere stillerwl awar e]) Daring the toorldng the ßail doora and wind° we on the first and Atwood doors were being encashed. The parties were wrested, breath; before th e Police Court to-day ant ( discharged. no ono avvearlng to proeectite. Dlnaltain - and others, who were shot and beaten, are recovering. Sereral Valeentea were brutally beaten.. The city by returned Its wanted quiet TO- d t, Yeldleton, Of the coal 01l stenos lately destroyed, has cbeoendal. An Inquiry show, • denelency of lye thousand barrels of oil, reload $4,1,000. FROM THE PACIFIC. The California le.l.elloss—leationue Um General Apath7— to Celebrate sheAsalversory of lb. Admission of Inliforalsr—lfiligni of a Deraoltinn Caohler—illatan /garnet Continues ferrate/own to Um Moaners:a Omette.l Den ritcnoirOo. geotemberl.—lfo data L. reeelred for a aflame of election °nulls further than alroady noted, only that the mCoritles teirgrarted from the Interior thereon ilalititPa majority. eta frowns.° now mends over GM. -This mum litre overcame, lit inn rate had not ham pre vented try apathy. Tho nom , aoath7 me. roiled In Um Interior. Nevada comity, cepa of the Cron/mt. hap [Wilma turnout, polled only 3,56 out of 1.700 registered, giving mrionty.ftve majority. This lea rap. resentative instanee. Morena email corm. Um to-day ere reprommted for tiOrbarn by malOrities overriding lems than one hundred, nut thev do not change the molt &Immo. “0 , intb9. Vales. for,thragress, is Ito ahead. • • Arrangements ere making for a Dabllo calcination of the seventeenth tunniverem7 of the admission of California. on the Uth faatent. An iron light borne la constratiltig hero for Cape Mendloino r St...M.lsta mettlir of the Aim TraneleCo Sag. Refinery, dbMorereal Co be defaulter to the ammult of one hundred thoasand dollars, left la the steamer Great Republic for Vhittet. Ws habit of gambling led to ti 0 crime. Tao new directory Of flan Francisco show. a population of ever ono hundred and mfr. _,,nolleande There were Only fifty aft 91Pt7t1Ta ttratirrtrtntret eon thmes to j p. Alpo ' O 4 Crowe Point, Ota; GOuld f e l teieroes,l,oo9, a 101 l Of Icro,4r agt.R:dg . ::=l,-„,...iitau. ....porte for •Oleeat ware yearly don. We the same month last year. 'Arrived: steamship !herr* Nen., etuatlan. With amat,Coo in Mexican om. bailee: tio/dest Thoe°, fOr orpopl. ••Gemara) Inualltate Bankreeptey-10ity • T Appisqati•o• b. • usu. — l%or • ;sr Twirr•pt, Snuunte Outttn) lilicnnOgre September c.—lnsolrenay 1. allneat general among the merchant. hem and Northam erealtor., attl. dyer and Nauman. are euteri.e rcaul In the United State. Court. for reeerrery of debu. A Man Mtn bankreptay ts the consennnos. go lees than romp eplesettou. were re. calved t 041.7 ay dm unglues, Justlee Chase. ( - ay Telegesob to the rlicoscoatchaette.) aepusmber 7,—Chlst Justtee Oboe lessee taahcbt. WI on alcceo, be la=aclr. awl prooeS PROM EUROPE rßYTel:ffrann to [Le Plltarcrgh °Lett.) PEIDIMUL ...rovnte rActzla Rom IltltLlN,Beillember imelflo note bit been homed from the Primate FOrelot Office. to which tiro recent note-of M. Moonier, Trench Foreign tittaster, to ht. lolled to ot,bignly retteleetory to tbo Prue- MUM gOrerilnlent. PIO3XII rue rsorri a. T. roan ro om, Loam ~ September 7.—The little yacht Jobe T. lord, from Beitimore for Pub, be. tore reported capsized at Tao entrance of the English channel. was Zoned a day or two eince on 'the coast of Irelane. near Qadenstown, whither it had drifted, wins larawooasaio use. Loam., September 7—Earning—Franck Honda, of Now York, him concluded here an arrangemeat with Captain Pito, of the/loyal Navy, looking Valle establishment of a new Intamoorstrac line mimes Nicaragua ,by a railroad connecting with steamer) co the Lek. I= 00 . GA/1111•LIII MIII2II tRIR 2II121tr.131•11 Ftemacm. September 7..—Gen. Garibaldi, while on the way to Genera to participate In the l'eliCe C011ar..., Paused through tine city. and durlog hie stay, on Invitation of Comet de Userioni, 2 diniater of Prnaala to Sterenoo, dined with hitu,st the palace of the rrusanth Legation. IRELAIID • • Deems, September 7.—The Lord Laeotes ,mt 0/.7,614.7.w-414y decorated with modals those of the L•lah pollee who distinguished themselves Mainz the' late FeaLsh out. break. TIISHEY. • .AMMitICAZ Aral. Lennon, September 7 .—Adricell from Can. Ma report that the Turkish authorities had interfered with an American velem/, which was aiding the ethane of Cretan zorhgcm. and compelled her to defter: AVICI7tIA. Wristsmaim. corrects neoneessirse. September 7.—Barun Von Buest hu reorganised the Connell oti Ministers. as follow: Prince Charles Yea denersperg will preside; Dr. Berger Is appointed Minis. ter otTostiee; (lack-nun. Minialer , et terle r, end Herr Berm. Minister of Pnbllo Instruc tion. ARRIVED ORE. Gasoovr, September:7.--TM gemnshlP , Brittanta, trom Nee. York, irrtral thle morning. graessrows, September 7.—The gleam.; stop City of New York, from Noir York, extbrel today: SIIMMCTION IN SPAIN .• . , Itoperled flatten of the Innorgeota— Alleged Desertions from the Repel Anny—Contradletery Amonts. by Thee:mem the ll i tttstrarsts Simenej e New Tose.Sept. T.—A Madrid di:vetch. dated August SIM, annotmees the Inecess Of the insurgente In Aragon. The Phi regi ment of. V.lwarresi Infantr7 had teen thor ghly beaten. Remforeements. a real moat of Cuireaster• heel seven Imedred I It:dwarf% started tor the scene ot actin. There Is a report that the dregonere hum. fnts are falling back Mtwara. the French rontier. A Paris 'dispatch assert* the loos of the Royal troop. In kilted Mosedoil three bun.' dreg. and there were heavy amerllons. lieu. Wargo was among thd killed. Item comes from reterehtnan that the lusurgent ts Soldrlch has cut an A Montan regiment Mee., and at th Catalonian Ineorgents number eightt h Moor e and men. MIMIC dispatches amen that four Ones deed and eighty wounded hiseurgente had given themselves up to the militatTanthors tales at Catalonia, and that eight nundrml aed eight had given thernselven ttri be n•r celona_ The ispagne arrrerta and the L YVanee danlee Met the royal farces were Conetastly Clesertfait In latire numbers. Madrid erne perfectly flnintas the htth. • • ' FIS/a74C11.8.3,,,AND CAPOREZCIA.II.. Lowoox September "ri-alvarao.—Con... 0..01 trildt at 91%, Ite.Tarantias, Ittloola. 77 A; Etta, 4.5%, Atlanta and ('rail. aeptambar 7—Jinrafog.-7.T01. tad State. bonds, 71%. saptamoor I—Erening.—Petro. lama declined V., .4 closed at 0tt.5112 tor L,ard. wbite. VKCSOOL.Se taatber7—ffondog—tlottot, la fouler .4 rather more dotott, trtth Woo O(10,909 bale* ontand• .104, and rleans 10%.1. 13teadatolts are Una. Corn; Stes GI. Wheat, 134 44 for white California. torkg;nst, 17 . 04. 3. 120„ 3 :7*3a. • Por k 7014 - and Suet Oa. Potash. It. Petro/04.; la for aplrlta, and 14 Set for rano.. FROM MEX I CO Vennatlest ..... semen Item ashotwel— Almeass • litepsore'lltetereem Jammu nag rites.-111stely I.llterele Sheeley Br Telegrapb to the n ttstrtrxtt Oasett. , 7tiw Tear., September 7.—The /fouler City of Mexico letter, dated July nth, gay, t Juarez Inu completed the formstiou of his new Cabtnet, Toe whole countryhae been laid off into military ttletrlcts. to which its.. vale., gaeobedo, Corolla, Diaz and Linens have been assigned to command. On the lath of July th e President WU ao corded an Informal reeeptlen, which wee rather an foal/Teraina/fair, the people being conspicuously wanting .1n the usual MOM. can entimalesto. A youth, nerred ultimo read a poem dedlcated to Janitor, and a little girl. named Carlotta. Plesenisul him with a golden crown. Man had nitnoet armature with Jameson the subject of the expected execution , of fourteen more ornament of war, and it wee through his efforts that they were respit&d. He is mooned to hare threatened Juarez with the forcible Intervention of the army Ireton be command., unless the seneeneos were stumetaded. Carlos -Miramar, has men in the mountain.. and recently abet ninety Liber als in revenge for Lie brother'. death. FROM NEW ORLEANS CM. er U fle Assomes Cemzuture of tae Dlstrict—Vleksbe pis nutter Dome , auttne—Vellew Fever Deuthe. [Br lahumph b Me Pi minute, elmette.l New Damage, Sept. 7.—in assuming cont. mend of the Dilltary District Goo, Griffin ears all existing orders remain An fore*. and district end staff Mincers will continue to perform their customary duties at bead quarters, New Orleans, untll further orders. Den. ord telegraphs that Vicksbure it placed under quanunine. boats from 1, ear Omegas must laud as the station, twomiles below the city. • „ There were forty. three ' , chow freer deaths for the twenty-f Our hours ending this morn• Ins. FROM ST: LOUIS. A2711111l Of O.R. ShOnfilib , -Pebifill . De mosumrsaion on BLOMIIIA7 /6aenleg. (BY Wei/I.Pb bible Mahwah chums., BT. , Lorne, Deptember 7.—General Sheri. den Arrived at Giro at noon end left for St. Lents immediately. A salute was Bred. but there was no time fora dernoestratlen, the General being obliged to hasten hum the boat to the cars, which had already waited DAIS tim e. hour for • him, Arnved at °din en time. and left there for tit, Innis At 9:50, when he will entre at 1010 and be I met by a delegation of the Retention Com. mitre% and escorted to the Southern Rotel. The public demonetration wW not tate plat:moth! Monday craning. .„ . . ellfrtr illakers , Ceiventlest: -- fay Te!serene to th• Vite share. Beside.) finrsar.O. - Sept. 7.—Tbe National Cigar Convention closed a very harmoni ous easßl73 List evening. Cincinnati was ssionUid the Plnee for - tioltllog . the nest annual ccnvention, on the first stonday of nentember next. Ma Fztranurn, who has been the shier obstructionist In the Senate, yields to public eentitnent, end Joins in the de mand for the impeachment of the Preal dent. Mr. Thomas Williams, who wan an some quintets, recently accounted fa natical on this litiestion, now finds Abend. ant Company. Tait death of Gar. Ilelm, of Ken— tucky, la auctioned as having occurred yesterday., Be wee luattguratud at Ids residence on Tnesday list, at Which time lie was iambic to', leave his room. nu funeral wilt tec piece to-morrow. Tux. Prussian Garemmeat is mach plumed with the annotumement that the late l Imperial conclave at t3alsburg meant no more than an innocent shedding of royal tenni in bewailment of the fate of Maximilian. Tits rriturto, at Bt. Loma, the gal lant Sheridan *ill receive an patfon from the pathetic citizens of that nay, and will be made feel that the people are with him in heart and spirit. Ova friend 'Col. 'Russell Errett has been nominated for Senate by the Re publicans of APegheny county. He is one of the . Old Guard.' radicals, and will prove an able, honest, and . efacient. Besator.—Yeadrille Repubision, ff=ffM SEMB EDITION, FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. THE PARDON PZOOLLMATION Excluded Classts of Rebels Re doted to Three, Teeltrapb as the Ctiuhurth lletette.) W..,131Ni.t0N, Sept. 8, 1367. - • 711 - 8 rxrnos ranexxs•riox, T he following Nord°n proolamation, al though p r oparoglyettortiay. Was not insuoil until thin oventhß: Eli the Pre.rideolf of the rafted S.tlef of America: reeetemesmon. . tynLIMM, tn the month of July, Anno Detain' list. the two Rouser of Congress, with eXornerdluary ttuanimity, toltstnnly declared that the war then existing was not waged on the Part of the tiovernment la any Spirit of oppreselon, tor lor any unrpoao Of enne nen; ,O t ratlllgktintt i liar for the Pit; s r: 14 0 1.t:S:0:r„,t.:11 I..?:lacirins'l'lttetfircfnalt7tho pee acy Of the Itob.‘!‘'n'n'unttinet;tr'lL,neePS the Union, with ate the Wendy, . 4 /entity and rightof tbe lateral Mater untie:hared, mad that as soon a, 01,, °Woe: aboald nu. meentphaned. the wilt ottalo to cense; strut IlTweeor, Ito Prmident ot the Vatted States, on she 8111 dig of December, A. D. lott o and on. the Stith day of !lurch, , ltd, With the object of eupproyallyeming toe then ex lathig rebelli eir on, of Mattoon all pelmet. to return to th, au of ring the authority of l L. a the ged d Statesros te, issue prOclamatioue petting , tittle eaty enapaidou to ell persona wile hart directly or intirrect r IT participated.. the theit existing rebel. • ltou, except m th use pirociammume were epeolO tonlrevervedt Mod 117.ereur, Tiro President f the !Mrs l led Stet.. alit.. the tiday o f May, A.. ft littk Issue a further proolamatiou, with the Lime objects before meutlontrl, and to the I eat that ledity Of the government Of th e A/ Stet,. might be restorml, end 1 that pee...order mad freedom migin ho eel tabllMed, and - met President did, by the said tut to:nett prociamits Lion, Drocinisa mut deep. than he I thereby granted 11 all perm. who had dlreculy or ludirnotly par • I Ucipeted in the then existing rebolilan, oz. Mat as therein excepted, anineste and pardon, with zostoration of NI rights Of property, esoept he to .:area, and czerpr In certain eases where icgat proceedings had been inetituted; but upon condition th at , to person. should Wks nod tutraCribe to , an oath therein meerlited, to oath I Should be regt.tere p d for Panthauetit prt, And Uhreenranand tweet/ Jolt mehtloned priclunatina, of the :L411.1117 of My, A. D. Meg, Mermeneste:mire classes el peteaer therein epeolallydeecribed were altogether excepted end excluded from the benefits I lost igherou. The Prestieut of the Unite. States did, on the 2J day of April, 4. D. ink Issue a preclerhatt.ia, declaring that , the Iruntrrection vim at an WWI tad therseeforth to tot no regal - A.l way Arid Whereas, There nowammo no I organized armed resist... of mtegutch lid eittzma, ur others. to sue enutor- It, of the United Staten. In the State. of Georgia, South Carolina, 010 • gin's, North tenable. Tennessee. Alas Pioridaahrl lama. Lcatel on Texas. eae. Art tkansbe as, - 311.. 11ppt. law. sum 'tatted and enforced there. br era I. tee Proper °ITN authority, time or Federal, wed tite people of mud States me well and loyally itdpceao, and have eontorniad, told, It alleto do so. will conform to their leaf.- !slim to the rettion atfalto gromng ant el thenmen co dureut to Me loartuuticte • of the United Metes, ereethitleg slavery • 'lothie the limos and iumetottou el the United Metes: And Whereat There no longer .mist., any • • retwomble groan., to apprehend wit hitt the Maim which wire lammed in the late 1.. Denton a renewal thereof, or say 'inlets:el • meistanm try the people Cl Pillti Stones to ti,. Constitution man law% Of the Vetted led' Whereat Ad large standing amebic • military ocoupettort martial Law. thlblary tribunels. end the , ...pension nt the erten. • Ilege of tit. welt of Aetna, ceeper, ated tile right of trial by jury, are In time of peers dangerous to medic Ilerirtv, fecoropetlide • with inettrultrel rights el tee citizen. • cotdrary tO the per-Ina and enirit at oar tree Mutt =haus, eitil extras:lre et the national reeources, ant! ought nut teerefure to be • “nctioned or allowed , except mem of • actual necessity for retelling threaten Cr SoPPreettng Insurrection or rebel:loot • And 117teree, A retelhoory or rind.. slips pelicy, et:ceded ty outer/ere 41s onalifloations. pater, peneltier, cone., guts ead titsfrancalitement, .new al eelsamtmg • coidd, only tend 10 hinder reconchirtern the people and netionel mato', that, wittiest must saris/eel) , mninernms, Oh. I street and repross the popular retirees and • national Indoetre told segramir, , ret led. FrAfren Fez liege reemitc . Ills now deemed ettsentl s, ef to the PolgiO welfare, wad in the momperfect rental talon ofmnell I tn • thitoM Me and OrtiPt, ttat the mid last yroclareatiou, so es etormaid , issued, on the 1 10[0 tiny of May, .t. It :MA • sheelti t. modified. and th at the , fell min I benagclent pardon conceded t Le feby should De opened l oad farther extended to a large nember per.. per... who, by Its aformerd ! exeeptiono. hare been 11 Motto excluded tenon Executive clemency Now. therefore, 110.11 known, that I An- . drew Johnson, Prc•ldont of the railed etates. de hereby proclaim end declare :bat • the IttripardOn dere:abed In the evil proes ismetioo of tles tellt day of Sla e y, hereafter be opened twei xtended to all persous who, directly or indirectly, p.m. ticleated In the late rel./I:oh, with the role torailan of all prlvileges, lmnrunittee and right of ' property. except ea . to property with regard to eater, and except Paste et legal proceed Let ander the laws 01 the thefts., Stator; tat npun this Wm, nettartbe/c., that every by person who 'than seek to avail himself of Ltd. moclamallou *hall take and euhrscribe tire lohoweig oats, anti shall muse tte tame to be regtatered fur peat:man: preleTVW.O. In the saute mariner nag elth the Caine. Cl. feat, with the oath brareribed in the sald proclamation of the Lin day or May, Mk lamely t canoeo solemnly ea - ear. 0* ROM in pre. of Ahulghty GOl, that 1 limlre fonh latildui 17 support, 0 mem end defend the Constitution of toe l'oited elates, and the imion of the Mat. thereunder, and that I win In like inane or uhide by and faith. folly support all the laws and proclama, (tone which have Lamm made dere, : real,,,, rebellion, with rtderunms to tho cm/Cacti. (ion of slaves. So help me God," The following person.% and do others, are excluded from tin, benefitsof this procia , motion, lad to Use pr.lamaLlou of the Wth day of Way, A. I). 1.4.3 , , namely: Fiorgo-The thief or pretandcd - chief ex ecutive ottimire, includitur the Prestdent, Vice President, and heads of depart/tient* of the pretended Confidcrato or rebel govermuttet, and nit who wareagenta there and lu foreign Staten and , ell who hold or pretended to he onontriesld, the servloe of the imul pretmaded Confederate' Government, a military rank or title above the graticof Brigadier limaerol , end naval rank or tale abase that of Captain, and all who were or pretended to be Governors of States, while malateining, anottleg or sub- Witting to anti acquiescing In rebellion. perlems who tn any way treated, °lntrude/0 than at lawnd primmer, of war. persona whoin any capacity wore employed r . etteneee le the military or naval service of the Wilted Matra. Third—Al/ pers.. who, at the then they may seek to obtain the brace is or this mob lismatiou, are actually 00 civil, military or naval confinement or custody, or lei/ally -held to bell, nitherhcfnre ur after contd. tine, and ail peraona who were elraged, directly or indirectly, in the amiaselustion 00 the late Proslacnt of the United' Steles, Or in any plot or onnapirecy an any mower therewith con/tooted. In_tesilmocy whereof, I have/lig/Ind these presents vita my hand, and have Paled the .mils the United btutes to be theretia• allike Lone at the City of Wanhlngton, the soy. enth. day of liontain taw, one thousand eight handrml and slaty-seven, • By the Presidtet. ATteelle Jongeott, . Wit Limit 11. tlitwAnn. ei . ...rsr . turr of Mat, FROM KENTUCKY - - death of Governor Illelos-Wooerat on Theaday Moat -Lt. Gov. Ntaaaaw v Anatoes She Dollen of /ammo;leo. lily Talrii.Db to ibe Pitt aa ere 4 note., .1 September' 8.-Cloy. Helm died at half peat Inn o'clock today Mins realflume near Elnhthatratown. 1110 funeral will take place on Tualatin:a . ..Just 0130 (rem the day of Jae Maus uratlon. Jim heath hewing, °marred allielnif tee ant (Cl, yearn Of In. tam. the law tusked it the duty of the Chief Jeinte, to order au election fur tiovernor to be 11011 on the Orel Monday of „fosonat next, Meantime tan power. yea Ontles appertainthe to tol l Wheat moat be examined by (tent. Woe. atevetimula. FROM BILLTIMORE, MIMI. rated° ranee poiseet—lbernage and Lose of Leto by le rreehoe: (Hy Telegraph to the Pittner* (wetted itettloogle,lioptembor 7.—UOV. SITAtal leas tuned en Order postponing the =JIM% pg. rade from t he Ltth Of September, the day of the ineeting of the Border eitato Colleen. Ma, nntll the 11th of t.•.ctober. ElliCott's 'Mils were visited by a freshet Thursday \ night. A boned on the bank of tho Smith Branch Of Ma Pommeo war canted away and a colored woman and three chlidred drowned. Drums/gee Vold to it Pierre for Pottier Nina OR the tars. Teter.peto the pltuburse titasttal Ilion MOTO, iiehtembor 7.—Yettertlity no. groMed 11/VIVO, WOO bought tint Cu. ear ticket north of Washington, was peter theltichniond, rreilerieksberg end porom. se can, neer this city, haying • refused to ride lathe herr° ear. Ho M. nboat to sue the company. bat to-day IL cernprorni tied the matter by paying two hundred dollars damages. This Is the ant case of the kind in the loath !heron negro received dara. lamer Discharged 4 sofill Ilearesstetl, III) Telczni ph to the PittsOuret dandle, j j• Tonoirro, book:mbar 7.—Frank iIORIUII, th Calesfio /orger, was brought. beforb a Judge In Chambers to-day, under a writ-of Piabear corpus, add 431ScbAryfeil on foamiest grounds. was afterwards roar's:nand and retaluoil. 17 . 111 .111.. naLet. vt eprivelela. • tny' W Um 6 l•lltstourgh tissa:tted matchedt. L—Tre Bt. Tohns /r) crew, to row the Ward brothers at ISPrthJiamd,..o Wedetemny next, here loft here tor Sprit:laden]. dater Wei their Imp. xtrelk Dann?letla." • EMM PROX WASHINOTON. Ent Telocrinb to the rictmorith tisrntte.l leminisevoir, Septet:thee r, 19GT, Leoat, artier or•rfte Annear.' huno.ltal The hitetarrencer• lusyn, Duiring the de. 'Sheri/atone of the Cabinet:yesterday, It I understood It beeamo etident that In th opinion of every member present the leg erect or the contemplated amnesty emelt, motion would be to relieve all Demo.% In• clotted within ltetorma.leolit al./..'12 cation, ea wall as all penalties Inenrral by entupllelt:t In the Into - rebellion, and of course, so tar as the action Of the General Government to concerned, from all dlsabllO tics, at to the right of suffragan Amor:not retitle neer e7arsamer. In coesednonee of the Olertnea error In the nubile debt statement, rsfetrod to to tee' dispatches publlebed this morning, the georetary Of the Treanury has decided to make out a nem and correetatatement, to which It will be found he hase4ded a report of the COndltlon or the pehite debt on the Int. of B Optetnber,, IWO, which; compared 'with the Witten:mut of the let Of deptember, *ill show a .redton.lon in the duet Of 1,610,012,204 39. The following le the stutementi .I . IIIILIC taLlor The following IA correfii4laternent of the l'ablieDebt,ns appears : Item the took. and TiTnallret returns In inn bepartment. on tat of Septemner, iit nenr !Mil corm lIITCHOC.ST. Fire per cent. 15,13,,n0 eli p=r 4:e Ito n•la o anallOlo It. 110...70 ISU per ...... x per ...... 1 4C.•10.4,0 00 Navy renal° u tuna 11.04,q0 Total - 10.63:',0 , 11 , . n.tremn cccoliscr It They { , Vtfrri..C:rnl;_ttle?dtiWrV;i 4..?.*4°,0',."-; ' Three year 7-a; rrotea • • Total' _f1i.971.125 Or O!IT ]OT TSICARYTI, Ihjr. ray- YXYT. • cl4oLlulpoUr, Inte rrott Nf t • o . enivd IC,.i„,, % 4l tva t •Irlr.,tri nerr lTastr,&niel.Aa.:uty •nd prior [Pere. '4'' le ' ' lWilf stes /I/ :ebtrdnu......, . . 0. 1 4 . Nota..l 1.:rart10.4.1 L'ern..err teel4 C.rillicate.s. Ur EMSES swot" IN rat ractnr7i4: C l.r.rr .1 Amapa/ of uu .1.04.1a1a Vaal& /a Um rrcry • tt , . araCtliON•,ol. . . DO,rW s Cai.l3 V Tre.its 61.1 . 01. 111 , 7..n,1571 it..., Ss, 2..N2 7M.,K5 edurtlen est. tea. a...n0v.4c Asyhrit roe huunah —rto•au or ' karma. The hoard of Managers of the Asylum for lhaa.blatl Volunteer Soldiers met in this city yeaterday. There Were in attendance Yrr sidentJnblisen.Ganartl Urant, (married flutter, tot Governer Smyth. riedieral Mar t indals.Uancral Mr. Gunnskel. and lir. Woolaset. Report. from esYlum• ow thcree now in the 'three aeriuuu located Si A ar nsurta, Maine, tolunshu•. ohth,and Milwaukee, IV 1.0. M. ILL hundred disabled soldlen, and that her I-oilfired more, with their WWII., are whirl:ouLdoor renal it Weir own house.. General Marti tidal°. trom the C.llllll Ittl. I.ocatiest. ore Central Allylnia, reported the prit rebate. or flee hatalred adzes or land tear itsyton. Ohio,ati which was arenfirtucd, md ehitt.Prion made tor thellumottatoerwere lion of buddies. sl that place. The.. with tae .w tecildingS In course of criation et Stagnate and Mil wank.. VIII acconinsalat• av nualreal more, which, froth appliaationr roletred for Ildratnt/013. tho hoary think sad he required daring tke IrliC/101.11 1; . 10 r 111 ) , •bOtId.4 lost adopted by its Tmmeerf Department. , reeteption, heretofore talpf.e.l upon the tracefer of 'putts in bond Iron *are het,. alum /I, Bono away ./1 , 1 oil Metre o.i jerehts are alletr tat 30 may, from one atetnet to enother conaltmemet from one collector to ano th er; Them mulattoes go into Palsoeittate erect. vest - tar, tom csnsuss Tbn. reins:motor Gummi hAs dirnots4 • rontrset 0111 MMus MUM., Musphbk, to osenly malts StOrs 3ut,tllB to Vies,- tans tusl heck isles swum,. oustsunsts 11 use IIIOOTOOLOVI, sapplysis all 'storms ousts 0-fits•U: uatoVeCIMI/Oa• nuns., Attlell -.7 Jet, <bites /Von Quover Ist, b.l, SU...rum IP 2 TOCTIOtt TO um Aso surf AS I 01),... • • . There la authority for abating that it hoe ' bean deteriathe4 furatth torary off.mat, el ri l or military, la tae Vol teal Staten, with a C./py of the reoetit proclamation u( etrzl improtoacy, with 'lmitable lajoactioca of loyalty awl ohedleare to the ler will ahortly ho Woad W I the heads of Departuteata, with apprOprlate IUAtI.2O - from the Yreet•leat, <barging them reap...cur.} with the duty of elatraticalnit CL pr.Lantatirm. I[llllillol, LIES suave?. The Contrulatlnner General or the - Load °Cita bee reeetverl mares. from the Sur veyor General at fit. Paul, ellOw/nit the r.llVaVi'etrourntefsb,lTUP ra o , p a e n:St eln L e c an area of over forty-three theme:L[o sores. .111.1 . 11101111 AND TOTOWA. IIIZIOAD. Tee noestreSelen 'or the Deltlmere sod Pommes, Itallroad has 'begun, aw.l. will be rt,mptly cornpletpl. Majn the r Time, Tate. was elected Governor of Sone( Welters Drench. and General Iratlt_r was mai., temporar y Trawssror, am- Intl trawls In Vte earn ur Illettoo43. The reopen allowed the eeveral w a ylunts In a most flourlstuna condltlna. U=! • Bomotary Enward had a long laterslo ILO the rrealdenc to-day, ersensieg le details of ton amno•ty procl•matlou. .InTIM/en IVV.Ve.. Tan receipt, ot Internal Revenue ler the week Pcre FOREIGN NEWS Mr 811321F11 The Speeches or Napoleon at Arena the Ittle—Ni ish sennenneastast of Inar Noreen—lepan hy n ash tontereemeae-Thetspedltlon to Atopssiala—tte., tem ( Sr re:egrtet to the rulabarat aunt., Non-Bony September e, The statmers Uty of Baltimore and Alta Mttan, (rota Europe, bare ardent. The latent adrlees aro lo the Stall vie 'yuccas • ' town. Napoleon wee preeent at the celebration of the, two huodredth atiatvereary or the annexation of co Franco, and both the BmllMrar had EMPteee were received -with greet ea theslantin. Tim following I. tho mll speech at Strati: • . - ~.Monafter Le ifettr, 1(10 with Plesime I end myself among you. after such a long period, and I nave seised with aridity the oursolive of it national fete to e r r ine and lento your clealren,sod to atieere yea that mT eolicitude /or all the Intermit. ut tilt country 1,11411 'never fail you. You It right to feel eatiedence In the 1 Mare. It In only. Amide governments which seek In ionise emnNigatltmsa ..Brannon from home en, barraasmente; but wheat force la deny fal Inner the masa of the , tud.loo, we have only to do our duty to satiety die per enet interests of the countay,ked yen. ciroolbolding aloft tbe natleoal banner. to guard y.s from being led away by 111-tinstm impulses, hOttlver patrlollo they may he, I thud( you for the ammo/not you have ex. pressed towards the Empress sod my aon. Ifenf aseurod thet.heystharetny devotion for Franco, and 10 04 their greatest beim. neat. would-Le to put an end to Mt misery and to alleviate all sufering! , In his aneecir at LlllO. Napoleon maid: .When yearn Aso I came for the drat time M viii t file Department of the Nord, every thing sewed noon my trishaw: 1 had 1 an wpo eso J scd the Empress ed I may say I had Jut Weddell Fran c e .. before eight mil lionsof . witnesses. Order we, reatored. valuism paesione were lulled to rest, acid I fort enter Mr the oountrY a new ern of great. one. and preePerity; mid at home the ordorl .ytaLfmg , among Rll reed cill eerie presaged Um peaceful dawn of neon. tOrroad. i new ' our uterine, hag " protecting erery Calor of eynit,ng Justice. During the last font , • .en yearn teaai of my 0000, tlare been realised. null greet preen,. hoe been re complished• Park spots, 1 holverer, hare darkened our horlson; nut aunt es sop fortune tans not devricd me, en tronstent ravage,. w1;1 not discourage me. Vow ahead .I be Obloeureged, client_ bee front ea& .of Free., to the Other the ..Temple acrostiacclamatic% the on. Emotes and my lf with ln which oclatal the mor are of our *on. To-day ans I do not come here only to ~,, ~,,brace glorious annivernary In the cap., Bel of ancient Flatniere. I Also come to leers your wants to heighten the 00000,fe. Intl a f f v t t:b i roi a pmg 7:11 00 ' p r a m :ll ri f o r r t ntea and commerc, You will ald toe, gentle-. Men, in title noble Maki bet you will net o"rgenet thee OTO nr ttlTa nd" rare "o the poen., t he oonactottnnees of own strength, and not to allow itself t o h a depressed hY imeginary allow hot to reit' upon .L.drlot ee4 patriotism ot the gortaromeet• The Emerges, toimbed by the witse ntim ln ental whicti y 0 eaptylsa. unites hme thanking you for your warm and arepathetle wetooman Theeesimeebee hen e tfeennlitsma effect In London, bn i tie not mitieny apprraaw ted In Perla. ' • The Mailld Water Of War Lade., speech at a guit given by Bier/001as munny.Clorb whtoti the king. Crown Pyle. and Ceartaltett were °regent, in widen be to edM that MI liltrefibrta fartbeen directed ward the rormatloo Of An Organloatloni well be lu 0008 4nese When the moment should arrive for regonTzraigt:thivioatrakewahlett ben. ritaurbin the dellyel7 of tie epe v e,7l: 4 :l4 . hoer lo Ih...evening bad a belt henry con. VereattOn with the Minister of War. • ~.Ttie new Promise, .Gusette mayo. Frond& Seas expressed to Denmark her readineet tO t o7nr i (NZ lly r t!belVte ' r g er t th W e n ,;=: merit of Germane to North Schleswig.. To,, discoastoe of the ghation xlll Probably take Meese& Berlin. .. Sr had disembarked me eseigrante Athena It le repelled that A merriage had boon ArtengebetWeen the Crown _puma al DAY, S PTEMI3 Denmark and the frillZees /Loyal of Sire , dell, Spaniah official dizp atchn lf e 27th elate that one thousand Insur e gents t ihn Cato l onlaa had takunoolvantage of the atrullultT sad aerrendered. The band. In drawee tutil been reduced to feet Inhered men who were tilariog toward the lrontlfw, pure:toil by the Beret troops. ..Tbe rent of Speak ran qutet. ‘ll9prtlOh Of tllo 99th Mute, that the AragonEtaurgcnts planed the frontier - and disarmed. , ' • . hehecrlptions to the nt ar !.reek low had reached ten million drachrr.e. The iffeate: earth= line already been spent In the in. chase of vuesols and war munitions. Three p ertninnerS stern bOtleit In England and two oilier iron clue were ordered. The expedition todhysetnia le teconslat of two regiment. of the ilno, and eight real- i pietas of native Pulliam!) Infitetry, sit real. • meats of Indian cavalry, tentintaln go_ns, and Iwo brat,los of royal artillery. The Tierra) , fJfypt, has been • requested to furnish 0 camels for traneportatinn Imnponmoe. XL 19 Oafs underetaniltng /ic the Prh question was come to at Salzburg. • lie Fortress of Woribuzg, In Bavaria, •, beteg disarmed.. The greet iron works at Blab:wan, Beath Moles. has stooped. Aloe hundred Demons lace thrown out of employment. • y;IILT MILITARY DISTRICT. ?ea. aehelleld Reetivoilay—Examio- Ilay P.extairistlett Returns Prepara tory an the timer ter en /steeliest. lilt Tottersph to the Pi tab./ roe Elatati.l Foe:these Monaca, Septembere.—Generel Schofield has tai tar recovered from his re t c nt illness es to be able to visit the fort t lay. Lie to now busily enangee to er n latex the Toronto of registration in the .—T S -ten. nreparatory to inning theorder for a elbstior. In October. it la not probable - to will return to Richmond tooth next week, m/ :teawe, September She oiratal roe le.. 'anon rsterno for the whole •State neve b enreceived at. headquertera TeX./ Tete , iihyre; the retie is eleven while. to nine lance!. , mintingU e e ü b e a r n a ln w r ll m a a d o n t e at echeo C ofo deleyetes to the Convention, one hundred an • foam in ntimber, to taco place between tb /Rh and lath of October. .- Another Planet blichiralutd. Cdttielcursph to tee PI naborgh' tiaactte 7 Duval:or, September 7.—Professor Wa4 son, of the tdichison Colverstly, reports. follows t thi Friday night , whlle observing in the vicinityotthe planet Septum', I dis covered pU another planet. hitherto un known, th eybrill larincv ot *hitt was eatutt to that ot star of theeseventh magnitude. It Is situated In right asoonsiou, 14 degree. and it minutes, and to docionolua G degrees and io minutes north. SI : • s let, I n art..J. =SIM ro .3 5v,,..,3 1 art • ; • Yellow Paver at utrenprals—Quaraw- Mine to b. Petah.felted. by Telt-tomb to The Pittsburgh thwett..l llutirnts, beet. at —TM, towboat Mohawk Meretiante Union Transportallon Company, nrner,l this morning from New Orleans, with seven oases or setkie fever cm bail. One of the Del:inn:mm . 4l died whlio the boat wax AL the The Mayor ortlerwl the Mutt to leave. Nearly all the crew are tiow n with fever, gnarl:mum will be established tottnanow. M=CIU =EI lfl,Va.Mo .... .. C.. 471,071.1 MEM= Peanetrivauala latenkitale, Fair. . the Trleitreelt IQ Mt tittsbusse tiazettei/ Pattie.. toe, :September 4—The ar raieemnte tor the VIOL i araf•Starti Fair st - tiorrtstotrn, ;tams the hreitent.weielr : hero Os. teuttpletett : ' lerterhloill Meld, LatlyThorrie, Flora Temple .4 Leticet'are among the treating stout that will be pre sent. The premiums react,h9Vords of MAO. The Yale Intl 0013th100 a week. --- • Ile Cawavast" Ogg Magog et Naghtille e Telegraph to the Plusher.. liasetv.l tartaric., Sept. 7.—Abrear Myers. 00. bare alive .Iplloata for Mayor of tell acchlruMtly. itatreplan. from the second etoryvt g tractrulng hi t ak ml acd onus.. Muth Monty attar ward. Mr. ityoni v. au buslncu Malt to thla atty. 011 17.0Iaerlea By intenranti to tint Inttstnstnn onsettal - Nent. 7.—A • tr.. nt btoke nut tn Jattann A Wllson 'a Con' Ott igh tt teener:l. and Ostatiand to the Antnfinnn (kannans•ta refinery. Lola Gtrnnty thannand - Itea•mney einikired ••is latk. nr Tenor/eon to me Pau borgi &arena j Sr. Part, Ylnn., September 7.—The neare r,' Motlnntlnn nao onagred and sunk near te•tm•6•u, and will pros e • total NO neer /net. The thleas42. lneee.en. 11r Tennranh us the 11:trberatz Quetta.; ChM/kon. KepL 2.—"Cho nwe to-elny [wean 1 -4 ozher end brown titorge and nark. awn mate. nee wartzhy the fanner 1.2 tjmne .242-elnht heals—time, 24. std.:Z.. firer Tel....nuns. • ;CI T.Orriatta to It. ritubtash OaSets. Lrt.Scn. Li, September S.—Silver falling; 3 loos S lorbevlst canal. • Stew rsms.Rilytonlbor 7.-41yerIgling tiun, -- ---- • o Eva. Meal.* Ea llonS•for Lew T.l.r. tar tea.alat al vat /lath:4.i GAtans 1 1:a "Las Ms, F•claccotra 7-4 Gem. leIrle• 'anal toy ?iv. Mt* yytorday (la otamatz aralhattaa. •CITY AND SUBURBAN. PAGE,—Thyfultbsi and lomat bogie,- Me Iltoriey. oit and Primly,* Market Reports Oren by any ptyper to 4.44 e(4, tobil befoicnd Oft our 'bards Age. itlgkeray Itoeber Arrested. AnOut troll.. o'clock lest I :trill:bleed Scott, with onlcora Dressler end lilvers, arrtated Michael 21Alcmar, at hL haute, corner of We/later and Wash_ legion streets, on a chaste of being concert:lad la the rOhbors of James mitrowl bagae on Saturday night, elsewhe g re g noti mute,. ced ritck, it settn.,' recdrolled Ifel.ey as ens of la....allants, and made en information .game t him. - Aner Wang Lek.n to tea ' tombs, Maloney divulged the names of ht. companious, and the pollee s lay , la unsling them et • house In B u l ge Clay, la the kWh ward. We did not learn their The Twek-O' • Affa ir. In PhUndelchla, Ca Satin , lay, Theodore A.. add , :trot. 11. Tank, charged on tho oath of Jiunce O'Connor, with coneptroAY to ‘lefratid him not of 'charge turn of money, re arralgnod before Aldermanßeater for wo anal hearing. Leona C. Cateddy, eouneul for timelefendahla, stated that Ida chants were moan,. that ch.:lease might ho thorotochly tantellned Into, and for that res. too they waived a hearing Coat it tolcht returned to Court and then, discoenl of. blower, Attorney Lynn told he hadno ch. Jectlone, bat he would redulso the defer. dant. to be hell Ls eallictent amount. of ball to warrant their appearance at oourt. Tito Aldermanhood the bail at IMAGO eachi which was promptly entered. Prlatulfticbt laternapted. • dlminy Sullivan end ilmmy Haley had Some "difference" yeeterday. and concluded to senile It between themeelvew, and foetid.; porpoto ropetted to Boyd.* Mill Shoot four o'clock yestenlay °coning, followed by elute it number of the " fancy." Seconds ',eve aeected, a rin formed. the outfits atrlppod, l and the fleet g round tnught, when the el)Dcateneo of odluera Mlle and !abet. man interrupted the affair. .111 the lint round Maley )mocked-Sulllvan down and - draw nest blood, and before time was called 08,01cl:de had taken' charge of Sullivan. and Haley bed Important besieges In an other part of the city. Sulltvan was taken to the lock-op, and Ilaloy was being looked after.. Abandonment—Nester Brown made in, formation before Aideraum . Donalo nen, on Saturday, against tier husband, Jas. Drown, charging him with deserting and Oben denier( her. Brown it a barber, has been carrying on bus' nm• In A Ihnban ally, and his Wito resides In - Beaver. It o was committed for Court. Kato Dickson, on the same day, made In; formation before Alderman 2 aylor, eitalnat Semite: Dickson, char/flew blot wita the 1101.110. Tho Parties reside in the Ninth ward. A warrant was Issued for manual. • Traveling Boot • 'Knight of hellosve." calling himself Charley Afar. r/red• In the city yesterday from earatogo. re rents for 1, leksburg, rinses. lept, which ho eays to his home. lie loft Lome early last Rprinit, boo visited 411 Olio principal elLics In the east., attended the recce at Antratogn, 1111111 s now 00 Ms stay home to spend t he winter. Ile la. Shoot fourteen yenta of age. and Is an unusually bright end Intelligent'boy. Ile' proposes to remain in the city until he eon maks mono, enough tOnarry bin to.Clneinuall. Body. ronnd.—The body or as Infant was found ymterday morning In the yard attached toa hommoccoPlad Or John nand' k ? iih t o n% 3 ?'' wl r e a inu:it r ir e t & i t elrf f a n y as to render IL Imposelblo to come to any conclusion alto how, when, or In what manner It ram to tie death. Coroner Claw son Isas notiflod and held anlopuest on the tobody, when a Vinyl iet was found that It came thrult at a time nd place and from eatineatinknown to the J ury, Utrentse.-111ohnol Duffey wee at. a sa loon at the cornet of went. and Water street, baterday, and feeling fatigued laid himself down epee a bench to "enjoy tired rstate , . eweet restorer, balmy sleep," arid neon awaking he discovered that lame one herd abstracted forty dollar. from hie poet - et.. lie appeared before the • Ilayor and Made an information against Henry Crow, who was arrested and heill for a heel-Mg. • Primary Weallera—The proles:tots Of the Leber !Inform Tarty hold primary meetings In the .InTuraht eloition ttlatricts an eate rd ay, for the election of delegate. to the County Convention which win aseembis nutednuy next at the Court /louse. little enthusiasm or excitement was' developed, the elections proceeding quiatl7. We nave not been favored With any returns. Comlosh--kix. hoott, Wale( of Pollee, Lisa teen credibly Informed that thleges front both tile &went ' and • Western cities acte making their arrangem menu to Ttatt this hady g cit durin Oho state Y. We thigh thc7 better star awnv. o I we bare tote of of that alma of Inalroluals berg now then eau be attendrd to properly. fisrocb lby L ightning.—Dunne the storm od.Frolay evening last, *ha barn of Dlr. Thomas Kidd.; elthatect In Snowden` bawostoo, wa* stannic by lothtnlng, and took dra. The betiding. together with up* wards of forte tone of limy and a /aryl* OlUllllity Of WV, Wan COOSULLIOd. • Cbsepteror Robberies -•••• • - • • It appears from the number Of robberien committed _,Saturday nicht and Sunday morning that those who make their living by knocking Donnie down and 'lining thronghn their pocket. were Dec in force. — Itfe, have hoard of no less than three sur mogul robberlea end one attempt,- 'thief ' were committed between • the himre o eleven o'clock Saturday night and daylight hominy morning. The first is that Of lames Flock, bagglgh Manter on the .WalPs Ad. COMOiletlol2. rOrinerleitaf? railroad, which occurred about eleven - o'clock Anturday night. Mr. Fleck - wee coming down Want. Ington street, and when new Webster, he as armosted downee men, one of whom , knocked him and the other kicked . I him sereeral tinres abotit the bead am) face, catung and_ ebbing him In a shocking manner, and rendering him Inemulble for a short time. Lin yeturtong to connelono. nets he discovered that his pocket. Wok, containing been sefenty and eighty dollar.i, had been taken, Shortly allot Oaten o'clocll a nuke, whore name were unable in attacked downwo Men near the Elevator, and knocked . by one of them, while the other took [ his pocket book, containing fOrty-five dol • t late, sod a ys.b. , nbie gold watch, from Ws pockets. • . About one o'clock Sundat , morning a [ranger, to ensiling Wong nigh ettent4 woe mat by four men, knocked down and bit pocket book; containing forty dollar., ob. tdractedfrom bin pocket. • Between one anti two o'clock on Sunday morning anattempt was made by three runlet,. to robe...lmm who wan parsing down Wylie street. they caught blot at an alley between High and Tunnel streets, Into which they dragheri him , ehoking.him to prevent him from making a note. The ap- Proach of the poileaman malehm, when they left their vtetlin and good their escape, before !meinc accomplished their purpose. Ive intro heretofmn Minded e nasality or an In c reas e In th p u c eforty, and think froM Patent occurrences that not only Alm welfare bf the cloy bet the safety of Oho chicon. requires If. The men aomposnig the present force are fella. bin, ao far as we can learn, but the num ber le ineutticient. it would rentore fully double the present number to make any. thing like en efecient force, anti It citizens A.e In favor of it, and art willing .TA pay the expense, we cannot nee the propriety of tlOnnellu rah:dying It. • ----- Down on the Dietrich AUeeeee. The Dispatch I. Oct of humor With CoL Duff. the District Attorney. ,It says "for iota° timeliest complaint(' hate boon no. morons of the manner in which Minimum le delayed in the Quarter &salons," and With this Merge" proceedg ti rap tho District attorney otter the knuckles frlr elercgard. leg the arrangement, which prevailed ' in former yens, "to hear the surety of the peace case. ut the beginning of the Cann." The Dispatch cello to lta old, in making np Ise comaidahat, member. of the tar, and earn they all "condemn the practioe In name.- need terms." Judge blow. hi wren made to, may "that he would uot alt there (On the' beheld and eWe the public interests coffer or the county peat to nneeceseary prevent It." doing all in hi , . power to prevent it." thir uneasy neikhlior would hare the Court, and members of dim bar, complain log of "the practice of bringing onrth/ ea of the peace cases, and keeping lauds. witnesees. Ito, altmg In the mean. time," and succially tefele to the "fact that ale/7 had been kept walling for Mule ness several hours in the boT on hursday," fierier made ammo remarks for tits Donor, the inmate/. says they had "the desired effect." "The surety of the peace business wan dropped h , and tbejory, which bad been lattle Idly lu the boa for no hour or better, soon found wealth/cc to de." Jurors are paid from the unumenceinut of the term. might while thetr presence during last nave been dlepenmat attn.!, view of the Mermaid number of sorely eases, thin isua matter with which the District attor ney had nothing spulally to do. Tide offi cer did meetly what' the Moue& charku him with not doing, Me followed the cus tom pursued In the Quarter Undone for at least tea year* put,. by devetmg the Situ • Wtek Of the pe ac eny tothermal ot rarely of th maw. Thu Diatelt trY again, "the dent lesson" will not er-rottn7 .Hnrgiara 11 0005 110111. Officers °lane, %Trod, Seeright, ton sad lirogan made e dicky hit yesterday morning.rUhl captured John 31.arPhy. Fred. Faulkner, William Paine and Sohn Harris. four professionals, who have for a long time been doing a thriving bustnese la surtomt parts of the MAT, Ind In such a manner as'to avonlldeteetiOn. About three o'clock fundey ring Patsey nennet. proprietor of a grocery store at N 0.14 High a:roe.„• Informed °Meer (Rano that the worthies above named were in his his store, whereupon he. annsmpented by the Oiler 1 oftsers trientionat, repaired to the place, and foetid his statement to be correct. Monts thane sad tirogan went to the beet door or the house while the ornery watched the trout to . revent an C 15.1150 from that. dlrectioa Weer. Wane Opened the back door the thieves the off the so a made a rush for the front door, but finding I It guarded. fastened It again and retired Cr eate he tm:inter to Arndt and doeseop. melds. A held was procured end the fond door forced open, when the thieves were discover.: lying behind the counter. The, officers tookthem M charge and conducted teem la the Jock-up, where they menthol maul nine o'clock, when they had a bearing,. and were committed for Court, it is not known Low they: effected an entrance to the house, as Patsey was too 05000snort:sod to tell, but It is tbe opn of the °Moon that they frt,rhtened Parser, woo Maur. in the store, Into admitting them. ■ettiedlst Almost Con( Crloxrowr, Ps,., Sep. 60, 11567 ratan tura , examoa. • Session 'opened with religious serstees .13 usual, called, minutes read and ap prOVed. Several Persona were Intraluokl and In vital Co honorary seta. BeVOCJI Committee* reported Scher.Ur unduished reports, • The hour of the day having attired, It. Itou, Corresponding secret...! elm stoner". Society. eddrereed the Conference to en able manner, wiring, If possible, more aid In carrying on that cepartment of the folk. On motion. a Committee tem appointed to coneider the subject andreport tokonfer. coos. Committee: W. Collier, V. Luesa, Jones, J. Beaman and V. S. Elliott, who ruteednently reported that one halt of the collection next Sabbath be given to the board, arid that each Pastor make an effort Ut cub alas appointments or hi:torch., In eannber, to raPe tummy Inc that part:wee. Committee on contention of young teen for tad In preparing tor Ana Ministry. re torted the name cf Y. T. Conoway aa wor thy of itarlditnee. 1101.132 F meson; started immediately for Adrian College. DVDIVPION Acesidenl. We heard the iolloi.lug particulars in to. raid to an accident which In said to have occurred yesterday forenoon about eleven fetlock. A boy, whose name we were una ble to learn, while M. 1.6 a skiff In the Monongahela river, about the time men- Maned, noticed a boy on the high ploy of the Monongahela Bridge, who, In attempt. log to ain Ids hat. had blown r, lost hls re ba g ltume, and was which precipitated In o to the river, a distanou of slaty feet, strlitit4l Sgaillat the pier as no fell. lie Informed a number of persons of the fact, and, on repairing to the plat" they bound • little cog there. which, It to eupposed, had accompanied the boy. They wrote down the facts as given by the boy wto had seen the fall. and unglued it to the dogs neck, espeetior him to carry it home, and that manner Inform the parents of the unfortunate boy of what had °marvel. Search was mule for the holy, but without success. merlons Accident. tieorga A. Megiew, of Allegheny City, President of the Allegheny Ureenry and Prostalon Company, met with a notion. no. cident yesin o laY, which for • time at re least, p tit him ,from attending to biz business. .M. • was riding horseback. and when shonen Penitentiary, ow Ohio street., the ecame frightened at a ear, and refused to pas. it. Mr. negrow at tempted to force Inminset, we b r uisingared and fell backward on his side, him considerably about the bead and face, and It Is Leered inflicting nivi3re Internal in Vi ramll Mr.. was taken to hie home and r. Kirk beteg summoned, attended to Ida In- Jurtee. = Yranit Loring, a rcoldent of Tres Hill; etanlo3,l at Miller , . grocery store, on 1.10. arty atria, met with a scrioue accident ori Pato:dry afternoon, Ile was engaged In cutting sugar out of a barrel with a cOoPer's sUr, with which ho struck Memel( On the left wrist, hovering the radial artery, 004 cutting ball way through the bone. He was taken to Dr. Childs' Mlle*, on Caen amen, where his lit)erlos were Attended to. Ile lost over a hint and a half of MOW before the hemorrtmge could be abetted. The Doctor 1141 the artery and Yesterday Die Injured man was In a bar way to re. never. m. sleigh Ids Came as William Weer% committed ter trial on Saturday, by Mayor hicilarthY, on b charge of steMlni articles of clothing ROM W.L. Tem, mate of the steamboat J, Team, ldfchael Smith, of illatr minty, unpeared before Mayor McharttlY, on listuruaY. and moused David Rodgers of Stealing from him Um. dollars, whilst In drinking saloon to the Dumbed On rtlea7 eTeelea, The accused was locked up tor a hearing, if:lltihdeorze.zutr falling to attrear at the Coroner's Inewest.—Coranor Clawson held an Intinest yesterday on the body of Leal Hetasl. who died yest..dwr mwrlttnif. from the effects ofa wound Indicted with a Bendier, Or iss h os w en n ty t - h e e Lanhu ot Mos count which .ea - published it the tia earia Of the ronowiee tisy. The Jar, ren dered a yenllct. In arvonlencewith the facts. Reedier Is In Jail. basins p ee n optn mlffed by it•yo, m0rm0...• • c 0. .• of felonious assault wad battery, He wall now. have to answer a mare lettUnaeharlte. al cultism of Possello.—A epecial meah hog of the Select branch of the City flOnn will be bent this evening et 73 o'OlOok- A. full attendance of the members el 0.: sired as businree of hhportance will bo Drought before them. ' Th. Upon the reosalne or If ugh 'Stewart. allied at Graff S Bennett's renter 132 111. at Oirty'S Ben. on Imlay but, wtll he concluded a% th e A4egbeny Mayor's Milne tlas evening. • • r. Mil • First CU L" Motet The St. James Hotel, No. 40;:ed 407 Liberty street,. Same, H. Lanahan, pro,7rietor, oinks among the first hotels in the a..7e. Tee building is new, having been emoted within the last year. and for comfort and convenience is itecond to stone in the My. It is situated on Liberty Street, nearly op- Desna the Union Depot, having a Irma of forty feet by ono hundred feet deep—a brick building four stories high, with an iron front. Oa the first door is the dining rormt, kitchen, bar, baggage rooms hod wash rooms. The dialog room 'is a very commodious one, Otgion7lng one heir of the drgt goer, being& hundred Ptyalin length by =teen 11l Width, and is tarnished In a ntauner uusu . rpagend in the city. The bar Is also large nod cdramodiorua fitted np regardless of expense, and•furnished with the choicest wines and liquors. it is separa ted from the dining room or a bait eight loot In width, and in the rear of It are re 'epeetively the baggage room, wash remit, and kitchen, seek of which are complete in all their details. The dining room and bar re the entered from the front, an Is also the the ball separating them. In which Is he stairway leading to the second story. At the head of the stairway is the entrance to he parlors, the ladies' on the right and the gentlemen'S on the left, The ladies' parlor is furnished superbly, yet. everythie, 1,, so WW1:Illy arrange: that there is no appear. Oof extravagance. The roars smear.- d a g,h stresaejs carpet, while the (connate mileage a 'linen mare rosewood plus, f Koabe's mantitionture, a marble top can , table, two reception or rocking ensirs, * tote-atete, milot dorm, parlor chafe. black sonnet, sofa casts. The gentlemen's Parlor. on the left, Is (LUCA/111W II similar style, excepting it is mono the piano, and the f grannie to oak. Over the hall and be ow Memo parlor. is a writing roomaitted p with all the ntioessary paraphernalm, xpresdy for the use of guests. which is intered teem the gentlemen's parlor. In aloepin , be rear of each parlor are .n rooms, ' lateen feet square, the floors of which are overel with gruesele carpet, and the fur. hiture is of solid black Walnut, consisting Of bedstead, di - miring bureau, hand and choirs. Further ',long tho hall, and In ihe rear of these, are the bathrooms, which re suppllid with both hot and cold water, nil urrmgeti for tither teller shower bath. of them are eight bedrooms, all of bleb are furnished In meth the same man or as Mose described, with some sight riatlons in the style of the faruitore, an, waver, of the ve best enty. ' From the main hall on the e cond floor a stairway leads to the third story. On ibis door is a private Parlor frcuiting On Liberty nineteen Weeping apartments. The parlor is forniedied in the same style ea the ladies' parlor 00 the, floor below, save the piano. The sleeping apartments are carpeted with the best quality of linglisn marem earPet.aml the furniture is aillmild walnut and of mociern style. While the Imes are each eePPlied wrth a husk and halt matress._ • .. • _ She leerth door la readied l y n flight or stairs lending from the mein hall on the third floor. and to point of arran,rennent, furniture, 6c, Is the OWL counterpart of the third floor. .The building Is 000etractod with two Mina which ' ventilators In the center. trom the surrounding rooms are lighted and ventilated by windows openin Into there. In this way even. room In the g building, of which More are eeventy.eight, have the advantage of a window. Every room Is supplied with gna burners. and seventeen of the sleeping eppertments are arranged for firma , The Hotel le conducted on the European pls.u, and the restaurant connected with IL Is open day and night. Mr. Lenehan, the proprietor, perronall7 ariperlntends the business, assisted by John O'Connor. Enth these gattlemen are So well known In this city ns to nee cl e r k . ecointnendation at the head The °M c., situated at the head of the doting room, is occupied by Hugh Kelly and- hannral Christy, who are bOth gentlemanly n eve r sc:nomotinting Men, and will be found attentive tO the comfort of guests.. Behind the bdr the smiltog countenance Of Adam Weigand, and the pleasant o phian of Thomas Hogan. at* always visible. The employees of the da, awe seem are conneoua and attentive to thu wants of customer.. From the cellar to' the attic the house Is complete In all ite de tails. and mightjustly be termed ttemddel hotel of the city. . As an evidence of ldr. Lei:shen'. . to "run a hotel," It is only necessary to re fer to his sake.. to the business daring the past fott , tzenf& l where w find not only T . . n r/e y_era c ' ho ti i . T r tr ' yo t Z e igi man, b w e:n b lue prem. and by t his try and attollttoll tO buatneaa Dna gateed reagreurge n g e w or d:an:7lr g. Aral lot on Wlfialt Ms) new building stands be untetussati to: 1110,002. The building on, erected at a:cost l ot sso,coo, and the furni ture cost iati,ok. To be, or motto he—that's the questkesi Whether to 'suffer with mental &nimble, Feverish tips, cracking pains, dyspeptic agonies. . • OrU nameless bodily sniferingi .whether, with sudden dash. Siete a bottle of P1,111,1'10, BITTMA. And, as Gunther swears, he myself a man Again. t Gunther said my eyes.Weremdlow, . St. visage tomgard, my breath treMendoui oad— Sty disposition troublesome—la tact, Ge gently hinted I was last becoming Unite a mitssams. Your bottles I now beneath my vest have isappeared, Ity food has relish. my appetite is /men. lly step Manta, my 01(12d oriWant, and We Nine pounds, avolrdopoiss, braided to my ljitt, Mee nozu delightful tollet otr• tlele—superior to Cologne ermihelf the Mice. arlf/aWN sn eW mpia d,PlMldlear Nada Water at Z. T Atleibezer. later% .yo:; ,t 3 reams' Weed, rola Palesialass Largo Maros under Me Bo ni non that y got things cheaper. blz snstage, as you will find at No. llh Federal acme; time following article, as cheap as at my house In ei th er city. Spiced Salmon, Pickled Oystent sad onago hu malade, Lohman, Spiced Omen. Preali Com Oysters, Ones Oil, Cross and Black. well's famous Pickles and Mosta., Kash. 1 . 00171 and Walnut Catsup. Stash El no apples, Chinese Binger, 'tamarinds, fiardMes, Preach huststrd, Plnest Bordeaux Pmoes Souses, Condensed Milk, Extract of Beef: Chocolates, very fine, Cream Bonbons. Cream Candlea, Mixed Candles, hots, Sc, to. G. Buses No. lit Federal street, Allegileh.L Houses and Lola to . 4 1leettesur City. —Thle day at 2 oolock .. on Iho prOml e,te. No. isenterey et will be sold at auction the total ground having a front of twenty foot and emending back. one hum , tired and ten feet to a nineteen feet alloy, on wnich is erected a two a Lou brick fl house of seven rooms, pantry, cellar, Sc., and a amaller.dwelllne on the roar of the lot. Also, a lot adJointng the above, on which Is a dwelling house of form rooms. See advertieement of Smithson, Palmer S Co. C, Auctioneers. • (4estie at 44.02M1111)1. P.looll.—Tdr. aotb, No. bolt crue of the pioneers 20 the bodt man ahoe tie" of this city. has on bend a base and fashiona ble stockof boots.shotsaand getters which he offers to the public at very reesonableprices. It win be remembered that the aseortment found hero le not from Eastern auction houses but has been selected direct Mtn manufacturers who deal in Cobb articles as will prove serviceable and durable. Call n end nee for yourselves. • OPetalsw—Now Tallsetoetta.— ramie., September MM. and during toe week, Of the choicest dross goads ttrer shown in this city. Auortmeot Urge waled, 10 plain, stripe, plaid, chaise, heavy and beautiful, cane be aeon on the west cornet of Market. and /math streets. at Garth:tees ottly place nrbrudnere. to- gather with the cheapest stook of general domestic goods in the city. Gaansau A lirstrawr. GO Market strut, comer of Fourth, west aide. Et* To Conitry igereltianta.—Yonr atten tion Is Called to the wholesale and retell groetwy atom of Arthur Kirk, Noe. 172 and' , 174 federal street . Allegheny, lust the place to boY for groceries. Mr. has Lulli. tins for baying that enables him to sell to retail merchants at a agora than other hoesolothe two lower eltles. Ye keep s. n atY all times all abuts of groeerles, and will ho 17 pleased to LTA . . intrtles ,atiO. examine h ligo p . " r i i:Os tarlber 1 1 :t p tl 4 Federal street, Allegheny City, strie • We sell Dry Goode both at wholesale Lt to k and aro, u COElSKtleuct, en. staleeep laxges and mach better /st emmed. Istoolc, to mall cheaper, And giro the R. 0411 In more accommodating quansltles thatiesolnattejohbing houses. Retail met .obAnta are Milted to cramlne oar clock. - J. W. Baena. lt Cs".%, • • • • 00 Market street • lejounte4 etelr -eats— c i sy --, rrihmotatOnl!"%l l° ,r,ll . . ue r t. b, 7 at „. 3 wet lc, s. Illog 'louse and Lot. corner of llama, mn and elislgwict strans 800 adYnttl Mont Of Smithson, Palmnitt (k.. • • • To Allegbenleaa—arthur Urn, Whole. gale and retell Grouer, Noe. 172 and 174 fed eral etreet, LIU rercived one of the beet Blocks of groceries over brought to the city, that win be sold lower than at any house th the atty.'• rew:* To Tomlllol.—Go to Arthur /Uri'. Grin ftry otoro, N 00.174 and 171 rededul Strout, ~A:,l7g,jr7i=rtragzwilyzmr. rot stock Mag. OUT. Call end eon for ford salvos. • no:. • The Meteors Votrteotie.—. Tou'ro duct tucking mat,. ma • hozooomr manl to the neglected teeth. oWe Meal moon improve. under your auspices,. ma the negleclAld tooth Uld to 8020DOET. - raw% Illossedblog Pyr'ss—The Tess, Coffees, .itidarstePtres, at Kirk's Wooers tore. Nos. 172=4 11l Federal etreeL, • bony, are warntsted to be the eet7 best to he butrSet, Veal sad get =lce 11111. chirp glreeorloa.—For cheap Groceries arid oomotatag good, go to Arthur Eirkh ilrocory Atom Not 172am:117i Federal rtreet, Allegan:it cat. 1m Ear, Throat, Loam Otani Mr. easosa, and Catarrh. a unmorally trotted by Dr. A bora, thacolthlairl street. A boot by taall BO coats. tilt to FIAITMI.r. Drag Steve, NO. SS Market street, to got Para North thwallna Tar, at the lowest prices. . • . Go lo Iletoters DIM( Neore. No. rl4: tdarket etreet, for the beet 010. Rye Whhilty In the city, at the lowest prices. Go to Fiembog's Drag Moro; tenet Won, Mt the bun Gin lit Um city, as p ig . .Nedwilbss Mott. W•Ser at T. itr.w.;:o.sliore. rodaral meal; TH WEEKLY . GAZKIW, TWO ZOITIONS, wieDNIIIDAT ABA MULTErindy. • ides aatet. eoalalatag TELILII4I2IS OM. TfeC4 et Mien:Mar readlameeter. h.d.dth ir je.dtt r .. E i, d 1401ta4: u, , Wan ters.. 74 tat 7 SeZra t ra sad Yawl 4 , . and Mtn sad won tenable • Ma.. dal Commercial • Karket arperia styes ~, any 7ln the ray. leo Palmer. Meta.l4or /defe.baat alioald be wllluart It. tarn FOR rill IflaNfa aarartm. II e eateer1ber................—.........i.5.a, Cie of r1re........................--.. L.a&. —And aa ow of rape; ao th e puma seals* MP /Medea. AdeN4estos to elute aaa tetrads et aa7 mac, at. nab MU. \ 11 0143 rciestramars.e—ls srdsrls• TM PaPa4l be rare sad neat/ alai edltlon yea want, ia we lam a Wolaeiday SAM* far .." a anibela baring bat ea. matt a week.. . idr/lloare 07 Draft, Itatiresa, None , Wmy or la ItedlataxadLetlars, mil be aeae .4 er.slak, Address. GlAZdril.l. r171413118(111, Ilessi.. DI • anne.2.—James Rodgers. charred an ost4. or tared Renter with larceny. hid shearing before Mayer McCarthy B•turd,LY 1 anent . Homo charred In th e Inform.. UM wnn tn ,1 eaDng Ordeals collars from t tallr ~,t or, hot at the hearing the ell dncee alter to establish the fact, and the Te;.l discharged. A OJoiirmri !ittia—Ar dotirable lot io» relitAMM carom of Hamilton al Alia&M.7 01 ' 7 . ‘l auctinti qay, tame o k on the ormaince. au. pnlitma•Term, eaq. For partkmlare a0 . 12:1-kaittakt In 4...- thin r•tioni. boiltbAork, Palmer t Om• knot:. mama. at Auction This Lisesilms.—.At Fifth IMO Auction Rooms, M mut Si Fifth street. at 7.4 o'clock, will be sold it irehota , assorts:milt of table awl pocket out)ary, row winches, Jewelry, clothing bats col notlims. Smithson, Twiner Co, & Amnia:whim. • florenali of Dol'rms.—The fluid order In the matter or the Ineorporatlon of the 80-roma! of Bellevue, formed cot of a por t:on of Rom formable, ame roado_ by the. Court on Seturlsy. and It Waco for Wong the o:ectlon In October deadgaated. drAdd itioeaLl Local NOVI'S es Tided 'Page. EM7 Sotordarmonshie, MUSLIM DAVIS, la the &Us Dar of hie ate. Funeral Tots ar ozaitoorr. at 2 o'Coek, Dom the residence or his Day. Than. Crompton. ho. 171 liaisdaiky sorest. ASesh”7. STE.' hwe„--Os /olds,. Se otembersie, HUGH BiZOO Ala. a, Walls, of Cisatitj Lorry. liet.E. In the 0.10 yesia of bit see. NEW ADV:EiLTISENENTI3. - - --- A 14E4,. 11: 1 111DERTAKEll, ••-•• zeePotunt gm**. ournio of all kladafolldr74 01/latalltl, sal cram desalt/oOn Punlallnar acacia funtalud. Boomsopened davandlaladal.' Hum and Cusluee funlabo4. ! ' Szrxworcss—liew. Davta Su* D. D.. • 2 .1 , X. W. Jakcabtu., D.D.,Fhasua Swl4Jt. 244.. Js cab K. =Ler. 'so.. I G. RODGERS; AD/DEJITAi• J • au AND 21111A1.M29, mersisar .b tao late Samuel S.'artatacrA No. 99 Uwe gm'esrt., tmag doers .rant Bearer./ lloateag MT. 04. MI/M. Smar.aad• ilaamisrat. iralaal.d La* •004 Italtntaa Cog.. at the toren regnae rota :L am at all hears, day and item. tisane snot Can-Wm IhrahMad on agartgaMmi Lad oa most reasonaNc terms. ED ADD I[oll.. DEBT/XL/S. Unice. SI i 4 Osuc. elTalms. Allegheny. Y.YIU , Boasworel rod other Cog. Ans. with • cozonlete stock of Innerst Ar•lenhug goods on hand, end r.rnnhed se_ aborted% tiotke% at leant Tata. We sad Myer. Cable.. toe. Ile/ Of ints,ll.lrD MUM.. err. art. Canty!!.. Hammett.; Boogies, saw. Hons.. Ito, M 0.... for tdre. STEWART . , :Undertaker, corner of MIMS sad ,Z2ftir STBSILTe. Ninth Ward. Geghtil of all kinds. Beall cad Uarrlsres tarnished cut the geortart CEI6ETE6I(IIIA2II,BLE WOMB& —A. I. HAMMER, at ter Cal:palmy Eat.; Laweaeaville, Ea. ORNAMENTAL MARBLE AND grim* WORKS:. MEE HIMIAL 'CASES, WARRANTED WATER PRUMI. awn. . • INlCAlifigiri. THE: UNDERSIGNED. ITAVIIII6F.. or.olhithedthc peetthe Anne:frill here-. ell& condort the eeatheth. of Jewelers suet he, GS Tithe wee!,der she nett:, . thd style of DUOISZATIZ&. un T, .I.thfll.62at Tll & iIABLETT • CO. DUNS4IIII . OISLETT, Jewelers and', Optieians,-. fie. So FIFTH STREET. soatehmanee of tite public pktrontyte hlth- One to imarfod the am, of On. neath & Co.. tad ILutett;& respestfhlty solicited. h .anihsait JAMES' t.-0017, anicomuouTo aoluirrow soarro • =muss:Rm. rag' FINE WATOK&S, OLOOKI3 I E WELR.Ir. SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC: Ali L 11131177 ur., P/TTIBURBEI. .—Particular attaallon giTOR to reps tir. Clocka and Jewth.l. - gEmoRiD AND. NEW GOODS. • IL •SZIT.II. Merthant Fine removed Code. 1311 virut WeaICICT. 17 :Is r elaTe ` &7:lll I:I . "' 1 " . FALL CLOTEIn.I3644OIXEVII, VLSTIN dB AZII/ 092./ICOATINUF, Whet OM be made to order In the meet styltsb x ti ;elf= tWae " l4 Va; ban be sold on very ressonallo terms. • _ B. 15M1T.11. Merchant Tenor. No. 95 WYLIE IMBISSP. Gir. at Federal. r.i..AigiTW Fi ;TAO Adulterations ars used • II Til ILLUFICIUT 07 AIWILODUR33. • • . awl LEAD, ;- - MUMS& Tali!. ALBA, Are Among tbe • AdollieracZoe ' s OWL THE PURE &PIO HILA utecture none but paten:, MAL MORI. $500:00 REWARD Por,mrf aftolforatl. paococe of Pore flyless oral to AA lsr SA tbsyy portage[ of odelteratod Braces mashy *do. NOME I:I3IILASEV-11164111221 AROUCKLES & CO. , Weals inters ed hopridara ¢hn kite IGtb V 2. and 224 Liberty Street, • rrnssuseu. PL. fry • poaud of oar prl.l. Rafted UFO ROOND Ecoreid.z, Tyht,tractogos. amnia Li than any Coffey sz..men7l4,- • Fog lIANDSOIO BEOLDIRG LOTS. 9W* slOuito 0:nUne9.994 1 .r 9 9V.4 94 9.19199 19 . 0,9999 nm re*Monce of Col. H. Heatllona. =wig are tG m oei able tali for anetry mideitsts In LawietioNnill..4 for Ana views, aa:. pan Apt be eiselled.. Scannas es. 7 lazialte of LIML a aliOrlitiZT. Real Enate .1144 /manse, dant,. Emmml F OR SALE—That houaSsotas .0 win o.lratoe hTOKT BMOC; Dwytt.iNti xemble. Matte 4 .v :rot street, /Inver.. This hense L eithatial oa ue of ate bindsamest etre* n in ilttfehrith. d now abate for SL This proPanbY 1 ..11 worth the attention of thin evekiss • • nibe ho . tne. blaL LIIHUTTHIILY, Heal Z.tatdaall Mu.. Aireats, Bathe etre., lathe. Lewreat.lllo. • - • • • ' onsEs FOR-SALT,. AT • lio . ward's Livery 64ible, PIRST 6711X1T. amnosonsalle*Hom. Ono WHOM, Wry ( tile $0 dnve: ~ 11Lp2, ► low. Bonet boagoo mot onlc ooiazoloston. DdUL H!. CLOSII & UL l'nwisal E altare BiamaUturers COL 'EMIN AND WAYNE US at a t r ist7w , of ruairrtrasoout.r,ll Beale. efleas Mal ltielinf rel. rim 0 rol7ll‘ll7lerszer. Iletvreta Lltmrlysett Yu.i thew pretnetly attended te. name:, ourms, BE E& CO, , . Artzttn• Cotten Mils, FS abarsy, Zomututs ten of !GIANT. KEINLIM A' WONT ANCLIOR AND MAGNOLIA N.RTINCIN AMIN N I ATTIXO. R. P. GETTY • Choice Wines and Liquors, 1w es% g. Cot. 01110 IT. AAD DILMO?/D. PIM JAR,EMPORWIL _ . TWELVE DIFFERED! BMW . . nolVieleero andlllie Cws Rion biro Lite awkin. 117.' 1° ' F" 3 Pa gEt ).1: b war Linens .tipet. to. kOr TII