The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 07, 1867, Image 1

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ruslasmo.zrzsr mums.
csuilang neims4 '
prawinwr, MBA, it, CO.,
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V. r• r.
Nod.. Massey%
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tros. SI MID IrliTH
lOU§ hp if rean 'wows.
ornozwrarn unman MD
Lselait_co.ariarr cut VOW YAK=
tad OD A. tar= la tee tux . .
Taut or Ta Pi LT
mak salmariberk
Clje ZitintrO Craiitte
" The loyal voters Of thaDonunonwealth
ask no higher tribute to the worth and
character:of Judge Williams than the
following treat 'compliment paid him by
tLe only daily Democratic paper of
Western Pennsylvania the day following
his noinicatiore eald:
"The notniestion of the Hon. Henry
W. Williams as a candidate for Judge of
the Supreme Court - IV a w oo d one. He
was the best man named' fore' the Re
publican Gonvention, andposseaseslegal
and moral qualifications for the revert
gbh" position to which he has been nom
inated. Roth parties have now present
/xi their eandtdstes. Au important duty
has been'. thithfally- discharged by- the
respective conventions , The campaign
may now tie conducted without persenol
arpersiorti, and decided upon the princi
ples of t h e tecrgreat 'patties. This le u
it should be. It Is an suspicions lien of
the times, and if the e..irtnty conventions
ire equally fortunate to the selection of
legislative , candidates, there will be a
stop put to the deptor-ble corruption at
the seat of government under a new
reign of honest men and consciqntions
legislators.—Parskrult Post, June 28th,
The Post, in retorting .to the above,
on the 29th of Angnet, wee o=oll4'
. .
"We have nothing to tate hick or
modify. OfludgeWfillams. private or
legal reputation we have nothing but
words of ptalse, 'and however it may
suit Wit) pugnacious and heady politi
cians; we cannot bring =adroit° view
personal ambits as either wise or pa-
Citairotoni has gone Democratic In
a way which leads las to believe _that the
Republican ranks were sadly disorgan
ized In that litite... i The victory reflects
not so much ciedt on'the Democratic
party as odium on the leadersof the Re
publicans. Tile people, provietta tit the
nominations, clamored for - good candi
dates, and isininlied'nesuitaiit no par
son for, office who, was unworthy their
votes. Their will was in a largo mean!
ure setausiiii;and consequently the ma
c.bine smashed with the result of
their own' folly. The. Democrats will
rejoice. exceedingly „over their victo
ry, bur- 1i the Republicans resolve
that Pennsylvania shall offset California
at the approaching election, and thus re
affirm in thundering tones adherence.' to
the principles onswhich our government
rests. Theft opposition victory on the
PacitiOniieshOuld rouse the Republi
cans into renewed , exertions for the tri
umph of their cause in this State, 'and
teach these tiMdauger of apathy. Our
candidate's are worthy election and with
some earnestness thrown date the can
vass there can be no doubt but an over
whelming majority will be accorded
ITALY and Mertoo here recently 'sold
Tut properties belonging totheCatholic
Church, and applied the proceeds tow
ing their reePeorive . ., indebtednemes. It
it now raMoreetimt:Auntria follow'
this example. However =red Catholic
governmontermay hold the political tem
poralities-of the 'Perm to be,. a point has
been reached in which they do not scru
ple to appropriate properties of the
church,t"glill'Of the faithful," to their
own nee. When.the sons of the church
- thus rise, up tgrainst„ her heart:Must be
smitten With grief.
• -
UON.t.OIINET, the gifted
editor of the Philadelphia Preii, arrived
/tome Vednevdsy, after an extended
tour in Europe. leuers to hie jour
nal, while ahroidovere vary readable,
and detracted none from the- high liter
ary repot-v.llon of the writer. We an
phased W . 'Welcome" him home, feeling
that his services in - the important politi
cal canvass in which we \ are now On
gaged are needed, and witladdmaterial.'
ly to the majority. by, which Judge-Wit
llama vain °ignited-10 the Supreme
Tat Cuoutna 'repotted •as raging
lidlentlr among the' Indians on tbe
Western plains, If the dread disease
singles out i raw thousand victixiii from
the dusky 'demons who have of late been
so troublesome, it will accomplish a great
good. Perhaps 'YU+ ildtation of the
pestilence 10/1311ve *me . trent- In es•
citing the, tur..olstltione ravages to the
belief shah" he scourge .is .the reward
from the great _Eippit for theirlate atrou.
flies on the white aittlera '
IT 15 officially - announced that
leongfefted Saliburg 'zierelyitoioingle
ills tears with those of Francis Joseph,
of Austria, °Ter the 'inforirmate fate of
Maximilian.—This,givlng out. is Teri,
opportune, aitbe World Was settling' to
the opinion that the wily French Em
peror was again abased, and had failed
to accomplish any desired result. from
Xs conference In Austria.
IT will prove gratifying to the nunter- ..
ono Pittaborklistoetholders of the Mer
chants' Union Express Company, that
its affairs have been examined into by a
New York Court, and that it is found
net only 'solvent, but has several . him
. died dollars over and above all debts,.
The concez n yiromises to 1111 . and pros.
Term Johnstown TrOwns says: Major
Russell Errett waned' Tueeday nomina
ted fdr the State Senate bt the Republi.
can Convention of Allegheny county,
: defeating now, T. T.- Biglumn. present
Senator, , tweisfy" votei.' Major Erre*
will.maks an lionezt, intelligent and in-
Thalia aro few more able or batter
conducted jecimals in Ohio than the
Tutwaravtas Chronide r and we are glad
to learn Mat it is in.the enjoyment of a
"taill,of toiitottigo;' It camel to
this week hi a greatly enlarged form,
and presenti a very neat and attractit•
Destertm A. POMP.; member of
Congreis from the Crawford District,
has bee; in ait unsatisfactory condition
of health far some time put. He le now
at a Canadian voter. establishment; bat
is doing so poorly his friends are appro.
Jaensice ho will pot be restored.
mbo: brought _!ult against
the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of
8°1t91?,..009 Tei nearly million of
dollars for ailing the quota of that city
when those .ilthree hundred thousand
mom" were wanted, has been defeated
in the United Stites oMirt.
. -
NEW YOlliC CITY thronged with
r =Melvin; from all parts of the cow try
who're Making their fall and Winter se
lection of - goods. '.Troillo hu -
gaeallyreceiTeda.neq non - impetus winch
la Pot only felt tbero Lot In all proml
nenrcitlea. : - •
jems held in captivity by . tho Milky
-Abyaabilan lover of Queen :VictorlN,
have not been.relcaned. M. 1,11111 Ire
on foot to secure their freedom by, force
Cn.p. O. N. Tr as, of , fleuquelanns
emuilyr ban smodmed withil.r. R Lni
Waive ia the numsgememint the Mead
ville ifeiibtkon—Qatt of the most.wsL
come efoir Sinte'excluances.
s ,scrAßLiszt o „
176‘. , 4
• ''.4g!'t" ''Z;l? -
" 6g410:4 42,741111<-1,,,11*.
t 5
•-• \ 4 ,
The Exceptional Masses Re
duced to Fourteen.
Gen. Grant and the War Offioe.
The Alleged stem Interview Be
tween Grant and the net Meld.
Yellow Fever at Pensacola.
My Tokyo* to It. PitUbOrok Gantt&
Woilliscrraz,Sept.,ll, /0(7
orttorti liltootAll4Tlol. • •
The pardon proolonation won to be Is
sued was before the President sad Cabinet
today. AU the members were present ex.
writing General Grant and Attorney Gen
eral Stanberry.. The latter was represented
by Assistant Attorney General Elnokley.
The report that the .proalaniation -met
with considerable opporlato is not correct,
although it ts understood there was some
difference of views an minor points, while
sit agreed on the general scope of the decd.
it will be recollected President Lincoln's
proclamation of December, 11G1, and ,
1/64.. offered full Purdue and amnesty on
outman conditions to thee engaged in re
' hellion, excepting wix einem, specifically
named, and that President Johnson, In los
proclamation of res...
named, Increased May the ,
exos MS,
pU for
onal closes
to fourteen. It is understood that the Pro
t.:lest now prop:sr.., by virtue of constitu
tional provialons, that the President shall
have power to grant reprieves and- par.
dons for oneness solder the United States,
zcept ta Math of impeachment, to reduce
the number of slower. four.
The President first esters from the ben.
edt of the proclamation all against whom
legal proceedings have been instituted.
Tale excludes Jefferson Gauls, and perhaps
other. prominent executive ollicare of the
late Confederacy . .
Second, All who have been foreign agents
of that Government. Mmes. Meson and
Slidell fall within this exception.
Third, All who have been military or na-
Gal oleo= Wove the rank of. Brigade's
eneral in the army. Or- captain In the
navy. The former proclamation excepted
from pardon ell above the grade of Colonel
and Lieutenant Colonel In these breathes
of public , service. Bv the present Prole
ions there are excluded Major Generals,
Lieutenant Generals and General Lee, al
though the latter Isnot mentioned by awns.
and also *mind Semmes.
The fourth exeeptional class Is not so
definitely known as the foregoing, but it
applies to all who may appear to have been
implicated in the aseessinaGon of President
Tee proclamation is based on Coast-nu-
Lionel powers to grant pardon.
amass ORAST Axp oxessex oceses.
Major General Stales' recent report to
General Grant contains the letters of In.
*traction to the latter to "follow the coarse
of reties lade:laced by you.. right, and re
gird my dtepatch of the Ism en entirely
. The report does not give the dispatch In
question, but It is ascertained to be la fa.
Woratagfon, woof 111, 15f7. To kW. Gen.
Sinklea -Leeriest's. Paragraph 5, General
Order No. 10, current **ries, of
not be
conr.steet to bee the action of • • United
Math' Centh. The eI:MI.3[IW conferred .on
UlOriet Commanders does no; extend 10
any respect over the acts of Courts of the
United ISTAMS.
(Signed) If. S. Guess, General lnstructliin. witiadra ten eerel
Grant, was mood upon in the CabinGet.n
A print. dispatch from Charlmtou re•
solved lo Vrashosatou says the Starr arm
other <Moms or lin. Bicklea , command.
gave to him • flamer. sorrou in floe style.
at the MUM House Ulla evening. General
CsabY and star were Melted gamma.. Tao
Mrot fasting prsvalled and the folow
ing smithmemLwas altered: "Oar departing
gaud. be retinas toutraandsr. Car
ry lag with him oar arectlausta attach
moat. thoroughly »mod, may a prayer.
hn voyage bear him whore welcomes await
im as cordial as our adieus are regretful."
To tale General Buckles responded In • let=
ass: DILT.•111111.1"—C1313 1 Cr CLUMPS.
The Zs trilfgeweer also says: TIM rumor of
•obanyM In hbe War Department Is whoa/
oatcomded hi trash, but oe oan•ot but PM.
crodence to the mortthettrateset changes
ars Immlaent.
•02. !moor Ann TOO PRIMMter.
The 2,tra7lieneer is anthonsedto my that
the aromas of the aliened loservlew be.
tureen the rresideht and General Grunt. Da
which 'the latter Is represented. to lave
Spoken and 000 ducted himseit to amaneer
tu the' degree e, le a
fabilcation frhighestom beginning to and.reprehensibl General
Grant did not say to the President tie con
eldertd hit opp osition to the Chesil..
national Amendment fortunate to the
country, as it prevented the admis
sion of the enemies of the govern
ment, in toe form of foreign grates. MP
resentaUon to Congress. The amnion
that doting the IntarTlew referred to the
rupture between the President. and Gen.
.Grant became lrreocarcilable, is equally
srithont.toundmion, u in slim another to
the effect that the latter expressed himself
dissatisfied with the Ortolan: animus of
[bet doeumerkt, meaning the recent Vera ,
metier, Issued by the President.
TIMM:re , TOILS ST 00000000000
• letter from the liars , of Pensacola.
dated August Vtb, says: “The yellow rarer
broke out about three motto Moos, and
there has been op to tide time about two
hundred and Arty eases. It sal not goner.
ally malignant in type, though tt $O5OOO to
become more 00 as the season advances.
The presence of many eminent:hated per
ms,' among os, and the pOrerty of our pea
pie generally, ts causing tench surfering.ii
Tim VsleatelaDeteased—elethlrartlys
hasenlebea as the
tar Telearana to the Itatstrunto finite.)
Sae Faxectsoo, September o.—The Dem.
crab earned the State, legnlative, and
municipal ticket to San Francisco by over.
wheal:ping Majorities. The Union party
-elected only a mioatity of the Supervisor s
and School Directors: Batman from tne
interior coutlnue to swell Haight's major.
lip. which may reach eight thoneand. T he
entire Union State ticket. 111 detested. and 11
Is doubtful none Union candidate is elected.
Tunis astonistdne to both parties. Nonni
wane was expected by the Union men than
the defeat of Gronam and two or , three
Others on t h e Butte ticket.
The returns are not nearly foil. but It Is
believed a large number ot Union voten
absented themselves from the polls The
Deltoefebil will have a lealertity ta the State
assembly. Fourteen holdmver 6enatnn
out of twenty may bold the Union m sjority
in Use Senate, but the election of a Repub.
limn Demeter la now ttepOsolble.
Mr. Haight addressed a meeting last
nlght. Minting the election es a protest
anal at eOrrentlea led extravagances
and oppositton to the Chinese-onm int.
' lra r =7;r ic nrgrt l en o = efforts to
Gerry Me October elections
Saw Faarreleoo, Septembermajor.
Mee reverted I n twentyaeven counties
show Haight seven thousand ahead. The
counties to hear from will generally give a
:dengeratio uirtiOrliY.
Oreat preparations are making for the
IState lair 001600;mo* next week at each.
menu. Native lailr and ootton felines will
be exhibited ,
The teenage arrivals at this port during
.I.ugnst were two hundred and nventy.eog
m J otels; clearances sevenipone.
gow and Ilona Long 4100 are received
1 to the IMA and tot . The news won tutlar
The Inntoek. caning Company lave de.
m ad ivide:trio! paper abate. &Mow.
log to
lerrian Cosursas—if *tore of libo Pro'
msoolleita bled* Porrillo—tbravonsie.
of I Orr tonna tr—glearot Orley to be
tbricioarsph to the Plttsbargh essoris.l
Chrratren, floptascherli,—Asmsichof tin
nrocargUngs of the 1.0100 Cilm/rfeil al
tea transpired shows in yecierdayb sob
Moo the
d •dzptir regolutiotts touch.
rOlnittnifif t li 2,4%2= to aour:PAZ
the /olden ebtorhoodi Mho odthf ic. "
the lailitary Committee{ rerrolotioca con
cerning American citreous in British peril
ous; and a commualartion nurPortioli fe fm
bora the Acting Attorney (lettere' of. the
Cuban States, stating that the /Galan arose
horothafore seised try the threernmeat Won
now releerouL to ail weightier =M al
strict ammo la cbserroo.
The stormy Diglitital Convention 1111
morning snocooded, after much debate, In
adopting a resolution recommearitng the
moiling of • mono order, basins tn. goo
oral cirmis of masonry or odd fel
lowship. The Conyention .111 /relish!)
adjourn tonight.
General 111/1405 XsSieved by Neural
By Sal estuarial the Mitebaratt elaatta.3
Cwaasarrox, 5.0 September 11.—At ham
to-day Webers! Lbu ,
iby appeared at the di.
tries MAO quarters arid formally relieved
General Slates. ]le' wee remised with a
.telaia of thirteen 'mac General Males, ba
Its far. eel order, ootmou.le the seal sad
fidelity of Ms anbord Maze °Moen. timers]
Cosby.. AM order limply inintOnoCail that
he has maimed commaad, 1W el•Arf
andooatismas faros for the Primes , aff
failating arders. General Slahlea arW for
Alma Tick im /ridgy.
The *uptowntween the President
anti Goeorelest—Geerrel Mettles
will Demand a court of liwantry
lonlay Amuntee Commood
or the otieowr filetriet—ii II Calm ior
Orem mod %re-Mations to he. Ob.
moved—revs. els la .ports Crum
General org r Distrlet—llluess or
GI., Greet.
CM returnee b 4: rittsbers
raw Toms, Be tember —The Heralds
special says: An pen rupture between the
Presidetat and *era' Gratiele reported.
The rrealdenneeent proclamation re
garding them erence with the laws in
the Carolinas h .. s caused One acco unt
usys that Gen I Grant had accused the
President of dialovalty. and another that
he eseteidered certain allusions In the Moe,
lameston as insulting to himself. It seems
,flumrsur conceded, however, that General
Grant has determined to leave the War
Orlon in a Tenant cOnversatleti with lead.
ler lispeolleens he I. monadic, have cold
that he fully endorsed Congress, end would
make his winks./ Mews public if a favors.
hie opportunity offered. /Us eumesem In
the War Office la already spoken of. Treah
reports are eirculetle g that &Wallace and'
&sward will soon leave the Cabinet.
- - • • • • • • • -•- • • •
The Taws etweal nye: A private da
patch from Charleston todileht announced
that in view of the entire ...Detail.ea coo-
Lined in President. Johnson , ' proclama.
Don. General Sickles will demand a Coort
pf Inquiry. lie w l / 1 rail from Cbarlemon
for !Yew York on Saturday. •
General Canny, on assuming the com
mand of the Second liditstry District, le
mall the following order. an official copy of
which has been received at the army bean.
quarter. here: All existing orders and
regulations are adopted and confirmed. and
VIII be observed and enforced unless here
after modified or revoked , by proper an
' 11'..°TkoaTsho'regliag,1 , 7,Nalgt,'"orcue
of which caused Sickles removal.
Official intortnation from Ord'e Depart.
meat says that hilvslesippl, which haelust
ly earned the reputation of being the moat
turbulent of all the Southern State., except
Texas, is now comparatively quiet. The
ISILIITAry have made nemeroter arrests of
horse-thieves and guerilla., and have
brought to vire= a larger number of
criminals d the pant three month ■
than the Cl authorities ever sweated
since the more of the war.
It ' than in the Interview between
the President and Generai Grant, last Tees.
day, the latter charged noon lir. Johnson
the reation.ibility 01 the ;enure of the Coo
initutional amendments. by which the South
had lost more then the :forth. for thereby
ten organized atxlm had been kept out of
the Union until they compiled with thee,
proclaimed conditions of safety.
The World's special says: Of the inter
class between the President and General
Grant,' rah gtithrel took place; no unpleasant
word waa escbthged. and In fact the inter
view Was as pleasant a, donne which bore
preceded It. That Grant and the President
differ on some points regarding the enforce.
meet of the reconstruction acts lathe well
.tahllatied to be repeated. but their groats
and snarls and calling each other names, as
some of the Vagina correspondents tele
irrnyh. Droves to be loch absurd stuff em
neither of the dlsthundshed deem
It necessary to dignify it With a contradic—
tion. •
►ietter•Uearin` cm General Aberlden'a
administration, raring General Grant to
reinstate Governor Wells in order that be
• -
rebtht sure the levee bonds, written by
Senator Ilendengn and stened by Senators
Morrill. Gates, It amsey aed
arsll Scroll be tad:dialled• °L"'.
The 211hunes special nays: General Grant
has been stab tc.lay. He eras COMtmlied to
leave tho War orbna shortly atter tro got
there, and return home. The doable duties
of Secretary of War and General of the
♦antes ato If Wiling on Ilia heedtt,
W.emerer, Septa, )od.
tree= TOLITIOAL omen
• polltles.l organisation, Eyler/ the GrAnd
EDOILIZInment of the United Stuns and Na
'dons! Union Johnston men, was held thin
evening. Tbeg.roceedings were conducted
In secret. it o enderetoal to be e.brtuchni
The. Secretary or the Treasury baa ad.
dreaded the following letter to the Wash
ington agency or the Auer-1id...1 Prose :
21 , rinsurar Lepartment, tie pl. C.—Sin: In Ms
at...ft of the public debt, on the. let,
there wee & clerical error lu the amouet of
the debt In the threayear oompound. Inter
est notes, by not datum log tam amount that
had matured, $146,727.30, tom the total
amount then outstanding. 1915,119 31,
which should bare bees $113,395.m. The
natal amount outstanding on the Its ef
A.U.1211t matured and not matured woe
ItS,VILCO. 01 ttds amount there was vs
deemed during August C13e55.Z.1, 'aortae
me total ontetanding Sanieruner lit, gilk-
I=3o. Mite oorreattoo leave. the debt out
etao4lng, lees cash to the Tressnry,
733,36305, instead of 13130 3 .400.03.
Very reepeettelly.
(Sighed) 3101.1933.30,
Secretary of Treasa37.
rmsed Assistant Paym.iter I. 'V. rah ,
gala, of the steamer Taoony, station. at
Verimeoist, 21,4/led of yellow fever a few
days ago. doting Third Ass lataut Enemata
Thomas Freemout, of the steamer lowa
also died of fever at Pinnace!.
Brevet SUL Or. M. T... L. &Wiesen. itas
been ...Weed as Ceder Cornothoary of the
Oiselon of the Pacific. &Int Lieut. Henry
IL Lents ts dropped [rem the army rolls fur
deeertlen. Brevet Major L. U. Wettupos
ordered to relieve Brevet Lieut. Col. A. W.
Wills, Aseistant floartermaeter of Volun.
tears, In Superintendence of Cameterlsl
duties. Commander W. W. Lore, detection
from ordnance dory at Pittalhargb, and
Th• Comptroller of th• Corneae,' has ap
pointed a Receiver for the Permits and
Citizens National Bank of Brooklyn, New
York, which failed for thirty days in here
on hand la lawful money of the United
States Ida smouut ewesl to title*e per cent
Of Its circulation ant del:v.4lle. The bill
holders are amply erosred by sect:mittes de
posited with tits Treseurer of the United
tBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tlearttal.
' * Ytnr Yolv.September 6,
earporan cementer InDIOATION.
General Grant has &Wined Colonel Jae.
M. Moore aa Chief-Mirada' of the Antietam
Cemetery dedmatton.. Fars oa the Dalt. 4.
more and Otdo road and connections, as tar
Iran u Cletelnnatt, haat:leen re/laced for Um'
ocuulou to i+o-thlrei the asnal rates.
Zan. 01100 =PLUS 4001.1000
On elaborsta opinion wu yenterdS7 a.
usersd by Justice Barnard, denying the
motion for an injunction, and the appoint.
meat of a reaelsor to wind up the again of
in. lierebents UntOn Express Company.
Tim Court Inds the Kgircbsats Valoo Er.
.Orris Company solvent. owin no deb..
aml fOVISMI hundred thomana g
dollars in
the treasury.
AItaRICAN 111L11 *OMIT Ill=l3lo.
At ■ meetlnif_of too Board of Ilanagorso
the Amorlooo Blnle Bool•ty, ostonlay , t-•
anzlliones were reonsolud, of whin flue
AM 10 Kentnek7.l o o In Beht ok.. and on
one in each of the State. Of if lontran, pl
conaln - ,Alabooka, Teina sod 4tkaanas.
111000.1, 111111 , 11AVOIR.l.
A Germ An. named Ansist. srnuu e ir. b
boon wrested tO Hoboken for the aoductio
,OL./11:=Volghtor..wtiO. Awl An 'Height
ll , Clelah, given &Co., of Baltimore, hare
bad •Ma tax contaleing $53,00:1 5t0 in bone.,
note., railw securities. inx., len from
the Frankli ay n
Dank of Baltimore. The se.
enrities arid bonds were ot depreciated
TOMS. . .
DAZE 0111101* DirJAMZ.D
The Repress atm Rumen are Current
that an ()Ulcer of • Netionsi beak up the
river ren away with • large
amount of money beloaelag to the institu
tion, wirl that the bank but Milo& Thertl•
WWI another report that kietional beak in
Wllliamsburg eras to trouble. • Those re
mora did not create much eeneatio a.
11130 110 t 11 LASSOS.
A special from liontreal.repoitir nutrient
riot among the Isiah at liralintown.
gat many ware wounded.. three ante
eriontly beaten. sad it is nut cettain
whether they are dead or alive.
oseeptrixti ease 0.11111.
.A. diepatsh !rem Poughkeeptie statelts
that one of the 01111/11of tee tint National
Bank of Kingston failed for WA.% and
the bank loses 170,000.
xzw estates. Emmons arettem.rr.
A New ()dean. dispatch says many fatal-
Iles hate decided not to send their children
to nubile ocnoola this winter, in case they
hays to esseciate with the Dineen.
ortßrotens fireswerfeet —•.
Railroad laratestes
By Tetegraph to the Pitiehergh tiesette.l
lentererow,eeptembera.—•beery rein
Me morning Interfered materially with
the Bingen' plo.nio,bet clearing off 'about
noon, • Mere number Were present during
the afternoon. Aiddroues were made by
Senator Ronan and Sedge Stall°. of Cin
einnati, the letter In iiermui. The festirril
w bids opted:tight with a grand ball at test
• brateman on the Cincinnati road,
named Harry Drone. wee anooted from •
'freight train. while 4.esing•rider • bridge.
to.dey, arid was tilled almost inetantly.
Na Island rollout iteportv.
(By Tel.papl2 to the Pittsburgh (W.W.I
gi A •Axpkg, eeptember —Saporta of the
fican Island cotton me dtertheraglott. Alone
the South Carolina meet rale and the worm
hays made great Immo. Stsporu trent the
Georsds coast may the worm boa may ap
-9..r.4 00 two Islands. The other Weeds
reprot•fthr Crop. The estimated crop le
3000 pounds. Baths continue.. but the ne
ports from the Interior ere sow.
‘r cip ore ezpeated of uplands. So new Cu
Island cotton Is received let.
ISO l'elooThOli t tin ?Humana itattwo
BeptaMbar 6.—ltivor tellicut
fu/ trltl, tares feet Uwe* inches la rue ce-
Mserri4, Illevymber !I.—WWI:Ler clear
and hot.
IlLegleerstime timersla.
Clll'relcemen re Me Plttsbersb Semrbt , .)
Armerre, e„ September C.—Tbo to
?kw Era le etbetelly Informed Met raglan.
tlon GOorgla. is ferAa heard tram, Ls
Barnett:an over 153.00 U.
, . .
Sowlog ■atotr rootposeo. • '
Ce72elesrmp to tbo rttuoorilttiotetto. l
Nawsuito, M. T., lept. 6.—Tho rowinr
=atop Dome= nomlllXtoirti
y0a1.170.44 until to -morrow moralnt. offing
1,9 tbo rough watts.,
"ris asrestiva carirras.
Lemur, Septemher dispatch.
from Alexandria seem to discredit the
reports of the release of the Eogliah cap
tives in Abisaltaa. • In the meantime prep
are...for the expetittion to Ab➢asinla are
Benue, September G,-John A. %won, of.
10..14 who represents the United States, Is
at present nesotintlng With the Prussian
Government for the entablishment of o
tat treaty stratir.r to that Jest eaneloded be
tween-Great Britain and the [Felted Staten.
Caeatkone, SepL 6.—The Grand Deka
Frederick William made; a speech at . the
Opening or the Baden Diet in this city, yes.
terday. Betook strong grounds in favorer
the union of Baden with the States of North
Maim% September G.—Strict orden bate
been iseued to the proper au tborltleu at all
the port. le Spain, requalngeeasels batting
from tbe United Slates to be subjected to a
rigid operant.. •-
18.1111.1. 0011.1.10 ras ...11111110 COP.
Yana. September E-11. Monstler, Minis
ter of Porsiga Arain, has tasted a elteular
In regard to the Conference,recantly bald
at Belzberg. Ils - liatsis that the meeting of
nosroirages wan merely one of condolence
over the fate of Arch Mike Maittalliatl.
There was a general interabage of views on
the altnetton of European politics, hat no
elliance or combination was planned by the
Emperors. as has been etatsal.
catawre cameo&
Pratte, September C—Errninp.—lt la Waled
that M. Drotlye D will won re-ea•
tee the trench Catrutet. It le thought be
-rata take AL lloastler 4 a place la the Yorelaa
Office. •
Logone. Sept. —.Enialeg,—Coneols O 4 i
5.91.73 X; Eric tStp. /Wools Vanua' 7154;
ailantve and Great %Vesta. 0214.
Tnaggeorr, September 11-•Xurninglee,
Tion-nty Conde,
LivgarOon, Sept. ri—Drenfrig —Cotton:list
ing to the unfavoranle trade capon, eionni
quiet nod Anti, th 41.1.'5. gale of 10,000
haler; middling upland. at 10d. and (Menne
at loqd. The if encheiter market le droop.
lag. Ilreadetritia rre firmer. Corn, whoa ,
and peas are materially advanced. Va.;
ahtbOritlee quote wheat at ISt 41; corn al.
0.64, pea 04; Ott. at 0,51; barley at ds.
PrOVIMOIIIIII3I4 prod Cleo Wit hoot ittMagel.
ann.W.lllo., Sept. 5-81,71ing —VOLIOIIOIII3I
driller and advanced to 5414 trance.
Switeeetwe Preparations' for the tweet
—The tilreatees lilareese Asa'selves.
led. •
(By Telegraph to inerittesaneh
Texan Barre, Sept. o.—The approaching
State raiz promises to he the greatest suc
cess of anything of the kind litchi to the
West for many yeari. Tee state Doled of
Agriculture tare arranged with the
uated fathom gnanager, Job. H. Kinney,
fora eerie, of •grand Galloon SmenslOper.'
enmplis &Mal. Si tropical ...Pius, a
balloon race and a banana wedding:who for
a grand display of Ore worts each evening
of the fair. Toe Secretor, A. J. 1101Tnes,
and the 811yerltiten.ent, John B. Sullivan,
have been on the grounds, sad mold
12.5.000 worth of berths and eating nand.
The City (Annelle have last appropriated
tAille to aid to the fitting up of the gmlllitu
tri the beet errle. The
time truck will
he completed tilts west end the litephithe.
ire,se) °telex the trank,capetito of seatle¢
three thousand people, is ale* lopproactitrig
CoSorsa Conservative Orono.. on the .
ittensp—Otto of them, by
Henna Le —lVoneral °Clears
:Br Telex - ma to the fitienarib Woes. ,
Naar Tam, September 6 —A llonti6Othery •
special of the 6th Inst. says: Williams and
llolmea the colored Conservative orator.
from Tenriessee.spols• 'Discernleg in front
of ILnutgoinery Mall. lism. denounced
MreinlClVlTilelgT=g4=4 l l= •!
followed Williams. all advocatlnif harmony
hetwfien the root.. At the coliCluelnei the
Keen. I...imam mobbed Williams. flu vrai.
react, d 11l the citizens and Federal officer.,
and carried into a hood. A company of
cavalry was no band as .1 lireCautiolooT
Giving gra,Aig gaphitriestre ag Grenade—ever Witty Persons
(Br Teirersub it
tae irlitshurili nasettesi
toassmoros, deptanitair 6.—at four
Nelectthlo latereeee a friabite accident
occurred aunnethe races at the Chitsenden
county fltr ground. In this city. The nests
arranged In the m : or• so amphitheatre,
no genseig deit With ' , wanton. tab
to the ground with a fearful groan, bringing
down with them over three thousand peo
le; over tiny of whore gore injur d, some
it is supposed intelll. and 111.111 with den
ten limbs. The structure , was over • thirty
feet high.- Melt more were not Injured a
ustrecnious. -
Cltrams 'exalted 'try 11111111aste*--
Al\lessee of lb, alelprtee. -
Ver Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Quetta,
Nesayitts, Sent.6.—Three Stele mllitte
men grouly =salted the' wlree Of two re
gltakle elti t une . ; . ta e t y ri r tiga w s b n e d . rirv.o ted,
to the gentlemen attacked. tort two of them
were naught. The third wee arrested lo
camp All are it Jell end will 'be
tried to-morow. They eo na tene - of slat ,
t 41.1 and nineteen yews. and from East
Aceldoo.L.% nreak
bridge—Ten Penes
Te 1..... to the Putehereti Rpettel
ILLZT WORD, CONIC, 13,•_pt ember d.--The pas.
stager tram of the rtangatock Railroad, I
which left Waterbury at eevein o'clock tau
evening for Wineted.brok• through a bridge
across a branch of th• -river. about two
m tee front ThalMllooll. The couplings of
the tender of the engine broke and the bag.
gage ear went into the river. histeen per
lone In the car were swept Into the Naomi,
toot and carried OVer the dam at Thomas.
ton. It floated three miles from the scene
or the accident and was at Mit secured and
five men clinging to it +twined. Ten per
wine an supposed to be drowned. gig
bailee Dave hewn reoemered, one of theta,
Lucille !Wiener, Ad erne Exoresll agent, o f
wielded. A son of Sewn W. gperry, -of
WaleOttaTille. Anewn yeare of age, who left
this city but evening for home, wan among
the drowned. Ills body woe recovered.
The stores and factories at Thrimwdon are
celated and all . are engaged searching for
Lattglana Ceeneter7 De. leatloa—M.
rnageniente Completed.
(By TeMermen to tie Pittsburgh liesetiso
llittmenca, Sept. 6.—The Committee on
Ceremonies end Dedicatlen of the Antietam
'National Cemetery have comolotpl ell the
arruntemente. President Johnson and
the Catitnet will he present, Men the hoe.
senors of the following Stamm Maine.
Rhode Wend, Connects:nit; bissimebusette,
New Tort, ramisylvanle, New Jersey; Ohio,
West Vtrelnle and Maryland. °Mere are
expected. Also, the Illasor and Common
Connell of Chicago and other calm.. of region:eta from the various
The Presidential train will leave rash-
Ington at nix o'clOcht 0 the morning.
Heavy Comte Deetoed.
Telerspe to tee Yl:teburite hasette.l
BOrrOsr, September —ln the Durrell
claim of nearly a million dollars •ettettist
the Olty, tried in the United States CeUrt.
Judie Clifford this forenoon sure • dents
ion ~ent the city had no right to aieeee
money to pay the claim, end Instructed the
jury to return a verdlct &Terse to the
plaustllY, erblett they 511. a
/earth Carolina Re %A publimu 00121 , 4. ,
TaLamb to the Putahurth O W tie.. .
Baumen, tleptember 15.—The Republican
Convention adopted remolutione reunesting
th e Distmot mmander to or the eu.
phaeton of the collection of one- der balt of the
tame due the Beata and county. aching for
an early election and calling for 'a Consti
tutional content ion. Adthriened sine del.
Government. Amoy Cloths's/ nillee.
.(ny vetegrapn to tea ritietarie Gmettn/
Sr. Locos. September
sale of army clothing mterday.'
Amonethe principal pnrchasers are Leo
pold. atone Jt. Co.. and W Maio Jt Co., Bos
ton, Street it Strickler, Junction City, K.m.
sae, Led No. 9 Gold street.. Now Took, and
Totrtiee in Cincinnati and St. LenlS, who*.
names were not ascertained.
Atnerietan Steamship Coipplilly
(Sy modotrapli x. the y I Wale! ti Urea..]
Horror, September 6.—Tp• stoolboldell
of Ws itnarteed Oteareisblp ComponY
Owincrease their memos by We Issue of
Ow of bonds, mootoselnis We summon Sets
nod Ontario Wooster, and to bombs.. or
nbartor,ono or Pore 6+lllll.lqnsl vossebt.
;IT Tobiason to the rituoarau
"Lattirrusa, aaptatabert —oovainnrlielm
facallalica in scary critical condition, cad
norm Ofllt. raormur aro stow oast-
Extraordlowey Stats—ilasterralr Tama
Hrel.. Away—Water Supply of
Hartford natarraplaW—UttlY, Us
CBS Telegraph iota.. Pittabarirk
TrOala Sept. 6.—The date Of the West
hartfordltuervoin'sir mlielfrOm the eitY,
which supplied the city with water, wu
wutiod'avray about half-pule Dina o'clock
this morning• .weeping with. tremendbm
force over corn fields and pilaus land.
bearing huge limbs, fenees and "everything
with it. 'far two miles the fields were
flooded, and Da walleye and Otis below the
stream were Oiled with sand, rook. and
other debris. The damage to private prop•
arty le considerable, and the lea to the city
will Os 1103,00X0.. Toe darn carried 'mar ww• feet high from the bed of the Moot
and two honored feet wide. It contained
. roam MOM yards of earth and wastmlit oue
year War. a cost or cssano .Itbasnot been
consider.' este, was never properly
and was a failure from the start, elegy*
leaking and weak. The.reserroir that was
thirty two acres In este.. le how drwlit. ,
dry. It held two hundred millions gallon.
The upper reservoir, two miles above, with
• partly liniseed dam seven foetid/EN...
MU swept away. The mservols cover. NOV.
Way aCreal l
The etty u been supplied elnee January
with water from the West 'Hartford reser
voir, bet ean be fed by pumpe .from the
Connecucut river In the old way, so there
will be no Interruption of the .apply.
The streams beyond West Hartford are
toned. and bra nc hid sOn•OrtnerhOl^
los Too ros4 , to 0011.50.;
chile has been 11. come pianos eubmerged or
swept away, and the train. today IMO ln.
-noted. Two dame Liristol, owned by
E. ingrab Co., clock manntactuners,
were carried away with a loos 01 610.0 00 .
The rain which fell in this city yesterday
was 18 B.loCrthelisa. •
Women Illotreeete ..ROBCholera
Ihectoe. mekeee the loadtaus—atate
ele—Vapreveaeotted crop.
:111 Telrrrape sots• Pltimbwiti •site.]
LArra Rao; E sa.,Septataber 6,-ars. Elis
abeth Cady Stanton and Mtn Scalia B. An
thony, Or Kew York, addressed , L a
very WV.
audience here but night on female euffrage.
Sir.. Stanton's argument la favor of equal
right. was prononnoed by the Male Journal
the finest oration ever dellverett In Manus.
A entomb canvass la being made In favor
of strlktna from the ConstnnUonthe words
',alb.' and ••tnale." • •
/teethes from the Indian territory state
that the cholera had again broken out and
vs...trine violent') amongst' the wild
leen et the plane.
Tile State Irir will b e bidetcool,
netng on the a 11th Inst. The plaid H
of all
studs of held produce Ohba moon was
never before equalled ln Kensas.
Yellow Ytlmr
Br Wegrepb to the Pittsburgh dthette.)
September IL—Two Med at yel
low raver deft sent to hospital Irma the
eehoooer Dodo, lately from TereplCO. No
ornonatlng In the ace we reported.
the Governor OICCL o
Eentucky, will not recover from hie ill
IN the Erie district Me Morrow 13.
Lowry, the Republican candidate for
Senator, isencounterlog sonte opposition
in his own party, but not to' such an
amount as to put his election in doubt.
Tar."Granl Eneampmentof National
UnlonJohnsan Men" held a secret sea
sion in Washington, yesterday. We
wonder what' terrible plot was laid
qgainstC9ugreU and the people by the
Imhtical mountebanks composing thin
myaterious order. They - mean mischief,
but are so numerically weak as to excite
oo immcdtate alarm. Like Fenian Con
gresses, they are great to plan bat rem
slow to eincute.
Are the Blacks Dying pelt
The Houston Telegraph (TOAste) com
menting on the return froth' the nog
learetlona of voters in the fionthwutt,
Thu result scat. put attend !gibe Pran
ion generally prevalent threug Out the
enutdry,.thet the negro population has
risen largely . reduced through the war.
In 1500 tue Vette of Louisan were 850,-
373; which estinutUng that there Is one
voter to every live of 'population, would .
yield a crop of 70,074 ...Selena The re
turns of the registration Just completed
,bow the negro valeta now to be 82,9 , ft,
Jr clout .13,000 more than there would
have 15011, had negroes then been
entitied'to - vote; So far, therefore, from
the ,blecka of lionialanst haring dinain
,shed during the eventful period of the
war, they must have increased by some
thing like 100,000. •
• It will he' recollected. that It wan in
this Sta. 4, that a heave decrease of biscka
was expected to be shown. Even Gen.
Banks, attire time of the war. in an of
thgal communication to the Government,
curled that it bred fallen tiff at least one
fourth. ' •
The lame thing is shown by the regis
tration returns In Alabama, where the
negrces appear to Jute considerably
swelled their numbers eines 10e.A.
Star concludes an % article on the Amerb
can Ingraham claim to the city of Leeds
as follows; Doubtless more ties of blood
and kindred then the people of the Uni
ted Suttee are aware of link them to the
ld country,' and perhaps oftener titan
they think it given them a right of in- ,
hentance in the amassed wealth of Eng
lanth The Ingrahatne are sot a eolitary
instants—they are but the type of admen
and thdugh others may never be able to
la3-claim to the same riches, the mass of
the New Englanders—nay, of all Amerl
csms—ure still our bfood Mations. 'The
'nave of payment,' is Mr. Carlyle chile
it, is bat a small part of the bond which
unites us with the men of the United
States, • They have little 'hoed of claim•
on us, and the day seems very fat dis
tant when they will want any mishit.
However the enterprise of the Ingmhame
may event hate ;euttl- we have but a spec
ulative interest to the matter one way or
other—the Americansvrill not, we sup
pose, assert en moue-their. title to We
soil of England; and so settle 'the land
question' tar us in a quite unexpected
Yaz.bow FewEn luoinairta—Among
the humors of yellow fever nt Gnlronton
it la related that a none who bad suffered
hie patient to die consoled himself with
the bottle until he also fell dead—drunk.
Ths undertaker coming, now an appn
rently Melees man ntretched . upon the
floor, and look his din:tons - lona kir acorn°.
oft the discovery of kin mistake ho con
cluded to keep the measure, as It would
probably noon be needed. A number of
misers are among the sufferers. One is
killing himself with anxiety about the
falety of a Wad of greenbacks that be
keeps under tie pillow. Another, with
aboodenco o moans, swore he Would
die before be raid pay a nurse. An at
walant wes f rnialfed, ‘ lnit the
man flied
before, mornin 4. One of the frail women
of the city boo left a borne of Infemy and
is devoting be wet f to the duties 0; a nurse
with all the du votiou of a Idegdulen.
—The folioed g paraphrase of the Lord's
Prayer hoe h en sot to music., in Eng
land. It Is the bent we have ever seen
In any iatiguage—there in nothing want
ing and nothing reduullant . :
Vtir Ileavdtrly o
bo.r .r !Myer;
uy pe-e be .L1:1.0 toes. ever , :
IVegdOwlee. l l.7 hs erfere Inn
1.. basr , e, •I. 111:1:
osrot brew. 11.1 • truy Ile.:
iCr go. wn r
Clip • Lecopl.stin.
ratm .T1..000. as Or •by 0.20;
I seee a et " .*Td glory
Orsa• Moos}.—The Opera Iletnie was fill
ed with it fsehhineble audience last night.
to ek. Miss Tlicapson, who, it appears, daily
mere.. m pepulartty. The audlenee was
entertained With Wlttele end Teem. a very
. ,
tutereei lug drams, which wee rendered Ina
Inserter perfectly imeeptible to ell who telt.
nested It. The second Grand Matinee &the
seasou will betties% this •Ilenlooll. when a
ve.ry pleasing and attractive - bill, stilted lo
the occulon, will be presented. The new
compaoy lean that could be desired' and Is
becoming ouite PoYhler• .
Vaturrise Tillares.—Trimble , a Vedettes
Theatre Is Koine ►better bitsiness thissea
son than him ever do ne since its es tab.
nehmen it a
feat solely attributable to the
perseverance and energy of the managers,
Moore, Williams and Jefferson, C la ne
nothing undone to make It a ens e
tabliehmentof very night some.
thing now Is pressented , so that pstrora
are never wearied with that which become.
stale and unpopular. Toe fun loving portion
of the Corouldnity Can always god some.
thiniQteilf:g a mirth provoking cpKatter.
Is relished by the belt of men. 4
)Ruled oithe Itollroad.—he &cadent
o Lo uc c o s r ' ra ear t tbhe r
A eu ll n ag e b l e y n a , a lsao Ra
W lr e oad o I. rs..
nue, the yarticulers
we are unable to learn. further 411 Lt
B.r,,„rd tome, • delrymws, who rettnealn
Pale win towastdp. Yes rite over by • train
of cars Lad Instantly33llesl. , The body was .
Probably Wren te bin late residence last
mot, where au Inquest will be held epee
At Beadlot.' a. betting cue jut
been nodded in Ocert. Two men staked a
1190dred MAW, apiece on the /est rend
ilutial election. The stakebrAder intellect
to band 0•Or the money t asinine,'
man, and the 'Directors ofthe feet suad
him toe the auxiiint. An -old statute law.
eduP lad the PIIIPOUne Waal Utii
stut, sad gut the way.
IPAMIC.—TheInUt and most rain-
Ard.l/ , CPU cnsct Prague. Market Reporti
uni br anti OW.' in th• eigy, nett Os/ennui
on our 2'burth Pao. . '
Jodgedeot Day . In she Vomited Stales
Coors—a Trio of Cemeeterfetters Sew
in the United dial. Court. Yatedlay,
the . Onainess transacted oonsisted of the
alai disposition of the cues of the Oounter•
fetters *yet*, Johnston and 'Black; convict
ed at the recent August special term, .the
latter of passing and having In his 'posses•
siOn and the others of selling counterfeit
x,, x ttok, A l °errancy, Tie Coon having
°mulled at te's o'clock, 11.11. Carnahan, Eeq.,
the District Attorney, after stating that the
prisoners ;tuned had been Indicted, tried
and corodeted, and that thotioni fir new
trials had been crannied, moved for Judg
. . .
. . .
Wu nom requemtotl to "stand up" and hay ,
log been asked Übe bad "anything to any."
his enamel. Wm. Liao, &eq., mane a few
Ha said the prisoner hen
been convicted on two indictments, end of
the ono In which John Walters . was the
-preerautlnig lettuces, be had to nay teat te
had been informed, on Thursday. by Mr.
Jesse Iteed.a highly respectable citizen of
firowneville, that Waiters end told. Jacob
; Conn, Esq. Cm, a citizen of tirownavlile, In l
high etaninum that be (Walters) hail imam.
1 Neely against Bieck. Mr. Lion also re
ferred to the fact mat Alexander linelit.
atiovernment witems,hadderned that upon
arriving in Allegheny City from Wheelies.
with meek in custody, he got Mt the train,
took 'his prisoner Inside the Penitentiary
gatei, and there Informed him that he bad
been convicted of a orlon, by a Court Mar.
• Mal. MU. that sf. he -would • swear a certain
way le n t the ItiollittabenPM. fenferitrmw
case. he (Main). would. leave blot (Week)
released In two hears. Mr... Linn said he
had endemic/0d Mt.!, was a Doreen at the
Penitentiary who it' Wee thought would be
able to identify Blank and Mollie es persons
ho hat seen on the sounds about the time
of this alleged conversant.. ~
'IL. Court suggested that Wailers might
be Indicted for perjury...lf. wen too late to
enter a motion toe • neve trial. It had been
deeigned, - however, to ecotonee the prise
ner upo b
n ilt see of the indts. and
although It was immaterial [ nmenupon which
imutence Was pronounced, that in which
John Walte lase the prOmoutlelt witness
would be M o ven nwhichjudgment.nOnlA
be impended. Um lloner,Jedge McCand
less then proceeded to sentence Buick. lie
mid it was very evident the prisoner had
been one elan exismeire gime ot counter.
falters In Urbane and Washington Monti.,
It so happening-Mat- the GOvernreeet new
aleeesaf al in his apprehension and convict.
Mon. Me soy couneeted.with the man Woe.
Dawson, for whontletwernment oinmre bad
been searching, and of hie (Black's) guilt
there could ea no doubt. • . . -
The pMsober mid ha was not guilty otthe
charges preferred neatest him. and mud.
felted constaerable emotion. Ile said that
be was poor, without money, and had a wile
and two Ohlldren. - • •
Ille Honor said he had k duty to the pub.
no as well es to the- prisoner ie. perform.
The orgsnleed system of couriterfaillog
I throughout the country could only be
checked through the severe pueishosent ot
the offendore. The prisoner was moteneed
to pay • nee of one timurand dollars and to
undergo Ore •y ears imprisonment at bard
labor In the Western PenitentierY. •
. •
we next called too... Mad up," sad eked
sand he bad tri say ln
own behalf. Ms
0.1111:1•451, ilO.l. Y. V. 51111.000. six. bean:wet
fblydetended him, was present,. and col"
erred with him birriation. to lame bust.
neve matters. Mr. Shannon. Inoue tit It an..
ueOresary to make any further appeal to
the Cow t tut txhalf of the prlscunr having
exhausted all that could be urged . tn. Me
argument on toe mutton fora new trill.
Thu prisoner. in reply to the Court, sale be ,
had nothing Unsay. Although en , frely eon
vinced of the prisoner's guilt. 111. Uottor
gall he had caretully avoided expressing
his convictions trate Jury, Tbe principal
evidence was green by an accomplice. but
there could be oodoubtthat Myers had been
ooneveted with a band of coneterfelters in
the vicinity of Pithole, in the oil regions.
The eentenon Of the (Martas that he
*bantam) fin eof $3 =land undergo seven
years Imbrisonment t hard labor In the•
'Regent Penitentiary. a Sentenceon asetoud
lndittment was euspeuded.
wMLLLY J 011,11,03.
This old man who bad lived for madly years
In Blair enmity. standby fair lathe corn•
ninnity, was next Wind up to receive own
tenor.. Ile wasattended by his counsel,
Mr. 1' ?lance, but, as in, the case of eld
ers, ad Matters Id extenuation had' been
exhausted before the jury and also to the
Court on the motto,, for another trial.
The prienner prOteetee his In occenne of the
charge. The Court geld be bad a very falr
trial, had been 'defended. with nnoommon ,
ability. legal acumen and shill. lib Hon
or'. convietions were &Oat be was anti tr.
hut Atte facie had need submitted. to the
c Ju iliary, without poudimi, and 104
]. The priso d ner was one or -the meat
of corstarfalters. closely • al..
• lied, as he bee been, with Me man utecturere
id counterfeit money, sod hilt for DM ex•
creme age, fillyatx years; the Gunn would
• feel It • duty to Impose a more Wreneau
tentre than had been det,ermlned oil.. Tea'
same Denten., ite In the nese of Myers veu
then pronounced—.. Sine °Ultima Monsand
dollars and seven yeariOznyilsonment in
the Penitentiary. - •
ye ß s lc r k d ay w . axla ytake n
J-Nohsn s Pn tewntl abre
eJlewed to remain in the County python
until next weak, In oroer to suable teem
till he some erranstements W mine
their buelnrua. An active trot, le belle
made to Induce the Plaaldent to pardon
Jonnston, , •
Methodist Conferessea at ValenteWea.
escost. Peel emcee. .
The Conferee. re.usemblell yellterdal,
with President .J. prowl, .IA the chair.
Prayer was offered to the Throne of Chace
by I. W. lintledgo. after which the usual
committees were anacniaced and the tau
- •
ales of the proviout eession mad tad ap
proved. Rev. G. Cr: Westtall, of the West
Virginia Conferenes; sr readied on pre.
seating • the Proper. 'northing*. gee. L
. .
Yonng,Eld Sr, .0 P. L.Conowey, licentlate; -
were transferred to this Conference from I
that of West Virginia.
. A. herniae of ..clergyvneis of dagerentital.
notate atoms helm g present, were introduced
and Invited to..heaorary seats. Rev. d.-. 11:
Walker, the Correspooding Secretary, ad
dressed the Conference rewarding hit work.
rrergu t gl ' 4 h iPZ=r2ot r elgll g li
who are supported by the ISoard. are dolpg
well. In view of the present condition of
the Church, the Coors ones connloned that
their Interest. required that the Executive
should travel throughout the district dur
ing the coning year. flee. W. Reeves, D.
U. eel elected to that ofdee. '.
• At three o'clock to the efterucon, Rev. E.
Methers.. Maternal messenger ' from , tire
West Viral:Oa Cooterence, addressed the
meeting, explaining the status of that
L. de D. 'Joliet, J. Robinson. and J.
grown, were appointed a Committee GOSS.
the President's salary.
-As this stage piths. aell•lOa. a annoruni
cation was presented flosixthe Methodist
Church, of Itirminehsra. commending the
Isithtulnese and totegrity_of Revs, lIM
Knight...l. It. Graham and William 11. Brew.
.tar, formerly Wesleyan Illinistera who
haTO VOISUILOOd flathfOl to the ulna of the
colon of non.loiseopal Methodists of-this
country. Referred to a Committee.
'Oh motile, a Committee was appointed to
examine the inner men who apply for aid
In preparing for the ministu. C0E0[6114..
—Revs. J. Brown, D. D., W. Collier, D. D.
and J. Rutunson. , . . , . • -
IThe session continues both pleasant and
interesting. The *plat of Christ pervedes
e Assem bly. etThe weather. le flee and all feel well.
More anon.
For wend months mat some persons
hare been dog a thrloing trnalaess In the
way of rattle atealing. and the work has
been so adroitly done as when:le all chills
to detect the parties engaged In it,.. Almost
weekly - we hest 'of cows being Stole!, ho
someone of the adnment township., but it
has b....040t barn earPrivilego Lo notice
tn.. capture or the thieves.
One ntght last week evident:de roung cow
was stolen from the farm of sir. 'MAW
Rom, of Philter township. and 110twrith
Vanning en Immediate and, thorough
search was instituted, no trade of 'the tin.
sing animal could bo lotted.. The thief,
not being Saltsfied with one, cow, or per..
hams having taken .a fancy to the bread,',
psid Mr. glials a second Visit, Wminciday
-night, and Oro. , away hla /Nina lanai cow,
Tlitirlday mooning '8- molted the
mtaiug cow to toe brat ton.gate,
thronien which she had been driven
toward the city the night previous, about
ten o'clock. Ile came.n to the Unit lOU
gate, but the beeper Dayton retired at en
earlier hour than, uslial, ban not seen' any
thing Of ths tiow,anil ho wucompequenUy
unable Mince her any further. it is em
dent. however,that the udnitilates driven to
the oily, and perhaps butchertal.:: Mr. Shaw
Is a lover Of finestoeir and we are Informed
that the lest coWtaken was ono of the best
it. the State, hence valued very highly by
kir. It., having retread *Vary tarts pdce
for her a few de f. before she was stolen. It
Is a great pity t at some means cannot be
devised by wh oh the thieves can De for.
Wed out and brought to lonics. A. few
year. m o re Penitentiary Might teaohthern
to be honest.
The Point was the scone Or a ithllltlei
eldeni on Thureday ereolego hick , forth
rarely terminated wit:hoot serious injury
to any one. Mr. McGinnis and his sitter
were sitting in a beef/ at the rout , ferry, '
awaiting the return of the boat, when the
horse G 0030017 tool , fag bZ..d na away.
Mr. Meqtonte was - eloiently thrown. out
of the Inger, god the frightened bone ran
op Penn street at • Parlous rate and turned
wp Salutary to Liberty street, letters he
as stopped by Mr. Neter. near Kea Jaek:
son , . bearding house. Mies 100010,111 bed
been thrown out of the tmgoin , during the
frightful ride, and her dross baring become
entaneled In the axle she was dreglOnt
considerable distance In this perilous -etto
' attars. but fortunately escaped 00:10 0 .1.140.
.7. Its was slightly bruised, se also Wail
Slate, anti G00d5, , 41.k
Reinennm, flo.llll•Third maul. Coponlfa
toe 840044 es Epel, Is the mectfor au In
naluablo ;impaction - known' PlinceN
Slate nu [lnas. Tim compound can .11b mu.
be aoplladlo wood, mon. Uu,papenor
board. Ir•TIOI • Vandue. 'noun ovtlnft
whicn U' written aeon ade vaattritt:
I aner to the og Plato. pow la tote la • our
sOnOol• AV - ibli 'Offtaa deafen add 'otbeto
yip find • tap-enfortment of matedsoaps
for sale, elieJa aalaldllet AMNON leaf Um*
tablet llatee tad book Yates. We alma'
:ma aintliel 41 . 110440 M $ 0 .1414 vat In.
veldts •
fro Amyts Distrtet eeting
q,/ the Gran o f, the Repubtie f Atte
phony Couuy, hate May 9, law:
Rosoluol, Tent • Committee Of three
members from each Post In the District be
atmobated to solicit sobeeriptioas for the
.../tabllshiog of 111 Relief Fund , for the beet•
di of Deafly vrldows andorpbaoa of deceased
soldiers in this District; said subsulpilous
ratio Odd in, to the District QUlXtatl3lllll
ter,,who L sbell make distrareernents loused) ,
senile:sots upon the teoommendatton of
the Itellef.Coratnittees of the mental Nits.
countersigned by 'the Post Commaoder of
the Poet to which the recommending com
mltteehelotero. .
Resobistti s Tbat • Bald Committee be in•
structed wreaks, en appeal to we people,
through the Pre* for contributions to said
genet feud.
Ovi A. 1.. rEll2solf;
liffiskaqtiarten, AG./1.M7 Cou.d9
Joaur G. litAcCostna.T.,[ 4 .B.. A.G.
VW. '
,b ig . T
death of r.... he ree.y.oonitdizr.arDwasboremnimvltede
widows and orphabe wltbt anntairtf•and
whereas. many examples of suffering are
unity brought to nor notice:and' In no
oord &nee won nor lencructionv, w t h eo ere
call upon the citteens to aselst Grand
Army of the Republic. to relieve the set
feringtansed by the Into 'war. :
The Orned Mall of the Ilepribile te com
posed of *Mahn aim' have been honorable
iltecharged, aim hes for its object tbereltif
at radar...lg cense° se n ors. and disability
unnoes wild tem arm
• During the closing summer the Grand
Armyal the Republic ima Potted, god and
turntshed medical ...Mts..ce to many re
quiring assimance.
Yetthe Icelands for aid are beyond their
ability. At this moment there ore In the
city colleate women supporting four and
five Children by. manned labor. Prior to the
war these women knew no want. and bog
glop is so re ouguallt to them that they have
not yet eugaged In IL.
.Almost duly the citizens are requested
to mate donations, by those who have -not.
beam soldiery and who are not soldiers , wid
ows, of money, et °eters. Imposition coo.
net Ire suecessfully practised 'upon the G.
I A. R., as the association lies an officer who
thoroughly le vestigahm'every case.
Every Post hes a committee of investiga
tion to thoroughly examine every •pplica
tido for aid. lied forwards the remit to a
superior °Pacer,
woo direct@ whet le prop.
er. is hoped that the CitiLerlS WWI be
aiding the Association... be exontot from
duly annotanee from sppflcautt who may
be referred to G. A. It.
Clothing, food ertnenny may be depOalted
with any member of the Committee.
' dame. ii. tarry. Roc:order , . Office.
C. A. M. Jaycee, ti grulthfleld mreeL
J. O. Morris, Mt Webster street.
B. F. Benneday. thsurt Renee.
IL F. Jennings. Booth Avenue, Allegheny.
A P. Callen., 40 Airdellon Street.
W. B. liasiep, IL D., Robinson street,
egbecy..• .
J. F. glagel.lo6 Fifth atreeL •
J. P. flamliton,OfflceAllentOwn Railroad,
foot of Liberty etrovL
A J. Rarnaugh,Carnetery .ILuble Works,
B. W. Reynolds, corner - Wells and Chest
nut streets, Lawrenceville:
E. A.
J. Sun
• r.tb.r. Lawrenenvllle.
ra m Minn, Druldocle• neld.
' Fsectar,lll.l , nut silty.
J. 8. Palmer. 5 , a ld 67 rtni,
' A serinueacmdent occurred' on Webster
street; Thersdity, by which Henry Dole, a
little boy. had his know joint' ditionated.
Idr. Bole, UM father of the boy. who melded
on Webster strait, lase moving 'to another
' port of the city and had employed one of
oiorma wageria,whieh lir. Sloan
drove. The wagon bad been loaded with
household goods, and was proems:Suede..
Webster etrrot with the boy, his grandfs•
tber,ae old man, and the driver. sitting on
the front arat, when the hold bank- , strove
I gave way and the wagon ran against the
horse. causing him to take fright and run
way. raseng down Webster street at
l rate he 'Anon the sidewalk port
below 'Cleave. street, and fell, stopping I
the warm so soddenly ea to throw all of
the purview who wore In it out on the pew&
went. The driver torumia complotw some,
suult over the horse, and struck hie bead
^salon...noel mating • sevens gash Solt.
The boy was thrown • distance of ten or
twelve feet down the street, lighting In
poCh a position es to disloeue his left knee
int, while the old man escaped with too
blight injuries. The o'l. was token to his
orne and • surgeon befoul, who attended
to leuilwo. The injuriim of thlVialtref.
although severe and' pullout for ashen.
time, Mel. 1.11. W 1.% The home Imamm
siderably injured, hat will rammer, and the
wagon was partially demolished.
. lI.Id of ffliver. •
W. were to-day shown abaclosen• of sli
ver are of rare richness, from the :nigh
Bridge Ledge. Nye c.cority, Nevada terri
tory. Kr. Otto We th, analytto chemist, of
this city, analyned, souls of the ore,
gave the foliowioB certificate : •
Dean Slat lave made careful...l"w
sly of the spe c: aneof Weer orwtrono High
Br.dge Ledge. Nye cOnet•l; Nevada. mot
Ond Mans, to .111.2b2 I 3 13 trby ounce. or
pore Sliver per ton; tp troy ounce of all.
at ore Slahs TO Der tect
of are (2,,0L0 ) The contacts ecaroely
one per tent. of Mver.
Tours;• - 0. Were.
The owner'f oat of the ben sections of
ibis ledge, Mx thousand • two hundred and
fifty feet iwiength.le to om oily, and ttro.
tomes to rawe 000ntotay foe Its develop
ment on ten. so .liberal that they will
commend themselves to all. Ile is well
I known by name Of Our most prominent cit
izens, and has also the strongest enders.
mentot D. w. Ashley. member of Coogrms
from that territory. Senators Nye see ate,.
art, and many other of the moot prominent
men in Nevada. We trait. some Of our cap•
give the matter a fall. invent
salon 112 It promotes ?MIL and abundant
..:Yrank Maser and Joseph Shearon, are
resident, or the' tint ward. They heXt
dledectlty. and Blidaree beteg on the muscle,
otml leo god Walser to settle the agate. under
the rut. of -the. London IL. Frank
.toolu.nt see it,. hut concluded to settle
become le another way, mid yesterday he
suede an adartalaloo before Alderman. Ta
ylor tam; for surety of Mal perm
Warrant wail Issued for his arrest.
. •
Ikea% Store Ttattheal.—lidtockis book
store, corner of Smithfield and, 11111 t streets
wus entered during Thursday night, when
money and good• to the amount of forty
dollar. were carried away. An entrance
w. effeetai froatiTifth street to the cellar,
and from throes to the store room. About
twenty doll.. In money which bed been
left La the drawer woo takets. together with
lot of bus ball goals, Cape, beta, belts,
taills,,Aci Several arrests weremade dor
ies yesterday. but the partlee were all sob
erenently 'discharged, there being limit
cleat evidence to warrant their, detention.
. Coal Resit% for Mateo—Capable of ran.
nine from ten to &teen thousand bushels
per day—incomplete ordmloolUding hone.,
Oats, Males. and all things m. 0.., to CO
..beta to 'wotls- Caber one burtdred and
fitly or four hundred sores will be *old, In
cluding a brink man Inn with thirty-fire
sorsa of.trarden laud, 'mit tree., to. Tots
Is one of the Croat. worts and (impend' on
the Hononstabela river, and will be sold at,
reasonable tale° and on easy terms; or
otoe•tutif of the concern will be SOld it up.
I,IIOIIIOU lea mule anon, at w. A tterrores
heal Lame toll, V/ (trout street, opposite
the Court Meuse,
Ite.epralsit or the .lath Itnab7te
riee . noreb,—To morrow morning the
Blain Preanytariaa Church. wince am been
*loved for ten lan night veneer, will ne 'ten
opened for. Divine warship. The psstor,
Rev. Prof. Samuel J. ifilmn, D D., return
ed Immo thee weer (rem his rimed trimmer.
vacation St: Catharines, Canada Wend,
very meal Improved In Dewill
preach tmenorrow, moraine and evening.
The thumb has beer renoraind, Meant.]
and new ly efrpetad,aed web:mid an ittram.
the eParteranee.
- •
Important —lf you have apiece of work
widen you wish to haste done on •hors no
tice, and In a work Want Ike manner, It Is ism
portant to know ethers to and a roan to do
it, and if yonbare any Pas flairtif. plumb.
Ins to do, it la very Important to know that
T. T. Ewe., N 0.163 Wood arrant, Is amend-
- n to that buness, undsrstand• It
tho a
ronshly. Mr. si Ewens nod
does me work In a
satisfactory manner, on short;notles, and
upon the most reasonablo terra..
Larreor.—Ann Patidon. ptelding In Fos
tar's slity, male infurnolitlOn Yeaterday,
before Alderman Itioldasters, agablet
get 11:1110., charging her with larceny. xe
MA:tear. that is • manotamarer
denier In nets; which Me hells* tote to con
fine their hair. agd tOnt site bat) togou
Wide.% Into tterhouteont from hoepitallty,
ethical tit- stealing Cone of gouts
note. Bite wq tqre.tott "MA. hold an a
lleartng. • • •
a wed M w Fltllek —The
ptenonin o gan n ns fttingMen,» Isu ex ,
and 00 City den
boaster more oompltent workmen, and we
know of no estatirshment In the elry
to that of Leans . No, 165.
Wood weer. Mr. lewdest emplorstbe beet
workmen, and work entrusted twiner:a Is
tots to render sattatentlon.'
ideereil vocal and Instru
mental earkert by a eel•eted cheer, 'andel
the direction of Yref. W. 4. VortoportU t 4
elven ae the find. Cnivereellat Church, co,- of Grant and Third• Meets, on Then.•
day evening., neit.leptetnner -15th, for the
benefit of the Sabbath Detinel connected tr tW
that Church. . • ' •
J. a raiii•ls, one nt one °bleat and
most respecter , oltlzens. itu tale dap adver
ziscel • luso snick of•taro .ta sala•ble
boo Ss, which be se : 11• nal( the price tees
can btrOtiledii,ed stinkers. His stock of
Ilationtity Warr and select slid la sold at
Ma very lowest rates. •
- -
'Quarer Rum oa VA,AIC—T Imbue.
tranauted t In voe l
woo m
rt a Qout he
yosierau Au of AD oolfoooffuf -foLAAJof,
coutittog OrAbe disposition of surety Or
ies)xace sad tilllfog Amon. Andloittoo
•leuwe . rers,• heavy -Dower of
Mn= tett but lest evening. the twevlvat we
have had this...b. and se a aoszereibenbe
are pot Inavery favorable coa
x streets
,n to, pvet soled egbee aUtt lbegaklrte.
The Illesallatme.-ane boat race between
Taken end .whict. , was le have
taken place at Newburit Yemrder, was
pattponedlcutfl thla "seantingn osa Meow
of roasbirMet.
A dtktresstig accident °coerced pesters
day smallest about four o• the Clin
ton Iron Works, In ktormagabela Itoorm.n,
resulting In the death of thigh gteeart, e carpenter, who was employed
by John Recker. Mr. Stewart was engaged
at the Iron works ataire referred to, In ma =
king some repairs, and was standing on a
beamshoat thirty feed:frau th around. et
which be was workieg. bu t
1 sawed the
end of the beam partly off and for some
, reason whore' upon It, When it wee. way.
i precipitation . tam to tbe ground, and t he
piece of timber fellwpon his breast killing
him instantly . .. The deceased was of Irish
&rent, was abbot thirty - nee T.." of age ,
and has been married twice. lie as one
child by his dr.t, w.f.., • boy shoot twelve
years old, who bearded with his father at a
em d irates ,bouse near the corner of Darrsh
an Robinson street, All City. Ile
married his second wits about three weeks
ranee. The body was conveyed to the
boarding house snore referred to where we
orreamean Ltelnest will be bald attest it to.
Rev. L N. Baird, and his estimable wife,
on the occasion of their twerity.filth mar.
clogs .nnlverw7, some day. since, were
unesgectedipwleited at their residence, in
Salem, Milo, by. it number of friends, and
preednited with a munificent gift of silver
tatilts.ware. The Visit of those friends RA
...pieta eurpriss Doctor Beira
Ilaweli known In this commuulty as an able
minister and se having Oesn lour rare
editor oettie Pittsburgh Christian Advocate,
Shit Presiding Erer of the Pittsburgh end
Ailsabeny Districts tie is pow in his third
sod cowing year at that sturdy loan, where
he him been fevered' with estreardingry
ministerial success, especially during the
Another Itessarkoblo and 'Upson,
The followmir additional teattmony to the
efficacy of Dr. Aborn's treatment baa been
banded us for publication:
I have been omelet with anffection of
the ternat and Mime and pain i n the aide,
accompanied by a constant cough, fur eigh
teen months. My friend• believed that L
had the comumption, and acting upon the
advice .01 one of them I applied to Dr.
Ahura three wowts ago, and placed, myself
under his care. I gradually grew better,
sad am to-day cults restored to health. and
vigor. The cum bm been a remarkable one,
and I. take pleasure In recommenuing other
aufferen to call at once upon Dr.4.norn.
Teresa lb ersaistarr.
Ltisk No. I. atononganala /Liver.
It wlll do *range and variety of work
never before attempted. _
It pose sees • sell.adjatlng Alsatian that
any person can operate, without any
Gave oeen In use for ten years, and there
have never been any of them mold Mutation
each le the capacity of the Dew Weed
Sewing Machine.
It Is the best In the world, Out of eighty
two represented at Pala. It le for aide by
B. li. Long. No Ili Grant street.
Bat of telarenneS where In
Jacob Cori . ..elms appeared before' alder.
man Tkomas. yesterday, and preferred an
information for assault ind battery against
John Lynch, The proseaubar, abases that
the defend ant did strike hlm err tral time.
In varioas part. of his body, abusing him
euverely without any reason Whatever. •
warrant was Innen, and the defendant eras
arrested and held to ball for Cohn. The
pestles mode le traklued township.
Cola apaglellng ewaa Matey at J. T.
ttample , s Drag atomho, al lienareletreel.
Tea Patronise tarts Pltores under
tne Impmseem.that you see things cheaper.
Thle Is • mistake, as yna will dud at No 112
Federal street, the following articles as
cheap an et any Dome Meitner city. tiptoed
Salmon, Picsial Oysters and Orange Mar.
malsale, Lobsters. Spiced OyMera, Fresh
Cove Oysters. 011ie thi, Cross and. Blank.
well's famous Pickles and Mustard, Mush•
mon and Walnut Cauup, Fresh Pine Apples,
Chinese (Huger, Tamarinds, Eisratnes,
French Mustard, Tamarinds,,
Bordeaux Prnues,
dame.. Condensed Milk. Extract of Best,
tab.:mimes,very tine, Cream Bounons,
Orson ~shi m, limed Candies Nob, Ac.,
NO. Ili Federal street, Allegheny.
What Flaltabetmer Slam Dv.—lie eau
femme the beat meal to be obtainea to tee
city for the least money. He eau outstrip
any of our drat class eau el daily WO of
fare, famishing at half price meals' fir Inc
eerier; more varied and better. predated.
Ho can keep motor the mast orderly and
elsmuty dining rooms to the City. 'Hs can
lovarlably be toned ahead of the markets
and always in mum. He eau serve op the
largest oysters le the meet palatable style.
in abort oe can lead all competitors in his
.tones, and to• dtettnn rooms.. the Gonl.l-
• %AL next. door to the Postal:co, on Fifth
Iltleet.l.' [Pep:3o4l6lolle Or UM Mt]. Give
him •oell and oar mull Mar IL yea will be
Two Best Known annie—Cuwell, Yank
CoAs Combination of Iron Phosphorus
and Callsaya. known as Ferro-Phosphor.
tea CIVIr of Callsaya TOO iron restores
color to the bloat: the Phi:era:torn, renews
owaste of the nerve Ussua,,antl the Gallup.
elves& natural, healthful tone to the Wife.
Use Organs.
One OWL contains the virtue of one ounce
. _ .
of Cal taays oue tem000nfol • grata of
Lyon end Ybosphoroa. alanufsocared by
Ca•Yret.c., :dam Co., New 'York.
For sale by all
60,01111 as ILearwatable
James Robb. Ho. SS Narsot , elrect, nue of
the pioneers in the boot and ahem trade .11
this city, has on hand a tars, and fashions.
We Mocker boote.shoesaud gaiter, which oe
el:lento thepubllcatvery reasonabLe orlon.
It will be remembered that the assertinect
found here Is not train Eastern aubtion hot has been oelected Abaci. from
manufacturers who deal to such artlelea so
will nrove serviceable sea durable. Call
and see for soureelves.
speial ufssulog—elos• Gseds.,
'etoada c v, Septembor loth, and Fall
• came of the choicest Sten. Wood, W.f .
shown In this cite. Assortment large sod
varied, to plats, stripe, pl Id , Cherie. heavy
and beeutlful, can be seen en the wen
corner. of Market and lotirth etreets,'
• Gar dner( only place of (Melee., to
gether alto the cheapest atock of general
amnesia° goods In the city. .
Alseesas A Svawasi,
ea Make, Itreet, corner. of Fourut, West
The Pittsburgh Wage Wall Rees Squaw,
sera and RAE Players` • Emporium—Pit
tock,e, 0. P. P.O. 'nut new reaulatlon ban,
the etlwaile ; also, the Bounding Rock,
Chasuplms, Young. Abstains, Coon or Ana
Walt, Junior liarwood, Rosman, Eagle
and bier balls; also, nabs, Bases, Belt., Caps,
score Books, Tool Plays. Shaw, sink add
unborn MUSIC guilts', Ultra Senna Bata,
Pslusle oelebratas.nproce Club Bane and
the beer York swamp Willow Eat, •
I pure teat. better than ten
times the quaratty of week trash which
twice the name of the enervating Chinese
plant. At the oil mitsblisbed tea mart of
Joseph A. itentrison :Yu 20 Filth street,
only the puree. and wiet. article& are kept
at very resemble prices..llonsekeepers
may co, this out, make a trial purchase at
Roninamite and hold as responsible for the
troche!' our retiom mend ation. •
We met Dry Goods both brh A
and retell, and are, us I oOnsequetioe, en.
%bled to keep I Lauer end moth better ase
burled Wet. to tome cheaper, end glee Mg
goat In mere eroommodbling qumatitibe
then exclusive jobbing bombe. Retell trier.
chants ere Melted to °gamier, our Meek.
J. W. Bambara Co.,
. • • re Market Dreet.
Desirable Properly Akaplata,' Loa•
reerewill• at •uctlon, tall. day, et I
o'clock, r. x, no tae promises, will be sold
L•r•ire sores of sr o ood, beta. the MoinftY
of kin. ilerserei C. Semple. It will be lOW
es a 00010 or to lots to ran ourekuere,
Terms—r•rveuy. ad, so•ortl•oment of
Smithson, relator A Co. •
AdJ nale.—ltasitlernee la Al!teeny
Clay— at AMAMI, hitia.lyy, repterrawretir.
ot,wk. be sold the Brick
uwelllng 11.mao and L 3t. m. oar et Hamill•
meand Arai wick 'treat.. Be. ailvertba•
at of smlibsori, Palmer i Co. •
sgatteselintetea Contloental aralOWlla
Firth *treat, twit floor to the Postonlca, Is
the headquarters lorkood square meals. it
Is not a drinking saloon, withongh a well
supplied bar is atteelieg with dinner annex
and ales anti temperances beveragua. •
Coffees, Reg• es. eDICOS aud teas of the
purest and belt quality, at the Most reaeato
ble prices, at Joseph A. Iterhihsoles old
1.40,1 . , ..d tea Mart. No. t 0 Fifth street. OaCe
a ehatOreer yott will always bride there.
If Too Are UnUsWrntep into /lats.
UnattnontxlB.lnon, next door to the
Poet ottim, on Fifth arca. it la open /TOM
mealsthe tuorninK till midnight, and
meal* are always awaiting soar =ler. •
n.valo, at mato. onbaturday, ssoptem
bar M. at too o'clock p. on the mato.
br,noooottooroont of Ocolthion.l46l.
mot b lu auction 0010010.
• adjourned leate et desinkble lot o
egsieogee, tn. Mx Ward. Allegheny atty.
00 Ittenclay, September MA; looay , at p.n. Sale
nmitive. bee advertisement ot titulthion.
ralmer A Vo..anoltoneers. • "-
SektOtallost dolls streast In the One
qvalltv ot China god Stoop. on, tow,"
ItoblosOn's old oinytotAtd ow,
20 rtfth Moot. Ttis pries. eto 1.17 roo ,
Fyn. far. Trirroan, L. ("best Ma.
ninon., aw 4 C. usyrb. eneeeeirally trted
by D. Ab4l - 8031=44 street. A boot
py nand 10 cents.. Tg,A
• Wed.:Alas . Flue, war ra nted • solid,.
elm:dens, twenty. and twenty-two Yawn
doe. itapantetnyed . and ton tato ba 4. B.
need a Co, PI 114.1. +Veen. .
Oe wiltailAit% Mom Ma, G Ilatist
Bata; toritiltionsit4e raterkt Ageletace, at
the tetragonal* - I /.. •
irargris iliia:withilipi—.^.lare'sktentice
onr reacinrs za.direcld 0" Cl T.
E. It. Itaireraur, In =oilier oolutan.,
Do (0 IFle9ii3g.• Draw Nssee. 611
!dukes street, for the hest
Ash la the clq—At lowest prises. •
()old Ilparan.g bogs water .
Sarnpl. , . Drug atom, Na Da rediral Anse l,
AileghanY• • •
Gi• (0 Flemlnge• Drs. Stsee, 2tO. 84
Market street. for • ratable gelaady tb
tlmelaolipss. tio.14114:4111 MONO. •
• •
Twv zurnoars.
WOWS:SImi /um simmaium
& ..a." coopubung THIRSTAI7. art.
VIM .t Sat t..ttal readlaz matzos& iselatos&
wallow idMeg.. bobb.b br* b 7 'WPM&
udl4ll. ralasobb. Alwoodlop &kis. tpo m.
Funny, sad loolliat .0 Boa - natalle Plata.
aul ..a • ocnisimu. Market It&porta Erno,
tb. OM. - 100.116.1 C
garoonomt .bald Po lorlibout
mot oca ins WW2! =Tat,
Lin Toi.:====== 1
—awl coo oopy row to Oa Pomo /1• 04 .41
tiio Qat. illlalstomo 1S etas elm be Nubile m
Gay ttom. ololob raw.
Nandi TO ittleCottOtS..4ll 001402.8 70PZ
toper, to aro sat moot* Idkat *WWII re
Irmo, two IMO • Wolsooloy SCUM Ilor Napa
woos Motu Oat OM limn • mot. -
or *wry br Walt, ltrprus. Mao Ott a 1;
ta amittured LW.% mai Mwat Mow dot.
• flrraatilie a. Maim.
Tu. e►teerir} rathoid. centeter
here will moo rxenrsiontickets d a mes
math:maw. clot the Fair.
not.,ftis — ta..t.°'.°:".. u ° l oo7 l "
11 rents* Coning" it , Chnrilindjilli
Ported as am oniony and &galled bo.a.
Tim United State* Diana COW% OM.
seetetd►t tb WlaviUAW .
. New Ph Iladelphia. Ohlo, hi tO, be MOP
bred atilt a blast furnace.
Buller Voinmay had light MO' tall
other day. •
tilt' Additional Local, Nem 411
Third Page.
ci= alertinvi t •
:not litb. int by At? J. Bidsnew, at
naldencit of ace brides Watt% Aldirdym
of Alleglienr .410. and Ala. All/lil
a MS at.% of lisysville.
• TUAVELLI—TiZioI.-ilit , Thuodoirtdo.
Taetasy erasing. en is t., b Me,. Yitsaaa
Tatum. Mr. Jail N I. TUAVALLL of Pitt..
!iamb. rard4ll4 YAW , P., irninnt. of Lou.
ilitu Tart, Tee, • f ein.aeolv.. •
tee ilth of rows;
at iris red of tie prides mama; Kr. W
tbie•r 'J. o', Darkor. Mr. Z. P.
Artie rad W. MAUttIN EltillLY.lD,
of Alltinsar wo Wen. •
BO vidiLL-1111a ze—oo , nan4o. Drptular
rob, attn. red eft* of tho WINO. W
see. MUlar. Mr. W. o. sourstdo
esta Miss AplLLtlk 10'11.1,24.
of this fit?. ' • •
.ort—ltlNSll.—OwWWwlMsy. Ana
goat nat. at Uniontown. lA, by 111.
note Mr. ki.V.4i/MNISON,' of roodotuo
and Ulan - AMANDA V. 17.LWALY, of Unien•
THE wrrutst. Itl 1 11.16. niV
N4/I.l.talL :SSW. a. UM 0.1
Ta*.rLL. will tat.' plec. ea Itcrimar.; es•
l"clwk T. le., inns la ivadiwee L rISI a lawn.
•klp I/. h4yo. oille lull ore r. spent WY
lialwa Co ulna.
FLAW:AM-1a Thu MdlairtVlll.*
kb, at Lawnme. Tilts. Maki Irle•MM
ammktor • Wm M. im4A.MIIO CNt~O; alt
Tmr. and M months.
I h• funeral wRI taka t len trots Um foslesaaa
'atataen. Obastaat street,
all% TIM laOurlaill, at 'Cleated, /Malta St
the flab, are iu➢e• tfally :salted fa attract
ryt.nux —To . _helo,T,3asi, P., OR_ • olOal
Morale'. Beet. re. MAY, noel.
o. ere, tenet Or tee lalA sift.. a. /G. Y.
.7ailwat will tato pan Von tho rea . danoallt ,
bee um, 011oor Person, lillsad ~tati
Uteri]. THIS 10 .11,0. at IlleNreellt. Pehlke*
If tee rawly an ll:lanai to at cal.
EaptJ, Illetest. A.
CLZ , LIbI U. of Unit. .
NEW 1eaT1413.1118
so 760 Youth .treat. Pit Marge. Pa.
0071.1253 of aIItIntLEORAIII3, ecovzs. and
craft 6ebsttottae of Mutant rualstau Moods
emlAbed. goansamad data! OM. Huns
." "40. 10aal d.
RZYMINCIut—Diw. Daftl'Ews, P. D., Rev,
IL W. Jewlwa. D.D.. Thaw* ERIII. MMHG th.
A, R. Ruler.
• 11.18. MID NIIIIALItia, naseassar tO the
Ista Bameel.L Itedius. 10. U (Ala i.ntat.
Ouse doors tros Ilesver, allogliesty OW. Ma.
flowseett, itsnaitssty, Walnut .0 ham.
Imltsuon Menu. tas liven saline
once*. Suas opts it &Widnes. 4.7 sad Stiats
Hams'an.l fAsslaave Inrnlshed as Mart aatUa
404 an most nrisosabla tarns. '
OZBTLICILII, Ullea;' 11114 Oath &calm
Alleihsay. itasaaood sad Oth. t cat
dna with amulet. .coat at Wawat aeralsiita&
oats an baud, Lad tarnished at stamen aotlea
at lowest. maces; Bala sal Livers Maida eat.
act of AT, .111inia PuEIMIL Oardallal.
uaranetaa. &Me.. Batlilla Hansa, ha.. &a.,
for Mr*.
eTEINAIIT, 'Undertaker,
corn. of KONTOS sad ruts
Math ward 0.21=0 an kW. liesni 'Or
oarrlares the ...non ,
nLinAUlt • "P . 0 ..Pur...
Lawr , exterevlllil, Pa. OBILLICLATaLuaItuIp
J 3 ,• ! ,./“
..- ;i,
• CIL .61111 , 8 BILL 7••111...It? 11:4•V•i1Rv
.2,1. nm at •foiss. I.SW 11111111611ZU. Milt.
rtV•i••• Bel 1. 'I b• Isou deft aahlkl
.10• le it le lb Marl c. or , t rt LLP. l a• '
ale ROMAN, H. W SAM. G..r.Pe•ters,
t •Ir• ate .all Woo . a salmi. bill
CIePX <DID, • •
flllidptt the hydeg.• Snetalera and Ode
1ta1... at he la
411 Wadi etr.ei mho" , Ida went .
and ate.awr YUdiStakell 42%71.
SMILAZ 400. n
ewelcrs :and Opticians,
so.o rams nun.
coal/faun,. «a. &IMO irtIVAVII
no 4. seeittennly swarm' 1316 tray se Ina
sts &Co.. AIIANNAIStI & 00., L veapeank&l,
isocaienowroJugan:iar a Imre.
srimiszarn. Xrir
Ins szezimr sr.. rrrilinisoa
4P•rtleralar attatlea ern 1410.11.,
Wateht. Tasks Jomelni,
Merchant 'Tailor.
au ...zal•••• 20, 06 1161.1.0 06.1606. 06.: 7
l a n tits o a . iml6ol
4 w etm u 6 r.,%
plf gm Meal*
IaLL CLOTHS. ill.seellBBBlB.
VILBTIN 8 AN , . UVII•l10811.180.
white Matll• to Mee wee elyysli
einem, • 1.0 • • mire es. • nem. Of •
LEMEW"6 PUlit4 e if ti• KV,. ail el
will be widow eawrsuovs . le u tat. ,
WI Mtg. YerobaBt
T ailor,
Fe. cl• WlLlie e of rea•mt:
Flula SALE-1 hat banaivrAnie
and wry dadratr•lltittS eruhT
L..114G slm•te
lit-le.. .Ms ■ret: nit bolas It sl num{ Ca
Ott of lb bi.Vsosa.l strseU etwowsk;
ao•r.-ato r.. IMO 'Mk itoWlg I. .NT
00011 s ii. astentfonirvf •tt
Dom.. 11I•.L tin UTTIKILL.Y. Real. t.Ui. &al •
limrsais agouti.. Mali 'anat. ee.a labia..
.Fote 'as4A-12 - 11ANDS031111
• .. •
SIIIIDRea LOlll. 40ztalk Alma* etralbsolr
israDtt.. adMatas W Illast:eas reatteuieet
saasat be
Ismults of PILL . it:stivrnartar;
HORSES FO* 8.11.1 A Al'
Howaißs 114Tiry lie,_
mar enwer, i.i . e
s zarnabo Ow*.
ne, Cl Viri g =r" ir"AltW 4 71a.
igrient ai:trzazlt4....-.
Dillin, Walt
Irtmat'stylie of marinas acast.ur •
H. B. 14 1 1(COIN s
Sealer of ` Wet O and lleatioriao
a. 6 WOUZIIII 11111111011 T.
}Mines Lbm7'ands Tem striotti, '
tnnersorosreth alsomdfd to.
IRE LL. 11 , 430 :4,
IncitaFtsites Pitlisbergb,
w....ftet.r.ri !maw: manxvii a lam
ANOROB.A2II3 111191117L141
41 . 1411.1 r We 111/171111•111.
rcelte& :IBEATEN, ,
, . tart mutuncninli
. VIM.
prnbllialarzillief own& Eno
''.'6"1411,111116 &ail' say=