SI 0 Cm aimr.vall iskirralizza 7. net comuicilas.crioN The eleetfort IPennsylvania is dig tent only a eruMth. As yet, no special excitement has been diiclosed in either of the political parties. Prom the na Mire of the caste the usual amount of in terest could hot reasonably be anticipa ted. - The crime is, indeed, one of 1.131. romance; bat this cense/mu= Is entlal rather than direct, gees out of collateral consideearlond zither than out of the number arid :rtragnihnie of the offices to be filled: If the President had kept his pnunlises_ferezecute the Recon struction "de in the' spirit in which they were ountlfived Ind expressed, not with . standing his original objections to thaitt I It waled have been 'a difficult task to draw this autumn sinythLeg like an aver age proportion of voters to the polls. After Intense agitation necessarily comes a longing for quietude.• The desire for repose was almost universal; and this -the President rudely dashed , • - Oa the Democratic alde, unless there are currents in motion so deep down be low the surface as to escape oteervation, there Is next. to no.animatioa in any section of the State. Notte_of the usual evidences otectivity are visible. How ever, It will dot do to trust appearances. - There may be secret ,agernmes in opera. lion; or other and ordinary Initrament Ides triailai -air* =Spared, and held In readiness for late disclosure, io WI to take the RePubllcsis by surprise. True.. • this is improbable: but, in political 'cam ' palgningOrls, the tart of wisdom and ' safety to guard against all possible con tingeucies. On the part of the Republicans the movereant, which commenced langaidly has quickened.. Most of the local tickets . have been framed, end generally with ncr more grumbling than commonly ensues from • the 'disappointments Inimitable from rlialriets. In many districts an 11 usual-degree of harmony prevail". Quite number of man - meetings hays been held,. with andienoes nnexpdctedly largo and enthusiastic. Many more meetings lava either been anioniced, or are in preparation. • Atari general principles and the man. be pursued,. there has never been inch identity of view:and purpose as now pretalba Poi this the Repttbil 'cana have to thank the President. What • they could not do for tiasiseives, he hal done for them. By his contempt Aria for histnen word and the wishes Of the 10 7 Ia PeoPleAs has well'ulla banished conserratlias kom the Rerablican ranks. Whekrulw remains la cortaiidy to get the Republicans to the polls, That has been reudeiedcOmpatinively easy by the President. , Most of the Republicans are exte. - tc.i . „recona "at the ballottor their condemnation of the President, and to send omentrof ;hear to filthfarßeratOri - and Representatives in Congress. Of course there are laggards. In the most exciting canvasses there are always such. To . get these out, Is* labor which the local committees should set about in earnest and withlittle delay. This done, the voice of Pennsylvania will be beard again, clear, emphatic and commanding. THE POLITICAL enuArtom 'A correspondent of the Boston Adver tiser. narrates conversations recently held by - him .with Senators Scours. and Wiliam and Ilepresentatlyesßrrrtaa on the present unect of nubhe affairs and .publiO men. ',fa two of these men, at least, may be'regarded as leaders of opinion, their judgments are deserving of special consideration. Let us group them under appropriate beads: I.' OT Mr. - • Hr. Sumner said of him, "he has not the eleinent of • personal popu. laxity;Be' never-cultivated ameni ties. He is often bnpatient, ' cold, and even harsh and antagonistic.- Bat ha is' always si patriot. -t His fidelity ken been 4:outset dOWn to the last. He must haus great place in history. Leave's, Pitt,: and Carnet were great War Minis. tenthis greatest Stalttoll, must And a plant' this - group... ' Gen. Bailer-said: "Stanton hat the confidence of the country—deservedly— both from his private character and his ofticial iethut;*aad I know no one patri otic man ,who did not fast safer, both in the nresent.and future., became of Stan. ton'a. pritition In thq War' 'Mee. "luau not doubt. , for a moment that Congress by the. action - of the 'Senate 'end•by legislation „will at once red/Mate him. He is the Secretary of re main.?*'ln spits ofilzaratircusurps. We owe a debt of aratitode to Stanton, which we 'will ben lour aim in Wing; for among an hts great services he has stood trae and stood. the great trial - of , office under Johnson to mare what we had carried." Z. Of gratin: *3a. "Oe- hL "At= in naing Btantrat's place, if there is any . secret 'history to let in light upon it, ;1 , not know There baba 'not' Inilltari obllgatianAtt • General to 11,1111110111 a dell office. Grant might hive refn.ed and thrilled the people to the confaidon of the President and the rebels: , Gcr. at ma= to - me. Such a .refusal would have been wink* that a patriot. like Stanton should not barrack through Ulm, end Would 'hero helped -to make , the. Preaidential pow m er less., It would We been notine ai toVhirebeis that they could have no hope through him. I confess tide ii 'what I meat long for. Our next Presi dent must be in himself an "irreversible SittartAtee." -- . •is Genet such? I wish I knew. ,Personally, I like him. In con verutlon ite in neat and premise, with .clean cut ideal and words." I;ien. Butler said: "Grant has taken upon . himielf a very difficult and danger ous rote. Sf• he can carry bimardrsafely through R. I shall glee him credit for more ability Lbw I have era been in dined to de/.. pa has not the excuse that tweeted tildes Urdu& As • mill' tary °dicer he could sat be ordered to takes parlay cleft yawns itlie of lee Secretary of War li. Bach SO •FPCint .. mesa would lnrsitnply a request. - Sind nobody saw more clearly the difference between sk request; and an. order the s Brant, when he instructed Sheridan that Stanberes opinion, than se:Wished by' the Commander-in-Mlid for the guidance Hof the district commandimt, was not an ordcr,.and, therefore; as military men. they : were. not bound by It, but could folloW• their ' ol n l judgment. Yet his friends clans for him that be has twice, in his own person, construed the Neill dent's request into an order—brat, when inoited to *emir/emu:id the circle, and again, 'whet invited to the war office, ad tau fst." ltr. Wilson said: "I. blow this, that Oen. grant. Lke 'come other men who were behind the names, hat been more anxious durlog the jut twelve Months abont the oondition of affalre than be ere, was dating the war, and so. es- Premed , himself._ It is the same with Stanton. 'Now, in regard to what you ask about Grant's going In there, it is not a matter of:belief but of knowledge to me, beyocui "ay sort of doubt, that Oen. Oran h catered on that duty to dO what he could lad sass what he could for the country." 21. Of President Johnson. me. BMnner sald: "The Prealdint Is Dermot, pie-headed and bratal. His taint, such as it Iti coulee from posascity, or as the phreaol *este have lt, • combativeness. When armed. ll iihnie Jet • DAVI& in the &mate, be Was' on the right aide and his temper stye to lull argummats additional form We ell lump:it:lied with him them"- Mei did'. not know how foolish and shallow:be was, nor did vs see his prejudices: Little did we think of the evil he would dot I hays often said that Doman irildstory has ever doss so much evil to kit anatrir In the uses Woo: Of 'Coma he le s anima and • tyrant. The wonder le Co:4rue did not act accordingly long ago. It will read badly enough hereafter that Con gress did not put him. MUM in straiglifjauket. Ells ma* Ii shared by Ountess. But I am blamehas. /have protested sad Insisted. To the tha cam foe 07i:ceding wee always clear to, Gemini Bailer said: !MU Aleutian wouldbe ateldeatly alarming if it wu certain hut . mug Ulla, from purpose and plan, and not from oUtine. cy andpuitned tit It ha "weld be calculated upon, u another „tun might be, on* wft.Meer that these seta In-re snoring Steption,Abulden and Sickles mere part or a iiaa tolflre control of ibe Gout. moot, upon - lite theory that legislatkm of Anitetai... Wow eatoonstlin- Omar WI thfrecum , a o C b1_444; upon fhe siktitlye. 11 1 011"! WPC= seem liEl -t- - ;,am thdthate thei putticre Gen. Grant- into vast stuns of , money sent him by the the War Department and exhibiting him United States. as obeying and carrying out his orders, Telescope, of the rut e Ikl w n a not to Wjorhama.llina,ri.zec3ttema.rtmdyg,to.onbed to r'eti:ern Church, shows very clearly show them that the highest officer must that this system of Ministerial Beneficia ry Sncieties are based upon a wrong be, in tary affairs, subservient to his wilL • But the imbecility and. wavering Principle, because it rests u the idea pen of the President heretofore relieves the that ministerial support, from beginning country from any pressing belief of don. ger. Johnsen lacks courage and mpg- to end, is a Clarity. It argues that a ity. If he should reorganize wan minister is a necessity to society; as and put at the head of it a li ef Black, who has both coinage and capae. much ao as the farmer, the mechanic, the ity, then, Indeed,. in View of the belief physician, and the lawyer. He furthei that would be engendered birthe'prolia- thinks the system Is degrading to hu- Me tarn ofthe the electio some of the a w a y. States In Fall, th n at s a Conurvative ctfon had begun—then one could eta.. `-" 4 °A d° Rene"' weekly in di , '" By predict the probable turn of events. casein the habit of minister, reading But now We are in the condition of the their sermons, expresses the view that a sportsman w',° refused to match his hPalthPal reacUon is taking place I fa blood hone for a race with the farmer's • old white boll, because no man could of 'preaching instead of readhug;---Ir tell bow fast a lop.horntd ball" would asks the question, If ministers, who read rumr their sermons, ever think how ywill the Mr. Wilson said: "A prominent Dem- look , reading theta 'through la of ocrat whosename la known everywhere pair —amen: whom the President complus, gasses, and that it will be aimed' essly but a personal friend of Stanton--called premature advertisement of PLR Mltt brs the President and earnestly advised rity. him not to remove the Secretary. Be There are in Virginia and West Vir eatd--I used his own words—that the ,President raved like a mad 'bull, and thundredßaptiet church sworegipla over ei gh that ho would remove Stanton. el, with one hundred and eighteen thou- Bus friend told him that in his judgment sand members, besides over six thousand it would lead to his- own Impeachment anti-mission Baptists. by C,ongress. "Johnson sold they might An interesting scene occurred two . Impeacm that be would turn Stanton Sabbaths agoat Salem, Ohio, in the M. out if he was tried and shot for it l The came friend said that Johnson had been B. Church, under the pastoral care of acting in &terrible passion lately all the Rer. Dr. L N. Baird, on thOoccesion of time." • • the reception of on& hundred and one probationerainto fall niemberahlp. Tide. is the that installment of the persons con verted at the wonderful work of revival, which took place under his ministration last Winter and Spring.' It Is well to note in this connection, 'that persons re. ceived on trial, when they join the H. E. Church, 'must stand a probation of six months It their.. renew:is life is consistent 'with the Word of God, - and the Discipline of the Church, and they desire It, they are formally retielved into fall membership IoY the'' pastor, after a careful examination in the presence of the whole congregation. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The Church Union claims to be "The Freest Organ of Thought in the World," and hot without impropriety either, as its clear. open pages demonstrate to its rea dera Its liberal way of dealing with some questions must shock the tender nerves of old fogies a good deal, sena of personswho abound among all-bodies of Christiana Its mechanical execution, clear, bright text, good white paper, and .taste in arranging departments, are highly Commendable. Twelve pages are tarnished, containing a weekly ser mon by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. But we meant to glue the principles which govern Its conduct—in a word, a is the organ of no sect, but will aim to repre sent every- branch of the- Church of Christ. It is Trinitarian in creed, op. poses Ritualism and Infidelity, favors a tree pulpit, advocates a free communion tableouilversal suffrage, equal nghts to every man' and woman of whatsoever natiotudity. Writers and editors of eveiy branch of the Church are engaged on the The Cincinnati Confetti:ice of the M. RI Church, at its seuionjust held at Ur- bana, adopted a strong paper, denoune. lig the course of the President in his interoretation of the Reconstruction Law, and conduct towards those who are en delivering faithfully to execute it in the manner Congress designed it should be. Reolntiona were also passed, urging the Ohio Legislature. to strike out the word "white" front the Constitution of that State.. An exhibit of the Methodist Book Concern at Cincinnati shows the aggre gate odes of the past year to have been $628,453413, being an increase of nearly ten thousand dollars over the previous year. The circulation of the periodicals of the "Concern" amount annually to 350.000 cmples. • Rev. W. C. McCune, pastor of the Orchard 'United Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, for the past tea or twelve years, preached his farewell sermon lately. He Is to take charge of an 0. B. Presbyterian Mission Church, in that city. The Boston (Catholic) Prwt thinks the 1 man is today living who will see a ms jority of the people on the A.inerlesn continent Roman Catholics. A -pronthaent Boston paper (Zion'sll Heratd),. speaking of tho frequency of hvorce out West, Chicago and other points, says as objectionable as Catholic. I Ism is, it won't recognize the right of di. f, some. "What God hath Joined together let not man put asunder," Is their simple rule of action. A peculiar request wan presented at the Fulton street Prayer Meeting, New York, for a young lady, a daughter of Protestazit parents, who la about to enter consent, that she may holed to see the error of her way, and-resist this to mom don. Who the 'request was presented, the meeting wu about to close, but her case was urged in prayer to God in the 'merits of the Redeether, t:0 be answered according to the ways and plans of his own hiSnite wisdom. The Jarogrusive Use in one, places hare organized Sandal' Schools in their Synagogues on the Lord's day. The old tine Jews use the ram's horn, keep - the man and women apart at worship, and keep things In the old style. The Pro. grello6 Jews, however,—and they are educated, young and rich,—want pews, want families to sit together at in Chris tian meetings, want an organ, and are •qtdte ready !or ,worship on Sunday. These eat ham, oysters, and 'other things forbidden in the law. They make s Unction between the sanitary and moral precepts of the law. The Christian Chios says this class of Jews are about to erect An New York. city one of the most gorgeous of sygagogries, In which to carry oat their ideas. - The Miiiiate, referring to the panegy fie at St. Augustine`a Catholic church, in Philadelphia, on Bt. Augustine, nom- I plains that while the musicwax elabin, ate, it WWI colder than a anow•ball. It stined no heart-string present, either in solo, or concerted psrt, or In the Instra mentstion. Too much sciewie sod too IlttLa feeling. Speaking of the members or Um eltelrilt says no one an make silk emir of hansom • Tha kWh, anniversary of the cele brated Felton street Prayer Netting, New Tork.Clty, Will be commemor a t e d In the Old'North Church, corner of Pub tone and WIUlm streets, on Monday, Septet:lbn; 23,1 at twelve o'clock, noon. , The Ihnstuf Table, after dlepotang the religions and secular papers genet. particnioily the leading Methodist organ;'bat turned its attention to . the backsliding Independent. The point of attack Is the boasting of that paper, of ite "yost"..circulation. The weakness of that Ishmallltish joninal. are set forth in no very flattering light. The (Ariake Intelligenter 8i late bristles all over with battle upon the question of changing the name of its' denOnunotion by drooping the "Dutch." Ably edited awl interesting as the paper I timidly Is t for soave weeke past, it has n ot bug a• interesting to readers out. Mlle of the motobera of that body as The Episcopal Diocesan Convention at Chicago argues that the cause of so many divorces "arise is, because the marriage contract is regarded it 'a merely "legal or mercenary contract." -To counteract thlievil, or rather the remedy proposed, Is, that marriage ceremonies be celebrated as much as possible is ,they Church edi fice, and that It should be regarded as a "holy union by the Church." St. Ann's Episcopal' Church congre• gation, of Brooklyn, Re,. Dr. N. R. lkhenck, Rector, hare contracted for the erection of an elegant new building. Thy estimated cost is three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Now that the Reformed Dutch Church is agitating thff question...of. striking out "Dutch" from the name; _the following hit of legislation in the Lutheran Church in ').88, will be of Interest. -The rport of the Missionary and EdneattontiMm• AIWA. of the • New Torii Lutheran Alia• 1.6 Lem; Antes that we want clergymen, partlrulerly .14tiro.Oorn clergyrnen, who can preach Lin Germain and English, and who. can .go .forth; laosinewlng not only the splrlt of the Gospel, butntio the; pf our Anterieon tnatitutinia, Mcniners,nte. It is rumored that the,Arnerlenn Cath ono blaticips and clergy; returning from the rand oosorocaUon atilomo, aro dia. eattste4 thusoatdniat's no was not Oren to as Amertaux -bishop, notwithl' stip2dlnsp . Cropi *as' ietidad‘d 0? tho , lIMEIE?iff= NET= watt there a tame when predic tions concerning the prospective peace of Europe were go little trusted, The dispatches on the same subject from the different capitals of Europe are often flatly ' contradictory. War dispatches and peace dispatches come together, as if Dame. Ramer was crowning her, long travesty by blowing hot and cold Out of the same month. After all Eurcipe has been sufficiently convulsed with the at. fair of the Southern Band,' the official Gaulle of Stuttgart denies that "it Bond was even broached" at Salzburg. Before us lies a collection of ten or twelve con tradictory utterances by reputed 'Miguel journals, on the famous lionhlichleswig I •Note` —not merely on general grounds, for there the contradictions were myriad, but as to whether any such Note ever existed. As It 'was with that already forgotten North-Schleswig question. and with so many other nine day's wonders as the balance of the year as contain.' Drugged with sensationalism es It never was before, Europe Is nervous to the last degree, and all political news is likely to be exaggerated. • TRICITT-Raba SENATORIAL Dts tenter.—We learn from private sources, that the Republicans of Allegheny coun ty hove nominated Russell Errett,candl• Hate for Senator. In please of Mon. Thom as J. Bigharn, whose term expired last seealon: Mr. Erndt was chief clerk of the Senate at a time when be displayed the highest parliamentary ability. Lur ing the war he wits • paymaster In the be and for a considerable riod be be went Into th e army an d s ter be left it, was business manager of, the Pittsburgh Gazette. Be is unquestiona bly a xentleman of decided abilitY--e firm and radius( Itepithlican, who will faithfully represent the mattes and serve the interests ot • constituency. We con gratulate our old. friend on his amok's tion.--/larriiburg Telegraph. CODS DYSPEPSIA CLDE reg ulates azd tenet the Steluck.. - - • 000 . • Dl•yef.lll.l Can Ls a &noniron netooty for Stresses of the stomata sad Wool.. Cr.'. Dyspepsia Can eves Saver sad asala Let those aalteud oith this asidady try It. CH's • Psailiepata Cart eario lastaatariessisil. sad yaw do ask lure to wait a 'resit to sae 11.11 t • • Coe , DI Meld Core!. W. hthabtot shihttlitir evtr taws; h. I, ot.Call mums Ita aghema, Lott attAbles Twit' to easily Up'l7aar rhhh. Cht , ...4l.l.Ptta . Cht• i. tv4houtattad ►7 all the It stllnh C ihnolttl• Cato Is aa tavalute• to all who an wtak, ett In I. auto et aormal actloa .argot. pat. ler rittabizgh sad 'faults actszru mixture, nrvsd•t, Xs. 14 Illtarkst eareet LIDOPITTO DEPUTATION. If On anzlr• carrnpondotes non eon% .OM_.Cs. Aniarle•sdi du Weed !Mind nne.... tll . IGatia. neatetteri Sid k. doily dm hod nen Wank d at hank. It re~alnitNM If b• goad dew oat 1f a...0ra1.... a 11... Wan of nnrolntory nada nwny oa r. Jr. J. 'ma I.lla'n •r 1 nos is ern7 nate.. of anh.,...4 elaaalltli flow Intind.- ale of Annan n. 7 tuna. od naantianan. of of to nano tansr, inland no. Cllaatar. inrltanr .ndorn unman, le., un 100 stAn7, rani,. or andlfdatlon tlnt Its teeth* left... 11.11 In Mon r.gloaa lay. tn. 1.1 unwra..4./1 br - • • • HotiTETlnall 11:1•11.11. ocraddenn naalrnlad by 11.• Pang. If Men ORM/ las atilt b•Yalftraille4 310. Yin than an an lin any' lain'.4 dui canna ...nnarlan nuarcrritre ErroxA6a Arnim, :le fortis. eiders far t►. &Mao Una Inupo. Atiet - all.s. New Sionand: Qtr.. 'atoms. Rut /AUT., Cope of blood lip" !moll hands, , a• ban bun bosoler blot on no *Mu no rb.d. •A sa .[idol to boolibla. o unatuble also lartinnnt, Mu ail Iona" ions nit mutable .nucf. . GUILE OF EMMA. . Da. Irfleat I write Le that ye. for ya.r sad mantle resa wawa Of al dit• lea., for which i called to await yea nag Wee to /alai tea. Soo will appanage that I bad • eompncaalaef dawn WHO fatty eaded la a torrtaLalsals, which had beta Marta to Mot M 0... OS iMoGeIII2I 0 a .hifeatiaa iota vat. It wee feared Wahl est. ea ay tags: haw - utat Lis Pasta' wo do of Unita die. our mai mu Iry• tattled eponymy, whlca, it tuatara as all, would itatually Maw the dtaaa epos to Wage err lime other vita orgea, ea avocet of the eaddeaseeeaf to are .4 the Lersedase each ea • d Waage • htah I was anunrased to batten era art.. 41+7 P.11b1012 aft Mare ee get ad at INIBIllson: tad soodittos la ate areal. I fall pertally setteded that your salad of treatment, pat. as cam, and bat ,apptlealleas bi the analoss am tout awe, if aeyllhat could, 'mast antra, watch I led 11 did, cad I an happy to roan alai( wen a aft) tartieelar. with so.4er sad Data health tea I have bad torn yews. would aloe .e 4 Ma toapplies tie. you Wats wow almost pastas. all hem Ills ma • ear ma. wall 01l La NMI. all 'tar of restare4 hadta. . Tam graeratly. • v.—.. deasettatios aria are 70. Pratt strait. lane • 41. [. seal p. va. • NEW AD VERTISEIIDINTIL WM .JELAJI, Jr., allkma Jim,. co JVA BI2r( Strut, Op am alithorbed _Am/ le mart Adwransagi for Ow (AMITARand at/ Other •- • .ifimmehtwl Ms mom earn 0111 Y, rossa &HESE, - No. OUTFITS BT. HATE TH E PLEASURE -TO la P• 7 11.,* 0.11,f1d therGoz,:turk Fall Woolen% Weal of England, scotch and Freud, Coatings and CassWarta, Pluth tad Velvet VettLogs, I . II : g .Z I FFV.": 4 :74.I k itrigAZIZ: good., blotto' hetetmett fil• o i tall tetra., aro 05001.4 Le otter inienor tedaseeteate it. Si. •ho me, theca ne wat Weir hettellefet ItOlat "41°444V:IlretWea'etrieTtre'el•7 1 tber. l , •PP thee hetet •Itteedel as WI., the pee, lee wilt • ttttttt to emelt ehelftlehelseee txtriz. r .p. tftf.l...if Imlay .I...estica• egelsemente. Si LT, PulisiEL =Si, 3f zyc6ttlT TATIAtte, at Fifth Wert. jj TIIIIVITIO GLOVES I LITIED=I • Ltd's. , Drub /Yen ilssallOs Oasts , ElsolL_Cslf sea asnin elms. lowan' sad a aknts, ts wal %bl%. assuo Lnie soa B aler AL rana.ra Wd Stine! rilpalag Bums,' 7:i Ye. 114111 Cr= I ADIOS , ' GENII& /tatesce AND J-1 utts 5. u.DX,MAIIITS AND D.SAWSMS, 10 vaat vsultti, tooting aton 'Ma rri UT. HAND.B.INI I 1711111INILNITt liebbh ebe 'Seer beld•tall w«iJlelf can algal, be found se • • it ruzzutillol4 ow,* St4,ell/18 /*it" Mal* 116 I ,IIIIIIT/1141T.,• , FOR "Iran'. Viarehotiso 1t0.114 Whit at., who've rum tom :411 31 41'• nu."4l!3* "H"Tfu.r. Ithri PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE i SATuRDA - - arTRINITI cIOUBCEI, Stith 9 TILEZT.-01TANGIL Or BOUM TOIL THE CHOU.L fflubriOZ.—Dortag the fonomer tbe Bonds, afternoon TRIM StWrier. commence at 7 Welton D. 70. fgr . RELIGNIIIS.—THE • FIRST . ~HHElif[•h CEIyRSII3. Alloshoty. tor ti-OMFTUNlilanibiES nd Lon Lti :TV TIV:N '131 T 4 T41 - C7aa h t 111 n 4.4 to ILL tarrvErtssiutsT cnunce, CORNER or GRANT ASDEHIRD NT& _Rar tharZEN. Poesodog T 19CNDAE At ood r. torday fkbool at 9 o. too poopl• art la oluolto woo ood bur. • lOrt9ez for to-roorroor el 7ounostlon et thrivoroolion • grpREACRING EVERY SAB- I. xoPiT g irrYitrtr k t t 00, arm Alaril4 Arse.. 11 .mvarotmood. Al•Of:n; Clry, Mt, CITDEIL, 14. 0r ._ 'tied. &M. from. dabbmh N i &Moot 4r-eloe-k a. m. !Ltd 131, V. m. - evogrFIRST BANTI W ier aEttincErValuta. UM NE Ca A.PLL. Er .,,, ~b oy. Gram,. tt.1010„ , M the raeter. tire, .J11:3 DlCa.sano2l. =pig .= r. N. Strasgers an, rer FIRHT, CONGRE4ATION ager:l° , llTa r y i t s • •11,1 1 ,1*.giti ;.°741; 1 1.. Okay. tutor. Stevie. pan DOT , moron[ and wAlpf i . Sebath IC'edneedriP :Gnaw and e rtaias c i. \lw 14wWled 'nth any W... 10/.. ..... - na are GrEtELIGIOIIFI NOTICE.—The • R..v. J. N. W. STIP, [Kee er,llo of In dlounaDolls. 1. &Ana, • W.I. ter in con•eetton ente the c tieseral yon 4 of reap/val.! En• therm. Duren, *lll mann In the elymoutle Rantr.e.nellqfknLOnneeb, Hand W.f. on DUN hlenda ITZ,lbTl.o7l4l.llttirtVgaot "" IarOBAND VOCAL CONCERT '• TO HZ - GIVEN AT THE FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURLS Conger Third lute Grant stmu. Thursday Evening, dept. 12th Tor tee Woolf of the anode, School. by • ogOett Geolti uder difectleo of rzot w..a. Lawton. TICIXTB. rlnr OLNTIS. igrcowtt NORMAL INSTITUTE • nil Mixt Tam will opizi o. ts First Monday of September. to enter rtember and adleuced ENTER THB LABT.THB/ OP 617011E1T • ILEDIICTI9II of the prlee el nee tstratb's tuition will o f sabde , la tinniAl n .inl o' WiIEIREASI, Letters of Admin. thm. .m at MUaYa Matt. Vritt4re!r.l i.dedStr.e",ll"lrel2lNT3N; elan aialset .141 Cleate Sc. rellaerued Pr** Seal Mem fur antlemeatle lb. liaderstS¢ol. at Lite lase realdesot of sold decedent. In eald lowa/ ado, led all cereals Scowl./ tbetaeriese to be tadel tau m end please call sac *et le the was almost deleT. JsrlSb . 7:fle? Lespeistrator WHITE, ORB es 00., Fr sus 3rF7m.wit aspitsogiw HAIM Jl:fir- onus", A. WIGS 4111111ownir wr or Ngint DitE.S.GOODS, Which they Offer at Low ?rice& AT EA TON'S, 11= Hamburg Edg4tsgs. Frest L A,Commbrie Bands. took ♦T HALF PRICE! Lase . . R 00.% Of Ins 2•4•4118 a. blur, I •8):81 . • P stealWort,' vros' 144 t• Works. new. rUut Ras ' • bs 1 •44.8884:3484 SuayteU. laLculu• 7.84 . • Irotta. (lupe. LI.) 11•• gel ArAitteciatv. all Lulu, Itttuniatt else* Mee. 1141818 Mateo bialle•••terf. • tramenal,lll4ol.lo oad 14 11. ntelleaarf. • lithos . * 1.8 ILO •••• Latta laitue. Triatat r • Prattle& Sinop u 4 2222•2244.22. .5..84 ue gut* of{free =ls4 Re t g Rah Li, Coutte • Sz)111.1: It • 4 488. 1.4 8 .• et lialiotUa !Won. Duly . • Pau), ilu•at at Gu1447. • Tt•elmat 1rm22222. I vols. • L 8 L4l•Ust. u4s. - r/111•14t of U. Ws•Lt. 2 vols. .• 5,000 TOLIINES TO ESL Eer ROL as.lll/ U 11:•• teaool 1-1 4:4 — L'Ut; asku.el Library . Iltatlecm. Of all Mad; vUlas.l4 4.4 Man. "To, " ar, Is..ersat 'witty, at ratitthers• Pit.... /het o.alrmi of MT the Magsa.l.e.s. lor.+l*. Watts. CNN., .al.l owl •tanalee Os steel. meson, tau vomuyel Xasuly as 4 rspess, as hiltillebore ALL TAX LATIC Nagall,es aid Illustrated Papers CY.1..f.1 boa St UM BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT, Asa annoisam. JOHN D. EGA N. SCHOOL 11001J11 SCHOOL - BOOK, I assortment of Mt OS STAND/ED BCIIOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS; trwl i.n.lebarto sad Colleres *l' Pittsburgh aaa rMaui. ler eele. Wholesale and MGM, by db ciansw.dh.are. I= ESTAMLIBEIED soma mrntaim Wu% Hot and Cold Wafer, &c,l esperkieall sad prectSaal workmas. JOHN H. TAtE 14 1 111016111 P and Om Sifter, 221 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; and 69 Federal Btreet, Allegkeny. FOR S.I.C. HORfEWAND MULE 9. Wp box. for sCo two paler of Non... relltoblo fO i rmill, writ flit coo or, f0L.....64 wort. pon• o tWgitLlZ ' 7l:litroli to •V ' r? " .ly nolo, tot! will P. jolt% St reroabio'irtl.t. 1112it1k72:„ .1":4 • • Wes It ik WINO • V ... t r OIiSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE lIEBEIIIt “.. ,11 :' ,111 4. 1 . 1 iTYL:21d a i L L ItItita r :ot Loall =log fr l oto h mo 07% Irto What!t( 1I p• Ittoi.,at t ti 1.4 7 . :tr. le. trzw,d.:14:4.1.." " r• VV. • raft WASHINGTON MILLS, Irniitgl4l, PIK sett rdlittgi'irsia Ila Is, w. w. eartrEnsow.. Atii! ' Jr rap Una (yr e.rot lora or. eIEPTCIII. - Also.aeparna TiV: 74 Pri t ri, jar T. . %TIM nib and Market ./rat.. "F...„ 41 " r0 ; 11. ..! azOILLNIOAI;IILNY gNUIDZLIIIo . riAs.iiimuk.s Fun? lAA SIKKIM* Thulrx puntain BSI a, L:414744VriM7,4 t z-- -usithimi 3 MONTHS, FOR 0 • I - Look at What We OWO. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST Three. Months for Nothing . If/ xam mulscoMmv to the •marleam •gr btaltarlat for laMosorisol in Beefeater. )M7, ." Mt monoV, shall receive that paver for October. November am 4 baeember. i d 1886PREZ. -. . . the Aorfenlturtat It a lorzs lair feel of 311 k , 40 Imaaa. well pototem'oad Ella arltb ylot, t , Somotkoi. re/Coble oricofrusf matt . tOOltallog headreds of Ommt(fs./ Mot fostrodttv La. stn It contains oath Month'ataleadatot Open. bens to ba performed ea the Farm. la the Orchard and aad artisan the Dwelling. .to. '1 Clseialatlen,Terine—The Citadel!** Of Jae Arnerfcan.goricuiturtaltabont .1.14.00:4 Is to large that It can be feralsbed at the loM prince •1.50 a tsar; tour anon.. for 81; ten eopi tom Ct.; twenty or more. 51 end , : . 1 .110 Mt • s. ton It tent. nen. THE BEST FAMILY PAPER. , THE BEST CHILDREN'S PAPER. THE BEST HORTICULTURAL PAPER. THE BEST AGRICULTURAL - PAPER Make ❑I remittal..! either by *a New York City. paynOlt to Nt an:sr of Crony: Judd & by I've, /fon ey,rdere, or in itroistOld Letter,. ORANGE JUDD & CO At Park Row, Neu! York. "1:f1.1 TO TEAL ERS. THE ANALYTICALSCHOOL RELDENS. be !Henna° ED Anne, ?te oldest of the liPooto num e primal untrue. It ;k • or:llletod ' .E ' re " itt 1 I V tift ' 4ll %%Tr T11 ' , 1 ,111 Purr, IPA., ere TrerW ItiteD or tee use DE A NA L.. striet timbre rem i ANALYTIC:eI FSILST tIZA-UE , m imam 16 AN m Lr PccA. 2c6 CONI lllll EN, 160 peps, lame. ?rice, 50e. ANALYTICAL TNIZII HEADER, ni4 pages, PM*. Prim ANALYTICAL Ttsll4lll ITLADTI I , fa P.n.., 15itio. Trice, MIL ANALY Tl Pr t i iAL HEADER,HEADER,pined, Irma. ce. ANALYTICAL sIXI , HEADER, C 4 MP, mmo. ?nee. Mora ANALYTICAL ericLialt, 101 parer, Irmo. ?Creep°. PRIN•111 ItICANNU 1 , 16811064, Charts. Der tamed rat eeromoithe the A hetet Icel Reed els. Noumea fip h. al binders. board. Ma T t lnfEMl Nreltt/t l ;DlEß.eleaselly priated calor.° emole. , 17 . 1 ,, 1 c a. A eon. tremor , True. 6 1 . 50 . These a icirre are hrilere4 to prestat Import Isle Improremeott, sad o leader Ohio ally Previous wat DE the Clete. repreislir they ere finurtlcat b 00... the us e at entopled •an tetratsfui ex ...Pero la use seteeirroom. they Sr. meenfartere° la the meet ettrutlve eon rpm manure. To llttlitato p5i50.1011,551, the rabilatiort 3111 soca. Post. .!. CS, teacher • slaile repro( ell or ac ef the Itraaten &mote mot nicl . plivi the bwuhee .CmiiieT, silth specimen peg., °cairing m g It. Ii w Slot grlktnltatiAlty to 050 MA170211 'morn Y° 4 ' Donau seT:act•al A CARD TO THE PUBLIC.— .. The ankle of Valleler a Wilton Is out def iles al eleelte feta.. sekalal. are fethmthe feats, In. "60%1 n heeler A Wilma t antra : Mr. Tama. berries 11, 1t1”. Inattna.tmi• Ifach•ne.•• The Irrenetk had. ..1.• "moats* a ea.4l. a Cairn Lea Loa t•nalems.`• Literal trans- Vg`g.°,l.l.l - se the mewing' Maentae. trentim ••Promoteur a• MmAlro• a comers,' Tranalmlons finheater 00/1 .*:t of of Meade' Maehnam.. ••,r, motto eeeee mesas Inetatnr In Te•cb • Ta• gala amlrl• contr.; tee f01i0.... fem. b tat. br omtemrs. e: twee* Um lro L vt:l.,7Z fif " r:J!,1:7,74 ° 7. Coma., was three I. ta. perms or.c. Howe. 'h il: t4 t ll 7l..ll•T•ri;erlal wm • 0 01.1.4 Mr. lbw. immortally, as I vvvv tier. •l Mr. liemil.lll am coon.. as Infen.r. tied a. laanume-ormr . ral;:ft k , " '. ' n % . s rra to i::n.q44l4Zeot ••1. Howe. .le.. hoods • not Of pett:oart• to inn comattlatorera •• As. MIAMI la 11 - , at 111 got te:a fataqhmol. ath ••Tt la heeler.% Vallron CotoPaa? wOMI Ix a mOd modal on thee newloa Mmeme for eacelle•ce.•• Ac. Thane Is ao ttawar.t. Tem, do cloOnt It .Vast trr.lo the sae button, 111Ith. Tete reputation at that tarchlar rmoml orl•ty ea the •-rtmtnehola •• I% INC al 1.0.4 a. 11 mated Come on ma • . tht.s:lB, hook." The Who-err Wilma ?e.t.a msel.lar.steml. Ilks th e Howe bold 11111.36 , . red efecel mum's,' of calve iltstelm. et to eoom.rt I • rare tm tug. must no ea to. lam opg• it really m. caonot ...- nem vim me Ito•• Mtn., la the /..111y.s. "tem sad the nor Itc mmomthe 1005...,. TamMe •• • ro, far bete eaterml., notlee of oar (1014 41.4.11 .11ar%., name inmlxecete. E. It. DI'GEEGOIR, SE X PLE PLACE. SATITODAN No, 4 Clalr Street. L .1• begt Msp aUrsi 141 3 1(1RIIIIJI E. of ltr". 1:11 , .. t.syr.l,la, •ttort utat.nCt btu 1.t..r0ce.,•• Wlll be Offered tot lale Ito hrratr Opot Is gm. olb-oll•Met 1•to roar tor arm tot . . ...hope this a Lt., to Upton.. loltl t reg./ter trot, wilt a,. realal to rovsmu-nd to pont...Ml "Orr W.. Leg so O gouts. sal... kg.* tame 'woo Lott, bat IV/ woo. to lr tot soy .to lot ot•ot Sad err roe a reloarlo to get voli Out, ert -1 goo, oot oceer or a!n ler rear.. x" toot or ottv c..111.1t0 go may a }ll,f oltrolor Croat,. ryl robort.o, sag rot is •lt t.acuil of O N , it ~*.tat fa•r assn. in. ....sande , ' 1.7 1.11 lago., Into bog taco*, or, to bouttrp t! odor,. in ti. llt I.lpore o son .y IV .4 it trot Anna *root.. till astoit of M. homey. Ttlo part et tea orop,rl7 Int •••4, sad .3. as noel ',mod GA tito pat. thboot ottoota to Orr. a • ea, torog the Or. in trio lolrft , orliterg sa to log oris.ll• Vs. otdoll rpowit Sad nrstr•O o ow. for roirroolo go. awl • tout Word, so., 11 1- ro t cosset toy ono Io•olr WS, io_ . 1= to.root: VTICA:rI:2I.I.ItI tto : 1 .1 " J goto,tertor,:e. MTV ur ALI-LIU Tailtglltgo l llogrlCAt o sot. r. OW. 'PDELINQUENT TAIPAE sis IS . 111111 1:31 . 1f Vr ALLI/0131117. • Nan. is ...ay . Alyea to all penes, at. bats sat paid Utelt tsow, mt., loot.. af a...... Welt, It 1114 My et •flegbeloy o Mgt laaf an nptlr•e to Pay It. sane attar %eonn lt. y I tar U.S Of Cle - ttfBES. fi1f.1.7. tot It lea wee Is asrt sada scsfa baron sita .24 If. /ay of Mi. U. FICA RA OltfT. WILL DI /LIMED T11ZA11 . 0.444 tats satin. L W... , aa4 teat If U. Sawa as of raid ea to as fa. Um Sends, or IwamMr%oar, f 11.wlal . warns. Slit - Dol,I dirtied ,I 0 properly optallgod tol 4 olll, Mot. 114.41•4 •171 a at fats is 1.77 for 101 l its., *1.1.1 all Kai el.gas astasall Wisissa. .7 IOW& as 4 OI ths w.f.:wit lowa*. WI la wake sa:a itsfeaL aUrr Wasslifestat, as la "e. dsr diet.. fat flat. • D. ltaCtlf3.lol4. .11101 • fYty Ileanwsr. RIDDLE IMPORT/LW l• 1 . 4 all m•a km • SOOD ffP OF . 111. OH COFFEE, A•d N••t.wlo asiAk utek-erata4 ast:elaa. The American Tea Co., NO. X R. CLAN SITZTT. - nave • fall Ha. et Ilan CU. Tess lout C •ITI4 71 bieh .1.• essO ;amass - Ms to the thossloads of rusilles oko soy to Mesa daily: MI MUM Lq Lltil 111P,SIZ V 10415TXD COUR', 3 lbe. for et. larstiat 1: tSt s sa so:m • . 1 . 1 . 4 . 11 1 rare.' '.null BAILEY, I 7 IBHtLL k CO., CT DUD PIPE &SHEET LEAD Alto, Aliolrttle 'Pastor. lo Pla•bers' Iron a. Enameled Goods, CorrtA nutLINN RATA TUBA, suowKel, .• MUDS ARIL IRON LINT AND IOW:7. rum*: JILACK ANN tiALYANIZ IrtuN JWILMUI i PLUNBEIViVEIAN AND,NTKANI Triplaa• tooLN, Damx .rirx, £l.. a.. 110. 167 86'111061d _Street. mrsetnazt, VA. = HAZARD POWDER LAM NOW POEPAIIIED . TO i nt l ll%l , 7r:en sotloo, !Al orders tut: at HAZARD% CELEBRATED POWDER. • ♦ll orders 101 l at or mold 67 1.111 to sT Moil. Nos. 1711 mad' 174 TiLlEli&L 11147.17 T, Alto. 1b../ Cliy. v.., or to cos 1317COND1774ZICA Flttoborgh, To., *lll roco:ro prompt attentloo. ARTHUR 'KIRK. FOR REIIIT. • FOUR: ROOMS, Ur the whet, of the Mira .they Over the Vosttra gloving. Baal, Co Potato strceL. Unitas are . " 17 .att.a.p, *id Os noted tooo th er or oeks..raltly, _ as • 'al ROE. nurriamno TO LET.- That Iwo rano!, forma, • • *AI !Maly LT" • yir g i ft tu n , w 1gt 4 . 1 41 /*sails:tor a irerll. 013 VW, Stlitlad• Ilt01140•",:::.w.y7.--. MeOLINTOOK# aallltdff Vino 0 -± CHOICE ELMILT VIACH• IfWr tram ltenlee47 Wplto pner4 foew mao.) ror art! ~t loner} uir~t ntra rt rasacws TEA IrJUivr, a!All.111::tig!""a41; Goon r i ve: CHEAP BREAD IN PEAR TIME:. . Mums* tor . WaltD.Js MUD. Tie larpst and but. T. lolUsim "U. W."oa drery loaf. 'Warm... Katie ph2110171. A FINE STORE noon.. FOR IN? It utirsete3, ror h lll7= lA: 4 - or 4" % A .. 1.1.00 oaple .r, n" %." 01.4 w susiglow.ioos , 01, '" .01 4111 . 411111 - ' SEPTEMBER, '7, 1867 !: 111 :4 : 4C: - " ADvEwriszro:ENTEL NEW PRINTS, GINGHAMS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, Table Linens,. REd Flannels, Yellow Flannels, `White Flannels, Barred Country Flannels, Country Blankets, Kentucky hans,Caasimeres, Bleached Muolins, Unbleached Muslims, • Wool Delaines, French Merinos Black Aipacce. Luotres, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Shirt Fronts, Irish Linens, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, AT PRIM As VOW A 3 ANY Wltolentle Buyers are in vited to call and ,examine our MIME ERWIN, II'CONNELL & CO., No. 178 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, 4 , 0 4 7 .47,/ Nci. 37 ITEM STREET, PITTAISTINGII. PA. VIZ II tAlpA:2plllyLL,tUZe;AA6Oyaa Ikflf7 . ll /ITSTEII of /Oman 1.11. Bank. Roll rola • nd Steam. account. perfected ey twenty •rven iT t a naretalttlna appllcarlon of the.otc ;17 r,i',1a::411;74: sit+ r purr both . know • won( the tombt i*tr.l=ll;n:Xnr,Tn'lnt.:::•=Vottlei'i the t h :isi . :AOTlTllN4 k rtFu ' ;ollt gernet " l4 by Hr. r a: 11?;tl knot air nmilaes. men It Le town] tnot so eonroe ot itihitallon .1a la this MI, coo lissos.parsd with that Of this in- Slitnilon. EM=3 . Pars for oar toll flra Coarse. with 95,110 for tart unot, blanks nen afatiunery. flora Total. ban ever to•ea mad.. tar Ilnalnear ma.f.alp, Hart or Salfrosal Accounts. In a le ' gntili= l :r4:;;T:elf r ll%rrotn t"..ak. NAM them to cunt: 4114 We no 'repo.% uttln.fer .the are of oar Hank Books. UR NEW QUARTS .CIRCULAR IS MAILED FREE. fl rba aaststanc. of alpine. ceo accountants ti always ...Uinta at our oat. In adjusting 4 attaltlnii botinsas P. DUFF & SON, Prieclpabo 1111t:147:0•CS:40:dl'i ftrr''BUEGg. Address O. B. Woodworth tk, Sous, Rochester Chemical Works, !tot flu , 112 t 115 Wet Weft, ROCHENTER, N. T. .N. T. NYTINT. • 299 ihr0.1•••11. • . tvir:ls: 15. 'i Li: ;17,1 47 Mg 2 2 : 1 4 OW C: B • r.. rEam Eiiii * ervn 44”.410,42.4 .01 • loom sql, - L'artrz V flirt 4 (IE4 X01:11.17•Ittlr, IV:Mt:Malt :41., 41,1 .16 , 1...1.m.• too 1 pia y.,4.,,, ..... 1.4 ..11 •4 ...tar.. ...,t 0, Q.., ~,,... ". i, PRIXIIII2 a Faialaipoa . a A TE! TEAS! Of all Prices und Quality, at 11.. la. ' . [O 1LT.1.5 T2d• [ 'rte. Soursper reared. Tatra good •• ...... 1.40 Vddl• ••• flood .• BLACK: ii...71 . -i [ cold=. 11..1 1.41011 S 1.9 Der Wand. Txri—rowel4e g , totztedyar cougars. as. flu . Poe. sad r uftat..... . !14 C 4 do Lb /APO: Tietty7 .'-".--- " [. Protaldie4 Jap..., vary Pberal. Td... Hr., tett 1.40 [ [ 11111[1r Tidd. I X' lt 't 74". XI T.t V rel " 3 .1 ro: ;ram td• •bera •rit eat radr Ito .st Jun Wttal Lb Mod of 14a tirty e5...4.d bar* them po vap In 1 1•14...ratity. u‘d Aymara. by v. of lb. g.t. PANS temp.... Wan toe esrry goods., try 7 Ide rate* and by dolts wows teeray rents pry pen.. Is lb. Pettier • port tad eraa ankle eblre uattly WI. tear tar.% A. BIER , its Totlere In.,loritonly. P" OW, OILIGGILIL TEA „STORNI FRESH ARRIVAL OF Yonne Gyabn. Old Dyson. Gunpowder, Ens. Breakfast Congos, douChond, Oolong. Old CountrY Black, And Japaus T Ei .& la, £L. OF XUZ Ilirf QUALITY. No: 20' . Fifth. Street ITEM CIUTION T TIIB PUBLIC! yi FEW AV./ tZ " d ' 113"1:1;f b hern ws In ra'nflt ltl n( te rtln ee ' to totMt mtmr. lot fur them. r pttTo teeam M an Agee of arm too At we tote a AA!. end the kInA VICIOUS AND UN. I I.l.oUtt be a Clad la an :: :e n C g 174 9.17,1"11".f.17.?i'it tali qua If ty, and It I,lnt t•• r akar bare to make aka prtrit.• irgzeutto,,gm,,PL.Ll3, Our us of mlte Lau er . te [laser of tee cu lat de each of tt beat emend. we are •Il mew the quality of Vic:mowed. , OH SHORT WEIGHTS! lets who are Allies the sane, t o weight.. le tome met aloe* Pet twirl. meting to r MI tba container. OUT thus. a • LOOK dome 'of tbe dc r.;.;,..vg1f;,r„.„ , 4 dollar per barrei ! A REW win b., rata tort grttirgl:32 . ll R. T. ode $60,00 - formation Omit will Nati to let,. of all paimn 114140.11. (KENNEDY & BRO., 1122:3 Ml=! NOTI 17 CE.--! tal :Ado rookorlow blot tr lattb Moot. no. bow nllll4 theli • JEWELRY, etc., AT COST I BE UNDERSIGN. uttally leuns their Weil da ! Fligg %ta'sritY""" to la earner of Wood, ' ; ' LltirTara nuaeme stock of • • Cons Ulla, or Wat,kes, Silva W.oe. Pron.e.4 MwQ ILble Voting. uto t tgary, palll are.o.. mite •61.11:11. Of 11000 m01n1rd144, " AnIITNIT 0 . 1%1 1 11k n e o ". lE l "to ye•ora . Our Unre with 64 Int tIN 1,1•11 riuct eveiyt2 L lug oertalolug to a tint-011W deretry .O ... Very - •• • REINEMAN. MEYRAN 8 SEIDLE. Not MO 47TH OTHEST. No:* to Dank Mock =EI COIMPRIEBBED - BUNGS. APMSTIZONG, BRO. & CO., ilikautaatareil WholoissJe• MACHINE CUT CORKS,' Plugs, Taps, Irish Mow Vial; igOettf. 111114111.1115; &ips. & 115 Thr sierfitatiersa. TEE ' 041,11:101 STATE IGRICELTERAL SOCIET'' Ell GOLD ITS 11111111101 Af PITTSBURGH Tuesday, September 21tb, Wednesday, September 25th," Tbursday, September 26th, Friday, September 27th, 1867. _An office' la open' at No: alone. (MATE O,Oll Cf. rirrnitUlitill. Cat of Pre. white. tan be obtalDtO upon application' intre. The Catty IloOki • moot 'aloof 'On NOitinar Et t aitialfi. Si pirate., 114 i imi-rs to obeflal Colts, tot e determined by toe 001121,616.0. Fir r,"7ol7oro7=rihTyfil::::""°°`"" • • AO petite:ye. of stock must he haattel Into th of , •• of tla.vecrctary, 1)11 BILFORE nix T The glvies of this helmet will be revolted on MONDAY, hen, ttth. Toe Conn° or Instrue. floe torte es the En elish II rtochps.. leateemo. tes. Latta eatTorattleg- wpl glee Ins troettox op the Plano; Prof. • tae roach, and Pro, m u., ot ..a breenag. Parrots tieetrteg teen., oetr (meat tee. theold mote earl, cl , phlestioo. St there ere herrtt , • bat fur 'aunti • -.v.- 4,1_ , A . 1.1142 , 55i15,_ e. All pergolas. .erbo ealre ll .;'l 7 i7tzallZEUNr, ram." 'S ZIRLDLIVE4 24 /UTE( Mart Wlll2e-open o 4 lIONDAY Sept. 244. LIM.: ( pg i s r , rgz , l, t :ltlicigral , euce /14112- an43...1* • 2. 11.. 111V1411.1MT, . . TO SCHOOL DIBECTOBS, •41. KALE TSAf)EDIE.• of exptrleoce Asti drat elisf qoa]lOcatbos, - desires a altnarlort.- teferebeef satufactory. Please 'state •slsry .dlgook of term. •ddreas =a•.c:aß7l• L. 5 " An " b.uP P. 0.. P. TANTIINGTON ALND JEFFER. EMI LULLEGE. SEIM Trim Or MS WEIMEZDAY,SEPT.IB. Apr, to the rateIDENT. Caeoe.yerg. or So telp ViCIC VSZeIDENT, Westlegton, L rs, AUCTIO - N B&LE3. ADJOIJIINED SALE DESIRABLE LOT, AND HANDSOME RESIDENDE, En the Fifth Ward, Allegheny; AT AUCTION, Oa Iwo:coax.- Aerttemlier 91L14 at 3 iveNxr r. riii•weir: 'tn. rismiles, ml . 1.1,11014. the lath LoT "r ortarljnD front tee 48 fr.% ea • iinlalloon strwat non arsemah ut 21144:truIr.k....`Tel2rs%tioira'r 10041* n ori e 7k a g. l h ar t : r to a .. onc i r th n.a ii t a r i l o t d tmortorrod WM. 45. Innion rool;ll7drnorinyar4.rql-o.ontOordlons • rrlalng earveroo trl.a.eia Drnootle owl or Ilk moot bonnUral homer ellber OM very etiallo. 01-at to toolorro morthip !on• alontea alt Irsortbn . Arree, arK only one .atom TL e .14,1111 % . 1:21,76..•.t : n. =l , ll4cmon.-- ► tt i alc4 , lo ant .14 troll •10224. . f• 711 17,2 aPt I VZ" -n. !ad /Mtn Wolf. ! Iy EII.I 4tABLEEtOI"/LIITIt (0111.1.3 Tll6s:lilt. 1,11,10,i11et Oa ftr.s. SU, at o'clock b. In.. ffiNßeUrn VA.I4,VP igVoTgew ' att; t iln. D l: " .l .'" h " coatabilux Zara:ma, talln porch, bauktull must., w•tet wort.. Volt, a t opting IY ~ trilultrutial t=T;ill . l l aul t attltn 2Z1.3 e'V,Vgrittlt'!;a!:.nettpa':rnall.: annual Pnannem.....tannia be Wan , and.ralu-t. "ItiuT"clIt"::.11! V.:Penr. NA. talettneatUla• ° tem atlas et L, W . a. d. altro.n. 9t CO,. pO/SONODB AND FILTRY I Alalterations ar• wed Li ?II 1111110111111 el • BLACK LEAD, WORXI' criumEsza. TLBRA ALBA, -TDIABBIO, • Are Axiom* Ut, Adoltturatlasks Vsed. THE PURE SPICE MILS, Mautacturs zeal bnl pettectl7 CU= ISPICI2B. • sa‘oo,oo REWARD For goy adolterstlon t"+a4 La ear avi",,- Ooa Daekalla or rare rolcot *III go as fa, Y MVO packairea of adolieroU4 20,00• .ognY mold. ' MIME 6114.111ELNE .IThrLESIte 1119.1111 ED ••. • • • . , AROUCKLES & CO., • . ifideals Inxtri ilPari Spica lila • • 222 and 224 Liberty - direst, .. PrITSDUTION, FS. Rlreol 73° .pu r 'i!7;9°°7.l!_,VriTlTVZ2 1v... to. o• *tun -C O.oml aad zinnlnal littilrell7 Chlgte ta the market. 1711 SHEPHARD'S aimekuts 317 Liberty Street, - PITTSRUBOH. PA. II .1101E1.1.7*,.., COMM= PIANO AND OROAR, the potare that atter tea fare moot r 4- zu=a ,, :al:tgAzi:igat a k4 ~21it* Indira flare agi at iargely treerefelaS di,. of private matte. it• lahl, therefore be tO aceommodato with lbw. ALL whore/ guar hew, bad not dlearpOlat Wield WA' ;;Azzirdt.l,-,%",t1z:%,%41wiut t tra m ut welve etor . . d tpt lair eat sad mom um/pieta me. Cot,OWOdiKrit reeetDSUTlet down below third street lareer. "Malin NAi , 7g ON, 2 IA emus Mob Lobster. la sad 21b. esti; free! Asparas us, lb 2 lb. cut; 11, 11.1 Con, Lt.. Be.ta, C_ondeeeeltilll/. blfslberelee, When.. tardlilt4 t1 , 11 . t ••c.. ale at A' • I 7 EARCE`III TEA WART.. ' • 1511 tsmotiV. Term. 43 . 1 1 1 .Vellreria fres. ` y ' ::u HEDDING PLANTS. , • • 41 Tin' ban sunk at Roses, Giiranlcuas, Verbenas r 442 ,ionar wir/s,L,ll l clT4mMit t _' for iiiiktuorm • t.f.t9r. 1111 WAR Wa-YIT.D —To Buy or Bout ♦ 110175 L of lout or Ire romm, maln from four to Mt sena of land. on or nor a rallronle and tot more than Morn miles out Addrw. +UMW Price and term, ...No , SOX 451. 'arra Plttalmath P. O. WANTED—A CILEFULiu an cm ,. lettere easnoCaetarlee eateellsemeat to eln. On wee Is willne inn Wessell fame T rV: L ng= °"; VAT .'" writes good run nee enc. nenjtalnice, 54 Cs, enn well reennoaded. • toed salary la eared. a larm, A Mile orA,Terxim .I,7;ns • rlttebaulk r.O. TAILOR WANTED.--Waat...• a 31 ,. 1'27 ika tor the Taw, oh o Mx Were. Sem 1 """"a kneeled gc" htel hies 4.11111. Vtgl " T."'n" ftl"." rtni. / 1 •4 or lareltr”k . 4a itb .- eal 4 7 ,,yarr Dm Car Statarr. Z.h.lrat WANTED, .A. 4I :26MIDTTOL Everr.htre, both tont sad traveling. auto aa4 ufemad no etrital le. btosdl nooloono. ID. I o tear nowt, ant ain ndho ho 44a1t0010. 2 ....11 8a .• 24,42 Cl 2 • 24W,M201 its:es B. 4133. Noir TintCP.O. I,fll/ N T ti—tAteittil; Rl toeaslT,ll(9oT.T•gr, P,,r:,bila P ". El 7: H T " 9•4.11= tTra"'iF4c_ netila rase or Carbine.. alto tar I.lota or lartatnotoo.. 4, a or I ttootart.) Yalr rodoctloa nano *a broken aym, Canons baYtnn any of alto,. arms Coe san ca. madras* or apyly to it lit JUBIibTOZI• Orem. Wester.. Ova orlu, cora. Wa et Stn. Plttaboran. 71:Z7:90LD COUPONS, And CompOund Interest Roth, JAM A T. MDT 6 CM Comer /mutt ale WWI Mi. r 221 WANTED—Men In Salesmen 17, 1 4•=a i t . of Ns%Soul A2t Ainostalleft, D. conneA, Praldeat Of Jimmiation, ne inaltmaa intubaro. !OA :4 ay 1L:59 s ftti f:jt PRICES REDUCED 1 CARPETS ! Oil• Cloths, Maftings, Window Shades, ; . Table Covers, Piano Covers, ' Rugs and Rats, Stair ROds, New of ouTiog row SALL II 00118. ors offer oar stork of prizes to Polk the CLOUT AVM''. ; ' nose zoodismeormi sot admit* pare is bY. BOVARI4O.SE & CO., 21 Street, autf :MUM? Ow 1.11.. • , BARGAJNEIrEIII, 41. M. 411.3:ra. 1 ILLIrWOOL ENGRAINS, REDUCED Ilia rsit TAAL BRUSSELS CARPET, Mr.ntraso sil s ins TAMA' 00021 WIWI 17.44 Oteebiel e 1 CHINA MATTINGS, juni dze. =DUMB TO Plat :axe. Heavy Itedactie ha Lace Cartatae, Aid OlikUloll64 Bier i CI! COLLINS„ Nov. 71 and lit Firth Street. Next to 17. B. Custom cod Moor; over Henry! Jol.tiTcm starT. out. sad Put 01Soh me. 1111.1.2 , s Book Mare. HAVE RE.MOVED. WCALLUM Emma acrw•croem at . thsir ?al alum' lad at =odious:l6W WAISHOURZ. • Ice,' 51 Fifth Street, VELVETS. Velvets, Brussels, T.WEBTRP ./NR VB/LELS, Llart. •ad eludes asaarqsamit et Piano and Table Covets, nuarn toms, Imo iucLo itio. TBBEB PLY AND TWO PLY -' Ingrains, Ame,ft.i., al 7 1.1.4 osmium NoCALLITEE BRingx#ls, 11111troot. 1D.C.110 OLIVER . 1 11'CLINTOCIE & COMPANY a . , kily rftelrlat ► ltas N EW GI -coons, Which are *trend at • Ism dlaeovat bon lagt IlDristir's BAIIOI I / 1 18 Ingrain and Conunon. CMLX : IX O 33ITES. Mattinge at Nem:York Prices. epecial ladnealleatil to don euh OLIVER DI'CLIEPTOOR it CO. 21i Fifth Etreet TO WHEAT GROWERS. EIIDESA AMMONIATED DONE Superyhosphate of Line, zulturAcrrvaro nr THE ALLEIEHENT FERTILIZER CO., SEWARD & CAMPBELL, PBOITAZM=. OBlee, 366 rezin St., Pittsburgh, Pa. • . TN* boot Ifertrtter lo use, sat no•oirolsoCfp .31 /mows ttkoa , •••• Etna It a Ma. to p. the Oat., for fal•lag largo ofl.p. of sat, are. Oat., On, rout., ac.. w. hr re ROWAN& for (mono. at+rnlatlou a rwmAles 7 ALLEGHENY , iROCRRYIND PROVISION COMPANY, JOHN A. NeGRAW, J. P. ISRAEL. Secretary. The Mad 'or Skis Cossysar 14 1444444 M.NT 1444kS 41. rheas wishtst anal Skaasearse. at Ha bessl44. ks 4 WSW' ,a,..wmaxes," caturcaa. At 26 Federal Kt illAtheiri Cuici& urAnsuoust. RIWLIRD BURD & - aidsx.c..:aTza Dia 100' Wood` Strawk Maxim maximum. WARE. MIA. Tatra sat TJUELL ~riiuu as " • ve. 'NG ElTen WANS_Oe' Tailatalk tenwhomenftandriunumai .lllgrAMMMTWW444"4"l7'' ...f."&a:Aa4 Wits thrame ii T zuT 4 TesesTiez.otraire