THE `DAILY GAZEITE ruslasmo.zrzsr mums. csuilang neims4 ' prawinwr, MBA, it, CO., 3Frarrssecacrai. r. also. V. r• r. Nod.. Massey% , . 11GBILB. EIANNEXIG. .4 BUILDING. tros. SI MID IrliTH lOU§ hp if rean 'wows. ornozwrarn unman MD , ALLIMICEXY OITT. Lselait_co.ariarr cut VOW YAK= tad OD A. tar= la tee tux . . Taut or Ta Pi LT MerVtij mak salmariberk • IPMELTIII. Clje ZitintrO Craiitte A. WONTRY CANDIDATE. " The loyal voters Of thaDonunonwealth ask no higher tribute to the worth and character:of Judge Williams than the following treat 'compliment paid him by tLe only daily Democratic paper of Western Pennsylvania the day following his noinicatiore eald: "The notniestion of the Hon. Henry W. Williams as a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court - IV a w oo d one. He was the best man named' fore' the Re publican Gonvention, andposseaseslegal and moral qualifications for the revert gbh" position to which he has been nom inated. Roth parties have now present /xi their eandtdstes. Au important duty has been'. thithfally- discharged by- the respective conventions , The campaign may now tie conducted without persenol arpersiorti, and decided upon the princi ples of t h e tecrgreat 'patties. This le u it should be. It Is an suspicions lien of the times, and if the e..irtnty conventions ire equally fortunate to the selection of legislative , candidates, there will be a stop put to the deptor-ble corruption at the seat of government under a new reign of honest men and consciqntions legislators.—Parskrult Post, June 28th, The Post, in retorting .to the above, on the 29th of Angnet, wee o=oll4' Pay: . . "We have nothing to tate hick or modify. OfludgeWfillams. private or legal reputation we have nothing but words of ptalse, 'and however it may suit Wit) pugnacious and heady politi cians; we cannot bring =adroit° view personal ambits as either wise or pa- Citairotoni has gone Democratic In a way which leads las to believe _that the Republican ranks were sadly disorgan ized In that litite... i The victory reflects not so much ciedt on'the Democratic party as odium on the leadersof the Re publicans. Tile people, provietta tit the nominations, clamored for - good candi dates, and isininlied'nesuitaiit no par son for, office who, was unworthy their votes. Their will was in a largo mean! ure setausiiii;and consequently the ma c.bine smashed with the result of their own' folly. The. Democrats will rejoice. exceedingly „over their victo ry, bur- 1i the Republicans resolve that Pennsylvania shall offset California at the approaching election, and thus re affirm in thundering tones adherence.' to the principles onswhich our government rests. Theft opposition victory on the PacitiOniieshOuld rouse the Republi cans into renewed , exertions for the tri umph of their cause in this State, 'and teach these tiMdauger of apathy. Our candidate's are worthy election and with some earnestness thrown date the can vass there can be no doubt but an over whelming majority will be accorded ITALY and Mertoo here recently 'sold Tut properties belonging totheCatholic Church, and applied the proceeds tow ing their reePeorive . ., indebtednemes. It it now raMoreetimt:Auntria follow' this example. However =red Catholic governmontermay hold the political tem poralities-of the 'Perm to be,. a point has been reached in which they do not scru ple to appropriate properties of the church,t"glill'Of the faithful," to their own nee. When.the sons of the church - thus rise, up tgrainst„ her heart:Must be smitten With grief. • - UON.t.OIINET, the gifted editor of the Philadelphia Preii, arrived /tome Vednevdsy, after an extended tour in Europe. leuers to hie jour nal, while ahroidovere vary readable, and detracted none from the- high liter ary repot-v.llon of the writer. We an phased W . 'Welcome" him home, feeling that his services in - the important politi cal canvass in which we \ are now On gaged are needed, and witladdmaterial.' ly to the majority. by, which Judge-Wit llama vain °ignited-10 the Supreme Tat Cuoutna 'repotted •as raging lidlentlr among the' Indians on tbe Western plains, If the dread disease singles out i raw thousand victixiii from the dusky 'demons who have of late been so troublesome, it will accomplish a great good. Perhaps 'YU+ ildtation of the pestilence 10/1311ve *me . trent- In es• citing the, tur..olstltione ravages to the belief shah" he scourge .is .the reward from the great _Eippit for theirlate atrou. flies on the white aittlera ' IT 15 officially - announced that Napo leongfefted Saliburg 'zierelyitoioingle ills tears with those of Francis Joseph, of Austria, °Ter the 'inforirmate fate of Maximilian.—This,givlng out. is Teri, opportune, aitbe World Was settling' to the opinion that the wily French Em peror was again abased, and had failed to accomplish any desired result. from Xs conference In Austria. IT will prove gratifying to the nunter- .. ono Pittaborklistoetholders of the Mer chants' Union Express Company, that its affairs have been examined into by a New York Court, and that it is found net only 'solvent, but has several . him . died dollars over and above all debts,. The concez n yiromises to 1111 . and pros. per. Term Johnstown TrOwns says: Major Russell Errett waned' Tueeday nomina ted fdr the State Senate bt the Republi. can Convention of Allegheny county, : defeating now, T. T.- Biglumn. present Senator, , tweisfy" votei.' Major Erre* will.maks an lionezt, intelligent and in- Thalia aro few more able or batter conducted jecimals in Ohio than the Tutwaravtas Chronide r and we are glad to learn Mat it is in.the enjoyment of a "taill,of toiitottigo;' It camel to _us this week hi a greatly enlarged form, and presenti a very neat and attractit• Destertm A. POMP.; member of Congreis from the Crawford District, has bee; in ait unsatisfactory condition of health far some time put. He le now at a Canadian voter. establishment; bat is doing so poorly his friends are appro. Jaensice ho will pot be restored. • mbo: brought _!ult against the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of 8°1t91?,..009 Tei nearly million of dollars for ailing the quota of that city when those .ilthree hundred thousand mom" were wanted, has been defeated in the United Stites oMirt. . - NEW YOlliC CITY thronged with r =Melvin; from all parts of the cow try who're Making their fall and Winter se lection of - goods. '.Troillo hu - gaeallyreceiTeda.neq non - impetus winch la Pot only felt tbero Lot In all proml nenrcitlea. : - • === jems held in captivity by . tho Milky -Abyaabilan lover of Queen :VictorlN, have not been.relcaned. M. 1,11111 Ire on foot to secure their freedom by, force Cn.p. O. N. Tr as, of , fleuquelanns emuilyr ban smodmed withil.r. R Lni Waive ia the numsgememint the Mead ville ifeiibtkon—Qatt of the most.wsL come efoir Sinte'excluances. s ,scrAßLiszt o „ 176‘. , 4 • ''.4g!'t" ''Z;l? - " 6g410:4 42,741111<-1,,,11*. t 5 •-• \ 4 , VOLEgIC tXXXIT.-NO FIRST EDITION, MIDNIGHT. THE 9ENERTY PROCLAMATION. The Exceptional Masses Re duced to Fourteen. GEN. GIANT% INISTRICTION9 TO GEN. SICKLES. DIU TO TEE LIKUD 0010UNDEII. Gen. Grant and the War Offioe. CHANGES IN. CABINET IMMINENT. The Alleged stem Interview Be tween Grant and the net Meld. OFllan VAi 111311ACI! It I FAIIICITIOI. Yellow Fever at Pensacola. My Tokyo* to It. PitUbOrok Gantt& Woilliscrraz,Sept.,ll, /0(7 orttorti liltootAll4Tlol. • • The pardon proolonation won to be Is sued was before the President sad Cabinet today. AU the members were present ex. writing General Grant and Attorney Gen eral Stanberry.. The latter was represented by Assistant Attorney General Elnokley. The report that the .proalaniation -met with considerable opporlato is not correct, although it ts understood there was some difference of views an minor points, while sit agreed on the general scope of the decd. merit. it will be recollected President Lincoln's proclamation of December, 11G1, and , 1/64.. offered full Purdue and amnesty on outman conditions to thee engaged in re ' hellion, excepting wix einem, specifically named, and that President Johnson, In los proclamation of res... named, Increased May the , exos MS, pU for onal closes to fourteen. It is understood that the Pro t.:lest now prop:sr.., by virtue of constitu tional provialons, that the President shall have power to grant reprieves and- par. dons for oneness solder the United States, zcept ta Math of impeachment, to reduce the number of slower. four. The President first esters from the ben. edt of the proclamation all against whom legal proceedings have been instituted. Tale excludes Jefferson Gauls, and perhaps other. prominent executive ollicare of the late Confederacy . . Second, All who have been foreign agents of that Government. Mmes. Meson and Slidell fall within this exception. Third, All who have been military or na- Gal oleo= Wove the rank of. Brigade's eneral in the army. Or- captain In the navy. The former proclamation excepted from pardon ell above the grade of Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel In these breathes of public , service. Bv the present Prole ions there are excluded Major Generals, Lieutenant Generals and General Lee, al though the latter Isnot mentioned by awns. and also *mind Semmes. The fourth exeeptional class Is not so definitely known as the foregoing, but it applies to all who may appear to have been implicated in the aseessinaGon of President Lincoln. Tee proclamation is based on Coast-nu- Lionel powers to grant pardon. amass ORAST Axp oxessex oceses. Major General Stales' recent report to General Grant contains the letters of In. *traction to the latter to "follow the coarse of reties lade:laced by you.. right, and re gird my dtepatch of the Ism en entirely withdrawn.. . The report does not give the dispatch In question, but It is ascertained to be la fa. Imre Woratagfon, woof 111, 15f7. To kW. Gen. Sinklea -Leeriest's. Paragraph 5, General Order No. 10, current **ries, of not be conr.steet to bee the action of • • United Math' Centh. The eI:MI.3[IW conferred .on UlOriet Commanders does no; extend 10 any respect over the acts of Courts of the United ISTAMS. (Signed) If. S. Guess, General lnstructliin. witiadra ten eerel Grant, was mood upon in the CabinGet.n DITIZZIL TO 010 r. SICKLILS. A print. dispatch from Charlmtou re• solved lo Vrashosatou says the Starr arm other